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Biological Wastes 19 (I 987) 35-62

Effect of the Application of Town Refuse Compost on the

Soil-Plant System: A Review

F. Gallardo-Lara" & R. Nogales ~

Departamento de Quimica Agricola, Estaci6n Experimental del Zaidin (C.S.I.C.),
Granada, Spain
h Departamento de Edafologia, Faqultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Granada, Spain

(Received 25 March 1986; accepted 20 June 1986)


This paper reviews the current O' available #zformation concerning the use
of town refuse compost as a potential fertilizer. Many studies have generally
shown that the application of this material has protnoted a positive #lfluence
on a wide varie O" of crops. Necertheless, contradictory results of crop yields
hat~e been obtahwd when the fertilizing capaci O, of compost has been
contrasted with those of organic and mineral fertilizers. It has been
demonstrated that the application of compost to soil improves some physical
properties such as porosity, water-holding capacity and bulk density. It also
promotes buffering capacio' of soil and increases the percentage of organic
matter and cation exchange capacity. Occasionally, negative aspects can
emerge from compost incorporation, such as an increase in organic pollutants
and electrical conductivity of soils. In general, compost application to
soil has a positive effect on the microbial population and rhi-osphere
microorganisms and also contributes to the reduction of nematode popula-
tions in plants. However, when big doses of compost are used, an inhibitory
effect on seed germ#ration may appear. The nitrogen availability of the
municipal compost is closely related to the maturity of this material..-t wide
range of results has been obtained front different studies performed to
evaluate the efficiency of compost as a source of phosphorus, sulphur,
calcium and magnesium for plants. The incorporation of municipal compost
constitutes a valuable resource Jor supplying potassium and some micro-
nutrients (i.e. boron and zinc), but also presents potential pollution
hazards associated with some heavy metals.
Biological Wastes 0269-7483/87/$03"50 © Elsevier Applied Science Publishers Ltd,
England, 1987. Printed in Great Britain
36 F. Gallardo-Lara. R. Nogales


The transformation of municipal garbage into compost is of double

interest: on the one hand, it helps to avoid the deficiencies of natural
manure, and, on the other, it eliminates this major polluting agent which
is increasing progressively as a consequence of rising populations.
Although a great number of systems for the preparation of compost
exist (Gray et al., 1973) they may be grouped into two types: those which
involve a slow or natural fermentation achieved by heaping up garbage in
piles and those that use an accelerated fermentation carried out in digesters
or closed chambers. The physical-chemical and microbiological principles
of the composting process have also been thoroughly studied and reviewed
(Gotaas, 1956; Breindenbach, 1971; Gray & Biddlestone, 1974; Nogales
et al., 1982).
The product obtained is usually of variable composition depending on
several factors, such as climate, type of food, season of the year, quality
of composting and time of maturation. Table 1 shows data related to the
compositions of composts produced in different parts of the world.
In spite of the heterogeneous character of these materials, a considerable
amount of currently available information concerning their use as fertilizer
has been obtained with experiments performed in fields, greenhouses or
elsewhere. These data have been summarized in the present review.



The application of compost as a fertilizer has brought about many studies

aimed at evaluating the fertilizing capacity of these products. Thus, field
and greenhouse experiments have been considered. As a whole, results
have been generally positive. Hortenstine & Rothwell (1973) showed that
the application of these materials increased sorghum crop yields. This
same effect has been observed with a wide variety of crops: corn (Zobac
& Vana, 1974); potatoes (Trenel, 1961; Fioromanti & Marty, 1966; Purves
& McKenzie, 1974); tobacco (Duggan, 1973); tomatoes (Vlamis & Williams,
1971); beet (Schneider, 1974) and ryegrass (Fioromanti & Marty, 1966;
Muller, 1973; Nogales et al., 1984a). According to Chanyasak & Kubota
(1983), apparently high quality compost, prepared by source separation
of non-compostable materials, is more suitable for fruit orchards than for
vegetable production, even when not-so-well matured composts are applied.
It has been also established that crop response appears to be conditioned
by the innate soil fertility in such a way that positive increases have been
C o m p o s i t i o n o f S o m e T o w n R e f u s e C o m p o s t s P r o d u c e d in D i l l ' t r e n t P a r t s o f the W o r M

France Germany Netherhmds Leicester Au.vtria Granada lhmg Kong Guadalotlpe Otllario Tt'ntw.~ee
(1) (2) (3) UK (5) Npain (7) (,~') ('anada USA
(4) (0) (9) ( lOJ

