Our Town November 16, 1928

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303 N. Narbert . ':' ',' :


Narberth, Pa., Friday, November 16, 1928 NUCE, THllEE CENTS

Vol. XV, No.7

Bygone Days at 91 st Banquet LEGION BANQUET NOW UNDER WAY Two women--each 94 years old-
cast their first vote on election day.
and Herbert Hoover was the rea-
son In both cases. •
Oysters and Reminiscences Talked at 91st Annual Affair Brings a Big Hundred Per Cent. Enroll- Mrs. Sarah S. Baker. 323 Llan- Recommendation Accompan-
drillo road. Cynwyd. mother of
Feature Reunion of Turnout to Hear Fine ment Sought Frou Boro Mrs. Thomas J. Sinclair. same ad- ies Presentation of 1929
dress. cast her vote at 1.30 P. M, Budget.
Horse Lovers. Program. Residents. In the Cynwyd polling place.
Originally from Rhinebeck. N. Y ••
she has made Cynwyd her resl· LIBRARY GETS GRANT
recently took a trip to CaUfornla
"A nation's' power for good is in The \Vomen's Community Club and bllck. Her cousin was a ser- :-\ cut in the borough tax rate of
Horses and oysters were the geant in the Civil War.
consuming topics at a meeting of direct proportion to the respect in
is acting in behalf of this greatest I The other nonagenarian who
cast her first vote a week ago Tues-
one mill is forescen as a·result of
<' recommendation by the Finance
Lower Merion's oldest and long- which it is held by other nations."
1\'1other-the American Red Cross I day-and went Republican-was
Mrs, Deborah L. Johnson. of the Committee of Council last Tues-
est-.amed organization, held in Thus spoke General E. E. Booth,-in soliciting memberships in Windsor-Essex. Narberth. day night at its November meet-
Masonic Hall, Ardmore. Saturday assistant chief of staff of the United
Narberth, and is most anxious to ing. The recommendation follow-'
night, The occasion was the States Army and its second rank-
clchieve a J 00 per cent. enrollment. ed the presentation of the 1!)2!)
ninety-first annual banquet of the ing officer, at the annual banquet
The co-operation of the residents,
Lower Merion Society for the Re- of the Harold D. Speakman 1:'ost
friends and merchants is making WATER GETS CLEAN budget which amounts to $8;l.;lO~),
or $400 more than for 1H28. The
covery of Stolen Horses and for
the Detection of Horse Thieves,
of the American Legion last Mon-possible the raising of the neces-
day night at the Community Build-
sary funds to carryon this great BILL FROM BORO recommendation of Mr. Kaeber's
committee was passed unanimous-
Very nearly 200 members of the ing. work-the work of national and ly by Council and now goes to the
association from all parts of the General Booth was only one ofil.ternational relief. The Red Cross Narberth Board of Health ,Jnl1l1ance and Law Committec.
Main Line were present. the distinguished guests present; or,
will not fail us in time of emergen· Gives Favorable Report whose duty it will be to draft an
Horses were the topic of as toastmaster and Commander W. cv if we do not fail the Red Cross. at Nov. Meeting. (l1(linance to the effect that the
Epeeches made by Attorney and Russell Green phrased it, he was . Membership may be had for $1- i~orough Tax Rate for I !)2H be I H
former State Senator Fletcher \V.
Stites, of Narberth; Attorney
the "chiefest of the chief speakers." *.i,
$10 and $;!;j and any amounts SLOAN
INVESTIGATED mills instead of 20.
Also present were jack Kelly, twice
between these figures are grate-
Francis S. Laws, of Cvnwvd; the Olympic champion in single sculls
fully recei\'ed as donations. For , Following the draft of the ordi-
Rev. James H. Feel: pastor of Former State Senator Fletcher W. and story teller par excellence; the
other details of the work call at fhe water scare of several nance it will come up for two
Grace Chapel, Oakmont, and ture speaker at the 9Ist banquet of
the L, M, S, for the R. of S. H, and the local, Red Cross headquartcrs ~'~eiks .ago, :~ne~l_t t~le safety, ~f hearings beiore it becomes bind-
Hon, Fletcher \V. Stites, orator
Luther C. Parsons, president of for the D, of H. T.. held In Masonic without a peer; Captain Duncan at 100 :\ arbcrth a venue or phone ",I I' ngheld \\ atc! use(~ by :\ ~I- j'lg, so then~ is still a possibility
the L. M. S. for the R. of S. H. Hall. Ardmore. Saturday night. :\ arberth ~ 12-1.
McN air, chaplain of the Philadel- ,Lerth ,and L(m:cr I\Ienon, \\ h leh li1at it may hc dcfeated. If al;-
Stites. Narberth. who was the fea-
cmd for the D. of H. T .. of whom phia Nav}' Yard, and the Rev. 'fl ,1' - '1' N C" 1:> was \"Irtllally dIspersed by the re- !Jru\'ed. it will he the second slice
1e .: lallm~n..,'\ r,s. , . '-0, \~- "ersal of the \'enlict of the Lower in the tax rate within the years, as
more anon, ~1~:r~~'arC~~rer~;~indle, 9 -year-old lcy.:\lJ s, \, , l .. Ne\\ man and 1\1 Is, Merion Board of II ealth nmcern- tile rate was chopped down frum
As for the oysters, they were
consumed raw; then stewed; then
CLUB WOMEN HAVE I H, A. Jacobs Will be at lo~al head· ing the bacterial COUllt, received an t-1 to '20 mills last lanuan',
Approximately 150 men sat down quarters , on~londays IJ"(~m I ~ additional death blow when the
with turkey and the usual fixings, COOKING LESSON to an excellent dinner served in fine 1'00n m.ltll ;! 1 '. ~I. to r~celve re- Narberth Board of Health, con- tion is particularlv sound at thc
The borough's financiai condi-
escalloped, and finally, after fashion by William T, Mclntyre. p~rts 01 the soltn~~r~. fhe 1'00111 (i.l1ding an independent ill\'estiga- present time, inasmuch as the
everyone had been offered addi- Delicious Foods Prepared and All the "fixings" from cigars to h open to the pubhc trom ] I A. M. t10n O'a\'e tile \ 'atel' ., -I I, '11
tional helpings by William T. Mc- nuts all(1 cand y were to be IJa. d to (,. I''. ;,' '1 . <al
!'I y. '1'1 lOse 111
'h c arge of health." ' t> h a c ean II floating debt has been wiped out;
Intyre's corps of assistants, fried
Given Away to Lucky therc is an unused balance of
Songs were led in rousing manner of the Red Cross room are Mrs. D' . ,
cvsters were served, Winners. by songleader George Mahl. :\eal C. Anderson. ~frs. Arthur _ r. G~orge ,-\. Sloan, prcsldent ~lO.()O() on the street paving bond
- President Parsons was re-elect- A past cOlllmander's mcdal was \ \', Bnrns. ~1 rs. Leroy C. Dou,rlas, 01 the N a_rberth Board of Health Issue program which will be avail-
ed to serve his thirteenth term PROGRAM WAS VARIED presented by Harry A, Simpson on l\Irs, \\'. Levis. :\[ rs. r. K. Lo~gh- and one ot t.!lOSC t? c<~nduct an in- able for next year; the assessment
at an election held in the after- behalf of the Post to Robert Carter 1111, Mrs, Harriet A. ~'fieusset. dependent 1I1vestlgatlon made a for next ycar will be at least equal
poon, Re-elected with him were On Tuesday, November t :1. the Collins, who preceded \V. Russell :\Irs. A. C. Staples, Mrs. Edwin C. !'epor~ tt~lereupon at the last meet- to this year's assessment and the
Vice President \\Taltcr Latch. \\'omen's Community Club had Green as head of the local Post. Town, Mrs. Pern° Redifer and IIlg 01 : Buard of Health on No, unused borrowing capacity of the
Gladwyne; Secretary Richard J. the pleasure of hearing and seeing The other former past command- :\Irs. H. Gerald V eneman n. vember h, at Elm H all. ~r. Sloa!1's borough at present amounts to
Hamilton. Ardmorc, and Trcas- ?II iss Vivian Schaal, of the Phila- ers present to the number of five or '1'1 "II ,... ."., _, . ' report was based on an 1I1spectlon ~W'7,OOO.
urer Dr. Herbert Arnold, also of (~elphia Electric Company, demon- . 1e to 0\\ 111:::, tel I'ItOl} "as not ul the Pickerin'" rescr' '. . The problems before the bor-
SIX were introduced by toastmaster mentiuned in the last week's list i 'hoenixville I't _"'Olll.'se \Ot' 11, neall,
Ardmore. I ~trate the preparation and preser- Green. . . . I _ ~I '" ..,..' s S 0 supp Y OUgl.l nll\\' are chiefly those of op-
Elect New Members. \'ation of foods. '1'1 R SI . 01 stl eets an< !1ames. ". ~nt:::,om- 111 Plckenng Creek and its tribu- eratIon an<1 maintenance, its plant,
,le .ev.... 1111dle, the lirst speak- cry a\'elllie will, be.so!lnte(! by tC',ries, and also his visit to the la- as it were (roads, sewers, etc.) is
New members were accepted There was installed in the club- er, recel:,ed a tremendous ovation, 1\lrs. Harold C. 1· el"lOn 11'0111 I' t'· f I 1:11 '1 d I' I .
into membership, as follows: room a spotless white kitchen after wlllch he told an amusing Iit- \\', , I t E _ _, ).1' _ \,'. _ ~ora ones 0 ~ t le 11 a e p lIa built, and in preparing the new
I .,. .. . " ,,~ nne" 00< _,' 0 sse,;" l\ ,ISS II' Suburban Water" Com 1 at budget the Finance CUllllliitlL...
George B. Matthews, Ardmore; eq.uip1l1ept¥ i!1c\:,-idin~,_ H.ot foin. t t e StOI). contall1mg a dIlemma Ill" gme-:t Douglass dnl! Nbss Ella Ross p., ' 1\1 '' , -' paJ. y
Alva L. Rogers, \\Tayne; Frank r~nge, elec~rtc refnge:ator and moral pllliosophy 'II t k I" 1~ N i l .II} n awr, and a statement fr0111 has allowed leeway for unforseen
. ' \\'1 a -e 1'0111 "ssex to ;, ar lert 1 a St'lte -h . -1' - I I t '
F. Titlow, Gladwyne; John C. btche~l cablllet and 1\'llss ~chaa! Captam McNair, the next slleak-, . M' _ '\If d '" R . k' " , •. , L enlls s a lora ory on SIX expenses which may crop up. 1t
. t I I fl' _ " a \ enue, IS.." re
.l L elll Ill" samples of water taken from Imb- w~s felt advisable, however, in
\Vinters' Charles Karcher Fair- herselt was a demonstration 01 er, t 0 Id a engt lOllS expellences t1'0111 Narberth to Price a \'enue I I' .
view; Cl~arIes V, Murphy, ~lerion ileat efficienc~'. Shc tol.<I the Chl!l- in tl ., t tl b I- f I ' IC an< pnvate places 111 tbe bor- falnless to the taxpayers, to cut
le n,1\ y a l e out rea" 0 t Ie and :\Irs. Russel Green from Price ough .
Golf Manor; William Atmore; women the hIstory behllld the lot- the tax rate to the lowest figure
war. " to J-j a verford a \'elllies. .:\lrs. F er- . ,
David Rafeld, Ardmore, and chen range from cave <lays .lad..:, Kelly" of the famous Phil- illl) will also include \\-vnnewood Dr, Sloan stated that he. regard- commensurable with an effi2ient
Leonidas Beck, Cynwyd, throug~l to oU,r first clay o\'en yet adelph,la famIly of. Kellys, . related a \'enue and \ \' vnne\vo;)(! Court. ed, th: method of collel'llUn. the and satisfactory running of the
Shortly after 6 P, 1\'1. the ban- 111 .use 111 MeXICO. And wl~at good how 1.t fel.t to ,:\"In an (Hympic Price a\'enne is "to be covered bv patrol111~ of the wa~er shed :~nd borough, and the Finance Com-
quet beg-an, with an opening thlllgs sh~ made all the tnne she c,hamplOnshlp. ., I () hear .the Star- the :\1 isses ~l:~mie and Odessa th~ abatlllg of any I1ll1sance, wl~lch mittee feels that this can be well
prayer by the Rev. A. C. Kan~ was talklllg, Floradora cake, a ~pangled Bam,ler played 111 a for- Stackhouse. Sabina avenue bv' m~ght paiute t.he supply: the PI~k­ accomplished on a rate of 1fl mills.
dream cake with a merangue elgn ~otll~try gIves you goose flesh," ~1 rs. f IowaI'd Cutter; M cetin"' el"ll~g Rcser,,:olr, t.he sedllllentatlOn In commenting on the state of
CONTINUED ON PAGE FIVE inches thick. and grilled ham with he said, 'and when I heard it being House Lane and \ \' illiams a\'enu~ baslll? al~d filtratIon beds ~nd the CONTINUED ON ~HE LAST PAGE
pineapple and many other 11O\'el 1~layed after 1 had crossed the finish h' Mrs. C. A. Hammer, and i'\'lrs. chlonna~1I1g system: and, III fact,
To Hold Festival and interesting dishes made before Ime at :\ntwerp and saw thc crowds (~eorge \ \'. 1\1 ichener will assist on the entIre plan~, IIlcluding the Legion Week Coming
The second annual Harvest Fes- the eves of the women. It was a CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO Elmwood avenue. ?torag~ ReserVOIr at Devon to be The week of Thanksgiving and
tival for the benefit of the King's cooking lesson that they will not 11l a highlY commcndable condi-
Daughters and Sons "Home for the soon forget. tion and th-at the precautions used particularly the three days immedi-
To Discuss School Armistice Day Service and taken in collection and the ately preceding it will bc celebrated
Aged" will be held Thursday, No- The foods prepared were given
vember 22, at the Home, 10 Sabine to the se\'eral women who were Methods and Activities Was Well Attended constant analysis of the water col- in the borough as American Legion
avenue. The Home will ue open lucky enough to have their name" The next re~ular meetin u ' of thc , The Armistice Day celebration lected at the laboratory in Bryn \\Teek. Plans are under way for an
all day and tea will be served at 2 drawn as the winners. :\'1iss :\!others' Cou~lci1 will be "held in last Sunday night at the N arherth :\lawr were all cunduci\'e to the observance which will live long in
o'clock. Any gifts will be greatly Schaal also gave many sugges- the Narberth School on 1\1 onda v Theater pro\'ed .to be a great suc- producing of "purc water" for the people's memories. The Narberth
appreciated, Fancy articles, cakes, tions for serving dainty drinks us- evening, November lfl, at 8 cuess. O\'er 700 residents of the ~nrrounding boroughs and town- Theater will be literally turned over
bread, pies, sanwwiches and coffee ing the ice cubes from the electric c'c1ock. The subject is "School borough turned out to this service ship. Certain difficulties present to the Post through the courtesy of
will be on sale. Donations of money refrigerator. One especially attrac- :\1 ethods and Adi\'ities." The \., hich was sponsored by the local themseh'es in the collection of wa- the management and a special pic-
are very acceptable and visits to the th'c was colored by using a rose r-rogram is in charge of Mr. post of the American Legion. ter in and about this localitv be- ture, "Four Sons," will be shown
for those three days when the en-
Home will be apprcciated. leaf in every cube. The audience (Jeorge 1-1. \Vilson. Principal of the The service, presided o\'er by cause much of the territory "{rom
was allowed to ask questions and School and a member of the He\'. Robert E. Keighton, took the which Springfield \Vater is ob- ti re proceeds will go to the local
Want Old Clothes many fine points were brought out Executi\'e Board of l'.Iothers' place of the usual Sunday night ~ained is from creeks draining' Post. Further announcements will
The Welfare Committee of the in the discussion. The women of Council. alid Miss Ida l'f unro. sen'ices in the various churches. 11'0111 lands frol11 which a large be made next week.
\~romen's Community Club of Nar- the COlllmunitv Club feel that a teacher and member of the Pro- An offering of $ltili was taken I~umber <?f cattle obtain pasturage.
berth is soliciting old clothing, some man is losing a great chance gram Committee of the Council. "hich was given to the disabled Such a difficulty would not obtain Goodfellowship Club
shoes, hats, etc., for distribution of securing a fine wiie and home This promises to be a most inter- \'eterans. inI a more mountainous section '1'1 le regu Iar 1110nt II
1 y meetmg. 0f
among the poor. Any contributions maker in not runnillg a way with er"ting meeting and all Narberth \\' 1ere grazing is not so prevalent. the Coml Fellowship Club of the
The Rev. JohnR. Hart, chaplain
p~rents are. in\'ited to be present.
will be received bv any of the fol- ~riss Schaal. of the Uni\'ersity of Pennsylvania, Howc\'cl", the resnlt of the watcr Narberth I'll, Eo Church will be held
Ihe at!raL'tI\'e poster on display in
lowing women, wllo will be glad to 1\1rs. Newman in her little talk \.. ho addressed the meeting, stres- ,.;hows that the difficulty is O\'er- at the home of Arthur F. Martin
sed the need of a uni\'ersal church come. His report also included a 21~ Forcst avenuc, at ::-; P. 1\1.:
call for them: Mrs. Dunlop, 209 on hooks said she would talk fast one 01 the store windows was
made by our art teacher. :\1 iss
Dudley; Mrs. Hartlc)', 4 12 I'laver- <lnd say \'ery little. However, she
(;assner. as one of the most vital that lay statcment from an authorized 'I'hnrsday. Novemuer 22, The
ford; Mrs. Joyce, II Narbrook told the women of the fine display State cl:cmist's laborator}' of six I ' "
before us at the present time. H-e .. I - t'I' f '. I 'msmess scsslon WIll open prompt-
park; Mrs. Kent, 119 Essex; Mrs. at tl'e Library of children's book~. The following children fulfilled "<1m p es ,I "en rom prJ \'a te 10m es 1\, at K 30 ( "1 ck I,IS
, 'soon as. I'1
also made an appeal for a whole- and lubli' I . NT - ' I, ) co. am
Lewis, 226 Essex; Mrs. Miller, 4 26 and of seve!·al.adult book~ of. till,s the requirements of the Vacation
hearted and genuine use of emo- , . 1_, c paces 111 ,f arbert!1. is over a social session and refresh-
Reading Club and will be awarded
Haverford; Mrs. Newman, 439 year. mentlonlllg types tor IIH\I- tions, citing the significance such fhls stdtement gave a clean bl11 1III en l' s WI'11 Ile enJoye(. . I j \11 mem-
Anthwyn; 1\'1I's. Gill. 216 Dudley. I
CO:-1TINUED ON THE I,AS'!, PAGE c~rtificates and prizes by Mrs, R.
1<, Wood. Cibrarian of the Nar- use had gained during the war, ~ON'l'INUED 0", 'rill<.: LAST PAGE I bel'S are urged to attend.
berth ~ommnnity Library: Shir- Lommunity singing was led by
Many Residents of the Main Line Are ley \ IIH·~nt. Betty Krauskop, bruce Carey, while \ViIliam Simp- When Is a School Not a School? Lower
Mary h,raukop and Elliot killS, i\'arberth Theater manager,
Listed in New Edition of "Who's Who" Morse. presided over the organ. The other Merion Takes Up Cudgels or Narberth f
A collaborated report of the i - arberth pastors participated in
The prominence of the Main Line I tion from their ranks. Included in Narberth's State appropriation' grades and not three as required'
section is reflected in the numbers of the education group are the presi- ~tate Parent Teachers' Conven- II~ un ity service,
the service making it a truly com-
for its public school was reduced and its teachers, of whom there ar~
its citizens listed in the new edition dents of Haverford and Bryn tl<;lIl recently held at Easton, Pa., $15 00 this year on a ruling by the 10 listed for the seventh and eighth
of "\Vho's Who in America." Ex- Mawr, innumerable college profes- WIll .be given by M~s. A, J. Sigel. Bazaar Next Week deputy superintendent of the State grades, are held under this ruling,
actly 145 residents of the suburbs SOl'S and educators. 1'1'1 ISS McAuliff~'s grade. 3-A, Department of Public Instruction. to be worth a State appropriation
1I0W holds the banner for havinrr
from Merion to Radnor are included The classification "Business" in- The Ladies' Aid Society of the Notice to that effect and, a dimill- of not $65, but only $50 for each
in this volume which seeks to list eludes artists, illustrators, 111anufac- the greatest number of mother~ Lutheran Church will hold its an- ished check bearing it out were re- month of the to-month school year,
those who "distinguish themselves turers, railroad officials, merchants present at the October meeting of nual bazaar next Friday and Sat- ceived by thc borough school au- This means a $1500 loss to the
in some useful line of endeavor," and bankers. The group "Profes- the Mothers' Council. \\Tatch for urday, November 23 and 24, The thorities late this summer-and borough, of which $750 has already
Classifying thesf names according sions" denotes the so-called pro- the winning class this month, date for this affair has been thereby Ilal1 gs a t a e. i Lueen <e< I Iucte d f rom semi-annual re-
to three major groupings, Business, fessional men such as lawyers, changed from one week earlier as ,A letter of protest was mailed the mittance by the State received this
Education and Professions, onel physicians, dentists, editors, auth- D. A. R.'s Hear Mrs. Copp was previously announced. 'l'here State department, which replied as year,
finds very even distrbiution with aI's and clergymen. The Dr. Benjamin Rush Chapter will be, an interesting display of follows: "The law provides that in Lower Merion is a third-class
Education and Business tied at 50 Bryn Mawr heads the lisl with 38 ?f the D. A. R. held its stated meet- fancy articles and aprons, and on fourth-class districts _(su('h as Nar- school district, and to its Junior
each and Professions accounting for representatives, Haverford is second IIlg last SaturClay at the home of Saturday the Bake Booth will have berth) the State appropriation shall ~igh. School in Ardmore flock the
'40, Five listees have no occupation with 27, Merion' third with 19, Mrs, C, Arley Fam1er, with the re- home baked beans for sale, as well be either one-half of the minimal I11nth graders from Narberth. 'l'heir'
give~, . .. . Bala-Cynwyd has q. Villanova 11, gent. .M~s, Chat:le~,~rwin, presiding. as pigs feet. sauce; 'oyster pies and high school, s~lary of $1300, or one- ~uitiQn, i~, paid, by the borough, as
With mstltuttons of higher learn- Narberth 9, St. DaVids and Radnor A stirrll1g talk ·:by Mrs, Dorothy the, usual, 1?~es, c.akt:s, an51, crulle.rs. half the nllll1mal elementary salary IS that of Narberth students in the

