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Caffeine and the Kidney: What Evidence

Right Now?
Davide Bolignano, MD, Giuseppe Coppolino, MD, Antonio Barillà, MD,
Susanna Campo, MD, Manila Criseo, MD, Donatella Tripodo, MD,
and Michele Buemi, MD

Caffeine, or 1, 3, 7-trimethylxanthine, is one of the most frequently consumed active drugs worldwide. Its main
mechanisms of action include inhibiting the phosphodiesteratic enzyme and adenosine receptors and activating the
ryanodine receptors with several actions on all organs. What effect does caffeine have on the kidney? Is caffeine
beneficial or dangerous? A review of the current literature reveals conflicting opinions regarding the prolithiasic
effect of this substance, whereas its diuretic action is least disputed and more easily observed. Caffeine may have
a toxic or preventive effect in some physiologic or pathologic conditions. Some of these incongruences may
depend on several factors, such as dosage, prior chronic exposure, genetic– enzymatic axes, and concomitant
drug consumption. While awaiting further insight from forthcoming studies on the issue, we may reach a preliminary
conclusion that, as yet, there is no evidence contraindicating the consumption of the equivalent of 3 to 4 cups
of coffee per day in healthy or nephropathic subjects. However, particular attention should be paid to the elderly,
children, and patients on concomitant treatment with analgesics or diuretics, whereas in subjects with a family or
clinical history of calcium lithiasis a moderate caffeine consumption should be associated with an adequate fluid
intake. Further in-depth studies are required to investigate whether this beverage is beneficial to patients on
© 2007 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.

I T HAS NOW BECOME A well-established

habit in the West to start the day with a cup
of coffee, and many believe that this drink, in-
a clinical standpoint, caffeine, or 1, 3, 7-trimeth-
ylxanthine, belongs to the family of alcaloids and
the methylxanthine group. It is present in tea-,
vented by the Arabs, is the most frequently con- coffee-, cocoa-, and chocolate-based beverages,
sumed beverage worldwide. It has a unique flavor and is contained in several soft drinks and a
and numerous positive effects on the organism, variety of drugs (above all, analgesics) as an adju-
but the risk of abuse is around the corner. Some vant and a psychostimulant. The standard values
people, prompted by the need to maintain high for the caffeine content in different food products
levels in the bloodstream to maximize their at- and drinks are now strictly regulated.1 The me-
tention and stay awake or to take advantage of its dium-size cup (150 mL) of roasted coffee con-
psychostimulatory effects, become chronic con- tains approximately 85 mg of caffeine, a cup of
sumers of caffeine. This situation has led physi- instant coffee contains 60 mg, a cup of decaffein-
cians in general and nephrologists in particular to ated coffee contains 5 mg, brewed tea contains 30
question its value and examine its real risks. From mg, soluble tea contains 20 mg, and a cup of hot
chocolate contains approximately 4 mg (Table 1).
From the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Caffeine is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal
Messina, Messina, Italy. tract; complete absorption occurs 45 minutes af-
Address reprint requests to Michele Buemi, MD, Via Salita Villa ter ingestion, and the plasma concentration peak
Contino, 30, 98100 Messina, Italy. E-mail:
© 2007 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
is reached 15 to 120 minutes after its consump-
1051-2276/07/1704-0001$32.00/0 tion. The consumption of 5 to 8 mg of caffeine
doi:10.1053/j.jrn.2007.02.006 per kilogram of weight triggers a plasma concen-

