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Dennis S. Charney, MD Pamela Sklar, MD, PhD


Joseph D. Buxbaum, PhD Eric J. Nestler, MD, PhD



Eric J. Nestler, MD, PhD Antonello Bonci, MD

Karl Deisseroth, MD, PhD Nora D. Volkow, MD
Pamela Sklar, MD, PhD David M. Holtzman, MD
Helen S. Mayberg, MD Joseph D. Buxbaum, PhD

Kerry J. Ressler, MD, PhD Dennis S. Charney, MD

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Neurobiology of mental illness / edited by Dennis S. Charney . . . [et al.]. — 4th ed.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978–0–19–993495–9 (alk. paper)
I. Charney, Dennis S.
[DNLM: 1. Mental Disorders—etiology. 2. Mental Disorders—physiopathology. 3. Mental Disorders—therapy. 4. Neurobiology. WM 140]

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Contributors xi
Lief E. Fenno and Karl Deisseroth


NE U R O S C IEN C E 1 Elisa E. Konofagou
Eric J. Nestler
John L. R. Rubenstein
2. NEUROCHEMICAL SYSTEMS IN THE Amanda C. Mitchell, Yan Jiang, Cyril J. Peter,
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 12 Ki A. Goosens, and Schahram Akbarian
Ariel Y. Deutch and Robert H. Roth
Evelyn K. Lambe
Eric E. Schadt
Jean-Antoine Girault and Paul Greengard
Hanzhang Lu, Yihong Yang, and Peiying Liu
Saïd Kourrich and Antonello Bonci
Mark S. George, Joseph J. Taylor, and
Jaimie M. Henderson
Steven E. Hyman and Eric J. Nestler


Bryan E. McGill and Huda Y. Zoghbi
Pamela Sklar

F O R P R E CLIN IC A L A N D C LIN IC A L Lianne Morris Smith, Julie W. Messinger,

and Dolores Malaspina
Lisa M. Monteggia, William A. Carlezon, Jr.,
and Ralph J. DiLeone
George Kirov, Michael C. O’Donovan,
Kimberly M. Christian, Hongjun Song,
and Guo-li Ming Stephan Heckers, Neil Woodward, and Dost Öngür


OF PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS 269 David R. Rubinow, Peter J. Schmidt,
Alan Anticevic, Erin C. Dowd, and Deanna M. Barch and Claire D. Craft

Tami D. Benton, Joshua Blume, Paul Crits-Christoph,
Mikhail V. Pletnikov and Christopher A. Ross Benoit Dubé, and Dwight L. Evans

Allison A. Curley and David A. Lewis Dan V. Iosifescu, James W. Murrough,
and Dennis S. Charney
Seth G. N. Grant


Ester J. Kwon, Takahiro Soda, and Li-Huei Tsai ANXI ET Y D I S ORD ERS 527
Kerry J. Ressler
Raquel E. Gur
Meghan E. Keough, Murray B. Stein,
and Peter P. Roy-Byrne
Carol A. Tamminga and Elena I. Ivleva
Javier A. Perez, Takeshi Otowa,
Roxann Roberson-Nay, and John M. Hettema

Katherine E. Burdick , Stephen J. Haggarty, 41. NEUROBIOLOGY OF FEAR AND ANXIETY:

Christopher K. Cain, Gregory M. Sullivan,
and Joseph E. LeDoux
Helen S. Mayberg
Hanns Möhler
Jan Fawcett and Brant Hager OF EMOTION AND ANXIETY 580
Bronwyn M. Graham and Mohammed R. Milad
31. ANIMAL MODELS OF MOOD DISORDERS 411 Siobhan S. Pattwell, Anne-Marie Mouly,
Georgia E. Hodes and Scott J. Russo Regina M. Sullivan, and Francis S. Lee


RESPONSE 425 Madeleine S. Goodkind, Anett Gyurak,
Ronald S. Duman and Amit Etkin


Maura A. Furey, Daniel C. Mathews, Anita Van Zwieten, Gail A. Alvares,
and Carlos A. Zarate Jr. and Adam J. Guastella

Joseph L. Price and Wayne C. Drevets James W. Murrough, Dan V. Iosifescu,
and Dennis S. Charney
K. Ranga Rama Krishnan Susanne E. Ahmari and H. Blair Simpson

vi | C O N T E N T S

Karen E. Murray, Orion P. Keifer Jr., Kerry J. Ressler,
Seth Davin Norrholm, and Tanja Jovanovic ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE 821
James B. Brewer, Jorge Sepulcre, and Keith A. Johnson


S E CT I O N V I Anne M. Fagan
Antonello Bonci and Nora D. Volkow
Mary Sano and Judith Neugroschl


Rafael Maldonado, J. David Jentsch, FOR ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE 854
Brigitte L. Kieffer, and Christopher J. Evans Joshua D. Grill and Jeffrey Cummings

Stella Karantzoulis and James E. Galvin
Kathryn J. Reissner and Peter W. Kalivas
David Goldman Georges Naasan and Bruce Miller

Kristina Caudle and B.J. Casey Helena Chang Chui
Chelsea L. Robertson, Steven M. Berman, OF PRION DISEASE 915
and Edythe D. London
Joel C. Watts and Michael D. Geschwind
Vani Pariyadath, Martin P. Paulus, and Elliot A. Stein


Linda Chang, Christine C. Cloak, and John L. Holt CH I LD H OOD ONS ET 931
Joseph D. Buxbaum

58. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS 772 Elise B. Robinson, Benjamin M. Neale, and Mark J. Daly
and Pamela C. Griesler
Heather C. Mefford


Tracy L. Bale
D E M E NT IA 789
OF ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE 791 Surabi Veeraragavan, and Shannon M. Hamilton
Jason Hassenstab, Jeffrey Burns, and John C. Morris
Rudolph E. Tanzi Mara Dierssen and Salvador Martínez


Dave Morgan Luke Bloy, Ragini Verma, and Timothy P. L. Roberts

C O N T E N T S | vii

Charles E. Schwartz, Fiorella Gurrieri, Steven E. Hyman
and Giovanni Neri
Alexander Kolevzon, A. Ting Wang, Bruce N. Cuthbert and Thomas R. Insel
David Grodberg, and Joseph D. Buxbaum
DEFICIT/HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER 1034 M. Mercedes Perez-Rodriguez,
Stephen V. Faraone and Joseph Biederman Antonia S. New, and Larry J. Siever

Kyle Williams, Michael H. Bloch, R. James R. Blair
Matthew W. State, and Christopher Pittenger
80. NOVEL THERAPEUTICS IN CHILDHOOD Adam S. Smith, Kelly Lei, and Zuoxin Wang
Dorothy E. Grice, Alexander Kolevzon, 87. THE NEUROBIOLOGY OF SLEEP 1127
Walter E. Kaufmann, and Joseph D. Buxbaum Giulio Tononi and Chiara Cirelli


Adriana Feder, Margaret Haglund, Gang Wu,
Steven M. Southwick, and Dennis S. Charney
Thomas B. Hildebrandt and Amanda Downey
David J. Kupfer and Susan K. Schultz Index 1187

viii | C O N T E N T S


These are exciting yet frustrating times for psychiatry. Our and plasticity, with an eye on their contribution to complex
knowledge of basic brain function continues to increase at an behaviors.
accelerating pace as the tools of biology—from genetics and Section II reviews the methods used to examine the bio-
epigenetics to detailed exploration of brain circuits in animals logical basis of mental illness in animal models and in humans.
and humans—become ever more powerful and penetrating. This part has been expanded to reflect critically important
Yet this explosion of knowledge of the brain has not been technical advances in complex genetics (including powerful
translated into fundamental advances in our understanding sequencing technologies and related bioinformatics), epige-
of the pathophysiology of most major psychiatric syndromes, netics, stem cell biology, optogenetics, cognitive neuroscience,
the diagnosis of these syndromes based on their underlying and brain imaging. We believe that this range of exciting meth-
biological mechanisms, or the treatment and prevention of odologies offer unique opportunities for the translation of pre-
mental illness. clinical and clinical research into badly needed breakthroughs
Why has there been such a divide between our basic knowl- in our therapeutic toolkit.
edge and clinical advances? First and foremost, the brain has The remaining parts of the book cover the neurobiology
proved to be far more complicated than ever imagined a gen- and genetics of major psychiatric disorders: psychoses (includ-
eration ago, and the disorders of the brain that manifest pri- ing bipolar disorder), mood disorders, anxiety disorders, sub-
marily in behavioral abnormalities (i.e., mental illness) are far stance abuse disorders, dementias, disorders of childhood
more complicated too in terms of their genetic causes and the onset, and special topic areas. Each of these parts has been
associated abnormalities at the epigenetic, cellular, and circuit augmented in several different areas as a reflection of research
levels. We have also learned that effective translation will not progress. The last section, on special topics, includes chap-
occur automatically or organically and will require a far more ters that address diagnostic schemes for mental illness. The
concerted effort than mounted thus far to link findings in basic release of our new edition coincides with the publication of
neurobiology and genetics to the human syndromes. The good DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5) by the American
news is that leaders at the National Institutes of Health, aca- Psychiatric Association. Unfortunately, the diagnostic classifi-
demia, and industry recognize the need for such collabora- cation system utilized by DSM-5 remains limited by necessity,
tions, with many exciting ventures now underway or planned because it is still based primarily on phenomenology rather
to meet the challenges ahead. than etiology and pathophysiology. Alternative perspectives on
We have completely revamped the fourth edition of diagnosis, for example, RDoC (research domain criteria), are
Neurobiology of Mental Illness to address these challenging yet therefore also presented. We predict that the research advances
promising times. We have recruited two new book editors to reviewed in our textbook will ultimately lead to diagnostic sys-
add depth and breadth of expertise, and have engaged a team tems in which genetic and neurobiological abnormalities have
of all new section editors, each of whom represents a leader in a primary role.
his or her fields. Accordingly, new authors have been enlisted This edition of Neurobiology of Mental Illness reflects the
for a majority of the chapters that now comprise this book, continuing reintegration of psychiatry into the mainstream
with many new chapters added and old ones removed to reflect of biomedical science. The research tools that are transform-
progress in the field. The result is a thoroughly updated view of ing other branches of medicine—epidemiology, genetics, epi-
the state of psychiatry, both its basic underpinnings and clini- genetics, molecular and cell biology, imaging, and medicinal
cal evidence, with a view toward advances that can be expected chemistry—will also one day transform psychiatry. It is our
in the coming years and the methodology that will bring us hope that, like us, the reader is optimistic that the progress in
there. genetics and in molecular, cellular, and systems neuroscience
As before, Section I provides an overview of basic neu- described in this textbook will eventually break new ground in
roscience that is relevant to clinical psychiatry and expand- the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disabling psychi-
ing its foundations. Molecular neurobiology and molecular atric disorders.
genetics are emphasized in the context of brain development,
neuropharmacology, neuronal function, and neural networks The Editors

P R E F A C E | ix

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Jane B. Acri, PhD Joseph Biederman, MD

Division of Pharmacotherapies and Medical Consequences Department of Psychiatry
of Drug Abuse Massachusetts General Hospital; and
National Institute on Drug Abuse Harvard Medical School
National Institutes of Heath Boston, MA
Bethesda, MD
R. James R. Blair, PhD
Susanne E. Ahmari, MD, PhD Unit of Affective Cognitive Neuroscience
Department of Psychiatry Department of Health and Human Services
New York State Psychiatric Institute National Institute of Mental Health
College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University National Institutes of Health
New York, NY Bethesda, MD
Schahram Akbarian, MD, PhD Michael H. Bloch, MD
Departments of Psychiatry and Neuroscience; and Yale Child Study Center and Department
Friedman Brain Institute of Psychiatry
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Yale University School of Medicine
New York, NY New Haven, CT
Gail A. Alvares Luke Bloy, PhD
Brain & Mind Research Institute Department of Radiology
The University of Sydney Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Sydney, Australia Philadelphia, PA
Alan Anticevic, PhD Joshua Blume, MD
Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry
Yale University School of Medicine; and Perelman School of Medicine at the University of
NIAAA Center for Translational Neuroscience of Alcoholism Pennsylvania
New Haven, CT Philadelphia, PA
Tracy L. Bale, PhD Antonello Bonci, MD
Department of Psychiatry Synaptic Plasticity Section
Perelman School of Medicine Intramural Research Program of the National Institute
University of Pennsylvania on Drug Abuse
Philadelphia, PA Baltimore, MD
Deanna M. Barch, PhD James B. Brewer, MD, PhD
Departments of Psychology, Psychiatry and Radiology Departments of Radiology and Neurosciences
Washington University School of Medicine University of California, San Diego
St. Louis, MO San Diego, CA
Tami D. Benton, MD Katherine E. Burdick , PhD
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Department of Psychiatry; and
Behavioral Science Friedman Brain Institute
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Philadelphia, PA New York, NY
Steven M. Berman, PhD Jeffrey Burns, MD
Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences Department of Neurology
David Geffen School of Medicine-UCLA Kansas University Medical Center
Los Angeles, CA Kansas City, KS

C O N T R I B U T O R S | xi

Joseph D. Buxbaum, PhD Claire D. Craft
Departments of Psychiatry, Neuroscience, and Genetic and Department of Psychiatry
Genomic Sciences; and University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Friedman Brain Institute Chapel Hill, NC
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Paul Crits-Christoph, PhD
New York, NY
Department of Psychiatry
Christopher K. Cain, PhD Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Center for Neural Science Philadelphia, PA
New York University Jeffrey Cummings, MD, ScD
New York, NY Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health
William A. Carlezon, Jr., PhD Las Vegas, NV
Departments of Psychiatry and Neuroscience Allison A. Curley, PhD
Harvard Medical School Department of Psychiatry
Mclean Hospital University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Belmont, MA Pittsburgh, PA
B.J. Casey, PhD Bruce N. Cuthbert, PhD
Sackler Institute for Developmental Psychobiology National Institute of Mental Health
Weill Medical College of Cornell University National Institutes of Health
New York, NY Bethesda, MD
Kristina Caudle, PhD Mark J. Daly, PhD
Sackler Institute for Developmental Psychobiology Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit
Weill Medical College of Cornell University Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA; and
New York, NY Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Linda Chang, MD Cambridge, MA
Department of Medicine Karl Deisseroth, MD, PhD
John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawai’i Departments of Bioengineering and Psychiatry and
Honolulu, HI Behavioral Sciences
Dennis S. Charney, MD Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Departments of Psychiatry, Neuroscience, and Stanford University
Pharmacology & Systems Therapeutics; and Palo Alto, CA
Friedman Brain Institute Ariel Y. Deutch, PhD
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Department of Psychiatry
New York, NY Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Kimberly M. Christian, PhD Nashville, TN
Institute for Cell Engineering Mara Dierssen, MD, PhD
Departments of Neurology and Neuroscience Cellular and Systems Neurobiology
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Systems Biology Program
Baltimore, MD Center for Genomic Regulation
Helena Chang Chui, MD Barcelona, Spain
Department of Neurology Ralph J. DiLeone, PhD
Keck Medical Center of USC Department of Psychiatry
Los Angeles, CA Yale University School of Medicine
Chiara Cirelli, MD, PhD New Haven, CT
Department of Psychiatry Erin C. Dowd
University of Wisconsin-Madison School Department of Psychology; and Neuroscience Program
of Medicine Washington University School of Medicine
Madison, WI St. Louis, MO
Christine C. Cloak, PhD Amanda Downey
Department of Medicine Eating and Weight Disorders Program
John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawai’i Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Honolulu, HI New York, NY

xii | C O N T R I B U T O R S

Wayne C. Drevets, MD Maura A. Furey, PhD
The Laureate Institute for Brain Research; and Section on Neuroimaging in Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Johnson & Johnson, Inc. National Institute of Mental Health
Tulsa, OK Bethesda, MD
Benoit Dubé, MD James E. Galvin, MD, MPH
Department of Psychiatry Comprehensive Center on Brain Aging; and
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Department of Neurology
Pennsylvania New York University Langone Medical Center
Philadelphia, PA New York, NY
Ronald S. Duman, PhD Mark S. George, MD
Departments of Psychiatry and Pharmacology Departments of Psychiatry, Radiology, and Neurology
Yale University School of Medicine Medical University of South Carolina
New Haven, CT Charleston, SC
Amit Etkin, MD, PhD Michael D. Geschwind, MD, PhD
Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Healthcare System; and Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Sierra Pacific Mental Illness, Research, Education, and Department of Neurology
Clinical Center (MIRECC) University of California, San Francisco Medical Center
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences San Francisco, CA
Stanford University School of Medicine
Jean-Antoine Girault, MD, PhD
Stanford, CA
Department of Neuroscience
Christopher J. Evans, PhD Institut du Fer-à-Moulin
Brain Research Institute Paris, France
David Geffen School of Medicine-UCLA
David Goldman, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Laboratory of Neurogenetics
Dwight L. Evans, MD National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Department of Psychiatry National Institutes of Health
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Rockville, MD
Madeleine S. Goodkind, PhD
Philadelphia, PA
Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Healthcare System; and
Anne M. Fagan, PhD Sierra Pacific Mental Illness, Research, Education, and
Department of Neurology Clinical Center (MIRECC)
Washington University School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
St. Louis, MO Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, CA
Stephen V. Faraone, PhD
Department of Psychiatry Ki A. Goosens, PhD
SUNY Upstate Medical University Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Syracuse, NY Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
Jan Fawcett, MD
Department of Psychiatry Bronwyn M. Graham, PhD
University of New Mexico School of Medicine Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Engineering
Albuquerque, NM Harvard University School of Medicine
Cambridge, MA
Adriana Feder, MD
Department of Psychiatry; and Seth G. N. Grant, BSc (Medicine), MB, BS, FRSE
Friedman Brain Institute Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai The University of Edinburgh
New York, NY Edinburgh, UK
Lief E. Fenno Paul Greengard, PhD
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Stanford University The Rockefeller University
Palo Alto, CA New York, NY

C O N T R I B U T O R S | xiii

Dorothy E. Grice, MD Shannon M. Hamilton, PhD
Department of Psychiatry; and Department of Molecular and Human Genetics
Friedman Brain Institute Baylor College of Medicine
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Houston, TX
New York, NY
Jason Hassenstab, PhD
Pamela C. Griesler, PhD Department of Neurology
Department of Psychiatry Washington University School of Medicine
College of Physicians and Surgeons at St. Louis, MO
Columbia University
Stephan Heckers, MD
New York State Psychiatric Institute
Department of Psychiatry
New York, NY
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Joshua D. Grill, PhD Nashville, TN
Mary S. Easton Center for Alzheimer’s Disease Research
Jaimie M. Henderson, MD
David Geffen School of Medicine-UCLA
Department of Neurosurgery
Los Angeles, CA
Stanford University School of Medicine
David Grodberg, MD Palo Alto, CA
Department of Psychiatry; and
John M. Hettema, MD, PhD
Friedman Brain Institute
Department of Psychiatry
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics
New York, NY
Virginia Commonwealth University
Adam J. Guastella, PhD Richmond, VA
Brain & Mind Research Institute
Thomas B. Hildebrandt, PhD
The University of Sydney
Department of Psychiatry; and
Sydney, Australia
Friedman Brain Institute
Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Department of Psychiatry New York, NY
Perelman School of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania Georgia E. Hodes, PhD
Philadelphia, PA Fishberg Department of Neuroscience; and
Friedman Brain Institute
Fiorella Gurrieri, MD Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Istituto di Genetica Medica New York, NY
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Rome, Italy John L. Holt, PhD
Department of Medicine
Anett Gyurak, PhD John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawai’i
Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Healthcare System; and Honolulu, HI
Sierra Pacific Mental Illness, Research, Education, and
Clinical Center (MIRECC) David M. Holtzman, MD
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Department of Neurology
Stanford University School of Medicine Washington University School of Medicine
Stanford, CA St. Louis, MO

Brant Hager, MD Mei-Chen Hu, PhD

Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry
University of New Mexico School of Medicine College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University
Albuquerque, NM New York, NY

Stephen J. Haggarty, PhD Steven E. Hyman, MD

Department of Neurology Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research
Massachusetts General Hospital Broad Institute of Harvard University and MIT
Boston, MA Cambridge, MA
Margaret Haglund, MD Thomas R. Insel, MD
Department of Psychiatry National Institute of Mental Health
David Geffen School of Medicine-UCLA National Institutes of Health
Los Angeles, CA Bethesda, MD

xiv | C O N T R I B U T O R S

Dan V. Iosifescu, MD Orion P. Keifer, Jr.
Departments of Psychiatry and Neuroscience; and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Friedman Brain Institute Emory University School of Medicine
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Atlanta, GA
New York, NY
Brigitte L. Kieffer, PhD
Elena I. Ivleva, MD, PhD Institute of Genetics and Molecular
Department of Psychiatry and Cellular Biology
UT Southwestern Medical Center Université Louis Pasteur
Dallas, TX Strasbourg, Alsace, France
J. David Jentsch, PhD Meghan E. Keough, PhD
Department of Psychology Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
University of California, Los Angeles University of Washington at Harborview Medical Center
Los Angeles, CA Seattle, WA
Yan Jiang, PhD George Kirov, MRCPsych, PhD
Departments of Psychiatry and Neuroscience; and MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics
Friedman Brain Institute, and Genomics
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Department of Psychological Medicine and Neurology
New York, NY School of Medicine
Cardiff University
Keith A. Johnson, MD
Wales, UK
Departments of Radiology and Neurology
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical Alexander Kolevzon, MD
School; and Departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics; and
Centre for Alzheimer Research and Treatment Friedman Brain Institute
Department of Neurology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School New York, NY
Boston, MA
Elisa E. Konofagou, PhD
Tanja Jovanovic, PhD Departments of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Radiology
Emory University School of Medicine The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied
Atlanta, GA Science
Columbia University
Peter W. Kalivas, PhD
New York, NY
Department of Neurosciences
Medical University of South Carolina Saïd Kourrich, PhD
Charleston, SC Synaptic Plasticity Section
Intramural Research Program of the National Institute on
Denise B. Kandel, PhD
Drug Abuse
Department of Psychiatry
Baltimore, MD
College of Physicians and Surgeons, and
Department of Sociomedical Sciences K. Ranga Rama Krishnan, MD
Mailman School of Public Health Columbia University; and Neuroscience & Behavioral Disorders Program
New York State Psychiatric Institute Duke-NUS Graduate School
New York, NY Singapore
Stella Karantzoulis, PhD David J. Kupfer, MD
Comprehensive Center on Brain Aging; and Departments of Psychiatry Neuroscience and Clinical &
Department of Neurology Translational Science
New York University Langone Medical Center University of Pittsburgh Schools of the
New York, NY Health Sciences
Pittsburgh, PA
Walter E. Kaufmann, MD
Department of Neurology Ester J. Kwon, PhD
Boston Children’s Hospital Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Harvard Medical School Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Boston, MA Cambridge, MA

C O N T R I B U T O R S | xv

Evelyn K. Lambe, PhD Daniel C. Mathews, MD
Departments of Physiology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Experimental Therapeutics & Pathophysiology Branch
and Psychiatry National Institute of Mental Health
University of Toronto Bethesda, MD
Toronto, Canada
Helen S. Mayberg, MD
Joseph E. LeDoux, PhD Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology
Center for Neural Science Emory University School of Medicine
New York University Atlanta, GA
New York, NY Bryan E. McGill, MD, PhD
Francis S. Lee, MD, PhD Department of Neurology
Department of Psychiatry Washington University School of Medicine
Weill Medical College of Cornell University St. Louis, MO
New York, NY Heather C. Mefford, MD, PhD
Kelly Lei Department of Pediatrics
Department of Psychology and Program in Neuroscience University of Washington School of Medicine
Florida State University Seattle, WA
Tallahassee, FL Julie W. Messinger
Douglas F. Levinson, MD Department of Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences New York University School of Medicine
Stanford University School of Medicine New York, NY
Stanford, CA Mohammed R. Milad, PhD
Department of Psychiatry
David A. Lewis, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital; and
Department of Psychiatry
Harvard University School of Medicine
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Cambridge, MA
Pittsburgh, PA
Bruce Miller, MD
Peiying Liu, PhD
Department of Neurology
Departments of Psychiatry and Radiology
University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine
UT Southwestern Medical Center
San Francisco, CA
Dallas, TX
Guo-li Ming, MD, PhD
Edythe D. London, PhD Institute for Cell Engineering
Departments of Molecular & Medical Pharmacology and Departments of Neurology and Neuroscience
Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Center for Addictive Behaviors
Baltimore, MD
Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior
David Geffen School of Medicine-UCLA Amanda C. Mitchell, PhD
Los Angeles, CA Departments of Psychiatry and Neuroscience; and
Friedman Brain Institute
Rafael Maldonado, MD, PhD Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Department of Pharmacology New York, NY
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Barcelona, Spain Hanns Möhler, PhD
Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Hanzhang Lu, PhD University of Zurich and Swiss Institute of Technology
Departments of Psychiatry and Radiology Zurich, Switzerland
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, TX Lisa M. Monteggia, PhD
Department of Psychiatry
Dolores Malaspina, MD UT Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Psychiatry Dallas, TX
New York University School of Medicine
New York, NY Dave Morgan, PhD
Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute
Salvador Martínez, MD, PhD Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology
Instituto de Neurociencias Morsani College of Medicine
UMH-CSIC University of South Florida
San Juan, Alicante, Spain Tampa, FL

xvi | C O N T R I B U T O R S

John C. Morris, MD Michael C. O’Donovan, PhD, FRCPsych
Department of Neurology MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics
Washington University School of Medicine and Genomics
St. Louis, MO Department of Psychological Medicine
and Neurology
Anne-Marie Mouly, PhD
School of Medicine
Department of Sensory Neurosciences,
Cardiff University
Behavior, Cognition
Wales, UK
Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon
Lyon, France Dost Öngür, MD, PhD
Department of Psychiatry
Karen E. Murray
Mclean Hospital; and
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Harvard University School of Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine
Belmont, MA
Atlanta, GA
Takeshi Otowa, MD, PhD
James W. Murrough, MD
Department of Neuropsychiatry
Departments of Psychiatry and Neuroscience; and
Graduate School of Medicine
Friedman Brain Institute
University of Tokyo
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Tokyo, Japan
New York, NY
Michael J. Owen, PhD, FRCPsych
Georges Naasan, MD
MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics
Department of Neurology
and Genomics
University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine
Department of Psychological Medicine and Neurology
San Francisco, CA
School of Medicine
Benjamin M. Neale, PhD Cardiff University
Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit Wales, UK
Massachusetts General Hospital; and Vani Pariyadath, PhD
Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research Neuroimaging Research Branch
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard National Institute on Drug Abuse
Cambridge, MA National Institutes of Health
Giovanni Neri, MD Baltimore, MD
Istituto di Genetica Medica Siobhan S. Pattwell, PhD
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Sackler Institute for Developmental Psychobiology
Rome, Italy Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Eric J. Nestler, MD, PhD New York, NY
Fishberg Department of Neuroscience; and Martin P. Paulus, MD
Friedman Brain Institute Department of Psychiatry
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai University of California, San Diego
New York, NY San Diego, CA
Judith A. Neugroschl, MD Richard Paylor, PhD
Department of Psychiatry; and Department of Molecular and Human Genetics
Friedman Brain Institute Baylor College of Medicine
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Houston, TX
New York, NY
Javier A. Perez, PhD
Antonia S. New, MD Department of Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry; and Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics
Friedman Brain Institute Virginia Commonwealth University
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Richmond, VA
New York, NY
M. Mercedes Perez-Rodriguez, MD, PhD
Seth Davin Norrholm, PhD Department of Psychiatry; and
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Friedman Brain Institute
Emory University School of Medicine Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Atlanta, GA New York, NY

C O N T R I B U T O R S | xvii

Roy Perlis, MD Elise B. Robinson, ScD
Department of Psychiatry Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit
Massachusetts General Hospital Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA Boston, MA; and
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Cyril J. Peter, PhD
Cambridge, MA
Departments of Psychiatry and Neuroscience; and
Friedman Brain Institute Christopher A. Ross, MD, PhD
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
New York, NY Neuroscience, Neurology and Pharmacology
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Christopher Pittenger, MD, PhD
Baltimore, MD
Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology
and Yale Child Study Center Robert H. Roth, PhD
Yale University School of Medicine Departments of Psychiatry and Pharmacology
New Haven, CT Yale University School of Medicine
New Haven, CT
Mikhail V. Pletnikov, MD, PhD
Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Peter P. Roy-Byrne, MD
Neuroscience and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology University of Washington at Harborview Medical Center
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Seattle, WA
Baltimore, MD John L. R. Rubenstein, MD, PhD
Joseph L. Price, PhD Department of Psychiatry
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine
Washington University School of Medicine San Francisco, CA
St. Louis, MO David R. Rubinow, MD
Shaun M. Purcell, PhD Department of Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry; and University of North Carolina, School of Medicine
Friedman Brain Institute Chapel Hill, NC
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Scott J. Russo, PhD
New York, NY Fishberg Department of Neuroscience; and
Kathryn J. Reissner, PhD Friedman Brain Institute
Department of Psychology; and Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
UNC Neuroscience Center UNC Chapel Hill New York, NY
Chapel Hill, NC Mary Sano, PhD
Kerry J. Ressler, MD, PhD Department of Psychiatry; and
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Friedman Brain Institute
Emory University School of Medicine Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Atlanta, GA New York, NY

Roxann Roberson-Nay, PhD Eric E. Schadt, PhD

Department of Psychiatry Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences
Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Virginia Commonwealth University New York, NY
Richmond, VA Peter J. Schmidt, MD
Timothy P. L. Roberts, PhD Behavioral Endocrinology Branch
Department of Radiology National Institute of Mental Health
Perelman School of Medicine at University of Bethesda, MD
Pennsylvania; and Susan K. Schultz, MD
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Department of Psychiatry
Philadelphia, PA University of Iowa Carver School of Medicine
Iowa City, IA
Chelsea L. Robertson
Center for Addictive Behaviors Charles E. Schwartz, PhD
Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior JC Self Research Institute
David Geffen School of Medicine-UCLA Greenwood Genetic Center
Los Angeles, CA Greenwood, SC

xviii | C O N T R I B U T O R S

Jorge Sepulcre, MD, PhD Matthew W. State, MD, PhD
Department of Radiology Department of Psychiatry and Langley Porter Psychiatric
Massachusetts General Hospital and Institute
Harvard Medical School; and University of California, San Francisco
Athinioula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging San Francisco, CA
Charlestown, MA
Elliot A. Stein, PhD
Larry J. Siever, MD Neuroimaging Research Branch
Department of Psychiatry; and National Institute on Drug Abuse
Friedman Brain Institute National Institutes of Health
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Baltimore, MD
New York, NY; and
Murray B. Stein, MD, MPH
Department of Psychiatry
Departments of Psychiatry and Family and Preventive
Bronx VA Medical Center
Bronx, NY
University of California, San Diego
H. Blair Simpson, MD, PhD San Diego, CA
Department of Psychiatry
Gregory M. Sullivan, MD
New York State Psychiatric Institute
Department of Psychiatry
College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University
New York State Psychiatric Institute
New York, NY
College of Physicians and Surgeons at
Pamela Sklar, MD, PhD Columbia University
Departments of Psychiatry, Neuroscience, and Genetic New York, NY
and Genomic Sciences; and
Regina M. Sullivan, PhD
Friedman Brain Institute
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
NYU Child Study Center; and
New York, NY
Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research
Phil Skolnick, PhD, DSc New York, NY
Division of Pharmacotherapies and Medical Yvette F. Taché, PhD
Consequences of Drug Abuse Brain Research Institute
National Institute on Drug Abuse David Geffen School of Medicine-UCLA
National Institutes of Heath Los Angeles, CA
Bethesda, MD
Carol A. Tamminga, MD
Adam S. Smith Department of Psychiatry
Department of Psychology and Program in Neuroscience UT Southwestern Medical Center
Florida State University Dallas, TX
Tallahassee, FL
Rudolph E. Tanzi, PhD
Lianne Morris Smith, MD Department of Neurology
Department of Psychiatry Massachusetts General Hospital
New York University School of Medicine Harvard Medical School
New York, NY Boston, MA
Takahiro Soda, MD, PhD John J. Taylor
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences Department of Psychiatry
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Medical University of South Carolina
Cambridge, MA Charleston, SC
Hongjun Song, PhD Alexia M. Thomas, PhD
Institute for Cell Engineering Department of Molecular and Human Genetics
Departments of Neurology and Neuroscience Baylor College of Medicine
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Houston, TX
Baltimore, MD
Giulio Tononi, MD, PhD
Steven M. Southwick, MD Department of Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry University of Wisconsin-Madison
Yale University School of Medicine School of Medicine
New Haven, CT Madison, WI

C O N T R I B U T O R S | xix

Li-Huei Tsai, PhD Joel C. Watts, PhD
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Neurology
Cambridge, MA University of California, San Francisco
Medical Center
Anita Van Zwieten
San Francisco, CA
Brain & Mind Research Institute
The University of Sydney Kyle Williams, MD
Sydney, Australia Yale Child Study Center and Department of Psychiatry
Yale University School of Medicine
Surabi Veeraragavan, PhD
New Haven, CT
Department of Molecular and Human Genetics
Baylor College of Medicine Neil Woodward, MD, PhD
Houston, TX Department of Psychiatry
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Ragini Verma, PhD
Nashville, TN
Center for Biomedical Image Computing and Analytics
Department of Radiology Gang Wu
Perelman School of Medicine at University of Pennsylvania Department of Psychiatry; and
Philadelphia, PA Friedman Brain Institute
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Nora D. Volkow, MD
New York, NY
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institutes of Health Yihong Yang, PhD
Bethesda, MD National Institute on Drug Abuse
Baltimore, MD
A. Ting Wang, PhD
Departments of Psychiatry and Neuroscience; and Carlos A. Zarate Jr., MD
Friedman Brain Institute Experimental Therapeutics & Pathophysiology Branch
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai National Institute of Mental Health
New York, NY Bethesda, MD
Zuoxin Wang, PhD Huda Y. Zoghbi, MD
Department of Psychology Department of Molecular and Human Genetics
Florida State University Baylor College of Medicine
Tallahassee, FL Houston, TX

xx | C O N T R I B U T O R S



he first part of this book provides an overview of basic signaling pathways that control every aspect of a neuron’s
neuroscience and molecular biology. Each chapter rep- functioning, from neurotransmitter signaling to cell shape
resents an enormous body of material that could itself and motility to gene expression. Although only a small num-
be the subject of an entire textbook. Accordingly, these chap- ber of medications used in psychiatry today have as their ini-
ters are not intended to be comprehensive reviews, but rather tial target intracellular signaling proteins, it is likely that drug
concise summaries of the fields that lay the foundation of basic development efforts will look increasingly to such proteins for
biological principles required for the clinical material that is the discovery of novel medications with fundamentally new
the main focus of the book. mechanisms of action.
Chapter 1 provides an overview of brain development. Chapter 5 describes prominent mechanisms of neural
There is increasing evidence that certain neuropsychiatric plasticity, that is, ways in which neurons adapt over time in
disorders may involve abnormalities in the formation of the response to environmental perturbations. It is this capacity for
nervous system. Although the details of such abnormalities adaptation (or maladaptation) that makes it possible for the
remain poorly understood, the chapter provides insights into brain not only to learn and think but also to get sick. The chap-
the cellular and molecular processes that may be involved and ter focuses on the several different ways in which experience
the ways in which such processes can be influenced by genetic alters the function of specific synapses (synaptic plasticity),
and external factors. including long-term potentiation and depression, as well as the
Chapter 2 describes the neurochemical organization of the inherent excitability of nerve cells (whole cell or homeostatic
brain. It summarizes the diverse types of molecules that neu- plasticity), along with the ever-increasing knowledge of their
rons in the brain use as neurotransmitters and neurotrophic underlying molecular mechanisms.
factors, and how these molecules are synthesized and metab- Chapter 6 provides an overview of the genetic basis of the
olized. The chapter also presents the array of receptor proteins nervous system. The chapter covers the structure of DNA and
through which these molecules regulate target neuron func- chromatin in the nucleus, how genes encode messenger RNAs
tioning and the reuptake proteins that generally terminate the and proteins, and the mechanisms (e.g., alternative splicing and
neurotransmitter signal. Today a large majority of all drugs posttranslational processing) by which numerous proteins can
used to treat psychiatric disorders, as well as most drugs of be generated from individual genes. The chapter also describes
abuse, still have as their initial targets proteins involved directly how this process of gene expression is under dynamic regula-
in neurotransmitter function. tion throughout the adult life of an organism via the regulation
Chapter 3 summarizes the electrophysiological basis of of transcription factors and other nuclear proteins, and how
neuronal function. Ultimately, brain function is mediated such mechanisms contribute in important ways to long-lived
by interactions between nerve cells, and the readout of such neural plasticity.
interactions is an alteration in the electrical properties of the Chapter 7 covers epigenetic mechanisms in psychiatry.
cells. Moreover, recent human genetic studies have identified Epigenetic regulation in neurons describes a process in which
variations in the genes that encode specific ion channels that the activity of a particular gene is controlled by the structure
are associated with various forms of mental illness, further of chromatin in that gene’s proximity. Recent work has dem-
demonstrating the importance of understanding the basis of onstrated the dynamic nature of chromatin remodeling in the
neuronal excitability. The chapter reviews the several types of nervous system and its importance for the normal develop-
recording techniques that are commonly used to measure neu- ment of the nervous system as well as the brain’s capacity to
ronal activity and then presents the many types of ion chan- adapt over time to environmental challenges. Abnormalities in
nels and receptors that control a neuron’s electrophysiological chromatin remodeling have also been implicated in a growing
responses. number of neurological and psychiatric disorders.
Chapter 4 covers postreceptor intracellular messenger cas- A great deal has been written recently about the need for
cades through which neurotransmitters and neurotrophic fac- translational research in psychiatry. Yet we all know how
tors, and their receptors, produce their diverse physiological uniquely difficult translational research is in our field. This is
effects. A major advance over the past generation of research due to several factors, including the unique complexity of the
has been an appreciation of the complex webs of intracellular brain, the lack of ready access to the brains of our patients, and

the complexity of psychiatric disorders with respect to etiology difficulty, though very real today, as a time-limited obstacle. As
and pathophysiology. As a result, it is currently difficult, if not advances in human genetics and brain imaging progress, it will
impossible, to relate most of the material covered in this first become possible to analyze diverse neurotransmitter and neu-
part of the book to studies of the clinical disorders. How does rotrophic factor systems, intracellular signaling proteins, and
one study, for example, the transcription factor cyclic adeno- even gene expression and chromatin profiles in our patients and
sine monophosphate response element binding protein (CREB) or ultimately within discrete brain regions implicated in disease
changes in dendritic spine density, implicated in animal models pathophysiology. Such methodologies will complete psychiatry’s
of several psychiatric conditions, in living patients? We view this transformation into a field of modern molecular medicine.




here is increasing evidence that abnormalities in the (FGFs), and inhibition of transforming growth factor-β
development of the brain either predispose or directly (TGF-β) signaling through the noggin and chordin proteins
cause some psychiatric disorders. Although it is not that bind to bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) (Stern,
surprising that childhood disorders, such as autism, are caused 2006). In addition, inhibition of wingless (WNT) signaling
by neurodevelopmental abnormalities, disorders that display is required, at least in some species (Stern, 2006). Induction
their most characteristic symptoms during or after adoles- of the neural ectoderm generates the neural plate, which will
cence may be influenced by developmental abnormalities. For give rise to the entire CNS (Fig. 1.1); its lateral edges pro-
instance, several lines of evidence suggest that schizophrenia duce neurogenic placodes (for the olfactory epithelium and
is a neurodevelopment disorder. Thus, there is a compelling inner ear) and the neural crest, which gives rise to most of
rationale for behavioral scientists and clinicians to understand the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and contributes to the
the basic mechanisms that regulate assembly of the brain, as head skeleton.
this information may be critical in understanding the etiology Beginning during neural induction, inductive processes
and perhaps the prevention and treatment of major psychiatric subdivide the neural plate into molecularly distinct domains
disorders. that are the primordia of the major subdivisions of the CNS.
This chapter highlights many of the major processes One can distinguish three types of inductive processes dur-
involved in brain development, including: induction of the ing CNS regionalization: (1) anterior-posterior or A-P,
central nervous system (CNS), patterning of the primordia (2) mediolateral or M-L, and (3) local. The A-P regionaliza-
of major brain regions, proliferation of neuroepithelial cells, tion subdivides the neural plate into transverse domains. The
differentiation and migration of immature neurons and glia, principal transverse subdivisions of the brain are the pros-
formation of axon tracts and synapses, and the establishment encephalon (forebrain), mesencephalon (midbrain), and
and plasticity of neuronal networks. Although much of the rhombencephalon (hindbrain) (Fig. 1.2). Further refinements
information described in this chapter is based on studies in of A-P regionalization subdivide the rhombencephalon into
non-primate mammals, it is likely that these findings are perti- segment-like domains called neuromeres (rhombomeres).
nent to developing human brain. For a comprehensive resource Part of the forebrain may also have neuromeric subdivisions
on neural development see the series edited by Rubenstein and called prosomeres. The inductive mechanisms underlying A-P
Rakic (2013). regionalization are poorly understood but probably include
vertical inductions (from underlying tissues) from mesoderm
and endoderm, and planar inductions (from substances that
INDU C TIO N A ND PAT T ERNING O F T HE transmit their effects in the plane of the neural plate), perhaps
E MB RYONIC C NS from the node.
The M-L regionalization produces distinct tissues that are
Early CNS development involves an ordered sequence of longitudinally aligned along the long (A-P) axis of the CNS
inductive processes that begin with the formation of the neural (Fig. 1.1). Medial inductions are regulated by substances pro-
plate followed by a hierarchical series of fate specification steps duced by the axial mesodermal organizers: the notochord and
that lead to regionally distinct developmental programs (Hoch prechordal plate. These organizers are midline structures that
et al., 2009). Inductive processes generally involve two tissues; lie underneath the middle of the neural plate and produce sub-
one is the target of induction and the other, called the organizer, stances, such as sonic hedgehog, that induce the medial neural
produces the molecular signals that carry out the induction. plate to form the primordia of the floor plate and basal plate
The node is the first organizer, and regulates inductions during (see Fig. 1.1). Lateral inductions are mediated by substances
gastrulation. These molecular signals, which generally are pro- such as TGF-β proteins (that include the BMPs), which are
teins, induce in the target tissues a new pattern of gene expres- produced along the rim of the neural plate by the non-neural
sion that dictates their subsequent developmental program. ectoderm. Lateral inductions participate in the development of
Development of the CNS begins during gastrulation by a the neural crest, roof plate, and alar plate (see Fig. 1.1).
process called neural induction. Proteins produced by orga- The combination of A-P and M-L patterning generates a
nizer tissues cause the embryonic ectoderm to differentiate checkerboard organization of brain subdivisions (Fig. 1.2),
into a neural fate. This process involves activation of receptor each of which expresses a distinct combination of regulatory
tyrosine kinases, perhaps through fibroblast growth factors genes. Superimposed on this pattern are the local inductive


(A) (B)
lt roof plate

telencephalon alar plate

ap bp basal plate
floor plate

lt OS

hypothalamus prechordal mesendoderm


(C) roof
telencephalic mesencephalon
vesicle roof plate
alar plate
basal plate
lt isthmus
floor plate

chiasmatic plate
Rathke‘s pouch rhombencephalon

Figure 1.1 Schemas of the longitudinal organization of the brain (Shimamura et al., 1995). ( A) Model of the longitudinal domains of the neural plate, including the
primordia of the floor plate (fp), basal plate (bp), alar plate (ap), and roof plate (most lateral domain). ( B) Medial view of the neural tube. ( C) Rostrolateral view of
the neural tube. lt: lamina terminalis; os: optic stalk.

signals that are essential for the formation of the vesicles that sonic hedgehog and is believed to serve as a secondary ventral
evaginate from the brain such as the telencephalon, eyes, and (medial) organizer where it also, in combination with chemo-
posterior pituitary. Evidence suggests that signals originating tropic molecules such as netrins, guides the growth of axon
from ectodermal tissues (lens placode, anterior neural ridge, tracts (Kolodkin and Tessier-Lavigne, 2011). Most of the roof
and anterior pituitary, respectively) adjacent to these struc- plate forms the non-neuronal dorsal midline, which in some
tures produce signals that induce their formation. regions gives rise to specialized structures such as the choroid
Although the process of regionalization subdivides the plexus and the pineal gland. The roof plate is marked by its
neural plate into the primordia of the major brain regions, the high expression of BMPs and WNTs.
process of morphogenesis transforms the shape of the neural The regionalization process continues after neurulation
plate into a tube that additionally has flexures and evagina- (neural tube formation) to further subdivide large primor-
tions. Note that the folding of the neural plate into the neural dial regions into their constituent domains. These aspects of
tube converts the lateromedial dimension of the neural plate regionalization are probably carried out by planar inductive
into the dorsoventral (D-V) dimension of the neural tube mechanisms via organizers that are within the neural tube.
(Fig. 1.1). For example, secondary D-V patterning can be regulated
A cross section through the D-V axis of the neural tube by the floor plate (see the next section), whereas secondary
transects its four primary longitudinal subdivisions (Fig. 1.3). A-P patterning can be regulated by the isthmus. The isthmus
From ventral to dorsal these longitudinal columns are the floor, is a region between the mid- and hindbrain that produces
basal, alar, and roof plates. Each of these longitudinal columns inductive substances such as FGFs and WNT that regulate
may extend along the entire A-P axis of the CNS and con- development of the midbrain and cerebellum. Primary cilia,
tribute to distinct functional elements of the nervous system. an appendage on most cells, detects extracellular signals
The basal plate is the primordia for the motor neurons. The including sonic hedgehog and WNT. Mutations affecting
alar plate is the primordia for the secondary sensory neurons. cilia function are implicated in neurodevelopmental disor-
The floor plate has several functions that are required during ders affecting patterning and function of the brain (Louvi
development. Like the notochord, the floor plate produces and Grove, 2011).


(A) telencephalon
alar hypothalamus
basal hypothalamus
limit of median septal roof
ac poa sbpall
eye pall choroidal
hp2 roof
hp PHy
sth PTh

Substantia p2 Th ep

p1 PT



ch E


EN Th p1 m1

St zli
nt ia nigra

PTh p3
M flexure
Dg Peduncular Hy
hp2 limit of median
septal POA
roofplate Terminal Hy acroterminal
ac region

Figure 1.2 Schemas of the organization of the rostral neural plate and neural tube (modified from Puelles et al., 2011). Looking down at a flattened neural plate ( A).
Transverse subdivisions from caudal-to-rostral include the midbrain, diencephalon (three prosomeres, p1, p2, and p3), and secondary prosencephalon, which
includes the basal hypothalamus, alar hypothalamus, and telencephalon. Longitudinal domains: floor plate (fp), basal plate (bp), alar plate (ap), and roof plate (rp).
Medial view of a mid-sagittally dissected neural tube ( B). Subdivisions of the telencephalon include the cortex (including the hippocampus), striatum (St),
pallidum (Pal), diagonal band/nucleus basalis (Dg), and preoptic area (POA). The hypothalamus (Hy) is postulated to have two transverse subdivisions (terminal
and peduncular; hp2 and hp1), whose basal plates include the mammillary body (M), subthalamic nucleus (STh), and the midline neurohypophysis (NH; posterior
pituitary). The alar plate of the diencephalon constitutes component of the thalamus, including the prethalamus (PTh), the thalamus proper (Th) and the pretectum
(PT). Diencephalic basal plate components include the substantia nigra, which extends through the midbrain. The roof components of the forebrain include the
epiphysis (E, ep), choroid plexus (ch), and the septal roof plate, where telencephalic commissures cross the midline, including the anterior commissure (ac).

HIS TOG ENES IS O F BRA IN REG I O N S: thalamus, cerebellum) and initiates within these primordia
PR OLIFE RAT IO N, C EL L FAT E their genetic programs of histogenesis that regulate cell fate
DE TE R MINATIO N, MIGRATIO N , A N D determination, proliferation, differentiation, and migration
DIFFE R E NTIATIO N (for more extensive reviews of this subject, see Kriegstein and
Alvarez-Buylla, 2009; Marin and Rubenstein, 2001). These
The process of regionalization subdivides the CNS into the pri- processes take place in specific zones within the wall of the
mordia of its major structures (e.g., cerebral cortex, striatum, neural tube (Fig. 1.4). Proliferation occurs in the ventricular


Roof Plate zone (VZ) and subventricular zone (SVZ), which line the inner
Primary sensory neurons surface of the neural tube, and are adjacent to the ventricular
in a dorsal root ganglion cavity. VZ progenitors, known as radial glia progenitors (RG)
give rise to secondary (or intermediate) progenitors (IP),
Secondary sensory neurons whose cell bodies generally reside in the SVZ. VZ and SVZ
Alar progenitors can both generate neurons and glia (astrocytes and
Plate oligodendrocytes). Newborn immature neurons produced in
the progenitor zones migrate into the overlying mantle zone;
in the case of the cerebral cortex, the mantle zone is called
the cortical plate (Fig. 1.4a). In the developing human cere-
bral cortex, the progenitor domains are expanded compared to
Basal simpler mammals, such as rodents, and include an outer sub-
ventricular zone that has a large number of outer radial glial
Motor Neurons and intermediate progenitors (oRG and oIP) (Fig. 1.4b).
VZ progenitors are the most undifferentiated and mitoti-
cally active progenitors. Each brain region has a distinct pro-
Floor Plate
liferation program that regulates the rate of cell division, the
number of times VZ cells divide, and the character of the cell
Notochord division. Cell division can be symmetrical, producing daugh-
ter cells that are identical or asymmetrical, producing daugh-
Figure 1.3 Schematic cross section of the dorsoventral (D-V) organization of
the spinal cord. The floor plate is induced by the notochord; together they
ter cells that are non-identical. Symmetrical divisions produce
produce the sonic hedgehog protein, which patterns the basal plate of the daughter cells that, like their mother, continue to proliferate
spinal cord, including the motor neurons. Neural crest cells originate from the or, unlike their mother, differentiate or die. Asymmetric divi-
dorsal-most part of the spinal cord and generate the primary sensory neurons sion can produce one daughter cell that differentiates and one
of the spinal ganglia. Secondary sensory neurons are produced in the alar
daughter cell that continues to proliferate. The regulation of
plate. V, ventricle.
these processes is integral to controlling how many cells are

(B) Human

plate Mature
(A) NeuN+
Rodent Migrating
Cortical TBR2—
plate Mature Outer fiber layer Notch
neuron oRG
Outer subventricular PAX6+
Intermediate zone HES1+
zone OSVZ IP TBR2—
neuron Inner fiber layer TBR2+
Subventricular IP
zone Inner subventricular ISVZ IP
zone SOX2—
SNP(?) HES1—
Ventricular Ventricular vRG TBR2+
zone zone SOX2+

Figure 1.4 Organization of progenitor and migration zones in the developing neocortex of rodents ( A) and humans ( B). (Taken with permission from Lui et al.,
2011). Laminar divisions include the ventricular zone (VZ), subventricular zone (SVZ; inner and outer), intermediate zone (IZ), inner and outer fiber layers,
subplate, and cortical plate. Transcription factors that are expressed in specific types of progenitors are listed: HES1, NeuN, PAX6, SOX1, TBR2. IP, intermediate
progenitors; ISVZ, inner SVZ; oRG, outer radial glia progenitors; oSVZ, SNP, short neural precursor; outer SVZ progenitors; RG, radial glia progenitors; vRG,
ventricular zone radial glia progenitors.


produced in each region and when these cells are made. For transcription factors have central roles in brain develop-
example, the expansion of the cerebral cortex in primates ment. These include Homeobox, Sox, T-box, Winged-Helix,
may relate to increased numbers of symmetrical divisions of and HMG-box families. Each family consists of subfamilies;
neuron-producing progenitors in the cortical SVZ (Liu et al., for instance, key homeobox genes include Arx, Dlx, Emx, Lhx,
2011). Nkx, Otx, Pax, and POU, which control such processes as
There are many types of cells that make up the CNS; the regional fate, cell type identity, neuronal maturation, and cell
two basic classes are neurons and glia (Lemke, 2001; Rowitch migration (Briscoe et al., 2000; Wilson and Rubenstein, 2000).
and Kriegstein, 2010). There are two general types of neurons: Once neurons are generated, the next step in their differ-
projection neurons, whose axons migrate to distant territories, entiation program is their migration to the appropriate des-
and local circuit neurons (interneurons), whose axons ram- tination (Ayala et al., 2007). Each brain region has a specific
ify nearby. Within these general categories, there are distinct migration program. In cortical structures (e.g., cerebral cortex
types of projection and local circuit neurons that differ by neu- and superior colliculus) migrations are orchestrated to form
rochemistry, firing characteristics, and connectivity (Wonders layered or laminar structures. In most subcortical regions
and Anderson, 2006). There are two types of CNS-derived glia, migrations form nuclear structures. There are two general
astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, whereas the other major glial types of migration: radial and tangential. Radial migration
type, the microglia, is mesodermally derived (Colognato and is movement perpendicular to the plane of the ventricle and
French-Constant, 2004). Astrocytes regulate the local chemical toward the pial surface; tangential migration is movement par-
milieu and appear to regulate synapse formation and elimina- allel to the plane of the ventricle and pial surface.
tion (Eroglu and Barres, 2010). Oligodendrocytes produce the Radial migration involves the interaction between the
myelin sheaths that surround many axons; these sheaths func- elongated processes of radial glial (RG) cells and the migrating
tion as insulators that increase the velocity of action potentials. immature neurons (Fig. 1.4). The immature neurons migrate
Microglia are related to macrophages and subserve a phago- through the subventricular and intermediate zones (Fig. 1.4)
cytic role to remove dead cells from the CNS. to specified locations within the wall of the neural tube where
Different types of neurons are generated at distinct D-V posi- they disengage from the radial glial cell and continue to dif-
tions in the CNS. For instance, within the spinal cord, motor ferentiate. Historically, an important molecule regulating this
neurons are generated by ventral progenitors, whereas sensory process was identified through analysis of the reeler mutant
neurons are generated by dorsal progenitors (Dessaud et al., 2008). mouse (Rice and Curran, 2001). In the cerebral cortex of reeler
Likewise, in the telencephalon, ventral progenitors produce neu- mice, later-born neurons fail to migrate past their earlier-born
rons of the basal ganglia, whereas dorsal progenitors produce cor- siblings, leading to partial inversion of the usual inside-out
tical neurons (Hebert and Fishell, 2008). This arrangement is the lamination. The reeler gene encodes a secreted protein named
result of the D-V patterning mechanisms described earlier in this reelin that can promote dissociation of neuroblasts from radial
chapter. Although patterning of the nervous system produces sep- glia. Two low-density lipoprotein receptors (VLDLR and
arate primordia of major brain regions (e.g., cerebral cortex and ApoER2) are receptors for reelin. Humans with reelin muta-
basal ganglia), cell migration processes “mix” certain cell types tions can have neuropsychiatric disorders including mental
between these primordia (see following paragraphs). retardation and epilepsy; changes in reelin function or levels
The mechanisms underlying cell fate decisions in the ner- may be associated with schizophrenia and autism.
vous system involve molecules within the cells (intrinsic sig- Nervous system development also depends on tangential
nals controlled by proteins such as transcription factors; see migration. This has long been known to occur in the cerebellum
Chapter 6) as well as molecules outside of the cells (extrinsic and in the rostral migratory stream (RMS) of the olfactory bulb,
signals controlled by proteins such as growth/differentiation where adult neurogenesis is best characterized. In addition, most
factors and their receptors). These proteins have integral roles GABAergic local circuit neurons of the telencephalon are gener-
in regulating whether a cell continues to divide, whether it ated in the basal ganglia primordia and then tangentially migrate
undergoes symmetrical or asymmetrical division, whether the to the cerebral cortex and hippocampus (Marin and Rubenstein,
daughter cells go on to differentiate, and what type of cell they 2001). This process results in mixing of gamma-aminobutyric
will become. acid (GABA)ergic neurons from the basal ganglia anlage
Notch signaling is an example of extrinsic control of differ- with glutamatergic projection neurons of the cerebral cortex.
entiation and is mediated by Notch receptors and their ligands GABAergic neurons are required for inhibitory regulation of
(e.g., Delta) (Justice and Jan, 2002). Activation of Notch by excitatory transmission. Guidance cues for tangentially migrat-
its ligand biases a cell not to differentiate into a neuron; thus ing interneurons include neuregulin1 (a schizophrenia risk
neurogenesis requires inhibition of Notch signaling. Notch gene), the CXCL12 cytokine, and semaphorins (Marin et al.,
signaling controls the rate and timing of neuron production. 2001; Flames et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2011).
Furthermore, high levels of Notch signaling biases progenitors Progress has also been made in identifying genes that
toward an astrocytic fate. Notch signaling activates a cascade of control cytoskeletal processes that are essential for migration.
molecular switches that culminates in the induction of tran- Several of these genes were first identified as causing neu-
scription factors that change gene expression in the differenti- ronal migration defects in humans, including Lisencephaly-1,
ating cell (Bertrand et al., 2002). Doublecortin, and Filamin (Mochida and Walsh, 2004).
Although Notch signaling largely operates through basic The time when a neuron is born (newborn neurons are
helix-loop-helix transcription factors, many other types of not mitotically active and migrate away from the VZ) has an


important influence on its fate (the type of neuron it becomes and acts through Robo receptors in commissural axons to pre-
and its location within the brain). For instance, in the cere- vent these axons from recrossing the midline. Whereas the slits
bral cortex there are seven layers: layers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and and semaphorins are repulsive, members of the netrin family
the subplate. Layer 1 is the most superficial, and the subplate can be repulsive or attractive for a growth cone, depending on
is closest to the VZ. In the cerebral cortex, cells that are born the types of receptors expressed by the axon (receptor com-
first populate the deepest layers; this produces the so-called plexes containing either the colorectal cancer [DCC] or the
inside-out pattern of histogenesis. Each layer has distinct func- neogenin protein lead to attraction; UNC-5-related protein
tions. For instance, the subplate is believed to provide signals leads to repulsion). Members of the ephrin family of ligands
that direct the incoming thalamic axons to their appropriate are membrane-bound and interact with two families of recep-
cortical target zone; layers 5 and 6 contain neurons that project tors, EphA and EphB (Kullander and Klein, 2002). EphrinB
out of the cortex; neurons in layer 4 receive input from the ligands, when bound to EphB receptors, are capable of bi-
thalamus; neurons in layers 2 and 3 have intracortical projec- directional signaling whereby the cytoplasmic domain of the
tions; reelin-secreting layer 1 neurons participate in regulating Ephrin ligand transmits a phosphorylation signal. In addition
cortical histogenesis by modulating the radial migration pro- to regulating axon pathfinding, semaphorins, slits, netrins, and
cess (Tissir and Goffinet, 2003). ephrins control neuronal migrations.
Upon reaching its target, the growth cone is further modi-
fied as it forms a part of the synapse (Sanes and Lichtman,
WIR ING O F TH E BRA IN: F O RM AT I O N O F 2001). Reciprocal signals between the growth cone and the
AXON PATH WAY S A ND S Y NA P SE S postsynaptic target cell induce the production of molecules
and membranous specializations found in synapses (Benson
As the immature neurons and glia migrate from the prolif- et al., 2001). Presynaptic cells produce synaptic vesicles filled
erative zone to the differentiation zone (the mantle), they with neurotransmitters, and the postsynaptic cells form
elaborate more complex cellular structures. Neurons extend dendrites with specialized domains containing neurotrans-
several thin processes away from their cell body; these include mitter receptors (Jan and Jan, 2001). There is evidence that
multiple dendrites and a single axon. Perhaps the most dis- defects in synapse development and maintenance underlie
tinctive feature of the nervous system is how axon processes some forms of autism (Walsh et al., 2008). Proteins of the
navigate long distances to find their targets (Charron and neurexin/neuroligin families are of particular interest, as they
Tessier-Lavigne, 2005; Guan and Rao, 2003). The growing tip are critical in dictating the types of synapses that form, and
of the axon is called the growth cone. This dynamic structure mutations in this class of genes are associated with a vari-
extends filopodia that explore their environment, searching for ety of neuropsychiatric disorders (Peñagarikano et al., 2011;
cues that either attract or repel them. Sudhof, 2008). Assembly and function of the synapse requires
Molecules and their receptors have been identified that are proteins such as Shank3, mutations of which can cause autism
chemoattractants or repellents for growing axons. These can and schizophrenia (Herbert, 2011). Transduction of synaptic
function as long-range or as local signals. Some local signals activity depends on ion channels; defects of these can contrib-
are found on the surface of glial cells that serve as guideposts ute to autism susceptibility as in CACNA1C mutations, which
for the axons. The earliest axon pathways that develop create recently have been characterized in induced pluripotential
a scaffold for later-arriving axons. Through a process called stem cells (iPSCs) from Timothy syndrome patients (Pasca
fasciculation, later-arriving axons can adhere to axons that are et al., 2011).
already in an axon pathway. Molecules on the surface of the In the 1950s, nerve growth factor (NGF) was discovered,
axons, some of which are related to immunoglobulins, can the first of four so-called neurotrophins that provide signals
regulate selective fasciculation to generate axon bundles with that control such processes as neuronal survival and synapse
common properties. When an axon has reached its target, a strength (Huang and Reichardt, 2001). By the end of the 1980s
process called defasciculation enables the axon to separate the neurotrophic hypothesis was firmly entrenched, and it sug-
from the axon bundle. gested that postsynaptic cells are responsible for releasing neu-
As axons grow and navigate, their plasma membrane con- rotrophins that the presynaptic neuronal process was attracted
tains guidance receptors that recognize molecules expressed to via its expression of a so-called Trk receptor. The amount
by neighboring cells (Charron and Tessier-Lavigne, 2005; of neurotrophin released by a given cell determined whether
Guan and Rao, 2003). Guidance processes operate as growth a cell reached a given target and formed a synapse or other-
cones grow along specific pathways. Important pathways that wise was destined for “programmed death.” The mechanisms
connect the left and right side of the CNS are midline struc- underlying programmed cell death, or apoptosis, have recently
tures (commissures), such as the optic chiasm and corpus cal- been elucidated (Kuan et al., 2000).
losum. Activation of guidance receptors determines whether The biochemical nature of apoptosis was first discovered by
an axon grows toward or away from a target cell. At least four studying the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. A genetic anal-
conserved families of guidance molecules have been identified. ysis identified a cascade of proteases, known as caspases, that
The semaphorins comprise a 20-member family of soluble control programmed cell death in all animals. Subsequently,
and membrane-bound molecules that elicit repulsive signals mitochondrial-associated proteins have also emerged as
through two receptor families, neuropilins and plexins. The important regulators of apoptosis including the Bcl-2 family,
slit family of proteins consists of three members in mammals APAF, and cytochrome C. Apoptosis is recognized as a


fundamental process that, together with progenitor cell pro- internal capsule and enter their target: the cerebral neocortex.
liferation, controls neuronal numbers during development. The thalamocortical fibers enter the cortex while neurogen-
Presently, researchers are investigating whether some neuro- esis is still actively occurring and grow into a layer called the
degenerative disorders may be the result of aberrant apopto- intermediate zone that is interposed between the proliferative
sis or neurotrophin signaling and whether neurotrophins or (VZ and SVZ) and mantle (cortical plate) zones (Fig. 1.4).
apoptosis inhibitors can be used clinically to treat neurodegen- The thalamocortical fibers’ next task is to innervate the cor-
erative abnormalities. rect region of the neocortex. The neocortex is subdivided
The wiring of complex CNS systems requires the connec- into functionally distinct areas, each with a distinctive set of
tion of multiple cell types that are located in different posi- inputs. The LGN axons must innervate the primary visual cor-
tions. The wiring diagram of the visual system is an instructive tex. Evidence suggests that some of the positional information
example of this process. The neural retina contains primary that regulates this process is found in a transient layer of corti-
sensory receptor neurons (rods and cones), interneurons (e.g., cal neurons called the subplate cells. These are among the first
amacrine, bipolar, and horizontal cells), glia (Müller cells), cortical neurons to differentiate, and they are located in the
and projection neurons called retinal ganglion cells. The retinal deepest layer of the cortical plate, adjacent to the intermediate
ganglion cells extend axons that must make several choices on zone. The axons from different thalamic nuclei form transient
the path to their targets. First, they exit the eye through the synapses with the subplate cells in distinct cortical domains.
optic nerve and confront the optic chiasmatic plate, a struc- The LGN fibers grow to a caudal position in the cortex, which
ture at the front of the hypothalamus. Axons from the tempo- will become the primary visual cortex. There the LGN axons
ral retina do not cross at the chiasm, whereas axons from the form synapses with the subplate cells and wait in this location
nasal retina do cross. Intrinsic signals that distinguish nasal until the cerebral cortex has further matured. Then the LGN
and temporal cells (e.g., the brain factor-1 and -2 transcription fibers leave the subplate, grow into the cortex, and form syn-
factors) permit the growing axons to sort themselves out to apses with neurons in layer 4. After the axons leave the sub-
follow the correct pathway. There appear to be signals that the plate, most of these cells die, leaving no trace of this important
axons detect in the chiasmatic plate that direct the axon traf- step in neurodevelopment.
fic. Upon exiting the chiasm, the optic axons grow posteriorly Initially, inputs from both eyes converge within the same
toward their two main targets: the thalamus and the superior areas in layer 4 of the primary visual cortex. Then the axons
colliculus. The optic tracts grow along the surface of the hypo- from each eye segregate into distinct alternating domains
thalamic mantle zone, passing many nuclei, until they reach called the ocular dominance columns. Evidence suggests that
the thalamus. Branches perpendicular to the trajectory of the formation of these columns requires neuronal activity and that
optic tracts grow out from the axons. These branches then spe- correlated activity from subregions of each eye plays a role in
cifically enter the visual centers of the thalamus, principally the this process (see Katz and Shatz, 1996, for a review of this sub-
lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), where they form synapses ject). Because ocular dominance formation occurs in utero,
with the LGN neurons. Before describing the LGN in greater the neuronal activity is not induced by visual experience but
detail, it is important to point out that some optic axons con- is probably regulated by intrinsic neuronal discharges within
tinue to grow more posteriorly into the midbrain, where they the retina.
form branches into the superior colliculus (or optic tectum). As the thalamocortical circuit is maturing, local connec-
Here, the optic axons synapse in specific locations; axons from tions between cortical layers 1–6 form a columnar intracortical
the temporal retina synapse in the anterior tectum, whereas circuit that is the basic unit of cortical function. Each region of
axons from the nasal retina synapse in the posterior tectum. visual space is represented in these cortical columns, and the
Molecules that may regulate this retinotopic map on the optic ensemble of these columns becomes the primary visual cortex.
tectum are membrane-bound Eph-type receptors (found on Through processes that are beyond the scope of this chapter,
the axons) and their membrane-bound protein ligands (found the primary visual cortex regulates the development of sec-
on the target cells). The Eph proteins probably make up part of ondary visual centers that are concerned with more complex
the molecular system that orchestrates the precise mapping of aspects of processing and integrating visual information. These
axonal projections onto the target tissues in all CNS regions. areas project to cortical association areas that integrate visual
In the LGN, the optic axons also form a retinotopic map. and other information, which then influences motor output
In higher mammals, the LGN is a laminar structure; each layer areas of the cortex. Forming and refining of these more com-
in the adult is connected with only one eye. However, during plex intracortical circuits continues into postnatal life. These
development, axons from both eyes have processes that extend postnatal aspects of CNS development are greatly influenced
into many LGN layers. Experimental evidence suggests that by visual experience.
neuronal activity is required for the sorting-out process that
eliminates branches in some layers and strengthens the syn-
apses in others. Neuronal activity–dependent processes and P O ST N ATA L DE V E L O P M E N TA L
critical periods have an essential role in many steps that refine P R O C E SSE S
the patterns of connections in the CNS; these are addressed
further below. Many aspects of neuronal development continue throughout
The projection neurons in the LGN send axons anteriorly life, especially the elaboration and refinement of neuronal con-
into the telencephalon, where they traverse the striatum in the nections that are required to generate sensory maps, neural


circuit assemblies that mediate sensory-motor integration and to form inhibitory synapses (Marin, 2012). Defects in synaptic
responses, and higher order cognitive and emotional represen- development and function may underlie a substantial fraction
tations. There is evidence that experiential activity-dependent of neuropsychiatric disorders. Indeed, single gene disorders
processes are essential for the postnatal spatial assembly of the that contribute to autism appear to largely encode proteins that
sensory map in the olfactory cortex (Franks et al., 2011), and affect the synapse (Walsh et al., 2008). In addition, mechanisms
therefore may underlie the assembly of higher order circuits. that globally control the transcriptional state of a cell through
Furthermore, in adult animals, when peripheral sensory inputs modulating the epigenome (chromatin state and covalent mod-
are eliminated, such as through amputation of a finger, the cor- ifications to DNA) are implicated in psychiatric disorders. For
tical regions that previously received input from the removed instance, the MeCP2 protein binds methylated DNA; MeCP2
finger now receive sensory inputs from the adjacent fingers. mutations cause Rett syndrome (autism spectrum disorder),
This alteration in the neocortical somatosensory map appears in part through reducing GABAergic signaling (Chao et al.,
to result from changes in the sizes and shapes of axonal pro- 2010). Of note, MeCP2 is part of the genomic machinery regu-
cesses and the distribution of synapses. Thus, the synaptic con- lating how a neuron responds to incoming activity (Cohen and
nectivity of the adult cortex is capable of reorganization. Greenberg, 2008).
In addition to the ability of neuronal processes to continue
to grow and change in shape in postnatal animals, there are at
least two brain regions that postnatally produce neurons and P E R SP E C T I V E
glia. For instance, in rodents the SVZ of the lateral ventricles
produces interneurons of the olfactory bulb, and the hippo- There has been tremendous progress in understanding the
campal subgranular zone continues to make new granular mechanisms governing development of the brain. These insights
neurons; it is important to note that there may be less post- now form the foundation for interpreting genomic modifica-
natal neurogenesis in the human olfactory bulb as the rostral tions that are associated with neuropsychiatric disease risk,
migratory stream appears to disappear in infancy (Sanai et al., and with environmental perturbations that alter specific devel-
2011). Adult neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus is opmental processes. The convergence of these efforts promises
reduced by stress and may be important for spatial memory as further progress in elucidating etiology, identifying individuals
well as aspects of antidepressant response (Perera et al., 2007). at risk, and discovering modalities for prevention and therapy
Gliogenesis is also active postnatally. Oligodendrocytes (through molecular and experiential interventions).
continue to myelinate axons postnatally; some circuits are not
fully myelinated until young adulthood. The degree of myeli-
nation is a critical determinant of action potential velocity, and DI SC L O SU R E
therefore can have important consequences for circuit func-
tion. Furthermore, oligodendrocytes and astrocytes are essen- Dr. Rubenstein has no conflicts of interest to disclose. He
tial for neuronal and synaptic integrity (Nave, 2010). is funded by Nina Ireland, the Simons Foundation, Weston
The neonatal brain is exposed to diverse sensory informa- Havens Foundation, C.U.R.E. (Citizens United for Research
tion; these experience-driven processes gain salience in neural in Epilepsy), CIRM (California Institute for Regenerative
circuit development and function. Experience-based learning Medicine), NINDS R01 NS34661, NIMH R01 MH081880, and
involves alterations in the number and distribution of synap- NIMH R37 MH049428.
ses, and molecular changes in synapses alter the strength of
synaptic signaling. Processes such as long-term potentiation
and long-term depression are regulated in part by changes in REFERENCES
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t has been more than a century since the introduction of experimental steps required to advance a transmitter role for
the neuron doctrine by Santiago Ramon y Cajal marked ACh were relatively simple because ACh is the transmitter at
the beginning of the modern neuroscience and positioned the neuromuscular junction. The ability to expose and main-
the neuron as the individual unit of the brain (see Valenstein, tain preparations of the neuromuscular junction, a peripheral
2005). It has taken most of the subsequent century for inves- site, permitted electrophysiological and biochemical studies
tigators to begin to address how these individual neurons of synaptic transmission. Physiological studies revealed fast
communicate. Although battles on the nature of the primary excitatory responses of muscle fibers in response to stimu-
mode of communication, electrical or chemical, raged for lation of the nerve innervating the muscle, similar to the
more than 50 years after Cajal received the Nobel Prize in effects of ACh. Moreover, miniature end-plate potentials were
1906, by the middle of the 20th century there was widespread observed, which Fatt and Katz (1952) demonstrated to be due
acceptance that chemical signals were the primary means of to the “leakage” of the contents of individual ACh-containing
interaction between two neurons. The “classic” view of trans- vesicles from the presynaptic terminal. In contrast, overt depo-
mission of signals between neurons was that transmitter mol- larization is due to an increased number of quanta released
ecules synthesized by the presynaptic neurons are released over a set period of time. Finally, studies of the neuromuscu-
into the synaptic cleft when the neuronal membrane is depo- lar junction and another peripheral site, the superior cervical
larized, with the transmitter subsequently binding to specific ganglion, allowed detailed analyses of the enzymatic inactiva-
postsynaptic receptors that are coupled to intracellular sec- tion of ACh. These studies of ACh established the standard
ond messengers. to which subsequent studies of neurotransmitters would be
Although many thought the defining principles of neu- held.
ral transmission were worked out by the beginning of the Many of the rules that were uncovered in studies of ACh
21st century, the past decade has been as scientifically tumul- apply to other transmitters. For example, the concept of the
tuous as any of the previous 100 years, with several findings quantal nature of neurotransmission is central to current
challenging certain long-held and cherished beliefs about ideas of transmitter release. However, in the past generation,
neurotransmitters. our ideas about the defining characteristics and functions of
neurotransmitters have been expanded by the discovery of a
number of chemical messengers that do not meet the criteria
WHAT DE F INES A NEU RO T RA N SM I T T E R ? established for classical transmitters, but which clearly convey
information from one neuron to another.
Several criteria have been established that define a neurotrans-
mitter (Iversen et al., 2008). These include the following: (1)
a neurotransmitter should be synthesized in the neuron from F U N C T I O N A L A SP E C T S O F M ULTI P L E
which it is released; (2) the substance released from neurons N E U R O T R A N SM I T T E R S
should be present in a chemically or pharmacologically identi-
fiable form: it should be capable of being measured and iden- There are dozens if not hundreds of molecules that function
tified; (3) exogenous application of the neurotransmitter in as chemical messengers between neurons. Why do we need so
physiologically relevant concentrations should elicit changes many neurotransmitters? When transmitters were first being
in the postsynaptic neuron that mimic the effects of stimula- characterized it appeared that simple excitatory or inhibitory
tion of the presynaptic neuron; (4) the actions of a neurotrans- transmission would suffice, thus requiring two or at most a few
mitter should act on specific neuronal receptors and should transmitters. However, we now appreciate the complexity and
therefore be blocked by administration of specific antagonists; nuance of interneuronal communication.
and (5) there should be appropriate active mechanisms to ter- There are several factors that may contribute to the need
minate the actions of the neurotransmitter. for multiple chemical messengers (Deutch and Roth, 2012).
These criteria are based largely on studies of acetyl- The simplest explanation is that many axons terminate on a
choline (ACh), the first neurotransmitter identified. The single postsynaptic neuron, which must be able to distinguish

12 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

between these multiple inputs. Although multiple inputs ter- allow the postsynaptic cell to respond in a manner that takes
minate on different parts of the postsynaptic neuron (such as into account antecedent activity in the presynaptic neuron.
the soma or dendrite), many of these inputs are so closely posi- Thus, one transmitter can set the stage for the response of a
tioned that inputs using the same transmitter cannot be dis- particular cell to subsequent stimuli, which can occur on the
crimanated. Multiple transmitters allow the postsynaptic cell order of seconds, or even minutes.
to distinguish differences in inputs by chemically coding the So many substances are now commonly accepted as
information, with the receptive neurons having distinct recep- neurotransmitters that one cannot discuss them all, much
tors and intracellular signaling pathways. This system also less new transmitter candidates. We will therefore review
permits modulation of transmitter actions, changing a simple in some detail the principles of neurotransmission for one
excitatory-inhibitory mode of communication to a situation group of classical neurotransmitters. A representative pep-
where a single input determines the response of the neuron to tide transmitter is then discussed, emphasizing similarities
a subsequent input. and differences between neuropeptide and classical trans-
A second reason for multiple transmitters may be related mitters. Finally, we briefly touch on unconventional trans-
to the number of chemical messengers found in a single neu- mitters, a growing group that includes such unexpected
ron. Thirty years ago, it was commonly thought that each members as soluble gases (e.g., nitric oxide and carbon
neuron had but a single neurotransmitter; it is now clear that monoxide).
most if not all neurons have two or more chemical messengers
(Deutch and Bean, 1995). Multiple transmitters in a single
neuron permit the information transmitted by a neuron to a C L A SSI C A L T R A N SM I T T E R S
postsynaptic target to be encoded by different chemical mes-
sengers for different functional states. For example, the fir- Classical is a relative term in science, and particularly in
ing rates of a neuron differ over time, ranging from relatively neuroscience. Despite the use of the adjective, some of the
slow firing rates to rapid bursts of firing. It may therefore be classical neurotransmitters were unknown 50 years ago.
useful for a neuron to encode a high-frequency discharge by Nonetheless, there is a wealth of information concerning vir-
one transmitter and a lower-frequency discharge by another tually every step in the biosynthetic and catabolic processes
transmitter. Similarly, differences in firing pattern convey of the classical transmitters. One characteristic of classical
different information; for example, classical and peptide transmitters is that the final synthesis of classical transmit-
transmitters are differentially released by different patterns ters occurs in the axon terminal: precursors of the transmit-
of discharge. ter are transported from the cell body to the axon (or, in some
A third reason for multiple transmitters is that different cases dendrite), where the transmitter is released to influence
types of transmitters are depleted at different rates. Classical a follower cell. Another defining characteristic of classical
transmitters are synthesized in the nerve terminal by enzy- transmitters is that they (or their metabolic products) are
matic processing of a precursor; this process allows these accumulated by the presynaptic cell via an active process;
transmitters to be released over extended periods of time while there is no energy-dependent, high affinity reuptake process
simultaneously being replenished at the terminal. In contrast, for non-classical transmitters.
peptide transmitters are synthesized in the cell body and trans- The catecholamines are a group of three related classical
ported over long distances to the axon terminal. Peptides can transmitters that are synthesized in certain central neurons,
therefore be depleted by repetitive firing of neurons before new as well as the peripheral nervous system, where they can have
stores of the peptide are synthesized and transported to the hormonal functions. Because of the involvement of the cat-
nerve terminal for use. echolamines in several neuropsychiatric disorders, ranging
Yet another reason for multiple transmitters is that trans- from schizophrenia and depression to Parkinson’s disease and
mitters are released from different parts of a neuron. The dystonias, these transmitters have been the focus of extensive
prototypic site of release is the axon terminal. However, investigation. A detailed description of the life cycle of cate-
transmitters are also released from dendrites and can also be cholamine transmitters provides an excellent example of the
released from varicosities of an axon, not just the axon ter- various steps involved in intercellular communication by clas-
minal. These different sites of release may be occupied by dif- sical transmitters.
ferent transmitters.
The types of spatial arrangements between neurons may
dictate yet another reason for multiple transmitters. We gener-
ally consider synapses to be the structural specializations for Catecholamines are organic compounds with a catechol nucleus
intercellular communication. However, transmitters may also (a benzene ring with two adjacent hydroxyl substitutions) and
be released from non-junctional appositions between two neu- an amine group (Fig. 2.1). The term catecholamine is used
rons. Multiple transmitters may allow the postsynaptic cell to more loosely to describe dopamine (DA; dihydroxyphenyleth-
distinguish between transmitters released from non-junctional ylamine) and its metabolic products norepinephrine and epi-
appositions and areas of synaptic specializations. nephrine. These three transmitters are generated by successive
A final factor that may contribute to the need for multi- enzymatic modification of the amino acid tyrosine, each step
ple transmitters is that postsynaptic responses to transmitters requiring a different enzyme. The three catecholamines are found
occur over different time periods. Such temporal differences as transmitters in distinct dopamine-, norepinephrine-, and

2 N E U R O C H E M I C A L S Y S T E M S I N T H E C E N T R A L N E R V O U S S Y S T E M | 13

H COOH large neutral amino acids at this transporter. Under normal
C C NH2 conditions, brain levels of tyrosine are high enough to saturate
HO TH, and thus changes in precursor availability do not affect
catecholamine synthesis. As a result, TH is considered the
rate-limiting step in catecholamine synthesis. There are, how-
H COOH ever, certain exceptions to this rule, including in poorly con-
trolled diabetes, in which the size of the large neutral amino
HO acid pool is altered.
Tyrosine Hydroxylase
A single TH gene in humans gives rise to four TH messen-
H H ger ribonucleic acids (mRNAs) through alternative splicing.
HO In most non-human primates, two mRNA species are present;
DOPAMINE β-HYDROXYLASE in rodents there is but a single transcript. The functional sig-
OH H nificance of multiple transcripts is unknown, although it has
C C NH2 NOREPINEPHRINE been speculated that there may be subtle differences in enzyme
H H activity of the different protein species.
OH The amount of TH protein and the activity of the enzyme
determine overall TH function. Enzyme activity is dependent
N-METHYLTRANSFERASE OH H on phosphorylation of the enzyme at four distinct serine resi-
C C N EPINEPHRINE dues by different protein kinases. This provides remarkably spe-
H H cific control over TH activity. In addition to regulation of the
OH enzyme by phosphorylation, TH activity can be regulated by
end product (e.g., dopamine) inhibition. Catecholamines inhibit
Figure 2.1 Synthetic pathway for catecholamines. From Hyman and Nestler
(1993) from The Molecular Foundations of Psychiatry, (Copyright ©1993).
the activity of TH through competition for tetrahydrobiopterin,
American Psychiatric Publishing. a required cofactor for TH. Levels of reduced tetrahydrobiop-
terin are not saturated under basal conditions and thus play an
important role in regulating TH activity. This is best illustrated
epinephrine-containing neurons because the biosynthetic by DOPA-responsive dystonia, which is due to mutations in the
enzymes that sequentially form these transmitters are localized gene encoding GTP-cyclohydrolase I, the rate-limiting enzyme
to different cells. in the synthesis of tetrahydrobiopterin (Segawa, 2011).
The two means by which catecholamine neurons can
C AT E C H O L A M I N E S Y N T H E S I S cope with an increased demand for synthesis are by inducing
The amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine are present in high TH protein or by activating existing enzyme (through phos-
concentration in plasma and the brain and are precursors for phorylation). The degree to which catecholamine synthesis
catecholamine synthesis. Under most conditions the starting depends on de novo synthesis of enzyme protein or changes
point of catecholamine synthesis in the brain is tyrosine, which in enzymatic activity differs in various catecholamine neu-
is derived from dietary phenylalanine by the hepatic enzyme rons. Noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus, a brain-
phenylalanine hydroxylase. Decreased levels of this enzyme stem nucleus that is the source of much of the forebrain NE
cause phenylketonuria, a disorder that if untreated (in part innervation, respond to increased demands for synthesis pri-
by limiting dietary intake of foods containing phenylalanine) marily by increasing TH gene expression, ultimately leading
results in severe intellectual deficits. to an increase in TH protein levels. In contrast, in midbrain
The amino acid tyrosine is accumulated by cate- DA neurons changes in TH mRNA levels are rarely seen, with
cholamine neurons and then hydroxylated by the enzyme regulation of synthesis in these DA cells primarily determined
tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine by changes in the activity of TH through posttranslational pro-
(L-DOPA); this intermediary is immediately metabolized cesses (phosphorylation).
to DA by L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AADC).
In dopamine (DA)-containing neurons, this is the final syn- L-Aromatic Amino Acid Decarboxylase (AADC)
thetic step. However, neurons that use norepinephrine (NE) The product of tyrosine hydroxylation is L-DOPA, which is
or epinephrine as transmitters also contain the enzyme immediately decarboxylated to generate DA. This step requires
dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH), which acts on DA to yield the enzyme AADC (also referred to as DOPA decarboxylase).
NE. Finally, brainstem neurons that use epinephrine as a AADC has low substrate specificity: because the enzyme
transmitter, and adrenal medullary cells that release epi- decarboxylates tryptophan as well as tyrosine, it is a key step
nephrine, contain phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase in the synthesis of serotonin and catecholamines. The activity
(PNMT), which is responsible for the formation of epineph- of AADC is so high that L-DOPA is almost instantaneously
rine from norepinephrine (Fig. 2.1). converted to DA.
The entry of tyrosine into the brain occurs through a large A single AADC gene encodes multiple transcripts that
neutral amino acid transporter; tyrosine competes with other are differentially expressed in the central nervous system

14 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

(CNS) and peripheral tissues. L-aromatic amino acid decar- indicates, these compounds are present in trace amounts rela-
boxylase mRNA is enriched in both catecholamine- and tive to the classical catecholamines, and a number of differ-
indoleamine-containing neurons in the CNS but is also found ent receptors for which trace amines have high affinities have
at low levels in other cell types. been identified (Sotnikova et al., 2009). These receptors are
Dopamine poorly penetrates the poor blood-brain bar- expressed in brain and gut and may in part be responsible for
rier. In contrast, the DA precursor L-DOPA readily enters the certain side effects of treatments with therapeutic drugs, such
brain and has therefore become the mainstay of the treatment as certain monoamine oxidase inhibitors (see following), and
of Parkinson’s disease, the proximate cause of which is striatal may contribute to some actions of psychoactive drugs such as
DA insufficiency. Administration of L-DOPA to parkinsonian amphetamine and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), which are
patients quickly increases brain DA levels and improves motor agonists at a trace amine receptor.
S T O R A G E O F C AT E C H O L A M I N E S : S Y N A P T I C
Dopamine- β-Hydroxylase (DBH) V E S I C L E S A N D V E S I C U L A R T R A N S P O RT E R S
Noradrenergic and adrenergic neurons, but not dopaminergic Catecholamine transmitters are stored in small vesicles located
neurons, contain DBH, the enzyme that converts DA to nor- near the synapse and poised for fusion with the neuronal
epinephrine. In noradrenergic neurons this is the final step of membrane and subsequent exocytosis. In addition to serv-
catecholamine synthesis. Two different human DBH mRNAs ing as a storage depot for catecholamines, vesicles sequester
are generated from a single gene. catecholamines from cytosolic enzymes and from some toxins
Dopamine-β-hydroxylase has relatively poor substrate that enter the neuron.
specificity and can oxidize in vitro almost any phenylethylam- The accumulation of catecholamines by vesicles depends
ine to its corresponding phenylethanolamine. Thus, in addition on a vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT). Two VMAT
to the oxidation of DA to form NE, DBH promotes the con- genes have been cloned: one is in the adrenal medulla, and
version of tyramine to octopamine and α-methyldopamine to the other, designated VMAT2, is found in catecholamine and
α-methylnorepinephrine. This lack of substrate specificity has serotonin neurons of the CNS. VMAT2 broadly accumulates
been exploited in the laboratory: several structurally analogous monoamines, including catecholamines and indoleamines
compounds can replace NE and function as “false transmitters,” such as serotonin.
providing useful experimental tools. Contrary to the usual situ- The VMATs are targets of some psychotropic drugs.
ation in which TH is the rate-limiting step in catecholamine Reserpine, a blocker of VMAT, has been used for decades to
synthesis, when the activity of locus coeruleus noradrener- treat hypertension and psychosis. Studies of reserpine shed
gic neurons is increased, DBH is thought to be saturated and light on how this drug can reduce psychotic symptoms (by
becomes the rate-limiting step. DBH is localized to the vesicle, decreasing DA accumulation into vesicles and thereby decreas-
separating NE and its precursor dopamine into a vesicular, ing DA availability) and hypertension (by disrupting catechol-
transmitter pool of NE and a cytosolic, non-transmitter pool amine synthesis in the adrenal medulla and thereby decreasing
for DA in noradrenergic neurons. If vesicular DBH is saturated, circulating catecholamine levels).
the result will be an accumulation of DA in the vesicle; when
the vesicular contents are released by depolarization, both DA R E G U L AT I O N O F C AT E C H O L A M I N E
and NE are released. In this manner the noradrenergic vesicle SYNTHESIS AND RELEASE BY
becomes a Trojan horse for dopamine. AUTORECEPTORS
We have discussed how catecholamines are synthesized and some
Phenylethanolamine-N-Methyltransferase of the regulatory features that govern synthesis of these trans-
(PNMT) mitters. Another way in which the synthesis of catecholamines
This enzyme methylates NE to form epinephrine. Central can be regulated is by the catecholamine released from the neu-
epinephrine neurons are located in two groups of brainstem ron. Once released, the transmitter (e.g., dopamine) interacts
cells; high levels of PNMT are also present in the adrenal with a receptor located on the catecholamine axon that binds
medulla. PNMT has relatively poor substrate specificity and the transmitter (e.g., a dopamine D2 receptor). This nerve termi-
will transfer methyl groups to the nitrogen atom on a variety of nal “autoreceptor” is part of a feedback loop that maintains syn-
β-hydroxylated amines. Nonspecific N-methyltransferases are aptic dopamine within a homeostatic range. This feedback can
also found in the lung and will methylate many indoleamines. be a negative feedback, in which the released transmitter shuts
The high levels of PNMT in the adrenal gland, coupled with down further transmitter release; drugs that are antagonists of
relatively easy experimental access to the adrenal, have led the autoreceptor can promote transmitter release. There are
to an extensive characterization of the enzyme in this gland, several types of autoreceptors. In addition to autoreceptors that
where enzyme activity and expression are tightly regulated by regulate transmitter release, there are autoreceptors that govern
glucocorticoids and nerve growth factor. transmitter synthesis, and still another type that controls the fir-
ing rate of the neuron. The precise cellular distribution of these
Trace Amines and Trace Amine Receptors autoreceptors is linked to their function. For example, release-
A number of amines that are derived from catecholamine and synthesis-modulating autoreceptors are found on axon ter-
metabolism have been identified in the brain, including minals of catecholamine neurons, while impulse-modulating
tyramine, octopamine, and β-phenythylamine. As their name autoreceptors that regulate the firing rate of catecholamine

2 N E U R O C H E M I C A L S Y S T E M S I N T H E C E N T R A L N E R V O U S S Y S T E M | 15

neurons are localized to somatodendritic regions of the neu- mode of terminating the actions of catecholamines circulat-
ron. All three types of dopamine autoreceptors are thought to ing in the blood. In the brain, termination of catecholamine
be D2 receptors, one of the five types of dopamine receptors; actions by reuptake mechanisms appears to be more impor-
this suggests that these D2 receptors are coupled to different tant. Nevertheless, drugs that target the enzymatic inactivation
intracellular transduction cascades. of catecholamines have been very useful therapeutic strategies
Release-modulating autoreceptors are found on all dop- for several disorders, including depression.
amine neurons, but synthesis-modulating autoreceptors are Two MAO genes have been cloned, and two isoforms
not. For example, both midbrain dopamine neurons that inner- of the enzyme can be distinguished by substrate specificity.
vate the prefrontal cortex and certain hypothalamic dopamine Both isoforms are present in the CNS and peripheral tissues.
neurons lack functional synthesis-modulating autoreceptors. MAOA displays high affinities for NE and serotonin, whereas
Similarly, impulse-modulating autoreceptors are present on MAOB has a higher affinity for β-phenylethylamines. Drugs
most but not all dopamine neurons. Such differences in the that inhibit MAOA (clorgyline, tranylcypromine) are effec-
localization of autoreceptors to different types of neurons are tive antidepressant drugs. However, these agents have serious
thought to confer regional specificity on the function of dop- side effects, including the development of hypertensive crisis:
amine neurons. patients treated with MAOA inhibitors who eat foods high in
Autoreceptors for norepinephrine are also well charac- tyramine content (e.g., aged cheeses and Chianti, a particu-
terized. Among these are noradrenergic autoreceptors that larly appetizing combination) do not effectively metabolize
regulate release of NE, which are important targets for drugs tyramine, which releases catecholamines from nerve end-
used to treat cardiovascular and neuropsychiatric disorders. ings and thereby dangerously increases blood pressure. These
Norepinephrine autoreceptors in the brain are α2-adrenergic adverse effects associated with MAOA inhibitors may be medi-
receptors, the activation of which serves to inhibit norepineph- ated in part by interactions with trace amine receptors.
rine release. In contrast, autoreceptors on peripheral nerves are Deprenyl is a specific inhibitor of MAOB and is some-
β-adrenergic receptors and facilitate norepinephrine release. times used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD). The
use of deprenyl in PD springs from studies of the neurotoxin
I N A C T I VAT I O N O F R E L E A S E D 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), which
C AT E C H O L A M I N E N E U R O T R A N S M I T T E R S causes a Parkinson’s Disease (PD)-like syndrome. The tetra-
Continuous (as opposed to discrete pulsatile) release of a hydropyridine MPTP itself is not toxic, but its metabolite
transmitter does not provide target neurons with appropriate MPP+, which is generated by the actions of MAOB, is highly
information about the dynamic state of the presynaptic neu- toxic. Because the MAOB inhibitor deprenyl blocks the for-
ron. Accordingly, there is a need for mechanisms to inactivate mation of MPP+ from MPTP, pretreatment with deprenyl
the released transmitter. The importance of this process can be prevents MPTP-induced parkinsonism. This finding led to
easily appreciated by considering the consequences of unre- the suggestion that an environmental toxin similar to MPTP
strained stimulation of channel-forming receptors through might cause parkinsonism, and studies of deprenyl in newly
which calcium enters neurons: if intracellular Ca2+ levels diagnosed PD patients ensued. Although initial analyses sug-
increase too much, excitotoxic cell death results. gested that deprenyl slowed disease progression, subsequent
There are several specific mechanisms for terminating analyses failed to sustain the early enthusiasm. It is now clear
transmitter actions. Diffusion from the synapse is the most sim- that deprenyl does not slow progression but may offer some
ple. However, in addition to being a slow mode of inactivation, symptomatic relief. This probably occurs by increasing DA
diffusion is a poor means for terminating transmitter action levels secondary to the inhibition of MAOB-mediated catabo-
because functional receptors are often present on the axon as lism of DA. In addition, small amounts of amphetamine and
well as in the immediate synaptic region The primary mode of methamphetamine, potent DA releasers, are generated by the
inactivation appears to be uptake of the released transmitter by metabolism of deprenyl and may contribute to symptomatic
a plasma membrane-associated transporter protein. Because improvement in parkinsonian symptoms.
these transporters are typically located on cells that release the
transmitter, inactivation by means of transporter-mediated Catecholamine Reuptake: Membrane
reuptake is efficient and often allows for recycling of the trans- Transporter
mitter or metabolites to lower energy demands on the neuron. The reuptake of transmitters released into the extracellular
A second way for transmitter actions to be terminated is by space via specific cell membrane proteins is thought to be
catabolic enzymes located either extra- or intracellularly. the major mode of inactivation of classical transmitters. The
accumulation of transmitters in the presynaptic neuron also
Enzymatic Inactivation of Catecholamines permits intracellular degradative enzymes to act and further
Two enzymes sequentially metabolize catecholamines. contribute to transmitter inactivation, particularly if the trans-
Monoamine oxidases (MAO) deaminate catecholamines to mitter is not rapidly accumulated by vesicles.
yield aldehyde derivatives; these are further catabolized by Neuronal reuptake of catecholamines and other classical
dehydrogenases and reductases. Catechol-O-methyltransferase transmitters has several characteristics: the process is energy
(COMT) methylates the meta-hydroxy group on catechols, and dependent, saturable, involves Na+ co-transport, and requires
these methylated intermediaries are further oxidized by MAO. extracellular Cl– (Kristensen et al., 2011). It is worthwhile to
Enzymatic inactivation, particularly by COMT, is the primary note that transporters can operate bidirectionally and under

16 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

certain conditions may paradoxically transport in the “wrong” significantly weaker effects on dopamine, and are one of the
direction, thereby “releasing” a transmitter. major means of treating certain types of depression. The newer
Catecholamine transporters are found in catecholamine serotonin-selective reuptake blockers, such as fluoxetine, are
but not other neurons. There appears to be some cate- now the most widely prescribed antidepressant medications.
cholamine uptake by glial cells, but this is not a high-affinity
reuptake process and the functional significance of this pro- A N AT O M Y O F C AT E C H O L A M I N E N E U R O N S
cess remains obscure. However, there are high-affinity trans- Neurons expressing dopamine, norepinephrine, and epineph-
porters for amino acid transmitters (such as γ-aminobutyric rine are found in a wide variety of species, although there are
acid [GABA] and glutamate) that are localized to astrocytes some major differences in the anatomical organization of these
and play a major role in regulating extracellular levels of these neurons between species. For example, midbrain DA neurons
amino acid transmitters. are present in all vertebrates except bony fish (teleosts), and
In mammals, two different catecholamine transporters, dopaminergic cells (although few in number) are present in
the dopamine (DAT) and norepinephrine (NET) transporters, flies and worms. There are some differences in the anatomy
have been identified. An amphibian epinephrine transporter of the catecholaminergic neurons between primate and lower
has been cloned, but a mammalian homolog of this gene has mammalian species, but these differences are mainly quanti-
not been identified. DAT and NET share significant sequence tative rather than qualitative, and the general organization of
homology, and both exhibit relatively poor substrate specific- the catecholamine systems of primates and lower mammalian
ity. In fact, NET has a higher affinity for DA than for NE. species is quite similar.
Anatomical studies have revealed that DAT and NET are Dopamine neurons in the ventral midbrain cells project
restricted to dopamine- and norepinephrine-containing cells, to several forebrain sites, including the striatum, limbic sites
respectively. However, DAT is not present in measurable lev- such as the amygdala, septum, and hippocampus, and to cer-
els in all dopamine neurons. For example, the hypothalamic tain cortical sites (Fig. 2.2). The cortical DA innervation in
tuberoinfundibular neurons that release dopamine into the primates is much broader than is seen in rodents. In addi-
pituitary portal blood supply do not express detectable levels tion to the midbrain DA neurons, several clusters of DA neu-
of DAT mRNA or protein. Because DA released from these rons are found in the diencephalon, including hypothalamic
neurons is rapidly carried away in the vasculature, there is cells with long axons that innervate the spinal cord as well as
probably no need for inactivation of DA by reuptake into intra-hypothalamic projections. Still another set of DA neu-
tuberoinfundibular neurons. rons is found in the olfactory bulb. The reader is referred to the
Immunohistochemical studies have revealed that under review by Morelli and Bentivoglio (2005) for a more compre-
basal conditions, DAT and other transmitter transporters hensive discussion of the anatomy of DA neurons.
are localized to the extrasynaptic region of the axon terminal Norepinephrine-containing cells are located in the medulla
(Pickel et al., 2002), suggesting that the transporter may be and pons (Fig. 2.3). In the rostral pons, a small but important
important in clearing DA that has diffused from the synaptic group of cells is found in the nucleus locus coeruleus. These
region. When one considers that DA receptors are also found neurons give rise to most of the noradrenergic innervation of
adjacent to the synapse rather than at the synaptic junction
(Pickel et al., 2002), extrasynaptic (so-called paracrine or vol- COOH
ume) transmission may be of greater importance than previ- CH2 CH NH2 TRYPTOPHAN
ously realized for catecholamine transmission (Wickens and N
Arbuthnott, 2005).
Just as there is a tight process of regulation over enzyme TRYPTOPHAN
activity, there are regulatory controls for neurotransmit- COOH
ter transporters. Chronic administration of catecholamine HO CH2 CH NH2 5-HYDROXYTRYPTOPHAN
reuptake inhibitors decreases the number of transporter sites, N
consistent with a decrease in gene expression. In addition, the
activity of catecholamine transporters appears to be regulated AROMATIC AMINO ACID
acutely by several mechanisms (Zahniser and Doolen, 2001). DECARBOXYLASE
The recognition that transporter expression is dynamically
regulated has broad implications for in vivo imaging studies
of transporters (such as studies of DAT in PD) because drug
treatments that patients receive may alter the apparent density N

of the transporter. Figure 2.2 Dopaminergic projection systems in the brain. The major
Studies of DAT knockout mice have revealed that a broad dopaminergic nuclei in the brain are the substantia nigra pars compacta
array of DA neuron functions is disrupted by loss of the trans- (hatched), containing dopamine neurons that project to the striatum (also
porter (Sotnikova et al., 2006). It is therefore not surpris- hatched); the ventral tegmental area (fine stipple), shown projecting to the
frontal and cingulate cortex, nucleus accumbens, and other limbic structures
ing that transporters are key targets of psychoactive drugs.
(fine stipple); and the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (coarse stipple),
Cocaine increases extracellular monoamine levels by blocking which provides a dopaminergic innervation of the pituitary. From Hyman and
the transporters for DA, NE, and serotonin. The tricyclic anti- Nestler (1993) reprinted with permission from The Molecular Foundations of
depressants potently inhibit NE and serotonin reuptake, with Psychiatry, (Copyright ©1993). American Psychiatric Publishing.

2 N E U R O C H E M I C A L S Y S T E M S I N T H E C E N T R A L N E R V O U S S Y S T E M | 17

striatum thus peripheral (including dietary) sources of tryptophan have
cingulate cortex a major influence on central serotonin synthesis.
There are two forms of tryptophan hydroxylase, one periph-
frontal cortex
eral (TPH1) and the other central (TPH2). Situations requir-
substantia ing increased synthesis of serotonin are dealt with mainly by
increasing the activity of the enzyme through phosphoryla-
tion; some long-term changes in demand may lead to increases
in tryptophan hydroxylase gene expression.
5-Hydroxytryptophan is metabolized to serotonin by
L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase, the same enzyme that
nucleus converts L-DOPA to dopamine. The serotonin formed can be
accumbens metabolized to an acidic metabolite by MAO.
pituitary Although one usually thinks of serotonin as the end point of
hypothalamus tryptophan pathways in the brain, there are two important excep-
tions to this rule. In the pineal gland serotonin is metabolized
by serotonin-N-acetyltransferase to yield N-acetylserotonin, to
ventral tegmental area which a methyl group is then added to form the hormone mela-
tonin. Throughout the brain there is also a kynurenic acid shunt
Figure 2.3 Noradrenergic projection systems in the brain. Shown are the major
from tryptophan metabolism that results in the formation of sev-
noradrenergic nuclei of the brain, the locus coeruleus (hatched) and the lateral
tegmental nuclei (fine stipple). Epinephrine-containing nuclei are shown in
eral compounds, including quinolinic acid and kynurenic acid.
black. The projections from the locus coeruleus (as described in the text) Quinolinic acid is a potent agonist at N-methyl-d-aspartame
are markedly simplified. Projections from the other noradrenergic nuclei are (NMDA)-type glutamate receptors and causes seizures and neu-
not shown. From Hyman and Nestler (1993) permission from The Molecular rotoxicity. In contrast, kynurenine is an NMDA antagonist. It
Foundations of Psychiatry, (Copyright ©1993). American Psychiatric Publishing.
has been suggested that the ratio of the two tryptophan deriva-
tives may be of significance in conditions such as stroke, where
the forebrain, as well as of the brainstem and spinal cord. Other cell death is mediated in part by NMDA receptors, as well as in
pontine and lower brainstem noradrenergic cells innervate schizophrenia (Wonodi and Schwarcz, 2010).
certain nuclei in the hypothalamus and thalamus, and limbic
areas such as the amygdala, septum, and hippocampus. S T O R A G E A N D R E G U L AT I O N O F
Epinephrine-containing cells are found in two nuclei in the SEROTONIN RELEASE AND SYNTHESIS
medulla and provide descending projections as well as sending Serotonin, like other classical transmitters, is stored intra-
efferents to the pons that regulates the activity of the locus coe- neuronally in vesicles. The accumulation of 5-HT by vesicles
ruleus NE-containing cells. depends on VMAT2, which also transports the catecholamines
into vesicles. The other regulatory features of serotonin are
essentially the same as seen in catecholamine transmitters,
including the presence of serotonin autoreceptors that regu-
The major processes that regulate catecholamine synthesis and late serotonin release and synthesis, acting through function-
degradation are shared by all classical transmitters, includ- ally distinct somatodendritic and terminal autoreceptors. One
ing serotonin. Nonetheless, there are some relatively minor
differences among the classical transmitters. The following
discussion focuses on the differences between serotonin and
catecholamine neurotransmitters.

The synthesis of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) follows
the basic scheme laid out for catecholamine transmitters: the cortex
uptake of a precursor amino acid (tryptophan) into a neuron,
the sequential enzymatic formation of serotonin from trypto-
phan, the accumulation of serotonin by VMAT2 into vesicles,
and, following release of the transmitter, inactivation by active
reuptake of extracellular serotonin. nucleus
The precursor amino acid tryptophan enters the CNS locus coeruleus pons cerebellum
via the large neutral amino acid transporter, where it com- spinal cord
petes with other amino acids (including phenylalanine and
tyrosine). In serotonergic neurons, tryptophan is a substrate
for tryptophan hydroxylase, which results in the formation of Figure 2.4 Synthetic pathway for serotonin. From Hyman and Nestler (1993)
5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), the immediate serotonin pre- reprinted with permission from The Molecular Foundations of Psychiatry,
cursor (Fig. 2.4). Tryptophan hydroxylase is not saturated, and (Copyright ©1993). American Psychiatric Publishing.

18 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

difference between serotonin and catecholamine neurons is that are discretely localized in the brain, but glutamatergic and
serotonin synthesis is not regulated by end-product inhibition GABAergic neurons are found in virtually all areas of the brain.
in vivo. The release- and impulse-modulating autoreceptors in Although there are some significant differences between amino
serotonin neurons are 5-HT1 receptors. The 5-HT1A receptor is acid and monoamine transmitters, most of the major princi-
an autoreceptor present on the somatodendritic region of the ples discussed in the section on catecholamine transmitters are
serotonin neurons, whereas the 5-HT1B receptor is an autore- applicable to amino acid transmitters. The amino acid trans-
ceptor located on serotonin nerve terminals. In addition, the mitters are derived from intermediary glucose metabolism. The
5-HT1A receptor is also found on some non-serotonergic neu- dual roles of GABA and glutamate as transmitters and metabolic
rons. Changes in the number and coupling of 5-HT1 recep- intermediaries requires a means of segregating the transmitter
tors in response to chronic treatment with serotonin-selective and metabolic pools (Hassel and Dingledine, 2012; Olsen and
reuptake inhibitor antidepressants is thought to be critical to Li, 2012). The other major difference between amino acid and
the therapeutic actions of these drugs. monoamine transmitters is that the former are inactivated by
uptake of the released transmitter through high-affinity trans-
I N A C T I VAT I O N O F R E L E A S E D S E R O T O N I N porters located on glial cells as well as by transporters found
Reuptake of released serotonin by the serotonin transporter on neurons. This discussion focuses on those aspects of amino
(SERT) is the major means of terminating serotonin’s actions. acid transmitters that differ from monoamine transmitters,
The serotonin transporter belongs to the same molecular family as enumerated in the preceding. Although glycine is also an
as the catecholamine membrane transporters and has the same inhibitory transmitter, particularly in the spinal cord, GABA is
requirements for action. The SERT is also the target for the most discussed as the representative example of the inhibitory amino
commonly used antidepressants, the serotonin-selective reup- acid transmitter. Similarly, glutamate is discussed as the major
take inhibitors (Thompson et al., 2011). Like the catecholamines, excitatory transmitter, although other excitatory amino acids,
serotonin can be inactivated enzymatically by MAO. including aspartate and sulfur-containing amino acids such as
homocysteic acid, are also thought to be neurotransmitters.
There are a number of distinct groups of serotonin neurons, VESICULAR STORAGE
most of which are located on the midline of the pons and γ-aminobutyric acid is derived from glucose metabolism,
medulla. (see Fig. 2.5). Pontine serotonin cells in the dorsal with α-ketoglutarate from the Krebs (tricarboxylic acid) cycle
and median raphe nuclei are the major source of diencephalic being transaminated to glutamate by GABA α-oxoglutarate
and telencephalic sites; cells in the medulla provide important transaminase (GABA-T). The key step for the generation of
descending serotonin projections to the spinal cord. the transmitter pool of GABA is the action of the enzyme glu-
tamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), which converts glutamate to
GABA. Glutamic acid decarboxylase is essentially restricted to
neurons that use GABA as a transmitter and thus serves as a
The excitatory and inhibitor amino acid transmitters glutamate marker for GABAergic neurons.
and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are the most abundant trans- Two isoforms of GAD are encoded by two different genes.
mitters in the brain. The cell bodies of monoamine neurons The two GAD species (designated GAD65 and GAD67 on the
basis of their mass) have somewhat different intracellular dis-
tributions and are differently regulated. Glutamic acid decar-
boxylase requires a pyridoxal phosphate cofactor for activity.
The lower-mass enzyme, GAD65, has a high affinity for the
cerebral cofactor, but GAD67 does not. The high affinity of GAD65
for cofactor provides a way in which enzyme activity can be
raphe quickly and efficiently regulated. However, GAD67 activity is
nucleus not as readily regulated, although the amount of enzyme can
be regulated at the transcriptional level.
The biosynthetic enzyme GAD is a cytosolic protein.
However, GABA-T, which synthesizes the GABA precursor
glutamate from α-ketoglutarate, is a mitochondrial enzyme.
nucleus Thus, there appears to be a metabolic pool of GABA that is
raphe magnus spinal cord mitochondrial. The process by which glutamate destined for
the transmitter pool is exported from the mitochondria is not
fully understood.
Figure 2.5 Serotonergic projection systems in the brain. The major serotonergic Glutamate is the immediate precursor of the inhibitory
nuclei in the brain are the brainstem raphe nuclei (hatched). The nuclei are
transmitter GABA, but is also a major excitatory transmit-
shown slightly enlarged, and their diffuse projections (as described in the
text) are markedly simplified. From Hyman and Nestler (1993) reprinted with
ter in different neurons. Neurons must therefore have some
permission from The Molecular Foundations of Psychiatry, (Copyright ©1993). mechanisms to prevent GABA neurons from using glutamate
American Psychiatric Publishing. as a transmitter. Glutamic acid decarboxylase is not found

2 N E U R O C H E M I C A L S Y S T E M S I N T H E C E N T R A L N E R V O U S S Y S T E M | 19

in neurons that use glutamate as a transmitter, thus ensur- In contrast to monoamine transporters, which include a
ing that GABAergic neurons use GABA but not glutamate as single transporter for each of the monoamines (albeit with low
a transmitter. Moreover, vesicular transporters for GABA are substrate specificity), at least three transporters accumulate
localized exclusively to GABAergic neurons. In contrast to the GABA (Kanner, 2006); other transporters present in the brain,
monoamine vesicular transporters, which use a pH gradient such as a betaine transporter, can also accumulate GABA.
to transport monoamines into the cell, the vesicular GABA The three types of membrane GABA transporters (GATs) do
transporter uses electrochemical and pH gradients to drive not readily correspond to different GAT isoforms in glia and
transport. neurons.
Similarly, in glutamatergic neurons one of several vesicular Glial and neuronal expression of membrane glutamate
glutamate transporters (VGluTs) allows glutamate to be stored transporters also occurs, with at least four membrane glutamate
in vesicles for use as a transmitter (El Mestikawy et al., 2011). transporters defined. These transporters display high affini-
The VGluTs are used as markers of glutamatergic neurons. ties for glutamate, but differ in their affinities for other amino
Despite these means of separating the transmitter pools of glu- acids. Two glutamate transporters are primarily expressed in
tamate and GABA, and the general utility in having excitatory glia, with a third glutamate transporter being predominantly
and inhibitory transmitters being found in different neurons, neuronal.
there are some examples of co-localization of excitatory and
inhibitory amino acid transmitters in single neurons (Zander A N AT O M Y O F A M I N O A C I D T R A N S M I T T E R S
et al., 2010). GABA- and glutamate-containing neuronal elements can be
Glutamate can also be formed directly from glutamine, found in almost every area of the brain. Nonetheless, certain
which is synthesized in glial cells. The glutamine that is formed discrete projections for excitatory and inhibitory neurons have
in glia can be transported out of the glia and into nerve termi- been identified. For example, inhibitory GABAergic cells are
nals and then locally converted by glutaminase into glutamate. usually local circuit neurons. However, some GABA neurons
Thus, glial cells may in part regulate glutamate synthesis, as are projection neurons; among these are cells that project from
well as determine extracellular levels of glutamate by means of the basal forebrain to the cortex and striatal GABAergic neu-
membrane-associated transporters. This underscores the com- rons that innervate the globus pallidus and substantia nigra.
plex functions of glia, which are now recognized to play several Among the many glutamatergic neurons are the pyramidal
critical roles in brain function in addition to the support role cells of the cortex, as well as a variety of long-axoned projec-
previously envisioned (Halassa and Haydon, 2010; Panatier tion neurons in subcortical sites.
et al., 2011), including key roles in neurotransmission.
R E G U L AT I O N O F A M I N O A C I D T R A N S M I T T E R More so than other classical transmitters, GABA and gluta-
RELEASE BY AUTORECEPTORS mate as transmitters are marked by a complexity and diver-
Autoreceptor-mediated regulation of GABA neurons occurs sity of function. There are multiple membrane transporters for
through GABAB receptors, which in contrast to postsynap- GABA and glutamate, and multiple vesicular glutamate trans-
tic ionotropic GABAA receptors are coupled to G proteins. porters. GABA and glutamate play transmitter and metabolic
GABAB receptors are also found on non-GABA cells, where roles in neurons. There are a diverse group of receptors for
they may regulate the release of glutamate and other trans- GABA and glutamate, including ionotropic and metabotropic
mitters. The release of glutamate from nerve terminals is also receptors. GABA and glutamate involve more than just neu-
subject to autoreceptor regulation, a function subserved by G rons but critically bring into play glial cells.
protein–coupled metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR). We have focused this brief discussion on GABA and glu-
Three groups of mGluR receptors that include eight different tamate as amino acid transmitters, but there are other amino
receptors have been identified (Niswender and Conn, 2010); acids that are also transmitters or have been proposed to
group II mGluRs are release-modulating autoreceptors. In be neurotransmitters; these include, glycine, aspartate, and
addition to the well-characterized release-modulating mGluRs, sulfur-containing amino acids. Among the most surprising
electrophysiological studies have suggested the presence of a of the amino acids transmitter candidates are D-amino acids
glutamate impulse–modulating autoreceptor. Various mGluRs (Wolosker et al., 2008). Conventional wisdom has held that
are a target for the development of new drug treatments for a L-enantiomers but not D-enantiomers of amino acids are
variety of neuropsychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, active; D-amino acids were relegated to their functions in bac-
Parkinson’s disease, PTSD, and Fragile X syndrome. teria and invertebrates. However, D-serine and D-aspartame
are present in relatively high concentrations in the human
I N A C T I VAT I O N O F R E L E A S E D G A B A A N D brain. D-serine is heterogeneously distributed, with the high-
G L U TA M AT E est concentrations in regions with a high density of NADA glu-
The uptake of released GABA and glutamate is the primary tamate receptors. An enzyme, serine racemase, which converts
means of terminating the actions of these transmitters. L-serine to D-serine, has been found in glia but not neurons,
High-affinity GABA and glutamate uptake into both neurons suggesting that glia may synthesize and release D-serine.
and astrocytes occurs, the latter distinguishing these trans- However, classical considerations of transmitters hold that
mitters from the monoamines, which are not accumulated by neurons but not glia communicate via release of transmitters.
high-affinity glial transporters. This conundrum has been resolved by noting that certain

20 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

types of glia express α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxa TA BL E 2.1. Examples of peptide transmitters
solepropionic acid (AMPA)-type glutamate receptors and
respond to glutamate stimulation by releasing D-serine onto Opioid and related peptides
NADA-receptor-bearing neurons. Thus, in this case, glia
serve as intermediate functional links between two neurons,
and D-amino acids may be neurotransmitters, albeit uncon- Endorphin
ventional ones (see following sections).

Nociceptin (orphanin FQ)

Gut-brain peptidesa
Peptides, once viewed as pretenders to the royalty of neu- Cholecystokinin (CCK)
rotransmitters, have become firmly established as neu-
rotransmitters over the past 30 years. The notion of peptide Gastrin
transmitters initially met with resistance because peptides did
not meet some of the criteria developed for classical transmit-
ters; some of these missing steps were subsequently shown to Somatostatin
be due to methodological issues, including sensitivity of assay
Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)
There are two major differences between classical and Tachykinin peptides
peptide transmitters. The first is the intraneuronal site(s) of
synthesis of the transmitter. Synthetic enzymes for classical Substance K

transmitters are present in axon terminals as well as cell body Substance P

regions, allowing a rapid response to increased demand for
transmitter release from axon terminals. In contrast, pep- Neuromedin N
tide transmitters are typically synthesized in the cell body Pituitary peptidesb
but not in axons. As such, increased demand for the peptide
transmitter requires de novo protein synthesis and transport Adrenal corticotropic hormone (ACTH)
of the peptide to the terminal. The second major difference is
Melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH)
that peptides are inactivated almost exclusively by enzymatic
means; there are no high-affinity transporters that accumu- Oxytocin
late neuropeptides. Despite the failure of peptide transmitters
to meet all of the classical criteria for transmitters, neuro-
peptides clearly convey information between neurons. Such Hypothalamic releasing factorsc
information is not simply generalized information about the
milieu, but is temporally and spatially coded information. Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH)

Table 2.1 lists some of the many peptide transmitters in the Growth hormone releasing factor (GHRF)
The general principles of the peptide transmitters are Luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH)
discussed next. The discussion focuses on specific examples Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH)
drawn from one widely distributed peptide, neurotensin.


Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)
Classical transmitters are typically synthesized by enzymatic
Cocaine- and amphetamine-related transcript (CART)
processing of precursor(s) in the vicinity of the release site,
usually the axon terminal. In contrast, peptide transmitters Melanocyte concentration hormone (MCH)
are formed from a prohormone precursor that is transcribed
and translated in the cell body of the neuron, where it is then Neurotensin

incorporated into vesicles. Thus, most peptide transmitters are Hypocretin/Orexin

formed from a single precursor from which active peptides
are cleaved, in contrast to the successive enzymatic modifica- a
Peptides first found in the gut and later shown to serve as
neurotransmitters in the brain.
tions of a precursor amino acid that give rise to most classical b
Peptides first discovered as pituitary hormones and later shown to serve
transmitters. as neurotransmitters in the brain.
The general process can be easily understood by examining c
Peptides first discovered for their role as hypothalamic-release hormones
and later shown to serve as neurotransmitters in the brain.
the case of the peptide transmitter neurotensin (NT). A large
(170 amino acid) prohormone precursor of NT and a related

2 N E U R O C H E M I C A L S Y S T E M S I N T H E C E N T R A L N E R V O U S S Y S T E M | 21

peptide, neuromedin N (NMN), are encoded by a single gene NEWER PEPTIDE TRANSMITTERS
that is transcribed to yield two mRNAs. The two transcripts
No additions have been made to the list of classical transmit-
are present in equal abundance in most brain areas. Different
ters for some time, although new receptors for these transmit-
molar ratios of NT and NMN are found in some tissues because
ters have been discovered at a rapid rate. In contrast to the
of differential processing of the prohormone.
stable number of classical transmitters, the number of peptide
Classical neurotransmitters are usually packaged in
transmitters continues to grow. The increased number of pep-
small (<50 nm) synaptic vesicles, while neuropeptide trans-
tide transmitters is due in part to molecular biological strat-
mitters are localized to large (<100 nm) dense-core vesicles.
egies aimed at identifying novel genes. Many peptides have
Peptides are often released at higher neuronal firing rates
been identified in this manner, and of these, a considerable
than classical transmitters. The mechanisms that govern the
number have subsequently been shown to be neuroactive and
different processes responsible for vesicular release of pep-
meet criteria for a transmitter. One recent example stands out.
tides and classical transmitters is still being untangled (Bean
Two groups simultaneously identified a novel gene encoding a
et al., 1995), and may be cell type-specific (Ramamoorthy
prohormone that gave rise to two isoforms of a peptide, des-
et al., 2011)
ignated hypocretin (de Lecea et al., 1998) or orexin (Sakurai
et al., 1998). These peptides are expressed only in a small num-
ber of lateral hypothalamic neurons. Despite the small number
of hypocretin/orexin neurons, these cells send axons to cover
Depolarization-elicited release of peptides from dense-core almost the entire brain. Two G protein–coupled hypocretin/
vesicular stores is calcium-dependent. The amount of peptide orexin receptors are widely but differentially distributed in the
transmitter that is released varies as a function of the firing rate brain. One of the most interesting aspects of these cells is that
and firing pattern of the neuron. For example, studies of neu- among the functions ascribed to them is arousal (Boutrel et al.,
rons that use both DA and NT as transmitters have found that 2010). Degeneration of hypocretin/orexin neurons in humans
higher firing frequencies are required to elicit release of the is the cause of narcolepsy, a disorder marked by excessive day-
peptide. The temporal pattern of impulses arriving at the nerve time sleepiness, while in narcoleptic dogs there is a mutation
terminal also determines release characteristics: the release of in one of the hypocretin/orexin receptors. Since the discovery
many peptides is most prominent under conditions of burst of the hypocretins/orexins, it has become apparent that this
firing, where neurons fire in very rapid succession followed by transmitter is critically involved in attention and cognition,
a quiescent period (Bean et al., 1995). reward and motivated behavior, and feeding behavior and


Peptides are inactivated enzymatically: there do not appear U N C O N V E N T I O N A L T R A N SM I TTE R S

to be conventional transporters that accumulate released
peptides. The enzymes that metabolize peptides are specific Technical approaches limit advances in any scientific endeavor,
for certain dipeptide sites along the peptide chain. Thus, the including neuroscience. For example, prior to the develop-
same enzymes can catabolize any peptide with the requisite ment of radioimmunoassays, it was difficult to detect peptides
dipeptide linkages. An example is a metallo-endopeptidase in the brain, and hence peptides were not considered serious
that inactivates the small opioid transmitters called enkepha- transmitter candidates. The development of contemporary
lins. Although this enzyme is often called enkephalinase, it analytical methods, which are capable of reliably measuring
also participates in the enzymatic processing of other pep- substances at attomole levels, has opened the door to the iden-
tides, including NT. Because the enzymes cleave and inacti- tification of many new neurotransmitters.
vate peptides work at sites across many peptides, most peptides The criteria necessary for establishment of a neuroactive
have several major peptidases involved in the catabolism of substance as a neurotransmitter may need to be reconsidered.
the peptide. Three endopeptidases enzymatically inactivate We previously discussed the idea that a very simple defini-
NT. Enkephalinase cleaves NT at two sites, Pro10-Tyr11 and tion of neurotransmitter would be a neuroactive substance
Tyr11-Ile12, to yield a decapeptide. Another peptidase acts that allows information to flow from one neuron to another
at the Arg8-Arg9 site, and the third at the same Pro10-Tyr11 (Deutch and Roth, 2012). This definition avoids the issues of
site as enkephalinase. Such processing can give rise to multiple glial contribution to the milieu of the neuron, despite the fact
metabolic products of the parent peptide. that glia may convey important information and play an active
The enzymatic inactivation of classical transmitters results role in the CNS (Halassa and Haydon, 2010). One problem with
in products that are not active at the transmitter’s receptors. this definition is that it does not specify either the temporal or
However, this is not necessarily the case for peptide trans- spatial characteristics of a transmitter, and thus could denote
mitters, in which the products of enzymatic breakdown may as a neurotransmitter a hormone, which typically acts over
retain activity at the receptor site. Indeed, some peptide frag- an extended time course across relatively large distances. Nor
ments that are generated by the actions of peptidases may does this definition cover roles for transmitters that are only
have a higher affinity for the peptide’s receptor than the parent now starting to be uncovered, such as soluble gases and neu-
molecule. rotrophic factors. And D-serine, which we already discussed,

22 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

can hardly be considered conventional, being synthesized in There is no active mechanism to terminate the effects of
glia and posing as an intermediate between pre- and postsyn- NO. However, the half-life of NO is only about 30 seconds, and
aptic neurons, with even the synapse almost seeming to be an thus this spontaneous decay to nitrite limits the duration of
outdated concept. action of NO. In addition, NO can react with iron-containing
In view of our inability to arrive at a satisfactory definition compounds, such as hemoglobin, which effectively terminate
for transmitters, we suggest the term “unconventional trans- the actions of NO.
mitters.” Because the unconventional may soon become con-
ventional, it is likely that our choice of terms will bring only
temporary relief.

Marijuana has been used as a recreational drug and a thera-

peutic agent for thousands of years and remains a popular but
Nitric oxide (NO) is perhaps best known as an air pollutant and largely illicit drug in the United States. The name marijuana
would not immediately come to mind as a neurotransmitter is derived from the Mexican word maraguanquo, meaning
candidate. Indeed, it is difficult to envision gases as neurotrans- “intoxicating plant.” The behavioral effects of marijuana vary
mitters because a gas cannot be conventionally stored by neu- widely across individuals, with some becoming giddy and
rons or released in an impulse-dependent manner. Nitric oxide euphoric, while others become sedated and depressed. Use
is not stored and thus does not meet one of the key criteria for a of the drug may lead to distortion of sensory perceptions and
neurotransmitter. Other gases, including carbon monoxide and time. Potential adverse effects following acute administra-
hydrogen sulfide, also appear to have a transmitter function tion include impairment of short-term memory and impaired
(Mustafa et al., 2009). Because NO is not stored in cells, it can- motor coordination and tracking during the performance of
not be released by exocytosis. Nitric oxide also lacks an active certain tasks such as driving. The psychoactive properties of
process to terminate its action, and its “receptor” is the intrac- marijuana suggest that there is a specific brain receptor for
ellular signaling protein guanylyl cyclase. Finally, NO appears the drug. The cannabinoid receptor (CB1) was cloned and it
to regulate the function of presynaptic terminals. As one lists was demonstrated that this receptor and a related CB2 recep-
these characteristics of NO, it becomes obvious that “uncon- tor are G protein–coupled receptors, present in both the brain
ventional” is a very conservative modifier to “transmitter” in and other tissues. Both receptors are coupled to Gi/o and inhibit
the case of NO. Despite some hesitancy to embrace fully NO as adenylyl cyclase. Initially it was thought that the CB1 recep-
a neurotransmitter, there are now ample data on the processes tor is neuronal and CB2 receptors are localized to peripheral
that control the synthesis, “release,” and termination of action sites. It is now clear that although CB1 is the major cannabinoid
of NO to consider gases as transmitters (Mustafa et al., 2009). receptor in brain, it is also found in the periphery, and there
There is only one step in the synthesis of NO: the conver- are CB2 sites in brain.
sion of L-arginine by the enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS) The identification of cannabinoid receptors in turn led to
to yield NO and citrulline. Three forms of NOS have been the search for endogenous cannabinoid molecules (endocan-
identified. Macrophage-inducible NOS (iNOS) is present in nabinoids, ECs). Progress has been rapid, and there is now a
microglia, endothelial NOS (eNOS) is found in cells that line reasonably good understanding of the endogenous cannabi-
blood vessels, and neuronal NOS (nNOS) is indeed neuronal. noid transmitters.
All three NOS isoforms can be regulated, despite the use of Endocannabinoids represent the first lipid transmitters.
the adjective inducible only for iNOS. Among the regulatory Because they are lipids they easily diffuse across membranes,
processes are phosphorylation (which decreases NOS activity) and thus cannot be stored in vesicles. Instead, they are
and hormonal control. In addition, levels of NOS can be modi- synthesized and released when needed from membrane-
fied by direct inhalation of NO as a feedback mechanism. localized lipid precursors. Two major ECs have been
Nitric oxide is an uncharged molecule that diffuses freely identified, N-arachidonoylethanolamide (anandamide) and 2-
across cell membranes. This allows NO to play a role in interneu- arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). The EC synthetic pathways
ronal communication. For example, NO may pass from one and the mechanisms through which ECs can be released on
cell through an adjacent cell to influence a third neuron, which demand are fairly well characterized (Alger and Kim, 2011).
is not even a next-door neighbor of—much less synaptically The synthesis of 2-AG is fairly well characterized, and involves
coupled with—the original neuron. Indeed, recent data suggest an increase in intracellular calcium stimulating phospholipase
that NO may act primarily as a retrograde messenger, modi- C to subsequently yield diacylglycerol, which is a substrate for
fying transmitter release and metabolism from presynaptic a lipase that converts DAG to 2-AG. The synthesis of anand-
terminals. This situation has been most thoroughly explored amide is more complex, with alternative pathways leading to
in the hippocampus, where NADA-evoked NO release from its formation. The inactivation of ECs involves three proteins.
pyramidal neurons increases glutamate release from presyn- 2-AG is primarily metabolized by monoacylglycerol lipase
aptic elements and may thereby influence long-term potentia- (MGL), while anandamide is metabolized by fatty acid hydro-
tion (and, by extension, learning and memory). Although one lase (FAAH). There is also an energy- and sodium-dependent
would suspect that a transmitter that acts by diffusion could anandamide transporter that inactivates anandamide.
not phasically regulate other cells, neuronal stimulation elicits Endocannabinoids appear to act primarily as retrograde
NO release and therefore suggests phasic signaling capacity. messengers at synapses. Upon appropriate stimulation of

2 N E U R O C H E M I C A L S Y S T E M S I N T H E C E N T R A L N E R V O U S S Y S T E M | 23

neurons that result in intracellular changes (such as increase TA BL E 2.2. Examples of neurotrophic factors in brain
in intracellular calcium), ECs are “released” from membranes
and interact with cannabinoid receptors on the presynaptic Neurotrophins
axon; the CB1 receptor is present on both excitatory (gluta-
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
matergic) and inhibitory (GABAergic) axons. The interaction
of ECs with CB1 presynaptic receptors modulates subsequent Nerve growth factor (NGF)
release of the amino acid transmitter from the presynaptic
axons. This EC retrograde signaling is intimately involved in Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3)

specific forms of short- and long-term synaptic plasticity that Neurotrophin-4 (NT-4)
subserve learning and memory (Chevaleyre et al., 2006).
In light of the psychoactive properties of cannabis, there is Glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) familya
considerable interest in potential therapeutic actions of drugs GDNF
that alter EC synthesis or inactivation. Because recreational
marijuana use is often accompanied by “the munchies,” there Neurturin
have been trials of CB1 antagonists in obesity; potential side
effects essentially halted this line of drug development. CB
antagonists have also been suggested to be of value in reducing Tumor growth factor-β (TGFβ) family
cigarette smoking.
It has been widely speculated that cannabinoid receptors
or ECs may be dysregulated in certain psychiatric disorders, Bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs)
particularly schizophrenia. Several indirect lines of evidence
are consistent with a possible role of endogenous cannabinoids Myostatin

in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Early marijuana use Sonic hedgehog

is associated with an increased risk for a schizophrenic psy-
chosis. Chronic marijuana use has been associated with cogni- Insulin family
tive deficits that progressively worsen with continued drug use Insulin
and resemble to some degree the cognitive deficits of schizo-
phrenia, and elevated cerebrospinal fluid levels of anandamide Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I)
have been reported in patients with schizophrenia. There is
Insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II)
an increase in the density of CB1 receptors in the dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex of patients with schizophrenia. Although Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family
some of these findings await independent verification, studies
FGF (acidic)
in laboratory animals are consistent with THC-induced cog-
nitive deficits and transmitter changes. In particular, chronic FGF (basic)
administration of THC causes a decrease in DA turnover and
ACh release in the prefrontal cortex that persists upon discon- Epidermal growth factor (EGF) family

tinuation of the drug treatment; during this drug-free period, ACh-receptor-inducing activity (ARIA)
attention and short-term memory deficits are present.
Both ECs and NO are retrograde signaling transmitters; Amphiregulin
there are other examples of retrograde messengers discussed EGF
next. It is not, in retrospect, surprising that there is both antero-
grade and retrograde transmission. We have already discussed Heregulin
certain mechanisms that permit the presynaptic axon to reg-
ulate its synthesis and release of transmitters (autoreceptors,
end-product inhibition of synthesis). Retrograde signaling of Cytokinesb
information to modulate presynaptic release adds still another
Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CIF), leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF),
component to the tightly regulated orchestra of controls that
cardiotrophin, interleukin-6 (IL-6) (gp 130-linked receptor)
homeostatically regulate neurotransmission.
Granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) (G-CSF receptor)

N E U R O T R O P H I C FA C T O R S IL-2, IL-4, others (CD132 receptor)

Another group of molecules that appears to have retrograde IL-3, IL-5, others (CDw131 receptor)
neurotransmitter functions is the neurotrophins or growth
Leptin (OB-receptor)
factors. This diverse group of proteins is critical for the survival
and differentiation of neurons (Huang and Reichardt, 2001). a
This family of neurotrophic factors interacts with the Ret signaling
There are many different classes of neurotrophic factors, and pathway (see Chapter 4).
within each class several members can be identified (Table 2.2). Cytokines are categorized according to the receptor with which they
interact; all couple ultimately to the JAK-STAT signaling pathway (see
Although there are differences in the effects of members of a Chapter 4).

24 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

given class of growth factors, and differences in the receptors The pathway through which neurotrophic factors are
through which these growth factors exert their effects, there secreted is critical because of the question whether the release
are broad similarities in the basic principles concerning syn- can be evoked by neuronal depolarization. It appears that
thesis, release, and termination of action of these growth fac- under basal conditions BDNF and NGF are constitutively
tors (Huang and Reichardt, 2001). released from somatodendritic regions of the neuron, but that
Neurotrophic factors are unconventional in several ways, depolarization leads to regulated release, although it is unclear
including their synthesis and release characteristics. In addi- if this release is calcium-dependent.
tion, the target neurons of the neurotrophic factors are often Among the functions subserved by neurotrophic factors are
presynaptic to the cell in which the factor is found, consistent those commonly ascribed to growth factors, including involve-
with neurotrophic factors providing trophic support for devel- ment in development, differentiation, and survival of neurons.
oping axons. However, there are other more “transmitter”-like functions.
Current appreciation of the synthesis and regulation of neu- Neurotrophic factor expression and release from neurons, like
rotrophic factors has been gained primarily through molecular transmitter expression and release, are regulated by afferent
biology studies. Neurotrophic factors are often translated from signals. For example, NGF and BDNF expression are increased
multiple mRNAs. An example is brain-derived neurotrophic by the excitatory transmitter glutamate and decreased by the
factor (BDNF), which contains five different exons that encode inhibitory transmitter GABA. In addition, the regulation of
BDNF protein. Four of the five exons are controlled by sepa- BDNF by events such as seizures is regionally, spatially, and
rate promoters, the alternative use of which generates eight dif- temporally distinct, with seizures leading to BDNF induction
ferent BDNF mRNAs. Yet there appears to be only one mature in different types of hippocampal neurons and with specific
BDNF protein! Because the different promotors are regulated patterns of promotor activation.
through different means, an intricate cascade of events leads to Finally, a transmitter role for neurotrophic factors is sug-
mature BDNF production, with different transcripts varying in gested by their ability to regulate other neurons. Neurotrophic
stability and yielding different amounts of protein. factors activate receptor proteins on target cells, which then
Our knowledge of the posttranslational processing of neu- initiate complex cascades of intracellular signaling pathways
rotrophic factors is relatively poor compared to that of peptide leading to their diverse biological effects. These effects include
transmitters. Perhaps the best-known situation is that of nerve not only the more traditional growth factor responses but also
growth factor (NGF), where the mature protein is cleaved from the same types of changes that are seen in response to clas-
a prohormone, somewhat analogous to the situation seen in sical transmitters, such as regulation of ion channels (albeit
peptides. However, the NGF prohormone is quite different on a different time scale). This underscores the notion that
from neuropeptide prohormones: three subunits of the pro- neurotrophic factors can serve as transmitters, just as more
hormone are present, one of which is catalytic and cleaves conventional transmitters (e.g., monoamines) can exert some
the prohormone to generate NGF. An interesting twist in the trophic effects on target cells.
synthesis of neurotrophins is the necessity for dimerization of
neurotrophins to form active species. It was originally thought
that neurotrophins were exclusively present as homodimers N E U R O T R A N SM I T T E R S A N D TH E I R
in vivo, in contrast to in vitro studies that indicated heterodi- E V O LV I N G R O L E S
mer assembly. However, recent data suggest that heterodimers
of BDNF and NGF can be formed in mammalian cells in vivo. Our views of what constitutes a neurotransmitter are con-
Neurotrophins and other proteins are secreted or released stantly changing. We have moved from being limited to clas-
from neurons through two different pathways. The constitutive sical transmitters such as acetylcholine to accepting peptides
pathway for secretion is not driven by extracellular stimula- as transmitters, and have grown comfortable with gases and
tion and is used to secrete membrane components, viral pro- lipids, which are neither stored nor actively released. Having
teins, and extracellular matrix molecules; in other words, the considered these changes in our views of neurotransmitters,
constitutive pathway is not the pathway generally associated it is not surprising to learn that interneuronal communication
with neurotransmitters. Yet neurotrophic factors have typically may be only one of multiple roles played by transmitters. For
been considered to be secreted by the constitutive pathway, in example, mRNAs that encode enzymes involved in transmitter
contrast to the release of more conventional classical and pep- synthesis, such as the ACh-synthesizing enzyme choline acetyl-
tide transmitters (e.g., those shown in Table 2.1) through the transferase, are found in lymphocytes. The ACh-inactivating
regulated pathway. Prohormones have an N-terminal signal enzyme acetylcholinesterase is also expressed in lymphocytes,
sequence, which targets the protein to the endoplasmic reticu- as are certain acetylcholine receptors. The expression of these
lum and then to the Golgi network, from where it is ultimately markers of transmitter systems is not restricted to lymphocytes
packaged into vesicles. Because many neurotrophic factors but is seen across different tissues: choline acetyltransferase is
lack a signal sequence, the idea that growth factors are secreted even found in spermatazoa! When one considers that so many
by the constitutive pathway occurred by default. However, spe- different aspects of acetylcholine synthesis and action are
cific antibodies used for immunohistochemical studies have found in blood cells, it is reasonable to speculate that changes
suggested that BDNF is present in chromogranin-containing in these factors in peripheral cells may in some cases reflect
secretory granules and thus can be secreted through the regu- central changes in these transmitters in neuropsychiatric dis-
lated pathway as well as the constitutive pathway. orders. This tantalizing notion has been repeatedly explored,

2 N E U R O C H E M I C A L S Y S T E M S I N T H E C E N T R A L N E R V O U S S Y S T E M | 25

but no simple peripheral biomarker of central neuropsychiat- Fatt, P., and Katz, B. (1952). Spontaneous subthreshold activity at motor nerve
endings. J. Physiol. (Lond.). 117:109–128.
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receives grant support from the National Institutes of Health. He Pickel, V.M., Garzón, M., and et al. (2002). Electron microscopic immuno-
is the chair of the Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board of the labeling of transporters and receptors identifies transmitter-spe-
cific functional sites envisioned in Cajal’s neuron. Prog. Brain Res.
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26 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E



eurons communicate with each other through elec- energy pumping sodium ions out of, and potassium ions into,
trochemical signaling. Their electrical state is vital their intracellular space. As depicted in Figure 3.1, neurons
to their ability to respond to stimuli and to release thus have low internal sodium ion and high internal potassium
neurotransmitters, the chemical signal that is the main form of ion concentrations. In addition to these positively charged
communication between neurons. Although we have under- sodium and potassium ions, neurons also contain negatively
stood for a long time how neurons send signals, we are only charged ions, most of which are membrane-impermeable
beginning to understand how this signaling in different brain anions (abbreviated as A– on figures) such as sulfate ions. At
regions is affected by prior activity and by the presence of rest, the membrane is permeable to potassium ions because of
neuromodulators. “leak” potassium channels; by contrast, there is very low per-
Electrophysiologists examine how neurons communicate meability to sodium ions.
with each other and how different conditions (genetic varia- The array of channels that are open at a given time deter-
bility, stress, pharmacological manipulations) affect this sig- mines the membrane potential. Since the sodium-potassium
naling. Electrophysiology as a subject covers a broad range of pump has raised the internal potassium ion concentration
techniques, but all give access to a higher level of resolution above that found in the extracellular solution, potassium ions
than most brain-imaging methods. To understand the mean- flow down their concentration gradient, leaving the cell through
ing of electrophysiological data, it is critical to understand how the leak potassium channels. As illustrated in Figure 3.2, this
neurons work and to know about the typical electrophysiolog- potassium ion movement leads to a local buildup of positive
ical methods. This chapter begins with a review of neuronal charge on the outside of the cell membrane near the potassium
physiology, discusses the typical tools electrophysiologists channels, and a local buildup of negative charge on the inside
use, and then gives examples of how electrophysiological of the membrane. This electrical gradient opposes the concen-
approaches are relevant to understanding the neurobiology tration gradient. Rather than flowing through their ion channel
and treatment of mental illness. from a place of high concentration to one of low concentration,
the intracellular potassium ions are attracted to the buildup
of negatively charged ions on the inside of the membrane and
HOW NE U RO NS W O RK repelled by the local buildup of positively charged ions on the
outside. So, the net flow of potassium ions stops. This steady
Neurons are encased in phospholipid membranes in which state is called the equilibrium potential for potassium ions, or
proteins are embedded. The proteins of greatest relevance to the reversal potential if determined experimentally. Since neu-
electrophysiology are ion channels and receptors. The latter rons have many more leak channels for potassium than for
group falls into two types that are discussed in detail later in other ions, the equilibrium potential for potassium contributes
this chapter: receptors that are ligand-gated ion channels and disproportionately to the neuronal resting potential. The word
receptors that couple to G proteins. The membrane is imper- potential refers to the difference in charge. At rest, the neuron
meable to charged particles unless they travel passively through is hyperpolarized; the inside of the membrane is more negative
ion channels or are actively moved by another group of pro- than the outside of the membrane. While the leak potassium
teins called ion pumps. Together, ion pumps and ion channels channels are integral to setting a hyperpolarized resting poten-
lead to the creation of concentration and electrical gradients tial, the exact resting potential is a function of the permeabil-
across the membrane. We now discuss mechanisms by which ity of that neuron to potassium, sodium, and chloride ions. A
these gradients are created and how they serve the neuron’s typical membrane potential for a cortical pyramidal neuron at
ability to communicate. rest is –75 mV.
It is important to remember that this resting state is a
dynamic process. Ion channels that are open have ions flowing
through all the time; at rest, there is only no net flow. Under
To understand the baseline or resting condition of a neuron, most conditions, the flow of ions through ion channels has
one must appreciate how ions are distributed. The solution sur- negligible effects (less than 0.01%) on the total concentrations
rounding neurons, called extracellular fluid, is essentially like of ions inside and outside the cell. The energy-driven pumps
seawater. There is a high level of sodium ions and a low level of are the main players at setting the intracellular concentration
potassium ions in this external solution. Neurons spend a lot of of ions, and the volume of extracellular fluid can be presumed

3 P R I N C I P L E S O F E L E C T R O P H Y S I O L O G Y | 27

will open). Activation of glutamate receptors opens channels
that allow sodium and calcium to flow along their concentra-
tion gradients into the cell, which makes the neuron less nega-
tive transiently—known as an excitatory postsynaptic potential
or EPSP. If a given cell is sufficiently depolarized by the sum-
Apical dendrite
mation of several EPSPs arriving close together in time, the
voltage-gated sodium channels will open. This level of depo-
high Na+ larization is called threshold because once a few voltage-gated
low K+ sodium channels open, sodium ions rush in down their concen-
(also high Ca2+ tration gradient, leading to more depolarization, which opens
and high Cl–) more voltage-gated sodium channels, and so on. Threshold is
Cell body

low Na+
high K+ (A) Na+

Basal dendrite

ATP Intracelluar

Axon terminal ADP


(B) K+ Na+
Na+ K+
Figure 3.1 Schematic of a neuron showing concentration differences for various
— —
ions across the cellular membrane. The cytoplasm of the neuron is high in Cl Cl
potassium ions (K+) and low in sodium ions (Na+), whereas the extracellular Extracelluar
solution is high in sodium ions and low in potassium ions. Chloride (Cl-) and
calcium (Ca2+) ions also occur at higher concentrations in the extracellular space
compared to the intracellular space. Neurons receive inputs to their dendrites
and send out information in the form of action potentials through their axons.

A— Intracelluar
to be infinite compared to that of the neuron. The ion channels +
K A—
lead to charge separations across the membrane, as illustrated K+
in part C of Figure 3.2. A—
A— A— Cl—
Calcium is another positively charged ion that is found at
a higher concentration in the extracellular fluid than in the (C) Local buildup of
cytoplasm (mostly because the neuron spends energy seques- positive charge
+ K+ +
tering calcium in intracellular storage compartments). At rest, K K+ K
the cell membrane has very low permeability to calcium ions.
Calcium can enter the neuron through a variety of channels,
some opened by neurotransmitters (these particular channels
are usually also permeable to other cations such as sodium
and potassium) and some opened by changes in membrane
potential. Calcium ions are very important for many aspects A— A— A— A— A—
— K+
of neuronal signaling and are discussed further in the next two A Local buildup of
sections. K+ negative charge
K+ K

H O W N E U R O N S C O M M U N I C AT E : S P I K E S Figure 3.2 Schematic of a portion of the phospholipid membrane. (A) Depiction

of the sodium-potassium pump. This protein uses energy to create concen-
The negative resting potential, together with the concentra- tration gradients by pumping sodium ions (Na+) out of the neuron and
tion gradient of sodium across the cell membrane, allows potassium ions (K+) into the neuron. (B) The leak potassium channels are open
the neuron the ability to communicate rapidly. At the resting at rest. Through these channels, potassium diffuses out of the neuron along
its concentration gradient. This diffusion creates a local electrical gradient
potential, sodium ions don’t have open ion channels to travel
that opposes the concentration gradient. (C) A schematic of the separation
through because channels that are permeable to sodium are of charge across the membrane created by diffusion through leak potassium
either ligand gated (e.g., by glutamate) or are voltage gated (i.e., channels. This separation of charge contributes to the resting potential, in
the neuron has to become less negative before these channels which the inside of the cell membrane is more negative than the outside.

28 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

thus the start of a positive-feedback “all-or-nothing process” tends to bring the membrane potential to a more negative
that is called the action potential, as illustrated in Figure 3.3. level. Second, voltage-gated sodium channels begin to inacti-
In an action potential, sodium rushes in through vate. When they are inactivated, they are open but blocked.
voltage-gated sodium channels, and this makes the mem- For this block to be relieved and the channels to close, the
brane go from being negative relative to the local extracellular membrane potential must again become hyperpolarized. So
environment to being positive (remember: this is about local with a hyperpolarizing force and the loss of the depolarizing
changes in electrical charge, not major changes in total intra- force, the cell membrane becomes even more negative than the
cellular or extracellular ion concentrations). As the cell mem- resting potential (calcium-activated potassium channels play
brane becomes more positive, however, two changes happen an important role in this phenomenon called afterhyperpolar-
that tend to restore the neuron to its resting potential. First, ization, also shown in Fig. 3.3) and then returns to the rest-
voltage-gated potassium channels begin to open. The outward ing potential as the voltage-gated potassium channels slowly
flow of potassium ions down their concentration gradient close.

Anatomy of an Action Potential

1. Membrane depolarizes to threshold

2. At threshold, voltage-gated sodium channels open,

3 positive feedback starts: sodium ions enter causing further
depolarization, which opens more sodium channels...

3. Voltage-gated sodium channels inactivate, and

depolarization opens voltage-gated potassium channels
2 which drive the neuron in the hyperpolarizing direction.

4. Calcium entry during depolarization (2,3) through

voltage-gated calcium channels activates a potassium
current responsible for the afterhyperpolarization (AHP)

Vm 1


Ca Na+
Ca2+ Na+ Na+
Na+ Na+

channels open
with depolarization



Figure 3.3 Action potentials are all-or-nothing events. When the membrane is depolarized to the threshold point, either by inputs from other neurons or through
intrinsic mechanisms, voltage-gated sodium channels open, letting sodium ions (Na+) flow down their concentration gradient into the cell, further depolarizing the
cell and opening more voltage-gated sodium channels. This depolarization also opens voltage-gated calcium channels and voltage-gated potassium channels.
The latter are important for repolarizing the membrane potential. There is often an afterhyperpolarization, where the neuron overshoots its typical resting
potential, as a result of additional potassium channel activation beyond the usual complement of leak potassium channels. Calcium ions (Ca2+), which entered
while the neuron was depolarized, can contribute to the afterhyperpolarization by activating yet another set of potassium channels.

3 P R I N C I P L E S O F E L E C T R O P H Y S I O L O G Y | 29

Voltage-gated sodium channel activation and inactivation presynaptic structure of a synapse. Figure 3.4 shows a gluta-
explain much about how action potentials are generated and matergic synapse. Synapses are an anatomical specialization for
travel. Summation of several depolarizations or EPSPs arriving chemical neurotransmission, involving a presynaptic portion
close together in time is usually required to trigger an action that releases the neurotransmitter and a postsynaptic portion
potential. A spike then depolarizes the entire neuron as the that has a high density of relevant receptors and ion channels.
wave of depolarization opens more and more voltage-gated The trigger for release of neurotransmitter is the influx of cal-
sodium channels. The axon, the output branch of the neuron, cium through voltage-gated calcium channels in the axon ter-
has evolved to enable particularly fast conduction. This thin minal. Although there are such channels in many parts of the
branch is coated in myelin, which is similar in principle to the neuron, only in the axon terminal does calcium influx trigger
insulation that is used to increase the efficiency of electrical neurotransmitter release. Once released, the neurotransmitter
wires. Because the wave of depolarization is not substantially diffuses across the synapse to receptors on the postsynaptic cell.
decreased between the gaps in myelin, it essentially “jumps” For example, if the transmitter is glutamate, it brings about an
between the gaps or nodes (which have clusters of voltage-gated EPSP in the postsynaptic cell, as previously described.
sodium channels). The action potential keeps traveling along
neuronal structures toward their ends because sodium chan-
nel inactivation prevents sodium influx in a portion of the cell
P O S T S Y N A P T I C N E U R O N S : F A S T, I O N O T R O P I C
where the spike has already passed through. This phenome-
non also limits how closely together spikes can be fired; this is
known as the refractory period. The major way neurons communicate with each other is
through chemical transmission, by releasing neurotransmit-
ters from their axon terminals onto the dendrites of target neu-
rons where they bind to specialized receptors. It is important
When the action potential reaches the end of the axon, it to appreciate how the resting potential of a given cell is affected
reaches a structure specialized for chemical transmission. by the neurons that communicate with it. When an excitatory
Axon terminals have vesicles of neurotransmitter that are neuron sends a signal down its axon to the postsynaptic neuron,
docked and ready to be released. Most axon terminals are the it can excite the cell (make it less negative). When an inhibitory





Ca2+ Dendrite Spine


Axon Terminal Ca2+



Figure 3.4 When an action potential reaches the end of an axon, the flood of calcium ions (Ca2+) into the terminal through voltage-gated calcium channels
results in the fusion of vesicles with the cell membrane and the release of neurotransmitter. Molecules of neurotransmitter diffuse across the synaptic cleft and
bind to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane. The binding of the neurotransmitter glutamate to AMPA receptors opens these ligand-gated ion channels to
allow sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) to pass through. This mixed cation current (mainly sodium ions diffusing into the neuron) is depolarizing and results in
an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP). If this EPSP depolarizes the postsynaptic neuron to threshold, perhaps through summation with another EPSP close
together in time and space, it could cause an action potential in this postsynaptic neuron.

30 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

(A) Na+ Na+ cell sends a signal to this neuron, it can inhibit the cell (make
it more negative). In both cases, this is accomplished by neu-
Glutamate binding EPSP rotransmitters binding to a receptor that is directly coupled to
K+ Na+
time an ion channel (referred to as fast neurotransmission). The two
major fast neurotransmitters are glutamate and γ-aminobutyric
acid (GABA). Neurons are typically excited by glutamate bind-
ing and inhibited by GABA binding. As shown in Figure 3.5,
activation of glutamate receptors creates an EPSP by opening
channels that allow sodium and calcium ions to flow along
their concentration gradients into the cell, which makes the
Glutamate ligand-gated
receptor neuron less negative transiently. By contrast, GABA binding
K+ opens a channel that allows negatively charged chloride ions to
flow along their concentration gradient into the neuron, which
makes it more negative transiently—known as an inhibitory
postsynaptic potential (IPSP). Waves of potential spread pas-
sively along dendrites. If many inputs to a neuron are active
(B) Cl— time within a narrow time window, these waves summate (or cancel
Cl— in the case of concurrent excitatory and inhibitory potentials).
GABA binding Vm In the special case when several excitatory neurons release
glutamate onto a neuron nearly simultaneously, the EPSPs or
waves of positive potential can raise the membrane potential
to the level that can open voltage-gated sodium channels and
trigger an action potential.
The ligand-gated channels represent the most direct form
of coupling between a receptor and effector where both com-
ponents are part of the same protein complex. This group
GABA ligand-gated of channels is described further in Table 3.1. Binding of the
receptor agonist results in a conformational change of the channel pro-
tein complex, resulting in a rapid and marked increase in the
Cl— permeability of the channel to the ion or ions for which it is
selective. For example, when glutamate binds to an α-amino-3-
Figure 3.5 Schematic of postsynaptic effects. (A) If glutamate is released and hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxasolepropionic acid (AMPA) recep-
binds to postsynaptic α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxasolepropionic acid tor as shown in Figure 3.5, it opens a channel that is permeable
(AMPA) receptors, it will open and allow a mixed cation current to depolarize
to sodium and potassium ions (as well as calcium ions to a
the neuron, producing a subthreshold wave of depolarization called an
excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP). (B) By contrast, if γ-aminobutyric acid limited degree). Some ligand-gated channels also have a com-
(GABA) binds to a postsynaptic GABAA receptor, it will open to allow chloride ponent of voltage gating. For example, glutamate is an ago-
ions (Cl-) to flow down their concentration gradient into the cell. This current nist for the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor as well;
hyperpolarizes the neuron in a wave of negative potential called an inhibitory however, glutamate binding alone will not open the NMDA
postsynaptic potential (IPSP).
channel at hyperpolarized voltages. When the membrane is
hyperpolarized, a magnesium ion blocks the channel from the
extracellular side. The membrane must be depolarized to free

TA B L E 3. 1. Ligand-gated ion channels


Acetylcholine Nicotinic Na+, K+, Ca2+ Fast excitation

Glutamate AMPA Na+, K+ (Ca2+) Fast excitation

Kainite Na+, K+ (Ca2+) Fast excitation

NMDA Na+, K+, Ca2+ Slow excitation

Glycine GlyRα/β Cl− Fast inhibition

GABA GABAA Cl− Fast inhibition

Serotonin 5-HT3 Na+, K+, Ca2+ Fast excitation

AMPA: α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxasoleproptonic acid; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; NMDA: N-methyl-D-aspartate.

3 P R I N C I P L E S O F E L E C T R O P H Y S I O L O G Y | 31

the magnesium ion and allow sodium, potassium, and calcium T HE B A SI C T O O L S O F T HE
ions to pass through the NMDA channel into the neuron. In E L E C T R O P HY SI O L O G I ST
essence, this means that presynaptic axons must release suf-
ficient glutamate onto the neuron not only to bind to NMDA Electrophysiology is the study of the electrical properties
receptors but also to depolarize that region of the cell (through of neurons, and the investigation of how these properties
activation of AMPA receptors and influx of sodium). So the change under different conditions. Such recordings can be
NMDA receptor is thought to act as a coincidence detector, performed in vivo, in brain slice, or in isolated cells (either
and its permeability to calcium ions allows for long-term from dissociated brain slices or primary culture of neurons or
changes in the cell through mobilization of second messenger another cell type). Each of these types of recordings has ben-
systems. efits and limitations in terms of the types of questions that
can be addressed.
In vivo electrophysiologists record neuronal activity in cer-
tain regions of the brain to answer the question of how small
groups of neurons respond during the performance of a task or
when another brain area is stimulated. Data about individual
In addition to glutamate and GABA, there are many other neurons are extracted mathematically from the recordings of
transmitters. So far, we have only discussed ligand-gated chan- electrical activity at the place where the electrode was posi-
nels also known as ionotropic receptors (those where the recep- tioned. These experiments are extremely difficult logistically
tor directly opens an ion channel). However, there are also and are limited in terms of controlling different variables.
metabotropic receptors. The latter can affect cellular processes Questions about local circuitry can be better explored with
quickly or over a longer time period through activation of slice physiology. This technique relies on the fact that it is pos-
second messenger systems. Glutamate, GABA, serotonin, and sible under special conditions to keep a slice of brain alive and
acetylcholine have both ionotropic and metabotropic recep- healthy for many hours. The investigator records from indi-
tors. Other neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and nor- vidual neurons and can examine how this neuron’s electrical
epinephrine, appear to have only metabotropic receptors. In activity is affected by different conditions. Yet here too, there
fact, most neurotransmitter receptors found in the brain are can be logistical difficulties accounting for so many variables.
not an intrinsic component of ion channels but are coupled Some investigators want to understand how one type of
to ion channels through G proteins whose functional proper- ion channel behaves under different conditions. To answer
ties are intimately related to their ability to bind guanosine-5′ this sort of question, there are electrophysiologists who record
triphosphate (GTP). These metabotropic receptors can up- or from a small section of membrane from either a neuron or a
downregulate the excitability of neurons in the short term and cell from a line that has been molecularly altered such that it
over a longer time period. Many examples of metabotropic contains one channel or receptor of interest.
G protein–coupled receptors in the brain and their functional The brain is so complicated that any one level of electro-
effects are described Table 3.2. physiology will not answer all our questions. But the inter-
G proteins are heterotrimers of α, β, and γ subunits, with play of answers from labs using different techniques gives us
the α subunit determining which of several major classes the unparalleled information about how neurons communicate
G protein belongs and allowing us to predict its direct and indi- with each other.
rect effects on ion channels. The direct effects involve interac-
tions of the G protein subunits with ion channels. For example,
the βγ subunits of activated Gαi proteins dissociate and activate
the inwardly rectifying potassium channels (Kir3 or GIRKs), The spiking activity of individual neurons can be studied in vivo
ion channels that inhibit or hyperpolarize neurons. The indirect with extracellular recording via a microelectrode in the brain.
effects of G protein–coupled receptors, by contrast, affect ion This form of recording is referred to as extracellular because
channels through involving the modulation of second messen- the electrode picks up signals from outside a cell. Recording
ger cascades. The specific type of second messenger depends in awake animals, termed chronic unit recording, allows for
on the type of G protein α subunit. In this regard, the three correlations between neuronal activity and behavioral state. If
major types of G proteins are Gαs (which stimulates the pro- the animal is doing a task, patterns of neuronal activity corre-
duction of the second messenger, cyclic adenosine monophos- lated with correct performance can be contrasted with activity
phate [cAMP]), Gαi/Gαo (which inhibit the production of the correlated with making a mistake. Patterns of activity can be
second messenger cAMP), and Gαq (which stimulates the sec- correlated with broader behavioral states such as the differ-
ond messenger phosphoinositol pathway). Table 3.2 identifies ent stages of sleep. Chronic unit recording is also performed
the second messenger cascades modulated by many G protein– sometimes in people with intractable epilepsy to better localize
coupled receptors in the brain. Such cascades can additionally seizure foci before surgery. Extracellular recording is generally
have long-term effects on neuronal physiology through cova- used to measure changes in firing activity. Some investiga-
lent modification of ion channels, as well as through changes in tors will apply small quantities of a drug that affects a certain
gene expression of receptors and channels. Through these indi- type of receptor, to see how either stimulating or blocking this
rect mechanisms, G proteins can modulate the fast, ionotropic receptor will change the firing pattern of a neuron or group of
transmission described in Table 3.1 and the previous section. neurons. This is known as microiontophoresis.

32 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

TA B L E 3. 2. G Protein–coupled receptors


Acetylcholine M1, M5 Gq/G11 ⇑ IP3 & DAG ⇓ K+ currents excitation

M2, M3, M4 Gi/Go ⇓ cAMP ⇑ Kir3a, ⇓ Ca2+ inhibition

Cholecystokinin CCK1, CCK2 Gq/G11 ⇑ IP3 & DAG excitation

Dopamine D1, D5 Gs/Golf ⇑ cAMP variable

D2, D3, D4 Gi/Go ⇓ cAMP ⇑ Kir3, ⇓ Ca2+ inhibition

GABA GABAB Gi/Go ⇓ cAMP ⇑ Kir3, ⇓ Ca2+ inhibition

Glutamate mGlu group 1 Gq/G11 ⇑ IP3 & DAG ⇓ K+ currents excitation

mGlu groups 2 & 3 Gi/Go ⇓ cAMP ⇑ Kir3, ⇓ Ca2+ inhibition

Hypocretin/Orexin Hcrt1, Hcrt2 Gq/G11 ⇑ IP3 & DAG ⇓ K+ currents, excitation

⇑ cationic

Neuropeptide Y Y1, Y2, Y4, Y5 Gi/Go ⇓ cAMP ⇑ Kir3, ⇓ Ca2+ inhibition

Norepinephrine α1 Gq/G11 ⇑ IP3 & DAG ⇓ K+ currents excitation

α2 Gi/Go ⇓ cAMP ⇑ Kir3, ⇓ Ca2+ inhibition

β1, β2 Gs ⇑ cAMP variable

Opiate μ, δ, κ Gi/Go ⇓ cAMP ⇑ Kir3, ⇓ Ca2+ inhibition

Serotonin (5-HT) 5-HT1 family Gi/Go ⇓ cAMP ⇑ Kir3, ⇓ Ca2+ inhibition

5-HT2 family Gq/G11 ⇑ IP3 & DAG ⇑ K+ currents excitation

5-HT5A Gi ⇑ Kir3 inhibition

5-HT4,6,7 Gs ⇑ cAMP variable

Somatostatin SST1–5 Gi/Go ⇓ cAMP ⇑ Kir3, ⇓ Ca2+ inhibition

Tachykinins NK1–3 Gq/G11 ⇑ IP3 & DAG ⇓ K+ currents, excitation

⇑ cationic

VIP VIP1, VIP2 Gs ⇑ cAMP ⇑ cationic excitation

Kir3 is also known as GIRK (G protein–activated inwardly rectifying potassium current).
C AMP: cyclic adenosine monophosphate; DAG: diacylglycerol; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; 5HT: 5-hydroxytryptamine; IP3: inositol triphosphate; VIP: vasoactive
intestinal peptide.

Neurons can be further studied in vivo with multiphoton behavior of different ion channels. The slice is kept alive in a
imaging. The longer wavelengths of light used for this imag- chamber under conditions that mimic those in vivo as closely
ing can penetrate deeply into thick, scattering brain tissue. as possible. The state of the art is to use an infrared camera that
As a result, multiphoton microscopy can be used to visualize allows the visualization of the neurons in the slice so the exper-
fluorescent molecules hundreds of microns deep in the cor- imenter can select a healthy neuron and guide the pipette up
tex. Usually the fluorescent dyes or calcium indicators have to the selected neuron under carefully controlled conditions,
been infused with a pipette or were genetically expressed. as illustrated in Figure 3.6. When the pipette is brought into
Transgenic animals expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) contact with the neuron, a small amount of suction is applied.
in a Golgi-like pattern in a population of neurons can be used This induces the formation of a strong seal between the glass of
to assess developmental or environmental changes in dendritic the pipette and the cell membrane. At this point, further suc-
branches and spines. tion is applied and the small patch of membrane is opened. The
pipette then has complete physical and electrical access to the
neuron; this is known as whole-cell patch recording.
Slice physiologists can then look at changes in membrane
Recording from individual neurons in brain slice is used potential or firing in response to certain treatments, such
to measure changes in membrane potential affected by the as application of a drug in the bath or more locally through

3 P R I N C I P L E S O F E L E C T R O P H Y S I O L O G Y | 33

Figure 3.6 Visualization of a pyramidal neuron in a slice of cerebral cortex
using infrared-differential interference contrast optics. The pipette, shown to
the right, will be brought into contact with the neuron. After formation of a
gigaohm seal, a small amount of suction will be applied to allow recording in
the whole-cell configuration.

another pipette. When reading about slice physiology experi-

ments, it is interesting to note whether the recordings were
made in current clamp or voltage clamp. In the former, either
depolarizing or hyperpolarizing current is injected and the Figure 3.7 A cortical pyramidal neuron previously filled with a fluorescent
indicator through whole cell patch clamp. The membrane reseals after the
effect on the membrane potential is assessed. This is similar
patch pipette is pulled away.
to mimicking the effects of synaptic input. In voltage clamp,
by contrast, the experimenter controls the membrane poten-
tial and measures the amount of current needed to maintain other cell types will under cell culture conditions, it is feasible to
this “holding” potential. This is particularly useful for assess- create conditions where neurons from a brain slice will live for
ing the effects of some treatment on different voltage-gated ion weeks rather than the hours they usually survive under typical
channels because membrane potential is the key variable for slice conditions), or working with “neuronal-like” cell lines (cells
this type of channel gating. Synaptic potentials are best meas- originally from a tumor that will replicate themselves). The last
ured in voltage clamp (they are measured as opposing currents are frequently transformed genetically so that they express cer-
needed to hold the membrane at the set potential) because they tain receptors or ion channels that an electrophysiologist wishes
are relatively small and brief events that would be obscured by to further characterize. For example, transfecting a cell line with
capacitive transients. different subunits of a particular channel in varying propor-
The complete physical access permitted in whole-cell tions permits one to investigate the kinetic properties of chan-
recording allows the neuron to be filled with a fluorescent nels with different combinations of subunits. One way one could
dye so that it can be visualized as shown in Figure 3.7. There approach this question would be with single channel recording.
are indicators available that change their level of fluorescence Generally, one patches onto a cell, much the same way one would
depending on the concentration of calcium. These calcium patch onto a neuron in slice. Then the electrode is pulled away.
indicators allow us to “watch” the effects of calcium channels Depending on the technique, this can enable one to record from
being opened by an action potential as it back-propagates a small piece of membrane in several possible configurations.
through the dendritic arbor. The wave of depolarization opens The single-channel approach allows the detailed examination
voltage-gated calcium channels, increasing the concentration of the kinetics of channel gating by different modulators and,
of calcium in spines and dendrites as shown in Figure 3.8. in combination with genetically altered amino acids in channel
subunits, the ability to understand which amino acids are criti-
cal for ion permeability through the pore or which endow vul-
nerability to various ion channel toxins.
There are many reasons why experimenters would like to reduce
the complexity of the preparation they record in. For example,
they might want to minimize inputs to the neuron they record I O N C HA N N E L S A N D M E N TA L I L LN E S S
from, to record from a small piece of membrane, or to record
from a cell that has been genetically altered. Various possibilities Mental illness is a compelling example of a subtle dysfunction
for simplifying the system exist. These include mechanically dis- of neuronal communication that has dramatic consequences for
sociating a slice, creating a primary culture of the slice (though how a person perceives and responds to the world. Our under-
it is not possible to have neurons replicate themselves the way standing of what triggers and perpetuates these illnesses is still

34 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

in its infancy. We are only beginning to understand the genetic Genetic variants can affect the expression levels of the protein
causes of specific mental illness and how these affect ion channels encoded by the gene. For example, polymorphisms in noncod-
and brain physiology. Much of the brain functions normally, but ing regions of the gene NRG1 are associated with schizophrenia
certain processes unique to each mental illness go awry. Human (Harrison and Law, 2006) and act in a gene-dose dependent
imaging studies that assess brain activity levels suggest that the manner to increase levels of the protein neuregulin 1 (Law et al.,
balance between excitation and inhibition in particular regions 2006), which interferes with the upregulation of NMDA glu-
of the brain is abnormal in these disorders. For example, peo- tamate receptor signaling (Pitcher et al., 2011). In essence, the
ple with major depression have abnormally elevated activity in genetic difference acts to reduce NMDA receptor mediated non-
a specific brain region of the prefrontal cortex, the subcallosal selective cation currents. Eliciting NMDA hypofunction pharma-
cingulate gyrus, as well as in the amygdala (Hamani et al., 2011; cologically, by comparison, is well known to provoke psychosis in
Drevets et al., 2008). Interestingly, there is unexpectedly high otherwise healthy adults (see section on Psychotomimetics).
comorbidity between major depression and seizure disorders Genetic variation in a voltage-gated calcium channel gene,
(Kanner et al., 2008), which is consistent with altered excitation CACNA1C, has recently been found to be overrepresented
and inhibition in the brain in psychiatric disorders. in patients with several different mental illnesses, includ-
Recent studies have linked mental illnesses with genetic ing patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major
variability in the function of specific ion channels. For exam- depression (Bhat et al., 2012). It appears that at least one of
ple, a single nucleotide polymorphism in the coding region the risk-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms increases
of a nicotinic receptor subunit, CHRNA5, results in reduced the expression (Bigos et al., 2010) of this CaV1.2 channel that
function of the channel (Bierut et al., 2008; Kuryatov et al., mediates an L-type or “long-lasting” calcium current. These
2011) and is strongly associated with increased vulnerability to channels open when the neuron is depolarized during a train
nicotine addiction (Bierut et al., 2010). Rodent studies suggest of action potentials and allow calcium ions to rush down their
that the reduction of the nicotinic receptor nonselective cation concentration gradient into the neuron. This elevation in intra-
current resulting from this polymorphism will have behavioral cellular calcium ions is critical for changes in intracellular path-
consequences including a loss of sensitivity to the adversive way activity, gene transcription, and synaptic plasticity (Bhat
effects of the drug nicotine (Tuesta et al., 2011) and a decrease et al., 2012). Several studies have linked the polymorphisms in
in attentional performance (Bailey et al., 2010. Interestingly, this particular calcium channel to widespread changes in the
this variation in the CHRNA5 gene has been found in half of activation of brain networks necessary for executive function
people with schizophrenia (Hong et al., 2011), a group of peo- (Bhat et al., 2012).
ple with a high prevalence of nicotine addiction (Myles et al.,
2012) and deficits in attention (Hahn et al., 2012).

In the treatment of psychiatric illnesses such as depression and

schizophrenia, certain drugs have been shown to be able to
ameliorate some of the symptoms, although often with serious
side effects. Most medicines for psychiatric illness have been
found serendipitously and not by design. Despite understand-
ing certain properties of these drugs (e.g., their acute ability
to block a certain type of receptor), we do not fully appreci-
ate how these properties change activity of brain systems over
time in terms of bringing about improved function and in
terms of causing side effects. In this section, several classes of
psychoactive drugs are explored from the perspective of basic
electrophysiology. In each case, a brief example is given of how
we have come to better understand the initial or chronic action
of such drugs using electrophysiological techniques. Because
it is not feasible to study the neurophysiology of mental ill-
ness directly, where relevant, we also briefly describe possible
animal models that may be helpful in the study of neuronal
Figure 3.8 Multiphoton images of spines on a dendritic branch. The fluophore
is Oregon Green BAPTA-1, a calcium indicator that becomes more intensely
physiology relevant to mental illness.
fluorescent when the level of calcium in the neuron increases. The upper image
is this portion of the branch under baseline conditions of slice physiology.
The lower image shows when the neuron is induced to fire repeated
action potentials with injection of positive current. Action potentials open
Several drugs to relieve anxiety—such as benzodiazepines,
voltage-gated calcium channels along the dendrites and in the spines. One
spine is marked by an asterisk to facilitate comparisons between low and high
barbiturates, and even alcohol—work by enhancing inhibi-
conditions of calcium influx. The influx of calcium raises the intensity of the tory neurotransmission through the GABA system. They are
indicator. the rare psychoactive drugs in which the acute action is also

3 P R I N C I P L E S O F E L E C T R O P H Y S I O L O G Y | 35

the therapeutic one; their therapeutic effects are directly corre- The psychotomimetic effect of psychedelic hallucinogens
lated to the current blood level of the drug in the person tak- depends on their stimulation of serotonin 5-HT2A receptors.
ing it. Anxiolytics work by potentiating the GABAA receptor. Slice physiology experiments in cerebral cortex have shown
As described in a previous section, the GABAA receptor is an that selective stimulation of 5-HT2A receptors decreases the
ionotropic receptor that opens a chloride channel, tending to threshold for recurrent network activity and enhances its dura-
make the neuron less excitable, partly through hyperpolariza- tion far beyond that normally seen (Lambe and Aghajanian,
tion, and therefore less likely to be brought to spike threshold 2007; Benekareddy et al., 2010). This effect of selective 5-HT2A
by an excitatory stimulus. stimulation in cortex might be responsible for the sensory per-
Benzodiazepines bind to a site on the GABAA receptor turbations that people experience after taking psychedelic hal-
that increases the probability that GABA binding will open the lucinogens. Network activity has been suggested to provide a
chloride channel. They increase the chance that chloride can “context” in which information is interpreted and decisions are
flow down its concentration gradient and hyperpolarize the made. It has been hypothesized that aberrations in the modu-
neuron. In short, benzodiazepines potentiate the effect of syn- lation of network activity may account for the perceptual and
aptically released GABA. Barbiturates take this action one step cognitive abnormalities in schizophrenia. Normal modulation
further by increasing the duration of individual channel open- of network activity may work to enhance cortical efficiency by
ings. Because GABA is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter changing the signal-to-noise ratio.
in the brain, the anticonvulsant and sleep-inducing properties The results of brain imaging studies by Vollenweider and
of these drugs are not surprising. Side effects such as with- colleagues tend to support this hypothesis (Vollenweider and
drawal insomnia and withdrawal convulsions can be serious. Geyer, 2001; Vollenweider et al., 1997). They show that psilo-
Currently, dose level and metabolic clearance of the drug are cybin, another 5-HT2A receptor agonist, tends to activate the
the variables that are manipulated to try to maximize the ther- frontal cortex, and this activation correlates with the onset of
apeutic effect while minimizing side effects. sensory perturbations. Serotonin, the endogenous agonist of
It is not well understood which regions of the brain are this receptor, does not cause this phenomenon. Most likely,
particularly involved in the antianxiety action of these drugs. this is due to its opposing actions through other receptors, such
Yet it appears that GABAA receptors are actually a heteroge- as the 5-HT1A receptor. Whereas the 5-HT2A receptor tends to
neous population made up of different combinations of sub- inactivate potassium conductances and make neurons more
units. Certain combinations appear to be limited to regions excitable, 5-HT1A receptor tends to activate potassium cur-
of the brain, such as the amygdala and the limbic circuit, that rents and make neurons less excitable. These opposing actions
are particularly involved in generating anxiety disorders. This appear to have ramifications for psychoactive drugs such as
may allow for the modification of the drugs to create com- the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) that tend to
pounds affecting the GABA system that are able to discrim- increase serotonin at synapses in the brain.
inate between anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, and sleep-inducing NMDA antagonists such as phencyclidine (PCP) and keta-
effects. mine are dissociative anesthetics. In short, at high concen-
Another approach to anxiety disorders is through manip- trations they are anesthetic and at lower concentrations they
ulating neuromodulatory systems such as serotonin or nor- produce psychosis in adults (these psychiatric side effects do
epinephrine. One reason to focus on these systems is not not occur in children, and ketamine is routinely used in pedi-
necessarily because they are thought to be involved in the eti- atric anesthesia). Phencyclidine intoxication causes effects
ology of the illness, but because they are more limited in their in otherwise healthy people that mimic positive and nega-
actions. They modulate glutamate and GABA transmission, tive symptoms of schizophrenia, and it exacerbates psychotic
which means through neuromodulators one can manipulate symptoms in people with schizophrenia. Phencyclidine and
glutamate and GABA transmission indirectly. Such indirect ketamine are known to act as noncompetitive antagonists of
manipulation has less potential for extreme side effects (pre- the NMDA receptor, a subtype of glutamate receptor discussed
cipitating seizures or unconsciousness) than drugs that affect previously. These antagonists bind to the open pore NMDA
the glutamate or GABA systems directly. receptors and block the flow of cations through the channels.
However, they do not block the AMPA subtype of glutamate
receptors. It appears that blocking glutamate transmission
through NMDA receptors increases glutamate release and
excessively stimulates AMPA receptors in certain regions of the
Psychotomimetics or hallucinogens are not used to treat men- brain, including the prefrontal cortex. Although this increased
tal illness; in fact, they can exacerbate schizophrenia and other stimulation of glutamate receptors in prefrontal cortex appears
types of psychosis. However, they give us an interesting win- to differ from that induced by psychedelic hallucinogens, sup-
dow into the neurobiology of hallucinations and sensory per- pressing excessive glutamate release ameliorates many of the
turbations. The effects of hallucinogens on an array of complex adverse behavioral effects in both cases.
integrative processes such as cognition, perception, and mood
suggest the involvement of the cerebral cortex. There are two
major classes of psychotomimetics: psychedelics and NMDA
antagonists. Both have been considered relevant animal mod- The most commonly prescribed antidepressants, the SSRIs,
els of psychosis. increase serotonin in the brain by blocking the mechanism

36 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

that actively removes serotonin from synapse. Over a period of to assess the degree and length of binding. For the typical anti-
chronic administration, this tends to desensitize the autorecep- psychotic, reduction of “positive” symptoms (for example,
tors on serotonergic neurons, such that the feedback mechan- psychosis, hallucinations, delusions) requires the antipsychotic
ism that normally limits the release of serotonin requires much drug to have bound to ~65% of D2 receptors. However, there
higher levels of serotonin to be activated. It has been suggested is a very narrow window of binding before motor side effects,
that one possible explanation why some people may be vulner- called extrapyramidal symptoms, set in at binding higher than
able to developing depression is that their 5-HT1A autoreceptors 70%. A major development in psychiatry has been the emer-
might be hypersensitive, which would tend to clamp down on gence of an antipsychotic drug, clozapine, that does not cause
the release of serotonin into the cortex. The time lag required these motor side effects. It is often referred to as an atypical
for desensitization of the autoreceptors might explain why a antipsychotic in contrast to previous “typical” antipsychot-
therapeutic improvement is not observed until 2–3 weeks after ics such as chlorpromazine and haloperidol. Of perhaps even
onset of drug treatment. Single-cell recordings suggest that greater significance is the fact that clozapine, unlike typical
repeated daily administration of antidepressants enhances the antipsychotics, treats negative symptoms of schizophrenia (for
effects of 5-HT in the forebrain with a time course that paral- example, flat affect, anhedonia, withdrawal).
lels the therapeutic effects of antidepressants (Mongeau et al., The emergence of clozapine has focused more recent
1997). research on differences between typical antipsychotics and
Low doses of NMDA antagonists have rapid antidepressant clozapine. The latter has a very complicated profile of action
effects (Berman et al., 2000). Recent electrophysiological work that includes effects at dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin,
suggests the cellular mechanism involves a rapid upregulation of acetylcholine, and histamine receptors. Clozapine is a signifi-
dendritic spines in prefrontal cortex (Li et al., 2010). This mor- cantly more potent 5-HT2A antagonist and a significantly less
phological change is opposite of the changes elicited by chronic potent D2 antagonist compared to the typical antipsychotics.
stress and is compromised in transgenic mice with the human This pattern, together with the large body of work on the psy-
coding polymorphism (Val66Met) that results in a reduction of chotomimetic effects of 5-HT2A agonists, awakened interested
depolarization-induced BDNF release (Liu et al., 2012). in the therapeutic effects of a pure 5-HT2A antagonist. However,
Stress can be used to produce animal models of depres- this drug did not succeed in clinical trials. It may be clozapine’s
sion. Preclinical and clinical studies have demonstrated that more moderate action at D2 receptors, rather than its ability to
stress and depression result in cell atrophy and loss in limbic block pure 5-HT2A receptors, which is responsible for its ability
and cortical brain regions (Duman and Monteggia, 2006). to improve negative symptoms as well as its reduced propen-
These effects can be reversed with such diverse antidepressant sity to induce motor side effects.
treatments as SSRIs, electroconvulsive shock, and exercise. One hypothesis that has been proposed to explain the clini-
Interestingly, a number of gene products that mediate neu- cal efficacy of antipsychotic drugs relates to the “depolarization
rotrophin and growth factor signaling are reduced in depressed block” of midbrain dopamine neurons projecting to the pre-
patients and in stressed animals. Antidepressant treatments, frontal cortex (Bunney, 1992). The blockade of autoreceptors
by contrast, elevate the expression of multiple genes involved on dopaminergic neurons leads to chronic depolarization of
in neurotrophin signaling pathways. Together, these findings these neurons, which prevents the relief from sodium channel
implicate neurotrophic factors in the etiology and treatment inactivation. Electrophysiological experiments revealed that
of depression. Some electrophysiology studies of the neuro- one difference between clozapine and typical antipsychotics is
trophic hypothesis of depression have examined the properties that chronic administration of clozapine results in depolariza-
of new neurons generated in the dentate through adult neu- tion block only of the midbrain dopaminergic cells that project
rogenesis (van Praag et al., 2002) and their contributions to to the medial prefrontal cortex, whereas chronic administra-
synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus (Ge et al., 2007). Other tion of typical antipsychotics results in depolarization block of
electrophysiology studies have used transgenic mice with the neostriatum as well as the medial prefrontal cortex. This
alterations of neurotrophic factors or receptors to assess the former is thought to account for the extrapyramidal symptoms
effects of long-term changes in these systems on brain physiol- associated with typical antipsychotics.
ogy (Rios et al., 2006). There have been several animal models postulated for
schizophrenia. The psychotomimetic drug model of the disease
has proved informative about what types of neurotransmission
are involved in acute psychosis. The amphetamine model has
Like most psychoactive drugs, antipsychotic drugs were dis- proved useful for understanding the paranoid state. However,
covered serendipitously. Although chlorpromazine, the origi- given the evidence for neurodevelopmental abnormalities
nal antipsychotic, had actions at many receptors, its ability to in schizophrenia, several groups of researchers have tried to
act as an antagonist at the dopamine D2 receptor turned out model this illness in rodents through lesions early in develop-
to be critical. Although there are many antipsychotic drugs ment (Lipska and Weinberger, 2000). One such model, involv-
today, almost every single one has some ability to downregu- ing lesions to the ventral-hippocampus, has been shown to
late the activation of D2 receptors by endogenous dopamine, result in the postpubertal onset of dopaminergic abnormalities
either by direct antagonism or by partial agonism (Kapur (Goto and O’Donnell, 2002; O’Donnell, 2012) similar to what is
and Remington, 2001). Positron emission tomography (PET) hypothesized to occur in schizophrenia. These animal models
imaging studies have used radiolabeled versions of these drugs allow the in vitro and in vivo electrophysiological examination

3 P R I N C I P L E S O F E L E C T R O P H Y S I O L O G Y | 37

of how an early brain lesion alters interactions between the Duman, R.S., and Monteggia, L.M. (2006). A neurotrophic model for
stress-related mood disorders. Biol. Psychiatry 59(12):1116–1127.
dopaminergic and glutamatergic systems in adulthood. Ge, S., Yang, C.H., et al. (2007). A critical period for enhanced synap-
tic plasticity in newly generated neurons of the adult brain. Neuron
Goto, Y., and O’Donnell, P. (2002). Delayed mesolimbic system altera-
OV E R V IE W A ND F U T U RE D IRECT I O N S tion in a developmental animal model of schizophrenia. J. Neurosci.
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nia: deficits in broad monitoring. J. Abnorm. Psychol. 121(1):119–128.
to clarify how neurons communicate with each other and how Hamani, C., Mayberg, H., et al. (2011). The subcallosal cingulate gyrus in the
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mitters onto other cells is critical to appreciating the many sub- Hong, L.E., Yang, X., et al. (2011). A CHRNA5 allele related to nicotine addic-
tle ways that thought can be influenced by genetic variations in tion and schizophrenia. Genes Brain Behav. 10(5):530–535.
ion channels. Understanding the electrophysiological mecha- Kanner, A.M. (2008). Mood disorder and epilepsy: a neurobiologic perspec-
tive of their relationship. Dialogues Clin. Neurosci. 10(1):39–45.
nisms by which neurotransmitter receptors can modulate the Kapur, S., and Remington, G. (2001). Dopamine D(2) receptors and their role
activity of neurons is essential to appreciate the immediate and in atypical antipsychotic action: still necessary and may even be sufficient.
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opportunities for targeting electrophysiological studies toward ity: opposite effects of psychedelic hallucinogens and D1/D5 dopamine
uncovering the role of susceptibility genes in these illnesses. receptor activation. Neuroscience 145(3):900–910.
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disease. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103(17):6747–6752.
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lies the rapid antidepressant effects of NMDA antagonists. Science
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Lipska, B.K., and Weinberger, D.R. (2000). To model a psychiatric disorder
only by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Canada in animals: schizophrenia as a reality test. Neuropsychopharmacology
Research Chair and MOP 89825), the Province of Ontario 23(3):223–239.
(Early Researcher Award), and the National Science and Liu, R.J., Lee, F.S., et al. (2012). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met
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Engineering Council (Discovery Grant). cortex. Biol. Psychiatry 71(11):996–1005.
Mongeau, R., Blier, P., et al. (1997). The serotonergic and noradrenergic sys-
tems of the hippocampus: their interactions and the effects of antidepres-
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tor alpha5 subunit plays a key role in attention circuitry and accuracy. O’Donnell, P. (2012). Cortical disinhibition in the neonatal ventral hippocam-
J. Neurosci. 30(27):9241–9252. pal lesion model of schizophrenia: new vistas on possible therapeutic
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38 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E



S IGNA L TRA NS D U C TIO N proteins involved in signal transduction is phosphorylation.

This modification has been shown to result in changes of innu-
All cells react to changes in their environment and to clues merable biological properties of nerve cells, such as activation
that may be important for their survival and/or function. of biosynthetic enzymes, activation of transcription factors,
This is true for unicellular as well as multicellular organisms. regulation of the permeability of ion channels, regulation of
Unicellular organisms react to light, to chemical gradients of neurotransmitter release, and alteration of the sensitivity to
nutrients, and to specific molecules released by other cells neurotransmitters.
from the same species. In multicellular organisms, the harmo-
nious functioning of billions of cells, assembled in tissues as
sophisticated as the human brain, requires a highly complex G E N E R A L P R O P E RT I E S O F SI G N AL
network of intercellular signaling involving molecules known T R A N SDU C T I O N PAT HWAY S
as hormones, neurotransmitters, cytokines, growth factors, and
so forth. Yet the molecular mechanisms by which these signals Signal transduction pathways have a number of important
are perceived and interpreted by individual cells are quite simi- properties in common that are interesting to consider before
lar to those used by much simpler unicellular beings. Indeed, describing these pathways in detail.
work over the past years has demonstrated an amazing degree First, many signaling cascades have a tremendous capa-
of conservation of many of these molecular mechanisms among bility of signal amplification. This explains why, in some
brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), nematode worms instances, cells are able to detect only a single photon—in
(Caenorhabditis elegans), fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster), the case of retina photoreceptor cells—or a few molecules in
and mammals, including humans. In addition, specialized their environment. A second property is specificity. Cells are
cells, such as the cones or the rods in the retina, or the olfactory able to discriminate between a virtually unlimited number
epithelial cells, have retained the ability to perceive changes in of extracellular molecules and to react to very few of them.
the physical or chemical environment. These specialized cells Moreover, different signals acting on the same cells will have
translate information from the external world into changes in different effects. This is true in spite of the fact that receptor
neuronal activity that can be communicated to the rest of the proteins belong to a limited number of classes and that many
organism. of the components of the signaling cascades are rather ubiqui-
The term signal transduction is used to describe the cas- tous. Thus, during development, a characteristic set of genes,
cades of biochemical reactions by which cells translate various the products of which are involved in signal transduction, is
extracellular signals into appropriate responses, whether the selected in each cell type, providing it with the capability to
primary extracellular signal comes from other cells or from the react in an appropriate way to specific signals. A third impor-
external world. Signal transduction involves a number of key tant characteristic of signal transduction pathways is their plei-
players and reactions that we examine successively. The initial otropy. Thus, a single extracellular signal can generate multiple
reaction involves a “receptor,” the protein that interacts with the responses in the cell. For instance, a single neurotransmitter
extracellular signal and triggers its effects. Subsequently, a series can trigger the opening of some ion channels and the closing
of reactions of varying degrees of complexity ensues, resulting of others, the activation of multiple enzymes, the modification
in a vast array of physiological responses. In many instances, of cytoskeletal organization, and the stimulation of the expres-
the coupling between receptors and effector pathways requires sion of specific genes.
an intermediate agent, a guanosine 5′-triphosphate (GTP) Another property of signal transduction pathways is that
binding protein or G protein, which acts as a molecular switch, they allow the integration of several simultaneous or succes-
and the generation of a second messenger. Second messengers sive signals. The cascades of reactions triggered by each signal
are small molecules that are generated within cells in response interact with the others at many levels, sometimes reinforcing
to extracellular signals (the latter correspond to “first messen- each other, sometimes canceling each other. As a result, the
gers”). One particular class of signaling molecules comprises final output in terms of cellular response is a subtle combination
small molecules that can readily cross biological membranes of what would have been induced by each extracellular signal
and act as intercellular messengers and second messengers. separately and may indeed be quite different from responses to
Such molecules include fatty acids such as arachidonic acid, individual signals. Some signals may, for instance, have little
and the gas nitric oxide. The major covalent modification of effect by themselves yet inhibit or potentiate considerably the

4 P R I N C I P L E S O F S I G N A L T R A N S D U C T I O N | 39

response to other signals. In the nervous system this property neurological or psychiatric disease, or more likely enhance the
is called neuromodulation. These properties of integration and susceptibility to such diseases. It also provides novel targets for
transformation of multiple signaling pathways are often quite designing new pharmacological tools aimed at modifying spe-
complex, and computer modeling is necessary to help predict cific signaling pathways either to correct natural deficits or to
their output. counteract the consequences of their alterations, regardless of
Finally, the response to extracellular signals can have the cause of these alterations.
long-lasting effects on cells and modify their subsequent
response to the same or other signals. One obvious example
involves gene expression: One hormone, for instance, will R E C E P T O R S: HO W C E L L S DE T E CT
induce the expression of a gene necessary for the response to E X T R A C E L L U L A R SI G N A L S
a neurotransmitter. In fact, there are many different ways by
which such long-lasting changes in cellular responses can be Cells can detect chemical as well as physical signals from their
implemented. They represent the molecular basis for “cellular” environment. We concentrate on chemical signals that are the
learning and memory, a capacity that all cells possess to some more relevant for understanding brain physiology. The first
extent. Thus at any given time the response of a cell to external step in signal transduction is the interaction of the extracellu-
signals depends on its previous history. Such mechanisms have lar signaling molecule with a receptor. A receptor is a protein
a special importance in neurons in which they represent the that is able to bind the signaling molecule with high affinity
cellular basis for synaptic plasticity, which is thought to under- and specificity, and to trigger a biological response in reac-
lie “psychological” learning and memory (Chapter 5). tion to this binding. Extracellular signaling molecules include
neurotransmitters, hormones, growth factors, and related sub-
stances and can be divided into two broad categories: those
THE IMP O RTA NC E O F EL U C ID AT I N G that do not penetrate the cells and act at the level of the plasma
S IGNA L TRA NS D U C TIO N PAT HWAY S membrane and those that readily penetrate the cells and act on
intracellular targets. It should be emphasized that these two
Deciphering the complex networks of reactions that constitute mechanisms of action are not always exclusive and that com-
signal transduction pathways is important for understanding pounds such as steroid hormones appear to have membrane
the physiology of cells and multicellular organisms, including receptors in addition to their well-characterized intracellular
the human brain. Moreover, such understanding is certainly receptors.
critical for elucidating the mechanisms of diseases that are
still elusive, and eventually treating them. It is easy to under-
stand that dysfunctions of signal transduction pathways will
have profound and deleterious consequences on the properties
of cells. This point is well illustrated by the fact that cancers Receptors that have been characterized at the level of the
result from the dysfunction of signaling pathways that regulate plasma membrane can be divided into several classes depend-
cell growth and division. Similarly, many naturally occurring ing on their organization and properties. Representatives of
toxins exert their effects by interrupting or diverting normal each of these classes of receptors are present in neurons, where
intracellular signaling pathways. Recent work has identified they play diverse roles.
mutations in genes which code for signaling proteins as the
cause of mental retardation and syndromic autism spectrum N E U R O T R A N S M I T T E R - G AT E D I O N C H A N N E L S
disorders. It seems likely that, as our knowledge of signal trans- Biological membranes are impermeable to small ions includ-
duction in neurons progresses, we will discover that alterations ing Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Cl− (Chapter 3). The concentrations of
of signal transduction pathways play an important role in a these ions are very different in the intracellular and extracel-
number of neurological or psychiatric diseases. In addition, lular compartments, due to the existence of active transport
the multiple enzymes involved in these pathways represent mechanisms. Ion channels are proteins that form pores within
potential targets for therapeutic drugs. Lithium is one example the membranes and allow the selective flow of specific ions to
of a drug that is already used in psychiatry and is thought to which they are permeable. The magnitude and direction of ion
exert its effect by acting on signal transduction mechanisms flow depend on two forces: the concentration gradient and
(see following). The study of complete genome sequences, the electrical potential difference between the two sides of the
including those of brewers’ yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), membrane. Opening or closing of one class of channels allows
a plant (Arabidopsis thaliana), a round worm (Caenorhabditis or blocks flow of ions to which this class of channels is per-
elegans), fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), and human meable. This, in turn, regulates the electrical potential across
(Homo sapiens), allows an estimation of the number of genes the membrane. At rest, the intracellular side of the membrane
devoted to signal transduction in various eukaryotic organisms is electronegative as compared to the extracellular side (usu-
(Table 4.1). Comparison of signaling networks in organisms of ally –60 to –80 mV).
various complexities provides useful information about their The opening of several ion channels is directly regu-
organizing and functioning principles. Exhaustive identifica- lated by neurotransmitters. Such channels are called
tion of the components of such networks in humans pinpoints neurotransmitter-gated channels or ionotropic receptors (Box 4.1).
potential candidates for genetic alterations that may underlie The neurotransmitter binds to the ion channel and triggers

40 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

TA B L E 4. 1. Estimated numbers of proteins involved in signal transduction


Eukaryotic protein kinases* 575 319 437 121 1049

Ser/Thr and dual specificity 395 198 315 114 1102

protein kinases°

Tyr protein kinases° 106 47 100 5 16

Ser/Thr protein phosphatases° 15 19 51 13 29

Tyr and dual specificity protein 112 35 108 12 21


Cyclic nucleotide 25 8 6 1 0

G protein–coupled receptors* 569 97 358 0 16

G protein alpha° 27 10 22 2 5

G protein beta° 5 3 2 1 1

G protein gamma° 13 2 2 0 0

Ras superfamily° 141 64 62 26 86

SH2 domains 119* 39° 48° 1 3°

SH3 domains^ 215* 75° 62* 27° 4°

Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels 32 7 10 2 2

alpha subunits°

Caspases° 13 7 3 0 0

Nuclear hormone receptors° 59 25 183 1 4

The numbers of some proteins important for signal transduction are given for human (Homo sapiens), fly (Drosophila melanogaster), round worm
(Caenorhabditis elegans), yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), and mustard weed (Arabidopsis thaliana). Since the sequencing and analysis of the genomes
of these organisms is not fully complete, these numbers represent only lower limits. Data are based on the publications by the International Human
Genome Sequencing Consortium (Nature, 2001 409:860–921) indicated by an asterisk (*) and by Celera Genomics and associates (Science, 2001 291:1304–1351)
indicated by °.

its opening by inducing a change in its conformation. Since which has been conserved throughout evolution: the polypep-
no intermediate biochemical reaction is involved, the effects of tide chain of these receptors crosses the plasma membrane seven
neurotransmitters on ligand-gated channels are very fast. This times. Therefore, these receptors are called 7-transmembrane
type of receptor underlies most of the fast synaptic excitatory domain receptors or serpentine receptors. When these recep-
or inhibitory transmission in brain. In addition, the response tors bind their specific ligand, they undergo a conformational
of ionotropic receptors to neurotransmitters can be regulated change that has consequences for the associated G protein
by several extracellular or intracellular signals, providing a (Box 4.2), leading to the dissociation of a GTP-bound α sub-
fine tuning of their properties (see the examples of glutamate unit and β/γ complex, each of which is able to interact with
N-methyl-d-aspartate [NMDA] receptor and γ-aminobutyric various targets including ion channels and enzymes (Box 4.7).
acid [GABA-A] receptor, Box 4.1). Such modulatory sites are Interestingly, these G protein–coupled receptors (often referred
targets for molecules of great pharmacological importance, to as GPCRs) are also involved in the detection of clues from
including benzodiazepines and barbiturates, which increase the environment: receptors for odors, pheromones, and light
the response to GABA (Box 4.1). belong to this category.

A large number of receptors work in close association with ENZYMES
heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins or G proteins that are Some receptors are transmembrane proteins that are composed
composed of three subunits (α, β, and γ; Box 4.2; see also of an extracellular domain that binds the extracellular signal-
Box 4.7). Although these receptors belong to several different ing molecule, a single transmembrane domain, and an intrac-
gene families, they have a major structural feature in common, ellular domain that possesses an enzymatic activity. Binding of

4 P R I N C I P L E S O F S I G N A L T R A N S D U C T I O N | 41

obstructed by Mg2+ ions. This block is relieved only when the
membrane is depolarized simultaneously by another mecha-
The neurotransmitter receptors responsible for fast synaptic trans- nism (e.g., stimulation of nearby glutamate receptors of the
mission are ligand-gated ion channels. They comprise several sub- AMPA subtype). Finally, in addition to Na+ and K+, NMDA
units arranged in such a way as to form a central pore through which receptors are highly permeable to Ca2+. The resulting Ca2+
ions can cross the plasma membrane. Binding of the neurotrans- influx is responsible for the role of NMDA receptors in synap-
mitter triggers the opening of this pore. Neurotransmitter-gated tic plasticity and also for its deleterious, excitotoxic effects in
ion channels are specific for one or several ions, the nature of pathological conditions.
which is responsible for their excitatory or inhibitory effects. Receptors for GABA [GABA-A subtype, see (C)] and gly-
Receptors for excitatory neurotransmitters such as acetyl- cine (not shown) are selectively permeable to Cl− ions. In
choline (nicotinic subtype), or glutamate (subtypes named after most instances, the resulting Cl− influx is responsible for the
chemicals not present in the brain but which activate them specifi- inhibitory effects of these neurotransmitters. GABA-A recep-
cally, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid tors account for most of the inhibitory receptors in the central
[AMPA] and kainate), let Na+ ions flow into the neuron, and K+ nervous system, whereas glycine receptors are restricted to the
ions flow out [see (A)]. At resting potential, the Na+ influx predom- brainstem and spinal cord. GABA-A receptors are modulated
inates and is responsible for the depolarizing, excitatory effects of by two classes of drugs that have important clinical applica-
these neurotransmitters. The open state of neurotransmitter-gated tions. Benzodiazepines (e.g., diazepam) or barbiturates (e.g.,
ion channels is usually unstable. They switch spontaneously to a phenobarbital), although they cannot open the GABA-A ion
desensitized state, in which the ion channel is closed, although the channel by themselves, increase the response to GABA. The
neurotransmitter is still bound with high affinity. Desensitization is existence and the nature of endogenous ligands for the benzo-
thought to be a protective mechanism against overstimulation. diazepine and barbiturate modulatory sites on GABA-A recep-
NMDA receptors are a subtype of glutamate receptors, tors are still a matter of dispute.
named after their specific synthetic agonist (N-methyl-D- Other abbreviations: GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid.
aspartate), that have a number of unique properties [see (B)]. Further reading: Benarroch, 2007; Cull-Candy et al., 2001;
First, glycine must also be bound to these receptors for Dani and Bertrand, 2007; Derkach et al., 2007; Johnston,
them to open in response to glutamate. Second, at resting 2005; Mayer, 2005; Mohler et al., 2002; Nutt and Malizia, 2001;
membrane potential, when NMDA receptors open, they are Paoletti, 2011; Traynelis et al., 2010.

Neurotransmitter Na+

Extracellular Desensitization



(B) Mg2+
Glutamate Na+, Ca2+ Mg2+

Extracellular Depolarization


GABA Cl— Cl—



42 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

receptor, which returns to its resting state and reassociates with
α-GDP and β/γ.
A large number of neurotransmitter receptors belong to the There are several different types of α, β, and γ sub-
category of seven transmembrane domain G protein–coupled units, encoded by different genes. The nature of the α
receptors (GPCRs), which also includes receptors for hor- subunit that associates with a given receptor determines
mones, light, odorants, pheromones, and Ca2+. These recep- the actions that can be triggered by this receptor. β/γ sub-
tors are associated with heterotrimeric G proteins (see Box 4.7). units have their own effects on similar targets that can be
Heterotrimeric G proteins comprise three subunits: α, β, and in the same direction as that of their cognate α subunit,
γ, which are not transmembrane proteins but are associated or, sometimes, in the opposite direction. β/γ subunits have
with the membrane by covalently bound fatty acid molecules. additional specific properties, such as recruiting to the
In the resting state, GDP is bound to the α subunit, which is membrane a protein kinase (G protein–coupled receptor
closely attached to the β/γ complex. When the neurotrans- kinase or GRK), which phosphorylates the receptor and pre-
mitter binds to the receptor, the conformation of the recep- vents its further interaction with G proteins. This represents
tor changes, inducing a change in the conformation of the α an important mechanism of desensitization of G protein–
subunit, which expels GDP and replaces it by GTP. GTP-bound coupled receptors.
α subunit is no longer capable of interacting with the recep- Other abbreviations: G protein: guanine nucleotide bind-
tor or β/γ. Instead, GTP-bound α and β/γ diffuse away from ing protein; GDP: guanosine 5′-diphosphate; GTP: guanosine
each other and from the receptor, while still attached to the 5′-triphosphate; Pi: inorganic phosphate.
membrane, and interact with specific targets. After a short time Further reading: Bockaert and Pin, 1999; DeWire et al.,
GTP is hydrolyzed to GDP, and GDP-bound α reassociates with 2007; Gainetdinov et al., 2004; Kobilka, 2011; May et al., 2007;
β/γ. At about the same time, the neurotransmitter leaves its Moore et al., 2007; Rosenbaum et al., 2009.



Receptor Receptor
γ γ γ
α α α
β β β
Resting state GDP

γ γ
α α
β β
GDP Pi Active state GTP

Target 1: Target 2:
e.g., Adenylyl cyclase e.g., Adenylyl cyclase
Phospholipase C Phospholipase C
Ion channels K+ channels
G protein-coupled
receptor kinase

the ligand to the extracellular domain dramatically alters the intracellular domain of this type of receptor is a protein kinase,
activity of the intracellular enzymatic domain. This activation which is able to phosphorylate itself and other proteins on
often results from the dimerization of the receptor. tyrosines (see Box 4.14). Phosphorylation on tyrosine triggers
The best-known receptors in this category are tyrosine cascades of reactions that are detailed in Box 4.3. These reac-
kinase receptors for polypeptide growth factors, includ- tions involve recruitment of specific proteins through domains
ing nerve growth factor (NGF) and related neurotrophins such as the SH2 (Src-homology 2) domain that bind to their
(Box 4.3). Their ligands are polypeptides that are often soluble target peptide sequence only when the tyrosine it contains
but can also be attached to the membrane of other cells. The is phosphorylated (Box 4.4). Thus, a variety of intracellular

4 P R I N C I P L E S O F S I G N A L T R A N S D U C T I O N | 43

phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3 kinase) that phosphory-
lates phosphatidylinositol at position 3 and activates its own
Receptors for many polypeptide growth factors, includ- signal transduction pathway (see Box 4.18), phosphotyrosine
ing nerve growth factor and related neurotrophins, are phosphatases (PTP), adaptor molecules, and others. Adaptor
transmembrane tyrosine kinases. These receptors are com- molecules are proteins that possess, in addition to an SH2
posed of a single peptide chain whose extracellular domain domain, SH3 domains (see Box 4.4). By these SH3 domains
can bind the growth factor, whereas the intracytoplasmic the adaptors are bound to proline-rich regions of guanine
domain is a protein tyrosine kinase (see Box 4.14). In the nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs; see Box 4.7). GEFs are
absence of growth factor, the tyrosine kinase is inactive. In enzymes that catalyze the exchange of GDP for GTP on
the presence of growth factor, two identical receptors inter- small G proteins of the Ras family. Their recruitment to the
act with each other (homodimerization), and this results in membrane, mediated by the adaptor, brings them in contact
the activation of the tyrosine kinase domains. They phos- with Ras, which they put in its GTP-bound, active form (see
phorylate several tyrosine residues located in each other’s Boxes 4.7 and 4.8). The precise nature of the SH2-containing
sequence (autophosphorylation). Autophosphorylation on enzymes or adaptor molecules that are recruited varies from
tyrosine provides docking sites for a number of proteins one growth factor receptor to another; however, the prin-
that possess SH2 domains (see Box 4.4), resulting in the ciples of signaling are the same in all cases.
phosphorylation-dependent clustering of several important Other abbreviations: G protein: guanine nucleotide bind-
proteins around the growth factor receptor. These proteins, ing protein; GDP: guanosine 5′-diphosphate; GTP: guanos-
many of which also become phosphorylated on tyrosine, ine 5′-triphosphate; P: phosphate group; SH2: Src-homology
include phospholipase C γ (PLCγ) that hydrolyzes phos- domain 2; SH3: Src-homology domain 3.
phatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate into diacylglycerol and Further reading: Kalb, 2005; Lemmon and Schlessinger,
inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate (IP3, see Boxes 4.10 and 4.12), 2010; Papin et al., 2005; Schlessinger, 2002.



Intracellular Tyrosine
Domain P P

PLC-γ PLC-γ P P Adaptor
na I 3



PTP SH2 domain

Adaptor SH3 domain

GEF Pro-rich motif

44 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

signaling pathways are activated (see following Boxes 4.8, 4.10, BO X 4 . 4 S H 2 A N D S H 3 D O M A I N S
and 4.18). SH2 (Src-homology domain 2) and SH3 (Src-homology
A variation on the same theme is represented by receptors domain 3) were first identified in the cytoplasmic tyrosine
that do not possess an enzymatic activity by themselves but kinase Src. They have now been recognized in a large
that associate with tyrosine kinases. For example, receptors for number of proteins, many of which are involved in signal
some neurotrophic factors, such as glial derived neurotrophic transduction.
factor (GDNF), are extracellular proteins attached to the mem- SH2 domains bind to peptide sequences within proteins
brane by a lipid anchor (glycosyl-phosphatidyl inositol). Due to that contain a phosphorylated tyrosine. In the absence of
their localization, they cannot transduce the signal directly to phosphorylation, there is no binding. In addition, SH2
the interior of the cell. They do it by virtue of their association domains recognize a few amino acids located on the
to a transmembrane protein whose intracellular domain is a carboxy-terminal side of the phosphorylated tyrosine, thus
tyrosine kinase (c-Ret in the case of GDNF receptor). An impor- providing specificity to this type of interaction: each SH2
tant class of receptor comprises transmembrane proteins that domain binds preferentially to specific protein regions
have the capability to associate with intracytoplasmic tyrosine phosphorylated on tyrosine.
kinase. This class includes receptors for key messengers in the SH3 domains bind to proline-rich regions that adopt a char-
immune response (e.g., cytokines, interferon), hormones (e.g., acteristic conformation. Each SH3 domain reacts preferentially
growth hormone, prolactin, leptin), and polypeptides that with particular proline-rich sequences, providing specificity to
have growth factor activity (e.g., erythropoietin, ciliary derived this type of interaction. SH3-mediated interactions are constitu-
neurotrophic factor). The intracellular segment of these recep- tive and do not depend on phosphorylation. In fact, SH3 and
tors binds a tyrosine kinase of the JAK family (Janus kinase; proline-rich regions are one example of a large number of pairs
see Box 4.5). Other types of receptors, including the receptors of protein domains that are able to interact with each other with
for the antigen of lymphocytes, have a similar, although more high affinity and specificity. These protein–protein interactions
complicated, organization. In this case the enzyme is a mem- are important in signal transduction and in other neuronal func-
ber of the Src family of tyrosine kinases. Similarly, integrins, tions, such as the clustering of receptors at the postsynaptic
which are receptors for extracellular matrix proteins, associate sites.
on their intracellular side with a tyrosine kinase called FAK Other abbreviations: P: phosphate group; Tyr: tyrosine.
(focal adhesion kinase). Further reading: Kuriyan and Cowburn, 1997; Pawson and
Several other families of receptors are transmembrane Scott, 1997; Pawson, 2004; Schlessinger and Lemmon, 2003.
proteins that possess other types of enzymatic activities. One
group corresponds to receptors for transforming growth fac-
tor beta (TGFβ), activin, and inhibin, the intracellular domain
of which possesses a protein serine/threonine kinase activity. Protein Containing
an SH2 Domain
Another group of receptors, including the receptor for atrial
natriuretic factor (ANF), have an intracellular domain that is 2
a guanylyl cyclase, an enzyme that generates the second mes- ATP ADP SH2
senger cyclic guanosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (cGMP). Other
receptors, such as those for Fas and tumor necrosis factor α ...-Tyr-... ...-Tyr-... ...-Tyr-...
(TNFα), which are able to trigger programmed cell death Protein Substrate for
(apoptosis), associate with various intracellular proteins that, a Tyrosine Kinase
among other things, activate proteolytic enzymes.
Tyrosine Kinase


Protein Containing
an SH3 Domain
Most of the molecules that act on membrane receptors can- SH3
not cross the plasma membrane because of their charge, which
makes them highly hydrophilic, or their size. However, some sig-
naling molecules are readily able to cross the lipid bilayer of the SH3
plasma membrane because of their hydrophobic nature and/or
their small size. These molecules include steroid hormones and
the related vitamin D derivatives, thyroid hormones, and retin-
oic acid. Steroid hormones bind to intracellular receptors that, Protein Containing Proline-rich
in addition to the hormone binding domain, contain a deoxy-
a Proline-Rich Region region
ribonucleic acid (DNA) binding domain, and a domain capable
of stimulating messenger ribonucleic acids (mRNA) transcrip-
tion of specific genes (Box 4.6). In the absence of hormone,
the receptor is in an inactive conformation, unable to enhance

4 P R I N C I P L E S O F S I G N A L T R A N S D U C T I O N | 45

BOX 4. 5 J AK - STAT- COUP L ED RECEP TO R S transcription, and, usually, sequestered in the cytoplasm. In the
A large number of receptors for polypeptide messengers (e.g.,
presence of steroid hormone, the receptor switches to an active
cytokines, interferon, growth hormone, prolactin, leptin, erythro-
form, which translocates to the nucleus, where it binds to the
poietin, ciliary derived neurotrophic factor) utilize a tyrosine phos-
promoter region of specific genes and activates their transcrip-
phorylation signaling mechanism. In contrast to the growth factor
tion. Retinoic acid and thyroid hormones have similar modes
receptors depicted in Box 4.3, the cytoplasmic domain of these
of action.
receptors does not possess tyrosine kinase activity. However, this
domain is associated with a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase belong-
ing to the JAK subfamily (these kinases have two tyrosine kinase
domains, only one of which is catalytically active, and are called
Janus tyrosine kinase after the two-faced Roman god). When the
receptor binds its ligand, it dimerizes and becomes phosphory-
G proteins are proteins that possess a specific domain capable
lated by the associated JAK tyrosine kinases. Remarkably, activa-
of binding GTP or guanosine 5′-diphosphate (GDP). In gen-
tion of this class of receptor can regulate gene expression via a
eral, the GDP-bound form is inactive and the GTP-bound form
single family of intermediary proteins called STAT (signal trans-
is active (Box 4.7). G proteins act as molecular switches that
ducer and activator of transcription). One important consequence
can be turned on by replacement of GDP by GTP, or turned off
of the phosphorylation of the receptor is the recruitment of STAT,
by hydrolysis of GTP to GDP. They belong to two classes: small
which possesses an SH2 domain (Box 4.4). When STAT molecules
G proteins that contain little more than the GDP/GTP bind-
are bound to the phosphorylated receptor by their SH2 domain,
ing domain, and large heterotrimeric G proteins in which the
they become phosphorylated by the JAKs. This allows a switch
GDP/GTP interacting subunit α is associated with two other
in the interaction of the SH2 domain of the two molecules of
subunits, β and γ (Box 4.7). Small G proteins are involved in
STAT that, instead of binding to the receptor, bind to each other.
many cellular functions (see Table 4.2 in Box 4.7). The role of
The resulting dimer detaches from the receptor and enters the
the small G protein Ras in triggering a cascade of phosphoryla-
nucleus, where it binds to the promoter region of specific genes
tion reactions in response to growth factors’ action on recep-
and, in combination with several other proteins, induces their
tor tyrosine kinases is depicted in Box 4.8. Heterotrimeric G
transcription (Chapter 6).
proteins are important in the action of seven transmembrane
Other abbreviations: P: phosphate group; SH2: Src-homology
domain receptors (Box 4.2) and are also coupled to multiple
domain 2.
effectors (Box 4.7).
Further reading: Imada and Leonard, 2000; O’Shea et al.,
2005; Seidel et al., 2000; Yamaoka et al., 2004.

Cytokine, Hormone...


Cyclic adenosine 3′-5′-monophosphate (cAMP) was the initial

second messenger to be identified. It is generated by a class of
enzymes called adenylyl cyclases that form cAMP using adenos-
JAK ine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) as a precursor. The major action of
cAMP is to activate the protein kinase called cAMP-dependent
Kinase P
STAT protein kinase. The metabolism and actions of cAMP are detailed
in Box 4.9. cGMP is also a second messenger. It is formed by
guanylyl cyclases that belong to two groups: as mentioned ear-
lier, some are transmembrane receptors for polypeptides such
as ANF; others are soluble enzymes activated by nitric oxide
(see the following Box 4.13). cGMP has several targets in mam-
malian cells, one of which is cGMP-dependent protein kinase.

In addition to their importance in the structure of membranes,
phospholipids are precursors for many signaling molecules.
The structures of some glycerophospholipids are depicted in
Box 4.10. These phospholipids generate signaling molecules
under the control of different classes of phospholipases, each
NUCLEUS P Transcription
of which cleaves the precursor at a specific position (Box 4.10).
STAT-regulated genes In addition to glycerophospholipids, other membrane lip-
ids such as sphingomyelin have been found to be involved in

46 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

nucleus, where, as a dimer, it binds to specific DNA sequences
in the promoter region of glucocorticoid-responsive genes. The
In contrast to other intercellular messengers such as neurotrans- hormone-bound receptor stimulates the transcription of these
mitters, peptide hormones, or growth factors, steroid hormones genes. Other steroid hormones have similar mechanisms of
are capable of readily penetrating the target cells. This is due action, except that in some instances their receptor is always
to their lipophilic nature that allows them to cross the plasma located within the nucleus but becomes capable of activating
membrane. The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is a protein transcription only in the presence of the hormone. Thyroid hor-
located in the cytoplasm, where it is sequestered by associa- mones, vitamin D metabolites, and retinoic acid (a compound
tion with several proteins, including one called heat shock pro- important for the regulation of development) have similar mech-
tein 90 (HSP90). When the GR has bound cortisol, it undergoes anisms of action.
a conformational change that releases it from the associated Further reading: Dilworth and Chambon, 2001; Mark et al.,
proteins. The hormone-bound receptor then diffuses into the 2006; Weatherman et al., 1999.







Glucocorticoid Responsive Genes


signal transduction. A breakdown product of sphingomyelin, of enzymes and their subsequent activation (see Table 4.3 in
ceramide, may play a role of second messenger. It should be Box 4.12). Ca2+ binds directly to some of these enzymes that
noted that breakdown of membrane phospholoipids does not contain specific Ca2+- binding domains. In many cases, how-
only generate metabolites that contain fatty acids and are rela- ever, Ca2+ interacts first with a small protein, calmodulin. The
tively hydrophobic, but also water-soluble molecules that are Ca2+/calmodulin complex binds to many proteins, including
second messengers. An important molecule in that category signaling enzymes, and alters their properties. An important
is inositol-trisphosphate (IP3), a second messenger released class of such enzymes is the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent pro-
from a membrane phospholipid (phosphatidylinositol- tein kinases.
4,5bisphosphate) following the action of phospholipase C Depolarization of neurons triggers the opening of
(PLC, Boxes 4.10 and 4.11). IP3 triggers the release of Ca2+ voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, leading to an increase in
from intracellular stores (see Box 4.12). intracellular Ca2+. In nerve terminals, this is the signal
responsible for neurotransmitter release. Ca2+ influx also
provides a mechanism by which nerve cell stimuli, such
C A 2+
as the action potential, can be transduced into biochemi-
Normal concentrations of Ca2+ in the cytosol are very low, cal signals important for the regulation of neurotransmit-
due to the impermeability of membranes to this ion and the ter synthesis, gene expression, and many other responses
efficiency of the mechanisms of extrusion (Box 4.12). Ca2+ in neurons. Ca2+ is an essential trigger of the biochemical
can flow into the cytosol either from the outside through reactions that result in long-term depression and long-term
neurotransmitter- or voltage-operated Ca2+ channels, or from potentiation of synaptic efficacy. These forms of synap-
internal stores (i.e., the endoplasmic reticulum) through Ca2+ tic plasticity are thought to be important cellular bases of
channels called inositol-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors and learning and memory. In addition to its paramount role in
ryanodine receptors (see Box 4.12). Ca2+ has many biologi- neuronal physiology, Ca2+ is a key player in the induction of
cal effects that are brought about by its binding to a number neuronal death in pathological circumstances. For instance,

4 P R I N C I P L E S O F S I G N A L T R A N S D U C T I O N | 47

BOX 4. 7 G P ROTEI N S (A) Small G proteins
G proteins can bind GDP or GTP. They act as molecular Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor
switches that are active in the GTP-bound form and inactive
in the GDP-bound form. Although G proteins are not trans- GTP GDP
membrane proteins, they are attached to the membrane by
various lipid molecules covalently bound to the protein and
inserted into the membrane. Examples of G proteins are listed Ras Ras
Pi H2O
in Table 4.2. Inactive GDP GTP Active
Small G proteins are simple molecular switches. In the rest- GDP bound GTP bound

ing state they are bound to GDP and are inactive. The exchange GTPase Activating Protein
of GDP for GTP is catalyzed by a guanine nucleotide exchange
factor (GEF). In the case of Ras, the GEF is brought into play (B) Heterotrimeric G proteins
by its adaptor-mediated attachment to phosphorylated growth
factor receptors (Box 4.3). In its GTP-bound form, Ras is active Neurotransmitter-Stimulated Receptor
and triggers a cascade of phosphorylation reactions (Box 4.8).
The inactivation of Ras requires a specific type of protein, called GTP GDP
GAP (GTPase activating protein). GAP allows Ras to hydrolyze
GTP and to return to the inactive, GDP-bound state.
γ γ
Although the principle of their function is similar to that α α
β Pi H2O β
of small G proteins, large G proteins are more complicated.
These heterotrimeric G proteins are composed of three sub- Inactive Active
GDP bound RGS Proteins GTP bound
units (α, β, and γ). The α subunit is the one that binds GDP
and GTP. The exchange of GDP for GTP is triggered by seven
transmembrane domain receptors, when they are bound to
their ligand, a neurotransmitter or hormone (Box 4.2). Then, Recently, GAPs for some α subunits have been identified.
α-GTP and β/γ can diffuse freely at the level of the membrane They are called RGS (regulator of G protein signaling) and
and act on various targets (Box 4.2). The α subunit has the facilitate the return to the inactive GDP-bound form of the G
ability to hydrolyze GTP and to return spontaneously to the protein.
inactive GDP-bound form, behaving as a time device. Alpha Other abbreviations: G protein: guanine nucleotide bind-
subunits are the targets of bacterial toxins: αs is irreversibly ing protein; GDP: guanosine 5′-diphosphate; GTP: guanosine
activated by cholera toxin, whereas αi and αo are irreversibly 5′-triphosphate; Pi: inorganic phosphate.
inhibited by the toxin of Bordetella pertussis, the agent of Further reading: Bourne, 1995, 1997; Jaffe and Hall, 2005;
whooping cough. Koelle, 2006; Luttrell, 2006; Steyaert and Kobilka, 2011.

TA B L E 4. 2. Examples of GTP-binding proteins


Small G proteins Ras Responds to growth factors, activates Raf/MAP kinase pathway

Rho Regulates actin filaments

Rab Regulates vesicle trafficking, including synaptic vesicles

Heterotrimeric G proteins

α subunit (binds GTP) αS,αOlf Activate adenylyl cyclase

αi Inhibits adenylyl cyclase, activates K+ channels

αt Stimulates cGMP phosphodiesterase (retina)

αq, α11, 14–16 Stimulate phospholipase C

αO Inhibits Ca2+ channels

α12, 13 Activate Na+/H+ exchanger

β/γ (does not bind GTP directly, but β1–5, γ1–8 Activate or inhibit adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase C, activate K+ channels,
associates to α subunits) MAP kinase pathway, recruit β-adrenoceptor kinase

CGMP: cyclic guanosine 3′-5′-monophosphate; GTP: guanosine 5′-triphosphate; MAP kinase: mitogen-activated protein kinase.

48 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

that can phosphorylate cytoplasmic substrates such as phos-
pholipase A2 (Box 4.10) or enter the nucleus. In the nucleus,
Stimulation of growth factor receptors results in the conversion ERK phosphorylates transcription factors, including Elk-1, a
of Ras to its active GTP-bound form (Boxes 4.3 and 4.7). Ras component of the ternary complex factor, thus increasing
exerts its effects by triggering a protein kinase cascade that the transcription of specific genes. This cascade of biochemi-
results, among other things, in the increased transcription of cal reactions is important in the regulation of cell growth and
specific genes. The first step is the recruitment to the mem- differentiation. In fact, it represents one example of a highly
brane, by Ras-GTP, of a protein kinase called Raf, which, thus, conserved set of kinase cascades that are involved in signal
becomes activated (there are several isoforms of Raf: A-Raf-1, transduction in all eukaryotic cells. For example, two other
B-Raf, and cRaf-1). Raf phosphorylates a second protein kinase pathways leading to the activation of MAPKs termed JNK and
called MEK (MAP kinase/ERK kinase). Phosphorylation of p38-MAPK are organized in a very similar manner.
MEK activates it, making it capable of phosphorylating ERK Other abbreviations: ERK: extracellular signal regulated
(extracellular signal-regulated kinase) also called MAP kinase kinase; GTP: guanosine 5′-triphosphate; JNK: c-Jun N-terminal
(mitogen-activated protein kinase). MEK is an unusual protein kinase; P: phosphate group.
kinase that is able to phosphorylate ERK on threonine and Further reading: Girault et al., 2007; Lu et al., 2006; Shalin
tyrosine residues. This double phosphorylation activates ERK et al., 2006; Zebisch et al., 2007.


Ras Ras

MEK Phospho-MEK
Inactive Active

ERK Phospho-ERK
Inactive Active

Cytoplasmic Phosphoprotein
Protein Substrate Substrate

Phospho-ERK mRNA

Elk-1 P
Factor Transcription NUCLEUS

during hypoxia extracellular glutamate levels increase, lead- DI F F U SI B L E M O L E C U L E S A C TI N G AS

ing to an abnormal stimulation of glutamate NMDA recep- I N T E R C E L L U L A R A N D I N T R A CE L LUL AR
tors. This, in combination with the partial depolarization M E SSE N G E R S
of neuronal membranes and impairment of Ca2+ extrusion
mechanisms (due to an energy deficiency), leads to a pro-
longed increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations. Ca2+ trig- Arachidonic acid is a 20-carbon fatty acid with four double
gers several cascades of reactions that can lead to neuronal bonds. It is released from precursor phospholipids by phos-
death. Such reactions are the subject of intense investiga- pholipase A2 (Box 4.10). It can act in the cells in which it has
tions, with the hope that their pharmacological inhibition been produced, for instance, by stimulating protein kinase C.
will improve survival and recovery in stroke and other neu- Arachidonic acid can also diffuse to neighboring cells or nerve
rological diseases. terminals and act as a local intercellular messenger. In addition,

4 P R I N C I P L E S O F S I G N A L T R A N S D U C T I O N | 49

cAMP bind to each regulatory subunit), they dissociate from the
BOX 4. 9 C AM P
catalytic subunits that, once free, are active as protein kinases.
Cyclic adenosine 3′-5′-monophosphate (cAMP) is formed from The catalytic subunit phosphorylates numerous specific sub-
ATP by a class of transmembrane enzymes, adenylyl cyclases. strates including ion channels, receptors, and enzymes synthe-
Adenylyl cyclases are activated by two related subtypes of α sizing neurotransmitters. In addition, the catalytic subunit can
subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins: αs (stimulatory) and αolf enter the nucleus, where it phosphorylates transcription factors.
(olfactory, which is found in olfactory epithelium and some One well-characterized transcription factor phosphorylated in
brain neurons such as striatal neurons). Adenylyl cyclases are response to cAMP is CREB (cAMP-response element binding
inhibited by αi (inhibitory). In addition, some adenylyl cyclases protein). CREB forms a dimer that binds to a specific DNA
can be stimulated or inhibited by β/γ subunits of heterotrimeric sequence in the promoter region of cAMP-responsive genes,
G proteins, or Ca2+ combined with calmodulin. cAMP is inacti- called CRE (cyclic AMP-response element). However, CREB
vated by hydrolysis into AMP by phosphodiesterases, a family is unable to promote transcription when it is not phosphory-
of enzymes that are inhibited by theophylline and related meth- lated, whereas phospho-CREB strongly stimulates transcription.
ylxanthines. cAMP has very few targets in vertebrates, includ- Genes regulated by CREB include immediate early genes c-Fos
ing a cAMP-gated ion channel that is most prominently found and c-Jun (Box 4.16). It should be noted that CREB is also acti-
in olfactory neurons, cAMP-regulated guanine nucleotide vated by Ca2+/calmodulin dependent protein kinases and by
exchange factors (GEF; see Box 4.7), and the cAMP-dependent protein kinases downstream from MAP kinases (see Table 4.3,
protein kinase that is present in all cells. cAMP-dependent pro- Box 4.11).
tein kinase is a tetramer composed of two catalytic subunits and Other abbreviations: ATP: adenosine 5′-triphosphate.
two regulatory subunits (only one of each is shown on the figure). Further reading: Arnsten et al., 2005; Michel and Scott,
When cAMP binds to the regulatory subunits (two molecules of 2002; Smith et al., 1999.

Intracellular αS/Olf αi
Stimulation Inhibition

ATP Phosphodiesterase


Regulatory subunit cAMP-dependent

protein kinase
Catalytic subunit

Cytoplasmic Phosphoprotein
Protein Substrate Substrate

Catalytic subunit


CREB cAMP-regulated genes

it is a precursor for a large family of signaling molecules called to as endocannabinoids. Cannabinoid receptors are the targets of
eicosanoids (eicosi is the Greek radical for 20, referring to the Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the main active substance in canna-
length of the carbon chain). Such molecules include prostaglan- bis (hashish and marijuana). Endocannabinoids include arachi-
dins, thromboxanes, and hydroperoxymetabolites. A particular donoylethanolamine, also called anandamide (from ananda,
class of interesting derivatives of arachidonic acid is composed the Sanskrit word for “bliss”), and 2-arachidonoylglycerol,
of endogenous ligands for brain cannabinoid receptors, referred which are released from specific phospholipid precursors in a

50 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

Phospholipase C (PLC) hydrolyzes the bond between the
phosphate group and the glycerol backbone. PLC acts prefer-
The basic backbone of major phospholipids is made up of glyc- entially on phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate and gener-
erol that is esterified on positions 1 and 2 by fatty acids and on ates diacylglycerol and inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate (IP3; see
position 3 by a phosphate group, forming phosphatidic acid. Box 4.11). Diacylglycerol stays in the membrane and participates
The two fatty acids are inserted into the membrane to which in the activation of protein kinase C. IP3 is very water-soluble and
they attach the phospholipid. A water-soluble molecule is linked diffuses in the cytosol. It binds to a receptor located on the endo-
to the phosphate, giving rise to various types of phospholip- plasmic reticulum and triggers the release of Ca2+ from internal
ids such as phosphatidyl-choline, phosphatidyl-ethanolamine, stores (Box 4.11). Among many other actions, Ca2+ participates
or phosphatidyl-inositol. Enzymes called phospholipases are in the activation of protein kinase C. PLC is activated by many
capable of hydrolyzing specific chemical bonds within these neurotransmitters that act on G protein–coupled, seven trans-
phospholipids, as indicated by solid arrows in the figure. membrane domain receptors. PLC is stimulated by αq-GTP and
Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) releases the fatty acid located in α11-GTP as well as by some β/γ complexes (Boxes 4.2 and 4.7).
position 2 of the glycerol backbone. PLA2 acts preferentially Phospholipase D (PLD) acts preferentially on phosphati-
on phosphatidyl-choline or phosphatidyl-ethanolamine, in dylcholine and hydrolyzes the bond between the phosphate
which the fatty acid in position 2 is arachidonic acid, releas- group and the water-soluble molecule that esterifies it. Thus, it
ing a lysophospholipid and free arachidonic acid. Arachidonic releases phosphatidic acid and choline. It is not known if cho-
acid is moderately hydrophobic and can diffuse within the cell line has a role in signal transduction. On the other hand, phos-
in which it has been formed, or to neighboring cells. It has phatidic acid stimulates protein kinase C subtypes. Although
several intrinsic biological activities by itself and is also a pre- PLD is activated by several extracellular signals, including neu-
cursor for many active molecules called eicosanoids, including rotransmitters, the mechanism of its activation is still incom-
prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and hydroperoxymetabolites. pletely understood.
PLA2 is activated by many extracellular signals including neu- Other abbreviations: G protein: guanine nucleotide binding
rotransmitters, although the mechanism of its regulation is still protein.
incompletely understood. Further reading: Cockcroft, 2006; Farooqui et al., 2006.

Fatty Acid 1 Phosphatidylcholine Fatty Acid 1 O CH Phosphatidylinositol

O CH2 2 Fatty Acid 1 O CH2 Phosphatidylcholine
Arachidonic Acid O CH or Phosphatidylethanolamine Fatty Acid 2 O CH 4,5 bisphosphate Fatty Acid 2 O CH
O PO2H O Choline or O PO2H O Inositol 4,5 O PO2H O Choline
Ethanolamine bisphosphate
H 2O H 2O
H 2O

Arachidonic Acid Fatty Acid 1 O CH2 Inositol Fatty Acid 1 O CH

Fatty Acid 1 O CH2 Lysophosphatidyl- Choline
Fatty Acid 2 O CH 1,4,5 trisphosphate
Fatty Acid 2 O CH
HO CH choline or Lysophos-
CH2 phatidylethanolamine CH2OH CH2
Phosphatidic acid
O Diacylglycerol O PO3H 2
PO2H O Choline or
Protein kinase C
Ion Channels IP3 Receptor
Precursor of Eicosanoids:
- Prostaglandins Protein kinase C
- Thromboxanes Protein kinase C
- Hydroperoxy metabolites...

Ca2+-dependent manner. Endocannabinoids, which do not eas- species that is used by macrophages to destroy exogenous sub-
ily cross cell membranes, are intercellular messengers, rather stances. On the other hand, it is a chemical messenger, which
than second messengers, and are implicated in important can diffuse freely, over a short range, through cellular mem-
aspects of neuromodulation, such as retrograde signaling from branes. Nitric oxide was originally discovered as a vasodilator
postsynaptic to presynaptic sites. substance generated by endothelial cells that acts on smooth
muscle cells of blood vessels. In neurons, NO synthase, the
enzyme that generates NO, is activated by Ca2+ (Box 4.13). A
well-characterized effect of NO is to increase cGMP by activa-
Nitric oxide (NO) is a gas molecule that has important biologi- tion of soluble guanylyl cyclase. Because of its diffusible nature,
cal functions. On the one hand, it is a highly reactive chemical NO is a retrograde messenger in the nervous system, diffusing

4 P R I N C I P L E S O F S I G N A L T R A N S D U C T I O N | 51

removes the phosphate in position 1 of the inositol backbone
is inhibited by lithium (Li+). Inositol can be reincorporated into
Inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate (IP3) is an important second membrane phospholipids by its coupling to an activated form
messenger. It is generated by the enzyme phospholipase C of diacylglycerol (CDP-diacylglycerol) and phosphorylated
(PLC) that hydrolyzes a membrane phospholipid, phosphati- on positions 4 and 5 by specific kinases to regenerate phos-
dylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate (see Box 4.10). PLC is activated phatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate (broken arrow in the figure).
by neurotransmitters that act on G protein–coupled, seven Chronic treatment with lithium may decrease the amount of
transmembrane domain receptors (Box 4.2). PLC generates inositol that can be incorporated into neuronal phospholipids
diacylglycerol and IP3. IP3 is very water soluble and diffuses in and thus dampen the effects of neurotransmitters that activate
the cytosol. It binds to a receptor located on the endoplasmic PLC. This property of lithium may participate in its mood sta-
reticulum and thereby triggers the release of Ca2+ from inter- bilizing effects.
nal stores (see Box 4.12). Inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate is inacti- Other abbreviations: CDP: cytosine 5′-diphosphate; G protein:
vated by several phosphoinositol phosphatases that remove guanine nucleotide binding protein; Pi: inorganic phosphate.
successively the phosphate molecules from the inositol back- Further reading: Berridge et al., 2000; Berridge, 2009;
bone. These phosphatases can act in various sequences, not Collin et al., 2005; Iino, 2007; Pietrobon, 2005; Stutzmann and
necessarily that depicted in the figure. The phosphatase that Mattson, 2011.


Intracellular P
CDP-diacyl 1 Diacylglycerol
glycerol 2
Phosphatidylinositol 4
4,5 bisphosphate

Pi Inositol

Phosphoinositol P
1 phosphatase

P Inositol 1,4,5
Li inhibits
+ P P

P 4 phosphatase


Pi Phosphoinositol P
5 phosphatase

from the postsynaptic to the presynaptic side of synapses, and examples of protein kinases in Table 4.4 in Box 4.14). In most
thus plays a role in synaptic plasticity (Chapter 5). instances, it is by altering the state of phosphorylation of key
intracellular proteins that intercellular messengers including
neurotransmitters, hormones, growth factors, and others ulti-
PR OTE IN P H O S P H O RY L AT IO N mately exert most of their effects. The amino acids whose side
chains are phosphorylated in the context of signal transduction
Protein phosphorylation is a reversible covalent chemical modi- in multicellular animals (metazoans) are predominantly serine,
fication of proteins that plays a central role in signal transduction threonine, and tyrosine. Most protein kinases belong to a very
(Box 4.14). The vast majority of known signal transduc- large and ancient gene family. They include serine/threonine
tion pathways involve the activation of one or several protein kinases, tyrosine kinases, and a few dual specificity protein
kinases, the enzymes that phosphorylate substrate proteins (see kinases (Table 4.1).

52 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

BOX 4. 12 Ca 2 + TA BL E 4.3. Examples of target proteins for cytosolic free Ca2+

Ca2+ is a divalent cation whose concentrations are relatively Ca 2+ -BINDING

high in the extracellular space (around 1.2 mM) and more DOMAIN TARGET PROTEIN FUNCTION
than 10,000 times lower within the cytosol (around 100 nM).
Some intracellular organelles, however, namely mitochon- Calmodulin Ca2+/calmodulin kinases Protein kinases that
I, II, IV increase phosphorylation
dria and endoplasmic reticulum, contain high concentra-
of multiple proteins
tions of Ca2+. In resting conditions the plasma membrane is
impermeable to Ca2+. Ca2+ can penetrate neurons through Elongation factor 2 Protein kinase that
specific channels, which include voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (EF2) kinase phosphorylates EF2 and
inhibits protein synthesis
(VGCC) and glutamate receptors of the NMDA subtype. When
these channels are open, in response to depolarization in the Calcineurin Protein phosphatase
case of VGCC or in the presence of glutamate in the case (Phosphatase 2B) that decreases
of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor (see Box 4.1), Ca2+ phosphorylation of
specific proteins
flows readily into the cytosol following its concentration gra-
dient and the electrical potential. Ca2+ can also be released Adenylyl cyclase Increases cAMP
into the cytosol from internal stores that are mostly located
in the endoplasmic reticulum. Two types of Ca2+ channels are Phosphodiesterase Decreases cAMP
responsible for the release of Ca2+ from internal stores. One is NO synthase Triggers NO production
the inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate (IP3) receptor whose opening
is triggered by IP3, a second messenger generated by phos- Calmodulin-like Calpains Proteases that cut
pholipase C (Boxes 4.10 and 4.11). The other is the ryanodine specific proteins

receptor, named after ryanodine, a drug that triggers its open- C2 domains Protein kinase C Increases
ing, although it is not a physiological ligand. In fact, opening phosphorylation of
of ryanodine receptors is elicited by Ca2+ itself by a mecha- multiple proteins
nism called Ca2+-induced Ca2+release, which can give rise to
Phospholipase A2 Releases arachidonic
propagation of waves of Ca2+ release along the endoplasmic acid
reticulum. In the cytosol, Ca2+ is mostly bound to specific
binding proteins. Some of them appear to play a role primar- Synaptotagmin Regulates
ily as buffering proteins, preventing excessive rises in cytosolic neurotransmitter release

free Ca2+. Other proteins are the actual targets of Ca2+, which
account for its potent biological effects. Among the best char- to interact with, and activate, a number of enzymes (Table 4.3).
acterized targets are calmodulin and calmodulin-related pro- Ca2+ can also bind to another type of protein domain called
teins. When they are bound to Ca2+, calmodulin and the related C2 that is found in several different proteins (Table 4.3). Free
proteins undergo a conformational change that enables them Ca2+ in the cytosol is maintained at very low levels by several

Glutamate Ca2+ Ca2+

NMDA-R VGCC Depolarization

Ca2+ Receptor
Ca2+ buffering Free Ca2+

Ca2+ stores

IP3 Receptor
Ca target
proteins IP3
ER Ca2+

Na+/Ca2+ exchanger Plasma membrane

Ca2+ pump
Ca 2+


4 P R I N C I P L E S O F S I G N A L T R A N S D U C T I O N | 53

provided by the Na+ gradient, have a large capacity, but a low
BOX 4. 12 CO N TI N U E D affinity for Ca2+.
highly active processes, which include Ca2+ pumps and Ca2+ Other abbreviations: C2: second constant domain within
exchangers. Ca2+ pumps have a high affinity but a low capac- protein kinase C sequence; cAMP: cyclic adenosine 3′-5′-
ity for Ca2+ and are used for fine-tuning Ca2+ levels. They monophosphate; ER: endoplasmic reticulum; NMDA-R:
are located on the plasma membrane and the membrane of N-methyl-D-aspartate subtype of glutamate receptor.
the endoplasmic reticulum, and their energy is provided by Further reading: Berridge et al., 2000; Berridge, 2009; Collin
ATP hydrolysis. Na+/Ca2+ exchangers, whose driving force is et al., 2005; Mikoshiba and Hattori, 2000; Pietrobon, 2005.

BOX 4. 13 N I TRI C OX I D E subtype is a major source of Ca2+ influx (Box 4.1) that can
lead to the activation of NOS. NOS is a complex enzyme that
Nitric oxide (NO) is a gas that is highly diffusible and chemi-
uses molecular oxygen, O2, to generate NO by transforming
cally reactive. In the nervous system it is used as a locally
arginine into citrulline. NO can cross membranes readily and
active intra- or intercellular messenger. The enzyme respon-
diffuse to neighboring cells or nerve endings. Thus, the rest
sible for the formation of NO is NO synthase (NOS). It is acti-
of the cascade depicted in the figure can take place in a cell
vated by Ca2+ associated to calmodulin. In neurons, opening
different from that in which NO was generated, as symbol-
of glutamate receptors of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)
ized by the dotted pair of lines in the figure. A major target
of NO is soluble guanylyl cyclase. This enzyme is activated by
NO and uses guanosine 5′-triphosphate (GTP) to form cyclic
Glutamate guanosine 3′,5′- monophosphate (cGMP), a second messen-
ger that remains within the cell in which it is produced. cGMP
Extracellular exerts its effects by activating several enzymes, one of which
is cGMP-dependent protein kinase. Phosphorylation of spe-
cific proteins by cGMP-dependent protein kinase accounts for
some of the physiological effects of NO.
Other abbreviations: GC: guanylyl cyclase; NMDA-R:
N-methyl-D-aspartate subtype of glutamate receptor; PKG:
Calmodulin Ca2+
Ca 2+
cGMP-dependent protein kinase.
Further reading: Iino, 2006; Snyder et al., 1998.

O2 The presence of a bulky and negatively charged phosphate
Inactive Active
group on the side chain of these amino acids can change dramat-
Arginine Citrulline ically the properties of the protein, leading to the activation or
inhibition of enzymes, opening or closing of ion channels, mod-
ulation of neurotransmitter receptors, activation of transcription
Cell membranes
NO factors, and so forth (examples of neuronal proteins regulated
by phosphorylation are listed in Table 4.6 in Box 4.14). Thus,
phosphorylation reactions play an effector role when the sub-
Soluble Soluble
strate proteins are critical components for the behavior of cells
GC GC (see Box 4.14). In addition, protein phosphorylation is involved
Inactive Active in cascades of signal transduction in two other ways. First, phos-
phorylation of amino acid residues can promote the recruitment
GTP cGMP of proteins important for signal transduction, as exemplified by
interaction of protein regions phosphorylated on tyrosine with
Src-homology-2 (SH2) domains (Boxes 4.3–4.5). Second, many
signaling pathways involve protein kinase cascades in which a
PKG PKG first kinase activates a second kinase, which activates a third one,
Inactive Active and so on. Functions of such kinase cascades (see Box 4.8 for an
ATP ADP example and also Box 4.18) are to provide amplification and, in
Phosphoprotein some cases, to turn graded inputs into switch-like all-or-none
Protein Substrate responses (bistable systems).
The state of phosphorylation of a protein is determined by
its relative rates of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation.
The enzymes that remove phosphate groups from proteins are
PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS called phosphoprotein phosphatases (Box 4.14, Table 4.5) and

54 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

BOX 4. 14 P ROTEI N P H OSP H ORY L ATI O N TA BL E 4.4. Examples of protein kinases

Phosphorylation is carried out by protein kinases, which, PHOSPHORYLATED ACTIVATION

in the presence of Mg2+, transfer a phosphoryl group from AMINO ACID MECHANISM PROTEIN KINASE
ATP to serine, threonine, or tyrosine residues. Because these
kinases often recognize the amino acid sequence surround- Serine and/or cAMP cAMP-dependent
threonine protein kinase
ing the serine, threonine, or tyrosine to be phosphorylated,
protein kinases have a high degree of substrate specificity. cGMP cGMP-dependent
Protein kinases form a very large group of related enzymes, protein kinase
each of which has its own localization, regulation, and sub-
Ca2+-calmodulin Ca2+/calmodulin kinases
strate specificity (Table 4.4). Some protein kinases are either I, II,IV
receptors for extracellular signals (Box 4.3) or are associated
with such receptors (Box 4.5). Several protein kinases are acti- Elongation factor 2
vated directly by second messengers and account for most kinase

of the effects of these second messengers. These include Ca2+, DAG, arachidonic Protein kinase C
cAMP- and cGMP-dependent protein kinases (Boxes 4.9 and acid
4.13), protein kinases activated by Ca2+ associated to calm-
Interaction with Raf
odulin (Box 4.11), and protein kinase C, which is activated
by Ca2+, diacylglycerol, and/or several other lipid derivatives
(Box 4.10). Some protein kinases are themselves regulated Recruitment to Akt (or PKB)
by phosphorylation and participate in kinase cascades (see the membrane by
Box 4.8). phosphoinositides

The reverse reaction, the removal of the phosphate group, Phosphorylation MAP kinases (ERK, JNK,
is catalyzed by phosphoprotein phosphatases. This class of p38-MAP kinase)
enzymes, if not quite as large as that of protein kinases, includes
Phosphorylation, Cyclin-dependent
many members belonging to several gene families (Table 4.5).
dephosphorylation, kinases
Different types of phosphatases are responsible for the removal cyclin binding
of phosphate groups from serine and threonine side chains
and from tyrosine side chains. A very large number of impor- Extracellular ligand Receptors for TGFβ,
tant neuronal proteins are regulated by phosphorylation/ binding activin, inhibin, etc.

dephosphorylation (Table 4.6). Tyrosine Extracellular ligand Receptors for insulin or

Other abbreviations: ATP: adenosine 5′-triphosphate; binding growth factors
cAMP: cyclic adenosine 3′-5′-monophosphate; cGMP: cyclic
Interaction with a JAK, Src family kinases
guanosine 3′-5′-monophosphate.
Further reading: Greengard, 2001; Johnson and Hunter,
2005; Mansuy and Shenolikar, 2006; Papin et al., 2005. Threonine and Phosphorylation MAP kinase (or MEK)

Protein Kinase
may be as important in signal transduction as protein kinases.
The regulation of protein phosphatases is, in general, not as
ATP ADP well understood as that of protein kinases. There are never-
theless well-documented examples of protein phosphatases
whose activity is regulated by neurotransmitters, as illustrated
in Box 4.15.
Protein Phosphoprotein

In contrast to non-covalent protein–protein interactions

and to protein phosphorylation, which are reversible, pro-
Pi H2O teolysis is irreversible. In addition to its obvious role in the
degradation of proteins, proteolysis is involved in intracellu-
Phosphoprotein Phosphatase lar signaling cascades. For example, signals that lead to pro-
grammed cell death, or apoptosis, activate a set of proteases,
the caspases. Caspases activate each other in an ordered man-
ner by limited proteolysis and also contribute directly to cell
death by cleaving a number of cellular proteins (Box 4.16).

4 P R I N C I P L E S O F S I G N A L T R A N S D U C T I O N | 55

TA B L E 4. 5. Classification of phosphoprotein phosphatases*


Phosphoserine and/or Sensitive to specific protein Phosphatase 1 PPP1

phosphothreonine inhibitors (phospho-inhibitor 1,
phospho-DARPP-32, inhibitor 2)

Insensitive to these inhibitors

Insensitive to divalent cations Phosphatase 2A PPP2

Activated by Ca2+ Phosphatase 2B (Calcineurin) PPP3

Requires Mg2+ Phosphatase 2C PPM

Phosphotyrosine Transmembrane “receptor-like” RPTP


Cytoplasmic proteins (usually PTP

possess targeting domains)

Dual specificity: phosphoserine Phosphatases acting on MAP

and/or phosphothreonine and/or kinase or cyclin-dependent
phosphotyrosine kinases

*Several other Ser/Thr protein phosphatases have been identified, including PP4 and PP6, which are close to PP2A, and PP5 and PPP7. A new
nomenclature has been proposed that takes into account the sequence similarities of the catalytic domain. PPP, phosphoprotein phosphatase, PPM,
protein phosphatases dependent from Mg2+ or Mn 2+.

TA B L E 4. 6. Examples of neuronal proteins regulated by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation


Ion channels

Ca2+ (L type) cAMP-dependent Increases Ca2+ permeability

K+ (Kv1.2, 1.3) Tyrosine kinase Closes the channel

Na+ PKC, cAMP-dependent Decreases Na+ permeability

Neurotransmitter-gated ion channels

Glutamate (AMPA-subtype) cAMP-dependent Increases response

Glutamate (NMDA-subtype) PKC, tyrosine kinase Increases response

GABA-A Tyrosine kinase Increases response

G protein-coupled receptors

β-adrenoceptor β-adrenoceptor kinase Desensitization, recruitment of partners

Neurotransmitter synthesizing enzymes

Tyrosine hydroxylase cAMP-, Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent, Increases catecholamine synthesis

MAP kinase

Tryptophan hydroxylase Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent Increases serotonin synthesis

Synaptic vesicle proteins

Synapsins Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent Facilitates neurotransmitter release

Transcription factors

CREB cAMP-dependent, kinases Increases transcription

activated by MAP kinases

56 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

a large influx of Ca2+. This results in the stimulation of a pro-
tein phosphatase activated by Ca2+ and calmodulin, called
calcineurin or phosphatase 2B (Box 4.14). One of the actions
The regulation of protein phosphatase activity by neurotrans- of calcineurin is to dephosphorylate DARPP-32, and thus to
mitters is perhaps best understood in striatonigral neurons. relieve the inhibition of phosphatase 1. In this system, the
These neurons receive a glutamatergic input from the cerebral activities of two phosphatases, calcineurin and phosphatase
cortex, as well as a rich dopaminergic innervation from the 1, are regulated by the neurotransmitters dopamine and glu-
substantia nigra and the ventral tegmental area. Dopamine tamate. In turn, phosphatase 1 is important for the regula-
regulates the efficacy and plasticity of corticostriatal transmis- tion of several targets including Na+ and Ca2+ channels, and
sion. Dopamine, acting on D1 dopamine receptors, stimulates glutamate receptors. The scheme presented here is a sim-
adenylyl cyclase via a G protein (not shown in the figure; see plification since DARPP-32 is, in reality, regulated by sev-
Box 4.9). Increased cAMP levels activate cAMP-dependent eral phosphorylation sites and many neurotransmitters and
protein kinase (PKA). A major substrate for PKA in these neu- neuromodulators.
rons is DARPP-32 (dopamine- and cAMP-regulated phospho- Other abbreviations: cAMP: cyclic adenosine 3′-5′-
protein with an apparent molecular weight of 32,000). When monophosphate; G protein: guanine nucleotide binding
it is phosphorylated, DARPP-32 becomes a potent inhibitor protein; NMDA: N-methyl-D-aspartate.
of protein phosphatase 1 (see Table 4.6, Box 4.14). However, Further reading: Girault and Greengard, 2004; Nairn et al.,
glutamate acting on NMDA receptors (Box 4.1) gives rise to 2004; Svenningsson et al., 2004; Yger and Girault, 2011.

Dopamine Glutamate


Intracellular NMDA Receptor



Protein Kinase Calcineurin



Other types of intracellular proteases can play a role in sig- R E G U L AT I O N O F G E N E E X P R ES S I O N

naling, outside of the context of cell death. For example, cal-
pains are proteases activated by increased levels of cytosolic Regulation of gene expression is an important target of sig-
free Ca2+ (Table 4.3 in Box 4.11). One important system for nal transduction in neurons, as in other cells. Because of its
the degradation of cellular proteins is a large multiprotein long-lasting effects, it is important in mediating the actions of
complex called proteasome. Proteins are targeted to the pro- neurotrophins, as well as in learning and memory (Chapter 5).
teasome by conjugation to a small polypeptide termed ubiq- Signaling pathways involving growth factor receptors and the
uitin, under the action of specific enzymes and cofactors. mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade (Boxes 4.3
The ubiquitin “tag” triggers the degradation of improperly and 4.8), JAK-STAT associated receptors (Box 4.5), ste-
folded proteins but also has a role in signaling (Box 4.16). roid hormones (Box 4.6), cAMP (Box 4.9), and proteolysis
Thus, recently several pathways of regulated proteolysis of (Box 4.16) lead to changes in gene expression. Other path-
specific proteins have been identified as important compo- ways involving Ca2+/calmodulin-activated protein kinases, or
nents of signal transduction not only for programmed cell protein kinase C also exert profound effects on gene expres-
death, but also during development as well as in the mature sion, via similar mechanisms. In fact, the promoter region
nervous system. Moreover, abnormal regulation of prote- of regulated genes often contains several consensus DNA
olysis is likely to be a key aspect in pathological conditions sequences capable of interacting with specific transcription
such as Alzheimer’s disease. factors (see Chapter 6). The overall rate of transcription of

4 P R I N C I P L E S O F S I G N A L T R A N S D U C T I O N | 57

cutting multiple cellular proteins. Degradation of proteins by
the proteasome is important for the elimination of abnormal
In contrast to phosphorylation, which is reversible, proteolysis is or improperly folded proteins. It is also involved in some sig-
irreversible. Nevertheless it is an important component of sev- naling pathways. Proteins are targeted for degradation in the
eral signaling pathways. All cells can undergo a programmed proteasome by the attachment to their lysine side chains of
cell death or apoptosis, which is a way to control precisely cell one or several polypeptides called ubiquitin. For example, this
numbers during development and to eliminate abnormal cells. mechanism is important for the activation of the transcription
Excessive apoptosis is also a mechanism underlying many factor NFκB (nuclear factorκB, named because of its role in the
neurological diseases. A specific group of evolutionarily con- regulation of κ immunoglobulin light chains in B lymphocytes)
served proteases are termed caspases because they contain [see (B)]. NFκB plays a role in many biological responses rang-
a cysteine residue in their active site and cleave their sub- ing from early development to inflammation. NFκB is a dimer
strates in the vicinity of aspartate residues. Caspases are the of two subunits maintained in an inactive state in the cytoplasm
final common pathway of apoptosis [see (A)]. Caspases exist by interaction with an inhibitor protein termed IκB. Activation
as inactive precursors, the procaspases that become active fol- of NFκB in response to stimulation of various receptors involves
lowing limited proteolysis. Upstream caspases are activated its dissociation from IκB, triggered by phosphorylation. IκB is
by autocleavage following interaction with specific factors in then ubiquitinated and degraded by the proteasome, allow-
response to various signals. For example, procaspase-8 is acti- ing NFκB to translocate to the nucleus and activate transcrip-
vated by ligation of “death receptors” such as Fas and the p75 tion of multiple genes, some of which may have antiapoptotic
neurotrophin receptor, while procaspase-9 is activated by the effects.
release of proapoptotic factors from mitochondria. Once in Other abbreviation: TNFα: tumor necrosis factor alpha.
their active form, these caspases cleave and activate effector Further reading: Baud and Karin, 2001; Jiang and Wang,
caspases, such as caspase-3, which contribute to cell death by 2004; Yan and Shi, 2005; Patrick, 2006.

(A) Caspases in Signaling (B) Proteasome in Signaling

Receptors to
Extracellular "Death receptor" TNFα, cytokines... Extracellular

Intracellular Intracellular

Kinases Ubiquitin

Proapoptotic IκB
factors Degradation

Pro-Caspase-8 Caspase-8 Inactive

Caspase-9 Pro-Caspase-9

Pro-Caspase-3 Caspase-3

protein NUCLEUS

Cell death NFκB Responsive Genes

such genes depends on the interaction between various tran- phosphorylation. In addition, signaling pathways regulate
scription factors and the housekeeping proteins involved in histones, which are basic proteins associated to DNA to form
mRNA synthesis. The nuclear localization, DNA-binding, the chromatin, thereby facilitating or preventing the acces-
and activity of transcription factors can be modulated by sibility and transcription of specific genes. These regulations

58 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

binding protein [CREB], see Box 4.9). Such genes are called
immediate early genes, and stimulation of their transcription
The transcription of genes encoding certain transcription fac- does not require protein synthesis to occur. When c-Fos and
tors, such as c-Fos and c-Jun depicted here, is readily regulated c-Jun messenger ribonucleic acids (mRNAs) are translated
by extracellular signals that act by various signal transduction into proteins, these proteins dimerize and form an active tran-
pathways involving cAMP, Ca2+, or phosphorylation cascades scription factor that binds to specific DNA sequences in the
(see Boxes 4.9, 4.12, and 4.8, respectively). The levels of c-Fos promoter region of other genes and stimulates their transcrip-
and c-Jun are very low in basal conditions, but their tran- tion. Transcription of these latter genes occurs several hours
scription increases dramatically and transiently in many neu- after the initial stimuli and is prevented by protein synthesis
rons within minutes following various extracellular signals or inhibitors that block the synthesis of c-Fos and c-Jun proteins
depolarization. The increased transcription of these genes is (Chapter 6).
the consequence of the phosphorylation of transcription fac- Other abbreviations: cAMP: cyclic adenosine 3′-5′-
tors that are already present in the cell under an inactive form, monophosphate.
and which are activated by phosphorylation (examples of such Further reading: Girault et al., 2007; Guzowski et al., 2005;
factors are Elk-1, see Box 4.8, and cAMP-responsive element Hyman et al., 2006.

Various Extracellular Signals

Protein c-Jun
c-Fos, c-Jun



NUCLEUS Transcription NUCLEUS Transcription

Immediate Early Genes Late Genes

Immediate Early Genes Induction Immediate Early Genes Action

(minutes after the extracellular signal) (hours after the extracellular signal)

include different types of modification of histones such as excessive responding could become deleterious. In fact, most
phosphorylation, methylation, and acetylation. Thus, several reactions of signal transduction are reversible and cells have
signal transduction pathways can converge to modulate pre- developed highly sophisticated ways to control the duration
cisely the levels of gene expression. Some transcription fac- and intensity of their responses. Most receptors go through
tors are present at low levels in basal conditions but can be several types of inactivation that prevent excessive stimula-
rapidly induced in response to extracellular signals. These tion. Many ligand-gated ion channels undergo desensitiza-
transcription factors belong to the class of immediate early tion. This means that in the presence of the neurotransmitter
genes, which include c-Fos and c-Jun and are useful markers the receptor switches spontaneously into a closed (i.e., inac-
of neuronal activity (Box 4.17). tive) conformation, which is usually rather stable and corre-
sponds to a state of high affinity for the neurotransmitter (see
Box 4.1). G protein–coupled receptors also undergo desensi-
TE R MINATIO N O F S IGNA L S tization and down-regulation (removal of the receptor from
the cell surface by endocytosis), a process that involves phos-
Intuitively, for cells to adapt swiftly to changes in their envi- phorylation of the receptor. Many G protein-coupled receptors
ronment or incoming signals, it seems critical that they be are regulated by phosphorylation by a specific class of protein
able to stop rapidly the responses they started, pretty much kinases (G protein–coupled receptor kinases, GRKs) that act
as driving a car requires both an accelerator and a brake. This specifically on the active, neurotransmitter-bound form of the
may be appropriate either when the external signal itself is receptor. Phosphorylation of the receptor by GRKs decreases
off, or when the signal is too intense or too prolonged, so that or blocks its ability to interact with G proteins and facilitates

4 P R I N C I P L E S O F S I G N A L T R A N S D U C T I O N | 59

which acts by inhibiting the protein kinase activity of mTORC1.
BOX 4. 18 P I 3 K I N ASE Ak t m TOR PATH WAY
This complex cascade of reactions explains how PI3 kinase and
The importance of this pathway was initially identified in the Akt can activate mTORC1 by preventing the action of TSC1/2,
context of insulin actions and control of glucose metabolism which has an inhibitory role through its action on Rheb. mTOR
and cell growth. Further studies have shown its paramount can also associate to a protein termed Rictor to form mTOR
importance in many cell functions and recently in brain devel- complex 2 (mTORC2). The regulation of this complex is less
opment, function, and diseases. The initial step is the activation well understood than that of mTORC1, but it plays an important
of PI3 kinase (PI3K), which is a lipid kinase that phosphorylates role in the pathway by phosphorylating and activating Akt.
phosphatidyl-inositol-4,5 bisphosphate (PIP2, for the class I mTORC1 has several substrates including the eIF4E-binding
PI3 kinase depicted here) on the position 3 of the inositol moi- protein (4EBP). 4EBP normally inhibits the action of eukaryotic
ety to form phosphatidyl-inositol-3,4,5 trisphosphate (PIP3). initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) an essential element for protein trans-
There are several classes of PI3 kinases that can be activated lation initiation. Phosphorylation of 4EBP by mTORC1 relieves
by receptor tyrosine kinases in response to growth factors its inhibitory effect and favors protein translation. Another sub-
(Box 4.3) or by some G protein–coupled receptors (Box 4.2). strate of mTORC1 is the S6 kinase, which phosphorylates the
The dephosphorylation of PIP3 is catalyzed by PTEN (phos- ribosomal protein S6, further contributing to protein synthe-
phatase and tensin homolog). sis regulation. In summary this pathway stimulates cell growth
When PIP3 is formed at the inner face of the plasma through increase in protein translation. Recent work has also
membrane it recruits proteins that have domains that shown its implication in synaptic plasticity.
recognize specifically this phospholipid, such as the Interestingly, several genes coding for proteins of this path-
pleckstrin-homology (PH) domain. Akt (also termed PKB) and way, including PTEN, TSC1, and TSC2, are mutated in human
3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1(PDK-1) are two conditions associated with epilepsy, mental disability, and
related protein kinases that have a PH domain [see (B)]. PDK-1 autism spectrum disorder. Such mutations appear to result in
phosphorylates and activates Akt, which, in turn, phosphory- constitutive activation of this pathway and the possible thera-
lates and regulates many proteins including the tuberous scle- peutic effects of rapamycin are currently being investigated.
rosis complex proteins 1 and 2 (TSC1/2). The TSC1/2 heteromer The arrows with a pointed head indicate activation, whereas
is a GTPase-activating protein for the small G protein Rheb those with a bar indicate an inhibition. The circled P on the
(Box 4.7). Rheb, when it is bound to GTP, activates the mTOR arrow indicates that the activation or the inhibition is mediated
complex 1 (mTORC1, comprising mTOR and Raptor). mTOR by phosphorylation.
is a protein kinase and was identified as the mammalian tar- Further reading: Crino, 2011; Richter and Klann, 2009;
get of rapamycin (hence its name), a potent immunosuppressor Vanhaesebroeck et al., 2010.

(A) (B)

Intracellular PI3 kinase P

1 1
2 2
3 3
5 5 P Akt P PDK1
6 6
Phosphatidylinositol 4 Phosphatidylinositol 4 P P
4,5 bisphosphate 3,4,5 trisphosphate





Raptor Rictor


Cell growth Protein

Synaptic plasticity synthesis eIF4E

60 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

its endocytosis. Indeed, most receptors, including G protein– and/or serotonin. Other drugs have intracellular targets such
coupled receptors, as well as tyrosine kinase receptors and as the monoamine oxidase inhibitor class of antidepressants,
many others, are subjected to endocytosis when they are acti- which inhibit an enzyme that degrades catecholamines and
vated by their cognate ligand. Internalization of the receptor serotonin. In contrast to agents that act at the level of neu-
may lead to its degradation or to its recycling to the membrane. rotransmitters, lithium is thought to exert its mood-stabilizing
In fact, regulation of the number of receptors present at the effects in part by dampening phosphatidylinositol turnover.
membrane, by adjustment of their endocytosis and exocytosis It provides an example of a psychotherapeutic agent that
rates, appears to be an important mechanism by which cells appears to act directly at the level of a signal transduction
alter their sensitivity to external signals. For example, regula- pathway. Recent work has identified other signaling path-
tion of the number of glutamate receptors in the postsynaptic ways as potential additional targets for lithium, including
membrane is an important aspect of synaptic plasticity. the protein kinase glycogen-synthase kinase-3. Although few
G proteins have built-in inactivating mechanisms: sponta- psychotherapeutic drugs used at present act directly on sig-
neous or induced GTP hydrolysis leads to the inactivation of naling mechanisms, several compounds have already proven
the G protein (see Box 4.7). The importance of this mechanism their usefulness in other fields of medicine, including cancer
is underlined by the dramatic consequences of its blockade. treatment and immunosuppression. It is safe to predict that
Cholera toxin–induced blockade of GTP hydrolysis by GαS in due to the intense research in this field, new classes of drugs
the intestinal epithelium is responsible for a potentially lethal with interesting applications in psychiatry will be developed.
water loss, while mutations that hamper the GTPase activity An example of drug under investigation is rapamycin, ini-
of Ras are potently oncogenic. Second messengers themselves tially discovered as an immunosuppressant, which blocks
are rapidly degraded by specific enzymes. Phosphodiesterases the protein kinase mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR,
transform cAMP and cGMP into inactive AMP and GMP, Box 4.18). mTOR is an effector of the PI3 kinase/Akt path-
respectively (see Box 4.9). Inositol phosphates are dephospho- way, which controls cell survival, cell growth, and synaptic
rylated by specific phosphatases (see Box 4.11). Free cytosolic plasticity. Genetic alterations of this pathway are involved in
Ca2+ is buffered by binding proteins and rapidly eliminated a large variety of diseases, some of which alter brain develop-
by various pumps and exchangers either to the outside of the ment and function.
cell or into intracellular stores (see Box 4.12). These various The antipsychotic effects of neuroleptics, as well as the ther-
mechanisms can be important pharmacological targets. For apeutic effects of antidepressants, take several days to appear,
example, lithium inhibits phospho-inositol-phosphatases, whereas their actions on receptors, transporters, or enzymes
while inhibitors of cGMP phosphodiesterase have attracted a are immediate. This discrepancy indicates that many biochem-
lot of public attention for their effects on sexual performance ical steps are probably involved between the primary targets
through vasodilation. of these drugs and the biological changes responsible for their
Protein phosphorylation reactions are also reversible, due clinically useful effects. These steps may include signal trans-
to the presence of protein phosphatases (see Box 4.14), and the duction pathways, which have started to be studied only very
tightly regulated activity of these enzymes is an integral part recently. It is likely that elucidation of such signaling pathways
of signaling mechanisms (see Box 4.15). It is worth mention- will be required to explain the therapeutic effects of neurolep-
ing that in many cases signaling pathways appear to be active tics and antidepressants and will be helpful in the design of
to some degree even in the absence of extracellular signals, new and more rapid active treatments. Likewise the signaling
but that inactivation mechanisms (e.g., GTPases, phosphodi- pathways underlying learning and memory at the cellular level
esterases, or phosphatases) counteract this spontaneous activ- are being deciphered at a rapid pace. Recent work has shown
ity. What the extracellular signal does is to tilt the balance by that abnormal incentive learning plays an important role in
enhancing the rate of activation and/or decreasing the rate of drug addiction (see Chapters 45 and 46), and possibly in other
inactivation of the signaling. Although this permanent bustle psychiatric diseases. The understanding of intracellular signal-
of signaling pathways may, at first sight, appear costly for the ing pathways involved in the action of drugs of abuse is pro-
cell, it may be advantageous by providing the capability to react gressing rapidly and sheds light on the molecular basis of this
very rapidly to extracellular signals. frequent condition.


Signal transduction pathways form a complex network of
Most of the therapeutic agents used at present in psychiatry biochemical reactions that allow cells to translate changes in
act at the level of synaptic transmission by altering either their environment into appropriate responses. In spite of their
the reuptake of neurotransmitters into presynaptic termi- complexity, these pathways have been highly conserved dur-
nals, their degradation, or their action on target nerve cells. ing evolution, and neurons use the same types of signaling
Benzodiazepines are potent modulators of GABA-A recep- cascades as other cells. In neurons, they are important for the
tors. Most antipsychotic agents (neuroleptics) are antagonists modulation of the fast reactions involved in neuronal activ-
at dopamine receptors. Most antidepressants are inhibitors ity. They also provide the basis for the reactions that lead to
of the plasma membrane transporters for norepinephrine neuronal growth and synapses formation and plasticity, and

4 P R I N C I P L E S O F S I G N A L T R A N S D U C T I O N | 61

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rain function is generated by an extraordinarily com- SY N A P T I C P L A ST I C I T Y
plex yet organized neuronal network where informa-
tion transmission is orchestrated by elementary cellular
mechanisms. Ultimately, the firing patterns of neurons code Neuronal plasticity, a concept that emerged at the end of
information within the brain, and the frequency and variation the 19th century with Santiago Ramon y Cajal and others
of the firing patterns determine the nature of this information. (Berlucchi and Buchtel, 2009), describes the processes by
Information transmission within the brain involves complex which neurons or synapses change their internal parameters
and subtle variations in neuronal activity. In particular, elec- in response to experience. However, it has only been in the
trical signals in the brain are constantly modulated and are mid-20th century that this concept has been seriously con-
heavily influenced by excitatory (glutamate) and inhibitory sidered to underlie higher cognitive functions such as learn-
(gamma-aminobutyric acid, GABA) inputs. These, in turn, are ing and memory (Hebb, 1949). Indeed, Hebb was the first to
translated into excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic poten- pose a specific theoretical process by which neuronal plastic-
tials (EPSPs and IPSPs, respectively), which eventually give rise ity might occur. He postulated that “when an axon of cell A
to action potentials. When triggered, an action potential travels is near enough to excite B and repeatedly or persistently takes
from the somatodendritic compartment along an axon to its part in firing it, some growth process or metabolic change takes
presynaptic terminal. Here, it triggers the release of neurotrans- place in one or both cells such that A’s efficiency, as one of the
mitters, which are molecules that transmit information chemi- cells firing B, is increased” (Hebb, 1949: p. 62). In other words,
cally by binding to their specific postsynaptic receptors on he proposed that the synchronous firing of two neurons, A
adjacent neurons. A persistent change in any of these events will and B, leads to enduring changes in synaptic efficacy, or how
affect information coding and impact underlying cognitive or efficiently neurons communicate with each other, and that this
sensory processes. Potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), and calcium synaptic efficacy is the cellular basis for encoding and storing
(Ca2+) voltage-gated channels all participate in the generation information. Over the last few decades, his theory prompted
and conduction of action potentials. Because voltage-gated ion an intense search for the cellular mechanisms mediating spe-
channels are heterogeneously distributed throughout neurons cific behaviors and higher cognitive functions. This search was
(Lujan, 2010), their functional states alter various aspects of greatly influenced by the techniques of electrophysiology, a
neuronal transmission, including action potential generation, major technical advancement in neural science made around
neurotransmitter release, and postsynaptic receptor sensitivity. the same time, which allows the recording of neuronal electri-
Indeed, synaptic and intrinsic excitability are constantly work- cal activity.
ing in concert to shape global neuronal excitability and control The idea that long-lasting increases in synaptic transmis-
information transmission within the nervous system. sion could occur in living animals was confirmed in 1973
This chapter will provide basic descriptions of the prin- (Bliss and Lomo, 1973). In their experiment, performed
cipal forms of activity- and experience-dependent plasticity in anesthetized rabbits, Bliss and Lomo applied a repetitive
that can persistently affect neuronal transmission. The first stimulation to the perforant path input to the hippocampus
part will present the synaptic factors that determine how and recorded excitatory postsynaptic potentials generated
well pre- and postsynaptic sides of neurons communicate, by the first neuronal relay, dentate granule cells. The authors
that is, synaptic plasticity. The second part will describe lasting observed an increased excitatory synaptic transmission that
changes in intrinsic factors that control action potential gen- lasted from minutes to hours and named it long-term poten-
eration and conduction, that is, intrinsic plasticity. The third tiation (LTP). The discovery of LTP was exciting not just
part will discuss the capacity of a neuron to regulate its func- because neuronal transmission persisted but also because it
tion to reach stability based on changes in its environment, was discovered in the hippocampus, a structure known to be
that is, homeostatic plasticity. Research on this form of plastic- critical for learning and memory. To this day, one of the major
ity is still in its infancy. Examples will be used to describe how questions investigated in this research is whether cellular
experience, such as learning or exposure to drugs of abuse, mechanisms of LTP underlie formation of memories. Despite
can persistently affect each segment of information transmis- being most frequently studied in the rat hippocampus, LTP
sion. We will show that although some of these changes may be has also been demonstrated in vitro and in vivo in many other
adaptive, others become deleterious and lead to neurological species and regions of the central nervous system, suggest-
and psychiatric disorders. ing that perhaps persistent increase in synaptic efficacy is a

64 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

physiological mechanism used by the brain to store specific CELLULAR MECHANISMS
information that is later used for behavioral adaptability in
As mentioned, LTP is a phenomenon that exhibits critical
the larger sense.
characteristics that make it an ideal model for the physiologi-
The features that make LTP attractive as a model for
cal mechanisms of learning and memory. A well-studied form
information storage reside in its fundamental properties. In
of LTP is Hebbian LTP, a form of plasticity that is induced fol-
addition to its persistence, as mentioned previously, LTP devel-
lowing Hebbian rules of associativity, namely, LTP develops
ops only if the firing of a presynaptic neuron is followed by
only if the firing of a presynaptic neuron is followed by the
the firing of a postsynaptic neuron; or when multiple inputs
firing of a postsynaptic neuron. In other words, two events
weakly stimulate the same synapse to depolarize a cell enough
have to co-occur to trigger the induction mechanism. This
to reach the level of LTP induction, a property called associa-
form of LTP has been best characterized in the CA1 field of
tivity or cooperativity. Furthermore, changes at one synapse,
hippocampus, and as such the cellular mechanisms described
via a synaptic tagging mechanism, do not spread to other syn-
in this section are from studies performed in CA1, except
apses, which is a feature that makes LTP input-specific. Because
when mentioned (Fig. 5.1A). The NMDA receptor, which is
the number of synapses in the brain is estimated to a quadril-
a glutamate receptor, has the characteristic of a coincidence
lion, input specificity is one the most appealing properties of
detector, meaning it needs two events to occur simultane-
LTP, as it provides a means to store endless amounts of specific
ously to respond. First, glutamate must bind to the postsyn-
information. For these reasons, increased synaptic transmis-
aptic receptor, which means that the presynaptic neuron has
sion has become a model for studying how behavioral experi-
been excited and released glutamate. Second, the postsynap-
ence, such as learning, induces long-term changes in synaptic
tic neuron must be partially depolarized in order to remove
transmission, and reciprocally how long-term changes in syn-
the Mg2+ block that normally prevents Ca2+ from flowing
aptic transmission affect learning capabilities.
through the NMDAR. This means that the postsynaptic
As much as LTP is a long-lasting increase in synaptic trans-
neuron receives glutamate when it is still depolarized due to
mission, it has its counterpart, long-term depression (LTD),
recent activity. Such a physiological state happens either when
which is a long-lasting decrease in synaptic transmission, a
high-frequency stimulation is used (cooperativity) or when
phenomenon first discovered in the cerebellum (Ito and Kano,
the postsynaptic neuron is significantly excited to send action
1982). Whereas high-frequency stimulation is needed to induce
potentials from the axon hillock back to the dendrite, a phe-
LTP, LTD is triggered following low-frequency stimulation.
nomenon called back-propagation (associativity) (see section
paragraph “At the Dendritic Level” in the section “Intrinsic
Plasticity”). When these two events occur together, they allow
LTP is composed of several distinct phases, including (1) a first for a large influx of Ca2+ into the postsynaptic neuron, which
phase, referred to as short-term plasticity (STP); (2) an early triggers action potentials and a cascade of events in the post-
phase, referred to as E-LTP; and (3) a late phase, referred to as synaptic neuron that induces LTP. Ca2+ will trigger activation
L-LTP. Although STP and E-LTP can sometimes share com- of Ca2+-dependent protein kinases that are necessary for LTP
mon cellular mechanisms, each of these components is associ- maintenance (CaMK, PKC, PKA, and tyrosine protein kinase
ated with specific changes in synaptic function. fyn). Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII),
In brief, STP is a form of potentiation that decays in the which is an enriched forebrain enzyme, is the best character-
order of minutes shortly after the post-tetanic potentiation ized of these kinases. CaMKII has the capacity to autophos-
(PTP). STP is characterized by its presynaptic locus and its phorylate in the presence of increased Ca2+ concentrations,
resistance to protein kinase inhibitors (Lauri et al., 2007). and will phosphorylate synaptic AMPARs to increase their
In particular, changes in presynaptic function are usually functions and/or promote their trafficking from intracellular
associated with changes in the probability of neurotrans- compartments to the plasma membrane, which helps main-
mitter release (Pr), namely, glutamate at excitatory synapses tain increased synaptic strength (Lisman et al., 2012). For
and GABA at inhibitory synapses, and are the likelihood long-lasting maintenance of LTP, de novo AMPARs are also
of vesicle fusion and transmitter release occurring at a pre- added to the synapses via transcriptional events. Increased
synaptic terminal in response to an action potential. The postsynaptic Ca2+ influx activates adenylate cyclase, and
parameters that determine the changes in Pr during STP through the metabolism of ATP, cAMP is produced, which
are not well understood. However, prominent candidates activates cAMP kinase and allows its translocation into the
for the mechanism include the size of the readily releasable nucleus. Cyclic AMP kinase phosphorylates the nuclear tran-
vesicle pool and the SNAREs machinery for neurotransmit- scription factor CREB (cAMP-responsive element binding
ter exocytosis, whose function directly depends on the pre- protein), which triggers the expression of new AMPAR sub-
synaptic Ca2+ concentration. Early-LTP, developing while units to be inserted at the synaptic membrane (Benito and
STP decays, lasts for a few hours. Although both E-LTP and Barco, 2010). Additionally, CREB-dependent gene expres-
STP are characterized by changes in presynaptic function, sions also lead to the synthesis of proteins that participate
E-LTP is sensitive to several kinase inhibitors, but is resis- in making structural changes. Lastly, through an unknown
tant to protein synthesis inhibitors. The third phase, L-LTP, mechanism, the postsynaptic neuron releases a retrograde
is thought to last for days and requires protein synthesis messenger (nitric oxide) that can act on presynaptic protein
(Lauri et al., 2007). kinases to enhance neurotransmitter release (Fig. 5.1A).

5 S Y N A P T I C A N D N E U R A L P L A S T I C I T Y | 65

(A) Long-term potentiation (B) Long-term depression

High frequency Low frequency

stimulation stimulation

+ axon terminal

Retrograde Glutamate
+ P P
Ca2+ Ca2+
Na+ Lateral diffusion Na+
Ca2+/calmodulin + of new or Ca2+/calmodulin
CaMKII extrasynaptic + PP1/2 Lateral diffusion
+ of AMPARs
+ Ca2+ AMPARs PP2b
Kinases + Endocytosis Endocytosis
kinase P
+ Postsynaptic
CREB dendritic

Figure 5.1 Possible cellular mechanisms involved in LTP and LTD in the CA1 field of hippocampus. ( A) An intense and brief stimulation (e.g., high frequency
stimulation, HFS) induces the release of enough glutamate to trigger a strong activation of AMPARs. Through influx of Na+ and efflux of K+, AMPARs activation
depolarizes the postsynaptic membrane, which frees NMDARs from Mg2+ block (not represented). In turn, besides moderate influx of Na+ and efflux of K+,
NMDARs conduct a strong influx of Ca2+. Together with NMDARs, voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs) may also contribute to intracellular rise of Ca2+ (not
represented), which would trigger activation of several Ca2+-dependent protein kinases (CaMKII, PKC, PKA and the tyrosine protein kinase Fyn). Through a
phosphorylation mechanism, the active autophosphorylated form of CaMKII increases AMPARs function and trafficking of cytoplasmic inactive AMPARs to the
postsynaptic density (PSD), a specialized region of the postsynaptic membrane that is dense in proteins and directly opposed to the presynaptic zone, the site
of neurotransmitters release. For LTP maintenance, increased intracellular Ca2+ may also activate adenylate cyclase, which through cAMP kinase-dependent
phosphorylation pathway activates the nuclear transcription factors CREB (cAMP-responsive element binding). In turn, CREB triggers expression of new AMPARs
and other proteins that participate in structural changes. New and cytoplasmic AMPARs are integrated at the synaptic membrane through exocytosis and lateral
diffusion from extrasynaptic membrane to the PSD, a mechanism that involves transmembrane AMPA receptor regulatory proteins (TARPs) and various scaffolding
proteins (e.g., MAGUKs). The postsynaptic neuron may also release retrograde messengers (e.g., nitric oxide) that act on presynaptic protein kinases and thereby
enhance neurotransmitter release. ( B) A low-frequency stimulation (LFS) induces a weaker AMPARs-dependent depolarization, which leads to a moderate
NMDAR-dependent increase in intracellular Ca2+. Similar to LTP, Ca2+ binds to calmodulin; however in this case, Ca2+/calmodulin activates the protein phosphatase
calcineurin (also called PP2b). In turn, calcineurin dephosphorylates inhibitor 1, which was maintaining PP1 and/or PP2 inactive. PP1 and/or PP2 dephosphorylate
synaptic AMPARs, which triggers lateral diffusion and a clathrin-dependent endocytosis for endosomal degradation. For clarity, other contributors to synaptic
plasticity, including VGCCs and metabotropic glutamate receptors, are not represented. Dashed arrows indicate either cellular mechanisms that are still unknown
or mechanisms that require multiple steps.

LTD, which is the opposite of LTP, also requires postsynap- Although these processes appear simple, the cellular mech-
tic Ca2+ influx through NMDAR activation (Fig. 5.1B). In con- anisms through which LTP and LTD occur following neuronal
trast to LTP induction, which requires strong Ca2+ influx, LTD is activity are still heavily researched. For example, while intra-
induced by a low frequency stimulation that yields moderate lev- cellular domains of AMPARs are important for plasticity, it
els of intracellular Ca2+, which also bind to calmodulin to form a is not yet clear whether activity directly targets the AMPARs
complex. However, in the case of LTD, the complex activates Ca2+- themselves. Recent scientific studies have shown that there is
calmodulin-dependent phosphatase calcineurin (also named a new type of regulatory proteins for AMPARs, the TARPS
PP2b), which triggers a dephosphorylation cascade. By inhibiting (transmembrane AMPA receptor regulatory proteins). These
inhibitor 1, calcineurin activates protein phosphatase 1 and/or auxiliary subunits, closely working with several other types
phosphatase 2 (PP1/2). Dephosphorylation of AMPARs by PP1/2 of scaffolding proteins (e.g., membrane-associated guanylate
triggers a clathrin-dependent endocytosis of receptors, which kinases, MAGUKs), are involved in trafficking, synaptic tar-
results in decreased synaptic efficacy (Fig. 5.1B). Interestingly, geting, gating, and pharmacological behaviors of AMPARs
PP1/2 also targets the active autophosphorylated form of CaMKII. (Jackson and Nicoll, 2011). Furthermore, LTP and LTD can
By dephosphorylating CaMKII, PP1/2 facilitates LTD and may also be elicited in various brain nuclei and subregions, and each
prevent further LTP from occurring (Collingridge et al., 2010). may express differences in induction’s of cellular mechanisms.

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One of the most striking and unexpected mechanisms is that drugs of abuse to produce synaptic plasticity was first dem-
some forms of LTP and LTD are NMDAR-independent. For onstrated using a single experimenter-administered cocaine
example, LTP at the mossy fiber pathway-CA3 relay in the hip- injection. Remarkably, subsequent studies have shown that
pocampus is presynaptic and NMDAR-independent, a phe- a single injection of a variety of abused drugs (e.g., cocaine,
nomenon that can also apply to LTD. In this case, the source morphine, nicotine), but not non-abused drugs (fluoxetine
of Ca2+ originates from voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and the or carbamazepine), leads to the potentiation of glutamatergic
Ca2+ release from intracellular stores that are triggered by the synapses in VTA dopamine (DA) neurons. This potentiation
activation of metabotropic glutamate or other metabotropic is mediated by a transient increase in AMPAR-mediated syn-
receptors (Collingridge et al., 2010). At the presynaptic termi- aptic response (5 days), but is no longer potentiated 10 days
nal, Ca2+ influx, via activation of a cAMP–dependent pathway, after the cocaine injection. Furthermore, cocaine-induced LTP
promotes glutamate release. in the VTA was associated with an increase in the proportion
of GluR1-containing, GluR2-lacking AMPARs—receptors that
exhibit a Ca2+ permeability. Regardless of the number of injec-
tions, LTP in VTA stayed transient. Because associative learning
mechanisms may play a vital role in the development of addic-
SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY IN LEARNING AND tion, changes in synaptic plasticity in VTA DA neurons should
M E M O RY also be examined using voluntary cocaine self-administration
Physiologically, LTP exhibits two key properties that support its models. In stark contrast to the consequences of passive
role in memory formation. The first is its persistence over time, cocaine administration, cocaine self-administration enhanced
and the second is that LTP develops only if the firing of the pre- AMPAR-mediated responses in VTA DA neurons for at least
synaptic neuron is followed by the firing of the postsynaptic neu- 3 months of abstinence. Importantly, self-administration of
ron, that is, the co-occurrence requirement discussed earlier. The natural rewards also induced LTP in VTA DA neurons, but
requirement for the postsynaptic neuron to be partially depolar- this potentiation was transient, lasting for up to 7 days. These
ized when glutamate binds to receptors is an extremely important findings suggest that learning in relation to natural rewards
characteristic of LTP because it permits neural networks to learn has much shorter lasting effects on VTA function than does
associations. Importantly, LTP can be elicited by low levels of drug self-administration (Bowers et al., 2010).
stimulation that mimic physiologically relevant neural activity. In the NAc, changes after single or repeated exposure to a
Behaviorally, conditioning tasks can produce LTP-like drug of abuse are different from those seen in the VTA. As in the
changes in the hippocampus, and many drugs that influ- VTA, repeated exposure to drugs of abuse can strongly modulate
ence learning and memory have parallel effects on LTP. NAc excitatory synaptic transmission. Glutamatergic plasticity
Additionally, mutant mice that display little hippocampal LTP has been examined primarily after repeated cocaine exposure,
have difficulty learning the Barnes circular maze, a task that either passively through experimenter administration or actively
tests spatial memory (Mayford et al., 1996). In contrast, Joe Z. through self-administration. Interestingly, little or no change in
Tsien’s laboratory generated a transgenic mouse that overex- synaptic transmission has been observed in the NAc shell during
presses the NR2B subunit in the forebrain (Tang et al., 1999). early withdrawal after repeated drug exposure. However, studies
NR2B is an NMDAR subunit that permits a larger influx of generally agree that repeated passive or active drug exposure and
Ca2+ into the cell. Since NMDAR is a coincidence detector, an protracted abstinence are associated with increased NAc AMPAR
increase in NMDAR function should increase the capability of signaling, although there are likely to be differences in the type of
a neuron to detect coincidences and potentially improve learn- AMPAR function that is altered (Bowers et al., 2010).
ing mechanisms. They found that NR2B-overexpressing mice
showed greater LTP associated with improved memory (Tang
et al., 1999). Although there is a consensus linking LTP in the
hippocampus to learning and memory processes, investiga- I N T R I N SI C P L A ST I C I T Y
tions are still ongoing (Lynch, 2004).

SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY IN NEUROLOGICAL Intrinsic plasticity is the plasticity of non-synaptic factors

DISORDERS that control neuronal excitability. These factors directly affect
There is increasing evidence that neurological disorders, includ- the probability that a neuron will fire an action potential in
ing Alzheimer’s disease (Spires-Jones and Knafo, 2012) and sub- response to excitatory inputs. Conceptually, these factors can
stance abuse disorders are associated with persistent changes in be any elements located on the soma, dendrites, or axon, that is,
synaptic strength (Bowers et al., 2010). In this section, we will remote from the synapse, which passively or actively modulate
provide a brief review of the functional evidence linking changes membrane excitability. However, the study of intrinsic plasticity
in AMPAR-mediated transmission with substance abuse disor- is still in its infancy and concerns mainly short- and long-term
ders. A thorough chapter, “Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms changes in voltage-gated ion channels. These channels are the
of Addiction,” is provided by Dr. Peter Kalivas (Chapter 52). “building blocks” that shape action potentials, and are also the
Studies have mainly focused on two brain areas of the same “building blocks” that shape firing patterns. Voltage-gated
mesolimbic reward circuit, the ventral tegmental area (VTA) ion channels (Na+, Ca2+, and K+) are ubiquitous transmem-
and the nucleus accumbens (NAc). In the VTA, the ability of brane proteins mediating ionic exchange between extra- and

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intracellular compartments and are coded by hundreds of genes. be noted, however, that the rules for such phenomena have
Combined with alternative splicing and heteromeric assembly been updated recently (Caporale and Dan, 2008). It appears
within subfamilies, they provide neurons with tremendous pos- that the distribution and types of specific Na+ and K+ channels
sibilities and a remarkable ability for fine-tuning intrinsic excit- expressed along the dendrite play a critical role in the induc-
ability. However, the K+ channels, which tend to hyperpolarize tion of associative synaptic plasticity. Conversely, induction of
neurons, are exceptionally more complex in their role and associative synaptic plasticity triggers a decrease in A-type K+
structures when compared to other voltage-gated conductances currents mediated by internalization of Kv4.2 channels (Shah
(Hille, 2001). This diversity of K+ channels likely illustrates their et al., 2010), an event that could enhance subsequent synaptic
role in regulating neuronal excitability both tonically and in potentials. This illustrates how intrinsic and synaptic excit-
response to intra- or extracellular stimuli in order to provide ability work together to shape global neuronal excitability and
appropriate behaviors in specific contexts. This complexity in determine the direction of future changes in synaptic trans-
role is reflected in their subcellular localizations (somatic, den- mission (Fig. 5.2).
dritic, axonal, or synaptic) and additional auxiliary subunits
that regulate their functions. Questions about how experi- AT T H E A X O S O M AT I C L E V E L
ence, for example, learning or exposure to drug of abuse, alters After propagating along the dendrites and soma, excitatory
neuronal intrinsic excitability and how these changes relate to and inhibitory inputs are summed and generate an action
behaviors remain unanswered in the field of intrinsic plasticity, potential at the axon hillock if the depolarization level reaches
and the cellular mechanisms underlying these changes are cur- the action potential threshold. A change in axosomatic excit-
rently under investigation. ability will then have dramatic effects on the throughput of
all the synapses that contact that neuron. Voltage-gated Na+
channels are highly expressed on the soma and are a major
determinant of action potential threshold, and changes in their
function or density affect the generation of action potentials.
AT T H E D E N D R I T I C L E V E L For example, in dorsal root ganglion neurons, in addition to
Dendrites express various types of voltage-gated ion chan- the downregulation of A-type K+ and T-type Ca2+ currents,
nels, and many of these channels are not expressed uniformly an increase in voltage-gated Na+ currents decreases the action
throughout the dendrite. This feature provides the dendrite with potential threshold—an effect that is associated with chronic
a unique capability to regulate signal integration. Depending inflammatory pain. Together, enduring changes in these cur-
on the strength of the synaptic input, either an EPSP or a den- rents contribute to long-lasting dorsal root ganglion hyperex-
dritic spike is generated. These electrical events are then either citability that is thought to mediate chronic hyperalgesia (Beck
dampened and fade away, or increased and generate somatic and Yaari, 2008) (Fig. 5.2).
action potentials. The direction of the effect depends on the
population and types of voltage-gated ion channels expressed AT T H E A X O N I N I T I A L S E G M E N T ( A I S ) L E V E L
along the dendrite. For example, a decrease in dendritic K+ Immediately distal to the axon hillock, the AIS is the subcel-
currents may boost dendritic excitability and allow excitatory lular region with the highest density of Na+ channels, a feature
inputs generated at the synapse to travel to the soma, which that provides it with the lowest action potential threshold. At
results in the generation of action potentials. In the classical the AIS, variations in neuronal activity can induce changes
view, these action potentials will travel along the axon and trig- in ion channel functions (Na+ and K+) and/or a shift in AIS
ger neurotransmitter release at the axon terminal. However, position and length. For example, in cultured hippocam-
action potentials can also travel back to the dendritic tree, a pal neurons, a long-term increase in neuronal activity shifts
phenomenon known as back-propagation. Back-propagation the AIS more distally, which returns to its original position
is strongly influenced by the electrical properties of dendrites, when activity renormalizes. On the other hand, a persistent
where voltage-gated Na+ channels boost back-propagating decrease in activity increases the length of the AIS. Because
action potentials while K+ channels (e.g., Kv4.2 subtype) deter- the composition and density of Na+ channels at the AIS did
mine their amplitudes and widths (Shah et al., 2010). At the not change, this alteration reflected a true change in AIS
functional level, back-propagating action potentials provide structure. Physiologically, increased activity that moves the
the additional level of depolarization needed for the synapses AIS distally is associated with decreased intrinsic excitability.
to trigger the cellular mechanisms necessary to induce some Decreased activity, for example, in the case of auditory depri-
forms of associative synaptic plasticity (Shah et al., 2010) vation, is associated with more Na+ channels that occupy a
(see also section paragraph “Cellular Mechanisms” in section longer AIS, which translates into increased intrinsic excit-
“Synaptic Plasticity”). In other words, they provide a feedback ability by lowering action potential threshold (Grubb et al.,
signal informing the synapses about the output state of the 2011). Such activity-dependent changes set the AIS as a site
neuron, and the time window in which this occurs determines where homeostatic adaptation can occur. Dynamic changes
the direction of synaptic changes. For example, a significantly in its structure and position may be a homeostatic response,
strong output that arrives shortly after a synaptic input will set which provide the neuron with the remarkable capability to
the synapse at a permissive state that allows the induction of readjust its action potential discharge in response to chronic
associative synaptic potentiation. If the constraints imposed increases or decreases in neuronal activity (see also next sec-
by the time window are not met, LTD is favored. It should tion, “Homeostatic Plasticity”).

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K+ channels ( Kv4.2 in epilepsy, Alzheimer’s...)
1 Na+ channels
AMPARs Axon terminal


Soma ( Na+ current in neuropathic pain)

3 AIS (cluster of Na+ channels)

Nucleus Myelin sheath Node of Ranvier
(glial cell)
hillock 4

Increased activity

Distal Excitability
( Na+ current in multiple sclerosis)
Decreased activity

Length Excitability

Figure 5.2 Schematic depicting the different subcellular compartments of a neuron and examples of reported changes in factors that influence intrinsic excitability.
When a neuron receives a signal through presynaptic neurotransmitter release (1), it travels through successive subcellular compartments before it can transmit
the information to the next neuron. In particular, at the synaptic level (1) the signal generates an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) that travels along the
dendrite (2) and the soma (3) before reaching the axon hillock and the axon initial segment (AIS) (4), structures that are rich in voltage-gated Na+ channels. At this
step, if an EPSP is strong enough to depolarize the membrane to action potential threshold, then action potentials are generated. In myelinated neurons, action
potentials will travel in a saltatory conduction mode from one node of Ranvier (5) (interruption in myelin sheath) to the next, until they reach the axon terminal,
where they will trigger neurotransmitter release. At each of these steps, which can undergo activity- and/or experience-dependent intrinsic plasticity, the signal is
modulated by voltage-gated ion channels (Na+, K+, and Ca2+). The physiological and behavioral consequences of these changes are diverse.

