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Myth Buster: Are Video Games Really That Bad?


Shachar Oz and Liron Levi

May 2017

Video games are not only the youngest media, but they broke any record regarding user
consumption compared to other media, such as: books and films (Entertainment Sports Association,
2015). Its success and the unique experience it offers has brought many myths around it, such as:
game violence creates violent people, games don’t teach anything, games are socially isolating the
player, and a few more.
This article surveys some common myths, and brings proof of a different truth, quoting academic
game research. Games can be a very effective tool, if we use it right.

Tags: video games, digital games, game violence, games and psychology, games based learning, 21
century skills

Levi L. & Oz S. (2017). Myth Buster: Are Video Games Really That Bad?. Retrieved [date], from

Table of Contents
Myths ................................................................................................................................................... 3
1. Video games mainly target young boys ....................................................................................... 3
1.1 Average gamer’s age ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Average gamer’s gender ...................................................................................................................... 3
2. Video games socially isolate the gamer ....................................................................................... 4
2.1 Social pressure and the rise of multiplayer .......................................................................................... 5
2.2 Game is situated in a social discussion ................................................................................................ 5
3. Video games make gamers a couch potatoes ............................................................................... 6
3.1 Motion tracking games ........................................................................................................................ 6
3.2 Location based games .......................................................................................................................... 7
4. Violent video games create violent people................................................................................... 7
4.1 Crime rate is negatively correlated to rise in number of gamers ......................................................... 8
4.2 Violence and aggression are very different ......................................................................................... 8
4.3 Aggression arise from failure rather than from violent content........................................................... 9
5. Video gameplay doesn’t teach you much ................................................................................... 10
5.1 Losing can motivate........................................................................................................................... 10
5.2 Life skills for the 21st century ............................................................................................................ 11
5.3 Job simulator ..................................................................................................................................... 12
5.4 Learning new subject matter.............................................................................................................. 12
5.5 Game-based learning ......................................................................................................................... 13
Discussion: How should we face games? ........................................................................................ 14
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................... 15
1. Player characteristics.................................................................................................................. 15
2. Social aspects ............................................................................................................................. 15
3. Games and violence ................................................................................................................... 15
4. Learning with games .................................................................................................................. 16
5. Video games ............................................................................................................................... 17

Video games were born in the early 50s. The first publicly known video game is Pong, which was
released by 1972. This probably makes video games as the youngest media. Since then it broke user
consumption records of any other media, such as: books and films (Entertainment Sports
Association, 2015). Its success and the unique experience it offers has brought many myths around
The people who really understand games are the gamers. When they grew up and became academic
scholars, they turn to research the influence of games on various aspects of our life. Game research
is becoming a serious field of study, and this article brings results from not a few sources.
I hope you could learn to see games in a different light after reading these proof. Games can be a
very effective tool, if you only use it right. It is better if we learn how to use it instead of trying to
push it away.

1. Video games mainly target young boys

1.1 Average gamer’s age
Video games are thought to be aimed mainly at young boys at the age group of 3 to 16 years old.
Where actually the average player age is around 35 years old (Entertainment Sports Association,
2015). This shift happened mostly because the people who played video games when they were
“born” in the 1970’-1980’, are now older. These players can now afford to make purchases for
themselves or for their children. Apparently the average years that gamers are playing for is 13.

Age diversity among gamer population

1.2 Average gamer’s gender

Another interesting variable is the average gamer’s gender. The myth considers male being the lead
target audience, whereas nowadays audience is almost 50-50. The average female gamer’s age is 43
and the average male gamer’s is 35 (Entertainment Sports Association, 2015).

Gender diversity among gamer population

Games are truly diverse in the content and gameplay they offer, and it addresses all audiences. Take
a look at these examples and you should find a few that you are either playing yourself or you know
someone close that is.

From top-left: MineCraft, AngryBirds, CandyCrush, ClashOfClans, PokemonGo, ClashRoyale,

Solitaire, Sudoku, MineSweeper

2. Video games socially isolate the gamer

Media separates us, causing us to be socially isolated with our device in our private virtual world.
When we look at the two pictures below, most of us consider the card game as a socially connecting
activity and the video game as a socially isolating one. Especially because of the direction of the
faces and its expression.