Journal of Renal Nutrition, Vol 17, No 4 ( July), 2007: pp 225–234 225

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Table 1. Caffeine Content in Common Food of transduction of the signal based on IP3 and
Caffeine c-AMP as second messengers.4,5
Product Size Content (mg) The most important studies in literature on
caffeine once focused on evaluating its effects on
Caffeine tablet 1 tablet 200
Coffee, roasted 150 mL 85
the central nervous system and the cardiocircula-
Coffee, instant 150 mL 60 tory apparatus in relation to, above all, its psycho-
Coffee, decaffeinated 240 mL 5 and physiostimulatory characteristics (Table 2).
Coffee, expresso 57 mL 100 Any attention to the response of the kidney to
Chocolate, dark 1 bar (43 g) 31 caffeine was initially limited to studies on varia-
Chocolate, milk 1 bar (43 g) 10
Hot chocolate, cup 150 mL 4
tions in the renal blood flow6 and the enhance-
Soft drink, Cola Classic 355 mL 34 ment of toxicity from analgesics.7,8 The subse-
Tea, green 240 mL 15 quent improvement in research on xanthine
Tea, leaf or bag 240 mL 30 receptors prompted a renewed interest in the
numerous renal functions that change in response
tration of approximately 8 to 10 mg/L. The to exposure to caffeine.
half-life of caffeine in plasma is 2.5 to 4.5 hours in
young subjects and slightly longer in elderly sub-
jects.2 Caffeine metabolism is species-specific. In Caffeine and Diuresis: Is There
humans, approximately 80% of caffeine is de- Any Evidence?
methylated to paraxanthine and approximately It is well known that caffeine has a diuretic
16% is converted into theobromine and theoph- effect. Findings from various studies are in agree-
ylline in the liver (Fig. 1). Approximately 3% of ment on this issue, demonstrating that in healthy
caffeine ingested and more than a dozen of its volunteers the acute administration of caffeine, or
metabolites can be found in urine. Various mech- drinks containing it, causes a short-term increase
anisms have been proposed to explain the effects in diuresis and the excretion of substances such as
of caffeine: increased release of intracellular cal- sodium, potassium, chlorides, magnesium, and
cium and inhibition of phosphodiesterases en- calcium.9,10 After the oral or endovenous admin-
zymes that hydrolyze c-AMP, resulting in an istration of 5 mg/kg of caffeine, a positive corre-
overall intracellular increase in this second mes- lation is observed between the subsequent 24-
senger.3 It is widely agreed that physiologic con- hour urinary flow and the clearance of the same
centrations of caffeine (⬃100 ␮M) or other substance in young and elderly healthy volun-
methylxanthines also act by antagonizing the ef- teers.11 This correlation appears even stronger in
fects of adenosine through competitive interac- elderly subjects after the endovenous administra-
tions with adenosinic receptors A1, A2, A3, and tion of 4 mg/kg of caffeine.12 A more recent
A4, which are linked with protein G and systems study demonstrated that the oral administration of

Figure 1. Chemical struc-

ture and methabolism of
caffeine (1, 3, 7-trimethyl-

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Table 2. Main Extrarenal Actions of Caffeine

System Effect(s)

Central nervous system Stimulatory effect on the cortex, respiratory, vasomotor, and vagus centers; peripheral
hyperreflexia, increase of psychomotor performance and fatigue resistance, pro-
awake effect
Cardiovascular system Increase in blood pressure, plasma renin activity, and heart rate (risk of development
of arrhythmias), vasoconstriction/vasodilation
Gastrointestinal system Increased stomach acid secretion and peristalsis (at high doses), decreased pressure
in the lower esophageal sphincter
Respiratory system Bronchodilation
Metabolism Increased release of stress hormones (cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine),
glucose (hyperglycemia), cholesterol, and homocysteine; insulin resistance,
aggravation of hypoglycemia; increase in basal metabolism

a single dose of 15 mg/kg of caffeine in 13 caffeine (corresponding to approximately 10 cups