As much as changes in neuronal activity alter AIS func- K+ and Na+ ion channels. Alterations in channel function will
tion and structure, mutational changes in proteins that are spe- affect the proper conduction of the signal. However, in some
cifically expressed at the AIS can disrupt its proper function cases, alterations can be beneficial. For example, in the early
and engender neurological disorders. Although little is known stages of multiple sclerosis, a demyelinating disease that has
about AIS-related disorders, it appears that disruption of AIS debilitating consequences, increases in the expression of Na+
excitability may be a potential mechanism for febrile seizures. channels actually compensate for a decrease in action poten-
Mutation in SCN1B, a gene that codes for the auxiliary Na+ tial propagation induced by loss of myelin (Mantegazza et al.,
channels subunit β1 found at the AIS, causes a common form 2010) (Fig. 5.2).
of childhood epilepsy. Mutation in this gene tends to hyperpo-
larize the action potential threshold by lowering Na+ channel
voltage activation, which increases sensitivity to temperature-
triggered seizures (Grubb et al., 2011) (Fig. 5.2). Ion channels can be modulated through their numbers and func-
tional kinetics. While their numbers often involve either inter-
AT T H E A X O N A L L E V E L nalization in the case of decreases, or translational processes in
Once an action potential is triggered, it travels along the axon the case of increases, mechanisms that lead to changes in their
to the presynaptic terminal where it triggers release of neu- activation kinetics are more complex. The most well known and
rotransmitters. Among other factors, action potential conduc- best described modes of functional modulation of ion chan-
tion is strongly influenced by myelin, an insulating sheath wrap nels are the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation mechanisms
made up of glial cells. At regular intervals, called the nodes (Barros et al., 2012). Like many other proteins, ion channels are
of Ranvier, this sheath is interrupted, which allows the gen- the substrates of kinases, such as serine/threonine and tyrosine
eration of electrical activity. This allows the action potential to kinases, and phosphatases. Site-specific phosphorylations at
propagate in a saltatory fashion, which is quicker and uses less the cytoplasmic domains, either at the N- or the C-terminal of
energy. Nodes of Ranvier express a specific set of voltage-gated the pore-forming α-subunits, have various consequences for

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channel function, including regulation of current amplitudes and participating in specific stages of learning depending on
and kinetics (Barros et al., 2012). Such modulations contrib- their anatomical and subcellular localization and biophysical
ute to both short- and long-term regulations of ion influx and properties. The first results that showed changes in intrinsic
thus affect the electrical properties of membranes. Several excitability during learning and memory experience were from
phosphorylated residues located at the N-terminal are targets studies on invertebrates. For example, Cowan and Siegel (1986)
for regulating the gating properties of voltage-gated K+ chan- observed that a specific deleterious mutation in the Shaker gene
nels. Phosphorylations at this site alter the most studied chan- (coding for a subset of voltage-dependent K+ channels) attenu-
nel inactivation mode, the so-called ball-and-chain or N-type ated the acquisition and short-term memory in a classical
inactivation (fast-inactivation), which consists of an occlusion olfactory conditioning in Drosophila (Cowan and Siegel, 1986).
of the internal mouth of the channel pore by a protein local- Later, experience-dependent changes in K+ conductances dur-
ized at the amino(N)-terminal. For example, PKC-dependent ing memory processes were reported in several other learning
phosphorylation of the Kv3.4 N-terminal slows down or elimi- paradigms in both invertebrates and vertebrates (Zhang and
nates N-type inactivation, which accelerates repolarization and Linden, 2003). However, because such adaptations may encode
shortens action potential duration (Barros et al., 2012; Ritter or underlie various phenomena, it has been difficult to relate
et al., 2012). Kv3.4 is a member of the fast-inactivating A-type them to specific behavioral of physiological functions. Here, we
K+ currents and is expressed in nociceptive dorsal root gan- will briefly cite the most prominent hypotheses.
glion neurons. Slowing down or eliminating N-type inactiva-
tion of Kv3.4 is hypothesized to be involved in the transition (1) Savings
from acute to chronic pain. Other mechanisms of regulations Savings is the capability of a system, even after the performance
also exist. For example, in chronic epilepsy, dendritic decreases has declined to basal level, to learn faster when retrained on the
in Kv4.2-mediated A-type K+ currents can occur via various same or similar tasks. For example, in vivo intracellular record-
signaling pathways that can either change the functions of ings in cat sensorimotor cortex following an associative con-
existing channels through kinase-dependent phosphoryla- ditioning task revealed an increase in spiking capability that
tion (PKA/PKC/MAPK) or decrease their availability at the persisted even after the conditioning was extinguished, which
membrane through a clathrin-dependent internalization or a suggests that this form of cellular memory is not coding the
transcriptional downregulation. Interestingly, another mode of memory of the conditioning itself. Interestingly, subsequent con-
regulation that may contribute to declining cognitive functions ditionings, similar to the previous and new ones, were acquired
observed in Alzheimer’s disease is the direct block of the Kv4.2 faster (Zhang and Linden, 2003). Hypothetically, increased cel-
channel by β amyloid, a protein produced by the sequential lular excitability can represent a form of memory that primes the
cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein by secretases (Beck brain for new learning, a phenomenon called savings.
and Yaari, 2008).
(2) Permissive Role
In this case, learning-induced changes in intrinsic excitabil-
ity disappear when learning is still strong, which suggests
again that such changes are not a part of the engram itself.
Although the functional and behavioral consequences of per- For example, Disterhoft and colleagues measured increased
sistent changes in intrinsic excitability remain elusive, several intrinsic excitability in pyramidal hippocampal neurons, char-
hypotheses have been raised. The role of some of the forms acterized by a reduction of action potential afterhyperpolariza-
of experience-dependent intrinsic plasticity discussed next is tion (AHP) during a learning task in rabbits. Reduced AHP
to actually render the neural system resistant or predisposed occurred before a behavioral response was acquired and was
to undergoing future plastic changes, a phenomenon called no longer present when animals, still showing a strong behav-
metaplasticity (Abraham and Bear, 1996). ioral response, were tested a few weeks later. Disterhoft and
colleagues hypothesized that because increases in pyramidal
INTRINSIC PLASTICITY IN LEARNING AND hippocampal neurons’ intrinsic excitability precede acquisi-
M E M O RY tion of behavioral responses, they might have a permissive
Although synaptic plasticity is widely assumed to mediate function in memory. In other words, increased neuronal excit-
learning and memory, a number of studies show that learning ability may render the hippocampus hyperexcitable and pre-
experience can modify excitability, implying that the regula- dispose the neural network to generate long-term neuronal
tion of intrinsic ion channels may contribute to learning and change, for example, LTP, which will in fine constitute the
memory processes, and in some cases actually correlates with memory trace. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that
learning performance (Disterhoft and Oh, 2006; Zhang and reduced AHP occurs before efficient learning and that AHP
Linden, 2003). Since K+ currents are highly involved in the reductions are directly correlated with enhanced learning
fine-tuning of neuronal intrinsic excitability, studies often capability (Disterhoft and Oh, 2006) (See also earlier section
report functional changes in this ion channel family. Results paragraph “At the Dendritic Level”.)
from multidisciplinary approaches, including genetic manipu-
lations, pharmacological tools, and electrophysiological mea- (3) Rule Learning and/or Learning Set
surements, seem to indicate that specific K+ channels and/or As defined by Harry F. Harlow in 1949, learning set is “the
currents are involved in forming specific types of memories learning how to learn efficiently in the situations the animal

70 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

frequently encounters” (Harlow, 1949: p. 51). An interesting levels. Interestingly, naltrexone application, an opioid recep-
experimental example of this was provided by Barkai and his tor antagonist that is used in alcohol and opioid dependence,
colleagues (Saar and Barkai, 2009), who showed that rats that increased firing only in morphine-treated animals—an
have learned to discriminate a pair of odors for a reward exhib- effect that is dependent on K+ channels and is tightly cor-
ited an increased neuronal intrinsic excitability in the piriform related with withdrawal symptoms, including irritability and
(olfactory) cortex. The rats could discriminate subsequent new wet dog shakes. This set of intriguing data likely represents
pairs of odors in fewer trials, but only when the new pair was the first demonstration of in vivo neuronal homeostatic
presented soon (1–3 days) after the first pair, that is, when the adaptation, where chronic morphine exposure triggered a
increased piriform intrinsic excitability was still present. If non-synaptic increase in LC neurons’ excitability to coun-
this delay was extended to 5–7 days, when changes in intrinsic teract morphine-induced decreased firing rate. Along the
excitability had disappeared, the rats failed to acquire the task same line, exposure to psychostimulant drugs modulates
as quickly and took the same time as untrained animals. In ionic currents as well, including Na+, Ca2+, and K+. These
summary, recordings in the piriform cortex had an increased changes, where K+ current modulation plays a primary role,
neuronal intrinsic excitability, which decayed with a simi- translate into transient or persistent firing adaptations. For
lar time course as the learning capabilities (Saar and Barkai, example, chronic exposure to cocaine or amphetamine leads
2009). This is in stark contrast with the concept of “savings,” to a persistent firing rate depression in the shell subregion of
where changes in intrinsic excitability outlast the performance the nucleus accumbens (NAc) (Kourrich and Thomas, 2009),
in the conditioning task. Here, the capability for faster learn- a brain region involved in motivation and reward (Kelley,
ing occurs only when increased intrinsic excitability is still 2004). Although the causal relationship between NAc neu-
present. rons’ firing capability and addiction-related behaviors is still
under investigation, a recent study has demonstrated that
INTRINSIC PLASTICITY IN NEUROLOGICAL NAc firing rate depression enhances behavioral sensitization
DISORDERS to cocaine (Kourrich et al., 2012), a behavioral phenotype
Although plasticity of intrinsic excitability can be beneficial, thought to reflect increased rewarding properties of cocaine
as in the case of learning and memory, it is also emerging as a that may contribute to the development of addictive pro-
maladaptive alteration with potentially deleterious outcomes cesses (Robinson and Berridge, 2008).
that can lead to neurological disorders. Most of the advance- Finally, alcohol has also been shown to modulate the fir-
ments investigating the role of intrinsic plasticity in CNS dis- ing rate in the NAc. Although the first study to investigate the
orders have come from studies on epilepsy and neuropathic changes in neuronal intrinsic properties following chronic
pain (Beck and Yaari, 2008). For example, it is hypothesized alcohol drinking was performed in 1984 (Durand and Carlen,
that chronic epilepsy is caused by an increase in hippocampal 1984), it has only been recently that these changes have been
neuron dendritic excitability. In particular, a single episode of attributed to a specific ion channel, the small conductance
status epilepticus leads to a decrease in A-type voltage-gated Ca2+-activated K+ channel (SK) (Hopf et al., 2010), a strong
K+ currents, a major regulator of dendritic excitability (Hille, regulator of repetitive firing. Chronic alcohol consumption
2001). Whether this phenomenon contributes to the reoccur- induces a long-lasting reduction of SK3 subtype expression,
rence of epileptic seizures is still under investigation. Other which enhances the firing rate in the core subregion of the
disorders have also been associated with decreased dendritic NAc. Interestingly, in vivo activation of SK3 reduced motiva-
A-type K+ currents, including traumatic brain injury (TBI) tion for alcohol seeking behaviors (Hopf et al., 2010).
(Lei et al., 2012), an event that can lead to cognitive deficits,
and Alzheimer’s disease (Zou et al., 2011). It has only been
recently that lasting changes in the function of voltage-gated
channels in specific regions of the brain have been linked HO M E O STAT I C P L A ST I C I T Y
to various neurological disorders, including chronic stress
(Krishnan et al., 2007), affective disorders, and schizophrenia
(Roberts, 2006). In the second half of the 19th century, Claude Bernard first
Plasticity of intrinsic excitability following experience of defined homeostasis as the capacity for a system to regulate its
drugs of abuse was reported in the early 1970s; however, in the function according to changes in its environment to reach sta-
past 10 years this field has drawn increasing attention. One of bility. At the neuronal level, homeostasis has been proposed as a
its critical aims is to understand how chronic experience with means for the brain to reach stability upon destabilization of the
drugs of abuse leads to persistent changes in intrinsic excit- neural circuit activity. In this way, a neuron can adjust its excita-
ability, and how these changes relate to the behavioral phe- bility to compensate for perturbations in activity, a process that
notypes that characterize addiction. In this regard, perhaps can requires hours to days (Turrigiano and Nelson, 2004). These
the first evidence was provided by George K. Aghajanian’s types of compensations in activity level can affect both intrinsic
laboratory (Nestler et al., 1999), where the authors showed and synaptic factors that control global neuronal excitability.
that acute in vitro or in vivo morphine application decreases Perhaps the first in vivo demonstration to show that
action potential firing in the locus coeruleus (LC), the major neurons are capable of compensation for chronic suppres-
noradrenergic nucleus in the brain. In contrast, repeated sion of activity were suggested by a series of articles pub-
in vivo morphine renormalized firing rates toward control lished between 1970 and 1990 from George K. Aghajanian’s

5 S Y N A P T I C A N D N E U R A L P L A S T I C I T Y | 71

laboratory (see section paragraph “Intrinsic Plasticity in compensatory changes, and what are the cellular mechanisms
Neurological Disorders”) (Nestler et al., 1999); however, it that are triggered by chronic changes in activity? This section
is after 1990 that similar phenomena started to be revealed will provide a brief description of the different types (Fig. 5.3)
in vitro. In particular, Ramakers et al. (1990) demonstrated of homeostatic plasticity as well as descriptions of the moni-
that chronic activity blockade produces a rebound in hyper- tors of cellular activity, and the known basic cellular mecha-
excitability in central neuronal networks in vitro (Ramakers nisms involved in neuronal homeostatic plasticity (Fig. 5.4).
et al., 1990), a phenomenon that also occurs in isolated lob-
ster stomatogastric ganglion neurons (Turrigiano et al., 1994),
which suggests that neurons regulate their conductances to
maintain stable activity patterns and that the intrinsic prop- CELL-AUTONOMOUS
erties of a neuron depend on its recent history of activation. As defined by Turrigiano and Nelson (2004: p. 103), cell-
Later studies demonstrated that neurons could also modulate autonomous plasticity is “the plasticity in the properties of an
their synaptic functions by increasing or decreasing AMPAR individual neuron resulting from changes in its own activity, inde-
function in response to chronic alteration in activity (O’Brien pendent of the activity of other neurons in the network” (Fig. 5.3A).
et al., 1998; Turrigiano et al., 1998). These studies raised a Two seminal studies addressed this possibility. In the first, synap-
number of critical questions. For instance, does homeostatic tic activity was blocked and the postsynaptic neuron chemically
adaptation require changes in the network, that is, pre- and depolarized (Leslie et al., 2001). In the second, the neuron was
postsynaptic, or are these changes cell-autonomous? Also, hyperpolarized via a transfection of Kir2.1, an inward-rectifier
what are the sensors and monitors of cell activity that initiate K+ channel involved in maintaining hyperpolarized membrane

(A) Cell-autonomous (B) Synapse-specific

K+ channels

Na+ channels

NMDARs Δ Depolarization Δ Depolarization

(C) Network-wide Increased activity

Decreased activity

Example: Homeostatic regulation of

excitation-inhibition balance

Figure 5.3 Diagrams representing three models of homeostatic neuroadaptations. All modes are supposed to be triggered by variations in postsynaptic
depolarization, likely through changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. ( A) Cell-autonomous homeostasis is when a neuron can sense, integrate, and correct
its own neuronal activity to a set value without requiring external factors. ( B) Synapse-specific homeostasis is when, at a specific synapse, local signaling regulates
pre- and/or postsynaptic excitability. This may involve a retrograde diffusible signal(s) from the post- to presynaptic side to regulate neurotransmitter release.
( C) Network-wide homeostasis is when a network of neighboring cells adjusts neural network excitability through a diffusible activity signal. The diffusible signal
can act on both the neighboring cells and the neuron itself (not represented) and can either increase or decrease neuronal excitability depending on neuronal
types. As an example, homeostatic regulation of excitation-inhibition balance may involve diffusion of brain-derived neurotrophin (BDNF), which can differentially
regulate excitability of excitatory versus inhibitory neurons. When activity is increased, the diffusible signal can trigger cellular mechanisms that weaken excitatory
transmission (Dotted line) and enhance inhibitory transmission (Solid gray line). If activity is decreased, the opposite mechanism occurs.

72 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

potentials (Burrone et al., 2002). In both cases, the neuron com- SYNAPSE-SPECIFIC
pensated for its changes in neuronal activity by either decreas- In the synapse-specific model, chronic changes in neuronal
ing (Leslie et al., 2001) or increasing synaptic input, which activity involve synaptic signaling that will trigger compen-
restored neuronal activity to control levels. Interestingly, Leslie satory changes in pre- and/or postsynaptic function, such as
et al. (2001) found that these changes were independent of changes in presynaptic release probability, quantal size, and
fast excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission (AMPAR, the number of postsynaptic glutamate receptors (Turrigiano,
NMDAR, and GABAR), action potential generation, and 2007) (Fig. 5.3B).
activity-dependent release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor Synapse-specific homeostatic plasticity was originally
(BDNF). These findings suggest that neurons can sense an aver- found in the invertebrate Drosophila, where muscle membrane
age level of activity and compensate for it in an autonomous hyperpolarization through overexpression of Kir2.1 triggered
fashion (Turrigiano, 2008). Later studies established unequivo- presynaptic adaptations in order to compensate for impaired
cal evidence for cell-autonomous mechanisms and particularly muscle excitability. This compensatory mechanism occurs
the capacity for a neuron to adjust its synaptic input following rapidly and is characterized by increased glutamate release
changes in its somatic, but not dendritic or synaptic, intrinsic (quantal content) without a change in quantal size. Because
properties (Goold and Nicoll, 2010; Ibata et al., 2008). changes occurred only on the presynaptic side, it suggests the

+/ –

Diffusible signal

retinoic acid,...) Na+



Δ Depolarization




Δ Ca2+


L-type VGCC


of gene
expression Exocytosis/
Intracellular signaling Endocytosis
(calcineurin, CaMKII,


Figure 5.4 Diagram representing a summary of cellular mechanisms that have been shown to be involved in homeostatic plasticity. After sensing its depolarization
level (intracellular Ca2+), a neuron can trigger a variety of mechanisms that aim to readjust neuronal excitability to a set value. Via AMPARs activation the neuron
depolarizes and allows activation of NMDARs and VGCCs, which directly increases intracellular Ca2+ concentration. Ca2+-dependent pathways may also lead to
the activation of IP3 receptors and further influence intracellular Ca2+ concentration. Intracellular Ca2+ can then recruit various intracellular signaling pathways,
including CaMKII-, CaMKIV- and calcineurin-dependent pathways, which in turn, likely through phosphorylation/dephosphorylation mechanisms adjust
postsynaptic levels of a variety of targets (Na+ channels, K+ channels, AMPARs, etc.). Additionally, the postsynaptic neuron may also, through mechanisms that are
still unclear, release diffusible activity signals (BDNF, Tumor necrosis factor alpha TNFα, retinoic acid, etc.) that can act presynaptically to regulate neurotransmitter
release. In dark gray are examples of mechanisms that are regulated when activity is decreased, and in light gray, when activity is increased.

5 S Y N A P T I C A N D N E U R A L P L A S T I C I T Y | 73

involvement of a trans-synaptic signaling cascade. Although A subject of a long series of studies, CaMKII is a Ca2+ sen-
the signaling mechanism remains elusive, presynaptic homeo- sor that is sensitive to the oscillations in the intracellular con-
stasis following postsynaptic changes in activity also occurs centration of Ca2+, a critical feature that encodes information
at central synapses (Turrigiano, 2007). Though not discussed (De Koninck and Schulman, 1998). A unique characteristic of
here, synaptic homeostasis can also involve changes in post- this kinase is its autophosphorylation ability, through which it
synaptic glutamate receptors with no perceptible changes in produces an “autonomous” form that is constitutively active
presynaptic function (Turrigiano, 2008). well beyond the activating stimulus. This characteristic allows
the kinase to remember previous activity and influences sub-
NETWORK-WIDE sequent response to stimuli (Lisman et al., 2012). A facet of
Network-wide homeostasis occurs when neurons regulate their CaMKII that makes it an attractive executor for homeostatic
synaptic function following changes in network activity. This adaptations resides in its capability to modulate a variety of
homeostatic adaptation involves a diffusible signal that is sensed targets, including synaptic strength, intrinsic excitability, and
by neurons in the network that triggers changes in their synaptic gene expression (Lisman et al., 2012; Maier, 2011). Intriguingly,
activity to restore normal neural network activity (Fig. 5.3C). For α and β isoforms forming the CaMKII holoenzyme are not
example, in cultured cortical networks, interneurons decrease only differentially sensitive to Ca2+ concentration, but also dif-
their inhibitory inputs to pyramidal neurons when pyramidal ferentially affect synaptic functions (Thiagarajan et al., 2002).
neuronal activity is decreased. Specifically, when a pyramidal Taken together, these characteristics make CaMKII an ideal
neuron firing rate is decreased, its capability to release BDNF monitor and effector that can trigger intracellular signaling
is decreased as well. Decreased levels of BDNF translate into to correct chronic variations in neuronal activity. In addition
increased excitatory transmission between pyramidal neurons. to CaMKII, two recent studies have revealed a critical role for
Importantly, neighboring interneurons can sense the decreased CaMKIV, another type of calmodulin-dependent kinase, in
BDNF and decrease their inhibitory inputs onto pyramidal cell-autonomous regulation of synaptic transmission (Goold
neurons to restore the firing capability for the neurons in the and Nicoll, 2010; Ibata et al., 2008). Specifically, decreased neu-
network (Turrigiano and Nelson, 2004). The mechanism by ronal activity triggers increased synaptic strength, a mecha-
which decreased BDNF triggers opposite synaptic adaptations nism mediated through a drop in somatic Ca2+ concentration
in pyramidal neurons versus interneurons is not yet known. and reduced activation of CaMKIV (Ibata et al., 2008). The
The regulation of synaptic transmission in cortical net- opposite phenomenon was later reported by Goold and Nicoll
works is a critical mechanism that preserves an adequate (2010) where neuronal activity was increased, further support-
balance of excitation and inhibition (Fig. 5.3C), and a dis- ing a role for CaMKIV in bidirectional regulation of neuronal
ruption in the balance of excitation to inhibition can have homeostasis.
dramatic consequences. For example, this type of disruption
is one of the leading hypotheses to explain some forms of
autism where an imbalance occurs in the form of an increased C O N C L U SI O N
ratio of excitation/inhibition in various systems, including
mnemonic, social, sensory, and emotional systems (Rippon This chapter succinctly described some fundamental types
et al., 2007; Rubenstein and Merzenich, 2003). Disruption in of neural plasticity. Generally speaking, plasticity is a ubiq-
excitation-inhibition balance has also been reported in neuro- uitous phenomenon that occurs in various subcellular com-
logical disorders as diverse as epilepsy (Fritschy, 2008), schizo- partments, where each regulates specific aspects of neuronal
phrenia (Kehrer et al., 2008), and mental retardation (Eichler communication. Subcellular compartments can engage in
and Meier, 2008). a variety of cellular mechanisms targeting voltage- and/or
ligand-gated ion channels to change persistently their func-
tions upon exposure to various types of experiences, includ-
ing learning and exposure to drugs of abuse. For the purpose
Homeostatic mechanisms are triggered by perturbations in of brevity, we did not describe structural plasticity in this
the level of neuronal activity. However, the means through chapter, which is another type of neural plasticity that is also
which a neuron detects variations in its activity are still very important (Bosch and Hayashi, 2011). Combined with
unclear. Because the level of depolarization directly influ- the discovery of unequivocal evidence for adult neurogenesis
ences intracellular Ca2+ concentration, a prerequisite for many (Lledo et al., 2006), it demonstrates that neurons not only
activity-dependent enzymes to function, intracellular Ca2+ change their functions, but also their shapes and numbers.
level has become a prominent candidate for monitoring cel- Now, new challenges for researchers include achieving a bet-
lular activity. Ca2+ levels are influenced by Ca2+ influx through ter understanding of how diverse types of plasticity occur as
neurotransmitter receptors, voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, and well as elucidating their functional relevance and how they
Ca2+ release from intracellular stores, each of which poten- relate to changes in behaviors. Moreover, because multiple
tially provides a temporal and spatial readout of cellular activ- types of plasticity can coexist in a neural network or even
ity (Davis and Bezprozvanny, 2001). Once the neuron senses in the same neuron, we need to better understand how they
changes in its activity, it activates molecular effectors to exe- interact with one another to shape neural activity and lead to
cute compensatory changes, likely through Ca2+-calmodulin adaptive or maladaptive behaviors that are observed in neu-
protein kinases-activated pathways (Fig. 5.4). rological and psychiatric disorders.

74 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

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dvances in molecular biology and in understand- stable changes in the structure of chromatin (the combination
ing the genetics of complex human phenotypes have of DNA and proteins that comprise the nucleus) at particular
opened a new world of possibilities for research on genes—and hence in the behaviors those genes regulate—can
mental disorders and their treatment. However, because be produced without changes in the genetic code itself.
the syndromes with which psychiatry is ultimately charged
are expressed at the level of behavior, molecular and genetic
work must be complemented by ongoing research in the more N U C L E I C A C I DS
integrative aspects of neuroscience and behavioral science
described elsewhere in this textbook. Thus, for example, the Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) contains the genetic blueprints
pathophysiology of mental disorders depends on the complex of cells, that is, the information to produce ribonucleic acid
interaction of genetic (bottom-up) factors and environmental (RNA) and proteins, which in turn create the fundamental
(top-down) factors affecting the development and subsequent structural and functional properties of our cells. The latest
function of the brain. Many scientific disciplines must contrib- estimate is that the human genome contains approximately
ute to that understanding. 25,000 genes, which use about 1.5% of ~3,000,000,000 base
Despite substantial evidence that genes and environment pairs of DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid exists as a double helix,
are inseparable partners in brain development and plasticity— each strand of which is an unbranched chain built out of small
and therefore in the formation of personalities, talents, and all building blocks called nucleotide bases. DNA and RNA are syn-
other aspects of behavior, including vulnerability to mental thesized from four types of nucleotide bases. The four nucle-
illness and very likely responsiveness to treatments for men- otides that make up DNA are the purines, adenine (A) and
tal illness—simplistic versions of the nature–nurture debate guanine (G), and the pyrimidines, cytosine (C) and thymine (T),
never seem to disappear. It is true that from the time a one-cell each containing a deoxyribose sugar group. In RNA the pyrim-
embryo is formed from the fusion of sperm and egg, the genetic idine uracil (U) takes the place of thymine, and the sugar group
endowment of that individual is fixed. An important focus of is ribose instead of deoxyribose. Individual nucleotides are
current research, however, is to find out precisely what that joined into strands of DNA or RNA via the phosphate groups
means with respect to behavioral traits. It is now becoming that form a phosphodiester linkage.
increasingly clear that behavioral phenotypes, including vul- The alternating deoxyribose sugar and phosphate groups that
nerability to serious mental disorders such as schizophrenia, connect the bases of each DNA strand form a “sugar-phosphate
bipolar disorder, depression, and autism, result from the inter- backbone” on the outside of the double helix with the bases
action of multiple (perhaps hundreds of) genes, very likely arrayed on the inside of the double helix (Fig. 6.1). In DNA, the
acting at different times during brain development in interac- nucleotide base A is paired with (or is complementary to) T on
tion with the environment. An important goal of psychiatric the opposite strand, and G is paired with C. In RNA, U, which is
research is therefore to understand how genetic information is structurally similar to T, is also complementary to A. The rules
read out during development and how the brain changes as a of base pairing observed in DNA result from the fact that only
result of stochastic or random processes during development, complementary pairs of nucleotides form a maximum number
as well as in response to experience of the sensory world and of stabilizing hydrogen bonds. Any other arrangement of bases
other environmental inputs, such as drugs, infections, and destabilizes the structure of the DNA. A critical property of a
injuries. linear polymer such as DNA (or RNA) is that it can serve as a
The goal of this chapter is to describe the fundamen- template for the synthesis of other macromolecules. The princi-
tal molecular processes by which information is encoded in ple of complementary base pairing provides the mechanism by
the genome and how this information is expressed within which information can be transferred. An enzyme, a DNA pol-
an environmental context. We describe what genes are, how ymerase in the case of DNA replication, or RNA polymerase in
they function, and how their expression is regulated by signals the case of transcription of DNA into RNA, can proceed down a
from outside the cell. This chapter shows that the control of template strand of DNA, adding a nucleotide base complemen-
gene expression by extracellular signals is a critical arena for tary to the base on the template strand as it forms a new strand
gene–environment interactions relevant to psychiatry (Hyman of nucleic acid (Fig. 6.1).
and Nestler, 1993). Chapter 7 builds on this foundation by Although the actual enzymatic steps involved in the rep-
describing epigenetic regulation in psychiatry, namely, how lication of DNA are quite complex, the overall principles are

76 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

a flexible single strand, free to fold into numerous conforma-
A tions, it is functionally more versatile than DNA.
Messenger RNA (mRNA) functions as an intermediate
between the sequence of DNA that comprises the transcribed
regions of genes and the sequence of proteins. Not all RNA
serve as mRNA, however. Other RNAs function in varied roles
A G in cells. Ribosomes, the organelles on which proteins are syn-
C thesized, are constructed out of complexes of several types of
G ribosomal RNA (rRNAs) with proteins. Transfer RNAs (tRNAs)
G transport specific amino acids to the ribosomes for incorpora-
C T tion into proteins during the process in which mRNA is trans-
G lated into protein. More recently, scientists have characterized
C several other types of non-coding RNAs, categorized as long
G or short based on their length. These non-coding RNAs are
T C considered a form of epigenetic regulation and are discussed
in greater detail in Chapter 7. Briefly, long non-coding RNAs,
Figure 6.1 Schematic of complementary base pairing of deoxyribonucleic acid generally characterized as >200 nucleotides in length, regulate
(DNA). Two complementary strands of DNA hybridize with one another to chromatin structure and gene expression (Taft et al., 2010).
form a double helix. The sugar-phosphate backbones of the two strands are The most prevalent short non-coding RNAs, termed microR-
found on the outside of the double helix; the bases are found on the inside.
NAs (miRNAs), bind to specific mRNAs and inhibit their
Formation of a DNA double helix is stabilized when hydrogen bonds form
between complementary bases of the two strands. Two hydrogen bonds form
translation and/or promote their degradation (Bartel, 2009; Vo
when A is across from T; three hydrogen bonds form when G is across from C. et al., 2010). The discovery of miRNAs has been translated into
Other appositions of bases are destabilizing and do not occur. A strand of DNA a powerful tool called RNA interference or RNAi, which uses
can serve as a template for a second strand of nucleic acid (DNA or ribonucleic small hairpin RNAs (shRNAs), which are cleaved into small
acid [RNA]). A polymerase enzyme assembles individual nucleotides into a new
inhibitory RNAs, to experimentally suppress expression of a
strand using the first strand as a template. The sequence of the new strand is
therefore determined by the template, permitting the transfer of information
targeted mRNA and protein.
across generations. Complementary base pairing is also the fundamental Like DNA, mRNA carries information encoded in its lin-
principle in the synthesis of RNA from DNA and in many experimental ear sequence of nucleotides. DNA and mRNA specify amino
situations in which it is desirable to detect the presence of a specific DNA or acid building blocks for proteins in linear stretches of three
RNA strand.
nucleotides. Proteins consist of unbranched chains of amino
acid building blocks. An amino acid is a small molecule that
contains an amino group (NH2) and a carboxylic acid or car-
simple. Replication begins with separation of the two com- boxy group (COOH) plus a variable side chain. The side chains
plementary DNA strands in a local region. Each strand then used by the 20 common amino acids differ markedly in size,
serves as a template for a new DNA molecule by the sequential shape, hydrophobicity, and charge. Amino acids are linked to
polymerization of nucleotides. Eventually the replication proc- each other by peptide bonds that join the amino group of one
ess generates two complete DNA double helices, each identi- amino acid to the carboxy group of another amino acid.
cal in sequence to the original. Replication of DNA is said to Within the portion of an mRNA that is translatable into
be semiconservative because each daughter DNA molecule a protein, each successive group of three nucleotide bases
contains one of the original parental strands plus one newly (called a codon) specifies either one amino acid or termination
synthesized strand. Transcription of DNA into RNA is con- of the protein chain. The rules specifying the correspondence
ceptually similar except that only one DNA strand serves as between a codon and an amino acid are called the genetic code.
a template and, when synthesis of the RNA is complete, it is Because RNA is a linear polymer of 4 nucleotides, there are
released and the DNA strands can reanneal into their stable 43 or 64 possible codons but only 20 amino acids. As a result,
double-helical structure. although each codon specifies only a single amino acid, most
amino acids are specified by more than one codon. The genetic
code is therefore said to be degenerate. With only a few minor
INFOR M AT IO N FL O W S F RO M DN A T O exceptions, the code has been conserved across evolution. The
R NA TO P RO T EIN codons in an mRNA molecule do not interact directly with the
amino acids they specify; the translation of mRNA into pro-
DNA carries information in its linear sequence of nucle- tein depends on the presence of tRNAs that serve as adapter
otides. Although the linear polynucleotide structure of molecules that recognize a specific codon and the correspond-
DNA is well suited for the stable storage of information and ing amino acid (Fig. 6.2).
for self-replication, its chemical simplicity and its relatively The ribosome is a structure composed of proteins and
rigid helical structure limit its biological functions. Thus, structural rRNAs; these organelles provide a structure on which
the information contained within DNA must be read out to tRNAs can interact (via their anticodons) with the codons of an
yield RNA and proteins. Like DNA, RNA is chemically quite mRNA in sequential order. The ribosome finds a specific start
simple (i.e., composed of four nucleotides), but because it is site on the mRNA that sets the reading frame and then moves

6 P R I N C I P L E S O F M O L E C U L A R B I O L O G Y | 77

anticodon of certain mRNAs, which are targeted by RNA-binding proteins
to form RNA granules for transport. Fragile X mental retarda-
tion protein (FMRP) is an example of one of these RNA-binding
proteins, which plays an important role in controlling dendritic
protein synthesis. Loss of FMRP expression causes Fragile X
mental retardation syndrome (see Chapter 7).
In contrast with nucleic acids, which are constructed of
four bases that are chemically similar, proteins are constructed
out of 20 very different amino acids. By incorporating so many
different types of amino acids, each with its chemically diverse
side chains, proteins have extraordinary functional versatility,
hydrogen unlike DNA or RNA. The specific properties of proteins depend
bonds not only on the linear sequence of their amino acid building
blocks (primary structure), but also on the tendency of cer-
5’ tain combinations of amino acids to form intrinsic structural
motifs (secondary structures, for example, α helices or β sheets)
and by their folded three-dimensional characteristics (ter-
amino tiary structure). In addition, proteins form stable interactions
acid (complexes) with other proteins (quaternary structure). In such
cases, the individual polypeptide chains are called subunits. The
Figure 6.2 Transfer RNA (tRNA): Transfer RNA (tRNA) is a single strand of RNA
that folds on itself through the apposition of complementary base pairs and
folding of proteins, and the interactions of proteins with each
the subsequent formation of hydrogen bonds, indicated by the dashed lines other and with other molecules such as nucleic acids, is highly
in the figure. One of the loops formed contains the anticodon, the sequence regulated by chemical modifications of the protein, most often
of three nucleotides on the tRNA that binds to the complementary codon on of particular side chains. For example, one ubiquitous mecha-
a messenger RNA molecule. For the anticodon AGA shown in the figure, the nism of regulation of protein function is by the covalent addi-
corresponding codon on the mRNA would be UCU. The free end of the tRNA
binds to a specific amino acid. Each tRNA, with a given anticodon, binds only
tion of a phosphate group (by specific enzymes called protein
one type of amino acid determined by the genetic code. In the case shown in kinases) to the hydroxyl groups found in serine, threonine, or
the figure, the amino acid bound would be serine. From Hyman and Nestler tyrosine side chains (Chapters 4 and 5). Cells may contain tens
(1993) reprinted with permission from The Molecular Foundations of Psychiatry, of thousands of distinct proteins, each with unique structural
(Copyright ©1993). American Psychiatric Publishing. and functional properties, including neurotransmitter recep-
tors, neuropeptides, ion channels, enzymes, and a very large
along the mRNA molecule progressively, translating the nucle- number of other types of proteins.
otide sequence one codon at a time, using tRNAs to add amino
acids to the growing end of the polypeptide chain (Fig. 6.3).
Over the past decade, it has become clear that a small G E N E S A N D C HR O M O SO M E S
number of mRNAs, along with associated protein translation
machinery, are transported to dendrites of neurons, where they As a first approximation, genes were initially defined as
mediate rapid changes in protein synthesis in response to syn- stretches of DNA that encode a single protein or a single func-
aptic activity (Wang et al., 2010). This transport is mediated by tional RNA, such as an rRNA or a tRNA. This rule breaks down
the presence of specific sequences in the 3’-untranslated region quickly, however, because there are mechanisms, such as alter-
native splicing of the primary RNA transcript into different
mRNAs, that may intervene between a given gene and a fin-
Ribosomes ished protein. Moreover, individual protein precursors may be
cleaved into numerous functionally active peptides. As a result
of these and other processes, many individual genes actually
encode multiple proteins, although we still do not know what
fraction of all genes function in this manner.
Nascent Protein Chain Genes are arrayed on extremely long chains of DNA called
chromosomes. Eukaryotic chromosomes contain not only genes,
Figure 6.3 Protein translation. Ribosomal subunits bind together on mature
but also large amounts of intergenic DNA. Indeed, within the
messenger ribonucleic acids (mRNAs) to form actively translating ribosomes.
The ribosome begins adding amino acids when it reaches a “start codon” on
human genome, the ~25,000 genes take up perhaps only 3% of
the mRNA and processes down the mRNA, one codon at a time, adding the chromosomal DNA. Moreover, genes are not distributed equally
appropriate amino acid as it is delivered by a transfer RNA (tRNA). When a along the chromosomes but are often found in clusters. Some
“stop codon” is reached, the ribosome releases the polypeptide chain and chromosomes are “gene rich” and others are relatively “gene
dissociates from the mRNA. Each mRNA that is being actively translated
poor.” Within intergenic regions there is a great deal of DNA with
has multiple ribosomes moving sequentially down its length, forming a
polyribosome complex. From Hyman and Nestler (1993) reprinted with
unique sequences of unknown function, as well as long stretches
permission from The Molecular Foundations of Psychiatry, (Copyright ©1993). of tandemly repeated sequences known as satellite DNA. Included
American Psychiatric Publishing. within these regions are retrotransposons, such as LINE-1 (long

78 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

interspersed nuclear element-1) repeats, which are transcribed by RNA synthesis, RNA polymerase, must interact with the gene
RNA polymerase and encode several enzymes including reverse at an appropriate transcription start site and begin transcrib-
transcriptase (an enzyme that synthesizes a strand of DNA from ing (initiation). Second, the RNA polymerase must successfully
RNA). The resulting DNA strands can then incorporate into the transcribe an appropriate length of RNA (elongation). Third,
genome, where they can disrupt normal gene expression. An transcription of the RNA must terminate appropriately. The
interesting line of current research is to understand the role of resulting RNA is then posttranscriptionally processed. It receives
LINE-1 and related retrotransposons as a novel mechanism con- a stretch of adenines, a poly-(A) tail, which makes it more stable
trolling neural gene expression (see Chapter 7). in the cell. This process of polyadenylation is dynamically regu-
The chromosomes of eukaryotic cells are so long (~2 meters lated and can exert a powerful influence on expression of the
if stretched out linearly) that they would not fit in the nucleus resulting mRNAs (Proudfoot, 2011). It is also spliced to remove
in their extended form. Thus, stretches of the DNA that are not internal sequences (introns) that are not appropriate for transla-
being actively transcribed are tightly packed into a conformation tion into protein in that particular cell. The spliced “exportable”
described as a coiled coil, which permits the chromosomes to sequences (exons) exit the nucleus to be translated into protein
fit within the nucleus. To create packed conformations, lengths in the cytoplasm (Fig. 6.4). Alternative splicing vastly increases
of DNA are coiled around structural and regulatory proteins, the number of protein products produced by the cell, with cer-
of which the most important are the histones. These structures tain genes, for example, the neurexins, generating hundreds of
are termed nucleosomes. Regions of DNA that are being actively splice variants (Padgett, 2012).
transcribed into RNA may be greater than 1000-fold more
extended than regions that are transcriptionally quiescent. The
unwinding of tightly packed nucleosomes, which enables their T R A N SC R I P T I O N A L C O N T R O L
expression, is mediated by highly complex modifications of his-
tones and many other nuclear proteins, which are discussed in We have now reviewed the flow of information from gene to
detail in Chapter 7 (Borrelli et al., 2008). protein. Every step along the way is regulated, but the major
control point in reading out the information contained within
the genome is transcription initiation. Indeed, this is the step
GE NE E X P RES S IO N at which environmental signals often exert powerful regula-
tory control on gene expression, during development and in
As described in the preceding paragraphs, proteins are not syn- mature cells. How does this come about?
thesized directly from the DNA that encodes them, but in two In addition to encoding information that ultimately directs
sequential processes, transcription of DNA into mRNA, which the synthesis of proteins, genes contain regulatory informa-
occurs in the nucleus, and translation of the mRNA into protein tion. Every cell in our bodies contains all of our genes in its
according to the rules of the genetic code, which occurs in the nucleus, but not every gene is active in every cell. Our cells
cytoplasm. Transcription of protein-coding genes can be divided differ—indeed, their identity is defined—by the fact that each
into three major steps. First, the enzyme primarily involved in type of cell in the body expresses only a subset of the entire

Transcription start site

Regulatory region
5’ 3’
Intron 1 Intron 2 Intron 3
Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon 3 Exon 4


Primary RNA transcript (hnRNA)

RNA splicing

mRNA (splice variant 1) mRNA (splice variant 2)

Figure 6.4 RNA splicing. Horizontal black lines represent deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) regulatory regions and introns. Black, gray, and white rectangles represent
exons. The region to the left of the first exon is the 5′ regulatory region of the gene, but cis-regulatory elements are also found in introns and sometimes
downstream of the last exon. The primary transcript, also known as heterogeneous ribonucleic acid (hnRNA), contains exons and introns and gives rise, in the case
shown, to two alternatively spliced messenger ribonucleic acids (mRNAs): one containing exons 1, 2, and 4, and one containing exons 1, 3, and 4. These splice
variants, after export from the nucleus and translation in the cytoplasm, give rise to distinct proteins.

6 P R I N C I P L E S O F M O L E C U L A R B I O L O G Y | 79

complement of genes. In any given cell, some genes are “on,” for many protein-encoding genes consist of a sequence motif
being read out to make mRNA and hence proteins, and the rich in the nucleotides A and T, called the TATA box. The TATA
rest are silent. Thus, for example, in the red blood cell precur- box is generally located ~30 nucleotides upstream of the actual
sors of the bone marrow, the genes that encode globins, pro- site at which transcription of DNA into RNA is initiated. In the
teins that are the critical building blocks of hemoglobin, are nervous system, however, numerous genes do not contain
actively making globin-encoding mRNA. In our midbrains, a identifiable TATA boxes, which means that their transcription
subset of cells are making a protein called tyrosine hydroxylase, start sites are defined differently. In eukaryotes, transcription of
the rate-limiting enzyme for the synthesis of catecholamines, protein-coding genes is carried out by the enzyme RNA poly-
like dopamine and norepinephrine. It would not be adaptive merase II, which does not directly contact DNA but interacts
for these cells to synthesize large amounts of hemoglobin, just with the complex of proteins that assembles at the TATA box or
as red blood cell precursors need not use energy to synthesize distinct transcription start site (Fig. 6.5).
tyrosine hydroxylase. The processes by which certain genes are
“silenced” in a tissue-specific manner during development are
now increasingly understood at the chromatin or epigenetic
level (Chapter 7).
Regulatory sequences within genes work by virtue of their
ability to bind specific proteins. Certain regulatory sequences
specify the beginnings and ends of segments of DNA that can
be transcribed into RNA. Other regulatory sequences deter- The basal transcription complex assembled at the TATA box
mine in what cell types and under what circumstances their or other transcription start site is only sufficient to initiate low
gene can be read out. DNA sequences that subserve such con- levels of transcription of DNA into RNA. To achieve signifi-
trol functions are often called cis-regulatory elements (Fig. 6.5). cant levels of gene expression, the basal transcription complex
The term cis refers to the fact that the relevant regulatory requires help from additional transcription factors that rec-
sequences are physically linked, on the DNA, to the region ognize and bind to cis-regulatory elements found elsewhere
being controlled, which is usually a segment of DNA that can within the gene. Cis-elements that exert control near the core
be transcribed into RNA. The proteins that bind to cis ele- promoter itself have been called promoter elements, and those
ments have been described as trans-acting factors because they that act at a distance—often several hundred to more than
may be encoded anywhere in the genome rather than on the 1,000 nucleotide base pairs away—have been called enhancer
same stretch of DNA that they regulate. Those proteins that elements, but the commonly made distinction between pro-
are involved in specifying whether, and under what circum- moter and enhancer elements is artificial. Both are composed
stances, a gene will be transcribed are more generally known of small “modular” sequences of DNA (generally 7–12 base
as transcription factors. Many transcription factors bind DNA pairs in length), each of which is a specific binding site for one
directly; others interact only indirectly via protein–protein or more transcription factors. Multiple cis-regulatory elements
interactions with factors that bind DNA. arrayed throughout the control regions of a gene, and the pro-
Those cis-regulatory elements that specify the site within a teins they bind, act in combinatorial fashion to give each gene
gene at which transcription starts, and on which the complex of its distinct patterns of expression and regulation.
proteins that forms the basal transcription apparatus is assem- Transcription factors that are tethered to DNA by binding
bled, are called the basal or core promoter. The core promoters cis-elements are often described as sequence-specific tran-
scription factors. Most such proteins have a modular struc-
ture composed of physically separate domains: a domain that
Kinase recognizes and binds a specific DNA sequence, an activation
domain that interacts with the basal transcription complex to
RNA activate or inhibit it, and a multimerization domain that per-
Dimerization domain Activation domain mits the formation of homo- and heteromultimers with other
IIF IIH transcription factors (Fig. 6.5). Many transcription factors are
DNA binding domain poI II
TBP active only as dimers or higher order complexes. Within tran-
DNA Response Element TATA scription factor dimers, whether homodimers or heterodimers,
it is common for both partners to contribute jointly to the DNA
Figure 6.5 Cis- and trans-regulation. The figure shows two cis-regulatory binding domain and the activation domain. Sequence-specific
elements (open rectangles) along the stretch of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) transcription factors may contact the basal transcription com-
(thin line). The element to the left represents a response element that serves as
plex directly; in many cases, they interact through the media-
a binding site for a hypothetical transcription factor that binds as a homodimer.
The other is the thymine adenine thymine adenine (TATA) element, shown tion of adapter proteins. In either case, transcription factors
binding the TATA binding protein (TBP). Multiple general transcription factors that bind cis-regulatory elements at a distance from the core
and ribonucleic acid (RNA) polymerase II (pol II) associate with TBP. This promoter can interact with the basal transcription apparatus
basal transcription apparatus recruits RNA polymerase II into the complex because the DNA forms loops that bring distant regions in con-
and also forms the substrate for interactions with activator proteins, such
tact with each other (Fig. 6.6A and B). Once bound to DNA,
as those binding to the activator elements shown. The transcription factor
shown binding to the response element is a substrate for a protein kinase that transcription factors serve as scaffolds for the recruitment of
phosphorylates its activation domain (see text). many types of activator or repressor proteins that serve to

80 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

(A) (B)
DNA Binding Domain
Leucine Zipper
Transcriptional Activation Domain
Kinase PO3 PO3
DNA Polymerase II

Polymerase II


Figure 6.6 Looping of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) permits activator (or repressor) proteins binding at a distance to interact with the basal transcription apparatus.
In the figure, the basal transcription apparatus is shown as a single box bound at the thymine adenine thymine adenine (TATA) element. The activator protein,
cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-response element binding protein (CREB), is shown bound as a homodimer to its cognate cis-regulatory element,
the cAMP-response element (CRE), at a distance from the TATA element (panels A and B). Upon phosphorylation, many activators such as CREB are able to
recruit adapter proteins that mediate between the activator and the basal transcription apparatus. An adapter protein that binds phosphorylated CREB is called
CREB binding protein (CBP), a form of histone acetyltransferase (HAT) that acetylates nearby histones to facilitate gene transcription (see Chapter 7). With the
recruitment of the adapter, a mature transcription complex forms that permits the synthesis of ribonucleic acid (RNA) by RNA polymerase II (panel B).

epigenetically activate or repress gene expression, respectively by IκB-kinase (IκK) leads to dissociation of NF-κB, which per-
(see Chapter 7). mits it to enter the nucleus, where it binds to its response ele-
ments; IκB is then digested within the cytoplasm.
The preceding discussion highlights that the critical nuclear
R E G U L AT I O N O F G E N E E X P R E S S I O N B Y translocation step can involve the transcription factor itself or
EXTRACELLULAR SIGNALS another signaling molecule. Either mechanism can activate a
All regulation of gene expression by extracellular signals third scenario: Some transcription factors are expressed only at
requires a mechanism that carries a signal from the cell mem- very low levels when cells are in their unstimulated state. Their
brane to the nucleus. In many cases, intracellular signal- genes contain response elements that lead to their synthesis
ing molecules, such as protein kinases, serve this function. when cells are activated. Thus, gene expression may occur in
This is illustrated by CREB (cAMP response element bind- cascades, with the stimulation of preexisting transcription fac-
ing protein), which mediates many of the effects of the cyclic tors leading to the expression of genes encoding (among many
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) system, and other intrac- other genes) additional transcription factors, which can then
ellular pathways, on gene expression (Altarejos and Montminy, stimulate yet other genes. Activation of genes by preexisting
2011). CREB is bound under basal cellular conditions to its transcription factors occurs more rapidly than activation of
cognate cis-regulatory element (the cyclic AMP-response ele- genes by factors that must be synthesized de novo. Thus, not
ment, or CRE). Stimuli that increase levels of cAMP activate surprisingly, different neurotransmitters, drugs, and other
cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), which results in lib- stimuli may activate gene expression with widely varying time
eration of the kinase’s catalytic subunits (Chapter 4). A portion courses ranging from minutes to many hours.
of the free catalytic subunit then enters the nucleus, where it Many transcription factors are members of families, pre-
phosphorylates CREB, permitting it to activate transcription. sumably related by evolution, with related structures and func-
Similarly, stimuli that activate other intracellular signaling cas- tions. In the following section we illustrate the function of
cades (e.g., Ca2+ or extracellular signal-regulated kinase [ERK] representative families of transcription factors, which serve as
pathways) lead to the activation of other protein kinases, which instructive examples of the diverse mechanisms governing the
also phosphorylate and activate CREB. regulation of transcription in the nervous system.
In other cases, a transcription factor, itself activated at the
cell membrane or in the cytoplasm, then translocates to the
nucleus. This is illustrated by the transcription factor NF-κB
(nuclear factor κB), which is involved, among other things,
in the activation of genes involved in inflammatory responses CREB was the first-discovered and best-characterized mem-
but also implicated in diverse neural phenomena (Hayden and ber of a family of related proteins that bind to a particular
Ghosh, 2012). Under basal conditions, NF-κB is retained in the DNA sequence termed the CRE, as mentioned (Altarejos
cytoplasm by its inhibitory binding protein (IκB); this interac- and Montminy, 2011). The family is composed of CREB,
tion masks a protein sequence within the NF-κB molecule that the ATFs (activating transcription factors), and the CREMs
serves as a nuclear localization signal. Phosphorylation of IκB (cAMP-response element modulators). CREB itself plays

6 P R I N C I P L E S O F M O L E C U L A R B I O L O G Y | 81

a major role in mediating the effects of cAMP and Ca2+ and free catalytic subunits of the enzyme) is then translocated
of those neurotransmitters that act through cAMP or Ca2+, into the nucleus, where it phosphorylates and activates CREB.
on gene expression. A large number of genes contain CREs, Phosphorylation of CREB, in turn, serves to activate the expres-
including the gene encoding the transcription factor c-Fos and sion of genes that contain CREB bound to their promoter
the genes encoding tyrosine hydroxylase, BDNF (brain-derived regions. Similar mechanisms operate for neurotransmitters (or
neurotrophic factor), and several neuropeptides, such as nerve impulses) that activate CREB via stimulation of cellular
proenkephalin, prodynorphin, somatostatin, and VIP (vasoac- Ca2+ signals and for neurotrophic factors that activate CREB
tive intestinal polypeptide). Members of the CREB/ATF family via stimulation of ERK cascades.
bind to CREs as dimers. The dimerization domain used by the The convergence of multiple signaling pathways on CREB
CREB/ATF proteins and several other families of transcription may be very significant for the function of the nervous system.
factors is called a leucine zipper, an alpha helical motif in which For example, associative memory appears to result from the
every seventh residue is a leucine. The proteins form a coil in integration of multiple signals that converge on target neurons,
which electrostatic interactions stabilize dimer formation. integration that could be achieved in part via CREB phospho-
The methods used to characterize CREs, and indeed all rylation. Indeed, experiments performed by numerous labo-
cis-regulatory elements, involve deleting them, or mutating ratories on multiple species from Drosophila to rats, in which
them more subtly, and then reintroducing them into eukary- CREB was inactivated by different experimental methods, yield
otic cells in culture by transfection. When a critical base in a organisms with deficits in long-term memory, while increases
DNA regulatory element is mutated, it weakens or destroys the in CREB function produce animals with enhanced memory
binding site for the relevant transcription factor. If the protein (e.g., Josselyn, 2010; Barco and Marie, 2011). CREB has also
can no longer bind, the gene can no longer be activated by the been implicated in many additional psychiatric phenomena
physiological stimulus under investigation, such as cAMP. By including drug addiction and depression (Blendy, 2006; Cao
comparing response element sequences that have been inves- et al., 2010; Carlezon et al., 2005).
tigated by mutagenesis within many genes, an idealized con- CREB illustrates yet another important principle of tran-
sensus sequence can be derived. The consensus nucleotide scriptional regulation. As described the preceding section,
sequence of the CRE is TGACGTCA, with the nucleotides CREB is a member of a larger family of related proteins. The
CGTCA absolutely required. ATFs and CREMs (distinct CREM products are generated
The consensus CRE sequence illustrates an important from a single CREM gene via alternative splicing) bind CREs as
principle, the palindromic nature of many transcription fac- dimers; many can dimerize with CREB itself. Activating tran-
tor binding sites. In the sequence TGACGTCA, it can be read- scription factor-1 (ATF1) appears to be very similar to CREB;
ily observed that the sequence on the two complementary it can be activated by the cAMP and Ca2+ pathways. Many of
strands, which run in opposite directions, is identical. Many the other ATF proteins and CREM isoforms appear to acti-
cis-regulatory elements are perfect or approximate palin- vate transcription; however, certain CREMs, such as one called
dromes permitting binding of transcription factors in the form ICER (inducible cAMP repressor), act to repress it. Inhibitory
of dimers, where each member of the dimer recognizes one of CREM isoforms lack a glutamine-rich transcriptional activa-
the half-sites. tion domain found in CREB. Thus, certain CREB–CREM het-
The primary mechanism by which CREB is regulated erodimers might bind CREs but fail to activate transcription.
is through its phosphorylation on a single serine residue Some inhibitory CREMs (e.g., ICER) are induced by CREB
(Ser133) by any of several protein kinases, including PKA, itself but with a delayed time course. In this way, these pro-
Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV (CaMKIV), teins may help terminate genes that had been activated by a
and several kinases in the ERK cascade (see Chapter 4). CREB CREB signal. Work in recent years has begun to demonstrate
is constitutively synthesized so that it exists in neurons under the involvement of ATFs and CREMs in an individual’s adap-
basal conditions, although its expression can be regulated tations to numerous environmental stimuli, such as stress and
under certain circumstances, such as in response to psycho- drugs of abuse (e.g., Green et al., 2008).
tropic drug treatments. Nonphosphorylated CREB is local-
ized to the nucleus, where it is bound to its response elements
T H E A P - 1 F A M I LY O F T R A N S C R I P T I O N
without considerable transcriptional activity (Fig. 6.6A).
Phosphorylation of CREB activates its transcriptional activity
by permitting CREB to interact with CBP (Fig. 6.6B). As noted Another group of transcription factors that plays a central role
in the preceding, CBP is called an adapter protein because it in the regulation of neural gene expression by extracellular sig-
intervenes between a sequence-specific transcription factor nals is the AP-1 proteins (Morgan and Curran, 1995). The name
CREB and the basal transcription apparatus, thus activating AP-1 was originally applied to a transcriptional activity, then
transcription. Despite its name, CBP provides this adapter called Activator Protein-1, that was subsequently found to be
function for several regulated transcription factors in addition composed of multiple proteins that bind as heterodimers (and
to CREB family proteins. a few as homodimers) to the DNA sequence TGACTCA, the
The mechanism by which neurotransmitters that increase AP-1 sequence. AP-1 proteins are divided into two groups, the
cAMP levels regulate gene expression via CREB is straight- Fos and Jun families. Like the CREB/ATF family, AP-1 proteins
forward. Neurotransmitter-receptor stimulation increases dimerize via a leucine zipper. The consensus AP-1 sequence
levels of cAMP and of activated PKA. Activated PKA (that is, is a heptamer, which forms a palindrome flanking a central C

82 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

or G. The AP-1 sequence differs from the CRE sequence by it must be recalled that many cellular genes regulated as IEGs
only a single base. Yet this one base difference strongly biases encode proteins that are not transcription factors (e.g., pro-
protein binding away from CREB (which requires an intact dynorphin or BDNF). Despite these caveats, the concept of
CGTCA motif) to the AP-1 family of proteins and means IEG-encoded transcription factors in the nervous system
that, under most circumstances, this sequence will not con- has been useful heuristically. Because of their rapid induc-
fer cAMP responsiveness on a gene. Instead, AP-1 sequences tion from low basal levels in response to neuronal depolar-
tend to confer responsiveness to growth factor–stimulated sig- ization (the critical signal being Ca2+ entry) and to second
naling pathways such as the ERK pathways and to the protein messenger and growth factor pathways, several IEGs have
kinase C pathway. Indeed, the AP-1 sequence was historically been used as cellular markers of neural activation, permitting
described as a TPA-response element (TRE) because the phor- novel approaches to functional neuroanatomy. This includes
bol ester 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), which not only the Fos and Jun families of transcription factors, but
activates protein kinase C, strongly induces gene expression also Zif268 (also called Egr1), which belongs to a distinct
via AP-1 proteins. It is a staggering illustration of the specific- family of transcription factors that binds to its own response
ity of cellular regulation that a single base change (from a CRE elements. Examples of the use of c-Fos as a marker of neu-
to an AP-1 site) in a gene thousands of bases long can result in ronal activation include induction of c-Fos in dorsal horn of
such a profound change in gene regulation. the spinal cord by nociceptive stimuli, in motor and sensory
AP-1 proteins generally bind DNA as heterodimers com- thalamus by stimulation of sensory cortex, in supraoptic/
posed of one member each of the Fos and Jun families. The paraventricular nuclei by water deprivation, and in numer-
Fos family includes c-Fos, Fra-1 (Fos-related antigen-1), Fra-2, ous brain regions by acute and chronic opiate and cocaine
and FosB (which gives rise to full-length FosB plus a truncated administration, as well as in response to a number of other
splice variant termed ΔFosB). The Jun family includes c-Jun, psychotropic drug treatments.
JunB, and JunD. Heterodimers form between members of
the Fos and Jun families via the leucine zipper. The potential THE COMPOSITION OF AP-1 COMPLEXES
complexity of transcriptional regulation is greater still because CHANGES OVER TIME
some AP-1 proteins can heterodimerize via the leucine zip- Following acute stimulation of cells, different members of the
per with members of the CREB–ATF family (e.g., ATF2 with Fos family are induced with varying time courses of expression,
c-Jun). which leads to a progression of distinct AP-1 protein complexes
Jun proteins, in particular JunD, are expressed constitu- over time (Nestler, 2008). It is believed that these changes pro-
tively at appreciable levels in neural cells. In contrast, all Fos duce varying patterns of expression of AP-1-regulated genes,
proteins are expressed at low or even undetectable levels under thereby permitting neurons to adapt to the pattern of stimula-
basal conditions, but with stimulation, can be induced to high tion to which they are being subjected.
levels of expression. Thus, unlike genes that are regulated by Under resting conditions, c-Fos mRNA and protein are
constitutively expressed transcription factors such as CREB, barely detectable in most neurons; however, c-Fos gene expres-
genes that are regulated by c-Fos/c-Jun heterodimers require sion can be induced dramatically in response to a variety of
new transcription and translation of these AP-1 proteins. stimuli. As just one example, experimental induction of a
grand mal seizure causes marked increases in levels of c-Fos
G E N E S E N C O D I N G F O S A N D J U N FA M I LY mRNA in the rat brain within 30 minutes and induces sub-
P R O T E I N S A R E O F T E N T E R M E D I M M E D I AT E stantial levels of c-Fos protein within 2 hours. c-Fos is highly
E A R LY G E N E S unstable and is degraded back to low, basal levels within
Genes, such as the c-Fos gene itself, that are activated rapidly 4–6 hours. Administration of cocaine or amphetamine causes
(within minutes), transiently, and without requiring new pro- a similar pattern of c-Fos expression in the striatum. In either
tein synthesis are frequently referred to as cellular immediate of these stimulus paradigms, other Fos-like proteins are also
early genes (IEGs) (Morgan and Curran, 1995) (see Chapter 4). induced, but with a longer temporal latency than c-Fos; their
Genes that are induced or repressed more slowly (over peak levels of expression lag behind c-Fos by approximately
hours), and are dependent on new protein synthesis, may be 1 hour. Moreover, expression of these proteins persists a bit
described as late response genes. The term IEG was initially longer than that of c-Fos but still returns to basal levels within
applied to describe viral genes that are activated immediately 8–12 hours.
upon infection of eukaryotic cells by commandeering host With repeated stimulation, however, the c-Fos gene, and
cell transcription factors for their expression. Viral IEGs gen- to a lesser extent the genes for other Fos-like proteins, become
erally encode transcription factors needed to activate viral refractory to further activation (i.e., their expression becomes
late gene expression. This terminology has been extended desensitized). However, in most systems, isoforms of ΔFosB
to cellular (i.e., nonviral) genes with varying success. The continue to be expressed (Nestler, 2008). These isoforms
terminology is problematic because there are many cellular exhibit very long half-lives in brain (1–2 weeks). As a result,
genes induced independently of protein synthesis, but with ΔFosB accumulates in specific neurons in response to repeated
a time course intermediately between those of classical IEGs perturbations and persists long after cessation of these pertur-
and late response genes. In fact, some genes may be regulated bations (Fig. 6.7). Such stable accumulation of ΔFosB, which
with different time courses or requirements for protein syn- is responsible for desensitizing expression of c-Fos, has been
thesis in response to different extracellular signals. Moreover, shown to play an important role in mediating the long-term

6 P R I N C I P L E S O F M O L E C U L A R B I O L O G Y | 83

effects of drugs of abuse and several other treatments on the to the AP-1 site with high affinity to regulate transcription. In
nervous system. contrast, heterodimers of c-Fos and JunB appear to be relatively
inactive. Due to the existence of numerous members of the Fos
T H E C - F O S G E N E I S A C T I VAT E D B Y M U LT I P L E and Jun families, complex regulatory schemes can readily be
S I G N A L I N G PAT H WAY S imagined by which a great deal of specificity in regulating cel-
The precise intracellular mechanisms by which extracellu- lular genes can be attained.
lar stimuli induce c-Fos expression are now well understood Although the primary mechanism by which Fos fam-
(Fig. 6.8). Stimuli that depolarize neurons (e.g., seizure activ- ily members are regulated appears to be at the level of their
ity, glutamate) induce c-Fos through a Ca2+-dependent mech- transcription, the proteins are also regulated by phosphoryla-
anism that involves the phosphorylation, by CaMKIV, of a tion. This is best illustrated by c-Fos itself, which is heavily
CREB protein that is already present in the cell and bound to phosphorylated on several closely spaced serine residues in
CREs in the c-Fos gene. Neurotransmitters that activate the the C-terminal region of the protein by PKA and CaMKs and
cAMP pathway in target neurons phosphorylate CREB on the by protein kinase C. c-Fos phosphorylation appears to be a
same amino acid residue via PKA. Phosphorylation of CREB, critical regulatory mechanism for the protein: The difference
as outlined in the previous section, activates its transcriptional between normal c-Fos (cellular Fos) and its viral counterpart
activity and leads to increased c-Fos expression. v-Fos (which is oncogenic) is a frame-shift mutation that
The c-Fos gene can also be induced by the ERK pathway, deletes the serine residues from the viral protein. It has been
which is activated by many types of growth factors, via at suggested that phosphorylation of c-Fos triggers the protein’s
least two distinct mechanisms, which may operate to different ability to suppress its own transcription, thereby providing
extents in different cell types. One mechanism, discussed in the key regulatory feedback control of the expression of this tran-
preceding description of CREB, involves the phosphorylation scription factor. Another example is the phosphorylation of
of CREB by ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK) directly downstream Jun proteins by Jun-kinases (JNKs). Jun-kinases are activated
of ERK. A second mechanism involves the phosphorylation by cellular forms of stress and, like ERK, are considered to
and activation, also by ERK, of a different transcription factor be part of the MAP (mitogen-activated protein)-kinase family
termed Elk-1 (E twenty-six [ETS]-like transcription factor 1). (see Chapter 4). The resulting phosphorylation of Jun tran-
Elk-1 binds, along with still another transcription factor, scription factors is thought to be an important part of a cell’s
serum response factor (SRF), to the serum response element adaptation to stress.
(SRE) within the c-Fos gene. A third mechanism mediates
c-Fos induction by cytokines via activation of the JAK (Janus
kinase)-STAT (signal transducers and activators of transcrip-
tion) pathway. The c-Fos gene contains a response element
called the SIE (SIF [sis-inducible factor]-inducible element),
which binds and is activated by STAT transcription factors. Cytokines subserve a wide array of functions within and out-
Cytokine regulation of JAK-STAT signaling is described in side of the nervous system (Chapters 1 and 2). Such cytokines
greater detail in what follows. include leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), ciliary neurotrophic
The activation of IEG products such as c-Fos in response to factor (CNTF), and interleukin-6 (IL-6), to name just a few.
a large number of stimuli raises the question of how specificity Recall from Chapter 4 that each of these cytokines produces
of response is achieved. First, specificity is partly achieved by its biological effects through activation of the gp130 class
the particular neural circuitry involved; that is, c-Fos and the of plasma membrane receptor and the subsequent activa-
other proteins are induced only along those particular neural tion of the JAK-STAT pathway, noted earlier (Horvath, 2000;
pathways activated in response to the stimulus. Second, speci- Ihle, 2001). The crucial feeding peptide, leptin, also acts via a
ficity is achieved by specialization within neuronal cell types. JAK-STAT linked receptor.
For example, in particular cell types not every gene that con- The gp130-linked receptors for these cytokines and related
tains an appropriate binding site (e.g., an AP-1 site) to which signals do not contain protein kinase domains. Rather, the
c-Fos can bind is in a chromatin configuration that permits cytoplasmic portions of the receptors interact with nonrecep-
access to c-Fos-containing complexes (Chapter 7). Third, tor protein tyrosine kinases of the JAK family, which include
individual transcription factors generally cannot act alone to JAK1, JAK2, and Tyk2. Cytokine receptors show some speci-
induce or repress the expression of a given gene. Multiple types ficity for the types of JAKs activated in a given cell type. Signal
of transcription factors, binding to distinct regulatory elements transduction to the nucleus involves the tyrosine phosphoryla-
within a gene’s promoter region, must often act in concert to tion, by the JAKs, of one or more of a family of transcription
produce significant effects on gene expression. factor proteins called STATs. Upon phosphorylation, STAT
Fourth, as alluded to the above-described point, protein proteins translocate to the nucleus, where they bind appropri-
products of many IEGs including c-Fos can bind DNA with ate cytokine response elements present in target genes. The
high affinity only after binding to other transcription factors transcriptional activity of STAT proteins can be illustrated by
to form heterodimers. Such interactions are well exemplified regulation of c-Fos, as depicted in Fig. 6.8. Analogous mecha-
by c-Fos and c-Jun. By itself, c-Fos is unable to bind DNA with nisms are involved in mediating the ability of cytokines to reg-
high affinity. c-Jun homodimers can bind DNA but do so with ulate many neural genes, including those for VIP and several
relatively low affinity. However, c-Fos/c-Jun heterodimers bind other neuropeptides.

84 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

Acute Arenas, 2010). (Many of the names given to proteins in this
c-Fos pathway are based on morphological phenotypes seen upon
deletion of homologous genes in Drosophila.) Wnt activation
of Fzd leads to the activation of Disheveled (Dvl) by promot-
ing its polymerization. The primary downstream signaling
(ΔFosB isoforms) mechanism of activated Dvl is termed the “canonical” path-
way (Fig. 6.9), where Dvl polymerization triggers its binding
to Axin, which in turn triggers the AKT (a serine/threonine
2 6 12
Time (hours) kinase)–mediated phosphorylation and inhibition of GSK3β
(glycogen synthase kinase-3β). GSK3β phosphorylates sev-
eral downstream targets, including β-catenin, which func-
accumulating tions as a transcription factor (Inestrosa and Arenas, 2010).
chronic-Fra’s GSK3β phosphorylation of β-catenin promotes β-catenin’s
degradation; hence, Wnt-Dvl, by inhibiting GSK3β, activates
β-catenin–mediated transcription. Dvl polymerization also
triggers the activation of Rac1, a small GTPase, which pro-
motes the translocation of β-catenin to the nucleus. β-Catenin
is a required cofactor for the transcription factors TCF (T cell
1 2 3 4 transcription factor) and LEF (lymphoid enhancer factor).
TCF/LEF binds to TCF/LEF response elements (also known as
Time (days)
WREs or Wnt response elements) present in numerous genes
Figure 6.7 Scheme for the gradual accumulation of ΔFosB versus the rapid and to regulate gene expression. The Wnt-Dvl-GSK3β-β-catenin
transient induction of c-Fos and several other Fos family proteins in the brain. (Top) signaling cascade has been implicated in numerous neuropsy-
Several waves of Fos family proteins are induced by many acute stimuli in neurons. chiatric syndromes and is the target for several types of psy-
c-Fos is induced rapidly and degraded within several hours of the acute stimulus,
chotropic drugs, in particular, mood stabilizers such as lithium
whereas others (FosB, ΔFosB, FRA-1 [Fos-related antigen-1], FRA-2) are induced
somewhat later and persist somewhat longer than c-Fos. In contrast, ΔFosB is (e.g., Li and Jope, 2010; Wilkinson et al., 2011). There is thus
induced (although at low levels) following a single acute stimulus but persists in keen interest in identifying the target genes of this cascade in
brain with a half-life of 1–2 weeks due to its unique stability. In a complex with Jun limbic brain regions that mediate these clinically important
family proteins, these waves of Fos family proteins form AP-1 binding complexes behavioral effects.
with shifting composition over time. (Bottom) With repeated (e.g., twice daily)
stimulation, each acute stimulus induces a low level of ΔFosB. This is indicated by
the lower set of overlapping lines, which indicate ΔFosB induced by each acute
stimulus. The result is a gradual increase in the total levels of ΔFosB with repeated STEROID HORMONE RECEPTORS ARE
stimuli during a course of chronic treatment. This is indicated by the increasing L I G A N D - A C T I V AT E D T R A N S C R I P T I O N F A C T O R S
stepped line in the graph. The increasing levels of ΔFosB with repeated stimulation
result in the gradual induction of a long-lasting AP-1 complex, which underlies The differentiation of many cell types in the brain is established
persisting forms of neural plasticity in the brain. Adapted from Nestler (2008). by exposure to steroids. For example, exposure to estrogen or
testosterone during critical developmental periods results in
sexually dimorphic development of certain nuclei. The steroid
hormone receptor superfamily (also called the nuclear receptor
superfamily) includes the receptors for lipid-soluble molecules
Wnt (Wingless) is a secreted protein that activates a seven- that diffuse readily across cell membranes, such as glucocorti-
transmembrane receptor, termed Frizzled (Fzd) (Inestrosa and coids, gonadal steroids, mineralocorticoids, retinoids, thyroid





Figure 6.8 Regulation of c-Fos gene transcription. A cAMP response element (CRE) binds cAMP response element binding protein CREB, a serum response
element (SRE) binds serum response factor (SRF) plus another transcription factor termed Elk-1 (E twenty-six [ETS]-like transcription factor 1) or ternary complex
factor (TCF), and a SIF (sis-inducible factor)-inducible element (SIE) binds signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT proteins). These three elements
represent a small number of all known transcription factor–binding sites in the c-Fos gene. Proteins that bind at these sites are constitutively present in cells and
are activated by phosphorylation. CREB can be activated by protein kinase A, Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases (CaMKs), or ribosomal S6 kinases
(RSKs); Elk-1 can be activated by extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs); and STATs can be activated by Janus kinases (JAKs). Because the activation of c-Fos
by any of multiple signaling pathways requires only signal-induced phosphorylation rather than new protein synthesis, it can be triggered rapidly by a wide array
of stimuli.

6 P R I N C I P L E S O F M O L E C U L A R B I O L O G Y | 85

Although the primary mechanism by which the transcrip-
Wnt tional activity of steroid hormone receptors is regulated is
Fzd through their ligand binding and consequent nuclear translo-
cation, the receptors are also regulated in vivo at transcriptional
and posttranslational levels. The total amount of the receptors
APC GSK-3β expressed in specific target tissues can be altered by numerous
types of environment stimuli. For instance, levels of expres-
X sion of the glucocorticoid receptor are under highly dynamic
regulation within several limbic brain regions in response to
β-Catenin chronic stress, and can mediate life-long changes in stress vul-
nerability (Zhang and Meaney, 2010).

Dr. Nestler serves on the scientific advisory boards of
PsychoGenics, Inc., Merck Research Laboratories, and Berg
Pharma. He also is an ad hoc consultant for Johnson & Johnson.
Figure 6.9 Regulation of gene expression by Wnt (Wingless) signaling cascades.
Wnt activates the Frizzled (Fzd) receptor, which through Disheveled (Dvl) Dr. Hyman serves on the Novartis Science Board and has
binds a complex composed of adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), Axin, advised Astra-Zeneca within the last year. Both advisory roles
glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β), and other proteins. This leads to focus on early stage drug discovery. His research is funded by
the phosphorylation and inhibition of GSK-3β and to the stabilization and the Stanley Foundation.
accumulation of β-catenin, which then translocates to the nucleus (a process
facilitated by Dvl), where it binds to TCF (T cell transcription factor) and LEF
(lymphoid enhancer factor) transcription factors to regulate expression of
specific genes. A growing number of neural genes have been recognized in
recent years as targets for Wnt signaling. REFERENCES

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factors. Like other transcription factors described, the steroid Blendy, J.A. (2006). The role of CREB in depression and antidepressant treat-
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hormone receptors are modular in nature. Each has a transcrip- Borrelli, E., Nestler, E.J., et al. (2008). Decoding the epigenetic language of
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6 P R I N C I P L E S O F M O L E C U L A R B I O L O G Y | 87



oined by Conrad Waddington in 1946, the term epi- family of proteins includes five polypeptides: DNMT1,
genetic was originally used to describe the effect of DNMT2, DNMT3a, DNMT3b, and DNMT3L (Goll and
gene-environment interactions on the expression of Bestor, 2005). DNMT1, the first of this family to be identified,
particular phenotypes. Today, the same word commonly refers was originally distinguished by a preference for hemimethy-
to stable changes in gene expression that occur without alter- lated DNA compared with unmethylated DNA (Yoder et al.,
ing the underlying deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence. 1997). Given that methylated DNA is replicated semiconserva-
Epigenetic changes are characterized by being mitotically tively, this resulted in the description of DNMT1 as a “mainte-
stable, meaning that they can be faithfully inherited through nance DNA methyltransferase,” as it was inferred that DNMT1
generations of somatic cell division. Furthermore, epigenetic would faithfully curate the methylation pattern of DNA from
changes result in stable phenotypic alterations for the organ- parent to offspring during cell division. Subsequent data iden-
ism. In recent years, a number of molecular pathways have tified a de novo DNA methyltransferase function of DNMT1
been identified that mediate the establishment, maintenance, and noted that under some conditions DNMT1 methylates
and interpretation of the epigenetic code (Goldberg et al., hemimethylated and umethylated DNA with equal efficiency,
2007). In this chapter, we provide a brief primer on the epige- making the relative contribution of this enzyme to mainte-
netic mechanisms that are currently known to exist in humans: nance and de novo DNA methylation less clear (Svedružić,
DNA methylation, covalent histone modification, chromatin 2011). In any case, DNMT1 activity is critical to normal devel-
remodeling by polycomb-group (PcG) and trithorax-group opment, as evidenced by the embryonic lethal phenotype of
(trxG) proteins, ribonucleic acid (RNA) interference, and Dnmt1 knockout mice (Li et al., 1992).
imprinting. Following that, we discuss examples whereby errors DNMT3a and DNMT3b are de novo methyltransferases
in these processes contribute to the pathogenesis of psychiat- and methylate hemimethylated or unmethylated DNA with-
ric diseases, using examples culled from research using in vitro out preference. DNMT3a and DNMT3b also methylate cyto-
systems, animal models, and humans where applicable. sine in CpA and CpT dinucleotides in addition to cytosine in
CpG dinucleotides. Mice lacking DNMT3a die within a month
of birth, and mice lacking DNMT3b die in utero. Human
mutations in the DNMT3b gene are notable for causing ICF
ME CHA NIS MS O F EP IGENET IC S (immunodeficiency-centromeric instability-facial anomalies)
syndrome, a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by
intellectual disability (Chédin, 2011).
DNMT3L and DNMT2 bear structural similarities to the
In humans (and other mammals), the cytosine base in DNA other DNA methyltransferase proteins, but they lack the abil-
can be covalently modified at the carbon-5 position of its ring ity to methylate DNA. DNMT3L interacts with DNMT3a and
structure by the addition of a methyl group. The modified bases, DNMT3b and is necessary for appropriate methylation of
designated 5-methylcytosines, are found primarily in symmet- imprinted genes. The phenotype of DNMT3L null mice illus-
ric CpG dinucleotide pairs. A minority of CpG pairs is found trate the relevance of this function, as both males and females
scattered throughout the genome. In large part, these are meth- of this strain are viable but sterile (Chédin, 2011). DNMT2
ylated, and they are involved in establishing a transcriptionally has a protein domain that is structurally identical to the cata-
repressive environment. The majority of CpG dinucleotides are lytic core of the bacterial methyltransferase enzyme HhaI, but
located in so-called CpG islands, which primarily occur in the it appears to have little or no DNA methyltransferase activ-
promoters of protein-encoding genes. The remainder of CpG ity under laboratory conditions. It methylates transfer RNA
islands occupy sites within genes that identify alternative tran- (tRNA). DNMT2 knockout mice have no apparent phenotypic
scriptional initiation sites. Similar to the effect of methylation abnormalities (Schaefer and Lyko, 2010).
on cytosine in isolated CpG pairs, methylation of cytosines in Besides playing a role in normal development, DNA
CpG islands suppresses downstream transcription and silences methylation is critical to the function of terminally differen-
local genes (Defossez and Stancheva, 2011; Illingworth and tiated neurons. Mice deficient for both Dnmt1 and Dnmt3a
Bird, 2009; Suzuki and Bird, 2008). in neurons perform poorly compared with control animals
In mammals, a class of proteins known as DNA methyl- in behavioral assessments of long-term memory, and they
transferases (DNMTs) mediates DNA methylation. This have impaired long-term potentiation, an electrophysiologic

88 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

CpG DNA Methyl-CpG
1 2
s-adenosyl methionine (SAM)
homocysteine 3
DIET methionine 5 (SAH)

+ 4
DIET 6 5MTHF (folate)


Figure 7.1 Biochemical pathways link dietary folic acid and methionine to DNA methylation. (1) S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) provides the methyl group
that (2) DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) uses to methylate CpG dinucleotides in DNA. When SAM donates its methyl group to DNMT, it is converted to
S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) (3). Then, SAH is converted to homocysteine (4). Homocysteine is converted to methionine ( 5) by methionine synthase in a
reaction that consumes 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5MTHF), the major circulating form of the nutrient folic acid (6). Folate is regenerated in a series of enzymatic
reactions, the last of which is carried out by methylene tetrahydrofolatereductase (MTHFR) ( 7). SAM is generated from the methionine by the enzyme methionine
adenosyltransferase (MAT) (8). Food is the ultimate source of methionine and folic acid.

correlate of long-term memory. These same mice have reduced DNA methylation regulates gene expression via at least
levels of DNA methylation upstream of genes important for two mechanisms (Fig. 7.2). First, methyl-CpGs directly inter-
neural activity and synaptic plasticity, and this correlates with fere with the binding of some transcription factors (Watt and
increased gene expression, at least for the immediate early gene Molloy, 1988). Second, DNA methylation regulates gene expres-
Stat1 (Feng, Zhou, et al., 2010). Further illustrating this point, sion via the methyl-CpG-directed recruitment of methylated
pharmacologic inhibition of DNMT1 function has been shown DNA binding proteins that bind methylated DNA and act as
to impair long-term recall of conditioned fear memory (Miller scaffolds to recruit protein complexes that primarily repress,
and Sweatt, 2007). These findings suggest that DNMTs regulate and in some cases activate, gene transcription (Defossez and
expression of genes critical to learning and memory, both dur- Stancheva, 2011).
ing development and in adult animals (Day and Sweatt, 2011). The first family of methylated DNA binding proteins is char-
DNA methyltransferases obtain the methyl group used to acterized by the presence of a conserved methyl-CpG-binding
methylate DNA from the methyl donor S-adenosylmethionine domain (MBD), and includes the proteins MeCP2, MBD1,
(SAM) (Fig. 7.1). SAM is produced from methionine by the MBD2, and MBD4. MBD1 and MBD2 participate in gene
enzyme methionine adenosyl transferase. DNA methylation silencing; MBD4 has DNA glycosylase activity and helps repair
depletes the available pool of SAM and generates the metabo- DNA damage (Defossez and Stancheva, 2011). MeCP2, the
lite S-adenosyl-homocysteine, which is converted to homo- first member of this family to be purified (Lewis et al., 1992),
cysteine. The ultimate source of methionine, the precursor of binds methylated CpGs in proximity to a run of at least four
SAM, is the diet. However, methionine can also be regener- adenine or thymine nucleotides. Once bound, MeCP2 recruits
ated from homocysteine by the enzyme methionine synthase. a variety of corepressor complexes, including one contain-
This reaction requires the methyl donor 5-methyl tetrahydro- ing Sin3a and the histone deacetylases HDAC1 and HDAC2.
folate (5MTHF), the major circulating form of the nutrient In addition, MeCP2 recruits histone methyltransferases,
folic acid (folate). As with methionine, dietary intake is the DNA methyltransferases, and transcriptional activators like
ultimate source of folate. In this way, levels of DNA methyla- ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling proteins and the tran-
tion are closely linked to the nutritional status of the organism scription factor CREB1 (Chahrour et al., 2008; Chahrour and
(Muskiet and Kemperman, 2006). Zoghbi, 2007). MBD3, MBD5, and MBD6 proteins exist as well,

7 E P I G E N E T I C S O F P S Y C H I AT R I C D I S E A S E S | 89

(A) TF (B)

Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac
Me Me Me Me Gene Me Me Me Me Gene


Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac
Gene Me Me Me Me Gene

Figure 7.2 Mechanisms of epigenetic gene regulation by DNA methylation. (A) DNA methylation may cause gene repression by interfering with transcription
factor binding. The transcription factor binds unmethylated DNA, recruits RNA polymerase II (RNA pol II), and the target gene is transcribed. (B) Alternatively,
DNA methylation may attract methyl-CpG binding proteins (here labeled MBDP). In turn, methyl-CpG binding proteins recruit coactivators, such as CREB1, or
corepressors, such as histone deacetylases (HDACs). In this figure, the DNA strand is represented by a dark gray line, nucleosomes are represented by gray
cylinders, histone tails are represented by squiggly lines, and histone modifications (here, acetylation) are represented by circles atop the squiggly lines. DNA
methylation of CpG sites is represented by shaded lollipops. The absence of DNA methylation is represented by dotted lollipops.

but they lack functional MBD domains and do not bind meth- which occurs only during cell division during development
ylated DNA (Defossez and Stancheva, 2011). (Morgan et al., 2005).
The second family of methylated DNA binding proteins Active demethylation requires neither DNA replication
includes Kaiso and the Kaiso-like proteins ZBTB4 and ZBTB38. nor cell division, and is therefore accessible to mature neu-
These proteins are zinc finger transcription factors that prefer- rons, unlike passive demethylation. In mammals, there is evi-
entially bind a specific DNA sequence called a Kaiso binding dence to support three ways by which demethylation occurs
site (KBS), which is characterized by a central TpG dinucle- in postmitotic cells. The first and simplest process uses a
otide. TpG shares structural similarity with methyl-CpG, and 5′-methyl-cytosine DNA glycosylase and the base excision
in fact Kaiso and its relatives bind methyl-CpG with equal repair pathway, normally a DNA damage repair mechanism,
affinity to the canonical KBS (Defossez and Stancheva, 2011). to demethylate 5-methyl cytosines. First, a 5′-methyl-cytosine
UHRF1 (also known as ICBP90) and UHRF2 comprise the DNA glycosylase cleaves the covalent link between the 5meC
third and final family of methylated DNA binding proteins. and the deoxyribose sugar. Then, an endonuclease removes
These proteins bind methylated DNA via an SRA (SET and the deoxyribose sugar. Finally, a DNA polymerase and a DNA
Ring finger Associated) protein domain. UHRF1 also interacts ligase insert an unmethylated cytosine into the same spot
with histone proteins and has enzymatic activity, functioning (Zhu, 2009). In mammals, MBD4 has DNA glycosylase activ-
as a ubiquitin E3 ligase. UHRF2 was identified by virtue of its ity at guanine/thymine nucleotide mismatches, at least in vitro
close structural similarity to UHRF1, but other than its inter- (Zhu, 2000). In mammalian cell lines, the non-enzymatic pro-
action with methylated DNA little is known about its function tein Gadd45a promotes DNA demethylation in a process that
(Defossez and Stancheva, 2011). requires both XPB, a DNA helicase, and XPG, a DNA 3′ endo-
Although much is known about the proteins that methylate nuclease (Barreto et al., 2007). Although intriguing, a subse-
DNA and interpret DNA methylation, far less is understood quent study in cells did not find proof of Gadd45a involvement
about DNA demethylation. Numerous studies have pointed to in DNA demethylation (Jin et al., 2008). However, in vivo stud-
the occurrence of DNA demethylation during both embryonic ies in mice found evidence of activity-dependent upregulation
development as well as during gametogenesis (Feng, Jacobsen, of Gadd45b expression in the dentate gyrus, a domain of the
et al., 2010), although some have refuted this (Li and O’Neill, hippocampus important in learning and memory formation.
2012). Two methods of DNA demethylation exist: active and In response to electrical stimulation of the brain, Gadd45b
passive demethylation. Passive DNA demethylation is accom- localized to the Bdnf regulatory region IX and the Fgf1 pro-
plished by preventing DNMT1 from interacting with replicat- moter and decreased methylation was observed at these sites.
ing DNA. Because duplication of DNA methylation patterns The same gene regulatory regions remained methylated in
occurs in a semiconservative manner, each successive round Gadd45b knockout mice in response to the same stimulus (Ma
of DNA replication further dilutes the original complement of et al., 2009). Thus, although the components of this demethyla-
methylated cytosines, resulting in demethylation. Therefore, tion pathway remain unknown, evidence is accumulating that
passive demethylation is dependent on DNA replication, DNA demethylation occurs in mammals.

90 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

Another proposed mechanism of DNA demethylation begins as a major mechanism of transmitting and maintaining epige-
with deamination of 5-methyl cytosine to generate thymine. netic information (Strahl and Allis, 2000).
Then, a glycosylase that recognizes guanine/thymine DNA base Histone proteins are primarily modified on their N-terminal
mismatches removes the thymine base. Finally, just as with the tails, which jut out from the globular nucleosome core like spokes
first mechanism described in the preceding, an endonuclease on a wheel. Numerous chemical modifications have been iden-
removes the deoxyribose sugar, and a DNA polymerase and a tified on the amino acids that form these tails, including methy-
DNA ligase together insert an unmethylated cytosine into the lation, acetylation, phosphorylation, gylcosylation, formylation,
same spot (Zhu, 2009). In vitro, the mammalian proteins Dnmt3a hydroxylation, and crotonylation (Tan et al., 2011). Additionally,
and Dnmt3b demonstrate 5-methyl cytosine deaminase activity. the small proteins ubiquitin and SUMO can be covalently
In an experimental system in cell culture, estradiol treatment attached to various histones, leading to histone ubiquitylation
leads to demethylation of the pS2 gene promoter and subsequent and SUMOylation, respectively. These modifications change
pS2 transcription. Prior to demethylation, Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b chromatin structure, and thereby gene expression, via multiple
bind the pS2 promoter in association with the DNA glycosylase mechanisms (Fig. 7.3). First, covalent modifications change the
TDG and base excision repair proteins. Pharmacological inhi-
bition of Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b blocks pS2 demethylation, sug-
gesting that these proteins are responsible for demethylation of (A)
the pS2 promoter (Métivier et al., 2008). Further studies will be
needed to confirm these findings and determine whether or not
they apply to whole organisms as well.
A third mechanism of demethylation involves initial
chemical conversion of 5-methyl cytosine to 5-hydroxymethyl
cytosine. This is followed by deamination of 5-hydroxymethyl
cytosine to thymine, and subsequent replacement of thymine
with unmethylated cytosine using base excision repair. In mam- Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac
mals, the Tet1 protein performs the initial hydroxylation step, Gene
and Apobec1 deaminates 5-hydroxymethyl cytosine. Initially
worked out in cell culture, there is evidence that this pathway
also exists in mouse brain, where interference with either Tet1
or Apobec1 expression blocks electrical stimulation-induced (B)
demethylation at the Bdnf regulatory region IX and the Fgf1
promoter (Guo et al., 2011). Repressor

C O V A L E N T H I S T O N E M O D I F I C AT I O N Ac Ac Ac Ac
Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac

Nuclear DNA is organized into a three-dimensional molecular Gene

structure known as chromatin. The most basic form of chromatin
is the nucleosome, which is composed of DNA wrapped around
a complex of eight histone proteins, including two copies each of
protein H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. Nucleosomes are separated from
one another by short stretches of naked DNA, and the alternat-
ing sequence of nucleosome-naked DNA-nucleosome forms a (C) Activator
filament with a “beads on a string” appearance called a 10nm
fiber. The 10nm fiber represents an open chromatin configu- Repressor
ration known as euchromatin, and it is this configuration that
Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me
allows for active gene transcription. The 10nm fiber coils further
in a solenoid pattern to form a 30nm fiber, and most DNA main-
tains this degree of compaction during interphase. Compacted,
transcriptionally inactive chromatin is known as heterochro-
matin. During cell division the 30nm fiber condenses further Figure 7.3 Mechanisms of epigenetic gene regulation by covalent histone
modification. (A) Covalent histone modification may directly alter chromatin
to generate the chromosome complement of every human cell
compaction by altering the affinity of histone proteins for one another or for
(Ruthenburg et al., 2007; Fussner et al., 2011). DNA. ( B) Alternatively, modifications may attract transcriptional activators that
It is evident that chromatin configuration (i.e., open or recognize particular chemical moieties or repel transcriptional repressors that
closed, euchromatin or heterochromatin) determines the com- ordinarily bind histones in the absence of a particular modification. ( C) Other
plement of active genes in the cell nucleus, and that manipulat- modifications may have the opposite effects on transcriptional activators and
repressors. In this figure, the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) strand is represented
ing chromatin compaction alters the cohort of expressed genes.
by a dark gray line, nucleosomes are represented by gray cylinders, histone
Covalent chemical modification of histone proteins represents tails are represented by squiggly lines, and histone modifications [here,
one method of controlling chromatin configuration. Research acetylation in ( B) and methylation in (C)] are represented by circles atop the
over the last two decades has identified histone modification squiggly lines.

7 E P I G E N E T I C S O F P S Y C H I AT R I C D I S E A S E S | 91

electrostatic charge of specific amino acids. For example, lysine negatively charged DNA strand. Just as histone acetylation
residues are positively charged, and histone lysine acetylation recruits proteins that open chromatin and promote gene tran-
removes that charge. The net effect of numerous such chemi- scription, histone deacetylation attracts proteins that promote
cal modifications is enough to change chromatin structure on a a repressed chromatin state. Proteins containing SANT (SWI3,
larger scale both by affecting individual nucleosome interactions ADA2, N-CoR, and TFIIB) domains recognize deacetylated
with DNA in cis and nucleosome-nucleosome interactions in lysines on histone proteins and recruit HDACs to help main-
trans. Second, posttranslational covalent modifications to his- tain gene repression (Shahbazian and Grunstein, 2007).
tone proteins changes the molecular topology of nucleosomes An important exception to the rule that histone deacetyla-
such that they may attract or interfere with the binding of vari- tion correlates with gene repression is the case of histone H4
ous chromatin-modifying enzymes, transcriptional coactiva- lysine 16 (H4K16). Deacetylation of this residue correlates with
tors, and transcriptional corepressors to DNA. In this way, the gene activation when it occurs in euchromatic regions of DNA.
combination of histone modifications at a particular locus can This finding suggests that other individual acetylated residues
determine cell specific gene transcription (Ruthenburg et al., may have specific effects on gene expression, and represents
2007). an active area of research for scientists interested in histone
Of the various chemical modifications to histone tail amino modification (Shahbazian and Grunstein, 2007).
acid residues, methylation and acetylation are the most well In addition to the role of histone tails in the control of gene
understood. Histone methylation occurs on the basic amino expression, other mechanisms exist whereby histones may
acid residues lysine (K), arginine (R), and histidine (H). Lysine modulate the epigenetic transfer of information. For exam-
can be mono-, di-, or trimethylated on a single residue, whereas ple, splice variants of each of the core histone proteins exist,
arginine can be mono- or dimethylated, and histidine accom- some of which can be modified at alternative sites. Inclusion
modates only monomethylation. Enzymes that methylate of another histone protein not part of the nucleosome, HP1,
lysines include SET domain containing proteins and DOT1-like allows further condensation of chromatin into a more hetero-
proteins. Arginines are methylated by protein arginine methyl- chromatic state by linking nucleosomes to one another (Zeng
transferases, or PRMTs. Histidine methyltransferases remain et al., 2010).
undiscovered. Lysine demethylases include the amine oxidases
and the jumonji domain containing iron-dependent dioxyge-
nases. There are no known arginine or histidine demethylases.
Various protein domains recognize each individual histone
methylation mark, and the effects of individual marks can have Another mechanism of epigenetic gene regulation involves
dramatically different effects on chromatin conformation and the manipulation of higher order chromatin structure by
gene expression. For example, histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation polycomb-group (PcG) and trithorax-group (trxG) proteins.
(H3K4me3) is a mark of active chromatin, whereas histone Both groups of proteins were initially discovered in the fruit
H3 lysine 27 trimethylation (H3K27me3) is a mark of inactive fly, Drosophila melanogaster, where they organize development
chromatin. Combinatorial effects are also possible. As a case in along the anterior-posterior axis by regulating the expression
point, the combination of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 results in of so-called homeotic genes. PcG and trxG proteins regulate
activated chromatin (Greer and Shi, 2012) . gene expression in mammals as well, particularly at imprinted
Histone acetylation, which occurs on lysine (K) residues, is loci, making them relevant to epigenetic processes occurring
also well characterized. In general, histone acetylation is asso- in humans (Schuettengruber et al., 2007).
ciated with an open chromatin conformation and correlates In general, PcG proteins repress gene expression by com-
with transcriptionally active genes. Histones are acetylated by bining to form one of two multimember protein complexes,
enzymes called histone acetyltransferases (HATs), which are PRC1 and PRC2. PRC1 is composed of the mammalian
recruited to chromatin by transcriptional activators. Some homologs of four core proteins found in D. melanogaster:
HATs are also able to directly bind chromatin on their own. Polycomb, Polyhomeotic, Posterior sex combs, and Sex combs
Acetylation neutralizes the positive charge of lysine residues, extra. Polycomb has a chromodomain that binds trimethylated
decreasing the affinity of histone proteins for the negatively histone H3 at lysine 27 (H3K27me3); Sex combs extra ubiq-
charged DNA double helix and opening the chromatin struc- uitylates histone H2A, and Posterior sex combs is a cofactor
ture. Acetylation also provides a binding surface for specialized for the ubiquitin ligase function of Sex combs extra (Simon
proteins that mediate the effects of this histone modification, and Kingston, 2009). The repressive function of Polyhomeotic
including proteins that promote open chromatin conforma- depends on its ability to self-associate and form polymerized
tion, such as the SWI/SNF family of proteins. These proteins chains of Polyhomeotic protein (Robinson et al., 2012a). The
recognize acetylated lysines with protein domains called bro- mechanism by which PRC1 represses gene transcription is
modomains, which allow binding of the modified residues not known. One hypothesis proposes that PRC1 blocks tran-
(Choi and Howe, 2009). scription by interfering with the disassembly and reassembly
In contrast to acetylation, histone deacetylation generally of nucleosomes that is required for transcriptional elongation.
promotes a closed chromatin conformation and repression Another hypothesis proposes that PRC1-induced ubiquity-
of gene transcription. Deacetylation is carried out by histone lation of histone proteins blocks transcription by interfer-
deacetylases (HDACs), and exposes positively charged lysine ing with RNA polymerase movement along the DNA strand
residues on histones, which are then free to interact with the (Simon and Kingston, 2009).

92 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

Like PRC1, PRC2 is composed of four core subunits,
the mammalian homologs of the D. melanogaster proteins
Enhancer of Zeste, Suppressor of Zeste, Extra Sex Combs, Pol II
and nucleosome remodeling factor 55 (NURF55). Enhancer
of Zeste is a SET-domain containing histone methyltranferase
that carries out the primary repressive function of PRC2 by
trimethylating histone H3 at lysine 27 (H3K27me3). The
other core proteins allow PRC2 to bind histones and stimulate pri-miRNa
its histone methyltransferase function (Simon and Kingston,
B Drosha
Similar to PcG proteins, trxG proteins form multi-subunit
protein complexes of their own that fall into two categories:
histone modifying complexes and ATP-dependent chroma-
tin remodeling complexes. The former category includes NUCLEUS Exportin-5
COMPASS, COMPASS-like, TAC1, and ASH1. These com- pre-miRNa
plexes stimulate gene transcription by trimethylating his- C
tone H3 at lysine 4 (H3K4me3), and acetylating histone H4 D Dicer
at lysine 16 (H4K16ac) and acetylating histone H3 at lysine
27 (H3K27ac). The latter category includes SWI/SNF, ISWI,
and CHD1, CHD2, CHD3, CHD4, CHD6, CHD7, and CHD8. mature miRNa
These complexes expend ATP energy to alter chromatin struc-
ture in one of three ways: by disrupting DNA-nucleosome
interactions, by repositioning nucleosomes along the chro-
matin fiber, and by ejecting or exchanging entire nucleosomes
(Schuettengruber et al., 2011). RISC complex Argonaute


RNA interference (RNAi) is an epigenetic mechanism that is Translational mRNA

F repression degradation G
mediated by the production of various types of non-coding (cytoplasm)) (cytoplasm)
RNA (ncRNA). ncRNA species include micro RNA (miRNA),
Piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA), long non-coding RNA
(lncRNA), and the small RNA subspecies called small inter- Chromatin
H modification
fering RNA (siRNA), small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA), and (nucleus)
repeat-associated siRNA (rasiRNA). Experimental evidence is
accumulating for other varieties of ncRNA, and it is likely that Figure 7.4 The RNA interference pathway. pri-miRNA, the initial miRNA
precursor, is transcribed from palindromic DNA sequences by RNA
further subtypes will be delineated in the future. The various
polymerase II (A). pri-miRNAs are trimmed by the enzyme Drosha in
forms of ncRNA are differentiated from one another by their the nucleus ( B) to make pre-miRNs and exported to the cytoplasm by
sizes and cellular functions. miRNAs, the best described among Exportin-5 (C). There, pre-miRNA is further processed by Dicer to mature
the ncRNAs, are 23-nucleotide-long RNA species transcribed miRNA ( D). miRNA is cleaved into its complementary strands and the guide
from DNA by RNA polymerase II. Initially present in the strand is loaded into the RISC protein complex, the major component of which
is the protein Argonaute ( E). miRNA can suppress translation by sequestering
nucleus as a hairpin structure, miRNAs in mammals are pro-
mRNA ( F) or targeting it for degradation (G). Alternatively, miRNA can return
cessed by the enzyme Drosha and exported to the cytoplasm to the nucleus, where it regulates transcription and chromatin formation via
by the RAN-GTPase exportin 5. Once there, miRNAs are fur- mechanisms that are still being investigated (H).
ther processed by a protein called Dicer. The mature miRNA is
incorporated into the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC),
the key component of which is the protein Argonaute. RISC polycomb complex PRC2 (Cam, 2010; Costa, 2010; Wiklund
separates the two strands of the miRNA and uses the so-called et al., 2010).
guide strand to target specific mRNA sequences. These In addition to directing mRNA degradation, ncRNA
mRNA targets may be degraded by the RNAse H, or “slicer,” regulates the establishment of heterochromatin. This occurs
activity of the Argonaute component of RISC. Alternatively, when an ncRNA associates with the RNA-induced transcrip-
RISC can suppress mRNA translation and shunt the mRNA tional suppressor (RITS) complex in the nucleus. The ncRNA
to other endogenous cytoplasmic RNA degradation pathways is used to target promoter RNA (pRNA), which is RNA tran-
(Fig. 7.4). A similar mechanism is utilized by siRNA small scribed from the promoter region of a gene. This leads to
RNAs. Targets of this pathway include genes that encode key the recruitment of histone methyltransferases that methylate
members of other epigenetic signaling pathways, including the local chromatin, particularly at histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9),
DNA methyltransferases DNMT1, DNMT3a, and DNMT3b, which in turn attracts histone deacetylases. The combination
and EZH2, a histone methyltransferase and component of the of histone methylation at H3K9 and deacetylation produces a

7 E P I G E N E T I C S O F P S Y C H I AT R I C D I S E A S E S | 93

closed chromatin structure that suppresses gene transcription At least three mechanisms exist to regulate imprinted gene
(Wiklund et al., 2010). expression. The first and best characterized mechanism is illus-
trated by the Igf2 gene (Fig. 7.5A). Igf2 is normally repressed
on the maternal chromosome, which instead expresses the H19
non-coding RNA (ncRNA). The maternal chromosome contains
The term imprinting describes an epigenetic phenomenon in an imprinting control region (ICR) upstream of the H19 gene.
which a gene is expressed differentially (often monoallelically) The ICR remains unmethylated on the maternal chromosome
in a parent-of-origin-specific manner. Approximately 131 and binds the CTCF protein and the cohesin protein complex.
imprinted genes have been identified at the time of this writing This protein-DNA interaction denies the Igf2 gene access to its
(July 2012). Most imprinted genes occur in clusters throughout enhancer sequence and suppresses Igf2 expression on the mater-
the genome and frequently occur in close association with CpG nal chromosome. Instead, H19 is expressed. Meanwhile, on the
islands. The functions of imprinted genes are tightly linked to paternal chromosome, cytosines in the ICR are methylated, which
specific developmental and somatic processes, including neu- impairs CTCF and cohesin binding. This allows access to the Igf2
ral activity, energy use and metabolism, the development of enhancer, which activates Igf2 expression. In this context, H19 is
specific tissues, and intrauterine growth. suppressed.

(A) H19 lgf2 Ins2

Maternal ENH ICE


H19 lgf2 Ins2

Me Me

Paternal ENH ICE

Slc22a3 Slc22a2
Me Me

Maternal ICE

Slc22a3 Slc22a2

Paternal ICE


(C) H13 (long)

Me Me

Maternal ICE

H13 (short)

Paternal ICE

Figure 7.5 Mechanisms of imprinting. There are three general mechanisms by which genes are imprinted. ( A) In the first model, DNA methylation at the imprinting
control region (ICR) regulates binding of a protein like CTCF. The presence or absence of the protein dictates which imprinted genes are expressed. ( B) In the
second model, DNA methylation at the ICR controls expression of an antisense transcript, like Airn. When expressed, the antisense transcript interferes with
transcription of the sense transcript from the same allele, leading to differential expression of the target gene. ( C) In the third model, DNA methylation at the
ICR controls polyadenylation site choice, leading to expression of a short or long form of a gene. In this figure, DNA methylation of CpG sites is represented by
shaded lollipops (see text for details).

94 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

The second mechanism of imprinted gene regulation is leads to hyperacetylation of histone proteins and increased
exemplified by the Igf2r gene (Fig. 7.5B). Igf2r contains an FosB expression. In addition to mediating the rewarding
intronic CpG island within its sequence that functions as an effects of drugs of abuse, histone acetylation may also play a
ICR. On the maternal chromosome, this CpG island is meth- role in priming the users of one drug to the addictive effects of
ylated, and the Igf2r gene is expressed. On the paternal chro- another. For example, chronic use of nicotine prior to treatment
mosome, the CpG island is unmethylated. The unmethylated with cocaine enhanced FosB expression more than cocaine
sequence functions as a promoter for the Airn gene, which alone without prior nicotine treatment. This effect was medi-
is transcribed antisense to the Igf2r gene. Airn encodes an ated by a nicotine-induced reduction in HDAC activity, and a
ncRNA, which suppresses Igf2r expression via a mechanism similar effect was achieved using a small-molecule inhibitor
that is still being investigated. of HDACs. Epidemiologic analysis indicates that humans who
The H13 gene provides an example of the third mecha- used cocaine and who concurrently smoked cigarettes had a
nism of imprinted gene regulation (Fig. 7.5C). H13 has mul- higher incidence of cocaine dependence, suggesting that simi-
tiple alternative polyadenlyation sites separated by an ICR lar epigenetic mechanisms operate in humans and are respon-
that serves as the promoter for the Mcts gene. On the mater- sible for regulating complex addictive behaviors (Levine et al.,
nal allele the ICR is methylated, which blocks expression of 2011).
Mcts and allows a long, functional form of the H13 gene to be In addition to histone acetylation, histone methylation
transcribed. On the paternal allele, the ICR is unmethylated has been implicated in addiction. Chronic cocaine use causes
and Mcts is expressed. In the presence of Mcts expression the genome-wide reduction in histone H3 lysine 9 trimethyla-
H13 gene is transcribed using an alternative polyadenylation tion (H3K9me3), a histone modification associated with gene
site that yields a truncated, inactive form of the H13 transcript silencing and heterochromatin formation, in nucleus accum-
(Barlow, 2011; Bartolomei and Ferguson-Smith, 2011; Koerner bens. This leads to de-repression of intergenic regions of DNA
and Barlow, 2010). and activation of retrotransposons (Maze et al., 2011). Similar
analysis of histone H3 lysine 9 dimethylation (H3K9me2)
and histone H3 lysine 27 dimethylation (H3K27me2), both
NE UR OP S Y C H IATRIC D IS O RD E R S repressive marks, found that repeated cocaine treatment led
AS S OC IAT ED W IT H EP IGENETI C DE F E C T S to increased methylation at these sites at nearly 900 genes,
as compared with a reduction in methylation at these sites
in fewer than one third as many genes (Renthal et al., 2009).
Epigenetic mechanisms of gene regulation have proven to be Together, these findings indicate that repeated cocaine use
fundamental to the development of addictive behaviors in both dampens gene expression and transcriptionally activates
preclinical animal models. To date, most data collected have genes at the same time, reinforcing the concept that epigenetic
focused on the effects of cocaine on epigenetic gene regula- changes in response to environmental stimuli are exceedingly
tion. Cocaine treatment leads to increased histone H3 and complex, even in isolated brain regions and even in response to
H4 acetylation, a mark of gene activation, at immediate early well-defined stimuli. As with histone acetylation, it is possible
genes that are activated by the drug, including cFos, Bdnf, to interfere with the effects of cocaine by manipulating histone
and Cdk5 (Kumar et al., 2005). This effect is mediated by methylation. For example, cocaine downregulates the G9a
both cocaine-induced recruitment of the histone acetyltrans- histone methyltransferase, and genetic upregulation of G9a
ferase, CREB binding protein (CBP) (Levine et al., 2005), and expression reduces behavioral sensitivity to the drug (Maze
cocaine-induced inhibition of the histone deacetylase, HDAC5 et al., 2010). This suggests that treatments targeting epigenetic
(Renthal et al., 2007). Genes encoding the histone deacetylases systems may be powerful tools in the fight against addiction.
Sirt1 and Sirt2 are among those that are transcriptionally acti- DNA methylation also plays a role in mediating the addic-
vated by cocaine, and may be responsible for sustaining the tive properties of cocaine. Cocaine decreases global DNA
transcriptional response to the drug (Renthal et al., 2009). methylation in the prefrontal cortex of mammals. This may be
Supporting this concept, genetic and pharmacologic manipu- mediated by Dnmt3b, the expression of which is downregu-
lations of HATs and HDACs predictably alter the behavioral lated following cocaine treatment. Dietary supplementation
response to cocaine in animals. For example, mice heterozy- with methionine, a methyl donor, rescues Dnmt3b expression
gous for a Creb1 null mutation (predicted to decrease histone and abolishes conditioned place preference, a model of addic-
acetylation) have reduced acetylation at cFos, reduced cFos tive behavior in animals (Tian et al., 2012). Likewise, cocaine
expression, and reduced locomotor activity in response to downregulates Dnmt3a expression in the nucleus accumbens,
cocaine (Levine et al., 2005). Likewise, viral mediated enhance- and methionine supplementation and Dnmt3a overexpression
ment of HDAC expression (also predicted to decrease histone there abolish addictive behaviors in mice (LaPlant et al., 2010).
acetylation) in mice impairs cocaine induced place preference, These results are particularly exciting because they suggest that
a behavioral model for addiction in humans (Kumar et al., simple dietary modification with methionine supplementation
2005). Conversely, small molecule inhibitors of HDAC enzy- can interfere with the addictive effects of cocaine.
matic activity enhance cFos expression and the behavioral RNA interference by non-coding RNA (ncRNA) also regu-
response to cocaine (Kumar et al., 2005). lates addictive behaviors. This has been most convincingly
Histone acetylation also underlies the effects of other drugs demonstrated for the ncRNA, miR-212, which is transcribed in
of abuse, such as nicotine. Chronic nicotine treatment of mice the dorsal striatum of animals under conditions of unfettered

7 E P I G E N E T I C S O F P S Y C H I AT R I C D I S E A S E S | 95

access to cocaine. Surprisingly, miR-212 appears to protect the same methyl-CpG site upstream of Gdnf in response to
against the effects of chronic cocaine use, as siRNA knock- chronic stress. B6 mice have increased histone H3 acetylation
down of miR-212 increased cocaine intake and enhanced its at Gdnf and increased Gdnf expression in response to stress
addictive properties in mice, whereas miR-212 upregula- (Uchida et al., 2011). This suggests that subtle alterations in the
tion protected against these effects (Hollander et al., 2010). epigenetic control of gene expression may underlie individual
Interestingly, miR-212 is negatively regulated by MeCP2, differences in the behavioral response to stress, and that suc-
thereby implicating yet another epigenetic marker in the proc- cessful therapeutic interventions may hinge on reversing mal-
ess of addiction (Im et al., 2010) . Thus, even though the cru- adaptive epigenetic changes.
cial histone modifications, ncRNA transcripts, and methylated Broad, unbiased evaluation of histone modifications have
sites vary between addictive substances examined and even also yielded insight into the epigenetic response to stress. For
between brain regions for the same substance, it is clear that instance, both social defeat stress and social isolation stress
epigenetic systems are crucial to establishing and maintaining affect histone methylation similarly by increasing dimethy-
an animal’s sensitivity to drugs of abuse. lation at histone H3 lysine 27 (H3K27me2) and at lysine 9
(H3K9me2) in the nucleus accumbens. Both modifications
enhance transcriptional repression. Nearly three quarters of
the genes repressed under both paradigms overlap, supplying
The genetics of affective disorders, including major depressive evidence that different stressors activate epigenetic programs
disorder, have proven to be relatively intractable to traditional that are largely identical (Wilkinson et al., 2009). However,
forward genetic analyses. Studies of monozygotic twins, which acute and chronic stress affect histone modifications differ-
find a 50% discordance rate for major depressive disorder ently. In the hippocampus, acute stress increases the overall
(MDD), suggest that a major reason for the failure of forward level of trimethylation at histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9me3),
genetics to solve MDD is that it is less heritable by traditional whereas chronic stress decreases H3K9me3 (Hunter et al.,
Mendelian genetics. This seems to agree with clinical experi- 2009). Remote effects of stress on histone modifications are
ence, which suggests that susceptibility to MDD is based on possible as well; histone H3 acetylation initially decreases one
complex gene x environment interactions. Epigenetic mecha- hour after the last session of chronic stress, only to significantly
nisms are thus attractive to researchers interested in the bio- increase by 10 days afterward. Decreased expression of HDAC2
logical basis of MDD as they provide a mechanism whereby occurs concurrently with increases in histone acetylation in
environmental perturbations can lead to gene expression mice exposed to chronic stress. Postmortem samples from
changes, which in turn affect behavioral phenotypes (Sun et al., humans with depression also demonstrate decreased HDAC2
2012). The last few years have seen an explosion of preclinical and increased histone acetylation, indicating that epigenetic
data evaluating epigenetic mechanisms of depressive behaviors responses to stress may be similar across species (Covington
in animals, as outlined in the following paragraphs. et al., 2009).
Both covalent modifications of histone proteins and DNA In addition to providing new avenues for understanding
methylation have been tied to depression. In the setting of the molecules that mediate depression, the study of epigenetic
chronic stress, increased DNA methylation occurs at multiple mechanisms has led to a greater understanding of the biological
Bdnf promoters, and the transcripts from these promoters are basis for the effects of antidepressants. For example, fluoxetine
downregulated. The antidepressant imipramine abrogates this prevents reductions in global histone acetylation in hippocam-
effect. Imipramine also increases histone acetylation at the same pus in response to chronic stress, such that levels of histone
Bdnf promoters that are silenced by DNA methylation in the acetylation in stressed animals exposed to fluoxetine closely
setting of chronic stress, and this hyper-acetylation is accom- resemble those of unstressed animals (Hunter et al., 2009).
panied by increased Bdnf expression. Remarkably, genetic Imipramine reverses the effects of social defeat stress on dime-
upregulation of histone deacetylases, which reverses the effect thylation at histone H3 lysine 9 and histone H3 lysine 27 in the
of imipramine on histone acetylation, is sufficient to block the nucleus accumbens. The histone methylation pattern observed
antidepressant effect of this drug (Tsankova et al., 2006). after imipramine treatment overlaps considerably with the
Similar to the effect of chronic stress on Bdnf, chronic histone methylation pattern observed in stress-resilient mice,
stress also silences Gdnf expression in BALB mice, which are again emphasizing that different methods of overcoming stress
susceptible to depressive behavior in the setting of chronic appear to utilize similar epigenetic programs (Wilkinson et al.,
stress. Following stress, BALB mice have increased DNA 2009).
methylation upstream of Gdnf at a CpG site that is bound by The fact that traditional antidepressants alter histone
a protein complex including MeCP2 and HDAC2. Predictably, acetylation and methylation has led to investigation of new
these mice have decreased acetylation at histone H3 at the drugs that directly interfere with the enzymatic mediators of
Gdnf locus. Imipramine blocks these effects of stress, leading these histone modifications. MS-275, an inhibitor of HDACs,
to reduced CpG methylation, reduced MeCP2 and HDAC2 has potent antidepressant properties in multiple behavioral
recruitment, and increased histone H3 acetylation at Gdnf. settings in preclinical animal models (Covington et al., 2009;
Imipramine-treated BALB mice have increased Gdnf expres- 2011), and it has a similar effect on gene expression pat-
sion and less depressive behaviors than their untreated coun- terns as fluoxetine (Covington et al., 2009). SAHA, another
terparts. In contrast, B6 mice, a stress-resistant strain, recruit HDAC inhibitor, also works as an antidepressant in preclini-
MeCP2 complexed with CREB, a transcriptional activator, to cal animal models (Covington et al., 2009). Further study of

96 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

compounds like these may lead to improved therapies for are amenable to interventions made throughout an animal’s
mood disorders. lifetime (Weaver et al., 2005).
Besides histone modification, DNA methylation plays a
role in depression by controlling the neuroendocrine response
to stress. Specifically, it regulates the expression of key com-
ponents of the limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (LHPA) Interest in epigenetics as a source of pathology in schizophrenia
axis, which is activated in states of depression and anxiety. This stems from observations in the early part of the 20th century
was first demonstrated in a series of experiments examining suggesting a link between diet and the development of schizo-
the methylation status of the Nr3c1 gene, which encodes the phrenia. First, children born to women who became pregnant
glucocorticoid receptor. Rat pups raised in a highly nurtur- during famines in China and the Netherlands were found
ing environment had decreased DNA methylation of Nr3c1. to be at higher risk for developing schizophrenia later in life
The reduced methylation status of this gene was accompanied (St. Clair et al., 2005; Susser et al., 1996). These children were
by increased glucocorticoid receptor expression, leading to also at higher risk for the development of neural tube defects,
increased feedback inhibition on the LHPA axis, which relies which other studies have linked to folic acid deficiency. Thus,
on glucocorticoid-glucocorticoid receptor interaction to inac- it has been hypothesized that low serum folate levels during
tivate it after exposure to a stressor. Rat pups raised in a poorly pregnancy also contribute to an increased risk for developing
nurturing environment experienced the reverse effect, methy- schizophrenia (Susser et al., 1996).
lating their Nr3c1 gene, downregulating Nr3c1 expression, and As described in the preceding, folic acid provides a dietary
hyperactivating their LHPA axis with exposure to subsequent source of methyl groups that can be used to methylate DNA.
stressors (Weaver et al., 2004). Intriguingly, an investigation of Thus, one reason why gestational folate status may be an impor-
the methylation status of the human glucocorticoid receptor tant risk factor for the development of schizophrenia could be
gene (NR3C1) in postmortem samples from human suicides that DNA methylation patterns are initially established dur-
found increased methylation of the gene and decreased gluco- ing pregnancy in humans (Morgan et al., 2005). Malnutrition
corticoid receptor expression in suicides with a history of child leading to folic acid deficiency may interfere with the estab-
abuse, as compared with suicides without such experience, lishment of a normal pattern of DNA methylation during pre-
suggesting that a similar mechanism may underlie the human natal development, or so some have argued. In support of this,
LHPA response to stress (McGowan et al., 2009). studies in rodents demonstrate that altering the amount of
DNA methylation also plays a key role in regulating the folic acid available to pregnant dams affects the degree of DNA
expression of the corticotropin releasing hormone gene, which methylation that is observed in their pups (Waterland, 2006).
encodes CRH, a neuropeptide released by the paraventricular In light of this argument, numerous attempts have been
nucleus of the hypothalamus in response to stress. At baseline made to link DNA methylation to the pathogenesis of schizo-
the promoter region of the Crh gene is methylated in mice, but phrenia, but these have met only limited degrees of success.
it is demethylated in mice susceptible to the effects of chronic With respect to DNA methylation, initial candidate gene
social defeat stress, a model of human depression, whereas approaches identified methylation changes correlating with
mice resistant to the effects of this stressor maintain Crh meth- disease (schizophrenia) state for the genes RELN, COMT, and
ylation. Predictably, Crh expression is increased in the suscep- SOX10. However, the findings related to RELN and COMT
tible mice. Increased Crh expression in these mice is associated were not replicated in independent experiments, and further
with increased expression of the Gadd45b gene, which encodes studies have not reevaluated the SOX10 gene (Akbarian, 2010).
a demethylating enzyme, and decreased expression of the A single study examining methylation changes in CpG islands
Dnmt3b gene, which encodes a DNA methyltransferase, in upstream of 50 candidate genes for schizophrenia failed
the hypothalamus, suggesting that changes in Crh methyla- to identify any consistent differences in DNA methylation
tion status occur in concert with exposure to environmental between samples from patients with schizophrenia and con-
stressors such as the social defeat paradigm utilized in these trols (Siegmund et al., 2007). To date, only one unbiased screen
experiments (Elliott et al., 2010). Changes in Crh methylation of DNA methylation in schizophrenia has been performed.
appear to be a common response to a variety of chronic stres- This experiment succeeded in identifying approximately
sors, as similar results have been observed in rodents exposed 100 loci that were differentially methylated between schizo-
to maternal deprivation and chronic variable stress. Moreover, phrenics and controls in prefrontal cortex. Bioinformatic anal-
DNA methylation at this locus is persistent, suggesting that ysis of the genes identified indicated that they tended to cluster
it provides a long-term memory of the experience within the in functional categories thought to be relevant to schizophre-
animal’s brain (Chen et al., 2012; Sterrenburg et al., 2011). nia, including GABAergic signaling. However, follow-up
Just as the LHPA axis is induced by alterations made to DNA validation of gene expression changes identified in the initial
methylation, there is evidence that these changes are revers- screen verified only 5 of 12 (40%) of the candidate genes that
ible. For example, Crh demethylation in response to stress was were tested, suggesting that these results must be interpreted
attenuated by the antidepressant imipramine in one animal cautiously (Mill et al., 2008).
model (Elliott et al., 2010). Treatment with the methyl-donor Histone modifications have also been examined in
methionine reversed the effects of remote maternal deprivation schizophrenia. Akbarian et al. (2005) examined covalent
stress on Nr3c1 gene expression in adult animals, suggesting histone modifications in postmortem prefrontal cortex tis-
that changes in DNA methylation, far from being permanent, sue from schizophrenics and found evidence of increased

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levels of histone H3 arginine 17 methylation in a subgroup X-linked gene that encodes the methyl-DNA binding protein
of patients with schizophrenia with reduced metabolic gene MECP2, cause Rett syndrome (RTT) (Amir et al., 1999). The
expression. Another subgroup, this one with increased clinical features of Rett syndrome are silent during the first 6 to
expression of the ornithine aminotransferase (OAT) gene, was 18 months of life, at which point children undergo a period of
found to have increased levels of histone H3 serine 10 phos- developmental regression and lose milestones they had previ-
phorylation and histone H3 lysine 17 acetylation. Meanwhile, ously attained, especially language. Children with RTT develop
Huang et al. found a correlation between reduced GAD1 microcephaly, growth restriction, hypotonia, and ataxia.
gene expression and decreased trimethylation at histone H3 Features of autonomic nervous system dysfunction appear,
lysine 4 (H3K4me3), a mark for open chromatin, in postmor- including abnormal breathing patterns (hyperventilation and
tem samples from women with schizophrenia, but not from apnea are common), and vasomotor instability. Movement
men (Huang et al., 2007). Further study will be required to disorders are characteristic. As young children, patients with
determine whether these results are reproducible. In addi- RTT have upper extremity stereotypies, such as hand wring-
tion, the significance of abnormal histone modification to the ing. Later in life, spasticity, dystonia, and parkinsonian features
pathogenesis of schizophrenia remains to be determined. appear. Behavioral features also figure prominently in RTT.
Expression profiling of micro-RNAs from postmortem Autistic features, including minimal to absent language skills,
brain tissue from schizophrenics and case controls has impli- repetitive behaviors, and social withdrawal, are a core compo-
cated a list of 14 different miRNAs in the pathogenesis of the nent of the RTT phenotype. Low mood, inconsolable crying,
disease. However, with the exception of miR-132, which was anxiety, and periodic screaming in fits of apparent terror are
identified in two studies by separate researchers, there has observed in RTT as well (Chahrour and Zoghbi, 2007; Samaco
been no independent validation of the other targets. miR-132 and Neul, 2011).
is attractive to scientists since it targets transcripts encoding Besides RTT, mutations in MECP2 cause a host of other
BDNF and NMDA receptor subunits (Mellios and Sur, 2012). neuropsychiatric phenotypes. For example, some MECP2
More recently, a consortium of scientists reported the results mutations cause autism alone. Other MECP2 mutations, par-
of a large genome-wide association study (GWAS) that found ticularly in the 3’ UTR of the gene, have been linked to juve-
evidence of linkage to an SNP within the miR-137 transcript. nile onset schizophrenia, psychosis, alcoholism, phobia, and
Although it is a single report, the strength of the data is related attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Cohen
to the large cohort of samples analyzed (over 20,000) and the et al., 2002; Shibayama et al., 2004). The A140V MECP2 muta-
finding that four of the seven other loci identified are predicted tion causes the PPM-X syndrome, which is characterized by
targets of miR-137 (Ripke et al., 2011). intellectual disability, manic-depressive psychosis, pyramidal
tract signs, parkinsonism, and macroorchidism (Klauck et al.,
2002). MECP2 duplication causes a unique syndrome, which
in part is characterized by autistic features and mood disorder
Evidence for the role of epigenetic processes in psychiatric (Van Esch, 2012).
disease also comes from genetic disorders with prominent The phenotypic variability associated with mutations in
psychiatric phenotypes. Some of these disorders are caused MECP2 is in part due to its physical location on the X chro-
by mutations in genes encoding components of epigenetic mosome, which makes it subject to X chromosome inactiva-
systems (Table 7.1). For example, mutations in MECP2, the tion (XCI). Thus women who carry two X chromosomes may

TA B L E 7. 1. Syndromes with prominent neuropsychiatric phenotypes that are linked to mutations in genes regulating epigenetic


Rett syndrome MECP2 Anxiety, autism, childhood-onset schizophrenia

Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome CREBBP, EP300 Hyperactivity, mood lability, obsessive behaviors,

autistic features

α-thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome, ATRX Autistic features, mood lability, emotional outbursts,
X-linked self-injurious and obsessive behaviors

Angelman syndrome UBE3A Autistic features

Prader-Willi syndrome Unknown. Linked to paternally Autistic features

expressed genes at 15q11-q13

Fragile X syndrome FMR1 Autistic features, attention deficit/hyperactivity

Kabuki syndrome MLL2, KDM6A Autistic features, aggressive/oppositional behavior,

hyperactive/impulsive behavior, anxiety, and

98 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

manifest partial features of RTT depending on XCI patterns. pharmacologic blockade of CRH signaling was sufficient to
Favorable XCI, which occurs when a majority of cells express reverse anxiety-like behavior in MECP2 transgenic mice. Thus
the wild type (WT) MECP2 allele instead of the mutated Crh, like Bdnf, is a MECP2 target gene that can be modified to
MECP2 allele, accounts for the partial neuropsychiatric phe- ameliorate RTT phenotypes (Samaco et al., 2012).
notypes in females. Males with severe MECP2 mutations suffer Classically, MECP2 has been thought of as a transcriptional
from early lethality because they have only one X chromosome. repressor, binding specific promoters and recruiting corepres-
However, males with mild MECP2 mutations may develop less sor proteins to shut down gene expression. However, recent
severe disease manifesting as a neuropsychiatric disorder com- data have challenged this view. For example, genome-wide
patible with life (Chahrour and Zoghbi, 2007). expression profiling studies have revealed that many genes
How mutations in MECP2 cause RTT has been an area are downregulated in absence of MeCP2 and upregulated
of active investigation for more than a decade now. Mouse when it is overexpressed. In fact, more genes are activated
models of RTT have contributed a great deal to this effort. by MeCP2 than are repressed, at least in the hypothalamus
Both the complete absence of MeCP2 and the replacement of (Chahrour et al., 2008; Yasui et al., 2007). Perhaps more sur-
endogenous MeCP2 with a truncated, mutant protein reca- prisingly, MeCP2 is present in neurons at concentrations akin
pitulate the features of RTT in mice (Chen et al., 2001; Guy to those of histone proteins, and binds chromatin every two
et al., 2001; Shahbazian et al., 2002). Neuron-specific Mecp2 nucleosomes. In the absence of MeCP2, more histone protein
knockout mice, which lack MECP2 throughout the brain, are H1 is bound to chromatin, suggesting that one of MeCP2’s
indistinguishable from animals that lack MECP2 through- roles is to function as a chromatin remodeling protein (Skene
out their entire body (Chen et al., 2001; Gemelli et al., 2006). et al., 2010).
Mice have also been generated that lack MECP2 specifically Finally, evidence is accumulating in favor of a role
in forebrain neurons, aminergic neurons, hypothalamic neu- for MECP2 in activity dependent gene regulation and
rons, and astrocytes (Ballas et al., 2009; Chao et al., 2010; experience-dependent synaptic plasticity. Some of this evidence
Fyffe et al., 2008; Gemelli et al., 2006; Maezawa et al., 2009; comes from studies of addiction in rodents (see “Addiction”
Samaco et al., 2009). These animals display varying degrees section in this chapter). Neuronal activity has been shown to
of pathology and recapitulate one or more aspects of the RTT elicit MECP2 phosphorylation, and early experiments sug-
phenotype. Deletion of MeCP2 in adult mice also causes RTT, gested that this posttranslational modification changed the
indicating a lifelong need for the MeCP2 protein to maintain affinity of MECP2 for DNA at specific sites, including the
normal brain function (McGraw et al., 2011). Importantly, Bdnf promoter (Chen et al., 2003; Martinowich et al., 2003).
expressing wild type MECP2 in animals lacking a copy of the However, a more recent genome-wide evaluation of MeCP2
gene (MECP2 “null” animals) rescues the RTT phenotype binding sites did not replicate this finding (Cohen et al., 2011).
(Guy et al., 2007; Robinson et al., 2012b), and expression of One view is that MeCP2 phosphorylation changes local chro-
MeCP2 in either astrocytes or in microglia prolongs breath- matin structure, although this remains untested. Mice geneti-
ing, motor function, and survival (Derecki et al., 2012; Lioy cally engineered to express a phosphorylation deficient form
et al., 2011) suggesting that therapeutic approaches when dis- of MeCP2 display different phenotypes depending on the
covered might hold some promise for treating the disease in mutated sites. Mutation of S421A causes lack of habituation to
the future (Samaco and Neul, 2011). familiar objects and mice, and seems to render mice less able
Currently our understanding of the mechanism by which to distinguish between the novel and the familiar (Cohen et al.,
MECP2 mutation produces the RTT phenotype is limited and 2011). In contrast, mutations of S421A/S424A lead to several
incomplete. Initially, researchers focused on identifying the phenotypes reminiscent of the features observed in mice that
genes regulated by MeCP2, theorizing that a complete descrip- overexpress MeCP2 (Li et al., 2011).
tion of this complement of genes would readily explain aspects
of the RTT phenotype. The Bdnf gene, encoding the neuropep-
tide brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), is one such
MeCP2 target gene. Reduction of endogenous Bdnf levels via
genetic engineering exacerbates the phenotype of Mecp2 null Imprinting errors at chromosome 15q11-q13 cause two child-
mice, whereas genetic overexpression of Bdnf extends the life hood neurological disorders, Angelman syndrome (AS) and
span of Mecp2 null mice (Chang et al., 2006), and drugs that Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). Angelman syndrome is char-
enhance BDNF levels improve synaptic function in neurons acterized by a constellation of features including intellectual
(Ogier et al., 2007) and improve disease symptoms in mice disability, epilepsy, and ataxia. Patients with AS have unique
(Tropea et al., 2009). behavioral features that set them apart from other neurodevel-
Another MECP2 target is Crh, the gene encoding corti- opmental disorders. They display frequent outbursts of laugh-
cotropin releasing hormone (CRH). Released in response to ter, sometimes out of context. They appear happy, and often
stress, CRH elicits anxiety-like behavior in animals and induces smile. They have some autistic features, most prominently
the release of adrenal corticosteroids (cortisol in humans, poor or absent language and stereotypic hand-flapping move-
corticosterone in mice). Mice expressing a truncated ver- ments, but unlike children with autism, they are sociable and
sion of MECP2 have enhanced Crh expression and increased many enjoy interacting with others. Additional behavioral fea-
anxiety-like behavior (McGill et al., 2006). Disruption of Crh tures include poor sleep, restlessness, short attention span, and
signaling via genetic downregulation of Crh expression or hyperactivity (Mabb et al., 2011; Williams, 2010).

7 E P I G E N E T I C S O F P S Y C H I AT R I C D I S E A S E S | 99

AS is caused by failure to express the maternal allele of the reverse direction, which produces a non-coding antisense
the gene UBE3A. For the vast majority of patients with AS transcript, UBE3A-ATS. DNA methylation at the AS ICR on the
(75%), this is a result of a maternally inherited deletion of maternal allele blocks transcription of UBE3A-ATS. As a result,
the 15q11-q13 region that includes the UBE3A gene. Other UBE3A is transcribed without interference. However, DNA
patients (15%) inherit a more conventional missense or non- methylation is lacking on the AS ICR of the paternal allele. As
sense mutation that renders the maternal copy of the UBE3A a result the UBE3A-ATS transcript is produced, which blocks
gene nonfunctional. Fewer patients (7%) have paternal unipa- expression of the UBE3A gene from that allele (Mabb et al.,
rental disomy and inherit both copies of UBE3A from their 2011). Recent studies using genetic manipulations in mice sug-
fathers. Finally, a minority of patients with AS (3%) inherit gest that Ube3a-ATS is an atypical non-polyadenylated RNA
a microdeletion that eliminates the maternal copy of the AS Polymerase II transcript that represses Ube3a on the paternal
imprinting control region (ICR), which causes the maternally allele (Meng et al., 2012).
inherited allele to function as a paternally inherited allele The phenotype of PWS differs significantly from AS. Infants
(Mabb et al., 2011) (Fig. 7.6). with PWS typically come to clinical attention because of hypo-
Intense research has focused on uncovering the molec- tonia, poor suck, and resultant failure to gain weight. Later in
ular mechanisms that govern imprinting at chromosome childhood, children with PWS develop hyperphagia and are at
15q11-q13, the site crucial to the development of AS and PWS. risk to develop morbid obesity if access to food is not carefully
The locus containing the UBE3A gene can be transcribed in the controlled. Hypogonadism is another characteristic feature of
forward direction, which produces the UBE3A protein, and in PWS, and both males and females may have small genitalia.


Maternal ICR

Paternal ICR

Paternal Uniparental
UBE3A -mutant UBE3A

ICR Disomy
Maternal ICR



Deletion of Maternal Mutation of Maternal

UBE3A Allele UBE3A Allele
UBE3A Microdeletion/Methylation
ICR Defect



Maternal ICR ICR ICR


Paternal ICR

Deletion of Paternal Maternal Uniparental Paternal ICR

15q11-13 Allele Disomy Microdeletion/Methylation

Figure 7.6 Causes of Angelman syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome. Angelman syndrome (AS) and Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) are caused by mutations
and imprinting errors at chromosome 15q11-q13. Normally, UBE3A is expressed from the maternal chromosome, while a group of genes, including
SNURF-SNRPN, are expressed from the paternal chromosome. The 3’ terminus of the SNURF-SNRPN gene cluster contains UBE3A-ATS, an antisense transcript
that transcriptionally silences UBE3A. Expression of UBE3A-ATS, SNURF-SNRPN, and the other paternally expressed genes is regulated by the differential
methylation of the AS imprinting control region (not shown) and the PWS imprinting control region (labeled as “ICR” in the figure). Differential methylation of the
AS-ICR occurs transiently during embryonic development and is not shown here. DNA methylation at the PWS-ICR is represented by shaded lollipops, whereas
unmethylated DNA at this site is indicated by dotted lollipops. AS is caused by mutations and epimutations that result in decreased expression of the maternal
copy of UBE3A or the function of its protein product, UBE3A. PWS is caused by mutations and epimutations that disrupt the expression of paternally imprinted
genes in the SNURF-SNRPN gene cluster at chromosome 15q11-q13 (see text for more details).

100 | I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B A S I C N E U R O S C I E N C E

Endocrine dysfunction is common, and central deficiencies Disease-causing FMR1 alleles are hypermethylated within
of growth hormone, adrenal hormones, and thyroid hormone the triplet repeat and also within a CpG island located in the
may coexist. Intellectual disability in the moderate to severe FMR1 promoter. The hypermethylated, disease-causing alleles
range occurs as a rule for PWS. Behavioral features of the syn- are transcriptionally silenced and fail to express the FMR1
drome include autism, present in 20% of patients, psychosis, product, the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP). In
present in 10%–20% of adult patients with PWS, hyperactivity, addition to the direct effects of DNA methylation on silenc-
and compulsive behaviors (Cassidy et al., 2012; Whittington ing FMR1, local changes in covalent histone modifications
and Holland, 2010). have been identified at the expanded FMR1 allele. Histone H3
In contrast to AS, the most common cause of PWS and H4 acetylation is reduced, and trimethylated histone H3
(65%–75%) is deletion of the paternal allele containing the lysine 9 and trimethylated histone H3 lysine 27 is increased at
15q11-q13 region. Another 20%–30% of PWS cases are caused the disease-causing allele, whereas the normal, unexpanded
by maternal uniparental disomy for this chromosomal region. allele has the opposite histone marks. This indicates that in
A minority of cases (1%–3%) are due to microdeletions of the addition to DNA methylation, local chromatin modifications
paternal copy of the PWS imprinting control region (ICR) or at the expanded allele contributes to FMR1 silencing by main-
defects in DNA methylation at this site (Buiting, 2010). The taining a condensed and transcriptionally restrictive structure
PWS ICR is located just upstream of the SNURF-SNRPN gene (Penagarikano et al., 2007). Additionally, the 5’ UTR of FMR1 is
and is contiguous with a CpG island located within the proximal transcribed in both sense and antisense directions, which makes
5’ portion of this gene. On the paternal allele of the 15q11-q13 it conceivable that it generates double stranded RNA capable of
region, the PWS ICR is unmethylated, whereas it is methy- activating the RNA-induced transcriptional silencing (RITS)
lated on the maternal allele. Again, this leads to UBE3A-ATS pathway. Thus, some investigators have put forward the hypoth-
transcription and blockade of UBE3A expression. In addition esis that RNA interference may play a role in FMR1 silencing.
to UBE3A-ATS, the unmethylated PWS ICR on the paternal However, this remains unproven (Kumari and Usdin, 2009).
allele permits expression of a number of other genes that are
not expressed from the maternal allele. These include the genes
multiple genes encoding small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs). Kabuki syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder with
Rare patients with deletions of one of these snoRNA genes, characteristic dysmorphologic features, including high arched
SNORD116, display most features of PWS, suggesting that this eyebrows, elongated palpebral fissures, everted lower eyelids,
gene plays a major role in the PWS phenotype. However, the large, prominent ears, a depressed nasal tip, various skeletal
exact contribution of other genes in this cluster remains to be abnormalities, and fetal fingertip pads. Approximately 85% of
determined (Buiting, 2010; Cassidy et al., 2012). patients with Kabuki syndrome have developmental delay and
intellectual disability. In addition, autistic features are promi-
nent in a subset of patients with Kabuki syndrome, and some
patients have other psychiatric features, including aggressive/
Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common cause of oppositional behavior, hyperactive/impulsive behavior, anxi-
X-linked intellectual disability (ID) and the second most com- ety, and obsessions (Adam and Hudgins, 2005; Ho and Eaves,
mon cause of ID overall after Trisomy 21. In addition to ID, 1997). Recently, Kabuki syndrome was linked to epigenetic
features of FXS include dysmorphic features such as elongated phenomena when the gene MLL2 was identified as the cause of
faces, enlarged ears, a prominent jaw, and macroorchidism. 56%–76% of cases. MLL2 encodes a histone lysine methyltrans-
Psychiatric features figure prominently in the FXS phenotype ferase and functions as a trithorax-group protein, preferentially
and include autistic spectrum disorders (autism and perva- mediating trimethyl modification of histone H3 lysine 4 (Ng
sive developmental disorder), which are present in a third et al., 2010). Further studies of Kabuki patients lacking MLL2
of people with FXS. The vast majority (90%–95%) of people mutation identified mutations in KDM6A, a gene encoding an
with FXS have symptoms of inattentiveness and hyperactiv- MLL2 interacting protein, as causative of some cases of Kabuki
ity. Anxiety may be crippling in FXS, and emotional lability syndrome. Like MLL2, KDM6A is a trithorax-group protein.
can lead to aggressive outbursts and stereotyped behaviors It functions as a histone demethylase that removes mono-, di-,
(Tranfaglia, 2011). and trimethylation marks from histone H3 lysine 27 residues,
FXS is caused by expansion of a cytosine-guanine-guanine thereby activating gene transcription. KDM6A also interacts
(CGG) nucleotide triplet repeat in the 5’ untranslated region with the SWI/SNF protein, Brg1, and participates in reposi-
of the FMR1 gene, located within the gene’s first exon. Normal tioning nucleosomes to change chromatin structure (Lederer
alleles of FMR1 contain less than 45 repeats, whereas the et al., 2012). At this time it is not known whether or not there
presence of more than 200 repeats causes FXS. Alleles con- is a mechanistic link between MLL2, KDM6A, and the neurop-
taining 55–200 repeats are termed “premutations,” and are sychiatric features of Kabuki syndrome.
prone to spontaneous expansion in subsequent generations.
Premutation alleles cause an adult onset progressive neuro-
R U B I N S T E I N - TAY B I S Y N D R O M E ( R S T S )
degenerative disease, Fragile X associated tremor ataxia syn-
drome (FXTAS), further discussion of which is outside the Errors in covalent histone modification also have been linked
scope of this chapter (Penagarikano et al., 2007). to the pathogenesis of Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (abbreviated

7 E P I G E N E T I C S O F P S Y C H I AT R I C D I S E A S E S | 101

RSTS). Patients with RSTS have characteristic facial features Recently, a macromolecular protein complex containing
including microcephaly, down-slanted palpebral fissures, a ATRX, MeCP2, and other proteins was found to regulate the
beaked nose, micrognathia, a high-arched palate, and dental expression of imprinted genes in the brain. ATRX loss of func-
anomalies. Broad thumbs and great toes also help identify tion disrupted expression of these imprinted genes. For one of
people with RSTS. Intellectual disability is a prominent fea- these genes, H19, inappropriate overexpression was associated
ture of RSTS, and other neuropsychiatric pathology including with increased acetylation at histone H3 and H4 and decreased
hyperactivity, mood lability, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, trimethylation at histone H4 lysine 20 and histone H3 lysine 9,
and autistic features also occur frequently in RSTS (Roelfsema changes associated with a more open chromatin configura-
and Peters, 2007; Verhoeven et al., 2010). tion (Kernohan et al., 2010). In addition to gene expression
Mutations in the gene CREBBP, encoding cAMP-response changes, ATRX loss of function also leads to the loss of fore-
element binding (CREB) binding protein (CBP) account for brain neurons in mice. As with the other neurodevelopmental
about 60% of RSTS cases, and mutations in a related gene, disorders described, research has yet to bridge the gap between
EP300, encoding the E1A binding protein p300, account for the dysregulation of epigenetic gene expression and the neu-
another 3% of RSTS cases. The cause of the remaining 45% of ropsychiatric phenotype of ATRX (Gibbons, 2006).
cases is unknown but could be due to further genetic heteroge-
neity, somatic mosaicism for mutations in CREBBP and EP300,
or mutations in distant regulatory regions of CREBBP and C O N C L U SI O N
EP300. Both CBP and p300 are histone acetyltransferases, and
mutations that disrupt the acetyltransferase domain of CBP are Although epigenetics as a field of study is young, the discipline
sufficient to cause RSTS, illustrating the relevance of histone of psychiatric epigenetics can genuinely be described as in its
acetylation to human health (Roelfsema and Peters, 2007) . infancy. Fundamental questions regarding the exact role of
A variety of genetically engineered mouse models of RSTS epigenetic processes in the development and pathogenesis of
have been produced, including Crebbp knockouts, forebrain psychiatric disease remain unanswered. How are global and
specific Crebbp knockouts, and transgenic mice overexpressing local patterns of epigenetic modification different in patients
an inactive form of Crebbp. All of these animals have impaired with psychiatric diseases as compared to the general popula-
long-term memory, a cardinal feature of RSTS. Molecular tion? Are epigenomic changes the cause or the consequence of
analysis indicates that these mice have reduced histone acety- psychiatric disease? Are any psychiatric diseases epigenetically
lation and altered expression of immediate early genes in the inherited? Do environmental effects on the epigenome con-
hippocampus, a brain region crucial to the consolidation of tribute to the development of psychiatric disease? Can treat-
long-term memories. Importantly, histone deacetylase inhibi- ments that modify epigenetic marks be used to successfully
tors reverse the memory phenotype, even in adult mice, sug- treat psychiatric conditions successfully? Although there are
gesting that elements of the RSTS phenotype may be overcome many unknowns, one thing is certain: As our understanding of
by treatments that modulate the same epigenetic system that the basic mechanisms controlling the establishment, mainte-
is dysregulated by disease-causing mutations in CREBBP and nance, interpretation, and modification of the epigenetic code
EP300. Further investigations focusing on how disrupted his- increases, so too will our ability to apply this knowledge to
tone acetylation accounts for the behavioral features of RSTS answer these and other questions.
will provide an avenue to discover how alteration of epigenetic
processes causes psychiatric disease (Roelfsema and Peters,
2007; Valor et al., 2011). DI SC L O SU R E S

Dr. Zoghbi serves on the advisory board of the Mcknight

X - L I N K E D A L P H A T H A L A S S E M I A M E N TA L
Neuroscience fund and is a senior editor for eLife. She receives
R E TA R D AT I O N S Y N D R O M E ( AT R X )
compensation from both. She is also member of the jury for
X-linked alpha thalassemia mental retardation syndrome the Vilcek Prize, Gruber Genetics Prize, and Janssen Prize (and
(ATRX) is a rare disorder with characteristic physical fea- receives compensation), and for the Lasker Prize (no compen-
tures including short nose, anteverted nares and epicanthal sation). She receives grant support from HHMI, NIH, IRSF,
folds, microcephaly, hypotonia, and abnormal genitalia. Some and RSRT. Dr. Zoghbi holds a patent for MECP2 Rett testing.
patients develop alpha thalassemia. Patients with ATRX have
Dr. McGill has no conflicts of interest to disclose.
moderate to severe intellectual disability with prominent
language impairment. The behavioral phenotype of ATRX
includes autistic features, rapid mood swings from manic to
depressive states, and repetitive activity (Gibbons, 2006). REFERENCES
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he mammalian brain is extraordinarily difficult to and specific effector function. This approach has now been
study. Whether in the clinical or the preclinical realm, used to control neuronal activity in a wide range of animals,
investigators focusing on psychiatric disease not only resulting in insights into fundamental aspects of circuit func-
lack fundamental understanding of the key pathophysiological tion, as well as circuit dysfunction and treatment in pathologi-
processes but also lack understanding of the normal function cal states. Here we review the current state of optogenetics for
of the relevant circuits (or even knowledge of which are the neuroscience and psychiatry, and address the rapidly evolving
relevant circuits). This challenge is due in large part to techno- challenges and future opportunities.
logical limitations linked to the complexity and inaccessibility In Chapter 11 applications of focused ultrasound are
of the circuitry, and for this reason the future of mental ill- reviewed, which may help address the fact that current treat-
ness research depends upon the development and application ments of neuropsychiatric disease are limited by the lack of
of new technologies for studying brain function. Collected noninvasive, reversible, and regionally selective brain-directed
here in this volume are chapters from leading developers and drug delivery methods (in large part because of the blood–
pioneers of new neuroscience technologies relevant to mental brain barrier or BBB). Focused ultrasound (FUS) has been
illness. found to provide the capability of noninvasively, locally, and
In Chapter 8 transgenic tools and animal models of men- transiently opening the BBB in the context of central nervous
tal illness are addressed. Recent exciting progress not only in system diseases. Remaining challenges that are discussed in
accelerating mouse genetic targeting, but also in advancing the chapter include (1) safety and efficacy tradeoffs, (2) mecha-
the genetic tractability of rats, has been and will continue to nism, (3) quantitative measures of BBB change properties, and
be crucial for delivering causal understanding of the impact (4) practical aspects of application for both small (rodent) and
of specific genetic modifications or manipulations. Of course, large (nonhuman primate) animals.
even technologically novel genetic methods do not stand alone Chapter 12 reviews some of the advances made in genetic
but, rather, require smooth integration with physiology, phar- technologies and their application to large-scale gene-mapping
macology, behavior, and more recently, viral engineering and efforts in neuropsychiatric disease. From genome-wide asso-
transduction methods. Together these genetic manipulation ciation studies to whole-exome sequencing, the sheer amount
approaches show great promise for advancing our understand- of data recently generated is unparalleled. Studies of both
ing of the mechanisms and physiology underlying brain func- common and rare variation in diseases such as schizophrenia,
tion in health and in psychiatric disease-related states. bipolar disorder, and autism are now yielding convergent and
In Chapter 9 the influence of stem cell technology is dis- robust findings, although the high degree of genetic complex-
cussed in opening up a new landscape for investigating the ity of these diseases (particularly in terms of the number of
processes underlying both normal human brain development genes implicated) has also been made evident.
and developmental pathogenesis of psychiatric disease-related In Chapter 13 the epigenome is explored—as defined by
states. It is now possible to generate renewable sources of DNA methylation, posttranslational histone modifications,
human neurons from normal or disease-impaired individuals, and other regulators of genome organization and function. In
via (among other methods) cellular reprogramming, thereby the context of psychiatric disorders, these aspects of genetic
defining a novel translational bridge between animal studies control have all become increasingly relevant and widely stud-
and human disease. Such research will not replace but, rather, ied. Related therapeutic options—largely based on preclinical
complement traditional animal models, while at the same time studies in rodents—are also addressed, with linkages forged to
representing a paradigm shift in our investigation of neural human brain biology and the pharmacology of mental illness.
substrates of mental disorders. In Chapter 14 novel genetic modeling approaches are
In Chapter 10 optogenetic technologies are addressed; reviewed that may enable therapeutic predictions and inform
optogenetics is defined as the combination of genetic and opti- decision making. These approaches will range from deciding on
cal methods to achieve gain- or loss-of-function of temporally genes to probe experimentally, to defining the best treatment for
defined events in specific cells embedded within intact liv- an individual given detailed molecular, genetic, and other per-
ing tissue or organisms, usually via introduction of microbial sonal data. It will be crucial to infer causality and maintain rigor-
opsin genes that confer to cells both light detection capability ous quantitative methodology with high-dimensional, large-scale

data structures, as large and complex as those encountered by can be used to track effects of brain stimulation. In a key dis-
climatology and astrophysics. A new breed of mental health tinction, such feedback can be processed and analyzed offline
researchers with a new set of tools and styles of thinking are com- or, alternatively, in real time as the brain is being stimulated,
ing to the field, with transformative possibilities emerging. employing modalities such as positron emission tomogra-
Chapter 15 reviews neuroimaging modalities that can phy (PET), single-photon emission computed tomography
reflect and inform different aspects of brain anatomy and (SPECT), and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
physiology. Key to the research potential of neuroimaging is This is an exciting avenue of research that provides potential
noninvasiveness, with clear advantages for global and unper- for insight into the global and individualized causal physiology
turbative observation as well as speedy clinical translation of underlying mental illness.
applications for insight, diagnosis, and treatment. This chapter Together, the chapters in this section endeavor to review
focuses on key emerging methodologies that may exert sub- the principles and possibilities linked to a range of exciting
stantive impact on mental illness research in the near future. new methodologies for brain research. While translational
Finally, Chapter 16 provides an overview of the ways in approaches are emphasized, it is anticipated that basic scien-
which brain imaging modalities may interact with, and guide, tists will also find this compendium helpful as a resource and
brain stimulation. These interactions can arise from structural guide. Technological limitations and opportunities linked to
or functional scans on a subject later used to guide offline treat- the complexity of the mammalian central nervous system will
ment planning in terms of stimulation site choice. Key caveats, continue to define the frontiers of neuroscience research for
limitations, and opportunities are reviewed. Additionally, scans decades to come.

108 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y




INTR ODU C T IO N cannot be placed into a functional category from their primary
sequence information.
Genetics researchers often utilize the study of mutants to This chapter focuses on how genetic animal models are
better understand the function of genes. For many decades, relevant for advancing our understanding of psychiatric dis-
the field used mutation analysis to identify important genes. orders. The creation of genetically modified animal models
However, the completion of the genome project and the devel- has led to our ability to study the contribution of individual
opment of high-throughput genomic techniques have made it genes and their products in the brain. These genetic models
possible to rapidly evaluate expression of hundreds of genes. have also complemented and extended our understanding
These approaches can be used on populations of RNA or pro- of heuristic and pharmacological models of psychiatric dis-
tein from specific tissue sources or cell types, and have resulted eases. We will discuss conventional approaches to generating
in a massive influx of gene regulatory data. While expression transgenic mice, in which a gene of interest is added to the
changes under different conditions may suggest a function, it animal, and knockout mice, in which a gene of interest is dis-
is necessary to conduct more traditional genetic analysis in rupted or inactivated. We will also address technologies such
model organisms to define gene function. This conversion of as viral-mediated gene transfer that allow for spatial and tem-
extensive genomic data to functional genomic understand- poral control over gene function. The use of these technical
ing is multidisciplinary and has implications for many fields, advances has elevated the use of the rat, another well-studied
including psychiatry. model in neurobiology and behavioral studies, as a genetic
Mutant analysis in model systems has helped to define and model. Finally, many of these transgenic techniques, especially
elucidate signal transduction pathways and transcriptional viral-mediated gene transfer, are being used with a powerful
hierarchies. While yeast, flies, and worms have helped define new system, called optogenetics, whereby specific sets of neu-
basic genetic pathways, the use of mice as the representative rons are controlled with pulses of light. Optogenetics depends
organism of complex mammalian systems has become increas- upon expression of light-activated ion channels, or pumps, to
ing popular. The mouse is particularly relevant in neuroscience elicit action potential firing or to suppress activity in neurons.
and psychiatry, where the development of effective models is Transgenic resources have thus become more important in the
dependent on complex mammalian brain circuitry and beha- field, since they allow for control of specific neurons with light
vior. Although the current technology will be emphasized here, (Tye and Deisseroth, 2012).
the infrastructure established over decades of work made the
modern techniques both possible and more powerful.
The extensive history of mouse studies has enabled T R A N SG E N I C M I C E
large-scale efforts to understand gene function. A consortium
of mutagenesis centers has generated novel mouse mutants Transgenic mice are created by adding DNA directly to the
that will likely provide new insights into the pathophysiol- genome (Box 8.1). As the first efficient approach to taking
ogy of neurobiological and psychiatric disorders. However, previously isolated genes and evaluating possible functions
modern mouse research also takes advantage of transgenics in vivo, this technique revolutionized mouse genetics by allow-
and targeted gene knockouts, where specific genes are added ing for direct tests of gene function in an entire animal system.
or removed from the mouse genome. This “reverse genetic” Transgenic experiments are often used to: (1) overexpress a
strategy (from a cloned gene to mutant animal) has rede- gene at high levels, (2) misexpress a gene in the wrong place
fined experimental possibilities and has dominated the land- or at the wrong time, (3) express a mutant or modified form
scape of mouse genetics for the last 20 years. As new genes or a gene, or (4) study gene regulation via reporter gene con-
are implicated in a biological process, it is possible to directly structs. Gene overexpression can yield important information
assess their relevance in a complete animal system. The reverse of the dosage sensitivity of the gene product while misexpres-
genetic approach is increasingly needed since the completion sion experiments can indicate whether or not a gene will cause
of the genome project has shown that a large number of genes defects when abnormally expressed. Expression of certain

8 T R A N S G E N I C T O O L S A N D A N I M A L M O D E L S O F M E N TA L I L L N E S S | 109

mutant forms can also be used to reduce the function of the which necessitates the creation and characterization of multiple
endogenous gene (“dominant negative”). founder mice to find lines with the desired expression patterns.
Transgenic mouse lines can be made and established rap- This concern is mitigated by use of larger pieces of DNA as
idly. Transgenic mice are generated via nuclear microinjection described next.
of cloned DNA into fertilized mouse eggs. The DNA construct
usually inserts into a single random site of the genome as mul- LARGE-CLONE TRANSGENICS AND
tiple copies (usually between 5 and 50). Since this transgene inte- DISEASE MODELS
gration often occurs at the one- or two-cell stage, the transgenic
founder mouse contains the transgenes in most cell types and Traditional transgenics are made with relatively small DNA
can pass the transgene directly to progeny. Expression is then constructs (3–25 kilobases) that can be generated through
mediated by regulatory elements contained within the original standard cloning techniques. While sufficient for many experi-
construct (Box 8.1). However, transgene expression is usually ments, the complexity of gene regulation, and the large size
influenced by DNA sequences surrounding the insertion site, of mammalian genes, often demands the use of larger frag-
ments of DNA to effectively model gene regulation and disease
states. Large-clone transgenics are made using bacterial arti-
ficial chromosomes (BACs) and yeast artificial chromosomes
(YACs) (Heintz, 2001). BACs are large circular DNA plasmids
Transgenic mice are commonly used to model human disease that allow long stretches of DNA to be cloned and propagated
states and to test hypotheses concerning the genetic causes in bacteria. BACs can be used to successfully propagate up to
of the disease. The isolation of genes that cause neurologi- 300 kilobases (300,000 base pairs [bp]) of mammalian DNA
cal disease has allowed transgenic mice to be used to model in bacteria while YACs can propagate over 1,000 kilobases
the disease by directly mimicking the genetic cause found in (1,000,000 base pairs) of mammalian DNA in yeast, allowing
patients. For example, mice over-expressing mutant forms of for transgenics to be made with entire genes and surrounding
superoxide dismutase (SOD1) developed muscle atrophy, neu- genomic regulatory sequences. Large-clone transgenics have
rodegeneration, and death that is seen in human amyotrophic been used to effectively model diseases that are caused by muta-
lateral sclerosis (ALS) cases (Gurney et al., 1994). Similarly, the tions in large genes. The accurate expression of the mutant form
cellular and molecular mechanisms of polyglutamine disorders, is likely to yield models that most closely mimic the human
such as spinocerebellar ataxia, have been modeled and better pathology. For example, YACs containing the entire human
understood by studying mouse models generated via trans- Huntingtin protein have been used to model Huntington’s dis-
genic expression of mutant proteins (Heintz and Zoghbi, 2000). ease (Hodgson et al., 1999). The YACs were modified to express
In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, overexpression of mutant the glutamine repeats that are found in individuals with the
forms of amyloid precursor protein (APP) has been used to test disease. Mice transgenic for these constructs developed the
hypotheses and generate powerful disease models (Box 8.2). cellular, physiological, and behavioral characteristics similar to
human Huntington’s patients, including selective striatal neu-
Transgene rodegeneration. Transgenic approaches have also been useful
in delineating the role of the amyloid precursor protein (APP)
in Alzheimer’s disease (Box 8.2).
Collect 1-cell Large-clone transgenics have also used to determine the
embyos significance of gene dosage effects on behavior and disease
states. For example, DNA around the Down syndrome can-
didate region was introduced via large-clone transgenics and
mice were screened for learning abnormalities. This led to
identification of the minibrain-related gene, Dyrk-1, as a can-
Sterile didate gene for Down syndrome (Smith et al., 1997). The large
size of most mammalian genes necessitates the large-clone
approach for these studies.
Implant eggs into
pseudopregant females

Another powerful application of large-scale clones has been

the generation of reporter lines that express readily detectable
marker proteins, such as green fluorescent protein (GFP). By
using BACs surrounding specific genes, a series of mouse lines
have been generated that allow researchers to detect, study,
Transgenic founder animal and isolate specific neuron populations that are otherwise dif-
Adapted from Richardson A., Heydari A.R., Morgan W.W., Nelson J.F., ficult to detect (Heintz, 2004). These BAC reporter mice have
Sharp Z.D., and Walter C.A. (1997). The use of transgenic mice in aging been used to distinguish direct and indirect output neurons
research. Inst. Lab. Anim. Res. J. 38:124–127.
within the striatum, allowing for definitive characterization

110 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

BOX 8. 2 TRAN SG EN I CS AN D AL Z H EI M E R ’ S D I S E A S E Specific behaviors, such as certain paradigms in addic-
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease
tion, have been better studied in rat models, and transgenic
characterized by a gradual decline in cognition and memory
rats have been used in recent work. For example, use of rats
over a period of years. The neuropathology of AD is marked
transgenic for a reporter gene that is activated in neurons
by the presence of extracellular senile plaques and intrac-
(cFos-lacZ) allowed researchers to isolate and study neurons
ellular neurofibrillary tangles. While the debate over the
that are activated after exposure to cocaine, or a context asso-
causative factor for AD remains controversial, growing evi-
ciated with cocaine (Koya et al., 2009). Other investigators
dence suggests plaques are required for the development of
have generated rat lines that allow genetic or optogenetic
AD. Plaques are generated by accumulation of a 42–amino
manipulation of dopamine or acetylcholine neurons (Witten
acid amyloid ß protein (Aß), which is derived from the amy-
et al., 2011).
loid precursor protein (APP). Genetic studies have identi-
fied mutations in the APP gene and in the presenilin genes
(PS1 and PS2) in familial forms of AD. Disorders that lead to
the oversecretion of APP result in Alzheimer’s disease–like
Transgenic mice created via microinjection allow for efficient
Transgenic mice overexpressing APP and presenilin muta-
gain-of-function analysis or expression of exogenous mol-
tions have been used to model AD. The first successful
ecules. Although this approach is powerful and can be used
attempt, using a platelet-derived growth factor promoter to
to model a subset of diseases, there was still a need to test the
drive expression of a familial APP mutation, resulted in mice
necessity of gene products via loss-of-function analysis. The
with elevated levels of APP as well as increased amyloid
goal of removing genes in a directed fashion motivated a num-
deposits (Games et al., 1995; Masliah, 1996). More recently,
ber of approaches to modify the endogenous genes within the
transgenics have been generated that link the elevated APP
mouse genome. Ultimately, the knockout strategy depended
to learning and memory deficits (Hsiao, 1996; Moran et al.,
upon modifying the genome of embryonic stem (ES) cell lines
1995). Transgenic mice coexpressing the wild-type human APP
and subsequently generating a mouse from the modified cell
gene and various PS1 mutations exhibited high levels of Aß
in the brain, suggesting the PS1 mutations may influence Aß
Early research on cell lines derived from early embryos
production and contribute to the pathology of the disease
and embryonic carcinomas indicated that these lines could
(Citron et al., 1997). This model has recently been used to test
retain totipotency, or the ability to give rise to all differenti-
the effectiveness of immunomodulatory therapy (Janus et al.,
ated cell types of the mouse. Cells derived from the inner
2000; Morgan et al., 2000). The ability of transgenic mice to
cell mass of a mouse blastula were used to establish the first
model aspects of AD represents a major advancement toward
embryonic stem cell lines. Importantly, ES cell lines could be
understanding the pathophysiology of this disease
cultured and frozen, and they allowed recombination to occur
between introduced DNA and homologous sequences in the
cellular genome (Fig. 8.1). However, the rates of recombina-
of different electrophysiological properties in these important tion that occur in ES cells are very low compared with random
neurons (Kreitzer and Malenka, 2007). Likewise, these same insertion events. To select for the rare recombination event, a
BACs can be used to express proteins, such as Cre recombi- “positive-negative” strategy was developed to select for inserts
nase, that allow investigators to target genetic manipulations into the desired (homologous) position, while selecting against
to specific neuronal types. These Cre driver lines are critical random insertions (Mansour et al., 1988). After a single copy
in conditional knockout and transgenic mice, which are dis- (maternal or paternal) of the gene was modified, the cells were
cussed in more detail later in the chapter. expanded and introduced into a developing mouse embryo.
The cells became incorporated into the developing embryo,
and the resulting founder mouse was a mosaic of wild-type
cells and mutant cells. This founder must be bred to confirm
While less common, transgenic rats have been made and are the presence of the transgene in the progeny. Finally, progeny
powerful tools for assessing physiology or behavior that is were mated to generate mice that were missing both copies of
better characterized in rat models. For example, a transgenic the gene (homozygous mutants).
model of Huntington’s disease was generated in rats to allow Knockouts originally used a replacement strategy to
for longitudinal imaging studies in a larger brain (von Hörsten exchange an endogenous gene with a neomycin-resistant gene
et al., 2003). Working memory deficits have been character- cassette (PGK-neor). Later generation knockouts took advan-
ized in transgenic rats overexpressing the adenosine receptor tage of the recombination event to replace the original gene with
(A2A) in the rat brain (Giménez-Llort et al., 2007). In addition, a reporter gene or a mutated version of an original gene. These
transgenic reporter rats have been generated for the study of “knock-in” studies yielded powerful data on gene expression
circadian rhythms (Yamazaki et al., 2000). As the generation of and gene redundancy and are now standard practice in cur-
transgenic rats becomes more efficient, including application rent gene analysis. This strategy could be used to misexpress
of large-clone techniques, rat reporter and disease models will a gene as with transgenic microinjections. Although more
become more common and more powerful for behavioral and time-consuming than traditional transgenic approaches, no
psychiatric research. knowledge of regulatory elements is required since placing the

8 T R A N S G E N I C T O O L S A N D A N I M A L M O D E L S O F M E N TA L I L L N E S S | 111


Embryonic stem ES cells with

cells (ES cells) targeted allele

& screening

Expand targeted clone

Inject into blastocysts

Chimeric mouse

Transfer into
pseudopregnant foster
Breed with
X +/+ animals

Germ line transmission

of ES cell genome containing
targeted gene knockout

Figure 8.1 Knockout mouse production. Adapted from Joyner A. (2000). Gene Targeting: A Practical Approach. New York: Oxford University Press.

new gene into the same position of the genome should ensure system, which have clearly helped to elucidate the specific role
correct expression. of receptors, enzymes, and proteins. Knockouts have also been
useful in testing the specificity and effects of pharmacologi-
cal agents. By completely removing a receptor, for example,
knockout mice can be screened for the effects of various drugs.
Many human neurological and psychiatric diseases are likely to For example, mice missing the 5-HT2C receptor have a para-
be due to loss of gene function that cannot be readily modeled doxical locomotor increase in response to the nonselective
with transgenics. For example, a subset of dominant human serotonin agonist m-chlorophenylpiparazine, which normally
mutations is caused by loss of function of only one gene copy. induces a locomotor decrease (Heisler and Tecott, 2000). It was
This is known as haplo-insufficiency and is best modeled by subsequently discovered that the agonist was acting on 5-HT1B
evaluating heterozygote mice that are missing only one copy receptors in the absence of 5-HT2C, revealing the dependence
of a gene. This is particularly relevant and best studied in can- of drug response on the genetic constitution of the individual.
cer models, where heterozygote mutant mice are more prone While genetic knockout studies have traditionally focused on
to tumor formation due to somatic loss of the normal copy. the use of mice, the completion of the rat genome project (Gibbs
However, it is also possible that a loss of a single copy of a et al., 2004), and the extensive history and use of rats in studying
gene is sufficient to recapitulate aspects of psychiatric diseases behavior and modeling psychiatric disease, has motivated efforts
in animal models. Recently, it was found that animals miss- for generating rat knockouts. There are mutagenesis strategies
ing only one copy of the Reeler gene displayed gene expres- being used to systematically generate a large set of rat knockouts
sion changes as well as dendritic defects similar to those found (Smits et al., 2006). This will undoubtedly lead to more use of rat
in postmortem tissue from schizophrenic patients (Liu et al., knockouts for modeling behavior and psychiatric disease.
2001). It may be useful to conduct more widespread and thor-
ough behavioral testing on heterozygous mice to evaluate the
effects of reduced gene expression on behavior.
Like transgenic mice, knockout mice can be used to tar- Early studies with knockout mice produced many surprises while
get specific genes in order to test a hypothesis or model a dis- also exposing a number of limitations. A drawback of knock-
ease state. Box 8.3 and Table 8.1 highlight results obtained out mice is that there can be functional redundancy of many
from knockout studies on molecules related to the dopamine gene products, leading to a lack of an appreciated phenotype.

112 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

BOX 8. 3 K N OCK OUTS AN D TH E D OPA M I N E R G I C TA BL E 8.1. Knockouts and the dopaminergic system
Dopamine (DA) plays an important role in Parkinson’s disease,
drug addiction, and schizophrenia among other neuropsychi- Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) Lethal (Zhou and Palmiter, 1995)
atric diseases. However, the role of individual components of
VMAT2 Lethal (Takahashi et al., 1997; Wang et al.,
the dopaminergic system in these disorders remains unknown. 1997)
The ability to knock out specific genes involved in DA synthe-
sis, release, signaling, and reuptake allows for a comparison D1 DA receptor Hyperactivity, spatial learning deficit
(Clifford et al., 1998; Xu et al., 1994)
of specific genetic alterations with pharmacological models of
these disorders. D2 DA receptor Hypoactive, some dysfunction of prepulse
Dopamine (DA) is synthesized from tyrosine by tyrosine inhibition (PPI) sensorimotor gating (Baik
hydroxylase (TH) in the nerve cell cytoplasm and then loaded et al., 1995; Kelly et al., 1998)
onto vesicles by vesicular monoamine transporters (VMATs).
D3 DA receptor Hyperactive (Accili et al., 1996; Xu et al.,
Once dopamine is released from the synapse, it can (1) acti- 1997)
vate either presynaptic (D2) or postsynaptic (D1–D5) dopamine
receptors, (2) be degraded by catechol-O-methyl transferase D4 DA receptor Hypoactive (Dulawa et al., 1999;
Rubinstein et al., 1997)
(COMT) or monoamine oxidase (MAO), or (3) be taken up by a
plasma membrane transporter (DAT). D5 DA receptor Normal (Holmes et al., 2001)
Mice that lack TH die at birth, implicating catecholamines
in fetal development (Zhou et al., 1995). The loss of VMAT dis- COMT Normal activity; increased aggression,
impairment of emotional reactivity (Gogos
rupts the ability of dopamine to be loaded in the synaptic ves-
et al., 1998)
icles and results in mice that die shortly after birth (Takahashi
et al., 1997; Wang et al., 1997). In contrast, knockouts of MAO-A Normal activity; increased aggression,
all of the dopamine receptor genes (D1–D5) are viable with more reactive to stress (for review, see
Shih et al., 1999)
mild alterations in locomotor activity (Accili et al., 1996; Baik
et al., 1995; Clifford et al., 1998; Dulawa et al., 1999; Holmes MAO-B Normal activity; more reactive to stress
et al., 2001; Kelly et al., 1998; Rubinstein et al., 1997; Xu et al., (for review, see Shih et al., 1999)
1994, 1997). The loss of the DA degradative enzymes does
DAT Hyperactive, deficits in PPI sensorimotor
not produce alterations in locomotor activity but does result
gating and spatial cognitive impairments
in increased aggression and reactivity to stress (Gogos et al., (Giros et al., 1996; Jones et al., 1998)
1998; Shih et al., 1999). The DAT knockouts have high extra-
cellular DA concentration and display alterations in various
behavioral abnormalities, including deficits in spatial cognitive
long as they are well-executed studies done in a well-controlled
function and sensorimotor gating (Giros et al., 1996; Jones
manner by avoiding overinterpretation of the model.
et al., 1998). These knockouts of the dopaminergic system
Another limitation in studying constitutive knockout mice
allow for a comparison of specific genetic alterations with
is the occurrence of lethality that can occur if a critical gene is
pharmacological models of psychiatric and neurological dis-
deleted. Since developmental biologists did most of the early
orders and may contribute to new therapeutic approaches in
work, the early terminal phenotypes that were often observed
drug discovery.
were of interest. However, early lethality precludes studies of
gene function in adult animals demanding use of conditional
Nevertheless, the use of knockout mice can also produce valu- mutagenesis strategies that are outlined in the next section.
able information regarding the particular gene of interest as long Combining knockouts and transgenics can be used to over-
as caveats of the model are appreciated. Recent genetic studies come this limitation. For example, by generating a tyrosine
have identified several mutations, copy number variations, and hydroxylase (TH) knockout mouse that has been genetically
other alterations associated with neuropsychiatric disorders with engineered to express the TH gene only in noradrenergic cells,
several reports focused in particular on autism and schizophre- it is possible to generate a mouse that is missing dopamine and
nia. The generation of animal models that mimic these abnor- yet creates normal norepinephrine (Zhou and Palmiter, 1995).
malities can have a strong impact on treatment advance, as they These dopamine-deficient mice survive until birth, indicat-
will enable detailed examination of neuronal circuit abnormali- ing that the fetal lethality of constitutive tyrosine hydroxylase
ties derived from these genetic malformations. However, it is knockout mice was caused by the lack of norepinephrine.
important to note that modeling complex genetic modifications These mice can be kept alive via daily injections of l-DOPA
in mice is difficult. For instance, alterations in methylation pat- and have been used extensively to better evaluate the function
terns, large gene deletions, or even single nucleotide polymor- of dopamine in locomotion, nest building, and feeding. While
phisms may have distinct effects depending on the species in this strategy was used successfully, it is not always possible
question. Moreover, chromosomal abnormalities such as those to develop effective rescue experiments. More recent work
associated with Down syndrome are hard to replicate in mice. has established strategies for better control of transgenic and
Nevertheless, these attempts will likely yield novel insight as knockout effects.

8 T R A N S G E N I C T O O L S A N D A N I M A L M O D E L S O F M E N TA L I L L N E S S | 113

CONDITIONAL CONTROL OF GENE EXPRESSION tetracycline analogue that can cross the blood–brain barrier) is
present. Tetracycline interferes with the ability of tTA to bind
The ideal system to control gene expression would be a “genetic to TetOp and drive expression of the gene of interest and is
switch” that can be operated at will to turn genes on or off. Newer referred to as the “tet-off ” system. Thus, mice remain treated
transgenic models are taking advantage of these inducible systems with doxycycline until the time the researcher wants to study
to clearly define the relationship between the transgene expression the overexpression of the gene. This is an inducible system
and the phenotype. In these models, the transgenic expression is because the gene of interest is controlled by the presence or
regulated temporally by administration of an exogenous agent. absence of doxycycline. It is also a cell-targeted system, since
Most approaches involve the use of a binary system, or two-gene the transgene of interest will only be expressed in those cells
system, in which one transgene controls the expression of a sec- that express tTA, which is controlled by the choice of promoter
ond. Binary systems that control gene expression can be classi- in the first transgene construct.
fied into two groups: (1) transcriptional transactivator systems, to
overexpress a gene of interest, and (2) site-specific recombination
systems, to knock out a gene of interest (Fig. 8.2). INDUCIBLE TRANSGENICS AND DISEASE
The tetracycline gene regulation system has been used
to successfully overexpress genes in the central ner-
vous system. The first published report overexpressed the
There are many different types of transcriptional transactivator calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII)
systems; here we focus on the most commonly used system, the selectively within the hippocampus of adult mice (Mayford
tetracycline gene regulation system (Gossen and Bujard, 1992). et al., 1996). The resulting mice had cellular phenotypes includ-
In this system, the first transgene encodes the tetracycline ing impaired functioning of place cells as well as decrements in
transactivator (tTA) under the control of enhancer sequences long-term potentiation within the hippocampus. These mice
that dictate expression patterns. The second transgene encodes also had a decrement in spatial learning, which is thought to
the gene of interest to be overexpressed under the control of be a hippocampal-dependent task. These findings suggest that
a tetracycline responsive promoter (TetOp) (Fig. 8.2A). In CaMKII in an important step in cellular and behavioral forms
this system, tTA binds to TetOp and results in transcription of plasticity and highlight the functional importance of the
on the gene of interest unless tetracycline (or, doxycycline, a gene in the hippocampus.

(A) Brain Specific Promotor tTA

+ dox - dox

TetOp Gene of Interest TetOp Gene of Interest

Mouse 1 Mouse 2

Brain specific Cre recombinase loxP Exon(s) of a loxP

promoter gene of interest

Progeny of Mouse 1 x Mouse 2

In brain cells In all other cells

Cre expression No Cre expression


Figure 8.2 Binary systems for gene induction and removal. A, Schematic of the tetracycline transactivator system for the generation of double transgenic animals.
In this system, a brain-specific promoter drives expression of the tetracycline transactivator (tTA) gene selectively to the brain. In the presence of doxycycline (dox),
a tetracycline analogue, tTA cannot bind to its promoter (TetOp), and the gene of interest is not expressed. In the absence of dox, tTA binds to TetOp and results
in transcription of the gene of interest selectively to the brain. B, Schematic of the Cre/loxP system for conditional knockouts: Genetic techniques are used to
express Cre recombinase under the control of a brain-specific promoter. A second construct contains loxP sites flanking a critical region of the gene to be knocked
out. The two lines of mice are crossed, and resulting bigenic mice show a loss of the gene of interest, which occurs at the time of development and selectively in
those cells in the brain in which the brain-specific promoter is active. The gene of interest is expressed at wild-type levels in cells not expressing Cre recombinase.

114 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

Other studies have direct implications for better under-
pBR 322
standing of brain disease. For example, Yamamoto et al. (2000) a
found that the neuropathology and motor dysfunction caused by HSV-1
overexpression of huntingtin were reversible by simply turning packaging
off the transgene. This has important mechanistic implications site
that are relevant to the development of effective therapeutics. Col SV-40
E1 polyadenylation
In contrast, the inducible transgenic strategy has been used to ori site
show that 5-HT1A serotonin receptor function is required during
development, and not in the adult, to produce normal anxiety
responses in mice (Gross et al., 2002). Another use of inducible
transgenic technology is to mimic molecular changes that may
be seen in psychiatric disease states as exemplified in Box 8.4. IE 4/5 promoter
There are many advantages of the tetracycline gene-
regulated system, including the reversibility of the system and
the ability to target it to a specific cell type with the use of a
cell type–specific enhancer/promoter. There are, however, also HSV-1 cDNA
limitations to the system. First, the dynamics of gene induc- c region (e.g., GluR2, CREB)
tion is relatively slow (hours to days) since this system requires
Figure 8.3 The amplicon (plasmid-based) vector HSV-PrpUC, into which foreign
the mice to be removed from doxycycline to induce expression
cDNA (e.g., that encoding GluR2, cAMP-responsive element binding protein
of the target gene of interest. Second, transgene expression [CREB]) is subcloned. The viral backbone contains minimal wild-type viral
can be influenced by the position that it has inserted into the genes and relies upon specially engineered cell lines for propagation and
genome and not just by the promoter that is driving its expres- helper virus to produce the proteins needed for packaging.
sion. While these concerns are of importance, the tetracycline
gene-regulated system is still being used with remarkable
success to study the function of genes in the adult nervous sys-
tem. These inducible transgenic systems are of particular use
BOX 8. 4 OV EREX P RESSI ON OF Δ Fos B A N D T H E L I N K in psychiatry, where minor developmental disturbances could
TO DRUG AB USE have subtle, but persistent repercussions.
Chronic exposure to many drugs of abuse (e.g., cocaine,
amphetamine, morphine, and nicotine) results in the accumu- S I T E - S P E C I F I C R E C O M B I N AT I O N S Y S T E M S
lation of the transcription factor ΔFosB in the striatum. ΔFosB is
a protein that, once induced, persists for a very long time in the
One way to target a genetic deletion in a regionally and tem-
brain. The striatum regions are important for mediating many
porally dependent manner is with site-specific recombination.
behavioral aspects of addiction. The molecular mechanisms
Site-specific recombinases are enzymes that catalyze recombi-
that are responsible for the long-term induction of ΔFosB in
nation between specific DNA sites. The Cre recombinase from
the striatum may represent one biological basis underlying the
P1 bacteriophage is the most widely used enzyme. Cre recog-
transition from a nonaddicted to an addicted state.
nizes a 34-bp site (loxP, or locus of recombination) to catalyze
The tetracycline gene-regulated system has been used to
recombination. If two loxP sites are placed in the same orienta-
successfully overexpress the transcription factor ΔFosB to the
tion on a piece of DNA, the region between the two sites will be
striatum region of the brain (Chen et al., 1998). The resulting
excised by the recombinase (Nagy, 2000).
mice were more responsive to the rewarding effects of cocaine
Recombinase sites are not normally found in the mammalian
(Kelz et al., 1999). The use of additional genomic technologies
genome. The recombinase sites are inserted into the genome of
(i.e., viral-mediated gene transfer) has provided evidence that
ES cells by homologous recombination such that the sites flank
ΔFosB-associated upregulation of GluR2 (an AMPA glutamate
an exon (or exons) of a gene of interest. The gene with flanking
receptor) causes, at least in part, the increases in sensitivity to
recombinase sites is referred to as a “floxed” gene. The recombi-
cocaine (Kelz et al., 1999) and other types of rewards (Todtenkopf
nase sites should be placed in the genome so as not to interfere
et al., 2006) (See Fig. 8.3). Interestingly, in a parallel set of
with the expression or function of the gene of interest before the
experiments with the tetracycline gene-regulated system, mice
recombination event. A selection strategy is employed to iden-
were generated that overexpress a dominant-negative inhibitor
tify those ES cells containing the floxed gene in a similar manner
of ΔFosB in the striatum, and these mice were less responsive
to that used to generate a conventional knockout (see Fig. 8.1).
to cocaine (Peakman et al., 2003). These findings demonstrate
The resulting floxed mice still have the functional endogenous
a direct role for ΔFosB in the rewarding properties of cocaine
gene because the Cre recombinase has not yet been introduced
and may suggest a role for this molecule in promoting a switch
into the system. To obtain a knockout of the targeted gene, the
from casual drug use to addiction. By limiting overexpression
floxed mouse is bred to a second mouse in which a regional or
of ΔFosB in adult mice, this molecular phenotype is mimicked
cell type–specific transcriptional promoter controls Cre recom-
without the potential developmental effects that might have
binase expression (Fig. 8.2B). These mice are referred to as
been caused by more traditional transgenic analysis.
“conditional” knockouts, since the knockout occurs only in cer-
tain regions and is dependent on Cre recombinase expression

8 T R A N S G E N I C T O O L S A N D A N I M A L M O D E L S O F M E N TA L I L L N E S S | 115

(Box 8.5). This approach has proved quite useful in the develop- The first successful attempt of a conditional brain-specific
ment of adult knockout mice where the traditional knockout of gene knockout was the ionotropic glutamate receptor
the gene is fatal and has moved us closer to understanding the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDAR1) gene. The NMDAR1 gene is
function of specific genes (in the brain) and modeling human an obligatory subunit of NMDA receptors. A floxed NMDAR1
genetic diseases. Alternatively, viral vectors (see the following) mouse was crossed with a transgenic line expressing Cre under
expressing Cre recombinase can be used to ablate expression of the control of the calcium-calmodulin-dependent kinase II
floxed genes at various times during development or to selec- (CaMKII) promoter. The CaMKII promoter turns on Cre
tively delete a gene of interest in a particular brain region. The recombinase in specific regions of the brain without any periph-
use of a viral-mediated approach is often used when there is not eral expression. The resulting mice displayed a relatively selec-
a specific regional or cell type–specific transcriptional promo- tive knockout of NMDAR1 in the hippocampus that resulted
tor that would target the brain region of interest and thus turn in an impairment in hippocampal long-term potentiation and
Cre recombinase on in the appropriate site. The viral-mediated spatial memory. These cellular and behavioral phenotypes
approach can circumvent this problem but relies on a surgi- provided support for the view that endogenous NMDAR1 is
cal approach for each animal to inject the viral vector into the important in hippocampal-dependent tasks (McHugh et al.,
selected region of interest. 1996; Shimizu et al., 2000; Tsien et al., 1996a, b).


Recently, conditional knockouts of neurotrophin 3 (NT-3) were
generated to study the role of this growth factor in adult brain. Conditional knockouts have also been used to model aspects of
Traditional knockouts of NT-3 die shortly after birth. Two inde- Rett syndrome (RTT), a childhood neurological disorder that
pendent groups have generated conditional NT-3 knockouts in occurs almost exclusively in females. An exciting recent discov-
which the loss of NT-3 is restricted to the brain and the condi- ery has been the identification of the gene responsible for RTT
tional NT-3 knockouts survive into adulthood. The first group (Amir et al., 1999). The majority of Rett syndrome is caused by
generated conditional NT-3 knockouts by crossing floxed NT-3 mutations in the methyl-CpG-binding protein (MeCP2) gene
mice with animals expressing Cre recombinase under the con- located on the X chromosome (Wan et al., 1999). The MeCP2
trol of the neural-specific promoter, synapsin 1 (Ma et al., 1999). gene encodes a protein that binds to methylated DNA. Original
The conditional knockouts had an ablation of NT-3 in many attempts to knock out the MeCP2 gene by traditional knockout
regions of the brain, including the hippocampus. These condi- approaches resulted in early lethality of the mice. Conditional
tional knockouts were examined in several parameters of synap- knockout techniques resulted in the generation of viable mice
tic transmission and displayed no difference between wild-type that have a neurological phenotype similar to human RTT (Chen
controls, suggesting that NT-3 does not play a role in synap- et al., 2001; Guy et al., 2001). Behavioral characterization of the
tic transmission and some forms of hippocampal-dependent conditional MeCP2 knockout mice showed that the loss of this
learning. The second group used the neural-specific nestin pro- gene in broad forebrain regions was sufficient to mediate behav-
moter to drive Cre expression in floxed NT-3 mice (Akbarian ioral aspects of the disorder and starts to provide a framework
et al., 2001). These nestin-Cre expressing mice caused a more of the brain regions that may be important in mediating some
widespread pattern of NT-3 loss in the brain than the synapsin of these behavioral components of the disease (Gemelli et al.,
I–Cre expressing mice. In contrast to the synapsin-Cre results, 2006). A mouse model that recapitulates aspects of a human dis-
the nestin-Cre NT-3 conditional knockouts established a role order is a major advancement in studying this disease and may
for this growth factor in modulating noradrenergic function and provide a model in which pharmacological agents can be tested
opiate withdrawal in the brain. for prevention or possible reversal of the behavioral phenotypes.
The conditional knockouts generated by the two different In an important extension of this work, recent work demon-
groups resulted in progeny with different patterns of NT-3 loss strated that reintroduction of MeCP2 in adult MeCP2 constitu-
in the brain and different reported phenotypes. This exam- tive knockout mice rescues the disease phenotype supporting an
ple illustrates the importance of using different Cre-driven acute rather than a developmental role for MeCP2 in neuronal
expression lines to elucidate “gene–function” relationships function (Guy et al., 2007). In addition, in another set of experi-
in conditional knockouts. However, there are many impor- ments the deletion of MeCP2 in distinct age windows uncovered
tant limitations with the currently available Cre-driven expres- a divergent requirement for MeCP2 at distinct developmental
sion lines. First, there are not many enhancer and promoter stages (Cheval et al., 2012). Overall, these studies on MeCP2
sequences that are successful in expressing Cre recombinase provide a road map on how to take advantage of the conditional
specifically to the brain, let alone to particular regions or cell expression/deletion mouse model to recapitulate disease pheno-
types. Second, many of these promoters do not express the type in a developmentally specific manner.
Cre recombinase in the predicted locations. One approach is Conditional knockouts are also showing great promise in
to identify better regulatory sequences to drive recombinase elucidating the genetics of synaptic vesicle function. Synaptic
expression. Alternatively, knocking the recombinase directly vesicles influence neurotransmitter release and thus play
into a known genetic locus by homologous recombination may important roles in mediating synaptic transmission. There are
allow for better control of its expression. a vast number of synaptic vesicle proteins, of which the major-
ity have been knocked out by traditional genetic approaches.

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Traditional knockouts have provided support for the role of Generally, viral vectors are replication deficient: they
many of these proteins in neurotransmitter release, but their transfer the gene (or sequence) of interest into cells, but they
functional redundancy and lack of regional specificity make lack the genes that enable the wild-type virus to replicate or
it difficult to assess their role in individual neurotransmit- cause a destructive (lytic) infection. Currently, there are two
ter systems. This limitation is particularly important in dis- types of replication-deficient vectors. Genomic vectors can
eases that are thought to be due to imbalances of particular be conceptualized as “gutted” viruses; the starting point is a
neurotransmitter systems such as schizophrenia that may be competent virus from which harmful (lytic) genes have been
due to an elevated dopaminergic and reduced glutaminergic removed, and to which the foreign cDNA has been added (for
transmission. The ability to target a knockout to a particular review, see Fink et al., 1996). Conversely, amplicon vectors (see
brain region in delineating the role of these particular proteins Fig. 8.3) can be conceptualized as “modular” viruses; the start-
to specific neurotransmitter systems may contribute to our of ing point is a plasmid (amplicon) carrying the exogenous gene,
understanding particular molecular mechanisms of psychiat- to which minimal viral sequences are added that allow it to
ric illnesses (Fernandez-Chacón and Sudhof, 1999). be packaged into virus particles with the aid of a helper virus
and specialized cell lines (for review, see Carlezon et al., 2000b;
Neve et al., 2005).
V IR AL-M ED IATED GENE T RA NSF E R Typically in neuropsychiatric research, small quantities
of viral vectors (for a rat or mouse, 1–2 μl) are microinjected
Another strategy for genetic intervention in the brain is to directly into discrete brain regions during stereotaxic surgery.
engineer viral vectors that carry a specific gene (or coding Following a period of time that allows transgene expression to
sequence) of interest. These constructs can then be micro- increase (or to increase and then wane), the consequences of
injected directly into discrete brain regions. This technique increased transgene expression are evaluated in biochemical
exploits the natural ability of viruses to deliver genetic mate- or behavioral assays. For a viral vector to have utility for this
rial to cells. When delivered to the brain, these vectors cause type of research (or ultimately, for gene therapy), the conse-
infected cells to express (or, in the case of endogenous genes, quences of increased transgene expression must be detectable
overexpress) transferred genes (transgenes) or sequences. against the damage caused by the delivery procedure and any
Vectors can be used to increase the expression of endogenous cytopathic effects of the viral vector (Fig. 8.4). Theoretically, it
genes, mutated genes (e.g., encoding dominant-negative pro- is possible to engineer viral vectors that express any biologi-
teins), or siRNA. As such, viral-mediated gene transfer com- cal entity with a known sequence. For example, vectors have
plements the use of mutant (knockout or transgenic) mice been used that encode enzymes (e.g., TH, Cre recombinase),
in neuropsychiatric research and is particularly useful when transcription factors (e.g., CREB, NAC-1), receptors (e.g., dop-
the goal is to manipulate expression of a single gene (1) in a amine D1), receptor subunits (e.g., GluRs), growth-associated
specific brain region (2) at a specific time (3) in animals that proteins (e.g., GAP43), microRNAs (miRs; e.g., miR-212),
developed normally. and reporter proteins (β-galactosidase, green fluorescent
There are several types of viruses that can be adapted for protein). Moreover, vectors encoding antisense sequences,
use as viral vectors, including those based on herpes sim- dominant-negative mutations (assuming that they exist), or
plex virus (HSV-1), adenovirus (AV), adeno-associated virus siRNA for any of these entities can be engineered. There are
(AAV), lentivirus (LV), and more recently, canine adenovi- some practical limitations, including the size of the foreign
rus (CAV). Considering that each type of vector has unique cDNA and the ease with which it can be subcloned into the
advantages and disadvantages (see Carlezon et al., 2000b; viral backbone. The larger the cDNA construct, the less efficient
Neve et al., 2005), the selection of the most appropriate viral the amplification will be during replication, which leads to less
backbone depends upon the goals of the experiment. For favorable amplicon-to-helper virus ratios and lower titers of the
example, HSV (Fig. 8.3) is an excellent vector when targeting vector (see Carlezon et al., 2000b). Assuming that the sequence
neurons because it is naturally neurotropic and it accommo- of the construct is known, the cDNA itself is available, and that
dates relatively large foreign cDNA sequences, but it is associ- no untoward complications are encountered during subclon-
ated with a short duration (~5 days) of transgene expression. ing, new HSV vectors can be engineered and generated usually
AV, on the other hand, is associated with a longer duration within a period of several weeks, and sometimes within days.
of transgene expression (months), but it is not selective for
neurons and can elicit immune responses in the host. AAV
elicits less of an immune response, but it can accommodate
only small foreign cDNA sequences, thereby restricting the
genes that can be transferred. LV vectors—which belong to During et al. (1994) performed one of the first in vivo applica-
the same class of viruses as the human immunodeficiency tions of viral-mediated gene transfer. The goal in this study was
virus (HIV)—integrate into the host DNA and cause perma- to use the vectors as gene therapy to elicit behavioral recov-
nent increases in transgene expression but are often associ- ery in an animal model of Parkinson’s disease. In this model,
ated with biosafety concerns. CAV is of interest because it is rats were given unilateral, intrastriatal microinjections of the
neurogenic and retrogradely transported (Soudais et al., 2001) neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) to deplete local
and thus can be used to express or ablate genes within specific concentrations of dopamine. Viral-mediated gene transfer (by
neuronal pathways. stereotaxic microinjections of vector) was then used to convert

8 T R A N S G E N I C T O O L S A N D A N I M A L M O D E L S O F M E N TA L I L L N E S S | 117

(A) (B)

1 mm

Figure 8.4 Histological examination of nucleus accumbens (NAc) tissue 3 days after gene transfer. A, Large solid arrow: brain site at which the viral vector HSV-LacZ
was microinjected. This vector encodes the reporter protein Escherichia coli β-galactosidase, which causes a dark blue reaction product in the presence of
substrate. Small solid arrows: individual cells expressing β-galactosidase. Open arrow: noninjected NAc. B, An adjacent, Nissl-stained slice from the same brain,
showing minimal evidence of toxicity or damage despite strong transgene expression. Damage produces gliosis and darker Nissl staining.

the endogenous cells of the striatum (primarily GABAergic VTA and NAc (Churchill et al., 1999; Fitzgerald et al., 1996).
medium spiny neurons) into L-dopa-producing cells by deliv- To directly test the hypothesis that these drug-induced molec-
ering the gene for TH, the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthe- ular adaptations cause drug-induced behavioral adaptations
sis of dopamine. Hypothetically, increased expression of TH (including sensitization), viral vectors were used to elevate
would lead to restored striatal dopamine levels and recovery GluR1 levels within the VTA of rats not exposed previously to
of function. During et al. (1994) reported significant increases drugs. Rats with viral-mediated elevations in GluR1 expression
in the expression of TH within the striatum accompanied by within anterior portions of the VTA showed dramatic increases
partial behavioral recovery after viral-mediated gene trans- in sensitivity to the rewarding effects of morphine (Carlezon
fer and concluded that TH gene therapy was effective in this et al., 1997, 2000a). These data suggest that the behavioral con-
model. Although other investigators (Isacson, 1995) who used sequences of repeated exposure to morphine are mimicked
the same viral vector preparations in their studies proposed by gene transfer of GluR1 into the VTA, and support a causal
alternative explanations for the behavioral data of During et al. relation between previously disparate drug-induced molecular
(1994), this early work highlighted the theoretical potential of and behavioral adaptations. Remarkably, elevated expression of
viral-mediated gene transfer to facilitate recovery from neu- GluR1 in the NAc appears to have the opposite effect—reduced
rodegenerative processes and, more generally, the use of viral sensitivity to reward (Todtenkopf et al., 2006)—highlighting
vectors to study how gene expression in discrete brain regions the fact that altered expression of any given gene cannot be
can influence behavior. assumed to have uniform functional consequences from brain
More recently, viral-mediated gene transfer has been used region to brain region (Carlezon et al., 2005).
to study complex motivational states associated with neurop- Hints about the genes and intracellular mechanisms
sychiatric disorders such as addiction and depression. The use involved in depressive disorders have also evolved from this type
of viral vectors is particularly well suited to the study of addic- of addiction research. Exposure to drugs of abuse increases the
tion because exposure to drugs of abuse causes many changes function of the transcription factor CREB (cAMP-responsive
in gene expression within the brain (Nestler, 2005). Since viral element binding protein) in striatal regions, including the
vectors offer the capability to study individual changes in gene NAc (Cole et al., 1995; Turgeon et al., 1997). CREB regulates
expression in discrete brain regions, it is possible to mimic cer- the expression of many genes (Shaywitz and Greenberg, 1999),
tain aspects of the drug-exposed state without ever adminis- including that for dynorphin (Hurd et al., 1992), an opioid
tering the drugs themselves. For example, repeated exposure peptide implicated in dysphoric (aversive) states (Pfeiffer et al.,
to drugs of abuse can cause increases in sensitivity (“sensitiza- 1986). Viral vector-mediated elevations of CREB in the NAc
tion”) to the rewarding effects of drugs (Lett, 1989; Piazza et al., of rats make low doses of cocaine aversive, and higher doses
1990), a phenomenon that may contribute to the addiction of cocaine less rewarding (Carlezon et al., 1998). In addition
process (Robinson and Berridge, 2001). Because the dopamine to producing these signs of anhedonia—a hallmark symptom
projection from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of the mid- of depression characterized by a diminished ability to experi-
brain to the nucleus accumbens (NAc) of the basal forebrain ence rewarding stimuli as rewarding—elevations of CREB in
has been implicated in the habit-forming (rewarding) effects of the NAc also produce other symptoms of depression in animal
virtually all abused drugs, many studies on the molecular basis models (Pliakas et al., 2001). Antagonists of brain receptors for
of addiction have focused on this circuitry. Repeated intermit- dynorphin (κ-opioid receptors) eliminate the signs of aver-
tent exposure to morphine or cocaine can increase expression sion and depression (Carlezon et al., 1998; Mague et al., 2003;
of the AMPA (glutamate) receptor subunit GluR1 within the Pliakas et al., 2001), suggesting that CREB-mediated induction

118 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

of dynorphin contributes directly to these complex behavioral O T HE R DE V E L O P M E N T S I N
states. Other investigators have used viral vectors to express V I R A L - M E DI AT E D G E N E T R A N S FE R
miRs or “anti-miRs,” identifying novel intracellular mecha-
nisms involved in regulation of CREB function and motivated
behavior (Hollander et al., 2010). A general improvement to gene transfer methods has been the
Together, these types of “biobehavioral” studies dem- incorporation of “tags” onto the transgene product to facilitate
onstrate how viral-mediated gene transfer offers a unique its detection in the brain, and to differentiate between endoge-
methodology with which to examine how alterations in a nous gene expression and viral-mediated transgene expression.
single, localized gene product can lead to changes in behav- One increasingly popular and powerful strategy is to incorpo-
iors that reflect complex motivational states. Moreover, they rate the gene for the green fluorescent protein into the vectors.
may help to identify intracellular pathways and alterations in Coexpression of GFP enables researchers to visually detect cells
gene expression that are potential targets for new generations infected by the vector against a background of endogenous gene
of pharmacotherapies for addiction, depression, and possibly expression. There are numerous engineering strategies that can
other neuropsychiatric disorders (see Box 8.6). be used to tag vector-infected cells (see Neve et al., 2005). The
advantages of tagging proteins are obvious: for example, in cases
where viral-mediated elevations in transgene expression have
been found to have biobehavioral significance (e.g., GluR2 in
the nucleus accumbens), electrophysiologists can visually iden-
BOX 8. 6 COM P L EM EN TARY G EN OM I C S T R AT E G I E S tify infected neurons for study. An added advantage of the GFP
TO STUD Y Δ Fos B AN D G l uR2 tag is the ability to track the subcellular location of the transgene
As described in Box 8.4, mice engineered to overexpress
product, which may increase interest in the use of viral vectors
ΔFosB in the ventral striatum (NAc) are more sensitive to the
for anatomical studies. Additionally, any of several nonfluores-
stimulant and rewarding effects of cocaine (Kelz et al., 1999).
cent tags can be fused to the transgene product because they
Presumably, the proximal cause of heightened drug sensitiv-
are not expressed in the brain endogenously, including -HA
ity is not increased expression of ΔFosB per se, but rather,
(hemaglutinen), -FLAG (Asp-Tyr-Lys-Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp-Lys),
increased expression of a target gene (or genes) regulated
and -myc (an epitope of the avian myelocytomatosis oncogene).
by this long-lasting transcription factor. Protein immunoblot-
This type of work comes with an important caveat, however: it
ting studies revealed that the ΔFosB-overexpressing mice also
is imperative to demonstrate that the addition of the tag directly
had large increases in GluR2 expression in the NAc, raising the
to the transgene product does not affect the native function of
possibility that local alterations in the expression of this AMPA
the protein.
receptor subunit contribute to increased drug sensitivity. To test
the hypothesis that elevated GluR2 expression in the NAc is suf-
ficient to cause increased sensitivity to the rewarding effects of N E U R O N A L S P E C I F I C I T Y A N D D U R AT I O N O F
cocaine, rats were given stereotaxic microinjections of an HSV EXPRESSION
vector encoding GluR2 (HSV-GluR2) into this brain region. Rats
Current limitations of many viral vectors include their lack
that received this manipulation showed dramatic increases in
of selectivity for neuronal subtypes (e.g., neurotransmitter-
sensitivity to the rewarding effects of cocaine in place condi-
specific) and the transient nature of their effects. Reportedly,
tioning studies, mimicking the effects of increased expression
substitution of a viral transgene promoter with a neuronal pro-
of ΔFosB in mice (Kelz et al., 1999). They also showed height-
moter can solve both of these limitations. For example, HSV
ened sensitivity to the rewarding effects of electrical stimulation
vectors that contain a fragment of the TH promoter cause
of the medial forebrain bundle (Todtenkopf et al., 2006). These
increased transgene expression selectively in TH-positive (e.g.,
findings provide strong evidence that the increases in cocaine
dopaminergic) neurons, and the expression has been observed
reward seen in ΔFosB transgenic mice are attributable, at least
for months after infection (Jin et al., 1996). However, the size of
in part, to elevated expression of GluR2 in the NAc.
neuronal promoters can make packaging less efficient, thereby
The use of additional viral vector constructs provided strong
causing significant reductions in viral titers. Similar techniques
evidence that elevated expression of GluR2 in the NAc increases
have been utilized to restrict LV-mediated transgene expression
cocaine reward because of effects on calcium (Ca2+) permeabil-
to neurons (Jakobsson et al., 2006). While AAV can express
ity of neurons within this region. There are numerous possible
products for extended periods of time, there is a stricter limit to
explanations for how local alterations in Ca2+ flux might influence
how many base pairs of DNA the virus can carry.
drug reward, considering the role of Ca2+ in cellular functions
These challenges have been overcome by combining trans-
including membrane depolarization, neurotransmitter release,
genics and viral approaches to achieve specificity in neuronal
signal transduction, and plasticity (Malinow and Malenka, 2002;
expression. By combining transgenic mice that express Cre
Zucker, 1999). Regardless, the combined use of complementary
recombinase in specific neurons, with Cre-dependent viral
genomic techniques allowed the testing of complex working
vectors, expression is achieved in restricted types of cells (e.g.,
hypotheses and led not only to the elucidation of drug reward
Cardin et al., 2010). This approach has been used extensively
mechanisms, but also to the identification of potential targets
with optogenetics, where activated inhibition of specific types
for new generations of medications for addiction.
of neurons is highly desirable.

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D E A C T I V AT I O N A N D A C T I V AT I O N O F G E N E S vectors must be injected directly into the brain region of interest.
This involves anesthesia, stereotaxic microinjections, damage
One intriguing possibility is to use viral vectors in conjunction
to brain regions dorsal to the injection sites from the injection
with other genomic technologies, such as mutant (knockout)
track, damage to the injection sites themselves from the hydrau-
mice. A current limitation of knockout mice (inducible knock-
lic pressure of the microinjection, and several days recovery time
outs notwithstanding) is that they lack the gene under study for
for the animal. The size and shape of the targeted brain region
their entire lives, raising the possibility of developmental adap-
can make the microinjection procedure difficult or prevent cer-
tations that may complicate interpretation of results (Gingrich
tain regions from being targeted with specificity. Many of these
and Hen, 2000). However, the use of viral vectors that express
limitations are similar to those encountered with other brain
the DNA-splicing enzyme Cre recombinase can eliminate this
manipulations (e.g., lesions), and their severity is often associ-
limitation. The general strategy is to engineer mutant mice such
ated with the skill and experience of the researchers performing
that the gene (or genes) to be knocked out is flanked by loxP
the in vivo procedures. Historically, cytotoxic effects of the viral
sites (“floxed”), molecular targets for Cre recombinase (Nagy,
vectors themselves or from an immune response from the host
2000). Microinjection of a vector expressing Cre recombinase
are also concerns, although improvements in vector engineering
can then cut and fuse the DNA at the loxP sites, permanently
and purification (see Carlezon et al., 2000b) have greatly dimin-
knocking out the gene flanked by the sites. This approach
ished their severity. The second limitation is that, in general, the
enables regional and temporal selectivity to the genetic manip-
vectors do not target specific types of cells. Whereas vectors such
ulation—two current limitations of mutant mouse technology,
as HSV, AAV, and CAV target neurons, others such as AV and
and two current advantages of viral-mediated gene transfer.
LV are not naturally selective for neurons or glia. More impor-
Viral vector–induced excision of floxed genes has been used
tantly, none of the current vectors can selectively target spe-
to demonstrate that expression of brain-derived neurotrophic
cific types of neurons (e.g., dynorphin-containing GABAergic
factor (BDNF) in the mesolimbic system plays an essential role
medium spiny neurons). As previously noted, however, the use
in stress-induced development of depressive-like behaviors
of Cre-dependent viruses in transgenic Cre driver lines has
(Berton et al., 2006) and self-administration of and relapse to
made neuronal specificity easier to achieve. As with any tech-
drugs of abuse (Graham et al., 2007). Expression of Cre in CAV
nique, these limitations of viral-mediated gene transfer must be
may offer unique opportunities to dissect complex circuitry:
weighed against its advantages and potential.
as one example, infusion of CAV-Cre into the nucleus accum-
bens would allow retrograde expression or ablation of genes
specifically within ventral tegmental area (VTA) dopamine
neurons that project to this region, while sparing VTA dop-
amine neurons that project to other areas (e.g., frontal cortex).
Viral vectors have also been utilized together with siRNA to
Gene therapy is an obvious medical application for viral vectors.
achieve gene knockdown with spatial and temporal specificity
The use of viral vectors to transfer therapeutic genes or siRNA
(Hommel et al., 2003). This approach has also applied to gener-
to treat neurological conditions (e.g., brain tumors) shows great
ate conditional knockdown rats with gene loss restricted to the
promise (Saydam et al., 2005). However, gene therapy for neu-
midbrain region (Hommel et al., 2006). The use of viral vec-
ropsychiatric disorders must overcome several technological
tors to deliver siRNA is not trivial, however, and often requires
challenges before it can become a reality (Neve et al., 2005). As
additional engineering of the viral backbone and siRNA oligo-
previously emphasized, the ability to control the efficacy of the
nucleotide (Sandy et al., 2005; Saydam et al., 2005).
vectors will continue to be a critical consideration. In the past,
It may also be possible to design viral vectors that cause
most vectors have utilized strong or “promiscuous” promoters
transgene expression that is subject to pharmacological regu-
that tend to drive gene expression beyond physiological levels,
lation. For example, a vector has been created that expresses
raising the possibility of unwanted—and possibly detrimental—
an RU486 (mifepristone)-inducible transactivator (Oligino
effects on cell function. An improved ability to target specific
et al., 1998). Transgenes under control of this transactivator are
cell types while tightly regulating the timing and strength of
expressed only in the presence of RU486. Similarly, inducible LV
gene expression will open up a wealth of opportunities for
vectors have been created that contain promoter elements that
clinical applications. There are also conceptual hurdles. Aside
render transgene expression sensitive to doxycycline (Markusic
from the fact that it seems unlikely that any neuropsychiatric
et al., 2005). This strategy is analogous to the use of inducible
disorder is due to alterations in a single gene, the brain is not
promoters to regulate gene expression in mutant mice, which
particularly accessible or hospitable to genetic intervention. In
dramatically improves the temporal resolution of altered gene
addition, neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia may
expression and facilitates the identification of causal relations
have their origins in molecular processes that occur transiently
between altered gene expression and altered behavior.
in small subsets of cells at very specific times during develop-
ment. Once established, these molecular misadaptations may
be difficult or impossible to correct with delayed interventions.
Thus, while viral-mediated gene transfer is presently well suited
for brain research in animals, a substantial amount of work is
As an in vivo technique for neuropsychiatry research, needed before it can be determined whether it has practical
viral-mediated gene transfer has two main limitations. First, the applications in evolving fields of molecular medicine.

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nists for the treatment of depressive disorders. Gibbs, R.A., Weinstock, G.M., et al. (2004). Rat Genome Sequence Project
Drs. Monteggia and Dileone declare no competing financial Consortium. Genome sequence of the Brown Norway rat yields insights
into mammalian evolution. Nature 428:493–521.
interests. Giménez-Llort, L., Schiffmann, S.N., et al. (2007). Working memory deficits
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AB B R E VIATIO NS Conservation of gene function and pharmacological isomor-

phism provide correlative evidence to validate the use of these
αSMA, alpha smooth muscle actin; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; animals to model features of neurological disease. In patients,
AFP, alpha-fetoprotein; APP, amyloid-β precursor protein; functional imaging, EEG (electroencephalography) and MEG
Ascl1, achaete-scute homolog 1; ASD, autism spectrum disor- (magnetoencephalography), genetic association studies, and
der; BAC, bacterial artificial chromosome; BDNF, brain-derived postmortem analyses of brain tissue have all generated sub-
neurotrophic factor; CACNA1C, calcium channel, voltage- stantial and critical information regarding the pathology asso-
dependent, L type, alpha 1C subunit; CNS, central nervous ciated with psychiatric disorders. However, the molecular-,
system; CREB, cAMP response element-binding; cyclic AMP, cellular-, and circuitry-level dynamics in the human brain that
3´-5´-cyclic adenosine monophosphate; DISC1, disrupted-in- generate the symptomatology have been elusive because the
schizophrenia 1; ESC, embryonic stem cell; FD, familial dys- system itself is not generally amenable to invasive studies.
autonomia; Fez1, fasciculation and elongation protein zeta-1; The advent of stem cell technology has the potential to rad-
FXS, fragile X syndrome; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid; ically alter our investigative approach by opening a new win-
GSK3β, glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta; HD, Huntington’s dow into the processes underlying human brain development
disease; hESC, human embryonic stem cell; IKBKAP, I-k-B and pathogenesis. Stem cells exhibit two hallmark properties,
kinase complex–associated protein; iPSC, induced pluripo- namely, unlimited self-renewal and the capacity to differentiate
tent stem cell; Klf4, Kruppel-like factor 4; LRRK2, leucine-rich into different cell types (Gage, 2000). By harnessing the poten-
repeat kinase 2; me3H3K27, trimethylated histone 3 lysine 27; tial of stem cells to undergo unlimited self-renewal and specific
MECP2, methyl-CpG-binding protein 2; Myt1l, myelin tran- differentiation, we are now able to generate a renewable source
scription factor 1-like; Ndel1, nuclear distribution protein of living human neurons to study under controlled experimen-
nudE-like 1; Oct4, octamer-binding protein 4; PD, Parkinson’s tal conditions. This provides us with an exciting opportunity
disease; PINK1, PTEN-induced putative kinase 1; PNS, periph- to expose human neural components to rigorous investigation
eral nervous system; PSD95, postsynaptic density-95 kDa; and establish a translational bridge between animal studies and
RTT, Rett syndrome; Sox2, SRY-box-containing gene 2; SZ, the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Although the human
schizophrenia; TH, tyrosine hydroxylase; TS, Timothy syn- brain as a holistic system is still largely inaccessible to direct
drome; Tuj1, class III beta-tubulin; ZFN, zinc finger nuclease manipulation, investigating elemental units of neuronal com-
munication and function may lead to a deeper understanding
of the cellular mechanics that contribute to systemic dysregu-
INTR ODU C T IO N lation. Stem cell research will not supplant animal models or
noninvasive studies of patients, but is a vital complement to
How can the material substance of our brain become organized these approaches and heralds a paradigm shift in our investiga-
into a state that disturbs our very sense of self? What is the neu- tion of the neural substrates of mental disorders.
ral basis of hallucinatory or delusional perceptual experience Cellular reprogramming is a method designed to convert
that is dissociated from external triggers? And how do persis- differentiated somatic cells into different states, such as pluri-
tently maladaptive responses to stimuli manifest in the neural potent stem cells, neural stem cells, or neurons, via forced
circuitry? Some of the most profound questions with respect expression of specific transcription factors. The prospective
to mental illness have been prohibitively difficult to address utility of cellular reprogramming for reducing the burden of
because of our limited ability to probe the human brain—to neurological disease derives from two overarching goals—the
observe its development and deconstruct its systems into com- ability to generate specific cell types to replace neural popu-
ponent parts. To circumvent this constraint, researchers have lations damaged by injury or disease and the generation of a
employed a variety of investigative approaches to make specific renewable source of genetically tractable human neurons and
predictions about the processes underlying normal and patho- glial cells to study the mechanisms underlying pathological
logical neural function in humans. Animal models have served development. The field is progressing at a rapid pace, and the
as a viable and essential proxy for investigating mechanisms number of reports using cellular reprogramming to investigate
underlying clinically relevant pathophysiology in humans. the mechanistic basis of neuropsychiatric disorders will likely

9 A P P L I C AT I O N O F S T E M C E L L S T O U N D E R S TA N D I N G P S Y C H I AT R I C D I S O R D E R S | 123

increase exponentially in the near future. At this nascent stage, INDUCED PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS
the most striking advances in human reprogramming tech-
One of the most significant technological advances in stem cell
nology are driven by disease-specific questions as research-
biology was the seminal study by Takahashi and Yamanaka
ers begin to work on transforming some of the most vexing
demonstrating that both embryonic and adult fibroblasts
issues in the investigation of the human central nervous sys-
of mice could be reprogrammed to a state of pluripotency
tem into tractable research problems. Whether the focus is on
through the retroviral-mediated introduction of four tran-
identifying unknown etiology, engineering genetic rescue, or
scription factors—Oct3/4, Sox2, c-MYC, and Klf4 (Takahashi
discovering a novel therapeutic compound, investigators are
and Yamanaka, 2006). These induced pluripotent stem cells
being challenged to find innovative solutions to unique prob-
(iPSCs) exhibited all the classic hallmarks of stem cells, includ-
lems, and the approaches they develop may be generalized to
ing self-renewal and the capability of differentiating into cells
other domains. As the field matures, the cross-pollination of
from all three embryonic germ layers. Critically, it was soon
ideas from diverse research programs should facilitate genera-
shown that this strategy was also effective for reprogramming
tion of target cell populations and efficacious methods to char-
of human fibroblasts and many other somatic cell types into
acterize and rescue relevant phenotypes. In this chapter, we
pluripotent iPSCs (Park et al., 2008; Takahashi et al., 2007; Yu
first introduce different types of stem cells used to investigate
et al., 2007). Perhaps the most salient and exciting aspect of this
psychiatric disorders, then highlight some novel approaches
technology is that differentiated cells arising from iPSCs retain
in the field of cellular reprogramming and examples that use
the genetic information of the fibroblast donor, thus providing
stem cells to understand psychiatric disorders, and conclude
a renewable, genetically tractable resource for different types
with discussion of some of the central challenges in the field.
of human cells. This cardinal feature has a profound impact for
Because there are currently only a few published studies using
investigating human disease in that it allows direct observation
patient-derived reprogrammed nerve cells to investigate cel-
of neurons and glial cells that have a clinically relevant genetic
lular dysregulation in psychiatric disorders, we will include a
profile. Efforts to validate pluripotency and stability of iPSC
discussion of prominent findings from other neurological dis-
lines have converged on an array of standard assays to dem-
eases to illustrate salient issues that are applicable to all efforts
onstrate fundamental properties of stem cells and similarity to
to exploit the potential of cellular reprogramming (Table 9.1).
ESCs (Fig. 9.1). Depending on the method of reprogramming,
Interested readers can consult other detailed review articles
it may be necessary to show the silencing of viral-mediated
(Brennand et al., 2012; Dolmetsch and Geschwind, 2011;
introduction of transgenes. Karyotyping is typically performed
Vaccarino et al., 2011).
to ensure that there are no gross chromosomal abnormali-
ties. iPSC colonies should be positive for typical pluripo-
tency markers, including Nanog, SSEA3, SSEA4, TRA-1-60,
TRA-1-181, TRA-2-49, Sox2, OCT4, and alkaline phosphatase
(Fig. 9.1A–C). Competency to generate all three embryonic
germ layers can be demonstrated through expression of
E M B RY O N I C S T E M C E L L S layer-specific markers for ectoderm (e.g., Tuj1), mesoderm (e.g.,
αSMA), and endoderm (e.g., AFP), following differentiation
Stem cells are defined by two essential characteristics—the
(Fig. 9.1D–F). Finally, the current in vivo benchmark for pluri-
capacity for self-renewal and the ability to generate multiple
potency is the teratoma assay in which undifferentiated iPSCs
cell types (Gage, 2000). Although stem cells exist in many adult
are intramuscularly injected into immunodeficient mice to
tissues, the number is limited, and fate choices are often con-
induce formation of tumors that include all three germ layers.
strained to a few cell types. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) can
Once pluripotency has been achieved, the resultant iPSCs can
be maintained in culture indefinitely and exhibit no restriction
be induced to differentiate toward specific lineages, including
on fate specification. Early attempts to generate multiple neu-
neural progenitors (Fig. 9.1G), which give rise to immature
ronal subtypes to study in culture began with efforts to direct
neurons (Fig. 9.1H), and finally, mature neurons expressing
differentiation of mouse ESCs. Significant progress has been
synaptic markers (Fig. 9.1H).
made in recent years to develop protocols to differentiate ESCs
into different types of neurons in the CNS and PNS as well as
glial cells (Gottlieb, 2002).
Human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines derived from
human blastocysts were first characterized in 1998 and exhib-
ited the essential properties of self-renewal and pluripotency In the first iterations of cellular reprogramming, fibroblasts were
observed in mouse ESC lines (Thomson et al., 1998). The cre- converted to a state of pluripotency through the introduction of
ation of these early hESC lines was invaluable to the study of transcription factors delivered via a retrovirus (Takahashi and
early human development and offered the first real possibil- Yamanaka, 2006). Subsequently, additional induction methods
ity of generating a renewable source of diverse cell types in were developed that were able to confer pluripotency while
the human nervous system. However, the ethical issues sur- minimizing risk associated with viral-mediated transgene
rounding the acquisition of source material for hESCs has con- insertion. Although newer methods have minimized or elimi-
strained the development of additional lines, which may limit nated the risk of residual expression of transgenes, the tran-
applicability to a genetically diverse population. sient induction of pluripotency required for iPSC generation

124 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

TA B L E 9. 1. Patient-specific iPSC Studies of neurological disorders


AD APP duplication in two Retrovirus (Oct3/4, Glutamatergic, Increased amyloid-β, Partial rescue Israel et al.
patients (APPDp); Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc) GABAergic, p-tau, and aGSK-3β of amyloid-β, (2012)
no identified mutations in and cholinergic expression in both APPDp p-tau, and
two sporadic AD patients neurons lines and one of two sAD aGSK-3β
(sAD) lines expression
with γ and

AD Three sporadic AD patients, Direct conversion to Glutamatergic Familial AD-iPSCs show WT PSEN1 Qiang et al.
three familial AD patients neurons via lentivirus forebrain neurons increased expression expression (2011)
with mutations in either (Ascl1, Brn2, Myt1l, of Aβ; dysregulated rescues
PSEN1 or PSEN2 Oligo2, Zic1) processing of amyloid
precursor protein

FD IKBKAP point mutation Lentivirus CNS and PNS Limited tissue-specific Kinetin rescue Lee et al.
(Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, precursors splicing; reduction in of splicing and (2009)
c-Myc) ASCL1 expression autonomic

FXS FMR1 CGG repeat Retrovirus Neurons, glia Neuronal differentiation, — Sheridan
expansions (one mosaic (Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, process morphology et al. (2011)
patient, two with >600 c-Myc)

FXS FMR1 premutation −30, 94 Retrovirus (Oct3/4, Neurons Reduced neurite length, — Liu et al.
CGG repeat Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc) synaptic puncta, PSD-95 (2012)

HD HTT CAG expansion repeat Integration-free Neurons, CAG-repeat-associated — Juopperi

mutations (50 CAG; 109 episomes astrocytes presence of cytoplasmic et al. (2012)
CAG) vacuoles in astroyctes

HD HTT CAG expansion repeat — DAARP32 neurons Cell death, mitochondrial BAC An et al.
mutations (72) bioenergetics, elevated homologous (2012)
stress response recombination
gene editing to
reduce repeat
length rescued
and cell death

HD HTT CAG expansion repeat Lentivirus DAARP32 neurons Cell death, BDNF — HD iPSC
mutations (60, 180) (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, sensitivity, cytoskeleton, Consortium
cMyc, Nanog, Lin28) adhesion, cell energetics (2012)

PD LRRK2 dominant missense Retrovirus (Oct3/4, Midbrain Differential gene — Nguyen

mutation Sox2, Klf4) dopaminergic expression; increased et al. (2011)
neurons α-synuclein expression,
increased susceptibility
to H2O2, 6-OHDA, and

PD PINK1 nonsense or Retrovirus (Oct3/4, Dopaminergic Impaired stress-induced Overexpression Seibler

missense mutations Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc) neurons translocation of Parkin to of WT PINK1 et al. (2011)
mitochondria; increased restored
PGC-1α and mtDNA translocation
following depolarization capacity and
(continued )

9 A P P L I C AT I O N O F S T E M C E L L S T O U N D E R S TA N D I N G P S Y C H I AT R I C D I S O R D E R S | 125

TA B L E 9. 1. (Continued)


PD α synuclein point mutation Tetracycline-inducible Dopaminergic — ZFN gene Soldner

lentivirus neurons editing; repair et al. (2011)
(Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, of point
c-Myc) mutation in
patient iPSCs;
introduction of
point mutation
in hESCs

PD PINK1, LRRK2 Retrovirus (Oct3/4, Neurons Mitochondrial dysfunction Rescue via Cooper
Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc) coenzyme Q10, et al. (2012)
or the LRRK2
kinase inhibitor

PD Parkin mutations Lentivirus Midbrain Increased oxidative Overexpression Jiang et al.

(Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, dopaminergic stress, spontaneous DA of WT-parkin (2012)
c-Myc, Nanog) neurons release, decreased DA rescued all
uptake phenotypes

RTT MeCP2 Retrovirus GABAergic and Reduced soma size, IGF1—partial Marchetto
missense, nonsense, and (Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, glutamatergic number of spines, increase et al. (2010)
frameshift mutations c-Myc) neurons glutamatergic synapses; in synapse
altered Ca2+ transients, number;
sEPSCs, sIPSCs gentamycin—
restored MeCP2
in nonsense

RTT MeCP2-null mutation Retrovirus (Oct3/4, Neurons Soma size reduction — Cheung
Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc) et al. (2011)

RTT Domain-specific mutations Retrovirus Neurons, glia Decreased neuronal — Kim et al.
(MBD, TRD, CTD) (Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, differentiation (2011b)

SZ 4bp deletion in Integration-free — — — Chiang

DISC1- frameshift episomes et al. (2011)

SZ Not known Tetracycline-inducible Glutamatergic, Decreased neuronal Loxapine rescue Brennand

lentivirus GABAergic, and connectivity, increased of neuronal et al. (2011)
(Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, dopaminergic NRG1 expression connectivity
c-Myc) neurons deficits, NRG1

TS CACNA1C point mutation Retrovirus Layer-specific Differential gene — Pasca et al.

(Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, cortical neurons expression; TH expression (2011)

ABBREVIATIONS: RTT, Rett syndrome; FD, familial dysautonomia; TS, Timothy syndrome; FXS, fragile X syndrome; HD, Huntington’s disease; SZ, schizophrenia;
PD, Parkinson’s disease; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; TH, tyrosine hydroxylase; DA, dopamine; MAO-A, monoamine oxidase A; MAO-B, monoamine oxidase-B; ZFN,
zinc finger nuclease; mtDNA, mitochondrial DNA; MBD, methyl-CpG binding domain; TRD, transcriptional repression domain; CTD, carboxyl terminal domain.

is still time consuming and labor intensive and poses a risk for Myt1l (Vierbuchen et al., 2010), a strategy that subsequently
tumor formation during transplantation. To address many of proved effective for human fibroblast conversion as well (Pang
these issues, a rapidly evolving technology is the direct con- et al., 2011). Independent laboratories used a partially overlap-
version of somatic cells to neuronal lineages (Chambers and ping set of transcription factors in combination with specific
Studer, 2011). An early study demonstrating the possibility of microRNAs, such as miRNA-9 and miRNA-124, to achieve
direct programming described direct conversion of murine similar results (Ambasudhan et al., 2011; Yoo et al., 2011).
adult somatic cells to functional neurons using a set of three Nevertheless, direct programming of somatic cells to
neural-lineage-specific transcription factors, Ascl1, Brn2, and neurons has its own set of potential pitfalls and experimental

126 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

Figure 9.1 Generation of neurons from human iPSCs. (A–C) Confocal images of iPSC colonies expressing pluripotency markers: (A) Nanog (green), Oct4 (red),
DAPI (blue); (B) Sox2 (green), SSEA4 (red), DAPI (blue); (C) Sox2 (green), Tra-1–60 (red), DAPI (blue). ( D–F) In vitro differentiation into three embryonic germ
layers revealed by immunostaining for markers of α-fetoprotein (endoderm) (D), α smooth muscle actin (mesoderm) (E), and Tuj1 (ectoderm) (F). (G–I) Neuronal
differentiation: (G) Neural progenitors cells 7 d after neural induction stained for Nestin (green), Sox2 (red), and DAPI (blue); (H) immature neurons 7 d after
differentiation, stained for MAP2 (green), DCX (red), and DAPI (blue); (I) 4 week-old neurons stained for MAP2 (green), DCX (blue), and synapsin (red). Scale
bar = 20 μm. (See color insert).

challenges. While expedient, the process of direct conversion Oct4 expression to the first 5 days of reprogramming would
to neurons requires a large pool of source material and allows limit the induction of pluripotency. As a result the induced
for the possibility of population-level variability. In addition, neural stem cells were capable of differentiation into all three
neurons generated as a result of direct programming exhibited neural cell types—neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes—
little proliferative potential and limited ability for stable expan- and, critically, this differentiation capacity remained stable
sion. More recently, methods have been developed to gener- over long-term expansion of more than 50 passages. A mark-
ate multipotent neural stem cells and neural progenitors (Han edly different approach was used by two independent groups,
et al., 2012; Kim et al., 2011a; Lujan et al., 2012; Thier et al., which achieved generation of stable and expandable neural
2012). One approach relied on a slight modification of tradi- progenitor and stem cell pools in the absence of Oct4 (Han
tional methods for reprogramming by limiting the duration et al., 2012; Lujan et al., 2012). Interestingly, each group relied
of Oct4 expression (Thier et al., 2012). The rationale of this on a unique set of transcription factors in which Sox2 was the
approach was that sustained expression of the remaining tran- only common element, further supporting an integral role of
scription factors (Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc) would create a selec- Sox2 in neural induction. Sox2 has now been demonstrated to
tive pressure for neural-lineage induction while restricting be capable of converting both mouse and human fibroblasts to

9 A P P L I C AT I O N O F S T E M C E L L S T O U N D E R S TA N D I N G P S Y C H I AT R I C D I S O R D E R S | 127

multipotent neural stem cells through single-factor conversion critical to the development therapeutic cell replacement strate-
(Ring et al., 2012). gies (Christian et al., 2010). While mechanistic investigations
of this phenomenon are limited to animal models, it provides
a viable in vivo model that can be used to complement in vitro
studies of human neurons. Furthermore, the presence of a
Although it was long believed to be devoid of postnatal prolif- robust neurogenic niche in the adult rodent brain provides a
eration, the adult central nervous system was shown to be capa- unique opportunity for transplantation studies of human neu-
ble of de novo cellular production in a pivotal series of studies ral stem cells to examine their development, maturation, and
in the 1960s, which were largely overlooked for the next sev- integration (Juopperi et al., 2012).
eral decades (Altman and Das, 1965). In the intervening years,
it was conclusively demonstrated that two primary areas of the
mature brain do exhibit ongoing neurogenesis throughout life
in most species, including humans, and that specialized popu- M O DE L I N G N E U R O L O G I C A L DI S O R D E R S
lations of neural stem cells occur endogenously in the mature U SI N G ST E M C E L L S
mammalian brain (Gage, 2000). The subventricular zone gives
rise to immature neurons that traverse the rostral migratory
stream to populate the olfactory bulb. And in the hippocampus, Initially, the most approachable diseases to investigate mecha-
neural stem cells in the subgranular zone are the source of new- nistically are those associated with highly or completely pene-
born granule cells in the dentate gyrus. Because the hippocam- trant single gene mutations. This genetic determinism reduces
pus is an integrative site that supports many forms of learning complexity and narrows the investigative focus for character-
and memory, much effort has been devoted to understanding ization of the relevant pathology. To date, the most significant
the role of this site-specific generation of a select population of breakthroughs in terms of identifying potential strategies to
neurons (Aimone et al., 2011). Intriguingly, adult neurogen- reverse or prevent phenotypic disturbances have come from
esis has been implicated in affective disorders, with the most the study of monogenic diseases. Starting from a functional
striking evidence arising from a correlation between levels evaluation of a circumscribed genetic domain, two general
of neurogenesis and the efficacy of antidepressants in animal approaches are being developed that show considerable prom-
models (Samuels and Hen, 2011). These data suggest that adult ise in being able to rescue cellular phenotypes observed during
neurogenesis may play an active role in mediating emotional the differentiation of neurons from patient-specific iPSCs—
behavior. Many mental disorders are associated with reduced biochemical rescue and targeted gene editing (Fig. 9.2).
hippocampal volume and correlate with decreased levels of In diseases with a predominant psychiatric impact, there
neurogenesis in animal models, suggesting that depressed lev- are few examples of monogenic diseases, but there is a subset of
els of cell proliferation may play a role in hippocampal atrophy autism spectrum disorders (ASD) for which a causative genetic
and cognitive impairments, although there are limited data to locus has been identified. Rett syndrome, Timothy syndrome,
demonstrate a casual influence of neurogenesis levels on dis- and fragile X syndrome are all associated with mutations in
ease etiology. Adult neurogenesis can also play a significant single genes and will be instructive in developing technologies
role as a model system to explore basic principles of how new- for genetically mediated rescue or screening for biochemical
born neurons are integrated in the mature brain, which will be compounds to ameliorate or reverse cellular phenotypes.


iPSCs Differentiation Phenotyping

NSCs, NPCs neuronal subtypes

Animal models

gene editing
adult fibroblasts

oligodendrocytes Patient

gene expression

Figure 9.2 Flowchart for application of cellular reprogramming to neurological disorders. Schematic representing process from acquisition of fibroblasts from
patients, reprogramming to iPSCs or directly to neural lineages, phenotypic screening of cellular properties, identification of strategies to rescue phenotypes,
validation in animal models, and ultimately, the development of novel therapeutic strategies that can be tested in clinical trials.

128 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

shown that reprogramming does not alter X-inactivation sta-
tus from the parent cell but that late-passage iPSCs can lose
Capitalizing on the opportunity to investigate a monogenic both Xist RNA and me3H3K27 markers, which is believed to
ASD developmental disorder marked by both cognitive and signal transcriptional derepression of the inactive X chromo-
motor impairments, several laboratories have generated and some (Mekhoubad et al., 2012). Yet another group suggested
begun to characterize neurons derived from Rett syndrome that neither reprogramming of a mosaic culture of fibroblasts
(RTT) patients. Caused by a mutation in the X-linked gene, nor extensive passaging of fibroblasts results in activation of
methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2), symptoms of RTT both X chromosomes, but that there is an intrinsic bias toward
emerge in females around 6–18 months of age, following a a dominant X chromosome and that cells in which the unfa-
period of unremarkable and grossly normal development vored X chromosome is active are more resistant to prolifera-
(Chahrour and Zoghbi, 2007). At the age of onset, developmen- tion, potentially as a result of shortened telomeres (Pomp et al.,
tal processes slow and often regress, resulting in decelerated 2011). Finally, a systematic study of cell culture conditions
head growth, movement stereotypy, and severe impairments showed that spontaneous X reactivation during reprogram-
of verbal and communicative skills. The first characterization ming does occur rarely but that the frequency is heavily influ-
of RTT patient–derived neurons revealed several morpho- enced by feeder conditions (Tomoda et al., 2012). Collectively,
logical and electrophysiological phenotypes, including altered the preponderance of current evidence suggests that, unlike
soma size, spine density, synapse number, calcium signaling, reprogramming of murine cells, human cells do not typically
and evoked activity, compared with neurons derived from undergo transient reactivation of both X chromosomes and
disease-free subjects (Marchetto et al., 2010). Partial rescue of that transcriptional assays may be more sensitive than Xist
the decrease in synapse number in RTT neurons was achieved or me3H3K27 in detecting the presence of X-inactivation.
through application of the nonspecific growth factor, IGF1, an Further, allelic skewing toward a dominant X-chromosome
effect previously observed in a mouse model of RTT (Tropea may impact the reprogramming, proliferative, and differentia-
et al., 2009). Because the majority of causative MECP2 variants tion capacity of female iPSCs.
are nonsense mutations, the authors then explored the possibil-
ity of using a pharmacological approach to impair ribosomal
proofreading and allow read-through of the premature stop
codon to restore MECP2 expression. Low-dose application of Caused by a single-point mutation in the CACNA1C gene,
the antibiotic gentamicin was able to enhance MECP2 expres- Timothy syndrome (TS) is a rare disorder that has a perva-
sion and showed a similar effect as IGF1 in increasing synapse sive impact on the developing central nervous system and
number. Using two fundamentally different mechanisms for leads to autism or ASD, in conjunction with other deficits
pharmacological rescue of phenotypes, this study demonstrated including cardiac arrhythmia and intermittent hypoglyce-
that at least some facets of cellular dysregulation could be mia. Because most TS patients meet the diagnostic criteria
reversed in human neurons. It is somewhat surprising that the for ASD, this disease provides a useful entry point to inves-
enhanced MECP2 expression did not rescue more of the mor- tigate cellular phenotypes associated with a psychiatric dis-
phological and electrophysiological deficits since it had been ease with limited genetic complexity (Splawski et al., 2004).
previously shown in a mouse model of RTT that introduction CACNA1C encodes the α1 subunit of the L-type calcium
of MECP2 could reverse behavioral deficits in adult mice (Guy channel, CaV1.2, and the missense mutation responsible
et al., 2007). However, many parameters remain to be explored for TS impairs voltage-dependent channel inactivation. To
to determine the temporal requirements for pharmacological identify the functional impact of the single point mutation
treatment in the restoration of cellular function. Following this on human neurons, iPSCs from TS patients were generated
initial study, independent laboratories confirmed several of the and compared with neurons derived from control subjects
cellular phenotypes (Cheung et al., 2011; Kim et al., 2011b). without the disease (Pasca et al., 2011). Consistent with the
One procedural complication in the evaluation of female proposed role of the point mutation in regulating CaV1.2
iPSC lines is the ability to accurately characterize the status inactivation kinetics, action potentials recorded from TS
of X-inactivation in clonal progeny, an issue that has been neurons exhibited a broader profile, and there was an ele-
central to the investigation of RTT patient iPSCs. Initially, vated increase in intracellular calcium following depolariza-
it was reported that reactivation of the silenced X chromo- tion. This change in intracellular calcium had consequent
some occurred during reprogramming, resulting in a dif- effects on Ca2+-mediated activity-dependent gene expression
ferentiated population of human neurons that exhibited through the CREB pathway as evidenced by whole-genome
random X-inactivation based on variable expression of an expression profiles. Downstream targets of CREB include
epigenetic silencing marker, trimethylated histone 3 lysine 27 tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme nec-
(me3H3K27), and the loss of Xist RNA, a noncoding transcript essary for dopamine and norepinephrine production. In
involved in silencing the inactive X chromosome (Marchetto TS-derived neurons, baseline TH levels were higher, and in
et al., 2010). Other studies, however, found that iPSCs retained contrast to control neurons, there was no downregulation of
the allelic X-inactivation from the founder somatic cell, which TH following prolonged depolarization.
was transcriptionally maintained, despite the emergent loss The differentiation protocol used in this study was designed
of Xist over extended passaging of the iPSCs (Ananiev et al., to promote the generation of cortical neurons. One of the most
2011; Cheung et al., 2011; Tchieu et al., 2010). Still others have striking phenotypes observed in the population-level analysis

9 A P P L I C AT I O N O F S T E M C E L L S T O U N D E R S TA N D I N G P S Y C H I AT R I C D I S O R D E R S | 129

of TS-derived neurons was a propensity for differentiation reprogramming focused on familial dysautonomia, a rare and
into upper-layer cortical neurons. This finding suggests a lethal disease most commonly arising from a point mutation
new investigative target for postmortem studies to determine in the I-k-B kinase complex–associated protein (IKBKAP)
whether patients have an imbalance in the composition of gene (Lee et al., 2009). This mutation causes splicing defects
cortical neurons. A bias toward upper-layer neurons would and tissue-specific expression of the IKAP protein and a
effectively increase the proportion of neurons projecting to progressive loss of sensory and autonomic neurons, but it is
subcortical regions at the expense of callosal projections and unknown at what point during development these neurons
could significantly alter signaling pathways among distributed become vulnerable to degeneration. Fibroblasts from FD
neural systems. Finally, in an attempt to define the specific- patients and control subjects were obtained and used to gen-
ity of the mutation and role of the L-type calcium channels erate viable iPSC lines. After targeting differentiation to five
in the observed pathology, application of roscovitine, which tissues spanning all three embryonic germ layers, the authors
increases inactivation of this channel subtype, was highly effec- identified lower absolute levels of wild-type IKAP expression
tive in ameliorating expression of TH in differentiated neurons. in neural crest precursors, the lineage most affected in FD.
L-type calcium channels have been independently associated Transcriptome analysis of purified FD neural crest precursors
with other psychiatric disorders, including bipolar disorder revealed decreased transcripts of genes that regulate neuro-
and schizophrenia (Green et al., 2010; Nyegaard et al., 2010), genesis and differentiation compared with controls, which
and these results suggest a potential strategy to reduce abnor- was reflected in a relative decrease of FD neural crest pre-
mal expression of TH via enhanced channel inactivation. cursors to differentiate into neurons. Migration deficits were
also observed in the neural crest precursors derived from
patient iPSCs. All of these data suggest that at least some of
the phenotypes associated with FD could result from early
Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a genetically mediated ASD and the defects in neuronal development, as opposed to degenera-
most common form of inherited intellectual disability. Caused by tion of a well-developed peripheral nervous system. Previous
an expansion of a CGG repeat (>200 repeats) in the X chromo- studies using lymphocytes from patients had identified the
some–linked fragile X mental retardation gene 1 (FMR1) gene, plant cytokinin, kinetin, as a bioactive compound capable of
the extent of cognitive deficits can range from mild to severe. The reducing expression of mutant IKBKAP. Acute application
first published report of human iPSCs from FXS patients com- of kinetin to neural crest precursors increased the ratio of
pared FXS-iPSC lines from three unrelated males with a clini- normal to mutant transcript of IKBKAP. Chronic applica-
cal diagnosis of FXS and CGG repeat length in the full mutation tion of kinetin beginning prior to differentiation reduced the
range (Sheridan et al., 2011). Retroviral-mediated reprogram- deficits in neurogenic gene expression and increase in mark-
ming resulted in several iPSC lines in which the CGG repeat ers of peripheral neurons, although no rescue of migratory
length differed slightly from the donor fibroblast, but it was defects was observed. Although FD is not a predominantly
uncertain whether this change reflected an undetected mosa- psychiatric disorder, this early study was instrumental in
icism in the fibroblast population or was a consequence of the illustrating the potential of using patient-derived iPSCs for
reprogramming itself. Initial characterization of the patient lines initial screening of cellular phenotypes and the evaluation
compared with unaffected control lines revealed no significant of candidate compounds for biochemically mediated rescue.
difference in the capacity to differentiate to a neuronal lineage In addition, it demonstrates how recapitulation of develop-
but a distinct morphological phenotype in the neural progeni- mental processes can pinpoint the time of pathological onset
tor cells in the form of shorter length and decreased complexity and disambiguate between neurodevelopmental and neuro-
of neural processes. A subsequent study focused on premutation degenerative effects.
CGG repeat length and generated iPSCs from a female with both
a normal repeat length (30) and a premutation repeat length (94)
PA R K I N S O N ’ S D I S E A S E
on separate X chromosome alleles (Liu et al., 2012). Functional
characterization of differentiated neurons revealed several phe- Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a late-onset progressive neurode-
notypes, including decreased neurite length, decreased expres- generative disorder that affects dopaminergic neurons in the
sion of the synaptic marker, PSD-95, elevated spontaneous substantia nigra of the basal ganglia. Primary symptoms of PD
calcium transients, and heightened responses to glutamate, while involve impairments in motor control and postural stability,
repeat length appeared stable throughout reprogramming and although cognitive impairments and psychological distur-
differentiation. Together, these studies provide initial evidence bances are often associated with the disease. Several genetic
of morphological and synaptic abnormalities that are consistent loci have been associated with the rare cases of familial PD,
between FXS patients and a carrier of a premutation length CGG including mutations in α-synuclein, LRRK2, PTEN-induced
repeat sequence and suggest the existence of a graded phenotype putative kinase 1 (PINK1), parkin, and DJ-1 (Martin et al.,
associated with repeat-level regulation of FMR1 expression. 2011). Risk for sporadic PD may be partially mediated by
variation in these and other unidentified genes in combination
with environmental risk factors that have yet to be fully under-
stood. Although early studies showed successful generation of
One of the first studies to rely on hypothesis-driven inves- iPSCs from patients with sporadic forms of PD, more recent
tigation of neurological disease mechanisms using cellular studies have focused on patients with a single known mutation

130 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

in an attempt to isolate specific genetic influences on cellular gene associated with familial PD (Soldner et al., 2011). The
pathology and establish a baseline from which to investigate distinct advantage of this approach is the virtual elimina-
functional dysregulation. These studies targeting monogenic tion of genetic variability that is introduced when comparing
influences have revealed several characteristic phenotypes in patient iPSCs with “control” iPSCs derived from disease-free
differentiated dopaminergic or tyrosine hydroxylase–positive individuals, who differ not only in disease status but genetic
neurons. The G2019S missense mutation in the LRRK2 gene, background. In complementary sets of experiments, the
associated with both familial and sporadic PD cases, resulted authors repaired the point mutations in patient-derived iPSCs
in the increased expression α-synuclein, the protein that to generate isogenic lines with either mutant or wild-type
aggregates to form Lewy bodies, a signature of PD and other α-synuclein expression and introduced the point mutations
degenerative diseases (Nguyen et al., 2011). Also, in support to hESCs to express the mutant form of α-synuclein. The
of previous animal and cellular models, differentiated dop- strategy used for the targeted manipulation of the base pair
aminergic neurons from these LRRK2-mutated patient iPSCs changes was a zinc finger nuclease (ZFN) gene-editing tech-
showed a modest upregulation of select oxidative stress genes nique that employs a combination of DNA-binding domains
in basal conditions and enhanced vulnerability to neurotoxins specific to the target sequence with a generic cleavage domain.
and hydrogen peroxide–induced cell death. Investigation of a Nuclease-mediated introduction of double-strand breaks in
different genetic locus, the PINK1 mutation, revealed deficits in the DNA are then repaired through either nonhomologous
depolarization-induced translocation of Parkin to mitochon- end joining or homology-directed repair end joining. Use of
dria, which was restored through lentiviral-mediated expres- this strategy requires additional assays to verify the absence
sion of wild-type PINK1 in the mutant iPSC lines (Seibler et al., of off-target cleavage sites and genomic alterations. Although
2011). Because Parkin is believed to act in a PINK1-dependent neuronal phenotypes in the edited iPSCs were not extensively
manner to degrade dysfunctional mitochondria, levels of characterized, this study provided an important proof of
mitochondrial DNA were quantified and shown to be higher principle that selective gene editing is feasible, and this tech-
in the mutant dopaminergic neurons, although increased lev- nique will be instrumental in identifying the specific role of
els of a mitochondrial biogenic protein were also observed, restricted genetic variation in monogenic diseases.
raising the possibility of enhanced mitochondrial production
in the mutant neurons. In a separate study, direct investigation
of Parkin mutations (affecting exons 3 and 5) did not reveal
any differences in expression levels of mitochondrial DNA Huntington’s disease (HD) is another late-onset neurodegen-
or α-synuclein (Jiang et al., 2012). However, mutant neu- erative disorder that initially impacts medium spiny neurons
rons showed increased spontaneous release of dopamine and in the striatum, progresses to involve other brain regions, and
decreased dopamine uptake due to misfolding of dopamine induces pervasive motoric and cognitive impairments. HD is
transporter proteins that impacted dopamine binding sites. caused by an autosomal dominant mutation in the Huntingtin
Hypersensitivity to dopamine-induced oxidative stress was gene characterized by excessive polyglutamine (CAG) repeats,
also observed in the patient-derived neurons, likely a result of the number of which strongly correlates with the age of onset.
the compromised Parkin-regulated expression of monamine In a collaborative study published by the Huntington’s Disease
oxidases A and B in mutant neurons. iPSC Consortium, a total of 14 iPSC lines from HD patients
Several of these initial studies to characterize the cellular and controls were extensively characterized. Interestingly,
phenotypes of disease-relevant mutations in PD-associated the CAG repeat length appeared to exhibit a graded pheno-
genes used expression of wild-type protein to effectively res- typic profile in only a subset of assays, including a measure
cue deficits, suggesting the genetic specificity of the observed of calcium homeostasis (The HD iPSC Consortium, 2012). In
phenotypes. More recently, investigators have begun to explore a separate study, gene editing through the use of bacterial arti-
alternative means of reversing cellular pathology through ficial chromosome (BAC)-based homologous recombination
pharmacology. In a comprehensive study of several iPSC was successful in reducing the number of CAG repeats in HD
lines derived from patients with either a PINK1 or one of two patient iPSCs (An et al., 2012), resulting in two corrected iPSC
known LRRK2 mutations, treatment of differentiated neural lines with 21 and 20 repeats, below the pathological thresh-
cells with the antioxidant coenzyme Q10 reduced vulnerabil- old (36 CAG repeats). Strikingly, the genetic correction was
ity to low-dose exposure to the chemical toxins valinomycin able to protect neural stem cells against cell death following
and concanamycin A as measured by cellular release of lactate withdrawal of growth factors, restored levels of brain-derived
dehydrogenase (Cooper et al., 2012). Interestingly, the sensi- neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and enhanced mitochondrial
tivity to chemical stressors was enhanced in the derived neural function. In one of the few studies to evaluate glial phenotypes
cells when compared directly with the fibroblasts, suggesting in relation to neurological disease, astrocytic differentiation of
that the observed pathology was selective to cell types that are HD iPSCs revealed distinct vacuoles in the somatic cytoplasm
more functionally similar to the affected neuronal populations of cells derived from two genetically related HD patients,
in the patients. which was more pronounced in astrocytes generated from the
In one of the first studies to employ targeted gene editing patient with a longer CAG repeat length and early-onset HD
in the investigation of neurological disease, Soldner et al. took (Juopperi et al., 2012). Initial characterization showed indistin-
a counterbalanced approach to generate several isogenic iPSC guishable properties between patient and control iPSC-derived
lines that differed in two point mutations in the α-synuclein neurons. Interestingly, HD neural progenitors transplanted to

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the neurogenic subventricular of the adult mouse brain were pathways that were common to all SZ-iPSC lines. Strikingly,
capable of generating immature neurons that migrate along only 25% of the genes that were differentially regulated in the
the endogenous rostral migratory stream and differentiate into SZ-iPSCs had been previously identified as putative risk genes,
mature neurons in the olfactory bulb. In vivo transplantation and many of these genes are involved in signaling pathways
of neural precursors was later shown to result in successful not previously associated with SZ.
differentiation of GABAergic neurons and modest functional These results illustrate both the potential utility of
recovery in rats subjected to unilateral striatal lesions (Jeon patient-derived iPSCs to identify novel gene interactions in
et al., 2012). In vivo neuronal pathology following transplanta- complex genetic disorders and the constraints imposed by
tion of patient-derived neural progenitors was only observed the technical challenges of generating multiple iPSC lines
at remote time points. This observation suggests the possibility on a large enough scale to validate the role of these interac-
that latent phenotypes may emerge after an extended period tions in cellular phenotypes in diverse patient populations.
of development and integration in vivo and, importantly, Importantly, however, this study effectively demonstrates how
that the rodent brain may serve as viable model to evaluate a genetically complex disease can be probed mechanistically
age-dependent factors regulating neural pathology. through patient-specific iPSCs and lead to the identification of
novel cellular targets of pathology.
Although schizophrenia is a genetically complex disease,
POLYGE NIC D IS EA S ES several genes have emerged as prominent risk factors. Originally
identified at the breakpoint of a balanced (1;11) (q42;q14) chro-
For most psychiatric disorders, there is no single identified mosome translocation in a large Scottish family, mutations
genetic cause. These complex polygenic diseases, which are in DISC1 have been shown to segregate with schizophrenia,
known to include schizophrenia, affective disorders, and the schizoaffective disorders, and major depression in several stud-
vast majority of ASDs, are instead associated with several hun- ies (Porteous et al., 2011). Genetic mouse models have been
dred “risk” genes that may increase the probability of disease developed to manipulate DISC1 expression, and several pheno-
onset to variable degrees but alone are not causally sufficient types have been identified in behavioral assays such as prepulse
to induce the disease (Eichler et al., 2010). Because these genes inhibition, latent inhibition, working memory, and sociability
confer only susceptibility, there are several other factors that that are reminiscent of symptoms in SZ patients (Johnstone
can modify the net risk for a given individual. Any number of et al., 2011). However, similar to the heterogeneity observed in
combinations of environmental influences, epigenetic mecha- the clinical profile of patients and family members with DISC1
nisms, and genetic interactions could enhance susceptibility mutations, the behavioral deficits observed in the rodent mod-
for disease. Disentangling the individual contributions of each els also varied across studies using different strategies to disrupt
factor to the pathophysiology is extremely challenging. Using DISC1 expression. Recently, an episomal-vector-based approach
iPSCs to address this issue should proceed in a systematic fash- was used for integration-free reprogramming of fibroblasts
ion starting from known parameters. If the donor material is from several family members who harbor a 4 bp mutation in
obtained from patients, the one certainty is that the genetic the DISC1 gene (Chiang et al., 2011). In this family, the DISC1
background is at least permissive for the disease state. Building mutation is associated with increased risk for schizophrenia,
upon that knowledge, it is then feasible to explore the impact schizoaffective disorder, and major depression (Sachs et al.,
of additional influences on cellular integrity. 2005). Reprogramming efficiency and differentiation capac-
ity were similar to control iPSCs in the initial characterization
assays. Together, these two studies, focused on generation of
iPSCs from schizophrenia patients, represent complementary
One such strategy was recently employed in a phenotypic strategies to identify relevant pathology and etiological factors.
screen of iPSCs derived from unrelated patients with spo- Data generated from both approaches may eventual converge
radic schizophrenia (SZ) who had no identified genetic link on a common set of developmental mechanisms that are vul-
(Brennand et al., 2011). This study was among the first to nerable to dysregulation in individuals at risk for SZ.
characterize the functional properties of human neurons
from patients with a psychiatric disease and describes a com-
prehensive battery of assays designed to reveal pathological
disturbances predicted to be relevant for SZ. Several promi- Another strategy to begin to resolve the ambiguity in the eti-
nent cellular phenotypes were identified, including a deficit ology of diseases not fully explained by heritable mutations
in cellular connectivity among differentiated neurons, which was described in a recent study that directly compared iPSCs
was partially rescued through application of the antipsychotic from familial and sporadic Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients
drug loxapine. Markers of synaptic function, including PSD95 (Israel et al., 2012). A late-stage neurodegenerative disease,
and glutamate receptor expression, were diminished in the AD induces widespread cellular pathology in both cortical
patient-derived iPSCs but functional synaptic transmission and subcortical regions and is associated with the presence
appeared largely intact. In order to investigate changes in gene of neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques identified in
expression shared among lines derived from different patients, postmortem analyses. Familial forms of AD can result from
the authors analyzed RNA expression profiles and identified a a duplication in the amyloid-β precursor protein gene (APP).
subset of genes related to the cyclic AMP- and WNT-signaling In this study, patient-derived iPSCs were generated from two

132 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

patients with familial AD and two patients with sporadic AD. efficacy of proposed treatment. To maximize the potential of
Interestingly, neurons generated from one of the sporadic AD stem cells to inform our understanding of disease mechanisms,
patients showed a phenotypic similarity along a number of we should work to apply knowledge gained from cellular anal-
dimensions with both lines generated from the familial AD yses toward a systems-level inquiry of how pathology in neural
patient. All three lines exhibited increased levels of amyloid-β components can affect global brain function. And conversely,
and phosphorylated tau, suggesting a mechanistic link between we will need to identify how to engineer targeted rescue of dis-
plaque and tangle formation. Strikingly, the line from the sec- ease phenotypes, while leaving normally functioning systems
ond sporadic AD patient exhibited none of these phenotypes intact. Nonhuman animal models will be vital to this effort and
and thus indicated the possibility of categorical discrimination can provide a means to evaluate basic properties of neural stem
of patients with sporadic AD based on a phenotypic profile. cells and progenitors in the mature brain.
However, it remains an outstanding question whether the dif-
ference in cellular phenotypes from these two sporadic AD
patients results from distinct mechanisms or instead a variable
latency in the development of phenotypes in neurons differen- One of the most often discussed benefits of patient-specific
tiated from reprogrammed cells. cellular reprogramming is the potential for cellular replace-
In relatively late-onset diseases such as AD and even SZ, a ment with minimal risk of immune rejection. Undoubtedly,
critical question is the nature and duration of the prodromal this holds great promise for any number of human diseases
period. At what point is cellular or systems-level pathology that affect tissues with relatively homogenous cellular distribu-
discernible? And is there a critical window, before the onset tion and function. For disorders of the central nervous system,
of deterministic pathological development, when success- however, the vast heterogeneity of cell type and widespread
ful intervention is possible? This is a particularly salient issue anatomical distribution of deeply integrated functional sys-
with respect to newly differentiated human neurons as cellu- tems may preclude the straightforward replacement of affected
lar pathology may not be present in cells that have not been neural populations. For many predominantly psychiatric dis-
sufficiently challenged by exogenous or endogenous demands. eases, we do not yet know the extent of the causally relevant
Although we are fully capturing the static genetic background pathology, nor do we have a strategy for directing integration
of patients, culturing derived human neurons in a dish can- of exogenous populations to distributed loci within the brain.
not recapitulate the dynamic conditions of a mature human But in vivo transplantation of derived human neurons in
brain, either in terms of acute environmental demands or animal models is an important step in the full characterization
the trajectory of its past history. It is an open and important of neuronal function. The ability of stem cells and progenitors
question how the developmental timeline in cultured human to differentiate and integrate in situ not only will be critical
neurons maps onto the endogenous state of in vivo neuronal for cell engineering in therapeutic applications but also will
development. In this respect, one of the potential advantages provide another level of analysis to identify disease-relevant
of direct programming to neurons or neural stem cells is that phenotypes. By introducing patient-specific neural precursors
differentiated neurons may, in fact, retain age-specific features to the developing or mature brains of rodents or nonhuman
of the donor material (Saha and Jaenisch, 2009), while differ- primates, we may be able to observe latent phenotypes that
entiation of iPSCs may most closely recapitulate embryonic were not readily apparent in cell culture conditions. Further,
development due to a complete resetting of the cellular clock. we will be able to expose transplanted neurons to physiological
Although a comparison between iPSCs and direct induction of stressors in an intact animal model to investigate the impact
neurons from fibroblasts of a single patient has yet to be tested of environmental conditions on genetically mediated disease
in a late-onset disease model, direct conversion of skin fibro- risk. To date, several studies have provided proof of principle
blasts from sporadic and familial AD patients was recently to demonstrate that transplanted neural stem cells and pro-
reported (Qiang et al., 2011). Familial AD-induced neurons genitors are capable of differentiation into mature neurons
revealed deficits in the processing of the amyloid precursor with signature properties of effective synaptic signaling and
protein and increased production of amyloid-β, caused by targeting. In a stroke model, neuroepithelial-like stem cells
a dominant mutation in the Presenilin-1 gene, characteristic derived from adult human iPSCs were transplanted to either
features associated with AD pathology. It remains to be seen the cortex or striatum and the grafted cells differentiated into
whether direct conversion will have any advantage in model- several neuronal subtypes including GABAergic interneurons
ing age-dependent disease mechanisms, but this is a rapidly and projection neurons (Oki et al., 2012). Neural precursors
developing area of research and one of the many strategies from HD patient iPSCs have also been successfully grafted into
being pursued to optimize cellular reprogramming. adult mice and rat brains, and initial characterizations showed
immunohistological evidence of mature neurons (Jeon et al.,
2012; Juopperi et al., 2012).
Moving forward, reprogramming technology should be inte-
grated with in vivo animal experimentation to build dynamic In addition to providing a host system to interrogate in vivo func-
models of disease etiology and a platform to evaluate the tionality of human neurons, nonhuman animals also provide an

9 A P P L I C AT I O N O F S T E M C E L L S T O U N D E R S TA N D I N G P S Y C H I AT R I C D I S O R D E R S | 133

empirically tractable system in which to explore the basic prop- into lineage-specific progenitors and, ultimately, terminally
erties of endogenous neurogenesis. Because adult neurogenesis differentiated cell types. A goal of cellular reprogramming is
mirrors embryonic neurodevelopment on a dilated timescale, to erase the epigenetic signature of the source tissue, creating
it is more amenable to systematic investigation of intracellular a cellular tabula rasa from which researchers can direct fate
and niche signaling pathways. As an in vivo cellular model, adult specification to the desired cell type. However, several stud-
neurogenesis has been effectively used to explore neurodevelop- ies have shown that iPSCs can retain DNA methylation sig-
mental mechanisms of psychiatric disease. This model has been natures similar to the tissue of fibroblast origin, indicating
most extensively characterized with respect to the schizophre- incomplete reprogramming (Plath and Lowry, 2011). ESCs
nia risk gene, DISC1. Accruing evidence implicates DISC1 in a remain the standard against which iPSCs are measured to
wide range of neurodevelopmental processes. During embry- evaluate pluripotency and unbiased potential for differentia-
onic neuronal development, knockdown of DISC1 can lead to tion. Characterizing the extent of residual genetic and epige-
premature exit from cell cycle and early differentiation, reduc- netic somatic memory in iPSCs remains an ongoing challenge,
ing the proliferative capacity of neural progenitors (Mao et al., but efforts are being made to directly compare those generated
2009) and disorganization of dendritic arbors in the develop- from different somatic tissues and across independent labora-
ing cerebral cortex (Kamiya et al., 2005). In adult hippocampal tories to isolate sources of variability (Boulting et al., 2011).
neurogenesis, DISC1 interacts with several binding partners to While differentiation capacity may be largely impacted by
regulate several aspects of neuronal development. Effects on the extent of reprogramming, the optimization of specific pro-
proliferation of neural progenitors are mediated through the tocols to direct targeted differentiation is also still very much a
GSk3β-signaling pathway (Mao et al., 2009). Interaction with work in progress. Researchers are just beginning to refine dif-
KIAA1212/Girdin impacts several morphological phenotypes, ferentiation protocols to enrich specific cell populations and
including soma size, primary dendrite formation, dendritic have demonstrated successful generation of GABAergic, gluta-
length, and migration patterns (Enomoto et al., 2009; Kim et al., matergic, dopaminergic, and layer-specific cortical neurons as
2009). Direct interactions of DISC1 with NDEL1 and FEZ1 each well as astrocytes and oligodendrocytes (Hansen et al., 2011).
lead to a complementary, nonoverlapping subset of phenotypes However, many of these studies have only been able to bias
(Duan et al., 2007; Kang et al., 2011). Globally, DISC1 acts as differentiation toward the desired fate, resulting in a mixed
a negative regulator of neuronal and dendritic development population that could still require an additional step to isolate
during the temporally extended time course of adult neurogen- homogenous populations for studies of cell-autonomous phe-
esis. Knockdown of DISC1 in proliferating cells results in the notypes. But in the investigation of psychiatric disease, iden-
acceleration and overshoot of neuronal development in vivo, an tification of genetically mediated, cell-autonomous pathology
effect that is at least partially mediated by concomitant levels of should be countered by an equally vigorous attempt to under-
GABAergic signaling (Kim et al., 2012). Systematic investiga- stand dysfunction within integrated neural networks. One
tion of the DISC1-signaling pathways during adult neurogenesis approach will be to pursue in vivo transplantation strategies,
provides important mechanistic information about the poten- but another would be to develop small-scale models of neu-
tial role of this gene in risk for disease pathology that can sub- ronal interactions in vitro. By modeling features of endogenous
sequently be probed in human neurons derived from patients cell distributions in a given brain region, it may be possible to
and “at-risk” family members. Further, it is possible to identify isolate discrete signaling defects between specific neural sub-
novel synergistic or epistatic genetic interactions within a single types and begin to approximate physiological conditions.
signal transduction pathway that may begin to explain the vari- Certainly, this represents one of the most significant chal-
able penetrance of many risk genes and “missing heritability” lenges looking forward—how to ask the right questions so that
observed in many genome-wide association studies (Eichler we can observe signatures of neuronal dysfunction in vitro
et al., 2010). that may be relevant to disease etiology. Newly differentiated
human neurons in vitro exist in an environment that is tem-
porally and spatially distinct from the system we are trying to
CHA LLE N GES FO R MO D EL ING understand. Many of the specific phenotypes observed thus far
PS YCHIAT RIC D IS O RD ERS in patient-derived iPSCs are remarkably congruent with data
from animal models or postmortem studies and support cur-
Tremendous progress has been made in the effort to generate rent working hypotheses. However, many of the patient-derived
renewable sources of human neurons for mechanistic investi- neurons exhibit minimal or unexpected phenotpyes when
gation of psychiatric disease, but many significant challenges compared with controls. But our current methodological tools
remain. With the publication of each new study, the field may not have the resolution and sensitivity to detect all the
evolves, and new information emerges about critical variables environmental influences on cellular function, which proper-
that may influence effective reprogramming, neuronal genera- ties are specific to neurons in a dish versus neurons in a brain,
tion, and the variability in iPSCs, all of which could impact and how the history and age of the neuron affects its function.
the investigation of disease-specific and patient-invariant phe- In addition to the procedural challenges facing all researchers
notypes necessary for the development of widely applicable invested in cellular reprogramming, investigators of psychiatric
therapeutic approaches. disorders are additionally challenged in using de novo human
During embryonic development, epigenetic mechanisms neurons to investigate a biological system that can store and
constrain and direct cell fate, transforming totipotent stem cells retrieve information for decades, a system in which function is

134 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

often measured by the capacity for both constitutive plasticity by complex deficits such an impairment in exerting volitional
and long-term memory. control over behavior, the persistence of aberrant sensory pro-
cessing, or maladaptive responses to external demands. We
cannot expect that investigations of dissociated human neu-
CONCLUS IO N rons will be able to provide a comprehensive explanation for
what is ultimately an embodied phenomenon, and it is a mis-
Both conceptually and empirically, there is a huge chasm take to presume that a cell-based reductionist strategy will be
between traditional animal models of psychiatric illness and able to capture all the relevant features of psychiatric disease.
the limited range of information we have been able to garner Our brains are composed of neurons and glia and a rich milieu
from studies of patients and postmortem analysis of human of chemical neurotransmitters and modulators. What cellular
brains. Cellular reprogramming has enabled us to partially fill reprogramming has given us is a means to examine the building
this gap by establishing a new intermediate level of investiga- blocks of the human brain to search for patient-invariant phe-
tion. Physicians often lament that for many neuropsychiatric notypes and molecular mechanisms associated with complex
disorders, their only option is to treat the symptoms of dis- diseases. For the first time, we can generate and manipulate
ease, as opposed to its underlying cause. Stem cell technology human neurons that have confirmed disease-relevant genetic
has the potential to transform this palliative approach to one profiles. While the majority of psychiatric diseases may not be
in which novel therapies are generated from rational design immediately amenable to cell-replacement strategies, there is a
based on causal mechanisms. It remains to be seen whether this wealth of information to be gleaned from an understanding of
field will live up to its promise and whether some of the most the basic mechanisms. The promise of this technology is nearly
troubling issues can be resolved in order to enable revolution- boundless, and it is our sincere hope that the excitement, inno-
ary new therapies for patients. Also uncertain is the extent to vation, and productivity expressed by researchers thus far will
which fundamental principles that evolve from a focus on the continue to grow and contribute to a better understanding of
most prominent psychiatric disorders, namely, affective disor- how dysfunction of neural components and processes can lead
ders, schizophrenia, and ASD, can be successfully applied to to some of the most devastating ailments. Most importantly,
other disorders such as compulsive and dissociative disorders. we may learn how to reverse or prevent dysfunction to alle-
In principle, generalization is possible, but for many of these viate the suffering of people who have limited information
less well-studied disorders, there is a paucity of data on puta- about why or how their symptoms emerge. A better mecha-
tive risk genes, postmortem analyses, and validated behavioral nistic understanding of mental illness will not only enable the
correlates in animals, all of which are critical to the generation development of new therapeutic approaches but will also help
of testable hypotheses using patient-derived human neurons. affirm that these diseases are the consequence of specific neu-
But what is appealing about the use of iPSCs and investi- ral pathology and dysregulation of discrete neural processes.
gations of patient-specific human neurons is the possibility to
redefine diagnostic criteria of disease based on a mechanistic
understanding of the features underlying relevant pathology. DI SC L O SU R E S
Identification of etiological factors can inform the discussion
over whether a categorical or dimensional approach to the Dr. Christian has no conflicts of interest to disclose and receives
diagnosis and treatment of patients is most efficacious. What funding from the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation.
has been missing in this debate over the years is a mechanis- Dr. Song is a consultant for Roche and receives funding from
tic understanding of symptomatology that may transcend NIH and the Simons Foundation Research Initiative.
traditional boundaries of behavioral categorization. And it is Dr. Ming has no conflicts of interest to disclose and receives
likely that the granularity of analysis will change the more we funding from NIH, Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund, and
understand the mechanisms. For example, positive and nega- the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation.
tive symptoms of schizophrenia may have different neural
substrates, but the negative symptoms may be mechanistically
similar to features of depressive disorders. Stem cell research- REFERENCES
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INTR ODUC T IO N employ these proteins to control proton gradients and to main-
tain membrane potential and ionic homeostasis, and many
Studying intact systems with simultaneous local precision motile microorganisms have evolved opsin-based photore-
and global scope is a fundamental challenge in biology. This ceptors to modulate flagellar motors and thereby direct pho-
familiar tradeoff leads to important conceptual and experi- totaxis toward environments with optimal light intensities
mental difficulties in psychiatric disease research and, indeed, for photosynthesis. Owing to their structural simplicity (both
throughout the study of complex biological systems. Part of a light-sensing and effector domains are encoded within a single
solution may arise from the technology of optogenetics: the gene) and fast kinetics, microbial opsins can be treated as pre-
combination of genetic and optical methods to achieve gain- or cise and modular photosensitization components for intro-
loss-of-function of temporally defined events in specific cells duction into non–light sensitive cells to enable rapid optical
embedded within intact living tissue or organisms (Deisseroth, control of specific cellular processes. For example, channel-
2010; Deisseroth et al., 2006, 2011, 2012; Fenno et al., 2011; rhodopsins (Fig. 10.1, left) such as ChR2 induce nonselective
Scanziani and Häuser, 2009). Such precise causal control within cationic photocurrents in response to illumination, result-
the functioning intact system can be achieved via introduction ing in a net depolarization and spike firing in neurons, first
of genes that confer to cells both light detection capability and demonstrated in 2005 (Boyden et al., 2005). Halorhodopsins
specific effector function. For example, microbial opsin genes (Fig. 10.1, middle; NpHR) conduct chloride, and bacterior-
can be expressed in mammalian neurons to mediate millisec- hodopsin and related opsins conduct protons (not shown) in
ond precision and reliable elicitation or inhibition of action response to illumination, both hyperpolarizing neurons (Chow
potential firing in response to light pulses, while hybrid opsin et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2007, 2011) reviewed in Mattis et al.,
receptor proteins called optoXRs can recruit defined biochem- 2012; Yizhar et al., 2011a). Many other nonopsin classes of nat-
ical signaling pathways in response to light (Fig. 10.1; recent urally occurring protein have been explored as well, including
primers on this methodology have been published [Yizhar flavin chromophore-utilizing light-activated adenylyl cyclases,
et al., 2011a; Zhang et al., 2011]). as well as artificially engineered systems in which light sen-
This approach has now been used to control neuronal sation modules become physically linked to effector modules
activity in a wide range of animals, resulting in insights into (Airan et al., 2009; Gulyani et al., 2012; Möglich and Moffat,
fundamental aspects of circuit function, as well as circuit dys- 2007; Stierl et al., 2011; Wu et al., 2009).
function and treatment in pathological states (Deisseroth, The relatively small number of initial genomically identi-
2012; Tye et al., 2012). Here we review the current state of fied opsins has now been dwarfed by an ever-increasing port-
optogenetics for neuroscience and psychiatry and address the folio of derivatives designed to manipulate peak wavelength,
evolving challenges and future opportunities. Despite both current magnitude, and inactivation time constant (τoff ). τoff is
rapid growth and wide scope of applications, fundamental an intrinsic property that describes the time taken for an opsin
challenges remain to be addressed. to spontaneously relax from the conducting state to the non-
conducting state after the cessation of light. The τoff of ChR2
is ~12 ms whereas (e.g.) that of the mutant ChR2-H134R is
B A C KGR O U ND : C U RRENT approximately doubled (Mattis et al., 2012; Fig. 10.2); this
FUNCTIO NA L IT Y O F T O O L S property in part determines the maximum frequency at
which a neuron may produce precisely timed light-initiated
Diverse and elegant mechanisms have evolved to enable organ- action potentials (Gunaydin et al., 2010; Mattis et al., 2012).
isms to harvest light for survival functions. For example, opsin Indeed, an opportunity was seen to speed up optogenetic con-
genes encode 7-transmembrane (TM) proteins that (when trol function by modulating τoff; destabilizing the open state
bound to the small organic chromophore all-trans retinal) of the channel could lead to a more rapid spontaneous rever-
constitute light-sensitive rhodopsins, which are found across sion to the nonconducting state of ChR2 following light ces-
all kingdoms of life (Fenno et al., 2011). Many prokaryotes sation, thereby increasing the frequency ceiling for driving

138 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

(A) Na+ Na+
Na Na+ Ca2+ Na+ Cl— Cl—
Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Cl— Cl— Cl— Cl—
Na+ Cl—
Ca2+ Na+ Cl— Cl— Cl—
Ca2+ + Cl—
H+ H

ChR2 NpHR Opto-XR

K+ K+
K+ H+
K+ Gq Gi
H+ K+ Gs
K+ Na+ Cl—
H+ H+
[IP3] [cAMP]

(B) (C)

cAMP (nM)
10 Light
10 μM NE
opto-β2AR β2AR
ChR2—mCherry NpHR—EYFP Overlay 9

IP1 (μM)
–62 mV 60 pA 3
200 ms
opto-α1 AR α1AR

Figure 10.1 Optogenetic tool families. (A) Channelrhodopsins (left), such as ChR2, induce nonselective cationic photocurrents in response to illumination, resulting
in a net depolarization and spike firing in neurons. Halorhodopsins (middle; NpHR) conduct chloride, and bacteriorhodopsin and related opsins conduct protons
(not shown) in response to illumination, both hyperpolarizing neurons. The optoXRs (right) are chimeric proteins that elicit biochemical signal cascades in
response to illumination. The specific biochemical cascade is determined by the source of the intracellular loops. ( B) Whole-cell patch clamp response of a neuron
expressing both ChR2 and NpHR. Pulses of dark gray light activate ChR2 and induce sufficient depolarizing photocurrent to produce action potentials whereas
dark gray light induces an inward chloride current that hyperpolarizes the neuron and prevents firing. (C) Response of HEK cells expressing optoβ2 or native β2
adrenergic receptor (top), or optoα1 or native α1 adrenergic receptor (bottom). Production of downstream biochemical effectors is similar in magnitude from
optical stimulation of optoXRs (left) and agonist-induced response in native receptors (right). (Panel A adapted from Fenno et al., 2011; panel B adapted from
Zhang et al., 2007; panel C adapted from Airan et al., 2009.)

neurons—an especially important consideration for some that stabilize, as opposed to destabilize, the active retinal
classes of fast-spiking inhibitory interneurons, including those conformer. These “step function opsins” (SFO) allow precise
expressing parvalbumin (PV). By applying observations in the induction and inactivation of a depolarizing current “step” into
bacteriorhodopsin literature to ChR2 based on the high degree the population of neurons, the duration of which is dependent
of homology among Type I rhodopsins, it was found that shift- upon the particular mutation (C128S: 100s, Berndt et al., 2008;
ing a single amino acid residue was sufficient to approximately D156A: 6.9 min, Bamann et al., 2008; C128S/D156A: 29 min
halve the τoff (ChETA; Gunaydin et al., 2010; Mattis et al., [stabilized step function opsins/SSFOs], Yizhar et al., 2011b)
2012), thereby increasing the top high-fidelity frequency to at (Fig. 10.2). As these are derivatives of ChR2, they are acti-
least 200 Hz and increasing overall performance. A separate vated by blue (470 nm) light. This depolarizing step can then
creative approach to creating a channelrhodopsin with a rapid be terminated with yellow light (590 nm), which drives the
τoff arose from chimeras of ChR1 and ChR2 (ChEF/ChIEF) opsin to its resting state. In the case of SSFO, the most stable
(Lin et al., 2009; Mattis et al., 2012) (Fig. 10.2). of the SFOs, the depolarization step occurs without crossing
Opsins optimized for rapid closure and high-frequency the sodium channel activation threshold, which has the use-
stimulation are complemented by ChR2 variants designed ful effect of modestly sensitizing a population of neurons to
to induce prolonged depolarization after light cessation. The incoming excitatory input.
engineering approach to design these proteins also took advan- One additional benefit of an extended τoff is that the
tage of homology between ChR2 and BR to produce variants cell expressing the protein may effectively act as a photon

1 0 O P T O G E N E T I C T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P S Y C H I AT R I C D I S E A S E R E S E A R C H | 139

Blue (τoff/peak activation wavelength)

ChR2 (H134R) 18 ms/470 nm

ChR2 ~10 ms/470 nm
ChIEF ~10 ms/450 nm
τoff (ms)
0 5 10 15 20 25

Red-shifted (τoff/peak activation wavelength)

VChR1 133 ms/545 nm
C1V1 120 ms/540 nm
τoff (ms)
0 50 100 150

Blue ChETA (τoff/peak activation wavelength)

E123A 4 ms/470 nm
E123T 4.4 ms/500 nm
T159C/E123T 8 ms/500 nm
τoff (ms)
0 2 4 6 8

Red-shifted ChETA (τoff/peak activation wavelength)

C1V1 (E162T) 50 ms/535 nm
C1V1 (E162T/E122T) 38 ms/545 nm
τoff (ms)
0 10 20 30 40 50

Step Function Opsins (τoff/peak activation wavelength/peak inactivation wavelength)

ChR2 0.000167 min
C128S 1.7 min/470 nm/560 nm
D156A 6.9 min/470 nm/590 nm
SSFO (C128S/D156A) 29 min/445 nm/590 nm
τoff (min)
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30

Biochemical Signaling (τoff/peak activation wavelength)

β2AR 0.5 s/500 nm
α1AR 3 s/500 nm

0 1 2 3 τoff (s)

Inhibitory (τoff/peak activation wavelength)

eNpHR3.0 4.2 ms/590 nm
eBR 18.9 m/560 nm
Arch 9 ms/566 nm
τoff (ms)
0 5 10 15 20

Figure 10.2 Properties of optogenetic tools. Deactivation time constants. (τoff) and activation/inactivation wavelengths are illustrated for comparison purposes
and as a look-up table. ChR2 is grouped with step function opsins for scale purposes. Decay kinetics were measured where precise published values were not
available. Values from room temperature except for optoXRs (37°C). (Adapted from Fenno et al., 2011.)

integrator: in the case of SSFO, once a channel has been acti- beyond action potential threshold). In the context of behav-
vated, it remains open for a period approximately 150,000 times ioral neuroscience, this property has been exploited to allow
longer than native ChR2 (Yizhar et al., 2011b). The implication for extracerebral light delivery, obviating the need to implant
of cellular photon integration is that the total number of pho- fiber optic light delivery devices into animals for behavioral
tons needed to induce a maximal photocurrent in the cell may trials at depths of at least 2.8 mm (Yizhar et al., 2011b).
be spread over a longer period of time (in contrast to stimula- A second dimension into which considerable engineering
tion parameters of ChR2 that require a high density of pho- resources have been invested is “red-shifting” the maximum
tons in order to activate enough channels to move the neuron excitation wavelength of channelrhodopsins. A tool that is

140 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

sufficiently red activated might be able to be modulated inde- are composed of the light-sensing extracellular domain of the
pendently of ChR2, thus allowing for the manipulation of Type II mammalian rhodopsin and the intracellular domain
multiple, independent populations of neurons within the same of a given GPCR, for instance, α1 and β2 adrenergic receptors
space (Yizhar et al., 2011b; Zhang et al., 2008). While both (Gq- and Gs-coupled, respectively; Airan et al., 2009; Kim et al.,
VChR1 and the recently described MChR1 are significantly red 2005), and 5-HT1a (Gi/o-coupled; Oh et al., 2010), and activate
shifted relative to ChR2, VChR1 does not produce sufficient native signaling pathways in response to light. These receptors
photocurrents to reliably drive suprathreshold events in neural are activated by 500-nm light and are useful for control of bio-
populations, and the function of MChR1 in neurons has yet chemical signaling both in vivo (Airan et al., 2009) and in vitro
to be described (although data from other heterologous sys- (Airan et al., 2009; Kim et al, 2005; Oh et al., 2010).
tems suggests that its currents will be similar in magnitude to As these examples show, the experimental potential of
VChR1; Govorunova et al., 2011). The most potent red-shifted optogenetics has triggered a surge of genome prospecting and
channelrhodopsins currently available are not derived from molecular engineering to expand the repertoire of tools and
any one organism but are chimaeras between ChR1 and generate new functionality, in turn catalyzing further mecha-
VChR1 (C1V1); resulting currents are significantly larger than nistic studies of microbial proteins. High-resolution crystal
ChR2 (Mattis et al., 2012; Yizhar et al., 2011b), and action structures are now available for all the major opsin classes
potentials may be elicited by even 630 nm red light (Yizhar (e.g., Kolbe et al., 2000), including most recently channelrho-
et al., 2011b). In a recent series of experiments, C1V1 was dopsin (ChR; Kato et al., 2012); this information has been of
shown to independently modulate cell bodies and terminals enormous value, not only for enhancing understanding of
in the same tissue as neurons expressing ChR2 (experiments microbial opsin-based channels, but also for guiding optoge-
conducted in brain slice, in anesthetized (“optrode”) record- netics in the generation of variants with novel function related
ings in vivo, and in awake, behaving animals (Yizhar et al., to spectrum, selectivity, and kinetics. The high-resolution,
2011b). Independent modulation of multiple populations is crystal-structural insights have also been used to help guide
of immediate utility in understanding the dynamics of circuits the assembly of light-sensitive modules together with effector
and, indeed, has been used to examine independent inputs modules into artificial proteins, thereby creating parallel infor-
into thalamus as well as the interplay between pyramidal neu- mation streams capable of carrying optogenetic control signals
rons and parvalbumin-expressing, fast-spiking interneurons for modulation purposes (Gulyani et al., 2012; Möglich and
in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC; Yizhar et al., 2011b). Moffat, 2007).
In summary, the explosion of channelrhodopsins, muta-
tional variants, and chimaeras since the original introduction
of ChRs into neurons in 2005 has included the engineering C U R R E N T N E U R O SC I E N C E A P P L I CATI O N S
of tools differently specialized for increased photocurrent, A N D DI SE A SE M O DE L S
for driving action potentials at high frequencies, for depolar-
izing neurons for extended periods in the absence of direct This diversity of optogenetic tool function will be important
action potential generation, and for combinatorial control via for making significant headway in our understanding both
red-shifting of excitation wavelength. However, while using of normal brain function and of dysfunctional processes in
channelrhodopsins to control the excitability of a population neuropsychiatric disease (e.g., many disease states may relate
of neurons with fine temporal resolution allows neuroscien- to impaired interaction of multiple distinct cell- or projec-
tists to ask if the activity of a genetically and/or anatomically tion types, pointing to the experimental value of achiev-
specified population of neurons is sufficient to cause a given ing multiple-color excitation and multiple-color inhibition
outcome, the reverse side of this experimental coin is to ask optogenetically within the same living mammalian brain)
if the activity of these elements is necessary for the outcome. (Deisseroth, 2012; Tye et al., 2012). Indeed, recent years have
To obtain direct evidence of necessity, a tool is required that already seen a swiftly growing wave of applications of opto-
is able to silence the activity of a targeted population of neu- genetics to questions in neuropsychiatric disease, with the
rons while leaving others unaffected. The light-activated halor- deployment of millisecond precision optical excitation or
hodopsin (HR) is an electrogenic pump producing inward inhibition of specific circuit elements within behaving mam-
chloride flux that can hyperpolarize and thereby inhibit neu- mals. Overall this line of work is very timely at the societal
rons (e.g., the HR from Natronomonas pharaonis, or NpHR; level; psychiatric disease represents the leading cause of dis-
reviewed in Zhang et al., 2011). Optogenetic function of pro- ability worldwide, but major pharmaceutical companies are
ton efflux pumps that can hyperpolarize neurons have since withdrawing from developing new treatments, and many
also been described (reviewed in Mattis et al., 2012; Zhang are shutting down psychiatry programs—a situation with
et al., 2011). Local environmental acidification can result from major medical, social, and economic implications. Reasons
proton efflux; the consequence to neighboring neurons will cited include the lack of neural circuit-level understanding of
require further investigation. symptom states, which impairs identification of final common
In addition to optically modulated mediators of neuronal pathways for treatment and hobbles development of predic-
membrane potential, a class of tools for optical control of bio- tive animal models. Identification of simplifying hypotheses
chemical signaling cascades (the optoXRs) now exist for tem- and unifying theories by optogenetic or other means is one of
porally precise manipulation of G-Protein Coupled Receptor the most pressing needs and exciting avenues of research into
(GPCR) signaling cascades (Fig. 10.1). These chimeric proteins neurological and psychiatric disease.

1 0 O P T O G E N E T I C T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P S Y C H I AT R I C D I S E A S E R E S E A R C H | 141

Optogenetic technology now exists in a special relationship used to control the cholinergic cells of the nucleus accumbens
with psychiatry because one of the unique and most versatile to identify a role for these neurons in cocaine conditioning
features of optogenetics (modulation of defined neural pro- (Witten et al., 2010), and to modulate the intriguing parval-
jections by fiberoptic-based “projection-targeting,” in which bumin or fast-spiking inhibitory neurons (Sohal et al., 2009);
cells are transduced with opsin in region A but illumination prior pioneering work had shown that the parvalbumin neu-
is delivered in region B where only a subset of the expressing rons are altered in schizophrenia and had long been suggested
cells from A send axonal projections; (Fig. 10.3; Gradinaru to be involved in modulating certain kinds of brain rhythmicity
et al, 2007, 2009, 2010; Petreanu et al., 2007; Stuber et al., 2011; such as gamma oscillations, which are also known to be abnor-
Tye et al., 2011; Yizhar et al., 2011a) is well aligned with what mal in schizophrenia. Optogenetic studies were able to define
may be a core feature of psychiatric disease (altered function a causal role of these neurons in the modulation of gamma
along pathways of neural communication). The fiberoptic neu- oscillations, which in turn were found to modulate informa-
ral interface not only allows this selective recruitment of cells tion flow within neocortical circuitry (Sohal et al., 2009).
defined by projection target, but also overcomes the depth lim- Altered gamma oscillations are also seen in autism, another
itations caused by light scattering, and allowed access to (and disorder (like schizophrenia) in which information processing
optogenetic control of) any brain region even in freely moving and social function deficits are seen, although with a mark-
mammals. This device debuted in 2007 (Aravanis et al., 2007) edly different quality. A long-standing hypothesis in the field
and was first applied that year (Adamantidis et al., 2007) to had been that elevated excitation–inhibition imbalance could
address questions relevant to narcolepsy and sleep–wake tran- give rise to social dysfunction of the kind seen in autism, but
sitions. Specific activity patterns were played into hypocretin the physiology (unlike the genetics) had been difficult to test
neurons (genetically targeted by use of a cell type–specific pro- in a causal fashion. Optogenetic interventions were able to
moter that was functional in an injected opsin-bearing viral directly and causally implicate excitation–inhibition balance
vector) in the lateral hypothalamus in freely moving mice; cer- changes in setting up abnormal social function as well as giv-
tain patterns but not others were found to favor sleep–wake ing rise to abnormal information processing and gamma oscil-
transitions, providing the first causal understanding of specific lations (Yizhar et al., 2011b) of the kind seen in autism and
activity patterns in well-defined cells underlying mammalian schizophrenia.
behaviors. While the above neocortical interventions did not dis-
Memory deficits (notably in working memory but also in criminate among neocortical layers, it is presumed that pyra-
aspects of long-term episodic or declarative memory) are seen midal neurons of different layers play different roles in the
in autism and schizophrenia but more prominently in cog- circuit. To address this caveat, multiple studies have described
nitive impairment and dementia. The persistence of episodic the introduction of optogenetic tools using in utero electropo-
memories is also highly relevant to posttraumatic stress disor- ration (IUE), and IUE takes advantage of distinct temporal
der (PTSD) and other anxiety disorders, in which the memory windows during which the pyramidal neurons of different
can be a contextual fear memory. Recent work using optoge- cortical layers are born. With knowledge of when the neu-
netics has now found that long-term contextual fear memo- rons of a layer are produced, one may introduce an expres-
ries surprisingly involve both hippocampus and neocortex, sion construct with a given optogenetic tool to target only that
even in the remote phase (Goshen et al., 2011); this work may layer. This has been used with success in rodents (Adesnik
help inform our understanding of PTSD and attempts to ame- and Scanziani, 2010; Gradinaru et al., 2007; Petreanu et al.,
liorate the debilitating consequences of this disease. Other 2009) to analyze the contribution of layer-specific pyramidal
optogenetics-based studies have explored diverse aspects of populations to neocortical information processing. Similar
fear memory formation and expression in amygdala, hippo- to transgenic mouse lines, constructs electroporated in utero
campus, neocortex, and other neural circuits, in freely mov- are expressed at birth, allowing for acute slice preparation of
ing mammals (Ciocchi et al., 2010; Haubensak et al., 2010; Liu young animals. One drawback of this strategy is lower expres-
et al., 2012). Optogenetic methods have also been used to probe sion level of the opsin, possibly due to reduced expression
unconditioned anxiety, and a specific intra-amygdala pathway construct copy number.
has been optogenetically resolved that appears to bidirec- IUE-introduced ChR2, in a recent study from Adesnik
tionally set anxiety expression level in real time as mammals and Scanziani (2010), was integral to a description of the role
behave (Tye et al., 2011). of excitatory/inhibitory (E/I) interactions in layer-specific
An even more versatile cell type–targeting approach communication between and across cortical columns. Their
involves mouse Cre-driver lines in which the enzyme approach to examining cortical circuitry involved introduc-
Cre-recombinase is expressed across generations as a trans- tion of ChR2 into layer 2/3 as well as use of a stimulating light
gene, only in targeted cells. Cre-dependent viruses are con- ramp that increased in intensity over time. Driving excitation
structed and injected that will therefore express opsin only in layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in this way with ChR2 was suf-
in the targeted (Cre-expressing) cells. This technique led to ficient to induce gamma-band oscillations in nonexpressing
the first control of specific recombinase-targeted populations cells from both inhibitory and excitatory classes, assessed by
in freely moving mice (Tsai et al., 2009) via selective opsin patch clamp. Using a simultaneous four-cell patch clamp, this
expression in tyrosine hydroxylase–expressing (dopaminer- group found that transmission of ChR2-driven excitation and
gic) neurons in the ventral tegmental area, to probe reward inhibition across layers (vertically) in cortex was clearest from
and conditioning. Cre targeting was also (in separate studies) layer 2/3 to 5, and less so to 4 or 6.

142 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

Injection Site Viral Expression Light Delivery

(A) Virally Laser

Cell Body

Single viral injection into B Opsin expression throughout B Illumination of B cell bodies
projecting to A and C

Virally encoded Laser

(B) recombinase- or promoter-
dependent opsin
dependent or

Single viral injection into Opsin expression only in neurons Illumination of B cell bodies and
mixed population of neurons in B expressing recombinase or modulation of recombinase- or
with active promoter in B promoter-expressing cells

Virally Laser
(C) encoded
Projection B B B

Single viral injection into B Opsin expression throughout B Illumination of B terminals

in A but not C

(D) Virally encoded Laser Laser

Virally encoded recombinase-
lectin recombinase or
dependent opsin
Transcellular B B B

Double viral injection into B and A. Opsin expression in B neurons Illumination of B cell bodies
Recombinase expressed in A moves that project to A or B terminals in A without
transcellularly to cells in B. modulation of C

(E) Mixture of Laser 1

virally encoded
opsins Laser 2
Combinatorial B B B

Single mixed viral injection into Opsin expression in B cell bodies Precisely temporally separable
mixed population of neurons in B according to viral promoters illumination of mixed neuronal
populations in B with two colors of light

Independent Laser 1
(F) virally-encoded
opsins Laser 2
Combinatorial B B B

Viral injection of spectrally Opsin expression in A and C cell Illumination of mixed neuronal
separated opsins into A and C bodies according to viral promoters projections in B activate independent
terminals from A and C

Figure 10.3 In vivo optogenetic targeting strategies. ( A) Viral targeting of a neuron population based on promoter specificity followed by stimulation of the
same area as the injection. ( B) Viral targeting of a neuron population based on expression of Cre-recombinase followed by stimulation of the same area as the
viral injection. ( C ) Viral targeting of a neuron population followed by stimulation of a downstream target region; note that this will likely be a subset of the total
population of neurons expressing opsin. ( D) Dual viral targeting of a downstream population with lectin-recombinase (e.g., WGA-CRE) and upstream injection
of cre-dependent DIO virus followed by stimulation of either the somata or axons of opsin-expressing population. ( E) Injection of multiple opsins expressed in
separate populations within the same space based on promoter or recombinase-mediated specificity followed by multiwavelength stimulation at the somata.
(F) Trans-synaptic or retrograde targeting of axons in two separate locations followed by central multiwavelength stimulation location to differentially modulate
somata of neurons based on their projections. (Adapted from Yizhar et al., 2011.)

1 0 O P T O G E N E T I C T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P S Y C H I AT R I C D I S E A S E R E S E A R C H | 143

Additionally, checks and balances involving inhibition and stimulation (DBS) mechanism, optogenetic studies have sug-
excitation were found to be operative when spatially distinct gested that the likely direct initial target of DBS (at least in the
subsets of cells expressing ChR2 were stimulated. Strikingly, case of Parkinson’s disease) is not local cell bodies but afferent
when single cells in layer 2/3 were stimulated with current axons to the region (in this case, to the subthalamic nucleus),
injection, photostimulation of nearby layer 2/3 cortical col- which may arise from globally distributed brain regions
umns decreased induced spiking activity of the patched cell. (Gradinaru et al., 2009). However, major areas of optogenetic
In contrast, cells in layer 5 induced to spike with current injec- tool advancement are nevertheless required in the future, as
tion saw a significant increase in firing rate during layer 2/3 detailed next.
photostimulation, which was reduced by lateral 2/3 excitation.
In combination, it was found that layer 2/3 cells compete with
layer 2/3 neighbors to drive cortical output via layer 5. These U N SO LV E D P R O B L E M S A N D OP E N
experiments utilized optogenetics to ask questions that could Q U E ST I O N S: T E C HN O L O G Y F RO M CE LL
not be answered with other available neuroscience tools lack- B I O L O G Y, O P T I C S, A N D B E HAVI O R
ing this spatial and temporal specificity.
A distinct direct examination of the excitation/inhibition One group of technological challenges to be addressed in opto-
ratio imbalance in neocortex developed and employed novel genetics lies within the natural domain of mammalian biology.
ChR variants, including the “stabilized step function opsin” First, the development of improved subcellular trafficking will
modified to remain in the activated state for >30 min after be important. Membrane trafficking strategies have improved
the introduction of blue light (but still inactivated using yel- the expression of opsins at the membrane (Gradinaru et al.,
low light) (Yizhar et al., 2011a, b). Like other SFOs, the photo- 2008, 2010; Zhao et al., 2008), but further exploration in this
current generated by SSFO is subthreshold and thus does not area may produce targeting strategies that allow selective opsin
directly generate action potentials by driving a neuron above expression in subcellular compartments such as dendrites,
threshold. Yizhar et al. combined the novel opsin variants soma, or axon terminals. Indeed, while efforts have been made
and viral delivery to manipulate E/I cortical balance through in this regard, achieving truly robust (near 100%) exclusion
expression of SSFO in either pyramidal neurons (via the spe- of heterologously expressed optogenetic proteins from axons
cific promoter CaMKIIα to increase E) or in parvalbumin would prevent undesired optical drive of axons of passage dur-
expressing inhibitory interneurons (using a DIO-SSFO virus ing illumination of an opsin-expressing brain region. While
in combination with PV::Cre transgenic mouse to increase I). the expression of opsins in axons is one of the most useful fea-
It was found that baseline gamma-band activity was increased tures of this approach in allowing “projection targeting”–based
in response to E/I elevation, even in freely moving mice (Yizhar recruitment of cells defined only by selective illumination and
et al., 2011b); moreover, both social behaviors and episodic projection pattern, this effect also confounds certain kinds
learning (but not anxiety, locomotion, or novel object explora- of functional mapping procedures that employ optogenetics
tion) were nearly abolished in response to E/I elevation but not (Petreanu et al., 2009).
reduction (Yizhar et al., 2011b). Second, it would be valuable to develop a robust and ver-
Further investigation in slice to examine potential mecha- satile optical (nonpharmacological) strategy to (when desired)
nisms underlying this deficit revealed that information pro- prevent the propagation of optogenetically elicited action
cessing by pyramidal neurons became saturated at a much potentials in the antidromic direction or along axon collaterals
lower input frequency during SSFO activation of pyramidal during projection-targeting experiments. Again, sometimes
neurons, whereas activation of PV neurons decreased the gain this antidromic drive is desired, but in other cases it is not
of the transfer curve, but without changing the slope; indeed, (wherein the experimenter seeks to allow generalizable selec-
E/I balance elevation but not reduction was found to actually tive excitation only of spatially defined projections, and wishes
reduce information throughput in neocortical pyramidal neu- to not take advantage of the existing capability to recruit cells
rons, assessed in bits per second (Yizhar et al., 2011b). Last, defined by projection).
combinatorial optogenetics (discussed below) was employed Third, improved high-speed volumetric (3D) light delivery
to examine the effect of simultaneously increasing excitation strategies with single-cell resolution would be of great value, so
and inhibition (with a resultant E/I more similar to baseline that populations of cells even within intact mammalian brain
than during manipulation of either E or I in isolation); par- tissue could be recruited optogenetically with any required
tial restoration of social function was observed (Yizhar et al., extent of synchrony or asynchrony. Optogenetics applications
2011b). in vivo to questions in mammalian circuit dynamics and behav-
In summary, the expanding optogenetic toolbox is begin- ior have typically involved synchronous optogenetic control
ning to pay dividends in addressing mysteries and challenges of entire genetically targeted cell populations over millimeter
in psychiatric disease research that have long been out of reach scale spatial domains, for example, in studies of sleep–wake
(including in the above studies and many others, e.g., Abbott transitions, Parkinsonian circuitry, gamma rhythms, feeding
et al., 2009; Busskamp and Roska, 2011; Covington et al., 2010; behavior, olfaction, aggression, and memory consolidation. Yet
Ivanova and Pan, 2009; Lobo et al., 2010; Paz et al., 2011; Tan methods for guiding spatial delivery of light excitation itself in
et al., 2008, 2012; Tonnesen et al., 2009). Optogenetic work 3D volumes could allow much improved precision and com-
has even begun to provide clues to treatment mechanisms plexity in optogenetic modulation, taking the next step beyond
and refinement; for example, in the case of the deep brain the single-photon, guided-light strategies which have already

144 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

been used in mammalian tissue for applications such as refined Addressing the above technological challenges, all squarely
optogenetic circuit mapping and dissection of anxiety circuitry in the domain of modern neuroscience, will help provide
(Tye et al., 2011). Improved optogenetic two-photon illumina- experimental leverage that may lead to key insights into neu-
tion theoretically could provide a distinct means to manipulate ral circuit function and dysfunction that would be difficult or
single or multiple genetically and spatially targeted cells with impossible to establish by other means.
high temporal resolution over sustained intervals and within
intact tissue volumes, in order to delineate and define com-
ponents that work in concert to generate circuit dynamics or U N SO LV E D P R O B L E M S A N D OP E N
behavior. Q U E ST I O N S: G E N O M I C S A N D
Fourth, it would be immensely valuable to develop meth- B I O P HY SI C S
ods to rapidly and efficiently extract brainwide wiring (con-
nectomic) patterns, or at least projection patterns, from Another group of technological challenges to be addressed in
optogenetically driven cells that had been shown to have a optogenetics falls more into the natural domain of microbial
known and quantified impact on behavior in the very same biologists and biophysicists (although, of course, many labo-
animal (Deisseroth, 2012). ratories and investigators span the mammalian and the micro-
Fifth, robust extension of optogenetic tool-targeting strat- bial realms).
egies to non–genetically tractable species or cell types will First, the ongoing identification of additional genomically
be enormously helpful. The generation of Cre-driver rats has identified tools (via searching databases, broad-based sequenc-
been important (Witten et al., 2011), and projection targeting ing efforts, and ecological genome mining) will profoundly
provides an independent step forward. But improved inter- improve our ability to perturb and understand biological sys-
sectional targeting strategies will also be crucial since few tems. Many thousands of new opsin genes alone, to say noth-
relevant cell types can be specified by only a single descrip- ing of other classes of light-sensitive modules, will be accessible
tor such as cell body location, projection target, or activity in this way. For example, even though known opsins already
of one promoter/enhancer region. Design and validation of span most of the visual spectrum and a very broad kinetics
opsin-carrying viruses that depend on multiple recombi- space (Fenno et al., 2011; Yizhar et al., 2011), it is very likely
nases (e.g., with Boolean AND or other logical gates) will be that new kinds of light sensitivity, kinetic properties, and even
essential, and improved methods to selectively exclude opto- ion selectivity will emerge. One important goal is moving into
genetic tool expression in cells with a given genetic identity the infrared, which will achieve (1) deeper light penetration at
will also be useful. Finally, true retrograde and anterograde a given irradiance value, (2) reduced scattering for improved
wiring-based strategies (i.e., targeting cells that project to a resolution, and (3) provision of an additional control chan-
particular region, or cells that receive projections from a par- nel; infrared actuation has already been achieved for certain
ticular region) would greatly enhance the flexibility of optoge- non-opsin-based optogenetic approaches but possibly pushes
netic control, both in mice and in other species; such strategies against certain physics-based limitations for retinal-based
exist but are not always robust or well tolerated. photoreceptors.
Sixth, it would be of great value to rapidly and efficiently Second, engineering of these known or new tools for a nar-
extract the brainwide elicited-activity patterns arising from rowed (as well as shifted) action spectrum would enable more
optogenetic control of a targeted population. This can be clean separation of control channels. For example, engineering
achieved to some extent with ofMRI (optogenetic functional of blue-shifted hyperpolarizing opsins with narrower activa-
magnetic resonance imaging; Lee et al., 2010), an optogenetic tion wavelength spectra could ultimately allow for enhanced
method that enables unbiased global assessment of the neu- combinatorial neuronal inhibition experiments within scat-
ral circuits upstream and downstream of focal stimulation. tering mammalian tissues. While action spectrum peaks for
However, fMRI methods in general suffer from poor spatial and existing tools span the visible spectrum and beyond, the broad
temporal resolution. Whether the optimal method to obtain shoulders of relevant action spectra may prevent use of more
brainwide activity records in freely moving animals would than two or three channels of control at once, unless spectra
be through activity imaging compatible with optogenetics, or can be narrowed. Such efforts might involve mutations that
with deposition of some recoverable permanent activity trace prevent access of the photocycle to specific states or inter-
(Deisseroth, 2012) in the cellular population of interest (since mediates that have shifted absorbance properties. This class
light-based imaging methods encounter fundamental limita- of opsin engineering will be facilitated by structure-based
tions of resolution arising from scattering in mammalian brain insights into the photocycle; to understand the ChR pho-
tissue), remains to be seen. In general, improved integration of tocycle in more detail, further structural studies beyond the
optogenetic control with readouts will be important—whether current closed-state structure (Kato et al., 2012), including of
behavioral, electrophysiological (e.g., Anikeeva et al., 2011), open and intermediate photocycle states, are clearly needed.
or imaging. Moreover, closing the loop so that neural activity These efforts may also lead to the generation of mutants with
or behavioral readouts can feed back and control the inputs novel kinetic properties.
played in via optogenetics will be of great interest—as will Third, engineering the light sensors of optogenetics for
the development of computational methods to begin “reverse higher quantum efficiency, greater light sensitivity, and/or
engineering” the studied circuitry by identifying the underly- increased current elicited per optogenetic-protein molecule,
ing transformations of information carried out in the tissue. would be of substantial value in allowing the use of lower

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irradiances for targeting a given tissue volume or depth, control. Moreover, investigation from the neuroscience side
which may be important in minimizing photodamage, heat- into targeting, trafficking, selective spatiotemporal proper-
ing, or power use/deposition constraints. While for opsins ties of illumination, precise circuit element recruitment, and
many orders-of-magnitude-increased light sensitivity can diverse compatible readout engineering will fundamentally
be achieved with the bistable or step-function approach, this advance the scope and precision of resulting insights into
comes at a kinetic cost (slowing down the deactivation after complex, intact biological systems. Existing methods repre-
light-off; Berndt et al., 2009). sent only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what could be ulti-
Fourth, developing an electrically inhibitory optogenetic mately achieved for neuroscience and neuropsychiatry disease
channel (rather than a pump) would be of immense value. research, in maximally enabling the principled design and
Current hyperpolarizing tools are all pumps rather than chan- application of optogenetics.
nels and therefore do not provide shunting or input resist-
ance changes (and also can only move one ion per photon);
as a result these optogenetic tools are not nearly as effective DI SC L O SU R E S
as the channels or native inhibitory receptors, especially in
projection-targeting experiments wherein the goal is to inter- Dr. Fenno has no conflicts of interest to disclose.
cept action potentials in axons. Achieving this goal would Dr. Deisseroth has disclosed his optogenetic research findings
also rapidly enable the generation of a hyperpolarizing SFO to the Stanford Office of Technology Licensing, which has filed
or bistable optogenetic tool that would allow sustained inhibi- patent applications for the possible use of the findings and meth-
tion of neurons without requiring constant illumination. New ods in identifying new treatments for neuropsychiatric disease;
structural knowledge of the ChR cation-conducting pathway Dr. Deisseroth is also co-founder and scientific advisor to a com-
(Kato et al., 2012) and pore vestibules may facilitate construc- pany, Circuit Therapeutics, which employs related methods to
tion of ChR variants with potassium selectivity for this pur- develop new treatments for neuropsychiatric disease. All mate-
pose, as well as improved photocurrents, light sensitivity, and rials, methods and reagents remain freely available for academic
kinetic properties. and non-profit research in perpetuity through the Deisseroth
Fifth, “dead” optogenetic tool mutants with expression and optogenetics website (
targeting properties comparable to active tools, but with no
light-induced effector function, would be useful as controls.
Currently, controls for optogenetic experiments often include
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INTR ODUC T IO N impedes entry from blood to the brain of virtually all mol-
ecules with higher than 400 Da of molecular weight, thus
Current treatments of neurological and neurodegenerative rendering many potent neurologically active substances and
diseases are limited due to the lack of a truly noninvasive, drugs ineffective simply because they cannot be delivered to
transient, and regionally selective brain drug delivery method where they are needed. As a result, traversing the BBB remains
(Pardridge, 2005). The brain is particularly difficult to deliver the rate-limiting factor in brain drug delivery development
drugs to because of the blood–brain barrier (BBB). The imper- (Pardridge, 2005, 2006).
meability of the BBB is due to tight junctions connecting adja-
cent endothelial cells and highly regulatory transport systems
of the endothelial cell membranes (Abbott et al., 2006). The F O C U SE D U LT R A SO U N D
main function of the BBB is ion and volume regulation in
order to ensure conditions necessary for proper synaptic and Focused ultrasound (FUS) utilizes the same concept of acous-
axonal signaling (Stewart and Tuor, 1994). However, the same tic wave propagation as the more widely known diagnos-
impermeability properties that keep the brain healthy are the tic ultrasound applications. However, instead of acquiring
reason for the difficulties in its efficient pharmacological treat- and displaying echoes generated at several tissue interfaces
ment. The BBB prevents most neurologically active drugs from for imaging, FUS employs concave transducers that usually
entering the brain, and, as a result, has been determined as the have a single geometric focus, at which most of the power is
rate-limiting factor in brain drug delivery (Pardridge, 2005). delivered during sonication in order to induce mechanical
Until a solution to the trans-BBB delivery problem is found, effects, thermal effects, or both. Note that the more widely
treatments of neurological diseases will remain impeded. used “high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU)” name of the
method is not used here for BBB opening since the intensities
used are low, that is, on the level of what is used in diagnostic
B B B PHY S IO L O GY: S T RU C TU RE A N D ultrasound.

