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Answer the following questions:

- Do rich people care about inequality? No because they have live resolved with money
- How is Godwin´s day? They work in the management of garbage
- How does Pierre Simmons translate the recycle bags? By a supermarket car
- How does he define being happy?
independence and not having to depend on another and having peace with god
- What is a homeless person according to Simmons?

- What does matter to lift people out of poverty?

Education, health, work
- How many Americans live in poverty?
40 million
- How is NYC described in the documentary?
City with inequality
- What does Robin Nagle say about trash?
You can win money with this
- How does she explain the food challenge?
Some people didn’t have food to eat so they go to find in the garbage some food
- Which are the two sides of human prosperity?
- One side a beans because need food, education, home and the other side was a blue
marble with a nature environment
- How does Simmons describe the American society in terms of mental issues?

Finally give your opinion about inequality.

I think that all the people need attention but must if they suffer inequality like Simmons, but I
think that this is nit the way to win money because at the day we have a lot of forms to study and
then work.

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