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PART 133—SECONDARY and maintenance (§ 133.

101(f)) of the treatment

TREATMENT REGULATION works exceed the minimum level of the effluent
quality set forth in §§ 133.102(a) and 133.102(b),
Sec. (2) A trickling filter or waste stabilization pond
133.100 Purpose. is used as the principal process, and
133.101 Definitions. (3) The treatment works provide significant bio-
133.102 Secondary treatment. logical treatment of municipal wastewater.
133.103 Special considerations. (h) mg/l. Milligrams per liter.
133.104 Sampling and test procedures. (i) NPDES. National Pollutant Discharge Elimi-
133.105 Treatment equivalent to secondary treatment.
nation System.
AUTHORITY: Secs. 301(b)(1)(B), 304(d)(1), 304(d)(4), (j) Percent removal. A percentage expression of
308, and 501 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act the removal efficiency across a treatment plant for
as amended by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act a given pollutant parameter, as determined from
Amendments of 1972, the Clean Water Act of 1977, and
the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Construction Grant
the 30-day average values of the raw wastewater
Amendments of 1981; 33 U.S.C. 1311(b)(1)(B), 1314(d) influent pollutant concentrations to the facility and
(1) and (4), 1318, and 1361; 86 Stat. 816, Pub. L. 92– the 30-day average values of the effluent pollutant
500; 91 Stat. 1567, Pub. L. 95–217; 95 Stat. 1623, Pub. concentrations for a given time period.
L. 97–117. (k) Significant biological treatment. The use of
SOURCE: 49 FR 37006, Sept. 20, 1984, unless other- an aerobic or anaerobic biological treatment proc-
wise noted. ess in a treatment works to consistently achieve a
30-day average of a least 65 percent removal of
§ 133.100 Purpose. BOD5.
(l) SS. The pollutant parameter total suspended
This part provides information on the level of
effluent quality attainable through the application
(m) Significantly more stringent limitation
of secondary or equivalent treatment.
means BOD5 and SS limitations necessary to meet
the percent removal requirements of at least 5 mg/
§ 133.101 Definitions. l more stringent than the otherwise applicable con-
Terms used in this part are defined as follows: centration-based limitations (e.g., less than 25 mg/
(a) 7-day average. The arithmetic mean of pol- l in the case of the secondary treatment limits for
lutant parameter values for samples collected in a BOD5 and SS), or the percent removal limitations
period of 7 consecutive days. in §§ 133.102 and 133.105, if such limits would,
(b) 30-day average. The arithmetic mean of pol- by themselves, force significant construction or
lutant parameter values of samples collected in a other significant capital expenditure.
period of 30 consecutive days. (n) State Director means the chief administra-
(c) Act. The Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 tive officer of any State or interstate agency oper-
et seq., as amended). ating an ‘‘approved program,’’ or the delegated
(d) BOD. The five day measure of the pollutant representative of the State Director.
parameter biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).
[49 FR 37006, Sept. 20, 1984; 49 FR 40405, Oct. 16,
(e) CBOD5. The five day measure of the pollut- 1984, as amended at 50 FR 23387, June 3, 1985]
ant parameter carbonaceous biochemical oxygen
demand (CBOD5).
(f) Effluent concentrations consistently achiev- § 133.102 Secondary treatment.
able through proper operation and maintenance. The following paragraphs describe the minimum
(1) For a given pollutant parameter, the 95th per- level of effluent quality attainable by secondary
centile value for the 30-day average effluent qual- treatment in terms of the parameters—BOD5, SS
ity achieved by a treatment works in a period of and pH. All requirements for each parameter shall
at least two years, excluding values attributable to be achieved except as provided for in §§ 133.103
upsets, bypasses, operational errors, or other un- and 133.105.
usual conditions, and (2) a 7-day average value (a) BOD5.
equal to 1.5 times the value derived under para- (1) The 30-day average shall not exceed 30 mg/
graph (f)(1) of this section. l.
(g) Facilities eligible for treatment equivalent to (2) The 7-day average shall not exceed 45 mg/
secondary treatment. Treatment works shall be eli- l.
gible for consideration for effluent limitations de- (3) The 30-day average percent removal shall
scribed for treatment equivalent to secondary treat- not be less than 85 percent.
ment (§ 133.105), if: (4) At the option of the NPDES permitting au-
(1) The BOD5 and SS effluent concentrations thority, in lieu of the parameter BOD5 and the lev-
consistently achievable through proper operation els of the effluent quality specified in paragraphs