The BBB is a specialized substructure of the vascular system, B B B O P E N I N G U SI N G F U S A N D

consisting of endothelial cells connected together by tight MICROBUBBLES
junctions. The luminal and abluminal membranes line the
inner wall of the vessel and act as the permeability barrier. Blood–brain barrier opening induced by ultrasound at or near
The combination of tight junctions and these two membranes ablation intensities was first observed while accompanied by neu-
characterizes the BBB as having low permeability to large and ronal damage (Bakay et al., 1956; Ballantine et al., 1960; Patrick
ionic substances. However, certain molecules such as glucose et al., 1990; Vykhodtseva et al., 1995). After reducing the acous-
and amino acids are exceptions because they are actively trans- tic intensity and duty cycle (the time the power is on relative to
ported. It has also been shown that lymphocytes can traverse the time the power is off ), BBB opening was still observed, but
the BBB by going through temporarily opened tight junctions without the macroscopic damage detected as lesions (Mesiwala
of the endothelial walls. The astrocytes have been proven to et al., 2002). With the addition of intravenously (IV) injected
offer a protective mechanism of the neurons to any mechanical microbubbles prior to sonication, BBB opening was deter-
effect (Abbott et al., 2006). mined to be transient (Hynynen et al., 2001) in the presence of
Optison™ (Optison™; Mallinckrodt Inc., St. Louis, MO), which
are albumin-coated, octafluoropropane-filled microbubbles of
B B B A ND NEU RO T H ERA P EU T IC S 3–4.5 μm in diameter and are usually used to enhance blood
vessels on clinical ultrasound images through opacification.
Several neurological disorders remain intractable to treat- The BBB opening procedure could also be monitored with MRI
ment by therapeutic agents because of the BBB, the brain’s and MR contrast agents (Hynynen et al., 2001). This showed the
natural defense. By acting as a permeability barrier, the BBB potential of opening the BBB without damaging parenchymal

148 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

cells, such as neurons. Further investigation entailed study of M I C R O B U B B L E S I N C O N T R A ST
this phenomenon with Optison™ to search for a difference in U LT R A SO U N D A N D A SSO C I AT E D
threshold of BBB opening and neuronal damage and under- BIOEFFECTS
stand the mechanism of the opening in rabbits, with (Hynynen
et al., 2003; McDannold et al., 2004; Sheikov et al., 2004) or Currently, in the United States, microbubbles are only FDA
without (Hynynen et al., 2005) a craniotomy. The advantage of approved for echocardiography in patients with suboptimal
having microbubbles present in the blood supply is that it allows images of the cardiac chambers. However, microbubbles have
for the reduction of the ultrasound intensity, the containment shown promise for imaging myocardial perfusion using inter-
of most of the disruption within the vasculature, and the reduc- mittent contrast destruction pulses. Therefore, most in vivo
tion of the likelihood of irreversible neuronal damage (Choi bioeffects studies have focused on the heart (Miller, 2007).
et al., 2005, 2006, 2007a, 2007b; Hynynen et al., 2003, 2005, For a given frequency, separate pressure thresholds exist for
2006; McDannold et al., 2004, 2005, 2006; Sheikov et al., 2004, microbubble destruction and the onset of bioeffects (Chen
2006). Although there are many indications that damage can et al., 2002; Li et al., 2003, 2004). Safe cardiac perfusion imag-
be contained to minimal hemorrhage (Hynynen et al., 2006), ing would then be done with the microbubble clearance pulse
the complete safety profile remains to be assessed. In addition, being between these thresholds. Extravascular drug deliv-
indications to various mechanisms such as the dilation of ves- ery to the brain would then be performed near the thresh-
sels, temporary ischemia, mechanically induced opening of the old for transient opening, but well below the conditions for
tight junctions, and the activation of various transport mecha- permanent damage. Human doses for commercially avail-
nisms have been reported (Mesiwala et al., 2002; Sheikov et al., able microbubbles used in contrast echocardiography could
2004, 2006). provide a useful benchmark for therapy trials. However, the
Our group has demonstrated feasibility of BBB open- human dose for imaging purposes varies widely (Table 11.1).
ing through intact skull and skin and successful imaging A typical dose ranges between 6 and 12 × 107 microbubbles
of the BBB opening in the area of the hippocampus at sub- per kg (60–120 microbubbles per mg). Mean diameters are
millimeter imaging resolution using a 9.4T MR scanner in given, but detailed information of the polydispersed size dis-
both wild-type (Choi et al., 2005, 2007a, 2007b; Konofagou tributions is lacking. Thus, the effects of microbubble size and
et al., 2009) and Alzheimer’s mice (Choi et al., 2008). Our concentration on safety are difficult to decouple from previous
group also concentrates on a specific brain region (e.g., the studies using these commercial agents. Our ability to generate
hippocampus), which is key in neurodegenerative disease, and isolate microbubbles of distinct and narrow size distribu-
such as Alzheimer’s, and can be successfully and repro- tions with well-defined concentrations will allow us to probe
ducibly targeted (Konofagou and Choi, 2008). Delivery of these effects in the proposed study.
molecules of up to 2,000 kDa in molecular weight was also Several studies have shown an increase in bioeffects with
demonstrated (Choi et al., 2010). Preliminary histology indi- increasing microbubble dose. For Definity and Optison,
cated no structural damage in the area of the hippocampus increases in rat cardiomyocyte cell death and premature heart-
(Baseri et al., 2010). Finally, it is important to note that the beats and microvessel leakage were found after exposure to
microbubbles used for BBB opening have been approved by ultrasound, also called sonication (Li et al., 2003; Miller et al.,
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for human use in 2005). Similar dose–response relationships have been observed
contrast echocardiography, for example, for the detection of for BBB opening (Kaps et al., 2001; Yang et al., 2007). Miller
myocardial infarction (Kaufmann et al., 2007). It is equally et al. (2005) compared insonation of Optison, Definity, and
important to specify that the pressure amplitudes used for Imagent in the rat heart and found that microvascular effects
BBB opening are of similar range to ultrasound diagnostic were similar when expressed as the number of microbubbles
levels (<1.5–2 MPa) and, therefore, assumed safe for human injected. They concluded that shell type and encapsulated gas
use (Christensen, 1988) while the pulse duration is by orders have little effect on bioeffects. Given the polydispersed size
of magnitude longer. distribution of the different formulations, however, the effects

TA B L E 11. 1. Clinically used contrast agents and their specifications


(MANUFACTURER) SHELL/GAS (ml − 1 ) ( μ m) FRACTION a (ml/kg)

Optison Albumin/C3F8 8 × 108 3.0–4.5 1.1%–3.8% 0.006–0.1b

(GE Healthcare)

Definity Lipid/C3F8 1.2 × 1010 1.1–3.3 0.8%–23% 0.01–0.02c

(Bristol-Myers Squib)

Sonovue Lipid/SF6 2 × 108 2.5 0.2% 0.003–0.3c


Determined from concentration and mean diameter.
Data obtained from Optison package insert.
Data from NIH Molecular Imaging and Contrast Agent Database (MIDAC).

1 1 B L O O D – B R A I N B A R R I E R O P E N I N G A N D D R U G D E L I V E R Y | 149

of size are difficult to glean from that study. However, little D R U G D E L I V E R Y I N N E U R O D E G E N E R AT I V E
is known about the effects of microbubble size on bioeffects. DISEASE
Christiansen et al. (2003) found that intra-arterial injection
Over the past decade, numerous small- and large-molecule
was more effective than intravenous injection for gene trans-
products have been developed for treatment of neurodegen-
fection through sonoporation. This result was attributed to
erative diseases with mixed success. When administered sys-
the difference in microbubble sizes delivered to the insonified
temically in vivo, the BBB inhibits their delivery to the regions
region. Several biophysical studies have shown remarkable
affected by those diseases. A review of the Comprehensive
size dependence for microbubble oscillation and destruction
Medicinal Chemistry database indicates that only 5% of the
(Borden et al., 2005; Chomas et al., 2001).
more than 7,000 small-molecule drugs treat the central ner-
vous system (CNS) (Pardridge, 2006). With these, only four
CNS disorders can be treated: depression, schizophrenia, epi-
CLINIC A L REL EVA NC E O F BBB lepsy, and chronic pain (Ghose et al., 1999; Lipinski, 2000).
DIS R U PT IO N Despite the availability of pharmacological agents, potentially
devastating CNS disorders and age-related neurodegenera-
tive diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease,
Over 4 million U.S. men and women suffer from Alzheimer’s Huntington’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and amythrophic
disease: 1 million from Parkinson’s disease, 350,000 from mul- lateral sclerosis, remain undertreated mainly because of the
tiple sclerosis, and 20,000 from ALS (amyotrophic lateral scle- impermeability of the BBB (Pardridge, 2005, 2006). The goal
rosis). Worldwide, these four diseases account for more than of this proposal is thus to optimize the FUS method and eluci-
20 million patients. Although great progress has been made date its mechanism in order to ultimately deliver therapeutics
in recent years toward the understanding of neurodegenera- to the brain and significantly facilitate treatment of currently
tive diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, intractable and devastating neurodegenerative diseases.
ALS, and others, few effective treatments and no cures are A successful drug delivery system requires transient,
currently available. Aging greatly increases the risk of neu- localized, and noninvasive targeting of a specific tissue region.
rodegenerative disease, and the average age of Americans None of the current techniques clinically used, or currently
is steadily increasing. Today, over 35 million Americans are under research, address these issues within the scope of the
over the age of 65. Within the next 30 years, this number is treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. As a result, the
likely to double, putting more and more people at increased present situation in neurotherapeutics enjoys few successful
risk of neurodegenerative disease. Alzheimer’s disease, which treatments for most CNS disorders. Some of those routes of
has emerged as one of the most common brain disorders, administration are listed in Table 11.2. Several pharmaceu-
begins in the hippocampal formation and gradually spreads tical companies use the technique known as “lipidization,”
to the remaining brain at its most advanced stages, and it is which is the addition of lipid groups to the polar ends of mol-
characterized partly by deposition of amyloid plaques in the ecules to increase the permeability of the agent (Fischer et al.,
brain tissue but also in the blood vessels themselves (Iadecola, 1998). However, the effect is not localized as the permeability
2004). For the purpose of this study, we will focus on the treat- of the drug increases not only in the targeted region, but also
ment of Alzheimer’s disease through the FUS-induced BBB over the entire brain and body. There can thus be a limit to the
opening, and therefore, the targeted region in the brain will amount absorbed before the side effects become deleterious
be the hippocampus. (Fischer et al., 1998).

TA B L E 11. 2. Techniques shown to induce trans-BBB transport or BBB disruption


Lipidization “Lipidizes” the drug. Increases penetration across all Yes No

Allows uptake in the BBB. biological membranes.

Transcranial brain drug Neurosurgically based drug delivery Invasive. Diffusion reduces the initial No Yes
delivery (Fig. 11.2) method. Diffusion-based method. concentration by 90% when traveling
only 0.5 mm.

Solvent/adjuvant-mediated Solvent and adjuvants disrupt the Disrupts the BBB in all of the brain. Yes No
BBB disruption BBB using dilation, contraction, and Potentially toxic.
other methods.

Delivery through Uses endogenous transporters to Requires medicinal chemistry to Yes No

endogenous transporters traverse the BBB. modify drugs and knowledge of the
endogenous transporters.

Ultrasound Focused ultrasound (FUS) with Possible irreversible damage may be Yes Yes
microbubbles induced.

150 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

A second set of techniques under study are neurosurgically 2009, 2010; Konofagou et al., 2008, 2009). By developing a bet-
based drug delivery methods, which involve the invasive implan- ter understanding of the underlying physical parameters that are
tation of drugs into a region by a needle (Blasberg et al., 1975; responsible for the opening of the BBB, namely, the ultrasound
Fung et al., 1996). The drug spreads through diffusion and is and microbubble parameters, we will be in a position to fully
localized to the targeted region, but diffusion does not allow for exploit this methodology and to do so safely. The feasibility of the
molecules to travel far from their point of release. In addition to technique at optimized ultrasound and microbubble parameters
this, invasive procedures traverse untargeted brain tissue, causing for reversible BBB opening, as determined in vivo, has been tested
unnecessary damage. As a result, effective drugs have recently on wild-type mice as a first step to identify the potential of this
been shelved after reports of adverse effects. Other techniques technique in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases (Choi
utilize solvents mixed with drugs or adjuvants (pharmacologi- et al., 2008). The MR imaging methods developed allow for high
cal agents) attached to drugs to disrupt the BBB through dila- sensitivity, high spatial resolution, and high temporal resolution.
tion and contraction of the blood vessels [Pardridge, 2005, 2006, The latter is achieved through the slow diffusion of intraperitone-
2007]). However, this disruption is not localized within the brain, ally injected gadolinium. The added potential of combining this
and the solvents and adjuvants used are potentially toxic. This ultrasound technique with any therapeutic agent may renew possi-
technique may constitute a delivery method specific to the brain, bilities in potentially employing available pharmacological agents,
but it requires special attention to each type of drug molecule whose development has currently been abandoned because of
and a specific transport system resulting in a time-consuming poor BBB penetration. This may thus result in the novel and effec-
and costly process while still not being completely localized to tive treatment of several potentially devastating neurological and
the targeted region. FUS in combination with microbubbles con- neurodegenerative diseases. As previously indicated, we will con-
stitutes thus the only truly transient, localized, and noninvasive centrate on the feasibility of noninvasive and localized treatment
technique for opening the BBB. Due to these unique advantages of Alzheimer’s disease by specifically targeting the hippocampus.
over other existent techniques (Table 11.2), FUS may facilitate the However, the FUS technique can, in principle, be combined and
delivery of already developed pharmacological agents and could applied in the case of any neurological disease. Therefore, findings
significantly impact how devastating CNS diseases are treated. of this study may impact not only treatment of a specific disease
However, despite the fact that FUS is currently the only but also the entire field of brain diseases. In summary, FUS stands
technique that can open the BBB locally and noninvasively, to make a very important impact in the brain drug delivery, and
several key aspects of this phenomenon remain unexplored. A the proposed study aims at its optimization through understand-
clear correlation of BBB opening with microbubbles has been ing of the type of interaction between the microbubble, the tissue,
shown (Choi et al., 2005; Hynynen et al., 2001; McDannold and the FUS beam.
et al., 2004). Although the presence of microbubbles allows for
a reduction in the necessary acoustic pressure for BBB opening,
it also allows for the possibility of disrupting the microbubble
through inertial cavitation (Leighton, 1994; Neppiras, 1980; DR U G DE L I V E RY T HR O U G H T H E
Pardridge, 2007). The resulting effects not only can open the OPENED BBB
tight junctions but also could induce irreversible damage to
the blood vessels and their surrounding cells (Baseri et al., The delivery of many large agents using focused ultrasound and
2010). Recent studies have indicated that BBB opening may microbubbles has been demonstrated in previous studies by
occur without necessarily incurring inertial cavitation, with- our group and others: MRI contrast agents such as Omniscan
out (Hynynen et al., 2003) or with (McDannold et al., 2006) (573 Da) (Choi et al., 2007b) and Magnevist® (938 Da) (Choi
craniotomy. However, it is not clear how the different types of et al., 2007), Evans Blue (Kinoshita et al., 2006), Trypan Blue
mechanical effects lead to BBB opening and how the role of the (Raymond et al., 2008), Herceptin (148 kDa) (Kinoshita et al.,
microbubble can be optimized. Given the strong coupling of 2006), horseradish peroxidase (40 kDa) (Sheikov et al., 2008),
microbubble size and concentration to the response to sonica- doxorubicin (544 Da) (Treat et al., 2007), multisized Dextran
tion, a mechanistic study to BBB opening by contrast-assisted (Choi et al., 2010), and rabbit anti-Aβ antibodies (Raymond
focused ultrasound must include these parameters. Control et al., 2008). Despite the promise shown by the delivery of such
over both ultrasound and microbubble parameters is essential a variety of compounds, several questions about the effective-
for the proper optimization and understanding of the FUS tech- ness of the delivery remain. In particular, it is still not known
nique. However, to our knowledge no study to date has included whether therapeutic molecules can cross through the BBB open-
a thorough investigation of both of these components. ing into the intracellular neuronal space so that they can trigger
the required downstream effects for neuronal regeneration.

Realizing the strong premise of this technique for facilitation of
drug delivery to specific brain regions, we showed that the BBB
can be opened reliably and reproducibly in the hippocampal The experimental setup is shown in Figure 11.1. The FUS
region in mice (Choi et al., 2005, 2006, 2007a, 2007b, 2007c, 2008, transducer (center frequency: 1.5 MHz; focal depth: 60 mm;

1 1 B L O O D – B R A I N B A R R I E R O P E N I N G A N D D R U G D E L I V E R Y | 151

FUS transducer P/E transducer

Power amplifier





Passive Ear bars

Gas anesthesia Water
PC Detector
and head holder container

Figure 11.1 Block diagram and illustration of the experimental setup. The PCD was positioned at 60° relative to the longitudinal axis of the FUS beam. The overlap
between the focal regions of PCD and FUS occurring inside the murine brain is illustrated in the inset.

outer radius: 30 mm; inner radius: 11.2 mm, model cdc7411–3, (center frequency: 1.5 MHz, peak-negative pressure: 0.3 MPa,
Imasonic, Besançon, France) is used to perform sonication pulse length [PL]: 2.3 μs, pulse repetition frequency [PRF]: 6.25,
immediately following bubble administration. The trans- 25, 100 kHz) continuously or with a burst length of 1,000 pulses
ducer is driven by a function generator (Agilent Technologies, (burst repetition frequency [BRF]: 0.1, 1, 2, or 5 Hz) through
Palo Alto, CA) through a 50-dB power amplifier (ENI Inc., the intact scalp and skull for 11 min. One minute after the start
Rochester, NY). A cone filled with degassed and distilled water of sonication, fluorescence-tagged dextran (60 μg/g, molecu-
is attached to the transducer system. The transducer is attached lar weight: 3 kDa) and Definity® microbubbles (0.05 μl/g) were
to a computer-controlled positioner (Velmex Inc., Bloomfield, intravenously injected. After 20 min of circulation, the mice
NY). The PCD, a 5-cm cylindrically focused broadband hydro- were transcardially perfused, and the brains were sectioned and
phone (Sonic Concepts, Bothell, WA), with a cylindrical focal imaged using fluorescence microscopy. In order to determine
region (height 19 mm, diameter 3.64 mm) is placed at 60o from the microbubble size dependence, mice have been injected
the longitudinal axis of the FUS beam. The PCD and the FUS intravenously with lipid-shelled bubbles of either 1–2, 4–5, or
transducer are confocally aligned. The acoustic emissions from 6–8 μm in diameter while the concentration was 107 numbers/
the microbubbles are captured with the PCD and collected mL (Choi et al., 2009).
using a digitizer (model 14200, Gage Applied Technologies,
Inc., Lachine, QC, Canada) through a 20 dB amplifier (model
5800, Olympus NDT, Waltham, MA). Microbubbles (Definity®:
mean diameter range: 1.1–3.3 μm, Lantheus Medical Imaging,
MA, or lipid-shelled microbubbles manufactured in-house and A vertical-bore 9.4 T MR system (Buker Biospin, Billerica,
size isolated using differential centrifugation [57]) are activated MA) was used to confirm the blood–brain barrier opening
and used within 24 hr after activation. Following activation, a in the murine hippocampus. Each mouse was anesthetized
1:20 dilution solution is prepared using 1× phosphate-buffered using 1%–2% of isoflurane gas and was positioned inside a
saline (PBS) and slowly injected into the tail vein (1 μl per gram single resonator. The respiration rate was monitored through-
of mouse body weight). Both transducers use pulsed-wave FUS out the procedure using a monitoring or gating system (SA
(burst rate: 10 Hz; burst duration: 20 ms; duty cycle: 20%) in Instruments Inc., Stony Brook, NY). Prior to introducing the
two 30-s sonication intervals with a 30-s intermittent delay. mouse into the scanner, intraperitoneal (IP) catheterization was
Peak-rarefactional acoustic pressures of 0.15, 0.30, 0.45, and performed. Two different protocols were used for MR imaging.
0.60 MPa are typically used as they have been shown to provide The first protocol was a three-dimensional (3D), T1-weighted
the best tradeoff between safety and BBB opening (Baseri et al., SNAP gradient echo pulse sequence, which acquired hori-
2010). One side of the hippocampus in the horizontal orien- zontal images using TR/TE = 20/4 ms, a flip angle of 25°,
tation is sonicated in each mouse. Acoustic parameters other NEX of 5, a total acquisition time of 6 min and 49 s, a matrix
than the pressure have also been studied with respect to their size of 256 × 256 × 16 pixels and a field of view (FOV) of 1.92 ×
role in BBB disruption. One of those is the pulse length (Choi 1.92 × 0.5 cm3, resulting in a resolution of 75 × 75 × 312.5 μm3.
et al., 2011). In that study, mouse brains were pulse sonicated The second protocol was a 3D T2*-weighted GEFC gradient

152 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

echo pulse sequence, which acquired horizontal images using ultraharmonics (nf/2, n = 3, 5, 7, 9) frequencies produced by
TR/TE = 20/5.2 ms, a flip angle of 10°, NEX of 8, a total acqui- stable cavitation (Farny et al., 2009) were filtered out by exclud-
sition time of 8 min and 12 s, a matrix size of 256 × 192 × ing 300-kHz bandwidths around each harmonic and 100-kHz
16 pixels, and a FOV of 2.25 × 1.69 × 0.7 cm3, resulting in a bandwidths around each sub- and ultraharmonic frequency.
resolution of 88 × 88 × 437.5 μm3. Both protocols were applied These bandwidths were designed to filter for the broadband
approximately 30 min after IP injection of 0.30 ml of gado- response and to ensure that the stable cavitation response was
diamide (590 Da, Omniscan®, GE Healthcare, Princeton, NJ), not included in the ICD calculation. The root mean square
which allowed sufficient time for the gadodiamide to diffuse (RMS) of the spectral amplitude (VRMS) could then be obtained
into the sonicated region. from the spectrogram after filtering. To maximize the broad-
band response compared to the sonication without microbub-
bles, only the first 50 μs of sonication were considered in the
ICD calculation, which was performed by integrating the VRMS
variation within an interval of 0.75 μs (i.e., calculating the area
The acoustic emission signals acquired by the PCD are sam- below the VRMS curve between 0.095 ms and 0.145 ms). In
pled at 25 MHz to accommodate the highest memory limit order to remove the effect of the skull in the ICD calculation,
of the digitizer involved in each case. A customized spectro- the VRMS in the case without microbubbles was also calculated
gram function (30 cycles, i.e., 20 μs, Chebyshev window; 95% and was subtracted from the results with the microbubbles to
overlap; 4096-point FFT) in MATLAB® (2007b, Mathworks, obtain the net bubble response. A Student’s t-test was used to
Natick, MA) is used to generate a time–frequency map, which determine whether the ICD was statistically different between
provided the spectral amplitude in time. The spectrogram different pressure amplitudes. A p-value of p < 0.05 was con-
can then clearly indicate how the frequency content of a sig- sidered to denote a significant difference in all comparisons.
nal changes over time. Therefore, the onset of the broadband
response and its duration could be clearly demonstrated on the
spectrogram. A C O U ST I C PA R A M E T E R DE P E N D E N CE
The acoustic emissions are quantified in vivo. A high-pass, A N D M E C HA N I SM O F B B B O P E N I N G
Chebyshev type 1, filter with a cutoff of 4 MHz was first applied
to the acquired PCD signal. The acoustic emission collected by The BBB opening pressure threshold is identified to fall between
the focused hydrophone was used in the quantification of the 0.30 and 0.45 MPa in the case of the 1-to-2-μm bubbles and
ICD; the harmonic (nf, n = 1, 2, . . . , 6), subharmonic (f/2) and between 0.15 and 0.30 MPa in the 4- to-5- and 6- to-8-μm cases

(A) 12 (B) 12 (C) 12

10 10 10

8 8 8



6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
ms ms ms

Figure 11.2 Spectrogram during the first 0.2 ms sonication. Broadband acoustic emissions were detected at ( B) 0.45 MPa and (C) 0.60 MPa but not at ( A)
0.30 MPa. Corresponding MRI images confirm that the blood–brain barrier could be opened at 0.30 MPa, that is, without inertial cavitation [60,64]. The arrows
indicate the location of BBB opening.

1 1 B L O O D – B R A I N B A R R I E R O P E N I N G A N D D R U G D E L I V E R Y | 153

(Choi et al., 2009; Tung et al., 2010). At every acoustic pressure, SA F E T Y A N D R E V E R SI B I L I T Y OF BBB
both the region of contrast enhancement in the MRI imaging OPENING
and the amplitude of broadband emissions increased with the
bubble diameter. The IC threshold is found to be bubble inde- In order to determine the safety window of the FUS tech-
pendent and to lie between 0.30 and 0.45 MPa for all bubble nique, through histological and immunohistological tech-
sizes (Fig. 11.2). In fluorescence imaging, the PL of 2.3 μs was niques (Baseri et al., 2010), we have identified the safe
found to be sufficient for BBB opening and Dextran delivery operating parameters of ultrasound exposure for neurons,
(Choi et al., 2011). astrocytes, and endothelial cells (Fig. 11.4). In summary, BBB
opening starts occurring at around 0.2–0.3 MPa rarefactional
pressure amplitude and beyond. At pressures under 0.6 MPa
MOLE C U L A R D EL IVERY TH RO UG H T HE (Fig. 11.4[i]), no extravasation of red blood cells (RBC) or neu-
B B B OPENING ronal damage was observed in the regions of the hippocam-
pus exhibiting the most pronounced BBB opening. Beyond
A molecular delivery study (Choi et al., 2007c, 2010) indi- 0.6 MPa (Fig. 11.4[ii]), RBC extravasation was detected, and
cated that the range of molecular size for trans-BBB delivery beyond 0.9 MPa neuronal damage was observed. These pre-
spreads to well beyond the 574 Da (Gadolinium; Fig. 11.2) liminary findings suggest that there is overlap between the
to 67 kDa (Albumin; Fig. 11.3[v]) and 2,000 kDa (Dextrans; feasibility and safety windows within the pressure range of
Fig. 11.3[iii]). As expected, at 2,000 kDa (or, ~20 nm), the 0.3–0.6 MPa; that is, the BBB can be opened throughout the
fluorescent region is the smallest (since the molecule is the entire hippocampus without endothelial or neuronal damage
largest and thus diffusion the slowest) and mostly outside of at those pressures (Fig. 11.4; Baseri et al., 2010; Konofagou
the hippocampus. Therefore, FUS-induced BBB opening was and Choi, 2008). FUS-induced BBB opening was reported to
shown feasible for noninvasive, local, and transient opening close within 72 hours in rabbits (Hynynen et al., 2001). The
of the BBB for drug delivery of agents of several tens of kDa, blood-brain barrier closure occurs within the first 24 hours
providing thus the opportunity of delivering available phar- after BBB opening at low pressures and within 2–3 days at
macological agents to specific brain regions for treatment of higher pressures and monodispersed bubbles (Samiotaki
neurological disease. et al., 2012).

a b

a b


a b

Figure 11.3 Study of the molecular size through the bbb opening using dextrans and fluorescence imaging. Horizontal slice of Dextran of molecular
weight equal to ( i) 3, ( ii) 70, and ( iii) 2000 kDa on the (a) left (targeted) and (b) right (not targeted) hippocampus; ( iv) coronal slice of the entire brain at
70 kDa Dextran showing the fluorescent left hippocampus (crescent shaped); ( v) fluorescent albumin (67 kDa) permeated in the putamen through the
opened BBB.

154 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y



Figure 11.4 Comparison between MRI (left) and histology (center [1×] and right [200×] near the region of most enhanced BBB opening according to the MRI) after
FUS-induced BBB opening on the left hippocampus at ( i) 0.45 and ( ii) 0.75 MPa peak rarefactional pressure. It shows that at lower pressures ( i) the endothelial
and neurons are intact while at higher pressures ( ii) there is extravasation of red blood cells (indicated by arrowhead) and neuronal death (indicated by arrow). This
indicates the safety window of the FUS technique in BBB opening.

PR OPE RT IES O F BBB O P ENING custom-made, lipid-shelled microbubbles. The BBB opening
was confirmed using T1-weighted, spoiled gradient pulse-echo
Dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI has been per- MR sequence at 3 T and gadodiamide IV injection. Damage was
formed before and after the intraperitoneal injection of assessed using a T2 sequence with the same system. To obtain
gadodiamide over 60 min (Vlachos et al., 2010). The general the BBB closing time line, the T1-weighted MR sequence was
kinetic model (GKM) and reference region model (RRM) repeated along with gadodiamide IV injection over 4 days. MR
were used to estimate the permeability in the entire brain images were registered to a monkey brain atlas allowing tar-
(Vlachos et al., 2010). At 0.3 MPa and 4- to-5-μm bubbles geting quality assessment. Postprocessing was performed on
(Feshitan et al., 2009), the permeability were found to equal combined pre- and postcontrast agent T1 images to quantify
0.02 ± 0.0123 min−1 and increase by at least 100 times in BBB disruption at the targeted regions, that is, caudate, hip-
the region of BBB opening compared with the control side pocampus (Fig. 11.6), and visual cortex.
(Fig. 11.5). Cavitation (Fig. 11.2) and permeability (Fig. 11.5) The blood-brain barrier opening was achieved in six
findings demonstrated that the inertial cavitation threshold different animals using peak negative pressures ranging
is independent of the bubble size while both the ICD and MR from 0.2 to 0.6 MPa. No damage was detected at pressures
amplitude increased at larger bubble sizes, also indicating a below 0.45 MPa. The actual BBB-opened location was found
correlation between the cavitation and permeability increase to be in very good agreement with the targeted one under close
(Tung et al., 2010). The fact that the permeability increased to normal incidence angles with the absolute targeting error
with the pressure and microbubble size indicated that the being less than 1 mm laterally and less than 4 mm axially. The
BBB opening occurs at multiple sites within the capillary tree maximum opening-volume-to-target overlap was 85% with an
and that the BBB opening is larger with larger microbubbles, average of 52% depending on the brain region targeted
most likely due to the larger area of contact between the bub- (Deffieux and Konofagou, 2010; Marquet et al., 2011). Initial
ble and the capillary wall. findings on the closing time line showed that the BBB was fully
restored within 2 days after treatment.


A 500-kHz FUS transducer was used transcranially in Macaca T HR O U G H T HE B B B O P E N I N G
Mulatta monkeys (Marquet et al., 2011). This transducer was
mounted on a stereotaxic frame, enabling treatment planning Neurotrophic delivery to the brain has been proven essential
using the brain atlas. In vivo experiments were conducted in reversing the neuronal degeneration process but so far has
in six monkeys (30 sonications) using Definity or 4–5 μm, been hindered by the blood–brain barrier. In a recent study

1 1 B L O O D – B R A I N B A R R I E R O P E N I N G A N D D R U G D E L I V E R Y | 155

Mouse 1 Mouse 2 Mouse 3 Mouse 4 Mouse 5 Mouse 6







Figure 11.5 T1 images (first row) and their corresponding permeability maps generated from GKM (second row) and RRM (third row) for all mice. The transverse
slice with maximum T1 signal enhancement is selected. The Ktrans values are indicated in the color bar. The maps have been superimposed over the
corresponding DCE-MR images. In the case of Mouse 1, the last acquired DCE-MR image is presented instead of a regular T1[61]. (See color insert).

Figure 11.6 In vivo BBB opening in monkeys. ( A, C) BBB opening experiment targeting the caudate using custom-made microbubbles and applying 0.6 MPa
(dashed line shows region of interest). ( D, F) BBB opening experiment targeting hippocampus using Definity® microbubbles and applying 0.6 MPa (dashed line
shows region of interest). ( A, B, D, E) 3D Spoiled Gradient-Echo (SPGR) T1-weighted sequence was applied after intravenous (IV) injection of gadodiamide 1 hr
after sonication. ( A, D) Sagittal slices at the region of interest. ( B, E) Corresponding coronal slices. ( C, F) 3D T2-weighted sequence. An edema was visible using
custom-made microbubbles while no damage was detected using Definity® microbubbles.

156 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

(F) 250.00

Stain Intensity Percent Change

BDNF Injected

(Left-Right)/Right x 100


100.00 *



Figure 11.7 ( A) Fluorescent image of a 100-micron frozen brain section from a mouse that was sacrificed 20 min after sonication. The sonicated hippocampus
(left) shows much higher fluorescent intensity than the unsonicated hippocampus (right), depicting blood–brain barrier opening and the extravasation of
fluorescent-tagged (Alexa Fluor 594) BDNF in the sonicated region; ( B) a 5-micron frozen section from the same mouse was immunohistochemically stained using
a primary antibody against phosphorylated MAPK (pMAPK). Consistent with the fluorescent image in ( A), the intensity of DAB staining is much greater in the left
sonicated hippocampus compared with the right control; the black box shows the enlarged area in (C), where immunoreactivity to pMAPK is shown in mossy fiber
terminals (arrowhead), suprapyramidal CA3 dendrites (black star), and the axons of the Schaffer collateral system (hollow star). ( D) Immunohistochemical staining
of a 5-micron frozen section from a mouse that was sacrificed 3 min after sonication; the same primary antibody against pMAPK was used. No difference in DAB
intensity is observed between the sonicated and the control hippocampus. ( E) Negative control for the same mouse in ( A); no primary antibody (against pMAPK)
was added to this 5-micron frozen section during the staining procedure. All magnifications are 40× and scale bars are 500 μm except for ( C), which is 100× and
200 μm, respectively. In ( F), immunohistology stain intensity analysis shows percentage change between the left (FUS) and the right (no FUS) sides of the mice
brains. A significant difference (p < 0.05, N = 3; depicted by asterisks) was found between the BDNF-administered animal group and the control (no BDNF) animal
group for the TrkB, MAPK, and CREB antibodies. Bars represent mean ± standard deviation.

by our group, not only was it shown that the brain-derived effectively and reproducibly open the blood–brain barrier
neurotrophic factor (BDNF) can cross the ultrasound-induced transcranially in vivo with its recovery occurring within the
BBB opening but also that it can trigger signaling pathways in first 24 hours. The permeability of the FUS-opened BBB was
the pyramidal neurons of mice in vivo from the membrane to the shown to increase by at least two orders of magnitude, indi-
nucleus (Fig. 11.7) (Baseri et al., 2012). This opens entirely new cating facilitation of drug delivery through FUS. Molecules
avenues in the brain drug delivery where focused ultrasound of a wide range of sizes were capable of traversing the opened
in conjunction with microbubbles can generate downstream BBB without any associated structural damage. A dependence
effects at the cellular and molecular level and thus increase of the BBB permeability on the pressure and the microbub-
the drug’s efficacy and potency in controlling or reversing the ble size indicated that multiple sites of BBB opening within
disease. the ultrasound beam occur simultaneously while each BBB
opening site increases with the microbubble size. Finally, a
new pulse sequence was designed that showed feasibility at
very short pulse lengths, and transcranial BBB opening in
S UMMA RY larger animals, such as nonhuman primates and humans, was
shown feasible in simulations and ex vivo experiments as well
The studies described this chapter demonstrate that FUS as in vivo primate monkeys (Fig. 11.6) (Marquet et al., 2011;
in conjunction with microbubbles was hereby shown to Tung et al., 2011).

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he past decade has witnessed tremendous advances in of the unknown, underlying genetic architecture of any particu-
the molecular technologies and data-analytic methods lar disease or trait.
at our disposal for studying the genetic bases of complex The question of the genetic architecture of common disease
diseases and traits. These advances have enabled the creation has been a central one: it relates to the types of approaches that
of comprehensive catalogs of different forms of human genetic will work best to map genes, as well as to what we can expect
variation, as well as large-scale studies focused on specific dis- to learn from genetic studies in the near future. For a heritable
eases or traits. In this chapter, we outline the general principles disease, genetic architecture describes how many independent
behind some of these advances and discuss their application genetic effects contribute to risk, at the level of both the popu-
to studying complex traits, with a focus on neuropsychiatric lation and the specific individual; it also describes the typical
disease in particular. frequency and effect size of these variants; how they combine
to produce a phenotype (e.g., additively or interactively) and
the extent to which multiple genetic risk factors for a disease
MOTIVAT IO NS FO R MA P P ING T HE coalesce into a smaller number of distinct biological pathways
GE NE TIC BA S IS O F D IS EA S E or networks. Other aspects of genetic architecture include the
mode of inheritance (e.g., recessive effects), the presence of
Genetic epidemiology is fundamentally concerned with relat- positive, negative, or balancing selection acting on risk variants,
ing genotype (i.e., variation between individuals’ genomes) to the extent to which genetic effects are shared (or contribute to
phenotype (i.e., the presence or absence of a disease, or measure different disease rates) across populations, the extent to which
of a trait such as height or cholesterol level) (Altshuler et al., variants influence multiple outcomes through pleiotropy (one
2008). There are a number of relatively distinct motivations for gene having multiple downstream effects), and the extent to
this work, which can be conceived of both in terms of proximal which genetic effects are moderated by environmental expo-
and distal goals of the research. Recently, there has been a great sures (gene–environment interaction).
deal of focus on identifying specific alleles (variable forms of a The success of risk prediction, for example, in the general
locus, which is a gene or region) that “explain the heritability” population will be crucially dependent on the proportion of
as a primary benchmark and major goal of genetic studies, as variance explained by detected variants, which is a function
discussed later. For many downstream applications, however, of both the frequency and penetrance (a measure of effect size
perhaps an equally important, but distinct, proximal goal of that equals the chance that a carrier develops disease) of risk
genetics is to point to the genes and/or gene networks that are alleles. By learning which specific alleles (the particular vari-
causally associated with disease. ants of genes) increase or decrease risk or type or course of
Following from these proximal goals (identifying the spe- disease, one can in theory predict an individual’s risk or pro-
cific alleles that explain heritability and identifying the rel- vide tailored medical treatment to patients based on their gen-
evant genes and pathways) there are several distinct, more otype. In practice, truly personalized genomic medicine is still
distal goals or applications, the success of which will depend only a long-term goal in most instances, rather than a current
on different aspects of the genetic discoveries made. In the- or imminent reality, although this is likely to be an area of great
ory, understanding the genetics of a disease could be used for progress over the coming decade.
risk prediction, either at the population level or within fami- However, inasmuch as the distal goals relate to identifying
lies (following the model of genetic counseling for Mendelian loci, to point to potential drug targets, for example, the extent
disease); for prediction of disease course, severity, or drug to which detected variants account for heritability might not
response in affected individuals; to identify targets for drug be critically relevant: for instance, there are multiple examples
discovery research; to inform on the relationships and comor- of genetic studies that have pointed to weak genetic effects
bidities between different diseases; or even to provide a frame- in genes that are already known targets of existing, success-
work for causal inference around environmental effects (Smith ful therapies. Thus, genetic studies have a parallel set of aims
and Ebrahim, 2003). More generally, advances in understand- that are almost orthogonal to the goal of explaining variability
ing disease genetics will ultimately, but undoubtedly, provide in a population, involving the identification of the networks of
fundamental insights into human biology, development, and genes implicated in disease. Here the aim is to use this informa-
evolution. However, the ease with which genetics will achieve tion to point to the biological mechanisms involved in disease
success in these various applications relates to different aspects pathogenesis.

160 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

CLAS S IC A L GENET IC EP ID EMI O L O G Y: This is, in large part, because linkage analysis has low power
FR OM FAMILY S TU D IES , S EGRE G AT I O N , to detect variants of only modest effect. The general failure of
AND LINK A GE A NA LY S IS , T O L I N K A G E linkage analysis (given that it has, in fact, been widely applied
DIS E QU IL IBRIU M MA P P ING for many diseases, including schizophrenia) can be taken to
indicate that the genetic architecture of most common diseases
Classical genetic epidemiology posed a series of increasingly spe- is unlikely to be well characterized as primarily consisting of
cific questions: For a particular disease or trait, are there genetic a small number of “hotspot” regions: that is, genes or loci at
influences? Is the genetic basis simple or complex? Where are which a sizeable proportion of cases carry a highly or even
those genes located? Which specific forms of the gene cause moderately penetrant risk variant.
disease? The tools to answer these questions were, respectively, Association analysis (or linkage disequilibrium mapping)
family and twin studies, segregation analysis, linkage analysis, has replaced linkage analysis as the workhorse of genetic epi-
and association analysis. Twin and family studies are used pri- demiology over the past decade. Association analysis is con-
marily to estimate the heritability of a trait (the extent to which ceptually straightforward: typically in populations of unrelated
variation in outcome is due to variation in genes) by contrasting individuals, association analysis simply looks for specific vari-
the phenotypic similarity of relatives of differing genetic simi- ants (alleles) that are significantly more frequent in people
larity. More recently, twin and family study designs have also with the disease compared with those without. Compared with
proved useful in molecular studies of genetic and epigenetic linkage analysis, this approach is more powerful to detect vari-
variation (van Dongen et al., 2012). One notable family study of ants of smaller effect (Risch and Merikangas, 1996).
schizophrenia and bipolar disorder involved tens of thousands To more concretely contrast the effect sizes expected for a
of patients from Sweden and showed clear evidence for a shared “major gene” disorder versus a complex, common disease, con-
genetic basis common to both disorders (Lichtenstein et al., sider that for a rare disease, say, affecting 1 in 10,000 individuals,
2009). Looking at a range of first-degree relative classes, such a major gene effect may increase risk more than 10,000-fold: for
studies estimate the probandwise concordance rate (the prob- example, if baseline risk in noncarriers of the gene is 0.00003,
ability an individual develops disease given they have an affected then the penetrance (risk of disease given genotype) would
relative of a particular type) and the familial relative risk (λ), be 30% or more. In this scenario, even though the gene is not
which for a given class of relative, is the concordance rate divided completely Mendelian (deterministic in its effect), a very large
by the population prevalence of disease. Both approaches ask proportion (more than one third) of carriers will develop the
how much more likely an individual is to develop disease if he disease, and conversely, a very large proportion of all affected
or she has an affected relative. Estimates of λ for MZ twins, full individuals will carry that particular disease allele (again, more
siblings, parent–offspring pairs, and half-siblings track strongly than one third). In comparison, for a common disease with a
with the extent of genetic similarity in those pairs, indicative of population prevalence of 1 in 100 individuals, for common
a considerable genetic basis for these diseases. This and other alleles researchers expect realistic effect sizes along the lines of,
studies put the heritability of schizophrenia to be very high, with at most, a 1.2-fold, rather than 10,000-fold, increase in risk. If
estimates from 60% to 80%, for example. this risk allele has a population frequency of, say, 40%, it implies
Segregation analysis considers the broader pattern of dis- that carriers have ~1.2% risk of developing disease and we would
ease within larger pedigrees. For Mendelian disease, segrega- expect to see the allele in ~44% of cases compared with~40% of
tion analysis can estimate whether there is likely to be a single unaffected individuals. This relatively small difference means
disease allele in each family, and if so, its mode of inheritance. that the variant is harder to detect statistically. (It also means
For complex diseases that are caused by multiple genes and that this allele, by itself, will have very little predictive utility: i.e.,
environmental influences, segregation analysis is typically knowing an individual’s genotype at this locus would only mar-
uninformative (beyond demonstrating above-chance levels ginally improve one’s ability to predict, above chance, whether or
of familial clustering). Linkage analysis also uses pedigrees to not the individual will develop disease. Of course, for a heritable
identify specific (but very broad) chromosomal loci that coseg- disease, we would expect many such loci to contribute to disease
regate with disease in a particular family. Linkage analysis pri- risk that could be informative if analyzed collectively.)
marily gained popularity after the introduction of molecular Historically, the principal limitation in applying associa-
marker maps in the 1980s. For example, by genotyping 300– tion analysis broadly was that, unlike linkage analysis in which
400 “microsatellite” markers (short tandem repeats of variable only a relatively modest number of molecular markers provide
length between individuals), one can infer the pattern of gene a genome-wide survey of gene flow within families (because
flow in a family (specifically, of shared chromosomal regions very large chunks of chromosome are shared between closely
coinherited from a single ancestor and so identical-by-descent, related individuals), testing a specific marker for association
IBD) and then search for chromosomal positions at which the only queries a tiny proportion of the total extent of variability
profile of IBD maximally correlates with the coinheritance pat- that exists genome-wide. This arises from the properties of link-
tern of the phenotype. Linkage analysis proved spectacularly age disequilibrium in human populations, as described later.
useful in mapping Mendelian disease genes of major effect: Thus, hundreds of thousands of markers would be needed to
rare mutations that almost always lead to correspondingly rare cover the whole genome, and the sufficiently high-throughput
diseases. In contrast, for complex, common diseases, linkage genotyping methods needed to achieve this have only come
analysis has yielded very few durable results (for neuropsy- into existence more recently. In practice, for a long time this
chiatric disease, one notable exception is the DISC1 locus). meant that association analysis was limited to testing a small

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number of variants in a small number of candidate genes. replication was claimed but the direction of effect for the
Candidates were usually selected on the basis of prior knowl- same marker differed between studies). Furthermore, genetic
edge, or assumptions, about the pathophysiology of disease. In variation in the candidate genes tested was typically only very
neuropsychiatric genetics, despite a considerable body of work, poorly captured, even for common variation, often with only
studies of candidate genes largely failed to lead to broadly one or two markers being genotyped per gene.
reproducible results. There are multiple reasons to explain this
state of affairs (reviewed by Kim et al., 2011). Perhaps most
obviously, many of the original hypotheses about the disease E X PA N DI N G K N O W L E DG E O F TH E
may have been incorrect, or at least fundamentally incomplete HU M A N G E N O M E
descriptions of a much more complex process. For a number
of diseases such as Type II diabetes and Crohns’ disease, the Reference maps and databases have been critical in many areas
biology pointed to by recent, robust genetic findings from of genomics: from the human genome reference sequence
genome-wide association studies (see following) has often itself, to maps of coding and other functional elements in the
been at odds with the prior assumptions about what would sequence. Equally important for disease and population genet-
be genetically important. This is, of course, a good thing from ics has been the more recent construction of maps, or catalogs,
the perspective of genetic studies, in that we wish for genet- of observed variation within and between different human
ics to be a source of novel insights and hypotheses—that is, to populations. The two most notable efforts are the International
tell us something new. Typically the error rates of candidates HapMap project (International HapMap Consortium, 2007)
genes studies would also have been high: false positives (Type I and, more recently, the 1000 Genomes project (1000 Genomes
errors in hypothesis testing) are hard to control, given varying Consortium, 2010). The HapMap project employed large-scale
degrees of multiple testing, and false negatives (Type II errors) genotyping to type almost 4 million known single-nucleotide
are likely as sample sizes used for most candidate gene stud- polymorphisms (SNPs) in 270 individuals of African, Asian,
ies were typically very small by today’s standards. In schizo- and European ancestry. As well as generating lists of techni-
phrenia, as of 2011, 732 autosomal genes had been tested by cally validated polymorphic sites along with estimates of allele
1,374 hypothesis-driven candidate gene studies, although most frequencies in multiple populations, a central aim was to
genes were investigated in only one (61%) or two (16%) studies characterize and describe the patterns of correlation between
(Kim et al., 2011). Typically no replication was attempted, or it nearby variants, referred to as linkage disequilibrium (LD). As
was underpowered, or the statistical evidence was, at best, hard illustrated in Figure 12.1, two or more alleles at nearby sites
to reconcile from the literature (e.g., when different markers are said to be in LD if they co-occur more than expected by
in the same gene were tested across different studies, or when chance, that is, than if they were inherited independently of

Unphased genotypes Resolved haplotypic phase




Estimated haplotype
A/A C/C frequencies from a population
G/G G/G T/T R2 = 0.351
Haplotype Frequency Expectation under LE

C/A C/A CT 0.000 0.135

A/A A/C AT 0.300 0.165
G/T G/G G/G CG 0.450 0.315
G/T AG 0.250 0.385

Figure 12.1 Linkage disequilibrium and haplotype phasing. ( A) Using family information can often resolve phase unambiguously. Here a trio is genotyped for two
biallelic SNPs: for the first site, A or C alleles (top genotype in all plots); for the second site, G or T alleles (bottom genotype in all plots) in this example. From
inspection, the mother necessarily transmits the CG haplotype, implying that the offspring carries AT and CG haplotypes, rather than AG and CT haplotypes.
( B) In the absence of family data, it is still possible to estimate haplotype frequencies from genotypes at SNPs in linkage equilibrium. In this toy, illustrative
example, the EM algorithm would conclude that the CT haplotype does not exist in this population based on this very small sample of 10, meaning that the two
SNPs are in LD (here R2 is estimated at 0.351). Individuals would be assigned a combination of AT, CG, and AG haplotypes only, which will be consistent with
their SNP genotypes.

162 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

each other. In reality, haplotypes (collections of alleles on the frequencies. These “blocks” are separated by “recombination
same physical stretch of chromosome) are the primary unit hotspots”—places in the genome with a historically higher rate
of inheritance, not individual alleles. Two alleles on the same of recombination, which acts to reduce LD by separating alleles
haplotype will tend to be either both cotransmitted from par- on the recombinant haplotype. The results from the HapMap
ent to offspring, or will both be untransmitted, thereby induc- helped inform the design of experiments that aimed to intel-
ing a correlation between the alleles at the population level. ligently select the smallest possible set of markers necessary
The further away two sites physically reside on the chromo- to capture, or tag, most of the known common variation in
some, the more likely that they will be separated by a meiotic a region. In the 10-SNP example, it may only be necessary to
recombination event. Thus, LD between any two sites tends to genotype 1 or 2 SNPs for example, without significant loss of
“break down,” or be attenuated, over distance. This property information compared with genotyping all 10.
can be used to localize genes, in that it implies that two sites A common measure of LD in association studies is R2,
that are in LD are also likely to be physically colocated on the where a value of 0 indicates no LD (two sites are statistically
same stretch of chromosome. This is the principle behind link- independent) and 1 indicates that one marker is effectively a
age disequilibrium mapping. perfect proxy for the second. An intermediate value, say of
Obtaining genotype data on an individual for two nearby 0.8, indicates that one marker captures 80% of the informa-
heterozygous sites does not directly reveal the underlying hap- tion one would obtain if using one marker as a proxy for the
lotypes carried by that individual, although in families the hap- other, instead of directly genotyping the second marker. If the
lotype can often be inferred straightforwardly. For example, if untyped marker is a causal risk factor for disease, then one may
the individual carries an A/C (heterozygous) genotype for the still expect to observe a statistical signal of association (e.g.,
first site and G/T for the second, there are two possible haplo- based on a simple comparison of case and control allele fre-
typic configurations: that the AG haplotype was inherited from quencies) at the genotyped marker, albeit one that is attenuated
one parent, and therefore CT from the second, or that AT was due to incomplete LD. (In fact, to retain equivalent power to
inherited from the first and CG from the second. The process of detect association at the marker, in this case one would require
resolving which configuration is more likely is called phasing. 1/R2 = 1/0.8 or 125% of the sample size compared with typing
As in the Figure 12.1, phase is often unambiguous when one the causal marker directly). By estimating the average extent
studies multiple members of the same family. Alternatively, of LD, analyses of HapMap data showed that one could expect
statistical approaches (based on algorithms such as expectation to capture the majority of common (typically defined as above
maximization [EM] or Markov Chain Monte Carlo [MCMC] 5% marker allele frequency) variation in European and Asian
and population genetic models) can be used to resolve phase in populations at a reasonable level of certainty (e.g., R2 > 0.8) by
samples of unrelated individuals, by considering the observed genotyping on the order of 500,000 SNPs genome-wide. This
correlation between sites and treating the unknown phase paved the way for the first genome-wide association studies
information statistically in terms of a missing-data problem (GWASs), which began typing 100,000–300,000 markers using
(Browning and Browning, 2012). In some situations it is also newly developed, standardized commercial microarrays, soon
possible to use sequencing to type haplotypes directly, using establishing 500,000–1,000,000 SNPs as routine (Carlson et al.,
molecular rather than statistical means, sequencing along the 2004). As described later, association analysis of these datasets
same physical stretch of chromosome. has driven many genetic discoveries in the past decade.
The actual structure and extent of LD in humans reflects Superseding the tagging approach in many respects, the
both demographic factors and the history of the population more general approach of imputation leverages the actual
studied, as well as biological properties of the genome, influ- HapMap sample data itself to fill in data that are “missing” in
encing the rate of recombination at particular sites. The typi- a GWAS but present in the HapMap, relying on LD informa-
cal structure and extent of LD is of critical importance to the tion implicit in the HapMap across all SNPs. Imputation allows
implementation of association analysis as applied to large researchers to probabilistically assign genotypes for all common
genomic regions. Fundamentally, association mapping (or link- HapMap SNPs (over 2 million in the European samples), even if
age disequilibrium mapping, as previously noted) relies on the only 500,000 have been directly genotyped in the study, by tak-
fact that by testing a particular variant, one is implicitly testing ing advantage of the redundancy due to LD. One of the major
a host of nearby variants, for which the genotyped markers act applications of imputation is to facilitate the comparison and
as proxies, or tags. aggregation of studies that use different GWAS arrays, by map-
The HapMap project provides a comprehensive empirical ping everything to the common set of HapMap SNPs. This also
description of the typical profiles of LD in the populations stud- obviates many of the practical difficulties that plagued candidate
ied. To a first approximation, patterns of LD can be well char- gene studies, in which different markers were typed in different
acterized by “haplotype blocks,” meaning that there are regions studies.
of the genome (very variable in size, but often on the order of 10 The HapMap and GWAS in general are largely focused
to 100 kb) in which there is very high LD, meaning that only a on assaying only common genetic variation: typically sites at
small subset of all possible haplotypes (combinations of alleles which at least 5% of chromosomes carry an “alternate” allele
in that region) are observed in the population. For example, compared with the reference sequence. The vast majority of
considering 10 SNPs, each with two alleles, there are 210 = 1024 variants that have population frequencies below 1% will not
possible haplotypes, although under very strong LD we may be present in the HapMap or on standard microarrays and
observe only two or three of these at appreciable population so will be effectively invisible to GWAS approaches. A major

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push in recent years has been to leverage advances in so-called which is vitally important in complex trait genetics (Lohmueller
next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies to build catalogs et al., 2003). At the same time, the large multiple-testing bur-
of lower frequency variation. This technology employs mas- den inherent in genome-wide scans has forced investigators to
sively parallel approaches to sequence many millions of small address the issue of false positive rates early and head on in the
fragments of DNA, generating very large numbers of short reads context of GWAS. Based on empirical and theoretical consid-
(around 100 bases) that can be mapped back to the reference erations, most investigators now require a p-value of less than
sequence and variant sites called in an individual. The 1000 5 × 10−8 for an association to be declared genome-wide signifi-
Genomes Project ( has used this tech- cant. In a well-controlled study, findings that reach this strin-
nology to sequence the entire genomes of over 1,000 individuals, gent threshold have been shown to have a very high probability
in order to create maps of known low-frequency variants and of replicating in subsequent studies. Finally, GWAS studies
reference panels for imputation. Combining publicly available generally do a more comprehensive job at capturing common
1000 Genomes data with standard GWAS data, one can reliable variation in a given gene compared with early candidate-based
impute over 10,000,000 polymorphic sites, many of which are of studies using older genotyping technologies, including captur-
low frequency (under 1%) and many of which represent poten- ing the vast amount of variation in intergenic regions).
tially functional polymorphisms (e.g., nonsynonymous allelic
substitutions in genes, or short insertions and deletions that
could shift the reading frame of a gene). To measure very rare A P P L I C AT I O N S O F G E N O M E - W I D E
mutations that are specific to a family or a particular ancestral A SSO C I AT I O N M A P P I N G A N D AN ALYTI C
group that is not represented in the 1000 Genomes data, it will I SSU E S
still be necessary to sequence samples directly. But given current
cost constraints, the 1000 Genomes data afford a new lease of Genome-wide association studies have been very widely adopted
life for existing GWAS samples. In addition to utility in imput- for a large number of diseases. One of the pioneering studies
ing a good deal of low-frequency variation, these data may be was of seven diseases and a shared control sample, the Wellcome
particularly helpful in ascribing a putative function to associated Trust Case Control Consortium (2007). The U.S. National
regions or haplotypes, as a consequence of the near-complete Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) maintains a cata-
ascertainment of all commonly variable sites. log ( of published associations
Another type of genomic map that has recently been com- from GWAS for a diverse range of diseases and traits. To date,
pleted, and that will likely play a critical part in both the analy- over 1,600 associations have been published, all meeting the
sis and interpretation of many genetic studies of disease, is the strict threshold of genome-wide significance (Figure 12.2).
ENCODE project (Encyclopedia of DNA Elements; http:// There is a great deal of evidence to suggest that for most This project aimed to map all common diseases these genome-wide findings represent
functional elements in the human genome sequence beyond the tip of the iceberg of true common variant associations.
protein-coding genes: for example, regions (that may often be In many cases, including for neuropsychiatric disease, there
cell- and tissue specific) related to factors such as chromatin are multiple lines of evidence that point to an abundance of
structure, methylation, histone modification, sequence-specific true signals below the formal threshold for genome-wide sig-
transcription factors, and RNA-binding proteins. As many asso- nificance. When looking at many replicated genome-wide
ciation signals from GWAS fall outside of known protein coding significant results, the statistical power to detect a variant of
genes, a more comprehensive annotation and understanding of that frequency and reported effect size is typically low, even
the full sequence will be important in translating statistical sig- acknowledging that they may be inflated by the so-called “win-
nal into biological knowledge (Degner et al., 2012). ner’s curse” effect (that means that effect sizes for variants that
are detected at very strict significance thresholds will tend to
be larger than their true value, reflecting the fact that they may
GE NOME-W ID E A S S O C IATIO N ST U DI E S have needed “the luck of the draw” from sampling variation to
push them over the bar). This implies either that the investi-
In many respects, the development of reliable, cost-effective, gator was extremely lucky (managing to detect one particular
high-throughput genotyping technologies, using microar- true positive despite very low power to do so) or, perhaps more
rays that can simultaneously assay hundreds of thousands of parsimoniously, that there must be a (much) larger reservoir
single-nucleotide polymorphisms, has addressed all the basic of similar effects truly existing, from which this study sam-
limitations inherent in the early application of association pled a particular subset, in proportion to the statistical power.
(or linkage disequilibrium) mapping. Because almost all of More directly, one can take sets of independent subthresh-
the common variation in the genome can be assayed, genetic old associations (e.g., SNPs with p-values between 1 × 10−4
studies have become fundamentally data-driven enterprises and 5 × 10−8) and ask whether more than expected are nomi-
and do not need to rely on prior hypotheses being correct. nally significant in an independent sample (e.g., at P < 0.01
Order-of-magnitude, cheaper, per-genotype costs have enabled or P < 0.05), or show effects in a consistent direction (above
a large amount of genetic data to be amassed; the use of stan- 50% correspondence of risk versus protective effects expected
dardized microarrays (combined with imputation analysis) has by chance alone, often referred to as a “sign test”). For many
also facilitated pooling of data across studies to achieve larger diseases, such analyses strongly support the presence of many
samples through meta-analysis, and therefore greater power, subthreshold true associations. Furthermore, approaches such

164 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

TA BLE 12.1. Sample sizes required (case/control pairs for a 1% disease) under different genetic models


MAF GRR MAF R2 α = 0.05 α = 5 × 10 − 8

0.40 1.2 (Directly typed causal allele) 949 4,792

0.40 1.2 0.50 0.67 1,400 7,064

0.40 1.2 0.10 0.17 5,880 29,668

0.01 3.0 (Directly typed causal allele) 410 2,070

0.01 3.0 0.50 0.01 21,213 107,030

0.01 3.0 0.10 0.09 2,533 12,780

Contrasting power under two particular scenarios, involving a common and a low-frequency variant. Power calculated using the
Genetic Power Calculator ( and shows the number of case/control pairs required to achieve
80% power (i.e., an 80% chance of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis when the SNP truly has an effect) for two significant thresholds:
a nominal 0.05, and genome-wide significant 5 × 10−8. (These α values represent the chance of a false-positive test result.) The two causal
scenarios are not intended to be directly comparable; rather, the numbers presented are meant to show the impact of requiring a strict
significance threshold on required sample size, and the impact of incomplete LD (by genotyping a marker instead of directly genotyping
the causal variant) under the two scenarios. Aside from the fact that, in general, large sample sizes are required for these types of effects,
we see in particular that if the marker has a frequency very different from the causal variant, the R2, which is always set at the highest
possible value given the two allele frequencies, it will be necessarily low, and therefore, power will be power, and the sample size
required to achieve 80% will be high. The first scenario represents the type of SNP we may expect to find in a GWAS; the second scenario
represents (perhaps an optimistically large) effect as one might hope to see in exome sequencing or an exome array study.

as gene set–enrichment analysis applied to lists of subthreshold and rare variants of varying effect sizes. Given the large sam-
associations can be used to indicate whether the genes impli- ple sizes indicated in Table 12.1 for the type of variant that
cated appear to be a random selection of all genes, as would be characterizes most “GWAS hits,” meta-analysis (or combined,
expected if the associated regions were, in fact, selected purely mega-analysis) has played an increasingly important role in
by chance, as opposed to preferentially belonging to certain genetic disease studies, in which consortia of consortia pool
known pathways, or clustering in networks, beyond chance results or raw genotype data to collectively achieve greater
expectation—that is consistent with a nontrivial proportion of power to detect variants of small effect.
the associations being true positives. For example, Lango Allen Although it has become clear that Type II errors (false neg-
et al. (2010) reported hundreds of variants influencing human atives) are the primary hurdle in GWAS (low power to detect
height clustered in functionally related pathways. Evidence for small effects), there has been considerable attention to the issue
a substantial number of likely true subthreshold associations of Type I errors (false positives). At the dawn of the GWAS era,
for a given disease can be taken to indicate that larger sample many researchers were reasonably concerned that the mas-
sizes will yield genome-wide significant associations, as more sive multiple testing, as well as the scope for bias to arise from
true positives are pushed over the threshold. technical artifact or epidemiological confounding, would lead
Other studies have taken more direct approaches to address to hopelessly inflated false-positive signals. Given that most
the idea of highly polygenic disease architectures (i.e., involving GWAS studies have been population based (utilizing samples
hundreds or thousands of distinct genetic loci). In particular, of unrelated cases and controls) as opposed to family based,
analyses of common variants in GWAS data for various highly one concern was that population stratification might give rise
heritable phenotypes, including height (Yang et al., 2010) and to false positives, if cases and controls are not well matched for
schizophrenia (International Schizophrenia Consortium, ancestry, given that different populations systematically vary
2009), have indicated that a sizeable proportion of the total in allele frequency at many sites across the genome, for rea-
heritability may be due to the combined action of extremely sons unrelated to the disease being studied. In contrast, asso-
modest effects across many loci (many of which may never be ciation analyses that adopt a family-based approach (e.g., the
expected to rise to the level of genome-wide significance even transmission disequilibrium test, or TDT, which tests for over-
in very large samples). Under such models it is likely unrealistic transmission of a specific allele from heterozygous parents to
to ever expect a complete genetic model of a disease, although affected offspring) implicitly guard against such confounding
it is important to note that very high polygenicity (in which the effects (e.g., by contrasting transmitted versus untransmitted
power to unambiguously detect any one of a large number of alleles from within the same parent, in the case of the TDT). In
loci is very low) does not by itself preclude progress toward the practice, the presence of genome-wide genotypic data allows
broader goals of genetic studies, namely, the identification of one to empirically assess the presence of heterogeneity in
critical biological pathways and networks, and even individual ancestry in a sample of individuals (Rosenberg et al., 2002),
risk prediction and personalized therapies. and to correct it statistically in tests of association (using
Table 12.1 gives concrete numbers for the sample sizes approaches such as principal components analysis). Although
required under different genetic models, for both common most GWASs have been conducted in populations of European

1 2 G E N E T I C M E T H O D O L O G I E S A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S | 165

Published Genome–Wide Associations through 09/2011
1,617 published GWA at p≤5X10–8 for 249 traits
2011 3rd quarter

9 10 11 12
3 6
4 5

19 21
16 18
15 17

Coffee consumption Hepatitis B vaccine response Neuroblastoma Response to metaformin

Abdominal aortic aneurysm Cognitive function Hepatocellular carcinoma Nicotine dependence Response to statin therapy

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia Conduct disorder Hirschsprung’s disease Obesity Restless legs syndrome
Adhesion molecules Colorectal cancer HIV-1 control Open angle glaucoma Retinal vascular caliber
Adiponectin levels Corneal thickness Hodgkin’s lymphoma Open personality Retinol levels
Age-related macular degeneration Coronary disease Homocysteine levels Optic disc parameters Rheumatoid arthritis
AIDS progression Cortical thickness HPV seropositivity Osteoarthritis Ribavirin-induced anemia
Alcohol dependence Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Hypospadias Osteoporosis Schizophrenia
Alopecia areata Crohn’s disease Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Otoselerosis Serum metabolites
Alzheimer’s disease Cron’s disease and celiac disease IFN-related cytopeni Other metabolic traits Skin pigmentation
Amyloid A levels Cutaneous nevi IgA levels Ovarian cancer Smoking behavior
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Cystic fibrosis severity IgE levels Pancreatic cancer Speech perception
Angiotensin-converting enzyme activity Dermatitis Inflammatory bowel disease Pain Sphingolipid levels
Ankylosing spondylitis DHEA-s levels Insulin-like growth factors Paget’s disease Statin-induced myopathy
Arterial stiffness Diabetic retinopathy Intracranial aneurysm Panic disorder Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Asparagus anosmia Dilated cardiomyopathy Iris color Parkinson’s disease Stroke
Asthma Drug-induced liver injury Iron status markers Periodontitis Sudden cardiac arrest
Atherosclerosis in HIV Drug-induced liver injury (Amoxicillin-clavulanate) Ischemic stroke Peripheral arterial disease Suicide attempts
Atrial fibrillation Endometrial cancer Juvenile idiopathic arthritis Personality dimensions Systemic lupus erythematosus
Attention deflcit hyperactivity disorder Endometriosis Keloid Phosphatidylcholine levels Systemic sclerosis
Autism Eosinophil count Kidney stones Phosphorus levels T-tau levels
Basal cell cancer Eosinophilic esophagitis LDL cholesterol Photic sneeze Tau AB1-42 levels
Behcet’s disease Epirubicin-induced leukopenia Leprosy Phytosterol levels Telomere length
Bipolar disorder Erectile dystunction and prostate cancer treatment Leptin receptor levels Platelet count Testicular germ cell tumor
Biliary atresia Erythrocyte parameters Liver enzymes Polycystic ovary syndrome Thyroid cancer
Bilirubin Esophageal cancer Longevity Primary biliary cirrhosis Thyroid volume
Bitter taste response Essential tremor LP (a) levels Primary sclerosing cholangitis Tooth development
Birth weight Exfoliation glaucoma LpPLA(2) activity and mass PR interval Total cholesterol
Bladder cancer Eye color traits Lung cancer Progranulin levels Triglycerides
Bleomycin sensitivity F cell distribution Magnesium levels Progressive supranuclear pallsy Tuberculosis
Blond or brown hair Fibrinogen levels Major mood disorders Prostate cancer Type 1 diabetes
Blood pressure Folate pathway vitamins Malaria Protein levels Type 2 diabetes
Blue or green eyes Follicular lymphoma Male pattern baldness PSA levels Ulcerative colitis
BMI, waist circumference Fuch’s corneal dystrophy Mammographic density Psoriasis Urate
Bone density Frekles and burning Matrix metalloproteinase levels Psoriatic arthritis Urinary albumin excretion
Breast cancer Gallstones MCP-1 Pulmonary funct. COPD Urinary metabolites
Butyrylcholinesterase levels Gastric cancer Melanoma QRS interval Uterine fibroids
C-reactive protein Glioma Menarche & menopause QT interval Venous thromboembolism
Calcium levels Glycemic traits Meningioma Quantitative traits Ventricular conduction
Cardiac structure/function Graves disease Meningococcal disease Recombination rate VEGF levels
Cardiovascular risk factors Hair color Metabolic syndrome Red vs. non-red hair Vertical cup-disc ratio
Camitine levels Hair morphology Migraine Refractive error Vitamin B12 levels
Carotenoid/locopherol levels Handedness in dyslexia Moyamoya disease Renal cell carcinoma Vitamin D insuffiency
Carotid atherosclerosis HDL cholesterol Multiple sclerosis Renal function Vitamin E levels
Celiac disease Heart failure Response to antidepressants Vitiligo
Myeloproliferative neoplasms
Celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis Response to antipsychotic therapy Warfarin dose
Heart rate Myopia (pathological)
Cerebral atrophy measures Response to carbamazepine Weight
Height N-glycan levels
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Response to clopidogrel therapy White cell count
Hemostasis parameters Narcolepsy
Chronic myeloid leukemia Response to hepatitis C treat White matter hyperintensity
Hepatic steatosis Nasopharyngeal cancer
Cleft lip/palate Hepatitis Natriuretic peptide levels Response to interferon beta therapy YKL-40 levels

Figure 12.2 The National Human Genome Research Institute GWAS catalog. A list of published GWAS associations published up until 9/2011 (
GWAStudies). Shaded circles indicate different classes of phenotype, enumerated in text that follows. The shaded-coded key does a rather poor job at indicating
which associations are mapped genomically, but perhaps more importantly, the legend does convey the breadth of phenotypes for which successful GWAS have
been performed. Many of these discovered loci were completely novel.

166 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

(A) 10

—log10(p—value) 6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819202122


(B) (C)
10 10 rs4765913 r2 100

Recombination rate (cM/Mb)

9 0.8
Observed (—log10 p—value)

8 0.6 80
8 0.4
7 60
5 4 40

4 2 20
2 0 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8

Expected (—log10 p—value) Position on chr12 (Mb)

Figure 12.3 Reporting GWAS results: Q-Q, Manhattan, and “regional” plots. These figures are taken from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Bipolar Disorder
Working Group’s Nature Genetics 2011 report of a mega-analysis of bipolar disorder GWAS data. ( A) A so-called “Manhattan plot,” in which individual SNP
association statistics are ordered along the x-axis; the p-value is plotted on a –log10(P) scale, so values over 7.3 represent genome-wide significance. ( B) The
same data are shown in a Q–Q plot (quantile–quantile), which plots the observed statistic (−log10( P)) in rank order against the expected value under the global
null hypothesis of no association. Points along the diagonal are therefore consistent with chance. The plots can show evidence of systematic bias (if the entire line
grossly departs from the diagonal) or signal that is more likely to be true (if only the top portion of the data does, indicating there are more nominally significant
hits than would be expected by chance). ( C) A third commonly used plot when reporting GWAS results is a “region” plot. This shows the association statistics in a
particular region as well as gives information on the LD (R2) between markers.(Psychiatric GWAS Consortium Bipolar Disorder Working Group, 2011)..

decent, there is potentially a lot to be learned from applica- time. Typically, a technique such as logistic or linear regres-
tion to a more diverse range of populations, and new ana- sion is employed, assuming a purely additive dosage model at
lytic challenges, for example, in highly admixed populations each site. Simpler alternatives include Armitage trend test or
(Rosenberg et al., 2010). Quality control procedures play an Fisher’s exact test; more complex alternatives include nonpara-
important role in GWAS—for example, testing for deviations metric regression models, linear mixed models, and Bayesian
from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, or detecting SNPs with approaches—in broad terms though, it is not obvious that the
particularly high rates of failed genotyping. GWAS can still precise choice of statistical machinery employed would have
be prone to false positives from technical bias or other types impacted the substantive conclusions drawn to date.
of analytic error, simply by virtue of the large number of tests Subsequent chapters summarize the results to date of
performed: this concern is in large part addressed by placing a GWAS and other types of genetic studies, for a range of neu-
strong emphasis on the need to seek replication in independent ropsychiatric diseases. There have been fewer, if any, cases of
samples of any putative strong signals. “low-hanging fruit” to emerge from common variant studies of
Although one in theory can approach the analysis of diseases such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, compared
genotype–phenotype relations using GWAS data in a number with other common diseases such as Crohn’s disease or Type I
of ways, in practice most of the substantive findings (as repre- diabetes. Nonetheless, numerous genome-wide significant hits
sented in the NHGRI catalog) come from simple, sequential have emerged for both disorders, and, as noted, consideration
tests of one SNP (either imputed or directly genotyped) at a of subthreshold results would strongly suggest that more are

1 2 G E N E T I C M E T H O D O L O G I E S A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S | 167

to be expected with larger sample sizes. Indeed, several large In its extreme form, the multiple rare variant model is
meta-analyses are currently underway: the analysis of com- taken to mean that although many rare disease variants may
mon variation in neuropsychiatric disease is very much a work exist in a population, most affected individuals will carry only
in progress, but one that appears to have found a steady footing one, which was sufficient to cause their disease; similarly, most
from which to move forward. unaffected individuals would not be expected to carry any risk
alleles. This model is in contrast to the polygenic common vari-
ant model, in which both affected and unaffected individuals
THE FR E Q U ENC Y S P EC T RU M OF DI SE A SE would be expected to carry many risk alleles: under this model,
ALLE LE S: MO D EL S O F RA RE A N D cases simply carry more of them on average, as a consequence
COMMON VA RIAT IO N of the increased genetic burden leading to increased risk of
disease. The extreme form of the multiple rare variant model
Almost by definition, most genetic variation is attributable essentially recasts a common disease as a collection of multi-
to common polymorphism in the human genome. For this ple, clinically indistinguishable diseases—that could in theory
reason, along with the fact that common SNPs in any one also be etiological distinct in a fundamental manner, but that
population constitute a relatively limited and easily assay- should often be amenable to the same family-based approaches
able universe, common variation was an obvious first target that worked for Mendelian disease (i.e., if most affected fami-
for large-scale, genome-wide genetic studies, in the form of lies are, in fact, segregating a single, high-penetrance allele).
SNP-based GWASs. It has, of course, long been recognized In practice, extreme forms of the multiple–rare variant model
that common SNPs are by no means the only class of varia- are unlikely to be the general rule for any common disease
tion a geneticist may wish to study. Particularly in the context (certainly if linkage analysis has been adequately performed
of disease, one can reasonably argue (supported by observa- in appropriately sized pedigree collections, this model can
tions in rare, Mendelian disease) that larger types of variant— already be ruled out).
those impacting more than just a single, usually intergenic, Perhaps a better default or working model for most com-
nucleotide—might also be more likely to have a strong impact mon diseases should instead be that multiple variants of vary-
on disease risk. Structural variants are one such class, involving ing effect sizes are likely to exist anywhere across the frequency
the deletion, duplication, inversion, or translocation of poten- spectrum (Gibson, 2012; Owen et al., 2010). For diseases with
tially millions of nucleotides. Similarly, evolutionary argu- childhood or early-adult onset at least, we would expect selec-
ments can be used to suggest that alleles of high penetrance are tion to constrain alleles of larger effect to lower population fre-
unlikely to be very common, assuming the disease has had a quencies. Although the exact relationship between frequency
continued, negative impact on fitness over many generations, and effect sizes arising from the action of selection will be hard
and so would have been selected against. The hypothesis that to predict generally, it is safe to conclude that common variants
rare variants may primarily underlie common disease risk, of very large effect are unlikely to exist; otherwise, all combina-
in the same way they do for rare disease, expresses this logic tions of variant will likely occur, in proportion to the frequency
(Cirulli and Goldstein, 2010). spectrum of neutral variation. What may make some diseases,
For schizophrenia, examples of very rare structural variants including neuropsychiatric disease, particularly challenging
that are strong risk alleles were identified over two decades ago, from a genetic perspective, is likely to be the sheer number of
using the classical techniques of cytogenetics and linkage map- loci in the genome that, if perturbed by either a rare or com-
ping in extended pedigrees. For example, a 1.5–3 Mb microde- mon variant, can increase risk for disease. This challenge will
letion at 22q11.2 leads to velo-cardio-facial syndrome (VCFS), be equally pertinent for various study designs, from sequenc-
a phenotypically heterogeneous syndrome, which displays an ing to GWAS.
approximately 30% probability of leading to schizophrenia.
Because the deletion occurs at 1 in ~4,000 live births, this vari-
ant is expected to contribute to risk in ~1% of all schizophrenia ST U DI E S O F R A R E ST R U C T U R AL
patients. VA R I AT I O N : C O P Y N U M B E R VAR I AN TS
A second example of a highly penetrant, rare structural A N D N E U R O P SY C HI AT R I C DI S E AS E
variant is the balanced translocation between 1q42 and 11q14,
segregating with major psychiatric disease in a single extended Structural variants, such as the 22q11.2 deletion previously
Scottish pedigree and mapped using linkage analysis. One of described, have a well-established role in a range of rare dis-
the translocations breakpoints was later shown to disrupt a ease phenotypes as well as genomic alterations that occur in
particular gene, now known as DISC1, “disrupted in schizo- cancers (Mills et al., 2011; Wain et al., 2009). Technologies
phrenia 1” (St. Clair et al., 1990). The success of mapping such as array-CGH (comparative genomic hybridization) are
DISC1 prompted a wave of functional studies to investigate its now routinely used in prenatal screening as well as research
roles in neurodevelopment, although the precise mechanism settings, replacing traditional karyotype techniques for detect-
by which the translocation acts to increase risk for major psy- ing unbalanced chromosomal changes. Rare copy number
chiatric illness in this family still eludes researchers. Whether variants (CNVs, deletions or duplications of genetic material)
or not that mechanism is ever fully understood, many would ranging from 100 kb or less to multiple megabases can also
argue that the finding still provides a useful window into the be called from analysis of the same SNP microarrays used in
larger, more complex pathways involved in the disease. GWAS studies: this fortuitous fact has meant that relatively

168 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

large GWAS samples have been able to be assayed for changes exome sequencing is the expanding definition of what is prac-
in copy number variation. For autism and schizophrenia tically implied by “the exome”: other interesting regions such
(International Schizophrenia Consortium, 2008; Sebat et al., as regulatory regions near genes, rare transcripts, and noncod-
2007), such events clearly play an important role. Several stud- ing RNAs are typically not captured comprehensively, and this
ies have found, in particular, an increased rate of de novo CNVs fact alone may for many motivate the move to whole-genome
in both autism and schizophrenia patients: such events will sequencing. The amount of data generated by whole-genome
effectively be uncensored with respect to natural selection. The sequencing is orders-of-magnitude larger than for the exome,
increased rate of de novo mutation in schizophrenia patients is and so computational challenges in analyzing and even storing
also consistent with epidemiological observations of increased the data become major concerns for large studies.
paternal age (as the probability of a germ line mutation in the A typical exome-sequencing experiment on one individual
father is known to increase with his age also). currently targets around 200,000 genomic intervals, each usu-
Approximately a dozen specific loci have been mapped ally corresponding to one exon of a protein-coding gene, around
with high statistical confidence, being likely to harbor CNVs 150 bases in length, targeting around 20,000 RefSeq genes and
that increase risk for disease (Sullivan et al., 2012). Such events spanning around 30 Mb of genomic sequence. In a high-depth
are typically large (often impacting dozens of genes), rare in sequencing study, each targeted base is often covered, on aver-
the general population (with a frequency under 1/1000), and age, by as many as 50 to 100 “short reads.” These reads are typi-
are estimated to increase risk for disease by up to 10-fold or cally 70–100 bases in length, often physically paired such that
more. Interestingly, the same CNVs have been shown to any two reads are expected to fall at nearby genomic locations.
increase risk both for autism and schizophrenia as well as Variants are discovered by aligning these reads to the refer-
other neurodevelopmental and behavioral disorders. In addi- ence sequence and looking for differences: this is a technically
tion, autism and schizophrenia patients show a modest but sig- involved and potentially error-prone procedure, although the
nificant increased burden of rare CNVs across their genomes, informatics for this have improved markedly in the past few
again consistent with the high polygenicity of neuropsychiatric years, in no small part driven by large projects such as the
disease. For other neuropsychiatric diseases, the role of CNVs 1000 Genomes. From a whole-genome sequencing study, one
is either less pronounced or no relationship has yet been clearly expects to find something on the order of 3 to 4 million variant
established. sites; from whole-exome sequencing, this figure is typically in
the range of 15,000–20,000 (depending on experimental details
as well as the ancestry of the sampled individual).
NE XT-GENERATIO N S EQ U ENC I N G When sequencing more than a few individuals, a very
TE C HNOL O GIES A ND MED IC A L large proportion of all sites discovered will be “singletons”—
S E QU E N C ING variants observed in only one of the sequenced samples, and
most of these will be novel, in the sense that they will not have
The advent of next-generation sequencing, as well as driving been previously identified and deposited in databases such as
large genomics projects such the 1000 Genomes, has been dbSNP (, which
widely and largely very successfully applied to a host of rare, currently contains around 50 million known variants. This
Mendelian diseases over the past few years. One of the most fact alone clearly poses challenges for the analysis of sequence
common applications of NGS to date has been whole-exome data to map risk alleles for disease. In practice, the rarity of
sequencing (Bamshad et al., 2011). Here targeted approaches individual variants means that researchers employ a range of
allow investigators to first greatly enrich the pool of DNA methods to statistically aggregate multiple mutations across
fragments to be sequenced for particular regions of interest: a particular gene and collectively test them for association
in the case of whole-exome sequencing, this involves “captur- with a disease, in so-called gene-based rare-variant analysis.
ing” the ~1% of the genome that is known to contain exons Although large studies of thousands of patients and controls
of protein-coding genes. This relatively small fraction of the are underway, across a range of diseases, unambiguous discov-
genome can then be sequenced at high depth (i.e., with 20 eries are yet to emerge from these studies. For common, com-
or more reads spanning most targeted bases) to ensure high plex traits, exome sequencing will be much more challenging
sensitivity to detect if not all then at least the vast majority of than for Mendelian disorders, and very large sample sizes may
variant (nonreference) sites present in an individual’s exome. well be required, as is the case for studies of common variation
In comparison with sequencing the whole genome, exome (Kiezun et al., 2012).
sequencing is still considerably cheaper per unit, although per Because genotyping technology is still cheaper and more
base sequenced, it is less cost effective. In practice, though, accurate than sequencing, a number of groups have recently
sequence data on the exome is typically more valuable in the collaborated to create an exome array (http://genome.sph.
sense that any one variant has a higher prior likelihood of that is, a standard SNP
being functional, and that one can more readily ascribe and microarray using the same technology deployed for GWAS, but
interpret that function in terms of its impact on the resulting that primarily contains approximately 200,000 low-frequency
gene product, and what else is known about that gene (e.g., mutations that are nonsynonymous (alter the protein’s
where it is expressed, what other disorders are associated with amino-acid sequence) and observed in at least two studies
mutations in that gene, what other proteins interact with the (and so represent variants that are segregating in populations
protein coded by that gene). Perhaps the main drawback with at low frequencies, perhaps 0.1%, as opposed to truly “private”

1 2 G E N E T I C M E T H O D O L O G I E S A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S | 169

mutations that may be specific to single families and may never (because de novo mutations are effectively uncensored with
be seen again). Because this array is far cheaper than exome respect to natural selection) they could in theory display a very
sequencing on a per individual basis, it can be applied rapidly high penetrance. Such “large-effect” alleles could in many cases
to very large samples. Comprehensive results from these stud- be preferable mutations to follow up in functional studies, for
ies are not yet available, although by the end of 2013, we should example, using IPS cells or animal models.
have a very clear sense of whether this particular slice of the fre- Figure 12.4 illustrates some of the different genetic designs
quency spectrum of nonsynonymous SNPs plays a major role and technologies currently available for relating DNA varia-
for many diseases, or goes toward explaining the heritability tion to phenotype, in relation to the part of the allelic frequency
not directly accounted for by the top results of GWASs. spectrum they are designed to probe. Ultimately, it is likely that
Other applications of sequencing to map rare variants for approaches that look for convergence of genetic signals across
common diseases are using families rather than standard case these different studies may be fruitful (Nejentsev et al., 2009).
control, population-based designs. Families can have a num-
ber of advantages: ascertaining families with an unusually high
“density” of affected individuals for a given disease increases the I N T E G R AT I V E A N A LY SE S O F G E N E TI C
probability that a rare highly penetrant variant is present in that N E T W O R K S A N D PAT HWAY S
family. One can, in principle, use IBD information from linkage
analysis to prioritize specific regions of the genome for sequenc- Future progress in complex traits genetics is likely to rely on
ing or analysis. One can use family information to resolve haplo- two factors, no matter what particular type of genetic study is
type phase and to impute sequence data across family members adopted: (1) increasingly large sample collections and (2) inte-
(as related individuals, by definition, represent different com- grative modeling approaches that not only consider genetic
binations of the same smaller set of “founder” chromosomes). information from different studies as illustrated in Figure 12.4,
One disadvantage is that for many adult-onset diseases it is far but also consider multiple genetic signals in their broader context
harder to collect intact family collections in large numbers. (Raychaudhuri, 2011). This includes intersection of multilocus
Additionally, one can use families to detect new, or genotype data with functional information, from gene expres-
de novo, mutations. In neuropsychiatric disease, and particu- sion studies, from protein–protein interaction networks, or
larly autism and schizophrenia, the hypothesis that de novo from other curated gene sets and pathways. Jointly modeling the
mutation may play a significant role in disease risk is attractive impact of risk variants on intermediate phenotypes or endophe-
to many researchers and is supported by the epidemiological notypes (Gottesman and Gould, 2003), for example, from brain
observation that affected individuals tend to have older fathers imaging studies, and a fuller analysis of pleiotropic effects, where
(which is, in turn, known to correlate within increased germ the same variant influences multiple (and potentially seemingly
line mutation that will be transmitted to offspring). A number unconnected) disorders or traits (Cotsapas et al., 2011; Craddock
of exome-sequencing studies using trios (affected offspring and et al., 2009), are both likely to be powerful approaches moving
two parents) have been published for these two diseases. The forward, particularly when seeded by solid knowledge of mul-
results to date are interesting and do point to nonrandom net- tiple associated loci from the primary genetics studies.
works of genes that are enriched for highly deleterious muta-
tions in patients. At the same time, it does not appear to be the
case that a sizeable proportion of affected individuals carry a A LT E R N AT I V E G E N E T I C M O DELS
de novo mutation that is likely to be the sole cause of their dis-
ease; furthermore, relatively few genes have emerged that are The majority of genetic studies assume simple, additive models
observed to be recurrently hit by de novos across these studies of effect, whether the variant is common or rare. On one hand
beyond the level expected by chance—again speaking to the this is typically a simplifying assumption of convenience made
very high polygenicity of these diseases. The genes and muta- during analysis, although in practice it is often likely to be a
tions in specific patients that do emerge from this approach reasonable one. Although there is little empirical evidence for
may well be particularly interesting to study, however, in that nonadditive effects being a generally important component of

Unique 1/1,000,000 1/100,000 1/10,000 1/1,000 1/100 1/10

De novo “Private” “Singletons” Low-frequency Common polymorphism

mutation mutations segregating variants

Exome sequencing Exome sequencing

Exome array GWAS
in families in populations

Figure 12.4 Summary of genetic study types targeting different intervals of the allelic frequency spectrum. The values along the horizontal bar indicate the minor
allele frequency that is targeted by different genetic technologies, from common variation to sequencing for newly arising mutation.

170 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

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INTR ODUC T IO N propelled epigenetics into the forefront of brain research, as

it provides a molecular system operating at the genome–
Psychiatric disorders, including autism, mood and anxiety, environment intersect, and obviously is a topic of interest
or psychosis spectrum disorders, substance abuse, and addic- deeply rooted in the concepts of modern psychology and the
tion each lack a unifying molecular or cellular pathology, and behavioral sciences. Second, recent work has revealed that each
most cases are believed to be of multifactorial etiology with of the causative mutations in a subset of monogenetic neurolog-
numerous environmental and genetic components involved. ical disorders (including but not limited to Rubinstein-Taybi,
This, taken together with the fact that laboratory animal mod- Kleefstra, Rett, and other syndromes) disrupts the function
els, including rats and mice, do not reflect the full complex- of a protein involved in the regulation of chromatin structure
ities surrounding disorders of higher cognition and emotion and function (Haggarty and Tsai, 2011). These findings from
(Nestler and Hyman, 2010), poses a formidable challenge to clinical genetics indicated that the developing brain, indeed,
the quests of understanding the pathophysiology of disease is sensitive to dysregulation of the epigenetic machinery, and
and developing efficient therapies for the majority of patients. that some neurological conditions could arise from more
Consider that conventional psychopharmacology, including widespread chromatin defects affecting the immature brain.
drugs targeting monoamine signaling, for example, dopamin- Moreover, similar types of mutations were subsequently
ergic, serotonergic, and noradrenergic pathways, elicits an found in some cases with adult-onset psychosis or dementia,
insufficient therapeutic response in one half or less of patients which implies that “chromatin disorders” encompass a much
diagnosed with schizophrenia and related illnesses (Lehman wider range of neuropsychiatric disease, contrasting the tra-
et al., 2004), or depression and anxiety (Krishnan and Nestler, ditional view that they reflect “static” lesions confined to the
2010). Thus, it will be necessary to further explore the neuro- developing nervous system (Jakocevski and Akbarian, 2012).
biology and molecular pathology of mental disorders, in order Third, a subset of chromatin-modifying drugs—compounds
to develop novel treatment strategies of higher efficacy. with inhibitory activity directed against histone deacetylases
One promising avenue of research that is moving center are a well-known example—demonstrated a promising thera-
stage in basic and clinical neurosciences alike is epi- (Greek peutic potential in animal models for cognitive and emotional
for “over,” “above”) genetics (Labrie et al., 2012). Not long disease (Machado-Vieira et al., 2011), and even for neurode-
ago epigenetics was mainly viewed through the prism of a generative conditions (Fischer et al., 2010). Finally, even some
single mark, DNA cytosine methylation, in the context of cell of the most optimistic estimates on the role of protein-coding
division related to, for example, embryonic development or sequences as genetic risk factors for major psychiatric disease
cancer. This work might suggest that epigenetics bears little predict that only 25%–50% of sporadic cases of autism and
relevance for the postnatal and mature brain with its large schizophrenia carry disease-associated mutations altering
proportion of postmitotic and differentiated cells. At least protein sequence and function (O’Roak et al., 2011; Xu et al.,
four independent lines of evidence fuel the current interest in 2011). Therefore, a subset of the remaining disease-associated
neuroepigenetics, making it repeatedly a “hot topic” at recent variants are thought to involve regulatory and probably non-
annual conventions of neuroscientists and psychiatrists. coding DNA, and by exploring the pattern and distribution
First, based on human and animal brain studies, it is becom- of various epigenetic markings (which, in concert, define
ing increasingly clear that epigenetic markings, including the functional architecture of chromatin, including open or
DNA methylation and many types of histone modifications, silenced euchromatin, constitutive heterochromatin, etc.),
remain “plastic” throughout all periods of development and one could expect to obtain important clues about the molecu-
aging, with ongoing dynamic regulation even in neurons and lar pathology associated with the disease-related DNA vari-
other differentiated cells. Changes in neuronal activity, learn- ants (Houston et al., 2012). In the following, we will, after a
ing, and memory, including the establishment of reward- and concise introduction to the various markings and molecules
addiction-related behaviors, and numerous other paradigms that define a cell’s epigenome, touch upon each of four points
all have been shown to be associated with DNA methyla- raised in the preceding, and then finish this chapter with a
tion and histone modification changes at specific genomic brief discussion about how epigenetic technologies and dis-
sequences in brain chromatin (Day and Sweatt, 2011; Robison coveries could have a lasting impact on our understanding of
and Nestler, 2011). These principal insights immediately the neurobiology and heritability of mental disorders.

172 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

THE E PI GENO ME— GENERA L P R I N C I P L E S connected by linker DNA and linker histones, comprise the
10-nm “beads-on-a-string” chromatin fiber; (2) euchromatin
The elementary unit of chromatin is the nucleosome, or 146 bp defines loose chromatin typically at sites of actively transcribed
of genomic DNA wrapped around an octamer of core histones, genes and units poised for transcription; (3) heterochromatin
connected by linker DNA and linker histones. The collective defines tightly packed nucleosomal arrays. Constitutive het-
set of covalent DNA and histone modifications and variant his- erochromatin remains highly condensed in most interphase
tones provides the major building blocks for the “epigenome,” nuclei. Examples include pericentric and telomeric repeat
or the epigenetic landscapes that define the functional architec- DNA, the inactivated X chromosome (“Barr body”) of female
ture of the genome, including its organization into many tens somatic cells, and other chromosomal structures often found
of thousands of transcriptional units, clusters of condensed in close proximity to the nuclear envelope and also around the
chromatin, and other features that are differentially regulated nucleolus (see Fig. 13.1). Facultative heterochromatin includes
in different cell types and developmental stages of the organism silenced genes that upon differentiation or other stimuli could
(Li and Reinberg, 2011; Rodriguez-Paredes and Esteller, 2011). switch to a state of active transcription.
An in-depth description of all epigenetic markings would be
far beyond this review chapter, but multiple recent excellent
D N A ( H Y D R O X Y ) - M E T H Y L AT I O N
reviews on this topic provide an excellent starting point for the
reader interested to learn more about these topics (Ederveen Two related but functionally very different types of DNA mod-
et al., 2011; Kinney et al., 2011; Zhou et al., 2011). Here, we ifications, methylation (m) and hydroxymethylation (hm) of
confine the discussion to a subset of the epigenetic markings cytosines in CpG dinucleotides, provide the bulk of the epige-
repeatedly explored in the human and animal brain. netic modifications in vertebrate DNA (Kriaucionis and Heintz,
Common terminology used in chromatin studies includes 2009). There are additional types of DNA modifications, which
(1) nucleosomes, comprised of a protein octamer of four are mostly chemical intermediates in the context of mC5 and
small proteins, the nucleosome core histones, around which hmC5 (cytosines methylated at the carbon 5 position) synthe-
146 bp of DNA is wrapped around. Transcription start sites sis and breakdown (He et al., 2011; Ito et al., 2011). While the
are often defined by a nucleosome-free interval, probably for majority of DNA (hydroxy)-methylation is found at sites of
increased access of the transcriptional initiation complex and CpG dinucleotides and, more generally, in the CpG-enriched
other regulators of gene expression. Arrays of nucleosomes, sequences of the genome, a recent study in rat cerebral cortex


pe nucleosome
envelo H2A
lear core histones
r pore
lea perinuclear H3.3

variant histones

Histone modifications

K2 monomethyl
K 4-

K9 K 4-


K9 K 4-

K2 dimethyl
K4 36
K9 K4-



7 K9




En h


K - acetyl


Silenced Gene DNA modifications

Pol II mC
C methyl-cytosine
hm dy
Ge enhancer sequence

mC expressed gene

repressive chromatin

Figure 13.1 The epigenome, from nucleus to nucleosome. Schematic illustration of a gene poised for transcription by polymerase II (Pol II) initiation complex,
with nucleosome-free interval at transcription start site (TSS). Distal enhancer sequence which in looplike structure moves in close proximity to active gene. Marks
a small subset of heterochromatic portions of the genome, including silenced gene and heterochromatic structures bordering the nuclear envelope and pore
complex, and also the nucleolar periphery. A small subset of representative histone variants and histone H3 site-specific lysine (K) residues at N-terminal tail (K4,
K9, K27, K36, K79) and H4K20 residue are shown as indicated, together with panel of mono- and trimethyl, or acetyl modifications that differentiate between
active promoters, transcribed gene bodies, and repressive chromatin, as indicated. DNA cytosines that are hydroxymethylated at the C5 position are mostly found
at active promoters, while methylated cytosines are positioned within body of actively transcribed genes and around repressed promoters and in constitutive

1 3 T H E B R A I N A N D I T S E P I G E N O M E | 173

reported that the amount of mC5 found at nonCpG sites is far overview on the principle (but by far not an exhaustive illus-
higher than previously assumed (Xie et al., 2012). The mC5 and tration of all molecular markings defining the epigenome), see
hmC5 markings show a differential (but not mutually exclu- Figure 13.1. It is important to emphasize that histone PTMs
sive) pattern of genomic occupancy. The hmC5 mark is con- rarely occur in isolation, and instead multiple histone PTMs
centrated toward the 5′ end of genes and the proximal-most appear to be coregulated and, as a group, define the aforemen-
portion of transcriptional units, and broadly correlates with tioned chromatin states (Berger, 2007). Many active promot-
local gene expression levels (Jin et al., 2011; Song et al., 2011). ers, for example, are defined by high levels of histone H3 lysine
On the other hand, less than 3% of mC5 markings are posi- 4 methylation and various histone lysine acetylation markings
tioned around the 5′ end of genes (Maunakea et al., 2010). The (Zhou et al., 2011). Furthermore, there is also evidence for a
classical concept on the transcriptional regulatory role of DNA coordinated and sequential regulation; phosphorylation of
methylation, which also has guided many brain-related stud- histone H3 at the serine (S)10 position often serves as a trig-
ies, is that promoter-bound repressive chromatin remodeling ger for subsequent acetylation of neighboring lysine residues
complexes negatively regulate transcription (Sharma et al., H3K9 and H3K14 in the context of transcriptional activation,
2005). There are many studies that report changes in promoter while at the same time blocking repression-associated methy-
DNA methylation (mostly in conjunction with decreased gene lation of H3K9 (Nowak and Corces, 2004).
expression) in preclinical models of psychosis, depression, and
addiction, as well as in brain tissue in subjects diagnosed with
one of these conditions. Interestingly, however, while the larg-
est amount, or 97%, of mC5s are found in intra- and intergenic In addition to the core histones H2A/H2B/H3/H4, histone
sequences and within DNA repeats (Maunakea et al., 2010), variants such as H3.3, H2A.Z, and H2A.X exist (Fig. 13.1). The
only few of these studies have explored brain DNA methyla- role of these variant histones, which differ from the canoni-
tion changes at repeat DNA and other sequences outside of cal histone only at very few amino acid positions, is often dis-
promoters. cussed in the context of replication-independent expression
The role of hmC5, however, in transcriptional regulation and assembly (Woodcock, 2006), and several histone variants
still remains controversial. Yi Zhang’s group (Wu et al., 2011) robustly affect nucleosome stability and compaction (Jin and
performed genome-wide profile of 5hmC in both wild-type Felsenfeld, 2007). One popular model postulates that dur-
and Tet1-depleted mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells, and their ing the process of gene expression, RNA polymerase and the
data suggested that 5hmC is enriched at both gene bodies of transcriptional activation and elongator complexes destabilize
actively transcribed genes and extended promoter regions of nucleosomes, which in turn promotes nucleosome remodeling
Polycomb-repressed developmental regulators. There is also and variant histone incorporation, which then further poten-
evidence that besides TSSs, hmC5 is also enriched in enhancer tiate or stabilize gene expression (Bintu et al., 2011; Sutcliffe
region marked by H3K4me1 and H3K27ac in human embry- et al., 2009).
onic stem cells (Stroud et al., 2011; Szulwach et al., 2011a).
From a Nature paper published (Williams et al., 2011), it was
reported that hmC5 was enriched by both TSSs and gene bod-
ies, and its catalytic enzyme TET1 interacts with Sin3A core-
pressor complex and is involved in transcriptional repression Epigenetic decoration of nucleosomes, including the DNA
of a significant portion of polycomb group target genes. and histone modifications, and histone variants described pre-
viously, in itself, would fall short to adequately describe the
epigenome, or even the localized chromatin architecture at
any given (genomic) locus. This is because nucleosomal orga-
The epigenetic regulation of chromatin by virtue of chemical nization leads to only a 7-fold increase in packaging density
histone modifications is even more complex than DNA methy- of the genetic material, as compared with naked DNA; how-
lation discussed previously, and it is now thought that there are ever, the actual level of compaction in the vertebrate nucleus in
far more than 100 amino acid residue-specific posttranslational interphase (which defines the nucleus during the time period
modifications (PTMs) in a typical vertebrate cell (Tan et al., a cell is not dividing, including postmitotic cells such as neu-
2011), including mono (me1), di (me2)-, and tri (me3) methy- rons) is about three orders of magnitude higher (Belmont,
lation, acetylation, and crotonylation; polyADP-ribosylation 2006). The chromosomal arrangements in the interphase
and small protein (ubiquitin, SUMO) modification of specific nucleus are not random, however. Specifically, loci at sites of
lysine residues; and as arginine (R) methylation and “citrul- active gene expression are more likely to be clustered together
lination,” serine (S) phosphorylation, tyrosine (T) hydroxyla- and positioned toward a central position within the nucleus,
tion, and several others (Kouzarides, 2007; Tan et al., 2011; while heterochromatin and silenced loci move more toward
Taverna et al., 2007). These site- and residue-specific PTMs the nuclear periphery (Cremer and Cremer, 2001; Duan et al.,
are typically explored in the context of chromatin structure 2010). Chromatin loopings, in particular, are among the
and function, with an epigenetic histone code (a combinato- most highly regulated “supranucleosomal” structures and are
rial set of histone PTMs that differentiates between promoters, associated with transcriptional regulation, by, for example,
gene bodies, enhancer, and other regulatory sequences, con- positioning distal regulatory enhancer or silencer elements
densed heterochromatin, and so on [Zhou et al., 2011]). For an that—in the linear genome—are positioned potentially many

174 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

hundred kilobases apart from a gene, to interact directly with SNPs will certainly require application of chromosome confor-
that specific promoter (Gaszner and Felsenfeld, 2006; Wood mation capture and related technologies.
et al., 2010). Despite the growing realization of the importance
of these and other higher order chromatin structures for tran-
scriptional regulation, this is an area where very little is known
about regulation in the nervous system, let alone potential C HR O M AT I N M A R K I N G S R E M AI N P LAS TI C
alterations in psychiatric disease. Until recently, there were T HR O U G HO U T T HE L I F E SPA N OF TH E
only three studies in the literature that explored loop forma- HU M A N B R A I N , W I T H I M P L I C ATI O N S FO R
tions in brain tissue (Dhar et al., 2009; Horike et al., 2005; Jiang T HE N E U R O B I O L O G Y O F P SY CH I ATR I C
et al., 2010), with a few additional papers using the brain as DI SE A SE
negative control for their studies on the sensory epithelium
of the nose (Lomvardas et al., 2006) or the hematopoietic sys-
tem (Simonis et al., 2006). However, to date, nothing is known
about chromatin loopings in human brain. Most or perhaps all epigenetic markings studied to date, includ-
Three-dimensional chromatin architectures are commonly ing DNA methylation, are now thought to be reversible and
mapped using derivatives of chromosome conformation cap- subject to bidirectional regulation in somatic tissues includ-
ture (3C). This technique was originally developed for simple ing brain, and there is no a priori reason for the unidirectional
eukaryote systems such as yeast (Dekker et al., 2002) but has accumulation of a specific epigenetic mark while the brain
been further advanced to include 4C, 5C, HiC, and ChIA-PET is maturing and aging (Cheung et al., 2010; Guo et al., 2011;
(Simonis et al., 2007), allowing the mapping of chromosomal Klose and Zhang, 2007; Loenarz and Schofield, 2011; Miller
architectures across many megabases, or in the case of HiC and Sweatt, 2007; Ooi and Bestor, 2008). Nonetheless, multiple
and ChIA-PET, even genome-wide. At its core, the technique lines of evidence suggest that there is substantial reorganiza-
explores physical interactions between DNA fragments sepa- tion of chromatin structures during the course of postnatal
rated by interspersed sequence (chromosome architecture in development and aging. Human cerebral cortex, for example,
cis) or between sequences positioned in different chromosomes shows complex and gene-specific changes in the amount of
(interactions in trans). Cross-linked chromatin is digested with methyl-cytosine (mC5; cytosines are methylated at the car-
a specific restriction enzyme, religated and amplified using bon 5 position). There is a fast rise in mC5 at many promoters
primer pairs for which forward and reverse primers match to during the transition from peri- to postnatal ages that contin-
different portions of the genomic locus of interest. It will be ues at a slower pace into old age in conjunction with subtle
important to clarify in the nearby future whether the 3C tech- changes (mostly a decline) in expression of transcripts origi-
nique and its derivatives are applicable to human postmortem nating from these promoters (Hernandez et al., 2011; Numata
brain tissue. If so, then the exploration of chromatin loopings in et al., 2012; Siegmund et al., 2007). Such age-related epigenetic
normal and diseased brain could potentially provide valuable drifts could impact vulnerability to neurodegenerative dis-
insights about the chromosomal architectures surrounding ease. A fascinating example has been recently reported for the
any given locus, including potential aberrations in the context cerebellum of the mouse, where levels of the mC5 derivative,
of disease-associated polymorphisms or DNA structural vari- hydroxymethyl-cytosine 5hmC, increase by 10-fold from post-
ants. Presently, the exploration of many regulatory sequences natal Week 1 to adulthood (Szulwach et al., 2011b). Notably,
is simply not possible because they are, to put it simply, not among the genes that are affected by increasing 5hmC amounts
“visible” in the linear genome sequence, because of their spa- at their promoters during cerebellar maturation, pathways for
tial separation from transcription start sites or annotated genes aging-related neurodegenerative diseases and angiogenesis
by many hundreds of kilobases, potentially. To highlight the were overrepresented and included at least 15 genes linked
potential use of chromosome conformation capture in the con- to hereditary forms of spinocerebellar ataxia, a neurologi-
text of psychiatric disease, consider the example of the major cal syndrome defined by severe motor dysfunction with the
histocompatibility complex (MHC) locus, which long has been degeneration of cerebellar Purkinje neurons and other systems
implicated in psychiatric disease (Smeraldi et al., 1976), con- (Szulwach et al., 2011b). Also, of relevance, ten-eleven trans-
ferring significant genetic risk to schizophrenia and related location (TET) proteins are responsible for converting mC5
disease as most recently shown in three large genome-wide to hmC5, and the active domains of these proteins belong to
association studies (GWASs) published jointly in 2009 (Purcell the same dioxygenase superfamily as hypoxia-inducible factor
et al., 2009; Shi et al., 2009; Stefansson et al., 2009). These studies (HIF), an oxygen sensor that has been ascribed with a key role
identified up to 45 disease-associated SNPs (single-nucleotide in angiogenesis and oxidative stress responses (Szulwach et al.,
polymorphisms) in the 26–33 megabase region of the MHC 2011b). It will be extremely interesting to explore whether oxi-
loci on chromosome 6. Strikingly, 50% of these SNPs are not dation and other stress factors in the cellular environment, via
located near genes. In fact, the strongest SNP at rs13194053 TET-mediated regulation of DNA methylation levels, could
(p = 9.54 × 10−9) is more than 29 kb away from its nearest gene, leave a lasting imprint on chromatin structures in neurons
HIST1H2AH. A functional role for many intergenic regions or glia.
would not be surprising since many intergenic regions alter Like the aforementioned dynamic changes in DNA methy-
expression of upstream and downstream genes (Kleinjan and lation during the course of development and aging, the epi-
van Heyningen, 2005), and the mechanistic workup of these genetic landscapes of histone modifications also undergo

1 3 T H E B R A I N A N D I T S E P I G E N O M E | 175

substantial reorganization across the life span of the human steroid signaling, immune defense, and inflammation-related
brain. For example, histone methylation markings that differ- genes, consistent with various lines of evidence implicating
entiate between open and repressive chromatin surrounding some degree of peripheral immune dysregulation in this dis-
NMDA receptor gene promoters show highly dynamic changes order (Smith et al., 2011; Uddin et al., 2010). Based on the
in cerebellar cortex during the transition from perinatal stages aforementioned studies in blood, one would predict that brain
and infancy to adulthood (Stadler et al., 2005) that reflect, in chromatin, too, is involved in the neurobiology of PTSD, and
part, development changes in levels of the corresponding gene human postmortem brain shows distinct DNA and histone
transcripts (Akbarian et al., 1996). Furthermore, hundreds of methylation changes in amydgala and hippocampus, ventral
loci undergo histone methylation changes in cortical neurons striatum, and other anatomical structures with a critical role
during the first few years of life (Cheung et al., 2010). The brains for emotion, affect, and memory (Zovkic and Sweatt, 2012).
from mice that are prone to accelerated senescence (the SAMP8 Indeed, there is excessive methylation of the glucocorticoid
line) and have learning and memory deficits show age-related receptor gene promoter NR3C1 and ribosomal DNA repeats
drifts in histone PTMs: these epigenetic drifts are defined by in the hippocampus of adult suicide victims who also suffered
a loss of the markings associated with active gene expression, childhood abuse (McGowan et al., 2008, 2009). Furthermore,
such as histone H4 lysine 20 monomethyl (H4-K20me1) and the prefrontal cortex of suicide completers exhibits a shift from
H3-K36me3 (Fig. 13.1), in conjunction with a robust rise in open to repressive chromatin-associated histone methylation
the repressive mark, H3-K27me3 (Wang et al., 2010). The hip- for the TRKB neurotrophin high-affinity receptor, and for
pocampus of aged, 16-month-old wild-type mice shows defi- various genes regulating polyamine metabolism (Ernst et al.,
cits in acetylated histone H3-lysine 12 (H4K12) (Peleg et al., 2009; Fiori and Turecki, 2010). Furthermore, downregulated
2010), a histone PTM that is broadly correlated with the tran- histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2) expression in ventral striatum
scriptional elongation process (Hargreaves et al., 2009). In of subjects diagnosed with depression is thought to lead to an
addition, drugs with histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) overall increase in histone H3 acetylation in this mesolim-
activity induce upregulation of H4-K12ac dramatically and bic structure (Covington et al., 2009). In the aforementioned
thereby could improve hippocampal-dependent learning and studies, many of these epigenetic changes are associated with
memory in aged mice (Peleg et al., 2010). It is possible that decreased expression of the corresponding gene transcripts,
age-related drifts in brain epigenomes negatively affect neu- which reaffirms the importance of epigenetic mechanisms and
ronal (Fischer et al., 2010; Lu et al., 2004) and oligodendro- transcriptional regulation for the pathophysiology of psychi-
glial (Copray et al., 2009) transcriptomes, thereby contributing atric disease.
to a decline in the signaling capacity of nerve cells, defects in While postmortem brains of psychiatric disease cases are
axon myelination, and other molecular defects that have been notoriously hampered by the fact that most subjects received
linked to cognitive disorders of the adult brain, including those psychoactive medication prior to death, some evidence from
that like Alzheimer’s disease are associated with neurodegen- animal studies would suggest that at least a subset of the chro-
eration (Yankner et al., 2008) and others such as schizophrenia matin changes in diseased brain, as mentioned previously, are
that are not accompanied by ongoing loss of nerve cells (Tang not mere epiphenomena due to medication or postmortem con-
et al., 2009). Taken together, these findings leave little doubt founds such as tissue autolysis but, instead, closely associated
that brain epigenomes are indeed subject to dynamic changes with the disease process. To mention just two examples, the hip-
throughout all periods of maturation and aging, which may pocampal glucocorticoid receptor gene Nr3c1 shows excessive
have important implications for the neurobiology of disease. methylation not only in patients (McGowan et al., 2009), but
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is probably a good also in adults rats brought up with suboptimal maternal care
example to illustrate how current concepts in epigenetics influ- (“low licking” versus “high licking” mothers) (Weaver et al.,
ence thoughts about pathophysiology of psychiatric disease. 2004), and chronic social defeat stress in mice and rats elicits
Obviously, from a heuristic perspective, it is very attractive to histone acetylation changes in ventral striatum and hippocam-
design working hypotheses that attribute a key role for epige- pus very similar to those encountered in depressed human sub-
netic markings inside the nucleus of neurons and other brain jects (Covington et al., 2009; Hollis et al., 2010).
cells subserving a memory function that, in response to an
intense “environmental” influence (e.g., trauma), convey last-
ing alterations in a subject’s emotional and physical health M O N O G E N E T I C E T I O L O G I E S OF
and resilience (Zovkic and Sweatt, 2012). Indeed, some recent N E U R O P Y C HI AT R I C DI SE A SE I N CL UD E S
studies in human subjects point to the promising potential of M U TAT I O N S I N P R O T E I N S I N V OLVE D I N
such types of working models. For example, a recent study on R E A DI N G , W R I T I N G , O R E R A S UR E OF
peripheral cells collected pre- and postdeployment from U.S. EPIGENETIC MARKINGS
military service members identified global DNA methylation
levels in repetitive DNA sequences, including LINE-1 and Alu There are many hundreds of genes that encode proteins that
repeat elements, as biomarkers that were significantly asso- either write, erase, or read the molecular markings of the epig-
ciated with resilience or, conversely, vulnerability to PTSD enome (Filippakopoulos et al., 2010; Janzen et al., 2010); how-
(Rusiecki et al., 2012). Similarly, studies in civilian/urban pop- ever, we want to make the reader aware that some experts feel
ulations discovered that changes in blood DNA methylation this type of terminology can be misleading, especially because
signatures in PTSD subjects selectively affected cytokine and the regulation of many epigenetic markings could turn out to

176 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

be only a “cog” in the chromatin-remodeling machinery but cause Rett syndrome (RTT), a disorder of early childhood with
not a key driver (Henikoff and Shilatifard, 2011). The genome an incidence of 1 in 10,000 that is associated with cognitive def-
encodes three DNA methyltransferases, DNMT1, DNMT3a, icits and a broad range of neurological symptoms (Amir et al.,
and DNMT3b, that establish and maintain DNA methylation 1999; Chouery et al., 2011), but are also thought to be respon-
markings, and in addition, there are complex DNA demethyla- sible for some cases of autism and schizophrenia with onset
tion pathways involving mC5 hydroxylation and oxidation via in childhood or adolescence (Piton et al., 2011). Furthermore,
ten-eleven translocation dioxygenases, or activation-induced consider the DNA variants and mutations encompassing the
deaminase (AID)/APOBEC-mediated deamination of mC5 KMT1D gene (9q34.3), encoding a histone H3-lysine 9 specific
or hmC5, followed by base excision repair-mediated replace- methyltransferase initially recognized as the causative gene
ment with (unmethylated) cytosine (Bhutani et al., 2011; Guo responsible for a distinct neurodevelopmental and multiorgan
et al., 2011). Furthermore, the collective set of histone meth- syndome, the Kleefstra mental retardation syndrome (Kleefstra
yltransferases (KMTs) and demethylases (KDMs) together et al., 2009). Meanwhile, however, KMT1D mutations are also
could easily account for >100 genes in a mammalian genome, responsible for some cases with schizophrenia (Kirov et al.,
suggestiong that the molecular framework to establish and 2012), and various nonspecific psychiatric phenotypes and
erase histone methylation marks is likely to be extremely com- even neurodegenerative disease in the postadolescence period
plex and probably differentially regulated across various cell (Verhoeven et al., 2011).
types, or developmental stages, of the organism (Copeland Taken together, these findings leave little doubt that muta-
et al., 2009; Rotili and Mai, 2011). Reader proteins, which tions that fall within the coding sequence or otherwise affect
bind to a specific epigenetic mark, are defined by their char- levels of expression of a select set of regulatory proteins involved
acteristic “reader module”; well-studied examples include in DNA or histone methylation could cause neuropsychiatric
the methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD) for mC5-DNA, the disease even after brain development has largely been com-
bromodomain for lysine acetylation, and “chromo,” “Tudor,” pleted, including some cases diagnosed with psychosis or ear-
malignant brain tumor (“MBT),” “WD40repeat,” plant home- ly-onset dementia. One could speculate that DNMT1, MECP2,
odomain (PHD) finger domains targeting methylated lysines KMT1D, and other monogenetic causes of neuropsychiatric
or arginines in a residue-specific manner (Taverna et al., 2007). disease (Jakocevski and Akbarian, 2012) could then also play
For the “open-chromatin” mark histone H3-trimethyl-lysine a wider role in the pathophysiology of autism, schizophrenia,
4 (H3K4me3), these include many components of the RNA and other illnesses, outside of what has been discussed—and
polymerase II–associated transcriptional initiation complex, among the overall population of psychiatric patients very
while other marks such as H3K9me3 are primarily targeted rarely occurring—cases with mutations and deletions of these
by transcriptional repressors and regulators of chromatin con- chromatin regulatory proteins. For example, a recent post-
densation (Vermeulen et al., 2010). mortem study on 16 cases on the autism spectrum, exploring
The collective set of reader, writer, and eraser proteins genome-wide occupancies of histone H3-tri-methyl-lysine
includes at least 15 genes that are associated with monogenetic 4 (H3K4me3), a mark sharply upregulated at transcription
forms of neurodevelopmental or adult-onset neuropsychiatric start sites (see Fig. 13.1) in prefrontal neurons, reported an
disease (Jakocevski and Akbarian, 2012). While an exhaustive abnormally broad histone methylation profile (“spreading”) at
discussion of these various neurodevelopmental syndromes the 5′ end of many hundreds or thousands of genes for four
would be beyond the scope of this book chapter, it is important of their cases, while the remaining twelve cases showed much
to point out that while chromatin defects in the brain were until more limited alterations at a few loci only (Shulha et al., 2012).
very recently considered static lesions of early development that While purely speculative at this point, it remains possible that
occurred in the context of rare genetic syndromes, it is now clear these subsets of autism cases with an apparently more gener-
that mutations and maladaptations of the epigenetic machin- alized abnormality in prefrontal histone methylation profiles
ery cover a much wider continuum, including adult-onset are affected by defects in the pathways governing the writing,
neurodegenerative disease. For example, while hypomorphic reading, or erasure of H3K4me3 and related markings. These
(partial loss-of-function) mutations in the DNA methyltrans- may include pathways that are critical for the orderly activity of
ferase DNMT3B were already known to cause a multiorgan KDM5C/SMCX/JARID1C, the X-linked H3K4-specific histone
syndrome—Immunodeficiency, Centromere Instability, Facial demethylase that is also responsible for some cases of mental
anomalies (ICF 1)—that includes mental retardation and defec- retardation, autism, and other neurodevelopmental disease, or
tive brain development (Hansen et al., 1999; Okano et al., 1999), the H3K4 methyltransferase MLL1 previously implicated in the
it was only recently discovered that select mutations in DNA neurobiology of schizophrenia (Adegbola et al., 2008; Akbarian
methyltransferase–coding regions, including DNMT1, are and Huang, 2009; Huang et al., 2007; Iwase et al., 2007).
responsible for some cases of hereditary sensory and autonomic
neuropathy, type 1 (HSAN1) (Klein et al., 2011), a rare neuro-
degenerative condition characterized by various neuropathies “ E P I G E N E T I C DR U G ” DE V E L OP ME N T I N
and early-onset dementia in the third or fourth decade of life. In P SY C HI AT RY — R E A DY F O R P R I ME TI ME ?
other pedigrees, DNMT1 mutations were linked to narcolepsy
and late-onset deafness and cerebellar ataxia (Winkelmann While most major psychiatric disorders, including the broader
et al., 2012). Likewise, structural variants in the X-linked gene range of autism, mood, or psychosis spectrum disorders, each
MECP2, encoding the methyl-CpG-binding protein 2, not only lack a unifying neuropathology, the pathophysiology almost

1 3 T H E B R A I N A N D I T S E P I G E N O M E | 177

certainly involves dysregulated gene expression in cerebral ataxia (Baltan et al., 2011; Chuang et al., 2009; Fischer et al.,
cortex and other brain regions. Starting with the initial reports 2010; Tsou et al., 2009).
on gene expression changes in prefrontal cortex and hip- Similar to the HDACi previously mentioned, there is
pocampus of subjects diagnosed with schizophrenia, a large some evidence for the therapeutic potential of drugs affect-
number of postmortem brain studies have been published, ing histone methylation, but it remains unclear whether these
collectively suggesting that distinct sets of gene transcripts are findings would in the future bear fruit and lead to novel psy-
frequently, albeit never consistently, expressed at altered levels chiatric treatment options. Of interest are small molecules
in at least a subset of psychiatric disease cases, when compared such as BIX-01294, which inhibit a select set of histone meth-
with control brain cohorts. Well-known examples, as they per- yltransferases (HMTs), including histone H3K9-specific HMT
tain to schizophrenia or mood disorder, involve transcripts G9a/Glp (Kubicek et al., 2007). The H3K9 methylation mark,
for GABAergic inhibitory signaling, or myelination and other particularly the di- and trimethylated forms, are associated
oligodendrocyte-specific function, and in some studies more with repression and negative regulation of transcription, and
generalized transcriptome changes compromising metabolic consequently, expression of some genes in brains is increased
activities, as well as many markers of pre- and postsynaptic after exposure to BIX-01294 (Kubicek et al., 2007). Behavioral
neurotransmission (Akbarian and Huang, 2006; Aston et al., changes after BIX-01294 have been reported as well, includ-
2004; Benes, 2010; Charych et al., 2009; Dracheva et al., 2004; ing increased reward and addiction behavior in the con-
Duncan et al., 2010; Guidotti et al., 2005; Hakak et al., 2001; text of cocaine and other stimulant exposure (Maze et al.,
Hashimoto et al., 2008; Katsel et al., 2005; Martins-de-Souza 2010). The drug’s mechanism of action could, at least in part,
et al., 2009; Regenold et al., 2007; Sibille et al., 2009; Tkachev involve the inhibition of G9a/Glp-mediated repressive chro-
et al., 2003; Woo et al., 2008). matin remodeling at the promoters of Bdnf, Cdk5, Arc, and
Therefore, drugs that interfere with chromatin-bound other genes, which then in turn could lead to increased spine
proteins involved in transcriptional regulation could be of density and synaptic connectivity (Maze et al., 2010). Like
interest both to preclinical researchers interested in modeling the histone-modifying drugs previously discussed, several
the aforementioned gene expression deficits in the animal, as structurally unrelated DNA methylation inhibitors, includ-
well as to groups in academia or industry that are interested ing cytidine analogues 5-azacytidine or compounds such as
in exploring novel psychopharmacologic treatments. In this N-phthalyl-L-tryptophan/RG108, when administered directly
context, it is worth mentioning that sodium valproate, one of into brain tissue of mice and rats, alter synaptic plasticity and
the most frequently prescribed drugs in neurology and psy- hippocampal learning and memory and are thereby associated
chiatry largely due to its anticonvulsive and mood-stabilizing with powerful modulation of reward- and addiction-related
properties, is a weak but broadly acting inhibitor of histone behavior (Han et al., 2010; LaPlant et al., 2010; Levenson et al.,
deacetylase enzymes (HDAC) (Guidotti et al., 2011). Histone 2006; Lubin et al., 2008; Miller et al., 2010; Miller and Sweatt,
acetylation is viewed as a facilitative signal for transcription, 2007). Whatever the underlying mechanism of action, we pre-
while HDAC cleaves off the acetyl groups from the histone dict that, as in cancer treatment and other areas of medicine
lysine residues and is commonly associated with repressive where presently worldwide hundreds of clinical trials involve
chromatin remodeling (Sharma et al., 2006). Thus, HDAC epigenetic drug targets, in psychiatry, too, the therapeutic
inhibitors (HDACi) are thought to upregulate gene expres- potential of chromatin-modifying drugs will soon be tested
sion at some loci, by shifting the balance toward acetylation (of on a broader basis, given the plethora of promising findings
promoter-bound histones). For example, it has been suggested that are currently emerging from preclinical and translational
that valproate-induced histone hyperacetylation may exert research.
some of its therapeutic effects via transcriptional upregulation
at “GABAergic” and other neuronal genes (Guidotti et al., 2011).
In animal experiments, histone deacetylase inhibitors improve E P I G E N E T I C S A S A T O O L T O EX P LO R E
learning and memory function in a variety of paradigms, DI SE A SE - A SSO C I AT E D DN A ST R UCTUR AL
including at advanced age and also in mice with mutation in VA R I A N T S A N D P O LY M O R P HI SMS
Creb-binding protein, CBP (which is mutated in subjects with O U T SI DE O F P R O T E I N - C O DI NG
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome). Other preclinical work strongly SE Q U E N C E S
suggests that HDACi may exert therapeutic effects in depres-
sion and related psychiatric illnesses (Covington et al., 2009; As already discussed, a significant portion of (psychiat-
Morris et al., 2010; Schroeder et al., 2007). Whether HDACi’s ric) disease-associated mutations and polymorphisms are
would emerge in the future, indeed, as novel psychophar- thought to cause functional changes other than alterations
macologic treatment options for the treatment of psychiatric in protein-coding sequence. This poses a potential challenge,
disorders is not yet clear. However, it is the broad therapeutic as the functional role of the “normal” DNA sequence and the
potential of HDACi in the animal model, which goes far beyond (disease-related) structural variants may be hard to discern
the aforementioned psychiatric conditions and includes acute by sequence analyses alone. To provide the reader with an
and chronic neurodegeneratived disease including acute brain illustrative example of the challenging tasks that lie ahead
injury and stroke, as well as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Lou for psychiatric (epi)genetics, consider the example of the
Gehrig’s (motor neuron) disease, and various triplet repeat major histocompatibility complex locus, which long has been
disorders including Huntington’s chorea and spinocerebellar implicated in mental illness, conferring significant genetic

178 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

risk for schizophrenia and related diseases as most recently more subtle contribution to disease risk, such as GAD1 encod-
shown in three large genome-wide association studies pub- ing glutamic acid decarboxylase (67kDa) GABA synthesis
lished jointly in 2009 (Purcell et al., 2009; Shi et al., 2009; enzyme, for which some halplotypes and polymorphisms, posi-
Stefansson et al., 2009). Intergenic disease–associated SNPs tioned within a few Kb from the GAD1 transcription start site,
identified in the MHC region of chromosome 6 may interact confer genetic risk for accelerated loss of frontal lobe gray mat-
via proteins with functional regions of the genome. Indeed, ter (Addington et al., 2005; Straub et al., 2007) and, via epistatic
when open chromatin-associated histone methylation mark- interaction with catechol-o-methyltransferase (COMT) alleles,
ings, including the H3K4 tri- and mono-methyl mark, and regulate synaptic dopamine and modulate overall GABA tissue
the genomic occupancy pattern of the transcription factor levels in the prefrontal cortex (Marenco et al., 2010). The same
(and potential barrier protein preventing the uncontrolled genetic variants surrounding the GAD1 promoter recently
spread of heterochromatin), CTCF (CCCTC-binding factor), emerged as a major driver for the disease-related decline in
was profiled in neuronal chromatin from human prefrontal GAD67 transcript and the epigenetic decoration of the proxi-
cortex and in peripheral cell lines, it became apparent that mal GAD1 promoter in subjects with schizoprenia, including
several schizophrenia-associated SNPs are highly enriched the balance between “open” and “repressive” histone methy-
with one or several of these markings (Fig. 13.2). Because lation markings histone H3 trimethyl-lysines, K4me3 and
the H3K4 tri- and mono-methyl markings are often associ- K27me3 (Huang et al., 2007). These findings, taken together,
ated with transcriptional regulation, including promoter- clearly illustrate the potential of epigenetic approaches to shed
and enhancer-like functions, one could speculate that the light on the functional impact of structural variants involving
risk alleles are probably interfering with local transcription. regulatory, noncoding DNA, both for rare mutations with high
While this is purely speculative at this point in time, the pre- disease risk/penetrance (e.g., FMR1 in fragile X) or for com-
ceding example illustrates how the study of epigenetic mark- mon variants that make only much smaller contribution to the
ings bears the potential to provide important clues on the role overall disease risk (e.g., GAD1 in schizophrenia).
of otherwise poorly characterized DNA sequences outside of
coding regions.
Obviously, the study of chromatin structures could also SY N O P SI S A N D O U T L O O K
provide important information for DNA sequences for which
a functional role is already known, such as an annotated pro- “Neuroepigenetics” is a new discipline (Day and Sweatt, 2010)
moter. One of the best-known examples involves the fragile that presently takes center stage in the field of mental health
X mental retardation (FMR1) gene in fragile X mental retar- research, mainly because: (1) Recent findings suggest that the
dation syndrome, where the abnormal expansion of a CGG epigenetic landscapes of the human brain remain “plastic”
codon from (normally) 5–40 repeats from 50 to over 200 trig- throughout all periods of brain development and aging, with
gers excessive promoter DNA methylation, effectively shutting ongoing dynamic regulation occurring even in neurons and
down gene expression by silencing the surrounding chromatin other postmitotic constituents (Cheung et al., 2010; Hernandez
(Oberle et al., 1991). This is true even for genes with a much et al., 2011; Numata et al., 2012; Siegmund et al., 2007). (2) The

Scale 100 kb hg19

chr6: 27,050,000 27,100,000 27,150,000 27,200,000
Schizophrenia Associated SNPs
UCSC Genes (RefSeq, UniProt, CCDS, Rfam, tRNAs & Comparative Genomics)


H3K4Me1 Mark (Often Found Near Regulatory Elements) on 7 cell lines from ENCODE
ENCODE H3K4Me3 Mark (Often Found Near Promoters) on 7 cell lines from ENCODE
UMMS Brain Histone H3K4me3 (NeuN+ D6) Gender-male Age-4.7

Figure 13.2 Epigenetic profiles encompassing the MHC region on chromosome 6, which harbors strong linkage disequilibrium (r2 = 0.52–0.77) of five schizophrenia
single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region (27,000,000–27,300,000) (Purcell et al., 2009; Stefansson et al.,
2009). The most significant SNP rs6913660 is located greater than 50 kb from the nearest gene (HIST1H2BJ). The chr 6:27,000,000–27,300,000 region on the
UCSC genome browser is shown with six tracks represented: (i) five schizophrenia-associated SNPs in linkage disequilibrium in the following order: rs6904071,
rs926300, rs6913660, rs13219181, and rs1319453; (ii) UCSC genes; (iii) histone 3 lysine 4 monomethylation (H3K4me1) marks on seven cells from ENCODE;
(iv) histone 3 lysine 4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) marks on seven cell lines from ENCODE; (v) H3K4me3 marks from prefrontal cortex neuron in a 4.7-year-old boy;
and (vi) CTCF ChIP-seq data from the NHEK cell line. Notice that several schizophrenia-associated SNPs are found within H3K4me1, H3K4me3, and CTCF peak
sequences, indicating possible physical interactions between these various chromatin fragments.

1 3 T H E B R A I N A N D I T S E P I G E N O M E | 179

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INTR ODU C T IO N driving core biological processes associated with the disease.
Integrating large-scale, high-dimensional molecular and phys-
Our understanding of common human diseases and how best iological data holds promise in not only defining the molecular
to treat them are hampered by the complexity of the human networks that directly respond to genetic and environmental
system in which they are manifested. Unlike simple Mendelian perturbations that associate with disease, but also in causally
disorders in which highly expressive, highly penetrant muta- associating such networks with the physiological states associ-
tions make it possible to identify the causal genes within fami- ated with disease.
lies, segregating traits associated with the disorders (Mulvihill, Of course, genetics is but one dimension in a big sea of
1999), common human diseases originate from a more com- data dimensions that we can now leverage to better under-
plex interplay between constellations of changes in DNA (both stand human conditions such as psychiatric disorders. Models
rare and common variation) and a broad range of environ- of disease that consider a greater diversity of data that inform
mental factors like diet, age, sex, and exposure to environmen- on disease will necessarily deliver more accurate diagnoses. In
tal toxins. fact, we are in the midst of a big data revolution that permeates
With roughly 3 billion nucleotides making up the human nearly every aspect of our lives. Electronic devices that con-
genome, the number of nucleotide changes that can affect the sume much of our attention on a daily basis enable rapid trans-
activities of a moderate to large number of genes is effectively actions among individuals on unprecedented scales, where all
infinite with respect to our ability to experimentally deter- of the information involved in these daily transactions can be
mine the effects of combinations of such changes. Whereas seamlessly stored in digital form, whether the transactions
the focus in years past regarding DNA variation and its involve monitoring of activity levels using Fitbit-like devices,
association to disease had been focused on protein-coding cell phone calls, text messages, credit card purchases, e-mail,
sequences, given declarations of intergenic DNA being com- or visits to the doctor’s office in which all tests carried out
prised mainly of “junk” (Smith et al., 1972), today we know are digitized and entered into your electronic medical record
that greater than 80% of the human genome is actively bound (Fig. 14.1). The digital universe more generally now far exceeds
by proteins that regulate the expression of genes (Ecker et al., one zettabyte (i.e., 21 zeros or one billion terabytes—think
2012), providing a vast array of knobs and switches to mod- 63 billion 16 gigabyte iPhones). Thus, our ability to store and
ulate not only the activity of genes, but also of whole gene access unimaginable scales of data has been revolutionized by
networks. Therefore, leveraging naturally occurring DNA technological innovations that are often observed to operate at
variation in human populations can be considered among super Moore’s law rates.
the most attractive approaches to inferring the constellation The life and biomedical sciences have not stood on the
of genes that affect disease risk. For most noncancer human sidelines of this revolution. There has been an incredible wave
diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, autism, and schizophrenia, of new technologies in genomics—such as next-generation
changes in DNA that correlate with changes in disease can be sequencing technologies (Eid et al., 2009), sophisticated imag-
inferred as tagging or directly representing causal components ing systems, and mass spectrometry-based flow cytometry
of disease. In this way, the DNA variation directly elucidates (Bandura et al., 2009)—enabling data to be generated at very
disease etiology and so is extremely useful. Genome-wide large scales. As a result we can monitor the expression of tens
association studies (GWAS) are now well proven to uncover of thousands of protein- and noncoding genes simultaneously
genetic loci that affect disease risk or disease progression (Chen et al., 2008; Emilsson et al., 2008), score hundreds of
(Stranger et al., 2011). thousands of SNPs (single-nucleotide polymorphisms) in
The complex array of interacting factors does not influ- individual samples (Sklar et al., 2011; Stranger et al., 2011),
ence the activity of single genes in isolation but, instead, affects sequence entire human genomes now for less than $5,000
entire network states that, in turn, increase or decrease the risk (Drmanac et al., 2012), and relate all of these data patterns to a
of disease or affect disease severity. In the context of common great diversity of other biologically relevant information (clini-
human diseases, the disease states can be considered as emer- cal data, biochemical data, social networking data, etc.). Given
gent properties of molecular networks (Chen et al., 2008), as technologies on the horizon like the IBM DNA transistor with
opposed to responses to changes in a small number of genes theoretical sequencing limits in the hundreds of millions of

1 4 N E T W O R K M E T H O D S F O R E L U C I D AT I N G T H E C O M P L E X I T Y O F C O M M O N H U M A N D I S E A S E S | 183


Weather and

Air traffic DATA


Security and Individual

automation patient

Biomedical research
and personal health

Cell phone,
texts, digital
music and
and treatment
Diagnostics Therapies
Real time traffic

Financial markets $
and services

Figure 14.1 Big data is all around us, enabled by technological advances in micro- and nanoelectronics, nano materials, interconnectivity provided by sophisticated
telecommunication infrastructure, massive network-attached storage capabilities, and commodity-based high-performance computing infrastructures. The ability
to store all credit card transactions, all cell phone traffic, all e-mail traffic, video from extensive networks of surveillance devices, and satellite and ground sensing
data informing on all aspects of the weather and overall climate, and to now generate and store massive data informing on our personal health including whole-
genome sequencing data and extensive imagining data, is driving a revolution in high-end data analytics to make sense of the big data, and drive more accurate
descriptive and predictive models that inform decision making on every level, whether identifying the next big security threat or making the best diagnosis and
treatment choice for a given patient.

bases per second per transistor (imagine millions of these tran- of complex biological systems is one of a dynamic, fluid sys-
sistors packed together in a single handheld device) (Schadt tem that is able to reconfigure itself as conditions demand
et al., 2010), we would not be talking in the future about Google (Barabasi and Oltvai, 2004; Han et al., 2004; Luscombe et al.,
rolling through neighborhoods with Wi-Fi-sniffing equipment 2004; Pinto et al., 2004; Zerhouni, 2003). Despite these trans-
(Kravets, 2010), but rather, we’ll be talking about DNA-sniffing formative advances in technology and the need to embrace
equipment rolling through neighborhoods sequencing every- complexity, it remains difficult to assess where we are with
thing they encounter in real time and then pumping such data respect to our understanding of living systems, relative to a
into big data clouds to link with all other available information complete comprehension of such systems. One of the primary
in the digital universe. difficulties in our making such an assessment is that the suite
If we want to achieve understanding from big data, orga- of research tools available to us seldom provides insights into
nize it, compute on it, and build predictive models from it, then aspects of the overall picture of the system that are not directly
we must employ statistical reasoning beyond the more classic measured.
hypothesis testing of yesteryear. We have moved well beyond In this chapter I discuss a particular class of model-
the idea that we can simply repeat experiments to validate ing approaches that integrate diverse types of data on broad
findings generated in populations. In fact, while first instances scales, in ways that enable others to interpret their data in a
of the central dogma of biology looked something like the more holistic, informative context, to derive predictions that
simple graph depicted in Figure 14.2 (top), today, given that inform decision making on multiple levels, whether decid-
the complex interplay of multiple dimensions of data (DNA, ing on the next set of genes to validate experimentally or the
RNA, protein, metabolite, cellular, physiologic, ecologic, and best treatment for a given individual, given detailed molecu-
social structures more generally) demands a more holistic lar and higher order data on their condition. Central to these
view be taken in which we embrace complexity in its entirety, models will be inferring causality among molecular traits and
the central dogma is evolving to look something more like the between molecular and higher order traits by leveraging DNA
graph depicted in Figure 14.2 (bottom). Our emerging view as a systematic source of perturbation. In contrast to the more

184 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

Original Central Dogma of Biology

DNA RNA Protein

Evolving Central Dogma of Biology


Transcription tRNA rRNA

replication snRNA Proteins Phosphorylation

Epigenetic viRNA miRNA

(modified Replication Prions

piwiRNA siRNA scRNA

RNA Binding Proteins

Reverse Transcriptase ADAR
Spliceosome (RNA Editing)

Figure 14.2 The evolving central dogma of biology. The upper panel represents the original central dogma of biology, a simple view driven by early observations
with low-resolution tools that uncovered a central relationship between DNA, RNA, and proteins, namely, that RNA is transcribed from DNA, and RNA, in turn,
is translated into proteins. New higher resolution technologies have enabled a far more complex view of the central dogma to emerge (bottom panel), with
epigenetic changes to DNA that are transgenerational, leading to non-Mendelian patterns of inheritance, a complex array of RNA molecules such as microRNA,
viRNA, piwiRNA, and siRNA that do not code for proteins but carry out complex regulatory functions, and sophisticated protein complexes involved in splicing,
RNA editing, and RNA binding all feeding back on transcription, leading to a more network-oriented view of the central dogma.

qualitative approaches biological researchers have employed the ecological levels, we would achieve a more complete under-
in the past, getting the most from these new types of high- standing of the cellular-, organ-, and organism-level processes
dimensional, large-scale data requires constructing more that underlie complex phenotypes such as disease, much in the
complex, predictive models from them, refining the ability same way we achieve understanding by watching a movie. The
of such models to assess disease risk, progression, and best continuous flow of information in a movie enables our minds
treatment strategies, and ultimately translating these complex to exercise an array of priors that provide the appropriate con-
models into a clinical setting where doctors can employ them text and that constrain the possible relationships (structures)
as tools to understand most optimally your current condition not only within a given frame or scene, but also over the entire
and how best to improve it. Such solutions require a robust course of the movie. As our senses take in all of the stream-
engineering approach, where integrating the new breed of ing audio and visual information, our internal network recon-
large-scale datasets streaming out of the biological sciences struction engine (centered at the brain) pieces the information
and constructing predictive models from them will require together to represent highly complex and nonlinear relation-
approaches more akin to those employed by physicists, cli- ships depicted in the movie, so that in the end we are able to
matologists, and other strongly quantitative disciplines that achieve an understanding of what the movie intends to convey
have mastered the collection and predictive modeling of high- at a hierarchy of levels.
dimensional data. What if we were to view a movie as we have viewed biologi-
cal systems in the past? What if instead of viewing a movie as a
continuous stream of frames of coherent pixels and sound, we
THE MANY MO VING P IEC ES O F viewed single dimensions of these data, and we viewed them
B IOLOG IC A L S Y S T EMS : A MO V I E independently from one another? Understanding in this case
ANALOG Y would likely be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. As an
example, consider a 2-hour feature length film comprised of
Tools to interrogate biological systems in the past were crude 216,000 frames (30 frames per second), where each frame is
and did not permit the more holistic querying of such systems comprised of 1,280 × 720 pixels (roughly one million pixels).
at multiple scales. In fact, if we were to view the full suite of First, it is worth noting that the number of pixels of informa-
interacting parts in living systems, from the molecular on up to tion, roughly 199 billion, represented in this film is quite large

1 4 N E T W O R K M E T H O D S F O R E L U C I D AT I N G T H E C O M P L E X I T Y O F C O M M O N H U M A N D I S E A S E S | 185

(if each pixel were represented by 32 bits, the film would com- groups; whether stratifying disease populations into disease
prise more than 6 terabytes of information). Suppose we decided subtypes to assign patients to the most appropriate treatment,
to use the tools of reductionist biology to view the film, where or categorizing customers by product preference, descriptive
instead of viewing the film as a rapid succession of frames of models are useful for classifying but cannot necessarily be used
one million pixels each, we viewed a single frame in which the to predict how any given variable will respond to another at the
intensity value for each pixel across all 216,000 frames in the individual level. For example, while patterns of gene expres-
movie was averaged. This gross, aggregate average would pro- sion such as those identified for breast cancer and now in play
vide very little, if any, information regarding the movie, not at companies like Genomic Health can very well distinguish
unlike our attempts to understand complex living systems by good from poor prognoses (van ‘t Veer et al., 2002; van de
examining single snapshots of a subset of molecular traits in a Vijver et al., 2002), such models are not generally as useful for
single cell type and in a single context at a single point in time. understanding how genes in patterns associated with disease
Even if we viewed our movie as independent, one-dimensional are causally related or distinguishing key driver genes from
slices through its frames, where each slice was viewed as pixel passenger genes.
intensities across that one dimension changing over time (like Predictive models, on the other hand, incorporate historic
a dynamic mass spectrometry trace), this view would provide and current data to predict how one variable may respond to
significantly more information, but it would still be very dif- another in a particular context or predict response or future
ficult to understand the meaning of the movie by looking at states of components of a system at the individual level. In the
all of the one-dimensional traces independently, unless more biological context, predictive models aim to accurately predict
sophisticated mathematical algorithms were employed to link (in silico—using the model to run simulations on a computer)
the information together. molecule expression–level changes, cell state dynamics, and
Despite the complexity of biological systems, even at the phenotype transitions in response to specific perturbation
cellular level, research in the context of large-scale, high- events. For example, understanding how the constellation
dimensional omics data has tended to focus on single data of genes identified for diseases like schizophrenia or autism
dimensions, whether constructing coexpression networks (Neale et al., 2012; Ripke et al., 2011) are actually related to
based on gene expression data, carrying out genome-wide one another in probabilistic causal ways can lead to an under-
association analyses based on DNA variation information, standing of how perturbing a given gene (say, for treatment)
or constructing protein interaction networks based on will impact the corresponding molecular networks and ulti-
protein–protein interaction data. While we achieve some mately the pathophysiology of the diseases they impact. Key
understanding in this way, progress is limited because none to constructing predictive models is elucidating causal rela-
of the dimensions on their own provide a complete enough tionships between traits of interest. Resolving causal relation-
context within which to interpret results fully. This type of ships requires a systematic source of perturbation, and here I
limitation has become apparent in genome-wide associa- discuss the use of DNA variation as a systematic perturbation
tion studies or whole-exome or genome-sequencing studies, source to infer causal relationships among molecular traits
where thousands of highly replicated loci have been identi- and between molecular traits and higher order traits like dis-
fied and highly replicated as associated with disease, but our ease (Chen et al., 2008; Emilsson et al., 2008; Mehrabian et al.,
understanding of disease is still limited because the genetic 2005; Millstein et al., 2009; Schadt et al., 2005; Yang et al.,
loci do not necessarily inform on the gene affected, on how 2009; Zhu et al., 2004; Zhu et al., 2012; Zhu et al., 2008).
gene function is altered, or more generally, how the biologi-
cal processes involving a given gene are altered at particu-
lar points of time or in particular contexts (Altshuler et al., C A U SA L I T Y A S A STAT I ST I C A L
2008; Chen et al., 2008; Emilsson et al., 2008; Witte, 2010). INFERENCE
It is apparent that if different biological data dimensions
could be formally considered simultaneously, we would In the life sciences, most researchers are accustomed to think-
achieve a more complete understanding of biological sys- ing about causality from the standpoint of physical interac-
tems (Chen et al., 2008; Emilsson et al., 2008; Hsu et al., tions. In the molecular biology or biochemistry setting, when
2010; Schadt et al., 2008; Zhong et al., 2010). (See the docu- two molecular traits are indicated as causally related, we typi-
mentary film The New Biology at cally mean that one of the molecular entities (e.g., a small
watch?v=sjTQD6E3lH4.) molecule compound) has been determined experimentally
To form a more complete understanding of complex human to physically interact with or to induce processes that directly
diseases like psychiatric disorders, we must not only evolve affect the other molecular entity (e.g., the target protein of
technologies to sample systems at ever higher rates and with the small molecule) and consequently leads to a phenotypic
ever greater breadth, but we must also innovate methods that change of interest (e.g., lower LDL cholesterol levels). In
consider many different dimensions of information to produce this case we have an understanding of the causal factors rel-
more descriptive models (movies) of the system. There are, of evant to the activity of interest, so that careful experimental
course, many different types of modeling approaches that have manipulation of these factors allows for the identification of
been and continue to be explored. Descriptive models quantify genuine causal relationships. However, in the context of many
relationships among variables in data that can, in turn, enable thousands of variables related in unknown ways, the aim is to
classification of systems under study into different meaningful examine the behavior of those variables across populations in

186 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

ways that facilitate statistically inferring causal relationships. variables (Feller, 1967). Only when two variables are linearly
For example, statistical associations between changes in DNA, dependent (which is often the case in research) is our intuitive
changes in molecular phenotypes, and changes in higher order notion of functional dependence implying perfect correlation
phenotypes like functional MRI readouts or disease can be correct.
examined for patterns of conditional dependency among the Structure learning approaches that seek to infer causal
variables that allow directionality to be inferred among them. relationships among correlated variables often employ con-
In this case we can employ indirect measures of processes ditional dependency arguments or mutual information mea-
that mediate changes in one trait conditional on another to sures to resolve causality by introducing a third correlated
make a statistically inferred causal link. This is not unlike the variable. By conditioning each of the variables on the third
types of statistical inferences that are leveraged in other dis- and examining the residual correlation between them in each
ciplines to make new discoveries. For example, less than 5% case, a decision can be made as to the direction of the flow of
of known extrasolar planets have been directly observed, so information between the variables. However, this type of rea-
that most are observed indirectly. One method for detecting soning has generally failed to result in predictive causal infer-
planets that cannot be directly observed considers that when ence because in the absence of systematic perturbations, the
a planet is orbiting a star, the gravitational pull of the planet number of graphs that can be represented between just three
on the star will place the star into a subtle orbit, which from traits is large (125 graphs representing directed and undirected
our vantage point will appear as the star moving closer to and relationships between three correlated variables are possible),
further away from the Earth in a cyclical fashion. Such move- and many of these possible relationships between the traits are
ment can be measured as displacements in the star’s spectral not statistically distinguishable (Sieberts and Schadt, 2007).
lines due to the Doppler effect (Erskine et al., 2005), and so For example, if variables X, Y, and Z are observed in a popula-
the presence of the planet acting on the star can be statisti- tion to be correlated (e.g., suppose X, Y, and Z represent the
cally inferred. expression levels of three genes assayed in a given region of the
Similarly, consider genetic variants associated with, say, brain in a population of individuals with schizophrenia) and
schizophrenia or autism (many such loci have now been iden- the true relationship between the variables is X → Z ← Y, this
tified; Elia et al., 2012; Glessner et al., 2009; Neale et al., 2012; relationship cannot be statistically distinguished from X →
Pinto et al., 2010; Ripke et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2009). Further, Y ← Z and Z → X ← Y, even though these relationships give
suppose the expression of some number of genes assayed in rise to contradictory causal relationships.
relevant regions of the brain relating to these disorders were To break this type of statistical symmetry, a source of per-
also associated with these same genetic variants. By exam- turbation is required. Classically in biology we have introduced
ining the changes in the levels of expression of these genes artificial perturbations by knocking a gene out, overexpressing
in response to changes in genotype at any of the genetic loci a gene, or chemically perturbing a given protein to assess the
of interest, one can directly assess the extent to which these consequences on a given trait of interest. More recently, in the
expression changes induced by the genetic loci well explain neurosciences, optogenetics methods have provided novel ways
the degree of association between the locus genotypes and to perturb genes on the short time scales needed to elucidate
disease trait. In this way, just as the characteristic wobble of a the complexity of networks at play in neurons in living mam-
star induced by an orbiting planet predicts the presence of the mals (Boyden et al., 2005). If experimentally controlled artifi-
planet, the characteristic “wobble” of the expression levels of cial perturbations on a given gene cause a change in a trait of
a gene and its association to the disease state predicts a causal interest, then we infer a causal relationship between that gene
path between the gene and disease state, as described in more and trait. However, DNA variation in the germline provides an
detail later. excellent systematic perturbation source that can also be used
Critical to identifying causal relationships is distinguishing to resolve causal relationships in biological systems. Because
between correlation and causation. The old adage, “correlation variations in DNA cause variations in RNA, proteins, metabo-
does not imply causation,” is familiar to most. This is among lites, and subsequently, higher order phenotypes, this source
the first fallacies one learns about in beginning logic courses: of variation can be leveraged to infer causality. Unlike artificial
post hoc ergo propter hoc (Latin for “after this, therefore because perturbations such as gene knockouts, transgenics, or chemical
of this”). Measurements taken over time on independent vari- or optogenetic perturbations that may induce artificial correla-
ables can be correlated because trends reflected by such vari- tions that are not observed in more natural settings, naturally
ables are coincidentally similar or changes in each variable occurring genetic variation defines those perturbations that
are independently caused by a common source, in addition to give rise to the broad array of phenotypic variations (such as
being correlated as a result of a cause–effect relationship. It is disease and drug response) that we are precisely interested in
also interesting to note that while correlation and causation are elucidating. The past seven years has demonstrated that causal
related, our intuitive notation that causation implies correla- links between DNA variations and molecular and higher order
tion is not always correct either. For example, suppose U and V phenotypes can provide information on causal relationships
are random variables with the same distribution and suppose between those traits (Chen et al., 2007; Chen et al., 2008;
X = U + V and Y = U − V. In this case the covariance between Davey Smith and Ebrahim, 2003; Didelez and Sheehan, 2007;
X and Y [defined as E(XY) − E(X)E(Y), where E represents Emilsson et al., 2008; Kulp and Jagalur, 2006; Millstein et al.,
the expectation function] is 0 and so the correlation is 0, even 2009; Schadt et al., 2005; Schadt et al., 2003; Yang et al., 2009;
though there is a direct functional dependence between the Zhu et al., 2004; Zhu et al., 2008). Causality in this instance can

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be inferred because there is random segregation of the chro- two alleles in a codominant coding scheme, then the four con-
mosomes during gametogenesis, thus providing the appropri- ditions can be tested in the parameters of the following three
ate randomization mechanism to protect against confounding, regression models:
similar to what is achieved in randomized clinical trials by ran-
domly assigning patients to treatments to test the causal effects Ti β L i + β 2 L2ii + ε i (14.1)
of a drug of interest (Lawlor et al., 2008; Nitsch et al., 2006).
However, quantifying the uncertainty in making such causal Gi β Ti + β 4 L1i β L i + ε 2i (14.2)
calls has been challenging. For example, causal effect estimates
often considered in Mendelian randomization approaches can Ti β Gi + β 7 L1i β L i + ε 3i , (14.3)
be confounded by pleiotropic effects and reverse causation,
limiting the utility of such approaches for problems that involve where Gi and Ti represent the gene and trait levels, respectively,
the reconstruction of regulatory networks, in which pleiotropy for individual i in a population of interest, and the ε ij repre-
is common and there may be little a priori information regard- sents independently distributed random noise variables with
ing the structure of the causal relationships between the traits variance σ 2j (Chen et al., 2007). Given these models the four
of interest (Millstein et al., 2009). component tests of interest are:
Recently, though, formal statistical tests for inferring causal
relationships between quantitative traits mediated by a com-
mon genetic locus have been developed (Millstein et al., 2009).
H0 {β , β
1 2 } H1 {β β } ≠ 0
1, 2 (14.4)
To understand how such a test works, consider marker geno-
types at a given DNA locus L that are correlated with a given
H0 {β , β
4 5 } H1 : {β 4 β5 } ≠ 0 (14.5)
molecular phenotype, G, and a higher order phenotype T
H 0 β6 0, H1 β6 ≠ 0 (14.6)
(Fig. 14.3). The causal relationship G → T is implied if three
conditions are satisfied under the assumption that L is suffi-
ciently randomized: (1) L and G are associated, (2) L and T are
H0 {β , β
7 8 } H1 {β 7 β8 } 0 . (14.7)
associated, and (3) L is independent of T given G (i.e., L and
T|G are not associated) (Chen et al., 2007). If a given locus L is The four conditions of interest can be tested using standard
independent of G given T (G|T), this is consistent with T being F-tests for linear model coefficients (conditions 1–3) and a
causal for G (T → G), and if L is associated with G|T, then this slightly more involved test for the last condition, given it is
is consistent with G being causal for T (G → T). We can boil an equivalence testing problem (Millstein et al., 2009). Given
all of these observations down to four conditions from which these individual statistical tests on the different regression
a statistical test can be formed to test for causality: (1) L and T parameters, a causal inference test can then be carried out by
are associated, (2) L is associated with G|T, (3) G is associated testing the strength of the chain of mathematical conditions
with T|L, and (4) L is independent of T|G. Each of these condi- that collectively are consistent with causal mediation (i.e., the
tions can be assessed with a corresponding statistical test. For strength of the chain is only as strong as its weakest link, so that
example, if we assume the marker corresponding to locus L is the intersection of the rejection regions of the component tests
biallelic, where L1 and L2 represent indicator variables for the provides for the causality test we seek). For a series of statistical
tests of size α γ and rejection region Rγ , the “intersection union”
test with rejection region equal to the intersection over all Rγ , is
Independent Model Independent/Hidden Model
G a level sup (α γ ) test, so that the p-value for the causal inference
G test corresponds to the p-value for an intersection union test,
L H or, simply, the supremum of the four p-values for the compo-
L nent tests (Chen et al., 2007). This test has been implemented
or similarly T as the CIT package in the R statistical programming language
Causal Model
and is freely available.
G Applications of this type of test can be applied to resolve the
L G T L L types of causal relationships depicted in Fig. 14.3. Application
of these ideas in segregating mouse populations have led to the
T identification and validation of many genes causal for a num-
Causal/Independent Model
Causal/Hidden Model ber of metabolic traits, including obesity, diabetes, and heart
disease. In one such population constructed between the B6
L G T L G T and DBA inbred strains of mouse, 111 F2 intercross animals
were placed on a high-fat, atherogenic diet for 4 months at
H 12 months of age. All animals were genotyped using a genome-
wide panel of markers, clinically characterized with respect to
a number of metabolic traits, and the livers were expression
Figure 14.3 Given two traits G and T are correlated in a given population with
changes in DNA at locus L, there are five basic causal models to consider in
profiled using a comprehensive gene expression microarray.
testing the hypothesis that variations in trait G cause variations in trait T. Here Given the pattern of genetic association between the metabolic
H denotes an unmeasured molecular or higher order trait. and gene expression traits, causal inference testing was carried

188 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

out to identify the genes in this population best supported as and disease trait data, using DNA variation as the systematic
causal of obesity-related traits (Schadt et al., 2003; Schadt et al., perturbation source that can address the pressing question
2005). Of the top nine genes identified in this study supported of whether changes in neuroimaging traits are the result of
as causal for obesity-related traits, eight of the genes were ulti- schizophrenia or whether these changes lead to the schizo-
mately experimentally validated (Yang et al., 2009). The only phrenia phenotype.
gene that failed to validate was an X-linked gene that was lethal
if completely knocked out and so represented a more compli-
cated example for which the appropriate tools could not be F R O M A SSE SSI N G C A U SA L
constructed to validate. R E L AT I O N SHI P S A M O N G T R A I T PAI R S TO
Of course, this exact same type of reasoning can be used P R E DI C T I V E G E N E N E T W O R K S
to causally relate imaging traits, DNA variation, and expres-
sion data to clinical phenotype data in the context of psychi- Leveraging DNA variation as a systematic perturbation source
atric disorders (Fig. 14.4). Consider associations identified to resolve the causal relationships among traits is necessary but
between SNP genotypes and gene expression traits assayed not sufficient for understanding the complexity of living sys-
in dorsal-lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). Given the asso- tems. Cells are comprised of many tens of thousands of pro-
ciation of SNPs with expression in DLPFC, such SNPs are teins, metabolites, RNA, and DNA, all interacting in complex
of interest for testing association to functional MRI (fMRI) ways. Complex biological systems are comprised of many dif-
traits. Given a set of SNPs in which there is an association ferent types of cells operating within and between many dif-
between gene expression in DLFPC, fMRI, and schizophre- ferent types of tissues that make up different organ systems, all
nia status, we can statistically model whether the relation- of which interact in complex ways to give rise to a vast array
ship between the traits is causal, reactive, or independent as of phenotypes that manifest themselves in living systems.
described in the preceding (Fig. 14.4). This provides a causal Modeling the extent of such relationships between molecular
statistical inference procedure applied to functional MRI entities, between cells, and between organ systems is a daunting

VB,600 intersection, 162 samples


SNP Schizophrenia



SNP fMRI Causal Model

SNP fMRI Reactive Model


Independent Model

Figure 14.4 Inferring causal relationships between functional MRI traits and schizophrenia traits using SNPs that associate with the expression of genes in the
dorsal-lateral prefrontal cortex as a perturbation source. The heat map represents a two-dimensional hierarchical clustering of functional MRI traits in which
the highlighted cluster distinguishes schizophrenia cases from controls. Associations between functional MRI traits, gene expression, disease status, and SNP
genotypes can be integrated to infer causal relationships between functional MRI traits and disease status.

1 4 N E T W O R K M E T H O D S F O R E L U C I D AT I N G T H E C O M P L E X I T Y O F C O M M O N H U M A N D I S E A S E S | 189

task. Networks are a convenient framework for representing indicating a cause–effect relationship, or undirected, indicating
the relationships among these different variables. In the context an association or interaction. For example, a DNA node in the
of biological systems, a network can be viewed as a graphical network representing a given locus that varies in a population of
model that represents relationships among DNA, RNA, protein, interest may be connected to a transcript abundance trait, indi-
metabolite, and higher order phenotypes like disease state. In cating that changes at the particular DNA locus induce changes
this way, networks provide a way to represent extremely large- in the levels of the transcript. The potentially millions of such
scale and complex relationships among molecular and higher relationships represented in a network define the overall con-
order phenotypes like disease in any given context. nectivity structure of the network, or what is otherwise known
as the topology of the network. Any realistic network topol-
ogy will be necessarily complicated and nonlinear from the
standpoint of the more classic biochemical pathway diagrams
represented in textbooks and pathway databases like KEGG
Two fundamental approaches to the reconstruction of molec- (Kanehisa, 2002). The more classic pathway view represents
ular networks dominate computational biology today. The first molecular processes on an individual level, while networks rep-
is what is referred to as the bottom-up approach in which fun- resent global (population-level) metrics that describe variation
damental relationships between small sets of genes that may between individuals in a population of interest, which, in turn,
comprise a given pathway are established, thus providing the define coherent biological processes in the tissue or cells associ-
fundamental building blocks of higher order processes that are ated with the network. One way to manage the complexity of
then constructed from the bottom up. This approach typically network structures that can obtain is to impost constraints on
assumes that we have more complete knowledge regarding the network structures to make them more computational tractable.
fundamental topology (connectivity structure) of pathways, For example, it is common when learning network structures
and given this knowledge, models are constructed that pre- to disallow loops or cycles in the network structure (otherwise
cisely detail how changes to any component of the pathway known as the network topology, the connectivity structure of
affect other components as well as the known functions carried the network), in which cases we refer to the network as acyclic.
out by the pathway (i.e., bottom-up approaches are hypothe- The neurosciences have a rich history of employing network-
sis driven). The second approach is referred to as a top-down based approaches to understand the complexity of the human
approach in which we take into account all data and our exist- brain and the causes of psychiatric illnesses. Resources like the
ing understanding of systems and construct a model that Allen Brain Atlas ( provide an ana-
reflects whole system behavior and from there tease apart the tomically comprehensive map of gene expression of the human
fundamental components from the top down. This approach brain that can facilitate network-based analyses (Hawrylycz
typically assumes that our understanding of how the network et al., 2012). Others have employed techniques developed for
is actually wired is sufficiently incomplete, that our knowledge constructing gene coexpression networks to construct interac-
is sufficiently incomplete, and that we must objectively infer tion networks on fMRI data (Mumford et al., 2010), and others
the relationships by considering large-scale, high-dimensional still have generated protein interaction networks to reflect fea-
data that informs on all relationships of interest (i.e., top-down tures of the network architecture in brains of those with illnesses
approaches are data driven). such as Huntington’s disease (Shirasaki et al., 2012). Larger scale
Given our incomplete understanding of more general efforts have also been undertaken to integrate larger scale tran-
networks and pathways in living systems, in this chapter I scriptomic data in the context of diseases like autism to under-
focus on a top-down approach to reconstructing predictive stand how changes in these networks may give rise to autism or
networks, given that this type of structure learning from data reflect the types of pathways or biological processes involved in
is critical to derive hypotheses that cannot otherwise be effi- such a disease (Voineagu et al., 2011). These efforts are important
ciently proposed in the context of what is known (from the not only for better understanding psychiatric diseases, but also
literature, pathway databases, or other such sources). However, for elucidating novel drug targets or biomarkers that better assess
top-down and bottom-up approaches are complementary to disease risk or severity. However, most of these current efforts
one another, although these approaches have largely been pur- do not lead to predictive models of disease but, rather, provide
sued as separate disciplines, with, interestingly, little crosstalk a descriptive framework within which to uncover associations
occurring between them. One of the future directions I discuss between a myriad of molecular, cellular, imaging, and clinical
in the conclusion is the need to mathematically unify these two traits and disease.
classes of predictive modeling to produce probabilistic causal
networks that more maximally leverage all available data and
In the context of integrating genetic, molecular profil-
ing and higher order phenotypic data, biological networks
are comprised of nodes that represent molecular entities that Systematically integrating different types of data into proba-
are observed to vary in a given population under study (e.g., bilistic networks using Bayesian networks has been proposed
DNA variations, RNA levels, protein states, or metabolite lev- and applied for the purpose of predicting protein–protein
els). Edges between the nodes represent relationships between interactions (Jansen et al., 2003) and protein function (Lee
the molecular entities, and these edges can either be directed, et al., 2004). However, these Bayesian networks are still based

190 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

on associations between nodes in the network as opposed to employed, which reduces overfitting by imposing a cost on the
causal relationships. As previously discussed for the simple addition of new parameters. This is equivalent to imposing a
case of two traits, from these types of networks we cannot infer lower prior probability P ( M ) on models with larger numbers
whether a specific perturbation will affect a complex disease of parameters.
trait. To make such predictions, we need networks capable of Even though edges in Bayesian networks are directed, we
representing causal relationships. Probabilistic causal networks cannot in general infer causal relationships from the structure
are one way to model from the top down such relationships, directly, just as I discussed in relation to the causal inference
where causality again in this context reflects a probabilistic test. For a network with three nodes, X1, X2, and X3, there are
belief that one node in the network affects the behavior of multiple groups of structures that are mathematically equiva-
another. Bayesian networks (Pearl, 1988) are one type of prob- lent. For example, the three models, M1: X1 → X2 , X2 → X3 ;
abilistic causal network that provides a natural framework for M2 : X 2 → X1 , X 2 → X 3 ; and M2 : X 2 → X1 , X 3 → X 2 , are all
integrating highly dissimilar types of data. Markov equivalent, meaning that they all encode for the same
Bayesian networks are directed acyclic graphs in which the conditional independence relationship: X1 ⊥ X3 X2 , X1, and X3
edges of the graph are defined by conditional probabilities that are independent conditional on X2. In addition, these models
characterize the distribution of states of each node given the are mathematically equivalent:
state of its parents (Pearl, 1988). The network topology defines
a partitioned joint probability distribution over all nodes in a p ( X ) = p (M D ) = p ( X 2 X ) p ( X1 ) p ( X 3 X 2 )
network, such that the probability distribution of states of a
= p (M D ) = p ( X1 X ) p ( X 2 ) p ( X 3 X 2 )
node depends only on the states of its parent nodes: formally,
a joint probability distribution p (X) on a set of nodes X can be = p (M D ) = p ( ) p( ) p(X 1 X2 ) .
decomposed as p( X ) = Πpp( X i Pa( X i )), where Pa( i ) represents
the parent set of Xi. The biological networks of interest we wish Thus, from correlation data alone we cannot infer whether X1
to construct are comprised of nodes that represent a quanti- is causal for X2 or vice versa from these types of structures.
tative trait such as the transcript abundance of a given gene It is worth noting, however, that there is a class of structures,
or levels of a given metabolite. The conditional probabilities V-shape structures (e.g., Mv : X1 → X2 , X3 → X2 ), that have no
reflect not only relationships between genes, but also the sto- Markov-equivalent structure. In such cases it is not possible
chastic nature of these relationships, as well as noise in the data based on correlation data alone to infer causal relationships.
used to reconstruct the network. Because there are more parameters to estimate in the Mv model
The aim in any network reconstruction such as this is to than in the M1, M2, or M3 models, there is a large penalty
find the best model, the model that best reflects the relation- in the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) score for the Mv
ships between all of the variables under consideration, given model. Therefore, in practice, a large sample size is needed to
a set of data that informs on the variables of interest. In a differentiate the Mv model from the M1, M2, or M3 models.
probabilistic sense, we want to search the space of all possible
networks (or models) for that network that gives the highest
likelihood of occurring given the data. Bayes’ formula allows I N T E G R AT I N G G E N E T I C D ATA A S A S T R U C T U R E
us to determine the likelihood of a network model M given
observed data D as a function of our prior belief that the model
is correct and the probability of the observed data given the
model is: P ( | ) (D | )P(( ). The number of possible net-
work structures grows superexponentially with the number In general, Bayesian networks can only be solved to Markov-
of nodes, so an exhaustive search of all possible structures to equivalent structures, so it is often not possible to deter-
find the one best supported by the data is not feasible, even for mine the causal direction of a link between two nodes even
a relatively small number of nodes. A number of algorithms though Bayesian networks are directed graphs. However, the
exist to find the optimal network without searching exhaus- Bayesian network reconstruction algorithm can take advan-
tively, like Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) (Madigan tage of genetic data to break the symmetry among nodes in
and York, 1995) simulation. With the MCMC algorithm, opti- the network that lead to Markov-equivalent structures, thereby
mal networks are constructed from a set of starting conditions. providing a way to infer causal directions in the network in
This algorithm is run thousands of times to identify different an unambiguous fashion (Zhu et al., 2004). The reconstruc-
plausible networks, each time beginning with different starting tion algorithm can be modified to incorporate genetic data
conditions. These most plausible networks can then be com- as prior evidence that two quantitative traits may be caus-
bined to obtain a consensus network. For each of the recon- ally related based on a previously described causality test
structions using the MCMC algorithm, the starting point is a (Zhu et al., 2004). The genetic priors can be constructed from
null network. Small random changes are made to the network three basic sources. First, gene expression traits associated
by flipping, adding, or deleting individual edges, ultimately with DNA variants that are coincident with the gene’s physi-
accepting those changes that lead to an overall improvement cal location (referred to as cis-acting expression quantitative
in the fit of the network to the data. To assess whether a change trait loci or cis eQTLs) (Doss et al., 2005) are allowed to be
improves the network model or not, information measures like parent nodes of genes with coincident trans eQTLs (the gene
the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) (Schwarz, 1978) are in this case does not physically reside at the genetic locus of

1 4 N E T W O R K M E T H O D S F O R E L U C I D AT I N G T H E C O M P L E X I T Y O F C O M M O N H U M A N D I S E A S E S | 191

interest), p (cis → trans ) = 1, but genes with trans eQTLs are not protein complexes can be combined with manually curated
allowed to be parents of genes with cis eQTLs, p (trans → cis ) = 0. sets, and each protein complex can then be examined for
Second, after identifying all associations between different common transcription factor binding sites at the corre-
genetic loci and expression traits at some reasonable signifi- sponding genes. If some proportion of the genes in a protein
cance threshold, genes from this analysis with cis- or trans- complex (e.g., half) carry a given TFBS, then all genes in the
eQTL can be tested individually for pleiotropic effects at each complex can be included in the TFBS gene set as being under
of their eQTLs to determine whether any other genes in the the control of the corresponding transcription factor.
set are driven by common eQTLs (Jiang and Zeng, 1995; Lum Given that the scale-free property is a general property of
et al., 2006). If such pleiotropic effects are detected, the cor- biological networks (i.e., most nodes in the network are linked
responding gene pair and locus giving rise to the pleiotropic to a small number of nodes whereas a smaller number of
effect can then be used to infer a causal/reactive or independent nodes are linked to many nodes) (Albert et al., 2000), inferred
relationship based on the causality test previously described. and experimentally determined TFBS data can be incorpo-
If an independent relationship is inferred, then the prior rated into the network reconstruction process by constructing
probability that gene A is a parent of gene B can be scaled as scale-free priors, in a manner similar to the scale-free priors
others have constructed to integrate expression and genetic
∑ p(A ⊥ B A B l ) i data (Lee et al., 2006). Given a transcription factor T, and a set
p (A → B) = 1 − i
, of genes, G, that contain the binding site of T, the TF prior, ptf,
∑1 i
can be defined so that it is proportional to the number of
expression traits correlated with the TF expression levels, for
where the sums are taken over all loci used to infer the rela- genes carrying the corresponding TFBS:
tionship. If a causal or reactive relationship is inferred, then the
prior probability is scaled as
⎛ ⎞
2∑ p ( A → B A B li ) (
log ptf (T → g ) ) l

∑ p (T
qtl g i )δ ⎟

p (A → B) = i
∑ p(A → B A B l ) + p(B → A A B l )
i i

where pqtl (T → g ) is the prior for the QTL and

Finally, if the causal/reactive relationship between genes A and
B cannot be determined from the first two sources, the com-
⎧1, if corr T , g ≥ r
⎪ i )
o . The correlation cutoff r can be
plexity of the eQTL signature for each gene can be taken into
consideration. Genes with a simpler, albeit stronger, eQTL sig-

0, if corr (
T , g i < r)

nature (i.e., a small number of eQTL that explain the genetic determined by permuting the data and then selecting the
variance component for the gene, with a significant propor- maximum correlation values in the permuted datasets (cor-
tion of the overall variance explained by the genetic effects) responding to some predetermined, reasonable false discov-
can be considered as more likely to be causal compared with ery rate). This form of the structure prior favors transcription
genes with more complex and possibly weaker eQTL signa- factors that have a large number of correlated responding
tures (i.e., a larger number of eQTLs explaining the genetic genes. From the set of priors computed from the inferred and
variance component for the gene, with less of the overall vari- experimentally determined TFBS set, only nonnegative priors
ance explained by the genetic effects). The structure prior should be used to reconstruct the Bayesian network. For those
that gene A is a parent of gene B can then be taken to be protein complexes that could not be integrated into the net-
work reconstruction process using scale-free priors, uniform
1 + n (B) priors were used for pairs of genes in these complexes (i.e.,
p (A → B) = 2 ,
2 + n ( A) + n ( B ) p pc ( g i g j ) p pc ( g j g i ) = c ).

where n(A) and n(B) are the number of eQTLs at some prede-
Small molecule–protein interactions can also be incor-
termined significance level for genes A and B, respectively.
porated into the Bayesian network reconstruction process.
Chemical reactions reflected in biochemical pathways and the
associated catalyzing enzymes can be identified as metabolite–
enzyme pairs from existing pathway databases like KEGG.
These relationships can then be stored in an adjacency matrix
in which a 1 in a cell represents a direct connection between
Just as genetic data can be incorporated as a network prior in the metabolite and the enzyme. The shortest distance dm,e from
the Bayesian network reconstruction algorithm, so can other an enzyme e to a metabolite m can then calculated using the
types of data like transcription factor binding site (TFBS) repeated matrix multiplication algorithm. The structure prior
data, protein–protein interaction (PPI) data, and protein– for the gene expression of an enzyme e affecting the metabo-
small molecule interaction data. PPI data can be used to infer lite concentration is related to their shortest distance dm,e as
protein complexes to enhance the set of manually curated p (m → e ) α e − λd . The shorter the distance, the stronger the
m ,e

protein complexes (Guldener et al., 2006). PPI-inferred prior.

192 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

as the BXR cross) for which DNA variation, RNA expression,
and metabolite levels have been assessed (Brem and Kruglyak,
2005; Brem et al., 2002; Zhu et al., 2012), and (2) protein–DNA
binding, protein–protein interaction, and metabolite–protein
To illustrate how different types of data can be integrated to interaction data available from public data sources and gener-
construct predictive gene networks, we can consider a simple ated independently of the BXR cross (referred to here as non-
model system, yeast, that makes the point on how different BXR data). The BXR yeast data are reflected as nodes in the
pieces of molecular information can be brought together to network to be constructed, where edges in the network reflect
infer causal networks. A yeast example in this instance is pref- statistically inferred causal relationships among the expression
erable to one involving psychiatric disorders given the latter and metabolite traits. The non-BXR interaction data from pub-
would be complicated and the validations less straightforward lic sources are used to derive the types of structure priors pre-
than we can demonstrate in a simple model system. However, viously discussed on the network to both constrain the size of
the procedures applied and steps indicated in the following the search space in finding the best network and enhance the
would be essentially the same for any disease or system of ability to infer causal relationships between the network nodes
interest, given that the Bayesian network reconstruction algo- (Zhu et al., 2008).
rithm described is generally applicable to data collected in any To illustrate the steps in the type of Bayesian network
population and for any phenotype of interest. reconstruction procedure previously described and detailed
In our simple yeast system, consider the following two more formally (Zhu, Chen et al.) and to examine contributions
classes of data: (1) DNA variation, gene expression, and metab- from the different data types used to construct the network,
olite data measured in a previously described cross between I focus on genes and metabolites involved in the de novo
laboratory (BY) and wild (RM) yeast strains (referred to here biosynthesis of pyrimidine ribonucleotides (Fig. 14.5). For

(A) (B) dihydroorotic_acid




(C) (D)

14 YEL041W

orotic_acid AFG1
lod score

8 URA1



1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 AQR1


Figure 14.5 Example yeast network. (A) Subnetwork identified in a previously constructed whole-genome yeast network in which URA3 was predicted as the
causal regulator for genes and metabolites linked to a genetic locus on chromosome 5 coincident with the physical location of URA3. Gray nodes are genes
or metabolites whose variations are linked to the chromosome 5 locus. Hexagon-shaped nodes represent metabolites, circular nodes represent genes, and
diamond-shaped nodes represent genes with cis eQTLs. (B) Trait values of nodes compared with genotype data for the URA3 subnetwork. eQTLs and metQTLs
are prominently featured as residing in the chromsome 5 URA3 locus. (C) Bayesian network reconstructed using only trait data. (D) Bayesian network reconstructed
using trait data and priors derived from other types of data.

1 4 N E T W O R K M E T H O D S F O R E L U C I D AT I N G T H E C O M P L E X I T Y O F C O M M O N H U M A N D I S E A S E S | 193

simplicity I focus on the reconstruction of this smaller subset master process, then each slave process starts an MCMC
of genes, although the steps are similar if building a network process using one of the generated seed numbers). Once
from a more comprehensive set of genes. The subnetwork the 1,000 network structures have been generated, common
depicted in Figure 14.5a was identified from the full Bayesian features are extracted to derive a consensus network.
network constructed from the BXR data (Zhu, Chen et al.). With this construction, the consensus network may
URA3 in this network was predicted as a causal regulator contain loops, which are prohibited in Bayesian networks.
of gene expression traits linked to the URA3 locus. That is, Therefore, to ensure the consensus network structure is a
using the full Bayesian network, in silico perturbations were directed acyclic graph, the edges in the original consensus
carried out by simulating changes in each of the nodes and network are removed if and only if (1) the edge was
identifying those nodes that resulted in the most significant involved in a loop, and (2) the edge was the most weakly
changes in other nodes in the network. As a result of this supported of all edges making up the loop. The network
simulation, URA3 was identified as the regulator modulating resulting from this process is depicted in Figure 14.5b.
the most significant number of nodes in the subnetwork in
Step 3: Constructing priors using eQTL data. The network
a causal fashion (Fig. 14.5a). A deletion of URA3 was engi-
in Step 2 is constructed without considering any of the
neered in the parental strain RM11–1a as a selectable marker,
genetic data. Because eQTL data represent a systematic
and segregation of this locus among the BXR progeny is the
source of perturbation on the expression data, integrating
most likely cause for expression variation of uracil biosynthe-
these data has the potential to better resolve causal
sis genes linked to this locus (Brem et al., 2002). Variations
relationships. Toward this end, expression and genotype
of two metabolites are also linked to this locus: dihydroorotic
data in the BXR cross are compared to detect eQTLs.
acid, which is converted to orotic acid by the enzyme Ura1p,
The gray nodes in Figure 14.5a indicate that nearly
and orotic acid itself, reflecting the functional consequence of
all of the nodes have QTLs linked to a single locus on
transcriptional variation in genes involved in de novo pyrim-
chromosome 5. Expression traits that associate with a
idine base biosynthetic processes on metabolite levels. The
common eQTL are then subjected to a statistical test to
causal relationships between URA1, orotic acid, and dihydro-
infer causal relationships between the traits, as described.
orotic acid as well as the subnetwork for genes linked to the
Among the nodes tested, URA3 and YEL016C have cis-
URA3 locus recapitulate the known pyrimidine base biosyn-
acting eQTLs linked to the chromosome 5 locus. Nodes
thesis pathway (Zhu, Chen et al.). This subnetwork not only
with cis-acting eQTLs are allowed to be causal parent
captures the coregulation of gene expression and metabolite
nodes to nodes with trans-acting QTLs. However, nodes
abundance but also elucidates the mechanism of how genetic
with trans-QTLs are not allowed to be causal parent
variation in URA3 affects orotic acid and dihydroorotic acid
nodes to nodes with cis-acting eQTLs.
Step 4: Constructing priors using KEGG data. The
Step 1: Identification of the URA3-centered de novo network constructed in Step 2 also does not consider
biosynthesis of pyrimidine ribonucleotides subnetwork. known relationships among genes and metabolites
There are 18 nodes in the subnetwork shown in Figure as defined by canonical pathways. The relationships
14.5a. These nodes are highly correlated with one another, between enzymes and metabolites are well established
with 68% of all pairwise relationships significant at the in many cases. To incorporate this knowledge into the
0.01 significance level. The continuous gene expression network reconstruction process, we construct priors
data for these 18 genes can then be discretized into using canonical pathway data in the following way.
three states representing downregulated, no-change, and There are two metabolites in the URA3 subnetwork.
upregulated states, and then the mutual information of Their distances to each other and related enzymes are
all pairs of nodes are calculated. In this case, 54% of all defined in the KEGG database. The structure prior for
pairs are significant at p < 0.01 (the mutual information the gene expression of an enzyme e affecting a metabolite
of the permutated data is calculated and fit into a normal concentration is constructed using their shortest distance
distribution, which is then used to assess significance dm,e as p (m → e ) α e − λd .
m ,e

of the mutual information of the observed data). All

Step 5: Constructing networks using expression
18 of the trait values corresponding to these nodes are
data, metabolite data, and the genetic and canonical
significantly associated with the genotypes at the URA3
pathway priors defined in Steps 3 and 4. The process of
locus (Fig. 14.5c).
reconstructing networks using trait data and priors from
Step 2: Reconstructing networks using only expression and other data types is similar to the reconstruction process
metabolite traits (excluding DNA variation data). The applied to trait data only described in Step 2. In addition
process of reconstructing networks using only trait data to trait data, priors derived from other data types are also
is straightforward. The trait data are input into a standard input into the standard Bayesian network reconstruction
Bayesian network reconstruction program in which process. The trait data of the 18 nodes and related priors
1,000 network structures are generated from a Monte are input into the network reconstruction process, and
Carlo Markov Chain process using different random seed the resulting network is shown in Figure 14.5d. The root
numbers (1,000 random seed numbers are generated by a node of the Bayesian network is URA3, which is the gene

194 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

with the cis-acting eQTL associated with other traits in strongly indicated that the module was causal for the disease
the network. traits and was not simply reacting to or acting independently
of these traits.
Step 6: Comparing the networks constructed in Steps 2
Of the more than 100 genes supported in the inflammatome
and 5. The main difference between the networks depicted
module as causal for metabolic disease traits like obesity and
in Fig. 14.5b and 14.5d are the head nodes. In general,
diabetes, many genes like Zfp90, Alox5, C3ar1, and Tgfbr2 had
directed links in a Bayesian network do not necessarily
been previously identified and validated as causal for metabolic
represent causal relationships (Zhu et al., 2004). The
traits (Mehrabian et al., 2005; Schadt et al., 2005). In addition,
network constructed from the trait data only reflects
three other genes were selected for validation because they
relationships not supported by the genetic perturbation
were independently supported as causal for metabolic traits in
data. The genetic relationships are well captured by
other studies (Lpl and Lactb) or because they were supported
the more integrated network described in Step 5. For
as causal for such a wide variety of metabolic traits (Ppm1l)
example, the link RIB4 → URA3 depicted in Fig. 14.5b is
(Chen et al., 2008). Interestingly, the degree of connectivity in
opposite that identified in Fig. 14.5d. Because the genetic
this causal metabolic subnetwork was extreme. Perturbations
perturbation at the URA3 locus affects the expression
to genes in this module that were previously validated as
activity of that gene in cis and the expression activity of
causal for the metabolic traits caused expression changes in
the gene RIB4 in trans, the experimentally supported
many other genes validated as causal for metabolic traits. For
relationship is URA3 → RIB4. I note that the enzyme/
example, overexpression of Zfp90 in mouse not only generated
metabolite and metabolite/metabolite relationships are
an expression response that was significantly overlapping with
similar with or without the priors derived from the KEGG
the causal metabolic module but also caused changes in other
genes like Pparg known to have an impact on metabolic traits
(Chen et al., 2008).
All data and software used to construct the Bayesian net-
These same approaches can be applied to brain-related dis-
works for this example are available at
orders, such as Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, we recently more
fully characterized the inflammatome module described ear-
lier, linking it to 11 different diseases: atherosclerosis, obesity,
diabetes, inflammatory pain, COPD (chronic obstructive pul-
monary disease), asthma, fibrosis, stroke, neuropathic pain,
D I S E A S E : F R O M T H E M E TA B O L I C T O T H E
sarcopenia, and inflammation (Wang et al., 2012). This same
module can also be seen to be significantly enriched not only
We have carried out studies using the modeling described in for genes that are differentially expressed in the brain between
detail for the yeast cross, but in human and mouse population Alzheimer’s and control subjects, but also for genes that are
segregating a number of different diseases such as obesity, dia- differentially expressed in different brain regions in both
betes, and heart disease. For example, in a segregating mouse Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia patients versus controls. That
population in which an extensive suite of disease traits asso- is, the intersection between the set of genes identified as dif-
ciated with metabolic syndrome were manifested, including ferentially expressed in both Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia
obesity, diabetes, and atherosclerosis (Chen et al., 2008), we patients (Horesh et al., 2011) is very significantly enriched for
carried out the type of network analysis previously discussed genes that are in the inflammatome module. Therefore, the
using genetic data typed in all animals and gene expression extensive research carried out on the inflammatome mod-
data generated from the liver and adipose tissues of all ani- ule, the causal networks that have been constructed for this
mals in the population. With this approach we found that of network, may hold clues regarding inflammation-related pro-
the many functional units (subnetworks) identified in the net- cesses that are at play in brain-associated disorders such as
works that reflected core biological processes specific to the Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia.
liver and adipose tissues, only a handful were strongly causally
associated with the metabolic syndrome traits. One module
(referred to here as the inflammatome module) in particular C O N C L U SI O N A N D F U T U R E DI R E CTI ON S
stood out not only because it was conserved across the liver
and adipose tissues, between the sexes, and between species The generation of ever higher dimensional data (DNA sequenc-
(Emilsson et al., 2008), but also because it was supported as ing, RNA sequencing, epigenomic profiling, proteomic profil-
strongly causal for nearly all of the metabolic traits scored ing, metabolomic profiling, and so on) at ever higher scales
in the cross (fat mass, weight, plasma glucose, insulin, and demands sophisticated mathematical approaches to integrate
lipid levels, and aortic lesions) (Chen et al., 2008). Again, the these data in more holistic ways to uncover not only patterns
causal relationship between the inflammatome module and of molecular, cellular, and higher order activities that under-
the disease traits was established by leveraging the changes in lie the biological processes that define physiological states of
DNA in this population that were simultaneously associated interest, but also causal relationships among molecular and
with disease and expression traits. The entire subnetwork was cellular phenotypes and between these phenotypes and clinical
shown to be under the control of genomic loci associated with traits like disease or drug response. Among the more success-
the metabolic traits, while the predictive network modeling ful frameworks for representing large-scale, high-dimensional

1 4 N E T W O R K M E T H O D S F O R E L U C I D AT I N G T H E C O M P L E X I T Y O F C O M M O N H U M A N D I S E A S E S | 195

data are networks. Here I have detailed one particular approach entities are connected is typically derived from the litera-
to reconstructing predictive network models of living systems ture or pathway databases, but such structural information
that leverages DNA variation as a systematic variation source is only qualitative, failing to define quantitatively how one
and Bayesian network reconstruction algorithms to take a node responds to another. On the other hand, in existing top-
top-down approach to modeling complex systems. Because down approaches, unless a tremendous amount of training
state-of-the-art therapies in the future will be based on target- data are available to cover all of the categories represented in
ing combinations of genes (Schadt, 2009; Schadt, Friend et al., the conditional probability distribution (CPD) defining how
2009), and for such applications not only is it important to nodes are connected in the network (such as with Bayesian
infer the direction of each interaction (i.e., do you antagonize network reconstruction approaches), it is not generally pos-
or activate a given target?), but also one must be able to pre- sible to accurately estimate the full set of parameters associated
dict the degree to which each gene should be knocked down or with the reconstructed network structure. Worse, carrying out
activated (in a quantitative sense), only by generating accurate parameter estimation on a network structure that is not cor-
predictive models of complex phenotypes can we most effi- rect can be misleading, given false-positive and false-negative
ciently search for such combinations to pursue for experimen- predictions. In cases where heuristic searches are used to ori-
tal proof of concept. ent the edges in a given network structure, the end result is that
The success of modeling complex systems in the future will model parameters have not been fitted accurately, given the
depend on constructing networks that are predictive of com- network itself is not correct. Without proper parameterization
plex behavior, not merely descriptive. In order to achieve these of network structures from these conventional systems biology
more predictive models in complex systems like humans, we approaches, the networks serve only as descriptive models that
must expand existing networks so that they reflect relation- are not generally capable of generating in silico predictions.
ships between cell types and tissues, not just within a single The limitations of bottom-up and top-down approaches
cell type or tissue; capture a greater range of molecular phe- can be addressed by devising bottom-up modeling approaches
notypes to enhance understanding of relevant functional units that deliver structures that can serve as prior information for
that define biological processes of interest; and improve mod- top-down approaches, thereby providing a direct path for
eling capabilities, ideally drawing on the expertise of other parameterizing bottom-up models in the context of a richer
fields that have pioneered causality-type reasoning. The com- set of omics data and network architectures, while simulta-
plex phenotype-associated molecular networks we can con- neously reducing the size of the search space for top-down
struct today are necessarily based on grossly incomplete sets of approaches. Such bottom-up approaches are beginning to
data. Even given the ability to assay DNA and RNA variation in emerge (Chang et al., 2011). By automatically parameterizing
whole populations in a comprehensive manner, the informa- large networks given a particular network structure and cor-
tion is not complete, given rare variation, DNA variation other responding interaction functions (e.g., activation or repres-
than SNP/co number, variation in noncoding RNA levels, and sion of gene activity) associated with all node pairs by either
variation in the different isoforms of genes are far from being leveraging prior information or performing a heuristic search,
completely characterized in any sample, let alone in entire bottom-up approaches will be capable of generating direct
populations. Beyond DNA and RNA, measuring all protein- quantitative predictions that are compatible with top-down
associated traits, interactions between proteins and DNA/ approaches. Central to the success of this approach is the
RNA, metabolite levels, epigenetic changes, and other molec- observation that the complexity of the structure of biological
ular entities important to the functioning of living systems are networks leads to robust parameter estimates in a constrained
not yet possible with existing technologies. Further, the types parameter space (Blanchini and Franco, 2011; Wilhelm et al.,
of high-dimensional data we are able to routinely generate 2004; Wu et al., 2009) and the fact that a statistical model’s
today in populations represent only a snapshot at a single time parameters are, in fact, constrained to a cubic space (e.g.,
point, which may enable the identification of the functional the conditional probabilities that represent parameters in
units of the system under study and how these units relate to our modeling approach are constrained to fall between 0
one another, but it does not enable a complete understanding and 1). This stands in contrast to current bottom-up model-
of how the functional units are put together, the mechanistic ing approaches like continuous ordinary differential equation
underpinnings of the complex set of functions carried out by (ODE) modeling in which the parameter space is generally
individual cells and by entire organs and whole systems com- unconstrained (infinitely large).
prised of multiple organs. Current systems biology approaches relating to network
One of the future developments expected to be most learning and modeling have exclusively utilized a top-down
impactful in this context is the unification of bottom-up and (reverse-engineering) approach to learn network structure
top-down modeling approaches that maximally leverage the based on association scores (Carro et al., 2010; Fiedler et al.,
strengths of each approach while minimizing the weaknesses. 2009; Margolin et al., 2006; Stuart et al., 2003; Zhu et al., 2008).
Integrating models derived from bottom-up approaches into Association scores are designed to uncover the best correla-
top-down approaches is currently hampered by the fact that tions between variables. Bayesian networks are among the
the existing approaches do not typically fully parameterize the most popular models for this purpose. In theory, it is known
network structure in ways that match the intrinsic quantita- that learning the optimal (global maximum) Bayesian network
tive nature of top-down approaches. In bottom up-approaches, structure from the data is a problem that cannot be solved in
the structural information detailing how different molecular polynomial time (what is referred to as an NP-hard problem);

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euroimaging is versatile in that it contains many sub- estimation of arterial input function (AIF), which describes
modalities that can reflect different aspects of brain the time course of the reagent concentration in the incoming
anatomy, physiology, and function. Collectively, they arterial blood (Calamante et al., 2004; Rausch et al., 2000; van
provide a powerful toolbox for researchers and clinicians to Osch et al., 2003). This is typically done by selecting pixels con-
better understand the neurobiology of the disease and improve taining large arteries and using the averaged time course as the
diagnosis. The greatest advantage of neuroimaging is that most AIF (Cha et al., 2005; Law et al., 2004). If absolute quantifica-
modalities can be performed noninvasively; thereby it repre- tion is not necessary, one can calculate the relative perfusion
sents the most direct means to “look” inside the brain in living parameters by normalizing the values against the value in a
humans. This chapter focuses on several emerging methodolo- region-of-interest (ROI), often the white matter.
gies that are capable of making a major impact in mental ill- A steady-state (SS) contrast MRI approach can also be used
ness in the coming years. to evaluate cerebral perfusion, in this case only the CBV. This
method acquires two MRI images before and after the con-
trast reagent injection and utilizes the fact that Gd-DTPA is
ME AS U REMENT O F C EREBRA L an intravascular reagent and only occupies the vascular space
PE R FUS IO N U S ING MRI (Kuppusamy et al., 1996; Lu et al., 2005; Moseley et al., 1992;
Schwarzbauer et al., 1993). As a result, the difference signal
Estimation of cerebral perfusion parameters provides a use- is proportional to the CBV. Several variants of the technique
ful means to evaluate tissue integrity and viability (Alsop et al., are available, and their main differences reside in the use of
2000; de Crespigny et al., 1998; Harris et al., 1996; Loeber et al., different methods to normalize the signal, thereby converting
1999). It should be emphasized that the utility of cerebral per- the dimensionless MRI signal to physiologic values. Figure
fusion measurement is not limited to diseases of vascular ori- 15.1 shows a CBV map using the vascular-space-occupancy
gin (e.g., stroke or vascular dementia), but many psychiatric (VASO) approach, in which the normalization factor was
and neurologic diseases may also benefit from perfusion mea- obtained from a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) region (Lu et al.,
surement. The reason is that perfusion measures can provide 2005). In comparison with DSC MRI, the SS contrast MRI has
an indirect index of neural activity in the brain parenchyma the advantages that the model is relatively simple and does not
due to neurovascular coupling (Roy and Sherrington, 1890). require the knowledge of the AIF. In addition, the SS approach
That is, if the brain region has greater neural activity, the local does not require rapid acquisitions; therefore, higher spatial
perfusion tends to be greater, too (Kuschinsky, 1996). Over the resolution can be achieved and the image distortion is min-
past few years, several MRI techniques have been extensively imal. A pitfall is that this technique only estimates CBV (Lu
tested for the purpose of perfusion measurement, and they et al., 2005), but not other parameters such as CBF, which is
can now be used to quantitatively study perfusion parameters, believed to be more useful in predicting tissue viability.
including cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral blood volume Cerebral blood flow can also be evaluated noninvasively
(CBV), and mean transit time (MTT). using a technique called arterial spin labeling (ASL) MRI
Dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) MRI uses a Food (Aslan et al., 2010; Dai et al., 2008; Detre et al., 1992; Detre
and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved MR contrast and Alsop, 1999; Edelman et al., 1994; Golay et al., 1999; Kim,
reagent (namely, the gadolinium complex of diethylenetriamine 1995; Kwong et al., 1995; Wong, 2007; Wu et al., 2007). The ASL
pentaacetic acid, Gd-DTPA) administered intravenously and pulse sequence starts with a radiofrequency (RF) pulse to mag-
employs rapid image acquisitions (e.g., 1 image/second) to netically label the incoming blood in the arterial vessels. Then,
monitor the first passage of the reagent in the brain (Ostergaard after a certain waiting period (1–2 seconds) to allow the blood
et al., 1996b; Rosen et al., 1990). Unlike perfusion tracers used to flow into the perfused tissue, an image is taken that contains
in positron emission tomography (PET), the Gd-DTPA reagent signal from labeled blood and static tissue. In a second scan,
is a nondiffusable tracer and does not penetrate the blood– the blood is not labeled, and similar waiting and acquisition
brain barrier (BBB). However, using a model that accounts for schemes are undertaken. By subtracting one image from the
the input–output functions of the vasculature, it is still possible other, the static tissue signal is canceled out, and the remain-
to estimate the perfusion parameters, including CBV, CBF, and ing difference image reflects the amount of labeled blood water
MTT (Ostergaard et al., 1996a, 1996b). One important require- that has flowed into the tissue, which can be used to calculate
ment to accurately determine perfusion using DSC MRI is the CBF. This technique can now measure a whole-brain CBF map

1 5 B R A I N I M A G I N G M E T H O D O L O G I E S | 199

including arterial transit time and vessel signal contributions
(Buxton et al., 1998; Calamante et al., 1996; Hendrikse et al.,
2003; Liu et al., 2011; Yang et al., 2000).


Neuronal activity in the brain is accompanied by an increased

consumption of glucose and oxygen. In addition, there are pro-
nounced changes in blood supply to the activated regions, char-
acterized by increased CBF and CBV (Roy and Sherrington,
1890). The precise mechanism of this neurovascular cou-
pling is not clear. But it is thought to be mediated by one or
more factors related to metabolism and/or neurotransmitters
(Iadecola, 2004). Regardless of the mechanism, it is important
to note that the increase in blood supply overcompensates for
the increase in oxygen metabolism. As a result, the blood oxy-
genation in the draining veins and the capillaries is actually
more oxygenated during the stimulation period compared
with the resting state. This forms the basis of blood oxygen-
ation level–dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance
Figure 15.1 Absolute cerebral blood volume maps using VASO MRI. Imaging imaging (fMRI) signal (Kwong et al., 1992; Ogawa et al., 1992).
parameters: coronal slices, resolution 1.5 × 1.5 mm2; acquisition time was The hemoglobin in erythrocytes has different MR properties
5 minutes. during the oxygenated and deoxygenated states. Deoxygenated
blood is paramagnetic, which reduces the transverse relaxation
times (T2 and T2*) of the water signal (inside the blood com-
within 5 minutes on a standard clinical MRI scanner; thus, it partment and outside the blood compartment), whereas oxy-
can be easily included in an imaging session with relatively genated blood is not paramagnetic. As a result, the MR signal
little added cost. Figure 15.2 shows a CBF map measured with is directly correlated with the amount of deoxyhemoglobin in
a pseudocontinuous ASL method. The main advantage of the the voxel (Ogawa et al., 1993). The BOLD effect on T2* is more
ASL technique is that the experimental procedure is nonin- pronounced than that on T2. As a result, the T2* weighted
vasive and straightforward. A pitfall is that the quantifica- gradient-echo echo-planar-imaging (EPI) sequence is the most
tion is not trivial, and it involves several confounding factors, widely used pulse sequence.

Figure 15.2 Absolute cerebral blood flow (CBF) maps using pseudocontinuous ASL MRI. The duration of the image acquisition was approximately 5 minutes and
no contrast agent was used.

200 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

While evoked fMRI based on specific external stimuli processes in the absence of a particular task (Shulman et al.,
has been used for more than two decades, there has been a 2004; Sibson et al., 1998), it is further argued that, in pursuit of
recent surge in the use of BOLD MRI to study resting-state better understanding of brain functions, observation of intrin-
brain activity. We therefore focus our discussion on the resting sic brain activity may be at least as important as that of evoked
state fMRI. Since the current analysis of the resting state data activity (Gusnard et al., 2001; Raichle et al., 2001).
has primarily focused on the connection between two or more Various applications of resting-state fMRI to brain diseases
brain regions rather than individual regions, this technique is have been demonstrated, including studies of Alzheimer’s dis-
also known to as functional connectivity MRI (fcMRI). ease (Greicius et al., 2003; Li et al., 2002), schizophrenia (Liang
Intrinsic brain activity can be investigated using sponta- et al., 2006), epilepsy (Waites et al., 2006), cocaine dependence
neous fluctuations in resting-state fMRI signals (Biswal et al., (Li et al., 2000), and antidepressant effects (Anand et al., 2005).
1995). As illustrated in Figure 15.3, fMRI signals from the left Using a cross-correlation-based analysis method, Li et al.
and right primary sensorimotor cortices show highly synchro- (2002) quantified functional synchrony in the hippocampus
nized fluctuations at rest, and “functional connectivity” maps of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and demonstrated lower
based on the synchrony can be obtained by cross-correlation correlation of signals in patients with Alzheimer’s disease com-
analysis using signal from a selected brain area as a “seed pared with age-matched mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
point” or reference. Brain connectivity maps in the absence participants and healthy controls. Their study suggested that
of task performance have been reported to follow specific resting-state synchrony may be used as a quantitative marker
brain circuits, including sensorimotor, visual, auditory, and for diagnosis and stage of Alzheimer’s disease. Greicius et al.
language-processing networks (Beckmann et al., 2005; Biswal (2003) investigated the default brain mode activity in patients
et al., 1995; Cordes et al., 2000; Fox et al., 2005; Greicius et al., with Alzheimer’s disease using independent component analy-
2003; Lowe et al., 1998; Xiong et al., 1999). Among these obser- sis (ICA). They found that patients with Alzheimer’s disease
vations, the existence of a brain network including posterior showed decreased resting-state activity in the posterior cin-
cingulate cortex (PCC) and medial prefrontal cortex (MPF) has gulate and hippocampus, suggesting disrupted connectivity
been reported (Fox et al., 2005; Greicius et al., 2003). This find- between these two brain regions, consistent with the posterior
ing supports previous suggestions that there is a functionally cingulated hypometabolism commonly found in previous PET
significant “default brain mode” in the resting state (Gusnard studies of early Alzheimer’s disease. These studies demon-
et al., 2001; Raichle et al., 2001). Because the brain expends strated the utility of resting-state functional connectivity in the
a considerable amount of energy for neuronal-signaling study of neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders.
Advanced approaches for analyzing resting-state fMRI data,
beyond the traditional seed-based and ICA methods, have been
developed in recent years. Quantitative analysis of complex net-
R L works, based on graph theory, has been successfully exploited
to study brain organizations (Bullmore and Sporns, 2009;
Sporns et al., 2005). Graph theory analyzes “graphs” consist-
ing of nodes (e.g., anatomical regions of the brain) and edges
(e.g., functional connectivity strength) connecting the nodes. It
has been shown that brain systems exhibit topological features
of complex networks, including “small-world” characteristics
(Watts and Strogatz, 1998), modular structures (Meunier et al.,
2010), and highly connected hubs (Buckner et al., 2009). For
690 example, a small-world network possesses both high clustering
and short path lengths, resulting in efficient information trans-
680 fer on both local and global scales. The human brain, like many
other networks such as social network and electrical power
grids, has small-world properties representing an optimal bal-
ance between integration and segregation between subunits.
Network analysis methods have been demonstrated to be use-
660 ful in identifying dynamic changes of brain networks associated
with development (Fan et al., 2011), aging (Wu et al., 2012), and
650 Left primary motor neuropsychiatric diseases (Yao et al., 2010).
Right primary motor Despite extensive applications of resting-state functional
640 connectivity in basic and clinical studies, the underlying
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 neural mechanisms of these synchronized fluctuations in
time (sec) resting-state fMRI signal remain obscure. Effort has been
made in recent years to investigate whether these coherent
Figure 15.3 Functional MRI signals at rest (bottom) from the left and right
primary sensorimotor cortices (upper left), and functional connectivity
fluctuations have a neural basis. Using an animal model, the
map (upper right), obtained from cross-correlation analysis using the left mechanisms were first examined by combined electrophysi-
sensorimotor cortex as a reference. ological recordings and fMRI scans in the resting rat brain

1 5 B R A I N I M A G I N G M E T H O D O L O G I E S | 201

(Lu et al., 2007). It was demonstrated that the interhemi- pathways based on DTI or beyond-tensor techniques, has also
spheric γ-band power correlation and functional connectiv- been developed (Xue et al., 1999).
ity between the left and right somatosensory cortices were
significantly greater than those between the somatosensory
cortex and the visual cortex, and the electrophysiological and
hemodynamic metrics were significantly and similarly mod- For unrestricted diffusion in a three-dimensional space, the
ulated by anesthetic dose, suggesting a region-specific and displacements of an ensemble of molecules can be described
anesthetic-induced state-dependent effect (Lu et al., 2007). by the Einstein equation (Einstein, 1926)
The tight relationship between electrophysiological and rest-
ing fMRI signals was also demonstrated in human brains in r 2 = 6Dτ D
patients with intractable epilepsy undergoing evaluation with
surgically implanted grids of subdural electrodes (He et al., where <r2> is the mean-squared displacement, τD is the diffusion
2008). These studies provided an important bridge between time, and D is the diffusion coefficient. Fundamental principles of
the brain networks readily revealed by spontaneous BOLD diffusion MRI can be illustrated by the traditional pulsed gradient
signals and their underlying neurophysiology. experiment (Stejskal and Tanner, 1965) designed to measure the
spin echo signal attenuation caused by phase dispersion of diffu-
sive nuclear spins in the presence of diffusion-sensitive gradients.
DIFFUS IO N-BA S ED MRI T EC H N I Q U E S As illustrated in Figure 15.4, in a spin echo pulse sequence, a pair
of identical gradients is placed on both sides of the 180-degree
Diffusion occurs as a result of random thermal motion of small refocus RF pulse. For a static spin, the two gradients would result
particles such as water molecules in a given medium. The effects in phase shifts with the same magnitude but opposite signs, respec-
of molecular diffusion on MR signals have been studied since tively, leading to cancellation of the phase change at the echo time.
1950s (Carr and Purcell, 1954; Hahn, 1950). A significant However, for a diffusive spin the gradients would produce a net
improvement of diffusion measurement using MR techniques phase shift, and phase dispersion in an ensemble of spins would
was made in 1960s (Stejskal and Tanner, 1965) by utilizing mag- cause signal attenuation at the echo time. The spin echo signal in
netic gradient pulses to encode the phase dispersion caused the presence of diffusion gradients, S(b), with respect to that in the
by diffusion. Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) was devel- absence of the gradients, S(0), can be expressed as
oped in 1980s (Le Bihan et al., 1986) as an integration of MRI
and diffusion-sensitive magnetic gradients. In ideal free diffu-
S (b ) = S ( ) p ( bD )
sion, the diffusivity is uniform along all directions, or isotropic.
However, a diffusion process in biological tissue, such as brain
white matter, could be anisotropic because the diffusive mol- where b is called “b-factor,” a measure of the strength of the
ecules may experience direction-dependent restrictions due to diffusion-weighting gradients, and is determined by the dura-
specific arrangements of tissue structures. Diffusion tensor imag- tion of the gradients δ, separation of the gradients Δ, and the
ing (DTI) was developed in 1990s (Basser et al., 1994) as a tool amplitude of the gradient G. For the setting in Figure 15.4,
to quantify the anisotropy of diffusion in biological tissue. An b = γ2G2Δ2(Δ–δ/3), where γ is the gyromagnetic ratio. Diffusion
important advantage of DTI is that it provides rotation-invariant MRI can be implemented by a combination of an imaging
measurements, which means that the measurements are inde- sequence with the diffusion-sensitive gradients to map diffu-
pendent from participant positions, thus making longitudinal sion coefficient in an object. Diffusion coefficient measured
and group comparisons possible (Basser and Pierpaoli, 1996). In in biological tissue is often influenced by restricted diffusion
recent years, “beyond-tensor” imaging techniques (Tuch et al., due to complex microscopic structures as well as macroscopic
2003) have been proposed to overcome challenges encompassed motion such as blood perfusion, and therefore, diffusion
in DTI, such as the handling of complex white matter structures. strength measured in biological systems is generally termed
Tractography, a promising technique to delineate neuronal apparent diffusion coefficient or ADC.

δ δ

π/2 π

TE/2 TE/2

Figure 15.4 Schematic diagram of the Stejskal-Tanner pulsed gradient diffusion experiment.

202 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

DIFFUSION TENSOR IMAGING rotation-invariant indices have been widely used to visualize
and quantify diffusion tensor maps in biological applications.
Diffusion tensor imaging is a diffusion-imaging technique
These include (Basser et al., 1994) the mean diffusivity (MD),
to characterize diffusion anisotropy (Basser et al., 1994).
the average diffusion strength in all directions
Molecular diffusion in biological tissue is often anisotropic due
to varied restriction along different directions. For instance,
λ1 + λ2 + λ3
water molecules in a white matter fiber fascicle typically dif- MD = D =
fuse faster along the fibers compared with those that cross the
fibers. Diffusion in such an anisotropic medium needs to be
and the fractional anisotropy (FA), a normalized (0 ≤ FA < 1)
described by multiple diffusion coefficients accounting for the
degree of the diffusion anisotropy
direction dependence. In the formulation of DTI (Basser et al.,
1994), the diffusion coefficient is no longer characterized by a
scalar parameter D, but rather, by a 3 × 3 tensor D:
FA =
3 (( − ) +( − ) +( − ))
2( + + )
⎛ D XX D XY D XZ ⎞
⎜ ⎟ where λ1, λ2, and λ3 are eigenvalues of the diffusion tensor.
Figure 15.5 illustrates maps of MD and FA calculated from the
diffusion tensor map acquired from a human brain. In gen-
where Dij(i, j = x, y, z) denotes the cross-correlation of the dif- eral, the MD map shows high intensities in ventricles and gray
fusion coefficient between the i and j axis, and thus, D is always matter, where the diffusion is relatively isotropic with higher
symmetric, that is, Dij = Dji. Similarly, a 3 × 3 matrix b is employed strength. The FA map highlights the white matter tracts in the
in DTI with elements bij representing the b-factor correspond- brain, where the diffusion is highly anisotropic. The primary
ing to the element Dij in D. Thus, the diffusion-weighted signal eigenvector of the diffusion tensor is useful to indicate the ori-
attenuation can be expressed in the DTI formulation, entation of the well-organized tissue, such as fiber boundless
in white matter, and can be used to track neural pathways.
⎛ ⎞
S (b ) = S ( ) p

∑ ∑
i X ,Y ,Z j X ,Y ,Z
bij Dij ⎟

Despite the success of DTI in a variety of applications, chal-

To determine the six independent elements in D, one needs lenges exist in handling complex brain structures, in which
to perform at least six diffusion-weighted measurements with diffusion patterns are far more complicated than a tensor
the b matrices independent from each other. An additional model can deal with. For instance, DTI often fails to correctly
experiment is also needed to provide a nondiffusion-weighted describe diffusion patterns in brain areas with fiber cross-
reference image. Therefore, a minimum of seven measure- ings. In the case of multiple fiber components sharing a single
ments is required to determine the diffusion tensor D. Recent voxel, the major eigenvector of the diffusion tensor could be
studies have indicated that using more directions for diffusion substantially biased from the actual fiber orientation, result-
encoding generally helps to improve the accuracy and/or the ing in misleading fiber tracing. This is fundamentally lim-
efficiency of the DTI technique, if these directions are appro- ited by the tensor model because the diffusion tensor is only
priately optimized (Le Bihan et al., 2001). a second-order approximation (in terms of mean square fit-
Diffusion tensor can be analyzed based on the eigen- ting) to the real three-dimensional diffusion process (Basser
analysis theorem (Golub and Van Loan, 1996). Several et al., 2000). “Beyond-tensor” diffusion techniques based on

(A) (B) (C)

T1-weighted image MD map FA map

Figure 15.5 T1-weighted image ( A) and corresponding mean diffusivity ( B) and fractional anisotropic ( C) images of a brain section.

1 5 B R A I N I M A G I N G M E T H O D O L O G I E S | 203

higher order mathematical models, such as high angular reso- region with a radius and length about the same as the coil
lution diffusion (HARD) and q-space imaging (QSI) have been radius. A disadvantage of using surface coils for localization is
proposed recently to overcome these difficulties (Frank, 2001; that the sensitivity is extremely inhomogeneous in the volume,
Jensen et al., 2005; Tuch et al., 2003; Zhan et al., 2004). which makes quantification of spectroscopic data difficult.
Single-volume spectroscopy techniques use shaped RF
pulses along with field gradients to selectively excite the spins in
MA GNE T IC RES O NA NC E S P EC T R O SC O P Y a defined volume. The most commonly used approaches in this
category are point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) (Bottomley,
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a noninvasive tech- 1984) and stimulated echo acquisition mode (STEAM) (Frahm
nique that can be used to investigate biochemistry of living sys- et al., 1987). Similar to slice selection in imaging, these tech-
tems. The first in vivo 31P MRS experiment was conducted on a niques select a volume using three slab-selective RF pulses in
mouse head using a conventional spectrometer with a RF coil sur- the presence of field gradients in three orthogonal directions.
rounding the entire head (Chance et al., 1978). Spectra of brain A spin echo or stimulated echo is formed by the signal from
without contamination from other tissues were first obtained the intersection of the three selected slabs.
using a localization technique with a surface coil (Ackerman et al., Spectroscopic imaging (SI) or chemical shift imaging (CSI)
1980). In the past decades, MRS has evolved into a powerful tool uses phase encoding and/or frequency encoding to obtain spa-
for biological research and clinical diagnosis. Unlike MRI, which tial and spectroscopic information (Brown et al., 1982; Lauterbur
measures the signal from protons in water molecules, MRS usu- et al., 1975). Like imaging, this technique acquires spectroscopic
ally detects the signal from compounds in much lower concentra- data in a matrix of spatially resolved voxels, allowing for obser-
tions. Besides the most sensitive nuclear 1H, MRS can also detect vation of spectra in multiple regions simultaneously.
a range of nuclei including 31P, 13C, 19F, 15N, 23Na, and 7Li.

Proton MRS can reliably detect N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA), cre-

atine (Cr)/phosphocreatine (PCr), choline (Cho)-containing
The simplest way to obtain a localized spectrum is to use a sur- compounds including phosphocholine (PC) and glycerophos-
face coil, which produces a limited excitation volume close to phocholine (GPC), and myo-inositol (Ins) in the brain. At high
the coil (Ackerman et al., 1980). The sensitivity distribution of field strengths (>7 T), glutamate (Glu), glutamine (Gln), and
the volume depends on the shape and orientation of the coil. For other metabolites can be resolved. A spectrum acquired from
a single-loop coil, the selective volume is roughly a cylindrical the cingulate of a rat brain at 9.4 T is illustrated in Figure 15.6.






4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5


Figure 15.6 A STEAM spectrum from the rat cingulate, volume size = 3 × 3 × 3 mm3, TR/TE/TM = 3000/9.1/10 ms, NEX = 300. Asp = aspartate, Cr = creatine,
GABA = γ-aminobutyric acid, Gln = glutamine, GPC = glycerophosphocholine, Glu = glutamate, Lac = lactate, Ins = myo-inositol, NAA = N-acetyl-aspartate,
NAAG = N-acetyl-asparty-glutamate, PC = phosphocholine, PCr = phosphocreatine, Tau = taurine, MM = macromolecules.

204 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

Brain metabolites measured by 1H MRS are involved in has shown promise in assessing patients with neuropsychiatric
cellular metabolism, neurotransmission, and cell membrane disorders (Hasler et al., 2007).
synthesis, or serve as a marker specific to neurons or glia (de
Graaf, 1998; Govindaraju et al., 2000). NAA is commonly
believed to be a marker of mature neurons, and a reduc-
tion of NAA level in the brain is indicative of neuronal loss The goal of spectral quantification is to estimate metabolite
and/or dysfunction. The protons of an N-acetyl CH3 group concentrations from spectroscopic data. Although the area
provide the most prominent singlet resonance at 2.02 ppm, underneath a spectrum is directly proportional to the num-
which can be measured robustly. Cr and PCr are observed as ber of nuclei within the sensitive volume of the coil, it is not
a strong singlet resonance at 3.03 pm. The Cr/PCr level is rela- straightforward to achieve this goal. A number of factors have
tively stable across the brain and is, therefore, often used as to be taken into account in quantifying spectroscopic data
an internal concentration reference. This measure should be (Kauppinen and Williams, 1994).
used with caution because reduced levels of Cr are observed Spectroscopic signal intensity is related to relaxation times
in some pathological conditions, such as tumors and stroke. and equilibrium magnetization. Magnetization recovers dur-
Cho is an important precursor of cell membrane synthesis, ing a repetition time (TR) with longitudinal relaxation time
and increases of Cho indicate membrane damage to myelin (T1) and decays during a TE with transverse relaxation time
or neuron. Cho, PC, and GPC give rise to a prominent singlet (T2). Effects of T1 and T2 can be minimized using long TR and
resonance at 3.20 ppm. Ins is believed to be a glial marker and short TE. In many circumstances, however, knowledge of the
an increase of Ins reflects gliosis. This compound has a promi- relaxation times is needed to correct for these effects.
nent doublet of doublet centered at 3.52 ppm and a triplet at Spectral peak intensities can be affected by data acquisition
3.61 ppm. and processing strategies as well as the existence of macromol-
Glu is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the central ecules in the sensitive volume. For instance, in chemical shift
nervous system (CNS). Closely coupled to Glu, Gln is mostly imaging using phase encoding for spatial localization (Brown
located in glial cells as the end product of Glu catabolism and is et al., 1982), the early data points in the free induction decay
a reservoir for Glu production in the neuron. γ-aminobutyric (FID) are not collected, resulting in baseline and line shape
acid (GABA) is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in CNS. distortions in the spectrum. Appropriate processing tech-
These neurotransmitters play important roles in many neuro- niques are needed to estimate the missing data points and thus
logical and psychiatric disorders, such as epilepsy, depression, to correct for spectral distortions. Macromolecules contribute
and drug addiction. However, reliable detection and accurate to a broad baseline in a spectrum, which has to be removed
quantification of Glu, Gln, or GABA in vivo remains challeng- in data acquisition or processing. Techniques to extract signal
ing using proton 1H MRS at low and middle magnetic field intensities, such as LCModel (Provencher, 1993) and jMRUI
strengths (1.5–4.7 T), primarily due to spectral overlap of (Naressi et al., 2001), have been developed and widely used for
these compounds. Recently, new techniques such as echo time spectral quantification.
(TE)-averaged PRESS (Hurd et al., 2004) and STEAM with Metabolite concentrations can be presented as ratios, for
optimized timing parameters (Hu et al., 2007) have been devel- example, relative to Cr, which is thought to be relatively stable
oped to deal with this problem. An example of resolved Glu and in normal brains. Recent studies demonstrated that absolute
Gln STEAM spectrum on the human brain with optimized TE quantification of metabolites has added value for unambigu-
and mixing time (TM) at 3 T is illustrated in Figure 15.7. Glu ous data interpretation (Jansen et al., 2006). However, extra
and Gln peaks at 2.35–2.45 ppm are well resolved and can be calibration steps are required to achieve absolute quantifica-
accurately quantified. tion. Several strategies have been developed for this purpose,
The three resonances of GABA at 1.89, 2.28, and 3.01 including internal endogenous marker, external reference,
ppm are overlapped with the much stronger signals of NAA, replace-and-match method, water signal reference, and princi-
Glu, and Cr, respectively. However, the resonance frequen- ple of reciprocity (Jansen et al., 2006). Although absolute quan-
cies of GABA are affected by “J-coupling” while the overlap- tification requires more time and expertise, it can improve the
ping singlet peaks of NAA and Cr are not. As such, editing diagnosis utility of MR spectroscopy.
spectroscopic techniques can separate the desired J-coupled
compounds from the overlapping ones by manipulating their
magnetizations (Mescher et al., 1998; Rothman et al., 1993). M E A SU R E M E N T O F C E R E B R A L
In the difference editing sequence, a selective 180° pulse is M E TA B O L I C R AT E O F O X Y G E N
used to refocus the magnetization evolution due to J-coupling
of the GABA-H4 spin (3.01 ppm). When editing pulses are Cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) is a measure of
turned ON/OFF in a two-step acquisition, the J-evolution of energy consumption in the brain. Because aerobic metabo-
GABA-H4 is refocused/intact respectively, while the strong lism is the primary form of energy production in the brain
singlet resonance Cr at 3.03 ppm remains unchanged between (Magistretti and Pellerin, 1999), CMRO2 is an important index
the two scans. Difference of the two scans will eliminate the Cr of tissue viability and brain function. Disrupted oxygen metab-
resonance while preserving the GABA-H4 resonance at almost olism is associated with a number of pathophysiologic condi-
the same frequency. This spectral editing technique has been tions such as Alzheimer’s disease (Buckner et al., 2005; Ogawa
successfully implemented on 3T MR scanners recently and et al., 1996), brain aging (Lu et al., 2011), multiple sclerosis

1 5 B R A I N I M A G I N G M E T H O D O L O G I E S | 205

NAA In the preceding equation, Ya can be easily measured with
noninvasive pulse oximetry on a fingertip. Note that arterial
oxygenation is identical throughout the body; thus, measure-
ment made at a finger can be used for brain calculation. A
number of MR techniques are available for quantitative mea-
surements of CBF. For global CBF, one can use a phase contrast
MRI applied on the feeding arteries of the brain (Fig. 15.8b)
(Aslan et al., 2010; Bonekamp et al., 2011; Lu et al., 2011; Xu
et al., 2009). For region-specific CBF, a noninvasive technique,
arterial-spin-labeling (ASL), can be used (Aslan et al., 2010;
Dai et al., 2008; Detre and Alsop, 1999; Edelman et al., 1994;
Golay et al., 1999; Kim, 1995; Kwong et al., 1995; Liu et al.,
2011; Wong, 2007; Wu et al., 2007). The most challenging com-
ponent is the measurement of Yv, which has seen a great deal of
4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5
technical development over the past several years.
One of the MRI approaches to quantify global venous oxy-
genation is based on the relationship between blood T2 and
Figure 15.7 A STEAM spectrum with optimized TE/TM (72/6 ms) in the medial oxygenation and was termed T2-relaxation-under-spin-tagging
occipitoparietal junction of the human brain (voxel size = 20 × 20 × 20 mm3). (TRUST) (Lu and Ge, 2008). The TRUST MRI technique
Glu and Gln peaks are well resolved at 2.35–2.45 ppm.
applies the spin labeling principle on the venous side and
acquires control and labeled images, the subtraction of which
(Ge et al., 2012; Sun et al., 1998), Parkinson’s disease yields pure venous blood signal (Fig. 15.8c). T2 value of the
(Borghammer et al., 2008), diabetes (Sieber et al., 1993; Uchino pure venous blood is then determined using nonselective T2
et al., 2010), traumatic brain injury (Glenn et al., 2003), and nor- preparation pulses, minimizing the effect of flow on T2 esti-
mal pressure hydrocephalus (Walter et al., 2005). Traditionally, mation (Lu and Ge, 2008; Lu et al., 2012). Despite the lack of
brain oxygen metabolism can only be measured with positron spatial information, this approach has the advantage of being
emission tomography (PET). Unfortunately, the measurement fast and reliable (Liu et al., 2012). Intrasession and interses-
is only available in a limited number of institutions where an sion coefficient of variation (CoV) of this technique was
on-site cyclotron is available and, furthermore, technical limi- 2.8% ± 1.3% and 5.9% ± 1.6%, respectively, suggesting a high
tations such as long scan duration, high cost, and high risk have reproducibility of this technique. This CMRO2 technique has
prevented oxygen metabolism measurement from becoming a so far been applied in studies of cognitive aging, Alzheimer’s
routine procedure. Recent advances in MRI technologies have disease (AD), cocaine addiction, and multiple sclerosis (MS)
provided an opportunity to fill this gap. Over the past few (Ge et al., 2012; Lu et al., 2011). Another promising T2-based
years, a number of emerging techniques have been developed MRI method, quantitative imaging of extraction of oxygen
and extensively tested to a point that it is now feasible to mea- and tissue consumption (QUIXOTIC) (Bolar et al., 2011),
sure human brain metabolism using completely noninvasive aimed to measure regional oxygenation. This technique uses
procedures on a standard 3-Tesla scanner. velocity-selective spin tagging to separate venular blood from
CMRO2 can be measured by combining several noninvsive arterial blood and static tissue (Bolar et al., 2011). In combina-
measures obtained from MRI and pulse oximetry (Xu et al., tion with ASL MRI technique, absolute CMRO2 map can, in
2009). The theoretical basis of the method is the Fick principle principle, be generated.
(Kety and Schmidt, 1948): Venous oxygenation can also be measured using suscep-
tibility differences between oxygenated and deoxygenated
blood. It has been shown that blood oxygenation in major
CMRO2 = CBF (Ya − Yv ) Ca
blood vessels can alter the magnetic susceptibility difference
between intravascular blood and surrounding brain paren-
A graphical illustration of this relationship is shown in chyma (Fernandez-Seara et al., 2006; Haacke et al., 1997). This
Figure 15.8a. In brief, arterial vessels deliver blood that has an concept has been extended to measure venous oxygenation in
oxygenation level of Ya, the flow rate of which is denoted by smaller vessels, which, in combination with regional CBF mea-
CBF. When the blood transits through capillary beds, a por- sured by ASL technique, yields regional CMRO2 values (Fan
tion of the carried oxygen is extracted by brain tissue for its et al., 2012). The major limitation of the susceptibility-based
metabolism, the rate of which is denoted by CMRO2. The por- approaches is that the veins being measured need be parallel
tion that remains in the blood will determine the venous oxy- to the main magnetic field. The angle between vessel geom-
genation, Yv, and is drained through veins. Ca is the amount etry and main magnetic field will cause bias to the oxygenation
of oxygen molecules that a unit volume of blood can carry, measurements.
assumed to be 897 μmol O2/100 ml blood based on physiol- Alternatively, calibrated fMRI has been shown to provide
ogy literature (Guyton and Hall, 2005). Therefore, once CBF, quantitative measurement of CMRO2 as well. This approach is
Ya, and Yv are experimentally measured, CMRO2 can be deter- based on a generalized calibrated MRI signal model (Bulte et al.,
mined using the Fick principle. 2012; Gauthier et al., 2011). By having the subjects undergo

206 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y


Ya Yv
96~100% [O2] 50~75% [O2]

Brain tissue

(B) (C)
Internal Carotid Artery

Vertebral Artery

Figure 15.8 Illustration of cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) measurement using MRI techniques. ( A ) Relationship among physiologic parameters
associated with oxygen demand and supply. ( B) Slice locations of phase contrast MRI for the measurement of cerebral blood flow. Each of the imaging slices (gray
horizontal) is placed at one of the four feeding arteries of the brain before they enter the skull. ( C) Slice location of T2-relaxation-under-spin-tagging (TRUST) MRI
for the measurement of venous oxygenation in superior sagittal sinus. Small rectangular slab—imaging slice. Large rectangular slab—labeling slab.

two physiologic challenges of hypercapnia and hyperoxia between gray and white matters. This technique is increasingly
breathing, two forms of the signal equations can be obtained. used to assess brain atrophy in longitudinal and cross-sectional
Solving the two equations will provide parameters that can studies. The MRI data can be analyzed using one of three dif-
further yield CMRO2 map (Gauthier and Hoge, 2012). A major ferent methods.
limitation of the calibrated fMRI method is the complexity of One method is to manually draw ROI on a slice-by-slice
experiment procedures, the subject burden to perform hyper- basis and to calculate the volume for each tissue type (Convit
capnia and hyperoxia breathing, and the large number of et al., 1997). The intersubject variability in head size can be
assumptions used in the model. corrected by dividing the ROI volume by the total intracranial
volume. The advantage of such a method is that the procedure
is relatively straightforward, and the results are less sensitive to
S TR U C TU RA L IMA GING U S ING M R I SNR and image inhomogeneity. However, this approach is very
time consuming, and the operators need to be well trained to
With recent advances in high-field MR imaging technology produce consistent results. A less labor-intensive ROI approach
and the development of parallel imaging acquisitions, struc- is to use a semiautomatic procedure, in which a large ROI is
tural MR images can be obtained with higher spatial resolu- selected based on simple landmarks; an algorithm is applied to
tions and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Whole-brain images segment the ROI into gray matter, white matter, and CSF; and
with a resolution of 1 × 1 × 1 mm3 are now routinely acquired the normalized tissue volume is used for atrophy comparison
with scan durations of 4 to 8 minutes. This renders to MRI the (Rusinek et al., 2003).
capability of evaluating regional volumetric changes for vari- A second method is voxel-based morphometry (VBM).
ous tissue types, such as gray matter, white matter, and CSF; This processing strategy first uses spatial coregistration to
this is especially useful for studies of psychiatric disorders normalize individual brains into the coordinates of a brain
because the involved brain regions may be relatively diffused template (Ashburner and Friston, 2000; Rombouts et al., 2000;
and changes can be subtle. The typical MR pulse sequence Wright et al., 1995), so that equivalent structures in different
used is called magnetization-prepared rapid acquisitions of brains are roughly in the same location. Image segmentation
gradient-echo (MPRAGE) (Mugler and Brookeman, 1991), is then performed to partition the normalized brain image
and the resulting images are T1 weighted, with clear contrast into gray matter, white matter, and CSF. It is important to note

1 5 B R A I N I M A G I N G M E T H O D O L O G I E S | 207

that, after the segmentation, the signal intensity in the origi- Pittsburgh compound-B (PIB) is the most successful
nal image is replaced by a value between 0 and 1, indicating carbon-11-based radiotracer (Klunk et al., 2004). It is a ben-
the probability that the voxel belongs to gray matter, white zothiazole agent that has high affinity to bind Aβ, and the
matter, or CSF. These values are not influenced by the actual tracer signal can be detected by PET scanners (Mathis et al.,
signal intensity in the raw MPRAGE image. This conversion 2003). The PIB compound has been extensively tested in mul-
from MRI signal to brain mask value is crucial in VBM as tisite studies (Klunk and Mathis, 2008). Validation studies
the scaling factor of the raw MRI signal is arbitrary and may comparing in vivo PIB imaging signal to postmortem tissue
be different for different participants. Therefore, a compari- Aβ have also been reported, which showed strong correlations
son of the signals in the MPRAGE image across participants (Bacskai et al., 2007; Ikonomovic et al., 2008). Amyloid imag-
is not meaningful. The next key step in VBM processing is the ing using PIB has shown utility in many research areas such
smoothing of the mask images. It is this step that creates the as Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment (Forsberg
contrast between a normal brain and an atrophic brain, which et al., 2008; Jack et al., 2008; Kemppainen et al., 2007; Pike et al.,
can be used for statistical comparison. The spatial smoothing, 2007), cerebral amyloid angiopathy (Johnson et al., 2007), cog-
in effect, allows the signal in a single voxel to reflect the con- nitive aging (Aizenstein et al., 2008; Edison et al., 2007; Fotenos
centration of the tissue in its surrounding areas. Therefore, a et al., 2008; Kemppainen et al., 2008; Mintun et al., 2006;
voxel in a thick gray matter layer will have a larger value than a Nelissen et al., 2007; Rodrigue et al., 2012), and Parkinson’s
voxel in a thin layer after smoothing, even though their values disease (Johansson et al., 2008). Due to the large number of
before smoothing were identical (e.g., both 1). In addition, participants on whom PIB has been used and the extensive
the smoothing also reduces the effect of regional brain shape experience the field has gained on this tracer, it is now becom-
differences, which cannot be compensated for in the normal- ing a reference tracer that newly developed tracer is compared
ization step. Following smoothing, statistical comparison is with (Klunk and Mathis, 2008). A limitation of PIB is that it is
performed on a voxel-by-voxel basis to detect the regions that based on carbon-11 radioisotope, and the half-life of this agent
show significant changes in tissue concentration. The advan- is relatively short (~20 minutes). Therefore, in practice terms,
tage of the VBM method is that the processing steps are highly the tracer would have to be generated on-site and be adminis-
automated, and one can assess the atrophy for the entire brain tered to the patient almost immediately. The equipment that is
easily. One disadvantage is that this processing requires the used to generate the carbon-11 radioisotope is called a cyclo-
anatomical data to be of high quality, in terms of resolution tron, and only less than 10% of the PET facilities in the United
and SNR, and data acquired using different MRI scanners or States have an on-site cyclotron. This requirement of PIB limits
different imaging parameters may yield drastically different the use of this agent to the few medical centers and research
results. institutions. Therefore, the impact of this agent so far has been
A third method for analyzing structural images is mainly limited to the research realm.
deformation-based morphometry (Freeborough and Fox, The other tracer discussed in this section, Florbetapir, does
1998; Shen and Davatzikos, 2002). In this method, the brain not have this limitation. Florbetapir is based on fluorine-18
image is transformed into the coordinates of a template brain radioisotope, which has a half-life of about 110 minutes (Zhang
or a baseline brain image. Then the information in the trans- et al., 2007). With this long half-life, it is feasible and practi-
formation matrix is used to determine whether the position of cal for the agent to be synthesized at a centralized facility and
a particular brain structure is shifted or the shape has changed. then be shipped to various clinical and research PET facilities.
Certain indices are often obtained from the transformation This is a huge advantage in terms of practicality and scope of
matrix (e.g., the Jacobian determinant), and they can be used impact. On April 10, 2012, Florbetapir was approved by the
for statistical analysis. The advantage of the deformation-based U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use on adults who are
approach is that it does not use spatial smoothing to generate being evaluated for Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of
the volumetric information. On the other hand, the perfor- cognitive decline. Therefore, the impact of amyloid imaging
mance of this method would require the algorithm to be able has evolved from research tools to clinical practice.
to detect deformations at a very small scale. At present, the high costs associated with amyloid imaging
remain to be the main obstacle to many researchers. It is esti-
mated that the costs to obtain the amyloid imaging data are
AMYLOID IMA GING W IT H P O S I T R O N several times greater than that to collect the MRI data.

During the past decade, the neuroimaging community has SU M M A RY

seen the successful development of a few radiotracers for
imaging of beta-amyloid (Aβ) (Jureus et al., 2010; Klunk et al., It is clear that neuroimaging technologies will continue to
2004; Koole et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2005, 2007; ), a hallmark contribute to our understanding of mental disorders and may
protein in Alzheimer’s disease (Hardy and Selkoe, 2002). emerge as a diagnostic tool and eventually be used for monitor-
While a relatively large number of tracers have been ing treatments. Many imaging biomarkers have already been
reported to be capable of amyloid-specific imaging, two of proposed for the evaluation of diseases and to guide therapeu-
them have made particularly large impact and are the foci of tic procedures. Among neuroimaging modalities, MRI is a ver-
the discussion in this section. satile technique in that it provides a variety of tools for in vivo

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GE NE R AL IS S U ES IN BRA IN TA R G E T I N G can involve either a single scan after the stimulation, or a

IN PS YC H IAT RY scan immediately before and then again after the stimula-
tion, subtracting the two scans to determine the effect of the
This chapter builds on the prior chapter, which described the stimulation.
new methods for imaging the brain. With our ability to image Finally, in some situations one can actually perform stim-
the brain’s structure or function, we now have more sophisti- ulation at the same time as the brain is being stimulated. This
cated models, or maps, of how the brain works in health and online stimulation allows one to visualize and understand the
disease. Luckily, in concert with the advances in brain imag- effects of stimulation. Currently this can be done with positron
ing, there has been a steady expansion of new techniques that emission tomography (PET), single-photon emission com-
can focally stimulate the brain either invasively or noninva- puted tomography (SPECT), and functional magnetic reso-
sively (Higgins and George, 2008). These new brain stimula- nance imaging (fMRI).
tion or neuromodulation methods work hand in hand with
brain-imaging methods in order to determine where to stim-
ulate or to examine the effects of stimulation (Sackeim and
George, 2008). This chapter provides an overview of the ways When using scans to determine where to place the stimulation,
in which the brain stimulation methods interact with, and even it is important to remember that there are differences between
inform, brain imaging (Siebner et al., 2009). In particular, we brain structure and function, and the two do not necessarily over-
will discuss the techniques where imaging is used to guide or lap. Certain scans such as conventional computerized tomog-
target the stimulation. Before discussing the individual brain raphy (CT) or T1 MRI image the structure of the brain—its size
stimulation methods, there are several overview points needed and shape. Other scans reveal information about the function
in order to understand this exciting new area. of the brain. These include images of blood flow (such as flow
SPECT, oxygen [O15] PET, or the very common blood oxy-
gen level–dependent [BOLD] fMRI technique) or metabolism
(fluorodeoxyglucose [FDG] PET). It is important to realize
In combining brain stimulation and imaging, is the stimulation that structure is not the same thing as function, and vice versa.
being done offline after the imaging (guided by structure or func- One can have a brain region that appears normal structurally,
tion), or offline before and after imaging using imaging to assess but a small lacunar stroke at a distant location can make the
the effects of stimulation, or are the imaging and stimulation function of broad areas of cortex change drastically. Similarly,
online and truly interleaved? Figure 16.1 highlights an impor- one can have a vastly abnormal structural scan, say, congeni-
tant point in understanding how to classify or conceptualize tal hemiatrophy, but with normal behavior and grossly normal
the different ways of integrating brain stimulation and brain brain function. It is thus important to understand which type
imaging (from Siebner et al., 2009). “Offline” means that the of imaging information is present in a scan. Most commonly,
stimulation and imaging are occurring on different occasions. areas of functional activation are overlaid onto a structural
“Online” means that stimulation and imaging are occurring scan to allow more precise localization of function. Figure 16.2
simultaneously. In the neurosurgical literature, “offline” scans depicts examples of different forms of imaging that can be used
are also referred to as historical scans, as opposed to “online” to guide or evaluate the brain stimulation methods.
real-time or intraoperative scans.
Perhaps the most common method to use imaging infor-
mation to inform brain stimulation is to perform either a
structural or functional scan on a patient or subject and then In the case of cortical stimulation, it can be difficult to identify
to use the offline scan to determine where to place the stimula- homologous cortical structural sites across different individu-
tion at a later time point. As we will discuss, there are many dif- als, in part due to morphological differences and varying gyral
ferent ways to use an offline image to guide brain stimulation, morphology. Identification of highly conserved areas such as
and it is important to know the advantages and limitations of the motor strip and primary visual cortical regions is relatively
“image-guided” stimulation. straightforward with high-field MR imaging. However, gyral
A less common offline approach is to perform the scan morphology varies greatly across individuals. About one third
to assess the effects of the brain stimulation approach. This of humans have only two prefrontal gyri, and thus, they do not

212 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

(A) “Online” approach: concurrent TMS and neuroimaging individual uses to solve cognitive tasks can vary widely. In part
the common practice of pooling group activation studies into
a common group image, and then displaying that on a struc-
tural scan in a common brain space, may have led the field to
“overphrenologize” with respect to the cortical location, within
individuals, that works to create a behavior. An example of
this between-individual variation can be seen in Figure 16.3.
Cigarette smokers were shown smoking-related cues while
they were in an MRI scanner (Hanlon et al., 2012). Commonly
these BOLD fMRI individual results would be averaged, and
the results would be presented in a group image with one large
(B) “Offline” approach: neuroimaging before TMS area of mean activation. This would lead some to think that
stimulation over the location in any given individual of the
mean activation might actually influence craving. However,
in Figure 16.2 we identified the actual peak locations for each
individual. One can easily see the large variety of prefrontal
brain regions used in this task. Thus, it may be that for certain
behaviors we should do within-individual functional scanning
in order to make sure that the stimulation method is in the cor-
rect location for that individual. There may be some locations
that will stimulate a certain majority of individuals. There are
additional concerns about the repeatability of the fMRI activa-
tion maps over time within individuals (Johnson et al., 2004),
(C) “Offline” approach: TMS before neuroimaging especially after they have learned or practiced a task.
With these guiding principles discussed or at least outlined, it
is now worthwhile to examine exactly how the different brain stim-
ulation methods have been combined with neuroimaging tools.


We will start with the least invasive of the brain stimulation

methods, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and
Figure 16.1 Different ways to combine imaging and stimulation. Image A shows then proceed in terms of level of invasiveness, ending with
the situation where the stimulation (in this case TMS) is being performed deep brain stimulation (DBS). For each of these methods,
simultaneously with the imaging study. This is called “online” or real-time
we will discuss studies with offline scanning used to target or
imaging. Image B shows the more common example where the information
gathered in a separate scanning session, either structural or functional direct the device, then summarize studies with offline scanning
information, or both, is then used to position or target the location of the illuminating what effect the device has on functional imaging
brain stimulation tool. This is called “offline imaging.” Image C shows another scans, and finally discuss true online scanning.
example of offline imaging where imaging is done after the stimulation, in
order to understand the effects of the stimulation. (Reprinted with permission
from Siebner et al. 2009.) TRANSCRANIAL DIRECT CURRENT

by definition have a middle frontal gyrus. Even identical twins DESCRIPTION

have widely varying gyral patterns (White et al., 2002). Thus, it tDCS involves placing two electrodes on the scalp and passing a
may be difficult to guide brain stimulation methods to cortical small (usually 12 V) direct current between them. This remark-
regions based solely on a structural scan. For a full discussion ably simple technology has been around for over 100 years but
of these issues (see Brett et al., 2002). has recently undergone a renaissance (Higgins and George,
2008). As current passes through the brain, it attempts to exit
under the anode, causing the underlying cortex to become
increasingly active (Nitsche et al., 2008). The opposite is true
Finally, should targeting of functional areas be performed using of the cathode. Areas under the cathode are largely inhibited
a single scan from a single individual, or using pooled group in their function. If tDCS is applied to the scalp (and thus
means from many scans mapped onto an individual’s anatomy? underneath to the brain), there is no immediately observable
On top of the variation in cortical structure, there is another behavior change. In contrast to direct electrical stimulation,
problem where the functional location of a task varies as well deep brain stimulation, or even transcranial magnetic stimula-
across individuals. For example, the brain region that a given tion (TMS), from the standpoint of changed external behavior,

1 6 I M A G E - G U I D E D B R A I N S T I M U L AT I O N | 213

Native Space Atlas Space
Structural Functional

Image-Guided System Individualized Coil Placement

Figure 16.2 These are different ways that one can go from an image to targeting the stimulation method. At the far left is a structural scan. Commercial systems
can then directly position the stimulation method over the skull in order to accurately stimulate the intended region. Because this image remains in the person’s
native space, there is little distortion and high fidelity. One can also overlay individual functional information directly onto the native space structural scan and use
this to position the stimulation tool accurately for that person. Not uncommonly, however, researchers will have information gathered from multiple individuals.
Because everyone’s head varies in size, researchers then stereotactically normalize this information into a common brain atlas such as the Talairach atlas or the
MNI atlas. In order to stimulate within an individual, this group information must be reverse transformed back into the person’s native space and overlaid on their
structural scan. This can then be targeted for brain stimulation using frameless stereotactic systems.

(A) (B)

Figure 16.3 This figure illustrates the problem of between-individual variability in the functional location of various higher-order tasks. Much of the imaging
literature consists of images like panel A on the left. This is the group mean area of activation for cigarette smokers who have been shown pictures of cigarettes.
It is an area that is activated when they crave. It represents the mean, however. The panel to the right depicts each individual subject’s major area of activation
during the task. The image on the right is thus the raw data that creates the image on the left. If you were to stimulate the region in the left panel, many of the
patients might not have a change in their craving, because their functional circuit varies widely from the group mean (seen on the scatter image to the right). This
problem lies at the heart of how to use imaging to guide the brain stimulation treatments in a variety of disorders. (Reprinted with permission from Hanlon et al.,

214 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

nothing much happens during tDCS exposure. However, declines exponentially with distance from the coil, most TMS
depending on the task being performed, and the region, tDCS coils are only able to stimulate the superficial areas of the cor-
can consistently either augment or subtly inhibit the activity tex. There is ongoing debate about how to design coils that can
within that brain region and thus influence performance and penetrate deeper into the brain. Most researchers agree that
behaviors that rely on that brain region. Thus, tDCS is not really there is a depth/focality tradeoff, meaning that the deeper in
a brain stimulation method (stimulation here meaning directly the brain one penetrates with TMS, the less focal one can be
causing neurons to depolarize due to an external stimulation) (Deng et al., 2012; Peterchev et al., 2011).
and is more of a neuromodulator (meaning that it changes A single TMS pulse over the motor area can produce a
the natural firing rates of a brain region). Some conceptualize twitch or movement in the contralateral body. The electri-
the energy of tDCS like the effects of a catalyst on a chemical cal dose needed within the electromagnet to cause a thumb
reaction. The presence of anodal tDCS requires less energy for twitch (called the motor threshold [MT]) varies consider-
the brain region to do its function (Molaee-Ardekani et al., in ably across individuals but is remarkably constant within
press; Nitsche et al., 2007, 2008; Pena-Gomez et al., 2011; Stagg an individual over time. Early MRI structural studies found
et al., 2011). that about 60% of the between-individual variance in MT is
In general the pads are large, 2 × 2 cm sponges soaked in accounted for by the distance from the skull to cortex (Kozel
saline. These are secured on the head with straps. One group et al., 2000; McConnell et al., 2001). It is harder to deter-
has developed a novel ring architecture that can provide more mine how much TMS energy is needed to stimulate other
focal cortical stimulation, with the cathodes externally sur- “behaviorally silent” brain regions outside of the motor strip.
rounding a central anode (Datta et al., 2008). However, even In early MRI work with elderly subjects, we determined that
with this advance, tDCS is the most spatially crude of the cur- 120% of the MT would likely result in a prefrontal dose of
rent brain stimulation tools. TMS sufficient to excite the prefrontal cortex, and thus 120%
MT is commonly used in TMS depression treatment (Nahas
COMPUTER MODELS et al., 2004).
Because of its simple design, with an MRI scan of a subject one
can then model the likely flow of the tDCS current with differ- COMPUTER MODELS
ent electrodes. This type of modeling was initially performed The Deng study cited earlier is the most extensive series of
with time-intensive massive computers. Newer advances have computer models to date of TMS. In early work in the field,
reduced the time needed for these modeled maps. researchers were able to actually use the MRI scanner to image
the magnetic field distortions caused by the TMS coil (Bohning
O F F L I N E TA R G E T I N G F O R P L A C E M E N T et al., 1997).
Some investigators are using MRI image–generated maps
to adjust the tDCS sponges in order to make sure current is O F F L I N E TA R G E T I N G F O R P L A C E M E N T
flowing in the intended brain regions (see Datta et al., 2011; There are now several commercial systems available that
Turkeltaub et al., 2011) allow a researcher or clinician to match (“register”) a struc-
tural MRI scan of a patient to the location of the TMS coil on
OFFLINE IMAGING OF THE EFFECTS the head surface, enabling real-time guidance of the TMS coil
Some of the most interesting imaging studies of tDCS have for a research study or treatment session. One of these sys-
involved using MR spectroscopy to measure GABA or glu- tems (Nexstim, Helsinki, Finland) has been FDA (U.S. Food
tamate after subjects have received a standard tDCS dose. and Drug Administration) approved for presurgical mapping
Excitatory (anodal) tDCS causes locally reduced GABA while of the motor areas, allowing for safer resective surgery. The
inhibitory (cathodal) stimulation causes reduced glutamatergic fidelity of this system is less than 7 mm difference from direct
neuronal activity with a highly correlated reduction in GABA cortical stimulation. That is, the area actually stimulated by
(Stagg et al., 2009). the TMS coil is within 7 mm of where the system indicates
it to be on the scan, as confirmed with intraoperative direct
O N L I N E I N T E R L E AV E D S C A N N I N G electrical stimulation. This system also has a graphical inter-
There have not been many studies using tDCS during scanning, face that “knows” the field strength of the TMS coil, and
in part due to technical issues of artifacts, although there is one then calculates based on the subject’s gyral orientation and
commercially available system (Pena-Gomez et al., 2011). can render an approximation of the induced electrical field
generated by the TMS coil held over the scalp in a certain
While the technology exists to guide TMS to specific cor-
DESCRIPTION tical regions, the neuroscience question of where to stimu-
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) allows for focal late for a specific behavior is much more complicated. As
brain stimulation noninvasively from outside of the skull. An discussed earlier, there are within-individual variations in
external electromagnet is pulsed and creates a powerful (1–3 T) the location, between-session changes due to plasticity or
magnetic field that passes unimpeded through the skull. When learning, and the fundamental problem that complex behav-
the magnetic field encounters neurons, it creates a charge in iors often depend on the coordinated activity of a network of
them and causes depolarization. Because the magnetic field regions.

1 6 I M A G E - G U I D E D B R A I N S T I M U L AT I O N | 215

This issue can be illustrated in the current controversy order to be over prefrontal cortex. Even with this nudge for-
about where to stimulate with figure 8 TMS coils in order to ward, 7 patients still had stimulation in premotor areas. None
treat depression. The early TMS clinical studies used a crude of these 7 patients remitted from their depression with TMS,
system called the “5 cm rule” to find the prefrontal cortex loca- suggesting but not proving that they were stimulated in the
tion for stimulating. One of us (M.S.G.) developed this with wrong location (Johnson et al., 2012).
other researchers in the early 1990s by consulting the Talairach Would personalized scanning be helpful in using TMS as
atlas and reasoning that 5 cm anterior and in a parasagittal a treatment for depression? This is an area where much more
line from the motor thumb area would place the coil in the research is needed. A key issue is what task one would use to
center of the prefrontal cortex (Brodman areas 9, 46). Thus, activate the intended treatment location. Affective regulation
after finding the scalp location that best produced contralateral of response to pictures is one candidate that some researchers
thumb twitching (which was needed in order to determine the are exploring.
motor threshold and determine the person’s dose), one could
then put a cloth ruler on the scalp, find the prefrontal location, OFFLINE IMAGING OF THE EFFECTS
and proceed with treatment, without having to obtain an MRI There have been many offline studies of the effects of TMS. It
and use formal image guidance. Unfortunately, this system did seems fairly clear that 10–20 minutes of treatment with high
not take into account variations in head size or the location frequency TMS (10–20 Hz) causes increased activity (flow or
of motor cortex, and it likely results in 30% of patients being metabolism) in local and connected regions in the brain. In
treated in the supplementary motor area, and not prefrontal contrast, 20 minutes of treatment with 1 Hz stimulation can
cortex (Herwig et al., 2001). Thus, the field has now moved to cause the brain to temporarily decrease activity (Speer et al.,
systems using 6 cm, or based on the flexible EEG 10/20 sys- 2000). These early PET studies mirrored the effects seen with
tem (Beam et al., 2009). An early analysis of imaging studies TMS over the motor cortex measured electrophysiologically,
done in depression studies using the 5 cm rule found that more and they are one of the cornerstones of knowledge about how
remitters received stimulation in anterior and more lateral to use TMS to temporarily excite or inhibit regional brain
locations (Herbsman et al., 2009) (see Fig. 16.4). A recent large activity.
study of the NIH OPT-TMS trial found that with the 5 cm rule, Additionally, important offline TMS studies include MRI
about 30% of patients needed the coil to be moved forward in scans performed before and after a course of treatment, showing
no pathological changes in the brain as a function of treatment
(Nahas et al., 2000). Finally, Baeken et al. (2011) performed
PET scanning with a serotonin ligand before and after a course
of daily left-prefrontal TMS. Successful rTMS treatment corre-
lated positively with 5-HT(2A) receptor binding in the DLPFC
bilaterally and correlated negatively with right-hippocampal
5-HT(2A) receptor uptake values. This type of imaging study
reminds readers that the brain stimulation methods are really
tools to change focal pharmacology (Baeken et al., 2011).

O N L I N E I N T E R L E AV E D S C A N N I N G —
TMS can be performed inside the PET camera, producing truly
interleaved online images of the local and distributed effects of
the TMS pulse (Fox et al., 1997). Although there was initial
controversy about the effect of the TMS pulse on the PET cam-
eras, this has largely been resolved.
TMS can also be performed within an MRI scanner. This
was initially thought to be impossible and unsafe, due to
Figure 16.4 This figure illustrates the need for better positioning of the TMS
interactions between the TMS magnetic field and the MRI
coil for treating depression. David Avery and colleagues gathered structural scanner’s field. There are some restrictions on what can be
MRI scans in all depressed patients being treated in double-blind trial of TMS done (only figure 8 coils, biphasic pulses, etc.); however,
for depression. The scalp location was determined using the rigid 5 cm rule, truly interleaved TMS fMRI is possible (Bohning et al., 1999,
where the coil was placed 5 cm anterior from the best location for stimulating
2000). These early imaging studies were important as they
the thumb. Note the spread of the location when the data are all presented
in a common atlas space. About one third of the patients were treated in
allowed researchers to determine the full brain effect of a TMS
supplementary motor areas (dark gray shaded areas). Patients who received pulse. It appears that a TMS pulse results in brain metabolic
placebo are in dark gray shaded circles. There were no placebo remitters. Patients changes that are similar in magnitude and extent to normal
who received active TMS are in light gray shaded circles, with active remitters brain activity that results in a thought or produces a move-
in white shaded circles. The actively treated patients who remitted, on average,
ment. Figure 16.5 shows the ways that interleaved TMS-fMRI
were treated at a location more anterior and more lateral than those who did not
remit. This has led to adjustments in the way TMS coils are placed for treatment,
can be used to precisely stimulate the appropriate region of
with most methods now resulting in treatment more anterior and lateral than in the brain, and then, using the MRI scanner, to monitor the
early studies. (Reprinted with permission from Herbsman et al., 2009.) effects of the stimulation.

216 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y

Co-registration and identification of TMS target
Import 3D Structural MRI

Reverse Transform MNI Atlas



Identification of target

ur on
on e)
le rfac

il s le
co sca
(s d su

e (scale on
F rv
cu D top surface)
Automated computation of scalp target C (scale on
other side)

Automated M1 determination

Automated target/M1 scalp to cortex

distance ration computation

Automated settings output

for TMS coil-holder


Figure 16.5 This image depicts how one can precisely position the TMS coil for accurate online stimulation within the scanner. Essentially, the person’s native-space
MRI scan is seeded with the data that describe the different Brodman areas. One can then determine on the person’s scan, with the Brodman information loaded
onto it, where to stimulate. These coordinates are then entered into a program that will calculate where on the scalp to position the coil, and that will then enter
the correct adjustments to be made into the TMS coil holder. We call this “point and shoot.” This approach has been reduced to a robot for PET studies. It is
difficult, though not impossible, to build robots that work within the MRI suite that might do the same thing.

DBS pulse width, and amplitude can all be dynamically adjusted.

DBS is approved by the FDA for the treatment of Parkinson’s
disease and tremor and is currently under investigation for
Deep brain stimulation involves implanting electrodes into
use in the treatment of psychiatric disorders (Greenberg et al.,
subcortical structures for the treatment of neurological and
2008; Lozano et al., 2012).
psychiatric disorders. It has been used in various forms since
the 1950s, although it has only been since the late 1980s that
chronically implanted systems have been widely available COMPUTER MODELS
(Hariz et al., 2010). A linear array of electrodes (known as a Stereotactic technique (from the Greek “στερεός,” meaning
“lead”) is implanted into the target site using stereotactic surgi- “solid,” and “τακτική,” meaning “ability in disposition”) is a
cal technique, and attached to an implantable pulse generator method for introducing a therapeutic intervention to a par-
that provides continuous or intermittent pulsed electrical stim- ticular three-dimensional location within the body, or more
uli. Using an external programmer, the stimulation frequency, frequently, the brain. It involves correlating a target chosen

1 6 I M A G E - G U I D E D B R A I N S T I M U L AT I O N | 217

from preoperative image modality (either an atlas made from C O N C L U SI O N S A N D T HE F U T UR E
histological slices or a volumetric CT or MRI scan) with the
analogous location in the target organ of interest. DBS is thus The brain stimulation methods are now making an impact in
an inherently image-guided therapy. clinical neuropsychiatric practice, with prefrontal TMS FDA
approved for treating acute depression, and DBS approved for
O F F L I N E TA R G E T I N G F O R P L A C E M E N T medication-resistant Parkinson’s disease. We have reviewed in
DBS electrodes are most commonly introduced using a ster- this chapter how imaging informs the use of the stimulation
eotactic frame, which mounts to the patient’s head and pro- methods. Brain images can either provide the road map that
vides mechanical adjustments in three orthogonal planes. A guides the placement of the stimulator or assess the effects of
system of rods or markers, which can be imaged with MRI or the stimulation. The two—imaging and stimulation—go hand
CT (known as “fiducials”), provides a reference system that in hand. Each improves the other. “Knockout or temporary
allows any point within the cranial volume to be precisely lesion” stimulation studies can sometimes confirm or reject a
defined in three-dimensional space with reference to the base brain behavior relationship suggested by pure imaging stud-
ring of the stereotactic frame. Once this target point is cho- ies, which have problems attributing causality (Rorden et al.,
sen, specialized software generates the settings for each axis, 2008). Just because a certain brain region is active on a scan
which are then entered into the frame. A burr hole is then at the same time as someone performs a behavior does not
made through the skull, and the lead is introduced to the tar- mean that that brain region is causing the behavior. The region
get point using a trajectory guide mounted to the frame. could be causing the behavior, or responding to the behavior,
More recently, systems have been developed that provide or it could have nothing to do with the behavior and be merely
real-time positional feedback without reliance on a stereotactic correlational. Augmenting imaging studies with temporary
frame. Fiducial markers visible on both the patient and imag- knockout noninvasive stimulation studies can help in under-
ing studies are still required, but instead of defining an abso- standing how the brain works.
lute coordinate system based on the frame, a process known as
“registration” aligns the physical space of the operating room
to the “image space” within the computer. Instruments are
“ C AT H . L A B ? ”
tracked through three-dimensional space by optical, sonic,
or electromagnetic methods, allowing a less constrained In cardiology, rapid advances occurred when physicians were
approach to surgery. These so-called “image-guided” systems able to perform an intervention (placing a stent or expand-
have been successfully used for DBS implantation (Henderson ing an artery) while simultaneously examining the effects of
et al., 2004, 2005; Holloway et al., 2005). the stimulation. In the catheterization lab, cardiologists are
constantly using fluoroscopy to image the heart while they
OFFLINE IMAGING OF THE EFFECTS are interacting with it. They are able to diagnose, intervene,
DBS is commonly used as a continuous treatment modality, reimage, reintervene, and so on, until they achieve full blood
unlike rTMS or tDCS, which pulse intermittently, and thus flow (or deem that a full open-heart bypass surgery is needed).
could be thought of as being continuously “online.” Imaging Imagine where the field of cardiology would be without this
modalities such as PET collect data over relatively longer time- fundamental ability to intervene and image simultaneously in
scales compared with fMRI or magnetic source imaging (MSI), the cath. lab. Is it possible to have a “neuropsychiatric cath.
and can be evaluated in both the on- and off-stimulation state. lab”? To a simple extent, this is already possible, and neurosur-
Many such studies have been carried out in patients undergo- geons or interventional neuroradiologists do investigate aneu-
ing DBS for various indications (Ballanger et al., 2009). PET rysms and strokes in a catheter lab environment. But problems
has been successfully used to image the effects of DBS in the with blood flow are not the main issue in many neuropsychiat-
treatment of depression, showing normalization of prefrontal ric diseases that are not caused by acute problems with blood
metabolic changes similar to those seen during other effective flow. Rather, the problem is one of abnormal or pathological
treatments (Mayberg et al., 2005). activity of a circuit or system (e.g., the fear circuitry in anxi-
ety disorders, mood regulation circuitry in depression, motor
O N L I N E I N T E R L E AV E D S C A N N I N G movement in Parkinson’s disease, craving circuits in the addic-
Since DBS systems consist of electrically conducting wires and tions). Imagine having an imaging tool (like BOLD fMRI) that
electronic pulse generators, the introduction of strong mag- could quickly assess circuit behavior within an individual, and
netic fields such as those used for MRI scanning could induce the psychiatrist or neurologist can then stimulate within the
current or heating. Patients with implanted DBS systems scanner in a manner that will produce long-term potentiation
might thus be at risk for serious complications (Henderson (LTP)–like or long-term depression (LTD)–like changes that
et al., 2005), potentially limiting the use of functional MRI. would alter the function of the circuit. One could then imme-
Despite these concerns, several investigators have used fMRI diately reimage the activity of the circuit with real-time out-
to evaluate the effects of DBS in patients with movement dis- put (Johnson et al., 2012) and continue to intervene until the
orders and chronic pain (Jech et al., 2001; Rezai et al., 1999; circuit behaved normally. The studies reviewed in this chapter
Stefurak et al., 2003). fMRI has thus far not been performed demonstrate that for some issues the field is not far from cre-
in patients undergoing DBS for the treatment of psychiatric ating such an environment. However, in other areas, there is
disorders. much work to be done before such a dream could be realized.

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Only more research will tell us if combined imaging/stimula- Beam, W., Borckardt, J.J., et al. (2009). An efficient and accurate new method
for locating the F3 position for prefrontal TMS applications. Brain Stimul.
tion approaches might eventually treat some, many, or most 2:50–54.
psychiatric diseases. Bohning, D.E., Pecheny, A.P., et al. (1997). Mapping transcranial magnetic
stimulation (TMS) fields in vivo with MRI. NeuroReport 8:2535–2538.
Bohning, D.E., Shastri, A., et al. (1999). A combined TMS/fMRI study of
intensity-dependent TMS over motor cortex. Biol. Psychiatry 45:385–394.
DIS CLOSU RES Bohning, D.E., Shastri, A., et al. (2000). Motor cortex brain activity induced by
1-Hz transcranial magnetic stimulation is similar in location and level to
Dr. George has no equity ownership in any device or pharma- that for volitional movement. Invest. Radiol. 35:676–683.
Brett, M., Johnsrude, I.S., et al. (2002). The problem of functional localization
ceutical company. in the human brain. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 3:243–249.
He does occasionally consult with industry, although he Datta, A., Baker, J.M., et al. (2011). Individualized model predicts brain cur-
has not accepted consulting fees from anyone who manufac- rent flow during transcranial direct-current stimulation treatment in
responsive stroke patient. Brain Stimul. 4:169–174.
tures a TMS device, because of his role in NIH and DOD/VA Datta, A., Elwassif, M., et al. (2008). A system and device for focal transcranial
studies evaluating this technology. His total industry-related direct current stimulation using concentric ring electrode configurations.
compensation per year is less than 10% of his total university Brain Stimul. 1:318.
Deng, Z.D., Lisanby, S.H., et al. (2012). Electric field depth-focality tradeoff
salary. in transcranial magnetic stimulation: simulation comparison of 50 coil
designs. Brain Stimul. [Epub ahead of print.]
Current or Recent (within past two years) Fox, P., Ingham, R., et al. (1997). Imaging human intra-cerebral connectivity
by PET during TMS. NeuroReport 8:2787–2791.
Pharmaceutical Companies Greenberg, B.D., Gabriels, L.A., et al. (2008). Deep brain stimulation of the
None ventral internal capsule/ventral striatum for obsessive-compulsive disor-
Imaging and Stimulation Device Companies der: worldwide experience. Mol. Psychiatry 15(1):64–79.
Hanlon, C.A., Jones, E.M., et al. (2012). Individual variability in the locus of
Brainsonix (TMS): Consultant (unpaid) prefrontal craving for nicotine: implications for brain stimulation studies
Brainsway (TMS): Consultant (unpaid), Research and treatments. Drug Alcohol. Depend.
Grant Hariz, M.I., Blomstedt, P., et al. (2010). Deep brain stimulation between 1947
and 1987: the untold story. Neurosurg. Focus 29.
Cephos (fMRI deception): Consultant (unpaid), MUSC Henderson, J.M., Holloway, K.L., et al. (2004). The application accuracy of a
owns patent rights skull-mounted trajectory guide system for image-guided functional neu-
Mecta (ECT): Consultant (unpaid), Research Grant rosurgery. Comput. Aided Surg. 9:155–160.
Henderson, J.M., Tkach, J., et al. (2005). Permanent neurological deficit related
Neuronetics (TMS): Consultant (unpaid), company to magnetic resonance imaging in a patient with implanted deep brain
donated equipment for OPT-TMS trial, VA antisuicide stimulation electrodes for Parkinson’s disease: case report. Neurosurgery
study 57:E1063; discussion E1063.
Herbsman, T., Avery, D., et al. (2009). More lateral and anterior prefrontal coil
Cervel/ NeoStim (TMS): Consultant (unpaid), Research location is associated with better repetitive transcranial magnetic stimula-
Grant tion antidepressant response. Biol. Psychiatry 66:509–515.
NeoSync (TMS): Consultant (unpaid), Research Grant Herwig, U., Padberg, F., et al. (2001). Transcranial magnetic stimulation in
therapy studies: examination of the reliability of “standard” coil position-
PureTech Ventures (tDCS, others): Consultant ing by neuronavigation. Biol. Psychiatry 50(1):58–61.
Publishing Firms Higgins, E.S., and George, M.S. (2008). Brain Stimulation Therapies for
American Psychiatric Press: Two recent books Clinicians. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
Holloway, K.L., Gaede, S.E., et al. (2005). Frameless stereotaxy using bone
Elsevier Press: Journal Editor fiducial markers for deep brain stimulation. J. Neurosurg. 103:404–413.
Lippincott: One recent book and a second edition Jech, R., Urgosik, D., et al. (2001). Functional magnetic resonance imaging dur-
Wiley: One recent book ing deep brain stimulation: a pilot study in four patients with Parkinson’s
disease. Mov. Disord. 16:1126–1132.
MUSC has filed eight patents or invention disclosures Johnson, K.A., Baig, M., et al. (2012). Prefrontal rTMS for treating depression:
in my name regarding brain imaging and stimulation. location and intensity results from the OPT-TMS multi-site clinical trial.
Brain Stimul.
Johnson, K.A., Hartwell, K., et al. (2012). Intermittent “real-time” fMRI feed-
Mr. Taylor has no conflicts of interest to disclose. He is funded back is superior to continuous presentation for a motor imagery task: a
by NIDA (1F30DA033748-01). pilot study. J. Neuroimaging 22:58–66.
Johnson, K.A., Mu, Q., et al. (2004). Repeatability of within-individual blood
Dr. Henderson serves on the Advisory Board of Nevro Corp. oxygen level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging maps of
(stock options) and Circuit Therapeutics (stock options). He a working memory task for transcranial magnetic stimulation targeting.
has also served in a consulting role for Proteus Biomedical Neuroscience Imaging 1:95–111.
Kozel, F.A., Nahas, Z., et al. (2000). How coil-cortex distance relates to age,
(stock options). Stanford University receives support from motor threshold, and antidepressant response to repetitive transcranial
Medtronic, Inc. for education of a trainee in Stereotactic and magnetic stimulation. J. Neuropsychiatry Clin. Neurosci. 12:376–384.
Functional Neurosurgery, which Dr. Henderson directs. Lozano, A.M., Giacobbe, P., et al. (2012). A multicenter pilot study of subcal-
losal cingulate area deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depres-
sion. J. Neurosurg. 116:315–322.
Mayberg, H.S., Lozano, A.M., et al. (2005). Deep brain stimulation for
R E FE R E NC ES treatment-resistant depression. Neuron 45:651–660.
McConnell, K.A., Nahas, Z., et al. (2001). The transcranial magnetic stimu-
Baeken, C., De Raedt, R., et al. (2011). The impact of HF-rTMS treatment on lation motor threshold depends on the distance from coil to underlying
serotonin(2A) receptors in unipolar melancholic depression. Brain Stimul. cortex: a replication in healthy adults comparing two methods of assessing
4:104–111. the distance to cortex. Biol. Psychiatry 49:454–459.
Ballanger, B., Jahanshahi, M., et al. (2009). PET functional imaging of deep Molaee-Ardekani, B., Marquez-Ruiz, J., et al. (2013). Effects of transcranial
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Nahas, Z., Debrux, C., et al. (2000). Lack of significant changes on magnetic Sackeim, H.A., and George, M.S. (2008). Brain Stimulation—basic, transla-
resonance scans before and after 2 weeks of daily left prefrontal repetitive tional and clinical research in neuromodulation: why a new journal? Brain
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age: a pilot study. Depress. Anxiety 19:249–256. Speer, A.M., Kimbrell, T.A., et al. (2000). Opposite effects of high and low
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Nitsche, M.A., Doemkes, S., et al. (2007). Shaping the effects of transcranial Stagg, C.J., Best, J.G., et al. (2009). Polarity-sensitive modulation of cor-
direct current stimulation of the human motor cortex. J. Neurophysiol. tical neurotransmitters by transcranial stimulation. J. Neurosci.
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brain networks by transcranial direct current stimulation evidenced by of transcranial direct current stimulation in explicit motor learning.
resting-state functional MRI. Brain Stimul. 5:252–263. Neuropsychologia 49:800–804.
Peterchev, A.V., Wagner, T.A., et al. (2011). Fundamentals of transcranial elec- Stefurak, T., Mikulis, D., et al. (2003). Deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
tric and magnetic stimulation dose: definition, selection, and reporting disease dissociates mood and motor circuits: a functional MRI case study.
practices. Brain Stimul. 5:435–453. Mov. Disord. 18:1508–1516.
Rezai, A.R., Lozano, A.M., et al. (1999). Thalamic stimulation and functional Turkeltaub, P.E., Benson, J., et al. (2011). Left lateralizing transcranial
magnetic resonance imaging: localization of cortical and subcortical activa- direct current stimulation improves reading efficiency. Brain Stimul.
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Rorden, C., Davis, B., et al. (2008). Broca’s area is crucial for visual discrimination White, T., Andreasen, N.C., et al. (2002). Brain volumes and surface morphol-
of speech but not non-speech oral movements. Brain Stimul. 1:383–385. ogy in monozygotic twins. Cereb. Cortex 12:486–493.

220 | N E W M E T H O D S A N D N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S F O R P R E C L I N I C A L A N D C L I N I C A L N E U R O B I O L O G Y



sychotic disorders disturb particularly human aspects of In Chapter 19, genomic syndromes in psychotic disorder
perception and cognition. The overall burden of suffer- are discussed by Kirov, O’Donovan, and Owen. One of the
ing for patients, family, and society are huge, and these most fertile areas of genetic discovery over the last five years
disorders have seemingly proven refractory to the best neu- has been identifying structural lesions, copy number variants
robiological and genetic experimental strategies. We remain (CNVs), in the genome that predispose individuals to schizo-
without fundamental clarity regarding many key issues that phrenia, bipolar disorder, and autism. These lesions generally
could lead to improved diagnosis and treatment. There is now have strong effects, harbor many genes, and result in multiple
cause for optimism. In the last decade we have moved from phenotypes; the current understanding of the most robustly
knowing nothing about the types and number of genetic loci associated CNVs are reviewed. However, understanding the
involved in these diseases to having a substantial understand- role of these lesions is a rapidly changing area that will be influ-
ing of rare and common variants that increase disease risk. enced by neurobiology, clinical studies, and integration with
The purpose of this section is to discuss the current state of other types of genomic data.
research and understanding in nosology, genetics, genomics, In Chapter 20, the applications of neuroimaging techniques
biology, imaging, cognition, and pharmacology of psychotic to study the brain in schizophrenia are explored. Heckers,
disorders. Organizationally, the first five chapters cover the Woodward, and Ongur synthesize a vast literature that includes
basic science and phenomenology of psychosis, the subsequent computed tomography (CT), single photon emission computed
three chapters delve into animal and cellular models, and the tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET),
final chapters address theoretical models and clinical aspects magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of a variety of types, mag-
of psychosis and the neurobiology of bipolar disorder. netic resonance imaging spectroscopy (MRS), and diffusion
In Chapter 17, Morris Smith, Meissinger, and Malaspina tensor imaging (DTI). Consistent observations regarding brain
discuss the historical evolution of the term “psychosis” and volume, connectivity, chemistry, and activation during psycho-
its prototypical disorder, schizophrenia, as well as its relation- sis have been observed and replicated, but the future lies in the
ship to other mental illnesses with prominent psychotic symp- exciting possibilities for deriving diagnostic markers by con-
toms such as bipolar disorder and schizoaffective disorder. necting neuroimaging with neurobiology, genetics, and clinical
They explain the development of current diagnostic schema, treatment.
criteria, and reliability, as found in the American Psychiatric In Chapter 21, Anticevic, Dowd, and Barch focus not on
Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental the psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations,
Disorders (DSM) and the International Statistical Classification but on abnormalities in cognitive functions that are respon-
of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). Importantly, sible for some of the most debilitating aspects of schizophre-
since the current nosology is phenomenological and symptom- nia and bipolar disorder. Over the years many direct tests of
based, they discuss directions for the future and ways in which cognitive processing abnormalities in patients and controls
genetics and neurobiology are likely to drive a more refined have been made. Critical observations regarding working
understanding of the disease categories. memory deficits in both its encoding and maintenance phase
In Chapter 18, Sklar covers the current status of the genetics are leading to a deeper understanding of this aspect of schizo-
of psychotic disorders, in particular schizophrenia and bipolar phrenia. The direct connections that can be made through
disorder. While both disorders have been repeatedly demon- the use of functional neuroimaging are described and point
strated to be familial, until recently they have proven unyield- to the involvement of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. In
ing to standard genetic tools. This has dramatically changed addition, dysfunction within reward and motivation systems
over the last half decade, and several aspects of the underlying are reviewed. Finally, exciting potential links with underlying
architecture—the type and number of genetic changes that lead biology and circuitry, particularly as they relate to the balance
to liability—are now well established. This chapter explores the of excitatory and inhibitory signaling are drawn that should
role of structural variation and common and rare single nucle- ultimately unravel the circuit changes responsible for symp-
otide variation. The overall focus is on understanding that tom production and disease.
the genetics of these disorders is highly complex, being both In Chapter 22, Pletnikov and Ross discuss the progress
polygenic and multifactorial, with the strong prediction that and limitations of using mouse models in studying psychotic
psychotic disorder genetics will be ultimately defined through disorders. The current generation of models is based largely
future research. on environmental exposures, drug-induced behaviors that

correlated with pharmacological developments, or lesion stud- elsewhere in this section including the environment, the role
ies, and mimic aspects of the phenotype, but not the under- of myelin development, and pathways that are critical to neu-
lying pathophysiology convincingly. However, there is great ronal development and neuronal migration.
hope for the future in applying the mature and advanced trans- In Chapter 26, Gur follows up the neurodevelopmen-
genic tools and animal models to newly emerging, validated tal focus of the previous chapter with a clinical discussion of
loci from genetic and genomic studies. the proneness to psychosis. Identifying individuals with early
In Chapter 23, Curley and Lewis explore the cellular details symptoms that represent a “psychosis risk syndrome” is being
of inhibitory neurotransmission, its role in the synchronized helped forward through following neurobehavioral outcomes
firing of cells and networks, and the strong connections with such as cognition in high-risk patients. This approach is com-
schizophrenia. They discuss the elegant studies that have led to plemented by detailed imaging measures investigating aspects
understanding the basic structure of inhibitory neurons, their of brain physiology, and increasingly, brain circuitry. These
subtypes, transmitters, contacts, and organization, as well as studies are frequently longitudinal, and the early work has
the mechanisms used for controlling and timing the activity of largely been focused on, and will be discussed in relationship
large numbers of cortical pyramidal cells. Numerous intriguing to, prodromal schizophrenia.
observations regarding GABA signaling as well as interneuron In Chapter 27, Tamminga and Ivleva review the neu-
abnormalities and upstream NMDA-receptor signaling that rochemical models of these illnesses. The evidence for and
have been observed in patients with schizophrenia empha- against the long-standing theories, including dopamine hyper-
size the importance of inhibitory signaling in the pathology of function, glutamatergic hypofunctions, and altered inhibitory
schizophrenia. neurotransmission, are elucidated. The relation of these theo-
In Chapter 24, exploration of cellular aspects of brain ries to treatment modalities is made clear, as well as a review
function continues with a focus on synaptic physiology. In of the current status of molecular targets for both the positive
this chapter, Grant focuses attention on the billions of con- psychotic symptoms and cognitive dysfunction.
tacts through which nerve cells communicate. Understanding In Chapter 28, Burdick, Haggarty, and Perlis review the
the neurotransmitter receptors, ion channels, and membrane neurobiology of bipolar disorder. While there are genetic loci
proteins that are in play at the synapse, as well as disruptions that overlap between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder,
in rare neurological and developmental disorders, is likely to there are substantial differences between the two syndromes
point to common pathways that will also be relevant to schizo- as well. In this chapter, the particular aspects of the clinical
phrenia and other psychotic disorders. syndrome and neurobiology that appear more distinct from
In Chapter 25, Kwon, Soda, and Tsai discuss the develop- schizophrenia are covered, including evidence for involve-
mental theory of schizophrenia. They particularly focus on a ment of circadian systems, mitochondrial function, and
series of developmental factors that have not been discussed epigenetics.

222 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S



INTR ODU C T IO N psychiatrist, later compiled a core group of “hallmark” dis-

turbances of behavior and thought, termed first rank symp-
Despite the currently accepted practice of separating textbook toms (FRSs) including delusions and hallucinations, which he
discussions of the non-affective (“schizophrenia-spectrum”) emphasized were not meant to be diagnostic of schizophre-
psychoses from the affective psychoses, this chapter consid- nia but a useful guide in identifying the disorder. Schneider
ers both illnesses. The schizophrenia spectrum disorders additionally described a list of second rank symptoms that were
(specifically, schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder) were also intended as an aide in the particular diagnosis of schizo-
combined with bipolar disorder in this section because the phrenia versus other psychotic disorders. One of the most
diagnostic boundary between the non-affective and affective popular systems for categorizing symptoms of schizophrenia
psychoses is an active topic of debate. This debate, initially is the positive/negative grouping. The British neurologist John
sparked in the 19th century by observations of clinical con- Hughlings Jackson (1835–1911) provided one of the earliest
trasts between dementia praecox (now denoted schizophre- and the most extensive applications of the positive and negative
nia) and manic-depressive insanity, continues to be fueled by symptom model to psychosis (a model he initially developed
mounting scientific evidence of overlap and dissimilarities in in the context of evolutionary theory). Jackson hypothesized
the epidemiology, genetics, neuroanatomy, and neuropsychia- that the brain is organized into strata of higher (more civilized)
try between and within the categories (for review, see Crow, and lower (more primitive) layers. He proposed that delusions
1995, and Moller, 2003). In order to provide the reader with and hallucinations, the positive symptoms of psychosis, were
a broad appreciation of the theories underlying the diagnostic “release” phenomena seen when impaired higher cortical reg-
grouping and separation of the categories, their clinical charac- ulators allowed emergence of unchecked activity from lower
teristics (as typified by schizophrenia and bipolar disorder) will cerebral levels. Negative symptoms (e.g., affective blunting
be reviewed both individually and jointly. The clinical entity of and avolition) were “dissolution” phenomena reflecting loss
schizoaffective disorder will also be a primary topic of discus- of functioning in higher centers. Multiple subsequent studies,
sion as it represents a bridging of the affective and non-affective using statistical techniques such as factor analysis, have found
psychoses. The scope of this section will be limited to schizo- that the symptoms of schizophrenia, the classic disease of psy-
phrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and bipolar disorder to allow chosis, do not fit into two disparate categories. Andreasen et al.
greater depth of discussion, as most studies of psychosis have (1995), for example, found that the symptoms of schizophrenia
focused on these illnesses with relatively less data on other psy- fell into three natural categories; they separate into psychotic
chotic disorders (e.g., brief psychotic disorder, schizophreni- and disorganized dimensions, and negative symptoms.
form disorder, and delusional disorder). Although schizophrenia is considered the classic psychotic
disorder and is the source of many of the original descrip-
tions of psychosis, it was recognized as early as the 19th cen-
THE C ONC EP T O F P S Y C H O S IS tury that psychosis manifests across a broad range of other
non-schizophrenic mental conditions including, most promi-
Psychosis, a mental state characterized by impaired reality test- nently, the affective disorders. It was also evident that the symp-
ing, is manifested by a constellation of symptoms that have been tomatology presented by different patients with schizophrenia
eloquently described since the age of Hippocrates (c. 460 b.c.– is a highly heterogeneous combination of the aforementioned
c. 370 b.c.). Schizophrenia is the best known of the psychotic positive and negative symptoms. This observation led to the
disorders, and many of the classic symptoms of psychosis were concept of “the group of schizophrenias.” Emil Kraepelin’s
originally described in patients that would today be diagnosed (1856–1926) dichotomous distinction between dementia
as having schizophrenia. Eugen Bleuler (1857–1939), the Swiss praecox and manic-depressive insanity (modern-day schizo-
psychiatrist who coined the term schizophrenia (from the phrenia and bipolar disorder, respectively), which he primarily
Greek skhizein “to split” and phren “mind”), summarized the differentiated by differences in episodicity of symptoms and
schisms in behavior, thought, and emotion that he observed the long-term outcome, was one of the earliest attempts to cat-
in patients with schizophrenia which are now mnemonically egorize mental illnesses based on observable behavioral phe-
known as “the four As”: affect, associations (particularly the nomena, which practice continues to the current day.
loose associations characteristic of a thought disorder), autism, Phenomenology, a philosophical school founded by
and ambivalence. Kurt Schneider (1887–1967), a German Austrian mathematician Edmund Husserl (1859–1938), was

1 7 D I A G N O S I S O F T H E P S Y C H O S E S | 223

formally applied to psychopathology, including the psycho- structured clinical interview which combined the Present State
ses, by the German psychiatrist and philosopher Karl Jaspers Examination (Wing et al., 1974) and the Psychiatric Status
(1883–1969) (Burgy, 2008). Jaspers’s phenomenology focused Schedule (Spitzer et al., 1970). Zubin and Gurland’s study
on detailing descriptive accounts of a patient’s current subjec- served to highlight the improved reliability of standardized
tive experiences heavily based on his/her self-report (unlike diagnoses based on operational criteria. It also underscored
Kraepelin, he deemphasized longitudinal course), and empha- the underlying similarities between the affective psychoses and
sized the form of symptoms rather than content (e.g., the expe- schizophrenia related psychosis.
rience of visual hallucinations rather than the actual visions)
in the diagnosis of a mental illness. In the more modern,
Anglophone interpretation, phenomenology refers to diagno- T HE DI A G N O SI S O F P SY C HO T I C
sis based on the observation of externally observable phenom- DI SO R DE R S B Y T HE F E I G HN E R CR I TE R I A
ena (Burgy, 2008), with a less strict emphasis on the subjective A N D T HE R E SE A R C H DI A G N OS TI C
experience of the patient. CRITERIA
The nosology, or diagnostic categorization, of psychotic
disorders has been and continues to be heavily based on phe- Despite the American Psychiatric Association’s first Diagnostic
nomenological (behavioral) descriptions of signs and symp- and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-I), published
toms, with considerably less focus on etiology. An area of in 1952, and second version (DSM-II) released in 1968, there
particularly heated debate in psychiatric nosology is the dis- remained significant concern in the scientific and clinical com-
tinction between the functional psychoses, schizophrenia and munities that the DSM and other standard glossaries of the
bipolar disorder, which can both present with severe psycho- time did not contain explicit criteria for psychiatric diagno-
sis. Despite the propensity for psychosis in both types of disor- ses that distinguished schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder,
ders, schizophrenia has been considered a primary psychotic and affective psychoses. The inconsistency and unreliability
disorder with minimal fluctuations in affective symptoms. By in diagnosis that was exemplified in the United States–United
contrast, psychosis for those with affective illnesses (bipolar Kingdom study (Zubin and Gurland, 1977) remained despite
disorder and depression) is considered to be a secondary phe- the new environment of rekindled interest in nosology and the
nomenon (reviewed in Ivleva et al., 2008). However, the clinical movement toward standardization. These circumstances led to
distinction between “primary” psychosis and psychotic affec- the publication of the Feighner Criteria (Feighner et al., 1972),
tive illness is often diagnostically unclear, as evidenced by the developed by a group of researchers based at the Washington
eventual designation of the nosologic category of schizoaffec- University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. The
tive psychosis in 1933 by Jacob Kasanin. Although Kraepelin’s Feighner Criteria provided diagnostic criteria for 15 mental ill-
dichotomy holds in the formal diagnostic literature, the validity nesses, based on the most current evidence (clinical description,
of this distinction has been in question since the 1890s. Recent follow-up studies, and family investigations) at the time. Of
studies demonstrating the evidence for significant overlap in particular interest to our topic, of course, was the categorization
genetic liability for affective disorders and schizophrenia is of the functional psychoses. In the Feighner system, mania was
discussed in chapter 18. classified along with depression under the Primary Affective
Another significant hindrance to clarity and reliability in Disorders, while schizophrenia formed its own separate group,
the nosology of psychosis was an initial lack of a common lan- in accordance with Kraepelin’s dichotomy. Schizophrenia was
guage to describe mental illnesses. The widespread embrace marked by chronicity of delusions, hallucinations, or a thought
of Freudian psychoanalytic theory in the early- to mid-20th disorder, lasting at least six months, with evidence of a fixed
century, which may have had the greatest impact in the United deterioration of psychosocial functioning (see Table 17.1A).
States, considerably shifted the goal of work with patients from There was relatively little detail provided on positive, nega-
nosology and diagnosis via the detailed observation of behav- tive, and disorganized symptoms, in contrast to later glossa-
iors to the identification and exploration of intrapsychic con- ries. Additionally, the criteria did not mention bipolar disorder,
flicts (Andreasen, 2007). The landmark United States–United although mania (see Table 17.1B) was described with a require-
Kingdom Study (Zubin and Gurland, 1977) provided a needed ment of at least two weeks duration of classic mood and behav-
and striking illustration of the heterogeneity in diagnostic ioral symptoms, and a listing of exclusion criteria (including
practices between regions that resulted from inconsistent defi- no prior episodes of schizophrenic illness). Schizoaffective dis-
nition and utilization of specific diagnostic criteria. The study order was also not included although in clinical practice it was
found that while there were similar total admissions rates for considered under the category Undiagnosed Psychiatric Illness.
mental disorders in the United Kingdom and United States, The authors acknowledged the omission of several categories
there was a fourfold higher first admission rate for schizo- of illness that were coded in the DSM-II based on insufficient
phrenia compared to affective psychosis in the United States clinical data for diagnostic validation (Feighner et al., 1972).
versus the United Kingdom. The authors attributed this dis- Following the publication of the Feighner Criteria, the
parity to the “free-wheeling psychiatric interviews” and pre- Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC; Spitzer et al., 1978) were
vailing “psychiatric culture” of symptom interpretation in developed as a collaborative project of investigators from the
each country. Furthermore, they found that the United States Washington University School of Medicine and the New York
and United Kingdom schizophrenia-affective psychosis diag- State Psychiatric Institute. The RDC, published just ahead of
nostic ratios converged significantly when clinicians used a the release of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

224 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 17. 1A. Feighner criteria for diagnosis of schizophrenia TA BL E 17.2A . Research diagnostic criteria (RDC) for
schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and bipolar disorder
For a diagnosis of schizophrenia, A through C are required.
A. Both of the following are necessary: SCHIZOPHRENIA
(1) A chronic illness with at least 6 months of symptoms prior to Course:
the index evaluation without return to the premorbid level of Acute-subacute-subchronic-chronic
psychosocial adjustment Subtypes:
(2) Absence of a period of depressive or manic symptoms sufficient Paranoid
to qualify for affective disorder or probable affective disorder Disorganized
B. The patient must have had at least one of the following: Catatonic
(1) Delusions or hallucinations without significant perplexity or Mixed (undifferentiated)
disorientation associated with them Residual
(2) Verbal production that makes communication difficult because SCHIZOAFFECTIVE DISORDER-MANIC OR DEPRESSED
of a lack of logical or understandable organization (In the Course:
presence of muteness the diagnostic decision must be Acute-chronic
deferred.) Subtypes:
C. At least three of the following manifestations must be present for Mainly schizophrenia
a diagnosis of “definite” schizophrenia, and two for a diagnosis for Mainly affective
“probable” schizophrenia:
(1) Single
(2) Poor premorbid social adjustment or work history
(3) Family history of schizophrenia
(4) Absence of alcoholism or drug use within one year of onset of
(5) Onset of illness before age 40

TA BL E 17.2B. The research diagnostic criteria (RDC) for

TA B L E 17. 1B. Feighner criteria for diagnosis of mania
A through C are required for the period of illness being considered.
For a diagnosis of mania, A through C are required. A. During an active phase of the illness (may or may not now be
present), at least two of the following are required for definite and
A. Euphoria or irritability
one for probable:
B. At least three of the following symptom categories must also be
(1) Thought broadcasting, insertion, or withdrawal
(2) Delusions of being controlled (or influenced), other bizarre
(1) Hyperactivity (includes motor, social, and sexual activities)
delusions, or multiple delusions
(2) Push of speech (pressure to keep talking)
(3) Somatic, grandiose, religious, nihilistic, or other delusions
(3) Flight of ideas (racing thoughts)
without persecutory or jealous content lasting at least 1 week
(4) Grandiosity (may be delusional)
(4) Delusions of any type if accompanied by hallucinations of any
(5) Decreased sleep
type for at least 1 week
(6) Distractibility
(5) Auditory hallucinations in which either a voice keeps up a
C. A psychiatric illness lasting at least 2 weeks with no preexisting
running commentary on the patient’s behavior or thoughts as
psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia, anxiety neurosis,
they occur or two or more voices conversing with each other
phobic neurosis, obsessive compulsive neurosis, hysteria,
(6) Nonaffective verbal hallucinations spoken to the patient
alcoholism, drug dependency, antisocial personality, homosexuality
(7) Hallucinations of any type throughout the day for several days or
and other sexual deviations, mental retardation, or organic brain
intermittently for at least 1 month
(8) Definite instances of marked formal thought disorder
accompanied by either blunted or inappropriate affect, delusions
or hallucinations of any type, or grossly disorganized behavior
Disorders III (DSM III; American Psychiatric Association, B. Signs of the illness lasted at least 2 weeks from the onset of a
1980), were “developed to enable research investigators to apply noticeable change in the patient’s usual condition (current signs of
a consistent set of criteria for the description or selection of sam- the illness may not now meet criterion A and may be the residual
symptoms only, such as extreme social withdrawal, blunted or
ples of subjects with functional psychiatric illnesses” (Spitzer inappropriate affect, mild formal thought disorder, or unusual
et al., 1978: p. 773). They were initially developed as a National thoughts or perceptual experiences).
Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH)-sponsored collaborative C. At no time during the active period of illness being considered
project on the psychobiology of depressive disorders. However, (delusions, hallucinations, marked formal thought disorder, bizarre
they were adopted by a variety of other research groups and also behavior, etc.) did the patient meet full criteria for either probable
or definite manic or depressive syndrome to such a degree that it
had a significant impact on clinical work since several of the def- was a prominent part of the illness.
initions, criteria, and semistructured interviews stemming from
(Spitzer et al., [1978] from Neurobiology of Mental Illness, 3rd Edition)
the study were utilized in DSM-III. The RDC, which was par-
tially an elaboration of Feighner’s Criteria, defined 25 major dia-
gnostic categories and significantly expanded psychosis diagno- to two weeks in order to exclude the brief reactive psychoses and
ses. The definition of schizophrenia was modified and subcate- to include non-chronic cases. To exclude borderline and paranoid
gories were delineated (see Tables 17.2A and 17.2B). Of note, the states, the “A criteria” symptoms were expanded to better reflect
Feighner Criteria minimum duration of six months was reduced Schneider’s (1959) first rank symptoms. Schizophrenia was also

1 7 D I A G N O S I S O F T H E P S Y C H O S E S | 225

subtyped according to temporality of symptoms (acute-chronic) (the authors acknowledge that bizarreness can be challenging
and phenomenology of the episode (paranoid, disorganized, to judge) or auditory hallucinations involving running com-
catatonic, mixed/undifferentiated, residual). Schizoaffective dis- mentary or two voices conversing. The positive symptoms
order (SAD) was newly included but as its own category of illness, include delusions and hallucinations, as well as disorganized
given its unclear relationship to schizophrenia. Schizoaffective thoughts and behavior; three main negative symptoms (affec-
disorder was separated into manic and depressive subtypes in tive flattening, alogia, avolition) are specified, with other nega-
the RDC, with further qualifiers of temporality (acute-chronic) tive symptoms listed under Associated Features and Disorders.
and phenomenologic characteristics (mainly schizophrenic ver- The B criterion specifies the need for significant impairment
sus mainly affective). The authors were not reticent in declaring in psychosocial functioning. Criterion C specifies that the
the limitations of their diagnosis of SAD, stating: total duration of the behavioral change must be present for at
least 6 months, and may include prodromal or residual peri-
There is no consensus on how to diagnose this condi- ods when only negative symptoms are expressed or positive
tion, or even whether or not it represents a variant of symptoms are seen in an attenuated form. Criteria D, E, and F
affective disorder, schizophrenia, or a separate condi- are exclusion criteria, requiring rule-out of schizoaffective and
tion . . . we define this class symptomatically, requiring mood disorders, substance-induced or causative medical con-
some temporal overlap of both the active signs of schizo- ditions, and pervasive developmental disorders. The subtypes
phrenia and the full depressive or manic syndrome. of schizophrenia (paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, undiffer-
(SPIT ZER et a l ., 1978: p . 776) entiated, residual) are discontinued in the DSM-5.
In the ICD-10, schizophrenia is described under the cat-
They also hypothesized that the acute form of SAD may be a egory Schizophrenia, Schizotypal, and Delusional Disorders.
form of atypical mood disorder, whereas the chronic form may Similar to the DSM-IV, the ICD-10 lists signs and symptoms,
be more related to schizophrenia. including classic Schneiderian first-rank and second-rank phe-
The RDC also expanded the number of categories address- nomena. The ICD-10 provides a more considerably detailed list
ing bipolarity, with the inclusion of Manic Disorder and Bipolar of phenomena (see Table 17.3); for example, “persistent halluci-
Depression with Mania (Bipolar I). They note that Manic nations in any modality, when occurring every day for at least 1
Disorder might be the more appropriate diagnosis for some month, when accompanied by delusions (which may be fleeting
“excited” patients formerly diagnosed with paranoid schizo- or half-formed) without clear affective content, or when accom-
phrenia, and provide exclusion criteria to delineate it from SAD, panied by persistent overvalued ideas” can be compared to the
manic type. Hypomanic Disorder and Bipolar Depression with DSM’s simply listed requirements for “delusions” or “halluci-
Hypomania (Bipolar II) were also newly included but with the nations.” The ICD-10 requires at least one item from a list of
caveat that hypomania excludes psychotic features. four symptoms, or two items from a second list of symptoms,
which includes negative symptoms. The former list is akin to
the DSM-IV specification that the presence of either bizarre
THE DIA GNO S IS O F P S Y C H O TI C delusions or voices dialoguing or providing running commen-
DIS OR DERS IN D S M-IV A ND IC D- 10 tary alone is, with appropriate satisfaction of the Criteria B–F,
diagnostic of schizophrenia. The most significant difference
The fourth edition of the DSM (DSM-IV) was published in between the DSM and the ICD-10 is in the duration criteria.
1994, with a subsequent text revision (DSM-IV-TR) released ICD-10 requires a one-month period of active symptoms, while
in 2000. The DSM-5 is scheduled for publication in 2013, and DSM requires a one-month duration of active symptoms in the
with minimal alterations will replace DSM-IV-TR as the pri- context of at least six months of the behavioral disturbance.
mary reference used for the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders Individuals with an overall duration of behavioral disturbance
in the United States. To the extent that it is possible, more har- lasting between one and six months would meet criteria for a
mony was sought between the DSM-5 and the 10th edition diagnosis of schizophreniform disorder in the DSM, whereas
of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and they would meet criteria for schizophrenia in the ICD-10.
Related Health Problems (ICD-10; World Health Organization, In the DSM, schizoaffective disorder is listed under
1992b), which is more commonly used in other countries. Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders. Schizoaffective
Both systems of diagnosis provide a categorical classification disorder is defined as a chronic, uninterrupted illness in which
of mental disorders based on sets of defined phenomenologi- mood (manic, mixed, or depressive) episodes overlap for a
cal criteria. The definitions of schizophrenia, schizoaffective substantial portion of time with the active or residual symp-
disorder, and bipolar disorder according to the DSM-IV-TR toms of schizophrenia. It is divided into manic and depressive
and ICD-10 are defined and contrasted later in this section. types, which require a history of a manic/mixed or exclusively
In the DSM-IV-TR, schizophrenia is grouped under depressive episodes, respectively. Criterion A specifies that the
Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders. The diagnosis phase in which the mood and psychotic symptoms coincide
of schizophrenia requires the presence of at least two charac- must involve the full symptomatic and temporal criteria for
teristic positive and negative signs and symptoms (“A” crite- the active phase symptoms of schizophrenia (see Criterion A
ria) for a significant period over a 1-month interval (or less if for schizophrenia) and for the particular mood episode. The
successfully treated). No “A” criterion symptom is considered illness must also include at least a two-week period of posi-
pathognomonic for schizophrenia, other than bizarre delusions tive psychotic symptoms (delusions or hallucinations) in the

226 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 17. 3. ICD-10 Diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and bipolar disorder


G1. Either at least one of the syndromes, symptoms and signs listed under (1), or at least two of the symptoms and signs listed under (2), should be
present for most of the time during an episode of psychotic illness lasting for at least one month (or at some time during most of the days).
(1) At least one of the following:
a) Thought echo, thought insertion or withdrawal, or thought broadcasting
b) Delusions of control, influence, or passivity, clearly referred to body or limb movements or specific thoughts, actions, or sensations;
delusional perception
c) Hallucinatory voices giving a running commentary on the patient’s behavior, or discussing him between themselves, or other types of
hallucinatory voices coming from some part of the body
d) Persistent delusions of other kinds that are culturally inappropriate and completely impossible (e.g. being able to control the weather, or
being in communication with aliens from another world)
(2) or at least two of the following:
a) Persistent hallucinations in any modality, when occurring every day for at least one month, when accompanied by delusions (which may
be fleeting or half-formed) without clear affective content, or when accompanied by persistent over-valued ideas
b) Neologisms, breaks, or interpolations in the train of thought, resulting in incoherence or irrelevant speech
c) Catatonic behavior, such as excitement, posturing, or waxy flexibility, negativism, mutism, and stupor
d) “Negative” symptoms such as marked apathy, paucity of speech, and blunting or incongruity of emotional responses (it must be clear
that these are not due to depression or to neuroleptic medication)
G2. Most commonly used exclusion criteria: If the patient also meets criteria for manic episode or depressive episode, the criteria listed under
G1.1 and G1.2 must have been met before the disturbance of mood developed
G3. The disorder is not attributable to organic brain disease (in the sense of F0), or to alcohol- or drug-related intoxication, dependence, or
Comments: In evaluating the presence of the these abnormal subjective experiences and behavior, special care should be taken to avoid
false-positive assessments, especially where culturally or sub-culturally influenced modes of expression and behavior, or a subnormal level of
intelligence, are involved.

Paranoid, Hebephrenic, Catatonic, Undifferentiated, Post-schizophrenic depression, Residual schizophrenia, Simple schizophrenia

Note: This diagnosis depends upon an approximate “balance” between the number, severity, and duration of the schizophrenic and affective
G1. The disorder meets the criteria of one of the affective disorders of moderate or severe degree, as specified for each sub-type.
G2. Symptoms from at least one of the symptom groups listed in the following, clearly present for most of the time during a period of at least two
weeks (these groups are almost the same as for schizophrenia):
(1) Thought echo, thought insertion or withdrawal, thought broadcasting
(2) Delusions of control, influence, or passivity, clearly referred to body or limb movements or specific thoughts, actions, or sensations
(3) Hallucinatory voices giving a running commentary on the patient’s behavior, or discussing him between themselves; or other types of
hallucinatory voices coming from some part of the body
(4) Persistent delusions of other kinds that are culturally inappropriate and completely impossible, but not merely grandiose or persecutory,
e.g. has visited other worlds; can control the clouds by breathing in and out; can communicate with plants or animals without speaking, etc.
(5) Grossly irrelevant or incoherent speech, or frequent use of neologisms
(6) The intermittent but frequent appearance of some forms of catatonic behavior, such as posturing, waxy flexibility, and negativism
G3. Criteria G1 and G2 must be met within the same episode of the disorder, and concurrently for at least some time of the episode. Symptoms
from both criteria G1 and G2 must be prominent in the clinical picture.
G4. Most commonly used exclusion criteria: the disorder is not attributable to organic brain disease, or to psychoactive substance-related
intoxication, dependence or withdrawal.

Schizoaffective disorder, manic type

Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type
Schizoaffective disorder, mixed type
Other schizoaffective disorders
Schizoaffective disorder, unspecified

A. The episode meets the criteria for mania without psychotic symptoms with exception of criterion C.
B. The episode does not simultaneously meet the criteria for schizophrenia (F20) or schizo-affective disorder, manic type (F25.0).
C. Delusions or hallucinations are present, other than those listed as typical schizophrenic in G1.1b, c, and d (i.e. delusions other than those that
are completely impossible or culturally inappropriate, and hallucinations that are not in the third person or giving a running commentary). The
commonest examples are those with grandiose, self-referential, erotic, or persecutory content.
D. Most commonly used exclusion criteria: the episode is not attributable to psychoactive substance use (F1) or any organic mental disorder, in the
sense of F0.


1 7 D I A G N O S I S O F T H E P S Y C H O S E S | 227

TA B L E 17. 3. (Continued)

A fifth character may be used to specify whether the hallucinations or delusions are congruent or incongruent with the mood:
Mania with mood congruent psychotic symptoms (such as grandiose delusions or voices telling the subject that he has superhuman powers)
Mania with mood incongruent psychotic symptoms (such as voices speaking to the subject about affectively neutral topics, or delusions of reference
or persecution)



F20.0 Paranoid schizophrenia

F20.1 Hebephrenic schizophrenia
F20.2 Catatonic schizophrenia
F20.3 Undifferentiated schizophrenia
F20.4 Post-schizophrenic depression
F20.5 Residual schizophrenia
F20.6 Simple schizophrenia
F20.8 Other schizophrenia
F20.9 Schizophrenia, unspecified
A fifth character may be used to classify course:
– Continuous
– Episodic with progressive deficit
– Episodic with stable deficit
– Episodic remittent
– Incomplete remission
– Complete remission
– Other
– Course uncertain, period of observation too short

F25.0 Schizoaffective disorder, manic type

F25.1 Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type
F25.2 Schizoaffective disorder, mixed type
F25.8 Other schizoaffective disorders
F25.9 Schizoaffective disorder, unspecified
A fifth criteria may be used to classify the following subtypes:
– Concurrent affective and schizophrenic symptoms only
– Concurrent affective and schizophrenic symptoms, plus persistence of the schizophrenic symptoms beyond the duration of the affective symptoms

F31.0 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode hypomanic

F31.1 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode manic without psychotic symptoms
F31.2 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode manic with psychotic symptoms
– With mood-congruent psychotic symptoms
– With mood-incongruent psychotic symptoms
F31.3 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode mild or moderate depression
– Without somatic syndrome
– With somatic syndrome
F31.4 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode severe depression without psychotic symptoms
F31.5 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode severe depression with psychotic symptoms
– With mood-congruent psychotic symptoms
– With mood-incongruent psychotic symptoms
F31.6 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode mixed
F31.7 Bipolar affective disorder, currently in remission
F31.8 Other bipolar affective disorders
F31.9 Bipolar affective disorder, unspecified

(From the World Health Organization, 1993, used with permission)

absence of mood symptoms. This latter specification primar- illness onset. Criterion D excludes symptoms due to the direct
ily serves to differentiate schizoaffective disorder from mood effects of a substance or medical condition.
disorders with psychotic features. Criterion C specifies that the Similarly, schizoaffective disorder is classified under the
mood symptoms must have been present for a “substantial por- Psychotic Disorders section of the ICD-10. The ICD-10 cri-
tion” of the illness as determined by “clinical judgment.” In the teria are similar to those of DSM-IV-TR as they both require
DSM-5, the “substantial portion” of mood disturbance neces- positive and/or negative symptoms and affective symptoms
sary for schizoaffective diagnosis is greater than 50% from the for diagnosis, and specify manic, mixed, and depressive types.

