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Marine Geology 182 (2002) 209^223

Sur¢cial seabed sediment properties derived from seismic

pro¢ler responses
Angela Davis  , Ronald Haynes, Jim Bennell, Dei Huws
School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales Bangor, Menai Bridge, Anglesey LL59 5EY, UK
Received 10 December 1999; accepted 20 July 2000


As a result of the complex and variable nature of sea floor sedimentary environments and the problems
associated with obtaining representative samples of sea floor materials, it has long been accepted that geophysical
methods hold the greatest potential for rapid assessment of sea floor sediment physical property variability. This
paper presents results of two experimental geophysical studies aimed at developing in situ sea floor sediment
classification methodologies applicable to siliciclastic environments. At one of the two study sites, Irvine Bay in the
Clyde Sea, an area of approximately 10 km2 was intensively surveyed using a boomer seismic profiler and digital data
acquisition system. Three core samples recovered in the area were used to calibrate seabed reflection responses at spot
locations, and once calibrated, the entire geophysical dataset was inverted to produce maps showing the spatial
distribution of sediment physical properties (porosity, density and grain size distribution) at the seabed surface. Very
good agreement was found between seismic predictions of sediment properties and physical measurements made on
independent core and grab samples. Similar levels of agreement were found for seismo-acoustic predictions made after
surveying a transect in the Southern Baltic Sea. On the basis of these experimental studies it appears that, with only
limited ground truth information, it is possible to invert high-resolution seismic reflection data to produce
quantitative information on the spatial distribution of sea floor sediment physical properties. ß 2002 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: seismic re£ection; acoustic properties; sea £oor sediment; physical properties

1. Introduction supply, prevailing and palaeo-climatic and oce-

anographic conditions, sea level change and tec-
Depositional and post-depositional processes tonic events (e.g. earthquakes), as well as anthro-
play the primary role in determining the nature pogenic activity. In the broadest terms, the
and spatial distribution of sea £oor sediments. physical and geotechnical properties of the sedi-
These processes in turn are strongly in£uenced ment pro¢le depend on the nature of the sediment
by factors such as geological setting, sediment components, the processes of pro¢le formation
and the alteration of the pro¢le after formation.
Given the complex and variable nature of sea
* Tel.: +44-1248-382-845; Fax: +44-1248-716-367. £oor sedimentary environments and the problems
E-mail address: (A. Davis). associated with obtaining representative samples

0025-3227 / 01 / $ ^ see front matter ß 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 5 - 3 2 2 7 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 2 3 5 - 3

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of sea £oor materials, it is perhaps not surprising contrast at the interface. For re£ection at the sedi-
that marine geoscientists and others increasingly ment^water interface, R will be positive when the
have been looking to geophysicists to provide the sediment’s acoustic impedance is greater than that
necessary ‘remote sampling’ to help resolve ques- of the overlying water mass. The inverse situation
tions relating to sediment property variability. produces a negative re£ection coe⁄cient. In shal-
Within this paper, data from two experimental low water environments, in instances where the
studies will be presented in an attempt to demon- sediments are fully saturated, the re£ection coe⁄-
strate the scope for remote physical property pre- cient at the sediment^water interface will be pos-
diction based on conventional sub-bottom pro¢ler itive. In instances where the sediment is partially
methodologies. saturated, i.e. partially gas-saturated, the gas in
the sediment pore space acts to reduce both the
sediment’s velocity and bulk density producing a
2. Seismo-acoustic sensing negative re£ection coe⁄cient and an accompany-
ing phase reversal. In seismo-acoustic surveying
It has been known for some time that seismo- the phase reversal provides one means of identify-
acoustic re£ection responses provide valuable in- ing gas-charged sediments. While typical normal
formation on sea £oor sediment character (Hay- incidence re£ection coe⁄cients between sediment
nes et al., 1993). Perhaps the earliest practical layers are generally less than 0.1, the seabed sur-
application of seabed acoustic character recogni- face is often a strong re£ector (R up to 0.3).
tion was by ¢shermen who, once echo-sounders From the above, it is seen that the factors gov-
were installed on ¢shing vessels, noticed that the erning the re£ection coe⁄cient are those that af-
seabed echo returns provided qualitative informa- fect the bulk density and velocity. Leading from
tion on seabed ‘hardness’. This result was merely this, a number of researchers over several decades
an observation of the re£ectivity of the sediment^ have investigated theoretical and empirical rela-
water interface, i.e. the partitioning of energy as a tionships between a range of physical and seis-
direct consequence of the acoustic impedance con- mo-acoustic properties and have concluded that
trast at the seabed surface. it should be possible to predict in situ physical
A material’s characteristic acoustic impedance, properties on the basis of seismo-acoustic re£ec-
Z, is dependent on its compressional wave veloc- tion responses (critically summarised in Haynes et
ity, V, and bulk density, b, where al., 1993). Advances in computer technology
which have enabled high-resolution, high-¢delity
Z ¼ Vb ð1Þ seismic re£ection data to be digitally recorded and
processed now make this a practical reality.

