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W. S.

303 N. Narberth Ave.,
~a.rbert~, Fa.'

Narberth, Pa., Saturday, March to, 1928 PRICE, THREE CENTS

Vol. V. Number 23

NAME HEADS FOR Narberth Girls Old and New Hockey Leaders "DEBUNKING" PLEA Chosen Ardmore Rector HOPE FOR COUNTY
Organization Not a Religion, Borough Foresees Heavy Ex-
District Chairmen Selected at
Council Meeting Held but One for Fellowship, I pense on Wynnewood
Bartlett Says. Avenue.
Narberth and threc districts' in A "debunking" speech and a The \lontgomery County Com-
i .
, Lower J.\Ierion were designatcd as
. centers for athletic contests and
demonstration of memory training
featured the monthly evening of the
missioners will soon be formally
asked to take a part of a coming
other events during Boy \Vee)..:, Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Rot a r y 'Jurden from the shoulders of Nar-
April 28, l\I ay 5, and district Tuesday at the Cynwyd Club. \I u- berth taxpayers if plans now formed
chairmen were appointed by Edwin sic was furnished by the Lower hy Council go through.
A. Carlson. chairman of the Main Merion Junior High School orches- Last 1110ntll the Public Sen'ice
Line Boy Cou)lcil, at its meeting tra. Cumll1issillll grantcd permission to
held in the Y. 1\1. C. A. building at C. Edwin Bartlett, former pre.;i- ,he ;\'10!1t~o1l1ery nus Company to
Ardmore J.\Ionday night. dent of the Philadelphia Club, spoke reroute its lines in such a way
I under the general topk of Rotary that busses will tra,'cl up \Vynnc-
Frank I-I. Elmore, president of
the Bala-CYllwyd Neighborhood education. His talk did not run in \\'ood road. ;\arberth, from the rail-
Club. will heac! .aCtivities in Bala, the usual vein of exposition of ,oad to :\lontgo111ery avcnue. This
Elma Reese, member of the senior Eleanor Mlachelson, a jUnior. who formal principles of Rotary, but re- The Rev. Churchlll Jones Gibson, I)ermission was .gTranted against
Cynwyd, 1\leri011~:lI1d \Vest 1\lana- class at Lower Merion High School, was elected recently to lead the 1928
Lower Merion High girls' hockey · If' I f of Lexington. Va., who has accepted a -
who Is this year's captain of the SO Ive d Itse 1\1to a p ea or common call to the pastorate of St. Mary's the protests of the local authori-
yunk; ?lIagistrate Fred Walzer will team. Like the captain whom she sense. Episcopal Church. Ardmore. to suc- ties.
be in charge of Narberth's celebra- girl's hockey team. She Is also one succeeds, she also Is signed up for "I I I d f . " . I ceed the late Rev. Andrew H.
of the leaders In lacrosse which wlll lacrosse. Lower Merion Is one of the on y pea or samty, sal( Haughey. The protest was based largely
tion; George A. 1\Iahl, Y. M. C. A. be Inaugurated this spring as a new few schools In this district which
secrctary, will head the observance sport for Lower Merion girls. wlll have a girls lacrosse team. Ivlr. Bartlett, in commenting on wild (In the realization that \Vynne-
in Ardmore, \Vynnewood, Haver- remarks made about Rotary and in
its name. "It is time we went se- •
DR GIBSON TO BE \\'()()(I roa< I is narrow, I)oorly I)aved
and high-crowncd. making it a
ford and Gladwyne; and Harry
Fried will be in charge of Bryn
Bridge Parties and Travels Are riously into thc matter of debunk- ST. MARY'S RECTOR: dangerous highway for heavy
Mawr's participation. High Lights of Social Doings ing the organization."
Mr. Bartlett referred particularly .. M" t FL'
husses. The authorities also
stater I t IJat an increase of traffic
The week's events will commence
COME ONE, COME ALL . . . to tIlat type 0 f speecI1 all(I wntmg mls er rom exmgton, ,on the road would soon put it out
with an automobile parade Satur- :'Iliss Helen Hoffman. of \\'ind- which finds its wav into the Ameri- Va., Accepts Call to 'of c01\lmission. necessitating ex-
day, April 28, and will conclude Sill' and Forrest aVe11l1(·~. will enter- A device described by Its sales-
can mercury as a -horrible example Ardmore Church. :tensi,·c relairs.
the following Saturday, May 5, tain at a bridge party next Satur- men as remarkably original and as
when awards wil1 be made to win- day in honor of \]iss ?lIartha l\letz- having been placed on the market under '1'1
its ,. Americana" department.
I I' I .. , I I "Snap" figures presented on the
for the first tlme only recently, has le spea ..:cr <l( not cntlclse t le TO START IN APRIL f I'
ners of contests to be held in cach gci·. The guests will include the been purchased by many Lower magazine--rather he spoke against I cost () r.ehlli\c lI~g the road. hav.e

community during the week. The l\] is~es l\I ary Virginia Do1<1. Hope Merion and Narberth residents In the wild talkers who are responsible ,, . , i ~'l~I,1 as 11Igl~ as ~liIJ,OOO, which, If
tentative program is as follows: Burlingame, Honora Snyder, Pa- the past week. It· consists of an ad-
justable frame. a collectlon of double for the puerilities quoted. . I he Rcv. CIll1rchlll Jones Gibson, ,1:;su111ed l~) the ..Borough, would
Outline Tentative Program. tience \Vohlert, Helen EcJgl'Omh, Views of scenic wonders and of Pokes Justifiea. ' U. A., D. D., rector of the R. E, ha"e a scrums ettect .upon the tax
thrl111ng actlon pictures taken In the "'1'1 I I ' I) . , I I 'J . I CI I L' ratc. As the road Will be part of
Saturday, April 28: Auto parade, Betty \VO()(1. Anne \\'00(1, \Iary battlefields of Fronce. with a bi- lC ',"on s t lat , "otary C ' IS t le ~ee.' . ,e1l\ona lurc 1, eX1I1gton"1 ' , tIll'0 llgll roue. t C ouncl'1 1las j' e It
for all boys in the Lower Merion- \Iargar~t Ranso~l, Eliz;~beth Bland focal arrangement for Viewing them.
hope. of the wo.rld, that . hl:1St was V IrginJa, has accepted a call cx- that Count\· aid is the solution.
Adaptation of elementary laws of
Narberth district with bands and and 1\llI1a Coohdge, 01 :'Ilontana. optlcal physiology causes the pic- the 11I'st Rot,~nan. and sll1l11ar .ex- tended him by the Vestrv of St.' 110 0 I" r " . FI I \\.
business floats, ~nd private cars :'II is~ Coo,lidge is a ~lassmate of :'II iss tures to appear three-dimensional. tlavagant l'1allllS lay the organlza- . ..'. ). ' . . : '". ','- r U~,l ~(~ ICltOl etc ler .
decorated by boys, for which prizes. Ilol.111lan s anc.l w1l1 be. her guest with figures standing out In rellef
against their background. tion opcn to justifiable pokes hy its ~Ial y ~ ] lot est ,I n t ~pIscoIJaI. S:'ltes . h,l:; Uken I~P th~ ~llatter
will be awarded, also a relay race dunng the sprlllg vacatIon. Only n few went huntlng In at- critics," ?IT r. Bartlett said. Church, Ardmore, accordll1g to an i \\ Ith. the County .CommlsslOn~rs,
from Bryn Mawr to Philadelphia. :\1 rs. Rohert J. Nash, of Price tlcs. cellars and closets. from which "Rotary is not a religion, not a announccment made this week. ,and IS also prepanng:, a re~olutlOn
Dr. Gibson who will succecd tlo he pr~~en~ed tO COlNIJnctl. Mon-
they resurrected forgotten, dusty
Sunday, April 29: A joint reli- and Narberth avenues. has heen objects which seemed to bear a re- sect. It extends through most of
gious service in each community, in confincd to her home for the past markable resemblance to the "new t Ile countlles, .' ,. . r · · 1'1 ,. ' (ay petltlOnlt1g t IlC 1 ornstown
and original Inventlon which has of Ie Iglons all( c asses the former rector the late Rev. i I " f· . I 1'1" h I
which members of all denomina- week bccause of illness. just been placed 011 the market." people in the world. Rotary was ' i aut lontle~ 01 ~)(. liS IS sc e~ ..
tions will be ask~d to particip.ate. :'IIrs. Frank H. Kenncdy. of 213 The device, both new and old. Is not founded to paint white lines on AI.ldrew .I-I. J:aughey, ahout the :uled for d.tscussI~n at the com~ntt­
Monday, Api'll 30: Athlet~c con- Lantw)'n lane, entertained the l11em- known as the stereoptlcan. Hanlon, who had learned the name I11ICldle 01 A pnl, waS for five years ; t~e meetll1g. bel1lg held Frtday
tests throughout the township and hers of her bridg-e duh Th1l1'sdav bllsiness- oi' eachlllel1llkr as' he a l1iGlirl'taiaUlissic-",'l'y-alld ~l:rvt;l i i mg.l-..t :In<1·.wllI r:nme uP. for fim-II
~orough, winners ot th~se elillliml- cvelling.· . LYRIC TRIO GIVES ' entered arose and rattled off the full as chaplain with the A. E. F. in :actlOll. at the :March meetmg :Mon-
bon events to compete 111 finals at Miss ~'1ildred Howcll, of Oak- name and profession of those seated France. da! 111ght. .
Ardmore on Saturday. . 1110nt, entertained at bridge Tues- VARIED PROGRAM CONT1:\'ITJo:O 0:11 'l'HI~ SI~CON1J \,'\(;1': "1'1 1 I' I I I 1 1 I fhose who are workmg for tht:
' . le ~p en~ I( wor,; (01~e .))' t IC i county aid plan assert that N ar-
Tuesd~y, Ma~ I: The boy ll1 the day evening in honor of \1 iss
HOLD SUCCESSFUL DANCE drew H. Haughey reqillres lOlmer Iectal, the late I"e\. . I ; 1)er t Il 'IS en t'tl
An- I e<1 t 0 t h'IS al'd no t
school Will be gl\'el! an .opportunity Whill11a \Veigel, of Cilpin road. Well-Known Artists Feature t lat 1 1
to compete for !>l'Izes 111 an essay Her guests were the :'Ilisses Irma I. I' f 1 ;on y )ecause 0 f tlle use t'0 IJe
Community Club Tennis Club Affair Is Well Attended. 11~ ~uccessor )e a l~lan a unusua [made of the road but because it
~ontest on "My Ho~by," to .be held \Iorg~n, Edna Johnson, Peg Hoh-
1Il the Lower Menon JU1l10r and erts, .-\nne Hart, Edith :'Ilag-uire and
Meeting. ()ver ]00 people attended a dance abdlty, . and one mterested not . II las 110 trecel\'c< ' I'd'Irec t re t urns
held at thc Narherth Theater Hall .' . onl)· 1Il the usual I)astoral dutlcs f
. ,'". rom IS coun t y t'axes f or many
Senior High S~hools, and in pri- Alma Weigel. \\...Ithll1 the pansh. hut 111 the plO- "
vate and parochial schools for boys }Irs. Elmer B. Hankey, of Xorth CALENDAR IS CROWDED last Fridm' for the heneht of till' . I 'I . I I ' " I .years, a Itl lOug I1 nelg . l1 b '
onng L ow-
of prep school age. Narberth avenuc, entertained a fe'\' ~ arherth 'rennis ,\ssociation inco1'- gl<lm 01 t le ( 1l11C T,
1 at alge. T ' er Iv enon las la consl era)I I e
c e-, ",1' I I d 'd
The Lyric Trio of Philadelphia, poratecl. AccoJ'(ling to tho~e who L'IIare< I "T one 0 f t 1lC \ estrvmen .• tl ,ues- . i Ile Ip 1n . I't s I' lIgIlwav program f rom
CONTINUED ON 'I'UE EIGHTH l'AG& friends at her home last Tuesdav. cay. 0 carryon.1\1 lese van- the count '. .
l\lr. and Mrs. C. Howard Reese well-known artists. often heard on are in a position to know this was
IlUS fields and to budd for the fu- )
attended a hirthday party at Con- the conccrt stage and 0\'('1' the radio, one of thc hest dances ever given in ture, as l'vlr. Haughey would have', \\'ynn,ewood road now has .but
SMOKER NEXT MONDAY ga ve one of the finest programs of Narberth. Boh S;l\·ilI's (lrrhestra done, hac! he li"cd, is the aim of, )-, to III feet. of cartway, 11lgh-
conI ville. Pa., last Tuesday eve-
Legion Post to Entertain at an ning. the dub year beforc a large aIHI ap- furnished the musil', which has nut the c11l1rch: Dr. Gibson. we feel! crowned. and Irregular. Improve-
Informal Evening. ,\1 iss .\nne Chalfont. of Chestnul preciative audience. ?I'liss Erncstine heen equaled in these parIs. The Sl1I'e, is excellently qualified to! ment 111Ight one of scv~ral
Narberth's rejuvenated All1eri- avenue. gave a supper party at her Bacon. lyric soprano. accompanied 'inimitable lack \Vine outdid himself realize this work." forms-the cntlrc street and slde-
can Legion Post is planning an home last I<'riday for se"cral school by 1\1 iss Dorothy Power. harpist, as master of ceremonies. The new rector is a s~n of the: walks mig'ht he reg~aded, and a
e\'ent of interest to all ex-service chums. The guests included the and :\1 iss Florence Haenle. violnist. Thc coll1mittee in charg-e of the . . " ro'l I :complete new road laid; the mean-
sang "?I[ay Eve" and the Bells of alTair consistcd of John H. \Vine. RIght Re,. Robert :\. \ ,I )son, ate. I ' .1 II . 1 t b I ft
men and Narberth men in gen- \Iisses l\lary ;\Iichener, Jane Nash, .I f V' .. b 1\'1 <enng SI( ewa {S nllg 1 e e as
eral-the first of a series of in- :\1 uriel White. Peggy MacCuffin. St. Mary's. \\'. D. R. l~vans, Carl B. l\letzg'er. B IS lOp a lrglma, was orn, pn
I [arp and violin: Jr.. I-I. Runald T'aig'e, Dr. Claude 20, 188;;, in Parkersburg, \Vest CONTINUED ON THE l<'OURTH PA\iF.
formal smokers. These will be Virginia Abel, Kitty Janc l\Iiller, Virginia; educated at 'Woodberry
Valse Bluette. Harold Crane and Dr. I larry Hart-
held in addition to the regular I Peggy Bailey, Katharine l\[egee.
Song of I ndia. lev. The cOll1mittee annollli{'e that Forest School, Orange, Virginia,
me~tings. Bobby Staley, Emily Titlls, Arlene AT MOTHERS' COUNCIL
Next Monday night at !:l.t,'} the Yost and Betty Harp solos: I tl;~ dance w;~s .so succcssf~J1 that it the Episcopal High School, Alex-
La I'riere. paId the dehClt on the hrst c1ul, andria, Virginia; the University of
• post will act as host to its men Mrs. S. B. Jeffens, 106 Forrest
.\nnie Laurie. dance as well as expenses on this Virginia, and the Theologkal Dr.
Blanchard to Speak at Open
guests and has planned an inter- a\'enue, was hostess to the memhers Meeting Monday.
esting program. The committee of her bridge club when it met Harp and soprano: I' one with some to boot. ,\nothel" Seminary in Virginia.
:'Ilammy's song. dance is likely to he staged in th:: Dr. Phyllis Blanchard, the speak-
has disclosed the fact that some Thursday at her home. ]-I er guests A QUICK ROUND TRIP er at the next meeting of Mothers"
very desirable talent will be pre- wel~e I-I. S. Stevens, 1\1 rs: J. B. Last Rose of Summer. not 100 distant future.
.\t twelve noon O!1 February ;In, Council, comes from one of the mosf
• sented to entertain the members Snllth, l\1 rs. E. H. Cochnll. IV[ rs. Trio:
\\'aters of 1\'Iinnetonka. MRS. ELLEN BURGESS se"eral of the local post oftlce interesting and uscful organizations
and friends, Joseph Chappatte. Mrs. George \V.
Later tables and cards will be ()rth and \lrs. Joseph 1\[iller. When Jrish Eyes ..\ re Smiling. \Irs. Ellen Burgess, widow of staff addressed letters to them- in Philadelphia.
• :\Iighty Lak' a Rose. David Burgess. died Tuesdav at selvcs marked "Via San l~rancis­ The All-Philadelphia Child Guid-
available for thc card players with 1\1 r. and 1\1 rs. C. K. Stahl. of
smokes and eats for a l l . ' Narberth, are at the Grace DOllge Harp and violin: the home of her daughter. \Irs. ro'" They were properly stamped ancc Clinic has heen working in
Hotel in \Vashington for an extend- The Old Refrain. John Dwyer, at 106 A\'Oli road. with air mail stamps and sent on Philadelphia for three years, study-
Humoresque. \Irs. Burgess had lived at the home their wav. :\t (i.:lO P. M .. March ing problems of children, who for
of her daughter for h"e years and :3, the i)()stmarks sho\\'~d they any reasons are not fitting comfort-
:'III's. George E. Stackhousc, of Harp:
Mrs. B. Earle Achenbach as his- Spanish Dance. was 1)0 years of age at the time of were at the San Francisco Post ably into the home, the school, the
torian for the Dr. Benjamin Rush Pricc a venue, is visiting in \Ve~t \ \'a)' Down L: pOll the Swanee her death. Interment took place at Office; at :1 A. M., \Iarch Ii, they community. \'-'ith the help of the
Chapter, Daughters of the American Virginia and in Ohio for several River. Odd Fellows' cemetery in Clad- arrived home in Narberth. psychiatrists, psychologists and so-
Revolution, announces that an il- days. She expects to return to- lIarp and soprano: wyne yesterday. She is' survived by A comparison of dates showed cial workers. remarkable results
• lustrated lecture, "The Trail of the morrow.. .\gnus Dei. her daughters, Mrs. John Dwyer that a little less than a week of have been achieved in solving he-
Flag," will be given for thc Nar- Richard \V. Case, of Hunting-
ton, \V. Va .. and Howard Castner Diane. anti 1\1 iss Elizahcth Burgess. of time had been consumed hy these havior problems of all kinds, in-
berth school children and the Boy letters in making a round trip cluding those which Dr. Blanchard
• Because each artist was so fine Br\'n ?llawr.
and Girl Scouts of Narberth in the Pierce. of Louisvile, Ky., were the across the continent. If this keeps will discuss at ncxt Monday's meet-
.. Girl Scout room of the C011lmunity guests of Mr. and ?vl rs. H. C. F en-
Building Tuesday evening, ?II arch 110 last weeJ..:.
2i, at i·3 0 . Rev. and l\Irs. August F. A.
and her talent so perfect it was im-
possible to choose between them. I
They were splendid as soloist, in
MISSIONARY TO SPEAK up, airplan;es will be making the ing.
The \Vomen's Foreign ~lissiol1­ round trip almost as quickly as
some of the journeys advertised
Dr. Blanchard is the chief psy-
chologist of the clinic, and is author
:\'eudoerffer and son Frederick, duos and in trio. Mrs. Hipwell, ary Society of the 1\lethodist Epis-
• LOCAL MAN HONORED Lutheran missionaries of Rajah- chairman of music. was in charge copal Churrh
of the program and Mrs. A. \V. thank offering service on Sunday,
will hold its annual by automobile publicity men. of
on the
books and articles.
detailed stories of her
At the annual meeting of the mUl1dry, India, are guests at the March at II o'clock. Mrs. Paul COACH TO SPEAK study and treatment of individual
• Burns was hostess when tea was II,
Quaker City Wholesale Grocery home of Mr. and Mrs. :\rthur K, Harvcy Harman, an instl'l1ctor at children. The general subject of
served. ~\:lcClintock, for 23 years a mission·
Company on March 5, Howard Cot- LeFevre,\) Sabine avenue. ary in China. will be the ~;peaker. the Lower Merion Junior High the meeting is social hygiene.
ter was elected second vice presi- Mr. Willard H. Hunt, of Essex r:ONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT The meeting will be held on ~roll­
All are invited. School, will be the speaker at the
dent. The Quaker City is one of avenue, left Tuesday for Jackson- Senior Luther League on Sunday day evening. l\Iarch 12, at 8 o'clock
the largest co-operative wholesale ville, Fla., where he will remain for TWO SPEAKERS
W. H, M. S. M. E. C. TO MEET evening, March I I, at 6.45 o'clock at at the Narberth School. It is open
• grocery organizations in Philadel- three weeks. The Narberth branch of the
Dr. Leroy A. King, professor at League of \Vomen Voters will The \'-'omen's Home Missionarv the Lutheran Church. All youllg to everyone who is interestecl wheth-
phia and vicinity. Society of the 1\1. E. Church wiil people are invited to attend. er a member of the Councilor not.
the University of Pennsylvania and mee~ ~ronday afternoon at 3.15 in
meet at the home of ~lrs, C. lVI. Fathers, as welf as mothers, are al-
NO DAMAGE scecretary of the local school board, the Community Building. The TO STAGE DANCE
McCracken. 106 Merion avenue, on ways welcome at the meetings.
attended the meeting of the Nation- program selected calls for two
• The siren sounded, volunteer fire- Thursday, March IS, at 1 o'clock. The Saturday night hop-no. it's A study group has been formed
men rushed to the fire house, a al Education Association at Boston speakers: Mrs. C. 1"1. Lafitte, of
not a game of leap frog, but a dance of mothers of mwils in the seventh.
truck roared forth. But it was only last week. the Lower Merion League. will
TO HOLD SUPPER of superb quality being" held in the eighth and ninth -grades, The first
a field of grass at the Montgom- Miss Helen Jones, of South Nar- speak on "League Activities j"
berth avenue, was hostess to the Miss Anna Pratt of the White- The Goodfellowship Club of the Narberth Theater Han, March [0, meeting will be held at 3 o'clock
ery Day School, which afforded this Bob Savill's Orchestra offi- on Thursday, ~rarch 15, in the:
• interruption of pinochle games on members of her bridge club this Williams Foundation, will be the M. E. Church will hold a supper at 1928,
the church on Friday, March 16. ciating. school library.
Tuesday moming. CONTINUED ON THE Il:IGHTB PAGE other sp.eaker.

