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Hydrocephalus in Adults

• Hydrocephalus is defined as disturbances in cerebrospinal fluid • Cerebrospinal fluid drainage shunts are the main treatment
dynamics. option of hydrocephalus. However, shunt complications are
• Acute hydrocephalus and shunt obstruction are neurosurgical relatively common.
emergencies. • Endoscopic third ventriculostomy is an alternative treatment
option in patients with obstructive hydrocephalus.

he term hydrocephalus is a modern Latin adaptation then through the cerebral aqueduct of Sylvius to the fourth
from Greek hudrokephalon, from húdōr (“water”) + ventricle. From the fourth ventricle, CSF passes to the sub-
kephalē (“head”).1 Hydrocephalus is not a single disease arachnoid space around the brain and spinal cord through the
entity. It is rather a spectrum of conditions where there is a foramen of Magendie in the midline and the two foramina
disturbance in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dynamics.2 of Luschka laterally (Fig. 60.1). The CSF circulation com-
The practice of hydrocephalus in adults is different from prises not only a directed flow of CSF but a pulsatile to-and-
that of pediatrics. It involves managing patients with newly fro movement as well. It was thought that the dural venous
developed high-pressure hydrocephalus of various etiologies. sinus’s arachnoid villi and granulations play an important
A significant proportion involves patients with normal/low- role in CSF absorption. However, research has disputed that
pressure hydrocephalic conditions, such as normal pressure theory. The currently accepted theory is that CSF is cleared
hydrocephalus (NPH), or long-standing overt ventriculomeg- by bulk flow along sleeves of the subarachnoid space sur-
aly in adults (LOVA). It also includes caring for patients rounding the olfactory and optic nerves as well as spinal
transiting from pediatrics practice to adult practice with hydro- nerve roots.3,4
cephalus treated during childhood. Although not strictly a CSF functions include protection of the brain acting as a
hydrocephalus condition, idiopathic intracranial hypertension cushion that lessens the impact of a blow. By keeping the brain
(IIH) is often managed as part of the adult hydrocephalus buoyant, the net weight of the brain is reduced from about
practice. 1400 gm to about 50 gm, thereby eliminating pressure on the
base of the brain and the important basal cerebral arteries. CSF
Pathogenesis also serves as a medium to transport hormones to other areas
of the brain. CSF circulates around blood vessels penetrating
Cerebral ventricles are four interconnected cavities of the brain from the subarachnoid space into the Virchow-Robin spaces.
lined by ependymal cells and filled by the cerebrospinal fluid, We are starting to understand that the clearance of waste
a clear, colorless fluid that also surrounds the brain, spinal cord, products from the brain during sleep may depend on CSF
and cauda equina. CSF is not a filtrate of the blood. It is pro- circulation as part of the glymphatic system.5
duced by active secretion mainly at the choroid plexuses of the The relationship between intracranial components’ volume
cerebral ventricles. It is formed at a rate of about 0.35 mL/ and intracranial pressure is important in the pathophysiology
min. The daily volume of CSF produced in adult humans is of many hydrocephalic syndromes. The Monro-Kellie doctrine
about 500 mL. Total CSF space in young adults is about states that the skull is a closed bony box with constant volume.
150 mL—that is, CSF is totally replaced about four times each An increase in volume of one of the cranial constituents, or
day. Only about 25% of CSF volume lies within the ventricles. the presence of a mass lesion (tumor or hematoma), would
The rest resides in the cranial and spinal subarachnoid space.3 result in raised intracranial pressure (ICP).
CSF circulates from the two lateral ventricles, through
the interventricular foramen of Monro to the third ventricle, v.intracranial (constant ) = v.brain + v.CSF + v.blood + v.mass lesion

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 60  Hydrocephalus in Adults 823

Lateral ventricles

Foramen of Monro
Choroid plexus
Third ventricle

Foramen of Luschka

Foramen of

• Figure 60.1  Cerebrospinal fluid flow through the ventricular system.


