Daily Devotional 8th July, 2020.-1

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1|Wisdom Hub Devotional

Topic: The sweet but deadly sin

Read: Judges 16: 1-end

mong the judges that ruled Israel, Samson was a great
man. He was an evidence of God’s creativity and power.
His parents had been trusting God for the fruit of the
womb for a while before God answered them by giving him to

He was to be the deliverer of Israel from the hand of the philistines.

But the history of Samson showed that he loved strange women.
Verse 1 of Judges Chapter 16 says 16 “Now Samson went to Gaza and
saw a harlot there, and went in to her”. After sleeping with the
harlot, there was an opportunity for him to once again fight the
philistines. He made use of the opportunity to remove their mighty

However, this same love for strange women became the trap with
which the enemy caught him. He loved Delilah hopelessly and the
philistines used her as bait with which they caught him. Growing
up, we had a neighbor whose son usually fights and curses anyone
who comes at his parents. As parents, they were enjoying their
son’s defender-of-the-universe attitude. But at the end of the day,
this same attitude of fighting at every slight opportunity made
them to become parents who go to the police station to bail their
son frequently. It was a bad experience.

2|Wisdom Hub Devotional

Today, there’s need to carry out a self evaluation of yourself, is
there an attitude that you have right now that looks good but can
bring you down tomorrow? The bad attitude, no matter how much
it’s paying off now, if it is not an attitude of Christ, would end up
being the cause of downfall.

Some people who are given to anger, would even go as far as

saying “me, I am not well ooo”. Imagine a Christian sister saying
she is not well. Anger, malice etc… are not things to brag about. If
truly you have the mind of Christ and you are genuinely born
again, you should be bothered. In fact, I have seen someone who
went to mountain to pray for God to deliver her from constant
anger. Some people have chased away the helpers God sent their
way through their unforgiving and malice keeping nature. Some
have ruined their marriages with malice and nagging.

A lady who keeps diligent malice got married to a man that had a
very nice and calm character. Whenever they had a fight, she
would keep malice with him till he begs and begs. Sometimes when
he begs, she’ll still continue. This malice keeping attitude had paid
off on a number of times; she would avoid you till you succumb to
her wish. However, after years in marriage, the husband got tired
of begging. The marriage began to deteriorate. The attitude that
used to be a savior ended up becoming her worst nightmare.

What is it that you enjoy today that needs to be expelled out of

your life? Is it pride, lust, unforgiveness, anger, malice… whatever
it is, check your life today and make amendments.

3|Wisdom Hub Devotional

Prayer points:

1. Father, deliver me from besetting sins.

2. Let me not destroy my life with my hands.

4|Wisdom Hub Devotional

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