Scouts "Firing Up" at Valley Forge
This is more than a store-it is a cheer!ul socia~ center j:
where, on Saturday nights and other times du.rmg t~e I.
w~k, hundreds come in to buy and to chat with their ;: i Carrying Women's and Children's
neighbors. ..
In its long history, Davis' Store has always been a ~.
friendly place. You will enjoy making your purchases " Underwear and Hosiery
. ~
here. i,'
.~ Boys' and Girls' Clothing
The Oldest Store in Narberth ;: OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS
224 Haverford Avenue NARBERTH 4035 -:
-~~;.., ....~. . . . ., ,,......,....,~..,,.,~..,,# .......,,......., ,........,#,,,,,,...,~

Patricia Elizabeth Shop

r~----------'------'-'-'-'-"l LILIAN F. HUTCHINSON, Prop.
125 North Narberth Avenue, Narberth

{l liit~I~~~~~_~~~~·~~~~~
Four members of the Ardmorl' g:'ound of the Revolution. Reading ii
l .i
Boy Scouts who joined In the an- In the uMcCormick.
Wcslcy JUal left to right theyFlem-
George are. i.' .j
nual pilgrimage to Valley Forge on
Washington's birthday were snapped
mlng. scoutmaster of Ardmore Troop
No.1; Alvah Severson. scoutmaster

as they were getting togethcr on 1I.
camp fire at the historic campln~
of Ardmore Troop No.2, lind Jame~

-=:=:.-=.:...-=-..:.:..----=---.::..--:.------- - - - . t
French Consul Brings Paris ~ ~
Home With Him to Bryn Mawr ~. ~. DISCOURAGES TUBERCULOSIS
Belmont Avenue, West Manayunk t
Rcne Weiller, French co~snl ~t i ASSESSMENT RAISE
Philadelphia. always takes hIs Pans
' l~_.__...-. __ ._.__..._..._...~~~.~pd~§
.._..._..~.._..._..._..._.. .__.__..__.__._..._..I
"A little meat eaten daily is a great assur-
ance against the probability of contracting tu-
berculosis." The above statement, b~T a health
homc with him whcrever he gO?s.
\Vhen in the consular servlcc at I
i IRKS HAVERFORD! ~~~~~~~i@!.il!@!jjjj]@§jj!!!!!i!!!!~~~~@i!§~!!!!l!!l!!!!!l!!l!!!ii!!§~i!!!li!!lll
I ,j:/; expert, speaks for itself.
1Ioscow, at Christiana. at Genoa and: . --.- M i When meat is thought of in Philadelphia
at Stuttgart he and his family lived' Promme~t ReSidents eet to I homes, Bradley's Market is brought to mind.
in neither a Russian, a Xorwcgian, an
Italian nor a German homc. They
Protest Action of New
Home-Made Candy For in Philadelphia and its suburbs Bradley
Meats are best; have been best for over half a
lived in a French home. Now he has I i century.
Chocolates are made every day at White's Sweet
transplanted his Frenc~l home here. I STREET DEFENDS MOV£ i Shop. They are sweet. they a1 e fresh, they ar~ delicious
You are invited to open a charge account
Hc has brought to ll1S new home at with us, by calling in person at our modern, san-
and they are made under the same samtary and itary market, or asking your telephone operator
G,l2 Montgon~cry a\'cnuc, BrYI~ Mawr, ._\ <Yroup o~rominent residents painstaking conditions as at home.
all the furnlturc, the tapestrtes and b ' . to give you Rittenhouse 7070. We deliver twice
rugs, thc pictures, the .chin.aware al~d and property holders In Havel- Try them for yourself and see.! . a day.
the books that he had III !l1S home In iord townshi') met last night at
France. More than thiS, hc has .
brought even the c1e~tric-light fixtures the home of Colonel John
and antique chandeliers that adorncd :\Iuckle on Coopertown Road,
We also sell other makes of candy, as fresh as we
can get them. You have but to take your choice. BRADLEY MARKET
maid, who also l"t\'erf~rd,
to discuss and protest· WHITE'S SWEET SHOP Opposite Erlanger Theatre
-,vas brought ~vi~h thcm, log~thcr \yith against \\'hat the\" ieel to be un-, Rittenhouse 7070
I! Phone, Na1·be.rth 4005

the touches ot hench lastc III furlllsh-. . .... ."

!\~::I:f~:~:;~::~~y::~~::P~i:~~:i~{~~ ~:~~~:~~::~~~:::~~~'.t:::~~~~':~ !,~",,,,,,, ",~,I"~, ,~,:,: ,~:,:~:,',:,:,~,:,:~""OW,"w'"""'"'"":::"::,,,, .~,

tically French. atmosphe!e: . pointed assessor, and his assist-
I~E!!§ii!@!j!@!!i!!!!1!!l!!i!!!!il!1i!!!!!!!!!@!!!ji!@!jE!jjjjjjjl!!i!!!!E§§j!§i[ijijijji@ii.![ij!i'ffijffii~~~E!~7:'~~~HI! I
Yct cvery tllne the \\t clller home IS

nil the drawin~ 1'00111 tloor j:; a I'cr- '"'

transplated it acquires bits of the ants. Plans \\'(~n' 111a( C' ;,[ '- 11.-
1" 1.
. h " 'I::. "I. ,it,' 10 w1,ich it j, Ib"·cd. rJ1e"till"- tf) nhtain ;\ '·'::1";"-"";11]('111.
';;111 nl;, acquir~d il' :,In<l'ow 1, !i.I(' j< 11e prcsentecl at a j>uhlt.- Ineet-·
;:i!':~;~~ ~··'.~:::L, ~l ·1.lll·1::~.:~.;( '.1.! i!* .. 'n \1 ::'Ilia ":1 <.::lii"lL.iV ;11t1fil- This does not belong to the canine
cahinet dating hal·k to the het~c.lL·'" - ..
~;:HICl\ 1,,,:.aril1g' on !t:-; ~....·rl(Ir1'·n ,,:r,o! ;.1. 1U::.·.. family, the feline family nor the equine
hand-can'ed SCene lfom the hie ot Among those affected by the in- family, but all of these are directly af-
Christ. This was bought by the con- cl'easecl assessments are A. At-
snl while in Germany.
Louis XV and XVI Furniture. water Kent. J. Stanley Reeve.
The furniture in the house is for the prominent iVlain Line sportsman:
Shoes fected by it; and even you, dear reader,
have spent many a pleasant or unpleas-
most part of the period of Louis XVI, Justice \Vi\liam L. Schaffer, of the t ant hour with it, depending almost en-
except the dining room furniture, Pennsylvania Supreme Court: We Fit the Entire Family
which belongs to the period of Louis .I f tirely upon whether our product, LUM-
XV. Most of this furniture is mod- Paul Thomson, \'ice preSI( ent 0
ernized, while some picces arc real the U. G. 1.; George R. Sinnick- 127 NARBERTH AVE.. THEATRE BLDG., NARBERTH BER, was serving the purpose it should.
antiqucs and some few entirely mod- son, Horatio G. Lloyd. ['vII'S. John
ern. R. Valentine, Colonel iVIuckle and· You may ask-"What does this have
The rare old porcelain clocks, the fl'
wrought-iron chandeliers, one of which IVriss Edith P. Hannum, one 0 t le. Specializing In Juvenile Footwear to do with lumber?"
is an heirloom and came originally Township Commissioners. The
frol11 an old church; the carthenware. assessment in one case is reported EDWARDS' We will tell you about it in next
plates I?caring lpve ballads in Fre~lch I to have been increased 1000 per week's advertisement.
and datlllg back a couple of centllrtes: ! . CHILDREN'S SHOES
the rare age-staincd prints and Iile. cent.
Bible .album containing illustrations by i Mr. Street, originally elected as
Specially built. to give a
Gustavc Dor e and. others: are .amollg· an assistant assessor. was appoint-
the most Illtcrestlllg th1l1gs 111 thc,
house. i assessor a
I' k " o U!Jon
e\\' \:'ee's a~,
On the mantel over thc fircplace the the death of hiS former chief,
world of comfort to the grow-
ing feet of your girl or boy. Shull Lumber Company
appointm~nts of which were brought Tames P. Gallagher, l:pper Darby.
Good looks and a perfect fit-
The Sm'e-Fit ting as~mred. The Link Between Forest and Home
from Pans. and are vcry old, on the i-Tis statement of his side of the
dcep-cut Window lcdges and on a dcsk . 29 BaIa Avenue, BaJa-Cynwyd
in thc consul's library stand curious case follows: IN TAN ELK OR PATENT COLT
and valuable heirlooms, ancient pew- "The assessor and his assistants' CYNWYD 662
tel' picces, Chinesc fi~ures and Afric~n are simply working for an equali- Sizes, 4 to 8 $3.25 (Oxford) •
weapons ~hat wcre gwen to ~he Wei!· t'
leI'S bv fnends. In the draWing room za Ion It1 le.
. tl tm 'nship. This has
a glass-top table o\-er in onc corner heen put off from tIme to tIme,
. Sizes 81j~ to 11, $3.75 =.
displays delicately carved ivory fa!1s, hut we knew sooner or laler we
;a snuff box that bclonged to a eOll~ttcr wotlld have to face the issue. \Ve
.in the days of Napoleon I, and antIque
bracelets. all heirlooms handed down are acm 1
f ' g 't no • al)l)'\rent!\"
\\ < . '
Same in Hi-Tops at $3.75 and $4.00
through Mr. Weiller's family. "'Ve knew that some persons,
.Alrcady .the home of the Wcillc:rs , especially in the tipper end of the Sizes, 4 to 8-$3.50 (Oxford) •
:stIll ~om1l1antly. French, cont~l1ns t 'n hi J 'ould be dis<Yrttlltled.
,,;ollletlllng Amcl'lcan. The damty 0\\ s I \'\ ,., .
I)lue-and-pink voilc curtains that tint hut we feel we have ben fall' all
thc tight that comes into this French around. I have received many as-
homc in t~le daytime were bought in stlrances from all section.; of the
We Are Here to Serve You - Compare
Philadelpilla. township that tthe assessment is Our Prices With the In-Town Stores.
"DEBUNKING" PLEA fair." Even Though It's Late