Moisture (%) 47.3 35.0 38-8 25 35 41-0 -

-- 7.4 7-8.5 7-I 8.0 8.9
pH 7'6 --
% dry matter
O.M. . - 24-0 22-0 36.8 20 35 58-4 48.9 13.6 64.1)
N 0.96 0.45 1-00 1.06 0-5-I-5 1.40 1.67 0.52 I).57 I).93
p 0.39 0.17 0-18 0.2 0-4 0-38 0.55 0.20 0.08 0.26
- - 0-26 -- 0-20' --
S 0-38 -- --
K 0.20 0.27 0.50 0-25-0.85 0-65 0-40 0.20 /)-31 0.30
Ca 4-41 2.32 1.79 2 12 8-72 2-25 1.10 0.85 1.55
Mg 0.22 0.27 0 18 -- 0.5 3-0 0.80 0.63 0-20 0.21 1.61
Na 030 -- 0.65 0.82 0-70 0- 18 0-42

t~gg ~ dry matter

Fo 17 I I 0 --
-- l 000 6 0 0 0 5900 27 648 I I 800
Mn 854 330 800 500 I 200 263 702 984 250 < 500
Cu 357 170 50 610 100 215 511 242 28 < 500
Zn 1 525 650 500 1 350 300 I 500 495 I 460 I 024 400 < 50
B 10 32 20 174 2 20 66-5 -- 10.2 <5
M O " - -
25 4-2
As --- 5 52 -- --

Cd 8.5 0.7 3 7.5 I-6 -- 14 1.7 2.0

- 48 - 31
Cr 2-9 - 25 170 50-300
Hg 34 1 0-5 21 1 4
Ni 196 15 140 30- 200 26.9 < I lit)
Pb 599 150 100 I 630 200 900 287 246 200

l,?,cI'clcncc.,,: I .lu~>tc'
. . . . . (",-)8,)p,
'~ ~' 2 T:..,;, TM
"-<.l .... (,~),vv~.,s . . ."~
. t ) .....
. . . ,I. . . . . . . .k (,l~L,l,p,
~'> ~" ,~ (h'ay & P, idd!'cr;!'.;n 'e (!9~(.I); 5 ! .....
,,l, (!084): (, N,~!,:lh:,; ~,t ~d ( 1 9 8 4 a ) : 7
('1111 <~ Wolltt (198,1); ,<'4 ('111i1oll c l ft/, (1982); t) Kill[~' el al. ( 1 9 7 4 ) ; lO ('lt_'lUOllY; (1<)75).
38 F. Gallardo-Lara, R. Nogales

obtained with poor soils but not with fertile ones (Stephen & Lin, 1970).
Occasionally, the application of domestic waste compost does not
always induce the same response, as shown by Van Assche & Uyttebroeck
(1982), who obtained a decrease in lettuce production in constrast to a
yield increase for celery.
Other studies have been accomplished in order to compare the fertilizing
capacity of these materials with that of organic fertilizers. De Almeida
Lima et al. (1984) studied the effect of different sources of organic matter
on garlic and stated that the best treatments on a two-year basis were
processed garbage and cattle manure. Generally, crop yields obtained in
the case of fertilization with municipal compost are higher than those
obtained with sewage sludge (Mortvedt & Giordano, 1975; King et al.,
1977). However, Wong et al. (1983) performed a greenhouse assay on
two vegetable species, Brassica parachinensis and Brassica juncea: lower
productivity was obtained with refuse compost treatments than with
activated sludge and a commercial fertilizer. Other findings demonstrated
that natural manure (Seiberth, 1960; Garner, 1962, 1966a.b; Hortenstine
& Rothwell, 1968; Seigel & Rasp, 1972) or ammonium nitrohumate (Wang,
1977) appear to be more efficient fertilizers in improving crop yields than
municipal compost.
On the other hand, Sanderson et al. (1969, 1971) indicated that composts
were less effective than peat when used as substrates for ornamental plants.
Finally, application of 50% mixtures of municipal compost and horse
manure gave better yields of Agaricus sp. crops than application of manure
only (Shisler & Grable, 1976).
Some investigations have demonstrated that composts are less efficient
than N P K commercial chemical fertilizers for obtaining immediate crops
(Terman et al., 1973; Mays et al., 1973; Diez & Weigelt, 1980; Ryan et al.,
1985). On the other hand, high doses of compost have been claimed to be
more efficient than normal mineral fertilizers (Hortenstine & Rothwell,
1973). It has also been shown that composts are more effective than
chemical compounds which are eminently providers of micronutrients,
such as ZnSO 4 (Giordano et al., 1975).
Occasionally, the effect of the combined application of composts together
with mineral fertilizers has been studied in order to see if this improved
the value of these materials. The results obtained indicated that these
mixtures are more efficient than the separate applications of compost or
mineral fertilizers. Thus, Yousef & Ai-Zubar (1974) using (NH4)2SO.~;
McCormick & Galiano (1964) and Gupta et al. (1975) using superphos-
phates and Casini & Chiavacci (1968) incorporating different sulphates,
obtained results of this type. Similar observations were reported by Galiano
& Rodriguez (1963), Hortenstine & Rothwell (1972) and Kropisz &
Application of town refuse compost opt the soil-plant system 39

Wojciechwski (1978al-after adding NPK, and by Nogales et al. {1984a)

using NPKS.


