Summer Solstice

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“The Road Not Taken”

Summary of “The Road Not Taken”

1. Popularity: This poem was Written by Robert Frost and was published in 1961 as the
first poem in the collection, Mountain Interval. The poem, having a
perfect rhyme scheme, ‘ABAAB’ is an ambiguous poem that allows the readers to think
about choices they make in life. Robert Frost wrote this poem for his friend Edward
Thomas, as a joke. He considers it a very tricky poem.
2. The Road Not Taken as Nostalgic Commentary on Life Choices: This poem is about
life from the perspective of a young narrator who decides to seize the day, and, as an
individual, chooses the road “less traveled by.” The expression of doubt runs in the poem
from the first line until the last. The expression of uncertainty about choices and our
natural tendency to surmise about consequences we may have to face marks the central
point of the poem. However, what stays in the mind of the people is the philosophy of life
and the dilemma of making choices.
3. Major Themes of the Poem: The poem comprises uncertainty and perplexing situation
of the minds of people about what they may face when standing on the verge of making
choices. It is because life is full of choices, and the choices we make, define the whole
course of our lives. Similarly, the narrator faces a situation during his travel. He finds two
roads at a point where he has to choose one and must abide by his choice. He thinks he
may come back one day to travel on the other road. However, he also has a feeling that
his choice will confront him with new adventures and challenges. Though there is some
regret over his choice, yet he realizes that the things he has encountered and the places he
has visited, because of this path, have made all the difference in his life.

Literary Devices in “The Road Not Taken”

1. Metaphor: There are many metaphors in the poem like road, fork in the road and
yellowwoods. The road in the poem is the metaphor of life, while the fork on the road
metaphorically represents the choices we make to determine the course of our lives.
Similarly, yellow woods are the metaphor of making decisions during the hard times of a
person’s life. These metaphors used in this poem emphasize the importance of different
decisions we make in different situations and their impacts on our lives.
2. Imagery: Imagery is used to make the readers feel things through their five senses. The
poet has used images of the sense of sights such as leaves, yellowwoods and  These
images help readers to actually perceive things they are reading. The image of the road
helps readers to visualize the road providing a navigation route to the traveler.
3. Simile: A simile is a device used to compare things with familiar things to let the readers
know it easily. There is one simile used in the second stanza such as “as just as fair”. It
shows how the poet has linked the road less taken to the easy way through life.
4. Assonance: Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds such as the sound of /a/ and /o/
in quick succession in “though as far that the passing” and in “Somewhere ages and ages
5. Consonance: Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds such as /d/ in “two roads
diverging in a yellow wood” and /t/ sound in “though as far as the passing there.”
6. Personification: Robert Frost has personified road in the third line of the second stanza.
Here, it is stated “Because it was grassy and wanted wear” as if the road is human, and
that it wants to wear and tear.
7. Parallelism: Parallelism is the use of a source of words, phrases or sentences that have
similar grammatical forms. Frost has used Parallelism in the poem such as;
“And sorry I could not travel both”
“And be only one traveler long I stood”
“And looked down once as far as I could”
Concluding the literary analysis, it can be argued that Robert Frost has beautifully used various
literary devices to make the poem display multiplicity of interpretation which has gained the
poem much deserved popularity.

Analysis of Poetic Devices in “The Road Not Taken”

Although most of the poetic devices are part of literary devices, some devices are only used in
poems. The analysis of some of the major poetic devices used in this poem is given here.

 Stanza: A stanza is a poetic form of a fixed number of lines. In this poem, there are four
stanzas with each stanza having five verses or lines.
 Quintain: A quintain is a five-lined stanza borrowed from Medieval French Poetry.
Here, each stanza is a quintain such as the first one or the second one.
 Rhyme Scheme: The whole poem follows ABAAB rhyme scheme. There are four beats
per line, employing iambic tetrameter. The rhymes in “The Road Not Taken” are end
rhymes which are also perfect rhymes.
 Trochee: Trochee means there is a one stressed and one unstressed syllable in a line such
as “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.”
 Anapests: Anapests means there are two short or unstressed syllables followed by one
long or stressed syllable. The above example is also an anapest.

