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Ships and Mass Combat 5

Unit types in Mass Combat 5

Hit Points 5


Offense Modifier (OM) 6

Defense Value (DV) 6





Strategy Track 6




Special Abilities 7

Victory, Rout or Defeat 7

Losing Commanders 8



Transferring Resources 12


Frequently Asked Questions

As discussed in the Regional Contrrol Handbook, few

are the adventurers who embark, and succeed, on
forming their own region or state.

What is more common is adventurers getting involved

in large-scale engagements, whether as members of
the Rebellion against the Empire or while escorting
innocent transport vessels, fighting off marauders such
as the Black Sun Pirates or Enfys Nest.

This houserule manual serves as a crash-course into

the new Mass Combat system, whether you’re a
newly knighted Jedi General, Clone Commander or
Independant Leader.

I hope this manual serves you well, Commander, and

may the Force be with you!

Playing without a Region
This mass combat system was originally designed to work within
Pathfinder’s Kingmaker system, and thus, has entries pertaining
to the use of several types of resources and the maintenence ARMY STATISTICS
costs of having such large forces. Feel free to ignore them if said Armies aren’t that different from playing with heroes and
encounters are rare within a campaign, but if the heroes are having NPCs. Each army unit has a name, XP, Alignment and a
actively in command of large forces, having to deal with such specificed size based on how many units are in it. Furthermore,
logistical issues can be the makings of an adventure.
the Size also directly influences the Class Rating/Level, known
For example, during a Rebel Campaign they may have to steal as Army Class Rating (ACR).
supplies from the Empire to stage an attack, or acquire advanced
technology. Such Hit-and-Run missions are best suited for the
heroes themselves, and maybe a small group of reinforcements, SHIPS AND MASS COMBAT
with the rewards being self-evident. Usually, a GM shouldn’t have Capital Ships such as a Star
Destroyer or Hammerhead Cruiser actively participating in
Mass Combat, however the situation may warrant it should the
players draw too much attention or wreak too much havoc. On
SUPER-QUICK REFERENCE the other hand, they may be allied with such forces, and you
These mass combat rules treat armies as if they were individual need a way to calculate which ships survive and which don’t.
creatures. Instead of making 100 attack rolls for each side of
a battle (hence, this change), you treat an army as one unit At the time I write this, the new Mass Combat system is
and the opposing army as another unit, and they battle each dependant on ship types and their CR. In a Fleet, the combat
other with just one roll each. Instead of the armies taking turns is generalized in ship classes: Fighters can only be grouped
attacking each other, they roll simultaneously. Smaller armies with each other, Cruisers with other cruisers and so on. This
have fewer individual units, larger armies have more units, segmentations stems from the math involved in the original
and the number of units directly relates to how dangerous Kingmaker system.
an army is. For example, Star Destroyers are now CR 28 and can fight a
small fleet on its own. Launching its full complement of 72
Every army has a commander, typically a seasoned veteran, Fighters (4 TIE Squadrons and 3 Bomber Squadrons) it comes
who directs the army’s actions. You can lead an army yourself, down to a CR 20+10 with overlapping attack scores, defenses
making you its commander and providing bonuses depending and abilities. Segmentation is simpler, and easier to tally an
on your Regional leadership role. After-Action report of losses and kills, however if it becomes
necessary, a GM could bunch up an entire fleet using only the
Armies can learn different tactics, such as using Snipers, highest defense and offense scores.
forming a defensive wall, or dirty tricks. An army can use
strategies like attacking recklessly and aggressively (much UNIT TYPES IN MASS COMBAT
like a creature using the Power Attack feat) or being cautious Since this system generalizes quite a bit, the “types” of units
and defensive (like using Combat Expertise). The army’s within an Army Unit represent the majority of units that make
commander decides the tactics and strategy used in battle. it up. If a Clone Batallion actually has a 6 ARC Troopers and
Engineers, it’s not enough to merit stat changes.
Conditions on the battlefield affect the process and outcome
of the battle. For example, muddy terrain slows walking armies HIT POINTS
but has no effect on flying armies; night combat hinders human An Army Unit’s HP is calculated by taking its ACR × the average
armies but not droid armies. hp value of 1 Hit Dice of the army’s units (3.5 for d6 HD, 4.5
for d8 HD, 5.5 for d10 HD, and 6.5 for d12 HD). Soldiers have
Resolving the battle consists of three phases in which the a Hit Dice of 1d10, so an army of trained soldiers has 5.5 × 1
commanders decide on tactics, the armies make ranged CR = 5 HP (rounded down).
attacks (if any), and the armies then close to melee range.
They then remain in melee until one side flees or is destroyed. Out of combat, an Army heals its ACR value per day (no
movement or battles, as if a character were sleeping). Once
The following summarizes the key rolls you’ll make when using per day, Commanders may attempt a Loyalty Check against
mass combat: the Regions DC, with success indicating the Army heals twice
Offense Check: d20 + Offense Modifier (OM) its ACR for that day.

Damage Dealt: Offense check result - the defending army’s

Defense Value (DV)

Morale Check: d20 + the commander’s modifiers + the army’s

Morale score

“Healing Armies” Combat Disparity
To clarify, “healing” is a combination of actual wound healing For the purposes of streamlining and evening out combat
and getting fresh troops to replace losses. If the GM feels between densely armored units, particularly capital ships, any
circumstances somehow limit these conditions (lack of medical unit with DR 20 or more has thiss value halved when calculating
equipment, interrupted sleep or lack of reinforcements) then Army/Fleet DV. This may be changed in the future with further
they can put a limit on how much can be healed, treated as testing.
persistant damage.

ATTRITION Armies and Fleets start out with 0 Morale and can change to -4
Just like any other Stat-based object in SAGA Edition, Army (worst) to +4 (best) and can only modified by the Commander,
Units have a Damage Threshold named “Attrition”. They all Fear Effects and such. If their Morale reaches -5 or lower, the
have 3 Attrition values, determined by dividing the total HP by troops disband or desert and you no longer control them.
4 and subtracting the result from the total HP until you have
all 3 values. It should look something like this: SPEED
This indicates how many 12-mile (19.3 Km) the units traverse
(Total HP) / Attrition 1 / Attrition 2 / Attrition 3 in a day’s march. Going through difficult terrain will half
their speed, however this can be overcome by using certain
Whenever an Army Unit drops below one of these numbers, resources like Troop Transports.
they move -1 Persistent Step on the condition track, meaning
a penalty to Defense, Offense and Morale. If playing with the CONSUMPTION
Supply Cache rules, Attrition can only be removed by paying SC This values shows how much SC it costs to maintain the army
equal to the amount of steps moved down the Condition Track. per week, translated into food, equipment maintenence and
payment for troops. The base Condumption is an army’s ACR
OFFENSE MODIFIER (OM) divided by 2 (minimum 1).
These Mass Combat rules simplify Attack and Damage into this
single value. OM is added to the d20 Attack Roll to determine If you should fall behind on paying the Consumption, the
the army’s success in combat. This number is usually the same army’s morale drops by -2 until you pay off the debt.
as the ACR, but can be enhanced with upgraded weapons,
abilities and circumstances (see Boons and Resources). COMMANDER
Heroic Commanders can turn the tide of a battle. They don’t
The Damage an Army inflicts is calculated like Damage just lead, but direct the troops in a far more effective way
Reduction. If an Army rolls 17 and their enemy’s Defense Value than most would.
(DV) is 10, they take 7 points of damage.
Their Charisma Modifier and 1/5th of their Knowledge (Tactics)
DEFENSE VALUE (DV) is automatically added as a Morale Bonus to the army they’re
As stated earlier, DV functions much the same as Damage leading.
Reduction. DV is calculated by the ACR + 10 + DR, also adding
any bonuses from fortifications, settlement Defense Scores Their Leadership Score (Heroic Level + Charisma Mod.) allows
and circumstances. them to know and activate more than one Boon during a
battle. Boons are passive abilities that enhance your armies,
MORALE and a Commander grants the bonuses from all their boons to
Self evident; used when changing Battle Tactics, whether or their army, as long as they’re active within that army or fleet.
not an Army or Fleet routs from devastating attacks and similar
Strategies determine the overall attitude an Army or Fleet will
Table: Army Sizes attack with, thus, can be used to bolster even raw recruits.
Army Size Number of Units ACR On the First Melee or Ranged Phase, the Army or Fleet
Fine 1 Individual unit CR -8 Commander selects a strategy from one of the five options
Diminutive 10 Individual unit CR -6 on the Strategy Track, which adjust the overall DV and OM.
One very big difference from Tactics and Boons is that they
Tiny 25 Individual unit CR -4
directly affect the Damage dealt when overcoming DV.
Small 50 Individual unit CR -2
Medium 100 Individual unit CR Leaders be warned, however, a Commander may freely shift
Large 200 Individual unit CR +2 1 step up or down the Strategy Track, but shifting 2 or more
Huge 500 Individual unit CR +4 steps requires a DC 20 Morale Check.
Gargantuan 1,000 Individual unit CR +6
Colossal 2,000 Individual unit CR +8