§ 133.103
(a)(1), (a)(2) and (a)(3), the parameter CBOD5 gable waters, and (2) the flow or loading of such
may be substituted with the following levels of the pollutants introduced by the industrial category ex-
CBOD5 effluent quality provided: ceeds 10 percent of the design flow or loading of
(i) The 30-day average shall not exceed 25 mg/ the publicly owned treatment works. When such
l. an adjustment is made, the values for BOD5 or SS
(ii) The 7-day average shall not exceed 40 mg/ in
l. §§ 133.102(a)(2), 133.102(a)(4)(ii), § 133.102(b)
(iii) The 30-day average percent removal shall (2), 133.105(a)(2), 133.105(b)(2), and
not be less than 85 percent. 133.105(e)(1)(ii) should be adjusted proportion-
(b) SS. (1) The 30-day average shall not exceed ately.
30 mg/l. (c) Waste stabilization ponds. The Regional Ad-
(2) The 7-day average shall not exceed 45 mg/ ministrator, or, if appropriate, State Director sub-
l. ject to EPA approval, is authorized to adjust the
(3) The 30-day average percent removal shall minimum levels of effluent quality set forth in
not be less than 85 percent. § 133.105 (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) for treatment
(c) pH. The effluent values for pH shall be works subject to this part, to conform to the SS
maintained within the limits of 6.0 to 9.0 unless concentrations achievable with waste stabilization
the publicly owned treatment works demonstrates ponds, provided that: (1) Waste stablization ponds
that: (1) Inorganic chemicals are not added to the are the principal process used for secondary treat-
waste stream as part of the treatment process; and ment; and (2) operation and maintenance data in-
(2) contributions from industrial sources do not dicate that the SS values specified in § 133.105
cause the pH of the effluent to be less than 6.0 or (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) cannot be achieved. The
greater than 9.0. term ‘‘SS concentrations achievable with waste
stabilization ponds’’ means a SS value, determined
[49 FR 37006, Sept. 20, 1984; 49 FR 40405, Oct. 16,
by the Regional Administrator, or, if appropriate,
State Director subject to EPA approval, which is
equal to the effluent concentration achieved 90
§ 133.103 Special considerations. percent of the time within a State or appropriate
(a) Combined sewers. Treatment works subject contiguous geographical area by waste stabiliza-
to this part may not be capable of meeting the per- tion ponds that are achieving the levels of effluent
centage removal requirements established under quality for BOD5 specified in § 133.105(a)(1). [cf.
§§ 133.102(a)(3) and 133.102(b)(3), or 43 FR 55279].
§§ 133.105(a)(3) and 133.105(b)(3) during wet (d) Less concentrated influent wastewater for
weather where the treatment works receive flows separate sewers. The Regional Administrator or, if
from combined sewers (i.e., sewers which are de- appropriate, State Director is authorized to
signed to transport both storm water and sanitary substitute either a lower percent removal require-
sewage). For such treatment works, the decision ment or a mass loading limit for the percent re-
must be made on a case-by-case basis as to wheth- moval requirements set forth in §§ 133.102(a)(3),
er any attainable percentage removal level can be 133.102(a)(4)(iii), 133.102(b)(3), 102.105(a)(3)
defined, and if so, what the level should be. , 133.105(b)(3) and 133.105(e)(1)(iii) provided
(b) Industrial wastes. For certain industrial that the permittee satisfactorily demonstrates that:
categories, the discharge to navigable waters of (1) The treatment works is consistently meeting, or
BOD5 and SS permitted under sections will consistently meet, its permit effluent con-
301(b)(1)(A)(i), (b)(2)(E) or 306 of the Act may centration limits but its percent removal require-
be less stringent than the values given in ments cannot be met due to less concentrated in-
§§ 133.102(a)(1), 133.102(a)(4)(i), 133.102(b)(1), fluent wastewater, (2) to meet the percent removal
133.105(a)(1), 133.105(b)(1) and 133.105(e)(1)(i). requirements, the treatment works would have to
In cases when wastes would be introduced from achieve significantly more stringent limitations
such an industrial category into a publicly owned than would otherwise be required by the con-
treatment works, the values for BOD5 and SS in centration-based standards, and (3) the less con-
§§ 133.102(a)(1), 133.102(a)(4)(i), 133.102(b)(1) centrated influent wastewater is not the result of
, 133.105(a)(1), 133.105(b)(1), and excessive I/I. The determination of whether the
133.105(e)(1)(i) may be adjusted upwards pro- less concentrated wastewater is the result of exces-
vided that: (1) The permitted discharge of such sive I/I will use the definition of excessive I/I in
pollutants, attributable to the industrial category, 40 CFR 35.2005(b)(16) plus the additional cri-
would not be greater than that which would be terion that inflow is nonexcessive if the total flow
permitted under sections 301(b)(1)(A)(i), to the POTW (i.e., wastewater plus inflow plus in-
301(b)(2)(E) or 306 of the Act if such industrial filtration) is less than 275 gallons per capita per
category were to discharge directly into the navi- day.