• Figure 60.3  Sagittal T2 MRI scan of a patient with Dandy-Walker
70 syndrome.
Intracranial pressure (mm Hg)


Etiology and Classification
There are different classification schemes of the hydrocephalic
conditions. A widely used classification is based on CSF
20 dynamics, where hydrocephalus is classified as obstructive
10 (noncommunicating) or nonobstructive (communicating)
depending on the presence of a blockage of CSF circulation in
0 the ventricular system or more distally at the subarachnoid
Volume space. This classification has clinical significance in relation to
• Figure 60.2  Intracranial pressure-volume relationship. (Adapted from the safety of caudal CSF drainage; lumbar puncture is contra-
Toma AK. Hydrocephalus. Surgery—Oxford International Edition. 2015; indicated in obstructive hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus syn-
dromes can also be classified based on age of onset as neonatal,
infantile, pediatric, or adult hydrocephalus. Adult hydrocepha-
A physiologic buffer exists, where some compensation is pos- lus is often subclassified as high or normal (low) pressure
sible as cerebrospinal fluid CSF and blood move into the spinal hydrocephalus.2,10
canal and extracranial vasculature, respectively. Beyond this The underlying causes of hydrocephalus syndromes can be
point, ICP rises dramatically (Fig. 60.2). Increased ICP can broadly classified into congenital, acquired, and idiopathic cat-
lead to one of the life-threatening herniation syndromes egories. Congenital hydrocephalus usually presents in the
(coning).6,7 neonatal period. Chiari malformation (type 2) is commonly
The widely accepted value of normal ICP is 8 to 12 mm Hg associated with myelomeningocele. Dandy-Walker complex is
in flat lateral position. This is derived from the CSF opening a specific entity with hydrocephalus caused by atresia of the
pressure on lumbar puncture done in flat lateral position. An foramina of Luschka and Magendie, with agenesis of cerebellar
important contributory factor to ICP is the CSF. Pressure is vermis (Fig. 60.3). Aqueduct stenosis can present in adulthood
expected to be the same throughout the system (intracranial as triventricular hydrocephalus: enlarged third and lateral ven-
and spinal dural compartments) in supine position, but gravity tricles with a small fourth ventricle (Fig. 60.4A–B). The under-
will give rise to hydrostatic pressure gradients in upright or lying cause is either forking, septum, true stenosis, or gliosis
seated positions. Humans are upright most of the time. Normal of the aqueduct. An X-linked recessive gene is a rare cause of
ICP is thought to be negative in upright or seated positions. aqueduct stenosis.
It is thought that CSF and ICP change in relation to posture Acquired causes of hydrocephalus include hemorrhage,
change could be also influenced by posture-related change in infection, or tumors. In adults, communicating hydrocephalus
intraabdominal or dural venous sinus pressures, which are, in is a common complication of subarachnoid hemorrhage. Post-
turn, related to intrathoracic and spinal epidural venous plexus meningitis hydrocephalus is seen, as is postpyogenic or tuber-
pressure.8,9 culous meningitis.11

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
824 PART 9 Miscellaneous

• Figure 60.4  (A) Sagittal CISS sequence MRI scan of a patient with aqueduct stenosis. (B) Axial T2
sequence MRI scan of the same patient showing ventriculomegaly.

