SMP6: Brookdale Elementary School Library Media Center: Planning Assignment Ballard-Crawford-Jordan

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SMP6: Brookdale Elementary School Library Media Center: Planning Assignment


FRIT 7331 Dr. Purcell

SMP6 Section VI:Planning Assignment 2

Long Range Goal #1:

Increase the collaboration between the media specialist, teachers, and community leaders through
various outreach activities.


The media specialist collaborates with administrators and teachers, but they also collaborate beyond
the school and it’s school system. AASL states that collaborates with an extended team that
includes parents, members of the community, museums, academic and public libraries, municipal
services, private organizations, and commercial entities to include their expertise and assistance in
inquiry lessons and units (AASL, 2009, p. 35). Some ways to meet the goal is to invite community
leaders and authors to the school and with the outcome to provide a learning experience through a
variety of activities. Some activities to would be hosting a puppet shows and poetry slams in the
media center. Partnering with local universities to have college students read to the primary grade
level. The local museum will come and provide an in-house field trip by bringing in animals, art
work, and portable exhibits.

Objectives Evaluation

a. Form a committee that meets monthly to a. The committee will have scheduled
plan events and activities. This monthly meetings. An accurate record of
committee should include the following attendance will be kept by the media
personnel: specialist. The media specialist will also
1. Library Media Specialist keep track of the minutes and share those
2. Student Representative minutes with administration during
3. Teacher Representative planning time. This will be done
4. Parent Representative monthly.
5. Community Representative

b. Create and distribute a monthly b. Ensure that the newsletter and calendar
newsletter and calendar that features are accessible virtually. Media specialist
information about events that are taking will make sure that newsletter and
place inside the media center. The calendar is current and will submit a
newsletter and calendar will be featured copy to for review to administration.
in multiple languages. Updates will be made monthly.

c. Plan and implement community events c. Keep a accurate record of students, staff,
that center around the library and the teachers, administration, parents, and
resources that the media center offers. community members that attend events
by having a sign in sheet for each group.
Record and chart how many of each
group are participating in media center
events. Analyze all collected data
annually after each event and submit to
administration for review. Use data to
inform future activities and events.
SMP6 Section VI:Planning Assignment 3

Long Range Goal #2

The media specialist will create a warm and inviting environment that is conducive to a 21st century
learning commons area.


The media specialist will creates a friendly, comfortable, well-lit, aesthetically pleasing, and
ergonomic space that is centrally located and well integrated with the rest of the school (AASL,
2009, p. 58). Some examples of flexible seating would include, but is not limited to, bean bags,
sofas, rocking chairs, fun-twisty stools, and a brand new multi-purpose style loft. Flexible seating
not only influences reading, it also enhances one’s overall experience in a school media center.
Empowering Learners mentions that the media specialist will “creates an environment that is
conducive to active and participatory learning, resource-based learning, and collaboration with
teaching staff (AASL, 2009, p. 58). In order for the learning commons to be formed, there will to
be a survey asking questions to meet the needs of both teachers and students. The survey would
address flexible seating options, media center theme, and open for suggestions. AASL states that
the media center would provides space and seating that enhances and encourages technology use,
leisure reading and browsing, and use of materials in all formats (AASL, 2009, p. 58).

Objectives Evaluation

a. Implement a survey for faculty and a. Students and faculty will receive a copy
students to determine how to make the of the data collected from the survey.
media center space more inviting The data will be analyzed and
modifications will be considered by

b. Update the physical space and implement b. The furniture and overall physical space
flexible seating to accommodate faculty of the media center will be evaluated
and students by adding bean bags, annually for any wear and tear or
bungee chairs, and a loft. updates needed.

c. Ensure that the physical space of the media c. The floor plan will be evaluated annually
center is accessible and conducive for all to see if any changes need to be made in
students with IEP’s, and 504 plans. order to adapt to student and teacher

Long Range Goal #3

The media specialist would train students and teachers to become proficient users of technology


Most students know how to login a computer, laptop, iPad, or tablet, but once they are on they may
not have knowledge or be familiar with navigating to locate new websites, apps, or icons to increase
SMP6 Section VI:Planning Assignment 4

their learning opportunities. The media specialist will train the teachers on everything the students
will have access to through a professional development which could be scheduled during their
weekly staff development, or as needed. The goal is to provide teachers with technical options to
use to within the classroom to drive learning. The American Association of School Librarians state
that ethical behavior in the use of information must be taught. AASL also mention n this
increasingly global world of information, students must be taught to seek diverse perspectives,
gather and use information ethically, and use social tools responsibly and safely (AASL, 2009, p.

Objectives Evaluation

a. Implement monthly professional a. All teachers will be required to provide

development opportunities for teachers to administration with a copy of their
receive training on various technology course completion certificate monthly.

b. Implement a technology club for students b. The technology club will have scheduled
to learn how to use technology resources. weekly meetings with an accurate record
Those students can become peer of agendas and attendance reported by
technology mentors for other students club facilitators.The club facilitators will
also keep track of the minutes and share
those minutes as needed. Data will be
collected and evaluated on a weekly

c. Classes can schedule time to come to the c. The media specialist will send out a class
media center to receive whole group sign-up sheet via Google Forms. The
instruction on how to operate and teachers choose an available date and
navigate various technology programs time for their class to visit the media
center for whole group instruction.
Students will be assessed on their
knowledge on navigating various
technology programs. The Google Form
will be sent out weekly and adjustments
will be made based on needs.

Long Range Goal #4

Enhance and improve the preservation of library materials by digitizing the school library.


Since teachers encourage students to use their creativity to draw or write about a text, they would
have an opportunity to be a 21st century learners and use a variety of technological resources.
Empowering Learners mention that educators can bring topics to life through web-based
assignments that incorporate a multitude of online resources, including subject-related photographs,
video, and audio (AASL, 2009, p. 14). Students will use these learning tools to complete a range of
SMP6 Section VI:Planning Assignment 5

tasks, including conducting research. Empowering Learners state that digital technologies have
created endless opportunities for innovative teaching and learning (AASL, 2009, p. 14). Another
benefit of digitizing the media center would be for teachers and staff to have access to the materials
anywhere. This goal his supportive by having access virtually anywhere is significantly resourceful.

Objectives Evaluation

a. Purchase digital copies of several books a. Media specialist will conduct an audit on
throughout the library. the libraries resources to see what they
do and do not have physical copies of.
Based on audit media specialist will
purchase new digital resources. Media
specialist will perform this audit twice a
year until majority of resources can be
accessed virtually.

b. Purchase program that will allow patrons b. Patrons will be provided with user logins
to access digital resources during and to access this program. It will be
after school hours. monitored by the media specialist. The
media specialist will use the data to
determine who between parents,
students, and faculty has accessed the
site the most frequently, as well as, what
times of the day are the peak hours for
usage. This data will be shared
accordingly with the staff and students.
Data evaluation will be checked

c. Purchase new technology resources to be c. Media specialist will implement a school

featured in the media center for patrons wide survey that will collect data and
to use throughout the instructional day as inform on which technology resources
well as resources that can be checked out are most used and most needed. Based
and taken home for use. tion on data the Media specialist will use
funds from the budget to purchase new
resources. All data will be submitted to
administration for approval. Evaluation
of technology resources will take place
at the beginning of the school year, mid
school year, and at the end of the year.
SMP6 Section VI:Planning Assignment 6


American Association of School Librarians. (2009). Empowering Learners. Chicago: American

Library Association.

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