Pref - 3 - Vocabulary 2

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Página Principal ► VILLAVICENCIO ► VILLAV ► 9175 ► Second Term ► pref_3_Vocabulary 2.

Comenzado el martes, 11 de abril de 2017, 06:28

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en martes, 11 de abril de 2017, 06:33
Tiempo empleado 5 minutos 32 segundos
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Pregunta 1

Correcta Action verbs 

Puntúa 25,00
Action verbs (also called dynamic verbs) express activities, processes, momentary actions or physical conditions:
sobre 25,00
Examples of action verbs
ache dance have knock sing
arrive eat help leave speak
ask fall hit melt  talk
call feel hurt read throw
change go itch say travel
cook grow kick shrink watch
They may be used in continuous forms:
Who was he dancing with?
Someone's knocking at the door.
I've been reading this book for weeks.

From the action verbs come the verbs of movement. In this case, they are the verbs that involve some kind of action with your body, such

Let's classify the verbs. 

Match the sentence with the body part it corresponds:

They stretched their body to relax.

Damian kicked the cans with his right leg

She òexed  her muscles showing off her biceps

She shook  her head violently

Ana hit  her face with her hand

Respuesta correcta
Pregunta 2 Complete the sentences with the vocabulary from the action and movement verbs. Use the following verbs. Be careful with spelling:
Puntúa 25,00 walk (x2) - catch- run - push - throw - hold - march - pick up - carry - stretch - lift - crawl - pull
sobre 25,00

I’ll   throw  the ball and you   catch  it. 

I want to   march  like a soldier. 

  pick up  your glass and drink the milk.

This cupboard is very heavy. You   push  and I’ll   pull .

You can   hold  the baby. Don’t drop him!

  stretch up and make yourself very tall. 

Don’t   run  in the school corridors, because it's dangerous. It's better to   walk ! 

I can’t   carry  my bag. It’s so heavy. I can’t even lift  it.

My baby brother can’t walk  but he can crawl  very fast! 

Pregunta 3


Puntúa 50,00
Take a look at the video about the main public places in town. Then, answer the questions.
sobre 50,00

Basic English Vocabulary 5- Places

Click HERE for a complete list of public places. 

Now, let's take a look to the map and the places around town. Then, choose the best deñnition for each place:

1. The place for the exhibition of artistic work is called a   gallery

2. The place where criminals are sent by a judge is called a   police station

3. A   mall   is a large, often enclosed shopping complex containing various stores, businesses, and restaurants.

4. A   pub   is a place where you can buy a beer or other types alcoholic drinks.

5. A   hotel   is an establishment which provides lodging for motorists in rooms usually having direct access to an open

parking area.
6. A   museum   is a place where objects of historical, artistic, or scientiñc interest are exhibited or preserved.

7. A   shopping center   is a large shop divided into departments selling a great many kinds of goods such as clothes, household

appliances etc
8. To travel by plane you need to go to the   airport

9. The   bakery   is where you can buy bread and cakes.

10. You buy meat at the   butcher


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