Scene 1-Discussing To Buy Phone For Son/daughter (Untuk College) - Plan Untuk Pergi Kedai

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Scene 1- Discussing to buy phone for son/daughter (untuk college) - Plan untuk pergi


A: Honey, you know that our daughter will go to the university this year, right?

F: Yes babe, I'm aware, why?

A: Nothing much but I think it is time for us to buy her a phone. To be specific a smartphone.
University is like a whole new world to her, such as dozens of assignments to do. So a
smartphone is a must.

F: I agree, Do you know any latest and suitable model?

A: I don’t but it should be like the more expensive the price the better it is to use.

F: Hurm, it's okay honey, we'll consult the seller about it

A: Okay. How about we go today? The earlier the better.

F: Alright, we'll go to the store this evening. Go and get ready.

A: Okay just a second.

Scene 2- Sampai di kedai, Salesman start conversation/tanya tujuan/promote

W: Welcome sir and madam to al kelate gadget shop… is there anything I can help

A: Sir, you think we came here for what?

F: Take a deep breath babe.. (inhale, exhale, follow me)

W:how do I know what you want. Maybe you came to look for food at my shop hehehehehe

F: hahaha we're here to buy a new phone for our daughter. Can you suggest us the suitable
model for kids nowadays?

W: Of course, sir. Nowadays, the most expensive mobile phones are the best because of their
solid quality.

A: Honey! That’s not the phone we want. We want a phone for our daughter to use in

F: Ouh sorry hon, I forgot hehehe. Anyway, is there anything that you would recommend?
*asking the salesman

W: yes sir. I have 3 phone suggestions that fit the features for your child to study. first, iphone X.
second, samsung galaxy note 9 and last samsung galaxy m20. All this I recommend the most.
But the most popular apple iphone X.
F:How much is it?

W: This iPhone X is priced at RM3000 due to the latest model release. It also has an anti-
scratch glass screen so it has high security and durability. As you know, because of the good
quality and the expensive price.

 Yang, mantap tu. saya pun dengar iphone ni bnyak kelebihan

A: Marvelous. Honey, that one is good. I heard iphone has a lot of benefits.

F: Of course anything sounds excellent for you because I'm the one who's paying for it. Our
daughter would be using it for her study not to push rank.

W: but if there is any damage it is a bit messy because only certain stores can repair. So it will
cost a lot of money to repair

F: Did you hear that? if somehing happens and it gets broken, the repairing service would be
costly. Bro could you suggest anything below 2 thousand?

W: There is sir, the second model, the Samsung M20 but I do not recommend this one Mr.
because his wifi access is weak. Maybe it will be difficult for your child to do research on your
child's learning.

Syg, mcm tak sesuai la untuk guna dekat college. Nanti dia pulak yg susah. Kalau beli murah2
tapi tak tahan lama takde guna jugak.

A: Honey, I think this one is not quite suitable for our daughter, I mean for university purposes.
You heard him, right? Weak wifi access. Having a cheap doesn’t mean it's durable. 

F: But babe, the budget is only two thousand, that's all that I could afford, so take it or leave it.

W: If that's the case, Mr. Sell the kidneys, I will sell this phone to Mr. hehehehehee

A: Hmmm, bang salesman, ada lagi tak phone yg awak boleh recommend? Better dari yg ni.

A: Hurm. Sir, do you have other phones you can recommend? And it should be better than this

W: Well then, I recommend the samsung galaxy note 9 because it has a large screen with an
area of 6.4 inches. And has a relatively large storage so can store a lot of information. The price
is rm2240

A: Honey, this one okay. Yeah maybe iPhone X is too expensive but this phone is affordable
right? After all, our daughter is still a beginner in using high tech like smartphone. 

F: Hurm, you're right (like always). but babe, you need to add some tips cause i aint got no
money left with me

A: Okay okay. I will add some. Sir, can you give us discount?

W: Sorry ma'am. Our shop also asks for a discount but the company is difficult to get because
the price of RM2240 is indeed in line with the advantages of this phone. This phone also has
beautiful and high quality pictures. After all, if there is damage at Mr. son's university, it is easy
to repair even if your son is at university because it can be repaired at any nearby store. But
don't worry, we will give you a free gift. That is free casting limited edition because the design
produced by this phone is a bit less attractive even though the interior is so beautiful

Okay2. Kalu camtu. Ambik phone ni lah. 

A: Sounds good.

F: Okay, let's settle for this one.

Amboi cepat nau setuju. Awak bayar full eh. Ehekkk. Nnati balik saya masak sedap2.

A: Honey~ Can you pay in full? Haha When we back home, ill cook some delicious food for you.

F: yeah yeah, get a taxi for a ride home later okay?

Alaaaa biy gurau je. Jk jk. Jge marahh. Alaa cucuk2

A: Im just kidding, dear. Don’t be mad at me. Fine, I add some tip

W: good sir. thank you for buying with us al kelate gadget. If you want to buy another phone,
you can come again.

F: pleasure doing business. 

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