228 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

However, the requirement for a temporal dissociation of symp- C HA N G E S I N T HE DSM - 5
tom types is specified differently. According to the ICD-10
diagnostic guidelines, “a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder As described previously, no particular psychotic symptom
should be made only when both definite schizophrenic and or single illness feature can be used to distinguish who will
definite affective symptoms are prominent simultaneously, or receive a diagnosis of a bipolar or other psychotic affective dis-
within a few days of each other, within the same episode of order versus a schizophrenia-related psychosis; of course this
illness” (World Health Organization, 1992a: p. 90). This con- process presumes that medical, substance-related, and other
trasts with the relatively specific DSM requirement for at least exclusionary causes of psychosis have been ruled out. The
two weeks of psychotic symptoms in the absence of affective diagnostic categorizations of “the psychoses” in the DSM-5
symptoms. Consequently, there would be some cases (without will entail the clinician’s determination of the relative duration
the required temporal dissociation of symptoms) classified as and overlap of any manic and/or depressive episodes as they
schizoaffective disorder by the ICD-10 and a psychotic mood occurred with psychotic symptoms. The duration will extend
disorder by the DSM (Jager et al., 2011). from the estimated onset of the disorder to the time of the cur-
Bipolar Disorder is categorized under the Mood Disorders rent diagnosis and not just consider the current episode, as
section of the DSM-IV. The category of Bipolar Disorder includes was often practiced in previous considerations of the schizoaf-
Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder, Cyclothymia, and Bipolar fective diagnosis. For individuals meeting the A criterion of
Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. The focus here will be on schizophrenia and continually having mood symptoms that
bipolar disorder I, as it is the category that is most consistently meet the criteria for affective syndromes, or where the affective
associated with psychotic features, with half of bipolar disorder symptoms are successfully treated, the appropriate diagnosis
cases experiencing psychosis and/or thought disorder. A diag- will be a psychotic mood disorder. By contrast, if the bipolar or
nosis of bipolar I disorder requires a history of at least one epi- depressive syndrome accompanies less than 50% of the entire
sode of mania or, more commonly, a history of recurrent mood illness duration of psychosis, the DSM-5 criteria will specify
disturbances meeting criteria for at least one episode of mania a schizophrenia diagnosis. Schizoaffective disorder is reserved
with additional episodes of mixed features, hypomania, or major for cases who have at least 2 weeks of non-affective psychosis
depression. There are six different criteria sets that specify the meeting the A criteria for schizophrenia; they must also have
nature of the most recent episode, which include Single Manic had concurrent affective syndromes for more than 50% of their
Episode, Most Recent Episode Hypomanic, Most Recent Episode illness course. In DSM-IV, schizophrenia and schizoaffective
Manic, Most Recent Episode Mixed, Most Recent Episode disorder were distinguished by the imprecise clinical determi-
Depressed, and Most Recent Episode Unspecified. The remain- nation of whether or not the symptoms meeting criteria for a
der of the bipolar I disorder criteria sets apply to individuals mood episode were present “for a substantial part of the overall
who have had recurrent episodes of mania or mania and depres- duration of both the active and residual period of the illness”
sion. A characteristic of bipolar disorder that usually differenti- (American Psychiatric Association, 2000: p. 323). The concept
ates it from the schizophrenia spectrum disorders is its episodic of “substantial” was so variably interpreted that the reliability
nature with symptom-free intervals associated with a significant of a schizoaffective diagnosis was quite poor. Schizophrenia
improvement in psychosocial function; this contrasts with the quite commonly includes mood features, which do not neces-
classically more chronic course of schizophrenia and schizoaffec- sarily change the appropriate diagnosis to schizoaffective dis-
tive disorder, which is usually associated with a greater impair- order in DSM-5.
ment in and poor prognosis for psychosocial function. Notably, the implicit acceptance of the overlap of bipolar
In the ICD-10, bipolar I disorder is similarly categorized and schizophrenia conditions is not disputed in the DSM-5,
as a Mood (Affective) Disorder. The congruence between the but the convention of separating the chapters on bipolar disor-
DSM-IV and ICD-10 diagnoses of bipolar I disorder is relatively der and schizophrenia is consistent with the decision to make
good compared to the diagnostic congruence for schizophre- only conservative changes to the DSM-5. The need to improve
nia and schizoaffective disorder. For example, Cheniaux et al. diagnostic reliability for schizophrenia, schizoaffective disor-
(2009) found congruence levels (as measured by Cohen’s kappa der, and psychotic affective conditions will contribute to the
values) between the DSM-IV and ICD-10 diagnoses of bipo- evolution of evidence-based studies by improving the reliability
lar disorder of 0.83 compared to lower scores in schizophrenia for categorical diagnoses, such as the 50% determination. The
(0.61) and schizoaffective disorder (0.37). Both classification overlap of bipolar and schizophrenia conditions is certainly
systems require a history of episodic disturbances in mood and evident in the frequent longitudinal instability of an individ-
activity levels, including at least one episode of mania. However ual’s diagnosis, which commonly shifts among schizophrenia,
the ICD-10 requires a history of at least two mood episodes, at bipolar or other affective psychosis, and schizophrenia. These
least one of which is manic, for a diagnosis of Bipolar Affective common shifts in diagnosis for a patient, between affective
Disorder. This contrasts with the DSM-IV in which a single and schizophrenia diagnostic categories, puzzle both patients
manic episode qualifies for a diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder, and clinicians, but neither treatment nor prognosis is altered
Single Manic Episode. The ICD-10 acknowledges this discor- by these designations. It is expected that the most appropri-
dance, stating that a single episode of mania is “distinguished ate diagnosis will shift over time, but that the cross-sectional
from bipolar and other multiple episode disorders because sub- assessments by different clinicians will be more reliable and
stantial proportions of patients have only one episode of illness” fewer schizophrenia cases should be misdiagnosed as having
(World Health Organization, 1992a: p. 94). schizoaffective disorder based on the DSM-5 criteria requiring

1 7 D I A G N O S I S O F T H E P S Y C H O S E S | 229

that an affective syndrome is present for more than 50% of the have been developed to provide standardized ways for clinicians
entire illness for a schizoaffective diagnosis. to collect the information necessary to make a differential diag-
Other possible approaches to addressing the substantial nosis, thus increasing reliability across clinician diagnoses. The
overlap of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia for the DSM-5 most common of these interviews are the Structured Clinical
were suggested. On one hand, subdivisions of a psychotic illness Interview for DSM Disorders (SCID; Spitzer et al., 1992), the
into separate epochs of psychosis related to schizophrenia, bipo- Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS; Nurnberger
lar disorder, major depressive psychosis, and substance-induced et al., 1994), and the Schedule for Affective Disorders and
psychosis are appealing to some groups, but have a weak evi- Schizophrenia (SADS; Endicott and Spitzer, 1978), all of which
dence base. On the other hand, quantifying the different symp- have demonstrated reliability (Keller et al., 1981; Lobbestael
tom domains of all severe mental disorders by dimensional et al., 2011; Nurnberger et al., 1994).
metrics is very compelling; that is, providing separate ratings While these interviews all provide structured questions and
for psychosis, mania, depression, cognitive limitations, avolition prompts aimed at gathering the same basic data (e.g., identify-
and diminished emotional expression, anxiety, and other dimen- ing information, developmental history, psychiatric history,
sions depending on the disorders at a specific time point. These medical history, and current symptomatology), the interviews
domain scores could shift over time with treatment, brain devel- differ in the diagnostic criteria to which the information cor-
opment, and symptom evolution, but would provide an anchor responds. For example, the SCID was initially developed based
for description and intervention at specific time points, rather on DSM-III criteria and had to be revised following the publi-
than the constrained longitudinal categorical diagnoses. Again, cation of the DSM-IV in 2000. Similarly the SADS was devel-
there is an insufficient database to support this large departure oped based on the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC). As
from current practice in the DSM-5. a result the SCID most directly corresponds to DSM criteria
Other changes in the schizophrenia chapter of the DSM-5 and the SADS most directly corresponds to the RDC criteria,
include an elevation of the catatonia concept, such that the which may present a challenge for clinicians who want to apply
condition may stand on its own or accompany a host of other the information obtained from these interviews to a different
conditions; the consideration of a period of attenuated psy- set of diagnostic criteria. An advantage that the DIGS has over
chotic symptoms in the appendix, as a route to better under- the other two interviews is that the questions and prompts
stand the adolescent and young adult transitions to psychotic were written to collect information that allows clinicians to
disorders; and limiting the negative symptoms to those that can make diagnoses based on multiple diagnostic criteria. The
be observed rather than inferred, namely, avolition/asociality, OPerational CRITeria (OPCRIT; Craddock et al., 1996), which
and diminished emotional expression rather than anhedonia is embedded in the DIGS, is a checklist of criteria from all of
and other negative symptom constructs. The essential “A cri- the major diagnostic classification systems that can be entered
teria” for schizophrenia will include two (or more) of the fol- into computerized software, which then allows for the genera-
lowing, each present for a significant portion of time during a tion of diagnoses across the major diagnostic systems. This
one-month period (or less if successfully treated). At least one system allows for easy, standardized, and reliable comparison
of these should include 1, 2, or 3: (1) delusions; (2) hallucina- of diagnosis across multiple diagnostic systems and has dem-
tions; (3) disorganized speech; (4) grossly abnormal psycho- onstrated good to excellent agreement with multiple clinician
motor behavior, including catatonia; (5) negative symptoms, consensus diagnoses.
for example, diminished emotional expression or avolition.
The special consideration for bizarre delusions is discontinued
in the DSM-5. The “B criteria” specify deterioration in func- R E SE A R C H DO M A I N C R I T E R I A: TH E
tion, or failure to achieve expected levels for those with ear- F U T U R E O F P SY C HI AT R I C DI A G N O S I S
lier onset; the “C criteria” set the disturbance duration of at
least 6 months (or less if successfully treated), including peri- Given the overlap of phenomenology, genes, neurobiology, risk
ods of prodromal or residual symptoms. Durations less than a factors, and course between the bipolar and schizophrenia-
month indicate brief psychotic disorder and 1 month to up to related disorders, it is clear that the categorical diagnoses are
6 months are noted as schizophreniform disorder, which may not optimal. Nonetheless these are standard instruments for
have good or bad prognostic signs of likelihood to become a diagnosis, insurance, utilization reports, clinical trials, and even
chronic condition. Changes to the bipolar disorder section for the Federal Drug Association (FDA). Their use in research,
in the DSM-5 are notable for the new inclusion of increased however, may have stymied our progress in discerning the eti-
energy/activity as a core symptom of Manic Episodes and ology and finding optimal interventions for individual illness
Hypomanic Episodes. features, which can be called “domains” of behavior. The RDoC
is a strategy proposed by the National Institute of Mental Health
to find a synergy between behavioral analysis and neuroscience
THE MAJO R RATING S C A L ES F O R that can serve to deconstruct the current and former categori-
PS YCHIAT RIC D IA GNO S IS cal mental illnesses into their component specific observable
behaviors for research. These domains of psychopathology will
Distinguishing between different psychotic illnesses in a reli- cut across disorders and will even be identified, to a variable
able way is often challenging for clinicians and researchers. extent, in people who do not meet criteria for any psychiat-
Numerous structured and semistructured diagnostic interviews ric diagnosis ( The RDoC considers that

230 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

a disruption in behavior may be driven by changes in one or REFERENCES
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lular systems, neurocircuitry, behavioral tasks, and self-reports. ods, meanings, and mechanisms. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 52:341–351.
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remodeling of the brain, that many or most behaviors and their Burgy, M. (2008). The concept of psychosis: historical and phenomenological
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observed for most symptom phenomena in psychiatric patients. Cheniaux, E., Landeira-Fernandez, J., et al. (2009). The diagnoses of schizo-
phrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder and unipolar depres-
RDoC will not immediately be a useful clinical tool, but it will sion: interrater reliability and congruence between DSM-IV and ICD-10.
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from a unitary model, in which psychosis was considered a research. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 26:57–63.
single illness, to the current model, in which it is recognized Ivleva, E., Thaker, G., et al. (2008). Comparing genes and phenomenology in
that psychosis manifests across a broad range of separate psy- the major psychoses: schizophrenia and bipolar 1 disorder. Schizophr. Bull.
chiatric disorders. Current diagnostic criteria (DSM-IV and Jager, M., Haack, S., et al. (2011). Schizoaffective disorder—an ongoing chal-
ICD-10) are largely consistent with Kraepelin’s dichotomy lenge for psychiatric nosology. Eur. Psychiatry 26:159–165.
and the Feighner Criteria in making a distinction between Kasanin, J. (1933). The acute schizoaffective psychoses. Am. J. Psych.
primary psychotic illnesses (e.g., schizophrenia) and the Keller, M.B., Lavori, P.W., et al. (1981). Test-retest reliability of assessing psychi-
functional/affective psychoses. Recognition of overlap atrically ill patients in a multi-center design. J. Psychiat. Res. 16:213–227.
between these two categories is seen in schizoaffective dis- Lobbestael, J., Leurgans, M. et al. ( 2011). Inter-rater reliability of the Structured
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order, a diagnosis given to individuals who simultaneously Disorders (SCID II). Clin. Psychol. Psychother. 18:75–79.
meet criterion A for schizophrenia and criteria for an affec- Moller, H.J. (2003). Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia: distinct illnesses or a
tive episode for “a substantial part of the overall duration of continuum? J. Clin. Psychiatry 64(Suppl 6):23–27.
National Institute of Mental Health Research Domain Criteria (RDoC).
both the active and residual period of the illness” (American National Institute of Mental Health.
Psychiatric Association, 2000: p. 323). The diagnostic criteria rdoc/nimh-research-domain-criteria-rdoc.shtml. Accessed July 2012.
for schizoaffective disorder are refined with the publication Nurnberger, J.I., Blehar, M.C., et al. (1994). Diagnostic interview for genetic
studies: rationale, unique features, and training. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry
of the DSM-5 to clarify vague wording and increase diag- 51:849–859.
nostic reliability, such that the diagnosis will be reserved for Schneider, K. (1959). Clinical Psychopathology. New York: Grune &
individuals who meet criterion A for schizophrenia and meet Stratton.
Spitzer, R.L., Endicott, J., et al. (1970). The psychiatric status schedule: a tech-
criteria for an affective episode for more than 50% of their nique for evaluating psychopathology and impairment in role functioning.
illness course. Still, there remains great overlap between phe- Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 23:41–55.
nomenology, genes, neurobiology, and risk factors across all Spitzer, R.L., Endicott, J., et al. (1978). Research diagnostic criteria: rationale
and reliability. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 35:773–782.
psychotic disorders. New behavioral domain approaches to Spitzer, R.L., Williams, J.B., et al. (1992). The structured clinical interview
psychopathology research, such as the NIMH’s RDoC initia- for DSM-III-R (SCID). I: History, rationale, and description. Arch. Gen.
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The chapter authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. on diagnosis of the mental disorders. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 285:676–686.

1 7 D I A G N O S I S O F T H E P S Y C H O S E S | 231



INTR ODUC T IO N disorder is more difficult as diagnostic schemes have changed

significantly over the last 100 years particularly with the formu-
This chapter provides an overview of the genetics of schizo- lation of bipolar II disorder in DSM-III-R in 1987. Subsequent
phrenia and bipolar disorder. Over the last 100 years or so changes have tended to broaden the diagnostic scope and the
genetic studies have included the epidemiology of families larger spectrum of symptoms has increased the overall preva-
and twins, traditional genetic linkage and positional cloning in lence. However, discussing the accuracy and potential impacts
pedigrees, and candidate gene association studies. The evolu- of these diagnostic changes is beyond the scope of this chap-
tion of genetic information rapidly expanded as we entered the ter (Yutzy et al., 2012). Recent population-based studies in
genomic era with important new insights from genome-wide the United States find roughly a 1% lifetime prevalence for
microarray and sequencing studies. bipolar I disorder (Merikangas et al., 2007), with some differ-
We can expect this expansion in genetic knowledge to con- ences between countries (Merikangas et al., 2011). Prevalence
tinue and likely escalate. This chapter will cover information of bipolar II disorder was estimated at 1.1 (Merikangas et al.,
supporting several basic ideas. First, that there is strong and 2007). Most genetic studies focus on bipolar I disorder only or
consistent evidence that both disorders are genetic. Second, bipolar I disorder and bipolar II disorder.
neither disorder is caused by a single abnormal gene. Third,
biological candidate genes and traditional linkage studies
proved inadequate to identify genetic causes for reasons that
are now largely understood. Fourth, copy number variation
plays an important role in schizophrenia. Fifth, genome-wide As described in Chapter 12, the first step in gene mapping is
association studies have identified multiple significant loci to establish whether a trait or disease has a genetic liability,
for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Sixth, next genera- typically undertaken through family and twin studies. The
tion sequencing studies are beginning to catalog rare variants first family study of schizophrenia was carried out almost
and their potential role in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. one hundred years ago by Ernst Rudin. Even though his work
Finally, integration of all of the various sources of genetic risk predated the development of modern statistical methods for
information will be difficult and will require interdisciplinary analyzing these data, he was able to appreciate that schizo-
work and new biological strategies. phrenia ran in families, although not in a manner consis-
tent with Mendel’s laws. Since then the rates of transmission
in hundreds of families have been studied with consistent
GE NE TIC EP ID EMIO L O GY results. In fact, even application of modern statistical methods
to Rudin’s original data confirm these observations (Kendler
Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are both strongly familial. and Zerbin-Rudin, 1996). The relative risk for first-degree
It is only over the last ~120 years that they have been inves- relatives (λ) of an individual with schizophrenia is ~10. This
tigated as separate, distinct disorders. This distinction, based has recently been confirmed and extended in a large Swedish
on clinical observations and symptoms, was codified by Emil population registry-based study of 32,536 individuals with
Kraepelin in the late 1890s. As highlighted in Chapter 20, schizophrenia and their family members. The size of this study
many clinical and phenotypic aspects of the diseases have long allowed for examination of a wider variety of familial relation-
been known to overlap. Genetic, imaging, and some cognitive ships and again the familial relative risks for parents, siblings,
observations have increasingly converged, and thus bipolar and children were 8.6–10.3 (Lichtenstein et al., 2006). Further
disorder genetics will be discussed along with schizophrenia, investigation using twin studies supports underlying genetic
rather than among the mood disorders. factors for the observed familial clustering. The concordance
Recent systematic re-review of extant literature confirms rate (the likelihood that the second twin will develop the dis-
that the lifetime risk of schizophrenia is approximately 1% and order once the first is diagnosed) between genetically identical
that there is evidence for a modest variation in prevalence when monozygotic twins is high (41%–65%) and substantially lower
investigated by latitude (McGrath et al., 2008). The incidence for dizygotic twins (0%–28%) (Cardno and Gottesman, 2000).
is elevated in migrants over native-born individuals (4.6-fold). A meta-analysis of 12 twin studies derived a heritability esti-
Several recent studies of schizophrenia using Scandinavian hos- mate of 81% (Sullivan et al., 2003). Heritability estimates based
pital registers suggest the prevalence may be somewhat lower on Swedish and Danish registry data were somewhat lower
(Lichtenstein et al., 2009). Estimating the lifetime risk of bipolar (67%) and may represent diagnostic differences in the newer

232 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

studies. However, the larger registry based studies are likely to issue. Researchers found increased risks of affective disorder
be more broadly representative of the types of samples that are in the families of schizophrenia patients (Mortensen et al.,
used in the genome-wide studies discussed below (Wray and 2003), and one found the reverse (Maier et al., 2002). Several
Gottesman, 2012). small twin studies came to similar contradictory conclu-
It is frequently stated that most patients with schizophre- sions. However, in 2009 a very large population-based study
nia do not have affected relatives and are thus “sporadic” in was reported that was able to take advantage of the quality
nature. However, Yang and colleagues have demonstrated of information in the Swedish Hospital Discharge Registry
that a low rate of affected relatives would be expected with a to more definitively answer the question of the familial rela-
disease that is uncommon (1% prevalence), highly heritable, tionships (Lichtenstein et al., 2009). Analyzing data on over
and highly polygenetic with risk mediated by many common 35,000 patients with schizophrenia, 40,000 patients with
variants of small effects (Yang et al., 2010). Thus, the lack of bipolar disorder, and their family members, they were able
close relatives alone is insufficient to support an exclusively to calculate the relative risk for a wide variety of family and
sporadic, or non-inherited component to the etiology of adoptive relationships. Table 18.1 displays these results. For
schizophrenia. schizophrenia probands, the relative risk of schizophrenia
was highest for first-degree relatives, but the relative risk of
developing bipolar disorder was also elevated, although not
as high. The reverse applied to bipolar disorder probands,
where they had increased risks of both bipolar disorder and
Early family studies of bipolar disorder did not distinguish schizophrenia in their first-degree relatives. In fact, there was
individuals with depressive episodes only, or what is now sufficient power in this study to look at a variety of adoptive
classified as major depressive disorder, from individuals with relationships confirming earlier studies that adopted away
depressive episodes as well as manic episodes, what is now children with a biologic parent with schizophrenic or bipolar
classified as bipolar disorder. More recent studies have done are at increased risk of developing the same disease as their
so, and the most recent have further included separate analy- biological parent.
ses of bipolar II disorder. In the modern studies that included The nature of the genetic relationship between schizophre-
control populations and that used a population risk of 1%–2%, nia and bipolar disorder is also highlighted by patients with
the relative risk for first-degree relatives (λ) of bipolar patients schizoaffective disorder, often referred to as a schizophrenia
is approximately 7–10 (Barnett and Smoller, 2009). Family spectrum disorder. Patients with the manic/bipolar subtype
studies of bipolar II disorder are indeterminate. This is likely meet diagnostic criteria for both schizophrenia and bipolar
because bipolar II disorder symptomatically resembles both disorder, while those with the depressed subtype meet criteria
major depression and bipolar I disorder and may be genetically for schizophrenia and major depressive disorder. Some work
related to one, or both. Complicating this is a lower interrater suggests increased familial risk of bipolar disorder and schizo-
reliability for the diagnosis of bipolar II disorder as well as the phrenia for each subtype, respectively. However, not all family
small samples sizes available (Smoller and Finn, 2003). Family and twin studies concur. Molecular genetic overlap that will be
studies also point to familial enrichment of several other phe- discussed below reinvigorates the discussion and may provide
notypes that may prove useful in refining genetic studies once additional data to improve nosology (Craddock et al., 2009;
genes and loci have been identified. These include observing Hamshere et al., 2009).
evidence for familial clustering of early age-of-onset, mania
versus depression on first onset, mood episode frequency,
E N V I R O N M E N TA L A N D N O N - I N H E R I T E D
psychosis, lithium-responsiveness, rapid-cycling, and panic
disorder (Barnett and Smoller, 2009). Like schizophrenia, twin
studies of bipolar disorder support a genetic underpinning to Several non-genetic risk factors for schizophrenia have been
the family study results. The most recent studies find the con- reproducibly identified and have been reviewed (Brown,
cordance rate for monozygotic twins is higher (0.5–0.6) than 2011). The most well documented of these include obstetri-
for dizygotic twins (0.39–0.43) resulting in heritability esti- cal complications, urban birth, season of birth, famine while
mates of 79%–93% (Kendler et al., 1995; McGuffin et al., 2003; in utero, migration, prenatal infections, and cannabis use.
Kieseppa et al., 2004). Advancing paternal age has also been shown to be asso-
ciated with increased risk of schizophrenia (Miller et al.,
2011). Patients with schizophrenia have decreased reproduc-
tive fitness as measured by reduced fecundity measured as a
fertility ratio in comparison to siblings, particularly in males
For the traditional linkage studies that will be described (23% vs. 47% in females), that is not offset by increased fecun-
below, families with the clearest inheritance of either schizo- dity in siblings (Power et al., 2012). This implies that negative
phrenia or bipolar disorder, but not both, were sought. selection is at work, and that there is a supply of new mutations
Supporting this focus were two family studies from the early that are occurring that are contributing to the risk of schizo-
1990s that indicated there was no genetic overlap in families phrenia. In a whole genome sequencing study in Iceland,
(Kendler et al., 1993; Maier et al., 1993). However, two more paternal age was estimated to explain most of the increased
recent studies have suggested that this was not a settled de novo mutation rate observed (Kong et al., 2012), providing

1 8 G E N E T I C S O F S C H I Z O P H R E N I A A N D B I P O L A R D I S O R D E R | 233

TA B L E 18. 1. Recurrence risks for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. [Used with permission from: Lichtenstein, Lancet (2009)


PROBAND RR 95% CL RR 95% CL RR 95% CL RR 95% CL


Parent offspring 9.9 8.5–11.6 6.4 5.9–7.1 2.4 2.1–2.6 5.2 4.4–6.2

Sibling Sibling 9.0 8.1–9.9 7.9 7.1–8.8 3.9 3.4–4.4 3.7 3.2–4.2

Sibling Maternal half-sibling 3.6 2.3–5.5 4.5 2.7–7.4 1.4 0.7–2.6 1.2 0.6–2.4

Sibling Paternal half-sibling 2.7 1.9–3.8 2.4 1.4–4.1 1.6 1.0–2.7 2.2 1.3–3.8

Biological Adopted away 13.7 6.1–30.8 4.3 2.0–9.5 4.5 1.8–10.9 6.0 2.3–15.2
parent offspring*

Sibling Adopted away 7.6 0.7–87.8 – – 3.9 0.2–63.3 5.0 0.3–79.9

biological sibling

Adoptive Adoptee – – 1.3 0.5–3.6 1.5 0.7–3.5 – –


Sibling Non-biological 1.3 0.1–15.1 – – – – 2.0 0.1–37.8


R = relative risk. *Adopted children whose biological parents have disease.

a potential molecular correlate. There are fewer studies inves- significant chromosomal regions linked to schizophrenia at
tigating environmental factors in bipolar disorder. However, above the chance level (Ng et al., 2009). While the overall
there is some evidence of effects on risk of seasonality of birth, number of linkage studies in bipolar disorder is more modest,
advanced paternal age, and stressful life events (Alloy et al., the overall observation was the same in the meta-analysis of
2005; Frans et al., 2008; Disanto et al., 2012), environmental 18 studies of 2,437 bipolar cases in 592 pedigrees (Segurado
factors that overlap those observed in schizophrenia and major et al., 2003). This was recently extended using a linkage panel
depressive disorder. of 6,000 single nucleotide markers to achieve more complete
linkage information across the genome in 2,782 bipolar disor-
der cases without producing significant results (Badner et al.,
2012). Phenotypic heterogeneity and diagnostic inaccuracy
have often been postulated as a primary explanation for lack
of clear success in linkage studies. However, similar diagnostic
methods and patient samples were used in the genome-wide
association studies (GWAS) of common variants and rare
The genetic observations described above led to searches copy number variants with strikingly different results that
for the responsible genes. As genome-wide markers became will be described below. Furthermore, it is often argued that
available in the 1980s, they were used for linkage studies in there are some suggestive regions that overlap in several stud-
families with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. As was dis- ies and might contain loci, however the most likely explana-
cussed in Chapter 12, linkage analysis follows the transmis- tion for the overlap is random chance resulting from the large
sion of disease and particular genetic markers in families to number of studies performed and the relative lack of fine scale
identify chromosomal segments for closer follow-up and has genomic resolution of linkage analysis.
primarily been successful in diseases caused by mutations Despite this, positional cloning, the process whereby spe-
with large effect sizes in a single or small number of genes. cific genes are identified within a linkage peak, has been carried
Many linkage studies of both disorders have been performed. in some linkage regions, particularly on chromosomes 8p12
The overall conclusion that can be drawn is that no genomic and 6p22.3. In those regions, two candidate genes were of par-
loci are likely to harbor large effect genes that account for a ticular focus, neuregulin1 (NRG1) and dysbindin (DTNBP1),
substantial portion of genetic liability. Even a meta-analysis of respectively. Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1), is a gene
32 independent linkage studies using data from 7,413 schizo- interrupted by a balanced chromosomal translocation between
phrenia cases in 3,255 pedigrees was not able to identify chromosomes 1 and 11 (t(1;11) (q42;q14)), that segregates in

234 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

a single Scottish family with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, of the underlying biology and/or poor gene coverage and/or
and major depression. No other families with translocations, small sample sizes. Numerous detailed publications review the
or other segregating structural abnormalities in DISC1 have status of the most frequently studied of these genes, and a list
been found. Numerous association studies have focused on of them is maintained by the schizophrenia research forum
this gene in both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder with (see It is of note that initial results
inconsistent results. A meta-analysis of data from 11,626 cases from GWAS do not find the prior biological candidate genes
and 15,237 controls did not find evidence for association for enriched among significant or nearly significant loci (Collins
any of the 1,241 SNPs in DISC1 that were tested (Mathieson et al., 2012). The most extensively investigated are covered in
et al., 2012). In addition, studies have generally not found an other chapters of this section. Candidate genes in bipolar dis-
excess of rare variants at this locus. Despite the paucity of evi- order have focused on BDNF, circadian genes, phosphinositide
dence for a major role in genetic risk of schizophrenia, there signaling, and Wnt/GSK3beta signaling (Martinowich et al.,
have been many interesting biological studies of this gene that 2009). As with schizophrenia, initial results from GWAS do
will be described in later chapters. not find the prior biological candidates enriched among sig-
nificant or nearly significant loci (Seifuddin et al., 2012).
Hundreds of candidate gene association studies have been per-
formed over the last decade. Most were defined as candidates Copy number variants (CNVs) are deletions or duplications of
based on biological theories from pharmacological observa- genetic material and can range from several base pairs (often
tions or secondary to abnormalities observed in postmortem called “indels”) to 100,000s to millions of bases. The risk of
human brain tissue from patients. Taken as a whole, the results developing schizophrenia is markedly elevated in the presence
of these studies are inconsistent and may represent poor candi- of certain CNVs (Table 18.2). A large body of work reviewed
date choices because of our fundamental lack of understanding in detail elsewhere (Malhotra and Sebat, 2012) has defined

TA B L E 18. 2. Disease-associated copy number variants


1q21.1 Deletion 9.2a 12 0.18/0.02 SCZ (ID, epilepsy, ASD)


2p16.3 Exonic deletions 7.5–8.97a 1 SCZ (ID, epilepsy, ASD,


3q29 Deletion 49.5a 21 0.097/0.002 SCZ (ID, ASD, BD)


7q36.3 Duplication 3.2b 2 0.19/0.06 SCZ (ASD)

(158.4–158.8) (VIPR2)

15q11.2 Deletion 2.2a 8 0.57/0.27 SCZ (ID, epilepsy)


15q13.3 Deletion 8.3a 8 0.19/0.023 SCZ (ID, epilepsy, ASD)


16p13.1 Duplication 2.1a 8 0.28/0.13 SCZ (ID, ADHD)


16p11.2 Duplication 9.8a 26 0.3/0.031 SCZ (ID, epilepsy, ASD,

(29.5–30.2) ADHD, BD)

17p12 Deletion 5.9a 5 0.16/0.026 SCZ (hereditary neuropathy

(14.0–15.4) with pressure palsies)

17q12 Deletion 18.4a 17 0.06/0.0003 SCZ (ID, ASD)

22q11.2 Deletion 44-infinitya 30 0.31/0 SCZ (LD, ASD)

Based on (Grozeva, Conrad, et al., 2012) which included enhanced control population; bbased on (Malhotra and Sebat, 2012); ASD-autism spectrum
disorder, ID-intellectual disability or developmental disability, BD-bipolar disorder

1 8 G E N E T I C S O F S C H I Z O P H R E N I A A N D B I P O L A R D I S O R D E R | 235

the following principles of the CNVs associated with schizo- Study (GWAS) Consortium, 2011; Shi et al., 2011; Steinberg
phrenia from studying over 10,000 samples initially using et al., 2011; Bergen et al., 2012; Hamshere et al., 2012; Rietschel
array-comparative genomic hybridization and subsequently et al., 2012). Other studies have included African American
SNP microarrays. and Japanese samples, but sample sizes remain small at pres-
ent. A large sample has been reported by the Psychiatric
• Genome-wide rates of large (>100 kb), rare (<1%) CNVs Genomics Consortium (PGC). This consortium was formed
are elevated. in 2007, recognizing that individual studies that utilized only
several thousand individuals would be underpowered and
• Rates of de novo CNVs are elevated.
that sharing of data and rapid meta-analysis would signifi-
• CNVs generally contain many genes and confer large cantly accelerate the gene discovery process. An international
relative risks (2.1–49.5) group of scientists from over 60 institutions and 19 countries
continues to work together and timely updates will be pro-
• SCZ associated CNVs are often found in multiple
vided on their website ( An overlapping
additional disease phenotypes including most commonly
group of European scientists from seven European institu-
ASD, LD, and epilepsy.
tions work together as part of the SGENE consortium (http://
• Specific genomic locations are recurrent sites of these
CNVs (see Table 18.2) A stringent and well-accepted criteria for genome-wide
significance takes into account the total number of inde-
• CNVs are enriched in neuronal functions particularly
pendent SNPs tested (approximately 1 million) and thus
those that are involved in synaptic activity and
should be equal to or below 5 × 10–8 (Pe’er et al., 2008). If we
neurodevelopmental processes. Additional support for
assume that most common variant loci have modest effect
proteins enriched in synaptic signaling has been found in
sizes (<1.5-fold), then the power to detect loci using strin-
recent work on de novo CNVs.
gent thresholds that adjust for the total genome-wide testing
Characteristics of the individual loci, genes, and phenotypic burden is low. Thus, while many groups began by using their
overlaps are discussed in Chapter 19. own samples, they rapidly proceeded to replication of the
The role of CNVs in bipolar disorder has been less well best loci through collaboration with additional groups. This
studied and remains somewhat controversial, with some can easily be appreciated by reviewing Table 18.3, noting that
studies findings increased rates and others not (Malhotra most of the primary or stage 1 samples did not detect associ-
and Sebat, 2012; Olsen et al., 2011). Overall, the association ated loci, but that following either replication/stage 2 or large
of rare CNVs is less prominent, and only one specific CNV meta-analysis (e.g., PGC or SGENE) several loci were con-
(3q29) is reported with an effect size > 5 for bipolar disor- vincingly associated.
der, although a study of 185 proband-parent trios found a Since linkage disequilibrium varies across the genome,
rate of de novo CNVs that was 4.8-fold higher then controls the associated regions vary in size; some contain mul-
and similar to what was observed in schizophrenia (Malhotra tiple genes, some one, or even none. Table 18.4 contains
et al., 2011). genome-wide significant findings as of November 2012. The
most significant individual marker is listed along with the
nearest gene, the study in which it was first reported, and
GE NOME-W ID E A S S O C IATIO N ST U DI E S the study in which it has been reported in the largest over-
all sample size. The first regions were identified in a series
Development of the technology for simultaneously geno- of studies published in 2008 and 2009. O’Donovan and col-
typing hundreds of thousands of SNPs as well as the posi- leagues first reported a locus ZNF804A, a transcription fac-
tional information regarding the sites of almost all common tor of unknown function (O’Donovan et al., 2008). This was
SNPs has allowed for progressively more informative followed by three studies published simultaneously that ana-
GWAS studies. These studies have the advantage of being lyzed over 3,000 cases each. These studies reported an asso-
unbiased with respect to prior biologically driven theories, ciation across the large region of the major histocompatibility
but of course have well-known limitations. The theoretical complex (MHC) on chromosome 6. Two additional regions,
underpinnings of GWAS have been discussed in an earlier each of which pointed to specific genes, were reported by the
chapter, and the specific implications for psychiatric disease SGENE consortium, transcription factor 4, TCF4, and neu-
covered in several excellent reviews (PGC, 2009; Sullivan rogranin, NRGN (Stefansson et al., 2009). The largest study,
et al., 2012). undertaken by the Schizophrenia Psychiatric Genome-Wide
Association Study Consortium, assembled and directly ana-
lyzed genotype data from 17 individual samples for a total of
8,394 cases and 12,462 in the primary analysis. Overall, five
There are now >10 published GWAS studies of European new loci were detected (1p21.3, 2q32.3, 8p23.2, 8q21.3, and
samples (Table 18.3) (Lencz et al., 2007; O’Donovan et al., 10q24.32). A graphical representation of the data is displayed
2008; Sullivan et al., 2008; Need et al., 2009; Purcell et al., 2009; in Figure 18.1. In the replication study of the 81 most asso-
Shi et al., 2009; Stefansson et al., 2009; Athanasiu et al., ciated SNPs, a strongly positive deviation from expectation
2010; Schizophrenia Psychiatric Genome-Wide Association in the number of results detected in the same direction as

236 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 18. 3. Studies reporting full GWAS in schizophrenia in european samples



Lencz 2007 178 144 – – – NA

O’Donovan 2008 479 2,937 – 7,308 12,834 +

Sullivan 2008 417 411 – – – NA

ISC 2009 3,322 3,587 + 8,008 19,077 +

Shi 2009 2,681 2,653 – 8,008 19,077 +

Stefansson 2009 2,663 13,498 – 12,945 34,591 +

Need 2009 871 869 – 1,460 12,995 –

Athanasiu 2010 201 307 – 2,864 14,087 –

SCZ-PGC 2011 9,394 12,462 + 8,442 21,397 +

Shi Yb 2011 3,750 6,468 – 4,383 4,539 +

Steinbergc 2011 – – NA 18,206 42,536 +

Rietschel 2011 1,169 3,714 – 3,738 7,802 +

Bergen 2012 1,507 2,093 – 11,271 14,601 +

Hamshere 2012 – – NA 2,640 2,878 +

Replication and Stage 2 samples often tested only a subset of the most associated SNPs in the larger sample. bLarge Chinese sample; cenlarged sample
based on Stefansson, 2009, only subset of SNPs tested in primary study; GWS = genome-wide significant

the original effect (but not independently genome-wide sig- relaxed P value thresholds. This was done in order to be able
nificant) was found. This means that sample sizes are insuf- to include SNPs with very small effect sizes. Using the derived
ficient and that as they grow additional associated loci will profiles and applying them to independent schizophrenia sam-
be found. The PGC is completing meta-analysis of case and ples, they found that for all the thresholds tested, they were
control samples that is 2–3 times larger than those previ- highly significantly associated, as a group, in the independent
ously reported. The expectation, based on simulations that schizophrenia samples, but critically, not in a wide variety of
compare the rates of identification of additional loci in other other non-psychiatric genetic diseases like Crohn’s disease and
genetically complex traits such as height, is that there will diabetes. These results cannot be explained by rare variants
be a dramatic increase in genome-wide significant loci. Thus, alone, or by other artifacts such as population stratification,
the loci listed in Table 18.4 are provisional. Ultimately this and thus indicate there are meaningful contributions from
list may also contain some of the prior biological candidate many common variants to the overall liability to schizophre-
genes, albeit with effects sizes that are more modest than nia. These results have subsequently been replicated in several
those originally observed. larger samples. A recent study estimated the proportion of
It is important to note that the relative risk conferred by variation in the susceptibility to schizophrenia that had been
each individual variant listed in the table is small and thus, explained by GWAS SNPs was ~25%–30% using some of the
even in aggregate, contributes a negligible amount to the largest GWAS studies (Lee, DeCandia, et al., 2012). A highly
overall heritability. Rather than jump to the conclusion that polygenic model suggests that genetically influenced individ-
the genetic causes of schizophrenia must be either rare, or ual differences across domains of brain development and func-
de novo as many authors have, the International Schizophrenia tion may form a diathesis for major psychiatric illness, perhaps
Consortium tested whether there were many variants, even as multiple growth and metabolic pathways influence human
thousands of variants, each contributing a very small amount height.
to the overall liability of developing schizophrenia. Individually, While GWAS does not identify specific functional vari-
none of these variants was able to generate a signal, but taken ants and genes, several interesting observations have already
in groups of 10s or 1000s of SNPs they were able to predict emerged from this early work. The MHC is an exceedingly
aggregate risk of having schizophrenia in independent sam- gene-rich region, including both HLA genes as well as a fam-
ples (Fig. 18.2). The Consortium developed score profiles from ily of histones, an olfactory receptor cluster, and a number
groups of SNPs that were below a variety of more and more of brain-related genes. To complicate matters, the MHC is a

1 8 G E N E T I C S O F S C H I Z O P H R E N I A A N D B I P O L A R D I S O R D E R | 237

TA B L E 18. 4. Disease associated susceptibility variants by GWAS for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder



MIR137 (1p21.3) rs1625579 1.12 0.8 1.6 × 10–11 SCZ SCZ-PGC

SDCCAG8 (1q43) rs6703335 1.12 NA 4.2 × 10–8 SCZ Hamshere

VRK2 (2p15.1) rs2312147 1.09 0.61 1.9 × 10–9 SCZ Steinberg

ZNF804A (2q32.1) rs1344706 1.11 0.33 4.1 × 10–13 (BD SCZ and BDc; O’Donovan;
and SCZ) SCZ alone Williams
2.5 × 10–11 (SCZ)

PCGEM1 (2q32.3) rs17662626 1.2 0.91 4.7 × 10–8 SCZ SCZ-PGC

ITIH3-ITIH4 (3p21.1) rs2239547 1.11 0.74 3.6 × 10–10 SCZ alone Hamshere
and combined
with BD

Extended MHC region Many 1.13–1.36 0.78–0.92 1.7 × 10–11 SCZ ISC; Steinberg

CSMD1 (8p23.2 ) rs10503253 1.11 0.19 1.5 × 10–8 SCZ SCZ-PGC

LSM1 (8p11.2) rs16887244 0.83 0.32 1.3 × 10–10 SCZ Shi Y

MMP16 (8q21.3) rs7004633 1.1 0.18 2.8 × 10–8 SCZ SCZ-PGC

ANK3 (10q21.2) rs10994359 1.22 0.69 2.4 × 10–8 BD; SCZ and Ferreira
BD combined

CNNM2 (10q24.32) rs7914558 1.08 0.59 1.8 × 10–9 SCZ SCZ-PGC

NT5C2 (10q24.33) rs11191580 1.15 0.91 1.1 × 10–8 SCZ SCZ-PGC

AMBRA1 (11p11.2) rs11819869 1.25 0.19 3.9 × 10–9 SCZ Rietchel

ODZ4 (11q14.1) rs12576775 1.14 ×× 4.4 × 10–8 BD PGC-BD

NRGN (11q24.2) rs12807809 1.12 0.83 2.8 × 10–9 SCZ Stefansson;


CACNA1C (12p13.33) rs4765905 1.14 0.35 1.5 × 10–8 BD; SCZ alone Ferreira; SCZ-PGC
and combined
with BD

TCF4 (18q21.2) rs9960767 1.2 0.056 4.2 × 10–9 SCZ Stefansson;


CCDC68 (18q21.2) rs12966547 1.09 0.58 2.6 × 10–10 SCZ SCZ-PGC

NCAN (19p13.1) rs1064395 1.17 0.20 2.1 × 10–9 BD Cichon

Relative risk in largest sample presented. In most cases SNPs are in LD with additional potentially functional variants; b P value in largest sample
presented; c SCZ and BD analyzed together as a single phenotype.

multi-megabase region of unusually extensive linkage disequi- between MIR137 is strengthened by the observation that four
librium and gene density, making it impossible to attribute the schizophrenia associated genes at the genome-wide significant
association signal to particular genes, or to a particular HLA level are MIR137 targets. Of course, both may be contribut-
haplogroup. One of the strongest new associations is over 100 ing to the phenotype. In general, one reasonable, although not
kb from the nearest protein-coding gene, but is within the tran- proven, hypothesis is that associated loci will fall into meaning-
script for MIR137. Prior work has identified a role for miR137 ful biologic pathways with explanatory power for the disease.
in several important areas of brain development including Many methods have been developed for this (e.g., ALIGATOR:
neurogenesis and neuronal maturation. While there is an Holmans et al., 2009; INRICH: Lee, O’Dushlaine, et al., 2012;
additional gene, dihydrophyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPYD), DAPPLE: Rossin et al., 2011; and GRAIL: Raychaudhuri et al.,
in which rare de novo functional mutations were found in 2009), and there are a wide variety of databases with curated
two schizophrenia patients (Xu et al., 2012), the connection gene sets (e.g., Gene Ontology-GO: http://www.geneontology.

238 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

13 DPYD, MIR137 CWC22 TRANK1 (+6) MHC (369) CSMD1 MIR146B (+24) PLEKHA7 (+6) BAZ1A (+7) Intergenic

LOC731275 (+3) PCGEMT POCIA (+35) MAD1L1 (+4) MMP16 CALHM3 (+2) PKNOX2 (+13) PAK6 (+3) TCF4
PTPRG (+1) AK3 (+1) Intergenic CACNA1C






Figure 18.1 Manhattan plot adapted from Schizophrenia Psychiatric Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) Consortium, 2011. Each point represents either a
directly genotyped or imputed SNP. SNPs are plotted on the x-axis starting from the p arm of chromosome 1 to chromosome 22. The y-axis displays the statistical
significance as the −log10P value of the association results for each SNP. For the stage 1 results, 16 regions with one or more SNP achieving P < 10−6 are highlighted
and labeled with the name of the nearest gene. SNPs selected for stage 2 replication are highlighted, with the resulting combined P value after replication (i.e., after
incorporation of stage 2 results) indicated by the large diamonds. Diamonds above highlighting indicate SNPs that were more significantly associated after
replication, and diamonds below highlighting indicate SNPs that were less significantly associated after replication. P values below 0.05 are not shown adapted from
Ripke et al., 2011 (Consortium 2011).

org/; Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genome-KEGG: 2012). The role of the gene expression changes in the eti- However, currently these data- ology of schizophrenia will require understanding whether
bases are likely underrepresented in human brain pathways, genes or pathways with statistically compelling risk associa-
just those that should be most useful for schizophrenia stud- tions are among this group. As a first step in this direction,
ies. Furthermore, consensus has not been achieved on proper several groups have investigated whether associated loci
thresholds for statistical significance for these studies given the are enriched for expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs).
wide variety of methods, and numbers and types of genes and Using gene expression microarray data from 163 control
pathways that may be analyzed. Application of these methods postmortem brain samples, polygenic schizophrenia risk
to GWAS data have not yet identified consistent and replicable alleles derived from large-scale GWAS were statistically
loci, most likely because the overall number of input loci has enriched for cis-eQTLs (Richards et al., 2011). Gene expres-
been too small to have adequate power. sion data from several developmental and spatial transcrip-
Ultimately, developing etiological validation of genetic tional atlases of the human brain have recently been made
observations is important, and one method is through test- available (NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus GSE25219 and
ing their effects on gene expression. Microarray based gene GSE30272). Comprehensive next generation sequencing
expression studies using postmortem tissue from schizo- surveys are also in progress for human postmortem samples
phrenia patients have identified regional brain abnormali- from hundreds of schizophrenia patients. Integration of
ties, as well as abnormalities in several biological processes these resources and other complex datatypes that are emerg-
such as synaptic transmission, inhibitory neurotransmis- ing from the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE)
sion, and myelination (Horvath et al., 2011). Furthermore, project with DNA variation will enable an understanding of
sequence dependent gene expression abnormalities have the biological role of disease associated variation.
been reported in a variety of the biological candidate genes
or those that emerged from earlier linkage studies such as
NRG1, DISC1, and DTNBP1. As discussed earlier, there is
no evidence for a predominant role in genetic liability for There are also ~10 published studies of GWAS genotyped
these genes. However, systematic surveys of the presence Europeans. Table 18.5 lists GWAS studies of bipolar disorder,
of common and rare human variation on protein coding many of which included both types 1 and 2. As in schizophre-
genes and gene expression found that the genome contains nia, it is in the largest studies or the replication and stage 2
a surprising number of functional alleles that profoundly samples that genome-wide significant loci were identified.
alter gene expression (Kang et al., 2011; MacArthur et al., A particular difficulty in the early bipolar disorder GWAS

1 8 G E N E T I C S O F S C H I Z O P H R E N I A A N D B I P O L A R D I S O R D E R | 239

TABLE 18.5. Studies reporting GWAS in bipolar disorder in european samples



WTCCC 2007 1,868 2,938 − − − NA

Baumb 2008 461 563 − 772 876 +

Sklar 2008 1,461 2,008 − − − NA

Ferreira 2009 1,098 1,267 − 4,387 6,209 +

Scott 2009 2,076 1,676 − 3,683 14,507 −

Smithc 2009 1,003 1,033 − − − NA

PGC-BD 2011 7,481 9250 + 11,974 51,792 +

Cichon 2011 682 1300 − 8,441 35,362 +

Hamshere 2012 − − 2,504 2,878 +

Replication and Stage 2 samples often tested only a subset of the most associated SNPs in the larger sample. bPooled
genotyping only. cStudy included GWAS in 345 African American cases. NA-not applicable.

literature occurred because many of the samples used par- in the stage 1 samples, ANK3 and SYNE1. These results may
tially overlapping case and controls. The first small study that represent the “winner’s curse” with smaller real effects sizes
used pooled genotyping, reported a genome-wide significant and larger samples needed for replication or with false positive
association to DGKH that has subsequently not been repli- associations. This will become clearer as data from additional
cated in the larger studies that followed (Baum et al., 2008). samples becomes available.
Subsequently, Ferreira and colleagues (Ferreira et al., 2008) The PGC-BD group also provided direct evidence for a
identified the region of ANK3 (encoding ankyrin 3) and polygenic component in bipolar disorder. Performing the
CACNA1C (encoding the alpha subunit of the L-type calcium same score profile analysis, but starting with bipolar disorder
channel) and those from a third reported an association to samples to define the score, they showed a highly statistically
NCAN (encoding neurocan) (Cichon et al., 2011), while other significant enrichment of putatively associated bipolar disorder
studies did not report genome-wide significant loci (Scott score profile alleles across a wide variety of P value thresholds.
et al., 2009; Sklar et al., 2008; Smith et al., 2009, 2011). The These data are consistent with the presence of many common
PGC Bipolar Disorder Working Group reported results from susceptibility variants of relatively weak effects.
the largest study to date (Psychiatric GWAS Consortium Pathway analysis in the PGC-BD sample showed signifi-
Bipolar Disorder Working Group, 2011). Genotype data cant enrichment in the GO category of voltage-gated calcium
were assembled from 11 samples and a combined analysis channel activity (GO:0015270) in an analysis that controlled
of 16,731 samples and 46,912 replication samples identi- for many of the potential biases caused by not accounting
fied two genome-wide significant loci, CACNA1C and a new for SNP density, gene density, and gene size. Three calcium
locus, ODZ4 (encoding a human homolog of the Drosophila channel subunits were included in this category, CACNA1C,
pair-rule gene ten-m (odz4)). Of note, strong association (but CACNA1D and CACNB3. The first two encode the major
not genome-wide significant) was reported by Scott in 2009 L-type alpha subunits found in the brain, consistent with prior
in the region of NEK4-ITIH1-ITIH3 on chromosome 3; this literature regarding the role of ion channels in bipolar disorder,
region was recently shown to be genome-wide significant the mood stabilizing effects of ion channel modulating drugs,
in follow-up studies of schizophrenia, and has a replication and the specific treatment literature suggesting direct efficacy
P value below 0.05 for bipolar disorder in an independent of L-type calcium channels blockers in the treatment of bipolar
sample (Hamshere et al., 2012). disorder (Casamassima et al., 2010). ODZ4, located on chromo-
As we discussed for schizophrenia, there is strong evidence some 11, encodes a member of a family of cell surface proteins,
that increasing the sample sizes for bipolar disorder will make the teneurins. These genes are likely involved in cell surface
it possible to identify additional loci. In the replication por- signaling and neuronal pathfinding. NCAN is an extracellu-
tion of the PGC-BD study, 34 of the most associated SNPs lar matrix glycoprotein that is brain expressed. Ncan−/− mice
were tested in an additional 4,496 cases and 42,422 controls. show abnormalities in a variety of behavioral paradigms, some
Of those tested, 31 of the 34 SNPs had a signal in the same of which are often used as models of mania, such as increased
direction of effect as the original—highly unlikely to have exploratory behavior and increased amphetamine-induced
occurred by chance (P = 3.8 × 10–7). However, not all loci were hyperactivity (Miro et al., 2012). ANK3 codes for a multi-
independently replicated—in particular, two significant loci functional protein, which forms a critical component of the

240 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

P = 2 × 10–28

PT < 0.1
5 × 10–11 PT < 0.2

Variance explained (R2)

1 × 10–12 PT < 0.3
0.02 PT < 0.4
PT < 0.5

7 × 10–9


0.05 0.23 0.06
0.71 0.30 0.65

Do A








Schizophrenia Bipolar disorder Non-psychiatric (WTCCC)

Figure 18.2 Variance explained in the target samples on the basis of score profiles derived in the entire ISC for five significance thresholds (P ValueThreshold < 0.1,
0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5, plotted left to right in each study). The y-axis indicates Nagelkerke’s pseudo R2; the number above each set of bars is the P value for the P
ValueThreshold < 0.5 target sample analysis. CAD, coronary artery disease; CD, Crohn’s disease; HT, hypertension; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; T1D, type I diabetes; T2D,
type II diabetes. Used with permission from Purcell, Wray (2009).

axon initial segment and of nodes of Ranvier with described that there is a large molecular overlap in vulnerability alleles
functions in the developmental and physiological regulation of for the two disorders. The strength of these observations dif-
neural activity including the assembly of voltage-gated sodium fers from earlier indications from linkage and candidate gene
channels. As in schizophrenia, enrichment of cis e-QTL were studies because of the sample sizes, statistical significance,
found when testing the top ~1,000 SNPs in novel human cer- and replication status of the results. Graphical representa-
ebellar postmortem brain tissue (P < 0.001). tions of genes and regions of interest from GWAS results have
Phenotypic aspects, such as clinical symptom dimensions, been made publicly available through the easy to use program
of the categorical disease diagnosis are beginning to emerge. RICOPILI ( It is
These have included negative mood delusions, mood incon- hoped that this will facilitate translation of genetic findings
gruent psychotic symptoms, suicidality, and temperament, and into neurobiological and clinical follow-up by interested sci-
while some have reported signals that just achieve genome-wide entists. Examples of loci in schizophrenia and bipolar disor-
significance, they need to be interpreted with caution (Goes der are shown in Fig. 18.3.
et al., 2012; Greenwood et al., 2012; Meier et al., 2012; Willour
et al., 2012). These studies are necessarily smaller in size and
thus confronted with low statistical power and problems from L A R G E - SC A L E SE Q U E N C I N G S TUD I E S
the lack of replication samples, since detailed phenotyping is
not widely available. Several observations imply that cataloging rare single nucle-
otide variants (SNVs) enriched in patients is important. As
with the CNVs discussed earlier, advanced paternal age is
associated with increased risk of schizophrenia (age 45–49
relative risk = 1.24; >50 = 1.79) suggesting a role for de novo
Overlap in both specific genetic vulnerability loci as well mutations. We know, conclusively, that rare large structural
as an overlap in polygenic background has been observed. mutations, many of which are de novo or relatively new in the
Large-scale GWAS have found strengthened signals that population, such as that deletions of hundreds of kilobases,
are also genome-wide significant when combining results have a large effect on the SCZ risk. In addition, work described
from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder for ZNF804A, previously from the genome-wide studies of common vari-
ITIH3-ITIH4, ANK3, and CACNA1C. In Fig. 18.2, the score ants strongly supports a threshold liability model, which by
profile that was defined using a schizophrenia case-control definition will include inherited variants on the rare end of the
sample was also able to statistically significantly discriminate spectrum. Integrating between and across multiple sources of
between bipolar disorder cases and controls in two indepen- variation will be a large-scale challenge for the future. Already
dent bipolar disorder samples. This is a strong demonstration several studies are pointing to hints from new and segregating

1 8 G E N E T I C S O F S C H I Z O P H R E N I A A N D B I P O L A R D I S O R D E R | 241

(A) PGC SCZ GWAS (Sept. 2011)
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 rs1625579, incl. replication (P = 1.59e–11)

Recombination rate (cM/Mb)

8 p = 5.0e–08 40
Observed (–logP)
rs1625579 (P = 5.72e–07)

4 20

0 0



98100 98200 98300 98400 98500

Chromosome 1 (kb)

(B) PGC Bipolar GWAS (Sept. 2011)

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

Recombination rate (cM/Mb)

8 rs4765913, incl. replication (p = 1.52e–08) p = 5.0e–08

Observed (–logP)

6 rs4765913 (P = 1.35e–06)


0 0


CACNA1C C12orf32



1900 2000 2400 2800 2900

Chromosome 12 (kb)

Figure 18.3 Representative regional plots in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. (A) Top association signal in schizophrenia on chromosome 1 in PGC-SCZ; (B) Top
association signal in bipolar disorder on chromosome 12 in PGC-BD. Each point represents either a directly genotyped or imputed SNP. SNPs are plotted on the
x-axis starting surrounding the gene or SNP of interest 5’ to 3’. The y-axis displays the statistical significance as the −log10P value of the association results for each
SNP. Genes are indicated and exons marked with vertical lines. The horizontal line at 5 × 10–3 marks the genome-wide significance threshold. Linkage disequilibrium
(r2) with most significant SNP is indicated as shading of each SNP according to the legend in the upper left of each graphic. Graphic produced by Ricopili.

variants, that will require replication in large samples. The field of genes, usually based on biologically driven hypotheses
is in its infancy, but similar to GWAS studies it can be broken (Table 18.6). As part of the Synapse-to-Disease Project, the
into genome-wide, candidate, and single gene studies. coding regions of 401 genes found in the synapse, with ~30%
Prior to the availability of high-throughput sequencing located on the X chromosome, were sequenced in 143 schizo-
machines, identifying mutations or rarer variants could only phrenia samples and 285 population controls (Wing et al.,
be accomplished by sequencing single or modest numbers 1990). Following confirmation as new mutations, by sequencing

242 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 18. 6. De novo variants observed in schizophrenia sequencing studies


Awadalla 143 SCZ 185 401 synapse- NA NA 8 1 2/2

et al., 2010 probands expressed genesa

Girard, 14 SCZ – Exome 1.88 NA 15 NA 11/4

et al., 2011 proband/parent

Need, – Exome 1.88 NA 15 NA 11/4

et al., 2012

Xu et al., 146 Afrikaner 34 Exome 0.65 0.50 29 17 121/6

2012b & 85 US SCZ

Frank et al., 503 538 10 Glutamate

2011 genes-exonsc

Ayoub et al., 450 605 GRM1

2012 exons only

Sullivan 727 733 10 candidate

et al., 2012 genes-exonsd

Only 39 genes found to have de novo variants in cases were sequenced in the controls. bGRM1, DLG1, GRIN2A, GRIN1, DLG4, GRIN2B, DLG2–1,
DLG2–4, DLG3, GRIA1, GRIA2 cCOMT, DAOA, DISC1, DRD3, DTNBP1, HTR2A, NRG1, SLC6A3, SLC6A4. dincludes samples presented in Xu, et al. (Xu,
Roos, et al., 2011). Note that several studies of the DISC1 used a pooled DNA sequencing strategy and single gene sequencing studies in fewer then
100 cases are not included in this table. Ms-missense, Ns-nonsense.

both parents, they found 8 de novo changes in patients, and 1 number of them being nonsense mutations. An initial small
in the controls. Amino acid altering mutations were found in study by Xu et al. reporting 53 cases was followed in 2012 with
several genes previously highlighted in autism or in structural a larger study of 231 SCZ trios (Xu et al., 2012). In the larger
variant pathways including SHANK3, NRXN1, GRIN2B, and study, the point mutation rate of the exome sequence tested
KIF7. The coding regions of 10 genes selected to have some did not differ between cases and controls, but there were dif-
biological and genetic evidence (predating genome-wide asso- ferences in the rate and ratios of specific types of mutations,
ciation studies) for a role in schizophrenia were sequenced in some of which could have a larger functional potential. The
727 cases and 733 controls (Crowley et al., 2012). In this study missense to silent ratio was elevated 4.84-fold over controls,
genotyping follow-up of 92 variants, including all rare, novel and no nonsense or canonical splice site mutations were
nonsense, missense, or splice site variants in an independent observed in controls. Caution in interpreting these early
sample of 2,191 cases and 2,659 controls. Although the rep- results is indicated. Recent work from the larger scale stud-
lication sample was only modestly powered, no evidence was ies of in silico predicted loss of function mutations indicate
found suggesting that these genes are enriched for rare coding that not all nonsense and consensus splice site mutations are
variation for either the individual variants, or when the vari- functional (MacArthur et al., 2012). Of note, however, only
ants from a single gene were analyzed together. This is in line 50% of the patients carried even one potentially functional
with the results from common genomic variants as discussed SNV. Even more surprising was that observation of lack of
above for biologically chosen candidate genes. Of note, DISC1 the same gene being affected by recurrent de novo mutations
was included and did not show evidence for an association across studies. Only a single gene, dihydropyrimidine dehy-
with rare variants. drogenase (DPYD) contained more than one highly likely
Four exome sequencing studies have been reported using functional mutation. The hope that mutations would fall eas-
next generation, high-throughput technology, and many more ily into pathways or recur repeatedly in a specific subset of
will emerge (Table 18.6). Two studies investigated whether genes is not likely.
there is an increased rate of de novo mutations by sequencing In a population-based study, exome and whole genome
the coding regions (exome sequencing) using hybrid capture sequencing of 166 cases of schizophrenia and 307 controls
followed by next generation sequencing, and both used filter- (Need et al., 2012) was followed by genotyping of ~5,000 of the
ing strategies to arrive at a small set of novel mutations for val- best candidates in additional unrelated cases (n = 2,617) and
idation (Girard et al., 2011; Xu et al., 2012). In the first study controls (1,800). No individual SNV was significant, given the
of 14 schizophrenia probands and both parents, 15 de novo low power of the primary sample for rare variation. However,
mutations were found in 8 of the probands, with a notable even in the follow-up sample no variants were significant. This

1 8 G E N E T I C S O F S C H I Z O P H R E N I A A N D B I P O L A R D I S O R D E R | 243

study indicates that there may not be very many moderately hope that human stem cells—induced human pluripotent stem
rare variants (1%–5%) of large effects (>2-fold). Similarly, cells derived from patients, that recapitulate the human genetic
three candidate genes studies did not find differences between background—can be differentiated into the tissue of interest,
cases and controls in the number of rare variants observed. and manipulated experimentally, and this will prove a power-
Taken together these very early results suggest that rare ful intermediate for developing and testing pathophysiological
variation, like common variation, will play a role in liability, understanding (Brennand and Gage, 2012).
but effect sizes may be smaller than hoped and the number of Finally, the studies reviewed in this chapter have focused
variants larger then hoped, and thus considerably larger sample on European samples because those have the largest sample
sizes will be needed to evaluate this. To date no genome-wide sizes and thus have had the greatest power. These studies need
deep sequencing studies have been published, however, at the to be extended to additional ethnic groups to begin to eluci-
time of writing this chapter, several large studies are in prog- date both the shared loci as well as those that are specific.
ress whose results will enrich the understanding of the overall

This chapter has reviewed strong and convincing genetic evi-

dence that indicates a contribution of many DNA changes to
In the last decade, we have moved from knowing nothing about the risk of becoming ill. For schizophrenia, there are large
the types and number of genetic loci involved in these diseases contributions of rare copy number variants and common
to having a substantial understanding of rare and common single nucleotide variants, with an overall highly polygenic
variants that increase disease risk, and the path forward is clear genetic architecture. There is a role for rare single nucleotide
for further, future locus identification. Many types of variants variation as well as de novo genetic variation being pointed to
of weak effects will be involved, and thus large samples will in new sequencing studies, but their overall contribution to
be necessary regardless of whether common or rare loci are risk is less clear. For bipolar disorder, the role of copy num-
sought. What has not advanced as rapidly is the translation of ber variation appears to be much less pronounced. Specific
these findings into biological experimentation. In this respect common single nucleotide polymorphisms are associated,
we are no worse off than with many Mendelian diseases, there is evidence for polygenicity, but as yet no deep sequenc-
where the gene cloning is not followed rapidly by insights into ing surveys have been published. Several intriguing biologi-
pathophysiology and novel treatments (Huntington’s disease cal pathways are suggested by these genetic findings related to
and Cystic Fibrosis are two examples). For schizophrenia and microRNAs and calcium channel signaling. Several surprises
bipolar disorder, this is in large part because the number and have emerged from the genetic data that indicate there is sig-
type of loci is much greater than ever anticipated, and because nificantly more molecular overlap in copy number variants
our long history of powerful reductionist science is well devel- between autism and schizophrenia, and in common variants
oped to study single genes rather than pathways and circuits. between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Translating these
However, the large size of the risk gene pool should ultimately results into biological and etiological understanding has not
allow for more shots on goal as we consider choosing targets yet advanced, and will likely only do so when experimental
for novel drug development. methods are developed than can address the large numbers of
Many areas of investigation in the near term should prove genes and variants within them that, along with environmen-
fruitful in improving our ability to detect causal pathways and tal and stochastic effects, result in the development of disease
relatively more important genes. For common and rare vari- for a particular person.
ants, the initial genetic identification generally does not lead to
an obvious functionally testable hypothesis regarding the rela-
tionship with disease. In the case of common SNPs they may be DI SC L O SU R E
intergenic, or only related to the functional SNP; in the case of
SNVs, the identified variants may have no obvious function, or Dr. Sklar is on the Board of Directors of Catalytic, Inc.
may be in a seemingly irrelevant gene. In particular, strategies
that seek to integrate genetic data with the wealth of biologi-
cal information publicly available through the Encyclopedia
of DNA Elements (ENCODE) and Roadmap to Epigenomics Alloy, L.B., Abramson, L.Y., et al. (2005). The psychosocial context of bipolar
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Similarly, integrating genotype data with RNA expression and Barnett, J.H., and Smoller, J.W. (2009). The genetics of bipolar disorder.
neuroimaging should likewise be helpful and be employed to Neuroscience 164(1):331–343.
Baum, A.E., Akula, N., et al. (2008). A genome-wide association study impli-
build predictive models. Any models derived from this work cates diacylglycerol kinase eta (DGKH) and several other genes in the eti-
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Overlapping Phenotypes


AB B R E VIATIO NS role in human disease. Others are rare, and, while many may
be non-pathogenic, a subset of these cause uncommon pheno-
CNV copy number variant types known as genomic disorders (Lupski, 1998, 2009), the
DD developmental delay name arising from the fact that the disorders are caused via
CM congenital malformations changes to genome structure rather than sequence, and that the
ASD autism spectrum disorders genome architecture incites an instability of the genome. The
SCZ schizophrenia alterations in the genome can occur through recombination
ADHD attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder between highly homologous stretches of DNA, known as low
LCR low copy repeat copy repeats (LCRs), that is, non-allelic homologous recombi-
NAHR non-allelic homologous recombination nation (NAHR, Stankiewicz and Lupski, 2002), although other
mechanisms have been recognized since (Lupski, 2009). There
is now compelling evidence that CNVs also play a role in com-
B A C KGR O U ND mon disorders, among which SCZ is a prime example.
SCZ is a chronic mental disorder with a lifetime risk of
Chromosomes can be impacted by events that result in the ~1% and a strong genetic component, indicated by heritability
duplication, deletion, or inversion of segments of DNA as well estimates of 60–80% and a ~10-fold elevated recurrence risk
as other more complex rearrangements. When the affected in first-degree relatives (Gottesman, 1991; Lichtenstein et al.,
segments are relatively large (several million bases of DNA), 2009) (see Chapter 18, Pamela Sklar). Despite the evidence
they can often be seen by light microscopy, a process known for a strong genetic component, until recently there had been
as karyotyping. Smaller rearrangements are only detectable by very few confirmed genetic susceptibility factors. This picture
molecular genetic techniques, for example fluorescence in situ changed with the publication of a number of genome-wide
hybridization (FISH). Using these approaches, a number of SNP and CNV studies based on large samples of cases and
rare causes of severe forms of developmental delay (DD) have controls.
been identified that involve whole chromosomes (e.g., Down’s Here we summarize the findings for loci for which we con-
syndrome) or relatively large segments of chromosomes (e.g., sider the evidence of involvement in SCZ as virtually indis-
Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome, Smith-Magenis syndrome, putable. Such evidence arises mainly from strong statistical
and the 1p36 deletion syndrome). In schizophrenia (SCZ), support, replication in independent studies (Table 19.1), and
these low resolution approaches made two striking findings. evidence that they are pathogenic for other neurodevelopmen-
Thus carriers of the 2.3Mb deletion of 22q11.2 that causes the tal disorders. We will also summarize the evidence for involve-
DiGeorge/Velo-Cardio-Facial syndrome (VCFS) have been ment of these loci in other disorders.
shown to be at very high risk of the disorder (Murphy et al.,
1999), and so were members of a single large pedigree who
carry a balanced translocation involving chromosomes 1 and T HE M A J O R SO U R C E S O F E V I D E N CE
11, the translocation breakpoint on chromosome 1 intersect- C O N SI DE R E D I N T HI S R E V I E W
ing the eponymously named Disrupted in Schizophrenia gene
(DISC1). However, with the introduction of technology with The main primary sources of data we consider in this review
better resolution, including comparative genomic hybridiza- come from the largest studies on SCZ. The ISC study (ISC, 2008)
tion (CGH), high density genotyping microarrays, and more investigated 3,391 cases and 3,181 controls from six European
recently, whole genome sequencing, it is now possible to populations, genotyped with Affymetrix 5.0 or 6.0 arrays. The
undertake genome-wide screens for much smaller deletions authors filtered out loci that were common in the sample (>1%)
and duplications, with the resolution offered by sequencing and CNVs <100 kb in size, as they are less reliable for calling.
being at the single nucleotide level. Another team, Stefansson et al. (2008), started off by identifying
Chromosomal deletions and duplications above 1,000 bases de novo occurring CNVs in the Icelandic population, and then
in size have been called DNA copy number variants (CNVs). examined their frequencies in a total of 4,718 cases and 41,199
Some CNVs are common and are not thought to play a major controls from nine European countries and China. Kirov et al.

1 9 G E N O M I C S Y N D R O M E S I N S C H I Z O P H R E N I A | 247

(2009) examined 471 cases and 2,792 controls who took part in findings in SCZ, deletions at this locus were reported to be
the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium study (WTCCC) enriched among a heterogeneous group of individuals who
study and were genotyped with the early version Affymetrix had been referred for genetic testing (Brunetti-Pierri et al.,
500K arrays. A large collaborative study on European and 2008; Mefford et al., 2008). Among the variable phenotypes in
African Americans was published by Levinson et al. (2011). It carriers, most consistently present were autism, heart defects,
analyzed 3,945 subjects with SCZ or schizoaffective disorder and cataracts. Of particular interest, the deletion was also asso-
and 3,611 comparison subjects. We also use the main papers that ciated with microcephaly, while the reciprocal duplication was
implicated several specific loci: Mulle et al. (2010) for deletions associated with macrocephaly. Intriguingly, the region con-
at 3q29; ISC (2008) and Stefansson et al. (2008) for deletions at tains the HYDIN2 gene, a paralog of HYDIN. Since disrup-
15q11.2 and 15q13.3; Kirov et al. (2009) for deletions at NRXN1; tion of Hydin causes hydrocephalus in mouse, this has led to
Moreno-de-Luca et al. (2010) for deletions at 17q12; Ingason speculation that the head size phenotype might be related to
et al. (2011a) for duplications at 16p13.1; Ingason et al. (2011b) altered copy number state of HYDIN2 (Brunetti-Pierri et al.,
for maternal duplications at the PWS region on 15q11.2-q13.1; 2008; Mefford et al., 2008), although it is unclear that HYDIN2
and McCarthy et al. (2009) for duplications at 16p11.2. We have is translated and it is currently annotated as a pseudogene.
taken care to exclude any overlapping samples. Data on addi- The studies by Girirajan et al. (2012) and Kaminsky et al.
tional ~10,000 controls from the UK population was published (2011) found the deletion at very similar rates of 0.31% and
by Grozeva et al. (2012), and that paper will be used extensively, 0.35% respectively, in large samples of people referred to diag-
as it also summarizes the findings in these loci. nostic laboratories because of DD, intellectual disability, ASD,
Every CNV that has been robustly implicated in SCZ and various CM. The combined rate of the deletion among
(Table 19.1) has also been evaluated in large datasets of sub- such subjects is 0.32%, which is higher than the 0.18% found
jects referred for genetic testing because they had intellectual in SCZ. It is not yet possible to conclude whether this rate is
disability, DD, congenital malformations (CM), or autism statistically higher in DD/ASD, as the above cohorts included
spectrum disorders (ASD). Two very large non-overlapping other (non-neurodevelopmental) phenotypes where this CNV
datasets on such patients were reported recently. Girirajan has also been specifically implicated, such as congenital heart
et al. (2012) reported on a sample of 32,587 cases with DD/ disease. An excess of duplications in SCZ cases has also been
CM/ASD, and Kaminsky et al. (2011) reported results gathered suggested by Levinson et al. (2011). Such an increase in SCZ
by a large consortium of cytogenetic laboratories on another looks even more likely, as the rate of these duplications is also
very large sample of 15,749 subjects. Combined with the avail- increased in cases with DD/ASD/CM in the series of Girirajan
ability of data from other large studies of candidate CNVs in et al. (2012) and Kaminsky et al. (2011).
specific disorders, those data permit a reasonable estimation
of the frequencies in other neurodevelopmental disorders of
what are extremely rare events. A caveat is that these samples
comprise a heterogeneous mixture of conditions ascertained NRXN1 encodes neurexin 1, which is one of a family of pre-
through referral for genetic testing, and consequently, the data synaptic transmembrane proteins that bind with postsynap-
on each disorder of potential interest (e.g., ASD or DD) may tic proteins called neuroligins. They are the only cell adhesion
be limited. However, a large proportion of these cases were molecules known to be specific to synapses, where they mediate
known to suffer from intellectual disability, DD, and/or ASD, essential interactions between pre- and postsynaptic structures
and evidence for the involvement of most of the loci has also (Südhof, 2008). NRXN1 has been shown to have a vital role in
come from smaller datasets recruited specifically for the pres- the formation, maintenance, and release of neurotransmitters
ence of ASD, so we regard the estimates in Table 19.1 as giving at synapses. In the first published study to implicate CNVs in
a good approximation of the true rates in both DD and ASD. NRXN1 in SCZ, we and colleagues found a deletion that spanned
the promoter and the first exon of the gene which was transmit-
ted to two affected siblings (Kirov et al., 2008). While the statisti-
R E V IE W O F IND IVID U A L C NV L O C I cal evidence that this deletion was disease relevant was weak, the
observation in our study of a case with a de novo CNV spanning
All coordinates in this chapter are according to the genome APBA2 (coding for a protein known to interact with neurexin 1)
build NCBI36/hg18. provided some circumstantial support. Subsequently a strong
body of evidence has emerged for the involvement in SCZ of
exonic deletions at NRXN1, as reviewed by Kirov et al. (2009).
D E L E T I O N S AT 1 q 2 1 . 1 ( 1 4 4 , 9 – 1 4 6 , 3 M b )
Unlike the other CNVs discussed in this chapter, those affect-
Deletions at 1q21.1 were independently implicated in SCZ by ing NRXN1 are not flanked by LCRs and therefore deletions at
the first large-scale genome-wide CNV studies of the disorder this locus come in various sizes and disrupt different parts of the
(ISC, 2008; Stefansson et al., 2008). In a recent review of the gene. Currently, and as first noted by Rujescu et al. (2008), com-
published data (Grozeva et al., 2012), we identified 20 reported pelling evidence (P = 3.7 × 10–6) for the involvement of CNVs
deletions among over 11,000 cases compared with 11 dele- at NRXN1 concerns specifically exon spanning deletions which
tions in almost 60,000 controls. These rates differ highly sig- have a substantial effect on risk (OR = 7.44; 95% CI = 3.2–17.2)
nificantly between the groups (P = 2.9 × 10–9) and correspond (Kirov et al., 2009). Duplications affecting NRXN1 are surpris-
to an odds ratio (OR) of 9.2 for the deletion. Shortly after the ingly rare and have not been associated with diseases.

248 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

TABLE 19.1. CNV loci that can be regarded as increasing risk to develop SCZ. The numbers of carriers and the total number of
subjects in each study are presented (nn/nn). The sources used to derive the figures are abbreviated with just the names of the
first authors and are listed in the references as follows: Grozeva et al. (2012); Girirajan et al. (2012); Kaminsky et al. (2011); Kirov
et al. (2009); Ching et al. (2010); Glessner et al. (2009); Ballif et al. (2008); Burnside et al. (2011); de Kovel et al. (2010); Ingason
et al. (2011b); Levinson et al. (2011); Dibbens et al. (2009); Nagamani et al. (2011); Williams et al. (2010); Kuang et al. (2011);
McCarthy et al. (2009); Rees et al. (2011); Schaaf CP et al. (2012). Genomic coordinates are according to NCBI36/hg18


1q21.1 Del 0.02% 0.18% 0.31% (Girirajan) Congenital heart

144,9–146,3 Mb (Grozeva) (Grozeva) 100/32,587 disease,
11/57,580 20/11,392 0.35% (Kaminsky) Microcephaly

2p16.3 NRXN1 0.02% 0.16% 0.34% (Ching) ASD: 0.36%

50,01–51,11 Mb (Kirov) (Kirov) 12/3,540 (Glessner)
Exonic del 9/42,054 14/8,798 0.21% (Schaaf) 8/2,195

3q29 Del 0.002% 0.097% 0.095% (Ballif) Microcephaly

197,4–198,8 Mb (Grozeva) (Grozeva) 14/14,698
1/51,200 9/9,323 0.061% (Girirajan)
0.057% (Kaminsky)

15q11.2 Del 0.27% 0.57% 0.4% (Burnside) Epilepsy: 1%

20,3–20,8 Mb (Grozeva) (Grozeva) 69/17,000 (de Kovel)
160/60,367 68/11,863 0.71% (Girirajan) 12/1,234

15q11.2-q13.1 0.007% 0.05% 0.25% (Girirajan) ASD: 0.68%

dup (Ingason) (Ingason) 82/32,587 (Glessner)
(PWS region) 3/41,370 4/7,582 0.22% (Kaminsky) 15/2,195
21,2–26,2 Mb 35/15,749

15q13.3 Del 0.023% 0.19% 0.26% (Girirajan) Epilepsy: 0.98%

29–30,3 Mb (Grozeva) (Levinson) 85/32,587 (de Kovel; Dibbens)
13/51,151 21/10,866 0.29% (Kaminsky) 16/1,639

16p13.1 Dup 0.13% 0.28% 0.4% (Nagamani) ADHD: 0.84%

15.0–16.2 Mb (Grozeva) (Grozeva) 56/14,000 (Williams)
63/47,854 20/7,075 0.3% (Girirajan) 10/1,191
98/32,587 Aortic dissection: 1.1%
0.29% (Kaminsky) (Kuang)
45/15,749 13/1,232

16p11.2 Dup 0.031% 0.3% 0.25% (Girirajan) ASD: 0.45% (Rees)

29,5–30,1 Mb (Grozeva) (McCarthy) 83/32,587 17/3,746
12/38,665 26/8,590 0.25% (Kaminsky) Microcephaly

17q12 Del 0.003% 0.06% 0.08% (Girirajan) Renal cysts, Diabetes

31,8–33,3 Mb (Grozeva) (Moreno-De-Luca) 26/32,587
2/58,188 4/6,340 0.11% (Kaminsky)

22q11.21 Del 0% 0.31% 0.54% (Girirajan) Congenital heart

17,4–19,8 Mb (Grozeva) (Levinson) 175/32,587 disease, many others
0/55,620 35/11,400 0.59% (Kaminsky)

1 9 G E N O M I C S Y N D R O M E S I N S C H I Z O P H R E N I A | 249

Two large studies on DD/ASD/congenital anomalies/epi- result, this locus was not considered in that initial report (ISC,
lepsy found deletions in NRXN1 at higher rates than in controls: 2008). We have recently summarized the results of all published
Schaaf et al. (2012) found 17 carriers of exonic CNV among large studies (Grozeva et al., 2012): deletions have been reported
8,051 individuals, and reported that 93% of the patients with in 68 out of 11,863 cases (0.57%) and in 160 of 60,367 controls
exonic deletions manifested DD or intellectual disability, 56% (0.27%), Fisher Exact Test P = 5.7 × 10–7.
had ASDs, and 59% had infantile hypotonia, while congenital Despite the very low p-value, this locus confers only a modest
malformations and dysmorphic features appeared only infre- OR for SCZ of 2.2 (95% CI = 1.6 to 2.9). Additional support for
quently. Probands with epilepsy were also highly overrepre- the pathogenic role for this deletion in human disease has come
sented among the carriers, at 53%, and ADHD was found in 41%. from work on other neurodevelopmental disorders. Burnside
Ching et al. (2010) reported a similar rate of 12/3,540 exonic et al. (2011) found 69 cases with deletions here among 17,000
deletions among another cohort of probands with similar phe- subjects referred for genetic testing, a rate of 0.4%. Phenotypes
notypes. The combined rate of these two studies (29/11,591) is in carriers of the 15q11.2 deletion included autism, DD, motor
0.25%, slightly higher than the 0.16% found in SCZ. Deletions in and language delays, and behavioral problems. Girirajan et al.
NRXN1 have also been found in cases recruited specifically for (2012) found a somewhat higher rate in their study, CNV dele-
the presence of ASD (Glessner et al., 2009), again at the some- tions occurring here in 0.71% of their sample. Together, these two
what higher rate of 0.36%, compared to SCZ (Table 19.1). Here studies report the deletion in 235 out of 40,380 subjects affected
the sample sizes are smaller than those for SCZ, and so the esti- with unexplained DD/intellectual disability/physical anomalies/
mate of the prevalence in ASD is less exact to allow a conclusion ASD, a rate of 0.58%. This is almost identical to the rate reported
as to whether these CNVs are more specific for SCZ or ASD. in SCZ (0.57%), and twice that in controls.
High rates of this deletion have also been reported in subjects
with epilepsy: De Kovel et al. (2010) found a rate of 1% among
D E L E T I O N S AT 3 q 2 9 ( 1 9 7 , 4 – 1 9 8 , 8 M b )
1,234 patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy. The sample
These deletions span 21 genes and, after anecdotal observations size here is too small to accept this estimate of frequency as accu-
in some studies, were reported to be associated with SCZ by rate, and the main finding in epilepsy remains to be replicated.
Mulle et al. (2010). The finding was confirmed by Levinson et al. The chromosomal segment between BP1 and BP2 con-
(2011). In a synthesis of the data (Grozeva et al., 2012), deletions tains four highly conserved genes that are expressed in the
were shown to have been found in about 1 in 1,000 cases, a rate brain: TUBGCP5, NIPA1, NIPA2, and CYFIP1. CYFIP1 is a
50 times higher than in controls, a highly significant increase gene encoding a postsynaptic protein involved in regulat-
(P = 4.2 × 10–7, OR = 49.5, 95% CI = 6.9–2168). Three large stud- ing postsynaptic sensitivity at glutamatergic NMDAR recep-
ies reported on the rate of this deletion in other neurodevelop- tors. As reported in their study of de novo and case-control
mental disorders (Table 19.1). Ballif et al. (2008) reported the CNVs (Kirov et al., 2012) genes that encode such proteins are
highest rate of 14/14,698 cases affected with CM/mental retar- enriched among CNVs found in those with SCZ, suggesting
dation. The deletion was found in 20 cases out of 32,587 people the hypothesis that CYFIP1 may be the gene relevant to the
affected with DD/CM/ASD in the Girirajan et al. (2012) series, disorder at this locus. Details on the role of the postsynaptic
and in 9 among the 15,749 subjects of the Kaminsky et al. (2011) density complex in SCZ, and of the involvement of CNVs
series. This gives a total frequency of 0.068% (43/63,034) among containing genes that code for proteins embedded within that
such disorders, slightly lower than the 0.097% found among complex, are presented in Chapter 24 (Seth Grant).
SCZ cases. The near absence of this deletion among controls (a
single observation so far in >50,000 controls) suggests a high
D U P L I C AT I O N S AT 1 5 q 1 1 . 2 - q 1 3 . 1
pathogenicity. This is reflected by the very high selection coef-
(BP2-BP3, 21,2–26,2 Mb)
ficient of 0.81 estimated for this locus (discussed later in the sec-
tion “Mutation Rates and Selection Coefficients”). This 4Mb region is known as the Prader-Willi/Angelman syn-
drome critical region (PWS/AS). Due to differential methy-
lation of paternal and maternal chromosomes in this region,
D E L E T I O N S AT 1 5 q 1 1 . 2 ( B P 1 - B P 2 ,
a phenomenon known as imprinting, some genes are only
20,3–20,8 Mb)
expressed from the maternally transmitted chromosome, oth-
There are five documented LCRs near the centromere of chromo- ers from the paternally transmitted one. Accordingly, CNVs
some 15 that can instigate NAHR and give rise to CNVs. These at this locus functionally impact on different genes depend-
LCRs have been called breakpoints (BP) and in the literature are ing on the transmitting parent, and as a result, the phenotype
designated BP1 to BP5. Several CNVs arising between different also differs by parent of origin. Deletions of the paternal chro-
BPs in this region have been implicated in SCZ and other neurode- mosome cause PWS, while deletions of the maternal chromo-
velopmental disorders. Deletions at 15q11.2 are the most centro- some cause AS. Duplications of this region are also involved in
meric of these CNV loci and involve the region between BP1 and human disease; indeed they have been claimed to be one of the
BP2. The first report that deletions at this locus are risk factors most common causes of autism (Glessner et al., 2009), where
for SCZ came from the work of Stefansson et al. (2008). CNVs at the majority are maternally derived.
this locus are the most common of those discussed in this review, It is of note that PWS patients who have maternal uniparental
indeed in the study of the ISC, they surpassed the threshold for disomy (lacking the paternal chromosome but having inherited
exclusion (>1% for deletion and duplication combined) and as a two maternal copies) have high rates of psychosis, usually of a

250 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

schizoaffective or cycloid type (Verhoeven et al., 1998), whereas 4,345 cases with SCZ, which is in line with, although slightly
those with the usual PWS (lacking the paternal chromosome, but larger than, what we find in a review of the literature in which
having only a single maternal chromosome in this locus) do not. we reported a prevalence of 0.28% (20/7,075) in cases com-
This suggests that excess expression of a gene in this region (nor- pared with 0.13% in controls (63/47,854) in controls, p = 0.005,
mally expressed only on maternal chromosomes) might contrib- OR = 2.1 (95% CI = 1.2–3.6).
ute to psychosis. Compatible with this, Ingason et al. (2011b) Following the pattern of the other CNVs, increased rates
reported four duplications of this region of maternal origin of this duplication have been reported in other disorders.
among 7,582 patients affected with SCZ. The rate of this mater- Williams et al. (2010) found an increased rate of 0.84% in
nal duplication in SCZ is approximately 0.05%, which is more ADHD. The rates reported in DD/CM/ASD are similar to those
than five times higher than the rate in controls but is much lower in SCZ (Table 19.1): 0.29% among 15,749 subjects in the study
than in autism (0.68%). Coupled with the high rate of psychosis by Kaminsky et al. (2011), 0.3% among 32,587 subjects in the
in PWS patients with maternal uniparental disomy, it seems very study by Girirajan et al. (2012), and 0.40% among 14,000 sub-
likely this duplication is involved in psychotic disorders. jects in the study by Nagamani et al. (2011). Phenotypic mani-
festations in the three studies listed above included behavioral
abnormalities, cognitive impairment, congenital heart defects,
D E L E T I O N S AT 1 5 q 1 3 . 3 ( B P 4 - B P 5 , 2 9 – 3 0 , 3 M b )
and skeletal defects. Another phenotype is aortic dissection,
This 1.3Mb deletion was independently implicated as a risk with a carrier rate of ~1% (Kuang et al., 2011), although given
factor for SCZ in both of the first large CNV studies of the dis- the size of the sample, this study is underpowered for accurate
order (ISC, 2008; Stefansson et al., 2008). The rate of the dele- estimation of frequency and requires replication.
tion in those with SCZ is 0.19% (21/10,887), about 10 times The reciprocal deletion has not been confidently implicated
higher than that of controls, P = 2.7 × 10–9, OR = 8.3 (95% in SCZ yet, although a non-significant trend was reported in
CI = 4–18.2) (Grozeva et al., 2012). the Ingason et al. (2011a) study, where deletions were present
Similar to the other CNVs discussed here, this deletion can in 0.12% of cases and 0.04% of controls (P > 0.05). The deletion
present with a range of phenotypes. Thus, the overall rate of appears to also confer high risk for DD and ASD. Thus, in the
0.28% in DD/CM/ASD is similar, and possibly higher to that study by Girirajan et al. (2012), deletions at 16p13.1 were found
of SCZ, with similar rates reported in the two largest studies: in 0.14% of the 32,587 subjects. Intriguingly, very high rates of
Girirajan et al. (2012) found 85 deletions in 32,587 subjects this deletion have been reported in people with epilepsy, with one
referred for DD/CM/ASD, and Kaminsky et al. (2011) found study (Heinzen et al., 2010) reporting a 0.6% rate (23/3,812).
46/15,749 in their series. Ben-Shachar et al. (2009) pointed
out the incomplete penetrance and highly variable expressiv-
D U P L I C AT I O N S AT 1 6 p 1 1 . 2 ( 2 9 , 5 – 3 0 , 1 M b )
ity associated with this deletion in a series of 14 children with
the deletion, who had been identified from a series of 8,200 This gene-rich duplication (24 genes) was first implicated as a
individuals referred to medical genetics for diagnostic testing. risk factor for autism, where it is regarded as one of the most
Phenotypes in the children carrying this CNV included DD, frequent chromosomal abnormalities (e.g., Glessner et al.,
mental retardation, ASD, speech delay, aggressiveness, and 2009; Sanders et al., 2011), with a rate of 0.45% (reviewed in
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Deletions Rees et al., 2011). A meta-analysis of studies on SCZ (McCarthy
were observed in several phenotypically normal parents and et al., 2009) also found a highly increased rate of duplications
siblings, confirming its incomplete penetrance. at this locus in SCZ: 0.3% (26/8,590), while the latest estimate
This deletion is also highly likely to be pathogenic for epi- of the control rate is 0.031 (12/38,665), an almost 10-fold
lepsy. Two studies of generalized idiopathic epilepsy reported increase in SCZ: OR = 9.8, 95% CI = 4.8–21.3, P = 1.8 × 10–11
a rate of about 1% in patients (combined results of the two (Grozeva et al., 2012). This CNV is also present at high rates
studies): 16/1,639 patients (de Kovel et al., 2010; Dibbens in DD/CM: Girirajan et al. (2012) and Kaminsky et al. (2011)
et al., 2009). Epilepsy also appears to be more common than found it in a total of 122 out of 48,446 subjects referred for
expected among carriers of the deletion who also suffer with genetic testing, a rate (0.25%) similar to but somewhat lower
mental retardation (Sharp et al., 2008). Overall, this CNV than in ASD and SCZ. Carriers were typically microcephalic,
seems to be most highly enriched in those with epilepsy than a phenotype that through studies of zebra fish and of mouse,
it is for other developmental phenotypes, although as before, a appears to be attributable to dosage of KCTD13 (Golzio et al.,
caveat is that sample sizes used in the epilepsy studies are more 2012). KCTD13 encodes polymerase delta-interacting protein
than an order of magnitude smaller than those for SCZ and 1, which has been speculated to have a role in cell cycle during
DD/CA. It is also of note that very few of the SCZ patients who neurogenesis, although it is not clear yet from human studies
had this deletion had documented epilepsy. that this gene per se is involved in SCZ.
The rate of the reciprocal deletion is markedly increased
in DD/CM: Girirajan et al. (2012) found it among 125/32,587
D U P L I C AT I O N S AT 1 6 p 1 3 . 1 ( 1 5 . 0 – 1 6 . 2 M b )
cases (0.38%) and Kaminsky et al. (2011) in a similar rate of
The pathogenicity of this CNV locus was first suggested by 67/15,749 (0.43%) a more than 10-fold increase over the 0.03%
Ullmann et al. (2007), who found duplications in four male in controls (McCarthy et al., 2009). However, as yet there is
patients with severe autism. Ingason et al. (2011a) subsequently no evidence that the prevalence of this deletion is increased in
reported a threefold increase in the rate of this duplication in people affected with SCZ (McCarthy et al. 2009).

1 9 G E N O M I C S Y N D R O M E S I N S C H I Z O P H R E N I A | 251

D E L E T I O N S AT 1 7 q 1 2 ( 3 1 , 8 – 3 3 , 3 M b ) and duplication at a given locus have been confidently con-
firmed to increase risk of SCZ. This could be due to lack of power
Deletions of 1.5Mb at this region have been implicated in SCZ
of these studies, and indeed increased risk for duplications at
(Moreno-De-Luca et al., 2010), and in autism/neurocognitive
1q21.1 and deletions at 16p13.1 has been suggested and awaits
impairment (Loirat et al., 2010; Moreno-De-Luca et al., 2010).
replication (Ingason et al., 2011a; Levinson et al., 2011). Of the
This CNV can also present with various medical conditions
three duplications listed in Table 19.1, the reciprocal deletions
including macrocephaly, genitourinary tract anomalies such
at 15q11.2-q13.1 are known to cause Prader-Willi or Angelman
as renal cysts, recurrent infections, and diabetes (Moreno-De-
syndromes (depending on parental origin), while deletions at
Luca et al., 2010; Nagamani et al., 2010). The rate among indi-
16p11.2 and 16p13.1 are found at high rates in DD/ASD. The
viduals referred for genetic testing in the combined datasets
same applies to rearrangements at 7q11.23, where deletions
of Girirajan et al. (2012) and Kaminsky et al. (2011) is 0.09%
cause Williams Beuren syndrome, while duplications have been
(44/48,336), an approximately 30-fold increase compared to
implicated in SCZ (Kirov et al., 2012) and are known to cause
controls, where it has been detected in only two out of 58,188
ASD (Sanders et al., 2011). Similarly the reciprocal duplications
controls (0.003%). As this CNV is very rare, and has not been
of the deleted loci from Table 19.1 (except for 1q21.1) have not
tested in sufficiently large cohorts of SCZ, the evidence for its
yet been implicated as increasing risk for SCZ, although many
involvement in SCZ is still modest and requires further evalu-
have been found at increased rates in the Girirajan et al. (2012)
ation, it having been reported so far in only 4/6,340 cases
and Kaminsky et al. (2011) series with DD/CM (e.g., duplica-
(0.06%) a rate that is still about 20-fold higher than in controls,
tions at 1q21.1, 3q29, 15q13.3, 17q12, 22q11.2). The absence of
p = 0.001, OR = 18.4 (95% CI = 2.6–203).
association at most of the reciprocal loci could be due to lack
of power in the SCZ studies, but could also reflect a degree of
D E L E T I O N S AT 2 2 q 1 1 . 2 ( 1 7 , 4 – 1 9 , 8 M b ) specificity in the role of CNVs in SCZ and DD/ASD.
This was the first CNV of established pathogenicity in psycho- Figure 19.1 (based on Table 19.1) shows the frequencies of
sis, for which it still confers the highest known elevation in each CNV at SCZ implicated loci in SCZ, DD/CM/ASD, and
risk of any molecular lesion. It has been extensively reviewed controls. At several of the loci (1q21.1, NRXN1, 15q13.3, dupli-
in the literature (e.g., Murphy et al., 1999). Small studies have cations at the PWS/AS region and deletions at the VCFS region
reported substantial variation in prevalence in the disorder, but on 22q11.2), the CNV frequencies are substantially higher in
the best estimate is 0.31% (35/11,400) (Levinson et al., 2011), DD/CM/ASD compared with SCZ, but at none is the frequency
compared with zero observations among 55,620 controls. markedly higher in SCZ than in DD/CM/ASD. We have not
Around 80% of cases are due to de novo mutations (reviewed attempted a formal statistical analysis of these comparisons
by Rees et al., 2011). Around 30% of carriers develop psycho- given the data have been generated and analyzed with very dif-
sis, but despite this incomplete penetrance, the deletion carri- ferent methods and platforms. Nevertheless, it appears that with
ers are not found in control populations, probably because they some exceptions the SCZ-associated CNVs are either similar in
can also develop cardiac anomalies, mild mental retardation, frequency or are even more common in DD/ASD than in SCZ.
or other behavioral abnormalities, leading to their exclusion At present, it is premature to do direct comparisons
from control populations. About 40% of carriers have mild between SCZ and samples ascertained specifically for studies
mental retardation, and the mean IQ is in the range of 70–80. of ASD (as opposed to general referral for molecular genetics
Around 30% of deletion carriers have ASD. The rate among testing), as those studies are still too small to allow confident
referrals for genetic testing for DD/CM/ASD is 0.55% in the comparisons. However, tentatively, the available data suggest
combined datasets of Girirajan et al. (2012) and Kaminsky et a more prominent role in autism than in SCZ for maternally
al. (2011), with virtually identical rates between the two stud- inherited duplications of the PWS/AS region (0.68%), dele-
ies: 175/32,587 (0.54%) and 93/15,749 (0.59%) respectively. tions at NRXN1 (0.36%), and possibly duplications at 16p11.2
This is approximately twice the rate found in SCZ. (0.45%), but larger studies of ASD (without CM/DD) are
Despite intensive investigation over more than a decade, required to resolve this question.
and a number of intriguing candidates, the gene(s) within this
0.7 SCZ
CNV relevant to psychosis have not been unequivocally estab-
lished. The role of the reciprocal duplication is much less clear,
Frequency (%)

0.5 controls
with increased rates reported in DD/ASD/CM (Girirajan et al.,
2012; Kaminsky et al., 2011), but not in SCZ.
C O M PA R I S O N B E T W E E N R E C I P R O C A L 0.1
D E L E T I O N S A N D D U P L I C AT I O N S O F 0

3q e l

15 de l


15 dup



22 d e
16 3de









As can be seen from Table 19.1, the specific deletion or dupli-






cated CNVs that have been implicated in SCZ have also been

implicated in DD and or ASD. However, whereas most of the

reciprocal CNVs in Table 19.1 have also been implicated in DD Figure 19.1 Comparison of the rates of the reviewed CNVs in SCZ, DD/ASD/
and/or ASD, there are to date no instances where both deletion CM, and controls.

252 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

As highlighted in the previous sections, several CNVs in SCZ, such as the duplication at the WBS region and the
result in increased risk to develop DD/CM/ASD, but not SCZ, DLG2 gene.
but the converse is not true. If we accept that SCZ represents a Assuming that the prevalence of a CNV is stable in the
milder phenotype based on later age at onset and less impaired general population, it is possible to estimate the strength of the
cognition, this may suggest that those that do not cause SCZ selection pressure acting against it. As discussed previously,
have higher pathogenicity. In support of this hypothesis, we if a CNV is under selection pressure, then its prevalence will
would note that there are many other CNV loci that we do decline in each generation unless new de novo CNVs occur
not discuss in this chapter, that cause severe DD, intellectual at a rate equal to that at which they are removed as a result of
deficit, and some recognized syndromes, for example 1p36 reduced fecundity of carriers. The selection pressure or selec-
syndrome, Sotos or Smith-Magenis syndrome. These CNVs tion coefficient (s) against a CNV approximates to the propor-
are not known to include SCZ as a phenotype, although the tion of CNVs at a locus that are the direct result of de novo
identification of such CNVs in a proband with SCZ or ASD events in a representative sample of the population: (s = [N
should raise the question of causality. de novo]/[N total]). It is also possible to estimate the average
There was an expectation that these CNVs will also increase number of people that will carry a de novo CNV before it is
risk to develop bipolar affective disorder, as the two disorders eliminated from the population. This is called pervasiveness
share genetic factors (Lichtenstein et al., 2009). Several stud- and is estimated as 1/s (see Rees et al., 2012). In Table 19.2 we
ies failed to find such links and the overall rate of large and present estimates of selection pressure and pervasiveness. All
rare CNVs in bipolar disorder was found to be similar to that the loci from Table 19.1 are under a strong selection pressure
among controls (e.g., Grozeva et al., 2010). However, the rate of between 0.11 and 0.81, and are expected each be carried by
of de novo CNVs is increased in bipolar patients compared to between 1.2 (for the more pathogenic 17q12 and 22q11.2 dele-
controls, at 4.3%, which is nearly as high as the rates reported tions) and 9.1 people (for the more common 15q11.2 deletion
in SCZ (Malhotra et al., 2011), indicating that certain CNVs and 16p13.1 duplication) before they are eliminated from the
also increase risk to develop this disorder. This might apply general population. In other words all these CNVs confer risk
especially to large duplications (Malhotra et al., 2011), such as to disorders that markedly reduce fecundity or survival and if
the duplication at 16p11.2 (McCarthy et al., 2009). the frequency in the population is stable, must have high muta-
tion rates. Their mutation rates are indeed high, estimated
between 1.7 × 10–5 and 1.4 × 10–4 (Rees et al., 2011). Thus,
between 1 in 7,000 newborns (for 15q11.2 deletion) and 1 in
58,000 newborns (for 17q12 deletion) will have a new muta-
SCZ is associated with substantially reduced fecundity, esti- tion at each of the loci listed in Table 19.1.
mated at less than half compared to healthy controls. As a
result, genetic variants that confer high risk to SCZ might be
expected to be subject to strong negative selection and there- C O N C L U SI O N S
fore be eventually excluded from the population. If the prev-
alence of SCZ is stable in the population, and the evidence The recent CNV studies have changed the landscape of SCZ
suggests it is, or at least it has not decreased to the current genetics. There are now at least 10 confirmed loci that cause
rate from a much higher level, it is a reasonable first proposi- substantial increases in the risk to develop the disorder, and
tion that the high penetrance variants that are excluded by we expect that the list will grow once larger samples are tested,
selection should be replenished by new (de novo) mutations as many CNVs are so rare that tens of thousands of patients
(though other explanations are also possible). In the case of need to be genotyped for a confident statistical conclusion
CNVs, studies of proband parent trios (reviewed by Rees to be reached. These studies have shown a rather unexpected
et al., 2012) have shown that this is indeed true. An early study overlap with the genetic causes of DD and ASD, with all of the
(Xu et al., 2008) found that a de novo CNV occurred in 10% of implicated large CNVs conferring increased risk to develop
individuals with SCZ who had no family history of SCZ in a these disorders. For several of the CNVs, the carriers appear
close family member, but the rate of de novo CNV occurrence even more likely to develop these earlier onset disorders (DD/
in SCZ has dropped somewhat as sample sizes have enlarged. ASD/intellectual disability), and one could speculate that other
Thus, recent estimates are in the order of around 5% compared genetic or environmental factors protect carriers from develop-
with a rate in controls of around 1% or 2% (summarized by ing a disorder during early childhood, but instead they develop
Kirov et al., 2012). The de novo CNVs were also much larger SCZ in later life. The penetrance for developing any disorder is
than those found to be transmitted, another indication that incomplete, and it would be fascinating if any protective factors
they are under selection pressure (otherwise their properties are identified. These large CNVs cause a reduction in fecundity
would be similar to those of CNVs that are neutral and segre- in their carriers, and would be eliminated from the population
gating in the population at large). Moreover, that the observed very quickly, if it were not for their high mutation rates. The
de novos represent a replenishing of schizophrenia risk CNVs main cause for the increased mutation rate at these loci is the
is supported by the fact that a large number of the 34 de novo abundance of LCRs in the human genome, that causes instabil-
CNVs we reported (Kirov et al., 2012) were either in some of ity, mostly via NAHR events.
the confirmed SCZ loci discussed in this chapter, or in loci for The presence of clearly identified genetic changes that
which there is a high index of suspicion for their involvement increase risk to develop SCZ raises the question whether

1 9 G E N O M I C S Y N D R O M E S I N S C H I Z O P H R E N I A | 253

TA BLE 19.2. Selection coefficients for associated SCZ CNV loci. Del = deletion, Dup = duplication. Selection
coefficients (s) are updated from those estimated by Rees et al. (2011) with data from the recent large paper by
Girirajan et al. (2012). The second column presents the numbers of de novo mutations in each locus out of the
total number (de novo + transmitted) reported in studies that systematically ascertained the rates of de novos
in these loci. Pervasiveness refers to the average number of people who will carry the mutation before it is
eliminated from the general population.



1q21.1 del 22/76 0.29 3.4

NRXN1 exonic del 7/32 0.22 4.5

3q29 del 17/21 0.81 1.2

15q11.2 del 7/64 0.11 9.1

15q13.3 del 20/69 0.29 3.4

15q11.2-q13.1 dup 17/34 0.50 2.0

16p13.1 dup 7/63 0.11 9.1

16p11.2 dup 19/66 0.29 3.4

17q12 del 12/16 0.75 1.3

22q11.2 del 482/601 0.80 1.3

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S TUDYING TH E BRA IN discovery of the neurotransmitter dopamine and its role in

TO UNDE RS TA ND P S Y C H O S IS mediating the effect of neuroleptic/antipsychotic drugs helped
focus the research on a small group of neurons in the midbrain
Neuroimaging studies of brain structure and function have and their diffuse projections to the cortex and subcortical
significantly advanced our understanding of psychotic dis- regions. This led to the prominence of neurochemical models
orders. They transformed psychosis research at a very basic for the explanation of schizophrenia, first the dopamine model
level—by capturing the elusive pathology with brain images in the 1960s and then the glutamate model in the 1980s.
(Johnstone et al., 1976). At a time when few psychiatrists were Many themes of the neuroimaging research reviewed here
neuroscientists, this was crucial for redefining psychotic disor- overlap with those in postmortem research (see Chapter 23) and
ders as brain disorders. Neuroimaging of psychotic disorders cognitive neuroscience research (see Chapter 21). However, the
began in the 1970s with computed tomography (CT) studies of ability to study brain structure and function repeatedly and to
brain structure, followed by single photon emission computed correlate it with cognitive and clinical outcomes are unique
tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography strengths of neuroimaging studies and will ensure a prominent
(PET) studies of blood flow, glucose metabolism, and receptor position of this research methodology in the study of psychotic
chemistry. It culminated in the application of several magnetic disorders. Here we provide an overview of the neuroimag-
resonance imaging (MRI)–based techniques, including struc- ing studies of psychotic disorders (mainly schizophrenia and
tural MRI, functional MRI (fMRI), MR spectroscopy (MRS), schizoaffective disorder). We will focus on meta-analyses and
and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). The widespread use of comprehensive reviews, but will include some seminal stud-
MR machines in academic medical centers has liberated a new ies that have shaped our current understanding of psychotic
generation of researchers from the constraints of postmortem disorders.
research and the limitations of inferring brain abnormalities
through neurochemical effects in plasma or urine.
Despite tremendous progress, the neuroimaging of psy- T HE G O A L S O F N E U R O I M A G I NG I N TH E
chotic disorders remains heavily influenced by Emil Kraepelin’s ST U DY O F P SY C HO T I C DI SO R D E R S
concept of psychotic disorders. He introduced the dichotomy
of nonaffective and affective psychoses at the end of the 19th First and foremost, we look toward neuroimaging to establish
century and asserted that schizophrenia is caused by a cellu- illness markers that can distinguish a clinically defined group
lar pathology of the cerebral cortex, leading to marked cogni- of patients (e.g., schizophrenia) from healthy controls and
tive deficits, whereas bipolar disorder is not. He also began the from other patient groups (e.g., mood disorder). The ideal out-
neuroscientific study of psychotic disorders, using two very come is a test that can assist the clinician in the diagnosis and
different approaches: he conducted psychological experiments management of the psychotic patient.
in patients and he encouraged the pathological exploration of Second, we expect that neuroimaging will aid in the
their brains after death. Encouraged by early successes, anato- understanding of the psychosis phenotype. This includes
mists and pathologists dominated the field of schizophrenia explanations of abnormal mental states, such as delusions and
research in the first half of the 20th century. They described hallucinations, and of the prominent deficits in the realm of
mainly qualitative abnormalities in the cellular organization of attention, memory, language, and thought.
the cerebral cortex and the thalamus. However, by the 1950s, Third, neuroimaging methods need to improve our neural
they concluded that the neuropathology was elusive and that models of psychotic disorders, including the prominent ana-
they were not able to diagnose schizophrenia in the laboratory. tomical models of prefrontal cortex and medial temporal lobe
Similarly, the efforts of experimental psychologists did not lead pathology and the neurotransmitter models of dopamine, glu-
to diagnostic tests that could assist clinicians in the manage- tamate, and GABA dysfunction.
ment of psychotic patients. Finally, neuroimaging can build a bridge to the genetic
Two discoveries reinvigorated the neuroscientific study of mechanisms of the disease. This can be explored by studying
psychotic disorders. The serendipitous discovery of neurolep- monozygotic and dizygotic twins, by studying nonaffected rel-
tic/antipsychotic drugs raised important questions about their atives of psychotic patients, or by studying the association of
mechanism at the level of cells and circuits. The subsequent risk genes with neuroimaging markers.

256 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

Our review is organized according to these four goals of gyrus, the frontal and parietal lobes, and several subcortical
neuroimaging in the study of psychotic disorders. It is impor- regions (including the basal ganglia, thalamus, and cerebellum)
tant to note that these goals are not necessarily aligned with (Shenton et al., 2001). With better image resolution of more
each other and that relatively specialized communities of recent studies, this general pattern has not changed substan-
researchers have emerged to pursue these studies. Even the tially (Shenton et al., 2010). While consistent across studies, the
same result, for example, abnormal hippocampal structure magnitude of these changes is subtle, generally falling within
and function, may be interpreted in largely non-overlapping the range of 5–10% for specific structures and <5% for whole
contexts. For example, one researcher may want to develop it brain and total gray matter volumes (Wright et al., 2000).
as a diagnostic marker in the early stages of psychosis, whereas Three regions of interest, the superior temporal gyrus
another might explore the same finding as an indication of (STG), the thalamus, and the hippocampus, have been stud-
abnormal GABAergic or glutamatergic function in schizo- ied extensively. Thirty-five out of 46 (76%) studies reported a
phrenia. Yet another setting for the same finding is to study the significant difference in STG volume (mainly reduction) and
neural consequences of potential risk alleles such as DISC1 or 18 out of 30 studies reported correlations of STG volume with
BDNF. The same scenario holds true for abnormalities of the the severity of auditory hallucinations or thought disorder (Sun
prefrontal cortex, the thalamus, the cerebellum, or the basal et al., 2009). Thirteen studies reported volume reduction of
ganglia. The relative merits of these goals are rarely considered, both left and right thalamus in both first-episode patients (six
and the neuroimaging community has yet to define shared studies) and chronic patients (seven studies), with Cohen’s d
goals in order to make progress in schizophrenia research. effect sizes ranging from −0.32 to −0.48 (Adriano et al., 2010).
Finally, 13 studies of first-episode patients and 22 studies of
chronic patients provided compelling evidence for smaller left
E S TAB LIS H ING MA RK ERS O F DI SE A SE and right hippocampal volumes in schizophrenia, with Cohen’s
d effect sizes ranging from −0.56 to −0.65 (Adriano et al., 2012).
The vast majority of structural and functional neuroimaging Taken together, there is compelling evidence for localized gray
studies compare a group of psychotic patients, at one time point, matter volume changes in schizophrenia.
with a group of healthy control subjects. This cross-sectional Advances in computing power and computational anatomy
approach is modeled after the use of neuroimaging in clinical spurred the development and application of automated meth-
radiology, where the image of a single patient is contrasted with ods for investigating structural brain changes in schizophrenia.
the standard of a healthy person. Some studies have compared In addition to the obvious advantage of being less laborious,
two different groups of patients (e.g., schizophrenia versus compared to manual tracing approaches, automated methods
bipolar disorder) in order to explore shared or distinct features can quantify multiple brain structures, examine changes at
of psychopathology. So far, few researchers have taken advan- higher resolution—for example, down to the voxel-wise level
tage of the unique strength of neuroimaging methods to follow in the case of voxel-based morphometry (VBM), and quantify
patients over time. This is due in large part to the challenges of aspects of cerebral morphology that are difficult to measure,
a longitudinal study design. In addition, there are several pit- such as cortical thickness.
falls when disambiguating illness effects from treatment effects. Three meta-analyses of VBM studies used the activation
However, it is likely that the longitudinal study design will ulti- likelihood estimation (ALE) method to review the current evi-
mately secure a prominent position of neuroimaging in the sci- dence of gray matter (Fornito et al., 2009; Glahn et al., 2008)
entific study and clinical management of psychotic patients. and white matter (Di et al., 2009) abnormalities in schizophre-
nia. The ALE method tests for the likelihood that, across the
studies under review, spheres around specific brain coordinates
differ between groups. A more recent study (Bora et al., 2011)
used the signed differential mapping (SDM) method, which
There are two main approaches to quantifying brain structure: includes not only positive changes as in the ALE method, but
manual tracing and automated methods. The initial studies of also negative results for the estimation of group differences. The
brain structure in schizophrenia used the manual approach results of these recent meta-analyses largely confirm the previ-
to quantify the volume of a specific region-of-interest (ROI). ous ROI-based studies, with two exceptions. First, medial tem-
The earliest of these studies employed computed tomography poral lobe abnormalities are not as prominent in meta-analyses
and focused on measuring the size of the ventricles (Johnstone of the VBM studies. This is possibly due to the lower sensitivity
et al., 1976). The subsequent development of MRI afforded of the ALE and SDM methods to the complex anatomy in a rel-
substantially better spatial resolution of brain tissue types, atively circumscribed region (Bora et al., 2011). Second, several
that is, gray matter, white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid brain regions, which had not been implicated by the ROI stud-
(CSF), which prompted a large number of volumetric studies. ies, emerged from the VBM studies. In large part this is due to a
Qualitative and quantitative reviews of structural MRI studies more difficult delineation of cortical regions, resulting in fewer
using manual tracing methods confirmed the earlier finding studies. This is particularly striking for the insula, for which
of ventricular enlargement. They also concluded that schizo- an ALE-based meta-analysis (Glahn et al., 2008) and an SDM-
phrenia is associated with reductions in whole brain volume, based meta-analysis (Bora et al., 2011) provided the initial evi-
particularly gray matter volumes of the medial temporal lobe dence. This has now been confirmed by a third meta-analysis
(including hippocampus and amygdala), the superior temporal (Shepherd, Matheson, et al., 2012), which localized the changes

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and processing speed (see Chapter 21). Not surprisingly, the
bulk of functional imaging investigations in schizophrenia
have focused on elucidating the neural correlates of cognitive
impairment, as opposed to clinical symptoms, such as delu-
sions and hallucinations. The advent of functional neuroim-
aging, beginning with PET in the 1980s then fMRI in the early
1990s, opened new avenues of research into the neural basis
of cognitive impairment in schizophrenia. Early PET stud-
ies revealed abnormal activity in the prefrontal cortex, often
consisting of reduced activation compared to control subjects
during performance of executive cognitive tasks (Weinberger
et al., 1986a). The non-invasive nature of fMRI coupled with
widespread availability, relative to PET imaging, resulted in a
rapid increase of functional neuroimaging studies of cogni-
tion in schizophrenia. Meta-analyses and qualitative reviews
of this literature have revealed several consistent findings
(Glahn et al., 2005; Minzenberg et al., 2009; Ragland et al.,
2009; Goghari et al., 2010; Niendam et al., 2012; Whalley
et al., 2012).
In line with earlier PET studies, schizophrenia patients
often demonstrate reduced activation of the dorsolateral PFC
during performance of executive cognitive tasks (Glahn et al.,
2005; Minzenberg et al., 2009). However, reduced brain activity
extends beyond the PFC to include rostral anterior cingulate
cortex, thalamus, and inferior/posterior parietal cortex. In addi-
Figure 20.1 Reduced grey matter density in chronic schizophrenia. Dots
tion, increased rather than decreased PFC activity in schizo-
indicate the spatial proximity of foci identified across multiple voxel-based phrenia is observed in several regions, including the midline
meta-analyses, with coronal slices progressively posterior from left to right. cortical areas, premotor cortex, and ventrolateral PFC (Glahn
Reproduced from: Shepherd, A. M., K. R. Laurens, et al. (2012). “Systematic et al., 2005; Minzenberg et al., 2009). This more complex pat-
meta-review and quality assessment of the structural brain alterations in
tern of localized increases and decreases of PFC activity during
schizophrenia.” Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews with permission from
performance of executive cognitive tasks has led to models that
go beyond the simple notion of hypofrontality in schizophre-
nia. On the one hand, the alterations are more consistent with a
to the anterior insula (connected to limbic cortex) in both first- pattern of dysregulation and decreased efficiency, rather than a
episode and chronic patients. simple loss of cortical activity. On the other hand, a distributed
Two recent meta-analyses using the ALE method examined network of frontal, subcortical, and posterior brain regions is
the specificity of the changes observed in schizophrenia com- engaged during the performance of executive cognitive tasks,
pared to bipolar disorder. Both reviews concluded that there is and the PFC is one of several abnormal nodes in a dysregulated
considerable overlap in gray matter volume reduction in schizo- network in schizophrenia.
phrenia and bipolar disorder, with both involving gray matter Reduced activation of the prefrontal cortex, especially the dor-
loss in the anterior cingulate/medial prefrontal cortex, lateral solateral PFC, is also observed during episodic memory (Achim
prefrontal cortex, and bilateral insula. However, the extent of and Lepage, 2005; Ragland et al., 2009). Episodic memory (the
gray matter volume loss is greater in schizophrenia and includes ability to encode and retrieve the details of events) and relational
additional areas, such as the thalamus and temporal lobe memory (the ability to remember not just single items but also
(Ellison-Wright and Bullmore, 2010; Yu et al., 2010). their relationships) are significantly impaired in schizophre-
A comprehensive summary of both ROI and VBM studies nia, and it is therefore not surprising that neuroimaging studies
of structural brain alterations in schizophrenia concluded that have explored the neural basis of this deficit. In addition to the
we now have evidence for gray matter reductions of anterior cin- abnormalities of dorsolateral PFC during memory performance,
gulate, frontal (particularly medial and inferior) and temporal several studies have also reported an abnormal recruitment of
lobes, hippocampus/amygdala, thalamus, and insula that may be the hippocampus and the closely connected parahippocampal
magnified over time (Shepherd et al., 2012a) (Fig. 20.1). cortex. This pattern has been interpreted as an abnormal corti-
cohippocampal network or an abnormal connectivity within the
hippocampal formation (Heckers and Konradi, 2010).
Cognition is markedly impaired in schizophrenia, with rela-
tively greater deficits in episodic memory, executive cogni- While neuroimaging studies have supported Kraepelin’s asser-
tive abilities, such as problem solving and working memory, tion that psychotic disorders have a neural basis, they have

258 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

also revealed significant heterogeneity. This is apparent in two Patients with schizophrenia have also been contrasted with
metrics of the available meta-analyses: the low to medium other psychotic patients, for example, schizoaffective disor-
effect sizes of the group differences and the significant results der and psychotic bipolar disorder patients. A recent review
when measuring the inconsistency between study results. In of these studies concluded that medial temporal lobe changes
other words, neuroimaging studies do not have to answer the differentiated bipolar patients from patients with schizophre-
question “Is the brain abnormal in psychotic disorders?” since nia, but that alterations in the prefrontal cortex were less
the evidence is strongly affirmative. Instead, we now need to discriminating (Whalley et al., 2012). This line of research
turn to the question “Which patient has what abnormality?” challenges Kraepelin’s schizophrenia/bipolar dichotomy in
in order to parse the still considerable heterogeneity of psy- two ways. First, it is now clear that bipolar disorder is as much
chotic disorders. This line of research may proceed along the a brain disorder as is schizophrenia, while Kraepelin did not
well-established path of studying diagnostic categories. But consider bipolar disorder worthy of study in the laboratory or
neuroimaging methods are very well suited to complement the morgue. More importantly, patients with psychotic bipolar
this with an alternative approach. It takes dimensions of psy- disorder share many of the clinical features of schizophrenia,
chopathology, cognition, or neural systems as a starting point but may differ with regard to disease onset, progression, and
in order to uncover mechanisms that are not expected to con- outcome, resulting in different treatments. This allows neu-
firm the existing nosology of psychotic disorders. Such cross- roimaging researchers to disentangle the shared mechanisms
cutting dimensions can enrich the diagnostic classification and of clinical features (e.g., hallucinations, delusions) from the
can provide new avenues to study the mechanism of psychotic more fundamental mechanisms of the disease. They also allow,
disorders, with the hope to develop markers for the develop- to some degree, the study of a major confound in neuroim-
ment or testing of new treatments. aging studies of psychotic disorders, namely, pharmacological
Neuroimaging findings have not matured yet as validators treatment.
of the various psychotic disorder diagnoses and will not be
included as biological markers in the revision of the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). It is likely
that traditional dichotomies such as schizophrenia/healthy Most abnormalities of brain structure and function are
control or schizophrenia/bipolar disorder are not sufficient to described initially in chronic, treated patients, and researchers
overcome the low validity and limited clinical utility of neu- are then moving to studies of patients in the early stages of the
roimaging methods. However, the ability to correlate brain illness, if possible with no or little exposure to current treat-
structure and function with the clinical features of psychotic ments whenever possible.
disorders is one of the strengths of neuroimaging and deserves While many studies of early psychosis confirmed the find-
more attention. ings in chronic patients, they typically detect less significant or
Liddle and colleagues characterized 30 chronic outpatients less widespread changes. For example, a meta-analysis compar-
with schizophrenia, who had a stable pattern of psychotic ing studies of chronic patients to first-episode schizophrenia
symptoms, using factor analysis (Liddle et al., 1992). The concluded that many of the structural brain changes observed
symptoms were grouped into three syndromes, namely, prom- in chronic patients are present at first episode, including gray
inent positive symptoms (reality distortion), prominent nega- matter loss in bilateral insula, left uncus/amygdala, anterior
tive symptoms (psychomotor poverty), or prominent thought cingulate, and thalamus (Ellison-Wright et al., 2008). For more
disorder (disorganization). Each of the three patterns was detail see Chapter 26.
associated with altered perfusion at different loci, including
increased medial temporal lobe blood flow in the reality dis-
tortion syndrome and decreased prefrontal cortex blood flow
in the psychomotor poverty and disorganization syndromes. A The unique strength of neuroimaging studies is the ability to
similar approach was pursued by VBM studies, which revealed follow patients over time to study brain abnormalities at all
distinct patterns of gray matter density in the three syndromes, stages of the illness and even predating the illness (high-risk
with a shared pattern of prefrontal and perisylvian alterations state and prodrome). This puts neuroimaging in the unique
(Nenadic et al., 2012). position to study the neural mechanisms of course, outcome,
Several neuroimaging studies have explored the neural and response to treatment. While longitudinal studies are
correlates of the negative syndrome or schizophrenia patients superior to cross-sectional studies, simply by design, they are
with persistent negative symptoms (Hovington and Lepage, challenging and are confounded by the effect of treatment and
2012). This subgroup constitutes approximately 15–20% of all different genetic and environmental backgrounds.
schizophrenia patients. They show more pronounced reduc- A review of longitudinal studies in chronic schizophre-
tions of cortical gray matter, more widespread deficits of pre- nia (follow-up duration ranging from 1 to 10 years) reported
frontal and temporal recruitment during the performance of reductions in frontal lobe and thalamus volume and less con-
cognitive tasks, and more significant impairments of several sistent reductions of whole brain and temporal lobe, particu-
cognitive abilities, especially memory. This group of patients larly STG, volumes. No progressive differences were reported
deserves further attention in neuroimaging studies, especially in the hippocampus or cerebellum (Hulshoff Pol and Kahn,
in the early stages of the disease, when treatment effects are less 2008). A meta-analysis of ventricular volume change found
likely to obscure the effects of prominent negative symptoms. compelling evidence for increased lateral ventricular volume

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over time, in both first-episode and chronic patients (Kempton of the statistical effect, and the sensitivity and specificity of the
et al., 2010). findings.
A recent meta-analysis confirmed these earlier findings, Most relevant is the feasibility and clinical utility of the
reporting a significant change over time for whole brain gray study design. Do the research studies recruit a representa-
matter, frontal lobe gray matter, and left caudate. No progres- tive sample of patients from the larger population? While this
sive changes were reported in temporal, parietal, or occipital seems possible for structural imaging studies, it is unlikely
lobe gray matter, hippocampus, amygdala, or cerebellum over for functional studies, which require the active participation
a range of 1 to 10 years (Olabi et al., 2011). Interestingly, illness of study subjects. It is particularly challenging if the neural
duration before baseline was negatively associated with the function under study (e.g., working memory) is impaired in
effect size in the hippocampus, implying that the magnitude the patients, but the design of the study asks for matched per-
of this volume difference changes as the disease progresses. formance in order to draw stronger inferences about neural
The consequences of progressive changes in brain structure mechanisms. This often excludes a large number of patients
in schizophrenia remain unclear, but may be associated with who cannot perform adequately during the test.
poorer outcome, worse negative symptoms, and greater cog- The effect size of most neuroimaging findings in psychotic
nitive impairment. It is unclear whether bipolar disorder is disorders is less than 0.5, and very few are above 1.0. A recent
associated with similar changes in brain structure over time, meta-analysis of structural neuroimaging studies using ROI
as relatively few studies have been carried out (Schneider et al., methods (excluding VBM studies) of several psychiatric dis-
2012). orders concluded that the significance of the group differences
has been inflated (Ioannidis, 2011). In short, the number of
positive results was too large to be true: the number of positive
results was almost double than what would have been expected
Complementing the longitudinal studies of psychotic patients based on power calculations for the included samples. The
are studies of subjects who are not psychotic, but are at high excess significance may be due to unpublished negative results
risk to develop a psychotic disorder. Such cohorts can be or due to selective exploratory analyses (Ioannidis, 2011). The
defined by a high familial loading for psychotic disorders, more recent meta-analyses of VBM studies also add a word of
that is, at least one or more than one (multiplex) first-degree caution, as they consistently show a high degree of inconsis-
relative with a psychotic disorder. An alternative recruitment tency between study results. Taken together, we need to remain
strategy is the detailed characterization of basis symptoms cautious about the strength of the statistical inferences.
of psychosis or brief, limited, and intermittent psychotic Finally, even if a difference of brain structure or function
symptoms that do no cross the threshold for a categorical is significant, it is not clear whether such a marker is sensitive
diagnosis. Such studies are time-consuming and require and specific enough to classify an individual patient accurately.
considerable effort in recruitment and follow-up. Recent This has been explored in several studies using structural MR
meta-analyses have reviewed this still young branch of neu- datasets. For example, a study of 36 patients with recent-onset
roimaging research (Fusar-Poli et al., 2011; Smieskova et al., psychosis and 36 healthy control subjects showed significantly
2010). They indicate that gray matter volume reductions in lower gray matter density in the patients, and a machine learn-
temporoparietal, bilateral prefrontal, and limbic cortices are a ing algorithm was able to correctly classify patients with 86%
marker of increased risk for psychosis. In addition, gray mat- accuracy (Sun et al., 2009). A similar accuracy was reported
ter reductions in superior temporal and inferior frontal areas in a study of high-risk subjects (Koutsouleris et al., 2009). For
are associated with later transition to psychosis (Fusar-Poli now, a skilled clinical interview remains the most efficient and
et al., 2011). These structural studies are complemented by a cost-effective diagnostic tool. However, these are encourag-
smaller number of fMRI, PET, and MRS studies, which also ing first studies of pattern classification of imaging data in the
point to abnormalities in frontal and temporolimbic brain diagnosis of psychotic disorder patients.
regions (Smieskova et al., 2010). In contrast to structural
imaging studies of the early and chronic stages of schizophre-
nia, high-risk studies have repeatedly shown an increase in U N DE R STA N DI N G T HE P HE N OTYP E
whole brain and gray matter volumes. This somewhat coun-
terintuitive finding has been interpreted as an indication of So far we have reviewed neuroimaging as a tool to establish
dynamic brain changes at the time of transition into psycho- disease markers. The non-invasive methods of MR imaging
sis and deserves further study. have also attracted the interest of researchers who study the
phenomenology of psychosis and are interested in the mecha-
nisms of abnormal mental states, irrespective of categorical
diagnoses and their impact on disease management. In essence,
The vast majority of the neuroimaging studies reviewed here they employ neuroimaging to study core questions of psychiat-
have set out to identify a structural or functional brain abnor- ric phenomenology and psychopathology, such as “How does
mality that can separate a group of patients from a healthy con- the brain hallucinate?”
trol group or a different group of patients. It is important to Most neuroimaging studies of hallucinations have focused
briefly review several issues of study design and inference test- on auditory verbal hallucinations, the most prevalent form
ing, including representativeness of the study sample, strength of hallucinations in schizophrenia (Allen et al., 2012; Jardri

260 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

et al., 2011; Palaniyappan et al., 2012). The initial studies auditory hallucinations, and brain activity is then compared to
simply compared patients with a history of frequent halluci- periods when the hallucinations are not present (Dierks et al.,
nations and those who reported a low level of hallucinatory 1999). In addition to the unique challenges of this study design
experiences. More recently, ratings for the severity of hallu- (e.g., infrequent events, reliance on the subject to indicate
cinations were correlated with brain structure and function the experience of the symptom), the studies cannot resolve
(Palaniyappan et al., 2012). These studies have confirmed a whether the functional brain abnormalities are primary or sec-
hypothesis that can be traced back to postmortem studies 100 ondary to the event of interest. For example, is the activation
years ago: patients with a prominent history of auditory hal- of the primary auditory cortex the origin of the voices or is the
lucinations have a smaller superior temporal gyrus. In addi- association cortex recruiting the primary auditory cortex dur-
tion to the structural abnormalities of the STG, there is also ing the experience of hearing voices? Despite these caveats, the
evidence for structural abnormalities of the insula, anterior few symptom-capture studies have provided compelling evi-
and posterior cingulate cortex, inferior frontal gyrus, thala- dence for an abnormal activation in a bilateral neural network,
mus, cerebellum, and precuneus. Finally, data are emerging including Broca’s area, anterior insula, precentral gyrus, frontal
that link auditory hallucinations to abnormalities of brain operculum, middle and superior temporal gyri, inferior pari-
chemistry, including increased levels of glutamine (Allen etal lobule, and hippocampus/parahippocampal region (Jardri
et al., 2012). et al., 2011) (Fig. 20.2). This indicates that the experience of
Few neuroimaging studies have explored patients during auditory verbal hallucinations involves increased activity in
the experience of psychotic symptoms (symptom-capture stud- areas involved in speech generation and perception as well as
ies). For example, a patient is studied during the experience of verbal memory.

Figure 20.2 Functional brain activity associated with auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia. The first three columns depict the activation likelihood
estimation (ALE) results on coronal (COR) views (upper panel) as well as on transverse (TRA) views (lower panel) of the brain anatomy. The fourth column depicts
slice levels shown on sagittal views. The fifth column shows clusters (Cl.a to CI.e) of consistent activity among patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders
experiencing auditory verbal hallucinations. Reproduced from: Jardri, R., A. Pouchet, et al. (2011). “Cortical activations during auditory verbal hallucinations in
schizophrenia: a coordinate-based meta-analysis.” The American Journal of Psychiatry 168(1): 73–81; used with permission. (See color insert).

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There are several other phenomena of psychosis that of the human brain, reinvigorated interest in network models
deserve further study using neuroimaging methods: What of schizophrenia.
brain changes characterize catatonia, with its characteristic Two important advances in functional imaging contrib-
periods of mutism and stupor? What happens in the brain of a uted to the renaissance of dysconnectivity theories of schizo-
patient who is unable to think and speak coherently? What is phrenia. The first is the development and increased use of
at the core of the fractured self? While these questions remain network-based approaches to analyzing functional imaging
intriguing, developing the proper experimental approaches to data. In contrast to standard functional imaging methods
capture such phenomena is a challenge. that focus on detecting differences in brain activity between
behavioral conditions (i.e., activations), network-based
approaches examine statistical dependencies in activity across
S TUDYING TH E NEU RA L MEC H A N I SM S brain regions. The most common of these methods, functional
connectivity, quantifies correlations between brain regions.
Over the last 100 years, several leitmotifs have captured the Usually this is accomplished by selecting a brain region, called
attention of neuroscientists who explored the neural basis of a “seed,” and calculating its correlation with other brain areas.
psychotic disorders. Here we focus on network models and Brain regions that demonstrate correlated activity over time
neurochemistry changes observed in schizophrenia measured are said to be functionally connected. The second key devel-
using MRS. opment is the emergence of resting-state fMRI. As its name
implies, no task is performed during the scanning session;
subjects are instructed to rest quietly for several minutes.
Application of functional connectivity methods to resting-
The idea that the pathology of schizophrenia involves abnor- state fMRI data has revealed that activity in several canonical
malities in brain connectivity (i.e., dysconnectivity) can be brain networks corresponding to sensory, motor, and cogni-
traced back to the turn of the 20th century (Gage and Hickok, tive systems remains coherent even during unconstrained
2005). Dysconnectivity models of schizophrenia received rela- mental activity (see Fig. 20.3) (Zhang and Raichle, 2010). The
tively little attention at the time and remained largely ignored correspondence between resting-state networks and known
for much of the 20th century. The advent of structural neu- anatomical connections, along with their striking resem-
roimaging, which provided clear evidence that multiple brain blance to activation patterns observed with task-based fMRI,
regions are affected in schizophrenia, combined with advances support the validity of resting-state fMRI (Honey et al., 2009;
in our understanding of the large-scale functional organization Smith et al., 2009). Combined, these two developments have

Default Control

Visual attention

0 7

Figure 20.3 Intrinsic neuronal activity of the brain. Correlation of neuronal activity between a seed region (each circle) and the rest of the brain reveals six
major networks: visual, sensorimotor, auditory, default mode, dorsal attention, and executive control. The scale numbered 0–7 indicates relative correlation
strength. Reproduced from: Zhang, D. and M. E. Raichle (2010). “Disease and the brain’s dark energy.” Nat.Rev.Neurol. 6(1): 15–28 with permission from Nature
Publications Group. (See color insert).

262 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

created novel opportunities to test dysconnectivity theories of of the PFC is reduced in schizophrenia, and that PFC connectiv-
schizophrenia. ity with parietal and temporal lobe regions is especially affected
Several network models of schizophrenia have been (Pettersson-Yeo et al., 2011). PFC dysconnectivity has also been
proposed. Cortical models integrate the deficits in execu- consistently observed in resting-state studies. As with task-based
tive cognitive functioning with frontal cortical gray matter imaging, these studies have shown reduced connectivity within
loss and alterations in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) the PFC and between dorsolateral PFC and parietal cortex (Cole
microcircuitry. Others link the deficits in episodic memory et al., 2011; Woodward et al., 2011; Zhou et al., 2007). Importantly,
to hippocampal volume loss and abnormalities of intrinsic or PFC dysconnectivity is present in both first-episode and chronic
extrinsic hippocampal connectivity. The final set of network patients, unaffected relatives of patients, and even individuals
models focuses on cortical-subcortical networks. These mod- at high risk for developing schizophrenia (Pettersson-Yeo et al.,
els are supported by evidence of structural changes in cortex, 2011). Combined, the evidence strongly suggests that functional
striatum, thalamus, and cerebellum; alterations in dopamine connectivity of the PFC, particularly the dorsolateral PFC, is
signaling, and, more recently, animal studies showing that altered in schizophrenia and that the abnormality is a fundamen-
focal disturbances in subcortical structures recapitulates many tal component of the illness that transcends cognitive state and
of the key cognitive and neurotransmitter changes observed in illness stage.
schizophrenia. We review neuroimaging support for each of
these network models of schizophrenia. Particular attention is
paid to studies that applied network-based analytic approaches
to functional imaging data. Smaller hippocampal volume was the initial evidence for an
involvement of the hippocampus in schizophrenia. This find-
ing is now firmly established, and postmortem as well as ani-
mal studies have supported several models of hippocampal
dysfunction in schizophrenia (Heckers and Konradi, 2010).
Executive cognitive functions that rely on the integrity of the For example, one model proposes that the reciprocal con-
PFC, including working memory, initiation, planning, and cog- nections of the hippocampus and the multimodal association
nitive flexibility, are impaired in schizophrenia (Heinrichs and cortex are perturbed in schizophrenia and that this leads to
Zakzanis, 1998). Not surprisingly, the initial functional imag- the well-known deficits of abnormal episodic and relational
ing investigations of schizophrenia patients attributed executive memory. Functional neuroimaging studies have supported this
cognitive impairment to PFC dysfunction (Weinberger, Berman hypothesis with evidence for an impaired recruitment during
et al., 1986b). Postmortem studies showing reduced dendritic memory encoding and retrieval (Heckers and Konradi, 2010).
spines, fewer axon terminals, and smaller soma volumes of But it remains unclear whether hippocampal or cortical nodes
pyramidal cells, in the context of normal number of neurons, in this network drive the memory dysfunction. It is also not
along with a variety of changes in cortical GABA interneurons clear when these changes occur, since first episode and at-risk
provides a possible mechanistic explanation for the structural subjects already show hippocampal alterations, and whether
and functional changes in the PFC (Lewis, 2012). the changes are amenable to treatment.
The PFC, however, is densely connected to other cortical Several competing models propose that only some aspects
areas, particularly the posterior parietal cortex, temporal lobe, of the hippocampus are abnormal in schizophrenia, leading to
and subcortical brain structures, and damage to or dysfunction a specific rather than general pathology. This includes proposed
of these regions can also produce impairments in executive changes of anterior but not posterior hippocampal regions, of
cognitive functions (Fuster, 2008). Functional neuroimag- the CA 2/3 but not the CA1 sector and of interneurons but not
ing has confirmed that, in addition to the PFC, the posterior glutamatergic cells (Lisman et al., 2008; Heckers and Konradi,
parietal cortex, and rostral/dorsal anterior cingulate cortex are 2010). Some of these hypotheses are supported by postmortem
consistently activated by a variety of executive cognitive tasks and animal studies and can now be studied with neuroimaging
(Niendam et al., 2012). The combination of traditional lesion studies. For example, high-resolution (7T) imaging can resolve
studies and functional neuroimaging has led to the idea that the regions and sectors of the human hippocampus. Similarly,
a “superordinate” fronto-cingulo-parietal network (FCPN) studies of cerebral blood flow and blood volume can provide
underlies executive cognitive functioning (Niendam et al., an index of tonic activity of the hippocampus and can test for
2012). GABAergic and glutamatergic dysfunction in schizophrenia
There is considerable evidence of activation differences dur- (Small et al., 2011).
ing performance of executive cognitive tasks in schizophrenia.
A recent meta-analysis of 41 imaging studies concluded that
reduced neural activity in schizophrenia extends beyond the
PFC to include additional regions of the FCPN, including the
rostral/dorsal anterior cingulate and inferior/posterior parietal Cortical projections to striatum and cortex are arranged
cortex (Minzenberg et al., 2009). Dysconnectivity within the topographically in several segregated networks, linking
FCPN, and PFC more generally, during task performance has different cortical areas to specific subregions of the stria-
been confirmed by functional connectivity analyses. The general tum and thalamus. This arrangement raises the possibil-
picture to emerge from these investigations is that connectivity ity that schizophrenia may involve selective dysfunction

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of cortical-subcortical circuits or, alternatively, widespread aspects of neurotransmission and brain metabolism. The util-
disruption by a focal abnormality within a zone of conver- ity of MRS has historically been limited by poor spatial and
gence, such as the thalamus. Indeed, reduced thalamic vol- temporal resolution and by technical non-uniformity across
ume loss is a consistent structural neuroimaging finding research centers. The typical MRS dataset is acquired over
(Adriano et al., 2010), and a variety of striatal and thalamic several minutes from voxels that are several centimeters in
abnormalities have been reported in postmortem studies, each dimension. Nevertheless, recent advances in MRS data
although postmortem findings tend to be less consistent acquisition and analysis techniques coupled with the greater
than volumetric changes observed on MRI (Dorph-Petersen availability of higher field strength magnets has generated new
and Lewis, 2011). opportunities for obtaining insight into neurochemical abnor-
The “cognitive dysmetria” hypothesis posits that the diverse malities in psychotic disorders from smaller brain regions with
array of symptoms associated with schizophrenia are the con- shorter duration scans.
sequence of a core defect in coordinated information process- Many current theories regarding the pathophysiology of
ing related to disruption of networks linking cortex, thalamus, psychotic disorders in general and schizophrenia in particular
and cerebellum (Andreasen et al., 1999). This hypothesis was implicate abnormalities in glutamatergic and GABAergic neu-
prompted by a series of PET functional imaging investigations rotransmission (Lisman et al., 2008). Since glutamate (Glu) and
that repeatedly found reduced activity in the cortex, thala- GABA are the principal excitatory and inhibitory neurotrans-
mus, and cerebellum during performance of cognitive tasks mitters in the brain, these abnormalities have major implica-
(Andreasen et al., 1999). Reduced activity in the frontal cortex tions for brain function in schizophrenia. 1H MRS provides
and thalamus, especially mediodorsal nucleus, continues to be a the ability to assess concentrations of Glu, GABA, and other
robust finding in fMRI investigations (Minzenberg et al., 2009). related brain metabolites such as glutamine (Gln), the principal
Alterations in thalamocortical connectivity, especially between metabolite of Glu at the synapse. Due to technical limitations,
the PFC and mediodorsal thalamus, and in cortico-cerebellar most publications on glutamate-related metabolites in schizo-
connectivity have also been observed in several resting-state phrenia have reported a composite measure termed Glx. Glx
studies (Collin et al., 2011; Skudlarski et al., 2010; Welsh et al., contains contributions from Glu, Gln, GABA, and aspartate.
2010; Woodward et al., 2012). As a result, Glx is best considered a general index of multiple
Cortico-striatal models of schizophrenia emerged from glutamate-related metabolites but provides no information on
PET investigations of glucose metabolism and dopamine individual ones. Recent advances have allowed the resolution
receptor function (Buchsbaum and Hazlett, 1998; Honey et al., of signals coming from Glu, Gln, and GABA. Glu and Gln play
2009; Meyer-Lindenberg et al., 2002). In addition, reduced roles in intermediary metabolism in addition to their func-
activation of the striatum is commonly observed in fMRI stud- tions in neurotransmission. Therefore, brain levels of these
ies of executive function (Minzenberg et al., 2009). However, metabolites cannot be interpreted solely in the context of syn-
the effects of antipsychotic medications on the function and aptic activity. However, since Glu released into the synapse is
structure of the striatum poses interpretational challenges converted to Gln in glial cells, the relative concentrations of
(Buchsbaum and Hazlett, 1998; Brandt and Bonelli, 2008). It Gln and Glu may provide information more closely related to
is noteworthy in this regard that unaffected relatives of schizo- neurotransmission than the concentration of either molecule
phrenia patients show altered striatal activity, which suggests alone (Yuksel and Ongur, 2010) (Fig. 20.4). GABA levels in the
that at least some of the functional abnormalities detected brain parenchyma are thought to be more closely related to
in patients are not a consequence of antipsychotic treatment neurotransmission since GABA does not play a prominent role
(Vink et al., 2006). As with other network models tested using in intermediary metabolism.
functional imaging, it is unclear where the primary point of A recent meta-analysis of 28 published 1H MRS studies
pathology resides, as dysfunction in any node could lead to concluded that medial PFC Glu levels were reduced and Gln
pathological changes in the network. Interestingly, multimodal levels elevated in schizophrenia (Marsman et al., 2013). In
imaging investigations in both schizophrenia patients and pro- addition, age-by-group analyses revealed that Glu and Gln con-
dromal subjects have found that abnormal functional activa- centrations decreased at a faster rate with age in patients with
tion of the prefrontal cortex is associated with elevated striatal schizophrenia than in healthy controls. With the caveat that
dopamine signaling (Fusar-Poli et al., 2010; Meyer-Lindenberg brain concentrations of Glu and Gln can be affected by meta-
et al., 2002). bolic processes unrelated to neurotransmission, this pattern of
findings has been tentatively interpreted as evidence for a two-
step abnormality in schizophrenia: during the first episode of
psychosis there may be elevations in Glu neurotransmission
In addition to brain structure and activity, neuroimaging leading to depletion of Glu and buildup of its metabolite Gln;
methods can also be used to study brain chemistry. One such with chronic disease there is an impoverishment of the entire
method is magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), a non- Glu neurotransmission machinery, leading to lower than nor-
invasive MRI approach that can easily be implemented on mal levels of both Glu and Gln. In addition to emerging from
routine scanners. Signal from several nuclei can be detected a meta-analysis, this pattern has also been found in an elegant
using MRS, but the ones most useful for brain research are longitudinal study in a single patient cohort (Theberge et al.,
proton (1H)MRS and phosphorus (31P)MRS. These approaches 2007). In addition to dynamic Glu and Gln changes in the PFC
provide information on brain chemicals relevant to various and thalamus, Theberge and colleagues also reported that the

264 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

glutamine cycle


presynaptic postsynaptic

Figure 20.4 Schematic representation of glutamate-glutamine (Glu-Gln) cycling at the synapse. Glu is synthesized from TCA cycle metabolites or from Gln,
packaged into synaptic vesicles and released into the synaptic cleft. After interacting with postsynaptic receptors, the actions of Glu are terminated by uptake into
adjacent glial cells (red profiles), where it is converted to Gln. Gln then diffuses back to neurons to complete the cycle.

change in Gln seen during the transition from first episode to but a large experimental and clinical literature has identified NAA
chronic illness correlated with gray matter losses in tempo- concentrations as a marker for neuronal integrity and health
ral and parietal cortices in the same patients during the same (Lyoo and Renshaw, 2002). The Cr signal arises from Cr as well
period. as its phosphorylated counterpart phosphocreatine (PCr), which
Although the relationship of GABA level abnormalities to functions as a high-energy phosphate store for cellular energy
neurotransmission would be more straightforward to inter- needs. Similarly, the Cho signal arises from several choline-in-
pret than those of Glu and Gln, 1H MRS studies of GABA have cluding metabolites mostly related to cell membrane metabolism
reported conflicting findings in schizophrenia. Using similar (with a minor contribution from acetylcholine).
GABA-dedicated MRS acquisition techniques, some stud- The literature contains multiple well-done 1H MRS studies
ies (including one with first-episode patients) have reported quantifying NAA, Cr, and Cho in the neocortex, hippocam-
GABA reductions in this condition (Goto et al., 2009; Yoon pus, and white matter in schizophrenia. The most consistent
et al., 2010), while others (including one with unmedicated finding across these studies, confirmed in a meta-analysis, is
patients) have reported elevations (Ongur et al., 2010; Kegeles a reduction in NAA in all brain regions (Steen et al., 2005).
et al., 2012). Demographic and clinical patient differences or This pattern is widely interpreted as reflecting abnormalities
other variables may explain the discrepancy. But it appears in neuronal integrity and health in schizophrenia, although
unlikely that there is a substantial and sustained abnormal- NAA measures per se cannot determine whether there are
ity in parenchymal GABA levels in schizophrenia, since that reductions in neuron number. Some, but not all, of these stud-
would already be detected across all studies. Instead, there ies have also reported reductions in Cr, which may indicate a
seems to be a decoupling between brain GABA levels and the bioenergetic abnormality in schizophrenia.
well-documented abnormalities in GABAergic neurotrans- P MRS is a related technique that provides information on
mission in schizophrenia. phosphate-containing metabolites in the brain. Some studies
have reported abnormalities in phosphomonoesters (PME) and
phosphodiesters (PDE) in schizophrenia using this approach
(Keshavan et al., 1993). Due to the role PMEs and PDEs play in
In addition to neurochemical systems, MRS studies also provide cell membrane turnover, these findings were often interpreted
information on a range of metabolites related to neuronal health as as suggesting an impoverishment of dendritic remodeling and
well as energy production and utilization in the brain in vivo. The synaptic pruning. More recently, new 31P MRS techniques are
three most prominent and most easily quantifiable metabolites making it possible to obtain dynamic measures of brain bioen-
in the 1H spectrum from the human brain are N-acetylaspartate ergetics in vivo. These approaches rely on the principle of mag-
(NAA), creatine (Cr), and choline (Cho). NAA is an amino acid netization transfer to calculate reaction rate constants for the
found almost exclusively and in high concentrations (around 10 creatine kinase (CK) and ATP synthase reactions noninvasively
mM) in neurons. Its precise functions are not well understood in the human brain (Du et al., 2012). Although in early stages of

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application to psychiatric conditions, the magnetization transfer DI SC O V E R I N G G E N E T I C M E C H AN I S MS
P MRS approach holds great promise for examining bioen-
ergetic and mitochondrial abnormalities in schizophrenia and Neuroimaging methods have aided in the discovery of genetic
bipolar disorder. risk factors for psychotic disorders. Here we briefly review
So far, the MRS literature on bipolar disorder is small. three complementary approaches: studies of non-psychotic
Reductions in NAA are a consistent finding (Bertolino et al., first-degree relatives of probands, studies of monozygotic and
2003). A recent review of 1H MRS studies of glutamatergic dizygotic twins affected by schizophrenia, and neural corre-
metabolites revealed distinctive elevations in Glx in people lates of psychosis risk genes.
with bipolar disorder when compared with healthy individuals Family members of patients with schizophrenia show sev-
and in contrast to the reductions seen in major depressive dis- eral brain abnormalities, including decreases in whole brain
order (Yuksel and Ongur, 2010). This would suggest an increase and (primarily left) hippocampus volumes (Boos et al., 2007).
in the overall pool of glutamate-related metabolites in bipolar These changes are similar to those seen in patients with schizo-
disorder. In addition, there may be systematic variation in the phrenia and parallel the findings of memory impairments in
Gln/Glu ratio across the depressive/euthymic/manic phases of patients and relatives. However, it is not possible to disentangle
the illness (Yuksel and Ongur, 2010). the effects of risk genes (such as DISC 1 or BDNF) and envi-
What can we learn about the neurobiology of psychosis from ronmental stressors from these studies. A recent study of 158
MRS studies? Although this modality is less well-developed twin pairs who were concordant or discordant for schizophre-
compared to other MRI approaches due to its inherently low nia or bipolar disorder revealed that increased genetic risk for
resolution, it has nonetheless contributed to our understand- schizophrenia and bipolar disorder is reflected in loss of white
ing of psychotic disorders. The widely replicated finding from matter volume and in abnormalities of the cortical thickness,
H MRS studies of elevated Gln/Glu ratio in first-episode especially in the frontal and temporal lobes (Hulshoff Pol et al.,
schizophrenia followed by a reduction in Glx in chronic illness 2012). In addition, a direct comparison of monozygotic twins
is a good example. This pattern of findings suggests a dynamic discordant for schizophrenia revealed that, above and beyond
process of inappropriately elevated glutamatergic neurotrans- the shared genetic risk, the affected twin showed reduced gray
mission followed by an impoverishment in this process. matter volume in prefrontal, cingulate, and superior temporal
It is intriguing to consider the future of MRS in the study of cortex (Borgwardt et al., 2010).
psychotic disorders. The advent of higher magnetic field MRI More recently, neuroimaging studies have revealed some of
scanners aids MRS through increased signal to noise ratio and the neural mechanisms of putative schizophrenia risk genes from
better spectral dispersion, which allows separation of metabo- early candidate gene association studies (Meyer-Lindenberg,
lite signals. In fact, higher field strengths benefit MRS more 2010). For example, allelic variants in the gene neuregulin 1
so than other MRI approaches. Thus, widespread availabil- have been associated with smaller hippocampal volume and
ity of ultra-high field (4 Tesla and higher) magnets will help larger ventricular volumes. Similarly, the gene DISC1, originally
MRS at least partially overcome its key shortcoming of poor identified in a large Scottish pedigree with multiple individuals
temporal and spatial resolution. MRS data collection from affected by schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, has been associ-
millimeter voxels using shorter acquisition times is leading ated with reduced hippocampal gray matter and increased hip-
to whole-brain data collection—a technique termed chemical pocampal-PFC connectivity (Meyer-Lindenberg, 2010). These
shift imaging. Collection of MRS data in parallel with fMRI are two examples for the role of neuroimaging in the explora-
and DTI will provide converging evidence of abnormalities in tion of the allelic effects of schizophrenia risk genes.
glutamatergic or GABAergic neurotransmission or neuronal
metabolism and allow investigators to gain deeper insights
into pathophysiology (for some early examples, see Falkenberg
et al., 2012; Northoff et al., 2007). In addition, better MRS data
Neuroimaging studies have restored Kraepelin’s optimism that
acquisition hardware and software have improved our ability
we will find the neural mechanisms of psychotic disorders. What
to non-invasively measure brain processes of great interest
is needed now is a dimensional assessment of psychopathology
to psychiatric neuroscience (such as neurotransmission and
that allows neuroimaging researchers to go beyond the classic
bioenergetics) in the past decade. Some possible directions
categories of psychotic disorders and reveal the mechanisms of
include improved quantification of lactate (related to energetic
genes and environmental risk factors leading to psychosis. The
abnormalities), glutathione (the brain’s principal antioxidant),
unique strengths of neuroimaging, namely, the repeated assess-
and N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG-a neuromodulator);
ment of patients (especially in the early stages of the illness)
the promise of quantifying markers of neural stem cells in the
and the ability to correlate brain imaging data with clinical and
human brain in vivo (Manganas et al., 2007); and the use of dif-
treatment variables, will ensure a prominent position for this
fusion MRS and T1 and T2 relaxation characteristics to quan-
research domain in the study of psychotic disorders.
tify the brain’s microenvironment.
It has been said that “MRS is a technique of the future and
always will be.” The inherent poor sensitivity of the MRS sig- DI SC L O SU R E S
nal has hampered the development of this field in psychiatric
research, but the technique holds promise for studies of neuro- Dr. Heckers is a member of the DSM-5 work group on Psychotic
chemical processes in psychotic disorder patients. Disorders. He has no other conflicts to disclose.

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Dr. Woodward has no conflicts of interest to disclose. He has Fornito, A., Yucel, M., et al. (2009). Mapping grey matter reductions in schizo-
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received support from NIMH and NARSAD. Grant Support: phometry studies. Schizophr. Res. 108(1–3):104–113.
NIMH (1R21MH096177-01A1) and National Alliance for Fusar-Poli, P., Borgwardt, S., et al. (2011). Neuroanatomy of vulnerabil-
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Investigator Award. Fusar-Poli, P., Howes, O.D., et al. (2010). Abnormal frontostriatal interactions
Dr. Ongur’s research is funded by NIMH and Shervert Frazier in people with prodromal signs of psychosis: a multimodal imaging study.
Research Institute at McLean Hospital, and he is PI on a Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 67(7):683–691.
Fuster, J.M. (2008). The Prefrontal Cortex. London, Amsterdam, Burlington,
research contract with Rules Based Medicine Inc. (a for-profit San Diego: Elsevier.
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Institute (not-for-profit), and he draws income as Associate ral binding and the representation of conceptual knowledge in cortex:
a modern theory by a “classical” neurologist, Carl Wernicke. Cortex
Editor for the journal Archives of General Psychiatry. 41(6):823–832.
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OV E R V IE W this hypothesis postulating a “core” deficit in goal representa-

tion has been expanded to integrate work on emotion, reward
Typically, when we think of the core symptoms of psychotic processing, and motivational impairments in schizophrenia.
disorders such as schizophrenia, we think of people who hear Specifically, we postulate that these deficits may reflect, at least
voices, see visions, and have false beliefs about reality (i.e., in part, impairments in the ability to actively maintain and uti-
delusions). However, clinicians have long recognized that lize internal representations of emotional experiences, previous
abnormalities in cognitive function and motivated behavior rewards, and motivational goals in order to drive current and
are a key component of psychosis, and of schizophrenia in par- future behavior in a way that would normally allow individu-
ticular. As such, the last three decades have witnessed a relative als to obtain desired outcomes. In the sections that follow, we
explosion of research on cognition in schizophrenia, much of provide a discussion of the evidence for such impairment in
it couched within the framework of understanding the cogni- schizophrenia, how it manifests in domains typically referred
tive neuroscience of schizophrenia and the neural correlates to as executive control, WM, and episodic memory, and how it
of cognitive deficits. This emphasis on cognition in schizo- may help us understand impairments in reward processing and
phrenia is in part due to the growing body of research sug- motivation in schizophrenia. We conclude with a brief discus-
gesting that cognitive dysfunction in this illness is a substantial sion of emerging evidence of cortical microcircuit pathophysi-
source of disability and loss of functional capacity for patients ology in schizophrenia and how it may relate to cognitive and
(Nuechterlein et al., 2011). This work is complemented by an motivational deficits in this population.
additional recent focus on understanding the psychological
and neurobiological impairments leading to deficits in moti-
vation and goal-directed behavior in schizophrenia (Barch C O N T E X T P R O C E SSI N G A N D P R O ACTI VE
and Dowd, 2010; Gold et al., 2008; Kring and Moran, 2008), C O N T R O L I N SC HI Z O P HR E N I A
raising critical and important questions about the potential
interactions between motivational and cognitive impairments
in schizophrenia, and their influence on function, course, and In previous work based in part on computational modeling,
outcome in this illness. Cohen and colleagues put forth the hypothesis that DA activ-
The challenge we face in understanding the cognitive and ity in DLPFC was responsible for the processing of context,
motivational neuroscience of schizophrenia is that individuals and that a disturbance in this mechanism could be responsible
with this illness appear to exhibit deficits in a diverse array of for a range of cognitive deficits in schizophrenia (Braver et al.,
domains (Mesholam-Gately et al., 2009). It is of course pos- 1999; Cohen and Servan-Schreiber, 1992). Here, context refers
sible that this seemingly diverse array of impairments reflects to prior task-relevant information that is represented in such
dissociable deficits, each with its own psychological and neu- a form that it can bias selection of the appropriate behavioral
ral pathophysiology. However, such an explanation does little response. Because context representations are maintained
to help us move forward in our conceptualization of the final on-line, in an active state, they are continually accessible and
common pathway leading to cognitive or motivational dys- available to influence processing in the service of ongoing goals.
function in this illness, or in other psychotic disorders. Instead, Consequently, context can be viewed as the subset of represen-
we and others have argued that a common mechanism contrib- tations within WM that govern how other representations are
uting to cognitive impairments across a range of domains in used. One important insight that emerged from this work was
schizophrenia may arise due to an inability to actively represent that a single deficit in one aspect of executive control could
goal information in working memory (WM) as needed to guide contribute to deficits in cognitive domains often treated as
behavior, and that this deficit reflects profound impairments in independent. As such, this theory argued that deficits in WM,
the function of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and attention, and inhibition in schizophrenia can all be understood
its interactions with other brain regions such as parietal cor- in terms of a broader deficit in context-processing (Braver et al.,
tex, thalamus, and striatum, as well as altered function of neu- 1999; Cohen et al., 1999; Cohen and Servan-Schreiber, 1992).
rotransmitter systems such as dopamine (DA), γ-aminobutyric When a task involves competing, task-irrelevant processes (as
acid (GABA), and glutamate. Importantly, in recent years, in the Stroop task), context representations serve to inhibit such

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task-irrelevant processes by providing top-down support for (PFC), and that the updating and maintenance of such infor-
task-relevant processes. When a task involves a delay between mation relies on precise inputs from neurotransmitter systems
a cue and a later contingent response, context representation such as DA into PFC. However, as discussed in the following, it
involves maintaining task-relevant information against the is clear that other neurotransmitter mechanisms such as GABA
interfering and cumulative effects of noise over time. Further, and glutamate are critical for active maintenance of informa-
in both inhibition and WM conditions, context representa- tion in PFC, and that deficits in N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)
tions serve an attentional function by selecting task-relevant receptor function may underlie impaired delay-related activity
information for processing over other potentially compet- during WM in schizophrenia (e.g., Krystal et al., 2003; Wang
ing sources of information (Miller and Cohen, 2001). Thus, et al., 2008). As outlined in detail in Braver (2012), proactive
the context hypothesis was used to explain why patients with and reactive control functions are not mutually exclusive, and
schizophrenia demonstrate deficits on several tasks thought to some balance between the two modes is necessary to success-
tap WM, as well as deficits on other executive control tasks that fully meet most ongoing cognitive demands. However, Braver
may not involve a high WM load (e.g., Stroop); in other words, (2012) has argued that the two control modes can be distin-
patients show deficits on tasks in which context information guished based on their temporal characteristics (e.g., when
needs to be determined and maintained, even if this context they are engaged in the course of cognitive processing) and the
information constitutes a low WM load (Barch et al., 2003; requirement to actively maintain control representations over
Cohen et al., 1999). Numerous studies have provided support time for proactive control. Further, Braver has suggested that
for these hypotheses concerning context-processing deficits there may be biases to favor one processing mode over the other,
in schizophrenia (for a review, see Barch and Braver, 2007), which may be dependent on task demands (e.g., high conflict
as well as evidence for impairments in individuals at risk for situations may push toward a proactive control mode), as well as
schizophrenia (e.g., MacDonald et al., 2005; Snitz et al., 2006), on individual differences in factors such as WM capacity, fluid
suggesting that such deficits may be associated with liability to intelligence, and even personality traits such as reward sensi-
schizophrenia as well as manifest illness. tivity. Proactive control may also be particularly vulnerable to
disruption, given that it is resource demanding and dependent
on temporally precise active maintenance mechanisms. Thus,
populations characterized by disordered PFC function (such as
schizophrenia) may rely more heavily on reactive control, as it
In more recent years, context processing in cognition has been may be more robust in the face of such dysfunction (Edwards
reconceptualized more broadly as the function of proactive et al., 2010). Consistent with this hypothesis, there is ample
cognitive control (Braver, 2012; Edwards et al., 2010). This evidence for an association between impairments in DLPFC
conceptualization builds on earlier ideas of context process- activity and deficits of proactive control in schizophrenia (e.g.,
ing to argue for flexible mechanisms of cognitive control that Minzenberg et al., 2009) as well as those at risk for the develop-
allow humans to deal with the diversity of challenges that we ment of schizophrenia (e.g., MacDonald et al., 2009). Further,
face in everyday life. In this theory, termed dual mechanisms there is growing evidence for a critical role of impaired con-
of control (Braver, 2012; Edwards et al., 2010), a distinction nectivity between the DLPFC and other cognitive control
is made between proactive and reactive modes of cognitive related brain regions (e.g., Anticevic et al., 2013, Repovs et al.,
control. The proactive control model can be thought of as a 2011; Yoon et al., 2008), positive impacts of DA enhance-
form of “early selection,” in which goal-relevant information ment on cognitive control in psychosis (e.g., Barch, 2005), and
is actively maintained in a sustained or anticipatory manner, intriguing evidence for GABAergically mediated (Lewis and
before the occurrence of cognitively demanding events. This González-Burgos, 2008) impairment in neural oscillations
allows for optimal biasing of attention, perception, and action that may support representations in DLPFC (e.g., Cho et al.,
systems in a goal-driven manner. In this case, goals refer to 2006).
the information one needs to accomplish a particular task or
the intended outcome of a series of actions or mental opera-
tions. In real life, such goal information may include the main W O R K I N G M E M O RY I N SC HI Z OP H R E N I A
points one wishes to communicate in a conversation, or the
need to organize a shopping trip so that one can make sure
to get everything that is needed. In contrast, in the reactive
mode, attentional control is recruited as a “late correction” Although a good deal of work has been devoted to under-
mechanism that is mobilized only when needed, such as after standing cognitive control deficits in schizophrenia, perhaps
a high-interference event is detected (e.g., an unexpected dis- the greatest amount of cognitive neuroscience research in
tracting stimulus is encountered and there is a need to retrieve schizophrenia has been focused on WM since the seminal
the topic of conversation). Thus, proactive control relies on the writings of Patricia Goldman-Rakic (Goldman-Rakic, 1995).
anticipation and prevention of interference before it occurs, There is a huge body of evidence to suggest that individuals
whereas reactive control relies on the detection and resolution with schizophrenia show deficits in WM (e.g., Forbes et al.,
of interference after its onset. 2009; Lee and Park, 2005). However, WM is a complex con-
This theory postulates that proactive control depends on struct with many subprocesses. As such, we need to move
actively representing information in lateral prefrontal cortex beyond simply saying that individuals with schizophrenia

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experience WM deficits, toward understanding what specific when extending the maintenance period (Lee and Park,
aspects of WM are impaired in this illness and how they may 2005), such that the effect sizes of WM impairment across
relate to shared deficits in context processing. To do so, it is studies did not change as a function of the delay period used.
important to discuss some of the leading cognitive neurosci- This may imply that breakdowns in WM may be occurring
ence models of WM as they provide conceptual leverage on as early as the encoding stage—i.e., when internal represen-
findings in schizophrenia by anchoring our understanding in tations are still forming. In turn, such deficits in the initial
findings in healthy adults. WM traditionally refers to tempo- generation of representations could impact the stability of
rary storage and manipulating information “on-line,” typically such representations and the ability to accurately maintain
in the service of some goal (Baddeley, 2000). According to one them over time. Consistent with this hypothesis, studies
prominent cognitive model, WM is thought to be comprised examining encoding deficits have demonstrated that patients
of a central executive resource system, and two slave sub- with schizophrenia exhibit short-term memory deficits even
sidiary systems: the phonological loop and the visuospatial in the absence of a delay (e.g., Tek et al., 2002) and when
sketchpad—i.e., WM is conceptualized as a multistore process allowed only a fixed duration to encode. However, such
relying on distinct subcomponents. This cognitive model was “encoding” deficits can be minimized if individuals with
later updated to include a fourth component: the episodic schizophrenia are given a longer period of time to process
buffer (Baddeley, 2000). Alternatively, rather than dividing the information, suggesting that such deficits may reflect
the WM process into “cognitive” modules, one can consider “speed of processing” rather than fundamental deficits in
WM to consist of distinct stages in time. In that sense, the the ability to encode information into WM (e.g., Badcock
WM process can be roughly subdivided into three distinct et al., 2008). Nevertheless, speed-of-processing reductions
temporal components (Jonides et al., 2008): (1) encoding of at encoding may still be interpreted as an “encoding” deficit
novel information and forming an internal representation, in that a reduction in the speed with which the information
(2) active maintenance of this information over some period can be robustly encoded will degrade the quality of inter-
(i.e., refreshing the memory trace, which is aligned with the nal representations. At the same time, a number of studies
function of two slave subsystems), and (3) manipulation of have provided evidence for deficits in the ability to maintain
maintained information in the service of some goal (i.e., the information across time in schizophrenia, even after control-
central executive). ling for encoding differences (e.g., Badcock et al., 2008; Tek
et al., 2002). One issue that still needs to be fully resolved
in the context of WM tasks, especially those involving a
match versus non-match decision, is to what extent group
differences are exacerbated by tasks involving more complex
There is robust evidence suggesting that individuals with schizo- “probe” decisions, which are difficult for patients given their
phrenia display deficits in WM (e.g., Forbes et al., 2009; Lee and slow processing speed and/or decision-making difficulties
Park, 2005). These deficits are present in both medicated and and may contribute to poor performance without reflect-
unmedicated patients, the first-degree relatives of individuals ing deficits in working memory per se. In that sense, simple
with schizophrenia, and individuals with schizotypal person- continuous report WM tasks (Badcock et al., 2008), similar
ality, suggesting that WM is a critical abnormality manifesting to those used in non-human primate work (Funahashi et al.,
across the schizophrenia spectrum. There is relatively little evi- 1989), may prove better equipped for careful characteriza-
dence that such WM deficits can be unambiguously attributed to tion of encoding versus delay deficits (as they circumvent
dysfunction in either the verbal or visual-spatial buffer systems, match/non-match decisions).
as individuals with schizophrenia exhibit abnormalities on WM Taken together, the existing evidence base suggests that
tasks with many different material types, with relatively little evi- there are abnormalities evident across both encoding and
dence for selective deficits for one material type over another maintenance phases of WM in schizophrenia. The encoding
(Lee and Park, 2005; Forbes et al., 2009). This has led to the deficits may be due to increases in time necessary to rapidly
suggestion that WM deficits in schizophrenia might primarily form an accurate internal representation (e.g., Badcock et al.,
reflect deficits in the central executive, or the active maintenance 2008), while the deficits in the maintenance of information
and manipulation of information over time, an interpretation are consistent impairments in the central executive aspects of
consistent with a central role for deficits in the proactive control WM and impairments in the ability to proactively represent
of behavior. Such a modality non-specific deficit in the ability information necessary to guide behavior. Further, behavioral
to maintain and manipulate information over time would also WM studies in schizophrenia argue that deficits exist not
be consistent with emerging hypotheses detailing synaptic-level only in the maintenance mechanisms but also in the ability to
pathophysiology in schizophrenia (Marin, 2012), which is not resist external sources of interference and that these abnor-
likely to selectively disrupt verbal vs. non-verbal cortical circuits malities are present in both visuospatial and verbal domains.
(discussed in what follows). Such impairments are consistent with a role for a fundamen-
However, it is also important to consider the temporal tal impairment in the ability to represent and maintain rep-
aspects of WM function, and the distinction between encod- resentation in WM that can be used to guide goal directed
ing and maintenance, which rely on distinct neural dynam- behavior, and with an in impairment in the ability to use
ics. An influential meta-analysis suggested that the degree proactive cognitive control mechanisms in order to regulate
of WM impairment in schizophrenia is fairly constant even behavior.

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P R E F R O N TA L R E C R U I T M E N T D U R I N G may influence the magnitude and timing of brain activation
W O R K I N G M E M O RY I N S C H I Z O P H R E N I A in WM. A failure to use proactive control would suggest that
patients might show reduced activity during encoding and/or
Building on the behavioral evidence of WM deficits, there
maintenance in lateral PFC regions if they fail to effectively
is a growing functional neuroimaging literature demon-
encode or maintain information over the delay in preparation
strating the presence of brain abnormalities associated with
for responding. There are several studies showing evidence
WM dysfunction in schizophrenia. The majority of findings
consistent with such an alteration in activity in DLPFC dur-
suggest that regions comprising the dorsal frontal-parietal
ing encoding (e.g., Anticevic et al., 2013; Edwards et al., 2010;
network are affected in patients and may be contributing
Johnson et al., 2006) and/or maintenance (Anticevic et al.,
to WM abnormalities. Specifically, reductions in DLPFC
2013; Driesen et al., 2008; Edwards et al., 2010). This impair-
(Brodmann’s Area 9/46) activations have been documented
ment in encoding and maintenance of information may shift
while patients perform WM tasks, suggesting that patients
individuals with schizophrenia into a greater reliance on more
exhibit task-related “hypofrontality” (Barch et al., 2001;
reactive modes of processing. In other words, when a response
Callicott et al., 1998). These findings have also been con-
is needed, patients may need to engage additional computa-
firmed through quantitative meta-analytic studies (Glahn
tional mechanisms to retrieve the memoranda, potentially
et al., 2005; Van Snellenberg et al., 2006). Such DLPFC defi-
resulting in increased activation in brain regions associated
cits are present even in medication naïve individuals (Barch
with memory retrieval or response selection. Consistent
et al., 2001), and are also present, albeit to a lesser extent,
with this hypothesis, studies that have specifically examined
in the first-degree relatives of individuals with schizophrenia
retrieval-related activity have found evidence for increased
(e.g., MacDonald et al., 2009), suggesting a potential role as
activation among individuals with schizophrenia in either
an endophenotypic marker.
the same or different regions that showed reduced encod-
However, there have been discrepant findings with regard
ing/maintenance related activation (Johnson et al., 2006;
to over- or underrecruitment of DLPFC regions during
Edwards et al., 2010). Future work may determine whether
WM (Callicott et al., 2003). A number of findings have sug-
such increased retrieval signals are accompanied by increases
gested that WM capacity in healthy subjects may be depen-
in functional connectivity in a distributed retrieval-associated
dent on level of recruitment of DLPFC, which is thought to
network, and importantly, whether such “compensatory” sig-
operate according to an inverted “U” model of WM capacity
nal increases and/or connectivity changes are predictive of
(Goldman-Rakic et al., 2000). In other words, the model sug-
better performance in patients.
gests that with increasing WM demands there is a concomi-
tant parametric DLPFC signal increase. However, as WM
load demands reach and exceed capacity limitations, DLPFC A LT E R E D D E F A U LT M O D E P R O C E S S I N G
signals begin to drop, presumably due to information load D U R I N G W O R K I N G M E M O RY I N
exceeding available computational resources (Goldman-Rakic SCHIZOPHRENIA
et al., 2000). In line with this hypothesis, recent evidence sug-
The preceding discussion focused on the role of the DLPFC
gests that patients with schizophrenia may exhibit a shifted
in WM and the importance of impaired DLPFC function to
inverted U function, such that capacity limitations are reached
understanding impairments in WM and proactive control in
faster (i.e., with lower WM load levels), which may result in
schizophrenia. However, there is also a growing literature sug-
over- or underrecruitment when compared to healthy controls
gesting that WM deficits in schizophrenia may be associated
depending on level of WM load at which the groups are com-
with failures to “deactivate” regions overlapping with what is
pared (Johnson et al., 2006). In other words, at low difficulty
termed the default mode network (DMN) (e.g., Anticevic
levels patients may find performance more effortful and may
et al., 2013; Metzak et al., 2012; Whitfield-Gabrieli et al., 2009;
have to recruit more PFC resources than healthy controls to
although see Mannell Franco et al., 2010, for how cognitive
accomplish the same task, leading to findings of “hyperactiv-
load may modulate this effect). The DMN is a network of brain
ity” in PFC cortex. Consistent with this model, a meta-analysis
regions including the medial anterior PFC and the posterior
by Van Snellenberg and colleagues demonstrated that the mag-
cingulate that normally show reduced activity during cogni-
nitude of WM performance differences between patients and
tively demanding externally oriented mental processing in
healthy controls was positively correlated with the magnitude
healthy individuals. DMN activation has been hypothesized to
of activation differences in dorsal-lateral prefrontal regions
be associated with self-referential and spontaneous cognition
(Van Snellenberg et al., 2006).
(Raichle and Snyder, 2007). It is now widely accepted, based on
evidence from both task-based and connectivity findings, that
in healthy adults there exists an inverse/anticorrelated relation-
ship between these distributed neural systems purportedly sup-
porting these different aspects of cognition (Fox et al., 2005). In
fact, our previous work in healthy adults has demonstrated that
The previous discussion focused on the general involvement the degree of DMN suppression is directly related to accurate
of PFC, specifically the DLPFC, in WM. However, one can also WM performance (e.g., Anticevic et al., 2010). The combina-
consider the ways in which cognitive mechanisms involved in tion of altered DLPFC activity (frequently reduced) and a failure
proactive control and the active representation of information to suppress DMN regions in schizophrenia suggests that there

272 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

may be a malfunction in reciprocal communication between in episodic memory (EM) as a means to organize the research
brain networks involved in active task engagement and passive pertaining to EM deficits in schizophrenia. A key place to start is
mental states or attention to internal representations. Related to work on the specific role that the hippocampal formation plays
this point, the preceding sections discussed interference resolu- in EM. A common theme in theories regarding the role of the
tion as a critical component of WM function and that there is hippocampal formation in EM is the idea that it is critical for
clear evidence for breakdowns in filtering of interfering signals the rapid binding of novel configurations of information (e.g.,
during WM maintenance in schizophrenia. In that sense, one Cohen and Eichenbaum, 2001; Squire, 1987). Consistent with
can conceptualize the lack of DMN suppression in individuals this hypothesis, a number of human neuroimaging studies have
with schizophrenia as possibly contributing additional sources shown activation of the hippocampus during the encoding or
of unwanted signals during WM. In other words, if there is a retrieval of novel relational information (e.g., Wendelken and
breakdown of such distributed regional suppression during WM Bunge, 2010), and work in amnestic patients emphasizes the
in patients, superfluous activation of regions involved in pas- importance of hippocampal structures in relational processing
sive mentation may contribute an additional source of “noise” (e.g., Bowles et al., 2010). Moreover, a number of functional
during WM and render the ongoing task representations more neuroimaging studies in healthy humans have demonstrated
susceptible to interference. Therefore, these findings raise the that enhanced hippocampal/parahippocampal activity at the
possibility that DMN suppression deficits may compromise sig- time of encoding predicts subsequent successful retrieval of
nal processing in cortical networks by rendering network func- that information (e.g., Brewer et al., 1998; Wagner et al., 1998).
tion “noisy” or inefficient, given that a lowered DMN signal is In addition, work with depth electrodes implanted in humans
thought to reflect the suppression of cognitive operations car- undergoing epilepsy surgery has also demonstrated that hip-
ried out by the DMN (e.g., Raichle and Snyder, 2007). However, pocampal activity at the time of encoding predicted subsequent
as of yet, the direction and causality of the relationship between memory for verbal stimuli (Cameron et al., 2001). Although
altered DMN activity and impaired DLPC function during WM more recent models of EM also suggest differential roles for
in schizophrenia have not been established. Put differently, we hippocampal versus perirhinal regions of the medial temporal
do not yet know whether a failure to suppress DMN activity is lobes in encoding of item versus relational memory (Davachi,
simply a by-product of a failure to engage frontoparietal control 2006), there is a still a strong consensus on the importance of
nodes to an appropriate extent to support WM and proactive the hippocampus for relational encoding of a range of informa-
cognitive control, or whether there is an independent deficit in tion types.
DMN processing or connectivity with the DLPFC such that an The field has also garnered information about the impor-
inability to suppress DMN interferes with DLPFC function and tant contribution made by PFC structures to EM. Damage to
processing. Additional research is needed to arbitrate between the prefrontal cortex can lead to EM deficits, among other cog-
these differing possibilities and to better understand the com- nitive impairments (e.g., Janowsky et al., 1989). Such findings
plex causal dynamics as well as synergistic contributions of the have contributed to the hypothesis that PFC damage alters EM
DMN to cognitive impairment in schizophrenia. by impairing strategic contributions to memory formation and
retrieval (e.g., Janowsky et al., 1989). For example, studies have
shown activation of ventral PFC regions such as Brodmann’s
areas 45 and 47 when participants are asked to process ver-
bal information using semantic elaboration strategies (e.g.,
In summary, both behavioral and functional neuroimaging Wagner et al., 1998) that promote subsequent memory. For a
evidence points to WM abnormalities in schizophrenia, which recent meta-analysis, see (Spaniol et al., 2009). Further, there is
extend across both the encoding and maintenance phases and recent work suggesting that DLPFC may contribute specifically
which are consistent with deficits in the ability to generate and to successful relational memory formation and retrieval (e.g.,
maintain internal representations that can be used to guide Blumenfeld et al., 2011).
behavior in a proactive fashion. These deficits are also associ-
ated with abnormalities in the function of brain regions such as
the DLPFC and the DMN, as well as with connectivity in a dis-
tributed cortical circuit that includes frontoparietal, striatal, and
thalamic interactions. Such deficits may involve not only abnor- As described in the preceding, most theories of hippocampal
malities in sustaining activation across a delay, but also break- function posit a key role in binding together novel configura-
downs in interference resolution from incoming distraction. tions of information. One way to examine whether individuals
with schizophrenia have binding deficits is to determine if they
are more impaired on memory for associative information
E PIS ODIC MEMO RY (e.g., the association of previously unrelated words or items)
as compared to memory for individual items. To address this
question, Achim and Lepage conducted a meta-analysis com-
paring performance on associative and item memory tests
As with efforts to understand the nature of WM deficits in in individuals with schizophrenia, and concluded that there
schizophrenia, it is useful to briefly review the cognitive neuro- was evidence for a 20% greater impairment in associative as
science literature on the processing and brain regions involved compared to item memory in individuals with schizophrenia

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(Achim and Lepage, 2003). However, a number of the associa- and retrieval has shown evidence for impaired DLPFC func-
tive memory studies included in this meta-analysis were tests tion associated with impaired relational memory function in
of source memory rather than associations of novel pairs of schizophrenia (Ragland et al., 2012a), though other recent
items, and the human neuropsychological and imaging lit- work has also implicated hippocampal function (e.g., Hanlon
eratures suggest that PFC function may make an important et al., 2011). These findings do suggest a need to also take into
contribution to source memory (Mitchell and Johnson, 2009). account a role for PFC mediated cognitive functions as well
In addition, few of the studies that have compared item and as hippocampally mediated processes in understanding the
associative memory have dealt with the ubiquitous problems source and nature of EM deficits in schizophrenia. Further,
of discriminating power. Associative memory tests are often the findings on strategic changes in schizophrenia and the role
more difficult than item memory tests. Greater task difficulty of DLPFC in EM suggests that examining the role of execu-
by itself does not necessarily indicate higher discriminating tive control deficits and effective encoding manipulations may
power, but it does raise the question of whether a pattern of be a fruitful avenue for future research on enhancing EM in
greater impairment on associative versus item memory is truly schizophrenia.
indicative of a selective deficit in binding of novel information. Prior to transitioning to motivational deficits in schizo-
More recently, clinical researchers have begun to use tasks phrenia an important final point relates to heterogeneity
derived from the animal literature on hippocampal function, of cognitive deficits and the possibility of their occurrence
such as the transitive interference test, which measures the across diagnostic categories. The chapter’s focus is on schizo-
ability to learn the relationships among hierarchically arranged phrenia, but cognitive deficits are also observed in other
stimulus pairs, as well as the transitive patterning test, in which neuropsychiatric conditions that may share behavioral and
individuals have to learn about relationships between items for genetic features with schizophrenia. One example is bipolar
correct selection. Individuals with schizophrenia are impaired illness. Evidence suggests that psychotic symptoms occur in
on critical conditions of these tasks requiring relational pro- 50–70% of individuals with bipolar disorder (Dunayevich
cessing, but not on conditions that require simpler associative and Keck, 2000; Goodwin and Jamison, 1990) and psychosis
reinforcement mappings (e.g., Heckers et al., 2004). Other aggregates within families of bipolar patients (Potash et al.,
work has used eye-movement measures of relational memory, 2001). One possibility is that comorbid psychosis symptoms
shown to be impaired in patients with hippocampal lesions in bipolar illness represent a more severe form of the ill-
(e.g., Hannula and Ranganath, 2009), to identify relational ness associated with worse prognosis (Bellivier et al., 2001;
memory impairments in schizophrenia (e.g., Hannula et al., Coryell et al., 2001; but see Keck et al., 2003) and poorer
2010). There is also work indicating impairments in both item cognitive performance (Glahn et al., 2007) as well as abnor-
and relational retrieval for information that was relationally malities in brain structure (Strasser et al., 2005) and function
encoded in schizophrenia (Ragland et al., 2012b). Still other (Pearlson et al., 1995) that may be observed in schizophre-
work has provided evidence for greater deficits in recollection nia and associated with cognitive deficits. Therefore, it will
than familiarity in schizophrenia, which have also been inter- be vital to carefully establish to what extent observed cog-
preted as reflecting relational memory impairments (e.g., van nitive and associated neural disturbances scale, not only as
Erp et al., 2008). a function of schizophrenia heterogeneity, but also whether
Many researchers have taken this body of work to suggest cognitive deficits manifest across diagnoses with shared
that EM impairments in schizophrenia reflect medial tem- risk. In the concluding section we highlight such need for
poral lobe deficits, with a specific focus on the hippocampus future studies to investigate endophenotypic markers that
(e.g., Heckers and Konradi, 2010). However, the findings in may underlie shared versus dissociable disturbances along
healthy individuals about the role of the PFC cortex in EM the psychosis spectrum. Perhaps one way to investigate neu-
raise the possibility that at least some EM impairments among ral correlates of cognitive (or emotional) disturbances that
individuals with schizophrenia also reflect deficits in PFC may scale along the schizophrenia spectrum or co-occur in
mediated cognitive functions that contribute to successful bipolar illness is to capitalize on the dimensional approach
memory encoding and retrieval, including strategic mecha- articulated by NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoC)
nisms that may facilitate memory formation. Consistent with initiative (Cuthbert and Insel, 2010; Keshavan et al., 2011;
this hypothesis, a number of studies suggest that individuals Potash, 2006). One hypothesis suggests that these seemingly
with schizophrenia are impaired in their ability to generate separate illnesses represent different endpoint phenom-
effective mnemonic strategies. However, when provided with enological expressions of a similar underlying problem at
strategies that promote successful episodic encoding, individ- a neural circuit level (Keshavan et al., 2011; Potash, 2006).
uals with schizophrenia are typically able to benefit as much as Emerging reports using novel connectivity approaches in
controls from these strategies and can even show intact item schizophrenia (Cole et al., 2011) and bipolar illness with
recognition when provided with support for effective encod- psychosis history (Anticevic et al., 2012a) indeed raise the
ing (for review, see Barch, 2005). Further, a meta-analysis of intriguing possibility that there may be shared neural (and
brain activity alterations during EM performance in schizo- consequently behavioral) disturbances across the two condi-
phrenia showed consistent evidence for reduced activation tions, which may extend to cognitive deficits. Thus, future
in both ventrolateral and DLPFC, but did not find consis- work should quantify prefrontal function that may relate to
tent evidence for altered hippocampal activity (Ragland illness severity and comorbidity of psychosis across diag-
et al., 2009). Recent work on relational memory encoding noses. We return to these issues in the concluding remarks.

274 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

Next, we turn to additional disturbances in schizophrenia motivation is large and complex. However, one can organize
that extend beyond cognitive deficits. this literature by focusing on four major components to the
translation of appetitive or reward information into behavioral
responses (Berridge et al., 2009; Schultz, 2007; Wallis, 2007)
GOAL R EP RES ENTATIO NS (see Fig. 21.1). While this conceptualization is clearly an over-
AND MO TIVAT IO NA L D EFIC ITS simplication, it provides a useful set of organizing principles in
IN S C HIZ O P H RENIA approaching the study of which contributors to goal-directed
behavior are impaired in schizophrenia. The first component
The preceding discussion focused on “cold” cognitive impair- hedonics or liking (Fig. 21.1a) reflects the ability to “enjoy” the
ments in proactive control, WM, and EM in schizophrenia. stimulus or event that may provide pleasure or reward. It had
These domains have received massive research attention in traditionally been thought that the neurotransmitter dopamine
the schizophrenia literature, which is quite logical given the (DA) was the primary substrate of liking (Berridge, 2004),
evidence for their importance in understanding function and but more recent research has shown that experimental deple-
outcome, their presence across the spectrum of psychosis, and tion of DA does not reduce liking when it can be measured
their links to genetic risk for the development of psychosis. by facial expression and/or subjective reports (Berridge et al.,
However, a variety of emotional and motivational impairments 2009). Instead, hedonic responses (at least to primary sensory
have also long been clinically documented in patients (Barch stimuli) seem to be mediated by activation of the opioid and
and Smith, 2008; Gold et al., 2008; Meehl, 1962), and there has GABAergic systems in the nucleus accumbens shell and its
been resurgence of interest in understanding the psychologi- projections to the ventral pallidum, as well as in the orbital
cal and neural bases of what are often referred to as “negative frontal cortex (OFC) (e.g., Berridge et al., 2009).
symptoms” in schizophrenia. These aspects of schizophrenia A second component reward prediction and wanting
pathology include constructs such as asociality (disengage- (Fig. 21.1b) is mediated by the midbrain DA system, particu-
ment from others), avolition (a reduction in the motivation to larly the projections to ventral and dorsal striatum (Schultz,
initiate or persist in goal-directed behavior), and anhedonia 2007; Berridge et al., 2009). Many DA neurons in the substan-
(a reduction in the ability to experience pleasure). This resur- tia nigra and ventral tegmental area respond to stimuli that
gence of interest in negative symptoms in schizophrenia has predict reward, as well as to the rewarding stimuli themselves,
been driven by at least two factors. The first factor is the realiza- with the degree of response depending on reward predictabil-
tion that addressing the pervasive cognitive impairment pres- ity. These types of DA/striatal responses have been captured
ent in schizophrenia may not be enough to fully understand by temporal difference models that simulate learning about
and remediate the functional impairments that can make life stimuli that predict rewards (e.g., Montague et al., 1996). These
so difficult for individuals with this disorder. In other words, mechanisms are also thought to underlie basic aspects of rein-
we may also need to understand how cognitive impairments forcement learning that may occur without conscious aware-
interact with reward and emotional processing systems in a ness (e.g., Frank et al., 2004). A prominent, though slightly
way that leads to profound abnormalities in goal-driven behav- different theory, emphasizes the role of the DA-learning pro-
iors. A second factor, paralleling the aforementioned develop- cess in transferring incentive salience from the reward itself to
ments in cognitive neuroscience, is that major advances have reward-predicting cues, thus imbuing these cues with moti-
occurred in the field of affective neuroscience that provide vational properties themselves (e.g., a “wanting” response;
a theoretical and empirical foundation on which to draw in Berridge et al., 2009).
order to identify candidate psychological and neural mecha- A third component is cost-benefit analysis, or the abil-
nisms that drive interactions between cognitive function, ity to integrate information from different sources to derive
reward, and motivation (e.g., Wallis 2007). Here we would like and update the value of potentially rewarding outcomes. One
to propose that there may be some common mechanisms that aspect, thought to be mediated in part by orbitofrontal cor-
drive impairments in cognition and motivated behavior (e.g., tex (OFC) (e.g., Padoa-Schioppa and Cai, 2011), is the ability
anhedonia/amotivation) in schizophrenia—specifically the to represent value information (Fig. 21.1c), which takes into
ability to use representations about motivational salient incen- account not only the hedonic properties of a stimulus, but also
tives or rewards to generate and represent goal-directed action the internal state of the organism (e.g., value of juice when
plans necessary to achieve those incentives or rewards. This thirsty versus not), the delay before the reward occurs, the
perspective builds on our previously articulated goal and the available reward options (e.g., juice versus wine after a hard
hope for the field; namely, to understand several complex and day), and the changing contingencies associated with a stim-
seemingly distinct behavioral manifestations in schizophrenia ulus (a previously rewarded response is now punished) (e.g.,
via parsimonious final common mechanistic pathways (Yizhar Dias et al., 1996). Some researchers have described the OFC as
et al., 2011). being involved in “working memory for value,” or the ability to
In order to understand the basis for this argument, it is maintain, update, and integrate different sources of informa-
important to overview the psychological processes and neu- tion about value over a short period of time (e.g., Frank and
ral systems thought to support linking experienced or antici- Claus, 2006). Human functional neuroimaging studies also
pated rewards and/or incentives with the action plans that highlight activation of OFC under conditions requiring value
need to be generated and maintained in order to obtain these representations (e.g., O’Doherty, 2007), particularly those in
rewards. The literature on the neural bases of reward and which response contingencies need to be updated, such as

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Integration of neuropathology at the level of phenomenology and symptoms
(a) (b)
Reward prediction (wanting)
Hedonics (liking)
Reinforcement learning
Opioid/GABA systems
dopaminergic systems
(Striatum, OFC)
(Basal ganglia)


Integration of information
to update and maintain values Cost-benefit
(OFC) computation

Computing effort to
plan in relationship
to reward value

Constructing action to plan
and obtain valued outcome

Behavioral response designed

to obtain desired outcome

Figure 21.1 Integration of neuropathology at the level of phenomenology and symptoms—goal representations and motivational deficits in schizophrenia. (Figure
adapted from Barch and Dowd, 2010.) This figure outlines a conceptual overview of several processes thought to be involved in translating reward information
into goal-directed behaviors, which may be compromised in schizophrenia.

reversal learning (e.g., Cools et al., 2007). In addition, humans for impaired action planning following lateral PFC lesions (e.g.,
with OFC lesions can show reversal learning impairments Zalla et al., 2001); and (4) evidence that increases in DLFPC
(e.g., Fellows and Farah, 2005). activity mediate “motivated” cognitive control enhancements
Another aspect of representing value information is effort that occur with the provision of incentives in both animals
computation (Fig. 21.1d), that is, determining the cost of engag- (e.g., Sakagami and Watanabe, 2007) and humans (e.g., Jimura
ing in whatever actions it will take to obtain that outcome. For et al., 2010). In other words, intact DLPFC function may be
example, you may really want to eat some ice cream, and may necessary to translate information about value into goal repre-
perceive eating ice cream as rewarding, but you may not want sentations and to maintain such information so that is can be
to extend the effort to go to the store to get the ice cream. Some implemented as action plans to achieve the desired outcome.
research suggests that the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex
(ACC) may be important for evaluating the effort associated
with different action plans, with contributions from DA input
from nucleus accumbens and related forebrain circuitry (e.g., Numerous studies have emphasized that individuals with
Salamone et al., 2007). For example, research has shown that schizophrenia and controls show similar patterns of valence
ACC lesions, as well as depletions of accumbens DA, lead ani- and arousal (e.g., liking) in their self-reported emotional
mals to choose low effort but low reward options over higher responses to affect-eliciting stimuli (for reviews, see Kring and
reward, but higher effort options (e.g., Rushworth et al., 2007; Moran, 2008; Cohen and Minor, 2010). The neuroimaging
Salamone et al., 2007). studies examining striatal responses to the receipt of monetary
A fourth component is the ability to generate and execute rewards in schizophrenia have also shown a consistent pattern
goal-directed action plans necessary to achieve the valued out- of intact responses. Specifically, these studies have found robust
come (Fig. 21.1e), a function closely aligned with the concept ventral striatal responses to the receipt of money (e.g., Simon
of proactive control. A number of researchers have discussed et al., 2009; Dowd and Barch, 2012). Interestingly, Simon and
the role of the lateral PFC in relation to this component in colleagues found that the magnitude of the reward receipt
the context of reward and motivation (in particular DLPFC) response in the ventral striatum was inversely associated with
(Braver et al., 1999; Miller and Cohen, 2001; Wallis, 2007), severity of depression, but not with anhedonia (Simon et al.,
a function that is consistent with a number of other lines of 2009). Schlagenhauf and colleagues did not find group differ-
research and theory, including: (1) the role of the DLPFC in ences in the response to rewards in the ventral striatum, though
top-down control of cognitive processing; (2) models suggest- they did not clearly see intact responses in patients, and there
ing that the DLPFC provides a bias signal that helps to facilitate were reduced striatal responses to loss-avoidance among the
goal-directed behavior (Miller and Cohen, 2001); (3) evidence individuals with schizophrenia (Schlagenhauf et al., 2009).

276 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

However, while striatal responses to reward receipt seem to be MID. These results have been found in unmedicated individu-
largely intact in schizophrenia, some of these studies did report als with schizophrenia (e.g., Nielsen et al., 2012a), as well as in
abnormal cortical responses to reward receipt (Schlagenhauf individuals taking typical antipsychotics, but not in individuals
et al., 2009; Walter et al., 2010; Waltz et al., 2010). A more treated with atypicals (e.g., Simon et al., 2009), nor in prodromal
mixed picture has arisen from functional neuroimaging stud- individuals (Juckel et al., 2012). Kirsch also found reduced
ies that have examined brain responses to other types of plea- ventral striatal responses to reward cues in individuals with
surable stimuli in schizophrenia (e.g., Crespo-Facorro et al., schizophrenia taking typicals compared to atypicals (Kirsch
2001; Dowd and Barch, 2010; Grimm et al., 2012; Paradiso et al., 2007), and Nielsen et al. (2012b) found reduced ventral
et al., 2003; Plailly et al., 2006; Waltz et al., 2009). striatal responses to anticipation cues in antipsychotic-naive
In sum, the self-report literature provides relatively con- patients with schizophrenia, which improved following treat-
sistent evidence for intact self-reports of “liking” in schizo- ment with amisulpride. Importantly, a number of these studies
phrenia, though there is evidence that greater self-reports of also showed a relationship between negative symptom severity
anhedonia or negative symptom ratings are associated with and deficits in anticipatory ventral striatal activity. Juckel and
less “liking” (e.g., Dowd and Barch, 2010). In addition, the colleagues showed that the severity of negative symptoms pre-
functional neuroimaging literature on the receipt of monetary dicted the reduction in ventral striatal responses in unmedi-
rewards shows consistent evidence for intact receipt responses. cated and typically medicated patients. In addition, Simon and
However, the functional neuroimaging literature on responses colleagues showed that the magnitude of this response was
to other types of rewarding stimuli provides a more confusing inversely correlated with apathy ratings, and Waltz showed a
picture, with some evidence for reduced insular responses, and relationship between negative symptom severity and ventral
mixed evidence for altered striatal responses. Further, those striatal activation during anticipated gains (Waltz et al., 2010).
studies that have examined individual differences in negative We have also studied reward prediction using a Pavlovian task,
symptoms do suggest an important relationship between the and found a relationship between reduced striatal response to
magnitude of striatal responses to rewarding or pleasurable reward-predictive cues and greater anhedonia among individ-
stimuli and anhedonia among individuals with schizophrenia uals with schizophrenia (Dowd and Barch, 2012).
(Waltz et al., 2009; Dowd and Barch, 2010). A number of studies have also examined prediction error
responses—an increase in striatal (presumably dopaminer-
gic) responses to unexpected rewards and a decrease in stri-
atal responses when predicted rewards do not occur. Murray
found evidence for reduced prediction error responses to
In schizophrenia, there is robust evidence for altered DA and rewards among schizophrenia spectrum patients in bilateral
basal ganglia function (e.g., Fusar-Poli and Meyer-Lindenberg, midbrain and right ventral striatum, coupled with enhanced
2013; Howes et al., 2012). As such, it is surprising that a rela- prediction error responses to neutral stimuli (Murray et al.,
tively large number of studies have suggested intact rein- 2008). Somewhat consistent with this finding, Morris found
forcement learning in schizophrenia using a range of tasks in reduced prediction error responses in the striatum in schizo-
which learning is either relatively easy or relatively implicit phrenia, as well as enhanced responses for unsurprising
(e.g., Heerey et al., 2008; Waltz et al., 2007), though with reward stimuli that were not expected to elicit prediction
some exceptions (e.g., Pantelis et al., 1999). However, when errors (Morris et al., 2012). Gradin found reduced predic-
the paradigms become more difficult and require the explicit tion error responses in the caudate, but increased activation
use of representations about stimulus-reward contingencies, associated with expected reward value in the ventral striatum
individuals with schizophrenia show more consistent evi- (Gradin et al., 2011). Waltz and colleagues examined positive
dence of impaired reinforcement learning (e.g., Gold et al., and negative prediction error responses in a passive para-
2012; Waltz et al., 2007; Yilmaz et al., 2012). Interestingly, digm that required participants to learn about the timing of a
there are hints that these impairments may be greater when potential reward (Waltz et al., 2009). These researchers found
individuals with schizophrenia must learn from reward versus evidence for reduced positive prediction error responses in a
from punishment (Cheng et al., 2012; Gold et al., 2012; Waltz range of regions that included the striatum (dorsal and ven-
et al., 2007). Although such deficits could reflect impaired tral) as well as insula, but relatively intact negative prediction
basal ganglia-mediated reinforcement learning mechanisms, errors in these same regions. Interestingly, Waltz et al. did find
they may also reflect impairments in more explicit and rapid that the magnitude of prediction errors in basal ganglia among
on-line learning mechanisms that may be mediated by OFC patients was negatively correlated with avolition scores. In
and/or DLPFC, as hypothesized by Gold and colleagues (Gold more recent work, Walter et al. (2010) found intact prediction
et al., 2008) and discussed in what follows. error responses in the striatum for both positive and negative
In the neuroimaging literature, studies of reward prediction prediction errors, though this was a relatively low negative
(wanting) have primarily used paradigms that directly exam- symptom sample.
ine neural responses to reward-predicting cues, sometimes To summarize, the literature on reinforcement learning
following conditioning trials and sometimes through explicit and reward prediction in schizophrenia suggests relatively
instruction, such as in the monetary incentive delay (MID) intact learning on simple reinforcement learning paradigms,
task. A number of studies have reported reduced ventral stria- though this may reflect a ceiling. On more difficult tasks,
tum activity to cues predicting reward in schizophrenia in the there is more consistent evidence for impaired performance,

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though in terms of absolute levels of performance rather than E F F O R T C O M P U TAT I O N S A N D A C C F U N C T I O N
in learning rates. The open question in regard to this litera- IN SCHIZOPHRENIA
ture is the degree to which these impairments reflect differ-
To our knowledge, there is no work directly addressing effort
ences in striatum-influenced learning mechanisms that may
computations in schizophrenia. Several studies suggest that
be more implicit, versus explicit learning mechanisms that
individuals with schizophrenia show reduced error-related
may be more cortically mediated. Consistent with the hypoth-
ACC responses (e.g., Polli et al., 2008), as well as reduced
esis that some of these reinforcement learning impairments
post-error slowing (e.g., Kerns et al., 2005). However, there
may reflect striatal mechanisms, a growing number of stud-
is also evidence that patients with schizophrenia can show
ies in the imaging literature suggest reduced ventral striatal
normal error correction performance even in the context of
reward prediction/“wanting” responses in unmedicated and
reduced ACC responses to errors (e.g., Polli et al., 2006) and
typically medicated individuals with schizophrenia (though
that the relationship between the magnitude of the error-
not in those taking atypical antipsychotics) and evidence for
related negativity (ERN) and error-related behaviors is intact
reduced positive prediction errors. However, not all studies
in schizophrenia (Morris et al., 2006). Thus, there is some rea-
have found impaired striatal responses to reward prediction
son to believe that conflict monitoring, error processing, and
cues or to prediction error, and there is also evidence that
ACC function may be altered in individuals with schizophre-
the magnitude of these striatal impairments may be related
nia, though more work is needed to address whether these
to the severity of negative symptoms, again pointing to the
reflect the same mechanisms supporting effort computations.
importance of examining individual difference relationships
among individuals with schizophrenia. Further, a number of
studies have also found altered activation in frontal regions
during reward prediction or reinforcement learning, sug-
gesting a potentially important role for cortically mediated
mechanisms. As previously reviewed, there is strong evidence from a variety
of sources for impairments in goal representation, proactive
control, and DLPFC function in schizophrenia. Thus, an impor-
tant question is whether some of the motivational impairments
observed in schizophrenia reflect, at least in part, problems in
There are two experimental paradigms that have been fre- translating reward information into goal representations that
quently used as probes of lateral and medial OFC func- can be used and maintained in DLPFC to guide goal-directed
tion: probabilistic reversal learning and the Iowa gambling behavior. One means of examining this issue is to determine
task. Both tasks require individuals to integrate information how motivational incentives impact cognitive performance,
about rewards and punishments across trials, and to use such potentially via modulation of DLPFC activity. Several stud-
information to update value representations appropriately. ies suggest that individuals with schizophrenia are not able to
Several studies suggest impaired reversal learning in schizo- improve their performance on cognitive tasks when offered
phrenia (e.g., Waltz and Gold, 2007), though a few studies monetary incentives (e.g., Hellman et al., 1998); while an equal
using the ID-ED task did not find simple reversal learning number suggest at least some evidence for improvement with
deficits in schizophrenia (e.g., Jazbec et al., 2007). These reward (e.g., Rassovsky et al., 2005), though the studies show-
reversal-learning impairments are present even when individ- ing improvements have not used executive control tasks. There
uals with schizophrenia and controls are matched on initial is also work on the use of token economies in schizophrenia
acquisition performance (Weiler et al., 2009). The literature that suggests functioning can be improved through an explicit
on the Iowa gambling task in schizophrenia also provides evi- reward system, though token economies provide a number of
dence for impairment (e.g., Kim et al., 2009), again with some “external” supports for maintaining reward-related informa-
exceptions (e.g., Turnbull et al., 2006). There is also evidence tion that could compensate for deficits in the ability to trans-
for structural and functional changes in OFC in schizophre- late reward information into action plans. However, to date,
nia (e.g., Pantelis et al., 2003; Plailly et al., 2006), though such there are no fMRI studies examining whether or not incentives
changes have not been directly related to reversal learning or modulate DLPFC activity during cognitive control or WM
Iowa gambling task performance. There is also reasonable evi- tasks in schizophrenia.
dence for olfactory functioning deficits in schizophrenia (e.g., Recent elegant work by Ursu and colleagues provides some
Kamath et al., 2013), which could be related to OFC func- data at least indirectly consistent with the presence of deficits
tion (given that olfactory cortex is located in OFC) (Moberg in the ability to maintain emotionally relevant information in
and Turetsky, 2003), although it is not clear whether olfactory schizophrenia (Ursu et al., 2011). In the scanner, Ursu and col-
functions rely on the same OFC regions that support value leagues presented participants with affective or neutral pictures
computations. In sum, there is good evidence from the behav- for a brief period followed by a delay interval during which
ioral literature for deficits in tasks thought to reflect OFC subjects “maintained” the affective state. Following the delay,
function in schizophrenia, but no direct evidence of impaired all participants provided ratings of their emotional experience
OFC function in relationship to deficits in value computation, of the previously presented stimulus. Interestingly, during
as one might find in imaging studies of probabilistic reversal the initial stimulus presentation phase (i.e., while the physi-
learning (Cools et al., 2002). cal stimulus was presented on screen), patients and healthy

278 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

comparison subjects showed little difference in neural activity, the intact ability to maintain appetitive cues or context over
as revealed by a direct contrast. In fact, both groups activated time—a process that may be reliant on WM and proactive
a distributed network of regions previously associated with cognitive control, which are compromised in schizophrenia
processing affective stimuli, including the visual cortex, insula, (Barch and Dowd, 2010). Thus, deficits in reward prediction
thalamus, midbrain structures, and other regions. However, and learning may be exacerbated by the inability to actively
when required to “maintain” the affective content over the maintain rewarding information in WM, which may extend
delay, individuals with schizophrenia exhibited marked reduc- beyond simple appetitive stimuli to more abstract rewards.
tions in signal across regions previously linked to cognitive What is needed next is research that directly tests the ability to
control (e.g., DLPFC). The lack of maintenance signals cor- use and maintain internal representations of reward informa-
related with negative symptom severity in their sample. It is tion to modulate behavior and brain function in schizophre-
important to note that Ursu and colleagues found an associa- nia, along with work that characterizes links between deficits
tion with negative and not positive stimuli, which somewhat in this ability and everyday function in this illness.
limits the generalizability of their findings to discussion of The previous discussion reviews the potential mechanisms
reward and motivation. Nevertheless, this general pattern of of impairment in schizophrenia as potentially dissociable
reduced PFC signal in the context of maintaining affective psychological and neural systems that may make indepen-
information is in correspondence with a body of evidence dent contributions to impairments in goal directed behavior
showing that schizophrenia is associated with reduced DLPFC in schizophrenia. However, it is also possible that there are
signals during cognitive control and WM tasks described in impairments in several of these functions and systems that
the preceding, and is consistent with the hypothesis that indi- reflect one or multiple common mechanisms. One potential
viduals with schizophrenia may have difficulty representing common denominator that could lead to impairments in each
information about rewards and incentives that can be used to of the functions (outside of hedonics) is altered DA function
drive goal directed behavior (Heerey and Gold, 2007). in both subcortical and cortical regions (e.g., Fusar-Poli and
Meyer-Lindenberg, 2013; Howes et al., 2012). Almost all of
the functions described earlier are heavily reliant on intact DA
function, which has widespread influences on both cognitive
and motivational systems. Thus, should future research indi-
Taken together, the results of the current literature review are cate that many or all of the processes involved in translating
generally consistent with the interpretation that hedonics are reward into goal directed action are impaired in schizophre-
relatively intact in schizophrenia. In contrast, the literature nia, it may suggest a role for a core deficit in DA function that
increasingly suggests that there may be a deficit in putatively modulates multiple components of the system as one parsi-
DA mediated reward learning and/or reward prediction func- monious explanation. However, it is also possible that ongo-
tions. Such findings suggest that impairment in striatal reward ing research will provide evidence for selective impairments
prediction mechanisms may influence “wanting” in schizo- or differential involvement of neurotransmitter systems in
phrenia in a way that reduces the ability of individuals with individual components of the system (e.g., GABA or glutamate
schizophrenia to use anticipated rewards to drive motivated to DLPFC deficits), providing important clues as to pathways
behavior. Although there is ample evidence for impaired for intervention. Further, antipsychotic medications that block
DLPFC function and action planning in schizophrenia, there DA receptors have the potential to impact these cognitive and
is little work directly examining the influence of rewards on motivational systems at several stages, and addressing poten-
the ability to modulate these mechanisms in schizophrenia. tial medication confounds will therefore be critical to future
However, the literature on DLPFC mediated cognitive impair- work in this field. While practical and ethical constraints make
ments in schizophrenia, and the recent work by Ursu (Ursu controlled examination of medication effects difficult, there
et al., 2011) suggests some potentially intriguing interactions are several strategies that, when combined, may yield a fuller
between reward predictions and proactive control in con- picture of how reward-related functions are affected by medi-
tributing to motivational impairments in schizophrenia. To cations in this population. The reward prediction literature has
illustrate, consider the following scenario: An individual with begun to tackle these questions by examining unmedicated
schizophrenia may report that they enjoy chocolate chip cook- patients and comparing results between different medication
ies, but may not be able to engage in the behaviors necessary to types. Other approaches could include: examining genetically
obtain or make more chocolate chip cookies (Barch and Dowd, related, medication-naïve populations such as first-degree rel-
2010; Kring and Moran, 2008). Planning, purchasing, prepar- atives and schizotypal personality disorder patients; delaying a
ing, or baking the cookies requires ongoing maintenance of dose of medication in order to perform within-subjects com-
contextual or cue information that should trigger associations parisons at high and low D2R blockade, and/or performing
about the food’s rewarding properties, which will ultimately PET and fMRI studies in the same sample to gain information
guide the volitional pursuits over time that may lead to such about individual levels of DA synthesis, availability, or recep-
a reward (in this case intake of appetitive food). An intact tor distribution to directly link DA function to behavior and
reward valuation and prediction system is necessary for this brain responses associated with proactive control and moti-
set of behaviors to take place, and deficits in these functions vation. Finally, due to well-known system-level DA and glu-
in schizophrenia may reduce the ability of appetitive food cues tamate interactions (Coyle, 2006) it will be critical for future
to drive behavior. However, these functions also depend on studies to fully disambiguate whether DA dysregulation, even

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if functionally important for the aforementioned deficits, is (a) Micro-circuit level disturbances in cortical function
the proximal cause of these deficits or a downstream abnor-
mality of other neurotransmitter and microcircuit alterations
(Lewis et al., 2012). Such complex multilevel integration, from
synaptic mechanism to system-wide effects of interacting neu-
rotransmitter abnormalities, will be vital to mechanistically
understand emerging behavioral pathology in schizophrenia.


AC R OS S L EVEL S O F A NA LY S ES interneuron pyramidal cell

Thus far we have discussed the complex cognitive and moti- (b) Cortical-striatal-limbic circuit disruption in schizophrenia
vational processes affected in schizophrenia from the perspec-
tive of psychological processing as well as the brain regions and Glutamate (+) GABA(–)
broadly defined neural and neurotransmitter systems that may Dopamine
support these processes. This is the level of analysis most com-
monly examined using cognitive neuroscience approaches, and
the levels for which the most data exist about impairment in
schizophrenia level, mainly due to the functional resolution of
non-level human neuroimaging. Indeed, such approaches have
honed our search for mechanisms involved in these behavioral
deficits. However, such cognitive neuroscience approaches when
used in isolation have more difficulty identifying underlying striatum cortex
cellular mechanisms (in humans, and therefore patients suffer- VTA thalamus amyg
ing from mental illness, at least). Such a cellular and molecular
level of understanding is crucial to identify effective pharmaco- Figure 21.2 Conceptual illustration of neural circuitry across levels of

logical therapies that directly translate from an understanding computation that may be involved in affective and cognitive disturbances in
schizophrenia. The figure highlights how, in order to explain deficits at the
of the impaired mechanisms leading to abnormal cognitive and
phenomenological/behavioral level, we need to bridge observations across
motivational process. We believe it will be critical to close the multiple levels of analysis in schizophrenia. (a) At the regional level there is
existing gaps in our understanding of emotion and cognition clear evidence for both structural and functional abnormalities in cortical and
in schizophrenia across levels of explanation: from synaptic striatal/thalamic circuits in schizophrenia (Bora et al., 2011; Shepherd et al.,
signaling at the microcircuit level, to system-level disruptions 2012). Based on emerging findings from basic animal (e.g., Yizhar et al., 2011;
Lewis et al., 2012), postmortem (e.g., Lewis et al., 2012), and pharmacological
and ultimately abnormal behavior. We acknowledge that a
studies (Krystal et al., 2003), there is an increasing understanding of
comprehensive review of the neurobiology and neurochemical microcircuit abnormalities that may be at play in schizophrenia, contributing to
alterations in schizophrenia is beyond the scope of the pres- regional abnormalities (Marin, 2012). One possibility is that that abnormalities
ent chapter (see prior reviews for excellent treatments of this in the balance of excitation/inhibition in cortical microcircuitry (E/I balance)
topic (e.g., Krystal et al., 2003; Lewis et al., 2012; Marin, 2012; contribute to downstream system-level disturbances that encompass
distributed circuits and neurotransmitter systems. One leading hypothesis
Moghaddam and Javitt, 2012). However, we briefly highlight
postulates an imbalance between cortical excitation and inhibition between
how evolving cellular-level hypotheses of microcircuit disrup- pyramidal cells and interneurons, producing a state of “disinhibition,” which
tions offer a possible foundation for understanding higher-order may in turn affect regional and neural system-level function in schizophrenia
emergent neural system and behavioral deficits in schizophre- (Yizhar et al., 2011). (b) Less is known about how some of these regional
nia that demand mechanistic explanations. deficits and microcircuit alterations manifest in possible system-level
disruptions in functional loops between prefrontal, striatal, limbic, and
As discussed in this chapter, the clinical cognitive and moti-
thalamic nodes in schizophrenia (Lisman, 2012). Deficits in these interacting
vational neuroscience approach to schizophrenia has identi- functional systems need to be considered when interpreting abnormalities
fied region-level abnormalities in both function and anatomy between affective and cognitive operations in schizophrenia. Furthermore,
across areas such as DLPFC, hippocampus, amygdala, thala- there is known interplay between interacting neurotransmitter systems in
mus, and striatum (Fig. 21.2). Regions such as DLPFC, striatum, cortico-striatal-thalamic loops that may be compromised in schizophrenia (e.g.,
Coyle, 2006). Considering effects across all of these levels will be critical to
amygdala, and thalamus comprise a set of cortical-subcortical
mechanistically understand complex schizophrenia phenomenology.
networks and loops, which function in concert and are influ-
enced by multiple neuromodulatory signaling pathways
(Fig. 21.2). Indeed, as reviewed previously, disruptions in
numerous interacting neurotransmitter systems, including DA, Fusar-Poli and Meyer-Lindenberg, 2013; Howes et al., 2012).
GABA, and glutamate have been implicated in schizophre- Patients also present with reduced (in particular hypostimula-
nia (e.g., Krystal et al., 2003; Lewis et al., 2012). For example, tion of D1 receptors in PFC; Abi-Dargham et al., 2002). Patients
there is mounting evidence for DA alterations in the striatum may also exhibit disruptions in glutamateric signaling at the
of patients with schizophrenia that result in hyperactivity (e.g., NMDA receptor (Krystal et al., 2003), as well as disruptions in

280 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

GABA synthesis and signaling from interneurons onto pyrami- way to accomplish this goal could involve computational
dal cells (e.g., Lewis et al., 2012) (Fig. 21.2b). As noted, there modeling, particularly models that are rooted in
is still an ongoing debate as to which one of these disruptions neurophysiologic data and that build on assumptions
may be the proximal cause of downstream symptoms (Coyle, based on molecular and systems neuroscience (e.g.,
2006), but given that disruptions across interactive neurotrans- Wang, 2010). We have, as proof-of-principle, applied this
mitter systems are likely to contribute to dysfunction across the framework in the context of WM (Anticevic et al., 2012b),
illness course (Marsman et al., 2013), considering these complex but more work will be needed to extend such tools to other
interactions will be vital as we move toward a more complete psychological constructs and processes.
understanding of this illness.
2. Another approach is to test hypotheses regarding neural
One way to organize these multiple, interactive dysfunc-
dysfunction in schizophrenia via pharmacological
tions across levels of analysis is to consider how they may be
manipulations in healthy adults (Corlett et al., 2007). This
impacted by pathology at the level of cortical microcircuitry
is accomplished through perturbations of the underlying
(Fig. 21.2) (Lewis et al., 2012; Marin, 2012). That is, perhaps
circuitry thought to be compromised in individuals
if we were to start from cellular-level hypotheses of disrupted
suffering from the illness, via relatively well understood
cortical computations in schizophrenia, we may ultimately
neurochemical mechanisms. In turn, such manipulations
be able to better understand complex dynamics that emerge
may reveal clues regarding specific links between
at higher levels of observation. Here we need to consider that
disruptions in neurotransmitter systems, which can be
optimal cortical function depends on the balanced interac-
connected to system-level deficits and ultimately behavior.
tion of pyramidal excitatory (glutamatergic) and inhibitory
(GABAergic) neurons (Shadlen and Newsome, 1994) (i.e., 3. Continued development of more sophisticated animal
excitation/inhibition balance—E/I balance). Disruptions of models of the neural pathology that may be present in
this E/I balance can have drastic behavioral consequences, this illness that are well linked to both intermediate and
with implications for a number of neuropsychiatric conditions behavioral phenotypic markers should also be pursued
(Marin, 2012; Yizhar et al., 2011). In schizophrenia specifically (Yizhar et al., 2011). For instance, primate physiology
there may be a functional deficit in the interaction between experiments of WM, in combination with targeted
excitatory and inhibitory cortical neurons (e.g., Lewis et al., neurochemical and optogenetic manipulations (Tye and
2012; Marin, 2012). This may arise from a disruption in corti- Diesseroth, 2012), provide this framework (e.g., Arnsten
cal inhibition stemming perhaps from reduced inhibitory drive and Rubia, 2012).
via GABA interneurons onto pyramidal cells and ultimately
4. As articulated by the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC)
resulting in disinhibition of pyramidal cells (Lewis et al., 2012;
initiative (Insel and Cuthbert, 2009), examining
Marin, 2012). One finding consistent with this possibility is that
behavioral deficits and alterations in the underlying
postmortem studies of patients with schizophrenia consistently
neural systems transdiagnostically (Anticevic et al.,
show reduced levels of the mRNA for the 67-kilodalton isoform
2012b) and via continuous measures of symptom severity
of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD67, encoded by GAD1), a
could provide further clues about common versus
key factor in optimal GABA levels, in the DLPFC (for review
unique mechanisms that may co-occur in schizophrenia
see Lewis et al., 2012). Importantly, it is well documented that
and other severe neuropsychiatric illnesses such as bipolar
GABAergic interneurons function by exerting lateral inhibi-
tion and synchronizing persistent firing of pyramidal cells in
DLPFC (Rao et al., 2000), thus providing one potential mecha- 5. Lastly, large-scale imaging genomic studies as well as
nism for the tuning of representations across cortex. That is, lat- detailed spatial and temporal genetic transcriptomics
eral inhibition might enhance the processing and maintenance approaches (e.g., Kang et al., 2011) could hone our search
of salient information relative to less behaviorally relevant rep- for genes that influence cortical development, that may
resentations. Disruptions of this balance between pyramidal ultimately disrupt the cortical microcircuitry detailed in
and GABA interneurons may be one crucial pathophysiological the preceding.
mechanism operating in schizophrenia, relevant to the patterns
of neural and behavioral responses that we discuss presently. We argue that these and other complementary neuroscientific
At present, it is unknown how these cellular disruptions approaches will be critical to close our vast explanatory gaps in
in E/I balance may manifest at the level of neural systems and clinical neuroscience of schizophrenia.
ultimately diverse psychological processes compromised in
this illness (Yizhar et al., 2011). The challenge facing the field
is to close this gap and understand the pathways that lead C O N C L U DI N G R E M A R K S A N D FUTUR E
to such disruptions, which will potentially allow for future DI R E C T I O N S
hypothesis-driven compensations aimed at ameliorating such
circuit abnormalities. There are multiple paths forward that In this chapter, we have reviewed the extensive evidence that
can help close this gap: individuals with schizophrenia experience deficits in the active
representation of information necessary to guide behavior, a
1. One approach is to start at the level of cells and make critical aspect of proactive control and WM function (see
predictions regarding the higher levels of analysis. A Fig. 21.3). Further, we have also reviewed evidence that WM

2 1 C O G N I T I V E A N D M O T I V AT I O N A L N E U R O S C I E N C E O F P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S | 281

Executive Working
Control Memory
Impairments Impairments

Deficits in Goal
(Proactive Control)
Dopamine and
Striatal Function

Impaired Impaired
Neurotransmitter DLPFC
Signaling in DLPFC Network-Level
Dorsolateral Connectivity

Figure 21.3 Goal representation, cognition, and motivation in schizophrenia. The figure highlights the complex multilevel interactions that need to be considered
in the context of cognitive and motivational deficits in schizophrenia. For instance, regional deficits in prefrontal nodes such as DLPFC (bottom boxes) arising from
multiple factors—namely disrupted local neurotransmission (e.g. GABA, dopamine, and glutamate), deficits in microcircuit computations, as well as network-level
connectivity disturbances in key cortical nodes. Such regional abnormalities may be exacerbated by neurotransmitter disturbance in downstream circuits, such as
dopamine signaling in striatum (oval), which also impact on motivational problems in schizophrenia (left diamond). Such region and system-level disturbances may
converge on a “core” cognitive deficit in goal and context representation (center polygon), which is ultimately measurable via neurocognitive behavioral tests.
Importantly, such a “core” deficit may impact various complex cognitive operations that rely and tap into similar circuits (top diamonds).

deficits in schizophrenia are associated with disturbances in as well as the possible contribution of impaired DA func-
a distributed cortical frontoparietal, striatal, and thalamic tion along other interactive neurotransmitter systems. Other
circuit, though impairments in DLPFC function may play a researchers will have suggestions about different types of com-
particularly key role. Such impairments may involve not only mon mechanisms; what we wish to emphasize here is the util-
abnormalities in sustaining activation across a delay, but also ity of a more unified account of the diversity of impairments in
breakdowns in interference resolution from incoming distrac- schizophrenia as a means to move forward our understanding
tion. We have also discussed evidence suggesting that indi- of pathophysiology and treatment options.
viduals with schizophrenia have deficits in episodic memory There are several other important directions for future work
function that involve impairments in relational integration in the cognitive and motivational neuroscience of schizophre-
and retrieval. These deficits in relational processing of com- nia. The first direction is to link this work back to genetics, risk
ponents of episodic memory appear to reflect impairments in for psychosis, and endophenotypic markers, so we can better
both binding processes supported by the hippocampus and the understand the causal pathways leading to deficits in cognitive
types of beneficial encoding strategies supported by regions of and motivational processes in psychosis, and their potential
PFC. Importantly, we have also suggested that impairments synergistic interactions. There is already a good deal of evidence
in DLPFC-mediated active maintenance of information may that a variety of cognitive deficits present in schizophrenia may
contribute to deficits in motivated behavior in schizophrenia, be associated with genetic risk for psychosis, as they are present
by interfering with the ability to use and/or maintain represen- in the first-degree relatives of individuals with schizophrenia
tations of rewards, incentives, or other affective information who do not manifest psychotic symptoms. There is also some
necessary to generate action plans needed to obtain positive work beginning to link the severity of such impairment, at the
outcomes. Although we realize that this is an oversimplication, neural and/or behavioral level with particular genetic risk fac-
as outlined in Figure 21.3, we have found it useful to concep- tors. The second is closely aligned with the goals of the recently
tualize the common mechanisms that may be contributing to developed and aforementioned RDoC initiative, the aim of
deficits across cognitive domains and which may link cogni- which is to redefine the structure of psychopathology based
tive and motivational deficits. We have proposed proactive on known neural systems and neurobiological mechanisms.
control and DLPFC dysfunction as one common mechanism, Deficits in the types and profiles of cognitive and motivational

282 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

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INTR ODU C T IO N measured in animals, such as motor activity, acoustic startle

responses, or various kinds of learning. These may or may not
Animal models are experimental systems that are developed reproduce the pathophysiology of the human disorder, but
to study particular aspects of a disease, as no model can accu- may be useful for pharmacology.
rately reflect all features of the disease. Modeling of human Pathophysiological models attempt to mimic some key
neuropsychiatric disorders in animals is especially challenging aspect of the biology, though not necessarily the etiology of
(Nestler and Hyman, 2010). the human disorders. For instance, since abnormal neurode-
An example of both the opportunities and difficulties velopment is increasingly seen as central to schizophrenia,
of mouse model research is seen with Huntington’s disease perturbations of brain development (Lu, 2011) may model
(HD). HD is a single gene disorder whose genetics and neu- some aspects of the biology of the disorder. It is important
robiology are relatively well understood (Ross and Tabrizi, to interpret developmental mouse models in the context of
2011). The clinical symptoms of human HD include patho- emerging knowledge of the circuitry of psychiatric disorders
gnomonic involuntary and voluntary movement disorders, (Lewis and Sweet, 2009; Ross et al., 2006), including corti-
cognitive decline, and emotional changes, with inexorable cal and subcortical circuits. Much attention has been given
progression to death. These are accompanied by selec- to modeling alterations in dopamine signaling; however this
tive neuronal degeneration in the striatum and other brain may be more relevant to antipsychotic pharmacology than to
regions. The disease is caused by a single mutation, a CAG human disease pathogenesis.
repeat expansion at the Huntingtin locus. There have been Finally, etiologic models have the potential to match most
over a dozen attempts to model this disease in mice (Crook closely the human disorders. Presumably, the pathophysiology
and Housman, 2011). These models had some outstand- should also be congruent if the etiology is congruent. Etiologic
ing successes. For instance, the characteristic intranuclear models could be either environmental or genetic. However,
inclusions containing aggregated Huntingtin protein were while environmental factors, including pharmacologic expo-
first discovered in the mouse model, and this discovery sure, clearly contribute to psychiatric disorders, the exact fac-
enabled their identification in humans. The mice generally tors and their time course, are not yet well defined, and so it
do have some motor and cognitive abnormalities, and in is difficult to model them. Therefore, taking into account the
some cases there is a progressive phenotype ending in early strong evidence for genetic contributions to the development
death. However, most of the models do not have the mas- of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, genetic models may be
sive striatal neurodegeneration seen in the human disease. the most specific way to attempt to match the human neurobi-
Most of the models do not have the involuntary movement ology, and hopefully model pathogenesis and, ideally, response
disorder. Many of the models have weight gain instead of to treatment.
the progressive weight loss seen in most HD cases. Thus, it In this review we will mention some of the non-genetic
is important to keep in mind that even in a disorder that models, but focus on genetic mouse models, evaluate their
should be relatively straightforward, the mouse models have advantages and limitations, and comment on potential new
both strengths and weaknesses, and demand careful and prospects for the field. We will focus on single gene altera-
cautious interpretation. tions and attempts to model copy number variation. For
During the last three decades multiple animal models most genetic contributors to human psychiatric disorder,
of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder have been generated, the pathophysiologic mechanisms are poorly understood.
based on environmental exposures, drug-induced behaviors, For instance, genetic variation could lead to overall loss of
or lesions. We might categorize different kinds of animal function, gain of function, misregulation of gene expression
models in terms of their relationship to the cognate human and function, or other more complex changes. Until spe-
diseases. cific causative mutations are identified, models will have to
Phenotypic models attempt to model aspects of the phe- depend on hypotheses about gain or loss of function or other
notype of the disease, often picking behaviors that are reliably alterations.

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NON-GE NETIC MO D EL S modeled, it is unclear whether they arise from the same patho-
logical processes, since hyperactivity can be induced by a great
variety of drugs and manipulations irrelevant to the etiology
One approach to animal models of schizophrenia and bipolar and neuropathology of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder
disorders is based on use of pharmacological challenges. These (Ridley and Baker, 1982).
models are mainly relatively acute phenotypic models, though
exposure to psychostimulants, cannabis, PCP, and other drugs
may contribute to susceptibility to human psychiatric disor-
ders. In addition, these pharmacologic models may be able An additional approach to animal models involves attempts to
to mimic the behavioral effects of treatments used in clinic reproduce pathogenic processes underlying the disease. These
(pharmacological isomorphism) and to predict pharmacologi- models are based on the concept that behavioral deficits in
cal effects of experimental compounds to become future thera- humans are due to disturbances in the brain functioning that
peutics (predictive validity) (Matthysse, 1986). could be modeled in animals (Elenbroek, 1995). Abnormal
Among pharmacological animal models of schizophrenia, neurodevelopment is believed to be an important factor lead-
phencyclidine (PCP)- or amphetamine-induced hyperactivity ing to behavioral deficits (Jaaro-Peled et al., 2010). Thus, ani-
are most popular. Similarly, amphetamine-induced hyperac- mal models of abnormal brain and behavior development are
tivity has been widely used to model mania (Berggren et al., likely to be most informative for our understanding of the neu-
1978; Davies et al., 1974; Gould et al., 2001; Kato et al., 2007), robiology of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (Insel, 2010;
although lithium does not seem to attenuate amphetamine- Kamiya et al., 2012).
induced changes in healthy volunteers (Silverstone, 1998). During the last three decades several animal models of
The major caveat of drug-induced hyperactivity models is schizophrenia have been generated based on environmental
that hyperactivity is one of a broad set of symptoms of sev- exposures and lesions in developing and adult rodents (Lipska
eral psychiatric diseases, including schizophrenia, attention- and Weinberger, 1993, 1995). The similar approaches have
deficit hyperactivity disorder, and bipolar disorder (Young, been utilized for neurodevelopmental models of bipolar dis-
2011). Since pharmacological treatments of schizophrenia and order. For example, the exposure of the animals to early social
bipolar disorder are largely symptom-based or palliative, ani- isolation or early postnatal lesions in amygdala may produce
mal models that mimic behavioral responses to drugs are less the symptoms resembling aspects of mania, such as increased
likely to provide insights into the pathogenic mechanisms of locomotor activity and enhanced sensitivity to the locomo-
disease and more likely to illuminate behavior pharmacology tor-activating effects of amphetamine (Swerdlow, 2001). In
(Elenbroek and Cools, 1995). the context of recent reports on using transcranial magnetic
stimulation as a treatment for depression, use of electrically or
chemically induced kindling to study the development of new
B E H AV I O R A L O R S Y M P T O M - O R I E N T E D M O D E L S
episodes in bipolar disorder is also of an interest (Kalynchuk,
Another approach to animal models of schizophrenia and 2000). Still, all these non-genetic pathogenic animal models do
bipolar disorder mimics behavioral abnormalities of the dis- not really address the etiology of the diseases and will unlikely
ease. Critically, in addition to evaluation of how accurate mod- advance uncovering new therapeutic targets.
eled animal behaviors reflect human symptoms, animal models
of face validity are also scrutinized in pharmacological studies
to evaluate if an altered behavior is responsive to treatments G E N E T I C M O U SE M O DE L S
also used in clinical settings. For example, disrupted prepulse O F SC HI Z O P HR E N I A
inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle and abnormal social
interaction mimic impaired sensorimotor gating and social Genetic models have the potential to model both etiology and
withdrawal observed in schizophrenia patients and can be pathogenesis. Recent genetic studies are finally yielding repli-
improved by typical and atypical antipsychotics). Symptoms cable genetic loci for the human disorder. Most mouse work
of mania that can be modeled in animals include increased to date has relied on genes identified in linkage studies, which
activity, irritability, reduced need for sleep (or other changes may contribute risk in small families though not necessarily
in sleep patterns), aggressive behavior, sexual drive, distract- in the entire population. However in other disorders, genes
ibility, and risk-taking behavior, all of which are commonly identified in small families have often turned out later to be
observed in human mania (Einat, 2006). Models of the depres- relevant to the population at large. Since psychiatric genetics is
sive phase of bipolar disorder usually utilize models validated still in a relatively early stage, it is difficult now to know which
in the context of depression research (see the chapter on mod- genes will confer the greatest amount of risk in different popu-
els of depression), such as models of anhedonia, sleep disorder, lations. Furthermore, alterations of genes whose gene products
poor hygiene, and changes in appetite or weight (Cryan and are involved in pathogenic pathways may be very useful even if
Holmes, 2005). the gene altered does not turn out to contribute a large amount
However, key positive and negative symptoms of schizo- of risk in human populations. In the future, likely more mod-
phrenia or mood swings in bipolar disorder cannot be fully els will be available from loci confirmed in large GWAS or
reproduced in animals. Even when schizophrenia-like altera- sequencing studies. For now, much of the work is on genes
tions such as hyperactivity or social behavior deficit are identified in smaller studies.

288 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

MODELS BASED ON GENES FROM in cognitive ability but still show differences in performance in
G E N O M E - W I D E A S S O C I AT I O N S T U D I E S the Hebb-Williams maze (Stanford et al., 2003).
Most of the candidate genes studied to date emerged from
relatively small linkage or association studies, and have not
A putative role of the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcrip-
been seen in genome-wide association studies, so their rel-
tion factor TCF4 in the adult brain has been evaluated in trans-
evance to schizophrenia in the population is uncertain (Sklar
genic mice that moderately overexpress TCF4 in the postnatal
et al., 2008). Genome-wide association studies offer an unbi-
brain. TCF4 transgenic mice display profound deficits in con-
ased assessment of variation across the entire genome, with
textual and cue-dependent fear conditioning and sensorimo-
the ability to identify specific disease variants (Bergen et al.,
tor gating. Molecular analyses revealed the dynamic circadian
2012; Lee et al., 2012). A recent list of the risk genes asso-
deregulation of neuronal bHLH factors in the adult hippocam-
ciated with schizophrenia at genome-wide significance level
pus. This study describes the first animal model relating to
includes zinc finger binding protein 804A (ZNF804A), the
TCF4, and suggests that this transcriptional factor contributes
major histocompatibility (MHC) region on chromosome
to cognitive processing (Brzózka et al., 2010).
6, neurogranin (NRGN), and transcription factor 4 (TCF4)
(e.g., Lee et al., 2012). In addition, Ripke and colleagues have
identified the microRNA MIR137 and its targets (Ripke et al., M O D E L S B A S E D O N C O P Y N U M B E R V A R I AT I O N
2011). Generating animal models with the risk variants and
Recent studies have implicated structural variations in the
characterizing molecular, cellular, behavioral, and other pro-
genome (copy number variations) in schizophrenia (Malhotra
cesses will help to link these genes to disease mechanisms.
and Sebat, 2012). A 22q11 deletion has long been known to lead
However, animal model research in this field is only starting.
to 25-fold increase in the risk for schizophrenia (Murphy et al.,
Here, we review a few experimental studies available in the
1999), though it is uncertain to what extent this corresponds
literature to date (fall of 2012).
to other forms of the disease. 22q11.2 deletion syndrome,
MHC DiGeorge syndrome (DGS), or velo-cardio-facial syndrome
The most replicated schizophrenia GWAS association is the (VCFS) is associated with craniofacial and cardiovascular
MHC locus, though multiple genes involved in immunity, abnormalities, immunodeficiency, hypocalcemia, short stat-
neurodevelopment, synaptic plasticity, and other processes ure, and cognitive dysfunctions (Karayiorgou et al., 2010). The
present a challenge for linking specific genes in this region orthologous region of the human 22q11.2 locus is located on
to pathophysiology (Corriveau et al., 1998; Huh et al., 2000;). mouse chromosome 16 with a high degree of conservation
Many MHC mouse studies focus on species-specific recogni- within the 22q11.2 region (Drew, 2011). Both long-range dele-
tion as a part of mating behavior (Hurst, 2009). A few investi- tion models and single gene knockout (KO) preparations have
gations have been performed to address roles for this locus in been described. Here, we only briefly review mouse models
other behaviors. For example, it has been reported that mice related to the deletion. Comprehensive recent reviews of this
deficient for both H2-K(b) and H2-D(b)(K(b)D(b−/−)) have a topic are available elsewhere (e.g., Karayiorgou et al., 2010).
lower threshold for induction of long-term depression (LTD) Two of the long-range deletion models—the Df(16)A−/−
at parallel fiber to Purkinje cells synapses and improvement in model (Stark, 2008) and the LgDel/- model (Merscher et al.,
acquisition and retention of a Rotarod behavioral task. These 2001)—lack the entire 1.5 Mb region on one chromosome,
results suggest a role for classical MHCI molecules in synaptic most closely modeling the human 22q11.2 deletion. These
plasticity and motor learning (McConnell et al., 2009). Unlike models have been reported to display impaired working mem-
wild-type animals, mice lacking both β-2-microglobulin ory and prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle, simi-
and transporter associated with antigen processing (β2M− lar to the phenotypes of individuals with the 22q11.2 deletion
/−TAP−/−) showed a greater hypothalamic pituitary adrenal syndrome (Paylor, 2006; Stark, 2008).
activation to saline injection, while lipopolysaccharide-in- Among single gene KO mouse models involving the region
duced cytokine expression in the hypothalamus was similar of the deletion, PRODH is a promising candidate gene (Li,
in β2M−/−TAP−/− and wild type mice, suggesting that class I 2008) that encodes a mitochondrial enzyme to metabolize
MHC plays a role in stress reactivity (Sankar et al., 2012). L-proline, a putative neuromodulator of Glu and GABA neu-
An interesting approach to the behavioral effects of the rotransmission. Genetic variants in this gene have been associ-
MHC locus is to compare behaviors between MHC-congenic ated with hyperprolinemia type 1 and schizophrenia (Harrison
strains of mice or rats, which are genetically identical to each and Weinberger, 2005). Mutant mice with reduced PRODH
other except for the locus. Spatial learning and memory in male enzymatic activity show abnormal associative conditioning
and female mice of two MHC-congenic strains (C57BL/6J and (Gogos et al., 1999; Paterlini et al., 2005). These mutant mice
B6-H-2K) in two versions of the Hebb-Williams maze were were reported to have increased levels of COMT, possibly as a
evaluated. In the food-reward paradigm, males required fewer compensation for enhanced DA signaling in prefrontal cortex
sessions to learn than females, but there were no strain differ- (PFC). Blockade of COMT in PRODH KO mice impairs learn-
ences in acquisition. The B6-H-2K mice reached the goal box ing in T-maze task (Paterlini et al., 2005). These results suggest
faster than the C57BL/6J mice. In the water-escape paradigm, an epistatic interaction between COMT and PRODH (Kvajo
the C57BL/6J mice required more sessions than the B6-H-2K et al., 2011), consistent with a similar interaction reported
mice during acquisition. Thus, these two strains are comparable for patients with 22q11.2 deletion (Raux, 2007). A growing

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appreciation of the fact that a large number of schizophrenia These endophenotypic studies were further extended in a
cases result from copy number variations provides the good recent MRI analysis that found the structural volume deficits
rationale for the development of models based on chromo- in cortical regions, subiculum and dentate gyrus, and the stria-
somal engineering and other advanced techniques to manipu- tum were found in mutant mice (Lutkenhoff et al., 2012).
late sizable segments of DNA (Nomura and Takumi, 2012). The molecular and neuronal abnormalities in sandy mice
may underlie the behavioral phenotypes, including deficits in
social interaction, long-term memory, novel object recogni-
tion, and working memory (Feng et al., 2008; Jentsch et al.,
2009). Moreover, the most recent reports have described inter-
Genetic models of candidate genes emerging from early link- action of dysbindin with another candidate gene, Disrupted-in-
age studies have been also generated, including dysbindin, neu- Schizophrenia-1 (DISC1), suggesting overlapping intracellular
regulin 1, and Disrupted-in-Schziophrenia-1 (DISC1), which signaling pathways for these two important proteins (Camargo
have attracted the most attention and are described here in et al., 2007; Ottis et al., 2011).
greater detail. It is notable that most candidate genes that have
been studied to date have not been well supported by GWAS NEUREGULIN 1
studies (Collins et al., 2012). These include COMT, dopamine Neuregulin 1 (NRG1) and its receptors, ErbB2 and ErbB4,
receptors, neuregulin, dystrophin, BDNF, and other genes. It appeared in linkage studies (Stefansson et al., 2002), though
is possible that genes that do not have a signal in GWAS stud- again, not yet in genome-wide association studies. Thus, while
ies may still be important in familial or other subtypes of the there has been a large amount of interesting neurobiology
disorder. brought forward to date, it is not yet clear how relevant it will
be to human disease.
DYSBINDIN Neuregulin-1, also known as heregulin, acetylcholine
Dystrobrevin-binding protein 1, or dysbindin, encoded by the receptor inducing activity (ARIA), glial growth factor (GGF),
DTNBP1 gene and discovered through screening for binding or sensory and motor neuron derived factor (SMDF), is
partners of α-dystrobrevin (Benson et al., 2001) is a part of encoded by the NRG1 gene located on chromosome 8p13
the dystrophin-associated protein complex (DPC) and of the (Law et al., 2006). Chromosome 8p, mainly the region around
biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex 1 (BLOC-1) 8p21.1–22, has been implicated as a locus harboring one or
(Nazarian et al., 2006). The dysbindin locus was first identified more susceptibility genes by several linkage studies (Goes FS
in an Irish study (Straub et al., 2002), and some research has et al., 2008). Association of this gene with schizophrenia has
supported relevance of this gene to schizophrenia, including been replicated, although some contradictions exist (Chen et
haplotypes of the gene linked to the negative symptoms, or cog- al., 2006; Harrison and Law, 2006). The SNPs associated with
nitive functioning in healthy people (Talbot, 2009). Postmortem schizophrenia were positioned either before exon 1 or in the
studies also found reduced expression of the gene and protein introns, and no functional mutations have been identified
in the hippocampus and PFC (Talbot, 2009; Weickert, 2008), (Gogos et al., 1999; Mei and Xiong, 2008). Polymorphisms in
where decreased expression of the protein can affect synaptic the intronic regions of this gene are associated with variation
neurotransmission (Iizuka et al., 2007) and synaptic stability. in cognitive functions in healthy individuals (Silberberg, 2006;
The role for dysbindin in vivo has been mainly evaluated Roussos et al., 2012) and may alter NRG1 expression. Both
using mice with spontaneous deletion in the Dtnbp1gene, upregulation and downregulation in expression of mRNA
leading to loss of dysbindin in “sandy” mice of DBA/2J strain or protein in postmortem brain samples have been reported
(Li et al., 2003; Talbot, 2009). Sandy mice model type VII (Hashimoto et al., 2004; Law et al., 2006; Chong et al., 2008).
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome, which is characterized by ocu- NRG1 has been implicated in neuronal migration, synap-
locutaneous albinism, prolonged bleeding, and pulmonary togenesis, gliogenesis, neuron-glia interplay, myelin formation,
fibrosis. Earlier studies suggested that dysbindin can be involved and synaptic neurotransmission (Harrison, 2006). Recently,
in regulation of exocytosis and vesicle biogenesis in neurons one of the NRG-1 isoforms has been found to be predomi-
and detected diminished levels of snapin (a SNAP25-binding nantly expressed prenatally, suggesting a role in neurodevel-
protein) in sandy mice that may partially explain alteration in opment (Tan, 2007). Alternative splicing of NRG1 results in
neurotransmission and behaviors (Chen et al., 2008; Feng et al., at least 15 isoforms that all contain an extracellular epidermal
2008). Nagai et al. (2010) observed decreased KCl-evoked DA growth factor (EGF)-like domain, which is sufficient for NRG1
release in prefrontal cortex, in line with attenuated behavioral biological activity, and the transmembrane (TM) domain that
sensitization after repeated methamphetamine. In addition, is common to most NRG1 isoforms (Mei, 2008). Deletion of
lower expression of dysbindin was associated with decreased Nrg1 and its receptor, ErbB4, are lethal, and mice die before
NMDA-evoked currents in PFC neurons and decreased NR1 birth (Meyer and Birchmeier, 1995). Thus, most studies have
expression that correlated with spatial working memory per- been performed using either heterozygous mice or Nrg1 hypo-
formance (Karlsgodt et al., 2011). Parvalbumin (PV)-positive morphic mice that have mutations in the different domains of
neurons were reported to be affected in these mutant mice the gene.
as well, including impaired inhibition and decreased PV cell Meyer and Birchmeier generated mice with targeted dele-
immunoreactivity, suggesting a link between this candidate tion of the EGF-like domain (NRG1-EGF+/−) by fusing exon
gene and the auditory endophenotypes (Carlson et al., 2011). 6 of the neuregulin gene to β-galactosidase, which results in

290 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

partial deletion of the EGF-like domain of all three major types and abnormal social behaviors (Kato et al., 2010). Transgenic
of Nrg1 (Meyer and Birchmeier, 1995). These mice exhibited Nrg1 mice were found to have more parvalbumin-positive neu-
elevated activity in open field, improved rotorod performance, rons and elevated levels of myelination markers in PFC (Kato
and a better performance in T-maze spontaneous alternation et al., 2010).
task that may be explained by hyperactivity (Gerlai et al., 2000) NRG1 acts by stimulating a family of single-transmembrane
that can be partially reversed with clozapine (Stefansson et al., receptor tyrosine kinases called ErbB proteins (Mei and Xiong,
2002). Nrg1 mutant mice also exhibit improved habituation to 2008). ErbB proteins have homology with the EGF receptor
a new environment, and impairment in PPI after pharmaco- (EGFR, also known as ErbB1). ErbB4 is the only autonomous
logical challenge with psychostimulants (Duffy et al., 2008). NRG1-specific ErbB that can both interact with the ligand and
An NRG-1 KO mouse model that lacks the transmembrane become activated by it as a tyrosine kinase. NRG1 signaling
domain was also generated. Heterozygous (HET) mice have no is mediated by heterodimers of ErbB2–ErbB3, ErbB2–ErbB4
gross alterations in the appearance but display increased activ- and ErbB3–ErbB4 and by the homodimer ErbB4–ErbB4.
ity and deficient PPI reversible by clozapine (Karl, 2007). Mice Consistently, ErbB2 and ErbB3 mutant mice, whose strain ori-
have no abnormalities in spatial learning but are aggressive gin was identical to that of heregulin mutants, showed no sign
(O’Tuathaigh et al., 2007). Compared to wild-type mice, Nrg1+/− of the behavioral alterations (Gerlai et al., 2000). In contrast,
mice display increased locomotor activity at 12–16 weeks of ErbB4 heterozygous mice are hyperactive (Stefansson et al.,
age, but not at 6 months. John Waddington and his associates 2002).
evaluated Nrg1 “knockouts” for four topographies of orofacial In order to study the role for the Nrg1 receptor in progeni-
movement, both spontaneously and under challenge with the tor cells, a conditional KO model was generated using mice
D(1)-like dopamine receptor agonist, SKF 83959. They report that express Cre under the nestin promoter. KO mice survived
that mutants exhibit increased spontaneous and induced inci- into adulthood and showed no behavioral deficits in locomo-
sor chattering, vertical jaw movements, and tongue protru- tion. KO mice also display reduced grip strength compared to
sions. The level of horizontal jaw movements was elevated, WT mice, while HET mice showed an intermediate phenotype.
while that of tongue protrusions was decreased in mutants, However, HET KO showed abnormalities in Morris water maze
suggesting that Nrg1 may be involved in the regulation of oro- learning and memory task relative to WT (Golub et al., 2004).
facial dyskinesia (Tomiyama, 2012). Deletion of Nrg1 also leads Selective deletion of ErbB4 in PV-positive neurons pre-
to reduced thermal pain but does not alter the antinociceptive vented NRG1 from promoting activity-dependent GABA
effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) (Walsh, 2010). Another release to inhibit the activity of pyramidal neurons. These
behavioral pharmacology study assessed the effects of MK-801 mutant mice showed hyperactivity, impaired contextual and
and phencylclidine (PCP) in these mice. Nrg1 male mutants working memory, and disrupted PPI. Some of these pheno-
display attenuated responses to the effects of acute PCP, while types were ameliorated by acute treatment with a low dose of
subchronic treatment with MK-801 and PCP comparably affect diazepam, consistent with impaired GABA neurotransmission.
social behaviors in WT and KO mice. The total ventricular and These results indicate that NRG1 regulates the activity of pyra-
olfactory bulb volumes were found decreased in mutants, but midal neurons by promoting GABA release from PV-positive
there were no group differences in levels of N-acetylaspartate, interneurons, identifying a critical function of NRG1 in bal-
glutamate, or GABA (O’Tuathaigh et al., 2010). ancing brain activity (Wen et al., 2010).
The behavior of mice heterozygous for a mutation in neu-
regulin-1’s immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domain (Ig-Nrg-1 mice) DISRUPTED-IN-SCHZIOPHRENIA-1 (DISC1)
was also assessed. These mutants demonstrate clozapine sup- The Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia-1 (DISC1) gene was discov-
pression of open-field and running wheel activity and impaired ered in a large Scottish family in which a balanced chromosomal
latent inhibition. Unlike other Nrg-1 mutants, Ig-Nrg-1 mice translocation [t(1;11)] segregates with schizophrenia, bipolar
are not hyperactive, suggesting a distinct contribution of this disease, major depression, and anxiety disorders (St Clair et al.,
domain to behavioral phenotypes (Rimer et al., 2005). The 1990). The translocation t(1;11) (q42;q14) disrupts two genes
relatively mild phenotypes of Nrg1 HET mutants might be a named Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 and 2 (DISC1 and DISC2).
result of functional compensation by Nrg2 and/or Nrg3. In contrast to DISC1, the function of DISC2 that encodes a non-
A loss-of-function mouse model for type III Nrg1 was coding RNA antisense to DISC1 is unclear. The existence of a
also generated. Type III NRG1 is transcribed by a different clear, identifiable mutation has put DISC1 in a unique position in
promoter and is expressed in mPFC, ventral hippocampus, schizophrenia research (Chubb et al., 2008; Millar et al., 2001).
and ventral subiculum. Adult type III Nrg1 HET mice have DISC1 is located within a chromosomal region that has
enlarged lateral ventricles and decreased dendritic spine den- been reported to harbor susceptibility genes for psychiatric
sity on pyramidal neurons. These brain abnormalities were illness in several populations (Ekelund et al., 2001; Hennah,
associated with impaired spatial alternation and PPI rescued 2005; Hennah et al., 2009). Several studies have also reported
by chronic nicotine treatment. This model demonstrates a role that healthy subjects and patients with schizophrenia carrying
of type III Nrg1 signaling in the neural circuits involved in sen- DISC1 variants have alterations in gray matter volume of the
sorimotor gating and short-term memory (Chen et al., 2008). hippocampus and PFC (Callicott et al., 2005; Cannon et al.,
Several studies evaluated the effects of increased Nrg1 expres- 2005), deficient memory and attention (Cannon et al., 2005;
sion using transgenic approaches. Overexpressing Nrg1 in all tis- Hennah, 2005), and hippocampal or PFC activation (Callicott
sues increased locomotor activity, decreased fear conditioning, et al., 2005). Still, there are also negative reports for linkage to

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the DISC1 locus), SNP associations (Lim, 2009; Sanders, 2008; ENU-Induced Model
Wood, 2007), and the rearrangements within the DISC1 locus. Two mouse models based on mutations in the mouse Disc1
Furthermore there is little support for the DISC1 locus in large gene as a result of N-nitroso-N-ethylurea (ENU) mutagenesis
association studies to date. were also described (Clapcote et al., 2007). Two novel missense
DISC1 protein likely acts as a scaffold protein, with mul- mutations lead to Q31L and L100P amino acid exchanges
tiple motifs mediating binding to several proteins (Camargo, in the exon 2, respectively. Notably, these mouse models
2007). DISC1 is expressed in adult rat heart, liver, kidney, are characterized by distinct phenotypes. 31L mice display
brain, and thymus. Brain expression of DISC1 encompasses increased immobility in forced swim test (FST), decreased
the hippocampal dentate gyrus, cerebral cortex, hypothala- sociability and social novelty, and decreased sucrose con-
mus, amygdala, cerebellum, and olfactory bulbs (as reviewed sumption, L100P mutants demonstrate increased locomotor
in Chubb et al., 2008; Mackie et al., 2007). activity, decreased PPI, decreased LI, and decreased perfor-
RNAi knockdown of Disc1 in the embryonic cortex affects mance in T-maze were found in L100P mutant mice. These
migration, produces mispositioning of neurons (Kamiya et al., models demonstrate that polymorphisms in Disc1 gene can
2005), decreases proliferation, and alters neuronal distribution produce variable behavioral alterations, consistent with dis-
in the developing cortex and adult hippocampus (Mao et al., tinct aspects of psychiatric disorders. Unfortunately, further
2009). In contrast, Disc1 knockdown in proliferating neurons study of some of the DISC1 models has not clearly substan-
in the mature dentate gyrus enhances migration, growth of tiated some of the initially reported behavioral phenotypes
dendrites and axons, and maturation of granule neurons. In (Shoji et al., 2012).
addition, transient knockdown of DISC1 in the pre- and peri- An analysis of the brain abnormalities in Disc1 mutants
natal stages in pyramidal neurons of PFC leads to altered dop- found a reduced neuronal number, decreased neurogenesis,
aminergic maturation and resultant behavioral abnormalities and altered neuronal distribution and shorter dendrites and
in adult mice (Niwa et al., 2010). decreased surface area and spine density in cortical neurons of
DISC1 mouse models have been instrumental in uncov- Disc1 L100P mutant mice (Lee et al., 2011). Genetic variations
ering the mechanisms whereby this protein and its partners in DISC1 can influence interaction between PDE4, GSK-3,
contribute to neurodevelopment with relevance to the patho- and DISC1 (Lipina et al., 2012).
genesis of schizophrenia. The chromosomal translocation affects the C-terminal of
the three major isoforms (Millar et al., 2001). Possible outcomes
Risk Allele Model of the translocation in the DISC1 gene include haploinsuffi-
Drs. Gogos and Karayiorgou have developed a Disc1 mouse ciency or the production of a mutant truncated DISC1 protein.
model based on the 129 mouse strain, in which a spontane- Expression of truncated human DISC1 in neuronal PC12 rat
ous 25-bp deletion in exon 6 induces a frame shift in the open cells or mouse brain affects interacting partners via dominant-
reading frame, resulting in 13 novel amino acids, followed by negative mechanisms, leading to altered levels and distribu-
a premature stop codon in exon 7. This strain was modified by tion of endogenous Disc1 (Kamiya et al., 2005; Pletnikov et al.,
homologous recombination to have a termination codon in 2008). In this context, studying effects of mutant DISC1 on
exon 8 and a premature polyadenylation site in intron 8 to pro- neurodevelopment can provide valuable mechanistic insights
duce a truncated transcript (Koike et al., 2006). Western blot into the pathogenesis of schizophrenia.
analysis of brain extracts from mutant mice demonstrated the
absence of two major Disc1 isoforms and the expression of short Constitutive Overexpression of Mutant DISC1
N-terminal isoforms (Koike et al., 2006). After backcrossing to A transgenic mouse model with constitutive expression of
the C57B6/j background, these mice show impaired working mutant human DISC1 was developed (Hikida et al., 2007).
memory and no alterations in locomotion or PPI. Subsequent Transgenic mice express mutant human DISC1 under regula-
studies have found that mutants have disorganized newly born tion of the CAMKII promoter in forebrain neurons and exhibit
and mature neurons of the dentate gyrus and altered short-term elevated novelty-induced activity, impaired PPI, and more
plasticity. Recently, defects in axonal targeting and changes in immobility in FST. Mutant mice also have decreased numbers
short-term (Kvajo et al., 2008) plasticity at the mossy fiber/ of PV-positive neurons in the cortex and a transient enlarge-
CA3 circuit have been presented for this mouse model as well ment of the lateral ventricles, demonstrating that forebrain
as elevated levels of cAMP (Kvajo et al., 2011). Thus a natural neuronal expression of mutant human DISC1 can produce
polymorphism in Disc1 gene may be responsible for the neural subtle neurobehavioral alterations resembling aspects of major
and behavioral abnormalities reminiscent of schizophrenia. psychiatric diseases (Hikida et al., 2007).
A BAC-transgenic mouse model with expression of
Disc1 KO Mice C-terminus truncated mouse Disc1 under the endogenous
Generation of Disc1 knockout mice, lacking exons 2 and 3, has Disc1 promoter was also described (Shen et al., 2008). These mice
been recently reported (Kuroda et al., 2011). Mutant mice have have thinning of the cortex, enlarged lateral ventricles, corpus
no gross brain or behavior abnormalities but exhibit elevated callosum agenesis, impaired LI, and greater immobility in FST.
anxiety and impulsivity (Kuroda et al., 2011). As expression of
short transcripts in these KO mice is still observed, a mouse Inducible C-Fragment DISC1 Model
model with deletion of the entire genetic locus is needed to Silva and Cannon’s groups have introduced a DISC1 model
better decipher the function of DISC1. in which the putative “translocated” C-terminus fragment

292 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

of DISC1 is expressed under regulation of the CAMKII pro- number of genes have emerged from GWAS studies (Welcome
moter in forebrain neurons in an inducible manner (Li et al., Trust Case Control Consortium, 2007; Sklar et al., 2008;
2007). Remarkably, early postnatal but not adult expres- Craddock and Sklar, 2009; Lichtenstein et al., 2009; Schulze
sion of the fragment produces impaired performance in a et al., 2009; Green et al., 2010; Curtis et al., 2011; Psychiatric
DNMP task, attenuated social interaction, and a shorter GWAS Consortium Bipolar Disorder Working Group 2011;
latency to immobilization in FST. These behavioral changes Sullivan et al 2012), and the hope is that as the power of these
were accompanied by reduced dendritic complexity and studies increases, additional candidate genes will be forthcom-
decreased basal synaptic transmission in the hippocampus. ing. Furthermore, the increasing sophistication of genetic anal-
This inducible model was the first to demonstrate that early yses is making it possible to suggest possible pathways (Pandey
postnatal perturbation in Disc1 can lead to neurobehavioral et al., 2012), including Wnt signaling circadian rhythm path-
changes, consistent with the neurodevelopmental hypothesis ways, cadherin signaling pathway, axonal guidance, and neu-
of schizophrenia. roactive ligand-receptor interactions.
One of the notable themes emerging from current psychi-
Inducible Mutant Human DISC1 Model atric genetics is the overlap between schizophrenia and bipo-
A different mouse model of inducible expression of mutant lar disorder as well as the overlap between schizophrenia and
human DISC1 in forebrain neurons was generated using the autism. We hypothesize that risk for schizophrenia is more
Tet-off system (Pletnikov et al., 2008). In this model, expres- related to neurodevelopmental brain changes, whereas risk for
sion of mutant DISC1 is regulated by the CAMKII promoter bipolar disorder may be more related to neuronal signaling
and can be regulated with doxycycline. Expression of mutant and plasticity.
DISC1 was described to produce no gross developmental
defects but was associated with increased spontaneous loco- CACNA1C
motor activity in male but not female mice, decreased social Voltage-gated calcium channels have emerged from these stud-
interaction in male mice, enhanced aggressive behavior and ies as strong genetic candidates, with overlap for both schizo-
poorer memory in Morris water maze task in female mice. In phrenic and bipolar disorder. There is extensive knowledge
addition, expression of mutant DISC1 led to lateral ventricle of the biology of voltage-gated calcium channels, which will
enlargement in adult mice and reduced dendritic arboriza- not be repeated in detail here. They are critical for neuronal-
tion in primary cortical neurons and decreased expression membrane-excitability regulated entry of calcium into cells,
of a synaptic protein, SNAP-25, consistent with human post- and are involved in regulation of many signaling pathways
mortem studies that show decreased dendritic length and and activity related to gene transcription (Bhat et al., 2012).
dendritic arborization in frontal cortical areas (Harrison, Intriguingly inhibitors of voltage-gated calcium channels
1999). have been used in treating bipolar disorder with some mixed
To evaluate the roles of DISC1 at various stages of neu- success.
rodevelopment, the effects of mutant DISC1 were examined Mouse model studies related to voltage-gated calcium
during prenatal and/or postnatal periods. Regardless of timing channels are just beginning to address issues of behavior
of expression, decreased levels of cortical dopamine (DA) and related to psychiatric disorders. For instance, voltage-gated
fewer parvalbumin-positive neurons in the cortex were found calcium channel CACNA1C haploinsufficiency was associated
in mutant mice. Combined prenatal and postnatal expression with decreased exploratory behavior, diminished response to
produced increased aggression and enhanced response to psy- amphetamine, and altered behavior in the forced swim and
chostimulants in male mice along with increased linear density tail suspension tests with sex-specific differences (Dao et al.,
of dendritic spines on neurons of the dentate gyrus of the hip- 2010). These studies though raise the issue of what mouse
pocampus, and lower levels of endogenous DISC1 and LIS1. model is likely to be most appropriate given the human genet-
Selective prenatal expression was associated with smaller brain ics. There is some genetic evidence that the genetic variation at
volume, whereas postnatal expression gave rise to decreased the L-type calcium channel may be a partial gain of function.
social behavior in male mice and depression-like responses in Thus, mouse models of the disorder may be most appropriately
female mice as well as enlarged lateral ventricles and decreased established using transgenic overexpression or other compa-
DA content in the hippocampus of female mice, and decreased rable genetic modifications.
level of endogenous DISC1. Mutant DISC1 affects metham-
phetamine-induced sensitization and conditioned place prefer- ANKYRIN-G
ence: a comorbidity model (Pogorelov et al., 2012). The diverse Another very intriguing genetic association in bipolar disorder
changes in mutant DISC1 mice are reminiscent of findings in is with the ANK3 locus, which codes for the ankyrin-G pro-
major mental diseases. tein. This was found to be the strongest risk factor in one of the
DISC1 models may be as relevant to bipolar disorder and initial GWAS studies or is replicated more modestly or variably
psychotic depression as to schizophrenia. in subsequent GWAS studies, but has more recently emerged
again as a leading candidate gene in population studies.
Ankyrin-G is an especially intriguing candidate as it has
well-established roles in maintenance of the structure of the axon
The human genetics of bipolar disorder is perhaps less well initial segment, and in maintenance of axodendritic polarity in
established compared to that of schizophrenia. However, a vivo (Pan et al., 2006; Roussos et al., 2012; Sobotzik et al., 2009;

2 2 M O U S E M O D E L S O F S C H I Z O P H R E N I A A N D B I P O L A R D I S O R D E R | 293

Zhou et al., 1998). Ankryin-G maintains voltage-gated sodium preference. These behavioral changes were ameliorated by
channels and potassium channels at the axon initial segment, lithium treatment.
and thus is critical for generation and regulation of the axon
potential. It is also critical for axon potential transmission, since D I A C Y L G LY C E R O L K I N A S E
it is located at nodes of Ranvier as well. Intriguingly ankyrin-G A locus that has recently been identified in relation to bipolar
also appears to be relevant for functional localization of dystro- disorder is the diacylglycerol kinase DGK locus. Behavioral
phin complexes (Ayalon et al., 2008), potentially suggesting the tests using DGK beta knockout mice showed hyperactiv-
relationship between these two risk genes. ity reduced anxiety and reduced “depression”-like behaviors.
The genetic organization of the ankyrin gene locus is These behaviors were attenuated by the administration of lith-
complex (Rueckert et al., 2012). Most of the bipolar disorder ium. These mice also showed impairment in GSK3 beta signal-
genetic variation at the ANK3 locus is in the promoter region, ing (Kakefuda et al., 2010). Taken together these data suggest
suggesting alterations of expression, though it is possible there that DGK beta knockout mice have some behavioral abnor-
are also alterations in splicing given the complex splice and malities that could be relevant to human psychiatric disorders,
promoter usage variation. Thus, for this gene again it is unclear and these mice merit further study.
what genetic manipulation may be most relevant to the human
disorder; however, partial loss of function would appear to be ODZ4
a good candidate. There has been one knockout mouse model Recent GWAS studies have identified the ODZ4 or teneurin-4.
generated in which one of the isoforms has been deleted (Pan Relatively little attention has been paid to this gene to date.
et al., 2006; Zhou et al., 1998). This isoform is highly expressed A mouse mutation designated furue has some behavioral
in cerebellum, so the animals have a significant degree of changes and substantial alterations in myelination of small
ataxia, making other behavioral tests difficult to interpret. diameter axons and differentiation of oligodendrocytes. Given
Recent data suggest that these animals may have cognitive and that white matter changes have been detected in human psy-
emotional changes as well as motor changes. In addition, they chiatric disorders, this model may also merit further study.
have intriguing alterations in cerebellar circuitry. The loss of
ankyrin-G expression in Purkinje cells leads to a redistribu- O T H E R G E N E S A N D PAT H WAY S
tion of synaptic input onto Purkinje cells, presumably with There is some support for the role of circadian-rhythm-related
profound alterations for neuronal connectivity in signaling. genes in risk for affective disorder, though perhaps more for
In addition, an ankyrin mouse model with knockout of most depression than bipolar disorder (Kennaway, 2010), and of
isoforms expressed in brain has recently been generated. A course sleep and circadian rhythm disturbances are notable in
conditional knockout enables the deletion of ankyrin-G in human affective disorder. Several different mouse models of
the forebrain. Preliminary data suggest that this model may alterations of clock genes have been reported with changes in
have hyperactivity and alterations in cognitive and emotional anxiety, exploratory behavior, activity, and cognitive behavior as
behavior consistent with some aspects of human psychiatric well as alterations in circadian periodicity (Arey and McClung,
disorder. 2012; Keers et al., 2012; Kozikoski et al., 2011; McClung, 2011).
Pharmacologic data and some studies of gamma oscillations
NEUROCAN suggest possible translation to human psychiatric disorder
Several studies have found strong associations between the (Dzirasa et al., 2011).
Neurocan (NCAN) gene and bipolar disorder (e.g., Cichon The beta-catenin pathway has recently emerged in
et al., 2011). Neurocan is a component of the extracellular genetic studies and also has pharmacologic data to support it.
matrix in brain and CNS, expressed at highest levels around Interestingly, overexpression of beta catenin results in behav-
birth in the mouse, and may be involved with regulation of ioral changes including alterations in the forced swim test and
synaptic connectivity and plasticity. alterations in drug response (Gould et al., 2007).
A recent study (Miro et al., 2012) combined clinical Other studies have modeled pathways that may be relevant to
analyses and mouse behavioral studies. Genotype/phenotype psychiatric disorders such as the GSK3 beta pathway (Ackermann
correlations were tested in patients with bipolar disorder, et al., 2010). Polymorphisms in DISC1 have also been reported to
depression, and schizophrenia. Instead of using DSM4 diag- disrupt Wnt and GSK3 beta signaling (Singh et al., 2011).
noses, the clinical features were factor-analyzed. In the com- It has been claimed that a mouse strain termed “Madison”
bined patient sample, the NCAN risk allele was significantly shows behavioral changes reminiscent of mania. Gene expres-
associated with the “mania” factor, in particular “overactiv- sion array changes and drug responses may also be comparable
ity.” A mouse with genetic deletion of neurocan was available to the human disorder; however, it is unclear if there is any
(Zhou et al., 2001), and had no gross developmental abnor- genetic convergence with human genetic risk factors (Saul
malities, though altered synaptic transmission and plastic- et al., 2012; Scotti et al., 2011).
ity had been observed. Behavior of the NCAN KO mice was As noted above, numerous studies have implicated glu-
then studied in more detail (Miro et al., 2012). The NCAN tamate signaling, and some studies have suggested that glu-
KO mice were hyperactive and showed more frequent “risk- tamate receptors are relevant for bipolar disorder (Knight
taking” behaviors, less “depression-like” conduct, greater et al., 2011). A number of studies of glutamate receptor mouse
amphetamine hypersensitivity, and increased saccharin models have been generated. A detailed consideration of these

294 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

studies is beyond the scope of this current chapter, since the point mutations in coding sequence or mutations in regulatory
genetic correlation is not clear. There is an extensive literature elements will better reflect the complex molecular processes
on dopamine transporter knockout mice. These have dra- implicated in schizophrenia or bipolar disorder (Chen, 2006).
matic hyperactivity and other behavioral changes reminiscent The use of zinc finger nucleases and transcription activator-
of affective disorder. However, the relationship to the human like effector nucleases to manipulate the genome (Cheng et al.,
genetics is still unclear. 2012) may provide additional options. Inducible and condi-
tional systems allow the alteration to be expressed in a time-
dependent and specially controlled fashion.
FUTU R E D EVEL O P MENTS A drawback of current mouse models is related to the
fact that schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are polygenic
Psychiatric genetics is still in its infancy, with replicable risk diseases, and current techniques alter the genome one gene
loci just beginning to be identified. Functional genomics stud- at a time. Combining multiple genetic mutations in a single
ies, including better mouse models, will have greater opportu- model could be more informative. Attempts to model neu-
nities when mutations with clear effects on gene transcription, ropsychiatric disorders based on gene expression changes
splicing, translation, and regulation are identified. Even the (Lin et al., 2012) may be very difficult to interpret, but tar-
knowledge of whether genetic variation leads broadly to loss geting several susceptibility genes that belong to different
or gain of function will be helpful, though either can lead to signaling pathways may be a promising direction. Once
failure of neuronal homeostasis (Ramocki and Zoghbi, 2008). single gene models are well characterized, it may be possible
Although the current models have advanced our understand- to perform genetic crosses or other attempts to model poly-
ing of the neurobiology of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, genic inheritance.
there are still many issues that need to be addressed in the Alternatively it may be possible to make single manipula-
future research. tions at key regulatory positions with pleomorphic effects.
The methodologies to manipulate the mouse genome at An important aspect of the complex etiology of schizo-
different levels of its organization are constantly improving phrenia and bipolar disorder is a contribution of environmen-
(see Chapter 8). Simple knockout and transgenic technolo- tal factors (Brown, 2010; van Os et al., 2008). Combining both
gies produce artificial systems with the deletion of one or both genetic and environmental risk factors by exposing genetically
copies of a gene, or with its overexpression. New models with altered mice to adverse environments at different times across

TA B L E 22. 1. Behavioral tests used in animal models of schizophrenia (adapted from Nestler and Hyman 2010, used with permission)


Stimulant-induced hyperactivity Locomotion and stereotypy Translational potential as can be Acute challenges with drugs do not
observed in humans reflect the pathogenesis
Quantifiable and objectively Use for testing antipsychotics is based on
assessed circularity
Easily performed

Habituation and prepulse Sensorimotor gating Translational potential as can be Weak specificity as PPI and latent
inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic Attention, impulsivity observed in humans inhibition impairment can be observed
startle Quantifiable and objectively in several neurological and psychiatric
Latent inhibition assessed conditions

Social interaction tests relevant Non-aggressive and Easily performed Face validity is unclear
to schizophrenia aggressive species-specific The brain mechanisms may be species-
– 3-chamber test social behaviors, including specific (olfaction in mice vs. vision and
– Male-male dyadic interaction following, sniffing, crawl- language in humans)
in open field over and crawl-under; Difficult to automate
– Intruder-resident test attacking, biting, tail- Not specific to schizophrenia
– Social approach-avoidance rattling, play activity in
– Social play juveniles

Progressive ratio schedule Operant tasks to assess Translational potential as can be Not specific to schizophrenia
procedures to evaluate relationship between observed in humans Levels of motivation can vary across
motivation (avolition?) increase in reward and Quantifiable and objectively animals, while perseveration in response
response demands assessed may reflect enhanced impulsivity
Require substantial expertise
Cognitive paradigms Various measures of Several validated tests Time consuming
attention, different types of Can be measured objectively Easily influenced by environmental
learning and memory Strong translational potential conditions
Requires substantial behavioral expertise

2 2 M O U S E M O D E L S O F S C H I Z O P H R E N I A A N D B I P O L A R D I S O R D E R | 295

TA B L E 22. 2. Behavioral tests used in animal models of mood disorders (Adapted from Nestler and Hyman 2010, used with


Behavioral “despair” Antidepressant effects Easily performed Unclear relation to depressive states
– Forced swim Sensitive to a limited set of antidepressants
– Tail suspension
– Learned helplessness

Anhedonia Preference for positive (i.e., Face validity Not specific to mood disorders
– Sucrose preference pleasurable) stimuli Can be objectively measured Time consuming
– Sexual behavior Do not require sophisticated

Novelty-suppressed Latency to feeding and Easily performed Can be associated with anxiety rather than
feeding time of food consumption Objective assessment depression
in open field Sensitivity to chronic
antidepressant administration

Social defeat paradigm Long-term inhibition of Objective assessment Can be associated with anxiety as well
social interaction Sensitivity to chronic Time consuming
antidepressant administration

Maternal deprivation Stress calls by pups Objective assessment Not specific to mood disorders
(ultrasonic vocalization) Easily performed Easily influenced changes in test conditions

Elevated Risk-taking behavior Easily performed Require some experience to detect these
plus maze measures such as forward behaviors
stretches, head down turns Also associated with anxiety

Sleep deprivation- Home cage activity Easily performed Require home cage activity monitoring equipment
induced behavioral Weight monitoring Objective Time consuming
changes Eating and drinking Difficult to control the individual effects of
monitoring deprivation

the life span of the mouse could better reflect the complexity also expressed by glial cells (Iijima et al., 2009). Manipulation
of the pathogenesis of these diseases. Although still in infancy, of expression in non-neuronal cells may be important. For
the initial gene-environment interaction studies have already example, a recent study has provided the first evidence for
revealed some issues important for future research. For exam- interaction between DISC1 and serine racemase in astrocytes,
ple, combining an environmental challenge with a genetic connecting DISC1 and d-serine/NMDA receptor hypofunc-
mutation in the susceptibility gene can produce both protective tion (Ma, 2012).
and pathogenic effects, depending on the type of adverse envi- Thus, genetic mouse models will continue to be impor-
ronment and the time of interaction. Combinations of genetic tant tools for psychiatric research. They have been illuminat-
and environmental factors can also result in new phenotypes ing the functions of candidate genes in neurodevelopment
previously unseen in unchallenged mutant mice or wild-type and are stimulating a search for future pathogenic treat-
mice exposed the environmental insult (Abazyan et al., 2010; ments. The approach of using factor analysis of human
Behan et al., 2012; O’Tuathaigh et al., 2010). Given that simple clinical phenotypic features, association with genetic risk
laboratory environmental changes could be responsible for loci, and then in turn correlating with phenotypes of mice
appreciable variations in the mouse behavior (Crabbe et al., with alterations at the same loci (e.g., Miro et al., 2012) is
1999), one needs to be extremely cautious in interpretations intriguing. More sophisticated and advanced genetic manip-
of the changes produced in genetic mouse models due to envi- ulations in combination with better understanding of the
ronmental factors. human clinical phenotypes will be needed to refine the pres-
Behavior readouts have limitations (see Tables 22.1 ent models to make them more relevant to human psychiat-
and 22.2 and Box 22.1). Many of the behavioral tests cur- ric diseases.
rently in use were developed for pharmacological studies.
As new genetic and environmental models are developed,
there should be an iterative process of developing and
refining behavioral tests. Brain imaging, electrophysiology, DI SC L O SU R E S
or other endophenotypes are likely to provide additional
information, which may be more translatable to the human Dr. Pletnikov has no conflicts of interest to disclose. He is
diseases. funded by NIH only. Grant Support: NIH (P50MH084018 and
Most studies to date have focused on neuronal functions of 5R01MH083728–04).
susceptibility genes. However, many of the candidate genes are Dr. Ross has no conflicts of interest to disclose.

296 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

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ognitive impairments are a core feature of schizo- calbindin (CB), and calretinin (CR) are found in distinct cell
phrenia and the best predictor of functional out- types. FS cells contain PV (hereafter referred to as PV neurons),
come; however, current pharmacotherapies offer only do not contain any neuropeptides, and give rise to axons that
limited cognitive improvement. Therefore, knowledge of the target the perisomatic region, the cell body and proximal den-
abnormalities in brain circuitry that give rise to the cognitive drites, of pyramidal cells. PV neurons comprise ~25% GABA
abnormalities is critical for developing new treatments. Higher neurons in the primate PFC (but a much larger proportion of
order cognitive processes, such as working memory, the abil- GABA neurons in rodent cortex), and PV-positive cell bodies
ity to transiently retain and manipulate a limited amount of and axon terminals are present in the highest density in layers
information in order to guide thought or behavior, are strongly deep 3–4. PV cells are divided into two main classes: (1) basket
associated with neural network oscillations, the synchronized (PVb) cells, whose axons target the soma, proximal dendrites,
firing of large assemblies of cells, that are dependent on signal- and spines of pyramidal cells, and (2) chandelier (PVch) cells,
ing via the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid whose axon terminals form distinctive vertical arrays termed
(GABA) (Bartos and Elgueta, 2012). The cells that synthesize cartridges that exclusively target the axon initial segment (AIS)
and release GABA, appropriately termed GABA neurons (or of pyramidal cells.
interneurons), exhibit a variety of abnormalities in schizo- Non-FS cells are more heterogeneous and include a num-
phrenia. Thus, alterations in GABA neurons are thought to, at ber of distinct subpopulations (Fig. 23.1). One subpopulation
least in part, underlie the cognitive deficits of schizophrenia. contains the neuropeptide cholecystokinin (CCK). A subset of
Consequently, in this chapter we provide: (1) an introduction these cells also contains CR, and a separate subset expresses
to interneurons and their role in cognition, (2) a description the cannabinoid 1 receptor (CB1R). The latter are known as
of the GABAergic alterations found in schizophrenia, (3) a CCK basket (CCKb) cells. All CCKb cells target the periso-
review of potential mechanisms underlying these alterations, matic region of pyramidal cells, and in the primate neocor-
and (4) a discussion of the consequences of impaired GABA tex, CCK-immunoreactive cell bodies are principally localized
signaling. The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is a brain area especially to layers 2-superficial 3, and their axon terminals are present
critical for cognition, and where interneurons have been most mainly in layers 2, 4, and 6. A second subtype of non-FS cells
extensively studied in schizophrenia, and thus we concentrate expresses CB and the neuropeptide somatostatin (SST), and
on this region here. furnishes axons that synapse onto the distal dendrites of pyra-
midal cells. SST cells are present in all layers of the cortex, as
well as the underlying white matter. A third subtype contains
INTR ODU C T IO N TO INT ERNEU R O N S CR, is found primarily in layers 1 and 2, and provides axon
terminals that mainly innervate pyramidal neuron dendrites
and other interneurons.
Excitatory pyramidal cells comprise 75–80% of the neurons in
the primate neocortex, and the remaining 20–25% are GABA
neurons. In contrast to pyramidal cells that mainly send their
axons over long distances, interneurons primarily project GABA is synthesized by the 67 kiloDalton and 65 kiloDalton
locally. GABA neurons in the cerebral cortex can be divided isoforms of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD67 and GAD65,
into different subclasses based on their electrophysiologi- respectively) which decarboxylate glutamate to produce GABA
cal, molecular, and anatomical properties (Ascoli et al., 2008) (Fig. 23.2). GAD65 and GAD67 are encoded by separate genes
(Fig. 23.1). Electrophysiologically, interneurons are classified as (GAD1 and GAD2, respectively) on different chromosomes, and
fast-spiking (FS) or non-fast-spiking (non-FS), based on their undergo different posttranslational modifications (Akbarian and
firing patterns in response to depolarization above spiking Huang, 2006). Many, but not all, GABA neurons appear to con-
threshold. FS cells exhibit a nearly constant interval between tain both isoforms. GAD67 is distributed throughout the neu-
spikes. In contrast, non-FS cells typically show an adapting ron, whereas GAD65 is primarily located in axon terminals. The
firing pattern, such that the interspike interval increases with activity of both enzymes is regulated by their cofactor pyridoxal
stimulus duration. Interneuron subpopulations can also be dis- 5’-phosphate, which activates or inactivates the enzyme when
tinguished by the molecular markers they express. With a few it is bound and released, respectively. GAD67 is saturated with
exceptions, the calcium binding proteins parvalbumin (PV), cofactor and therefore largely exists in the active form, while

2 3 C O R T I C A L G A B A N E U R O N S I N S C H I Z O P H R E N I A | 301

(A) (B)

1 1 1
3 3
4 4


1 1
2 2

3 3

4 4

5/6 5/6

(C) FS cell firing pattern Non-FS cell firing pattern


Pyramidal neuron
Calretinin (CR) neuron
Parvalbumin chandelier (PVch) neuron
6 Parvalbumin basket (PVb) neuron
Somatostatin (SST) neuron
Cholecystokinin basket (CCKb) neuron

Figure 23.1 Diversity of cortical GABA neurons. GABAergic interneurons can be classified based on morphological (A), molecular (B), and electrophysiological
(C) properties. Some interneurons express the calcium binding proteins parvalbumin (PV) or calretinin (CR), whereas others contain the neuropeptides
somatostatin (SST) or cholecystokinin (CCK). (A) PV and CCK neurons target the perisomatic region of pyramidal cells, while SST and CR neurons target pyramidal
neuron dendrites. PV neurons can be divided into chandelier (PVch) and basket (PVb) cells based on their morphology. The axon terminals of PVch cells exclusively
target the pyramidal cell axon initial segment, while the terminals of PVb cells synapse onto the soma and proximal dendrites. (B) The different interneuron
subtypes are distributed distinctively across the layers of the cortex, as evidenced by the different expression patterns of their mRNAs. (C) PV cells exhibit a fast
spiking (FS) firing pattern, characterized by a high firing frequency and constant interval between action potentials, while the remaining subclasses are classified
as non-FS cells that fire at a lower frequency and exhibit progressively increasing intervals between action potentials. (Image adapted from Gonzalez-Burgos et al.
Am J Psychiatry (2007) 164 (1):12; and Hashimoto et al. Mol Psychiatry (2008) 13:147–161.) (See color insert.)

GAD65 is mostly inactive (with low levels of cofactor binding). determined by the intracellular chloride concentration result-
Thus, the activity of GAD67 is principally regulated by expres- ing from the activity of the chloride transporters NKCC1 and
sion and appears to be responsible for the majority of cortical KCC2, that bring chloride into and out of the cell, respectively.
GABA synthesis, producing up to 90% of the GABA in mouse In the majority of cases, chloride flows inward through GABAA
brain. In contrast, GAD65 seems to be mainly active during receptors and hyperpolarizes the membrane, producing the
conditions of high synaptic demand (Patel et al., 2006). classic inhibitory postsynaptic response (Fig. 23.2).
GABAB receptors form heterodimers, each composed of a
GABAB1 and GABAB2 subunit, and both subunits are required
to produce a functional receptor. Activation of metabotropic
Released GABA exerts its effects through binding to the two GABAB receptors stimulates the opening of potassium chan-
major types of GABA receptors—GABAA and GABAB recep- nels and closing of calcium channels via G proteins, resulting
tors (Fig. 23.2). The ionotropic GABAA receptor is composed of in hyperpolarization. GABAB receptors are located both pre-
5 subunits that form a central ion pore, with the most common and postsynaptically.
composition being two α, two β, and one γ subunit. The sub-
unit composition of GABAA receptors determines important
functional and pharmacological properties, such as the kinet-
ics of the postsynaptic signal decay (Gonzalez-Burgos et al.,
2011). Activation of these receptors results in an increased A single interneuron not only makes multiple contacts onto
chloride conductance, with the direction of ion flow being a pyramidal cell, but also contacts many different pyramidal

302 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S





Cl- GAT1

Inhibitory Postsynaptic



Figure 23.2 Basics of ionotropic GABA neurotransmission. GABA is synthesized from glutamate by the enzyme GAD67 or GAD65. After release from synaptic
vesicles into the synaptic cleft, GABA binds to postsynaptic GABAA receptors. GABAA receptor activation stimulates the opening of chloride channels. The
direction and magnitude of the chloride current produced by GABAA receptor activation is regulated by the transporters NKCC1 and KCC2, which uptake and
extrude chloride, respectively. In the majority of cases, chloride flows inward and hyperpolarizes the membrane, producing the classic inhibitory postsynaptic
potential. GABA membrane transporter 1 (GAT1) removes GABA from the synaptic cleft, thereby regulating the concentration of GABA that reaches postsynaptic

cells (Gonzalez-Burgos and Lewis, 2008). This places interneu- techniques has demonstrated that suppression and activation
rons in a position to exert strong inhibitory control over of PV neurons suppresses and generates, respectively, γ activity
large numbers of pyramidal cells, so that the firing of a single in vivo, indicating that PV neurons are both necessary and suf-
interneuron transiently silences many pyramidal cells. When ficient for the generation of γ oscillations (Sohal et al., 2009).
the pyramidal cells are then released from inhibition, they The GABAA α1-containing receptors that predominate at PVb
fire in concert. This inhibitory mechanism of controlling and cell synapses exhibit a fast decay of the inhibitory synaptic
timing the activity of large numbers of pyramidal cells by potential (IPSP) that is consistent with the firing rate of γ oscil-
interneurons is crucial for proper cortical function. It main- lations (Gonzalez-Burgos and Lewis, 2008). In contrast, CCKb
tains neural activity within a functional range, preventing the neurons are the interneuron subtype that is most strongly
runaway cortical activity of seizures, and exerts an important coupled to the slower θ oscillations (4–7 Hz) (Klausberger
influence on the timing of neural activity. In addition, the syn- and Somogyi, 2008). In addition, the GABAA α2-containing
chronized firing of networks of interconnected interneurons receptors that are prominent at CCKb synapses onto pyramidal
and pyramidal cells produces rhythmic oscillations of differ- cells in rodents exhibit a slower IPSP decay, consistent with θ
ent frequencies. oscillations.
Different subtypes of GABA neurons appear to play dis- PFC θ and γ oscillations are associated with higher order
tinct roles in the generation of oscillations of different frequen- cognitive processes such as working memory (Curley and Lewis,
cies (Klausberger and Somogyi, 2008). PVb neurons are known 2012). For example, θ and γ band activity is induced during the
to be crucial in the generation of γ oscillations, the synchro- delay period of working memory tasks, and the power of θ and
nized activity of networks of pyramidal neurons at 30–80 Hz γ synchrony increases in proportion to working memory load.
(Gonzalez-Burgos et al., 2010). For example, although the In addition, injection of a GABAA receptor antagonist into the
activity of multiple interneuron subtypes is associated with PFC disrupts working memory performance in monkeys (Lewis
γ oscillations, they are most tightly coupled to the firing of et al., 2005). Thus, CCKb-and PVb-mediated θ and γ oscillations,
PVb neurons. Moreover, recent evidence using optogenetic respectively, are crucial to normal cognitive function.

2 3 C O R T I C A L G A B A N E U R O N S I N S C H I Z O P H R E N I A | 303

INTE R NE U RO N A LT ERAT IO NS I N levels of GAD65 mRNA and protein, and markedly lower lev-
S CHIZOP H RENIA els of GABA (Asada et al., 1997). Third, recent data indicate
that some interneurons primarily use GAD67 while others
rely mainly on GAD65 (Lewis et al., 2012), suggesting that
interneurons do not use GAD65 and GAD67 interchangeably.
Other aspects of GABA neurotransmission in the PFC
The first evidence of altered cortical GABA signaling in schizo-
are also altered in schizophrenia. For example, expression
phrenia came from early findings of decreased activity of GAD
of the mRNA encoding the GABA membrane transporter 1
and reduced GABA release and uptake in postmortem tissue
(GAT1), which removes GABA from the extracellular space,
samples (Blum and Mann, 2002). However, the most consis-
is decreased in the PFC of schizophrenia subjects, and the
tent evidence supporting altered GABA neurotransmission is
density of GAT1 mRNA-positive neurons is lower (Lewis
reports of lower levels of the mRNA encoding GAD67 in the
et al., 2005). In concert with the findings of unchanged neuron
PFC of subjects with schizophrenia. Lower GAD67 mRNA
number in the PFC, this latter finding suggests lower GAT1
in the PFC was first demonstrated in 1995 by Akbarian and
expression per neuron, such that in some neurons the level
colleagues using in situ hybridization, and has since been
falls below detectability, rather than a reduction in the num-
widely replicated using DNA microarray, quantitative PCR
ber of GAT1-expressing neurons in schizophrenia. The defi-
(qPCR), and in situ hybridization (Blum and Mann, 2002;
cits in GAD67 and GAT1 may be occurring in the same cells,
Gonzalez-Burgos et al., 2010). Thus far, 10 studies have found
since examination of the same matched pairs of control and
deficits in tissue-level GAD67 mRNA in the PFC in schizo-
schizophrenia subjects found that the within-pair differences
phrenia, with the average deficit ranging in magnitude from
in GAD67 mRNA-positive and GAT1 mRNA-positive neuron
12% to 68%.
density were similar in laminar pattern and significantly cor-
On a cellular level, the density of GAD67 mRNA-positive
related in the same cohort of subjects. Thus, schizophrenia is
neurons is approximately 25–35% lower across PFC layers
characterized by alterations in both the synthesis and reuptake
1–5 of subjects with schizophrenia (Lewis et al., 2005). In the
of cortical GABA (Lewis et al., 2005).
remaining GAD67-positive neurons, the expression level per
neuron is not different from that of comparison subjects. Since
total neuron number is unaltered in the PFC, these data suggest
that GABA neurons are not missing in schizophrenia, but that
the majority express normal levels of GAD67 mRNA and a sub-
set express levels so low as to not be detectable. Given that different subtypes of interneurons possess distinct
Although a GAD67 mRNA deficit in the PFC has been electrical, molecular, and anatomical properties, the functional
widely and consistently reported, knowledge of protein lev- outcome of impaired GABA neurotransmission in schizo-
els is of particular importance given that mRNA and protein phrenia depends on the subpopulation(s) of neurons affected.
levels are not necessarily correlated, since a number of factors PV cells are one subtype of GABA neuron that is known to
regulate transcription and translation (Blum and Mann, 2002). contain lower GAD67 mRNA in schizophrenia (Lewis et al.,
For example, pharmacological manipulation of GABA levels 2012). Dual label in situ hybridization has shown that approxi-
is associated with changes in GAD67 protein but not mRNA. mately 50% of PV mRNA-positive neurons lack detectable lev-
However, similar to the mRNA deficit, levels of GAD67 protein els of GAD67. In addition, PV mRNA levels are significantly
are also lower in the PFC in schizophrenia, and in the largest decreased, and laminar analyses have revealed that this reduc-
study to date, the magnitudes of the tissue-level reductions in tion occurs principally in layers 3 and 4, layers where lower
mRNA and protein (15% and 10%, respectively) were similar GAD67 mRNA is also present.
(Curley et al., 2011). However, in contrast to GAD67 mRNA, although the
In contrast to the reductions in GAD67, the mRNA and expression of PV mRNA per neuron is decreased, neither
protein levels of GAD65 have been reported to be unchanged the density of neurons with detectable levels of PV mRNA
or only slightly reduced in the PFC in schizophrenia (Lewis nor the density of PV-immunoreactive neurons is altered in
et al., 2012). Moreover, the density of GAD65-immunoreactive schizophrenia (Lewis et al., 2012). Although some studies have
(-IR) terminals is also unaltered. Thus, schizophrenia is char- reported a lower density of PV-immunoreactive neurons in
acterized by a preferential deficit of GAD67, but not of GAD65, schizophrenia, these results may have been confounded by a
in the PFC. Given that GAD67 mediates the majority of GABA reduced sensitivity for PV immunoreactivity resulting from
synthesis in the cortex, lower GAD67 in schizophrenia is the tissue processing method utilized. Moreover, the lower
thought to result in a reduction of cortical GABA levels that density of PV-immunoreactive neurons was reported in layers
significantly impairs synaptic transmission and inhibition of 3–5, where the largest decrement in PV mRNA is found. Thus,
postsynaptic targets. levels of PV protein are likely to have fallen below detectability
Although it is possible that compensatory increases in in conditions of reduced sensitivity, and thus the reported find-
GAD65 may normalize GABA levels in the illness, this scenario ings likely do not reflect lower PV neuron number, but rather
is unlikely for a number of reasons. First, as described earlier, an inability to visualize all of the neurons that are present (Stan
most reports of GAD65 levels in schizophrenia have found and Lewis, 2012). In addition, in matched pairs of schizophre-
no alteration. Second, GAD67 knockout mice exhibit normal nia and control subjects, the within-subject pair difference in

304 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

PV mRNA expression per neuron was positively correlated of μ opioid receptors are increased in the PFC of subjects with
with the difference in density of GAD67 mRNA-positive neu- schizophrenia. Perisomatic μ opioid receptors, which are local-
rons, suggesting that GAD67 is dramatically lower in a sub- ized to PVb cells, hyperpolarize the cell body through the acti-
population of neurons that contain lower, but still detectable, vation of inwardly rectifying potassium channels, making the
levels of PV mRNA (Lewis et al., 2005). cell less likely to fire, and μ opioid receptors localized to axon
terminals lead to the suppression of vesicular GABA release.
CONVERGENT EVIDENCE POINTS TO Therefore, the greater complement of μ opioid receptors in
WEAKER INHIBITION FROM PV BASKET schizophrenia could contribute to increased suppression of
CELLS GABA release and result in deficient PVb cell output (Lewis
A recent study demonstrated that the axon terminals of PVb et al., 2012).
cells exhibit an approximately 50% reduction in GAD67 pro- On the postsynaptic side of the PVb-pyramidal cell syn-
tein (Lewis et al., 2012). In addition to lower GABA synthesis, apse, additional alterations are present that may further lower
several lines of evidence suggest that PVb cells exhibit other the PVb-mediated inhibition of pyramidal neurons (Fig. 23.3).
presynaptic alterations that result in weaker inhibition onto First, PVb-pyramidal neuron synapses are populated by
pyramidal cells in the PFC of subjects with schizophrenia α1-containing GABAA receptors, and lower α1 mRNA has
(Lewis et al., 2012) (Fig. 23.3). First, mRNA and protein levels been demonstrated in schizophrenia PFC by several studies





μ opioid receptor

μ opioid receptor GAT1

Figure 23.3 Schematic summary of alterations in neuronal circuitry in the PFC of subjects with schizophrenia. (A) The perisomatic inhibition of pyramidal (P) neurons
by parvalbumin basket (PVb) cells is lower due to (1) lower GAD67 mRNA and protein, and therefore less GABA synthesis; (2) higher levels of μ opioid receptor
expression in PVb cells that reduces their activity and suppresses GABA release; (3) reduced expression of cholecystokinin (CCK) mRNA, which stimulates the
activity of, and GABA release from, PVb cells; and (4) less mRNA for, and presumably fewer, postsynaptic GABAA α1 receptors in pyramidal neurons. (B) The
perisomatic inhibition of pyramidal neurons by cholecystokinin-expressing basket (CCKb) cells is enhanced due to lower levels of CCK and cannabinoid 1 receptor
(CB1R) mRNAs that reduce depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition (DSI). Levels of GAD67 in CCKb cells are unknown, but are thought to be very low,
relative to PV cells, in the healthy state. (C) PV-expressing chandelier (PVch) cells have decreased GABA membrane transporter 1 (GAT1) protein in their axon
terminals and increased postsynaptic GABAA α2-containing receptors at pyramidal neuron axon initial segments. The levels of GAD67 protein in PVch cells in
schizophrenia are not known. (D) Somatostatin (SST)-containing cells contain lower mRNA levels of SST, and expression of its receptor, SSTR2, is also lower.
Levels of GAD67 in SST cells have not been measured. (E) Calretinin (CR)-containing cells are thought to be unaffected, since levels of CR mRNA and protein are
unchanged. GAD67 levels in CR cells are unknown. (See color insert.)

2 3 C O R T I C A L G A B A N E U R O N S I N S C H I Z O P H R E N I A | 305

(Lewis et al., 2012). In addition, mRNA levels of the β2 and CB1R mRNAs, and lower CB1R protein levels, are present in
γ2 subunits, which coassemble with the α1 subunit, are also the PFC of schizophrenia subjects. Furthermore, in matched
lower in schizophrenia. The lower levels of α1 and β2 are most pairs of schizophrenia and control subjects, the within-subject
prominent in layers 3–4, exhibiting the same laminar pat- pair difference in GAD67 mRNA levels was positively corre-
tern as the PV mRNA deficit. Furthermore, in PFC layer 3, lated with differences in both CCK and CB1 mRNAs, suggest-
α1 mRNA levels are significantly reduced by 40% in pyrami- ing that the GAD67 mRNA deficit in layers 2–3 is present in
dal cells, but unchanged in interneurons. These data suggest CCKb cells. However, GAD67 levels have not yet been directly
that the number of GABAA receptors postsynaptic to PVb cell assessed in CCKb cells in schizophrenia. A recent finding that
inputs is selectively lower in pyramidal cells, contributing to CB1R-expressing axon terminals in monkey PFC tissue have
weaker PVb inhibition of pyramidal cells in schizophrenia very low levels of GAD67 protein suggests that CCKb cells
(Lewis et al., 2012). may rely mainly on GAD65 for GABA synthesis. Consistent
Finally, inhibitory inputs onto pyramidal cells may be less with this hypothesis, nearly all CCK-expressing, but only a
hyperpolarizing in schizophrenia. The chloride transporters few PV-expressing, cells in mouse neocortex express GAD65.
NKCC1 and KCC2 partially control the driving force of chlo- Thus, CCKb cells may not contain lower GAD67 in schizophre-
ride entry into pyramidal neurons, thereby determining the nia (Curley and Lewis, 2012).
strength of the postsynaptic response to GABA. The mRNA CCKb cells are known to participate in a process termed
levels of two phosphatases, OSXR1 and WNK3, which phos- depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition (DSI). In
phorylate NKCC1 and KCC2, increasing and decreasing this phenomenon, elevated calcium levels produced from
their function, respectively, are markedly elevated in the depolarization stimulate the retrograde release of endocan-
PFC of subjects with schizophrenia. Thus, increased activity nabinoids from pyramidal cells. The resulting binding of
of NKCC1 and decreased activity of KCC2 in schizophrenia endocannabinoids to presynaptic CB1Rs located on CCKb
would result in a higher than normal intracellular chloride cell terminals activates the receptors, inhibits presynaptic
concentration, leading to a reduced chloride driving force, calcium channels, and suppresses GABA release from CCKb
and subsequently less hyperpolarization of pyramidal neu- terminals, producing a reduced inhibition of the original
rons when GABA is released from PVb cells (Lewis et al., depolarized pyramidal cell and other nearby cells (Wilson
2012). and Nicoll, 2002). DSI is present throughout development
and into adulthood in monkey PFC. Thus, the lower levels
P V C H A N D E L I E R C E L L S A R E A L S O A LT E R E D of CB1R present in schizophrenia may result in less DSI and
IN SCHIZOPHRENIA consequently greater inhibition of pyramidal cells by CCKb
PVch cells also exhibit alterations in schizophrenia (Fig. 23.3) cells (Curley and Lewis, 2012). In fact, markers of endocan-
(Lewis et al., 2012). The density of PVch cartridges that are nabinoid synthesis and degradation are unaltered in schizo-
immunoreactive for GAT1 is 40% lower in schizophre- phrenia, consistent with the idea that lower CB1R levels in the
nia, although the density of other GAT1-immunoreactive illness are not downregulated in response to increased endo-
structures is unchanged. In addition, the density of GABAA cannabinoid levels. Furthermore, endocannabinoid-mediated
α2-containing axon initial segments is increased in the PFC of suppression of GABA release from CCKb cells can also be
subjects with schizophrenia, and this increase is significantly accomplished through application of CCK, and therefore
correlated with the reduced density of GAT1 cartridges. These lower CCK levels in schizophrenia may also contribute to
reciprocal alterations have been interpreted as coordinated increased CCKb cell output (Curley and Lewis, 2012). In addi-
compensations attempting to counteract a deficit in GAD67 tion, since CCKb cell synapses onto pyramidal cells predomi-
in PVch cells, since lower GABA reuptake and an increased nantly feature GABAA α2-containing receptors, the increased
probability of GABAA receptor binding would both augment expression of α2 mRNA that is present in the PFC of subjects
GABA signaling. However, to date, GAD67 levels in PVch cells with schizophrenia is consistent with an increased inhibitory
have not been measured. effect of CCKb cells. However, since α2-containing receptors
are also present at PVch cell synapses, whether the higher
levels of GABAA α2-containing receptors are also present at
CCKb cell synapses remains to be determined (Curley and
Lewis, 2012).
Abnormalities in PV neurons alone may not account for the Alternatively, if GAD67 is lower in CCKb cells in schizo-
lower GAD67 mRNA and protein levels observed in schizo- phrenia, reduced CCK and CB1R levels may represent a com-
phrenia. In addition to the reductions in layers 3–4 in the PFC, pensation designed to increase GABA neurotransmission.
lower levels of GAD67 mRNA have also been observed in lay- Consistent with this idea, germ-line reductions of GAD67 in
ers 1, 2, and 5, where relatively few PV-expressing GABA neu- mouse PFC are associated with lower CB1R levels, and the
rons are located and where PV mRNA expression is unaltered alterations in GAD67 and CB1R are positively correlated, sim-
in schizophrenia (Lewis et al., 2005). These findings suggest ilar to schizophrenia. However, since GAD67 protein levels are
that other subsets of interneurons residing outside layers 3–4 normally very low in CCKb axon terminals from monkey PFC,
may also exhibit reductions in GAD67. One candidate popula- germ-line reductions in GAD67 may lower CB1R levels by act-
tion is CCKb cells, whose cell bodies are principally localized ing at the circuit level rather than within CCKb cells (Curley
to layers 2-superficial 3 (Fig. 23.3). Lower levels of CCK and and Lewis, 2012).

306 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

SST NEURONS ARE ALSO AFFECTED IN neurotransmission in the illness, in vivo measurements of cor-
SCHIZOPHRENIA tical GABA using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
have yielded conflicting results, with decreased, increased,
A fourth population of interneurons that exhibit alterations in
and unchanged levels reported in different cortical regions
schizophrenia is cells expressing SST (Fig. 23.3). Lower SST
(Kegeles et al., 2012; Maddock and Buonocore, 2012). Thus,
mRNA is present in the PFC of subjects with schizophrenia
it is currently unknown whether impaired GABA synthesis is
(Fung et al., 2010), and the reductions are significantly correlated
accompanied by lower GABA levels in schizophrenia. Further
with the deficit observed in GAD67 mRNA in the same sub-
complicating the issue, magnetic resonance spectroscopy stud-
ject cohort. Lower levels of somatostatin receptor 2 mRNA are
ies assess total tissue levels of GABA, not those associated with
also present in the PFC of subjects with schizophrenia (Beneyto
synapses, and therefore the relationship between these studies
et al., 2012). However, GAD67 levels in SST cells have not been
and GABAergic neurotransmission in schizophrenia remains
directly examined in schizophrenia, and thus the nature of their
involvement in the disease pathology is currently unclear.