Strategy DV OM Damage Dealt
Consort: Loyalty
Defensive +4 -4 -6
Mayor: Loyalty
Cautious +2 -2 -3 Governor: Hold the Line
Standard +0 +0 +0 Commander: Bonus Tactic, Flexible Tactics, Defensive Tactics,
Aggressive -2 +2 +3 Sharpshooter
Reckless -4 +4 +6 Ambassador: Defensive Tactics, Triage
Pastor: Hold the Line, Live off the Land, Triage
TACTICS Administrator/Regional Overseer: Flexible Tactics, Loyalty
Tactics are options an army can use in a battle like talents Lt. Commander: Live off the Land, Hit and Run, Sharpshooter,
and special abilities. Armies and Fleets can learn new tactics Triage
through Victory, up to a maximum of 1/2 its ACR. Imperial: Replace Hit and Run for Loyalty or Merciless
Guard Captain: Bloodied but Unbroken, Loyalty
At the beginning of a battle, the Commander selects a single • Imperial Inquisitor: Merciless, Hold the Line
tactic to use, which may be changed during the Ranged or Agent/ISB Officer: Hit and Run, Sharpshooter
Melee Phase by succeeding a DC 15 Morale Check. Success Minister: Loyalty
means their new orders have been successfully transmitted Liason: Loyalty
and understood. Any modifiers from the previous tactic are Superintendant: Defensive Tactics, Hold the Line, Loyalty
replaced by those specified by the new tactic.
As with Battlefield Conditions, gaining benefits from a tactic is Many of the units in this handbook have their own special
subject to GMs discretion, for example, Expert Flankers will be abilities, mainly to reflect what they’re particularly good
rendered useless if you cannot actually flank your opponent, (or not) at. For Example, TIE Interceptors and A-Wingswere
such as a Space Station. designed to outmaneuver Multirole Fighters and hunt down
bombers. Likewise, the Tartan Patrol Cruiser and the Corellian
RESOURCES CR90 Corvette are especially equipped to handle incoming
These are actual assets you may purchase for an army, though fighters.
Fleets in particular, and several Elite Units, already come with
their own. Resources also increase the Consumption costs of In this system, several of these Abilities can be used with
an army, so it’s advisable to plan accordingly. Tactics and Boons to produce devastating effects!

The cost of purchasing Resources scales depending on its size. VICTORY, ROUT OR DEFEAT
Armies and Fleets emerge Victorious is all enemies flee the
BOONS battlefield or are defeated.
Boons are special, passive abilities a Commander grants to
their army, and an active and presennt commander grants all Defeat: Army or Fleet hitpoints are reduced to 0, any survivors
ther boons to their army. are so demoralized and wounded (and likely captured) that
all sense of order is lost. Within Regional Control, you must
If the Commander of an Army or Fleet is also a Regional Leader, reduce Economy, Loyalty and Stability depending on the
they automatically know 1 Boon depending on what thyeir defeated army’s Size.
role is. Other Boons can be learned normally:
Rout: Chaotic and Disorderly retreat of the defeated force rom
Governor: Bloodied but Unbroken, Loyalty the battlefield. If an Army or Fleet’s Hitpoints are reduced to
• Imperial Moff: Bloodied, but Unbroken, Hold the Line equal or less than their ACR, the Commander must attempt a
DC 15 Morale Check. If unsuccessful, their forces retreat, and
if unable to, surrender and are captured.
Army Size Economy Loyalty Stability
Fine 0 0 0
Clone and Droid Forces and Rout
Because of their nature, Loyalty checks on Routed Clone and
Diminutive 0 -1 0 Droid Forces are considered an automatic success, however they
Tiny -1 -1 0 still maintain the Morale penalty.
Small -1 -1 -1
Medium -2 -2 -2 All armies in battle with the routed army may attempt a
Large -3 -2 -2 final Offense Check againt them, however, depending on the
circumstances the GM may raise the Commander’s Dark Side
Huge -1 -2 -2 Score.
Gargantuan -4 -2 -3
Colossal -4 -3 -6 Army or Fleet Morale is reduced by 1, and if its current HP is

lower than its ACR, it is healed until HP = ACR.

Routed Armies and Fleets refuse to fight until you succeed

at a Loyalty Check during the Region’s Upkeep Phase (once
per turn). Besides refusing to initiate combat, Routed armies
behave normally.

If an Army or Fleet is destroyed (in which case, they and
any other PCs and relevant NPCs must succeed in a DC 20
Acrobatics check to get into an Escape Pod), the GM needs to
roll a d100 (or two d10s) to determine the outcome:

If the Commander is an NPC, they’re either Killed (01—20),

captured (21—70), or escape (71—00). If the Commander is
a Player, the GM should present an opportunity to escape
with serious injuries (at 25% hp or lower), otherwise you are
captured and held for ransom. The other PCs may pay SC,
credits, or other resources to ransom you, or the GM may
allow the other PCs to have an adventure where they attempt
to rescue you instead of simply buying your freedom.