Mass lesions including tumors blocking CSF pathways 5.5/100,000 per year. Several studies have estimated the preva-
result in obstructive hydrocephalus (Fig. 60.5A–C). The first lence of NPH in the dementia population to be between 1.6%
presentation of posterior fossa tumors (eg, astrocytoma or and 5.4%.15,16
metastatic tumors) is often that of raised intracranial pressure
caused by hydrocephalus. A colloid cyst of the third ventricle Diagnosis
results in intermittent hydrocephalus or acute hydrocephalus.
Pineal tumors cause aqueduct stenosis and triventricular The clinical presentation of hydrocephalus varies depending
hydrocephalus. Choroid plexus papillomas or carcinomas are on the etiology. In adults, high-pressure hydrocephalus pre-
rare entities that produce hydrocephalus by excessive CSF sents with features of raised intracranial pressure: Headache is
production. classically worse in the morning (this is due to relative hyper-
Normal pressure hydrocephalus is a disease of the elderly capnia during sleep and subsequent vasodilation). Vomiting
population. The underlying cause is not fully understood. It will often relieve the headache as a result of hyperventila-
is thought that the chronic impairment of the Windkessel tion clearing CO2 and hence improve intracranial pressure.
effect caused by cerebrovascular disease causes increased brain Diplopia is caused by sixth nerve palsy resulting from dis-
pulsation and compression of periventricular tissue produc- tortion of this relatively long slender cranial nerve. Other
ing ventriculomegaly, with possible stretching of periven- symptoms include lethargy and behavioral disturbances.
tricular white matter tracts and subependymal microvascular Signs include papilledema and sixth cranial nerve palsy. If
ischemia.10,12–14 untreated, impaired consciousness will follow. A further rise in
intracranial pressure will result in brain herniation (coning).
Epidemiology Impending coning is associated with hypertension, bradycar-
dia, and irregular breathing. The patient will have decerebrate
A large proportion of adult hydrocephalus patients represent posture and start to have pupillary changes. Without urgent
those who had shunt insertion during childhood. The inci- intervention, irreversible coning and death will follow within
dence of pediatric hydrocephalus is less than 1 in 1000 life minutes.12,11
births. In the developed countries, there has been a decline in NPH is a disease of the elderly population. It could be
hydrocephalus caused by congenital malformation or infec- either idiopathic or secondary to brain hemorrhage, tumor,
tion. On the other hand, the incidence of posthemorrhagic or previous trauma. The classical presentation of NPH is that
hydrocephalus in prematurely born infants has increased with of gait and balance impairment, cognitive impairment, and
improving survival rates.13 incontinence.
Population-based studies estimate the prevalence of normal Impairment of gait is the most readily recognized feature of
pressure hydrocephalus in the elderly population to be 1.4% NPH. The pattern of gait seen in NPH patients has been vari-
to 2.9%, and the incidence has been estimated to be ably described as apractic, glue footed, magnetic, parkinsonian,

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 60  Hydrocephalus in Adults 825


• Figure 60.5  (A) CT scan with contrast of a patient with acute hydrocephalus caused by thalamic lesion
blocking the third ventricle. (B) Lateral skull x-ray showing the bolt EVD inserted for the same patient. (C)
CT scan of the brain of the same patient following an emergency external ventricular drain insertion. Tip
of the EVD is visible at the right foramen of Monro.

short stepped, and shuffling. Freezing is a common feature. Recognition memory and orientation are relatively preserved
Weakness of the legs is not usually evident on neurologic compared with Alzheimer disease.17
examination. LOVA is a form of hydrocephalus that is thought to develop
Increased frequency and urgency without actual urinary during childhood (compensated hydrocephalus) and manifests
incontinence may be seen in early stages of the disorder. Pro- symptoms during adulthood (decompensated hydrocephalus).
gression to frank urinary incontinence usually occurs with Brain imaging reveals severe ventriculomegaly (Fig. 60.6A–B).
disease progression. Although symptoms and signs could be of high-pressure
The principal cognitive symptoms seen in idiopathic normal hydrocephalus, many LOVA patients present with symptoms
pressure hydrocephalus are suggestive of a subcortical process, of low-pressure hydrocephalus, in the form of dizziness, head-
mainly involving frontal lobe functions, such as attention, ache, cognitive impairment, gait disturbance, and urinary
psychomotor speed, verbal fluency, and executive functions. incontinence.18

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
826 PART 9 Miscellaneous

• Figure 60.6  (A) Axial T2 and (B) sagittal MRI scan of a patient with LOVA.

