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Good afternoon.

I am Tanjina Tanu, I am here for presenting my thinking

about improving business performance. Thank you for giving me such an
opportunity to presenting my thinking about the improvement plan on the

In in field of business improvement, there is a huge of business plan. It may

be containing several sectors like finance, accounts, production, marketing
and sales idea. But here is my concentration is in retail store, where I work.
As a part of my work I do several works under management guideline. In the
field of work my thinking may goes out of my job description. Here I am
trying to share my thinking about improving business.

 Understanding Customer is important for us. We need to know

customer need, wants, like, behaviors, choice, so that we can provide
the customer as they want.
 If we know the customer shopping habits we may act as they want,
some customer not like to take assistance for shopping, they may be
wants to browse product by self. Some times female customer does not
like take assistance from opposite gender, they want female assistance.
 For business, always a business need adopting current trend, if we fail
to adopt to product design trend, display trend, payment trend.


Every retail shop needs effective strategies for improving sales, marketing, management and
operations. The importance of operating at peak performance is never more important than in a
down economy when retail dollars are tight. Understanding customers and their shopping habits
as well as trends in the retail marketplace is a key element in building an important foundation
on which to construct a plan for improvement.

Finding the right talent and clearly defining the manager’s role is key to success in a retail
business. Managers face pressure from a range of responsibilities such as increasing sales,
controlling inventory, hiring, training and managing employees, minimizing payroll, engaging
customers and monitoring shrinkage, so working with the manager to establish priorities is
critical. The Gallup Management Journal identifies the five dimensions of management talent as
motivation, influence, work style, relationship and thought process.

Technological advances in retail equipment have led to better inventory control, reduction of
shrinkage, greater accuracy and higher levels of efficiency and customer service. Point of sale
(POS) systems have become sophisticated tools that can track sales and inventory and reduce
human error, and additional software capabilities can provide valuable tools such as customer
loyalty programs, gift registries, detailed sales histories, ticket histories, back orders, website
hosting and training modules.

The three ways to increase sales are to encourage more potential customers to visit your store,
increase your ticket average and increase your conversion rate -- that is, turning people who visit
your store but don’t purchase anything into customers. You can address the first two goals
through advertising and promotional strategies, but to address the issue of conversion, you must
track the traffic going through your store -- non-buyers as well as buyers. Tracking conversion
rates will help you monitor your progress and refine your strategies. Conversion rate is
calculated by dividing sales transactions by the total number of people coming into the store.
Some research is required to understand why visitors don’t buy. Conversion is a team effort so
one effective strategy to improving conversion is to make a contest out of it among your sales

Customer Service
To improve customer service, you must be able to evaluate the customer’s experience. While
speed and availability of assistance are universal, there are other factors that can turn a shopper
into a loyal customer. It is not enough for employees to be motivated and care about the products
they sell; consistency in personnel is also critical. Turnover in managers and sales staff
undermines customer loyalty. Look for empathy, patience and consistency when hiring sales
staff. While experience is important, it sometimes means you’ll be faced with bad habits,
cynicism or attitudes that can be either pedantic or condescending. Too little experience can
mean an inability to cope or effectively deal with sensitive situations.

Customer surprise gift.

Collecting Mobile phone no.

Special Day wish

If we can keep customer contact, we may further communicate with customer for any locality
programe, for better service

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