preterm newborns caused an increase in both of coffee) has been confirmed in studies using
urinary flow and creatinine clearance in two bioelectrical impedance analysis.19
consecutive periods of 12 hours of observation.13 It has been suggested that the diuretic effect of
Some studies seem to contradict these obser- caffeine may be mediated by an increased release
vations. Grandjean14 found no substantial differ- of catecholamines into the circulation and by an
ence in the hydric state of healthy volunteers who increase in their peripheral inhibition of phos-
consumed beverages, some of which contained phodiesterase.20 This hypothesis was partly con-
caffeine, whereas another subsequent study evi- firmed in a subsequent study that demonstrated
denced that the administration of 6 mg/kg of that the increase in diuresis caused by the con-
caffeine for 4 days in healthy volunteers, after a sumption of beverages containing caffeine was
previous phase of equilibration of 1 week, did not significantly greater in cases of an increased sys-
cause important variations in the body mass, uri- temic release during prolonged physical exercise
nary osmolarity, specific weight of urine, volume than in a condition of rest.21 One recent study on
of urine, and natriuresis in the subsequent 24 mice provided important evidence furthering our
hours, creatininemia, plasma osmolarity, hemat- understanding of the diuretic action of caffeine.
ocrit, and plasma proteins.15 It is likely that in In knockout mice for the receptor gene A1, Rieg
subjects with previous chronic consumption, the et al.22 demonstrated that the administration of
diuretic effect of a dose of caffeine would be caffeine or theophylline had no effect on diuresis,
reduced. As previously found in elderly subjects whereas it did determine a marked increase in
used to consuming a moderate and constant controls. However, the diuretic effect of caffeine
amount of caffeine, the cardiovascular effects of a is also partly linked to its natriuretic action. Find-
single oral load were significantly milder than in ings in a recent study showed that the caffeine-
subjects without previous exposure.16 induced increase in sodium excretion, previously
Other authors have considered another funda- described by several other authors, is partly linked
mental parameter, the doses of caffeine ingested, to a reduction in proximal and distal tubular of its
in evaluating whether it has a diuretic effect. fractional absorbance.23 This mechanism appears,
Passmore et al.17 used increasing doses of caffeine moreover, to be independent of the action of
(from 45, 90, 180, to 360 mg) and found that natriuretic atrial peptide, in which no significant
only quantities not less than 360 mg caused sig- plasma variations were observed 2 hours after the
nificant increases in the urinary flow, whereas 90 administration of 250 mg of caffeine in healthy
mg was enough to significantly increase natriure- subjects, whereas after 1 hour there was a signif-
sis. In a recent review, a systematic analysis was icant increase in diuresis, the excretion of sodium
made of the various evidence in the literature on and potassium, and urinary osmolarity.24 How-
the topic, and it was concluded that acute in- ever, in a recent study on mice, other authors
creases in diuresis can occur after the administra- described a completely different response on ad-
tion of at least 300 mg of caffeine.18 In addition, ministering caffeine in oral boluses, followed by
reduced body water after a dose of 642 mg of water supplementation. In the short term, an

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Table 3. Main Studies About Caffeine and Lithiasis

Authors Year Patients Results Characteristics

Shuster et al.33 1985 2295 (men) Negative association between Old population study. No
coffee consumption and important data, e.g., about
stone disease in white male fluid intake.
Bergman et al.27 1990 37 (women) Increase in urinary Ca excretion Evaluation of only acute
and decrease in Ca effects after caffeine
reabsorption after oral administration. No data on
introduction of caffeinated long-term effects.
beverage (6 mg/kg caffeine).
Zanardo et al.28 1995 20 Increase in urine Ca-excretion Caffeine treatment and effects
(10- to 15-fold) in premature observation prolonged to
neonates treated with caffeine 5 d. High doses
e.v. (loading dose 10 mg/kg, administered (intravenously).
maintenance dose 2.5 mg/kg/
12 h for 5 d).
Curhan et al.34 1996 45,289 (men) Risk of stones decreased by Prospective study generally
10% after daily consumption well conducted. Very wide
of 240 mL of coffee and by population.
14% after 240 mL of tea.
Curhan et al.35 1998 81,093 (women) Risk of stones decreased by Prospective study generally
10% after daily consumption well conducted. Very wide
of 240 mL of coffee and by population.
8% after 240 mL of tea.
Massey and Sutton26 2004 39 Increase in urinary Ca/creatinine Experimental study. Evaluation
but not oxalate/creatinine 2 h of only acute effects after
after oral introduction of caffeine administration. No
caffeine (6 mg/kg) in data on long-term effects.
normocalcemic subjects after
14 h of fasting.
Ca, calcium.

increase was observed in the mRNA expression a history of recurrent renal colic who are referred
of atrial natriuretic peptide and its circulating to a specialist for an appropriate diet. Does caf-
levels and the enhancement of nitric oxide syn- feine really have a prolithiasic effect? Findings in
thetase endothelial isoform expression. the literature are conflicting (Table 3).
It was demonstrated that caffeine induces a re- In 2004, Massey and Sutton26 demonstrated
duction in the expression of the Na⫹/K⫹ adeno- that caffeine consumption at a dose of 6 mg/kg of
sine triphosphatase pump and isoform 3 of the lean mass after 14 hours of fasting in 39 volunteers
Na⫹/H⫹ exchange; both are key proteins in the caused an increase in the excretion of calcium,
mechanism of active/passive tubular reabsorp- magnesium, and citrate, with an increase in the
tion.25 On consideration of the experiment con- Tiselius index for calcium oxalate stones forma-
ducted by Rieg et al.,22 and the fact that A1R -/- tion from 2.4 to 3.1 in subjects with a history of
mice were not responsive even to the natriuretic calcium lithiasis and from 1.7 to 2.5 in subjects
effect of xanthines, it seems possible that the
without this history. Overall, the consumption of
above-cited mechanisms might depend in part on
coffee seemed to increase, albeit modestly, the
the inhibitory effect of caffeine in the presence of
risk of forming calcium oxalate stones. Findings
the adenosinic receptors A1, whose stimulation
would reduce natriuresis and diuresis. in another less recent study demonstrated that the
administration of caffeine in healthy young
women caused an increased urinary loss of cal-
Caffeine and Renal Lithiasis: For cium and magnesium, with a significant reduc-
or Against? tion in the reabsorption percentage after its con-
Coffee is often included in the list of food sumption (P ⬍ .001 and P ⬍ .0001 for calcium
products prohibited or restricted in subjects with and magnesium, respectively), whereas other pa-

