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Influence of temporomandibular joint disc

displacement on craniocervical posture
and hyoid bone position
Jung-Sub An,a Da-Mi Jeon,a Woo-Sun Jung,b Il-Hyung Yang,c Won Hee Lim,d and Sug-Joon Ahne
Seoul, Korea

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate craniocervical posture and hyoid bone position in or-
thodontic patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc displacement. Methods: The subjects consisted of 170
female orthodontic patients who consented to bilateral magnetic resonance imaging of their TMJs. They were
divided into 3 groups based on the results of magnetic resonance imaging of their TMJs: bilateral normal disc
position, bilateral disc displacement with reduction, and bilateral disc displacement without reduc-tion. Twenty-five
variables from lateral cephalograms were analyzed with 1-way analysis of variance to investigate differences in
craniocervical posture and hyoid bone position with respect to TMJ disc displacement status. Pearson correlation
coefficients were calculated to analyze the relationships between craniofacial morphology and craniocervical
posture or hyoid bone position. Results: Subjects with TMJ disc displacement were more likely to have an
extended craniocervical posture with Class II hyperdivergent patterns. The most significant differences were found
between patients with bilateral normal disc position and bilateral disc displacement without reduction. However,
hyoid bone position in relation to craniofacial references was not significantly different among the TMJ disc
displacement groups, except for variables related to the mandible. Pearson correlation coefficients indicated that
extended craniocervical posture was significantly correlated with backward positioning and clockwise rotation of
the mandible. Conclusions: This suggests that craniocer-vical posture is significantly influenced by TMJ disc
displacement, which may be associated with hyperdivergent skeletal patterns with a retrognathic mandible. (Am J
Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2015;147:72-9)

D isc displacement of the temporomandibular joint

Various imaging techniques are available for evalua-
tion of the TMJ, such as transcranial radiography,
arthrography, tomography, computed tomography, and
is a common temporomandibular disorder (TMD) and refers to 5
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Among them, MRI
an abnormal positional rela-tionship between the articular disc
2 is the only modality that directly depicts the disc and is
and the condyle, fossa, and articular eminence. TMJ disc
the gold standard in determining articular disc po-sition
displacement generally progresses from a reducing to a
nonreducing state and may lead to TMJ clicking, crepitus, and in relative to the condyle and articular eminence because of
some cases, pain and jaw movement limitations. Common its high diagnostic accuracy. In addition, it also offers
causes of TMJ disc displacement include trauma and other advantages, such as noninvasiveness, lack of soft
4 tissue distortion, minimal pain, minimal risk potential,
parafunctional habits, such as clenching and bruxism.
and lack of ionizing radiation exposure. Approximately
From the Dental Research Institute and Department of Orthodontics, School of 30% of asymptomatic adults and 82% of symptomatic
Dentistry, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
a patients have some form of TMJ disc displacement, as
Postgraduate student.
b 6
Researcher. determined by MRI.
Assistant professor.
Associate professor.
Previous studies have investigated the relationship
Professor. between TMJ disc displacement and dentofacial
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of charac-teristics in orthodontic patients, reporting that
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. patients with TMJ disc displacement have decreased
Address correspondence to: Sug-Joon Ahn, Dental Research Institute and
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University,
posterior facial height as well as backward positioning
101 Deahak-ro, Jongno-Gu, Seoul 110-768, Korea; e-mail, and clock-wise rotation of the mandible. Since
Submitted, April 2014; revised and accepted, September 2014.
craniocervical posture and hyoid bone position can be
Copyright 2015 by the American Association of Orthodontists. associated with dentofacial morphology, both of these features could be significantly influenced by TMJ disc
An et al 73

