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Creating Synergy in a Four-Generation

Multi Generation Worksheet

Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements

For the subject of




Submitted By
Chetan Tripathi (10B)
Module1:Children’s Museum A Place Of Tradition
Q. Do you believe the descriptions given for your generation is accurate?
Please state the evidence that supports your answer.
Ans. Yes, I believe that the description given in my generation i.e, Millennials is
very much relevant as per my experience, the line in module says that “Even as
this generation enters the workforce, their personalities are already
emerging”, as per my understanding this line suggests that the Millennials
have very positive attitude and high confidence level that reflects in their first
appearance, Millennials have self belief on themselves to achieve any goal they
have in their lives, today many of the successful startups In India and globally
gives the perfect evidence of the above lines. The other line says ” these young
workers recognize that not only will they change employers throughout their
career, they will change the type of work they do.”, today we can correlate this
as presently in industries the attrition rate of employees belonging to
Millennial Generation is very much higher then generation X or any other
generations presiding, many of the young employees leave their jobs after a
certain period of time change their companies, do higher studies and change
the type of work they do to achieve their goals.

Q. Do you believe the descriptions given of the remaining three generations

are accurate? Please state the evidence that supports your answer.
Ans. Yes the descriptions given of the remaining generations are more or less
accurate, the evidence that supports the answer are given as follows.
Traditionalists: Mr. Ratan Tata can be framed as the biggest example for
traditionalist generation, he is considered as a most loyal person and he always
makes long lasting contributions, in general industries we can say that the
traditionalist generation employees believe in working and contributing in
single firms they are in throughout their life time.
Baby Boomers: As per module 1 Baby Boomers are characterized by their
optimism and idealism, which is very much true, our parents can be taken as
the best example they utilise the resources they use up to optimum level and
they believe that everything should be perfect. Vijay Mallya can be considered
as the best example for the second line “They achieved success by challenging
authority and creating open lines of communication.”, in his times liquor was
considered not a good thing but he challenged the authorities and made his
brand kingfisher as a life style which says “King of good times”.
Generation X: This generation is considered to be more sceptical based on
their past experiences of political and social corruptions, this generation was
raised with two income family, this was the time of evolution of two income
family that led to fights between parents and chaos in families. They always
strive for freedom and want to achieve by hook or crook.

Q. If you were a member of the Green Globe Team, how would you structure
the team’s communications to ensure that project deadlines are met and
that the communication methods utilize the strengths and preferences of
each team member?

Recommended Communication Style/Structure for Traditionalists:

As traditionalists generation’s member prize loyalty and prefer a top
down approach to management, they tend to lead a command and
control style, so they would like to be communicated formally and in
written form and point to point communication would be preferred
related to their performance. Some respect would also be expected
by them.

Recommended Communication Style/Structure for Baby Boomers:

As Baby Boomers generation members are characterized by their
optimism and idealism, so they would expect regards of their
achievements, and meaningful titles, and they would prefer in
person communication, like one-to-one communication.

Recommended Communication Style/Structure for Gen Xer’s:

As Gen Xer’s are more sceptical then other generations they can be challenged
easily and communicated directly, they should be talked directly after an event
rather than waiting, they like to listen feedback, as they believe in prize
individualism so care should be taken while expecting anything, to start a small
talk personal or professional lives can be discussed.
Recommended Communication Style/Structure for Gen Y’s:
As Gen Y reflect emerging personalities participative conservations are
recommended. Gen Y like Electronic form of Communication like e-mail, SMS,
etc. They love to work with a purpose so clear understanding of purpose of
work should be given and feedback to be provided for their work so that they
can feel like meaningful.

Module 2: Generations Evolve


Q.List what you predict the Green Globe Team members of

the generation you represent will see as potential worker
satisfaction points in the following areas (conduct additional
research if required):

 Length of work shift and days worked per week:

Ans: As the Millennials will be offered 12 hours shift it would be
quite exhaustive, the good thing is that they will be given positions
of IT specialists, activities coordinators, production specialists so it
seems to be key positions with importance so they would enjoy
working in those positions and they would be highly satisfied in
their job.

 Flex Time Option:

Ans: As its written in the passage that Flex Time Option is provided
to all generations to accommodate family schedules, doctor visits,
significance events and occasional long lunch hours with friends this
shows that the organization is employee caring so Millennials would
feel highly motivated and will work with full synergy as work/life
balance is very important amongst Millennials.

 Frequency And Form Of Time Meeting:

Ans: The passage says that staff meetings once every two weeks
instead of current weekly meet and meeting length will not exceed
more then an hour, the most important point is that virtual meeting
facilities via chat rooms, video conferencing, bulletin board and
email will keep employees informed between the meeting will
match the likelihood of millennials as millennials do not like long
meeting hours but they like brief meetings and flexibility of
electronic means of communications so they would be satisfied with
the use of these emerging technology usage.

 Preferred Leadership Style Of Team Leader:

Ans: Millennials would prefer modern type leadership which seeks
team approach rather then individualistic approach to achieve
business goal, they would like to have mentor like leader who can
guide them in reaching out a solution.

 Meaningful rewards and bonus structures:

Ans: Millennials like to be rewarded for their work done as they like
to feel valued for their work done, end of project bonuses and
annual recognition and reward events are two examples of items
that can be used as perks, these will motivate the millennial

 Strategies used to motivate workers:

Ans: Millennial is a generation that values balance and moderation.
They want time to be with friends. They are conformists and team
players, more than any other generation, and they will be very loyal
if the organization provides them with a few things: flexible
schedules, the opportunity to take long periods of time (without
pay) to travel or do community service, and project- or group-
focused work that has measurable outcomes.

 Work/Life Balance Consideration:

Ans: For Millennials Work/Life balance is one of the most important
job satisfaction factor, they will be very loyal to the organization that
provides them few things like, Flex Time Option to accommodate
family schedules, doctor visits, significance events and occasional
long lunch hours with friends.

 Preference for Learning/Training/Methods/Modes:

Ans: Learnings and Trainings millennials to address generation
differences, offering team-building activities and developing
mentoring programs to encourage workers of different generations
to work together are also effective in managing an integrational
Forty-two percent of HR professionals said their organization had
lost Gen-Xers and Nexter employees who believed they could not
advance in their careers because veterans and baby-boomers held
top positions. HR professionals reported implementing succession-
planning programs, offering training or increasing compensation in
order to retain younger workers.

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