Me of. the I\1atn" Lme It IS' qUIte· each 6.

i~,g PI,a,Ying at!, i1?Port,.ant pa~t in t}1e S each, Rosel'il0nl and \Vynne.wood ~vans Copp, State, chairman of na- A ~rab bag, speCial candles and Ice of $1000." The, Narberth Tunior three upper grades of the Senior
", '-tional defense, was' tire" feature of cr~m will be provided for the chil- Ji,igh'School is declared to be not a High School.
na~t:al ~~ expect ~ ,Jarge,npresenta- CONTINUED ON THE LAST PAGE.. the meeting, . ,~- ....- dren. _;;,;>al'~~..r':':'-~~:'-;;;;-:':';-'';-~~:;~;;';;~;~h igh school because it has two CONTfNUlllD UN THlll SECOND rAGIl
~~ ... n ...... " J I ' .'
." ;~ -:".:"" Novembe1' 16, 1928

fur goo ~1. " F011 owing th is message I Fathers-Attention! THE METH0 DIST FAIR '! 'fI!!!!!!!i!!!!i!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'~!!!!!!!!!!!~!i!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!ij!!!!!!!!!!!!ii!!!!!!1!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Fj1
0" ~U ) 11"
In To \,1'W''11\1 the . Irelated
' .' l~eneral
I ' ,of , Thosehi~l~xI-1 ,father~.'
in the borou!!'h ~ in, \Ve il1\,·ite. evervbod v to come to the I I '
The Show Pldce of the Main Line .,
T I ...
peri en :es (tiring t 1e \\ ar \\ lIC 1 teresteg II! Boy Scouts, a9 J they I.~
A Co-operative Community Ncws \\ere of tin u,s·1.1 al interest.
paper f?u.nded in. 1~14 by the !'Jar.: As the li~t speaker on an exceri- they should be If,they have any
Fair, . ,
should/be If theY'I,~ave allY,sons, andl At the, harR.a;ns. we offer we re _.sure t·~
. )OU wlI stare, , '
."_ 11=
- L
(3'" ~... '~ . .....,