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rameters, such as creatinine clearance, were not 10% in response to daily consumption of 240 mL
modified.27 Another independent study that con- of coffee.34 For a period of approximately 2 years,
firms the above findings was conducted in Italy the same authors studied a cohort of 81,093
on preterm newborns. Most of these patients women and made 719 new diagnoses of kidney
underwent long-term methylxanthine therapy stones; the risk of developing stones decreased by
for respiratory distress and apnea, and the most 10% in response to 240 mL/day of coffee and by
frequent side effects of this therapy were nephro- 8% in response to 240 mL/day of tea.35
calcinosis and osteopenia. The authors demon- With the use of multivariate models, these
strated a significant increase in the urinary excre- results were “adjusted” simultaneously for several
tion of calcium, calcium/creatinine, and calcium/ beverages and other risk factors, thus excluding
sodium in the newborns treated with theophylline the possible influence of other substances.
and caffeine with respect to the preterm, non- A possible explication of this apparent contra-
treated controls. This probably contributed to diction could be linked to the diuretic properties
determining the iatrogenous complications.28 It of caffeine because chronic consumption of this
was recently suggested that caffeine not only substance can promote not only calcium excre-
increases the risk of calcium lithiasis but also plays tion but also diuresis and natriuresis. It is well
a role in uric lithiasis. A typical case of aggressive known that an increase in urinary flow, if ade-
recurrent renal acid 1-methyluric calculosis in a quately compensated by water introduction, rep-
white patient who habitually drank at least eight resents an important factor against every type of
cups of coffee per day was described. In this case, lithiasis through prevention of stone formation.36
a high percentage of calcium oxalate stones was Constitutional and genetic factors, pathologic
also found in the patient’s urinary sediment.29 conditions, and concomitant drug consumption
Overall, the findings reported in these studies are may also play a significant role.37
in agreement that hypercalciuria could be the
main pathogenic factor causing caffeine to trigger
the formation of kidney stones. Caffeine and the Kidney: Toxicity
The exact mechanism underlying increased or Protection?
calcium loss is as yet unclear and is still the object Numerous studies have shown how caffeine
of more in-depth studies. McPhee and Whiting30 has other types of toxic effects on the kidney. A
demonstrated that the hypercalciuric effect of massive load of coffee through the oral route (in
caffeine may in part be limited by the adminis- the literature, amounts of up to 50 g have been
tration of adenosine receptor agonists and sug- described), taken, for example, to commit suicide
gested that the main mechanism underlying this or as a consequence of a psychiatric disorder, soon
phenomenon is the blockage of these receptors. causes severe rhabdomyolysis with acute renal fail-
This hypothesis was also confirmed by Massey ure.38,39 The frequent finding of hyponatriemia
and Whiting31 The recent discovery that caffeine concomitant to hypernatriuria, somewhat unex-
also acts as an agonist of the ryanodine receptors pected in organic renal insufficiency, is explained
(involved in calcium release) suggests that the on considering the natriuretic effect of caffeine,
latter mechanism plays a more important role. A already well defined in studies by several authors.
Chinese group demonstrated that caffeine triggers In view of the severity of this clinical picture,
an increased release of calcium ions by interacting peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis treatment may
with these receptors in embryonic renal cells.32 often be indicated.40,41
In contrast, data from epidemiologic studies In recent literature, an increasing number of
prove that caffeine, paradoxically, may have a studies have demonstrated that chronic caffeine
protective effect against lithiasis. consumption contributes to the development and
A well-known case-control study demon- exacerbation of various kidney diseases. In two
strated an inverse association between the mod- interesting articles, Belibi et al.42,43 describe how
erate consumption of coffee and a history of caffeine is to all effects a risk factor in the exac-
kidney stones.33 In a subsequent study conducted erbation of cysts in patients with autosomic dom-
in the United States on a cohort of 45,289 men, inant polycystic kidney. The mechanism under-
753 new cases of kidney stones were diagnosed, lying this enhanced development seems to be
but the risk of developing stones decreased by linked to an increase in intracellular c-AMP lev-