The re£ection coe⁄cient, R, is de¢ned as the

ratio of the re£ected amplitude to the incident 3. Research developments at UWB
wave amplitude. For a seismo-acoustic wave inci-
dent normal to a re£ecting interface, the re£ection Over the past three decades at the University of
coe⁄cient is given by: Wales Bangor (UWB), a continuing theme of the
Marine Geophysics Research Group has been the
Z 2 3Z 1 development of geophysical remote sensing meth-
R¼ ð2Þ odologies for quantitative site investigation. The re-
Z2 þ Z1
search rationale has primarily been a quest for an
improved understanding of geophysical^geotechni-
where subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the medium cal property relations to aid studies of sediment
above and below the re£ecting interface. property^process interactions, but the research has
The amplitude and sign of the re£ection coe⁄- also often been driven by interests in enhancing the
cient is thus dependent on the acoustic impedance role of geophysics in o¡shore site investigation.

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Fig. 1. Map showing the location of the Clyde Sea study site.

Attention has largely concentrated on investi- past decade, this system has been used in a range
gating the benthic boundary layer, with several of sedimentary environments to map the physical
probes and bottom-towed systems designed and characteristics of the sur¢cial sediment layer (e.g.,
developed to provide information on the in situ Davis et al., 1996). Over the same time period,
state of the uppermost few metres of the sediment desk and laboratory studies have attempted to ex-
column. In the 1970s and early 1980s, sea £oor plore fundamental relations between geophysical
sediment property data were acquired using two propagation, sediment properties and sediment be-
separate static probes (Jackson et al., 1980): an haviour, providing the means for geophysical^
acoustic probe was used to directly measure the physical property prediction based on the acquired
sediment compressional wave velocity, and an in situ geophysical data (Davis, 1996).
electrical probe to measure the sediment electrical Recent research at UWB has concentrated on
resistivity. The electrical probe was further devel- surface-towed systems, and has been directed to-
oped and modi¢ed to allow data to be acquired wards developing methodologies for extracting
while the electrical sensors (focused electrode ar- ‘property signi¢cant’ information from seismic re-
rays) were towed along the seabed. Subsequently, £ection responses recorded whilst surveying with
the electrical resistivity system was incorporated a conventional boomer pro¢ler and digital data
into a bottom-towed seismic shear wave sledge, acquisition system. The rationale behind UWB’s
allowing pseudo-underway, simultaneous measure- current methodology has already been presented
ment of sea £oor sediment electrical and shear and discussed in Haynes et al. (1993).
wave properties (Davis et al., 1989). Over the Two papers published in Geo-Marine Letters

