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SET - 1 GR 11 CODE: GR11A2082

B.Tech II Year II Semester Regular Examinations, May, 2013

Design and Analysis of Algorithms
(Common to CSE & IT)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1). a Describe the performance analysis in detail. [8]

b Explain union and find operations with examples. [7]

2). a Sort the records with the following index values in the ascending order using [8]
Quick sort algorithm. 25, 20, 16, 49, 28, 17, 9, 10

b Write and explain the control abstraction for greedy method. [7]

3). a Give an example of travelling sales person problem. [7]

b (b) Solve the following 0/1 Knapsack problem using dynamic programming. [8]

(p1, p2,…,p4) =(11, 21, 31, 33), ( w1, w2, …, w4) =(2,11,22,15), m=40, n=4.

4). a Draw and explain the portion of the tree for 4-queens problem that is generated [7]
during backtracking.
b Solve Travelling Sales Problem using Branch and Bound reduced cost matrix [8]
5). a Explain the following. [8]
(i) FIFO Branch and Bound.
(ii) LC Search.

b Differentiate between NP-complete and NP-Hard. [7]

6). a Explain about asymptotic notations. [8]

b Write in detail about strassen’s matrix multiplication. [7]

7). a State the following problems: (i) Sum of subsets problem. [8]
(ii) Knapsack problem. (iii) Job sequencing with dead lines.
b Compare Prim’s & Kruskal algorithm in generating minimum cost spanning tree and [7]
discuss their time complexities.

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