Municipal garbage compost with a high organic matter content should

improve soil physical properties, although limited references exist on this
Nevertheless, it has been demonstrated that the apparent soil density
decreases significantly after incorporation of these materials (Tietjen &
Hart, 1969; Biswas & Khosla, 1971; Mays et al., 1973; Duggan & Wiles,
1976), which may be due to the low density of these products and their
tendency to increase soil pore size.
Schrader (1967) indicated that high doses of compost (400 metric tonnes
per hectare) applied to soils increases total pore volume. Similar effects
were observed by Banse et al. (1972); Walter (1977), Ortega et al. (1981)
and Nogales et al. (1984¢). It has been found that sewage sludge and
refuse compost increases total porosity and the pore size distribution, with
an improvement comparable to that from manure (Pagliai et al., 1981;
1983). Likewise, Brudel & Vorwerk (1977) observed that the addition of
compost to the top layer of a soil favours the penetration of water and
the air permeability. Facek (1974) obtained similar results with manure
but indicated that only pores below 0.2 microns in diameter increased in
Soil temperature remains unaffected by the presence of composts
(Sanderson et al., 1971). However, it has been reported that sewage sludge
added to sand and gravel spoil areas reduces extreme soil temperatures
(Hornick, 1980; 1982).
The addition of this type of product increases soil water holding capacity,
an effect which may be attributed to the colloidal nature of composts
(Biswas & Khosla, 1971; Bell, 1973; Bengtson & Cornette, 1973; Hortenstine
& Rothwell, 1973; Mays et al., 1973; Wang, 1977).
Similarly, the incorporation of these materials plays an important role
in the formation and stabilization of soil aggregates (Fioromanti &Marty,
1966; Allison, 1968; Biswas & Khosla, 1971; Mallouhi, 1978: Webber,
All things considered it has been established that the application of
compost improves the physical properties of the soil, especially in the case
of heavy soils, as it appears to promote a better soil structure and reduces
the process of erosion (Banse, 1961; Duggan & Scanlon, 1974; Tietjen,
1976). Volk (1976) says that shredded or composted municipal waste must
40 F. Gallardo-Lara, R. Nogales

be well mixed with the surface soil to accomplish erosion control. If the
waste is not incorporated, blowing debris may present serious problems,
although well mixed shredded wastes, containing 50% moisture, blow
surprisingly little.


Municipal compost has a neutral or slightly alkaline pH and a marked

buffering capacity, and these properties appear to be extremely useful in
the case of application on acid soils where compost acts as a pH corrector,
thus avoiding the risk of toxicity by aluminium or manganese which takes
place when pH values are below 5 (Thompson & Troeh, 1978). Thus,
Scanlon et al. (1973) indicate that the addition of these materials increases
soil pH values from 2"8 to 5'8. This effect has been demonstrated in less
acid soils (Hortenstine & Rothwell, 1972; Bengtson & Cornette, 1973;
Duggan & Wiles, 1976), and even in the case of mixtures of acid peat and
compost, where pH values are raised to an extent proportional to the
amount of compost incorporated (Alt & Kromhout, 1977). On the other
hand, no changes have been observed in neutral or calcareous soil after
compost application (Gupta et al., 1975; King et al., 1977). Finally,
according to Rowaan (1949) the efficiency of these materials in correcting
pH values is slightly lower than that of lime while the improvement of crop
yields obtained with compost is considerably better.


Incorporation of composts into soil increases the salt content as well as

soil electrical conductivity, especially if high doses of compost are applied,
because of the high salinity of composts (Hortenstine & Rothwell, 1972,
1973; Juste, 1980; Martin et al., 1980). Thus, Guidi et al. (1982) showed
that when sewage sludges and composts were applied on a sandy loam
soil the electrical conductivity increased in all plots, but, in every case,
winter rainfall lowered the content of soluble salts to a level close to that
of the control. Recently, Chanyasak et al. (1982) assumed that the relatively
high electrical conductivity after garbage-compost treatment might be one
of the main causes of the inhibitory effect on turnip growth caused by
high loading of composts. Nevertheless, this disadvantage appears to be
less acute than in the case of sewage sludges which easily promote
salinization states equal to, or higher than, 4mMhos/cm (Epstein et al.,
1976) representing a serious risk to the growth of several types of crops
(Allison, 1973).
Application off town refuse compost on the soil-planf system 41

Van Assche & Uyttebroeck (1980, 1982) have pointed out that the
application of a calculated quantity of ion exchangers can modify the
phytotoxic effects of heavy metals as well as the salts in domestic waste
compost. The favourable effects caused by the application of cation
exchangers to a contaminated soil and/or substrate are reflected by the
positive influence on plant growth and the restoration of soil fertility,
microbial activity and production capacity.


The incorporation of compost to soil, especially at high doses, increases

the cation-exchange capacity. Hortenstine & Rothwell (1968) performed
a pot experiment using sandy soil with an exchange capacity of 3.67 meq
per 100g and found that the addition of high quantities of compost (128
or 512 metric tonnes per hectare) increased this capacity to 4.81 or 7.14
meq per 100g, while small doses (8 or 32 metric tonnes per hectare) had
no significant effects. Similar results in field experiments were obtained by
Bengtson & Cornette (1973) and Shelhaas (1978).


