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_ NTS,ETEA,KPESED Test Preparation @ Someta —_ Soi Leite ast Pes For More Past Papers, Test Preparation Join our/FB Group. What's App 03101190027 Vout) EducationInfo&TestPreparation Admin: Muhammad Al 67. The function y=x+100is a fan: A. Line B. Circle Cc, Ellipse D. Hyperbola E. Parabola 68. Find the fu2x> V- 3x4 44dx wo 3 Rs A (3x4 +1p +C c. ; ( qe" + e%e >. ofa) +c « Se + 13 +e 69. ng he following is NOT a property of X-rays? They affect photographic plate They travel in straight lines €, They are electramagnetic radiations D. They are deflected by electric and magnetic fields 70. The number of diagonals of a 12 sided figure is A. 66 6, 30 c. 48 D. uhammad Ali 0310119002 N-19-4487-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW-270719 16 SUBJECT 51. Let a, b be inaring R. Ifa = O and b = 0 but ab = 0, then we say that a and b are: A. Zero divisors B. Unit divisors C. Congruent D, Nilpotent 52, The differential equation of the form (1-2 )y// —2xy/ + n(nad)y =O iscalled. Bessel equation Se Cauchy equation x Hermite equation Rie Legendre equation Qt t a Q3 x S xe? aot, B. gor(t) 4 c. < @4 iz Bun “he 1 5 9of(t)= 5 poR> 53. Find gof ,it F(t) = 54. The oscillatory systems do nat oscillate indefinitely because of: A. Gravitational force B. Frictional force C. Electrostatic force D. Electromagnetic force N-19-4987-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW-270719 12 A 83. A force of 10N acting along y-axis, its component along z-axis fs: a. ON B. 100N Cc. 10N D. 20N 84, The kinetic energy of an electron in the Ath orbit is: A, amv, B. 12mv,7 ANS c amv, we D. 1/amv, ea 85. The direction of the induced emf Mair predicted by: A. Ohm's law B. Kirchoff's law & C. Faraday’s law S) D. Lenz's law 86. If g(t) = ° + ag AS then g(3)= 7 ° 4 A 39 The so taneous velocity of a body executing SHM is maximum Janta whl he phase of vibration with respect to displacement {s: A. 90° Ee. 75° 1 of energy. The orbital electrons have amount! 88. A, Specific B. Finite Cc. Infinite D. Zero /-270719 9 4487-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW-2 N-19- 89. The unique solution for the differen: the region: tialequation xy =y exists on A. The horizontal axis y = 0 B. Half planes defined by x So C. Half planes defined by x 20 D. Half planes defined by either x > 0orx <9 E. The vertical axis x = 0 90. The number which occur with highest frequency is called: A, Mean B. Median Cc. Mode D. Data 92. Ace process ends in its original thermodynamic state. Of the. Ons, which is possible as the net result of the process? The gas absorbs 50 J of energy as heat and does 50 J of work B. The gas does not work but absorbs 50 J of energy as heat C. Itis adiabatic and the gas does 50 J of work D. The gas does no wok but loses 50 joule of energy as heat 93. The speed of an object, one second after it has been dropped on the planet, is 8 m/s. What will be its speed after 3 seconds when it was first dropped? A. 32m/s B. 38m/s Cc. 24m/s D. 42m/s N-19-4487-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW-270719 ‘92.COWARDLY: A. B. c. o. gE. casual arrogant bad-tempered difficult bold 93, ANONYMOUS: aA, 8. cr DB. E. desperate distiney defines expert written Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized ones. 94.SMASH UP: A, clreular B. sharp c. feagile D. damage 95.COMBUSTIBLE: A. flammable industrious waterproof - specific plastic embed issue forth explain celerity MAGNIFY: A. forgive B. | extract Cc. diminish BD. electrify E. enlarge 7-4362-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW-110218 He pententty be Wgomred — Ue Ble as G bay tallow ne adverb of “complete ta A. completion B. completely Cc. complexion D. complaint a fave you _ the computer? AL see B. sees Cc. saw D. seen The train was running to time. C ‘underlined part of the Sentence A. running to B. running upto c. ranin D. runon E. running in The syllable division for “Beautifu A. Beautiful. B. Beauti / ful. c. Beau / ti / ful nD. Bea/u/ ti/ful. A B. cc BD. AY 8: c. DB. are almu! A a. Cc D, AL Be c. D. 55.For the invocation of maximum inte component is: PEDAGOGY $1.Counselting should be viewed not only as remedial but miso as: suggestive preventive Problem identification Predictive $2.The factor that makes Instruction student-centered Is learners’ interest experionce involvement prior knowledge $3, Teacher is interested to ask selection type question. He will use: Essay type question Constructed response question Short answer question True or Fatse question 54.The quality possessed by the individual to generate products that ltancousty original and adaptive is known ns: Intelligence Creativity Ability Achievement ence of the child, the vital Heredity Environment Behavior Attltude 56.Approprinte method at elementary tevel Is; Lecture Discussion Activity method n "= «peer ragnnatle ua ream “Informal ‘pa.Faltawing Is. 3 exoinpls ot atau! rength oF the ‘gases C2 Regression Bo. OT ‘keat.- eactbe terminotosy of Think pale: anf adint: he Expariential tearning & B. Cooperative ee ae yi Pegblent baged | learaing. 4 . : “Active fearing: Tatical teak SeNIEN By ENO ‘as. fearning theory petieved in urological process? 6 1 Ae Behaviorism ;. @ Ccognitivam . c. ,Humanisn p. romain SS ' 96. hig of the rotting HS ot provides GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 66,Liaquat Ali Khan joined All India Mustim League In: A. 1923 B. 1933 + c 1994 Dp, 1944 67.Lehore Aesolullon was passed In ihe 27th Annual Session of all India Muslim League by: A. Muhammad Ali Jinnah DB. ALK. Farl-ul-Hag C. Sheikh Mujeedb-ur-Rehman . Muhammad All Jouhar 68.Sub-Tropical Continental Plateau inchudes western part of; A. Punjab A, Sindh ©. Galechiatan BD, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 89.In 1971, Sheikh Mujeeb-br-Rebman launched the: a. Non-Cooper in Movement By Civil Ditobedionce Mavement Quill India Movement BD. Civil Rights Movement 70.Pakistan Is one of the fow countries in the world to hove every Alad off A. Religious Ideologies” B. Geological Structures Cc. People . D. Politicians 71.Pakistan’s first-ever Chinese language weekly newspaper is: a. Lianhe 8. Yesky? c Xinhua Fourlfive options (A to DIE} follow a related pair of words given in capitals. Select the option that best expresses a relationship similar 10 that expressed in the original pair. g6.FLAMMABLE; BURN: AL invisible: sce B. erratic: control €. fragile: break ®, noxious: escape E, industrial: manufacture” 87. LIGHT: DARKNESS: A. angen friendship “ B, ignorance: literacy C. sanity: madness D. medicine: patient NS BS.RECTANGLE: CYLINOER® AL square: sphere” B. circle: c. o. wal 89, PEST: IRMSOME:: A. salescleri: B. expert: proficient Cc. enigma: unexpected D. leader: nondescript €. accuser: indicted Choose the option or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. 50.PERMANENT: A. temporary” 5. Internal c. interval D. timely” Q1.LAVISH A. seanty B. extravagant * gloom i with the sachets in sal days atter'the shuttle Discovery reti NI aa. wren de the najia goto Aree reere Ne? 10 Zi Bayh fh china in muigned GPEC agreement tt . ro1d B, 2015 cc, 708g 0, 1087 45, Chairman af Pakistan senate since 2085 155 a. Wasim Salad * japibultah Marwat €. Sardar Ayar Sadia p. RaraRabanl pa world Cup 7018 will be hela in: 47. A. USA B. Russia c. Brasil BD. Qatar 48.Who was first P. A, Mawar Sharif Bf. Shahid Khagan Abbasi cc. Yousaf Raza Gillant D. Shaubat Ariz akiatant Prime minister to Ily in 3 fighter jet? summit in Islamabad in March 49.Pakistan hosted the 2017. a. ECO B. ore Cc. SAARC Do. OFCD sident? e name of the current Chinese pre 50.What is th A, Hu Jintao B, Jiang Zemin C. Yang Shangkun March i629 - April leze Cc, Mayie27 D. June 1920 3, “Durand tne” Isa ENGLISH Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate option, from the given cholces {A to D) below each. ‘81.Alter he had researched and js paper, he found some additional material that he should have included. AL wrote 5. writes C_ writing DL have written 82.He suggests that the meeting postponed, AL be B. is Cc. must O. would be 3. The handle of my bicycle suddenty came . It is in my hands now. AL ooff 8. of cc. on Bo. at 4. They have some difficulty all the employees, especially the smaller ones to conform the adopted scale of wages. A. getting ... to in getting ... too CG te get... over te getting ... with +I decided to sell a piece of land when I was offered a more price. A. true By realistie C. exact D. correct, 7-4362-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW-110218 ENGLISH Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate option, from the given cholces {A to D) below each. ‘81.Alter he had researched and js paper, he found some additional material that he should have included. AL wrote 5. writes C_ writing DL have written 82.He suggests that the meeting postponed, AL be B. is Cc. must O. would be 3. The handle of my bicycle suddenty came . It is in my hands naw. AL ooff 8. of cc. on Bo. at 4. They have some difficulty all the employees, especially the smaller ones to conform the adopted scale of wages. A. getting ... to in getting ... too CG te get... over te getting ... with +I decided to sell a piece of land when I was offered a more price. A. true By realistie C. exact D. correct, 7-4362-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW-110218 Fourlfive options (A to DIE} follow a related pair of words given in capitals. Select the option that best expresses a relationship similar 10 that expressed in the original pair. g6.FLAMMABLE; BURN: AL invisible: sce B. erratic: control €. fragile: break ®, noxious: escape E, industrial: manufacture” 87. LIGHT: DARKNESS: A. angen friendship “ B, ignorance: literacy C. sanity: madness D. medicine: patient NS BS.RECTANGLE: CYLINOER® AL square: sphere” B. circle: c. o. wal 89, PEST: IRMSOME:: A. salescleri: B. expert: proficient Cc. enigma: unexpected D. leader: nondescript €. accuser: indicted Choose the option or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. 