berth CI1?lC AssoclatlOn and pabltshed: t' n 11 fine !Jroaram Mr. Stites datlgl1ters are 110tl'fiecl tl1 t tl1el'r So much for your money you 11 not
every Frldtl.Y at Narberth, Pa. I 10 a y .. l:> I · . Id I ' . I ' II da ge t e I sew Ilere;
. '
h d b th
'Ima(Ie a stlrrmg appea t or \\ or
I I . I If t
attem ance IS c eSlra) e an
neces- S 'f . '1
0 I you are wIse you WI I huy at the
Bala Ave., below Montgomery Ave., in Cynwyd
publls e y e ,. I
peace Jasec on nationa se. -respec sary at the annual meetmg of the Fair.
LIVINGSTON PUBUSIUSG COi\1I A:,,\Y . and co-operation. He cited the I Fathers' Association. It will be NOW PLAYING MONDAY and TUESDAY--
and General Manager I.
l\.e II ogg treaty as a f 1
actor'111 ~ I1e held at 8 ,o'clock in the evening, l' he gi f ts t Ilat we 0 ff er for CI' lrtstmas I
'process of outlawing war, wl.lIch \Vednesday. December 5, 1928, at
Editor I
has now been signed by 53 natl?ns the Scout House. A brief resume If you buy thel11 all here you 1\ have
arc rare- ,
omce. 258 Haverford A"enlle
Phot,e, Narberth 2545
of the earth. In closing Mr. Shtes of the 19 28 activities will be given,
I I I f D . I \\' I
I '
mOlley to spare
'i 'T (0 pay for a turkey no matter how
If no answer. can Ardmore 3100. quote( t Ie won s 0 ame ' ,e J- new officers will be elected and,' d ~ar; MALCOLM McGREGOR GEORGE SIDNEY
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ~ter uttered on the floor of the plans for 1929 made. The nom i- i So we w~rn you in time you had better
One Donar and Fifty Cents Per Ypar Un:tec1 Stat6 Senate long yea~s Iinating committee has already gotten buy here. CHILDREN'S PARTY THIS SATURDAY AT 2.15
In Advance. ago: "Thank God, I am an Amen- in totlch with various men interested ,
can." and the slate is l11ade ttl) of our And you \,"ill be helping our coffers to Entire Change of Featu1'ed Progmm
. .. D" fill· Ken Maynard in "The Canyon of Adventure"
representative. CItizens.
f l ' 1' 0 b lit'Id a fi ne c IlUrc II on t IIe top 0 f
I "Chinatown Mystery" "Christopher Columbus"
WHEN IS A SCHOOL? a f p!'operty IS a so . Istet 01:
t 11S the hil\; I
meetll1g and all that IS needed IS the For beauty and grace no church will
•....:'1'1" 1·:11 "1(".\1 1111',1-"1("1 ".\111 votes. compare-
A word to the mothers of N ar- ':;0 help the good cause at the 1\[etho-
The township school IJoar(1 ])e- I r F' Consider These Featllres
Entered as second-class matter, October 13, came interested in the borough's be- Jerth asking that they co-operate in (1st 'air.
1914, at the Post Office at Narberth, Pa., half when Narberth authorities seeing that the fathers get out to On the tables the finest of meals will
onder the Act of March 3. 1879. ,howed Sur)'erintendent
Downs a letter from the State dell- I
s. E. vote might be advantageous.
, \ \1(1
he laid-
YOll'1\ ncver regret the price that
- Wilen Bllying all Electric Washer
Friday, November 16, 1928 Gave Musical )';)U paid. 1. AN ALUMINUM TUB
tlly superintendent which asserted Decemher the eighth is the date for I With a Lifetime Guarantee
that not only does Narberth have The Main Line School of Music, 107 the Fair. '
-.I. IJ
no Junior High School. but neither i,rdmore avenue, gave a Junior Musi- \Ve hope for the pleasure of seeing I
(Ioes Lower l\lerion. c;tl in the school auditorium on Mon- you there.
No B)'oken Buttons
In response to a mildly astonished day aft~rnoon. i\'o\'emher 12. Espe- 1I:\RGARET L. GRIFFITH.
n·ply from Mr. Downs, in which he clally ~reditable was the work of
The ~Iisses Polly Holt, Myrt!e cal\ed attention to many points of su- .\rnold Fletcher, Helen Morris, Janc
Schlipf, Kitty Trowbridge, Car:le periority of the Lower Merion Junior
Lous~ Douglas and Altce LOl;llse High School, and mentioned that the ~Iorris, Jeannette Lent and Harry (nterior and Exterior Painting
},'!agl1lre atteJhl~d. th,e popular l11uslcal! institution has been recognized as one \Vood.
"''''el')·.. "Rosalie, ' Saturday afternoon of the best in its class for five years,
at tlte I'.rlanger.
Honors for Grade Examinations
the State authorities replied that no w('re acconkd to Harry and Howard
407 Essex Ave., Narberth. Pa. Ardmore May tog Shop
~Iiss .Juliet Shaw, of Avon road, and criticism of the township Junior High \\Tood. A half-year scholarship in the I I'hnne, Nnrberth ..:631
~Iiss IIlargie HolIman, formerly of School as such was implied in its letter, A(lvanced Grade has heen awarded to -=-==============~
Narherth, were among the dancers in hut that, nevertheless. it is not tech- I Grace Lindcberg. A scholarship in Ardmore 3292 Ardmore, Pa.
the hallet of "Salome" with Catherine! nically a Junior High School, hecause I Interm..:L1iate Grade has heen continued w. Chas. Stanley, D. C'
Littlefield as premiere. under the direc· i it contains only an eighth and ninth I ;'or Agnes Hegener. ' I
tion of the Philadelphia Grand Opera: grade, and no seventh grade, as is now CHIROPRACTOR
A!osocia.lion yesterday, in the Academy i regarded as customary in the State. OFFICE: 221 CONWAY AVENUE
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.
of III USIC. At the November meeting of the


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryan. of Oak-, Lower Merion School Board, held 7.30 to 9.30 P. M.
\110nt, arc being congratulated on the i \Vednesday night in the Senior High AND BY APPOINTMENT
bi~th of a daughter, who was horn I School at Ardmore, Superintendent I Phone, Narberth 2~63
\Ve(lnesday. III rs. Ryan will he re- Downs read his replv to this ruling: i
III em herd as ~I iss Adelaide Leonard, "! t was manifestly Ull fair to Narberth
formerly of Dudley a\·enue. that it should be penalized $1500 a year
Mrs. .I. C. Casey and dauRhter, ),1 iss bv the State for sending its ninth-
Grace Casey, of Essex avenue, have g:-ade students to our better equipped
Christmas Cards
Boned chickens ., ... $6 doz.
rdurned from a week-end visit in school," he declared. "so I wrote the
Hartfor'!, Conn. deputy snperintendent in Harrisburg Crabmeat salad .... $2.50 qt. Christmas Cards for CASH PRICES We stand back of every
11r. and !III'S. H. G. Venemann. :~I:~ as follows: Chicken salad, Business Houses No Charge fo)' Carry or
Hal11pd~n avenue, arc leaving today to "It has heen claimed that Lower Novelties Wheel
ton of coal delivered.
attend the 1\ational Association of Merion has no Junior High School i SOc portion, $3.50 qt. Give us a trial to con-
Practical Refrigerating Engineers at: hecause there is 110 seventh grade; and i ~ Mince Pies. $1,25; others, SOc Bide-a-Wee EGG $13.75 vince you that our coal
Louis\'ille, Kentucky. They will he' that 1\arberth has none hecause its STOVE 14.00
Gift Shop

p.ne ior ahout a week. ~I r. \'ene- school has no ninth grade. On the Dozen fried oysters 75c and prices are right.
mann is one of the three memhers of same basis. Lower Merion has no Deviled crabs
30c ea.
NUT 13.75
t1.~ National Educational Board. ekmentary schools, because the tra- I 136 South 15th Street PEA 10.00 2240 Pounds to Every Ton
. M.r. and }'Irs. J. \V. Appleby, ~f ditional elementary school is one of' Fish cakes $1.50 doz. Philadelphia
]la1l11110,:e...Md., sp~nt a few days thiS six or eight grades, while ours have I Rolls-all kinds 25c doz. BUCK 7.75 THEATRE BLDG.
"eek \·.s:tmg their daughter, 11 rs. seven. . . . Therefore, we have no I'RICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE 153 Dala Ave., BaIa-Cynwyd
Individual sandwiches, each WITHOUT NOTICE
.............................. ...... .................... ,.:6,
Orion Berry, of Hampden a\·enue. who schools in the township but the Senior
j, at l"'\"l'lil ill i .. the M..-tlw(!l:·l Hr,s- fji~h School."
pita!. "Reductio ad ahsurclulll." "unll,kd :J
~lr. ,t t \1 ,.~:. :\r:!:uI' rl't", ;t!l'~ ~\':(': Pn''';ldt"I:1 \'.·;P~anl L. Austin ;.pd th(Jo ~f'
\:ill.tl1:-tll, ,\L,: !;'.,,; l)i, \'-l.Hl t,'1~1l!. IH.'- IJt,itld ,-cnculred in sUprH)rljl.l·!~ 'tur::ll;' /
wrapped and tied with
ribbons $1.50 doz. JAMES R. COLE
Hear of 2;)0 Haverford Ave.
............. .. ....... .. .. '* ..Call Cynwyd 215

f"'-'I"'" 111 1,,"lIL; \1."', \·\."1rk !':~~Ilt '-\.-'drs f);·()te~t b·; Superinh:ndI'P\
Open 6 A. M. to Midnight
r}11\"I1~ ~ House and Decorative Painting JUDSON C. BURNS