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(Davis et al., 1996; Haynes et al., 1997) presented vide maps of the physical property distribution in
preliminary results of practical experiments car- the area using empirically based geophysical^geo-
ried out in siliciclastic and carbonate environ- technical processing algorithms developed at
ments as part of the US Naval Research Labora- UWB.
tory’s co-ordinated CBBL research program Data were acquired onboard the University’s
(Coastal Benthic Boundary Layer Program). research vessel R/V Prince Madog during a col-
These preliminary publications demonstrated the laborative research cruise with the UK Defence
potential for using the seismic re£ection responses Research Agency. The area selected for the re-
to provide semi-quantitative information on the search study was chosen on the basis of available
sea £oor sediment character. In addition, infer- British Geological Survey (BGS) and Admiralty
ences on sediment property variability were Research Establishment (ARE) data (see later)
made on the basis of spatial change in the relative and on the basis of knowledge gained during an
re£ection strength and bottom re£ectivity var- earlier experimental programme within the Clyde
iance. The studies presented in this paper attempt Sea (Huws et al., 1991).
to take seismo-acoustic physical property predic-
tion a stage further, using laboratory-derived con- 4.2. Geological setting
trol data (in the form of measured physical prop-
erties) to calibrate the re£ection response thereby Preliminary information on sub-surface geology
enabling quantitative ‘continuous’ acoustic map- and sur¢cial sediment distribution was obtained
ping of a range of in situ sediment properties. from published BGS Sea Bed Sediments and Qua-
Results of the two experimental surveys will be ternary Geology maps of the area (British Geo-
presented in the form of separate case studies. logical Survey, 1985) and from the relevant BGS
Both relate to siliciclastic sedimentary environ- report (Deegan et al., 1973).
ments as, at the present time, geoacoustic behav-
iour in siliciclastics is better understood than in 4.3. Holocene: sea £oor sediment distribution
carbonates, making geophysical^physical property
prediction a more viable proposition. Deegan et al. (1973) describe the sur¢cial Ho-
locene sediments in terms of three broadly de¢ned
facies which are applicable within most of the
4. Clyde Sea case study Firth of Clyde region.
Coarse facies. This facies is composed predom-
4.1. Aims and objectives inantly of gravelly sediments and clean sands;
originally termed coarse littoral facies because it
In May 1995, a series of geophysical experi- generally is associated with nearshore, shallow
ments were successfully carried out in Irvine water environments. It mostly is lithic in origin.
Bay, Scotland, an area of the eastern Clyde Sea For the Ayrshire coast, this facies is generally re-
near Glasgow, Scotland (Fig. 1). The aims and stricted to water depths less than 35 m (British
objectives of the experiments were: Geological Survey, 1985).
(i) to acquire high-quality, high-resolution dig- Transitional facies. The transitional facies com-
ital sub-bottom pro¢ler data in a suitable format prises muddy sands and sandy muds. It divides
for processing and analysis of the sea £oor re£ec- the shallower water facies from the deep silty
tion response; clay facies (described below). It is present in the
(ii) to acquire data in an area o¡ering appro- transitional zone where the gravels and clean
priate ground truth information to enable calibra- sands grade into mud. Along the Ayrshire coast,
tion of the sea £oor re£ection response and ulti- such areas generally occur over a small bathymet-
mately, to allow in situ validation of seismo- ric range: between water depths of 30 to 50 m
acoustic physical property predictions; (Huws, 1993).
(iii) to process the acquired seismic data to pro- Deep silty clay facies. This facies is composed of