Tactics, Resources, Boons and Abilities

Your army’s attacks have no additional modifiers to its OM,
Cautious Combat DV, or damage.
Your army fights cautiously in order to maintain morale.
Decrease its OM by 2, and add 2 to all its Morale checks. Taunt
Your army is skilled at taunting its opponents, provoking stupid
Cavalry Experts mistakes and overconfidence in battle. The target army must
Your army’s OM increases by 2 against armies that aren’t attempt a Morale check (DC = 10 + your army’s ACR) at the
mounted. The army must have the mount resource to use start of each Melee or Ranged phase; failure means it reduces
this tactic. its OM and DV against your army by 2 for that phase. If the
target army succeeds at two of these Morale checks, it’s
Defensive Wall immune to this tactic for the remainder of the battle.
Your army fights defensively, taking actions to protect fellow
units as needed. Decrease its OM by 2, and increase its DV by 2. Withdraw*
Your army tries to escape from all armies attacking it. The
Dirty Fighters army attempts an opposed Morale check against each army
Your army uses trickery and unfair tactics to gain an advantage attacking it to maintain discipline (any army may voluntarily
at the start of a battle. For one Melee or Ranged phase this fail this check), but doesn’t need to attempt the usual Morale
battle, its OM increases by 6. (After that Melee phase, the check to change tactics when switching to withdraw. If all of
opposing army knows to be ready for such tricks.) these checks are successful, your army may withdraw from
the battlefield or treat the phase as a Ranged phase. If only
Expert Flankers some are successful, you may withdraw or treat the phase as
Your army is skilled at surrounding the foe and distracting a Ranged phase, but enemy armies in the battle may attack
them, at the cost of spreading out too much and being more you as if you were in Melee. Whether or not the checks are
vulnerable. Increase its OM by 2, and decrease its DV by 2. successful, reduce your army’s OM and DV by 2 for the rest
of this phase.
False Retreat
Once per battle, your army can make a false retreat, luring a RESOURCES
target enemy army deeper into your territory. On the phase
your army makes a false retreat, it doesn’t attempt an Offense Anti-Air Units
check. On the phase after it uses this tactic, increase its OM The Army is equipped with guided missile launchers, E-Web
and DV by 6 against the target army. Turrets and portable sensors to deal with flying vehicles such
as airspeeders and starfighters. Armies equipped with this
Full Defense resource ignore the penalty imposed by Flight, their DV and
Your army focuses on total defense of the battlefield. Increase OM increases by 2 against said units. However, they take a -2
its DV by 4, and decrease its OM by 4. DV penalty against other ground units.
Prerrequisites: War Center (Anti-Air Research)
Relentless Brutality Consumption +2
Your army throws caution to the wind and attacks with savage
and gory vigor. Increase its OM by 4, and decrease its DV by 4. Anti-Armor Units
The Army is equipped with PLEX missile launchers, plasma
Siegebreaker grenades and thermal detonators for precision strikes against
Your army targets another army’s siege engines in an attempt enemy vehicles. The army’s OM increases by 3 against armies
to destroy them. If your army damages the target army, your with Mounts and Vehicles.
army attempts a second Offense check; if successful, destroy Prerrequisites: War Center (Saboteur Research)
one of the target’s siege engines. This tactic has no effect on Consumption +4
enemy armies without siege engines.
Disruptor Weapons (20 SC)
Sniper Support The army is armed with illegal disruptor weapons, increasing
Your army holds some ranged units in reserve to attack a target OM by 1. All attacks against an opposing army are treated if
enemy army during the Melee phase. If your army damages its Attrition Value were 5 points lower.
the target army in the Melee phase, it deals 2 additional points
of damage from these ranged attacks. The army must have Prerrequisites: Member of the Hutt Cartel, The Exchange or
ranged attacks to use this tactic. Zann Consortium; Black Market, War Center (Tenloss Market),
Merc Outfitter and Starport or Industrial Complex.
Consumption +2

Improved Armor (3 SC) Personal Shields(10 SC)
The army is outfitted with reinforced armor, increasing DV and This army is equipped with advanced personal shields to
Consumption by 1. For 15 SC, you can outfit the army with increase their defensive capabilities. Increase the army’s DV
Superior Armor, increasing DV and Consumption by 2 instead. and Consumption by 1.

Prerrequisites: War Center and an Artisan Center, Trade Prerrequisites: War Center, University, SpecForce Center/
Port, Foundry or Industrial Complex. SpecForce Center/ Stormtrooper Facility/Merc Outfitter and Small Factory or
Stormtrooper Facility/Merc Outfitter for Superior Armor. Industrial Complex

Improved Weapons (5 SC) Note: In the case of Droidekas, they are already considered
The army is armed with modified weapons, increasing OM and to have this resource. The GM should adjust their DV and
Consumption by 1. For 20 SC, you can outfit the army with Consumption accordingly.
heavy blasters and rifles, increasing OM and Consumption by
2 instead. Heavy Shields (Passive)
This resource represents much heavier versions of a shield
Prerrequisites: War Center and an Artisan Center, Trade generator, for every 20 SR the individual unit of a group has
Port, Small Factory or Industrial Complex. SpecForce Center/ (after the first 20) the group is considered to have +1 of this
Stormtrooper Facility/Merc Outfitter for Superior Weapons. resource. Adjust DV and Consumption accordingly (due to
extra maintenance costs)
Melee Weapons (2 SC)
The army is equipped with melee weapons (such as swords, Proton Torpedoes (5 SC)
vibroblades and lanvaroks), gaining melee attack capability. This Army is equipped with Proton Torpedo launchers and may
Increase its Consumption by 1. deal 1d4 damage per turn. Until used, Consumption increases
by 1.
Prerrequisites: Small Factory, Industrial Complex or Trade Port
Reserve Troops
Medpacs (5 SC) The Army is has a reserve contingent of soldiers ready to
Each unit is equipped with, at least, one Medpac. At any point bolster their own numbers or reinforce other armies. Once
during a battle (usually no more than twice per battle), the per battle, you may move up one Attrition Value during the
commander can order their units to use their Medpacs. The Tactics Phase.
army doesn’t attempt an Offense check that phase, but heals a Consumption ACR + 1/4 (rounded up)
number of hit points equal to twice its ACR. Each time an army
uses its Medpacs, increase its Consumption that week by 2. Troop Transports (SC = 1/2 x Army ACR)
The army has access to small personnel transports and
Prerrequisites: Medical Center, Trade Port, Hospital, Market, speeders, increasing their Speed and Consumption by 1. They
Shuttleport, Spaceport, Small Factory, or Temple. may also ignore terrain penalties for all difficult terrain except
Forest and Mountain. To purchase this resource, a settlement
Advanced Medpacs (10 SC) in your region must have a War Center and Vehicle Yard or
Functions like the Medpac resource above. The army doesn’t Industrial Complex.
attempt an Offense check that phase, but heals a number of
hit points equal to triple its ACR. Each time an army uses its Vehicle Army (SC detailed in Faction chapter)
Medpacs, increase its Consumption that week by 3. This army is made up of specialized vehicles such as AT-ST,
AAT-1 tanks, T2-B tanks. Since these units usually have a
Prerrequisites: Medical Center and a Trade Port, Hospital, higher CR then normal infantry, use the vehicle’s stats as
Market, Shuttleport, Spaceport, Small Factory, or Temple. the Individual Unit, with detrimental effects such as poison,
mobility and armor-piercing only having 1/2 their effects.
Mounts (SC = Mount’s ACR) Ground Vehicles tend to have significant RD, therefore it is
The army is mounted on dewbacks, horses or other war- halved. Modifications to army stats are listed in the Faction
trained animals. Increase its OM and DV by 2, and increase chapter.
its Consumption by 1. If your army uses mounts that are more
powerful than the units themselves, your army’s ACR and War Mechs (SC detailed in Faction chapter)
derived scores might increase. No major conflict in Star Wars is complete without the towering
AT-ATs, hulking AT-TEs or the Seperatist Hailfire droids. Though
Prerrequisites: Animal Nursery (and appropiate research) and each Mech provides different bonuses and special abilities.
a Trade Port or Spaceport. For Vehicles, see each faction’s Additionally, their cost doesn’t scale with the army’s size
Research Tree. but you may only have 1 War Mech per Army Size (Fine, 1