;I:-';"l' ';:i " . , ' I;' ,~,',1 u_ ~;.\I"l)crdl ••ii1l1. ;l~.:.aiJl:::t lIte· l\arb~r111ruling ~
Every Day M,,\! Ol'tlet'S and Jobbing Promptly
(.-,; \. lJ\..~i.q.J.t ·la b t1H.:il IlcW hOlllC 011 tile I' Attended te
corner ·)f Es~ex an? \Vindsor a\'enu~s. Bowling Scores Phone, Narberth 3639-W
MISS ),1 anlle C. Stackhouse, of Price
II i1t=I~:{t::!!~~::1!:=1~~~~~ I
avenue, has returned from a 10 days'i The fifth week's rolling in the Kar-
\'islt .vah her sister in \Vheeling'l berth Inter-church Rowling League Maryland BURNS
\\'. Va. !inds the Meteors in the lead The re- A. B. C.
Miss Elizaheth Terry, of Grayling ~1,ItS of 'he matches on Novemher .~ i
avenue, is week-ending in Carlisle, Pa.1 and 9 follow: !
Arcade Market EASY WASHER
"Irs. A:w:lter Kent, of Ardmore" Club Standing.
Walter Roser, Prop. WASHER
took the Misses Jean Staples. Helen
McCral'ken, Marie \Ventz, 1'lildred ~e'··or.
I 12
w. L, Point·
3 16 709 Montgomery Avenue
Giifillan. Ruth \,valker and Katherine Battlers \I 4 14
Patten, "lI of Narberth. to see the plaYI~W~~ :::::::::::::::::::::::: I~ ~ ~~ 281 Montgomery Pike, Cynwyd
at the ~Jenn A. C. last Monday eve- Boosters .. ..... 6 9 8
!l.ng, which was for the benefit of the I'farathon. . ,...... 5 10
~itbl?"s Daughters Holiday House, on I~~Ie:o:~.. :::::::::::::::::::: : ~~ ~
;,a me avenue. PILOTS I
7I Phone-Cynwyd 840
I Sugar Corn .. ean, 18e; 3 for 50c
Slieed Pineapple ean, 25c GENERAL ELECTRIC I~
Mrs. Sally I;owrey has returned to Mason
her dau~hter's'ihome, at 219 Hampden ~~Msle
126 136 168 Babb
f~: Riley
aVenue, after ~o'rtnight's visit in Holi.1 Goodrich' '153 160 137 :;r~~erl1\ .g~
147 165 100
138133178/'f:: fJJ g: m
Shoulder Genuine Lamb 35c
daysburg Pa.tA.er daughter Mrs G MIner ... 177 162 129 Follmer" .151 121 1\5 I Shoulder of Pork 32e 49 Anderson Avenue Ardmore Call Ardmore 112·5
Howard Ree;e',' was a guest at a lu~ch~ Handicap 55 55... . _ _ _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~''I'
678 601 640' C
{'on given Tuesday in Concordville, Pa. 822 843 744
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Smith entertained METEORS MARATHONS Yes, we give coupons
at brid'~e Saturday evening at their Rem ....148161 146 ~~~~~ 1~~ :::m m
home on Avon road. Their guests ~a~~'~ ~~~ C. Jenkins 157 137 171
were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Jefferis, E. JenkIns 196 199 178 Kistler " 98 142 15~
J: m Phone Narberth 2477
Free delivery
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Lowrey. Mui.~s634 '1Ot
Handicap 74 74 74
737 716 610
Certified THE
Mrs. Eberhardt Mueller, of 208 Es- Smith ... 134 187 136 Nicholson
~ex avenue, has her niece, Mrs. J. R. Sellard .. 130 153 103
150l 144 162
You Live
Kelm .... 155 113 161
Fulton with her two children of New i Koup .... 132 99 99 W. Sme'ly 125 157 133 Jeddo-Highland TRUST
York, ~s her guests. ' :~~~3
1\1r. Charles Smith, of Cape May, Handicap 29 29 29
1~ Durbin :::m m
.. 163 143 127
H. Sme'ly 151 116 215 Residence,
In a New Age!
N J., visited his son, C. H. Smith, Jr.,
of ~Iollti-\"omery avenue, this week.
561 609667
748 673 798
Haist .... 155 187 175
Narberth 4031 Narberth 4007
Baggage Called for and Delih:''1d I
Mrs. Horace \Vanamaker. of Avon Watts ... 177125172 Duncan .. 124 152 156 108 CONWAY AVENUE NARBERTH
rQacl. is visiting her sister in Pitts· ~:~::;er':
burgh, Pa., for a few weeks.
~~: ~~~ Weiss
MacNiver 115 170 115 Alberts .. 151 209 115 115 125 :gg
157 177 1591
HINGS have changed. Standards of living have mounted
Tto an unprecedented height. Adverttstng has created
Mrs. Horace Smedley gave a lunch- Smith ... 118 131 127
'Con and bridge party last Saturday Handicap 34 46 42 702 850 7471
1 was the year in which 1858 HOWARD C. FRITSCH
many wants, where before they did not exist.
More conventences and luxuries and opportunities can be
afternoon at her home, 220 Hampden 693 774 738 the first ton of Jeddo- Justice nf the Peace
Several members of Narberth's Watts PEP BOYS
130 126 95 E. Jenklnsl24METEORS
141 167
Highland Coal was mined. At
that time th:s coal was justly I REAL ESTATE
yours If you SAVE systematically, Our Assured Savings Plan
wl1l bring you a regular monthly Income In spite of physical
younger set attended the Phi Delta Maler 130 \12 99 E. Purrlng148 193 127
Sigma Fraternity dance Saturday eve- Merkel .. 133 103 I~I Moore
ning at ~he Cynwyd Cluh. Miss Mary Kramer .. 109 ... 1"1 Bailey
112 135 \10
133 144 193
considered the highest quality
anthracite on account of its high
Fire lnsurance--Best Companiu
Phon. 4"I-W IllJ ......rI.rd An.
disablllty. Ask about tt, and save to spend,
1'he Assured SavIngs Department Is open until 9 In the evening.
Anderson WOII first prize for the pret- Smith ... 150 186 167 E. Jenklns220 151 173
M'Carthy '" \19 131
heat-giving value, low ash con-
tiest cOJtume, and Miss Helga Wohlert Handicap 51 63 63 Total 737 784 770 .tent and careful preparation,
with her escort won a prize for the PILOTS
best pair of dancers. There were about
100 guests present.
7~3 709 676 R·Mason
J. Hause.122
145 123
128 seventy years later, TODAY REPLATE
Durbin .. 164 184 185 Follette .181J 156 18~ Jed d 0 - Higiliand BRASSY WORN-OFF
Reese .. , .151 149 159 Laughlin 148 139 ...
Kelm .... 147 197 159 Haws ... 210 158 191 Coal is being mined from the Bath Room Faucets
LEGION BANQUET W. Smed'yl82 160 182 Mash '" 147 .. same seams in the same compact I ARDMORE - NARBERTH - BALA CYNWYD
Nicholson \19 164 159 Goodrich 116 144 Brassy Auto Parts, Refteetora, etc.

..... ..... .......................

property-the original high qual-
CO:O\TI:"I'I;:n ~'Il"~1 THR FIR!'\'r I'AO" Total 7~3 834 824
Handicap 53 43 531
Total 858 759 801
ity is unchanged-and the most
With Pure Silver
. . . . :up . . . . . . '+
stalHling bareheaded I had goose R",y .... 123135151 MARATHONS exacting standard of preparation USE
flesh for three days." A choice col- DO'lls S'rlngfleldl37 174 140 Hoyle 1,48 179 157 is stricti yadhered to.
138 128 IU Ward 104 221 182
lection of stories r01led off Kelly's o ',y 97 144 136 Spencer . 98 111 lOr
Baib 185 180 20' Kistler ... 144 ... . ..
tongue like water over a dam, keep- Jenkins .. 159 107 191
ing the gathering in an uproar. Total 880 761 778 Kesslncer ... 101 134
MULES Handicap 41 41 41
General Booth was introduced by Koup '" 99 165 15"
Captain Benjamin McIntyre. of 5ellard .131 137 135 ... 132 143 111 Total 692 760 790
It Silver-Plates. Use It as a Polish
Regular 60c Chocolate Peanut Clusters 39c lb.
Germantown. who was chiefly re- Smith 150 206 143 Humph's .182 144 ...
Blind 131 .. Toomey .. 185 194 143 Yz A fancy line of French and Danish Pastries
sponsible for securing him for the Weiss
dinner. The General pointed out Ripper
156 . Dungan .159 ... 170
181 Weiss 131 '" 137
Coal Company -Pint, $1; Pint, $1.65
POR SALE BY LOCAL D ~ at reasonable prices
Handicap 54 40 '17 Haist 158 159 175 and
that no country can hope to accom- Ripper " 109 '" RALPH S. DUNNE Our own Ice Cream in fourteen (14) flavors. No
plish anything worth while unless Total 697 847 805 Albert " 174 201 Hansell Bros. Service Stat~on
Main Line Distributors such extensive assortment or a sgood cream can be
it has the good-will and respect of Total 795 780 826 l\lontcomery Ave. bel. Narbertb Ave. found elsewhere on the Main Line.
other nations. and to have these it Jeddo-Highland 7
must be able to enforce it. "Since GET LICENSE
Vera A. Green, Narberth, and Joseph Anthracite George A. Witte
this is the way things are. consti-
tuted at present," the General said, aH.marriageLindsay, Wilmin~tol1, were granted
license in Norristown last Phones Paperhangi",g and WHITE'S SWEET SHOP
"we must guide ourselves accord- Thursday. Decorating
ingly and see that our country gets N ARRRRTH 3675-2845
the resnect it is entitled to and may Advertising pays. Try it and
ESTIMATING 219 Haverford Ave., Narbef- Phone: Narbel1h 4005
Narbertb 4135W
accordingly exercise its great power see.
Novembe1' 16, 1928 OUR l.'QWN
I Narberth, Ardmore: Gladwyne, St.
---~....,~~~~~~~~~ ..... ~~_ ... .-.
t I
Church Notes . Luke's and Radnor.

At. Salnt~ Church.

The good Fellowship Club will meet
at the home of Mr. Arthur T. Martin
Wynnewood, Pa. :H!l Forest avenue, on Thursday, Nov
t Carpenter and Builder t
Rector, Rev. Gibson Bell.
8.00 A. :h:I.-Holy Communion.
ember 22 at 8 o'clock. AII male mem-
bers of the church are invited. t JOBBING AND ALTERATION WORK t
10.00 A. !\I.-Church school.

. 11.00 A. M.-Litany and Ante-Com- Merion Friends Meeting 158 Merion Ave. .. Narberth 3973-M
'munion. Services for November 18:
Sermon by the Rector. --~~~~~~ ~~~~~~..-.~~~~~
Anthem, "0 Saviour of the World." 10.00 A. M.-Sunday school.
11.00 A. M.-Meeting for worship.
Choir of 35 trained voices. Choir- IT'S a poor plough that leaves
First Church of Christ, Scientist. When Contemplating Building or Alterations
,master and organist, David Spratt.
7.00 P. M-Young People's Fel- Ardmore Avenue, Ardmore. no furrow, and a poor life that
11.00 A. M.-Sunday school. see
7.30 P. M.-Litany and Ante-Com- 10.00 A. M.-Sunday school. has not accumulated money in
.Sermon by the Rector.
meeting at 8 o'clock.
evening testimonial
Reading room, 19 West Lancaster
GEO. R. MARKLE bank•
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. avenue, open week days from 10.30 to Building Construction
Cletus A. Senft, Pastor. 4.30 o'clock; Wednesday evening from Phone Narberth 2490
Sunday, November 18: !l to 9.45 o'clock.
9,45 A. M.-Bible school. The subject for the Bible lesson ser- Narberth National Bank Bldg.
11.00 A. M.-The service with ser- mon for SundaY, November 18. NARBERTH
"Mortals and Immortals."
4.00 P. M.- Tunior Luther Leaguc.
G,45 P. M.-intermediate and Sen- PROPOSALS .... ..........
....... '*' • --
'ior Luther Leagues.
7,45 P. M.-The Vesper Service
with sermon.
Bids for the collection of garbage from
all houses. apartments. stores, hotels and
W cdnesday, 7.30-Teachers' Lesson- restaurants in the Borough at Narberth, .
'study period. for the year 1929, are hereby requested.
Wednesday. S.OO-Devotional hal£- The bids will be received by the Secre-
·hour in the study of John.
Friday. 4.30-Cathechism class.
tary of the Borough Council up to 8
P. M. Monday, December 10. 1928. at
which time a regular meeting of the
The Narberth National Bank
7.00 P. }'-I.-Intermediate choir. Borough Council convenes and the open- Open Friday Evenings from , until 9 o'Clock
8.00 P. M.-Senior choir. Ing of the bids will take place.
Contract will be awarded to the lowest
The Presbyterian Church. responsible bidder and Council reserves
the right to reject any or all bids.
Rev. John Van Ness, M. A., Minister. Collections will be required In accord- =; ;==;=;==;::::=;: ;;:;: :::::: ='" ; := : =:= :::: : ; : = =:= : : ::::
;\f eetings for K ovember 18: ance with the following schedule:
9.45 A. ~I.-Bible school. All de- Three collections a week during the
,partments. months of May. June. July, August, Sep-
11.00 A. ~I.-~Iorning worship. Ser- tember and October.
Two collections a week during the
Have You a Terrace
'mon theme: "First Things First." months of November, December, January,
11.00 A. 1'1.-Junior church for February, March and April.
'children up to 1:.! years of age. J. R. HALL, somewhere against your house that could be improved
6.45 P. M.-Junior Endeavor meet- Chairman Water, Light and Health
:ing. Subject for discussion: "\Vhat the Committee. with a wall, pool and stone terrace like this? They would
Practice of Stewardship V\Tould ;'\[ean (11-23-28) add value to your home and pleasure to your family.
to the World."
7.45 P. l\I.-Evening worship. Ser- ESTATE NOTICE
'mon theme. "An Appeal to Reason."
'Community Bihle Class next Tucsday ESTATE OF WILLIAM J. BYRNE, LATE Suggestions Are Free and Cheerfully Given
. I d 1 '1' H' . of the Borough of Narberth, Mont-
even1l1g call( uc~e )y 1\' ISS , arnson. gomery County. deceased.
Prayer meetlllg next \\ ednesday Letters of Administration on the above
.evening. \ Ve will continue our sludy Estate haVing been granted to the under-
in the sccond chapter of Ephesians. signed. all persons Indebted to said Es-
Mrs. Howard Haws has consented to tate are requested to make Immediate
'sing for us at this meeting. payment, and those having legal claims,
At a recent mccting. the following to present the same without delay to
were c IlOsc.n 0 fl leers. a t Je Ull10r ~n- 926 Montgomery Avenue.
·dcavor SocIety: Pres:dcnt. John B. l\Ic- Narberth, Pa. First aid in entertaining nowadays is a General
Intire; vice president, \Valter \Vood. Or to her Attorney, Electric Refrigerator. In fact, many of the prob-
Jr.; secretary, Jcan Hadick; treasurer, W. RUSSELL GREEN, lems of the modem home find a simple and
J. Arthur \Vright, :!d. Narberth. Pa. (11-16-28.)
economical solution in this perfect refrigeration.
Baptist Church of The Evangel. No food spoilage. At the present high prices
Sundav. 1'\ovcmber If!: this is vital. Fewer trips to market. With so
!l.45 A. l\I.-Church school. many things to do, this is a great energy·saver.
11.00 A. !\r.-~[orning worship. ser-
mon: "1 u 18rl:l-A Short Lesson in
Ye Menus varied with tempting surprises that ac-
tually are easier to make than the old uninter-
Baptist Church History." esting stand·bys~
7.45 P. l\I.-Young People's Ves- Odditg Shoppe .
per service.
All are invited! See these Te!'rigerators 'YouTsel!. Stud, thei"
Another Epitaph! . The Gift Center revolutionary imPTovements. Como in coda.,.
Wednesday, Nm'ember :.!l:
G.30 P. M.-Church family dinner of the Main Line
.and class discussion under the leader- Main Line Agency
ship of Dr. Harkness. Subject, "Some
Baptist Practices." is showing exclusive and dis- The
tinctive seleetion of Christmas
Methodist Episcopal Church
Rev. Samuel MacAdams, Minister.
Prompt and eareful service St~.t).d~rd
Sunday, November 18:
9.45 A. ~l.-Sunday school.
will be given all engraving and
printing orders.
t4p'plie.J}~ e01JJPNJJ[ Phone: Narberth 2800
11.00 A. 'M.-!\lorning worship. Ser- ~ E. LanCCLS'te~' Aft. .
"Gifts beautiful" for the "big Office: Corner Montgomery and Woodbine Avenues
mon theme: "The Shadow of a Great folks" and "little folks." Anlmore. Pa.
6.45 P. M.-Epworth League Devo-
tional Meeting. Topic. "What it Means
to Be a Christian."
Thirty-eight more shopping
days before Christmas. ..... .. ..... .... .............................. .... ;;