displacement. However, the associations between 2 Disc displacement with reduction. The disc was
TMJ disc displacement and craniocervical posture or ante-riorly displaced relative to the posterior slope of
hyoid bone position have not yet been fully the articular eminence and the head of the condyle in
investigated. Although the effects of TMD on the closed-mouth position, but the disc was reduced on
craniocervical posture and hyoid bone position have mouth opening.
been investigated, the results remain controversial. 3 Disc displacement without reduction. The disc was
Several studies have reported an association between anteriorly displaced relative to the posterior slope of
TMD and craniocervical posture, but others do not the articular eminence and the head of the condyle, and
support the connection between TMD and the disc was not reduced on mouth opening.
craniocervical posture or hyoid bone position. The
The position and shape of the articular disc of the TMJ
purpose of this study was to investigate the
were carefully evaluated according to the classifica-tion
relationships between TMJ disc displacement and
criteria. We excluded patients with a unilaterally different
craniocervical posture, and between TMJ disc
disc displacement status because the possible skeletal
displacement and hyoid bone position, using MRI. The
morphologies associated with unilateral disc displacement
null hypothesis was that no significant relationships
would be found between TMJ disc displacement and would be obscured by averaging of the right and left
craniocervical posture, or between TMJ disc landmarks used to determine their loca-tion, and
displacement and hyoid bone position. unilaterally different disc displacement status may
asymmetrically influence craniocervical posture or hyoid
bone position, which is difficult to measure in lateral
cephalometric analysis. From the originally selected
Female subjects were recruited from patients who
patients, only those with bilateral normal disc status (BN),
consented to bilateral MRI of their TMJs. All subjects had
bilateral disc displacement with reduction (DDR), and
a primary complaint of malocclusion, and routine lateral
bilateral disc displacement without reduction (DDNR)
cephalograms were taken in natural head position with an
were included in this study.
Asahi CX-90SP II (Asahi Roentgen, Kyoto, Japan).
Natural head position was determined by having the sub- One investigator (S-J.A.), who was blinded to the
21 clinical information and the disc position, traced all
jects look straight into a mirror in a standing position. A
lateral cephalograms. Eighteen landmarks were
chain plumb line was suspended in front of the cassette to recorded on each radiograph using a digitizer with a
indicate a true vertical line. The MRI images were taken
desktop computer, and 25 variables were calculated
to evaluate TMJ status mainly because of TMJ symptoms
from these landmarks: 9 variables for craniocervical
including TMJ sounds, pain, masticatory muscle tender-
posture, 7 for hyoid bone position, and 9 for
ness, limited mandibular movement, and locking. Exclu-
craniofacial morphology (4 for vertical and 5 for
sion criteria were (1) age less than 17 years, (2) any
sagittal craniofacial morphologies). The positions and
systemic disease, (3) history of orthodontic treatment,
definitions of the landmarks are shown in Figure 1, and
(4) history of facial cosmetic or orthognathic surgery,
the locations of the reference planes are shown in
(5) history of trauma involving the TMJ, (6) juvenile rheu-
Figure 2. Measure-ments for craniocervical posture,
matoid arthritis, (7) history of TMJ treatment, (8) airway
hyoid bone position, and craniofacial morphology are
obstruction, (9) oral habits, (10) TMJ disc displacement
shown in Figures 3, 4, and 5, respectively.
of a greater severity on the unilateral side, and (11) partial
Lateral cephalograms of 20 randomly selected sub-
TMJ disc displacement or TMJ disc displacement with
jects were measured again to test the magnitude of mea-
partial reduction. This research protocol was approved by
surement errors. The intraclass correlation coefficients for
the institutional review board of the Seoul National
the reliability of tracing, landmark identification, and
University Dental Hospital (CRI11040).
analytic measurements were greater than 0.98.
Radiologists with MRI experience with the TMJ Descriptive statistics were calculated for all vari-ables.
inter-preted the images blinded to the clinical The differences in the cephalometric variables for
information. According to disc position, TMJ disc craniocervical posture, hyoid bone position, and
status was divided into 3 categories as follows. craniofacial morphology with respect to the TMJ disc
1 Normal disc position. In the closed-mouth position, the displacement status (BN, DDR, and DDNR) were tested
intermediate zone of the disc was interposed between the with 1-way analysis of variance. Scheffe multiple com-
condyle and the posterior slope of the articular eminence, parisons were performed at a significance level of 0.05 to
with the anterior and posterior bands equally spaced on either analyze between-group relationships. To investigate
side of the condylar load point.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics January 2015 Vol 147 Issue 1
74 An et al

