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Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...

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Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2

H0j3n Aug 6 · 7 min read

The machine is designed to be a DC tribute but also a kind of real-life techniques

container. You will find also a bunch of CTF style challenges. You need to have enough
information about Linux enumeration, PTES and encryption for privileges escalation.

1 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.

Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...

Let’s do nmap first and see what do we get.
2 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.
Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...

22 tcp open ssh

80/tcp open http
83/tcp open http

Port 80 (Http)

When we get into the website we can see its blank like this with the GS2 new logo. The
page source also did not give us anything. So let's try to enumerate the directory.


3 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.

Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...

So we got one text file which is todo.txt


By looking at todo.txt we know that there is an automatic script that could be an

extension of sh. Use the most popular wordlist! — rockyou


We found!

4 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.

Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...


What we can get from this script is firstly a new directory and also there is a cap file
somewhere. So let’s get that pcap file!


Nice! we found the pcap file. So lets open that pcap using Wireshark. You can open it
like this.

wirehsark smileyface.pcap
5 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.
Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...


Did we get credentials? Let's try to decode it. Also, it saying drupal which means that
the directory that we found must be Drupal .


Since we got all we need let's go to that directory that we found just now!

6 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.

Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...

/Glasgow — -Smile2

First User (www-data)

We found a login page too and we can log in using the credentials. By looking at the
page source we know that this is Drupal 8. There is an exploit for this version and you
can check on the reference.

ruby drupalgeddon2.rb http://IP/Glasgow---Smile2

Since we got a shell let’s get a reverse shell for a more comfortable shell.

Reverse Shell

Second User (Riddler)

7 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.
Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...

By looking at the netstat we can see that there is port 8080 which is not open when we
nmap just now.


Upload socat and do port forwarding. I will leave site that can help you on learn port
forwarding using socat. Let’s check the new port!

New Port

It’s a login page. We also found something suspicious in page source.

8 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.

Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...

Page Source

It saying that if we forgot the password use the riddler application. Also we found an
LFI in page source. So lets try look at the passwd


Seems like it looks different from what we can get in our shell. So it can be this inside a
docker? But looking at the comment just now it saying nginx. Lets read the nginx conf
9 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.
Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...



It seems like it includes everything in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/* . We can try

enumerate more on that directory. I found that there is nginx.conf and default.conf but
default.conf works on that directory. So we got another location.


10 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.

Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...

By opening that index.php we found a question and a submit answer


I will leave this part for you guys to enjoy the riddle :) Once we submit the real answer
we got the password!


11 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.

Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...

So lets login as riddler with that password and success!

Third User (Bane)

This one need our reverse engineering skills and it involves PHP which I’m really bad
with it haha. We are given 3 files that could help us on solving this.




First, we can use beautifier to make the PHP script more readable. From what I
understand the script will read jokerinthepack and will save it in two variables. But
since we know that in message.txt the only keys that we need are
12 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.
Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...

Key 1: I make them laught a lot

Key 2: Because jokers are wild

So right now we can focus on other's functions. Any strings that we input will be
encrypted using these keys which these keys will be split and each character will then
be converted as ord and will calculate the total.

gws Function

The value will be used in encrypting new strings.

Encrypt Function

At first, I got difficulty in making it rights but after understand how it works it much
better. So here is my python script after converting from PHP.

13 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.

Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...

Python Script

After test both script PHP and python and get the same output, its time to reverse
engineering! :) First I manually get the value for both keys and then if we look closely
the first character will be A and the end depends on the loop. The key also at first will
be key1 and the end depends also on the loop. So here the result!

14 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.

Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...

Reverse Pyton Script

Let's try run with the encrypted message we get!

Script run

We got another password and this must be bane’s password!

15 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.
Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...

Fourth User (Carnage)

When we try sudo -l we found out that we can run make with carnage permission. By
looking at GTFOBins we can escalate that part.

GTFOBins make

sudo -u carnage make -s --eval=$'x:\n\t-'"$COMMAND"

Fifth User(Venom)
Since we do not know the user password we cant check sudo -l. So let's check on the
process first. To do that we can run pspy.


We can see that there is a script python been running in the process. Also,there is a
text file for us to read. It saying that it automatically zip our personal folder .

16 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.

Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...


Got stuck on here for a while but then I remember that this is a python script. Maybe
there is zip library that been used. Using our past experience lets make a script with
that library and put a reverse shell inside the same directory of the script that been

If there is any suggestion please tell me or if there is something that I can improve also
please do tell me. Hope this writeup help anyone and let’s learn together :)

Last User (Root)
You can support my writing and I would love to write more contents :)
You can check out my "Buy me a Co�ee"

17 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.
Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...







Inside Venom Directory

Inside the Venom directory, we found a lot of said binary and thus we can try running all of this
and see if we can escalate it.
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18 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.

Vulnhub: Glasgow Smile 2. The machine is design...

From here what I understand is that batman contains a suid string and ghotamwillburn4 got a
suid binary that will cat batman.

Inside gothamwillburn4

So we can escalate using cat binary since it is not secure.

echo "bash -p" > cat

chmod 777 ./cat
export PATH=/tmp:$PATH

After that just run the gothamwillburn4 and finally we rooted!


Really enjoy this machine and Thank you to mindsflee for helping me a lot :) Thank you to my
friend AniqFakhrul aka ch4rm for helping me too!

19 de 19 6/11/20, 11:13 p. m.

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