This analysis shows that this poem, though, seems a simple and innocent composition, points to
the reality of making decisions in complex situations. The point to remember is that the road has
been emphasized in that it is the choice that makes the road important for us. In other words, our
preferences in life make us different from others.
Literary Analysis of Anton Chekhov’s ‘The Lottery Ticket’
‘The Lottery Ticket’ is one of the famous short stories by Anton Chekhov. The story talks about
the situation wherein Ivan Dmitritch and his wife are dreaming about how their lives would
change if they win the lottery. It is in here that both characters develop criticism surrounding
their current state. In the end, both had to accept the bitter reality that they didn’t win and the
idea of how this news changed their views about one another. Through Chekhov’s
straightforward storytelling, readers are able to dig deep surrounding the symbolism brought
forward by the lottery ticket and raise issues surrounding opportunities and the importance of
One important theme highlighted by Chekhov in the story corresponds to the nature of how
change can influence values and viewpoints of people. Specifically, the story examines the
different reactions of the couple knowing that they had the possibility of winning the lottery.
Both Ivan Dmitritch and the wife have their own corresponding dreams if they are able to win
the money. From the vantage point of the story, it depicts the sad reality on how people can
change their perceptions about others with the opportunity of acquiring wealth (Inspired Writing
Research 1). Of course, there is the bitter pill that both characters had to swallow when they
realize that they did not win. It brings them back to reality and realizes that they still had to live
the normal life that they used to.
Another important theme emphasized by the piece corresponds to the idea of contentment.
Chekhov at the beginning of the story is clear in highlighting about the financial capabilities of
the couple. Arguably, there were no instances wherein Ivan or the wife felt discontented with
what they currently have. However, this all changed with upon learning that their lottery ticket
might be considered as the winner. Instead of becoming thankful of the opportunity to uplift their
lives, each one began to assume that life will be better off if they had more money (Jessa 1).
Though this may seem to be true, having his mindset greatly exposes the couple’s dissatisfaction
in their current life. That is why when both learned that they did not win it became difficult for
each one to accept.
It is also relevant to point out how Chekhov utilizes the symbol of the lottery ticket in order to
convey important ideas surrounding the characters. Arguably, this object remains to be an
important way to show opportunities given to people. It means that people have numerous means
to uplift their lives and included in this process is the dream of becoming better. However, the
catch in these opportunities is that there might be situations where these would not work in one’s
favor. As for the case of Ivan and his wife, learning that they were so close in winning the lottery
was painful because it remained to be essential in helping them improve their lives (Chekhov 1).
Instead, they had to settle and go back to the normalcy of life. This remains to be a disheartening
reality to accept especially for Ivan.
In the end, Chekhov’s ‘The Lottery Ticket’ remains to be a significant story in emphasizing
lessons surrounding opportunities and contentment. By telling his piece in a straightforward
manner, readers are able to understand the struggle felt by the couple as they almost won the
lottery. Like the two, many have experiences where there were numerous possibilities that could
have improved their life. Though these didn’t materialize, there are still valuable lessons to be
gained from this encounter and should be used for personal growth and improvement.

In nature, there are strange occurrences that are worth comparing with the human life cycle. It
may be the pleasant or it may be the displeasing. The droughts, typhoons, calamities, snow, rains
and even hail storms. All of the same, all of them have their own cycles just like all our lives.
Their reasons for happening are irrevocable, even to knowledge’s we attain. We cannot go
against nor fight it. Those may have been triggered them to make humanity elated in
awesomeness or cry in fear and agony. Especially in the modern world, where many care less
about this little big encounters with Mother Nature, seldom does even reflect about. One of the
few is Alfredo Q. Gonsalez Jr.

