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Select one of the topics and record a video of 3 minutes speaking.

Don't forget to record

yourself (your face). Upload your video on youtube and attach the link. 
1. Compare your city with another from your country (use comparatives) and talk about your
country highlighting some important aspects (use superlatives). 
2. Talk about what people do in your country about the following things (use adverbs): 1) Do
you people think people in your country work hard? 2) Do you people think people in your
country behave calmly in crisis? 3) Do you people think people in your country wait patiently in
3. Talk about what you have done during this quarantine (use present perfect) and tell me
about the things you would like to do after the quarantine. (use verb + to + infinitive)
4. Record a video ask you for a reservation in a hotel. Talk about the place and the activities
you plan to do. (use be going to). 
Hello mi name is Andrea Cortes I’m on the 4 level to English course, and in this opportunity I going
to speak about the city where i live, is Bogota, in this city I’ve lived here all my life

Bogota is the city of Colombia is colder than other cities for example Melgar, Cali, Cartagena,
Medellin among other, also Bogotá city is biggest city in Colombia, not only for his length but also
because the city highest to Colombia

For the ask the second point

 Do you people think people in your country work hard?

I think yes, because the people to Colombia is the people most entrepreneur all world, the
Colombian people learn quickly, use their imagination very well and the Colombia people wake up
very early for to working

 Do you people think people in your country behave calmly in crisis?

I don’t think so, because in this country no exist social intelligent, the most people go crazy when
there is a tremor, or when there is some natural disaster, is very stressed

 Do you people think people in your country wait patiently in queues?

Depended, if the queues are moved quickly the people have patient, but if are slow the people
I plan to do a reservation in hotel Amazon in Brazil, in this hotel there is many plans to do for
example I am going to walk y the jungle whit my family, im going to dinner a delicious food
while listen a live music, im going to know many animals and enjoy nature

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