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Higher Technological Institute of Felipe Carrillo Puerto

Pre-Intermediate English

Name: Jesus Gabriel Che Xool Group: “VE”


1. complete the sentences below by writing the -ing form of the verbs in the box.
Make Stand Drive Ignore Receive

A. ___Driving______ for a long time without a rest is dangerous.

B. __Standing______ in the rain can give you a cold.
C. ___Ignoring______ a red stop sign is dangerous.
D. ___Receiving___ presents is nice, but giving presents is nicer.
E. __Making____ mistakes in English helps you learn.
2. Match the parts of the sentences in the left column with the parts of sentences in the
right column.
1. If you eat an apple a day, A. It will rain when you get
2. If you find a four-leaf married.
clover, B. Tomorrow’s weather will be
3. If you need a red sky at good.
night, C. You won’t need to see a
4. If you see a red sky in the doctor.
morning D. You’ll have a good luck.
5. If you eat right from a pan, E. There’ll be a bad weather later.

3. You are going to talk about superstition that you know about. Complete the information
1. What is the superstition about (an animal/ a thing/ an action)?
R= The black cats that pass on the road

2. Is the superstition about something lucky or unlucky?

R= Bad luck
3. Do many people know about it?
R= A fifth percent of the population
4. Do you believe it?
R= Usually

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