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Policy statement

Economic inclusion of refugees

Honorable world community! We, the delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany,
understand the urgency of the problem on the Agenda, its causes and consequences. Our
government approves of any measures taken by the international community, the United Nations
to find solutions to this problem.
Speaking about the Agenda, we want to draw your attention to the fact that our country during
the migration crisis of 2015-2016. showed the effectiveness of an active migration policy. Then
many did not support us and even condemned us, but now we have a living result that such a
policy works. The influx of refugees turned into an influx of strength for our economy. 49% of
the last wave of refugees found a permanent job within five years. If we count both those who
work on a full-time basis and full-time, and those who are employed part-time, then it turns out
that 68% of refugees who came to Germany in 2013 and later have a job.
The positive dynamics is largely due to the fact that the authorities of our state began to pay
great attention to language courses and various integration programs, on which a lot of funds
have been spent in recent years. However, we believe that these funds are a contribution to the
future of our country, the future of the EU and the entire world community. We call on the entire
world community to implement the concept of “equal burden sharing” in the migration issue. We
strongly condemn the policy of some EU states at a very difficult time for the entire world
community, namely the violation of one of the basic principles on freedom of movement.
We do not deny such threats to national security as the growth of illegal actions, Islamization,
additional financial burden, the increased terrorist threat, which we faced during the crisis events
of 2015-2016.
We believe that our experience should be of interest to the entire world community and can
potentially be taken into account when shaping the migration policy of other states, especially in
the current epidemiological situation. Now, in order to contain the COVID-19 coronavirus
pandemic, migration policy has temporarily slowed down. However, we believe that it is
necessary to act. Our Delegation hopes for productive meetings and finding a solution to this
problem. We want to once again call on the entire world community to the principle of
We are honored to be part of today's committee, and we are ready to do everything to have
productive meetings with our fellow delegates.

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