Differential Diagnosis ratio of the frontal horns to the greater biparietal diameter)
greater than 0.3.10
Any condition causing raised intracranial pressure could present The main drawback of CT scan is that of radiation expo-
in a similar way to hydrocephalus. The differential diagnosis sure. Hydrocephalus is a chronic condition, and patients are
includes brain tumors, cerebral abscess, intracranial hemor- likely to need multiple images over their lifetime. Accordingly,
rhage, migraines, and idiopathic intracranial hypertension. MRI scan should be used as an alternative in nonemergency
Because NPH is a disease of the elderly population, situations. MRI has greater spatial resolution and has multi-
where gait difficulties, dementia, and urinary incontinence are planar projections, thus could help in delineating an underly-
common, the differential diagnosis includes a wide range of ing lesion. MRI CSF flow studies can help in assessing flow
conditions: through different parts of the CSF circulation (eg, cerebral
• Disorders affecting gait may occur, such as peripheral neu- aqueduct).13
ropathy, cervical or lumbar stenosis, arthritis, vestibular Several imaging features have been found to be associated
diseases, and Parkinson disease. with positive response to shunt insertion in normal pressure
• The cognitive impairment observed in NPH has some simi- hydrocephalus (Fig. 60.7), particularly the presence of tight
larity to other subcortical dementias, including Parkinson high-convexity and medial surface subarachnoid spaces with
disease, diffuse Lewy body disease, and vascular dementia. concomitant expanded Sylvian fissures (disproportionately
The absence of apraxia, agnosia, and aphasia can help dif- enlarged subarachnoid-space hydrocephalus [DESH]).20 Other
ferentiate NPH from cortical dementias, like Alzheimer features include narrow callosal angle (the angle of the roof of
disease. the lateral ventricles measured on the coronal MRI of the
• Urinary symptoms might be caused by prostate disease in posterior commissure perpendicular to the anteroposterior
men or chronic urinary tract infections in women.19 commissure plane) and focal impingement and thinning of
corpus callosum.
Continuous Intracranial Pressure Monitoring
Neuroimaging is essential to diagnose hydrocephalus. A com-
puted tomography (CT) scan of the brain is the main investi- Continuous ICP monitoring has the advantage of detecting
gation method in emergency situations. It can be done quickly transient ICP problems that can be missed by the momentary
and gives useful information with regard to ventricular size, ICP pressure estimates during lumbar puncture—for example,
the presence of hemorrhage or calcifications, or intracranial posture-related shunt overdrainage. This is done through the
mass lesions. Contrast administration is useful in the differen- implantation of an intracranial probe, mostly intraparenchy-
tial diagnosis of such lesions. mal, through a bolt fixed using a twist drill hole. The probe
Radiologic features of hydrocephalus include features of monitor is connected to a computer where raw data are stored
ventriculomegaly, ballooning of the frontal horns and third and then analyzed for average minute-by-minute systolic and
ventricle, temporal horns greater than 2 mm in size, periven- diastolic values as well as pulse amplitude. Indirect compliance
tricular edema, crowded cerebral sulci, and Evans index (the is estimated from pulse amplitude. Posture-related changes in

Descargado para cesar monja ancajima ( en Antenor Orrego Private University de por Elsevier en mayo 21, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 60  Hydrocephalus in Adults 827

the difference between the value of the plateau pressure

during infusion and the resting pressure divided by the
infusion rate.
• Constant pressure infusion: Several predetermined pressure
levels are reached by infusing artificial CSF. The inflow of
artificial CSF needed to maintain each pressure level is
measured. Flow should be linearly dependent on ICP.
• Bolus infusion: This type involves the fast injection of a
small volume of artificial CSF (usually around 4 mL) and
the study of the ICP response to that injection.22,23
In normal pressure hydrocephalus, shunt insertion based on
the clinical picture and the presence of ventriculomegaly will
result in an improvement in 50% of patients. Therefore various
tests are often used to predict shunt responsiveness in suspected
NPH patients. These are based on either physiologic testing
(such as CSF infusion, studies to determine CSF outflow resis-
tance, and ICP monitoring to assess the indirect intracranial
compliance) or functional testing (such as the CSF tap test and
extended lumbar drainage [ELD]).15