An important consideration is whether the alterations in mark-
The ~40–50% of interneurons that express CR in the pri- ers of GABA neurotransmission described earlier are specific
mate PFC do not appear to be affected in schizophrenia to the disease process of schizophrenia, or represent a conse-
(Fig. 23.3). CR mRNA, CR-immunoreactive neurons, and quence of illness chronicity, treatment, or comorbid diagnoses
CR-immunoreactive axon terminals are all unaltered in the ill- (Lewis et al., 2005). In general, studies in animals exposed to
ness (Lewis et al., 2005). In contrast to PVb, PVch, CCKb, and medications used in the treatment of schizophrenia, and the
SST cells, CR cells primarily target other GABA neurons, and comparison of subjects with schizophrenia on or off such med-
thus the fact that these cells seem to be spared in schizophrenia ications at the time of death, suggest that altered GABA-related
is suggestive of a selective deficit in the inhibition of pyramidal gene expression in schizophrenia is not attributable to medi-
cells, but not of interneurons, in the illness. cation effects. Similarly, alcohol use does not seem to affect
GAD67, PV, or GAT1 mRNA levels (Lewis et al., 2005), and
A LT E R AT I O N S I N G A B A N E U R O N S A R E F O U N D nicotine and cannabis use also do not account for the lower
IN OTHER BRAIN REGIONS GAD67 mRNA levels in schizophrenia (Curley et al., 2011).
Furthermore, since GAD67 expression is activity-
An important question that arises from the findings of GABA dependent (Akbarian and Huang, 2006), lower expression
neuron abnormalities in the PFC is whether these changes are might just index the less stimulating social, occupational, and
specific to this brain region or are also present in other cortical intellectual environment associated with illness chronicity.
areas. In fact, reductions in GAD67 mRNA have been reported However, a recent study found no association between GAD67
(although not yet replicated in every location) in the primary mRNA expression and age-corrected length of illness (Curley
motor, primary visual, anterior cingulate, and orbitofrontal cor- et al., 2011). In addition, the same study found no association
tices, as well as the superior temporal gyrus and hippocampus between predictors of illness severity or measures of functional
(Gonzalez-Burgos et al., 2010; Thompson Ray et al., 2011). In outcome and GAD67 mRNA levels.
addition, other markers of GABA neurotransmission, including Another important consideration is whether the observa-
PV, GAT1, SST, and GABAA α1, are lower across multiple corti- tions in schizophrenia are specific to the illness, or are shared
cal regions in schizophrenia, with similar magnitudes of reduc- among other psychiatric diseases such as bipolar disorder
tion observed across brain regions for each transcript (Lewis (BPD) and major depressive disorder (MDD). Current evi-
et al., 2012). Lower GABAB receptor immunoreactivity has dence suggests that all three disorders do share some common
been reported in the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, and infe- GABAergic alterations, although they are also characterized by
rior temporal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia (Mizukami differences in their pattern of alterations, and by substantial
et al., 2002). Importantly, similar to the PFC, CR and GAD65 heterogeneity in findings across studies. For example, lower
mRNA are unaltered across multiple cortical regions (Lewis GAD67 has also been found in BPD and MDD (Guidotti et al.,
et al., 2012; although axon terminal GAD65 protein levels are 2000; Thompson Ray et al., 2011), and lower PV has been
lower in primary auditory cortex, see Moyer et al., 2012). Thus, reported in BPD (Torrey et al., 2005) but not MDD (Beasley
the changes observed in the PFC do not appear to be specific et al., 2002; Rajkowska et al., 2007). In contrast, another recent
to this brain region, and similar GABA neuron alterations are study in the PFC found lower SST levels in MDD and reduced
likely to be present in a variety of cortical regions. PV in BPD, but no change in GAD67, GAD65, or CR mRNA
expression in either illness (Sibille et al., 2011). In addition,
microarray studies that examined the expression patterns
of large groups of genes have found alterations in a number
of GABA-related genes in MDD and BPD (Kato et al., 2007;
Despite an abundance of postmortem data suggesting reduced Klempan et al., 2009). Thus, while these major psychiatric ill-
GABA synthesis and alterations in other aspects of GABA nesses do seem to be characterized by alterations in GABA

2 3 C O R T I C A L G A B A N E U R O N S I N S C H I Z O P H R E N I A | 307

neurons, the exact degree of overlap between illnesses remains well as in PV and GAT1, in schizophrenia is reduced signal-
to be determined. ing through the TrkB receptor and its ligand brain-derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF) (Lewis et al., 2005). TrkB/BDNF
signaling is crucial for interneuron development, especially
ME CHA NIS MS U ND ERLY ING A LT E R AT I O N S in PV cells, which comprise the majority of TrkB-expressing
IN GA B A NEU RO T RA NS MIS S ION I N interneurons. Treatment with BDNF in vitro upregulates GAD
S CHIZOP H RENIA and promotes GABA release, and BDNF-overexpressing mice
exhibit accelerated PV interneuron maturation (Balu and
A thorough interpretation of the GABA neurotransmission Coyle, 2011).
deficit in schizophrenia requires knowledge of the underlying Both TrkB and BDNF mRNA and protein are lower in the
mechanism(s). Since lower GAD67 is the most robust finding PFC of subjects with schizophrenia (Balu and Coyle, 2011). In
in postmortem tissue, here we consider some of the candidate fact, in matched pairs of control and schizophrenia subjects, the
mechanisms for this reduction. within-pair differences in TrkB mRNA are positively correlated
with those of both GAD67 and PV mRNAs. In addition, mice
with a genetic knockdown of TrkB, but not BDNF, exhibit lower
A L L E L I C V A R I AT I O N I N G A D 1
levels of GAD67 and PV mRNAs, suggesting that reduced sig-
GAD1, the gene that encodes GAD67, is located on chromo- naling through the TrkB receptor may underlie lower levels of
some 2q31 (Akbarian and Huang, 2006). Single nucleotide both mRNAs in schizophrenia. Furthermore, knockdown of
polymorphisms (SNPs) in GAD1 have been implicated in the TrkB produces a reduced density of GAD67 mRNA-positive
risk for adult- and childhood-onset schizophrenia (Marenco cells, without a change in the mRNA levels per cell, similar to
et al., 2010), and have also been associated with GAD67 the pattern observed in schizophrenia. Although GAT1 expres-
mRNA levels (Straub et al., 2007), indicating that alterations in sion has not been examined in these animals, it also appears
the gene may underlie lower GAD67 mRNA levels in schizo- to be modulated by the TrkB/BDNF signaling pathway. In hip-
phrenia. Existing data suggest several possible mechanisms by pocampal cells, inhibition of tyrosine kinases lowers GAT1
which these allelic variants may alter GAD67 mRNA levels. phosphorylation and GABA reuptake, while application of
For example, although no risk SNPs are located within the cod- BDNF increases GAT1 function (Law et al., 2000).
ing region of GAD1 (Akbarian and Huang, 2006), one located
in the promoter region is associated with altered transcription
factor binding, which may lead to impaired promoter function
(Zhao et al., 2007). In addition, epigenetic mechanisms, which Glutamate-mediated excitatory neurotransmission occurs
control gene activity without altering DNA sequence, may also through a variety of fast ionotropic receptors (NMDA,
contribute. Methylation of certain lysine residues on nuclear AMPA, and kainate), as well as the slower G protein-coupled
histone proteins, around which DNA is wound, result in shifts metabotropic receptors. The NMDA receptor hypofunction
between active and repressed transcription (Tsankova et al., hypothesis of schizophrenia originated from the observation
2007). In female schizophrenia subjects, GAD1 risk SNPs are that NMDA receptor antagonists recapitulate many clinical
associated with lower PFC GAD67 mRNA and a shift from features of schizophrenia. Although attempts to document
active to repressed histone methylation (Huang et al., 2007), alterations in the level of NMDA receptor subunits in schizo-
providing a potential mechanism through which allelic varia- phrenia have been mixed, the hypothesis has been strength-
tion may lower GAD67 mRNA levels. However, this mecha- ened by findings that several schizophrenia risk genes, such
nism may be specific to females, and thus the exact role of as neuregulin 1 and ErbB4, affect NMDA receptor signaling,
epigenetic mechanisms in GAD1 transcription requires fur- and by preclinical and clinical studies demonstrating that
ther study. NMDA receptor enhancement ameliorates disease symptoms
Despite this evidence, low penetrance, small effect sizes, (Gonzalez-Burgos and Lewis, 2012).
and a lack of concordance between studies regarding the spe- Interneurons are known to depend on NMDA-mediated
cific SNPs involved suggest that allelic variation in the GAD1 excitation, and thus lower glutamatergic drive onto GABA
gene likely plays only a minor role as a causative factor under- neurons may result in subsequent reductions in markers of
lying lower GAD67 in schizophrenia (Insel, 2010). Further inhibitory neurotransmission (Lewis and Moghaddam, 2006).
confusing the issue, schizophrenia GAD1 risk alleles have The vast majority (80–90%) of PV neurons express NR1 recep-
recently been associated with increased GABA levels in healthy tors (Huntley et al., 1994; González-Albo et al., 2001), and so
subjects (Marenco et al., 2010), and therefore the exact role PV neurons are thought to be particularly affected by lower
of GAD1 risk alleles in the pathogenesis of GAD67 deficits in NMDA receptor signaling. In fact, NMDA receptor antago-
schizophrenia remains to be determined. nists lower GAD67, PV, and GAT1 mRNAs (Behrens and
Sejnowski, 2009; Bullock et al., 2009). In addition, reduced
levels of GAD67 and PV protein are observed in mice with
a selective knockout of the NR1 receptor on ~50% of cortical
In contrast to a primary genetic effect, lower GAD67 expres- and hippocampal interneurons, presumably mostly PV neu-
sion may be a consequence of an upstream mechanism. One rons, during early postnatal development (Gonzalez-Burgos
such mechanism that could lead to a reduction in GAD67, as and Lewis, 2012).

308 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

C O N S E Q U E N C E O F R E D U C E D E X C I TAT I O N CCK in schizophrenia may also contribute to weaker PVb cell
activity. Lower levels of GABAA α1-containing receptors and a
GAD67 is activity-dependent (Akbarian and Huang, 2006), and
reduced chloride driving force in pyramidal neurons may also
reductions in excitatory signaling have been shown to produce
decrease the strength of hyperpolarizing inputs from PVb cells
many of the same alterations in inhibitory function observed in
and exacerbate this reduction in inhibition. Thus, a convergence
schizophrenia. For example, monocular deprivation of the lat-
of evidence suggests that the relative strengths of pyramidal cell
eral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus results in lower GAD67
inhibition from CCKb and PVb cells are increased and decreased,
mRNA in the primary visual cortex of primates. Thus, one
respectively, in schizophrenia (Curley and Lewis, 2012).
hypothesis is that the reduced excitatory activity in schizophrenia
An important determinant of the functional consequences
is an “upstream” pathology that produces a compensatory down-
of these alterations is whether the disturbances in each cell
regulation of inhibitory activity, in an attempt to maintain the
type affect the same pyramidal neurons (Curley and Lewis,
balance of excitatory and inhibitory activity (E/I balance) needed
2012). Although CCK mRNA levels in schizophrenia have not
for proper cortical functioning. E/I balance is important to pre-
been examined in a laminar fashion, CB1R immunoreactiv-
vent both runaway excitatory activity (too much excitation) and a
ity is significantly lower in layers deep 3–4 and 6. The density
dying out of cortical activity (too much inhibition). Thus, reduced
of PV-immunoreactive axon terminals is also lower in layers
excitatory activity of pyramidal cells may result in a compensa-
deep 3–4, suggesting that the alterations in both PVb and CCKb
tory downregulation of inhibitory activity onto these neurons, as
terminals are present in the middle cortical layers, despite the
evidenced by the multiple different types of reductions in effectors
locations of their cell bodies in different layers. On the other
of GABA neurotransmission (Lewis et al., 2012).
hand, recent data suggest that all pyramidal neurons receive
In fact, a number of alterations are present in excitatory
PVb cell inputs, whereas only some receive CCKb inputs and
pyramidal cells in schizophrenia (Glausier and Lewis, 2012).
show DSI (Krook-Magnuson et al., 2012), which may indicate
First, there is a significant reduction in the density of den-
that, while all pyramidal cells are affected by impaired inhi-
dritic spines, a finding that is most pronounced in layer 3. In
bition from PVb cells, only some are affected by alterations
addition, although the total number of pyramidal neurons is
in CCKb cell inputs. However, whether the affected PVb and
unchanged in the PFC, somal size is significantly lower, and
CCKb cells target the same pyramidal neurons in schizophre-
neuropil and dendritic tree size are reduced. In conjunction
nia remains to be determined (Curley and Lewis, 2012).
with these morphological alterations, certain molecules that
CCKb and PVb cells play an important role in the θ and γ
regulate spine formation and maintenance are also altered in
oscillations, respectively (Klausberger and Somogyi, 2008),
schizophrenia. For example, mRNA levels of the Rho GTPase
that underlie working memory function. Although in healthy
cell division cycle 42 (Cdc42), which promotes spine forma-
subjects the amplitude of θ and γ oscillations increases in pro-
tion, are lower in the PFC of subjects with schizophrenia,
portion to working memory load, subjects with schizophre-
and the decrease in Cdc42 mRNA is significantly correlated
nia exhibit impairments in θ and γ band power and working
with the reduction in layer 3 spine density. The inhibition of
memory performance. Thus, changes in the inhibitory output
Cdc42 effector protein 3 (Cdc42EP3) by Cdc42 is thought to
from CCKb and PVb cells, and the resulting shift in their relative
enable synaptic potentiation, and mRNA levels of Cdc42EP3
control of pyramidal cells, could disrupt normal network func-
are increased in schizophrenia. Thus, the combination of lower
tioning and θ and γ band power. Moreover, since θ and γ oscil-
Cdc42 and higher Cdc42EP3 levels may contribute to the spine
lations are coupled during memory tasks, a disturbance in one
loss observed in schizophrenia (Glausier and Lewis, 2012).
frequency may result in corresponding deficits in the other fre-
quency. Thus, alterations in the perisomatic inhibition of PFC
pyramidal neurons by CCKb and PVb neurons are a plausible
CONS E Q U ENC ES O F A LT ERAT I O N S I N mechanism underlying θ and γ oscillation deficits and cogni-
GAB A NEU RO NS IN S C H IZ O P H R E N I A : tive impairments in schizophrenia (Curley and Lewis, 2012).
As previously reviewed, schizophrenia is associated with
alterations in a variety of interneuron subtypes. The abnor- Schizophrenia is characterized by a number of cortical
malities in two of these cell types, PVb and CCKb cells, are interneuron alterations. Abnormalities are present in PVb, PVch,
particularly interesting in light of their role in neural network CCKb, and SST, but not CR cells, and occur in a number of cor-
oscillations associated with cognition, and here we consider tical regions in addition to the PFC. These alterations appear
the consequences of alterations in these cells in schizophre- to reflect the disease process of schizophrenia, as they are not
nia. Lower levels of CCK and CB1R in CCKb cells are hypoth- a consequence of illness chronicity, treatment, or comorbid
esized to strengthen the inhibition of postsynaptic pyramidal diagnoses. A number of plausible mechanisms could underlie
cells. On the other hand, lower levels of GAD67 and increased the most robust finding, a reduction in GAD67 mRNA and
levels of μ opioid receptors in PVb cells are thought to weaken protein, including allelic variation in GAD1, reduced signal-
the inhibition of postsynaptic pyramidal cells. In addition, PVb ing through the TrkB receptor, NMDA receptor hypofunction
cells receive input from CCKb cells, and application of CCK can in PV neurons, or reduced excitation. The alterations in two
activate PV neurons (Krook-Magnuson et al., 2012); thus, lower cell types in particular, PVb and CCKb cells, are particularly

2 3 C O R T I C A L G A B A N E U R O N S I N S C H I Z O P H R E N I A | 309

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310 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S



INTR ODU C T IO N axons and dendrites of neurons were in continuity or physi-

cally separated (DeFelipe, 2010). The importance of this ques-
Synapses are the junctions between nerve cells. A single neu- tion echoes today because it is the molecular specialization of
ron can have thousands of synapses, and the overall number the contact made between the two separated nerve cells—the
in the human brain is estimated to be around a million billion structure that Sherrington called the synapse—that is the key
(1015). Pathology of synapses is known as “synaptopathy” and to the etiology of many brain diseases.
there are over 100 nervous system diseases caused by muta- Until the arrival of electron microscopy in the mid-20th
tions disrupting synaptic proteins (Bayes et al., 2011). Single century, neuroanatomical observations of synapses were at the
gene mutations have been described in over 200 synapse genes limit of light microscopic methods and discriminating the size
causing a wide variety of psychiatric, neurological, and devel- and shape of different synapses was difficult. Although these
opmental diseases. Synaptopathy is now recognized as a major methods revealed that some brain diseases, such as forms of
cause of common and rare brain diseases. intellectual disability, display morphological abnormalities
The complete set of proteins found within synapses is in synapse structure, there was no systematic way for neuro-
known as the synapse proteome (Bayes and Grant, 2009). pathologists to use microscopy to classify synaptopathies and
This is further divided into the presynaptic and postsynaptic thereby determine how many diseases involve pathology at
proteomes, referring to the sets of proteins in the presynap- synapses.
tic terminal on the axon and the postsynaptic terminal on the Pharmacological studies were more successful in invoking
dendrite (Fig. 24.1). The size of the synapse proteome is around the possibility that synapse disease was involved in psychiatric
2,000 proteins, representing about 10% of the human genome. illness. Evidence such as changes in levels of neurotransmitters
The understanding of synaptopathy requires an appreciation or the striking behavioral effects of drugs that modulate the
of the basic organization of proteins within the synapse proteome. levels or action of neurotransmitters led to the view that an
There is a need to understand the classes (or types) of proteins, imbalance of neurotransmitter function was either of primary
how they are physically organized and assembled together, and in etiological significance or a secondary manifestation of syn-
which parts of the brain they are expressed. These organizational apses adjusting to the primary disease process. The inability
principles aid in understanding why mutations in particular pro- of either neuropharmacology or neuroanatomy to distinguish
teins produce particular phenotypes and diseases. between the cause or effect has been an obstacle to understand-
This chapter will introduce the reader to the molecular sci- ing the relevance of changes in synapses in disease.
ence of synaptic disease. The focus will be on the relationship Another impediment to scientific advancement was the lack
between mutations and the proteins that are found in synapses, of systematic knowledge about the molecules that are found
and how these mutations cause the phenotypes that comprise at synapses. As recently as the 1990s, there was only partial
the clinical symptoms and signs of the diseases. The chapter understanding of all the neurotransmitter receptors and even
will not provide exhaustive lists of gene mutations, as these are less known about the enzymes and structural proteins found in
constantly being updated. The reader can find lists of synap- synapses. As a result of proteomic and genomic studies, there
tic proteome components and their disease mutations on the has been at least a 10-fold increase in the number of proteins
Genes to Cognition Website ( discovered at the synapse. We now have comprehensive lists
aptopathy). The reader is directed toward specialist chapters of all synaptic proteins and their gene sequences and thus the
for descriptions of the genetics of psychiatric disease and to fundamental “parts list” of synapses (Bayes and Grant, 2009).
general neuroscience textbooks for descriptions of the basic
physiology and function of synapses.
ON S YNA P T IC D IS EA S E IN T H E The synapse proteome is organized into a hierarchy of struc-
PR E MOL EC U L A R ERA tures: genes and RNA encode individual proteins that are orga-
nized into macromolecular assemblies, and ultimately these
The great dispute between Cajal and Golgi, the two leading assemblies are organized into the overall subcellular structure
neuroanatomists of the 19th century, centered on whether the of the presynaptic and postsynaptic terminal (Fig. 24.1). The

2 4 S Y N A P T I C D I S E A S E I N P S Y C H I AT R Y | 311

Presynaptic terminal Synaptic vesicle

Presynaptic web

SNARE complex
MASC complex Membrane-spanning
adhesion molecule
density (PSD)





Figure 24.1 The synapse proteome. A simplified molecular hierarchy linking genes to synapse structure emphasizing the importance of multiprotein complexes is
shown. SNARE and MASC are two prototype complexes in the presynaptic and postsynaptic terminal respectively. The presynaptic web and postsynaptic density
(shaded areas) are zones where the complexes are found and visible with electron microscopy. The presynaptic and postsynaptic terminals are interlinked by
membrane spanning adhesion molecules that connect the protein assemblies within each neuron.

subcellular structure of the synapse is visible with electron Synaptic disease results from the disruption in the pro-
microscopy (EM), and landmark features of the presynaptic teins and structures in the hierarchy of the synapse pro-
terminal are synaptic vesicles and an electron-dense region teome, and it is important to understand general principles
beneath the presynaptic membrane (referred to as the pre- of proteome organization and in particular the nature of its
synaptic web). Within the postsynaptic terminal the char- constituent multiprotein complexes. There are two proto-
acteristic feature at the EM level is another electron-dense type complexes at synapses: in the postsynaptic terminal the
region described as the postsynaptic density (PSD). Within complexes known as MASC (MAGUK Associated Signaling
these microscopic features are specialized multiprotein com- Complexes) link neurotransmitter receptors and ion chan-
plexes, each of which is an assembly of dozens of proteins in nels to intracellular signaling enzymes and adhesion proteins
the MegaDalton size range like that of ribosomes (Husi and (Husi et al., 2000); and within the presynaptic terminal, syn-
Grant, 2001). The presynaptic and postsynaptic terminals are aptic vesicle release is mediated by the SNARE (Soluble NSF-
interlinked by membrane spanning adhesion molecules that Attachment protein REceptor) protein complexes (Sudhof
connect the protein assemblies within each neuron. and Rizo, 2011). MASC and SNARE complexes together are

312 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

responsible for organizing at least 15% of all the synapse pro- The most widely studied example of a postsynaptic
teome (over 300 proteins) and comparative genomic studies MASC is that formed between the glutamate receptors of
reveal they are some of the most highly conserved proteins the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) family and the scaf-
in the brain (Bayes et al., 2011; Emes and Grant, 2011, 2012). fold protein Post Synaptic Density 95 (PSD95). PSD95 is a
MASCs are important in neurotransmitter receptor function Membrane Associated Guanylate Kinase (MAGUK) family
and disease and will be described in greater detail to illus- protein and known to interact with over 100 postsynaptic pro-
trate general principles of multiprotein complex structure teins (Fernandez et al., 2009; Husi et al., 2000). These include
and function. a variety of signaling, adhesion, and cytoskeletal proteins
Neurotransmitter receptors, ion channels, and other (Table 24.1). MASC is highly sensitive to the patterns of neu-
membrane proteins play the vital role of detecting the signals ronal activity, which it senses by its neurotransmitter receptor
in the milieu surrounding the synapse, which are principally components. The signals from the neurotransmitter receptors
the dynamic fluctuations in the concentration of neurotrans- are transmitted to the cytoplasmic proteins in part through the
mitter released from the presynaptic terminal. Although neu- influx of Ca2+, which then binds to Ca2+-sensitive proteins that
rotransmitter receptors are responsible for binding the ligand, are tethered to PSD95. These in turn catalyze intracellular sig-
it is now known that their regulation of intracellular biochem- naling events such as kinase mediated phosphorylation regulat-
ical events is mediated by the proteins that physically couple ing downstream biochemical pathways. For example, SynGAP
to the receptors (Komiyama et al., 2002; Migaud et al., 1998). is a Ras-GTPase activating protein that regulates the ERK/
A plethora of intracellular and other extracellular adhesion MAPKinase pathway and it is itself activated by Ca2+ influx
proteins are brought into proximity to the receptor through through the NMDA receptor, which is also tethered to PSD95
scaffold proteins (Fig. 24.2) (Fernandez et al., 2009). This clus- (Komiyama et al., 2002). The enzymes in MASC thus engage
tering of signaling proteins into “particles” confers far more and drive cell biological pathways that change the properties of
sophisticated signaling properties than an ion channel in the synapse, regulate local protein synthesis, and also transmit
isolation. Signaling complexes are widespread in eukaryotes signals into the nucleus. It is important to emphasize that the
and play a vital role in coordinating communication between signaling complexes can simultaneously orchestrate and coor-
cells of metazoans and in unicellular eukaryotes for detect- dinate multiple different downstream signaling pathways that
ing changes in the external environment (Good et al., 2011; form a network (Coba et al., 2009; Pocklington et al., 2006).
Nourry et al., 2003). Thus MASC is a signal detector and processor that monitors

Ion channel/ Adhesion

(A) receptor protein

Enzyme Cytoskeleton

Intra- and extracellular Assembly of Multiprotein complex

proteins complex (MASC)


Different subtypes of MASC

Figure 24.2 Composition of MAGUK associated signaling complexes. (A) Assembly of MASC requires scaffold proteins that bind to a variety of intracellular and
extracellular proteins. (B) Different combinations of the binding proteins can assemble into different subtypes of MASC.

2 4 S Y N A P T I C D I S E A S E I N P S Y C H I AT R Y | 313

TA B L E 24. 1. Genes encoding proteins in MAGUK Associated Signaling Complexes (MASC) are involved in many neurological and
psychiatric diseases. Diseases were annotated from the Genetic Association Database and by manual curation. Genes and Protein
identifiers are shown (Gene Name, Entrez Gene ID, UniProt). Molecular Function curated from GO (Gene ontology) and Reference
number from PubMed.




ATP1B1 481 Sodium/potassium-transporting P05026 Rett syndrome 19455133 Sodium: potassium-exchanging

ATPase subunit beta- ATPase activity

Neurodegeneration 19455133

CACNG2 10369 Voltage-dependent calcium Q9Y698 Bipolar disorder 19455133 Voltage-gated calcium channel
channel gamma-2 subunit activity

Schizophrenia 18571626

GRIA1 2890 Glutamate receptor 1, GluR-1 P42261 Schizophrenia 19455133 Glutamate receptor

Alzheimer’s 19455133

Epilepsy 19455133

GRIA2 2891 Glutamate receptor 2, GluR-2 P42262 Schizophrenia 19455133 Glutamate receptor

Epilepsy 19455133

GRIA3 2892 GRIA3 protein Q17R51 Schizophrenia 19736351 Glutamate receptor


X-Mental retardation 19449417

GRIA4 2893 GRIA4 protein A6QL61 Schizophrenia 12497607 Glutamate receptor


GRIK2 2898 Glutamate receptor, Q13002 Mental retardation 19455133 Glutamate receptor
ionotropic kainate 2

Schizophrenia 12467946

Autism 20442744

GRIN1 2902 Glutamate [NMDA] receptor Q05586 Attention disorder 11140838 Calcium ion binding, glutamate
subunit zeta-1 receptor, neurotransmitter binding

Bipolar affective 19455133


Schizophrenia 11109007

Seizure 19455133

Parkinson’s 20438806

GRIN2A 2903 Glutamate [NMDA] receptor Q12879 Alzheimer’s 19455133 Glutamate receptor,
subunit epsilon-1 neurotransmitter binding, voltage-
gated cation channel activity

Huntington’s disease 15742215

Schizophrenia 12082569

Epilepsy 20890276

Mental retardation 20890276

Autism 19058789


314 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 24. 1. (Continued)



GRIN2B 2904 Glutamate [NMDA] receptor Q13224 Schizophrenia 11317224 Glutamate receptor,
subunit epsilon-2 neurotransmitter binding, voltage-
gated cation channel activity

Bipolar affective 19005876


Huntington’s disease 15742215

Mental retardation 2089027

Alzheimer’s 11844890

Parkinson’s 11844890

KCNA1 3736 Potassium voltage-gated Q09470 Episodic ataxia, 19455133 Potassium ion transmembrane
channel subfamily A type 1 transporter activity
member 1

KCNJ10 3766 ATP-sensitive inward rectifier P78508 Schizophrenia 20933057 ATP binding, voltage-gated
potassium channel 10 K+-channel

Epilepsy 15725393

Seizure 15120748

KCNJ4 3761 KCNJ4 protein Q58F07 Schizophrenia 19455133 Inward rectifier potassium
channel activity

VDAC1 7416 Recommended name: Voltage- P21796 Alzheimer’s 19455133 Porin activity, voltage-gated
dependent anion-selective anion channel activity
channel protein 1 Short name =
Short name = hVDAC1
Alternative name(s): Outer
mitochondrial membrane
protein porin 1 Plasmalemmal
Porin 31HL Porin 31HM

Schizophrenia 19455133

Narcolepsy 20677014

Bipolar affective 19455133


VDAC2 7417 Voltage-dependent anion- P45880 Bipolar affective 19455133 Nucleotide binding, porin
selective channel protein 2 disorder activity, voltage-gated anion
channel activity

Alzheimer’s disease 16385451


ACOT7 11332 Cytosolic acyl coenzyme A O00154 Schizophrenia 19455133 Carboxylesterase activity,
thioester hydrolase palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase activity

ATP5A1 498 ATP synthase subunit alpha, P25705 Alzheimer’s 19455133 ATP synthase activity

ATP5C1 509 ATP synthase subunit gamma, P36542 Bipolar affective 19455133 Hydrogen ion transporting ATP
mitochondrial disorder synthase activity, transmembrane
transporter activity

CNP 1267 2’,3’-cyclic-nucleotide P09543 Schizophrenia 19455133 2’,3’-cyclic-nucleotide

3’-phosphodiesterase 3’-phosphodiesterase activity


2 4 S Y N A P T I C D I S E A S E I N P S Y C H I AT R Y | 315

TA B L E 24. 1. (Continued)



ERBB4 2066 Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase Q15303 Schizophrenia 16249994 Cell surface receptor for
erbB-4 neuregulins and EGF family

GAPDH 2597 Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate P04406 Alzheimer’s 19455133, ADP binding: glyceraldehyde-

dehydrogenase 15507493 3-phosphate dehydrogenase
(NAD+) (phosphorylating) activity
Inferred from electronic
annotation. Source: Inter
dehydrogenase (NAD+)
(phosphorylating) activity
Inferred from sequence or
structural similarity. Source:
S-nitrosylase activity

GDA 9615 Guanine deaminase Q9Y2T3 Schizophrenia 2047103 Guanine deaminase activity, zinc
ion binding

MSRB2 22921 Methionine-R-sulfoxide Q9Y3D2 Bipolar affective 19455133 Protein-methionine-R-oxide

reductase B2, mitochondrial disorder reductase activity: sequence-
specific DNA binding
transcription factor activity
Inferred from electronic annotation.
Source: InterProprotein-
methionine-R-oxide reductase
Inferred from sequence or
structural similarity PubMed
Source: HGNCsequence-specific
DNA binding transcription factor
Traceable author statement Ref.1.
Source: ProtInczinc ion binding

Alzheimer’s 16385451

NLN 57486 Neurolysin, mitochondrial Q9BYT8 Impaired function 22222624 Metal ion binding,
metalloendopeptidase activity

PDHA1 5160 Recommended name: Pyruvate P08559 Depression 19455133 Pyruvate dehydrogenase (acetyl-
dehydrogenase E1 component transferring) activity
subunit alpha, somatic form,
mitochondrial EC=
Alternative name(s): PDHE1-A
type I

PGK1 5230 Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 Parkinson’s 19455133 Kinase, ATP

bindingphosphoglycerate kinase
activity transferase

Mental retardation 19455133

Bipolar disorder 19455133

PRDX1 5052 Peroxiredoxin-1 Q06830 Alzheimer’s 19455133 Antioxidant, oxidoreductase,


PRDX2 7001 Peroxiredoxin-2 P32119 Parkinson’s 19455133 Antioxidant, oxidoreductase,


Frontotemporal lobar 2236042



316 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 24. 1. (Continued)



Schizophrenia 19165527

Alzheimer’s 12650976

TNIK 23043 TNIK protein Q7Z4L4 Schizophrenia 19023125 Small GTPase regulator

DPYSL2 1808 Dihydropyrimidinase-related Q16555 Alzheimer’s 17683481 Dihydropyrimidinase activity,

protein 2, DRP-2 protein kinase binding

Schizophrenia 16321170,

Epilepsy 15672539

Down syndrome 11771764

Biploar disorder 16380905


PPP3CA Serine/threonine-protein Q08209 Schizophrenia 19455133 Calcium ion binding, calmodulin-

phosphatase 2B catalytic dependent protein phosphatase
subunit alpha isoform activity

Parkinson’s disease 18628988

Alzheimer’s disease 20590401


CAMK2A 815 Calcium/calmodulin-dependent Q9UQM7 Bipolar disorder 19455133 ATP binding; calmodulin-
protein kinase type II subunit dependent protein kinase
alpha activity; kinase activity

CAMK2B 816 Calcium/calmodulin-dependent Q13554 Schizophrenia 19455133 ATP binding; calmodulin-

protein kinase type II subunit dependent protein kinase activity

Depression 19455133

Autism 19058789

MAPK1 5594 Mitogen-activated protein P28482 Schizophrenia 19455133 MAP kinase activity: RNA
kinase 1 polymerase II carboxy-terminal
domain kinase activity
Source: UniProtKB-KWDNA
Inferred from electronic
Source: UniProtKB-KWMAP
kinase activity
Traceable author statement
PubMed 10706854.
Source: ProtInc
RNA polymerase II carboxy-
terminal domain kinase activity

Depression 19455133

RELN 5649 Reelin P78509 Autism 11317216 Protein serine/threonine/tyrosine

kinase activity

Schizophrenia 12082559

Alzheimer’s disease 18599960

Bipolar Disorder 19691043


2 4 S Y N A P T I C D I S E A S E I N P S Y C H I AT R Y | 317

TA B L E 24. 1. (Continued)




ADAM22 53616 Disintegrin and Q9P0K1 Epilepsy 19455133 Metalloendopeptidase activity;

metalloproteinase domain- receptor activity; zinc ion
containing protein 22, ADAM 22 binding;

CAPZA2 830 F-actin-capping protein P47755 Mental retardation 19455133 Regulates the growth of the actin
subunit alpha-2 filaments at the barbed end.

LGI1 9211 Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated O95970 Epilepsy 20659151 Protein binding

protein 1

NEFL 4747 Recommended name: P07196 CMT1 19455133 Protein C-terminus binding,
Neurofilament light polypeptide structural constituent of
Short name = NF-L Alternative cytoskeleton
name(s): 68 kDa neurofilament
protein Neurofilament triplet L

Schizophrenia 19455133

Bipolar 19455133

CMT2 19455133

ALS 19455133

Parkinson’s 12231460

NRCAM 4897 Neuronal cell adhesion Q92823 Autism 17106428 Neuron-neuron adhesion and
molecule promotes directional signaling
during axonal cone growth.

Schizophrenia 19154219

NRXN1 9378 NRXN1 protein Q49A31 Autism 18490107 Acetylcholine receptor binding,
calcium-dependent protein
binding, cell adhesion
molecule binding, neuroligin
family protein binding

Schizophrenia 18940311

PLP1 5354 Myelin proteolipid protein P60201 Pelizaeus– 2479017 Structural constituent of myelin
Merzbacher disease sheath, structural molecule

Depression40 19455133

Multiple sclerosis 9460711

Demyelinating 19455133

Spastic paraplegia 19455133

leukodystrophies 16416265

CLTC 1213 Recommended name: Clathrin Q00610 Mental retardation 19455133 Binding, structural molecule
heavy chain 1 activity
Alternative name(s): Clathrin
heavy chain on chromosome 17
Short name= CLH-17


318 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 24. 1. (Continued)




CYFIP1 23191 Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting Q7L576 Prader-Willi syndrome 14508708 Actin filament binding; Rac
protein 1 GTPase binding
MAGUKs / Adaptors / Scaffolders
PDZ-domain containing scaffolders

DLG1 1739 Disks large homolog 1 Q12959 Schizophrenia 19455133, Guanylate kinase activity,
18665322 phosphoprotein phosphatase
activity, potassium channel
regulator activity

DLG2 1740 Disks large homolog 2 Q15700 Schizophrenia 19736351, Guanylate kinase activity

Parkinson’s disease 17052657

DLG3 1741 Disks large homolog 3 Q92796 Schizophrenia 19455133 Guanylate kinase activity

Bipolar disorder 19455133

Depression 19455133

X-Mental retardation 19455133

DLG4 1742 Disks large homolog 4 P78352 Schizophrenia 19455133, ADP-activated nucleotide
20921115, receptor activity

Bipolar disorder 19455133

SHANK3 85358 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat Q9BYB0 Autism 22223503 GKAP/Homer scaffold activity;
domains protein 3, Shank3 SH3 domain binding

Schizophrenia 20385823
type 15

Phelan-McDermid 21984749,
syndrome 21984749

TJP1 7082 Tight junction protein ZO-1 Q07157 Prader-Willi syndrome 8825647 Calmodulin binding, protein
non-PDZ-domain containing scaffolders

DLGAP1 9229 Disks large-associated O14490 Schizophrenia 19455133 Protein binding, postsynaptic
protein 1 scaffold in neuronal cells

YWHAE 7531 Recommended name: P62258 Miller–Dieker 19455133 Histone deacetylase binding,
14–3-3 protein epsilon lissencephaly phosphoprotein binding, protein
Short name = 14–3-3E binding protein domain specific

YWHAG 7532 14–3-3 protein gamma P61981 Insulin-like growth factor

receptor binding, protein
binding, protein kinase C
inhibitor activity, receptor
tyrosine kinase binding

DTNBP1 84062 Dysbindin Q96EV8 Schizophrenia 12474144 Protein binding, intracellular

vesicle trafficking. Plays a role in
synaptic vesicle trafficking and in
neurotransmitter release

Bipolar disorder 15820225


2 4 S Y N A P T I C D I S E A S E I N P S Y C H I AT R Y | 319

TA B L E 24. 1. (Continued)



DISC1 27185 Recommended name: Disrupted Q9NRI5 Schizophrenia 15342131 Protein binding, developmental
in schizophrenia 1 protein protein

Asperger syndrome 17579608

Bipolar disorder 15838535

Alzheimer’s disease 19118814

Amyotrophic lateral 19451621


Depression 19548263

FMR1 2332 Fragile X mental retardation Q06787 Mental retardation 11415517 mRNA binding, inhibit
protein 1, FMRP, FMR-1 translations

Parkinson’s disease 15929093

Mental disorder 15617547

X-Mental retardation 9415473

EHMT1 79813 Histone-lysine Q9H9B1 Schizophrenia 22083728 Chromatin regulator,

N-methyltransferase, EHMT1 methyltransferase

MECP2 4204 Methyl-CpG-binding P51608 Angelman syndrome 11283202 Double-stranded methylated

protein 2 DNA binding, transcription
corepressor activity

Rett syndrome 15034579

Mental retardation 10986043

syndromic X-linked
type 13

Autism X-linked 12770674

type 3

TCF4 6925 Transcription factor 4 Pitt-Hopkins 17478476 Sequence-specific DNA binding

syndrome RNA polymerase recruiting
transcription factor activity

Schizophrenia 10889556


GNAO1 2775 Guanine nucleotide-binding P09471 Schizophrenia 19455133 Transducer, GTP binding/
protein G(o) subunit alpha activity, metal ion binding, signal
transducer activity

SYNGAP1 8831 Ras GTPase-activating protein Q96PV0 Mental retardation 19196676 GTPase activation, phospholipid
SynGAP autosomal dominant binding
type 5

Autism 21237447

NRG1 3084 Pro-neuregulin-1, membrane- Q02297 Schizophrenia 12478479 Direct ligand for ERBB3 and
bound isoform ERBB4 tyrosine kinase receptors

Bipolar disorder 15939841

Autism 17519028

Bipolar disorder 18466879


320 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 24. 1. (Continued)




Synaptic vesicle

NSF 4905 Vesicle-fusing ATPase P46459 Schizophrenia 19455133 ATP binding/ activity, metal ion

Alzheimer’s disease 15917099

Huntington’s disease 15040808

Parkinson’s disease 14570706

RPH3A 22895 Rabphilin-3A Q9Y2J0 Huntington’s disease 17877635 Transporter activity, zinc ion

RYR2 6262 Ryanodine receptor 2 Q92736 Autism 21151189 Calcium ion binding, receptor
activity, ryanodine-sensitive
calcium-release channel activity,
suramin binding

STX1a 6804 Recommended name: Q16623 Alzheimer’s 10891589 Calcium channel inhibitor activity
Alternative name(s): Neuron-
specific antigen HPC-1

Epilepsy 19557857

Migraine disorders 19368856

Schizophrenia 10924661,

Autism 21118708

CJD 10842016

STXBP1 6812 Syntaxin-binding protein 1 P61764 Schizophrenia 19455133 SNARE binding, identical protein
binding, syntaxin binding

Epileptic 18469812

SLC25A4 291 ADP/ATP translocase 1 P12235 Bipolar affective 19455133 ATP:ADP antiporter activity,
disorder adenine transmembrane
transporter activity

Opthalmoplegia 12112115

neuronal activity and organizes the functional state of the syn- it is evident that the various MASC subtypes are differentially
apse and nerve cell. distributed in the brain, with some components expressed
Analysis of MASC from brain tissue has shown there in particular synapses and neurons and others in different
is a very large number of proteins (100–300) and it is clear locations (Fig. 24.2B) (Emes et al., 2008). The differential
that these are not all found within a single physical complex. expression of MASC components has implications for disease
Rather, they are shared into different complexes or subtypes because mutations in proteins will therefore not affect all syn-
forming a family of MASCs (Fig. 24.2). Recent large-scale apses and neurons equally. While this is not well documented
systematic studies examining the neuroanatomical distri- in humans, studies in genetically modified mice show that
bution of gene expression reveal differences in the levels of mutations that interfere with core MASC components, such
synapse proteins in different parts of the mouse and human as the MAGUK proteins that assemble the complexes, have
brain (Emes et al., 2008; Hawrylycz, 2012). From these data pronounced electrophysiological and behavioral phenotypes

2 4 S Y N A P T I C D I S E A S E I N P S Y C H I AT R Y | 321

(Carlisle et al., 2008; Cuthbert et al., 2007; Migaud et al., 1998; following sections by studies showing that multiple mutations
Nithianantharajah et al., 2012). impact on these complexes.
In contrast to the signal transduction complexes formed by
neurotransmitters, the complexes in the presynaptic terminal
for neurotransmitter release have a mechanical role in catalyz- SY N A P SE M U TAT I O N S C A U SE A WI D E
ing the fusion of the presynaptic membrane with synaptic vesi- R A N G E O F DI SE A SE S
cles (Sudhof and Rizo, 2011). Core proteins include the SNARE
and SM (Sec1/Munc18-like) proteins. These proteins form a The first global view of genetic disease burden on the human
helical complex bringing the membranes together and are later synapse proteome came from the systematic characterization
dissociated by additional proteins (NSF, N-ethylmaleimide of the postsynaptic proteome (Bayes et al., 2011). The study dis-
sensitive factor). Further interacting proteins including chap- covered a total of 1,461 PSD proteins from the neocortex, of
erones, synaptotagmin, Munc, and RIM proteins play key roles which a “consensus set” of 748 were common to all samples and
in tethering to Ca2+ channels (that permit Ca2+ entry following subjects. Each PSD gene was annotated to known monogenic
the arrival of the action potential) and triggering the SNARE diseases identified from the Online Mendelian Inheritance in
proteins. Man (OMIM) database: 269 monogenic diseases were encoded
In addition to signaling complexes and synaptic vesicle by 199 genes from the total PSD, and 155 diseases were encoded
complexes, there are also other types of complexes or assem- from 110 genes in the consensus PSD, overall representing ~14%
blies at synapses. For example, the multiprotein complexes of PSD proteins. The number of disease relevant mutations is
regulating the synthesis and turnover of proteins including continuing to increase with new sequencing data. Diseases with
ribosomes and proteasomes are present in the postsynaptic primary symptoms in the nervous system represented ~50% of
terminal (Haas and Broadie, 2008; Steward et al., 1996; Zalfa the total diseases in both PSD sets (133 diseases in total PSD
et al., 2006). Dysfunction in protein metabolism impacts on and 82 in consensus PSD) and of all nervous system diseases,
many different postsynaptic proteins and thereby produces ~80% were central nervous system disorders.
general debilitating effects. For example, a genetic disorder Many of these diseases are rare single gene disorders, and
of cognition involving dysregulation of protein synthesis is others are more common diseases, such as epilepsy and men-
Fragile X syndrome. The gene encoding FMRP (Fragile X tal retardation, which were caused by mutations in multiple
Mental Retardation Protein) regulates mRNA translation, and PSD genes (Fig. 24.3). Classifications of human diseases rely
its disruption results in widespread changes in MASC and PSD on the International Classification of Diseases, now in its 10th
proteins (Darnell et al., 2011). FMRP is also found within mul- revision (ICD10). ICD10 relies primarily on overall disease
tiprotein complexes with CYFIP and other proteins (Schenck description and from the total of 22 ICD10 disease categories
et al., 2001; Zalfa et al., 2006; Zalfa et al., 2007). Thus the over- (chapters), PSD diseases mapped primarily to four chapters
all organization and function within the postsynaptic terminal with most in Diseases of the nervous system, which includes
is carried out by sets of large multiprotein machines. The rel- neurological disorders: epilepsies, atrophies, paralytic, move-
evance of these complexes to disease will be highlighted in the ment disorders, and neurodegenerative conditions including

Congenital nutritional,
malformations, Extrapyramidal
and metabolic
deformations, and and movement
chromosomal disorders
(Ch. IV)
(Ch. XVII)

11% 11%
Mental and 9%
behavioral 18% 29%
disorders 6% Other Episodic and
(Ch. V) 34% degenerative paroxysmal
Diseases of diseases of the syndromes
21% the nervous nervous system
No ICD-10 system(Ch. VI)
correspondence 21%
Cerebral palsy
19% and other
PNS paralytic
disease syndromes
the CNS

Figure 24.3 Diseases of the human postsynaptic density. Over 130 brain diseases caused by mutations disrupt the human postsynaptic proteome and are
here categorized according to the International Classification of Disease chapter system. The left chart shows the distribution into all disease categories with
four chapters (IV-VII) representing those affecting the brain. Note that peripheral nervous system (PNS) is also affected. The right chart is an expansion of the
disease subclassifications within Chapter VI. (Further details can be found in Bayes et al., 2011, from which this was adapted.)

322 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Other major categories of whereby a “spectrum” of related phenotypes can arise is
human CNS disorders were also represented, including psychi- through different mutations (including deletions and duplica-
atric, developmental, and metabolic diseases. The broad range tions) in the same gene as exemplified in Charcot-Marie-Tooth
of diseases caused by mutations disrupting the PSD show that disease (Shchelochkov et al., 2010). It is likely that all of these
neurological and psychiatric diseases have a common etiology genetic mechanisms acting on the complexes will be a source
in synaptopathy. of the spectrum of clinical disorders.
While there may be many important disease mutations
impacting on synaptic signaling complexes these findings do
DIS E A S E MU TAT IO NS C O NVER G E O N not imply that other genes such as those encoding proteins in
S YNA PTIC P RO T EIN C O MP L EX E S other complexes cannot also produce some of the same diseases
and phenotypes. As noted earlier, FMRP when mutated results
Schizophrenia and autism are two diseases that together in the Fragile X syndrome, a relatively common cause of intel-
afflict several percent of the population and produce lifelong lectual impairment with autism-like features. Another exam-
problems in cognitive functioning. Large-scale genome-wide ple would be mutations in transcription factors or genes that
studies have excluded the possibility that all patients have a regulate transcription such as EHMT1 or MECP2 that could
mutation in a single gene and the prevailing view is that each disrupt the expression of proteins in the synapse (Kirov et al.,
of these diseases arises from mutations in multiple different 2012). As a result of the rapid progress in genome sequencing,
genes. The study of de novo copy number variation has recently there are new mutations in psychiatric diseases being discov-
become a powerful tool for identifying pathogenic mutations ered each month. Biochemical characterization of the synaptic
in diseases that have complex multigenic genetics. The essence complexes that these genes regulate is expected to expand in
of the approach is to compare the genome of patients with coming years.
their normal parents and seek the de novo mutations that arose
with the disease: these are more likely to be causal than (inher-
ited) genetic variants found using other approaches (Vissers A GENETIC AND PROTEOMIC
et al., 2010). In a study of hundreds of families with an affected A R C HI T E C T U R E O F B R A I N DI SE AS E
offspring with schizophrenia, de novo mutations were identi- P HE N O T Y P E S
fied in many genes, and it was found that there was a highly
significant enrichment of mutations in synapse proteins, and The following section aims to take the reader away from the
in particular the MASC proteins in the PSD (Fig. 24.4) (Kirov use of the term “disease” to a more fundamental and reduc-
et al., 2012). tionist descriptive approach of behavior phenotypes. There are
The convergence of many mutations causing schizophrenia two essential concepts to embrace. First, the clinical manifesta-
onto MASC strongly supports the view that these complexes tion of a disease is a constellation or set of abnormal symptoms
are the level in the molecular hierarchy at which the disease or signs. For example, Huntington’s disease (HD) is a descrip-
and its phenotypes are regulated. In other words, the disease is tion of a set of motoric and cognitive impairments. Second,
caused by disruptions to a set of proteins that form MASC— mutations produce phenotypes (because of the disruption of
the disease is a “postsynaptic complexopathy.” Similar stud- the proteins controlling that behavior or physiological func-
ies of autism de novo CNVs also reported mutations in these tion), and any mutation usually produces multiple phenotypes.
postsynaptic signaling complexes and the postsynaptic density The mutation in the Huntington gene that results in HD is an
(Levy et al., 2011; Pinto et al., 2010). Not only were the same excellent example. Thus a simple hierarchy where diseases
complexes impacted by mutations in these diseases, but some are on top and beneath them are the specific phenotypes and
of the same genes. Another similar study of attention-deficit beneath these are the genes (and their mutations) can be con-
hyperactivity disorder (Elia et al., 2011) and Tourette’s syn- structed as shown in Fig. 24.5.
drome (Fernandez et al., 2011) identified de novo mutations With available knowledge of gene mutations and their
that also overlapped with these sets. Thus these genetic and phenotypes a map of gene-phenotype-disease relationship
proteomic data reveal that these diseases, which have similar can be constructed for any set of genes, such as the postsyn-
clinical manifestations must have a common underlying etiol- aptic proteome (Bayes et al., 2011). This not only permits the
ogy, and this etiology is in the disruption of the synaptic sig- identification of the sets of proteins directly relevant to a phe-
naling complexes. notype (and disease) but can be used to reveal other proteins
These examples have emphasized that different single gene that interact with them, which may be new disease candi-
mutations disrupting the complexes can result in disease in dates. Using the knowledge of the postsynaptic proteome all
the individual patient. Another genetic mechanism relevant the known Mendelian diseases were cataloged from OMIM,
to the model of genetic convergence on multiprotein com- and all the relevant phenotypes identified using the Human
plexes is to have two or more weaker mutations in different Phenotype Ontology (HPO) (Robinson and Mundlos, 2010),
proteins that together have an additive effect—a phenom- which is another catalog that systematically lists all the phe-
enon known as epistasis. An example of this type of analysis notypes for OMIM diseases. This showed that mutations in 80
on glutamate receptors and interacting MAGUK proteins was PSD genes resulted in 115 human neural phenotypes. Since
recently reported in a cohort of schizophrenia and bipolar dis- there are more phenotypes than genes, it is clear that some
order patients (Frank et al., 2011). Another genetic mechanism mutations produce multiple phenotypes. Conversely, many

2 4 S Y N A P T I C D I S E A S E I N P S Y C H I AT R Y | 323

Synaptic cleft






Postsynaptic terminal



(de novo)
Schizophrenia Transcription
(other studies) factor complex

Calcium ion

Figure 24.4 Schizophrenia and autism mutations at the synapse. Schematic of the synapse proteome showing individual proteins and complexes impacted by
mutations in schizophrenia and autism. From a study of de novo copy number variation in 662 schizophrenia proband-parent trios (Kirov et al., 2012) multiple
mutations in MASC proteins were found (indicated by gray star). Other studies of schizophrenia and autism have identified mutations in the same sets of proteins
(light and dark stars respectively) (See Table 24.1). These disease mutations also impact on presynaptic proteins including those linked to MASC across the
synaptic cleft by the adhesion proteins. Within the postsynaptic terminal the complex formed by FMRP and CYFIP1 that controls protein translation is shown with
mRNA. This complex is important in schizophrenia and autism (Fragile X Mental Retardation) for controlling synthesis of MASC and PSD proteins. Calcium ions
are important in activating postsynaptic signaling proteins in the complexes and these flow into the cytoplasm from the synaptic cleft via the NMDA receptor and
other membrane channels as well as from internal membrane-bound stores. The transcription factor complexes in the nucleus are also shown. Individual shapes
are specific proteins and relevant names are included and correspond to Table 24.1.

(over 100) phenotypes were caused by mutations in more This large-scale phenotype mapping shows that the symp-
than one PSD gene and some of these involved large subsets of toms and signs that are the diagnostic features of a disease
genes. For example, 40 known mutations cause mental retar- will depend on which subset of PSD proteins is disrupted. For
dation, 29 cause seizures, and 20 cause spasticity. These kinds example, mutations affecting a “cognitive subset of proteins”
of studies were also performed in mice, where the genetic will result in more cognitive symptoms, and mutations in a
mutations are well controlled and the phenotypes accurately “motor subset” will present with more motor symptoms. This
measured with similar results. For example, 57 postsynaptic is shown in Fig. 24.5, where subnetworks of the postsynaptic
gene mutations result in learning and memory phenotypes, proteome comprising interacting proteins control these differ-
38 in emotion, and 21 in the phenotype of impaired social ent phenotypes. Because a protein may be in two phenotype
interaction. networks, a single mutation can produce two phenotypes. Thus

324 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

e as Dis. 1 Dis. 2 Dis. n

en Ph. 1 Ph. 2 Ph. n


Cognitive Motor



Figure 24.5 Diseases are sets of phenotypes regulated by sets of proteins. Any single disease is defined by a set of clinical symptoms and signs or phenotypes.
Proteins in complexes are interconnected (shown by synapse proteome subsets where each protein is a circle) and mutations in subsets of these proteins (shaded
circles) cause specific phenotypes (e.g., cognitive or motor, as indicated). Mutations at the level of the genome produce the altered protein function within these
proteins. This hierarchy aims to explain how multiple different gene mutations result in disease phenotypes through their convergent effect on specific subsets of
proteins within the synapse proteome.

the phenotype spectrum or constellation is dependent not only with genome sequencing, there will be a more definitive defini-
on the gene, but also on the interactions of its encoded protein tion of both the underlying molecular mechanisms as well as
with other synaptic proteins. These subsets also help explain phenotypic characteristics that may indicate degree or extent
why some phenotypes are common to multiple diseases. From of disease progression. These types of measure will also be nec-
this outline, it will be possible in future to develop a molecular essary to assess outcomes in clinical trials.
categorization of PSD diseases mapping diseases and pheno- The identification of the phenotypes that comprise the dis-
types onto protein complexes or networks of PSD proteins. ease (sometimes called endophenotypes) and their specific
These studies of the genetic and proteomic architecture of molecular basis will focus attention on new therapeutic targets.
the whole postsynaptic proteome also apply to sets of proteins Targets that are within the subsets of proteins controlling a phe-
found in physical complexes such as MASC, and reveal their notype could be used to treat all the diseases that share that phe-
role in the etiology of multiple diseases. As shown in Table 24.1 notype. Progress in this area will require more research toward
and Fig. 24.4, disruption of the different proteins in MASC understanding the organization of the sets of proteins into mul-
results in a set of diseases. This indicates a common molecular tiprotein complexes and new types of drug screening assays.
etiology at the level of the multiprotein complexes for diseases The recognition that synaptopathies are important in
that have heretofore been considered to be separate. This helps neurology and psychiatry and in pediatric disorders of the
explain why these diseases are similar and in some instances nervous system suggests that there are avenues for changing
very difficult to distinguish, as well as why the same gene muta- the structure of clinical training programs around synapses.
tion can be found in two diseases. Clinicians who are experts on synaptic diseases could cross the
traditional boundaries between psychiatry and neurology. This
would require training programs based on fundamental neu-
FUTU R E P ERS P EC TIVES roscience of synapses together with a rigorous understanding
of human genetics.
The present era of psychiatry is one where genome sequencing
is having a major impact by identifying DNA variants in dis-
ease. It is clear that genetic based diagnosis will be a major asset DI SC L O SU R E
in the future, but alone will not be sufficient for classification
of the disease. It will also be necessary to use new behavioral Dr. Grant serves on the Board of Synome Ltd. and does not
diagnostic approaches that go beyond interviews, such as the receive financial compensation or salary support for his par-
computerized touchscreen based methods of cognitive testing ticipation. He receives grant support from the European Union
(Barnett et al., 2010; Nithianantharajah et al., 2012). Together and the Medical Research Council.

2 4 S Y N A P T I C D I S E A S E I N P S Y C H I AT R Y | 325

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Schizophrenia affects approximately 1% of the world’s popula-
tion and is a major contributor to both years lost to disability and The 50% concordance of schizophrenia between monozygotic
health care costs. Despite the significant impetus to understand twins demonstrates that there is a clear genetic component
the etiology of schizophrenia and to develop therapeutics to ease to disease onset, and the incomplete concordance highlights
the burden of disease, progress has been limited. This may be due that there are also other factors in play. Many epidemiological
to the complexity of the underlying genetics as well as heteroge- observations associated with increased risk of schizophrenia
neity within and between psychiatric diagnoses. What is clear is suggest exposures that might influence brain development. For
that there is a genetic component to schizophrenia risk as well a comprehensive review see Brown (2011).
as environmental factors that are important for the manifesta- Significant effort has been put into correlating pre- and
tion of disease. At this point, the genetic causes of schizophrenia perinatal disturbances to the development of schizophrenia.
remain largely elusive except for highly penetrant but rare vari- Numerous studies have linked phenomena such as maternal
ants, which account only for a small fraction of schizophrenia nutrition and infection, season of birth, and obstetrical compli-
cases. The most notable example is disrupted in schizophrenia-1 cations to the manifestation of schizophrenia later in life (Lewis
(DISC1), which was identified in a Scottish family with a near and Levitt, 2002). Studies of children born from mothers who
Mendelian inheritance of psychiatric diseases. Although rare were in early pregnancy during the Dutch Hunger winter have
variants are not the genetic cause of schizophrenia for the vast shown association with schizophrenia, as well as with depres-
majority of cases, they may be instructive for the identification sion and mood disorders, increasing the risk of schizophrenia
of underlying pathways that are dysregulated in schizophrenia. approximately twofold. The association of famine with schizo-
phrenia was also observed in the 1959–1961 Chinese famines
in two separate regions, Liuzhou and Wuhu (Rapoport et al.,
A NE U R OD EVEL O P MENTA L MO DE L 2012). Improvements in imaging technology and longitudinal
OF S CHIZ O P H RENIA studies with collection of tissue and blood samples will aid the
understanding of how these factors contribute to schizophre-
A neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia has been nia onset in the future.
hypothesized by numerous researchers. This model postulates An example of association with an environmental fac-
that some of the key aspects of brain development that nor- tor that may be present during adolescence, and that has now
mally occur both pre- and postnatally are not occurring cor- been replicated in several carefully controlled studies is being
rectly, either in time or space. Complex neural circuitry needs in a minority group position. Studies examining association of
to form and be modulated by experience. Classically, prolifera- schizophrenia with being in a minority group position show
tion, migration, arborization and myelination occur prenatally. that development of psychosis is dependent on the proportion
Elaboration and refining of dendritic trees and synapses as well of their own ethnic group present in the area. Furthermore, the
as myelination of the nervous system continues through the association is seen in first- and second-generation migrants
first two-decades of life. There are opportunities for genetic and across several ethnic groups, indicating that it is not the
and environmental abnormalities and variation to profoundly ethnicity or migration itself that is causing the association.
influence the trajectories of all of these critical functional pro- Other examples include growing up in an urban environment
cesses. Temporal correlation is noted between the prodromal and experiencing developmental trauma (van Os et al., 2010).
aspects of schizophrenia, in particular abnormalities in cogni- These three factors clearly have components of stress, although
tion and in the neuroanatomic development of regions of the it is still not understood what types of stress and during which
cerebral cortex. As reviewed in earlier chapters, there is some developmental times stresses occur that are related to the onset
evidence suggesting that reduced interneuron activity may be of psychosis. In addition to these environmental factors, there
involved. Some of the key evidence that developmental pro- are also examples of more acute triggers that track with schizo-
cesses are awry and their potential causes is reviewed in the phrenia. A meta-analysis of people who have antibodies to
following and in the subsequent two chapters. toxoplasma gondii has found associations to schizophrenia that
replicated previous findings, showing that toxoplasma gondii
* Authors contributed equally and are presented in alphabetical order. infection conferred an odds ratio of ~2.7 (Torrey et al., 2012).

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The presence of antibodies indicated an infection up to the point disease with perturbations throughout neurodevelopment that
of analysis, which was after onset of disease; work remains to be lead up to its onset in early adulthood.
done pinpointing whether there is a time window of infection Another longitudinal study was conducted on ultra-
that is relevant for the development of psychosis. Another fac- high-risk schizophrenia candidates, as determined by their
tor thought to be associated with the onset of psychosis is the mental health state and family history of mental illness, in
use of cannabis. Although reverse causation is a concern when Melbourne, Australia (Gogtay et al., 2011). The candidates were
studying cannabis use, a meta-analysis of studies where base- on average 19 years of age and 40% developed schizophrenia
line psychosis was a criterion for exclusion found that there was within 12 months of the initiation of the study, allowing for the
an increased risk of psychosis with cannabis use associated with imaging of brains and discovery of perturbations during the
an odds ratio of 1.4 (Moore et al., 2007). period of onset between those candidates who developed psy-
Each of these associations implicate periods of stress, for chosis and those who did not. They found that there was gray
example, nutritional, immunological, or social, in the onset matter loss in the left medial and inferior temporal regions, the
of schizophrenia. These associated factors serve as proxies for anterior cingulated cortex, and in the left orbitofrontal cortex
what stimulus is really affecting the molecular basis of schizo- in patients who developed psychosis, which was not seen in
phrenia progression, which remains to be uncovered in future those who did not develop psychosis (Gogtay et al., 2011).
studies. Epigenetics (e.g., DNA methylation, histone acetyla- Although there is a decrease in brain volume, a significant
tion, and noncoding RNA) has been shown to be able to have change in number of neurons has not been observed. One
a strong influence in the case of maternal nutrition and the hypothesis is that the decrease in volume is due to the loss of
development of obesity and diabetes and may be important in neuronal processes, such as axons, dendrites, and dendritic
the role of neurodevelopmental influences in schizophrenia spines, referred to collectively as the neuropil. Analyses of
(Bale et al., 2010). postmortem brains have shown a marked decrease in dendritic
spines in schizophrenic patients when compared with con-
trols, especially in cortical pyramidal neurons (Garey, 2010).
NE UR OPATH O L O GY A S S O C IAT E D W I T H A diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging technique
S CHIZOP H RENIA called diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is used to image fiber
pathways and connection integrity of white matter in living
The macroscopic phenotypes that have most predictably subjects. In white matter, the flow of water is largely restricted
tracked with schizophrenia are ventricular enlargement and to the tracts and therefore has directionality that can be used
slight reductions in brain volume and weight as measured in as a proxy for the integrity of the fibers.
whole brain imaging studies or in postmortem samples (Lawrie Before the onset of the majority of schizophrenia cases
and Abukmeil, 1998). Other endophenotypes of schizophrenia in late adolescence/early adulthood, there are cognitive defi-
include structural changes in various brain regions, changes in cits that can be observed before diagnosis is made (Gold and
gray matter volume, cortical thickness, and neuronal integrity Weinberger, 1995). Furthermore, these cognitive deficits are
(Harrison and Weinberger, 2005). found in undiagnosed family members who have not been
Brain imaging studies of rare childhood onset schizo- exposed to treatment, indicating that there is a genetic disposi-
phrenia cases (1/500 cases of schizophrenia), which are often tion for cognitive dysfunction that may be used as a hallmark
similar to more severe outcomes of schizophrenia, provide an of severity of disease. The most consistent finding resulting
opportunity to understand how brain development may be from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies
perturbed in schizophrenia, and they are less likely to be influ- in schizophrenic patients is changes in activity in the dorsolat-
enced by environmental factors such as substance abuse, which eral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) during working memory tasks.
is known to cause structural changes to the brain. Longitudinal Schizophrenic patients have decreased performance on work-
studies were conducted starting in 1991 at the NIMH, where ing memory tasks, which is correlated with decreased activity
more than 100 child-onset schizophrenia patients and their sib- in the DLPFC. One nuance is that for tasks in which schizo-
lings underwent brain imaging four–five times every two years. phrenic patients have similar performance as control subjects,
The average age of onset was 10 years, and there was an equal there is an increased activity in the DLPFC (Lewis et al., 2005).
distribution between males and females (Gogtay et al., 2011). The impairment in working memory has led investigators
These studies show that phenotypes are preserved between to posit several hypotheses based on neurotransmitters and
child and adult onset schizophrenia, such as increased lateral connectivity.
ventricular sizes, and decreased overall gray matter, hippocam-
pus, and amygdala volumes (Gogtay and Rapoport, 2008). In
the course of normal development, gray matter volumes follow O L I G O DE N DR O C Y C T E S, M Y E LI N ,
an inverted U-shape curve, where they increase throughout DE V E L O P M E N T, A N D SC HI Z O PH R E N I A
childhood and peak at puberty, whereas white matter volumes
steadily increase into adulthood. The NIH longitudinal study White matter integrity is measured in DTI by fractional
showed that in child onset schizophrenia gray matter loss anisotrophy, which is representative of myelination and
occurs throughout development and that white matter devel- tract organization. Over the many DTI studies performed
opment is retarded when compared with control cases. These on schizophrenia cohorts, there are decreases in fractional
data support the concept that schizophrenia is a progressive anisotrophy measurements in white matter across many brain

328 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

regions, most consistently in the cingulate, corpus callosum, of these receptors to presynaptic K+ channels has been shown
and frontal lobes (Thomason and Thompson, 2011). Moreover, to lead to the inhibition of neurotransmitter release. In addi-
in a study of prodromal ultra-high-risk psychosis candidates, tion, it has been reported that these receptors and D1/D2 het-
there were decreases in fractional anisotrophy that preceded erooligomeric receptors activate downstream Ca2+ signaling
disease onset (Karlsgodt et al., 2009). In addition, there is a via coupling to GqGβγ and the activation of phospholipase C.
well-characterized reduction in expression of oligodendro- The D2 receptor has also been shown to activate another sig-
cytes and myelin related genes in postmortem brain samples. naling pathway, the phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-triphosphate
Structural analyses in postmortem brain have also shown kinase (PI3K)/AKT/mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR)
both a decreased density of oligodendrocytes and damaged pathway, a pathway that regulates the Wnt signaling cascade.
myelin sheaths in schizophrenia cases compared to controls. The P13K/AKT/mTor pathway is also activated by another class
Furthermore, a wide variety of candidate genes involved in of membrane-bound receptors, the receptor tyrosine kinases.
oligodendrocyte development have found modest associations In the baseline state, AKT is bound to phosphatidylinositol(3,
with increased risk of schizophrenia (see Takahashi et al., 2011, 4)-bisphosphate (PIP2). Upon activation of a receptor tyrosine
for review). kinase or a G protein–coupled receptor, PI3K phosphorylates
The temporal process of myelination is correlated with PIP2 to form PIP3. AKT bound to PIP3 is then phosphory-
the developmental trajectory of schizophrenia. Myelination is lated by mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2), then phosphorylated by
incomplete at birth and develops gradually, with some corti- phosphinositide dependent kinase 1 (PDPK1). The phosphor-
cal areas not being completed until adulthood. For example, ylation by both kinases activates AKT to then phosphorylate
regions expected to be of particular relevance to schizophre- its many downstream targets, including mTOR (implicated in
nia such as cortical and hippocampal pathways are not fully autism), GSK3β (involved in the Wnt signaling cascade), BAD
myelinated until adulthood. Diseases whose primary pathol- (a pro-apoptotic mitochondrial protein), and IκB kinase (IKK;
ogy is in white matter, such as the leukodystrophies, are often regulator of NFκB mediated transcription).
accompanied by psychosis, which suggests a shared altered The intersection of the AKT pathway with the pharmacol-
basic role for myelination and oligodendrocytes. Furthermore, ogy of psychiatric disorder treatment is notable. Dopamine
an appealing hypothesis is that oligodendrocyte and myelin D2 receptors have been shown to modulate AKT signaling
dysfunction exerts its role in schizophrenia by altering key by recruiting a signaling complex that results in the inactiva-
features of synaptic activity such as synaptic plasticity or the tion of AKT. Upon D2 receptor activation and phosphoryla-
production of synchronous oscillating activities implicated in tion by G protein–coupled receptor kinase (GRK), β-arrestin
establishing aspects of cognition (Walterfang et al., 2011). and protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) are recruited to the cell
membrane, where they interact with and dephosphorylate
AKT. Antipsychotics, which are antagonists to the D2 receptor,
NE UR OT RA NS MIT T ERS A ND block this signaling cascade and allow AKT to remain active
ANTIPS Y C H O T IC D RU GS (Freyberg et al., 2010).
Lithium, a treatment for bipolar disorder that can also be
There are several theories associating dysfunction of neu- prescribed in conjunction with antipsychotics for the treat-
rotransmitter pathways and schizophrenia based on neuro- ment of schizophrenia, is shown to lead to inhibition of glyco-
pharmacological studies, which include the GABA, NMDA, gen synthase kinase β (GSK3β). It has been shown that lithium
and dopamine theories. It is important to note that none of activates AKT to phosphorylate GSK3β, leading to GSK3β
these are theories are exclusive, neither among themselves nor inhibition. Lithium has also been proposed to solubilize AKT
to the other theories presented, which will be discussed in a from the β-arrestin/PP2A complex, which mediates portions of
subsequent chapter. downstream D2 receptor signaling functions (Beaulieu, 2012).
Antipsychotic drugs used to treat schizophrenia are effec- Thus, both antipsychotic and lithium treatments secondarily
tive in mitigating the positive symptoms, such as hallucinations affect the Wnt pathway via affecting AKT activity.
and delusions. The first widely used antipsychotic, chlorprom-
azine, blocks the dopamine D2 receptor. Derivative first- and
second-generation antipsychotics by and large also target the RARE AND COMMON GENETIC VARIATION
dopamine D2 receptor. Though the D2 receptor has been gen- I N SC HI Z O P HR E N I A
erally established as the site of action for antipsychotics, the
mechanism of action is less clear. There are several pathways Recent genetic evidence has found that de novo duplica-
downstream of the dopamine D2 receptor, and it is becoming tions and deletions of DNA, termed copy number variations
apparent that the localization of dopamine D2 receptor inter- (CNVs), increase the risk of schizophrenia. As noted in an
action proteins, in addition to the location of the D2 recep- earlier chapter, many of these CNVs have been associated
tor itself, may impact which downstream pathways become with a wide variety of developmental phenotypes. One early
affected. CNV study found novel CNVs greater than 100 kilobases
The D2 receptor acts as a classical G protein–coupled recep- in schizophrenic patients and their families and found an
tor, and has been associated with the Gαi/o Gβγ heterotrimeric increased number of CNVs in patients, with a disproportion-
G protein complex. Activation of this pathway is associated ate number in genes related to neurodevelopmental pathways
with the inhibition of downstream cAMP signaling. Coupling (Walsh et al., 2008).

2 5 N E U R O D E V E L O P M E N T A N D S C H I Z O P H R E N I A | 329

International collaborative efforts have resulted in findings their function as a starting point to understand the context of
from genome-wide association studies (GWASs) with cohorts common risk alleles that have lower effect sizes and occur in
on the scale of tens of thousands of control and schizophre- complex constellations.
nia cases (Ripke et al., 2011; Stefansson et al., 2009). While As noted earlier, perturbation of neurodevelopmental
further GWAS findings are anticipated, even the early studies processes in schizophrenia is a theory that is accumulating
suggest that there may be some convergence of gene candi- supporting evidence. There are pre- and perinatal environ-
dates involved in neurodevelopmental phenomena and syn- mental factors described in the preceding that are thought
aptic processes. The haploinsufficiency of one identified gene to associate with risk of schizophrenia as well as the changes
identified as genome-wide significant by GWAS, TCF4, leads in neuroanatomical structures and cognition observed before
to Pitt-Hopkins mental retardation in humans (Brockschmidt the manifestation of disease. There are also many gene can-
et al., 2007) and is also involved in the specification of spe- didates of neuropsychiatric disease that perturb biochemical
cific subsets of neural progenitors in the mouse (Flora et al., pathways associated with neurogenesis and neuronal migra-
2007). Another genome-wide significant GWAS identified tion as well as spine morphogenesis, which are discussed in
gene, CACNA1C, encodes a subunit of an L-type calcium the following and are summarized in Table 25.1. The conflu-
channel leading to the intriguing theory that there may be ence of genetic and environmental factors on neurodevelop-
aberrant synaptic transmission underlying the brain activation mental pathways is depicted in Figure 25.1.
changes observed in functional neuroimaging studies (Bigos
et al., 2010). There is a major ongoing effort to understand the
biology of schizophrenia GWAS candidates and whether they E A R LY DE V E L O P M E N T PAT HWAYS
are dysregulated and/or dysfunctional in the context of human
disease. DISC1
Collectively, gene candidates of schizophrenia identified by DISC1 was identified in a Scottish pedigree in which it was
studying both CNVs and common risk SNPs are converging disrupted by a balanced translocation, t(1:11)(q42.1;q14.3).
on pathways that regulate neurodevelopmental and synaptic The translocation segregated with psychiatric disorders such
phenomena. It is also important to note that there is emerging as schizophrenia, major depression, and bipolar disease
evidence of a shared set of risk factors between psychiatric dis- with a combined OR 7.1. Mouse models expressing a trans-
orders including schizophrenia and bipolar, as well as autism. gene of human DISC1 recapitulating the Scottish transloca-
There are also several recurrent CNVs that are common tion exhibit increased ventricle size, decreased gray matter
between schizophrenic and autistic patients, such as 1q21.1, volume, and changes in dendritic arborization in cortical
15q11.2, 15q13.3, 17q12 (Malhotra and Sebat, 2012; Mefford and hippocampal neurons, mimicking the endopheno-
et al., 2008; Stefansson et al., 2008). types found in humans. Mouse models of DISC1 and their
neuroanatomical, behavioral, and cellular phenotypes are
summarized in the review by Jaaro-Peled (2009). The mice
PATHWAY S also exhibit behavioral abnormalities such as hyperactiv-
ity, increased immobility in the forced swim test, decreased
Based on the neuropharmacology and neuropathologi- sociability, and impaired working memory. Mouse models
cal findings, there have been several theories suggested to have also been demonstrated to have reduced embryonic
understand the etiology of schizophrenia including the and adult hippocampal neurogenesis. DISC1 is also impli-
GABA, dopamine, and glutamate hypotheses. Although cated in proper integration of newborn neurons in the adult
each of these pathways is likely to contribute to and/or be dentate gyrus.
resultant from schizophrenia pathology, none alone is suffi- DISC1 is a pleiotropic protein with numerous interac-
cient to explain the onset of disease and the presence of the tion partners affecting multiple biochemical signaling path-
spectrum of symptoms displayed by schizophrenic patients. ways that impact neuronal development and function. Some
An alternative way of understanding the etiology of schizo- validated interacting partners for DISC1 include NDE1,
phrenia and disease-associated genetic loci is to examine NDEL1, LIS1, Kalirin-7, ATF4/5, GSK3β, and the PDE4
their involvement in dysregulated biochemical pathways. family of phosphodiesterases. The study of DISC1 is instruc-
One such study compared significant and non-significant tive since it is implicated in psychiatric disease and has a
SNPs from the International Schizophrenia Consortium to major role in early developmental phenomena and synaptic
pathways described in the Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Genes and pathways.
Genomes (O’Dushlaine et al., 2011). The only significantly
associated pathway found was the cell-adhesion molecule
pathway, which is important for synaptic formation and cell W N T PAT H W AY
signaling. One caveat to this approach is that the functions The Wnt family consists of 19 secreted lipoproteins that act
of many genes identified in CNV and GWAS studies are yet as morphogens and play important roles in the development
unknown, and thus insights gained from these types of analy- and patterning of various limbs and organs. Wnts bind to their
ses are just emerging. It may therefore be more fruitful at this cell surface receptor, the Frizzled (Fz) family of seven trans-
early stage of understanding schizophrenia genetics to spec- membrane G protein–coupled receptors, of which 10 have
ify genes that are unmistakably linked to disease and study been identified to date. The various Wnt and Fz proteins have

330 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 25. 1. Genetic loci, effect size, affected genes, and their known role in neuronal development. A select table highlighting the
known risk loci with putative effects on genes affecting neuronal development



CNV (3q29) SCZ, ASD 49.5 DLG1 Wnt pathway Mulle et al. (2010)

CNV (3q29) SCZ, ASD 49.5 PAK2 Wnt pathway Mulle et al. (2010), Zhou et al. (2011)

CNV (22q11.2) SCZ, ASD 21 TBX1 Wnt pathway, Wnt Hiramoto et al. (2011), Huh and Ornitz (2010),
transcription target Paylor et al. (2006)

CNV (17q12) ASD 18.4 ADA2A Wnt pathway Yang et al. (2008)

CNV (1q21.1) SCZ, ASD, micro-/ 9.2 BCL9 Wnt pathway Malhotra and Sebat (2012), Mefford et al. (2008),
macrocephaly Stefansson et al. (2008)

t(1:11)(q42.1;q14.3) SCZ, MD, BP 7.1 DISC1 Wnt pathway, Brandon and Sawa (2011), Jaaro-Peled (2009),
neurogenesis, neuronal Mao et al. (2009), Ming and Song (2009)
migration, synaptic

rs10761482, BP, SCZ 1.15 ANK3 Wnt pathway, synaptic Orsulic et al. (1999), Ripke et al. (2011)
rs10994359 transmission

rare missense ASD NA CHD8 Wnt pathway Neale et al. (2012), O’Roak et al. (2012)

mutations SCZ NA ERBB4/ Wnt pathway, neuronal Muraoka-Cook et al. (2009)

NRG1 migration, synaptic

rs17512836 SCZ, 1.15 TCF4 progenitor specification Brockschmidt et al. (2007), Flora et al. (2007),
microcephaly Ripke et al. (2011), Stefansson et al. (2009)

CNV (16p13.1) SCZ, ASD 9.8 NDE1 neuronal migration Bradshaw et al. (2011), Ingason et al. (2011)

rs7004633 SCZ 1.11 MMP16 Wnt transcription target, Lowy et al. (2006)
neurite outgrowth

CNV (16p11.2) SCZ, ASD 9.8 TAOK2 dendritic morphology de Anda et al. (2012), McCarthy et al. (2009)

CNV (22q11.2) SCZ, ASD 21 DCGR8 spine morphology Karayiorgou et al. (2010)

GWAS, mutations SCZ 2.07 KALRN spine morphology Brandon and Sawa (2011), Kushima et al. (2012),
Ma et al. (2003), Ma et al. (2008a), Ma et al.

rs1625579 SCZ 1.12 MIR137 spine morphology Ripke et al. (2011), Smrt et al. (2010), Sun et al.
(2011), Szulwach et al. (2010)

rs4765905 BP, SCZ 1.09 CACNA1C synaptic transmission Bigos et al. (2010), Ripke et al. (2011)

rs1807809 BP, SCZ 1.15 NRGN synaptic transmission Stefansson et al. (2009)

distinct and overlapping patterns throughout the body, which of the adherens junctions complex in neuronal progenitors in
is thought to account for the variability of phenotypes that the central nervous system. Upon Wnt ligand binding, Fz pro-
result upon loss of function, and multiple downstream path- teins bind to disheveled proteins (Dvl). In the absence of Wnt
ways have been shown to be activated downstream of Wnt binding, Dvl is part of a destruction complex in conjunction
binding. with axis inhibitor (Axin), adenomatous polyposis coli (APC),
casein kinase 1 alpha (CK1α), and GSK3β. This destruction
CANONICAL WNT SIGNALING complex binds and phosphorylates β-catenin at multiple sites,
The canonical Wnt signaling pathway is defined by the designating it for proteosomal degradation and preventing
involvement of the transcriptional coactivator β-catenin and the accumulation of β-catenin in the absence of Wnt. In the
the downstream signaling cascades that are associated with it. presence of Wnt stimulation, Fz-associated Dvl polymerizes
β-catenin is normally confined to the cell membrane as part and binds Axin through DIX domains. Axin binding recruits

2 5 N E U R O D E V E L O P M E N T A N D S C H I Z O P H R E N I A | 331

Developmental time ROLE OF THE CANONICAL WNT
prenatal perinatal childhood adolescence adulthood S I G N A L I N G PAT H WAY I N N E U R O N A L
Genes: CNVs, GWAS SNPs, and mutations Numerous proteins within the canonical Wnt signaling path-
e.g. 22q11.2, MIR137, and DISC1
way have been linked with neuronal development. GSK3 inac-
famine tivation, achieved by a conditional knockout of both GSK3α
developmental trauma and β resulted in a larger brain with an expansion of the pro-
genitor pool with a concomitant reduction in the thickness of
cannabis use
the cortex, indicating that GSK3 promotes progenitor prolif-
minority group position eration while suppressing neuronal differentiation (Kim et al.,
urban environment 2009). Overexpression of stabilized β-catenin also results in
mice with an increase in brain size, and an increased fraction
toxoplasma gondii infection
of cells reentering the cell cycle, essentially phenocopy the
GSK3 knockout phenotype, while mice with β-catenin muta-
tions which selectively abolish its transactivation function have
Neurodevelopmental pathways
defects in forebrain development, accompanied by a decrease
Neuronal proliferation
in the neuronal progenitor pool (Valenta et al., 2011), reiterat-
Neuronal migration
ing the crucial role of the proteins in the canonical Wnt path-
Dendritic, axonal, spine morphology
way in the maintenance of the neuronal progenitor pool.
In summary, many factors crucial to the canonical Wnt
pathway, as well as numerous interacting proteins with the
Schizophrenia pathway, have been shown to play crucial roles in neurogen-
esis, neuronal migration, axon/dendrite growth and morphol-
ogy, and synaptic development. For a more extensive review of
Figure 25.1 Factors that influence schizophrenia. Genes and environmental
Wnt signaling and development, see Kim and Snider (2011).
components affect neurodevelopmental pathways throughout life spans.

CK1α and GSK3β to the LRP5/6 complex, resulting in their DISC1 has been shown to bind to and inhibit the activity of
phosphorylation and increased affinity for Axin. The inter- GSK3β, one of two forms of an enzyme that is known to lead
action with LRP5/6 directly inhibits the phosphorylation of to the phosphorylation of many downstream proteins that
β-catenin by GSK3β, allowing for the cytosolic accumulation are crucial for the pathophysiology of many nervous system
of β-catenin and its subsequent nuclear localization. disorders. One GSK3β target is TAU, which forms aggregates
In the nucleus, β-catenin acts as a transcriptional in many nervous system disorders including Alzheimer’s dis-
co-activator of the T-cell factor and lymphoid enhancer-binding ease (TAU forms the neurofibrillary tangles that are used in
protein (TCF/LEF) transcription factors, which control the the Braak and Braak postmortem staging of disease progress),
dynamics of the cell cycle partly via the regulation of cyclinD1. Parkinson’s disease, and tuberous sclerosis. Another GSK3β
TCF/LEF has three identified domains: a high mobility group target is β-catenin, the crucial component of the canonical
(HMG) box domain that is crucial for DNA interaction, a cas- Wnt signaling pathway. DISC1 promotes the maintenance of
pase activated deoxyribonuclease (CAD) domain necessary for the neuronal progenitor pool by inhibiting GSK3β, allowing
binding to Groucho/TLE, and an N-terminal β-catenin bind- cytoplasmic β-catenin to accumulate, and transduce canonical
ing domain. In the absence of nuclear β-catenin, the TCF/LEF Wnt signaling. The loss of DISC1 leads to decreased neuronal
occupying TCF/LEF DNA binding sites is bound to tetrameric progenitor proliferation by promoting early cell cycle exit
Groucho/TLE, which recruits transcriptional repressors, such in neurons (Mao et al., 2009; Ming and Song, 2009). DISC1
as histone deacetylases (HDACs), keeping the DNA in a con- provides further evidence that the Wnt signaling pathway
densed, repressed state. β-catenin directly competes with, and may be involved in both neurodevelopment and psychiatric
displaces Groucho/TLE (Daniels and Weis, 2005), and recruits disorders.
general transcriptional activators such as the histone acetyl-
transferase CBP, the SWI/SNF complex protein Brg-1, and W N T PAT H WAY A N D P S Y C H I AT R I C D I S E A S E
TATA- binding protein, as well as a more specific core complex G E N E C A N D I D AT E S
consisting of Pygopus and Legless/BCL9 (Logan and Nusse, Several players in the Wnt signaling pathways have been associ-
2004). CBP acetylates histone residues in the promoter region, ated with psychiatric disease, in addition to DISC1 (Fig. 25.2).
and the recruitment of Pygopus and Legless/BCL9 leads to the Glycosylation is a form of regulation of Wnt ligands and their
methylation of H3K9 residues by SET-1 methyltransferases, receptors, and perturbations of glycosylation are known to
altering the chromatin structure from a condensed, transcrip- affect their function, localization, and signaling. SNPs in genes
tionally repressed state to a more relaxed and open state, allow- that are involved in glycan synthesis (Kegg pathway: hsa01030)
ing for transcription (Fiedler et al., 2008). A comprehensive associate with schizophrenia (O’Dushlaine et al., 2011), which
review of the Wnt signaling pathway in development can be raises a possibility that a part of the phenotypes caused by
found here (van Amerongen and Nusse, 2009). perturbations in this molecular pathway act via disruption of

332 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

the Wnt pathway. Furthermore, several candidate genes, such is known to signal downstream of Wnt binding by bind-
as MMP16 and Tbx1, are transcriptionally regulated via Wnt ing to APC, affecting cell proliferation. p21 protein (Cdc42/
activation of TCF/LEF transcription (Huh and Ornitz, 2010; Rac)-activated kinase 2 (PAK2), also in the 3q29 CNV, also
Lowy et al., 2006). Mice hemizygous for Tbx1, located in the serves to phosphorylate and promote the nuclear localization
22q11.2 microdeletion, display behavioral phenotypes that of β-catenin (Zhou et al., 2011).
are associated with psychiatric disease (Hiramoto et al., 2011; Neuregulin 1 and its receptor ErbB4, are other well-studied
Paylor et al., 2006). candidates found to have SNPs associated with schizophrenia
Chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 8 (CHD8), and play roles in neuronal migration and synapse formation
associated with autism in several exome sequencing studies (Mei and Xiong, 2008). ErbB4 is a receptor tyrosine kinase,
(Neale et al., 2012; O’Roak et al., 2012), is also recruited to and its family members have been shown to activate cas-
TCF/LEF sites along with β-catenin. CHD8 has been shown cades that phosphorylate and lead to the intracellular local-
to counter the activating activity of β-catenin, by binding to ization of β-catenin: overexpression of ErbB4 Cyt2 increased
β-catenin and also Histone1, and thus limiting the relaxation nuclear β-catenin and TCF-LEF transcriptional activity
of chromatin. BCL9, mentioned earlier as a core component of (Muraoka-Cook et al., 2009).
the transcriptional complex mediating Wnt signaling, is one
of the genes in the 1q21.1 recurrent CNV, in which microde- WNT SIGNALING AND CELL MORPHOLOGIES
letions have been associated with schizophrenia and micro- Binding of Wnt to Fz leads to activation of pathways involved
cephaly, and microduplications associated with autism and in planar cell polarity, acting through Dvl, activating RhoA
macrocephaly. Furthermore, ADA2A, in the 17q12 microde- and Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 Rac1 (Gao
letion associated with autism, is known to be an acetyltrans- et al., 2011; Shafer et al., 2011). Rac1 activation then activates
ferase required for transcriptional activity and proliferative c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) downstream of Wnt7b (Rosso
effects mediated by β-catenin (Yang et al., 2008). et al., 2005). JNK activation has been shown to be crucial for
Microdeletions of 3q29 have been associated with micro- the proper development of axons and dendrites (de Anda et al.,
encephaly, dysmorphology, and autistic features, and more 2012; Rosso et al., 2005), and to enhance or inhibit canonical
recently schizophrenia (Mulle et al., 2010). Several genes in this Wnt activation, depending on the Wnt ligand (Billiard et al.,
locus have roles in the Wnt pathway. Discs, large homolog 1 2005). Tao Kinase 2, in the 16p11.2 region, which has CNVs
(DLG1 or Sap97) is one of the binding partners of Fz and that associate with both autism and schizophrenia (deletion

Nrg1 DA




α-cat P GRK zled
Ankyrin β-Arr CK1
β-cat Axin
Src PP2A AKT Gsk3β
P β-cat
P Lithium
β-cat P β-cat
APC P β-cat P
β-cat Gsk3b
Wtx Axin
Skp1 Cytoplasm
Cull1 DISC1
Rbx1 Nucleus

β-cat Ub Ub P
P P β-cat P


BCL9 β-cat ADA2A E-Cadherin
degradation Tbx1

Figure 25.2 Many genes associated with psychiatric disorders regulate or are regulated by the Wnt signaling pathway.

2 5 N E U R O D E V E L O P M E N T A N D S C H I Z O P H R E N I A | 333

and duplication, respectively), also plays a role in the activa- Ndel1 interaction disrupts neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells
tion of JNK and affects basal dendrite formation (de Anda (Pletnikov et al., 2007), and also prevents the colocalization of
et al., 2012; McCarthy et al., 2009). DISC1 and Lis1, which localizes with the dynein heavy chain,
The proteins in the canonical Wnt pathway also have an indicating that DISC1 plays an important role in the function
effect on postmitotic neurons independent of their effect on of Ndel1/Lis1 complex by regulating its localization. In addi-
β-catenin. One of the alternative β-catenin independent path- tion, Nde1 has also been associated with DISC1/Ndel1/Lis1 to
ways that is downstream of LRP5/6- Frizzled signaling depends regulate neuronal proliferation, migration, and neurite exten-
on the inhibition of GSK3β. GSK3β is known to destabilize sion (Bradshaw et al., 2011) and is found in the 16p13.1 CNV
microtubules by phosphorylating microtubule proteins such (Ingason et al., 2011).
as TAU, MAP1B, and MAP2. Inhibition of GSK3β stabi- It has been shown that DISC1 also interacts with this complex
lizes microtubules, promoting axon growth and growth cone via its interaction with DIX domain containing-1 (Dixdc1), the
remodeling. The phosphorylation of collapsin response medi- third mammalian gene discovered to contain a Disheveled-Axin
ator protein 2 (CRMP2) by GSK3 is crucial for neuronal polar- (DIX) domain (Dixdc1). DISC1, Dixdc1, and Ndel1 form a tri-
ity, and CRMP2 has been shown to be involved in determining partite interaction, and the presence of either DISC1 or DIXDC1
axon/dendrite fate (Yoshimura et al., 2005). Knockdown of seems to be able to properly localize Ndel1, indicating that these
Axin results in the abolishment of axon formation in postmi- two proteins may have redundant effects on neuronal migration
totic neurons. APC, part of the destruction complex in Wnt (Singh et al., 2010). This also indicates that a partial loss of func-
signaling, also plays a role in neurite extension and neuronal tion of either of these two genes can be offset by the function of
migration. In this manner, the Wnt pathway is able to exert the other, potentially explaining why differences in the ability of
effects on neuronal morphology. DISC1 variants to bind to Ndel does not result in an appreciable
Binding of Wnt to Ryk has been shown to directly acti- difference in human disease burden.
vate the Src pathway, similar to the activation of many other A molecular switch between the Wnt signaling and neu-
receptor tyrosine kinases. The activation of Src, in turn, has ronal migration function of DISC1 has been recently uncov-
been shown to be crucial for axon guidance. Ryk has also been ered (Ishizuka et al., 2011). DISC1 was found to be a target of
shown to interact directly to Fz8, as well as Dvl, and to poten- PKA-mediated phosphorylation, downstream of cAMP activa-
tiate the canonical Wnt signaling pathway, suggesting that the tion. The study identified two putative PKA mediated phos-
presence of Ryk in conjunction with Fz may either stabilize the phorylation sites on DISC1, and discovered that one of the
Dvl-Fz interaction, or enhance Axin interaction with Fz (Lu sites, at serine 710, is responsible for the differential localiza-
et al., 2004). The convergence of neuropharmacological and tion and binding properties observed in neuronal progenitors
genetic evidence makes the Wnt pathway(s), if not a promising versus migrating neurons. DISC1 in neuronal progenitors is
target, at least a convenient framework within which the func- unphosphorylated at this site, and binds to and inhibits GSK3β
tion of psychiatric risk gene polymorphisms and rare variants activity: upon phosphorylation at this site, DISC1 increases its
can be tested. affinity for BBS1 and localizes at the centrosome. Crucially, the
authors demonstrated that the phospho-dead form of DISC1
(S710A) rescued the proliferative but not the migrational phe-
D I S C 1 , I T S B I N D I N G PA R T N E R S , A N D
notype observed in DISC1 knockdown conditions, while the
phospho-mimetic form of DISC1 (S710E) rescued the migra-
Lissencephaly is characterized by a thickened cortex and loss tional phenotypes of DISC1 function (Ishizuka et al., 2011). It
of the organized layers of the brain, which results in a smooth- is becoming clear that DISC1 coordinates multiple signaling
ened brain. Because synchronized neuronal migration dur- cascades.
ing embryogenesis is responsible for the laminar structure
of the brain, it is thought that this process is disrupted in lis-
sencephaly. The majority of autosomal dominant forms of
lissencephaly were found to be due to deletions in chromo- Spines are the postsynaptic entity of most excitatory synapses,
some 17, where gene mapping identified LIS1 as the critical and their morphological characteristics are important for
gene. Mouse models show Lis1-dosage dependent defects in imparting their functional properties and plasticity. There is
neuronal migration and cortical lamination (Hirotsune et al., recent evidence that has indicated that dendrites and spines are
1998). The centrosome has been shown to play a central role dysregulated in neurological diseases that are accompanied by
in neuronal migration, which involves the molecular motor cognitive impairment, such as autism spectrum disorders and
dynein. Lis1 regulates microtubule function and dynein activ- schizophrenia (Penzes et al., 2011). Dysregulation of pathways
ity, both of which are coordinated during neuronal migra- that regulate the growth, pruning, and maintenance of den-
tion. A yeast two-hybrid screen identified Ndel1 as a binding dritic spines is a particularly intriguing hypothesis for explain-
partner of Lis1. It has been shown that Ndel1 allows for the ing components of schizophrenia etiology, since the onset is
interaction of Lis1 and dynein and is required for dynein func- in early adulthood, when there is active synaptic pruning. In
tion. Ndel1 was also identified in a yeast two-hybrid screen to addition, analysis of postmortem brain samples show that
interact with Disc1. Ndel1 has been shown to be involved in there is decreased spine number on cortical pyramidal neu-
neuronal migration, neuronal localization, and neurite and rons in schizophrenia patients compared to controls (Garey
axon development (Kamiya et al., 2006). Disrupting DISC1/ et al., 1998).

334 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

DISC1 ankyrin 3 is also known to be a component of the cadherin com-
Discussed earlier was the role of DISC1 in neurogenesis and plex, and disruption of the cadherin complex is known to lead to
migration in the developing brain. DISC1 is observed to be mislocation of β-catenin (Orsulic et al., 1999), suggesting it may
present at 40% of synapses in postmortem tissue and primary have also have a role in regulating Wnt signaling. Neurogranin,
cultures, and enriched in the postsynaptic density after subcel- implicated in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia (Stefansson
lular fractionation (Brandon and Sawa, 2011). In primary neu- et al., 2009), is a key regulator of the Ca2+ binding messenger pro-
ron culture, it has been shown that DISC1 knockdown leads tein calmodulin, limiting its activity by sequestration. Based on
to increases in spine size and decreases in spine density, which the association of these genes in both schizophrenia and bipolar
is also seen in various DISC1 mouse models. In addition to disorder, channel properties and synaptic transmission may be a
this, there are increases in mini excitatory postsynaptic cur- shared feature of these two diseases.
rent frequencies, and knockdown of GluN1 leads to decreases There are also intersections of calcium signaling and the
in DISC1 levels. Yeast two-hybrid screens with DISC1 found Wnt pathway. Wnt activates the G proteins associated with Fz
that its binding partners were enriched for synaptic proteins proteins to modulate downstream calcium signaling. The Fz
and proteins associated with NMDA-dependent signaling. It proteins are coupled to the Gαi/o Gβγ heterotrimeric G pro-
has been subsequently found that binding partners of DISC1 tein complex (Katanaev et al., 2005), and Wnt binding to Fz
are important for the regulation of spine morphologies, and liberates the Gβγ subunits to activate a calcium-dependent
DISC1 is involved in their regulation. pathway that involves the activation of phospholipase C cas-
cade. The perturbation of these signaling pathways can have
KALIRIN consequences beyond this pathway, and can impact the canon-
A binding partner of DISC1 identified was Kalirin, which is a ical Wnt pathway as well.
Rac GTP nucleotide exchange factor. The KALRN gene encodes
several isoforms, of which Kalirin-7 is the most abundant
form in the rat. It contains a PDZ binding motif and interacts
with several other proteins via their PDZ domain. Kalirin-7 is microRNAs (miRNAs) have been identified as a new regulatory
localized to postsynaptic densities of excitatory synapses, and layer that guides synaptic morphologies and functions; they have
Kalirin-7 clusters are generally positively stained with PSD-95, activity dependent regulation and can have differential subcel-
AMPA, and NMDA receptors in the rat brain (Ma et al., lular localization (Siegel et al., 2011). Some 30% of humans who
2008b). Kalirin-7 is known to be crucial for spine morphogen- have deletion of 22q11.2 develop schizophrenia. Children with
esis and function. In vitro overexpression in hippocampal cul- this deletion have cognitive dysfunction and similar macro-
tures causes increases in spine density, while shRNA-mediated scopic changes to brain structure such as decreased total brain,
knockdown causes the converse (Ma et al., 2003). KALRN-/- gray matter, and white matter volumes. Mouse models of this
knockout mice have decreases in spine density and dendritic deletion show increased prepulse inhibition and decreased hip-
complexity and show impairments in long-term potentiation pocampal dependent learning (Karayiorgou et al., 2010). One
in the Schaeffer collateral, decreases in spontaneous excitatory intriguing candidate present in 22q11.2 is Dcgr8, a protein
postsynaptic currents, and deficits in several animal behaviors important in the miRNA processing machinery. Dcgr8 knock-
associated with schizophrenia (working memory, social inter- out mice have decreased primary dendrites and spines as well
action, and prepulse inhibition) (Ma et al., 2008a). It has been as a decrease in functional glutamatergic synapses.
determined that in the basal state, DISC1 coordinates interac- The strongest association signal in a meta-analysis of a schizo-
tion between Kalirin-7 and PSD-95, which prevents Kalirin-7 phrenia GWAS was found in the putative primary transcript of
activation of Rac1. Upon NMDA receptor activation, a fraction the microRNA-137 (miR-137) (Ripke et al., 2011). Moreover, four
of Kalirin-7 dissociates from DISC1 is able to activate Rac1, predicted targets of miR-137 reached genome-wide significance
whose constitutive activation is known to lead to decreases in and were demonstrated to have sequence-specific downregu-
spine size. In humans, there are decreased Kalirin mRNA lev- lation by miR-137 (Kwon et al., 2011), indicating that GWASs
els in the DLPFC in schizophrenic postmortem brain tissue. In may have identified a pathway dysregulated in schizophrenia.
addition, Kalirin has been associated with schizophrenia in a miR-137 has been demonstrated to play a role in the dendritic
Japanese GWAS and sequencing of its exons has identified rare arborization and spine density of adult newborn neurons and
mutations which also associate with schizophrenia (Brandon on embryonic and adult neurogenesis, although with opposite
and Sawa, 2011; Kushima et al., 2012). effects between the two periods (Smrt et al., 2010; Sun et al.,
2011; Szulwach et al., 2010). The differential action of miR-137
C H A N N E L P R O P E RT I E S A N D S Y N A P T I C between embryonic and adult neurogenesis may hold clues to
TRANSMISSION how schizophrenia onset may switch in early adulthood.
In a cross-analysis GWAS between schizophrenia and bipolar dis-
ease, ANK3 and CACNA1C were found to be reach genome-wide
significance (Ripke et al., 2011). ANK3 encodes for ankyrin 3, C O N C L U SI O N
a protein found in the axon initial segment which is important
for clustering Ca++ and Na+ channels into electrically active areas There is growing evidence that schizophrenia is a neurode-
of the axon (Pan et al., 2006), while CACNA1C encodes a sub- velopmental disorder. The disease progression of schizophre-
unit for an L-type voltage-gated calcium channel. Interestingly, nia is well underway before manifestation; there is cognitive

2 5 N E U R O D E V E L O P M E N T A N D S C H I Z O P H R E N I A | 335

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INTR ODUC T IO N neuroimaging methods. Findings will be integrated consider-

ing the NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) initiative
Across medicine, early identification of disorders is recognized (
as important and at times critical for intervention. A prodrome
is an early symptom or set of symptoms, which may be specific
(e.g., aura before migraine) or non-specific (e.g., fever, malaise, N E U R O B E HAV I O R
decreased appetite in infectious illnesses), and is a precursor to
a disease. Early detection creates the potential for intervention Behavioral performance that can be linked to brain function
at a stage where it could disrupt the pathological process or has been examined in neurocognitive measures. More recently,
help manage the disorder and ameliorate its course. social cognition measures have been included in evaluating
The application of the prodrome concept to schizophre- those at clinical risk for psychosis, commonly integrating cog-
nia builds on clinical lore where a prolonged period of two to nitive and social psychology paradigms. A small literature has
three years is common before the emergence of psychotic symp- focused on olfaction.
toms that meet Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) criteria
for schizophrenia or spectrum psychotic disorders. This period
is associated with sub-threshold symptoms and some func-
tional decline. A rapidly growing literature since the mid-1990s Impaired cognition is prominent in schizophrenia and is asso-
has examined the clinical course of individuals with prodromal ciated with disrupted functioning. Whether cognitive defi-
presentation and gauged conversion rates to schizophrenia. cits are progressive or stable has been debated. Examination
Based on the literature and considering potential implications, of first-episode patients, before initiation of treatment with
the DSM-5 work group has examined how “psychosis risk syn- antipsychotic medications, and their longitudinal follow-up
drome” or “attenuated psychotic symptoms syndrome,” terms made it possible to determine that the neurocognitive profile
applied to define the prodromal phase of schizophrenia, should in first-episode patients resembles that evident in individuals
be incorporated into the next diagnostic manual (Carpenter with schizophrenia with a more chronic course of illness. The
and van Os, 2011). As this debate unfolds, it is critical to evalu- pattern of deficits in the executive and memory domains impli-
ate systematically concomitant neurobiological processes that cates frontotemporal dysfunction. The extension of neurocog-
can be examined prospectively to elucidate the pathophysiol- nitive assessment with tests applied in schizophrenia research
ogy of vulnerability to psychosis. Complementally, such work to individuals with attenuated psychotic symptoms has been
can identify markers of resilience by studying those at risk who commonly applied in prodromal investigations. Some incon-
do not proceed to a more severe form of the syndrome. sistencies are noted as studies vary in ascertainment, assess-
Methodological advances in neuroscience have enabled us ment instruments, tests applied, and the information provided
to probe brain function in schizophrenia. Because it is a neu- on potential moderators, such as substance use. Previous
rodevelopmental disorder, understanding the pathophysiology reviews of this growing literature have been qualitative. Two
of schizophrenia is central to establishing the neurobiology recent quantitative meta-analyses highlight the emerging find-
pertinent to the continuum of psychosis. The study of at risk ings reported in multiple studies in the literature (Fusar-Poli
individuals with quantitative phenotypic measures of brain et al., 2012b; Giuliano et al., 2012).
and behavior can address fundamental questions regarding the Giuliano and colleagues (2012) conducted a meta-analysis
presence of abnormalities at an early phase of presentation and of fourteen studies that met specified inclusion criteria, pub-
their relation to outcome. Importantly, such measures can be lished until February 2011, which examined the psychosis
integrated with genomics to elucidate underlying mechanisms risk syndrome. A sample of 1,215 individuals at risk for psy-
of vulnerability and resilience. Therefore, this framework of chosis was compared to 851 healthy controls on neurocogni-
research can help behavioral neuroscience join the genomic tive domains derived from multiple tests that are frequently
effort underway toward precision medicine. examined in schizophrenia. Tests included measures of gen-
This chapter will summarize current literature on the eral cognitive abilities, language functions, episodic memory,
prodromal state as examined with neurobehavioral and attention, visuospatial abilities, and working memory. Overall,

338 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

small to medium effect sizes of neurocognitive impairment SOCIAL COGNITION
were noted in the psychosis risk group, with significant defi-
Relative to the large number of studies that investigated neurocog-
cits in 9 of the 10 domains examined. The motor skills domain
nition in clinical risk groups, as highlighted in the meta-analyses
was the only one that did not differ between the groups.
previously summarized, a handful of studies examined pro-
Longitudinal follow-up in seven of the studies showed that
cesses that relate to the perception, interpretation, and response
those in the psychosis risk group, who transitioned to psycho-
to other people’s behavior. As social cognition is a later addition
sis at follow-up, had medium to large neurocognitive deficits
to studies in schizophrenia and the clinical risk studies are an
at baseline compared to healthy controls, except for motor
extension of these efforts, more work is necessary.
speed (Addington et al., 2008; Brewer et al., 2003, 2005; Chung
Giuliano and colleagues’ (2012) qualitative part of the
et al., 2008; Dickinson and Gold, 2008; Gschwandtner et al.,
review of the psychosis risk syndrome presents data on social
2006; Hawkins et al., 2004; Miyake et al., 2000; Pflueger et al.,
cognition that is insufficiently represented in the literature
2007; Pinkham et al., 2007; Reichenberg et al., 2010; Seidman
for quantitative meta-analysis. Three studies are included,
et al., 2010; Smith et al., 2006; Szoke et al., 2008). Given the
and while deficits in emotion processing and theory of mind
small samples, the limited period of follow-up, subjects’ attri-
tasks are noted, the results are too preliminary to be conclu-
tion, and potential treatment effects, the longitudinal results
sive (Addington et al., 2008; Chung et al., 2008; Pinkham et al.,
are preliminary and limited.
2007). Fusar-Poli et al. (2012b) meta-analysis noted a signifi-
Fusar-Poli et al. (2012b) have also focused their meta-
cant impairment in 255 clinical risk participants compared to
analysis on cognitive functioning in individuals who were
235 controls in six studies that included measures of the social
at clinical high risk for psychosis. They examined 19 studies
cognition domain (Addington et al., 2008; An et al., 2010;
published before January 2011. Specified and carefully delin-
Chung et al., 2008; Green et al., 2012; Szily and Keri, 2009; van
eated inclusion criteria were applied, and only 19 studies of
Rijn et al., 2011). While these preliminary studies are encour-
the 78 studies screened were included (Addington et al., 2008;
aging, and ultimately may yield insights into negative symp-
An et al., 2010; Brewer et al., 2005; Broome et al., 2007; Chung
toms, this effort is in its initial stages.
et al., 2008; Frommann et al., 2011; Green et al., 2012; Ilonen
et al., 2010; Korver et al., 2010; Koutsouleris et al., 2012;
Lindgren et al., 2010; Magaud et al., 2010; Pflueger et al., 2007; O L FA C T I O N
Seidman et al., 2010; Silverstein et al., 2006; Simon et al.,
2007; Szily and Keri, 2009; van Rijn et al., 2011; Woodberry The Giuliano et al. review (2012) mentions only two studies on
et al., 2010). The sample consisted of 1,188 clinical risk par- olfactory identification in the psychosis risk syndrome, with
ticipants and 1,029 controls. Diffuse deficits across several medium mean effect size. Similarly, only two studies (Brewer
neurocognitive domains were evident in the clinical risk et al., 2003) examined the transition to schizophrenia spec-
group. Impairments in general intelligence, executive func- trum disorders at follow-up. These are preliminary data not yet
tions, attention, working memory, verbal fluency, verbal and suitable for meta-analysis, and further research is required.
spatial memory, and social cognition characterized the clini- Thus, the pattern of neurobehavioral performance in indi-
cal risk group. Processing speed did not distinguish between viduals at clinical risk for psychosis shows diffuse deficits in
the groups. Transition to psychosis was examined in 7 studies, multiple domains, similar to those evident in first-episode and
with mean longitudinal follow-up of 19 months (Becker et al., more chronic patients with schizophrenia. Specifically, deficits
2010; Brewer et al., 2005; Koutsouleris et al., 2012; Pukrop in verbal memory and working memory implicating left fron-
et al., 2007; Riecher-Rossler et al., 2009; Seidman et al., 2010; totemporal dysfunction have been extensively documented
Woodberry et al, 2010). The group of converters had lower in schizophrenia. While longitudinal studies are limited, the
general intelligence at baseline, and more impaired perfor- literature suggests that those individuals who transition to
mance in verbal fluency, verbal and visual memory, and work- schizophrenia spectrum disorders manifest neurocognitive
ing memory, compared to those who did not develop psychosis deficits already at baseline to a greater extent than those who
at follow-up. do not transition. This buttresses the importance of examining
To examine the regional distribution of neurocognitive schizophrenia related disorders neurodevelopmentally and in
deficits implicated by the test results, we have entered the integration with neuroimaging.
z-scores of the prodromal group into the “behavioral imag-
ing” algorithm (Gur et al., 1990). This algorithm uses z-scores
from neuropsychological tests to create a three-dimensional NEUROIMAGING
representation of brain regions that are likely impaired based
on the pattern of deficits. We entered the results from the The application of neuroimaging methodology to the study
meta-analyses and averaged both when the same measures of schizophrenia, including first-episode presentation,
were included in both analyses (see Table in Fig. 26.1). The has enabled the examination of brain structure and func-
algorithm generates three views (Fig. 26.1) of brain cortex, tion and demonstrated key aberrations in the syndrome
identifying regions of impaired functioning in individuals at (Fusar-Poli et al., 2012c). The extension of this line of research
clinical risk. As can be seen, the abnormalities seem more pro- to the investigation of vulnerability to psychosis can provide
nounced in the left than the right hemisphere, especially in the important information on brain changes associated with the
juncture of frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes. emerging psychotic process. Magnetic resonance imaging

2 6 N E U R O B I O L O G Y O F M E N TA L I L L N E S S P S Y C H O S I S P R O N E N E S S | 339

Fusar-Poli 2012 Giuliano 2012 Combined
Test Measure
WAIS-R Digit Span –0.39 –0.4 –0.395
Block Design –0.2 –0.4 –0.3
Digit Symbol –0.35 –0.52 –0.435
WMS-R Logical Memory I –0.25 –0.49 –0.37
Visual Repro I (RCFT Imm) –0.39 NA –0.39
Visual Repro II (RCFT Delayed) –0.16 –0.16
CVLT Trials 1-5 –0.47 –0.68 –0.575
RAVLT Sum 1-5 –0.37 –0.47 –0.42
WCST Total Perseverative Resp –0.25 –0.36 –0.305
Stroop Color NA –0.25 –0.25
Color Word NA –0.09 –0.09
Finger Tap RH + LH –0.09 –0.22 –0.155
Trail Making A Seconds –0.34 –0.41 –0.375
B Seconds –0.39 –0.47 –0.43
CPT Vigilance (Total Correct) –0.35 –0.4 –0.375
CFL FAS Total Unique –0.27 –0.48 –0.375
Animal Naming Total Unique –0.45 –0.66 –0.555
WRAT-R2 Reading NA –0.35 –0.35


FRONT –0.31




Figure 26.1 Behavioral Image displays of left hemisphere, right hemisphere, and top view. Values are based on the meta-analyses of tests examined and
summarized in the table. The color scale indicates effect sizes of psychosis prone individuals relative to healthy controls. (See color insert).

(MRI) enables evaluation of brain structure, gray matter and a similar pattern but diminished extent compared to that
white matter volumes, connectivity, and activity in response to observed in probands, with increased ventricular volume and
neurobehavioral probes. As the techniques for image acquisi- decreased gray matter volume. The literature on clinical risk
tion and processing advance rapidly, more refined assessment for psychosis, recently reviewed (Fusar-Poli et al., 2012a), is
of brain integrity is feasible. relatively limited in size of samples and extent of follow-up.
A meta-analysis of voxel-based morphometry studies com-
pared psychosis risk and first-episode schizophrenia patients
to healthy controls (Fusar-Poli et al., 2012c). Fourteen studies
Detailed morphometric measures can be obtained in individ- met specified selection criteria and included participants who
ual and group data that provide gray matter, white matter, and were never treated with antipsychotic medications. There were
CSF whole brain and regional volumes. Parameters commonly 198 individuals at risk for psychosis compared to 254 healthy
scrutinized are highlighted in Figure 26.2. controls, and 206 first-episode patients compared to 202 con-
Structural MRI measures have been tested as endopheno- trols. Image acquisition in most studies was on a 1.5 Tesla
types in several studies of first-degree family members who scanner. Gray matter volume reduction was evident in several
are at genetic risk for schizophrenia. Family members show regions including the right temporal, limbic prefrontal cortex

340 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

Original Image Labeled Image
(skull removed) (each color represents a Region of Interest)

Figure 26.2 MRI template-warping for parcellating regions of interest. A template in which regions are labeled and demarcated is warped into an individual’s MRI
recording the extent of changes required. As a result, axial slices such as seen on the left are labeled as seen on the right column. Regional volumes can then be
calculated for quantitative analysis allowing, for example, comparison between psychosis prone and healthy participants. (See color insert).

in the clinical risk group, and in the temporal insular cortex cross-sectional and include participants who did not transition
and cerebellum in the first-episode group. Notably, the onset of to psychosis. However, the results suggest that brain regions
psychosis was associated with decreased gray matter volume in that show volume reduction in schizophrenia also show abnor-
temporal, anterior cingulate, cerebellar, and insular regions. In malities in those at risk for psychosis (Fusar-Poli et al., 2012c).
one study, greater severity of psychotic symptoms was related Larger samples in a longitudinal design will be important to
to right superior temporal lobe gyrus volume decrease. These advance the understanding of underlying neuroanatomical
regions have been implicated in multiple studies of schizophre- differences between groups. White matter changes have also
nia and subserve functions that are aberrant in schizophrenia been reported in schizophrenia, early in the course of illness,
and relate to cognition and emotion processing. as well as in individuals at risk for psychosis (Carletti et al.,
It is notable that while the neuroanatomic studies, when 2012; Fusar-Poli et al., 2011a).
reporting lateralized effects, suggest greater structural abnor-
malities in the right hemisphere, the neurocognitive studies
suggest greater left hemispheric dysfunction. This seeming dis-
crepancy may reflect the lack of emphasis on laterality in neu- Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) quantifies restricted water dif-
roimaging studies, which typically examine data on a voxelwise fusivity in white matter, enabling non-invasive detection of
basis within a hemisphere. It could also reflect greater sensitiv- subtle white matter abnormalities and facilitating the under-
ity of neuropsychological tests to left hemispheric dysfunction. standing of complex large-scale brain networks. Figure 26.3
On the other hand, cognitive deficits could reflect compensa- illustrates measures obtained in DTI.
tory activation, and if these effects are validated in future stud- Abnormalities in DTI have been reported in schizophrenia,
ies they could thus suggest avenues for remediation. both in chronic patients and in first-episode presentation (Peters
There are multiple methodological limitations entailed et al., 2009), with reduced white matter integrity in frontotem-
in MRI meta-analytic approaches, and the studies are mostly poral tracts. The literature on psychosis risk is limited to several

2 6 N E U R O B I O L O G Y O F M E N TA L I L L N E S S P S Y C H O S I S P R O N E N E S S | 341




Figure 26.3 Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) illustrates fractional anisotropy (left) and tractography (right). Fractional anisotropy reveals white matter architecture while
tractography depicts the integrity of fiber tracts. (See color insert).

cross-sectional studies, with differing findings including reduced prefrontal regions (Fusar-Poli et al., 2012c). The pattern of activ-
fractional anisotropy in frontal lobe (Bloemen et al., 2010) or in ity is similar to that seen early in the course of schizophrenia, but
the superior longitudinal fasciculus (Borgwardt et al., 2011). A less pronounced abnormalities are observed. To evaluate activa-
longitudinal study (Carletti et al., 2012) compared three groups: tion changes with disease progression, longitudinal designs are
individuals at risk for psychosis (n = 32) healthy controls (n = necessary. Such designs have been applied in several fMRI stud-
32), and first-episode schizophrenia (n = 15). The psychosis ies, reviewed by Smieskova and colleagues (2010). This small
risk and control participants were rescanned on a 1.5 Tesla after literature suggests that individuals who transition to psychosis
28 months. At baseline, the first-episode group had decreased differ from those who do not, with the latter group showing
fractional anisotropy and increased diffusivity relative to con- normalization. Thus, the application of fMRI holds promise as a
trols, and the psychosis risk group was intermediate between the tool that may facilitate elucidation of the underlying pathophysi-
other two groups. At follow-up, further reduction in fractional ology of the psychotic process (Fig. 26.4).
anisotropy was evident in left frontal region only in those psy-
chosis risk individuals (n = 8) who transitioned to psychosis. This
suggests that progressive changes occur at disease onset, which
has been reported before for gray matter (Borgwardt et al., 2007; The resting BOLD signal in fMRI paradigms can provide a mea-
Smeiskova et al., 2010). Again, however, the available data are sure of connectivity, reflecting “cross-talk” integration among
meager and must be considered very preliminary. brain regions. It examines the time-series correlations among
brain regions, indicating which regions show synchronized activa-
tion. Aberrations in schizophrenia in frontotemporal connectivity
have been reported and have also been seen in those at clinical
Functional MRI has been applied to individuals at risk for psy- risk (Crossley et al., 2009). This literature too is at its infancy.
chosis, commonly in small samples with neurobehavioral probes
that have shown differences between schizophrenia patients and
controls. Neurobehavioral domains examined include working
memory, using the n-back paradigm. Overall, psychosis risk Several neurotransmitters that have been related to the
groups show decreased activation in the blood oxygenation pathophysiology of schizophrenia have been examined in those
level-dependent (BOLD) response in dorsolateral and medial at psychosis risk. Dopamine dysregulation has been linked to

342 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S


Medial Frontal

Controls Psychosis Risk

Figure 26.4 Functional MRI (fMRI) BOLD activation in response to a working memory task. A normal pattern of activation (left) and reduced activity in clinical risk for
psychosis (right) illustrates the pattern observed in studies applying the n-back paradigm.

psychosis, and positron emission tomography (PET) studies matter was reduced in several regions including the right supe-
have shown increased dopamine striatal activity in schizo- rior frontal gyrus, left medial frontal gyrus, left inferior fron-
phrenia (Fusar-Poli and Meyer-Lindenberg, 2013; Howes et al., tal gyrus, right orbital gyrus, and right supramarginal gyrus
2009). Striatal 6-fluoro-L-dopa F18-dopa was also elevated in in the psychosis risk group. The longitudinal design made it
psychosis risk individuals and related to symptom severity possible to follow a subgroup, with some subjects transitioning
(Tibbo et al., 2004). to psychosis. Progressive gray matter alterations in prefrontal
Glutamate has also been implicated in the pathophysiol- and subcortical areas were noted in the psychosis risk group,
ogy of schizophrenia and studies have examined individuals at but no significant changes in P300 amplitude over time were
genetic risk for psychosis using magnetic resonance spectros- observed.
copy (MRS). Increased glutamine/glutamate ratio in medial
frontal cortex was reported in adolescents at genetic risk (Tibbo
et al., 2004). In a study integrating fMRI and MRS, 24 psy- C HA L L E N G E S A N D P R O M I SE S
chosis risk individuals were compared to 17 healthy controls
(Fusar-Poli et al., 2011c). BOLD response to a verbal fluency Advancing the neurobiology of schizophrenia is extremely
task showed that the psychosis risk group had greater bilateral challenging and requires converging multidisciplinary team
activation than controls in midfrontal gyrus. Glutamate lev- science approaches. The bar is even higher when attempting
els in the thalamus were lower in psychosis prone individuals. to do what we need to in order to elucidate mechanisms that
Furthermore, the pattern of correlations with activation sug- underlie the pathophysiology early in the course of emerg-
gests that prefrontal, hippocampal, and temporal functioning ing psychosis. Before turning to the scientific challenges and
are related to thalamic glutamate levels and differentiate those promises, the context of the debate is important to consider.
at risk from controls. Medicine is undergoing a paradigm shift in which “Big
Science” is applied to multiple biomarkers in order to permit
early identification and targeted interventions that aim at bio-
logical processes rather than symptoms. Unfortunately, psy-
As in schizophrenia research, the investigation of brain func- chiatry is at risk to stay at the sidelines of the move toward
tion has included several studies that have examined brain such precision medicine not just because of the complexity of
activity with electrophysiological measures. For example, P300 behavior and its organ, the brain, but also because of societal
amplitude was reported to be smaller in a group of 100 clinical attitudes. Unlike other medical disorders, the burden of stigma
risk individuals, early or late in the prodromal state, compared and the consequences of false early identification of individu-
to 40 healthy controls (Frommann et al., 2008). The findings als who may not transition to psychosis weigh heavily when
were interpreted as suggesting that selective left temporopa- discussing the inclusion of clinical risk in DSM-5. Yet, a shift
rietal amplitude deficits could be a trait abnormality, while in research paradigms as envisioned by RDoC provides an
deficits at sagittal midline electrodes may relate to changes that opportunity to bypass the stigma by obtaining dimensional
underlie the emergence of psychotic symptoms. data on behavior without emphasis on categorical diagnostic
A study integrating P300 and volumetric MRI measures classification. Such a framework can be well integrated into
(Fusar-Poli et al., 2011b) examined 39 psychosis risk individu- large-scale genomic studies and afford the data essential for
als and 41 healthy controls. P300 at intake was lower, and gray addressing fundamental basic and clinical questions that can

2 6 N E U R O B I O L O G Y O F M E N TA L I L L N E S S P S Y C H O S I S P R O N E N E S S | 343

fill existing gaps in understanding. Such systematic efforts will connectivity data can now be obtained in single sessions,
help answer questions currently enigmatic or with limited data and longitudinal follow-up is feasible. Importantly, the
reflecting an early phase of investigation. neuroimaging data need to be integrated with clinical and
The heterogeneity in clinical features and variability in neurocognitive data.
brain behavior measures necessitate large samples and longi-
Sample size. The large volume of data generated in
tudinal follow-up. Large longitudinal samples are also essen-
neuroimaging studies underscores the need for large
tial for integration of quantitative phenotypic neurobiological
samples. Even larger samples are needed if the aim is to
data with genomics. Such efforts are required for progress in
integrate neuroimaging data with genomics. The typical
advancing the understanding of neurodevelopmental trajecto-
concluding paragraph in neuroimaging papers, which
ries that underlie the continuum of psychosis.
states that “larger samples are required” should become
Several methodological challenges merit consideration
and discussion. Some uniformity and standardization in the
approach to these issues could ultimately lead to consensus in
When genomics is running forward and bioinformatics is
the next stages of this undertaking.
keeping up, we have unprecedented opportunities with avail-
able and developing technologies to attempt to answer ques-
Ascertainment. The population captured in clinical risk
tions that are crucial and critical for early intervention. Such
studies is based on help-seeking youths. Some sites
knowledge may help pave the way for novel approaches to
develop a referral network that may include community
ameliorate the impact of illness and enable vulnerable individ-
mental health providers, schools, and advertisement in
uals to get back on track as much as possible. Concerns over
the community at large. Is the pattern of presentation
medicating the young and perhaps those not bound to schizo-
related to the method of ascertainment? Demographics?
phrenia spectrum disorders is understandable. However, this
How does the presentation of help-seekers differ from
valid concern should not become a paralyzing fear. As the field
population-based studies? To enable generalizability and
is adopting behavioral interventions that show promise, as well
sensitivity of measures, consistent information should
as discovering natural substances that can help modulate the
be provided, even in the form of supplemental data in
disease process, it is up to us to be vigilant as health profession-
journal articles.
als and do no harm. By educating the public, and free of con-
Comorbidity. There is inconsistency in the literature in flict of interest, we can be in a position to impart knowledge
reporting comorbid conditions, such as substance use, gained, admit our ignorance, and strive to obtain the best data
despite an extensive literature of psychosis in the context possible in the service of those who need it.
of substance use, such as cannabis. Similarly, the role of As we gain better understanding of the neurodevelopmen-
environmental stressors that can facilitate or curtail the tal trajectories associated with “deep phenotyping” of brain
emergence of psychosis needs attention. behavior quantitative measures, and have data on adequately
powered samples, we will be in a position to evaluate the
Diagnostic instruments. Several instruments have been
degree and extent of departure from the normative growth
applied to assess sub-threshold psychotic symptoms.
curve. Implications of symptoms, their duration, persistence,
Adopting a common instrument will be helpful in
intensification, and impact on functioning can be monitored.
standardization, and research groups can add other
Such efforts will lead to better understanding of variability in
instruments to address further questions. Such
presentation, vulnerability, resilience, and early intervention.
standardization will help establish common training
across research sites and facilitate clinical training of
professionals as the field moves forward. There is also a
need to focus on negative symptoms early in the course DI SC L O SU R E
of psychosis, as the clinical presentation is at times
mistakenly diagnosed as depression. Dr. Gur has no conflicts of interest to disclose.
Neurobehavioral measures. Core domains should be
included in future studies to enable comparison across
samples and pulling data together systematically. Easy REFERENCES
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2 6 N E U R O B I O L O G Y O F M E N TA L I L L N E S S P S Y C H O S I S P R O N E N E S S | 345



PS YCHOS IS A S A N IND EP END E N T “loss-of-function” cognitive disorders. Because the psychotic

CLINIC A L P H ENO T Y P E experiences appear entirely real to the person suffering them, it
is easy for the individuals to act on the commands, the psychotic
Psychosis is a symptom dimension that appears in multiple perceptions, or delusional thinking; this can result in bizarre,
brain disorders, most commonly in psychiatric disorders, but illogical, or aggressive behavior. Psychosis is a broadly expressed
occasionally in neurological and other medical diagnoses. symptom set across diagnoses and thus could be an intermediate
Psychotic symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, and phenotype, perhaps a symptom dimension representing a final
thought disorder, as well as thought and behavioral disorgani- common pathway of cerebral dysfunction (including limbic cor-
zation. These symptoms are experienced by psychotic individ- tex, we will argue). It is easy to presume that this symptom set
uals as actual cognitive or sensory experiences and involve all has its own common and distinctive anatomy and pathophysiol-
sensory modalities (auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, and ogy, as well as molecular targets and treatments, although this
tactile). Several first-person accounts written by brilliant and has yet to be fully demonstrated (Fig. 27.1).
self-perceptive individuals with psychosis record the nature Psychotic symptoms in psychiatric diagnosis are highly
of psychosis and show that there is a profound loss of reality sensitive to antipsychotic drugs, drugs that block dopamine D2
testing around psychotic experiences. John Nash describes the receptors or diminish dopamine mediated transmission, with
nature of his delusion: limited evidence that serotonin antagonists (MDL100907),
muscarinic agonists (xanomiline, Shekhar et al., 2008), or glu-
These ideas just keep coming into my head. I can’t tamate agonists (LY2140023) (Kinon and Gomez, 2012) can
prevent it. (I) believe that there is a conspiracy among have an effect, albeit partial. It is often debated whether the
military leaders to take over the world, and that (I) am behavioral state of psychosis can be modeled in a laboratory
in charge of the takeover. (I) secretly feel that I am the animal, with the difficulty being the ability to detect symptoms
left foot of God. And that God is walking on the earth. with the actual object dependent on language (behavioral state
(Nasar, 1998) of psychosis). However, measurable behaviors that have been
associated with psychotic human behavior, like altered pre-
Elyn Saks details her experience of psychotic “disorientation”: pulse inhibition (PPI), declarative memory dysfunction (e.g.,
fear conditioning correlates), and alterations in intentional
Consciousness gradually loses its coherence. The “me” bias, and the use of human psychotomimetic drugs can be
becomes a haze . . . reality breaks up like a bad radio sig- used to represent psychosis, as putative human correlates of
nal. There is no longer a sturdy vantage point from which psychosis (Yanagi et al., 2012).
to look out, take things in, assess what’s happening. No In psychotic diseases, as discussed in several of the earlier
core lens through which to see the world, to make judg- chapters, psychosis is not the only symptom set that causes
ments and comprehend risk. Random moments of time dysfunction. In schizophrenia, which is generally considered
follow one another. Sights, sounds, thoughts, and feel- to be the most persistent and severe of the psychotic disorders,
ings don’t go together. No organizing principle takes patients suffer from cognitive dysfunction, negative symp-
successive moments in time and puts them together in toms, mood symptoms, and anxiety, in addition to psychosis.
a coherent way from which sense can be made. And it’s In psychotic bipolar disorder, it is not only psychosis, but also
all taking place in slow motion. (Saks, 2007). mood instability with mania, depression, and mixed states, as
well as cognitive dysfunction that characterize persons with
The clinical manifestations of psychosis as just described, with that diagnosis. The coexisting symptom dimensions (like cog-
hallucinations, delusions, thought disorder, and disorganiza- nitive dysfunction or negative symptoms) are not treated by
tion, are a disturbance of cognition, not a global loss of cog- antipsychotic drugs; they have their own disease course, with
nitive capacity as distinct from dementing illnesses. Indeed, symptom-onset characteristically occurring before the psy-
psychosis can be thought of as a “gain-of-function” symptom, chosis and their distinctive life course. For these reasons many
with increased associational productions, which generate clinical scientists, exemplified by the NIMH Measurement
bizarre perceptual experiences, thoughts, and memories with and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia
psychotic content; this is in contrast to dementias, which are (MATRICS) group (Marder and Fenton, 2004), proposed

346 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

Schizophrenia Schizoaffective Disorder Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis


Disorganized Speech and Behavior

Cognitive Disorders Symptom

Negative Symptoms

Mood Symptoms



Figure 27.1 The genes, intermediate phenotypes, and symptom dimensions that characterize the categorical diseases that we diagnose have been shown to
overlap extensively. Therefore, to deconvolve the biology, we need to focus on disease dimensions and their underlying intermediate phenotypes, which will
more directly relate to the genes underlying psychiatric conditions. (Previously published in Ivleva E.I., Tamminga C. 2009. Psychosis as a defining dimension in
schizophrenia. In: Sadock, B.J., Sadock, V.A., and Ruiz, P. [Eds.], Kaplan & Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 9th edition. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, PA:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, schizophrenia. In: Sadock, B. Chapter 12.16, pp. 1594–1605.)

formulating these entities as independent symptom dimen- psychosis. It was an easy step from this body of knowledge to
sions, each with their own anatomy, molecular determinants, the idea that schizophrenia itself, and psychosis in particular,
and pharmacology, hence likely to have their own treatments. are diseases whose mechanisms involve a hyperfunction of the
Thus, disease dimensions have become the therapeutic tar- dopamine system. For the last half-century, clinical scientists
get of experimental therapeutics today. have examined the “dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia”
using schizophrenia brain tissue, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF),
blood, transformed cells, human brain imaging, and anything
MOLE C U L A R MEC H A NIS MS O F else available to demonstrate evidence of dopamine hyperactiv-
PS YCHO S IS : MO D EL S O F TH E I L L N E SSE S ity. Sadly, these studies as a group have not been able to verify the
dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia (Kendler and Schaffner,
2011). There is no replicable increase in dopamine receptor
Dopamine hyperfunction was the first molecular hypothesis number, except that associated with chronic antipsychotic use;
of schizophrenia (Table 27.1). The only effective treatments there is no consistent evidence of altered dopamine metabolites
discovered so far for psychosis are medications that reduce or proteins associated with dopamine signaling in schizophre-
dopamine-mediated transmission in brain. Their action was nia brain tissue; although there is some evidence of increased
identified serendipitously early in 1950 by Delay and Denniker, dopamine release gathered through displacement imaging, this
who used chlorpromazine initially as merely a sedative agent, is not a feature unique to schizophrenia. Kendler et al. reviewed
but were alert enough to notice its selective antipsychotic activ- this area exhaustively and asked why the hypothesis was not fal-
ity. The use of chlorpromazine spread around the world very sified faster, a question important to experimental therapeutics
quickly for the treatment of psychosis, especially schizophre- (Kendler and Schaffner, 2011). At the present time, while the
nia due to extremely high medical need. The identification of hypothesis is often quoted, it is not relied on within the field
the dopaminergic mechanism of chlorpromazine was detected for the discovery of disease mechanism or for drug develop-
pharmacologically within the next decade by Carlsson and ment. However, antipsychotic drugs are still identified by their
Lindquist (Carlsson and Lindquist, 1963), as dopamine recep- antidopaminergic action, and there is no reconsideration of
tor antagonism. Moreover, the subsequent design and devel- the well-substantiated observation that dopamine antagonism
opment of dopamine receptor antagonists and now of partial improves psychotic symptoms. To resurrect the usefulness of
dopamine agonists have confirmed the therapeutic action the “dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia” in the field, a new
of this family of drugs on psychosis. So, it is well established and clear aspect of dopamine pharmacology will have to be
that drugs which block dopamine receptors in brain improve identified as altered in schizophrenia.

2 7 P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S : N E U R O C H E M I S T R Y A N D P H A R M A C O T H E R A P Y | 347

TA B L E 27. 1. Molecular models of psychosis characteristics of synapse architecture, local circuitry, and
specialized postsynaptic signaling mechanisms, suggest that
important aspects of glutamate regulation are local. The
First molecular hypothesis, based on pharmacological data. roles of many of these synaptic proteins were discussed in
Postulates have not been confirmed. Yet, all antipsychotic drugs are Chapter 25. Even within regions, functional specialization
antidopaminergic. occurs on a microcircuit level with the same glutamatergic
G LU TA M ATE SIGNALING REDUC T IO N architecture serving distinct functions (Greer and Greenberg,
Based first on the potent psychotomimetic action of phencyclidine.
2008). It is already known that the hippocampus and its sur-
Considerable biochemical evidence has supported this model. There rounding cortex features glutamate signaling to a greater
may be regional effects. extent than other neocortical tissue, a characteristic that
G A BA SIGN A L ING REDUC T IO N IN PREF RO NTAL C O RTE X underlies its learning and memory functions (Franzek and
Beckmann, 1996). Moreover, the hippocampus is one of the
Fast-spiking GABA interneurons show reduced inhibition; may be
brain regions functionally altered in schizophrenia, suggest-
especially relevant for loss of cortical gamma synchrony and cognitive
dysfunction in PFC. ing the potential relevance of glutamate transmission in this
structure to psychosis pathophysiology (Tamminga et al.,
2010). The evidence for altered glutamate signaling in schizo-
Psychosis could represent the loss of appropriate controls on learning phrenic psychosis, including clinical and pharmacological,
and memory plasticity mechanisms. A still speculative idea. data, have been previously reviewed (Tamminga et al., 2010).
M ODE LS BA SED O N PS YC HO S IS RIS K GENES Since the hippocampus is a prototypical excitatory organ, its
These models are interesting but remain tentative until psychosis
signaling, especially in memory function, has been studied
genetics becomes fully established. for decades, provoked in part by the dramatic demonstration
P SYCHOTOM IMET IC DRUG MO DELS of its essential role in memory by the case of Henry Moliason
(HM) (Rempel-Clower et al., 1996). Thus there exists a rich
These are the classical psychosis models. They have been highly understanding around the role of glutamate and excitatory
useful for drug development but cannot be used to inform
transmission in declarative memory. There exists evidence
and plausible models that psychosis is due to reduced glu-
tamatergic transmission at the NMDA-sensitive receptor
and several hypotheses have been proposed to account for
this (Olney and Farber, 1995; Tsai and Coyle, 2002). While
In the meantime, proteins in the glutamate system have been no definitive mechanisms have yet been demonstrated, the
shown to be altered in schizophrenia tissue, and pharmaco- idea that psychosis in schizophrenia may involve inadequate
logical blockade of NMDA glutamate receptors in normal glutamatergic transmission at the NMDA receptor is widely
people has been shown to mimic symptoms of schizophre- acknowledged and remains plausible. In addition, evidence
nia, generating the idea that glutamatergic action is reduced implicates the hippocampus, in particular in psychosis,
in schizophrenia. Pharmacology of the NMDA receptor sug- involving its unique cortical anatomy and its subfield-specific
gests that a reduction in glutamate signaling at this receptor functions (Tamminga et al., 2010)
can mimic some of the psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia
(Tamminga, 1999), as well as its cognitive symptoms in normal
human volunteers (Krystal et al., 1994a). Molecular alterations
in glutamate-related proteins are documented in postmortem As detailed in Chapter 24, considerable evidence implicates
tissue and CSF, changes that could impair signaling at this alterations in GABAergic transmission in the manifestations of
receptor (Gao et al., 2000; Tamminga, 1999; Tsai et al., 1995). schizophrenia, based on very early and simple ideas of neocor-
Therefore, molecular targets within the NMDA receptor com- tical function, dependent on controlled excitation extensively
plex have become interesting targets for drug development in modulated by GABA-mediated inhibition. Modern postmor-
both psychosis and cognition (Table 27.1). tem research has shown cell-specific GABA reductions in neo-
Glutamate signaling impinges most neurons in the cortex, most precisely worked out in prefrontal cortex (PFC)
brain and supports activity-dependent signaling, neuronal (Krystal et al., 1994b). In PFC schizophrenia tissue, reduced
growth, and synaptic plasticity (Benarroch, 2011; Lynch and concentrations of GAD67, one of the synthetic enzymes for
Guttmann, 2001; Nikam and Kornberg, 2001). The glutamate GABA, occur and are especially prominent in CCK- and
system is regionally diverse and complex, with multiple inter- parvalbumin-containing inhibitory interneurons. Upregulated
acting receptors, modulating co-transmitters, and multiple postsynaptic GABA receptors have been found (Krystal et al.,
postsynaptic intracellular signaling systems. Presynaptic, 1994b), which have been interpreted to reflect reduced synap-
postsynaptic, and astrocytic mechanisms all contribute to tic levels of GABA in the specific synapses in PFC. Speculations
overall excitatory signaling and to unique plasticity mecha- have connected this GABA reduction with PFC regional cere-
nisms that are involved with glutamatergic transmission (Lee bral activation reductions, with reduced cognitive function
et al., 2010; Shepherd and Huganir, 2007; Song and Huganir, possibly mediated by the loss of gamma synchrony already
2002); these compartments are all candidate systems for associated with schizophrenia. Some (Wang et al., 2011) but
pathology in glutamate-related brain diseases. Regional not all (Kegeles et al., 2000) data implicate GABA reduction

348 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

in other areas of PFC and in hippocampus, leaving the role of genes generate risk for schizophrenia and psychosis. Recent
GABA in hippocampal function less clear. genome-wide association studies suggest that there may be
more than 1,000 risk genes, each of small effect, for psychosis
syndromes (Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, 2007).
Although the majority of the candidate genes were first impli-
cated in schizophrenia, recent reports have suggested an over-
Observations drawn from in vivo imaging studies in schizo- lap in genetic susceptibility across the traditional diagnostic
phrenia (which show increased perfusion in the hippocampus; categories. GWAS, candidate genes, family, and twin genetic
Heckers et al., 1998; Medoff et al., 2001; Schobel et al., 2009) and studies all indicate overlap across diagnostic categories, as out-
from postmortem schizophrenia tissue studies (which show lined in Chapter 19. This implicates the potential for common
decreased GluN1 expression in hippocampal subfields, espe- genetic risk across the whole psychosis spectrum. It also sug-
cially dentate gyrus [DG]; Deicken et al., 1999; Gao et al., 2000) gests that simpler behaviors, like intermediate phenotypes for
converge to suggest that homeostatic plasticity mechanisms psychosis, may be useful in genotyping to develop a more pre-
might be altered in the hippocampus in patients (Eichenbaum, cise understanding of the basis of psychotic illness (Fig. 27.1).
2000; McClelland et al., 1995; Preston and Wagner, 2007). We Understanding the genes associated with intermediate pheno-
have proposed a speculative and testable model of psycho- types of psychosis will surely inform genetic mouse models
sis, based on evidence of altered hippocampal learning and for psychosis, as soon as the relationship between genes and
memory, and suggest that altered glutamate-mediated func- intermediate phenotypes becomes clarified.
tions in hippocampal subfields are involved in psychotic and
deficient declarative memory manifestations of schizophrenia
(Tamminga et al., 2010).
It is the functional effect secondary to this reduced gluta- Animal models of human brain diseases, which are stringently
mate signaling in DG in CA3 that could be of interest for psy- based on disease features having strong construct validity, are
chosis. DG projects to CA3 in the mossy fiber pathway, a link critical for testing disease pathophysiology and novel treatment
within the trisynaptic circuit. We suspect that this decrease development (Young et al., 2009, 2010). However, because the
in activity-dependent signaling from DG sensitizes its target mechanistic basis of schizophrenia remains obscure, our abil-
tissue (CA3) to incoming stimuli and generates a lower LTP ity to develop verified animal models has been critically chal-
threshold and increased cellular sensitivity; this could gener- lenged (Nestler and Hyman, 2010). Current preclinical models
ate higher levels of neuronal activity in CA3, to be projected of schizophrenia are primitive and mechanistically specula-
onto CA1. We suggest that this results in an increase in syn- tive, with no forward vision of how to verify the models; there
aptic strength in CA3, accompanied by increased associa- is often insufficient indication that these models are related to
tional memory function. The ability of homeostatic plasticity disease pathophysiology in human constructs. Nonetheless,
phenomena to support this kind of model is included in data developments in the conceptualization of complex diseases
generated in the Malenka, Bear, and Malinow laboratories, like schizophrenia will allow more kinds of animal models
among others (Tamminga et al., 2010). It is a speculation to be relevant and their verification more direct (Hyman and
that increases in CA3 associational function could gener- Fenton, 2003).
ate false associations, some with psychotic content, which The Schizophrenia Research Forum lists 87 putative rodent
could then get laid down in memory as psychotic thoughts models for aspects of schizophrenia. These models can be orga-
and memories. This idea is consistent with the reduction in nized into three main categories and model not only psychosis
glutamate signaling in DG (indicated by a decrease in GluR1 in schizophrenia but also cognitive dysfunction and negative
protein), as well as the increase in hippocampal perfusion symptoms, all dimensions of illness in schizophrenia. These
that we detect with rCBF measures (Tamminga et al., 2010) animal models are based on psychotomimetic drug stimula-
and the finding that BDNF is increased regionally in CA3 tion, early adversity and lesion models, and schizophrenia risk
in schizophrenia tissue (Ghose et al., 2006). Dysfunction of gene models.
associational memory with changes localized to CA3 would Psychotomimetic agents include amphetamine, phencycli-
lead to the assumption that occasional and fleeting mistakes dine and their congeners. These are drugs that cause psycho-
in CA3 could be responsible for the psychosis-like phenom- sis in humans, often including schizophrenia-like symptoms,
ena in normal and in “prodromal” individuals. Persistent and tend to exacerbate the psychotic manifestations in schizo-
and high increases in CA3 activity could stimulate psychosis phrenia. It has been assumed that an understanding of the
thinking and generate manifestations that would resemble mechanism(s) of these psychosis-inducing actions might
schizophrenia. contribute to our fundamental understanding of psychosis,
although this has not yet been the case. Psychotomimetic
drugs have been administered to animals both for psychosis
pathophysiology studies and in order to model pharmacologi-
Modern genetic outcomes have contributed to the realization cal antagonist approaches as treatments.
that schizophrenia and psychosis are complex genetic illnesses. The approach of introducing environmental adversity to
Whereas there was early evidence for specific risk genes, the animals early in development to model schizophrenia grew out
problems with replication and power soon suggested that many of observations and epidemiological data showing that early

2 7 P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S : N E U R O C H E M I S T R Y A N D P H A R M A C O T H E R A P Y | 349

childhood adversity, including prenatal, perinatal, and devel- was broadly applied and the development of additional com-
opmental adverse events, predispose individuals to schizo- pounds strongly encouraged because of the long awaited effi-
phrenia in adulthood (Akbarian, 2010; Brown, 2011). How cacy of a drug treatment for florid psychosis. Side effects of
these childhood adversities predispose individuals to develop chlorpromazine include parkinsonism and akathisia, and also
illness in adulthood is not known but could be associated with hypotension, sedation, and amenorrhea. Hepatotoxicity and
epigenetic alterations that develop in childhood to pose risks electrocardiographic changes were less frequent but more seri-
during adulthood. The idea that early changes in brain struc- ous side effects. Tardive dyskinesia occurred as well. Today the
ture or function, or in epigenetic signaling, contribute to an use of chlorpromazine has gradually diminished, based mostly
adult onset illness has been a generative concept in the field of on its sedative and cardiovascular side effects, and still signifi-
schizophrenia pathophysiology. cant parkinsonism.
Closest to a study of disease mechanism has been the study Haloperidol was introduced in the late 1950s, and until
of genetically modified animals at schizophrenia-risk loci. recently, was the most widely prescribed antipsychotic for
These animal models are reviewed in Chapter 9, and provide schizophrenia and psychosis in general. Its potent antipsy-
critical evidence of specific molecular lesions which can be chotic action with little sedation, despite acute chronic motor
associated with illness. It is unfortunate that these risk genes side effects, sustained its widespread recommendation as an
are not strong enough to be comprehensive, but will become antipsychotic. It remains to be seen if new drugs will offer
increasingly useful as the molecular bases of psychosis is side-effect advantages over haloperidol to increase compli-
defined. ance and reduce relapse sufficiently to balance their increased
cost. The pharmacology of haloperidol is broadly documented
because the drug is often used as the prototypical control anti-
psychotic for animal and human studies. Functional imaging
E S TAB LIS H ED A ND EX P ERIMEN TA L studies of humans have addressed the question of where in the
PS YCHOS IS T REAT MENT S brain haloperidol exerts its actions, relating its extensive phar-
H I S T O RY O F A N T I P S Y C H O T I C D R U G macology to its clinical actions. In this regard it is interesting
DEVELOPMENT to note that haloperidol increases neuronal activity through-
out the basal ganglia, in both dorsal and ventral regions, and
Discovery of the antipsychotic action of chlorpromazine in the in the thalamus, while it decreases neuronal activity in the
mid-1950s identified the first therapeutic agent for schizophre- PFC and in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) (Holcomb
nia and it happened serendipitously. Its selective antipsychotic et al., 1996). We presume that activations in dorsal basal gan-
properties were noticed with its first application, and its use glia relate to motor side effects, while functional alterations in
spread around the world within a few years, signaling the over- PFC and ACC may underlie therapeutic actions, although this
whelming medical need for psychosis treatments. In the decade interpretation is still speculative. The antipsychotic efficacy of
following this clinical discovery, not only was the probable haloperidol was initially established in controlled clinical trials
mechanism of antipsychotic drug action articulated as mono- in the early 1960s (Davis, 1969). But it was not until recently
amine (especially dopamine) receptor blockade (Carlsson that a dose-response study was conducted across the apparent
and Lindquist, 1963) but also many additional antipsychotic dose-sensitive range for haloperidol, showing a highly potent
compounds were generated, based on the clear molecular tar- action without a linear relationship between dose and anti-
get being the dopamine receptor. These dopamine antagonists psychotic action (Zimbroff et al., 1997). Haloperidol produced
have formed the exclusive effective, but incomplete, antipsy- significant parkinsonism and akathisia across all doses used,
chotic armamentarium for psychiatrists throughout the past even at the lowest dose tested (4 mg/day).
half-century. Each of the traditional and newer antipsychotics Clozapine is an antipsychotic drug, which, although it
is associated with a distinctive side effect profile but with the has led the “new drug” era, is not itself new. Clozapine has
same primary antipsychotic effects (Davis, 1969). a uniquely superior antipsychotic action, demonstrated in
treatment-resistant individuals and in partial treatment
responders (Kane et al., 1988). While it is the only superior
antipsychotic, the molecular mechanism(s) associated with
There are many primary and review papers in this area (Gallego this action are unknown, although often suggested to be asso-
et al., 2012; Leucht et al., 2012), allowing the emphasis here to ciated with its broad but low affinity for many monoamine
highlight the trajectory of drug development and special fea- receptors; its pharmacology is consistent with these charac-
tures important to the clinical use of antipsychotic drugs. teristics (Coward, 1992). Clozapine has several active metabo-
Chlorpromazine, after its serendipitous discovery, was lites, two abundant examples of which are norclozapine and
evaluated in the early 1950s in multicenter trials (Davis, 1969). desmethylclozapine. Clozapine’s neurochemical profile show-
The trials inevitably included drug-naïve individuals, because ing reduced dopamine receptor occupancy in striatum and
this was the first effective drug for psychosis. Patient response increased serotonin receptor occupancy in cortex (Farde et al.,
was brisk and extensive; improvement occurred incrementally 1992) is characteristic of the second generation of antipsychot-
over several weeks. Remarkable reductions of 80% or more ics (Kapur et al., 1999). Functional imaging results are consis-
in psychotic symptoms were reported, including resolution tent with those for haloperidol, although the striatal activations
of hallucinations, delusions, and thought disorder. The drug are only in limited ventral regions, not broadly throughout the

350 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

basal ganglia, compared with extensive actions by haloperidol between three and seven weeks after injection. Steady state
(Lahti et al., 2002). Moreover, clozapine differs from haloperi- plasma levels occur after four injections. Clinical actions begin
dol in that it increases neuronal activity in the ACC and PFC, three weeks after the injection and will extend 4–6 weeks after
areas that are important to core cognitive functions like atten- that. This long-acting risperidone has shown full antipsychotic
tion and working memory. Acute motor side effects are not efficacy in several large multicenter clinical trials. Its primary
often seen with clozapine including parkinsonism and akath- actions and side effects are similar to the parent drug. Its rec-
isia. In addition, clozapine appears by all estimates to have an ommended dose is 25 mg every two weeks, with an increase to
extremely low (if any) incidence of tardive dyskinesia. With 37.5 mg or 50 mg where necessary. This is the first long-acting
respect to other side effects, however, clozapine is at the top of preparation of any second-generation drug and has the potential
the list. It causes agranulocytosis with an incidence of 0.5–1%, to improve medication compliance in persons with psychosis.
a condition which has a 3–15% mortality. The risk for agranu- Motor side effects are relatively low with risperidone at doses
locytosis is highest in the second and third months after begin- below 4 mg/day. At doses above 10 mg/day, parkinsonism and
ning treatment; risk is reduced after the first six months and akathisia are similar to haloperidol. Hyperprolactinemia is com-
remains flat and relatively low after the first twelve treatment mon and frank galactorrhea regularly seen with risperidone.
months of treatment. In addition, the drug can induce seizures, Weight gain occurs, but to a mild degree. The metabolic syn-
increase heart rate, and stimulate cardiac arrhythmias. The drome, although apparent with risperidone, is not as frequent as
drug causes substantial weight gain, and alters carbohydrate with clozapine or olanzapine (Allison et al., 1999).
metabolism while it affects plasma lipids, a symptom complex Olanzapine is a structural congener of clozapine and
called the metabolic syndrome (Allison et al., 1999; Henderson has many of the same pharmacologic characteristics as clo-
et al., 2000; Wirshing et al., 1999). It also causes other less zapine, with significant exceptions in side effects (i.e., no
medically significant, but bothersome side effects like sedation agranulocytosis) and in efficacy (i.e. equal, but not superior
and drooling. It is surprising that, with this serious side effect efficacy). Olanzapine efficacy was established based on four
profile, clozapine is used at all; however, the value of its added large placebo- and haloperidol-controlled multicenter reg-
benefit in psychosis weighs successfully against all of these side istration trials (Tamminga and Kane, 1997; Tollefson et al.,
effects, particularly for the seriously ill schizophrenic person. 1997b). Consistently, olanzapine showed a clear antipsychotic
One of the active metabolites of clozapine is N- response in actively psychotic schizophrenic patients, signifi-
desmethylclozapine (NDMC); it has similar pharmacological cantly greater than placebo and equivalent to haloperidol on
properties to clozapine with the exception of demonstrating positive symptoms. There was a suggestion that olanzapine
M1/M5 agonist actions instead of the M1/M5 antagonist actions could be more effective for negative symptoms than haloperi-
of clozapine (Burstein et al., 2005; Weiner et al., 2004). This dol (Tollefson et al., 1997a). Motor side effects with olanzapine
distinction suggests that NDMC will have an improved action treatment are remarkably diminished compared to traditional
on cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia along with the drugs. Whereas at high doses, mild akathisia can be seen,
superior clozapine-like antipsychotic action. Indirect evidence anticholinergic drug use for motor side effects is low. Weight
supports this prediction with the observation that among clo- gain can be substantial. Metabolic syndrome with abnormal
zapine treated patients, a linear correlation exists between cog- carbohydrate metabolism, frank diabetes, and elevated plasma
nitive performance and the ratio of NDMC/clozapine (Davies lipid measures is reported, thus increasing metabolic and car-
et al., 2005). diovascular burden (Bettinger et al., 2000; Osser et al., 1999).
No blood dyscrasias are associated with olanzapine use, a side
effect closely evaluated because of the structural similarity
S E C O N D - G E N E R AT I O N A N T I P S Y C H O T I C
between olanzapine and clozapine.
The other second-generation antipsychotic drugs
Risperidone is a benzisoxazol derivative with high affinity for the include quetiapine ziprasidone, and aripiprazole. Each of the
5HT2A and D2 receptors. Its in-vitro affinity for serotonin 5HT2A second-generation drugs has demonstrated antipsychotic
is 20 times higher than for dopamine D2 receptors. Risperidone activity and moderate, if any, motor side effects. Quetiapine is
efficacy has been evaluated in schizophrenia across a broad dose distinguished by its sleep action (prolongs sleep without induc-
range (2–16 mg/day) in several large multicenter trials showing ing it) and it is often administered before bed but it still retains
a reduction in positive and negative symptoms; positive symp- the metabolic side effects of clozapine-like drugs. Ziprasidone
toms responded to risperidone in a similar fashion as to halo- and aripiprazole both have low levels of metabolic side effects
peridol; negative symptom response may be greater (Marder and and are antipsychotic drugs that avoid gross weight gain.
Meibach, 1994). A risperidone dose of 3–6 mg/day produces the Additional drugs with antipsychotic activity have continued
most desired outcome in the usual patients (Love et al., 1999). to be marketed, including lurazidone (Kane, 2011), asenipine
Risperidone has been extensively used as an antipsychotic in the (Potkin, 2011), paliperidone (Richelson, 2010), and iloperi-
elderly, in part because of its favorable motor side effect profile done (Weiden, 2012), and others are under development. All
with limited sedation. A long-acting injectable preparation of of the new drug actions include antidopaminergic activity, so
risperidone is available, made up of active medication encapsu- success at novel drug development for psychosis outside of the
lated in a Medisorb polymer, generating microspheres. After a dopaminergic modulation class has not achieved full success.
single injection of a recommended dose of 25–50 mg, the micro- It remains unclear why the effective pharmacotherapy of psy-
spheres will generate a slow and steady release of risperidone chosis is so focused.

2 7 P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S : N E U R O C H E M I S T R Y A N D P H A R M A C O T H E R A P Y | 351

G L U TA M AT E R G I C D R U G S learning and memory,” “visual learning and memory,” “rea-
soning and problem solving,” and “social cognition.” Animal
Drugs that block the NMDA receptor generate robust psychotic
research suggests that each cognitive domain could be distinc-
manifestations in normal people, as well as psychosis exacerba-
tive in its anatomy, pharmacology, and likely in its molecular
tion in patients, and generate psychotic-like behaviors in animals.
treatment. Many studies are ongoing to identify treatments for
Moreover, analysis of human tissue from schizophrenia cases
cognitive dysfunction.
shows alterations in NMDA receptor and signaling proteins.
Therefore, glutamate enhancers, especially those acting at the
NMDA receptor, have been put forward as rational hypothetical M O L E C U L A R TA R G E T S F O R C O G N I T I O N
antipsychotics. In 2006, when Schoeppe et al. reported the effi- IN SCHIZOPHRENIA
cacy of LY2140023, an agonist at the mGluR2/3 metabotropic
No treatments currently exist for cognitive dysfunction in psy-
receptor which is thought to augment glutamate release through
chosis. No human targets are apparent, and no understanding
a presynaptic mechanism, there was considerable excitement
of the molecular basis exists. However, abundant animal lit-
(Kinon and Gomez, 2012). However, the promise has not been
erature exists to support interest in several different molecular
born out, and public summaries of two follow-up studies have
targets in schizophrenia.
both been negative. Several additional glutamatergic drugs are
The role of the hippocampal alpha-7 nicotinic receptor
still in development, both as stand-alone antipsychotics and as
in sensory gating and attention, and its alteration in schizo-
co-treatments with standard drugs for cognitive dysfunction
phrenia provide the basis for strategies augmenting alpha-7
(Kinon, 2011). Results from additional glutamate enhancing
nicotinic signaling in schizophrenia (Martin et al., 2004). In
strategies will inform this area further as they become avail-
addition, the delineation of selective deficits in GABA receptor
able. It is widely speculated that these drugs may act effectively
subunits within subpopulations of GABA-containing neurons
in subgroups of individuals with glutamate-mediated lesions
in the prefrontal cortex have led to the strategy of augment-
accounting for their psychosis.
ing GABA signaling in prefrontal cortex pharmacologically
(Lewis et al., 2004). These strategies are currently being tested
MUSCARINIC AGONISTS in humans with pharmacologic probes.
With non-human primate models of working memory,
An interesting antipsychotic candidate, xanomiline, was origi-
Goldman-Rakic elegantly established the importance of D1
nally developed as a cognition-enhancing drug for Alzheimer’s
dopamine signaling for working memory, a key area of cogni-
disease, and now has shown surprising effects in a single-site
tion dysfunction in schizophrenia. Diverse experiments suggest
schizophrenia trial (Shekhar et al., 2008). Xanomiline showed
that dopamine signaling at the D1 receptor could be insufficient
both a significant (although not large) antipsychotic action in
in persons with schizophrenia (Akil et al., 2003; Karlsson et al.,
schizophrenia as well as an advantage for cognition. Whether
2002; Okubo et al., 1997; Potkin et al., 2003; Selemon et al.,
or not these manifestations can be demonstrated in a large mul-
1995). In animals, D1 but not D2 antagonists disrupt working
tisite trial is an unanswered question. Cholinesterase inhibitors
memory and D1 agonists promote cognition (Goldman-Rakic
are not effective antipsychotic agents but have a much lower
et al., 2004). Therefore, the augmentation of D1 signaling in
potency as cholinergic drugs than direct-acting cholinergic
schizophrenia is one of the most viable approaches for improv-
agonists. There are additional cholinergic agents available to
ing cognition, especially for augmenting working memory.
test (Sellin et al., 2008) and considerable activity in the develop-
Serotonin, as a neurotransmitter, uses different CNS recep-
ment of allosteric modulators of selected muscarinic receptors
tors for its signaling pathways. Evidence supports a role for
subtypes. It may be possible within the next few years to follow
the 5-HT1a, 5-HT2a, 5-HT4, and 5-HT6 receptor systems
up on this original clever finding.
as potential targets for schizophrenia cognition (Roth et al.,
2004). The 5-HT1a receptors are located in regions of brain
that subserve learning and memory, including the hippocam-
COGNITI VE D Y S F U NC TIO N IN pus and neocortex. Considerable animal evidence suggests
PS YCHOS IS A ND EX P ERIMENTA L that 5-HT1a active drugs could be cognitively enhancing in
TR E ATMENT S humans; clinical evidence also supports this idea, but with-
out being clear if it is a 5-HT1a partial agonist or a 5-HT1a
Cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia is often associated full antagonist that would have the best cognition-enhancing
with poor psychosocial outcome, correlating significantly action (Roth et al., 2004). Modest, but indirect evidence, sup-
with aspects of poor psychosocial outcomes, therefore effec- ports the role of the 5-HT2, 5-HT4, and 5-HT6 receptors in
tive treatment is important (Green, 1996). This motivated the cognition enhancement. Studies are currently being carried
NIMH to open up the area of cognition treatments in schizo- out in humans with cognitive disorders testing candidates
phrenia, in part by spearheading the NIMH Measurement and from each of these families.
Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia Additional data (mostly preclinical) exist to support sev-
(MATRICS) project (Marder and Fenton, 2004). The literature eral other molecular targets for cognitive enhancements in
supports the presence of several, but not all, cognitive dimen- schizophrenia, including the muscarinic cholinergic recep-
sions as abnormal in schizophrenia, including “speed of pro- tors (Friedman, 2004), the metabotropic glutamate receptor
cessing,” “attention and vigilance,” “working memory,” “verbal (Moghaddam, 2004), and adrenergic receptors (Arnsten, 2004).

352 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

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INTR ODU C T IO N bipolar disorder, as well as the longitudinal development of the

illness, is to study high-risk offspring of bipolar parents. Unlike
Efforts to understand the fundamental neurobiology of bipo- studies focused on prodromal or chronic patient cohorts, high-
lar disorder, as with other psychiatric illnesses, have been hin- risk offspring samples are not as likely to be confounded by
dered by the inability to directly access the primary organ of existing symptoms, medications, and other comorbid condi-
interest in living patients, as well as a lack of valid cellular and tions such as substance use disorders.
animal models of disease. As a result, the majority of data to Children with at least one parent who is diagnosed with
date comes either from postmortem studies, from peripheral bipolar disorder are at a fourfold increased risk of developing
cells, and from investigations of the effects of known thera- a mood disorder over their lifetime (Lapalme et al., 1997). The
peutic agents in bipolar disorder, particularly lithium. New rate of diagnosis of bipolar disorder in high-risk offspring ranges
technologies are emerging that may inform these studies; these broadly from 3% to 50% but is consistently higher than in the
include new kinds of cellular models (Brennand et al., 2011; general population (1–2%) (Kessler et al., 2005). Most high-risk
Sheridan et al., 2011), including models that will be informed studies are limited by very small sample sizes and are descrip-
by the genetic studies described elsewhere (Chapter 19), as tive in nature, making it difficult to identify specific risk factors
well as new ways of characterizing those models. As such, any for conversion to the full-blown illness. Very few studies have
summary of relevant neurobiology is undoubtedly incomplete systematically assessed clinical or environmental risk factors;
and likely to have a short half-life. however, certain personality traits such as behavioral disinhi-
The genetics of bipolar disorder were extensively cov- bition are more commonly seen in high-risk offspring than in
ered in an earlier chapter in view of substantial overlaps with those without enhanced risk (Hirshfeld-Becker et al., 2006) and
schizophrenia. However, topics that are relatively more specific significant negative life events during childhood increase the
to bipolar disorder are the focus of the current chapter. Several likelihood of developing a subsequent mood disorder (Hillegers
areas will be covered. First, the temporal development of bipo- et al., 2004). There is also some evidence that high-risk children
lar disorder from high-risk to prodromal to first-episode symp- and adolescents have neurocognitive impairments across several
toms will be discussed. Second, evidence that bipolar disorder domains including processing speed, working memory, execu-
has well-documented, measurable cognitive abnormalities, in tive functions, and response inhibition (Salvadore et al., 2008),
contrast with older views, is explored. Third, the disruption but these deficits are milder than those noted in first-episode and
in circadian biology in bipolar disorder patients is discussed. more chronic patients with bipolar disorder and are rather non-
Fourth, we describe the current, existing model systems that specific.
have implicated a number of signaling pathways, processes, Neurobiological risk factors for bipolar disorder have also
and animal models that are likely to be relevant to bipolar been identified in high-risk offspring including stress-vulnera-
disorder itself and/or therapeutic mechanisms. These include bility associated with hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)-
circadian abnormalities, epigenetic processes including his- axis dysfunction and increased inflammatory/immune response;
tone modification, Wnt/GSK3 signaling, other modulators of however, again data are limited by small cohorts. Most studies
neuroplasticity, and mitochondrial function. The evidence for assessing biomarkers in offspring of bipolar parents include indi-
each of these is summarized in the following. viduals who are themselves diagnosed with either depression or
another psychiatric disorder, confounding the interpretation
of these findings. Nevertheless, early evidence indicates subtle
HIGH-R IS K S TU D IES IN BIP O L A R abnormalities in HPA-axis functioning in high-risk offspring
DIS OR DER such as elevated salivary cortisol levels upon waking when com-
pared with children with no family history (Ellenbogen et al.,
As discussed in Chapter 19, the heritability of bipolar disorder 2004). Likewise, at least one study has identified markers of an
is high, and substantial evidence indicates that the illness runs activated immune system in offspring of bipolar parents prior
in families. Specifically, first-degree relatives of patients with to the development of overt affective symptoms as evidenced by
bipolar illness are at about a 10-fold increased risk of devel- altered expression in genes that are involved in the inflamma-
oping bipolar disorder as compared with individuals who do tory process (Padmos et al., 2008).
not have a family history. These data suggest that one useful Despite the increased risk for illness that is associated with
approach to understanding the risk factors associated with being born to a bipolar parent, most offspring do not go on

2 8 T H E N E U R O B I O L O G Y O F B I P O L A R D I S O R D E R | 355

to develop bipolar disorder, making high-risk studies time- as IQ, do not appear to be viable cognitive predictors of bipolar
consuming and expensive with inherently small sample sizes. disorder. Most studies agree that there is no significant IQ defi-
Other approaches have been implemented to increase the like- cit in individuals before they develop bipolar disorder (Meyer
lihood of studying individuals who will develop the full-blown et al., 2004; Reichenberg et al., 2002; Zammit et al., 2004) if
illness, including studies focusing on the clinical prodrome they are at high risk for the disorder based on family history
and the early phase of the illness. (Frangou et al., 2005), or if they are in the early stages of the
disorder (Hill et al., 2009; Zanelli et al., 2010). There is even
some evidence to suggest that an increased IQ may be predic-
THE PR OD RO ME tive of bipolar disorder (MacCabe et al., 2010). This is in stark
contrast with the schizophrenia literature, which consistently
The bipolar prodrome constitutes a period of disturbance finds IQ deficits in those at increased risk and in the early
characterized by distinct features/symptoms that lead up to stages of the disorder.
the onset of the full-blown disorder. The schizophrenia pro- Although global measures are not useful in predicting
drome has been well characterized and has been researched for impending onset of bipolar disorder, some specific neurocogni-
decades, yielding significant findings that point toward clinical tive domains, such as declarative memory and executive function,
and cognitive predictors as was discussed in Chapter 27. Large remain promising. Deficits in these domains have been reported
consortia have been formed, such as the North American in unaffected siblings (Christensen et al., 2006), in offspring
Prodrome Longitudinal Study (NAPLS; Addington et al., 2007), from bipolar parents (Klimes-Dougan et al., 2006; Maziade
in order to collect sample sizes that are sufficient for obtaining et al., 2009), and in first-episode patients (Hill et al., 2009; Zanelli
maximal predictive power. However, the field of bipolar disor- et al., 2010), and are consistent with deficits reported in chronic
der has yet to firmly establish the presence of a prodrome or patients with bipolar disorder. Cognitive deficits in memory and
to identify clear, replicated clinical/cognitive predictors for the executive function are noted during acute episodes, as well as
disorder. Data from retrospective studies suggest that there are during euthymic periods (Martinez-Aran et al., 2004). In fact,
attenuated forms of symptoms seen in the disorder as well as convergent and meta-analytic data suggest that verbal memory,
less specific psychiatric features that precede the onset of the in particular, may be the most valuable cognitive phenotype for
illness; however, there are very few prospective studies con- bipolar disorder (Glahn et al., 2004).
firming these findings.


According to retrospective reports, between 45% and 96% The onset of bipolar disorder is marked by the first affective
of bipolar disorder patients reported prodromal symptoms episode of either polarity; however, the diagnosis itself is not
at least one month prior to the full onset of bipolar disorder made until the first manic episode occurs. In up to 2/3 of cases,
(Correll et al., 2007; Conus et al., 2010). Depressive symptoms the first episode of mania is preceded by a major depressive
are typically reported as the first prodromal signs, however episode (Daban et al., 2006) but most studies of first-episode
some manic symptoms were also reported, including sleep bipolar disorder focus on patients who are experiencing their
disturbance/decreased need for sleep and increased energy/ first hospitalization or their first mania.
activity. Psychotic symptoms have also been identified as a Given the relative preservation of premorbid functioning
prodromal symptom (Jackson et al., 2003), although they tend in bipolar disorder, the period surrounding the first mania is of
to occur later in the prodrome and have low specificity. particular importance. At the time of first episode, frank symp-
Prospective accounts of prodromal symptoms support toms of psychosis present in approximately 60% of subjects;
mood lability (Angst et al., 2003) and attenuated positive neurocognitive deficits are significant, and functional abilities
symptoms as putative prodromal symptoms in bipolar disor- are disrupted. Onset of first episode typically occurs during
der (Thompson et al., 2003). Data indicating attenuated posi- adolescence; however, many patients will have been suffering
tive symptoms as prodromal to bipolar disorder are limited by undiagnosed, or misdiagnosed, for months or even years prior
the fact that most of these samples were being collected in the to initial treatment (Weller et al., 1995). With adequate treat-
context of a schizophrenia high-risk study; therefore, those ment, first-episode bipolar subjects show relatively high rates
who went on to develop bipolar disorder may not be represen- of remission from mania within six months, ranging from 80%
tative of the general at-risk population. During the prodromal to 100% in most studies; however, relapse rates within the first
phase, these patients presented with similar clinical and neu- year are also high (35–52%). Moreover, syndromic recovery
rocognitive profiles compared to individuals who ultimately rates, defined by no longer meeting DSM criteria for an acute
developed a schizophrenia spectrum disorder. episode, are considerably higher than symptomatic recovery
rates, suggesting a persistent clinical course marked by sub-
syndromal symptoms in most patients (Tohen et al., 1992). Of
particular concern are the consistently replicated findings of
Global and specific neurocognitive impairments are promi- social, occupational, and general functional recovery rates fall-
nent during the prodrome for schizophrenia (Davidson et al., ing far below remission rates (Conus et al., 2006; Tohen et al.,
1999). In contrast, global measures of cognitive function, such 2003).

356 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

Neurocognitive functioning at the time of first episode mediated, central feature of the disorder. In order to provide
also tends to decline significantly as compared with premor- support for this hypothesis, molecular genetic studies have
bid functioning; although the deficits are generally less severe tested candidate genes that are known to regulate circadian
than those noted in first episode schizophrenia samples (Hill functions (e.g., CLOCK, PERIOD) for association to BPD
et al., 2009). Overall there is substantial evidence documenting (Dallaspezia and Benedetti, 2009). Some evidence for modest
poor outcomes in first-episode bipolar disorder. Certain illness level of association has been found. For example, a CLOCK
features such as earlier age at onset and comorbid drug and gene polymorphism was found to be nominally associated
alcohol abuse (McGorry et al., 1996) can exacerbate these poor with moderate features of the illness such as diurnal prefer-
outcomes and should be the focus of future early intervention ence (Katzenberg et al., 1998), levels of evening activity, and
efforts. delayed sleep onset in BPD (Benedetti et al., 2007). In general,
studies of circadian genes are limited by (1) the small sample
sizes available in which relevant phenotypes can be tested, and
CIR CA DIA N A BNO RMA L IT IES thus (2) the lack of appropriate replication samples, which are
critical to establish valid genetic association. Information on
It has long been understood that changes in sleep, daytime circadian abnormalities is not routinely available in samples
activity, and energy levels are cardinal features of acute mania that have been used in genome-wide association studies.
and depression, with more recent data suggesting that these Thus the data are intriguing, but extensive further studies will
symptoms may represent trait-related risk factors for BPD be necessary to ensure relevance to the etiology of bipolar
(Plante and Winkelman, 2008). Changes in the sleep-wake disorder.
cycle and other circadian rhythms represent core features of The nature of the circadian abnormality in BPD is not
bipolar disorder, with sleep abnormalities reported in ~90% known; however, a recent review by Dallaspezia and Benedetti
of patients during acute episodes. Even when euthymic, many (2009) described two related hypotheses: (1) patients with BPD
BPD patients continue to demonstrate circadian disruptions, have a biological clock that is detached from environmental
including diminished sleep efficiency and lower daytime activ- variables that act to regulate circadian rhythms; and/or (2) the
ity levels. These trait-like circadian disruptions are of particu- normal sleep-wake cycle in BPD is not in phase with other
lar clinical relevance as changes in sleep are highly predictive biological rhythms (e.g., melatonin release). As noted, data
of impending affective instability, and BPD patients with poor in BPD support a high rate of an “eveningness” chronotype,
sleep quality report diminished quality of life (Gruber et al., a preference for later bedtimes/wake-times, and for carrying
2009). out mental and physical activity in the evening as opposed to
The exact nature of the circadian abnormality in BPD is the morning (Giglio et al., 2010). Eveningness is associated
unknown; theories posit a potential uncoupling of the biologi- with a circadian phase delay, a shift in the normal tempera-
cal clock from external variables that entrain circadian rhythms ture reduction and melatonin secretion that triggers onset of
(e.g., light) versus the desynchronization of the sleep-wake cycle the circadian-based sleep cycle, as well as waking times that
such that it falls out of phase with other biological rhythms are misaligned to circadian phase (Duffy et al., 1999). Such
(Dallaspezia and Benedetti, 2009). Euthymic BPD patients circadian desynchronization results in elevated melatonin, a
are commonly characterized by an “eveningness” chronotype, sleep-promoting hormone, early in the day thereby impairing
such that their time-to-sleep preference is phase-shifted to a wakefulness and vigilance (Benca et al., 2009). Importantly,
later than average hour, one that is not typically aligned with these data suggest that impaired sleep quality in BPD is associ-
the 24-hour light-dark cycle (Plante and Winkelman, 2008). ated with reduced quality of life. Animal models of circadian
Harvey et al. reported that 70% of remitted BPD patients had abnormalities are discussed in what follows.
diminished sleep efficiency and decreased daytime activity
levels (Harvey et al., 2005). More recently, Ritter et al. found
that patients with BPD demonstrated increased sleep latency EPIGENETICS
compared to healthy controls as determined by actigraphy. In
addition, patients with BPD self-reported a persistent pattern Epigenetic mechanisms, including methylation of DNA and
of increased insomnia and hypersomnia, as well as sensitivity DNA-associated proteins, represent key means of regulating
to shifts in circadian rhythm (Ritter et al., 2012). Interestingly, gene expression. Histone proteins “package” DNA in units
participants at increased risk for BPD reported a similar pat- called nucleosomes, and thereby regulate access of transcrip-
tern, suggesting that circadian abnormalities may represent tion factors and other proteins to that DNA. The nucleosomes
a core illness feature that precedes the onset of frank mood are regulated by histone-modifying complexes and ATP-
episodes. dependent remodeling complexes (Gardner et al., 2011; Racki
Along these lines, a decreased need for sleep (the ability to and Narlikar, 2008), and these groups of proteins either modify
maintain energy without adequate sleep) has been shown to histones directly or alter the position of nucleosomes, to influ-
be present prior to the illness onset and during the prodrome ence the accessibility of DNA itself. Two groups of enzymes
(Skjelstad et al., 2010). Unaffected offspring of BPD patients of particular importance to these epigenetic mechanisms are
demonstrate disrupted sleep and activity levels versus healthy the histone acetyltransferases (HATs), which tend to alter
subjects without a family history (Ankers and Jones, 2009), chromatin in a manner that makes DNA more accessible for
suggesting that circadian abnormalities may be a genetically transcription, and the histone deacetylases, which tend to

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have opposing effects and repress transcription (Berndsen and valproic acid is known to inhibit one class of HDACs (Phiel
Denu, 2008; Selvi et al., 2010). Other enzymes modify DNA et al., 2001), including HDAC2 described in the preceding to
itself, primarily through addition or removal of methyl groups play a key role in cognition.
(Guo et al., 2011; Mikaelsson and Miller, 2011). Non-pharmacologic interventions have been shown to
Evidence implicating histone deactylases (HDACs) in influence chromatin modification as well. In a rat study, elec-
mood and psychotic disorders, including bipolar disorder, troconvulsive seizures (analogous to human electroconvulsive
comes from two major sources: animal data in disease models, therapy) elicited increases in histone acetylation (Tsankova
and known HDAC effects of existing therapeutics. Preliminary et al., 2004). Among the genes influenced by an increase in
human studies also suggest some role for epigenetic effects in open chromatin was the promoter region of brain-derived
bipolar disorder. neurotrophic factor (Bdnf), whose expression is known to be
increased following electroconvulsive seizures. Additional
chromatin changes were observed following chronic adminis-
A N I M A L M O D E L S : M E M O RY
tration of electroconvulsive seizures.
Animal models of the stress response may also be important
The link between epigenetics and psychiatric illness began for understanding bipolar disorder. Stressful life events such as
with evidence that chromatin plays a key role in memory early adversity have been shown to increase risk for develop-
formation and in learning (Guan et al., 2002; Korzus et al., ment of mood disorders, including bipolar disorder (Gilman
2004; Levenson et al., 2004). Work in Aplysia from the Kandel et al., 2012; Horesh et al., 2011; Post et al., 2001), while acute
lab demonstrated the effects of excitatory and inhibitory stress may be associated with onset of mood episodes.
neurotransmitters on transcription were mediated by HATs One of the most direct links between epigenetics and
and HDACs, respectively (Guan et al., 2002). Later work in behavior comes from studies that demonstrated in rats that
mutant mice heterozygous for the specific HAT identified in maternal behavior influenced histone acetylation as well as
that system, CREB-binding protein (CBP), indicated deficits DNA methylation in offspring observed one week after and
in synaptic plasticity as well as long-term potentiation in hip- persisting at ninty days after birth (Weaver et al., 2004).
pocampus, which was associated with reduced histone acety- Most notably, these offspring exhibited hyperactivity of the
lation. Notably, an inhibitor of HDACs was able to reduce both hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis when exposed to acute
the molecular and cellular effects of reduced CBP function restraint stress. Conversely, when pups were fostered by
suggesting a potential novel approach to therapeutic develop- mothers exhibiting higher levels of grooming and licking
ment for cognitive disorders (Alarcon et al., 2004; Wood et al., behavior, these changes were reversed—an infusion of an
2005). HDAC inhibitor, trichostatin A, could also normalize stress
A particularly relevant form of memory for psychiatric dis- response.
orders amenable to investigation in animal models is fear con- Importantly, the changes in histone acetylation may
ditioning, in which a neutral stimulus is paired with a noxious exhibit a complex kinetic relationship with stress response. For
stimulus resulting in anxiety and fear in the presence of what example, following a similar restraint stress paradigm (Hunter
was previously a neutral stimulus. While anxiety is not a core et al., 2009), some chromatin marks decreased while others
feature of bipolar disorder, it is highly comorbid with a preva- increased at seven days, with opposing changes observed fol-
lence of 50% or more in clinical samples. Initial investigations lowing twenty one days, which may represent an attempt to
found conditioned fear to be associated with acetylation of his- maintain homeostasis following acute stress exposure.
tone H3 in hippocampus; fear conditioning could be enhanced Additional animal models of stress response also support
with administration of an HDAC inhibitor (Levenson et al., a role for epigenetic effects. For example, forced swim tests
2004). At a cellular level, administration of the HDAC inhibi- increase histone phosphorylation as well as other chromatin
tor enhanced hippocampal long-term potentiation in area marks (Chandramohan et al., 2008), which can be blocked
CA1. Subsequent investigations suggest that HDAC inhibi- by antagonism of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors
tors may potentiate memory even in mouse models of neu- or downstream signaling pathways. Similarly, chronic social
rodegeneration (Graff et al., 2012), and find consistent effects defeat, in which mice are exposed to an aggressive male mouse
with modulation of HDAC function. In particular, increased for a brief period daily, yields increase in histone methyla-
expression of Hdac2 appears to suppress memory formation tion in the defeated mouse up to one month after exposure
and reduce synapse number, while reduced Hdac2 expression (Tsankova et al., 2006). Work with this latter model has also
has opposing effects (Guan et al., 2009). yielded important insight into epigenetic mechanisms of anti-
Multiple pharmacologic treatments for mood disorders depressant effect, discussed further in the following.
can modulate chromatin structure or DNA methylation. The
monoamine oxidase inhibitor antidepressant tranylcyprom-
ine also acts as a direct inhibitor of lysine histone demethy-
lase 1 (LSD1) (Lee et al., 2006). Antidepressants from other Epigenetic effects in animal models of mood and psychosis
classes, including the tricyclic imipramine and the selec- have been investigated in two main ways. First, initial studies
tive serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), indirectly inhibit have characterized changes in chromatin or DNA methylation
DNA methyltransferase (DNMT1) in primary cortical cul- among animals following exposure to specific stressors known
ture (Zimmermann et al., 2012). Finally, the antimanic drug to produce mood disorder-like phenotypes. Second, some

358 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

studies have directly examined the effects of perturbing investigation of histone modification and the GSK3β/Wnt
function of HDACs or other enzymes important in chroma- pathway discussed in more detail in what follows.
tin modification and remodeling. An example of the for- Another mouse model of a manic-like phenotype likewise
mer is studies in the mouse social defeat model, indicating supports a role for epigenetic effects of known antimanic ther-
increased histone methylation a month after stress exposure apies. The HDAC inhibitor sodium butyrate, like valproic acid,
(Tsankova et al., 2006). Specific changes in nucleus accum- reduces the hyperactivity induced by psychostimulants in mice
bens were observed in histone methylation (Wilkinson et al., (Arent et al., 2011; Kim et al., 2008). The mechanism of this
2009). effect has not been directly demonstrated, though other lines of
Several studies investigated the perturbing effects of known evidence indicate that valproic acid, like certain antipsychotic
HDAC inhibitors in mouse models. Results with a lower- treatments, does demonstrate epigenetic effects (Tremolizzo
potency HDAC inhibitor, sodium butyrate, have been incon- et al., 2005).
sistent. One study suggested augmentation of fluoxetine effect Psychosis is a prominent feature of bipolar disorder that
in the tail suspension tests (Schroeder et al., 2007), and another may occur during both manic and depressive episodes and
showed antidepressant-like effects on both tail suspension and some antipsychotic medications have demonstrated efficacy
forced swim tests (Yamawaki et al., 2012). On the other hand, in treating psychosis as well as preventing mania depres-
a 21-day treatment study using sodium butyrate failed to show sion. Here too, antipsychotic mechanism of action has been
change in forced swim test behavior, even though changes in linked to epigenetic effects. In mice, chronic administration
histone acetylation were observed (Gundersen and Blendy, of the antipsychotic clozapine yields increased expression of
2009). More potent HDAC inhibitors yielded consistent effects. Hdac2 in frontal cortex, coupled with decreased expression
In the forced swim test, a model of acute stress, the nonselec- of the metabotropic glutamate receptor 2 (mGluR2), a tran-
tive HDAC inhibitor SAHA diminishes depression-like behav- scriptional target of Hdac2 (Kurita et al., 2012). Other atypical
iors (Uchida et al., 2011). A more selective HDAC inhibitor, antipsychotics exerted similar effects, which were dependent
MS275, can reverse depression-like effects in the mouse social on antagonism of serotonin receptor 2A. Conversely, injection
defeat model (Covington et al., 2009). The antidepressant imi- of the HDAC inhibitor SAHA increased mGluR2 expression,
pramine also reduces the depression phenotype in this model, and chronic SAHA administration prevented some psychotic-
and is associated with increase in other marks associated with like phenotypes such as deficits in prepulse inhibition induced
the more active form of chromatin. In addition to the drug- by an NMDA receptor antagonist, MK801.
induced manipulation of HDACs, mouse investigations that
directly manipulate HDAC expression have yielded conver-
gent results in certain cases. For example, increased expres-
sion of Hdac5 in mouse hippocampus, previously shown to A small but expanding set of studies suggests that individu-
be reduced by imipramine treatment, yielded prodepressant als with mood disorders may exhibit changes in chromatin.
effects (Tsankova et al., 2006). Such studies are challenging because chromatin modification
One of the most intriguing links between histone modifi- is highly time-, experience-, and tissue-specific. Absent a way
cation and bipolar disorder comes from investigations of the to directly measure chromatin modification in vivo without
CLOCK gene (Doi et al., 2006), which itself codes for a histone directly sampling brain tissue, these studies rely either on post-
acetyltransferase. This gene interacts with HDACs and other mortem tissue or on peripheral cells such as lymphocytes.
histone-modifying enzymes (Etchegaray et al., 2006; Katada A number of studies find mood disorders to be associ-
and Sassone-Corsi, 2010; Nakahata et al., 2008) that may be ated with changes in expression of chromatin-modifying
involved in generating circadian rhythms. A direct role for enzymes, using either lymphocytes or postmortem brain
CLOCK in interacting with a small network of genes including tissue (Abe et al., 2011; Covington et al., 2011; Hobara et al.,
BMAL1, PER1–3, and CRY1 and 2 has been demonstrated to 2010; Iga et al., 2007). One comprehensive examination of
be central for generation of circadian rhythms (Brown et al., 11 different HDACs in lymphocytes from mood disorder
2012). A dominant-negative mutation in CLOCK has been patients found multiple changes, some of which appeared to
demonstrated to elicit mania-like increases in activity and dis- be state-dependent. That is, among individuals with major
ruption of sleep-wake cycle in mouse models (Roybal et al., depressive disorder, HDAC2 and HDAC5 expression was
2007). Such phenotypic changes have high face validity given reduced only during the depressive episodes, while individu-
the prominence of disruption of circadian rhythms in many als with BPD exhibited an increase in HDAC4 (Hobara et al.,
bipolar patients (Milhiet et al., 2011). 2010). Conversely, BPD subjects demonstrated reduced
The dominant-negative mutation CLOCK mouse model expression of HDAC6 and HDAC8 regardless of mood state.
(King et al., 1997) has also provided an opportunity to inves- While those changes appeared to be independent of medi-
tigate the effects of known bipolar therapies. For example, cation treatment, work in postmortem brain samples from
chronic lithium treatment appears to normalize anxiety and individuals with schizophrenia (Kurita et al., 2012) has sug-
depressive behaviors in these models (Roybal et al., 2007), gested that chronic antipsychotic use increased expression
while an inhibitor of GSK3β, a putative lithium target, reduces of HDAC2.
another mania-like phenotype in these mouse models, referred Two studies have directly demonstrated modification in
to as novelty-induced hyperactivity (Kozikowski et al., 2011). levels of acetylation for a particular histone, H3, among indi-
This last finding may provide an important link between viduals with bipolar disorder. The first compared blood-derived

2 8 T H E N E U R O B I O L O G Y O F B I P O L A R D I S O R D E R | 359

lymphocytes in BPD patients and healthy controls (Gavin et al., 2005). Other studies fail to find any consistent differences
2009); notably, H3 acetylation was increased in lymphocytes in cytoarchitecture in bipolar disorder (Beasley et al., 2009).
from valproate-treated patients (Sharma et al., 2006). A post- Complicating the interpretation of these studies are differ-
mortem brain study found consistent results among individu- ences in region assessed, general methodology, and medica-
als with major depression, with H3 methylation levels reduced tion exposure. Taken together, however, at least some evidence
(Covington et al., 2011). exists for cellular abnormalities in bipolar disorder.
One possible indicator of synapse integrity in vivo is
N-acetyl aspartate (NAA). Considered a marker of neuronal
GLYCOGEN S Y NT H A S E K INA S E 3 ( G SK 3) metabolism (see next section), NAA appears to increase along
PATHWAY with synapse formation and reductions may be associated with
axon dysfunction (Baslow, 2003). A recent review examined
Several lines of evidence implicate the Wnt/GSK3 pathway nearly 150 studies utilizing magnetic resonance spectroscopy
in the etiology of neuropsychiatric disorders. First, the Wnt in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (Kraguljac et al., 2012).
pathway is known to play a crucial role in neurodevelop- In those studies, among the most consistent findings were
ment. The peak age of emergence of both bipolar disorder diminished levels of NAA in basal ganglia in individuals with
and schizophrenia is known to correspond to critical periods bipolar disorder. A subset of studies have also found reduc-
in brain development (Chapter 26). Second, this pathway is tions in NAA in prefrontal cortex, including among children
targeted by pharmacological agents used to treat these dis- and adolescents diagnosed with bipolar disorder (Caetano
orders, most notably lithium (Gould and Manji, 2005; Klein et al., 2011). Notably, a recent study found reduced prefrontal
and Melton, 1996). Finally, and most directly, the Wnt/GSK3 NAA levels compared to controls in lithium-nonexposed bipo-
pathway has been implicated by the demonstration that at least lar patients, but normal levels in patients treated chronically
two psychotic disorder liability genes influence this pathway: with lithium (Hajek et al., 2012), consistent with a prior inves-
inhibition of GSK3 by the protein encoded by the schizophre- tigation of NAA and lithium in older adults (Forester et al.,
nia-associated gene Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) 2008), though another study did not observe such changes in
(Mao et al., 2009), and TCF4, which is a known target gene of adolescents (Patel et al., 2008).
β-catenin(David et al., 2010). Multiple studies have demonstrated that lithium promotes
GSK3β has become a focus of investigation in bipolar neurogenesis in adult rodent brain in hippocampus (Chen,
disorder in large part because of its position as one target et al., 2000; Hanson et al., 2011), an effect dependent on Wnt
of lithium (Klein and Melton, 1996). In particular, the anti- pathway integrity (Wexler et al., 2008). Anticonvulsants also
depressant properties of lithium preparations are thought demonstrate effects on neuronal proliferation and differentia-
at least in part to occur as a result of inhibition of GSK3β tion (Boku et al., 2011; Laeng et al., 2004). Studies in rodent
(Beaulieu et al., 2007; Beaulieu et al., 2004; Pan et al., 2011), models also suggest that lithium may oppose the antiprolif-
although the downstream mechanisms remain poorly under- erative effects of glucocorticoids, and further link lithium’s
stood (Bachmann et al., 2005; Chen et al., 2000; Gould and proneurogenic effects to Wnt/GSK3β, discussed in the preced-
Manji, 2002). At the cellular level, with inhibition of GSK3β ing (Boku et al., 2009).
by lithium (Beaulieu et al., 2008; Klein and Melton, 1996), the Beyond neuronal proliferation and differentiation, bipolar
degradation of β-catenin is blocked, resulting in its accumula- disorder may impact maturation and remodeling of synapses,
tion in the cytoplasm and translocation to the nucleus, where so-called neuroplasticity. Here again indirect evidence comes
it acts as an activator of transcription of TCF/LEF-dependent from lithium’s effects in model systems. For example, lithium
genes, such as CCND1, AXIN2, which can play a key role in augments long-term potentiation in the rat dentate (Son et al.,
cell cycle progression and neuroplasticity (Harris and Peifer, 2003). Convergent effects of lithium and valproate have been
2005). observed in postsynaptic density gene expression (Nanavati
et al., 2011).
An interesting proof-of-principle of lithium’s effects on
NE UR OG ENES IS A ND NEU RO P L A ST I C I T Y synapse function comes from models of Fragile X syndrome,
which exhibit synaptic dysfunction that includes increases in
The discovery that neurogenesis occurs in adult brains, first glutamate-dependent long-term depression in hippocampus.
in mouse and subsequently in human brains, prompted great Chronic lithium treatment in the mouse model normalizes
excitement about the potential therapeutic implications. The these deficits, suggesting yet another mechanism by which
observation of subtle abnormalities of histopathology, and lithium impacts synapse formation and maintenance (Choi
in magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies, suggests that et al., 2011).
abnormalities in neuronal or glial proliferation or differ-
entiation may contribute to the pathophysiology of bipolar
disorder. M I T O C HO N DR I A L DY SF U N C T I O N
In particular, one postmortem study in mood disorder
patients suggested a region-specific reduction in glial cell Another hypothesis about the pathophysiology of bipolar
counts (Ongur et al., 1998), while another found normal disorder relates to abnormalities in mitochondrial function.
glial density but reduction in neuronal size (Cotter et al., Evidence for such abnormalities comes from multiple lines of

360 | P S Y C H O T I C D I S O R D E R S

investigation, ranging from studies of peripheral lymphocytes with this hypothesis, an investigation of bipolar depression
to magnetic resonance imaging. Complicating the investiga- using proton-MRS found elevated lactate levels compared to
tion of mitochondria is the breadth of effects associated with healthy subjects.
them: in addition to their centrality in cellular metabolism, Bipolar pharmacotherapies may moderate these abnor-
they play key roles in buffering calcium and regulating cell malities observed by MRS. One report found lithium-associated
death (apoptosis). changes in an aggregate measure of glutamate, glutamine, and
A small number of studies have investigated the role of GABA (Friedman et al., 2004). A study of quetiapine in rapid-
mitochondrial function in producing depressive- or manic- cycling bipolar disorder patients correlated clinical improvement
like phenotypes. In one study, manipulation of the mitochon- in manic symptoms with reduction in lactate levels (Kim et al.,
drial polymerase gene POLG produced disruption of circadian 2007). Other mood disorder studies incorporating MRS have
rhythms (Kasahara et al., 2006), effects that could be elimi- similarly suggested that efficacious depression treatments act in
nated with lithium administration or electroconvulsive shock part by modulating brain metabolism (Iosifescu et al., 2008).
(Kasahara et al., 2008). From a therapeutic perspective, a
mouse study of creatine supplementation, a putative enhancer
of mitochondrial function, suggested an antidepressant-like SU M M A RY
response among female but not male rats (Allen et al., 2010).
In humans, some studies of peripheral cells suggest The neurobiology of bipolar disorder is still in a phenomeno-
abnormalities both of mitochondrial structure and function. logical and descriptive phase. The temporal pattern of develop-
An investigation of fibroblasts and lymphoblastoid cell lines ment of bipolar disorder includes high-risk, prodromal, and
from patients with bipolar disorder found abnormal cellular first-episode symptoms, but does not have either the prominent
location of mitochondria (Cataldo et al., 2010). Deprived of prodrome, or the cognitive abnormalities observed in schizo-
glucose, peripheral monocytes from bipolar patients failed to phrenia. A disruption in circadian biology in bipolar disorder
exhibit the upregulation in genes related to electron transport patients is a consistent finding, and several intriguing animal
observed in healthy control subjects (Naydenov et al., 2007). models are being investigated. There is substantial evidence for
Abnormalities in calcium buffering and homeostasis have neurobiological abnormalities in aspects of epigenetic regula-
also been observed in peripheral cells from bipolar patients. tion of several pathways and in the mitochondria. As yet the
These include elevated basal levels of calcium and elevated progress in genetics largely has not converged with the existing
calcium peaks after stimulation of peripheral blood cell lines neurobiological abnormalities and will be an important part of
(Dubovsky et al., 1992; Kato et al., 2003; Kusumi et al., 1992). future research.
In vitro studies suggest that lithium protects mitochondria
exposed to excessive calcium (Shalbuyeva et al., 2007) and
improves oxidative stress tolerance (Allagui et al., 2009). DI SC L O SU R E S
Direct evidence that genetic abnormalities cause mito-
chondrial dysfunction in bipolar disorder is limited (Clay Dr. Burdick has no conflicts of interest to disclose.
et al., 2011; Conus et al., 2006). Neither parent of origin studies Dr. Haggarty has no conflicts of interest to disclose.
nor single nucleotide association studies have arrived at con-
Over the past 12 months, Dr. Perlis received fees for consulting
sistent conclusions. These studies are technically difficult due
or scientific advisory board membership from Bristol Myers-
to high levels of heteroplasmy as well as high levels of ances-
Squibb, Genomind, Healthrageous, Proteus Biomedical,
tral variation in mtDNA. Notably, however, the 22q11 deletion
Pamlab, and RIDVentures. He received royalties/patent fees
syndrome, or velo-cardio-facial syndrome, has been associ-
from UBC/Medco.
ated with both psychotic and manic-like presentations in up
to one-third of patients (Baker and Vorstman, 2012). While
they have received less attention than other candidates, the
deleted locus includes multiple genes important in mitochon-
drial function (Maynard et al., 2008). Likewise, Mendelian Abe, N., Uchida, S., et al. (2011). Altered sirtuin deacetylase gene expression in
mitochondrial disorders are sometimes associated with mood patients with a mood disorder. J. Psychiatr. Res. 45(8):1106–1112.
or psychotic symptoms (Anglin et al., 2012). Addington, J., Cadenhead, K.S., et al. (2007). North American Prodrome
Longitudinal Study: a collaborative multisite approach to prodromal
Human imaging studies also suggest the potential role for schizophrenia research. Schizophr. Bull. 33(3):665–672.
mitochondrial dysfunction in bipolar disorder; magnetic res- Alarcon, J.M., Malleret, G., et al. (2004). Chromatin acetylation, memory,
onance spectroscopy (MRS), which allows direct imaging of and LTP are impaired in CBP+/- mice: a model for the cognitive deficit in
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome and its amelioration. Neuron 42(6):947–959.
ATP and phosphocreatine, has been particularly relevant here. Allagui, M.S., Nciri, R., et al. (2009). Long-term exposure to low lithium
Two early studies suggested changes in frontal lobe metabolism concentrations stimulates proliferation, modifies stress protein expres-
(Kato et al., 1993, 1998) in a state-dependent fashion; whether sion pattern and enhances resistance to oxidative stress in SH-SY5Y cells.
Neurochem. Res. 34(3):453–462.
these represent cause or effect cannot be determined. In gen- Allen, P.J., D’Anci, K.E., et al. (2010). Chronic creatine supplementation
eral, multiple investigators have suggested that a key aspect of alters depression-like behavior in rodents in a sex-dependent manner.
pathophysiology in bipolar disorder is the shift of neuronal Neuropsychopharmacology 35(2):534–546.
Anglin, R.E., Garside, S.L., et al. (2012). The psychiatric manifestations
metabolism from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis of mitochondrial disorders: a case and review of the literature. J. Clin.
(Kato and Kato, 2000; Stork and Renshaw, 2005). Consistent 73(4):506–512.

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epression is one of the most common of all psychiatric particular emphasis on their role in development and clinical
disorders and is a leading cause of disability world- testing of a new generation of rapid-acting antidepressant agents.
wide. Current psychiatric tenets assume a core biolog- Price and Drevets provide important anatomical context to such
ical basis for this condition; however the disorder continues molecular and cellular findings in their comprehensive review
to be clinically defined by patient self-report, with treatments of brain circuits implicated in depression and mood regulation
generally prescribed without consideration of etiology or covering basic anatomy, structural and functional neuroimag-
pathophysiology. As presented in the following state-of-the-art ing, and postmortem pathological studies (Chapter 34).
chapters, there has been tremendous progress toward defining Krishnan (Chapter 35) extends the discussion of the neu-
a comprehensive multidimensional neurobiology of mood dis- roanatomy of depression to a late-life perspective highlighting
orders. The authors in this section provide critical perspective vascular pathophysiology and both postmortem and imag-
on recent basic, translational, and clinical research advances ing studies of depression in the elderly. Rubinow, Schmidt,
contributing to an evolving integrative understanding of ill- and Craft (Chapter 36) focus on the role of gonadal steroids
ness risk and vulnerability, molecular and circuit pathophysi- and mood disorders with a comprehensive review of cellular
ology, and novel diagnostic and treatment strategies. mechanisms, clinical syndromes, and treatment mechanisms.
The section opens with a comprehensive review by Fawcett Benton, Blume, Crits-Christoph, Dubeé, and Evans next pro-
and Hager of the history and changing nosology of depres- vide an updated perspective on depression and medical illness
sion diagnosis. This chapter provides broad perspective on (Chapter 37) emphasizing studies of cardiac disease, diabe-
the potential changes in the clinical research landscape antici- tes, HIV/AIDS, and cancer. The section concludes with com-
pated by the introduction of DSM-5 (Chapter 29), as well as prehensive summary of depression treatments by Iosifescu,
the need for improved clinical characterization of depression Murrough, and Charney (Chapter 38), presenting an overview
subtypes and syndromic dimensions to fully define mecha- of treatment efficacy, side effects, and mechanisms of action
nisms and develop and test novel treatments. Levinson next of the major classes of available interventions and discussing
present an update on the genetics of depression, summarizing new research on predictive biomarkers and advances in novel
the challenges, limitations, and potential of various approaches treatment development.
including candidate gene studies, genomewide association Clearly, considerable progress has occurred since publica-
studies, and evolving applications of sequencing and stem cell tion of the last edition. Judging from this set of comprehensive
technologies (Chapter 30). reviews, the field appears poised for disruptive new advances
Hodes and Russo follow with a critique of the theoretical impacting diagnosis, evidence-based treatment development,
and practical applications of a wide range of genetic, develop- and, ultimately, improved care of patients with this common
mental, and stress-based animal models currently in use to and disabling disorder.
study depression. This chapter provides a comprehensive sum-
mary of behavioral endophenotypes and associated peripheral
and central biomarkers and behavioral assays relevant to the DI SC L O SU R E
human condition (Chapter 31).
Duman (Chapter 32) and Furey, Mathews, and Zarate Dr. Mayberg has a consulting agreement with St. Jude Medical
(Chapter 33) offer complementary basic and clinical per- Neuromodulation, which has licensed her intellectual prop-
spectives on molecular and cellular mechanisms contribut- erty to develop SCC DBS for the treatment of severe depres-
ing to depression pathogenesis and treatment response with a sion (US 2005/0033379A1).

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Every established order tends to produce (to very different degrees and with very different means) the naturalization
of its own arbitrariness. . . . Schemes of thought and perception can produce the objectivity that they do produce by
misrecognition of the limits of the cognition that they make possible, thereby founding immediate adherence . . . to the
world of tradition experienced as a “natural world” and “taken for granted.” P IE R R E B OU R DIE U , in Wilson (1993)

INTR ODU C T IO N In addition, categorical mood disorder diagnoses also

help to establish the fact that a given diagnosis is of public
Sadness and distress are part of everyday life, as are elation, irrita- health significance, worthy of reimbursement for treatment,
bility, and associated fluctuations in energy, activity, enjoyment, and appropriate for research funding. These latter three diag-
and cognition. More severe, disabling mood traits and states, nostic purposes serve as a crucial bridge between clinical and
which today we conceptualize as mood disorders, have been research efforts, as the clinician’s diagnostic task ultimately
described throughout recorded history. Ancient mood disor- relies on payment for services, research into neurobiologic
der diagnostic concepts served the early physician by identify- etiogenesis and treatments, and empirical data on diagnostic
ing putative underlying mechanisms, guiding correspondingly validity, accuracy, reliability, and outcomes.
appropriate treatment, and estimating patient prognosis. Modern As we shall see, however, current categorical diagnostic
mood disorder diagnostic concepts continue to aid the contem- approaches to mood disorders, even ones as optimally concep-
porary physician in similar ways. However, modern mood dis- tualized previously, pose problems for both clinical care and
order diagnostic concepts serve many other masters, including research. To explore this crucial issue, the following chapter
research, public health, financial, and medico-legal endeavors. will outline an early history of mood disorder diagnostic con-
In mental health clinical care, an optimally conceptual- cepts, discuss the evolution of contemporary mood disorder
ized categorical mood disorder diagnosis validly, accurately, diagnostic concepts up to the most current diagnostic sys-
reliably, and rapidly identifies an individual patient as belong- tems, and finally address the myriad questions of how clinical
ing to one or more specific mood disorder diagnostic groups, description of mood disorders might be improved to further
and not belonging to others. For the clinician, such an optimal the usefulness of diagnosis for treatment and research.
mood disorder diagnosis allows for rapid identification of dis- What criteria are most valid and reliable for determin-
order type, determination of caseness, diagnostic elimination ing when sadness, distress, elation, irritability, and associ-
of other conditions, concise formulation about putative under- ated fluctuations in energy, activity, enjoyment, and cognition
lying mechanisms, selection of optimally effective therapy, and constitute a disorder, indicating altered pathophysiology, and
prediction of course and prognosis. requiring treatment? How might we improve mood disorder
In mental health research, an optimally conceptualized diagnosis to better advance our efforts to predict course and
categorical mood disorder diagnosis validly, accurately, reli- specific treatment response, understand underlying causes,
ably, and efficiently defines a controlled, descriptively homoge- and develop more effective treatments? This chapter will
neous mood disorder group for study. Making such an optimal address these questions.
diagnosis allows for statistically robust conclusions regarding
mood disorder diagnosis-related natural history, correlations,
and outcomes in response to treatment. Given the need for HI ST O RY
diagnostic homogeneity, an optimal research diagnosis values
the elimination of false positives over the elimination of false
negatives (Spitzer et al., 1978). Diagnostic false positives dilute
the sameness of a research sample, and the exclusion of diag- The earliest lineaments of psychiatry contain remarkable
nostic false negatives may be mitigated by increased sample descriptors of pathological mood states and traits, and trace
sizes. Ultimately, an optimal research diagnosis, subjected to prescient contours of our current dilemmas in mood disorder
rigorous study, may point to candidate disease mechanisms, diagnosis. Ancient physicians throughout Europe, the Middle
and fruitful areas for possible intervention, control, and cure. East, South Asia, and East Asia, described sundry accounts

2 9 T H E D I A G N O S I S O F M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 367

of what we might today call syndromes of depression, mania, be treated, to the Aristotelian notion of melancholia in partic-
psychosis, agitated excitement, anxiety, and adjustment reac- ular as character to be valued, to the medieval notion of mood
tions, among others (Horowitz and Wakefield, 2007; Maciocia, disorders as evil to be despised and eradicated. Such ontologic,
2009; Sharma, 1994; Solomon, 2001). Hippocrates, writing epistemologic, nosologic, and ethical treatment issues pertain-
in the 5th and 4th centuries b.c.e., illuminated several cases ing to mood disorders persist to this day.
of melancholia, and distinguished between melancholia with
and without external cause (Horowitz and Wakefield, 2007).
Aristotle himself added the notion of melancholia as a tem-
perament as well as an illness. Hippocrates also mentioned the
maniacal affliction, and stated that both maniacal and melan- The contemporary era of empirical, medical model mood dis-
cholic diseases occur especially during spring (Hippocrates order diagnosis, based on systematic amassment of case-based
and Adams (Tr.), 2010: p. 135). Speculations about the rela- observations without humoral assumptions, began in earnest
tionship between melancholia and mania began to appear in in the 19th century c.e. In 1838 Jean Etienne Dominique
the occidental literature circa 1st century b.c.e., and came to Esquirol proposed the idea that the psychological faculty of
full fruition between the efforts of Aretaeus of Cappadocia, mood could be disordered independently from the behavioral
2nd century c.e., and Alexander of Tralles, 6th century c.e. problems of melancholic underactivity and manic hyperactiv-
(Goodwin and Jamison, 2007). ity, laying groundwork for our current conceptions of mood
Equally elaborative, yet seldom referenced in allopathic rather than activity as central to mood disorder diagnosis
literature, are mood descriptors from Ayurvedic and Chinese (Healy, 2002: p. 15). In 1854, echoing Aretaeus of Cappadocia
medicine. The Caraka Samhita, a core Ayurvedic document and Alexander of Tralles, Jean Pierre Falret and Jules Bailarger
with origins conservatively dated to the 7th century b.c.e., fea- independently proposed that mania and depression repre-
tures a chapter on insanity, including syndromes of euphoric sented manifestations of an underlying, unitary illness, which
excitement, irritable agitation, and withdrawn despondency. The Falret termed folie circulaire, and Bailarger named folie de
Caraka Samhita includes allowances for simultaneous occur- double forme (Healy, 2002: p. 16). In 1881 Emanuel Mendel
rence of any combination of these three syndromes, and is replete defined hypomania as “that form of mania which typically
with lists of prodromal symptoms, vivid syndromic descriptors, shows itself only in the mild stages abortively, so to speak,” and
and references to humoral as well as exogenous mechanisms in 1882 Karl Kahlbaum published his observations of a milder,
(Sharma, 1994). The Rites of Zhou, a 12th century b.c.e. Chinese cyclic, manic-depressive illness, cyclothymia (Goodwin and
non-medical text, mentions Kuang, the disease of irritable rav- Jamison, 2007: p. 7). Kahlbaum is also credited as first describ-
ing, and by the 2nd century b.c.e., Chinese medical texts, such ing dysthymia, a state of chronic unhappiness lacking the full
as the Spiritual Axis and the Classic of Difficulties, linked irritable neurovegetative manifestations of melancholia, as well as first
raving, both cyclically and mechanistically, to Dian, the disease advocating the full, historical description of all of a psychiatric
of withdrawn, worried, unresponsive dullness (Maciocia, 2009). patient’s signs and symptoms, in order to form diagnostic syn-
Other ancient Chinese medicine contributions, especially the dromes (Healy, 2002, pp. 19–20).
Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Chest, circa 3rd century c.e., From the late 19th century into the first part of the 20th
included additional syndromes of restless fatigue and agitated century, Emil Kraeplin arose as a major figure in descriptive
sadness (Maciocia, 2009). psychiatry, melding disparate psychiatric diagnostic concepts
Taken together, these first forays into mood diagnosis into an overarching, comprehensive, and parsimonious clas-
demonstrate an ostensible distillation of case-based observa- sification scheme. Whereas Kraeplin did not invent nosologi-
tions, rooted firmly in humoral heuristics, without the appar- cal empiricism, he built creatively on the syndrome concept of
ent benefit of formal statistical empiricism. Kahlbaum, and brought to bear a dedicated, systematic, and at
The Middle Ages in Europe saw a period of supernatu- the time unparalleled method of tracking and analyzing psy-
ral etiologic speculation in medicine. Mood disorders, along chiatric signs and symptoms. Kraeplin leveraged detailed, lon-
with other forms of mental illness, took on the assumption gitudinal clinical observations to synthesize a unitary concept
and stigma of demonic possession and religious uncleanliness, of manic-depressive illness, including the concept of mixed
whose care, cure, and punishment was the ken of the priesthood states, which resonates to this day in our current DSM and
(Solomon, 2001). Later, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, ICD classifications. Kraeplin’s synthetic concepts allowed for
and the associated Scientific Revolution in Europe heralded better prediction of the course and prognosis of major mental
a resurgence of classical, case-based psychiatric observations, illness, and sharper delimitation of mood from psychotic dis-
with humoral explanations, dovetailed with sundry attempts at orders (Goodwin and Jamison, 2007).
anatomical correlation (Goodwin and Jamison, 2007). In contrast with Kraeplin, Bleuler, in 1924, proposed that
These ancient forays into mood disorder diagnosis estab- mood (termed affective by Bleuler) and psychotic illnesses fell
lished melancholia and mania as facts of human existence, along a spectrum without a firm boundary, presaging the cur-
posed questions about the relationships between them, and rent concepts of schizoaffective disorder and recent findings
hypothesized about the mechanisms underlying such condi- into the extensive genetic overlap between bipolar disorder
tions. Furthermore, they delimited a spectrum of philosophic and schizophrenia (Goodwin and Jamison, 2007).
conceptualizations of, and reactions to, mood disorders, from Since the late 19th and early 20th centuries—with the
the Greek protomedical model of mood disorders as diseases to exception of the psychoanalytic and psychobiologic influences

368 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

in American psychiatry during the majority of the 20th cen- Reactions, War Department Technical Bulletin, Medical 203, as
tury, as well as the constructivist-humanist critiques of the its primary diagnostic manual (Office of the Surgeon General,
antipsychiatry movement—mood disorder diagnosis world- Army Service Forces, 1946). Medical 203 applied to inpatients
wide has largely taken on a stance valuing the medical model as well as outpatients, and thus had broader clinical utility
of descriptive empiricism over models with more rationalistic for both military and civilian psychiatric clinicians. With the
explanatory power (McHugh and Slavney, 1983). However, exception of organic psychoses and character, intellectual, and
to this day mental health clinicians treating mood disorders paranoid disorders, Medical 203 conceptualized the majority of
continue to employ a plethora of useful rationalistic diagnos- psychiatric disorders as reactions to the stresses of war, a con-
tics, through the lenses of psychoanalytic, psychodynamic, ceptualization with clear situational pertinence and convincing
cognitive-behavioral, and biopsychosocial formulations, rationale, traceable to both Pierre Janet and Adolf Meyer.
as well as through the persistent clinical assumptions of the After World War II, the World Health Organization
monoamine hypothesis and associated theories of biological (WHO) began work on ICD-6, published in 1948. The release
etiogenesis (Beck, 2011; Driessen et al., 2009; Engel, 1977, of ICD-6 represented a significant event in international psy-
1980; Gabbard, 2005). chiatric nosology. ICD-6 marked the first attempt by the WHO
to attempt classification of causes of morbidity as well as mor-
tality, including Section V, on mental, psychoanalytic, and
personality disorders (Moriyama et al., 2011). Psychiatric clas-
The American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) traces sification in ICD-6 largely followed that used by the US military
its origins to two key predecessors, The Statistical Manual for and related Veterans Administration system, and eventually by
the Use of Institutions for the Insane, and the Nomenclature of DSM-I (American Psychiatric Association, 1952).
Psychiatric Disorders and Reactions, War Department Technical As with the ICD-6, the concept of psychiatric disorders as
Bulletin, Medical 203. reactions was incorporated into the DSM-I by the American
The Statistical Manual for the Use of Institutions for the Psychiatric Association in 1952 (American Psychiatric
Insane was created in 1918 through collaboration between the Association, 1952). In this way, DSM-I was influenced heav-
Committee on Statistics of the American Medico-Psychological ily by the psychobiologic work of Adolf Meyer, who taught
Association and the US Census Bureau (American Psychiatric that psychiatric disorders were reactions to various stresses
Association, 1952; Grob, 1991). Prior to this time, the US at various phases of the life cycle. Similarly, DSM-I was also
Census Bureau had made successive attempts to keep count influenced strongly by psychoanalytic theories, which were
of patients with various disorders housed in state hospitals. pervasive at the time and originally incorporated into the lan-
The Bureau’s accounting of mental illness, however, was of guage of Medical 203, leading some diagnoses to be defined
little clinical use to practicing psychiatrists. For example, in in psychodynamic terms (Grob, 1991). In the Medical 203,
the 1840 US Census, the Bureau recorded only one category affective (mood) disorder diagnoses included neurotic depres-
of mental illness: “idiocy/insanity” (American Psychiatric sive reaction, manic-depressive reaction, psychotic depressive
Association, 2000). By the 1880 US Census, the Bureau distin- reaction, and melancholia, with related diagnostic categories of
guished seven categories of mental illness: mania, melancho- note including acute situational maladjustment, and cyclothy-
lia, monomania, paresis, dementia, dipsomania, and epilepsy mic personality. In DSM-I, a similar rubric obtained for mood
(American Psychiatric Association, 2000). The massive expan- disorder diagnoses, called affective reactions, which were also
sion of asylum psychiatry in the early 19th century appears enriched by additional symptomatic descriptors to aid the diag-
to have driven this nosological enrichment, as alienists of the nostician. DSM-I also further subdivided adjustment reactions
day observed progressively larger numbers of institutional- into various time periods across the life span, and added a cat-
ized patients, and discerned increasingly differentiated shades egory for schizophrenic reaction, schizoaffective type.
of madness and insanity (Healy, 2002). Such efforts at con- DSM-II, appearing in 1968, retained Meyerian psychobio-
tinual nosological improvement, in conjunction with increas- logic influences in the categories of psychotic depressive reac-
ing scientific and political interest in the social, demographic, tion and adjustment reactions subdivided across the lifespan.
and economic correlates of mental illness, culminated in the DSM-II also demonstrated increased psychoanalytic influ-
aforementioned Statistical Manual for the Use of Institutions ences through the various categories of neuroses, including
for the Insane, including 22 principle categories (Grob, 1991). depressive neurosis. Cyclothymia remained as a personality
However, it was not until the events of World War II that psy- disorder. However, DSM-II dropped the reaction designation
chiatric nosology in the United States became clinically useful, for most mood disorders, and indeed divorced the occur-
and its further evolution clinically driven. rence of major mood disorders from their psychobiologic
In World War II, American psychiatry—influenced by context. DSM-II stipulated that, regarding the major affec-
psychobiologic and psychoanalytic thinking, in combination tive disorders, “The onset of the mood does not seem to be
with barbiturate-aided abreactions—asserted its usefulness by related directly to a precipitating life experience” (American
mitigating the effects of psychiatric reactions among soldiers, Psychiatric Association, 1968, pp. 35–36). The major affective
thus ameliorating chronic disability and consequent attrition disorders in DSM-II included involutional melancholia, manic
of fighting troops. During the war, the Army Medical Corps’ depressive illness (manic, depressed, and circular types), and
psychiatric division, led by Brigadier General William C. other and unspecified major affective disorders. These reor-
Menninger, used the Nomenclature of Psychiatric Disorders and ganizations of DSM-II occurred in the overarching context of

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nosologic synchronization with ICD-8 (American Psychiatric states, and cyclic alterations between the three, to the diag-
Association, 1965). nostic category of bipolar disorder, which required only the
The WHO adopted ICD-9 in 1975. ICD-9 expanded the historical presence of mania for diagnosis, and the category of
list of ICD mental disorder categories, and included narrative major depression, which required only the historical presence
descriptions of disorders similar to that of DSM-II (American of one major depressive episode for diagnosis. As Goodwin
Psychiatric Association, 1980; Moryama et al., 2011). The and Jamison (2007) have pointed out, this shift prioritized
related ICD-9-CM, or clinical modification, released in 1978, the polarity of a mood disorder (bipolar versus unipolar) over
included more detailed coding procedures, for categorizing the recurrence or longitudinal course of a mood disorder. In
and tracking clinical morbidity. The DSM has continued to use DSM-III, bipolar disorders were further subdivided according
the ICD-9-CM coding system since release of the DSM-III, to the polarity of their current episode, and included an addi-
discussed next. tional category of atypical bipolar disorder, which captured the
DSM-III, published in 1980, embodied a major departure disorder of hypomania in a person with a prior major depres-
from prior DSM and ICD editions, by focusing on operational- sive episode, later designated Bipolar II Disorder in DSM-IV.
ized symptom criteria validated by family history and follow-up DSM-III furthermore reclassified cyclothymia as an affec-
studies, tested for interrater reliability, and almost totally tive disorder, rather than a personality disorder (American
divorced from a priori etiologic designations. DSM-III arose Psychiatric Association, 1980).
almost entirely from Spitzer et al.’s (1978) Research Diagnostic Lastly, DSM-III added prognostically informative speci-
Criteria, which in turn evolved directly from Feighner et al.’s fiers to describe the current manic or major depressive dis-
(1972) diagnostic criteria (Feighner et al., 1972; Spitzer et al., order, and a category of Atypical Depression. Manic Episode
1978). DSM-III dropped the etiologically presumptive diagno- specifiers included In Remission, With Psychotic Features
ses of depressive neurosis, involutional melancholia, and psy- (Mood-congruent vs. Mood-incongruent), and Without
chotic depressive reaction from DSM II, although it retained Psychotic Features. Major Depressive Episode specifiers
synonymic mention of depressive neurosis under the new cat- included the preceding, plus With Melancholia and Without
egory of dysthymic disorder. DSM-III also reclassified adjust- Melancholia. The category of Atypical Depression introduced
ment disorders according to the type of emotional disturbance a place where clinicians could diagnose clinically significant
(depressed mood, anxious mood, or both), and/or disturbance depressive symptoms that did not meet full criteria for a previ-
of conduct. ously defined specific affective disorder (American Psychiatric
The psychopharmacologic revolution, which burgeoned Association, 1980).
in the early 1950s and came to full fruition in the 1960s, DSM-III-R added some changes in 1987. Notably, in an
informed the shift of DSM-III toward the medical model of attempt to define better caseness, the diagnosis of major mood
diagnosis, and away from the psychobiologic and psychoana- episodes now required a change from prior level of functioning
lytic stances of prior editions. The discovery and demonstration (for major depressive episode), or impairment in functioning
of empirical effectiveness of the neuroleptic chlorpromazine, (for manic episode) (American Psychiatric Association, 1987).
the tricyclic antidepressant imipramine, the monoamine oxi- DSM-IV updated these changes in 1994, and made further
dase inhibitor isocarboxazid, and the mood stabilizer lithium revisions leading to DSM-IV-TR in 2000. DSM-IV was fash-
carbonate served as potent stimuli for a disease-oriented ioned based on 150 literature reviews, including data-reanalyses,
approach to psychoses and mood disorders, and led to a para- field trials comparing DSM-III, DSM-III-R, ICD-10, and pro-
digm shift that supported a proliferation of neurobiologic posed DSM-IV criteria (American Psychiatric Association,
research into mood disorders. 1994). Proposed changes had to be supported by published
Furthermore, the social, political, and economic climate empirical data. For example, in one DSM-IV mood disorders
of the 1960s and 1970s placed American psychiatry in a posi- field trial, 91% of subjects, who presented with depressed mood
tion necessitating justification of its services. The influence of plus two other depressive disorder symptoms, met the criteria
the antipsychiatry movement, the failure of psychoanalysis to for current or lifetime major depression or dysthymia, suggest-
impact severe and persistent mental illness, and governmental ing to the authors that additional categories for milder forms of
budgetary tightening all exerted pressure on American psy- depression were not needed to account for the vast majority of
chiatry to identify itself as a useful and necessary specialty. depressive morbidity (Keller et al., 1995). As a result, the cate-
Part of this justification included the effort to demarcate more gories of minor depressive disorder and recurrent brief depres-
sharply between normal and abnormal states, that is, defining sive disorder did not rise to the level of independent diagnoses,
those disorders requiring treatment and deserving reimburse- but instead remained under the rubric of depressive disorder,
ment for care (Wilson, 1993). One unforeseen consequence of not otherwise specified. In 2000, DSM-IV-TR was completed to
American psychiatry’s need to justify its existence and funding correct factual errors in DSM-IV, and include relevant research
through nosologic definition has been a tendency to patholo- data developed since 1994.
gize as disordered what might otherwise be interpreted as nor- The release of ICD-10 in 1995 brought the ICD system up
mative human emotional experience (Healy, 1997; Horowitz to date regarding operationalized psychiatric diagnostic crite-
and Wakefield, 2007). ria (World Health Organization, 1993). Although their coding
Another important change in DSM-III comprised the differs, the diagnostic criteria for mood disorders in ICD-10
shift from the diagnostic category of manic-depressive illness, largely correspond to those of DSM-IV-TR, as outlined in the
which captured recurrent depression as well as mania, mixed following.

370 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

CU R R E N T MO O D D IS O RD ER loss/gain or appetite increase/decrease; insomnia or hyper-
DIAGNOS TIC S Y S TEMS somnia; psychomotor agitation or retardation; fatigue or loss
of energy; feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt;
Following the example of DSM-III and its progeny, current mood diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness;
disorder diagnostic systems, including the DSM IV-TR and and recurrent thoughts of death or recurrent suicidal ideation
ICD-10 Diagnostic Criteria for Research, emphasize the recogni- or suicide attempt or suicide plan. The DSM-IV-TR diagnosis
tion of discrete, non-overlapping syndromes, comprising various of a major depressive episode requires the presence of at least
combinations of core, prototypal mood episodes. An abbreviated one core stem criterion, plus four of the other listed depressive
list of mood disorder diagnostic criteria from ICD-10 Diagnostic signs or symptoms, for at least two weeks. The DSM-IV-TR
Criteria for Research may be found in Table 29.1. For comparison diagnosis of a major depressive episode furthermore stipu-
with current DSM mood disorder diagnostic criteria, the reader lates that criteria are not currently met for a mixed episode,
is directed to DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Association, that depressive symptoms cause clinically significant distress
2000), described in brief in the following text, and the imminent or impairment, and that symptoms are not better accounted
DSM-5, scheduled for release in May 2013. for by substance use, a general medical condition, or bereave-
The DSM-IV-TR chapter on mood disorders stresses the ment. ICD-10 criteria for a depressive episode echo most of
exclusion of medically induced conditions, substance-induced the DSM-IV-TR criteria, with the exceptions that ICD-10 also
conditions, stress-induced conditions such as bereavement, recognizes diminished energy or increased fatigability as a
other mood disorders, and symptomatically similar psychotic core stem criterion, ICD-10 does not stipulate a bereavement
disorders. ICD-10 stipulates the exclusion of other mood dis- exclusion, ICD-10 excludes patients who have ever met criteria
orders, and medically induced or substance-induced condi- for a lifetime hypomanic or manic episode, ICD-10 recognizes
tions. DSM-IV-TR requires the presence of clinically significant loss of confidence and self-esteem as an additional criterion,
distress or impairment for mood disorder diagnosis, whereas ICD-10 does not require clinically significant distress or
ICD-10 does not. In both texts, bipolar syndromes assume hier- impairment, and ICD-10 has a diagnostic threshold of four
archical precedence over unipolar syndromes, and syndromes total symptoms instead of five. ICD-10 may thus pick up less
with higher symptom counts assume hierarchical precedence severe depressive states than DSM-IV-TR.
over syndromes with lower symptom counts. In DSM-IV-TR,
a variety of prognostically informative specifiers add further MANIC EPISODE
characterization to the current mood episode, and to the over- In both DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10, core stem criteria for a
arching mood disorder. Both the DSM-IV-TR and the ICD-10 manic episode include elevated, expansive, or irritable mood.
attempt to capture dimensionality in mood disorder diagnosis Elevated or expansive mood carry more weight as core crite-
by identifying, for the current episode, polarity (manic, mixed, ria, as their presence requires only three additional associated
or depressed), severity (mild, moderate, or severe), and presence criteria to make the diagnosis, whereas irritable mood requires
or absence of psychotic features (assumed to occur only dur- four. Additional criteria for manic episode in DSM-IV-TR
ing severe mood episodes, an assumption disentangled by the include: inflated self-esteem or grandiosity; decreased need for
upcoming DSM-5). Dimensionality in diagnosis is also implied sleep; flight or ideas or racing thoughts; distractibility, increase
by a spectrum covering syndromes with fewer to greater symp- in goal directed activity or psychomotor agitation; and exces-
tom counts (dysthymic disorder, cyclothymic disorder, major sive involvement in pleasurable activities with high potential
depressive disorder, bipolar II disorder, bipolar I disorder). for painful consequences. The diagnosis requires syndromic
The structure of both current nosologic systems relies on duration of one week, or lesser duration if hospitalization is
syndromic prototypology, with diagnoses based on the pres- required. Again, DSM-IV-TR also requires clinically signifi-
ence of one or more core stem criteria, and the addition of any cant distress or impairment for diagnosis, whereas ICD-10
combination of a defined number of associated criteria. This does not. DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10 also differ in some of their
prototypal approach inherently results in diagnostic hetero- additional criteria for a manic episode. For example, ICD-10
geneity, with hundreds of possible combinations underlying a recognizes as an additional criterion the loss of normal social
single clinical diagnosis. Another consequence of this proto- inhibitions with resultant inappropriate behavior. ICD-10 also
typal approach is the assumption of symptomatic equivalence separates marked sexual energy or indiscretions from fool-
amongst the criteria. In DSM-IV-TR major depressive episode, hardy or reckless behavior with a high degree of risk, whereas
for example, depressed mood and anhedonia assume equiva- in DSM-IV-TR these phenomena are subsumed under one
lent and interchangeable importance as stem criteria, and the criterion.
remaining seven symptoms/signs also carry equal diagnostic
weight as associated criteria. MIXED EPISODE
The diagnosis of mixed episode in DSM-IV-TR requires the
simultaneous presence of criteria for a major depressive epi-
sode and a manic episode. In ICD-10, a mixed episode is cap-
MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODE tured under the diagnosis of F38.0, mixed affective episode,
Depressed mood and/or anhedonia comprise the core stem cri- and bipolar disorder current episode mixed. ICD-10 does not
teria for DSM-IV-TR major depressive episode. Additional crite- require the full depressive and manic syndromes to be pres-
ria for major depressive disorder in DSM-IV-TR include: weight ent concurrently for a mixed episode diagnosis, but rather the

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TA B L E 29. 1. ICD-10 mood disorders (World Health Organization, 1993)



F30.0 Hypomania

A. The mood is elevated or irritable to a degree that is definitely abnormal for the individual concerned and sustained for at least four
consecutive days.

B. At least three of the following must be present, leading to some interference with personal functioning in daily living:

(1) increased activity or physical restlessness;

(2) increased talkativeness;

(3) difficulty in concentration or distractibility;

(4) decreased need for sleep;

(5) increased sexual energy;

(6) mild spending sprees, or other types of reckless or irresponsible behavior;

(7) increased sociability or overfamiliarity.

C. The episode does not meet the criteria for mania (F30.1 and F30.2), bipolar affective disorder (F31.-), depressive episode (F32.-), cyclothymia
(F34.0), or anorexia nervosa (F50.0).

D. Most commonly used exclusion criteria: the episode is not attributable to psychoactive substance use (F1) or any organic mental disorder, in the
sense of F0.
F30.1 Mania without psychotic symptoms

A. A mood that is predominantly elevated, expansive, or irritable, and definitely abnormal for the individual concerned. This mood change must be
prominent and sustained for at least a week (unless it is severe enough to require hospital admission).

B. At least three of the following must be present (four if the mood is merely irritable), leading to severe interference with personal functioning in
daily living:

(1) Increased activity or physical restlessness;

(2) Increased talkativeness (“pressure of speech”);

(3) Flight of ideas or the subjective experience of thoughts racing;

(4) Loss of normal social inhibitions resulting in behavior that is inappropriate to the circumstances;

(5) Decreased need for sleep;

(6) Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity;

(7) Distractibility or constant changes in activity or plans;

(8) Behavior that is foolhardy or reckless and whose risks the subject does not recognize, e.g., spending sprees, foolish enterprises, reckless driving;

(9) Marked sexual energy or sexual indiscretions.

C. The absence of hallucinations or delusions, although perceptual disorders may occur (e.g., subjective hyperacusis, appreciation of colors as
specially vivid, etc.).

D. Most commonly used exclusion criteria: the episode is not attributable to psychoactive substance use (F1) or any organic mental disorder, in the
sense of F0.
F30.2 Mania with psychotic symptoms

A. The episode meets the criteria for mania without psychotic symptoms (F30.1) with exception of criterion C.

B. The episode does not simultaneously meet the criteria for schizophrenia (F20) or schizoaffective disorder, manic type (F25.0).

C. Delusions or hallucinations are present, other than those listed as typical schizophrenic in F20 G1.1b, c, and d (i.e., delusions other than those
that are completely impossible or culturally inappropriate, and hallucinations that are not in the third person or giving a running commentary).
The commonest examples are those with grandiose, self-referential, erotic, or persecutory content.


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TA B L E 29. 1. (Continued)


D. Most commonly used exclusion criteria: the episode is not attributable to psychoactive substance use (F1) or any organic mental disorder, in the
sense of F0.

A fifth character may be used to specify whether the hallucinations or delusions are congruent or incongruent with the mood:

F30.20 mania with mood congruent psychotic symptoms (such as grandiose delusions or voices telling the subject that he has superhuman powers)

F30.21 mania with mood incongruent psychotic symptoms (such as voices speaking to the subject about affectively neutral topics, or delusions of
reference or persecution)
F30.8 Other manic episodes
F30.9 Manic episode, unspecified

Note: Episodes are demarcated by a switch to an episode of opposite or mixed polarity or by a remission.
F31.0 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode hypomanic

A. The current episode meets the criteria for hypomania (F30.0).

B. There has been at least one other affective episode in the past, meeting the criteria for hypomanic or manic episode (F30.-), depressive episode
(F32.-), or mixed affective episode (F38.00).
F31.1 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode manic without psychotic symptoms

A. The current episode meets the criteria for mania without psychotic symptoms (F30.1).

B. There has been at least one other affective episode in the past, meeting the criteria for hypomanic or manic episode (F30.-), depressive episode
(F32.-), or mixed affective episode (F38.00).
F31.2 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode manic with psychotic symptoms

A. The current episode meets the criteria for mania with psychotic symptoms (F30.2).

B. There has been at least one other affective episode in the past, meeting the criteria for hypomanic or manic episode (F30.-), depressive episode
(F32.-), or mixed affective episode (F38.00).

A fifth character may be used to specify whether the psychotic symptoms are congruent or incongruent with the mood:

F31.20 with mood-congruent psychotic symptoms

F31.21 with mood-incongruent psychotic symptoms

F31.3 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode moderate or mild depression

A. The current episode meets the criteria for a depressive episode of either mild (F32.0) or moderate severity (F32.1).

B. There has been at least one other affective episode in the past, meeting the criteria for hypomanic or manic episode (F30.-) or mixed affective
episode (F38.00).

A fifth character may be used to specify the presence of the somatic syndrome as defined in F32, in the current episode of depression:

F31.30 without somatic syndrome

F31.31 with somatic syndrome

F31.4 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode severe depression without psychotic symptoms

A. The current episode meets the criteria for a severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms (F32.2).

B. There has been at least one well-authenticated hypomanic or manic episode (F30.-) or mixed affective episode (F38.00) in the past.
F31.5 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode severe depression with psychotic symptoms

A. The current episode meets the criteria for a severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms (F32.3).

B. There has been at least one well-authenticated hypomanic or manic episode (F30.-) or mixed affective episode (F38.00) in the past.

A fifth character may be used to specify whether the psychotic symptoms are congruent or incongruent with the mood.

F31.50 with mood-congruent psychotic symptoms

F31.51 with mood-incongruent psychotic symptoms


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TA B L E 29. 1. (Continued)


F31.6 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode mixed

A. The current episode is characterized by either a mixture or a rapid alternation (i.e., within a few hours) of hypomanic, manic, and depressive symptoms.

B. Both manic and depressive symptoms must be prominent most of the time during a period of at least 2 weeks.

C. There has been at least one well-authenticated hypomanic or manic episode (F30.-), depressive (F32.-) or mixed affective episode (F38.00) in
the past.
F31.7 Bipolar affective disorder, currently in remission

A. The current state does not meet the criteria for depressive or manic episode in any severity, or for any other mood disorder in F3 (possibly
because of treatment to reduce the risk of future episodes).

B. There has been at least one well-authenticated hypomanic or manic episode (F30.-) in the past and, in addition, at least one other affective
episode (hypomanic or manic (F30.-), depressive (F32.-), or mixed (F38.00).
F31.8 Other bipolar affective disorders
F31.9 Bipolar affective disorders, unspecified

G1. The depressive episode should last for at least 2 weeks.

G2. There have been no hypomanic or manic symptoms sufficient to meet the criteria for hypomanic or manic episode (F30.-) at any time in the
individual’s life.

G3. Most commonly used exclusion clause: The episode is not attributable to psychoactive substance use (F10–F19) or to any organic mental
disorder (in the sense of F00-F09).

Some depressive symptoms are widely regarded as having special clinical significance and are here called “somatic.” (Terms such as “biological,”
“vital,” “melancholic,” or “endogenomorphic” are used for this syndrome in other classifications.) A fifth character (as indicated in F31.3; F32.0 and
F32.1; F33.0 and F33.1) may be used to specify the presence or absence of the somatic syndrome. To qualify for the somatic syndrome, four of the
following symptoms should be present:

(1) marked loss of interest or pleasure in activities that are normally pleasurable;

(2) lack of emotional reactions to events or activities that normally produce an emotional response;

(3) waking in the morning 2 hours or more before the usual time;

(4) depression worse in the morning;

(5) objective evidence of marked psychomotor retardation or agitation (remarked on or reported by other people);

(6) marked loss of appetite;

(7) weight loss (5% or more of body weight in the past month);

(8) marked loss of libido.

In The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders: Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines, the presence or absence of the
somatic syndrome is not specified for severe depressive episode, since it is presumed to be present in most cases. For research purposes, however, it
may be advisable to allow for the coding of the absence of the somatic syndrome in severe depressive episode.
F32.0 Mild depressive episode

A. The general criteria for depressive episode (F32) must be met.

B. At least two of the following three symptoms must be present:

(1) depressed mood to a degree that is definitely abnormal for the individual, present for most of the day and almost every day, largely
uninfluenced by circumstances, and sustained for at least 2 weeks.

(2) loss of interest or pleasure in activities that are normally pleasurable;

(3) decreased energy or increased fatigability.


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TA B L E 29. 1. (Continued)


C. An additional symptom or symptoms from the following list should be present, to give a total of at least four:

(1) loss of confidence and self-esteem;

(2) unreasonable feelings of self-reproach or excessive and inappropriate guilt;

(3) recurrent thoughts of death or suicide, or any suicidal behavior;

(4) complaints or evidence of diminished ability to think or concentrate, such as indecisiveness or vacillation;

(5) change in psychomotor activity, with agitation or retardation (either subjective or objective);

(6) sleep disturbance of any type;

(7) change in appetite (decrease or increase) with corresponding weight change

A fifth character may be used to specify the presence or absence of the “somatic syndrome” (as defined in F32):

F32.00 Without somatic syndrome

F32.01 With somatic syndrome

F32.1 Moderate depressive episode

A. The general criteria for depressive episode (F32) must be met.

B. At least two of the three symptoms listed for F32.0, criterion B, must be present.

C. Additional symptoms from F32.0, criterion C, must be present, to give a total of at least six.

A fifth character may be used to specify the presence or absence of the “somatic syndrome” as defined in F32:

F32.10 Without somatic syndrome

F32.11 With somatic syndrome

F32.2 Severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms

Note: If important symptoms such as agitation or retardation are marked, the patient may be unwilling or unable to describe many symptoms in
detail. An overall grading of severe episode may still be justified in such a case.

A. The general criteria for depressive episode (F32) must be met.

B. All three of the symptoms in criterion B, F32.0, must be present.

C. Additional symptoms from F32.0, criterion C, must be present, to give a total of at least eight.

D. There must be no hallucinations, delusions, or depressive stupor.

F32.3 Severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms

A. The general criteria for depressive episode (F32) must be met.

B. The criteria for severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms (F32.2) must be met with the exception of criterion D.

C. The criteria for schizophrenia (F20.-) or schizoaffective disorder, depressive type (F25.1) are not met.

D. Either of the following must be present:

(1) delusions or hallucinations, other than those listed as typically schizophrenic in F20, criterion G1(1)b, c, and d (i.e., delusions other than those
that are completely impossible or culturally inappropriate and hallucinations that are not in the third person or giving a running commentary);
the most common examples are those with depressive, guilty, hypochondriacal, nihilistic, self-referential, or persecutory content;

(2) depressive stupor.

A fifth character may be used to specify whether the psychotic symptoms are congruent or incongruent with mood:

F32.30 With mood-congruent psychotic symptoms (i.e., delusions of guilt, worthlessness, bodily disease, or impending disaster, derisive or
condemnatory auditory hallucinations)

F32.31 With mood-incongruent psychotic symptoms (i.e., persecutory or self-referential delusions and hallucinations without an affective content)


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TA B L E 29. 1. (Continued)


F32.8 Other depressive episodes

Episodes should be included here that do not fit the descriptions given for depressive episodes in F32.0–F32.3, but for which the overall diagnostic
impression indicates that they are depressive in nature. Examples include fluctuating mixtures of depressive symptoms (particularly those of the
somatic syndrome) with non-diagnostic symptoms such as tension, worry, and distress, and mixtures of somatic depressive symptoms with persistent
pain or fatigue not due to organic causes (as sometimes seen in general hospital services).
F32.9 Depressive episode, unspecified

G1. There has been at least one previous episode, mild (F32.0), moderate (F32.1), or severe (F32.2 or F32.3), lasting a minimum of 2 weeks and
separated from the current episode by at least 2 months free from any significant mood symptoms.

G2. At no time in the past has there been an episode meeting the criteria for hypomanic or manic episode (F30.-).

G3. Most commonly used exclusion criteria: the episode is not attributable to psychoactive substance use (F1) or any organic mental disorder, in the
sense of F0.

It is recommended to specify the predominant type of previous episodes (mild, moderate, severe, uncertain).
F33.0 Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode mild

A. The general criteria for recurrent depressive disorder (F33) are met.

B. The current episode meets the criteria for depressive episode, mild severity (F32.0).

A fifth character may be used to specify the presence of the somatic syndrome, as defined in F32, in the current episode:

F33.00 without somatic syndrome

F33.01 with somatic syndrome

F33.1 Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode moderate

A. The general criteria for recurrent depressive disorders (F33) are met.

B. The current episode meets the criteria for depressive episode, moderate severity (F32.1).

A fifth character may be used to specify the presence of the somatic syndrome, as defined in F32, in the current episode:

F33.10 without somatic syndrome

F33.11 with somatic syndrome

F33.2 Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode severe without psychotic symptoms

A. The general criteria for recurrent depressive disorders (F33) are met.

B. The current episode meets the criteria for severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms (F32.2).
F33.3 Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode severe with psychotic symptoms

A. The general criteria for recurrent depressive disorders (F33) are met.

B. The current episode meets the criteria for severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms (F32.3).

A fifth character may be used to specify whether the psychotic symptoms are congruent or incongruent with the mood:

F33.30 with mood congruent psychotic symptoms

F33.31 with mood incongruent psychotic symptoms

F33.4 Recurrent depressive disorder, currently in remission

A. The general criteria for recurrent depressive disorder (F33) have been met in the past.

B. The current state does not meet the criteria for a depressive episode (F32.-) of any severity, or for any other disorder in F3 (the patient may
receive treatment to reduce the risk of further episodes).

F33.8 Other recurrent depressive disorders

F33.9 Recurrent depressive disorder, unspecified


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TA B L E 29. 1. (Continued)



F34.0 Cyclothymia

A. A period of at least 2 years of instability of mood involving several periods of both depression and hypomania, with or without intervening
periods of normal mood.

B. None of the manifestations of depression or hypomania during such a 2-year period should be sufficiently severe or long-lasting to meet criteria
for manic episode or depressive episode (moderate or severe); however, manic or depressive episode(s) may have occurred before, or may
develop after, such a period of persistent mood instability.

C. During at least some of the periods of depression at least three of the following should be present:

(1) A reduction in energy or activity;

(2) Insomnia;

(3) Loss of self-confidence or feelings of inadequacy;

(4) Difficulty concentrating;

(5) Social withdrawal;

(6) Loss of interest or enjoyment in sex and other pleasurable activities;

(7) Less talkative than normal;

(8) Pessimistic about the future or brooding over the past.

D. During at least some of the periods of mood elevation at least three of the following should be present:

(1) Increased energy or activity;

(2) Decreased need for sleep;

(3) Inflated self-esteem;

(4) Sharpened or unusually creative thinking;

(5) More gregarious than normal;

(6) More talkative or witty than normal;

(7) Increased interest and involvement in sexual and other pleasurable activities;

(8) Overoptimism or exaggeration of past achievements.

Note: If desired, specify whether onset is early (in late teenage or the twenties) or late (usually between age 30 to 50 subsequent to an affective episode).
F34.1 Dysthymia

A. A period of at least 2 years of constant or constantly recurring depressed mood. Intervening periods of normal mood rarely last for longer than a
few weeks and there are no episodes of hypomania.

B. None, or very few, of the individual episodes of depression within such a 2-year period are severe enough, or last long enough, to meet the
criteria for recurrent mild depressive disorder (F33.0).

C. During at least some of the periods of depression at least three of the following should be present:

(1) A reduction in energy or activity;

(2) Insomnia;

(3) Loss of self-confidence or feelings of inadequacy;

(4) Difficulty concentrating;

(5) Often in tears;

(6) Loss of interest or enjoyment in sex and other pleasurable activities;


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TA B L E 29. 1. (Continued)


(7) Feeling of hopelessness or despair;

(8) A perceived inability to cope with the routine responsibilities of everyday life;

(9) Pessimistic about the future or brooding over the past;

(10) Social withdrawal;

(11) Less talkative than normal.

Note: If desired, specify whether onset is early (in late teenage or the twenties) or late (usually between age 30 to 50 subsequent to an affective
F34.8 Other persistent mood [affective] disorders

A residual category for persistent affective disorders that are not sufficiently severe or long-lasting to fulfill the criteria for cyclothymia (F34.0) or
dysthymia (F34.1) but that are nevertheless clinically significant. Some types of depression previously called “neurotic” are included here, provided
that they do not meet the criteria for either cyclothymia (F34.0) or dysthymia (F34.1) or for depressive episode of mild (F32.0) or moderate (F32.1)
F34.9 Persistent mood [affective] disorder, unspecified

There are so many possible disorders that could be listed under F38 that no attempt has been made to specify criteria, except for mixed affective
episode (F38.00). Investigators requiring criteria more exact than the Diagnostic Guidelines should construct them according to the requirements of
their study.
F38.0 Other single mood [affective] disorders
F38.00 Mixed affective episode

A. The episode is characterized by either a mixture or a rapid alternation (i.e., within a few hours) of hypomanic, manic, and depressive symptoms.

B. Both manic and depressive symptoms must be prominent most of the time during a period of at least 2 weeks.

C. No previous hypomanic, depressive, or mixed episodes.

F38.1 Other recurrent mood [affective] disorders
F38.10 Recurrent brief depressive disorder

A. The disorder meets the symptomatic criteria of either mild (F32.0), moderate (F32.1), or severe depressive episode (F32.2)

B. The depressive episodes occur about once a month over the past year.

C. The individual episodes last less than 2 weeks (typically 2 to 3 days).

D. The episodes do not occur solely in relation to the menstrual cycle.

F38.8 Other specified mood [affective] disorders

This is a residual category for affective disorders that do not meet the criteria for any other categories F30-F38.
F39 Unspecified mood [affective] disorder

mixture or rapid alternation of manic and depressive symptoms DSM-IV-TR, but require only three additional symptoms, regard-
for two weeks, with the number and intensity of symptoms not less of whether the core mood is elevated or irritable. ICD-10 fur-
defined. As such, ICD-10 may pick up a wider variety of mixed thermore does not recognize expansive mood as a core criterion
states, including agitated depressive episodes or subsyndromal for a hypomanic episodes, yet recognizes some different addi-
hypomanic states concurrent with depressive episodes. tional criteria, such as increased sociability or overfamiliarity.

In DSM-IV-TR, the diagnosis of hypomanic episode differs
from that of manic episode only in required duration (minimum MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER
four days versus minimum one week), and degree of dysfunc- AND RECURRENT DEPRESSIVE DISORDER
tion (hypomanic episode defined as not severe enough to cause The DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of major depressive disorder
hospitalization or marked impairment). ICD-10 criteria for a requires the presence of one or more major depressive epi-
hypomanic episode share the same duration requirements as sodes, and the exclusion of other mood disorders, concurrent

378 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

psychotic disorders, or medically induced or substance-induced hypomania and depressive symptoms, including some unique
mood disorders. The diagnosis of ICD-10 recurrent depressive hypomanic symptoms such as sharpened or unusually creative
disorder requires at least two depressive episodes, and exclu- thinking, increased gregariousness, increased wittiness, and
sion of medically induced or substance-induced mood disor- overoptimism or exaggeration of past achievements.
ders, whereas exclusion of bipolar mood disorders is already
implied in the ICD-10 criteria for depressive episode. M E D I C A L LY I N D U C E D A N D
S U B S TA N C E - I N D U C E D M O O D D I S O R D E R S
BIPOLAR I AND II DISORDERS, Mood disturbances comprise common manifestations of many
AND BIPOLAR AFFECTIVE DISORDER general medical conditions, substance use syndromes, and treat-
Bipolar I disorder in DSM-IV-TR requires the presence of at least ment with prescribed medical therapies. Medically ill patients
one manic or mixed episode, although the current episode may require screening for and evidenced-based treatment of mood
be specified as hypomanic, manic, mixed, or depressed. Bipolar II disorders (Evans et al., 2005), as do patients with substance
disorder is defined as the presence of one or more major depres- use disorders, and patients undergoing known mood-altering
sive episodes, and at least one episode of hypomania, without his- medical therapies.
tory of full mania or mixed episodes. For both bipolar I and II Clinically significantdepressivesymptomshavebeenreported
disorders, schizoaffective disorders and psychotic disorders in 14–43% of patients with HIV (Cysique et al., 2007; Gibbie
must not better account for the disorder at hand. ICD-10 bipolar et al., 2007), up to 85% of patients with Hepatitis C (Nelligan
affective disorder stipulates the presence of a hypomanic, manic, et al., 2008), 8–18% of patients with diabetes (Gendelman et al.,
mixed, or depressive episode, plus at least one other mood epi- 2009; Li et al., 2008), 20% of patients with COPD (Cleland
sode, which must be hypomanic or manic if the current episode is et al., 2007), 50% of patients with asthma (Van Lieshout et al.,
depressed. In this way, ICD-10 groups together the DSM-IV-TR 2009), 9–31% of patients after CVA (Brodaty et al., 2007), 14%
diagnoses of bipolar I and II disorders. of patients with CAD (Shanmugasegaram et al., 2012), 20% of
patients after acute myocardial infarction (Thombs et al., 2006),
DYSTHYMIC DISORDER AND CYCLOTHYMIA 20–55% of patients with epilepsy (Kanner 2003), 19–61% of
Dysthymic disorder in DSM-IV-TR requires the presence of a patients after TBI (Kim et al., 2007), 40–60% of patients with
predominantly depressed mood, plus two or more additional multiple sclerosis (Wallin et al., 2006), 30–50% of patients
depressive symptoms, whose total does not meet or exceed the with Alzheimer’s disease (Lee and Lyketsos, 2003), 22–29%
threshold for major depressive disorder, plus no more than of patients with cancer (Raison and Miller, 2003), 20–30% of
two months of euthymia, during a period of at least two years. patients with obesity (Stunkard et al., 2003), 30–54% of patients
Additional criteria for dysthymic disorder in DSM-IV-TR with chronic pain conditions (Campbell et al., 2003), and 4–75%
include: poor appetite or overeating; insomnia or hypersomnia; of patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (McDonald
low energy or fatigue; poor concentration or difficulty making et al., 2003). Depressive symptoms also feature prominently
decisions; and feelings of hopelessness. Major depressive epi- in patients with endocrine disturbances, including 57–80% of
sodes or other mood episodes may supervene after two years patients with Cushing’s syndrome (Haskett, 1985; Kelly, 1996),
of the diagnosis of DSM-IV-TR dysthymic disorder. Of course, 30% of patients with hyperthyroidism (Kathol and Delahunt,
all the usual DSM-IV-TR mood disorder exclusionary criteria 1986), and frequently in hypothyroidism (Whybrow et al.,
apply. ICD-10 defines dysthymia in largely the same way as 1969). Hyperparathyroidism, hypoparathyroidism, Addison’s
DSM-IV-TR, although in addition to the stem core criterion disease, B vitamin deficiencies, folic acid deficiency, malnutri-
of depressed mood, ICD-10 requires at least three additional tion, electrolyte imbalances, acid-base disturbances, and uremia
depressive symptoms. ICD-10 also allows for the possibility of have also been associated with clinically significant depres-
a full depressive episode during the initial diagnostic period of sive symptoms, among other neuropsychiatric disturbances
dysthymia, and recognizes a greater diversity of additional diag- (Harrison and Kopelman, 2009, pp. 617–688).
nostic criteria, such as tearfulness, loss of interest or enjoyment Depressive symptoms in HIV correlate with treatment
in pleasurable activities, perceived inability to cope, pessimism non-adherence and decreased viral response (Sumari de-Boer
or brooding, social withdrawal, and diminished talkativeness. et al., 2012; Tsai et al., 2013), and in hepatitis C correlate
DSM-IV-TR cyclothymia requires the presence of two years with treatment non-adherence (Liu et al., 2010). Depressive
of alternating periods of hypomania and depressive symptoms symptoms in type I diabetes associate with lower therapeutic
not meeting criteria for major depressive episode, without adherence (Van Tilburg et al., 2001), increased risk of medical
more than two months of euthymia at any time during the dis- complications (de Groot et al., 2001), and increased mortal-
turbance. The patient must not have evidence of full mania, ity (Milano and Singer, 2007). Depressive symptoms after CVA
mixed states, or major depressive episodes for the first two correlate with poor functional recovery and higher mortality
years of the disorder, but may go on to develop full blown bipo- (Gothe et al., 2012). Depressive symptoms following myocar-
lar disorder after this time. The usual exclusion of other mood dial infarction predict repeat MI and death (Barth et al., 2004;
disorders, psychotic disorders, and medically induced as well Glassman et al., 2002). A diagnosis of major depressive disor-
as substance-induced disorders apply. ICD-10 defines cyclo- der in hospitalized elderly patients correlates with increased
thymia in much the same fashion as DSM-IV-TR, although in-hospital mortality and length of inpatient care (Koenig
without the two-month limit on euthymic periods, and with et al., 1989). Depressive symptoms in cancer patients correlate
specifically spelled-out symptom criteria for the periods of with greater physical disability (Bukberg, 1984) and increased

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mortality (Brown et al., 2003). Furthermore, depressive symp- Similarly, many substance intoxication and withdrawal syn-
toms in the context of many general medical disorders, such dromes include core mood disorder disturbances. For example,
as hepatitis C undergoing interferon treatment (Kraus et al., euphoria, increased sociability, excitement, inexhaustibility,
2008), HIV (Tsai et al., 2013), CVA (Hackett et al., 2008), rambling speech, insomnia, mood lability, agitation, irritabil-
and multiple sclerosis (Mohr et al., 2001) are responsive to ity, dysphoria, aggression, heightened sexuality, restlessness,
treatment. anxiety, depression, interpersonal sensitivity, appetite changes,
Clinically significant manic symptoms have been reported fatigue, psychomotor retardation, hypersomnia, fatigue, and
in 1% of post-CVA patients and 9% of post-TBI patients hallucinations may occur during intoxication or withdrawal
(Jorge et al., 1993), 2–12% of Huntington’s disease patients from ethanol, amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine, cannabis,
(Mendez, 1994), 39% of patients with thyrotoxicosis (Brownlie or hallucinogens (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).
et al., 2000), 27% of patients with Cushing’s syndrome (Haskett, Furthermore, many drug therapies for general medical condi-
1985), and 3–22% of patients with epilepsy (Robertson, 1992). tions have been associated with clinically significant depres-
Clinically significant manic symptoms have also been associ- sive symptoms, including corticosteroids, interferon alpha,
ated with CNS tumors; multiple sclerosis; complex partial sei- interleukin 2, GRH agonists, mefloquine, and propranolol
zures; viral, fungal, and Treponemal meningoencephalitides; (Patten and Barbui, 2004). Drug therapies for general medical
Parkinson’s disease; Wilson’s disease; Cushing’s disease; hyper- conditions have also been associated with clinically significant
thyroidism; B vitamin deficiencies,; and other general medical manic symptoms, including dopaminergic agents, noradren-
conditions (Krauthammer and Klerman, 1978; Levenson 2011: ergic agents, serotonergic agents, corticosteroids, and anabolic
p. 227; Mendez, 2000). steroids (Krauthammer and Klerman, 1978; Levenson, 2011:
In an effort to account for mood disturbances in the con- p. 227).
text of general medical conditions and substance use disorders: DSM IV-TR criteria for Substance-Induced Mood Disorder
DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10 list diagnostic criteria for mood dis- require the presence of prominent and persistent mood symp-
orders due to general medical condition, and DSM-IV-TR in toms, corresponding to core stem criteria for Major Depressive
particular lists diagnostic criteria for substance-induced mood Episode and/or Manic Episode, in addition to evidence that
disorder. the mood symptoms are temporally (within one month) or eti-
DSM-IV-TR criteria for Mood Disorder due to a General ologically linked to substance use, intoxication, or withdrawal,
Medical Condition stipulate the presence of prominent and not better accounted for by another mood disorder, not occur-
persistent mood symptoms corresponding to the core stem cri- ring exclusively during the course of delirium, and causing
teria for Major Depressive Episode and/or Manic Episode, in clinically significant distress or impairment. DSM-IV-TR does
addition to evidence that the disorder is a physiologic conse- not dictate a threshold number of additional mood symptoms
quence of a general medical condition, not better accounted for for diagnosis. Subtypes include With Depressive Features,
by another mental disorder, not occurring exclusively during With Manic Features, and With Mixed Features. Specifiers
the course of delirium, and causing clinically significant dis- include With Onset During Intoxication, and With Onset
tress or impairment. In contrast to the diagnoses of primary During Withdrawal. ICD-10 does not define specific criteria
idiopathic mood disorders, the DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of Mood for substance-induced mood disorders.
Disorder due to a General Medical Condition does not dictate
a threshold number of symptoms; the presence of one stem OTHER MOOD DISORDERS
criterion suffices for the diagnosis. DSM-IV-TR further speci- Other mood disorders in DSM-IV-TR are captured by diag-
fies subtypes, including With Depressive Features, With Manic noses of depressive disorder NOS, bipolar disorder NOS, and
Features, With Mixed Features, and With Major Depressive-Like mood disorder NOS. ICD-10 similarly accounts for several
Episode. ICD-10 criteria for Mental Disorders due to Brain other mood disorders. DSM-IV-TR in particular allows that
Damage and Dysfunction and to Physical Disease require these diagnoses may be made when the clinician cannot deter-
objective evidence or history of a medical disorder known to mine whether the mood disorder is primary or due to a gen-
cause cerebral dysfunction, a presumed temporal relationship eral medical condition.
between development of the medical condition and the men-
tal disorder, recovery or improvement of mental disorder fol-
lowing recovery or improvement from the medical condition,
absence of convincing evidence for alternative causation of the DSM IV-TR includes prognostically informative specifiers
mental disorder, and full criteria for one of the primary mood for major depressive, manic, mixed, and recurrent episodes.
disorders outlined later in ICD-10. The latter criterion makes Episode specifiers include severity, psychotic features, partial
ICD-10 criteria more stringent than DSM-IV-TR in diagnos- or full remission, single or recurrent episodes, melancholic
ing mood disorders due to general medical conditions. ICD-10 features (for MDE only), atypical features (for MDE and dys-
further defines subtypes of Organic Manic/Bipolar/Depressive/ thymia only), catatonic features, postpartum onset, and chro-
Mixed Affective Disorder. ICD-10 delineates between pro- nicity (for MDE only). Specifiers for recurrent mood episodes
visional and certain diagnoses of organic mood disorders, include with or without full interepisode recovery, with sea-
with certainty dictated by the presence of evidence of recov- sonal pattern, or with rapid cycling. In ICD-10, specifiers for
ery or improvement of mental disorder following recovery or severity, psychotic features, and recurrence apply to depressive
improvement from the medical condition. episodes singly or as part of bipolar or recurrent depressive

380 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

disorders, and are implied for manic, mixed, or hypomanic P S Y C H O T I C F E AT U R E S
episodes in the diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder. In the DSM-IV-TR defines “with psychotic features” as the pres-
following are presented selected specifiers, with brief descrip- ence of delusions or hallucinations concurrent with the mood
tions and clinical implications. episode. DSM-IV-TR allows for both mood-congruent and
mood-incongruent psychotic features. ICD-10 defines with
SEVERITY psychotic features similarly, but excludes those delusions
Severity in DSM-IV-TR mood disorders is defined in two most typical of schizophrenia, such as bizarre delusions or
ways: total symptom counts above that required for diagno- voices with running commentary. In ICD-10, psychotic fea-
sis, and degree of impairment attributable to the disorder. tures in depressive, manic, or mixed episodes may also be
ICD-10 defines the severity of depressive episodes in terms mood-congruent or mood-incongruent. Neither DSM-IV-TR
of total symptom counts, and defines hypomanic versus nor ICD-10 allows for psychotic features in mild or moderate
manic episodes in terms of symptom counts and degree of depressive episodes or hypomania.
impairment. Baseline psychotic features in major depressive disorder
A study by Lux et al. (2010) examined the coherence and tend to recur highly in subsequent major depressive episodes
validity of the DSM-IV definition of the severity of major (Coryell et al., 1994). Psychotic features in major depres-
depression in a sample of 1,015 Caucasian twins who met sive disorder also appear to portend later onset of mania or
criteria for major depressive disorder in the year prior to the hypomania (Fiedorowicz et al., 2011) Furthermore, psychotic
study interview. The authors operationalized three measures features in mood disorders in general associate with worse
of severity, including criteria counts (the DSM-IV definition of prognosis. For example, over 10 years of follow-up, psychotic
severity), scaled severity of individual symptoms (which is not features in major depressive disorder portend longer duration
present in DSM-IV), and impairment of function in occupa- of depressive episodes, shorter intervals between depressive
tional, social, and relational domains (which is not present in episodes, and greater persistence of subthreshold mood symp-
the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, but is reflected to some extent toms (Coryell et al., 1996).
in the separate GAF rating on axis V). Validators of severity in
the study included co-morbid psychiatric conditions, person- PA RT I A L O R F U L L R E M I S S I O N
ality traits, charactersistics of the index episode, prior history DSM-IV-TR defines partial remission of a mood episode as
of depression, demographic characteristics at index episode, having some symptoms of a mood episode, but not meeting
future episodes, and depressive episodes of the co-twin. The full criteria, for at least two months. Full remission is defined
authors found that criteria count and severity of individual as not demonstrating any symptoms of a mood episode for at
symptoms were each significantly associated with 14 valida- least two months. ICD-10 defines remission in mood disor-
tors, and that functional impairment was associated with ders as no longer meeting full criteria for an episode within
12 validators. No one measure of severity accounted for all the disorder, thus grouping together partial and full remission
validators, and each measure of severity appeared to tap into groups. ICD-10 does not define how long mood episode crite-
different sets of validators. The authors concluded that clini- ria need to be absent for remission.
cians should probably use a combination of severity measures, In general, partial remission carries continued illness-
including the severity of individual symptoms. related morbidity and risk of relapse. In major depressive dis-
Severity can be attributed to other aspects of a mood dis- order, for example, partial remission and other subthreshold
order as well, including duration (chronic MDE is shown to depressive states are associated longitudinally with greater psy-
respond more poorly to treatment), comorbid symptom sever- chosocial impairment than full remission, with the gradient
ity [several studies have shown severe anxiety correlates with of impairment increasing with increasing numbers of depres-
increased time spent in depression over decades, as well as sive symptoms (Judd et al., 2000). This finding holds true with
higher risk for suicide], and comorbid substance abuse (pre- regard to subthreshold depressive states in bipolar I and II dis-
dictive of poor long-term outcomes, and suicidal behavior) orders as well (Judd et al., 2005).
(Kim et al., 2011; Rush et al., 2012).
Severity in research studies of major mood disorders SINGLE OR RECURRENT MAJOR DEPRESSIVE
often takes the form of arbitrarily defined cutoffs on the more DISORDER
common mood disorder rating scales, such as the Hamilton DSM-IV-TR defines recurrence in major depressive disorder
Depression Rating Scale, Montgomery Asberg Depression as two or more major depressive episodes, as does ICD-10.
Rating Scale, Young Mania Rating Scale, and so on. As described in the text of the DSM-IV-TR, within major
Severity of depressive and manic episodes among patients depressive disorder, a single major depressive episode has
with bipolar I and II disorders correlates longitudinally with about a 60% change of recurrence, a second major depressive
degree of psychosocial dysfunction (Judd et al., 2005). In episode increases the risk of recurrence to about 70%, and a
addition, severe depressive episodes in both major depressive third major depressive episode increases recurrence risk to
disorder and bipolar disorder have been associated with treat- 90%. Although DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10 define recurrence
ment resistance (Mendlewicz et al., 2010; Souery et al., 2007). in major depressive disorder as two or more major depressive
However, antidepressant trials in major depressive disorder episodes, highly recurrent major depressive disorders begin to
tend to show larger effect sizes in more severely depressed pop- behave more akin to bipolar disorder than major depressive
ulations (Fournier et al., 2010). disorder (Goodwin and Jamison, 2007). For example, highly

2 9 T H E D I A G N O S I S O F M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 381

recurrent major depressive disorder probands show family his- C ATAT O N I C F E AT U R E S
tories enriched with bipolar disorders, convert to frank bipo- The DSM-IV-TR catatonic features specifier is applied when
larity more often than single episode or lowly recurrent major the clinical picture of a mood episode is characterized by
depressive disorder probands, and may respond preferentially marked psychomotor disturbance including two or more of
to treatments shown to be effective in bipolar disorders. For the following: marked motoric immobility such as catalepsy
these reasons, the DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10 definitions of or stupor; excessive motor activity; extreme negativism or
recurrence have been criticized for not delineating definitions mutism; peculiarities of motor movement such as posturing
for highly recurrent major depressive disorder. or stereotypies or mannerisms or grimacing; and echolalia or
echopraxia. ICD-10 does not have a catatonic features specifier
M E L A N C H O L I C F E AT U R E S in its section on mood disorders.
Melancholic features, including dense anhedonia, non-reactive A patient with catatonia requires careful supervision to
mood, diurnal variation, and neurovegetative signs, are among avoid self-harm, or harm to others. Malnutrition, exhaus-
the oldest described symptoms in psychiatry. DSM-IV-TR tion, hyperpyrexia, or self-inflicted injury may occur.
defines melancholic features as requiring either loss of pleasure Catatonic states have been reported in up to 5–9% of psy-
or lack of reactivity to usually pleasurable stimuli, plus three or chiatric inpatients. Between 25 and 50% of cases of catatonia
more additional criteria such as: distinct quality of depressed occur in mood disorders and 10–15% occur in schizophre-
mood; depression worse in the morning; early morning nia (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Catatonia also
awakening; marked psychomotor retardation or agitation; occurs in postpartum psychosis in 0.1–0.5% of women within
and excessive or inappropriate guilt. ICD-10 refers to melan- weeks of delivery, although it can occur within hours (Strain
cholic features as the somatic syndrome, defined similarly to et al., 2012). However, catatonia is not unique to psychiatric
DSM-IV-TR but without drawing a distinction between core conditions, as it has also been associated with a plethora of
and stem criteria. ICD-10 also notes that many other moni- general medical conditions. Lastly, as with all catatonic syn-
kers have accompanied this syndrome in other classification dromes, catatonic features in mood disorders may respond
schemes. preferentially to high dose benzodiazepine pharmacotherapy,
Melancholic features in major depressive disorder associ- and may require electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for defini-
ate with increased comorbidity of anxiety disorders, greater tive treatment.
number of lifetime depressive episodes, more severe impair-
ment, lower levels of neuroticism, and increased risk of major P O S T PA RT U M O N S E T
depressive disorder in both mono- and dizygotic co-twins The DSM-IV-TR postpartum specifier can be applied to a
(Kendler, 1997). Melancholic features in major depressive dis- mood disorder if the onset is within 4 weeks after childbirth.
order, bipolar I disorder, and bipolar II disorder also correlate Symptoms may include fluctuations in mood, mood lability,
with treatment resistance (Mendlewicz et al., 2010; Souery and preoccupation with infant well-being, which may range
et al., 2007). from overconcern to frank delusions. The presence of severe
ruminations or delusional thoughts about the infant is associ-
AT Y P I C A L F E AT U R E S ated with a significantly increased risk of harm to the infant.
In contrast to the implications of the term, atypical features of ICD-10 does not specify postpartum onset. Postpartum
depression are not unusual in mood disorders. Historically, the depression affects 10–15% of women within six months after
term “atypical depression” stemmed from the striking differ- delivery. It is important to distinguish postpartum mood epi-
ence between the clinical appearance of such presentations and sodes from the “baby blues” that affect up to 70% of women
that of the more classical endogenous or melancholic depres- within 10 days of delivery (American Psychiatric Association,
sive syndromes, as well as the differential response of a partic- 2000; Strain, 2012).
ular form of atypical depression to MAOI pharmacotherapy as
demonstrated by a research group from Columbia University CHRONIC MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODE
(Davidson, 2007). The DSM-IV-TR criteria for atypical fea- DSM-IV-TR defines a chronic specifier for major depressive
tures in depression, derived from the criteria described by episode, whereas ICD-10 does not. Chronicity in DSM-IV-TR
the aforementioned Columbia University group, include the requires that full major depressive episode criteria have been met
stem criterion of mood reactivity, plus at least two of the fol- for at least the past two years. Chronicity in a major depressive
lowing additional criteria: increased appetite or weight gain; episode confers a poorer prognosis. Chronic major depressive
hypersomnia; leaden paralysis; and a long-standing pattern disorder in particular has been associated with greater baseline
of extreme sensitivity to perceived interpersonal rejection, socioeconomic disadvantage, lower baseline quality of life, lower
occurring most of the time over a two-week period. ICD-10 baseline social and occupational functioning, and higher base-
does not include an atypical features specifier for depressive line medical disease and anxiety disorder burden. Furthermore,
disorders. after treatment with antidepressant pharmacotherapy, chronic
Earlier studies in atypical depression that showed a higher depression demonstrates continued poorer functioning and
rate of response to MAOI medications than tricyclic antide- greater anxiety, despite an adjusted treatment response rate sta-
pressants have been eclipsed by more recent studies showing tistically indistinguishable from non-chronic depression (Sung
that SSRI antidepressants such as fluoxetine are equally effec- et al., 2012). Another report, from the STAR*D study, dem-
tive as MAOIs in atypical depression. onstrates that patients with chronic index episodes of major

382 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

depressive disorder have lower and slower remission rates, as M O O D D I S O R D E R S I N L AT E L I F E
well as higher relapse rates, than patients with non-chronic index
Neither DSM-IV-TR nor ICD-10 outlines criteria for depressive
episodes (Rush et al., 2012). In addition, unlike in many stud-
or bipolar disorders in late life (typically defined as older than
ies of non-chronic major depressive disorder, in chronic major
60–65 years). However, some important biopsychosocial con-
depressive disorder the addition of psychotherapy to pharma-
siderations and phenomenological differences bear mentioning.
cotherapy does not appear consistently to provide short-term
Normative aging may be associated with altered sleep patterns,
or long-term treatment benefits above pharmacotherapy alone,
diminished sleep quality, diminished energy, decreased cogni-
with the exception of small add-on effects on quality of life
tive performance, motoric slowing, and interpersonal losses
(von Wolff et al., 2012). CBASP (Cognitive Behavioral Analysis
associated with sadness and bereavement. Furthermore, older
System of Psychotherapy) may represent one exception to these
patients typically manifest more general medical conditions,
latter findings, as this form of psychotherapy has demonstrated
including conditions themselves linked to clinically significant
add-on effects to pharmacotherapy in chronic major depressive
depressive and/or manic symptoms. Lastly, given the physi-
disorder (Keller et al., 2000).
ologic effects of aging on pharmacokinetics, in combination
with frequent pharmacologic treatment of general medical and
psychiatric conditions, late life patients may be at particular risk
DSM-IV-TR defines full interepisode recovery as full remis-
for exposure to mood-altering pharmacotherapy.
sion attained between the two most recent mood episodes.
Onset of major depressive disorder after age 60 is common,
Similar to partial versus full remission, full interepisode recov-
accounting for up to 50% of major depressive disorder diag-
ery portends better functionality.
noses in late life. Adults with onset of major depressive disor-
der after age 60 typically evidence a history of less personality
dysfunction, and lower burden of psychiatric family history.
In DSM-IV-TR, the seasonal pattern specifier describes a regu-
Patients with major depressive disorder in late life may exhibit
lar temporal occurrence of major depressive episodes in major
more prominent melancholic symptoms, and psychotic symp-
depressive, bipolar I, or bipolar II disorders. Criteria require
toms, including prominent delusions of persecution, incurable
that both onset and remission of major depressive episodes
illness, guilt, and nihilism or non-existence (Blazer and Steffens,
occur at characteristic times of the year, that at least two major
2009: p. 286). Furthermore, patients with depressive disorders
depressive episodes have occurred with this temporal seasonal
in late life may also exhibit cognitive disturbances suggestive
pattern over the past two years, and that the number of major
of dementia, termed pseudodementia (Snowdon, 2011), which
depressive episodes occurring during this temporal seasonal
typically demonstrates slowed processing speed, dysexecutive
pattern outnumber the non-seasonal episodes. ICD-10 does
problems, and memory retrieval deficits. With successful treat-
not stipulate a seasonal pattern specifier in its mood disor-
ment of depressive illness, pseudodementia appears revers-
ders chapter. Seasonal major depressive episodes in major
ible in the short term, yet predictive of later onset primary
depressive disorder may respond to light therapy, although
dementia (Saez-Fonseca et al., 2007). Similar to findings that
this therapy may also increase the rate of switching to hypo-
late life patients with major depressive disorder demonstrate
manic or manic episodes when used to treat seasonal depres-
less comorbid personality pathology than younger patients
sive episodes in bipolar I or II disorder (American Psychiatric
with major depressive disorder (Devanand et al., 2002), late
Association, 2000).
life patients with dysthymia also differ from younger patients
with dysthymia in that they exhibit less comorbid personal-
ity pathology (Devanand et al., 2000). Specifically, late life
The DSM-IV-TR rapid cycling specifier is applied to either
patients with dysthymia or major depressive disorder appear
bipolar I or bipolar II disorder diagnoses. The essential fea-
preferentially to demonstrate cluster C personality pathology,
ture of the DSM-IV-TR definition of rapid-cycling bipolar
in contradistinction to the cluster B personality pathology
disorder is the occurrence of four or more mood episodes
preferentially common in younger patients with dysthymia or
during the previous year. ICD-10 does not account for a rapid
major depressive disorder.
cycling specifier. Rapid cycling occurs in 10–20% of individu-
Bipolar disorder in late life may exhibit less classic euphoric
als with bipolar disorder, and is much more commonly found
mania, and more mixed depressive and manic symptomatol-
in females, who comprise 70–90% of individuals with a rapid
ogy, with agitated depression and dysphoric mania commonly
cycling pattern. These episodes are not linked to any particu-
seen (Shulman and Post, 1980; Spar et al., 1979). Delirious
lar phase of the menstrual cycle and are seen in both pre- and
mania may also present in late life bipolar disorder, exhibiting
postmenopausal women (American Psychiatric Association,
symptoms of mania along with catatonic symptoms and dis-
2000). Induction of rapid cycling has been reported in asso-
turbed cognition (Blazer and Steffens, 2009: p. 285).
ciation with maintenance tricyclic antidepressant use in five
bipolar patients, despite concurrent treatment with lithium
(Wehr and Goodwin, 1979). Successful treatment of rapid
cycling bipolar disorder has been demonstrated using high
dose levothyroxine, carbamazepine, and lamotrigine (Joyce,
1988; Stancer and Persad, 1982; Stromgren and Boller, 1985; As outlined previously, in both DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10,
Wang et al., 2010) . diagnosing a primary idiopathic mood disorder requires

2 9 T H E D I A G N O S I S O F M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 383

exclusion of other mood disorders, psychotic disorders, and TA BL E 29.2. (Continued)
medically induced or substance-induced disorders. Both
systems leave it to the clinician’s discernment to determine Hyperparathyroidism or Hypoparathyroidism
whether the apparent episode or disorder at hand is better
Hyperpituitarism or Hypopituitarism
accounted for by another condition. This diagnostic task is
non-trivial, as many psychiatric disorders, general medical Hypercortisolemia or Hypocortisolemia
conditions, and substance use syndromes feature signs and
symptoms that overlap significantly with mood disorders.
For example, hypothyroidism and major depressive disorder Diabetes
both share possible symptoms of anergia, lassitude, impaired
concentration and memory, weight gain, depressed mood, Electrolyte Disturbances
and dullness of expression. For the purposes of appropriate Acid-Base Disturbances
treatment planning, however, it remains clinically impor-
tant to differentiate between primary idiopathic mood Malnutrition
disorders, symptomatically overlapping psychiatric condi-
Vitamin Deficiency
tions, mood disorders due to general medical conditions,
substance-induced mood disorders, and co-occurrence of Renal Failure
primary and secondary disorders. A differential diagnosis list
Hepatic Failure
of possible medically induced and substance-induced mood
disorders, as well as symptomatically overlapping psychiatric Wilson’s Disease
conditions, is listed in Table 29.2.

Brain Tumor or Metastasis

TA B L E 29. 2. General differential diagnosis for mood episodes Systemic Effects of Peripheral Malignancy
and mood disorders
Paraneoplastic Syndromes

Substance-Induced Mood Disorder Paraneoplastic Limbic Encephalitis

Alcohol intoxication, withdrawal, abuse, or dependence Coronary Artery Disease

Sedative or hypnotic intoxication, withdrawal, abuse, or dependence Other Cardiovascular Disease

Stimulant intoxication, withdrawal, abuse, or dependence Anemia

Opioid intoxication, withdrawal, abuse, or dependence Arrhythmias

Cannabis intoxication, withdrawal, abuse, or dependence Congestive Heart Failure

Anabolic steroid abuse or therapy Valvular Heart Disease

Corticosteroid therapy or withdrawal Respiratory Illness

Other immunomodulatory therapies COPD

Chemotherapy for oncologic disease Asthma

HAART Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Interferon therapy, e.g., in hepatitis C Infectious Disease

Beta blockers HIV / AIDS

Malarial prophylaxis, especially with mefloquine Viral Hepatitis

SSRIs, SNRIs, NRIs, TCAs, MAOIs Osteomyelitis

Stimulant therapy Endocarditis

Mood Disorder due to a General Medical Condition Mononucleosis

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Lyme Disease

Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism Opportunistic Infections

(Continued) (Continued)

384 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 29. 2. (Continued) TA BL E 29.2. (Continued)

Autoinflammatory Disease Demoralization

Multiple Sclerosis Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Systemic Lupus Erythematosis Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Autoimmune Encephalitis Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Cerebrovascular Disease Eating Disorders

Cerebrovascular Accident Neurasthenia

Vascular Dementia Primary Sleep Disorder

Cerebrovascular Malformation Personality Disorders


Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease

Antipsychotic-Induced Parkinsonism In keeping with the broad differential diagnosis of mood

disorder symptoms, psychiatric standards of care stipulate
Parkinson’s Dementia
screening evaluations for general medical conditions and sub-
Dementia with Lewy Bodies stance use syndromes that may mimic primary idiopathic mood
disorders. History of present illness, past medical history, past
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy psychiatric history, substance use history, current medications,
Multisystem Atrophy family history, social history, developmental history, legal his-
tory, review of systems, and focused physical examination are
Huntington’s Disease indicated when evaluating patients with mood disorder symp-
toms. Cognitive screening examinations, such as the MMSE
Other Dementias
(Folstein et al., 1975) or MOCA (Nasreddine et al., 2005), are
Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type also indicated in the routine evaluation of mood disorders,
especially so in older patients and patients with a known or
Frontotemporal Dementia
suspected cognitive disorder. Routine and inexpensive screen-
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ing tests in mood disorder diagnosis may include CBC, chem-
istry panel, liver function tests, TSH, free T4, B12, folic acid,
Seizure Disorders
thiamine, T. pallidum antibody, HCG, urine drug metabo-
Ictal lite screen, and ECG. Further tests indicated by history and
physical examination may include an HIV screen, infectious
Postictal hepatitis panel, ESR, ANA, timed serum or salivary cortisol,
Interictal free testosterone, prolactin, EEG, polysomnography, and MRI.
Medical or neurological consultation is also warranted, when-
Traumatic Brain Injury ever a general medical or neurologic condition is suspected.
Discerning the source of mood symptoms in the face of
Chronic Pain
multiple likely etiologies requires recognition of several logi-
Delirium cal diagnostic possibilities. Given the presence of two mood-
related conditions, A and B, diagnostic possibilities include:
Catatonia due to General Medical Condition

Brief Psychotic Disorder, Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder, 1. An overarching unitary condition AB that has been
Schizophrenia, Delusional Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder NOS erroneously, conceptually split
Schizoaffective Disorder 2. A and B represent related conditions arising from a shared
root cause
Bipolar I or II Disorder
3. Condition A causes condition B
Major Depressive Disorder
4. Condition B causes condition A
Dysthymic or Cyclothymic Disorder
5. Condition A is causally independent from but influences
Adjustment Disorder condition B
Bereavement 6. Condition B is causally independent from but influences
(Continued) condition A

2 9 T H E D I A G N O S I S O F M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 385

7. Condition A and B are causally independent from each or other psychiatric disorder manifestations. Threshold
other, but mutually influence each other severity and number of total signs and symptoms required
for diagnosis may increase or remain the same. This
8. Condition A and B are fully causally independent and do
approach, as exemplified in Endicott’s (1984) examination
not influence each other.
of depression in patients with cancer, is also evident in the
structure of numerous depressive screening instruments
These logical possibilities underscore the difficulty of diagnos-
for use in patients with possibly confounding comorbid
tic separation of mood disorders from other conditions, differ-
conditions, including the Hospital Anxiety and Depression
ential diagnosis, and comorbidity assessment. Stemming from
Scale (Zigmond and Snaith, 1983), the Geriatric
these logical possibilities, several approaches obtain to diag-
Depression Scale (Yesavage et al., 1982–1983), and the
nosing mood disorders in the context of known mood-altering
Calgary Scale for Depression in Schizophrenia (Addington
medical conditions, substance use, and overlapping psychiatric
et al., 1992). The various versions of the Beck Depression
conditions. These approaches may exist in pure, or combined,
Inventory (Beck et al., 1961, 1996) also exemplify a
symptom substitution approach, as they rely more heavily
on mood and cognitive symptoms than neurovegetative
1. Inclusive approach: applies signs and symptoms that
symptoms. This approach also encourages specificity at the
satisfy mood disorder diagnostic criteria, or normative
expense of sensitivity.
cutoffs on depressive symptom screening instruments,
without subtracting signs and symptoms that may be 5. Etiologic approach: attempts to ascribe specific symptoms
related to another condition. Threshold severity and to their most likely underlying etiology, whether primary
number of total signs and symptoms required for diagnosis idiopathic, medical, or substance-induced, then arrives at a
remain unchanged from those applied to primary mood mood disorder diagnosis by applying only those symptoms
disorder diagnosis. This approach maximizes sensitivity attributable to the mood disorder. Both DSM-IV-TR and
and reliability, but minimizes specificity. Examples include ICD-10 exemplify this approach to mood disorder diagnosis,
the assessment of depressive symptoms in general medical which also encourages specificity at the expense of sensitivity.
conditions using low cutoff scores on the PHQ-9 (Kroenke
et al., 2001; Lamers et al., 2008; Stafford et al., 2007) or In their classic paper on depression in 460 medically ill older
CES-D (Jones et al., 2005; Koenig et al., 1998; Weissman adults, Koenig et al. (1997) outlined the prevalence of major
et al., 1977). and minor depressive disorders in this population according
to inclusive, etiologic, exclusive-inclusive, exclusive-etiologic,
2. Exclusive approach: applies signs and symptoms that
substitutive-inclusive, or substitutive-etiologic approaches.
satisfy mood disorder diagnostic criteria, while subtracting
The authors demonstrated that an inclusive approach resulted
signs and symptoms that may be related to other
in the highest prevalence rates for major and minor depres-
conditions. Threshold severity and number of total signs
sion, an exclusive-etiologic approach resulted in the lowest
and symptoms required for diagnosis remain unchanged.
prevalence of major depression, and an etiologic approach
An example of this approach may be found in Bukberg
resulted in the lowest prevalence of minor depression. The
et al.’s (1984) assessment of depressive symptoms in
exclusive-etiologic approach identified the most severe and
hospitalized cancer patients. This approach encourages
persistent major depressions. However, the authors also
specificity at the expense of sensitivity.
showed that known depression-associated characteristics (pre-
3. Increased threshold approach: applies signs and symptoms dictive validity) and associations with depression scale scores
that satisfy mood disorder diagnostic criteria, or signs (convergent validity) did not vary remarkably. The authors
and symptoms from depressive screening instruments, concluded by suggesting that clinicians or researchers choose
with or without subtracting signs and symptoms that may from the various diagnostic approaches based on the goals and
be related to other conditions. However, the threshold purpose of the examination. For example, an epidemiologist
symptom severity, number of total signs and symptoms, studying depressive morbidity in a general medical condition
or cutoff score required for diagnosis increase. Examples may wish to utilize an inclusive approach in order to high-
include the assessment of depressive symptoms in general light the problem for public health attention, whereas a clini-
medical conditions using high cutoff scores on the PHQ-9 cian working in a resource-limited setting may wish to use an
(Justice et al., 2004; Williams et al., 2005) or CES-D exclusive-etiologic approach to identify those patients with the
(Hermanns et al., 2006). This approach also encourages most severe depressive symptoms for treatment.
specificity at the expense of sensitivity.
4. Symptom substitution approach: applies signs and
symptoms that satisfy mood disorder diagnostic criteria,
while subtracting signs and symptoms that may be related In their landmark paper on diagnostic criteria for psychi-
to a general medical condition or substance use. These atric research, Feighner et al. (1972) outlined five phases for
subtracted signs and symptoms are replaced by other establishing diagnostic validity in psychiatric illness: clinical
signs and symptoms intended to more closely capture description, laboratory studies, delimitation from other disor-
mood symptoms, as opposed to general medical condition ders, follow-up study, and family study.

386 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

Certainly, current mood disorder nosologies contain a DIAGNOSTIC ACCURACY
wealth of clinical descriptors, and take pains to delimit specific
The soft, syndromic, heterogeneous, and cross-sectional
mood disorders. Furthermore, family and twin studies have
nature of current mood disorder diagnoses makes difficult the
repeatedly demonstrated the heritable nature of all the major
establishment of a gold standard reference. Structured diag-
mood disorder syndromes, although specific genes appear to
nostic interviews, combined with medical record review and
explain only small effects in the etiology of mood disorders.
expert reassessment, appear to come closest to a gold standard
Patients with mood disorders also demonstrate a plethora of
approach to diagnosis in routine clinical research. Spitzer’s
laboratory abnormalities, although none so sensitive or spe-
(1983) “LEAD Standard”—L = Longitudinal evaluation of
cific to point to a unified biological etiogenesis. This last fact
symptomatology, E = Evaluation by expert consensus, AD =
points to the need further to define mood disorder subtypes,
All Data from multiple sources—captures the essence of such
symptom components, and cross-syndromic dimensional con-
combined methods. Numerous studies have demonstrated
structs, which may serve better to elucidate candidate mecha-
that structured diagnostic interviews outperform routine clin-
nisms for neurobiologic investigation.
ical diagnosis, and that the addition of medical record review
In addition to the preceding problems with genetic and
brings diagnostic accuracy close to that attained from use of
laboratory investigation, follow-up study also points to some
all four LEAD sources (Basco et al., 2000; Miller et al., 2001).
weaknesses in the validity of current mood disorder diagnoses.
However, whereas such methods allow for the calculation of
DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10 emphasize cross-sectional diagnosis,
accuracy and reliability data, they do not take advantage of
causing problems with recall bias and diagnostic instability
statistical methods such as latent class analysis, which may
over time. For example, patients with prior hypomania show
contribute to improved accuracy in the assessment of such
demonstrably poor recall of having had hypomania, and a
markedly complex phenomena as mood disorder diagnosis
non-trivial portion of patients diagnosed with major depressive
(Faraone and Tsuang, 1994).
disorder turn out rather to have bipolar disorder (Fiedorowicz
et al., 2011; Goodwin and Jamison, 2007).
Furthermore, individual symptoms or signs within a given
mood disorder diagnosis may vary in their individual valid-
ity. For example, a study by Lux et al. (2010) investigated a Field trials of mood disorder diagnoses from DSM-IV and
sample of 1,015 Caucasian twins using logistic regression ICD-10 reveal marked variability in interrater reliability. One
analyses to compare the associations of individual symptom DSM-IV mood disorders field trial, reported by Keller et al.
criteria, and two groups of criteria reflecting cognitive and (1995), included 524 adult patients, comprising approxi-
neurovegetative symptoms, with a wide range of diagnostic mately 100 patients from each of five US university medical
validators including demographic factors, risk for future epi- center sites. The study selected patients based on complaint
sodes in the co-twin, pattern of comorbidity, and personality of depressed mood, plus the presence of at least two other
traits. Cognitive symptoms included “depressed mood,” “loss DSM-III-R symptoms of major depression or dysthymia, with
of interest,” “worthlessness-guilt,” and “suicidal ideation.” no minimum duration of symptoms required. The interrater
Neurovegetative symptoms included “sleep,” “appetite/weight,” reliability investigation protocol utilized videotaped inter-
“psychomotor changes,” and “fatigue.” “Trouble concentrat- views. In reported results, diagnoses of both major depression
ing” was excluded as a criterion. Interestingly, the investigators and dysthymia demonstrated good to excellent intrasite inter-
found that individual symptom criteria differed substantially rater reliability, and fair to good intersite interrater reliability.
in their associations with specific diagnostic validators, and Six month test-retest interrater reliability was poor to fair for
that the cognitive criteria group generally produced stronger the diagnosis of major depression, and fair for the diagnosis of
associations with diagnostic validators than did the neuroveg- dysthymia.
etative criteria group. These results challenge the equivalence In contrast, the ICD-10 field trial included 11,491 adult
assumption inherent to the criteria for major depressive disor- patients, unselected by any preconceived symptomatic thresh-
der, and suggest a degree of covert heterogeneity among these old for inclusion. The ICD-10 field trial reported only intrasite
criteria, part of which is captured by the cognitive symptoms reliability, between pairs of raters from 32 countries. The study
being more strongly associated with the most clinically rele- reported good to excellent intrasite interrater reliability for
vant characteristics. They suggest that a detailed evaluation of overarching categories of manic episode, bipolar affective dis-
DSM-IV major depressive episode criteria is overdue. order, depressive episode, recurrent depressive disorder, and
Recently the construct validity of major depression has schizoaffective disorder. Subtypes of these overarching catego-
been tested with item response theory analysis. Carragher ries had fair to good intrasite interrater reliability, as had dys-
et al. (2011) have shown that the current criteria for major thymia and adjustment disorders. Mixed anxiety depressive
depressive disorder performed well in defining a latent con- disorder demonstrated very poor intrasite interrater reliability
tinuum for major depression. In general, the criteria fell along (Sartorius et al., 1995).
a range of depression severity, with death/suicidal thoughts, It is important to note that the former field trial included
worthlessness/guilt, and psychomotor difficulties appear- enriched clinical samples, thereby potentially inflating
ing along the severe end of the range, and concentration real-world clinical reliability, whereas the latter used unen-
difficulties/indecision and sleep disturbance appearing along riched convenience samples, more closely approximating usual
the middle to mild end of the range. clinical practice.

2 9 T H E D I A G N O S I S O F M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 387

DIAGNOSTIC TESTS prognostic feature. Systematic methods for assessing treat-
ment resistance include the Maudsley Staging Method (MSM),
The search for laboratory anomalies associated with the major
the Antidepressant Treatment History Form (ATHF), the
mood disorders has a long and convoluted history. For exam-
Massachusetts General Hospital Staging Model (MGH-s), the
ple, John Cade’s discovery of the mood stabilizing properties
Thase Rush Staging Model (TRSM), and the European Staging
of lithium occurred in the context of testing his hypothesis
Model (ESM) (Ruhe et al., 2012). In general, these models
that excess urea in the urine of mentally ill patients signified
attempt to assess treatment resistance by scoring the number and
a general marker of mental illness. In an animal model of this
adequacy of prior medication trials, the presence of augmenta-
hypothesis, Cade used lithium urate to increase the amount of
tion trials, dose optimizations, and combination strategies, and
urea he could administer to his guinea pigs, and observed that
the use of ECT. The MSM additionally includes measures of
lithium protected against the toxic effects of urea. Other lithium
index episode duration and severity, which, as demonstrated in
salts appeared to tranquilize the animals, and successful trials
the specifiers section, have their own prognostic implications.
of lithium for manic agitation soon followed (Cade, 1949).
A recent review by Ruhe et al. (2012) illustrates the value of
The era of modern, neohumoral mechanisms as etiologies
the treatment resistant depression concept. In a series of ECT
and diagnostic tests, however, began in earnest with the mono-
studies, the highest scoring antidepressant trial on baseline
amine and catecholamine hypotheses. Various authors investi-
ATHF correlated with higher relapse one year status post ECT
gated catecholamine metabolites as diagnostic tests for major
(Sackeim et al., 1990), lower response to ECT (Prudic et al.,
depression, and later as tests for predicting response to tricyclic
1996), and higher relapse on Li after effective ECT (Shapira
antidepressants. However, neither endeavor resulted in evidence
et al., 1995). In addition, in outpatient MDD treatment, higher
supporting a diagnostic or predictive role for these markers.
scores on the MGH-s, but not the TRSM, correlated retrospec-
Other investigators have examined the HPA axis, the
tively with absence of remission (Petersen et al., 2005). Lastly,
hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis, EEG abnormalities,
Fedaku et al. (2009a, 2009b) demonstrated that total MSM
neurotrophic factors, neuroimaging patterns, inflammatory
score correlated with short-term failure to achieve remission,
markers, risk conferring genes, and second messenger system
as well as long-term persistence of a depressive episode, and
components in relation to mood disorders. While such inves-
presence of a depressive episode over 50% of follow-up time.
tigations have contributed unquestionably to our understand-
In contrast, total TRSM score correlated more weakly with
ing of aspects of mood disorder pathophysiology, none have
short-term failure to achieve remission, and did not correlate
resulted in diagnostic tests able to discern between disordered
with long-term outcomes (Fedaku et al., 2009b). Of the preced-
and non-disordered patients with enough accuracy to warrant
ing treatment resistant depression models, only the ATHF has
clinical use. One recent attempt at compiling various inflamma-
published interrater reliability data, with a reported intraclass
tory, neurotrophic, and neuroendocrine markers in the diagno-
correlation coefficient of 0.94. (Sackeim et al., 1990). Overall,
sis of major depressive disorder, resulted in a reported sensitivity
treatment resistance in unipolar depressive disorders appears
of 91.1%, specificity of 81.3%, positive predictive value of 79%,
to have prognostic importance in predicting lack of treat-
and negative predictive value of 92% (Papakostas, 2011). This
ment response, and delineation of treatment resistance may
effort represents a significant advance over prior attempts, but
be a helpful diagnostic concept in developing future treatment
if used alone would still result in possibly harmful exposure to
studies in this therapeutically challenging subgroup.
unnecessary antidepressant pharmacotherapy or psychotherapy
for 21 out of 100 “positive” patients. Note also that the study used
DSM-IV criteria, diagnosed via a structured clinical interview,
A recent review by Goldberg and Fawcett (2012) found that
as the comparative gold standard, suggesting that clinicians sim-
both anxiety diagnoses and anxiety symptoms occur frequently
ply use these clinical procedures for diagnosis in the first place.
in both unipolar and bipolar depression, and that both anxiety
diagnoses and severity of anxiety symptoms in unipolar and
bipolar depression also correlate with poor treatment outcomes
LIMITATI O NS O F C U RRENT C AT E G O R I C A L and higher risk for suicidal behavior and completed suicide.
DIAGNOS ES Fava et al. (2008) reported from the STAR*D study, one
of the largest major depressive disorder treatment outcome
“With the publication of DSM-III, psychiatrists had an studies ever conducted, that severity of anxiety symptoms, as
agreed-upon language for naming what they saw, yet extracted from a subscale of the Hamilton Depression Scale,
this language did not explicitly engage the issue of the also predicted poor treatment outcomes in this sample.
nature of the disorders it named.” As Coryell et al. (2012) note, “Many longitudinal studies
MIT C HELL WILS ON (Wilson, 1993)
of depressive disorders have associated comorbid anxiety with
poorer outcomes as reflected in a lower likelihood of treatment
response, longer times to recovery from index episodes and
greater amounts of depressive morbidity over time.” (Coryell et al.,
2012: p. 210) Drawing from the NIMH Collaborative Depression
T R E AT M E N T R E S I S TA N C E Study sample, Coryell and colleagues further delineated this rela-
Several authors have proposed that treatment resistance in major tionship by showing that severity of anxiety symptoms during
depressive disorder represents an independent and important an index depressive episode correlated with duration of future

388 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

depressive episodes for both unipolar and bipolar depression from arbitrary processes. For example, between the Feighner
(Coryell et al., 2012). Furthermore, baseline anxiety symptom criteria and Research Diagnostic Criteria, researchers dropped
severity predicted duration of future depressive episodes more the terms “fearful” and “worried” from the list of acceptable
strongly than did baseline depressive symptom severity, and the dysphoric moods, and elevated the “presence of a pervasive
predictive power of baseline anxiety symptom severity outlasted loss of interest or pleasure” as one of the core stem criteria
that of baseline depressive symptom severity. In addition, the (Spitzer et al., 1978). Spitzer et al. (1978) report that the former
same group also demonstrated that severity of anxiety symptoms change occurred to avoid the inclusion of patients with only
during an index bipolar depressive episode correlated with greater anxiety, a reasonable justification. However, given the pre-
percentage of time spent in subsequent depressive episodes versus ceding evidence on the importance of anxiety in depression,
manic or hypomanic episodes (Coryell et al., 2009). Both of these evidence whose roots were apparent at the time, why not list
findings showed dose-response relationships between baseline “fearful and worried” as an additional criterion? Furthermore,
global anxiety symptom severity and outcomes—relationships the elevation of anhedonia to a core stem criterion occurred
that persisted over two decades of follow-up. In neither study did based on “the clinical recognition that many patients with
comorbid anxiety disorders at baseline correlate with outcomes an obvious depressive syndrome do not acknowledge feeling
at follow-up, indicating that anxiety symptom severity during depressed” (Spitzer et al., 1978). Fair enough, yet the authors
depressive episodes represents an important prognostic feature cited no empirical evidence to support either change.
inherent to mood disorder diagnosis.
Cassano et al. (1999) have noted that a failure to recognize sub-
threshold expressions of mania has contributed to the under- ARBITRARINESS OF THRESHOLDS
diagnosis of bipolar disorder. More recent studies have shown AND FLUIDITY OF CASENESS
a frequent occurrence of subthreshold manic symptoms in In an interesting historical account of the development of the
unipolar mood disorders that correlates with rates of switching Feighner criteria, Kendler et al. (2010) report that W. L. Cassidy,
to bipolar diagnoses over time. (Fiedorowicz et al., 2011) one of Feighner’s main influences in constructing the diagnos-
tic criteria for major depression, decided on his diagnostic
T R A U M A H I S T O RY threshold of 6 out of 10 criteria, because: “it sounded about
Childhood sexual trauma is a risk factor for many mental dis- right” (Kendler et al., 2010).
orders, including bulimia, alcohol dependence, other drug Furthermore, why is the duration of two weeks of symptoms
dependence, and mood disorders. Kendler et al. (2000) found a criterion for a major depressive episode? The early Feighner
that, of 1,411 adult female twins, 30.4% reported any childhood criteria, precursors of the Research Diagnostic Criteria that
sexual abuse (CSA), and 8.4% reported childhood sexual inter- were in turn a model for DSM-III in 1980, used a one-month
course. In turn, any CSA was associated with an increased risk duration criterion. It is difficult to generate the data to justify
(OR 1.93) for major depressive disorder in adulthood in this any particular duration, but the problem of an overlap with
sample, and childhood sexual intercourse was associated with “normal reactions of distress to an event” or “demoralization”
an even higher risk (OR 3.24) for major depressive disorder in still exists, as evidenced by current arguments for dropping or
adulthood. A case control study by Cong et al. (2011) similarly keeping the DSM-IV bereavement exclusion for the diagnosis of
reported that any form of CSA was associated with an increased a major depressive episode. It is worth considering whether to
risk for recurrent major depressive disorder in adulthood, and define clinical depression as a binary state, or whether it should
that incrementally greater severity of CSA heightened this be considered on a severity continuum with a certain number
risk. Heim et al. (2010) also reported that a particularly strong of symptoms, severity of individual symptoms, chronicity, and
link has been found between childhood trauma in general impairment levels defining a spectrum for the syndrome.
and the mood and anxiety disorders, and Sareen et al. (2012)
found in an epidemiological study of Canadian Forces that R E L AT E D C O N D I T I O N S B L U R R I N G W I T H
adverse childhood experiences (ACE) increased the risk of MOOD DISORDERS
mood and anxiety disorders among active military personnel. Is there a difference between demoralization (learned hopeless-
Furthermore, it has been reported that childhood abuse dra- ness) and depression (Clarke and Kissane, 2002)? When does
matically increases the risk for later suicide attempts. Studies demoralization become clinical depression? Are these con-
of the stress of maternal separation in rats have yielded last- ditions more similar or different when it comes to treatment
ing changes in the HPA axis function, leading to theories that response? Could descriptive diagnoses be determined that
comparable early traumatic events in humans may increase the would separate these conditions with respect to specific treat-
risk of various disorders, including mood and anxiety disor- ment response, are they on a severity dimension, or are they
ders, through similar biological mechanisms. indistinguishable in terms of mechanism or treatment? Is there
a point in the development of learned hopelessness or demor-
alization when a basic change takes place to establish major
depression? Is that point defined by the inability to respond to
It is worthwhile to note that selection of the core criteria for positive input? Does demoralization become a clinical depres-
many of our current psychiatric categorical diagnoses arose sion when an individual is no longer capable of responding to

2 9 T H E D I A G N O S I S O F M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 389

positive stimuli, that is, when the dopaminergic pleasure sys- early 1990s molecular biology, genetics, and human brain
tem is turned off (Treadway and Zald, 2011)? On one hand, imaging became possible, offering the promise of more basic
maybe there is some other mechanism that leads to a qualitative understanding of brain function and the pathophysiology of
change. On the other hand, maybe there is no discontinuous mental disorders.
mechanism but simply a severity or coping mechanism spec- These technical advances have led to a great increase in
trum that is quantitative, not qualitative. In order to determine knowledge about the complexities of all mental disorders,
this, we need the best possible system for behavioral classifica- including mood disorders. As more progress has been attained,
tion. Even then this may not be a possible discrimination. the basic understanding of the etiology of mood disorders and
Maybe there are risk factors (e.g., negative affect) that can other mental disorders has remained elusive, with much work
be discriminated behaviorally. Recently, in studying subjects of yet to be done.
early abuse (before age 18) that were over 45 (allowing a char- One reason is the unfolding complexity leading to boxes
acterization of their life trajectory), LaNoue et al. (2012) found inside of boxes in the psychobiology of the brain, and the
that patients who scored high on the construct of negative recognition of complex interactions between genetics and
affect (which has been shown to be a lifelong trait) were more environmental inputs, termed epigenetics, which has added
likely to see their entire life as “ruined,” in contrast to those who a massive layer of complexity to our understanding of the
scored low on negative affect on the NEO Personality Inventory interaction of our brains’ gene expression with environmental
(McCrae, 1991). In contrast, patients with low negative affect circumstances. Another problem that has surfaced is the limi-
were less likely to experience lasting impairment and recur- tation of our current categorical system of diagnoses in map-
rence of symptoms after experiencing early abuse. The patients ping with both genetic and imaging findings.
with low negative affect were more likely to agree that childhood
abuse ruined their childhood, but that it did not affect them in
adulthood. Responses like “that was then, but this is now” and P R O P O SE D SO L U T I O N S: DI M EN S I O N AL
even “it made me stronger” were volunteered by these subjects, C O N ST R U C T S
as opposed to “it ruined my childhood and my life” being a
characteristic view expressed by high negative affect subjects.
High negative affect or “neuroticism” has also been shown to As Cassano et al. (1999) point out, failure to recognize sub-
predict recurrence in patients with major depression (Lanoue threshold symptoms of mania contributes to frequent under-
et al., 2012). Interestingly, despite the concept that neuroticism diagnosis of bipolar disorder Reasons for the non-recognition
is a stable trait, SSRI treatment in depression may reduce levels of subthreshold bipolar symptoms include the relative lack of
of neuroticism, underscoring a potential mechanism for sero- suffering compared with depressive symptoms, enhanced pro-
tonergic antidepressant action (Tang et al., 2009). ductivity, ego-syntonicity, and the assumption by clinicians that
A study by Kendler et al. (2001) showed moderate effects such symptoms represent the instability of affect associated with
for genetic vulnerability (65% and 50% in females and males, comorbid personality disorders. From the National Comorbidity
respectively), as well as moderate effects for stress in the ori- Survey Replication, Angst et al. (2010) reported that 40% of
gin of depression. Caspi et al.’s (2003) findings demonstrating patients with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder had
genetic moderation of life stress on the occurrence of depres- subthreshold hypomanic symptoms. From the Collaborative
sion point to tantalizing epigenetic methods of understand- Depression Study (CDS) Akiskal et al. (1995) found that, of
ing vulnerability and resiliency, which may eventually aid in 559 patients diagnosed with unipolar major depression and fol-
combined genetic-behavioral description of patients who are lowed over 11 years, 8.6% converted to a diagnosis of Bipolar II
demoralized versus depressed. Disorder, and 3.9% converted to a diagnosis of Bipolar I
Perhaps our understanding of mood disorder causes and Disorder. A more recent publication from the CDS found that,
treatments must be tempered not by either-or thinking, but by of 142 patients diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder I or II, 76% had
empirically based pluralism, as discussed by Kendler (2012). subsyndromal manic symptoms accompanying their depressive
episodes (Judd et al., 2012). Overt irritability and psychomotor
agitation were the most prominent symptoms (57% and 39%
respectively), and the subsyndromal symptoms were associated
with increased severity of depression. These findings show that
depression is often on a spectrum with bipolar features. The
recent literature showing evidence that response to antidepres-
The pharmacologic revolution of the 1960s led to a massive sants may be diminished in bipolar patients and may lead to
increase in neurobiological research starting with the mea- more mood instability also stands as a reminder of the impor-
surement of metabolic and hormonal peripheral changes, tance of distinguishing patients presenting with major depres-
to EEG sleep studies, to animal studies of functional brain sive episodes that are on a bipolar spectrum (Fountoulakis et al.,
changes associated with the recently successful antipsychotic 2012; Phelps et al., 2008; Sidor and MacQueen, 2011). Given
and antidepressant medications. Family and twin studies such findings, bipolar spectrum concepts have attempted to
attested to the familial transmission of various major disor- unify our understanding of the fluidity between unipolar disor-
ders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depressive ders, bipolar disorders, and monomanic disorders, and, within
disorders. Technology accelerated and in the late 1980s and each of these disorders, the fluidity between normal symptom

390 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

expression, temperamental expression, and full disorder expres- T O WA R D F U T U R E M O DE L S: D S M- 5 AN D
sion (Angst, 2007; Phelps et al., 2008). R E SE A R C H DO M A I N C R I T E R I A

Current categorical diagnoses based on clinical consensus have

failed to align with findings emerging from clinical science and
genetics, which has slowed the development of new treatments
In the area of psychopharmacologic treatment, which stimu- targeted to underlying pathological mechanisms. As men-
lated our current era of psychobiologic, genetic, and imag- tioned previously, it has been proposed that studying various
ing research, it has become clear that, while medications are measurable behavioral traits and dimensions, and looking for
approved by the Federal Drug Administration as efficacious correlates with various domains such as genetics, electrical
for various diagnostic categories such as Major Depressive brain functions, or imaging studies, may produce more use-
Disorder or Bipolar Disorder, these medications actually seem ful findings than looking for correlates of these domains using
to address various “behavioral dimensions” that cross diagnos- categorical diagnoses. Such proposals have led to the develop-
tic categories. ment of the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) by the NIMH
Neither the DSM-IV-TR nor the ICD-10 encourages (Insel and Cuthbert, 2010).
dimensional characterization of manic, mixed, or depressed Behavioral dimensions such as depression, anxiety, psy-
episodes according to the relative severity of specific symp- chosis, impulsivity, irritability, agitation, emotional liability,
tom components such as depressed mood, motor retardation, anhedonia, blunting, and negative affect are all “targets” for
anxiety/agitation, insomnia, hostility/interpersonal sensitivity, psychotropic medication, various electronic treatments, and
anhedonia, or suicidality (Bagby et al., 2004; Katz et al., 2004). psychotherapies. Many of these symptom complexes occur
Katz et al. (2011) have argued for the regular measurement of across categorical diagnoses. For instance, various forms
specific symptom components in treatment studies. Symptom of psychosis occur across schizophrenia, mood disorders,
components of depressed mood, motor retardation, and hostil- dementias, drug addictions, and even borderline personal-
ity appear to respond differentially to distinct classes of phar- ity disorder. Impulsivity is seen as a behavioral trait across a
macotherapy. Such differential responses appear to arise early similar range of disorders. The RDoC hope to leverage such
in the course of pharmacotherapy, and these early responses cross-cutting behavioral dimensions in order to better under-
appear to predict later overall and sustained responses. stand the pathogenesis of mental illness, and develop the next
Symptom components that cluster together in factor analytic generation of treatments.
studies, and show differential responses to treatment, may Currently, DSM-5 is under development for release
serve as candidate endophenotypes for further study. in 2013. Like DSM-IV-TR, DSM-5 has used literature
For example, a study by Katz et al. (2004) showed that reviews, results of field trials, review of proposed changes
symptom components of major depression, identified by by a scientific review committee, and, where necessary,
cluster analysis, not only include symptoms absent from review of changes by a community public health review
the accepted DSM criteria, but also show different response committee, as the basis for decisions about changes in diag-
times when treated with noradrenergic versus serotonergic nostic criteria, or the addition/deletion of diagnoses. In
medications. Another study, by Martinotti et al. (2012), dem- addition, DSM-5 has also used feedback from Internet post-
onstrated differential improvement of anhedonia in major ings of changes under consideration. DSM-5 has retained
depressive disorder using agomelatine versus venlafaxine most of the diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV-TR, but has added
XR, in the context of equivalent improvement of the overall a dimensional perspective to diagnoses in some areas such
syndrome. as mood disorders, psychotic disorders, and personality
Study of other behavioral components of depression such disorders, in order to address diagnostic overlap and increase
as anticipatory anhedonia, consummatory anhedonia, psycho- the clinical information relevant for treatment planning.
motor slowing, anxiety-agitation, or angry impulsiveness, may Evidence showing the existence of frequent mixed symp-
yield specific targets for treatment, or reveal correlations with toms across mania, hypomania, and depression (depressive
research domains such as genetic endophenotypes, brain cir- symptoms in the manias and manic or hypomanic symptoms
cuit changes, epigenetic events like childhood abuse or adver- in depression) has led to a mixed specifier in DSM-5, allow-
sity, or biomarkers such as HPA axis activation or changes in ing the clinician to acknowledge the presence of a mood
glucocorticoid receptor function. disorder spectrum in treatment planning. Building evidence
The use of theoretically related clinical components, such for the importance of comorbid anxiety symptoms in the
as decisional anhedonia, anxiety severity, and impulsiveness prognosis and treatment mood disorders has also led to the
with affective lability, may also come to prove more useful for availability of an anxiety severity dimension across all mood
understanding the clinical effect of various available or experi- disorder diagnoses in DSM-5. Finally, across all DSM-5 diag-
mental medications (e.g., ketamine, pramipexole) with fairly noses, clinicians will be asked to record their assessment of
well understood mechanisms of action. A categorical diagnosis the level of concern for suicide in individual patients. The
supplemented by severity measures of various behavioral com- suicide risk assessment will be based off of a list of risk factors
ponents of mood disorders may prove a valuable advance in for suicide, in combination with the clinician’s own clinical
clinical utility compared to categorical diagnoses alone. Studies judgment, and will be reflected in the clinician’s treatment
by Katz et al. may prove a starting point for such efforts. plan.