50.PERMANENT: A. temporary” 5. Internal c. interval D. timely” Q1.LAVISH A. seanty B. extravagant * gloom inn fav aw etrariaenntis alter Hal oa * ve NE aM al, np atral eb qauna a) = oe, a ae, par ehasttfaGn ay tak the Hily vy atroun (re Prepitre tbe? hin Hotel § S a. To whent Hl discussing Mt ye Mak o, second Antcte oe raitte (0 Lataat le a. To believe fa the Day of he Ta botiove In all the Angel “" Hho ttewe ‘oka evi Allaty To belies | B. Te ative he en jazrat Muhamny od (SAW ‘ 10.At the time of Nabowwat the Aus wos? f eS Aoyeas B. Bo yours 9 Cc 45 years Dp. SS years 44.Parver Khottwk Ie the: S ‘ neg of PK A, The Goveranc! on. The Health MM cr of KPK @& The Chief M crof KPK The educate Inister of KPK Brecon connected Chino with 12,Pak-China econony 16-422 T(MATH PHYSICS)-GREEN-041216 100. The product of two complex numbers x+iy and x’+iy' is zero. Which of the following statements is most appropriate? A. x=0, y>0, and x'+iy'>0 B. x>0, y=0, and x'+iy'>0 C. x>0, y>0, and x’ +iy'#0 D. One of the complex numbers is zero got! 94. The 95. If the number of turns in ci same, then magnetic flux |i 96. Laplace equation is order partial differential equation, AL Ast B. 2nd Cc. 3rd D. 4th 97. If two straight lon: direction, the mag A B. c. DB. A. 8. Lenz's law 98. The principle of an electric generator Is vaeagn\ ‘ c DB. 92. A dC A 6. - Split rings > D. Switch c. ws N-19-448 absorption of X-rays in a given material follows: A. A parabola B. Asstraight line C. An exponential curve D. None of the above ‘oil is doubled and Je: ngth remains the inked with it; A. Is doubled B. Remains Unchanged C. Becomes four D. Is halved 9 conductors carry current in the same netic force on each other will be: foe | a" None of the above Boyle's law Newton‘s law ee aN generator has on bhai Of its coil. Ring Slip rings ce o we 17-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW-270719 78. The domain of the vector r(t)=costi, In(8—t)j 1 VE 3k A 79, Gamma rays consists ‘of; A. Neutrons B. Hydrogen nuctei C. Helium nuctet GB. Radiations similar to x-rays: 80. Spectrameter is used for measurement for: A. X-rays §, Line spectra c. Laser D. Photons BL. An electric generator Is a device that transforms energy Inte electrical energy: A. Mechanical 8. Seund c. Hear O. Magnetic 82.11 f(x) = x3 (g°f)(x)? A Oe B (x-1)3 & aera Rhee ay? -4 ge j(x-1jpP41 H-19-4487-MATH-PHYSICS-¥ELLOW-270708 ox. Henbeh ol be toler oper mene a » masz oz. hdd we mt (oe (9) ~ in intereal (~1.2 Jane (oy 12 19) -23 (on az (-2 tay wr (07- 20. * (A) does metenst i} 1 (cro m- 230. “ig m 3 © (0) 2-H aa. wh mz oF wrt aa following Is convergent pyres? . ‘ ES (IED m 43 Ca ta the Mactouein'e serton of twp sine (D) cake amu ji hs avaye + me oH wrt G33. Domsinolf(s)=vT=a7 f»__, fAbacd eet (0) (ata a0, Domain of f8) = Ty te, tt Hotrod has a ritZd (oyre41 2) (or nat OI, fH = (-t.1}c0tned dg 107) = (8 10) 7 of convergence off. ux* Ue Weir (6) 1-11 (Cy [+= Maso S38, Which ot um Keowng areopan ine baal nat Spero fF 1A) Sunsets of (0) Urine ef oer imtacents. {C) intervnts. (1D) Sing-eton subst. 0.40, Lat he (OMIT and wth uvaal mete space Then dt -____- 1A) AO (oy aN) (aya (0) (0,992) O41, Let A bea finne aubsat ofa metric apace X. Than df= (A) alngioton act (a) 6 ica (Dy a4 O42. Let A bea fintie euteet of (X,6), TI Ale * 1A) Open cet (8) Open a: Gowe (Ci Ckared uel 10} newer open norcdosed GAS. HI ¥ise aubeel of (0) then (A) Every open tetin ¥ ix open i X (6) Every open sat in X és open inY AC) Otopenin ¥ #20 Ip open i X [0] OB opens a 0 = Fag whale Gis open in x O44, Lat f(a) Then (0,0) ta the point of (Abmasinur wale (0) mininurn wale {E) paint of infection {D} none of Frese 145, Number at elementa in ace-tnte epologleat upace (S.r}wherex=fe, Lu) fx___. ye (ys ta me O48. The boundery of asutest Oo{! mc M1) of (m, cr1la “ wo 19} 40) ro) EU OAT, Taras! tae Ris homecmorpte wo) 1 me (aya, 4) (By L=n 21t, S sommeeatse mz 4A) Trspace [BIT -spac0o Fyapace tut apace DB) Fyapsce: 40. Een Be seth ay (et, prin, : bats Or £8) Reguiar epace rH Normal space (0.50, Which af tha following la connected In A ee Pm “pee aN ay z os. Mn ot te tatoning oon oti cecomecad 9 ° van (6) iecrata spice {C) Fw unual tepoiogy (oy O52, [agen Of me tollowing Is nowhere dens in - (AAT fey vine ted me as, tenho he tolowing In dane In aN ez Tee (oie O84, ry +¥' = Ohanaaolutiony © Inx enintervat__———>* aie =) Nam OP teya) (oi {0 =| 75. What is the solution of the non linear differential equation? 1 dy 3 dx *Y 76.10 y = x? ~ 4x 44, then Its horizontal asymptote Is equal to: ys vez yes aeit . 27, LeeB is the square matrix and it satisfics the condition 8 °= then the matrix @ will be Known as: A. Square matrix B. Unity matri . Transpose of matrix BD. Symmetric matrix E. Skew Symmetric N-19-4487-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW-270719 SOCIAL STUDIES S1.Which of the following Is the targest Province of P. AL KPK B. Punjab °C. Baluchistan 79. Sindt akistan by area? nd Pass” connects Peshawar ‘witht . Mirpur B. Dir Cc. Chitral D. Muzafarabad 3.In our salar system the biggest planet Is; AL Jupiter B. Mars Mercury DB. Venus 54.The biggest earth-filled dam In the world Is: +A. Tarbela B. Mangia Cc. Aswan D. Warsak 5S.How many hours Pakistan is ahead of GMT? AS B. 3 a 2 2. 9 56.Hydrosphere makes up about: A. 29% of Earth's surface B. 71% of Earth's surface C. 40% of Earth’s surface D. 60% of Earth’s surface 57.The shallow part of sea which lies adjacent to the coastal areas is called: A. Continental shelf B. Continental slope Cc. Submarine trenches D. Oceanic ridges N-17-4359-320-P2-BLUE-160318 R it 6 A oS ole 46 aod on as op vu oc Ua obg)p tot ala Se yy hilae 6 a SUI AAT Uposlscin A doar lS 6s op 0 Jee bas .c_ Qh gaan 1S Cabs oJ Zins. 9 AS cnslly oe aA sia Suga oc ot Sete wp r oie bee ee aw aed oS Cul <¢' ge “‘ ' Sojxs 8 Wola oc 63355 .b St Fe aly 5985 Ss ps 50 Ana aj a opel to oops! A oc oF ly te l-DHYSICS-YELLOW-270719 "W ma (DL 74.4.0) io (nya az (D6 O58, 2 = 6 Inf" represents o 1A} point (8) Line (€) Pure {(D) Space 0.90. Kermelol T: A? ~ A*.where Ti.y.2) = (+, a oe. tA) Point (BA) Lire (C) Plane (0) Stier Q.31, Dimension of Hom[R? Ht) = 3 (34 ci? (O12 2.22, Dimension of Hom{M 4, #:{t)) = ——__- ime 4 a) 8 {C) 16 as. Oe Ja thrown . The probabdlty thal the data on the top are prime numbora of od numbers te wt ce ct mi O04 A cain (a toused 4 times In eceesion, Tha probepilty thal al-leant one read occurs Is. - ie (at ime 2.95, Number ot neckioces made ie Sbeada ct diterent colersis_ wr om tom toy O90 Ferod ofS costs a (Ape aye (C) Ge (1D) 100 0.97, Rangeolsretrle tay te, a} (w)l0, nt ci (+, 4] (oy [F. Sho ‘O98, Solution set ol sinzcorr = i”) Keely [E+ns] Gy [E+ 2nm}u [2+ zn) (0 [E+2nn) u [+ ann] (0y[5+ on} u [E+ ra] 0.99, Which of the following Is tauiology? (M petea COX p= sIN Cp a) (C) pages an (Mypn-e 2.100, f(z}! fa nol uniformly continuous In tha region = (bo sii sd @) Os i 07, Cantritugal scesteration fa > Bpwk(oxr (Wpenioxr) (Cp wtose) @) rx(oxr) 0.8, Humber of cegrers of eedom of two particles connected by «rigid red moving freety In a wiz ey mt ms as The centroid of a unitorm marnletroular wire of recive aba, (Aare (Sp ape (aye (0) ayte 10.10. Moment of inertia al a rectangular plate wtih sides a2 azie J to plats end passing though rerter k___. my ere) oz. 7 G72, Caueny Aleman equations In potar teem are__, fe cite bie gt = on, . mA QUE The principal raion et (=A: tape? (oy 1 co) (oe CLM. The Restive of fla) ete We oH wT oF 0.17. Raciue of convergence of £(3+ 41%" ls__. i (os (cr? m= Oi, Um ue. = wt m0 tee me O12 Uinywetcery te (HEmeale GD) Anaiyte (C) Hel Harmonie (2) None of reso a2. fee wo = Ost, Legit tte. tins 2 o tina—2 Keniry . enteric! = J a (of) = ed then We(Ce, ree BE G55.