Mech; Diminutive, 2 Mechs; Tiny 3 and so on). To purchase the first Melee phase, the army may use the withdraw tactic
War Mechs you need a War Center, University and Advanced with a +2 bonus on its opposed Morale checks. A commander
Mech Yard, as well as the appropiate research. must have Leadership 5 or higher to select this boon. At
Leadership 10 or higher, this bonus increases to +4.
You may take a purchased resource from one army and give Hold the Line
it to an army of equal or smaller size so long as the creatures The commander is skilled at convincing the army to maintain
in the recipient armies can use the resource (for example, morale against dangerous opponents. If the army fails a
improved weapons for a Dark Trooper army are of little use Morale check to avoid a rout, it may reroll that check. It must
to an army of ewoks). Doing so doesn’t cost SC, but reduces accept the results of the second check, even if it is worse.
the Morale of the donating army by 1.
At the GM’s discretion, you may divide a resource among Jedi Defense I
several smaller armies, so long as the total number of units Prerequitiste: Jedi 6
in the smaller armies doesn’t exceed the number of units in The commander orders an Army of Jedi or Sith to focus on
the donating army. defense for 1 turn. Its DV increases by 1/2 [Force] and any
If you disband an army with a resource, you can give that damage dealt is reduced by 1/2, to a minimum of 1 damage
resource to another suitable army, store it for later (such as point.
an army you recruit next year), or sell it for half its SC value.
Jedi Defense II
BOONS Prerequitiste: Jedi 6, Jedi Knight 2
The commander orders an Army of Jedi Knights or Sith Warriors
Boons are special abilities a commander grants to an army. to focus on defense for 1 turn. Its DV increases by 1/2 [Force].
Most of these boons affect the rolls and statistics for battles, If any damage is taken, half of it is returned to the attacking
and the commander must be present at the battle to provide army and the other half is dealt normally.
their benefit. A commander grants the army all the boons they
knows (they don’t have to select just one). Jedi Defense III
Prerequitiste: Jedi 6, Jedi Knight 3, Jedi Master 2
Bloodied but Unbroken The commander orders an Army of Jedi Masters or Sith Lords
The commander inspires the army to be at its greatest in to focus on defense for 1 turn. Its DV increases by 1/2 [Force]
the most desperate times. When an army’s hit points are at and any damage taken may be completely returned to the
half its full normal hit points or fewer, it gains a +1 bonus on attacking force.
Offense checks. A commander must have Leadership 4 or
higher to select this boon. At Leadership 10 or higher, this Live off the Land
bonus increases to +2. Prerequitiste: Explorer 4
The commander makes the army trap game, hunt, and fish to
Bonus Tactic augment its food supplies. Reduce the army’s Consumption
Choose one tactic. The commander always knows this tactic, and speed by half for any week this boon is used. The GM
and the commander’s army can use this tactic even if it doesn’t may rule that Huge and larger armies deplete the available
know that tactic on its own. You can select this boon multiple resources from a hex over 1d3 weeks, requiring the army to
times; each time you select it, choose a new tactic. move if it wants to maintain the reduced Consumption level.

Defensive Tactics Loyalty

The commander is especially good at defensive tactics. Increase The commander inspires great loyalty in the army. The army
the army’s DV by 2. A commander must have Leadership 5 or gains a +2 bonus on all Morale checks. A commander must
higher to select this boon. have Leadership 6 or higher to select this boon. At Leadership
12 or higher, this bonus increases to +4.
Flexible Tactics
The commander trains the army to be receptive to multiple Merciless
orders during a battle. The army gains a +5 bonus on Morale Prerequitiste: Dark Side 7
checks to change tactics during a battle. A commander must The commander encourages the army to be ruthless in its
have Leadership 6 or higher to select this boon. At Leadership tactics and spare no wounded enemies. The army gains a +1
12 or higher, this bonus increases to +10. bonus on opposed Morale checks to prevent another army
from withdrawing and on the last Offense check against a
Hit and Run routed army or one using the withdraw tactic. The first two
The commander drills the army in quick attacks followed by a times this Boon is used, increase the Commander and Army’s
fast retreat. After attacks are resolved in the Ranged phase or Dark Side score by 1.

Sharpshooter Aquatic
Prerequitiste: Precision Shot, Soldier/Explorer/Scoundrel 4 or The army increases its OM and DV by 1 against armies in the
Jedi/Noble 7 water or on ships. The army decreases its OM by 2 against
The commander drills the army in precision ranged attacks. armies on land (unless the army also has the amphibious
The army gains a +2 bonus on Offense checks against armies special ability, in which case it doesn’t have this OM penalty).
using fortifications. This boon has no effect if the army can’t
make ranged attacks. Armor Training (Fighter 3)*
This class feature adjusts the base speed of units in medium
Triage armor; adjust the army’s speed accordingly.
Whether using medical equipment, the Force, herbalism,
or folk knowledge, the commander drills the army in using Army of Light*
emergency methods to treat wounds. Once per battle, the In one Melee phase or at Point-Blank range per battle, the
army may take a —4 penalty on its Offense check during the army may increase its OM or DV by 2 against an army with a
Ranged or Melee phase and heal damage equal to half its Dark Side score equal to, at least, half your ACR.
ACR. If the army has the Advanced Medpacs resource, it also
gains the healing from this boon (without the Offense check Bleed
penalty) when it uses medpacs. When this army deals damage in melee, the target army takes
an automatic 1d6 points of damage at the start of the next
Part of the fun of playing out a war in a Star Wars game is
the fact that you aren’t limited to real-world troops. Though Burn
most recruited units are soldiers or droids, you may be able This ability functions as bleed.
to recruit an army of wookiees, jedi, or other characters with
abilities useful in mass combat. Burrow
You might even be able to recruit creatures, whether humanoids The army can dig under one fortification (or City Walls) by
such as tuskans, gungans, and jawas, or exotic creatures such spending a Ranged or Melee phase moving. In later phases, it
as Dathomiri Rancors and Junk Golems. These creatures could ignores that fortification’s Defense. During the phase the army
have special abilities useful in mass combat. A typical region uses burrow, it can attack or be attacked only by armies using
doesn’t have access to creature armies unless it has formed burrow or earth glide.
alliances with such creatures, either through formal Diplomatic
edicts or befriending them during adventures. Bombing Run
Modifiers for these abilities apply only if most of the units in an Blah Blah bomb blah
army have the listed ability. For a class ability, a parenthetical
note after the ability name indicates the class and the level Cannibalize
the units of the army must be to confer that ability. This listing Reduce Consumption by 1 (minimum 0) for any week in which
doesn’t include class abilities acquired after 5th level, as it’s the army wins a battle and is allowed to feed on fallen corpses.
unlikely you’ll be able to recruit enough units of that class
level to form an army. If a class ability listed here presents Concentrated Fire*
two alternative options, you must choose one of these options Once per battle, the army may increase its OM by 2 against
when the army is formed, and it can’t ever be changed. a target army, but it also reduces its DV by 1 against attacks
from any army that is not the target army. These effects last
Ability Damage/Drain for the rest of the battle.
This ability functions as bleed. Note: Some ships, like the Star Destroyers, can divert even
more power and add +2 or +3 on these bonuses, thus a Star
Alchemy (Alchemist 1) Destroyer, with Concentrated Fire +2 would have DV -3, OM +4.
Once per battle, the army can heal itself as if it had the healing
potions resource. This doesn’t cost BP. Channel Negative Energy (Cleric 1)*
In the Melee phase, the army deals +1d4 points of damage
Amphibious against a living target army. If the army with this ability is
The army can move in or across bodies of water and ignore undead, instead of dealing extra damage to an enemy army,
Defense from water barriers. it can use this ability to heal itself; if it takes an OM penalty
equal to half its ACR for one Ranged or Melee phase, it heals
Animal Companion (Druid 1, Ranger 4) a number of hit points equal to its ACR.
The army’s animal companions increase the army’s OM by 1.
The army treats the Defense of fortifications as 25% lower

