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Adverbial clause of place diawali dengan konjungsi where atau wherever ‘Contoh : Siska lives where she was born. c. Adverbial clause of reason Adverbial clause of reason diawali dengan konjungsi because, since, as atau for Contoh : Since he had nothing do, he went (o the theatre. d. Adverbial clause of purpose Adverbial clause of purpose diawali dengan konjungsi so, so that, in orther that. Contoh : Tony studied hard so that he would pass admission test. ¢. Adverbial clause of consession * a . th, while at: Adverbial clause of consession diawali dengan konjungsi though, although, eventhoug) on wherleas, Contoh : Although it was raining, they went to the party. f. Adverbial clause of con Adverbial clause of condition diawali dengan konjungsi if, unless, a long as, on condition that. Contoh : We will not be able to answer the question if we do not read the text. Noun Clause Noun clause dalam kalimat menduduki fungsi kata benda. Jadi dapat sebagai subjek, objek maupun pelengkap. a. Sebagai subjek Contoh : What he decided makes the number happy. ‘Where she went was not certain. ‘That he passed the exam surprises us b. Sebagai objek Contoh : The students have to do what their teacher assigned them. The principal gave whoever got the best marks a present. c. Sebagai pelengkap Contoh : This is where I work. SOAL - SOAL LATIHAN SIPENMARU/61/’85 a Heasked me ___. A. whether I grew my own vegetables B. you grow your own vegetables C. did I grow my own vegetables ? D. I grew my own vegetables E. if] did grow my own vegetables ? SIPENMARU/43/°86, 4, Imet the gir! __ is in our class. A. the brother of us B, who’s brother C. whose brother D. her brother E, hers brother SIPENMARU/49/'86 He is the only one of my friends A, that studies B, that study C. studies D. who study E, study SIPENMARU/49/"86 eee a lawyer wants to study law. the father of his . the father of who . whose father . the father of whom __French. moow ‘can be joined as follows: UMPTN/9/89 His supervisor __, isa very a generous person. ‘A. he borrowed a car from him B, where he borrowed a car . from whom he borrowed a car D. his car he borrowed E. the person he borrowed a car . UMPTN/12/°90 lately, is in hospital now. A. who is —— Tom’s father, __ health hasn’t been so good M. 12, |. UMPTN/A/8/"92 14. 15, 16. 17. UMPTN/1/91 Tasked Bob __ ‘A. where did he come from ? B. From where was be coming ? C. From which he come ? D. Where he came from E. From where is he ? UMPTN/24/'91 The book __ is only available in the library. A. from which these two chapters are taken B. these two chapters are taken C. where these two chapters are taken from D. it was from them are two chapters are E. the two chapters are taken UMPTN/B/10/°92 “Where did the fire start ”” “In the warehouse ___ my brother worked last year.” A. wh B, there C. that D. which E. inthere ‘UMPTN/B/28/'92, Mike hoped __ his letter. A. would she answer B. that she would answer C. whether she would answer D. why she answered E, she was answering UMPTNIC/16/'92 This is Mr. Flash __- A. which I told you B. whom I told you about C. I told you D. that f told you E, about which I told you UMPTNICI25/°92 ‘The tourist asked me _. Where the nearest bank is the nearest bank ‘where is the nearest bank which the nearest bank is that is the nearest bank moopP 18, UMPTN/A/23/'93 ‘The yellow card, __ , is omly issued for ‘employees. ‘A. one cannot enter the factory without B, which without it one cannot enter the factory C. no one can enter the factory without it D. without which one eannot enter the factory , without it one cannot enter the factory 19, UMPTN/B/18/'93 Idon’t remember __ last year. ‘A. what did I give her for her birthday BB. for her birthday what did I give her (C. what I gave her for her birthday D. I gave her what for her birthday E_ what for her birthday I gave her 20. UMPTNIC/7793, ‘The lady __ this letter is addressed had moved to another city. A. who