Moderate attention has been paid to the study of the content and
composition of humus in municipal-refuse compost (Sugahara & Inoko,
1981; Riffaldi et al., 1983; Nogales et al., 1984d).
Some information exists about the capacity of these materials to
enrich soils containing organic matter. Seiberth (1960) observed in field
experiments that compost incorporation promotes an increase in the humic
acid content, while Kick (1960) indicated that the addition of compost
improves organic matter levels in relatively poor acid soil. This effect has
been verified in different circumstances: thus, Keonoh (1978) demonstrated
that the continuous application of compost increases organic matter, and
in the case of soils with a low organic matter content equilibrium is
achieved with five-year treatments. Hoffmann (1983) conducted long-term
field experiments on acid and alkaline soils, and the results in acid soils
showed that, by raising municipal compost doses, soil organic matter
content was increased from 2% to 6"9%. Aerobic sludge compost plus the
organic fraction of urban refuse has also been reported to bring about an
increase in organic carbon in the soil (Guidi et al., 1983). Dalmat et al.
(1982) showed that co-composted municipal refuse and pit latrine waste
provided a stabilized form of organic matter and a source of plant nutrients
42 F. Gallardo-Lara, R. Nogales

that could significantly increase the tilth, fertility and productivity of

Haitian soils.
In floriculture experiments the amount of humus was increased in pots
treated with compost (Ishigami, 1979). This beneficial action has been used
in an attempt to recover a nutrient-poor soil obtained from an exploited
phosphate mine. Significant increases were observed in these soils after
compost application (Hortenstine & Rothwell, 1972). Duggan & Wiles
(1976) found, after performing a comparative study, that the addition of
compost increased the amount of organic matter of clayed soil while a
decrease was observed when only nitrogen was added.
The incorporation of organic matter to soil by the use of composts
nevertheless presents negative aspects as these materials enrich soil in
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, although the plant content of these
detrimental compounds remains unaffected (Ellwardt, 1977). At a low
loading of immature garbage-compost inhibitory effects on the growth of
turnips, especially in the early stages of development, were found to be
primarily due to the presence of short-chain fatty acids, especially propionic
acid and n-butyric acid (Chanyasak et al., 1983a,b). Gonzalez-Vila et al.
(1982) found that several Spanish refuse composts contained free organic
chemicals: alkanes, fatty acids and phthalate esters. These authors indi-
cated, however, that these chemicals cannot be considered toxic if compost
application is made at a normal rate of 30 metric tonnes per hectare.
When raw municipal compost is dumped, Hoecks (1977) reported that
water-soluble components are leached from the refuse by percolating rain
water. Microbial reactions in the refuse may cause the formation of organic
acids in the leachate, especially isovaleric acid, valeric acid and isobutyric
acid, which may form complexes with metals. Artiola-Fortuny & Fuller
(1982) said that municipal solid waste landfill leachates retain large
quantities of natural phenols in solution, which remain in relatively large
concentrations for periods of over 1 year and can migrate through soils
relatively rapidly.


The availability of municipal-compost nitrogen is closely related to the

maturity of these materials.
The addition to soil of immature compost with a C/N ratio above 30
produces a biological blockage of available nitrogen due to the accelerated
growth of microflora that use nitrogen for their own development (Korea
Alimu et al., 1977; Fuller & Bosma, 1965; Ahrens & Farkasdi, 1969;
Duggan, 1973). On the other hand, composts with C/N ratios lower than
Application of town refuse compost on the soil-plant system 43

20 cause a smaller increase in the microflora than those with C N ratios

above 30 (Abd-E1-Malek et al., 1968), implying that soil nitrogen is not
biologically immobilized (Snell, 1957). According to Chanyasak & Kubota
(1981) the C..N ratios of sufficiently well composted materials vary widely,
from 5 to 20, depending on the type of raw material, and thus the C/N
ratio cannot be used as an absolute indicator of compost maturity.
However, Chanyasak & Kubota (1981) and Chanyasak et al. (1982)
considered that the C/N organic ratio of water extracts should be an
effective and simple quantitative indicator of compost maturity, because
this C/N organic ratio of water extracts from various well-matured
composts showed almost constant values of 5 to 6 regardless of the type
of raw material.
In spite of all these considerations, the biological activity and C/N ratio
of soil tend towards an equilibrium after a certain time (Dommergues &
Mangenot, 1970) which allows the normal progress of mineralization
processes that regulate the availability of assimilable nitrogen in soil. Thus,
Arhens & Farkasdi (1969) indicate that mature compost brings about
higher concentrations of NO3-N in soil, but lower amounts of total
nitrogen, than poorly developed compost. On the other hand, Rothwell &
Hortenstine (1969) observed that the nitrification of a sandy soil decreases
gradually with increasing doses of compost. These authors also indicate
that, of the different materials assayed (cow manure, sewage sludge, chicken
manure and garbage compost), the latter is the fertilizer that least stimulates
The residual effects of compost fertilization on soil nitrogen have also
received certain attention (Kropisz & Russel, 1978). Results obtained in
these studies, performed during a 3-year period with lettuce and spinach
crops, showed that the amount of NO3-N in soil increased in compost-
treated pots compared to both controls and pots treated with exclusively
mineral fertilizers. The NH,~-N content in soil was enhanced with respect
to controls but appeared to be similar to that observed in the case of
mineral fertilizer application.
Regarding the effects of compost application on the phosphorus content
of soil, studies performed up to the present have given conflicting results.
On one hand, field experiments have shown that these compounds
contribute towards an increase in the available phosphorus in soil (Trenel
t961; Sanderson et al., 1969; Bengtson & Cornette, 1973) and this same
behaviour, promoted by the residual effects of compost, has been verified
in field and greenhouse experiments in plots and pots, respectively, after
harvest (Hortenstine & Rothwell, 1968; Gupta et al., 1975). In disagreement
with this are studies of Duggan & Wiles (1976) who observed that the
application of higher doses of compost to acid soils (pH 5.8) originated a
44 F. Gallardo-Lara, R. Nogales