Fig 1. Landmarks used in this study: 1, nasion; 2, sella; 3,

Fig 2. Craniocervical reference planes used in this study:
orbitale; 4, porion; 5, basion; 6, anterior nasal spine; 7,
1, nasion-sella line (NSL, plane through nasion and sella);
posterior nasal spine; 8, Point A; 9, Point B; 10, pogonion;
2, true horizontal plane (HOR, true horizontal plane pass-
11, menton; 12, gonion; 13, RGn (most protrusive point of
ing through sella); 3, Frankfort horizontal plane (FH, plane
retrognathion); 14, hyoidale (Hy, most superior and ante-
through porion and orbitale); 4, nasal line (NL, line through
rior point on the body of the hyoid bone); 15, cv2tg
the posterior nasal spine and anterior nasal spine); 5,
(tangent point of the superoposterior extremity of the sec-
mandibular plane (MP, line through gonion and menton); 6,
ond cervical vertebra); 16, cv2ip (most posteroinferior point
cervical vertebrae tangent (CVT, line through cv2tg and
on the second cervical vertebra); 17, cv3ia (most an-
cv4ip); 7, odontoid process tangent (OPT, line through
teroinferior point on the third cervical vertebra); 18, cv4ip
cv2tg and cv2ip).
(most posteroinferior point on the fourth cervical vertebra).

with DDR demonstrated intermediate values, there was

no significant difference in craniocervical posture be-
the correlations between craniofacial morphology and tween the BN and DDR groups, or between the DDR and
craniocervical posture or hyoid bone position, Pearson DDNR groups. Angles between the cervical vertebrae and
correlation coefficients were calculated. the true horizontal plane (HOR/CVT and HOR/OPT) or
the mandibular plane (MP/CVT and MP/OPT) were not
RESULTS significantly different among the 3 groups. Cervical
A total of 170 female subjects were included in this curvature (OPT/CVT) also did not vary significantly
study (Table I). Their age range was 17.0 to 50.8 years among the different TMJ disc displacement groups.
(mean age, 24.5 6 5.7 years). There were no significant Among the variables for hyoid bone position, only
differences in age distribution among the 3 study measurements related to the mandible were significantly
groups (data not shown). influenced by TMJ disc displacement status. Subjects with
Table II presents the differences in craniocervical DDNR had a decreased hyoid angle (Go/Hy/Me)
posture, hyoid bone position, and craniofacial compared with those with BN or DDR (BN 5 DDR .
morphology with respect to TMJ disc displacement sta- DDNR). In addition, the hyoidale to the most pro-trusive
tus (BN, DDR, and DDNR). Significant differences were point of retrognathion distance (Hy-RGn) decreased as
found in craniocervical posture between the BN and TMJ disc displacement status increased in severity from
DDNR groups (Table II). Subjects with DDNR had larger BN to DDNR (BN .DDR .DDNR). However, distances
angles between the craniofacial reference planes and the between craniocervical landmarks or reference planes and
cervical vertebrae (FH/CVT, NL/CVT, FH/OPT, and NL/ the hyoid bone (Hy-Ba, Hy to NSL, Hy to NL, Hy-cv3ia,
OPT) than did the subjects with BN, indicating that sub- and Hy to cv3ia-RGn) did not show significant
jects with DDNR had extended craniocervical posture differences according to TMJ disc displacement status
compared with those with BN. Although the subjects (Table II).

January 2015 Vol 147 Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
An et al 75