('O:"T!:"!·F.n ",:0\1 TIIl!J FIIl!'!'r PAGFl Even to Paris
OUR Income Tax Returns are due in
about the table \\'ithout a miss.
The fame of Paul Scull, of Dala-
Cynwyd, former Lower l\Jeri?n
DODGE OWNERS Y the office of the Collector of Internal

Guy Croyle. \I'ho had attended football star, and no\\' capta1l1- Revenue in less than one week. If you have
other dcmons,ra,;u:ls, declared that elect of the Uni\'ersitv oi Penn- not yet completed the exacting work required, •
1 [anIon performed the feat with syh'ania team, has spread even as' our Government representative, who will be
the hicrhwa)'s, [nit tl[) welcome signs, f P' in our main office on March 14 and 15, is •
'" d I'f ar as ans. We are giving special prices on the following
or do loudlv-proclaime up I t In a recent is,;ue of the Paris, ready to give you his assistance.
work. Mutuai backscratching has edition of the N e\\' York Herald, work until March 15th:
long been out of place, and Rotary appeared a report of a dinner held His experience and knowledge of the sub-
has now revcrted to its original at the Penn Athletic Club by the GRIND VALVES " CLEAN CARBON ject will make the task easier and will enable
purpose-personal and craft im- \'eteran and renowned athletes of ADJUST CARBURETOR . . CHECK TIMING you to file your returns on time. We are glad •
l,rovement, and good fellowship." Philadelphia. On this occasion i to offer this help as part of our regular bank-
CLEAN SPARK PLUGS ing service and we hope that you will avail
The second part of the program trophies were presented to bot!l:
was taken up by I"rands Bustillo teams and individuals for pre-enll- yourself of it.
and Joseph J. Hanlo.n,. rel?res~nta- nence in s'~ort.
4-CYLINDER CARS, $2.75 : : : 6-CYLINDER CARS, $7.00

tivcs of a memory traullng II1stItute, Special mention in the story is: Take advantage of this exceptional opportunity
who gave a practical demonstration. given to Paul Scull. who receIved i to have your car fixed up for spring.
more than 200 diners at other gath- the trophy for being the most val- ,
ering"s. Members worried about liable college football player of the II
poor memories gathered about the 1927 season. .
This offer is good till March 15th only. THE-MERION·TITLE

demonstrators after the meeting. I ~·TRUST·COMPANY
The orchestra, under the direction .- •
of Miss Wilson, rendered a number: R. S. TOUHILL
• .. • .. • ·~-iJ
of selections during the meal and ~ EZectrical Contractor =
~tccompanied the members ill, the , Haverford Road, Ardmore PENNSYLVANIA •
singing. The players were reward- :
"Be"lce With a Smile"
, .. 8i:.~:~u~=~E
ed withof ice
thanks the cream.
club. cake, and the PBONJI WIlRION loal , "==============================:,

()UR ~l~OW"N

..., . - . . , 1\permanent officers, and Mr. Mc- ~m!II~!lr!5~~r!5~t!II~.!J~._C5~88~~i!5"l!.!icsms~68i!l:Jes--: 1---------------------------

. abollt Girr wi1l act as secretary-treas- i ,J
Sh' D rug Store 5 S P F rankenfield Sons
eI • ,.
~ .floJ
urcr. Six people interested in this :;l
I wMk weee »""nt, and annthee! ~ ea s
,:~I _'.~. ~tlled
:t;; G'
!meeting!s planned for the near r1J RIGHT AT THE S'l'ATION Oi! FUNERAL DIRECTORS
•: ;\ ~.=- • ar en
I future. fhose present
evening expressed Monday
. the venture and planned to meet
for i{] Where the Apothecary Has Held Forth
For the Last QUa1'te.r-Centu1'1J
onc.e a month th~oughout the, re-I!!I Telephones: Narberth 28-38 and 28-39
ma111der of the Wl11ter and sprmg. I;::
Soil and fertilizers. Let us take the I
average condition in a suburhan lot·
and agree that. in its original con(li-
tion, the soil is not in perfect condition
for making a garden, either for vege-

". • • ,..
tables or flowers.
In all probability the soil is heavy
clay. Clay contains all the chemical
elements that most plants need for
growth, but it is the physical condition
of the soil that makes it difficult for
the plant to root deeply and find mois-
ture through the hot months of sum-
mer. The clay will bake and shed the
water that should percolate through to
the plant roots and the soil will be
difficult to cultivate and to keep free
of weeds.
In the vegetable garden it is a
simple matter to CO\'er the surface with
animal manures, to turn it in and mix
it thoroughly with the clay and make,
soil of fine tilth that is at the same I'

time rich in plant food. I

Howe\'er, in the Hower garden the

matter is quite different because the I
plants are of a less rugged nature than!
the annual vegetables and the flower'
garden is not as conveniently cu~ti-:
vated as the vcgetable garden.
Many of the flowering plants are
perennial and are subject to fungus
diseases which destroy them and these
fungus diseases are bred in the manures:
in the process of breaking down to:
become humus. I
The chief valne of the manure in the.
vegetablc garden is the formation of;
humus which combined with the clay
of the original soil makes a tine s,oil
for plants, the clay is broken up apd
opened, the soil retains moisture, thc
soil is easily culti\·ated. the soil be!I,lg
open allows a free circulation of wa,ter
and air going in and liquid plant food
from the soil to the plant rootlets. In
For the flower garden we nc,ed
humus in a clean form and a small in-
vestment in humus will correct the
clay for all time and make a permanent
Our garden supply man can furnish The Philadelphia Electric Company is furnish...
the hUlllus in bags of 100 pounds and
the deeper it is dug ill and the better ing a reliable and exceptionally complete well-
it is mixed with the clay the better our
plants will root and grow: and the balanced service to the community. The extent of
easier the garden will be to cultivate
and keep frce of weeds. There arc no this service and its Importance to all of our citizens
weed seeds in the commercial humus
while manures will pro\'ide a bonnti- is better realized when ~~nsider that on it
ful supply.
Garden peat moss is also another depend such vital other 'uHt~; as transportation,
means of furnishing humus although
the peat moss comcs in large bales ~elephone communication, illumination of city
which is sometimcs too much for the streets and high-pressure water supply and, also.
small planting. The metropolitan district of Philadelphia has
Both commercial humus and peat that our service furnishes the power for a very large
moss are highly acid and where a witnessed an astonishin~ growth in its electrical
considerable quantity is used it is percentage of all industry in the Philadelphia dis..
advisable to use some ground lime- energy requirements during the past seven years-
stone or garden line to counteract the trict and furnishes illumination and electrical labor-
acid and bring the soil over to the it will experience the greatest development in its
neutral or alkaliue side. saving facilities to 90 per cent of residential homes
Rhododendrons. boxwood, laurel and
azaleas as well as pyrethrum, colum-
history during the next decade. Hence in line with
bine. lupins. chrysanthemums and
woods plants all require au acid soil
this Company's practice of not only furnishing The Philadelphia, ~:~~~,P}£:;:-~Gp~~,'p~.!?-Y:L_~S:--~;~·' r-_
without any lime. The strawberry also adequate electric service in the present but prepar-
likes acid soil.
ing for future requirements, this great project was

Practically all of the other garden

conceived~ financed and promptly executed.
flowers and all of the vegetables thrj\'C
in a sweet or all,alinc soil and thc lime
that is used to bring about this con~li­
tion will also open up the soil and make
it friable.
If sand is added to the mixture of The Conowingo hydro-electric development
clay, humus and lime the drainage will will be of the. greatest benefit to the communities
be improvcd and the soil still easier
culti\·ated. served for a great.many reasons, the principal of
Flower Show in Bud which is reliability of service:-.
The floral display to which Phila-
delphians and people from many sur-
rounding cities and towns look for- Water power producing units of Conowingo can be
ward, will be held March 1!l to 24, in put into· service in a very few minutes, in order to
the Philadelphia Commercial Museum
Building, Thirty-fourth street below supplement the ever-increasing size of the units in
It will be known as "The Flower
our steam' generating plants which require a con-
Festival" this year, and will be in com-I siderable period' of time from starting point until
memoration of the one hundredth an-
niversary of the Pennsylvania Horticul- frilly loaded.
tural Society.
• More than $25.000 in prizes will be This source·of power is free from disturbance due to
offered for exhibits. There will be
classes for prh'ate growers, who are coal strikes; transportation difficulties caused by
the owners of large estates in and seve"re weather' conditions, and like factors beyond
around Philadelphia, the exhibits he-
• ing prepared by the horticulturists and the-control of-the power company,
head gardeners on these estates. Many
owners of horticultural collections will
participate, including Joseph E. Wid- .:Not.onlyour immediate community but the country
ener, Jr., F. Eugene Dixon, vVilIial11! 'as a whole is 'benefited, due to conservation of fuel
duPont, Louis Burk, C. Hartman
• Kuhn. There will be a large display of resources by the substitution of hydro power pre-
orchids from these estates. many plants
being worth thousands of dollars. viously going to waste -for steam power. We
• There will be special classes for
women and also for garden clubs and
estimate a saving of 750,000 tons of coal per
for gardens prepared by school chil- annum.
• dren. Special prizes will be given to
exhibits of entire gardens. covering not
less than 1000 square feet.
• An interesting exhibit will be an old- THE PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY SYSTEM
fas~iol~ed garden of the year 182!l, B~ WM. H. TAYLOR, P..........,
which IS the date of the foundation of the
• Pennsylvania Horticultural Sosicty.
James Boyd, president of the Penn-
sylvania Horticultural Society, heads
the Flower Festival organization. Fred
~Hchell, Jr., is in charge of participa-
• tion of garden clubs, and William
Graham, is exhibition manager.

Booksellers Meel
Last Monday the Main Line
booksellers met at the shop of Mr.
Newman F. McGirr, in Ardmore,
for the purpose of forming a per-
manent association. The plan is
to have an organization of all peo-
ple on the Main Line engaged in
the sale of books, prints and kin-
dred wares,

Mr, E:, S;:M~Cawley, preside;'t
of R S. McCawley, Incorporated,
agreed to act as presiding ,officer
-.~": ~
~ . . ..---.._-_
. ... - ;a-.
... _,~-
until the association shall have
. ,-
. -. -

PUblished Every Saturday by the
i skulls and incompetents in maintainin.8
our present procedure•. but money IS i
spent to puohc1y proclann that we are, I
~nd under the auspices which have ~ONTINUED !"RO~I. THE: l'IRllT PA.OII
' •
II1dicated, Ihat b.espeaks a I tl~ey are, with sImply a re p a:1l1g

Healthy little beauties, heav-
ily coated; reasonable.
I When Should I Order
LI\'INGSTON Pt:BUSIlI~G COMPANY , peculiarly nasty state of nHnd .towards, ot the street, or the roadbed mIght Telephone: Steven80n 61,52
t'HILIP ATLEE LIVINOSTON. Editor the place where a man has hIS home. I I \ d I h f Id PHILADELPHU Lii FORESIGHTED people are answer-
ROBERT MOORE CAMERON Nothing is right, everything is wrong. Je pate le as Jest t e unds wou ,_ rn: ing the question now, thereby eliminating
Assistant Editor we arc moncy by thc bush~l, perm, it. ~ c . sI' the Spring rush. The awnings then may
'our school IS second grade, our c1ul, \\' \ d 'd be erected at your convenience.
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ! dren are bcatcn into submission. al~d I ynnewooe roa resl ents" " , ASK FOR ESTIMATES
One Dollar and Fifty Cents Per Year In : altogether we are a s~pinc and stupId I who. up to the time of the threat-
Advance lot ~othing is submItted to prove alii f \ 1 \. MAIN LINE AWNING CO.
Office, 258 1111 ,'erford A"enue
' of .this, except a medlev of compari- I enec U1\'aston 0 t le JUS Ine ave
sons which arc no comparisons at all. been liying in comparatiye sec1u-
\ . . h
LOUIS 49 East Laneaster Avenue
Narberth 2545 and a bewildering mclange of many,., 'd f· h '
TI,e Tailor Call Ardmore 181,2
t Ilings tl lat arc 110t so . It would be so ~lOn. are sal to a\or t e l eten-
mUcll easier if one were excused from tion of the in formal walks. which $1.00 only
the whole thing,; * * wander Up and down grade,
French Dry Cleaning
\\'hen we first came to Karberth. a around trees. wide or narrow as
dozen \,ears ago, Fletchcr Stites. told
and Pressing 50TH SERIES
us the 'borough people wcre con~·tnced the case might be. A regrading Men's Suits or Overcoats
by experiencc that it was short-sIghted would mean the sacrifice of many Ladies' Suits or Coats of
Entered as second class matter. October 13th, and economy to have the taxes too low d I I f
we were nOI hcre lon~ bcfore. we trees. an t le permanent oss 0 , Woolen Dresses
1914. at the Post Office at Narberth, Pa.,
under the Act of March 3. 1879. concurred in that conclusIOn. Smcc the informal character of the side-