We see video games as isolating where card games are socially connecting

2.1 Social pressure and the rise of multiplayer

Where, in fact, the social aspect is a very strong motivational power in nowadays gaming. At its
beginning, the video game market was focused on players playing locally, on the same machine.
But when internet was invented, games took an interesting turn and online multi-player gaming was
Nowadays, playing with a friend or family is significantly more popular compared to single player
play. More than 50% of gamers claim that games are a mean to keep in contact with friends and
family. About a third of the gamers play because of their friends, and are driven to play because of
social pressure (Entertainment Sports Association, 2015).
Massively multiplayer online games (MMO) are a unique genre of games that manages to keep
players engaged for many years on a daily basis. World of Warcraft or League of Legends, as two of
the leading game titles in that genre, have each around 10 million players playing the game each
month. The players play for a few years in a row, average from 6-15 years!
The thing that makes MMOs really different, is the social interaction between the players. They
talk, strategize, battle, fail, learn from mistakes, experience guilt and other emotions. And they do
all this together. Talmadge investigated the game Counter Strike, a famous first-person shooter, and
found that the game faces the player with real social dilemmas in front of real people (Wright, Boria
& Breidenbach, 2002).
Famous MineCraft is another example of an MMO video game. Kid gamers play this open world,
harvest for resources, build castles with it, and defend from alien creatures at night fall. They do all
that with their friends.
Remember that sturdy familiar gaze into the screen in the picture above? It probably originates from
concentration, rather than from sadness.

From left: Counter Strike, MineCraft, World of Warcraft

2.2 Game is situated in a social discussion

Kurt Squire, Constance Steinkuehler and Sasha Barab are researchers with a different approach.
They research the social influence of playing a game, not by looking at the game itself, but at the
time between play sessions (Dikkers, Squire, Steinkuehler & Zimmerman, 2010).
Squire claims that “video game playing is situated in social and cultural spheres, that are perhaps
more important than the game itself” (Squire, 2002; Yee, 2001). When players sit outside the game,
they are still thinking and talking about the game: strategizing, considering moves. Squire teaches
game development but focuses the students to consider how to use this media to start a social
change or movement.
Steinkuehler opened a gamers club for those who drop out of school. She said the majority of
players join because of the games, but stay because of the social bond (Connected Learning
Alliance, 2011).
Squire urges educators to think thoroughly before integrating games into the class. “It is more than
bring the game into school, it is actually fundamentally rethink education”, meaning don’t just
introduce a new media into the class, consider how you are going to create a new social and
educational movement around it.

3. Video games make gamers a couch potatoes

Games are considered to be played with a remote control sitting on the couch in front of a TV
screen. They are said to make us numb, static, unresponsive and still.

“Myth: Gamers are Couch Potatoes”

3.1 Motion tracking games

The truth is that there are many games that actually have their gameplay based on player’s
movement. Motion tracking games, like Microsoft Kinect or Nintendo Wii, track the player’s
position and gestures using a special camera or wearable devices, and the games force the player to
perform certain movements, such as boxing, sports or even dance moves.

Kinect game technology recognizes player’s body gestures

3.2 Location based games

Another type of such games are the location based games. Using the GPS tracking on our mobile
devices, games know exactly where we are outdoor. They use that data in interesting ways to create
an engaging game. GeoCaching is one of the first in the genre. In many ways it is an outdoor
scavenger hunt, where people create riddles for other people.
Zombies, Run! is an app you start when you jog, and it creates a path for you according your
progress. You would hear voices of zombies crying behind you when you need to speed up, and
another person will direct you to a safe place.
But PokemonGo is probably the most famous game of all in the genre, probably because of the
publicity it got and the traffic jams it created. The virtual Pokemons are spread out in the world, and
you need to get them all. You physically need to be near the creature in order to get it. Kids pushed
their parents to go on a road trip just to get a Pokemon. But the age group was very diverse.