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muds and is present in all the deep waters of the shallower waters a¡ected by post-Weischselian
Clyde Sea where tidal currents are weak. Along the sea level changes (both eustatic and isostatic),
Ayrshire coast, the facies generally is observed in the facies can become littoral.
water depths of greater than approximately 50 m.
The sur¢cial Holocene sediments are believed 4.5. Data acquisition
to be derived from the subaerial and submarine
erosion of Devensian boulder clay within the 4.5.1. Navigation
Clyde Basin (Deegan et al., 1973). Along the Ayr- The navigation system onboard the survey ves-
shire coast, the coarse facies is thought to be par- sel was a Trimble NavTrac di¡erential global po-
tially derived from the erosion of the lower parts sitioning system (DGPS). This is a 6-channel GPS
of the raised beach present in the region. The receiver that can operate in either 2-D or 3-D
muds of the deep silty clay facies are postulated mode. The di¡erential GPS relies on error correc-
to be derived from £uvial and coastal sources tions transmitted from a reference station placed
which are deposited from suspension in deep at a known location, and in di¡erential mode the
low-energy basins: once deposited they show little NavTrac has an accuracy to the order of 5 to
evidence of re-suspension and transportation. 10 m. The navigation data were logged to PC
The present day distribution of sur¢cial sedi- every 2 s, or directly to the various acquisition
ment is governed primarily by varying marine en- systems onboard the vessel.
ergy conditions (tidal and wave current action).
These two physical forcing mechanisms are medi- 4.5.2. Bathymetry
ated to a large degree by the bathymetry of the The site bathymetry was determined using the
region (Deegan et al., 1973). There is, therefore, a vessel’s hull-mounted transducer operating at a
strong correlation between water depth and sur¢- frequency of 200 kHz. The raw data ^ 35 NE to
cial sediment type within this region. SW trending and 12 NW to SE trending pro¢les,
the latter concentrated in the northern part of the
4.4. Quaternary geology survey area ^ were tidally corrected using the tidal
harmonic constants for the port of Troon, ob-
From the BGS map (British Geological Survey, tained from the Admiralty Tide Tables for 1995.
1985), it is reported that the Quaternary deposits The ¢nal corrected depths are quoted relative to
thin toward land in nearly all areas of the Clyde Chart Datum (C.D.) for Troon.
Sea. They appear on sparker records as acousti- The bathymetry plots (Figs. 2 and 3) show a
cally layered sediments exhibiting horizontal or general southwest to northeast shallowing of
sub-horizontal internal re£ectors. However, where water depth, from depths in excess of 52 m
cored, the acoustic re£ectors do not appear to be C.D. in the southwest to depths shallower than
related to lithological changes, and appear instead 12 m C.D. in the extreme northeast. This de-
to be related to changes in water content associ- crease in depth is relatively gentle until the
ated with di¡erent compaction or other physical northernmost third of the survey area, where
changes (British Geological Survey, 1985). there is an appreciable steepening of the slope
Beneath these acoustically layered sediments, towards the coast. The bathymetry of the area
which generally are homogeneous silty clays, can therefore be thought of as comprising a gent-
borehole information indicates the presence of ly sloping deep-water basin to the southwest with
sti¡ clay with sand, pebbles or cobbles. This de- a rapidly shelving slope in the northern part of
posit, interpreted as till, is generally less than 15 m the region.
thick. Looking at the northern part of the survey area
The onset of marine conditions in late-glacial in more detail (Fig. 3), a couple of features are
times produced conditions suitable for the depo- worthy of mention. These are two ridges : one
sition of the acoustically layered deposits. In deep trending roughly east^west and the other north-
water areas, the deposits are silty clays but in east^southwest. The north-east trending ridge

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Fig. 2. Map showing the bathymetry of the Clyde Sea study site. Depths are in metres relative to C.D.

forms a topographic high at a depth of about 4.5.3. Seismic re£ection data

35 m, near 55.576‡N 4.754‡W, which appears to High-resolution digital seismic re£ection data
be surrounded by deeper water. The second ridge were acquired using an EG and G Uniboom sur-
forms a distinct spur indicated most clearly at face towed source and a separately towed, multi-
55.577‡N 4.736‡W. Results presented later indi- element, single-channel streamer (EG and G
cate that these two features markedly a¡ect the model 265). The Uniboom source was chosen as
sedimentological and acoustical regime of the it is known to have a repeatable broad-band sig-
area. nature (McGee et al., 1992), and because it is

Fig. 3. Expanded bathymetry map for the northern part of the Clyde Sea study site. Depths are in metres relative to C.D.