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f the three major psychiatric disorders in adults— four of eight additional criteria (five of eight in the Feighner
schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depres- and RDC versions) for two or more weeks, with impairment
sive disorder—major depression has proven to be the of function. Major depressive disorder is defined by depressive
most challenging for modern genetic methods. This is perhaps episodes without certain additional features: the diagnosis is
not surprising, given that major depression is the most com- bipolar type I disorder if manic episodes are observed (with or
mon and the most influenced by non-genetic factors. Here we without depression); bipolar type II disorder if there are depres-
will review the progress that has been made with an emphasis sive episodes plus milder hypomanic episodes; and, if psychotic
on more recent findings, discuss the challenges that remain, symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations are present well
and point to possible directions for future research. beyond the depressive episode, either schizoaffective disorder
or schizophrenia (depending on the relative duration of mood
and psychotic symptoms). These criteria for major depressive
DE FININ G D EP RES S IO N FO R G E N E T I C disorder have proven remarkably robust. The diagnosis can be
S TUDIE S made reasonably reliably on the basis of self-report or by inter-
views conducted in-person, by telephone, or with informants
Genetic researchers face the same problem that has vexed clini- such as family members (family history); and it is predictive of
cians for centuries: how to classify the sad and painful mood increased risk of recurrent depression, response to antidepres-
states that are among the most important non-infectious causes sant treatments compared with placebo, and increased risk of
of morbidity and disability throughout the world according to depression in relatives.
World Health Organization statistics. Most people experience On the other hand, no clinician or researcher believes that
periods of sadness in their lives, often in response to painful these criteria define a single “illness.” A large proportion of
events. At the other extreme, the most disabling forms of “clini- the population (12–20%) experiences at least one depressive
cal depression” involve periods ranging from weeks to years episode (Hasin et al., 2005; Weissman et al., 1996). It is twice
or even decades when the individual is consumed by a mental as frequent in females as in males, for reasons that remain
state (“melancholia” in ancient terminology) that seems obvi- unclear. There is great diversity in the severity, acute features,
ously abnormal even to a casual observer: feelings of sadness, and lifelong course of depression across individuals. No major
desolation, and guilt; a painful absence of the slightest pleasure; genetic effects or robust biological markers have been identi-
suicidal impulses or acts; an inability to concentrate or make fied. Although clinicians tend to believe that some patients
decisions (sometimes reaching a state of complete incapacita- have particularly severe, disabling forms of depression, no
tion); and a set of characteristic physical symptoms including objective subtyping method has ever been validated or widely
disturbed sleep, appetite, energy, and movement (either agitated accepted, either for categories or for continuous variables.
or slowed). Another approach (adopted by some molecular Similarly, while there are potential “endophenotypes” (vari-
genetic studies) is to define continuous, normally distributed ables that may represent biological variation underlying the
personality traits such as “neuroticism” (more descriptively trait of interest, such as depression), such as imaging and gene
labeled “negative emotionality”), an index of the degree to expression assays, there is no variable that has been clearly
which someone experiences unpleasant mood states and anxiety shown to define a more heritable or homogeneous subtype of
in diverse situations throughout life. depression.
Most modern genetic studies have focused on the category
of major depressive disorder, which has remained essentially
constant from the introduction of the Washington University G E N E T I C E P I DE M I O L O G Y O F MAJOR
or Feighner Criteria in 1972 through the DSM-IV criteria in DE P R E SSI V E DI SO R DE R
1994, as reviewed elsewhere (Maj, 2012). Previous criteria
(such as DSM-II) had used categories such as “neurotic” and Definitions of phenotypes for molecular genetic studies of
“reactive” depression, which mixed causal assumptions with depression have been informed by genetic epidemiological
vague descriptions of signs and symptoms. Major depressive studies, that is, investigations of relatives (including the spe-
episodes, by contrast, have been defined by a simple checklist of cial case of twins) that attempt to tease out categories or con-
behaviors and experiences that could be readily observed and tinuous variables that are both familial and heritable, and to
reported by most people: dysphoric mood state plus at least determine the extent to which they are related to each other.

396 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

These studies have arrived at a number of consistent conclu- relatives of ill versus control probands (the latter serving
sions, although there are also important unresolved issues. as an estimate for the general population, using the same
It is clear that major depression aggregates in families, and diagnostic methods in both groups), as an estimate of the
(based on twin and adoption studies) that this familial aggre- true ratio of these risks in the population. (Here, “relative”
gation is likely to be due to genetic factors (Sullivan et al., risk refers to the risk in group A vs. group B, rather than
2000). These factors do not act in a simple Mendelian fash- to the fact that “relatives” are being studied.) For major
ion (major dominant or recessive effects of single mutations) depression, the RR to first-degree relatives across studies
in any substantial number of cases, based on the pattern of is a little under three (Sullivan et al., 2000). Genetic
depression in families and the failure to find large single researchers are actually interested in the increase in risk
pedigrees in which a mutation could be detected by link- attributable to each specific genetic mutation or variation,
age methods. Thus, major depression is considered a com- because this determines the power to detect the effect
plex trait, with multiple DNA sequence variations likely to be with a given study design and sample size. For a complex
combining to influence risk in many cases, with non-genetic disorder, it is not known in advance how many genetic
factors interacting with genes or perhaps entirely causing loci are interacting to influence risk, or whether mutations
depression in some cases. with larger effects (which would be easier to find) might be
Two parameters have been of great interest to genetic present in some individuals. We now know that there is a
investigators in planning studies of complex traits: heritability, close relationship between how harmful a DNA sequence
typically estimated from twin studies, and relative risk, based variant is (i.e., its RR for a disease) and its frequency (the
on family studies: proportion of chromosomes in a population on which
it is found) (Boyko et al., 2008). Family-based linkage
methods are appropriate to search for rare variants with
1. Heritability is the total proportion of the variance in the
at least moderately large effects on risk (at least 5- or
trait in a population that is due to genes. For a categorical
10-fold increases) in one or a proportion of families
trait such as a diagnosis, this is based on the proportions
(Levinson, 1993), while genome-wide association study
of identical (monozygotic, MZ) versus non-identical
(GWAS) methods use very large samples to search for
(dizygotic, DZ) twins of ill probands who are also ill.
more common variants whose individual effects have
While in theory a higher MZ concordance could be due to
generally proven to be quite small (usually up to 10–15%
non-genetic, for example, obstetric, factors, in practice this
increases in risk) (McCarthy et al., 2008). Our failure to
is rarely the case. There would be little point to molecular
observe clear linkage in single pedigrees suggests that
genetic studies of a trait without substantial heritability.
loci with very large effects on depression risk either do
The largest meta-analysis of twin studies of major
not exist or are extremely rare. The absence of significant
depression estimated heritability at 0.37 (Sullivan et al.,
GWAS findings to date, despite sample sizes similar to
2000). This estimate is driven by large population-based
those that have been successful in schizophrenia and
twin studies in which clinically less severe cases tend to
bipolar disorder, suggests that the effects of individual loci
predominate. Higher heritability estimates of 50–70% have
are quite small and/or that etiologic heterogeneity is very
been observed in a few small twin studies of more severe
high, perhaps with multiple genetic risk mechanisms and
cases recruited from clinical settings (Kendler et al., 1995;
diversity in the importance of genetic and non-genetic
McGuffin et al., 1996), and from a twin study in which
factors in subsets of cases that cannot currently be
unreliability of self-report was taken into account (by
considering depression to be present if it was reported in
at least one of two interviews) (Kendler, Neale et al., 1993).
A more recent large registry-based study was consistent
with the meta-analytic result, but estimated significantly
higher heritability in women (0.42) than in men (0.29),
Given these challenges, it would be helpful to be able to focus
a difference that had been considered controversial
genetic studies on cases whose relatives are at the greatest risk
previously (Kendler et al., 2006). The large sample sizes
of depression, suggesting a greater involvement of genetic
required for current molecular genetic study designs have
factors and perhaps larger locus-specific effects. Substantial
been attained in most cases by recruiting all individuals
efforts have been made to identify characteristics of probands
who have major depression criteria during at least one
that predict familial risk (as a proxy for involvement of genetic
period in their life. But heritability of 37% is modest, which
factors), but the results remain controversial. Several proband
might explain why more significant genetic findings have
characteristics have been reported by different investigators
been obtained for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, with
to have some predictive value: recurrent episodes (Sullivan
heritabilities of 70% or more. Ideally, larger twin and family
et al., 2000), earlier age at onset (AO) (Levinson et al., 2003;
studies of more clinically severe cases might be used to
Weissman et al., 1984), severity as indexed by the number of
define subtypes with higher heritability, but such studies are
MDD criteria endorsed by each subject (Kendler et al., 2007),
difficult to carry out.
and depression in both the parental and grandparental gen-
2. Relative risk (RR) is an odds ratio computed from the eration, with anxiety being an early sign of risk (Grillon et al.,
lifetime risks of disease in groups of (usually first-degree) 2005). A review of family studies of major depression (Sullivan

3 0 G E N E T I C S O F D E P R E S S I O N | 397

et al., 2000) found that recurrent episodes in the proband were relatives of controls; for major depression in relatives, esti-
most consistently predictive of familial risk. mated lifetime risks in the same groups were 14.1%, 17.9%,
The present author has interpreted the available evidence and 5.2% (although recent studies produced higher estimates
as suggesting that the familial nature of depression cases in for major depression in all groups). In almost all studies, the
genetic studies might be increased by requiring at least two risk of major depression is similarly increased in relatives of
episodes (persisting beyond 18 years of age), with age at onset bipolar-I and major depression probands, while the risk of
of a full depressive syndrome before the age of 30 and evidence bipolar disorders is increased approximately 10-fold in rela-
of recurrent depression in a parent or sibling (Levinson et al., tives of bipolar probands, but not significantly in relatives of
2003), although younger age at onset also might introduce het- major depression probands. Because the prevalence of major
erogeneity due to greater overlap with bipolar disorder and a depression in the population is so much higher than that of
greater role for childhood psychological trauma. But no very bipolar disorders, the relatives of bipolar patients are much
large epidemiological or family study has provided a reliable more likely to develop major depressive than bipolar disor-
estimate of the RR to first-degree relatives of probands with ders. Based on twin data, it has been estimated that bipolar
both early onset and recurrence. There is one informative large and major depressive (“unipolar”) disorders share some, but
population-based study of almost 14,000 adult twin pairs from not most, of their genetic risk factors (Craddock and Forty,
the Swedish National Twin Registry (Kendler et al., 2007). Age 2006), and this seems consistent with the family study data:
at onset, recurrence, and number of endorsed criteria (as an genetic factors that underlie bipolar disorders also increase
index of severity) each predicted increased familial risk, but the risk of major depression, but it seems likely that only a
more modestly than would have been predicted by previous minority of individuals with major depression have a substan-
studies. However, RRs were not computed. tially increased genetic risk of bipolar disorder.
Investigators have also differed in their approaches to the The situation appears even more complex if one considers
relationship between depression and anxiety. In population- the distinction between bipolar-I and -II disorders. While few
based twin studies, it has become clear that there is a substantial of the large family studies have considered these disorders sep-
overlap in the genetic factors that predispose to major depres- arately with adequate groups of control relatives, it appears that
sion and to anxiety disorders, based on mathematical modeling in relatives of bipolar-II probands there may be a greater risk of
of their co-occurrence in individuals and in MZ versus DZ twin bipolar-II than of bipolar-I disorder, that is, there may be some
pairs (Kendler et al., 2003). This close relationship is reflected genetic differences between those two disorders (Smoller and
in the fact that factor-analytic studies of questionnaire-based Finn, 2003). This is of interest to major depression research-
data on persisting personality traits always identify a major ers, because while the severe manic episodes of bipolar-I dis-
factor similar to what Eysenck termed “neuroticism” (McCrae order are starkly different from anything experienced by major
and John, 1992), which is measured with questions about depression patients, there is a continuum of clinical presenta-
chronic tendencies to feel dysphoric and anxious, particularly tions among individuals with predominately depressive disor-
in response to stress. Some genetic investigators have studied ders ranging from those who have never experienced anything
neuroticism (or similar dimensional scores) rather than clini- remotely resembling mania, to those who experience brief
cal categories, or have defined phenotypes based either on “subthreshold” periods that resemble hypomania, to those
depression-or-anxiety diagnoses or a composite score reflect- in whom clear-cut hypomania is a recurrent and significant
ing both depression and anxiety symptoms (see the following). problem (leading to a bipolar-II diagnosis). Those of us who
However, most genetic studies have focused on major depres- treat patients with severe, recurrent mood disorders see many
sion as a categorical diagnosis, and alternative definitions have individuals in whom the degree of subtle “bipolarity” is dif-
not yet succeeded in producing more robust findings. ficult to judge. By contrast, large population-based depression
studies typically use diagnostic methods that are not sensitive
to bipolar symptoms (i.e., they are not asked about them at all,
R E LATIO NS H IP O F MA JO R D EP R E SSI O N or screening is brief, or interviewers are not trained to explore
TO B IPO L A R D IS O RD ER A ND these symptoms), and most of the depression cases observed in
S CHIZOP H RENIA these studies seem to be milder and less complex than those in
specialized clinical settings.
The relationship between major depression and bipolar disor- The issue is illustrated by our experiences in the Genetics of
der is complex and poorly understood. Clinically, most patients Recurrent Early-onset Depression (GenRED) study (Levinson
with bipolar-I disorders experience both major depressive et al., 2003, 2007; Shi et al., 2011). In the initial planning
and manic episodes (some experience only mania), while stages for the first phase of the project that recruited multi-
bipolar-II disorder is defined by recurrent depressive episodes ply affected families, several collaborators argued that a large
plus hypomanic episodes. A review of the familial relation- proportion of individuals with recurrent, early-onset depres-
ships among bipolar and unipolar disorders (Smoller and sion would prove to have bipolar-II disorder. We therefore
Finn, 2003) computed summary risks based on family stud- expanded the hypomania section of the Diagnostic Interview
ies (and few additional data have been published since then): for Genetic Studies, and stressed this area during interviewer
the estimated lifetime risk of any bipolar disorder (I or II) training. During recruitment, potential probands with any
was 8.7% in relatives of bipolar probands (mostly bipolar-I), clear episode of mania or hypomania were excluded, as were
2.2% in relatives of major depression probands, and 0.7% in individuals with any sibling or parent in whom a bipolar

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disorder could not be ruled out with reasonable confidence et al., 1993; Maier et al., 1993). Thus, molecular genetics investi-
by either direct interview or indirect family history data. This gators are currently using GWAS data to search for genetic asso-
was not a population-based study—subjects were either vol- ciations that cut across diagnostic boundaries among mood and
unteers responding to announcements about families with two psychotic disorders, as discussed in the following.
or more depressed siblings, or were recruited from clinical
settings—and severity was typically high. In the 680 families
in the final family sample, 4% (47) of the 1,158 directly inter- A DV E R SE L I F E E V E N T S I N C L UD I N G
viewed affected siblings received diagnoses of bipolar-II disor- C HI L DHO O D T R A U M A
der, which is higher than the frequency in control relatives in
available studies and similar to the frequency among relatives It is now well established that individuals who experience more,
of bipolar-I or bipolar-II probands. Thus, while it was certainly and more severe, adverse (stressful) life events are at increased
not impossible (as some had feared) to collect a large sample of risk of depression (Nanni et al., 2012) and other psychiatric
purely depressed probands and siblings, some degree of over- disorders (Nelson et al., 2002) during adulthood. Early separa-
lap with bipolar-II disorder is suggested by the data. tion from a parent is also a risk factor (Kendler et al., 2002).
Many efforts have been made to identify clinical fea- More severe abuse (e.g., sexual abuse with penetration) con-
tures to differentiate “true” major depression from depres- fers greater risk (Kendler et al., 2004). A recent meta-analysis
sion that is more closely related to bipolar disorders, despite of 16 epidemiological studies reported an odds ratio of 2.27 for
the absence of manic episodes. Investigators have looked at increased risk of recurrent and persistent (long duration) major
predictors of subsequent appearance of mania in depression depression after childhood abuse, as well as an increased risk of
patients (Beesdo et al., 2009; Zimmermann et al., 2009), dif- non-response to depression treatment (OR = 1.43) in 10 studies
ferences between depressive features in unipolar versus bipo- (Nanni et al., 2012). There is evidence that early psychological
lar patients (Blacker et al., 1996; Zimmermann et al., 2009), trauma may have diverse neurobiological effects on the devel-
and subtyping of major depression cases in the families of oping brain, including alterations of hypothalamic-pituitary
bipolar probands. (Mitchell et al., 2011) Consistent empiri- axis function and structural and functional brain changes,
cal support is lacking for discrete subtypes. Two recent stud- which have been hypothesized to mediate the vulnerability
ies have taken fresh looks at this question. A longitudinal to persistent adult psychopathology (McCrory et al., 2010).
population-based study (Zimmermann et al., 2009) identi- These findings raise the question of whether adverse events are
fied individuals with histories of depression with or without an independent “cause” of depression and other disorders, or
subthreshold manic symptoms. Those with such symptoms whether their effects interact with genotype.
were more likely to have a family history of bipolar disor- This has been studied indirectly, using family history of
der and to develop mania during follow-up (7.2% vs. 1.7% depression as a proxy for genetic risk, in the same longitudi-
in those with no manic symptoms). The study was unusual nal population-based study previously discussed with regard
in that manic symptoms were carefully explored in subjects to bipolar disorder (Zimmermann et al., 2008). During a
from a population-based design, and interestingly, over 40% 10-year follow-up period, individuals with histories of early
of depression cases did report what the investigators inter- separation or any of seven types of adverse events (including
preted as subtle manic symptoms, suggesting that the prev- childhood abuse), had an increased risk of major depression
alence of manic symptoms in the population might have (OR = 1.8). However, an interaction between adverse events
been underestimated previously. A study of the relatives of and genetic liability was demonstrated: adverse events did
probands with bipolar disorders compared the features of not increase risk of depression in those with no family his-
depressive episodes in relatives with either unipolar depres- tory; but in those with a family history, family history alone
sive or bipolar disorders (Mitchell et al., 2011). The major increased risk (OR = 1.6 vs. those with neither family his-
depressive relatives could be clustered into two groups, one of tory or adverse events), and adverse events conferred a fur-
which had features that were also more frequent in the bipo- ther increase (OR = 1.6 vs. those with family history and no
lar depression relatives (such as psychomotor retardation and adverse events; OR = 2.5 vs. those with neither a family his-
difficulty thinking). Findings like these might prove useful tory or adverse events). Thus, it is possible that large genetic
for subtyping subjects in genetic studies of mood disorders, studies of depression cases with versus without adverse events
with the caveat that it is difficult to rate subtle clinical features such as childhood abuse could detect sequence variants that
consistently in studies (such as the GWAS described later) in contribute to this interaction.
which thousands of subjects are evaluated at multiple sites.
Family studies have also demonstrated that relatives of
probands with schizophrenia are at increased risk of major M O L E C U L A R G E N E T I C ST U DI ES :
depression (Gershon et al., 1988; Maier et al., 1993). An increased OVERVIEW
risk of schizophrenia and of schizoaffective-depressed disorder
has been reported in the relatives of probands with the psychotic Three types of studies will be reviewed here.
form of major depression (depressive episode with psychotic
features—usually delusional beliefs with themes consistent with (i) Linkage analysis was the first approach that permitted
depressive ideas—that remit with the depression), although not searching the genome in an unbiased fashion for genetic
in the relatives of non-psychotic depressive probands (Kendler factors underlying a disease or trait. Linkage studies use

3 0 G E N E T I C S O F D E P R E S S I O N | 399

hundreds or thousands of sequence variants scattered L I N K A G E ST U DI E S
throughout the genome as markers to determine
whether ill members in the same family tend to share The 10 genome-wide linkage studies of depression that have
the same marker alleles in specific locations, suggesting been reported to date are described in Table 30.1. As shown
that an etiologic variant might exist somewhere in a in the table, only two (Holmans; Breen) focus on the major
broad region (tens of millions of nucleic acids). Several depression phenotype and have sample sizes that might be
large and a few other small linkage studies of major considered reasonable for the study of complex traits (more
depression have been reported, with several significant than 500 families, more than 1,000 cases); two were primarily
findings that have not yet been linked to specific genes. studies of alcohol (Nurnberger, Pergadia) or cocaine depen-
Linkage methods have been dramatically successful for dence (Yang), in which the analysis focused on the pheno-
Mendelian diseases, but usually not for complex diseases type of a major depressive episode and/or dependence; and
as noted previously. one (Schol-Gelok) defined depression on the basis of symp-
tom scores or history of antidepressant treatment rather than
(ii) The GWAS is a more recent, and potentially more
assessment of major depression. Two of the studies were ana-
powerful, method to search for associations between
lyzed twice. Zubenko and colleagues reanalyzed their original
a disease and specific sequenced variants throughout
linkage data to provide better empirical estimation of signifi-
the genome (McCarthy et al., 2008; Visscher et al.,
cance levels, but the sample, diagnoses, genotypes, and main
2012). A GWAS interrogates only the more common
findings were the same in both analyses. Two separate analyses
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the
have been published that used the same set of genotypes for
genome (and other common variants, such as copy
a sample of Utah families ascertained through major depres-
number polymorphisms, that might be nearby),
sion probands—with many of the nuclear families forming
taking advantage of the phenomenon of linkage
distantly related clusters: once (Abkevich et al., 2003) with
disequilibrium (LD; correlation of SNPs within small
bipolar-I and -II relatives included as affected, and then (Camp
chromosomal segments called LD blocks) to permit
et al., 2005) with only the recurrent early-onset major depres-
panels of between 500,000 and several million SNPs
sion cases, and also with anxiety disorders considered as a
to detect associations to most of the common SNPs in
related phenotype (analyses of depression-or-anxiety and of
the genome. GWAS methods have been extraordinarily
depression-and-anxiety). Overall, the three largest analyses
successful in detecting associations for many common,
(Camp, Holmans, Breen) required recurrent major depression,
complex diseases and traits, including schizophrenia
two also required early onset (Camp, Holmans), and the third
(Ripke et al., 2011) and bipolar disorder (Sklar et al.,
had primarily early-onset probands (Breen).
Two of these larger studies reported findings that were
(iii) Most published molecular genetic studies of major significant after correction for genome-wide testing. The
depression have focused on candidate genes, and GenRED study (Levinson et al., 2007) reported significant
particularly on just a few polymorphisms that are known linkage to recurrent early-onset major depression on chro-
to have functional effects—for example, changes in mosome 15q25–26, with a Kong-Cox lod score of 4.78 in
expression of genes that influence neurotransmitters that 631 European-ancestry families after fine-mapping with SNPs
are modulated by antidepressant drugs. Recently, many (after scanning the genome with microsatellite markers). No
of these studies have been motivated by a model first other study has reported significant linkage in this region,
suggested by Caspi and colleagues (Caspi et al., 2003), although two other studies reported that the same region
who reported that adverse life events interact with the yielded one of their better linkage results (Breen et al., 2011b;
“short” allele in the promoter region of SLC6A4, the Camp et al., 2005). The DENT study (Breen et al., 2011b)
gene that encodes the serotonin transporter protein reported significant linkage to recurrent major depression on
that transports serotonin back into the presynaptic chromosome 3p25–26, with a lod score of 4.0 in 839 families
cell from the synapse, and which is blocked by many using a dense microsatellite marker set. Significant linkage
antidepressant drugs. in the 3p25–26 region was also reported in a second, much
smaller study (Pergadia et al., 2011) of 116 families originally
A fourth area of research involves study of genome-wide gene selected from a population-based sample for heavy smoking,
expression using microarray technology (and in the future, but which had two or more members with major depression.
RNA sequencing methods). Both environmental and genetic Another interesting region is on chromosome 8p (interest-
factors influence gene expression, but if a “signature” of genes ingly, the same region that has produced the best linkage find-
with increased or decreased expression could be identified in ings in schizophrenia, although not reaching a genome-wide
subsets of depression cases, the basis for the alterations could significant level across studies (Ng et al., 2009), and which has
then be sought. These studies bear directly on the molecular produced among the stronger (but not individually significant)
pathology of depression (Chapter 33 of this volume) and will findings in several depression linkage studies and also in stud-
not be reviewed here. They do not yet intersect with research ies of neuroticism and related traits (see the following).
on specific genetic sequence variants as risk factors, but a The larger question is whether linkage findings will prove
convergence of these approaches is a goal of both fields of useful in elucidating the genetic susceptibility to depression.
research. Investigators (including the present author) applied linkage

400 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 30. 1. Genome-wide linkage scans of depression and related phenotypes


Nurnberger, 2001 262 839 Alcohol dependence + MD Suggestive (1p31.1, AD, or MD)
(235); MDD (94); Alcohol Suggestive (7q 150 cM, MD)
dependence (604)

Zubenko, 2002 81 unclear MDD-RE, MDD-R, “major” Significant (2q33-35)

Maher, 2010 mood disorders, “all” mood
disorders, “depressive
spectrum” disorders. Sex as

Utah studya
Abkevich, 2003 110 1,107 MDD or BP-I or BP-II (probands Significant (12q22-23.2)

Camp, 2005 87 75–718b MDD-RE; MDD-RE or anxiety Suggestive (MDD-RE or anxiety—

(19–112)b disorder; MDD-RE plus anxiety 3p12-q12, 7p; MDD-RE and
disorder. anxiety—18q21-22)

Holmans, 2007 656 1,748 MDD-RE Significant (15q25–26)

Levinson, 2007 Suggestive, sex effect (8p22-p21.3,

Middeldorp, 2009 133 278 MDD (from samples selected Suggestive (17q, 8p, 2q)
for high depression/anxiety
factor scores)

Ayub, 2008 1 63 MDD (mostly recurrent) None

Schol-Gelok, 2010 45c 115 Elevated depression symptom Significant (2p16.1-15)d

scores or antidepressant

Breen, 2011 839 2,164 MDD-R; severe MDD-R; very Significant (3p25-26)
severe MDD-R

Yang, 2011 384 (AA) unclear Cocaine dependence; MDD; Significant (7q36.3 for CD+MDE in
355 (EA) both (~52%, 25%, and 23% of AA)
cases) Suggestive (multiple)

Pergadia, 2011 116 270 MDD (families selected for Significant (3p25-26)
heavy smoking)

“Significant” (5% probability of false positive result) and “suggestive” (expected < once per genome scan) results are noted, generally based on
permutation tests. MDD-RE = recurrent, early-onset mdd (onset < age 25 in Zubenko et al; <31 in Holmans et al. (<41 for cases other than probands)
and in Camp et al. MDD-R = recurrent MDD. MD = major depression ± comorbid alcohol or substance use. BP = bipolar. AA = African American.
EA = European ancestry.
a. Abkevich et al. and Camp et al. drew their pedigrees from the same Utah sample. Abkevich et al. considered all MDD cases plus BP-I and BP-II as
affected, and selected families with four or more such cases. Camp et al. considered MDD-RE cases (and/or, in alternative analyses, all DSM-IV anxiety
disorders) as affected, excluded BP cases, and selected families with 3 or more MDD-RE cases.
b. 87 large families studied. P-values were corrected for multiple testing: for each of three diagnostic models, pedigrees were split for analysis by limiting the
genealogies to 3, 4, 5, or 6 generations. The N of families and of affected cases varied with diagnostic model and genealogical rule.
c. Nuclear families that were distantly related within an isolated population (analyses were corrected for this relatedness).
d. Note that this study used a map of ~6,000 SNPs but did not mention any correction for the inflation of linkage scores that occurs when there is
linkage disequilibrium between markers in a region.
* References: (Abkevich et al., 2003; Ayub et al., 2008; Breen et al., 2011b; Camp et al., 2005; Holmans et al., 2007; Levinson et al., 2007; Maher et al., 2010;
Middeldorp et al., 2009; Nurnberger et al., 2001; Pergadia et al., 2011; Schol-Gelok et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2011; Zubenko et al., 2002)

methods to depression because they represented the only unbi- likely to be met by most complex disorders. Linkage studies of
ased, genome-wide scanning method available before the avail- small samples are mostly likely to be successful when one or a
ability of GWAS arrays and whole-genome sequencing. But we very small number of mutations can individually cause a disease
have learned a great deal more about the genome since then, in a Mendelian (dominant or recessive) fashion, such that single
and it is now more apparent that linkage studies are successful large pedigrees, or a small sample of nuclear families or sibling
when the genetic architecture of a trait (the number, frequency, pairs, can produce significant results. Such findings have never
and effect sizes of the causative variants) has features that are not been observed for depression. Variants with smaller effect sizes

3 0 G E N E T I C S O F D E P R E S S I O N | 401

can be detected, but only in much larger samples and only if they achieved genome-wide-corrected significance in any of the
are carried by a substantial minority of cases. As an example of analyses. Thus, linkage analyses of neuroticism have not been
a genetic model that would result in reasonable power to detect more successful than those of major depression, and the same
linkage, if 30% of probands in a study carried a variant whose issues previously discussed for depression would apply to link-
population frequency was 4%, and if carriers of that variant had age studies of a complex, normally distributed trait like neu-
a 35% risk of illness compared with 1.38% for non-carriers, then roticism. A full discussion of neuroticism and related studies is
the population frequency of the disease would be 4%, the increase beyond the scope of this chapter.
in risk to sibs in those families would be 3.5, and the increase
in risk to siblings that would be observed in the population as a
whole—due to that specific variant—would be 27%, which is the G E N O M E - W I DE A SSO C I AT I O N S TUD I E S
lower limit of the effect that can be reliably detected in 800–1,000
affected sibling pairs. The ratio of risks (penetrances) to carriers
versus non-carriers (25) is comparable to the odds ratio for geno- Eight Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) analyses of
typic risk, but we now know that SNPs with population frequen- major depression have been reported (Table 30.2), and others
cies as high as 4% virtually never contribute to serious diseases are in progress. The Psychiatric GWAS Consortium carried out
with an OR of 25. Alternatively, there could be one gene in a link- a mega-analysis of these datasets (Major Depressive Disorder
age region (or, more likely, several risk genes in the same region) Working Group of the Psychiatric GWAS Consortium, 2012): in
in which many different families in the population were carrying a collaborative effort, a central analysis team was provided with
very rare variants with high penetrances—but one would expect the original genotypes for each study, applied identical quality
that in this case there would be many large, multiply affected control procedures to each dataset, identified and eliminated
families in which significant linkage could be detected in each any duplication of samples based on genotypes (i.e., when there
family separately, which is not the case. was overlap in control samples, or occasionally when the same
Nevertheless, linkage studies do have some advantages over case was enrolled in more than one study), computed principal
current GWAS methods. Whereas GWAS can only detect the component scores reflecting ancestry differences, imputed gen-
(small) effects of common SNPs, linkage analysis in very large otypes for all un-typed SNPs in each sample from the HapMap
samples could detect the aggregate effects of many rare vari- 3 SNP set for a total of 1.2 million SNPs, and carried out asso-
ants in a region, each with moderate effects on risk, thus pri- ciation tests for each SNP with ancestry scores and study site as
oritizing that region for further study. It is quite possible that covariates. Then, additional investigators provided genotypes
all depression linkage findings are false positives. But there is from 7 independent datasets for 554 SNPs with p < 0.001 in the
another, more complex possibility. It is well known that when initial (discovery) sample, and a meta-analysis of the discovery
statistical effects are analyzed in samples that are underpow- and replication data was completed. As shown in Table 30.2, the
ered (i.e., too small to reliably detect the actual effect sizes), the discovery sample included 9,240 cases and 9,519 controls, and
measured effect sizes in each sample will vary widely around the replication sample included 6,783 cases and 50,695 controls
the true value (Goring et al., 2001). Thus, excessively high esti- (with most of these latter controls from the Icelandic dataset,
mates will be observed in some samples, and excessively low and thus only contributing to the analysis of that sample), for
values in others. This is one version of the “winner’s curse” a total of 16,023 cases in the final analysis. (Note that for some
effect—if one chooses the best test result out of many tests in studies, the dataset in the mega-analysis was different from its
an underpowered sample, the measured effect is likely to be a own publication, as described in the table legend, usually due
large overestimate, and will fail to “replicate” in other under- either to dividing up the datasets differently based on ancestry
powered samples. With a sufficiently large sample, the true and genotyping platform or to partitioning of control samples
effect size will be estimated with statistical significance, and will that were used in more than one study.)
replicate in a second sample of similar size. But if samples of There were no findings in this analysis that met the conven-
600–800 families cannot detect true effects reliably, then many tional genome-wide-corrected significance threshold (P < 5 ×
thousands of families would be required, and funding for such 10–8). A series of planned secondary analyses was also carried out:
a study is highly unlikely. Therefore we will not know whether separate analysis of females (N = 6,118) and males (N = 3,122)
any depression risk variants exist in the best depression linkage versus same-sex controls; of all controls versus cases with recur-
regions until whole-genome or targeted sequencing methods rent major depression (N = 6,743), recurrent major depression
are applied to larger samples of cases and controls. with onset before age 31 (N = 4,710), onset before the age of 13
Note that there have also been genome-wide linkage (N = 774); and cases (N = 3,814) with high scores on a factor
studies of neuroticism as a continuous variable measured in score representing “typical” physiological features of depression
population-based samples, and of harm avoidance, a related (weight loss and insomnia). Age of onset was also analyzed as
measure. A recent rank-based meta-analysis of eight neu- a continuous trait, within cases. No significant findings were
roticism linkage scans with and without an additional three observed (correcting for genome-wide analysis but not for mul-
scans of anxiety disorders (Webb et al., 2012) reported that in tiple analysis models) in these underpowered subsamples.
the combined analysis, the top 12 “bins” (in 7 chromosomal A different type of secondary analysis did produce a posi-
regions), in aggregate, contained more highly ranked linkage tive result. This approach tests whether the independent SNPs
scores than expected by chance (none of them overlapping with the lowest P-values in one dataset (eliminating SNPs in
with the best major depression findings), but no single region LD with a more significant SNP) have the same direction of

402 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 30. 2. Genome-wide association studies of major depression




GAIN Netherlands 3,540 1,738 1,802 1,696 1,765 (Sullivan et al., 2009)

GenRED US 2,656 1,020 1,636 1,030 1,253 (Shi et al., 2011)

GSKa Germany 3,566 1,514 2,052 887 864 (Muglia et al., 2010)

MDD2000-QIMR Australia 6,104 2,431 3,673 1,450 1,711 (Wray et al., 2012)

MPIP Germany 719 353 366 376 537 (Ising et al., 2009)

RADIANT b Germany 1,968 604 1,364 935 1,290 (Lewis et al., 2010;
Rietschel et al., 2010)

RADIANT UK 3,230 1,636 1,594 1,625 1,588 (Lewis et al., 2010)

STAR*D US 2,857 1,221 1,636 1,241 511 (Shyn et al., 2011)

Totals 9,240 9,519


deCODE Iceland 1,067 33,162

GenPod/NEWMEDS UK 477 5,462 (Lewis et al., 2011)

Harvard i2b2 US 460 442

PsyCoLaus Switzerland 1,303 1,491 (Firmann et al., 2008)

SHIP-LEGEND Germany 313 1,493 (Volzke et al., 2011)

TwinGene Sweden 1,861 7,701

GenRED2/ US 1,302 944


Totals 6,783 50,695


PGC MDD 9,238 8,039 (Major Depressive

Disorder Working Group
of the Psychiatric GWAS
Consortium, 2012)

PGC BIP 6,998 7,775 (Sklar et al., 2011)

Totals 16,236 15,814

The PsyCoLaus sample was included in the published GSK report, but not the PGC discovery sample; it was included as a replication sample.
The Bonn/Mannheim sample and the German subsample of the RADIANT published report were combined for analysis in the PGC discovery analysis.

association in a second dataset (OR > 1 or OR < 1 for the same will be in the same direction. In the PGC depression analysis,
SNP allele), using a simple version of the sign test (one-sided) for female cases and controls, the discovery and replication
based on the binomial distribution: if none of the SNPs are datasets had ORs in the same direction for the best discovery
associated with the disease, then the ORs in the first dataset are SNPs significant more than 50% of the time (P < 0.006). The
positive by chance, and in the second dataset, half of the direc- analysis was not significant for the smaller subsample of males
tions should be consistent and half inconsistent. The assump- (P = 0.17) or for males and females combined (P = 0.05). This
tion here is that, even if none of the SNPs are significant after result suggests that some of the top SNPs contribute to disease
genome-wide correction, some of them may in fact be contrib- risk, but that the study was underpowered to detect association
uting to disease risk in a polygenic fashion. If the true effect with these SNPs at a significant level.
sizes are small, then the P-value in the first dataset represents The failure to detect significant SNP associations stands
an overestimate of the effect (i.e., winner’s curse). So the only in contrast to the PGC mega-analysis and replication analy-
prediction one can make in the second dataset is that the ORs ses, using identical methods, of schizophrenia (Ripke et al.,

3 0 G E N E T I C S O F D E P R E S S I O N | 403

2011) and of bipolar disorder (Sklar et al., 2011), both of which boundaries, and to estimate the overall correlation in the SNP
detected strongly significant associations; and to the many contributions to different disorders or traits. Two papers have
GWAS analyses of non-psychiatric disorders that detected investigated association to SNPs in the CACNAC1 gene (encod-
associations with similar sample sizes (see http://www.genome. ing the α-1C subunit of the L-type voltage-gated calcium chan-
gov/gwastudies/ for an up-to-date catalog of GWAS findings). nel), which had previously been reported to be significantly
A recent paper (Wray et al., 2012) discussed several ways to associated with bipolar disorder in two overlapping datasets (the
estimate the relative sample sizes needed to explain the same largest of which was the PGC bipolar mega-analysis) . The first
proportion of phenotypic variance in two diseases with differ- analysis, of quite small GWAS samples, reported that the most
ent heritabilities and prevalences. The authors point out that significant SNP in the bipolar analyses was also nominally asso-
GWAS has been most successful for disorders with high heri- ciated with major depression (P = 0.013) and with schizophre-
tability and low prevalence (such as schizophrenia and bipolar nia (P = 0.034), with similar ORs (1.15) as in the larger bipolar
disorder), rather than low heritability and high prevalence (such studies (Green et al., 2010). A second analysis, using over half of
as depression). Depending on the method and the assumptions the data used in the PGC bipolar analysis plus the GAIN major
made about genetic architecture of the disease, they estimate depression dataset, reported significant association to a com-
that GWAS analysis of depression would require 2.4–5 times bined bipolar-major depression phenotype (Liu et al., 2011).
as many cases as a schizophrenia analysis to detect the same A second finding was reported in a combined analysis of
proportion of total variance; given that the PGC schizophrenia the PGC major depression and bipolar disorder (BP-I) dis-
mega-analysis included approximately 10,000 cases, this would covery datasets after eliminating any sample overlap (16,236
mean that 24,000–50,000 cases would be desirable for major cases and 15,814 controls, Table 30.2), treating both disorders
depression. Or, if one assumes that hospitalized MDD (or some as a single phenotype. One significant finding was observed for
other definition of a clinical severe subtype) has a higher heri- multiple SNPs on chromosome 3p21.1 in a region containing
tability and lower prevalence, perhaps only 1.8 times as many many genes. Significant associations in this region were pre-
cases might be needed (18,000), but there were only 4,710 cases viously reported in a combined analysis of PGC bipolar and
in the PGC secondary analysis of recurrent early-onset major schizophrenia data (Sklar et al., 2011) and in a previous com-
depression, which tends to be clinically severe. Collecting such bined analysis of some of the same bipolar and major depres-
large samples would be very expensive. Some of us who study sion datasets included in the larger PGC analysis (McMahon
depression would argue that it would be worthwhile, given the et al., 2010). The PGC depression group suggested caution in
fact that GWAS studies of other diseases have produced many interpreting this as a cross-disorder finding, given that the
pathophysiological clues and the high worldwide burden of dis- bipolar cases provided most of the evidence for association,
ability from depression. But it is understandable that others in with the depression replications samples not supporting the
the scientific community might conclude otherwise, particu- finding. The same point was made in a comment (Breen et al.,
larly during difficult economic times. 2011a) on the McMahon et al. combined analysis.
Copy number variants (chromosomal deletions and dupli- The sign test approach, discussed earlier for evaluating con-
cations) are also detected from GWAS array data. Three groups sistency between PGC depression discovery and replication
have reported on CNV analyses of major depression to date. A samples, was also applied to the depression-bipolar analysis.
significant association was reported between major depression There were 176 independent SNPs in this analysis (drawn from
and duplications that spanned SLIT3, CCDC99, and DOCK2, both the depression and bipolar analyses). Of the 100 SNPs
observed in 5 of 1,693 cases (from the GAIN GWAS sample) ver- that were the best bipolar findings, 65 had the same direction
sus 0 of 34,506 controls (Glessner et al., 2010). The finding has of effect in the depression analysis (P = 0.0018), whereas of the
not yet been replicated. Another study reported four nominally 76 best independent SNPs from the depression analysis, 46 had
significant CNV regions in 604 MDD patients and 1,643 controls, the same direction of effect in the bipolar analysis (P = 0.042).
but the findings do not withstand correction for genome-wide This suggests that at least some of the common SNPs that con-
testing of CNVs (Degenhardt et al., 2012). A third study, using fer risk of bipolar disorder also confer some degree of risk to
GWAS data for 3,106 cases of recurrent depression versus 459 major depression.
screened (for absence of lifetime major depression) and 5,619 The PGC Cross-Disorder Group is currently completing
unscreened controls, reported that cases had more rare, large a comprehensive combined mega-analysis of GWAS data for
deletion CNVs (those with a frequency of less than 1% in con- depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism, and atten-
trols and length greater than 100,000 bp), with no difference for tion deficit hyperactivity disorder, which should shed further
duplications (Rucker et al., 2011). Interestingly overall frequency light onto possible cross-disorder associations.
of rare CNVs was highest in depression cases, intermediate in
unscreened controls, and lowest in screened controls. They did
not find any specific CNVs to be associated with depression.
Larger CNV analyses of major depression will be needed. GWAS analyses have also been carried out for personal-
ity questionnaires from population-based samples. In a
meta-analysis of 15 samples (10 discovery and 5 replication)
totaling 20,669 individuals with data for the NEO Five-Factor
Another approach of great current interest is the use of GWAS Inventory, which includes neuroticism (de Moor et al., 2012)
data to detect associations that cut across current diagnostic no significant associations were detected for neuroticism.

404 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

Another approach to cross-dataset analysis did produce in 18 genes that had been studied at least three times, and
positive findings regarding the relationship between depres- showed results for previous meta-analysis of polymorphisms in
sion and neuroticism scores. Polygenic profile (score) analysis two genes for which no additional studies had appeared in the
(Purcell et al., 2009) is based on the hypothesis that for many interim. Fifteen of these 20 genes were related to neurotransmit-
complex diseases, there are large numbers of risk-modifying ters or receptors involved in antidepressant actions. Fixed and
SNPs, most with such small effect sizes that they will not pro- random effects meta-analyses were carried out of counts for two
duce statistically significant results with feasible sample sizes. alleles, of heterozygotes versus homozygotes, and contrasting
To test this hypothesis, a genome-wide set of independent SNPs the two homozygotes (although no correction was provided for
(i.e., pruned to eliminate LD among SNPs) is selected from a these multiple tests). Nominally significant results (the 95% con-
first (“training”) dataset. For each SNP, the association test fidence interval for the OR did not include 1.0) were observed in
result (e.g., log of the OR for a specified test allele) in that data- one or more of these analyses for single polymorphisms in each
set is adopted as a weighting factor. Then, for each SNP in the of six genes: DRD4 (dopamine-4 receptor; 319 cases vs. 808 con-
second (“test”) dataset, the number of observed test alleles is trols; allelic OR = 1.73; P < 0.01), APOE (apolipoprotein ε2,3,4
multiplied by the weight, and the resulting scores are summed alleles; 827 cases vs. 1,616 controls; allelic OR = 0.51 for ε2 vs. ε3,
across all SNPs. If the polygenic risk factors in the two datasets n.s. for ε4 vs. ε3; P < 0.001); GNB3 (guanine nucleotide binding
are similar, then cases and controls will have significantly dif- protein 3; 375 cases vs. 492 controls; allelic OR = 1.38, homozy-
ferent scores. The test is generally repeated using larger and gote OR = 2.13; P < 0.01 for both effects); MTHFR (methyle-
larger proportions of the SNPs, rank ordered by their P-values netetrahydrofolate reductase; 875 cases vs. 3,859 controls; allelic
in the training dataset (e.g., the SNPs with the best 10%, OR = 1.20; P < 0.01); SCL6A3 (dopamine transporter; 151 cases
20%, 30%, etc., of P-values in the training dataset). The test vs. 272 controls; heterozygote test OR = 2.06; P < 0.01); and
has produced robustly significant results, for example, across SLC6A4 (the 44 bp insertion/deletion polymorphism referred
virtually all pairs or combinations of schizophrenia GWAS to as 5-HTTLPR, in the promoter of the serotonin transporter
datasets (Purcell et al., 2009; Ripke et al., 2011). In an analy- gene; 3,752 cases vs. 5,707 controls; allelic OR = 1.11; P < 0.01).
sis of a training dataset of GWAS data for personality traits in A larger meta-analysis was published in 2010 for the short
13,835 subjects and separate test datasets for depression (3,839 and long alleles of the 5-HTTLPR indel, including 46 samples
GAIN subjects and 5,082 MD2000 subjects) and bipolar dis- with at least 7,769 cases vs. 16,107 controls (this is the pres-
order (3,375 cases and 3,370 controls from the STEP-BD and ent author’s count from the main table in the paper, but cer-
Wellcome Trust samples), weights from the results for neuroti- tain counts were not clear, so the totals are probably larger)
cism scores in the training dataset differentiated depression (Clarke et al., 2009). This is by far the most frequently studied
cases and controls in analyses of five different “bins” of SNPs at single polymorphism in psychiatric and psychological research.
P < 0.05. Weights based on the analysis of extraversion scores The OR estimate for allele counts (the number of s alleles) was
were significant at P < 0.05 for differentiating bipolar cases and 1.076 (P = 0.001), with the dominant model not significant (s/s
controls. This is an intriguing result although the significance or s/l > l/l) and the recessive model (s/s > s/l or l/l) yielding an
level is modest. OR = 1.16 (P < 0.001). In an unusually thoughtful discussion,
these authors comment on many of the methodological issues
that have plagued these candidate gene studies, including small
S TUDIE S O F C A ND ID ATE GENE S sample sizes, variable and often unreliable genotyping methods,
AND POLY MO RP H IS MS and diversity of many other aspects of study design as well as
ancestral backgrounds. For this particular well-known poly-
Historically, the term “candidate genes” has referred to genes morphism, the authors list several caveats that suggest the pos-
that were selected for study because their biological function sibility of technical artifacts that might also explain the positive
was considered potentially relevant to the pathophysiology of results: (1) the polymorphism is notoriously difficult to assay,
a disease. Because the biological mechanisms that contribute and authors have usually not commented on what quality con-
to depression risk are not known, most depression “candidate trol procedures were implemented to ensure accuracy; (2) no
genes” have been nominated because of their potential rel- association (OR = 0.96) was observed in the 5 studies that geno-
evance to the mechanisms of action of antidepressant drugs, typed the third allele (a SNP in the long allele that was reported
particularly polymorphisms (SNPs but also insertion-deletion to make it functionally similar to a short allele, see the following);
and variable-number-of-tandem-repeats [VNTRs]) with puta- (3) in the 33 studies of European-ancestry samples, the evidence
tive functional effects on gene expression. The vast majority for association was marginal (OR = 1.06, confidence interval =
of published studies of genetic factors in depression have ana- 1.01–1.10, P = 0.019), thus the association was primarily driven
lyzed one or a small number of such polymorphisms, usually by 7 East Asian samples; and the P-value for association was cor-
in samples that are now considered vastly underpowered given related with the short allele frequency in controls, which could
the small effect sizes that were being reported. suggest genotyping problems.


A comprehensive meta-analysis of these studies (Lopez-Leon In 2003 Caspi and colleagues introduced what has become
et al., 2008) analyzed data from 129 studies of 20 polymorphisms an influential approach for studying genotype-environment

3 0 G E N E T I C S O F D E P R E S S I O N | 405

interactions (Caspi et al., 2003). The 5-HTTLPR (5-HTT version of the primary Caspi et al. finding: that the recent onset
[serotonin]-linked polymorphic region) insertion-deletion of categorical major depression could be predicted by an inter-
polymorphism just 5’ to the promoter region of the serotonin action between s/s, s/l and l/l genotype status and the number
transporter gene (now called SLC6A4) had been identified in of recent life events (0, 1, 2, ≥3). They found that the number of
1996 (Heils et al., 1996). Within a region of GC-rich 21–23 bp events was predictive (as has been repeatedly shown including
repeat sequences, there was a common variant allele that con- by Caspi et al.), but that neither genotype nor the interaction
tained a 44 bp deletion, thus designated as the “short” allele of genotype and life events predicted major depression onset.
versus the more common “long” or intact allele. Several lines The main advantage of these authors’ approach was in rigor-
of evidence suggested that the short allele reduced transcrip- ously defining the requirements for inclusion of studies, so that
tion of the gene product. Because the serotonin transporter is the predictor and outcome measures were consistent with the
the site of action of the commonly used type of antidepressant original finding. The authors’ more general interpretation of
drugs (serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors, which block the the result was that gene-environment interactions are rarely
transporter site), the effect of genotypic variation at this poly- true findings in the absence of a main effect for genotype.
morphic site had already been studied many times. Caspi and However, the analysis was criticized for excluding so many
colleagues measured the number of short and long alleles car- of the positive studies for various methodological differences.
ried by each of 847 individuals whose health and psychological A second meta-analysis was thus carried out (Karg et al., 2011)
development had been studied longitudinally from childhood that included 54 studies with 40,749 participants. They opted
to age 26. The data permitted rating of the subjects for two for an inclusive approach, considering diverse types of stress-
measures of life stress: number of stressful life events between ful events, with most studies being categorized for secondary
age 21 and 26, and childhood maltreatment between the ages analyses into three groups based on the type of stress: num-
of 3 and 11. The outcome measures were major depressive ber of all stressful life events (N = 26,921), childhood trauma
symptoms (or alternatively, major depression diagnosis) in the (N = 6,936), and specific medical conditions (N = 6,592). Thus,
year before the 26th birthday (for the analysis of life events), these authors opted for inclusiveness, tolerating differences in
and occurrence of a major depressive diagnosis between 21 predictive measures and study design as long as the outcome
and 26 (for the child maltreatment analysis). Genotype did could be analyzed in terms of consistency with the hypothesis
not significantly predict the overall outcome of depression, or that increased numbers of short alleles would be predictive of
either type of stress. However, the number of s alleles predicted increased vulnerability to development of depression by either
(1) the slope of the increase in depression outcomes (symptoms continuous or categorical outcome measures. The analysis of
or diagnosis) as the number of stressful life events increased; all studies strongly supported the hypothesis (P = 0.00002).
and (2) the increase in the probability of a major depressive Interestingly, the secondary analyses supported the hypothesis
episode in those with probable or severe maltreatment versus for childhood maltreatment (P = 0.00007) and specific medica-
no maltreatment. tion conditions (P = 0.0004), but not for number of stressful life
This finding has been controversial since its initial publica- events (P = 0.03 without correcting for multiple tests), and the
tion, but it has been an attractive model for many investigators, latter analysis was also sensitive to removal of many individual
and has been applied to the study of many different groups of studies and to the use of self-report scales. So in one sense the
subjects in relation to diverse stressors. More has also been two analyses were consistent (number of stressful events does
learned about the polymorphism itself. As noted previously, not robustly interact with genotype in predicting depression),
an SNP inside the long allele has been described (rs25531) but the positive result in the larger meta-analysis for definable
whose rare G allele alters an AP2 transcription factor bind- stressors like specific medical conditions suggests that the more
ing site and thus reportedly makes the resulting allele (termed general hypothesis could be true.
LG) functionally equivalent to the short allele (Hu et al., 2005).
However, only a small minority of behavioral studies have gen-
otyped this SNP. Additional SNPs in the region have also been
studied, and it has been reported that other SNPs are associ- Psychiatric candidate gene studies have been fraught with
ated with greater changes in transcription than the short/long problems from the perspective of investigators in the field of
variant (Martin et al., 2007), but these have also not been stud- modern genomics (the study of all genes and their relation-
ied further. It has been noted that the most commonly used ships to each other and to the environment):
assay for the short-long alleles is prone to error due to bias
toward calling of short alleles (Martin et al., 2007; Wray et al., 1. Given the number of sequence variants in the genome
2009). Most behavioral studies have genotyped only the short/ and the lack of prior knowledge to formulate strong
long polymorphism. pathophysiological hypotheses about psychiatric
Because there have been both positive and negative find- disorders (until recently), the a priori probability of any
ings in a diverse set of studies, meta-analyses are of particu- one candidate polymorphism being associated with a
lar interest. Here, too, the evidence is contradictory, with two given disorder is essentially zero, and thus false positives
recent analyses taking very different approaches and arriving are likely to be very common (Sullivan et al., 2001).
at opposite conclusions. The first meta-analysis (Risch et al., Combined with the typical practice of requiring only a
2009) selected 14 studies (with 14,250 participants, of whom nominal significance level for each separate study of a
1,769 developed major depression) for a narrow test of one single polymorphism (P < 0.05), rather than correcting

406 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

for all tests performed for a particular outcome (as is done no other behavioral study of this gene has ever considered
in genome-wide linkage and association studies), there these other variants. Instead, behavioral researchers
is ample room for skepticism about the results of these commonly refer to a study of, for example, the 5-HTTLPR
studies. polymorphism as a study of the “serotonin transporter
gene,” as if the genotype at this polymorphism is all one
2. Virtually all psychiatric candidate gene studies have needs to know about the gene. Similarly, investigators write
investigated common polymorphisms which, as noted that “we studied the X, Y, and Z genes” when they studied
previously, are unlikely to have large effects (ORs for one polymorphism in each gene.
association). Yet, psychiatric and psychological researchers
have persisted in studying them with samples that are We may be turning a corner in this area of research. Unbiased
vastly underpowered for detecting small effects. genome-wide studies are beginning to produce robust evidence
3. Many of the initial positive findings for the “popular” for association of genes to disorders such as schizophrenia
candidate genes were reported at a time when genotyping and bipolar disorder. Subsequent studies of gene expression,
assays had much higher error rates, and with much greater gene-gene, or gene-environment interactions, and biological
variability across labs in accuracy of genotyping, than is and clinical effects of genotype can be carried out on the basis
the case with current high-throughput genotyping arrays. of a strong prior hypothesis, and study results are more likely
Sen and Burmeister (2008) demonstrated empirically to have biological relevance to pathophysiology. Also, with the
that psychiatric candidate gene studies have been prone advent of high-throughput sequencing methods, it is gradually
to genotyping errors: they found that in 325 studies of becoming easier and cheaper (but still not routine in 2012) to
17 polymorphisms, deviation from Hardy–Weinberg carry out comprehensive studies of sequence variants in tar-
equilibrium (the expected distribution of homozygous geted regions or throughout the genome. It is to be hoped that
and heterozygous genotypes based on the frequencies of the next generation of candidate gene studies will avoid the
the alleles) was significantly correlated with the sample pitfalls that have been so common in the past.
size. Genotyping error is by far the most likely explanation
for this. This effect was observed separately for the many
studies of 5-HTTLPR. This might not be critical if all C O N C L U SI O N S A N D F U T U R E D I R E CTI O N S
investigators routinely balanced the order in which cases
and controls were genotyped in each batch of assays, but It has proven difficult to detect specific genetic associations for
frequently, case and control DNA specimens are obtained, depression-related phenotypes. It is likely that this is due to mod-
stored, or even genotyped separately so that systematic est heritability, high prevalence, and substantial heterogeneity of
differences can result from variation in error rates across genetic and non-genetic factors without known clinical or bio-
batches of sample or across labs. For many years, genetics logical markers to permit analysis of more homogeneous sub-
investigators were very resistant to performing duplicate groups. Linkage studies have produced some promising findings,
assays to evaluate test genotyping error rates, although it is but common SNPs do not have sufficiently large effects on risk
now routine. to explain these findings (and significant common SNP associa-
tions have not been observed in the best linkage regions), so large
4. Almost all published “candidate gene” studies are really targeted or whole-genome sequencing studies will be needed to
studies of one or a few polymorphisms and ignore the determine whether there are rare risk variants in these regions, or
gene as a unit of study. (The term “polymorphism” whether they are false positive results. GWAS analyses have not
simply refers to a specific position in the genome where yet yielded significant results for single SNPs after genome-wide
different chromosomes in a population have different correction, and it seems likely that much larger GWAS samples
DNA sequences. It arose when sequence variants were would be required to accomplish this. There are additional stud-
genotyped by methods that required the migration of ies in progress, most notably a study of 5,000 cases and 5,000
processed DNA on gels, resulting in pictures of two or controls in China (Flint et al., 2012), but it is unclear whether a
more horizontal bands that were due to radioactive or other several-fold increase in total worldwide sample size will be avail-
labels attached to the variant sequences. Thus the “shapes” able in the near future. There have been some promising results
of the variants were different, hence “polymorphic.”) suggesting overlapping findings in major depression and bipolar
The most widely studied polymorphisms in psychiatric disorder (i.e., that bipolar risk genes might increase risk of major
genetics were selected because there was evidence that depression in some individuals), and larger-scale cross-disorder
they resulted in different levels of expression of the analyses that will be available soon from the Psychiatric
gene. But the polymorphisms that have been frequently Genomics Consortium should provide new information about
studied do not represent the only genetic determinants the degree of genetic overlap and about specific cross-disorder
of expression levels of their genes, and comprehensive associations. Gene expression studies of postmortem brain speci-
studies of variation in each gene have rarely been carried mens have produced promising results, but small samples and
out. In one such example, it was shown that several SNPs confounding factors remain problematic. Finally, in the pres-
in the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4, 5-HTT) were ent author’s judgment, “candidate gene” studies of single poly-
significantly associated with expression, some of them morphisms have not been productive in elucidating the genetic
more strongly than 5-HTTLPR (Martin et al., 2007). Yet, basis of risk for depressive disorders, and have been prone to

3 0 G E N E T I C S O F D E P R E S S I O N | 407

methodological and technical problems; and the much-studied in brain tissue in much larger samples, while circumventing
hypothesis of gene-environment interactions involving stress the problems inherent in the use of postmortem tissue. The
and the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism remains controversial. potential disadvantage is that these cells may not be entirely
What can we expect in the near future? Advances in studies representative of cells in specific tissues that have fully devel-
of depression have always been driven by new genetic technol- oped functional connections with other brain regions. Further
ogies but also by improvements in clinical methods and study advances in the use of sequencing technologies to study immu-
designs, and we will consider both here. nological variation could also prove useful, given the putative
Larger GWAS analyses (i.e., association of common SNPs) role of inflammatory responses in depression.
will be forthcoming as large-scale genetic projects are completed, Not to be overlooked is the continued importance of
such as (to give examples from the United States) the Kaiser genetic epidemiological research. During a time of increasing
Permanente Research Program on Genes, Environment, and criticism of categorical definitions of psychiatric disorders and
Health (Hoffmann et al., 2011) and the Million Veteran Program of emerging genetic findings that cut across those boundar-
( One dilemma inherent to ies, it may be useful to remember that the first breakthroughs
such projects is that they must rely on brief assessments and/or in etiological research into the major adult disorders—namely,
information from medical records, so that detailed clinical char- robust SNP association findings for schizophrenia (Ripke
acterization is usually impossible. It is not yet known whether et al., 2011) and for bipolar disorder (Sklar et al., 2011),
very large sample sizes will overcome the high degree of heteroge- and high-penetrance CNV associations for schizophrenia
neity that is likely to result from this type of strategy. But it is clear (Levinson et al., 2011)—were discovered in cases that met
that epidemiologists are beginning to think in creative new ways criteria developed on the basis of careful dissection of twin
about studying larger population-based and clinical samples, and and family study data. For depression, there is an even larger
new sampling and data collection methods would be useful for genetic epidemiological dataset, but there are many holes in
depression research. Larger analyses of rare CNVs in depression our knowledge. Much of the existing data are from large-scale
samples will also emerge. Emerging findings of genetic associa- twin studies that necessarily have used abbreviated clinical
tions that cut across current diagnostic boundaries could begin assessments to achieve large sample size; they shed little light
to shed light on genetic mechanisms in depression. on such issues as differences between the mild forms of depres-
All of the developing technologies of modern genomics will sion that are often observed in population-based studies and
be applied to depressive disorders as costs decline: genome-wide the disabling disorders observed in the clinic; the relationships
sequencing; targeted high-throughput sequencing (including among depressive, mild manic, and severe manic symptoms in
exome sequencing, although regulatory sequences might be par- the population; the extent to which clinically severe depressive
ticularly critical in common complex disorders); RNA sequenc- and/or anxiety disorders might define less common and more
ing; and epigenetic assays. The first genome-wide epigenetic heritable traits; and so on. New cross-disorder genetic findings
study of major depression was recently published (Sabunciyan will raise additional questions that might best be answered by
et al., 2012). DNA methylation was studied in postmortem pre- careful genetic epidemiological studies of the distribution and
frontal cortex samples from 39 individuals with major depres- co-occurrence of symptoms and syndromes that share genetic
sion histories and 26 controls, with a small follow-up sample. risk factors. Ultimately, technologies will be needed that permit
No replicable results were reported. Nevertheless, larger-scale more detailed phenotypic assessment of very large samples.
studies using diverse epigenetic designs are likely to be attempted
because of substantial evidence suggesting that epigenetic factors
could be relevant to depression (Sun et al., 2012). DI SC L O SU R E
Because depression is such a common and modestly heri-
table disorder, it is possible that virtually all genetic risk fac- Dr. Levinson has no conflicts of interest to disclose. He is
tors have individually small effects. In this case, more powerful funded by NIMH. Grant Support: NIH grants R01MH094740,
methods for analyzing the aggregate role of genetic pathways MH096262, R01MH094421, and P50HG003389.
should provide useful, and it is to be expected that increasing
knowledge about the functions of genes, coupled with advances
in proteomic research, will lead to substantial progress. Research
on animal models and pharmacological mechanisms could also Abkevich, V., Camp, N.J., et al. (2003). Predisposition locus for major depression
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410 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S



WHY U S E A NIMA L MO D EL S ? and understand how naturalistic genetic variation can lead to
a depression-like phenotype. These approaches and the symp-
One of the first questions that arises when planning a research toms of depression in humans that they model are presented in
project is what approach to use. How do we accurately model Table 31.1 and discussed throughout the chapter. Both of these
a disease in a rodent to understand the human pathophysiol- approaches are valid and can inform us about the mechanisms
ogy and gain insight into new treatments? This is increasingly of mood disorders and identify new compounds to treat them.
challenging for psychiatric disorders where the human diagno-
sis is based largely on self-report. Nevertheless, ongoing efforts
in neuroscience to develop valid rodent models focus on key W HAT C O N ST I T U T E S A N A N I M AL MOD E L ?
behavioral domains that are conserved across species that accu-
rately model symptoms of depressive disorders. While other A relevant animal model is capable of reproducing one or
animal models, including non-human primates, dogs, and even more core symptoms of the disorder and should have face,
fish, are used to model depression-like behavior, the majority construct, and predictive validity (Dalla et al., 2010). Face
of research is currently being done in the rodent model, which validity is the ability of the model to mimic the symptoms of
will therefore be the primary focus of this chapter. the disorder. An example would be a model, like chronic mild
Given advances in technology one might question why we stress (CMS) that results in decreased preference for a natural
still need to model behavior in an animal. Aren’t there com- reward (i.e., sucrose water) (Willner, 2005). In this model, ani-
puter programs available to model drug or genetic manipu- mals are exposed to alternating minor stressors for approxi-
lations? The reality is that animal models are currently the mately two to four weeks. These stressors can include forced
key to understanding a multitude of diseases. While there are circadian shifts, tilted cages, physical restraint, or wet bedding
computer-generated programs such as “Sniffy the virtual rat” (Willner, 2005), the main point being that the animal’s envi-
( ronment is constantly changing in uncomfortable ways with
sniffy.html) that model some aspects of operant condition- no predictable pattern. This model has face validity because
ing, there is currently no substitute for in vivo research. At this it induces anhedonia or the inability to experience pleasure,
point there is still too much that is unknown about how the which is a core symptom of depression. Exposure to CMS
brain and body work to accurately model drug action in silico, reduces sucrose preference as well as decreasing the rewarding
and thus, rodent studies are critical to determine drug safety properties of intracranial self-stimulation (Dalla et al., 2010).
before human trials. Adding additional complexity, even when Any model that measurably decreases the animal’s engagement
animal models have been used for drug screening purposes, in these types of reward-related behaviors would have good
sometimes the findings do not translate to humans. For exam- face validity and be considered to model a core symptom of
ple a cortisol releasing factor-1 antagonist Pexacerfont recently the disorder.
underwent clinical trials for generalized anxiety disorder. Construct validity evaluates the plausibility or rationale
Although the drug was effective in animal models of anxiety, of the model to explain the human disorder. Construct valid-
in human trials, the drug was completely ineffective, under- ity is basically addressing the question, does the basis of the
scoring the difficulty in treating human behavioral disorders model make sense in light of what we know about the human
(Coric et al., 2010). Until we have a better understanding of the disorder? An example of a model with good construct validity
underlying biology driving mood disorders, we need to depend is the early life stress model (Plotsky et al., 2005), though it
on animal models to develop safe and effective treatments. should be noted that all stress models have a degree of con-
This chapter will focus on animal models of depression, struct validity, since stress is a major precipitating factor in
although there is significant overlap between rodent models of human depression. In this model, animals are separated from
mood and anxiety disorder making our discussion relevant to their mothers for three hours at a time from postnatal day
both disorders. We will discuss the behavioral domains tested (PND) 2 to PND 14. During that time they are kept warm but
to explore depression and discuss the benefits and drawbacks not held or stimulated. In adulthood, they display a number of
of each approach. We will examine models stemming from measures of depression including altered hypothalamic-pitu-
two basic approaches. The first uses behavioral manipulations itary-adrenal axis (HPA) activity, increased addiction liability
(i.e., chronic stress) to induce depression-associated behavior (Moffett et al., 2007), and decreased coping behavior when
in normal mice. The second uses breeding strategies to try faced with a stressor (Gardner et al., 2005). Animals that are

3 1 A N I M A L M O D E L S O F M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 411

TA B L E 31. 1. Diagnostic symptoms of depression and the behavioral measures used to model them in animals


Depressed mood for majority Not measurable No available model

of the day

Diminished interest or pleasure in Decreased sucrose preference (Cryan and CMS (Dalla et al., 2010; Krishnan et al., 2008)
most activities for majority of the day Mombereau, 2004) Olfactory bulbectomy (Cryan and Mombereau, 2004)
including social withdrawal Shift in sensitivity to intracranial self Learned helplessness (Anisman and Matheson, 2005)
stimulation (Cryan and Mombereau, 2004) Social defeat stress (Krishnan et al., 2007)
Novelty-induced hypophagia (Dulawa and Prenatal stress (Goel and Bale, 2009)
Hen, 2005) FSL rats (Overstreet, 2012)
Social Interaction test (Krishnan et al., 2008) WKY rats (Malkesman and Weller, 2009)
Rouen helpless mice (El Yacoubi and Vaugeois, 2007)

Weight loss (when not dieting) or Measure food intake (Dulawa and Hen, 2005) CMS (Dallman et al., 2000),
weight gain consisting of a change Weight (Neumann et al., 2011) Social defeat (Krishnan et al., 2007)
in more than 5% of body weight Novelty-suppressed feeding (Dulawa and FSL rats (Neumann et al., 2011)
within a month, or decrease or Hen, 2005) WKY rats (Pare and Redei, 1993)
increase in appetite nearly every day

Increased or decreased sleeping Shift in REM sleep patterns (Steiger and CMS (Dalla et al., 2010; Kronfeld-Schor and Einat,
every day Kimura, 2010) 2012)
Theta activity in hippocampus and amygdala Olfactory bulbectomy (Song and Leonard, 2005)
(Kronfeld-Schor and Einat, 2012) Prenatal stress (Maccari et al., 2003; Steiger and
Changes in body temperature or activity Kimura, 2010)
during sleep/wake cycle (Kronfeld-Schor and Social defeat stress (Kronfeld-Schor and Einat, 2012)
Einat, 2012) FSL rats (Overstreet et al., 2005)
WKY rats (Steiger and Kimura, 2010)
Rouen helpless mice (Steiger and Kimura, 2010)

Observable psychomotor agitation Exploration of a novel environment in the CMS (Krishnan et al., 2008),
or retardation. Psychomotor open field test (Cryan and Mombereau, 2004) Olfactory bulbectomy (Song and Leonard, 2005)
retardation includes decrease Motor coordination using a Roto-rod test Learned helplessness (Seligman et al., 1975)
in ability to perform “self care,” (Cryan and Mombereau, 2004) Early life stress (Gardner et al., 2005)
difficulties with day-to-day physical Grooming activity in the splash test Social defeat stress (Krishnan et al., 2007)
activities. Psychomotor agitation Active or avoidance (Cryan and Mombereau, WKY rats (Pare and Redei, 1993)
includes unintentional purposeless 2004)
movements including activities Social interaction test (Cryan and
resulting in self harm. Mombereau, 2004)

Fatigue or loss of energy Swimming activity in forced swim test (Cryan Learned helplessness (Seligman et al., 1975)
and Mombereau, 2004) Early life stress (Gardner et al., 2005)
Immobility in the tail suspension test (Cryan Prenatal stress (Weinstock, 2008)
and Mombereau, 2004) FSL rats (Dalla et al., 2010)
Running wheel activity (Cryan and WKY rats (Pare and Redei, 1993)
Mombereau, 2004) Rouen helpless mice (El Yacoubi and Vaugeois, 2007)
Active avoidance

Feelings of worthlessness, excessive Not measureable No available model

or inappropriate guilt for the majority
of the time period

Cognitive difficulties including Eye blink conditioning Olfactory bulbectomy (Song and Leonard, 2005)
indecisiveness Barnes maze (Mueller and Bale, 2007) Prenatal stress (Mueller and Bale, 2007; Weinstock,
Radial arm maze (Song and Leonard, 2005) 2008)
Morris water maze (Song and Leonard, 2005)

Suicidal ideation and recurrent Not measurable No available model

thoughts of death

only separated from their mothers for 15-minute intervals dur- biological and emotional changes including depression, and cog-
ing the same time period show resiliency to stress on all of these nitive deficits (Chugani et al., 2001). These studies support that
domains (Plotsky et al., 2005). From the human literature, studies the early life model of stress has good construct validity. From
of orphans in Romania in the 1980s, showed that children who what we know about human depression, it makes sense that early
are not held or stimulated during early postnatal life can develop life adversity can contribute to susceptibility to depression.

412 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

Predictive validity is the ability of known treatments to W HAT I S DE P R E SSI O N A N D H O W D O WE
reverse the symptoms induced by the model. An example M O DE L SY M P T O M S?
of a model of depression with good predictive validity is the
repeated social defeat model (Krishnan et al., 2007). In this Depression is a debilitating disorder that currently affects
model the experimental mice are exposed each day to a novel 16.5% of people in United States within their lifetime and can
aggressor and allowed to physically interact for 10 minutes. affect up to 6.7% of the population in any given year (Kessler
Animals are then separated with a perforated Plexiglas bar- et al., 1993). Women are twice as likely as men to experience an
rier that allows for sensory contact but no physical interaction. episode of depression within their lifetime (Kessler et al., 1993).
On the following day, animals are given a social interaction Depression is diagnosed based on a heterogeneous cluster of
test that measures the time spent in the vicinity of a novel symptoms listed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
object and a novel animal. Animals that show susceptibility to Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). To meet criteria for depression
the stressor will avoid the novel animal, a phenotype that is a patient must report depressed mood or lack of interest plus
essentially permanent and only reversed by chronic, but not four additional symptoms for two or more weeks. As shown in
acute, treatment with antidepressants, including imipramine Table 31.1, the other symptoms include decreased interest and
and fluoxetine (Berton et al., 2006). Importantly, these antide- pleasure, weight or appetite change, changes in sleep patterns
pressant treatments in humans also require chronic adminis- including either sleeping too much or too little, psychomotor
tration, thus providing excellent predictive validity. It should agitation or retardation, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness or
be noted that some models fulfill one or more of these crite- guilt, cognitive difficulties including decreases in ability to con-
ria, however, ideally a model of depression will fulfill all three centrate or feelings of indecisiveness, and recurrent thoughts
criteria. All of the models discussed in this section, chronic of suicide or death (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).
unpredictable stress, early life stress, and social defeat stress, Because diagnosis of depression is dependent on expression
have face, construct, and predictive validity. of a group of symptoms rather than a biomarker-based test it
Another set of criteria that have been used for determining leads to issues in modeling. Two individuals can exhibit very
the validity of a model are those proposed by McKinney and different clusters of symptoms and yet both are diagnosed with
Bunny in the late 1960s (McKinney and Bunny, 1969). They the same disorder. For example, patient A reports feelings of
proposed that a model should show similarity of symptoms or sadness accompanied by loss of appetite, insomnia, psycho-
traits to the disorder being modeled, much like face validity. The motor agitation, and suicidal ideation. Patient B reports a
model should also have an observable and objectively measur- lack of interest along with increased appetite and weight gain,
able behavioral change. Like predictive validity, the behavioral hypersomnia, psychomotor retardation, and feelings of inde-
change should be sensitive to or reversible with known antide- cisiveness. While both patients would receive a diagnosis of
pressant agents, although as these known antidepressants have major depression, their symptomology is completely different.
limited efficacy at best, they may not be the best determinants Given this, animal models tend to focus on endophenotypes
of a valid animal model for novel drug development. Finally, or behavioral domains that model these core symptoms rather
the model should be reproducible between investigators and than trying to fulfill the full criteria for depression diagnosis.
laboratories. This is a key issue with some animal models of In this way, animal models allow us to understand the brain
depression. For example some researchers have had difficul- circuits that control the endophenotypes, which may allow us
ties in replicating the effects of chronic mild stress across labo- to develop more selective therapeutics that treat the domain
ratories (Cryan and Mombereau, 2004). A number of factors rather than the diverse cluster of symptoms that define depres-
can contribute to difficulties in replicating behavioral effects, sion. The next section will include a discussion of common
including strain of animal, age, sex, temperature differences, measures used to examine the validity of these models for each
health of the animal colony, and so forth. depression-like phenotype.
Lastly, a particularly important form of validity, not often
used, involves the degree to which an animal model recapitu-
lates the biological causes of depression in humans. This cri- E N DO P HE N O T Y P E S O F DE P R ES S I ON
terion has been termed pathological validity (Krishnan and
Nestler, 2011) and is critical to future drug development Behavioral screens used to discern a depressive phenotype can
efforts. To date, a number of peripheral biomarkers such be sorted into three core domains: appetitive tasks, measures
as changes in release and feedback of cortisol, alterations in of behavioral despair, and ethologically relevant behaviors,
cytokine profiles, postmortem brain molecular changes, and such as grooming and social interaction. In addition, research-
structural and functional brain imaging changes have been ers use physiological measures that are consistently altered in
identified in humans, some of which have also been found in human subjects with depression, or have otherwise been vali-
validated animal models. These are summarized in Table 31.2 dated in animal models of depression. These include, but are
and referred to throughout the chapter in the context of each not limited to, peripheral endocrine, metabolic, and immune
model. At this time there is still too much unknown about the markers, along with cellular and structural changes identified
etiology of depression to develop bona fide models using clini- through brain imaging. Each of these pathological markers
cally accepted diagnostic criteria to establish the pathological will be discussed throughout the following sections in the con-
validity. However, it a good criterion to keep in mind as the text of animal models that exhibit pathological validity (sum-
field moves forward. marized in Table 31.2).

3 1 A N I M A L M O D E L S O F M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 413

TA B L E 31. 2. Behavioral and pathological validity of animal models of depression



Olfactory Increased open field exploration (Song and Elevated basal CORT (Song and Leonard, Increased cell death (Song
bulbectomy Leonard, 2005) 2005) and Leonard, 2005)
Increased anhedonia (Cryan and Increased pro-inflammatory cytokines Decreased volume of
Mombereau, 2004) (Song and Leonard, 2005) hippocampus (Song and
Decreased spatial learning (Song and Leonard, 2005)
Leonard, 2005) Decreased dendritic spines
Decreased avoidance learning (Song and and synapses (Song and
Leonard, 2005) Leonard, 2005)

Chronic mild Increased anhedonia (Dalla et al., 2010) Increased basal CORT (Dallman et al., Decreased neurogenesis
stress Decreased grooming (Willner, 2005) 2000) (Kubera et al., 2011)
Increased immobility in FST (Willner, 2005) Increased pro-inflammatory cytokines Decreased dendritic spine
Potentiation of learned helplessness (Grippo et al., 2005) density and shift in spine
(Willner, 2005) Development of metabolic disorder type (Michelsen
(Dallman et al., 2000) et al., 2007)

Learned Decreased active avoidance (Seligman Alterations in brain region specific cytokine Decreased neurogenesis
helplessness et al., 1975) protein levels (Lee et al., 2008) (Malberg and Duman, 2003)
Decreased synaptic
proteins (Reines et al.,

Prenatal stress Increased immobility in FST and TST Increased basal CORT and alterations in Decreased neurogenesis
(Alonso et al., 1991; Goel and Bale, 2009) negative feedback (Goel and Bale, 2009) (Weinstock, 2008)
Increased anhedonia (Goel and Bale, 2009) Decreased dendritic spine
Decreased spatial learning (Weinstock, density (Weinstock, 2008)
2008) and alterations in spatial navigation
strategies (Mueller and Bale, 2007)

Early life stress Increased immobility (Krishnan and Nestler, Exaggerated CORT response to stress Decreased neurogenesis
2011) (Plotsky et al., 2005) (Mirescu et al., 2004)
Increase in submissive postures during Down regulation of cytokine gene
social defeat (Gardner et al., 2005) expression within the brain (Dimatelis
Decreased spatial learning (Krishnan and et al., 2012)
Nestler, 2011)

Repeated social Increased social avoidance (Krishnan et al., Exaggerated CORT response to a second Decreased neurogenesis
defeat stress 2007) stressor (Krishnan et al., 2007) (Lagace et al., 2010)
Increased anhedonia (Krishnan et al., 2007) Increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines Decreased dendritic spine
Increased anxiety behaviors (Krishnan (Gomez-Lazaro et al., 2011) density and shift in spine
et al., 2007) Altered metabolism (Krishnan et al., 2007) type (Christoffel
et al., 2011)

FSL rats Increased time immobile in FST Decreased CRF and ACTH (Overstreet Increased neurogenesis
(Overstreet, 2012) et al., 2005) (Husum et al., 2006)
Decreased social interaction (Overstreet, Low body weight (Overstreet et al., 2005)
2012) Basal reductions in pro-inflammatory
Increased anhedonia (Overstreet et al., cytokines (Overstreet et al., 2005)
2005) More prone to infection (Overstreet et al.,

Wistar Kyoto Increased time immobile in FST (Pare and Increased basal CORT and CORT response Possible reduction in
rats Redei, 1993) to stress (Malkesman and Weller, 2009) neurogenesis (Kronenberg
Decreased active avoidance (Pare and Decreased HPA negative feedback to et al., 2007)
Redei, 1993) stress (Malkesman and Weller, 2009) Possible decreased
Increased anhedonia (Malkesman and More severe stress-induced ulcers (Pare dendritic length (Falowski
Weller, 2009) and Redei, 1993) et al., 2011)
Increased anxiety (Malkesman and Weller, Low body weight (Malkesman and Weller,
2009) 2009)

Rouen helpless Increased immobility in FST and TST Elevated basal levels of CORT (El Yacoubi Not examined
mice (Cryan and Mombereau, 2004) and Vaugeois, 2007)
Increased anhedonia (El Yacoubi and
Vaugeois, 2007)

414 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

B E HAV IO RA L D O MA INS in a novel environment (Dulawa and Hen, 2005). While this
again taps into aspects of anxiety/exploratory-based behavior,
chronic, but not acute, treatment with antidepressants short-
Appetitive tasks generally measure the core symptom of depres- ens the latency to eat in the novel environment.
sion, anhedonia, although some are also negatively affected by
anxiety or cognitive deficits. A first-pass screen for anhedonia
is done using sucrose preference tests, which consists of giving
an animal a choice between a 1% sucrose solution and water. A number of depression tests are considered measures of
Although many derivations of the procedures have been pub- behavioral despair. These include the forced swim test (FST)
lished, access to a two-bottle choice for sucrose or water is given (Fig. 31.1 A, B), tail suspension test (TST) (Fig. 31.1 C, D), and
for an acute period of time (1–2 hours) (Dalla et al., 2010) or active avoidance tests. Behavioral despair tests can be thought
overnight (Krishnan et al., 2007). The researcher then mea- to model feelings of sadness, psychomotor retardation, and
sures how much sucrose is consumed versus the total amount fatigue. However, they are all confounded if the animal has a
of fluid consumed (both sucrose and water) and the percent motor deficit and the active avoidance tasks are additionally
sucrose preference is reported. While most animals greatly confounded by cognitive deficits, since the animal has to learn
prefer the sucrose over water, a variety of stressors and genetic how to escape or avoid a shock.
manipulations result in decreased sucrose preference (Cryan The FST was developed by Porsolt in the late 1970s. In this
and Mombereau, 2004) while chronic treatment with classic test, rats are placed in a cylinder containing 15 cm of room
antidepressants can reverse the effects of some chronic stres- temperature water for 15 minutes. Twenty-four hours later they
sors on sucrose preference (Willner, 2005). One issue that arises are again placed in the same cylinder and the amount of time
when using this test to compare effects between the sexes is that the animal spends floating (immobile) is measured (Porsolt
females show a greater sucrose preference as baseline than males et al., 1978). The concept behind the test is that animals with
(Dalla et al., 2010). While sucrose preference tests are the most higher levels of emotional despair would give up struggling
widely published measures of anhedonia, there are many other sooner and remain immobile, thereby forgoing an attempt to
appetitive tasks that operate on similar principles. For example, escape the aversive environment. Importantly, the FST was the
sexual activity and the preference a male exhibits toward a sexu- first animal model of depression that could be used as a rapid
ally receptive female is considered to be a measure of natural screening device for antidepressants, since tricyclics, MAOIs,
reward preference (Willner, 2005). This measure also has validity and atypical antidepressants all decrease immobility on this
given that depressed humans exhibit similar sexual dysfunction. test (Detke and Lucki, 1996). Variations of this test were later
The “gold standard” to measure reward function is intracranial used to differentiate between different types of antidepressants.
self-stimulation (Carlezon and Chartoff, 2007). In this test, an Drugs that engaged the norepinephrine (NE) system, such as
electrode is implanted directly into the medial forebrain bundle, tricyclic antidepressants, resulted in decreased immobility and
containing dense dopaminergic fibers emanating in the VTA, increased climbing behavior. Drugs such as selective serotonin
and the animals are allowed to press a lever to stimulate dop- reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) decreased immobility but also
amine release. The more current necessary to invoke an operant increased their swimming behavior (Detke and Lucki, 1996).
response is thought to reflect reward thresholds and are sig- An additional modification shortening the test to one day was
nificantly increased in stress disorders, meaning that they need then validated for use in mice and since has been used in a
greater activation of the circuitry to find things reinforcing. number of genetic mutant mice to screen for potential depres-
Other appetitive tasks make use of food restriction or sion phenotypes (Krishnan and Nestler, 2011). The TST is
food rewards to measure a depression-like behavior. Novelty- essentially a variation of FST developed so that despair could
suppressed feeding (NSF) is a task that measures the latency of be measured without the use of water. Removing the water ele-
an animal to eat in a novel environment. In this task, animals ment was thought to prevent hypothermia and increase repeat-
are food-restricted over night and then placed in a new envi- ability (Steru et al., 1985) because water level and temperature
ronment the following day. One pellet of food is placed in the can alter behavioral outcome. In this test mice are suspended by
center of the novel space and the latency to approach and feed their tails for six minutes and the amount of time spent immo-
is measured (Dulawa and Hen, 2005). This was originally con- bile is recorded as a behavioral measure of despair (Steru et al.,
sidered an anxiety test, however, evidence that latency to eat 1985). The benefit of these types of tests is that they are rapid
could be reversed or shortened by giving the animals chronic and allow for high throughput screening of new compounds.
antidepressants led people to use the test as a measure of depres- In addition, they are fairly accurate at detecting the efficacy of
sion (Santarelli et al., 2003). In addition, a biological process in current antidepressants. However, they lack predictive validity
the hippocampus called neurogenesis, thought to control anti- in that acute antidepressants effectively decrease the time spent
depressant efficacy, was shown to be necessary for the antide- immobile in both the FST and TST even though chronic treat-
pressant effects on latency to feed in this task (Santarelli et al., ment is necessary to alleviate depression symptoms in humans.
2003). A variation of this test is called novelty-induced hypo- In general, these types of tests work well for determining anti-
phagia (NIH). The NIH test does not require food restriction. depressant efficacy and screening potential new drugs based
Instead animals are trained to eat a novel palatable substance on the monoamine hypothesis, but their validity as a model
in the home cage (Dulawa and Hen, 2005). Once the animal is for depression or use in testing novel mechanisms of action is
reliably eating the substance, the latency to feed is measured highly questionable.

3 1 A N I M A L M O D E L S O F M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 415

A. FST - mobile B. FST - immobile

C. TST - mobile D. TST - immobile

E. Splash test - sucrose F. Splash test - grooming

Figure 31.1 Behavioral assays of depression-like behavior in mice. Common behavioral tests used to assay depression-associated behavior. (A) Time spent
swimming in the forced swim test (FST) is considered an antidepressant measure, as SSRIs will increase engagement in this type of behavior. (B) The time spent
floating or in an immobile posture is considered prodepressant, as stress manipulations increase this behavior. (C) Struggling behavior in the tail suspension
test (TST) is considered an antidepressant measure, as antidepressants increase engagement in this activity. (D) The amount of time the animal spends immobile is
considered a depression-like response, as stress based manipulations increase the amount of time spent immobile. (E) In the splash test, an animal is sprayed with
a 10% sucrose solution to make their coats sticky. (F) The amount of time spent grooming is measured as an indicator of a depression-like state; animals that are
stressed spend less time grooming and this can be reversed by chronic antidepressant treatment. (Photography credit: Christopher Wood.)

Active escape avoidance is another commonly used mea- behaviors that the animal would normally engage in within
sure of behavioral despair. In an active avoidance task animals their natural environment. Two examples of this type of test
are required to perform an operant behavior allowing them include social avoidance behavior (Fig. 31.3) and the splash
to escape an aversive environment. The operant response test (Fig. 31.1 E, F). Social avoidance behavior is defined as the
requirement can vary from simple (i.e., running through a amount of time an animal spends in the presence of a novel
doorway from one side of a cage to another) to complex (i.e., animal versus a novel object. This test is used to model two
pushing a lever, turning a wheel, or poking their nose into a core symptoms of depression: lack of interest or pleasure, since
hole). Usually the stimulus that makes the environment aver- rodents are social organisms and find these interactions to be
sive is a mild foot shock. A subset of animals that are stressed naturally rewarding, and psychomotor retardation, as we can
will fail to engage in active avoidance behavior (Krishnan and measure the total distance traveled within the environment as
Nestler, 2011). This task has face validity and it is often used well as the time spent near the target or in the corners. While
to test learned helplessness behavior, since animals experienc- a version of this test, often referred to as sociability test, is also
ing repeated stress learn that they have no control over their used extensively to test features of autism and memory, in
environment and therefore don’t attempt escape (Overmier depression, it is commonly used as a behavioral endpoint fol-
and Seligman, 1967). Chronic treatment with antidepressants lowing repeated social defeat stress (Fig. 31.2). During testing
can reverse active avoidance deficits induced by the learned the experimental animal is placed in a novel environment with
helplessness paradigm (Malberg and Duman, 2003), therefore a novel object, consisting of a small wire mesh cage. The amount
the model has good predictive validity. of time the animal spends within the interaction zone with a
novel animal placed inside the mesh cage is measured. A ratio
of the time spent in the interaction zone with the novel animal
divided by the time spent in the same area without the novel
A number of behavioral tests for depression measure the degree mouse can be used to determine if an animal exhibits social
to which ethologically relevant behaviors are altered. These are avoidance. Under control conditions, most animals prefer the

416 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S



Figure 31.2 Repeated Social Defeat Stress and Social Interaction Testing. Repeated social defeat stress is an animal model of depression with strong face,
construct, and predictive validity. The experimental mouse is housed with a new aggressor every day for 10 days. (A) The smaller C57BL/6J mouse is given
a 10-minute physical interaction with a larger CD-1 mouse that is screened to show aggression within his home cage. (B) CD-1 aggressor mouse is pinning
the C57BL/6J mouse, one type of aggressive behavior. (C) The C57BL/6J mouse is displaying a submissive posture to the CD-1 mouse. (D) After the physical
interaction, the C57BL/6J mouse is separated by a divider that allows for sensory, but not physical, stimulation for the next 24 hours. (Photography credit:
Christopher Wood.)

social target and increase their interaction time when the novel as part of a larger test battery providing a powerful set of tools
mouse is placed in the mesh cage. Conversely, susceptible mice to explore the underlying biology of depression.
avoid the novel animal and typically hide within the corners
of the arena. This model has predictive, construct, and face
validity, since chronic, but not acute, antidepressant treatment A N I M A L M O DE L S O F DE P R E SS I O N
can reverse avoidance behavior in mice (Berton et al., 2006)
and there is an extensive literature showing the contribution While there are no clinically accepted genetic or biological
of repeated social subordination in the development of depres- causes of depression in humans, it is clear that stress expo-
sive disorders in humans (Gilbert, 2006). The model also has sure increases depression onset and severity. Therefore, most
pathological validity; a number of biological targets have been models of depression utilize various environmental stressors
identified in this model that are similarly changed in postmor- to induce a depression-like behavioral phenotype and then
tem brain from humans with depression (Krishnan et al., 2007; study the underlying biological consequences of such stress on
Wilkinson et al., 2011). the key behavioral domains described earlier. Environmental
Another ethologically relevant measure of a depressed models use “normal” animals and manipulate their envi-
state is a decrease in grooming behavior. All organisms includ- ronment through physical or psychological stress, surgical
ing humans and rodents tend to decrease grooming when they manipulation, or other methods to produce a depression-like
are sick or stressed (Isingrini et al., 2010). These types of tests phenotype. Examples of this type of stressor include early life
can be used to model lack of interest in normal activities of stress, CMS, and olfactory bulbectomy. Genetic models make
daily life, another core symptom of depression. Rodent studies use of naturally occurring or trait-based selective breeding or
such as the splash test score grooming intensity as a behavioral gene knockout/transgenic technology to produce a depressive
measure of an animal’s psychological state. In this test animals state. These studies can vary from examining natural strain
are sprayed with a 10% sucrose solution that makes their coat differences in depression-associated behavior to conditional
sticky. The amount of time the animal spends grooming is then removal or overexpression of genes of interest, although the
measured as an indicator of a depression-like state. This test latter is beyond the scope of the current chapter and is dis-
has predictive and face validity since animals experiencing cussed in detail in subsequent chapters. Recently, there has
chronic stress will spend less time grooming, like depressed been increasing interest in epigenetic models of depression.
humans, and chronic, but not acute, antidepressants have been These models examine the impact of environmental stressors
shown to reverse this effect (Isingrini et al., 2010). Together on parent-offspring heritability of traits that are outside of
these endophenotypes give us multiple functional behavioral genetic sequence differences. Alternatively they consider dif-
outputs that are relevant to depressive-like states in humans. It ferences in the stress response not driven by genetic sequence
should be noted however, that each test focuses on aspects of differences. While epigenetics is clearly an important area of
core symptoms of depression and are most effective when used research, it is discussed in detail in subsequent chapters and is

3 1 A N I M A L M O D E L S O F M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 417

beyond the scope of the current discussion. The following sec- C HR O N I C M I L D ST R E SS
tion will discuss examples of a variety of these animal models
of depression and discuss their validity within the context of In the chronic mild stress (CMS) paradigm, sometimes
the behavioral domains previously described. referred to as chronic variable or unpredictable stress (CVS
or CUS), animals are exposed to variable stressors for a
length of time extending between 6 (LaPlant et al., 2009) and
OLFAC TO RY BU L BEC T O MY 28 days (Willner, 2005). The stressors are typically minimally
invasive but are given in a varied and unpredictable order.
The majority of these studies have been performed in rats, with Animals can be exposed to more than one stressor in a day
only a small subset in mice (Cryan and Mombereau, 2004). and the stressors are administered during all phases of their
In this model the olfactory bulbs are removed resulting in a light:dark cycle. Stressors include restraint, tail suspension,
variety of behavioral, cellular, neuroendocrine, and immune disruption of the light/dark cycle, cage tilt, food and/or water
changes consistent with depression (Cryan and Mombereau, restriction, changing of cage mates, temperature reductions,
2004). Animals that undergo olfactory bulbectomy are highly exposure to soiled or wet bedding, and random foot-shocks
aggressive and hyperactive, including increased investiga- (Willner, 2005). Animals exposed to CMS generally show
tion of novel environments and increased nocturnal activity anhedonic behaviors, such as decreased sucrose consump-
(Song and Leonard, 2005). They also show cognitive impair- tion, impairments in natural reward associations, and changes
ment similar to patients with depression. These cognitive in responsiveness to intracranial self-stimulation (Dalla et al.,
impairments include decreased abilities to perform spatial 2010). Animals exposed to CMS display increased immobil-
learning tasks that engage the hippocampus, such as the radial ity in the FST (Willner, 2005) and are more likely to show
arm maze and Morris water maze, along with deficits in active decreased active avoidance if they are subsequently exposed
avoidance tasks (Song and Leonard, 2005). Olfactory bulbec- to the learned helplessness paradigm described in the follow-
tomy results in anhedonia measured by decreased sucrose ing section in this chapter (Willner, 2005). They also show
preference (Cryan and Mombereau, 2004) and reduced sexual deficits in grooming, sexual behavior, and immune function
activity (Song and Leonard, 2005). These deficits are due to the (Willner, 2005). Biological profiling shows that CMS can
removal of the olfactory bulbs, as inducing anosmia by flushing induce increases in circulating levels of the pro-inflammatory
zinc through the nasal cavities does not cause any significant cytokines tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α and IL1β (Grippo
depression phenotype (Song and Leonard, 2005). The removal et al., 2005) both in the brain and the body. Four weeks of
of the olfactory bulbs also leads to cell death and degenera- CMS exposure also results in increased basal levels of CORT
tion in a number of areas implicated in depression in humans, (Grippo et al., 2005) along with disruptions in circadian
including the hippocampus, amygdala, dorsal raphe, cortex, release of CORT leading to reduced peak levels and an elon-
and locus coeruleus. Within the hippocampus there is a reduc- gation of the trough of the cycle (Dallman et al., 2000). This
tion in volume along with a decrease in the number of dendritic dysregulation of normal HPA feedback results in changes in
spines. These changes have also been reported in the piriform the storage of calories and fat leading to the development of a
cortex (Song and Leonard, 2005) and the amygdala (Cryan metabolic syndrome (Dallman et al., 2000). CMS can reduce
and Mombereau, 2004). Chronic antidepressant treatment can neurogenesis in rodents although this may be due to effects on
reverse behavioral and structural changes (Song and Leonard, cell survival rather than cell proliferation (Kubera et al., 2011).
2005). In addition, removal of the olfactory bulbs also induces CMS can also alter spine density in the prefrontal cortex and
changes similar to those seen in depressed humans within the hippocampus of rodents consistent with work in humans
immune system. These include increases in serum concentra- showing reduced volume of these structures by magnetic res-
tions of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-1β onance imaging (MRI) (Michelsen et al., 2007). Importantly,
and prostaglandin E2 along with a decrease in circulating levels many of these effects can be reversed with chronic, but not
of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 (Song and Leonard, acute, antidepressant exposure, giving this model good pre-
2005). Olfactory bulbectomized animals also have elevated dictive validity. Also, an abbreviated six-day variation of this
basal corticosterone (CORT) levels, the rodent homolog for model can induce depression-like behaviors in females, but
the stress hormone cortisol in humans. While this model does not males, making it an ideal model for understanding biolog-
not have good construct validity and only moderate face valid- ical differences in stress responses between males and females
ity, it does have excellent predictive validity, as chronic antide- (LaPlant et al., 2009). The utility of CMS to understand the
pressant treatments consistently reverse the behavioral effects neurobiology of depression in both males and females makes
of olfactory bulbectomy (Cryan and Mombereau, 2004). it a very useful tool to test new compounds for the treatment
The paradigm also has excellent reproducibility across labs. of depression and possibly identify targets for individualized
Interestingly, olfactory bulbectomy is one of the few models of approaches to treatment in men and woman.
depression that does not show sex differences in the behavioral
measures. Both males and females show behavioral effects of
olfactory bulbectomy in tests of locomotor activity, explora- L E A R N E D HE L P L E SSN E SS
tion of a novel environment, anxiety, and sucrose preference
(Song and Leonard, 2005) making it a test of interest for those The learned helplessness paradigm was developed in the late
studying depression in females. 1960s. In the original experiments, dogs were given a single

418 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

session of multiple inescapable shocks and then presented studies to determine pathological validity across a wider array
with an active avoidance task (Overmier and Seligman, 1967). of biomarker targets.
They were allowed to escape the shock by jumping over
a barrier in a shuttle box. In control animals that were not
exposed to a previous bout of inescapable shock, the animals DE V E L O P M E N TA L ST R E SSO R S
quickly learned to escape the aversive environment. Dogs
that had experienced a prior uncontrollable shock failed to Stress exposure during critical periods of development has
learn to escape the shuttle box and would exhibit helpless been shown to produce long-lasting changes in depression
behavior (i.e., dogs would lie down and whimper) (Seligman, and anxiety-like behavior (Russo et al., 2012). Prenatal stress
1972). This test was later adapted for use in rodents and is paradigms involve exposing pregnant females to stress and
now considered to be a primary depression test. Adaptations examining the effects of this stress exposure on the adult off-
of the protocol have included yoked controls, allowing the spring. The effects of prenatal stress depends in part on the
researcher to directly compare behavioral and biological critical prenatal period when the mother is exposed to the
effects of having control over shock termination. Here, both stressor (Goel and Bale, 2009; Weinstock, 2008). Any number
groups of animals are exposed to the shock before avoidance of prenatal stressors, including CMS (Goel and Bale, 2009),
training but only one group can control the termination of restraint stress, foot shock, and swim stress have been used
the shock (Seligman et al., 1975). Animals that can terminate (Weinstock, 2008). Stress during the early prenatal period
the stressor, usually by performing an operant task, learn to (PND 1–7) results in a depression-like phenotype in male
escape in a subsequent active avoidance task, whereas yoked but not female mice (Goel and Bale, 2009), as measured by
animals receiving the same shock without control over termi- increased immobility in the FST and TST. Male mice exposed
nation show a much greater degree of helplessness behavior. to gestational stress at this time point also displayed decreased
Interestingly, there are individual differences in susceptibility sucrose preference (Goel and Bale, 2009). Interestingly, dur-
to inescapable stress; a third of the animals exposed to ines- ing this period, stress leads to dysmasculinization, causing
capable shock display susceptibility and engage in helpless- males to engage in female-like behavioral strategies in their
ness behavior, whereas a majority of animals are resilient to exploration of the Barnes maze (Mueller and Bale, 2007).
the stress and still learn to escape (Russo et al., 2012). This Physiological changes in HPA-axis sensitivity to stress have
suggests that there may be an epigenetic component, since been shown. Male mice exhibit larger stress-induced increases
many of these studies are performed in genetically identical in CORT along with alterations of gene expression involved
inbred animals, though further studies are needed. The differ- with negative feedback of the HPA (Goel and Bale, 2009). Later
ence in susceptibility also highlights a degree of face validity gestational stress can lead to a more pronounced depression-
to the model, since most humans are resilient in the face of like phenotype in females than males, although this depends
stress and don’t develop significant depression symptoms. The heavily on the behavioral domain being studies (Weinstock,
model also has good construct validity, as loss of control over 2008). Restraint stress (PND 15- parturition) leads to greater
one’s environment is highly stressful and can contribute to immobility in the FST in females than males (Alonso et al.,
onset of a depressive episode (Gilbert, 2006) and all classes of 1991). However, other studies have reported that late gesta-
antidepressant reverse learned helplessness in adult male rats tional restraint stress (PND 14–20) impacts cognitive abilities
(Zazpe et al., 2007). The model has some pathological validity, in males but not females (Weinstock, 2008). Both restraint
since helpless rodents have decreased hippocampal synaptic stress and foot shock starting at PND 8 have been reported
proteins such as PSD 95 and synaptophysin, and decreased to decrease spatial learning in males (Weinstock, 2008). These
neurogenesis (Malberg and Duman, 2003), which are con- mice also had reductions in dendritic spine densities within
sistent with some of the structural changes observed by MRI the hippocampus that were thought to be associated with the
in humans. Both behavioral and structural deficits can be cognitive deficit (Weinstock, 2008). Other studies performed
reversed by chronic, but not acute, treatment with antidepres- only in males have found late gestational restraint stress also
sants (Malberg and Duman, 2003), indicating that the model leads to adult reductions in cell proliferation within the hip-
has good predictive validity (Malberg and Duman, 2003; pocampus (Weinstock, 2008). Like early gestational stress, late
Reines et al., 2008). Helpless animals also show reductions in gestational stress leads to hypercortisolemia in adults along
IL-2 levels in brain regions implicated in depression including with dysregulation of HPA negative feedback (Weinstock,
the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex (Lee et al., 2008). In 2008). Late gestational restraint stress also leads to alterations
the periphery IL-2 is involved with T-cell development and in circadian rhythm and changes in REM sleep (Maccari et
the recognition of “self ” within the immune system (Lee et al., al., 2003). These alterations include increases in paradoxical
2008) and within the brain it has been demonstrated to con- and fragmented sleep along with a decrease in deep slow wave
trol emotion associated behaviors (Lee et al., 2008). However, sleep (Maccari et al., 2003). This model has good predictive
females do not have the same stress-related behavioral deficits validity, since treatment of offspring exposed to late gesta-
in LH (Shors et al., 2007), nor do they exhibit any chronic tional stress with chronic antidepressants in adulthood can
stress-related decrease in neural plasticity (Shors et al., 2007). reverse behavioral effects in the FST and alter glucocorticoid
Therefore the utility of the test is limited, especially when receptor expression (Maccari et al., 2003).
studying females. Regardless, LH models important aspects of Early life stress can also produce significant depression-
mood disorders, and therefore, warrants further mechanistic like phenotypes (Russo et al., 2012). Most studies have used

3 1 A N I M A L M O D E L S O F M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 419

maternal separation during the early postnatal period followed the life span in both sexes. In sum, early life stress models are
by behavioral, hormonal, and molecular analysis of the sepa- excellent for understanding a host of biological and behavioral
rated offspring during adulthood (Plotsky and Meaney, 1993). changes important in depression. They exhibit excellent face,
Studies typically separate pups for either 15 or 180 minutes a day construct, and predictive validity as well as a growing body of
during the postnatal period. Offspring separated for 15 minutes evidence that suggests the model has pathological validity.
a day did not differ from normal facility reared controls or
else showed resilience to stress exposure later in life (Plotsky
et al., 2005). This phenomenon is referred to as stress tolerance R E P E AT E D SO C I A L DE F E AT ST R E S S
and may promote active coping strategies (Russo et al., 2012).
Conversely, animals exposed to early life stress have displayed Repeated social defeat stress (Fig. 31.2) can unmask behavioral
greater immobility, and decreased spatial learning (Krishnan differences in vulnerability to stress across a wide spectrum
and Nestler, 2011). Rats exposed to maternal separation and of behavioral domains. In this model, experimental mice are
then put through a repeated social defeat paradigm in adult- placed into the home cage of a novel larger aggressive mouse
hood used a passive coping mechanism to the stressor and each day for 10 days (Krishnan et al., 2007). The larger mouse
engaged in more submissive postures and behavior (Gardner quickly establishes dominance through physical interaction for
et al., 2005). Other studies have demonstrated that early life a brief five to ten minute period, and then a perforated Plexiglas
stress can make animals more prone to self-administer alco- divider is placed in the cage to physically separate the two ani-
hol and cocaine (Moffett et al., 2007). They also exhibit greatly mals, allowing them to experience continued sensory cues. At
exaggerated HPA responses to stress (Plotsky et al., 2005) and the end of 10 days, experimental mice are separated into resilient
have decreased cell proliferation in hippocampus leading to and susceptible populations based on their social interaction
a smaller overall volume (Mirescu et al., 2004). Interestingly, score (Fig. 31.3), described earlier in the behavioral domains
studies in rodents have demonstrated that most early life stress section of this chapter. Susceptibility and resilience scores are
affects male, but not female, rodents in adulthood (Diehl et al., calculated as a ratio of the time spent near the novel animal
2007). In general it is currently thought that male animals are divided by the time spent near the novel object. Animals that
more susceptible to most forms of early life stress than females prefer the novel animal are considered resilient and behave like
(Goel and Bale, 2009), whereas females are more susceptible to control animals that have not been exposed to stress. Animals
stress after puberty (Dalla et al., 2010). More research is clearly that avoid the novel animal and spend more time near the novel
needed to understand how stress susceptibility changes across object are considered susceptible. Approximately two-thirds


Figure 31.3 Social interaction testing. The social interaction test is used as a behavioral endpoint for stress-based manipulations such as repeated social defeat
stress. In this test an animal is placed in a novel environment and allowed to interact with a novel object or a novel animal. (A) The time the mouse spends near a
novel object is measured. (B) The amount of time spent interacting with the novel animal is measured. Control and resilient mice spend more time with the novel
animal than the novel object. (C) The amount of time spent avoiding the novel animal is measured. Stress-susceptible mice will spend more time with the novel
object than the novel animal. (Photography credit: Christopher Wood.)

420 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

of the mice exhibit social avoidance behavior and are consid- that FSL rats show increased time spent immobile in the FST
ered susceptible, while the remaining one third do not show and decreased social interaction behavior (Overstreet, 2012).
avoidance behavior and are considered resilient (Krishnan et al., In addition, FSL rats are less motivated to work for a natural
2007). Interestingly, both susceptible and resilient mice exhibit reward and have lower body weight and alteration in REM
significant anxiety phenotypes, yet only susceptible mice show sleep (Overstreet et al., 2005). Interestingly, male FSL rats
depression-like phenotypes measured by social avoidance, show greater behavioral deficits than females; females only
anhedonia, disruptions of the circadian system, and metabolic show reductions in latency to immobility but not in time spent
changes, including weight gain (Krishnan et al., 2007). The fact immobile (Dalla et al., 2011). The male response in the FST has
that only a subset of animals shows vulnerability to the effects been used to screen novel antidepressant compounds because
of stress is again consistent with human responses to stress they can be tested in concert with the Flinder’s resistant line
and provides construct validity. Some of the behavioral effects, (FRL), which do not show the same behavioral deficits and are
including social avoidance and metabolic syndrome, can be not responsive to acute antidepressant treatment. Interestingly,
reversed with chronic, but not acute, antidepressant treatment FSL rats are only responsive to chronic, antidepressant treat-
(Berton et al., 2006). Mechanistically, social defeat stress leads ment, making this line particularly useful for its predictive
to a transient decrease in cell proliferation in both susceptible validity. Pathological changes are also shown in the FSL rats.
and resilient mice (Lagace et al., 2010), though reduced neu- They have reductions in CRF and ACTH, similar to the subset
rogenesis has been functionally implicated in resiliency, which of depressed subjects with hypocortisolemia and psychomo-
may be somewhat counter to the reduced hippocampal vol- tor retardation (Overstreet et al., 2005). The FSL rats also show
ume identified in depression in humans (Lagace et al., 2010). abnormalities in immune function. There is a reduction in the
Susceptibility to social defeat stress increases dendritic spine number of natural killer cells in FSL rats, and they are more vul-
density on medium spiny neurons in the nucleus accumbens, a nerable to infection. However, FSL rats show basal reductions
region critical for emotion and reward (Christoffel et al., 2011). in pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 (Overstreet et al.,
These changes in spine profiles correlated with social avoidance 2005) that are normally elevated in the blood of subjects with
behavior. Social defeat stress also increases circulating levels depression (Dowlati et al., 2010). While FSL rats have increased
of pro-inflammatory cytokines in susceptible mice (Gomez- cell proliferation in the dorsal hippocampus compared to the
Lazaro et al., 2011). While social defeat is clearly a powerful FRL line, during aging, they have a sharp decline in cell prolif-
model of depression exhibiting face, construct, and predictive eration concurrent with a decrease in serotonergic enervation
validity, one of the major limitations of this type of stress is that of the hippocampus thought to increase depression associated
it is difficult to test in female mice. Female mice do not nor- behavior (Husum et al., 2006). These findings warrant future
mally attack each other, making it difficult to establish antago- investigation in that they may provide insight into the mecha-
nistic interactions based on these dominance hierarchies. A few nisms of increased depression prevalence during aging. In gen-
recent studies using a female rodent that is monogamous and eral, the model shows good predictive validity in male animals.
territorial (California mouse; Peromyscus californicus) (Trainor The face and pathological validity is mixed, as some symptoms
et al., 2011) or nursing dams have effectively established social do overlap with those of depression, whereas a number of bio-
dominance in females (Shimamoto et al., 2011). Importantly, logical measures do not. There is also a degree of construct
these studies have shown similar effects as males in measures validity, as humans with depression have abnormal sensitiv-
such as anhedonia, drug addiction, and metabolic effects. ity to cholinergic agents (Overstreet, 2012). Importantly, the
However, more research is clearly necessary to determine model shows good reproducibility, at least in male rats, as mul-
whether the same molecular cascades and neural circuitry are tiple labs have found similar effects of antidepressants on the
affected in both sexes. FST response (Dalla et al., 2011; Overstreet, 2012). However
the fact that females show less depression behavior than males
offers an important caveat, since females of most other rodent
S E LE C TIVE BREED ING MO D EL S strains and women exhibit greater stress-induced depression-
like behavior and higher depression prevalence, respectively
While there are no known genetic causes of depression, there (Dalla et al., 2010).
is clearly a strong familial linkage (Gilbert, 2006), suggesting As mentioned previously, the WKY rats are also predisposed
that certain heritable complex genetic traits may predispose to greater depression behavior as a result of selective breeding.
one to depression. For years, researchers have utilized selec- WKY rats were originally bred as a control for a hypertensive line
tive breeding strategies to uncover the genetic basis of dis- (Malkesman and Weller, 2009). WKY rats compared to other
ease and, not surprisingly, there are a few lines, including the strains show greater stress susceptibility, including increased
Flinder’s sensitive line (FSL) and the Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) immobility in the FST, decreased active avoidance when
line, that show increased depression-associated phenotypes. exposed to the learned helplessness paradigm, and increased
Although the FSL was not originally investigated as a model vulnerability to stress-induced ulcers (Pare and Redei, 1993).
of depression, it became clear that some of the neurochemical Females show greater immobility than males in their response
changes recapitulated alterations in humans with depression. in the FST and also develop more severe ulcers, although this
The FSL rats were derived from Sprague–Dawley rats by select- varies across the estrous cycle (Pare and Redei, 1993). In addi-
ing animals that were sensitive to cholinergic and anticholin- tion, WKY rats show greater anhedonia, anxiety-like behavior,
ergic compounds (Overstreet, 2012). It was later determined and stress-induced weight loss compared with other strains

3 1 A N I M A L M O D E L S O F M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 421

(Malkesman and Weller, 2009). This cluster of behavioral symp- SU M M A RY A N D C O N C L U SI O N S
toms have led researchers to classify this as a model of comor-
bid depression and anxiety disorder (Malkesman and Weller, In this chapter we have discussed the validity of each major
2009). Mechanistically, WKY rats display dysregulation of the animal model of mood disorders currently being used to
HPA axis including increased levels of CORT and ACTH along uncover novel mechanisms of psychiatric illness and to
with an elongation of the elevation in CORT and a decrease in develop new therapeutics. These models range from those
ACTH levels following an acute swim stress (Malkesman and based on stress exposure to induce a depression-like pheno-
Weller, 2009). Little is known about differences in brain plastic- type in genetically identical mice to models that use selective
ity, as most studies have compared the WKY rats to the sponta- breeding to examine the complex genetic contributions to
neously hypertensive strain, but these studies have shown that depression between strains. Some of the models make use of
WKY rats have lower rates of cell proliferation and survival acute or short-term stress exposure such as learned helpless-
(Kronenberg et al., 2007). This strain has recently been used ness, whereas others depend on exposure to chronic stress,
to explore the antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of novel such as CMS and social defeat stress. All of the models dis-
antidepressant drugs acting on the kappa-opioid system (Carr cussed at least partially fulfill the criterion for face, construct,
et al., 2010). The model has good face and predictive validity, and predictive validity, which is critical to establishing ani-
but lacks construct validity, as the basis for the susceptibility mal models that accurately mimic the disease. However, as
of WKY rats to stress is not yet understood. Reproducibility we have discussed throughout this chapter, we need to judge
between laboratories is mixed because differences in breeding the validity of these animal models with greater stringency
strategies by commercial breeders can lead to significant genetic and incorporate new criteria, such as reproducibility across
drift (Overstreet, 2012). labs and pathological validity. Pathological validity is espe-
In addition to selective breeding models in rat, Rouen cially important and will lead to a greater understanding of
helpless or “depressed” mice have been heavily used to study the underlying biology of depression. Over time, this may
the mechanisms of depression and for novel antidepressant help clinicians to develop diagnostic criteria based on these
discovery. These mice were originally generated in 1995 by biological changes and move drug discovery efforts beyond
breeding CD-1 mice with high and low immobility scores in monoamine-based antidepressants, which only lead to suc-
the TST (Cryan and Mombereau, 2004). Fourteen generations cessful remission in approximately 40% of the population
later these mice were shown to display increased immobil- (Krishnan and Nestler, 2008). New, rapid onset treatments
ity in the FST and TST, alterations in REM sleep, anhedonia, such as ketamine (Berman et al., 2000) are undergoing clini-
and elevated basal levels of CORT (El Yacoubi and Vaugeois, cal trials and show promise, however, all currently approved
2007). The helpless phenotype appears more often in females antidepressants are based on serendipitous discovery and
than males, making it a valid line for studying sex differences do not directly target the underlying pathology of mood
(Yacoubi et al., 2011). The model has good predictive valid- disorders. Additionally, diagnosis is based largely on non-
ity as a number of classic antidepressants are able to reverse overlapping clusters of behavioral symptoms that are often
the behavioral effects in both sexes (El Yacoubi and Vaugeois, shared across disorders, making it difficult to achieve speci-
2007). Reproducibility is also good, as multiple labs have identi- ficity in diagnosis. Thus, we need to develop biomarkers and
fied similar behavioral phenotypes (Svenningsson et al., 2006). diagnostic tests for the core symptoms of depression, and
This model was used to first identify a functional role for P11 diagnose and treat based on these factors. For this, the use
(Svenningsson et al., 2006), a protein that interacts with sero- of valid animal models is critical and we need to continually
tonin 1B receptors. P11 is decreased in helpless male and female develop and expand on our models to cover an even greater
mice, as well as in postmortem tissue from subjects with depres- range of behavioral deficits. Moreover, few basic drug dis-
sion (El Yacoubi and Vaugeois, 2007; Svenningsson et al., 2006) covery studies use female animals as experimental subjects
and is proposed to be a potential novel target for the develop- (Beery and Zucker, 2010), despite the fact that in humans,
ment of new antidepressants. The selective breeding strategy is there are twice as many women that suffer from depression as
one method of developing animal models of depression with men (Kessler et al., 1993). While there are a few models that
pathological validity for discovering complex genetic varia- accurately reflect this sex difference in depression prevalence,
tions that may underlie depression. However, there are some many do not. Thus, we need to be cognizant of this limita-
major drawbacks to selective breeding models. The generation tion in validity and understand that there may be individual-
of animals is time consuming and expensive, multiple overlap- or sex-based differences in our models that will impact our
ping genetic factors make it impossible to understand contri- results. In summary, the field has made tremendous prog-
butions of specific genes, and genetic drift occurring over time ress in developing animal models of mood disorders that, in
can affect the reproducibility of phenotypes (Overstreet, 2012; some cases, have a high degree of validity in modeling human
Yacoubi et al., 2011). Despite these factors, selective breeding depression. By using a battery of tests to understand distinct
may help to understand how these complex psychiatric pheno- behavioral domains we can gain a greater insight into the
types are maintained in a population and eventually, through biology of depression behavior. Over time, we can use these
the use of high-throughput genetic sequencing, we may even animal models that mimic the pathophysiology of depression
determine the complex genetic contributions driving depres- to develop biomarker diagnostic tests and eventually more
sion susceptibility. effective treatments with fewer negative side effects.

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the National Institute of Mental Health: R01 MH090264 Biobehav. Rev. 29(4–5):771–783.
El Yacoubi, M., and Vaugeois, J.M. (2007). Genetic rodent models of depres-
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INTR ODU C T IO N The recent discovery of a rapid-acting antidepressant ket-

amine that is effective in patients who have failed to respond
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a debilitating illness that to typical antidepressants represents a major advance for the
effects approximately 17% of the US population at some point treatment of depression. Research on the mechanisms under-
in life, causing enormous economic burden and devastating lying the actions of ketamine further highlight the importance
personal suffering (Kessler, 2005). MDD is a heterogeneous ill- of altered synaptic connections in depression and provide tar-
ness characterized by impaired mood, low self-esteem, inability gets for development of a new generation of antidepressants.
to experience pleasure (i.e., anhedonia), cognitive deficits, and This chapter will discuss the neurotransmitter systems, cellular
altered eating and sleeping patterns. The available medications and structural changes, and the role of neurotrophic factors
are only effective in approximately two-thirds of depressed and inflammatory cytokines in the pathophysiology and treat-
patients, but can take months to years and still leaves one-third ment of depression. Work on the synaptogenic and behavioral
of patients untreated (Trivedi, 2006). The low rates of efficacy actions of ketamine, as well as novel antidepressant targets will
and lag time for treatment response are particularly problem- also be presented.
atic for a patient population at high risk for suicide.
Our inability to rapidly and successfully treat and ultimately
cure MDD is due in large part to the lack of information on the A LT E R E D N E U R O T R A N SM I SSI ON AN D
underlying causes of this disorder. Early theories of depression N E U R O P L A ST I C I T Y I N DE P R E SS I O N
and treatment response were centered on disruption of monoam-
ine neurotransmitter systems, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and Many theories of depression have involved alterations of neu-
norepinephrine (NE), but more recent studies have focused on rotransmitter systems in limbic and cortical brain regions that
dysregulation of the major amino acid neurotransmitters gluta- control emotion, mood, and cognition. Most notable are the
mate and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and the role of disrupted early hypotheses that involved the monoamines 5-HT and NE,
neuroplasticity in depression. A delicate balance of glutamate and and more recently the amino acid neurotransmitters gluta-
GABA, the major excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters, in mate and GABA. A brief review of the role of these monoam-
key limbic and cortical circuits is required for control of emotion ines and amino acid neurotransmitter systems is provided in
and mood. This balance is also critical for the function and health this review. Also discussed is one of the key processes for regu-
of neurons, which are controlled in part via activity dependent lation of neurotransmission, neuroplasticity, which has been
regulation of neurotrophic factors. Altered activity levels, either implicated in psychiatric illnesses including depression. There
increases or decreases, over sustained periods of time can result have been a number of neuropeptide systems implicated in the
in neuronal damage, atrophy and loss, contributing to cellular pathophysiology and/or treatment of depression, including
and behavioral abnormalities in depression. corticotrophin releasing factor, neuropeptide Y, neurokinin/
Clinical brain imaging and postmortem studies provide substance P, galanin, and others that will not be discussed here
evidence that MDD is associated with structural abnormali- due to space limitations.
ties, and preclinical work in rodent models of depression also
demonstrate alterations of neurons and glia at the cellular
level. Stress and other environmental factors, combined with
genetic polymorphisms are thought to contribute to an indi-
vidual’s vulnerability or resilience to depression. This could The first evidence-based neurobiological theories of MDD
also explain the heterogeneity of depressive disorders, as the focused on dysregulation of the monoamine neurotransmitter
combination of life exposure to stress/trauma and genetic systems. This included evidence that early drugs with antide-
makeup determine whether a particular person will develop pressant efficacy increased monoamine levels by blocking the
MDD. Another limiting factor is that there are no validated reuptake or breakdown of these neurotransmitters. Agents
biomarkers of depression or treatment response. that produced these kinds of effects included the tricyclic

3 2 M O L E C U L A R A N D C E L L U L A R PAT H O G E N E S I S O F D E P R E S S I O N | 425

antidepressants, such as imipramine, a nonselective inhibitor studies demonstrating that novel antidepressants that act on
of the 5-HT and NE transporters, as well as iproniazid and glutamate neurotransmission (i.e., ketamine) produce rapid
tranylcypromine, drugs that inhibit monoamine oxidase, the antidepressant actions in hard-to-treat depressed patients
enzyme responsible for monoamine metabolism (Heninger, (Zarate, 2006) (see the following for further discussion of
1996; Jacobsen, 2012). There was also early evidence that com- rapid-acting antidepressants and glutamate).
pounds that caused depletion of monoamines, like reserpine,
which disrupts monoamine vesicle storage, could cause depres-
sion, although subsequent studies failed to consistently replicate
this finding (Heninger, 1996). Later studies provided evidence
that 5-HT and NE were required for sustained therapeutic In recent years the focus of depression research has shifted from
responses to drug treatments, as selective depletion of either the monoamine systems to the amino acid neurotransmitters
monoamine caused relapse in patients being treated with the glutamate and GABA. Although the glutamate and GABA sys-
corresponding selective reuptake inhibitor (Heninger, 1996). tems are often discussed separately, it is useful to consider how
Evidence based on direct analysis of monoamine levels has they work in concert, as reciprocal interactions are critical for
also been mixed, with some reports of reduced levels of 5-HT, fine control of neuronal circuits and brain function. Notably,
NE, and/or their metabolites in blood, cerebral spinal fluid, tonic firing of GABAergic neurons constrains glutamate trans-
or postmortem brain tissue, although there are also negative mission and allows for high fidelity point-to-point activation
reports (Heninger, 1996; Jacobsen, 2012). The data with regard of glutamate activity (Fig. 32.1). The tonic firing of GABA neu-
to 5-HT, metabolites, and other functional markers appear to rons is in turn controlled in part by glutamate receptors on
be more consistent when considering severe depression and/or these neurons. The delicate balance of glutamate and GABA
suicide (Jacobsen, 2012). Together these studies indicate that transmission is necessary for normal brain function, and dis-
reductions in levels of monoamines are not a generalized trait ruption of this homeostasis contributes to depression as well
marker of depression, which is not unexpected given the het- as other psychiatric illnesses. Unbalanced signaling can also
erogeneity of depressive illnesses. lead to sustained elevation of glutamate, which can produce
The heterogeneity of MDD could have multiple origins, excitotoxic neuronal damage and even cell loss.
including genetic polymorphisms based on findings from With this is mind, there is substantial evidence that levels
association studies. There is evidence that polymorphisms of of glutamate and GABA are dysregulated in mood disorders.
the gene for tryptophan hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme However, as is often the case with clinical studies of a hetero-
for 5-HT synthesis, are associated with depression in a sub- geneous illness such as depression, there are inconsistencies
population of patients (Jacobsen, 2012). Variants of the 5-HT that could also be related to methodological differences, brain
transporter gene, specifically the short, low expressing variant, regions examined, medication status, and other variables. With
are associated with anxiety-related traits and increased risk of regard to GABA, the prevailing evidence is in favor of a reduc-
depression in individuals exposed to early life stress or trauma tion of this neurotransmitter. This includes initial studies of
(Caspi, 2010). This type of gene x environment interaction is blood plasma and cerebral spinal fluid and later with the devel-
thought to play a prominent role in depression as well as other opment of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)
psychiatric illnesses, as the effects of susceptibility genes are direct evidence for in vivo reductions of GABA content in cor-
expressed when combined with precipitating stressors and/or tical (occipital and frontal) brain regions in depressed patients
other comorbid illnesses (see Chapter 37). (Sanacora and Saricicek, 2007). Further studies demonstrated
Based on this heterogeneity it is not surprising that drugs that the GABA deficits measured by MRS are reversed by anti-
that act on monoamine systems, including 5-HT selective depressant treatments. Postmortem studies also report a loss of
reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants, have limited effi- GABAergic interneurons in the dorsal lateral PFC (dlPFC) of
cacy with approximately one in three depressed patients depressed subjects (Maciag, 2009) and decreased levels of the
responding to the first antidepressant prescribed (Trivedi, primary GABA synthesizing enzyme, glutamic acid decarboxy-
2006). Nevertheless, there is still interest in developing drugs lase (Karolewicz, 2010). Imaging studies also demonstrate func-
that act on the monoamine systems, with increased emphasis tional deficits of cortical GABA inhibition (Levinson, 2010).
on dual or triple (i.e., 5-HT, NE, and/or dopamine) reuptake The evidence for alterations of glutamate transmission is
inhibitors. While such agents may have fewer side effects than more mixed. Studies of glutamate in blood, CSF, or brain show
earlier reuptake inhibitors, it is reasonable to question whether increases, or no change (reviewed by Yüksel, 2010). Studies
such drugs will be more efficacious than currently available using proton MRS have been more consistent. Proton MRS
antidepressants. The limited efficacy could be due to disease measures levels of Glx, a composite containing mostly gluta-
heterogeneity and the restricted role of monoamine depletion mate and glutamine (an intermediary metabolite of glutamate)
in the symptoms of depression, as discussed. In addition, the but also some GABA and other metabolites. These studies
monoamines are considered to be modulatory neurotransmit- report decreased levels of Glx in most cortical brain regions
ter systems (Fig. 32.1), influencing the activity and function of of depressed patients, including the anterior cingulate, dlPFC,
other systems, in contrast to fast-acting glutamate and GABA. dorsal medial PFC, ventral medial PFC, amygdala, and hip-
This could explain in part the limited efficacy and therapeutic pocampus (Yüksel, 2010). One exception is the occipital cor-
time lag for the actions of antidepressants that work via the tex, where an increase was reported (Sanacora, 2004). There are
monoamine systems. This possibility is supported by recent also several reports that antidepressant treatments reverse the

426 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

Glutamate (GLTM)
GLTM and GABA (fast excitation)
transmission are GABA
altered in depressed GLTM (fast inhibition)
patients GAD

5-HT Glnase

Tryp Glutamine
5-HTP GlnSyn

cAMP, Ca2+ Na+/Ca2+ Na+

Glial element
(GLTM reuptake)
Depolarization, synaptic plasticity,
BDNF expression, number Number of glia are
synaptic protein synthesis,
of synapses, and size of decreased in
BDNF expression
PFC and HP are decreased depressed patients
in depression

Figure 32.1 Diagram of glutamate transmission and the influence of GABA and 5-HT neurotransmitters, as well as glia. The glutamate, GABA, and 5-HT
neurotransmitter systems are coded in dark gray, light shaded gray, and medium gray, respectively; a glial element is also shown on the right. Glutamate
transmission is tightly controlled by GABA as well as other synaptic inputs. Glutamine is converted by glutaminase (Glnase) to glutamate, which is then packaged
into presynaptic vesicles and released in an activity dependent manner. Glutamate acts on postsynaptic as well as presynaptic receptors, including ionotrophic
(i.e., AMPA and NMDA) and metabotropic (e.g., mGluR2/3) subtypes. Activation of AMPA and NMDA receptors, which interact with postsynaptic density proteins
(PSD) such as PSD95, leads to influx of Na+ and Ca2+, causing excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) and eventually depolarization. These pathways also
mediate synaptic plasticity, including the insertion of AMPA receptors into the synaptic membrane, which enhances the maturation, stabilization, and function of
synapses. Glutamate is cleared from the extracellular space by excitatory amino acid transporters (EAAT) located primarily on glia, where glutamate is converted
to glutamine by glutamine synthetase (GlnSyn). Glia cells are also a major source of glutamine for the presynaptic glutamate terminal. GABA and tonic firing of
GABAergic neurons provides negative control over glutamate. Glutamate is converted to GABA by glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). GABA binds to ionotropic
GABAA receptors, which when activated allow influx of Cl-, resulting in inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) and hyperpolarization. 5-HT is a modulatory
neurotransmitter that is derived from tryptophan (Tryp), which is converted to 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) by the rate-limiting enzyme tryptophan hydroxylase
(TpH). 5-HT released into the synapse is inactivated by reuptake into the presynaptic terminal by the 5-HT transporter (SERT), which is the target of SSRI
antidepressants. Activation of 5-HT receptors (5-HTR) and coupling with G proteins leads to regulation of second messenger systems, including the cAMP cascade
and intracellular Ca2+. Alterations in depression include imbalance of glutamate and GABA transmission, decreased expression of BDNF, decreased number of
synapses, reduced size of the PFC and hippocampus (HP), and decreased number of glia as indicated.

deficit in levels of Glx. In addition, levels of Glx are increased

in patients with bipolar disorder.
Together, the evidence points to a decrease in GABA and
glutamate neurotransmission, which could indicate an overall
reduction in neuronal function and circuit level control in the The loss of glutamate/GABA balance also supports the hypoth-
brains of MDD patients. This could also be related to the atrophy esis that alterations of neuroplasticity contribute to depression
of neurons and loss of glia in the same cortical and limbic brain and other stress-related illnesses. Cellular models of neuroplas-
regions where neurotransmission is disrupted (see following). The ticity, such as long-term potentiation (LTP) are used to study the
mechanisms that result in decreased neurotransmission, atrophy mechanisms underlying learning and memory. However, neu-
of neurons, and loss of glia are not known but could be due to an roplasticity is a critical process that is involved in many aspects
imbalance of glutamate and GABA signaling, resulting in over- or of neuronal adaptation and function. Neuroplasticity refers to
underactivation of neurons. This may occur via loss of the proper the sensing and summation of neurotransmitter signals under
balance of activity dependent neurotrophic factor support, and/ a specific set of conditions, resulting in adaptations of synap-
or increased glutamate excitotoxicity. The need for proper bal- tic function and architecture, which lead to altered respond-
ance of glutamate and GABA signaling is further highlighted by ing upon exposure to the same or related signals. This includes
evidence that the therapeutic action of novel rapid antidepres- activation of ionotropic glutamate receptors, AMPA (α-amino-
sants is dependent on a transient burst of glutamate transmission. 3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazole-4-propionic acid) and NMDA
These possibilities are discussed in the following sections. (N-methyl-d-aspartate), increased intracellular calcium

3 2 M O L E C U L A R A N D C E L L U L A R PAT H O G E N E S I S O F D E P R E S S I O N | 427

signaling, insertion of glutamate receptors into the synaptic volume of hippocampus in depressed patients has been associ-
membrane, and stabilization of spine synapses (Fig. 32.1) (the ated with severity and duration of illness and non-response to
exact mechanisms for synaptic plasticity are reviewed in detail antidepressant treatment; and conversely there is evidence that
in Chapter 5). treatment response can reverse hippocampal volume deficits.
The ability to make the appropriate adaptive response, for Early life stress and trauma, which are risk factors for depres-
example upon exposure to stress or trauma, is critical for proper sion (see Chapter 44 on early life stress), are also associated
function of neural circuits that allows for adaptation and resil- with smaller hippocampal volumes. There is evidence that
ience to change. Studies in rodent models demonstrate that smaller hippocampal volume is observed before the onset of
exposure to chronic stress decreases synaptic plasticity in the illness in a population of high-risk adolescents.
PFC and hippocampus (Duman and Aghajanian, 2012). The Prefrontal cortex subregions, including the subgenual PFC,
synaptic plasticity deficits are caused by chronic stress expo- infralimbic, and anterior cingulate cortex, are also altered in
sure, as a single acute stressor enhances glutamate transmission depression. Neuroimaging studies demonstrate that decreased
in the PFC (Yuen, 2012). Conversely, chronic administration volume of these PFC cortical regions occurs at an early stage in
of typical antidepressants, such as the highly prescribed SSRIs, depressive illness, and are observed in high-risk young adults,
increases cellular neuroplasticity determined by studies of hip- and that the volume deficits progress with length of illness in
pocampal LTP (Duman and Aghajanian, 2012). Additional psychotic depressed patients (Price, 2010). The reductions in
evidence is provided by work demonstrating that chronic fluox- subgenual PFC are reported to persist after successful treat-
etine reinstates ocular dominance plasticity in the adult mouse ment of depressed subjects, but are reversed toward control
visual cortex and enhances the extinction of conditioned fear, levels by lithium treatment.
an active learning process (Karpova, 2011; Maya Vetencourt, Together these studies demonstrate structural alterations
2008). Moreover, SSRI-induced neuroplasticity requires BDNF. of hippocampus and PFC subregions that are associated with
These studies are consistent with evidence that glutamate sig- depression. Importantly atrophy of these regions can be atten-
naling and neurotransmission are altered in depression and in uated or even reversed with antidepressant treatment. This
animal models of chronic stress exposure. reversibility is a key feature that distinguishes depression from
more permanent structural changes often observed in patients
with neurodegenerative disorders. This is also supported by
S TR U C TU RA L A BNO RMA L ITIES I N studies in rodent models demonstrating that neuronal atrophy
DE PR E S S IO N caused by stress is reversible.
Nucleus accumbens and amygdala: In contrast to atrophy
In addition to alterations of neurotransmission and plasticity, of hippocampus and PFC, there is evidence for hypertrophy or
there is now clear evidence of structural alterations in depres- increased arbor of neuronal processes in the nucleus accum-
sion, including changes in the size or volume of cortical and bens and amygdala in rodent models of depression (Duman
limbic brain regions, as well as ultrastructural changes of the and Aghajanian, 2012; Roozendaal, 2009). The nucleus accum-
neuronal processes/connections and numbers of neurons bens is part of the mesolimbic dopamine system that controls
and glia. These findings are provided by human brain imaging motivation and reward, and the amygdala regulates emotion
and postmortem studies as well as animal models of stress and and fear. Alterations of these structures in depressed patients
depression. have also been identified (Price, 2010). In addition to struc-
tural changes, there is evidence for altered metabolic activity
and connectivity between the nucleus accumbens, amygdala,
PFC, hippocampus, and other cortical and limbic regions
There is now consistent evidence from magnetic resonance implicated in depression. This is consistent with preclinical
imaging studies that depression is associated with alterations of studies that provide strong evidence for a role of the amygdala
the volume or size of several brain regions, notably the PFC and and mesolimbic dopamine system in anxiety and mood related
hippocampus (Drevets, 2008; MacQueen, 2011). These brain behaviors (see Chapter 31).
regions are known to control memory and cognition, which are
severely compromised in depressed patients, and are also part
of a neural circuit that includes other brain regions that control
emotion, anxiety, fear, vegetative, and endocrine responses that
are dysregulated in depression (i.e., limbic-cortical-striatal- The exact cellular changes underlying the volumetric decreases in
pallidal-thalamic, with connections to amygdala, hypothala- depression have been difficult to identify and must rely solely on
mus, and brainstem structures) (see Chapter 34 on depression morphometric analysis of neurons in postmortem brain tissue of
circuitry). depressed subjects. These studies have begun to identify changes
Hippocampus, a highly stress-sensitive structure, has been that are consistent with the brain imaging studies, showing a
one of the most studied brain regions in MDD patients and in reduction in the size of neuronal cell bodies, decreased density
preclinical models of stress. A recent review of imaging studies of neurons, and decreased number of GABAergic interneurons
of over a thousand depressed patients and the same number of in the dlPFC (Price, 2010; Rajkowska, 2007). The numbers of glia
controls, demonstrates a consistent reduction in hippocampal are also decreased in the dlPFC, as well as other cortical struc-
size associated with depression (MacQueen, 2011). The smaller tures (Rajkowska, 2007). Postmortem studies of hippocampus

428 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

report an increased packing density, implying that the neuronal (A)
body size is increased in depression. Preclinical studies also dem-
onstrate that stress decreases adult hippocampal neurogenesis
(Samuels, 2011). Although decreased neurogenesis has not been
observed in postmortem tissue from depressed subjects, there
are reports of increased cell birth in subjects treated with antide-
pressant medications at the time of death (Boldrini, 2012).
The reductions in PFC and hippocampal volume, com- Control Stress
bined with postmortem evidence for reduced size of neuronal 50 µm
cell bodies suggest that the processes and connections between (B)
neurons are also decreased in depression. However, the analy- Control CUS (21 d) CUS (21 d)
sis of synaptic number has been hampered by poor fixation +Ket (1d)
and tissue conditions. The first study to address this question
recently reported that the number of synapses, determined
by electron microscopy, is decreased in the dlPFC of MDD
subjects (Kang, 2012). Supporting evidence for loss of spine
synapses is provided by studies reporting decreased levels of
synaptic signaling proteins in depressed subjects, including
AMPA and NMDA receptor subtypes, presynaptic neurotrans-
mitter vesicle-associated proteins, and postsynaptic structural 5 µm
and functional proteins in the dlPFC, hippocampus, and other
forebrain structures (Duman and Aghajanian, 2012). These control
studies provide strong evidence of disrupted synaptic integrity CUS
(C) (D)
and function in cortical and limbic brain regions of depressed CUS+ket 75

Sucrose pref (%)

subjects. 4
Spines/10 µm
** 50
A LT E R AT I O N S F R O M R O D E N T S T U D I E S 25
The hypothesis that the pathophysiology of depression and
stress-related psychiatric illnesses is related to structural 0
Distal tuft Ctrl CUS CUS+
alterations has gained significant support from preclini- Ket
cal studies of chronic stress models of depression. There
are a number of chronic models that have been developed, Figure 32.2 Chronic stress causes atrophy of neurons in the PFC. (A) Shown

including chronic unpredictable stress (CUS), which leads to are representative confocal photomicrographs of layer V pyramidal neurons
in the medial PFC labeled with neurobiotin. Chronic immobilization stress
behavioral anhedonia, a core symptom of depression that is (~30 min per day, 7 days) causes a reduction in the number and length
reversed by chronic antidepressant administration, consis- of apical dendrites in PFC neurons. (B) CUS (21 days) decreases synaptic
tent with the therapeutic time lag seen in depressed patients. connections and produces depressive-like behavior that is rapidly reversed by
Chronic social defeat is another well-established model a single dose of ketamine. Representative confocal images of single dendrites
that is characterized by social interaction deficits, as well as of labeled layer V pyramidal neurons in the medial PFC. CUS decreases the
number of dendrites, and a single dose of ketamine rapidly reverses the deficit
anhedonia and vegetative differences, that are also reversed caused by CUS. (C) Quantitation of the numbers of spines on distal tufts of
by chronic, but not acute antidepressant treatments (see layer V neurons, further demonstrating the reversal of the CUS spine deficit
Chapter 31 on preclinical models). These models contrast by ketamine. (D) Influence of CUS ± ketamine on behavior in the sucrose
with acute helplessness paradigms, such as the forced swim preference test (measured by percent preference for a sucrose solution). The
test, in which animals respond rapidly after just a single anti- sucrose preference test provides a measure of anhedonia, a core symptom of
depression that is rapidly reversed by a single dose of ketamine, compared to
depressant dose, and which are best known for their utility as long-term administration (three weeks) needed for a typical antidepressant,
drug screening paradigms. such as a SSRI.
Neuronal atrophy: Studies of the hippocampus were the
first to demonstrate that chronic immobilization stress causes
atrophy of neurons, notably a reduction in the number and neuronal function, demonstrated by a reduction in 5-HT and
length of the apical dendrites of CA3 pyramidal neurons hypocretin-induced excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs)
(McEwen, 2012). Subsequent studies of chronic immobili- (Liu, 2008; Morrison, 2012). These changes are accompanied
zation or CUS also demonstrate atrophy of the apical den- by altered synaptic glutamate transmission (Popoli, 2011). The
drites of pyramidal neurons in layers II/III and V of medial atrophy of pyramidal neurons in the PFC is particularly sen-
PFC (Fig. 32.2) (Duman and Aghajanian, 2012; Morrison, sitive to stress, with reductions of apical dendrites observed
2012). In addition, chronic stress causes a reduction in the after as little as 30 to 45 minutes of immobilization stress per
number of spine synapses, the primary connection points day for 7 days. Neuronal atrophy caused by stress exposure is
between neurons, as well as a corresponding decrease in reversible, either by removal of stress or with antidepressant

3 2 M O L E C U L A R A N D C E L L U L A R PAT H O G E N E S I S O F D E P R E S S I O N | 429

treatment, consistent with clinical studies demonstrating that ST R E SS- M E DI AT E D PAT HWAY S
volumetric changes of PFC and hippocampus are reversible I N DE P R E SSI O N : T HE
with treatment. HY P O T HA L A M I C - P I T U I TA RY- A DR E N AL
As previously discussed, pyramidal neurons of the baso- AXIS
lateral amygdala undergo hypertrophy in response to chronic
stress exposure (Roozendaal, 2009). This could represent an The mechanisms underlying neuronal atrophy, reduced neu-
effect independent of other limbic and cortical structures or rogenesis, and loss of glia are still being characterized, but
could be related to, and influenced by, connections with these are related to stress activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-
regions. Notably, there are reciprocal connections between the adrenal (HPA) axis and excess glucocorticoid levels, as well as
PFC and amygdala, with the PFC exerting negative control of activation of inflammatory cytokines. These systems then
amygdala neuronal activity; reduction of the negative feedback regulate a variety of other pathways that control all aspects of
from the PFC could account for hypertrophy of amygdala neu- neuronal and glial function and survival, including regulation
rons and decreased control of emotion and mood. of growth factors and intracellular signaling cascades. Here
Decreased neurogenesis: In addition to neuronal atrophy, we discuss the evidence demonstrating the role of these sys-
stress exposure decreases the birth of new neurons in the adult tems in stress, depression, and treatment response.
hippocampus, one of the few neurogenic zones found in the
adult brain (the other is the subventricular zone, which gives
rise to new neurons in the olfactory bulb) (Samuels, 2011).
Neural progenitor cells in the subgranular zone give rise to
immature neurons that migrate into the granule cell layer and One of the best-studied stress-activated systems is the HPA
develop into mature, functional neurons over the course of axis (Holsboer, 2010). Corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF),
four to six weeks. Acute or repeated stress exposure decreases expressed in neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the
the birth of new neurons, and recent studies demonstrate hypothalamus that project to the pituitary and, together with
that this stress-induced decrement causes depression-related vasopressin, causes release of adrenocorticotrophin hormone
behaviors in rodents (Snyder, 2011). In contrast, chronic, but (ACTH) into the circulatory system. ACTH then stimulates
not acute administration of all classes of antidepressant treat- the biosynthesis and release of glucocorticoids in the adrenal
ment increases the birth of new neurons and blocks the effects cortex. Clinical studies have provided evidence that HPA activ-
of stress (Samuels, 2011). Antidepressant treatment is also ity is elevated in depressed subjects, with reports of increased
associated with the birth of new neurons in postmortem hip- levels of cortisol, the primary glucocorticoid in humans, and
pocampus of MDD subjects (Boldrini, 2012). Moreover, the reduced responsiveness to administration of a synthetic glu-
induction of new neurons in the hippocampus is required for cocorticoid (i.e., dexamethasone suppression test). In fact,
some but not all antidepressant behaviors, linking this cellular a recent extensive review of the literature (354 studies with
process to antidepressant actions. These studies support a role 18,374 subjects) found that 73% of depressed patients had
for adult hippocampal neurogenesis in stress, depression, and elevated cortisol levels compared to non-depressed controls
antidepressant responses. (Stetler, 2011).
Glial loss: Decreased number of glia represents one of the Glucocorticoids bind to two major types of receptors
most consistently reported postmortem findings in depres- termed glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralcorticoid (MR), intra-
sion, and evidence from rodent stress models is compatible cellular cytoplasmic receptors that when activated function as
with these findings. This includes studies demonstrating that transcription factors and regulate expression of a wide range of
chronic stress decreases the proliferation of newborn oli- target genes. MR has a higher affinity for glucocorticoids and
godendrocytes in the PFC and astrocytes that express the mineralcorticoids and serves as the primary signaling receptor
marker glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in the PFC and under normal, non-stressed physiological conditions, while GR
hippocampus (Banasr, 2012). Astrocytes play an important has lower affinity and is only activated by higher, stress-induced
role in the reuptake and termination of glutamate neurotrans- levels of glucocorticoids. Both receptors are expressed through-
mitter signaling, as well as metabolism of amino acid neu- out the brain, but levels of GR are particularly high in the hip-
rotransmitters (Fig. 32.1). GFAP+ astrocytes, while capable pocampus, as well as PFC and some other cortical regions. The
of proliferation when activated by excitotoxic or mechani- hippocampus, hypothalamus, and pituitary also respond to
cal injury, do not typically undergo proliferation under glucocorticoids, which provides negative feedback control of
non-activated conditions. Oligodendrocytes are best known HPA-axis release of glucocorticoids. Reductions of this impor-
for myelination of neurons, but there are also subtypes that tant feedback system, measured in the dexamethasone sup-
have morphological and functional characteristics similar to pression test, are often reported in depressed subjects, further
astrocytes. Oligodendrocyte precursors, labeled with the NG2 demonstrating that this key stress response neuroendocrine
proteoglycan, continue to proliferate in the adult brain, and system is overactivated in MDD (Holsboer, 2010). There is also
stress decreases the birth of these cells, an effect that could evidence that levels of CRF are elevated in depressed subjects.
contribute to the decrease observed in depressed subjects. In addition to signaling in the HPA axis, CRF and its receptor
In contrast, chronic antidepressant treatment produces the are expressed in other brain regions, including the amygdala,
opposite effect, increasing the number of NG2+ oligodendro- and have been implicated in the regulation of fear and anxiety,
cytes (Banasr, 2012). as well as depressive behaviors.

430 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

Preclinical studies demonstrate that high levels of glu- element of the innate as well as the adaptive immune system. In
cocorticoids can account for many actions of chronic stress addition, inflammatory cytokines are released in the brain from
exposure on neurons and glia. Chronic exposure to corticos- microglial cells, which, like macrophages, are derived from
terone, the active glucocorticoid in rodents, causes atrophy of monocytes. Typically, activation of macrophages and microglia
neurons in the PFC and hippocampus, similar to the effects occurs via a two-step process: first, via binding of danger sub-
of chronic stress (McEwen, 2012; Morrison, 2012). Chronic stances (e.g., viral, bacterial, etc.) to a toll-like receptor (TLR)
corticosterone exposure, also decreases neurogenesis in the that couples to signaling pathways that increase pro-IL-1β gene
adult hippocampus, and causes reduction of oligodendro- transcription; and second by substances released during cell
cyte proliferation in the PFC (Banasr, 2012; Samuels, 2011). damage such as ATP, which activates the inflammasome system
There is also evidence that chronic corticosterone administra- resulting in the processing and release of IL-1β. The impor-
tion decreases the expression of the astrocytic marker, GFAP. tance of the latter is highlighted by the ability of IL-1β to act as
Together these findings indicate that elevated glucocorticoid a primary regulatory of the immune response, as it also leads to
levels could account for the neuronal and glial atrophy caused increased release of other cytokines such as IL-6 and TNFα.
by chronic stress exposure, and for the atrophy of cortical and The mechanisms underlying the release of inflammatory
limbic brain regions observed in depressed patients. cytokines by psychological stress are less clear, but may involve
The findings that stress and glucocorticoids can cause atro- increased glutamate transmission followed by release of ATP
phy of neurons and loss of glia are unexpected, as it is difficult that stimulates microglia in the brain. Another unanswered
to understand the evolutionary advantage of this deleterious question is how the peripheral and central inflammatory
effect. However, in nature the stress response is designed to be cytokine systems communicate. Cytokines are large peptides
active only for a transient, brief period of time, during the fight that cannot cross the blood-brain barrier under most condi-
or flight response, and then rapidly return to baseline levels. tions, although there may be active uptake, porous regions of
Acute activation of the stress response systems is required for the barrier, or conditions that make the barrier leaky and allow
mobilizing energy and resources to the appropriate organs and cytokines to cross into the brain. It is also notable that inflam-
tissues to provide a maximum response to danger conditions. matory cytokines are one of the most potent activators of the
However, problems occur when the stress is sustained over HPA axis and could contribute to elevated glucocorticoid lev-
long periods of time, as is the case in modern daily human lives els in depression. However, glucocorticoids also suppress the
filled with stress related to social interactions, work demands, immune system and cytokines, adding another layer of com-
and other environmental conditions, which then results in del- plexity and unanswered questions regarding the interaction
eterious effects on brain and many other organ systems. and regulation of these related systems in depression.

AND DE P RES S IO N Inflammatory cytokines influence a wide range of cellular and
neuronal signaling pathways. As is often the case they produce
biphasic effects on neuronal systems, characterized by normal
physiological responses at low levels but deleterious actions
Clinical studies have provided evidence that inflammatory at higher levels caused by stress. For example, both IL-1β and
cytokines play a role in the pathophysiology of depression TNFα have been implicated in cellular and behavioral models
and other mood disorders. Levels of several pro-inflammatory of learning and memory, but at high doses are known to cause
cytokines, including interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and IL-6, as well as sickness, anxiety, and depressive behaviors in rodent models
tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα), are increased in the blood of (Yirmiya, 2011). IL-1β also decreases the birth of new neurons
depressed patients compared to control subjects (Miller, 2009). in the adult hippocampus, and blockade of IL-1β signaling with
These cytokines cause sickness behavior in rodents, character- the endogenous antagonist IL-1Ra blocks the antineurogenic,
ized by suppressed locomotor activity, decreased social explo- as well as behavioral effects of stress exposure (Koo, 2009).
ration, decreased food intake, lethargy, and anhedonia, many Inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β activate the
of which are also observed in depression. Treatment with inter- Ikk-nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB) signaling pathway, result-
feron (IFN), a cytokine that strongly activates the immune sys- ing in regulation of many aspects of neuronal function. This
tem, causes high levels of depressive symptoms (i.e., ~50% of includes regulation of gene transcription, such as indoleamine
patients) when used as a treatment of certain cancers and viral 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), an enzyme that degrades tryptophan
infections (Raison, 2006). In addition, many illnesses, includ- to kynurenine. Earlier studies suggested that this could lead to
ing diabetes, cancer, and cardiac disease, that have high rates decreased levels of 5-HT, a product of tryptophan metabolism,
of comorbidity with depression (~20–30%), are characterized but kynurenine is also a precursor of quinolic acid, an NMDA
by chronic inflammation (see Chapter 37). The inflammatory receptor agonist that could cause neurotoxic damage. In addi-
system can also be activated by psychological stressors, which tion, Ikk-NFkB signaling in the nucleus accumbens is upregu-
may account in part for elevation of cytokines in depressed lated by social defeat stress and underlies the morphological
patients (Miller, 2009). alterations caused by stress in this brain region (Christoffel,
Inflammatory cytokines are released in the peripheral blood 2011). Further studies are needed to characterize the mecha-
system by circulating macrophages, a primary cellular response nisms underlying the behavioral actions of IL-1β, TNFα, and

3 2 M O L E C U L A R A N D C E L L U L A R PAT H O G E N E S I S O F D E P R E S S I O N | 431

other inflammatory cytokines, as well as the role of these fac- chronic antidepressant administration produces the opposite
tors in neuronal atrophy and glial loss caused by stress. effect and blocks the decreased expression caused by stress
(Duman, 2006; Krishnan, 2008). The relevance of these find-
ings is supported by postmortem studies demonstrating that
levels of BDNF are decreased in the cerebral cortex of MDD
subjects (Duman, 2006). Surprisingly, serum and plasma levels
The possibility that inflammatory cytokines can be targeted of BDNF are also decreased in depressed patients, and this def-
for the treatment of depression is supported by clinical studies icit is reversed with antidepressant treatments (Duman, 2006;
demonstrating that blockade of TNFα, by administration of Dwivedi, 2010).
a neutralizing antibody (i.e., Etanercept), produces an antide- The actions of BDNF are mediated by a tyrosine
pressant response in patients receiving treatment for psoriasis kinase receptor, TrkB, that when stimulated leads to
(Miller, 2009) (see Chapter 35). Further studies are needed to activation of several intracellular pathways including Ras–
replicate this finding and to determine whether blockade of microtubule-associated protein kinase (MAPK) and phos-
other inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1β or IL-6 could be phatidyl inositol-3 kinase (PI3K)/serine threonine kinase
useful for the treatment of depression. There is also preclini- (Akt) (Duman and Voleti, 2012; Martinowich, 2007). These
cal evidence that blockade of the ATP-purinergic receptor that pathways positively influence synaptic maturation and stabil-
activates IL-1β processing and release has antidepressant effi- ity via regulation of synaptic protein synthesis and glutamate
cacy in rodent behavioral models. Combined with advanced receptor cycling (Collinridge, 2010; Hoeffer, 2010). Studies of
biomarker testing, these strategies may hold promise for treat- rodent stress models and human postmortem tissue also dem-
ing depressed patients that present with elevated levels of a onstrate disruption of BDNF-TrkB receptor signaling, includ-
specific inflammatory cytokine that could be directly corrected ing reductions of ERK and Akt pathways in the hippocampus
with appropriate antagonist or neutralizing agent. and PFC (Duman and Voleti, 2012; Duric, 2010). Stress and
depression also influence BDNF-TrkB signaling by induction
of a negative regulator, MAP kinase phosphatase 1, that is suf-
R OLE OF NEU RO T RO P H IC FA C T O R ficient to cause depressive behaviors when expressed in rodent
S UPPORT IN D EP RES S IO N A ND hippocampus (Duric, 2010). Chronic stress also decreases Akt
TR E ATMENT RES P O NS E signaling in the mesolimbic dopamine system. Another study
has reported that chronic stress inhibits glutamate transmis-
Activation of the HPA axis and elevation of adrenal glucocorti- sion via ubiquitin/proteasome-mediated degradation of glu-
coids, as well as induction of inflammatory cytokines by stress, tamate receptors in the PFC, and that this effect is correlated
results in altered regulation of many neuronal systems that have with cognitive function (Duman and Aghajanian, 2012).
been implicated in depression. Alterations of neurotrophic fac-
tors, particularly BDNF and related signaling pathways have
been of particular interest because of the important role that
these factors play in the formation and regulation of synapses,
as well as the survival and function of neurons. Here we dis- G E N E P O LY M O R P H I S M
cuss evidence for the role of several key neurotrophic factors in These findings, combined with brain imaging and postmor-
the pathophysiology and treatment of depression. Long-lasting tem studies, have contributed to a neurotrophic hypothesis of
changes in the expression of neurotrophic factors, as well as depression, which proposes that the neuronal and behavioral
other signaling molecules, due to epigenetic alterations have deficits caused by stress and depression result from decreased
also been implicated in depression and treatment response and BDNF, and conversely that the actions of antidepressant treat-
have been discussed in several excellent reviews (Krishnan, ment occur via induction of BDNF. The latter hypothesis is
2008; Sun, 2012). supported by studies demonstrating that the behavioral actions
of antidepressants are blocked in BDNF deletion mutant mice,
and that BDNF infusion into the hippocampus produces anti-
depressant responses (Autry, 2012; Duman, 2006).
The hypothesis that loss of BDNF underlies depressive
behavior has been more complicated. Studies of mutant mice,
BDNF is a member of the nerve growth factor family, which including constitutive heterozygous deletion (homozygous
also includes neurotrophin 3 and 4. These factors were origi- mutants are lethal), as well as conditional forebrain deletion
nally discovered because of the important functions they serve mutants have not reported evidence of a depressive phenotype
during brain development, guiding the migration and matu- with the exception that female conditional deletion mice show
ration, as well as survival and function of neurons. However, behavioral despair (Autry, 2012; Duman, 2006). However,
these factors are also expressed in the adult brain, are regulated BDNF deletion mutants are more vulnerable to stress, pro-
by neuronal activity, and are involved in synaptic plasticity, and viding support for a gene x environment interaction, and tar-
neuronal function and survival (Martinowich, 2007). Initial geted deletion of BDNF in the hippocampus is sufficient to
studies demonstrated that chronic stress exposure decreases cause depressive behaviors (Duman and Aghajanian, 2012). In
the expression of BDNF in the hippocampus and PFC, while contrast to the PFC and hippocampus, BDNF activity in the

432 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

mesolimbic dopamine system produces prodepressive effects, are other factors and signaling pathways involved in depres-
demonstrating region-specific actions of this plasticity-related sion and treatment response yet to be discovered.
factor (Krishnan and Nestler, 2008). This could also account
for the lack of overt behavioral phenotype in constitutive and
forebrain deletion mutant mice, in which BDNF deletion in R A P I D- A C T I N G A N T I DE P R E SS AN TS
multiple different regions at the same time may have offsetting I N C R E A SE SY N A P T O G E N E SI S
behavioral consequences.
There is also evidence that BDNF is involved in neuronal Currently available antidepressants that influence monoam-
deficits caused by stress. In heterozygous deletion mutant mice ine levels require weeks to months to produce a therapeutic
there is a reduction in number and length of apical dendrites of response and are only effective in about one-third of patients,
CA3 pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus, and the effects of and up to two-thirds with multiple trials that can take years.
chronic stress are occluded, suggesting that BDNF reduction This underscores a major unmet need, particularly for depressed
underlies the atrophy of dendrites (Duman and Aghajanian, patients at high risk for suicide. In this context, one of the most
2012). There have also been studies of mice with a knockin of important findings in the field of depression is the discovery
a loss of function variant of the BDNF gene, Val66Met, that that a single dose of ketamine, an NMDA receptor antagonist,
is found in approximately 30% of humans (Dincheva, 2012). produces rapid antidepressant actions (clinical improvement
The Met allele decreases the transport of BDNF transcripts within two hours) in treatment-resistant depressed patients
to dendrite compartments, where local protein synthesis (Machado-Vieira, 2011). These treatment-resistant patients
occurs to support synaptogenesis and neuroplasticity. BDNF have failed to respond to two or more typical antidepressants,
Met knockin mice display a reduction of dendrite length and and the antidepressant response to single-dose ketamine is sus-
branching, and decreased spine-synapse density, maturity, tained for 7 to 10 days. Ketamine also produces a rapid anti-
and function in the hippocampus and/or PFC (Duman and depressant effect in bipolar depressed patients and decreases
Aghajanian, 2012). Studies in humans demonstrate that car- suicide ideation. The fast, efficacious actions of ketamine by
riers of the Met polymorphism have decreased hippocampal a completely different mechanism than typical monoamine
volume and reduced executive function and if exposed to early reuptake inhibitors, NMDA receptor blockade, make this argu-
life stress are more vulnerable to depressive symptoms (Duman ably the most exciting advance for depression therapeutics in
and Aghajanian, 2012). 50 years. Preclinical studies have demonstrated that ketamine
rapidly increases the number and function of synaptic connec-
tions, which provides further evidence that synaptogenesis is an
important process for the treatment of depression, and that loss
of synaptic connections contributes to the pathophysiology of
depression (Figs. 32.2 and 32.3).
There are several other neurotrophic/growth factors that have
been implicated in depression, including vascular endothe-
lial growth factor (VEGF), fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2),
and insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF1). Altered regulation
and function of these factors is not surprising given that, like The profound clinical actions of ketamine have stimulated
BDNF, they are regulated by neuronal activity, neuroendocrine, studies to identify the mechanisms underlying its rapid, effica-
and inflammatory factors that are dysregulated by stress and cious antidepressant actions. These studies have been equally
depression. Chronic exposure to stress decreases the expres- exciting, demonstrating that a single dose of ketamine rap-
sion of VEGF in rodent hippocampus, and levels of FGF2 are idly increases the formation of new synaptic connections and
decreased in postmortem cerebral cortex of depressed subjects; activates neurotrophic factor translational signaling pathways
conversely, antidepressant treatment increases the expres- (Fig. 32.3). A single dose of ketamine increases the number
sion of VEGF and FGF2 in cortical and/or hippocampal brain and function of spine synapses in layer V pyramidal neurons
regions (Duman and Voleti, 2012). In addition, central infu- of the medial PFC (Li, 2010). Biochemical studies demonstrate
sions of VEGF, FGF2, or IGF1 produce antidepressant actions that ketamine administration increases levels of synaptic pro-
in behavioral models of depression, and blockade of VEGF or teins by two hours, indicating that synaptogenesis has started
FGF2 signaling blocks the response to antidepressant treat- to take place at this early time point, which coincides with the
ments (Duman and Voleti, 2012). These studies demonstrate therapeutic response to ketamine. The increase in synaptic
a complex interaction between these trophic factors and their number is accompanied by increased number of “mushroom”
intracellular signaling pathways, all of which include activa- spines, indicative of mature or stable synapses. At a functional
tion of intracellular tyrosine kinase domains and Ras-MAPK level, there is also an increase in 5-HT and hypocretin-induced
and PI3K-Akt signaling pathways. This overlap may suggest excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs), including increased
convergence of growth factor receptor signaling on neurons frequency and amplitude, which are directly correlated with
and glia, but it is also possible that different populations of the number and maturation/stability of spine synapses, respec-
neurons and glia are differentially regulated by these factors. tively. Behavioral studies also demonstrate that a single dose of
This represents a small number of the growth factors and ketamine produces a rapid antidepressant response in the FST,
cytokines that control brain function, and it is likely that there learned helplessness paradigm, and novelty-suppressed feeding

3 2 M O L E C U L A R A N D C E L L U L A R PAT H O G E N E S I S O F D E P R E S S I O N | 433

Spine Synapse
Number &
GABA Glutamate
mGluR2/3 (–)

AMPA Glutamate Burst

Depression Relapse GSK3


Increased Translation
of Synaptic Proteins:
e.g., GluA1 and PSD95

Figure 32.3 Model for the loss of spine synapses caused by stress and rapid reversal by ketamine. The numbers of synapse connections in the PFC and other
structures are maintained by homeostatic mechanisms that contribute to regular mood. This includes cycling of glutamate A1 (GluA1) receptors to and from
the synapse. Chronic stress exposure decreases the number of spine synapses, as well as the expression of BDNF, which is thought to contribute to the loss of
synapses and neuronal atrophy. GSK3, which is increased in depression, can be activated by protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) and may also contribute to synaptic
destabilization, by promoting the internalization of GluA1. Ketamine rapidly increases glutamate transmission and synaptogenesis, resulting in a glutamate burst.
The induction of spine synapses requires activation of BDNF/TrkB signaling, and stimulation of the Akt and mTOR pathways, resulting in increased translation of
synaptic proteins, including GluA1. The behavioral actions of ketamine are also dependent on inhibition of GSK3, which could occur via stimulation of Akt or by
blockade of NMDA receptors and PP1 (not shown). Depressed patients treated with ketamine relapse after 7 to 10 days, possibly due to failure to maintain new
synaptic connections, which could be a result of genetic mutations or environmental factors such as sustained or uncontrollable stress.

test. In addition, a single dose of ketamine rapidly reverses the AMPA receptors (Duman and Aghajanian, 2012; Li, 2010).
deficits in synapses and depressive behavior caused by chronic There is also evidence that ketamine causes a rapid and tran-
stress exposure (Fig. 32.2), effects that are only observed after sient “burst” of glutamate transmission in the PFC, possibly
chronic administration of a typical antidepressant (Duman resulting from blockade of NMDA receptors on GABAergic
and Aghajanian, 2012). interneurons and disinhibition of glutamate transmission
The increase in synaptogenesis is preceded by induction of (Duman and Aghajanian, 2012). The actions of ketamine are
the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway blocked by pretreatment with an AMPA receptor antagonist,
(Fig. 32.3). This pathway includes a number of up- and down- and studies in cultured cells demonstrate that AMPA recep-
stream elements that allow for summation of hormonal, meta- tor activation results in stimulation of mTOR signaling. The
bolic, energy, and cell activity signaling to control cellular rates studies in cultured cells also demonstrate that stimulation of
of protein translation. The mTOR system is found throughout mTOR signaling requires the release of BDNF, and studies in
the body, and in neurons is located in cell bodies and nerve BDNF deletion mutant mice or BDNF Val/Met mice demon-
terminals, where it has been linked to protein synthesis depen- strate that BDNF is required for the synaptogenic and behav-
dent synaptic plasticity (Hoefer and Klann, 2010). A single dose ioral actions of ketamine (Duman and Aghajanian, 2012).
of ketamine rapidly activates the mTOR signaling pathway in The clinical response to ketamine is also significantly reduced
preparations of nerve terminals of PFC, including increased in carriers of the Met allele, providing the first evidence that
levels of the phosphorylated and activated forms of mTOR, antidepressant responses are influenced by a genetic polymor-
p70S6 kinase, and 4-EB-P1 (Li, 2010). This leads to increased phism (Laje et al., 2012).
translation and levels of synaptic proteins, including glutamate
receptor 1 (GluA1), postsynaptic density protein 95 (PSD95),
and synapsin 1. Evidence that mTOR signaling is required for
the actions of ketamine is provided by studies showing that the
synaptogenic and behavioral responses are blocked by preinfu- Although ketamine produces rapid and robust antidepres-
sion of the mTOR inhibitor, rapamycin (Li, 2010). sant actions, the psychotomimetic effects and abuse poten-
The mechanisms underlying the rapid synaptogenic and tial of this drug limit its widespread use for the treatment of
mTOR signaling effects of ketamine are still being studied, depression. However, based on the evidence that ketamine acts
but there is evidence that these effects require activation of via the glutamate neurotransmitter system there are several

434 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

potential targets that could produce ketamine-like actions, as well as other drugs that modulate glutamate transmission,
without the negative side effects. There is evidence that the which could also have limitations similar to ketamine.
NR2B subtype of the NMDA receptor mediates the actions Another area of research interest is to determine if it is
of ketamine, including evidence from preclinical and clinical possible to extend the therapeutic response time of a single
studies (Duman and Aghajanian, 2012; Li, 2010), and clinical dose of ketamine. Research studies demonstrate that patients
trials are currently underway to further test the efficacy, rapid administered ketamine relapse 7 to 10 days after treatment
response, and safety of these agents. (Machado-Vieira et al., 2011). Work is underway to determine
Preclinical studies demonstrating that ketamine causes a if treatment with another agent after, or even prior to ket-
transient burst of glutamate suggest that targeting other sites amine, could sustain the antidepressant response and thereby
that cause a similar induction of glutamate transmission or negate the need for repeated ketamine administration, which
directly activate AMPA receptors could produce antidepres- could produce the unwanted side effects. Studies with typical
sant responses. This is supported by studies demonstrating antidepressants, other glutamate compounds, or lithium are
that blockade of Group II metabotropic glutamate receptors currently under investigation.
(mGluR), which include mGluR2 and 3 (mGluR2/3), that are
located presynaptically and regulate the release of glutamate
(Fig. 32.1), produce rapid behavioral responses in rodent mod- C O N C L U SI O N S
els that require mTOR signaling (Duman and Aghajanian,
2012; Duman and Voleti, 2012). Studies are currently under- Clinical and preclinical studies provide clear evidence of altera-
way to determine if mGluR2/3 antagonists also produce rapid tions of glutamate and GABA neurotransmission, limbic and
synaptogenic actions and block or reverse the effects of chronic cortical brain regions, connectivity, and growth factor and
stress similar to ketamine. cytokine levels and related signaling pathways. Additional
Agents that are direct acting agonists of AMPA receptors imaging approaches that provide improved static and functional
cause seizures, but compounds have been developed that are markers of synaptic connections, as well as postmortem studies
modulators of AMPA receptors and could potentially be used of ultrastructural changes are needed to further define the abnor-
in humans. These agents enhance the opening time or decrease mal circuitry in depression. There is also evidence for genetic
the desensitization of AMPA receptors and thereby serve as polymorphisms that increase risk for these structural alterations
positive allosteric modulators (PAMs), also referred to as and that are associated with depression, particularly when com-
AMPAkines. There are reports that AMPAkines can produce bined with environmental factors such as lifetime incidence of
antidepressant responses in rodent models, and can activate stress exposure, as well as diet and exercise (Fig. 32.4). Such gene
mTOR signaling in cultured neurons (Duman and Aghajanian, x environment interactions can explain the individual variabil-
2012). Additional studies are needed to determine if these agents ity and risk for depression. Further studies of single or multiple
also produce rapid synaptogenic actions and antidepressant gene polymorphisms within an individual are needed to better
responses in CUS models. In addition, it will be important to elucidate the basis of depression. Evidence from genetic stud-
closely examine the safety and side effect profile of AMPAkines, ies of other psychiatric illnesses, as well as other traits, indicates

Maternal Adult: Exercise, stress control Antidepressants,

care omega-3 fatty acids, diet excercise, diet, and
cognitive therapy

BDNF (other NTs)

BDNF BDNF (other NTs)
Cytokines (IL1, TNF) Cytokines
Life timeline

Genetic risk Early life Adult: HEALTHY HEALTHY

BDNF (other NTs)
BDNF BDNF (other NTs)
Cytokines (IL1, TNF)
Cytokines (IL1, TNF)
e.g., BDNF Early life Adult stress/trauma
Val66Met stress ± early life stress

Figure 32.4 Timeline of genetic and environmental factors that regulate neurotrophic factors (NTs) and inflammatory cytokines that influence emotion and mood.
Genetic risk factors, such as the BDNF Val/Met polymorphism and stress can exacerbate depressive symptoms, while antidepressants, exercise, and diet may
ameliorate depressive symptoms, in part, through regulation of neurotrophic factors and inflammatory cytokines. The up- or downregulation of BDNF and
inflammatory cytokines by stress and environmental factors can shift the balance from depressed to healthy, and vice versa. This could explain the heterogeneity
of depression, as an individual may have a different combination of genetic risk factors and environmental factors that result in alterations of one or more growth
factors and cytokines. Analysis of multiple neurotrophic/growth factors and inflammatory cytokines could provide an individualized signature of depression that
would allow targeted, more efficacious treatment strategies (e.g., treatments that increase a particular neurotrophic factor or neutralize/block a specific cytokine).

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INTR ODUC T IO N rapid clinical response observed with ketamine and scopol-
amine offers a unique opportunity to evaluate biomarkers
Interest in the biological mechanism of action underlying quickly with the goal of gaining a better understanding of the
depression was stimulated largely by serendipitous use of pathogenesis of depression and identifying neural signatures
antituberculosis drugs in the 1950s. One of these drugs, imi- of treatment response. Biomarkers can be of great significance
pramine, became the first tricyclic antidepressant medication. as they can prioritize resources and allow for earlier testing
Subsequent understanding of this class of drugs led research- in proof-of-concept studies with novel therapeutic agents,
ers to speculate on the modulatory effects of noradrenergic and especially if a target is well identified. Biomarker studies vary
serotonergic systems given their ubiquitous presence in the greatly by approach and can target predictors of treatment
brain. This led to drug discovery efforts including, but not lim- response based on clinical laboratory markers (e.g., genetic
ited to, tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), monoamine reuptake and epigenetic markers, neurotransmitters, hormones, cyto-
inhibitors (MAOIs), and serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake kines, neuropeptides, and enzymes), electrophysiological
inhibitors (SSRIs/SNRIs), representing the primary therapeu- measures (e.g., electroencephalography [EEG] measures, sleep
tic targets in the treatment of depression. While diseases are EEG, evoked potentials, magnetic encephalography [MEG],
largely defined by distinct pathophysiologies, depression as a and skin conductance) functional neuroimaging indices (e.g.,
syndrome manifests clinically as a heterogeneous condition, magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], functional MRI, magnetic
which suggests various or multiple underlying mechanisms of resonance spectroscopy [MRS], positron emission tomogra-
action (Krishnan and Nestler, 2008, 2010). phy [PET], and single photon emission computed tomography
Since the first antidepressant was introduced, a vast [SPECT]), as well as details in clinical history (Wiedemann,
number of agents that regulate serotonin or norepinephrine 2011).
have been developed, primarily as refinements over previ- An improved understanding of the pathogenesis of
ous versions. With the exception of improvements in safety depression has the potential to contribute to the develop-
and side effect profiles, no significant progress in the efficacy ment of improved therapies. Moreover, insights gained with
of one class of antidepressant over another has occurred. this strategy would in turn help basic scientists focus on the
Considerable effort has been made in industry, academia, presumptive molecular and cellular mechanisms that under-
and government to identify alternative drugs targets. Indeed, lie these radically improved treatments. In fact, clinical studies
a number of compounds that produce promising results in with ketamine have stimulated preclinical research to under-
preclinical studies failed to translate to an effective antide- stand the molecular and cellular underpinnings that might be
pressant at the clinical level; examples include NK1 and CRF involved in ketamine’s rapid antidepressant effects (Aan Het
antagonists (Madaan and Wilson, 2009). There are many rea- Rot et al., 2012).
sons for the lack of success in developing novel treatments, Consequently, this chapter will not review the seroton-
most of which are beyond the scope of this chapter. One ergic or noradrenergic systems, but instead will selectively
reason related to the chapter topic is the lack of disease bio- summarize recent developments from well-designed clinical
markers that predict clinical efficacy (Leuchter et al., 2010). trials on other targets, such as the glutamatergic and cho-
A biomarker has been defined as “a characteristic that is linergic systems. The chapter will also characterize poten-
objectively measured and evaluated as an indicator of nor- tial biological markers that may predict treatment response
mal biological processes, pathogenic processes, or pharma- to these agents. In this chapter, when available, we review
cological responses to a therapeutic intervention” (Frank the randomized, placebo-controlled pharmacological trials
and Hargreaves, 2003). Recent biomarker development has in MDD and BD that have been conducted exploring these
focused on existing antidepressants, and thus is limited by novel targets/systems. We briefly review uncontrolled stud-
the inherent limitations of conventional treatments. ies only when the results lead to a randomized controlled
A potentially more successful approach would be to study clinical trial, and thus the uncontrolled study provides rel-
treatments that are radically different from existing antide- evant historical context to the testing of the target being
pressants, such as ketamine and scopolamine, where rapid explored. We do not review trials with non-pharmacological
antidepressant effects are observed in contrast to the slow approaches (e.g., deep brain stimulation and transcranial
response time associated with conventional treatments. The magnetic stimulation).

438 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

THE GLUTA MAT ERGIC S Y S T EM extracellular space, soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor
attachment receptor (SNARE) complexes, which are thought
to play a role in the structural aspects of synaptic vesicle exo-
Understanding the role of glutamatergic neurotransmission has cytosis, vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs), which are
developed gradually over time, particularly when compared to responsible for the uptake of glutamate into the synaptic vesicle,
the current levels of interest for research related to the glutamate and cytoplasmic postsynaptic density proteins.
system and focus on potential applications. High concentrations Of note, while glial cells have several functions and far out-
of glutamate in the brain were first recognized in the 1930s, which number neurons, they are especially crucial in the clearance and
led to several trials in the 1940s utilizing dietary glutamate and recycling of neurotransmitters, such as glutamate via the gluta-
glutamine for the potential treatment of epilepsy and learning mate/glutamine cycle. The coupling between glutamatergic neu-
disorders. In the early 1950s, a pivotal animal study demonstrated rons and surrounding glial cells is fundamental, as impaired glial
that an injection of glutamate into the brain of a rat produced cell activity may lead to neuronal toxicity or increased glutamater-
convulsions, which led to speculation that glutamate might be gic activation. Mounting evidence suggests that frontal cortical
a primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain. areas of subjects with major depression or bipolar disorder have
Subsequent studies demonstrated that glutamate mediated excit- lower numbers of glial cells than non-psychiatric controls. Glial
atory action via multiple receptors, which were initially classified loss in the prefrontal cortex induces depressive-like behaviors
as N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) and non-NMDA receptors. similar to chronic stress in preclinical models. Other pathophysi-
The latter was subdivided into what are now α-amino-3-hydroxy- ological findings associated with glutamatergic neurotransmis-
5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) and kainate recep- sion have been drawn from postmortem, gene expression, and
tors after learning that agonists and antagonists preferentially neuroimaging studies, such as magnetic resonance spectroscopy
interacted with these receptors. By 1977, a study validated NMDA (MRS). (For a more complete review of the anatomy of the gluta-
receptors as synaptic receptors, and in the following 20 years key matergic system and its role in depression and moods disorders,
preclinical studies confirmed that NMDA antagonists inhibited see Machado-Vieira et al., 2012; Machado-Vieira, Manji, 2009.)
long-term potentiation in the hippocampus (important in learn- The complex physiological regulation of glutamate may provide
ing and memory) and mitigated behavioral deficits seen in ines- an array of targets for future pharmacologic development and
capable stress paradigms comparable to that of clinically effective drug discovery.
antidepressants. While much of the early impetus in psychiatry
was led by these preclinical studies, recent remarkable clinical
observations—particularly the antidepressant effects observed
with ketamine—have resulted in increased interest in the iden-
tification of potential targets within the complex and dynamic Placebo-controlled clinical trials (and select uncontrolled tri-
framework of the glutamatergic system (Murrough, 2012; als) with glutamatergic targets are summarized in Table 33.1.
Watkins and Jane, 2006).
Of the three major subtypes of ionotropic receptors, NMDA
and AMPA receptors have shown compelling evidence of
their role in antidepressant action. A significant “proof of con-
Glutamate is found in exponentially higher concentrations than cept” translation of NMDA antagonists with MDD patients
monoamines and is considered the most abundant neurotrans- in clinical trials has been notable particularly with ketamine.
mitter in the brain. The excitatory effects of glutamate are pri- Ketamine is a noncompetitive, high affinity NMDA antagonist
marily balanced by another neurotransmitter, γ-aminobutyric that was first developed by Parke-Davis in 1963 as a safer anes-
acid (GABA), which mediates the greater part of fast inhibi- thetic compared to phencyclidine (PCP). Ketamine is metabo-
tory neurotransmission. This tight regulation of glutamate is lized by the liver into two primary metabolites, norketamine
of significance as undue glutamate excitotoxicity is implicated (major metabolite) and dehydronorketamine (DHNK—minor,
in several neuropsychiatric disorders. Most neuronal gluta- inactive metabolite) with a half-life of two to two and a half
mate is generated either de novo via the transamination of hours. A series of other metabolites of ketamine have been
α-oxogluturate through the Krebs cycle or by recycling from the identified recently, some lasting up to three days (Zarate et al.,
glutamate/glutamine cycle. In a simplified model, glutamate acts 2012a). Several preclinical studies demonstrated that ketamine
in three different cell compartments—the presynaptic neuron, produces antidepressant- or anxiolytic-like effects in various
postsynaptic neuron, and surrounding glial cells. This model behavior models of depression (e.g., forced swim test, tail sus-
also involves other targets involved in the regulation of synaptic pension test, learned helplessness, etc.) (Tokita et al., 2012).
and extrasynaptic glutamate levels. Broadly, glutamate primar- The first reported placebo-controlled, double-blinded, ran-
ily activates diverse ionotropic (NMDA, α-amino-3-hydroxy- domized trial (n = 7) utilizing a single intravenous (IV) dose
5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic (AMPA), and kainate (KA) of ketamine (0.5 mg/kg infusion over 40 minutes) in patients
receptors) and eight types of G protein–coupled metabotropic with MDD demonstrated a significant reduction in depressive
(mGluR) receptors. Other targets include excitatory amino acid symptoms 72 hours postinfusion. Profound but transient cog-
transporters (EAATs), which provide glutamate clearance from nitive deficits and euphoria also were induced by the ketamine

3 3 PAT H O G E N E S I S O F D E P R E S S I O N : C L I N I C A L S T U D I E S | 439

TA B L E 33. 1. Controlled trials targeting the glutamatergic system


1. Berman et al. MDD Placebo-controlled, BDI HDRS-25 Intravenous Antidepressant response

(2000) (N =6); BPD double-blind crossover. 0.5 mg/kg at 24 hr (25%); 72 hr
(N = 1) Single dose of ketamine (50%); significant decrease
(0.5 mg/kg) in HDRS score

2. Zarate et al. (2006) TRD (N = 18) Placebo controlled, BDI Intravenous Depressive symptoms
double-blind, crossover. HDRS-21 0.5 mg/kg improved within
Single dose of ketamine 110 minutes; 71% of
(0.5 mg/kg) subjects responded to
ketamine; 35% at 7 days

3. DiazGranados BPD (N = 18) Placebo controlled, BDI Intravenous Depressive symptoms

et al. (2010) double-blind, crossover. HDRS-17 0.5 mg/kg improved within
Single dose of ketamine; MADRS 40 minutes; 71% of the
(while on therapeutic subjects responded to
valproate/lithium dose) ketamine;
41% response at 24 hr

4. Valentine et al. MDD Placebo lead in (1 week BDIHDRS-25 Intravenous Greatest antidepressant
(2011) (N = 10) prior to ketamine infusion 0.5 mg/kg effect of ketamine seen
0.5 mg/kg). Single blind after 2 hours; 40%
study. response at 24hr

5. Zarate et al. (2012) BPD (N = 15) Placebo controlled, BDI Intravenous Depressive symptoms and
double-blind, crossover. HDRS-17 0.5 mg/kg suicidal ideation improved
Single dose of ketamine; MADRS within 40 minutes; 79%
(while on therapeutic responded to ketamine;
valproate/lithium dose) 43% response at 24hr

1. Zarate et al. (2006) MDD Double-blind, MADRS Oral 5–20 mg/d No difference in efficacy
(N = 32) placebo-controlled study; (titrated 5 mg between placebo and
2 wk placebo lead in; weekly) memantine groups
randomized to placebo or
memantine; 8 wk study

2. Lenze et al. (2011) Depressed/ Placebo-controlled, HDRS Oral 20 mg/d No significant improved
apathy double-blind, (memantine: (Start 10 mg/d; affective or functional
symptoms 10 mg twice daily), 12 wk titrated to 20 mg outcome vs. placebo in
(N = 35) study by 2nd week) older adults

3. Anand et al. (2012) BPD (N = 29) Placebo-controlled, HDRS-17 Oral 5–20 mg/d; Post hoc antidepressant
double-blind, parallel with 100 mg+ of effect with titration of
group design; memantine lamotrigine memantine (4 wk); no
augmentation (5–20 mg/d) benefit to memantine
to lamotrigine (100 mg+/ augmentation of
day), 8 wk study lamotrigine in BPD
depressed patients

1. Mathew et al. TRD (N = 26) Randomized, MADRS IDS-C Intravenous 65% met response
(2010) placebo-controlled, QIDS-SR 0.5 mg/kg ; criteria 24 hr post
double-blind, continuation randomized ketamine infusion;
trial of riluzole (100– (to lamotrigine 54% met response at
200 mg/day), following 300 mg 72 hr; no difference in
single dose ketamine pre-infusion;add time-to-relapse between
(0.5 mg/kg) on riluzole add-on riluzole and
(100–200 mg/d) placebo groups


440 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 33. 1. (Continued)


2. Ibrahim et al. TRD Randomized, MADRS Single dose Ketamine produced a

(2012a) (N = 42) placebo-controlled, BDI HDRS-17 of ketamine moderate antidepressant
double-blind study, add on Intravenous effect through day 28.
Riluzole (100–200 mg/day) 0.5 mg/kg. There was no difference in
after single dose ketamine Add on Riluzole course of antidepressant
(0.5 mg/kg) (100–200 mg/ effect between
day) ketamine-riluzole and
ketamine-placebo groups.

1. Preskorn et al. TRD Open label trial with MADRSHDRS-17 Paroxetine 40 mg At day 5 primary outcome
(2008) (N = 30) paroxetine + double-blind BDI + IV infusion measure, 60% met
single infusion of of CP-101,106 response criteria on
CP-101,606 or placebo (varied dosing) MADRS

2. Ibrahim et al. TRD (N = 5) Placebo-controlled, MADRS HDRS-17 MK-0657 Secondary measures

(2012b) double-blind, crossover (4–8 mg/day); (BDI and HDRS) revealed
pilot (MK-0657); 12 d study 12 d significant antidepressant
effects at day 5; no
significant antidepressant
effects with MADRS
(primary outcome

1. Zarate et al. (2012) TRD (N = 22) Placebo controlled, MADRS AZD6765, MADRS scores
double-blind, crossover. Intravenous significant at 80 minutes
Single dose of AZD6765 150 mg single and remaining up to
(150 mg) dose; 7 d 110 minutes; 32% overall
response with AZD6765.
No difference in
psychotomimetic effects
versus placebo.

* Includes controlled trials only; several other trials (case studies and open-label) have observed antidepressant effects with ketamine infusions.
MDD: Major depressive disorder; BPD: Bipolar disorder- Depressed; TRD: Treatment-resistant depression; BDI: Beck depression inventory; HDRS: Hamilton
depression rating scale; MADRS: Montgomery-Asberg depression rating scale; IDSC: Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Clinical Rating; QIDS-SR: Quick
Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology—Self-Report—Response defined as 50% reduction in depression rating scale score.

infusion. A larger double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover ketamine can rapidly improve suicidal ideation in patients for
study at the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) up to three days following a single intravenous dose (d = .89).
replicated these findings by showing that a single ketamine Similar, albeit uncontrolled, open label and naturalistic stud-
infusion (0.5 mg/kg over 40 minutes) had rapid and relatively ies (e.g., emergency room settings) utilizing ketamine have
sustained antidepressant effects (lasting one to two weeks) in shown significant and rapid antisuicidal effects in depressed
patients with treatment-resistant MDD. Subjects in this study patients. Interestingly, one of these studies had preliminary
were medication free at least two weeks prior to infusion and results showing ketamine to have rapid beneficial effects on
on average failed six prior antidepressants. Effect size for the suicidal cognition as measured by the Implicit Association
drug difference was large (d = 1.46) after 24 hours and moder- Test—a reliable behavioral measure assessing implicit suicidal
ate to large (d = 0.68) after one week. Thirty-five percent of associations (Price et al., 2009). Taken together, ketamine’s use
subjects maintained response for at least one week. Adverse in antisuicidal effects likely will be an area of future interest
effects included perceptual disturbances, confusion, dizziness, and research.
euphoria, derealization, and transient elevation in blood pres- Despite ketamine’s positive safety profile as a widely used
sure with most symptoms peaking at 40 minutes and ceasing anesthetic agent for children, an important limitation of ket-
80 minutes postinfusion. amine’s clinical application in larger populations is its acute
In a similarly designed study, ketamine was added to thera- neuropsychiatric side effects (Green et al., 1998). Equally
peutic levels of lithium or valproate and also produced rapid important are the questions of tolerability and sustained effi-
antidepressant effects in patients with treatment-resistant cacy with repeat ketamine treatments. To this regard, only
bipolar depression. A recent study replicated these latter small, open-label studies have shown ketamine to be fairly
findings in bipolar depression and also demonstrated that well tolerated with repeated/sustained antidepressant effects

3 3 PAT H O G E N E S I S O F D E P R E S S I O N : C L I N I C A L S T U D I E S | 441

(Aan Het Rot et al., 2010; Zanicotti et al., 2012). Frequency increasing body of knowledge toward the neuroplastic effects
of repeat infusions were similar to outpatient ECT scheduling of this treatment. In addition to NMDA receptor antagonism,
(Monday-Wednesday-Friday) with relapse rates varying sig- ketamine involves enhanced throughput of AMPA receptors,
nificantly after the last dose from 6 days to greater than 45 days and some inhibitory effects at muscarinic acetylcholine recep-
(Murrough et al., 2011). tors. Prominent preclinical studies have demonstrated ket-
Strategies considered to attenuate ketamine’s side effect amine to rapidly phosphorylate/activate the mammalian target
profile mainly include augmentation with other drugs (pre of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway with resulting increased lev-
or post ketamine). In an early study, healthy volunteers were els of synaptic signaling proteins and synaptic plasticity (e.g.,
administered haloperidol (5 mg), a typical antipsychotic, new spine synapse formation) in the prefrontal cortex (PFC)
two hours prior to a ketamine infusion, but the results were of rodents. Included in this cascade of postsynaptic events,
unremarkable (Krystal et al., 1999). More recently, a small literature discusses mixed results for an increased activation
(n = 14), randomized, double-blind study evaluated the poten- of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) with ketamine’s
tial of riluzole—an inhibitor of glutamate release (reviewed in antidepressant response. Reduced levels of BDNF have been
Zarate and Manji, 2008)—to prevent postketamine relapse in associated with depression, and BDNF’s essential role in cell
patients with treatment resistant depression (TRD). The study differentiation, nerve growth, and neuronal survival research
also assessed whether pretreatment with the anticonvulsant makes it a likely area of investigation. Preclinical work by oth-
and mood-relapse preventive agent lamotrigine would attenu- ers has also implicated the potential role of glycogen synthase
ate the psychotomimetic effects and enhance antidepressant kinase-3 beta (GSK-3β) inhibition in the hippocampus and
activity of ketamine based on an earlier study showing that PFC after ketamine infusions. Patients with MDD are thought
lamotrigine attenuated the psychotomimetic side effects in to have increased GSK-3β activity, and inhibition of GSK-3β is
healthy volunteers (Anand et al., 2000). In this study, lamotrig- also thought to play a key role in the therapeutic mechanism of
ine failed to reduce the transient psychotomimetic side effects antidepressants and mood stabilizers. Overall, further research
associated with ketamine in TRD, or enhance its antidepres- will still be required to elucidate the neurobiology underlying
sant effects. Likewise, riluzole did not differ from placebo in ketamine’s rapid antidepressant response (Aan Het Rot et al.,
preventing postketamine relapse (Mathew et al., 2010). 2012; Mathew et al., 2012; Murrough, 2012).
A larger, four-week, double-blind, randomized, placebo-
controlled study (Ibrahim et al., 2012) also was conducted to Biomarkers of Antidepressant Response to
evaluate the effect of riluzole use following a single ketamine Ketamine
infusion. Four to six hours after a single infusion of ketamine Given the heterogeneity of depression and often “trial and
(0.5 mg/kg), 42 subjects with treatment-resistant MDD were error” approach to current treatments, positive predictors of
randomized to double-blind treatment with either riluzole antidepressant response to ketamine would be of great sig-
(100–200 mg/day; n = 21) or placebo (n = 21) for four weeks. nificance and practical value to both patients and clinicians.
Although the effect size of improvement with ketamine was ini- Several recent studies are investigating ketamine responders
tially large and remained moderate throughout the 28-day trial, via a multimodal systems level approach, and utilize a range
the difference between the riluzole and placebo treatment groups of potential markers from genes to the reversal of the complex
was not significant for postketamine relapse. These two studies behavioral phenotype (i.e., genes, gene expression, synaptic
continue to the highlight the complexity of augmentation strate- plasticity indices, cellular components, neural circuits, behav-
gies for both ketamine’s tolerability and sustained efficacy. ioral features of depression) using various experimental meth-
Despite the attention and interest from ketamine’s early tri- ods (neuroimaging, genetics, electrophysiological measures,
als, the administration of ketamine for use in the clinic remains clinical features, etc.). The goal is to both inform regarding the
under study. Larger, controlled trials will be required to evaluate likelihood of response and provide insights into the mecha-
safety with repeated use of ketamine, and continued research nisms of action of ketamine. This section will briefly highlight
will be required to discover successful relapse prevention or some the more prominent studies.
strategies to sustain antidepressant effects. Similarly, more stud- One neurophysiologic study utilized magnetoencepha-
ies will be needed to assess whether alternative delivery routes lography (MEG) to measure rostral anterior cingulate cortex
(e.g. intranasal, intramuscular) might improve pharmacokinet- (rACC) activity as drug free patients with MDD were presented
ics, with continued assessment of optimal dosing regiments, and with a fearful face paradigm. Previous research has shown that
improved knowledge and understanding of ketamine’s under- higher pretreatment ACC metabolism predicts antidepressant
lying mechanism of actions. (All of the previously noted con- response in sleep deprivation (also known to induce rapid, but
trolled studies, plus those conducted to date in depression, and brief antidepressant effects) and several other antidepressant
additional discussion regarding the maintenance of ketamine’s treatments (e.g., SSRIs). In the MEG study, higher pretreat-
antidepressant response, and its effects on suicidal ideation are ment levels of rACC activity correlated positively with the
reviewed in Aan Het Rot et al., 2012; Mathew et al., 2012.) magnitude of subsequent antidepressant response to a ket-
amine, while healthy individuals showed reduced activity in
Putative Molecular Mechanisms Underlying this region (Salvadore et al., 2009). Another MEG study incor-
Ketamine’s Antidepressant Response porating a working memory task demonstrated that patients
A growing body of preclinical evidence investigating ketamine’s who showed the least amount of engagement in the pregenual
rapid antidepressant effects has led to novel findings and an ACC as task difficulty increased showed the largest subsequent

442 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

response to treatment, within four hours of ketamine adminis- SNP is found in 20–30% of humans and has been linked to
tration. Pretreatment functional connectivity between the pre- psychiatric disorders and impaired trafficking/regulation of
genual ACC and the left amygdala also negatively correlated BDNF (Laje et al., 2012).
with the antidepressant following ketamine. These findings Another innovative approach to study both the pathophysi-
concur with functional studies in healthy volunteers, where ology of MDD and ketamine response has been proton MRS.
pgACC regional blood flow increases with emotional tasks, but This research tool allows for the quantification of amino acid
decreases during cognitive tasks that demand attention. The neurotransmitters in the brain, and previous MRS research has
results suggest that conservation of this pattern may predict shown that GABA and Glx (composite peak formed by glutamate
better treatment outcome (Salvadore et al., 2010). Both MEG and glutamine) are decreased in the medial and dorsal antero-
studies overall contribute to the extant literature supporting lateral PFC of patients with MDD. Subsequently, 14 drug free
the role of ACC activity as a promising predictor of response patients with MDD who were scanned before receiving a single
to antidepressant treatment (Pizzagalli, 2011). infusion of ketamine showed an association (230 min postinfu-
Two electrophysiologic studies utilizing sleep measures sion) between lower Glx/ glutamate ratio (a surrogate marker of
have also shown interesting findings. One study (n = 30, TRD glutamine) and a greater improvement in response to ketamine
patients) investigated the acute effects of ketamine on depres- treatment. Pretreatment GABA or glutamate did not correlate
sive symptoms evaluating EEG slow wave activity (SWA), with improved depressive symptoms, however pretreatment
individual slow wave parameters, and plasma BDNF (230 min Glx/glutamate in the dorsomedial/dorsal anterolateral PFC was
postinfusion). Earlier research had demonstrated a relation- negatively correlated with improvement in depressive symp-
ship between SWA and cortical synaptic activity of cortical toms. As glutamine is primarily localized in glia, the authors
neurons suggesting its potential role as a surrogate marker of hypothesized that the decreased Glx/glutamate ratio may reflect
central synaptic plasticity. Decreased production of sleep slow a reduced number of glial cells, further signifying that this “neu-
waves is also a core feature observed in depression. Results of ropathological construct” (Salvadore et al., 2011) may be associ-
the study showed early sleep SWA (during the first non-REM ated with antidepressant responsiveness to ketamine.
episode) and BDNF levels increased compared to baseline A potential clinical predictor of response to ketamine
with ketamine responders having changes to BDNF propor- is family history of alcohol dependence. It is important to
tional to changes in EEG parameters. Consistent with an ear- acknowledge that family history could represent a biomarker
lier finding (Machado-Vieira, Yuan et al., 2009) from the same (i.e., genetic, epigenetic influences) or be the result of envi-
lab was no difference in BDNF levels from responders and ronment. A recent study found that patients with MDD
non-responders. The earlier study did note their lack of pla- who had a family history of alcohol dependence had a better
cebo control and other cautions, such as interpreting periph- short-term response to ketamine infusion than subjects with
eral BDNF as a marker of central BDNF. The study overall no family history of alcohol dependence (Phelps et al., 2009).
suggests that sleep SWA parameters and BDNF may serve as The positive family history group (FHP) had a significantly
future non-invasive measures for testing novel antidepressants higher response rate (67%) at 230 minutes (postinfusion) than
and that ketamine increases synaptic strengthening/efficacy the group without alcohol dependence family history (FHN)
(Duncan et al., 2012). Building on the latter study, baseline (18%; p = .02). In addition, patients with FHP had fewer dys-
delta sleep ratio (DSR) was examined to see if it could pre- phoric symptoms postinfusion than those with FHN. Previous
dict rapid response to a ketamine infusion in individuals with clinical studies also found compared to healthy controls, sub-
TRD. DSR is the ratio of slow wave activity between the first jects with alcohol dependence experienced fewer perceptual
two non-REM sleep episodes, and this measure has also been differences and decreased dysphoric mood during ketamine
shown to be lower in depressed patients than healthy controls. infusion (Krystal et al., 2003). Surprisingly, the healthy con-
Findings from the study (n = 30) showed a significant positive trols with a positive family history of alcohol also showed
correlation between baseline DSR and reduced MADRS scores fewer ketamine-induced perceptual alterations (Petrakis et al.,
from baseline to day 1 (low baseline scores predicted better 2004). Of note, self-reported history of alcohol use disorders
mood response). These results are notable, as some traditional or family history of major depression did not predict response.
antidepressants have been found to normalize slow wave sleep Possible mechanisms explaining these effects include familial,
and DSR. Sample size was a known limitation of the findings, epigenetic, or genetic variations in the NMDA subunit NR2A,
and larger replications of the study were recommended by the which may have the greatest relevance for human alcohol
authors. Nevertheless, this preliminary data could lead to DSR dependence (Schumann et al., 2008).
being a useful biomarker of response to ketamine in the future Lastly, ketamine infusions in healthy volunteers immedi-
(Duncan et al., 2012). ately induced changes similar to those gradually induced by
In regard to genetic studies, a recent study (n = 62) demon- monoaminergic-based antidepressant agents as assessed using
strated that MDD patients with the Val/Val BDNF allele were quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG). The observed
more likely to have an increased antidepressant response to reduction in prefrontal theta cordance (a measure that cor-
ketamine (from baseline HAM-D score to 210/230 min postin- relates with cerebral perfusion) may represent a potential
fusion) than Met carriers. These results also support previous marker/predictor for the antidepressant effects of ketamine, a
clinical data, where Val/Val mice exhibited increased antide- hypothesis that could be tested readily in future studies with
pressant effect to ketamine (and prefrontal cortex synaptogen- depressed populations (Horacek et al., 2010; Hunter et al.,
esis) on the basis of this single polymorphism. The Val66Met 2007).

3 3 PAT H O G E N E S I S O F D E P R E S S I O N : C L I N I C A L S T U D I E S | 443

Overall, increased attention in biomarker research in challenges, only five patients completed both the MK-0657
depression and the field of psychiatry will parallel the trend and placebo arms of the study. Secondary efficacy scales as
toward individualized and tailored treatment strategies for assessed by the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D)
patients. The progress toward identifying biomarkers and and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) demonstrated signifi-
application of these markers to predict treatment response cant antidepressant effects as early as day 5 in patients receiving
ultimately will help elucidate the pathogenesis of depression MK-0657 compared to placebo; however, no improvement was
and reduce the all-too-frequent “trial and error” approach for noted when symptoms were assessed with the primary efficacy
the selection of treatments in depression. measure (MADRS) (Ibrahim et al., 2012). Of note, MK-0657
increased plasma BDNF levels compared to placebo 9 days after
N M D A — S U B U N I T- S E L E C T I V E N R 2 B treatment was initiated, indicative of a biological effect typically
A N TA G O N I S T S seen with several antidepressants. Although a small study, the
As noted earlier, non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonists role of BDNF may be involved as a potential biomarker of a
like ketamine and PCP can produce psychotomimetic effects NR2B antagonist’s treatment effect. No dissociative or seri-
when used acutely. These observations promoted investigation ous adverse effects were observed. While larger studies will be
into subunit-selective NMDA receptor agents to potentially needed for confirmation, preliminary data suggests that an oral
mitigate the adverse effects, while promoting a therapeutic formulation of an NR2B antagonist may have antidepressant
effect. Structurally, NMDA receptors are comprised of four properties (Ibrahim et al., 2012).
tetrameric proteins: 2 NR1 subunits and 2 NR2 subunits.
NR2 subunits are further divided by four subtypes: NR2A-D. NMDA (NONSELECTIVE LOW TRAPPING
Prior preclinical and clinical literature demonstrated the CHANNEL BLOCKER)
NR2B-selective NMDA antagonist. CP-101,606 to be well tol- More recently, an IV formulation of a low-trapping, non-
erated without prominent psychotropic side effects in a study selective NMDA channel blocker (AZD6765) produced
evaluating traumatic brain injury (Merchant et al., 1999). rapid antidepressant effects in a placebo-controlled study
Building on this knowledge, Preskorn and colleagues in TRD patients. Following a two-week drug-free period,
undertook a “proof of concept” study with a recent random- MDD patients received IV infusions of either AZD6765
ized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial, evaluating the (150 mg) or saline solution one week apart with a random-
antidepressant efficacy of the NR2B subunit-selective NMDA ized, double-blind, crossover design. Antidepressant effects
receptor antagonist CP-101,606 in 30 treatment-refractory were seen within 80 minutes with MADRS scores remaining
MDD subjects. The study showed that a single infusion of significant for 110 minutes. Results overall demonstrated that
CP-101,606 administered adjunctively to paroxetine, had 32% of subjects responded to AZD6765, and 15% to placebo at
greater antidepressant effects as compared with placebo (saline) some point in the trial. Furthermore, 18% of patients reached
infusion, with 78% of treated responders maintaining their remission on AZD6765 versus 10% on placebo at some point
response (50% reduction in HDRS score) for at least one week in the study. Interestingly, no difference was observed between
after infusion (mean difference, 8.6; 80% confidence interval, the groups with regard to psychotomimetic or dissociative
−12.3 to −4.5) (P < 0.10). The authors did note that the initial effects (Zarate et al., 2012b). Onset of antidepressant effects
dose of 0.75 mg/kg was reduced to 0.5 mg/kg during the study were comparable to that of ketamine, but the duration was
given several initial research subjects experienced moderate to more short-lived. Subunit selectivity and trapping blockade
severe dissociative symptoms (Preskorn et al., 2008). All of the may explain some AZD6765’s observed differences compared
initial dissociative reactions resolved within six hours of the to ketamine. Similarly, metabolites of ketamine may contrib-
discontinuation of the infusion. No clinically significant change ute to its sustained antidepressant effects (Zarate et al., 2012a).
in labs was noted, however blood pressure changes similar to Results from larger placebo-controlled, multicenter trials with
ketamine trials were observed (i.e., changes ≥20 mm Hg for AZD6765 are pending (NCT01482221).
diastolic or 30 mm Hg for systolic from baseline). Although
the lower dose of CP-101,606 produced a rapid and significant
antidepressant response without producing a dissociative reac-
tion, the study highlights the challenges of optimal dosing for
similar compounds. More studies will be necessary to replicate Memantine
these findings and the overall efficacy and safety of compounds Memantine, a derivative of amantadine, is already FDA
selective for the NR2B receptor (Preskorn et al., 2008). approved for the treatment of moderate to severe Alzheimer’s
Subsequently, an oral formulation of the selective NMDA disease and is considered a low-affinity, non-competitive,
NR2B receptor antagonist (MK-0657) was administered using open-channel NMDA receptor antagonist. Memantine has
a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover essentially no psychotomimetic effects at therapeutic doses
pilot study to evaluate the potential antidepressant efficacy and (5–20 mg/day), a key distinction from ketamine. In addition,
tolerability of this agent in treatment-resistant MDD patients. memantine has been utilized clinically for over 15 years show-
Following a one-week drug-free period, MDD patients were ing good tolerability in large patient populations. A review of
randomized to receive either MK-0657 monotherapy (4–8 mg/ associated preclinical data within depression and anxiety mod-
day) or placebo for 12 days. Due to discontinuation of the com- els (e.g., decreased immobility time) is discussed in greater
pound’s development by the manufacturer and recruitment detail by Parsons et al. (1999). Of note, despite amantadine’s

444 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

remarkable antidepressant effects observed in patients with the utility. Nevertheless, the authors also suggest that the limited
Borna disease virus, it will not be reviewed in this chapter given neuropsychological profile associated with memantine may
a lack of data in any randomized controlled trials and due to its be consistent with the clinical data previously reported, where
likely involvement with multiple pharmacologic mechanisms memantine is no more effective than placebo (Pringle et al.,
(Huber et al., 1999). 2012). As already noted, similar but longer studies would help
Unfortunately, most controlled clinical trials have not dem- clarify some of these interpretations.
onstrated memantine to have robust antidepressant effects. In
an eight-week double blind placebo-controlled trial (n = 32), Riluzole
memantine (5–20 mg/day) failed to improve symptoms of Riluzole currently is approved by the US Food and Drug
depression in patients with MDD (Zarate et al., 2006). More Administration for treating amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This
recently, a proof of concept study (n = 29) also failed to show agent crosses the blood-brain barrier and modulates the glu-
any benefit of memantine augmentation (5–20 mg/day) of lam- tamatergic system by inhibiting glutamate release (via inhibi-
otrigine (stable dose of at least 100 mg/daily for four weeks prior tion of voltage-dependent sodium channels) and enhancing
to randomization) for patients with bipolar depression over both glutamate reuptake and AMPA trafficking and glutamate
an eight-week trial (primary outcome time point). However, transporters. Riluzole is thought to have neuroprotective and
memantine was observed to have a significant antidepressant plasticity enhancing properties given its ability to stimulate
effect early on in the treatment (up to four weeks) during its neurotrophic factors, such as nerve growth factor (NGF),
titration (Anand et al., 2012). Lastly, a 12-week, double-blind BDNF, and glial cell line–derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF)
placebo controlled pilot study (n = 35) evaluated memantine in cultured astrocytes. A number of publications also discuss
(10 mg twice daily) for treatment in late-life depression and its use in neurodegenerative disorders. Combined with its glu-
apathy after a disabling medical event, but no affective or func- tamatergic modulating properties, Riluzole has had increased
tional improvement was observed when compared with pla- investigation in off label uses in both psychiatric and neuro-
cebo (Lenze et al., 2011). logic disorders (Zarate and Manji, 2008).
With regard to positive outcome trials, a larger study (n = In clinical trials, riluzole monotherapy for depression has
80) alcohol-dependent patients with MDD were randomized to been evaluated only in open-label trials. One trial (n = 19)
memantine 20 mg/day or escitalopram 20 mg/day. Memantine with TRD and a one-week medication-free period demon-
reduces alcohol cravings in preclinical studies, and alcohol strated significant improvement in depression during weeks
dependence commonly is comorbid with major depression. three through six of treatment (50–200 mg/day, mean dose =
The study concluded that both treatments significantly reduced 168.8 mg/day). Improvements were also seen in scales mea-
depression and anxiety (primary outcome measures) (Muhonen suring anxiety. The most common side effects were similar
et al., 2008). However, a major limitation of this study was the (e.g., headache, gastrointestinal distress, and constipation) to
lack of a placebo control. Alcohol dependence may modulate those seen in trials of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclero-
the antidepressant response that is mediated via NMDA recep- sis. Similar, positive antidepressant and anxiolytic effects were
tors, as long-term alcohol use increases the number (Nagy, 2004) reported with riluzole (50–200 mg/day) as an augmentation
and alters the function of glutamate NMDA receptors (Petrakis antidepressant agent, but only in smaller open-label trials eval-
et al., 2004). Interestingly, a seven-day, placebo-controlled ran- uating effects in bipolar depression, generalized anxiety disor-
domized single-blinded psychopharmacology trial study (n = der, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
127) that utilized three different antiglutamatergic strategies Given some of antidepressant findings of riluzole men-
(lamotrigine 25 mg 4x/day, memantine 10 mg 3x/day, or topi- tioned, two double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled
ramate 25 mg 4x/day) for ethanol detoxification demonstrated studies proceeded to apply riluzole as a potential add-on strat-
significant improvements for alcohol withdrawal symptoms and egy to maintain ketamine’s rapid antidepressant effects (see ket-
dysphoric mood (Krupitsky et al., 2007). amine section for details). Both studies administered riluzole
In an effort to better understand memantine’s potential anti- (100–200 mg/day) orally, and both trials failed to show any dif-
depressant role, a recent healthy volunteer model of emotional ference in time to relapse from placebo after a single ketamine
processing attempted to assess the neuropsychological profile infusion. Nevertheless, both trials did replicate earlier ketamine
of action associated with memantine (10 mg dose; typical dose findings showing it to be well tolerated and having rapid anti-
in clinical studies is at least 20 mg). Overall, the results suggest depressant effects. Overall, double-blind, placebo-controlled
that memantine produces an early anxiogenic response in the clinical trials will still be necessary to confirm some of the
emotion-potentiated startle similar to that seen in studies con- promising findings observed in these open-label studies. For
sidering a single dose of the SSRI citalopram. No other signifi- a more systematic review of literature regarding riluzole, see
cant difference was observed with emotional or non-emotional Zarate and Manji (2008).
information processing. Earlier studies have also shown that
SSRI treatments initially increase the emotion-potentiated
startle effect with acute administration, but that this effect is T HE C HO L I N E R G I C SY ST E M
reversed after seven daily treatments (Browning et al., 2007;
Grillon et al., 2007). Given the study only tested one dose; the
authors did note that a future study (to 7 days) may help con- The cholinergic system was the first of the neurotransmitters
firm the current profile of effects and provide more clinical to be identified, and as a result has received a tremendous

3 3 PAT H O G E N E S I S O F D E P R E S S I O N : C L I N I C A L S T U D I E S | 445

amount of investigation. Early research characterized the role The neuronal-type has various combinations of 12 possible
of the cholinergic system at the neuromuscular junction, in the receptor subunits.
pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease, and in cognitive func-
tions including memory and attention. The cholinergic system
also is the target of nerve gas, a fact that was accidentally uncov-
ered in Germany in 1936 as researchers were attempting to Placebo-controlled clinical trials (and select uncontrolled tri-
improve on available insecticides, or organophosphates. These als) with cholinergic targets are summarized in Table 33.2.
agents target acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme responsible for
terminating effects of acetylcholine in the synapse, resulting in MUSCARINIC CHOLINERGIC AGENTS
continued neural transmission and continued contractions at Interest in cholinergic muscarinic agents developed as these
the neuromuscular junction. After a drop of the potent agent receptors explicitly were implicated in aspects of sleep distur-
tabun was dropped in the laboratory, the investigator and his bances observed in patients with mood disorders. Specifically,
assistant began to experience dizziness and severe shortness decreased REM latency and increased REM density are
of breath. These observations led to the development of nerve observed in this patient population, and these sleep features are
gas for military purposes during World War II, although it was mediated through cholinergic muscarinic receptors (reviewed
never used during the war. in Janowsky et al., 1994). The pattern of sleep disturbance is
The cholinergic neurotransmitter system was implicated consistent with excessive muscarinic activity, and thus indi-
in mood disorders in the 1970s, when Janowsky and col- cated increased muscarinic cholinergic function in patients
leagues demonstrated that the acute administration of the with affective disorders.
anticholinesterase physostigmine to currently manic bipolar
patients results in the rapid development of depressive symp- Biperiden
toms (reviewed in Janowsky et al., 1994). Similarly, when Early studies looked at the antidepressant properties of a
physostigmine was administered to currently depressed selective M1 antagonist, biperiden (Kasper et al., 1981). In an
patients with major depressive disorder, depressive symp- uncontrolled, open label study evaluating oral biperiden in
toms worsened acutely. Physostigmine produces an increase “severely depressed” patients, the authors report significant
in available acetylcholine, and thus is non-selective relative to improvement in depressive symptoms by the end of study.
cholinergic receptor type. As a result of this general implica- These findings however did not replicate in a controlled study
tion of cholinergic function, interest has been given to both of biperiden, where no significant benefit was observed over
nicotinic and muscarinic cholinergic agents as potential anti- the control condition (Gillin et al., 1995). However, the origi-
depressants. Nonetheless, while the cholinergic system was nal study is of interest, as the authors reported that baseline
identified in the early 1970s as a potential target for antide- results of a dexamethasome suppression test significantly pre-
pressant agents, little attention had been given to this system dicted subsequent clinical response to biperiden.
until recently.
More recently, in the context of a dose-finding study designed
to evaluate the impact of a muscarinic blocker on cognitive fea-
tures of mood disorders, unipolar and bipolar patients received
The cholinergic neurotransmitter system is supported by intravenous infusions of the cholinergic muscarinic antagonist
two general types of receptors, the nicotinic and the muscar- scopolamine (Furey and Drevets, 2006). Critically, all patients
inic receptors (Albuquerque et al., 2009; Pringle et al., 2011). participating in these studies were free of psychoactive medica-
Muscarinic receptors, which are sensitive to muscarine as tions for a minimum of two weeks, and as patients were not
well as to acetylcholine, are G protein–coupled receptors taken off of existing medication, most were free of medications
and thus act through second messenger systems. Five mus- for a longer period of time. Over the course of this three-dose,
carinic subtypes have been described to date, simply called four-infusion, placebo-controlled pilot study, depressive symp-
M1 through M5. Muscarinic receptors are located through- toms notably improved. Despite the small sample size (n = 8),
out the central nervous system and in the postganglionic the response was sufficiently large to warrant a clinical trial to
neurons of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic properly assess the antidepressant potential of scopolamine.
nervous system. Nicotinic receptors, which are responsive A clinical trial was conducted (Furey and Drevets, 2006)
to nicotine as well as acetylcholine, are ionotropic and thus that included a total of seven infusions, and began with a
act by opening or closing ion channels in response to endog- single-blind placebo lead-in infusion. Patients then were
enous stimulation by acetylcholine. The nicotinic receptors randomized into either a P/S or a S/P series, whereby P = a
are made up of five subunits, which surround a central pore. block of three placebo infusions and S = a block of three sco-
These receptors can be separated broadly based on their loca- polamine infusions; these infusions were administered under
tion in the nervous system into two subtypes, muscle-type double-blind conditions. Full clinical assessments always pre-
and neuronal-type nicotinic receptor. Muscle-type nicotinic ceded infusions, and one follow-up assessment was obtained
receptors, found at the neuromuscular junction, are either three to five days after the last infusion for a total of eight
of the embryonic form or the adult form, each with slightly assessments. This crossover design allowed for all patients to
different compositions of the five subunits in the receptors. receive treatment.

446 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 33. 2. Trials targeting the cholinergic system



1. Furey and MDD (N = 9) Placebo-controlled, MADRS Intravenous Antidepressant response

Drevets (2006) BPD (N = 9) double-blind crossover. A 4 ug/kg at first post drug
series of 3 drug infusions assessment (3–5 days
(4 μg/kg); 4 placebo after infusion)

2. Drevets and MDD (N = 22) Placebo-controlled, MADRS Intravenous Antidepressant response

Furey (2010) double-blind crossover. A 4 ug/kg at first post drug
series of 3 drug infusions assessment (3–5 days
(4 μg/kg); 4 placebo infusions after infusion)

3. Newhouse et al. MDD (N = 9) Placebo-controlled, BDI; BPRS Intramuscular No antidepressant effect

(1988) double-blind crossover with (0.1, 0.25 and at 120 minutes
3 doses of scopolamine 0.5 mg)
(0.1, 0.25 and 0.5 mg),
1 dose lorazepam (1 mg
oral), placebo

4. Gillin et al. (1991) MDD (N = 9) Open-label POMS- Intramuscular Small but significant
BPD (N = 1) Depression 0.4 mg for antidepressant effect at
Subscale 3 consecutive days day 2

1. Kasper et al. MDD (N = 5) Open-label HDRS Oral Antidepressant effect

(1981) BPD (N = 5) 6–12 mg/d at study end (30 days)
(uncontrolled study)

2. Gillin et al. MDD (N = 17) Placebo-controlled, HDRS Oral No antidepressant effect

(1995) BPD (N = 2) double-blind, randomized, 4–12 mg /d vs. placebo
parallel arm 6-week study

1. McClernon et al. Non-smokers Placebo-controlled, CES-D Transdermal Reduced depressive

(2006) w/CES-D >10 double-blind, 4-week study (3.5 mg/day weeks symptoms by day 8
7 mg/day weeks 2–3)

2. Salin-Pascual MDD (N = 15) Sleep study with baseline HDRS-10 Transdermal Ten of 15 patients
(2002) night 1; nicotine patch 17.5 mg improved (30% reduction)
night 2 morning after patch

1. George et al. MDD (N = 21) Placebo-controlled, HDRS-17 Oral Reduction in depressive

(2008) double-blind, 8-week study. MADRS Up to 10 mg/d symptoms vs. placebo by
Randomized, end of study (8 weeks)
2. AstraZeneca MDD (N = 145) placebo-controlled, Oral
(2012) double-blind, 8-week trial 1 or 4 mg TC-5214
or placebo twice
dayily; or 60 mg
Duloxetine once
(active comparator)
once daily

1. Philip et al. MDD (N = 12) Open-label; QIDS-SR Oral Patients showed significant
(2009) BPD (N = 5) 8-week augmentation study 1 mg- 2x/d improvement at study end;
MDD-NOS (patients currently on stable significant by week 2.
(N = 1) antidepressant or mood No difference among
stabilizer regimen) groups at 8-weeks

MDD: Major depressive disorder; BPD: Bipolar disorder–Depressed; BDI: Beck depression inventory; CES-D—Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression
Scale; HDRS: Hamilton depression rating scale; MADRS: Montgomery-Asberg depression rating scale; NOS: Not otherwise specified; QIDS-SR: Quick Inventory of
Depressive Symptomatology—Self-Report—Response defined as 50% reduction in depression rating scale score.

3 3 PAT H O G E N E S I S O F D E P R E S S I O N : C L I N I C A L S T U D I E S | 447

A rapid antidepressant response was observed in both the gene expression (Liu et al., 2004), and thus the increased mus-
P/S and the S/P patient groups. The P/S group showed little carinic receptor sensitivity seen in mood disorders may lead to
change in MADRS while receiving placebo in the first study increased NMDA receptor activity. In rat brain, the adminis-
block, and subsequently had a significant reduction in MADRS tration of scopolamine has been shown to reduce mRNA con-
with the first assessment following the first infusion of scopol- centrations for NMDA receptor types 1A and 2A (Liu et al.,
amine (F = 94.1, p < 0.0001, Cohen’s d = 3.4), demonstrating 2004), and thus may reduce NMDA receptor activity via this
a rapid antidepressant response. Importantly the magnitude mechanism.
of reduction in MADRS increased significantly over the series A recently described effect of ketamine on synaptic plas-
of three infusions (p = 0.04). The S/P group received scopol- ticity (described previously) that is thought to underlie the
amine in the first study block, and again showed a significant observed antidepressant effects also has been shown follow-
reduction in MADRS with the first assessment following the ing scopolamine administration (Li et al., 2011-Online). Like
first infusion of scopolamine (F = 34.8, p < 0.0001; Cohen’s ketamine, scopolamine administration in rats activates the
d = 2.2). This group also showed further improvement over mTOR pathway, which leads to increases in synaptic signaling
the series of three scopolamine infusions suggesting that (p = protein expression and increases in the number and function
0.002), together with the P/S group, patients will improve of new spine synapses in prefrontal cortical areas. Rapamycin,
further with additional infusions of scopolamine. In the S/P which blocks mTOR signaling, disrupts both the scopolamine
group, the clinical benefit experienced during the scopolamine induced increase in synaptogenesis as well as the antidepres-
infusions in block 1 persisted to the end of the study, demon- sant behavioral response observed in rodent models of depres-
strating that the antidepressant effects continue in the absence sion. The timing and the magnitude of these effects following
of additional treatment for at least two weeks. Importantly, the scopolamine administration are similar to those seen follow-
groups differed in study block 1 (F = 26.7, p < 0.0001; Cohen’s ing ketamine administration. The authors hypothesize that
d = 2.7) demonstrating that drug and placebo separated, and increases in mTOR signaling depend on increases in extracel-
this separation occurred by the first evaluation in study block 1 lular glutamate levels, and both ketamine and scopolamine
(t = 2.5, p = 0.02). have been shown to increase glutamate concentration. This
These clinical findings have been replicated (Drevets and work suggests that the rapid antidepressant effects observed
Furey, 2010) in an independent sample of patients. The experi- following both scopolamine and ketamine administration may
mental design was unchanged, but the patient sample was lim- involve influences on synaptic plasticity.
ited to patients with major depressive disorder. In this study
the overall pattern of rapid antidepressant response was identi- Biomarkers of Antidepressant Response to Scopol-
cal, thus providing additional support to these clinical findings. amine Biomarkers of treatment response to scopolamine
These studies together indicate that the cholinergic muscarinic have been identified using functional neuroimaging. Baseline
receptors offer a new neurobiological target for antidepressant neuroimaging assessments attained prior to drug adminis-
treatment that has the potential to produce rapid antidepres- tration have been utilized to predict subsequent response to
sant responses. scopolamine. As highlighted earlier, the pursuit and identifi-
Patterns of response associated with patient subgroups cation of biomarkers of treatment response offers the poten-
have been considered in a combined/increased patient sam- tial to provide insight into the underlying pathophysiology of
ple. In patients studied to date, the magnitude of response is mood disorder, and subsequently lead to improved clinical
similar for unipolar and bipolar patients, as well as for patients treatment.
with and without comorbid anxiety disorder. The only patient The role of the cholinergic system in cognitive functions,
subgroups that identified differences in response outcome and the existing literature on cholinergic modulation during
were based on patient gender. While men and women showed cognitive tasks and functional brain response, renders cogni-
significant improvement in symptoms following scopolamine tive studies in patients with cholinergic dysfunction potentially
administration, women showed significantly larger responses very informative. The role of cholinergic activity in executive
than men (Furey et al., 2010). functions such as working memory (WM) and attention has
been hypothesized to act via stimulus processing mechanisms
Putative Molecular Mechanism Underlying Scopol- (reviewed in Furey, 2011). Working memory refers to a pro-
amine’s Antidepressant Effect The antidepressant effects cess by which information (visual or auditory) is encoded,
observed following scopolamine administration appear to be maintained for a short period of time, and is then used during
consistent with the hypothesis that cholinergic hypersensi- recall or recognition. The information subsequently is not long
tivity contributes to the pathophysiology of mood disorders. available (i.e., no long-term storage). The preclinical literature
However, the response latency of one to three days together indicates that increasing cholinergic activity through the direct
with the persistence of the antidepressant response may sug- application of acetylcholine has effects on stimulus processing,
gest that the mechanism of action includes effects beyond the and alters signal-to-noise (S/N) mechanisms to enhance the
direct influence on muscarinic receptors. representation of target stimuli. Functional imaging studies
Elevated glutamatergic transmission is associated with the in humans also have demonstrated that increased cholinergic
pathophysiology of mood disorders, and like other antidepres- function increases response to task-relevant stimuli in visual
sant treatments, scopolamine reduces NMDA receptor activ- processing areas, much like an increased S/N at the brain region
ity. Muscarinic receptor stimulation enhances NMDA receptor or brain network level, and results in improved performance

448 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

on WM and attention tasks. Thus, cholinergic function likely level of underlying cholinergic dysfunction is expressed in lev-
influences cognition by modifying neural representations of els of neural response to emotional information, and that this
task-relevant stimuli. underlying level of cholinergic dysfunction represents a bio-
The role of the cholinergic system specifically in WM pro- marker for subsequent response to a cholinergic muscarinic
cesses has been well studied, and the results similarly highlight antagonist agent. Healthy participants on average show higher
the impact of cholinergic function specifically on the process- levels of activity in these same MOC regions than MDD patients.
ing of task-relevant stimuli. The best-characterized cognitive Importantly, those patients who do not respond to scopolamine
feature in mood disorders is described as a negative processing have BOLD estimates that fall well within the range observed
bias, where negative emotional information is preferentially in healthy participants, consistent with the interpretation that
processed over positive information. The excessive cholinergic those patients who do not respond to scopolamine also do not
activity in mood disorders may underlie this negative process- show processing dysfunction in these areas. Similarly, those
ing bias, and potentially could be evident in measures obtained who do respond to scopolamine show increased levels of dys-
with functional neuroimaging methodologies (reviewed in function in these brain regions at baseline.
Furey, 2011). BOLD estimates also were obtained from the scanning ses-
A WM task was utilized to determine if levels of neural sion that followed the scopolamine infusion, and thus reflects
activity to specific stimulus information in visual processing the acute response to muscarinic blockade. To determine the
brain areas could predict subsequent treatment response to extent to which neural response in visual cortex (with a par-
the cholinergic muscarinic agent, scopolamine (Frankel et al., ticular interest in MOC) during the same stimulus processing
2011-Online). A face WM task was used that included two task components of the emotion WM task is susceptible to cholin-
conditions: one which instructed participants to encode and ergic modulation in a manner that predicted treatment out-
remember the identity of the face and another which instructed come, the change in BOLD response was calculated (BOLD
participants to encode and remember the emotional expres- drug—BOLD baseline), and this delta BOLD measure was
sion in the face. In both conditions, the face to encode was correlated with subsequent treatment response. The change
presented, followed by a memory delay period, and then by a in BOLD response following acute scopolamine administra-
test image (Frankel et al., 2011-Online). The task was to indi- tion (thus prior to antidepressant effects) during stimulus
cate if the test image matched the encoded image based on the processing components of the emotion working memory task
attended (i.e., identity or emotion) stimulus feature. also correlated with subsequent treatment response. The brain
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was con- regions of significance were found to substantially overlap with
ducted in patients with MDD and healthy individuals during the MOC regions identified in the analyses described previ-
multiple sessions using the infusion schedule described pre- ously (Frankel et al., 2011-Online). These findings may suggest
viously. Blood oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) signal was that the visual processing brain regions that show predictive
measured, a surrogate measure of neural activity, as partici- value at baseline also respond to cholinergic modulation in
pants performed the two conditions in the WM task. Response a manner that predicts treatment outcome, an interpretation
magnitude was estimated separately for each task component that would support the conclusion that baseline levels of neu-
and for each task condition from the data collected during the ral dysfunction in MOC are cholinergically mediated.
baseline session, prior to scopolamine infusions. The BOLD
estimates of neural activity were correlated with the magnitude NICOTINIC CHOLINERGIC AGENTS
of subsequent treatment response to scopolamine (percent In addition to the early literature implicating cholinergic recep-
change in MADRS from baseline to study end). tors in general, interest in nicotinic cholinergic receptors as
Only the two stimulus processing conditions (i.e., stimulus possible targets for antidepressant agents originated based on
encoding and test components) when patients were processing the observation in 2005 that smoking rates were substantially
emotional expressions in the faces produced significant find- higher in major depressive disorder (between 40% and 60%)
ings. Importantly, these correlations were observed exclusively than in the general population (22%) (reviewed in Philip et al.,
in visual processing areas. Specifically, significant negative cor- 2010). This observation led to the hypothesis that increased
relations were observed bilaterally in middle occipital cortex levels of smoking reflected an effort to self-medicate, and that
(MOC) between BOLD response and the magnitude of treat- nicotine may have antidepressant effects. Related observations
ment response. While the analyses for the emotion encoding included that smokers with a history of major depression have
and emotion test components were conducted independently, more difficulty quitting smoking, and patients with depression
the areas of significant correlation in MOC were largely over- are at greater risk for developing a major depressive episode
lapping, highlighting the selectivity of these particular brain during smoking cessation (Philip et al., 2010). Conversely,
regions in this effect. Importantly, no correlation emerged smokers also have reduced levels of monoamine oxidase
when patients were processing the same stimuli but encoding (MAO), an enzyme involved in the breakdown of monoamines
face identity, highlighting the selectivity of this effect to emo- including serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, which is
tion processing. proposed to result in depressed mood (Philip et al., 2010).
These findings indicate that in MDD, the baseline, pretreat-
ment levels of neural activity in MOC during the processing Nicotine
of emotional information reflects the potential for a clinical An open label clinical trial using transdermal nicotine in depressed
response to scopolamine. These results may suggest that the smokers provided some evidence that nicotine may have

3 3 PAT H O G E N E S I S O F D E P R E S S I O N : C L I N I C A L S T U D I E S | 449

potential for producing antidepressant effects (Salin-Pascual, S-mecamylamine) failed to show antidepressant efficacy in an
2002). The authors report that 10 of 15 non-smoking patients eight-week trial (AstraZeneca, 2012), raising questions as to
with major depressive disorder showed a 30% improvement the potential utility of these agents.
in depressive symptoms. While the group as a whole did not
show a significant response, this change was observed the Varenicline
morning after administration of the nicotine patch, suggest- In a clinical trial designed to evaluate the effect on smoking ces-
ing a potential rapid antidepressant response. Several replica- sation, varenicline, a nicotinic agonist, was found to alleviate
tions in uncontrolled studies have been reported (reviewed in negative symptoms associated with nicotine withdrawal includ-
Salin-Pascual, 2002). A placebo-controlled study also was con- ing depression (reviewed in Philip et al., 2010). This observation
ducted (McClernon et al., 2006), which showed that depressive lead to an eight-week open label augmentation study in currently
symptoms improved by day 8 of nicotine administration, but depressed patients with MDD or BD who were unresponsive to
this study was conducted in a mildly depressed cohort (not current treatment. Fourteen of 18 patients completed the study,
reaching criteria for MDD) and thus offers limited utility with and showed improvement in depressive symptoms as compared
regard to implications for patients with depression. to baseline. Eight patients met criteria for full response, six of
As health concerns prevent the clinical use of nicotine whom also met criteria for remission. Interestingly, observed
as an antidepressant agent, these clinical findings primarily improvement in depressive symptoms correlated with patient
have led to the evaluation of the antidepressant potential of smoking cessation (reviewed in Philip et al., 2010).
other agents that target nicotinic receptors. A paradox within
this literature does emerge. Some antidepressant medications
used clinically for smoking cessation, including bupropion, a O T HE R P O T E N T I A L TA R G E T S
norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor, and nor- A N D F U T U R E C O N SI DE R AT I O N S
triptyline, a tricyclic antidepressant that inhibits reuptake of
norepinephrine and serotonin, also have nicotinic antago- While this chapter has focused primarily on the glutamatergic
nistic properties. Thus agents with nicotinic agonist effects and cholinergic systems given recent promise with rapid act-
and agents with nicotinic antagonist effects reportedly pro- ing agents in these respective classes, this should not minimize
duce antidepressant effects. A potential explanation has been the research being done in other potential areas including the
offered (reviewed by Philip et al., 2010), which suggests that dysregulation of dopamine neurotransmission (Dunlop and
nicotine initially activates nicotinic receptors but this activa- Nemeroff, 2007; Nestler and Carlezon, 2006), the pathophysi-
tion is rapidly followed by desensitization. Continued binding ology of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA)
to the nicotinic receptor potentially leads to ongoing desen- (Pariante and Lightman, 2008; Wasserman et al., 2010), circa-
sitization, which is thought to result in chronic antagonism. dian rhythm regulation (Adrien, 2002; Harvey, 2011), stress
Thus, antidepressant effects are thought to result from nico- hormone regulation (Holsboer and Ising, 2010; Nugent et al.,
tinic antagonistic action. 2011), inflammatory/neuroimmune system (Leonard and Maes,
2012; Miller et al., 2009; Muller et al., 2011), involvement of
Mecamylamine corticotrophin-releasing factors (Holsboer, 2000; Paez-Pereda
The potential for the non-selective nicotinic cholinergic recep- et al., 2011), tachykinin/neurokinin (NK-1, NK-2) receptors
tor antagonist mecamylamine to produce antidepressant (Herpfer and Lieb, 2005; Mantyh, 2002), and neurotrophic fac-
effects has been evaluated. In a population of adolescents with tors (Autry and Monteggia, 2012; Voleti and Duman, 2012).
Tourette’s syndrome and comorbid major depression antide- Despite advances in the previously mentioned areas, there
pressant effects were reported, which led to a placebo-controlled is still limited success with randomized, placebo-controlled
clinical trial in patients with MDD (George et al., 2008). MDD trials with non-monoamine based compounds. For example,
patients showing little to no response after receiving a mini- corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF, a peptide containing
mum of three months of SSRI treatment were randomized to 41 amino acids) and its primary receptor (CRF-1) are well
placebo or mecamylamine (10 mg/d) for an eight-week trial. known to regulate behavioral responses to stress. CRF is also
More patients receiving mecamylamine showed significant distributed throughout the CNS with its interneurons widely
improvement (>50% reduction in symptoms) (45%) than localized in the neocortex to areas (prefrontal, cingulate, and
those receiving placebo (10%) at end of study, suggesting that insular cortices) well known to be involved in depression and
MDD patients who are SSRI refractory showed an antidepres- affective disorders. Its relation to impaired regulation of the
sant response to mecamylamine. HPA axis further supports rationale to target this system.
A double-blind, placebo controlled phase-II study also While an initial open label trial of NBI-30775/R121919, a
was conducted with MDD patients who were refractory fol- non-peptidic tricyclic CRF-1 receptor antagonist with high oral
low a six-week trial of the SSRI citalopram. Patients were bioavailability and blood-brain barrier penetration, showed
randomized to 5–10 mg/day of mecamylamine or to pla- initial promising results, clinical development later stopped
cebo for a 10-week trial. The group receiving mecamylam- because of a reversible increase of liver enzymes in healthy
ine showed more improvement than those receiving placebo controls during an unpublished safety study with high dosages
(reviewed in Bacher et al., 2009). Nonetheless, a multicenter (despite absence of CRF-1 receptor expression in the liver).
randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled phase-II study Phase II controlled clinical trials with CP-316,311 (Pfizer) and
of a non-selective nicotinic receptor antagonist (TC-5214; BMS-562086 (Bristol-Myers Squibb, pexacerfont) also did not

450 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

provide therapeutic results over placebo (Paez-Pereda et al., present challenge of target validation for clinical validity. For
2011). Results are currently pending regarding SSR-125543A example, with CRF-1 antagonism, it is not known if the com-
another CRF-1 antagonist with recent completion of a Phase II pounds given in trials are actually blocking CRF-1 receptors in
clinical trial of 580 Russian subjects with MDD (Connolly and the brain (i.e., target and functional engagement). In this exam-
Thase, 2012). Despite these lackluster results, published results ple, we are largely assuming the effects in a preclinical model
seem to indicate that CRF-1 receptor antagonism is safe and not will extend to functional effects in humans (Potter, 2012). With
intrinsically associated with adverse side effects. Interestingly, regard to target validation, a target is often defined as a molecu-
it should be noted that none of the mentioned studies included lar or cellular structure involved in the pathology of interest that
a stratification of patients for HPA abnormalities (Paez-Pereda the intervention (e.g., drug) is meant to act on. This is clearly
et al., 2011). Similar to CRF-1 antagonists, NK-1 antagonists challenging in psychiatry and other CNS areas, as establishing
have also had disappointing results with a pooled analysis valid targets requires a sound understanding of the underlying
(>2,500 patients) of five, eight-week placebo-controlled clini- pathophysiology. Developing a drug against a specific target
cal trials finding no benefit of the NK-1 antagonist aprepitant can often take several years with escalating costs in the billions
over placebo (Connolly and Thase, 2012). Lastly, with regard of dollars. As a result, “reducing failures early in development
to inflammation, a recent proof-of-concept study (n = 60) is far more important than filling a pipeline with poorly chosen
demonstrated that tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonism late-stage products likely to fail, and fail expensively” (Smith,
does not have generalized efficacy in TRD (Raison et al., 2013). 2003). For an optimistic future, collaboration will certainly be
The study incorporated infusions of the TNF antagonist inflix- required, and an open-source model may provide for more
imab (5 mg/kg) in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial and rapid data sharing and better prioritizing of successful targets.
included outpatients that were both medication-free and on a Such steps may “de-risk” some of the current barriers for future
consistent antidepressant regimen. Despite the negative primary “bench to bedside” therapeutics. Ideally, continuing advances
findings, an association was observed between high baseline in other tools such as molecular genetics, systems neuroscience,
concentrations of the inflammatory biomarker high-sensitivity and translational medicine will lead to innovative tools and
C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and subsequent improved biomarkers to ultimately better serve patients suffering with
response to infliximab. In addition, infliximab-treated patients depression and other debilitating disorders. For a more detailed
with a low level of inflammation appeared to do worse than discussion on novel CNS drug development, see Potter (2012).
placebo-treated patients. As a result, the study suggests there
may be a subgroup of patients with TRD who have increased
inflammation and respond to TNF antagonism, but not to pla- E X P E R I M E N TA L M E DI C I N E
cebo. Future development with inflammatory biomarkers may
prove promising for personalizing antidepressant treatment. Experimental medicine characterizes a different method
Opium and its derivatives have an extensive history dating designed to understand the pathophysiology underlying mood
several centuries back, both in medicinal and recreational set- disorders that merits comment (reviewed in Pringle et al., 2011).
tings. While opioids are utilized largely for the management This approach proposes a cognitive neuropsychological model
of pain, endogenous opioid peptides and their receptors have to understand antidepressant action, and suggests that pharma-
been identified as potential candidates for novel antidepres- cologically mediated changes in emotional processing biases
sant treatments given their expression in notable brain areas early in treatment contribute to subsequent clinical improve-
known to play major roles in affective disorders (e.g., ventral ments in mood. Moreover, the delay in treatment response seen
tegmental area, nucleus accumbens [NAc], PFC). Likewise, following conventional treatment is explained as the time dur-
antidepressants that increase the availability of noradrenaline ing which the patient learns new associations following social
and serotonin through the inhibition of the reuptake of these interactions. Much of this work has been conducted in healthy
monoamines also enhance the opioid pathway (Berrocoso volunteers, demonstrating that conventional antidepressant
et al., 2009). Of the main receptor subtypes (delta, kappa, mu, agents modulate neural responses to emotional information
and nociceptin), the delta opioid agonists (DOP) are gaining following several days of administration, well before clinical
increasing attention, as recent preclinical evidence has provided response generally is observed in clinical populations. These
promising results. DOP agonists have both reduced analgesic findings provide important insights into potential mechanisms
properties and less reinforcing/respiratory depression effects of action that require follow-up evaluation in patient groups.
than those observed with classic μ receptors (Jutkiewicz, In patient populations, this approach has demonstrated
2006). Currently, two DOP agonist trials (Phase II develop- that early in treatment and prior to clinical improvement,
ment) have been completed (AZD-2327 and AZD-7268) for antidepressant agents modulate neural responses during
the treatment of MDD with pending efficacy results (Connolly emotional processing as measured using fMRI. Similarly,
and Thase, 2012). For an excellent and more complete review effects on behavioral measures that demonstrate emotional
of novel and emerging drugs/targets for depression, such as processing biases have been reported at three hours follow-
sigma receptors, the interested reader should refer to Connolly ing the first administration of an antidepressant in patients
and Thase (2012). with MDD. As these changes are associated exclusively with
While barriers to clinical translation for psychiatric drugs drug administration, the question as to whether these early
are beyond the scope of this chapter, some key issues include changes predict subsequent clinical response to treatment
the limited predictive value of preclinical models and the ever remains empirical.

3 3 PAT H O G E N E S I S O F D E P R E S S I O N : C L I N I C A L S T U D I E S | 451

CONCLUS IO N in slow wave activity during sleep, and cortical excitability
gamma power in sensory regions. Although these findings
MDD is a severe, disabling, and potentially life-threatening are promising, much more is needed before we gain a com-
medical illness that disrupts the lives of millions of individu- prehensive understanding of biological underpinning of rapid
als worldwide. Despite a considerable number of antidepres- antidepressant effects. These insights will be critical to the
sant agents developed over the years, significant limitations development of the next generation of treatments if they are to
exist with regard to the utility and efficacy of available drugs. provide faster, more effective options than existing treatments
Critically, no specific agent or class of agents has proven to be offer. Similar approaches are being applied to the cholinergic
more efficacious than any other. In addition, a considerable lag antagonist scopolamine, and we anticipate that data gleaned
in the onset of therapeutic response is observed, often requir- from this approach will contribute to that of ketamine and
ing weeks to months for full therapeutic response, thus leav- other agents with a rapid onset of action to identify the neural
ing patients at risk for ongoing impairment and elevated risk and molecular requirements for fast acting treatments.
of self-harm. Progress in the development of new and better
medications that are particularly geared toward accelerating
the onset of improvement of depressive symptoms has stalled DI SC L O SU R E S
despite considerable efforts from industry, academia, and gov-
ernment. The translation from targets in preclinical models to The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the
clinic populations has not succeeded as of yet in delivering bet- Intramural Research Program of the National Institute of
ter treatments. One approach for addressing these shortcom- Mental Health, National Institutes of Health (IRP-NIMHNIH;
ings is to focus on new neurophysiological targets, with the Bethesda, MD, USA), and thank the 7SE Research Unit of the
goal of identifying rapid acting interventions, and to simulta- NIMH-NIH for their support. Role of funding source: This
neously incorporate biomarkers of treatment response to facil- review was supported by the IRP-NIMH-NIH. The NIMH had
itate the understanding of underlying mechanism. no further role in the writing of this chapter, or in the decision
This chapter primarily reviews two drugs that are radi- to submit the chapter for publication.
cally unique and distinct from current antidepressants due to
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the
their rapid antidepressant effects; ketamine and scopolamine.
IRP-NIMH-NIH, and the NARSAD Independent Investigator
Ketamine produces antidepressant effects within hours, while
Award and Brain and Behavior Foundation Bipolar Research
scopolamine produces effects within a few days. Research to
Award (Dr. Zarate).
date for both drugs is unique in that controlled studies have
been conducted and replicated demonstrating rapid antide- Dr. Mathews has no conflict of interest to disclose, financial or
pressant effects. The inability to replicate clinical experiments otherwise.
recently has been highlighted as a concern in psychiatry. In Dr. Zarate is listed as a co-inventor on a patent application for
addition, the evidence showing rapid efficacy of these com- the use of ketamine and its metabolites in major depression.
pounds is augmented with multimodal biomarkers. Using Dr. Zarate has assigned his rights in the patent to the US gov-
rapid onset antidepressants permits the simultaneous study ernment but will share a percentage of any royalties that may be
of multiple biomarkers and thus allows for the examination received by the government.
of biological signatures of rapid improvement using a systems Dr. Furey is listed as a co-inventor on a patent application for
level approach, extending from genes to behavioral pheno- the use of scopolamine and its metabolites in major depres-
type across the cellular, molecular, neurochemical, and circuit sion. Dr. Furey has assigned his rights in the patent to the US
domains. This approach permits the careful study of correla- Government but will share a percentage of any royalties that
tions of multiple biomarkers, precisely timed at the onset of may be received by the government.
antidepressant effects, thus potentially offering an opportu-
nity to obtain greater insight into the molecular and cellular
changes that accompany treatment response. In this way, ket- REFERENCES
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454 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S



his review of the neural systems that underlie mood medial, and other nuclei. These projections include not just
disorders is divided into two main sections dealing with the medial and lateral hypothalamus, but also the periaque-
(1) the neuroanatomy of the neural circuits that have ductal gray, parabrachial nuclei, and autonomic nuclei in the
been implicated in mood disorders, largely taken from stud- caudal medulla. The strongest prefrontal cortical projections
ies of non-human primates, and (2) observations on humans, of the amygdala are with the medial prefrontal cortex (PFC)
largely taken from clinical studies. The first section describes rostral and ventral to the genu of the corpus callosum, but
circuits linking specific structures that have been implicated there are also amygdaloid projections to parts of the orbital
in mood disorders, including the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, the insula, and the temporal pole and inferior temporal
cortex (VMPFC), amygdala and other limbic structures, ven- cortex (Fig. 34.1). Other amygdaloid connections are with the
tromedial striatum, and medial thalamus. The second section entorhinal and perirhinal cortex and hippocampus (subicu-
reviews data from in vivo neuroimaging and postmortem neu- lum) (Amaral et al., 1992), and the posterior cingulate cortex
ropathological studies of humans with mood disorders in light (Buckwalter et al., 2008).
of the relevant neural circuitry. Finally, observations from the In the striatum, the amygdaloid projection terminates
neuroanatomical networks implicated in mood disorders are throughout the ventromedial striatum, including the nucleus
integrated into neurocircuitry-based models of the pathophys- accumbens, medial caudate nucleus, and ventral putamen
iology of mood disorders aimed at explaining the diverse (Öngür and Price, 2000). These striatal areas in turn project to
neurobiological systems that are affected in these conditions the ventral and rostral pallidum, which itself sends GABAergic
and the potential mechanisms underlying neurosurgical and axons to the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MD). The peri-
neuromodulation approaches that have proven effective in genual PFC also projects to the same ventromedial part of
treatment-refractory depression. the striatu, and is interconnected to the same region of MD
(Öngür and Price, 2000; Price and Drevets, 2010). The con-
nections constitute essentially overlapping cortical-striatal-
HIS TOR IC A L INTRO D U C TIO N pallidal-thalamic and amygdalo-striatal-pallidal-thalamic loops
(Fig. 34.1). As discussed in the following, these circuits form
It has been suggested since the early studies of Broca and Papez the core of the neural system implicated in mood disorders.
that a system of interrelated “limbic” structures, including the
hippocampus and amygdala, the anterior and medial thala-
mus, and the cingulate gyrus, is centrally involved in emotion P R E F R O N TA L C O RT E X ( P F C )
and emotional expression. Visceral reactions are tightly linked
to emotion, often providing the means of emotional expres- In the 1990s, a series of axonal tracing experiments in macaque
sion itself, and it is apparent that these structures are closely monkeys more completely defined the cortical and subcorti-
connected to visceral control areas in the hypothalamus and cal circuits related to the orbital and medial PFC (OMPFC).
brainstem. More recent studies with effective neuroanatomical Two connectional systems or networks were recognized within
methods have now defined the circuitry related to emotion in the OMPFC, which have been referred to as the “orbital” and
sufficient detail that it is possible to recognize how disorders “medial prefrontal networks” (Fig. 34.2). The areas within each
of this neural mechanism may underlie mood disorders (Price network are preferentially interconnected with other areas in
and Drevets, 2010). the same network, and also have common extrinsic connections
The amygdaloid complex of nuclei forms a focal point with other structures (Öngür and Price, 2000) (see following).
in the circuitry related to emotion. The connections of the Recently, a similar analysis has been made of the organi-
amygdala therefore are a good starting point for understand- zation and connections of the lateral PFC (LPFC). Based on
ing emotion-related circuitry. Experiments in rats, cats, and architectonic and connectional analysis, three regions can be
monkeys show that the basal and lateral amygdala have recip- recognized in monkeys: a dorsal prefrontal region dorsal to
rocal connections to orbital and medial prefrontal, insular, and the principal sulcus (DPFC), which is similar to the medial
temporal cortical areas, as well as to the mediodorsal thalamic prefrontal network, a ventrolateral region ventral to the prin-
nucleus and the ventromedial striatum (Öngür and Price, cipal sulcus (VLPFC), which is related to the orbital prefrontal
2000). Outputs to hypothalamic and brainstem areas involved network, and a caudolateral region just rostral to the arcuate
directly in visceral control were also found from the central, sulcus (CLPFC), which includes the frontal eye fields and is

3 4 N E U R A L C I R C U I T R Y O F D E P R E S S I O N | 455

Figure 34.1 Summary of amygdaloid outputs. Left: Diagram of amygdaloid circuits involving the striatum pallidum medial thalamus and prefrontal cortex and
output to the hypothalamus and brainstem. Right: Diagram of areas of the cerebral cortex that receive axonal projections from the amygdala. The dark, medium,
and lightly shaded areas represent high, medium, and low density of amygdaloid fibers. (Modified from Amaral et al., 1992, as reproduced by permission from
Price and Drevets, 2011.)

probably part of an attention system (Öngür and Price 2000; and Murray, 2008). The orbital network therefore appears to
Saleem et al., 2008). function as a system for assessment of the affective value of
multimodal stimuli.
The ventrolateral convexity of the LPFC, is closely related to
the orbital network. This “VLPFC system” occupies the cortex
The orbital network consists of areas in the central and caudal ventral to the principal sulcus in monkeys, and includes areas
part of the orbital cortex and the adjacent anterior agranular 12l, 12r, 45b, and the ventral part of area 46 (Saleem et al., 2008).
insular cortex (Fig. 34.2); it does not include the gyrus rectus, nor These areas are preferentially connected with each other, and to
a small region in the caudolateral orbital cortex. The network is the areas of the orbital network. Further, they have most of the
characterized by specific connections with several sensory areas, same extrinsic connections as the orbital network, including
including primary olfactory and gustatory cortex, visual areas in interconnections with the dysgranular insula, frontal opercu-
the inferior temporal cortex (TEa, and the ventral bank of the lum, area 7b, and inferior temporal cortex. The main difference
superior temporal sulcus, or STSv), somatic sensory areas in the from the medial network is that the VLPFC does not receive
dysgranular insula (Id), frontal operculum (Opf), and parietal direct olfactory or gustatory inputs. These areas of the VLPFC
cortex (area 7b) (Öngür and Price, 2000; Saleem et al., 2008). may function to assess value of non-food sensory stimuli.
Neurophysiological studies have indicated that neurons in
the orbital network areas respond to multimodal stimuli (e.g.,
the sight, flavor, and texture of food stimuli). Notably, these
neuronal responses reflect affective as well as sensory qualities The medial network in the OMPFC is particularly significant
of the stimuli. Responses to food stimuli change with satiety for mood disorders. It consists of areas in the vmPFC rostral
(Pritchard et al., 2008; Rolls, 2000), and many neurons code and ventral to the genu, areas along the medial edge of the
for the presence or expectation of reward (Schultz et al., 1997) orbital cortex, and a small caudolateral orbital region at the
or the relative value of stimuli (Padoa-Schioppa and Assad, rostral end of the insula (Öngür and Price, 2000) (Fig. 34.2).
2006). Further, lesions of the orbital cortex produce a deficit The medial network receives few direct sensory inputs, but it
in the ability to use reward as a guide to behavior (Rudebeck has prominent connections with the amygdala and other limbic

456 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

Figure 34.2 Maps of the orbital and medial surfaces of a human brain (above) and a macaque monkey brain (below), showing architectonic areas as defined in
(Öngür et al., 2003) (human) and (Carmichael and Price, 1996) (monkey). The architectonic areas of the OMPFC are grouped into networks or systems based
on connectional data (see text). The medial and dorsal prefrontal networks are shaded dark gray, while the orbital network is shaded light gray. Note that the
“medial” network includes some areas on the medial orbital surface as well as areas Iai and 47s (the human homologue of monkey 12o), in the lateral orbital
cortex. In addition, the regions referred to as the subgenual and pregenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC and pgACC) are indicated on the human brain with
backwards or forwards slanted stripes.

structures (Carmichael and Price, 1995a, b), and it is character- The medial network, the DPFC, and the other cortical areas
ized by outputs to visceral control areas in the hypothalamus with which they connect, taken together, closely resemble the
and periaqueductal gray (PAG). It can be considered a viscero- “default mode network” (DMN), which has been defined by
motor system with strong relation to emotion and mood. fMRI and functional connectivity MRI (fcMRI) in humans
The medial network is connected to a very specific set of (Raichle et al., 2001) (Fig. 34.3). The DMN is characterized
other cortical regions, particularly the rostral part of the superior as interconnected areas that are active in a resting state but
temporal gyrus (STGr) and dorsal bank of the superior temporal decrease activity in externally directed tasks. This network has
sulcus (STSd), the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex, and been linked to a variety of self-referential functions such as
the entorhinal and parahippocampal cortex (reviewed in Price understanding others’ mental state, recollection, and imagina-
and Drevets, 2010). This corticocortical circuit is distinct from, tion (Buckner et al., 2008).
but complementary to the circuit related to the orbital network.
The medial network is closely related to the areas of the
DPFC, on the dorsal medial wall, and the dorsomedial convex-
ity, including area 8b, area 9, the dorsal part of area 46, and the The caudal part of the LPFC, the caudolateral prefrontal cor-
polar part of area 10 (Fig. 34.2). The DPFC is interconnected tex (CLPFC) is largely unrelated to either the medial or orbital
with itself and with the medial prefrontal network, but less with networks. It includes the frontal eye fields and adjacent cortex
the VLPFC or CLPFC. It also is connected to the same set of (areas 8av, 8ad, and caudal part of area 46 in the caudal part of
extrinsic cortical areas as the medial network, including the ante- the principal sulcus) (reviewed in Price and Drevets, 2010). The
rior and posterior cingulate cortex, the rostral superior temporal extrinsic connections of this system are with the dorsal premo-
gyrus, and the entorhinal and parahippocampal cortex. Further, tor cortex, the posterior part of the dorsal STS (area TPT), and
there are outputs from areas of the DPFC to the hypothalamus areas LIP and 7a in the posterior parietal cortex. The CLPFC
and PAG, so this system can also modulate visceral functions. may be part of the dorsal attention system (Raichle et al., 2001).

3 4 N E U R A L C I R C U I T R Y O F D E P R E S S I O N | 457

Default system-(self reference)
Rostral Retrosplenial ctx.,
Parahippocampal ctx.
temporal ctx. post. cingulate ctx.

Dorsal prefrontal ctx. (Temporal-parietal

(Visceral junction ctx.)
modulation) Medial prefrontal network

ACh (Nu basalis)

Basal/lateral nu MD thalamus Dopamine (VTA)
central/medial nu, medial sub nigra)
(Fear, anxiety) 5-HT (Dorsal raphe)
Ventral, rostral pallidum
NorAdr (Locus cer.)

Hippocampus Paraventricular (Habituation of
Entorh, prh ctx. Thalamus stress response)
Acc nu, med. caudate
(Memory process)

LHA–(Autonomic arousal) (CRH, Orexin)
PVH/PVZ –(Pituitary→Adrenal Cortex, Corisol)
PAG–(Response to stress: arousal or withdrawal)
Vagal & pre-symp nu–(Autonomic response) Modulatory

Figure 34.3 Anatomical circuits involving the medial and dorsal prefrontal networks, and the amygdala. Glutamatergic, presumed excitatory, projections are
shown with pointed arrows, GABAergic projections are shown with round tipped arrows, and modulatory projections with diamond tipped arrows. In the model
proposed herein, dysfunction in the medial prefrontal network and/or in the amygdala results in dysregulation of transmission throughout an extended brain
circuit that spans from the cortex to the brainstem, yielding the cognitive, emotional, endocrine, autonomic, and neurochemical manifestations of depression.
Intra-amygdaloid connections link the basal and lateral amygdaloid nuclei to the central and medial nuclei of the amygdala and the bed nucleus of the stria
terminalis (BNST). Parallel and convergent efferent projections from the amygdala and the medial prefrontal network to the hypothalamus, periaqueductal grey
(PAG), nucleus basalis, dorsal raphe, locus coeruleus, and medullary vagal nuclei organize neuroendocrine, autonomic, neurotransmitter, and behavioral responses
to stressors and emotional stimuli (Davis and Shi, 1999; LeDoux, 2003). In addition, the medial prefrontal network and amygdala interact with the same cortical-st
riatal-pallidal-thalamic loop, through substantial connections both with the accumbens nucleus and medial caudate, and with the mediodorsal and paraventricular
thalamic nuclei, which normally function to guide and limit responses to stress. Finally, the medial prefrontal network is a central node in the cortical “default
mode network” (DMN) that putatively supports self-referential functions such as mood. Other abbreviations: 5-HT—serotonin; ACh—acetylcholine; Cort.—cortisol;
CRH—corticotrophin releasing hormone; Ctx—cortex; NorAdr—norepinephrine; PVN—paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus; PVZ—periventricular zone of
hypothalamus; STGr—rostral superior temporal gyrus; VTA—ventral tegmental area.

REGIONS WITH EXTENSIVE CONNECTIONS were recognized within this cortex. Brodmann, however, des-
T O M U LT I P L E N E T W O R K S ( A R E A 4 5 a A N D 4 7 s ) ignated approximately the same region in humans as area 47.
Because the human area equivalent to the “orbital” part of area
Area 45a in the caudal-ventral PFC represents an exception to
12 (12o) in monkeys is not on the orbital surface but instead
the dorsal, ventral, and caudal systems of the LPFC. Injections
lies on the dorsal surface of the lateral orbital gyrus within the
of axonal tracers into this area label connections with areas in
horizontal ramus of the lateral sulcus, this region was termed
all parts of the LPFC. The extrinsic connections resemble those
the sulcal part of area 47 (47s). Area 12o/47s shares extensive
of the dorsal and medial prefrontal systems, but also include
anatomical connections with several of the regions located
the auditory parabelt and belt areas, as well as face areas in
on the medial wall (e.g., areas 25, 32pl, 24b, 10m) and in the
the ventral STS. Responses to both faces and species-specific
anterior agranular insula (Iai) that form the medial prefrontal
auditory stimuli have been recorded in this region (Romanski,
network. Area 12o/47s also projects to visceral control centers
2007; Tsao et al., 2008). Conceivably this region may represent
in the hypothalamus and periaqueductal gray, and receives
a multimodal cortex that also is connected to circuits respon-
auditory or polymodal input from the superior temporal sulcal
sible for emotional processing.
region similar to the medial prefrontal network (reviewed in
Öngür and Price, 2000). Thus area 12o/47s is considered part
AREA 12o/47s
of the medial prefrontal network that subserves a “visceromo-
Another area that appears to subserve a similar multimodal tor” or “emotomotor” system that modulates visceral activity
processing role with a strong link to emotional processing is in response to affective stimuli. For example, the area corre-
area 12o/47s. In monkeys Walker designated the lateral orbito- sponding to 47s coactivates within the subgenual ACC dur-
frontal cortex as area 12, and four subdivisions subsequently ing induced sadness (Mayberg et al., 1999). Nevertheless, area

458 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

12o/47s also shares extensive connections with the orbital net- Medial Network
work, providing an interface between sensory integration and
emotional expression (Öngür and Price, 2000).
10m 32
14r 25 Medial Caudate

Substantial outputs exist from the medial prefrontal network

to the hypothalamus, PAG, and other visceral control centers,
with the strongest projection from the subgenual cortex (Öngür 12o
and Price, 2000; Price and Drevets, 2010). The origin of the lai
projection includes the STGr/STSd and area 9 in the DPFC, 10o
11m 13a Shell & Core of
which are both connected to the medial network. Electrical Nu. Accumbens
14r 14c
stimulation of the medial PFC cause changes in heart rate and
respiration, and fMRI studies show that activity in medial PFC Hippocampus
correlates with visceral activation related to emotion (reviewed
in Price and Drevets, 2010). Ventral Pallidum
Lesions of the VMPFC in humans abolish the automatic
visceral response to emotive stimuli (Bechara et al., 2000).
Individuals with these lesions also are debilitated in terms
of their ability to make appropriate choices, although their
cognitive intelligence is intact. To account for such deficits, MD
the “somatic marker hypothesis” proposes that the visceral
reaction accompanying emotion serves as a subconscious
warning of disadvantageous behaviors (Damasio, 1995). The
full basis for this effect is complex, presumably involving
the visceral reactions (e.g., sweaty palms, “butterflies” in the
gut, etc.), subconscious “as-if ” circuits, and circuits such as caudal MD
the cortical-striatal-pallidal-thalamic system. In mood dis-
orders, overactivation of this system (e.g., due to excessive
activity in the subgenual cortex) could produce the chronic
sense of “unease” that is a common experiential component Figure 34.4 Illustration of the cortical-striatal-pallidal-thalamic loop related
to the medial prefrontal network. Note that limbic structures such as the
of depression.
amygdala and hippocampus are also related to several parts of this circuit.

In addition to these inputs from limbic structures, which
Like other cortical areas, the PFC has specific connections with are excitatory and probably glutamatergic, MDm also receives
the striatum and thalamus. These include reciprocal thalamo- GABAergic inputs from the ventral pallidum and rostral globus
cortical connections with the medial part of the mediodor- pallidus (Öngür and Price, 2000) (Figs. 34.3 and 34.4). It can be
sal thalamic nucleus (MDm). Closely related to these is the expected that these convergent but antagonistic inputs would
cortical-striatal-pallidal-thalamic loop through the ventro- interact to modulate the reciprocal thalamocortical interac-
medial striatum and connections between the midline thal- tions between the OMPFC and MDm. Limbic inputs would
amic nuclei and the same striatal and cortical areas (Öngür promote ongoing patterns of thalamocortical and corticotha-
and Price, 2000; Price and Drevets, 2010) (Figs. 34.3, 34.4, lamic activity and consistent behavior, while pallidal inputs
and 34.5). would interrupt ongoing patterns, allowing a switch between
behaviors involving mood, value assessment of objects, and
stimulus-reward association. Indeed, lesions of the ventral
striatum and pallidum, MD, or the OMPFC have been shown
to cause perseverative deficits in stimulus-reward reversal tasks
MDm receives substantial subcortical inputs from many lim- in rats and monkeys, where there is difficulty extinguishing
bic structures, including the amygdala, olfactory cortex, ento- responses to previously rewarded (Ferry et al., 2000). A simi-
rhinal cortex, perirhinal cortex, parahippocampal cortex, and lar deficit in subjects with mood disorders might be reflected
subiculum (Öngür and Price, 2000). All of these areas also by the difficulty in “letting go” of a negative mood or mind-set
send direct (non-thalamic) projections to the OMPFC (Öngür long after the resolution of any traumatic events that might
and Price, 2000). have justified it.

3 4 N E U R A L C I R C U I T R Y O F D E P R E S S I O N | 459

Medial prefrontal network thalamus, which include the paraventricular thalamic nucleus
(PVT), and nuclei that extend ventrally on the midline. These
A C nuclei are reciprocally connected to the medial prefrontal
network areas, with little connection to the orbital network,
Amygdala & MDm thalamus and they have a substantial projection to the same areas of the
other limbic
structures ventromedial striatum that receives input from the medial net-
work areas (Hsu and Price, 2007) (Fig. 34.4). They also have
Ventral, rostral pallidum
connections with the amygdala, hypothalamus, and brainstem
B areas, including the PAG (Fig. 34.3).
Ventromedial Paraventricular Considerable evidence links the PVT to the stress response.
striatum thalamus In particular, lesions of the PVT facilitate central amygdala
Acc Nu, Med. caudate neuronal responses to acute psychological stressors and block
habituation to repeated restraint stress in rats (Bhatnagar et al.,
& brainstem
2002). In humans, habituation to the stress response caused
by recurrent hypoglycemia is associated with activity in the
Figure 34.5 A diagrammatic illustration of the cortical-striatal-pallidal- midline thalamus (reviewed in Price and Drevets, 2012). It is
thalamic loop circuit, involving the medial prefrontal network and the likely that the role of the PVT is general across many types of
amygdala, together with the ventromedial striatum (nucleus accumbens and
medial caudate nuclei), the ventral and rostral globus pallidus, and the medial
part of the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MDm). The midline paraventricular
thalamic nucleus also has prominent connections with the medial network, the
ventromedial striatum, and the amygdala, as well as with the hypothalamus O V E R V I E W O F R E C E N T O B SE RVATI O N S
and brainstem. The substantial connections from the medial network to I N HU M A N S W I T H M O O D DI SOR D E R S
the hypothalamus and brainstem are not shown in this figure. The shaded
clouds depict areas where the targeted neuromodulation and neurosurgical
treatments that have shown benefit in treatment-refractory depression would
Converging evidence from neuroimaging and lesion analy-
putatively influence white matter tracts within these circuits. A. Deep brain sis studies of mood disorders implicates the medial and
stimulation of the subgenual anterior cingulate (sgACC; Mayberg et al., orbital prefrontal networks along with anatomically related
2005) and stereotaxic surgical ablations such as the anterior cingulotomy areas of the striatum, thalamus, and temporal lobe pre-
and prelimbic leukectomy would influence neural afferents and efferents of
viously described in the pathophysiology of depression.
the sgACC as well as some projections running within the ventral cingulum
bundle, thereby modulating or interrupting neurotransmission between the
Depressed subjects show abnormal hemodynamic responses
medial prefrontal network and the striatum, the amygdala and other limbic in both networks during fMRI studies involving reward
structures, as well as the hypothalamus, PAG, and brainstem stuctures. B. Deep and emotional processing tasks (reviewed in Murray et al.,
brain stimulation of the ventral capsule/ventral striatum (Malone et al., 2009) 2010; Phillips et al., 2008). In addition, however, many of
and stereotaxic surgical ablations such as the subcaudate tractotomy would
the prefrontal regions that compose the medial network and
influence neural afferents to the ventral striatum emanating from the sgACC
and other medial prefrontal network regions (Fig. 34.3) as well as from the
of the areas of convergence between the medial and orbital
amygdala and other limbic structures. C. Deep brain stimulation (Schlaepfer networks (i.e., BA 45a, 47s) contain reductions in gray mat-
et al., 2008) or surgical lesions (i.e., anterior capsulotomy) administered within ter and histopathological changes in neuroimaging and/or
the anterior limb of the internal capsule would influence neural projections neuropathological studies of mood disorders. These data
running between the medial prefrontal network and the mediodorsal thalamic
support extant neural models of depression positing that
nucleus. (Modified from Price and Drevets, 2012.)
dysfunction within the medial network and anatomically
related limbic and basal ganglia structures underlies the
disturbances in cognition and emotional behavior seen in
The OMPFC projects principally to the rostral, ventromedial
part of the striatum. The orbital network areas connect to a NEUROIMAGING ABNORMALITIES
relatively central region that spans the internal capsule, while IN MOOD DISORDERS
the medial network areas project to the nucleus accumbens
and the rostromedial caudate nucleus (Öngür and Price, 2000) The neuroimaging abnormalities found in mood disorders
(Fig. 34.4). The amygdala input to the striatum is essentially generally have corroborated hypotheses regarding the neural
coextensive with that of the medial network. These striatal circuitry of depression that were based initially on observa-
regions, in turn, project to the ventral pallidum, which projects tions from the behavioral effects of lesions. Degenerative basal
to the portion of MDm that is connected to the medial network ganglia diseases and lesions of the striatum and orbitofron-
areas (Fig. 34.4). tal cortex increased the risk for developing major depressive
episodes (Folstein et al., 1985; MacFall et al., 2001; Starkstein
and Robinson, 1989). Because these neurological disorders
affect synaptic transmission through limbic-cortical-striatal-
pallidal-thalamic circuits in diverse ways, it was hypothesized
In addition to the prefrontal connections with MD, there also that multiple types of dysfunction within these circuits can
are connections with the midline-intralaminar nuclei of the produce depressive symptoms.

460 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

BRAIN STRUCTURAL ABNORMALITIES sgACC volume primarily has been identified in mood disor-
IN MOOD DISORDERS dered subjects with evidence for familial aggregation of illness
(Hirayasu et al., 1999; Koo et al., 2008; McDonald et al., 2004),
Structural abnormalities found in the population of individu-
suggesting that genetic factors that increase risk for the devel-
als with mood disorders can be distinguished broadly with
opment of depression also affect neuroplasticity within this
respect to the age at illness-onset of the sample being consid-
region (e.g., Pezawas et al., 2005).
ered. Patients with early-onset mood disorders (i.e., first mood
The subgenual cortex areas implicated by volumetric MRI
episode arising within the initial four to five decades of life)
or postmortem neuropathological studies of mood disorders
manifest neuromorphometric abnormalities that appear rela-
include both the infralimbic cortex (BA 25; e.g. Coryell et al.,
tively selective for areas within the OMPFC and anatomically
2005) and the adjacent sgACC corresponding to BA 24sg
related structures within the temporal lobe, striatum, thalamus,
(e.g., Drevets et al., 1997; Öngür et al., 1998; Öngür et al.,
and posterior cingulate (reviewed in Price and Drevets, 2010).
2003)]. Reductions in gray matter also have been identified
Cases with affective psychoses also have been differentiated
consistently in PFC regions that share extensive connectiv-
from controls by gray matter loss within the OMPFC (Coryell
ity with this portion of the medial prefrontal network, such
et al., 2005; MacFall et al., 2001). In contrast, elderly subjects
as the BA 47s cortex in BD (Lyoo et al., 2004; Nugent et al.,
with late-onset depression (i.e., first mood episode arising later
2006) and BA 45a area of VLPFC in MDD (Bowen et al.,
than the fifth decade of life) show a higher prevalence of neu-
1989), as well as in the caudal orbitofrontal cortex (BA 11),
roimaging correlates of cerebrovascular disease relative both to
frontal polar/dorsal anterolateral PFC (BA 9,10), hippocam-
age-matched healthy controls and to elderly depressives with
pus, parahippocampus and temporopolar cortex in MDD,
an early age at depression-onset (Drevets et al., 2004). MDD
and in the superior temporal gyrus and amygdala in BD
and BD cases that have either psychotic features or late-life
(Coryell et al., 2005; Lyoo et al., 2004; Nugent et al., 2006;
illness-onset show nonspecific signs of atrophy, such as lateral
Price and Drevets, 2010). Finally, the pituitary and adrenal
ventricle enlargement.
glands appear enlarged in MDD (Drevets, Gadde et al., 2004;
Within the OMPFC a relatively consistent abnormality
Krishnan et al., 1991), consistent with other evidence that
reported in early onset MDD and BD has been a reduction in
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity is elevated in
gray matter in left subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC).
mood disorders.
This volumetric reduction exists early in illness and in young
Discrepant results exist across studies, conceivably reflect-
adults at high familial risk for MDD, yet shows progression in
ing clinical and etiological heterogeneity extant within the
longitudinal studies in samples with psychotic mood disorders
MDD and BD syndromes. For example, in the hippocam-
(reviewed in Price and Drevets, 2010). Moreover, individuals
pus one study reported that reduced volume was limited to
with more chronic or highly recurrent illness show greater
depressed women who suffered early-life trauma (Vythilingam
volume loss than those who manifest sustained remission
et al., 2002), while others reported that hippocampal volume
(Fig. 34.6) (Salvadore et al., 2011). The abnormal reduction in

–21 –11

Figure 34.6 Regions where gray matter volume was reduced in unmedicated, currently depressed subjects with major depressive disorder (N = 58) compared to
unmedicated, currently remitted MDD subjects (N = 27). The mean time spent in the current major depressive episode for the former group was about four years,
and the mean time spent in remission for the latter group was over three years. The depressed group showed reduced gray matter relative to the remitted group
in the subgenual and ventromedial prefrontal cortices and the rostral temporal cortex, a pattern that resembles that depicting the density of amygdala projections
to the cortex in Fig. 34.1. Results are superimposed on axial slices of the average gray matter map of the 192 subjects participating in this study. The axial slices
are located at 21 mm and 11 mm ventral to the bicommissural plane. (Modified from Salvadore et al., 2011.)

3 4 N E U R A L C I R C U I T R Y O F D E P R E S S I O N | 461

correlated inversely with time spent depressed and unmedi- C O R R E L AT I O N S W I T H R O D E N T M O D E L S O F
cated (e.g., Sheline et al., 2003). In addition, the amygdala vol- C H R O N I C A N D R E P E AT E D S T R E S S
ume appears abnormally smaller in unmedicated BD subjects,
In regions that appear homologous to areas where gray matter
but larger in BD subjects receiving mood stabilizing treatments
reductions are evident in depressed humans (i.e., medial PFC,
associated with neurotrophic effects in experimental animals
hippocampus) repeated stress results in dendritic atrophy
(Savitz et al., 2010).
and dysregulation of synaptic function/structure related gene
expression, and these effects can be reversed at least partly by
antidepressant drug administration (Banasr and Duman, 2007;
NE UR OPATH O L O GIC A L C O RRE L AT I O N S Czeh et al., 2006; Duric et al., 2013; McEwen and Magarinos,
WITH NE U RO IMA GING A BNO R M A L I T I E S 2001; Radley et al., 2008; Wellman, 2001). Dendritic atrophy
putatively would be observed as a decrease in gray matter vol-
The structural imaging abnormalities found in mood disor-
ume (Stockmeier et al., 2004). Moreover, both repeated stress
ders have been associated with histopathological abnormali-
and elevated glucocorticoid concentrations impair the pro-
ties in postmortem studies. Such studies report reductions in
liferation of oligodendrocyte precursors in rodents, leading
gray matter volume, thickness, or wet weight in the sgACC,
to reductions in oligodendroglial cell counts (Alonso, 2000;
parts of the orbital cortex, and accumbens (reviewed in
Banasr and Duman, 2007). In rats the stress-induced dendritic
Price and Drevets, 2010), and greater decrements in vol-
atrophy in the medial PFC was associated with impaired mod-
ume following fixation (implying a deficit in neuropil) in
ulation of behavioral responses to fear-conditioned stimuli
the hippocampus (Stockmeier et al., 2004) in MDD and/or
(Izquierdo et al., 2006), suggesting this process can alter emo-
BD subjects relative to controls. The histopathological cor-
tional behavior.
relates of these abnormalities include reductions in glia with
The similarities between the histopathological changes
no equivalent loss of neurons, reductions in synapses or syn-
that accompany stress-induced dendritic atrophy in rats
aptic proteins, and elevations in neuronal density, in MDD
and those found in humans suffering from depression sug-
and/or BD samples in the sgACC, and of glial cell counts and
gest the hypothesis that homologous processes underlie the
density in the pgACC, dorsal anterolateral PFC (BA9), and
neuropathological changes in the hippocampal and medial
amygdala (reviewed in Price and Drevets, 2010). The den-
PFC in both conditions (McEwen and Magarinos, 2001).
sity of non-pyramidal neurons also appears decreased in the
Stress-induced dendritic remodeling depends on interactions
ACC and hippocampus in BD (Benes et al., 2001; Todtenkopf
between N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor stimula-
et al., 2005) and in the dorsal anterolateral PFC (BA9) in
tion and glucocorticoid secretion (McEwen and Magarinos,
MDD (Rajkowska et al., 2007). Reductions in synapses and
2001). Notably, the depressive subgroups that show reduc-
synaptic proteins were evident in BD subjects in the hip-
tions in regional gray matter volume also show evidence
pocampal subiculum/ventral CA1 region, which receives
of having elevated glutamatergic transmission in the same
abundant projections from the sgACC (reviewed in Price
regions together with increased cortisol secretion (Drevets
and Drevets, 2010). Subjects with MDD studied postmortem
et al., 2002b). For example, cerebral glucose metabolism
also manifested dysregulation of synaptic function/structure
largely reflects energetic requirements associated with gluta-
related genes in the hippocampus and dalPFC, and with a
matergic transmission (Shulman et al., 2004), raising the pos-
corresponding lower number of synapses in the dorsolateral
sibility that excitatory amino acid transmission contributes
PFC (Duric et al., 2013; Kang et al., 2012). Notably, Kang et
to the neuropathology of mood disorders (Paul and Skolnick,
al. (2012) additionally identified a transcriptional repressor,
2003). Elevated glutamatergic transmission in discrete ana-
GATA1, that was overexpressed in the dalPFC of MDD sub-
tomical circuits may explain the targeted nature of gray
jects, and that when expressed in PFC neurons is sufficient to
matter changes in depression (e.g., selectively affecting left
decrease the expression of synapse-related genes, cause loss
sgACC) (Drevets and Price, 2005; McEwen and Magarinos,
of dendritic spines and dendrites, and produce depressive
2001; Shansky et al., 2009).
behavior in rat models of depression.
The glial cell type implicated most consistently is the oli-
godendrocyte (reviewed in Price and Drevets, 2010). The
concentrations of oligodendroglial gene products, including
myelin basic protein, are decreased in frontal polar cortex (BA
10) and middle temporal gyrus in MDD subjects versus con-
trols, potentially compatible with reductions in white matter The co-occurrence of increased glucose metabolism and
volume of the corpus callosum genu and splenium found in decreased gray matter within the same regions in mood dis-
MDD and BD. Perineuronal oligodendrocytes also are impli- orders has been demonstrated most consistently by comparing
cated in mood disorders by electron microscopy and reduced image data from depressed patients before versus after treat-
gene expression levels in PFC tissue. Perineuronal oligoden- ment (e.g., Drevets et al., 2002a) and from remitted patients
drocytes are immunohistochemically reactive for glutamine scanned before versus during depressive relapse (Hasler et al.,
synthetase, suggesting they function like astrocytes to take up 2008; Neumeister et al., 2004). In resting metabolic images in
synaptically released glutamate for conversion to glutamine contrast, the reduction in gray matter volume in some struc-
and cycling back into neurons. tures appears sufficiently prominent to produce partial volume

462 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

effects due to their relatively low spatial resolution of functional the hemodynamic activity increases in the sgACC during sad-
brain images. Notably, in some depressed samples the resting ness induction, exposure to traumatic reminders, selecting sad
metabolism appears reduced in the sgACC relative to healthy or happy targets in an emotional go/no-go study, monitoring
controls, while in contrast, other studies reported increased of internal states in individuals with attachment–avoidant
metabolic activity in the sgACC in primary or secondary personality styles, and extinction of fear-conditioned stimuli
depression, suggesting that these apparent discrepancies may (reviewed in Price and Drevets 2010). Moreover, enhanced
be explained by differing magnitudes of gray matter loss across sgACC activity during emotional face processing predicted
samples (reviewed in Drevets et al., 2008). Consistent with inflammation-associated mood deterioration in healthy sub-
this hypothesis, in MDD and BD samples who show abnormal jects under typhoid vaccine immune challenge (Harrison
reductions of both gray matter volume and metabolism in the et al., 2009). Finally remitted MDD subjects show decreased
sgACC (Drevets et al., 1997), correction of the metabolic data coupling between the hemodynamic responses of the sgACC,
for partial volume (atrophy) effects reveals that metabolism is rostral superior temporal gyrus, hippocampus, and medial
increased in the sgACC in the depressed phase, and decreases frontal polar cortex during guilt (self-blame) versus indigna-
to normative levels with antidepressant treatment. This find- tion (blaming others) (Green et al., 2010) (Fig. 34.7).
ing is consistent with evidence that the sgACC metabolism The ventral pgACC and vmPFC situated anterior to the
decreases during symptom-remission induced by a variety of sgACC have been implicated in healthy subjects in reward
antidepressant treatments (Drevets et al., 1997, 2002a; Holthoff processing, and conversely in depressed subjects, in anhedo-
et al., 2004; Mayberg et al., 2000), including electroconvul- nia (inability to experience pleasure in or incentive to pursue
sive therapy (Nobler et al., 2001) and deep brain stimulation previously rewarding activities). In healthy humans the BOLD
(Mayberg et al., 2005). activity in this region correlates positively to ratings of pleasure
or subjective pleasantness in response to odors, tastes, water in
fluid-deprived subjects, and warm or cool stimuli applied to
E MOTIONA L P RO C ES S ING IN T HE M E DI A L the hand, and the ventral pgACC shows activity increases in
PR E FR ONTA L NET W O RK response to dopamine-inducing drugs and during preference
judgments (reviewed in Wacker et al., 2009). Conversely in
The sgACC participates generally in the experience and/or depressed subjects this region showed reduced BOLD activity
regulation of dysphoric emotion. In non-depressed subjects during reward-learning and higher resting EEG delta current

R Control

Seed area

0 4

Figure 34.7 Regions showing decreased coupling with the right superior temporal gyrus during the experience of guilt versus indignation in individuals with
remitted MDD compared with healthy controls, including the lateral hypothalamus, hippocampus, medial frontal polar cortex, and subgenual anterior cingulate
cortex/septal region. The shaded bar depicts voxel t-values, computed using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) software. (Modified from Green et al., 2010.)

3 4 N E U R A L C I R C U I T R Y O F D E P R E S S I O N | 463

density (putatively corresponding to decreased resting neural processes with respect to emotional behavior (Vidal-Gonzalez
activity) in association with anhedonia ratings (Wacker et al., et al., 2006). Regions where metabolism correlates positively
2009). with depression severity include the sgACC and ventromedial
More dorsal regions of the pgACC show physiological frontal polar cortex; metabolism increases in these regions
responses to diverse types of emotionally valenced or auto- in remitted MDD cases who experience depressive relapse
nomically arousing stimuli. Higher activity in the pgACC under catecholamine or serotonin depletion (Hasler et al.,
holds positive prognostic significance in MDD, as depressives 2008; Neumeister et al., 2004) (Fig. 34.8). In contrast, the
who improve during antidepressant treatment show abnor- VLPFC/lateral orbital regions that include BA45a, BA47s and
mally elevated pgACC metabolism, MEG, and EEG activity the lateral frontal polar cortex show inverse correlations with
prior to treatment relative to treatment-non-responsive cases depression severity, suggesting they play an adaptive or com-
or healthy controls (Pizzagalli, 2011). pensatory role in depression (reviewed in Price and Drevets,
Moreover, in the supragenual ACC depressed subjects 2010).
show attenuated BOLD responses versus controls while recall-
ing autobiographical memories (Young et al., 2012), associ-
ated with lower subjective arousal ratings experienced during
memory recall. Behaviorally, MDD subjects are impaired at
generating specific autobiographical memories, particularly
when cued by positive words. These deficits were associated Subcortical structures that share extensive connections with the
with reduced activity in the hippocampus and parahippocam- medial prefrontal network also show correlations to depressive
pus (Young et al., 2012). symptoms. In the accumbens area the elevation of metabolism
Notably, preclinical evidence indicates that distinct medial under catecholamine depletion correlates positively with the
prefrontal network structures are involved in opponent corresponding increment in anhedonia ratings (Fig. 34.8). In

Depressive Symptoms (MADRS)

x=—4, y=54, z=—8 2


Anhedonia (minus-SHAPS)

x=14, y=10, z=—4

Figure 34.8 Statistical parametric mapping image sections illustrating catecholamine depletion (CD)–induced metabolic changes and correlations between
associated depressive symptoms and regional metabolism displayed on an anatomical MRI brain image in the voxel-wise analyses in a combined group of healthy
controls and unmedicated individuals with major depressive disorder in remission (who are prone to develop depressive symptoms under CD produced via
alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine administration). Upper Panel: Area where changes in metabolism correlated with CD-induced depressive symptoms (rated using the
Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale) in the ventromedial frontal polar cortex, as shown by voxel t-values corresponding to p < 0.001 in the correlational
analysis. Lower Panel: Area where glucose metabolism correlated with CD-induced anhedonia (rated by negative scores from the Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale)
in the right accumbens, shown as voxel t-values corresponding to p < 0.005. Coordinates corresponding to the horizontal and vertical axes are listed to the left
of each image set, and correspond to the stereotaxic array of Talairach and Tournoux (1988) with the distance denoted in mm from the anterior commissure, with
positive x = right of midline, positive y = anterior to the anterior commissure, and positive z = dorsal to a plane containing both the anterior and the posterior
commissures. The gray shaded bars indicate voxel t values. (Reproduced by permission from Hasler et al., 2008.)

464 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

addition, fMRI studies show that hemodynamic responses Taken together these data indicate that both the normative
of the ventral striatum to rewarding stimuli are decreased in positive processing bias in healthy individuals and the patho-
depressives versus controls, and that higher levels of anhe- logical negative processing bias in MDD occur automatically,
donia are associated with blunted ventral striatal responses below the level of conscious awareness, and are mediated at least
to rewarding stimuli in both healthy and depressed subjects partly by rapid, non-conscious processing networks involving
(reviewed in Treadway and Zald, 2011). Furthermore, dur- the amygdala (Victor et al., 2010). The differential response
ing probabilistic reversal learning, depressed subjects showed to masked-sad versus masked-happy faces in the amygdala is
impaired reward (but not punishment) reversal accuracy in associated with concomitant alterations in the hemodynamic
association with attenuated ventral striatal BOLD response to responses of the hippocampus, superior temporal gyrus, ante-
unexpected reward (Robinson et al, 2012). rior insula, pgACC, and anterior orbitofrontal cortex (Victor
In the amygdala glucose metabolic abnormalities appear et al., 2010). These regions may participate in setting a context
more selective for depressive subgroups. In the left amygdala, or in altering reinforcement contingencies that conceivably
metabolism increased during tryptophan depletion-induced may underlie these biases in MDD.
relapse only in MDD subjects homozygous for the long allele Similarly, during probabilistic reversal learning depressed
of the 5HTT-PRL polymorphism (Neumeister et al., 2006b). In MDD subjects showed exaggerated behavioral sensitiv-
addition, elevated resting amygdala metabolism was reported ity to negative feedback versus controls, in association with
specifically in depressed subjects classified as BD-depressed, blunted BOLD activity in the dorsomedial and ventrolateral
familial pure depressive disease (FPDD), or melancholic sub- PFC during reversal shifting, and absence of the normative
type (reviewed in Price and Drevets, 2010). These subgroups deactivation of the amygdala in response to negative feedback
also shared the manifestation of hypersecreting cortisol under (Taylor Tavares et al., 2008). Disrupted top-down control by
stress, which is noteworthy here because the amygdala plays the PFC over the amygdala thus may result in the abnormal
a major role in driving the stressed component of cortisol response to negative feedback observed in MDD (Murphy
release (Drevets et al., 2002). In contrast, task-based hemo- et al., 1999).
dynamic responses of the amygdala show a pattern of abnor-
malities reflecting negative emotional processing biases in
depression that appear more generalizable across depressed I M P L I C AT I O N S F O R
samples. N E U R O C I R C U I T RY- B A SE D M OD E LS
Within the larger context of the limbic-cortical-striatal-
pallidal-thalamic circuits implicated in the pathophysiology
of depression, the basic science literature regarding specific
Depressed individuals bias stimulus processing toward limbic-cortical circuits involving the medial prefrontal network
sad information as evidenced by enhanced recall for nega- hold clear functional implications to guide translational models.
tively versus positively valenced information on memory The anatomical projections from the medial prefrontal network
tests, greater interference from depression-related negative to the amygdala, hypothalamus, PAG, locus coeruleus, raphe,
words versus happy or neutral words on emotional stroop and brainstem autonomic nuclei play major roles in organiz-
tasks, faster responses to sad versus happy words on affec- ing the visceral and behavioral responses to stressors and emo-
tive attention shifting tasks and more negative interpreta- tional stimuli (Davis and Shi, 1999; LeDoux, 2003) (Fig. 34.4).
tion of ambiguous words or situations (reviewed in Victor In rats lesions of the medial PFC enhance behavioral, sympa-
et al., 2010). This bias also is evident in neurophysiological thetic, and endocrine responses to stressors or fear-conditioned
indices. Depressed subjects show exaggerated hemodynamic stimuli organized by the amygdala (Morgan and LeDoux, 1995;
responses of the amygdala to sad words, explicitly or implicitly Sullivan and Gratton, 1999). Nevertheless, these relationships
presented sad faces, and backwardly masked fearful faces, but appear complex, as stimulation of the amygdala inhibits neu-
blunted responses to masked happy faces (Suslow et al., 2010; ronal activity in the mPFC, and stimulation of infralimbic and
Victor et al., 2010). A similar pattern of abnormal amygdala prelimbic projections to the amygdala excites intra-amygdaloid
responses to masked sad and happy faces is observed in GABA-ergic cells that respectively inhibit or excite neuronal
unmedicated-remitted subjects with MDD (Neumeister et activity in the central amygdaloid nucleus (ACe) (Garcia
al., 2006a; Victor et al., 2010) suggesting this abnormality is et al., 1999; Likhtik et al., 2005; Perez-Jaranay and Vives, 1991;
trait-like. Conversely, antidepressant drug administration Vidal-Gonzalez et al., 2006).
shifts emotional processing biases toward the positive direc- For example, the amygdala mediates the stressed compo-
tion in both healthy and MDD samples (Geddes et al., 2003; nent of glucocorticoid hormone secretion by disinhibiting
Harmer, 2008; Victor et al., 2010). This shift is in the norma- CRF release from the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus
tive direction, as healthy subjects show a positive attentional (Herman and Cullinan, 1997). Moreover, lesions in the ven-
bias (Erickson et al., 2005; Sharot et al., 2007; Victor et al., tral ACC thus increase ACTH and CORT secretion during
2010) as well as greater amygdala responses to masked happy stress in rats, suggesting that the glucocorticoid response to
versus sad faces (Killgore and Yurgelun-Todd, 2004; Victor stress is inhibited by stimulation of glucocorticoid recep-
et al., 2010). tors (GR) in this cortex (Diorio et al., 1993). Similarly, in

3 4 N E U R A L C I R C U I T R Y O F D E P R E S S I O N | 465

monkeys Jahn et al. (2010) showed that PET measures of the MDD, enhanced activity in the vicinity of BA 47s (Brody
subgenual PFC metabolism consistently predicted individual et al., 2001; Öngür et al., 2003). Cognitive-therapeutic strate-
differences in plasma cortisol concentrations across a range of gies for depression also have been hypothesized to depend
contexts that varied in stress load. It thus is conceivable that in on enhancing the function of neural substrates that serve as
humans with mood disorders dysfunction within the medial convergence zones between multiple prefrontal networks,
prefrontal network would disinhibit the efferent transmission such as BA 47s.
from the ACe and BNST to the hypothalamus, contributing to As described earlier, somatic antidepressant treatments also
elevated stressed cortisol secretion (Price and Drevets, 2010). influence activity within the limbic-cortical-striatal-pallidal-
Compatible with this hypothesis, cortisol hypersecretion in thalamic circuitry. Such treatments reduce basal metabolic
mood disorders has been associated with increased metabolic activity that putatively is pathologically elevated in some
activity in the amygdala and with reduced gray matter in ros- limbic and medial prefrontal structures. In addition, how-
tral ACC (Drevets et al., 2002b; Gold et al., 2002; McEwen and ever, antidepressant drugs have been shown more specifi-
Magarinos, 2001; Treadway et al., 2009). cally to reduce limbic responses to negative or sad stimuli,
Furthermore, dysfunction of the medial prefrontal net- and in some cases, to additionally enhance such responses
work may impair reward learning, potentially contributing to to positive stimuli (e.g., Victor et al., 2010). For example,
the anhedonia and amotivation manifest in depression. The functional imaging studies in depressed humans indicate
ACC receives extensive dopaminergic innervation from the that metabolism and blood flow decrease in the sgACC/
VTA and sends projections to the VTA that regulate phasic vmPFC in response to chronic treatment with antidepressant
dopamine (DA) release. In rats, stimulation of these medial drugs, vagus nerve stimulation, or deep brain stimulation of
PFC areas elicits burst firing patterns in the VTA-DA neurons, the sgACC or anterior capsule, and activity in the relevant
while inactivation of the medial PFC converts burst firing pat- limbic-thalamocortical circuitry also decreases during effec-
terns to pacemaker-like firing activity (reviewed in Price and tive treatment with antidepressant drugs or electroconvul-
Drevets, 2010). The burst firing patterns increase DA release sive therapy (e.g., Mayberg et al., 1999; Mayberg et al., 2005;
in the accumbens, which is thought to encode information reviewed in Price and Drevets, 2010). Preliminary reports also
about reward prediction (Schultz et al., 1997). The mesolimbic indicate that chronic SSRI treatment or deep brain stimula-
DA projections from the VTA to the nucleus accumbens shell tion of the anterior capsule reduces the abnormally elevated
and the mPFC thus play major roles in learning associations metabolism in the accumbens area in MDD or in depression
between operant behaviors, or sensory stimuli and reward associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder (reviewed
(Nestler and Carlezon, 2006). If the neuropathological changes in Price and Drevets, 2010). Most notably, the observations
in the ACC in mood disorders interfere with the cortical drive that deep brain stimulation (DBS) and neurosurgical lesions
on VTA-DA neuronal burst firing activity, they may impair placed within the circuits formed by these structures can
reward learning. Compatible with this hypothesis, depressives alleviate treatment refractory depression (TRD) implicate
show attenuated DA release relative to controls in response to directly the medial prefrontal network and its associated lim-
unpredicted monetary reward (Martin-Soelch et al., 2008) and bic, striatal, and thalamic targets in the mechanisms of anti-
fail to develop a response bias toward rewarded stimuli dur- depressant therapy.
ing reinforcement paradigms (reviewed in Treadway and Zald, Mayberg et al. (2005) initially demonstrated that DBS
2011). applied via electrodes situated in the white matter immedi-
Furthermore, the patterns of physiological activity within ately adjacent to the sgACC produced antidepressant effects
the default mode system that involves the medial network in TRD. This site was located in the vicinity of loci where
are hypothesized to relate to self-absorption or obsessive neurosurgically placed lesions had shown efficacy in TRD in
ruminations (Grimm et al., 2009; Gusnard et al., 2001). In association with the prelimbic leukectomy procedure, and
depressed subjects increasing levels of default mode network also would have involved some white matter tracts interrupted
(DMN) dominance over the putative “task-positive network” in the anterior cingulotomy procedure (Fig. 34.5). Similarly,
(TPN; a group of structures that activate during volitional Malone et al. (2009) showed that DBS administered within the
attention and thought) were associated with higher levels of accumbens area/ventral internal capsule improved depressive
maladaptive, depressive rumination and lower levels of adap- symptoms in TRD. This locus targeted by this procedure is in
tive, reflective rumination (Hamilton et al., 2011). Crucially, the vicinity of that affected by the subcaudate tractotomy pro-
hemodynamic activity increased in the BA47s region in cedure used for TRD. A third site where both DBS and neu-
depressed subjects at the onset of increases in TPN activity. rosurgical lesions have shown efficacy in TRD is the anterior
It thus was hypothesized that the DMN supports represen- limb of the internal capsule, an area that had been surgically
tation of negative, self-referential information in depression, targeted by the anterior capsulotomy (Schlaepfer et al., 2008).
and that activity within the vicinity of BA 47s in conjunction Finally, a fourth site where DBS improved TRD in a single case
with increased levels of DMN activity may initiate an adap- report is the habenula, an epithalamic structure implicated
tive engagement of the TPN (Hamilton et al., 2011). Such an in the pathophysiology of depression by both preclinical and
adaptive relationship potentially could explain the inverse human neuroimaging studies (Sartorius et al., 2010). Some of
correlation between depression severity and metabolic activ- the major circuits in which these procedures putatively would
ity in BA 47s described previously. Notably, interpersonal modulate or interrupt neurotransmission in mood disorders
psychotherapy, which can reduce depressive symptoms in are depicted in Figure 34.5.