“ Whlch of the fetioning te net a EEE MAY y*= (ein a); = +7 (C) y'ay ‘ uae aye: “9 ee egy (C) y'+aymety (py as by = tates = (Oy =atn ox. Hoe el azar Init qaatlon al weacrt ) ym tatsten, Ww dards + (lerl)dy =D (i)yda —ady = 0 Or (D) Ge + alny)de + (easy — 1) ay GSE. Integrating lector tor y' + (2) y = x4 He tay at na O81, Reker toueedone y= tana xed Mint ine (mt to n na, Wink ctime tossing ncaa my fA) fa) if an, Sie: PE seonket xd) exerd Ola-bia~e) (Ale we (a % (Oya eb O62. Wich oft lotewing calar quanthy? ~ ham p08 Hold Speote Osi. Avestor ay inne panera oy nat (E] Moment el ores (A) (a= Bixee 18) ax(exey TEE WIA Milexhiew and d denote respectively the tangel principal normal end binarmal vectors to the curve. ting plarre to tha curve at P contains, @-y (Ogee {D) nana of these (Aly fxprC:x* = 3 lan, . (A) Subgroup of (CYD)..) (8) Subgroup! (C,«) (C) Hon cyche grown (D) Subgroupet (ONO). R) under vector preduet forms B . (Alga (Byneneid [Cy spe group (0) grouped . Anelement x of group G satisfying x? = xia called » Involution: (@) Kempotent (G) Transgasiton () Cyto = In Isomorphic to “ ez coyiny Oh (O}19, 27m d4n-) Let G = (c:a = 4). ThenG= Ale’) (Bye) en mya") Let G = (d:6°7 = 0).Then G can be generated by ____ (Cb, B* aretha only generators of (AV Any elament of (B) Anynon kientty elememt of @ (Ayo) Co)le. fof) (ONle. A) Lat G2 (apie! = pF = (op)! = 4). Then noe, (Arte) Uayle, # (Ele, «. a%, at) ()G Which of tne fottowing fe not true tor an Abellan group G7 (A}[ab) © evades (B)Gss simple group of onder 60. (Cy c= (0) {D) F(G)}eG Inner sntomorphlemsot Q~ (2 Can at tf thy a — ) Wer canny case crete pointer ¢ a ios wine nen teorotphic spetin poe tani ea wae «By (a (Dy4 Order of sytow-2 aubgroup of Q, Is___—» wi (62 mot A? on) (D8 of the following la an ac ie bal Go) integral domain? {ie notte fowing i not an (ae (9) Set at, of 22 mabices with intogort wr Winleh of the following Ia a Meld? (ile ST seep a eee fC? oz (He Which of tha tq wane m co Let oid 25 bs @: AYO) Ie . vl 55, What is the domain of f, when F(X) = - x | . F1,2)u (2,0) [-1,0)U(, 0) [1,2)U (2, 0) [- om, iu, «) E. [oo,— 1)U (2,0) 56, After emission of B-particle, thorium is transformed into: A. Protactinium B. Palladium : ©. Uranium DB. Platinum 9 9 DB > 57. Force that picks up the pace of a sky rocket in external space is exerted onthe rocketby A. Weight of rocket B. Petrol Cc. Exhaust gases ol D. Both Aand c gol 58. The principle of set theory is known as: A. Axiom of choice 8. Corollary AO C. Theorem ee) D, Fundamental law of. al E, Fundamental miso calculus: N-19 4a87-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW-270729 6x 3x-2 59. Find the domain of the function F(x) = -2 a R- R- win Cc. R-{2} D. R-{3} 3 e, R- 2 60. The ratio of autput voltage to input voltage in a transistor is called: A. Voltage gain of the amplifier 8. Amplification ratio €. Voltage constant of transistor D. Voltage loss of the amplifier lim@+ Vx-1)=? 1 . Find 5 x> 62. For any proposition, either that proposition is true, or its negation ‘js true is known as: Law of excluded middie Law of Included middle Law of exclusion Law of proposition Tautology monop Ne19-4487-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW-270719 63. Center of gravity of an object lies: A. Inside the object 5. May be outside or inside the object C. Outside the object D. At infinite distance 64, Atamic number of silver is 47. The number of its valence electrons would be; A 1 &. 8 Cc. 18 Do. 7 =2 os. ¥ x 66. The magnetic induction B Is also called the: ke Fun . and Cc. Tesla D. Flux density ec following three are the basle components in lesson 57,Whieh af th planning? A. Goals, students, and teacher "? 8. Text book, students and test ¢. Content, sequence and time D. A.V. alds, time and sequence g8.1dentification of gaps between ealsting and desired curriculum should be based on: A. Content analysis 8. Need analys €. _abjective analysit” .. “Content sequencing 59.Active learning is a process whereby students: A. Participate in sparts B. Active member of school programs C. Arc active in prablem solving D. Are active in discussion 60.Students explore maximum Information through: A, demonstration method 8. lecture method ¢, discovery method D. Deductive method 61.1he highest level of learning In affective domain is: A. Attending B. Valuing Cc. Characterization DB. Organizatian E. Responding— 62.The domain which focuses on practical work Is referred to as: A. Psychomator 8. Affective Cc. Cognitive. ©. Relational SST: MATH -PHYSieg NAME: oH en mpsstant iesmctionys Re No coy trom question seca i ee b. Need to atemot an guettions All questions carry equal marta. No overwning ta alowed Use BLACK oe blue Bam pint ty wae Sng yout Biome 5 ieee omens rcuves sevest Greene CSR WMS NS Carta Pa ee Sas eon ey ae eg Bay ecront © To achieve crganizalioral goa D. Al of the abey Use ihe correct ‘orm if icresentpas! partenp!a| to filin the biaray 18 Heaay uengn ananmcnar_____amaqanne ta) Fess (bh) Reade 16} Reaaing TN ct 7, corpany tor any yeare Ea (Geng ie) Hate 19} Nome ct tren 18. The cup win erm en ihe table (nite (pr iva (e) tpg (o) Nene ct ines 18 semen tn for agen bimy fod a tet te tatk about eew ibikniowng ich krom (a) Mare cf mesa sto teh lay sna Sot eveything sha wasted far (aimany (bh marrying married (iNora ct these Wetich ane cathe ininctae a each sentenca 31 The best clumber te catlig tr Aree {a bers 19) here (ta eal (6) Mr Arar BE Hes only amtiton waste eaeed at his job (i eniy ie ersinon (elto excoend (hob 33 Extn year Maracat toes fo heng more Cazeatora forhis tax tun. (a) mach (bbysar (ey ines (hte tend 24 To patch me hci ining te the machine eaened actuge ia) To cara () mw role cle telnsenes 28. She ehrrt ta eau ang ate Engian neauchirg seater, tay faaent (iD read fe) Engian (0) ceacring Find the genung or gerund crete in ihe slewing sentences, 25 Ranm copint tne gateng up on Sunday, fa) Kaam wie el geting ve (a) Suncay (27 Swerirung at bosch a sate ian ewinvnrg if open nea (a) Sanrering wt pach Toyaafer (c] Gwwrimig in oper saa i Bena 8c 3% Mana enjoya ronsing crea st ragh) a) Maria it) ay ae ry 70, Lavy Sal enanged Nase ste sgyee FUERA Se (eh at igne io) Leaving to) seat (tl ehanged 30 The dareress of tha night prevaried ia fam Nresning i'w jot oer (a) Daskrese ib} mgt (c) prevented io) trashing nM 109 es the perfect squara of ja) 9 we) 12 fe) 10 aon isequal ia ae ET Te (ec) Three fa) Sora of eee 53 WAS [Oliva ron sinquarmancinenewerse ofA nomad bine lomaoa Ic (ah Saja m4 [eh Aa iS) None ctinene 2 wanna asl | then a - wx? jt as 1:8 35 Every reai numbersa fe) Nota (a) eracompas ; Cornpie {ah reer oe Murder runner Which one is the hase quantity? A. Spend 8 C. Distance is ° OF "One cubic meter ig Squal to, - AL 1000 tire E B, 100 lites: 0000 litre DB. W100 tere 3. In Prefix form, 0.000003 would be expressed as A. 0.0003 mm 8.0.02 ©.0.003 mm Aa kina 39, The feast count of a screw gauga is A.O1em 8, Do1em C.1on an 80, Which instrument is mast sutable to measu‘e tha intemal camater of # lest ube? (A. Screw gauge aoe C. Measuring Imp b ae jenaific natatian Bs: at. Deamiieiieni: cea 1m A 1.0885 & nen c, 1.0845 x 10°m ga, volume of Fire in equal ia: — ° A, ocr aa g, 10cm? ree unit of acceteration = mca . noe D. ms iiepawas orien opps atl ga, Tha tore® ms O. Friction ¢ inattm 85, ar 7 On the murtaca of the earin tha value of g poroneralaly Se A ame A 1rmat es CBee D tomes Tha eetcey of Neer, fing bodien moreng uewant ——— A Deceate 1 ircrnane © Reman constant DD tars The rina of crange of rarmentum 1s Raat Ses A Weare B Fone © Aceon OD Nana oF trae ‘ASUIGTT ioe paratal to tera anon on a chathnce tre gach tells that object A Mavieg wan command anced 4B tn rotcn © trent 0 Mowing wih varable spaat Ha cass of moving Dody in a crela in doubled then eactripetal farne anil te ——__. A Doutied B Same Hat D. Four time Atain rs moving at w-apeed of 33 unin’, ts speed oxnressed in raat A20ms* 8 i6me! © 28 ms! D.1ome ‘The tlope of astanes te graph gives. A Speed of ine booty B Accelaration of ma boty C Distance covered by the besty D. Mone ef hese The scents! whe nobcad that all tha freety tating cbjects hana same accearstcn B Evatea 0 Coen A Newton C Gaites Tha unit of coeMicient of friction Ams" 3 Mourn C. mst Oh ifthe mass of body ls doubied while keeping tuece totem certant. then sccmersten we te A. One halt B Beuriag .Gne foun D atmes i radius ef ciccle ig doubled then centripetal accaieraten becomes A mectee E Halltres Cteestimes © Four umes &. Asinng ig svotched by two equal and opposite ferces 20H each The lensan nine string i " ACEN ae aie c Zeo DN FT. Outer edge ofthe curved road is elevated lo prever! - = A. Gireular motion a sudirg C. Ceniripatal foram 1D, Nore of these 7a. Roning inetion is nen aliding fetion - A Less attat Cc. Gmater Db. Same re. Ha. 20 N weight of block mana Wi tring verucaly Ten terion 1° 7 Ce Ron BIN CON D2ON go. The weight of body 190. ha mesa qbe eng 100° A 1sokd 8 1Skg cho D. Nore of ee lll 73. 76. 