Diagnostic Tap Test

• Figure 60.7  Coronal T2 MRI scan of a normal pressure hydrocephalus
patient with narrow callosal angle and DESH sign. This test is used to communicate low-pressure hydrocephalus,
do a lumbar puncture and drain a relatively large volume of
CSF, and assess the response in terms of improvement in
walking speed or neuropsychological assessment. It has a high
pressure could be deducted by comparing overnight and positive predictive value but a low negative predictive value
daytime data. Telemetric (implantable) ICP monitors have of shunt responsiveness in normal pressure hydrocephalus
become part of routine hydrocephalus practice. They have (Fig. 60.8).
particular value in managing IIH patients. In NPH, study of
indirect compliance/pulsatility could help in predicting shunt Extended Lumbar Drainage Protocol
This test involves inserting a lumbar drain, continuously drain-
Cerebrospinal Fluid Infusion Studies ing CSF for 72 hours, and assessing the response in terms of
improvement in walking speed or neuropsychological assess-
A CSF infusion study is a test of pressure response to active ment. It has a high positive and negative predictive value.
infusion or withdrawal of CSF. It aims to assess the adequacy
of the patient’s CSF absorptive ability. This test is based on a Management
mathematical model of CSF pressure–volume, where hydro-
cephalus results from a disturbance of CSF drainage—that is, Surgery is the main treatment for hydrocephalus. Diuretics like
elevated resistance to CSF outflow. An abnormal and sustained acetazolamide and furosemide can reduce CSF production.
rise in CSF pressure in the face of the challenge is indicative However, the effect is minimal, and these medications have
of reduced absorptive capacity. The calculations are based on side effects.
Davson’s equation:
Temporary Measures
ICP = CSF formation × resistance to CSF outflow The following procedures can be used as temporary measures
+ pressure in sagittal sinus to prevent/delay the need for shunt surgery by maintaining
intracranial pressure within normal limits. They are usually
The main value of a CSF infusion test is the CSF outflow used in emergency situations, particularly in cases of acute
resistance (Rcsf ). Normal Rcsf is considered to be 4 to hydrocephalus post-subarachnoid hemorrhage. About 50% of
10 mm Hg/(mL/min), and values above > 13 mm Hg/(mL/ these patients will not require permanent CSF diversion with
min) are generally considered abnormal. shunt. Shunt insertion in the context of a heavy CSF blood
There are three different types of CSF infusion studies: load could result in early shunt blockage. These measures are
• Constant flow infusion: CSF is infused at a constant rate also used in cases of acute hydrocephalus with suspected infec-
with a consequent rise in ICP until a steady state level tion to allow for CSF sampling and facilitate intrathecal anti-
(plateau) is reached, where external input plus the forma- biotics administration (in patients with an external ventricular
tion rate will equal the absorption rate. Rcsf is calculated as drain).

Descargado para cesar monja ancajima ( en Antenor Orrego Private University de por Elsevier en mayo 21, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
828 PART 9 Miscellaneous

Degree of certainty for

sensitivity Clinical exam CT/MRI

Triad element present
Evans index >0.3
No Yes Yes No

50% Follow Follow

Evaluate surgical

LP CSF bolus

ICP >18 ICP 5 – 18

Probable secondary CSF dynamics test
Ro ↑ Ro ↓

>80% Drainage

+ –

Shunt Follow

• Figure 60.8  Schema for predicting shunt responsiveness. The initial diagnosis of NPH is based solely
on clinical examination coupled with CT/MRI scans. With evaluation of surgical candidacy, proceeding
with shunt without further testing will result in a sensitivity of 46% to 61% (scale at left). A positive response
to a CSF tap test of 40 to 50 mL is highly predictive of a favorable shunt response (72%–100%); however,
the sensitivity is low (26%–61%). Proceeding with an infusion test directly or after the tap test will provide
a high sensitivity, ranging from 57% to 100%, and is associated with a positive predictive value (PPV) of
75% to 92%. The highest sensitivity (50%–100%) and highest PPV (80%–100%) are associated with
external drainage, which requires hospital admission, and improvement of symptoms is seen shortly after
drainage is stopped. LP, lumbar puncture. (From Marmarou A, Bergsneider M, Klinge P, et al. The value
of supplemental prognostic tests for the preoperative assessment of idiopathic normal pressure hydro-
cephalus. Neurosurgery. 2005;57(3 Suppl):S17–28; discussion ii–v.)