466 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

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Anatomy of Melancholia


AB B R E V I AT IO NS More recently, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and

other imaging techniques have enabled the in vivo depiction
ACC anterior cingulate cortex of subtle and surprisingly widespread structural brain changes
BDNF brain-derived neurotrophic factor in depressed patients. Early studies by our group using MRI
COMP catechol-O-methyltransferase suggested that subcortical ischemic changes are more prevalent
DLPFC dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in patients with late-onset depression, and these changes may
fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging play a role in the pathophysiology of this type of depression
GABA glycerol and gamma-aminobutyric acid (Krishnan et al., 1988). This finding has since been replicated
MRI magnetic resonance imaging in numerous studies (Coffey et al., 1989, 1990; Greenwald et al.,
OFC orbitofrontal cortex 1998; Steffens et al., 1998). This difference has also been dem-
PFC prefrontal cortex onstrated by Steffens et al. (1999) in community populations
with depressive symptoms, thus extending the finding beyond
individuals who meet the criteria for major depression. A recent
INTR ODUC T IO N meta-analysis confirmed the consistent increase in vascular
disease in elderly depressed patients (Arnone et al., 2012).
“The first of these ‘Causes,’ which is natural to all, and which We can therefore use these patients as a model to study
no man living can avoid, is old age, which being cold and dry, the neural substrates of unipolar depression due to the occur-
and of the same quality as melancholy is, must needs cause it.” rence of naturally occurring lesions that relate to depression.
(Burton, 1638). The scientific importance of this possibility is obvious: if vas-
Depression is common in later life, which was recognized cular lesions in the brains of older individuals lead to second-
as early as 1638 by Robert Burton (1638). Interestingly he ary depressions with clinical characteristics that are similar to
recognized the brain as the possible anatomical location for primary depressions, then these sites may provide important
depression: “but forasmuch as this malady is caused by prec- clues to the brain sites that are involved in depression in gen-
edent imagination, with the appetite, to whom spirits obey, eral. Lesions disrupt the mood circuit, and this increases the
and are subject to those principal parts, the brain must needs risk of depression by impairing the formation and alternation
primarily be misaffected” (Burton, 1638). Large-scale epide- of stimulus-reward relationships, and by impairing the effect
miological work from Kendler et al. (2002, 2006) suggests that of negative reinforcement and the ability to handle stress.
multiple pathways can lead to depression in the elderly. These In this review, we have focused primarily on the brain
pathways include a strong vascular component (Fig. 35.1). The aspects of depression, but the relationship between vascular
vascular pathway is one that some have suggested is critical in disease and depression is complex and most likely bidirectional
the development of depression in the elderly. (see Fig. 35.2). Thus, vascular disease predisposes to depres-
The study of depression in late life enables an interesting sion, but depression may also heighten the risk for vascular
opportunity to dissect the anatomy of melancholia. This is disease and worsen the prognosis of vascular disease. A sum-
because genetic factors appear to be less important in late-on- mary of this line of work can be seen in Jiang et al. (2005).
set depression than in early-onset depression (Krishnan et al.,
1988, Maier et al., 1991) and structural vascular or ische-
mic changes appear to be of greater importance. This is not L O C AT I O N O F L E SI O N S
a new idea. In 1905, Robert Gaupp, a German psychiatrist,
described elderly patients with depression secondary to arte- The first question that arises is: at what locations in the brain do
riosclerosis, many with persistent apathy and depressed mood the lesions that relate to depression occur? Figiel et al. (1991)
(as quoted by Post [1962]). These early findings were based showed that these lesions were more prevalent in patients with
purely on clinical evidence of cerebral vascular lesions, typi- late-onset depression than in those with early-onset depression,
cally strokes. This type of depression was termed arterioscle- and they were located in the frontal cortex and basal ganglia
rotic depression. regions. Recent data in a large number of patients has identified

470 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

Genetic ELS Vascular

Neuroticism Low social support

Lifetime disorder
trauma Substance
Stressful life event

Major depression

Figure 35.1 Pathways to depression based on large-scale and epidemiological and twin data. Four pathways to depression have been identified: internalizing,
externalizing, adversity, and vascular. The basic thrust is that all four pathways to depression lead to structural and functional changes in the neural circuit
(described later in text) that lead to risk for depression. Abbreviations: ELS = early life stress. (Simplified and modified from Kendler et al., 2002, 2006.)

the individual, often with a momentum that outlasts any trig-

Depression gers it may have had in rational thought (Saper, 1996). Mood is
an internal personal state and is, therefore, anthropomorphic.
There are inherent difficulties in studying mood in humans
through the study of mood in other species. The motoric expres-
sion of emotion is recognized in animals and inferences can
be drawn about the underlying basis, but these inferences are
Vascular Fronto striatal based on our human experience. Thus, animal models are lim-
disease lesions ited, but they do enable us to evaluate components—especially
motoric, that are consistent across species—permitting us to
Figure 35.2 Link between vascular disease, lesions, and depression. understand relevant biological processes (Saper, 1996).
A mood state is often defined as an emergent property of
forebrain connections that supports cognitive processes. These
the medial orbital prefrontal cortex and the basal ganglia as connections, in turn, project to parts of the limbic cortex from
the regions where the lesions, when present, link to depres- which output functions are derived. The limbic cortex, espe-
sion (MacFall et al., 2001). This study used statistical paramet- cially the amygdala, is believed to be involved in the evaluation
ric mapping to examine the location of lesions in patients and of emotion (LeDoux, 1992). Outputs from the limbic cortex
controls to see where the excess lesions were located. Using influence cortical processing (cognitive processing), and also
subtraction mapping, excess lesions were located in the medial regulate sympathetic, parasympathetic, and motoric expres-
orbital frontal cortex and the basal ganglia region. sions through mechanisms regulated by the hypothalamus,
The next questions that arise are: How do these changes brainstem, and ventral striatum. These feed-forward mecha-
predispose to depression? What neuroanatomical circuits and nisms are important for the development of the momentum
structural, functional, and biochemical changes are related to that is a common feature of the continued persistence of a
the lesions that can lead to depression? Also, what factors lead mood alteration.
to the development of these lesions? We will first explore the Mayberg (1997) proposed that three brain systems con-
circuit that affects mood, and then we will explore how these stitute the neurological substrate of depression: (1) a dorsal
lesions could lead to the development of depression by dis- attention-cognitive system composed of the prefrontal cortex
rupting the circuit. We will then discuss further the underlying (PFC), the anterior cingulate, and the inferior parietal area;
pathophysiology of the lesions. (2) a ventral vegetative-somatic system composed of the ven-
tral frontal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, subgenual cin-
gulate, and ventral insula; and (3) a rostral cingulate region
NE UR OANATO MY O F MO O D C I R C U I T S that integrates the dorsal and ventral systems. Mayberg (1997)
proposed that a reciprocal relationship between the dorsal
It is not entirely possible to define a mood state in terms of and ventral system regulates mood: sadness and depression
rational, cognitive processes. The mood state, like other emo- decrease activity in the dorsal system and increase activity in
tions, seems to have its own existence in the cognitive state of the ventral system, and the remission of depression reverses

3 5 N E U R O B I O L O G Y O F D E P R E S S I O N I N L AT E R L I F E | 471

stimulus; (2) production of a specific affective state and its atten-

Stimulus response and appraisal

dant behavior in response to the stimulus; and (3) regulation of
the affective state and emotional behavior. The latter may involve
Amygdala DLPFC inhibiting or modulating the first two processes, ensuring that
the emotional experience affective state and generated behaviors
OFC Hippocampus
are contextually appropriate (Phillips, 2003a).

Appraisal regulation
Striatum ACG The ventral system is important for the identification of
ACG the emotional significance of a stimulus and the production
of an affective state, whereas the dorsal system is important for
Brainstem nuclei
the regulation of the affective states. A reciprocal functional
relationship exists between these two neural systems.

Figure 35.3 Mood circuit. Abbreviations: ACG = anterior cingulate gyrus; LESIONS DISRUPT BRAIN MOOD CIRCUITS
DLPFC = dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; OFC = orbitofrontal cortex. (Derived
from Philips et al., 2003a.)
The basic premise is that structural lesions and functional
impairments within the components of the ventral neural
these relationships. Studies using functional MRI (fMRI) system are associated with reduced stimulus-reward relation-
support this hypothesis (Drevets and Raichle, 1992; Gemar ships and motivation, and are biased toward the perception of
et al., 1996). In these, the amygdala, posteromedial orbitof- negative rather than positive emotions, which leads to apathy,
rontal cortex, and ventral anterior cingulate were activated by depression, and anhedonia under additional socioenviron-
the processing of emotional stimuli, but deactivated during mental conditions (Fig. 35.4a). Structural lesions and func-
attention-demanding cognitive tasks. Conversely, the dorso- tional impairments within the dorsal neural system, associated
lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and dorsal anterior cingu- with impairments in executive function, can lead to poor regu-
late were activated by cognitive tasks and deactivated during lation of emotional behavior and perpetuate these phenomena
experimentally induced and pathological emotional states. (Fig. 35.4b). Depression can also occur through the disruption
Studies by Drevets and Raichle (1992) and Gemar et al. (1996) of the monoamine system that regulates these two systems.
are also supportive of such a reciprocal relationship. Phillips A recent twin study clearly showed that these lesions can
et al. (2003a) proposed a more detailed synthesized model produce atrophy and a decrease in frontal lobe metabolism
(Fig. 35.3). (DeCarli et al., 1995). This study did not evaluate depression,
Three main processes are important for emotion. These are: but it showed that these lesions can produce functional and
(1) evaluation and identification emotional significance of the structural changes (DeCarli et al., 1995; Krishnan et al., 1993)


· Decreased
Ventral Cognitive stimulus-reward · Apathy
lesions process · Decreased · Negative bias


· Decreased
Dorsal Cognitive executive function Depressed
lesions process · Poor regulation mood
of emotions

Figure 35.4 Disruption of the mood circuit by lesions in the neural system. (A) Ventral lesions; (B) Dorsal lesions.

472 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

Frontal striatal lesions

Social support

Life stress

Figure 35.5 Pathway for depression secondary to vascular disease.

(Fig. 35.4). Lesions seen in elderly depressed patients are simi- depression (Ballmaier et al., 2004). Many positron emis-
lar to those characterized as of ischemic origin (Taylor et al., sion tomography studies of depression, mostly conducted in
2001). Subcortical vascular disease, silent lacunar infarctions the young, have found DLPFC metabolism to be changed
or hyperintense lesions also disrupt prefrontal basal ganglia (Drevets et al., 1992; Mayberg et al., 1994). Taylor et al.,
circuits. These cognitive functions localize to a series of par- demonstrated microstructural differences in the white mat-
allel pathways (Tekin and Cummings, 2002) that are tightly ter of the DLPFC in elderly depressed individuals (Taylor
segregated, start in the frontal lobe, project to the ventral stria- et al., 2004). Initial studies by Rajkowska et al. (1999) also
tum, pass to the globus pallidus and substantia nigra, and pass suggest that there is glial pathology in this region in elderly
through the thalamus back to the frontal lobe. Three of these depressed patients. Functional imaging studies in late-life
circuits exhibit behavioral correlates: executive dysfunction depression demonstrated a reciprocal connectivity between
(dorsolateral prefrontal circuit), apathy (anterior cingulate the DLPFC and OFC and persistent deficits in DLPFC func-
circuit), and mood lability and disinhibition (orbitofrontal tioning in remission (Wang et al., 2008). This supports the
circuit). concept that even for remitted elderly depressed individuals
Prefrontal lesions are related to a reduction in caudate the DLPFC is not appropriately modulating the response to
volume (Hannestad et al., 2006). In elderly depression, there negative stimuli.
are both increased lesions of the basal ganglia and an impact
of prefrontal lesions on caudate volume (Hannestad et al.,
2006; Krishnan et al., 1993). Basal ganglia lesions are related
The rostral anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is involved with
to a reduction in orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) volume. Lesions
motor function, cognitive function, and the regulation of
disrupt white matter tracts and the uncinate appears to be
arousal and drive states. It has dense projections to the motor
particularly affected in patients with depression, which sug-
cortex and spinal cord, reciprocal connections with the lateral
gests a disconnection between the amygdala and PFC (Taylor
PFC, and extensive afferents from the midline thalamus and
et al., 2008a). These studies suggest that lesions change the cir-
brainstem nuclei. The affective division further projects to
cuits that regulate mood. The data generated by these studies
autonomic brainstem nuclei (Devinsky et al., 1995).
clearly supports the notion that when these lesions damage the
Due to this functional overlap, it has been proposed
circuits, it predisposes to depression (Fig. 35.5).
that the ACC may translate thoughts into action (Ebert and
Ebmeier, 1996; Paus et al., 2001). The affective division of
the ACC includes the subgenual anterior cingulate (BA 25),
BA 33, and the pregenual, dorsal, or rostral anterior cingu-
late gyrus (rostral regions of BA 24) (Phillips et al., 2003).
The caudal supragenual ACC (BA 32) is generally classified
as the cognitive division of the ACC, but it may also play a
D O R S O L AT E R A L P R E F R O N TA L C O RT E X role in mood regulation through its efferents to the amygdala
The dorsolateral part of the PFC forms a neuroanatomical (Philipps et al., 2003). We will discuss the subgenual PFC
substrate for attention (Puce et al., 1996). This circuit interacts separately.
with the cingulate, amygdala, and medial OFC (Carmichael Bilateral volume reductions of the ACC have been reported
and Price, 1995). in geriatric depression (Ballmier et al., 2004), and the geriatric
Individuals with DLPFC lesions have deficits on work- depressed population also has been found to have more cau-
ing memory tasks (Bechara et al., 1998), which is consistent dal metabolic deficits (de Asis et al., 2001). Taylor et al. (2004,
with the findings of functional imaging studies regarding 2007a) found changes in the fractional anisotropy of the ante-
DLPFC activation on working memory tasks (Courtney rior cingulate in geriatric depression. When individuals with
et al., 1997; McCarthy et al., 1994). Reduced superior and geriatric depression perform tasks, there is impairment in
middle frontal cortex volumes are reported in geriatric ACC response (Wang et al., 2008).

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HIPPOCAMPUS negative emotional context results in amygdala activation
The hippocampus has a complex role in affective regulation (Hare et al., 2005). Transient sadness results in the activation
and in facilitating or inhibiting defensive behavior and anxiety of the left amygdala (Levesque et al., 2003), which is similar
in response to environmental stimuli (Corcoran et al., 2005; to the increased glucose metabolism in the left amygdala in
Phillips et al., 2003a; Van Den Hove et al., 2005). Thus, it may depression (Drevets et al., 2002). The amygdala interfaces with
have a role in resolving goal conflicts and facilitating explor- layers of the OFC in a region that has been shown to have a
atory behavior patterns (Phillips et al., 2003a, b). reduction in pyramidal cell neurons in the elderly (Rajkowska
Some have reported a smaller hippocampal volume in et al., 2005). Imaging studies using the oddball task have also
mixed-age groups with depression (Bremner et al., 2000; demonstrated that amygdala-OFC-DLPFC circuit activity is
Frodl et al., 2002; Krishnan et al., 1991; Mervaala et al., 2000; altered during depression (Wang et al., 2008).
Shah et al., 1998; Sheline et al., 1996), while others have found
no difference (Axelson et al., 1993; Hastings et al., 2004; S U B G E N U A L C I N G U L AT E C O RT E X
MacQueen et al., 2003; Posener et al., 2003; Vakili et al., 2000). The subgenual ACC has extensive reciprocal connections with
Our group and others have found smaller hippocampal vol- several structures, including the OFC, nucleus accumbens,
umes to be associated with recurrent depression (Axelson amygdala, and hypothalamus (Carmichael and Price, 1996).
et al., 1993; Sheline et al., 1999), an earlier age of depression These connections likely represent a feedback circuit that regu-
onset (Axelson et al., 1993; Macqueen et al., 2003; Sheline et al., lates the amygdala’s response to environmental stimuli, as the
2003), a longer duration of untreated depression (Sheline et al., ACC can inhibit amygdala function (Rosenkranz et al., 2003).
2003), and poorer antidepressant response over one year (Frodl Smaller left subgenual ACC volumes are seen in depressed
et al., 2004). Similar findings in older depressed populations individuals (Drevets et al., 1997). Volumetric differences in the
have been reported, including both positive (Bell-McGinty left subgenual ACC have also been reported in adult samples
et al., 2002; Steffens et al., 2000a) and negative studies (Ashtari with familial affective disorders (Drevets et al., 1997; Hirayasu
et al., 1999; Pantel et al., 1997). In the elderly depressed, et al., 1999) and adolescent-onset depression (Botteron et al.,
Steffens et al. (2000a, 2008) found decreased hippocampal 2002). Others have found no differences in the volume of BA
volume with depression along with shape of the hippocampus 24 or BA 25 in depression (Bremner et al., 2002; Kegeles et al.,
(Qiu et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2008) and cognitive changes. 2003). Consistent with the positive neuroimaging findings,
neuropathological studies demonstrate a reduction in subgen-
ual cingulate volume and a reduction in the number of glia in
depressed individuals (Ongur et al., 1998). Sadness results in
AMYGDALA activation of the subgenual ACC (George et al., 1995; Liotti
The amygdala is critical for the evaluation of emotions. In ani- et al., 2000). Baseline functional imaging studies have found
mals and humans, bilateral damage to the amygdala results in decreased metabolism and cerebral blood flow in the subgen-
the organism becoming placid and disinterested in the envi- ual ACC in depressed individuals (Drevets et al., 2002; Kegeles
ronment (Aggleton, 1992). In monkeys, bilateral lesions of the et al., 2003; London et al., 2004; Mayberg et al., 1994); however,
amygdala lead to an absence of emotional responses such as others have found no such difference between depressed and
fear (LeDoux, 1992). The amygdala has extensive reciprocal non-depressed individuals (Videbech et al., 2001). It is impor-
projections with the frontal lobe, ventral striatum, thalamus, tant to note that if functional imaging data is corrected for the
and cortex, as well as projections with regions that regulate partial volume effect of reduced gray matter volume, the meta-
behavioral, autonomic, arousal, and neuroendocrine responses, bolic activity in the subgenual ACC may actually be increased
such as the hypothalamus and brainstem (Cardinal et al., 2002; in depressed individuals. Very limited data has been gathered
Morgane et al., 2005). The amygdala is also involved in emo- regarding this subject in elderly depressed individuals.
tional appraisal and response (Bechara et al., 2003), assigning
emotional significance to sensory stimuli (Russchen, 1986) T H E O R B I TA L P R E F R O N TA L C O RT E X
and decision making, and it affects memory consolidation by A variety of studies have implicated the OFC with regard to
influencing the hippocampus. The amygdala is necessary for mood disorders (Bremner et al., 2002). Animal studies have
the development of somatic and emotional states from actual demonstrated that lesions in this region of the PFC produce a
environmental stimuli, although such states from second- behavioral pattern of timidity and reduction in novelty-seeking
ary inducers such as memories or hypothetical events may be (Rolls, 1992). The OFC cortex connections have been detailed
more reliant on the OFC (Bechara et al., 2003). in a series of elegant studies by Carmichael and Price (1995,
Neuropathological studies in depressed individuals of 1996). In primates, the orbital cortex has two selected pat-
mixed ages show reduced glia density and a reduced glia/neuron terns of connectivity that form two networks. One links
ratio in the amygdala (Bowley et al., 2002). Structural imaging sensory- and limbic-related areas within the orbital medial
studies have shown mixed results, with some finding smaller PFC. In the second, the orbital cortex is very closely linked to
amygdala core nuclei volumes in depressed adults (Sheline the amygdala. Projections from the medial and dorsal part of
et al., 1998) and smaller volumes in adult depressed women the basal nucleus of the amygdala reach areas 1AM, 1APM,
(Hastings et al., 2004), whereas others have found no difference 1AU, 13A, and 13M. Other amygdala nuclei also project to the
in amygdala volumes between depressed and non-depressed medial orbital frontal cortex. The OFC projects widely upon
adults (Axelson et al., 1993; Frodl et al., 2004). Response to higher-order multimodal association areas in the frontal,

474 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

parietal, and temporal lobes (Carmichael and Price, 1995, Visual Retention Task and with impaired stimulus-reward rela-
1996). The OFC is involved in representing reinforcers and in tionships, and it is negatively correlated with severity of func-
rapid stimulus-reinforcement learning for both positive and tional disability (Taylor et al., 2003d). In addition, functional
negative reinforcers (Elliott et al., 1997, 1998; Rolls, 2000). imaging studies have supported the role of OFC in depression
Damage to the OFC impairs the learning and reversal of (Levesque et al., 2003).
stimulus-reinforcement associations, and thus impairs the
correction of behavioral responses when these are no longer BASAL GANGLIA CIRCUITS
appropriate (Rolls, 1992, 2000). Research with humans and These circuits appear to be of major importance in our under-
non-human primates with selective damage to the OFC sup- standing of both the motivation and motoric expression of the
ports the role of these prefrontal territories in reversal learn- mood state. The entire cortical mantle projects topographically
ing (changing emotional behavior in response to previously to the striatum (Alexander and Crutcher, 1990). Thus, in clas-
rewarded or punished stimuli) (Anderson et al., 1999; Bechara sical reports, the nucleus accumbens and the ventral striatum
et al., 1999, 2000). Suppressing negative affect in response to are considered to be the limbic part of the striatum. The striatal
stimuli that previously aroused such emotions can be con- circuits have been well described by Alexander and Crutcher
ceptualized as a form of reversal learning. This suppression (1990). The ventral striatum projects to the ventral pallidum
of negative affect leads to an inability to correct reward- and and then innervates the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus,
punishment-related behaviors, and thus leads to impairments which is reciprocally related to the PFC. The ventral striatum
in the ability to modulate emotion. This impaired learning of outflow has been conceived as being involved in the regulation
stimulus-reinforcement associations may explain a key com- of behaviors and thought processes. The striatum is no longer
ponent of severe depression in the elderly, namely apathy. The seen as homogeneous, but as consisting of compartments on the
inability to reverse/extinguish stimulus-reinforcement associ- basis of connections as well as neurotransmitters. The impor-
ations can explain why damage to the OFC impairs the ability tance of the basal ganglia is shown by the variety of studies that
to suppress transient sadness (Rolls, 2000). The OFC output have implicated it in mood alterations, such as Huntington’s
pathways to the striatum are believed to be important in the disease, Parkinson’s disease, Wilson’s disease, strokes of the
implementation of these functions (Rolls, 1992, 2000). basal ganglia, and so forth (Caine and Shoulson, 1983; Charpier
The intradimensional/extradimensional discrimination task and Deniau, 1997; Folstein et al., 1979; Saint-Cyr et al., 1992;
and the Tower of London tasks can be used to assess PFC func- Swerdlow and Koob, 1987). In the elderly, basal ganglia lesions
tion (Murphy et al., 1999). These tasks are related to the OFC, and reduced volume of the caudate are associated with depres-
and performance on this task has been shown to be deficient in sion. Prefrontal lesions are linked to smaller caudate volume.
elderly depressed individuals. This task is also impaired dur-
ing tryptophan depletion (Rogers et al., 1999) and in younger
depressed patients (Davidson et al., 2003). SU B C O RT I C A L I SC HE M I C DI SEAS E
The right OFC exhibits increased activation during attempts
to suppress emotional reactions to sad stimuli (Levesque et al., Subcortical ischemic disease is common in normal elderly
2003). Using fMRI, depressed individuals have been shown patients (Bryan et al., 1999; de Leeuw et al., 2001; Price et al., 1997).
to exhibit less activation in the left lateral OFC in response to The lesions arise in both periventricular and deep white matter
negative stimuli (Elliott et al., 2002), as well as differential neu- and in subcortical gray matter nuclei. The vascular changes are
ral response in the right lateral OFC in response to sad distrac- age-related (Awad et al., 1986; Bryan et al., 1997, 1999; Guttmann
tors in an emotional go/no-go task (Elliot et al., 2002). Higher et al., 1998; Longstreth et al., 1996). Cerebrovascular risk factors,
choline/creatinine ratios and cytosolic choline/neutral amino such as hypertension and diabetes, are strongly linked to the
acid ratios have been reported in the OFC in depressed adoles- development of subcortical ischemic disease (de Leeuw et al.,
cents compared to the OFC of healthy adolescents (Steingard 2002; Fazekas et al., 1988; Liao et al., 1997; Longstreth et al., 1996;
et al., 2000). Ylikoski et al., 1995). Specific genetic factors also contribute
Hannestad et al. (2006) showed for the first time that the (Schmidt et al., 2000; Viitanen and Kalimo, 2000).
OFC is reduced in size in elderly depressed patients and that Ischemia negatively affects cognition (Butters et al., 2004)
this change is related to the occurrence of prefrontal lesions. and is associated with disability (Steffens et al., 2002b); either
Neuropathological studies in elderly depressed individuals of these factors may also further increase the risk of depres-
have identified decreases in OFC neuronal size and neuronal sion. The lesions are related to medical comorbidity, particu-
and glial densities in depression (Rajkowska et al., 1999). larly cerebrovascular risk factors. Greater subcortical lesion
Several neuroimaging studies have reported smaller OFC vol- severity is associated with hypertension (Dufouil et al., 2001;
umes or smaller OFC gray matter volumes in depressed indi- Fukuda and Kitani, 1995; Liao et al., 1996; Schmidt et al.,
viduals (Botteron et al., 2002; Lacerda et al., 2004; Lai et al., 1999; Veldink et al., 1998), as well as metabolic factors includ-
2000). Hyperintense lesions within the OFC are also associated ing hypofolatemia (Iosifescu et al., 2005). The ischemic nature
with depression in elderly populations (MacFall et al., 2001), of these lesions has been demonstrated in postmortem stud-
and OFC volume is negatively correlated with subcortical gray ies (Thomas et al., 2002). Interestingly, a recent twin study by
matter lesion severity (Lee et al., 2003), which supports the Kendler et al. (2009) showed that for older twins, an older age
theory of orbitofrontal-striatal circuits (Tetkin and Cummings, of depression onset in one twin is associated with a higher risk
2002). OFC volume is related to performance on the Benton of vascular disease in the other twin, whereas a younger age of

3 5 N E U R O B I O L O G Y O F D E P R E S S I O N I N L AT E R L I F E | 475

(A) symptoms over time (Steffens et al., 2002b). A poorer depres-
sion course is also associated with greater increases in subcor-
Aging Genetic Other diseases tical lesion volume over that time (Taylor et al., 2003c). There
may also be a biological gradient, wherein lesions that contrib-
ute to depression need to occur in specific regions (Greenwald
Hypertension et al., 1998; MacFall et al., 2001, 2006; Taylor et al., 2003b).
Diabetes Inflammation Subcortical ischemic depression also exhibits differences
Lipid abnormalities in (1) clinical symptoms of depression (Krishnan et al., 2004);
(2) long-term course of depression, with a higher risk of devel-
oping dementia (Baldwin, 2000; Steffens et al., 2000b; Steffens
Frontostriatal lesions et al., 2004); (3) familial pattern of depression (Krishnan et al.,
2004); and (4) response to antidepressant medications (O’Brien
et al., 1998; Papakostas et al., 2005; Simpson et al., 1998).

Frontostriatal lesions VA SC U L A R DE P R E SSI O N A S A D I S TI N CT


In the definition of our original proposals for a diagnosis

Mood Cognitive Motor of MRI-defined vascular depression (Krishnan et al., 1997;
Steffens and Krishnan, 1998) and refined proposal for subcor-
tical ischemic depression (Krishnan et al., 2004) is the notion
Gait that these lesions are causal risk factors for depression. Robins
Depression Mania Dementia and Guze (1970) proposed formal criteria for establishing
the validity of psychiatric diagnoses: (1) clinical description;
(2) laboratory studies (including psychological tests, radiology,
Figure 35.6. Frontostriatal lesions. (A) Factors leading to frontostriatal lesions;
and postmortem findings); (3) delimitation from other disor-
(B) consequences of frontostriatal lesions.
ders; (4) follow-up studies; and (5) family studies. However,
of the more than 400 entities in the Diagnostic and Statistical
depression onset in one twin is associated with a higher risk for Manual of Mental Disorders, few meet these criteria, and the
depression in the other twin (Kendler et al., 2009). concept of discrete disease entities in the psychiatric context
Subcortical vascular disease may have manifold clinical may be problematic (Kendell and Gourlay, 1970; Kendell
presentations (Kuo and Lipsitz, 2004; Pugh and Lipsitz, 2002) and Jablensky, 2003). One of the hallmarks for symptom-
(Fig. 35.6). The clinical presentation for any individual is depen- and course-based identification is to demonstrate points of
dent on lesion location (which determines which neural circuits non-overlap between similar syndromes, but the differences
are affected) and medical illnesses or psychosocial risk factors. between psychiatric diseases are not as distinct as one would
Subcortical ischemic disease associated with cognitive impair- like. Any proposal of diagnostic criteria that claims a psychi-
ment is referred to as “vascular cognitive impairment” (O’Brien atric disorder is due to a medical condition should undergo
et al., 2003; Roman and Royall, 1999), and when it is associated intense scrutiny (Evans, 1978; Hill, 1965).
with late-life depression, it is referred to as “vascular depres- We have previously proposed other criteria for defin-
sion” (Krishnan et al., 1997, 2004; Steffens and Krishnan, 1998; ing disease (Krishnan, 2005) that may be more applicable to
Taylor et al., 2005). Vascular changes can be associated with psychiatric disorders. The first criterion is that the condition
other psychiatric and medical patterns, including psychosis should be one that leads to a risk for adverse outcomes, specifi-
and visual hallucinations (Breitner et al., 1990; Tonkonogy and cally mortality or functional impairment. The second criterion
Geller, 1999), manic depressive illness (McDonald et al., 1999), is that when an identifiable environmental factor, pathology,
gait dysfunction (Whitman, 2001), and urinary incontinence or genetic factor can be clearly defined, that factor should be
(Sakakibara et al., 1999; Tarvonen-Schroder et al., 1996). expected to separate the entity from similar entities on at least
one of the following domains: (1) clinical symptoms; (2) course
and outcome; (3) familial pattern; or (4) response to specific
Subcortical ischemic depression meets these criteria. Given
Subcortical ischemic depression is associated with adverse out- our current understanding of cerebrovascular disease in sub-
comes, including a higher risk for mortality (Baldwin, 2000; cortical ischemic depression, treatment options that address
Levy et al., 2003) and functional impairment (Krishnan et al., vascular risk factors may prove to be of benefit.
1997; Sachdev et al., 2005; Steffens et al., 2000a). Subcortical The calcium-channel blocker nimodipine is one potential
lesions are associated with poor antidepressant outcomes treatment approach, as studies have shown that it may aug-
(O’Brien et al., 1998; Papakostas et al., 2005; Simpson et al., ment response to antidepressant medications in patients with
1998) and with the persistence or worsening of depressive vascular depression (Taragano et al., 2001, 2005). The cited

476 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

double-blind studies suggest that nimodipine improves remis- the fiber tract that connects the hippocampus and amygdala
sion rates and improves the odds of sustained response. Testing with the PFC (Taylor et al., 2007b) as well as a lower fractional
has not yet been performed to determine whether therapy to anisotropy of the frontal gyri white matter. Other structures and
prevent the progression of subcortical ischemic disease affects links have not been tested, including the amygdalo-thalamic
the rates or outcomes of depression, but such a study is needed connection, the link between the amygdala and the basal gan-
to examine whether lesions are causal risk factors for depres- glia (putamen), and the indirect pathway through the sub-
sion and to provide a rationale for identifying and treating thalamic nucleus. Preliminary studies have also shown that
vascular depression as a separate entity. 5HTTLPR hetrozygotes have higher rates of subcortical isch-
emic disease (Steffens et al., 2008). The gene was not related to
OFC volume (Taylor et al., 2007b).
B R A I N - D E R I V E D N E U R O T R O P H I C FA C T O R
As noted multiple times, genetic factors affect many aspects
of the development and possibly progression of subcortical In animal models, BDNF appears to protect against cerebral
ischemic depression (Fig. 35.7). The findings so far are limited ischemia. In older patients, the BDNF Met66 allele has been
to a few candidate genes that we have assessed. They include found to be associated with greater white matter hyperintensity
the gene for serotonin transporter as well as brain-derived volumes (Taylor et al., 2007b, 2008c). Depressed individuals
neurotrophic factor (BDNF), catechol-O-methyltransferase have been shown to be more likely to be Met66 allele carriers
(COMT) and angiotensin receptor. than are individuals who are not depressed (Taylor et al., 2007b).
In addition, although often viewed as a purely environmental
construct, the perception of social support may be influenced
by genetic factors that in studying the relationship between the
BDNF, Val66Met polymorphism and social support measures
The serotonin-transporter-linked promoter region (5HTTLPR) in older individuals (Taylor et al., 2008c). After controlling for
polymorphism contains either a 44-base pair insertion (long diagnosis and education level, the Met66 allele was associated
allele or l) or deletion (short allele or s). Compared to the l allele, with lower levels of subjective social support. This supports
the s allele is associated with a lower level of 5-HT uptake and previous work that genetic factors may influence social support
transcriptional efficiency of the serotonin transporter. The perception (Taylor et al., 2008a; Wang et al., 2012).
s allele is associated with reduced gray matter volume in the per-
igenual cingulate and amygdala (Scherk et al., 2009), resulting
in the hypothesis that the 5HTTLPR genotype may affect brain
development and be a potential risk for depression and anxiety.
Depressed individuals with the l/l genotype have smaller In men, AGTR1 1166A allele homozygotes have shown signifi-
hippocampal volumes than those without the genotype (Janssen cantly less change in white matter lesion volume than do 1166C
et al., 2004). In older individuals, later depression onset is carriers. Men with the AGTR2 3123C allele who report hyper-
associated with smaller hippocampal volumes in individuals tension exhibit less change in white matter lesion volume than
with the l/l genotype, while an earlier age of depression onset do hypertensive men with the 3123A allele, or men without
is associated with smaller hippocampal volumes in individu- hypertension. No such significant relationships have been found
als homozygous for the s allele. Elderly individuals with early- in women. Also, no significant gene-gene or gene-depression
onset depression who are homozygous for the s allele exhibit interactions have been observed (Taylor et al., 2010). The results
reduced fractional anisotropy in the left uncinate fasciculus, are similar to gender differences in the relationship between
other renin-angiotensin system polymorphisms and hyperten-
sion. It is not known whether these relationships are secondary
to the polymorphisms that affect response to antihypertensive
medication, or whether antihypertensive medications can slow
the progression and lower the risk of morbidity.


Metabolomics is the global science of biochemistry. This emerg-

ing field enables the detection and quantification of small mol-
Subcortical ecules that are involved in metabolic and signaling pathways.
ischemic Metabolic signatures for disease and disease treatment could
provide valuable biomarkers and insights regarding disease
mechanisms. Metabolites that are altered in currently depressed
patients compared to controls include several fatty acids, glyc-
Figure 35.7 Genetic risk factors for subcortical cerebrovascular disease. erol, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) (Paige et al.,

3 5 N E U R O B I O L O G Y O F D E P R E S S I O N I N L AT E R L I F E | 477

2007). Analyses that compared concentrations in remitted transgenic approaches, can increase our understanding of the
and currently depressed patients (Paige et al., 2007) revealed brain circuits that are involved in mood disorders. It has been
a pattern of metabolite alterations similar to the control versus proposed that vascular lesions in critical regions of the brain
currently depressed analyses. These observations suggest that are an important factor in the development of depression in
the depressed state may be associated with alterations in the the elderly. The scientific importance of this possibility is obvi-
metabolism of lipids and neurotransmitters, and that treatment ous: if vascular lesions in the brains of older individuals lead to
with antidepressants adjusts some of the aberrant pathways in secondary depressions that have clinical characteristics similar
disease so that the patients in remission have a metabolic pro- to primary depressions, then these sites may provide impor-
file more similar to controls than to the depressed population. tant clues to the brain sites involved in depression in general.
These results will need to be examined and validated in larger This has led to a number of crucial findings:
longitudinal cohorts (Paige et al., 2007).
1) OFC and basal ganglia lesions are related to depression;
DE GE NERAT IVE D IS EA S E A ND L AT E - L I F E 2) Lesions seen in elderly depressed patients are similar to
DE PR E S S IO N those characterized as of ischemic origin;
3) Prefrontal lesions are related to a reduction in caudate
Depression can sometimes be the early stage of a neurodegenera- volume;
tive disorder. This is indeed well known in Huntington’s disease.
But it can also occur in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. 4) OFC volume is reduced in depressed patients;
As in most cases of depression, depressed mood and anhe- 5) Basal ganglia lesions are related to reduction in OFC
donia are essential symptoms. Other features that can overlap volume;
with the primary disease, such as loss of appetite, sleep distur-
bance, weight gain, loss of libido, loss of concentration, and 6) Lesions disrupt white matter tracts, and the uncinate
fatigue, make diagnosis challenging. However feelings of guilt fasciculus appears to be particularly affected in patients
or worthlessness are not common in these patients. (Aarsland with depression, which suggests fronto-amygdala
et al., 2009). A robust link between history of depression and disconnection;
increased risk of subsequent development of Parkinson’s was 7) Postmortem cell counts in the OFC among these patients
identified in a majority of studies (Ishihara and Brayne, 2006). show a reduction in layer-3 pyramidal neurons and
The brain circuits implicated in depression in the context of layer-5 pyramidal neurons;
Parkinson’s disease is similar to the mood circuit and lends
further credence to the circuit. 8) Postmortem vascular changes, including an increased density
Another intereresting aspect of this link is the finding of of vessels with larger perivascular spaces, are present in the
Lewy body pathology, a known attribute in Parkinson’s in white matter of OFC in elderly patients with depression;
patients with late-life depression, thus reinforcing the link and 9) BDNF genetic variation is linked to depression and
the notion that depression may be a prodrome in Parkinson’s subcortical ischemic disease;
(Tsopelas et al., 2011).
A similar story emerges in the context of Alzheimer’s dis- 10) A reciprocal interaction between the OFC and DLPFC
ease. Depression is quite common in early Alzheimer’s and has been shown using functional imaging;
is also seen as a risk factor for the disease. A common myth 11) In depressed patients, there is a decreased hemodynamic
was that patients with depression could present with a full response in the amygdala, OFC, and striatum in the
dementia syndrome that would be totally reversed with treat- oddball task during the emotion-distractor condition,
ment. This is the concept of pseudodementia, considered to be and this response is only partially ameliorated following
a reversible form of cognitive impairment due to depression. remission;
This concept is erroneous. Patients with depression, presenting
with severe cognitive impairment, were at a much higher risk 12) In depressed patients, prefrontal function is impaired in a
of developing dementia (Kral and Emery, 1989). Interestingly variety of functional tasks;
there are now reports of increased amyloid pathology (the clas- 13) AGTR1 and AGTR2 genetic variations are linked to the
sic feaure of Alzheimer’s) in late-life depressed patients with risk of progression of subcortical ischemic disease;
cognitive impairment thus again reinforcing the link but also
highlighting the possibilty that depression can be a prodrome 14) Genetic variation in 5HTTLPR is related to lesions and
in Alzheimer’s (Butters et al., 2008). changes in hippocampal volume;
15) Subjective social support, although generally construed
as an environmental factor, is also related to change in
S UMMA RY BDNF genetic variation.
Depressive disorders in the elderly provide a clinical model in 16) Late-life depression can be a prodrome to
which brain lesions are present, and thus they present a clinical neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and
patient population which, when coupled with postmortem and Parkinson’s disease.

478 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

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espite lack of recognition until recently of the impor- W HAT A R E G O N A DA L ST E R O ID S AN D
tance of gonadal steroids in affective regulation, the W HAT U N DE R L I E S T HE I R B I O LO G I CAL
role of these hormones in mood and behavior can E F F E C T S?
be traced back to the very origins of our understanding of
the pathophysiology of mood and behavioral disturbances. Gonadal steroids are made in the gonads and adrenals and,
Aristotle noted that castration of male birds “when young” like all steroid hormones, are metabolites of cholesterol. They
not only prevented the development of physical sex charac- include estradiol (E2), progesterone (P), testosterone (T), as
teristics, but also further extinguished sex-specific behaviors well as precursors (e.g., the androgens DHEA and andros-
such as male singing and sexual interest. In 1849, Berthold tenedione) and metabolites (e.g., the potent androgen, dihy-
observed that the behavioral changes accompanying cas- drotestosterone [DHT] and neurosteroid metabolites such as
tration of roosters could be reversed through testicular allopregnanolone). As shown in Figure 36.1, T is the imme-
transplant, leading him to infer that the testes must contain diate precursor of E2. The gonads are under control of the
secretions that are responsible for the regulation of behavior. pituitary hormones follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and
This, and the subsequent work of Charles Brown-Sequard, luteinizing hormone (LH), which in turn are under the con-
gave rise to the field of organotherapy, which was based on trol of a hypothalamic releasing hormone (GnRH), similar
the premise that the administration of extracts of organs to other neuroendocrine axes. Hormonal changes during the
such as the testes and ovaries could treat a variety of mood menstrual cycle, the female climacteric (perimenopause), and
disorders in humans, ranging from depression to the the menopause are shown in Figure 36.2. In men, blood levels
“anergy of senescence.” The use of hormones as psychotro- of T and DHT are stable (i.e., not cyclical), albeit with circa-
pic agents continued after the isolation of estradiol in 1929, dian variation and an age-related decrease of plasma levels of
when Werner et al. (1934) described the antidepressant effi- 1% per year after age 30. The cellular and molecular effects of
cacy of an estradiol preparation called “theelin” in a study gonadal steroids are protean. Many of these effects are medi-
of perimenopausal and early postmenopausal women. This ated by steroid receptors, which, unlike neurotransmitter
placebo-controlled study established the historical precedent membrane receptors, are intracytoplasmic proteins that serve
for the use of gonadal steroids for the treatment of depres- as transcription factors. By regulating genomic transcription,
sion occurring during periods of reproductive endocrine gonadal steroids influence the synthesis and metabolism of a
transition. Throughout much of the 20th century, the pos- wide range of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides.
sible role of gonadal steroids in affect regulation was inferred Both the scope of and variance in the neuroregulatory
from two indirect sources: the twofold greater prevalence potential of gonadal steroids are revealed in the details of
of depression in women, and the existence of reproductive their signaling effects. First, as the mechanics of transcrip-
endocrine-related mood disorders. tion became elucidated, it became clear that activated steroid
Reproductive endocrine-related mood disorders are receptors influence transcription not as solitary agents but by
affective disturbances that appear in concert with changes in forming combinations with other intracellular proteins. These
reproductive endocrine activity. They include psychiatric dis- protein–protein interactions are such that an activated recep-
turbances occurring during menarche, pregnancy or postpar- tor might enhance, reduce, initiate, or terminate transcription
tum, the perimenopause, or the menstrual cycle. Also included of a particular gene solely as a function of the specific proteins
are disturbances consequent to manipulation of gonadal ste- with which it interacted. The expression or activation state of
roids or reproductive status (e.g., hormone replacement ther- these proteins—coregulators (coactivators or corepressors)—
apy or gonadal suppression). In this chapter, we will review proved to be tissue specific, thus suggesting the means by
the following: (1) the neurobiology of gonadal steroids; (2) the which a hormone receptor modulator (e.g., tamoxifen) could
impact of gonadal steroids on the physiological systems impli- act like an (estrogen) agonist in some tissues (e.g., bone) and
cated in depression; and (3) the neurobiology of reproductive like an (estrogen) antagonist in others (e.g., breast). In addition
endocrine-related mood disorders (old models, new models, to their role in the recruitment of components of the general
and therapeutics). transcription factor apparatus, many of the coactivator proteins

3 6 G O N A D A L S T E R O I D S A N D M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 483



1 HO

HO 2 O 3 4 4 4 O
Pregnenolone Progesterone Aldosterone
5 5 HO OH

2 3 9
17-OH Pregnenolone 17-OH Progesterone Cortisol
5 5 OH

2 6 8
Dehydroepiandrosterone Androstenedione Testosterone


Figure 36.1 Synthetic pathways for steroid hormones. Circled numbers identify synthetic enzymes: 1 = cytochrome P450 (CYP) 11A (cholesterol desmolase);
2 = 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; 3 = CYP21 (21-hydroxylase); 4 = CYP11B2 (11β-hydroxylase, 18-hydroxylase, 18-oxidase); 5 = CYP17 (17α-hydroxylase,
17,20-lyase); 6 = 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (or oxidoreductase); 7 = aromatase; 8 = 5α-reductase; 9 = CYP11B1 (11β-hydroxylase).

Premenopause Climacteric Menopause

Estradiol (E2) ng/dl

Progesterone ng/ml
10 E2 E2 8



40 80

35 LH


25 LH
15 LH
10 FSH

Ov M Ov M

Figure 36.2 Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, the female climacteric (perimenopause), and the menopause.

484 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

have associated enzyme activity (e.g., histone acetylase activity, (e.g., ER-X, GPR30) exist in the caveolae or caveolar-like
which facilitates chromatin remodeling and gene transcrip- microdomains of membranes where they link to scaffolding
tion). There are 300 or more of these coregulators, and the way proteins (e.g., caveolin-1, flotillin) and multiple signaling mol-
in which specific amino acid residues are modified (e.g., phos- ecules, particularly the G proteins, which then activate a wide
phorylated) by cell signaling (e.g., hormone binding) deter- array of signal transduction systems (reviewed in Zhang et al.,
mines which other coregulators and transcription factors they 2005). Through alterations in signal transduction or by direct
recruit, which in turn determines their effect on transcription binding, E2 can also regulate ion channel activity (e.g., calcium
(McDonnell and Wardell, 2010). Another group of intracellu- and potassium channels) and hence, cellular activation (Zhang
lar proteins, the cointegrators, provide a means by which clas- et al., 2005). The significance of these nongenomic effects is
sical hormone receptors can bind to and regulate sites other twofold. First, the nongenomic signal may serve to amplify the
than hormone response elements (e.g., estrogen receptor [ER] subsequent genomic effect of the hormone (Vasudevan and
or glucocorticoid receptor [GR] binding cyclic AMP-response Pfaff, 2008). Second, the nongenomic effect on dendritic spines
element binding [CREB] protein [CBP] and, subsequently, the may similarly “prime” the neuron so that closely paired envi-
AP1 binding site), and competition for cointegrator or other ronmental signals are more effectively encoded and “learned”
transcriptional regulatory proteins appears to be a mechanism (Srivastava et al., 2011). Finally, the activity of neurotrans-
by which even ligand-free hormone receptors can influence mitter membrane receptors is acutely modulated by gonadal
(e.g., squelch or interfere with) the transcriptional efficacy steroids (e.g., glutamate receptors by E2 and γ-aminobutyric
of other activated hormone receptors. Thus, the intracellular acid [GABA] receptors by the neurosteroid allopregnano-
hormone receptor environment as well as the extracellular lone). Adding to the complexity of the effects described is their
hormone environment may dictate the response to hor- tissue- and even cell-specific nature (e.g., E2 increases MAPK
mone receptor activation. The binding of a hormone agonist in neurons but decreases it in astrocytes).
or antagonist in the binding pocket of the receptor alters the Fifth, gonadal steroids regulate cell survival. Neuroprotective
conformation of the receptor in such a way as to facilitate or effects of E2 have been described in neurons grown in
interfere with the binding of coregulatory proteins. Recently, serum-free media or those exposed to glutamate, amyloid-β,
however, additional sites have been identified in the structure hydrogen peroxide, ischemia, or glucose deprivation (Dubal
of nuclear hormone receptors where other molecules, called and Wise, 2002). Some of these effects appear to lack stereo-
nuclear receptor alternate site modifiers (NRAMS), may bind specificity (i.e., are not classical receptor mediated) and may be
to regulate the actions of hormones. attributable to the antioxidant properties of E2, although more
Second, the hormone receptors were found to exist in dif- recent data support receptor-mediated mechanisms of action.
ferent forms. For example, isoforms of the progesterone recep- Gonadal steroids may also modulate cell survival through
tor, PRA and PRB (the latter of which contains a 164 amino effects on cell survival proteins (e.g., Bcl-2, BAX), MAPK,
acid N-terminal extension), have different distributions and Akt, or even amyloid precursor protein and Aβ metabolism or
biological actions, and two separate forms of the estrogen through enhancing mitochondrial respiratory efficiency).
receptor, ERα and ERβ, are encoded on different chromosomes Finally, the effects of gonadal steroids do not occur in iso-
(6 and 14, respectively), have different patterns of distribution lation but, rather, in exquisite interaction with the environ-
in the brain, different affinity patterns for certain ligands, and ment. These environmental influences may include diet and
a range of different actions (including those created by ER het- medication, as short-chain fatty acids (including valproic acid)
erodimers). Further, a variant of ERβ, ERβ2, is expressed in the dramatically increase cellular sensitivity to gonadal steroids by
brain, where it can heterodimerize with the ERα or ERβ recep- amplifying their transcriptional potency through inhibition of
tors and inhibit their transcriptional actions (Thomas and histone deacetylase and stimulation of MAPK.
Gustafsson, 2011). The clinical importance of these receptor The vicissitudes of gonadal steroids and their receptors,
isoforms is revealed by a variety of studies suggesting that ERβ therefore, direct neural architecture and provide the means by
mediates the antidepressant effects of E2 in animal models as which the response of the CNS to incoming stimuli may be
well as exerting proliferative effects in the hippocampus and altered. The extent to which these effects underlie or contribute
antiproliferative effects in a variety of peripheral tumor models to differential pharmacologic efficacy or to behavioral differ-
(e.g., breast, prostate, colon). ences observed across individuals is unclear but is of consid-
Third, a variety of substances (e.g., nerve growth factor, insu- erable potential relevance for reproductive endocrine-related
lin) are capable of activating a steroid receptor even in the absence mood disorders.
of ligand. This crosstalk is exemplified by the ability of dopamine
to induce lordosis by activating the progesterone receptor.
Fourth, the relatively slow, genomic effects of gonadal HO W DO T HE N E U R O B I O L O GI CAL
steroids have been expanded in two dimensions: time, with E F F E C T S O F G O N A DA L
a variety of rapid (seconds to minutes) effects observed; and ST E R O I DS O V E R L A P T HE
targets, which now include ion channels and a variety of PAT HO P HY SI O L O G Y O F DE P RE S S I ON ?
second-messenger systems. Several lines of evidence indi-
cate that the rapid effects of E2 are not likely to be the conse- The simple answer is that virtually every system implicated
quence of nuclear events but rather must be related to events in the pathophysiology of depression is regulated by gonadal
occurring at the cell surface. Both classical and unique ERs steroids. For example, as described elsewhere (Rubinow and

3 6 G O N A D A L S T E R O I D S A N D M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 485

Girdler, 2011), E2 “beneficially” modulates the following puta- follicular phase. Greater medial activation may signify an
tive system disturbances in depression: enhanced emotion-related viscero-motor control circuit
activity premenstrually, perhaps indicating a greater need for
1. Neurotransmitter deficiencies—E2 regulates the synthesis, top-down regulation of a heightened excitability of limbic
metabolism, and receptor concentration/trafficking of the system premenstrually (Protopopescu et al., 2005).
classical neurotransmitters implicated in depression (i.e., Negative emotional images produce significantly greater
serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine). activity in the amygdala and hippocampus during the
mid-luteal phase, when P is elevated, than during the early fol-
2. Stress—E2 regulates both basal and stress-induced licular phase, when both E2 and P are at low levels. Similar
ACTH and cortisol in animals through effects on GR and findings were demonstrated in healthy women in their follicu-
corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH; although P may lar phase who were administered exogenous P at levels similar
have more regulatory effects in humans). to those seen during the mid-luteal phase. These findings sug-
3. Neuroplasticity—E2 has a significant impact on neuronal gest that P-mediated effects dominate during the luteal phase,
plasticity-related processes, acting like antidepressants (and and further suggest that E2 and P may play opposing roles in
opposite to stress) in stimulating BDNF, a critical growth modulating the brain’s arousal circuitry.
factor observed to be deficient in depression; increasing The reward circuitry varies in a menstrual cycle-dependent
activity of the transcription factor cAMP response fashion. During reward anticipation, activity in the amygdala
element-binding protein (CREB) and trkA (neurotrophic and OFC are increased in the follicular phase relative to the
tyrosine kinase receptor type 1); and decreasing glycogen luteal phase. At reward delivery, increased follicular phase activ-
synthase kinase (GSK)-3β in rat brain, the same direction ity can be observed in the midbrain and striatal areas (Dreher
of effects as seen with mood stabilizers. Consistent with et al., 2007). Additionally, not only does the menstrual cycle
these effects, as mentioned previously, E2 is neuroprotective regulate cerebral blood flow in brain regions (e.g., amygdala,
in a variety of models, including oxidative damage, dlPFC) implicated in depression, but as well it regulates the
glutamate excess, and β-amyloid toxicity. valence of the stimulus to which brain regions like the OFC
react (Protopopescu et al., 2005)
4. Cellular energetics—E2 improves mitochondrial Hormone manipulation studies in humans have shown
respiratory efficiency and prevents the oxygen free that normal cognitive-stimulated activation of the dlPFC
radicals that are believed to adversely affect mitochondrial and cerebral blood flow to that region are suppressed in
energetics in depression. premenopausal women during pharmacologically induced
5. Inflammation—At multiple levels, E2 prevents or hypogonadism—an effect that is reversed when gonadal
counteracts the proinflammatory processes described as hormones are reintroduced (Berman et al., 1997). E2 also
contributing to depression. regulates in humans the mesolimbic reward circuitry that
is believed disturbed in depression, and it serves to bias
6. Brain systems—The ability of gonadal steroid hormones toward or against the activation of specific neurocircuitry
to regulate activation in brain regions implicated in animals. For example, it has been demonstrated that
in depression can be inferred from imaging studies stress-induced c-fos expression in various cortical HPA-axis
conducted over the menstrual cycle or after gonadal related regions are differentially stress activated in female
steroid administration. rats depending on the phase of the estrous cycle. Gonadal
steroids may also regulate cognitive-stimulated activity in
the subgenual cingulate region (Brodmann area 25; BA25),
the region implicated in deep brain stimulation treatment of
Studies of response to negative visual stimuli have shown signif- depression.
icant differences in the response of affective circuitry between The relevance of gonadal steroids in depression is also
menstrual cycle phases and provided clues to the modulatory inferred from the antidepressant effects of E2 in several ani-
roles of E2 and P. During the late follicular phase, when E2 mal models of depression. Given the well-established role of
levels are at their peak, activity in several limbic, frontal, and stress in triggering the onset or exacerbation of depression
hypothalamic regions show a significantly reduced response in humans, preclinical research has focused on behavioral
to negative material compared with the early follicular phase, and neuropathological effects of stress to model mechanisms
when E2 levels are low (Goldstein et al., 2005). E2 has been involved in human depression. A number of studies have
found to modulate affective processing in the dorsolateral pre- shown that E2 diminishes “depressive behaviors” in animal
frontal cortex (dlPFC), where there was significantly increased models of chronic stress and that the antianxiety and antide-
activation while inhibiting response to positive words during pressant effects of E2 are largely mediated through ERβ, an
the mid-luteal (high E2) phase of the menstrual cycle. isoform that is abundantly expressed in brain, including the
Menstrual cycle-related differences can also be seen in limbic system, the hypothalamus, and the PFC. Additionally,
the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), which functions in inhibi- E2 may also influence affective behavior by altering the activity
tory control and emotional regulation. In healthy women, of an extensive array of neuroregulatory proteins. For exam-
OFC responses to negative linguistic stimuli show greater ple, as noted previously, E2 attenuates chronic stress-induced
medial activation during the luteal phase than during the increases in c-fos positive neurons in the paraventricular

486 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

nucleus of the hypothalamus, similar to the effects seen in rat Studies of a variety of other endocrine factors (e.g., thy-
brain after chronic antidepressant treatment. E2 also attenu- roid or HPA axis hormones) in patients with PMDD have been
ates stress-induced sensitization in the limbic system. similarly unrevealing. Although isolated significant differences
The data reviewed in the preceding provide a strong basis have been reported, neither the diagnostic group-related differ-
for inferring a potential role of gonadal steroids in the etio- ences nor their confinement to the luteal phase are consistently
pathogenesis or treatment of mood disorders, particularly observed. Further, for the overwhelming majority of biologic
those linked to periods of reproductive endocrine change. factors for which diagnostic group-related differences have
been suggested or demonstrated, the difference is not confined
to the luteal phase but rather appears in follicular and luteal
R E PR OD U C T IVE END O C RINE-R E L AT E D phases, thus arguing against their direct role in the expres-
MOOD D IS O RD ERS sion of a disorder confined to the luteal phase (Rubinow and
Schmidt, 2006). Three systems have received special attention

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) refers to the SEROTONIN

appearance of mood and behavioral symptoms in the luteal A variety of observations implicate dysfunction of seroton-
(postovulatory/premenstrual) phase of the menstrual cycle. ergic neurons in PMDD. Although investigations utilizing
This disorder is relatively common (about 5% prevalence in pharmacologic probes to test 5-HT system function in women
women) and is associated with a significant amount of mor- with PMDD have yielded inconsistent results, treatment
bidity, estimated at as many as 14.5 million disability-adjusted studies consistently demonstrate the therapeutic efficacy of
life years in the United States. Unlike other diagnoses in med- serotonin-enhancing agents (e.g., fluoxetine) for many women
icine, PMDD is a time-oriented and not a symptom-oriented with PMDD. Additionally, we observed an acute therapeutic
diagnosis. The symptoms are relatively nonspecific; rather response in women with PMDD following oral administra-
it is their exclusive appearance during the luteal phase that tion of the 5-HT2C agonist/5HT2A antagonist, m-CPP, as well
defines the disorder. As such, the diagnosis cannot be made as a delayed (24 hours) reversal of the efficacy of fluoxetine
based on history but instead requires a prospective dem- by the serotonin receptor antagonist metergoline. These data
onstration that symptoms are confined to the luteal phase, converge to strongly suggest the role of the serotonin system
disappearing at or soon after the onset of menses. Although in the pathophysiology of PMDD. As the majority of abnor-
many variations on this theme may potentially exist, use of a malities in neuroendocrine response to serotonergic agents in
more restrictive definition has been necessary to ensure the PMDD are observed in both phases of the cycle (and because
homogeneity of samples across studies necessary for com- approximately 40% of women with PMDD do not respond to
parison and generalization of results obtained. Employment SSRIs), serotonergic dysfunction cannot be implicated as a
of standardized diagnostic guidelines has demonstrated the direct cause of PMDD. It may, however, convey a vulnerability
existence of PMDD and permitted resolution of many (but to mood destabilization in association with changes in gonadal
not all) of the controversies in the literature regarding the steroids seen during the menstrual cycle.
neurobiological basis of PMDD.
HORMONE STUDIES OF PMDD The 5-α and 5-β reduced metabolites of progesterone (allo-
Hormone studies in women with PMDD have employed sev- pregnanolone and pregnanolone, respectively) rapidly and
eral different strategies: (1) the measurement of basal hormone positively modulate the GABA-A receptor in brain and display
levels at selected points in the menstrual cycle; (2) evalua- anxiolytic effects in several animal models. These compounds,
tion of dynamic endocrine function employing endocrine shown in Figure 36.3, are intriguing as potentially contribut-
challenge paradigms; and (3) the manipulation of menstrual ing to PMDD, as their withdrawal (as occurs in the late luteal
cycle physiology in order to examine the plasticity of the link- phase) is associated with anxiety and insensitivity to benzo-
age between the menstrual cycle and PMDD symptoms. The diazepines. Additionally, cerebral cortical inhibition increases
most frequently employed strategy has been the comparison during the luteal phase, a presumed effect of increased allopreg-
of luteal phase basal hormone levels with those from the folli- nanolone levels and a finding absent in women with PMDD.
cular phase in women with PMDD or with comparable values Further, women with PMDD have blunted allopregnanolone
from a non-PMDD control group. responses to stress and evidence of altered metabolism of P to
Comparisons of basal plasma hormone levels (E2, P, T, allopregnanolone (Klatzkin et al., 2006). Nonetheless, studies
FSH, and LH) in women with PMDD and controls have to date fail to demonstrate any consistent diagnosis-related dif-
revealed no consistent diagnosis-related differences (Rubinow ferences in allopregnanolone or pregnanolone nor any differ-
and Schmidt, 2006), suggesting that PMDD is not character- ence in pregnanolone levels in women with PMDD before and
ized by abnormal circulating plasma levels of gonadal steroids after successful treatment with antidepressants.
or gonadotropins or by hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis
dysfunction. Several studies do, however, suggest that levels of H PA A X I S
E2, P, or neurosteroids (e.g., pregnenolone sulfate) may be cor- Reports of HPA axis function in PMDD are inconsistent.
related with symptom severity in women with PMDD. Compared with controls, blunted HPA axis responses are

3 6 G O N A D A L S T E R O I D S A N D M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 487

Pregnenolone* 17-OH Pregnenolone DHEA*

Deoxycorticosterone Pregesterone* 17-OH Pregesterone


Testosterone Estradiol


5-α-DH-Doc 5-α-DHP 5-α-DHT


AllotetrahydroDOC* Allopregnanolone* Androstanediol

3-α, 5-α-DOC 3-α, 5-α-THP 3-α, 5-α-diol

Figure 36.3 DHEA and progesterone-related neurosteroids. Neurosteroids are marked with *.

frequently observed, but both enhanced and normal HPA PMDD experienced their characteristic premenstrual mood
axis function are reported. Most studies employing either an state after the mifepristone-induced menses in both groups,
endocrine challenge or serial plasma sampling suggest that the despite the presence of an experimentally induced follicular
regulation of plasma cortisol and ACTH secretion at the lev- phase in the women receiving mifepristone alone. The mid- to
els of the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal is normal in late luteal phase, then, is clearly not required for the appear-
women with PMDD. Recently, we performed dexamethasone ance of PMDD symptoms. It, nonetheless, remained possible
(Dex)/CRH challenge studies during GnRH agonist-induced that symptoms could be triggered by hormonal events prior
hypogonadism with and without physiologic levels of E2 and to the mid- to late luteal phase, consistent with reports that
P replacement in women with prospectively confirmed PMDD the suppression of ovulation results in a remission of PMDD
and in asymptomatic controls. In both women with PMDD symptoms.
and controls, we confirmed the previous findings by Roca and We confirmed the efficacy shown by others of GnRH ago-
colleagues (2003), who employed an exercise challenge and nists (e.g., leuprolide acetate [Lupron]) in the treatment of
showed that P but not E2 significantly increased HPA axis PMDD. Consistent with earlier observations, a therapeutic
responsivity. However, we observed no significant differences response was not observed in all patients despite the con-
between women with PMDD and asymptomatic controls in any sistent reduction of gonadal steroid levels to hypogonadal
measure of HPA axis function. Thus, in contrast to depression, levels. Although the majority of study participants did show
PMDD is characterized by neither abnormal glucocorticoid a therapeutic response, the mechanism of action remained
feedback regulation nor increased central hypothalamic drive. unclear (e.g., low plasma gonadal steroid levels, consistent
Although stimulation of the HPA axis with psychological stress gonadal steroid levels, anovulation, suppression of follicular
or with agents that increase serotonergic function has resulted development). This uncertainty was in part addressed by the
in reported differences between women with PMDD and con- double-blind, placebo-controlled reintroduction of E2 or P in
trols (e.g., blunted HPA response in PMDD), findings again the study participants in whom Lupron displayed efficacy. The
are inconsistent across studies and permit no conclusion of results unequivocally demonstrated the precipitation of a
disturbed HPA axis activity in women with PMDD (Lee et al., wide range of characteristic symptoms of PMDD during E2
2012). Presently, then, there is no clearly demonstrated luteal and P addback but not during placebo addback (reviewed in
phase–specific physiologic abnormality in PMDD. Rubinow and Schmidt, 2006). The combined results from our
Given the absence of basal or stimulated reproductive study and those of earlier studies strongly suggest the role of
endocrine abnormalities or luteal phase–specific biological gonadal steroids in the occurrence of PMDD symptoms despite
abnormalities in PMDD, one could reasonably ask whether the absence of evidence for abnormal levels of steroid hormones
the luteal phase is required for the expression of PMDD. We in this disorder. Particularly striking, however, is the observa-
answered this question by blinding women with PMDD to tion that controls lacking a history of PMDD and going through
menstrual cycle phase with the progesterone antagonist mifep- the same protocol showed no perturbation of mood during
ristone (RU-486) combined with either human chorionic hypogonadism and no mood disturbance during hormonal
gonadotropin (hCG) or placebo. We observed that women with addback. It would appear, therefore, that women with a history

488 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

of PMDD are differentially sensitive to the mood-perturbing of PMDD. For example, extensive links exist between E2 and
effects of gonadal steroids, as similar steroid manipulations in serotonin function, with the latter involved in mood regulation
women without a history of PMDD are without effect. and the selective therapeutic effects of SSRIs in PMDD. At least
some of the effects of E2 are mediated through serotonin 1A
TRIGGER AND SUSCEPTIBILITY receptors, which are upregulated through nuclear factor-kappa
New neurobiological models: If gonadal steroids trigger B (NF-kB) by ERα but not ERβ (Wissink et al., 2001). Third,
PMDD in some women, how do they do so and why not in all the ER has clear physiologic relevance in PMDD as the recep-
women? tor for a hormone that can trigger the onset of symptoms of
the disorder. Finally, a speculative model for PMDD can be
Trigger created based on interactions between E2, ERα, and COMT:
To determine whether the steroid-induced mood disturbances The variants in ESR1 that associate with PMDD do so only in
in women with PMDD are caused by the change in hormone the presence of the COMT val/val polymorphism, which regu-
levels or by a permissive effect of elevated hormone levels on lates PFC dopamine (as well as participating in the metabo-
expression of an infradian driver, we recently administered lism of E2). E2, which has been shown to provoke symptoms
Lupron followed by three months of continuous E2 and P of PMDD, also regulates the activation in brain regions (e.g.,
replacement. This paradigm demonstrated that it is the change PFC, OFC, amygdala, BA25) and brain networks (e.g., reward
in gonadal steroids that triggers the mood disturbance; that is, circuitry) critical to affect as well as the connectivity between
reintroduction of gonadal steroids precipitated a self-limited the PFC and hippocampus. “Disordered” E2 signaling through
episode with no subsequent dysphoria over the remainder ERα, then, could contribute to and combine with reduced
of the three months. These findings suggest that continuous PFC dopamine to compromise top-down cortical regulation
administration of oral contraceptives might, after the first of affect. Although speculative, this hypothesis receives indi-
precipitated episode, effectively prevent the recurrence of all rect support from two observations: (1) the increased mOFC
other symptoms (due to the stable hormone levels). Possibly activation seen normally during the luteal phase is absent in
consistent with this hypothesis is the recent demonstration of women with PMDD (in association with greater amygdalar
the efficacy of oral contraceptives when administered with a response to negative stimuli and less activation of the ventral
reduced pill-free interval. Several examples exist of the ability striatum to positive stimuli); and (2) more recently, women
of changes in hormones to convey important biological regula- with PMDD were found to demonstrate overactivation of the
tory information. Particularly notable is the demonstration by dlPFC on both PET and fMRI compared with control women,
Shen and colleagues (2005) that withdrawal of allopregnano- with the degree of overactivation significantly correlated with
lone reconfigures hippocampal GABA receptors (changes its the degree of symptomatic impairment.
subunits) to completely reverse the effects of allopregnanolone
on chloride ion conductance, resulting in hippocampal excit- S U M M A RY
ability rather than suppression following subsequent expo- To identify what the study of PMDD may contribute to our
sure to allopregnanolone. The nature of the trigger aside, one understanding of the effects of gonadal steroids on brain and
must explain why changes in gonadal steroids provoke mood behavior, several observations must be integrated. First, there
changes only in some women; that is, what is the source of the does not appear to be a disturbance of reproductive endocrine
susceptibility to steroid-induced mood changes? function that underlies PMDD. Second, changes in levels of E2
and P appear to be capable of triggering mood disturbances in
Susceptibility a susceptible population; that is, some preexisting vulnerability
There is precedent for inferring that polymorphisms in genes must explain the capacity of the same biologic stimulus (e.g.,
involved in the gonadal steroid signaling pathway or in gonadal gonadal steroids) to elicit a differential behavioral response
steroid-regulated genes may alter the nature or strength of the across groups of people. Third, perturbations of nonreproduc-
steroid signal as well as the phenotype. Although some ear- tive endocrine systems appear capable of precipitating PMDD.
lier candidate gene studies did not find significant associations Menstrual cycle–related mood disorders may appear in the
with PMDD, we identified a region of the ERα gene (ESR1) context of hypothyroidism (with symptoms responsive to thy-
containing multiple polymorphic alleles that are associated roid hormone replacement), and provocative and especially
with PMDD (Huo et al., 2007). Further, this association was treatment studies suggest the relevance of the serotonin system
significant in only those women with the val/val genotype of to PMDD. Menstrual cycle–related mood disorders, then, may
the COMT Val158Met polymorphism, thus lending support represent a behavioral state that is triggered by a reproductive
to the idea that the effects of multiple genes may interact in endocrine stimulus in those who may be rendered susceptible
creating a dysphoric behavioral response to normal gonadal to behavioral state changes by antecedent experiential events
steroid levels. (e.g., history of major depression) or physical or sexual abuse
Demonstration of a relationship between genetic variations or biological conditions (e.g., hypothyroidism). Treatment
in ESR1 and PMDD is very promising for several reasons. First, can, therefore, be directed to either eliminating the trigger
ERα plays a major role in arousal, the dysfunction of which (e.g., ovarian suppression) or correcting the “vulnerability”
could underlie somatic, cognitive, and affective symptoms of (e.g., serotonergic antidepressants). Although the means by
PMDD. Second, ERα regulates the signaling of neurotransmit- which alterations in gonadal steroids trigger changes in behav-
ter systems implicated in the etiopathogenesis and treatment ioral state in certain individuals are unclear, it is nonetheless

3 6 G O N A D A L S T E R O I D S A N D M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 489

striking that, in contrast to the pathological function of other dopamine receptors, which may be triggered by the sharp fall
endocrine systems (e.g., adrenal, thyroid) seen in association in circulating E2 concentrations after delivery (i.e., E2 uncou-
with mood disorders, gonadal steroids may precipitate mood ples D2 receptors, with an acute upregulation in D2 receptors
disturbances in the context of normal ovarian function. This possibly resulting in psychiatric disturbance following the sud-
suggests that further study of the interactions between gonadal den postpartum drop in E2 levels). As previously described,
steroids and other neuroactive systems may help elucidate neurosteroid metabolites of gonadal steroids are known to
general mechanisms underlying affective regulation as well have acute, nongenomic modulatory effects at GABA and glu-
as the physiologic substrate that predisposes certain people to tamate receptors. Levels of one such potent P metabolite, allo-
experience reproductive endocrine-related mood disorders. pregnanolone, rise progressively during pregnancy and drop
relatively abruptly after parturition (as levels are closely cor-
related with plasma P levels). Preliminary data (Daly, unpub-
lished data) suggest that women with a history of PPD show a
Affective syndromes that occur during the postpartum significant correlation between decreasing levels of this anxi-
period have traditionally been divided into three categories: olytic neurosteroid and mood symptoms. Pearson-Murphy
(1) postpartum “blues,” (2) postpartum depression (PPD), and also has suggested a role for alterations in P metabolites in
(3) puerperal psychosis. PPD is associated with more persistent PPD, with higher levels of 5-α-dihydroprogesterone observed
symptoms and a higher rate of morbidity than the “blues” but in depressed patients compared with controls during the last
is less severe (depressions of minor to moderate severity) than trimester of pregnancy (Pearson-Murphy et al., 2001). To sum-
postpartum psychotic depressions. The two- to three-month marize the preceding data, no consistent differences in gonadal
prevalence rates of postpartum depression in studies using steroid levels have been demonstrated, either in pregnancy
conventional diagnostic criteria (e.g., RDC, DSM-III) have or the postpartum, between women with and those without
been reported to be in the range of 8.2% to 19.2% (Gavin et al., PPD, suggesting that the condition does not represent a simple
2005; Wisner et al., 2002). Some studies have reported that the gonadal steroid excess or deficiency state.
incidence of depression is increased significantly during the Higher cortisol levels at the end of pregnancy have been
first three months after birth as compared with during prepreg- reported in association with more severe blues, and cortisol
nancy, pregnancy, or the period after the first postpartum year. levels have been shown to correlate with postpartum mood in
Others have disputed this association, arguing that the preva- breastfeeding mothers during the first week postpartum. Most
lence of depression during the postpartum period is no greater studies, however, have failed to show any association of blues
than that in comparably aged non-puerperal women. In fact, or PPD with plasma or salivary cortisol or with urinary metab-
recent epidemiologic studies observed that the last trimester olites (reviewed in Bloch et al., 2003).
of pregnancy also was associated with an increased prevalence Abnormalities of CRH-stimulated ACTH (but not corti-
of depression compared with the postpartum. Thus, the peri- sol) have been reported in mixed samples of PPD and blues.
partum (last trimester and early postpartum) is not associated Magiakou and colleagues (1996) showed that women with the
with an increased prevalence of major or minor depression. blues or PPD had a more severe and longer-lasting suppression
Nonetheless, it is not the increased prevalence of depression of hypothalamic CRH secretion in the postpartum period than
but the linkage of the onset of depression to a specific phase of euthymic mothers. Additionally, Bloch et al. (2005) observed
reproductive change that distinguishes this condition. greater CRH stimulated cortisol in euthymic women with a
history of PPD compared with controls during a hormone add-
H O R M O N E S T U D I E S O F P O S T PA RT U M back state simulating pregnancy. These dynamic abnormalities
DEPRESSION of the HPA axis suggest that adaptive response to stress may
A number of studies have attempted to determine the rela- be compromised in women who experience or are susceptible
tionship between postpartum mood symptoms and gonadal to PPD.
steroid levels by examining basal levels, or changes in levels, Finally, no clear relationship between thyroid dysfunction
during pregnancy and the postpartum period. As reviewed and PPD exists, and although thyroid dysfunction may con-
by Bloch and colleagues (2003), most studies of women with tribute to postpartum mood disorders, other factors would
PPD showed that plasma E2 and P levels were indistinguish- appear to play more defining roles in the development of the
able from controls, although one found higher P in women condition.
who went on to develop PPD. In addition to levels of E2 and P,
studies have focused on measures that may predict a woman’s I M A G I N G S T U D I E S O F P O S T PA RT U M
vulnerability to develop gonadal steroid-induced depression. DEPRESSION
Examples of such measures include apomorphine-induced Differences in the neural processing of affective stimuli have
growth hormone response and alterations in neurosteroid also been reported in women with postpartum depression.
levels in postpartum psychiatric illness. Wieck and colleagues When compared with healthy mothers, depressed mothers
(1991) demonstrated that an increased growth hormone had significantly diminished dorsomedial prefrontal cortex
response to apomorphine on postpartum day four (before the activity and dorsomedial prefrontal cortical-amygdala con-
usual onset of illness) was associated with an increased risk nectivity in response to negative emotional faces. Reduced
of a recurrent episode of depression. The authors speculated amygdala activity in response to negative emotional faces
that these findings reflected increased sensitivity of central was associated with greater postpartum depression severity

490 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

(Moses-Kolko et al., 2010). This is consistent with a recent or during withdrawal from such levels. In summary, gonadal
report of decreased right amygdala activation in response to steroids appear to play a key role in the development of PPD,
threat-related linguistic stimuli in unmedicated women with but the exact nature of this role has yet to be fully determined.
postpartum depressive symptoms. This pattern is distinct from Only a subgroup of women appear to have an underlying bio-
the cerebral activation associated with unipolar depression. logical sensitivity that ultimately manifests as PPD.

Although basal reproductive hormone levels do not distinguish
women with PPD from those without the disorder, a role of As with PPD and PMDD, epidemiologic studies observe that
gonadal steroids in this disorder may nonetheless be inferred only a subgroup of women are at risk for the development
from a study that created a scaled-down model of the peri- of depressive disorders during the menopause transition.
partum in euthymic women with a history of PPD compared Moreover, like PPD, it is unclear whether there is any increased
with those lacking a history of depression. After suppressing prevalence of depression during the perimenopause com-
ovarian function with leuprolide acetate, Bloch and colleagues pared with other stages of a woman’s life. Thus, reproductive
(2000) blindly added back high-dose E2 and P for eight weeks aging is not uniformly associated with affective disturbance.
followed by blinded and acute withdrawal of steroid addback. Nonetheless, several longitudinal community-based studies
As shown in Figure 36.4, euthymic women with a history of have documented an increased risk for depression during the
PPD developed depression during high-dose addback, with menopause transition compared with the premenopause and
greater depression demonstrated during the acute withdrawal the postmenopause, with odds ratios ranging from 1.8 to 2.9
phase. In contrast, no symptoms of depression were observed compared with the premenopause (reviewed in Harsh et al.,
in the control group undergoing the same protocol. These 2009). In particular, two studies (Cohen et al., 2006; Freeman
findings suggest that, as is the case with PMDD, changes in et al., 2006) observed a 2- to 2.5-times greater risk for the first
reproductive steroid signaling can precipitate depression, but onset of depression during the late menopause transition com-
only in a susceptible subgroup of women. pared with the premenopause. These data suggest that ovarian
It is unclear whether it is prolonged, high dose steroid aging and the events surrounding the final menstrual period
exposure or steroid withdrawal that is the offending stimulus, increase vulnerability to depression in some women.
perhaps mirroring the clinical observation that the onset of Predictors of vulnerability to perimenopausal depression
depressive symptoms in some women who develop PPD occurs include longer duration of the menopause transition time, vaso-
during pregnancy rather than solely following parturition. Our motor symptoms, stressful life events proximate to the meno-
data would, nonetheless, suggest that alterations in the levels pausal transition, and histories of depression, although none
of gonadal steroids are implicated in the development of peri- of the characteristics are uniform antecedents to perimeno-
natal depression, either during the period of elevated levels pausal depression. In a small clinic-based longitudinal study,
we observed that most depressions appeared during the late
Hormone addback and withdrawal
stage of the menopause transition, which is characterized by
precipitates depression in euthymic women more prolonged hypogonadism than the early perimenopause.
with histories of PPD but not in controls Thus the timing suggests an endocrine mechanism related to
the perimenopause (E2 withdrawal and/or recent-onset of
prolonged hypogonadism) in the pathophysiology of peri-
20 menopausal depression. It is possible that fluctuating levels
Cornell Dysthymia Score

* FOLLOW-UP of gonadal steroid hormones interact with individual charac-
15 teristics (e.g., sensitivity to stress, histories of depression) in
F3,45 = 10.4, p<0.0001
some women to increase their vulnerability to develop peri-
menopausal depression. Individual physiologic or historical
characteristics may indeed provide the context in which the
response to a biological signal is determined (Rubinow et al.,
5 2002). On the other hand, vulnerability to E2 withdrawal/fluc-
tuations may have a genetic basis, as suggested by the heritabil-
ity of the puerperal trigger in postpartum disorders (Jones and
PPD Normal Craddock, 2007), the heritability of premenstrual symptoma-
tology (Kendler et al., 1992), and the significant association of
Figure 36.4 Mean Scores on the Cornell Dysthymia Scale before and after
estradiol and progesterone replacement in women with a history of postpartum
PMDD with intron 4 SNPs in ERα (Huo et al., 2007).
depression (n = 8) and normal controls (n = 8).a
Study phases: 8-week baseline, when no medications were administered; 12 H O R M O N E S T U D I E S O F P E R I M E N O PA U S A L
weeks of leuprolide-induced ovarian suppression, with addback of estradiol DEPRESSION
(4–10 mg/day) and progesterone (400–900 mg/day) during the last 8 weeks;
The relevance of changes in pituitary-ovarian function to
4-week early withdrawal, when estradiol and progesterone were withdrawn
but leuprolide continued; and 8-week follow-up, when no medications were
depression during the perimenopause is suggested by evidence
administered. * Addback vs. baseline, p < .05. ** Withdrawal vs baseline, p < that mood symptoms may change coincidently with FSH lev-
.01 (Bonferroni corrected t tests) els and that E2 therapy has acute mood-enhancing effects in

3 6 G O N A D A L S T E R O I D S A N D M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 491

perimenopausal women with depression (Schmidt et al., 2000; showed lower depressive symptoms on HRT than those lacking
Soares et al., 2001). menopausal symptoms.
Despite a few studies identifying levels of one hormone
or another (e.g., estrone, FSH) as different in perimenopausal Depressed patients
depressed women compared with controls, subsequent studies Two small randomized, placebo-controlled trials dem-
have been unable to confirm any diagnosis-related differences onstrated the antidepressant efficacy of transdermal E2 in
in reproductive hormones. A possible exception are the levels depressed, perimenopausal women. Subjects selected met
of the adrenal androgen dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and diagnostic criteria for depression and were followed with stan-
its sulfated metabolite, DHEA-S, both of which were observed dard syndrome rating scales. A study employing similar meth-
to be lower in women with perimenopausal depression as well odology failed to show antidepressant efficacy of transdermal
as inversely correlated (DHEA) with symptoms of depression E2 in a postmenopausal sample. One study did demonstrate
in peri- and postmenopausal women (Rubinow et al., 2002). antidepressant efficacy of a continuous combined HRT prepa-
Limitations of basal hormonal measures notwithstanding, data ration in postmenopausal women selected with diagnostic cri-
suggest that depressed perimenopausal women are not distin- teria for the presence of mild-moderate depression. This study
guished from nondepressed perimenopausal women by being was performed by the makers of the HRT preparation and,
“more” estrogen deficient. while methodologically sound, showed a very high drop-out
rate (Santen et al., 2010). An additional 14 studies are either
HORMONE THERAPIES FOR observational, open-label, or methodologically compromised,
P E R I M E N O PA U S A L D E P R E S S I O N thus providing less compelling evidence regarding the anti-
Multiple reports of increased mood symptoms and depressive depressant efficacy of ERT or HRT. Notwithstanding the
disorders during the menopause date back more than 150 years small sample sizes in the few well-designed trials in depressed
and generated the belief that reversal of these symptoms could perimenopausal women, there is evidence (low-moderate) for
be achieved with ovarian hormone replacement. Controversy the antidepressant efficacy of E2 in perimenopausal but not
regarding the antidepressant efficacy of hormone replacement postmenopausal women.
stems almost from its inception and reflects the same meth-
odological inconsistencies that have compromised efforts to S U M M A RY
determine whether the perimenopause is accompanied by an Despite the antidepressant efficacy of E2 and the linkage of
increase in mood symptoms or depression. Methodological dif- perimenopausal depression to a time of E2 withdrawal, we still
ferences of note (other than study design) include menopausal do not have direct evidence that E2 withdrawal triggers the
state (perimenopause vs. postmenopause), determination of onset of depression in these women. Preliminary observations
state (earlier studies used age as a proxy measure), baseline from a study of the effects on mood of E2 withdrawal suggest,
symptomatology (asymptomatic vs. depressive symptoms vs. however, that women with a history of depression during the
syndromic depression), and symptom or syndrome measure. perimenopause, but not those lacking such a history, experi-
A meta-analytic examination of 26 studies of the effects of ence a recurrence of depressive symptoms when E2 is with-
HRT on depressed mood revealed a moderate to large effect drawn under blinded, placebo-controlled conditions (Schmidt
size of 0.68, showing lower ratings of depressed mood in treated et al., unpublished observation). The ability of fluctuations in
patients compared with controls (Zweifel and O’Brien, 1997). hormones during the menopause transition to contribute to
Baseline symptom rating scores were suggestive of syndromal the development of depression in vulnerable women is sup-
depression in only two of these studies. Twenty-two additional ported by the work of Freeman and colleagues (Freeman et al.,
studies have been published since this earlier meta-analysis, 2006). These authors showed that greater variability in E2
nine of which are double-blind and placebo-controlled. concentrations, and not E2 concentrations per se, was asso-
Two general categories of randomized controlled trials ciated with both elevated depressive symptomatology as well
have been performed and, as noted in the following, observed as diagnosed major depressive disorder during the menopause
findings may differ as a function of the menopausal status of transition. As with PMDD and PPD, therefore, a reproductive
the samples (i.e., postmenopausal vs. perimenopausal): endocrine signal, in this case low or declining E2 levels, can
be shown to trigger depression during the perimenopause, but
Non-depressed patients only in a susceptible population.
Among the double-blind, placebo-controlled studies, two had
large sample sizes and showed no effect of HRT (conjugated MIDLIFE DEPRESSION
equine estrogen plus medroxyprogesterone acetate) on affec- Midlife also may be associated with the onset of depression in
tive symptoms in postmenopausal women, but subjects in both men and women. Indeed several epidemiologic studies
both studies were affectively asymptomatic at baseline or dis- report a recent increase in suicide rates in white men and women
couraged from participating if menopausal symptoms were during midlife, despite overall stable or declining rates at other
present. These studies then provide moderate-strong evidence stages of life. Depressions that present at midlife can often reflect
for a statement of limited clinical value: HRT does not prevent the onset of medical illness; however, depression at this stage in
symptoms of depression in an asymptomatic, postmenopausal life also can increase the risk for several midlife-relevant medical
population. Data from the HERS study suggested that among illnesses, including heart disease and dementia. Further compli-
postmenopausal women, those with menopausal symptoms cating the picture, the clinical presentation of midlife depression

492 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

often is focused on symptoms (e.g., low energy, decreased libido, resulting in inadequate stimulation of LH secretion by the
and cognitive decline) that can obscure the underlying depres- pituitary gland.
sive illness. The fifth and sixth decades of life are accompanied
3. Increase of plasma SHBG binding capacity: The decline
by several endocrine events related to aging, including changes
of the serum levels of FT is accentuated relative to that
in growth and metabolism, alterations in HPA axis function,
of total serum T, as a consequence of an age-associated
and age-related changes in both gonadal and adrenal androgen
increase of serum SHBG (Kaufman and Vermeulen, 2005).
secretion. In addition to the precipitous changes in E2 and P in
women during the perimenopause, androgen levels—T, DHT,
Findings from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of
DHEA, and androstenedione—also decrease during midlife in
testosterone and mood in men have been inconsistent. Studies
both men and women. However, in contrast to the relatively
are fairly equally divided between those that have demonstrated
rapid declines in ovarian E2 and P secretion, androgen secre-
lower T in depressed men than in controls and those that have
tion declines more gradually in both men and women. Thus
shown no difference in absolute levels. Inconsistencies in the
declining androgen secretion potentially could lead to a more
literature may be due to small sample sizes and different diag-
insidious onset of depressive symptoms. Nonetheless, studies
nostic assessments of depression in different study samples.
suggest that the age-related decline in androgen secretion occurs
However, data are most consistent with the interpretation that
in the majority of midlife men and women in the absence of
if there is any functional effect of MDD on the male HPG-axis,
accompanying depression. Thus as with other reproductive
it is likely to be small. Some clinical data suggest that low T,
endocrine-related depressions, midlife-onset depression could
persisting over years, may lead to a chronic, low-grade, depres-
reflect the effects of declining androgen secretion in the con-
sive illness such as dysthymic disorder rather than to MDD.
text of other individual characteristics that increase a man or
Nonetheless, caution must be employed in interpreting low T
woman’s risks for depression. However, in midlife depressions
values, in men or women, consequent to the unreliability of
the effects of aging on several behaviorally relevant physiologic
assay in the low range.
systems including the HPA axis, insulin-like growth factors,
Early studies on the antidepressant effects of T suggested
thyroid function, and other metabolic systems must be consid-
that a significant number of depressed men responded dra-
ered as potential contributors to the onset of depression at this
matically to T replacement therapy and relapsed when treat-
time in life.
ment was discontinued. Standardized psychiatric diagnoses
were not used in these studies, however, and baseline hormone
ANDROGENS AND MOOD IN MEN levels were not assessed. More recently, a double-blind, ran-
Beginning in the third decade, there is a slow but continuous, domized trial of T replacement versus placebo in 30 men with
age-dependent decline of T levels (1% decrease each year). This MDD and hypogonadism found T replacement indistinguish-
decline is more pronounced for free T than for total T, a conse- able from placebo in antidepressant efficacy: 38% responded
quence of the age-associated increase of sex hormone-binding to T and 41% responded to placebo (Seidman et al., 2001).
globulin (SHBG) levels. At age 75, mean total T level in the A study by Pope of 22 hypogonadal men with partial response
morning is about two-thirds of the mean level at ages 20–30, to SSRIs found that those randomized to T gel had signifi-
whereas the mean FT and bioactive T (FT plus albumin cantly greater improvement in depressive symptoms than
bound T) level are only 40% of the mean levels in younger subjects randomized to placebo. A subsequent study, also by
males. The circadian rhythm of plasma T levels, with higher Pope, of 100 hypogonadal men with partial SSRI response
levels in the morning than in the evening, is generally lost in randomized to augmentation with T or placebo gel failed to
elderly men as well (Kaufman and Vermeulen, 2005). show a significant difference between groups (Pope, 2010).
Plasma androstenedione levels vary between 2 and 8 nmol/ Most clinical trials of T therapy for depression have included
liter in adult males aged 20 to 30 years and significantly decline 30 or fewer subjects, too few to reliably detect small antide-
with age. Serum concentrations of DHEA decline more rapidly pressant effects. Overall, systematic trials do not support T
and more profoundly than those of T—approximately 2% per as a broadly effective antidepressant. It may be more effective
year (Kaufman and Vermeulen, 2005). in certain populations, such antidepressant-resistant men or
There are three different aspects to the changes in serum HIV-infected men.
testosterone levels in aging men:
1. Primary testicular changes: There is a diminished secretory
Women experience an approximately 50% drop in T due to
capacity of the Leydig cells in the elderly compared with
loss of ovarian function (the other 50% is adrenal in origin in
young men. This decrease in testicular secretory reserve
women). A role for DHEA and DHEA-S in the regulation of
appears to involve a reduction of the number of Leydig
mood state has been suggested by both its effects on neural
cells. Also in rats, all enzymes involved in the synthesis of
physiology (Baulieu et al., 1998) and its potential synthesis
T are decreased with aging, as is the steroidogenic acute
within the central nervous system. Moreover, in clinical tri-
regulatory protein, which is involved in the transport of
als, DHEA administration has been reported to improve mood
cholesterol into mitochondria.
in some (Bloch et al., 1999; Wolkowitz et al., 1999), but not
2. Altered neuroendocrine regulation of Leydig cell function: all, studies (Wolf et al., 1997). Finally, abnormalities of DHEA
There is reduced hypothalamic secretion of GnRH, secretion have been observed in depressive disorders, with

3 6 G O N A D A L S T E R O I D S A N D M O O D D I S O R D E R S | 493

both increased and decreased levels observed relative to non- DI SC L O SU R E S
depressed controls (Heuser et al., 1998). DHEA’s potential
role in the onset of depression may be particularly relevant at Dr. Rubinow serves on the Editorial Board of Dialogues in
midlife given the declining levels of DHEA production with Clinical Neuroscience, for which he receives compensation.
aging and the accelerated decrease in DHEA levels reported He additionally has served on the Scientific Advisory Board
in women, but not men, during midlife (Laughlin and of Azevan Pharmaceuticals, for which he has received stock
Barrett-Connor, 2000). options. Dr. Rubinow receives no other funding or material
support other than his NIMH grant support (three RO1s and
a T32 training grant).
CONCLUS IO NS Dr. Craft and Dr. Schmidt have no conflicts of interest to
The differential sensitivity to gonadal steroids seen in women
with histories of PMDD and PPD (and possibly perimeno-
pausal depression) emphasizes that the response to a biologi-
cal signal cannot be inferred absent an understanding of the REFERENCES
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ncreasing recognition of the impact of depression on women when compared to men (Kessler et al., 2005). Those with
physical health has prompted focused investigation on its chronic medical illnesses are two to three times more likely to
diagnosis and treatment. The World Health Organization be depressed than age- and gender-matched non-medically ill
(WHO) projects that depression will be the leading cause of individuals in community-based primary care settings (Katon,
life lost to disability in 2030, imposing a greater health bur- 2011). The prevalence of depression among individuals who
den than ischemic heart disease (WHO, 2008). The report also are medically ill ranges from 3% to 10% in community and
emphasized depression’s contribution to morbidity and mor- primary care settings and up to 10–14% in inpatient medical
tality. Depression is a risk factor for the onset and progression settings (Katon, 2003). Prevalence estimates for depressive dis-
of both physical and social disability (Prince et al., 2007; WHO, orders among those populations with specific medical condi-
2008). Additionally, individuals with depression and other tions are even higher, ranging from 20% to 55% (Evans et al.,
mental illnesses may develop their health conditions earlier 2005) (Table 37.1).
due to behavioral and biological factors related to their mental
illnesses, and they may die earlier from comorbid medical ill-
ness (Sullivan et al., 2012). MECHANISMS OF COMORBIDITY FOR
Evidence that adverse health risk behaviors and the pres- DEPRESSION AND MEDICAL ILLNESS
ence of depression increases risk for medical disorders, and Recent research examining depression among medically ill pop-
that the presence of a medical disorder may increase risk for ulations has sought to link the inflammatory processes under-
depression has prompted examination of the bidirectional lying specific disorders such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes,
relationship between depression and medical illness (Evans and cancer, to those inflammatory processes underlying major
et al., 2005). Further support for these observations has been depression. Emerging evidence suggests that depressive disor-
provided by recent research identifying a potential role for ders may be conditions of immune dysregulation, specifically
inflammatory responses in the pathophysiology of depression, activation of the inflammatory response system (Dowlati et al.,
finding higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, acute 2010; Raison et al., 2009). These theories gain support from the
phase proteins, chemokines, and cellular adhesion molecules observation that the treatment of patients with cytokines can
in depression (Blume et al., 2011; Dantzer et al., 2008). produce symptoms of depression, antidepressant treatments
In this chapter, we will review the relevant recent research can reverse those symptoms, and immune system activation
linking depression and medical illness. We will present an is present in some, but not all, individuals with depression.
overview of the bidirectional relationship between depres- Additionally, cytokine mediated signaling to the brain can
sion and medical illness. We will review existing research on influence the production and metabolism of neurotransmitters
the possible mechanism for the connection between depres- relevant to mood disorders and its treatments including sero-
sion and medical illness, focusing on the connection between tonin, dopamine, and catecholamines (Raison et al., 2009).
depression and several specific medical illnesses (cardiac dis- A decade of investigation has established the contribution
ease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, cancer). We then outline basics of of cytokines to the pathogenesis of depression. Cytokines are
the assessment of depression in the context of medical illness. proteins and glycoproteins secreted by immune cells that func-
We conclude with a presentation of treatment considerations tion as signals among and between immune cells. Cytokines
for depression in specific medically ill populations. are the hormones of the immune system. They can be secreted
by immune and nonimmune cells and can affect cells outside
of the immune system. They function locally and systemically
PR E VA LE NC E O F D EP RES S IO N to modulate and regulate immune functions throughout the
IN THE M ED IC A L LY IL L body, including those of the central nervous system.
The role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of depression
Depressive disorders are more prevalent among the medically has been confirmed by clinical and experimental observa-
ill when compared to the general population of the United tions. Several studies comparing cytokines in people with
States. The average lifetime prevalence of depression is about MDD have found increases in certain cytokines compared
16.6% of the US population and is two times more prevalent in to people without MDD (Miller et al., 2009; Raison et al.,

496 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 37. 1. Depression in patients with comorbid medical Furthermore, cytokines have been found to influence
illness all of the pathophysiologic domains relevant to depression.
Cytokines have been shown to cause alterations in the metabo-
lism of monoamine neurotransmitters relevant to depression,
Cardiac disease 17–27
specifically serotonin, dopamine (DA), and norepinephrine
(NE); to have stimulatory effects on HPA axis functioning
Cerebrovascular disease 14–19 through activation of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)
in the amygdala and the hypothalamus; to induce resistance of
Alzheimer’s disease 30–50
nervous, endocrine, and immune system tissues to circulating
Parkinson’s disease 4–75 glucocorticoid hormones stimulating the glucocorticoid resis-
tance found in patients with depression; to induce enzymes
that metabolize tryptophan the primary precursor of sero-
Recurrent 20–55 tonin, and may inhibit pathways involved in thyroid hormone
metabolism and to activate NF-kB, a transcription factor that
Controlled 3–9
signals the inflammatory cascade in the brain (Dantzer et al.,
Diabetes 2008; Irwin and Miller, 2007; Raison et al., 2009).
Despite growing evidence that dysregulation of the
Self-reported 26 immune system may contribute to the pathogenesis of major
Diagnostic interview 9
depression, other studies have found conflicting results or no
association between depression and immune parameters or
Cancer 22–29 inflammation (Blume et al., 2011; Whooley et al., 2007). One
factor that might explain variations between studies is the type
of immune system variable or inflammatory marker exam-
Pain 30–54 ined. Pike and Irwin found that, among patients with MDD
relative to controls, there was evidence for decreases in NK cell
Obesity 20–30
activity (indicating impairment in the immune system) and
General population 10.3 higher levels of IL-6 (indicating immune activation) (Pike and
Irwin, 2006). Furthermore, changes in NK cell activity were
Adapted from Evans et al., 2005, with permission. not correlated with levels of IL-6, suggesting that depression
may have independent effects on these different aspects of the
immune system. Alternatively, an emerging literature sug-
2009). Although association does not imply causality, there gests that while acute inflammation boosts immune defenses,
are many reasons to believe that the abnormalities of inflam- the chronic exposure of immune cells to proinflammatory
mation found in depression may contribute to its pathol- cytokines may actually result in impaired cellular immunity
ogy. Medically ill patients who exhibit immune activation or (Medzhitov, 2008). Thus depression-associated chronic acti-
inflammation secondary to infections, autoimmune diseases, vation of the immune system may lead to immune deficiency
and neoplastic diseases demonstrate higher rates of depres- resulting in increased vulnerability to cancer and infection
sion (Nemeroff and Vale, 2005). Cytokines have also been (Blume et al., 2011). Miller points out that causality may also
shown to be effective in the treatment of certain cancers, operate in the other direction: depression is associated with
hepatitis C, viral infections, and multiple sclerosis. However, impaired regulatory T cells, which modulate innate immune
a behavioral syndrome similar to major depression has been responses (Miller, 2010). Thus, depression-associated cellular
observed among these individuals treated with cytokines for immune suppression may contribute to chronic inflammation,
the treatment of infectious diseases or cancer. This syndrome and the pathogenesis of diseases—such as atherosclerosis and
referred to as “sickness behavior” is characterized by anhe- cancer, in which inflammation has been implicated.
donia, cognitive dysfunction, anxiety, irritability, psychomo- Further observations supporting the relationships between
tor slowing, anergia, fatigue, anorexia, sleep alterations, and chronic inflammation and cellular immune suppression have
increased sensitivity to pain (Dantzer et al., 2008). Although been demonstrated among two of the most common rheu-
the exact prevalence is unknown, studies suggest that the inci- matologic disorders, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic
dence of depression associated with cytokine therapy ranges lupus erythematosus (SLE). SLE is an autoimmune disorder
from 0% to 45%, depending on the medical conditions and resulting in tissue and organ damage caused by abnormal
study designs (Dantzer et al., 2008). Moreover, the behavioral immune complexes and T-lymphocytes as well as autoantibod-
syndrome induced by cytokine treatment has been shown to ies. RA is characterized by inflammation that primarily affects
be responsive to treatment with standard antidepressant med- the synovial tissue of the joints. Both chronic inflammatory
ications, suggesting that the behaviors described as the “sick- disorders have high rates of comorbid depression with preva-
ness syndrome” are related to major depression. However, lence estimates ranging from 13% to 42% in RA (Bruce, 2008)
antidepressant treatment has been noted to be more effective and 10.8% to 39.6% in SLE (Nery et al., 2007), depending on
on the mood symptoms than on neurovegetative symptoms diagnostic methods. Both disorders are characterized by mul-
(Capuron et al., 2002; Constant et al., 2005). tiorgan systemic involvement affecting the cardiac, vascular,

3 7 D E P R E S S I O N A N D M E D I C A L I L L N E S S | 497

respiratory, and nervous systems. Direct CNS involvement is including hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and
rare in RA, however neuropsychiatric manifestations are fre- hypertension. Consistent with this potential mechanism, ele-
quent in SLE. The mainstay of treatments for both disorders vated plasma cortisol has been found to be associated with
include anti-inflammatory agents and other immunosuppres- moderate to severe coronary atherosclerosis in young and
sant agents. middle aged men.
Chronic inflammation is present in RA and SLE, and both Sympathoadrenal hyperactivity may mediate the relation-
conditions are characterized by a high frequency of infec- ship between depression and cardiovascular disease through an
tion, possibly related to impaired circulating T-cells leading to effect on platelets. Individuals with depression show increased
immune suppression (Doran et al., 2002; Gladman et al., 2002; levels of plasma NE in response to cold or orthostatic challenge,
Koetz et al., 2000; La Cava, 2008). In addition, impaired T-cell which may enhance platelet activity. Some, but not all studies
function has been observed in the synovial fluid of individu- have found platelet hyperactivity in those with MDD. Recent
als with RA, when the T-cells were chronically exposed to TNF studies of depressed patients with ischemic heart disease show
alpha (Cope, 2003), and etanercept, an anti TNF-alpha therapy, elevated platelet factor 4 and plasma b-thromboglobulin levels
has been shown to restore T-cell reactivity in patients with RA (Celano and Huffman, 2011).
(Berg et al., 2001; Blume et al., 2011). Dysregulation of immune Inflammatory responses may partly underlie the relation-
T-cell tolerance, and decreased numbers and/or functioning of ship between depression and cardiovascular disease. The inflam-
suppressive CD4CD25 T-regulatory cells have been observed matory markers IL-6, TNF-a, and C reactive protein (CRP) are
in peripheral blood in human models of SLE (La Cava, 2008). associated with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events, spe-
Thus, depression associated cellular immune suppression might cifically CHD, congestive heart failure, and stroke (Cesari et al.,
contribute to inflammation and the pathogenesis of both SLE 2003). Increases in circulating levels of IL-6 and CRP are also
and RA, as well as atherosclerosis and cancer. found in depression (Dowlati et al., 2010). Other studies exam-
ining the relationships between depression and inflammation in
cardiac disease have found elevations in CRP and serum amy-
loid A (SAA) in women treated for major depression who are
The intimate and clinically relevant connection between in remission, suggesting a sustained proinflammatory state in
depression and cardiovascular disease has been well estab- women who have clinically recovered and who no longer take
lished. Depression is prevalent across the spectrum of cardiac antidepressant medications. The authors suggest that the per-
diseases including coronary artery disease (CAD), unstable sistence of a “proinflammatory state” might contribute to the
angina, acute myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, increased CAD risk associated with MDD (Kling et al., 2007).
and coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Current estimates Statins are drugs routinely administered to patients
suggest rates of depression that are significantly higher than post-MI for their lipid lowering and anti-inflammatory prop-
in the general population, ranging from 17% to 27% (Rudisch erties. Stafford and Berk investigated the effect of statins on the
and Nemeroff, 2003). Depressive symptoms increase the risk onset of depression in hospitalized cardiac patients, hypoth-
for the onset of CAD by 1.64-fold. Furthermore, the occur- esizing that the anti-inflammatory effect of statins would serve
rence of depression within three to four months of a myocar- as prophylaxis against depression. In support of a link among
dial infarction (MI), predicts a three times greater likelihood depression, inflammation, and cardiovascular disease, they
of dying in the next year, when compared to individuals with- found that over nine months postdischarge, statins were asso-
out depression following MI (Lett et al., 2004). ciated with a 79% reduction in the likelihood of depression
Depression appears to be an independent risk factor in car- (Stafford and Berk, 2011). Recent findings from the Heart and
diac disease, as the connection between depression and cardiac Soul Study suggest that statin use was associated with a 38%
disease does not appear to be due to the association between decreased odds of developing depression in their sample, fur-
depression and other known risk factors (e.g., smoking, history ther confirming this association (Otte et al., 2012).
of MI). Depression has been found to be a significant predictor Frasure-Smith and colleagues (2007) assessed 702 indi-
of mortality 6 and 18 months following Ml, even after adjust- viduals (602 men) for depression and inflammatory markers
ing for other risk factors such as left ventricular dysfunction (CRP), IL-6, and soluble adhesion molecules at two months
and previous MI (Frasure-Smith et al., 1995). postdischarge for an acute coronary syndrome, and then fol-
lowed them for two years for major adverse cardiac events
MECHANISMS OF COMORBIDITY defined as cardiac death, survived MI or cardiac arrest, and
Several possible mechanisms linking depression to cardiovas- nonelective revascularization. Of this sample, 102 individuals
cular diseases have been proposed. These include inflamma- (78 men) experienced at least one major adverse cardiac event.
tion, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical dysregulation, Elevated scores on the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II)
sympathomedullary hyperactivity, increased platelet activity and current major depression were significantly related to
and aggregation, autonomic dysfunction causing reduced heart major adverse coronary events over two years, and this asso-
rate variability (HRV), and endothelial dysfunction (Celano ciation was stronger in men than women. The study also found
and Huffman, 2011; Skala et al., 2006). an association between elevated depressive symptoms, CRP,
It is well known that HPA axis dysregulation occurs in and soluble intercellular adhesion molecules (sICAM-1), but
depression and that administration of corticosteroids is asso- not IL-6, providing some support for the association between
ciated with increases in cardiovascular disease risk factors, depression and inflammation (Frasure-Smith et al., 2007).

498 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

Abnormalities of the autonomic nervous system may be complications including coronary vascular diseases, and sex-
another mechanism linking depression and CAD. HRV, a mea- ual dysfunction. Furthermore, depression has been associated
sure of the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic with an increased risk of all cause mortality in diabetes, among
inputs to the cardiac conduction system, is often reduced in individuals with and without previous cardiovascular disease
patients with severe CAD or heart failure. Reduced HRV is (Sullivan et al., 2012). Depressive symptoms and heightened
associated with ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac distress, absent a major depression diagnosis, have been found
death (Dekker et al., 2000). Studies that found diminished to adversely impact diabetes self-care and diabetes control
HRV in depression raised the possibility that HRV might be the (Markowitz et al., 2011). Depression with diabetes has been
link between depression and CAD (Nahshoni et al., 2004; Stein associated with increased health care costs (Katon, 2011).
et al., 2000). One study found that HRV partially mediates the
relation between depression and increased risk for mortality MECHANISMS OF COMORBIDITY
after acute myocardial infarction (Carney et al., 2005). HRV The mechanisms underlying the well-established association
has also been found to be associated with increased markers of between depression and diabetes remain unknown. Studies
inflammation in patients with heart failure and acute coronary seeking to understand these associations have focused on the
syndromes. diagnosis and burden of disease management as a risk for the
Depression is also associated with endothelial dysfunc- development of depression, suggesting that depression is a
tion, a putative mechanism of atherosclerotic disease. A study consequence of diabetes (Knol et al., 2007) Other studies have
of men and women ages 40 to 84 years old concluded that suggested that depression is a risk factor for diabetes (Campayo
depressed individuals had impaired flow-mediated dilation et al., 2010; Golden et al., 2008; Knol et al., 2007).
of the brachial artery—a measure of endothelial function— Studies examining the bidirectional associations between
compared to non-depressed individuals. The use of antide- depression and diabetes have provided conflicting results.
pressant medication was associated with improved endothelial Longitudinal studies of clinically depressed older adults in
function. Subsequent investigations have corroborated these the community found depression to be associated with a 65%
findings (Cooper et al., 2010; Pizzi et al., 2008, 2009). increased risk for incident diabetes, and that this association
Evidence further suggests that depression may worsen the was true for untreated depression and persistent and non-severe
impact of other cardiac factors. In a study examining risks for depression (Campayo et al., 2010). Golden and colleagues
cardiac mortality following MI, the highest death rates (60%) examined incident rates for T2DM in men and women with
for patients at 18 months post-MI were found in a subgroup and without depressive symptoms over five years. They found
of patients with elevated depressive symptoms and increased incidence rates for T2DM of 22.0/1,000 person years for those
numbers of premature ventricular contractions per hour with increased depression symptoms compared with 16.6/1000
(PVCs) (Frasure-Smith et al., 1995). person years for those without increased depressive symptoms.
Depression can also indirectly increase the risk of CAD. The Incident rates for elevated depressive symptoms per 1,000 person
pessimism and low energy often found in clinical depression years were 36.8 for those with normal fasting glucose; 27.9 for
can lead individuals to be less adherent to exercise programs, those with impaired fasting glucose; 31.2 for untreated T2DM
smoking cessation, dietary changes, and pharmacological inter- and 61.9 for treated T2DM. They also found a modest asso-
ventions for CAD (Glazer et al., 2002; Skala et al., 2006; Wang ciation of baseline depressive symptoms with incident T2DM,
et al., 2002). Failure to adequately address these risk factors may which were partially attributed to lifestyle. Both untreated
then put the individual with depression at even greater risk for T2DM and impaired FG were inversely associated with incident
a future cardiac event. depressive symptoms, but treated T2DM was positively associ-
ated with depressive symptoms (Golden et al., 2008).
The Vietnam experience study (Gale et al., 2010) explored
the association between fasting glucose, T2DM (diagnosed
Depression is common among individuals with diabetes. and undiagnosed), and depression among middle aged men.
Among the 23.6 million people in the United States diagnosed Subjects with untreated diabetes had nearly double the odds
with diabetes mellitus (DM), 5–15% have type I diabetes (CDC (1.8 95% CI) of developing major depression compared with
2008), with type II diabetes (T2DM) being much more preva- men with normal FBGs. Men with known diabetes had triple
lent; however, research suggests that rates of depression are the odds of MDD (3.82 95% CI). Men with undiagnosed and
elevated in both. People with diabetes are twice as likely to have diagnosed T2DM had higher depression scores, suggesting
depression compared with those without diabetes. Prevalence that there is a positive association between T2DM and depres-
estimates suggest that 10–15% of individuals with DM are cur- sion, even for those who are unaware of their disease.
rently affected by depression and that 24–29% of individuals Several, but not all, studies support the hypothesis that
with diabetes will be affected by depression during their life- increased depression is a consequence of diabetes. Some studies
times. The presence of depression has been associated with suggest that the psychosocial burden of diabetes may increase
higher symptom burden; poor adherence to medication, diet, risk for depressive symptoms. Other investigators have found
and exercise; and higher hemoglobin A1C levels (Markowitz that the perceived disability and awareness of having a chronic
et al., 2011). Depression has also been associated with increased illness may impose higher levels of psychologic burden for peo-
frequency and severity of diabetes complications includ- ple with diabetes, particularly if they have low levels of social
ing retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, macrovascular support (Knol et al., 2007). A meta-analysis by Mezuk and

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colleagues found that people with diabetes have a modest (15%) correlation between reduction in LPFC function and depres-
increased risk for depression compared to those without diabe- sion severity. Further studies are needed to determine whether
tes, but that depression is associated with a 60% increased risk these alterations in neuronal activity are related to alterations
for T2DM (Mezuk et al., 2008). Another meta-analysis exam- in the glucose transporters. Additionally, since brain glucose
ining depression and diabetes, found a 24% increased risk for consumption does not affect glucose transport, while altera-
incident depression among those diagnosed with diabetes com- tions in plasma glucose does affect glucose transport, fur-
pared to people without diabetes, and that rates of incident dia- ther studies will be needed to understand these relationships
betes were greater for those with previous depressive episodes (Musselman et al., 2003).
(Nouwen et al., 2010). However, investigators discovered that Immune activation and cell mediated cytokine production
patients with chronic illnesses overall who were frequent users have also been implicated in the relationship between depres-
of medical care had similar rates of new depression diagnosis. sion and diabetes. Elevations in the proinflammatory cytokines,
Further support for depression as a consequence of diabetes IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-alpha, have been found in some, but not
is provided by the Utrecht health project, a longitudinal study all, depressed patients (Blume et al., 2011; Dowlati et al., 2010).
of a population of adults in the Netherlands. Knoll and col- Proinflammatory cytokine production is also increased in
leagues investigated subjects with impaired fasting glucose and individuals with diabetes (Musselman et al., 2003). Cytokines
undiagnosed diabetes finding no association with increased IL1, IL6, TNF alpha, and IFN gamma, found to induce sick-
depressive symptoms, suggesting that depression results from ness, exert neural effects that mediate these symptoms.
the diagnosis of diabetes. In this study, those diagnosed with
diabetes had a 1.7 times risk for depressive symptoms. After
adjusting for the number of chronic diseases, risk for depres-
sion was no longer significant (Knol et al., 2007). Meta-analyses of early prevalence studies revealed that those with
Although the biological mechanisms underlying the asso- HIV were nearly twice as likely to have a diagnosis of major depres-
ciation between depression and diabetes remain unclear, the sion compared to individuals who were HIV-negative (Ciesla
evidence strongly suggests a bidirectional relationship. and Roberts, 2001). Prevalence rates of major depression range
Depression related physiologic alterations have been asso- from about 5% to 20% (Cruess et al., 2003). A number of stud-
ciated with increased vulnerability of depressed patients to ies have found that women who were HIV positive may be par-
develop T2DM. Efforts to understand the biological relation- ticularly susceptible to MDD, with rates of current MDD higher
ships underlying the depression-diabetes link have focused in women who are HIV-positive compared to women who were
on three potential mechanisms: The hypothalamic pituitary HIV-negative (Evans et al., 2005; Lewis et al., 2010). Large-scale
adrenal axis (HPA), counter-regulatory effects of the sympa- studies of depressive disorders among pediatric patients who are
thetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, alterations in HIV-positive are lacking, but a meta-analysis estimated the prev-
glucose transport, and immune activation and inflammation alence in this population at 25% (Scharko, 2006).
(Musselman et al., 2003). There is considerable evidence that depression impacts the
Psychological stress and depression stimulate activation of clinical course and treatment of HIV/AIDS. Clinical depression,
the HPA axis and sympathetic nervous systems (SNS), result- elevated levels of depressive symptoms, or general psychological
ing in the release of cortisol and increased catecholamine and stress are associated with poor adherence to antiretroviral treat-
cytokine production (Dantzer et al., 2008). The release of these ment, deterioration in psychosocial functioning, more rapid
hormones (glucocorticoids, catecholamines, growth hormone, progression of HIV/AIDS, and higher mortality in both men
glucagon) stimulating both anabolic and catabolic processes and women before and after the HAART era (Evans et al., 2005;
involved in glucose regulation may lead to increased insulin Ickovics et al., 2001; Leserman et al., 2002; Leserman, 2008). One
resistance, by counteracting insulin’s hypoglycemic effects, study of over 1,700 women who were HIV-positive followed for
thus raising blood glucose levels and increasing the risk for 7.5 years found that those with chronic depression had 1.7 times
diabetes. Increasing levels of cortisol are associated with redis- greater odds of dying compared to women without depres-
tribution of fat from subcutaneous to increased visceral adi- sion (Cook et al., 2004). The impact of depression on mortality
pose tissue, which results in central adiposity and dyslipidemia remained even after controlling for antiretroviral therapy use,
(Champaneri et al., 2010). medication adherence, substance abuse, clinical indicators (base-
Another potential mediator implicated in the relation- line CD4 count, baseline viral load, baseline HIV symptoms),
ship between depression and diabetes involves cellular glucose and demographic factors; the use of mental health services was
transporters. These transporters facilitate the entry of glucose, associated with significantly less AIDS-related mortality.
a necessary metabolic substrate for all mammalian cells, into
cells. Entry of glucose into endothelial cells, astrocytes, and MECHANISMS OF COMORBIDITY
neurons are facilitated by GLUT1 and GLUT3 respectively Although there is now substantial evidence supporting a rela-
(Musselman et al., 2003). tionship between depression and HIV disease progression,
Studies using positron emission tomography (PET) and less is known about the mechanisms underlying this relation-
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), both methods ship. It is possible that unhealthy lifestyle behaviors may play a
for quantifying neuronal activity in the brain by measuring mediating role in this relationship between depression and the
glucose utilization, have shown decreased glucose utiliza- course of HIV/AIDS, but support for this hypothesis is lacking
tion in the left lateral prefrontal cortex. PET has also shown a (Ickovics et al., 2001; Leserman et al., 2002; Leserman, 2003).

500 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

Disruption of the HPA axis has been investigated as a possi- from cancer and its treatments may be associated with the
ble mediator of the depression-immune relationship. Increased onset of depressive symptoms. The inflammatory changes
levels of cortisol have been linked to stress and depression in precipitated by these cytokines can have a substantial impact
HIV (Gorman et al., 1991), and it is hypothesized that corti- on neurotransmitter function, neuroendocrine function, and
sol may adversely influence the immune response and thereby behavior, resulting in the “sickness syndrome.”
negatively impact HIV disease progression (Evans et al., 2005; The observation that a significant percentage of patients
Leserman, 2003). In addition, NE has been shown to affect with cancer treated with the cytokine IFN-a develop a behav-
HIV replication (Cole et al., 1998). Another possible mediator ioral syndrome with similarities to major depression has
is the neuropeptide substance P, which upregulates HIV and is been an impetus for the investigations in this area. Cytokine
elevated in persons with HIV (Douglas et al., 2001; Ho et al., therapies are well known to cause neurobehavioral symptoms
1996). The diminished host defense against HIV infection that including major depression in up to 50% of patients with
has been observed in depressed individuals, may result from cancer undergoing cytokine treatment with IFN-a (Capuron
depression associated alterations in the functioning of killer et al., 2002; Musselman et al., 2001a) and IL-2 (Capuron et al.,
lymphocytes (NK and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes), thus hasten- 2004). Among patients with cancer, patients with depression
ing HIV disease progression (Evans et al., 2002; Ironson et al., and cancer were found to have significantly higher levels of
2001; Leserman, 2003). Consistent with this hypothesis, stress- IL-6 compared to patients with cancer and no depression and
ful life events, poor social support, and chronic depression healthy controls (Musselman et al., 2001b). More recent stud-
have all been associated with more rapid declines in CD4 lym- ies have found associations between specific depressive symp-
phocyte counts (Burack et al., 1993; Kemeny and Dean, 1995; toms and elevated cytokines; for example, some investigators
Kemeny et al., 1995) and progression to AIDS (Ickovics et al., have found elevated IL-6 concentrations in patients with can-
2001; Leserman et al., 2002; Leserman, 2003, 2008). Recent evi- cer presenting with fatigue and impaired executive function-
dence from ex vivo studies suggest that a SSRI or a substance P ing (Collado-Hidalgo et al., 2006). Capuron and colleagues
antagonist may enhance NK immunity in HIV/AIDS adding (Capuron et al., 2002, 2004) and Musselman et al. (2001a)
further evidence to the potential role for NK cells in the host have described two distinct behavioral syndromes that occur
defense against HIV and the role of depression and antidepres- in individuals who become depressed with cytokine therapies.
sant treatment in HIV disease progression (Evans et al., 2008). One syndrome is characterized by depressed mood, anxiety,
Depression also has an effect on adherence to treatment irritability, and memory and attentional disturbances. This
regimens. Patients with HIV and depressive disorders have syndrome is reported to occur within the first three months of
greater difficulty in accessing antiretroviral therapy and adher- therapy in susceptible individuals (Capuron et al., 2002, 2004;
ing to treatment once accessed. (Rabkin, 2008). Musselman et al., 2001a). The other syndrome, characterized
by the neurovegetative symptoms of fatigue, psychomotor
slowing, anorexia, and altered sleep patterns, occurs within the
first few weeks of IFN-a therapy and persists at later stages of
The prevalence of depression is higher among those with can- therapy (Capuron et al., 2002). These two different syndromes
cer than in the general population, and prevalence estimates are thought to have different responsiveness to antidepressant
vary across malignancy types and disease severity. Small sam- treatment. The mood and cognitive symptoms were responsive
ple sizes and non-standardized definitions of depression have to pretreatment with paroxetine (Capuron et al., 2002) whereas
also hindered research in this area. The general range of preva- the neurovegetative symptoms were not, suggesting that these
lence estimates for MDD among patients with cancer has been systems may have different pathophysiologic pathways.
reported to be 1.5–50% across studies, with an overall rate of Although depressive symptoms are very responsive to anti-
22–29% (Evans et al., 2005; Raison and Miller, 2003). depressant treatment, the neurovegetative symptoms described
The presence of depression in individuals with cancer has in the “sickness syndrome” have been less responsive to anti-
been associated with poorer prognosis and increased morbid- depressant treatments, perhaps requiring a different treatment
ity and mortality (Evans et al., 2005). A recent meta-analysis of approach (Capuron et al., 2002; Raison and Miller, 2003).
31 studies found that cancer patients with depressive symptoms
had a 25% higher mortality and those with major depression
had a 39% greater mortality (Satin et al., 2009). A more recent A SSE SSM E N T O F DE P R E SSI O N
study by Giese-Davis et al. (2011) suggested that depression is I N M E DI C A L I L L N E SS
an independent risk factor for survival in cancer and found that
a decrease in depressive symptoms was associated with lon- Many psychological and physical factors can make the diagno-
ger survival in a secondary analysis of women with metastatic sis of depression among those with medical illness challeng-
breast cancer who were treated with supportive-expressive ing for the clinician. The classic signs and symptoms such as
group therapy. An emerging preclinical and clinical literature depressed mood, dysphoric affect, fatigue, pain, psychomotor
suggests that immune suppression and immune activation in retardation, anorexia, weight loss, cognitive impairment, and
depression may help explain the effects of depression on can- insomnia can represent demoralization or the medical illness
cer survival (Blume et al., 2011). itself. Thoughts of death or desire for a hastened death is not a
Recent evidence suggests that proinflammatory cyto- reliable sign for depressive disorders in this population but may
kines released during tissue damage and destruction resulting represent demoralization. In several studies, demoralization

3 7 D E P R E S S I O N A N D M E D I C A L I L L N E S S | 501

has been associated with lower quality of life and a desire for medications across many medical conditions (Evans et al.,
hastened death (Rackley and Bostwick, 2012). The loss of abil- 2005). The challenge for the clinician is in choosing a medi-
ity to experience pleasure in many activities may also be the cation that maximizes beneficial side effects while minimizing
result of physical suffering or disability and not a symptom of adverse effects. In the context of medical illness, identifying
depression. Some acute medical conditions, such as hypoac- an effective agent and dosing regimen, whose mechanism of
tive delirium, or progressive conditions, such as cancers and action and side-effect profile will not exacerbate the coexist-
neurological conditions, have depressive symptoms that may ing medical condition and minimizing polypharmacy can be
change over time due to the illness or its treatments. Currently, challenging. The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
no standardized approach exists for diagnosing depression are widely used for treating depression in medical illness due to
among individuals who are medically ill. We continue to rely their safety and side-effect profiles. They may not only improve
on the mental status examinations and DSM-IV criteria for depressive symptoms but also result in positive effects on the
depression (Evans et al., 2005). Investigators have examined co-occurring medical illness. For example, fluoxetine has been
the utility of excluding symptoms that can occur as part of shown to improve glycemic control in patients with diabetes
the medical condition and the depressive condition (exclu- mellitus (Lustman et al., 2000). Caution in the use of SSRI or
sive approach) versus the more favored inclusive approach serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) is war-
that counts all symptoms when making a diagnosis of depres- ranted under certain circumstances to prevent exacerbation
sion, but the findings have been inconclusive (Newport and of the medical condition and to prevent the development of
Nemeroff, 1998; Raison and Miller, 2003). Fortunately, several potentially serious side effects such as the syndrome of inap-
well-validated instruments are available to assist the clinician propriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH), platelet
in making the diagnosis of depression in the presence of medi- dysfunction that can lead to bleeding problems and serotonin
cal symptoms (Rackley and Bostwick, 2012) (Table 37.2). syndrome (Turner et al., 2007).
Of greater concern is the potential for drug interactions.
Patients with serious medical conditions, particularly the
TR E ATMENT O F D EP RES S IO N elderly, often receive multiple medications, increasing the risk of
IN ME DIC A L IL L NES S drug interactions. The presence of renal or hepatic disease with
resulting fluid shifts and weight loss, for example, may affect
Well-controlled trials examining the efficacy of antidepres- metabolism and excretion of SSRIs and alter their pharmacoki-
sant treatments among individuals who are medically ill pro- netics (Beliles and Stoudemire, 1998). Tricyclic antidepressants
vide strong support for the effective use of antidepressant (TCAs) are effective in the treatment of depression. Despite

TA B L E 37. 2. Screening tools used for depression in patients who are medically ill


Center for Epidemiological Studies 20-item self-report instrument of which Wide use in patients who are medically ill
Depression Scale (CES-D; Radloff, only four are somatic; recommended High sensitivity and specificity
1977) cutoff score of 17 Lack of consensus on optimal cut scores
Positive predictive value low

The Hospital Anxiety and Depression 14-item self-report with separate 7-item Brief and highly acceptable to patients
Scale (HADS; Zigmond and Snaith, subscale for depression and anxiety Not extensively validated as a screen
1983) Cutoff scores range from 7 to 21 Lack of consensus about utility of cutoff scores

Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II; 21-item self-report measure Validated as an accurate self-report measure in patients
Beck et al., 1996) Cutoff scores: 10—mild; 20—moderate; who are medically ill
30—severe Less acceptable to patients due to forced-choice
format and complex response alternatives
Sensitivity and specificity high and positive predictive
value high

The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 9-item self-report depression module Full PHQ well-validated in primary care/medical
(PHQ-9; Kroenke and Spitzer., 2002) of the PHQ specialty clinic in United States, Europe, and China
Cutoff scores: 5-mild; 10-moderate; Good sensitivity and specificity
15-moderately severe; 20-severe

Zung Self-Rating Scale for Depression 20-item self report Validated as an accurate self-report measure in patients
(Zung, 1965) Likert-type scale scores 1–4 with highest who are medically ill
possible score of 80 Good sensitivity and specificity
Cutoff scores: >50 for depression
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale 17-item scale; Clinician-administered Validated as an accurate measure in patients who are
(Hamilton, 1960) Cutoff: 10–13 mild; 14–17 moderate; medically ill
>17 severe Good treatment change measure
High specificity and sensitivity

502 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

evidence of their efficacy in the treatment of depression among that treatment with SSRIs is associated with a decrease in the
patients with medical conditions (Evans et al., 2005), SSRIs and rate of readmission and in the rate of mortality in patients with
SNRls have substantially reduced the clinical use of TCAs. SSRIs coronary heart disease (Pizzi et al., 2011).
are more commonly used due to their efficacy, safety, and side-
effect profiles. TCAs are strong antagonists of cholinergic, his-
taminic, and alpha-adrenergic receptors and can affect cardiac
conduction, potentially exacerbating medical symptoms. The known associations of depression and diabetes, and the
Like TCAs, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), evidence supporting poor outcomes, have prompted trials
while effective, are less commonly used due to their abilities to examining the efficacy of therapeutic interventions for depres-
produce hypertensive reactions, drug-drug interactions with sion in diabetes. A recent meta-analysis from fourteen RCTs
common agents such as over-the-counter sympathomimetics evaluating psychotherapy, pharmacologic interventions, and
and stimulants, and need for tyramine restrictions. A poten- collaborative care in 1,724 subjects with type 1 and 2 diabetes
tially fatal serotonin syndrome, characterized by mental status and depression demonstrated clear effects with moderate effect
changes, autonomic instability, and neurotransmitter hyper- size for depression treatment. Despite heterogeneity of study
activity, may occur when SSRIs or SNRIs are combined with settings and treatment outcomes, depression treatments were
MAOIs, and may be mistaken for disease in the medically ill effective (Markowitz et al., 2011; van der Feltz-Cornelis et al.,
(Rackley and Bostwick, 2012). 2010) for all three interventions in depression and diabetes.
Psychostimulants (methylphenidate and amphetamine- Randomized placebo-controlled trials for fluoxetine, sertra-
based products) are used to treat depressed patients with medi- line, paroxetine, and s-citalopram have demonstrated efficacy
cal conditions despite inconsistent data supporting efficacy. for the treatment of depression in diabetes (Markowitz et al.,
These agents have been used due to their ability to rapidly 2011). In a fluoxetine trial, significant reductions in depres-
improve mood, motivation, and appetite, and diminish fatigue sion severity were found for fluoxetine compared to placebo;
in patients who are debilitated (Hardy, 2009). however, there were no statistically significant differences in
Emerging evidence suggests potential efficacy for HbA1c (Lustman et al., 2000). In another trial with sertraline
other somatic therapies for depression in the medically ill. examining resolution of depression and glycemic control, haz-
Neuromodulatory therapies such as electroconvulsive therapy ard ratios for the risk of recurrence of depression for the sertra-
(ECT) and transmagnetic stimulation (TMS) have shown line treated group were significantly lower than for the placebo
promise for the treatment of depressive symptoms in medi- treated groups, suggesting a greater protection from recurrence
cal illness. Recent preliminary data suggests IV ketamine, an of depression. Subjects under 55 years benefited from this pro-
N-methyl d-aspartate (NMDA) modulator, may rapidly ame- phylactic effect, when compared with a placebo group, but not
liorate treatment-resistant depression in healthy, medically ill, those over 55 years. There were also improvements in HbA1c
and palliative care patients (Rackley and Bostwick, 2012). levels, however, they did not differ significantly between groups
(Markowitz et al., 2011; Williams et al., 2007).
Two studies have examined paroxetine treatment for
ANTIDE P RES S A NT TREATMEN T S F O R diabetes. In both studies, investigators studied depressed
DE PR E S S IO N IN C A RD IA C D IS E A SE , women who had not achieved optimal control of their type
CA NCE R , A ND H IV 2 diabetes for changes in depression severity and HbA1c lev-
els, permitting observations of change in glycemic control.
One study randomized mildly depressed postmenopausal
The treatment of depression in the context of cardiac disease has women to either 10 weeks of a paroxetine or placebo condi-
been an area of great interest due to the well-established rela- tion. Although no differences were observed between groups
tionships between CAD, depression, and mortality. Several ran- with regard to depression scores, there was a statistical trend
domized controlled trials have been suggestive of efficacy and toward improved HbA1c in the paroxetine treated group
safety of antidepressants in the treatment of depressive disorders when compared with placebo (Paile-Hyvarinen et al., 2007).
in patients with cardiac disease, though efficacy in regard to the The second study randomized mildly depressed subjects to six
progression of the cardiac disease has not been clearly estab- months of treatment with either paroxetine or placebo. HbA1c
lished (Berkman et al., 2003; Glassman et al., 2002, 2009; Honig levels were significantly lower when compared to baseline for
et al., 2007; Lesperance et al., 2007). the paroxetine treated group when compared to placebo at
A Cochrane review and meta-analysis found that SSRIs three months. However, these gains were not maintained at
and psychological approaches were effective for the treat- six months. For both studies, depression severity was very low,
ment of depression in patients with coronary artery dis- with small sample sizes limiting power to detect changes in
ease (Baumeister et al., 2011). There was no detectible depression severity (Markowitz et al., 2011). There has been
difference in efficacy among various psychological treatments. one study comparing the efficacy of different SSRIs. In this
Hospitalization rates and emergency room visits were reduced trial, subjects with T2DM and depression were randomized
in patients treated with SSRIs compared to placebo, however to either fluoxetine or paroxetine for 12 weeks. Both groups
this review was unable to conclude that there was any benefit showed significant improvement on depression scores, while
in mortality, or cardiac events in active treatments compared the fluoxetine group demonstrated a non-significant decrease
to placebo. However, another recent meta-analysis did find in HbA1c levels (Gulseren et al., 2005).

3 7 D E P R E S S I O N A N D M E D I C A L I L L N E S S | 503

There has been one double blind RCT of a TCA for depres- the efficacy of paroxetine, fluoxetine, and sertraline in HIV
sion in diabetes. Subjects with T1DM or T2DM and poor seropositive individuals. (Ferrando et al., 1997). Improvements
glycemic control were randomized to nortriptyline (NT) or were reported in depression and somatic symptoms related to
placebo for eight weeks. Reductions in depression for the NT HIV disease in most patients (83%), but the dropout rates were
group were significantly greater than the placebo group, but not high (27%). Comparative effectiveness of the three SSRIs could
for reductions in HbA1c. NT was discovered to have a direct not be evaluated due to the small sample size. One other small
hyperglycemic effect on further analysis. However, improve- uncontrolled study found improvements among clinically
ments in depression improved glycemic control in both condi- depressed HIV seropositive individuals who were treated with
tions mitigating differences (Markowitz et al., 2011). paroxetine (Grassi et al., 1997). Preliminary data based on open
An open trial of bupropion for depression with diabetes trials suggests that sustained release bupropion (Theobald et al.,
found that HbA1c levels, BMI, and body fat decreased signifi- 2002) and mirtazapine (Currier et al., 2003) may be effective.
cantly from baseline. Additionally, reduced BMI and depres- Although larger placebo-controlled studies are needed to con-
sion severity predicted lower HbA1c levels during maintenance, firm these findings, existing findings suggest the effectiveness
while only decreased depression severity predicted lower HbA1c. of SSRIs in reducing symptoms of depression in HIV seroposi-
This study, also measured pre- and posttreatment self-care with tive individuals. A protocol for a Cochrane review has recently
subjects reporting improvements in self-care during acute and been published (Lewis et al., 2010).
maintenance phases (Markowitz et al., 2011; Williams et al., TCAs have been found to be ineffective in two studies of
2007). HIV-related neuropathy (Saarto and Wiffen, 2010). No data
Evidence supporting efficacy of antidepressant medications are available on the SNRIs venlafaxine and duloxetine in the
for depression in diabetes has resulted in increased utilization treatments of HIV-related neuropathy.
of SSRIs. However, several studies, but not all, suggest a link Psychostimulants (methylphenidate and dextroamphet-
between the use of antidepressant medications (SSRIs and TCAs) amine) have also been studied in placebo-controlled trials in
and the risk for developing T2DM (Andersohn et al., 2009; Pan patients with depression and HIV. There have been two small
et al., 2012) while other studies found no association between uncontrolled studies of psychostimulants in the treatment of
antidepressant use and DM (Knol et al., 2007). Differing study depression in HIV/AIDS (Fernandez et al., 1995; Wagner et al.,
designs may account for the inconsistencies in these findings. 1997), and one small, placebo-controlled study (Wagner and
Recent meta-analysis of treatments for depression in Rabkin, 2000) that showed efficacy. Reductions in depressive
type 1 and type 2 diabetes concluded that psychosocial inter- symptoms as early as two weeks after initiating treatment have
ventions, particularly cognitive behavioral therapies, are effec- been reported (Wagner et al., 1997). In another study, among
tive in improving depression in patients with diabetes, and in patients who were HIV-positive who also had significant levels
some but not all studies, effective at improving HbA1c levels of fatigue, methylphenidate and pemoline were found to be sig-
(Markowitz et al., 2011; van der Feltz-Cornelis et al., 2010). nificantly superior to placebo in decreasing fatigue, and improve-
Collaborative care, an approach utilizing antidepressant ment in fatigue was significantly associated with improved quality
and psychosocial interventions using a stepped care algorithm, of life and decreased levels of depression (Breitbart et al., 2001).
has been studied in primary care populations. The evidence Reductions in testosterone levels among individuals with
supports its effectiveness for the treatment of depression in the HIV/AIDS can be associated with changes in mood, appe-
primary care setting similar to CBT and antidepressant treat- tite, and sexual function. In one study enrolling symptom-
ments. Additionally, improvements of HbA1c levels and LDL atic patients who were HIV-positive, testosterone treatment
cholesterol levels, were seen with the collaborative care model was significantly better than placebo at restoring libido and
(Katon et al., 2010; Markowitz et al., 2011; van der Feltz-Cornelis energy, alleviating depressed mood, and increasing muscle
et al., 2010). This approach may be a promising intervention for mass (Rabkin et al., 2000), and a recent meta-analysis found
alleviating depression, and improving self-care and adherence that testosterone was effective in treating depression in HIV/
for individuals with diabetes (Katon et al., 2010). AIDS (Zarrouf et al., 2009). The adrenal steroid dehydroepi-
androsterone (DHEA) has also been evaluated and was effec-
tive (Rabkin et al., 2006).
HIV/AIDS As with other medical and nonmedical populations, the
A number of studies have supported the effectiveness of TCAs choice of an antidepressant agent in patients with HIV must
and SSRIs for treating depression in adults with HIV (Cruess be guided by the potential for drug-drug interactions and a
et al., 2003; Rabkin, 2008; Repetto and Petitto, 2008). The number of potential interactions have been noted for medica-
TCAs and SSRIs have both shown equal efficacy in head to tions used to treat depression and HIV/AIDS (Watkins et al.,
head studies. In one placebo-controlled study comparing imi- 2011).
pramine, paroxetine, and placebo in 75 individuals who were
HIV-positive, both agents were equally effective when compared
to placebo. However, anticholinergic side effects with imip-
ramine resulted in high dropout rates (48%) for imipramine, The effectiveness of antidepressants agents, specifically SSRIs and
compared with 20% for paroxetine and 24% for placebo respec- TCAs, for the treatment of depression in individuals with cancer
tively (Elliott et al., 1998). One small open label study evaluated is supported by a number of clinical trials (Evans et al., 2005).

504 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

In a small study of major depression among women with breast Antidepressant treatments and psychotherapies are effective
cancer, comparing the efficacy of an SSRI (paroxetine) to a TCA in the treatment of many of the symptoms of depression in indi-
(desipramine), no differences were found in efficacy compared viduals who are medically ill. High rates of depression among
to placebo (Musselman et al., 2006). In addition to the SSRIs the medically ill call for heightened attention to this comorbid-
and TCAs, mirtazapine and mianserin have shown promising ity. Depression should be actively identified and targeted for
results in open trials (Costa et al., 1985; Theobald et al., 2002; van intervention. A number of studies suggest that the treatment of
Heeringen and Zivkov, 1996). Mirtazapine’s potential to cause depression in individuals who are medically ill might improve
weight gain might be of benefit for anorexic-cachectic patients overall medical outcomes or disease progression. Further large-
with cancer, but should be used cautiously in those already gain- scale studies will be needed to confirm these findings. Future
ing weight from steroids or from chemotherapy (Theobald et al., investigation should focus on understanding the immune
2002). SSRIs are generally preferred over TCAs in this popula- mechanisms as well as other mechanisms underlying depression
tion, because of fewer sedative and autonomic side effects. SSRIs and comorbid medical illness. Understanding the mechanisms
and the SNRI venlafaxine have demonstrated positive effects for underlying the associations between depression and medical ill-
women without depression who become menopausal after che- ness may stimulate the development of novel therapies that pro-
motherapy for breast cancer or who have a recurrence of vaso- vide effective interventions for this complex patient population.
motor symptoms when they discontinue hormone replacement
therapy. They have been effective for reducing the number and
intensity of hot flashes and night sweats. The potential for drug DI SC L O SU R E S
interactions must be considered in patients with cancer. Recent
evidence indicates that antidepressants that inhibit CYP2D6 The work of Drs. Benton, Crits-Christoph, Dubé, and Evans,
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INTR ODUC T IO N neurotransmitter imbalances within the brain are the main
causes of depression and that medication correcting these
Depression encompasses a large number of psychobiologi- imbalances can lead to clinical improvement (Schildkraut,
cal syndromes with the core features of depressed mood and/ 1965). The support for the monoamine hypothesis came from
or loss of interest associated with cognitive and somatic dis- several observations. The locus coeruleus (the major source of
turbances, which causes significant functional impairment. the brain’s adrenergic innervations), and the brainstem raphe
Clinical depression is distinguished from normal sadness by the nuclei (origin of serotonin neurons) have modulatory roles,
severity of associated symptoms and its impact on functional regulating global functions such as arousal, vigilance, atten-
status. Major depressive disorder (MDD) is characterized by tion, mood, and appetite. Certain drugs, such as reserpine,
one or more episodes of depressed mood, or a loss of interest which deplete the monoamine neurotransmitters, induce a
or pleasure, for a minimum of two weeks, associated with four clinical state indistinguishable from depression, thus provid-
or more of the following symptoms: appetite disturbance, sleep ing an animal model for the disease. Also, antidepressants such
disturbance, psychomotor agitation or retardation, fatigue or as MAOIs and TCAs increased by different mechanisms the
loss of energy, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, poor con- amounts of monoamine neurotransmitters, resulting in clini-
centration, suicide attempts, or thoughts of death (American cal relief from depression.
Psychiatric Association, 2000). Frequently, depressed patients In its most simplistic form, the monoamine hypothesis
present with a chief complaint of chronic pain, fatigue, gastro- proved to be an inadequate theory on the biology of depres-
intestinal problems, anxiety, irritability, or sleep disturbance. sion and the mechanisms of antidepressant drug action. There
The lack of a medical cause for these symptoms should raise is a lack of evidence to prove globally diminished levels of
the index of suspicion for clinical depression. A full discussion noradrenergic or serotonergic neurotransmission characterize
of the diagnosis and symptoms of depression is presented in depression. Moreover, the effect of most antidepressants in rais-
Chapter 29. ing the levels of neurotransmitters occurs very fast, in a matter
Large epidemiological studies suggest that major depres- of hours, while the latency for onset of clinical benefit is typi-
sive disorder is common, with a lifetime prevalence of 16.6%, cally two to four weeks, and for the full clinical effect six to eight
occurring with approximately twofold higher frequency in weeks. According to more recent understanding of the neuro-
women compared to men (Kessler et al., 2005). biological effects of antidepressants, it is possible that changes
Given the high prevalence and morbidity of depression, in monoaminergic neurotransmitters are at the origin of a
research efforts for discovery of effective antidepressant treat- chain of intracellular second-messenger systems that promote
ments span many decades. The first antidepressant agents, gene regulation and synthesis of neuroprotective factors such
iproniazid (Crane, 1956) and imipramine (Kuhn, 1958), were as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), thereby gradu-
discovered by serendipity, as they had been initially developed ally restoring network function and ultimately mood (Kozisek
for other indications (tuberculosis and psychosis, respectively). et al, 2008). By regulating the phosphorylation of the DA- and
Empiric observations about these agents’ activity on mood and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein DARPP-32, antidepressants
psychomotor function led to more systematic clinical trials such as SSRIs also have indirect effects on α-amino-3-hydroxy-
in depressed patients, where they demonstrated clinical effi- 5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) glutamate recep-
cacy. In further investigations iproniazid was found to inhibit tors, which represent a novel therapeutic target in depression
the monoamine oxidase enzyme (involved in the catabolism (Alt et al., 2006).
of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine) while imip- However, the monoamine theory had an important role
ramine was shown to inhibit the reuptake of serotonin and in guiding subsequent efforts for the discovery of novel anti-
norepinephrine (Gershon et al., 1962; Glowinski and Axelrod, depressants. The understanding that serotonin plays a major
1964). Such insights led directly to the discovery of additional role in depression led to focused research for drugs with activ-
molecules with antidepressant properties—the monoamine ity on serotonergic receptors, although antidepressant effi-
oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and the tricyclic antidepressants cacy has been associated with opposing mechanisms of action
(TCAs)—and to a number of key observations linking the (e.g., selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSRIs, versus
monoamines (serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine) to tianeptine, a selective serotonin reuptake enhancer). SSRIs were
mood, perception, and cognition. This became the basis of the the first class of antidepressants specifically researched based on
monoamine hypothesis of depression, postulating that basic a putative mechanism of action. After the first SSRI, zimelidine,

508 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

was withdrawn due to side effects, fluvoxamine (first marketed augment antidepressants (such as lithium, thyroid hormones,
in 1984 in Switzerland) and fluoxetine (marketed in the United atypical antipsychotics).
States since 1987) became the precursors of a series of other
antidepressants with similar monoaminergic mechanisms.
The development of novel antidepressants has been limited
by imperfect understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) have been in use for more
causing depression and by the biological and clinical hetero- than 50 years. They are named after their core chemical struc-
geneity of patients with the same diagnosis and by imperfect ture consisting of three rings (two joined benzene rings). The
clinical research methods (e.g., variability in rating scores and initial TCA, imipramine, with a chemical structure similar
limited sensitivity to change in some research instruments, to phenothiazines, was discovered in the 1950s and found to
inflation of placebo response rates). be associated with robust clinical improvements in depressed
The rational selection of antidepressant treatments subjects (Kuhn, 1958). The class includes tertiary amine TCAs,
requires an understanding of their pharmacological and bio- which inhibit the reuptake of both norepinephrine and sero-
logical properties (Montgomery, 2007). Partial or inadequate tonin (members of this class include amitriptyline [Elavil],
response to antidepressant treatment is common in MDD; imipramine [Tofranil], trimipramine [Surmontil], clomip-
only about 30% to 40% of the patients who receive adequate ramine [Anafranil], doxepin [Sinequan]), and their demethy-
pharmacotherapy will achieve full remission (absence or near lated secondary amine derivatives TCAs, with more selective
absence of symptoms) (Rush et al., 2006). In the Sequenced norepinephrine reuptake inhibition (nortriptyline [Pamelor],
Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) study desipramine [Norpramin], protriptyline [Vivactil], amoxapine
only 29% of 2,876 MDD subjects treated with the maximum [Ascendin]). In addition, maprolitine (Ludiomil) is classified
tolerated dose of citalopram (up to 60 mg) for up to 14 weeks as a tetracyclic.
achieved remission (Trivedi et al., 2006). Several clinical vari- With the exception of clomipramine, where serotonin
ables such as comorbid anxiety disorders (Fava et al., 2008), reuptake inhibition predominates, all other TCAs inhibit the
substance use disorders (Nunes and Levin, 2004), and medical reuptake of norepinephrine more potently than the reuptake
illness (Iosifescu, 2007), have been associated with lower rates of serotonin (Richelson, 2003). TCAs are also active at multi-
of improvement with antidepressant treatments. Non-response ple other monoamine receptors: to varying degrees TCAs also
to antidepressants is associated with disability and higher med- block histamine H-1 receptors, serotonin 5-HT2 receptors,
ical costs (Simon et al, 2006), and partial response is associated muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, and α-1 adrenergic recep-
with higher relapse and recurrence rates (Judd et al, 1998). tors (Richelson and Nelson, 1984). This explains their side-
Moreover, it takes 6–12 weeks to fully evaluate the efficacy of effect profile, as described later, and may also explain potential
an antidepressant treatment. As each new pharmacotherapy is secondary mechanisms of antidepressant effect. Amoxapine is
tried, patients are exposed to additional cost, side effect bur- also a dopamine D2 receptor antagonist (which confers both
den, and the potential for loss of function and suicide. antipsychotic properties and a risk of extrapyramidal side
We will focus in this chapter on the pharmacological effects (Richelson, 2003).
treatments for major depressive disorder (MDD), while also Although TCAs are generally as effective as the more mod-
reviewing somatic treatments, psychotherapies, and natural ern selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for depres-
remedies with proven efficacy in MDD. We will also focus on sion (Anderson, 2000) and some evidence favors the use of
strategies to use these treatments, alone or in combination, in TCAs in severe melancholic depression (Perry, 1996), they
MDD patients. Finally we will review treatment of depression are rarely used as first-line treatments due to their inferior
in special populations such as melancholic, atypical depres- side-effect and safety profile in comparison with newer anti-
sion, bipolar depression, or psychotic depression. depressants. In addition, TCAs have a more established track
record than SSRIs in treating a variety of chronic pain con-
ditions, including neuropathies, fibromyalgia, and migraine
PHAR MA C O L O GIC A L TREATME N T S (Sindrup et al., 2005).
(THE A NT ID EP RES S A NTS ) Typical TCA antidepressant doses are 100–300 mg/day
(nortriptyline and protriptyline require lower doses). TCA
Most antidepressants currently available have mechanisms of treatment should be initiated with lower doses (e.g., 10 mg/day
action involving monoaminergic neurotransmitters. A use- for imipramine) due to poor tolerability at higher doses. The
ful classification is based on their known receptor affinities, relationship between serum levels and clinical response varies:
despite the fact that significant chemical structural diversity while desipramine was reported to have a linear relationship
may be present within each class, which in turn may explain between increasing levels and effectiveness, most other TCAs
significant differences in pharmacokinetics, metabolism, toler- appear to exhibit an inverse “U” shaped curve, with decreasing
ability, or toxicity (see Table 38.1). We will discuss separately efficacy at blood levels above therapeutic range (Perry et al.,
major classes of antidepressants (e.g., TCAs, MAOIs, SSRIs, 1994). Blood levels may be useful in establishing compliance,
SNRIs), and specific antidepressants not fitting into these higher than usual dose requirements (as in chronic smokers),
classes (e.g., bupropion, mirtazapine). We will then discuss or toxicity due to overdose or drug interactions.
strategies to address treatment non-response, including com- The adverse effect profile of TCAs accounts for the high
binations of antidepressants and other medications used to dropout rate (30–70%) in published studies. Blockade of

3 8 T R E AT M E N T S F O R D E P R E S S I O N | 509

TA BLE 38.1 . Antidepressant blockade of several monoamine transporters and receptors in the human brain. Potency (affinity) data is expressed as the inverse of the equilibrium
dissociation constant Kd, multiplied by 10–7. (Data are adapted from Richelson, 2003.)


Paroxetine 800 2.5 320 0.2 0.029 0.0031 0.0045 0.93 0.0053

Fluoxetine 120 0.41 300 0.028 0.017 0.0083 0.016 0.05 0.48

Sertraline 340 0.24 1400 4 0.27 0.0094 0.0041 0.16 0.01

Fluvoxamine 45 0.077 580 0.011 0.013 0 0.00092 0.0042 0.018

Citalopram 90 0.025 3500 0.0036 0.053 0 0.21 0.045 0.042

Clomipramine 360 2.7 140 0.045 2.6 0.53 3.2 2.7 3.7

Imipramine 70 2.7 27 0.012 1.1 0.05 9.1 1.1 1.2

Amitriptyline 23 2.9 8 0.031 3.7 0.1 91 5.6 3.4

Desipramine 5.7 120 0.05 0.031 0.77 0.0303 0.91 0.5 0.36

Amoxapine 1.7 6.2 0.27 0.023 2 5.6 4 0.1 97

Doxepin 1.5 3.4 0.43 0.0082 4.2 0.042 420 1.2 4

Venlafaxine 11 0.094 120 0.011 0 0 0 0 0

Reboxetine 1.7 14 0.12 0.0084 0.025 0.32 0.015 0.016

Nefazodone 0.5 0.28 2 0.28 3.9 0.11 4.7 0.0091 30

Mirtazipine 0.001 0.021 0.05 0.001 0.02 0.01 700 0.15 6.1
Buproprion 0.011 0.0019 5.8 0.19 0.022 0 0.015 0.0021 0.0011
muscarinic acetylcholine receptors causes dry mouth, blurred elevated in multiple brain areas in MDD subjects (Meyer et al.,
vision, constipation, urinary hesitancy, tachycardia, and ejacu- 2009), and was considered the therapeutic target of MAOIs in
latory difficulties. Secondary amine TCAs tend to cause fewer depression.
anticholinergic effects than tertiary amine TCAs. TCAs should Older MAOIs such as phenelzine (Nardil), tranylcyprom-
be avoided in patients with narrow angle glaucoma and pros- ine (Parnate), and isocarboxazid (Marplan), are irreversible
tatic hypertrophy as symptoms related to these conditions may inhibitors of both MAO-A and MAO-B. Their chemical struc-
worsen because of anticholinergic effects. Blockade of hista- tures relate either to the hydrazine class (phenelzine and iso-
mine H-1 receptors may cause sedation, carbohydrate craving, carbaxid) or are related to CNS stimulants (tranylcypromine).
and weight gain. Weight gain with TCAs can be substantial, Moclobemide is a selective and reversible inhibitor of MAO-A
averaging 1–3 lb per month of treatment. Secondary amine available in Europe. The antiparkinsonian agent, selegiline
TCAs tend to cause less sedation than tertiary amine TCAs. (Eldepryl), is a more selective MAO-B inhibitor, particularly at
Alpha-1 adrenergic receptor antagonism may lead to orthos- low doses (<10 mg/day), but is not effective as an antidepres-
tatic hypotension, which can be severe. Nortriptyline is gener- sant at those doses. A newer formulation of transdermal sele-
ally thought to be less likely to cause orthostatic hypotension giline was shown to minimize the inhibition of MAO-A in the
than tertiary amine TCAs. TCAs can block sodium and potas- GI tract (30% inhibition) at doses producing maximal MAO-A
sium channels, which can lead to arrhythmogenic and epilep- and MOA-B inhibition in the brain (Wecker et al., 2003).
togenic effects, especially in overdose. Cardiac toxicity may Transdermal selegiline (EmSam) is an effective antidepressant
occur in susceptible individuals and following TCA overdose. and relatively safer than other orally available MAOIs.
TCAs should be avoided in patients with bifascicular heart The overall efficacy of MAOIs appears to not differ from
block, left bundle branch block, or a prolonged QT interval. that of other antidepressant classes such as SSRIs (Papakostas
TCAs also decrease heart rate variability, which is a risk factor and Fava, 2006) or TCAs (Thase et al., 1995). In atypical
for cardiovascular disease. Baseline and follow-up electrocar- depression (characterized by mood reactivity plus hypersom-
diograms should be monitored, especially in older patients or nia, hyperphagia, extreme fatigue when depressed, and/or
those with cardiac conduction disorders, as well as in pediatric rejection sensitivity), MAOIs do appear to be more effective
patients. than TCAs (Thase et al., 1995), but it is unclear whether they
TCAs have a low threshold for toxicity; overdose of even are more effective than SSRIs.
a one-week supply may be lethal. Due to the lethality after The older MAOIs are rarely used in clinical practice due
overdose, it may be safer to treat acutely suicidal depressed to their adverse effects profile (orthostatic hypotension, weight
patients with non-TCA antidepressants or to prescribe limited gain, and sexual dysfunction), particularly the need for dietary
quantities of TCAs. Cytochrome P450 2D6 inhibitors (such as restrictions (to prevent hypertensive crisis), potentially fatal
certain SSRIs) can lead to potentially dangerous increases in drug interactions (due to the interaction with sympathomi-
TCA blood levels. Manifestations of anticholinergic toxicity metic drugs or serotonergic drugs), and toxicity in overdose.
may include dilated pupils, blurred vision, dry skin, hyperpy- Currently the MAOIs are used in individuals with treatment
rexia, ileus, urinary retention, confusion, delirium, and sei- resistant depression, after successive treatment failures with
zures. Additionally, arrhythmias, hypotension, and coma may more recent antidepressants.
develop. Although TCAs are highly plasma-bound and are not The most common side effects include postural hypoten-
removed by hemodialysis, they are metabolized by hepatic sion, insomnia, agitation, sedation, impotence, delayed ejac-
microsomal enzymes. Patients who have overdosed on TCAs ulation, or anorgasmia. Others include weight change, dry
may require alkalinization of their serum, pressors, or ventila- mouth, constipation, and urinary hesitancy. Peripheral neu-
tory support to maintain survival. ropathies have been reported and may be avoided by concomi-
While no longer used as first-line treatment for depression tant therapy with vitamin B6.
due to their unfavorable side-effect and safety profile, TCAs are When patients on MAOIs ingest dietary amines, rather
effective antidepressants and are commonly used in patients than being catabolized in the intestines and the liver they are
with chronic pain (Sindrup et al., 2005). taken up in sympathetic nerve terminals and may cause the
release of endogenous catecholamines with resulting adren-
ergic crises. This is characterized by hypertension, hyperpy-
rexia, and other adrenergic symptoms such as tachycardia,
MAOIs act by inhibiting the monoamine oxidase (MAO), an tremulousness, and cardiac arrhythmias. The amine most
enzyme found on the outer membrane of cellular mitochon- commonly associated with these symptoms is tyramine, but
dria, where it catabolizes intracellular monoamines, including others, such as phenylethylalamine and dopamine may be
the CNS monoamines: dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, involved. Dietary amines can be avoided by adherence to
and tyramine. In the GI tract and the liver, MAO catabo- dietary restrictions and avoiding tyramine-containing foods.
lizes dietary pressor amines, such as dopamine, tyramine, The diet must be strictly followed. Patients must be instructed
tryptamine, and phenylethylamine. MAO has two forms to avoid all matured or aged cheese, fermented or dried meats,
(MAO-A and MAO-B), with differences in substrate prefer- such as pepperoni and salami, fava and broad bean pods (not
ence, inhibitor specificity, and tissue distribution. MAO-A, the beans themselves), tap beers, marmite yeast extract, sau-
which preferentially oxidizes norepinephrine and serotonin, erkraut, soy sauce and other soy products, such as tofu and
appears in positron emission tomography (PET) studies to be tempe. All meats and cheese must be fresh and must have been

3 8 T R E AT M E N T S F O R D E P R E S S I O N | 511

stored and refrigerated or frozen properly. Up to two bottles of profile, a broad spectrum of efficacy for comorbid disorders,
beer or glasses of wine may be consumed safely; this restriction a low potential for abuse and dependence, safety in overdose,
includes non-alcoholic beers (Walker et al., 1996). and single daily dosing (with the exception of fluvoxamine).
Since endogenous MAO activity does not return to baseline Disadvantages of SSRIs include side effects and drug–drug
immediately upon MAOI discontinuation, two weeks should interactions by inhibiting the activity of cytochrome P450
transpire before discontinuing the MAOI diet after MAOI dis- isoenzymes. The most common side effects of SSRIs are
continuation, or before beginning a contraindicated medication. increased anxiety or “jitteriness” on initial dosing, headaches,
Reversible MAOIs such as moclobemide were pursued as a agitation, insomnia, nausea (which tends to be worst during
safer alternative to older MAOIs with a lower risk for hyperten- early treatment), diarrhea, reduced appetite, weight loss or
sive crises, but their antidepressant efficacy was not superior to gain, excessive sweating, headache, insomnia, sedation, diz-
SSRIs (Papakostas and Fava, 2006). Transdermal selegiline is ziness, and sexual dysfunction—including decreased libido,
associated with a lower risk for hypertensive crises although delayed ejaculation, impotence, and anorgasmia. Other side
the FDA requires a tyramine-free diet at the higher doses of effects include rash, dry mouth, and prolonged bleeding
the patch. time. SSRIs have been associated with an increased risk of
treatment-emergent suicidal ideation in children, adolescents,
and young adults (under the age of 25), a side effect shared
with other classes of antidepressants.
All currently available SSRIs appear to be equally effica-
Inhibition of the reuptake of serotonin at neuronal synap- cious for depression. The most significant differences between
tic clefts is the immediate mechanism of selective serotonin molecules in this family involve their half-lives and interactions
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which occurs within hours of initi- with the cytochrome P 450 isoenzymes. Half-lives vary greatly
ation of SSRI treatment. SSRIs also have effects at other mono- among the SSRIs. Although an antidepressant’s half-life is not
amine receptors (such as norepinephrine and dopamine), but relevant to its treatment efficacy or its onset of action, it may
their affinity is one to two orders of magnitude higher for the be significant in terms of its side effects, its interactions with
serotonin transporter (Table 38.1) (Richelson, 2003). By block- other agents, and its discontinuation-emergent symptoms.
ing serotonin reuptake SSRIs increase the amount of available Medications with shorter half-lives may be useful when abrupt
serotonin in the synaptic cleft, stimulating a large number of discontinuation is desired due to intolerable side effects or to
serotonin receptors subtypes. However, the immediate effect medication interactions, however medications with shorter
on serotonin receptors cannot account by itself for antide- half-lives are more likely to cause the discontinuation-emergent
pressant efficacy; the typical time to clinical improvement in symptoms (e.g., tachycardia, flu-like symptoms, dizziness,
depression for all antidepressant medications, including the myalgias, anxiety, irritability, worsening of mood, jitteriness,
SSRIs, is four to eight weeks. and nausea). An SSRI with a longer half-life is more likely to
More than 60 double blind placebo-controlled studies sup- “self-taper,” and may be beneficial for a patient who is apt to
port the efficacy of SSRIs in MDD (Papakostas et al., 2006). miss occasional dosages. Fluoxetine has the longest half-life
Available SSRIs include fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, (two days, while its active metabolite norfluoxetine has a
fluvoxamine (in the United States only approved for OCD), half-life of 7–10 days). Fluoxetine is dosed daily, but due to
citalopram, and escitalopram (the S-enantiomer of citalo- its long half-life a once-weekly formulation of this drug is also
pram). Vilazodone, approved by the FDA in 2011, is a sero- available. Fluvoxamine has the shortest half-life (16 hours) and
tonin reuptake inhibitor and a partial agonist of the 5-HT1A is the only SSRI requiring twice daily dosing.
receptor. The common dosage regimens of SSRIs are presented Drug interactions: In rare cases, a serotonin syndrome
in Table 38.2. Although dose-response curves have not been can also occur when SSRIs are combined with monoamine
definitively established for the SSRIs, some patients who do oxidase inhibitors or with relatively serotonergic agents. More
not respond at a lower dose may benefit by having their dos- commonly, SSRIs may inhibit cytochrome P450 isoenzymes
age increased. SSRIs are hepatically metabolized and renally (Manolopoulos et al., 2012). Cytochrome P-450 isoenzymes,
excreted; therefore, dose adjustments may be required in including the isoenzymes 1A2, 2C, 2D6, 3A3/4, are a family
patients with reduced liver or renal function. of heme-thiolate proteins located on microsomal membranes
For reasons of tolerability and their relatively benign throughout the body. Their mechanism is best known in the
side-effect profile (as discussed later), the SSRIs have become liver and bowel wall, where they oxidatively metabolize medi-
the first-line treatment for depressive disorder spectrum ill- cations as well as prostaglandins, fatty acids, and steroids.
nesses, ranging from dysthymia to major depression. SSRIs Alteration in function of these isoenzymes may cause clini-
are very rarely associated with fatalities even in the pres- cally significant pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions, via
ence of large overdoses, unless they are combined with other changes in drug levels. CYP450 2D6 inhibition by several SSRI
agents. Several SSRIs may be relatively safe during pregnancy; antidepressants (primarily fluoxetine and paroxetine, but also
fluoxetine and sertraline have a larger number of observa- clinically relevant for sertraline) and by buproprion may lead
tional studies confirming low rates of fetal malformations or to increased levels of TCAs, beta-blockers, antiarrhythmics,
complications, while paroxetine has been associated with an and several narcotic analgesics (codeine, hydroxycodone, oxy-
increased risk of congenital heart malformations (Patil et al., codone, tramadol, dextromethorphan), which are all substrates
2011). Advantages of SSRIs include a favorable side-effect for this enzyme. Also a potential consequence is inhibition of

512 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 38. 2. Overview of antidepressants used in the United States



SSRI Escitalopram 10–20 q.d. 10 27–32 Class effects: Class effects: C

(Lexapro) nausea, bleeding,
diarrhea, seizure,
Citalopram 20–60 q.d. 10 35 headache, serotonin C
(Celexa) insomnia, syndrome,
somnolence, worsening
Fluoxetine (Prozac) 10–80 q.d. 10 87 sexual depression or C
dysfunction, anxiety,
Fluvoxamine 50–300 q.d. 25 16 C
weight gain suicidal
Paroxetine (Paxil) 20–50 q.d. 10 21 D

Sertraline (Zoloft) 50–200 q.d. 25 26 C

Vilazodone 20–40 q.d. 10 20 C


SNRI Venlafaxine 75–225 q.d. 37.5 3.6 Class effects: Class effects: C
(Effexor XR) nausea, seizure,
headache, serotonin
Desvenlafaxine 50–100 q.d. 50 11 dry mouth, syndrome, C
(Pristiq) diarrhea, suicidal
constipation, thoughts,
Milnacipran 50–200 b.i.d. 12.5 6–8 dizziness, bleeding, C
(Savella)* tremor, hyponatremia,
sweating, glaucoma,
Duloxetine 60–120 q.d. 60 12 C
hypertension, hypertension,
blurred hepatotoxicity
vision, sexual (duloxetine),
dysfunction, hyperglycemia

TCA Clomipramine 25–250 q.d.—b.i.d. 12.5–25 32 Class effects: Class effects: C

(Anafranil) dry mouth, can be lethal
constipation, in overdose,
Doxepine 75–300 q.d.—b.i.d. 10–25 15 urinary cardiac C
(Sinequan) retention, arrhythmia,
somnolence, hematological
Imipramine 100–200 q.d.—b.i.d. 10–25 6–18 dizziness, abnormalities, C
(Tofranil) weight suicidal
gain, sexual thoughts
Maprotiline 40–150 q.d.—b.i.d. 10–25 30 B
Nortriptyline 15–60 q.d.—b.i.d. 12.5–25 74 D

Protriptyline 75–300 q.d.—b.i.d. 5–10 24 C


Trimipramine 100–200 q.d.—b.i.d. 10–25 16–40 C


Desipramine 75–300 q.d.—b.i.d. 10–25 17 C



3 8 T R E AT M E N T S F O R D E P R E S S I O N | 513

TA B L E 38. 2. (Continued)



Maprotiline 40–150 q.d.—b.i.d. 10–25 30 B


Amoxapine 75–300 q.d.—b.i.d. 10–25 8–30 C


MAOI Phenelzine (Nardil) 45–90 t.i.d. 15 3 Class effects: Class effects: C

dry mouth, can be lethal
Tranylcypromine 30–60 b.i.d. 10 3 constipation, in overdose, C
(Parnate) orthostasis, cardiac
weight arrhythmia,
Isocarboxazid 20–60 bid-qid 10 ? gain, sexual hypertensive C
(Marplan) dysfunction, crisis,
somnolence, myocardial
Moclobemide * 300–600 t.i.d. 300 2 C
dizziness, infarction
Selegiline 6–12 q.d. 6 1.5 C

Atypical Nefazadone 300–600 b.i.d. 100 3 Somnolence, Hepatotoxicity C

antidepressants (Serzone) dizziness, Dry
mouth, Nausea,
Blurred vision

Buproprion 200–400 b.i.d. 150 12 Agitation, Increased C

(Wellbutrin SR, XL) Insomnia, seizure risk
Weight loss,
Dry mouth,

Mirtazapine 30–45 q.d. 15 30 Somnolence, C

(Remeron) Weight gain,
Dry mouth,
Trazodone 150–400 q.d. 150 4–9 Sedation, Priapism, C
(Desyrel) Orthostatic Arrhythmias
Headache, Dry
* Not FDA approved for the treatment of depression

the conversion of codeine to its active form (morphine) with sertraline has a potential for increased levels of anticoagulant
subsequent reduction of its efficacy. CYP450 3A4 inhibition (warfarin) and diazepam.
by fluvoxamine (and the non-SSRI nefazodone) has poten-
tial consequences in increased levels of numerous commonly T R A Z O D O N E A N D N E FA Z O D O N E
prescribed substrates including carbamazepine, cyclosporine, The phenylpiperazine nefazodone and the triazolopyride tra-
alprazolam, midazolam, zolpidem, zaleplon, calcium channel zodone are 5-HT2 antagonists. Both inhibit serotonin 5-HT2A
blockers, statins, sildenafil, oral contraceptives, and pimozide receptors; they are also weak inhibitors of serotonin reuptake.
(arrhythmia risk). CYP450 1A2 inhibition by fluvoxamine may Inhibition of postsynaptic 5-HT2A receptors has a synergistic
lead to toxicity on clozapine, theophylline, and other 1A2 sub- effect with serotonin reuptake inhibition (explaining the anti-
strates. CYP450 2C inhibition by fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, or depressant effects of these molecules as monotherapy and in

514 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

combination with SSRIs). Trazodone may also act as a sero- (Dong and Blier, 2001). The overall effect appears to be related
tonin agonist through an active metabolite and it is an antag- to an increase in the brain extracellular dopamine and norepi-
onist of alpha-1 adrenergic receptors (associated with side nephrine concentrations. Clinically, bupropion has sympath-
effects). omimetic, stimulant-like effects.
Their antidepressant efficacy appears similar to that Buproprion appears to be as effective as SSRIs in the treat-
of SSRIs in a meta-analysis (Papakostas and Fava, 2007). ment of depression (Thase et al., 2005). Its stimulant-like effects
Usual effective doses for both are 200–600 mg/day. The FDA suggest it is more effective than SSRIs in treating fatigue asso-
approved an extended-release version of trazodone in 2010. ciated with depression, while SSRIs appear more effective than
Both medications have sedative properties and improve sleep bupropion in the treatment of anxious depression. Clinical
continuity (5-HT-2 receptor blockers increase slow-wave efficacy was also demonstrated for seasonal affective disorder.
sleep). Adrenergic effects of trazodone are associated with Effective doses range between 200 and 450 mg/day.
orthostatic hypotension. Priapism is a rare side effect of tra- Common side effects include agitation, insomnia, weight loss,
zodone that requires immediate medical attention. Trazodone dry mouth, headache, constipation, and tremor. Doses below
may also induce arrhythmias in those with preexisting heart 450 mg/day are associated with a rate of seizures of 0.4% for its
disease. Nefazodone has fewer side effects than trazodone due immediate release form and lower for sustained release prepa-
to lower alpha-1 blockade. It is less likely to cause sexual dys- rations. However, the risk of seizure markedly increases (2.4%)
function than SSRIs or TCAs, and is less anticholinergic and at doses > 450 mg/day and > 200 mg/dose. Bupropion may be
histaminergic. Common side effects include somnolence, diz- more likely to induce seizures in patients with bulimia nervosa
ziness, dry mouth, nausea, constipation, headache, and ambly- and histories of head trauma. It is generally safe in overdose,
opia and blurred vision. Nefazodone has been associated with though fatalities have been reported. Bupropion is usually safe
rare but fatal hepatotoxicity, but remains an effective treatment for patients with cardiac disease, although it may participate in
for depression associated with anxiety. drug interactions. It rarely induces sexual dysfunction and can
even be beneficial as an adjunct in SSRI-induced sexual dys-
M I RTA Z A P I N E ( R E M E R O N ) function. Bupropion is particularly useful for depressed sub-
Mirtazapine has a tetracyclic chemical structure (unrelated to jects benefiting from its energizing effects (decreasing fatigue,
the TCAs). It is an antagonist at inhibitory alpha-2 adrener- increasing concentration) or from its reduced rate of sexual
gic auto- and hetero-receptors, leading to increased release of side effects.
both serotonin and norepinephrine at the synaptic level and
increased tonic activation of postsynaptic 5-HT receptors.
Mirtazapine also blocks 5HT2 and 5HT3 receptors, it is also a
relatively potent histaminergic H-1 receptor antagonist. It does
not have significant affinity for cholinergic or postsynaptic Selective serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
adrenergic receptors. Its antidepressant efficacy is comparable (SNRIs) are potent reuptake inhibitors of both serotonin and
with that of SSRIs in a meta-analysis of head-to-head studies norepinephrine, neurotransmitters associated with important
(Pakakostas et al., 2008b). Histaminergic receptor antagonism symptom domains involved in MDD. While this is a simpli-
may be related to common side effects including somnolence, fication, norepinephrine may be related to energy, alertness,
weight gain, dizziness, dry mouth, and constipation. Weight attention, and interest, while serotonin to anxiety, obsessions,
gain can be significantly larger compared to other antidepres- and compulsions (Nutt, 2008). The SNRI group includes
sants. Due to blockade of 5HT2 and 5HT3 receptors, mirtazap- venlafaxine, desvenlafaxine, duloxetine, and milnacipran.
ine may reduce SSRI-related sexual dysfunction and nausea Venlafaxine (Effexor, Effexor XR) is a phenylethylamine; it
when administered concomitantly. The drug appears to have inhibits both serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake at doses
no known cardiac toxicity and to be relatively safe in overdose. above 150 mg, while lower doses only have a clinically signifi-
Mirtazapine is an effective antidepressant, particularly useful cant inhibitory effect on serotonin reuptake. It has very low
in subjects where its effects on increasing sleep and increasing affinity for histaminergic, cholinergic, and adrenergic recep-
appetite are desirable; it is also preferable due to reduced rate tors. Desvenlafaxine, the major metabolite of venlafaxine, is a
of sexual side effects. more potent reuptake inhibitor of norepinephrine. Duloxetine
is a relatively more potent norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
BUPROPION (WELLBUTRIN, WELLBUTRIN SR, XL) than venlafaxine; it has little affinity for cholinergic or hista-
The mechanism of action of bupropion has not been fully minergic receptors. Milnacipran has the highest relative nor-
elucidated, although it appears to block the reuptake of both epinephrine reuptake inhibition in the class. Milnacipran is
dopamine and norepinephrine. Bupropion inhibits the striatal only approved by the FDA for the treatment of fibromyalgia
uptake of the selective dopamine transporter (DAT)–binding but is available as an antidepressant in Europe.
radioligand (Meyer et al., 2002), but the lack of decrease in Venlafaxine and desvenlafaxine are only 30% protein
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of homovanilic acid (the pri- bound and thus have low likelihood of displacing tightly
mary dopamine metabolite) suggests the activity of bupro- bound drugs, such as warfarin and phenytoin. Also, both
pion is not primarily related to dopamine reuptake inhibition. venlafaxine and desvenlafaxine are not potent inhibitors of
Bupropion also has weak affinity for the norepinephrine any cytochrome P450 hepatic enzymes, which results in low
transporter and increases presynaptic norepinephrine release risk for pharmacokinetic drug interactions. Desvenlafaxine is

3 8 T R E AT M E N T S F O R D E P R E S S I O N | 515

also not a substrate for CYP 2D6; therefore it is not subject A G O M E L AT I N E
to drug-drug interactions (its metabolism is not affected by Agomelatine is an antidepressant with a novel mechanism of
inhibitors or inducers of CYP2D6). Similar to desvenlafaxine, action, with melatonin MT1 and MT2 agonist and serotonin
milnacipran undergoes very little hepatic metabolism. 5-HT2C antagonist effects. The 5-HT2C effects appear to be
Several meta-analyses have suggested that in aggregate related to increase in prefrontal dopaminergic and noradren-
SNRIs are associated with higher rates of remission compared ergic activity. Its melatonergic effects appear to be related to
to SSRIs, but the difference appears modest or insignificant improved sleep quality, with no reported daytime drowsiness.
from a clinical perspective (Machado and Einarson, 2010). An It appears to have no affinity for adrenergic, histaminergic,
earlier meta-analysis using the number needed to treat (NNT) cholinergic, dopaminergic, or other serotonergic receptors.
statistic suggests nearly 24 patients would need to be treated In European studies agomelatine was found to be effective in
with SNRIs instead of SSRIs in order to obtain one additional the treatment of MDD; three out of six placebo-controlled tri-
responder (well short of the NNT = 10 suggested as a mark als have supported the short-term efficacy of agomelatine in
of significant clinical difference between alternate therapies) MDD. Other studies have shown agomelatine to be as effective
(Papakostas et al., 2007c). The dual effects of venlafaxine on as the SSRI paroxetine or the SNRI venlafaxine (Carney and
serotonin and norepinephrine have been used to explain the Shelton, 2011). Agomelatine is marketed as an antidepressant
small increase in remission rates compared to SSRIs (Nemeroff in Europe since 2009. Its development in the United States was
et al., 2008). Duloxetine was shown to be additionally effica- discontinued in 2011. The phase III US trials provided incon-
cious in the treatment of painful symptoms associated with sistent results: in one study the 25 mg dose but not the 50 mg
depression. The dual effect on serotonin and norepinephrine separated from placebo, while in the other study only the
is associated, just as in the case of TCAs, with SNRI efficacy in 50 mg dose achieved efficacy (Stahl et al., 2010). Agomelatine
chronic pain conditions; both duloxetine and milnacipran are has a favorable side-effect profile but has been associated with
effective in the treatment of fibromyalgia. elevated liver transaminases in up to 4% of subjects.
As a class the SNRIs share many of their side effects. Similar
with SSRIs, SNRIs are associated with GI side effects (nausea,
diarrhea), insomnia, sedation, sexual dysfunction, headaches,
sweating, tremors, dizziness, and weight gain. In contrast to
SSRIs, the noradrenergic effects of SNRIs are associated with Given the large variety of available antidepressants and the
treatment-emergent hypertension (which is more prominent lack of overwhelming evidence of superior efficacy for any
with venlafaxine and at higher doses), palpitations, and tachy- one class, the choice of an initial antidepressant treatment is
cardia. The more potent noradrenergic effects of duloxetine primarily related to tolerability, safety, and economic factors
and milnacipran are also associated with dry mouth, consti- (cost, insurance formulary). Although many patients with
pation, and urinary retention. Abrupt discontinuation of any MDD achieve clinical response (defined as 50% improvement
SNRI may result in withdrawal-related adverse events similar of symptoms) to their initial antidepressant treatment, one
to SSRIs, but the syndrome is most intense with venlafaxine. third to one half of depressed patients fail to respond to anti-
Hepatotoxicity has been reported with duloxetine and with depressant treatments of adequate dose and duration (Rush
milnacipran. et al., 2006a). Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is gener-
As a group of efficacious and relatively well-tolerated anti- ally defined as lack of adequate improvement after two anti-
depressants, SNRIs are frequently used in patients having failed depressant treatments used at adequate doses (see Table 38.2)
treatment with an SSRI, or even as first-line treatments. and duration (minimum six weeks). Remission (defined as
resolution of symptoms) is an even more important goal; it
is associated with improved long-term outcomes and lower
relapse rates. The initial evaluation of a subject with TRD
Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (NRIs) have primary should start with a reevaluation of the diagnosis and comor-
activity by inhibiting the transport (as in the case of rebox- bid illnesses. Bipolar depression would require different phar-
etine) or the reuptake of norepinephrine (e.g., atomoxetine). macological approaches, as outlined later in this chapter. The
Reboxetine also increases prefrontal cortex dopamine activ- presence of comorbid medical (e.g., cardiovascular, diabetes,
ity. Reboxetine is available as an antidepressant in Europe etc.) and psychiatric illness (e.g., substance abuse, psychosis)
but not in the United States; its overall antidepressant effi- has been associated with increased levels of treatment resis-
cacy appears similar to SSRIs in a meta-analysis (Papakostas tance; such comorbidities need to be treated to improve clini-
et al., 2008a), although in the US phase III trials reboxetine cal outcomes. Patients who have already failed to respond to
did not separate from placebo. Atomoxetine (Strattera), two treatments (TRD) experience very low (10–20%) remis-
which is FDA approved for the treatment of attention defi- sion rates with their next treatments (defined as near complete
cit disorder, has minimal data supporting efficacy in MDD. resolution of symptoms); for this group of patients there is no
Both medications share side effects related to noradrener- single pharmacotherapy showing significant superiority (Rush
gic effects: dry mouth, nausea, sedation, urinary hesitancy, et al., 2006b, 2009).
and tachycardia. At this point the majority of available Common pharmacological strategies for TRD include
data appears to favor SSRIs versus NRIs in the treatment of antidepressant dose increases/optimization, switches to
depression. other antidepressants, combinations of antidepressants, and

516 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

augmentation of antidepressants with other pharmacologi- statistically significant (Nierenberg et al., 2006). Therefore
cal agents. Non-pharmacological strategies include switch or the evidence for the efficacy of lithium as an augmentation
combination treatment with ECT, TMS, or psychotherapy, as is not conclusive. Lithium augmentation of TCAs remains a
discussed later in this chapter. Gradual dose increases/opti- validated strategy. Adjunctive lithium may be associated with
mization to the maximum FDA-recommended doses can be side effects such as tremor, somnolence, sedation, gastrointes-
efficacious especially in subjects responding partially to the tinal symptoms (nausea, anorexia, abdominal pain, diarrhea),
initial treatment. A switch to another antidepressant after polyuria, edema, hypothyroidism, weight gain, and cardiac
the first therapy has been proven ineffective (with discontinu- conduction abnormalities.
ation of the first treatment) has the advantage of maintaining Atypical antipsychotics are the most extensively researched
the lower side effect profile associated with monotherapy. The augmentation strategy in TRD. Given the receptor affinities of
switch can be to another antidepressant in the same class or atypical antipsychotics, augmentation of SSRIs may increase
to a different class. A switch to the same class may be associ- levels of norepinephrine and/or dopamine in the prefrontal cor-
ated with rates of response and remission similar to out of tex, leading to improved antidepressant response. Randomized
class switches after a single antidepressant failure in the class. controlled studies have been reported with olanzapine, ris-
In STAR*D Level 2 subjects failing to improve after 12 weeks peridone, quetiapine, and aripiprazole; a meta-analysis of
with the SSRI citalopram had near-identical response rates 10 of these studies reported higher response and remission
after switching to the SSRI sertraline compared to switching rates among patients who received augmentation with atypi-
to the SNRI venlafaxine or to bupropion (Rush et al., 2006b). cal antipsychotics compared to antidepressant monotherapy
However, rates of response tend to be lower after failing two (Papakostas et al., 2007b). The rate of discontinuation for side
antidepressants in the same class, which justifies at that point effects was 3.5 times higher for patients treated with atypical
switching to a different antidepressant class. The disadvantage antipsychotics. Currently three atypical antipsychotics have
of switching involves the loss of any benefits of the initial anti- received FDA approval as augmentation treatments in TRD
depressant treatment; clinical improvement would typically (aripiprazole, quetiapine XR, and the combination of olanzap-
occur only after an adequate duration of treatment with the ine plus fluoxetine). Despite proven efficacy atypical antipsy-
new antidepressant. chotic augmentation should be considered in the context of
Combination therapy involves the addition of a second the significant side effect burden of this class of medications,
antidepressant; the advantages are related to potential phar- which includes sedation, somnolence, nausea, hyperpro-
macological synergy in mechanisms of action (which may lactinemia, dyslipidemia, glucose dysregulation, weight gain,
translate in clinical efficacy) and not losing partial benefits extrapyramidal side effects, neuroleptic malignant syndrome,
associated with the first treatment. The disadvantages relate and tardive dyskinesia.
to an increased side-effect profile (combining side effects of Selective 5HT1A agonists: initial clinical reports of aug-
both agents). Commonly used pharmacological combinations mentation of SSRIs with clomipramine or buspirone have led
are SSRI/SNRI plus bupropion, SNRI/SNRI plus mirtazapine, to theories suggesting that increased postsynaptic 5HT1A
SSRI plus TCA, and SSRI plus NRI (e.g., reboxetine). While activity and desensitization of presynaptic 5HT1A autorecep-
each of these strategies has been associated with adequate tors play a significant role in the antidepressant mechanisms of
rates of success in some studies, a recent study comparing the multiple monoaminergic antidepressants, particularly SSRIs.
efficacy of escitalopram monotherapy to the combinations of Buspirone, a partial agonist at this receptor, appeared as effi-
escitalopram plus bupropion or venlafaxine plus mirtazapine cacious as bupropion when added to the SSRI citalopram in
reported no significant differences in the acute (12 weeks) or STAR*D Level 2 (Rush et al., 2009). Pindolol, a beta-adrenergic
the longer term (7 months) outcomes (Rush et al., 2011). antagonist and a 5HT1A antagonist, was believed to have aug-
Augmentation therapy involves the addition of pharma- mentation efficacy via effects on presynaptic autoreceptors, but
cological agents (with no proven antidepressant properties as pindolol did not separate from placebo in large randomized
monotherapy) to boost the antidepressant response. Effective studies, possibly due to the low receptor occupancy achieved
augmenting agents include lithium, thyroid hormones, atypi- at the doses tested.
cal antipsychotics, agents with serotonin 1A activity, and Hormonal strategies as augmentation in TRD:
hormonal strategies.
Lithium augmentation was initially proposed after the a) Thyroid hormones: Most of the data supporting the
observation of rapid antidepressant effects after the addi- efficacy of thyroid hormones as augmentation treatment
tion of lithium to TCAs. A meta-analysis of the older studies was derived from studies of TCAs. A meta-analysis of
involving lithium augmentation of TCAs suggested lithium four placebo-controlled studies of triiodothyronine
was more efficacious than placebo (Bauer and Dopfmer, (T3) augmentation of TCAs revealed a non-statistically
1999), but only 3 studies (with 110 subjects) were determined significant increase in efficacy of T3 versus placebo
to involve adequate lithium doses, and lithium effects were (Aronson et al., 1996). Limited open data supports the
assessed after only 2 weeks. More recently, STAR*D level 3 efficacy of T3 augmentation of SSRIs, remission rates
compared lithium or T3 augmentation of antidepressants with T3 augmentation in STAR*D level 3 were 24.7%
(sertraline, venlafaxine, or bupropion); numerically lower and numerically larger than those of lithium (Nierenberg
remission rates were reported for lithium (15.9%) compared et al., 2006). Side effects include tremors, sweating, nausea,
to T3 augmentation (24.7%), but the difference was not headaches, palpitations, and dry mouth.

3 8 T R E AT M E N T S F O R D E P R E S S I O N | 517

b) Estrogens: The role of estrogen receptors has been invoked for antidepressants have been inconclusive and/or controver-
in the neurobiology of depression, but clinically estrogen sial (Narasimhan and Lohoff, 2012). With respect to antide-
augmentation is associated with mixed results. One of pressant metabolism and drug-drug interaction, the ability
two double blind placebo-controlled studies of estrogens to measure CYP450 genes and the known effect of CYP450
in perimenopausal women with TRD reported greater enzymes on pharmacokinetics of antidepressants has led to
resolution of depressive symptoms with adjunctive a validated, FDA-approved pharmacogenetic clinical test
estrogens (Ng et al., 2010). Side effects include headache, (AmpliChip CYP450, Roche Diagnostic, Basel, Switzerland).
somnolence, constipation, nausea, and sweating. In a It provides genotypes for the two CYP450 genes CYP2D6 and
randomized controlled trial the efficacy of adjuvant CYP2C19, allowing clinicians to predict the metabolizer status
raloxifene (a selective estrogen receptor modulator) as of a patient, which might influence antidepressant choice and
augmentation in TRD did not differ significantly from dosing. However, the effect of such metabolic changes on clini-
placebo. cal response is inconclusive, and the use of this genotyping test
in clinical practice is limited.
Neuroimaging tests have also been studied extensively as
THE ROLE OF BIOMARKERS IN GUIDING potential markers of antidepressant response. Mayberg and
ANTIDEPRESSANT SELECTION AND colleagues (2000) have reported specific changes in metabo-
PREDICTING RESPONSE lism in subgenual anterior cingulate gyrus in relation to treat-
Advances in our understanding of genetic, cellular, and brain ment response; such changes were later replicated but found to
mechanisms involved in the pathology of mood disorders be present across a variety of antidepressant modalities (and
hold the promise to not only advance our understanding of therefore not potentially useful in driving treatment selection).
the pathology of MDD but also to result in specific measures Many other imaging measures proposed have not yet been
(“biomarkers”) to help guide clinical treatment, both generally, replicated. Moreover, due to the small size of these studies it is
by suggesting new molecular and neuroanatomical targets to generally difficult to assess the predictive ability of these puta-
guide the development of new therapies, and specifically, by tive biomarkers (Iosifescu and Lapidus, 2011).
guiding clinicians in the selection of existing therapies (i.e., Electrophysiology: Several measures derived from prefron-
personalized medicine). Over the past few decades, increased tal analysis of spontaneous electroencephalograms (EEG),
capability and availability of genetic, endocrine, neuroimag- evoked potentials, and EEG source localization have been
ing, and electrophysiology (EEG) technology has supported associated with antidepressant response (Iosifescu, 2011). The
efforts to use these as biomarkers of treatment response (e.g., best developed at this point are spontaneous EEG measures
distinguish likely treatment responders from nonresponders such as the antidepressant treatment response (ATR) index,
with a specific intervention). whose predictive abilities have been replicated in large-scale
The search for such predictors of treatment outcome has studies (Iosifescu et al., 2009; Leuchter et al., 2009). EEG-based
cast a very wide net, but while many studies report correlations technologies have considerable advantages as potential clini-
between specific clinical and/or biological parameters and cal predictors. Since EEG is more widely available and cheaper
clinical response to antidepressant treatment, such correlations than neuroimaging, it lends itself to studies with larger num-
are not sufficient to define a “predictor of treatment response.” bers of subjects (which are required for the validation of any
An ideal predictor of treatment outcome would be present in biomarker of treatment response). The translation to clinical
many or all patients and would have high (close to 100%) posi- practice is also easier with a cheaper, ubiquitous technology
tive and negative predictive values; that is, if the predictor is (Iosifescu and Lapidus, 2011).
present, all patients with the predictor would have the outcome The current development of biomarkers appears to involve
of interest, and if the predictor is absent, none would have the large studies where combining a variety of biomarkers (deriv-
outcome (Iosifescu, 2011). To be of clinical utility, the predic- ing, e.g., from genetics, imaging, or cognition) and clinical
tor would have to be relatively easy to measure (including cost characteristics is attempted for improving predictions of a mul-
considerations) and be present either at baseline, before the tifactorial process such as treatment response in MDD. Several
onset of antidepressant treatment, or early during the treat- large-scale clinical trials coupled with biomarker assessments
ment (during the first week). Also importantly, research sup- are currently underway, and offer an example of new approaches
porting putative predictors would have to report not merely for biomarker identification and development. One such exam-
significant statistical associations, but a detailed description of ple is the Emory study “Predictors of Antidepressant Treatment
predictor behavior at different cutoff points, such as the area Response,” which is assessing genetic and PET imaging pre-
under the receiver-operator characteristic curve, AUROC, a dictors of response to antidepressants and behavioral therapy
common summary statistic for the goodness of a predictor in a ( NCT00360399).
binary classification (see Perlis, 2011, for a discussion of meth- Another biomarker trial currently underway is the
odological problems in biomarker research). International Study to Predict Optimized Treatment in
A large number of studies have explored genetic markers Depression (iSPOT-D) (
as predictors of clinical response to antidepressants in MDD. NCT00693849). The study aims to recruit more than 2,000
Many candidate gene studies have been conducted on antide- MDD participants, which will be evaluated clinically, with
pressant use in MDD, but the results are not yet readily usable behavioral tests of cognition and emotion, physiological mea-
in clinical practice, as most of the pharmacogenetic findings sures taken during corresponding cognitive and emotional

518 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

tasks (EEG, event-related potentials, autonomic measures of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is one of the earliest antidepres-
heart rate, skin, and electromyography), structural and func- sant treatments, the last decade has seen an important expansion
tional imaging (at least 10% of participants), and genotyping. of the somatic treatments used as antidepressant treatments.
These assessments will be integrated in a standardized assess-
ment battery taken before and eight weeks after randomiza-
tion to one of three antidepressants (escitalopram, sertraline,
or venlafaxine XR). Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a long-standing psychiatric
Another large-scale biomarker study recently started is the intervention that was introduced as a treatment for schizophre-
Establishing Moderators and Biosignatures of Antidepressant nia in 1938 and became a common treatment for depression in
Response for Clinical Care for Depression (EMBARC) study the 1980s. It has been proven effective as an acute treatment
( NCT01407094), a randomized option for hard to treat patients, such as those with TRD, psy-
double blind trial across several US academic centers which chotic depression, and acute suicidality (Prudic et al., 2004).
will enroll 400 MDD participants, each to be assessed using More than half of patients who receive ECT respond within
clinical evaluations, self-report, behavioral tests of cognition, the first four weeks of treatment (Husain et al., 2004). ECT
EEG, imaging measures, and genotyping. The study attempts to involves the placement of either one electrode (unilaterally)
assess clinical and biological moderators and mediators of treat- or two electrodes (bilaterally) on the skull to induce cerebral
ment response to sertraline versus placebo; non-responders in seizures in anesthetized patients. There has been much debate
the first phase will be randomized to sertraline or bupropion. over the efficacy and safety of different variations of electrode
In summary, there is a high unmet need for objective bio- placement and voltage dosage. Evidence has shown that high
markers to direct efficient selection of antidepressant treat- dosage right unilateral and bilateral ECT seem to be similarly
ments, to replace the current “trial and error” process. While effective, and twice as efficacious as low or moderate dose uni-
no such biomarkers have been currently validated, current lateral ECT; however bilateral electrode placement, most spe-
large-scale studies offer the promise of analyzing several simul- cifically bitemporally, appears to produce increased and more
taneously multiple putative biomarkers to detect the most sustained cognitive impairments than unilateral ECT (Kellner
accurate predictors and the relationships between them. et al., 2010). Studies have generally shown response rates of
70–90% in patients across the spectrum of depression sever-
ity and with varying treatment history, however, response rates
S OMATI C TREATMENTS have been lower in patients with severe treatment-resistant
depression (Prudic et al., 2004). The majority of patients
Somatic treatments include a large variety of methods of who do not receive active maintenance treatment will gener-
delivering energy directly to the brain (Table 38.3). While ally relapse in six months to a year following a course of ECT

TA B L E 38. 3. Somatic treatments for MDD



Electroconvulsive Yes Inpatient or No Yes Generalized Electrical

therapy (ECT) (grandfathered) outpatient procedure

Repetitive transcranial Yes Outpatient (office) No No Focal Magnetic

magnetic stimulation procedure

Vagus nerve Yes Surgical implantation Yes Yes (for surgery) Generalized Electrical
stimulation (VNS) followed by
outpatient office

Deep brain No Surgical implantation Yes Yes (for surgery) Focal Electrical
stimulation (DBS) followed by

Low field magnetic No Outpatient (office) No No Generalized Magnetic

stimulation (LFMS) procedure

Magnetic seizure No Inpatient or No Yes Focal Magnetic

therapy (MST) outpatient procedure
Transcranial direct current No Office No No Focal Electrical
stimulation (tDCS)

3 8 T R E AT M E N T S F O R D E P R E S S I O N | 519

(Sackeim et al., 2001). Antidepressant medication therapy of echo-planar magnetic spectroscopic imaging (EP-MRSI)
reduces the rate of relapse but maintenance ECT is associated sequences inducing mood effects, possibly through stimulat-
with the lowest levels of relapse (approximately 10%; Gagne ing effects of weak electromagnetic fields. Pilot studies have
et al., 2000). ECT is generally considered to be a safe proce- shown rapid mood elevating effects in both unipolar and
dure with a low risk of serious medical adverse events, but it bipolar depressed patients (Rohan et al., 2004). Larger studies,
is associated in the development of cognitive impairments, including a multi-site NIMH-sponsored trial (NCT01654796),
specifically memory loss. Cognitive side effects include acute are ongoing.
confusion, anterograde amnesia, and retrograde amnesia.
While these cognitive side effects are generally considered to
be moderate, tolerable, and time-limited, more significant and
extensive impairment can result. Continued research is being VA G U S N E R V E S T I M U L AT I O N
conducted to examine the possibility of various different dos- Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) includes a surgical implant
age and electrode placement combinations having decreased that stimulates electrically the ascending branch of left vagus
cognitive side effects (Kellner et al., 2010). nerve and stimulates the vagal nucleus of the solitary tract,
A modern variation of ECT is magnetic seizure therapy which has widespread projections within the central nervous
(MST), which involves cortical seizure induction via a mag- system, including to the forebrain. In animal models VNS
netic field rather than direct application of electrodes. The goal was associated with GABA and noradrenergic effects in the
of MST is to allow a more localized and precise induction of frontal cortex. VNS has been used as an anticonvulsant and
seizures, which may reduce side effects (e.g., cognitive effects) was adapted as an antidepressant treatment after positive
compared to ECT. However small studies so far suggest clinical effects on mood were noticed in patients receiving the treat-
effects are not different from ECT (Kayser et al., 2011). As in ment for epilepsy. In the pivotal study VNS did not separate
ECT, this technique requires anesthesia and muscle relaxation. from sham in the acute (12-week) period but open continua-
tion for up to 12 months yielded a 27% response rate in highly
treatment-resistant patients (George et al., 2005). VNS is FDA
approved since 2005 for the treatment of chronic and treat-
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a brain stimulation ment resistant depression in patients who failed to respond to
technique using electromagnetic induction and a rapidly chang- at least four trials of antidepressants, but the rate of implanta-
ing magnetic field to induce weak electric currents, which cause tions appears low given challenges related to efficacy, surgery,
depolarization or hyperpolarization of neurons in specific parts and financial considerations (insurance reimbursement). Side
of the brain. The main advantage of TMS is its non-invasiveness effects for VNS include complications of surgery, neck or jaw
and the possibility to stimulate relatively small brain volumes. pain, hoarseness, or cough.
A variant of TMS, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
(rTMS), has been tested as an antidepressant treatment and it D E E P B R A I N S T I M U L AT I O N
is approved in the United States for the treatment of unipolar Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an investigational treatment for
depression in adults who failed to respond to a single medica- depression involving direct stimulation of specific subcortical
tion trial (O’Reardon et al., 2007). The largest sham-controlled brain areas to affect the brain neurocircuitry of emotional regu-
study showed TMS had remission rate superior to sham, but lation. DBS (which is currently FDA approved for the treatment
relatively low (14.1% versus 5.1%), with almost 30% of patients of essential tremor, Parkinson’s, and dystonia) requires surgical
achieving remission in the later open-label phase (George et al., implantation of an electrode stimulating the target brain area
2010). rTMS has moderate effect sizes (0.39) in TRD, similar and connected to an electrical pulse generator. The largest stud-
to those seen with standard pharmacotherapy (Schutter, 2009) ies investigating DBS in MDD have targeted the subgenual cin-
and less effective than ECT. In general, rTMS appears to be gulate; a recent report suggests long-term efficacy in a 17 MDD
safe and well tolerated (O’Reardon et al., 2007). Common side subjects receiving open stimulation (Holtzheimer et al., 2012).
effects include headache and scalp pain. Seizures can occur with Other smaller studies have targeted the ventral anterior internal
rTMS, although in less than 0.5% of subjects. More research is capsule and the nucleus accumbens; larger controlled studies in
needed to determine the optimal stimulation parameters. High several target areas are ongoing.
frequency (5–20 Hz) stimulation of the left DLPFC has been
the technique most studied, while data from low frequency
stimulation (1Hz) of right DLPFC are limited. P SY C HO T HE R A P I E S
Other variations of TMS currently researched include
techniques with increased brain penetration (deep TMS, which While the space of this chapter does not allow a detailed dis-
can stimulate subcortical brain structures below the 2 cm area cussion of psychotherapies, we need to highlight that they
accessible with rTMS, or synchronized TMS, which allows indi- represent a first-line treatment for MDD, with cognitive and
vidualized stimulation at the intrinsic alpha frequency of the behavioral therapies (CBT) and interpersonal therapies (IPT)
subject; for both the efficacy results are still pending). having the most evidence in support of their efficacy in ran-
Low field magnetic stimulation (LFMS) is another domized clinical trials (Hollon and Ponniah, 2010). Some data
investigational method of brain stimulation by an alternat- supports the effectiveness of these therapies for prevention of
ing magnetic field. LFMS is based on empirical observations depressive relapse after an initial acute treatment.

520 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

C O G N I T I V E A N D B E H AV I O R A L T H E R A P I E S In summary, CBT may be comparable to medication for
acute treatment and it provides durable benefits. Combining
Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (CBT) includes a family
CBT and pharmacological treatments may be most effective
of related treatments involving cognitive and behavioral inter-
in chronic depression. The efficacy of IPT for acute and main-
ventions for MDD. Older meta-analyses have shown a slight
tenance treatment is also supported by several studies (Hollon
advantage for CBT over medications in treating depression;
and Ponniah, 2010).
however, methodological limitations in some of these older
studies may have favored CBT (Butler et al., 2006). In the large,
multisite Treatment of Depression Collaborative Research
Program (TDCRP), CBT and medication (imipramine)
showed similar efficacy; however, among patients with severe
MDD, imipramine was found to be superior to CBT (Elkin
While the use of natural or “alternative” remedies is popu-
et al., 1995). However, in more recent research, CBT and medi-
lar and increasing in the United States and worldwide, the
cation were comparable in treating severe depression. CBT and
data supporting their efficacy as antidepressants is limited.
paroxetine were equally effective after 16 weeks of treatment
The best-studied natural medications for mood disorders
in the treatment of moderate and severe MDD (DeRubeis
are St. John’s Wort (hypericum), omega-3 fatty acids, and
et al., 2005). Thase and coworkers (2007) reported the results
S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe).
of the second level of the Sequenced Treatment Alternatives
to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) study, where MDD subjects
received CBT (either alone or as augmentation) after failing an S T. J O H N ’ S W O R T ( H Y P E R I C U M )
initial trial of citalopram. Patients receiving CBT had similar
The extract of the flower of St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perfora-
response and remission rates to patients randomized to medi-
tum L.) is widely used for the treatment of depression. Although
cation strategies, but patients receiving drug augmentation
the extract contains a large number of molecules, the main active
had more rapid response than those receiving antidepressant
components in hypericum are considered to be hypericin and
augmentation, while patients receiving CBT monotherapy
hyperforin. Hypericin does not cross the blood-brain barrier but
experienced fewer side effects compared to those assigned to
may have modulatory effects on inflammatory cytokine produc-
antidepressant monotherapy.
tion (interleukin-6 and interleukin-1β), resulting in a decrease
Acute outcomes of CBT and antidepressant medication
in corticotrophin-releasing hormone. Hyperforin appears to be
appear largely comparable, and relapse rates after CBT are
associated with serotonin reuptake inhibition and norepineph-
comparable to those of individuals maintained on antidepres-
rine and acetylcholine reuptake inhibition (Mischoulon, 2009).
sants after one year and superior to placebo (Hollon et al.,
Large meta-analyses support the efficacy of St. John’s Wort in
2005). Combining antidepressants and CBT generally yields
MDD in comparison with placebo and relatively equivalent effi-
an advantage over either of the two treatments alone, and may
cacy with suboptimal doses of antidepressants, with the most
be especially advantageous in more chronic forms of depres-
favorable studies all performed in German-speaking countries
sion (Keller et al., 2000).
(Linde et al., 2008). In several large US studies St. John’s Wort
did not separate from placebo (Freeman et al., 2010). In mono-
INTERPERSONAL THERAPIES therapy St. John’s Wort has a favorable side effect profile; side
Interpersonal therapy (IPT) is a short-term, manual-based effects include dry mouth, dizziness, constipation, other gas-
treatment for depression. IPT focuses on interpersonal issues, trointestinal symptoms, confusion, and phototoxicity. St. John’s
emphasizing on the way depressive symptoms are related to a Wort appears to induce cytochrome P450 3A4, resulting in
person’s relationships, including family and peers. The imme- decreased levels of substrates (antiretrovirals, cyclosporines).
diate goals of treatment are symptom reduction and improved Other components of hypericum, including flavonoids, are
social adjustment. irreversible monoamine oxidase-A inhibitors and cases of sero-
Two decades ago a large controlled study suggested that tonine syndrome have been described when St. John’s Wort was
IPT and imipramine were more efficacious than placebo combined with SSRIs.
for the more severely depressed individuals, while CBT was
not; the entire study sample did not show efficacy differ-
O M E G A - 3 F AT T Y A C I D S
ences between treatment modalities (Elkin et al., 1989, 1995).
However, in a more recent study CBT was more effective than Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids with
IPT for the more severely depressed individuals, while the a double bond (C=C), commonly found in marine and nut
rates of response were comparable between therapies for the oils. Their presence in modern diet is decreased due to sub-
entire group and for the subgroups with mild and moderate stitution with omega-6 fatty acids present in vegetable oils.
depression (Luty et al., 2007). IPT was also shown to be more Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid
effective than placebo (but less effective than imipramine) in (DHA) are the two fatty acids with evidence for an antide-
maintaining a group of MDD patients in long-term recovery pressant effect. Proposed mechanisms for the antidepressant
(Frank et al., 1990). In elderly MDD subjects maintenance with effects include their interaction with catecholamine metabo-
paroxetine was more effective than IPT or placebo for preven- lism and inhibition of inflammatory cytokines secretion
tion of relapse (Reynolds et al., 2006). (prostaglandin E2), leading to decreased corticosteroid release

3 8 T R E AT M E N T S F O R D E P R E S S I O N | 521

(Mischoulon, 2009). A recent meta-analysis of 35 randomized when depressive symptoms are moderate. Psychotic depression
controlled trials supports the efficacy of omega-3 fatty acids is associated with increased rates of recurrence, poor response
(in doses ranging from 0.5 to 9.6 g/d) compared to placebo to antidepressant treatment, and poor outcomes (Rothschild,
in MDD, but finds the published literature to show significant 2003). Some studies suggest psychotic depression is biologi-
heterogeneity, likely generated by publication bias (Appleton cally distinct from non-psychotic MDD, with more significant
et al., 2010). There was no clear difference in efficacy between HPA axis abnormalities (increased cortisol levels, higher rates
EPA and DHA. The omega-3s appear to be well tolerated and of non-suppression on the dexamethasone suppression test)
safe. Side effects include gastrointestinal upset, fishy aftertaste, and an activation of the dopaminergic system (higher levels
and a small risk of bleeding. of cerebrospinal fluid 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid and lower
serum dopamine-beta-hydroxlyase (which converts dopamine
to norepinephrine) (Rothschild, 2003). Recent meta-analyses
suggest that while antidepressant or antipsychotic monothera-
S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) is present in all human cells, pies are associated with lower rates of response, combined
including the brain, acting as a methyl donor to membrane antipsychotic-antidepressant treatment can be more efficacious
phospholipids, myelin, choline, catecholamines, and other (Farahani and Correll, 2012). ECT is associated with high rates
molecules important for brain function. It is synthesized from of treatment response but with relatively rapid loss of response
the amino acid l-methionine through the one-carbon cycle; the (Prudic et al, 2004) in patients with psychotic depression.
vitamins folate and B12 are catalysts of this process (folate and
B12 deficits have been associated with depression). The mecha-
nism of SAMe’s antidepressant effect has been associated with
its role as an intermediate for the synthesis of norepinephrine, Melancholic depression is characterized by severe anhedonia
dopamine, and serotonin (Mischoulon, 2009). A recent system- with lack of mood reactivity, severe weight loss or loss of appe-
atic review reported that in 7 of 7 controlled trials that parenteral tite, psychomotor agitation or retardation, early morning awak-
SAMe was more efficacious in MDD than placebo and equal in ening, guilt that is excessive, and worse mood in the morning.
efficacy to the tricyclic antidepressants (Papakostas, 2009). Four Biologically, melancholic depression has been associated with
out of 5 controlled trials also support the efficacy of oral SAMe enhanced activity of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA)
(1600 mg/day). A recent RCT reported SAMe augmentation axis, involving elevated secretion of corticotropin-releasing
of SSRIs was more efficacious than placebo (Papakostas et al., hormone (CRH), which in turn contributes to sleep abnor-
2010). Side effects are uncommon, but occasionally nausea, malities (Gold and Chrousos, 2002). Clinically, melancholic
gastrointestinal upset, and anxiety can occur. depression appears associated with higher severity, increased
In conclusion, St. John’s Wort is supported by evidence anxiety, and higher rates of suicidality. Cognitive impairments
of efficacy as monotherapy, but the data is very heteroge- (attention shifting, mental flexibility, decreased memory) are
neous and the risk of drug interactions should be considered. consistently associated with melancholia. Several antidepres-
Limited evidence supports the efficacy of omega-3 fatty acids sants including SSRI and SNRIs appear effective for treating
and SAM-e. Other natural remedies including L-methylfolate melancholia; ECT is particularly effective in melancholic and
and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) are associated with even more severe presentations.
limited evidence of efficacy in MDD.

TR E ATMENT O F D EP RES S IO N I N SP E C I A L Atypical depression is characterized by persistent mood reac-

POPULAT IO NS tivity, hypersomnia, hyperphagia, leaden paralysis, and rejec-
tion sensitivity, although correlation analyses reveal only
Depression has a heterogeneous clinical presentation, and modest associations between several of the atypical symp-
several subtypes of depression have been described. While a toms (Posternak and Zimmerman, 2002). There is a signifi-
complete discussion of these subtypes is beyond the scope of cant degree of overlap with symptoms of bipolar depression.
this chapter, we will mention the most significant subtypes of Biologically, several studies suggest reduced activity of the
depression: psychotic, melancholic, atypical, postpartum, sea- HPA axis and reduced noradrenergic activity in the locus
sonal, and bipolar. The presence of such variations in clinical coeruleus. Clinically, atypical depression is associated with a
presentation probably underlies a significant variability in the reported preferential response to monoamine oxidase inhibi-
etiology of depression and does influence treatment decisions, tors compared to TCAs; other studies suggest SSRIs are more
as discussed in the following. Specific treatment strategies for efficacious than TCAs in such patients (Stewart et al., 2009).
geriatric depression and of depression with comorbid medical The SSRIs are a preferred first-line therapy in such patients.
illness are addressed in Chapters 35 and 37 of this book.
Postpartum depression represents moderate to severe depres-
The presence of psychotic symptoms during a major depres- sion experienced by women after giving birth. It occurs in up to
sive episode is considered a marker of increased severity, even 10% of healthy women (but up to 50% in women with previous

522 | M O O D D I S O R D E R S

history of depression) and it is different from the much milder or placebo to a mood stabilizer in bipolar depressed subjects
postpartum “blues,” a self-limited, non-pathological condition resulted in equally low rates of improvement (23.5% versus
which can occur in 50% to 85% of women in the first 10 days 27.3% of subjects achieved recovery on antidepressant ver-
following delivery. The symptoms of postpartum depression sus placebo, respectively) and similar rates of switch to mania
appear most often within three months post delivery and (Sachs et al., 2007).
are similar to other forms of MDD. Severe forms of postpar- For patients who failed a first-line treatment, lamotrigine
tum depression are associated with psychosis and represent a appeared to achieve numerically superior efficacy compared
psychiatric emergency. to risperidone or inositol, but the differences were not statisti-
Meta-analyses support the efficacy of psychotherapy (espe- cally significant due to the low number of patients in the study
cially IPT and CBT) and of conventional antidepressants (flu- (Nierenberg et al., 2006b). Only a few small studies support
oxetine, sertraline, venlafaxine) in the treatment of postpartum the efficacy of pramipexole (Goldberg et al., 2004), MAOIs
depression (Sockol et al., 2011). Postpartum depression has (Himmelhoch et al., 1991), or modafinil (Frye et al., 2007)
been associated with the significant hormonal fluctuations when added to mood stabilizers for the treatment of bipolar
after delivery, especially the significant decrease in estrogen depression. Ziprasidone and aripiprazole have failed to dem-
and progesterone levels. Several studies suggest a role for exog- onstrate efficacy in bipolar depression. There is also significant
enous estrogen in the treatment of women with postpartum evidence in support of the efficacy of focused psychothera-
depression (Dennis et al, 2008), but treatment with estrogen pies (cognitive behavioral therapy, family-focused therapy,
has been associated with changes in breast-milk production and interpersonal and social rhythm therapy) in patients with
and with thromboembolic events. Treatment with progester- bipolar disorder (Miklowitz et al., 2007).
one is not supported by current evidence.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD, “winter blues”) represents
a form of recurrent depression with a clear seasonal pat- Given the large disease burden of MDD and the limitations in
tern. Decreased levels of DA transporter in the striatum have current treatments, the major goal of current neuropharmacol-
been reported in SAD (Neumeister et al., 2001). Bupropion, ogy research is to identify safe and more effective antidepres-
a dopaminergic antidepressant, appears efficacious as a treat- sant treatments. Several such agents currently in development
ment and for the prevention of seasonal depression episodes can be broadly classified as monoaminergic, according to their
(Modell et al., 2005). Studies also support the efficacy of bright primary mechanism of action. These include triple-reuptake
light therapy (10,000 lux 30 minutes/day for 8 weeks) and of inhibitors (TRIs), which bind to and inhibit all three primary
fluoxetine for the seasonal depression (Lam et al., 2006), while monoamine synaptic reuptake proteins: the serotonin trans-
other second-generation antidepressants have only minimal porter (SERT), the norepinephrine transporter (NET), and
evidence of efficacy (Thaler et al., 2011). the dopamine transporter (DAT). TRIs can be seen as the next
logical step in an effort to broaden engagement of the mono-
amine systems, following the development of serotonin nor-
epinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). It remains to be seen,
In patients with bipolar disorder, depression is the most fre- however, if TRIs will confer enhanced efficacy over currently
quent clinical problem and the most significant cause of mor- available monoaminergic agents.
bidity and dysfunction. Quetiapine (Calabrese et al., 2005) and Innovative antidepressant drug discovery efforts focus
the olanzapine-fluoxetine combination (OFC) (Tohen et al., however outside of the monoaminergic by targeting a vari-
2003) are FDA-approved for the treatment of acute bipolar ety of neural systems and chemical messengers, including
depression. Lamotrigine is FDA-approved only for prophy- the glutamate system, the HPA axis, the galanin and other
laxis of bipolar mood episodes since only one of four con- neuropeptide systems, the melatonin system, inflammatory
trolled studies of lamotrigine for acute bipolar depression has mediators, and neurogenesis (see Murrough and Charney,
achieved the primary endpoint. Other studies suggest lithium 2012, in press, for a recent review of the antidepressant hori-
might be an efficacious antidepressant, and that lithium and zon). Recognition of the role of stress-related neuropeptides
lamotrigine might be equally efficacious for bipolar depression in preclinical models of depression has prompted investiga-
(Suppes et al., 2008). The usefulness of traditional antidepres- tion into the clinical utility of small-molecule neuropeptide
sants in bipolar patients is more controversial. Most treatment modulators, including corticotropin-releasing hormone
guidelines advocate against using antidepressant monotherapy (CRH) antagonists and neurokinin (NK) receptor antago-
in bipolar disorder, mainly due to the risk of manic switches nists. However, to date phase II and III RCTs of molecules
and mood cycling. Despite such expert consensus, 50% of from both classes of neuropeptide modulators have been
bipolar patients receive antidepressant monotherapy as their disappointing.
initial treatment (Baldessarini et al., 2007). While some studies The glutamate system in particular may be a fruitful ave-
have suggested that antidepressants added to mood stabilizers nue for novel treatment development. In this section we will
might have some benefit, in the NIH-funded STEP-BD study briefly review the rationale for targeting the glutamate system
(N = 366) adding an antidepressant (paroxetine or bupropion) in mood disorders and highlight the example of the glutamate

3 8 T R E AT M E N T S F O R D E P R E S S I O N | 523

-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor (NMDAR) antago- outcome could also revolutionize current treatment strategies
nist ketamine as an example of a potentially novel gluta- in depression.
matergic antidepressant (Murrough, 2012). Glutamate is the
ubiquitous excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain and is a
critical mediator of neuroplasticity and learning and memory. DI SC L O SU R E S
Cortical and limbic brain circuits crucial for cognitive and
emotional regulation largely utilize glutamate as the primary Dr. Iosifescu has been for the last three years a consultant to
neurotransmitter, and maladaptive alterations in synaptic CNS Response, Inc., and Servier. Lifetime he has received
structure and function observed in animal models of stress and research support from Aspect Medical Systems, Forest and
depression are seen within glutamatergic pathways (Duman Janssen Pharmaceutica, and he has received consulting and
and Voleti, 2012). The extensive plasticity of the glutamate syn- speaking honoraria from Cephalon, Eli Lilly, Forest, and
apse in response to environmental influences suggests a key Pfizer.
physiological substrate for the well-known link between envi- Dr. Murrough has no conflicts of interest to disclose.
ronmental stress and depression and the neurotoxic effects of Dr. Charney has been named as an inventor on a pending
abnormally high levels of glutamate—which may result from use-patent of ketamine for the treatment of depression. If ket-
stress—is a candidate mechanism for regional reductions in amine were shown to be effective in the treatment of depression
brain volume observed in MDD. These and other data point and received approval from the Food and Drug Administration
toward the glutamate system as a principal candidate to target for this indication, Dr. Charney and Mount Sinai School of
for therapeutic modulation in MDD. Medicine could benefit financially.
Ketamine is a high-affinity, non-competitive NMDAR
antagonist that is currently FDA-approved as an anesthetic
agent and is used off-label in the management of chronic pain.
The potential antidepressant properties of ketamine were ini-
tially highlighted by a series of two small studies (Berman Alt, A., Nisenbaum, E.S., et al. (2006). A role for AMPA receptors in mood
et al., 2000; Zarate et al., 2006), while several controlled and disorders. Biochem. Pharmacol. 71(9):1273–1288.
open-label studies conducted subsequently provide support Anderson, I.M. (2000). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors versus tricy-
clic antidepressants: a meta-analysis of efficacy and tolerability. J. Affect.
for the rapid antidepressant effects of ketamine (reviewed in Disord. 58(1):19–36.
Murrough et al., 2012). Acute response rates as high as 70% Appleton, K.M., Rogers, P.J., et al. (2010). Updated systematic review and
are observed within 24 hours of a single intravenous infu- meta-analysis of the effects of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
on depressed mood. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 91(3):757–770.
sion, even in patients with TRD. A series of recent basic sci- American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
ence studies in animal models highlight alterations of synaptic of Mental Disorders DSM-IV-TR. 4th Edition. Washington, DC: Author.
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treatment of refractory depression: a meta-analysis. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry
depressant mechanism of action (Duman and Voleti, 2012). 53(9):842–848.
Larger controlled studies of ketamine in depression will be Baldessarini, R.J., Leahy, L., et al. (2007). Patterns of psychotropic drug
required before a firm conclusion can be drawn regarding the prescription for U.S. patients with diagnoses of bipolar disorders. Psychiatr.
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antidepressant efficacy of ketamine. A treatment schedule of Bauer, M., and Dopfmer S. (1999). Lithium augmentation in treatment-resistant
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Berman, R.M., Cappiello, A., et al. (2000). Antidepressant effects of ketamine
areas of investigation. in depressed patients. Biol. Psychiatry 47:351–354.
Non-pharmacological treatments are also an active area of Butler, A.C., Chapman, J.E., et al. (2006). The empirical status of
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magnetic stimulation (synchronized TMS, deep TMS, LFMS), Calabrese, J.R., Keck, P.E., Jr., et al. (2005). A randomized, double-blind,
other forms of non-invasive brain stimulation (e.g., magnetic placebo-controlled trial of quetiapine in the treatment of bipolar I or II
seizure therapy, transcranial direct current stimulation, near depression. Am. J. Psychiatry 162(7):1351–1360.
Carney, R.M., and Shelton, R.C. (2011). Agomelatine for the treatment of major
infrared radiation), as well as invasive deep brain stimulation depressive disorder. Expert. Opin. Pharmacother. 12(15):2411–2419.
(DBS) with several brain targets. Several of these treatments Crane, G.E. (1956). The psychiatric side-effects of iproniazid. Am. J. Psychiatry
have shown promise in early studies and are currently under- 112(7):494–501.
Dennis, C.L., Ross, L.E., et al. (2008). Oestrogens and progestins for prevent-
going more definitive evaluation. ing and treating postpartum depression. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev.
In conclusion, over the last four decades clinical observa- 4:CD001690.
tions and research have led to the validation of a large number DeRubeis, R.J., Hollon, S.D., et al. (2005). Cognitive therapy vs. medications
in the treatment of moderate to severe depression. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry
of effective monoaminergic antidepressants, several struc- 62:409–416.
tured psychotherapies (CBT, IPT), and ECT. However, limita- Dong, J., and Blier P. et al. (2001). Modification of norepinephrine and sero-
tions of current treatments and advances in our understanding tonin, but not dopamine, neuron firing by sustained bupropion treatment.
Psychopharmacology (Berl.) 155(1):52–57.
of the biology of mood disorders represent the impetus for Duman, R.S., and Voleti, B. (2012). Signaling pathways underlying the
the major search for new treatments currently underway. pathophysiology and treatment of depression: novel mechanisms for
A significant number of novel agents, including pharmaceu- rapid-acting agents. Trends Neurosci. 35:47–56.
Elkin, I., Gibbons, R.D., et al. (1995). Initial severity and differential treatment
ticals and natural remedies, as well as somatic treatments are outcome in the National Institute of Mental Health Treatment of Depression
currently in development. Potential biomarkers of treatment Collaborative Research Program. J. Consult. Clin. Psychol. 63:841–847.

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nxiety disorders affect up to 30% of the population in such as benzodiazepines, as well as some of the most novel
their lifetime, and a large portion of suicides involve hypnotics and cognitive enhancers, rely on specific targeting of
comorbid anxiety. Despite these statistics, anxiety dis- differential GABA subunits. Chapter 43 further dissects regu-
orders are often underappreciated and understudied. However, lation of the fear and anxiety modulatory systems by reviewing
beyond the morbidity, mortality, and impairment associated very recent updates in our understanding of prefrontal cor-
with anxiety is the increasing awareness that these disorders tex control over emotion and anxiety. This chapter, primarily
are quite tractable from the perspective of neuroscience. Recent focused on animal models, is complemented by Chapter 45,
work on the basic neurobiology of fear and fear-related disor- which updates our understanding of human functional neuro-
ders has combined with over 100 years of psychological under- circuitry from the perspective of recent neuroimaging studies
standing of conditioned emotional responses and tremendous of anxiety disorders.
new tools to dissect the neural circuitry of fear. Together, these Most anxiety disorders have their antecedent in develop-
approaches have led to very exciting progress into the molecu- ment. Fascinating new studies in animal models have dem-
lar genetics; cellular and systems neural circuitry; and neural onstrated that there are emotional “critical periods” of fear
processing, behavioral, and diagnostic implications for the development and inhibition that may be akin to the types of
class of mental disorders we call anxiety. critical periods that the field of neuroscience is familiar with
The section begins with an overview of current diagnostic in sensory system development. Chapter 44 outlines some of
nosology combined with progress in our understanding of eti- these new approaches detailing exciting advances in circuit
ology, at bio-psycho-social levels, of the shared and different and behavioral systems development.
underpinnings of some of these disorders (Chapter 39). This The final chapters within this section focus on novel and
is followed by an update on state-of-the art genetics of anxiety developing treatments for anxiety disorders, including both
disorders, ranging from heritability studies in large twin sam- psychological and cognitive (Chapter 46) and pharmacologi-
ples to recent candidate and hypothesis-neutral-based gene cal approaches (Chapter 47), many of which have been ratio-
association studies (Chapter 40). Although the genetics of anx- nally developed based on the preceding understanding of the
iety has somewhat lagged behind other mental disorders, it is neurobiology of the circuitry and pharmacology of fear and
widely felt that because of the terrific models to circuitry-level anxiety-like behaviors. The final two chapters examine the
understanding, as genetics catches up, it will be integrated into neurobiology and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder
a scaffold of neural understanding of fear and anxiety, leading (Chapter 48) and posttraumatic stress disorder (Chapter 49),
to rapid advances. two of the most debilitating and refractory anxiety disorders.
Progress in the neurobiology of behavior has no greater However, as these chapters illustrate, an enormous amount of
models of success than work in the area of neurobiology of progress has been made in recent years related to the neural
fear. The central role of amygdala and of other associated brain underpinnings of these disorders, and this advanced under-
regions involved in modulating amygdala function are clearly standing is leading to promising new approaches to treat-
outlined in Chapter 41, which serves as a substrate for many ment and prevention. Together, we hope that this entirely
of the subsequent chapters focused on further dissecting the new section on anxiety disorders helps the reader appreciate
emotion of fear regulation in mammalian systems. Chapter 42 the enormous progress in this area over the last few years. We are
examines the differential roles of the inhibitory GABA recep- very excited that rapid advances in the neurobiology of fear-
tor population in regulating emotion, fear, and anxiety-like and anxiety-related behaviors have translated remarkably well
behavior. The inhibitory neuronal population and its accom- to humans. This progress suggests that these disorders may be
panying GABA receptors are enormously heterogeneous and particularly tractable as affective neuroscience continues to
complex, and yet the multiple methods of controlling activity, improve, providing a model for other mental illnesses in the
with temporal, spatial, and regional specificity, provide much translation of basic neuroscience to novel and more powerful
of the richness of brain function. The most classic anxiolytics treatment and prevention efforts.

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THE C U RRENT NO S O L O GIC A L M O DE L While the modern DSMs have bolstered the conceptual-
ization and treatment of anxiety disorders, the current system
Over the past 60 years, the conceptualization and diagnosis continues to fall short of its fundamental goals of establishing a
of psychiatric disorders has experienced substantial growth reliable and valid classification of mental disorders. While reli-
and transformation. Unlike the recent DSMs (Diagnostic and ability has been largely achieved with the DSM-III and DSM-IV,
Statistical Manuals), the first two editions in 1952 and 1968 did a number of issues suggest that the validity of the diagnostic
not provide explicit categorical criteria sets and were rooted system has yet to be achieved. Among these issues are criticisms
in the psychodynamic perspective that psychiatric symptoms that the high rate of comorbidity among the disorders indicates
reflect disguised psychological conflicts rather than disease an unwarranted splitting of underlying entities. The polythetic
states (American Psychiatric Association, 1952, 1968). The lack criterion, the requirement that only some criteria be present for
of standardized classification resulted in professionals operat- diagnostic threshold to be met, has been criticized as resulting
ing largely based on their own personal beliefs and training, in widely disparate symptom presentations for the same diag-
which resulted in substantial variability across individuals and nosis (i.e., two patients could meet criteria for the same disorder
institutions (Mayes and Horowitz, 2005). The publication of the while having few, if any, overlapping symptoms). Others note
DSM-III (1980) drew from work initiated in 1972 by a group of that many clinically distressed individuals do not meet diagnos-
Washington University researchers (Feighner et al., 1972) and tic criteria for any of the specific diagnoses, and subsequently,
expanded in 1978 as the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) this results in an overreliance on not-otherwise-specified (NOS)
by Spitzer and colleagues (1978). It emphasized an atheoreti- diagnoses. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, because the
cally derived group of symptom criteria designed to yield reli- current diagnoses developed apart from genetic and neuroim-
able diagnoses that, whenever possible, would also predict aging research that seeks to clarify the causes and mechanisms
course of illness, family history, and treatment response (i.e., of psychiatric illness, the results of this emerging research do
“predictive validity”). At the time, these investigators also not necessarily align with current diagnostic conceptualiza-
hoped that biological variables might someday be included as tions. The DSM-5, currently in its final stages of development,
diagnostic validators. hopes to address some of these criticisms.
While these changes were built upon expanding scien-
tific knowledge, the DSM-III changes also reflected political
viewpoints within the mental health field, increased govern- P R O P O SE D R E V I SI O N S I N DSM - 5
ment involvement in mental health research, and pressure
from insurance and pharmaceutical companies (Mayes and
Horowitz, 2005). Subsequent revisions to the DSM-III and The American Psychiatric Association is currently in the pro-
DSM-IV have further attempted to enhance both the reliability cess of revising the DSM-IV to yield the DSM-5. The revisions
and the validity of the diagnostic criteria. One major revision are intended to incorporate the wealth of research that the field
in the DSM-III-R was the removal of the DSM-III hierar- has generated in the past two decades, to maintain continuity
chical structure, which among other things, dictated that an with DSM-IV where possible, and to place the highest priority
individual could not be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder if on clinical utility (American Psychiatric Association 2012a).
depressed (American Psychiatric Association, 1980, 1987). The process has included preplanning white papers, a series of
The current nosological model of the modern DSMs, while 13 planning conferences, and appointment of chair, vice-chair,
not without fault, has facilitated significant research growth in and Work Group members. The DSM-5 development process
the anxiety disorders field over the past three decades, spur- has made use of systematic literature reviews, several rounds
ring scientific progress in our understanding of pathophysiol- of public feedback, and extensive input from professional and
ogy and the identification of effective treatments. It has allowed consumer stakeholders. The release and publication of the
researchers to more reliably conceptualize a population of DSM-5 is projected to coincide with the APA’s annual confer-
interest and clinicians to more reliably identify their patients’ ence in May 2013.
diagnoses. The DSM is now extensively used around the world Whereas this chapter is focused on anxiety disorders and
by clinicians, researchers, health insurance companies, phar- the specific changes to these disorders as outlined in what fol-
maceutical companies, funding agencies, and policymakers. lows, there are a number of general changes that will affect this
This has created a shared language regarding psychiatric illness category. First, the diagnoses previously included in the chapter
within and across these different professional stakeholders. “Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or

3 9 D I A G N O S I S O F A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 529

Adolescence” are now incorporated into other chapters by not- which places both anxiety disorders and OCD under neu-
ing their developmental continuity with adult disorders. Thus, rotic, stress-related, and somatoform disorders (World Health
separation anxiety disorder is now listed first in the anxiety Organization, 1993). This last option was the favorite of the
disorders chapter. Second, the current revisions have also majority of authors in both the Phillips et al. (2010) and Stein
placed an emphasis on the additional dimensional assessment et al. (2010) reviews. However, OCD researchers were mixed
of psychiatric disorders. The categorical diagnostic system uti- regarding their approval (60%) of the removal of OCD from the
lized in the previous DSMs is not being replaced by a dimen- supraordinate anxiety category (Mataix-Cols et al., 2007), and
sional system; however, there is an acknowledgment that clinical psychiatrists and “other professionals,” largely psychol-
measurement-based care that utilizes dimensional measures is ogists, showed a significant difference in opinion (75% agreed
feasible and would be of benefit to routine clinical care (Regier versus 40%–45%, respectively). Stein et al. (2010) outlined
et al., 2012). Adding these measures will potentially allow for the research from a series of validators (e.g., neurocircuitry;
both a more nuanced conceptualization of patients’ psychi- course of illness; treatment response; and genetic, familial,
atric disorders and a more objective monitoring of patients’ and environmental risk factors) regarding OCD’s appropriate
progress throughout therapy. Thus, accompanying the pro- placement. While there are some uniquely distinctive aspects
posed revisions of each anxiety disorder is a note of whether a to OCD (involvement of fronto-striatal neurocircuitry and
psychometrically sound measure currently exists. In addition, related deficits, a narrower range of effective medications and
each anxiety disorder includes two newly developed measures a clear dose–response pattern to SRI medication response,
that are being tested for these purposes (the first designed to and a unique association with basal ganglia neurologic dis-
assess the severity of the specific anxiety disorder and the sec- orders), there is still much overlap with anxiety disorders in
ond designed to assess severity across all anxiety disorders). multiple other domains (e.g., comorbidity, family history).
Revisions to the anxiety disorders chapter were the res- Generally, these results present a mixed picture providing
ponsibility of the Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum, both support for the inclusion of OCD within the anxiety dis-
Posttraumatic, and Dissociative Disorders Work Group orders and its removal. Nevertheless, DSM-5 will move OCD
(referred from this point on in the chapter as the Anxiety Work to the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders category
Group). The Anxiety Work Group commissioned a series of lit- along with several other disorders including body dysmorphic
erature reviews that were published in the peer-reviewed jour- disorder, hoarding, hair pulling (trichotillomania), and skin
nal Depression and Anxiety. Proposed recommendations were picking. These disorders are all characterized by repetitive,
informed by these reviews as well as secondary data analyses of anxiety- or dysphoria-inducing thoughts and/or behaviors
existing datasets, collection of new data, surveys of experts and (designed at reducing the discomfort). While genetic, neural,
input and data provided by advisors and liaisons, DSM-5 Task and biomarker validators that support this new category are
Force members, other members of the research community, few, several other validators link these disorders with OCD or
and other stakeholders (Phillips et al., 2010). The overarching one another, including high comorbidity, similar psychophar-
approach continues to emphasize a search for associated fac- macology and psychotherapy response, and evidence of famil-
tors that might “validate” these diagnostic categories, but has ial transmission (Phillips et al., 2010).
expanded beyond symptom measures, course of illness, fam- Proposed changes to the OCD criteria have been made and
ily history and treatment response, to include, wherever pos- include moving the two items from the obsessions definition
sible, medical and psychiatric illness comorbidities, genetic that sought to distinguish obsessions from GAD (generalized
and environmental risk factors, temperamental and personal- anxiety disorder; obsessions are not simply excessive worries
ity antecedents, cognitive and emotional processing response regarding life problems) and psychosis (the individual recog-
measures, and neurocircuitry. nized that the obsessional thoughts, impulses, or images are
not created by an external force but rather are a product of
his or her own mind) and placing them in Criterion D among
the other diagnostic hierarchy issues (Leckman et al., 2010).
OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER Additionally, the requirement that individuals recognize that
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by their symptoms are excessive was removed, and the poor
anxiety-provoking obsessions and/or compulsions that are insight specifier was replaced with specifiers indicting a range
intended to ameliorate anxiety. This disorder is equally com- of insight (i.e., good or fair insight, poor insight, or absent
mon in men and women, yet due to its earlier onset in males, is insight). Finally, suggestions are made for dimensional mea-
seen more often in boys than girls. It typically follows a chronic sures. Previously validated measures include the Yale-Brown
course, and studies indicate a familial risk, with first-degree Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS; Goodman et al., 1989),
relatives at higher risk for OCD (American Psychiatric the Florida Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory (FOCI; Storch
Association 2000). et al., 2007), and the Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale (BABS;
Much of the discussion regarding OCD and the DSM-5 has Eisen et al., 1998). A newly developed five-item questionnaire
surrounded its appropriate placement within the manual. This is also included and currently being tested.
discussion has considered whether to leave OCD as an anxiety
disorder, place it in its own chapter with other disorders from P O S T T R A U M AT I C S T R E S S D I S O R D E R
the OC spectrum, or include both anxiety disorders and OCD Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop follow-
under the same umbrella category, as is done in the ICD-10, ing exposure to a traumatic event and is characterized by

530 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

reexperiencing the trauma, avoidance of traumatic cues, and criteria now require only one to be endorsed. The new category
increased symptomatic arousal. Evidence suggests that the D has two new symptoms, blame and negative emotional state
development of PTSD following trauma is affected by social (which, on the face of it, will overlap tremendously with major
supports, childhood experiences, personality variables, type depressive symptoms), and the previous symptom of a fore-
of trauma, and preexisting mental disorders (American shortened future has been expanded to encompass exaggerated
Psychiatric Association, 2000). Additionally, genetic factors negative beliefs and expectations to help expand the applicabil-
appear to affect the likelihood of developing the disorder (Stein ity to other cultures. Category E also has a new symptom that
et al., 2002). focuses on reckless and destructive behavior.
Like OCD, much of the DSM-5 focus on PTSD has sur- Friedman et al. (2011b) also conclude that there is insuf-
rounded its most appropriate placement within the DSM. ficient research to support the acute versus chronic specifier
Stress-related fear circuitry findings from neuroimaging and and thus it has been eliminated. However, they conclude that
fear conditioning studies, among other findings, support the there is support for both a dissociative subtype and a preschool
retention of PTSD within the anxiety disorders (Friedman subtype. There is evidence to suggest that individuals whose
et al., 2011a). But PTSD frequently encompasses a broader PTSD is characterized by dissociative symptoms demonstrate
range of emotions (e.g., numbing, guilt, alienation) than other distinct prefrontal responses and a decrease in heart rate and
anxiety disorders and shares a unique precipitating event (all skin conductance to trauma cues/memories (Friedman et al.,
cases are trauma induced). Emphasizing common etiology over 2011b). Traumatized preschool age children do develop PTSD
symptom similarity, it has been concluded that PTSD should but at lower rates than other age groups, which likely reflect,
be placed in a newly formed category that includes disorders at least in part, that the current diagnostic criteria do not
that are precipitated by a “serious life event” (the Trauma-and accurately capture the disorder among preschoolers. Thus,
Stressor-Related Disorders). PTSD’s anticipated departure from the revised diagnostic criteria for the preschool subtype is
the anxiety disorders has met strong criticism. Zoellner et al. meant to more readily identify PTSD in these young people
(2011) note that the “rationale for this shift is unclear, under- by being more developmentally sensitive and behaviorally
developed, and unsupported” (p. 853) and delineate four main anchored (Scheeringa et al., 2011). For a dimensional mea-
points that support retaining PTSD as an anxiety disorder: sure of PTSD, the Web site suggests the unpublished nine-item
(1) fear is a critical component of PTSD, (2) the treatment of National Stressful Events Survey PTSD Short Scale (American
fear and avoidance is central to PTSD as it is with other anxiety Psychiatric Association, 2011).
disorders, (3) the evidence base does not support a separate cat-
egory, and (4) reclassification moves the PTSD field away from MIXED ANXIETY/DEPRESSION
its well-developed knowledge base. DISORDER
The diagnostic criteria for PTSD are lengthier than most Mixed anxiety/depression disorder (MADD) is characterized
other diagnoses, and efforts at their improvement have been a by dysphoric mood that is accompanied by symptoms of both
frequent focus in previous revisions of the DSM. DSM-5, alas, anxiety and depression and is considered to be subordinate to
will do nothing to simplify or shorten the diagnostic criteria. anxiety and mood disorders (not considered if diagnostic cri-
However, several of the proposed revisions to the PTSD crite- teria for one of these disorders has been met). Empirical work
ria within the DSM-5 reflect substantial changes. Criterion A1, on this disorder and its validators is sparse.
defining the nature of the traumatic event, has been retained, While included as an official diagnosis in the ICD-10,
but the description of what constitutes an index traumatic event MADD was relegated in DSM-IV to Criteria Sets and Axes
has been articulated in greater detail. Criterion A2, requiring an Provided for Further Study (American Psychiatric Association
emotional response of fear, helplessness, or horror in response 2000). Initial versions of the DSM-5 revisions moved MADD
to the trauma, has been eliminated. One reason for its removal is to mood disorders. This proposed move was met with intense
that some individuals (e.g., military personnel, who in deploy- criticism from a variety of standpoints, including MADD’s
ment situations are trained not to have a response like this) remarkably poor reliability as well as the paucity of validating
lack this type of emotional response at the time of the event data (e.g., First, 2011; Frances, 2012; Wakefield, 2012). On the
but, nonetheless, can develop PTSD (Friedman et al., 2011b). heels of this criticism, the most recent DSM-5 revisions have
Because of confirmatory factor analyses that indicate strongest moved MADD back to the section reserved for conditions
support for a four-factor model (Friedman et al., 2011b), the requiring further study (where it had been placed in DSM-IV).
DSM-5 is proposing splitting the current three-factor model This is, admittedly, an unorthodox move on the part of the
(Criterion B—intrusion, C—avoidance, and D—heightened DSM-5 framers. If the past 20 years was not enough time to
arousal) into a four-factor model by splitting Criterion C and study MADD, it seems unlikely that more specific criteria will
adding symptoms to the newly formed Criterion D (negative result in a boon of research. A more judicious approach would
cognitions and mood). There are also a number of other spe- have been to delete MADD altogether.
cific changes to the individual criteria. In an effort to enhance
cross-cultural applicability of the criteria, the intrusion symp- S E PA R AT I O N A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R
tom regarding dreams about the trauma has been revised to This disorder is expressed as developmentally excessive anxi-
include both trauma content or affect about the trauma (Hinton ety in the face of separation from the home or an attachment
and Lewis-Fernandez, 2011). As the previous C category has figure. While it is more common among females, representa-
been split in two with only two types of avoidance retained, the tion among the sexes is equal in clinical samples. The risk of

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developing separation anxiety disorder is elevated for children PA N I C D I S O R D E R
of mothers with panic disorder. Panic disorder (PD) is characterized by discrete periods of sud-
Despite clinically significant impairment as children, those den and intense physiological symptoms and fear (i.e., panic
with this disorder often do not have a disproportionate rate of attacks [PAs]) that result in persistent concern about additional
anxiety disorders as adults (American Psychiatric Association, PAs or a change in behavior (avoidance, emergency depart-
2000). ment visits, seeking medical diagnostic tests). Age of onset for
Because of the redistribution of disorders previously this disorder varies but is generally between late adolescence
included in the Disorder Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, and mid-30s. Twin studies suggest a genetic contribution to
Childhood or Adolescence, separation anxiety disorder will be the disorder, and studies indicated that familial risk is particu-
included in the Anxiety Disorders section of the DSM-5. The larly elevated for first-degree relatives of those who developed
literature that the Anxiety Work Group relied upon to make PD prior to age 20 (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).
the DSM-5 proposed changes to separation anxiety disorder is Early suggestions that PD exhibited a unique pharmacological
not publicly available at this time. But the proposed changes to treatment response are untrue, and notions of unique psycho-
the diagnosis are available and include removal of the criterion social treatment response have been called into question by
that onset occurs prior to age 18, further differentiating the transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy approaches (e.g.,
DSM from the ICD-10 criteria that requires an age of onset Norton and Philipp, 2008).
prior to 6 (World Health Organization, 1993). The specifier As PAs are a crucial piece of PD, the Anxiety Work Group–
“early-onset” has also been removed. commissioned review of evidence focused on questions related
both to PAs and PD (Craske et al., 2010). It suggested that the
symptom “hot flushes” be changed to “heat sensations” to bet-
ter capture cultural variants in this experience and recom-
AGORAPHOBIA mended that culture-specific symptoms be included in the
Agoraphobia (AG) is characterized by a fear of being in situ- description of PAs but not counted as one of the four required
ations in which escape may be difficult or in which help may symptoms. The extant evidence did not suggest that a change
not be readily available. While not on the move to a different in the number of symptoms required for a PA is warranted
chapter as are the diagnoses in the previous section, the revi- at this time. To reinforce the paroxysmal temporal profile of
sions to the DSM-5 have moved AG from subordinate to panic panic, the wording was changed to indicate that a panic attack
(i.e., necessarily attributing the avoidance of situations to a fear reaches “a peak within minutes” and “can occur from a calm
of panic-related symptoms) to an independent disorder, a status state or an anxious state.” There was no new evidence exploring
it originally held in the DSM-III. This will be consistent with validators of panic attack frequency to suggest that the criteria
how agoraphobia is treated by DSM’s international counterpart, of “recurrent” PAs be modified. Due to the empirical evidence
the ICD (International Classification of Diseases; World Health that panic attacks are associated with an increase in symptom
Organization, 1993). severity, comorbidity, suicidality, and treatment resistance of
This decision was made despite remaining questions and comorbid disorders, a note was added indicating that PAs can
controversy, as the authors of the literature review indicate that serve as a specifier for both anxiety and nonanxiety disor-
they reached a consensus in their recommendations but that the ders (e.g., schizophrenia, panic attack specifier). As noted in
consensus was not unanimous (Wittchen et al., 2010). However, the previous section, agoraphobia is now a codable disorder,
the decision was supported by familial genetic data, psychiat- and thus, PD is no longer listed as PD with agoraphobia or PD
ric history, patterns of comorbidity, course of illness, treatment without agoraphobia.
response, and reliability (American Psychiatric Association, The DSM-5 Web site identifies the Panic Disorder Severity
2012b). This evidence, reviewed by Wittchen et al. (2010), high- Scale-Self-Report (Houck et al., 2002) as a dimensional mea-
lights that AG without panic-like symptoms does occur (in epi- sure that can be utilized to assess PD severity.
demiologic studies) and is associated with significant disability
and a persistent course with low rates of spontaneous recovery. SPECIFIC PHOBIA
Thus, while the majority of AG cases do occur in the presence of Specific phobia (SP) is characterized by clinically significant
panic disorder, panic attacks, or panic-like symptoms, that does distress or anxiety in response to a specific feared object or
not uniformly demonstrate that AG is a function of panic. situation. While it is more commonly found among women,
The proposed criteria for AG are more specific than in the sex difference varies by type (e.g., animal and situational).
DSM-IV to improve differential diagnosis. Criteria A lists five dif- Evidence indicates that familial risk seems to aggregate by type
ferent groups of agoraphobic situations, provides several exam- and that blood injection injury–type fears have a particularly
ples of each group, and requires the endorsement of one situation strong family link. The symptoms of SP usually first emerge
from two or more groups. Additionally, the new criteria include a in childhood or midadolescence, and for those that persist
six-month duration requirement to avoid unnecessarily patholo- into adulthood, remission is infrequent (American Psychiatric
gizing transient fear. In addition to the two newly developed Association, 2000). There is some research suggesting neural
dimensional measures, The Fear Questionnaire-Agoraphobia differences between SP types, but this research remains at a
Subscale (Marks and Mathews, 1979) is listed as a previously nascent stage (LeBeau et al., 2010).
validated dimensional measure, but specific recommendations The diagnostic criteria for SP, which was referred to as sim-
regarding its use are not included at this time. ple phobia prior to the DSM-IV, have seen several modifications

532 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

in preparation for the DSM-5 revisions. The review by LeBeau Selective mutism, listed in DSM-IV as a separate diagnosis
and colleagues (2010) focused on four main areas: the accu- in Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or
racy and utility of the specific phobia type classification, the Adolescence, had tentatively been proposed as a SAD specifier
validity of test anxiety as a type of SP, the boundary between since the majority of those with selective mutism have SAD,
agoraphobia and SP, and the reliability and utility of the spe- there are very high rates of SAD among parents of children
cific phobia criteria. The general conclusion of the review is with selective mutism, and preliminary treatment evidence
that the extant literature does support the retention of the spe- suggests that psychological and pharmacological treatments
cific phobia types as a descriptive option; that little evidence that are effective for SAD are also effective for selective mutism.
exists either for or against the inclusion of test anxiety as a It was ultimately decided, however, to situate selective mutism
type of SP; and similarly, that there is insufficient evidence to as a separate diagnosis within the Anxiety Disorders section,
reclassify agoraphobia as a type of SP. Finally, LeBeau and col- apparently to encourage further attention to factors which may
leagues (2010) reviewed the SP criteria and made recommen- distinguish selective mutism from SAD (e.g., developmental
dations about rewording and reordering the specific criteria language or speech problems).
in order to enhance consistency across anxiety disorders and Revisions to the SAD criteria also evaluated the comorbid-
improve clinical utility and ease of use. The criterion that one ity between SAD and avoidant personality disorder (AVPD),
recognize that his or her fear is excessive or unreasonable has thought by some to be a more severe version of SAD rather than a
been removed, as it is common for adults to deny that their qualitatively distinct disorder. Alden, Laposa et al. (2002) report
fear is excessive or unreasonable (LeBeau et al., 2010). Due that AVPD studies investigating the comorbidity of SAD note
to research indicating that transient fears and phobias occur an average comorbidity of 42% with SAD, which is consider-
among adults (LeBeau et al., 2010), the duration criterion of ably lower than one would anticipate if AVPD were synonymous
six months for those under the age of 18 has been extended to with severe SAD. Genetic studies indicate a link between SAD
all age groups. Currently, the Web site does not recommend and AVPD, but this link does not appear to be specific to these
any specific dimensional scales for measurement-based care, two disorders (Bogels et al., 2010). Similarly, psychological and
since most measures assess one specific type of SP; however, pharmacological treatment studies indicate a similar response
two newly developed alternative scales focusing on severity of style between the two disorders; however, numerous other dis-
SP and of anxiety in general are now being tested. orders also respond to these treatments. In addition, there are
some indications that AVPD shares links with the schizophrenia
SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER spectrum (Bogels et al., 2010). Based in part on these findings, it
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is characterized by a marked fear of was concluded that while these two have a high degree of over-
social and performance situations that often results in avoidance lap, it is too simplistic to consider AVPD a severe form of SAD
of those situations. Epidemiological data suggest that it is more (Bogels et al., 2010). Thus, the DSM-5 revisions will not collapse
common among women than men but that the sexes are equally these two disorders.
represented in clinical populations. Onset typically occurs by late Additional revisions to the SAD criteria include the expan-
teens and can be either insidious or abrupt. The course of SAD is sion of the types of social situations that are avoided to include
typically continuous and lifelong. Increased familial risk among social interaction, observation, and performance with exam-
first-degree relatives is particularly strong for the generalized ples of each provided. To increase the cultural sensitivity of
type (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). the diagnosis, the feared consequence of offending others has
Social phobia is currently the official name for this diag- been added to the previously listed fear of negative evaluation.
nosis, but the term social anxiety disorder was added in paren- The criteria no longer require the individual to recognize that
theses following this title in the DSM-IV-TR to reflect that this his or her fear is excessive but does require the fear to be out
is a broader diagnosis rather than just a circumscribed phobia of proportion to the actual threat posed. This acknowledges
(Bogels et al., 2010). Much of the Work Group review focused that some patients do not see their fear as excessive, but they
on the SAD specifiers. The DSM-5 framers have elected to are clearly not psychotic, and it is sufficient for the clinician
delete the “generalized” specifier for SAD, arguing that there to assess the excessiveness of the fear. Finally, the duration
was considerable heterogeneity within this category. Instead, criterion of six months has been extended beyond those under
a performance-only specifier was introduced, supported by the age of 18 to now apply across all age ranges, as it was noted
evidence that there are qualitative differences these indi- that adults can also experience transient social anxiety, which
viduals demonstrate from others with SAD (later onset, not might result in overdiagnosis.
characterized by childhood factors of shyness or behavioral In addition to the two newly developed dimensional mea-
inhibition, not familial, a stronger physiological response, sures, the Web site lists two previously published measures, the
and more likely to respond to beta blockers). In theory, if an Social Phobia Inventory (Connor et al., 2000) and Mini-Social
individual with SAD does not meet the performance-only Phobia Inventory (Connor et al., 2001), along with a brief
specifier, then he or she would be highly likely to have what description of each.
had been called generalized SAD in DSM-IV. The merits of
this change remain to be determined, whereas the disad- GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER
vantages of disconnecting from two decades of research and Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is characterized by clini-
over a thousand PubMed references to generalized SAD are cally significant worry and anxiety that is disproportionate to
obvious. the circumstances and persists for at least six months. While

3 9 D I A G N O S I S O F A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 533

adult onset is not uncommon, approximately half of the indi- of an “anxiety” disorder from other disorders of emotional dis-
viduals who present for treatment report childhood or ado- tress and misery (Craske et al., 2009). Extant evidence does
lescent onset. Course of this disorder is generally chronic suggest there is some consistency in unique, anxiety-specific
but often worsens in times of stress. Twin studies indicate a findings of distinct self-report measures, elevated sensitivity to
genetic contribution to the development of GAD (American threat (based on Pavlovian conditioning paradigms), cognitive
Psychiatric Association, 2000). bias to threat, and specific anxiety neurocircuitry. However,
The diagnosis of GAD has been encumbered by poor reli- inconsistency in findings across developmental stages, lack of
ability and substantial comorbidity with mood and anxiety distinction among the individual anxiety disorders, and some
disorders since its first inclusion in DSM-III. Revisions to overlap in findings with depressive disorders continue to con-
subsequent versions have attempted to remedy this situation. found attempts to nail down even the nosological validity of
Likewise, the proposed revisions by Andrews et al. (2010) are anxiety disorders as a distinct group! The DSM-5 revisions
meant to further clarify the diagnosis and enhance its reliability. attempt to incorporate new research to bolster the diagnos-
Included in these recommendations was reducing the duration tic system and will likely result in incremental steps toward
criterion from six to three months as this would substantially increased diagnostic validity and reliability, but addressing the
increase test–retest reliability and not impact the type of patient evidence base honestly requires that we recognize we are still
included in terms of distress and impairment (Andrews et al., a long way off from a goal of diagnostic entities that have the
2010). The criterion that worry is difficult to control has been kind of pathophysiologic validity of many recognized medical
removed because of a lack of validating support to indicate that disorders.
it added anything to the criteria (Andrews et al., 2010). Four The reviews commissioned by the Anxiety Work Group
of the six associated symptoms of worry listed in Criterion C clearly indicate that much empirical work is left to be done. A
(being easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating or mind going common theme across these reviews was the call for additional
blank, irritability, and sleep disturbance), are nonspecific to research, and in numerous instances, the authors noted that
GAD and are being proposed for removal, retaining only the there was simply insufficient empirical evidence for them to
two associated symptoms that are specific to the diagnosis draw conclusions regarding central questions they had been
(restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge and muscle ten- asked to review. Whereas the DSM system is not perfect, it
sion) to enhance the GAD’s discriminant validity, especially has become indispensable as it helps to bridge researchers
from major depressive disorder, which greatly overlaps with and clinicians and is used extensively across settings such as
these nonspecific symptoms. A list of four behaviors commonly insurance funding, treatment, and legal proceedings (Frances
employed by individuals with GAD in an attempt to decrease and Widiger, 2012). A system based on clinical description,
their worry or ameliorate distressing affect are now proposed such as we have, cannot match the validity (and even to some
for inclusion (e.g., repeatedly seeking reassurance due to wor- degree, the reliability) of a system based on objective medical
ries), one of which needs to be endorsed to meet the diagnostic tests; however, a mental disorder diagnostic system based on
criteria. When the specific combination of the currently pro- objective tests remains a long-term goal rather than a reality
posed changes was investigated, the prevalence of the disorder (Bernstein, 2011). The DSM was and is still meant to be a liv-
increased by 9%. However, these changes did not significantly ing document that serves as a framework for both research and
affect the distress or impairment, indicating that the severity clinical work that can expand and change based on accumulat-
was retained and lending support to these changes (Andrews ing knowledge. The mind is very complex, and the lofty goal
and Hobbs, 2010). At the time of this writing, it is unclear of carving psychiatric nature at its joints requires more clearly
whether the preceding changes to GAD will be accepted or not. elucidating how it functions and how missteps along its very
As with the other disorders, a previously published self-report complicated functioning can result in psychiatric illness.
measure of severity, the GAD-7 (Spitzer et al., 2006), is included Kendler has criticized commonly held explanatory models
among the DSM-5 revisions for GAD. for psychiatric illness and puts forth the need to conceptualize
the causes of psychiatric illnesses with “empirically based plu-
ralism” (e.g., Kendler, 2008, 2012). He suggests that psychiatry
has had the tendency to inaccurately dichotomize the etiology
of disorders because of the influence of Descartes and com-
As noted, the central goal of the DSM has been to create a reli- puter functionalism. Descartes’ dualistic approach to psychia-
able and valid diagnostic system for mental illness that has con- try distinguishes between the mind (thinking) and the brain
current and predictive validity. The past several decades have (physical) as two fundamentally separate entities and, follow-
witnessed an increase in the reliability of psychiatric diagnoses ing from this, that disorders are either organic (brain based) or
and an accumulation of knowledge surrounding associated fac- functional (mind based). Similarly, Kendler points out that the
tors, both clinical and experimental, that might serve as valida- advent of the computer era ushered in the functionalist per-
tors. However, much work remains as diagnoses fail to align with spective that our functioning runs parallel to that of computers,
recent findings from neuroscience and genetics, the diagnostic such that the computer hardware is synonymous with our brain
boundaries are not consistent with treatment response, and cur- and the software is synonymous with our mind. He suggests
rent validators remain relatively limited and lacking specificity. that this dichotomous thinking about mind/brain functioning
A recent review nicely outlines the difficulty in identifying continues to influence our conceptualization of the etiology
consistent validating data to support even the broad distinction of psychiatric illness, and beyond it simply being inaccurate,

534 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

it has impaired our ability to integrate research from multiple eventually translate into practitioners being able to supple-
domains into our understanding of psychiatric illness. In one ment clinical evaluation with functional or structural imaging,
of his articles (Kendler, 2012), he makes the case for the inac- genomic sequencing, or lab-based evaluations of fear condi-
curacy of this dualistic perspective by reviewing the biological, tioning to more effectively determine prognosis and effective
psychological, and higher order (social, political, and cultural) treatment (Insel et al., 2010).
etiological effects on major depression, alcohol dependence, As noted (Insel, 2009), the RDoC project is motivated by
and schizophrenia. The presented research indicates that each lofty long-term goals that may prove to dramatically affect the
of the three disorders is affected by factors from each domain field. However, it also rests on three assumptions: mental ill-
and that these factors are not independent but, rather, medi- nesses are brain disorders, neural circuit dysfunction can be
ate and moderate each other both within and across domains. identified through tools of neuroscience, and genetic and
Thus, he concludes that understanding the nature of psychiat- clinical neuroscience research will provide biosignatures that
ric illnesses requires an appreciation for the complex interplay will augment clinical management (Insel et al., 2010). If these
between factors from various domains that do not fit into the assumptions turn out to be valid, then the RDoC project may
neat mind/brain divide. He further suggests that a pluralistic lead to a revolution in our understanding of anxiety and other
view is driven by research and not a priori theory. forms of mental illness. Until that day, DSM and its latest itera-
On first glance, this view might seem at variance with the tion (DSM-5) will continue to serve as the clinical guidepost
notion that psychiatric disorders could be mapped to defini- for our field.
tive genetic etiologies tied to neuronal circuit pathophysiolo-
gies. However, recent meta-analyses of neuroimaging studies
provide tantalizing clues that PTSD, GAD, and MDD share DI SC L O SU R E S
specific neurocircuitry characteristics (hyperactivity of the
dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, which is responsible for Dr. Keough has no conflicts of interest to disclose. She currently
monitoring and expression of anxiety, and hypoactivity of the receives NIMH funding through a National Research Service
ventral anterior cingulate cortex, responsible for extinguish- Award Institutional Training Grant (T32MH082709-01A2).
ing fear responses) that are distinct from more classic “fear Dr. Stein is paid as co-editor-in-chief for UpToDate in
disorders” like panic, social anxiety, and the phobic disorders Psychiatry, and as associate editor for the journal Depression
(Etkin, 2012). Ironically, this does not accord with the pro- and Anxiety. His research is funded by NIMH, the VA, and the
posed DSM-5 changes, as it does not suggest PTSD is unique Department of Defense.
from all anxiety and mood disorders, nor that GAD is similar Dr. Roy-Byrne has grant funding from NIDA and NIMH,
to other anxiety disorders. receives salary for editor-in-chief duties for Depression
Related to Kendler’s call for an understanding of the com- and Anxiety, UpToDate in Psychiatry, and Journal Watch
plex interplay between factors is NIMH’s Research Domain Psychiatry, and has received stock options as a consultant and
Criteria (RDoC) project (National Institute of Mental Health, advisor to Valant Medical Solutions, a behavioral health EMR
2011). The NIMH has indicated that it will focus its funding company.
priorities on projects that are developed within this frame-
work. It is meant to guide research in a manner that bypasses
current diagnostic systems by organizing the focus of research REFERENCES
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536 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S




INTR ODU C T IO N adult ADs (Hettema et al., 2001). Few family studies have been
published since then, as it is now well established that all ADs
This chapter provides a broad overview of the state of research moderately aggregate in families. More twin studies have been
in the genetics of the major anxiety disorders (ADs). We will conducted, however, with emphasis on the etiology of comor-
primarily address findings regarding the categorical clinical bidity or developmental risk. While the former meta-analysis
syndromes as defined in DSM; however, several other human is over a decade old, it still provides the most systematic inte-
anxiety-related phenotypes (ARPs) are also discussed in rela- gration of data across primary studies of several of the ADs.
tion to these, as indicated by the research data. We conceptually We will refer to results of that meta-analysis and augment with
divide the chapter into three main sections: genetic epidemiol- data from more recent studies, where available.
ogy (adult and pediatric), human molecular genetics, and ani-
mal genetic models. We refer the reader to detailed reviews of
the genetics of ADs (Hovatta and Barlow, 2008; Norrholm and
O F A D U LT A D s
Ressler, 2009; Smoller et al., 2009), including a special issue of
the American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C devoted to PA N I C D I S O R D E R
this topic (Smoller and Faraone, 2008). As reviewed by Schumacher and colleagues, data from 19 con-
trolled family studies overall support the familial aggregation
of panic disorder (PD), with relative risk to first-degree rela-
GE NE TIC EP ID EMIO L O GY O F A Ds tives (FDRs) ranging 3–17 (Schumacher et al., 2011). Five of
these meeting strict inclusion criteria were analyzed in the
In this section, we review the available data on genetic epide- meta-analysis, the results of which showed a highly signifi-
miology of adult ADs. As reviewed in Chapter 12, the “chain cant association between PD in the proband and PD in FDRs.
of evidence” for genetic investigations begins with family stud- Summary OR across the five studies was 5.0 (95% CI: 3.0–8.2)
ies, which compare rates of illness in relatives of those who and the unadjusted aggregate risk based on 1,356 total FDRs of
have the condition (case probands) with rates in relatives of PD probands was 10.0%, compared with 2.1% in 1,187 control
healthy controls. Higher rates in the former group of relatives, relatives. Additionally, one study suggests higher familial risk
as parameterized by a relative risk (RR) or odds ratio (OR) associated with early-onset PD in the proband.
greater than 1.0, suggest familial aggregation. The next step The two largest sources of adult twin data for most of
relies on either adoption studies (which are not available for the ADs, including PD, are the population-based Virginia
ADs) or twin studies to differentiate genetic from within-family Adult Twin Study of Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders
environment as sources of aggregation. Twin studies compare (VATSPSUD), and the Vietnam Era Twin (VET) Registry.
resemblance for a condition between members of a twin pair The former consists of approximately 9,000 twins from male
using the fact that identical (monozygotic, MZ) twins share and female same-sex and opposite-sex pairs born in Virginia,
100% of their genes while nonidentical (dizygotic, DZ) twins while the latter is of comparable size but contains only U.S.
share only 50% of their genes on average. One commonly used male twins who served during the Vietnam War. The size of
measure of twin resemblance is the probandwise concordance, these samples permits the use of structural equation modeling
that is, the proportion of cotwins of affected index twins who to assess the relative contributions of genetics, common fam-
are also affected. If average concordance for MZ pairs is greater ily (shared) environment, and individual specific (nonshared)
than that for DZ pairs, this is evidence for a genetic compo- environment to the liability of PD. Both samples reported
nent to family resemblance. With larger twin samples, one may higher MZ than DZ concordance, suggesting a genetic com-
also estimate the proportion of individual differences due to ponent to PD, consistent with some prior smaller twin studies.
the effects of genetic factors (heritability). For conditions with Both VATSPSUD and VET studies estimated heritability of PD
substantial heritability, gene finding (linkage or association) to lie between 30% and 40%. The remaining source of individ-
studies are undertaken to identify which specific genes con- ual differences derived from individual specific environment
tribute to risk. not shared between twins. In addition, the VATSPSUD found
A 2001 meta-analysis summarized findings across extant no evidence that genetic risk factors for PD significantly differ
family and twin studies for several individual or categories of between men and women.

4 0 G E N E T I C S O F A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 537

GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER the remainder of the variance for these measures explained by
Two published family studies of generalized anxiety disorder nonshared environment. Self-report OC symptoms from the
(GAD) were included in the aforementioned meta-analysis. Padua Inventory were examined in 527 female twin pairs from
Both studies, derived from clinical probands, supported the the VATSPSUD. Factor analysis identified two major factors
familial aggregation of GAD, and together they show a sig- accounting for 62% of the variance that appeared to roughly
nificant association between GAD in the proband and in their correspond to obsessions and compulsions, with heritabilities
FDRs, with a summary OR of 6.08 (95% CI: 2.5–14.9). Both of 33% and 26%, respectively.
the VATSPSUD and the VET Registry examined broadened OCD is a heterogeneous disorder, with several distinct
GAD syndromes via twin analyses, with an overall heritability symptom patterns (“dimensions”) that can differ widely across
of 31.6% (95% CI: 24–39%) when data from both samples were patients (Leckman et al., 2001) (see Chapter 48). Preliminary
combined via meta-analysis. Other twin studies report herita- family and twin studies report that these dimensions are indi-
bility estimates for GAD in this range. vidually heritable and might reflect the influence of distinct
but correlated underlying genetic factors. This has potentially
PHOBIAS important implications for molecular genetic studies of OCD
Fyer and colleagues performed a series of analyses examin- (Miguel et al., 2005).
ing specific phobia (SP), social phobia (SOC), and agora-
phobia (AG) and their relationship with each other and PD. P O S T T R A U M AT I C S T R E S S D I S O R D E R
They reported higher rates of SP in relatives of SP probands Several recent reviews of the genetics of posttraumatic stress
compared with control relatives (31% versus 9%), higher rates disorder (PTSD) are available in the literature (Afifi et al., 2010;
of SOC in relatives of SOC probands (16% versus 5%), and Koenen, 2007). The study of the genetics of PTSD is compli-
higher rates of AG in relatives of AG probands (10% versus cated by the requirement of a specific environmental expo-
3%). Another family study reported higher rates of AG in rela- sure in its diagnostic criteria. The classification of a subject
tives of probands with AG compared with control relatives as not carrying an increased risk for PTSD (i.e., “healthy”) is
(11.6% versus 4.2%, OR = 3.0). Two studies of SOC found that predicated on the condition that they are unaffected only after
familial aggregation is primarily due to the generalized sub- experiencing a significant trauma. Only a handful of published
type. Meta-analysis across family studies found a highly signif- family studies exist, mostly examining general psychopathol-
icant association between phobias in the proband and in FDR, ogy in the relatives of PTSD probands to identify correlated
with a summary OR of 4.07 (95% CI: 2.7–6.1). familial risk factors. Their overall findings suggest that a family
Only two large, adult twin samples have comprehensively history of either anxiety or depressive disorders or both may
examined the genetics of phobias in adults. A series of analyses increase an individual’s risk for developing PTSD after experi-
in the VATSPSUD examining phobic fears and disorders found encing a significant trauma.
that twin resemblance was due largely to genetic factors across Two twin samples have studied the etiology of risk for
AG, SOC, and SP, estimating that genetic factors explain from PTSD. Self-report symptoms of PTSD from the reexperienc-
one-third to two-thirds of their individual differences. Similar ing, avoidance, and hyperarousal clusters were analyzed in
heritability estimates were recently reported from a study 4,042 male twin pairs from the VET Registry (True et al., 1993).
of about 1,400 female twins from the Norwegian Institute of The MZ twin correlations were higher than the DZ correla-
Public Health Twin Panel (NIPHTP) (Czajkowski et al., 2011). tions, and heritabilities in the range of 30–35% were estimated
for most of the individual symptoms after controlling for the
OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER effects of trauma exposure; nonshared environment explained
As reviewed by Nestadt and colleagues, most of the 15 pub- the remaining variance in liability to PTSD. A second, smaller
lished family studies of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) twin study extended these findings to female subjects and
support its familial aggregation (Nestadt et al., 2010). Five fam- PTSD resulting from civilian traumas (Stein et al., 2002). For
ily studies included in the meta-analysis provided a highly sig- pairs in which both twins were exposed to trauma, MZ pairs
nificant association between OCD in the proband and FDRs were more highly correlated than DZ pairs for all of the PTSD
(summary OR = 4.0, 95% CI: 2.2–7.1), with an unadjusted symptom clusters, with heritability estimates in a similar range
aggregate risk based on 1,209 total FDRs of OCD probands of as those from the VET Registry study.
8.2% versus 2.0% in 746 control relatives. Secondary analyses in Twin studies have also attempted to estimate the degree
several of these studies suggest that younger age of onset may to which the effects of genetic and environmental risk fac-
further increase familial risk for OCD. tors interact with each other beyond their independent effects
Due to the complex assessment requirements and relatively on the phenotype (G × E). In other words, does the effect of
low prevalence rates of diagnostically defined OCD, many twin adverse environmental exposures vary by degree of genetic
studies have only examined broadened phenotypes consist- liability (“genetic control of sensitivity to the environment”)?
ing of OC symptoms or features (reviewed in van Grootheest Twin studies have established the importance of G × E effects
et al., 2005). A study of OC traits and symptoms assessed by for ADs (Lau et al., 2007; Silberg et al., 2001a). G × E effects are
the Leyton Obsessional Inventory in 419 complete pairs from of particular relevance for PTSD (Afifi et al., 2010; Koenen et al.,
a London-based volunteer twin registry reported heritability 2009), since traumatic environmental exposure is a prerequisite
estimates of 44% for OC traits and 47% for symptoms, with for its development. Another layer of complexity comes from

538 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

twin studies that suggest exposure to many “environmental” PD has a rather late age of onset compared with some other
experiences is due to behaviors partially driven by their own ADs (median 24 years), although a small subset of adolescents
underlying genetic factors (Kendler and Baker, 2007). develop PD. Childhood SAD is hypothesized to share etiologic
roots with PD, and a recent longitudinal twin study determined
that the association between earlier SAD and adult-onset panic
P E D I AT R I C A D s was largely explained by common genetic influences between
them (Roberson-Nay et al., 2012).
Studies of anxiety in pediatric samples have used varying phe-
SOC is one of the most prevalent ADs in youth, second only
notypic definitions via different types of assessment instru-
to specific phobias. A study in adolescent female twins reported
ments. These range from broad, often continuous scores for
heritability for SOC of 16% with no significant role for shared
“anxiety” (e.g., Child Behavior Checklist [CBCL]) or anxious
environment (Nelson et al., 2000). In a study based on child
temperament, to groups of individual anxiety symptoms (e.g.,
report using the SCARED, only genetic (53%) and nonshared
the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders
environmental (47%) influences significantly accounted for
[SCARED]), to specific diagnostic syndromes. We will briefly
variance in self-reported SOC symptoms (Ogliari et al., 2006).
summarize the major findings from these in turn.
An even higher heritability (76%) was reported in a study of
Studies of broad anxiety scores in child and adolescent
4-year-old twins for the temperamental trait of shyness/behav-
twins report significant but moderate heritability (ranges
ioral inhibition, a risk factor for SOC (Eley et al., 2003).
20–60%) for the Anxiety Problems scale of the CBCL (Spatola
et al., 2010), fears (Rose and Ditto, 1983), state anxiety (Legrand
et al., 1999), and anxious/depression scores (Boomsma et al., D E V E L O P M E N TA L C H A N G E S I N G E N E T I C A N D
2005). Unlike in adult samples, many of these studies also
E N V I R O N M E N TA L R I S K F O R A D s
report significant influences of shared family environment.
Few family studies exist using childhood AD probands. A As summarized in Chapters 44 and 71, ADs onset differentially
family study of children with ADs, in general, found elevated across development, with puberty being a particularly salient
rates of ADs in their FDRs compared with FDRs of children time for increase in risk for some new or comorbid conditions.
without an AD (Last et al., 1991), supporting the familial aggre- Twin studies conducted in children at different ages or longitu-
gation of pediatric onset ADs. The only specific AD that has dinally can examine the changing effects of genetic and envi-
been systematically examined for familial aggregation using ronmental risk factors over time. As reviewed by Franic and
childhood probands is OCD, with two of the three extant stud- colleagues, heritability for anxious/depressive symptoms are
ies reporting higher OR than was typical among studies with highest in early age groups and decrease with age, with corre-
adult probands. In concordance with risk estimated from fam- spondingly increasing importance for shared family environ-
ily studies, heritability estimates of OCD in children (45–65%) ment into middle childhood (Franic et al., 2010). However, this
are generally higher than those from adult studies (reviewed in trend appears to reverse as children develop through adoles-
van Grootheest et al., 2005). cence into adulthood for a range of phenotypes including anxi-
The design of some family studies, rather than attempting to ety symptoms (Bergen et al., 2007). As children age through
interview all FDRs, limit their assessment to rates of illness in puberty, family environmental influences decline in signifi-
children of affected parents, allowing one to prospectively iden- cance, consistent with the developmental progression for their
tify a “high-risk” sample. A meta-analysis of high-risk studies sphere of influence from family to peers and beyond.
using parental probands with ADs found a significant increase in A longitudinal study of Swedish twins that recorded fear
rates of ADs in general (OR = 3.91) as well as each specific type of measures at four time points between ages 8 and 20 found that
AD (OR ranges from 2 to 4) in their offspring (Micco et al., 2009). the role of genetic factors salient for fears during middle child-
Rates of OCD are particularly high (OR = 8.7). Interestingly, the hood (ages 8 to 9) subsequently declined over time, with new
rates of major depression (MD) in those offspring are also ele- genetic risk factors coming “online” in early adolescence, late
vated (OR = 2.67) (see section on comorbidity that follows). adolescence, and early adulthood (Kendler et al., 2008b). These
Among specific ADs, separation anxiety disorder (SAD) results suggest that genetic effects for the expression of fear are
has received significant research attention, likely owing to its “developmentally dynamic,” from middle childhood through the
earlier age of onset and frequency. The results for twin stud- young adult years. The mechanisms behind changes in genetic
ies of SAD have been mixed, with some studies supporting influences as a function of age are not well understood, but the
genetic as well as both common and unique environmental findings suggest that certain genes may be differentially activated
events as critical to its expression, while other studies do not at different stages of development. While DNA structure is stable
observe significant shared environmental factors. An exten- across the life span, gene expression and epigenetic processes
sive meta-analysis of childhood SAD, which pooled together are dynamic, potentially explaining developmental changes in
18 cohorts with over 30,000 twin subjects, indicated that both genetic influences on the manifestation of fear and anxiety.
genetic (43%) and shared environmental (17%) factors sig- Longitudinal studies also provide valuable information
nificantly accounted for its familial aggregation (Scaini et al., regarding the genetic basis for developmental unfolding and the
2012). Unlike most individual studies, this analysis also pos- fluctuating nature of psychiatric syndromes over time. Some dis-
sessed adequate power to detect differential heritability esti- orders exhibit homotypic continuity, with onsets in childhood
mates between females (52%) and males (26%). and continuing of similar symptom profiles into adulthood (e.g.,

4 0 G E N E T I C S O F A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 539

social phobia); for others, heterotypic continuity (the prediction situational SP (Hettema et al., 2005). In the best fitting model,
of a disorder by a different disorder) is observed. In a pediatric the genetic influences on anxiety susceptibility for both sexes
twin sample, stable genetic factors explained most of homotypic were explained by two additive genetic factors shared across the
continuity in childhood anxiety scales in the short age range disorders, with significant disorder-specific genetic risk only for
from seven and nine (Trzaskowski et al., 2011). Looking at AG. The first factor loaded most strongly on GAD, PD, and AG,
genetic risk across fear types (SOC and three types of SP) in the while the second loaded primarily on SP. SOC was intermedi-
Swedish twin sample cited earlier, there was genetic innovation ate, in that it was influenced by both common genetic factors.
and attenuation differentially across fear domains. Namely, the A similar analysis conducted in NIPHTP identified a single
major common genetic factor underlying overall fearfulness was common genetic factor of heritability of 54% that accounted
stable across development, while new common and fear-specific for a large proportion of genetic variance across symptoms of
genetic risk factors emerged over time (Kendler et al., 2008a). In PD, GAD, SP (all types), OCD, and PTSD (Tambs et al., 2009).
a study of young adults from the NIPHTP, stability of anxiety and Only SP and OCD had disorder-specific genetic effects of
depressive symptoms across two time points was mainly attrib- appreciable magnitude. Analyses from other large twin datasets
utable to genetic factors, whereas change was primarily related support the hypothesis of a shared genetic diathesis between
to environmental influences (Nes et al., 2007). As described ear- the AD phenotypes in adults and children as well as between
lier, a recent longitudinal twin study found heterotypic conti- ADs and MD (reviewed in (Middeldorp et al., 2005)). Similarly,
nuity between childhood SAD and adult-onset panic was best the meta-analysis of high-risk studies cited earlier found no
explained by a common genetic vulnerability (Roberson-Nay significant differences between risk for anxiety or depression
et al., 2012). In contrast, the genetic factor associated with child- in offspring between parental proband groups with either type
hood overanxious disorder (OAD) did not contribute signifi- of disorder (Micco et al., 2009), suggesting that a nonspecific
cantly to adult panic. These results indicate that childhood SAD internalizing diathesis is transmitted to offspring.
and adult panic share a common genetic diathesis that is not Studies have consistently demonstrated associations
observed for childhood OAD, supporting the hypothesis of a between high levels of anxiety-related personality traits and
specific genetic heterotypic link among them. However, symp- increased risk of ADs. Neuroticism and extraversion, two
toms of OAD experienced early in life are influenced by the normal traits included in most personality inventories, are
same genes that influence later depressive symptoms (Silberg generally elevated and lowered, respectively, in subjects with
et al., 2001b), supporting the findings from adult twin studies anxiety and depressive disorders; they also likely mediate
that OAD/GAD and MD share a common underlying genetic anxiety-depressive comorbidity (Bienvenu et al., 2001). Twin
liability (see next section). studies suggest that some of the genetic factors that influence
these personality traits overlap those that increase susceptibil-
ity for anxiety and depressive disorders. (Bienvenu et al., 2007;
Hettema et al., 2006; Kendler et al., 2006).

Most, but not all, family studies of the ADs reported relative
specificity in their familial aggregation; however, this is not the
case with twin studies. Studies in the VATSPSUD sample have Overall, genetic epidemiological studies support a moder-
found genetic and environmental factors are, to a greater or ate level of familial aggregation (OR 4–6) for adult ADs. The
lesser extent, shared across most of the ADs and with other source of this familial risk is predominantly genetic in origin,
commonly comorbid disorders like MD. The twin studies cited with heritability of about 30–50%. Pediatric ADs are possibly
earlier used multivariate modeling to test whether there was a even more highly heritable, with genetic effects dynamically
common factor of “phobia proneness” that increased liability changing throughout development. Twin studies suggest that
across classes of phobic fears and whether it was genetic, envi- ADs do not seem to “breed true”; that is, their genetic archi-
ronmental, or both in origin. The best fitting models contained tecture is not isomorphic with their symptomatic presenta-
both common and disorder-specific genetic and nonshared tions and classifications, sharing risk factors with each other
environmental influences on all of the phobia subtypes exam- and related phenotypes like depression and anxious personal-
ined, with the proportion of genetic variance explained by com- ity traits. This helps to explain their patterns of comorbidity as
mon genes varying somewhat by disorder and gender. Similar well as their developmental progression.
findings were reported in the NIPHTP study cited earlier,
although they found evidence for two common genetic factors
differentially loading across the phobia subtypes (Czajkowski HU M A N M O L E C U L A R G E N E T I CS
et al., 2011). Analyses from the VATSPSUD and the Swedish
Twin Registry suggest that GAD and MD share the majority of
their genetic risk in common but only a modest proportion of
environmental risk factors (Kendler et al., 2006). Two main approaches are applied to identify susceptibility genes
Several studies from the VATSPSUD tested broader models in human studies: linkage and association studies. Linkage stud-
of comorbidity between the ADs, or between the ADs, MD, and ies are performed in pedigrees with several affected individuals
related phenotypes. One such analysis examined the relation- to identify chromosomal loci likely to harbor a gene influencing
ships across several ADs: PD, GAD, AG, SOC, and animal and a biological trait or condition. While effective to identify highly

540 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

penetrant genes of large effect seen in classic Mendelian disorder, and, consequently, lower activity of the transporter. Lesch and
linkage has, with few exceptions, not been very fruitful for most colleagues initially reported the association of the 5HTTLPR
complex phenotypes encountered in medicine, including anxi- short allele with anxiety-related personality traits (Lesch et al.,
ety. Several linkage studies have been performed for ARPs, with 1996). Since then, a large number of studies have attempted to
few consistent findings between studies (reviewed in Hovatta and replicate the association, but the results have been inconsis-
Barlow, 2008; Smoller and Faraone, 2008). Suggestive linkage has tent (similar to reports of association between MDD and this
been reported for regions on chromosomes 4q, 9q, 13q, 14q, and polymorphism). Also, meta-analyses of the association studies
22q in PD (reviewed in Maron et al., 2010), 9p in OCD (Nestadt between the SLC6A4 gene and anxiety-related personality traits
et al., 2010), and 8p for the anxiety-related personality trait of are inconclusive: modest overall association with neuroticism
harm avoidance (HA) (Cloninger et al., 1998). A reanalysis of as measured by the neuroticism-extraversion-openness person-
several PD linkage studies supported linkage on chromosomes ality inventory but no association with HA or neuroticism as
4q and 7p (Logue et al., 2012). The most intensively studied ARP measured by the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (Munafo
using linkage is neuroticism. A recent meta-analysis of all avail- et al., 2009). Furthermore, a meta-analysis of OCD suggested an
able genome-wide linkage studies of neuroticism using eight association with the long allele in the childhood-onset subgroup
independent samples with over 14,000 subjects supported link- and Caucasians (Bloch et al., 2008), whereas a meta-analysis of
age on chromosomes 9, 11, 12, and 14 (Webb et al., 2012). In the 10 association studies of PD did not show overall association
same study, similar analysis using a smaller set of samples found between 5HTTLPR and PD (Blaya et al., 2007).
suggestive evidence for linkage on chromosomes 1, 5, 15, and 16 Several candidate genes involved in the (hypothalamic-
for ADs. The results for ADs and neuroticism were moderately pituitary-adrenal) HPA stress response system have been
but significantly correlated, supporting the results from twin implicated in PTSD. Binder and colleagues reported signifi-
studies suggesting shared genetic susceptibility. cant interactive effects, but no main effects, of polymorphisms
Association studies allow one to test specific genes or mark- in FKBP5, a gene that regulates glucocorticoid receptor sensi-
ers within genes for their contribution to a phenotype. They tivity, and severity of child abuse history in a sample of around
may take the form of case-control comparisons in unrelated 900 primarily African-American adults (Binder et al., 2008).
individuals or family-based transmission tests. To date, most A female-specific association with PTSD and fear discrimi-
association studies of ADs have focused on candidate genes, nation was reported in the same sample for a marker in an
which have to be chosen using a priori knowledge, either from estrogen response element of ADCYAP1R1, the gene encoding
their position under a linkage peak or their biologic function the receptor for pituitary adenylate cyclase–activating poly-
as relevant for the pathophysiology of the disease. The most peptide (PACAP) (Ressler et al., 2011). Also, PACAP blood
widely studied candidate genes for ADs are genes involved in levels correlated with PTSD symptoms and startle responses
neurotransmitter systems or related to stress response. In their of females in a fear-conditioning paradigm. Other interesting
review, Maron and colleagues summarized more than 350 can- AD–candidate gene associations, some of which were rep-
didate gene findings for PD, concluding that most of these results licated in other studies (Table 40.1), include: (1) overall AD
remain inconsistent, negative, or not clearly replicated (Maron phenotypes with glutamic acid decarboxylase 1 (GAD1) and
et al., 2010). Failure to identify susceptibility loci in PD may be (2) OCD with both the glutamate transporter (SLC1A1) and
due to differences in phenotypic assessment, heterogeneneity at brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) genes.
the genetic level, and underpowered studies with small sample
sizes (issues in association studies of many phenotypes). Several
G E N O M E - W I D E A S S O C I AT I O N
association findings, such as for the genes regulator of G-protein
signaling 2 (RGS2), adenosine 2A receptor (ADORA2A), and
catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), were replicated in other Table 40.2 lists extant Genome-Wide Association Studies
studies, sometimes in other ARPs (Table 40.1). For example, the (GWAS) of anxiety-related personality traits and ADs. Unlike
COMT gene polymorphism (Val158Met) has been implicated candidate gene studies, which require a priori knowledge for
in susceptibility to PD by several studies in independent sam- gene selection, GWAS provides an unbiased survey of common
ples. COMT encodes an enzyme metabolizing the monoamine genetic variation across the entire genome (see Chapter 12). The
neurotransmitters. The valine (Val) allele shows a significantly first reported GWAS for an anxiety phenotype was published
higher COMT activity relative to the methionine (Met) allele. in 2008 (Shifman et al., 2008) using DNA pooling methods
A meta-analysis of six case-control studies showed significant in about 2,000 individuals selected on extremes of neuroti-
association of the COMT 158 Val allele with PD in Caucasian cism scores from a cohort of 88,000 people. Among 450,000
samples and, conversely, a trend toward association of the SNPs investigated, only one SNP within the phosphodiesterase
COMT 158 Met allele with PD in the Asian samples (Domschke 4D (PDE4D) gene was replicated in one of three independent
et al., 2007). Given the multiple positive findings, COMT seems samples tested. They concluded that no loci explained more
to be one of the most consistent association findings for ADs. than 1% of variance of the trait and that many loci with small
The other extensively studied gene in genetic studies of effects account for its heritability. The second neuroticism
ADs, as well as MD, is the serotonin transporter gene (particu- GWAS was conducted in 1,200 U.S. Caucasian participants, in
larly, its promoter length polymorphism, 5HTTLPR), involved which the most promising markers were subsequently tested
in the action of SSRI drugs. The short allele is associated with for replication in 1,900 German subjects (van den Oord et al.
lower expression of the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) 2008), demonstrating nearly genome-wide association for

4 0 G E N E T I C S O F A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 541

TA B L E 40. 1. Candidate gene of anxiety disorders and anxiety-related phenotypes showing association in other studies


RGS2 Regulator of G-protein signaling 2 1q31.2 PD, PTSD, extraversion Regulator of G protein signaling

GAD1 Glutamic acid decarboxylase 1 2q31.1 GAD, PD, agoraphobia, social GABA synthesis

SLC1A1 Glutamate transporter 9p24.2 OCD Glutamate transmission

BDNF Brain-derived neurotrophic factor 11p14.1 OCD, harm avoidance Neurotrophic factor

CCKBR Cholecystokinin B receptor 11p15.4 PD Neuropeptide transmission

DRD4 Dopamine receptor D4 11p15.5 OCD, PD, neuroticism Dopamine neurotransmission

HTR2A 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2A 13q14.2 OCD, PD Serotonin neurotransmission

5HTTLPR Serotonin transporter 17q11.2 OCD, PTSD, neuroticism Regulator of serotonin reuptake

COMT Catechol-O-methyltransferase 22q11.2 PD, anxiety-related personality, Catecholamine degradation

phobic anxiety

ADORA2A Adenosine A2 receptor 22q11.2 PD Adenosine regulation

(Adapted from Hovatta and Barlow, 2008.)

PD, panic disorder; OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder; PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder; GAD, generalized anxiety disorder

TA B L E 40. 2. Genome-wide association studies of anxiety disorders and related personality traits



Shifman et al. (2008) Neuroticism (EPQ) 2,054 individuals with Affymetrix 100 K and PDE4D (5q12)
extremely high scores on 500 K

van den Oord et al. Neuroticism (EPQ) 1,227 U.S. participants for Affymetrix 500 K MAMDC1 (15q21)
(2008) GWAS; 1,880 German subjects
for replication

Otowa et al. (2009, Panic disorder 200 cases and 200 controls Affymetrix 500 K TMEM16B (12p13)
2010) for GWAS; 558 cases and
566 controls for replication

Calboli et al. (2010) Neuroticism (EPQ) 2,235 individuals from Affymetrix 500 K NKAIN2 (6q22)
population-based sample

Terracciano et al. (2010) Neuroticism (NEO-PI) 3,972 individuals from a Affymetrix 10 K and SNAP25 (20p12)
population within Sardinia 500 K

Erhardt et al. (2011) Panic disorder 216 cases and 222 controls Illumina 300 K TMEM132D (12q24)
for GWAS; 693 cases and
693 controls for replication

de Moor et al. (2012) Neuroticism, 17,375 individuals from Affymetrix 10 K, 250 MTR (1q43) for
extraversion (NEO-PI) 10 samples for discovery and 500 K; Illumina neuroticism; PSAT1
(partially overlapped with 6 K, 317 K, 370 K, (9q21) for extraversion
sample in Terracciano et al., 550 K, 610 K, 1 M;
2010); 3,294 individuals from Perlegen 600 K
five samples for replication

EPQ, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire; GWAS, genome-wide association studies; NEO-PI, neuroticism-extraversion-openness personality inventory.

SNPs in MAMDC1 when combining the two samples. A recent there were no genome-wide significant findings for neuroti-
meta-analysis of GWAS for personality traits, combining data cism or extraversion (de Moor et al., 2012).
from 17,000 subjects, reported genome-wide significant asso- The first AD GWAS was conducted in 200 PD cases and 200
ciation for traits of openness (near RASA1 gene on 5q14.3) and controls in the Japanese population, reporting several potential
conscientiousness (in KATNAL2 gene on 18q21.1). However, novel loci for susceptibility to PD (Otowa et al., 2009). However,

542 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

a follow-up study in a larger sample failed to show any signifi- such as the amygdala and prefrontal cortex (PFC) are phyloge-
cant association of these genes with PD. The second GWAS of netically well preserved in rodents (see Chapter 41). Thus, while
PD, conducted in three German samples, reported two associ- recognizing their obvious limitations, as no animal model can
ated SNPs located in TMEM132D on 12q24.3 (Erhardt et al., mimic the full spectrum of anxiety in humans, rodents are con-
2011). Risk genotypes for PD were associated with higher sidered a vital tool for advancing our basic understanding of the
TMEM132D mRNA expression levels in the frontal cortex. genetic and neurobiological basis of AD.
They also demonstrated that TMEM132D was associated with In the last decade, there has been an increase in “transla-
anxiety-related behavior using a mouse model of extremes in tional studies,” where human genetic findings are being func-
trait anxiety. Of note, none of these analyses found overlap with tionally validated by subsequent work in rodents and vice
previously reported candidate genes, so these results require versa (Sartori et al., 2011). Inbred strains have supported the
replication in independent, adequately powered samples. development of transgenic and knockout (KO) models, while
Several international research collaborations have formed recombinant inbred strains have contributed to the discovery
to investigate the genetics of ADs, similar to efforts by the of quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with ALB. These
Psychiatric Genetics Consortium for other psychiatric disor- approaches have been extended with the use of molecular
ders. For example, the Panic International Consortium (PanIC) techniques to functionally characterize AD candidate genes.
aims to replicate earlier association findings and to identify In the following section, we will (1) summarize the most cur-
new markers using the largest combined sample of PD subjects. rent advances in the genetics of AD as supported by research
The Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation International Genetic methods in rodent models and (2) provide examples on
Consortium (OCF-ICG) is performing a GWAS of OCD using a cross-species approaches that have supported and validated
sample size of over 3,000 cases and controls. Several groups are also genetic research on AD.
currently conducting large GWAS of PTSD in trauma-exposed
subjects. Our group is leading a GWAS meta-analysis, using data
from six independent samples from the United States, Europe,
and Australia of over 20,000 subjects, to discover novel genes that
are responsible for common genetic risk shared across ADs using To model ARB in rodents, researchers have relied on various
quantitative anxiety factor scores that, in principle, increase the paradigms and behavioral tests to assess defensive responses
statistical power to detect genes of small effect. to naturally occurring (e.g., vulnerability to predators) and
laboratory-provoked (e.g., tail shock) threats (reviewed in
Chapter 41). These can be further be subdivided into condi-
tioned (learned) and unconditioned tests (ethologically based).
Linkage studies of ADs have produced inconclusive results, and Unconditioned tests including open field tests (OFTs), elevated
GWAS have not reached genome-wide significance, to date. plus maze (EPM), and light-dark box (LDB) measure spon-
This is similar to the experience for a similar psychiatric phe- taneous or natural responses to innate aversive and threaten-
notype, MD (see Chapter 30). This implies that a large number ing stimuli. Conditioning paradigms such as fear conditioning
of genes with small effects, rather than a small number of genes (FC) and fear-potentiated startle (FPS) rely on the learned
of moderate-to-large effects, account for the heritability of pairing of a neutral stimulus (i.e., conditioned stimulus; CS)
these phenotypes. Thus, very large, well-characterized samples with an aversive stimulus (unconditioned stimulus; US) and
and even larger meta-analyses are needed before unambiguous subsequent conditioned fear responses (i.e., freezing and star-
findings will be available. On the other hand, several candidate tle) are measured during the presence of the CS and absence of
AD genes have been replicated and confirmed in other ADs, the US. Such conditioned responses are hypothesized to model
suggesting their pleiotropic effects across these phenotypes. phobias and PTSD.
Therefore, we emphasize that very large GWAS using common Inbred mice are a classic tool for investigating the genetic
genetic factors across ADs provide a powerful strategy to iden- basis of many medical syndromes. Mice from the same strain
tify their susceptibility genes. are almost 100% identical between their respective genomes.
Thus, interstrain genetic differences have helped investigate
heritable and stable behavioral phenotypes related to anxiety.
ANIMA L MO D EL S FO R S TU D Y I N G In Table 40.3, we provide a summary of the various strain dif-
THE GE N ETIC S O F A D s ferences in ALB measured in different tests. Inbred mice dis-
play individual differences in ALB in both conditioned and
The genetic basis of ADs has been supported by well-established unconditioned tests. BALB/c, A/J, AKR/J, and S129/SvImJ
animal models (Jacobson and Cryan, 2010). The human and are known as typically highly anxious strains. Interestingly,
mouse genome share many common features whereby almost all the S129/SvImJ strain displays a unique profile for high anxi-
genes have a respective counterpart. Humans and rodents also ety in the OFT, LDB, and FC, including an innate inability to
share similar autonomic responses and related defensive behaviors extinguish fear. Deficits in fear extinction (FE) of S129/SvImJ
to threatening stimuli. Many of these behaviors are modeled and are well described (Hefner et al., 2008), in which genetic dif-
measured in rodents with the use of pharmacologically validated ferences associated with extinction are also correlated with
behavioral tasks testing anxiety-like behavior (ALB). Moreover, deficiencies in cortico-limbic activation of fear circuitry (see
functional brain mechanisms governing ALB involving regions Chapter 41). Thus, it has been hypothesized that genetic

4 0 G E N E T I C S O F A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 543

TA B L E 40. 3. Profile of common inbred mouse strains on anxiety-like behavior


Open field S129/SvImJ, A/J AKR/J, BALB/c, BALB/ C57BL/6J, FVB/NJ

CbyJ, DBA/2J

Elevated zero maze A/J, AKR/J, BALB/c

Elevated plus maze A/J, AKR/J, BALB/c C57BL/6J, A/J FVB/NJ

Light-dark box A/J, BALB/CbyJ, BALB/c, S129/SvImJ C57BL/6J, C3H/HeJ FBV/NJ

Social interaction A/J, BALB/cByJ, 129S1/SvImJ AKR/J, C57BL/6J, C3H/HeJ FBV/NJ

Conditioned fear and fear S129/SvImJ, A/J BALB/CbyJ C57BL/6J, FVB/NJ

extinction (freezing)

differences accounting for deficits in FE in this strain could differences between the selective lines with quantitative poly-
account for deficits in the activation of the relevant compo- merase chain reaction (qPCR), a number of genes have been
nents of the fear circuit. confirmed to be in close proximity to, or within the boundaries
The use of inbred strains for investigating genes that may of, the behavioral QTLs, including tyrosinase (Tyr) suppressor
account for polygenic traits of ALB has been extended with the of Ty 16 homologue (Supt16h), endonucleoside triphosphate
advent of QTL studies. QTL analyses seek to identify an asso- diphosphohydrolase4 (Entpd4; aka Lysal1), and diacylglycerol
ciation between a specific phenotype and a marker locus for a kinase, gamma (Dgkg) (Ponder et al., 2008).
set of two or more genes. QTL analysis is commonly carried Expression QTL analyses will require further development
out by crossing two or more strains followed by subsequent using recombinant inbred lines. However, inbred strains have
rigorous inbreeding across multiple generations to derive new been used with high-throughput molecular approaches to deter-
independent lines. After careful breeding, successive genera- mine differences in gene expression associated with ALB. After
tions of new inbred strains will contain fixed recombination of surveying six inbred mouse strains on the LDB and OFT, Hovatta
genes derived from the original gene pool. Profiling of differ- and colleagues performed gene expression profiling using
ences in ALB in the recombinant lines such as BXD or AXB/ microarrays to assess global gene expression in several brain
BXA are subsequently used to identify the chromosomal loca- regions linked to anxiety (Hovatta et al., 2005). They analyzed
tions related to the phenotype. gene expression differences across several relevant brain regions
QTL strategies of ALB have yielded loci on many mouse between anxious and nonanxious mice across six inbred strains.
chromosomes (1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19) (reviewed They identified two novel candidate genes, glyoxalase 1 (Glo1) and
by Flint, 2003). Linkage on chromosome 1, 4, and 15 were glutathione reductase 1 (Gsr), which code for enzymes involved
consistently found across the three more common ALBs (OFT, in metabolic pathways regulating oxidative stress. Further vali-
EPM, and LDB), where each QTL primarily influenced dif- dation was demonstrated by viral-mediated gene overexpression
ferent phenotypic components: chromosome 1 (exploration), and RNA interference (RNAi) knock-down in the target tissues,
chromosome 4 (activity), and chromosome 15 QTL (avoid- resulting in increasing or decreasing ALB, respectively.
ance). These three QTLs accounted for almost 21% of the The study of ALB in rodents has also profited from selec-
total genetic variance, while genes accounted for 26% of the tive breeding of outbred animals. This strategy enriches for
total phenotypic variance in the analyzed rodent population. specific traits and enhances their specificity and homogeneity.
Interestingly, the syntenic region on human chromosome 1 Subsequent lines obtained after selectively breeding start from
coincides with linkage peaks reported for several human ARPs the same genetic outbred background, providing an etiologic
(reviewed in Fullerton, 2006). Further dissection of the chro- association between differences in their genome and observed
mosome 1 region provided support for three separate murine trait differences. Among the most notable selectively bred rodent
QTLs (Yalcin et al., 2004), including effects attributable to the models of ALB are the high (HAB), normal (NAB), and low
RGS2 gene. RGS2 has since been reportedly associated with (LAB) ALB mouse lines derived from CD-1 outbred mice based
several ADs and ARPs in humans. on behavioral differences in the EPM. HAB mice also display
It should be noted that QTLs help localize genetic effects high anxiety in other unconditioned tests such as LDB and OFT
to particular chromosomal regions but do not identify specific and conditioned tests such as cued and contextual FC. Several
susceptibility genes; this typically requires further dissection candidate genes have been identified in relation to differential
using complementary methods such as gene expression profil- ALB between HAB and LAB mice. For example, the C(+40)T
ing with microarrays. The combination of these approaches, SNP in the first exon of the arginine/vasopressin (AVP) peptide
known as expression-QTL (eQTL), is emerging as a promising precursor gene in LAB mice has been reported to cause an amino
tool for precise identification of genes underlying many medi- acid substitution from alanine to valine at the third position in
cal phenotypes in rodents. Recent studies have applied these the signal peptide. This SNP substitution is associated with ALB
together to mice bred to establish high and low freezing lines in an F2 panel of HAB and LAB mice. Sequencing performed
presenting differences in FC. After validating gene expression within regions 2.5 Kb up- and downstream of the AVP gene locus

544 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

identified several polymorphic loci that differ between the HAB TA BL E 40.4. Effects of gene targeting manipulations in mice
and LAB lines (Bunck et al., 2009). Allele-specific transcription showing increased anxiety-like behavior
analysis revealed a LAB-specific 75% decrease in transcription
rate compared with the HAB-specific allele. AVP expression
in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus was found
to correlate with anxiety-like and depression-like behaviors. Monoamines 5-HT1A (KO) EPM, OFT, EZM
Moreover, a genotype/phenotype association was shown in an
F2 panel, supporting a causal contribution of the AVP promoter
deletion to ALB. α2A (KO) EPM, LDB, FC
In the rat, the selectively bred High Responder (bHR) and
nAChRα4 (KO) EPM,
bred Low Responder (bLR) models are similarly characterized
by significant differences in ALB in the OPF, LDB, and EPM. COMT (KO) LDB, OFT
Interestingly, these rats also present significant differences in
depression-like behavior, consistent with human studies show-
ing that depression and anxiety share common genetic factors. D4 (KO) EPM, LD, OF
Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (FGF-2), a novel gene candidate
previously noted to be downregulated in postmortem brains of
severely depressed individuals, was shown to regulate, in part, Glutamate NR2C-2B (RP) EPM
individual differences between bHR and bLR (Perez et al., 2009). GluR1 (KO) EPM, LDB, SI
The bLRs exhibit significantly low levels of FGF-2 in the hip-
pocampus, but when animals are treated with FGF-2, their ALB mGluR5 (KO) EPM, LDB, FE
resembles that of a bHR. The role of FGF-2 on anxiety has been mGluR8 (KO) EPM, OFT
further supported by a recent report showing that FGF-2 RNAi
knockdown in the hippocampus increased ALB. FGF-2 has also VGluT1 (HET) LDB
been implicated in FE, whereby treatment with FGF-2 has con- GABA GABA-Aγ2 (HET, KO) EPM, LDB, FC
sistently been shown to increase extinction of conditioned fear
in both young and adult rats (Graham and Richardson, 2011). GABA-Aγ2L (KO) EPM



Genetics of ALB have also been investigated via the development GAD65 (KO) EZM, LDB, OFT, FE
of KO and transgenic mouse models. Similar to human candidate
Neuropeptides BDNFMet (KI) OFT, EPM
gene studies, many targeted genes were initially selected based on
their relevance as pharmacological targets (i.e., monoamine and CB1 (KO) EPM, LDB, OFT, SI
GABA-ergic genes). More novel gene targets were later developed
based on neurobiological findings relevant to ALB. More recently,
gene-targeting approaches have served to validate human genetic CCK1R (KO) EPM
findings. Thus, throughout the last 15 years, there has been an
increase in abundance of KO and transgenic overexpressing
mouse models that have demonstrated significantly increas- CRH-BP (KO) EPM, LDB, OFT
ing or decreasing effects on ALB (summarized in Table 40.4).
Moreover, the Cre-lox recombination system has enabled condi-
tional and controllable deletions or insertions of genes in specific αER (KO) OFT, LDB
brain regions, cell types, and at specific time points (for details on
the cre-loxP system see Chapter 8: “Transgenic Tools and Animal
Models of Mental Illness”). Mas (KO) EPM
Tissue- and developmentally specific KO methods have NPSR (KO) OFT, LDB, EPM
been applied in studying serotonin 1A receptor (5HT1A) func-
tion in ALB (reviewed by Gordon and Hen, 2004). Serotonin NPY (KO) EPM, LD, OFT
is involved in mood regulation, and drugs acting on the sero- OFQ/N (KO) EPM, LDB, OFT
tonin system are effective in treating anxiety and depressive
disorders. Three separate mouse strains with deleted 5-HT1A PENK (KO) EPM, EZM, LDB, OFT, SI, USV
receptors have consistently exhibited increased anxiety. Ucn (KO) EPM, OFT
However, the 5-HT1A receptor is expressed in two separate
neuronal populations in the brain: acting as an autoreceptor on Immune system IFN-γ (KO) EPM, OF
serotonin-containing neurons of the raphe nuclei and as a het- TNF-α (OE) HB, LD
eroreceptor on neurons in the forebrain. Tissue-specific con-
ditional rescue demonstrated that expression of the 5-HT1A

4 0 G E N E T I C S O F A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 545

TA B L E 40. 4. (Continued) behavioral rescue. Together, these results suggest that signaling
by serotonin via forebrain 5-HT1A receptor during develop-
SYSTEM TARGET GENE BEHAVIOR ment is required for normal ALB in adulthood.
The specificity of benzodiazepines (BZDs) on their interac-
Other 3xTg-AD (TG) LD, OFT tion with the α-subunits of the GABA-A receptor was inves-
tigated with the use of genetic knockin methods. The efficacy
of BZDs derives from binding and modulating the activity of
α-CamKII (OE) EZM, LDB, OFT, SI GABA-A receptors. BZDs bind the α-subunit of the GABA-A
receptors, enhancing the efficacy of GABA. There are six iso-
forms of the α-subunit, two of which are insensitive to BZDs as
Fut9 (KO) EPM, LDB they lack a conserved histidine residue found in each of the four
BZD-sensitive isoforms. By substituting histidine for arginines
Fyn (KO) EPM, LDB through targeted mutations on the α1, α2, and α3 subunits, it
PAM (HET) EZM was demonstrated that α2 was responsible for the anxiolytic
effects of diazepam, a BZD, on the LDB and EPM in mice.
PSA (KO) EPM, OFT We note that transgenic animals have limited utility in
Rgs2 (KO) LDB
characterizing gene function at the molecular level for spe-
cific phenotypes like ALB. This is because (1) disruption in the
Shn-2 (KO) OFT expression of a single gene typically has pleiotropic effects on
a wide variety of phenotypes, and (2) the relationship between
any individual gene and a polygenetic phenotype is not iso-
Sim2 (OE) EZM, OFT, SI morphic, by definition. Thus, more integrative cross-species
approaches are required to capture the complexity of ALB.