76, 79 enetficient of Fiction: 1 oe mr Na unt vat i D Newton wre mas of body is Heubled wfule Keeping ine force comane, ayes A One hall 4 Doubieg ©. One fount radius of exet ee radius of cxcie fs doubled tnen centnpetal accel : leraton bexcmes A Doubled Beal BL Hat tres uth ea times 1 Foirtmes San it Sretehed by tas ‘equal aNd Cppests forces 20 N mach. The tease aE ASSN BOTY ©. Zero Btn ‘Outer ndge of the curved road is elevated ta gravest A Circular motion B Skoding ©. Cantnpetat farce D Neve of hese Rofing friction «t____ them sing Hetien Actes aa C. Grenier cee Wa 20N weight of boca hang wth he sing vertcaly then rensicn in eg a) aon con DION The weight af boy is 10 Nf miaza wil e__whan gy ¢ |Dmes aye 8 Ise im ¥ D Nore ofthese isha ISLAMIAT “te Wn “Ny AAPL Fh Died 75310) Aue 2 (Ble teed F509) Sep DALE 0) Sn tay ge Liptay EL (Db (C) oF (B) nen wedi AF 25 £3 gS (Deb (Cy 4B) LP « Ftetieviies 78 ALE Cee 8) cae ay Sa eee F (DST (Cy (B) al ga) Ear AF HO) Aaa AS ‘eh FE Ic} api mi pat ial (itetete Obitud’y re Le phd eee DF tar Dib tw | PHYSICS 460 cm in trom ow concave spherical leo 14 AD cm Which pf the follawing bevt descrlint RL OF HAGE DISTANCE PROM MIRADA a Virtual Real inl WNC PING OLLOD ar starts ahead with a constant sccele he wae tine hie traveling with a const g with a tans and passes the car, How far bey PENG PING OL LIO9 Questions 74:28 connected 42 vewgh 45ST (sng lag C0) A.W the atc 4 th pote sMlarence betwen the rnin ot uit 6a U.when the witch in dose, the potential « arts ofthe batter o ou ub 0 oa 60 Assume that you have two ballet identical volume, one weigh Lnawtans and the other JO newton, Bath are falling (eal ate ‘ing released from the Lame pot ailtaneously, Whi folowing wll than be true? The 10M bal falling (rely frpen rest wil be ateeleratd at (qeater rate than the 2-% ball, Ai ta end af 4x of free fal the 0-N all wil have 8 ‘ve momentum atthe 22% ball ‘AL the ernd of 4 i of free (all, the 10+N all wil Navn the Ave Kinetic anergy a8 the 20M bal The 10-6 ball powensee greater inertia than the 2°M ball A, 1, Mand ttf only 8, tandilt only Hand $V only D, Wonly E, Mone of the above AESHE-PINK-O1 L109 re PAKISTAN STUDIES 56.Pakistan became independent on: A. 27 of Ramdan (1947) B. 27 of Shawal (1947) ©. 27 of Muharram (1947) D. 27 of Rabi-ul-awal (1947) 57.The first Governor-General of Pakistan was: A. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan 8B. Zulfigar.Ali Bhutto C. Ayub Khan D. Quaid-e-Azam 58.According to the Constitution of 1973, the country was declared as: Jamia Islamia Pakistan Islamia Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pakistan Islamia State 59.Area wise which province is the biggest of all provinces: "A. Sindh B. Punjab C. Balochistan D. Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa 60.Afghanistan has 2252 Km long boundary with Pakistan known as: A. Afghanistan line B, Indo- Pak line €. Durand line D. Sulaiman line 61.The members of Economic Co-operation Organization (ECO) are: 4. Pakistan and Iran B. Pakistan, Iran and India Cc, Pakistan, Turkey and Bangladesh D. Pakistan, Iran and Turkey 62.Most of the southern areas of Pakistan are desert and A. Cold B. Very cold Cc. Hot D. Rainy S-12-1570-JST-GENERAL-01-SHUFFLE ONE » the rewards or punishments used to establish social control. A. Orders B. Sanctions c Needs D. Folkways Which one is the highly prestigious caste in India? A. Brahmans B. Vashyas ¢. Khashtrya D. Shudras Ideology of Pakistan is based on A. Freedom 8B. Organization c Justice with minorities D. All of the above Violation of Law is called: A. Qbligation B. Crime c. Duty D. Respectfulness All of the following factors are Status Symbol in Pakistan except: A. ‘Power and Prestige 8B. Economic Resources c Self Respect D. Higher education .Education is of two types, which are: A. Social and Moral Education 8. Formal and Informal Education c Emotional and Cultural Education D. Technical and Non-technical Education Which of the following is a common type of family system i Pakistan? A. _ Extended family sys B. Nuclear family syst Cc. Broken family system D. Joint family system 12-1570-HST-GENERAL-SHUFFLE FOUR fameter of 4 tri fe wheel in as, On, the eycle whe Sin ' It whee ‘Tonath of the marks « veal eor Pletes o *" the dust will be: SS L110, 120 m 130m 140 m fe Of the clreular PIAY Ground ix 35m. Its area wilt be: 3950 m? 3850 m2 3750 m? %& 3650 m? 3550 m2 pht angled tr tangle if lengths of be tse and hypotenuse are AAMKESRactively, then tS in will be: tho am 10m ~ lim Ns CC a. é i2m 6 ism eae ie Prage of G4, 75, 81, 85, 90 is; 7a 76 79 80 8. Hian of the following data 40, 80,30, 25, 20 and 60 is: 30 27.5 a2 35 25 pie of a capacitor is based on which of he foto, atial of a conductor is greatly incre, e in the charge in it Cased wit, of a conductor is greatly reduc Na increase in the charge init Cd with a, Potential of a conductor is greatly incre : affecting the charge in it ase p, >Potential of a conductor is greatly reduceg ed Withous wal ing the charge in it tential of a conductor is greatly increaseg increase in the charge in it Od With an peres is flowing in a wire. How m any el in the wire in one-second, if the chara, ~49 coulomb? pote decreas: potential I Witho ut \ 36.A current of 4.4 am pass a given point ii electron is 1.6 x 10 1.5x 10? electrons » 2.75 x 101° electrons 3.25 x 101° electrons 2.75 x 1015 electrons 3.25 x 10°” électrons 37.An electric kettle of 1500,watts rating boils a certain quantity of water in 5 minutes, the heat which is generated for boiling this water is: — . 45 x 104 Joules 48104 Joules 56x 10% Joules 36x 10% Joules ars 59x 10% Joules AO oy 38.A force which is experienced mse field depends on: A. magnitude of charge ing charge V of induction B of the above S-tbe14 11188-KRI-SMC-PINK-301011 in which patients passed fon exposure to air is called: A. Phenyl Ketonuria B._Alkaptonuria C. Sickle cell anaemia D. Heamophilia & Anuria 95,Diplotene is the sub-stage of: A. Anaphase I B. Telophase I _-Prophase I Metaphase I All of the above WING that 96.The producers of pond ecosystem include: A. Bacteria B. Zooplankton C. Fungi 2. Phytoplankton 4 E, All of the above ‘g a 97.Which of the following is included in Bryophytes? A Mosses B. Club mosses C. Ferns 0. Seed plants €. Horse tails 98.Species of Phylum platyhelminthes are: A. Round worms Flat worms C. Hook worms D. Thread worms E._ Pin worms 99.A characteristic feature of Echinoderm is: A. Canal system 8: Water vascular system C. Tracheal system D. Blood vascular system None of the above light dependent reaction of Photosynthesis occurs in: Stroma of chloroplast Guard cells of stomata < Thylakoid membrane of chloroplast DO. Cytoptasm of leaf cell £. None of the above S-11-1188-KRI-SMC-PINK-301011 elextrons ca HAVE the same cor Bet of « ’ a runes jy stated by! "ene ty Principte jroisonberg’s Uncertain * Autbau Principle f clusion Pelnciple oe Paul's Bxelual YS Hund’s Rute fe. (att) Rule Lawhieh of the following molec eCly co, ely & He All of the above ules have Zero Dipole no, Ments> 52.Bond energy: Is energy required to break a bond between two ato. ina diatomic molecule Is taken as the energy released in forming a bond fro free atoms Is the measure of the strength of bond Lonly Land II only Tand IT only IIT only Ee Land rr 53.f the matter in a given system at a given condition is divided into two equal parts, then the value of the extensive properties will become: A. Double of the original vatue Half of the original value Remain same as the original value One- fourth of the original value One-eighth of the original value ssadurereat of heat absorbed i > hemical reaction is referred to as: ed or given out in a chem" Enthalpy Endothermic reaction Exothermic reaction ermochemistry Heat of formation S-11-1188-KRI-SMC-PINK-30101 1 ns is threaded by a flux of 8 x 10-5 we 5 - webers in 0.015 seconds ®, Mf thie coil of 600 tur js reduced to 3x 10 mauced ‘e.m.f. ist A volts g. -3.0 volts Cc. +2.0 volts p. +25 volts Ee. +3.0 volts ch of the following work(s) on the principle of Wheat s| . eat Stone whit 40. ridge? a. ‘Slide-Wire Bridge B, Meter-Bridge C, Post Office Box D.\_All of the above £. None of the above interfering waves is zero or}, ual wave, then this typeof tensity of the ultamsity of the individ! erence » Interf yestructive Int : ference Constructive I Stable Interf Both A and B None of the above nsions of acceleration are 17.All of the following is/are scalar quantity/ies, except: A, _ temperature B. density 0. force —. st 18.R, and R, are two position vectors making angles 0, and 8, with positive X-axis respectively. Their vector product is: (R, = 4.0m, R, = 3m, 0, = 30% 0, = 90°) go 19.Projectile must be launched at which angle ware to attain maximum range? 90° é 92 7s \\Y 105° 20 pb 145° S-11-1188-K! -PINK-301011 a photodiode (#8 pianod Junction diode Me iawed JuNctiON dio i wave rectitl i wave rectifier psistor twat sof light is very nearly equal to: 10° mm. 10m 10° m. 10% m. 10° m/ 23.Application/s of laser is/are: A. to perform precision surveying and length measurements 6 asa potential energy source for including nuclear fusion reactions c for telephone communications along optical fibers D. for precision cutting of metals and other materials £. allof the above 24.Radiation can cause Leukemia Radiation sickness Skin cancer Gene mutations All of the above S-11 1188-KRI-SMC-PINK-301011 pHyeres HE nrOMan a youtnut indy LO mn/aee! ) 08) ray and the Potential Energy is always ome force of friction Involved during the the body There is no force of (rietion Involved during the motion of the body There ix greater force of friction involved during the motion of the body Both A and ¢ None of the above 14,4 block with a mass of 0.1 kg is attached to a spring and placed on horizontal frictionless table, The spring is stretched 20 em when » force of 5 N is applied, The spring constant is 50. Nm 1 Nm 75 Nm 100 Nm 1 «< Rhee 301011 eeds to be changed for Asa and clothing. No error o € y is not running? o the river if the ferr s the river i e that is most nearly hras' . 