i.45 P. ~l.-Evening worship. Ser-I Open Every Friday Evening

man theme, "Eleventh Hour Men." I
The mid-week prayer service will
be held in the Ardmore Methodist Haverford and Forest Avenues
'Church, \Vednesday evening. Novem-
ber 21, at 8 o'clock. Rev, Thompson Phone Narberth 2882
W. McKinney will deliver the address.
Co-operating churches are Cynwyd, . . . . . . . . . . . . up . . . . . . . . . . +,.

Narberth Taxicab Company
215 Haverford Avenue


Comfortable Quarters $150 to $250
on all

Standard and Victory Sixes

Product of Chrysler

This is a good time to make arrangements for the

wintering of your "Summer Entertainer:'
For plans and prices call Cynwyd 662 Haverford Road at Ardmore Junction, Ardmore
131 North Wayne Avenue, Wayne
:Ardmore 2600 and Wayne -1328
I • ~'~'~ ; ! ...'i i~ - J-;.' t " •••~ > "s···,...·'
- ......-
. .-
QURToWN November 16, 1928

AT THE THEATRE and Tuesday. The film brings to

motion picture audiences one of the
"Plastered in Paris," featuring the most unusual themes ever portrayed For Permanent
comedy team of Sammy Cohen and on the screen-the reversion of a man
Jack Pel1l1ick, is the most profusely to a primitive beast. It is adapted from Satisfaction Reputable - - Established
"gagged" picture to he shown in a the stage play by Max Mohr.
long time at the N arbert h Theater. It The principal role is assumed by
plays Friday and Saturday. Paul Wegener, Germany's leading
Nothwithstanding this large num- screen artist, who will be remembered
her of comedy situations, the picture for his remarkable portrayal in "The
holds a ddillite continuity of plot and Golem." The only feminine part is
Sign of Best Meats Smedley Cleaners .:. Tailors .:. Dyers
ohjective, and is not "just a lot of gags played by Mary Johnson, young
and wise-crack titles pasted together" Swedish star. Max Reichmann, who
as many comedy productions arc wont directed the picture, is said to rise with
For a Connoisseur Built Home 234 Haverford Avenue Phone: Narberth 3854
to' be. it to the highest rank among German
Among the "Iaugh-a-minute" se- film directors. France has its favorite dishes; Wm. D. & H. T. Smedley We Call and Deliver
quences, perhaps the funniest are When "The Devil Dancer'" flashes England has its roast beef; but • .0DOO(*00000000 ~§§ 00 II DOOClOEo~OD!l1aaO aooGOCi ooooaoo~~
where Cohen, gassed in the trenches, on the screen of the Narberth Theater
is shown in a hospital scene. The film on vVednesday and Thursday folk will America has the best of all kinds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W~~~~~~~w~~~~~~~W~~~
C1t~t'•••""'."""'."'t " u , , ••••" 't.•.' , :;1•••••, ~,,:+:t.x ;tt ,t~,t ,t••~, t."' "' tt t v ••;tt; v ••~ , tf.
"lap-dissolves" into a "picture" of the recognize a familiar touch in the ddt of meats. The finest of these- ~ = . " , •••" •••, " •••,
~ ~

~ V
interior of his head where a Sammy handling of the scenes in situations of
Cohen de\-j\ trium!1hs over a Sammy this latest Samuel Goldwyn prodl1c-
Cohen angel and decrees that Cohen's tion, which features Gilda Gray. Fred
meats to delight a connoisseur-
are Bradley's, Just try them ~u~
Schedule of Montgomery Bus .Co., Inc. i,a
war injury will turn him into a klepto- Nibo directed. and taste the difference! =- ~ ~••~
maniac. Fred Niblo stands with Von Stro- ~~
r:u~ Montgomery Avenue Line Westbound 9.50, 10.30, 11.10 and 11.50 A. M.I "i/....
A similarly hUlllorous routine is heim, Griffith and Brenon as one of Quailty Has Been a Tender ....~ tt;fjt
shown at the end of the picture when the industry's four directors who have 10 01 Eastbound Leaving 62d and Lancaster Avenue Then 12.30, 1.10, 1.50, 2.30, 3.10, ~ni
the dynamic little Jewish comic gets a devoted following of the public as Subject with Us for Over ~U~ WEEKDAYS 3.50, 4.30, 5.10, 5.50, 6.30, 7.10, ~u~
"beaned" and the shock brings back large ann ?S f'nthusiastic as that of any
his hrain vision-characters with the star. Niblo has come to be known as
50 Years. ens'4
Leaving Anderson and Montgomery Starting at 6.00 A. M.
Av nues Then every 15 min. until 9.30 A. M.
7.50, 8.30, 9.10, 9.50, 10.30, 11.10 ~,.
and 11.50 P. M. ; ~
Cohen-angd this time the winner when a director whose name always means Call Rittenhouse 7070 kn~
~.,~ e Then 9.50 A. M• and every 20 min. Westbound 'U~~.
he chases the Cohen-devil out of Sam- quality in entertainment. His list of S;;U. WEEKDAYS until 3.30 P. M. ~U,
my's cranium. successes proves to be the best ad- ~n~ Starting at 5.30 A. M. Then .3.45 P. Me and every 15 min. Leaving 54th and City Line ~~
j'vlore than :!O pretentious sets. in-I vertisemel1t for any new picture he to ~
eluding a gigantic buried l~oman city, Illay make. He has produced "Ben
were constructed for the filming of the Hur," "Camille," "The Three Musket-
en every
mm. un
til 900 A M
' . ' Then 10.50 and every 20 min. until Starting at 6.10 A. M.
Ten 9.20 and every 20 mm. untIl 12.30 A. M.
cOllledy which was directed hy Benja- eers." "The Mark of Zorro," "Blood MARKET CO. , ~nS 3.00 P. M. Then 1.00, 2.00 and 3.00 A. M. Then 6.50, 7.30, 8.10, 8.50, 9.30, ~U~
min Stoloff. and Sand," "The Temptress," and ~n~ Then 3.15 and every 15 min. until SATURDAYS 10.10, 10.50 and 11.30 A. M. ~n~
"The Strange Case of Captain Ham- "The Famous ~I rs. Fair." ~U~ 10.00 P. M. Starting at 6.00 A. M. Then 12.10, 12.50, 1.30, 2.10, 2.50, FU~
per." the first production of the Defll Fred Nihlo is not an accident. He 2106 Market Street ~ ~ Then 10.20 and every 20 min. until Then every 15 min. until 9.30 A. M. 3.30, 4.10, 4.50, 5.30, 6.10, 6.50, ~ ~
Company of Berlin, a foreign produc- came to motion picture direction with ~U.. 1200 P"M Th 950 A M d 20' 7.30, 8.10, 8.50, 9.30, 10.10, 10.50 ~n~
ing unit of First National Pictures. a wealth of background and previous Opposite Erlanger Theatre :~U~= . .. en. • • an every
fl 3 00 P M '
mm. and 1130 P M
" an
d 1230 AM:' 01
. • • l"n'"
Inc.. will have its first local showing dramatic experience. He was a stage 10 01 Then 12.30, 1.30 and 2.30 A. M. Thun 1 15' P 'M' d 15' ~..~
at the Narberth Theater on ~[onday star for many years. ~,..'+' .. ~-- ......... , ~n~ en. 3 " an every mm. Wynnewood Road ~U~
: :. SATURDAYS until 10.30 P. M. to 01
~U~ Starting at 5.30 A. M. Then 10.50 P. M. and every 20 min. Leaving Montgomery and Morris ~U~
~u~ The 15' t'1 900 A M until 12.30 A. M. Avenues, B1"IJn Mawr, for Ard- ~ ~
:'UoI n every mm. un I . • . Th 100 200 d 300 A M more, Wynnewood, Merion and 62d ~U~

I r: :.

=t ~
Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until
3.00 P. M.
3 15
1000 P M
Then• 10.20••
12.00 P. M.
an every

and every 20 mm.

Then 12.30, 1.30 and 2.30 A. M.
en.,. an.

" untIl Then
t'l S'tarting at 6.00 A. M.

until 10.30 P. M.

mm. un I Then every % -hour until 9.30 A. M.

and Lancaster.
Route follows: ~U~
Eastbound-Leaving M01-ris and ~ ~
on gomery venues, ryn M awr, tof 01
t A B
east on Montgome....' to Wynnewood ',:u:.'
• M.and every 20 min. Road,' tile'!
1.30A. M. '< sOI.th'Von Wynnewood .=:::..
Road continuing through Wynne- ~ ~
Then 1.45 P. M. and every 15 min. wo01' Narberdthsand Merion; ~h~n ~U~