§ 133.105
(e) Less concentrated influent wastewater for § 133.103, or paragraphs (d), (e) or (f) of this sec-
combined sewers during dry weather. The Re- tion.
gional Administrator or, if appropriate, the State (a) BOD5. (1) The 30-day average shall not ex-
Director is authorized to substitute either a lower ceed 45 mg/l.
percent removal requirement or a mass loading (2) The 7-day average shall not exceed 65 mg/
limit for the percent removal requirements set l.
forth in §§ 133.102(a)(3), (3) The 30-day average percent removal shall
133.102(a)(4)(iii), 133.102(b)(3), 133.105(a)(3), not be less than 65 percent.
133.105(b)(3) and 133.105(e)(1)(iii) provided that (b) SS. Except where SS values have been ad-
the permittee satisfactorily demonstrates that: (1) justed in accordance with § 133.103(c):
The treatment works is consistently meeting, or (1) The 30-day average shall not exceed 45 mg/
will consistently meet, its permit effluent con- l.
centration limits, but the percent removal require- (2) The 7-day average shall not exceed 65 mg/
ments cannot be met due to less concentrated in- l.
fluent wastewater; (2) to meet the percent removal (3) The 30-day average percent removal shall
requirements, the treatment works would have to not be less than 65 percent.
achieve significantly more stringent effluent con- (c) pH. The requirements of § 133.102(c) shall
centrations than would otherwise be required by be met.
the concentration-based standards; and (3) the less (d) Alternative State requirements. Except as
concentrated influent wastewater does not result limited by paragraph (f) of this section, and after
from either excessive infiltration or clear water in- notice and opportunity for public comment, the
dustrial discharges during dry weather periods. Regional Administrator, or, if appropriate, State
The determination of whether the less concentrated Director subject to EPA approval, is authorized to
wastewater results from excessive infiltration is adjust the minimum levels of effluent quality set
discussed in 40 CFR 35.2005(b)(28), plus the ad- forth in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), (b)(1) and (b)(2)
ditional criterion that either 40 gallons per capita of this section for trickling filter facilities and in
per day (gpcd) or 1500 gallons per inch diameter paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section for
per mile of sewer (gpdim) may be used as the waste stabilization pond facilities, to conform to
threshold value for that portion of the dry weather the BOD5 and SS effluent concentrations consist-
base flow attributed to infiltration. If the less con- ently achievable through proper operation and
centrated influent wastewater is the result of clear maintenance (§ 133.101(f)) by the median (50th
water industrial discharges, then the treatment percentile) facility in a representative sample of
works must control such discharges pursuant to 40 facilities within a State or appropriate contiguous
CFR part 403. geographical area that meet the definition of facili-
ties eligible for treatment equivalent to secondary
[49 FR 37006, Sept. 20, 1984, as amended at 50 FR treatment (§ 133.101(g)).
23387, June 3, 1985; 50 FR 36880, Sept. 10, 1985; 54
FR 4228, Jan. 27, 1989] (The information collection requirements contained in this
rule have been approved by OMB and assigned control
number 2040–0051.)
§ 133.104 Sampling and test proce-
dures. (e) CBOD5 limitations:
(a) Sampling and test procedures for pollutants (1) Where data are available to establish
listed in this part shall be in accordance with CBOD5 limitations for a treatment works subject
guidelines promulgated by the Administrator in 40 to this section, the NPDES permitting authority
CFR part 136. may substitute the parameter CBOD5 for the pa-
(b) Chemical oxygen demand (COD) or total or- rameter BOD5 In §§ 133.105(a)(1), 133.105(a)(2)
ganic carbon (TOC) may be substituted for BOD5 and 133.105(a)(3), on a case-by-case basis pro-
when a long-term BOD:COD or BOD:TOC cor- vided that the levels of CBOD5 effluent quality
relation has been demonstrated. are not less stringent than the following:
(i) The 30-day average shall not exceed 40 mg/
§ 133.105 Treatment equivalent to sec- (ii) The 7-days average shall not exceed 60 mg/
ondary treatment. l.
This section describes the minimum level of ef- (iii) The 30-day average percent removal shall
fluent quality attainable by facilities eligible for not be less than 65 percent.
treatment equivalent to secondary treatment (2) Where data are available, the parameter
(§ 133.101(g)) in terms of the parameters—BOD5, CBOD5 may be used for effluent quality limita-
SS and pH. All requirements for the specified pa- tions established under paragraph (d) of this sec-
rameters in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this sec- tion. Where concurrent BOD effluent data are
tion shall be achieved except as provided for in available, they must be submitted with the CBOD

§ 133.105
data as a part of the approval process outlined in the treatment works, would enable the treatment
paragraph (d) of this section. works to achieve more stringent limitations, or
(f) Permit adjustments. Any permit adjustment (2) For new facilities, the permitting authority
made pursuant to this part may not be any less determines that the 30-day average and 7-day av-
stringent than the limitations required pursuant to erage BOD5 and SS effluent values that could be
§ 133.105(a)–(e). Furthermore, permitting authori- achievable through proper operation and mainte-
ties shall require more stringent limitations when nance of the treatment works, considering the de-
adjusting permits if: (1) For existing facilities the sign capability of the treatment process and geo-
permitting authority determines that the 30-day av- graphical and climatic conditions, would enable
erage and 7-day average BOD5 and SS effluent the treatment works to achieve more stringent lim-
values that could be achievable through proper op- itations.
eration and maintenance of the treatment works, [49 FR 37006, Sept. 20, 1984; 49 FR 40405, Oct. 16,
based on an analysis of the past performance of 1984]

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