1 capital letters. ttered word or hoose the 5 oo ite in meaning to the word ir opposite in me 7, ASSERTION 8. OBSTINATE A. _ persistent constant courageous 8. c. daring o. E.- fexible Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized ones 9. WRECKED: defined developed registered ruined counted 10,UNAMBIGUOUS: stagnant hidden clear muddy grubby $-11-1188-KRI-SMC-PINK-301011 je will be: mailer greater constant negligible hone of the above bsorbs 2000 Joules of heat and d. Ma losing 200 Joules of heat by conduction sero oes OF here. The change in the internal energy of the system is: 22.3 % 20.0 % - 23.6 % 30.6 % 33.6 % leus consists of 11 protons and 12 neutrons. The ventional symbol of this nucleus is: volts -19 ) ‘One of the plates is maintained at a potential of 60 -. The force on the electron is ( 1.6x 10 unit of rate of reaction is: Mole (dm*) sec 3. s Mole (dm>)~* Sec Sc ct Mole (dm)? Sec Aus Mole (dm>) — Sec 1 Mole(dm) Sec 25g of limestone (CaCO, }, the weight of carbon | 46.By heating gioxide produced is: 149 719 - ~ 119 6 r) D. 29 = £. 109 balloon has a volume 3.80 dm?, when temperature is A Child’s i i 47. put in refrigerator and cooled to 5°C, the 35°C. If the balloon is i approxine if the balloon is (assume pressure inside the balloon is equal 3 A. 3.00dm

te volume Oo} | to atmospheric pressure): c. 3.08dm 3 D. 3.25dm \£- 0.54 dm 48.Which of the following statements is true of Amorphous solids? A. They possess symmetry — They are isotropic C. They are anisotropic D. They cleave along particular direction —. They have definite shape Which of the following statements is correct? Faraday‘s experiment indicates the existence of electrons Crooke’s tube experiment shows the presence of electrons and protons in the atoms. Radioactivity confirms the presence of ele: protons Chadwick experiment shows the presence of neutrons All of the above ctrons and 10 8 10 28 72 The number farty-tour” cam Be eerltton bes a 2,668.46 e. 3,665,044 « o €. 1421S EO TT Len none 4 6 1 1 4 6 -2 70.Which is subset of every set? A. Infinite set 8. finite set c singleton set Db. ¢ N-16-4218-G 2-YELLOW-201 116 brain, bY process. Is 4 during photosynthetic » monoxide sodium and chlorine are present in the re a ©. c 2. c ature, water solubility of glucose |S. Sy increasing temper: remains constant a becomes un-predictable s. C approaches to rero decreases Increases energy of o system is generally dissipated by: Bolling Melting Friction Condensation- Lubrication Better varieties of plants which can effectively survive in advers. nvironmental conditions, can be produced by: tn A&A Self pollination _ 8. Cross pollination c Budding ©. Cutting &. Layering 218-G 2-VELLOW-201116 to Ny was made of _— th and paper th and plastic th and rubber ners of birds and rubber tic living creatures to My In a balloon were ———— 13. The first A animate o. birds c animals and birds Dp. fish © human beings century the first man New in 2 balloon. 17th 18th LOUh 20th e 21st 15.Hydrogen Is 2 dangerous gas because it a catches fire B. causes suffocation Cc. gets cold D. gets hot >E. is poisonous 16.Balloons are filled with hydrogen gas because it is cheap light perfumed reliable safe 17.Airships have A. arms —B. engines Cc. feathers D. wings E. tails Subtraction of 67b + b2c + ac? trom 422b - 2b? + Gac gives a 3a’b - 3b’c - Sac? ®. 3a7*b-—3b7c+ Sac? ¢ 3a*b - 3b7c - Sac? D. 3a7b-+ 3b?c + Sac? In the given triangle m as" 6. 30° -c. 40° o. 60° he hypotenuse of the given triangle ts ane ne ?-— pile network In Pakivtan, war an Nas Dean ranked amore the Fthe World affected by smog according to Istamabad Karachh Lahore took oath as meting first caretaker woman Chiet missioner on 7" November 2016. tice (Retd) Irshad Qaiser Justice Ma Rukhsana Ahmed Justice Hamida Bano Justice Majida Rizvi PAL ANCISION) SCALPEL cul: crawl Sol: Stuctants ai: vegetable 73. TEETH: € A o Cc. food: te D. eyes: Mick ne option of phrase that is most nearly oppo letters. Choose th in meaning to the word in capite 74. B88NEFIT advantage 75. REPAIR A restore 8 improve € mend D. damage 76. VIOLENT conflicting peaceful testimonial grateful N-16-4224-SST(MATH PHYSICS)-GREEN-O41216 Ved Ahmed khan stablished A. ASchool at 8. M.A.0, College & Ase ©. Atlor th azipur fie Society at Ghazipur above Mlanwate Bagh incident took place in t A. Amritsar B. Mumbay ©. Madras D. Lahore lama Iqbal is buried in the City of A. Lahore B. Sialkot C. Peshawer DB. Karachi akistan’s national animal is A. Markhor 8. Cow ¢. Buffalo D. Goat gest boundary xe ONaren ter € Werte Mc ie be te Ba A ener enercouen en Sa a Earn we OF SQUIDOO Sis peak Of & Salih ty eee NE Se SO Siew . ~ Ab COMME Gree reel wes on <= cubase Ean ee © cobantua pay tere °. Ae colores onranen me ne Tyee Of manchonkes: ne Seater tn ererege ettects of = = 34.1 A a. 2 Nome of the abowe If the pelative phase of two sources Goes mot chang wil the two sources are called: A. Incoherent sources 5. Coherent sources c. Mo 3c SOUTCES D. None of the abowe avelength of x-rays of the order of: A. B. Cc 2. Summative D. Informal ot Stak 93.Following time oe Peiatior IS strength square elation a Cor C, Regression Dp. Trest 94. The terminoieay of Experie Cooperative learning Probie ares active te pased le os ring ming theory b¢ 95.Which le: rlogical Seen KO SH dy a rrontal) sotered Learning? der thinking ent tO Tem student c schools te ASSTOOM™ for success Sa ENGLISH _ a ie MONE HEbe by bhy CHG: rout Ue 18 HIVE hen aaltY the mos (RK to DY below ean 5 eeprobriate tile Wark Woy sens Peet YOUr Parents and tencher ato tibel wistitd 8 ive have » atone me in trouble? to witly wy my fee paid. A to have a. on having « to having » in having A to DIE) follow a related pair of w lect the option that best expres t expressed in the origina’ rive options ( 1 in capitals. Se tionship similar to tha .AY: WEEK: A November December s. hour: time Ce Sunday: noliday oO month: year D. discount choose the word most simi. ar in meanin 1G to the capitalizes ones. +e. SHALLOW? A. deop 8. low c hidden o. tall t thin 79. HURT A. hamper 8. harm c.. repulse D. rejoice oPpPOSITE: similar contrary basic D. rare juestions 81-85 are based on the following passage | Thursday NASA changed the date of the launch of 2 spacec’ Mars because of a problem with the software in rocket. They 4 , launch the rocket three days after the shuttle Discovery ret The two ton space vehicle will travel from Cape co to earth. srs to collect data on the weather on Mars, and on the g <. The spacecraft carries the biggest telescope ever sent cother planet. It will circle Mars for four years, looking at th Hace. Scientists hope to learn something about the history - on the planet. The journey from earth will take about onths, so it should arrive at its destination in March next \-16-4224-SST(MATH PHYSICS)-GREEN-O41216 ‘ s Exctusion Principle, no two electrons hay, m number number umber cambers (nm, |, m, s) “ave equation, the Hamiltonian operator givi energy cude 2~ motes satisfies the relation: 5 “*<224-SST| MATH PHYSICS)-GREEN-041216 is a a cory GENERAL KO oO Marley Reforma we an ee of Bangat Sopatars ceeessaeetey Lemeen Pie amesadese cates mepert" me which is the hottest place of Pakistan? Sibbi Jacobabad Sukkar Kohat Khewra is famous for A Coal mines B. Oil and gas services c. Iron ore deposits D. Salt mines What is the meaning of Rahmat-ul-Lil-Aalameen? A. Mercy for Muslims B. Mercy for Hijaz c. Mercy for Human beings D. Mercy for all worlds PHYSICS)-GREEN-O41216 N-16-4224-SST(MATH _ suBIECT femmes frome 3% Orbit fo 2 orbit, te » econ saamer senses cme same atomic weight but different ato, wrvie: embers (nm, t, m, s) ~2ve equation, the Hamiltonian operator gives and hy - v0 Cont pie network IN Pakistan mA HO 10 become the leading ‘ \ A. Wartd & Jane a, Telenor A dary c. Long & Wand p. Ufone & Telenor : of (he following elty af awit NG City OF Pakistan haw been ranked among (he } jop tor Worst ClthOe OF the World affected by smog according to : poutcle welle Wabslte, a. Islamabad o. Karachi ( Lahore p. Peshawar ; took oath as acting first caretaker woman Chiel H-—ion COMMUsSIONGF Of 7” November 2016. A, Justice (Metd) Trahad Qaiser 0, Justice Me Rukhaana Ahmed c. Justice Hamida Bano 0, Justlee Majida Rizvi yaed la a ale? oz.which type of assessmeont + brent WER in an example atintica! . “oxy KHEO WATHROH 93.Foltowin pe assoc strength of © a che squere e Correianon c Regression D. Trest 94.The terminology of Think -pair —share” Wakedt witty a. Experiential eareind B Cooperative fearing c Probie based lear oie D. active learnies 95. Which learning theory believed 9 learning as purely a nwental/ neurological process? Behaviorsm™ Cognitivis™ Humanism Constructivism benefit of student centered learning? tor higher order thinking content to real 96.