~n·· Then 10.50 and every 20 min. until soul I on 681" treet to termtnus ~n~
TRUTH : ~ SUNDAYS 12.30 A. M. at 62nd and Lancaster. West-; ~
~n~ Starting at 5.30 A. M. Then 1.00. 2.00 and 3.00 A. M. bound-Returning over same route. ~n~
Few people ever ri.~e above that which they a illl. EI.·C/·Jjone, whether he be the richest or the ;n~ Then every %-hour until 9.00 A. M. Leaving 54th and City Line 5 min- Eastbound En~
poorcf;1 person on earlh, has a desire for 1I101'e; but having the desire alone will never accomplish it. If ~n.: Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until u.tes lat.er than the above-men- ' . ~1f'
JjOll come to a stream a nd there' is 110 bddge, 01' Iloa t, yOll can th illk it over, but that will not get you on ;: :. 1.00 P. 1\1. tJO!led hmes.. Leavl11g MorrIS and Montgomery 1: ~
the oll/el' side. :.·n·.:
115 d " 1 Leavmg Pennsylvama R R Sta-
an every 15 mm. untl tion in Narberth 19 min~te~ later
A,-enues, Bryn Mawr
, People who are winning in this gl'eat game of life hape visualized a target called Success and they ~o~ 10.00 P. M. th th b t' d t' WEEKDAYS AND SUNDAYS ~n~
(Ire aim ing at it. That target l1WY lIe beyond the rea ch 0/ their present weapon, but they are making one ~U;; Then 10.20 P. M. and every 20 min. an e a ove-men lOne Imes. Starting at 5.55 A. M., then every ~n~
that will-not by wishing, not by c011lplaining, but by working. ~n~ until 12.00 P. M. Narberth Short Line 30 minutes until 11.55 P. M. ~ ~
Ca.n we please OUI' customers a little llettel'; can we give a, little better sel'vice; can we smile a little
oftellei'; can we change our mode of thinking? Thought, that great unBeen power, which guide,~ us 011 ow' t~ Then 12.30, 1.30 and 2.30 A. M. Eastbound Westbound ~~~~
joul'lIcll through life, will gllide liS to slIccess and happiness, pl'ovidiug we think right. ~o. Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- I . P I ' R R St t' ~o.
~n~ tion in Narberth 7 minutes later ,eavmg ennsy vama • . a Ion Leaving 62d and Lancaster Avenue ~u~
~ ~ than the above-mentioned times. Narherth for Br)'n Mawr via Wynne- ~o~
'·n·: Leaving 54th Street and City Line wood Road :.n~
,: :.
21 minutes later than the above- Starting at 5.50 A. M.
mentioned times. Then 6.30, 7.10, 7.50, 8.30, 9.10,
Startin~ at 6.25 ~. M., then every ~n~
30 nunutes until 12.25 P. M. =:.
!~~ ~~
HORSESHOE RED SALMON 'Tall Can, 27e l~~ ~~
ROSE --------,._.
RICE __ ----_._---_._-- lb., 5e ~lr~ ..·
~~ ~ ~
·•· =.~ ~(.·.·••· ·.~r ·
=..:;: ~ ~ ~ ;;;:;:
4.·.·••·.·t.· ·
~::;::=:;::;::;; ~:;;:;::::;: -..a ~ ~
·~r.· ·.t·=-:;::;:::
·••·•·••·•· =-= -:.
~;;::;: _r!J- , ~Jt2
.~- ---_. ... _-.. '-. ------ .- -----._-----
:·jrru~:tu~·~·~~~Jc1iJ oc1oc1o~ooDE:iDooooooE:iooDO····..···.. ··E:if:ioDoDciooDoHoooo········· ..
SUNMAID RAISINS-··Nectar or Puffed 2 pkgs., 1ge lDDDDDDCOOQCOCD
-- ---- -- ------. ---_._-.. ---_._-----------_._--- ---

PRUNES---Fancy Large Santa Claras 2 Ibs., 25e (


IVORY SOAP---Medium Size 4 cakes, 25e ----"'- EAST
--- -
1\ORY SOAP FLAKES Large pkg., 2Ie
- -
HERBERT'S PEACHES, packed in rich, delicioussyrup, Large can 20e
P. & G. WHITE NAPHTHA SOAP 4 cakes, I7e ~ ~ all pronounce
SELECT EVAPORATED MILK 3 tall cans, 29~ The Silver Anniversary Buick
BLUE ANCHOR GINGER ALE, Pale or Golden 2 bottles, 2Sc
New Reductions
unrivaled in performance
All are buying more Buicks than any qther fine car • ••
GOLD MEDAL FLOUR Special-5-lb; bag 25c; 12-lb. bag 55e Fleet and powerful as well as swiftness-smooth ness-such
RUMFORD 'S BAKING POWDER A l'ER],'ECT CAKE U' YOU II I fashionable-unequaled in per-
m;t'j lWlIU'ORD'S /2- b. can 17c remarkable ability to meet every
SALADA ORANGE PEKOE TEA THE~t:'sE\~;~~s],~~cpox ~-lb. pkg. 23c formance as well as in appearance test and task with ease and bril-
IVIN'S CHEESE FLAKES-The cracker with a snap to it ~ lb. 17c -the Silver- Anniversary Buick is liancy!
PALE MOON NEWTIME DRINK, made from pure fruit juices 3 bottles 50c arousing an enthusiasm never Increased bore and stroke-
PREMIER ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES Large can 35c; 3 cans $1.00 before accorded any automobile! improved carburetion-and other
JOCKEY CLUB FANCY SWEET TEN DER PEAS Value 35c-ean 25c And no wonderl advancements in the world-famous
CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP , 3 cans 25c No car•
• •
revealed outstandino
.::> Buick Valve-in-Head engine-
superIOrIty In so many elements of impart performance utterly new
performance-getaway-power- and unequaled!
Highest Grades 01 City-Dressed Meats
lb. 45c RIB ROAST- lb.
38 C to 50C
lb. 45
Cream Butter SATISFACTORY 1 eggs
62c L6. I-Lb. Can 49c 7Sc Dozen

It MUlt Be tile Bast. Fresh Every Day YOUR TABLE


Start the ,Slog~.n and· Keep It Going

Buy in Narberth. Boost it-'-it's our'town. Get your Narberth ALLAN C. HALE, Inc.
Board of-Xr..de:Coupons .from-any independent merchant. Main Line Distr!bl#or8 .'
WAYNE 400 ' .. TELEPHONES ..... "'ARDMORE 1890
November, 16, ·1928
. . . -


.'. ,

, ~ePe<t:::1l:=lt=1esp~ ~t=1t=1t=1~. ~eses~esesl'"'"9"1~

A Day in the Open
EXPERIENCE. EXPERT "Where quality serves the needs For That Party
is the best teacher COME HERE of the community" HUNTING
. The benefit derived from
will do you good
34 years of compounding Note Our Hours
When you want good is given in our ESSEX GUNS
physicians' prescriptions is Weekdays: 9 A. M. to 12 M.
at your disposal if you oysters. Opened to or- modern, sanitary KANDY KOUNTER SHELLS
bring your prescriptions to der. Eat them here or shop to women's , Sundays: 10 A. M. to 1 P. M•. COATS
OlJer a Large Selection of HUNTING KNIVES
us. take them home. Pre~ and children's hair 4.30 P. M. to 12 P. M.
Suitable Candies Our Delivery 18 Prompt
pared on five minutes cutting. A try will
Just Phone Narberth 2762 Phone Narberth 4117
notice. convince you. We Deliver Salted Nuts
Guiseppe Amato
Fancy Ice Cream Molds, etc.
Narberth Hardware
'! 238 Haverford Avenue Arcadia Restaurant HAMER BROS.' 107 Essex A venue Company
PHONE NARBERTH 2600 239 Haverford Avenue BARBER DELICATESSEN Phone: Prompt Kitchen Hardware
We will caU for and deliver 244 Haverford Avenue 250 Haverford Ave., Narberth Nar. 3971 Delivery 230·232 Haverford Ave.
; your prescriptiO'1l., or have your Phone Narberth 3799
I Narberth, Pa.

! doctor plume it to us. .~)OOOi~~~~}.
You ntay depend on

We are exclusive, authorized agents for the following radio sets and
the quality of our combinations: Atwater Kent, Brunswick, Fada, Crosley, Everready, the new SPARTON radio?
Steinite and Philco. If not you have yet to are now in season. Ours are
When buying your radio set bear in mind that unless it is purchased realize how perfect radio fresh daily.
CHOICE MEATS and from an authorized dealer the set is not guaranteed by the factory. reception can be. A com- FISH on sale FRIDAYS

GROCERIES Our ten years in Business in Narberth certainly stands for quality parison of this splendid in-
FRUITS AND merchandise and service. All sets guaranteed for one year. Fruits and Vegetables,
strument with any other is
VEGETABLES A 10% down payment will deliver any set to your home all that is needed to estab- the best obtainable

Delivery to your door is E Narberth Electric Shop ~ lish its superiority.

Groceries and Deli-
included. Phone Narberth fl 241 Haverford Ave. Phone Narberth 4182 catessen Specialties
3980 and 4180. r~);;:lJ;;;;;:l};;;;;;,~~~~ Robert Littler, Jr.
And the Coat Was Ruined!
bad he couldn't send It to ARCADE RADIO SHOP WHITESIDE BROS.
GEO. M. DANDO 719 Montgomery Avenue Phone Narberth 3669 and 2446
"Quality First, Last amI Ahva)'s" 237 Haverford Ave., Narberth
Cleaners and Dyers 105 Forest Avenue, Narberth Phone Narberth 4165·W
Phone Narberth 2488

Plumbing Alterations, relining and dye-
The old saying about opportunity coming once in ing. Furs remodeled, repaired,
Gas Fitting a lifetime is true in many respects. Just think, for cleaned and glazed. School
clothes cleaned and repaired on
instance, you may never have another such chance to short notice.
Heating win a new Ford Coupe as is being offered you now All work done in our own
establishment, the largest on
through the Narberth Board of Trade coupons. theMain Line. .
Somebody has to win; it may be you.
HARRY B. WALL Humming Bird
Silk Hosiery
All you have to do is save your coupons given
PHONE, NARBERTH 3652·M Patricia Elizabeth Shop 102 Forest Ave. : Narberth 2602
you with every 25-cent purchase at the Board of 1I
125 North Narberth Avenue
Trade stores, many of whose ads appear on this page. ~cc~~

Or perhaps you would prefer a Frigidaire or an

John Drizin RCA Radiola? Your choice is perfectly justifiable
All kinds of job printing
SHOES and your chance of winning one of these other prizes FOR HER!
quickly and skillfully done.
127 N. Narberth Avenue equally good.
There is no more accept-
Narberth We Fit the Entire Family One thing is sure: The more coupons you have able present than an at-
Printing Company the better your chance of capturing one of the prizes. tractive box of delicious
Headquarters for So be sure and ask for your coupons with every pur- Shellenberger's or Whit-
Harry Hollar, EDWARDS' chase of 25 cents or over. man's chocolates.
Children's Shoes
109 Forest Ave. (Rear)
Prize winners will be announced d the Theater
Both low and
Phone Narberth 2618 on December 26th, which is not so far off, after all, A Complete Line of Thanksgiving Ca1'ds, Favors and Gifts
high tops
now. Don't fail to be in on this greatest of prize
Narberth Boy Active lor of Physics at Lower Merion Senior
High School. gave an intercsting talk
Charles Herron, son of Col. and last Sunday evening, following the
Mrs. C. C. Herron, of 117 Wood- supper,
side avenue, is one of the most ac- The monthly card party for thc Fel-
lowship will be givcn ncxt Friday, N0-
tive students that attends Temple vp.mber 23, at thc home of Paul Less,
University, 1il3 St. Paul's road, Ardmore. The
Herron, who is a Junior this year, u~ual oIdmission of 50 cents will bc
has for two years been a soloist on
charged which includes prizes and re-
freshm~nts. Reservations should be
Visit Our New Store
the Men's Glee Club and a member Sl~nt in early to Miss Ella Ross, 206 109 N. NARBERTH AVENUE
of Temple's male quartet, taking E1m Tcrrace, Narberth,
the part of second tenor.
Make Donation
In commodious quarters we will be pleased to
show you any of the new wall treatments and the Pumpkin Pies
This year he is assigned to take latest designs ~n paper. A complete stock of Lucas
one of the leading roles in the Tem- Elections are occasional1y profit- Paints also await your inspection. The ideal dessert for the Thanksgiving season. Ours are made
players' fall production, "Square able-for some people. For in- fresh daily from real sweet pumpkin. And they're delicious.
Crook." "Bud," as his friends call
him, is also a member of Temple
stance, Cook Brothers store, which
served as the polling place for Dis-
HALL. President
Orders taken now for mince and pumpkin pies for
University's debating team, which trict NO.2, received the sum of $15 ShOp, Haverford Avenue (Upstairs) Thanksgiving.
248 Narberth, Pa.
met and defeated Oxford's team fr0111 the judge of elections for its Phone Narberth 3625
this week. use on November 6. Cook Brothers
Other enterprises in which he has in turn presented the aforemen-
an active part are memberships to tioned Sl1l11 of $15 to the Narberth Horse Society Hears society has accomplished nothing
the Junior class entertainment com- Fire Company. So the firemen are of Past at Banquet in that respect. . . . I would re-
mittee, the Blue Key Fraternity en- well pleased with the election-and __ call to you, however. the days
tertainment committee, the Theta with Cook Brothers.
'O~T1Xl'Jm FIUBI 'I'm: io'lRRT ('AGI< when there were no vehicles but
Upsilon Omega, the Vigilance Com-
mittee and the Student's Chapter British Society Plans Bazaar zinger, pastor of the Ardmore those drawn by horses, the days
for the Conwell Foundation drive The Pennsylvania Society of the Lutheran Church, of the board of of the harrow, plow, sleigh and
last year. Daughters of the British Empire will trustees of which Luther Parsons
lias been a member for 44 years, carriage. Only comparatively re-
His parents are both active wel- hold its at?nu!11 bazaar in aid of thc
Eastern District home for the aged and president since 1914. The cently have the railroad and alt- ~ .' I.'
f are 'Y0r kers for the Volunteers of Dritish at St. James' Guild House, 2210 dominie also pronounced the c1os- tumobile taken the place of the l~ i
America, I English high tea will be served from
Sansom street, Wednesday from 2 to
10 P. M.
ing prayer for the banquet. horse, and I, for one, am sorry
Following the serving of fried that the change has come about.
L. M. Coach to Speak 5 to 7. In addition to the many sale- oysters, Mr. Parsons cleared the "You know, when I was a boy Bread-RoUs--Cakes--Cookies-Fancy Pastry
Members and guests of the Fellow- abl: arti.c1es there will be home-t.n ade table, figuratively speaking, for I thought a horse had a soul, and
ship of All Saints' Church, Mont- cakes, pies and candy. To all friends ,he speeches, four in number. His when our dear old horse died I
g'omery avenue, Wynnewood; will be and members an urgent appeal IS sent
entertained Sunday evening in the
parish house by Mr. Albert C. Adam,
to attend the bazaar. and he.lp ~w~lI
the coffers of the socIety, wh~ch IS In
own was first. was sure it had gone to heaven.
"No horse thieves have been Perhaps it has, . , , We old-
Narberth Pastry Shop
c:oach of football at Lower Merion, nced of funds to carryon Its good
We delive1' every order over 75c .
detected here last year or any re- timers loved the horse; it was our
wh9 will speak on a subject well work. rent year," he declared, "primarily dearest companion. No wonder 243 Haverford Avenue Phone: Narberth 3694
k'lown to him-athletics. There will This is your paper: your advice because there have been no that men used to take a horse
be no charge for this and everyone Is
welcome. Mr.]. B. Davis, mstruc· will be appreciated. I horses stolen. and therefore our I thief and hang him. IlI~!'!!!!'!!!!!!li!!i!!!!i!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!iiii!!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!!!!ii!!i!!!!!!!!!!ii!!ii!!i!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!i!!!!!l11
I .~.
PAGE SIX .OUR TOWN .November 16, 19f8

