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Bill of Rights Learning Menu

Directions​: Now that you have learned about the Bill of Rights, you will apply your
understanding to one of the following projects. You need to choose ONE and only one.

Use ​Pixton​ to Write a children’s Research a current Write and record a

create a cartoon book on the Bill of event and write 3 skit about a legal
describing the first Rights using ​My paragraphs situation involving
10 Amendments. Storybook​. explaining how it one of the Bill of
involved one of the Rights using
Bill of Rights. Vocaroo​.

Pixton Cartoon​: Must include all of the first 10 amendments; minimum of 10 panels;
include appropriate characters and background that match the amendment; provide a
summary of the amendment in your own words, either as speech bubbles or a caption
for the panel.

My Storybook​: Must be written in children’s language (a 5 year old should understand);

must have illustrations for each page and includes all of the first ten amendments.
Minimum 12 pages. Must include title.

Essay​: Must write 3 paragraphs, written or on a Google Doc. Summarize the details of
the event. Explain how it involves the Bill of Rights. Include your opinion of what
happened. Include the article. The event must have happened within the year.

Vocaroo Recording​: Must be written as a skit; must have a minimum of 2 characters;

must be a situation which explains one of the Bill of Rights amendments. Each
character must have a “line” (something to say). Record yourself (and others) reading
the script. Don’t forget to be dramatic!

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