• Serial lumbar punctures or lumbar drain insertion: Could A temporizing measure, like EVD insertion, is usually
be used in communicating hydrocephalus only. needed.
• External ventricular drain (EVD): A silicone tube is passed • Endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV): This operation is
surgically through a frontal burr hole or twist-drill hole to used in obstructive hydrocephalus at or distal to the level
the frontal horn of the lateral ventricles, then it is tunneled of the aqueduct of Sylvius. An endoscope is advanced
subcutaneously and connected to a drainage bag in a closed through a frontal burr hole into the lateral ventricle and
system. More recently, bolt EVDs have been used, where then through the foramen of Monro into the third ventricle.
the silicone tube is introduced through a hollow bolt fixed Using a balloon catheter, an opening is created in the floor
to a skull twist-drill hole. of the third ventricle, establishing a communication with
the subarachnoid space at the basal cisterns. The success rate
Definitive Measures of ETV in adult patients with obstructive hydrocephalus is
• Removal of obstructive lesion: An example is the surgical reported to be around 75%.
removal of a posterior fossa tumor compressing the fourth • CSF shunts: These are the most commonly used surgical
ventricle causing obstructive hydrocephalus. Surgical exci- option for the treatment of hydrocephalus. They serve to
sion of the tumor could relieve the hydrocephalus and avoid divert the CSF from the ventricles or lumbar thecal sac to
the need for an alternative drainage through a shunt surgery. an alternative body cavity where CSF will be absorbed.

Descargado para cesar monja ancajima ( en Antenor Orrego Private University de por Elsevier en mayo 21, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 60  Hydrocephalus in Adults 829

