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Página Principal ► VILLAVICENCIO ► VILLAV ► 9175 ► Third Term ► pref_4_Reading 3.

Comenzado el miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017, 18:01

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017, 18:03
Tiempo empleado 1 minutos 19 segundos
Cali㍝�cación 100,00 de 100,00

Pregunta 1

Correcta Bad service at a restaurant. What should I do?

Puntúa 100,00
sobre 100,00
This past weekend, I dined out a restaurant and experienced really poor service. I’ve waited tables at many restaurants. Because of that, I
am always apt to cut servers a lot of slack. It is a di�cult job and, as a waiter, you cannot control every element of the dining experience,
even though you are the face of the dining experience. That said, I usually don’t complain about service unless it is abominable. And this
After botching every possible aspect of our meal, I voiced my opinion to the server. The manager, came over and o㈘�ered up various
amends: di㈘�erent dishes, comped starters, or free drinks and dessert. I told him I wasn’t interested in any of that as we had to leave, and
the point wasn’t that I was looking for money o㈘� my bill. It occurred to me, though, that I didn’t know what I wanted. Probably an apology
from the waiter. Ideally, a do-over on the whole meal, which came at the end of a very stressful day. Looking back, I think I should have
asked the manager for a di㈘�erent server as soon as things got o㈘� course.
I’m reminded of a silly ㍝�lm starring Ryan Reynolds (aka Mr. ScarJo) called Waiting, about servers toiling away at an awful chain restaurant.
In one scene, a patron wants to send her food back, and the poor server points out, “Ma’am, I don’t doubt the steak was overcooked, but did
you have to eat it all before you complained about it?” Diners can behave badly, too, and negatively impact their own dining experience.
However, great service has the transformative power of making a mediocre meal fantastic. Terrible service can overpower any food, no
matter how carefully prepared and delicious it may be.
How important is quality service to you when you’re dining out? What do you do when the service is less than stellar? What should I have
asked for from the manager after my experience? 
I think maybe for next time, I should speak as soon as everything goes wrong. Or maybe, I should complaint with higher instances like the
government or the local administration. Anyway, one thing I'm sure. I'm never going back to that restaurant in my life.

 Now answer the questions:

1. The person had a   terrible experience at the restaurant.

2. What was the thing that bothered this person about the service?   the incompetence of the waiter

3. The dinner was held after an   stressful day .

4. What would be a synonym of silly in this context?   funny  

5. According to the information, it can be deduced that you should send the food back before   you finished eating .

Decide if the statements are true, false or not mentioned:

1. Ryan Reynolds was at the restaurant.   False

2. With good service a mediocre meal can be fantastic.  True

3. This person is going back to the restaurant next month.  False

4. The quality of the service is not important. False

5. The restaurant tried to ammend the situation.  True

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