Saturday, Mareh 10, 1928

that time quite a few bond issues walks.
been authorizcd. all with a substantIal The HicThwav Committee has
' Remodeling :: Repairing
Relining, etc., at
majority, and thc two notable defeats" • d "8 -. d S I Lowest Prices
of the '11l1~tructe f h~ up eet I
\verc I>roug ht a bout , not because (
, fear oi a higher tax rate. but because I to prepare an estImate 0 t e cos I
. ent
Ihe "oters were 110t imprcsse~ with the of \'arious paving plans, and it is 234 Woodbine Avenue
Correspondents Still Discuss Idea of merit oi the particular plaus nl\'o.l:ed. expected that \V vnnewood road
The story of the playground IS t o o . . - d l\K I N,\ltRl.;RTH 2666 I
, we II - k'nown t 0 wa~rant • rel)etition and reSIdents ,
the handsome al'-roval of the street 11Ight to enter 111to the dIscUSSIon. ~I
will be • on han •'Lone • av _
will be opened March 13, 1928
To the Editor of "Our Town": i paving bonds is also frcsh ~n the mmds
After readmg about st;llomon an. liS . T '
d I' of all of us

In both Instances. a
~\'as invited and in the NT E ~ICapital $10,000,000 Charter Perpetual
offsl>ring, I am wondermg what It all hIgher. raltc .' 1011d's \\'e 11 ave a 0 IC
has to do wltl.l whether we 'yl . or WI
'11'11 ·a,.;e 0' t le paHng >
I" in ,: Tht into the real 'composition I

--- $2.05 Cpnday
not. merge WIth the township,. andfi the c .ear s,g as tl I e sl'tuatl'oll pres'ented , In the Court of Common Pleas of Durfng the yea,' Serie8 N08. 92 and 99 wel'e paid
Id ' ot our town, ,
maller seems to Ila,'e I gone tar ' da e' ! . a sp Ien d'd I oppo f rt II 11'lty for 70 . J>er cent ' I Montgomery County. February tenn. Trip amountfng to .$1,00,800.00
I t seems to me t Ilat t .1e come y IS as, f Ie to do someth:ng tangible 1'1928. TO
flat-footed as the logiC. and no real 0 our Ple0,P ensc ior the other Notice Is hereby given that an appll-
argument has heen presented. Lack- ~nd at tlelr OW~\r'~esl;lt~ that we all cation wlll be mad,~ to the above Court
The Merion Title & Trust Company, Depository
l 1
ing facts, Mr. Burns rcsorts to con- k'{O per clentt·l· "t o nsll1'1>' alld I'n other! on Friday. the 30th day of March. 1928.
. , II I
hlslon. as IS usua :r t lC case Il~ a sa·, I . hi, ·now. n le w .
, he house owners would have I at 10 0 clock A. .. un er I , M d th e Co
low cause. Posslhly Ihere IS some 1) ace.. td t a' the entire bill them- t10n Act of 1874. of the Commonwealth
merit in the case: ii so, the "<;ommit- :ee~l, m~ e tl1~re) would have been no of Pennsylvania and the supplements
This Association has been in successful
tee" m:ght profit by the selectIon of a ~\~Ih~tit~ndu among the conll11unit,. thereto. for the allowance and approval Every Sunday until May 27, inc. operation for 45 years, and has been
new advertising manager. and com- la 11 ~ Pd 'f wc can judge frOln of certain amendments to the charta Lv. Narberth - - - - 7.45 A. M.
mon sensc might \'ery well be indicated ge nera ). an I
as one of the requIsItes..,eltler ,"' I wou Id w latII we 1
I .canI see
o'e vonder there of the Beth-Raffen Methodist Episcopal
n no \ strcetsr J ,
either. C':hurl'h. as set fort h In th e pe tltlon f or
Connectlnl' with Special Train
Leavlnl' West Philadelphia 8.20 A.M.
prudently and safely conducted.
i, be amiss if a fair knowledge of,lan- WOT\l~ >l~i~l~ i~c(and it is th~' only point the allowance of said amendments. ;he RETURNING The Directors request the hearty co-
g'uage rule.s were r~garded as one of . ,1 'e~1 from the standpoiut of that nature of which amendments are ~;Lfl.Y Leave AUantic City 6.00 P. M.
the. essentials. \lartl~ularly when the
~ft~\ financial fcature which is as follows: to chal'ge the name to" Nar- operation of the Stockholders in making
suhJect has to do WIth schools.
, f' d I I II d slresse
loudly) our \)cople decided hprth Methodist Episcopal Church and
. , 'tn chan<>e the name of the location to
Pennsylvania Railroad the new series a large one.
'lo those nen s w 10 la\'e ca e to buv certain things at a certa1l1 pnce.! - - N b th"
. I
attention to. t Ie ac~ tlatf I I d'd -
I not say things that they wanted an wcrc WI - d ·'11 "Borough of ar er
The 1'0 sed amendments are now on . . ~lj01:A:8:8
what he saId I sal(l. the answer can ing to pa,' for and tl"" are now en-!
~nl)' Ilt': what difference .does it"make,~ gaged in 'payiJ;g for them at the rate! ;~E~~~~k p;;:. ~~-r::~ s SOllclt~r.
P po th t 'office
........ ............... ...~ ~~.~~~.~.~~ ,
F01' stock apply to any of the following:
So. )'Ir. Burns. perhaps It was hops. agn'ed u p o n . . 1420 Chestnut street.
t Narberth Theater i
C. H. A. CHA I N. \Vhat is silly or manc or absurd I Philadelphia.
about that and who says that a lo~ I
tax rate, irrespectin of its returns. ,lSI ~ NARBERTII A\'ENUE ~ ~
, Narberth, Pa. , Charles S. Powell, President Charles F. Hartley, Secretary
FACTS to he preferred to a higher rate fnnt:
To the Editor of Our Town: fu} of ~l1any excellent il~lprOVemclllst I St. Patrick's Day '. MATINEE DAILY AT i'
Daniel Leitch, Vice President Horatio L. Yocum, Treasurer
).1 r. A. \V. Burns must do much \\ e recite the record ?f ) cars ago ~Ir, 2.30 P. M. William P. Landis, Solicitor
nlOre careful and accu, rate w.riting th~n we h~\'e seen our reSIdents C.ol,lsta t y I ('.....'.J)IL~S-XO\'EI.TIES IIl1d i~ i
thai wh:ch appeared O\'er IllS name 111 boost:ng the ante <!11 themse)\es and,
\'OUT" last issue if he is going to be able glad eno;r~ .
to win the intelligent majority of the the~e tl::::;)
cit'zens, of Narberth O\"er to his belief rate hea~" g SWiftly down\\ard: \\e :t rc :"
th~t an\, kind of gO\'ernmcnt no mat- asked to give. up our separate IdenlIlY'i
' It, too. ,f\OW, tha~:
.' I done, \~'Ith ol~r taXi

i :

lHerbert A. Arnold, M.D. Parker Worrell

Richard J. Hamilton l
William S. Casey
Irwin M. Jamison
ter ho\i- far removed and in~posed, is with all thai. It as~ure~. and mo\"e over' Comedy-"Grandpa's Boy" iFrank W. McCurdy
t Dr. Clifford H. Arnold
C. Frank Powell
Wm. J. Gleason
beller than local seli-go\'ernmcl1t. pro- to a town~llIP which IS confr.onted !>y ;l KANDY KOUNTER ,'.' Fox Variety:: "Ship Ahoy" t'
\'ide<1 onlv that it ,'osts less. the necessIty of h~ge exepn~lturcs tar )? 107 E~sex Ave. Aesop's Fables Daniel J. Kennedy Charles M. Stuard
• I beyond
Anyone who s.eek~ to lead the. peoplc, resources. Maybe we arc dumb. and ? Phone
the capacIty of theIr present '"
l -------.--- l
should be con~clentlo.usly well. lIlform-' no doubt we are, but it seems very =: Nar. 3971 Delivery Program-Week of March 12 l t AUDITORS
eel on the subJ~et which Ill' ra!ses. 1V[r. much to us that this Reoboam bozo is -"CA:A)l:8:l:l:A:)'l:FO'(A)lCA:JiO'(~O'()'lj<m:J>o?':r:oo; '.' MONDAY and TUESDAY t'
nun~s lacks. eIther the conSClel!Ce or in again. " LILLIAN GISH In J. Herbert Baltz Jllmes N. Knipe James S. Lyol1s
the IIlformatlon or hoth. accordlllg to * * * l "ANNIE LAURIE" t
his own statements. He says. "The And returning to that o\'erhead item - - t A huge spectacle-a mighty Meetings: Second Tuesday of each month at Merion Title Bldg., Ardmore l
borough assessment a\'erages very which will not dOWI1, and which is said
clt;lsely up to tl~e maximum of one- to be $10,000 annually. or ahout $1.6!:l
HENRY CLEWS & CO. l ::::nt~ld~nd the sweetest story l
tlurd .~f ~he qUlc.k-sale \:alue ,of ~he per ca;>ila. we again raise the question Members New York Stock Ea:chal1ge ; Fox News :: Topics of the Day ~e::ct:1t':l~~ i
realty. Now. obViously. slllce Enghsh: as to what part of this would bc saved
words mean what they do, our assess- i it we allowed the township to gobble: 7-9-11 Broadway, New York
t: t
men~s cannot an~ra~e closely up to the: us up?
l1l.axnlll1l1l because III that case some' \Vho would do the work that George i
ot t.1 1em woul.<1 h~\·e. to he. O\"er the i Suplee is doing <md would thc new-;
n1aXlml!m which IS Il1lpus";lble. lIr.: CGmer cut George's price for doing it? I for Investment or on Margin i Wise guy from the city gets i'
t wiser In country town! Gay
llurns IS totally unable to pro\'e that: Or mayhe George is not doing any-;
statement. thing. after all. the son of a guu. or i CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Devils" ~ comC~~~~~ou;'~leShY ~
He also says. "In fi\'e years the bor- possihl\' the township would just decide'
ough tax rate went up 50 per cent." not to' ha"e it done, as is said to be: NARBERTH THEATER PathFo~eV:ri~t~o. 8 t l
That is a true statement, but appear>; their wav. That part of the inquiry
!o !>e il!tentionally misleading because ought to' be scttled, as George's cut is, BARBER SHOP "Arkansas Traveler" t i'
It nllpltes th~t there was an annual nearly a third of the total. and w:::
rate of increase which is still in effect shouid make him the starting point in,
121 North Narberth Avenue i
Specializing 'in Women'8 and
and which has amounted to 50 per this as he is in cverything else. Children's Hair-Cutting
cent. in fi\'e ycars and would inevitably Another third is that mysterious 1 In '•.'
amount to 100 per cent. e\'ery 10 years. I I;'eneral fund. of Council. all of which Strictly Sanitary Shop t "ADAM AND EVIL"
The truth is that the borough tax rate I is no doubt wasted. so easy is it to
increased 50 per cent. in one year. That: get money out of Dan Leitch. as you
• Love, laughs. thrills In modern
Garden of Eden. 1 iit
was in 1!J:!6. The truth also is that learn when you go to the bank and I Comedy-"Too Many Cookies"
Metro Variety-'Soaring Wings' i
the horoug-h rate was decreased half of he reachcs for his glass eye. Carpenter and Builder I

Ihat ;iO per cent. this year. and there is The other third represents thc things ~ News Laff, No. 6 ~ II
e"ery indication that further reductions we know about. and our suggestion: 17 Schiller Avenue, Narberth, Pa.
can be made in future years. about this is that the Seccssionists go 1 SATURDAY j
The d.scussion which he inaugurated down to the fire house some night Screens and Weather Stripping t RIN-TIN-TIN In :
has proved to be inleresting and worth when the crowd is around and speak • "JAWS OF STEEL" t i
while. principally because of the con- their piece there. And do you know
tributions to it which were made by we would be rather glad to make the N.R.PEACOCK
For the love of a child-and to 1
avenge a friend. A mystery-melo- t~ t·
the Spectator and Mr. \\'ohlert. i appointment.
Interior and Exterior Painting dl'llma.
i "I Can't Save a Cent!"
CITIZEN. WILl. Bill GLAD TO ESTIMATE Comedy-"The Villain"
News :: Fables i
SCHOOL NOTES 407 Essex Ave., Narberth, Pa. Another Chapter of t t •
To the Editor of Our Town: "hone. Nur....rtb 2831' "HAWK OF THE lULLS" II 1 RE YOU one of those who has said: "Oh, I can't t 1\
\\Toutd it not be a good idea to have Volleyball Nears Close; Will Cele- ~=============~~
a DEAD END sign placed at the cn-,
~ ~ ~ _~- ,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
save a cent. I've tried and tried, but it's of no fl. •
Irance to Wynndale a\'enue? It would' brate Pennsylvania Day. use. The minute I get my pay envelope it's
save a good deal of time to itinerant
motorists who frequently come in
The Girls' Intercolor \'olleybalI Good Pictures at the I gone before I know it."
droves not knowing that \Vynndale Contest was continued on February
avenue is a dead end. 29 and on March 7. On the former

EGYPTIAN THEATER If SO, then you are just the one the Coin Cont.rolIed
It would show a kindly interest too date the VII Reds won from the BALA·CYNWYD Clock, pictured above, will help most of all. It will
towards drivers. for the a\'enue is VII I Grays-score: 15- 12. 15- 14,
much too long to realize as you entcr la-IS. This Friday and Saturday Nights m<LJ{t, ~ ;,aver of )'011 in "'I'itp of yourself. It will make •
This game completed the
it that it is not a through road. A SMART COMEDY WITH A LOT OF LAUGHS saving simple and certain, and accumulate a "nest-
It would also heln preser\'e some scheduled series; the final score of
of the drivewavs in that large trucks games fol1ows: ~~JUST ANOTHER BLONDE" egg" for you without your even missing the money. •
make their turns by swinging into W. L. DOROTHY MacKAILL and JACK MULHALL-AI80
tl'em often causing concrete to crack VIII VrII Reds ,..... 2 1 A New Sportlight .:. Max Davidson Ccnnedy
01' break.
VII Reds (1)
VII Grays (l)
VII (Reds) (2)
, ,. . .. . .. . . .