\Wthich of the following is 2 ittie Opportunies provides te commect the ¢ permits opportunities A s. & life c It avoids greate interaction D. It decreases student nciple acts as a guide for schools to tered learning? er student-faculty and st Jont-student retention 97.Which of the following prt implement the student-cen' o Teachers act as beginner > the classr B. Collective instruction & essential for success Students are groeped aiphadeticaity Learning targets are grouped Dy levels co of the following Is # principe en, sagerment? ae Me Chetry ase 2 CESS SO BE Meter eye parent: 7 “= eer oe raretty estineharving moovitheels guidelsmes and Stk to therm scher who places few Cemaed or comtrois sudents to work by saying, "Oc your oun ta vent style is called: oe ts 5 om manages authoritative Democratic Laissez-Faire Paternaltsdc wriculum is organized erouns the k which type of ut a e oc cor ceots/skilis? Inquiry of Spiral Khattak is the The Goveroner of KPK The Health Minister of KPK < rhe Chief Minister of KPK D. ation Minister of KPK The Edu corridor connected China with 2. Pak-China economic Karachl Gawadar Lahore Peshawar Sukkar B c oD é 16-4224-SST(MATH PHYSICS)-GREEN-041216 discount © word i MOSt Similar in meaning to the capitalizes 78. SHALLOW: deap low hidden tall thin 79.HURT A hamper 8. harm c.. repulse D. rejoice 0. OPPOSITE: A. similar 68. contrary c. basic D. rare Questions 81-85 are based on the following passage on Thursday NASA changed the date of the launch of 2 specec’ Mars because of a problem with the software in rocket. They sunch the rocket three days after the shuttle Discovery ™ The two ton space vehicie will travel from Cape Ca Mars to collect data on the weather on Mars, and on the gool Mars. The spacecraft carries the biggest telescope ever sent rother planet. It will circle Mars for four years, looking at t rface. Scientists hope to learn something about the histor © on the planet. The journey from earth will take about onths, so it should arrive at its destination in March next ) earth. )-GREEN-041216 \-16-4224-SST(MATH PHYSICS 45.W ache hen monochromatic light is refracted as it passes from air to glass, which of the following does not remain the same? (Assume that the wave is fully transmitted.) A. Wavelength B. Frequency Cc. Amplitude D. Period Kk metal container with two 46.The figure shown depicts 2 thic! compartments. Compartment is full Kal a hot gas, while compartment B is full of @ cold gas: What is the primary mode of heat transfer in this system? A. Radiation B. Convection c. Conduction D. Enthalpy E. None of the above 47.Which of the following statements is correct fora particle moving in a horizontal circle with constant angular velocity? kinetic energy The linear momentum is constant but the varies. a The kinetic energy is constant but the linear momentum varies. Both kinetic energy'and linear momentum are constant. Neither the linear momentum nor the kinetic energy is constant. The speed and the linear velocity are both constant. els are both known, then e net force it fe te which “48.If an object’s mass and th Newton’s Second Law could be used to directly calcula’ quantity? A, Displacement B, Velocity c. Acceleration D. Linear momentum Kinetic energy 9.The characteristics of alpha particles emitted from radioactive nuclei is that they: A. are sometimes negatively charged B. usually consists of electrons Cc. are helium nuclei D. are hydrogen nuclei —. are the ultimate unit of Positive electricity '0.As the angle between two concurrent forces i . €s increases, t! magnitude of their resultant: a increases only decreases and then increases increases and then decreases remains the same decreases only i1.In the reaction, so, +2H, S33S+ 2H, O, the substance oxidized is: His so s - HO 2 2.The process of diffusion is very fast in: A. Solids B. Liquids c. Gases D. Covalent compounds E. Ionic compounds . Noble gases do not react with other elements because: They are not found in abundance They are monoatomic The sizes of their atoms are very smal They have completely paired up and stable electron \N STUDIES moves around its axis like a top and com; % tion from West to East in twenty four (24) pea ll A. _ Orbit of the earth B.~ Rotation of the earth Cc. Axis of the earth D. Revolution of the earth —. Diameter of the earth 22.Huge mass of land surrounded by ocean from at least three sides is called: A Continent B. Earth Cc. Planet D. Continental sheif E. Region 23.Equator represents __ A. _0° longitude B, 90° longitude C0? latitude D. 90° latitude E. 180° latitude 24.One of the world population high density zone is Southern Part of Canada Western Part of Asia . East and Western Asia D. _ Western Part of America E. The Arabian Pininsula 25.Karachi is situated in south of Pakistan an the coast of abrasion sea at the attitude of _____from the sea level: 6 meters 7 meters C.-8 meters D. 9 meters —, 10 meters 26.The term “denudation” means to remove of the earth surface: A. Middle layers B. Horizontal layers ¢c. Vertical layers . Lower layers P/ upper layers 6-4218- -WHITE-201116 - 1 = eea yy cancer and many other discs then they can cause A. | Blood BY Skin C. Liver D. Lungs E. Brain K is the lowest layer of the atmosphere: Ae Troposphere B. Stratosphere Cc. Mesosphere D. ‘Thermosphere E. Exosphere Shades, PS 62" be developed by using different colors or AM Choropleth B. Dot Cc. Line D. Straight j E—. Square | 30.The flow of river is__ if the slope of the channel is steep | if the slope is gentle. 31.Sumerian Civilization was the oldest civilization of which is called the ladder of all civilizations. A. Southern India B. Southern China C. Southern Iran D. Southern Iraq £. Southern Turkey 32.The basic unit of Aryans political system was a tinh AY Family B. Home Cc. Tribe D. State E. Religion -16-4218-C-WHITE-201116 PEDAGOGY ciple of content selection that indicates the concern for aturity and tearning sequence is: 16.The pr Developing social understanding Promoting educational aime Maximum personal development Promoting continuity of experience 17.Teacher performs some tasks and students observe the feature of teaching methods, This refers to: Lecture Project Demonstration Seminar 48. Out of field, teaching means teaching the subject which is NOT of teacher’ Choice Interest Qualificatio: Assignment order to get final and accu: of plant has the least running cost per kWh of energy oelectric plant nal power plant Nuclear power plant Diesel power plant High capital cost, factor High capital cost Low capital C02)’ high oP Low capita’ a jnduction motor increases: its wer factor goes on decreasing power factor remains unchanged Its power factor goes on increasing ts power factor goes on increasing upto full loa falls again yhich single phase motor has relatively high power fact _ ‘Universal motor B. Split phase motor C. Repulsion motor D. Synchronous motor | 92,Consumers having low power factor equipment are advis| install: Tap changing transformer Capacitor bank Synchronous condensers None of the above A acircuit breaker the time dutation from the instant of instant of closinghcontact Is known as: recycle time total time ageiimaset® depends on etween the electrode ico perweet » ait density 1 5 to 30 w power f load using welding transformer least depencs ACOH Ven Nona) fo ire, Soy ,| energy A a nergy oo” ant, oal is carried fr wer ple! om stora analy py mea"? B® PlaCE to bole, A pucket u i y-belts ‘ trolleys D. Manually which of the following enters the super heater of a boil v ler? a, cold water * 8, Hot water wet steam D. Super-heated steam 4,0verall thermal efficiency of 2 steam power station is in the range: 18-24% 30-40% 44-62% 68-79% 3000 rpm 1500 rpm ro to BOM ra conduet eyatert fay tal Whig M4) potecttte PIV A iin Ie KNOWN ABT works to the bam Reservol! Penstock D. Surge tank ermal power plant cooling (ower are 19.In a th Condense low pressure steam A B. Cool condensed steam Cool water used in condenser for condensing loam! Cool feed water of boiler Cc D. 20. Advantage of hydro-electric power station lay Lower operating cost Free from pollution problema No fuel transportation problems All of the above 21.Generally the major constituent of exhaust g) power plant is: Oxygen Carbon monoxide Nitrogen Carbondioxide 22.In hydro Power plants; \\ A. iti, Rtn B. zor VEpstis high and operating cost | low itial Cost as well operating costs are Nid! Cost is low and operating cost I6 high x Initial cost as wel} as operating cost Ié lo" following is NOT related ty Solid? Which one of the Maximum fc of attraction ber Definite shape Condenses on cooling seve space Edu. PPSG.NTS 33.The sum of the and = jnanweet Atomic Mass Number of the atom, m Is called the YEON particles Protons ... Electrons Protons rons Neutrons ... Electrons Electrons mber of Valence Shells reult having a single path for the flow of current is called: Parallel circuit Series circuit Short circuit Open circuit 35.Light takes about minutes fo reach the Earth from the S¥™ NTS SSE.SESE.ESE AND AETO PREPARATION TEST: A. Five aw B. Six Cc. Eight Do. Nine 36.4 physical change docs not involve change in: Shape Color volume Composition cell? 37. What is the function of white blood ‘ ainst germs Fight against Ber ne the body bead bones and shape support body nen Contract and bring movement 32.Which one of the following Is NOT relateg to'soiid> of attraction be. "EN partictes son cooling Occupy space 33. The sum of the and = eee aie Atomic Mass Number of the atom. s called the A Protons Electrons 8 Protons ... Neutrons c. Neutrons .. ectrons 0. Electrons ... Number of Valence Shells 34.The circuit having a single path for the flow of Current is called: A Parallel circuit 6B. Series circuit C. Short circuit DO. Open circuit 35.Light takes about minutes to reach the Earth from the Sun, Five Six Eight Nine 36.