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Ryū ga Gotoku: Kenzan! is a spin-off from Sega’s popular Ryū ga Gotoku / Yakuza video game series,
released in Japan in 2008 on PlayStation 3, and set in early Edo-period Japan, mostly in Kyoto and
the nearby area, rather than the modern metropolitan setting of the main games in the series.
Probably as a result of the poor sales of previous games in the series in English-speaking markets, it
never received an official English localised release.

The following maps are adapted / retouched slightly from the interactive maps in game, accessible
through the pause menu. Street names &c. have been added. Names of businesses and the like
indicated by numbers on the maps can be found in the tables following, as well as transliterations or
translations of street names and the like.

Since telephone booths and taxis were not a thing in the early Edo period, their function in game is
replaced by roadside shrines (circular yellow symbols) for the former, and a palanquin service
(pick-up / drop-off points marked by circular blue symbols) for that latter.
飲食処 Food and drink.
1. 酒 中之蔵 Sake Nakanokura.
2. 寿司 吟屋 Sushi Gin.
3. 料亭 紅葉楼 Ryōtei Kōyōrō.
4. 小料理 初風 Koryōri Hatsukaze.

商店 Shops, &c.
5. 質 ゑびすや Ebisu (pawnshop).
6. やるず ありがた屋 Arigata (general market).
7. 藥 天狗屋 Tengu drugstore.
8. 仰天斎宅 Gyōtensai Taku (Inventor / item crafting).
9. 預り所 Lockers.

娯楽処 Entertainment.
10. 遊廓案内所 Information centre.
11. 賭場 Gambling hall.

就業場 Training.
12. 無手流道場 Gion Mute dōjō (unarmed combat training).

色見世 Nightspot.
13. 夢路屋 Yumejiya (“Dreamland”).
14. あざみ屋 Azamiya (“House of Thistles”)..

要所 Important story locations.

15. 龍屋 Tatsuya (Kiryū’s home / office).
16. 鶴屋 Tsuruya.

水天稲荷 Suiten Inari (shrine).
祇園稲荷 Gion Inari (shrine).
稲荷横丁 Approach path to Gion Inari.
大門 Gion main gate.
鶴屋裏 Tsuruya backyard.
井戸場 Well area.

Main streets.
中辻 Nakatsuji — Central crossroads.
中辻小路東 Nakatsuji kōji higashi — Central cross road (East).
中辻小路西 Nakatsuji kōji nishi — Central cross road (West).
祇園大路北 Gion ōji kita — Gion main street (North).
祇園大路南 Gion ōji minami — Gion main street (South).
鶴町小路 Tsuro-chō alley.
亀町小路 Kame-chō alley.
水天小路 Suiten alley.
門前小路 Monzen alley.

The main gate is only useable during certain story events; most of the time, Kiryū / Musashi needs to use an
underground passage from the Tatsuya to enter and leave the Gion zone.

District names in red on the map—亀町, 角町, &c.—denote specific city blocks; these names are sometimes
used for the purposes of directions in sub-stories & the like.
The roadside shrines function as save points and item boxes. You can also save in the Tatsuya.

色見世, iro mise, literally means something like “colourful spectacle,” apparently a euphemism: both locations
in this category are basically brothels. ‘Nightspot’ is the term used with this colour code in Ryū ga Gotoku 3.
飲食処 Food and drink.
1. うどん 白蛇 Udon Shirohebi.
2. 酒 一献屋 Sake Ikkonya.

商店 Shopping.
3. 藥 越中屋 Etchu drugstore.
4. やるず ありがた屋 Arigata (general market).
5. 鍛冶屋 Blacksmith.
6. 武器屋 Weapon shop.

娯楽処 Entertainment.
7. 見世物小屋 Misemonogoya (Theatre / variety show).
8. 将棋 成金 Shogi Narikin.
9. 麻雀荘 Mahjong Sō.

就業場 Training.
10. 慙愧流道場 Zanki-ryū Dōjō (sword training).

要所 Important story locations.

11. 詰め所 Okapikki’s booth (for bounty missions).

12. 洛外神社 Rakugai shrine.

Exits to other zones.

河原町へ To Kawara-chō.
祇園へ To Gion (underground passage to Tatsuya).
川街道へ To the riverside path.
林道へ To the forest path.

Main Streets.
四条通り Shijō street (some street traders can be found here)..
長屋町 Nagaya-chō (various gambling games can be found here).
東山商店街 Higashiyama shopping area.
夷通り Ebisu street.
大和小路 Yamato alley.
花見小路 Hanami alley.

Note: Names on signs / building frontages are frequently written right to left.

The palanquin is this game’s equivalent of the taxis, allowing fast travel between specified points in the
suburbs (and some outlying areas) for a fee. A fourth pickup / drop-off point in the suburbs can be unlocked
through a sub-story (available after using the service 30 times), with two possible locations; either in Nagoya-
chō, or by the grand shrine at the east end of Shijō street.

The icons showing palanquin stations and roadside shrines are made somewhat smaller in the above than
they appear in the in-game maps, largely to make it clear that they aren’t actually blocking any of the roads.

The suffix 屋, ya, is a somewhat general term signifying “house, shop, dealer” and the like.

要所 Important story locations.

光悦の屋敷 Kōetsu’s mansion.

Exits to other zones.

洛外町へ To Rakugai-chō.
吉岡道場へ To the Yoshioka Dōjō.
In addition to being involved in the main story, Kōetsu’s mansion is a venue for various skill training
minigames. None of the other buildings in Kawara-chō can ordinarily be entered, although some are
involved in sub-stories.

Kawara-chō becomes accessible in chapter 5 of the main story. The path to the Yoshioka Dōjō opens up
during chapter 6.

Locations appear on the world map as they are unlocked through the story; initially, most are blanked out.

祇園 Gion Main city area.

洛外町 Rakugai-chō Outskirts of main city area.
河原町 Kawara-chō Suburb west of Rakugai-chō.
川街道 Kawa-kaidō Riverside path, leading from south-west corner of Rakugai-chō.
川岸茶屋 Kawagisha Chaya Riverside teahouse at south end of the river path.
林道 Hayashi-michi Woodland path, leading from south-east corner of Rakugai-chō.
清水寺 Kiyomizu-dera Temple at south end of woodland path. Has a save point.
山道 Yama-michi Mountain path leading south from Kiyomizu temple. The south end is
blocked until chapter 10.
吉岡道場 Yoshioka Dōjō West of Kawara-chō. Becomes accessible in chapter 6 and involved in main
story (no actual training here). Has a save point and fast travel point.
宝蔵院 Hōzōin Temple south of riverside teahouse, home of the obligatory fighting
tournament. Becomes accessible in chapter 8. Not shown on world map.
田園道 Den’en-michi Countryside path heading west from Yoshioka Dojo area. Becomes
accessible in chapter 9.
蓮台野 Rendai-no Fields at end of countryside path. Becomes accessible in chapter 9.
崖街道 Gake-kaidō Cliff path heading east from teahouse. Becomes accessible in chapter 9.
三十三間堂 Sanjūsangendō Temple at end of cliff path / mountain path; becomes accessible near end of
chapter 9.

Certain areas featured in on-rails story sequences in the first three (flashback) chapters and the last two
chapters, and not otherwise accessible, are not shown on the world map.

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