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Pogonlomboy, Mangatarem, Pangasinan

Mobile No.: 0920-964-4762


Name of Learner:_____________________________________________________
Year Level: ____________ Course: _______________________________________


In every cycle,anything and everything begins with the first stage.Before a butterfly begins to spread its
wings to fly,it passes through different stages from a tiny egg to a beautiful insect with wings to fly,it passes
through different stages of teaching from novice to proficient,to distinguished or expert teacher.

A teacher moves on from one stage to another based on his experiences,achievements,increased

knowledge and skills,and developing characteristics.Same is true when it comes to technology integration,a
teacher who is beginning to learn about technology may experiment on how technology can be integrated in
instruction until he understand fully the appropriate use of technology in instruction.

The following are the different stages of technology integration.

Components Beginning Stage Developing Stage Proficient Stage Transformative

for Effective Stage
Resources Teacher still make Teachers Teachers Teachers engage with
use of plan,manage and demonstrate and students to explore and
chalkboards,textboo facilities student model effectibve use determine appropriate
ks,handouts,workshe understanding of of a variety of uses of existing and
ets in their technologies and existing and emerging technology-
instructions and other resources best emerging based resources so that
activities despite the suited to support technology-based students may
presence of the specific learning reseources to effectively
selected experiences. encourage students plan,manage,ansd
technologies and to engage in a range evaluate their learning
other resources that of learning experiences.
support student experiences.
learning experience.
Role of the  Research and Facilitate and guide  Model creativity and Collaborate with and
Teacher discuss strategies students as they knowledge involve students as lead
students can use to employ strategies to construction and learners to engage in
promote construct knowledge enable students to activities to promote
knowledge construct and creative thought. demonstrate creativity and
ion and demonstrate creativity and innovations and explore
creativity Not only model safe innovation. complex issues.
ethical, legal, and
healthy use of Advocate for and Engage students in
Monitor safe, ethical,
technology and effectively instruct becoming active
legal, and healthy
information resources students in the safe, participants in the safe,
use of technology
but also help students ethical, legal and ethical, legal, and
and information
address threats to healthy use of healthy use of
security of technology and technology and
technologies, data information information resources
and information. resources including by encouraging them to
emerging policies establish policies and
and practices related procedures for its use
to issues such as and determining
security, intellectual methods to address its
property and misuse.
personal rights.
Nature of the Teachers design Teachers adapt or Teachers design and Teachers collaborate
Instructional activities by using or create activities that customized activities with students to
Activities modifying existing allow students to in response to identify and develop
learning resources. collect and report students’ learning personalize activities
information. styles, preferences, that allow students
Teachers select and and abilities so that formulate, evaluate,
use formative and Teachers develop and students develop and test hypotheses, to
summative conduct formative and questions, propose address complex
assessment to summative solutions, and elicit problems that address
inform teaching and assessment to inform feedback on their real word – local and
learning. teaching and learning. learning. global issues and share
their information for
Teachers provide real world application.
students with
various opportunities Teacher engage
to demonstrate their students in the
skills and development of and
knowledge. analysis of various
opportunities to
demonstrate skills and
knowledge to orient
future teaching and
learning opportunities
toward areas necessary
for greatest students

Role of the Use technology tools Use technology tools Use technology in Collaborate and
Student to research and to collect information, support of collecting communicate with their
collect information synthesize and create and synthesizing teachers, other
and to pan and new information in information, students and experts to
manage their student projects developing and select and use
learning. guided by their demonstrating technology tools. They
teachers. They critical thinking, and routinely monitor,
explore issues of solving authentic evaluate, and adjust
individual interest problems through their own learning
related to their the creation of strategies and thinking.
learning. projects they
propose. They use
technology to plan,
manage, and reflect
on their own

Direction: In a long bond paper , draw the technology that you think the most essential technology we are
using today-new normal . Share your insights/experience about it using the guide below: ( Sa gitna yung
drawing niyo tapos sa gilid-gilid yung sagot niyo sa mga tanong na nasa baba)

 Give atleast 3 reason why did you choose that technology.

 Write the 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages that you encountered while using it.
 How can you say that this technology is very helpful and reliable today.
 Can you recommend it to other people ? How ? In what way ?(Give me a scenario)



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