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Before you read the passage, answer the following questions:

1. Has modern equipment changed farming in your country?
2. When do farmers in your country harvest the crop?
3. What equipment do farmers in your country use for cultivating plants and for harvesting the crop?
4. How do farmers in your country prepare the fields for planting?
Answer :
1. Yes, farmers who usually use traditional equipment such as plowing the fields using buffalo will
switch to using more modern equipment such as tractors to facilitate their activities, but it is
important to know that modernization does not only have a positive impact but can also have
negative impacts if it is not managed properly.
2. When the plant is ready to be harvested
3. Equipment used such as hoes, tractors, earth rakes, spray equipment and much more
4. To prepare land that is ready to be planted there are several procedures that are carried out by
farmers such as land clearing, land management, land rooting or plowing, and fertilizing land

1.Answer the following questions:

1. What factors must farmers take into account during the seeding stage?
2. What examples of harvesting equipment can you give?
3.What must farmers do before cultivation?
4. Is soil preparation important?
5. What are reapers used for?
6. What machines/ implements plow the land?
7. What machines / implements are used to destroy weeds?


1. factors that must be considered are:1. Seeding the planting media 2. media and seed care3.
proportional placement of seeds
2. examples of harvesting machines such as ani-ani, sickle mower, reapper machine
3. what the farmer must do before conducting a cultivation is of course he must carry out the management of
the land which will be taught as a place of cultivation.
4. Yes, because Land preparation is one of the most important factors that need to be done in starting a
cultivation business.
Good land preparation has a big effect on crop productivity. Many studies have shown that conducting
land preparation before conducting a cultivation business can increase yields by up to 30%.
The purpose of land preparation is to condition the land where plants are cultivated to match the conditions
needed by plants so that plants can grow well.
5. Harvesting machines are used to harvest various agricultural products such as rice
6. Tools that are used include cultivators, retractors, subsoil plows, comb rakes and plate rakes
7. The tools that can be used are slurry spreader, spreyer and spraying tool

2.Mark the following sentences with True/ False:

1. The farmers need to check the soil temperature before planting the seeds. (T)
2. Harvesting equipment consists of a reaping part and a baler part. (T)
3. Harvesting equipment is also used for controlling the production of weeds. (F)
4. Most fields require treatment with an herbicide.( T)
5. Cultivators eliminate habitat for mice and insects. (F)
6. Ploughs turn over the upper layer of the soil bringing fresh nutrients to the surface. (T)
7. The chisel plow is a device that goes deep in the earth to turn soil.(T)
8. The broadcast seeder is used to prepare fields.(T)
3.Choose the right word:
4. ……are used in farming for initial cultivation of soil in preparation for sowing seed or planting.
a. ploughs;
b. tractors;
c. cultivators;
Answer: (a) ploughs;
5.Reapers are used for cutting cereal grains.
a. harrows;
b. tractors;
c. reapers;
Answer : (c) . reapers;
6.Cultivators are designed to destroy ……..with shallow roots and to break up surface soil neat plants for
a. plants;
b. weeds;
c. seeds;

Answer: A plants

4.Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases:

harvest, planter, seeding, no-till, chisel plow, cultivators, harrow.
1.Farmers …….. different parts of the plants: seeds, fruit, root.
2. To get rid of weeds farmers can use ……. which break apart soil and weeds.
3. The implement that breaks soil and smoothens the ground is the …..
4. The …………is an instrument which is attached to a tractor and goes deep in earth to turn soil.
5. The …. is the implement attached behind a tractor that lays seeds down in rows.
6. ……. farming is a technique that reduces soil erosion.
7. Many farmers work hard to raise a crop from ….. to harvest.


1. Harvest

2. Cultivators

3. Harrow

4. Chisel plow


6. No-till


5. Match the words with their definitions:

1. broadcast seeder a. a device that flattens soil
2. rototillerb b. a device that spreads seeds and fertilizer
over a field
3. cultipacker c. a device that puts seeds into the ground
4. seed drill d. a device that turns over soil
5. tractor e. a device that separates stones from soil
6. stone picker f. a vehicle that pulls farm equipment

Answer :

1. broadcast seeder = B a device that spreads seeds and fertilizer

2. rototillerb= A a device that flattens soil
3. Cultipacker =D a device that turns over soil
4. Seed drill=C. a device that puts seeds into the ground
5. Tractor=.Fa vehicle that pulls farm equipmen
6. Stone picker=E a device that separates stones from soil

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