Pathe New8 .:. "Winged Death"
The Coin Controlled Clock •
HERE AND HEREABOUTS : VI\:o~C:I~~Y) (2) I 0 SATURDAY AT 2.30 does this because it establishes REGULARITY in sav-
To the Editor of Our Town: ! Reds ,........... 5 2 Rin-Tin-Tin in
The first impulse was to dismiss it ora~s 2 5 ing-the aecret in building a successful Savings Ac-
all as a tiresome topic, as certainly Un March i the combll1ed Reds count. Every twenty-four hours a coin must be
t~e Fabian tactics of I~st week pro- Gray (i & 8) by the foJIowing Next Week, March 12th to 17th deposited to keep it running. Fail to do so, and the
vld~d ~o zest for a eont1l1uance of the scores IS-i, 15- 14-, 15-10. MONDAY and TUESDAY:
scrlbbhng. On the other hand, enough NT, . k I 1 ·'11 I A ROMANCE OF OLD NEW ORLEANS cIock stops, forcefully reminding you of your duty. •
h~s been said around town to make us ext wee t 1~ ast game \\ I )e
believe that some little service might played when a pIcked team from the "THE LOVE MART"
lie in an endeavor to have our ques- Eighth Grade will playa team from BILLIE DOVE, GILBER7' ROLAND, NOAH BEERY The Coin Clock is unusually attractive, and a perfect
t:ons answere.d. and whilst ~e have the Seventh Grade. • and Will Rogers .:. New8 .:. Roach Comedy timekeeper. It regulates your busy day as weIf as
httle expectation that our frtend can At bl P '1" d" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY •
he induced to come to earth. there is ,assem y on enns). \ allla U) AN AUTHENTIC EPIC PICTURIZATION OF THE GREAT your expenditures, and does so in an efficient and
llreat hope that he won't be governed a bnef program approprtate to the
by Reoboam in his further fulmina-! occasion was given. as foHows: t~JESSE JAMES" capable manner.
Ordinarily. there ought to be a i
Sketch of William p~nn's Life.
Vlralnlll Abel
FRED THOMPSON, famous Princeton star athlete, a8 the noto-
"iou8 "Jes8e." A Paramount Special aB fine a8 "The Covered Wagon" We have a. Coin Clock here for YOU. Opening a
genuine appreciation of a man who is I 2. PennSYlvania's Inc:lu5trles, and Ben Turpin Comedy.:. Topic8 .:. Fable8 .:. Review
- '11' I . " . h I
WI lug to support liS conV1ctlons WIt 3. Musical SelectlDns .. , ......School Ohorus Ellrhth Grade Boys Savings Account secures it. •
his dollar, as indicated by the expendi-I.· PlaYlet-Penn's Tresty with the Indians. VERY FINE GEORGE ADE COLLEGE COMEDY DRAMA
tures for advertising space, and when .. Seventh ora~e BDYS
the name connotes Scotch, this means Recent addItions to the hbrary "THE FAIR CO-ED"
a great deal more than is usually the are:
case. as Alex Shand will agree. The "Oa"s of the Leaders" '
I L. Lamprey
Our Gang in "Yale VB. Harvard" .:. Sportlight .:. Picture News
The Narberth National Bank
other twist to this feature of the case "Masterman Ready" F. Marr)'at AI.'I' Annual Picture
I10Wever, 18 . th f t th t ' t' "Por the Preeclom of the Sea" Onus Brad)' Open friday Eveninp from '7 until 9 o'CIodc
e ac
only regarded as a group of numb-
a we are ·no j"Blrda Df MassachUsetts and Other New!'
Enlrland States" E. II. Porbueh
ChUdren 8 Matinee, Saturday, 2.30
.. .", : .. ~ '.'." :;

, ,

;I,.' .'.' ~r; 'r',
()UR 1'OWN

A PAGE FOR NARBERTH'S CHURCHES Quaker faith. On the grounds are by these paths. It was only with the attending. I Monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid
Society will be held on Tuesday eve-
venerable trees and an ancient horse arrival of these \Velsh Friends and
The Old Merion Meeting House block-a survival of days 'Iong gone \Villiam Penn that road building I
All Saints Church. ning.
The Standard Bearel s will meet on
by, which is incorporated in the wa1l began. Rector-Rev. Gibson Bell.
by the roadside. The' horseway is first mentioned I Wynnewood, Pa. Tuesday ev·ening. i\[arch la, at the
home of Miss Bawden, l \Voodside
The graveyard of the Uerion when the pack horse with sacks, wal- S A. M.-Holy Communion.
Friends' Meeting is just east of the lets and baskets or panniers was the 10 A. ~I.-Church school. avenue.
present house, and is protected by mode of transportation. Fh'e hundred 11 A. M.-Confirmation service. The meeting of the probationers'
a stone waH surrounded by an iron pack horses ha\'e been seen at one Sermon hy Rt. Rev. Thomas I. Gar- class will be held on \Vednesday eve-
fence. Passing through the iron gates time. They were generaHy led in rli- land, D. D. . ning at ;.:10 o'clock.
at the side of the 1\[eeting House and visions of I:! or 15 and carried about Anthem-"Rise Up. 0 Men of Prayer and praise service on
going along- the straight pebhled walk :WO pounds weight each. God," T. T. 1\able. \Vcdllesday evening at S o'clock.
we find that the markers with their Early in the eighteenth century the Y P. 1\1.- Young People's Fe1l0w- lowship The annual supper of the Good Fel-
Club will be held on Friday
simple legends are difficult to reac!. court confirmed the laying out of a ship. .'
There are only about :!:!;, gra\'es thus road from illerion Friends Meeting 8 P. i\1.-I'.\'enmg' prayer and ser- evening, March 16.
marked, which is a very small per- House to ~fiddle Ferry on the Schuyl- mon by the rector.
centage of the thousands of people kill. crossing High street, now Market. Young People's Fellowshil? First Church of Christ, Scientist.
here interred. The first burial at the which was no douht the first part of . The mel1lhe:s of t~le fellows.h,p en- Ardmore Avenue, Ardmore, Pa.
Friends' Meri<;lIl Mee~ing House the old road to Lancaster. In later Joyed a most mterestmg talk gl\'en hy 11 A. 1\1.-Sunday sen'ices.
~raveyard. of WhIch, there IS 31ny ~~cord years other parts of this road to Lan- ~enneth L. M. Pray last Sunday eve- 11 A. M.-Sunday school sen·ices.
IS Catherme Reese, who ched Llghth caster were built This old Lancaster nmg'. \Vedn 'sday e i testimonial
Month 2:lrd, 1(;82. daughter of Ed-I road is now 1\l~ntgomery pike.' The monthly supper will be served, meeting eat 8 o'c1~~kn ng
ward Re~se, of \Vales.. The l\[erion Meeting' is called a this Sunday e\'ening at 6 o'clock, after I Reading Room 1\' 'Vest Lancaster
The .mlllutes of the meetmg !leld as Prepara;i\'e Meeting since' it is the which there wi!1 be a program pre- a\·enue. open wee'k-days from 10.:10 to
early as the J veal' .1li84 are stl1l pre- lowest tortn
. . ,
of meetmg It IS under parecl I)~' J"
Ros'llle Sha\\' • Bett~·. J
1\.eed- 4.10.
. \" ecInesrIay evenmO's . from!l to
served. I.n the mlllutes keP.t. by I R I ,.( til !II . : T I ham, Rosalincl 1\f cHar, Ruth Roome. 0'4;" . "', .
women Fnends one finds "8 sllllhngs t I~ ac nor" on 1 y , eet.,ng, tog~t ler . . . .
laid for c1eanin the Merion Meeting WIth three other preparatIve meetIngs. . The suhJect for the Bible lesson ser-
\; ... 16 )" g I If
ouse III ,.1 ", ane or severa suc- tl
The Radnor Meeting is in turn under
1'1'1 I I I' Q . 't I 1\[' t'
The Presbyterian Church.
T I \' ,,' ',1 A 'f"
1110n fnr Sunday, l\farch 11, is "Sub-
u~r er y .' e~ Illg'. Rev .. '? In

._ ...
cessive years there are similar entries. le. !I ar e p lIa
On the Hlth of Third Month in the willcl! IS ul~der th,e PllIladelpl.\la '.. early I an "ess. 1V. ., 1V I1\lster. .•
~I ecttngs for 1;larch 11:
year 16!1:{ in solemn assembly at the ~leetmg. rhe ~ ~arly !I:leetmgs were . !I,4;; A. 1\L-Blhle school. A1I 111-
Baptist Church of the Evangel.
-----_._--------_.. _. Friends' [Juhlic Meeting House at 1~laug~lrat~d back III the time of George \'Ited. . . Rohert E. Keighton, Minister.
Merion, a marriage was solemnized. l'o~ \II 1·.~lgland.. 11 A. ~r.-~fornll~g ..worshIP. Ser- Sunday, March 11:
Old Merion Meeting Has Been There was a school in the attic over . 1 he, acttve memherslll[J of the
the Meetilig loft about 18:!O-18:10. It IC?n .l\leetl!lg at the pre~ent time con-
Mer- mon A
on U Stewar~lshl\l.
.- ulllor ~ tUrc~.
I "'"
:>....) A • 'f
1 V . - CI lure 11 SC I100 I.
11 A. l\L-Morning worship. Ser-
Landmark lor Over Two Centuries is said that this portion of the Meet- SIStS of torty-two, willch ranges all 4 I. M.-Comm~lll1Cants class. man, "The Cross in Our Generation."
ing House was not added until the the way from Philadelphia to Hav~r- . 6,45 P. M.-Jumor EI!deavor m.eet- ;.45 P. M.-Young people's vespers.
nineteenth century. ford. The First Day School whIch mg led hy Jean Havhck. Subject, Last Sunday evening was a very in-
Many of the h~nches used in the me~ts e~'err fir~t day at 10. A. M.: at "Ho\~ to V\'in and Kee~ Frieilds."
Built by Welsh Friends In stands. These Friends were the found-
ers of the Merion Meeting, naming it Meeting have beeu in usc over 200 whIch smglllg IS a recent InllOvatlon,
teresting time for the large group of
6.4:, P. i\f.-Interl.llcchate Ende:'lvor young people that attended the vesper
1695, Is in Fine State of for their homeland across the sea- years and are today in a good state of has a membership of thirty. mee~lIIg },e~l. by ~{I~~y Jane MllIer. service. Come and learn why there
Preservation. Merionethshire-a county of North preservation. There is a gallery over The Meeting House is open e\'ery SUhJ~ct. I· , is so large an attendance!
\Vales. which was named after a prince the main meeting room where it is First Day for \Vorship at 11 o'clock. . 6,4;, P. ~J.-Semor I~ndeavor ,~le~t- Wednesday, March H. 8 P. M.-
On ~[ontgomery avenue at the cor- who ruled there o\'er 1000 years ago. related the young people used to For the past two years a greatly in- mg. Illustrated lectur,~ on, the ~nal Prayer serviee. Topic, "The Cross of
From this rugged part of the old gather over a century ago when the creased interest has heen taken by its a!HI Death of J~sus. .Stere?pt!con Shame."
ncr of )'Ieeting House Lane stands a world came these serious, trusting lower part was filled to overflowing. members and friends and generally a vIews; The pubhc cordlally mVlted,
huilding which has been a landmark people; persecuted in their own coun- The original seats there also are in, a goodly number meet to worship. AU es~ec.!al~y all young peop!e. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.
for over two and a quarter centuries. try, they sought peace and freedom fairly good state of preservation. seats arc free and a cordial invitation ,A;, I. M;;-Gospc1 meetlllg." Lent~n
V"hen all the surrounding territory here, a blessing in which they were Some interesting incidents are is extended to visitors. s~nno!1 on Jesus and ~ero? Chrls- Sunday, Cletus A. Senft. Pastor.
March 11:
was pathless woods and the only roads not disappointed and which their de- chronicled concerning the Meeting TIze editor is il/delJted /0 a lJooklet tJan, blClea\'or chorus wlll. smg. !l.4;; A. )'1.-Bible school.
were Indian trails the Society of scendants enjoy to this day. It is said House property. Hugh Roherts, a prcparcd b~1 CIzarles E. Hires for 1/IIIc1l l\ext. \yednesday ~venlllg I?ra~'er 11 A. M.-The service. Theme.
Friends established their Meeting that they worshiped at first under a friend of \Villiam Penn, at whose of tlze inforlllatioll contaillcd in this and MIsslo.nary meetl,ng, contlllulllg "The Persuasi\'e Jesus," the third in
House. ~ot only is this Merion tent until a log cabin was built some house P~nn o,iten stopped, presented sketclz, alld for tlze ".ictllre llsed ill tile the study o.t, tl~,e hook, .: New Paths for the series on "Jesus."
Preparative ~I eeting a source of in- :wo feet east of the present building the Meetmg WIth a handsome sun dial Cllt /0 A. IY. Cameron alld R. J. Edgar. Old Purpo.s<s. A. re\1ew of. the fi~th 6.45 P. IvL-Senior and Junior
spiration to the Friends themselves, in which the meeting was held tempo- which was placed in front of the chapter WIll he given hy MIss Ahce Luther Lea!!;ues.
hut may well be a point of pride to rarily. The present stone huilding was House. hut near enough to the road Barr.
the community to ha\'e a building of built in 16H;;. This was repaired and so that people could see and read it
such great historical importance and plastered in 1H:!H-:IO. It has often heen from the roadside. Jt stood there until
Church Notes Methodist Episcopal Church.
;.45 P. M.-The vesper sen-ice.
Theme, "Main Street, Jerusalem," the
interest in its midst. . regretted that the old stones were the Revolutionary \Var, when it was Re\·. "V. Sheridan Dawson, Minister. third in the series on "The Highway
The \Velsh Friends who established pl<istered over. contiscated 011 account of the large Merion Friends Meeting. Sundav. March 11: to Calvary."
this ~Ieeting eame to this country in
Tuesday, March t:l-Men's meeting
The Meeting House is ill all excel- amount of lead ill it. It is claimed Sen'ices for March 11: !l,4;; A. :l\J.-Bible school. Hon. F. in the church. Look for the name of
the ship "Lyon" ill HiS:!. It came up lent state of presen'ation and is well that it was taken hv American soldiers 10 A. ;\l.-First dav school. Four \V. Stites. superintendent. the speaker in "The Messenger" on
the Schuylkill as far as possible, when cared for from funds with which it and made into huilets. classes-4 to Ii years, ii to 11 years. I:! 11 A. IL-l\[orning worship. All-
passengers left the vessel and walked has heen t,ndowed by a numher of its The paths through the woods in to 1.; yt'ars, adult. nual \\Toman's Foreign Missionary Sunday. Friday, 4.4;;-The confirmation class.
to what is now Pcncoyd. settling for friends who have come and gone. and these days were made hy the Indians. 11 A. 11.-~leetillg for worship. sen·ice. Speakt'r, 11 rs. l'aul ~[cClin- Friday, 4.1;;-Junior choir rehearsal.
some miles in and around the coun- who worshiped here during the two \Vhen the Meeting Honse was erected This first day :Ircl month (March) tock. 1'. M.-Evening worship. Friday, i-Intermediate choir re-
try. The land occupied by these and a quarter centuries that ha\'e there were no public highwavs' com- 11th the meeting will he especially ;.4.;
FrielHJ,. included the ground on which passed. \Villiam Penn worshiped here mnnic~tion Ilt'tween the i~ous~~.' places devoted to the young people and it is Theme. "The Value of Spiritual Vis- hearsal.
the ~Ierion Meeting House now as ha\'e many other noted men of the of husllless and of worshIp hemg only hoped that many will feci interested in ion."
Friday, 8-Senior choir rehearsal.
This Weekly Page is Made Possible by the Co·opel~ation of the Group of Chzu'ches Whose Announcements Appear Below

Narberth Methodist Episcopal

Corner Essex and P"ice Avenues Merion Friends Meeting
All Saints Church REV. W. SHERIDAN DAWSON, Minister
WynnezvolJd, Pa. 11.00 A. l\'I.-Morning Worship. Annu:l1 Women's Foreign
Missionary Service. Speaker, Mrs. Paul Mc- 10.00 A. M.-First Day School.
REV. GIBSON BELL, Rector. Clintock.
7.45 P. M.-Evening Worship. Theme: "The Value of Four Classes:
Sunday, March 4th: Spiritual Vision."
1- 4 Years to 6 Years.
9.45 A. I\-I.-Sunday Sehool.
2- 6 Years to 11 Years.
Sunday, March 11th: You Are Illvited 3-12 Years to 15 or 16 Years.
8 A. M.-Holy Communion.
Annual Supper of the Good Fellow:;hip Club, Friday. March 16 4-Adults.
11 A. M.-Confirmation service. 11.00 A. M.-Meeting for Worship.
Sermon by Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Garland, D. D.
Anthem-"Rise Up, 0 Men of God" .. Noble This First Day, 3d Month (March) 11,
7 P. M.-Young People's Fellowship. the meeting will be especially devoted to the
8 P. M.-Evening Prayer and Sermon
Holy Trinity young people and we hope that many will
By the Rector. Evangelical Lutheran Church feel interested in attendance.
Cletus A. Senft, Pastor
The third in the Series of Lenten Sermons on
Jesus. The theme at the 11 o'clock service will be
"The Persuasive Jesus"
Between Forty and Fifty Men The Theme of the Vesper Service will be St. Margaret's Catholic Church
Will Make the Every-Member Canvass "Main Street, Jerusalem" 208 North Narberth Avenue
of the Congregation of the This Announcement inserted through the co-operation of the REV. ROBERT F. HAYES, RECTOR
• Merion Construction Co., John Albrecht Nurseries and Kirseht Barber REV. HENRY J. O'CONNOR, ASSISTANT
Shop. I
• Narberth Presbyterian Church Sunday: Masses, 6.30. 7.30, 9.00 and 10.30.