facturer: William P. Gest, banker; H. retary of the Women's Interdenom- the exhibit of posters and books for Thrice Lower lVIerion advances r .- ""-
See One Mill Cut
r. Herr, mechanical engineer; S. P. inational Union of Philadelphia, Book Week. Mrs. Harris' department
were stopped near the .ultimate goal. R. S. TOUHIlJ.. :
CONTINUED FROM THE FIRST PAGE Hutchinson, capitalist; Edward C. at the Library regularly combines
., . . Kirk, d~ntist; John A. Kress, army and Miss Margaret Betts, repre- utility and decoration, for in addition
<,.ffalrs 111 the borough Burgesss ufficer; Warren P. Laird, architect: senting the Children's Aid of Mont- to doing the week's mending, she has
The first stop came 111 the second Electrical Contractor '
period, just· as the quarter sensa-
Harry A. Frye pointed out tha~ a IGe<?rge .W. McClelland, v~ce provost charge of the interior decoration of the "Servlce wltb • Smile" :
gomery county. All women are . II· I L . . ....8. BOWMAN AVIINU ,
thing which will come up eventu- l.'I.Jlverslt y of Pen~sy!vallla; H. H. cordially invited to come and bring Library so far· as bulletin boards and tiona y came to a case. ower btlmalM Purnllbed '
II f l' settlement is the ouestion ).fltchell, .mathem~tlcs; Harold Pe!1- art displays arc concerned. The Book Merion had advanced the ball inside .860 lIdRtOtf lOll :
their friends.
aJ 0 ..
oj! an Essex av.enue tunne .
11 Th' der, electncal eng1l1eer; Verus T. Rlt-
IS, ter, architect; Charles R. Turner, dean Directors are asked to turn in
Week display, still intact, is a typical
example of her work.
the five-yard line with a first down. • , ..
the Burgess said; would, no doubt, of dentistry. their garments and reports early so Time was fast ebbing. Two yards
cost in the neighborhood of $35,- Narberth-Thaddeus L. Bolton, that all reports may be tabulated be- L. M. TRIMS NORRISTOWN for Peters! One for Kohlas! It's Desirable Properties
00(1 and it would be unfair to force r·sychologist; Harry M. Chalfont, edi- fore the directors' luncheon at noon. In a dramatic, tense footban bat- last down and off shoots Ernie for rent. in Borough of
such an expense upon the taxpay- t?r; LeRoy A..Kin g , ed.ucat<;lr; J~seph The secretary and receiving com- Mandes on an end run to the left Narberth, $75 to $125
. I It 1<1 S. Neff, M. D., Nathamel Little, 1l1us- tle, waged on the Ardmore gridiron, side, led by a wall of threatening per month. Immedi-
ers 0 f any slOg e year. \VO~I t:alOr; William A. Pearson, M. D.: mittee will be at their posts at 9.45
Saturday afternoon, Lower Merion interference!
thus have to be financed outSIde Percival Roberts, Jr., capitalist; L. A. A. M. to receive garments. ate possession. For
of the Budget, most likely bya Young, football coach; William Zent- High School emerged triumphant information apply to
Norristown fans shuddered as the
!Jond issue for] 5 or 30 years, if it I mayer, M. D. over its traditional Norristown rival run was being executed. Then, out
met with the aporoval of the vot- Radnor-John C. Bell, lawyer; H. G. when the two schools resumed re- through the crowd darted Captain J. Raymond
'I I . tl I Brengle, banker; T. Truxton Hare, lations in the sport after an interval Gianone, who dived through the in- SHARP
CIS when presentee to t lem 10 le IJwyer; Charles P. Noble, M. D.; G
form of a referendum on the bal- D. Ogden, railroad official: W. C. of nine years. The final score of terference and threw Mandes on the
this exciting, 'colorful classic read
750 Drexel Bldg:,Phila.
lot. That such a project is neces- Posey, ophtholmology; James Sulli- four-yard line. Just as the play Phone: Lombard 7998
sarv is evident, he pointed out, van, banker; Ch~rles M. Youn~, artist. 13 to 0 in the home team's favor. ended the whistle blew, announcing or Narberth 4178
f10m..- th . creasingly crowded Rosemont-~J1fredH. Cu?n1l1gham, The mere score, however, failed the half-time intermission.. Bed-
e 111 • banker; G. Gibbs, author, Illustrator; Kuneki Girls Bring to divulge the thrills and frills more
conclttlons of Haverford ave~ue. W. H. Jeffreys, missionary; Alba B. lam broke loose from the Norris-
This. however. it was felt, IS a Johnson; Eleanor L. Lord, college pro- Gift to Library than 4000 spectators enjoyed as 22 town partisans.
question for the. ,residents of the fessor; Samuel M. Vauclain, manufac- ·The Kuneki Camp Fire Girls came schoolboys, and the resultant sub- I-i
-Mrs. Robert Morris Town
horoug-h to propose. tu:er. . recently to the Library bringing with stitutes, battled grimly on the damp Collegians Win (Na)'berth 3891,-J)
'.. . I St. Davids-A. J. County, railroad j(lyous pride and satisfaction a gift of soft turf of the Ardmore bowl.
.-\ ~esolutl?n was p~ssec by dficial; A. C. Dinkey, steel manufac- $30 with which to buy "something" Touchdowns by AI Mandes and The Burgess Collegians defeated the announces the opening
Conncd whIch authonzes the turer; C. C. Harrison, educator: S. C. for the Library. This money had been P d I b I I ~fcGarry Buffalos on Saturday by the
Finance Committee to incorporate in Kingsley, so<;ial work; Lewis N ~i1son, added to their treasury during the last eters, an a goa y t le atter, score of all-:{O. The Collegia'ns were Saturday Morning
tile Budget an appropriation of railr?ad offiCIal; G. L. Peck, railroad year as 'he result of their own activi- came only after many minutes of oUlplayed in the first half, but came
of a
~2(10(). fo; the Narbert~l Commun= o~~Yl~;no)va-Sam~lel T. Bodi,ne, busi-
ties in many lines, and they wished
to place it where it would be of sel'v-
furious scrimmage, up and down back strong in the final half to score
the chalk-ribbed gridiron. 25 points. Peters tallied. three times,
Ity LIbrary. I f the Ludget goe::-> ness man; Morns L. Clothier, mer- Dancing Class
ice to as many others as possible. The break came in the third pe- I whIle Galla~her, McCo~mlck and Bur-
through it is expected the said ap- chant; Joseph C. Lincoln, author; The Library had been cherishing riod. From that moment N _I gess all talhed once, With P.eters, Mc- in Elm Hall
propriation for Lihrary mainte- George McFadden; Am~ Oakley, au- for some time the hope that before . on or Kelvey and Burgess addlllg extra
'11 1 I I ' '1 11 Wor' Thronton Oakley Illustrator' A. long there might be another table in nstown reeled and backed toward I (Joints. Captain:\1 cGarry was the star Women'c Club Room
pance WI )e usee w len dval ~) e de P: Parker, corporatiC:n official; i. G.
the Children's Department around the goal. Once, twice the cowhide I for the losers, scoring three times,
next year to secure the servIces Scatterg::Jod, trustee; M. W. Stroud, ~lhic.h the children might gath~r fOI"1 was pushed across that last wide while Witte scored once.
of a professionally trained lihrar- I,resident American G;u; Company; leadmg. Through ~he ~enerO~lty of chalk mark as the Lower Merion
i~n and assistants. The resolution Deaver White, engineer; James M. the Kunekl Camp FIre GIrlS thIS hope f I d 'Idl . f . d I
\Vynllewood-vVilliam ]. Clothier,
WHEREAS; The Board of Trus- banker' Reynolds T. Hall naval offi-
tces of the Narberth Community. Li- Cl'r; G;egory B. Keen, cu;ator; L. H.
~Tary has appealed to the Counc" of Kinnard, telephone official; J ?hn
is about to be realized, for although
the table did not arrive in time for the
display of books during Children's
Bo?~ \\~ee~ as was planned,. at this
, ~ns. Cleere WI y ~n . renzle gee.
1 heIr heroes were plcklllg up where
another inspired team-with Les
Haws, now an Ardmore attorney as I
s. P. Frankenfield Sons
tne Borough of Narberth for an appro- Meigs civil engineer' George Hardmg,
priation of $2000 (two. thousand dol- artist.' ,
wnt1l1g It IS reported as bemg "on
the way."
the central figtlre-Il cl b t
l;,.rs) annually, to prOVide for the sal- The 'James of the Kunekis who made N?rTlstown team hen~ in the last
ary of an experienced Librarian, and~ this fine gift possible are as follows: Il1l1lute~ of a game 111 1919 that ATHENS AVENUE AND SIMPSON ROAD
Water Gets Clean Bill Adele Aungst, Lois Rinehart, Betty ended III the break of relations.
WHEREAS; The Library has
grown in popular favor in the Com- CONTINUED FROM THE FIRST PAGE 1\1 agarity, Madeline Cohee, Ruth ••~.~.~.~~.~.~~.~.~_~~_~_~~_~_~'I PHONE: ARDMORE 9 ARDMORE, PENNA.
munity, and understood by the Com- " . ~ ., .Suplee, Kathryn Aungst, Harriet ii
munity to be a permanent institution IOf health . to Spr1llgtielcl \\ater. :\Iarsh, ;\Iary Jean Poorman, Anne ;".------------------------------'
VanAuhn, Alice Edwards and Mabel
of the Borough, having a circulation of The hactenal count was exceed-
upward!' of 30,000 volumes ~nnually. ingly low and no cultures of colon
and belllg open to the public on an bacillus were found in any of the
In this connection the Library takes
N ar b erth
average of twenty (20) days each. I 1 'tt d H the ?pportunity of expressing its ap-
month of the year, its work being car- S.IX sam p es su )ml ~:
ried on through a staff of volunteers, heves that the condItIon of the
e -
preCIatIon of the work of one of its
own staff members, Mrs. Jesse Harris
Th eater
and being maintained entirely through water is most excellent and trusts (If Merion avenue, who devoted a~
popular subscription: that present conditions will con- extra morning this week to preparing
BE IT THEREFORE RE- Unue knowin<y full well that eter- MATINEE SATURDAY AND
SOLVEI?; That this Council in regu- nal \:igilance is the price of pure HOLIDAYS AT 2.30 P. M.
lar meetmg assembled, concedes to ,. .
the verbal petition of the Trustees of unnk1llg water, whIch IS 0 prl1:n e
the Narberth Community Library, l111portance to our com111ul11ty secutive insertions of same advertise-
Rates: :tc per word; additional con-
~'J:thin the scope of their legal author health. He therefore agrees that ment, 1c per word. Minimum charge "The Little Theater with
1'T FURTHER RESOLVED; JiO . expense or :> c~re sho.uld be
y n
That this request be referred to the aVoIded by the I hlladelpll1a S~lb­
per wee!c, 3()c.
WANTJo:D-8ales girl, part time. Apply
the Big Plays"
Finance Committee with instructions t'rhan \Vater Company whIch Haverford Narberth Store Model Cleaners, Inc., 301
to provide for the appropriation. of may contillue to supply us with
$2,000 (two thousand dollar~) dunng the hest obtainable water, and two or three rooms and bath. Rent
WANTED-Small furnished apart~ent,
Friday and Saturday
the year of 1!J29, to be paid out of tIl I'e!)\' !lrOlllot·e anel safe-guard reasonable. Write "c" care Our Town.
funds collected from taxes. e '.. . ' '. WANTED-Young woman to do house
Building operations continue apace the puhhc 111 thIS community. work and assist with care of child four SAMMY COHEN in
in the Borough as is evidenced by the years old. Phone Narberth 2708.
issuing of 14 permits by the building Home Cooking Lesson YOUR CHRISTMAS FUXn money will "Plastered in Pm'is"
inspector last month at a <;ost to ap- go twice as far If you get your gifts at
plicants of $51 for operations estimated 'O:-lTINUED FROM THE lI'lRS'r PAGB the Methodist Bazaar. Saturday, Decem-
to cost $13,440. Nine inspections were vidual needs. especially the -100- ber 8, Elm Hall (Fire Housel. Many
efficient Iteatiug
made during the month, 15 of the op- handmade articles to choose from that
erations being completed. page poem, "]ohn Drown's Body," w1ll make unusual gifts at reasonable
and several hiographies, The love- prices. Monday and Tuesday tle#Jo,·"t'ifJ(J effe#Jt • •
Main Liners Listed CHRISTMAS
iy painting "Green Swail" on the wanted to sell most beautifUl Hne of CARnS-Representatives
t:U:'i'l'INl"EIJ I,'RO~I THIll ~'IH8T PAla· clubroom wall, secured from the personal engra.ved cards, also boxed as-
new c1uh memhership in the Art sortments. High earnings. These cards
"The Strange Case of
Captain Rumpel'''
try a Gas Heater
Bala-Cynwyd-Samuel H. Brown, sell on sight. See Mr. Lanning, Room
Jr., M. D.; James F. Cooke, editor; Alliance, was explained by Mrs. 301, 814 Walnut street, Philadelphia. wARl\[ GLOW that heats a room most effec-
Barton W. Currie, editor; Lewis M. Dunlop, the art chairman, who
Haupt, civil engineer; J. A. Kalmer, ga\'e a brief story of the artist,
W ANTEI>-Typlst and general office
A tively and a cheerful, comfortable effect as
well ••• that's what a gas heater will giv~ you.
I-'athology; J. A. Logan, Jr., banker; \Villiam Lathrop's life. Mrs. G. M. assistant by PubHshlng company. Pleas- Clean •.. gives immcdiate heat ••• economical to
Henry A. Pilsbry, zoologist; Arlhur Ing pel'sonality and abl11ty to learn .de- Wednesday and Thursday
H. Quinn, university professor; W. H, :\Iichaelson was hostess of the te1l1gent tall work required. No objection to In- operate. Graceful design& and handsome finishes.
beginner who can make tele-
Schoff, museum secretary; Loring A. afternoon. phone calls. Reasonable salary to start Varying prices .•• a fine Humphrey Radiantfire
Schuler, editor; C. H. Sykes, car- The \Vomen's Community Club State age, quallftcatlons etc., In letter. GILDA GRAY in
for as little as $14..25. Other Welsbach and
toonist; Herbert J. Tily, merchant; ]'roadcast a program over \VFI on Write E. L. P .• Box 7273, Ardmore P.O., "The Devil Dancel·"
F. P.Witmer, civil engineer. Ardmore., Pa (T. F.) !-Iumphrey heaters in several sizes and styles at
Thursday afternoon, November 9, -. :-.rious prices.
Bryn Mawr-J. Barnes, professor of GIRl, WASTED-White for house-
physics; Florence Bascom, geologist: from ;j to 4 o'clock. Mrs. S. Z. work In Cynwyd. Weekday mornings I
S. C. Chew, college professor; Alfred Shope, national president of the only. Phone Cynwyd 2-J. 11
Very Easy Term.s of Payment on
)1. Coil ins, manufacturer; Paxson Society of 1812, spoke on her re- "'OR ItEl'\T-'-Furnlshed room for
Coming-Nov. 26, 27, 28
[ Bot1& Heaters and Connections
Deeter, lawyer; George W. C. Drexel; cent pilgrimage to Princetown, in gentleman. Near station. Phone Narberth
Clifford B. Farr, M. D.; C. G. Fen- 4161. Stores and Representatives
wick, political scientist; C. E. Ferree, Dartmoor, Eng-land. Mrs. Arthur when XOTICJo:-Why go to the beauty shop
p>ychologist; Hortense Flexner, writer; Staples and Mrs. '1'. N. Butler e.ome you can have a beauty specialist
to your home without extra
;0.;, . I;. Griffin, professor _~ En~t!sh; sang a duet an<J, on~ of the 5\lb- charge? Mtss Mary Qold speclallzes In "FOUR SONS" GAS AND ELBf,TrH~ CIf\l\JJPANY
F.dlth H. Harcum, educator; Wilham Jiiniors,' MiRS Ella R()se, sang a all kinds of beauty wOtk-n'ltlrcel waving,
13. Huff, educator; Elizabeth F. John· soprano solo. Mr. H. Banks rend- scalp treatments, facials, manicuring. Bryn Mawr 127 Upper Darby-Blvd. 1600
son, leacher; Helen D. King, zoologist; For appointments phone Narberth 2798.
\V)"ncie King, illustrator; Susan M. ered a piano solo and also accom- --::~~:--==;,-;;---;:.-::::~=::__1-::-1::_:-1::_:6._-2_=_8=:. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . q;;-;--.........- Ardmore 8500 Warne 1 Hilltop SIS
Kingsbury, social economist; T. de L. panied his wife who sang several PIANO TUNER-Repairing mechanic 1IJ1l1l1l11l1l1l1l1l11n1l11l1JlIIlIlIIlIIlIIllIIlIlIIlIlIIlIIlIlIlIlIIUIIII
Laguna, college professor; J. H. Leuba, of his compositions. Mrs. A.
!,s)"chologist;Andrew Mutch, c\ergy- Farmer, president of the club, postal, Q. Ubert1, 315 Hampden avenue, =
In your
own town costs mucn less.
J ALMAN TaiIor =
Send ==
We call and deliver Nar. 2564
I:.an; Marion E,~.l?ark, college presi-
deJlt: Edward prnkosch. college presi- gave a short talk on club aims. MAIN
Repair and
work Plano
In Repair
all Its =_= Daily pressing Repa:-:ng " • =-= ~r;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~
dent: Samuel Rea, former president of On November 20, at 2 P. M., the branches. Tuning and polishing. 2011 § Dyeing French dry cleaning § I
Pt."nllsylvania Railroad; A. N. Rich- class in dressmaking" will meet in Iona avenue, Narberth. (tf) § 105 Essex A venue §
ards, pharmocology; Agnes L. Rogers, the club rooms at Elm Hall. Miss
professor of educatioll; Eunice M. HIGII-ORAI>E REPAIRING. a speclal- ;;: Narberth ::
ScjJenck, professor of French; C. H. £tlw Beeclles, from State College ty
Sthlocke, corporation official; Franz extension, will be the instructor.
Sc1Jrader, college profe~sor; Walter B.
Starn, 115 Rockland avenue. Phone Nar-
berth 2522-J. (10-26-28)
The Extra Pay Check
on antique grandfather's clocks, val- 1I111111111JIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllii
ued hall and wall chime clocks. C. R