Omaha police organized a huge PokemonGo hunt, to attract people to specific information points to
learn about the police. Source July 2016

4. Violent video games create violent people

This is probably the most sensitive issue of all. Nowadays most parents simply ban toys or games
that have even some violent resemblance (Ferguson, 2010). There is no doubt that some video

games present violent content, just like any other media: movies, books, etc. The difference is that
video games offer personal interaction with content, whereas in other media the user is only the
viewer of it.
The debate took off in 2005 when the American Psychological Association published a series of
researches that reveal that not a few suicide shooters or mass slaughter terrorists, were also addicted
gamers. Some even played right before they went to perform their criminal activity (American
Psychological Association, 2005).

These publications have been the trigger for many gamers and researchers (myself included) to
prove a contradictory truth. We knew that even though games present violent content, it cannot
create violent people since we are not violent and nor does many other gamers we know.
In 2013, a petition was signed by 300 researchers, psychologists and game designers, to cancel the
2005 resolution by the APA (Yee, 2014b).

4.1 Crime rate is reversely correlated to rise in number of gamers

The first proof that something was not right with these claims, was that even though the number of
gamers is rising dramatically every passing year, the crime rate drops (Markey, in press; Ferguson,
2010). This reverse correlation explains that there is no causal relationship between video game
violence and crime.
Researchers didn’t stop there.

Reverse correlation between game consumption and youth violence

4.2 Violence and aggression are very different

Patrick Markey investigated the famous shooter-gamer cases. He discovered that most of them had
severe personality and social issues as well. Meaning, the video game itself cannot be identified as
the sole cause (Markey & Markey, 2012).
It is only reasonable. Consider this, if you were to be forced to watch a very violent movie, would
this make you kill somebody or perform an act of violence? Probably not. But if you were already
hurt or with mental issues, this could have been a trigger, but nothing more than that.
Christopher Ferguson is probably the leading researcher in that field. He showed that when a gamer
sees violence inside the game, aggressiveness is being triggered inside their brain, but it lasts for a

very short while and disappears after a few seconds (Ferguson, 2010; Ferguson, Olson, Kutner &
Warner, 2014). Ferguson claims that violence originates from the human being and not from the
media itself. Game creates short term aggressive response, but violence is on a completely different
level (Ferguson, 2015).

No long term influence after playing violent game

Williams & Skoric investigated if aggression from video games will have influence after a long
term play period. They let a group play a violent video game for several hours every day for a full
month (average of 56 hours that month). Results show no difference in the way they socially
interacted before and after that month. Actually, you can see that the control group showed more
stress than the gamers… (Williams & Skoric, 2005).

In 2015 the APA has released another resolution after a meta-study. They claimed that video game
play is linked to rise in aggression, but it has not proven to increase lethal violence. They stated that
aggression is temporary and certainly cannot be a sole cause of violent acts (American
Psychological Association, 2015).

4.3 Aggression arise from failure rather than from violent content
New research direction proved that aggression doesn’t arise from the violent content inside the
game, but from the failure (Przybylski, Deci, Rigby, & Ryan, 2014; Engerman, 2016). When we fail
a challenge we worked so hard for, we get disappointed. That feeling of failure creates an emotional
response of aggression (Wright, 2006).
Most players don’t see the game as violent. The see it as challenging and they are focused in the
task at hand. It is recommended to mediate the violent content for young players, and make sure
they are not influenced by it.

Failure brings aggression, not violent content

5. Video gameplay doesn’t teach you much

Most kids probably hear their mother shouts that they be better doing homework and not playing a
video game. That happens because we do not see games as a teaching tool.
Well, that is one of the easiest myths to break actually. During one of my talks about this aspect, I
showed the first slide presenting this myth, and a 12 years old kid stands up in his chair shouting
“oh, now that’s really bullshit”. Everyone was laughing and I asked him to explain what the last
thing he learned from games was.

5.1 Losing can motivate

Already in 2003, Kurt Squire managed to show how playing a game can be effective to learning
(Squire & Jenkins, 2004). He took school dropouts and challenged them to play Civilizations III, a
video game that resembles more of a simulation than a battleground. First, he made sure they are
motivated to play. He then challenged them even more by creating unbalanced situations and
starting points. They were quoted saying things like: “I discovered that in order to win the game I
needed to know more about geography” (Squire, 2005). The fact that they even decided to keep
trying to win after one or two failures is a wonder, since they have had not an easy life.