Last Mass is a High Mass and followed by Ben,ediction.

• SUNDAY, MARCH 11 A sermon is preached at each Mass.
Holy Days: 6.00) 7.00,8.00 and 9.00.
Between the Hours of 2 P. M. and 6 P. M. Last Mass is followed by Benediction.

• The glorious radiance of Eastel' is possible because of

First Fridays: Masses, 7.00 and 8.00; Holy Hour, with ser-
mon, at 8.00 P. M,
the Cross of Calvary. Above alI else stands out this Su-
preme Sacrifice of our Saviour. The best we can do in com- Baptist Church of the Evangel Sodality B. V. M., Tuesdays at 8.00 P. M.
parison is so little; the sad part is, that the little we can Holy Name Society, Mondays after Second Sundays at
• do is so often left undone. Robel·t E. Keighton, Minister 8.00 P. M.
Let us face it fairly. Such sacrifice on His part calls Catechism Classes have been transferred from Sunday
for our best. And this is the challenge of today. We re- mornings to Friday afternoons at 3.30 and 4.00 P. M.
joice in the sacrifices our people have made heretofore. We
o rejoice in their loyalty and love. We are counting on it LENTEN DEVOTIONS
now, and we are confident of a worthy response from each No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, Wednesdays, 8.00 P. M.) Rosary, sermon and Benediction.
• no glory; no cross, no crown.-WiIliam Penn. Sermons by the Rev. M. A. Boyle, Chester, Pa.

All Are Cordially Invited to All the Meetings of This Church. Thursdays: 3,45 P. M., Stations of the Cross.
• Fridays: 8 P. M., Stations of the Cross.


BRASSY WORN-OFF For Permanent ~=============c=========c===c==cc=c.
When Dissatisfied Try
-, f.
Tennis Club Appointments Given
Out by President Wine.
Bath Room Faucets
Brassy Auto Parts, Reflectors, etc. S atislaction
.:-( - -~ With Pure Silver
The following committee appoint-
ments have been announced for the
D. G. Murkerjl Replies for India In
ensuing year bv Mr. John B. Wine,
president of the newly organized
Smedley Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers
New Sook.
?'ow that it is possible to present
hath sides of the question, the li.brary )laS
Narberth Tennis Association, in-
corporated :
l ~rounds-'Valter Cowin, chair-
tt Silver-Plates. Use It as a Polish
Built Home 234 Haverford Avenue
We Call For and Delive1'
Phone: Narberth 3854

bought and has ready f?r cIrculatIOn, man; \\'. J. Kirkpatrick, A. S. Wi 1- Vz-Pint. $1; Pint, $1.65 WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
")'Iother India" by Katherme ?llayo. and
":0\ Son of :o.Iother India Ans~'ers" by sOl~I~~;ll~~~~~E. p. D~~~:r~1~~~~_ F::n:::::~~~::~eD::~t:::
D J ft~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~¥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~V~~~
:'Ilukerji. Whatever may be saId about
:'Iliss ~Iayo, it may !)e granted t,hat Mr. man: R. ?II. Gillis. H. M. Griest, Montgomery A,·e. bel. Narberth Ave. W b dol f M B tM
:'II ukerji knows IndIa as ,a native, and
as a result of his travels ,I,n ot!ler ~oun­
tries, knows it also as an outsJ(!er, al~d
c. B. ;\Ietzger, Jr.. R. H. Paige. - - - - - - -
Entertainment-\V. P. Robinson, ~~~~~~!!!!!!--~-ii!!-~~-!!!-!!!!!!~~~~
~ Sc e e 0 ontgomery US CO Inc -, -
is undoubtedly well qualified to speak m chairman; H. C. Fenno, R. M. Sa- :=' -, ~ ~
defense of his country, Whoe,'er reads "ill. Edward Davies, H. C. Middle-
the one book will want to read the other, W Montgomery Avenue Line
1l9J. Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- until 10.30 P. M. "rGf
tion in Narberth 7 minutes later Then 10.50 and every 20 min. until ~
Should this prove not to he true: the ton, Jr.
lihrarians may be tempted to exerCIse a
slight pressure.
'fournament-\V. D. R. Evans,
chairman: \Valter Cowin. \\T. P.

Leaving Anderson and Montgomery
rn: than the above-mentioned times. 12.30 A. M.
Leaving 54th Street and City Line Then and 3.00 A. M.
There are other lIew books nady Jnr Davies. C. B. l\Jetzger.. Sr., L. A.
l'irculation also hought with the h~h­ Doe,
~ Avenues I 21 m!nutes !ater than the above- Leaving 54th and City Line 5 min- ..G.t
~ mentioned times, utes later than the above-men-"rGf
ruan' dimes. The list follows:.
"Ifawkers and Walkers in I'oarly ',ur- - .r'
11 C F l ' a '
. ' enno. c lalrm n, II W Starting atWKF:KDAYM
5.30 A. M.
1l9J. too
Wes un d tioned times.
Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- ~
:\merica" In' Richardson \Vrighl. W, D. R. Evans,
"At tl;e ]-iouse oi Dree." hy Gordon Paige. W. J. Sonimer.
B. Wine. H. R. I ~ Then every 15 min. until 9.00 A. M. Leaving 62d and Lancaster Avenue tion in Narberth 19 minutes later ~
19J. Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until than the above-mentioned times. ~
Gardincr. W 3 00 P M WEEKDAYS "rGf
, "The Lie." by Helen ~Iartin. Cluh Expansion-J. G. Allen. ~ Th~n ~nd every v: min. until Starting at 6.00 A. M. Narberth Short Line ~
"])israeli," hy ,\mlre :'Ilamois chairman: H. C. Fenno, H. R. ARTISTIC FLORAL 1000 P M Then every 15 min. until 9.30 A. M. ~
"Constructive Citizcnship." hv L. P. Paige. \\'. J. Sommer. J. B, \Vine. ~ The~ 10.20 ~nd every 20 min. until Then 9.50 A. M. and every 20 min. Eastbound ~
":'1 leat." h,' Daniel Steele. .o\nditing-H, C. Fenno. J. G. DECORATIONS ~ Th~~0~2jO~i.30 and 2.30 A. ~I. Th~~tiU53~~M.~~nd every 15 min. Leaving penn;~~~:.~~R. R. Station~.
".\utobiography of a Business .\llen. W until 10.30 P. M.
Woman," hv ,\lice Foote ~Jcf)ol1p;all. 1't11Jlicity-D. J. :McTighe. ~ SATURDAYS Then 10.50 and every 20 min. until WEEKOAYS AND SUNDAYS a
"Red Ru~t," hy Cornelia (alllwn, Starting at 5.30 A. M. Then 12.30 A. M. Starting at 5.50 A. M. ~
"Stained Sails." hy John ~1c1l1tyre. ~ Then every 15 win. until 9.00 A. 1\1. Then 1.00, '2.00 and 3.08 A. M. Then 630 710 750 830 910.&!
"2 L 0," In' \Valter :'Ilasterman,
TO LEAD FORUM f01" all occasions. 19J. Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until
. , • , . , . , • '~
9.50. 10.30, 11.10 and 11.50 A. M.
":'II one,' for Onc." hy Berta J~nck.
"Great' :\mcrican Hand \Va~on," hy Local Man Heads Discussion on
Seasonable show-
ing of decorative
every 15 min. until it Th~~0~2~5~'nd ~~~~i~;e~;~:~~'. ~til9.30 A. M. T~.~O.l~~OO. i\C:;. k~~', ::~~: ~:~g:::Il
Carl :'Ilerz.
"Art of the :\ight." hy George Jean
a ue 0
f S . IW k
oCla or. w Th~~010.20 a~d every 21.1 min. until Then 9.50 A. M. lind every 20 min. 7.50. 8.30. 9.10. 9.50, 10.30, 11.10 .aG.t
house plants and until 12.30 P. M. and 11.50 P. M. "rGf
Nathan. , . Kenneth 1.. ::'1. Prav, a resident P
12.00 . • M Then 12.45 P. M. and every 15 min. Leaving 54th and City Line ..G.t
"Anna Belinda," hy PatricIa Went- of \\'()odsidc avenue and director flowers. ~ Then 12.30. 1.30 and 2.30 A. M. until 10.30 P. M. "l»
worth. I • I [) I' S I I f S
"Sergeant Eadie," hy Leonard Nason., o! t le ennsy vaJll~ •. C 100. 0
~ SUNDAYS Then 10.50 P. M. anr! every 20 min. Westbound ~
0- ~ Starting at 5.30 A. M. until 12.30 A. M. ~
"Wintersl11oon," hy J Iugh Walpole, , CIa] and Health \ \ ork, WIll lead 1'1 Then every %-hour until 9.00 A.M. Then 1.00,2.00 and 4.0~ A. M. WEEKlI,u'R AND SUNDAY8 ~
'·;..Jovember .'\ight." anthor of ".1Ifis,; an opcn forum at the sixth All- I ~ Then 9.20, and every 20 min. until Starting at 6.10 A. M.
Tiverton," PI 'J I I l' C f ' · ·
"The House of Dr, Edwards." hy . It a\(.e p lta I onBel ~nc~ oJ!! ~ kO -
S The Flower Shops
19J. 1.00 P. M.
SU:-;DAVS Then 6.50. 7.30, 8.10. 8.50. 9.30,~
Francis Heeding. clal \ ork at t le enJamlt1' ran -
":'IIy Wife Poor Wrctch.'· hy Emma Jin J lotel . Ninth and Chestnut
M1'S. Norman Jefferies
Then 1.15 and every 15 min. until
10.00 P. M.
W Then 10.20 P.M. and every 20 min.
rn: Starting at 6.00 A. M. 10.10. 10.50 and 11.30 A. M.
Then every lh-hour unti19.30 A. M. Then 12.10. 12.50, 1.30, 2.19. 2.50, &t
Then 9.50 A. M. and ev~ry 20 min. 3.30. 4.10, 4.50, 5.30. 6.10, 6.50,~
Brunner. , "treels. on Friday afternoon. NARBERTH 19J. until 12.00 P. M. until 1.30 P. 1\1. 7.30. 8.10, 8.50. 9.30. 10.10. 10.50~
"~lurder 1Il the Pa1lant," hy J. S. j\larch!l. There will be discus-
Fletcher. . 1 I' I I
Haverford and 'l'hen 12.30, 1.30 and 2.30 A. M. II: Then 1.45 P. M. and every 15 min. and 11.30 P. M. and 12.30 A. M. ~
"Southern Charm" b,' lsa Glenn. slon J)' t lose mtereste( anc ac- Narberth Avenues w
I~ ~
"Children of the Fog,'" by C. H. Guest. tively engaged in social work on Phone, Narberth 2861
:: Po?r Gentlemen," by Ian Hay." the significance and ultimate val-
VOIce. of the Se"en Sparrows, by ue of such work.
Jlarrv h,eeler. .
Levering Mill Road
~' ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'1!
"TIie Squealer," by Edgar Wallace. Mr. Pray dehvered a talk last
"Conquistador," by Philip Goodalla. week before the \Vomen's Com- at Montgomery Ave.
"Alfred Smith," by Henry F. Pringle. munity Club of Narberth on the
Phone, Cynwyd 294
The easiest road to wealth is to have spirit and method of modern 50-
a rich relative die and leave you a cial work which was enthusiasti-
fortune. cally received.
., What Could be SiDlpler?

The General Electric Refrigerator General Electric Refrigerator
is almost as portable as an elec- operates You will be glad that
tric fan. It has no drain pipes or it has no machinery under r b.e
connections. It can be placed cabinet. That every parr of rs
wherever there is a convenience mechanism is sealed inside [I e
,When you give your childrenAhhotts~~A",you have the assur- outlet. It's as simple as that! air-tight steel casing which is
Place it in your kitchen. That saves mounted inside the coils.
ance of luilk from tuberculin-tested cows. Only milk from .
steps. And it also stops many a Judged from every angle, these rc-
such a source can bear the words ~~Tuberculin-Tested" on cold which comes from leaving frigerators are supremely pracrir'al. •
a warm kitchen for a chilly back Remember that they are guara~­
the l,ottle cap. In addition.;Abbotts ~~A" nlilk is protected by porch. teed by General Electric. Come
If you have a small apartment, in and see them. Compare them
every health and sanitary safeguard known to luodern science. you will be particularly pleased with all others. Time payments
at the quietness with which the can be arranged, ifyou prefer. •
Every unit of thi$ Wonderful Line /lOW on display at

AbLotts 66-A,Q
cS t 'Ovt) d 'Ovrd


AMILK ~ E. Lancas't'et" Ave.

A~d.tnot"e. Pa. •
AnooTTS DAIRIES. INCk ~/.~ ... oJ A&&u". If" en.... • n" 04&1>0"....1" ,,,. de I"n I.. ena.. • 'hll.d./plll., A'lanllc Cl~. 1"1"'-..1, _ .. CII,.. '''''tanlrill.