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Fig. 4. Map showing the grab sampled mean grain size (P) distribution, Clyde Sea study site.

extensively used in the o¡shore industry to survey 4.5.4. Grab and core sampling
the near surface sediment layers. The boomer was Thirty grab samples and three short (0.5^1 m)
operated at a pulse energy of 175 J and ¢red at a gravity cores were collected to provide a range of
nominal period of 500 ms. Data were recorded ground truth information. Cores were both
digitally on an Elics-Delph 2 marine digital ac- X-rayed and logged for compressional wave ve-
quisition system with a sampling rate of 40 kHz. locity prior to extrusion from the core barrel. In
The Elics-Delph system is a digital acquisition the laboratory the core material was analysed for
system designed speci¢cally for the task of ac- grain size characteristics, moisture content, specif-
quiring and processing high-resolution seismo- ic gravity of the grains, bulk density, porosity and
acoustic data from sub-bottom pro¢ling and so- shear strength. Grab samples were analysed for
nar systems. Analogue data were recorded on grain size distribution, with the data from all
thermal paper using a Dowty model 3700 thermal the samples used to produce grain size distribu-
recorder. tion maps for the survey area (Fig. 4). All labo-
Sub-bottom pro¢les were initially interpreted to ratory tests were carried out according to BS1377
provide information on subsurface structure and (British Standards Institution, 1961).
seismic character of the various sedimentary units,
en route to constructing a seismic stratigraphy for 4.6. Physical property predictions from the
the area. The second stage interpretation was di- re£ection response
rected towards the extraction of physical/geotech-
nical information from the digital seismic re£ec- 4.6.1. Processing the seismo-acoustic data
tion response, concentrating on the seabed The raw boomer data (data from 10 NE^SW
surface. trending, equally spaced survey lines) were com-

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Fig. 5. Map showing sea £oor re£ection coe⁄cient distribution for the Clyde Sea study site.

piled and processed to enable maps of the relative pirical equations of Richardson and Briggs
bottom re£ectivity strength and shot-to-shot re- (1993), it was possible to determine an empiri-
£ectivity variance to be produced for the seabed cally derived re£ection coe⁄cient for each of
surface. The bottom re£ectivity variance i.e. the the cores for both density and porosity data. A
shot-to-shot variance of the relative bottom re£ec- linear regression technique was then used to de-
tivity strength, was calculated over a window of termine the linear relationships between re£ection
40 shots. Ground truth data from the laboratory coe⁄cient and bottom re£ectivity strength, mak-
core analyses were then used to calibrate the rel- ing it possible to produce a re£ection coe⁄cient
ative re£ectivity strength at the ¢xed core loca- map for the entire area (Fig. 5). Thenceforth, the
tions, allowing conversion of the relative bottom same empirical relationships (Richardson and
re£ectivity strengths to absolute measures of the Briggs, 1993) were used to invert the seismo-
bottom re£ection coe⁄cient. The bottom re£ec- acoustic data for the sur¢cial sediment bulk den-
tion coe⁄cient (or acoustic impedance) values sity and porosity distributions. Richardson and
could then be inverted (see below) to produce geo- Briggs’ study also provided the empirical rela-
physically determined maps of the bulk density, tionship used to invert the acoustic data for grain
porosity and mean grain size of the sea £oor sedi- size distribution.
Calibration and inversion. Calibration of the 4.6.2. Sediment type and grain size
seismo-acoustic data (seabed re£ection response) The acoustically derived sea £oor sediment
was carried out using the porosity and density types, de¢ned in terms of mean grain size, indicate
information from the three gravity cores and that the south-western two-thirds of the area sur-
published empirical relationships. Using the em- veyed comprises sandy mud (Fig. 6). This is in

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Fig. 6. Map showing acoustically derived sea £oor mean grain size (P) distribution, Clyde Sea study site.