than normal. This benefit doesn’t apply if the fortification enough to lower it Attiriton Value, that army must attempt a
can’t reasonably be climbed (such as a moat or wall of force). Morale check (DC = 10 + your army’s ACR). Failure means the
enemy army is afraid and can’t attempt an Offense check to
Coordinated Attack (Soldier 2)* attack during the next phase. If an army fails a Morale check
Once per battle, increase the army’s OM for either ranged during a phase in which it is already afraid, it routs.
attacks or melee attacks by 1 for the rest of the battle.
Droid* The army continues to fight even if demoralized or nearly dead.
The army is immune to disease, fear, paralysis, and poison. If the army is defeated or routed, it may continue to act for
one more Melee phase, and its OM and DV are reduced by 4
Damage Reduction* for that phase.
See the entry for significant defense.
Darkvision* If the army doesn’t attack in the Melee phase, it can’t be
The army takes no OM or DV penalties in dim light or darkness. attacked with melee attacks except by an army with flight.
The army ignores Defense bonuses from City Walls, but not
Detonator Packs* other fortifications. It also gains +4 DV against units without
These units are armed with high-yield explosives and may deal the Anti-Air Resource
and extra 1d4 damage during the Melee phase or at Point-
Blank Range. Force Resistance
The army increases its DV by 6 against armies with the
Disease* spellcasting ability.
If the army damages an enemy, the enemy becomes diseased
and takes a cumulative —1 penalty to its OM and DV each day Grab*
after the battle. Curing the disease requires a successful Stability The army’s units latch onto their opponents, making it difficult
check modified by this penalty, and allows the army to reduce to escape. The target army takes a —2 penalty on Morale
this penalty by 1 each day thereafter until the penalty is gone. checks to resist a rout or use the withdraw tactic.

ECM Systems Immunity*

This ship is equipped with a sophisticated Electronic Counter If an army is immune to a particular special ability (such as
Measure suite that allows it to wreak havoc on enemy poison), an enemy army with that ability doesn’t gain those
targetting systems. All Fighters except Interceptors or units benefits against this army. For an army with many immunities,
who share this ability suffer -3 OM when attacking this unit. also see significant defense.
Armies who attack these units always fail, even if they have
Anti-Air Units. Invisibility
Any army attacking this army takes a —2 penalty to its OM
Enhanced Sensors for that attack. Any army attacked by this army takes a —2
The army reduces its OM and DV penalties by half from penalty to its DV against its attacks. Armies that can’t see
darkness, invisibility, and weather. invisible creatures can’t prevent this army from withdrawing.

Energy Drain* Ion Weaponry

If the army damages an enemy, it reduces the enemy’s OM
and DV by 1 for 24 hours. Low-Light Vision*
The army takes no penalties for dim light.
Fast Healing
Each Ranged or Melee phase, this army regains a number of Mindless
hit points equal to half its fast healing value. Outside of battle, The army never fails Morale checks, but must always use
each hour the army regains a number of hit points equal to standard tactics and strategy.
its fast healing value.
Nemesis If the units have a form of mobility that gives them an
The army or squadron increases its OM by 1 against an enemy advantage in the battlefield’s terrain (such as boggards in a
of a specificed type of creature or vehicle. swamp), increase the army’s OM by 1 for that battle against
armies without such mobility.
If the army or squadron damages an enemy army or squadron

Poison Resistance The army reduces its OM and DV penalties from darkness,
If the army takes poison damage, reduce the damage by half invisibility, and weather by half.
of the unit’s poison resistance bonus.
Significant Defense*
Poison* The army has a significant defense such as powerful damage
This ability functions as bleed. reduction or numerous immunities and/or resistances. Increase
its DV by 10, but only against armies that can’t overcome those
Pounce defenses. In some cases, the GM might rule that an army is
The army increases its OM by 1. simply undefeatable by an enemy army because of its defenses
(though the GM should never pit the PCs against such an army
Powerful Charge unless the PCs initiate a foolish battle).
The army increases its OM by 1.
Sneak Attack
Power to Shields* The army increases its OM by 1 when making an ambush,
Once per battle, the army may increase its DV by 2 while when using the expert flankers tactic, or on the phase after
reducing its OM by 2. Its speed also reduces by 1. You may using the false retreat tactic.
choose to use this effect for 1 turn or the rest of the battle.
Note: Some ships, like the Mon Calamari cruisers, can divert Swarm
even more power and add +2 or +3 on these bonuses, thus The army takes half damage from standard attacks, but
an MC80, with Divert Power to Shields +3 would have DV +6, 1-1/2 times as much damage from area attacks. It ignores DV
OM -6. bonuses from armor resources. It can’t harm a force with the
significant defense ability. It automatically succeeds at checks
Sith Empire Training to withdraw.
While not trained in the Dark Side of te Force, the troops
of Revan, Malak and Vitiate’s Sith Empire are continually Tactician
conditioned to take pride in the suffering they inflict on enemy The army automatically learns one tactic (usually the cavalry
forces during their great crusade. Once per day, upon reducing experts tactic); this doesn’t count toward an army’s maximum
an Army to 0 or exceeding their Attrition Value, all engaged number of known tactics.
enemies take -1 Morale until our next turn.
Rage (Wookiee or Sith)* The army ignores the Defense of fortifications. It automatically
Once per battle, the commander may order the army to rage. succeeds at checks to withdraw. Ethereal travel and similar
Increase the army’s OM by 2, decrease its DV by 1, and add effects also grant this ability. An army with teleportation can
a +1 bonus on its Morale checks against fear and routing. travel to any hex on the same day (its speed is irrelevant and
While this is in effect, the army can’t use the tactics cautious not hampered by difficult terrain).
combat, defensive wall, expert flankers, hold the line, sniper
support, or withdraw; nor can it use the defensive or cautious Track
strategies. If using such a tactic or strategy, you immediately The army adds its ACR to Morale checks to prevent an army
switch to the standard tactic or strategy. from using the withdraw tactic and to its DV to prevent
ambushes. It reduces the damage it deals in fog by one quarter
Regeneration instead of one half.
The army regains a number of hit points equal to half its
regeneration value each Ranged or Melee phase. When an Trample
army with regeneration is reduced to 0 hp, it is defeated only The army increases its OM by 1.
if at least one enemy army survives at the end of that phase
to finish off the regenerating creatures. Outside of battle, Tremorsense
the army regains a number of hit points equal to half its The army reduces its OM and DV penalties from darkness,
regeneration value each hour. invisibility, and weather by half.

Rend* Trip
The army increases the damage it deals by 1. Each Melee phase, the target enemy army reduces its DV by
1 until the end of the phase.
See the entry for significant defense. Undead
The army is immune to disease, fear, paralysis, and poison. Its
Scent DV increases by 2.

Unnatural Aura
This ability functions as fear, but applies only to animals
(including animal mounts).

