Mccracken Lesson Plan

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ED 3700

Heather McCracken
Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject: Grade 10 PE Unit: Ultimate Frisbee Lesson Duration: 20 Mins
OUTCOMES FROM (2-3, clear, and measurable) (Observations, Key
OF STUDIES Students will: Products/Performances)

A10-1 apply and Students will move about in their zone Observations
refine locomotor appropriately, without running into members Check List
skills and concepts – of the other team. Exit Slip
effort, space, and Students will run and jump to catch the
relationships – to frisbee as necessary.
perform and create
a variety of activities
to improve personal
A10-3 apply and Students will not move when they have Observations
refine nonlocomotor caught the frisbee and will twist and turn as Exit Slip
skills and concepts – appropriate to throw the frisbee to a team
effort, space, and member.
relationships – to
perform and create
a variety of activities
to improve personal
A10-5 apply and Students will catch or receive the frisbee Observations
refine manipulative when thrown to them. Check List
skills and concepts – Students will throw the frisbee to a teammate Exit Slip
effort, space, and so they can catch it.
relationships – to
perform and create
a variety of activities
to improve personal
C10-3 demonstrate Students will show good sportsmanship Observations
etiquette and fair throughout the class.
play Students will follow the rules of the game.
Students will keep track of their scores and
keep each other accountable as to who is
winning and who is losing.
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Heather McCracken
C10-5 develop and Students will work as a team to score points. Observations
apply practices that Students will communicate with team mates, Check List
contribute to especially as additional frisbees come into
teamwork play.

D10-1 demonstrate Students will participate in the game and Observations

a commitment to an show a willingness to learn and improve. Exit Slip
active lifestyle Students will identify what they enjoyed about
through the game.
participation in and
out of class

Equipment required:
- 12-13 frisbees
- Cones to mark off zones and scoring areas
- 2 different colours of jerseys
- Outdoor field (soccer field) or indoor field (gymnasium)

Set up:
- Use cones to mark the perimeter of the field, which should be approximately 55 yards
- Use cones to divide the field into five sections. The two end sections should be five yards
long each, and the middle area should be divided into three sections that are 15 yards
long each.
- Create two evenly matched teams with twelve students on each of them
- Print exit slips and have pencils ready
- Print teacher checklist and have it ready to check off skills demonstrated and write down

- For student in wheelchair – if at all possible, run this activity in the gymnasium instead of
on a field, so they can more easily navigate the playing area. The student can participate
in the throwing and receiving portion of the warm up activity, and can also participate in
throwing and receiving part of the game. Encourage the team that the student is on to
think strategically about the best zone for the student to be in, and remind them if
necessary that teamwork requires including all members of the team in the activity and
playing to each team member’s strengths. Additionally, “wheeling” can be substituted for
running when the student is moving within their zone.
- If any other students have mobility issues (ie. Sprained ankle), they can still participate in
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Heather McCracken
the throwing and receiving of frisbees in the game, and should participate to the best of
their ability.
- Accommodations can also be made for students who may have issues catching and
throwing the frisbee (ie. Sprained wrist or broken arm) as they can still block other players
from receiving the frisbee.
Introduction (5 min.):
Warm up: As students arrive on the field, instruct them to run one lap of the perimeter of the
field, then grab a frisbee and a partner. With their partner, have them pass the frisbee back and

Assessment of prior knowledge: Encourage students to focus on their accuracy in passing and
catching, as these skills will be important for the game they are going to play. Offer tips and
suggestions for students to improve their catching and receiving skills.
Ensure everyone has run a lap and passed the frisbee back and forth for a couple of minutes,
getting familiar with the technique and reviewing their skills from last class, before calling them
to the side of the field for instructions.

Expectations for learning and behaviour: Review with students that the expectation is that they
actively participate throughout the entire activity and properly attempt the skills of throwing,
catching, and blocking the frisbee. They will be assessed throughout the activity by the teacher
and will have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge at the end of class. Students
should ask questions if they don’t understand something.

Advance Organizer/Agenda: Let the class know that the agenda will be as follows:
Introduce game
Get jerseys and determine what zone each played on the team will be in
Play the game
Exit Slip

Transition to Body: In previous classes this unit we have learned how to properly throw and
catch the frisbee and have been introduced to the sport of Ultimate Frisbee. This class we will be
learning how to play 33 Zone Frisbee, which is a variation of Ultimate Frisbee. Students will need
to continue to use their frisbee skills of receiving and throwing the frisbee, but with some
additional challenges.

Body (10 – 12 min.):

As you explained with the agenda for the class, students should know that you are going to
review the rules for the game and then they will have an opportunity to play. If there are
students who are chatting and not listening or paying attention, remind the class that the
expectation is that while you are giving instructions, they are listening. If necessary, call out
specific students who are not following the expectations and remind them of the rules and that
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Heather McCracken
they are wasting everyone’s time by chatting.

Explain to students that 33 Zone Frisbee is played with 3 zones and 3 frisbees. There will be two
teams of twelve students on the field. The teams will be divided so that four players from each
team are in each of the zones. There is a defense zone, middle zone, and offense zone for each
team. At each end of the field is a five-yard scoring zone. To score, the teams must catch the
frisbee in the appropriate scoring zone.

The same rules of not being able to move when they have the frisbee and only having ten
seconds to throw the frisbee still apply. The defense must also be at least two yards away from
the thrower. If the frisbee is caught in the scoring zone by the offense and they score, the
defensive team starts play towards their goal line at the offensive goal line. The players on
offense of each team keep track of how many goals they have scored. The game will start with
three frisbees, but the teacher will add more frisbees as the game goes on.

After explaining the rules, read out the members of each team. Have students grab the
appropriate jersey and determine as a team who they would like to play in the defensive, middle,
and offensive zone. Have students go to their appropriate zone and start the game off with three

As students play, use the teacher checklist to record when students demonstrate the appropriate
running, catching, throwing, and communication skills. Use the observation section to record if
students are not demonstrating good sportsmanship, are not fully participating, or for any other
notes as needed. Encourage students to communicate with their team and add in more frisbees
as they start to understand the game.

When there is 5 minutes left in the class, blow your whistle and have all students meet you at the
side of the field for the closure activity.
Closure (3 - 5min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Consider observations and markings on checklist of how
the students did. Hand out exit slip.

Exit slip (Formative assessment):

How was the game and their participation impacted by having to stay in the same zone?
What sort of movements did they use to throw the frisbee without moving from their spot?
What is one way to properly catch a frisbee?
What is one way to properly throw a frisbee?
What did you like about this game?

Feedback To Students: Looking back on observations and the checklist, explain to individual
students how they did throughout the activity (as they are filling out their exit slips). Let students
know what went well and what they still need work on, and that they will have opportunities
next class to demonstrate those same skills.
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Heather McCracken
Transition To Next Lesson: Tomorrow we are going to continue with 33 Zone Frisbee, but we are
going to switch up what zone you are in and add more frisbees!
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Heather McCracken
33 Zone Frisbee – Exit Slip

Name: ___________________ Date: _________________

Write your response to each of the questions, point form responses are fine.

How was the game and your participation

impacted by having to stay in the same zone?

What sort of movements did you use to

throw the frisbee without moving from your

What is one way to properly catch a frisbee?

What is one way to properly throw a frisbee?

What did you like about this game?

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