Shunts are made of inert silicone tubes that are tunneled value in the management of low- and normal pressure
subcutaneously between the proximal and distal ends. They hydrocephalus conditions.
have three main components: a proximal catheter, a valve to • Shunt reservoirs: These are silicone chambers that could be
control the amount of CSF drained, and a distal catheter. a built-in part of the shunt valve or could be an added
There is some evidence that antibiotic and silver-impregnated component. They act as an access point to aspirate CSF
catheters use results to reduce acute shunt infection. There are using a small needle (shunt tap).
different types of shunt surgeries, depending on the location • Antisiphon and antigravity shunt components: These
of the proximal and distal shunt catheters: devises are being increasingly used in shunt surgery to
• Ventriculoperitoneal shunt: This is the most common type. prevent posture-related overdrainage (siphoning). They
A proximal catheter is placed through a burr hole into could be a built-in part of the shunt valve or could be an
cerebral ventricles, and a distal catheter is tunneled subcu- added component. They are particularly useful in reducing
taneously to a minilaparotomy to the peritoneal cavity. overdrainage complications in low- and normal pressure
These are subdivided depending on the entry site of the hydrocephalus conditions. Adjustable antigravity valves are
proximal catheter into frontal, parietal, or occipital. also available. Special consideration is needed in surgical
• Ventriculoatrial shunt: The distal catheter is placed at the implantation to ensure that the antigravity component is
right atrium through the internal jugular vein. parallel to the body’s gravitational axis so that it will be
• Ventriculopleural shunt: The distal catheter is placed within activated fully when the patient is in an erect position and
the pleural cavity. deactivated when he or she is in a supine position.
• Lumboperitoneal shunts: These can only be used in com-
municating hydrocephalus or in idiopathic intracranial Postoperative Management and Follow-up
hypertension in the absence of a Chiari malformation. A
proximal catheter is passed into the lumbar theca and a Postoperative routine brain imaging and shunt series x-rays are
distal catheter in the peritoneal cavity. advisable to detect and correct misplacement and serve as a
• Examples of less common types of shunts include the syrin- baseline for future comparison. True shunt independence is
gopleural shunt (draining spinal cord syrinx into pleural rare, and therefore lifelong neurosurgical follow-up with annual
cavity) and the lumbopleural shunt (lumbar theca to pleural review is advisable.
cavity). On discharge, patients should be fully informed about the
signs and symptoms of shunt malfunction and should be
advised to seek urgent medical advice when they suspect that
Types of Shunt Valves a malfunction has occurred. It is advisable that shunted patients
There are two major types: are provided with a “shunt identity card” that specifies the type
• Flow-regulated valves are built into the mechanism to sta- of shunt, valve type and setting, and whether or not the valve
bilize the flow rather than pressure. is MRI conditional.10,12
• Differential pressure regulated valves include the majority Normal pressure hydrocephalus requires regular follow-up
of CSF shunts valves used. The valve opens when there is to monitor the patient’s walking speed and cognitive function.
differential pressure between the proximal and distal ends. Sudden deterioration could result from shunt malfunction. In
Valve design mechanisms include ball and cone, slit mem- these situations, shunt revision could restore the functional
brane, or spring varieties. The differential pressure regulated benefit.
valves are of two subtypes:
• Simple fixed-pressure valves: These have fixed opening Complications
pressure: low, medium, or high (depending on the
opening pressure). In adults, shunt-related problems are less frequent when com-
• Adjustable (programmable) valves: The opening pressure pared with the pediatrics age group.
of the valve can be adjusted noninvasively by manipulat-
ing a built-in magnetic component to achieve the best Infection
functional outcome tailored to the patient’s needs. Earlier
generation adjustable valves were sensitive to strong Shunt infections occur during implantation and usually present
magnets, where valve opening pressure could change within a few weeks of surgery. Patients could present with
inadvertently (eg, when the patient undergoes an MRI either superficial or deep incisional wound infections in the
scan). Newer generation adjustable valves have a built-in form of inflammation, collection, or a discharging wound,
safety mechanism to prevent an inadvertent change in with or without fever, meningism, or signs of raised intra-
opening pressure. These valves are called MRI condi- cranial pressure. More commonly, the shunt infection is that
tional. There is no evidence that adjustable valves are of CSF or peritoneal infection where patients present with
superior to simple fixed pressure valves in the manage- fever, malaise, meningism, or shunt malfunction. Other sources
ment of hydrocephalus. However, their use could add of infection should be ruled out (eg, urinary tract or chest
flexibility in the management of patients’ over- or under- infection). A CSF sample is essential for the diagnosis; the
drainage symptoms noninvasively. They have particular sample can be obtained by doing a lumbar puncture in patients

Descargado para cesar monja ancajima ( en Antenor Orrego Private University de por Elsevier en mayo 21, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
830 PART 9 Miscellaneous