agreement with the published BGS map for the data, the contour boundaries between di¡erent
area (British Geological Survey, 1985). As men- sediment types appear markedly similar in posi-
tioned previously, there is a high degree of corre- tion and form.
lation between the grain size of the sur¢cial sedi-
ments and the bathymetry. An examination of the 4.6.3. Bulk physical properties (bulk density and
seismo-acoustic data also shows a close relation- porosity)
ship between bathymetry and the seabed re£ection Maps of acoustically derived bulk density and
coe⁄cients. For example, two topographic ridges porosity (Figs. 7 and 8) display similar trends to
in the area are associated with areas of elevated those seen for mean grain size distribution. Again,
re£ection coe⁄cients, providing an independent there seems to be a close inter-dependence be-
test of the strong inter-relationship between sea tween bathymetry and acoustically derived prop-
£oor sediment type and bathymetry. erties, not unexpected on the strength of the ear-
Throughout the area there is good visual corre- lier discussion.
lation between high re£ection coe⁄cients and low
P grain size values (coarser grained sediments), 4.6.4. Re£ectivity variance as a sediment
the latter obtained from the analysis of the grab classi¢cation aid
samples. Similarly, there is a high degree of cor- Bottom re£ectivity variance can be used in a
relation between the acoustically derived modi¢ed semi-quantitative manner to broadly discriminate
Folk sediment classi¢cation (based on the re£ec- between di¡erent types of sea £oor as the param-
tion coe⁄cients) and the same obtained from grab eter varies as a function of the sea £oor sediment
samples. Further, examining the spatial distribu- roughness. For the Irvine Bay survey, there was a
tion of sur¢cial sediment across the survey area high degree of visual correlation between the bot-
for both acoustically derived and grab sample tom re£ection coe⁄cient and the shot-to-shot var-

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Fig. 7. Map showing acoustically derived bulk density (g/cm3 ) distribution, Clyde Sea study site.

iance; the areas of high bottom re£ection coe⁄- cause these coarser sediments are more likely to
cients generally having correspondingly high val- exhibit bedforms (e.g. ripples).
ues of shot-to-shot variability. This relationship is Most signi¢cantly, shot-to-shot variance as a
to be expected as it is more probable that coarser sediment discriminator allows areas where bottom
grained sediments are both more highly re£ective surface scattering may be a problem (to acoustic-
and more highly scattering; the latter is both as a physical property prediction) to be recognised.
consequence of the larger particle size and be- With regard to the Irvine Bay data, areas of out-

Fig. 8. Map showing acoustically derived porosity (%) distribution, Clyde Sea study site.