decrease in the values o f available phosphorus. These results were con-

sidered by the authors as an abnormal phenomenon, probably a result of
improper sampling techniques or analytical error. Nevertheless, similar
effects have been described by other authors working under different
conditions (Hortenstine & Rothwell, 1972: Lahv, 1976: Diez & Weigelt,
1980). However, Kropisz & Wojciechowsky (1978a,b) have shown in
comparative studies that the combined addition of compost and mineral
fertilizer NPK resulted in values of residual available P in soil interior to
those obtained when only mineral fertilizers are added.
Very little information has been found with respect to the repercussions
of compost application on soil sulphur. This is not really surprising, as
sulphur, on the whole, has received much less attention than nitrogen or
phosphorus. Nevertheless, a recent study reviewing the results of research
on municipal waste compost in The Netherlands showed that compost
application increased the sulphur content of the soil (De Haan. 1981).


Several authors have demonstrated the capacity of composts to enrich soil

in potassium, calcium and magnesium. Kick (1960), Hortenstine &
Rothwell (1968, 1969, 1972, 1973), Mays et al. (1973), Bengtson & Cornette
(1973), Duggan & Wiles (1976), Giordano & Mays (1978) and Ortega et
al. (1985) have all indicated that levels of these elements in soil rise with
increasing doses of compost. Similar observations were obtained in
comparative studies on the effects of combining mineral fertilizers with
these materials with respect to those observed when mineral fertilizers
alone were applied (Kropisz & Wojciechowsky, 1978a,b).


Richness in essential plant micronutrients is one of the main characteristics

of town refuse compost. It has been stated, for example, that compost
may contain 100 times more boron and copper and 300 times more zinc
than a cultivated soil (Purves & McKenzie, 1973). This peculiarity entails,
once these materials are incorporated, an increase in the above-mentioned
elements in soil. These materials can, therefore, be considered as deficient-
soil correctors.
Especially noteworthy are the studies of Purves (1973, 1977) and Purves
& McKenzie (1973, 1974) who demonstrated a significant increase in the
Application ~l town re~se compost on the soil-pla~tr .systet~z 45

amount of" Cu, B and Zn extractable from soils after compost application.
Similar results were reported bv Cottrell (1975), Kick (1976) and Mohr
(1979a) with respect to zinc and copper and by Giordano et al. (1975) with
respect to manganese and iron. More recently'. Gallardo-Lara et al. (1984)
conducted greenhouse investigations and, at the postharvest, found that
increasing application of town refuse compost linearly increased the
residual extractable Zn in two soils of different fertility, while similar
effects for Fe were recorded in the low-fertility soil, but not in the other
The positive aspects mentioned above do not obviate the fact that
compost, at high doses, or added repeatedly, produces undesirable effects:
either due to an increase in the amount of certain essential micronutrients
to toxic levels, as in the case of boron (Purves & McKenzie, 1974); or to
increase in the uptake of other heavy metals, which, according to Giordano
& Mays (1981), leads to a contaminating process that may be summarized
as: provoking toxicities in plants; entering the food chains and affecting
men and animals; contaminating by migration to subterranean waters.
The most important sources of these toxic elements are industrial wastes
and wastewaters. It would, therefore, be advisable to exclude these residues
from the public collection of garbage and avoid their mixture with
innocuous municipal wastes (Tietjen, 1976).
The information currently available shows that maximum contamination
takes place in the top layers of soils (EI-Bassam, 1977: E1-Bassam et a/.,
1979; Mohr, 1979a). Lead and cadmium show maximum increases, while
Co, Ni and Cr are unaffected or exhibit only slight increases (Andersson,
1976; Mohr, 1979a,b; Keller & Brunner, 1983). Finally, no significant
variations were observed in the amount of As or Hg (E1-Bassam et al., 1979).
The potential hazards associated with the heavy-metal contamination of
soils tend to increase with time. This may be caused by' a decrease in soil
pH, especially when the nitrogen and sulphur contents of the waste
products are high and the lime content low (De Haan, 1983). Keeping in
mind the EEC regulations and guidelines for permissible levels of heavy
metals in soils, Guns (1982) reported, with reference to Belgian municipal
composts, that application at a maximum rate of 20 metric tonnes per
hectare could be acceptable up to a maximum of I0 years.
In order to avoid the heavy metal pollution of soil, Furrer & Gupta (1983)
have summarized the following constructive suggestions for improving the
quality of compost: in consumer products heavy metals must be replaced
with suitable substitutes; collection and suitable disposal of consumer
products in which substitutes for metals cannot be used; the recycling of
metal wastes occurring in production processes should be done in such a
manner that the metal content of industrial waste is reduced to a minimum
46 F. Gallardo-Lara, R. Nogales

before it is allowed to join municipal wastes; the introduction of separate

collection systems.


