Project 3. Module 4

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General information

Student’s name: Oscar Orlando Sanchez Iraheta

Career: English major

Subject: Module 4.Management of Teaching Technological Resources for Teaching and

Administration of English Language.

Title: Project 3.Teaching perspectives

Professor: Martin Ulices Aparicio Morataya

Due date: February 10th, 2011

2. Introduction

The following report has the purpose of identifying my philosophy of teaching perspectives
through reading the Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI) site. This site provides important
information about the different teaching perspectives teachers have and shows the teaching
perspective results, after taking a questionnaire of 45 questions about my views of teaching. In
addition, there are a few questions about me and my background.

The Teaching Perspective Inventory is web sites which help you to collect your thoughts and
summarize the ideas you have about teaching. This site is very helpful because it examine your
own teaching views and also other people teaching views. The questionnaire this site offers is
very easy to complete; it just takes ten or fifteen minutes to be completed and automatically
score your results which are sent to you through e-mail.

It is really important to know my personal teaching perspectives because it let me express my

ideas about teaching and at the same time, to be evaluated with an automatically score result
which personally help me to recognize and make some changes with the purpose of being a
very good teacher in the future. So, I would like to suggest the TPI for practitioners or teachers
whose expectations are to be better in the teaching field and their personal lives as
3. The TPI result and the description of your own teaching perspective

Here are your TPI results Oscar Sanchez

Domingo, 23 de enero, 2011 19:24
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Oscar Sanchez here are your TPI scores:
Transmission total: (Tr)   38.00
   B=15; I=9; A=14
Apprenticeship total: (Ap)  41.00
   B=11; I=15; A=15
Developmental total: (Dv)  38.00
   B=12; I=12; A=14
Nurturance total: (Nu)  34.00
   B=12; I=14; A=8
Social Reform total: (SR)  33.00
   B=10; I=11; A=12
Beliefs total: (B)  60.00
Intention total: (I)  61.00
Action total: (A)  63.00
Mean: (M)  36.80
Standard Deviation: (SD)    2.93
HiT: (HiT)   40.00
LoT: (LoT)   34.00
Overall Total: (T) 184.00
For future reference your TPI ID number is: 110123092424
Interpretation of results

Transmission 38.00

Well, according to the TPI scale from 9 low to 45 high points, I got 38 points in Transmission
which means that I am quite good in representing my content accurately and efficiently. Also,
the summary of five perspectives mentions that I can develop such as: clear objectives, adjust
the paste of lecturing, making efficient class time, clarifying misunderstanding, answering
questions, providing timely feedback, correcting errors, and providing reviews; A great level of
enthusiasm with students and content.

Apprenticeship 41.00

It stays that, I am very good in socializing students and into new behavioral norms and ways of
working. The result shows that I can be a good practitioner of what I teach by setting tasks from
simple to complex allowing for different points of entry depending upon learners’ capacity. I
can identify what students can do in their own and where they need any kind of guidance and
directions. As students become better and competent learners I am able to change my roles by
offering them less help and give more responsibilities as students become from dependent to
independent learners.

Developmental 38.00

In this one, the result shows me that, I am quite good in understanding what students think and
reason about the context. Effective questioning that challenge learner to move from easy to
difficult and sophisticated ways of thinking. It says that I can adapt my knowledge to the
learners’ level properly. Also, I am able to help students to change some negative ways of
thinking into the positive ones. The different students’ viewpoints make me plan and conduct
my teaching along the learning process.

Nurturance 34.00

My result in nurturance shows that, I my perspectives in teaching can be good if I motivate my

students and help them to be productive in life. So, learners are productive in the way they
involve working on issues or problem without fear of failure. Giving a try to solve problems
with their own efforts can make the different in their future. Of course, this effort can be
supported by the teacher and classmates positively. Moreover, I have a tendency to encourage
students with good supports in expectations and reasonable goals for learners without
sacrificing their self-efficacy or self esteem for achievement.
Social reform 33.00

The social reform result show me how good I am in changing my students in a substantive way.
I am able to awaken students to values and ideologies that are embedded in texts and common
practices within their disciplines. I able to challenge the student’s status quo and encourage
them to consider how students are positioned in particular discourses and practices. Also, I am
able to encourage students to take critical stances to give them power to take social action to
improve their own lives and the others.

4. Conclusion

Taking everything into account, I consider that Inventory is a site where you can find
information about the Teaching Perspective Inventory (TPI). In this site, you can take a short
questionnaire which is focused on the different teaching perspectives that practitioners and
teachers may have in the teaching field. The questionnaire is divided into five teaching
perspectives such as: Transmission, Apprenticeship, Developmental, Nurturing, and Social
Reform and three sub-scores which help you to identify and change some teaching perspectives
you may have.

The result I got is based on 45 questions and the answers provided by me. So, I can say that, I a
good result because it showed me how good or bad I am in the teaching field. Of course, this is
just the perspectives I have about teaching and the possible changes I might have in order to be
better in the teaching field. I had to subscribe me in the TPI sites before taking the
questionnaire which took me just ten to fifteen minutes. After that, automatically I received my
TPI result and summary of my teaching perspectives.

I completely agree with the result I obtained because it showed me the different teaching
perspectives I have with its percentage for each one. This information is very useful for me
because it help me to make some changes in order to be better in the teaching field.

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