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els, triggering the proliferation and accumulation This reduction, which appears similar to that
of fluid in the tubular cells. Increased intracellular obtained after the administration of an angioten-
concentrations of this second messenger seem to sin-converting enzyme inhibitor, captopril, in di-
be linked partly to the inhibitory effect of caffeine abetic patients without hypertension and with an
on the phosphodiesteratic enzyme and partly to intact renal function,49 in the same category of
its effect on adenosinic receptors. In a previous patients further potentiates the antiproteinuric
study it was found that the chronic administration effect of another category of drugs, the so-called
of small quantities of caffeine caused the early angiotensin II receptor blockers.50 Further in-
onset, or exacerbation, of hypertension linked to depth studies are required to clarify why caffeine
disease in mice with autosomic dominant poly- and pentoxifylline, which belong to the same
cystic kidney, but not in diseased rats treated with chemical family and have the same receptor tar-
a placebo. In this study, however, no significant gets and identical systemic effects, play such a
variations in the glomerular filtration rate and cyst different role in this context.
dimensions were found at 6 months of chronic Another frequently described adverse effect of
administration.44 Another experimental model of caffeine on the kidney depends on its ability to
renal toxicity from chronic caffeine consumption potentiate the toxicity of analgesics. Several stud-
was reported by Tofovic et al.45 in their study on ies have focused on this aspect,51 and recently a
rats as genetic models of the metabolic syndrome renewed interest has been expressed in this theme
after a short and long cycle of treatment with in the attempt to definitively establish whether
caffeine. Although, positive effects were ob- the chronic consumption of analgesics associated
served, such as reduced body weight and glyco- with caffeine may cause renal damage. The ratio-
suria and improved glycidic tolerance, there was a nale for this drug association is based on the
adjuvant effect that caffeine has on the action of
significant increase in proteinuria, an increase in
the analgesic, allowing a reduction in the quantity
renal vascular resistance, and a reduction in the
of analgesic needed to obtain the desired effect.
inulin clearance, leading to marked renal failure.
Laska et al.52 demonstrated that by associating
Underlying this there was a marked worsening in
caffeine with paracetamol, a drug dose reduction
the histopathologic picture, with the develop-
of 40% is achieved while obtaining the same
ment of tubulointerstitial damage and a worsen-
analgesic effect. In their recent study, Cai et al.53
ing in focal glomerulosclerosis. showed how damage induced by drugs such as
Deterioration in renal function with an exac- acetaminophen and acetylsalicylic acid were en-
erbation of proteinuria has already been demon- hanced if simultanously associated with caffeine.
strated, again by Tofovic et al.,46 in rats with an This effect was achieved particularly in the cells of
induced nephrotic syndrome after treatment with the collector duct of the internal medulla, the
puromicine-aminonucleoside, pretreated with caf- kidney region exposed to a greater osmolarity,
feine. Also in this case, more severe histopatho- through the accentuation of the proliferation and
logic alterations developed at the tubulointersti- apoptosis from damage to DNA in normally
tial and glomerular levels, with a significant quiescent cells.
reduction in the inulin clearance with respect to One possible mechanism underlying this injury
the nontreated controls. The simultaneous find- was subsequently proposed by Rengelshausen et
ing of a marked increased in the renin-plasma al., who demonstrated that the administration of
activity suggested that the above effects may have caffeine inhibited this protein in cell cultures with
depended in part on an increased renin-angioten- overexpression of the trasportator-1 of organic
sin system activity. These effects are in clear anions (involved in the excretion of various drugs
contrast with those of pentoxifylline, another including anti-inflammatories)54 by determining
xanthine-derivate whose molecular structure and the accumulation of substances (e.g., carboxy-
mechanism of action are similar to that of caf- fluorescein) caused by a reduction of their up-
feine.47 Unlike caffeine, pentoxifylline can in- take.55 However, other observational studies tend
duce a significant reduction in microalbuminuria to minimize the potential role of caffeine in the
and proteinuria in several diseases, including toxicity of analgesics. If different case-control
membranous glomerulonephritis and the ne- studies have undeniably demonstrated that the
phritic syndrome secondary to lupus nephritis.48 consumption of analgesics containing caffeine

