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The 1st Cross-Channel

ABM Platform

★ End-to-end ABM Advertising platform loved by

enterprises and scaleups

★ Drive up to 10x ABM clicks and engagement

events vs. Demandbase, Terminus or Rollworks

CONFIDENTIAL - FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY - do not share with 3rd parties such as suppliers, service providers, agencies or consultants.
N.Rich enables cross-channel ABM targeting

Cross-channel technology to maximize click volume

Legacy IP targeted display advertising

N.Rich AdTech enables 25x ABM results

IP Address Range
ABM Display
Range of IP addresses owned IP Addresses can be used Account Based Cookie ABM Targeting
by a target account. Can be for targeting accounts on
Unique code identifying user’s N.Rich Ad cookies will be (re)targeted
verified with WHOIS. Included programmatic display, but
browser. Associates with Target on Google, social media and
in N.RICH database. not on Google, Facebook or
Account. Generated by N.Rich. programmatic display
N.Rich vs. Account-Based Advertising channels

The report is based on N.Rich analysis and client interviews conducted in Q1-Q2 2020

ABM Target Acc. Verified target Account Primary target Account Click
Advertising Channel
CPC Verification Rate account CPC* Targeting verification method

N.Rich ABM 1 $3.3 67% $4.9 Cookie Cookie and IP Address (cookieless)

LinkedIn Ads $5.6 6% $93.5 Registration Form fill

Prog. Display: IP / Cookie $53.0 74% $71.6 IP Address IP Address / Cookie

Demandbase ABM $25.0 78% $32.1 IP Address IP Address

Terminus 2 $31.0 72% $43.1 None IP Address

* Verified target account click means it can be attributed to a specific target account
1 N.Rich data includes average campaign metrics from Google Responsive Display, Facebook, and Programmatic display as ABM channels
2 Terminus analysis was based on just one client interview

" Finally a solution to get high volumes of target account clicks "

CONFIDENTIAL: For internal use only. Do not share with 3rd parties, such as vendors, agencies or consultants.
N.Rich vs. Terminus ABM

Channels limited to Programmatic Target on Google + social media +

display, no cookie-based targeting Programmatic with display ads and
native content

Limited volume of delivered results, Guaranteed thousands of clicks and

based on impressions engagements every month

No free trial and long-term One-month free Trial, 3-month

commitment commitment after that

Managed service provider with a Self-service platform where you

“black box” advertising approach manage everything yourself

Keyword-based 3rd party intent data 1st party intent data collected from
millions of websites

CONFIDENTIAL: For internal use only. Do not share with 3rd parties, such as vendors, agencies or consultants.
Case: N.Rich vs. Demandbase CPC/CPE comparison

CONFIDENTIAL: For internal use only. Do not share with 3rd parties, such as vendors, agencies or consultants.
N.Rich vs. Terminus ABM

Channels limited to Programmatic Target on Google + social media +

display + LinkedIn Sponsored Content Programmatic with display ads and
native content

Limited volume of delivered results, Guaranteed thousands of clicks and

based on impressions engagements every month

No free trial and long-term One-month free Trial, 3-month

commitment commitment after that

Poor coverage outside the US Covers US, Europe and rest of the world
with no limitation

Integrates with Bombora’s intent data You can generate your own 1st party
intent data, 100x more vs Bombora

CONFIDENTIAL: For internal use only. Do not share with 3rd parties, such as vendors, agencies or consultants.
N.Rich vs. Terminus ABM

Channels limited to Programmatic Target on Google + social media +

display retargeting Programmatic with display ads and
native content

Limited volume of delivered results, Guaranteed thousands of clicks and

CPM model engagements every month with
multi-channel ads

No sales attribution and limited Real-time attribution with Salesforce

analytics accounts, multiple analytics dashboards
on account and cookie levels

No intent data You can generate your own 1st party

intent data, 100x more vs Bombora

CONFIDENTIAL: For internal use only. Do not share with 3rd parties, such as vendors, agencies or consultants.

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