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cropping bedrock or glacial till could be identi¢ed boom-based system. The following covers the au-
by a combination of very high sea £oor re£ection thors’ contribution to the CBBL experiments, i.e.
coe⁄cients (i.e. values above the upper limit for seabed classi¢cation based on data acquired with
normal marine sediments), and/or high shot-to- the Uniboom system.
shot bottom re£ectivity variance. Clearly knowl-
edge of bottom surface scattering is important if 5.2. Geological setting
the results of acoustic surveys are to be used with
con¢dence in sea £oor sediment property predic- The sur¢cial deposits in Eckernfo«rde Bay and
tion. the surrounding part of the southern Baltic Sea
are almost entirely glacial and post-glacial silici-
4.6.5. Independent validation of the acoustic clastics. Along the CBBL test line the section is
interpretation predominated by thin sediment in¢lled basins
To provide a second independent test of the which overlie and smooth an irregular surface
validity of the acoustic interpretation, a subset probably of glacial origin (see re£ection pro¢les
of the acoustically derived physical property in Fig. 9). While some areas within and surround-
data was compared with a published data set pro- ing Eckernfo«rde Bay are characterised by shallow
duced from an independent laboratory study of gas in the near surface Holocene sediment cover
the physical properties of the Irvine Bay sedi- (particularly the deeper water areas), based on
ments. The referenced data were gamma-density observations of sub-bottom pro¢ler records the
core logs acquired by the Admiralty Research Es- sediments along the test line appeared to be pre-
tablishment (UTH Tech Memo, 1989). The ARE dominantly gas-free.
logs comprised a series of discrete density mea-
surements at 10-cm intervals down the length of 5.3. Seismic data acquisition and processing
each core. Comparison of acoustically derived
densities with the gamma-density data yielded ex- The sub-bottom pro¢ler used to acquire the
cellent agreement, lending support to the acoustic data in Eckernfo«rde Bay was the same as that
physical property classi¢cation methodology. used in the Clyde Sea. The Uniboom was towed
at a speed of around 4 knots along the test line
and was triggered two times a second giving a
5. Baltic Sea study horizontal spacing of approximately 1 shot every
metre. The data were digitally recorded on a Ma-
5.1. Aims and objectives rine Geophysical System (MGS) Marine Digital
Acquisition System (MDAS), with a sampling
The second case study included in this paper rate of 40 kHz.
relates to a series of seismo-acoustic seabed clas- The digital data were post-processed back at
si¢cation experiments carried out in the southern UWB. Processing initially consisted of ‘pre-pro-
Baltic Sea in the context of the Coastal Benthic cessing’ to remove the ‘trend’ and to correct for
Boundary Layer Project (CBBL), sponsored by geometrical spreading. (A spherical divergence
the US O⁄ce of Naval Research. A 2000-m test correction was applied to account for travel
line was established in the northern part of Eck- path di¡erences as a function of changing water
ernfo«rde Bay to enable a comparison between re- depth). An amplitude envelope was then calcu-
mote acoustic prediction of sediment properties lated and used for detection of the sea £oor and
and in situ properties obtained from core samples. direct wave. For physical property prediction pur-
A number of di¡erent ‘state of the art’ acoustic poses, the calibration of the seismo-acoustic data
sediment classi¢cation systems were run over the was carried out using porosity and density infor-
test line, including the US Naval Research Labo- mation from two box cores (BC-662 and BC-652)
ratory’s ASCS, Florida Atlantic University’s Full collected and analysed by CBBL co-workers.
Spectrum FM pro¢ler, and UWB’s EGpG Uni- Once calibrated at the core locations, the seis-

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Fig. 9. Sub-bottom pro¢les and pro¢les of sur¢cial sediment re£ectivity strength along the southern Baltic Sea test line.

mo-acoustic data for the remainder of the test line sediment re£ectivity strength along the test line
were inverted for physical properties following are shown in Fig. 9. The displayed bottom re£ec-
similar procedures to those used to convert the tivity strength values have been smoothed over 40
Clyde Sea data. shots. The calibrated bottom re£ection coe⁄cient
pro¢le and acoustically derived sediment physical
5.4. Results properties (porosity, bulk density and grain size)
are shown in Fig. 10. This ¢gure shows that at the
The sub-bottom pro¢les and pro¢les of sur¢cial start of the line (54‡30.73PN 10‡06.00PE), based

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Fig. 10. Calibrated bottom re£ection coe⁄cient pro¢le and acoustically derived sediment physical property pro¢les, southern Bal-
tic Sea test line.

on the acoustic prediction, the sea £oor sediment porosity, with di¡erences between the predicted
was a high-porosity, low-density soft mud and and measured properties generally much less
that there was a change in sediment physical char- than 5%. The di¡erences between the predicted
acteristics along the line towards a low-porosity and measured grain sizes (all box cores) show
sand at the end of the line (54‡31.16PN somewhat larger variation. This result is expected
10‡08.10PE). The comparison between the pre- as the empirical relationship between grain size
dicted sur¢cial acoustic sediment properties and and re£ection coe⁄cient used in the inversion
the measured properties from the remaining box routine had a much smaller correlation coe⁄cient
cores (BC 663, 658 and 651) show very good (than that of the porosity and density relation-
agreement in the case of both bulk density and ships).

