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Laser Training Transcript 5.


How Do You Find Out Where Your

Prospects Hang Out Online?
Reach: To find your target market online, do your research using the
Big Four Online Platforms.

Patti Turner (ASK Method® Coaching Member):

My name is Patti Turner. I’m from northern New Jersey near New York City. I’m a registered
nurse, certified in obstetrics for 31 years. My product is an educational series for pregnant
women on what they don’t expect when they’re expecting. My question is how I get these
products in front of the right people when the generation of childbearing age is not on
Facebook, but Snapchat and Instagram. And not likely to Google the topic because they
don’t know what they don’t know. I’m a bit stuck on where to find my people.

Ryan Levesque:

Hi Patti, your question is this: How do you find where your market hangs out online?

First, I will challenge the assumption your market is not on Facebook. If I had to bet, I
would say there are definitely pregnant women on Facebook right now. Especially in
Facebook Groups.

What you’re trying to figure out: How do you find where your market is hanging out
online if you’re not part of that target market? You’re at a different stage of your life
and not in your target market right now. How do you know where to find the people in
your target market today?

What will get you 80% of the way there is to go through The Big Four places online:
Facebook, Google, Amazon and Apple.

Google is the biggest search engine in the world. It’s where people go to search for
information. Whether they don’t realize the problem they’re trying to solve. Or what help
they need as a first-time expecting mom. People go to Google to find answers to questions.

Facebook is where people spend more time online than any other individual website.

Amazon is where people spend more money than anywhere else. In fact, 49 cents of every
dollar spent in America is spent online on Amazon alone.

Apple, of course, is the world’s first trillion-dollar company. © The ASK Method Company. All Rights Reserved. 1

Laser Training Transcript 5.13

For Facebook, think about pregnancy groups or even brands and physical products.
Think about brands for strollers, car seats, etc. Every single one of these big brands has a
Facebook community online. Within the community, you can look for moms or first-time
expecting moms who are asking other moms questions. They’re hanging out there trying to
figure out what it is they don’t even know to ask.

When you go to Google, think about what pregnant women are likely to search for.
Such as pregnancy forums, like BabyCenter and The Bump. They exist and there are literally
hundreds of thousands of moms hanging out in these places.

Go to Amazon and find a bestselling book on pregnancy. Then look to see if the author
has a community. Is there a Facebook page or a Facebook group for that particular book or
forum online?

For Apple, you want to be looking at podcasts. Look for podcasts around being a mom,
pregnancy, etc. These people oftentimes have websites and communities as well.

Start with the Big Four. That gives you plenty of ideas to see where people are actually
hanging out online.

For anyone in the B2B space, who sell to actual businesses, don’t forget LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is a great place to look for groups of professionals in different industries.

Patti, it is possible that Instagram or Snapchat would be great places for you to advertise.
But I would not rule out Facebook.

That is the initial process I would go through to find out where your market is hanging
out online.

WANT MORE RESOURCES LIKE THIS ONE? Looking for MORE support growing your
audience and customer base so you can expand your reach and your impact? Look for
additional REACH resources in the ASK Academy®.
. © The ASK Method Company. All Rights Reserved. 2

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