Fig 3. Variables of craniocervical posture (all are angular

measurements): 1, true horizontal plane to cervical verte- Fig 4. Variables of the hyoid bone position (all are linear
brae tangent angle (HOR/CVT); 2, Frankfort horizontal measurements except for Go/Hy/Me): 1, linear distance
plane to cervical vertebrae tangent angle (FH/CVT); 3, between the hyoidale and basion (Hy-Ba); 2, perpendic-
nasal line to cervical vertebrae tangent angle (NL/CVT); 4, ular distance between the hyoidale to nasion-sella line (Hy
mandibular plane to cervical vertebrae tangent angle to NSL); 3, perpendicular distance between the hyoi-dale
(MP/CVT); 5, true horizontal plane to odontoid process to nasal line (Hy to NL); 4, linear distance between the
tangent angle (HOR/OPT); 6, Frankfort horizontal plane to hyoidale and RGn (Hy-RGn); 5, linear distance be-tween
odontoid process tangent angle (FH/OPT); 7, nasal line to the hyoidale and cv3ia (Hy-cv3ia); 6, perpendicular
odontoid process tangent angle (NL/OPT); 8, mandibular distance between the hyoidale and cv3ia-RGn plane (Hy to
plane to odontoid process tangent angle (MP/OPT); 9, the cv3ia-RGn, positive when the Hy is located below the
cervical curvature, downward-opening angle between cv3ip-RGn plane); 7, hyoid angle, angle of Go-Hy-Me
odontoid process tangent and cervical vertebrae tangent (Go/Hy/Me, the angle is larger when the hyoidale is
(OPT/CVT, positive when the cv4ip is located on the left located above the mandibular plane).
side of odontoid process tangent).
presented in Table III. Generally, craniocervical posture
As previously reported, subjects with TMJ disc (FH/CVT, NL/CVT, FH/OPT, and NL/OPT) was signifi-
displacement have a retrognathic mandible with a hy- cantly correlated with variables representing sagittal
8,9 (ANB, SNB, and PNP) and vertical (FMA and FHR)
perdivergent skeletal pattern (Table II). Our study
craniofacial morphologies, and subjects with extended
showed that increased ANB, and decreased SNB and N
craniocervical posture had a retrognathic mandible with a
perpendicular to pogonion (PNP), are specific sagittal
hyperdivergent skeletal pattern. However, cervical
craniofacial morphologies in subjects with TMJ disc
curvature (OPT/CVT) was not significantly correlated
displacement. In addition, these skeletal characteristics
with craniofacial morphology.
became more severe as TMJ disc displacement progressed
from BN to DDNR. However, variables representing The hyoid angle (Go/Hy/Me) and the distance be-
maxillary position (SNA and N perpendicular to point A tween the hyoidale and the most protrusive point of ret-
[ANP]) were not significantly different among the 3 rognathion (Hy-RGn) were significantly correlated with
groups. Subjects with DDNR had a hyperdivergent craniofacial morphologic variables (Table III). Both
skeletal pattern: eg, increased Frankfort-mandibular plane values decreased as the skeletal pattern became more hy-
angle (FMA), decreased posterior facial height (PFH), perdivergent (increased FMA and decreased FHR) and as
and decreased facial height ratio (FHR) compared with the mandible was located more posteriorly (increased
those with BN or DDR. In contrast to sagittal craniofacial ANB and decreased SNB and PNP).
morphology, vertical craniofacial morphology did not
vary significantly be-tween the BN and DDR groups DISCUSSION
(Table II). The relationships between TMJ status and craniocer-
Correlations between craniofacial morphology and vical posture have not been fully addressed, specifically in
craniocervical posture or hyoid bone position are orthodontic patients. This may be due to the

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics January 2015 Vol 147 Issue 1
76 An et al