“Losing one time after another made me realize I need to learn more geography to win this game”
Civilization III

The game SimCity is another great example to the amount of the responsibility the player has on the
results. They play a mayor building a new town from scratch, deciding on anything. They get
advisers, but they often contradict each other (build more green tech vs save money vs invest in
education programs vs invest in industry). They need to design neighborhoods, roads,
entertainment, industry, education. They even set the tax rate. This was a great intro to the world of
running a city with its various systems.
Player can easily replay the game and try different approaches. All depends on player’s decisions.
This is not a fast game, and it can be paused at any time. Players get time to make decisions. If they
fail, they know exactly what went wrong. They know they failed, and they are ok with it. Most
players see the point in trying again, and do not look at this as a personal failure.

SimCity: designing your town

5.2 Life skills for the 21st century

“Many video games require players to master skills in demand by today’s employers” (Summit on
Educational Games, 2006, p. 47). This was one the many findings of a summit of 80 researchers,
scientists and US government officials, with the goal to investigate the meaning of video games to
education. They said that even though testing programs fail to assess skills like: performance under
pressure, self-learning or complex analysis, video games certainly assist in its development.
In 2002 the US Army published a video game called America’s Army. The proclaimed goal was to
draw more recruits to join the army and to better train the special units. The game is a first person
shooter, and it has many training programs inside: tactics, weaponry, etc. The player starts from
basic training and learns that team work is very important. A Rambo is not an acceptable behavior.
The player learns to respect fellow man and the opponent. The Army values have been integrated
into the gameplay, and players get that too. But above all, the game is used as a sorting tool for
recruiters. If you get two candidates that one is level 5 in the game and the other is level 20
(assuming both played the same time), you would definitely hire the second one. The game collects
a lot of statistics about the player in all the aspects of their choices (Reagan, 2008; Owen, Ramirez,
Salmon, & Halverson, 2014).

Americas Army: video game to help hire new recruits

5.3 Job simulator

The realistic nature of simulations paved a path to create job simulators of many types. One of the
more serious ones I saw is the Dentist Trainer by Breakaway. But even though it is highly accurate
experience and a fantastic tool to teach dentists to perform an implant, it is not a game.

From left: V-DIT by Breakaway, Diner Dash

But Diner Dash is a video game that is a lot more fun to play. It is a great tool to teach
memorization, multi-tasking, planning a head, speed and accuracy and more. Player runs a
restaurant, take orders, sit the guests, make their food, serve and do the dishes. They collect money
to purchase enhancements to increase revenue or new ingredients to add new dishes.

5.4 Learning new subject matter

One of the first things any veteran gamer knows better than many others, is speaking and reading
English (Summit on Educational Games, 2006). Steinkuehler investigated the content gamers read
in order to learn about the game itself. She saw that it’s in an academic quality. Her research proved
that teenage gamers are able to read that content with comprehension, whereas they fail reading
content at their grade level at school (Steinkuehler, 2012). She found that when kids choose their
own text they were reading 4-8 grades above their level.

Gee was among the first to discover specific relationship between the way games are built and the
way we want learning to become (Gee, 2003). Coming from game development, I have pinned nine
similar principles between the game design building blocks and the instructional design (Oz, 2012).
Good games have these principles working in perfect balance, whereas instructional design and
nowadays common teaching practices have a lot to improve.

The nine principles of similarity between games design and instructional design (Oz, 2012)

5.5 Game-based learning

Making History II, is a video game about the Second World War. It aims to be a teaching tool in the
classroom. Its scenarios are aimed for a 40 min lesson, and are easily set by the teacher (McDivitt,
FoldIt is a video game that challenges players to compete in predicting the structure of protein
molecules. A week after its release, the game results helped scientists to reach a breakthrough in the
AIDS research (Lamm, 2012; Cooper et al., 2010). The research is said to be stuck in the past