& physical change does not involve change in: Shape Color Volume Composition ? 37, What is the function of white blood cel ht against germs Caer oxygen around the body produce bones and shape support body Contract and bring movement 63.The sum of the Atomic Mass Numberortne ato in an atom “A. Protons... €lectrons) | B. Protons ... Neutrons ©. Neutrons ... Electrons D. Electrons ... Number of Valence Shells -The circuit having a single path for the flow of current is called: A. Parallel circuit B. Series circuit .c. Short circuit BD. Open circuit 5.Light takes about _ minutes to reach the Earth fromtl Sun. Five Six ght Nine A physical change does not involve change In: Shape Color Volume Composition i i ell? 67.What is the function of white blood Fight against germs T ; nsport oxygen around the pote body, Produce bones and lias Contract and bring mov -16-2433-B-PINK-111216 53.The s : um of t a wo number an the other The mare, i® 31: Twice of one number is 8 teas 26,125 — 33, 115 37, 102 41,92 42,89 54.Find the square rootof 5 S21 64° x 23 8 3 55.Price of 3 footballs and 5 tennis balls is Rs.305. The price of 5 Rs.350. Find the price of one footballs and 2 tennis football. Rs.GO Rs.25 Rs.50 Rs.75 fe as w boy, one-eighth as # youth, Jf Man spent 11 years as an old 25.Man spent one-fourth of his lif has an active man? ‘and one-half as an active man. man, then how many years did he spens 40 aa 48 52 88 If 5 other students cach ide of the 26. The average grade of 10 students is x earned a grade of 84, what would be the average grat entire group? x+B4 2 x +420 2 10x 4 84 15 10x +420 15 None of the above 27.Simplify J.0124 0.011 O11 1.01 111 11 28.A machine can copy 6 pages in 9 second: copy in 24 minutes? Is. How many pages can it A. 12 B. 16 Cc. 36 D. 960 — 2,160 P-16-2433-B 2-BLUE-111216 34,The triangle, whose all angles are below 90°, |* called: A, Right angle Sia) Be Acute angle triang! €. Scalene triangle 1D. Obtuse angle triangle 35.According to the properties of union and Av(BOC) =? (AvB)oc (AnB)uc (AvB)o (Aue) =f, ole (AnB)o (Ao) (yD 252 a : So 0.5 0.05 0.005 intersection, the value of x in the given 2:5 =4:K aA 6 D. E. A census shows each family i average n s true? s the value of m whents the number of childrenin ‘espectively. Find the vhile 20 students had an re group is: SUBJEGT 71.Which pair includes a scalar quantity and a vector quantity, respectively? Kinetic energy and momentum Velocity and acceleration Weight and force Momentum and velocity pomp 72.A girl produces a certain note when She blows gently into an organ ) Pipe. If she blows into the pipe harder, the most probable change Will be that the sound wave: will travel faster will have a higher frequency will have a greater amplitude will have a lower frequency will have a lower amplitude EO Stone at the end of a string is whirled ina circle, the inward f the string on the stone: A. is known as the centrifugal force B. is inversely Proportional to the speed of the object | €. is inversely proportional to the square of the spe ©): D. is proportional to the speed ~) E. is directly Proportional to the square of the foe ‘ify the instrument/s which is/are a measurement jistance: Wheatstone Bridge \ Meter Bridge | ° & \ Post office Box Ohmmeter re A. Io B. only and II only TIT and Iv only + 1, IL, UT and ry é : average of 65 percent for his Ban order t ee ades were 55, 60, 65, and 65. ive majo s 7 5 =. e subject in order to graduate a 56.Which of 3 is the square root of > ? 57.1f 7x 59.1f Bilal can type 5 BBS in S hourcy Pages 1° Minutes how manyipages can he 16 17 18 19 40.A square with sides of length itersected by a line at s bet s andy, What is the maximum possib! nee ae A 6 2 41.The perimeter of a right tria cm and its areata find its hypotenuse? 40cm 26cm 39cm 4icm 42.Find the area and perimeter of right triangle with base 3cmand height 4 cm? a=8cm~ a=6cm- 2 P= 16cm, a=10cm 2 , a=6cm 43.If 3 miles are equivalent to 4.83 kilometers, then 11.27 kilometers are equivalent to how many miles? A 7 37.Printe many 55 62 30 2-R-WHITE-0910i¢ 75.When monochromatic light is ref i asilt Pener from:atiey glass, which of the following do¢ remain the same?i(Assamm that the wave is fully transmitte Wavelength Frequency a Amplitude 90% Period The figure shown depicts a th tal an Oy a two compartments. Compartment / u as, while compartment B is full of a RA ‘yy aS fe primary mode of eat transfer in this system? oe a o. Geianon Conduction Enthalpy None of the above 77.Which of the following statements is correct for a particle moving in a-horizontal circle with constant angular velocity? linear momentum is constant but the kinetic energy varies The kinetic energy is constant but the linear momentum varies. Both kinetic energy and linear momentum are constant. D. Neither the linear momentum nor the kinetic energy is constant. E. The speed and the linear velocity are both constant. 78.1f an object's mass and the net force it feels are both known, then Newton’s Second Law could be used to directly calculate which quantity? Displacement Velocity Acceleration Linear momentum Kinetic energy P-16-2382-R-WHITE-091016 and grapes in a ratio of 5 to 2 to 44.A fruit 1re in the salad, how many 9. If grap Meet skes.10'peo ours iplete a certain job, How many Hieurs would = 8 peo ing at the same rate, to complete th« A then B=? 47.Lubna is 15 was the f; ; ather is 40 » How many years ago nd each month has after 700 days on this 8 ve nett on count « To comet” Inciuding side Howe thie except goal circle SA. The kay 5h . 1g and sprawling iny A Volieybatt B Basketball © Footbal! $2. Running 1000 m race an athlete # competence in equired toh Aerobic training Anaerobic training Speed training Strength training ene, 63.How m aps around e 400m track are in 3000m race? A Gandahalt &. 7 anda hai C4 anda halt ©, Sandahalt Ga.Where should you enter and leave the short put cincte while throwing competition’ A meer * 6 Left sige c. Front 0. right side 95 th tate tennis, the ubpe: surtece of tie taiing known as the playing surface, shalt be A. Rectangular 8. Square c. Oval D. Round . 54.1f 8 x 8 = 4*, what is x? aX 2 3 4 5 E. 55.In order to graduate, a boy needs an average of 65 percent for his five major subjects, His first four grades were 55, 60, 65, and 65, What grade does he need in the fifth subject in order to graduate? A. 65 8. 70 Coes D. so 1 56.Which of the following Is closest to the square root of >? o9009 B. -1/9 c. 26/81 B. 4/3 Food Saas page=! 50 minutes, how many pages can he 2 ‘ 24.1n single periodization, the number of prepatory period s st fatigue is called Pet Flexibility c D 26.What term refe 1 refers to a point that must be replayed? AL Fault B. Dupe c. Let D. Net bait 27:Which one of the following ts of | short distance? = ® Me exer eee A. Discus B. Javelin Throw Cc. Short put 2. Fencing 28.Basketball was invented in Marsachusetts in ed Springfield College. England Norway Greece United States of America Pakistan racticed [all sports as they aim to incre ould be Pree’ 4 range of motion, “m-ups shi War is tempera! Muscle Room Blood Auhammad Ali 031011900 BST MATH Ly ‘NAME ——————— a No copy trom guessen beck Need 19 attemce a5 oo seers M To wthieve organizational goats D-AM of the above Uta the cotrect Yorn if ioresentipast participle) to fil in the bars 18 Hewas sihingin an armchair amagarine, ta) Rana (b) Reads (cj Reaging (8) Net ag (Be (B) Being (c) Hare (6) None of trete, fa) kay (bp laa te) faving: (6) None ct these 19 __each other for ages. they Nad a fat totak about ew (b\Knoweg (c)krew id) Nan of mace got everythirig she wished for (iran (ch manying—(ehmaeried fd) Norm of these Gach sentence eg, (Bl Leaving Clee (el chanped (a) career 30. The of tha tom the, ie (a) Darkness () Rwathing: Muhammad Ali 03101190027 Which one is the base quantiny? A Speed C. Distance ‘Ore cubic meter is equal fo. A. 1000 titre C.10000 litre tn Prafix form, 0.000003 wotild be expressid as A. 0.0003 mim C.0.003 mm ‘The least count of a screw gauge is AO1cm Cie @ Area O: Fotes 8. 100 litem De 100 tare DO3mm 8, O.01em, D.otd1 em 50. Which Instrument is most sutable to measure the intemal clamater ofa fest tube? AL Screw gauge €. Measuring tap 51. 