B. to which © to whom D. whom E. which 21. UMPTNIC/20/93 Would you please call me _? A. whether the books we ordered have arrived B, when the books we ordered have arrived C. that books we ordered have arrived D. when have the books we ordered arrived E, where the books we ordered arrived 22. UMPTNIA/10/94 all the students were seated, the teacher Started the lesson. Alf ‘B, When C. Until D. So that E, Although (23, UMPTN/A/13/°94 Do alcitizens know __? A. what are their rights B. their rights, what are they C. what their rights are D. about what are thei rights E. whatrights are theirs 24. UMPTNIA/I2°94 ‘"Who called you last night 2” The student“ A. which I bought the type writer from B. from him I bought the type writer . Ubought the type writer from him from whom I bought the type writer » his type writer I bought 25, UMPTN/B/26/'94 ‘The secretary asked me __with va, g ‘A, did Thavoan eppoicimen S™. B, how was my appointment C. whether [had an appointment D. when is my appointment B, that Thad an appointment 26, UMPTNIB/11/°94 Iwan wanted to know _ ‘A, from whom did Ani hear the news B, the news Ari heard from whom C. who did Ari hear the news from D. from whom Ari heard the news : E, Ari beard the news from whom 27, UMPTN/C/12/94 ___ annoys her teacher very much. ‘A. Why does Ina always come late B. Whether Ina always late C. If na always come late D, Ina always comes late E, That Ina always comes late 28, UMPTNIC/28/°94 T've lost the piece of paper ‘A. Lwrote Ida’s address on it B. onit I wrote Ida’s address . that E wrote Ida’s address on it D, Ida’s address I wrote on it E, on which I wrote Ida’s address 29. UMPTNIAI8/95 “Who won the ford foundation scholarship ” ‘The high school student the city coun’ had chosen as the best student.” A. who B. whose ¢. whom D. which E, of which 30. UMPTN/A/9/'95 __is not yet known. ‘A. Can he be involved in the trade of narcotics B. He is involved in the trade of narcotics C, Whether he is involved in trade of narcotics D. When he is involved in trade of narcotics B, Why is he involved in the trade of narcotics 31. UMPTNIB/7/95 Since the tourist had a map, he knew _- ‘A. where was the bus terminal B, whether the bus terminal was there CC, where the bus terminal was D, the bus terminal was where E. was the bus terminal there —_ People are now @ popular topi among psychologists, “Pi A. whom that B. in which C. whom D. about which E. which 35. UMPTN/B/89/°98 “What do the reporters usually ask the authorities nowadays?” “__ Indonesia will soon be able to overcome the economic problems very soon,’ A. Whether B. Incase ©. Whom D. About which E. Which 9/98 a clothes for the people _ houses were destroyed in the fire last week. A. who B. whom C. whose D. that E. which 37. pee been promoted to a top eee een Eee ey cy in busied ‘a soins 2 master’s depen sie a neat If to be a good manager : Fo ance Di, shots moans Ye much self-confidence 38. UMPTN/B/89/"99 Zonal’,2, Pemutifl island in culture has been Rngumed by tourists from around the world, i B. Whether Bali ©. Bali D. That Bali E. How Bali 39, UMPTN/B/90/"99 The books on this self, are ebout child ‘education, belong to my sisterin law, A. which of most B. most of which ©. in which D. of which E, that of most 40. UMPTN/B/92/99 — Andy seldom attends classes, he is always ‘one of the best students in class. A. Whenever B. Since C. Because D. Although E if 41. UMPTN7B/80/2000 “What is the most worrying effect of the economic crisis 2” “children are deprived of nutritious food hecessary for their physical and intellectual development.” 42. UMPTNIA/94/2001 “You look worried. What's ‘the matter? ‘I'd don't know S A. where did UTeave my car keys B. when my car keys are left C. where Ileft my car keys D. ‘When did I leave my car keys EB ‘where are my car keys B. what she was earning a living for C. why does she earn her living? D. how she earns her tiving E, does she eam a living

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