From left: Fold-It, Making History II

Discussion: How should we face games?
So video games are not really what we thought they are. Each game has its own audience, and
overall video games address a wide range in the population. Almost any great video game is
multiplayer or have some social elements integrated into the gameplay. Some games even have
physical motion as a core mechanic in the game. Violent content in the game does not create violent
people, even though it might seem a little exaggerated at times. And finally, video games can be a
highly effective learning tool, if used correctly.
They key here is that we need to know how to select an appropriate game for our player (child /
trainee / ourselves). There are tons of bad games out there, and we need to be able to choose. There
are a few ways to do that, but I will not get into that here. The shortest recommendation I can give
is first try for yourself, before you let your child play it. Or sit with them, while they play, and ask
questions about it. Don’t blame them for something, ask why in order to learn. When you feel
knowledgeable enough about the game, you can decide if it’s good enough or not.
After we choose a game, we should learn how to use it. Take Monopoly as an example. After you
see that your kids enjoy the game, you decide to use it to teach basic math. Now you will create
scenarios that will force the players to bang their heads in math problems in order to win the game
(example: change the prices from 100$ to 87$ or 102.4$). Monopoly can teach also English,
Economics and even Real-Estate. It really depends how you steer the boat. Same principles apply to
video games as well.
Converse with the player about their game experiences. Each match is a big opportunity to learn
something and improve. Players would love to share their wins, so let them brag. Then ask about
their weak points as well, and how they plan to get better.
Cheryl Olson offers similar tips to parents regarding video game play, such as: supervised play,
asking kids why they play certain games, playing video games with their children (Olson, 2010).
Let’s wrap up with this: if you watch a movie that had an unexpected scene with violence or sex,
and your child asks about it, you would need to give them an answer. What if they don’t ask about
it? Would you open a conversation yourself if you see their twisted face expression? Same rules
apply to video games. You need to be aware of the player’s experience, in order to know if it hurts
them or it stays just a challenging and fun game.

Play with your child is the best tip.

1. Player characteristics
Entertainment Sports Association (2015). Sales, Demographic and Usage Data: Facts about the
Computer and Video Game Industry. Retrieved from
Prensky M. (2000). From digital game-based learning. McGraw-Hill

2. Social aspects
Dikkers, S., Squire, K., Steinkuehler, C. & Zimmerman, E. (Eds.) (2010). Real-time research: An
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Squire K. (2002). Studying the Impact of Gaming. In international journal of computer game
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Wright T., Boria E. & Breidenbach P. (2002). Creative Player Actions in FPS On-Line Video
Games: Playing Counter-Strike. In Game Studies: The International Journal of Computer Game
Research, 2 (2). Retrieved from

3. Games and violence

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on What You Look at and When. In Journal of Communication, 65 (1), pp. 193–212. Retrieved

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4. Learning with games

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5. Video games
Angry Birds [Computer software] (2009). Espoo: Rovio.
Americas Army [Computer software] (2002). USA: US Army.
Civilization III [Computer software] (2001). Maryland: Firaxis.
Candy Crush Saga [Computer software] (2012). London: King.
Clash of Clans [Computer software] (2012). Helsinki: Supercell.
Clash Royale [Computer software] (2016). Helsinki: Supercell.

Counter Strike [Computer software] (1999). Washington: Valve.
Diner Dash [Computer software] (2004). San Francisco: Play First.
Fold-It [Computer software] (2008). Washington: University of Washington.
Geo Caching [Computer software] (2000). Seattle: Groundspeak.
Heroes of the Storm [Computer software] (2015). Irwin: Blizzard.
League of Legends [Computer software] (2009). Los Angeles: Riot Games.
Making History II [Computer software] (2007). Amesbury: Muzzy Lane.
MineCraft [Computer software] (2011). Stockholm: Mojang.
Pokemon Go [Computer software] (2016). San Francisco: Niantic.
Sim City 2000 [Computer software] (1993). California: Maxis.
Team Fortress II [Computer software] (2007). Washington: Valve.
Temple Run [Computer software] (2011). Raleigh: Imangi.
WarCraft III [Computer software] (2002). Irwin: Blizzard.
World of Warcraft [Computer software] (2004). Irwin: Blizzard.
Virtual Dental Implant Trainer [Computer software] (2013). Hunt Valley: Breakaway.
Zombies, Run! [Computer software] (2010). London: Six to Start.


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