The influence of these fertilizers on the biological activity of soil has also
been studied. Rothwell & Hortenstine (1969), working with sandy soils,
found that the fungal population increased progressively with time and
amount of dose. At first, the number of bacteria increased considerably,
but after the sixth day it began to decrease, presenting final values slightly
higher than control soils. The release of CO~ increased with compost
incorporation. This release was more intense than that observed with cow
manure but less than CO 2 released by chicken manure or activated sludge.
These authors also observed that compost depressed nitrification when
compared to other organic fertilizers. This phenomenon would explain the
nitrogen-deficient states observed in plants by certain investigators who
worked with this sort of material. Results from an incubation study
(Loewen-Rudgers et al., 1981) indicated that the rate of refuse decomposi-
tion was not influenced by the amount of supplemental N or by N carrier,
probably because the soil and/or the refuse supplied substantial N. Nitrate
levels in most treatments including refuse were similar to, or lower than,
those in the control (soil alone).
On the other hand, Kropisz & Russel (1978) compared the effects of
compost of varying degrees of maturity on the microflora content of a
soil. Both total and fungal microflora decreased as the degree of maturity
rose, while the number of actinomycetes increased. Likewise, Miyashita et
al. (1982) observed increases in the number of actinomycetes when
composts were applied to different types of soils, and Hoffman (1983)
reported that applied municipal waste compost slightly increased the plate
counts of bacteria and significantly increased the number of particular
genera (e.g. Azotobacter).
Recently, Pera et al. (1983) investigated the effects of composted organic
matter, from solid urban waste mixed with urban sewage sludge, on
rhizosphere microorganisms of sorghum plants in two different soils.
Microbial populations showed variations closely connected either with
increasing doses of organic matter in both types of soils or with the
characteristics of each soil. Increasing doses of compost positively affected
the growth of total fungi and actinomycetes and doses of compost also
stimulated the growth of total aerobic bacteria, which reached a maximum
in both soil types after 45 days. In agreement with the report mentioned
before, Chopra & Magu (1985) showed that the addition of 0.5% city
compost to different urea herbicides resulted in a significant increase in
rhizospheric fungi of wheat and maize cultivated in pots.
Application oJ" town refitse compost on the soil-plant system 47

Regarding the beneficial role of organic matter in agriculture, Cook

(1976) indicated that the oxygen-ethylene cycle is enhanced in soil when
organic matter or compost is added. Its benefits include protection against
soil-borne diseases, the interruption of the reproductive cycle of plant
pathogens, and the stimulation of a variety of hormonal responses by the
plant when exposed to ethylene gas produced in the soil.
Several authors have demonstrated that the incorporation of different
organic materials to soil contributes to the reduction of nematode popula-
tions in plants (Patrick et al., 1965; Lindford et al., 1938). With regard to
this latter observation, Hunt et al. (1973a), working with sandy soils,
studied the effects on nematode plant-parasite populations. These authors
indicated that certain species (Helicontylenchus spp) were considerably
reduced in number, while others (Criconemoides spp) remained unaffected.
In addition, Hunt et al. (1973a) observed that aqueous extracts of compost
immobilize soil nematodes (Belonolaimus longicaudatus). Furthering these
studies, Tarjan (1977) added composts to citrus fruit plantation (orange
and lemon trees) parasitized by different nematodes and evaluated the
infection-suppressing capacity by measuring crop yields. Yields were
slightly improved although differences were not significant.


Several authors have verified the effects of composts or of compost extracts

on seed germination (Hortenstine & Rothwell, 1969; Hunt et al., 1973c;
Volk et al., 1973; Nogales et al., 1984a). No negative effects should appear
if the doses used are not excessively high. However, when greater doses
are applied, several plants present different degrees of sensitivity towards
the depression of germination caused by the application of these organic
materials. In recent papers Wong (1985) and Wong & Chu (1985) postulated
that the contents of ammonia, ethylene and heavy metals in compost were
inversely correlated with seed germination and root elongation of different
crops. Because the ammonia and ethylene oxide contents declined with
age of compost (Wong, 1985), it was concluded that compost should be
stored at least 115 days before being applied to crops.



