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• Design a bell mouth canal intake for a city of 70,000

persons drawing water from a canal which runs only for 10
hrs. a day with a depth of 1.6 m. Also calculate the head loss
in the intake conduit if the treatment plant is 0.5 km away.
Assume average consumption per person= 160 l/d. Assume
the velocity through the screens and bell mouth to be 0.15
m/s and 0.3 m/s respectively.
• Discharge required by the city
= 70000 x 160 (Population x rate of supply)
= 11,200,000
11.2 MLD (Million litre per day)
Since the canal only runs for 10 hrs. a day, this whole daily
flow is required to be drain in 10 hrs.
Therefore the Intake load= 11.2 = 1.12 ML/Hour
= 1.12 x 10 6 m3 / hr....
10 3
1.12 x 10 3 m3 /sec
60 x 60
= 0.311 m3 /sec
Design of Coarse Screen
• Area of Coarse Screen = Discharge
Velocity through the screen
Velocity through the screen = 0.15 m /sec
Area of the coarse screen = 0.311 = 2.075 m 2
Assume the minimum water level is 0.3 m below the normal water level. The
bottom of the screen is kept at 0.15 m above the bed level. The top of screen is kept
at minimum level
Therefore available height= 1.6 – 0.3- 0.15
= 1.15 m
Minimum length of the screen= 2.075 = 1.80 m
Canal Intake
Assume the clear opening between vertical bars to be 30 mm each we have
• Number of opening = 1.8 = 60
Therefore no of bars= 59
Assume the dia of bar as 20 mm
Length occupied by the bar of 20 mm = 59 x 0.02
= 1.18 m
Therefore length of screen= 1.8 + 1.18
= 2.98
Say 3 m
Hence provide coarse screen of length 3.0 m and height 1.15 in rectangular intake
Canal Intake
Design of Bell Mouth Entry
• Area of Bell mouth entry = Discharge
Velocity through the bell mouth
= 0.311
= 1.037 m 2
Diameter d of the bell mouth entry as
= ∏ d 2 = 1.037
• D={ 4 x 1.037} 1/2

= 1.15 m
If the dia of small holes in the screen is assumed to be 15 mm (10 to 20mm).
Then area of each hole= ∏ x (0.015) 2

= 1.767 x 10 -4
Therefore number of holes on the bell mouth = Area of bell mouth
Area of one hole
= 1.037
1.767 x 10 -4
= 5868.2
Say 5869
Canal Intake
Design of Intake Conduit
• Assume Velocity of flow in the conduit as 1.5 m/sec
• Area of conduit required = Discharge
= 0.311 = 0.2073 m 2
Dia of pipe D will be
∏ D2 = 0.2073
= 0.514
Say 0.55 m
Canal Intake
• Flow velocity through this 0.55 m dia conduit will be
= V = Q = 0.311 = 1.31 m /sec
= ∏ x (0.55) 2

assume velocity of 1.5 m /sec

• Head loss through the conduit up-to treatment plant is calculated by using
Hazen William’s eq n
• V= 0.85 CH R 0.23 S 0.54
• Where ,
• CH= Coefficient of the Pipe
• = 130 for Cast Iron Pipe
• R= Hydraulic mean depth
• = d/4 ( for pipe running full)
• = 0.55 = 0.138 m
V= Velocity
S= Slope
• Therefore,
• 1.5 = 0.85 x 130 x (0.138 ) 0.63 S 0.64
• S 0.54 = 150
0.85 x 130 x (0.138) 0.63
= 0.047
S= (0.047) 1 /0.54
= 3.51 x 10 -3
Or 1 in 284.73
S= HL = Head Loss
L Length of Pipe
Length of pipe is equal to the distance of Intake from treatment plants 0.5 km =
500 m
HL= 3.51 x 10 -3 x 500
= 1.755 m
• Design a bell mouth canal Intake for a City of 1,00,000 persons
drawing water from a canal which runs for 10 hrs.. a day with a
depth of 2 m. Also calculate the head loss in the intake conduit if the
treatment works are 1 km away. Draw a neat sketch of canal Intake.
Assume average consumption per person= 150 l/day. Assume the
velocity through the screens and bell mouth to be less than 15 cm/sec
and 35 cm/sec
Canal Intake
Discharge through Intake
Daily Discharge= 150 x 1,00,000= 15,000,000 l/day
• Since the canal runs only for 10 hrs. per day.
• Intake Load/hr = 15,000,000 = 15,000,00 lit/hr
= 15,00 m3 /hr....
Q= 1500 = 0.4166 m3 /sec
60 x 60
Area of Coarse Screen I front of Intake
• Area of Screen= 0.4166= 2.777 m 2
Let the area occupied by solid bars by 30 % of the total area
Therefore the actual area= 3.96 m 2
Let us assume minimum water level at 0.3 m below normal water level. Also let us keep
bottom of the screen at 0.15 m above canal bed and top of screen at the minimum water
Available height of screen= 2- 0.3-0.15 = 1.55 m
Required length of screen= 3.96 = 2.55 m
Hence provide a length of 2.6 m
Hence provide a screen of 1.55 x 2.6 m
Design of Bell Mouth Entry
• Area of Bell mouth Ab= 0.4166 = 1.301 m 2
Dia db= { 1.301 x 4}1/2 = 1.65 m
Hence provide a bell mouth of 1.7 m dia
Design of Intake Conduit
• Let us assume a velocity of 1.5 m/sec in the conduit
• Dia of conduit D ={ 0.4166 x 4 } 1/2 = 0.35 m
1.5 x 3.14
However, provide 0.5 m dia, conduit, so that actual velocity of flow is
V = 0.4166 x 4 = 2.12 m/sec
3.14 x (0.5) 2
For head loss through the conduit
• V= 0.849 C R 0.63 S 0.54
• C= 130
• R= D/4 = 0.5 /4 = 0.125
• Hence Slope S of the energy line,
• 2.12 = 0.849 (130) (0.125) 0.63 S 0.54
• S= 7.533 x 10 -3
• S= HL/L
• HL= S x L= 7.53 m
Canal Intake

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