Mr. Gonsalez wrote an essay entitled the Will of the River. In his essay, he talked about his
encounter with the river named Bacong. It was his yearly ritual to trace the river’s source in the
neighboring hills whenever he gets the chance to visit his wife’s ancestral home which stood
beside it. One mystical summer, a strange occurrence was observed, with the company of his
elder son and a student friend, they followed the path of the river which was undeniably beyond
dry that season.
The river was especially dry that April. Not like the years before, Bacong was hot and dry that no
single drop of water was seen. Even in the past half a mile from the sea the river should be
flowing in its normal depth but it was not. They therefore pursued their way downhill for
kilometers and saw the stream. Finally. By that time, he realized something. The river never lost
its will and it did not forfeit its mission to reach the sea. It didn’t lose hope and found another
way to escape the harsh climate by tunneling its way under its sandy bed. Intelligently choosing
a more compact, lower stratum to pass through until its visible again. Flowing its way to the
great sea.
It’s funny how the world is constant reminder of how we should live our lives. As it is, it is a hot
pot of allegorical metaphors waiting for us to realize that even the simplest things can make
magnanimous impacts; the same thing that we often times ignore or even take for granted and
because of this, we tend to falter.
However, humans as we are, we were created with a light within us that would more likely guide
us back to the path we need to take so that our lives, just like the river, goes on. Reading the
essay ignited my thoughts. A leap of faith has been known to have changed lives, heal broken
hearts and right wrongs. The world might have been simpler than we thought. Maybe all we need
is a reminder. The story proved its worth, not only does it remind us of our passion for our work,
but also our faith.
People have struggled to find out who they are, and what their purpose is. And when each of us
find that we are at a dead end, then we are no different from the river that runs dry or a pond that
has nowhere to go. But when strife is present, God manages to show us that He is greater; filling
the empty rivers with rain, filling stagnant ponds until they overflow and both find a way to
continue the journeys set out for them. And when the rain does not come, God allows you to look
deep, like a river that continues to flow underground. Either way, we always find our path. The
path that is set out for us.
Another lesson taught by the dear river Bacong is that determination only is not enough. People
need determination with aspiration towards their goal to truly have their hands placed on places
they would like to reach. It can be today or can be in the near or far more future but with one’s
desires being decided by that someone to fulfill nobody can stop it no matter how. But there is an
exemption, not everybody has the chance to finish their course as what they’ve planned. Like
many streams that managed to surmount barriers they met along the way, yet to end up in a foul
stagnant marsh because of too much labor and strain. The occurrence is very similar to many
human lives. Directly telling us about how many people in their younger years have determined
to face different challenges and had never thought of failing; however when they reach their
older selves they lose this will to confront and overcome these disputes given by life.
Despite hindrances that were almost impossible to face head on, there were individuals who truly
bloomed through these hard days of their lives. One mentioned is Galileo, who gave most
contribution in Anatomy, has continued to work after losing his sight. After the tragic happening
to Beethoven that he lost his hearing ability, he became one of the most celebrated composers in
the Classical era with his compositions like his Piano Sonatas and Symphonies. There were
Stevenson and Cecil Rhodes who were destines to die created history for themselves. This
reminded the writer that if one cannot overcome obstacles one can undercome them.
We cannot face all obstacles head on, but one can face them underground. It is not cowardice. It
is in a way that one finds a way to pass through them with less negative consequences, just like
what the river did. He passed through it under the sandy bed and had picked a better, safer place
to show itself. It was the time that Bacong was more ready to reach its goal: to be one with the
sea. As for us humans, we do not always need to show the world that we can do this, we can
conquer that. No, that’s not how it always works. At times we shall have time to hide ourselves
and be better prepared by the time we are near and have our dreams in our hand so that it will be
easier for us to be with it and have less strains in convincing others that we can do it because we
are already there walking hand in hand with it.
Upon ending the essay, one must already realized their worth. To have compassion to even just
the tiniest thing they do is a test. Simillar with the river, optimism is the key to success and the
reaching of one’s dreams. Alongside hope everybody else has the ability to fulfill their mission
and enjoy the path their taking. For the tracks they’re about to face, they shall have the courage
and God’s blessing. To you, to me and to the rest of humanity, God is there to help; whatever
obstacle it may be. Following the river’s footsteps and great example, we shall accomplish our
own duties to the world not caring of how big or small the interference will be. And we shall
always keep the thought in mind that with perseverance, hope, optimism and courage, we shall
be walking through our path in life with smiles on our faces and spirits and eyes and heart on our
How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife: A Critical Analysis
 Baldo - He was one of the main characters in the short story. He was Leon’s
younger brother. Baldo was unperturbed man, and he was quiet. He was the
narrator of the story.
 Leon - He was the oldest brother of Baldo. He was the husband of Maria. Maria
called him Noel.
 Maria - She was a beautiful and lovely. Her forehead was on a level with
his mouth, her nails were long, but they were not painted, and have a small dimple
appeared momentarily high up on her right cheek. She was tall and very still. Her
fragrance was like a morning when papayas are in bloom.
 Labang – The bull of Leon and Baldo.
 Father – He was mildest – tempered, gentlest man. He was the father of Baldo and
 Mother – He was the mother of Baldo and Leon.
 Aurelia – She was the sister of Baldo and Leon.
Summary / Synopsis:
Maria was a wife of Leon. She was lovely and beautiful. Her fragrant like a morning
when papayas are in bloom. Leon was lived in far place of Nagrebcan. Leonbrought Maria to
Nagrebcan to introduce to his father. The couple enjoys talking while in traveled riding in the
cart hitch to Labang. Baldo who is quiet and observing his brother and spouse. When they
arrived home, Baldo went to the room of his father. The room is quiet and dark. His father was
smoking while sat in the big armchair by the western window. And they talk about Maria.
Afterwards the door opened, and Leon and Maria came in. Baldo looked to Maria and went out
to watered Labang which his father told to him.
Baldo is the narrator of the story because he is the one who relates us what happened to
the story. Were Baldo is the younger brother of Leon. Baldo is a quiet person. It is very
detectable that Baldo is observing his brother Leon and spouse how is Maria. When his father
asks him “Was she afraid of Labang?” Baldo lied and says “No, Father, she was not afraid.”
Even though Maria afraid. It means that Baldo like Maria as a wife of Leon but inside, he also
admires the beauty of Maria. In here, the main characters were the couple Leon and
Maria. Leon has a strong personality because he did not afraid to present Maria to his father as
her wife. He was very proud of Maria as her wife. Maria truly love Leon because she fight for
what she believe was right, it doesn’t matter if the world told her that it’s wrong. I could say that
Maria and the mother of Leon plays and represent the Filipino women. The father of Baldo has a
deep personality. He was a responsibly father because he use his righteous way as a head of the
family. It only means that the father or the man is the authority. He doesn’t want Leon to go to
the wrong way. So, he makes some trials to Maria trying to test Maria’s characteristic, her
attitude, her looks, how she talks and the way she handle the situation. His mother was a
responsibly mother. She does the light of the family and represents the Filipino women.
The setting of the story was in Nagrebcan, Leon’s hometown. This story takes place in a farm
where people would usually ride in carabao. The place was in the local province. In the story,
Maria who was Leon’s wife described physically and with her posture as a conservative and
traditionalist which would probably described as a Filipino woman. As an alternative, they took a
shortcut in a field. In my opinion, one can visualize that there is some kind of a test for the two
of them. Maria must surpass that trial. It was as there family of Leon is trying to test Maria’s
characteristic, her attitude, her looks, how she talks and the way she handle the situation.
The plot is compose of inciting action, rising action, climax, falling action, and conclusion. The
inciting action was when “She stepped down to the Carretela of Ca Celin with a quick, delicate
grace. She look lovely, she was tall. She looked up to my brother with a smile, and her forehead
was on level with his mouth.” The rising action was when they took the dry bed of Waig as a
substitute of passing the Camino Real and it was the wish of there father to go by Waig. The
climax of the story was when Maria told Leon that she was afraid of his father in law maybe his
father thinking of not liking her. The falling action came when Leon was searching for their
father and her mother told them that his leg is bothering him again. The conclusion was when
Baldo cross the threshold of his father and ask him about Maria. Afterwards the door opened and
Leon and Maria came in. Baldo looked to Maria so lovely and went out to watered Labang which
his father told him.
The theme of the story is Love makes Maria and Leon go straight whatever struggles come will
be ignore to them. I don’t know if there relationship will last long because Maria is a city girl
while Leon is a barrio boy.
EDGAR ALLAN POE: Understanding the darkness behind his works.