DDNR had increased FH/CVT, NL/CVT, FH/OPT, and

NL/OPT compared with those with BN (Table II).
Although there were no significant differences in the an-
gles between the BN and DDR groups, or between the
DDR and DDNR groups, there was a tendency toward
increased angles between the craniofacial reference
planes and the cervical vertebrae as TMJ disc displace-
ment progressed from BN to DDNR. This means that
head or cervical posture can change according to TMJ
disc displacement status. Since neither angle between the
cervical vertebrae and the true horizontal plane
(HOR/CVT and HOR/OPT) or the cervical curvature
(OPT/CVT) was significantly different among the 3 disc
displacement statuses, head posture may rotate above the
second vertebra without changes in cervical vertebral
position in relation to the true horizontal plane. Although
direct comparison was not possible, our find-ings are
similar to those of previous studies reporting that patients
Fig 5. Variables of craniofacial morphology: 1, Frankfort with TMD have a more extended craniocer-vical posture
horizontal plane to mandibular plane angle (FMA); 2, than the control group, without significant differences in
anterior facial height (AFH, linear distance between na- 12
cervical curvature, and that there are no significant
sion and menton); 3, posterior facial height (PFH, linear
distance between sella and gonion); 4, ANB angle; 5, differences in the curvature of the cervical vertebrae
SNA angle; 6, SNB angle; 7, N perpendicular to Point A between the third and seventh vertebrae after comparing
(ANP); 8, N perpendicular to pogonion (PNP); 9, facial cervical vertebral alignment between sub-jects with TMD
height ratio (FHR, ratio of posterior facial height [3] to 19
and volunteers without TMD.
anterior facial height [2]). Despite changes in head posture, the positional rela-
tionships between the cervical vertebrae and the
mandibular plane (MP/CVT and MP/OPT) did not show
Table I. Number and age distribution of subjects with significant differences among the 3 TMJ groups. This
BN, DDR, and DDNR might be because mandibular position is significantly
associated with TMJ disc displacement status. Subjects
Group BN DDR DDNR Total
with TMJ disc displacement generally had an increased
Subjects, n (%) 53 (31.2) 55 (32.4) 62 (36.5) 170 (100)
Age (y) mandibular plane angle with extended craniocervical
Mean 23.7 6 6.6 25.1 6 5.4 24.6 6 5.3 24.5 6 5.7 posture (Table II). Because both cervical vertebrae and
Range 18.3-50.8 17.3-42.0 17.0-41.0 17.0-50.8 the mandible are rotated clockwise in relation to the
craniofacial reference planes in subjects with TMJ disc
displacement, there may be no significant differences in
methodologic problems of previous studies, such as relationships between the cervical vertebrae and the
inadequate sample sizes and subjective criteria for clas- mandibular plane.
sifying TMJ status. In this study, we used a The association between TMJ disc displacement and
large sample size (170 subjects) including a control extended craniocervical posture can be explained in 2
group (BN TMJs). In addition, the subjects were ways. The first possibility is that extended craniocervical
objectively classified with MRI of their TMJs, not with posture may influence TMJ disc displacement. Previous
subjective signs and symptoms. Furthermore, the studies have reported that abnormal craniocervical
subjects were carefully controlled. Only subjects with posture is an etiologic factor of TMD, postulating that as
the same TMJ disc displacement conditions bilaterally the cranium rotates backward, the mandibular denti-tion
were included. Men were excluded to prevent skewing will be located more posteriorly in relation to the
the cephalometric measurements with sex-related dif- maxillary dentition; in turn, the mandible will be
ferences. To prevent growth-related size differences, advanced to obtain occlusal support. Increased
only female patients over the age of 17 years were muscular activity that develops as a result will lead to disc
24 12,13
selected. displacement. Although the subjects with TMJ disc
This study showed an association between TMJ disc displacement had a more extended craniocervical posture
displacement and craniocervical posture. Subjects with in this study, they had a more posteriorly

January 2015 Vol 147 Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
An et al 77

Table II. Comparisons of cephalometric variables among the BN, DDR, and DDNR groups
Variable BN DDR DDNR Significance Multiple comparisons
Craniocervical posture
HOR/CVT ( ) 98.7 6 6.9 99.5 65.8 99.6 65.9 NS
FH/CVT ( ) 96.6 6 8.2 98.3 66.3 100.3 67.1 * BN \DDNR
NL/CVT ( ) 96.1 6 8.7 98.3 66.4 99.6 66.9 * BN \DDNR
MP/CVT ( ) 67.3 6 8.8 67.6 67.0 64.7 68.5 NS
HOR/OPT ( ) 93.6 6 7.4 94.9 67.1 94.7 66.4 NS
FH/OPT ( ) 91.5 6 8.5 93.7 67.3 95.4 67.4 * BN \DDNR
NL/OPT ( ) 91.0 6 8.8 93.7 67.2 94.7 67.1 * BN \DDNR
MP/OPT ( ) 62.2 6 8.6 63.0 67.9 59.8 68.5 NS
OPT/CVT ( ) 5.1 6 2.8 4.6 62.9 4.9 62.5 NS
Hyoid bone position
Hy-Ba (mm) 76.3 6 5.6 77.0 66.0 75.1 66.1 NS
Hy to NSL (mm) 107.0 6 6.4 108.2 67.6 108.4 66.4 NS
Hy to NL (mm) 60.7 6 5.2 61.8 66.0 62.6 65.7 NS
Hy-RGn (mm) 38.4 6 5.7 35.5 65.5 32.3 65.5 y BN .DDR .DDNR
Hy-cv3ia (mm) 36.2 6 3.8 36.5 63.0 35.2 63.4 NS
Hy to cv3ia-RGn (mm) 1.5 6 6.1 0.0 65.0 0.5 65.9 NS
Go/Hy/Me ( ) 154.3 6 18.0 151.0 614.8 143.4 615.1 * BN 5 DDR .DDNR
Vertical craniofacial morphology
FMA( ) 28.9 6 7.0 30.6 66.7 35.5 67.0 y BN 5 DDR \DDNR
FHR (ratio) 0.63 6 0.06 0.62 60.05 0.59 60.06 y BN 5 DDR .DDNR
AFH (mm) 132.8 6 5.5 133.7 66.5 133.3 66.0 NS
PFH (mm) 83.7 6 7.6 82.6 66.6 77.9 66.7 y BN 5 DDR .DDNR
Sagittal craniofacial morphology
ANB( ) 2.4 6 4.5 5.1 62.4 7.7 62.8 y BN \DDR \DDNR
SNA( ) 81.1 6 3.1 81.6 63.2 81.4 62.8 NS
SNB( ) 78.7 6 4.9 76.5 62.9 73.8 63.6 y BN .DDR .DDNR
ANP (mm) 1.7 6 3.0 2.3 62.8 1.5 63.2 NS