with communicating hydrocephalus. Alternatively, the shunt headache. Diagnosis involves brain-imaging features of persis-
reservoir could be tapped for CSF sampling under strict aseptic tently enlarged ventricles. In low-pressure hydrocephalus, on
technique. CSF should be tested for pleocytosis, Gram stain the other hand, underdrainage presents with persistent or par-
as well as culture. Chronic low-grade infection could present tially improved symptoms. Diagnosis also requires the repeti-
late in the form of a shunt malfunction. Acute shunt infection tion of tests used to make the diagnosis, either in the form of
is a neurosurgical emergency. Failure of early diagnosis could CSF drainage or infusion tests.
have devastating consequences. Overdrainage could result in low intracranial pressure head-
Prevention of shunt infection involves strict aseptic sur- ache, dizziness, and nausea. Brain imaging features include
gical techniques and prophylactic antibiotics administration, collapsed ventricles, subdural hygroma, or hematoma. Treat-
including intrathecal antibiotic treatment during ventricular ment is by shunt valve readjustment, if an adjustable valve is
catheter placement and use of antibiotics or silver-impregnated in place. Alternatively, shunt valve revision or the addition of
shunt catheters. The use-of-care bundle regimen or standard- an antigravity component is needed.
ized surgical protocol has been shown to reduce the rate of
infection. Treatment of shunt infection entails surgery plus Other Complications
antibiotic therapy. In shunt-dependent patients, surgery could
be either in the form of removal of the shunt system with Other less common complications include seizures, intra-
insertion of an EVD or externalization of the existing shunt cranial hemorrhage, shunt tip migration, endocarditis and
as a temporary measure with a plan to insert a new shunt nephritis (with atrial shunts), and secondary Chiari malforma-
once the infection has cleared. CSF and shunt tubes are sent tion (with lumboperitoneal shunts).10,12
for microbiologic tests. Antibiotics should be started imme-
diately, Gram-positive organisms, particularly Staphylococcus Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
epidermidis, are the most common pathogens implicated. Less
common pathogens include Staphylococcus aureus and gram- This is not hydrocephalus as such. However, because treatment
negative bacteria. The combination of intrathecal antibiotics often involves CSF drainage with shunt insertion, it is fre-
with systemic antibiotics will depend on the clinical situation quently discussed in conjunction with hydrocephalus.
and infecting organism. Intracranial hypertension (IIH) is a neurologic condition
characterized by increased ICP in the absence of any central
Shunt Obstruction nervous system disease, structural abnormality, and normal
CSF composition. Table 60.1 lists the diagnostic criteria. IIH
Obstruction is the most common cause of shunt malfunction. is a rare but potentially blinding condition. Therefore it is not
Clinically, patients present with features similar to untreated entirely benign. Alternative nomenclature includes benign
hydrocephalus with a brain scan showing features of acute intracranial hypertension (BIH) or pseudotumor cerebri.24
hydrocephalus. In shunt-dependent high-pressure hydroceph- The prevalence of IIH in the general population is reported
alus, shunt obstruction is a neurosurgical emergency. Patients as 1 to 3 per 100,000 patients per year. However, it is higher
could deteriorate quickly and die of raised intracranial pressure among obese patients as well as women of childbearing age.25
unless shunt revision surgery is done. In low-pressure hydro- IIH is managed with medical measures in the first instance.
cephalus, shunt obstruction presents with a recurrence of pre- This consists of ICP-lowering medications (eg, acetazolamide)
senting symptoms. Diagnosis often requires the repetition of and weight loss. Lumbar punctures are commonly used as a
tests used to make the diagnosis, either in the form of CSF temporizing measure. Opening pressure is often high. CSF
drainage or infusion tests. should be drained up to a volume of 20 mL or to half the
Obstruction could occur at different parts of the shunt: opening pressure. In some patients, surgical management is
proximal catheter obstruction by choroid plexus, valve mal-
function or blockage, or distal catheter blockage or withdrawal/
migration. Shunt obstruction could be related to misplacement TABLE Diagnostic Criteria for Idiopathic Intracranial
of proximal or distal catheters. 60.1  Hypertension

Diagnostic criteria for idiopathic intracranial hypertension

Disconnection or Breakage Symptoms of raised intracranial pressure
Particularly in older shunts, disconnection or breakage is Signs representing elevated intracranial pressure or
usually evident on shunt series x-rays. An intermittently patent papilledema
shunt tract could result in intermittent symptoms of shunt Elevated CSF opening pressure
blockage. Treatment is surgical.
Normal CSF composition
Imaging to exclude hydrocephalus, mass, or structural lesion
Shunt Under- or Overdrainage
No secondary cause of elevated intracranial pressure
In high-pressure hydrocephalus patients, underdrainage pre- identified
sents with clinical features of high intracranial pressure, like

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CHAPTER 60  Hydrocephalus in Adults 831

necessary due to rapidly deteriorating vision or the failure or Brinker T, Stopa E. A new look at cerebrospinal fluid circulation. Fluids
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Selected Key References Please go to to view the complete list of references.
Brean A, Eide PK. Prevalence of probable idiopathic normal pressure
hydrocephalus in a Norwegian population. Acta Neurol Scand.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 60  Hydrocephalus in Adults 831.e1

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