When trying to get into the mind and works of 19th century American writer Edgar Allan
Poe, it is important to first consider his biographical implications – his life experiences – which
the influence the work of all artists.

He experienced death and loss throughout his life, starting from a young age with the
untimely death of his mother just a short time after Poe’s father abandoned the family. Quite
naturally, these horrific events had a definite impact on his life and how he related to people, got
close to them, and how he saw the life experience, and this naturally seeped into his creative life:
his famous writings. One can examine Poe’s life experiences, as well as his obsessions and fears,
to better understand the meaning behind his most famous works.

He became a literary celebrity quite young, only to die a few years later a broken, ill, lonely
and pathetic man on a rainy, empty street one night in Baltimore, Maryland. After achieving
literary success with his famous poem “The Raven” in 1845, Poe – then 36 years of age –
seemed to head downhill. They are filled with death and horror, tales and stories that even today
demonstrate the work of an insane man – maybe even a brilliant one, both of which are often
hard to distinguish in Poe’s works.

His poem “Annabel Lee,” tells of a young couple so deeply in love that even the angels in
Heaven were envious. They marry but she ultimately falls ill and is taken away from him, she
dies too young, and the narrator is left with the cruel memory of the powerful love they
shared. This tragic, though famous, poem is evidently the result of losing his young bride,

Nothing in Poe’s life provides any insight as to this particular tale and this particular
indication of mental illness, but one can point to his assumed madness and depression in
order to further understand exactly why Poe wrote it. In examining “The Tell-Tale Heart,”
his famous, horrific short story, the reader sees the other side of Poe’s dark tendencies This
time, instead of a person losing a loved one, the narrator becomes “mad” and plays God
himself: he kills another person in cold blood because the narrator is obsessed with the man’s
frightening “vulture” eye.

To conclude, writer Edgar Allan Poe was a dark soul who wrote even darker works of
English literature. more than 150 years after his death, Poe remains talked about and highly
read in classrooms all across the globe. in mere a brief life, he accomplished such a lot . And
it should be acknowledged that he was at least able to turn such a painful experiences into
beautiful works of art. His legacy will endure as long as people experience pain and

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