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is associated with a higher incidence of ne- tive effect toward glomerular contraction
phropathy, none of the studies have clearly induced by cyclosporine-A in mesangial cell
established that nephropathy is linked to the cultures.63 Finally, there are concrete experi-
exacerbation of damage from analgesics rather mental bases for the rational explanation of the
than a direct effect of caffeine itself. There is no protective effects of caffeine in human models.
evidence that caffeine promotes, through tol-
erance and dependency effects, a stimulus to
introduce a greater quantity of analgesics with Caffeine and Renal Failure:
the consequent risk of renal damage from an What Risk?
overdose.56,57 In complete opposition to all the
above-described effects of renal toxicity, nu- Studies on the effects of caffeine in subjects
merous authors have recently pointed out that with nephropathy or chronic renal failure, and
in particular conditions, as yet limited to ex- in those on dialysis, are scarce, and it is hoped
perimental animal or cell models, caffeine can that this aspect will be more satisfactorily in-
have a protective effect on renal function. For vestigated in the future. As previously ob-
example, caffeine has an antagonistic effect on served, the risk of caffeine exacerbating renal
adenosine receptors, and this may contribute to disease or chronic renal failure has only been
the prevention of renal damage from ischemia investigated in animal models and cellular stud-
through an increase in diuresis, natriuresis, and ies, and findings have not yet been confirmed
blood flow, which is reduced by the increase in in humans. To our knowledge, it has not been
the resistance triggered by angiotensin and proven that chronic renal failure in itself incurs
adenosine.58 A comparable result was previ- a risk of slowing down the metabolism of this
ously described in models of brain ischemia in substance with a consequent accumulation and
mice. The administration of caffeine or pen- damage, as happens with other substances, such
toxifylline 60 minutes before closing the ca- as erythromycin.64
rotid of anesthetized rats induced a higher However, following their observations of its
resistance to ischemic stress than that found in administration during hemodialysis, some au-
controls, thus suggesting the possible applica- thors have also pointed out that it may be
tion of this concept to the prevention of dam- possible to exploit caffeine consumption. Stud-
age from ischemia, not only in experimental ies on patient populations have shown that the
animals but also in humans.59 consumption of caffeine during dialysis might
Although the above model did not provide become a useful semipharmacologic option for
definite molecular explanations for the isch- the prevention and treatment of symptomatic
emia-protective phenomena of xanthines, a intradialytic hypotension.65,66 Moreover, it is
likely hypothesis is that it is involved in recep- now widely agreed that chronic caffeine con-
torial adenosine antagonism: Findings from sumption does not contribute to the restless leg
other studies have demonstrated how the same syndrome (RLS), one of the most frequently
mechanism underlies the protection from observed disturbances of patients on hemodialy-
nephrotoxicity by tacrolimus. In a well-known sis. In a recent study in northeast Italy, question-
series of studies it was shown how the pread- naires were administered to a large population of
ministration of teophylline prevented acute patients on dialysis with sleep disturbance patterns
damage from tacrolimus, probably caused by in RLS; no significant differences were found
adenosine through a vasoconstrictive effect between the incidence of this syndrome in sub-
with a reduction in the blood flow and glo- jects who did and did not habitually drink cof-
merular filtration rate.60,61 In another recent fee.67 A Chinese group observed that coffee con-
work62 it was demonstrated that this effect is sumption did not play an important role in
achieved in particular through a specific A3 contributing to RLS in patients who were on an
receptor blockade, by using selective antago- ambulatory regimen of continuous peritoneal di-
nists of the various subclasses of adenosine renal alysis.68 In conclusion, no sound findings have
receptors. It was demonstrated that pretreat- been reported in the literature to justify contra-
ment with three different xanthines (theophyl- indicating the consumption of moderate quanti-
line, pentoxifylline, and caffeine) had a protec- ties of coffee, even in subjects with chronic renal

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

failure or those with terminal uremia on hemo- when he realized that there was something tastier
dialysis or peritoneal dialysis. and less damaging than alcohol that could help his
troops to address their daily challenges. We totally
agree with him.
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