As previously described, incorporation of compost to soil to yield a C/N

ratio above 30 results in the immobilization of soil nitrogen, which
originates a deficiency of this element in plants. This effect has been
48 F. Gallardo-Lara. R. Nogales

demonstrated in several crops, such as corn (Terman & Mays, 1973),

tobacco (Duggan, 1973), radish, oats, sorghum and turnip (Hortenstine &
Rothwell, 1967, 1973). These deficiencies may be corrected by the addition
of nitrogenated mineral fertilizers (Dickens et al., 1971; Vlamis & Williams,
1971; Terman & Mays, 1973; Duggan & Wiles, 1976; Gilmour et al.,
1977). On the other hand, massive addition of these materials to agricultural
land appears to increase significantly the amount of nitrogen absorbed,
although salinization of soil may also occur (Hortenstine & Rothwell,
1969, 1973).
Kropisz & Wojciechowsky (1978a,b) and Kropisz & Russel (1978)
indicate that the combined application of triple-fertilizer NPK and muni-
cipal garbage compost slightly increases the N content of several types of
crops when compared to the application of mineral fertilizer alone. Several
studies have been conducted to evaluate the efficiency of compost as a
source of nitrogen. Terman & Mays (1973) came to the conclusion that
this efficiency is 16% that of NHgNO 3 and Zvara & Herger (1982)
concluded that one tonne of compost is equivalent to 0.5 kg of nitrogen.
Bengtson & Cornette (1973) and King et al. (1977) indicate that the
addition of composts to soil does not produce significant changes in plant
phosphorus concentration; producing, at most, slight increases in the
amount of this nutrient when high doses of compost were used (Duggan
& Wiles, 1976). Data concerning the amount of phosphorus absorbed
reflect progressive increases promoted by increasing doses of this material
(Hortenstine & Rothwell, 1968, 1969, 1973; Grubben, 1976). Likewise,
Mehta & Daftardar (1984) conducted field experiments to evaluate city
garbage compost using wheat as a test crop. Sieved city garbage compost
was noted to increase the P uptake up to 60 days of crop age, while a poor
P uptake was observed when ground city garbage compost was applied.
On the other hand, Kropisz & Wojciechowsky (1978a,b) demonstrated
that application of compost together with a complex fertilizer NPK does
not introduce significant modifications in the concentration of phosphorus
in plants when compared to the application of the mineral fertilizer
alone. Sanderson (1971) indicated that phosphorus content was higher in
chrysanthemum cultures when turf was used as a substrate instead of
compost. All things considered, the short-term assimilability of phosphorus
contained in municipal garbage compost (according to Terman & Mays,
1973) may reach 70% of that observed with soluble phosphate fertilizers.
Few experiments have been conducted to study the effect of applied
garbage-compost on sulphur uptake by plants. Gallardo-Lara et al. (1979)
observed no significant differences in the sulphur content of ryegrass during
the first two crops when increasing doses of compost were applied.
Later on, however, treatments with compost increased sulphur content
Application qf town refuse compost on the soil-plant system 49

significantly. In contrast to this, Nogales et al. (1985a) reported that

compost addition resulted in a decrease in ryegrass sulphur content, during
four harvests, as compared with a control. Similarly, a study carried out
to establish tall rescue on a strip-mined spoil area showed that garbage
compost decreased forage concentration of sulphur (Mathias et al., t979).


The incorporation of these derivatives of garbage leads to significant

increases in plant potassium content (Bengtson & Cornette, 1973; Duggan
& Wiles, 1976; King et al., 1977). This tendency also appears when results
are expressed in terms of the amount of potassium extracted by the plant
(Hortenstine & Rothwell, 1973).
Generally, it has been claimed that potassium is present in compost in
an easily-assimilated form. Hortenstine & Rothwell (1969) found that the
addition to soil of 512 metric tonnes of compost per hectare resulted in
the extraction of 50 times more K by millet crops when compared to
control crops. In another study these same authors (Hortenstine 8,:
Rothwell, 1973) deduced that sorghum crops recover 74-98% of the
potassium present in compost. Terman & Mays (1973) estimated that the
efficiency of compost K is 64% that of K2SO, ,. According to Olsen &
Barber (1977) a compost with 1% of potassium should be added at a rate
of 40 to 50 metric tonnes per hectare and per year in order to obtain
optimum crop development.
With regard to the effects of these products on the concentration of
calcium and magnesium in plants, according to Juste (1980), no significant
changes are observed. Hortenstine & Rothwell (1972) found no differences
in the first crop of sorghum, although, in subsequent crops of oats the
content of these elements were increased in plants treated with compost.
Nevertheless, opposite tendencies to those previously mentioned have been
also observed (King et al., 1974) and have been attributed to an antagonistic
action promoted by the considerable absorption of potassium. Data
relative to the total amount of calcium and magnesium extracted by crops
show that increases are produced by the addition of compost, although
these effects are always less pronounced than in the case of potassium
(Hortenstine & Rothwell, 1968, 1972; Nogales et al., 1984b,e).
King et al. (1974) and Terman & Mays (1973) observed that the addition
of compost tends to decrease the concentration of sodium, although not
significantly. Similarly, Sanderson (1971) found that the sodium content
in chrysanthemum plants grown on different, mainly organic, substrates
tends to decrease when turf is replaced by compost.
50 F. Gallardo-Lara, R. Nogales


