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Student’s Name: Travis Youngblood

Assignment 9: Improvement Plan

Area of Weakness Method* used to identify weakness Improvement Plan

Weakness #1 Feedback from student during Course Evaluation A fellow student noted during the course
evaluation that my course did not have ungraded
No ungraded self-quizzes
self-quizzes for each unit. I will create a self-
for each unit.
graded review quiz to add to each unit for
students to take before the actual graded quiz.

Weakness #2 Feedback from student during Course Evaluation A student noted an issue with navigation on my
course. Student said that some links were
Some quirky navigation.
difficult to find, such as the link to the assignment
#2 worksheet. I will ensure that all links are
clearly visible and are not buried in the website
where they may be difficult to find.
Weakness #3 Rubric/Checklist I have noticed that although my course has plenty
of visual graphics, there is no video content. I
Course lacks videos.
will search for educational historical YouTube
videos to add to my website to help supplement
the module information.
Weakness #4 Rubric/Checklist My course has plenty of excellent textual content.
However, I have not yet created any audio or
There are no audio or video
video presentations. I will utilize PowerPoint and
Prezi to create presentations that will help engage
the students further and present the content in a
different light.
Weakness #5 Further Readings I have discovered that my course is not as visually
Course lacks inviting design appealing as it should be for younger students.
to engage students. The content is fantastic, I have no doubt about
that. However, I will perform some “cosmetic”
upgrades such as adding vibrant colors to make
the webpage look friendlier for children.

In this table, you need to identify area of weakness, state method used to identify this weakness, and provide improvement plan for
each weakness. At least 5 areas of weakness are needed for this assignment.
* Method can be feedback from others, further readings, or rubric/checklist

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