PNP (mm) 1.32 6 10.43 6.32 66.65 14.05 67.73 BN .DDR .DDNR

NS, Not significant.

y z
*P \0.05; P \0.001; Scheffe multiple comparisons were used to analyze the intergroup difference at the level of a 5 0.05.
upper airway space with the same craniocervical
located mandible than did subjects with BN (Table II); posture. Therefore,
this differs from previous studies.
The second possibility is that TMJ disc displacement
may induce extended craniocervical posture. Previous
studies have reported that the severity of TMJ disc
displacement increases as the sagittal skeletal classifica-
tion changes from skeletal Class III to skeletal Class II,
and the vertical skeletal classification changes from hy-
podivergent to hyperdivergent. As a result, subjects
with skeletal Class II or hyperdivergent deformities have
a high possibility of severe TMJ disc displacement. In
addition, experimentally induced TMJ disc displacement
leads to significant impairment of vertical and horizontal
mandibular growth, and the amount of vertical or
horizontal skeletal change gradually increased as TMJ
disc displacement increased in severity in animal
studies. Because TMJ disc displacement frequently
occurs during puberty, it seems that TMJ disc
displacement can lead to a retrognathic mandible with a
hyperdivergent skeletal pattern; this in turn may reduce
are not clear because the results were derived from cross-
extended craniocervical posture associated with TMJ disc sectional data.
displacement may result from protective responses to Interestingly, TMJ disc displacement did not signifi-
maintain upper airway space. This hypothesis is sup- cantly influence the positional relationships of the hyoid
ported by our findings, indicating that extended cranio- bone to the craniofacial references and the cervical
cervical posture is positively related to a hyperdivergent vertebrae, but it significantly influenced the positional
and Class II skeletal pattern (Table III). de Farias Neto et relationships of the hyoid bone to the mandible (Go/
16 Hy/Me and Hy-RGn) (Table II). Subjects with TMJ disc
al also postulated that in the patients with TMD, altered
displacement, and specifically those with DDNR, had a
mobility of the articular disc limits the biome-chanics of
smaller hyoid angle (Go/Hy/Me) and a shorter hyoidale to
mouth opening and triggers compensatory extension of
the most protrusive point of retrognathion distance
the cervical vertebrae to prevent compres-sion of the
upper airway. However, the cause-and-effect relationships

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics January 2015 Vol 147 Issue 1
78 An et al

Table III. Correlations between craniofacial morphology and craniocervical posture or hyoid bone position