The incorporation of composts to soil produces a considerable enhancement

of the plant absorption of Zn, Cu and B.
Purves (1973), Duggan & Wiles (1976), Mohr (1979a), Wong et al.
(1983) and Nogales et al. (1985b) have described increases in the content
of zinc in different plant species, although toxic effects have been observed.
According to Mays et al. (1973) and Terman et al. (1973), the absence of
toxicity is due to the immobilization of part of the assimilable zinc as a
consequence of the rise in soil pH produced by compost application. Parsa
& Lindsay (1972) indicate that these organic materials may be used as
sources of moderate doses of zinc, although it has been shown that the
efficiency is lower than that obtained with an inorganic source such as
ZnSO4 (Mortvedt & Giordano, 1975).
Increases in copper have been described in plants by Purves & McKenzie
(1973) and Mohr (1979b). The same effect was demonstrated in a field test
(King et al., 1977), although, in this case, increases in the concentration
of copper were detected in corn plants but not in other cereals. Another
observation concerning this element is that the combined addition of
compost and N P K increases the crop considerably in comparison to
compost alone, but this, in turn, occasions a dilution of plant copper
(Terman et al., 1973). Considering the different treatments used in the
studies previously mentioned, no conditions of copper phytotoxicity have
been observed as a consequence of compost application.
Contrary to what has been described for zinc and copper, town refuse
composts may give rise to an excessive absorption of boron in plants,
creating symptoms of intense phytoxicity (Purves, 1973; Gogue & Sander-
son, 1975; Czerney et al., 1978; Lumis & Johnson, 1982). This effect has
been observed with other types of compost (Gupta et al., 1973). The
symptomatology has been recorded in different crops and its most
important characteristics are chlorosis of the periphery of the leaf limb,
falling of leaves and defective growth. Purves & McKenzie (1974) indicated
that an intense washing of compost before use eliminates most of the
soluble boron and reduces considerably the toxic effects of this element.
On the other hand, Jones et al. (1963) and Gupta et al. (1973) observed
that when high doses of nitrogen are added to soil, boron toxicity decreases.
The addition of compost to soil does not promote significant changes
in the amount of iron in plants (King et al., 1977; Czerney et al., 1978),
leading, at most, to a slight reduction (Hofner et al., 1978).
Data which refer to manganese indicate that this element decreases in
plants (Schmidt et al., 1974; Hoffner et al., 1978; Czerney et al., 1978;
Wong et al., 1983). These results agree with those found by Gupta et al.
Application of town refuse compost on the soil-plant system 51

(1973) who obtained progressive reductions in the manganese content

when increasing doses of composted plant residues were used.


As previously mentioned, the application of large quantities of compost

may contaminate soils with heavy metals or other toxic elements. Neverthe-
less, only some of these elements appear to be absorbed by the plant in
great quantities. Thus, King et aL (1974, 1977). in a study of corn, reported
an increase in the amount of absorbed cadmium but not in the amounts
of Cr, Ni or Pb. Mortvedt & Giordano (1975) obtained similar results for
chromium in maize crops. The incorporation of compost has also been
noted to cause increases of cadmium in other types of crops (potatoes,
sugar cane, wheat, barley and oats) although no changes were observed
in the amounts of Hg, Ni, Cd and Pb (Schmid et al., 1974).
On the other hand, Liebhardt & Koske (1974) indicate that the addition
of compost to soil contributed towards a decrease in the concentration of
lead in ryegrass with respect to that of grass from control soil enriched
with this element. Identical effects have been obtained in ryegrass grown
on compost or natural soil (Lutz, 1981). Finally, Domsch et a[. (1976)
observed that mixtures of municipal garbage and horse manure used as a
substrate for mushroom cultures increased Hg, and, to a lesser extent, Cd,
As and Pb, in the crop.
According to Andersson (1977), some heavy metals added to soils in the
form of soluble salts appear to be more available to the plant than when
administered as municipal residues, as in this latter case they are retained
by the organic material. For this reason, the possibilities of contamination
from compost are small unless extreme circumstances, such as application
of very high doses of compost or very acidic soil pH values, exist. Plant
lead and mercury contents do not reflect soil levels, as these elements are
strongly retained in soil. Gray & Biddlestone (1980), in their trace metal
analyses of composts and soils, showed that municipal composts carry
high levels of some trace metals, e.g. Pb, Zn and Cu, and that they greatly
increase the total and extractable levels in soils to which they are applied.
However, the availability of these metals to crops is low.
On the other hand, cadmium absorption in plants is influenced by the
concentration of this element in soil in such a way that the concentration of
this element conditions the capacity of soil to receive compost (Andersson,
1977). In another study, Watanabe & Kurihara (1982) also found that the
application of garbage compost decreased the Zn and Cu concentration
in corn tissue, but slightly increased the Cd concentration, as compared
52 F. Gallardo-Lara. R. Nogales

with the concentration in corn grown in soil to which were added

water-soluble salts of heavy metals. Conflicting results were obtained in
experiments which compared refuse compost with chemical fertilizer (Chu
& Wong, 1984). These studies showed that the aerial tissues of three
different food crops contained similar, or significantly lower, concentrations
of cadmium when grown on compost-amended soil than when grown on
fertilizer-treated soil. The hazardous role of cadmium has been emphasized
by Keller & Brunner (1983) who calculated that, in only 14 years, the
use of compost will have enriched Swiss soils to such an extent that
their cadmium content will obviate the production of food for human


The authors are grateful to the C.S.I.C. for financing this work through
Proyect: Reciclaje de residuos agricolas, urbanos e industriales para su
aprovechamiento como fertilizantes y su influencia en el sistema suelo-


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