.. . .....
I ~
155 109 377 ,'i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• i'€
126 377 \ Richardson . 113
: The General Drafting Co. ~
Sellard ., . . . 126 125
434 Albert 152 138 417
AND HERE ARE A LOT Smith 147 141 146
100 348
Heard 144 104
Totals .... 693 2130
• 1935 Chestnut Street
Jnterchurch Activities for Several
Totals ....
PEP 102
662 1884 Captain-H. C. Kelm.
February 11.H.1928-

: S. G. Coates
• Registered Architect

Weeks Chronicled. MKaler
'''1~02 mm 99 337
470 Mason
149 100 249

Bell Phone:
Rittenhouse O~~8
Overcro\vded issues have col11- Mac~lven 1~~ 1:~ 1:~ 251 Follette 133 99 144

pelled "Our To\\'n" to put the Bun - . - - - - - - - - Brown · 156 137 145 389 _.-••- ••- ••_ ••--.-., ..
Regular $82 Acorn
505 888 659 1850 Riddle 101 133 155
428 t t
tvpe for the howling scores 0 f t h e
' . k tl 't' Heyle ·
· .. 132 143 154
429 Haws
142 166
126 t l ~I'
past t ew wee's on lC \Val I11g Jenkins 118 115 144 377 . Cabinet Gas Range
~ ~
list. As a re~itllt, the galleys have Le
becume so heavy with lead · 1 that I
2 51
681 661
2::: Mus i c

we are compelled to Pu) 11IS 1 t le 841 838 649 1928 C. R. Reger. 140
137 136
168 458 l -both recorded and
387, J"educed to
crill) this week in self defense. Spencer MULES
127 135 137 394 E. W E. J BReiss
Ily 147
161 107
151 133
138 ~o
398 t: b roadcast - is repro- l
Of !Jarticular interest were t 11<; Heard S I h 141
151 114
100 128 375
251 EI.. , a
Jenkins ., 114 132 152
duced flawlessly by the t
games un Fehruary lao in which ~u~ :::::::::::::::112 99 211
the fi;...~ure 1:\ came in fur promi- Brunswick Panatrope
760 2135 , ,
. Sellard
Thomas , 148
Captaln-C. C. Mason.699 679
:i with Radiola 17, Model , $68.75
nence. 'l'he "g" league stan(1mg,;
to datc "how the }Iules in the
677 2005
Captaln-EI. Jenkins.
February 14. 1928- l P R 17-8, which oper- !
lead.. with thc third section , " of the Watts
.,,, Wilson 99
335 Keirn
112 132
370 ates entirely from elec- .i a saving of $13a25
~~51 W. D. Smedley 139 460 1 tric light socket, with-
.schedule about to heg l11 . 1 he A
1 t' t
eague repor s are no qUI e np- Kulltzen
.t I
· 143
382 Durbin
~~~ ~ out batteries. T his ~
to-date. although they may land H. T. Smedley 146 133 114
393, amazing instrument t Here is your opportunity to own a beautiful new range with
on the editor's desk in time to 807 623 887 1897 Totals .... 610 605 719 1934 i brings every kind of l the wonderful oven heat control device that takes the nervous
k t Ile paper IJe f ore t Ile fi na I
Pins on extra frame for third game, 84. t music to the home. t waiting and watching out of cooking. You need pay only
446 PRESBYTERIAN PILOTS 1 The price is $550, pay- 1
381 ~
pages go to press. Taitt 151 151 144
381 Mason able on convenl'ent
Number Proves ill Omen for Mules. ~~:f,'::be~"::::::::: m ~:~ 126
153 440 Rr.nkl11
475 Follette
300 t
422, terms.

The Baptist Boosters nosed out Freeman 160 189 Riddle 123 174 168 465. t A LITTLE DOWN
Ha~:ta;~':::: ~ ~
521 1742
the }f ethodist 1',f nles in onc of the
t!1ost exciting matches of the year.


139 140
::: :::
Pins on extra frame for third game, 68. t
::: 2::: NARBERTH
~ to have one installed ready to use. You enjoy the heat control
A smgu ar occurrence p.resente Jenkins
itseli in this match. The first ttl~~re~,t.. :::::::::::: 1~~
'............ 137 128
232 the
In section A of the Church. Bowling Leagu, II
Methodist Meteors won two games during
~ device, easy-to-clean enamel finish and oven linings' step-
the past week, defeating Lutheran Lions and saving utility drawer and other time-saving features while
:game was won by the Boosters hv - - 474 1343 the Baptist Battlers on February 17 and 21, 1
1. . ' ' J1e' l ' d 1. 457 412 respectively. t 241 Havelford Ave., Narberth a'
" pl ns. 1 B secon I "'la s 3; so Februan' 28 BOWLING SCORES-SECTION ,\ ," 1 paying the balance monthly.
wun l))' t le ousters)y .3 pIns. PEP BOYS METHODIST METEORS ~
The third \\'as won by the 1\1 ules Walts 133 135
109 377 Ern. Jenkins 161 199 181 541 i PHONE: NARBERTH 4182 1
120 347 E. Reiss 253 ~ t
. l' I l ' Merkel. . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 140
98 346 J. Ml1ler
122 131
Act Today-This Offer Is Limited
b\' 1:3 pins. aIH 111 t le tota pm Maur 147 180 145 452 1 1
S~'ure the . Boosters topped the ~~~t:,;,~·en.. :::::: . :..
m 125
420 w. J. Bailey
148 El. Jenkins
277 c. R. Reger
173 165
142 t
494 1
158 t
Mules by 1:\ pins. All of which Wilson 142
620 1910
E. Purring 170 182 352 l t
'lappened on the thirteenth though 633 657
745 852 795 2392 1 t

HumphrIes 123 164 287 , j
thele",,' the Mules decided to steer ForfelkTANDING OF "B" LEAGUE Haist 131 137 268 • ~ & ELECTRIC COMPANY
clear of bowling un the thirteenth w. L. Pc. Robertson 124 186 158 448' 1
~~~~Sth~~~.. ::::::::::::::: ~~ ~~
Boosters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 16
:m Rlchard,on
.500 Murra\'
. ........ .
a t
Ardmore 3500
Hilltop 233
Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 47
Upper Darby: Boulevard 1600
Spencer . 148 135 148 431 Pep Boys 14 22 .389 Ripper _,,_._. 1_13_ _1_13_ l i t
KouP . ~~~ ~~~ ~:~ :g~ I n the "X' League the .Luther- 2154 i i
... ...... ., ... .
855 779 720
SIl.lth . 120 141 118 379 an Lions won a close game from SECTION ,\ t The EL-RA Twins Give Prompt a
Sellard . METHODIST METEORS 282 ( Electrical and Radio Service. ( ..~~
'rhomas . 106 108 99 2~~ \ the Baptist Battl.ers on February C. Reger 127 155
Bllnd . __ 10. the 1\1 ethodlst ~f eteors de- J. E. Purring 134 180 145 439 I
491 .................... ~~.~.~~...--.. ......... . - - - . _ -
Ml1ler 181 146 164
Totals .... 690 667 651 2008 fcated the Presb\·terian Pilots in W. Bailey 159 169 172 500
MARATHONS E. Jenkin, 175 160 148 483
369 another close match on Februar\' E. Reiss 141 141
liGyle 105 136 128
354 11. and on February 14. the Pres-
Spencer III 134 109 776 778 784 2338
Jt:nklns 125 136 162 ~~: hyterian Pilots tuu(( O\'er the Bap- DurbIn BAPTIST BATTLERS


White 91 119 99 191 137 145
Dea\'e, 121 113 133 367 tist Battlers. Marsh , .151 160 141 452
February 10. 1928- W. Smedle\' 163 144 144 451
1822 BAPTIST BATTLERS Kelm 181 128 178 487
Totalb .... 553 638 631
Young 144 150 128 422 Blind 127 141 145 413
Wetherbee ., 106 136 155 397 W. D. Smedley 136 177 147 813 710 753 2276

Wins cIl!!ain
150 420' Blind 113 122 109 344
Williamson . 142 128
400 Kelm 164 156 142 462
Follmer 170 110 120
387 Nicholson 119 131 168 418 1 A schoolboy wants to know how
Freeman 133 130 124 many square rods it takes to make
Blind 96 97 100 293 ~
Totals .... 676 736 694 2106 a \vi!"carrc.
Totals .... 647 601 649 1897 LUTHERAN LIONS
MULES Humphries . 188 151 180 519 S 1. . f' I .
Spencer .... 121 121 137 379 Ripper 140 122 136 398 pea _mg 01 l'I11t. tIe flr,t apple
Roup 96 97 153 1 Murray 149 140 130 419 caused a lot of lrouble for the tirst
_ _ _ _ _346 _ _ _ _ _._. ..__. .~pair.-_-----.-~ . .'


\ ,

,I '

---... - ......... --- ..

Two more
ij At the Pennsylvania State Farm Prod-
ucts show at Harrisburg our milk main-
tained its record of consistently high

I qualit.y and won two first prizes, one

! for milk from Tuberculin-Tested cows
and another prize for market milk.
Today's Buitk brings to its owners a higher degree of GOLD MEDAL lVlILK has won 32 gold
beauty than ,any other car in the Buick field- medals and many other prizes in 18
-the beauty of smart, low lines-the beauty of radiant years.
colors-and the beauty of princely interiors upholste»ed
and appointed in rare good taste. NO OTHER MILK
Accompanying this beauty-and giving it real meaning APPROACHES THIS RECORD
-is the superlative goodness of Buick engineering. 32 Gold Medals
Buick's famous Valve-in-Head 6.cylinder engine-Sealed
Chassis-double-drop frame-and Lovejoy hydraulic cA Proof of ~alit'Y
shock absorbers-place Buick far ahead in perfonnance

and com'ort.
See Buick-qrive it-eompare it with others ••• there
was never a car so beautiful and never a car 80 good!


SEDANS $1195 to $1995 ' COUPES $1195 to $1850 SPORT MODELS $1195 to '1152'
AU #ia. f.o". Fulll. Midi.. zoowrn_n' ''''' '0 ~ "tltI.d. Tu G. M. A. C. JjNJnea "',,n. ,hr "'0" tI.,;rtlble. ;. """ilttbk•


Main Line Distributors Pioneers in Every Proven Safeguard
WAYNE 400 ..
.. .:. i


tfbe FIRES IDE I:fo~;:ter" needs little or no introduc- a very interesting program includ-I school ground; and an airplane meet in ship, H.' M. Fawcett and J. Edgar C. B. Pennypacker and A. L, Reinhold.
ing a talk on diet, a musical pro- !'arberth. Afternoon-athletic finals'j' Hircs, scout cxecutives. The next meeting of the Boy Coun-
__ A new comedy team. Lew Cody and
gram and suggestions for interior probably at the Lower ~{erion High A. L. Reinhold, Ardmore, is pub- cil will be held in the Ardmore Y. M.
CO:STI~UED FRO)I TBE FIRST PAlm Ailcen Pringle, make their screen
debut at the Narberth Theater next decoration. School field, Ardmore: marble contest llicity chairman, and Robert J. ~oy?, C. A., 730 P. ~r., \Vednesday, March

week. Thursday and Friday in "Adam and l\larch 13. Executtve . board meet- r I b bl h N b I
IIna~, pro a y at t e " ar. crt 1 com· h'
Cynwyd ' ftreasurer
th fi of the counCIl'tt ' IS 21, when plans for Boy Week will be
:\Jiss Helyn Brookhart of Balti- E~·il.". No better screen vehicle than . I h f ~/ C A F mUJ11ty playground: musIc contest c airman. 0 e nance comnll ee. discussed in greater detail.
._ I . I' I ' thiS riotous feature comedy could have Il1g at t le ome? ~\f rs. . . ar- linals, in thc auditorium of Junior High
f "1'· Attendll1g the meeting ¥onday wcr,
more, Is t le \\ee,-enc ~uest.o lV I~S been selected for the initial appearance mer, 414 Woodbme avenue. Lunch- School, Ardmore. Evcning-Awards Edward A. Carlson, ChaJrlllan; Rev. 5M~!'""I~

Anne Compton. of \\'ooclb1l1e ave-
:ogether of these two popular players. eon served at 12 noon.
"Adam and Evil" is full of fast alld ~I I 1\1' .t b
of prizes to boys in each district, at the Raymond J. O'Donnell, Rev. Albert C.
community theaters in Bala-Cynwyd Kanzinger, Harrv Fried, J Edgar
e~le- Narberth, Ardmore and Bryn Mawr. . Hires, Ralph Doran, Eu,rene Baldwin,
tt Jobbing Carpenter
:\1 rs. Samuel Dickie. of Hillside furious fun. rend.ered dou~ly delectable IV arc 1 13· l' o':mg piC ure

F'arm, GI '1'11 f
,en ~\ I ~. ormer y ° I f "T by the accomphshed artistry of Lew ~t by Board i~f pJre~~ors .fo~,bU1I~-
Chairmen of committees in charge Harvey J. Harman, Wil1i~~ C. Alex-
Cody, and by Miss Pringle's great 109 fund. Lllltan (,Ish 111 Anl1le of the week's events were named as ander, Jr., Harold !"J. PhIllips, Frank
Howard Hamer .
berth. accompal11ed by her nephew. charm and talent. Laurie." follows: Automobile parade, Harold H. Elmore, FranCIS C. Barton, Jr., NARBERTH 2762
:\f r. Park Schilling, will leave short- >I< • >I<
1\1- -I L' r at H. Phillips, Cynwyd; bands, Fred C. I-larry A. Buchler, S. Edgar Downs, ~M!'""It:1t'="
Iy for St. Paul, :\finn.. where they Rill-Till-Tin comes to the Narberth <Ire 1 q. Iterature group Patten, Narberth; floats, A. L. Rein- ~ ms;
will be the guests of :\frs. Dickie's
sister for several months.
Theater next Saturday in Warner 439 Anthwyn road, 2·30 P. fil.
Bros. "Jaws of Steel," an exciting
hold, Ardmore. Relay race and athletic
l\Iarch 16 at R P. M. The execu- contests at Haverford College, Coach I
~Iiss Emilie Kerigan, of Haver-
story of young prospectors and desert tive board and Board of Directors Harvey J. Harman, of Narberth.
gold. I DURBIN & HOWARD - Ye Oddity Shoppe m
ford avenue. is convalescing at her Rill-'s millions of admirers of the \Vomen's Community Club , Rel.igious services, Rev. Albert C. "The Girt Center or the Main Line" WILLIAM 8. DURBIN
. . .. KanzlI1ger, Ardmore. The Boy 111 the
home a fter appendicitis. will find in this latest production of WIll entertall1 the. JUllIor,s at the School, Superintendent S. Edgar WILLIAM S. HOWARD
:\lr. and :\Irs. George "\'. Butts. h!s thrilling ;stunts an~ flash,ing bits home of Mrs. Edwl1l C. 10wn, 200 Downs and Principal C. B. Penny- is ready with many attractive
lr. of Lantwyn lane have left for ot humor, which even hIS earlIer films Narberth avenue. . packcr, both of Ardmore. Marble con- new styles in little tots' dresses
. • •. '. have not had. The old boy seems to - -I ?8 ") P 1\1 H tcsts and swimming mects, Harry A. and suits from one to six years. Real Estate Mortgages
several weeks stay 111 flonda. know just what it is all about. He 11\1,'Irc 1 - , - . 1. ome eco- Buchler, of the Ardmore Y. ~L C. A. Also a fine line of attractive
George (]iggs) Torchiana who secms to ~1l~W that he is an actor and nomlcs group at 208 Essex avenue, Music contests, ,-,-ugene Baldwin; har- socks and shoes.
moved recenth' from Narberth to to glory 111 It. "J ust Clothes," "Short Cuts in Sew- monica band organizcr. Ardmore, and OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS
illg," "Care of Clothing," "Selec- Fred C. Pattcn, Xarhcrth. ex-post- 31 N. NARBERTH AVENUE
.\tlantic City.' spent last week-end PUT O-F-F-P-AR-K-M-E-ETING . f M . I" "D' I C I master, and leader of thc Lower Mer-
\'isiting here. tl~l,1 0 J: atena, es~gn ane ? - ion High School Band. Kite contest, Haverford at Forest Avenue
:\1 rs. C. H owa rei Reese and her or are some of the tOpICS to be (lts- Frank H. Elmore, Cynwyd. Citizen· .... 5ii5i:!2.52.!iC!iir525i:si:!52~~~~
daughter, :\1 iss Elma Reese. of March 30 Found Unsuitable-Date cussed bv E theI :\1. Beeclles, 0 f "i.!i'2Si2.5i2..5i!5C52!!i2.5ir525i:si:!52.52.!i'2S~ Cl
After Easter Now Likely.
Pennsylvania State College.
~l r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
, .
== C !I25C5l:.
=======-= =======
Hampden avenue. have returned af-
ter spending a few days' traveling
111 Buffalo. Canada and Niagara foster interest in a Lower Merion
The public mass meeting to
SAFETY tt Have You Tried a Dinner at tt