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6. Discussion tical resolution), the seismo-acoustic wavelength

ultimately determines the depth of investigation.
Because of the highly variable nature of marine Assuming the ‘sur¢cial response’ is a quarter
sediments and the problems associated with physi- wavelength and that the dominant frequency of
cally sampling sea £oor materials, geophysical re- the boomer signal is 1000 Hz, then for a sediment
mote sensing methodologies probably hold the velocity of around 1600 m/s, the sample depth is
greatest potential for sea £oor sediment classi¢ca- of the order of 40 cm. The predicted physical
tion/ characterisation for a range of geological, properties can therefore be assumed representa-
environmental and engineering applications. tive of the uppermost 40 cm of the sediment col-
Within the case studies presented in this paper, umn. This depth range is consistent with depths
it has been demonstrated that, with only limited achieved by the bottom-towed sea £oor resistivity
ground truth information, it is possible to invert and shear wave systems (Jackson et al., 1980;
seismic re£ection responses from high-resolution Davis et al., 1989) developed at UWB in the
seismic sub-bottom pro¢ler data to provide an 1970s and 1980s and mentioned previously
initial estimate of the bulk properties of the sur¢- (although the shear wave system is able to sense
cial sediment cover. The level of con¢dence of the the shear wave velocity structure down to several
geophysical prediction is dependent on the seismic metres below the seabed surface). Interestingly,
data quality, the quality and accuracy of the electrical and shear wave data obtained with
ground truth information, and the quality of the UWB’s bottom-towed geophysical sledge in an
predictor equations used within the seismic inver- adjacent and partially overlapping area of Irvine
sion routines. The equations used in this study, Bay (reported in Huws et al., 1991), mimic the
from Richardson and Briggs (1993), are derived trends seen in the acoustically predicted property
from laboratory analyses of sur¢cial sediments distributions presented in this paper (Figs. 6^8),
covering a range of siliciclastic sediment environ- lending support to the argument for an integrated
ments. As such, and based on the ¢ndings of these geophysical approach to sea £oor site investiga-
studies, they would appear applicable for provid- tion.
ing a ¢rst order estimate of the in situ physical
properties of the sediments within the study sites.
Regarding the individual predictions, Richardson 7. Summary and conclusions
and Briggs’ bulk density versus impedance and
porosity versus impedance plots indicate a high To summarise, the two case studies presented in
degree of correlation, hence, given accurate this paper have shown that it is possible to obtain
ground-truthing of high-quality seismic data, the meaningful sur¢cial sediment physical properties
level of con¢dence of the acoustic property pre- from inversion of digital boomer data. Given that
dictions can be considered to be high. While there the seismic data were acquired with routinely op-
is some scatter in Richardson and Briggs’ grain erated, commercially available systems, these
size versus impedance plots leading to a lower studies might well provide the necessary justi¢ca-
level of con¢dence in the acoustic grain size pre- tion for extending the scope of seismic pro¢ling in
diction, the correlation between the acoustically site investigation practice.
predicted mean grain size distribution and the Looking to the future, research at UWB is now
prediction based on measured grab samples for focusing on developing methods of remotely in-
Irvine Bay seems su⁄ciently close to lend support vestigating the physical properties of the subsur-
to the case for adopting the methodology for de- face to depths coincident with high-resolution site
riving all three properties. surveys (0^40 m). To this end, a laboratory pro-
Concerning accuracy of the spatial prediction, gramme has been initiated which aims to investi-
this is dependent on the source repetition rate and gate the in£uence of consolidation (depth of bur-
on the density of survey line spacing. With re- ial) on sediment acoustic^physical property
gards the acoustic property ‘sampling depth’ (ver- relations. It is anticipated that this work will re-

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A. Davis et al. / Marine Geology 182 (2002) 209^223 223

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