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solve the fame below, find the payoff for each player, their reaction function and the


There are three players in this game: the DRC Government, the Rwandan Government and the
Banyamulenge (DRC Congolese Tutsi). The game is played in two stages. In Stage 1, the three
players simultaneously choose a military good unit to produce Mi (Mc; Mr; Mb) as an enforcement
attempt. In stage 2, each player decides whether to go to war or to take part in talks with a view to a
negotiated settlement. Bargaining and settlement will take effect once the sides want to bargain. Fight
can also be possible, depending on the dynamics of the political game and the circumstances. In
stage 2, a decision is made as to whether to fight. Obviously, in order for resolution to arise as a result
of balance, both parties would have to commit to a simple separation, but only one faction has to
decide to compete for an open conflict to emerge as a result. The players choose their military goods
then make a decision between war or bargain/settlement for peace.
The players can choose between war and bargain for armed peace. I elaborate the strategies and
potential gain/loss further below:
1. DRC government: Bargain with the Banyamulenge to accept them as Congolese which realise
national unity which create the condition for economic development or reject/war them and gain civil
unrest/balkanization and a potential war with Rwandan government
2. Rwandan government: Use the Banyamulenge to stir civil conflict and gain mineral (Coltan, Cobalt)
or go war alone or Congo resources and DRC territories while losing international credibility or do not
use the Banyamulenge keeping the peace with DRC as well as their international credibility. I assume
that Rwandans are not interested in assimilating the Banyamulenge in their population and are only
interested in minerals
3. Banyamulenge: Join Rwanda for civil unrest in DRC or Stay Congolese or create their own state. I
assume that if they join Rwanda, they lose their status as Congolese and end up with no nations as
Rwandan government only want minerals

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