avenue, was the guest of honor at Junior High School, has been post-
parks system, telltatively sched-
:\Jiss Helen :\Iiesen. of Merion uled for March 30 at the Ardmore .'Or\TI:-II·I.;H FlW~1 Ttm FIHST PAGE
\Vednesday, May 2: Baseball games Narberth t
the miscellaneous shower which :\1 rs. poned until a date after Easter. It between teams composed of fathers
Taxi Cab Co. t
Our Weekday and Sunday Dinners Are
Frances \ Vip£. of Chestnut avenue, was found that the tentative meet- and sons, at 4 P. :M., in each district.
gave at her home Monday evening. ing day would conflict with a re- bleThursday, NIay 3: Elimination mar-
and music contests in each district, 215 Haverford Ave.
Unsurpassed. . t
I nvitations were issued for 12. ?vliss ception to be given Mayor runners-up to conmete in finals on
:\1 iesen's engagement to :\Ir. \Vin- Mackey at the Union League on Saturday. The music events will con-
sist of tests of ability with harmonicas Ph
(Walter R08er)
N b th
222 Haverfor
d A
(N h 5t t ' )
ext to t e a Ion
fred Wiest. of Philadelphia, has March 30, which many Lower and
been announced. Merion civic leaders are planning
hugles. one, ar er 3772 I •
Friday, ~ay 4: The Boy Scout inl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
Cotter's M'arket
:\Irs. C. :\1. :\lcCracken. of :\Ier- to attend. Citizenship will take over, for a brief I /1':1'
ion avenue, entertained a few : pcriod, the duties of municipal and
friends in formally on \Vednesday
LYRIC TRIO PLAYS isc~~~l~r~~;~r~;~;n~: Contests
entire district, as follows: for the
:\Ir. and :\Irs. Clifford D. Good- CON'l'INU\<;D l<'RUM THE FIURT PAm swimming meets in the Ardmore "Y"
win. 2 I ~ Lantwyne lane, entertained, ~\Irs. F. C. Torrey, president of pool; kite contest at the Cynwyd
at a spaghetti dinner last Thursday. the Board of Directors, gave a very WE DELIVER
Their guests included the Misses comprehensive resume of plans and
Dorothy and :\Iarion l\larshall, ::\1 r. offers so far investigated by the
w. Chas. Stanley, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR
"('o-OI)ernt1oll Cnls ('osLO'
NARBERTH 4050 Friendly
But nobod~· ,'uts lw}ow the ('0- l,)";'rnti\'e IITh't': till' lwI"1 thp)" l"llil do 16 to !'",ll "a,o l'IWlIlJ ll~ thaL"
and :\1 rs. lames Parks. Mr. and Building Committee. Club mem- OFFICE: 221 CONWAY AVENUE
\Yt.> IIrt' JIIl'1II1Jt'rM of tlu' hiJ:gt·,..t l'tl-ol){'rllt!",e "ho)('''nll' groCPT)' Of): UlI11.n.tlon In tile . . unntl'~·.
:\Irs. \\'alte;' H. Nash, Mr. Albert bers are asked to discuss the matter PURE FRESH FRESH EVERY DAY
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
?\Iarshall and :\1 r. Edward Marshall. of building and be prepared to vote QUAKER SWEET SNUG HARBOR FARM
7.30 TO 9.30 P. M.
Lb·5ge Doz. 4ge
on :\Iarch 20 at the regular meet-
Phone, Narberth 38t7.W CREAM BUTTER
ing to be called at 2 P. M. instead Priee subject to change. "Truly America's Finest." Direct From Farm to Your Table.
of 2.30. 1\1 rs. :M ueller will present Sold and Controlled by Independent Grocers.
Marathons and Mules Deadlocked at
End of Second Period. Justice of the Peare ROYAL BREAKFAST Lb. 3ge "Unity Brand"
In addition to the scores published
elsewhere, B League statistician C. REAL ESTATE BOSANT COFFEE
Roy Smith presents these additional Rate8: :tc per word; additional con- A Superior Blend of the Finest Coffees Grown, That
figures: Fire Insurance-Best Companie& Is Rapidly Gaining Favor Everywhere. Splendid Drinking Quality. Freshly Roasted.
Final Slandlnl" of "BOO Leal"ue. 8ecutive in8ertions 0/ 8ame adverti8e- Phone 40t8-W 1111 IlaYerlerd AYe.
W. L. PC. ment, Ic per word. Minimum charge Campbell's (Asst.)
Methodist Marathons
Methodist Mules
20 16
20 16
.555 per week, 80c.
.555 - Real Country DAIRYLEA
Baptist Boosters
Presby. Pep Boys
,. 18 18
,.. 14 22
Hll"h Scores for Second Period.
.500 TilE Sl'BGRBAN employment agency.
.386 Wayne, Is supplying experienced do- I EXPERT REPAIRING
mesttc help, white and colored, With
Single Game-Knutzen. Pep Boys
Three Games-Knutzen. Pep Boys
Team Single Game-Mules
192 satlsfactory reIerences.
513 10 A. M. to 12 noon. Wednesday
792 Thursday.
Hours dally,
10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Phon,z WATCII:\IAKEU
Team Three Games-Marathons 2158 I
Team Average-Boosters
Hll"h A"eraa-es, Second Half.
I. Babb. Booslers
G. TP. Aver.
, 14 2021 1H,3
668.1 Wayne 1133. Susan B. Dawkins, man- I
I.OST-SterItng silver pin.
with blue
628 North !\lay St., West Phlla. Lbs. 2ge 5 2 Lbs. 27e Tomato
Soup, 3 Cans
25e 2 Tall Cans 21e
2. Knutzen. Pep Boys 14 2010 143.5 and whtte brllItants, March 6, on Haver-
3. Freeman. Boosters 18 2528 140.6 ford avenue between Conway and Nar-
4. Wetherbee. Booslers
5. li'mlth. Mu'es .... ,........ 25 3461 138.4
16 2227 138.1 berth or In the theater. Narberth 4027.J. SALADA TEA '!I-Lb. Pkg. 23e SNIDER SLICED RED BEETS 25e
FOR REST-Garage, 509 Beechwood
On March 1 the Mules managed to lan·z. Call Narberth 2670-J. Also re- (Orange Pekoe) In Glass Jar
hold first place by virtue of their even frigerator for sale at same address.
split with the l\Iarathons. Thomas and FOR nE~T-Prlvate garage space In- VELVO S~LT 2 2·Lb. Cartons ISe SNIDER SWEET, Can 23e
Smith did the best rolling for the Mules cludtng heat, Itght and water. 315 Gray-
while Dickies had high score for the Itne avenue. Phone Narberth 4042-W.
~{arathons. tf. PRUNES 3 Lbs. 2Se 4 CANS 90c
116 117
FOR nENT-Garage, Narberth and
233 Merion avenues. Phone
Narberth Fancy Large Santa Clara SNIDER SWEET
~:n~er . : : ::: : :: : : i4i ~gg ~~~
Heard 121 132
139 392
YOG~G GIRL wanted to care for
tf. Paperhanging and
BURNETT'S 2-0z. Bottle 2ge CORN
Can ISe
SeUard 118 99 217 children. Phone Narberth 2676. Decorating 3 CANS 50c
Thomas ,... 152 152 1~~ WANTED-Man With car to sell com- ESTIMATING PURE VANILLA I
Totals " ,. .
648 633 662 1843 plete line quaItty auto tubes and tires.
Exclusive territory. Experience not NARBERTH 4135 W RICE-Fancy Blue 2 Lbs'll e DEL-MAIZ GOLDEN Can ISe
Hoyle " ., .. , . 149 132 116 397 n,:cessary. Salary $300 per month. Rose CORN
Dickie . .. .. . . .. ..
,. . 126
398 Mtlestone Rubber Company, East Llver-
4391 pool, Ohio.
nea\'es 134 124 1
258 rooms, hall and bath. Conveniences. Seeded or Seedless SQUARE DEAL SWEET Can ISe
Big closets. Must see to appreciate, 103
Totals ""',.,. 625 724 644 1993 Chestnut avenue. Phone Narberth 3784-
tf. 3CANS50c
- -

On March 5 in the second game the


BUYS 1\1,\ WR 'Employment agency Is WICHSPREAD

~rules set a record by rolling a score of supplying first class domestic help; g
792. The Mules just missed winning the cooks, chambermaids, waitresses, COUPles"
second period by 2 pins. If they had housemen. Referenc~s Investigated. 32
won the last game they would have Central avenue, Bryn Mawr. Telephone
beaten the Marathons by one game. Babb B~n Mawr 681.
SeUard and Smith had the best scores'
FOR SALF.--chtck'Erlng grand plano.
excellent condition. Sacrifice to Im-
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
and Heating
In Glass Jar

1-Lb. Can 25c
Spencer 110 160 115 385 mediate buyer. Phone Akin, Wayne 272. -----~:::-:-==-=-::::---~:::::::::::::=;-:-;-:-:::-=:::=---=--:::-:---:--=---
Smith '.,"""'"
rooms, bath,
FLOOR apartment, five
enclosed porch, all '================
All Gold Pears
Delicious in Flavor

Thomas 127
122 442 room
264 s.
301 WI d
n sor avenue. tf. All Gold Peaches All Gold Pineapple All Gold Apricots
Heard ,.. .. . ". 123 123 LO~T Dark blue silk coat on F,zb-
- - - - - - - . _ - ruary 14, at Elm Hall, or on street. Tele-
JAMES R. COLE Halved. or Sliced. Serve
Them Tonight.
Keep Il Supply on Hand.
In Rich Syrup Fruit.
Thoroughly Ripened
Totals .. . . . . . . . 610 792 646 2048 phone Narberth 2674. Rear of 250 Haverford Ave.
,. . . 189 142 159
Hou8e and Decorative Painting Large Can 23e Can 1ge Can 2ge Can 23c
490 YOUNG MAN-Wanted for duties Mail Orders and Jobbing Promptly

Coppell 148 124 102 374 leading to executive post In growing
Follmer 101 120 142 Attended te
WlIUamson 167 117 130 ~~~ Main Line business. Bard work, bright You'll Like Them. 3 CANS 50c 3 CANS S5e 3 CANS 65c
BUnd 110 137 115 362 prospects. College man preferred. Be- Phone, Narberth 3639.W
tween 21 and 30. Reply by letter. "R," ALL GOLD CATSUP Large Bot. 25e 'SITKOFF FANCY
Totals 715 640 648 2003 Box 7273, Ardmore. Tall Can ISe
At the Theater FOR RENT-We s 1e y apartments
Wayne. Modern apartment, 7 rooms and R A D 10
Annie Lauric. beloved to the world bath, Janitor service. Three mtnutes to LIPPINCOTT Plain Bot. 23e FRESHLY KILLED Lb. 3ge
for centuries in song and story has station, BO trains dally. $B5 per month. ALBERT & DILWORTH OLIVES STEWING CHICKENS
come to life again-on the scree~. Garage available. C. M. Agnew, Wayne Authorized Dealers
This is the latest role of Lillianll_2::-71:::-:a:::n=d:-7::3-::2-::-W:--. _ 1\IOIIAWK-SONORA Stuffed Bottle 33c CHUCK ROAST-BEST
Gish. queen of romantic drama, who SUNNY nOOI\I for gentleman or busl- Majestic A and B EUmtnaters Lb. 2ge
enacts the historic Scottish heroine in ness woman. Private family. Conven- lII0 Dudley Ave. Phone, Nor. 3868.1\1 DROMEDARY Can 25e NATIVE BEEF
hcr lat~st vehicle, "Annie Laurie," the lent to station. Phone Narberth 4161.
dramatic spectacle of the Scottish ---===:-,---:---------- ...................-.................. ...............
~ ~ .. .........
Highlands playing at the Narberth
TIlea t er "'{ ddT
SEWING 1\IACIUNES-All makes re-
paired. Liberal allowances on old ma- l MONEY l 3 Cans 69c COUNTRY PORK Lb. 29c
~ buys power when
l\ on a? an uesday. chtnes for new Singer. Phone Merion
.As the ScottIsh Joan of Arc, Miss 145B-M. (tf) paid to l MAC'S NORWEG. SARDINES
Glsh plays a role so totally different t kings, food when paid to l 1ge SHOULDER GENUINE Lb·2ge
from any in her career that it seems FOR SALE-Bard and soft coal cln-
amazing. As Annie Laurie noble- ders delivered. Norristown Trucking Co.,
i1 grocers-heat when paid to
the coal man. UIt is part of l
In Pure Olive Oil, 2 Cans SPRING LAMB •
· f ' 935 West Washington St., Norristown.

woman an d nllstress 0 the great Max- Norristown 3732 tf t the game for each of us to SEA GARDEN SHRIMP V"UG'l"S SUGAR-CURED
welton Castle-then as a woman
braving the spears of her own tribes~ MODERN HALL eqUipped for all occa-
. , l want the most of these In Glass Jar . 2ge
HAMS (Family Size) Lb·29c •
1 things we can get for our
men to save the man she loves, she slons. Open for dances, parties, ban-
has a role that plumbs the elemental quets. For leasing Information apply to
5 money. UUndoubtedly the i HORSESHOE Tall Can 2ge MOLAND'S BACON •
t most heat can be had from Lb·35e
depths of a woman's soul manager of Narberth Theater or phone RED SALMON
'" • '" . Narberth 2458 or Ardmore 3058. Inspec-
coal which contains the most
(Whole or Half Pieces)
The confirmed movie fan, the oc- tlon of Narberth Theater Ball Invited.
l That Coal Is
Med'. Ivory
casional picturegoer and the individ- FOR SALE-Full-blooded pollee pup-

ual who is finicky about his screen pies, coming three months old from
entertainment will all hail with joy stock of extra gOOd type and breeding. l COAL SOAP SOAP SOAP PAPER DUST FLAKES •
the announcement that Warner Bros.' Eligible to register. George Schllpt, St.
production of Syd Chaplin in "The Peters, Pa., or call Narberth 2865. l ..sold here exclusively 3 Cakes 4 Cakes if Cakes 4 Rolls Large Pkg. Large Pkg.
Fortune Hunter" is to be seen at the (3-17-28)
~arberth Theater next Wednesday, SAVE your olel Junk, papers, rags, 11'011
There is much occasion for·the joy. and metals. mghest prices pntd. W.
Syd Chaplin is such an artist that he call anywhere. anytime. Phone Belmont
is welcome in anything in which he 8298. Write .B05 ~no street. Ph1ladel~
elects to be seen, and "The Fortune phla. (tf.J ~
Coal Company
Telephones' NARBERTH
...... ~~

............................ ~
...... ~
1ge 17e
2Se 2Se 2Se 23e
We would Ilu••eet that order. dMlred lor earl,. 8a*1lrd8¥ dll1loer,. be In FrI., P. M:., "'ldeb WIll I'ftlltb Improve Obi' eentee.
!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ..
_ _...-.: .....;........;..._ _. . . . . ; . . . _ " ' - _ " ' -..................... ..l'_.....
i...i. . . . . .'..........
' ........... IIIi' .-':;"';Iii"-,j,'IiIi."''''';.'. .._ _........ 1 ) '

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