Use the Force

The army can make ranged attacks using the Force. In the
Melee phase, it deals +1d4 points of damage. Instead of dealing
extra damage, the army can use this ability to heal itself: taking
an OM penalty equal to half its ACR for one Ranged or Melee
phase, it heals a number of hit points equal to its ACR

Use the Force II

The army can make ranged attacks using the Force. In the
Melee phase, it deals +1d4 +2 points of damage. Instead of
dealing extra damage, the army can use this ability to heal
itself or another army; taking an OM penalty equal to half its
ACR for one Ranged or Melee phase, it heals a number of hit
points equal to its ACR

Weapon Specialization
Once per battle, increase the army’s OM for either ranged or
melee attacks by 2.

Sample Forces

The following section lists several sample armies and

fleets while also provide some of the most common
ones that can show up in most given campaigns.

For more information, please refer to the Regional

Control Guide, on page 75 onward or per Faction.

Colossal Army of 2,000 Stormtroopers (Nonheroic 2/ Soldier 1) Small Army of 50 Stormtroopers (Nonheroic 2/ Soldier 1)
HP = 49 (9*5.5); ACR 9 (1+8) HP 1; ACR -1
DV 22 (ACR+10+RD 2+1); OM +9; Attrition 37/25/13 (49-12.25); DV 12; OM +0; Attrition 1; Dark Side 1
Dark Side 1 Resources Stormtrooper Armor (Faction, DV 1 RD 2, counts
Resources Stormtrooper Armor (Faction, DV 1 RD 2, counts as Improved Armor)
as Improved Armor) Special Coordinated Attack, Low-light vision, Immune to
Special Coordinated Attack, Low-light vision, Immune to smoke effects
smoke effects Speed 1; Consumption 2
Speed 1; Consumption 4+1 (9/2 = 4.5) Note: This is about as small as you can go for basic units before
This is a typical Stormtrooper Legion used by the Empire to being forced to set all stats to 0. This instance should only be
subjugate worlds or show strength. used if your forces are scattered for any reason or you come
across a small patrol. From this point on the GM should use the
STORMTROOPER VANGUARD (GARGANTUAN) regular SAGA Edition rules for creating Squads and Character-
Gargantuan Army of 1,000 Stormtroopers (Nonheroic 2/ scale combat.
Soldier 1)
DV 20 (ACR+10+RD 2+1); OM +7; Attrition 28/19/9 (38-9.5); Medium Army of 100 Scout Stormtroopers (Nonheroic 2/
Dark Side 1 Soldier 1/Scout 2)
Resources Stormtrooper Armor (Faction, DV 1 RD 2, counts HP 13; ACR 3
as Improved Armor) DV 15; OM +3; Attrition 9/6/3; Dark Side 1
Special Coordinated Attack, Low-light vision, Immune to Tactics Sharpshooter
smoke effects Resources Stormtrooper Armor (Faction, DV 1 RD 2, counts
Speed 1; Consumption 3+1 (7/2 = 3.5) as Improved Armor)
Special Coordinated Attack, Low-light vision, Immune to
Huge Army of 500 Stormtroopers (Nonheroic 2/ Soldier 1) Speed 1; Consumption 4
HP 27; ACR 5
DV 18; OM +5; Attrition 21/16/10; Dark Side 1 IMPERIAL INVASION FORCE (COLOSSAL)
Resources Stormtrooper Armor (Faction, DV 1 RD 2, counts Colossal Army of 2,000 Stormtroopers (Nonheroic 2/ Soldier
as Improved Armor) 1) and 9 AT-ATs as War Mechs
Special Coordinated Attack, Low-light vision, Immune to HP = 139 ([9*5.5]+[9*10]); ACR ~20 (9+AT-ATs)
smoke effects DV 67 ([ACR+10+RD 2+1]+[5*9]); OM +54; Attrition 73/61/49;
Speed 1; Consumption 3 Dark Side 1
Resources Stormtrooper Armor (Faction, DV 1 RD 2, counts
STORMTROOPER COMPANY (LARGE) as Improved Armor), 9 War Mechs (AT-ATs)
Large Army of 200 Stormtroopers (Nonheroic 2/ Soldier 1) Special Coordinated Attack, Low-light vision, Immune to
HP 16; ACR 3 smoke effects and Anti-Air Units, Superior Armor
DV 16; OM +3; Attrition 12/8/4; Dark Side 1 Speed 1; Consumption 4+1+54 (9/2 = 4.5)
Resources Stormtrooper Armor (Faction, DV 1 RD 2, counts
as Improved Armor) This stat block represents a full-fledged Imperial invasion
Special Coordinated Attack, Low-light vision, Immune to equipped with overwhelming firepower, such as the one seen at
smoke effects the Battle of Hoth. In this statblock, the Stormtrooper stats are
Speed 1; Consumption 2 so insignificant compared to their vehicle escorts, the highest
CR used is the AT-AT. The GM should never use a Statblock this
STORMTROOPER COMPANY (MEDIUM) powerful unless the PCs have failed the campaign or are on an
Medium Army of 100 Stormtroopers (Nonheroic 2/ Soldier 1) imperial Fortress World and recklessly attack.
HP 5; ACR 1
DV 13; OM +1; Attrition 4/2/1; Dark Side 1
Resources Stormtrooper Armor (Faction, DV 1 RD 2, counts
as Improved Armor)
Special Coordinated Attack, Low-light vision, Immune to
smoke effects
Speed 1; Consumption 2