Shtimway, clergyman; W. Hinkle To Meet Wednesday 'FOR RENT-Hall, for dances, partles,l
Snlith, capitalist; \Villiam R. Smith,
professor of history; Henry Tatnall, The Narberth Branch of the rates. Phone Cynwyd 1480.
nlilroad oflicial; Lily R. Taylor, col- Needlework Guild of America will
lodge meetings, cake sales. Reason·able '
tf.) for his Cleanliness
FOR UENT-Elght-room house. 5 bed-
lege professor; David H. Tennet, rooms. Excellent condition. Newly
bIOlogist; M. Carey Thomas, educa- hold its annual meeting on Wednes- painted and papered. Rent reasonable. The unusual cleanliness we
tor; Al'lhur Van Harlingen, M. D.; d~;··No'y:cmber 21, at 2 P. M .. in Keys at 300 Grayllng avenue. (tf)
q~.orge Vaux, Jr., lawyer; OWCll t.\j6·Naroerth Presbyterian Church. SEWING IIIAC.HINES-All makes re- demand in the production
h Ister. author. .,. . 'the speakers of the afternoon win paired: cnlnes
Liberal allowances on old mn-
for new Singer. Phone ~erlon
Haverford-R. B. Bencker;·an;hitect;
Frederick S. Bigelow,. c;~itor; James be·Mrs. Jennie Griffith. social sec- 1458-M. . (tfl
Suppose You Had To of Abbotts "A" Milk means
Boyd; Paul G. Br9Wnr·· .engineer; 1.,,~O"<>'QO<l"O'\O"OI'O"<""""""''O''oC,oooo,r>oo''O''oO'''''''''''''''O''
Henry J. Cadbury, el;lucator; William RefurnishYour Home! extra money to the dairyman.
\ V. Comfort, college president; Edgar
C. Felton, steel manufactuT.er; H. Fox, Do You Hear URNITURE and fix-
pathologist; Elihu Grant, college pro-
fessor; Amelia M, Gtimmere, author; the latest records? If not stop
F tures cost more than
The Eyes .of Science, our laboratory
R. M. Gummere, headmaster; C.: B. in and do so. A large supply of
double their former price. tests, make sure this premium is earned.
Heiserman, lawyer; C.. 'G. HOilg: civ.ic If destruction by fire
secretary: R. M. Jones, college ,pro- red seal records and albums makes it necessary to For service of Abbous "A" Milk and other
fessor; R'. W. Kelsey, professor of,.his- (mostly imported recordings)
tory; Rubert W. Lesley, manufacturer; replace your furniture. Abbotts Dairy Products, simply 'phone Ever.
Wilfred Lewis, mechanical engin.eflr~ also on hand. would your fire insurance green 4461.62 (our main Philadelphia Dairy).
Dean P. Lockwood, educator; Wimam provide enough money?
~, Lunt, college professor; John S. Orthophonic Vietrolas,
Muckle, engineer; F. Palmer, Jr., pro- If not, .see us at once!
fessor of physics; Harold Peirce, in- Radiolas

surance; Levi A. Post, professor of Insure today-Be safe tomorrow
Greek: Henry S, Pratt, zoologist: Wil- Atwater Kent-RCA-
liam 1. Schaffer, judge; Samuel Sco- DURBIN HOWARD &

"iIle. Jr., lawyer; Edwin M. Wilson" . Majestic Radios
eJucator. Real Estate &' Insurance
Merion-C. Bartlett, M. D.; S. D.
Benoliel, electrochemist; Ew.,ard· W. •.
J Ric h ard Shryock C O.
. R.~r.u"'l,,, TA,
Bok, .editor; Mar.y L. C. Holf John F. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO.
Bra~n, manufacturer; C: G, Child! uni- 233 Haverford Ave., Narberth Phone: Narberth 2999 of Hartford, CODD. Safeguarded by Science and Tuber.culin-Tested
\'ersrty nrofessor; Henry S. Drmker.
educator; William H. Folwell, manu- ~ 8 l I C l Q l O & 8 1 t D E a I ) i

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