Craniocervical posture

y y
HOR/CVT ( ) 0.241 NS 0.196* NS 0.240 0.169* 0.332y 0.153* 0.334y

y y y
FH/CVT ( ) 0.381 0.247y 0.270 NS 0.399 0.205y 0.499y 0.316y 0.591y

y y y
NL/CVT ( ) 0.256 0.192* 0.262 NS 0.315 0.248y 0.454y 0.193* 0.416y

y y
MP/CVT ( ) 0.547y 0.556 NS 0.512 NS NS NS NS NS

y y
HOR/OPT ( ) 0.258 0.154* 0.153* NS 0.242 0.168* 0.333y NS 0.325y

y y y
FH/OPT ( ) 0.396 0.256y 0.234 NS 0.399 0.207y 0.501y 0.290y 0.578y

y y y
NL/OPT ( ) 0.283 0.208y 0.231 NS 0.326 0.253y 0.467y 0.178* 0.422y

y y
MP/OPT ( ) 0.498y 0.519 NS 0.468 NS NS NS NS NS
Hyoid bone position
y y y
Hy-Ba (mm) NS 0.152* 0.247 0.281 0.162* 0.162* 0.257 NS 0.174*
y y y
Hy to NSL (mm) NS NS 0.341 0.289 NS 0.281 NS NS NS
y y y y
Hy to NL (mm) 0.237 NS 0.247 NS 0.236 NS 0.161* NS 0.267
y y y y y y
Hy-RGN (mm) 0.519 0.388 NS 0.396 0.584 NS 0.421 NS 0.562
Hy-cv3ia (mm) 0.181* 0.191* 0.165* 0.278 NS NS NS NS NS
Hy to cv3ia-RGn (mm) NS NS NS NS 0.174* NS NS NS NS

y y y y y y
Go/Hy/Me ( ) 0.385 0.358 0.168* 0.447 0.324 NS 0.339 0.151* 0.367
NS, Not significant.
*Pearson correlation is significant at the .05 level; Pearson correlation is significant at the .01 level.
in hyoid bone positions between subjects with and
(Hy-RGn) than did the subjects with BN, whereas the dis- without TMD. Other research regarding TMJ disc
tances between the hyoid bone and the craniofacial ref- displacement status with MRI also documented that the
erences (Hy-Ba, Hy to NSL, and Hy to NL) or the position of the hyoid bone was not significantly different
cervical vertebrae (Hy-cv3ia), and the relationship between subjects with a normal disc position and those
between the hyoid bone and the craniocervical reference 20
with disc displacement.
(Hy to cv3ia-RGn), were not significantly different among Generally, the facial profile is important in the diag-
the 3 TMJ disc displacement groups. The relationship be- nosis and treatment planning for orthodontic patients.
tween the hyoid bone and the mandible can be explained This study showed that TMJ disc displacement can
by the compensatory response of the hyoid bone to pre-
serve upper airway space. It seems that the position of the
hyoid bone may not significantly change during the
protective process, which maintains the pharyngeal
airway space and swallowing functions against back-ward
positioning and clockwise rotation of the mandible
associated with TMJ disc displacement. As a result, the
subjects with TMJ disc displacement have backward
positioning and clockwise rotation of the mandible with a
relatively stable hyoid bone position, which may change
the positional relationships of the hyoid bone to the
mandible significantly. This hypothesis is partly supported
by previous research that found no significant differences
profile in patients with potential TMJ disc
influence craniocervical posture, although the cause- displacement before orthodontic treatment.
and-effect relationship remains unclear. As a result, in This study has the following limitations. The causal
subjects with TMJ disc displacement, the retro-gnathic relationships between TMJ disc displacement and cra-
profile is compromised by extending their niocervical posture, or between TMJ disc displacement
craniocervical posture despite the backward and the hyoid bone position, are not clear because our
positioning and rotation of the mandible. Recently, the results were derived from cross-sectional data. In
importance of the soft tissue paradigm has been addition, these results are based on lateral cephalo-
emphasized, and a normal soft tissue proportion is grams with static posture; hence, they do not show the
considered a primary treatment goal in orthodontic or function associated with mandibular kinetics. Further
surgical-orthodontic treatment.
Because studies with longitudinal data are needed to clarify the
relationships of intra-articular distance, mandibular
craniocervical posture is directly related to the soft
kinematics, and mandibular loading with
tissue profile of the face, this study suggests that
clinicians should carefully evaluate relationships craniocervical posture. This would be helpful for the
between the craniocervical posture and the facial diagnosis and treatment planning of patients with TMJ
disc displacement.

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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics January 2015 Vol 147 Issue 1

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