Evidencia 2 Sesion en Linea Preposicion

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Evidencia 4: Sesión virtual “Prepositions”

Antonio de Jesús Lugo Mercado

Tecnólogo En Negociación Internacional

Ficha N° 2104858

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje


1. Distribution channels

10 oraciones en ingles relacionadas con el tema de los canales de distribución utilizando en

cada oración por lo menos una preposición.

Sentences related to the topic:

1. The correct variety of products must be in the right place at the right time to
maximize the opportunity of a cost effective sales volume.
2. A distribution channel is used to take the product made by the manufacturer.
3. The intensive distribution is suitable for certain products, due to the degree of
4. Short distribution channels are driven through low retail prices.
5. The size of the distribution channels is measured by the number of intermediaries.
6. These distribution channels obtain the necessary information through exchange
7. There are different forms of strategies such as intensive strategy, selective strategy
and exclusive strategy.
8. The distribution channel chosen by the manufacturer basically depends on the type
and nature.
9. Manipulated product. It is also given by the country to which you want to venture.
10. The importance of good logistics management lies mainly in costs and customer

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