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Name:_____________________________ Socratic Seminar #1: Inside/Outside Seminar Self-Evaluation

1. Detailed Response: What did you want to say that you did not get an opportunity to say because you were in the
outside? Give a detailed response.

2. A-HA Moment: Who said something you considered meaningful? What was it and why was it meaningful to you?

3. Question Analysis: What was your favorite or least favorite question or topic discussed? Explain why.

4. Self-Reflection: What improvements can you make for the next Socratic Seminar?
Outer Circle:
 Were you silent but “talking back” by taking notes.
 Think about the person most directly in front of you. Did he/she contribute well (not dominate nor duck
discussion)? Explain.
 What could have made the discussion even more constructive?

Inner Circle:
 Did you engage in discussion, actively participating but not dominating? (Silence = consent)
 Did you read aloud excerpts of the text to support or make a point, drawing our attention to the words
the author chose to use (diction)?
 Did you llsten to each other carefully?
 Did you look the speaker in the eye?
 Did you interrupt?
 Did you use each other’s names. “What Devin said about Daisha…”
 Did you paraphrase what the speaker before you said to respond responsibly? Did you support or refute
the prior speaker’s ideas?
 Did you stick to the text? (cite evidence)
 If you were confused about another’s point, did you question him/her?

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Seminar Grading Rubric

/5 Preparation (marked text, prepared questions, notes)

/5 Participation (confidently responds and contributes--verbal for inner,
written for outer)
/5 Textual understanding (gets it or at least knows the right questions to ask to get it)
/5 Active listening (accurately paraphrases, questions, supports, disagrees, defends— verbal for
inner, written for outer)
/5 Good thinking (makes clear distinctions between assumptions and conclusions or evidence and
/5 Sensitivity/good manners (attacks ideas not people; graciously accepts
/5 Note Taking (your questions have been thoroughly answered with specific detail from the


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