Medium Army of 100 Recruits (Nonheroic 3) Tiny Army of 13 Imperial Inquisitors (Jedi 6/Noble 3/Force
HP 2; ACR 1 Adept 1)
DV 11; OM +1; Attrition 1 HP 27; ACR 5
Special Coordinated Attack, Low-light vision, Immune to DV 19; OM +7+1d4; Attrition 20/13/7; Dark Side 7
smoke effects Resources Inquisitor Armor (Faction, DV 2 RD 1, counts as
Speed 1; Consumption 1 Superior Armor), Lightsabers (Superior Weapons)
This stat block can represent fresh recruits, a group of local Special Fear, Ferocity, Use the Force I x1
militia or a basic mercenary or pirate company. This is also the Speed 1; Consumption 9 (recruitment: 20 SC, 10 Special SC)
statblock used if Rebellion erupts in a settlement. If using this Note: Imperial Inquisitors are the Elite of the Galactic Empire’s
statblock as a mercenary company, add Dark Side 3 Jedi Hunters. Determined, Ruthless and Cunning, their main goal
is to capture any remaining Force-Users and turn them to the
Emperor, or destroy them.
Medium Army of 100 Clone Troopers (Nonheroic 6) JEDI PADAWAN SQUAD (TINY)
HP 11; ACR 2 Tiny Army of 20 Jedi Padawans (Jedi 5)
DV 15; OM +2; Attrition 8/5/3 HP 6; ACR 1
Resources Clone Trooper Armor (Faction, DV 1 RD 2, counts DV 14; OM +3+1d4; Attrition 10/7/3; Light Side 3
as Improved Armor) Tactics Jedi Defense I
Special Coordinated Attack, Low-light vision, Immune to Resources Jedi Armor (Faction, DV 1 RD 2, counts as Superior
smoke effects Armor), Lightsabers (Superior Weapons)
Speed 1; Consumption 2 Special Use the Force I
Speed 1; Consumption 5 (recruitment: 10 SC, 5 Special SC)
CLONE ARC TROOPER SQUAD (TINY) Note: This Jedi Padawan squad isn’t particularly combat-
Tiny Army of 25 ARC Troopers (Nonheroic 6/Soldier 3/Elite effective, the GM is encouraged to use this for an Order 66
Trooper 3) Campaign or once they’ve recruited enough Jedi during the
HP 26; ACR 4 Secret Wars Campaign.
DV 20; OM +6; Attrition 19/13/6; Dark Side 2
Resources ARC Trooper Armor (Faction, DV 2 RD 4, counts as JEDI KNIGHT SQUAD (TINY)
Superior Armor), Superior Weapons Tiny Army of 13 Jedi Knights (Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 3)
Special Coordinated Attack +2, Low-light vision, Immune to HP 27; ACR 5
smoke effects DV 29; OM +7+1d4+2; Attrition 20/13/7; Light Side 8
Speed 1; Consumption 8 Tactics Jedi Defense I , Jedi Defense II
Resources Jedi Armor (Faction, DV 1 RD 2, counts as Superior
VETERAN CLONE TROOPER COMPANY (MEDIUM) Armor), Lightsabers (Superior Weapons)
Medium Army of 100 Clone Troopers (Nonheroic 10) Special Army of Light, Use the Force II,
HP 16; ACR 3 Speed 1; Consumption 9 (recruitment: 20 SC, 10 Special SC)
DV 16; OM +2; Attrition 12/8/4 Note: This is a typical squad of Jedi Knights the Council might
Resources Clone Trooper Armor (Faction, DV 1 RD 2, counts send on assignment to particularly dangerous worlds. The
as Improved Armor) number of units are halved for roleplaying purposes, since there
Special Coordinated Attack, Low-light vision, Immune to are only 10,000 Jedi Knights at any given time and the only times
smoke effects the Council would send 2,000 Jedi is during the New Sith Wars
Speed 1; Consumption 4 or the Great Hyperspace War. Also, Jedi are made to be difficult
to recruit because Use the Force is extremely powerful.
Medium Army of 100 Elite Clone Troopers (Nonheroic 9/Soldier MANDALORIAN NEO-CRUSADER COMPANY (MEDIUM)
1/Elite Trooper 2) Medium Army of 100 Mandalorian Soldiers (Soldier 4)
HP 33; ACR 6 HP 11; ACR 2
DV 20; OM +8; Attrition 24/16/8; Dark Side 4 DV 16; OM +3; Attrition 16/11/5; Dark Side 1; Light Side 1
Resources Clone Trooper Armor (Faction, DV 1 RD 2, counts Resources Mandalorian Neo-Crusader Armor (Faction, DV 2
as Improved Armor) RD 2, counts as Superior Armor), Improved Weapons, Melee
Tactics Bloodied, but Unbroken; Sharpshooter Weapons
Resources Improved Weapons Special Ferocity, Fear, Low-light vision, Immune to smoke
Special Coordinated Attack +1, Low-light vision, Immune to effects
smoke effects; Elite Trooper (RD 1) Speed 1; Consumption 6
Speed 1; Consumption 8

Tiny Army of 100 Mandalorian Soldiers (Scout 2/Soldier 5) HP 11; ACR 2 (4-2)
HP 22; ACR 3 DV 15; OM +3; Attrition 8/5/3; Dark Side 1; Light Side 2
DV 17; OM +5; Attrition 16/11/5; Dark Side 3 Resources Republic Trooper Armor (Faction, DV 1 RD 2, counts
Resources Mandalorian Neo-Crusader Armor (Faction, DV 2 as Improved Armor), Improved Weapons
RD 2, counts as Superior Armor), Superior Weapons, Melee Special Army of Light, Coordinated Attack +1, Low-light vision,
Weapons, Mobility (Jet Pack) Immune to smoke effects
Special Bleed, Ferocity, Fear, Low-light vision, Immune to Speed 1; Consumption 1
smoke effects
Speed 2; Consumption 10 (recruitment cost 10 SC, 3 SEPERATIST DROID COMPANY (MEDIUM)
Organization SC, 1 Special SC) Medium Army of 100 Battle Droids (B-Series) (Nonheroic 6)
HP 11; ACR 2
PIRATE COMPANY (MEDIUM) DV 12; OM +2; Attrition 8/5/2
Medium Army of 100 Pirates (Nonheroic 3/Scoundrel 3) Tactics Ferocity
HP 14; ACR 4 Special Concentrated Fire +1, Droid, Low-light vision
DV 14; OM +4; Attrition 10/7/3; Dark Side 2 Speed 1; Consumption 1
Tactics Dirty Fighters
Medium Army of 100 Sith Empire Troopers (Nonheroic 2/
Medium Army of 100 Rebel Trooper (Nonheroic 3) HP 11; ACR 2
HP 5; ACR 1 DV 17; OM +2; Attrition 8/5/3; Dark Side 2
DV 11; OM +1; Attrition 3/2/1; Light Side 1 Resources Sith Trooper Armor (Faction, DV 1 RD 4 counts as
Tactics Hit and Run Superior Armor)
Speed 1; Consumption 1 Special Sith Empire Training, Low-light vision, Immune to
smoke effects
Medium Army of 50 Rebel Marksmen (Scout 4)
DV 14; OM +5; Attrition 16/11/5; Light Side 2 Medium Army of 100 Sith Empire Veteran Troopers (Nonheroic
Resources Improved Weapons 2/Soldier 4)
Tactics Live off the Land, Sharpshooter HP 22; ACR 4
Special Detonator Packs x1 DV 19; OM +4; Attrition 16/11/5; Dark Side 4
Speed 1; Consumption 5 Resources Sith Trooper Armor (Faction, DV 1 RD 4 counts as
Superior Armor)
Special Concentrated Fire +1 Sith Empire Training, Low-light
REPUBLIC MARINE COMPANY (MEDIUM) vision, Immune to smoke effects
Medium Army of 100 Republic Marines (Nonheroic 6) Speed 1; Consumption 3
HP 11; ACR 2
Resources Republic Marine Armor (RD 1), Melee Weapons Small Army of 50 Trandoshans (Nonheroic 4/ Soldier 2)
Special Coordinated Attack HP 1; ACR 1
Speed 1; Consumption 4 DV 11; OM +3; Attrition 1; Dark Side 2
Resources Improved Weapons
Medium Army of 100 Republic Troopers (Nonheroic 6) Speed 1; Consumption 3
HP 11; ACR 2
DV 15; OM +3; Attrition 8/5/3; Dark Side 1; Light Side 2 WOOKIEE WARRIOR COMPANY (MEDIUM)
Resources Republic Trooper Armor (Faction, DV 1 RD 2, counts Medium Army of 100 Wookiees (Soldier 4)
as Improved Armor), Improved Weapons HP 22; ACR 4
Special Coordinated Attack +1, Low-light vision, Immune to DV 14; OM +5; Attrition 4/2/1; Light Side 2
smoke effects Resources Improved Weapons, Melee Weapons
Speed 1; Consumption 4 Tactics Bloodied, but Unbroken
Special Rage
“HAVOC SQUAD” PLATOON (SMALL) Speed 1; Consumption 6
Small Army of 50 Havoc Squad Commandos (Nonheroic 6/