10845 m is written in scientific natation as: (A 1.0845 x 10¢m c. 1.0845x 10% yotuttio of 1 virm i equal 2: = A Toon c, Wom! ‘< tre unit of acceleration & Ams? ome a B. Vemvar calipers D. Méterrule: B 10845 x 10'm ©. None of nese B, 1000 em* tent ame Dim! ee —— D.Frictian, 5. or CT 7 Muhamma Cin the mutacin ot the warn. tharwalue oF q ie apcravienataly ASmat 8 10pm . come on i ee A Decrease B increas D 2am Farce 0 Nope of ease A tirngtt ine parated fo tere ast on a ciutance time gragh fete that object A Moweg aan commart toned ir ronan © Alves D Maving wth variate spent Ha aaa of moving bexty i a cee ia doubled then centripetal fore will A Doubles B Same ©. Hait 8 Fourtme ‘Atmin is moving at a speed of 98.amiy', ts speed expressed in ra in A 20 me" tin ist Clee! Dio me? ‘The slope of chstance tape graph gives A Speed of the body B. Aceaieraibion of the body © Distance covered by the body 0. None ot enema ‘The scents! who robced that al the freely tating chyects howe tame accmerstot A Newton 8 Estee C Galies q Ali 03101190027 Muhammad Ali 03101190027 The unit of coetticient of friction Ams’ Cms? A iaguns D.New: the mags of : body is doubled while keeping the torte contact th A. One halt t then scien nb 8. Dovbied G.One fourth = dare if radius of circle is doubled then centripetal aecsieration becovies S B Half mes, Coiece att 1D Four brs fi Ace i et iy wr ett ere ene ALN a 6 Zero om FW Duter edge of the curved reid is elevated to posers A. Circular motion 1p sadng ©. Centripatal force 1D. None of nese 78. Rolling tiation _— _ than aiiding fiction - Ales wrtalt 1c, Greater Dp Same Te. sion wer vckara iin vin mam meni KW Ban c.ON paoN a ae adhe B1Sig 1D, None of the ch twa agua! and ring is stretched by i to Outer edge of the curved road = elevated to proves A Cireutar metion © Contnpetal force 78 Reting friction A Less. ©. Greater then siding fiction 79. (fa 201N weight of noes hang with ine sting verte AON id, ‘The weight of body bs 180 Ny tx mamas Muhammad Ali 031011 90027 FS2iay NEE Sigy Eb (Op (0) 2? (By ot ae dyntip AF es eho D1Ab (Cm) ux ay Sela ol aries BUFR (DNA p (0) tee?) Aa Ay "gE nies? # DST (yuo) uh (a) Cher (Drury + ur Ch ap rir Bhi. Zur (A) tater (DM (0) ea REED eet ine gure SUBJECT Si. Let a, b be inaring R. Ifa = Oand b = O but ab = 0, then we say that a and b are; A. Zero divisors B. Unit divisors ¢. Congruent D. Nilpotent 52, The differential equation of the form (2- x? yy’! -2xy/ rn(n41)y= 0 iscatec: Bessel equation Cauchy equation Hermite equation Legendre equation Sse a 53. Find gof , it f(t) = t and g(t) = A? 1 A. gon (t) Ss 8. gof(t)=t? < gof(t)= 5 oi 1 b got (t) 3 5 Q> ia e. 90F(t)= 5 go $4, The oscillatory crear oscillate indefinitely beeause of: A. (roma gnetic force N-19-4487-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW-270719 ie 5S. What is the domain of t, when FOC) = — . x2 Pom == in a (61,2)U (2, «) B. [ 1, 0)U(0, «@) Gy [1,2)U(2,«) Db, l Oy tu, xa) e [e--1)¥2,~) 56. After emission of B-particie, thorium is transformed into: A. Protactinium 8. Palladium Uranium D. Platinum 57. Force that picks up the pace of a sk oe tin external exerted on the rocket by x ‘i A. Weight of rocket B. Petrol €. Exhaust gases DB. Both Aand Cc 58. The principle of set theory is known as: A. Axiom of choice &. Corollary c. Theorem D. Fundamental law of algebra —. Fundamental rule of calculus uhammad Ali 031011§ 60. The ratio of output volta ge to input voltage in a transistor is called: A. Valtage gain of the amplifier B. Amplification ratio €. Voltage constant of transistor BD. Voltage loss of the amplifier lim + vx-1)-> -1* Find 61. Find) A, 2 B. 2 c 0 DB 1 a 62. For any proposition, either that proposition is true, or its negation ‘Is true is known a: Law of excluded middie Law of included midaio Law of exclusion Law of proposition Tautoleoy N-19-4487-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW-270719 63. Center of gravity of an object fies: Inside the object be outside or inside the object ide the object At infinite distance 64. Atomic number of silver is 47, The number of its valence electrons would be: 66, The magnetic induction B Is also called the: A Flux 8 Density c. Testa BD. Flux density ne19-4.487-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW"270729 67. The function y=x+100 is a /an: Line Circle Ellipse Hyperbola Paraboia moner 68. Find the fi2x5 v- 3x4 +1dx a (3x 4 sap +c 8. = (3x + sab +c c 2 (3x4 +4) ec oe s(3x-*+1p +e 2. & 43x 441) 4c 69. Which of the following is NOT a property of X-rays? A. They affect photographic plate B, They travel in straight lines C. They are electromagnetic radiations D. They are deflected by electric and magnetic fields 70. The number of diagonals uf a 12 sided figure is AL 66 8. 30 co 48 Do. 54 Muhammad Ali 0310119002 N-19-4487-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW-270719 It enti 74. Te weight ip kg.of 9 students oF clase fis 3,32, 27 E as untlar. 2! 30, 47, 35, 37, 33, 48. The median ba poner acals a a f. 35 c. 3F o 39 72. For complex numbers Z, s Z, i which one of the fellewing is truce: A arg (2s Zz, )=arg Z\+ arngZ,y 8. arg (Z, 25) = arg Zy.aroZ, ©. are(2423)= arg Z,.arg Zz, DB. arg (2, Z3) = arg 21+ arg Z, ial 71. Cohesion lay A. Same indifferent hinds of matter O. Maximum in sol C. Maximuen tn Hequids DB, Maximum in gases 74, A scalar quantity: & Always has mass Is a quantity (nat is completely specified by its 8. magnitude ©. Shows direction D. Does not have units r?. — see ceed ew PLLOWS TFOF AD 7S. What is the solution of the non finear dilferential equation? * x x wom) NIX Ww -4x44 then Hx horigental aeyerptote is equal 77, Let 8 in the equare matrie aret it satisnes tne condition & in “a, then the inatrin ® will be Know wa A. Square matin Unity ma C. Transpose of matris o e Symmatric mates Show Syruvyetric Muhammad Ali 03101190027 We 10-0487-MATHPIYSICS: VELLOW-2707 AP 78, The domain of Ube vector H(t) costi+in(8_tyjs Jb: ak A [-3,8) 8 (+m, 2) c. [-1,8) D. (-3,5) €. (0,0) 79. Gamima rays consints of: A. Neutrons fh. Hydrogen mucte: C. Hetiom nucle D, Radiations aimilorto rays 80, Spectromoter is used for measurement for; AL Rrays B. Une spectra c Laser ®.. Photons Ot An electric generator la a device that transforms energy into electrical nergy: A Mechanical 5. Sound c. Neat SB. Magnetic seu f(x) = x74 1 ana g(x) = 2x —1 ting (9° f)(x)? (x-1)7 (x-a1pai (x-1)7 -1 iG 4744 -19-440-MATH-PHYSICE@' 83. A force of 10N act ng along y-axis, its component alon, lo 9 a lo gz Aon axis is: 8. 100N Cc. 10N DB. 20N 84, The kinetic energy of an electron in the Ath orbit is: “Wuhammad Ali 8. 1/2 ‘ mv A. G 2m Vy BD. 1/amv, 85. The direction of the induced omf is Feadily predicted by: A. Ohm's law 8. Kirchoff's law Cc. Faraday’'s law DB. Lenz's law see. B86. Irg{t) =e +t -St~9 theng(s)=7 aA 79 B&B. 0 a. 2 D. 27 —&. 81 87. The instantaneous velocity of a body executing SHM is maxi when the phase of vibration with respect to displacement is. ‘A. 90" 8. oF c. 45° D. 160° fe" 88. The orbital electrons have A. Specific 8. Finite C, Infinite D. Zero pe-29-4457-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW-270719 amount of energy. 89. The unique solution for the differential equation xy sy wis the regian: ¥ Y Sxists on A. The horizontal axis y = 0 8. Halfplanes defined by x <0 ¢. Half planes defined by x 20 DB E. Half planes defined by cither x > 0 or x < oO The vertical axis x = 0 90. The number which occur with highest frequency Is called: A. Mean B. Median Cc. Mode Do. Data 91 [Ga dx =? A. B. c. o. wolw wo” 92. A certain gas process ends in its original thermodynamic state. OF the followings which is possible as the net result of the process? A, The gas absorbs 50 J of energy a5 heat and does 50 2 of work 8B, The gas does not work but absorbs 50 J of energy as heat C. It is adiabatic and the gas does 50 J of work D. The gas does no wok but loses 50 joule of energy as heat dropped on 93. The speed of an object, ene second after it has been the planet, is 8 m/s. What will be its speed after 3 seconds when it was first dropped? A. 32m/s 8. 38m/s c. 24 m/s Dp. 42m/s N-19-4487-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW-270739 ] 94, The absorption of X-rays in a given material follows: A. A parabola 8. A Straight line C. An exponential curve DB. None of the above 95. If the number of turnsin coil is doubled and Same, then magnetic flux length remains the linked with A. Is doubled 8. Remains unchanged Cc. Becomes four D, Is halved 96, Laplace equation is order partial differantiat equation, A, Ist B. 2nd Cc. 3rd D. 4th 27. If two straignt ton 9 conductors carry current in the same direction, the m agnetic force on each other will be: A. Attractive B. Repulsive c. Zero DB. None of the above 96, The principle of an electric generator is based on: A. Boyle's law a. Le: cc F 5 jay’s Inve D. Newton's law 99. A dic generater has ‘9n the end of its coil, uhammad Ali 031011900 7] 2 \N-19-4487-MATH-PHYSICS-YELLOW-270719 100. The product of two complex numbers x+iy and x'+ly' is zero. Which of the following statements is most appropr te? A. *=0, y>0, and x’+iy’>0 B. x>0, y=0, and x*+iy’>0 Cc. x>0, y>0, and x"+iy'20 DB. One of the complex numbers is zero uhammad Ali 03101190027 Ugh 4 op ipa Se jy) Hw 5 aS ol A.A 7 a) tect soalls IS shal! sis 4g Fos A a Gs Ss ly oa digs ef os c Solem op wee oy oe et oS eld Q Kee a Soin we Shi oc 5585 1b Te te ely 3S te SU SO. Pa he A ofa sn Sofas i oc ote oe (CS-YELLOW-270719 i BE 8, ETEA,MPESED Test Preparation @ a — Search our fb group: (oui) EducationInfo&TestPreparation Admin: Muhammad Al

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