INCOM T-65 X-WING SQUADRON (DIMINUTIVE) Alderaan Cruiser, is a small, multi-purpose ship used by a variety
Diminutive Squadron of 12 T-65 X-Wing Starfighters (CR 10) of organizations in the galaxy. The Rebel CR90 is mainly used as
HP 22; ACR 4 an anti-fighter ship by the Alliance and as a quick-strike vehicle.
DV 20; OM +6; Attrition 16/11/5;
Resources Superior Weapons, Shields; Proton Torpedos x1 KDY EF76 NEBULON-B FRIGATE
Special Coordinated Attack Fine Squadron of 1 Nebulon-B Frigate (CR 16)
Speed 3; Consumption 7+1 HP 44; ACR 8
DV 32; OM +11; Attrition 33/22/11;
“The Incom T-65 X-wing is the fighter that killed the Death Resources Heavy Shields x4, x1 T-65 X-Wing Starfighter
Star. An almost perfect balance of speed, maneuverability, and Squadron, x1 Y-Wing Bomber Squadron
defensive shielding.” The X-Wing carries Superior Weapons due Special Power to Shields
to its quad laser cannons and ability to reroute power with the Speed 2; Consumption 8 (recruitment 20 SC, 10 OSC)
onboard astromech droid.
The EF76 Nebulon-B frigate was first fielded by the Empire
KOENSAYR Y-WING SQUADRON (DIMINUTIVE) to counter Rebel Starfighter convoy raids. Once this became
Diminutive Squadron of 12 Y-Wing Bombers (CR 10) evident, the Alliance simply decided to raid the frigates
HP 22; ACR 4 themselves, boarding them with SpecForce marines and
DV 20; OM +4; Attrition 16/11/5; securing them for their fleets. Unfortunately, they have a
Resources Heavy Shields x1; Proton Torpedos x2 number of weaknesses, such as the reinforced midsection,
Special Ion Weapons, Bombing Run and are instead used as command, support and anti-fighter
Speed 3; Consumption 6+2 frigates. Rebel Nebulon-Bs can carry 2 Fighter Squadrons and
docked 3 Transports.
The Y-Wing has been used since before the Clone Wars and has
suffered consecutive variations and retrofits, making it one of MC80 “HOME ONE” COMMAND CRUISER
the most durable vehicles during the Galactic Civil War. This Fine Squadron of 1 MC80 “Home One” Mon Calamari
statblock represents the Y-ing in its iconic bomber configuration Command Cruiser (CR 22)
and can be used for both the Republic and Rebel Alliance forces. HP 72; ACR 11
DV 37; OM +13; Attrition 54/36/18;
INCOM RZ-1 A-WING SQUADRON (DIMINUTIVE) Resources Heavy Shields x5, x3 T-65 X-Wing Starfighter
Diminutive Squadron of 12 RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptors (CR 9) Squadrons, x1 A-Wing Interceptor Squadrons, x3 Y-Wing
HP 16; ACR 3 Bomber Squadrons, x3 B-Wing Bomber Squadrons, 6 GR-75
DV 19; OM +4; Attrition 12/8/4; Transports
Resources Improved Weapons, Shields; Concussion Missiles x1 Special Power to Shields +3 (OM Penalty -2), Immunity (Fear),
Special ECM Systems Regeneration 1 (during combat), Morale +2
Speed 3; Consumption 5+1 Speed 2; Consumption 13 (recruitment 27 OSC, 4 Special SC,
Calamari Engineering Research)
The RZ-1 A-wing interceptor was a starfighter designed by the
Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. One of the fastest Spanning 1.2 km. in length, the “Home One” Command Cruiser
mass-produced interceptors in the known galaxy, the A-wing was made famous by Admiral Ackbar as his flagship of choice.
is even faster than the Imperials’ TIE Interceptor, despite also The “Home One”-variant combines the expanded hangar bays
having shielding and a hyperdrive, unlike the cheaper TIE model. of the MC80a with the Liberty’s ship-to-ship combat emphasis.
General Dodanna, father of the A-Wing, also added an ECM suite
to wreak havoc on specialized targetting systems, particularly TIE/LN FIGHTER SQUADRON (DIMINUTIVE)
TIE Fighters. Diminutive Squadron of 12 TIE/LN Fighters (CR 7)
HP 5; ACR 1
Fine Squadron of 1 CR90 Corvette (CR 16) Resources Improved Weapons
HP 28; ACR 8 Special Concentrated Fire
DV 27; OM +11; Attrition 21/17/7; Speed 4; Consumption 2
Resources Heavy Shields x3, Anti-Air Unit (DV +2, OM +4)
Special Blockaderunner Cheap and efficient, Imperial TIE Fighters are feared for their
Speed 3; Consumption 9 (recruitment 10 SC, 2 OSC) large Squadron numbers, designed to cost a fraction of an
average fighter. However, TIE Fighters have no shields, hyperdrive
The CR90 Corvette, also known as the Blockade Runner or or life support and cannot land without special supports. Though

the Imperial Navy believes this teaches their pilots to rely on KDY IMPERIAL-I STAR DESTROYER
higher authorities, in reality they hope to live long enough to Fine Squadron of 1 Imperial-I Star Destroyer Battleship (CR 28)
be promoted to a more advanced TIE variant. HP 130; ACR 20
DV 45; OM +20; Attrition 98/66/34;
TIE/SA BOMBER SQUADRON (DIMINUTIVE) Resources Heavy Shields x5, x4 TIE/LN Fighter Squadrons, x3
Diminutive Squadron of 12 TIE/sa Bombers (CR 7) TIE/sa Bombers Squadrons
HP 5; ACR 1 Special Concentrated Fire +2, Fear
DV 16; OM +1; Attrition 4/2/1; Speed 2; Consumption 17 (recruitment 25 OSC, 4 Special SC,
Resources Proton Torpedos x4 Recognized Authority Research)
Special Bombing Run
Speed 3; Consumption 1+4 Only Imperial Moffs with the highest influence or Inquisitors may
request the presence of an Imperial Star Destroyer, otherwise
The TIE/sa bomber, simply known as the TIE bomber or T/B, was its appearance is a clear sign of either an important dignatary
a larger, less maneuverable TIE starfighter used for destroying or cruel admonishment.
large starships and pinpoint-precision bombing. The “sa” in the Note: The TIEs cost 11 SC and the onboard Garrison costs a
TIE bomber’s designation stood for “surface assault.” good 3x19 SC. The Star Destroyer also carries a prefabricated
Command Center, Barracks and War Center for quickly setting
INCOM/SUBPRO ARC-170 SQUADRON up garrisons. The GM should take this into account if the PCs
(DIMINUTIVE) are deploying in such an operation.
Diminutive Squadron of 12 ARC-170 Starfighters (CR 12)
HP 33; ACR 6
DV 22; OM +8; Attrition 24/16/8;
Resources Superior Weapons, Heavy Shields x1; Proton
Torpedos x1
Special Concentrated Fire, Turrets*
Speed 3; Consumption 10+1

The Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter is a heavy,

multirole starfighter used by the Republic during the Clone Wars.
An obvious ancestor to the T-65 X-Wing, the ARC-170 has 2
pilots and a rear gunner, as well as heavy laser cannons and an
astromech droid.
*An ARC-170 squadron can never be flanked from the rear.


Fine Squadron of 1 Victory-I Star Destroyer Battlecruiser (CR
HP 71; ACR 13
DV 39; OM +13; Attrition 54/37/20;
Resources Heavy Shields x6, x2 TIE/LN Fighter Squadrons, x2
TIE/sa Bombers Squadrons
Special Concentrated Fire, Fear
Speed 2; Consumption 14 (recruitment 20 OSC, 2 Special SC,
Victory-Project Research)

The Victory-I Star Destroyer is a battlecruiser designed for

planetary defense, ground troop support and ship-to-ship
combat, developed during the latter years of the Clone Wars.
The Victory-I is second only to the Imperial-I and is generally
used for Outer Rim patrols and heavy combat duty. Its low-
powered engines prohibit speedy engagements, a flaw it
overcompensates for with fore missile batteries.


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