(Adapted from Sartori et al., 2011)
Abbreviations: 3xTg-AD: Alzheimer’s disease transgenic mice expressing Recent translational studies have attempted to use cross-species
taurine; 5-HT1A: serotonin 1A receptor; 5-HT2C: serotonin 2C receptor; approaches to couple neurogenetic findings in humans with
α2A: α2A-adrenergic receptor; α-CamKII: α-calcium/calmodulin-dependent
protein kinase II; αER: α-estrogen receptor; APPSw,Ind: Alzheimer’s disease
rodent models of ALB (Sartori et al., 2011). Besides the efforts
transgenic mice expressing human mutant β-amyloid precursor protein; of Hovatta and colleagues and the studies on RGS2 reviewed
BDNF: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor; CB: cannabinoid receptor; CCK: earlier in this section, other examples exist of research that inte-
cholecystokinin; CCK1R: cholecystokinin 1 receptor; CF: conditioned
fear; COMT: catechol-O-methyltransferase; CRH: corticotropin-releasing
grates data across human and rodent studies of anxiety phe-
hormone; CRH-BP: CRH binding protein; CRH-R2: CRH 2 receptor; D1CT: notypes to identify novel AD candidate genes. The PD GWAS
expression of a neuropotentiating cholera toxin transgene in dopamine described in the previous section further validated the genetic
D1 receptor-expressing neurons; D4: dopamine D4 receptor; Dhh: desert
hedgehog; eNOS: endothelial nitric oxide synthase; EPM: elevated plus maze;
association of TMEM132D via studies in mice: SNP rs13478518,
EZM: elevated zero maze; FPS: fear-potentiated startle; Fut9: fucosyltransferase located in exon 9, was significantly associated with the level of
IX; Fyn: Fyn tyrosine kinase; GABA: γ-amino butyric acid; GAD: glutamic ALB, and upregulation of TMEM132D mRNA was observed
acid decarboxylase; GluR1: AMP-A glutamate receptor R1 subunit; GR:
glucocorticoid receptor; HB: holeboard test; KI: knockin; KO: knockout; LDB:
in the cingulate cortex of HAB mice (Erhardt et al., 2011). A
light-dark box; Mas: Mas proto-oncogene; mGluR: metabotropic glutamate functional polymorphism (Val66Met) of the BDNF gene has
receptor; nAchRα4: α4-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor; NPSR: neuropeptide recently been implicated in fear extinction. Mice expressing the
S receptor; NPY: neuropeptide Y; NR2C-2B: NMDA receptor 2C-2B; OE:
overexpression; OFT: open field test; OFQ/N: orphanin FQ, nociceptin; PAM:
BDNF Met allele, which is uncommon in humans, exhibited
peptidylglycine α-amidating monooxygenase; PENK: prepro-enkephaline; PSA: increased ALB and impaired FE relative to mice expressing the
puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase; Rgs2: regulator of G-protein signaling Val allele. Interestingly, similar impairment in FE has also been
2; RP: replacement; SERT: serotonin transporter; SF-1: steroidogenic factor-1;
Shn-2: Schnurri-2; SI: social interaction; Sim2: single-minded 2 gene; TAK1/
observed in humans with the Met allele. Using fMRI, impair-
TR4: nuclear orphan receptor; TFC: trace fear conditioning; TG: transgenic; ment in extinction resulting from the Met allele was shown
TgNTRK3: transgenic mice overexpressing the full-length neurotrophin-3 to be accompanied by deficient activity in the ventromedial
receptor TrkC; trkBCaMKII-CRE: forebrain-specific knockout of the trkB receptor;
Ucn: urocortin; USV: stress-induced ultrasonic vocalization; VC: Vogel conflict
prefrontal cortex and increased amygdala activation in both
test; VGlutT1: vesicular glutamate transporter 1. human and mice (Soliman et al., 2010). Several other studies
have reported genetic effects in human anxiety phenotypes
for genes identified from rodent studies (Donner et al., 2008;
Hettema et al., 2011; Smoller et al., 2001).
receptor in the hippocampus and cortex, but not the raphe
nuclei, was sufficient to reinstate the anxiety-like phenotype
of KO mice. Moreover, using conditional KO techniques,
researchers showed that early developmental, but not adult- Epigenetic mechanisms potentially contribute, at least in part,
hood, expression of the 5-HT1A receptor is essential for this to some of the observed genetic basis for ADs. As discussed in

546 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

Chapter 7, epigenetic modifications involve long-lasting altera- DI SC L O SU R E S
tions in gene expression that (1) are transmissible, (2) are affected
by environmental factors, and (3) do not involve changes to the None of the authors have any financial conflicts of interest.
genome sequence. These are caused by posttranslational altera- Dr. Perez is supported by NIH grants only: T32MH020030.
tions including methylation, phosphorylation, and acetylation at Dr. Otowa is supported by a grant from the Japan Society for
specific residues including arginine, histidine, lysine, serine, and the Promotion of Science (21-8373).
threonine. While the mechanisms underlying such effects on anx-
Dr. Roberson-Nay is supported by NIH grants only:
iety are yet to be determined, the fact that environmental events
K01MH080953, R01MH098055.
can alter risk for ADs suggests that epigenetics can play a role.
For example, recent rodent studies support the hypothesis that Dr. Hettema is supported by NIH grants only: R01MH087646,
early-life adversity increases risk for the development of psycho- R01MH039096, R01MH098055.
pathology via negative impact on brain mechanisms underlying
emotionality. Altered maternal care of rat pups increases methy-
lation within the promoter region of the glucocorticoid receptor
(GR) gene (Weaver et al., 2004). GR methylation decreases GR Afifi, T.O., Asmundson, G.J., et al. (2010). The role of genes and environment
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in the prefrontal cortex into adulthood. Interestingly, early-life Bienvenu, O.J., Brown, C., et al. (2001). Normal personality traits and comor-
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adversity in rats leads them to mistreat their own offspring, result- 102:73–85.
ing in significant DNA methylation in the offspring. This under- Bienvenu, O.J., Hettema, J.M., et al. (2007). Low extraversion and high neuroti-
scores the transgenerational impact of such mechanisms on the cism as indices of genetic and environmental risk for social phobia, agora-
phobia, and animal phobia. Am. J. Psychiatry 164:1714–1721.
phenotype and further supports potential non-DNA-mediated Binder, E.B., Bradley, R.G., et al. (2008). Association of FKBP5 polymorphisms
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There exist several well-validated animal models of ALB appli- Bloch, M.H., Landeros-Weisenberger, A., et al. (2008). Association of the
serotonin transporter polymorphism and obsessive-compulsive dis-
cable to the identification of genetic loci underlying AD pheno- order: systematic review. Am. J. Med. Genet. B Neuropsychiatr. Genet.
types and their biological effects. They provide complementary 147B:850–858.
approaches using selected breeding and manipulations of both Boomsma, D.I., van Beijsterveldt, C.E., et al. (2005). Genetic and environmen-
tal influences on Anxious/Depression during childhood: a study from the
genetic and environmental factors not available in humans. The Netherlands Twin Register. Genes Brain Behav. 4:466–481.
hope is that, like for other complex genetic medical syndromes, Bunck, M., Czibere, L., et al. (2009). A hypomorphic vasopressin allele pre-
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INTR ODU C T IO N conceptual framework for discussing the relationship between

fear, anxiety, and animal models of human disorders.
Animal models are experimental preparations developed in one
species for the purpose of studying phenomena occurring in another
D E F E N S I V E R E S P O N D I N G , T H R E AT
species (McKinney 2001). Since human studies are often imprac-
tical or unethical, researchers depend on animal models to study
the neurobiological mechanisms of fear and anxiety and to eval- Criteria for diagnosing anxiety disorders often use terms that
uate new treatments, especially drugs. There are approximately refer to emotional symptoms, such as afraid, worried, stressed,
100 animal models of fear and anxiety in the literature. We will anxious, distressed, or concerned (DSM-IV-TR 2000). Human
focus on the models that have contributed most to our current anxiety disorders are defined by such emotional symptoms,
understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying along with behavioral and physiological symptoms. Because
fear and anxiety, and those with the greatest potential to expand emotional symptoms involve feelings, subjective internal states
our knowledge of pathological anxiety. of consciousness, that are not observable and can only be com-
Although we will not attempt to summarize the contribu- municated through language, they are difficult to approach
tion of animal models to the discovery and development of new scientifically. Animals with less complex brains are unlikely to
anxiolytic drugs, it will become apparent that researchers in experience feelings in the way humans do, and do not possess
industry and academia have largely focused on different animal language to relay feelings. It is therefore extremely important
models. We will argue that this strategy, although useful for a that we resist the temptation to anthropomorphize and view
time, is now unnecessary and may be impeding progress for both animal models as a tool to reveal mechanisms of feelings; they
groups. The path forward, in our opinion, is to focus on animal cannot. Among the perils of such, this can lead to overinter-
models amenable to studies of the brain circuits and neural pro- pretation of preclinical results and/or false rejection of animal
cesses that mediate threat processing and defensive responding. models that fail to predict human feelings.
This may be essential for advancing our understanding of neu- A more productive route is to focus on evolutionarily con-
robiological processes relevant to anxiety, identifying the causes served brain systems that detect and respond to threats or actual
of pathological anxiety and predicting how drugs may influence harm. These systems control the physiological and behavioral
these relevant circuits and dysfunctional processes. defensive responses (DRs) that contribute to anxiety disorder
symptoms when dysfunctional. For instance, humans and
rats exhibit many of the same behavioral (e.g., freezing, fight,
LA NGUA GE A ND C O NC EP T U A L escape), autonomic (e.g., cardiovascular or respiratory), and
FR A ME W O RK endocrine (e.g., hormone release) responses when in danger.
Core components of the underlying neurocircuitry also show
A challenge for research on animal models of human psychi- a striking degree of overlap. For example, in both species, the
atric disorders is developing an appropriate and useful lan- amygdala plays a crucial role in detecting and responding to
guage to relate preclinical and clinical findings. On the one threats, the hippocampus provides critical contextual informa-
hand, animal models are only useful to the extent that they tion, and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) can sup-
resemble a human problem, and similar language can improve press threat responses. The accompanying cellular, hormonal,
communication between clinicians and preclinical research- and molecular processes involved are also remarkably similar.
ers. On the other hand, these models are limited by differences Thus, it is appropriate to model human anxiety-related DRs in
in the brains of humans and other animals, and imprecision other mammals because they are similar, controlled by con-
in nomenclature can complicate interpretation and applica- served networks that function unconsciously, and are objec-
tion of preclinical findings. It is particularly important to be tively observable (LeDoux, 2012). Further, human feelings of
clear about which aspects of human anxiety can be studied fear and anxiety depend on DRs. This will be the focus of the
using animal models. It will also be helpful to define a general chapter. When we have occasion to refer to conscious feelings,

4 1 N E U R O B I O L O G Y O F F E A R A N D A N X I E T Y: A N I M A L M O D E L S | 549

these will labeled as fearful feeling, conscious feeling, and so progression of defensive responding as threats escalate. Threats
on. In order to make a subtle but important distinction, we will that are unlikely, poorly defined, or distant serve to weakly
use the term threat when referring to responses to cues that activate survival circuits, resulting in relatively minor devia-
predict harm, whereas the broader term defensive will refer to tions from the preferred activity pattern. As threats become
responses triggered by threats or actual harm. more likely, better defined, and closer, survival circuit activa-
tion increases, and animals deviate further from their preferred
activity pattern. Ultimately, the strongest DR, defensive fight-
ing, is elicited when all earlier responses fail to prevent threat
Fear and anxiety are used in many ways, sometimes inter- escalation. It should be apparent that weaker DRs can occur
changeably but sometimes to label distinct reactions to aversive over a much greater time frame whereas stronger DRs are often
stimulation. Fear is usually used to denote a state elicited by reflexive reactions to immediate threats (Fig. 41.1).
clearly defined environmental threats, either innately aversive Before proceeding, a brief discussion of triggering stimuli
or learned. This fear state functions to cope with immediate and DR forms is warranted. Some triggering stimuli are innate;
threats and is more intense than anxiety, but also shorter lived. however, plasticity in survival circuits allows novel stimuli to
For example, rodents will often freeze when threatened, but gain control of DRs through experience. DRs also reflect an
freezing subsides quickly when the threat is removed. Anxiety interaction between survival circuit activation and environ-
often describes threat responding elicited by more diffuse cues. mental options. For example, animals cannot flee in small
Anxiety states can last longer than fear and function to cope laboratory testing chambers with no exits. Lastly, although
with more distant, or poorly defined, threats. For example, mammalian DRs are remarkably similar in function and form
rodents hug the walls in an unfamiliar or brightly lit environ- (Blanchard et al., 1989), the exact behaviors are usually spe-
ment (thigmotaxis), a behavior that likely evolved to thwart cies specific (so-called species-specific defense responses or
detection by predators. Since they often operate on very differ- SSDRs; Timberlake and Fanselow, 1994). This simply means
ent time scales, fear responses can be more reflexive, whereas that a mouse will exhibit caution, freeze, flee, or fight differ-
anxiety can include more complex cognitive processes exem- ently than a monkey or human. Thus, although survival cir-
plified in humans by anticipation and worry. cuits are highly conserved neural systems for detecting and
Although fear and anxiety often refer to different aspects responding to danger, exact responses are usually unlearned,
of threat responding, sometimes mediated by different brain hard-wired reactions determined by evolution within a par-
regions, they are not always clearly dissociable in natural situ- ticular niche.
ations or laboratory experiments. The distinction is clouded
further when one considers drug classifications or diagnostic
criteria for human disorders. Therapeutic agents are routinely
categorized as anxiolytic/antianxiety with no category for anti-
fear drugs. Further, although most consider anxiety states to be Not all models are amenable to circuit analysis. Animal mod-
weaker than fear, many human anxiety disorders are defined els can only contribute to our understanding of precise neu-
by the intensity and form of fear responses. Thus, in addition robiological mechanisms of defensive responding if a neural
to anthropomorphic perils, the terms fear and anxiety fail to circuit mediating specific DRs can be identified and exploited.
clearly define alternate mental states with distinct response In line with the FBS approach outlined in the previous sec-
profiles. Functional behavior system (FBS) approaches may tion, models amenable to neurocircuit analysis take advantage
provide a better framework for considering threat-related of discrete, well-defined triggering stimuli and innate, stereo-
defensive responding. Rather than attempt to divide fear and typed DRs. This anchors the behavior to a neural system at the
anxiety into separate phenomena, FBS approaches assume that entry to, and exit from, the central nervous system. Models in
both result from activation of defense or survival circuits that which the stimulus conditions are diffuse or the responses lack
evolved to protect organisms from harm, especially predators stereotyped expression provide less guidance for studies that
(Blanchard et al., 1989; LeDoux, 2012). For instance, preda- seek to identify key structures between the sensory and motor
tory imminence theory (PIT) suggests that DRs are arranged systems that underlie DRs.
hierarchically along a continuum, and the particular responses Circuits are identified using a number of techniques.
elicited depend on the proximity of the threat (Timberlake and For instance, various lesions can demonstrate the necessity
Fanselow, 1994). In PIT, threats activate DRs and divert ani- of specific brain regions. Disconnection lesions are particu-
mals from their preferred activity pattern. DRs at the low end larly useful for showing that two different brain regions oper-
of the spectrum, like thigmotaxis, are elicited when danger is ate in series within a circuit to mediate a specific behavior.
possible but not imminent. DRs at the high end of the spec- Extracellular recording of single neuronal units in awake,
trum, like fighting or escape, are elicited by imminent threats, behaving animals is also extremely valuable for identifying
like an attacking predator. DRs function to protect the animal information flow in neurocircuits. Other techniques, such
from threats or actual harm, and return the animal to its pre- as local infusion of drugs, brain stimulation, intracellular
ferred activity pattern. recording, or imaging of activity-dependent gene expres-
FBS approaches are useful because they remove ambiguity sion and/or energy metabolism, can provide converging evi-
in other anxiety/fear distinctions but still capture much of the dence for the existence of a defined behavioral neurocircuit.
nuance implicit in other definitions. They nicely explain the Here it becomes evident why discrete triggering stimuli and

550 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S


Reflex Potentiation


Active Avoidance

Alarm Calls
Inhibitory Avoidance

Risk Assessment


Dark Preference
Figure 41.1 Threats trigger survival circuit activation and initiate defensive responding. Defensive responses function to prevent harm, minimize exposure to
threats, and return the organism to its preferred activity pattern (PAP). DRs are organized hierarchically, and more imminent threats lead to greater survival circuit
activation; more intense, reflexive DRs; and more total time away from the PAP.

A. Innate Defensive Reflex B. CS Processing C. CR Generation

7 ms 12 ms CS
VCN Unit activity

7– MLF 12 ms (20 ms)


5 ms


5 20 ms
8 ms 4.
3 ms SC

EMG Defensive BA

Figure 41.2 Examples of animal models amenable to neurocircuit analysis. (A) Acoustic startle is an innate, and extremely fast, defensive reflex (8 ms from sound
onset to initiation of muscular response). Once lesion studies identified components of the underlying circuit, neural stimulation studies helped establish the
order of these nuclei within the circuit, by measuring the latency of startle responding following stimulation (Davis et al., 1982). VCN: ventral cochlear nucleus;
LL: lateral lemniscus; RPC: nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis; MLF: medial longitudinal fasciculus; SC: spinal cord. (B) Pavlovian threat processing involves rapid
sensory processing and amygdala activation. Recording of CS-evoked neural activity helped identify this core component of the mammalian survival circuit. Again,
latency measures helped establish the order of nuclei within the circuit. aThal: auditory thalamus; aCtx: auditory cortex; LA: lateral amgyala; BA: basal amygdala;
CE: central amygdala. (C) A very precise neural circuit has been identified for Pavlovian eyeblink conditioning in the cerebellum, and postconditioning, CS-evoked
activity in the interpositus nucleus initiates eyeblink CRs (Medina et al., 2002).

stereotyped responses are so important. By relating the tim- a circuit is identified, the role of specific brain areas, cells, syn-
ing of neural responses to the occurrence of stimuli and DRs, apses, molecules, and genes can be elucidated. This strategy,
one can track information flow through a circuit beginning pioneered in studies of invertebrates (e.g., Bailey et al., 2000),
with stimuli that activate the circuit and ending with neural has been successfully applied to studies of mammals (Davis
activity causing precise behavioral responses (Fig. 41.2). Once et al., 1982; Medina et al., 2002).

4 1 N E U R O B I O L O G Y O F F E A R A N D A N X I E T Y: A N I M A L M O D E L S | 551

NOR MA L VERS U S PATH O L O GIC A L F E A R responding to an unlikely threat as if it were 100% guaranteed
AND ANX IETY to happen. Inappropriate DRs are triggered by stimuli that
are not actually dangerous. Prolonged refers to DRs, includ-
Fear and anxiety are normal, adaptive responses to threaten- ing HPA axis activation, which persist well after the threat is
ing environmental challenges. When threats activate survival diminished. Together, these factors describe states of fear and
circuits, behavior is restricted to responses compatible with anxiety that are more intense, more frequent, and more often
SSDRs, and autonomic and endocrine processes divert bodily present in daily life.
resources away from nonessential processes (e.g., digestion) and
toward systems needed to execute defense (e.g., musculature
and brain). Ideally, the degree of activation is proportional to the A N I M A L M O DE L S O F F E A R
threat, and an adaptive, or normal, response will subside soon AND ANXIETY
after the threat is gone. This can be illustrated by the contribu-
tion of corticosteroids to defensive responding. Aversive stimuli Since human anxiety disorders are varied and complex, ani-
can trigger an endocrine stress response. This includes the rapid mal models do not typically attempt to mimic full DSM syn-
release of corticosteroids into the peripheral circulation, which dromes (McKinney, 2001). Rather, they are adapted to specify
has a wide variety of effects on bodily processes, including and study key components of clinical syndromes. Researchers
(1) increasing blood glucose and blood pressure, (2) enhanc- have approached this problem in many different ways, with
ing perception and memory, and (3) suppressing nonessential varying degrees of success. While much has been learned
immune and reproductive functions. Corticosteroids, through a about threat processing, defensive behavior, and learning in
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis feedback loop, also studies of invertebrates and other mammals (Bailey et al.,
play a crucial role in limiting the duration of the stress response. 2000; Kalin, 2004), research on rodents has arguably contrib-
The system is rapidly activated to deal with danger and then uted the most systematic and detailed information and will be
turned off when the threat is gone. Thus, when functioning the focus here. Ultimately, animal models are judged based on
properly, threat processing circuits promote survival and maxi- how well they reveal neurobiological mechanisms contribut-
mize time in the preferred activity pattern. ing to human anxiety and how well they predict the efficacy
Pathological fear and anxiety can refer to either impaired of treatments.
or facilitated threat responding. For instance, patients with
amygdala damage have deficits detecting and responding to
threats. Some, like patient S. M., who has no amygdala function
due to Urbach-Weithe disease, reportedly also fail to experi- Validity refers to the degree that a given model is useful for
ence fearful feelings (Feinstein et al., 2011). Impaired amygdala some purpose (McKinney, 2001; Willner, 1991). Face validity
function has real-life consequences; S. M. has a history of being refers to phenomenological similarities between the model
victimized and abused, likely a result of her inability to recog- and the human psychiatric condition. Animal models have
nize dangerous situations and respond appropriately. a high degree of face validity when etiological factors, symp-
Although rare disorders can produce defensive systems toms, underlying physiology, and treatment effects are similar
that are pathologically hyporesponsive, the vast majority of to the human disorder. Construct validity refers to the theo-
anxiety disorders involve systems that are hyperresponsive retical rational for linking a process in a model to a process
(Rosen and Schulkin, 1998). Thus, pathological fear and anxi- hypothesized to be important in a human disorder. Due to
ety usually refer to threat responding that is exaggerated, inap- shared aspects of their phylogenetic histories, humans and
propriate, or prolonged (Fig. 41.3). Exaggerated refers to DRs other animals are often homologous at molecular, cellular, syn-
that are stronger than the situation requires. This could mean aptic, and circuitry levels of analysis. Finally, a model is con-
responding with full-blown stress responses in unfamiliar sidered to have good predictive validity when it can anticipate
environments when only vigilance is warranted. Or perhaps similar effects in humans. In the realm of drug development,

tal time
Exaggerated Exaggerated & prolonged To

Abnormal PAP

Normal PAP

Figure 41.3 Schematic representation of pathological defensive response profiles. Note that abnormalities reduce the amount of time spent in the preferred
activity pattern (PAP).

552 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

predictive validity is the ability to identify and rank drugs for ANIMAL MODELS OF NORMAL FEAR VERSUS
therapeutic efficacy in humans. ANXIETY
Validity arguments are fundamentally epistemological and
Animal models can be roughly divided into those that have an
should not be used as the sole basis for evaluating the useful-
explicit learning component, and those that do not. Here we
ness of an animal model. This is summed up nicely here:
will distinguish between unconditioned and conditioned anxi-
ety models. Note, however, that this terminology is not per-
Animal models are tools for our use: They are not devel-
fect; some unconditioned assays are referred to as spontaneous,
oped as part of a beauty contest, with a prize for the most
unlearned, or innate anxiety in the literature (Takahashi et al.,
convincing. If a model cannot readily be used, it is of little
2008), and some models involve nonassociative sensitization
value, however elegant. Thus, the successful construction
learning, which is not commonly considered “conditioning.”
of a valid model should not be seen as an end in itself, but
Where relevant, these distinctions will be pointed out.
as a useful step in the investigation of a scientific prob-
lem. As such, validity can be assessed only in relation to
the broader objectives of the research program.
W IL L NE R (1991)
Unconditioned models examine DRs elicited by a novel test
situation, not cues associated with prior aversive experience
This last point is important. Different models may be useful (Blanchard et al., 1989; Takahashi et al., 2008). These assays
for different purposes, depending on scientific and practi- utilize ethologically relevant behavioral end points that are
cal considerations. For instance, a model for rapid screening thought to be sensitive indices of an animal’s natural anxiety/
of drugs may have great predictive validity but little obvi- fear. Although there are many different unconditioned models
ous construct validity. However, this could still be useful of fear and anxiety, in the next section we discuss more com-
for developing new treatments, even if it may not be use- monly used rodent assays.
ful for unraveling neurobiological mechanisms of human
anxiety. Thus, validity assessments are judgments made with Innate Aversion to Light or Open Spaces
appropriate context and based on available data, not exact Rodents are nocturnally active small prey animals, and several
measurements. popular unconditioned assays capitalize on their natural ten-
dency to avoid brightly lit, open spaces. These assays elicit DRs
akin to the preencounter behaviors of PIT, which likely evolved
S TAT E V E R S U S T R A I T A N X I E T Y to protect animals in uncertain or weakly threatening situations.
State anxiety is a temporary condition that is elicited by a stim- It has been argued that these weaker DRs reflect a degree of sur-
ulus or situation. Trait anxiety is an enduring condition that vival circuit activation that, in humans, corresponds to worry or
occurs across multiple situations or tests but is not necessarily mild anxiety (Craske, 1999; Rau and Fanselow, 2007). Examples
pathological. Usually, tasks that assess trait anxiety are more are the elevated plus maze (EPM), light/dark, and defensive
valuable, as human disorders, and the rodent equivalents, are withdrawal tests. These assays are popular because they are easy
thought to be fairly stable. Unfortunately, many unconditioned to run, are cost-effective, require no learning phase, and reliably
animal models assess state anxiety, as is suggested by the rela- predict anxiolytic activity of some drugs (e.g., benzodiazepines)
tively poor reliability in individual performance within or in humans. However, the imprecise nature of triggering stim-
between tasks (Andreatini and Bacellar, 2000). uli (brightness/openness with no clear onset/termination) and
resultant DRs (e.g., percentage of time spent in bright/open area,
usually over many minutes) make it very difficult to define the
NORMAL VERSUS ABNORMAL RESPONDING underlying neural circuit. Further, these assays are sensitive to
Most animal models evaluate “normal” fear and anxiety pro- subtle variations and often produce inconsistent findings (Hogg
cesses, where subjects are grouped and effects are reported as 1996). Perhaps most problematic, they often fail to detect activ-
variation around a mean. Preexisting variability, genetic or ity of nonbenzodiazepine anxiolytics (Kehne and Cain, 2010).
otherwise, is averaged out. Evaluation of normal behavior is Light-enhanced startle is a related assay, but it has an advan-
important; however, these studies may not adequately model tage over those to the preceding because it is amenable to circuit
the processes that cause human anxiety disorders. Anxiety analysis (Davis et al., 1982). In brief, this assay examines how an
disorders affect only a portion of the population, and for innate aversion to bright light can potentiate defensive reflexes
specific disorders like PTSD, only a subset of traumatized by influencing neural processing in the well-characterized
individuals develop pathological anxiety (Yehuda, 2007). acoustic startle circuit (see Fig. 41.2). Light-enhanced star-
Thus, animal models that examine abnormal responding, or tle has helped implicate specific brain regions (e.g., bed
outliers, may be of particular value. Researchers approach nucleus of the stria terminalis, or BNST), and molecules (e.g.,
this problem using two basic strategies: (1) by performing corticotropin-releasing factor type 1, or CRF1, receptor), in the
standard assays but focusing on individuals with abnormal mediation of anxiety (Walker et al., 2009).
responses that mirror human pathology or (2) by introducing
manipulations that skew group averages toward an abnormal Social Behaviors
response profile. Examples of these strategies will be dis- The unconditioned social interaction test measures the ten-
cussed later. dency of one animal to investigate and interact with a novel

4 1 N E U R O B I O L O G Y O F F E A R A N D A N X I E T Y: A N I M A L M O D E L S | 553

conspecific when the two are placed in a closed, brightly lit A SSOCIATIV E CON DITION IN G MO DELS
arena (File and Seth, 2003). The separation-induced ultrasonic Brain systems that detect and respond to threats are not simply
vocalization model in rat pups is another example. In both innately wired stimulus–response mechanisms; they are also
tests the eliciting stimulus and resultant response are social plastic, allowing organisms to learn new predictors of danger.
in nature. Social anxiety assays have been successfully used to Learning can involve nonassociative and/or associative plas-
rapidly screen and characterize anxiolytic agents with diverse ticity. Nonassociative learning occurs when repeated exposure
mechanisms of action, showing some superiority over alterna- to a single stimulus leads to stronger (sensitization) or weaker
tive unconditioned anxiety models. The social interaction test (habituation) responding. Both sensitization and habituation
has also been reliable enough to implicate some general brain have been studied in relation to anxiety, however, usually as
areas in anxiety, such as the amygdala, hippocampus, and brain modulators of associative responses. We therefore emphasize
stem neuromodulatory centers. However, no precise neural associative learning processes here.
circuit has emerged that would allow for detailed analyses of Associative learning is critical for establishing DRs to
cellular, synaptic, and molecular mechanisms for these effects. novel/innocuous stimuli, and for learning to cope with, or
Subtle procedural variations can also cause inconsistent results suppress, these responses. Two classes of associative learning
between laboratories. with particular relevance to fear and anxiety are Pavlovian
threat conditioning (PTC) and aversive instrumental condition-
Antipredator Models ing. We refer to conditioned threats instead of the traditional
Given that DRs evolved primarily to protect against preda- conditioned fears for reasons outlined earlier in the Defensive
tion, stimuli associated with predatory animals are also use- Responding, Threat Processing, and Feelings section and
ful for modeling fear and anxiety (Blanchard et al., 1989; elsewhere (LeDoux, 2012). PTC is particularly important for
Takahashi et al., 2008). In these assays, predator stimuli are many reasons; the conditions for learning are simple, learning
presented to rodents, and DRs ranging from defensive fighting is rapid and long-lasting, a basic neurocircuit has been identi-
down to weaker responses like risk assessment are measured. fied, and a great deal is known about the underlying synaptic,
Pharmacological studies of antipredator responses have been cellular, and molecular processes. PTC may also be a prerequi-
conducted; however, these assays are primarily used to map site for other critical forms of anxiety-related learning such as
the neural circuits underlying innate fear/anxiety, often for avoidance. Finally, PTC is a powerful tool for investigating how
comparison with the circuitry mediating conditioned threat established pathological memories, and/or responses, may be
responses. Gene expression and lesion studies suggest that regulated or suppressed through new learning.
unconditioned responses to predator cues depend on slightly
different brain regions (e.g., medial amygdala, BNST) from Pavlovian Threat Conditioning
conditioned responses. These assays may be particularly
useful for modeling ethologically relevant human phobias Behavioral Aspects of PTC When neutral conditioned stim-
(Rosen, 2004). uli (CSs) are temporally paired with naturally aversive uncon-
ditioned stimuli (USs) PTC occurs (Fig. 41.5). Any sensory
Summary of Unconditioned Models stimulus can serve as a CS, including social and complex config-
Unconditioned fear/anxiety assays are popular for evaluat- ural cues like contexts, and USs can be any unpleasant or pain-
ing drugs with anxiolytic potential. However, they may not ful stimulus. Auditory CSs and footshock USs are commonly
be ideal models of human psychopathology because most employed in laboratory experiments partly because researchers
assess state, rather than trait, anxiety, and they can be sen- can precisely control the delivery of these stimuli. Prior to condi-
sitive to very minor procedural variations (e.g., time of day, tioning, subjects respond weakly to the CS. After conditioning,
lighting conditions). Perhaps more problematic, they are not CS-alone presentations elicit a cassette of DRs including freez-
amenable to circuit analysis and neurobiological studies. The ing, autonomic reactions, neuroendocrine responses, as well as
light-enhanced startle and antipredator assays are exceptions. potentiation of somatic reflexes like startle and eyeblink, col-
These are unique because response triggers and DRs can be lectively referred to as conditioned fear/threat responses (CRs;
discrete and precisely defined, thus allowing for examination Fig. 41.4). CRs indicate that associative learning took place, pro-
of underlying circuits and neural mechanisms. For instance, vided that similar responses fail to occur when the CS and US
light-enhanced startle takes advantage of the known acoustic are not paired (unpaired) during conditioning. Although CRs
startle circuit and evaluates how anxiogenic manipulations can sometimes resemble unconditioned responses to the US
interact to facilitate defensive reflexes. Antipredator studies (e.g., startle), CRs nearly always take a different form. CRs can
have been similarly successful in defining differences between be generated with as little as one CS–US pairing and can last a
the brain regions mediating learned versus unlearned fear/ lifetime. PTC also establishes the CS as secondary incentive that
anxiety. Together unconditioned assays have implicated the can support instrumental avoidance and higher order Pavlovian
extended amygdala, septohippocampal system, PFC, and conditioning (discussed later).
various brainstem neuromodulator centers (e.g., locus coer-
uleus or raphe nuclei) in anxiety-like responding (Gray and PTC Neurocircuitry The amygdala is a core component of
McNaughton, 2000; Karpova et al., 2011; Knapska et al., the mammalian threat-processing circuitry and is essential
2007), though precise neurobiological mechanisms are still for learning, storing, and expressing PTC memories (Cain
largely unknown. and LeDoux, 2008) (Fig. 41.5). It is composed of a dozen or

554 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S






Defensive responses

Autonomic arousal
Natural threat
Conditioned stimulus

Reflex potentiation

Stress hormones

Figure 41.4 Protocol for inducing Pavlovian threat conditioning and common defensive (fear) responses.

Pavlovian Freezing Extinction




PL-PFC itc



Figure 41.5 Core neural circuit mediating Pavlovian threat conditioning and extinction. Pavlovian freezing is used as an example for simplicity.
(Left) The amygdala plays a critical role in detecting and responding to conditioned threats. Postconditioning, threats activate LA neurons, which in turn activate
CE both directly and indirectly (via projections to BA, or to the intercalated cell masses which causes disinhibition of CE). CE outputs project to downstream
effector regions (e.g., ventral PAG) that mediate specific DRs (e.g., freezing). Hippocampal inputs to BA provide contextual information, and prelimbic-PFC neurons
help sustain conditioned responding over longer intervals. (Right) Extinction learning counteracts threat responding in at least three ways: (1) by strengthening
feedforward inhibition in LA, (2) through infralimbic-PFC activation of intercalated cells, and (3) through a subset of BA cells that project to CE interneurons and
inhibit CE output. Hippocampus plays a critical role in gating extinction according to context and via connections to il-PFC and BA extinction neurons.

so bilateral nuclei that reside in the temporal lobes. Of these, to learning and memory (Gozzi et al., 2010; Haubensak et al.,
three have been the focus of much of the research on PTC: the 2010; Wilensky et al., 2006), CE is best known for its role in
lateral (LA), central (CE), and basal (BA) nuclei. LA neurons controlling expression of Pavlovian CRs (Ciocchi et al., 2010;
receive converging auditory (CS) and somatosensory (US) Johansen et al., 2011; Knobloch et al., 2012). BA appears to
information from thalamic and cortical processing regions as have a complex role in the expression of CRs that is only begin-
early as 12 ms following stimulus onset. LA neurons in turn ning to be understood (Amano et al., 2011; Herry et al., 2010).
communicate with CE both directly and indirectly via projec- Because the role of LA is best understood, it will be the focus
tions to BA and intercalated cells. Although CE contributes of the discussion here.

4 1 N E U R O B I O L O G Y O F F E A R A N D A N X I E T Y: A N I M A L M O D E L S | 555

LA is essential for learning, consolidation, expression, testing allow researchers to distinguish between involvement in
reconsolidation, extinction, and many other aspects of PTC learning, short-term memory (STM), and long-term memory
(Cain and LeDoux, 2008; Johansen et al., 2011). Several recent (LTM) processes. Related studies have also probed the molecu-
findings provide especially strong support for the central role lar mechanisms of LTP, usually using in vitro brain slice prepa-
of LA in PTC. For instance, using optogenetics we recently rations while stimulating sensory afferents and recording in
demonstrated that artificial PTC memories could be created the LA. However, we will omit coverage of in vitro LTP as this
in rats by pairing standard auditory CSs with depolarization topic has been covered in detail elsewhere and the results are
of LA neurons (Johansen et al., 2010). CS presentations after generally in agreement with in vivo manipulations. A detailed
training elicited freezing, even though rats never received any review of the large body of molecular work related to PTC
footshocks. Although freezing was weaker than observed after is beyond the scope of this chapter (for review, see Johansen
real conditioning with footshock USs, that the rats froze at all et al., 2011); however, we will highlight the contributions of a
was a testament to the importance of LA for PTC learning. few key molecular players to illustrate how long-lasting plas-
Further, lesions of LA conducted 16 months after PTC, nearly ticity between sensory afferents and LA neurons is achieved.
the entire adult lifetime of the rat, severely disrupt conditioned There appear to be several important molecular stages to
freezing (Gale et al., 2004). Finally, using a clever combination PTC-related plasticity in LA. First, receptors and ion channels
of molecular tools, researchers recently demonstrated how a at the synapse translate presynaptic activity into postsynaptic
subset of LA neurons (~20%) outcompete their neighbors to activation of signaling cascades by elevating intracellular cal-
store PTC plasticity, and were able to identify and erase PTC cium concentrations. NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate) recep-
memories by ablating only those neurons (Josselyn, 2010). tors, L-type calcium channels, and metabotropic glutamate
Together these findings firmly implicate LA in the learning, receptors are crucial for this process. αCaMKII (calcium/calm-
storage, and expression of PTC memories. odulin-dependent protein kinase two) is particularly impor-
Extra-amygdala regions also make important contributions tant for short-term memory/plasticity and may covalently
to PTC learning and expression. The hippocampus plays an modify existing synaptic proteins, like the alpha-amino-3-
important role in conditioning to more complex contextual cues, hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) receptor,
most likely through CS-related projections to BA (Maren and to facilitate glutamatergic transmission. PKA (protein kinase A)
Fanselow, 1995). However, hippocampus plays a time-limited and MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) are important for
role in expression of contextual CRs; systems-level consolidation long-term memory/plasticity. When activated, they translocate to
processes transfer this memory to more cortical brain regions the nucleus to stimulate CREB (cAMP-responsive element bind-
like the anterior cingulate (Teixeria et al., 2006). Prelimbic PFC ing protein)-mediated transcription. Long-term changes in syn-
also appears to help maintain expression of CRs like freezing aptic transmission are ultimately achieved by transcription of the
even after short-latency neural responses in amygdala adapt appropriate genes, translation of new proteins, and incorporation
during CS presentations (Burgos-Robles et al., 2009). of these new proteins at the synapse. For instance, the produc-
tion and synaptic insertion of new AMPA receptors are critical
Synaptic Plasticity in LA Associative pairing of the tone for PTC (Rumpel et al., 2005). Transcription and translation may
and shock induces synaptic plasticity between CS afferents and also help form new synapses between sensory afferents and LA
LA neurons (for review, see Johansen et al., 2011). PTC also neurons (Ostroff et al., 2010). Together, molecular work in the
results in synaptic plasticity in structures afferent to the LA PTC pathway demonstrates that synaptic receptors/channels,
(e.g., thalamus, cortex; Quirk et al., 1997; Weinberger, 1995). intracellular kinases, and nuclear machinery respond to CS–US
However, these are unlikely to be essential for threat condi- pairings in a coordinated fashion to change CS processing in the
tioning at the level of behavior for three reasons: (1) inactiva- LA and allow new stimuli to control defensive responding.
tion of the LA prevents learning and memory, indicating that Exciting new work illustrates how molecular alterations
these structures alone cannot support PTC, (2) plasticity in in amygdala networks can alter threat processing and possi-
these afferent structures appears to depend on LA function, bly contribute to human psychopathology. For instance, the
and (3) conditioning-related plasticity in LA emerges before discovery of an acid-sensing ion channel in LA that detects
changes in afferent regions. Together these findings suggest CO2-related changes in pH and elicits DRs has exciting impli-
that PTC changes the way a CS is processed in an emotional cations for understanding neuropathology in panic disorder,
circuit involving LA, and this plasticity allows the CS to con- since CO2-enriched air can precipitate panic attacks (Ziemann
trol expression of DRs after the aversive experience (Cain and et al., 2009). And other studies demonstrate that allelic vari-
LeDoux, 2008; Fig. 41.6). ants in genes affecting catecholamine catabolism (COMT) and
serotonin reuptake (5-HTT) strongly predict hyperresponsive-
Molecular Mechanisms of PTC in LA With mounting ness of defense-related neurons and behavior, including those
anatomical, physiological, and behavioral evidence implicat- responsible for threat conditioning, consistent with the notion
ing the LA in PTC, many researchers have focused their efforts of stable trait anxiety (Domschke and Dannlowski, 2010).
on deciphering the molecular signaling cascades important
for learning/memory in this region. The majority of studies Variations of the PTC Procedure The simple PTC proce-
employ genetic and pharmacological manipulations coupled dure described in the preceding is the most common tool for
with PTC to determine the function of specific molecules. studying fear and anxiety reactions. It is simple because it usu-
Manipulations carefully timed with respect to training and ally involves discrete, unimodal CSs and USs with few pairings

556 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

Preconditioning Conditioning Postconditioning




SA spine sER-free spine


Figure 41.6 The identification of a neurocircuit has greatly facilitated studies of cellular processes important for defensive learning. For instance, approximately
20% of LA neurons outcompete their neighbors during conditioning, via a CREB-dependent mechanism, to learn and store PCT plasticity (A). Prior to
conditioning, CS presentations result in weak depolarization of LA neurons and little to no activation of downstream brain areas mediating DRs. However, with
CS–US pairings, neurons are strongly depolarized, resulting in initiation of an LTP-like process that strengthens the synapses between CS afferents and LA neurons.
Following conditioning, CS presentations strongly depolarize LA neurons, trigger action potentials, and release neurotransmitters to activate downstream brain
areas mediating expression of DRs. Recent work suggests the importance neuromodulators like dopamine and norepinephrine to the induction PTC plasticity
in LA, both by direct action on excitatory cells and by suppression of feedforward GABAergic inhibition (Ehrlich et al. 2009) (B). Identification of this critical
component of the neurocircuit has also allowed for detailed anatomical analyses of LA dendrites (C). For instance, studies using serial electron microscopy to
reconstruct segments of LA dendrites after conditioning suggest that larger and more stable spines (SA spines) increase in frequency following conditioning and
smaller (smooth ER-free) spines increase postsynaptic density area.

(<10) given with 100% contingency (all CS and US presenta- suppression or the conditioned emotional response (CER) test.
tions are paired). There are countless variations on the PTC These assays are more complicated, require much more train-
procedure that could help elucidate specific aspects of fear and ing, and have the added layer of food/water deprivation that
anxiety. Here we will mention just a few. can muddle interpretation of results. The neural mechanisms
The standard PTC procedure produces robust freezing in of CER and simple PTC are similar, but there are subtle dif-
rodents, suggesting that CSs can strongly activate survival cir- ferences. Recently it has been suggested that conditioned sup-
cuits and produce relatively high-level DRs, similar to those pression is a unique form of Pavlovian-instrument transfer
associated with human fear. Recent studies have attempted to (Balleine and Killcross, 2006) and thus may not be an ideal
model the uncertainty of anxiety more effectively by reduc- way to assess PTC directly.
ing CS/US contingency, increasing the CS–US delay, or by Studies of retrieval-induced learning may also explain
introducing an interval between the end of the CS and the US. the development of some key anxiety disorder symptoms and
Other variations use complex cues to signal the US, such as suggest novel strategies for treatment. As in PTC, cues asso-
contextual stimuli. Much less is known about the neurobiology ciated with trauma can reactivate traumatic memories. Such
of these phenomena, but they are promising approaches for reminders can be severely disruptive, triggering intrusive
unraveling the neural mechanisms of anxiety and structures images and thoughts that accompany a progressive worsening
such as the BNST, hippocampus, and ACC, which have been of anxiety symptoms, especially for memory-based disorders
implicated (Waddell et al., 2006; Walker et al., 2009). like PTSD (Southwick et al., 1999). Preclinical studies indicate
Still another PTC variation assesses how aversive CSs sup- that retrieval renders fear memories labile, probably to allow
press other nondefensive responses such as bar pressing for for the incorporation of new information, which is followed
food. The most common of these assays is called conditioned by a new consolidation process (reconsolidation). There is

4 1 N E U R O B I O L O G Y O F F E A R A N D A N X I E T Y: A N I M A L M O D E L S | 557

ample evidence in the literature that retrieved memories can The greatest successes of IA may be its contributions to
be reconsolidated in a stronger (fear incubation) or weaker our understanding of the role neuromodulatory systems
state (Cain et al., 2012). Models that exploit these processes to play in consolidation of explicit memories and expression
examine new treatment options will be discussed later. of punishment-based memories. Countless drugs have been
administered after IA training that either facilitate or impair
Summary of Pavlovian Threat Conditioning PTC has subsequent memory. Drugs that facilitate IA are seen as cog-
arguably enjoyed the most success as an animal model of fear nitive enhancers; those that impair IA may have anxiolytic
and anxiety. The PTC model has good face, construct, and pre- potential (or be amnestic). The most common finding is that
dictive validity, at least in terms of normal human fear and anx- postconditioning amygdala processes modulate the consoli-
iety. The ability to identify and dissect a basic neural circuit has dation of explicit memories stored elsewhere in the brain—
undoubtedly contributed to this model’s success. Procedural probably by stimulating neuromodulatory centers (McGaugh,
variations may even allow for studies of weaker, anxiety-like 2004). This is usually demonstrated by infusing drugs directly
DRs that were previously thought to require unconditioned into the amygdala after IA training and showing LTM effects.
anxiety models like the EPM. This system, along with varia- Although the neurocircuitry of IA remains somewhat elusive,
tions in the procedure and/or additional learning phases that it is clear that it differs from that of simple Pavlovian PTC; IA
depend on PTC, may hold the most potential for modeling key depends on extra-amygdala brain regions that are not required
aspects of human pathological anxiety as well. for simple PTC (e.g., septohippocampal system), and post-
training amygdala manipulations that impair IA have no effect
on LTM for PTC (Gray and McNaughton, 2000; Wilensky
Instrumental Avoidance Conditioning et al., 2006). As IA may be the most common form of avoid-
Unlike PTC, where subjects learn about relationships between ance cited as pathological in human anxiety disorders, more
environmental stimuli and react accordingly, instrumental work is clearly needed to precisely define the neural circuits,
paradigms allow the subjects to control exposure to aversive and synaptic, cellular, and molecular processes mediating this
stimuli. There are many variations on the instrumental theme, form of instrumental learning.
but here we will focus on two common assay types: passive
or inhibitory avoidance (IA) and active avoidance (AA).
Active Avoidance For many decades following Pavlov’s work,
Avoidance is a hallmark of many human anxiety disorders;
conditional fear and its neural basis were commonly studied
however, like fear and anxiety, avoidance mechanisms evolved
with active avoidance protocols (Cain and LeDoux, 2008). In a
because they were adaptive and helped protect organisms
typical experiment, rats were presented with tone–shock pair-
from threats. But excessive avoidance may interfere with nor-
ings on one side of a two-compartment chamber. Movement
mal functioning and become maladaptive. Here we will dis-
to the opposite side (shuttling) terminated the tone and pre-
cuss normal avoidance and summarize what is known about
vented a shock presentation. These avoidance responses (ARs)
the underlying neurobiology. Later sections will examine how
served as the dependent measure of fear learning, and animals
avoidance can become maladaptive.
exhibited responses more frequently and with shorter latencies
as training progressed.
Inhibitory Avoidance IA learning involves withholding a Avoidance proved to be a difficult paradigm for the analy-
response that was previously punished, typically by shock. sis and explanation of learning mechanisms. This was partly
Although PTC undoubtedly occurs in these situations, the ani- because AA learning trials were those that successfully avoided
mal has control over exposure to the shock and shock-paired the shock, and it was difficult to explain how absence of the
cues; thus, IA is instrumental in nature. There are many obvi- US could reinforce the response. Debates still rage about the
ous parallels between IA and human psychopathology in the mechanisms of AA learning; however, one prominent early
realm of anxiety. For example, agoraphobics inhibit actions theory remains, called two-factor, two-process, or sometimes
that expose them to places in which escape would be diffi- fear theory (Rescorla and Solomon, 1967). In brief, these the-
cult or embarrassing. Acrophobics inhibit actions that expose ories assume that PTC occurs on early training trials, before
them to heights. Some unconditioned assays discussed ear- an AR is acquired. Then, on subsequent trials, fear is aroused
lier (e.g., EPM) may also be considered inhibitory avoid- by the CS. When an AR is performed, the CS terminates, fear
ance of innately aversive stimuli. Conflict paradigms, like the diminishes, and no US is encountered. These theories suggest
Vogel test, also fall into this category. In these assays, rats are that fear reduction associated with CS termination somehow
punished for appetitive actions (e.g., licking a water spout) reinforces the response. Although still controversial, there are
with US presentations (e.g., shock). Conflict tests are billed as reports that rodents can learn to escape an aversive CS even
anxiety models, with the “anxiety” response reflected in the when no shock is present during training (escape from fear
ratio between pre- and postpunishment responding (Gray paradigms; e.g., Cain and LeDoux, 2007). These theories are
and McNaughton, 2000). IA paradigms are widely used and popular with some partly because they provide an entry into
influential animal models of anxiety and fear. IA tests are the AA neurocircuit through the known Pavlovian threat con-
commonly used to screen and compare drugs with potential ditioning circuitry.
to combat anxiety in humans, primarily because they are very Instrumental AA, like PTC and IA, is a normal, adaptive
sensitive to benzodiazepine anxiolytics (especially conflict behavior that gives subjects control over threats in dangerous
paradigms). environments. Indeed, AA mechanisms may even contribute

558 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

to beneficial active coping strategies that prevent unneces- laboratory implicated amygdala processes in AA very early on,
sary fear (discussed later). However, like PTC and IA, AA can in addition to other brain regions such as the ACC, thalamus,
become maladaptive and contribute to human pathology. and sensory cortex (Gabriel et al., 2003). Interestingly, mea-
Early studies found that impairing amygdala function dis- suring training-induced neural activity changes (TIA) during
rupts the acquisition and recall of AA, although null effects or AA training in rabbits, this group showed that LA plasticity
even facilitated AA were also reported. More recent investiga- precedes plasticity in other regions, and TIA effects in other
tions, focusing on subregions of the amygdala and other brain regions depend on LA plasticity. This emphasizes the impor-
structures, paint a clearer picture (Fig. 41.7). Whereas LA and tance of LA to AA learning, which is consistent with AA evolv-
BA are critical for AA learning in several preparations, CE ing from prior PTC. New studies from multiple laboratories
processes appear to constrain or oppose AA learning, possibly suggest that a distinct population of inhibitory cells in the lat-
because CE mediates competing threat reactions like freezing eral CE may also play a key role in gating fear (and possibly
(Lazaro-Munoz et al., 2010). Interestingly, several labs have enabling AA). These interneurons express PKCδ and oxyto-
shown that the amygdala dependence of AA is transient; when cin receptors, and function to inhibit the output cells of the
animals are trained beyond asymptotic performance, amygdala medial CE and allow for more active DRs (Ciocchi et al., 2010;
lesions no longer impair AA responding (Gabriel et al., 2003). Haubensak et al., 2010).
This suggests that with overtraining AA may become habitual
and depend on other, extra-amygdala regions. Dorsal stria- Summary of Instrumental Aversive Conditioning Avoid-
tum and motor cortex have been suggested as sites with pos- ance has a clear relationship to human anxiety disorders as
sible significance; however, this remains unconfirmed. Recent many are partly defined by excessively avoidant behaviors and
unpublished findings from our lab also implicate the vmPFC thoughts. IA has been widely used to investigate drugs that may
in AA. This makes sense since Pavlovian reactions like freez- have utility in treating human anxiety and has enjoyed reason-
ing must be suppressed to allow for AA learning, and vmPFC able predictive validity. Although IA suffers as a model for study-
is perfectly situated to suppress CE-mediated responses and ing precise neurobiological mechanisms because it lacks a clearly
allow performance of instrumental actions (Amano et al., identified neural circuit, this paradigm has greatly contributed to
2010). our understanding of the role that neuromodulators play in con-
Two bodies of work, one older and one more recent, solidation of explicit memories and expression of punishment
provide several key insights into how AA learning may be memories. AA research also has clinical implications, both as a
achieved in relation to the PTC circuitry. Michael Gabriel’s problem (e.g., obsessive-compulsive disorder) and as a potential

1 2 3 4

Pavlovian Escape? Instrumental Instrumental

reactions actions habits

Figure 41.7 Working model of active avoidance. Early in AA training, failure to avoid leads to PCT trials and Pavlovian reactions mediated by LA and CE (1).
CE also suppresses PFC activity. As training progresses, animals may first learn to escape via processes that depend on LA and medial amgydala (ME) (2).
Eventually, il-PFC activity suppresses CE outputs and allows for AA learning, which depends on LA and BA processes (3–4). Overtraining of AA responses leads
to amygdala-independent, and possibly habitual, AA (4). It is not yet known which brain region(s) mediate overtrained AA behavior; however, striatal and motor
systems are likely candidates (Cain and LeDoux., 2008).

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positive coping mechanism (discussed later). However, until Although some neurobiological studies have been con-
recently AA research has stagnated. A resurgence of AA research, ducted on LI in preclinical models, most of these relate to disor-
conducted using the successful blueprint of PTC, is already pro- ders like schizophrenia, where this learning process is disrupted.
viding a much better understanding of the behavior, brain cir- However, in the past 15 years there has been an explosion of
cuits, and neural mechanisms involved. Clearly more research is fear extinction research, and we now know a great deal about
needed on both forms of avoidance given their role in human its neural mechanisms (Milad and Quirk, 2012) (Fig. 41.5). For
pathological anxiety. instance, vmPFC is essential for rapidly expressing extinction
memories. Neural activity in vmPFC increases with extinction
Inhibition of Anxiety and Fear training, and electrical or growth factor (BDNF [brain-derived
Animal models can also focus on forms of learning that reduce neurotrophic factor]) stimulation of vmPFC can induce extinc-
or suppress DRs. The preceding sections described situations tion. vmPFC projects to inhibitory intercalated cells in the
where survival circuits are activated and defensive responding amygdala that can suppress CE-mediated threat reactions. LA
is elicited. But as in most systems, what goes up must come and BA also play key roles in extinction learning. Several studies
down, and the mammalian brain has multiple ways to con- indicate that NMDA receptors, BDNF, calcineurin, MAP kinase,
strain and/or reverse the activation of defense responses. This cannabinoid receptors, and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)
is true of both behavioral and physiological responding. Here receptors in these regions participate in fear extinction learning
we will discuss a few key examples. (Myers and Davis, 2007). And BA neurons also appear to select
between high- and low-fear states postextinction (Herry et al.,
Negative Feedback in the HPA Axis The hypothalamic- 2010). Opioid-mediated input from the periacqueductal gray
adrenal-pituitary (HPA) axis is a major component of the acute (PAG) may provide the error signal driving extinction plasticity
stress response, a highly activated physiological state that pre- (McNally et al., 2004). Finally, the hippocampus plays a criti-
pares the organism by diverting energy and resources from cal role in the context-dependent expression of fear extinction;
nonessential processes (e.g., digestion) and mobilizing them to extinction is strongest in the place where CS-alone presentations
prime sensorimotor processes necessary for defensive respond- occurred, and the hippocampus provides this critical signal
ing. A properly functioning HPA axis turns itself off once the (Bouton et al., 2006). Thus, animal models of extinction are seen
threat is gone, partly via glucocorticoid-mediated inhibition of by many as critical to understanding human pathological anxi-
hypothalamic and pituitary processes. In some human disorders, ety and barriers to its treatment (Cain et al., 2012; Jovanovic and
dysregulation of the HPA axis is implicated, and stress respond- Ressler, 2010). Indeed, a recent study of fear extinction revealed
ing can be prolonged, leading to a number of adverse effects on deficits in fear extinction recall and vmPFC activity when PTSD
bodily processes, health, and defensive responding (McEwen, patients were challenged with an extinguished CS, consistent
2004). HPA axis dysregulation can be assessed with tests like with preclinical findings (Milad and Quirk, 2012).
the dexamethasone suppression test. These models demonstrate
that pathology can result from a failure of inhibition, not just Conditioned Inhibition (CI) The CI procedure shares many
excessive excitation, of DRs (Kehne and Cain, 2010). features with extinction, but unlike extinction, where the CS
comes to have ambiguous meaning, CI training produces a
Latent Inhibition and Extinction Minor modifications of stimulus that has purely inhibitory properties. CI training pro-
the basic Pavlovian PTC procedure can profoundly influence duces a “safety signal” whose presence indicates that no harm
the degree of survival circuit activation and the form of defen- will come.
sive responding. PTC occurs because the CS reliably predicts CI learning is complicated and a bit difficult to study, but
the US, and subsequent CS presentations allow the animal to a few recent publications in rodents suggest that plasticity
anticipate unpleasant outcomes. But what if the CS does not in the amygdala and striatum play a role. For instance, mice
always predict the US? In latent inhibition (LI), subjects are show weakened responses in LA to a conditioned inhibitor, but
first exposed to a series of stimuli with no bad outcome. Then, strengthened responses in the overlying striatum (Rogan et al.,
standard PTC occurs using the same stimuli. DRs to the CS are 2005). Rats trained similarly show reductions in synapse size in
nearly always weaker than the control condition, where no pre- the LA (Ostroff et al., 2010). Thus, like extinction, conditioned
exposure to the stimuli occurs. Extinction is a similar procedure inhibitors have the potential to identify safe circumstances and
but in reverse. Following PTC, subjects are repeatedly exposed suppress DRs, and dysfunctional CI mechanisms may present
to the CS without the anticipated US. This training contradicts as excessive fear/anxiety, even if those processes are operating
the predictive validity of the CS and creates a new inhibitory normally. Impaired CI learning has recently been observed in
CS–NoUS association (Bouton et al., 2006). Then, on subse- patients with PTSD (Jovanovic et al., 2012), supporting the
quent trials conditioned responding is greatly diminished, or notion that dysfunctional inhibitory learning can lead to inap-
absent, depending on the amount of training. It is believed that propriate responding (generalization) in anxious people.
extinction doesn’t erase the original CS–US association but,
rather, that behavior postextinction is the net result of competi-
tion between excitatory and inhibitory CS memories. Thus, one
could imagine a scenario where one or both of these processes
are impaired, leading to abnormally strong or persistent CRs As discussed, the bulk of animal model research focuses on
even if basic PTC processes are normal. normal, group-averaged responses in naïve animals. This

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research is important for gaining a solid understanding of the can also foster resilience (stress inoculation), perhaps by facili-
basic neurobiological processes that operate in human fear tating vmPFC-mediated inhibition of amygdala and emotional
and anxiety. However, there is growing appreciation that these regulation processes (Lyons et al., 2010).
models cannot say much about the pathologies causing human
disorders, especially if they fail to probe trait anxiety. STRESS-ENHANCED FEAR LEARNING IN
Researchers have recognized these problems for years and A D U LT S
have taken many different approaches toward improving ani- Behavioral manipulations in adulthood that affect struc-
mal models of human anxiety disorders. Unfortunately, nearly ture and function of survival circuits often involve exposure
every group uses its own method to coax rats into respond- to acute or chronic stressors that alter defensive responding,
ing abnormally, which makes comparisons between models especially PTC. These models are sometimes referred to by the
extremely difficult. Nevertheless, some important insights have abbreviation: stress-enhanced fear learning (SEFL; e.g., Rau
been gained from these efforts, and we will attempt to summa- and Fanselow, 2007). Stress is achieved in many ways, includ-
rize some major methods for modeling pathological fear and ing restraint, immobilization, cold exposure, electric shock,
anxiety in animals. The list is not meant to be exhaustive or predator exposure, and underwater submersion. Exposure
to suggest that one model is superior to another—it is merely to these stressors in adulthood increases aggression, alters
meant to illustrate how researchers have used multimodal or context-elicited DRs, affects performance on the EPM, and
hybrid approaches to examine pathological, rather than nor- attenuates spatial memory. Restraint stress also facilitates PTC,
mal, defensive responding. results in dendritic atrophy in hippocampus and PFC, sup-
presses neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus, and induces dendritic
P H Y S I O L O G I C A L M A N I P U L AT I O N S hypertrophy and sprouting of new synapses in the amygdala
Physiological models have been used to examine how altera- (McEwen, 2004). These stress-induced aspects of neural plas-
tions in survival circuit neurons affect defensive responding. ticity suggest a putative link between remodeling of defensive
This is usually achieved by delivering chemicals or sensitizing circuits and the development of anxiety as modeled in adult
electrical stimulation (i.e., kindling) to induce hyperexcitability rodents. Chronic stress and underwater submersion have also
in specific brain regions (e.g., amygdala, hypothalamus; Rosen been used in rodent research to mimic the requisite stressful
and Schulkin, 1998). For example, models considered relevant events of traumatic anxiety disorders such as PTSD. Generally
to panic disorder (PD) combine treatments with panicogenic speaking, SEFL effects are interpreted as interactions between
drugs with tests of unconditioned or conditioned DRs in rats nonassociative sensitization processes and associative PTC
(Shekhar et al., 2003; Sullivan et al., 2003). In one such model, processes. Thus, stressful manipulations may produce hyperex-
the respiratory stimulant doxapram is administered prior to citability in neural circuits that lower the threshold for defen-
threat conditioning. Doxapram induces hyperventilation and sive responding, and/or enhance PTC learning/consolidation.
panic attacks in most PD patients, by activating carotid body Such interpretations model key aspects of psychopathology
chemoreceptors to produce a (false) visceral signal to the theories in humans, such as Roger Pitman’s “overconsolidation”
brain of poor air. Doxapram treatment leads to facilitation of theory of PTSD (for discussion, see Cain et al., 2012).
PTC, which has been linked to amygdala hyperexcitability and
enhanced CRF release in CE. Because the circuitry of PTC is G E N E T I C M A N I P U L AT I O N
well characterized, it is possible to test the hypothesis that this Genetic manipulations before assessment of behavioral DRs
visceral signal induces panic-like symptoms by altering threat in rodent models have generally been achieved in two ways.
processing in specific amygdala microcircuits. One is selective breeding of rat strains with the goal of enhanc-
ing or attenuating particular measures of fear and anxiety. For
D E V E L O P M E N TA L M A N I P U L AT I O N S instance, the Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rat strain has an extreme
Developmental models have assessed the effects of early life AA phenotype that may model aspects of human anxiety dis-
stress on fearful and anxious behaviors manifested later in orders. WKY rats show abnormally rapid acquisition in a dif-
life. In rodents, for example, early maternal deprivation per- ficult AA task and also fail to show the normal “warm-up” effect
manently alters central CRF systems as well as related behav- characteristic of other strains (Servatius et al., 2008). The other
ioral and hormonal responses to stressors throughout life strategy is creation of transgenic animals that have altered
(Sullivan, 2003). Ecologically informed studies of maternal expression of particular genes that code for proteins in brain
availability have likewise identified similar outcomes in non- circuits of interest, and evaluating performance on fear and
human primates. Bonnet macaque monkeys raised in vari- anxiety assays. An example comes from studies of PTC in the
able foraging demand conditions respond to novel situations serotonin (5-HT) 1A-receptor knockout mouse. When previ-
with increased anxiety compared with age-matched monkeys ously context-conditioned 5-HT1A-null mice are tested in the
raised as low-foraging demand controls. As adults, these mon- same context but with novel cues added, they do not exhibit the
keys exhibit significant differences in cerebrospinal fluid levels normal CR decrement seen in wild-type mice (Klemenhagen
of monoamines, somatostatin, and CRF. These findings agree et al., 2006). This difference in sensitivity to novel stimuli has
with evidence from humans that early exposure to severe stress been likened to a memory bias for threatening cues in an other-
is a risk factor for the development of mood and anxiety dis- wise neutral environment, as may occur in human patients with
orders (Heim and Nemeroff, 2002). Far less researched, but of PD or PTSD. Given the well-described role of hippocampus
equal importance, are indications that mild early-life stressors in providing a representation of context to amygdala, focused

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investigation of hippocampus–amygdala interactions involving abnormally high expression of competing Pavlovian reactions
the 5-HT1A receptor is suggested. like freezing. CE lesions that eliminated freezing rescued AA
Naturally occurring genetic polymorphisms related to performance without further training. This phenotype may also
anxiety have also been studied, and again, the 5-HT system is model a deficit in certain human anxiety disorders, as exces-
implicated. In particular, an insertion/deletion event in the 5-HT sive Pavlovian reactions prevented the poor avoiders from per-
transporter linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) is known forming a response that could prevent them from harm, even
to produce long (l) and short (s) alleles in humans and rhesus though they had apparently learned that they could avoid harm.
monkeys. In vitro, the short allele decreases transcriptional effi- Similar to microarray analyses of gene expression in selectively
ciency, which may alter expression of the 5-HT transporter and bred rats, these trait-selected rats offer opportunities to correlate
disrupts control of extracellular concentrations of 5-HT in neu- gene expression with fearful and anxious phenotypic expression.
ral circuits. Humans homozygous for the short allele (s/s) show Thus, models that consider individual phenotypic differences in
more anxiety, muscle tension, shyness, and avoidance compared fearful and anxious responding will likely be among the more
with humans who are homozygous (l/l) or heterozygous (l/s) for effective for modeling anxiety disorders and identifying brain
the long allele, and greater activation of survival circuits when circuits and neuronal processes mediating abnormal anxiety.
challenged with threats (Domschke and Dannlowski, 2010).
It has been proposed that consideration be given to individual Although several of the previous sections allude to implica-
differences in susceptibility and resilience in animal models of tions for treatment of human anxiety disorders, some animal
anxiety disorders (Yehuda and LeDoux, 2007). This is particu- models explicitly attempt to model processes important for
larly important in models for PTSD, as it is well documented that learning to suppress, or cope with, fear. The best accepted ani-
similar exposures to a horrific trauma results in development mal model of treatment learning is extinction. Exciting newer
of PTSD for a relatively small proportion of those exposed. Of ideas involve disrupting reconsolidation and AA to understand
note, phenotypic variability in most animal models of fear and active coping mechanisms for gaining control over threatening
anxiety is obscured by the usual practice of reporting the varia- circumstances.
tion around the mean. Recent work shows that “fear reactivity”
in conditioned animals is normally distributed in unselected Fear Extinction
Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats (Yehuda and LeDoux, 2007; Fig. 41.8). Extinction processes can be relevant to human treatment in
When high-fear reactivity rats are extinguished, two additional many ways. Generally speaking, extinction training contra-
groups emerge: a fast-extinguishing group and a slow-extin- dicts previously held beliefs or expectations. This creates a new
guishing group. The slow-extinguishing group is proposed to inhibitory memory that competes with a conditioned threat
have relevance for PTSD, which involves a failure to recover from memory for control of behavior. The result is a reduction, or
trauma and is associated with impaired fear extinction recall and elimination, of conditioned responding. Extinction can be used
reductions in vmPFC activity (Milad and Quirk, 2012). to reverse expression of both Pavlovian and instrumental CRs,
Related work has recently been conducted with AA in unse- although therapists typically focus on extinction of Pavlovian
lected SD rats (Lazaro-Munoz et al., 2010). In many AA stud- fear. Consider, for instance, a subject who exhibits pathological
ies, a subset of rats show extremely poor AA acquisition and avoidance of some fear-eliciting stimulus. The therapist may seek
are usually excluded from further analyses. However, these to extinguish fear of this stimulus; however, this can be difficult
studies demonstrated that poor avoidance was associated with since avoidance is typically strong, and one cannot extinguish CS


CS→US training CS–only tests CS→no US training CS–only tests Response→no US training
100 100 120
CS–elicited freezing (%)

CS–elicited freezing (%)

Avoidance responses

80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20 20

0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 CS CS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Trial Trial Session
High reactivity Low reactivity Fast recovery Slow recovery Poor avoider Good avoider

Figure 41.8 Exploiting natural response variation in key defensive learning tasks may facilitate studies modeling pathological fear/anxiety processes. In each task,
the top and bottom 20% are shown.

562 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

fear if the subject avoids the CS altogether. In this case, a thera- Fear Reconsolidation and Incubation
pist may employ response prevention techniques followed by Interest is gaining in a newer line of preclinical research on
fear extinction. Response prevention means blocking ARs and the neural mechanisms of reconsolidation and incubation. In
essentially forcing exposure to the fear-arousing stimulus. Then, brief, memories for conditioned threats become labile when
exposure, sometimes prolonged exposure (Foa, 2011), is used to reactivated, perhaps to update the memory trace before it is
extinguish CS fear. If successful, CS fear will diminish along with reconsolidated. This raises the exciting possibility that clini-
the motivation to avoid. Extinction is a component of most suc- cians can modify or even block the storage of reactivated fear
cessful cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBTs) for fear and anxiety memories. Reconsolidation blockade is typically achieved with
disorders, and there is good evidence that extinction-based treat- drugs that interfere with protein synthesis (Nader et al., 2000);
ments provide measurable relief to patients with wide-ranging however, these are not suitable for use in humans. Studies are
anxiety disorders (Craske, 1999). underway to evaluate other ways to blunt reconsolidation.
Unfortunately, fear extinction has some notable drawbacks. These include drugs that affect protein synthesis and mem-
First, some anxiety disorders are accompanied by impairments ory such as β-adrenergic receptor blockers (e.g., propranolol;
in fear extinction (Milad and Quirk, 2012). Second, it has been Debiec and LeDoux, 2006), and behavioral interference or
known since Pavlov that extinction memories are “fragile,” and extinction procedures (Quirk et al., 2010). In a related phe-
more recent preclinical studies reliably show that expression of nomenon, fear incubation, recurring activations can enhance
extinction is transient. The phenomena of renewal, reinstate- reconsolidation processes and produce progressively stronger
ment, and spontaneous recovery all show how extinction treat- fear memories—reminiscent of anxiety disorders like PTSD
ments are temporary—CRs return when the context changes, where intrusive memories become progressively more disrup-
new stressors are experienced, or time passes (Bouton et al., tive (Pickens et al., 2009). Although little is known about the
2006). Thus, it is not surprising that preclinical and clinical neural mechanisms of fear incubation, norepinephrine makes
researchers have been intensely researching ways to facilitate the clearest contribution (Debiec et al., 2011). Reconsolidation
extinction learning and make it more durable. can be a double-edged sword when it comes to treatment, how-
Although this topic alone could fill a book, we will highlight ever, as cognitive enhancers can cause decreases or increases in
several important lines of animal model research that could threat responding, depending on the amount of CS exposure
directly affect the efficacy and permanence of extinction-based and the relative recruitment of extinction versus reconsolida-
therapies. First, many laboratories are investigating how the tion/incubation processes (Lee et al., 2006).
timing of exposures can enhance extinction. It appears that
some degree of temporal massing of CS exposures (some- Avoidance, Escape, and Active Coping
times called flooding) can enhance initial extinction learn- A new twist on an old animal model of fear and anxiety sug-
ing, and once extinction learning begins, sessions spaced out gests that aspects of human active coping can be modeled in
in time facilitate consolidation/LTM (Cain et al., 2003; Li and laboratory rodents. Although instrumental escape and avoid-
Westbrook, 2008). Specific variations on this theme have even ance are normal and adaptive learning processes, they have
been reported to produce erasure of PCT memories, presum- a very negative connotation today, partly because they are
ably by blocking the reconsolidation of reactivated memories listed as defining features of many human anxiety disorders.
with extinction training (Quirk et al., 2010). However, escape/avoidance contributions to human pathol-
Many other studies are evaluating the effects of biological ogy reflect the adoption of responses that disrupt life activities,
proteins and psychoactive drugs on fear extinction, especially most likely inhibitory avoidance responses that cause one to
drugs commonly used to treat anxiety (Milad and Quirk, disengage from the world. Although escape and active avoid-
2012). Several findings are worth highlighting here. First, ance (E-AA) mechanisms can also contribute to pathology,
a number of agents have been found to enhance extinction they may represent an ideal way to cope with environmental
learning/memory when given before or after CS exposures. threats. In E-AA, subjects learn a specific response or action
These include d-cycloserine, yohimbine, fluoxetine, venlafax- that escapes environmental threats and prevents harm. Thus,
ine, valproic acid, cannabidiol, estradiol, corticosterone, and E-AA gives subjects control over environmental threats, allow-
BDNF. Several others have been found to impair fear extinc- ing them to operate in dangerous environments yet stay safe.
tion, most notably benzodiazepines (e.g., valium), blockers of Lack of control is also a defining feature of many mood and
α1 adrenergic (e.g., prazosin) and μ-opioid (e.g., naloxone) anxiety disorders (DSM-IV 2000). In this sense, adaptive E-AA
receptors (Bernardi and Lattal, 2010; Bouton et al., 2006; responses resemble active coping strategies that contribute to
McNally et al., 2004). Particularly exciting are findings that resilience and facilitate recovery following trauma (Stewart and
extinction therapy can lead to fear memory erasure if combined Yuen, 2011). Adaptive E-AA responses have some other added
with appropriate drugs, like SSRIs (Karpova et al., 2011). Such benefits, too: they prevent the expression of Pavlovian reactions
effects suggest that it may be possible to return the defensive indicative of human fear and anxiety, and, unlike extinction,
circuitry to a developmental state where extinction routinely this suppression appears to persist, as long as the AA response
produces erasure of aversive memories (Quirk et al., 2010). is available (Cain and LeDoux, 2007; Helmreich et al., 2012;
Finally, very recent preclinical studies suggest that deep brain Solomon and Wynne, 1954). AA mechanisms and individual
stimulation of specific regions, like vmPFC or ventral stria- differences were discussed previously, but more research on
tum, can enhance extinction recall (Rodriguez-Romaguera instrumental E-AA and active coping mechanisms may sup-
et al., 2012). port another evidence-based treatment method in humans,

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which may be especially useful for those who respond poorly to implicated the amygdala, extended amygdala, and prefrontal
other forms of therapy (van der Kolk, 2006). cortex in defensive responding and human anxiety. Finally, the
septohippocamal physiological mechanism for BI proposed by
Gray, theta rhythms, does not appear to play a central role in
primate, including human, anxiety. To the contrary, detailed
mechanisms of neural processing and plasticity have been
In 1982, Jeffrey Gray put forth a theory of anxiety based largely discovered in the amygdala, PFC, and hippocampus that can
on the notion that classic anxiolytics, like alcohol, barbitu- explain the role of neurotransmitter systems, and the action of
rates, and (especially) benzodiazepines, could be useful tools anxiolytic drugs targeting these systems, in anxiety (see pre-
for identifying good animal models of anxiety (Gray and ceding section). These brain regions are now routinely impli-
McNaughton, 2000). Since only some DRs were sensitive to cated in human anxiety with imaging and neural recordings.
these drugs, Gray viewed fear and anxiety as separate response Although BI theory has run into some difficulties, we are not
classes, and his definition of anxiety was distinct from that dis- suggesting that the animal models used to support this theory are
cussed earlier. According to Gray, anxiety reflected a conflict unrelated to fear and anxiety. Assays that involve punishment,
between motivations to approach certain stimuli and avoid oth- IA, and innately aversive stimuli surely activate survival circuits
ers. Thus, anxiety was not simply weaker defensive responding and DRs relevant to human fear and anxiety. However, recent
to less certain or imminent threats, but a state triggered when work strongly suggests that models based on PTC are capable of
one must choose to move toward threats in order to approach activating survival circuits to a similar degree, and these models
other, usually appetitive, goals. For instance, a rat may suppress are much better tools for studying the underlying neurobiologi-
foraging when presented with a predator odor but still engage cal mechanisms mediating defensive responding—at both ends
in other active behaviors. Gray viewed this behavioral inhibi- of the behavioral spectrum. The notion that approach–avoidance
tion (BI) as distinct from fear-elicited DRs like freezing, which conflicts make a unique contribution to anxiety may still have
suppress all actions. merit, however, this conflict is probably inherent in all defensive
BI theory was very influential and affected the develop- deflections from the preferred activity pattern.
ment and usage of animal models of anxiety. For instance,
benzodiazepines suppressed DRs measured with conflict tests
(e.g., Vogel test), IA, and several of the now-popular uncondi- C O N C L U SI O N S
tioned assays (e.g., EPM) but often failed to suppress Pavlovian
CRs and AA. Thus, conflict tests, IA, and unconditioned assays Current treatments for human pathological anxiety are inad-
were deemed superior animal models of anxiety. equate; although some individuals respond favorably to psycho-
Gray also reasoned that “seat of anxiety” could be identified therapy and/or pharmacotherapy, both treatment approaches
using brain lesions that produced a behavioral profile similar to have unacceptably low long-term success rates (Cukor et al.,
the classic anxiolytics. This led to the septohippocampal (SH) 2010). Meanwhile, the needs of anxiety patients continue to
theory of BI and anxiety, since lesions of this system impaired grow, as does the already staggering cost to society (Smith, 2011).
punishment effects, IA, and other anxiety-like behaviors in the Given this unmet need and potential for massive profits, why
unconditioned assays. This logic also led Gray to initially reject then are pharmaceutical companies dropping drug development
the notion that the amygdala played a central role in anxiety, programs for anxiety at an alarming rate? The short answer: it’s
since amygdala lesions impaired PCT and AA (unlike the anxi- too risky. When the drug discovery/development process takes
olytic drugs) and sometimes failed to affect the BI assays. In later 10–20 years, with an average cost of $1.3 billion, these compa-
years, Gray reformulated his theory to include a relatively minor nies are understandably risk averse (Paul et al., 2010). Although
role for the amygdala, mainly because fear-potentiated startle there are many contributing factors, the inability of standard
was shown to depend on the amygdala and was also sensitive to animal models to accurately predict efficacy in human anxious
anxiolytics from diverse mechanistic classes (Davis, 1990). populations plays a major role (Smith, 2011).
Although influential, especially in the realm of drug devel- Generally speaking, preclinical drug discovery leans heav-
opment, the septohippocampal BI theory has steadily lost ily on pharmacology-based animal models like those used to
ground as new findings accumulate (LeDoux, 2002). First, SH support BI theory. These benzodiazepine-sensitive assays pri-
injections of classic anxiolytics often failed to affect BI. Second, marily test conflict behaviors, IA, and unconditioned responses
the classic anxiolytics all modulated GABAergic neurotrans- to innately aversive stimuli. Although these assays probe a wide
mission, and new anxiolytics were discovered that were effec- range of anxiety-related behavior, all represent difficult models
tive in treating human anxiety but ineffective in prominent for studying underlying neural circuits and precise neurobio-
BI models (e.g., β-blockers, 5HT1A agonists, SSRIs). Third, an logical mechanisms. Thus, they select for “pharmacologic iso-
enormous body of research suggested that the core function morphism” but often cannot assess the mode of action for new
of the hippocampus related to declarative, spatial/contextual, agents, predict enhanced efficacy over current standards, or
and working memory, not conflict resolution as proposed by explain failures in the clinic that could guide future decisions
Gray’s BI theory. Thus, SH lesion effects could be explained and refine anxiety models (Geyer and Markou, 2002).
better by theories hypothesizing that this system provided con- In contrast to the recent troubles in drug discovery, studies
textual information to the amygdala threat–response system. of the neurobiology of fear and anxiety have had great success
Fourth, an equally large body of preclinical and clinical work over the past few decades (Johansen et al., 2011). This branch of

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circuits, and elicit defensive responding. DRs typically studied Bernardi, R.E., and Lattal, K.M. (2010). A role for alpha-adrenergic receptors
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INTR ODU C T IO N by a reduction of GABA transmission while an enhancement of

GABA transmission alleviates anxiety.
In response to a threat, actual or psychological, evolution-
ary conserved brain systems orchestrate a physiological and
behavioral defensive response. When these brain systems are Benzodiazepines such as alprazolam are anxiolytics agents
dysfunctional, feelings of fear and anxiety can reach the patho- with a fast onset of action. They act as positive allosteric
logical level of anxiety disorders. Core features of the underly- modulators of GABAA receptors. It has long been a mystery
ing neurocircuity include a hyperreactivity of the amygdala as a how classical benzodiazepines are able to exert anxiolytic
threat delection system and a hypoactivity of the ventromedial activity via a neurotransmitter system as ubiquitous as the
prefrontal cortex as a top-down control for the suppression of GABA system, in particular as these drugs can also act as
a threat response. (Cain, Sullivan, and LeDoux, this volume, sedative-hypnotics, muscle relaxants and anticonvulsants. The
Chapter 41). Among the neurotransmitters involved, GABA, distinctive pharmacology is largely due to the dose-dependent
the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, is a criti- degree of receptor occupancy in the brain. Generally, anxi-
cal set point in the fear and anxiety circuits. An acute reduc- olytic activity is achieved at low receptor occupancy (about
tion of GABA transmission causes anxiety. For instance, healthy 20%; Facklam et al., 1992) while sedation and anticonvulsant
volunteers experienced panic anxiety when GABAA receptor activity requires higher receptor occupancy levels and cor-
function was reduced by the administration of a nonselective respondingly higher drug doses. The exclusive docking site
benzodiazepine site partial inverse agonist (FG 7142) (Horowski of these drugs, which was originally termed benzodiazepine
and Dorow, 2002). Pathophysiologically, a defective GABA sys- receptor (Möhler and Okada, 1977), is an allosteric binding
tem is a predisposition to continuing to experience anxiety or site present in all benzodiazepine-sensitive GABAA receptors
fear. Panic anxiety patients show a GABAA receptor deficit with (about 80% of all GABAA receptors), which provides three
strongest decrease in cortical areas, in particular in orbitofron- important features: (1) Synapse selectivity: The benzodiaz-
tal cortex, insula, and in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, with epines do not act unless the GABA-A receptor is activated by
the severity of anxiety symptoms correlating with the deficit in GABA drug action and is restricted to operational synapses.
GABAA receptors as shown by [11C] flumazenil PET (Hasler (2) Ceiling effect: When all GABAA receptors are fully acti-
et al., 2008). Furthermore, in combat veterans with PTSD, a dra- vated in a synapse, benzodiazepines are unable to increase the
matic GABAA receptor deficit (−41%) was apparent in the dorso- peak amplitude of the current response beyond the physiolog-
lateral prefrontal cortex (for review, see Möhler, 2012). Similarly, ical maximum, a feature that is thought to contribute to the
mutant animals with a targeted constitutive partial reduction of clinical safety of benzodiazepines. (3) Bidirectional modula-
GABAA receptor, function which mainly affected the hippocam- tion: Depending on the type of ligand, positive or negative
pus and cerebral cortex and somewhat the amygdala, displayed allosteric efficacy in receptor modulation can be achieved.
a behavior indicative of trait anxiety, reminiscent of generalized Thus, the pharmacology of ligands of the benzodiazepine site
anxiety disorder in humans. The animals showed enhanced ranges from anxiolytic to anticonvulsant effects for classical
attention to threat cues, a negative bias to ambiguous cues and benzodiazepine-type ligands (agonists, also termed positive
a concomitant harm avoidance behavior (Crestani et al., 1999; allosteric modulators, PAMs) to anxiogenic and convulsant
Earnheart et al., 2007). Conversely, drug-induced enhancement effects of beta-carboline-type ligands (inverse agonists, also
of GABA transmission (benzodiazepines, tiagabine, neuroster- termed negative allosteric modulators, NAMs).
oids) exerts anxiolytic activity in the treatment of anxiety disod- Synaptic GABAA receptors are activated by a brief, nonequi-
ers (Iosifescu, Murrough, Charney this volume, Chapter 47). The librium exposure to millimolar GABA (Fig. 42.1). In the pres-
behavioral anxiolytic action of a benzodiazepine such as alprazo- ence of a therapeutically active benzodiazepine, the affinity for
lam is accompanied by the dampening of the heightened activity GABA is increased, which corresponds to a shift of the GABA
of particular anxiety-related brain areas as shown by fMRI in dose/response curve to the left (i.e., for the same quantum of
volunteers undergoing an anxiety challenge (cholecytokinin- GABA, more receptors are activated and the amplitude of the
tetrapeptide i.v.). (Leicht et al., 2013). Thus, anxiety is induced GABA response is increased). In keeping with an increase in

4 2 D I F F E R E N T I A L R O L E S O F G A B A R E C E P T O R S I N A N X I E T Y | 567


PV receptor
CCK α2 benzodiazepine site
receptor β α γ2 Cl– α1, α2, α3, α5


Figure 42.1 Left: Scheme of the domain-specific innervation of a principal cell by diverse interneurons. Distinct distributions of GABA receptor subtypes are
schematically indicated by the type of α-subunit. Right: Scheme of a GABAergic synapse. The heteropentameric GABAA receptor forms a membrane-spanning
chloride ion channel by which GABA (dots) gates fast postsynaptic inhibition. Receptors containing an α1, α2, α3, or α5 subunit in conjunction with a β-subunit (β2,
β3) and the γ2 subunit are benzodiazepine sensitive and represent the majority (about 80%) of all GABAA receptors. Depending on the type of ligand acting at
the allosteric modulatory benzodiazepine site, GABAA receptor function can either be enhanced e.g., by classical benzodiazepines such as diazepam (positive
allosteric modulators also termed agonists) or reduced (negative allosteric modulators or inverse agonists, Table 42.2). Besides interacting with the major
clustering protein gephyrin, GABAA receptors undergo regulated trafficking in a dynamic adaption of their cell surface expression (Lüscher et al., 2011). Slow
GABAergic inhibition is mediated by G-protein coupled metabotropic GABAB receptors that cause slow postsynaptic inhibition by opening inwardly rectifying K+
(GiRK) channels (not shown). GABAB receptors are present presynaptically on some glutamatergic nerve endings (see Fig. 42.3) and, as auto receptors, on some
GABAergic interneuron nerve terminal, where they cause inhibition of transmitter release by limiting Ca2+ entry.

affinity, the decay of the spontaneous miniature inhibitory post- the spatiotemporal pattern of network activity. This is largely
synaptic current (mIPSC) is prolonged. However, in various achieved by the domain-specific innervation of the principal
GABA synapses the amplitude of the mIPSCs remained unal- cells to permit an independent regulation of various afferent
tered in the presence of a benzodiazepine agonist, which has inputs and the timing of the output (Fig. 42.1). For instance,
been interpreted to indicate that a single quantum of GABA can in the CA1 region of the hippocampus, 21 different classes of
saturate all GABAA receptors in the respective synapse and the GABA interneurons were identified based on their distinct
maximum peak response is not further enhanced by the drug. location, morphology, cotransmitter (CCK, SOM), or other
Nevertheless, even at maximal GABAA receptor activation, the marker proteins (parvalbumin [PV], calbindin, calretinin) and
drug-induced prolongation of individual mIPSCs still remained activity pattern (Klausberger and Somogyi, 2008). Excitation
and resulted in a slightly increased peak amplitude of the com- of PV-positive basket cells can generate neural oscillations
pound inhibitory response which is caused by the summation over high-frequency ranges, pace them, synchronize partici-
of several mIPSCs. Thus, the action of a benzodiazepine drug pating neurons, and maintain their coherence. Crucial for this
appears to be cell- and synapse specific, reflecting local differ- property is that basket cells act jointly and have a wide out-
ences in the number of receptors in the cleft or in the GABA reach. They are electrically coupled via gap junctions and the
concentration released into the cleft. The drug effects will there- axonal arbor of each inhibitory interneuron may contact more
fore vary with the operational configuration of the GABAergic than a thousand pyramidal cells. Fast-spiking PV basket cells
synapse. Nevertheless, the most pronounced drug effects are operate with synapses containing GABAA receptors, which are
expected in synapses operating at suboptimal level, which bodes geared to high-frequency responses (α1GABAA receptors). In
well for the treatment of pathophysiologies characterized by a contrast, the CCK-containing basket cells, which also target
reduced GABAergic drive. The action of benzodiazepines on the the perisomatic compartment, are not fast spiking and oper-
GABAA receptor can be compared to the servo mechanism of ate with structurally different receptors (α2 and α3 GABAA
the brake system in a car. The servo mechanism kicks in only receptors). Chandelier neurons, which target the axon initial
when the brake is activated but does not increase the maximum segment of the principal cells in cortex and hippocampus,
braking power (for review, see Hajos et al., 2000; Möhler, 2011). act as an off-switch by editing the generation and timing of
the action potential output and operate with α2GABAA recep-
tors. Interneurons that preferentially target dendritic sites of
pyramidal cells, such as Martinotti cells, influence the synaptic
input, by affecting input integration, synaptic plasticity, and the
Complex brains have developed highly targeted GABA sys- generation of calcium spikes. Sir John Eccles famously wrote,
tems. A wide variety of interneurons dynamically orchestrate “I always think that inhibition is a sculpturing process. The

568 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

inhibition, as it were, chisels away at the ( . . . ) mass of excit- receptors. It was therefore unknown which part of the spec-
atory action and gives a more specific form to the neuronal trum of benzodiazepine actions was mediated by which of
performance at every stage of synaptic relay” (Eccles, 1977). the α1, α2, α3, or α5 receptors in vivo. Mouse genetics brought
the breakthrough (Rudolph et al., 1999). It was known from
recombinant GABAA receptors that the replacement of a con-
served histidine (H) residue in the drug binding pocket by an
The diversity of interneurons is paralleled by a striking diver- arginine (R) residue rendered the benzodiazepine-sensitive
sity of structurally distinct GABAA receptors. The combinatorial receptors into benzodiazepine-insensitive receptors. Exploiting
assembly from different subunit classes provides distinct kinetics this molecular switch, four lines of point-mutated mice were
and pharmacological properties with important consequences generated, which carried diazepam-insensitive α1, α2, α3, or
for synaptic function and therapeutic drug actions. There is α5 subunits, respectively. In these animals, a specific part of
a family of 19 subunits (α1–6, β1–3, γ1–3, δ, ε, θ, π, ρ1–3) available the spectrum of benzodiazepine actions was expected to be
for the formation of heteropentameric receptors with a central absent and was therefore attributed to the respective wild-type
chloride ion channel pore to be gated by GABA (for review, see GABAA receptor subtype. Importantly, with the exception of
Olsen and Sieghart, 2009; Rudolph and Knoflach, 2011). To the α5 subunit, the point mutation did not affect the expression
accommodate the input of diverse interneurons, a principal cell or distribution of the receptors nor their response to GABA. It
is able to assemble several types of GABAA receptors and target was only when a benzodiazepine drug was administered that
them to the specific cellular domains and synapses. the presence of the point mutation manifested itself behav-
The most frequent GABAA receptor subtype is the α1 recep- iorally. Thus, GABAA receptor subtypes became functional
tor subtype, assembled from two α1, two β2, and one γ2 sub- markers for the neuronal circuits which mediate selective ben-
unit (Fig. 42.1). It is highly enriched in synapses and meets zodiazepine actions (Table 42.1) (Möhler, 2011; Rudolph and
the kinetic requirements for high-frequency neurotransmis- Knoflach, 2011).
sion with a rapid rise and decay time of conductance changes.
Correspondingly, fast-spiking PV basket cells drive pyramidal α 1 G A B A A R E C E P T O R S M E D I AT E S E D AT I O N
cells via α1 GABAA receptors. Other synaptic receptors contain In mice containing benzodiazepine-insensitive α1GABAA
α2 or α3 subunits in combination with β2 or β3 subunits and the receptors (α1[H101R]), the sedative action of diazepam (mea-
γ2 subunit. Thus, the predominant receptor subtypes that medi- sured by locomotor activity) and its anticonvulsant activity
ate phasic synaptic inhibition are α1, α2, or α3 GABAA receptors. (antipentylenetetrazole) was absent, while its anxiolytic effect
Each of these receptors is, however, also found in extrasynap- (measured in the elevated plus maze and the light/dark choice
tic plasma membranes, and no receptor subtype has yet been test) and its myorelaxant action (measured by rotarod and
found to have an exclusive synaptic location. This is thought to horizontal wire test) were fully retained (Rudolph et al., 1999).
be largely due to reversible posttranslational modifications that These results were confirmed in a separate α1 point mutated
determine the degree of synaptic anchoring of the receptors. mouse line when comparable test conditions were applied
However, some GABAA receptors are excluded from synapses (Crestani et al., 2000; McKernan et al., 2000).
and mediate tonic inhibition by sensing ambient GABA con- Thus, α1 subunit–containing receptors mediated the seda-
centrations. They comprise α5 GABAA receptors (α5, β3, γ2) and tive but not the anxiolytic action of benzodiazepines. This
the receptors characterized by a δ subunit, mostly associated result provided a rationale for considering the α1 receptor sub-
with an α4 or α6 subunit (Table 42.1) (Mann and Mody, 2010). type as a selective target for the development of ligands with
Pharmacologically, receptor subtypes are best differen- sedative-hypnotic activity (Table 42.2). Conversely, GABAA
tiated by their ability to respond to benzodiazepine drugs. receptor subtypes other than α1 were expected to provide a tar-
Benzodiazepine-sensitive receptors are those containing an α1, get for developing tranquilizing agents that would lack sedative
α2, α3, or α5 subunit in combination with a β2 or β3 subunit and side effects and largely dependence liability. A new pharmacol-
a γ2 subunit with the benzodiazepine binding site being located ogy was born (see next section).
at the interface between the α and the γ2 subunit (Fig. 42.1;
Table 42.1). Thus, the α1, α2, α3, or α5 GABAA receptor sub- α 1 G A B A A R E C E P T O R S L A R G E LY M E D I AT E
types, which represent about 80% of all GABAA receptors in DEPENDENCE LIABILITY
the brain, mediate the entire repertoire of benzodiazepine The dependence liability of classical benzodiazepines is a side
actions (anxiolytic action, muscle relaxant, sedative, and anti- effect of medical concern. When wild-type mice were given
convulsant activity). In contrast, GABAA receptors that contain the choice to consume a drinking solution with or without
an α4 or α6 subunit are benzodiazepine insensitive, irrespective the benzodiazepine midazolam, a preference for midazolam
of the subunits they are associated with (Olsen and Sieghart, developed over the course of several days. In mice contain-
2009; Rudolph and Knoflach, 2011) (Table 42.1). ing benzodiazepine-insensitive α1 receptors [(α1 H101R)], no
preference for midazolam developed, pointing to α1 recep-
tors as the main contributor to dependence liability (Tan
et al., 2010). On the cellular level, the preference behavior
was attributed to a disinhibition of the reward system repre-
Classical benzodiazepines such as diazepam don’t differenti- sented by dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area,
ate among the four types of benzodiazepine-sensitive GABAA activating the reward system. While dopamine neurons

4 2 D I F F E R E N T I A L R O L E S O F G A B A R E C E P T O R S I N A N X I E T Y | 569

TA B L E 42. 1. Cellular and subcellular localization of GABAA receptor subtypes


α1 α1β2γ2 Major subtype (60% of Cerebral cortex (layers Mitral cells and short-axon Synaptic (soma
all GABAA receptors). I–VI), hippocampus, cells (olfactory bulb), and dendrites) and
Mediates the sedative, amygdala, olfactory principal cells and extrasynaptic in all
amnestic and—to bulb, thalamus, basal selected interneurons neurons with high
a large extent—the forebrain, globus in cerebral cortex and expression
anticonvulsant action pallidus, substantia nigra hippocampus, GABAergic
and dependence pars reticulata, inferior neurons in pallidum and
liability of colliculus, cerebellum, substantianigra, thalamic
benzodiazepine site brainstem relay neurons, Purkinje
agonists. cells and granule cells

α2 α2β3γ2 Minor subtype Cerebral cortex (layers Principal cells in Mainly synaptic;
(15–20%). Mediates I–IV), hippocampal hippocampal formation perisomatic location
anxiolytic action of formation, amygdala, and amygdala, spiny and enriched in
benzodiazepine site striatum, olfactory bulb, stellate striatal neurons, axon initial segment
agonists hypothalamus, superior olfactory bulb granule of cortical and
colliculus, inferior olive, cells, motoneurons, hippocampal
motor nuclei, spinal cord dorsal root ganglion cells pyramidal cells
dorsal horn and intrinsic dorsal horn

α3 α3β2,3γ2 Minor subtype Cerebral cortex (layers Tufted cells (olfactory Mainly synaptic,
(10–15%). Mediates V–VI), amygdala, bulb), reticular thalamic including some axon
anxiolytics action of olfactory bulb, thalamic neurons, cerebellar Golgi initial segments;
benzodiazepine site reticular and intralaminar type II cells, serotonergic extrasynaptic in
agonist although nuclei, superior colliculus, and catecholaminergic principal cells of the
only at high receptor brainstem, spinal cord, neurons, basal forebrain amygdala and in
occupancy. locus coeruleus, raphe, cholinergic neurons, inferior olivary neurons
medial septum principal cells in lateral
and basolateral amygdala

α4 α4β2,3δ Less than 5% Dentate gyrus, thalamus Dentate gyrus granule Extrasynaptic
of all receptors. cells
Insensitive to classical

α5 α5β3γ2 Less than 5% of all Highest in hippocampus, Pyramidal cells Extrasynaptic in

receptors. Mediates considerably lower in (hippocampus, cerebral hippocampus, cerebral
the memory- deep cortical layers, cortex), granule cells cortex, and olfactory
enhancing effects of amygdala, olfactory bulb, and periglomerular cells bulb; synaptic and
benzodiazepine site hypothalamus, superior (olfactory bulb), superior extrasynaptic in spinal
partial inverse agonists. colliculus, superior olivary olivary neurons, spinal trigeminal nucleus
nucleus, spinal trigeminal trigeminal neurons and superior olivary
nucleus, spinal cord nucleus

α6 α6β2,3γ2; Less than 5% Cerebellum, dorsal Granule cells (cerebellum) Synaptic (cerebellar
α6β2,3δ of all receptors. cochlear nucleus glomeruli) and
Insensitive to classical extrasynaptic on
benzodiazepines. granule cell dendrites
and soma

(Adapted from Fritschy and Brü nig, 2003, and M öhler et al., 2002.)

express α3 GABAA receptors, impinging interneurons them- receptors but act as partial agonists at α2 and α3 receptors, such
selves express α1 receptors. It is their enhancement by mida- as L-838417 or TPA023 (Table 42.2; see following), showed
zolam that apparently provided the overriding input. The low or no dependence liability in tests of self-administration
ensuing disinhibition of the dopamine neurons is associated or place preference in rodents and nonhuman primates (Ator,
with synaptic plasticity processes, which were proposed to 2005, 2010; Licata and Rowlett, 2008). Although the partial
underlie drug reinforcement (Tan et al., 2010). The view of α1 extent of efficacy of these agents may have contributed to
receptors being the prime mediator of dependence liability is these results, ligands sparing α1 receptors can be expected
in line with pharmacological evidence. Ligands that spare α1 to have a much reduced dependence liability compared with

570 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 42. 2. Pharmacology of benzodiazepine-sensitive GABAA receptor subtypes*



Zolpidem Hypnotic Preferential affinity for α1 subtype1

Zaleplone Hypnotic Preferential affinity for α1 subtype1

Zopiclone Hypnotic Preferential affinity for α1 subtype1


L-838417 Anxiolytic and Antinociceptive Comparable affinity at α1, α2, α3, α5 subtype2
Partial agonist at α2, α3, α5 (not α1) subtype

TPA023 (MK0777) Anxiolytic Comparable affinity at α1, α2, α3, α5; partial agonist at α2, α3 subtypes; no efficacy
at α1, α5 subtypes3

NS11394 Anxiolytic and Antinociceptive Comparable affinity at α1, α2, α3, α5; partial agonist at α2, α3 subtypes; nearly full
agonist at α5 subtype4

TP003 Anxiolytic Comparable affinity at α1, α2, α3, α5; full agonist at α3 subtype; acts at high receptor

L-655 708 Memory enhancer Partial inverse agonist with preferential affinity for α5 subtype6

α5 IA Memory enhancer Partial inverse agonist with preferential efficacy at α5 subtype7

RO493851 Memory enhancer Partial inverse agonist with selective affinity and efficacy at α5 receptor subtype8

* For further details, see M öhler 2011, 2012.

D ä mgen and L ü ddens, 1999; 2 McKernan et al., 2000; 3 Atack, 2009; 4 Mirza et al., 2008; 5 Dias et al., 2005; 6 Atack et al., 2006a; 7 Atack 2010;
Ballard et al., 2009.

classical benzodiazepines which fail to differentiate between In the amygdala, α2 GABAA receptors are prominent
GABAA receptor subtypes. throughout. Most conspicuously, the central nucleus (CEA),
the output station of the amygdala, contains largely, if not exclu-
α 2 G A B A A R E C E P T O R S M E D I AT E sively, α2 GABAA receptors (Figs. 42.2 and 42.3) (Marowsky
A N X I O LY S I S et al., 2004). Thus, α2 receptors are in a strategic position to
In mice containing benzodiazepine-insensitive α2 GABAA attenuate the output from the CEA to the brain areas, which
receptors (α2H101R), diazepam failed to induce anxiolyt- execute the physiological and hormonal fear and anxiety
ics activity (measured in the elevated plus maze test and the responses. In addition, α2 GABAA receptors mediate inhibitory
light/dark choice test) while its sedative and anticonvulsant signals in the lateral and basolateral amygdala, areas involved
activity was fully retained (measured by locomotor activity, in fear acquisition., The basolateral division also contains α1
rotarod, antipentyleneterazole) (Löw et al., 2000). The lack receptors. α3 GABAA receptors are a minor subtype throughout.
of anxiolytic activity of diazepam in (α2H101R) mice was In humans, the pattern of α1, α2, and α3 receptor subtype expres-
confirmed in a conditioned emotional response paradigm sion in the amygdala closely corresponded to that in the mouse
(CER) (Morris et al., 2006), in which a conditioning foot (Fig. 42.3). The functional significance of the receptor subtypes
shock induces a higher level of stress than in the noncondi- for the amygdala microcircuits is described later.
tioned ethological tests used in the earlier study (Löw et al., Besides their location in different brain areas, α2 and α3
2000). GABAA receptors are also found in spinal cord, being located on
Thus, the anxiolytic-like action of diazepam is based on the primary spinal cord afferents and intrinsic spinal neurons. Using
enhancement of α2GABAA receptor function. Since this recep- the point-mutated mice described earlier, the ability of diaze-
tor population represents only about 15–20% of all GABAA pam to suppress pathological pain was attributed to these recep-
receptors, it appears to be strategically positioned in anxiety tor subtypes (Knabl et al., 2008). Indeed, using the compound,
circuits. In cerebral cortex and hippocampus, the α2 GABAA L-838417, which acts as partial agonist at α2 and α3 receptors
receptors are largely expressed on pyramidal cells. In the peri- (Table 42.2), pain behavior was suppressed in rodent models of
somatic domain, these receptors mediate mainly the synaptic inflammatory and neuropathic pain with an efficacy compara-
inhibitory input arising from CCK-containing basket cells. At ble to that of morphine. Furthermore, in contrast to morphine,
the axon initial segment, they mediate the GABAergic input L-838417, given subchronically, they failed to develop tolerance
from Chandelier neurons, which exert an output control of the (Knabl et al., 2008). Thus, new anxiolytic agents acting on α2,3
firing pattern of principal cells by being able to suppress action receptor subtypes may, at least partly, have an added antinocice-
potential propagation (Fig. 42.1). ptive potential (Zeilhofer et al., 2009) (Table 42.2).

4 2 D I F F E R E N T I A L R O L E S O F G A B A R E C E P T O R S I N A N X I E T Y | 571

A Sensory input B C Sensory input
GABAergic neurons


GABAergic neuron Projection neuron

Figure 42.2 General organization of amygdala circuitry and GABAergic neurons. (A) Scheme of the basic organization and overall flow of information within the
amygdaloid complex. LA, lateral amygdala; BA, basal amygdala; CEI, lateral subdivision of the central amygdala; CEm, medial subdivision of the central amygdala
(CEA); mITC, medial intercalated cell cluster; lITC, lateral intercalated cell cluster. (B) Coronal brain slice stained for the 67 kD isoform of the GABA synthesizing enzyme
glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD67) illustrating the distribution of GABAergic neurons across the amygdaloid complex. (C) Simplified scheme of the organization
and function of inhibitory interneurons in amygdaloid nuclei. In the LA and BA, local interneurons are part of feedforward and feedback circuits and control projection
neuron output. The lITCs and mITCs relay feedforward inhibition, which may also participate in controlling CEl output. (Images from Ehrlich et al., 2009 used with
permission from Elsevier.)

α3 GABA-A RECEPTORS: A BACKUP SYSTEM evidence that the α3 GABAA receptor subtype contributes to
F O R A N X I O LY S I S anxiolytic activity. In mice with a benzodiazepine-insensitive
In keeping with the view that the anxiolytic activity of diazepam α2 receptor [α2(H101R) mice], L-838417, a partial agonist act-
is mediated via α2 GABAA receptors, the anxiolytic response ing at the benzodiazepine site of α2, α3 and α5 receptors, showed
of diazepam remained unaltered when the α3 receptor was anxiolytic activity at a somewhat elevated receptor occupancy
silenced in mice by a point mutation (α3H126R) (measured (tested in elevated plus maze, fear potentiated startle and con-
in elevated plus maze and light/dark choice test), suggest- ditioned emotional response) (McKernan et al., 2000; Morris
ing that alpha3 receptors do not mediate anxiolytics activity. et al., 2006). These findings pointed to a contribution of recep-
As expected, the sedative, motor-impairing, and anticonvul- tors other than α2 receptors to anxiolysis. Indeed, TP003, a full
sant properties of diazepam were likewise unaltered in this agonist with selective efficacy at α3 GABAA receptors displayed
α3 mutant (Löw et al., 2000). Nevertheless, there is significant anxiolytic activity as measured in an ethological test (elevated

α1, mouse α2, mouse

Thalamic input Cortical input Lateral


GABA GABAB α3, mouse α2, human


Basal Lateral
LA projection neuron
0.5 mm 5 mm

Figure 42.3 Inhibitory gating of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the lateral amygdala in fear acquisition. Left: Pyramidal projection neurons in the lateral amygdala
(LA, gray) receive converging thalamic and cortical sensory afferents. LTP at thalamic and cortical sensory synapses, induced by fear conditioning, is tightly
controlled by GABA released from feedforward interneurons (medium gray). At thalamic afferents, this control is predominantly postsynaptic via GABAA receptors.
At cortical afferents, this control is presynaptic via GABAB receptors. The GABA interneurons are targets of neuromodulators that modify their output activity and
thereby gate the induction of LTP by transiently altering the level of pre- and postsynaptic inhibitory drive. By depressing GABA feedforward inhibition, dopamine
and noradrenaline enhance LTP, while 5HT reduces LTP (figure from Ehrlich et al., 2009). Right: Immunohistochemical distribution of GABAA receptor subtypes
in the amygdala. In the mouse, the α2-subunit staining is prominent throughout, in particular in the central nucleus where no α1 subunit immunoreactivity is
detectable. Both subunits produce a diffuse labeling of neuropil in the lateral and basolateral nucleus. The α3-subunit is detected in the basolateral nucleus and, to
a lesser extent, in the lateral and central nuclei (Marowsky et al., 2004, 2012). Similarly, in human amygdala, α2-subunit staining is prominent throughout and most
prevalent in the central and basal nucleus. α1-subunit staining was prominent only in the lateral nucleus. Minimal staining for α3-subunits was apparent throughout
the amygdala. [Left: Figure from Ehrlich et al., 2009. Right: Data and image of human amygdala courtesy of J. Sung and H. Waldvogel, Centre of Brain Research,
University of Auckland, NZ.]

572 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

plus maze in rats) and in a conditioned test paradigm (condi- located at the base of the dendritic spines and the adjacent
tioned emotional response in squirrel monkeys) pointing to α3 dendritic shaft of hippocampal pyramidal cells, these receptors
GABAA receptors as a second target for anxiolysis besides α2 represent the first inhibitory counterbalance to the incoming
receptors (Dias et al., 2005). excitatory input transmitted through N-methyl-d-aspartate
The two anxiolytic drug targets differ, however, in their sys- (NMDA) receptors at the dendritic spine synapses (Fig. 42.4).
tems response sensitivity. Classical benzodiazepines (e.g., diaz- Synaptic plasticity and learning are often enhanced by a
epam or chlordiazepoxide) show anxiolytic activity, mediated reduction of GABAergic inhibition. Indeed, transgenic mice
via α2 receptors, at a low dose when an overall receptor occu- with a partial knockdown of α5 receptors showed enhanced
pancy of 20–25% is reached (Dias et al., 2005; Facklam et al., performance in the hippocampus-dependent tasks of trace fear
1992). In contrast, the level of receptor occupancy required for conditioning and appetitive conditioning (Crestani et al., 2002;
the minimal effective dose of TP003 (elevated plus maze test) Yee et al., 2004). Mice with a complete deficit of α5 receptors (α5
acting at α3 receptors was 75%, suggesting that three quarters knockout) likewise showed an improved cognitive performance
of all α3 receptors have to be enhanced to reach an anxiolytic as evident in spatial learning (water maze) concomitant with an
response (Dias et al., 2005). The alpha3 receptors are there- enhancement of neural oscillatory synchrony in hippocampal
fore considered to act as a backup system for anxiolytic activity slices (Collinson et al., 2002; Glykys and Mody, 2007). In both
at high receptor occupancy. Presently, most newly developed α5 mutant mouse lines, the enhanced behavioral performance
anxiolytic compounds such as L-838417, TPA023, or NS 11394 was highly selective in that hippocampus-independent learning
interact with both α2 and α3 receptors (see next section and (delay conditioning, two-way avoidance) remained unaltered
Table 42.2). Their primary anxiolytic effect is therefore medi- compared with wild type. Thus, the α5 GABAA receptors in hip-
ated by α2 GABAA receptors while α3 receptors are recruited in pocampal pyramidal cells are control elements of the temporal
addition when a high receptor occupancy is reached. and spatial associative memory. This is the more noteworthy
α3 GABAA receptors are a minor receptor subtype in the as it is the tonic inhibition that has taken on a critical role in
brain and are mainly found on catecholaminergic neurons of controlling learning and memory performance (Brickley and
the brainstem (dopamine, noradrenaline) and basal forebrain Mody, 2012). In contrast, the phasic inhibition of hippocampal
cholinergic neurons, which are involved in communicating pyramidal cells is largely mediated via α2 and α3GABAA recep-
emotion and vigilance. In the amygdala, α3 receptors are of tors. Correspondingly, classical benzodiazepine responses such
minor abundance and, being located extrasynaptically, medi- as sedation or anxiolytic activity are not linked to the α5 receptor
ate tonic inhibition of principal cells in the lateral and basolat- function (for review, see Möhler, 2007). The role of α5 GABAA
eral domain (Fig. 42.3; Table 42.1) (Marowsky et al., 2012). receptors in cognition prompted the development of drugs that
selectively target α5 GABAA (see later section).
α 5 G A B A A R E C E P T O R S R E G U L AT E
H I P P O C A M P U S - D E P E N D E N T ( F E A R ) M E M O RY
The α5 GABAA receptor subtype (α5β3γ2) shows a very restricted
expression in the brain with highest density in hippocampus
and considerably lower in layer 5 cerebral cortex (Fig. 42.4;
Table 42.1). In both regions the receptors are exclusively located Among the overall circuitry of anxiety and fear, several micro-
extrasynaptically on pyramidal cell dendrites mediating tonic circuits have been identified in which GABA neurons play a
inhibition (Brickley and Mody, 2012). Apparently, the presence key part in the acquisition, storage, and extinction of fear, in
of the α5 subunit seems to override the ability of the γ2 sub- particular in the amygdala and cerebral cortex (Fig. 42.2). They
unit to promote synaptic localization. Morphologically, being provide the first blueprint for the neuronal circuits through

α5 GABAA receptor distribution Pyramidal cell dendrite




Figure 42.4 Left: Immunohistochemical distribution of the α5-subunit GABAA receptor in parasagittal sections of adult mice with the enlargement of the
hippocampal formation showing its prominent dendritic localization (Crestani et al., 2002). Right: Schematic distribution of GABAA receptor subtypes at pyramidal
cell dendrites. In balancing the excitatory input, phasic inhibition is mediated via α2 and α3 GABAA receptors, while α5 GABAA receptors, located at the base of
dendritic spines and the adjacent dendritic shaft, mediate tonic inhibition. (See color insert.)

4 2 D I F F E R E N T I A L R O L E S O F G A B A R E C E P T O R S I N A N X I E T Y | 573

which α2 and α3 GABAA receptors mediate anxiolytic drug potentiates amygdala function and enhances aversive condi-
actions. tioning. This is achieved by presynaptic modulation of GABA
release in two areas. In the lateral amygdala, dopamine, via
L AT E R A L A M Y G D A L A : L O C A L G A B A E R G I C presynaptic dopamine D2 receptors, suppresses GABAergic
CONTROL OF EXPERIENCE-DEPENDENT feedforward inhibition and thereby enhances LTP induction by
PLASTICITY conditioned fear (Fig. 42.3). Various other modulators likewise
The amygdala is the site for formation and storage of fear affect the induction of LTP by targeting the GABA neurons.
memories, frequently investigated in paradigms of fear con- At the thalamo-LA synapses, besides dopamine, noradrena-
ditioning, a form of associative learning acquired by temporal line and μ-opioids reduce feedforward GABA inhibition and
coincidence of a neutral conditioned stimulus (CS, e.g., tone) enhance LTP (Tully et al., 2007). Conversely, other modulators
with an unconditioned aversive stimulus (US, foot shock). such as 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) or gastrin-related peptide
The lateral amygdala (LA) is responsible for the linking of the enhance GABA inhibition and constrain the induction of LTP
conditioned and unconditioned stimulus and thus for the for- (Ehrlich et al., 2009).
mation of memory of this experience by which the CS gains A second target for dopamine is the intercalated cell clus-
access to an emotional response circuit. The combination of ter (ITC), a network of paracapsular GABAergic cells that sur-
CS and US requires the formation of long-term potentiation round the basolateral complex of the amygdala (Fig. 42.2). It
(LTP) of sensory thalamic input onto the neurons in the lat- provides GABAergic feedforward inhibition into the basolat-
eral amygdala (LA), thereby increasing the activity of the LA eral and the central amygdala. Dopamine (via D1 receptors)
projection neurons. The LA neurons drive the fear response hyperpolarizes these GABA neurons and substantially sup-
by projecting to the basolateral (BLA) and central amygdala presses their excitability, resulting in disinhibition of the baso-
(CEA) (Fig. 42.2). The LTP process in the LA is under strong lateral and central nucleus with an increase in fear responding.
GABAergic feedforward control (Fig. 42.3). For instance, infu- Suppression of the paracapsular inhibitory system by dop-
sion of a GABAA receptor agonist (muscimol) can block fear amine provides a compelling neuronal mechanism for the
acquisition. Similarly, intra-amygdala application of a benzo- increased affective behavior observed during stress or other
diazepine, restricted largely to the LA and basolateral amygdala hyperdopaminergic states (Marowsky et al., 2005). The ITC
(BLA), is sufficient to induce anxiolysis. neurons are innervated by cortical fibers and can thus medi-
Electrophysiologically, monosynaptic IPSCs recorded ate the cortical feed-forward control of the BLA and the CEA
from pyramidal-shaped principal cells in the lateral and baso- (Fig. 42.2). By disinhibiting the BLA and CEA, dopamine pro-
lateral amygdala (LA/BLA) of the mouse were carried by α2 motes amygdala-related behavior and reduces cortical control.
subunit–containing GABAA receptors and to a smaller amount Indeed, focal or systemic administration of the D1 receptor
by α1 subunit–containing receptors (Marowsky et al., 2004), antagonist SCH 23390 results in anxiolysis and blocks acquisi-
suggesting that the synaptic feedforward inhibition may be tion and expression of fear.
largely mediated by α2GABAA receptor and provide a major
target site for anxiolytic drug action. The α3GABAA recep- CENTRAL AMYGDALA: GABA CONTROL OF
tors are expressed throughout LA and BLA, preferentially at FEAR EFFECTOR NEURONS
extrasynaptic sites mediating tonic inhibition of principal cells The central nucleus of the amygdala (CEA) is well known
(Marowsky et al., 2012). Thus, the LA/BLA is a prominent tar- as the major output station by which the amygdala determines
get for drug-induced anxiolysis based on the enhancement of the expression of fear-related behavior that includes immobil-
α2 and α3GABAA receptor function. Thus, by reducing the excit- ity (freezing) and activation of autonomic and neuroendocrine
ability of LA projection neurons, benzodiazepine-type drugs responses (LeDoux, 2000). A microcircuit within the CEA has
are able to limit the fear-inducing impact of CS (Fig. 42.3) (for been identified to be important for both the acquisition as well
review, see Ehrlich et al., 2009). as the expression of fear (Haubensak et al., 2010). The output
The induction of LTP in the lateral amygdala is con- neurons, located in the medial subdivision of CEA (CEm) are
strained not only by activation of GABAA receptors, but also normally under tight inhibitory control from a population of
metabotropic GABAB receptors (Fig. 42.3). The presynaptic spontaneously active GABAergic neurons located in the lateral
GABAB receptors, which are presumably activated via synaptic subdivision (CEl) (Fig. 42.2). Diminishing this inhibitory tone
GABA spillover, attenuate the release of excitatory neurotrans- through aversive stimuli leads to a disinhibition of the CEm
mitter from cortical and thalamic afferents by limiting the output neurons, which trigger the execution of fear and anxi-
entry of Ca2+. In the presence of a GABAB receptor antagonist, ety responses.
the induction of LTP was facilitated at both cortical and thal- In the CEA, GABAergic inhibition operates largely if not
amic afferent synapses (Ehrlich et al., 2009). Conversely, anxi- exclusively through α2GABAA receptors, the receptor sub-
olytic activity has been described for GABAB receptor agonists, type known to mediate benzodiazepine-induced anxiolysis
although clinical evidence is still lacking. (Löw et al., 2000). Electrophysiologically, diazepam-induced
changes in synaptic currents in mouse CEA were found to be
Presynaptic modulation of GABA neurons by exclusively carried by α2 receptors without a significant con-
catecholamines in fear acquisition tribution form α1 or α3 receptors (Marowsky et al., 2004).
Under stress and in emotionally charged conditions, dop- Immunohistochemically, α2 receptors, being by far the pre-
amine, released from the ventral tegmental area pathway, dominant receptor subtype throughout most of the amygdala

574 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

(Fig. 42.3), are almost exclusively expressed in the CEA, with no extinction training as shown on the mRNA level (Heldt and
α1 receptors being detectable and only a modest amount of α3 Ressler, 2007). Since in both the LA and the CEA, α2 GABAA
receptors in this nucleus (Marowsky et al., 2004). This pattern of receptors play a major role, it might be conceivable that anxi-
receptor distribution in the mouse was largely confirmed in post- olytics acting on α2 receptors (sparing sedation via α1 recep-
mortem human amygdala. The α2 receptor is again predominant tors) may also facilitate fear extinction.
throughout the amygdala. The CEA and the basal nucleus con- Fear and fear extinction have been recognized in behaving
tain almost exclusively α2 receptors. The lateral nucleus contains, mice to be encoded by distinct populations of basal amygdala
in addition, α1 GABAA receptors. The α3 receptors are a minor neurons termed fear neurons and extinction neurons. After
subtype (personal communication, J. Sung and H. Waldvogel, conditioning, fear neurons exhibited increased activity upon
University of Auckland, NZ) (Fig. 42.3). Thus, dampening the CS exposure. In contrast, extinction neurons developed CS
output of the CEA via α2 GABAA receptors seems to be a major responses only during extinction training. Indeed, a decrease
anxieolytic microcircuit, which illustrates the relevance of this in the firing activity of fear neurons and a concomitant increase
particular GABAA receptor subtype. in activity of extinction neurons preceded the behavioral shift
Furthermore, both CEl and CEm express high levels of neu- from the fear to the no-fear response upon CS presentation
ropeptides that modulate anxiety and stress-related behavior (Herry et al., 2008, 2010). The activation of extinction neu-
(Huber et al., 2005). For instance, oxytocin (OT), besides its hor- rons remained stable for at least one week. However, changing
monal functions, exerts strong anxiolytic activity (e.g., in social the context resulted in the immediate recovery of the previ-
anxiety), and the CEA has recently been identified as target for ously conditioned fear response, a process called renewal. The
its ability to suppress fear. Axonal projections from OT neurons bi-directional switch in behavior between fear extinction and
in the hypothalamus reach the CEL. Presumably, by releasing fear renewal is likely to be encoded by discrete neural circuits.
glutamate in addition to OT, a subpopulation of GABA neurons They comprise a distributed network with differential con-
in CEL activates and thereby enhances the inhibition of CEM nections between the BLA, the mPFC, and hippocampus, the
output neurons (Tovote and Lüthi, 2012). Thus, the anxiolytic latter being relevant for conveying context information to be
activity of OT is based on enhancing the GABAergic inhibi- associated with the unconditioned stimulus in the amygdala
tion to attenuate the CEA output neurons, an effect mediated (Ehrlich et al., 2009; see also Cain, Sullivan, and LeDoux, this
by α2 receptors. There is also an opposing interaction pointing volume, Chapter 41).
to a convergence of the anxiolytic circuitries of OT and benzo-
diazepines. A subpopulation of CEl neurons express presynaptic S H I F T F R O M PA S S I V E F E A R T O
CRF receptors type 1, which respond to the stress hormone CRF ACTIVE COPING
(corticotropin releasing factor), suggesting that GABA circuits Fear-arousing stimuli elicit a constellation of fear responses
within the CEA may be a point of convergence of stress and through the amygdala, which acts as an interface that triggers
stress-coping (anxiolytic) systems (Ehrlich et al., 2009). In sum- freezing, autonomic, and endocrine responses. However, the
mary, diminishing the activity of CEM output neurons (via α2 pathways that initiate this fear behavior can be redirected.
GABAA receptors) attenuates fear and anxiety responses while Fully fear-conditioned rats were given the option of mov-
increasing CEM output leads to stronger fear responses. ing to another place to avoid the conditioned stimulus. The
learning of this escape response (i.e., changing the context
FEAR EXTINCTION: SWITCHING FEAR OFF prevents fear stimulus) engages alternative pathways in
BY A DISTINCT NEURAL CIRCUIT the lateral amygdala that circumvent the CEA, as shown
Understanding how learned fears are diminished is a valuable by lesion studies. Passive fear responding is replaced by an
contribution to clinical cognitive therapy. Fear extinction is an active coping strategy (Amorapanth et al., 2000; LeDoux
active learning process eventually leading to the formation of a and Gorman, 2001). Recently, first insights into the cellular
consolidated extinction memory (Herry et al., 2010). Extinction switch between freezing and active coping were made. The
of conditioned fear is achieved through repeated presenta- inhibition of a particular type of GABA interneuron (type I
tion of the CS in the absence of an aversive unconditioned neuron) in the lateral subdivision of the CEA was shown to
stimulus rendering the CS as non-aversive. Not only is the be sufficient (via disinhibition of another GABA neuron) to
amygdala important for the acquisition of fear (see preceding), suppress freezing and engage active responses (Gozzi et al.,
but also as a site of extinction-associated plasticity. Activating 2010). These findings identify neural circuit that biases fear
GABAergic neurons in the amygdala is thought to underly the responses toward active coping strategies. Coping inherently
process of extinction. During extinction, cortical neurons, in entails a physiologically anxiolytic response by threat avoid-
conveying the absence of the aversive unconditioned stimulus, ance learning.
are thought to suppress the amygdala output. This is largely
achieved by cortical activation of the GABA neurons of the
intercalated cell cluster (ITC) which surrounds the amygdala
and innervates the basolateral and central nuclei (Fig. 42.2). A N T E R I O R C I N G U L AT E C O RT E X
They act as a switching circuit that can block the fear-induced AND THE RESOLUTION OF CONFLICT
LTP and guide the change in behavior (Herry et al., 2010). The choice between different options in goal-directed behavior
Molecularly, the expression of certain GABAA receptor sub- requires a value arbitration. In a conflict situation, upcoming
unit genes (α2 and β2) was upregulated within hours following decisions are evaluated as being “good” or “bad” relative to one’s

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expectation. In healthy individuals, the pregenual anterior cin- a critical role (Lüscher et al., 2010; Möhler, 2012; Ressler and
gulated cortex (pACC) is involved in cost–benefit evaluations. Mayberg, 2007).
It communicates the outcome of the evaluation to other brain
areas and thereby regulates the emotional response triggered by F E A R L E A R N I N G I N T H E A U D I T O RY C O RT E X :
a conflict situation. The pACC has been implicated in human A D I S I N H I B I T O RY M I C R O C I R C U I T
anxiety disorders and depression (Ressler and Mayberg, 2007). Fear memory acquisition (tone/shock association) depends
Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by continous on the amygdala but, depending on the stimulus complexity
rumination and worrying. This anxiety behavior relates to risk of the tone, can also engage the auditory cortex. It receives
assessment of a potential threat and crucially involves uncer- thalamocortical feedforward information and may act as a
tainty as to the expectancy of the threat. Anxious individuals relay for tone information to down-stream structures such as
show a biased evaluation of a situation in that they pay increased the amygdala. Fear conditioning causes long-lasting plasticity
attention to threat-related cues and tend to interpret ambigu- of CS responses in auditory cortex, which critically involves
ous stimuli in a threatening manner. These cognitive biases GABA interneurons (Letzkus et al., 2011). After experienc-
are thought to underlie avoidance behavior (e.g., avoidance of ing the CS, acetylcholine is rapidly released from cholinergic
social contact) as a cardinal symptom of anxiety disorders as basal forebrain afferents, which activate GABA interneurons
well as depression. The implication of the pACC was recently in layer 1 (L1) of auditory cortex, which, in turn, inhibit
tested in a macaque version of an approach–avoidance decision fast-spiking parvalbumin-positive (PV) interneurons in L2/3
task, which is also used in humans (Amemori and Graybiel, of auditory cortex. These PV basket cells in turn provide strong
2012). Visual cues indicated the likelihood of positive outcome perisomatic inhibition to local pyramidal cells in the L2/3 layer.
(delivery of food) or negative outcome (airpuff ) at the end of When stimulation by tone and shock was combined, the activ-
the trial. The animals varied their decision to approach (reward ity of pyramidal cells was strikingly enhanced (visualized by
is worth it) or to avoid (reward is not worth it) depending on Ca-imaging). Disinhibiton of PV interneurons by foot shock
the relative sizes of food rewards and airpuffs indicated by the probably gates the induction of activity-dependent plastic-
cues at the beginning of the task. By electrical recording, the ity in the auditory cortex. The convergence of stimuli and the
pACC was found to have an organization of neurons that rep- concomitant auditory cortex disinhibiton are essential for fear
resented motivationally positive (P) or negative (N) subjective learning (Letzkus et al., 2011). The GABA interneurons in L1
value, respectively. The cost–benefit boundary was set by bal- are responsive to dopamine and 5HT, indicating that modula-
anced activity of N-type and P-type neuron populations, flex- tory systems can feed into the cortical microcircuit.
ibly changing depending on the average offers in each task. In Although an anxiolytic drug was not tested in this para-
one pACC subzone, neurons with negative coding were more digm, the disinhibition of the microcircuit in auditory cortex
numerous, and electrical microstimulation of this subzone, offers a conceptual role for drugs acting on α2 GABAA recep-
but not elsewhere in the pACC, strongly increased avoidance tors. Being located perisomatically and at the axon initial seg-
decisions. Thus, overactivated neurons representing negative ment, a drug-induced enhancement of α2 GABAA receptors
motivational values lead to a pessimistic evaluation of future would permit an attenuation of the overactivity of the pyrami-
outcome and increased avoidance behavior. In subsequent dal cells without causing sedation via α1 receptors.
experiments, a bias toward avoidance persisted even in the
absence of the microstimulation. These findings raise the pos-
sibility that pACC stimulation could bring about a tonic, persis-
tent state affecting the relative evaluation of cost and benefit.
The uncertainty of a conflict situation frequently induces N O V E L A N X I O LY T I C S A C T I N G O N
anxiety. In the approach–avoidance task described earlier, α 2,3 G A B A A R E C E P T O R S U B T Y P E S
anxiolytic treatment of the animals with diazepam (0.25 mg/kg Based on the functional differentiation of GABAA receptor
intramuscularly) fully blocked the negative biasing of the subtypes in vivo by genetic means, the anxiolytic activity of
cost–benefit evaluation and the stimulus-induced negative benzodiazepines was attributed to circuits expressing α2 and
decision making (Amemori and Graybiel, 2012). This result α3 receptors, while sedation was attributed to circuits express-
is important as it defines a cellular substrate for the ability of ing α1 receptors (see previous section). These findings gave
diazepam to reduce negative motivation and reverse a nega- rise to a new pharmacology based on ligands targeted to the
tive biasing of behavior. The diazepam-induced, dampening benzodiazepine site of the respective GABAA receptor sub-
the stimulus-induced overactivity of N-neurons in the pACC, type. A striking confirmation of the hypothesis that sedation
may possibly be mediated via α2 GABAA receptors. In a con- was mediated via α1 receptors was provided by the sedative
flict situation in mice (light/dark test), the anxiolytic action of hypnotic drugs Zolpidem, Zaleplone, or Zopiclone (Z hypnot-
diazepam was found to be exclusively mediated via α2 GABAA ics). They invariably show a preferential affinity for α1 GABAA
receptors (Löw et al., 2000). These results on value arbitration receptors (Table 42.2).
are of major interest not only for anxiety disorders but also Ligands acting at α2 and/or α3 GABAA receptors, spar-
for depression, where negative biases in cost–benefit evalu- ing α1 receptors, were expected to act as anxiolytics with-
ations are part of the pathophysiology. Besides providing a out inducing sedation. The search for novel nonsedative
microcircuit for anxiolysis, the results also add support to the anxiolytics of this type is ongoing with major challenges for
GABA hypothesis of major depression where the pACC plays medicinal chemistry. So far, a differentiation of the respective

576 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

receptor subtypes by affinity (i.e., high affinity for α2 and/or (XBD173) was administered to human volunteers undergo-
α3 receptors versus α1 receptors) has not yet been achieved. ing an anxiety challenge (cholecystokinin-tetrapeptide i.v.),
Nevertheless, new ligands have been developed that differen- panic anxiety behavior was suppressed. The anxiolytic effect
tiate between α1 and α2 and/or α3 GABAA receptors by efficacy was indeed mediated by the induction of neurosteroidogenesis
although not by ligand affinity (for review, see Möhler, 2011, since, in rodents, the anxiolytic effect of XBD173 was blocked
2012; Table 42.2). For instance TP003, which displays selec- by finasteride, a 5α-reductase inhibitor of neurosteroid synthe-
tive efficacy at α3 receptors, showed anxiolytic activity, albeit sis (Rupprecht et al., 2009). Thus, TSPO as well as the neuros-
only at high receptor occupancy (Table 42.2) (Dias et al., 2005; teroid site of GABAA receptors directly are potential targets for
see previous section). Major attention was, rather, focused on novel types of anxiolytics.
compounds that act as partial agonists at α2 and α3 receptors,
sparing α1 receptors such as L-838417, TPA023, and NS11394. D R U G S E N H A N C I N G M E M O RY B Y R E D U C I N G
Their anxiolytic activity is mediated primarily via α2 recep- α5 GABAA RECEPTOR FUNCTION
tors with α3 receptors as backup at higher receptor occupancy The ability to learn and remember is thought to be encoded
(see previous section). The best characterized compound is at the synaptic level and involves the ability of synapses
TPA023, for which anxiolytic activity without sedation was to undergo long-term changes in synaptic strength. Tonic
firmly demonstrated in a multitude of rodent and monkey GABAergic inhibition appears to contribute to this process.
models (Atack et al., 2006b; Atack, 2009; Table 42.2). In addi- Hippocampus-dependent learning and memory was improved
tion, this compound showed little or no dependence liability, when tonic inhibition was reduced based on a partial or full
largely by failing to enhance α1 receptors and possibly also by deficit of α5 GABAA receptors in transgenic mice (see previ-
its partial efficacy (Ator, 2005; Ator et al., 2010; Licata and ous section). This finding pointed to α5 GABAA receptors as a
Rowlett, 2008; see previous section). potential pharmacological target for the enhancement of cog-
nitive performance (Fig. 42.4). Ligands with only partial effi-
Clinical proof of concept cacy (partial inverse agonists) were considered to be devoid of
Among the compounds mentioned, TPA023 (MK 0777) potential side effects such as proconvulsant activity.
reached the stage of clinical development as an anxiolytic drug. One of the first drugs to be developed was L-655708, a partial
In volunteers, TPA023 (0.5 and 1.5 mg) did not affect alertness, inverse agonist with preferential affinity for α5 GABAA recep-
postural stability, and memory in contrast to lorazepam (2 mg), tors (Table 42.2). It reduced tonic inhibition, facilitated LTP,
which is in line with the absence of overt sedation for TPA023. induced γ-oscillations in hippocampal CA3, and enhanced
In patients with generalized anxiety disorder, the anxiolytic performance in the Morris maze without being proconvulsant
activity of TPA023 was validated in proof-of-concept studies (Table 42.2). However, its anxiogenic activity, presumably due
(Atack, 2009). TPA023, given over four weeks, was effective to its inverse agonistic activity at GABAA receptors other than
with a significantly superior HAM-A scale reduction com- α5 receptors, prevented its use in humans.
pared with placebo. TPA023 had a time of onset within the Another partial inverse agonist, α5IA, displayed preferen-
first week of treatment. Unfortunately, due to the formation of tial efficacy (but not affinity) for α5 GABAA receptors. It lacked
cataracts in rodents following long-term treatment, the clinical anxiogenic activity and enhanced spatial memory (encod-
development of TPA023 was discontinued. Nevertheless, the ing and recall) in the Morris water maze (Table 42.2) (Atack,
clinical proof of concept, established for TPA023, is expected 2010). Preclinical renal toxicity prevented further development
to encourage further efforts in developing α2/α3 GABAA recep- of this compound.
tor modulators as anxiolytic drugs. They are expected to be RO4938581 was the first partial inverse agonist with high
largely devoid of the side effects of classical benzodiazepines selectivity in both affinity and efficacy for α5GABAA receptors
such as sedation and dependence liability. (Table 42.2) (Ballard et al., 2009). Behaviorally, RO4938581
fully rescued a scopolamine- or diazepam-induced spatial
A N X I O LY T I C A C T I O N V I A N E U R O S T E R O I D S working memory deficit (delayed match to position task or
Neuroactive endogenous steroids (neurosteroids) such as the Morris water maze paradigm) in rodents. Furthermore, in
progesterone metabolite allopregnanolone or the corticoster- monkeys, the performance in an object retrieval task, which
one metabolite 3α,5α-THDOC, synthesized in both glia and is thought to require executive functions, was enhanced by the
neurons, are able to directly enhance GABAA receptor func- drug even beyond the physiological level of responding. Thus,
tion through a neurosteroid binding site present on practi- such agents hold the promise of novel treatments for various
cally all GABAA receptors. Neurosteroids, consequently, have disorders afflicted with learning and memory deficits. They
anxiolytic, sedative-hypnotic and anticonvulsant properties include Down syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, and other neu-
(Belelli and Lambert, 2005). In patients with panic disorder, rological and psychiatric disorders.
neurosteroids were decreased in blood plasma. Stimulating the Indeed, in Ts65Dn mice, a well-characterized murine
neurosteroid synthesis was therefore expected to be a novel Down syndrome model, α5IA improved cognitive performance
anti-anxiety treatment strategy. The rate limiting step of neu- to the level of euploid controls, as demonstrated in associative
rosteroid synthesis is the transport of cholesterol through the and declarative memory tasks. The deficit in spatial learning
outer mitochondrial membrane, mediated by the translocator (Morris water maze) in the Ts65Dn mice was likewise normal-
protein (18 kD) (TSPO, formerly termed peripheral or mito- ized by α5IA as was the deficit in object recognition (Braudeau
chondrial benzodiazepine receptor). When a TSPO agonist et al., 2011). Based on such results, an analogue of RO4938581

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motion regulation encompasses the ability to initiate fight/ response. Thus, successful emotion regulation involves the
flight responses to actual threat in the environment. It also constant updating of threat “schemas” on the basis of learn-
encompasses the ability to appropriately inhibit defensive ing episodes across time. What are the neurocognitive under-
responses when no longer faced with potentially threatening pinnings of this ability? Answering this question is not only
stimuli in order to successfully adapt to and thrive in one’s envi- theoretically important from an evolutionary perspective, but
ronment—to forage, to seek a mate, and so forth. The adaptive it is also clinically important. If we understand the processes
significance of emotion regulation is highlighted by the conse- underlying normal/successful emotion regulation, then we can
quences of instances in which such ability fails. A prime example investigate ways to rectify these processes when regulation fails,
is anxiety disorders, which affect roughly 30% of the population. as described in the previous examples.
People with anxiety disorders exhibit pathological avoidance As emotion regulation is often considered a “top-down”
of perceived threatening situations and cues due to unrealistic process involving conscious inhibition over more automatic
beliefs about the probability and cost of negative outcomes asso- threat responses, cortical areas like the prefrontal cortex (PFC)
ciated with such stimuli. Alternatively, they may endure situa- have long been suspected to play a crucial role in this ability.
tions with significant distress and typically with the aid of safety With the introduction of neuroimaging to psychiatry research,
behaviors, which serve to maintain irrational beliefs and dimin- later reports of deficient PFC activations during presentations
ish the person’s sense of self-efficacy. At the opposite end of the of emotional stimuli in various anxiety-disordered cohorts led
scale, failures in emotion regulation can also lead to impulsive- to hypotheses that the exaggerated fear responses observed in
ness and risky decision making, as is often the case in childhood anxiety may be due to failures in PFC inhibition over emo-
and adolescent behavioral disorders. Rather than experience tional responses (Etkin and Wager, 2007). However, direct
too much fear, as observed in anxiety disorders, children with evidence that the PFC was specifically involved in the regula-
various behavioral disorders exhibit a deficient sense of threat or tion (not just the processing) of emotions was lacking. More
danger. Despite their differing behavioral profiles, the long-term recently, researchers have developed emotional tasks that mea-
consequence of both examples of failed emotion regulation is the sure specific aspects of emotion regulation. These tasks have
failure to thrive in one’s environment (Fig. 43.1). The normal- been combined with brain imaging methods in humans, along
ization of these two extremes of emotion deregulation requires with lesion, stimulation, and pharmacological manipulations in
that we first understand how fearful emotions are processed and nonhuman animals, to greater elucidate the contribution of the
regulated at a neural level. Once accomplished, advancements PFC to emotion regulation. In this chapter we review research
can be made toward improving current treatment approaches, on these tasks that explicitly assess the ability to change one’s
as well as developing novel approaches. emotional state, either behaviorally through alteration of envi-
The experience and processing of emotion, and its underly- ronmental contingencies, or through cognitive exertion. We
ing neurobiological substrates, has been a focus of many decades discuss how these studies have provided evidence that the PFC
of psychological research. We now have a much more advanced plays a regulatory role in the emotions of fear and anxiety, and
understanding of the mechanisms underlying the perception of also how these studies have begun to delineate the exact nature
fear-relevant stimuli, as well as the induction of species-specific of this role. It is acknowledged that emotion regulation may
defensive responses in turn. The amygdala is a critical limbic implicitly occur in many other tasks that simply expose subjects
structure underlying these processes in mammals, and several to emotion-eliciting stimuli, and that this research contributed
downstream structures have been identified to mediate spe- to the push to study PFC contributions to emotion regulation,
cific defensive responses (Orsini and Maren, 2012). However, as noted previously. However, due to the difficulty in interpret-
emotion regulation goes beyond mere stimulus–response rela- ing the exact contribution of regulation strategies to the neural
tionships. Rather than select the best response on the basis of activations associated with such tasks, we have largely restricted
presently available information, emotion regulation (at least in our discussion to the former tasks. In addition, it is noted that
the context of fear and anxiety) involves gauging the extent of structures other than the PFC have also been implicated in
potential threat on the basis of present and past experience/ emotion regulation; however, this chapter will focus on the role
knowledge, and integrating such information with short- and of the PFC and its interactions with other cortical and subcorti-
long-term motivational goals to decide the most appropriate cal structures involved in emotion processing.

580 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

PR E FR ONTA L C O RT EX A ND time (i.e., they exhibit low levels of CRs), although certain
FE A R E X T INC TIO N manipulations (e.g., change of testing context, exposure to mild
stressor, or the mere passage of time) can elicit recovery of fear.
One commonly used method of examining fear and inhibi- Extinction is likely to result from a combination of processes;
tion of fear in the laboratory is Pavlovian conditioning and however, it is widely accepted that extinction largely involves
extinction. In such procedures fear is acquired to an initially the formation of a new context-dependent memory that coex-
neutral conditioned stimulus (CS; e.g., tone or light) through ists and competes with the original fear-conditioning memory
repeated pairings with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (Orsini and Maren, 2012). Thus, when the subject is presented
(US, e.g., mild electrical shock), until the CS comes to elicit with the (now ambiguous) CS, it must decide the most appro-
species-specific conditioned fear responses (CRs) on its own. priate course of action on the basis of conflicting past learning
Fear can then be inhibited via extinction training, which episodes (Fig. 43.2). Hence, extinction provides a useful model
involves repeated presentations of the CS without any rein- of emotion regulation, the underlying mechanisms of which
forcement. Subjects typically exhibit long-term retention of can easily be explored across species.
extinction memories when again presented the CS at a later For the past two decades, extinction research has largely
centered on the following questions: When the subject is pre-
sented with the extinguished CS, what regulates which mem-
ory is recalled? How is it determined which response (to fear
Disorders of or not to fear) is elicited (Fig. 43.3)? There are several lines of
inhibition evidence that support the notion that the ventromedial PFC
(vmPFC) is critical to this regulation process, and furthermore,
that distinct regions of the vmPFC exert opposing influences on
Anxiety fear expression. Specifically, the prelimbic (PL) division of the
FEAR vmPFC appears to be necessary for the expression of learned
fear. PL inactivation reduces fear responses to conditioned cues
and contexts, whereas microstimulation increases conditioned
Figure 43.1 Emotion deregulation can result in too much fear, as is the case in
freezing and impairs extinction, and PL neurons exhibit poten-
anxiety disorders, or it can result in too little fear, as is the case in disorders of tiated responses to conditioned cues, the persistence of which
inhibition. is associated with extinction failure (see Milad and Quirk,

Fear conditioning Extinction training Extinction recall

CS + E


CS + U
Fear response

Fear response

Fear response

Time Time Time

Figure 43.2 Fear conditioning and extinction protocol. During fear conditioning two stimuli are paired with an aversive outcome (CS+’s), and the third stimuli is
unreinforced (CS−). Fear responses generally increase to the CS+’s and remain low to the CS−. During extinction training, one of the CS+’s is extinguished (CS+E)
by being repeatedly presented in the absence of the aversive outcome. The other CS+ remains unextinguished (CS+U). Fear responses to the CS+E decrease
across training and eventually are comparable to those expressed in the presence of the CS−. During extinction recall, all three CSs are presented. In healthy
populations, fear responses are low to the CS+E and the CS−, whereas they are high to the CS+U.

4 3 P R E F R O N TA L C O R T E X R E G U L AT I O N O F E M O T I O N A N D A N X I E T Y | 581

To fear or not to down control over emotional expression

Rodent Human


Fear Fear Fear Fear

Amygdala Amygdala

Figure 43.3 Distinct regions of the rodent (prelimbic and infralimbic) and human (ventromedial and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex) PFC increase and decrease
expression of conditioned fear, respectively, via interactions with the amygdala.

2012, for review). In contrast, the infralimbic (IL) division of extinction training and its recall. Milad and Quirk (2002) dem-
the vmPFC appears to be involved in extinction and/or the onstrated that neural responses to a tone CS increased in the IL
expression of extinction memories. Morgan et al. (1993) ini- region only during the extinction recall, and not the extinction
tially examined the effect of vmPFC lesions (encompassing IL, training, phase. Moreover, freezing responses during extinc-
PL, and some orbital cortices) on acquisition and extinction tion recall were inversely correlated with IL CS responses,
of conditioned fear. They reported that while vmPFC-lesioned whereas no relation was found for PL CS responses, suggest-
rats exhibited no differences in the acquisition or retention of ing a specific role for IL activation in dictating the strength
conditioning, they took a significantly greater number of days of extinction recall. To provide more direct evidence for this
to reach the extinction criterion (5 s or less time spent freezing hypothesis, a fourth line of evidence has examined the effects
in the presence of the CS). Subsequent studies that have more of vmPFC stimulation on extinction. Milad and Quirk (2002)
closely examined the within-session acquisition of extinction reported that combining CS presentations with IL stimulation
reported that vmPFC lesions do not affect the ability to reduce reduced freezing during extinction training, and the reduced
fear within a session but impair the retention of such inhibi- freezing persisted during extinction recall the following day in
tion the following day (e.g., Lebron et al., 2004; Quirk et al., the absence of any stimulation, suggesting that IL stimulation
2000). Additionally, Quirk et al. (2000) reported that lesions enhanced extinction learning or consolidation. Similar results
that did not encompass the IL region spared extinction reten- have also been reported in studies that have stimulated thal-
tion, suggesting that the IL region might be necessary to extinc- amic (Herry and Garcia, 2002) or hippocampal (Farinelli et al.,
tion recall. Some studies, however, have reported no effect of 2006) inputs to the vmPFC. In addition, Thompson et al. (2010)
vmPFC lesions on fear extinction (e.g., Gewirtz et al., 1997). demonstrated that IL activation, combined with short expo-
The disadvantages of examining the contribution of vari- sure to a conditioned context, enhanced the rate of extinction
ous structures to a task using lesions are that (a) the role of the to that context over subsequent days, without inducing extinc-
structure in the discrete phases of the task is difficult to isolate tion in and of itself (i.e., when tested in the context the day after
and (b) there may be some recovery of function or compensa- IL activation, all groups exhibited comparable initial levels of
tion that changes the circuitry involved in the task. To over- freezing). Moreover, the enhanced rate of extinction was also
come these disadvantages, a second line of studies has used observed when IL activation was combined with exposure to a
temporary inactivation or inhibition of protein synthesis in the different aversive context, but not a neutral context. Thompson
vmPFC at specific points before or after fear extinction. These et al. (2010) suggested that IL activation in the presence of a
studies have, by and large, consistently reported impairments conditioned context nonspecifically “primes” the extinction
in retrieval of extinction memories and, again, have suggested a circuitry in a way that allows extinction to be acquired more
specific role for the IL in this regard (Orsini and Maren, 2012). rapidly. In line with this suggestion, Rodriguez-Romaguera
While initial studies suggested no effects of vmPFC lesions on et al. (2012) recently demonstrated that deep brain stimulation
the acquisition of extinction learning, a recent study reported (DBS) of the ventral striatum in combination with extinction
that when the IL (but not PL) region of the vmPFC was tempo- training enhances extinction recall. Interestingly, although
rarily inactivated prior to extinction training, rats exhibited a DBS without extinction training was ineffective in reduc-
significantly slowed rate of extinction, along with impairments ing fear, DBS alone induced plasticity within the IL and PL
in recall the following day (Sierra-Mercado et al., 2011). regions of the vmPFC, as well as regions of the amygdala, lead-
A third line of evidence from rodents has used electrophys- ing the authors to suggest that DBS may prime the develop-
iology to measure neural responses to conditioned cues during ment of plasticity within the extinction circuitry. It is yet to be

582 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

determined whether the development of such plasticity within via activating inhibitory BLA interneurons, as was originally
the vmPFC is necessary for the enhancing effects of DBS on thought, given that IL projections onto inhibitory interneurons
extinction. are sparse. Rather, the mPFC may activate the intercalated cells
With the advent of functional magnetic resonance imag- (ITCs) between the BLA and CeA, which send inhibitory pro-
ing (fMRI) techniques, and spurred on by knowledge advance- jections to the CeA. Indeed, ITC lesions after extinction pre-
ments from rodent research, the neurocircuitry underlying vent extinction recall (Likhtik et al., 2008). As these findings
fear extinction has become a popular target of investigation from rodent experiments indicate the existence of contrasting
in humans. Striking cross-species similarity in the networks contributions of specific amygdala subnuclei in extinction,
mediating fear extinction in rodents and humans has been future fMRI studies will need to make use of high-resolution
revealed. Humans exhibit increased amygdala and dorsal ante- imaging techniques that can better identify anatomically pre-
rior cingulate (dACC, which appears to be functionally analo- cise areas to determine the circuits by which vmPFC regulates
gous to the PL) activations during fear acquisition and recall fear responses during extinction and its recall in humans.
(Knight et al., 2004; Phelps et al., 2004), and cortical thickness A different line of research that may help inform as to the
of the dACC is positively correlated with fear responses dur- role of the PFC in fear extinction (and fear regulation more
ing fear conditioning (see Milad and Quirk, 2012, for review). generally) is that which has examined PFC activations dur-
Earlier fMRI studies examining extinction of conditioned fear ing unexpected omissions of the US following presentations
reported increased orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) activation dur- of a previously reinforced CS. We reported that whereas an
ing extinction training for an aversively conditioned olfactory expected shock that eventuates was associated with a decrease
cue (Gottfried and Dolan, 2004), as well as increased vmPFC in vmPFC activation, an unexpectedly omitted shock was
activation during recall of an extinguished visual cue (Phelps associated with increased dACC activity (Linnman et al.,
et al., 2004). Later studies have consistently demonstrated that 2011). Another study demonstrated that an unexpectedly
extinction recall is associated with increased activity in the omitted shock was associated with ACC and dorsolateral (dl)
vmPFC (Milad et al., 2007), and one study reported increased PFC activations (Dunsmoor and LaBar, 2012). Together with
vmPFC activation to an extinguished cue only when it was findings from reversal learning paradigms (see next section),
presented in the extinction context, but not when presented these results suggest that the PFC may provide a neural signal
in the original conditioning context (Kalisch et al., 2006). for outcome expectancy or further, error detection and signal-
Furthermore, several structural MRI studies have reported ing. Interestingly, it has been reported that opioid signaling in
a positive correlation between extinction recall and vmPFC the periaqueductal gray, which is purported to regulate error
thickness (Milad and Quirk, 2012). detection necessary to extinction paradigms (McNally et al.,
Assuming a role for the vmPFC in expression of learned 2004), mediates mPFC activation during extinction (Parsons
fear and extinction, how exactly does it up- and downregulate et al., 2010), suggesting that the PFC may recruit such infor-
fear responses? Anatomically, the vmPFC is well positioned to mation (or be directly involved in processing it) to determine
regulate the activation of limbic structures that are involved the most appropriate fear response. Furthermore, this research
in the expression of defensive responses, with the IL sending again demonstrates the opposing roles of dorsal from ventral
glutamatergic projections to the amygdala (Quirk et al., 2003), regions of the PFC in emotion regulation.
and dorsal regions of the PFC exhibiting positive connectiv-
ity with the amygdala (Etkin et al., 2011). One recent study
demonstrated a positive functional connectivity between the P R E F R O N TA L C O RT E X A N D
dorsomedial (dm) PFC and the amygdala during the process- R E V E R SA L L E A R N I N G
ing of emotional faces (Robinson et al., 2012). The dmPFC–
amygdala coupling strength increased when participants were In addition to the typical Pavlovian conditioning paradigms,
exposed to fearful faces and told that they may receive a shock, investigators have utilized a different experimental approach
and there was a positive correlation between coupling strength to examine emotion regulation, namely, reversal learning.
and reaction times in identifying the emotion of the face. This paradigm is useful because it allows for the assessment
Finally, participants with high trait anxiety exhibited greatest of how the subject is able to determine the most appropriate
dmPFC–amygdala coupling during processing of fearful faces response in an ambiguous situation. Reversal learning has
under threat of shock. This suggests that the dorsal regions of been extensively studied in the context of decision making in
the PFC may activate amygdala regions to enhance defensive instrumental (usually rewarding) tasks, in which two different
responses. stimuli and/or responses are associated with reward or pun-
With respect to PFC regulation of fear extinction, rodent ishment, respectively, and then halfway through the task the
studies have proved useful in identifying the specific interac- contingencies switch. More recently a variant of this task using
tions between vmPFC and specific subnuclei of the amygdala fear conditioning has been employed to further explore the
due to the ability to record from, stimulate, or lesion anatomi- processes underlying fear regulation. A typical fear reversal–
cally precise areas. Quirk et al. (2003) were the first to dem- learning task involves the presentation of two stimuli, one of
onstrate that mPFC stimulation (on the border between IL which is reinforced (CS+, typically paired with shock), while
and PL) inhibits central amygdala (CeA) neuronal activity the other is not (CS−). This is termed the “acquisition phase.”
in response to insula or basolateral nucleus of the amygdala Halfway through the paradigm, the reinforcement contingen-
(BLA) activation. The mPFC is unlikely to inhibit CeA activity cies switch, such that the old CS+ now becomes the CS− (i.e.,

4 3 P R E F R O N TA L C O R T E X R E G U L AT I O N O F E M O T I O N A N D A N X I E T Y | 583

it is extinguished), whereas the old CS− now becomes the CS+ discrepancy between the studies in terms of the direction of
(i.e., it is now paired with shock). This is termed the “reversal” vmPFC activation is unclear.
phase. Fear reversal provides another approach with which to
understand flexibility in emotion regulation, and it also allows
the examination of two dissociable processes (i.e., fear acquisi- B E HAV I O R A L V E R SU S C O G N I T I VE
tion and inhibition) in parallel (Fig. 43.4). Schiller et al. (2008) E M O T I O N R E G U L AT I O N
investigated the neural correlates of fear reversal in healthy
humans using faces as CSs, and mild electric shock as the US. The chapter thus far has focused on tasks that may be considered
They reported that during both the acquisition and reversal “behavioral regulation,” which involve forming new, or updating
phases vmPFC activity was slightly and significantly increased existing, representations of CS–US contingencies on the basis of
during the CS− relative to the CS+ presentations, regardless of direct experience of the organism. This type of emotion regu-
whether the stimuli were “new” or “old” CS−’s. However, the lation is sometimes conceptualized as “automatic,” seeming to
increase in vmPFC activity in response to the CS− was sig- occur without input from a declarative (explicit) memory sys-
nificantly greater during the reversal (i.e., extinction) phase tem (Öhman and Mineka, 2001, but see Lovibond and Shanks,
than during the acquisition phase. Schiller et al. (2008) sug- 2002). The advantage of such tasks is that they can be easily
gested that the vmPFC might provide a selective safety signal modeled in the laboratory in both humans and nonhuman ani-
to indicate which environmental stimuli are safe to ignore. mals, and they also reflect the behavioral components of cogni-
Interestingly, an earlier study using a very similar model of tive behavioral therapy (CBT) used to treat a range of disorders
reversal learning reported the exact opposite results, where with underlying difficulties with emotion regulation. However,
vmPFC activity increased during presentations of the CS+ emotion regulation in humans can and often does stem from
compared with the CS−, during both acquisition and reversal cognitive resources. In such instances, alterations in emotional
phases (Morris and Dolan, 2004). Distinct regions of the right output can arise without direct experience, merely from altering
anterior cingulate exhibited segregated patterns of opposing one’s perceptions through reasoning. The next part of this chap-
activity: one region that decreased activation when the CS+ ter examines cognitive aspects of emotion regulation.
became a CS− (i.e., exhibited reversal) and one region (lateral
to the previous region) that continued to exhibit increased
activation to the CS+ even when it became a CS− (i.e., exhib-
ited nonreversal, or perseveration). Importantly, both stud- Cognitive reappraisal involves the conscious attempt to alter
ies implicate the vmPFC in switching responses to signal a the meaning of an emotionally significant stimulus/event,
change in stimulus contingencies; however, the reason for the typically with the goal of downregulating a negative affective

Acquisition phase Reversal phase

CS 1

CS 2
Fear response

Fear response

Time Time

Figure 43.4 Reversal learning protocol. In the acquisition phase, CS1 is paired with an aversive outcome whereas CS2 is unreinforced. Fear responses increase to
CS1 and remain low to CS2. In the reversal phase, CS1 is unreinforced (i.e., is extinguished), and CS2 is now paired with an aversive outcome. Fear responses
decrease to CS1 and increase to CS2.

584 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

response (Gross, 2002). For example, when confronted with implicated in emotional learning and expression (mediation
an anxiety-provoking stimulus such as a dangerous snake, an hypothesis). In support of the mediation hypothesis, several
individual may attempt to reduce his or her fear by noting studies have reported that reappraisal success is associated
that the snake is in an enclosure and therefore very unlikely with increased PFC, but decreased amygdala and/or nucleus
to escape. Reappraisal is frequently employed in CBT for a accumbens, activity (Delgado et al., 2008; Goldin et al., 2008;
range of psychopathologies and often involves the evaluation Phan et al., 2005). Wager et al. (2008) extended these find-
of all available evidence for one’s initial (usually unrealistic) ings in a mediation analysis of the ventrolateral (vl) PFC as
thought, followed by a substitution of the initial thought with a predictor of reappraisal success. They demonstrated that
one that is more realistic (Smits et al., 2012). Reappraisal cap- increased amygdala activity was associated with reduced suc-
italizes on humans’ unique ability to verbally reason and so cess, whereas increased nucleus accumbens/ventral striatum
is likely to be regulated by higher level cortical structures. It activity was associated with increased success, and both areas
is an indirect means of emotion regulation, in the sense that were positively associated with vlPFC activity. Independently,
the emotional response is altered as a consequence of directly both regions accounted for a part of vlPFC-associated reap-
modifying attributions of the meaning associated with emo- praisal success while controlling for the effects attributable to
tionally relevant stimuli/events. Thus, it fits with the underly- the other. Wager et al.’s (2008) results support the existence of
ing principles of CBT, which holds that emotions are merely two distinct networks mediated by the vlPFC—one that gener-
reactions to thoughts, by modifying the thought; the emotion ates negative affect, and one that downregulates negative affect
is modified in turn. during reappraisal. The authors therefore concluded that the
During the past decade, several studies have started to PFC might be involved in the appraisal process and subsequent
examine the neurobiological mechanisms underlying cogni- recruitment of subcortical regions that up- or downregulate
tive reappraisal. One study examined the use of reappraisal emotional responses, rather than being a constant “dampener”
strategies toward classically conditioned cues (images of on negative affect as is often assumed.
neutral shapes; Delgado et al., 2008). Following condition- Other evidence that supports the role of a PFC–amygdala
ing, participants received nonreinforced presentations of the network in reappraisal comes from studies that have exploited
cues, along with instructions to either attend (pay attention to individual differences in emotion regulation strategy prefer-
their natural feelings) or reappraise (imagine something calm- ence and/or ability. One recent study demonstrated that indi-
ing in nature, prompted by the color of the cue: e.g., an ocean viduals who were more successful at downregulating emotion
scene in response to a blue cue). Reappraise trials were asso- exhibited greater inverse functional connectivity between the
ciated with reduced skin conductance responses and height- amygdala and areas of the PFC including the pregenual ACC,
ened dlPFC and vmPFC activity relative to attend trials, and a OFC, and dm/dlPFC (Lee et al., 2012). Similarly, a different
positive correlation was observed between reappraisal success study by Drabant et al. (2009) exposed participants to nega-
(indexed by reduced skin conductance responses) and dlPFC tive images in the absence of any explicit instructions; thus,
activation. Interestingly, the vmPFC region activated in this participants were free to spontaneously engage in whatever
reappraisal task was the same region activated in a previous emotion regulation strategy (if any) they chose. The results
study that used the same conditioning paradigm but subjected showed that a greater tendency to use reappraisal in everyday
participants to extinction trials rather than reappraisal instruc- life (as indexed by the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire) was
tions (Phelps et al., 2004), suggesting the existence of a com- associated with decreased amygdala activation, and increased
mon neurobiological route for the two different methods of dl/dmPFC, and lateral OFC activation. These results demon-
emotion regulation. strate that spontaneous recruitment of reappraisal strategies
Other studies of reappraisal have involved the presentation is associated with similar involvement of neural regions to
of innately negative or threatening images with instructions those involved following instructed recruitment. These results
to attend (i.e., pay attention to the image without attempting also fit with more recent structural findings demonstrating
to control the emotional reaction) or “reappraise”/“decrease” that high scores on trait measures of cognitive reappraisal
(i.e., think about the image in a more neutral or positive man- positively correlate with dACC, but not ventral ACC, thick-
ner). Such studies have revealed that in addition to the vmPFC ness (Giuliani et al., 2011). Emotion regulation is more likely
region that is implicated in fear extinction, reappraisal appears to arise spontaneously rather than in response to explicit cues
to recruit more lateral regions of the PFC, as also reported by in everyday life. Thus, these findings provide evidence for the
Delgado et al. (2008). For example, a recent meta-analysis con- validity of using instructed modes of emotion regulation in the
cluded that reappraisal use is associated with increased activa- laboratory as a model of such processes as they occur in more
tion of the lateral (including the superior, middle, and inferior natural settings.
frontal gyri, and lateral orbital gyri) and medial (including the From the studies reviewed in this section, it is apparent
superior frontal gyrus and anterior cingulate cortex) prefrontal that while PFC–amygdala (and other subcortical) interactions
cortices (Kalisch, 2009; see also Etkin et al., 2011, for review). appear to mediate cognitive reappraisal, lateral and medial, as
Accepting that the PFC is involved in reappraisal, what is well as dorsal and ventral, PFC regions have also been implicated
the nature of its involvement, and how exactly does it modu- in this regard. A focus of more recent research, therefore, has
late emotional responses? Wager et al. (2008) noted that the been to disentangle the relative contributions of distinct PFC
PFC may influence emotional responding directly (direct regions to emotion regulation and their interactions with sub-
hypothesis), or it may regulate activity of subcortical structures cortical structures. It is unlikely that the lateral PFC modulates

4 3 P R E F R O N TA L C O R T E X R E G U L AT I O N O F E M O T I O N A N D A N X I E T Y | 585

emotion regulation via direct influence on amygdala activity are yoked to that of the first group, is unable to terminate the
as robust monosynaptic connections between these two brain shocks, and so receives the same number and duration of
regions have not been previously reported (Urry et al., 2006), shocks as determined by the first group. Despite the fact that
suggesting an indirect route via additional brain regions. The both groups receive identical shock experiences and that both
vmPFC is likely to serve as an intermediate structure given that procedures induce significant release of stress hormones, the
reciprocal anatomical and functional connections between the behavioral and neurophysiological characteristics of the two
lateral PFC and vmPFC have been reported, and the vmPFC has groups differ substantially postshock. Subjects that receive ines-
direct anatomical connections with different subnuclei within capable shock fail to learn how to escape subsequent stressful
the amygdala (Kim et al., 2011b; Urry et al., 2006). In view of situations, exhibit potentiated fear during and after fear condi-
this, several researchers have suggested that the vmPFC may tioning, and show large effluxes of serotonin in the dorsal raphe
function as a gateway between phylogenetically newer cortical nucleus (DRN; see review by Maier and Watkins, 2010). In
structures and phylogenetically older subcortical structures to contrast, escapable shock does not produce any of these conse-
modify emotional responses using higher level cognitive strat- quences. Moreover, previous experience with escapable shock
egies (Delgado et al., 2008). Urry et al. (2006) provided support prevents the behavioral and neurophysiological consequences
for this idea by demonstrating that successful reappraisal was of later inescapable shock, a phenomenon known as “behav-
associated with greater vmPFC and reduced amygdala activity. ioral immunization” (Maier and Watkins, 2010).
Additionally, greater medial frontal gyrus (MFG) activity was The effects of inescapable shock are dependent on DRN
associated with greater vmPFC activity when downregulating activation, as pharmacological blockade of DRN activity either
emotion, and subjects with higher MFG activity showed lower during inescapable shock or during subsequent behavioral test-
amygdala activity. In a test of mediation, the vmPFC was a ing prevents escape learning deficits and potentiation of fear
significant mediator of the relationship between the MFG and conditioning (Maier and Watkins, 2010). Conversely, the effects
amygdala, whereas the MFG did not mediate the relationship of escapable shock require the animal to recognize that there is
between the vmPFC and amygdala. In other words, the MFG a contingency between its actions and the outcomes, and thus
indirectly controlled amygdala activity via the vmPFC, sugges- are unlikely to be mediated in the brainstem DRN. Maier and
tive of the vmPFC’s role as a gateway between other cortical Watkins hypothesized that as the DRN receives almost all its
areas and the amygdala. cortical input from the IL and PL, these regions of the vmPFC
may regulate the perception of controllable shock. In a series of
experiments, they demonstrated that temporary inactivation of
the vmPFC during escapable shock increased DRN 5-HT efflux
A consistent finding in the clinical anxiety literature is that during the procedure, potentiated contextual fear conditioning,
while many people experience highly traumatic events, only and led to deficits in subsequent escape learning (Amat et al.,
15–20% of these will ultimately develop an anxiety disorder 2005). In other words, inactivation of vmPFC during escap-
like PTSD. This highlights the apparent existence of large indi- able shock led to all of the consequences of inescapable shock.
vidual differences with respect to people’s response to trauma, Importantly, inactivation of the vmPFC did not prevent rats
or more broadly, people’s ability to regulate their emotions from learning to turn the wheel to terminate the shock. Thus,
following high levels of stress. By examining the differences even though rats did, in fact, learn to escape the shock, they
between people who experience trauma and develop PTSD on later behaved as if they had received inescapable shock.
the one hand, and people who experience trauma but do not In addition to regulating the effects of controllable stress,
develop any psychopathology on the other, research has iden- activation of the vmPFC is also necessary for the immunizing
tified several factors that may protect against the development effects of prior experience with control on later consequences
of anxiety. Of these, one consistent protective factor relates to of uncontrollability. In a typical behavioral immunization pro-
perceptions of control. Individuals who hold the belief that tocol, rats are exposed to escapable shock and then one week
they had some amount of control during a traumatic event, later are exposed to inescapable shock, followed by tests for
or that they have control over their emotional reactions to fear conditioning and escape behavior. Amat et al. (2006) dem-
reminders of the event posttrauma, are far less likely to develop onstrated that inactivation of the vmPFC during escapable
PTSD than are individuals who perceive the traumatic event shock prevented its immunizing effects on subsequent DRN
and/or their reactions to posttrauma reminders to be entirely 5-HT efflux during inescapable shock, potentiated fear condi-
uncontrollable (Ehlers et al., 2000). In this framework, beliefs tioning, and escape deficits. In addition, when the vmPFC was
of controllability can be viewed as an effective cognitive strat- inactivated during inescapable shock, this also prevented the
egy for emotion regulation. immunizing effects of previous exposure to escapable shock.
Although the perception of controllability is a cognitive pro- Perhaps even more convincing, in a later series of experi-
cess, much preclinical research has investigated the behavioral ments, Amat et al. (2008) demonstrated that enhancing vmPFC
and neurophysiological consequences of controllable versus activity by picrotoxin infusion during inescapable shock pre-
uncontrollable stress in animal models of emotion regulation. vented the increase in DRN 5-HT efflux, potentiated fear con-
In a typical paradigm examining this phenomenon, two groups ditioning, and deficits in subsequent escape learning. That is,
of subjects are exposed to a series of electrical tail shocks. One these rats behaved as if the shock were controllable, despite
group has the ability to terminate the shocks by turning a wheel never being able to actually control the shock during the pro-
that is fixed in the chamber. Another group, whose chambers cedure. In the next experiment, rats were given two sessions

586 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

of inescapable shock one week apart, followed by behavioral suggesting that the neural circuitry mediating perceived con-
testing. During the first session, half the rats received vmPFC trol has been preserved across species (Salomons et al., 2007).
infusion of picrotoxin, thus enhancing vmPFC during the These findings therefore provide strong evidence for the role
initial inescapable shock session. Remarkably, vmPFC activa- of the PFC in mediating emotion regulation via enhancing the
tion during initial inescapable shock abolished the effects of perception of control. Moreover, the preclinical findings par-
later inescapable shock on 5-HT efflux, fear conditioning, and allel nicely with clinical reports in humans that it is the per-
escape learning. That is, these rats “behaved” as if they had ception of control over a traumatic event that seems to confer
previously been exposed to an escapable stressor. Importantly, protection from psychopathology rather than the actual ability
vmPFC activation had no effect on wheel-turning behavior to exert control (Ehlers et al., 2000).
during escapable shock.
Together, this experimental series suggests that vmPFC
activity is necessary and also sufficient to produce the behav- I N T E R I M SU M M A RY
ioral and neurophysiological consequences of controllability,
and to produce the immunizing effects of prior experience Though fear extinction, reversal learning, reappraisal, and
with control. Later, the same group used retrograde tracing to studies on controllability represent seemingly distinct experi-
demonstrate that escapable shock, or inescapable shock that mental tools, the involvement of the PFC in these tasks leads to
was preceded by escapable shock, activates DRN-projecting one common behavioral outcome: regulation of inappropriate
neurons in the PL of the vmPFC (Baratta et al., 2009). As glu- fear responses. This can be achieved via interactions with the
tamateric DRN-projecting PL neurons synapse on GABAergic amygdala as in fear extinction, with more lateral and dorsal
DRN neurons, this suggests that escapable shock may cause prefrontal regions during reappraisal, or through the DRN in
vmPFC inhibition over DRN activity, not only during escap- the case of controllability. The common involvement of the
able shock, but also during subsequent stressful experiences PFC, therefore, leads the organism to make the most advanta-
regardless of their ability to be controlled. geous decision to guide its behavior. It can also be argued that
Does the lesser fear exhibited by animals that have pre- there may be some element of reappraisal during fear extinc-
viously experienced control indicate that they experience/ tion, and that both reappraisal and fear extinction may confer
express less fear, or that they have reduced memory for the some element of controllability, and all three involve the alter-
fear-conditioning episodes? Fear expression (i.e., the fre- ing of perceived or actual contingencies, as modeled by rever-
quency with which a fear behavior is exhibited) is often taken sal learning. Thus, while investigators often attribute the role
to index the strength of the associative memory. In this sense, of this brain region to a specific task (i.e., PFC and fear extinc-
the decreased fear conditioning displayed by rats exposed tion), it should be clear to the reader that the PFC is critical
to escapable shock could suggest some blunting of associa- for emotion regulation and behavioral choice optimization in
tive memory caused by the vmPFC. However, two findings a much broader sense (Fig. 43.5).
from Maier and Watkins contradict this interpretation. First,
when inescapable shock occurred 24 hours after fear condi-
tioning, these rats still exhibited potentiated freezing at test, W HE N R E G U L AT I O N FA I L S
even though it is unlikely that the stress procedure could
have modulated the memory at such time point (Baratta We have so far examined the PFC’s involvement in emotion
et al., 2007). Second, inactivation of vmPFC prior to a con- regulation as it occurs in a normally functioning subject.
textual fear conditioning test in rats that had previously been However, there are many instances in which emotion regula-
exposed to escapable shock abolished the blunting effects of tion fails. Examining how the PFC functions in circumstances
escapable shock on fear conditioning (Baratta et al., 2008). during which emotion regulation fails provides another
These findings suggest that vmPFC activity during control- means of investigating the nature of its involvement in this
lable/uncontrollable stressful events does not impact the ability. If the PFC truly is the gateway for successful emotion
associative strength of subsequent learning episodes; rather, regulation, then failures in this ability must be associated with
it modulates the expression of fear for any given associative aberrant PFC structure and/or function. In the following sec-
strength. This conclusion fits nicely with research on the role tion, we briefly review rodent and human research that has
of the vmPFC in fear extinction, which has suggested that examined the functioning of the PFC during times of emo-
the vmPFC may be important in the expression of the fear tion regulation failure, and highlight some of the factors that
extinction memory. may influence this process, such as stress and sex hormones.
The main implication drawn by Maier’s group is that the Our review of the clinical studies related to emotion regula-
consequences of controllable/uncontrollable shock are not tion will be very brief as a more thorough examination of this
determined by the ability to exert behavioral control over stress topic will be reported in Chapter 45 by Goodkind, Gyurak,
per se, but rather by whether vmPFC activity is increased dur- and Etkin.
ing the time of stress. Subsequent work in humans has demon-
strated that individuals who exhibit greater vlPFC activation
in anticipation of an uncontrollable painful stimulus report
less pain in response to that stimulus and show greater ten- Anxiety disorders are characterized by the failure to appro-
dencies to engage “acceptance” over “denial” styles of coping, priately regulate fear and anxiety. Neuroimaging tools have

4 3 P R E F R O N TA L C O R T E X R E G U L AT I O N O F E M O T I O N A N D A N X I E T Y | 587

Regulation of
Regulation of
reversal vmPFC

Regulation of
Regulation of controllability
fear extinction

Figure 43.5 The vmPFC may act as a gateway between phylogenetically newer cortical structures (e.g., dorsal lateral PFC) and phylogenetically older limbic and
brainstem structures (e.g., amygdala and dorsal raphe nucleus) to regulate many forms of emotion regulation.

been used to investigate the underlying pathophysiology of the which participants’ conditioned responses in the presence of a
inappropriate control of fear, in parallel with preclinical inves- reinforced cue are compared with those exhibited in the pres-
tigations that are able to use more invasive means of investi- ence of a nonreinforced (safe) cue. Relative to healthy controls,
gation to gain a more anatomically precise understanding of people with PTSD often exhibit heightened fear responses to
the mechanisms of emotion regulation. These efforts have led both types of cues, as well as delayed extinction, suggesting
to the identification of a number of brain regions that may a reduced ability to discriminate between dangerous and safe
contribute to symptoms of anxiety. Not surprisingly, aberrant cues, and another study reported a specific failure in extinction
functioning of regions of the PFC has been identified as a key learning in people with panic disorder (see Graham and Milad,
contributor to the development and maintenance of anxiety. 2011, for review). The most recent studies have focused on the
Earlier neuroimaging research examined PFC activations in ability to retain extinction memories over a longer period (typ-
people with anxiety disorders while viewing fear-relevant and ically 24 hours after extinction training). For example, we have
irrelevant images. Such research, known as “symptom provo- reported that people with PTSD exhibit normal conditioning
cation studies,” has typically reported altered PFC activity in and extinction learning, but impairments in extinction recall
anxious subjects relative to controls; however, the direction of (Milad et al., 2009a).
the difference (i.e., increased or decreased activity) has been Similar to extinction, deficits in cognitive reappraisal have
somewhat inconsistent (Etkin and Wager, 2007). One reason also been reported in clinically anxious populations. Such stud-
for the variability between studies may be that in the absence ies typically instruct participants to downregulate their emo-
of explicit instructions, participants may or may not spontane- tional responses to disorder-relevant or innately threatening/
ously engage in emotion regulation, and if they do, they may negative images. Less success in emotion downregulation, as
differ with respect to the specific emotion regulation strategy indexed by self-reports, has been reported in people with PTSD
engaged, as well as its relative success. We will focus the fol- (New et al., 2009) and spider phobia (Hermann et al., 2009).
lowing discussion on research that has specifically examined Might there be common neurobiological underpinnings
neural activations during emotion regulation tasks. of anxiety disorder–associated failures in emotion regulation
Emotion regulation deficits have been reported in people across these tasks? In the case of extinction, there is evidence
with anxiety disorders in a range of tasks, including those that that heightened activity within the dACC and reduced activity
tap into behavioral/automatic, as well as cognitive, regulation within the vmPFC may be responsible for the enhanced con-
abilities (Cisler et al., 2010). With respect to the former, con- ditioning and reduced extinction observed in PTSD, respec-
ditioning and extinction of fear have been widely examined in tively. For example, using positron emission tomography,
clinically anxious populations because the paradigm is thought Bremner et al. (2005) demonstrated that people with PTSD
to reflect the etiology, symptoms, maintenance, and treatment exhibited heightened behavioral responses during fear acquisi-
of anxiety disorders to varying degrees. A meta-analysis of tion and extinction that were associated with increased resting
earlier studies that focused on fear conditioning and extinc- metabolic activity in the left amygdala and decreased resting
tion to simple, single cues revealed evidence for moderately metabolic activity in the vmPFC, respectively, compared with
enhanced fear responses during both conditioning and extinc- healthy controls. We reported that the impaired extinction
tion in anxious subjects relative to healthy controls (Lissek recall observed in PTSD populations is associated with reduced
et al., 2005). Later studies used discriminative conditioning, in activity in the vmPFC and hippocampus, but heightened dACC

588 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

activity to conditioned cues (Milad et al., 2009a) and contexts suggesting the requirement for greater neural effort to attain
(Rougemont-Bücking et al., 2011). Replication of these find- the same level of regulation (Campbell-Sills et al., 2011).
ings in other cohorts/subtypes of anxiety is required to deter-
mine whether vmPFC deregulation is characteristic of anxiety STRESS
as a dimension. Stress activates a number of hormones, one of the primary
In the case of cognitive reappraisal, the deficits in down- targets of which is the PFC. Numerous studies have dem-
regulation among people with PTSD were associated with onstrated that chronic stress influences PFC structure and
reductions in lateral PFC activity compared with healthy con- neuronal function in rodents, with chronic stress or corticos-
trols (New et al., 2009). Similarly, participants with spider pho- terone treatment causing retractions in dendritic length and
bia exhibited decreased rostral ACC and vm/dmPFC activity branch numbers, dendritic spine loss, and reduced neuronal
(but normal vlPFC activity) when attempting to downregulate responses to serotonin or dopamine application (see review
emotional responses to phobic-relevant fearful images, com- by Holmes and Wellman, 2009). In light of this, investigations
pared with phobic-irrelevant fearful images (Hermann et al., have now turned to the examination of the functional impli-
2009). Interestingly, no differences in self-report of emotion cations of stress effects on the PFC. Several researchers have
downregulation via reappraisal were found in people with reported that in rodents chronic stress leads to impairments
social anxiety disorder (SAD) compared with healthy con- in fear extinction acquisition (Izquierdo et al., 2006) or extinc-
trols, but reappraisal was associated with reduced dlPFC and tion recall (Garcia et al., 2008; Knox et al., 2012; Miracle et al.,
dmPFC activation in SAD participants in response to images 2006), without altering the acquisition of fear conditioning.
of social threat, but not images of physical threat (Goldin The stress-induced impairment in extinction is accompanied
et al., 2009). by reductions in dendritic branch length in the IL (Izquierdo
et al., 2006), reduced mPFC neuronal excitability in response
to hippocampal stimulation (Garcia et al., 2008), and a change
in the quality of IL–amygdala plasticity (from long-term poten-
tiation to long-term depression; Akirav and Maroun, 2007).
PERSONALITY Evidence that the chronic stress-induced dendritic remodeling
Examining how well variance in emotion regulation ability can or changes in IL–amygdala pathway plasticity actually causes
be predicted by individual difference factors may potentially impairments in extinction, however, is lacking. One recent
lead to the identification of risk factors for disorders associated study reported that IL lesions in rodents prior to chronic stress
with emotion regulation failure. To this end, several studies prevented the impairment in extinction (Farrell et al., 2010),
have examined the neural correlates of trait anxiety at rest and suggesting that IL activity during the stressful experience is
during emotion regulation tasks. For example, using diffusion necessary for mediating stress effects on subsequent learning
tensor imaging it was shown that high levels of trait anxiety episodes. It will be important for future research to investigate
were associated with weaker reciprocal connections between whether preventing the impact of stress on PFC morphology
the amygdala and vmPFC (Kim and Whalen, 2009). A later and function also prevents extinction impairments, and/or to
study reported that amygdala resting state activity was posi- determine whether a recovery interval following stress (which
tively coupled to vmPFC activity in low-anxious subjects, and often reverses the neuronal effects of stress) reduces the impact
negatively coupled to vmPFC activity in high-anxious sub- of stress on extinction. In addition, it will also be useful to
jects (Kim et al., 2011c). Together these studies suggest that extend investigations of stress effects to other modes of emo-
altered PFC–amygdala functional and structural connectivity tion regulation, in both rodents and humans.
may indicate susceptibility to anxiety; however, do these fac-
tors covary with emotion regulation success? One recent study SEX HORMONES
examined vmPFC–amygdala activity during cued and contex- In addition to stress hormones, sex hormones also appear to
tual fear conditioning tasks in participants with varying levels modulate emotion regulation. The influence of sex hormones
of trait anxiety (Indovina et al., 2011). High trait anxiety was on extinction is receiving increased attention, most likely due
positively associated with skin conductance responses (i.e., to the recognition that women are more vulnerable to anxi-
greater arousal) and amygdala response to the conditioned cue, ety disorders than men (Lebron-Milad et al., 2012). Studies
and negatively associated with vmPFC response to both the in naturally cycling adult female rodents have revealed that
conditioned cue and context. Moreover, variance in trait anxi- extinction retention is optimal when cycling hormones (e.g.,
ety was best accounted for by a model that included amygdala estradiol, progesterone) are high (the proestrus phase of the
and vmPFC responses (either during the cue or the context). rat estrous cycle), and extinction retention is significantly
As this task did not include a component of instructed emo- impaired when cycling hormones are low (the metestrus phase
tion regulation, the authors suggested that low–trait anxious of the rat estrous cycle) (Chang et al., 2009; Milad et al., 2009b;
individuals might spontaneously engage the vmPFC–amygdala Zeidan et al., 2011). Similar findings have been reported in
circuitry involved in emotion downregulation during times of healthy, naturally cycling women, where extinction retention
stress. Another study reported that while people high and low is optimal during the midluteal (high estradiol and proges-
in trait anxiety exhibited similar success in reducing negative terone) phase of the menstrual cycle, but reduced during the
emotions, reappraisal in high-anxious participants was asso- follicular (low-estradiol, progesterone) phase (Milad et al.,
ciated with greater engagement of lateral and medial PFC, 2010; Zeidan et al., 2011). A more recent study reported that

4 3 P R E F R O N TA L C O R T E X R E G U L AT I O N O F E M O T I O N A N D A N X I E T Y | 589

estradiol levels were negatively correlated with extinction dizygotic twins (Hettema et al., 2003), which is equivalent
ability and symptom severity in women with PTSD (Glover to the percentage of variance associated with PTSD that is
et al., 2012). We have demonstrated that estrogen’s influence accounted for by a heritable component. A number of stud-
on fear extinction appears to be modulated via PFC activation ies have demonstrated that single-nucleotide polymorphisms
(Zeidan et al., 2011). We reported that the impaired extinc- (SNPs) associated with the serotonin transporter gene (Hartley
tion in metestrus female rats is associated with reduced IL, but et al., 2012), the BDNF gene (Soliman et al., 2010), and the
increased BLA, immediate early gene activity at the time of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP;
extinction recall. Moreover, the impaired extinction in folli- Ressler et al., 2011) are associated with impaired fear extinc-
cular women was associated with reduced vmPFC, hippocam- tion and/or discrimination of safety cues. How does genetic
pal, and amygdala neural responses during extinction recall. A variation mediate extinction impairments at a neural level?
recent fMRI study also found significant differences in vmPFC Preclinical studies that have taken advantage of considerable
responding between men and women during extinction recall, between- and within-strain differences in extinction abilities
supporting the likely influence of sex hormones on the func- have assisted in addressing this question. Hefner et al. (2008)
tional responsivity of this brain region during emotion regula- reported that extinction impairments in 129S1 mice were
tion (Lebron-Milad et al., 2012). The impact of sex hormones associated with reduced immediate early gene activity in the
on the functioning of the PFC during more cognitive forms IL and BLA, and enhanced activity in the CeA, compared with
of regulation, like reappraisal or perceived control over stress, C57BL/6J mice that exhibit normal extinction. Similar find-
is unknown. However, other research has demonstrated that ings have been reported for Wistar rats selectively bred for
gender and/or menstrual cycle phase affects recall for emo- high- and low-anxiety-related behavior (Muigg et al., 2008).
tional films (Ferree et al., 2011), activity of the neural circuitry High-anxiety rats exhibited impaired extinction learning and
underlying the stress response (Goldstein et al., 2010), and recall, and reduced immediate early gene activity in IL and lat-
OFC activity during emotion processing (Protopopescu et al., eral amygdala, and increased activity in the CeA, compared
2005). Together, these findings suggest that sex hormones may with low-anxiety rats. The neural basis for genetic-associated
modulate emotion regulation abilities more generally, possibly impairments in rodents may be common in humans, as peo-
by altering top-down cortical control over limbic structures. ple with BDNF–SNP associated extinction impairments also
exhibit reduced vmPFC, but increased amygdala, activation
INFLUENCE OF DEVELOPMENT during extinction (Soliman et al., 2010). Together, these stud-
Although much is known about the neural and molecular ies suggest that extinction impairments of genetic origin may
mechanisms underlying fear extinction in adults, much less be due to reduced vmPFC control over subcortical afferents.
is known about extinction across development. This is sur-
prising given that anxiety disorders often emerge during ado-
lescence, which is a time of neuronal reorganization within F U T U R E DI R E C T I O N S
the PFC that is characterized by heightened emotionality and
reduced impulse control (Casey et al., 2010). Recent stud- A focus of future research in the domain of emotion regula-
ies have revealed that although adolescent rats exhibit nor- tion will be to increase the understanding of how the different
mal acquisition of conditioning and extinction, they exhibit regions of the PFC interact to mediate emotion regulation and
elevated recovery of fear responses the following day (Kim the subcortical structures responsible for emotion process-
et al., 2011a; McCallum et al., 2010). This deficit can be over- ing. Some progress has been made in this area in the study of
come with extensive extinction training, which has also been fear extinction, with different roles for the PL and IL regions
observed in adult rats with PFC lesions (Lebron et al., 2004), becoming increasingly well defined. Similar progress will
suggesting that the impaired extinction in adolescent rats need to be made in the study of reappraisal. It will be impor-
may be similarly due to reductions in PFC function during tant to address, for example, whether different regions of the
this phase of development. Evidence for the latter idea comes PFC are involved in different kinds of reappraisal and/or reap-
from Kim et al. (2011a), who demonstrated that extinction praisal for different types of emotions, and in turn, whether
recall in adolescent rats was associated with reduced phos- these regions recruit a common mediator, such as the vmPFC,
phorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (pMAPK) in to influence subcortical aspects of emotion processing and
the IL compared with adult rats. Moreover, when adolescent expression.
rats were overtrained during extinction to prevent impair- Moving beyond the PFC, it will also be critical for future
ments in recall, this resulted in increased IL pMAPK at the research on emotion regulation to study the neural circuits
time of recall. involved rather than the activations and contributions of sin-
gle neural structures in isolation. Such an approach may assist
GENETIC INFLUENCES in resolving some inconsistencies in the literature where, for
In an attempt to determine genetic predispositions to anxi- example, some studies have reported decreased activity in
ety disorders, several studies have examined the influence the vmPFC in participants with anxiety disorders, whereas
of various genetic profiles on tasks of emotion regulation. others have reported increased activity in the same type of
Conditioning and extinction ability is moderately heritable, cohort. From the more recent research reviewed here, it is
accounting for around 35–45% of the variability in con- apparent that it may not be the overall activation of distinct
ditioning and extinction in a cohort of monozygotic and neural regions that dictates the emotional output but, rather,

590 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

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INTR ODU C T IO N the US, an association is formed such that the CS becomes pre-
dictive of the US. Eventually, after the CS–US association has
Modern advances in psychiatry and neuroscience have uncov- been learned, presentations of the CS alone are capable of elic-
ered a wealth of knowledge about the underlying neural cir- iting a fear response that was developed as a result of the US.
cuitry implicated in anxiety- and stress-related disorders. As This conditioned response (CR) is often characterized physi-
the majority of research has focused on characterizing inap- ologically by changes in autonomic arousal and behavior, or
propriate and exaggerated fear responses in the mature adult in the case of the rodent, freezing behavior. Once the CS–US
brain, current clinical treatments have been implemented based association has been formed, the CR can then be extinguished
on their efficacy in a physiologically mature neural frame- by giving multiple presentations of the CS alone, in the absence
work. While existing behavioral and psychopharmacological of the US. The initial CS–US pairing is not forgotten during the
therapies offer significant benefit to adult patients suffering extinction process, as the fear almost always returns after stan-
from anxiety disorders, such as posttraumatic stress disorder dard extinction training with renewal, reinstatement, or the
(PTSD), a comparative lack of knowledge about the develop- passage of time (Bouton et al., 2006). Extinction learning, not
ment of fear neural circuitry may limit successful treatment to be confused with the process of mere forgetting, is an inhibi-
outcomes in children and adolescents (Liberman et al., 2006). tory process during which the relationship and expectancy of
In addition, early-life environmental and physiological stres- the CS–US pairing is modified (Sotres-Bayon et al., 2006). By
sors can alter the dynamic nature of this circuitry, highlight- presenting the CS repeatedly, in the absence of any US, one
ing the importance of understanding fear circuitry from early can reevaluate the predictability of the CS, thus learning that a
infant development, onward through adolescence, and into stimulus that was once associated with threat has become safe.
adulthood. Importantly, we present data indicating that the Uncovering information behind the mechanisms involved in
developing circuitry underlying fear and anxiety has dynamic fear acquisition, and extinction in particular, has wide clini-
developmental periods when fear learning or its expression cal implications, as the most common and validated treat-
is prevented. Successful treatment outcomes in children and ment for anxiety disorders involves exposure-based therapy,
adolescents will likely need to consider these unique develop- which relies heavily on extinction principles for reevaluating
mental epochs. existing contingencies (Rothbaum and Davis, 2003). Strong
cross-species preservation of the neural circuitry implicated in
fear extinction learning is supported by human and nonhu-
man animal extinction studies, further bolstering the transla-
tional credibility of rodent models for studying fear regulation
and extinction.
Behavioral paradigms relying on Pavlovian principles have
become standard for studying fear in both humans and nonhu-
man animals (Pavlov, 1927). Classical conditioning is an attrac- Decades of probing into the neural circuitry underlying fear
tive model for studying neural mechanisms of fear because learning have yielded data from specified lesion, inactivation,
learning is rapidly acquired, the memory is long lasting, and electrophysiological, molecular, and pharmacological stud-
stimuli are easily controlled by the experimenter (Sigurdsson ies, confirming the amygdala to be a key structure involved in
et al., 2007). Typically, an inherently threatening and/or acquisition of conditioned fear (Milad and Quirk, 2012). During
unpleasant stimulus, such as an electric shock or aversive noise, standard auditory cue fear conditioning, both somatosensory
serves as an unconditioned stimulus (US), while a previously and auditory thalamic inputs converge on the lateral nucleus
neutral stimulus, such as a light flicker or tone, serves as the of the amygdala (LA) simultaneously or in close temporal
conditioned stimulus (CS). Through pairings of the CS with proximity (Collins and Pare, 2000; Sotres-Bayon et al., 2006),

4 4 D E V E L O P M E N TA L C O M P O N E N T S O F F E A R A N D A N X I E T Y | 593

such that after repeated pairings, the CS presentations alone are integration of contextual information can alter downstream CE
capable of eliciting activity within the LA. See Figure 44.1 for activity and affect subsequent behaviors. The hippocampus can
schematic representation of neural circuitry implicated in fear modulate fear expression by altering contextual fear directly
learning and memory. or by influencing amygdala-specific cued fear as animals are
While the basal (BA) and lateral (LA) nuclei are considered capable of using contextual cues to retrieve the meaning of a CS
to make up the primary sensory interface involved in fear learn- appropriate to a given context (Maren, 2011).
ing and acquisition, the central (CE) nucleus is the amygdala’s Increased spike firing in amygdala neurons, and long-term
interface to fear response systems (Maren, 2001). After inte- potentiation (LTP), or enduring synaptic plasticity, have been
gration via the BLA (basolateral amygdala), relevant sensory shown to occur at synapses in the hippocampus and amygdala
information responsible for eliciting a behavioral or autonomic during fear conditioning and expression (Milad and Quirk,
response is relayed to the CE through both direct and indirect 2012). Glutamate receptor signaling in the amygdala and hip-
thalamic and interamygdalar projections (Milad and Quirk, pocampus, through both NMDA and AMPA receptors, has
2012; Sotres-Bayon et al., 2006). After the intraamygdaloid also been shown to be crucial for fear acquisition and expres-
message has been relayed to CE, the CE elicits physiological sion, further confirming the role of these two structures in
responses via its divergent projections to downstream effer- fear acquisition and expression. Disruption of various down-
ent structures that target various hypothalamic and brain stem stream signaling cascades, including protein kinase A (PKA)
nuclei responsible for engaging autonomic responses such as (Bourtchouladze et al., 1998), mitogen-activated protein
increased heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, freezing behav- kinase (MAPK), and phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K) in
ior, acoustic startle, and glucocorticoid release (Maren, 2011). the amygdala and hippocampus, has also been shown to dis-
Auditory tones or distinct sensory cues are not experienced in rupt learning in both contextual and auditory fear condition-
isolation, and surrounding contextual and environmental fac- ing paradigms (Chen et al., 2005; Schafe et al., 1999).
tors have a profound effect on the acquisition of conditioned
fear and the resulting fear memory. Projections from the hip-
pocampus, specifically the CA1 region, to the basal nucleus of
the amygdala (BA) are implicated in contextual information After CS–US associations have been acquired and consoli-
processing during fear acquisition (Bouton et al., 2006; Phelps dated, modifications of the initial fear memory are possible.
and LeDoux, 2005), and lesions to dorsal hippocampus dis- For example, repeated presentations of the CS (in the absence
rupt both acquisition and expression of contextual fear (Kim of any US) may ultimately result in a decreased conditioned
and Fanselow, 1992; Phillips and LeDoux, 1992). While the fear response and reinterpretation of a formerly threatening
CE remains the prime amygdalar site responsible for eliciting cue, transitioning the CS into a nonnoxious stimulus. Through
autonomic responses and fear behaviors, hippocampus–BA multiple presentations or sessions, this new form of inhibitory

A Fear expression vmPFC B Fear extinction vmPFC


Sensory Amygdala Sensory

Hippocampus Amygdala Hippocampus
inputs inputs


Fear response Fear response

Figure 44.1 Neural circuitry of fear expression and extinction. (A) During acquisition and expression of conditioned fear, projections from PL and thalamic nuclei
(mediating converging sensory information) excite LA neurons, while hippocampal projections (mediating contextual inputs) lead to excitation of BA neurons
directly or indirectly via connections with PL. LA and BA neurons activate CE output neurons, which project to downstream brain stem and hypothalamic nuclei
responsible for mediating physiological responses, resulting in fear expression. (B) During extinction of conditioned fear, hippocampal projections (mediating
contextual inputs) lead to divergent excitation of IL neurons and inhibition of BA neurons. IL projections directly activate GABAergic ITC cells within the amygdala.
Integration of ITC, BA, and LA inputs during extinction result in a suppression of CE output neurons, resulting in a lack of physiological response and suppression
of fear expression. Arrowheads delineate pathway excitation; straight ends delineate pathway inhibition. (BA, basal amygdala; LA, lateral amygdala; CE, central
amygdala; vmPFC, ventromedial prefrontal cortex; PL, prelimbic cortex; IL, infralimbic cortex; ITC, intercalated cells). For simplicity, connection arrows are
delineated as being unidirectional, although bidirectional projections exist. (Figures adapted from Hormones and Behavior, in press, Pattwell et al.)

594 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

learning results in an extinction of the initial conditioned fear The developing fear response continues to be modified and
memory. While the amygdala itself plays a significant role in sculpted throughout ontogeny to fit the dynamic needs of the
extinction learning, lesions to cortical areas have also been immature organism transitioning to adulthood. This delayed
shown to interfere with extinction learning, demonstrating emergence and modification of fear expression has been docu-
that the extinction processes require top-down control and mented in myriad species, including humans and rodents, for
interactions between both cortical and subcortical regions both natural and learned fears. More recently, the neural basis
(LeDoux, 2000; Maren and Quirk, 2004). for developmental changes in fear learning has been described
The prefrontal cortex has been widely accepted to play in rodents, some of which will be reviewed here. First, we
a role in extinction of conditioned fear, as it is important for describe the emergence of amygdala-dependent learned fear
adjusting behaviors appropriately when the emotional salience to the CS odor cue around postnatal (P) day 10, along with
of a given stimulus changes (Sotres-Bayon and Quirk, 2010). its control by corticosterone (CORT) through P15. Second, we
The ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), in particular, has describe the emergence of hippocampal–dependent context
been shown to be important for making the switch from fear fear learning around weaning. Together, these results indicate
expression to fear inhibition during fear extinction learning and that the emergence of learned fear depends upon the devel-
retention of extinction memory (Phelps et al., 2004). Further opmental emergence of new brain circuit capabilities. These
subdividing this cortical area, distinct subregions within the circuits provide animals with a nervous system and behavioral
vmPFC have been differentially implicated in the expression repertoire adapted to their changing ecological niche from
and extinction of conditioned fear in the rodent (Sotres-Bayon the nest to independence. This approach of defining increased
and Quirk, 2010). Specifically, the dorsally located prelim- learning ability as the brain matures has been enormously
bic (PL) cortex is associated with production of conditioned helpful in providing insight into brain function.
fear responses and expression of conditioned fear behaviors, More importantly, current developmental research has
whereas the more ventrally located infralimbic (IL) cortex is highlighted the importance of modification of existing fear
associated with inhibition of conditioned fear responses typi- circuitry to alter the developing animals’ behavior to fit
cally seen during successful extinction learning and upon recall the dynamic ecological niche associated with development.
of extinction memory (Myers and Davis, 2007). Importantly, We highlight two examples. First, we review literature show-
the vmPFC–hippocampus network can modulate extinction ing the importance of maternal presence in suppressing fear
learning by picking up on contextual cues present in the sur- learning through suppression of amygdala plasticity. Second,
rounding environment (Maren, 2011) and lead to appropriate we review the surprising recent demonstration of suppressed
alterations in plasticity. During repeated presentations of a pre- contextual fear during a brief period during adolescence. These
viously negative CS, in the absence of a US, the vmPFC exerts results illustrate the importance of developmental adaptations
inhibitory effects on amygdala circuitry, particularly through as animals’ move through different ecological niches ranging
its excitatory glutamatergic projections to intra-amygdalar from a helpless, essentially poikilothermic neonatal pup to the
inhibitory GABAergic interneurons (Milad and Quirk, 2012; weanling developing skills for independence to the adolescent
Sotres-Bayon et al., 2006). These inhibitory interneurons, or embarking on an independent life.
intercalated cells (ITC cells), receive projections from PL or
LA neurons during fear conditioning to relieve inhibition on
inhibitory CE neurons, thus resulting in expression of fear and DE V E L O P M E N T O F C U E F E A R: I N FAN CY
associated autonomic responses. During extinction learning, T O SE M I - I N DE P E N DE N C E
however, a subset of these ITC cells can be activated by inputs
from IL, which together with its modulation by the hippocam- Research over the past few decades has provided a basic under-
pus can lead to downstream active inhibition of CE output standing of the ontogeny of fear learning in infant rat pups. It
neurons, thus decreasing fear expression and the associated is a history of slowly discovering the importance of assessing
physiological responses. These complex interactions between learning through pups’ ecological niche rather than an imma-
the vmPFC, amygdala, and hippocampus during extinction of ture version of the adult. In the case of infant animals, it is criti-
previously conditioned fear memories are necessary for adjust- cal to assess fear development within the context of attachment
ing behavioral and autonomic responses in rapidly changing and the infant’s dependency on the caregiver for survival.
environments, and vmPFC–hippocampus–amygdala circuitry
is altered in patients with impairments in extinction learning
associated with PTSD (Mahan and Ressler, 2011).

Across species, infant fear learning is characterized by limi-

DE V E LO P MENTA L T RA NS ITIO N S I N F E A R tations and constraints. For example, during the temporally
AC R OS S TH E L IFE S PA N: EC O L O G I C A L limited imprinting period in chicks, a moderate electric shock
S IGNIFIC A NC E paired with the surrogate caregiver actually enhances follow-
ing of the surrogate, although this same procedure supports
In children and other species, fear responses are develop- avoidance learning after the imprinting critical period closes.
mentally delayed and seemingly emerge when fear expression Similarly, pairing of an odor and pain (moderate intensity
fits the ecological niche of a particular developmental stage. shock, tail pinch, or rough handling by the caregiver) in rat

4 4 D E V E L O P M E N TA L C O M P O N E N T S O F F E A R A N D A N X I E T Y | 595

pup results in a strong learned approach to the odor present Specifically, in early life, rat pups cannot see or hear and rely on
during the pain (Camp and Rudy, 1988; Sullivan et al., 2000). their sense of smell to interact with the mother and attach to her
This paradoxical preference learning occurs despite a robust nipples, using the maternal odor. The diet-dependent maternal
pain response in pups. Thus, rat pups have an attenuated-cue odor is learned. An evolutionary explanation that we have sug-
fear-learning circuit, but more paradoxically, pups learn to gested for this paradoxical learning proposes that it is better for
approach odors previously associated with moderate pain. an altricial infant to have a bad caretaker than no caretaker, as
We refer to this early period in pups’ life as the Sensitive an altricial infant rat is dependent upon access to the mother’s
Period for attachment, which ends at P10, and is illustrated in milk, her warmth, and protection. We further suggest that the
Figure 44.2. As is discussed in the following, this odor–pain fear-learning system is suppressed in early life and that a very
learned approach response seems to have relied not only on broad range of both painful and nurturing stimuli function as
a suppressed fear system but also activation of the rat pups’ a reward to support the learning that is critically important for
attachment system and learning about the caregiver. pup survival (for review, see Sullivan and Holman, 2010).
It should be noted that pups can learn to avoid odors if
paired with malaise, such as that produced by a LiCl injection
or strong 1.0 mA shock, although unlike the adult, this learn-
F E A R / AV O I D A N C E L E A R N I N G
ing does not depend upon the amygdala (Shionoya et al., 2006;
Evidence suggests that a lack of amygdala plasticity plays Smotherman, 1982). Together, decades of research indicate
a leading role in pups’ attenuated fear learning during the that amygdala-dependent fear (cue learning) is not learned by
Sensitive Period. Specifically, the amygdala is not recruited infant rats during the Sensitive Period, although nonamygdala
during infant learning in controlled classical fear conditioning odor avoidance can be learned in perinatal rats provided the
outside the nest nor within natural learning paradigms with aversive stimuli produces malaise (strong shock, LiCl). This
an abusive mother used to deliver the aversive stimuli within failure to engage amygdala plasticity for fear learning is coin-
the nest (Raineki et al., 2012; Raineki et al., 2010b). As was cident with engagement of the attachment circuitry and para-
reviewed previously, in older animals including rodents and doxical support of approach/preference learning, despite pups
humans, the amygdala is a critical brain area for fear learning. experiencing pain.
At least in very young neonatal pups, lack of amygdala plastic-
ity in early-life learning is due in part to amygdala immaturity,
with peak neurogenesis and nuclei subdivision occurring as DE V E L O P M E N TA L T R A N SI T I O N S I N CUE
early as the first week of life, which is quickly followed by peak F E A R : R O L E O F C O RT I C O ST E R O N E
synaptogenesis at P10-20 (Berdel et al., 1997). Importantly,
significant synaptic plasticity, as indicated by amygdala baso- While the developmental emergence of cue fear learning par-
lateral LTP, emerges at the same age as the emergence of allels amygdala plasticity and maturation, pharmacological
amygdala-dependent fear learning (reviewed in Sullivan and manipulations of pups’ CORT proved to be a critical factor in
Holman, 2010). amygdala’s functional emergence. Specifically, CORT manip-
ulation uncovered a learning circuit that is malleable by the
early environment, which further sculpts the fear learning cir-
cuitry to fit pups’ ecological niche. As we outline the effects of
CORT on pup fear learning, it is important to know that, unlike
From an ecological perspective, an attenuated fear–learning adults, which mount a robust CORT increase when stressed,
system appears to have adaptive value since young rat pups infant rats have a Stress Hyporesponsive Period (SHRP) where
rely on odor learning to support attachment to their mother. painful and stressful events typically fail to increase pups’

Transitional Sensitive Period

Sensitive Period
Postsensitive Period
< P9
ODOR > P16

Figure 44.2 This schematic represents rat pups’ developmental transitions associated with odor-0.5mA shock conditioning. Pups have a sensitive period for
attachment learning through P9: odor-0.5mA shock conditioning results in a learned odor preference and a new maternal odor used by pups for attachment
(illustrated by Dark gray box), regardless of maternal presence. Fear cue learning emerges at P10 but also begins the Transitional Sensitive Period (from P10 to
P15) when CORT level can determine whether fear is learned: decreasing CORT either pharmacologically or naturally through maternal presence prevents fear
learning and supports attachment learning (Dark gray box), while increasing CORT permits fear learning (Light gray box). Pups P16 and older learn to fear odors
previously paired with shock (Light gray box), regardless of maternal presence and represents the Postsensitive Period.

596 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

CORT (Dallman, 2000). Sensory stimulation provided by the relationship between maternal presence and suppression of a
mother during nursing and grooming seems to control the shock-induced CORT release in pups’ odor aversion learning
pups’ SHRP, with prolonged removal of the mother’s stimu- by systemic and intra-amygdala CORT infusions, which then
lation (i.e., maternal deprivation procedure) causing increas- permit pups to learn odor aversions even in the presence of the
ing CORT, although replacement sensory stimulation returns mother (Moriceau and Sullivan, 2006).
CORT to normal SHRP levels (VanOers et al., 1998). The SHRP
is hypothesized to protect the developing organism from the
negative influences of stress hormones, such as reduced brain DE V E L O P M E N T O F C O N T E X T
size that is associated with decreased mitosis, myelination, F E A R L E A R N I N G : W E A N I N G TO
and granule cell genesis. More recent data outlined here also P E R I A DO L E SC E N C E
suggests that the SHRP protects pups from learning to avoid
or fear their caregiver during the normal, periodic rough Previous work has shown that, in rats, contextual fear learning
treatment pups receive from mothers as she enters and leaves ontogenetically emerges at weaning age when pups are begin-
the nest. ning independent life (Raineki et al., 2010; Rudy, 1993). Other
Recently, stress-induced heightened rough maternal care has hippocampal-dependent behaviors, such as latent inhibition,
proven to be an ecologically relevant paradigm that produces spontaneous alternation, and spatial navigation, have been
a premature elevation in pups’ CORT (Gilles et al., 1996). This assessed in rat pups and appear to emerge at a slightly younger
model relies on insufficient bedding material for the mother’s age (reviewed in Raineki et al., 2010a). It should be noted that
nest building and is a continuous stressor for the mother and contextual fear conditioning is not a unitary phenomenon,
pups. The mother repeatedly engages in nest building, which nor is the hippocampus the sole supporter of this learning and
causes her to spend longer time away from her pups, but also to memory. Indeed, context can be broadly characterized by con-
trample on and transport pups more frequently, although pups figural (the environment as a whole or the relationship between
gain weight normally (Raineki et al., 2012). environmental elements) and elemental (isolated or specific
CORT modifications and stress have immediate effects on features or cues in the environment) conditioning, with the
pups’ brain and behavior, including determining pups’ odor– latter more dependent upon hippocampus–amygdala interac-
shock learning: if CORT is elevated, pups learn avoidance/ tions. The complexity of context learning and its interaction
fear, but with low CORT pups learn odor approach/attach- with the hippocampus and amygdala remains controversial and
ment. Specifically, a systemic or intra-amygdala injection of has received little attention developmentally.
CORT during 0.5mA odor–shock conditioning is sufficient to Furthermore, developmental studies have rarely directly
support amygdala-dependent fear learning in Sensitive Period assessed the causal relationship between context learning and
pups (Moriceau and Sullivan, 2006). Conversely, decreasing the hippocampus, which is problematic because contextual
CORT, either systemically or when restricted to the amygdala fear learning involves structures other than the hippocam-
in older pups (P10-16), is capable of reinstating attachment pus. However, by weaning, the hippocampus seems suffi-
learning and blocking fear. This is in sharp contrast to the ciently mature for learning-associated plasticity (Benes et al.,
modulatory role of CORT in adult fear conditioning, where 1994), and silencing of the hippocampus in postweanling rats
fear/avoidance learning is simply strengthened or weakened abolishes contextual fear learning (Raineki et al., 2010a). The
by the level of CORT. hippocampus is divided into distinct sections and basically a
The critical importance of CORT has also been demon- trisynaptic circuit relaying information through the dentate
strated in an ecologically significant manner. Specifically, being gyrus (DG), CA3, and CA1, with each hippocampal subdi-
reared by a mother handling her pups roughly (i.e., insufficient vision implicated in different aspects of context fear learning
bedding paradigm) can prematurely increase pups’ CORT and unique developmental trajectories that continue through
and ends the SHRP early. Specifically, pups reared with this adolescence. Importantly, at least a few important neuronal
aberrant rearing have early termination of the SHRP but also characteristics associated with plasticity do not emerge until
premature termination of the Sensitive Period and access to the second to third week of life, including LTP and glutamater-
amygdala-dependent fear learning (reviewed in Sullivan and gic synapses (reviewed in Raineki et al., 2010a). The implica-
Holman, 2010). tions of infant fear memories formed before maturation of the
Naturalistic suppression of the CORT system is also able to hippocampus and contextual learning has yet to be explored.
block fear learning in young pups and provides ecological rel- However, this lack of context constraint on learning likely has
evance to the important role of CORT. Specifically, attenuation implications for fear behaviors that might be appropriate in
of the shock-induced CORT release has been demonstrated by one place but not another.
maternal presence in older animals, a phenomenon known as
social buffering. This naturalistic maternal social buffering not
only blocks amygdala-dependent fear learning but also reinstates E N DU R I N G E F F E C T S O F I N FAN T
the attachment odor learning of a new maternal odor (Moriceau O DO R – SHO C K A N D M AT E R N AL O D O R
and Sullivan, 2006). After P15, only fear will be learned during L E A R N I N G : C U E A N D C O N T EX T
an odor–shock conditioning with maternal presence, and social
buffering is no longer sufficient to either block fear or support Basic and clinical research has long recognized the importance
attachment learning. Furthermore, we have verified the causal of early-life experience, especially trauma within attachment,

4 4 D E V E L O P M E N TA L C O M P O N E N T S O F F E A R A N D A N X I E T Y | 597

in producing particularly pronounced vulnerability to later life in animal models of psychiatric disorders. Specifically, a recent
psychiatric disorders in humans, as well as rodent and non- study showed that infant experience with a maltreating
human primate animal models (Monk et al., 2003). However, mother rat or odor–shock conditioning produced later life
onset of most psychopathologies does not occur until later depressive-like behaviors, as indicated by performance in the
in life, generally around periadolescence, although possibly forced swim test and sucrose consumption test (Sevelinges
expressed as deficits in social behavior early in life (Letcher et al., 2011). These depressive-like behaviors were associated
et al., 2012), which has been modeled in the rodent (Raineki with a deficit in paired pulse inhibition in the amygdala, sug-
et al., 2012). gesting altered synaptic function. Interestingly, presentation of
The questions of how early disruptions to infant attach- the shock-associated conditioned maternal odor during both
ment effects later behavior remains largely unclear, although the forced swim test and sucrose test brought performance and
nonhuman animal models (maternal separation/deprivation, amygdala functioning to control levels. We speculated that the
rearing environment alteration, CORT manipulation, neonatal odor may have acquired the value of a “paradoxical safety sig-
handling, etc.) have provided a clear link between infant expe- nal,” since safety signals reduce conditioned fear responses,
rience, stress, and later life neurobehavioral deficits that appear normalize forced swim tests (decrease immobility), and nor-
to target many brain areas, including the amygdala, cerebel- malize amygdala activity. A “safety signal” is typically formed
lum, prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and stress axis. Since the when it predicts the absence of the aversive event in a fear con-
amygdala and hippocampus are targets of the early life stress, ditioning paradigm and subsequently produces a reduction
later life fear conditioning is impacted. in fear and/or anxiety and amygdala activity in both humans
The infant odor–shock manipulation described here also and rodents (Pollak et al., 2008; Sevelinges et al., 2011). We
appears to target the amygdala. Specifically, experience with speculate that, since the mother or her attributes are viewed
paired odor–shock in early life appears to cause not only as a safety signal, and the rat pups’ natural maternal odor or
accelerated maturation of the amygdala and termination of learned (odor–shock) maternal odor normalizes their adult
early-life attachment learning sensitive period (Raineki et al., depressive-like behavior and amygdala paired pulse inhibition
2012; Raineki et al., 2010b), but also enduring effects related deficit, this odor could be functioning as a safety signal.
to depressive-like behavior. Importantly, unpaired odor–
shock conditioning, which does not produce cue or context
learning, producing later life heightened anxiety (reviewed in B R A I N M AT U R AT I O N , A N X I E T Y,
Sullivan and Holman, 2010), does not alter either early-life A N D A DO L E SC E N C E
attachment learning or later life fear learning (Sevelinges
et al., 2011). Thus, the pain of shock is not the critical factor The transition between the dependence of childhood to the
producing many of the enduring effects of infant experience; independence of adulthood is a dynamic developmental period,
rather, it is the pairing of the odor–shock and activation of known as adolescence, associated with emotional, psychologi-
the learning attachment circuitry that is critical for enduring cal, social, and physical changes, and hormonal fluctuations
effects. Additional literature, which has modeled early-life ultimately leading toward sexual maturity (Schulz et al., 2009;
adversity using infant shock, suggests that the predictable ver- Sisk and Zehr, 2005). The very nature of adolescent develop-
sus unpredictable manner of early shock influences emotional ment serves to launch an organism toward reproductive suc-
outcome and learning. cess and survival and is associated with increased exploratory
behavior and emotional reactivity (Spear, 2000). As such, it
is probable that within this adaptive and necessary develop-
O D O R V A L U E : T H E I M P O R TA N C E
mental transition exist neural and behavioral characteristics
divergent from those of dependent children and independent
adults, which are uniquely specific to the adolescent.
Adolescence, in particular, is a period of increased preva-
The attachment odor learned by infants continues to be lence of psychopathology (Monk et al., 2003), and it is esti-
approached into adulthood, even when it was learned through mated that over 75% of adults with fear-related disorders met
odor–pain pairings. The odor continues to be used in attach- diagnostic criteria as children and adolescents (Kim-Cohen
ment through reproduction, consistent with other species et al., 2003). Prevalence of emotional disorders, and anxiety
and imprinting. The infant-learned attachment odors, includ- disorders specifically, is heightened during adolescent years,
ing those associated with pain, also continue to elicit both occurring in as many as 1 in 10 adolescents (Kessler et al.,
enhanced olfactory bulb neural responses and attenuated 2005); yet, due to insufficient or inaccurate diagnosis and a
amygdala activation and conditioned fear into adulthood. dearth of pediatric and adolescent specialized treatments,
The clinical literature suggests that cues associated with fewer than one in five anxious children or adolescents are
early-life trauma are not always avoided. Indeed, a strong expected to receive treatment for their disorders (Merikangas
attraction and comfort can sometimes be elicited by the cues et al., 2010), leaving a vast number with inadequate or no
associated with early-life maltreatment (Haynes-Seman, 1987). treatment (Liberman et al., 2006). The inflated frequency of
We have begun to explore the value of the odor associated with anxiety disorders in pediatric and adolescent populations
early-life maltreatment and questioned whether this odor could highlights the importance of recognizing neural mechanisms
restore or rescue (bring to control levels) brain and behaviors of fear regulation from a developmental perspective. This

598 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

increased prevalence for anxiety and affective disorders dur- fails to disrupt long-term extinction in preadolescent, P17
ing adolescence coincides with a period of massive cortical rats, suggesting that a system more similar to forgetting may
rearrangement that is normatively accompanied by drastic underlie early-life behavioral decrement during an extinc-
cognitive and behavioral changes (Spear, 2000), and longitu- tion paradigm. Indeed, adult-like mechanisms of extinction
dinal studies of brain maturation illustrate a nonlinear pro- appear intact around weaning. Specifically, inactivation of the
cess that is not complete until early adulthood (Giedd et al., mPFC fails to disrupt long-term extinction in preadolescent,
1999; Gogtay et al., 2004). P17 rats, yet inactivation of mPFC does disrupt this memory
in P24 rats (Kim et al., 2009). Extinction training in these
young age groups leads to increased levels of pMAPK in both
ADOLE S C ENT FEA R— BEH AVIOR A L A N D the prelimbic and infralimbic cortices, suggestive of nonspe-
MOLE C U L A R FIND INGS IN MIC E cific, global mPFC activity, as opposed to the inverse pattern
AND HUMA NS of IL/PL activity typically seen with successful adult extinc-
tion retention. A similar diffuse activation pattern, with less
As previously outlined in earlier chapter sections, responses in focal activity, has also been observed in the prefrontal cor-
the amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex are inversely related, tex of human children and adolescents during tasks requir-
and decreased functional connectivity between the two regions ing cognitive control (Durston et al., 2006). Developmental
has been associated with anxiety in adults (Milad and Quirk, studies of innate fear regulation in rodents demonstrate that
2012). Advances in the developmental neurobiology of emo- during innate fear, the mPFC of infant rats is neither active
tion regulation have yielded substantial evidence of protracted nor responsive while the prelimbic cortex becomes active
development of prefrontal regions relative to phylogenetically in preadolescence but does not yet regulate freezing behav-
older regions (Casey et al., 2005). Consistent with develop- ior, whereas the PL in adolescents becomes functional, and
mental changes in structural maturation, immature prefrontal activity corresponds to an appropriately expressed cued fear
functioning and top-down control of subcortical regions have response (Chan et al., 2011). These developmentally altered
been observed in adolescents relative to adults during emo- roles in the mPFC are independent of amygdala activity,
tional contexts (Hare et al., 2008). which suggest that mPFC neural circuitry develops enhanced
The investigation of learned fear acquisition and extinc- capacities for fear regulation as an animal matures. In addi-
tion across development in humans has previously been lim- tion, injections of anterograde tracers placed into the BLA of
ited due to the nature of aversive conditioning paradigms, developing rats show that amygdalocortical connectivity is
which often utilize an electric shock as the US. As this US late maturing, with fiber density reaching a plateau circa P45,
is not as feasible for use with children, various groups have thus confirming that maturation of this circuit continues into
recently employed techniques incorporating loud tones adolescence (Cunningham et al., 2002).
(Craske et al., 2008), aversive airpuffs to the larynx (Grillon Despite demonstrating equivalent anxiety-like behavior, as
et al., 1998), or airpuffs paired with loud screams and aver- assessed by open field, adolescent mice have been shown to
sive faces (Schmitz et al., 2011). Because variations with US exhibit increased acquisition of cued fear compared with pre-
delivery and behavioral assessment in humans yield incon- adolescent and adult mice (Hefner and Holmes, 2007). This
sistent results (Glenn et al., 2011), animal models have more heightened fear response during adolescence, typically defined
recently been relied upon for studying developmental effects in the rodent as the phase surrounding the 10 days prior to
of fear learning. sexual maturation at postnatal day P40 (Spear, 2000), has been
Studies examining the mechanisms of hippocampal- found to be resistant to extinction (McCallum et al., 2010).
dependent contextual fear and amygdala-dependent cued fear Adolescent rats require either twice as many extinction trials
acquisition and extinction in rodent models have traditionally or a pharmacological intervention, such as the NMDA-agonist
excluded adolescent ages, choosing to focus on earlier devel- d-cycloserine, to achieve reductions in fear expression com-
opmental ages and adults (Moriceau and Sullivan, 2006; Rudy, parable to younger or older rats (McCallum et al., 2010).
1993). Recently, these previously excluded intermediate ages Attenuated fear extinction learning during adolescence is asso-
have been investigated due to the translational relevance of ciated with a lack of activity in prefrontal cortex, specifically
studying fear during adolescent development, when increased infralimbic cortex, as assessed by pMAPK immunohistochem-
prevalence of fear-related disorders typically emerges. istry (Kim et al., 2011) and c-Fos immunohistochemistry
(Pattwell et al., 2012) compared with younger and older ages.
Electrophysiological recordings at IL and PL synapses across
development reveal that a fear conditioning–induced poten-
tiation of PL synapses present in adult mice is absent in ado-
Building upon studies of structural and functional human lescent mice. Furthermore, extinction-induced enhancement
brain maturation, a number of translational studies have of IL synaptic plasticity in adult mice is lacking in adolescent
begun to explore extinction of amygdala-dependent cue fear mice (Pattwell et al., 2012). Diminished fear extinction, relative
in rats across development. While cue fear learning emerges to children and adults, has been shown in adolescent humans,
during early infancy (Sullivan et al., 2000), adult-like extinc- with a cued fear-conditioning task involving aversive sounds
tion fails to develop until much later. For example, while the (Pattwell et al., 2012), and parallels rodent findings as shown
mPFC is critical for adult extinction, inactivation of the mPFC in Figure 44.3. Additionally, behavioral tasks using fearful or

4 4 D E V E L O P M E N TA L C O M P O N E N T S O F F E A R A N D A N X I E T Y | 599

A Human Mouse

Day 1 Day 2 Day 1 Day 2—5

24 hr 24 hr
Fear Extinction Fear Extinction
12 CS+ US 12 CS+ (Context A) (Context B)
12CS+ 24 CS–
24 CS–

B Human Extinction C Mouse Extinction

0.3 80

Differential Freezing (%)

Differential SCR

0.2 50

0.15 40
0.05 20

0 0
P23 P29 Adult
Children Adolescents Adults

Figure 44.3 Cued extinction learning and spontaneous recovery across development in mice and humans. (A) Behavioral paradigms for parallel fear conditioning
experiments in humans and mice. (B) Analysis of extinction indices ([Averaged first two extinction trials]—[averaged last two extinction trials]) reveals a main effect
of age group for humans, such that adolescents display attenuated fear extinction learning compared with children and adults (adolescent 0.05916 ± 0.06904;
children 0.25435 ± 0.04839; adults 0. 22510 ± 0.05931). (C) A lack of extinction learning and retention of extinction memory is observed in adolescent mice, as
displayed by a significantly decreased differential extinction indices ([Day 1, Tone 1] − [Day 4, Tone 5]) compared with older and younger ages (P23 66.5% ± 2.75;
P29 14.72% ± 4.79; P70 35.17% ± 4.89). (Adapted from Figure 1 of Pattwell et al., 2012.)

screaming faces result in heightened amygdala activity (Hare of the extinction paradigms in the existing literature fail to
et al., 2008) and fear learning (Glenn et al., 2011) in adolescent account for important hippocampal contributions associated
humans, compared with younger children. Taken together, with contextual information. Distinct populations of neurons
these studies reveal a nonlinear pattern in fear extinction exist in the BA for triggering the activation of neuronal circuits
learning and blunted regulation of amygdala-dependent fear responsible for integrating sensory and contextual information
responses during fear extinction in adolescents, which may (Herry et al., 2008). These populations of “fear neurons,” and
help provide novel insight into the heightened prevalence of “extinction neurons,” as they are called, are differentially con-
anxiety disorders during this period and on treating develop- nected with the hippocampus and mPFC. Particularly, hip-
ing populations with anxiety, as the main form of CBT relies pocampal inputs to BA preferentially target the “fear neurons,”
on extinction principles. over the “extinction neurons,” suggesting that hippocampal
The importance of the mPFC in cued extinction learn- input to these neurons may override the retrieval of cued or
ing and extinction retention is widely accepted, and inacti- contextual extinction memory, a likely contributor to the phe-
vation of the mPFC alone is enough to impair the retrieval nomenon of fear renewal. Fear renewal, or the fear that returns
of cued extinction memory (Sierra-Mercado et al., 2006). upon experiencing a reminder outside of the extinction con-
Importantly, and often disregarded, however, is that inactiva- text, remains a major obstacle for clinical treatment of anxiety
tion of the hippocampus alone before extinction training also disorder in humans (Mahan and Ressler, 2011) and may be
leads to impaired retrieval of cued extinction memory the the result of tipping the balance between activation between
following day, suggesting that mPFC may be an important specific neuronal circuits in the hippocampus and amygdala.
target of the hippocampus for modulating extinction learn- This clinical observation lends support for finding better treat-
ing and recalling extinction memory in rodents and humans ment methods, perhaps through further investigation of hip-
(Quirk and Mueller, 2008). Furthermore, contextual modula- pocampally mediated techniques, such as contextual-based
tion of amygdala activity requires the hippocampus (Maren, extinction.
It is important to note that in cases where cued extinction
retention and the degree of successful extinction are assessed
in the same context as where conditioning took place, it may be
difficult, even impossible, to claim that poor extinction learn- From a developmental perspective, the notion of hippocam-
ing solely results from insufficient vmPFC regulation. Many pal involvement in mediating both contextual and cued fear

600 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

processing is a promising one. While the hippocampal cyto- between neural development in one brain region may lead to
architecture is well established by 34 weeks in utero in the alterations in another region. Convergent adolescent and adult
human (Arnold and Trojanowski, 1996), as is noted earlier, rodent contextual fear data further highlight the importance of
development of this structure has been shown to continue the developing hippocampus in mediating fear responses. The
through adolescence in both rodents and primates (Benes aforementioned literature on human and nonhuman primate
et al., 1994). Longitudinal scans of children and adolescents, hippocampal development suggests a developmentally sensi-
between the ages of 4 and 25 years, reveal that postnatal hip- tive fear circuitry model, depicted in Figure 44.5.
pocampal development is not homogenous and that distinct
maturational profiles exist for specific subregions (Gogtay
et al., 2006). While overall hippocampal volume remains con-
stant throughout these ages, posterior subregions of the hip-
pocampus show volumetric enlargement over time while
anterior regions undergo substantial volumetric reductions. Crosstalk between CA1 and CA3 regions of the hippocam-
The cause of these heterogeneous volume changes remains pus is required for contextual fear expression and cued fear
unknown, but it is hypothesized that they may be due to dif- extinction in the adult brain. The adult brain integrates specific
ferences in neuronal proliferation, synaptic production and/ hippocampally mediated contextual inputs, thalamic sensory
or pruning, myelination, or glial alterations and may parallel inputs, and prefrontal cortical inputs within intra-amygdalar
differences in functional development (Gogtay et al., 2006). Of circuits to produce an appropriate behavioral response. As
note, the anterior region of the hippocampus, which exhibits shown in Figure 44.5C and D, the successful retrieval of cued
decreases in volume as a function of age, is reciprocally con- fear memories across preadolescence, adolescence, and adult-
nected to the prefrontal cortex (Cavada et al., 2000), amygdala hood (McCallum et al., 2010; Pattwell et al., 2011, 2012) sug-
(Pitkanen et al., 2000), and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis gests that sensory inputs to the lateral amygdala (LA) are
(Bannerman et al., 2004)—regions implicated in fear and anxi- functional across postnatal development. As adolescent mice
ety. This heterogeneous postnatal development of hippocampal are impaired on contextual fear tasks, one possibility is that
subregions, specifically the volumetric decreases observed in preadolescent mice rely more heavily on available sensory
the anterior region, correlates with contextual fear data show- inputs and are relying solely on elemental cues of odor, tex-
ing that contextual fear expression during preadolescent ages ture, and so on, to retrieve the contextual memory rather than
is intact, is temporarily suppressed during adolescence, and its more complex configural elements. The successful retrieval
then reemerges again during adulthood (Pattwell et al., 2011) of contextual fear memories during early, preadolescent ages,
(Fig. 44.4), supporting the notion that development is not a as previously shown in Pattwell et al. (2011), also suggests
linear process in which neural maturation occurs uniformly in that aforementioned age-dependent volumetric decreases in
one direction or another. Rather, an intricate reciprocal balance the CA1 region of the hippocampus have yet to occur and a

(A) Fear Contextual

24 hr
conditioning fear test
(Context A) (Context A)


% Freezing

* *
40 *


20 *** ***
Age P23 P25 P27 P29 P31 P33 P35 P37 P39 P49 Adult


Figure 44.4 Hippocampal-dependent contextual fear memory across adolescent development. (A) Mice of all ages were fear conditioned (fear cond) with three
tone–shock pairings. Twenty-four hours later, they were returned to the conditioning context (Context A) and freezing behavior was scored. (B) Adolescent mice
(P29–P39) froze significantly less than both younger (P23–P27) and older (P49–P70) mice. All results are presented as a mean ± SEM. determined from analysis of
7–10 mice per group (fear conditioning) and 28 mice per group (novel object placement) (*p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001). (Adapted from Figure 1, Pattwell et al., 2011.)

4 4 D E V E L O P M E N TA L C O M P O N E N T S O F F E A R A N D A N X I E T Y | 601

(A) Fear Expression vmPFC (B) Fear Extinction vmPFC

Amygdala Sensory Amygdala Sensory

CA3 CA1 inputs CA3 CA1
Hippocampus Hippocampus


Fear response Fear response

(C) Adolescent Contextual (D) Adolescent Cued Fear

Fear Expressions Extinction

Amygdala Sensory Amygdala Sensory

CA3 CA1 inputs CA3 CA1 inputs
Hippocampus Hippocampus


Fear response Fear response

Figure 44.5 Developmental neural circuitry of fear expression and extinction. Diagrammatic representation of adult neural circuitry implicated in (A) fear expression
and (B) fear extinction. (C) A lack of contextual fear expression in adolescent mice can be traced to immature CA1. Without proper CA1–PL and CA1–BA inputs,
there is a lack of downstream activation of CE output neurons, resulting in a diminished or suppressed fear response. (Weak signals and low functional connectivity
represented by dotted lines.) (D) A lack of CA1 excitatory input to IL combined with a lack of CA1 inhibitory input to BA, typical in cued fear extinction, results in
reduced inhibition of CE output neurons, resulting in fear expression and a lack of extinction. Arrowheads delineate pathway excitation; straight ends delineate
pathway inhibition (BA, basal amygdala; LA, lateral amygdala; CE, central amygdala; vmPFC, ventromedial prefrontal cortex; PL, prelimbic cortex; IL, infralimbic
cortex; ITC, intercalated cells). For simplicity, connection arrows are delineated as being unidirectional, although bidirectional projections exist. (Figures adapted
from Hormones and Behavior, in press, Pattwell et al.)

potential overabundance of active synapses between CA1–PL (as represented by the shading out of CA1 and the resulting
and CA1–BA allow for successful retrieval and expression dotted arrows in Fig. 44.5C and Fig. 44.5D). This hypothesis
of contextual fear. Because rodent data has also shown that is also supported by blunted responses in synaptic neurotrans-
bidirectional IL–amygdala synapses are later maturing than mission in BA of P29 mice upon contextual fear tests, as shown
PL–amygdala synapses (Chan et al., 2011), it could also be a via electrophysiological experiments (Pattwell et al., 2011).
possibility that the amygdala has not yet received any conflict- Importantly, CA1 is responsible for retrieval of fear memories,
ing IL inputs during preadolescence on contextual fear tests, while CA3 is responsible for fear acquisition and encoding of
allowing for PL–amygdala synapse activation. During ado- fear memories. Consistent with behavioral findings, adolescent
lescent development in both rodents and humans, however, mice acquire and consolidate contextual fear memories, despite
vmPFC maturation can be observed (Cunningham et al., 2002; showing impairments in retrieval and expression. Preliminary
Gogtay et al., 2004), and as IL–amygdala synapses are refined, c-Fos data suggests that CA3 is active during retrieval in ado-
activity in PL–amygdala circuits must override IL–amygdala lescent fear-conditioned mice (Pattwell et al., unpublished
inputs, allowing for fear expression. Because CA1–PL con- data), supporting the notion that the fear memory has been
nectivity is necessary for this interaction, and because CA1 encoded and retrieved, allowing for retrieval at later, postado-
undergoes volumetric decreases throughout adolescent devel- lescent ages when the neural circuitry underlying fear learning
opment (Gogtay et al., 2006), which may be indicative of and memory has reached stabilized, adult-like structural and
changes in synaptic pruning or myelination, CA1 inputs to BA functional maturation. Further, it has been shown that inac-
and PL are not sufficient for fear expression in adolescent mice tivation of CA1 can interfere with CA3 communication with

602 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

extrahippocampal regions (Lee and Kesner, 2004), such as the of complete dependence on the caregiver, when attachments
amygdala. With little or no fear expression and corresponding must be formed for survival and access to food and protec-
CA1–PL or CA1–BA inputs, contextual extinction and contex- tions. We suggest that cue fear learning suppression ensures
tual reconsolidation updates appear to work remarkably well in that the infant only learns to approach the caregiver, despite
adolescent mice to persistently attenuate fear memories, possibly periodic painful interactions with the caregiver. Next, as the
due to a lack of CA1 inputs, allowing for intra-amygdalar activa- animal transitions to the extranest environment, contextual
tion of ITC cells with little or no competing input from CA1 or fear learning may become important as the animal learns
PL. CA1–vmPFC connectivity has also been shown to be impor- about spatial characteristics of the environment. However, as
tant for retrieval of cued fear extinction, and it is possible that the the animal approaches adolescence, the suppression of contex-
lack of extinction learning and retention of extinction memory tual fear learning may provide benefits since increased explo-
in adolescent mice (McCallum et al., 2010) may result from a ration becomes critical for reproductive success and access to
similar mechanism, consistent with the developmental role of additional resources. Thus, leaving the safety and stability of its
CA1 maturation in fear learning and integration with IL/PL cir- environment in search of reproductive success is likely facili-
cuits. Furthermore, due to delayed developmental maturation of tated by a suppression of contextual fear to contribute to the
cortical GABAergic transmission that extends into adolescence, fearlessness required for exploring new environments, typi-
it is plausible that an imbalance in inhibitory synaptic transmis- cally seen with this age group (Spear, 2000). As specific danger
sion during adolescence interferes with synaptic plasticity in the cues are still relevant during this novelty-seeking period, cued
mPFC–hippocampus–amygdala network (Kilb, 2011). fear expression remains intact and resistant to extinction dur-
ing adolescence. Combined, these behaviors allow the adoles-
cent to remain both exploratory and cautious, thus optimizing
CONCLUD ING REMA RK S chances for survival and success.
As one considers how these transitions in fear learning
Here we outlined the development of the neural circuitry and expression apply to psychopathology, it is important to
implicated in fear learning and discussed developmental understand that aberrant fear behaviors are associated with
transitions in fear learning beginning with its emergence and traumatic situations. Indeed, both infancy and adolescent
modifications throughout infancy and adolescence. Together, traumatic experiences have been shown to alter these develop-
the clinical and basis research suggested that animal models mental fear transitions in both basic and clinical studies. The
may provide a plausible developmental model of fear neural animal literature described here provides insight and clues
circuitry that may underlie infant and adolescent fear behav- to potential mechanisms unique to infancy and adolescence,
iors. In particular, the development of amygdala-dependent with implications for unique needs for assessment and treat-
cue fear learning first emerges in midinfancy and followed ment across development. For example, in infancy, the failure
the emergence of hippocampal contextual fear learning as to avoid an abusive caregiver or the failure to show immedi-
the infant transitions to independence. Importantly, the fear ate aberrant behavior may not be relied upon as an index of
circuitry of early life needs to be explored within the context well-being during early life. Another example, in adolescence,
of the unique attachment circuitry of early life, where pups notes that the same features of adolescent brain development
must learn an attachment to the caregiver. This highlights the required for survival may contribute to treatment resistance
unique importance of social cues from the mother suppressing for disorders such a PTSD or anxiety. If nonlinear develop-
amygdala-dependent cue learning (Barr et al., 2009; Moriceau ment of the neural circuitry implicated in fear learning has
and Sullivan, 2006; Sullivan et al., 2000). We also highlighted evolutionarily primed the adolescent to exhibit attenuated
a unique developmental transition when the contextual fear fear extinction, CBT relying on exposure therapy may need
learning is suppressed during adolescence and reemerges dur- to be reconsidered as a treatment option, and new avenues
ing adulthood (Pattwell et al., 2011). Finally, we review liter- may need to be explored to develop novel treatments for this
ature on cued fear extinction learning, which appears intact developmentally distinct period to determine when, during
during early ages in both mice and humans, but attenuated development, specific treatments may be most effective.
during adolescence, and intact again in adulthood (McCallum
et al., 2010; Pattwell et al., 2012). Together, these findings sug-
gest a nonlinear pattern in the development of fear learning
during infancy and adolescence, which differs from prototypi-
Dr. Pattwell has no conflicts of interest to disclose. Funded by
cal fear responses associated with both younger and older ages
NIH HD055177.
(Casey et al., 2008), and illustrate the importance of assess-
ment of neurobehavioral development within the ecological Dr. Mouly has no conflicts of interest to disclose. Funded by
niche and developmental demands of each developmental CNRS & ANR only. Grant Support: PICS Program (CNRS),
period. Infants transition from complete dependence on the ANR-07-NEURO-O48, Partner University Fund (PUF).
caregiver with a gradual transition to independence and learn- Dr. Sullivan has no conflicts of interest to disclose. Funded by
ing about the world. The developing organism undergoes mul- NIH (DC003906; MH086952; MH091451; DC009910) and
tiple transitions during this early-life development with each Partner University Fund (PUF).
transition likely requiring some unique features to adapt to the Dr. Lee has no conflicts of interest to disclose. Funded by NIH
environment. For example, infancy is developmental period MH079513 and NS052819.

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INTR ODUC T IO N in-depth discussion). However, because some anxiety disorders

also involve a broader range of emotional disturbances, such
Fear and anxiety serve adaptive survival functions, signaling to as an absence of positive affect or perturbations of other nega-
the organism the presence of potential danger in the environ- tive emotions (e.g., anger), the constellation of emotional dys-
ment. Fear is the immediate response triggered by a potentially functions indicates a wider abnormality in emotional systems
harmful event or object, and anxiety is characterized by pro- beyond fear circuitry. Thus, our goal is to present an updated
longed heightened vigilance for looming danger in the envi- and expanded version of our previously published integrative
ronment. The circuitry supporting fear responses is remarkably framework of emotional functioning in anxiety disorders that
well preserved phylogenetically across species. Anxiety and fear encompasses disruptions in emotional reactivity and highlights
reactions encompass a wide range of subjective, physiological, deficits in circuits regulating emotional responses (Etkin, 2009).
behavioral, and cognitive responses that are often experienced We organize the chapter is as follows: we start by intro-
subjectively as unpleasant. While the line between functional ducing the neural circuitry relevant for fear conditioning and
and pathological fear and anxiety can be vague, once these reac- extinction, and emotional reactivity and regulation more
tions are present chronically, and to a heightened degree that broadly, by reviewing relevant neuroimaging studies. We then
generalizes to signals beyond those that are objectively danger- review neuroimaging studies of social anxiety disorder, spe-
ous, one sees emergence of clinical anxiety disorders. cific phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and
Anxiety disorders are among the most common psychiat- posttraumatic stress disorder. We exclude obsessive compul-
ric disorders, with an estimated one-year prevalence of 18% sive disorder from our discussion because it appears to have
and a lifetime prevalence of nearly 30% (Kessler et al., 2005). a distinct neural signature from the other anxiety disorders
They negatively impact everyday functioning and quality of (Etkin, 2009) and is extensively covered elsewhere in this book
life (Mendlowicz and Stein, 2000). Anxiety disorders impose (see Ahmari and Simpson, Chapter 48). In each disorder, we
a considerable burden on society in terms of both treatment highlight areas of disruption or preservation in emotional
and workplace costs related to absenteeism and lost produc- reactivity and emotion regulation. Although anxiety disor-
tivity. Meta-analyses of randomized clinical trials of CBT ders are highly comorbid with each other (Kessler et al., 2005),
(cognitive-behavioral therapy) in anxiety yield medium to large they are differentiated by the type of cues that lead to anxious
effect sizes (e.g., Stewart and Chambless, 2009), however, with a responses, the magnitude of exaggerated fear responses, and
negative correlation between the representativeness of the sam- whether negative or positive affect are more generally dys-
ple and the effect sizes (Stewart and Chambless, 2009). These regulated. To further diagnostic differentiation, we highlight
data suggest that while in well-controlled situations we are able disorder-specific perturbations within our integrative frame-
to provide effective treatment, the effectiveness wanes as situa- work. Similarly, where there are overlaps between disorders,
tions become more complicated. We are also not yet able to pre- these are also highlighted. With a cross-diagnostic framework
dict who is likely to respond to treatment and why. Thus, given in mind, we examine the potential neural markers common to
the enormous burden of anxiety disorders to the individual and many or all anxiety disorders. This approach is consistent with
the community, and the inability of current treatment options recent research that finds single disruptions in neural circuitry
to sufficiently alleviate this burden, it is important to bring new often cut across many distinct syndromes.
tools to bear on understanding the underlying pathophysiology
of anxiety disorders to inform and direct treatment. An impor-
tant route to understanding pathophysiology of anxiety disor- C O R E P R O C E SSE S I N A N X I E T Y
ders is neuroimaging. DI SO R DE R S: E M O T I O N A L R E ACTI VI TY
Pathological fear and anxiety responses have traditionally A N D R E G U L AT I O N
been characterized as resulting from alterations in brain sys-
tems that normally control negative emotions, especially fear.
Thus, investigating the neural underpinnings of anxiety disor-
ders begins with discussion of fear-related circuitry (see also Classical conditioning models, extensively studied in experi-
Graham and Milad in Chapter 43 of this volume for a more mental animals, have elucidated how emotionally significant

606 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

events are learned and remembered. In fear conditioning, a emotions before they begin, or response focused, voluntarily
neutral stimulus that is paired with an aversive unconditioned modifying the expression of emotions. Antecedent-focused
stimulus eventually comes to signal the imminent onset of strategies are typically cognitive and include reappraising,
something aversive. Although fear conditioning serves an detaching from, or distracting oneself from emotional stimuli;
adaptive and self-preserving function, it is also believed to response-focused strategies include voluntary suppression of
be implicated in the development of anxiety disorders. Fear positive or negative emotional reactions. Studies of this type
extinction is another critical aspect of the conditioning pro- of regulation require participants to deliberately modify how
cess and refers to diminishing fear response after repeated they think about a given situation (e.g., “try to change how you
presentations of the conditioned stimulus alone, without the view the situation to feel less negative emotion”) or what emo-
unconditioned stimulus. This process is thought to reflect fear tions they express (e.g., “hide your emotional reactions to the
inhibition rather than unlearning (Phelps et al., 2004). Fear situation”).
extinction has important implications for understanding both Emotion regulation that occurs automatically (i.e., implicit
how an adaptive fear response transitions into an anxiety dis- emotion regulation) is characterized by the lack of a deliberate
order and also for understanding exposure-based psychother- and conscious emotion regulatory goal, but it results in adap-
apeutic treatments. tive changes in behavior and emotional responding. This type of
Classical conditioning was first proposed as important for emotion regulation has received less study than explicit regula-
anxiety disorders by Watson and Rayner in their case of “Little tion. One way implicit emotion regulation has been measured
Albert” (Watson and Rayner, 1920). In fact, relative to partici- is by using an emotional modification of the traditional Stroop
pants without anxiety disorders, people with anxiety disorders conflict paradigm, in which participants view fear or happy
show greater conditioned fear responses during both acquisition emotional faces with the words “Fear” or “Happy” written
and extinction phases (Lissek et al., 2005). Moreover, patients across the front. In this task, participants identify the emotion
with anxiety disorders also show greater subjective and physi- on the face, disregarding the word that is written. Incongruence
ological fear reactivity to cues signaling safety (in addition to between the emotion on the face and the written word creates
those that signal an aversive stimulus; Mineka and Oehlberg, conflict, thereby slowing reaction time to identifying the emo-
2008), consistent with the hypothesis that these patients are tion. This conflict is lessened (and reaction times are quicker)
less able to inhibit fear responses when presented with safety when an incongruent trial is preceded by an incongruent trial,
signals. As such, a fear conditioning/extinction-based model suggesting that a regulatory mechanism is activated in the first
explains many of the core symptoms of anxiety disorders, such incongruent trial and utilized in the second.
as the hypervigilance for danger and avoidance of cues that
provoke anxious cognitions and behaviors. However, many
anxiety disorders involve emotional dysfunction beyond sim- C O R E ST R U C T U R E S I N E M O T IO N AL
ply fear learning. As such, we now consider a broader view of R E A C T I V I T Y A N D R E G U L AT I O N
emotion and its regulation.

The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure that sits below

the temporal lobes and is associated, albeit not exclusively, with
In the previous section, we reviewed fear responsivity. In this the experience of fear and anxiety (see Fig. 45.1). The human
section, we expand on this and also include subjective, physi- amygdala is activated in response to negative emotional stimuli
ological, and behavioral responses to other negative emotions and to unpredictability—cues that lead to feelings and behav-
and to positive emotions. Emotional reactivity refers to the iors associated with anxiety in both humans and nonhuman
type and magnitude of a response to emotion-eliciting events. animals (Davis, 2002). Across species, the amygdala signals
Processing emotional information and reacting emotionally danger to an organism and provides a basis for avoiding such
involves a large number of cortical and subcortical regions, stimuli in the future. Lesions in the amydala result in failure to
which have been summarized in recent meta-analyses (Kober avoid stimuli previously associated with danger (reviewed in
et al., 2008; Phan et al., 2002). Emotional reactivity disturbances Davis, 2002).
in anxiety disorders may include excesses of other types of neg- The amygdala is activated during the presentation of
ative emotions (e.g., anger in posttraumatic stress disorder) or stimuli indicating fear and, more generally, when organisms
diminished positive emotion (e.g., in social anxiety disorder a are presented with salient, biologically relevant informa-
failure to attend to positive feedback). tion. Suppression of neuronal activity in the amygdala leads
Emotion regulation encompasses a wide range of processes. to decreased expression of fear and anxiety across multiple
Described by Gyurak and colleagues (2011) as an attempt to species (Davis, 2002). In human participants, the amygdala
influence or modulate the intensity, duration, and type of emo- is activated when participants view fearful expressions (Phan
tion experienced, regulatory processes include those that hap- et al., 2002). Adolphs and colleagues (1995) describe a patient
pen deliberately and consciously as well as those that occur with bilateral calcification of the amygdala who subsequently
reflexively and outside of conscious awareness. Examples of showed selective deficits in the representation and identifica-
the former include changing emotional responses through tion of fearful facial expressions. However, this patient could
distraction, reappraisal, distancing, or suppression. In this represent and recognize other basic emotions. Processing of
case, emotion regulation can be antecedent focused, altering fear-specific stimuli and negative emotional stimuli generally

4 5 F U N C T I O N A L N E U R O C I R C U I T R Y A N D N E U R O I M A G I N G S T U D I E S O F A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 607

Reactivity and







brainstem, cortex

Figure 45.1 A limbic-medial prefrontal circuit view of emotional processing. Relevant structures are separated into two groups: those involved in emotional
reactivity and evaluation and those important for emotion regulation.

can also occur outside of awareness and this also implicates is switched to signal aversive rather than appetitive informa-
the amygdala. When healthy participants are shown fearful tion (Davis, 2002).
facial expressions presented too quickly to be perceived, the The amygdala it not a unitary structure, however, and can
amygdala is activated (Etkin et al., 2004). Additionally, the be partitioned into multiple subregions, each with specific
degree of amygdala activation correlates positively with efferent and afferent projections. Two subregions have been
self-reported anxiety and individual differences in anxiety particularly well studied in the context of fear and anxiety, due
(Stein et al., 2007). to their roles in distinct aspects of the fear response. The baso-
The role of the amygdala in monitoring the environment for lateral amygdala (BLA) is the primary subregion that receives
threatening (e.g., fear cues) and new information (e.g., unpre- sensory information, coming in from the thalamus and sen-
dictable cues) implies a role for this region in hypervigilance, a sory and association cortices, and in turn projects to thalamic
symptom of many anxiety disorders. Amygdala activity is also and cortical regions, including those that provide input into
associated with the physical reactions that accompany anxi- the BLA (Davis, 2002). Research in rodents has found that the
ety. In rats, increasing amygdala activity by injecting GABA BLA evaluates and encodes the value of a threatening stimulus
antagonists leads to increases in blood pressure and heart rate (Davis, 2002). In rats, the BLA responds differently to odors
(Sanders and Shekhar, 1991). Electrical stimulation of this signaling positive versus negative stimuli and these reactions
region in human participants elicits feelings of fear, anxiety, precede behavioral changes. In humans, the BLA responds to
and apprehension, and direct injection of benzodiazepines nonconsciously presented fearful emotional expressions (Etkin
into the amygdala has anxiolytic effects (Davis, 2002). et al., 2004). Similarly, the lateral ventral amygdala in humans
The amygdala is critical in fear conditioning, as dem- is most responsive to negative stimuli (especially if the stimuli
onstrated by fear conditioning studies in experimental ani- signal impending negative information) (Whalen et al., 2008).
mals (Davis, 2002) and in humans (Phelps et al., 2004). The Cortical regions that project to and receive projections
amygdala is activated when participants view stimuli that from the BLA include those involved in sensory functions and
predict an aversive event, and amygdala lesions in human medial prefrontal regions (described in this chapter).
and experimental animals lead to deficits in conditioned Another critical subregion is the centromedial amygdala
and unconditioned fear (Davis, 2002). For example, lesions (CMA) located dorsal to the BLA in humans, which has pri-
in the amygdala result in disrupted Galvanic skin responses marily subcortical projections, especially those to the brain
during classical fear conditioning tasks (LaBar et al., 1995). stem hypothalamus, and periaqueductal gray (PAG) (Pitkanen,
In a neuroimaging meta-analysis, we report consistently 1997). These projections may explain in part the physiological
increased amygdala activation during fear conditioning responses associated with fear, as the hypothalamus is impor-
in healthy subjects (Etkin and Wager, 2007). Additionally, tant in sympathetic nervous system responding, and the brain
the amygdala is important when changes in conditioned stem and PAG with stereotyped species-specific defensive
responses occur, such as devaluation of a stimulus when it behavior. The CMA elicits these responses to information

608 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

M1/S1 OFC M1/S1



PAG –4.3 0.0 5.4

Midbrain Thalamus

Figure 45.2 Differential connectivity of the basolateral (BLA) and centromedial (CMA) amygdalar subregions during resting-state fMRI. Findings are from a
conjunction of two cohorts of healthy participants. The BLA connectivity was primarily cortical; CMA connectivity was primarily subcortical. Color scales represent
t scores for the main effect of region in a voxelwise analysis. Red indicates that BLA connectivity is increased compared with CMA connectivity; blue, CMA
connectivity is increased compared with BLA connectivity. FG, fusiform gyrus; M1/S1, primary somatosensory and motor cortices; Occ, occipital cortex; OFC,
orbitofrontal cortex; PAG, periaqueductal gray; STG, superior temporal gyrus; vmPFC, ventromedial prefrontal cortex; and VTA/SN, ventral tegmental area/
substantia nigra. (See color insert)

received from BLA, which represents its primary input. Individuals with panic disorder show heightened sensitivity
Stimulation of the CMA also results in increased attention, to and concern about interoceptive cues, suggesting that the
potentially through projections to cholinergic basal forebrain insula may be especially important for understanding this
targets, suggesting the importance of this region in arousal condition, but also of broader relevance to other anxiety
in fear and in anxiety disorders. The differentiation between disorders.
the mostly cortical connections of the BLA and the mostly
subcortical connections of the CMA has also been recently
demonstrated with human neuroimaging by Etkin and col-
leagues (2009) (see Fig. 45.2). These regions are also part of the core limbic circuit and are
critical in the regulation of the autonomic nervous system.
The PAG is important for active defensive reactions (Davis,
2002). Activation of the PAG correlates with feelings of dread
Another core region in the limbic circuitry is the insula. Like in healthy control participants in the context of impending
the amygdala, the insula consistently activates in response threat (Mobbs et al., 2007). Stimulating the PAG in experi-
to negatively valenced emotional stimuli (Phan et al., 2002) mental animals leads to avoidance, defensive aggression, and
and in response to emotionally salient information (Craig, cardiovascular reactivity. Stimulation of the PAG in humans
2009). The positioning of the insula between both limbic leads to cardiovascular reactivity similar to a panic attack.
and cortical targets makes it an important node in the fear Participants also report experiencing fear and anxiety (along
circuit (see Fig. 45.1). The insula is heavily connected with with a desire to stop the stimulation) (Davis, 2002). Moreover,
the hypothalamus, PAG, and amygdala; this region receives greater activity is seen in the PAG as threats become more
projections from the amygdala and projects to the anterior proximal (Mobbs et al., 2007). As such, this region is impor-
cingulate cortex (ACC) (Craig, 2009). Moreover, functional tant for rallying the appropriate behavioral response to threat,
connectivity between the BLA and anterior insula explains an important aspect of anxiety and anxiety disorders. The
40% of the variance in anxiety levels among control par- hypothalamus, in particular its ventromedial portion, is heav-
ticipants (Baur et al., 2012). Interoceptive awareness and ily connected with the PAG and amygdala and is thought to
monitoring the autonomic nervous system have been consis- coordinate and modulate defensive behaviors (Davis, 2002).
tently linked to this region (Craig, 2009). For example, when Panic symptoms or behaviors can be induced by direct stimu-
attending to their heartbeats, insula activation is greater for lation of the ventromedial hypothalamus in humans (Wilent
individuals with higher levels of anxiety and greater sensi- et al., 2010) and experimental animals (Lammers et al., 1998).
tivity to their own bodily responses (Craig, 2009). Internal While the PAG and hypothalamus have not been the focus
bodily responses are often perceived by people with anxiety thus far on studies of clinical anxiety, their roles in the behav-
disorders as dangerous, and the encoding of aversive intero- ioral response to emotional stimuli suggest that they may be
ceptive cues has been linked to the insula (Craig, 2009). quite important.

4 5 F U N C T I O N A L N E U R O C I R C U I T R Y A N D N E U R O I M A G I N G S T U D I E S O F A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 609

HIPPOCAMPUS regulation implicates more medial prefrontal regions and is
more directly relevant to fear- and anxiety-related regulation
Early characterization of the limbic system in animals
(Gyurak et al., 2011).
included the hippocampus; however, in humans, this region
is most often implicated in memory and has not been heavily
studied in anxiety in humans. Human studies of anxiety dis-
orders have also not consistently implicated the hippocampus.
Regions of the medial frontal lobes, including the anterior
However, in a meta-analysis of emotion, Kober and colleagues
cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) have
(2008) found that anterior hippocampal areas contiguous
long been implicated in emotional processes. The original
with the amygdala are part of a core limbic group that was
functional distinction between the dorsal and ventral ACC
consistently activated in emotional tasks. The hippocampus
was that of cognitive versus emotional processing. However,
itself, however, is not a unitary structure and can be split
consideration of more recent data suggests a more parsimoni-
into distinct subdivisions. Animal studies have distinguished
ous distinction between these regions, which places the dorsal
between dorsal hippocampal regions, important for mem-
ACC (dACC) and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC) as
ory and other cognitive functions, and ventral hippocampal
important for the appraisal and expression of negative emotion
regions, important for anxiety-related behaviors and heavily
and the ventral ACC (vACC) and ventromedial prefrontal cor-
connected to the amygdala and hypothalamus (Bannerman
tex (vmPFC) as important for emotion regulation. Fear condi-
et al., 2004). In humans, these regions correspond to the pos-
tioning, and specifically fear acquisition, activates the dACC
terior hippocampus, which is preferentially connected to the
and dmPFC (Etkin et al., 2011), as does recall of fear memories
pregenual ACC, posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), and precu-
and generation of fear-instructed fear responses in the absence
neus, and the anterior hippocampus, which is preferentially
of having undergone direct fear conditioning. Electrical stimu-
connected to the amygdala, striatum, dACC, dmPFC, and
lation of the dACC results in the subjective experience of fear.
precentral gyrus (Chen and Etkin, manuscript submitted).
Moreover, areas of the dACC and dmPFC correlate with sym-
Dorsal hippocampal impairments in rodents (i.e., posterior
pathetic nervous system activity in general and with interocep-
hippocampus in humans) result in deficits in both fear mem-
tive awareness of heartbeats. Thus, the dACC and dmPFC are
ory and spatial memory (Heldt et al., 2007). Moreover, some
critical in the appraisal, experience, and expression of fear. In
molecular perturbations in the dorsal hippocampus can result
terms of emotional reactivity more generally, beyond only fear,
in normal acquisition of fear memory, but a reduction in the
these regions are involved when participants face ambiguous or
extinction of conditioned fear (Heldt et al., 2007). Rodents
emotional conflict. Additionally, these regions are implicated
with lesions in the ventral hippocampus (i.e., anterior hip-
in a number of other emotional situations, including those
pocampus in humans) fail to avoid anxiety-provoking situa-
involving anger, pain, disgust, and rejection. Thus, evaluating
tions and show decreased stress responses (via corticosterone
emotional stimuli, conflict, and ambiguity involves overlap-
response; Kjelstrup et al., 2002). In anxiety disorders, the pos-
ping neural circuitry as the evaluation and expression of fear.
terior hippocampus may be important for abnormalities in
Moreover, these dorsal regions show positive connectivity with
fear memory and extinction, while the anterior hippocampus
the amygdala during emotional tasks, again highlighting the
may be important in general fear- or anxiety-related behav-
role in emotional reactivity.
iors and responses.
Many aspects of regulation draw on the vACC and vmPFC.
These regions are important in fear extinction and recalling
P R E F R O N TA L C O R T E X inhibitory extinction memories a day or more after training.
Similarly, the vACC/vmPFC is activated when exposure to a
The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is thought to be critical for the distant threat occurs, suggesting it may be involved in plan-
monitoring and regulation of emotion; this includes a very ning adaptive responses, a regulatory function. In contrast to
large swath of cortex, which can be meaningfully subdivided the dACC/dmPFC, the vACC/vmPFC shows a negative cor-
into smaller and more clearly differentiated regions. We have relation with sympathetic activity and with PAG activation.
previously published a detailed description of prefrontal corti- Consistent with the role of these regions in regulating fear,
cal areas as they relate to negative emotional processing and the vACC and vmPFC are also involved in the regulation of
thus provide a more concise version here (see Etkin et al., 2011 other emotions and regulating emotional conflict. Similar to
for a review) (see Fig. 45.1). extinction of fear learning, the extinction of appetitive learn-
ing activates the vmPFC. Using the emotional conflict task,
T H E L AT E R A L P R E F R O N TA L C O RT E X an incongruent trial that is preceded by an incongruent trial,
The dorsolateral (dlPFC) and ventrolateral (vlPFC) prefron- during which conflict regulation has been increased, activates
tal cortices are commonly associated with emotion regula- these ventral regions. Thus, the circuitry involved in the regu-
tion (Gyurak et al., 2011). Along with their role in cognitive lation of emotional conflict is comparable to that involved
control and executive functioning, these regions are typically in extinction, likely reflecting a broader role for the vACC/
recruited in the context of deliberate, effortful, and con- vmPFC in implicit emotion regulation. Of note, the vACC
scious regulation of emotion (Gyurak et al., 2011). However, does not regulate conflict arising from nonaffective stimuli,
as described earlier, emotion regulation can occur more which instead is regulated by lateral PFC regions (Egner et al.,
reflexively and outside of our awareness, and this type of 2008). Finally, the vACC/vmPFC shows negative connectivity

610 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

with the amygdala in a range of tasks. During explicit emotion community, with a 12-month prevalence of 7% (Kessler et al.,
regulation, the vACC may act as an intermediary between 2005). This condition is associated with significant functional
lateral prefrontal regions and the amygdala. impairments and typically has an early onset, with the majority
of cases beginning before adulthood. Patients with SAD show
negativity biases in terms of the interpretation and recall of
NE UR OCIRC U ITRY O F A NX IET Y I N social events; the condition is characterized by distorted nega-
S PE C IFIC D IS O RD ERS tive beliefs about oneself and how a person believes he/she will
be judged by others (Guyer et al., 2008); as a result, individu-
Recent neuroimaging studies have begun to characterize the als with SAD experience an excessive and unreasonable fear of
distinct neural deficits associated with anxiety disorders. For social interactions in which these individuals anticipate nega-
example, in a meta-analysis looking across three anxiety dis- tive evaluation by others. Although some evidence has found
orders (posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD], social anxiety that genetics and environment play important roles (Stein et al.
disorder [SAD], and specific phobia), we find amygdala and 2007), the exact etiology is largely unknown.
insula hyperreactivity in all three disorders and in control par- Across studies that include symptom provocation tasks
ticipants during fear conditioning (Etkin and Wager, 2007; see or stimuli involving emotional facial expressions, patients
Figs. 45.3 and 45.4). These results point to exaggerated engage- with SAD show heightened amygdala activation (Etkin and
ment of fear circuitry across anxiety disorders. However, this Wager, 2007). This heightened amygdala reactivity is reported
meta-analysis also points to differences across the three dis- in particular when individuals with SAD view negative or
orders, for example, in regions important for emotion regu- ambiguous (i.e., neutral) emotional expressions (for a review,
lation. In the following sections, we review in greater depth see Freitas-Ferrari et al., 2010 ). Among negative emotional
the functional neuroimaging literature for similarities and expressions, viewing angry and contemptuous emotional
differences across five anxiety disorders (SAD, specific pho- faces is associated with increased amygdala activation, includ-
bia, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and PTSD). ing in both the right and left amygdala (Freitas-Ferrari et al.,
We emphasize those studies that include symptom provo- 2010). Results have been mixed regarding whether there are
cation tasks (e.g., using sounds, images, or scripts to evoke amygdala abnormalities in response to positive emotional
disorder-specific symptoms), fear conditioning, or general stimuli (Phan et al., 2006). Heightened amygdala responses
emotional reactivity and regulation tasks (e.g., viewing emo- are also seen when individuals with SAD anticipate or per-
tional facial expressions). form public speaking tasks (Freitas-Ferrari et al., 2010), read
stories depicting social transgressions (Blair et al., 2010), or
view phobia-related words (Schmidt et al., 2010). These tasks
presumably tap into the core features of the condition, namely,
Social anxiety disorder (SAD), also referred to as generalized performing publicly and perceiving negative judgment by
social phobia, is a common anxiety disorder in the general others.

PTSD Social anxiety Specific phobia Fear

= hypoactivation (controls > patients)

= hyperactivation (patients > controls)

Figure 45.3 Clusters in which significant hyperactivation or hypoactivation was found in patients with PTSD, social anxiety disorder (SAD), and specific phobia
relative to comparison subjects and in healthy subjects undergoing fear conditioning. Notable is common hyperactivation in the amygdala and insula. (Adapted
from Etkin and Wager, 2007.)

4 5 F U N C T I O N A L N E U R O C I R C U I T R Y A N D N E U R O I M A G I N G S T U D I E S O F A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 611

PTSD Social anxiety Specific phobia Fear

= hypoactivation (controls > patients)

= hyperactivation (patients > controls)

Figure 45.4 Clusters of significant hyperactivation or hypoactivation in medial prefrontal regions were found in patients with PTSD, social anxiety disorder (SAD),
and specific phobia relative to comparison subjects and in healthy subjects undergoing fear. (Adapted from Etkin and Wager, 2007.)

Similar to many other anxiety disorders, patients with (such as feeling flushed, sweating, trembling hands) are pro-
SAD show increased amygdala activity during aversive con- nounced and likely to be noticed by others. Treatment often
ditioning, with a peak response occurring later than in con- focuses on teaching individuals to objectively evaluate their
trol participants (Freitas-Ferrari et al., 2010), suggesting less physiological responses and focus beyond their internal reac-
efficient and dysregulated fear circuitry. The degree of height- tions (Huppert et al., 2003).
ened amygdala activation is associated with symptom severity, Frontal lobe differences are also seen in SAD. Specifically,
including the number of DSM-IV symptoms (Battaglia et al., there is evidence for increased vACC activation compared
2012) and the degree of trait anxiety and state social anxiety with control participants, particularly when viewing emotional
(Bruhl et al., 2011; Phan et al., 2006). Additionally, greater faces (Freitas-Ferrari et al., 2010), and decreases in the vACC
amygdala reactivity to social, but not physical, threat stimuli following CBT (Furmark et al., 2002). Stein and colleagues
is associated with SAD symptom severity (Freitas-Ferrari (2002) contrast viewing harsh versus accepting emotional faces
et al., 2010). Following cognitive-behavioral therapy for SAD, among individuals with SAD. They report increased activa-
patients show decreased amygdala activity compared with pre- tion in the left inferior frontal gyrus and left parahippocampal
treatment levels during a public speaking task (Furmark et al., gyrus in response to negative faces. During a stressful work-
2002). The extent of amygdala decrease, along with that in the ing memory task, patients with SAD and control participants
PAG and left thalamus, correlates with treatment response. activate lateral frontal regions important for cognitive control;
Insula dysfunction is also reported: across studies, patients only patients with SAD additionally activate right vlPFC and
with SAD show increased insula activation compared with anterior insular regions (Koric et al., 2011), regions implicated
control participants (Etkin and Wager, 2007). For example, in emotional processing.
increased insula activity has been reported when patients with However, despite widespread frontal activation during a
SAD anticipate public speaking (Freitas-Ferrari et al., 2010), number of tasks, patients with SAD are less likely to recruit
read stories of social transgressions (Blair et al., 2010), view the dlPFC and dACC during cognitive reappraisal tasks
negative emotional expressions (Freitas-Ferrari et al., 2010), (Freitas-Ferrari et al., 2010) and during a measure of top-down
and perform working memory tasks (Koric et al., 2011). attentional control (Blair et al., 2012). Patients with SAD show
Additionally, the extent of insula activation correlates with delayed dlPFC reactivity when faced with autobiographical
symptoms of SAD (Stein and Stein, 2008) and relates to attend- stories of social anxiety (Freitas-Ferrari et al., 2010). When
ing to the meaning of social-phobia-related words (Schmidt instructed to cognitively reappraise these autobiographical
et al., 2010). In connectivity analyses, patients with SAD show memories, patients with SAD fail to recruit the dACC and
decreased connectivity between the anterior insula and dACC bilateral dlPFC and vlPFC. Greater subjective negative emo-
when viewing fearful emotional expressions (Klumpp et al., tion after the reappraisal task (i.e., less successful regulation)
2012), suggesting that exaggerated insula activity may result is associated with reduced right dlPFC. Moreover, patients
from insufficient downregulation by cognitive control regions. with SAD show reduced negative connectivity or even posi-
Previous work highlights the insula’s role in interoception tive connectivity between amygdala and PFC regions (Guyer
(Craig, 2009). Increased insular activation in patients with SAD et al., 2008), suggesting ineffective regulation of the amygdala
is thought to reflect a heightened and persistent internal focus by prefrontal regions.
on interoceptive cues. For example, patients with SAD often Taken together, neuroimaging studies shed light on the
believe that physiological responses to public performance heightened and dysregulated emotion seen clinically in patients

612 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

TABLE 45.1. Summary of neuroimaging findings in anxiety disorders by brain region. The weight of the
arrows reflects the strength of the supporting data. = evidence for no difference from control participants;
= evidence for both hyperreactivity and hyporeactivity.


SAD Specific phobia GAD PD PTSD










Effects seen after Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased

treatment amygdala amygdala, insula, insula vACC; increased amygdala and
and in vACC dACC; increased vlPFC and dlPFC hippocampus

with SAD and point to increased limbic activation with- Among neuroimaging studies of specific phobia, both
out effective top-down control (see Table 45.1). Patients with amygdala and insular hyperreactivity are reported (reviewed
SAD show hyperreactivity in the amygdala and insula both to in Del Casale et al., 2012). While some studies find no dif-
social-anxiety-specific tasks and to emotional faces. It may be ferences between patients and control participants in the
the case that for individuals with SAD, emotional facial expres- amygdala (Straube et al., 2006), in a meta-analysis Etkin and
sions serve as phobia-specific stimuli due to an increased focus Wager (2007) report hyperactivation in the amygdala across
on others’ reactions. Dysregulation in frontal lobe regions is studies. Bilateral amygdala hyperactivation is seen when
also apparent. Patients hyperactivate the vACC and vlPFC when patients with spider phobia consciously view spider stimuli,
viewing emotional facial expressions and performing cognitive including when patients view them unconsciously (e.g., using
tasks. Thus, they show hyperactivation in regions important for backwardly masked presentations; Lipka et al., 2011) and while
regulation during emotional reactivity and nonemotional tasks. simultaneously engaging in a distracting task (Del Casale et al.,
However, during explicit emotion regulation tasks, they fail to 2012). Across different subtypes, patients with specific phobia
recruit lateral prefrontal regions to the extent of control partici- show more rapid time-to-peak activation in the amygdala (Del
pants. Moreover, these prefrontal regions do not exert sufficient Casale et al., 2012). Amygdala hyperactivity occurs primarily
control over limbic areas. Effective cognitive-behavioral treat- with phobia-specific stimuli (Del Casale et al., 2012), although
ments exist and seem to normalize many of the emotion circuit there is one report that patients with specific phobia show
problems seen at baseline in patients with SAD. similar amygdalar reactivity to affective stimuli more broadly
(Wendt et al., 2008).
Additional evidence exists for exaggerated emotional reac-
tivity and diminished regulatory ability in specific phobia.
Specific phobia, often called simple phobia, is an anxiety dis- Patients with spider phobia show exaggerated insula and dACC
order defined by heightened, excessive, consistent, and irratio- activation when faced with spider stimuli, hyperactivation that
nal fear when an individual is faced with or is anticipating a is not seen after four sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy
phobia-evoking stimulus. The DSM-IV includes five subtypes (Straube et al., 2006). During cognitive reappraisal of emotional
of specific phobia: animal (e.g., spiders), natural environment stimuli, patients with spider phobia show increased insula and
(e.g., heights), blood injection injury (e.g., shots/needles), reduced vmPFC/vACC activity (a pattern opposite to that dur-
situational (e.g., flying), and other (e.g., loud sounds). The ing emotion regulation; Del Casale et al., 2012). This prefrontal
12-month prevalence of specific phobia is estimated at 9% disruption is seen only when individuals with spider phobia face
(Kessler et al., 2005) spider stimuli and not in response to aversive stimuli generally.

4 5 F U N C T I O N A L N E U R O C I R C U I T R Y A N D N E U R O I M A G I N G S T U D I E S O F A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 613

Additionally, insula hyperactivation in response to and in antic- 2001). The clinical presentation of GAD suggests deficits in
ipation of phobogenic stimuli is reported (Del Casale et al., regulatory abilities, specifically the ability to manage negative
2012). Consistent with these data, after one to four sessions of affect.
CBT, patients with specific phobia demonstrate reduced hyper- As with other anxiety disorders, amygdala hyperactiva-
activity in the amygdala, dACC, and insula compared with tion is reported in GAD, though results have been mixed.
baseline (Goossens et al., 2007) and increased vmPFC activa- Nitschke and colleagues (2009) describe exaggerated amygdala
tion not found in a wait list group over the same time period responses to the anticipation of both negative and neutral
(Schienle et al., 2007). stimuli in individuals with GAD. Additionally, increased
As mentioned earlier, the diagnosis of specific phobia response in the amygdala is found in adolescents with GAD,
encompasses different types of phobias, and specific disruptions during both conscious and nonconscious viewing of emo-
across subtypes have not been extensively explored. Two stud- tional facial expressions (Monk et al., 2008; Shin and Liberzon,
ies address differences in subtypes of specific phobia. In one, 2010). When attending to their own emotional states, children
patients with the animal subtype show enhanced fear circuitry with GAD show greater amygdala responses (McClure et al.,
activation, including the insula and dACC, which is associated 2007). Amygdala activation to nonconsciously processed neg-
with autonomic arousal. In contrast, those with blood injection ative emotional expressions positively correlates with anxiety
injury subtype showed activation in the prefrontal and orbitof- (Monk et al., 2008), and similarly, greater amygdala activa-
rontal cortex (Lueken et al., 2011). In another study, patients with tion when viewing emotional faces predicts worse treatment
blood injection injury phobia have greater activity in the ventral response (McClure et al., 2007; Shin and Liberzon, 2010).
PFC and lower amygdala response compared with patients with Thus, the extent of amygdala hyperactivity may signal both the
animal phobia during symptom provocation (Del Casale et al., severity and inflexibility of GAD, again suggesting the pres-
2012). Heightened emotional reactivity may be more common ence of primary deficits in emotion regulation. However, this
or pronounced in animal phobias compared with others. finding may be specific to pediatric GAD as most of these
Although not fully developed, research in specific phobia studies include pediatric populations. In contrast, many of the
reveals increased activation in regions important for emotion studies in adults report no amygdala activation during symp-
generation, such as the amygdala, insula, and the dACC, which tom provocation tasks (Hoehn-Saric et al., 2004) or compa-
is primarily observed only when viewing phobia-specific stim- rable or reduced activation in the amygdala to negative stimuli
uli. Patients with specific phobia fail to recruit prefrontal regions compared with healthy controls (Blair et al., 2012; Shin and
to effectively regulate phobia-related emotions and to reduce Liberzon, 2010) and to patients with other anxiety disorders
limbic responding to these stimuli (see Table 45.1). As such, (Blair et al., 2012).
abnormalities in processing of phobia-related stimuli resemble Patients with GAD also have disrupted amygdala func-
those seen in SAD with social evaluation–related stimuli, and in tional connectivity patterns. We examined amygdalar sub-
healthy subjects with fear conditioning. Thus, there is common region connectivity patterns in patients with GAD and
excessive engagement of circuitry involved in fear conditioning healthy control participants. Within the control group, the
and negative emotional processing to disorder-specific stimuli, CMA subregion of the amygdala had almost exclusively
which fits with a fear conditioning–based conceptualization of subcortical connectivity during resting state, while the BLA
these anxiety disorders. Moreover, a small number of sessions was associated with cortical connectivity (including regions
of cognitive-behavioral therapy (which can be considered akin of the occipital lobe, temporal lobe, and prefrontal cor-
to extinction training) leads to decreased activation in lim- tex). Individuals with GAD have decreased differentiability
bic regions (e.g., the amygdala and insula) and in the dACC, between amygdalar subregions and their targets (Etkin et al.,
coupled with increased vmPFC activation, important for emo- 2009). Thus, amygdalar alterations in GAD may result from
tion and fear regulation. Overall, however, neuroimaging stud- abnormal subregional organization, a disruption that may
ies indicate less extensive neural disruptions in specific phobia be missed when collapsing across amygdalar subregions.
compared with other anxiety disorders, both in terms of the Evidence of other alterations in limbic regions in GAD is
number of brain regions involved and the types of stimuli that limited, with indication that insular activation during symp-
elicit hyperreactivity; these disruptions may be more amenable tom provocation declines following medication treatment of
to change with treatment. Although this field is incomplete, GAD and that the degree of decline is associated with symp-
there is some evidence that different types of phobias show dif- tom improvement (Hoehn-Saric et al., 2004)
ferent neural patterns, with patients with animal phobias show- Disrupted frontal lobe activation has been reported in GAD
ing the most extensive limbic hyperactivation. in regions important for both the evaluation and regulation of
emotional information. In the dACC/dmPFC, evidence is mixed
with reports of both increased activation during symptom
provocation, emotional, and resting state tasks (Hoehn-Saric
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is an anxiety disorder et al., 2004; Paulesu et al., 2010) and of decreased activation to
characterized by frequent worrying that is difficult to control. emotional faces (Etkin et al., 2010)
Over the lifetime, GAD affects nearly 6% of English speakers Hyperreactivity is also seen in regulatory regions in GAD,
in the United States (Kessler et al., 2005), has a long duration such as in the vlPFC when viewing emotional stimuli (Monk
of symptoms, and negatively impacts relationships, profes- et al., 2008; Shin and Liberzon, 2010). During a resting state
sional functioning, and general well-being (Ballenger et al., scan, patients with GAD show greater connectivity between

614 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

the dlPFC and amygdala (Etkin et al., 2009). Prefrontal acti- attempts at avoidance and, consequently, to a generalization of
vation and prefrontal connectivity to the amygdala has been fear. A panic attack is described as intense fear and discomfort,
negatively correlated with symptom severity (Etkin et al., accompanied by multiple physiological symptoms of anxiety,
2009; Shin and Liberzon, 2010), suggesting it may reflect a including heart palpitations, sweating, shaking, hot flashes,
regulation-related compensation. However, patients with and shortness of breath. Spontaneous panic attacks are thought
GAD fail to activate the vACC during an implicit regulation to arise from a fear circuitry that is hypersensitive to internal
task and do not show the expected negative coupling of the cues or cannot downregulate minor responses. These suggest
vACC with the amygdala during this task (Etkin et al., 2010). heightened emotional reactivity and/or inadequate emotion
Prior to beginning treatment, activity in the vACC to aversive regulation in PD.
cues and emotional facial expressions positively predicts treat- Despite the enormous burden both on the individual and
ment response (Shin and Liberzon, 2010). Stronger activity in the community, neural circuitry research of PD has lagged
lateral prefrontal regions is consistent with cognitive models of behind that of other anxiety disorders. Neuroimaging studies
GAD suggesting that worry serves a compensatory function to find hyperreactivity of the amygdala in response to sensory
help individuals avoid or cope with emotional arousal (Behar and visceral stimuli with insufficient top-down regulation
et al., 2009), in the context of an inability to activate medial by prefrontal regions in PD (reviewed in Shin and Liberzon,
regions important for automatic emotion regulation, such as 2010). One participant who had a panic attack during imag-
the vACC. ing showed increased right amygdala (along with right para-
GAD has received less neurobiological study than other hippocampal and right putamen) activation (Pfleiderer et al.,
anxiety disorders, and areas of preservation and deficit may 2007). In this patient, amygdala activation was associated with
be clarified with additional research. Thus far, neuroimaging increases in heart rate and with insular activation. During PET
results indicate that adolescents and adults with GAD show scanning, patients with PD show increased glucose uptake
both overlapping and distinct neural disruptions. Specifically, in the amygdala (Shin and Liberzon, 2010). When presented
limbic functioning in adolescent GAD mirrors that of adults with panic-specific negative words, patients with PD have
with other anxiety disorders, in particular heightened amygdala heightened amygdala activation (Beutel et al., 2010). However,
activation. In contrast, amygdala reactivity to emotional stimuli exaggerated amygdala responses are not found in all studies
is reduced or comparable to control participants among adults of PD. Inducing panic attacks pharmacologically does not
with GAD (see Table 45.1). It is unclear exactly when and consistently result in amygdala activation (Shin and Liberzon,
why this change between adolescence and adult GAD occurs. 2010). For example, in a study of two patients who had panic
Decreases in amygdala hyperactivity across development may attacks during scanning, only one showed amygdala activa-
indicate that individuals with GAD begin to habitually use a tion while both had significant PFC activity (Dresler et al.,
cognitive style intended to dampen emotional responses. In 2011). Other studies find no amygdala differences compared
terms of the dACC/dmPFC, important for emotional evalu- with controls (Maddock et al., 2003) or reduced activation in
ation, there is evidence of both hyperactivation and hypo- the amygdala when viewing fearful emotional expressions and
activation during emotional tasks in adults with GAD. This during anticipatory anxiety (Shin and Liberzon, 2010). These
dysregulation may indicate attempts to engage cognitive con- authors suggest that hypoactivity of the amygdala may result
trol regions in order to manage excess anxiety. Indeed, worry, from chronic hyperresponsivity, ultimately leading to reduced
the hallmark of GAD, is thought to reflect a cognitive strat- emotional responses, though this interpretation remains very
egy that individuals employ to manage emotions (Behar et al., speculative.
2009). In adults, regions implicated in particular in automatic Given the role of the insula in interoception and the
forms of emotion regulation are underactive during GAD, and role of interoception in panic, it is not surprising that func-
higher activation in these regulatory regions has been linked to tional imaging studies of PD implicate the insula. Activation
better prognosis. In sum, unlike other anxiety disorders, GAD increases at the beginning of panic symptoms (Pfleiderer et al.,
is not well captured by a fear conditioning model; neuroim- 2007) and is found in both spontaneous and provoked panic
aging differences between individuals with GAD and control attacks (Dresler et al., 2011; Spiegelhalder et al., 2009). The
participants are best accounted for in the context of changes in early role of the insula in panic suggests that it may serve as
emotional reactivity and regulation. an alarm, communicating information about internal bodily
signals. Hippocampal hyperreactivity has been reported dur-
ing rest (Sakai et al., 2006) and when individuals with PD view
negative stimuli (Beutel et al., 2010). The authors suggest that
Panic disorder (PD) can be a debilitating condition, with a life- this may reflect patients’ preferential attention to and recall
time prevalence of nearly 5% (Kessler et al., 2005), and nearly of potentially threatening stimuli. The PAG has also been
30% of people meeting criteria for having ever had a panic implicated in PD. Electrically stimulating the PAG in patients
attack. Recurrent, unexpected panic attacks coupled with a undergoing neurosurgery results in symptoms similar to that
concern that they will recur are the hallmarks of the condition, during a panic attack, namely, heart palpitation, hyperventila-
which often runs in tandem with agoraphobia. As with other tion, feelings of terror, and a desire to flee (Del-Ben and Graeff,
anxiety disorders that can be described using a traditional 2009); similar results are found during electrical stimulation of
fear conditioning model, the fear of the symptom-generating the hypothalamus (Wilent et al., 2010). Antidepressants, which
stimuli (in this case, internal physiological sensations) leads to may effectively treat symptoms of PD, are thought to do so via

4 5 F U N C T I O N A L N E U R O C I R C U I T R Y A N D N E U R O I M A G I N G S T U D I E S O F A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 615

serotonergic inhibition of the PAG. Due to its size and loca- P O S T T R A U M AT I C S T R E S S D I S O R D E R
tion, the PAG is difficult to image, but likely PAG activation
Posttraumatic stress disorder encompasses a set of symptoms
differences have been reported in patients with PD (Shin and
that develop subsequent to exposure to a traumatic event such
Liberzon, 2010). Moreover, Sakai and colleagues (2006) report
as threat of death or serious injury to oneself or another per-
a correlation between percent change in glucose utilization in
son. In the aftermath of a traumatic event, individuals with
midbrain areas “around PAG” during imaging and number of
PTSD develop a constellation of symptoms that fall into three
panic attacks over the previous four weeks.
DSM-IV-based categories: reexperiencing (e.g., flashbacks,
Both neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies find
nightmares), avoidance (attempts to avoid thoughts or situa-
disruptions in PFC functioning in PD. In two cases, damage
tions that are reminders of the trauma), and hyperarousal (e.g.,
to the dACC due to surgery or radiation led to panic attacks
exaggerated startle response and hypervigilance). PTSD is
(Shinoura et al., 2011). Pharmacologically inducing panic
thought to reflect exaggerated and sustained fear conditioning
leads to activation in the vACC, and middle and superior
overlaid on a vulnerable state. From a fear conditioning model
frontal gyrus (Shin and Liberzon, 2010). Among patients with
perspective, PTSD reflects rapid and exaggerated fear learning,
primary PD, evidence exists for increased frontal lobe acti-
coupled with deficient fear extinction and misinterpretation of
vation, in both dorsal and ventral ACC regions and inferior
safe contexts as dangerous. Consequently, those who suffer
frontal cortex, during directed imagery and when viewing
from PTSD often feel the world is fraught with aversive threat.
positive images (Shin and Liberzon, 2010). Moreover, these
Symptoms of PTSD are further maintained by a tendency to
investigators find that responses in the dACC and vACC to
avoid situations, thoughts, and feelings related to the trauma.
happy faces are larger in patients with PD than control par-
There are multiple symptoms of PTSD, however, that do not
ticipants. Additionally, threat-related material may elicit
as readily fit into a fear conditioning framework, and which
greater dlPFC activation (Maddock et al., 2003). Successful
set it apart from some of the other anxiety disorders. These
cognitive-behavioral treatment for PD results in decreased
symptoms include numbing, irritability, anger, and guilt and
glucose utilization in the left vACC (Sakai et al., 2006). By
can be conceptualized as dysregulated negative emotion more
contrast, others report decreased dACC and vACC activa-
tion to fearful faces in untreated PD (Shin and Liberzon,
Extensive research has been published on limbic and pre-
2010). Additionally, prior to treatment, patients with PD have
frontal responses to a range of emotional stimuli in PTSD. We
decreased vlPFC activation to negative stimuli and decreased
report amygdala hyperactivation in PTSD in our meta-analysis
dlPFC activation to positive stimuli (suggesting widespread
(Etkin and Wager, 2007). Patients with PTSD show amygdalar
lateral prefrontal disruption; Beutel et al., 2010) coupled with
hyperactivation when viewing emotional expressions (reviewed
high limbic activation; this pattern was normalized after inpa-
in Brohawn et al., 2010; Hughes and Shin, 2011), in particular
tient psychodynamic treatment.
fearful expressions (Hughes and Shin, 2011), including when
Overall, both in vivo symptoms of panic attacks and the
these stimuli are presented outside of conscious awareness
condition of PD are associated with hyperreactivity of the
(Hughes and Shin, 2011). The extent of amygdala hyperac-
insula and often (but not always) the amygdala. Additionally,
tivity to emotional facial expressions is also related to symp-
panic symptoms and PD are associated with exaggerated acti-
tom severity (Brohawn et al., 2010; Hughes and Shin, 2011).
vation in other regions involved in emotional reactivity that
In symptom provocation studies, increased amygdala activity
are not consistently implicated in other anxiety disorders, such
is seen to trauma-related stimuli (e.g., combat-related sounds
as the PAG, hippocampus, and hypothalamus (see Table 45.1).
and combat-related odors [Hughes and Shin, 2011]). Related
The insula and PAG may be more important in PD than other
to core symptomatology in PTSD, patients have heightened
anxiety disorders due to their roles in interoception and sym-
amygdala during the construction of negative autobiographi-
pathetic nervous system activity, two core components of PD.
cal memories (St. Jacques et al., 2011). Consistent with the fear
Most of these studies use panic-specific stimuli or correlate
conditioning model of PTSD, amygdala habituation occurs
activation with panic symptoms, including some that report
less efficiently in patients with PTSD (Hughes and Shin, 2011),
panic symptoms that occur during scanning. These data sug-
and amygdala activation is stronger during fear extinction in
gest exaggerated fear responses in PD coupled with a greater
these patients compared with control participants (Milad et al.,
focus on the physiological components of fear. Some evidence
2009). Following cognitive-behavioral treatment, patients
also supports hyperactivity in medial prefrontal regions to
with PTSD show decreased amygdala activity in response to
panic-specific and positive emotional stimuli, but hypoactiva-
emotional stimuli, with higher pretreatment amygdala activ-
tion in these areas to fear-specific stimuli. Evidence for lateral
ity relating to less symptom reduction over treatment (Hughes
prefrontal disruptions is mixed, with some reporting increased
and Shin, 2011).
activation to threat stimuli, and others reporting decreased
Despite considerable evidence for amygdala hyperactiva-
activation to positive and negative stimuli (Beutel et al., 2010;
tion in PTSD, our meta-analysis also suggests that the picture
Maddock et al., 2003). Given the small number of studies and
is more complicated (Etkin and Wager, 2007). First, amygdala
discrepant findings across studies, further research is needed
hyperactivation is found less frequently in PTSD than in SAD
to explore frontal lobe patterns of hyper- and hypoactivation
or specific phobia. Second, in contrast to SAD and specific
in PD. As such, it is difficult to draw conclusions about regula-
phobia, among studies of PTSD, there is evidence for both
tory function in PD, although widespread heightened reactiv-
hyperactivation and hypoactivation in the amygdala. Across
ity suggests deficits in regulatory function.

616 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

studies, a ventral amygdala cluster is hyperreactive and a dor- vmPFC negatively correlates with symptom severity (Hughes
sal cluster is hypoactive. Though precise localization is difficult and Shin, 2011), and increases in vmPFC activation positively
in the context of a meta-analysis, we speculate that the former correlate with symptom improvement (Felmingham et al.,
relates to the BLA, important for acquiring fear responses and 2007). Further evidence for inadequate frontal regulation of
forming emotional memories. The dorsal-posterior cluster emotional stimuli comes from functional connectivity stud-
may correspond to the CMA, which mediates autonomic and ies demonstrating reduced negative coupling between ACC
behavioral reactions to threat; hypoactivation in this area may regions and the amygdala (Etkin and Wager, 2007; Sripada
be related to emotional blunting and numbing seen in PTSD. et al., 2012).
Additionally, these findings and examining amygdala subdivi- In healthy control participants, the vmPFC (and an
sions individually may help explain the amygdala hypoactiva- analogous region in experimental animals) has been linked
tion that has been reported in PD and GAD. to fear extinction (Phelps et al., 2004). PTSD patients
Across studies, insula hyperactivity is seen consistently in show decreased vACC/vmPFC activation in fear condi-
PTSD (Etkin and Wager, 2007). Individuals with PTSD show tioning studies, particularly during fear extinction (Milad
exaggerated insula responses when viewing emotional facial et al., 2009) and recall of fear extinction (Milad et al., 2009;
expressions during emotional anticipation and script-driven Rougemont-Bucking et al., 2011) and in the presence of safety
imagery (Aupperle et al., 2012; Hughes and Shin, 2011) and signals (Rougemont-Bucking et al., 2011). Although mostly
when retrieving emotional and neutral word pairs (Hughes examined in the context of fear conditioning, vACC deficits
and Shin, 2011). Greater insula activity during emotional likely have more far-reaching implications for emotion dys-
tasks is associated with symptom severity and with reexpe- regulation in PTSD. This region is important for regulating
riencing occurring during neuroimaging (Hughes and Shin, emotional conflict (Etkin et al., 2011), and individuals with
2011). PTSD show reduced vACC activation in situations of unex-
Individuals with PTSD show striking abnormalities in pected emotional conflict (Kim et al., 2008).
prefrontal cortical functioning, including both hyperactiva- Memory difficulties are often reported in PTSD, suggest-
tion and hypoactivation of different regions. Extensive ACC ing a prominent role for the hippocampus. Functional imag-
reductions, spanning both dorsal and ventral regions, have ing studies of hippocampal activation in PTSD have been
been reported in response to symptom provocation and more mixed. Previous research describes decreased hippocampal
general emotional tasks (Hughes and Shin, 2011; Lanius et al., activation during script-driven imagery tasks (Hughes and
2003). However, consideration of ACC subregions and their Shin, 2011), memory encoding and retrieval (Hughes and
functions sheds light on the patterns of hyper- and hypoacti- Shin, 2011; Shin et al., 2004), and extinction recall (Milad et al.,
vation seen in PTSD. For example, when faced with emotional 2009). Reduction in the integrity of hippocampal function is
stimuli, patients with PTSD show increased activation in the associated with symptom severity (Hughes and Shin, 2011).
dACC and decreased activation in the vACC (Hughes and Shin, However, multiple studies report heightened hippocampal
2011). The dACC plays important roles in emotion generation activity in PTSD, including during script-driven imagery and
and conflict monitoring, suggesting that hyperactivity here during memory retrieval in emotional contexts (Hughes and
may reflect heightened emotional reactivity in PTSD. Increased Shin, 2011). Hippocampal activation is positively associated
dACC activation is reported across tasks in PTSD, such as dur- with amygdala activation (Brohawn et al., 2010) and symptom
ing trauma-specific words, fear conditioning, and extinction, severity (Shin et al., 2004), and with decreases in activation
and at rest (Hughes and Shin, 2011; Rougemont-Bucking et al., following treatment (Felmingham et al., 2007). As previ-
2011). Among survivors of intimate partner violence, dACC ously described, the posterior hippocampus is critical for epi-
activation when viewing male faces is related to hyperarousal sodic memory, and the anterior hippocampus is involved in
symptoms (Hughes and Shin, 2011). Elevated dACC activation anxiety-related behaviors. Patients with PTSD show decreased
may represent a risk factor for PTSD, which is seen in combat connectivity between the posterior hippocampus and regions
veterans with PTSD and their identical, combat-unexposed in the default mode network, such as vACC and PCC, which
co-twins without PTSD (Shin et al., 2009). may relate to the fear memory abnormalities in PTSD, such
In contrast, hypoactivation of the vACC in the face of as intrusive memories and difficulty updating fear memories
affectively laden stimuli is thought to reflect insufficient reg- (Chen and Etkin, manuscript submitted). A similar deficit is
ulatory systems in PTSD. Hypoactivation of the vACC and seen in activation of these patients in response to a task, which
vmPFC is reported in PTSD during traumatic scripts, trau- is furthermore related to the traumas being either earlier in
matic imagery, and trauma-related videos (Hughes and Shin, life or multiple. By contrast, common decreased connectiv-
2011), as well as during negative images generally (Phan et al., ity between the anterior hippocampus and dACC is seen in
2006). Moreover, this disruption is apparent in adolescent patients with PTSD or GAD. Anterior hippocampal connec-
populations with PTSD (Yang et al., 2004). Deficits in emo- tivity deficits across these two anxiety disorders may relate to
tional processing in PTSD may not be specific to negative general anxiety responses that are often dysregulated in many
emotional stimuli. Patients with PTSD have decreased activity anxiety disorders.
in the vmPFC and nucleus accumbens during reward process- Taken together, individuals with PTSD show exaggerated
ing (Sailer et al., 2008). Decreased vmPFC activation has also amygdala activation to wide-ranging stimuli, including to
been found in response to nonemotional stimuli, such as dur- consciously and unconsciously presented emotional stimuli,
ing cognitive tasks (Hughes and Shin, 2011). Activation in the trauma-specific stimuli, autobiographical memories, and fear

4 5 F U N C T I O N A L N E U R O C I R C U I T R Y A N D N E U R O I M A G I N G S T U D I E S O F A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 617

conditioning. A closer examination suggests that subregions Specifically, we found evidence of heightened reactivity in
of the amygdala with cortical connections and that are impor- limbic structures in SAD (Etkin and Wager, 2007), but only
tant for the acquisition of fear responses are hyperactive while for socially relevant and not for physical threat-related stimuli.
those with connections to the brainstem and that are important Distinct from other anxiety disorders, SAD is associated with
for autonomic responding are hyporeactive. Additional limbic increased activity in the vACC (implicated in automatic emo-
hyperreactivity in PTSD is found in the insula. Given the dis- tion regulation) and decreases in lateral PFC regions (associated
ruptions in limbic activity when presented with trauma-specific with deliberate emotion regulation). Neural changes associated
stimuli, fear conditioning, and emotional stimuli more gener- with specific phobia are consistent with increased emotion reac-
ally, disturbances in emotional reactivity appear more wide- tivity and decreased regulation, although these deficits appear
spread in PTSD than other anxiety disorders. This finding to be restricted to phobia-specific stimuli. When presented
is consistent with the clinical picture of PTSD that includes with phobia-specific stimuli, these individuals show increased
increased negative affect beyond fear (e.g., guilt, shame, anger, amygdala, insula, and dACC (all implicated in emotional evalu-
irritability) and reduced positive affect (e.g., emotional numb- ation and reactivity) with decreased vACC activation (important
ing or distancing). for automatic emotion regulation). Fewer studies have addressed
In conjunction with limbic hyperactivity, increased neural changes associated with GAD. While adolescents with
responding in the dACC/dmPFC to emotional information GAD show heightened amygdala activation (similar to other
reflects heightened reactivity and sensitivity to emotional cues anxiety disorders), adults with GAD often show no changes
in PTSD. The degree of dACC/dmPFC activation correlates from control participants or reductions in amygdala activation.
with hyperarousal symptoms and may signal a predisposition to This lack of limbic hyperactivation is coupled with dysregula-
develop PTSD, as indicated by a recent twin study. In contrast, tion in frontal regions important for the evaluation (dACC)
the vACC/vmPFC is consistently hypoactive in PTSD during and regulation (lateral PFC) of emotion. Patients with GAD
symptom provocation and fear-conditioning tasks (especially may be able to engage those regions important for cognitive or
during fear extinction) (see Table 45.1). Decreased respond- deliberate regulation of emotion but fail to activate the vACC
ing in the vACC/vmPFC corresponds to inadequate regulation important for automatic emotion regulation. PD is character-
of emotion, such as during fear conditioning and extinction; ized by widespread activation in diverse structures implicated
this alteration in regulatory function tracks with both symp- in fear responding and in physiological reactivity, such as the
tom severity and symptom improvement. Consistent with the amygdala, insula, PAG, and hippocampus, along with decreased
clinical picture of PTSD, deficits in emotional circuitry extend activation in prefrontal regions involved in both deliberate and
beyond those implicated in and in response to fear: patients automatic emotion regulation. Finally, increased activity in both
with PTSD show deficits to wide-ranging negative emotional limbic and prefrontal regions important for emotional reactivity
stimuli and to positive stimuli. and evaluation are found in PTSD, along with decreased acti-
vation in the vmPFC, an important region in emotion regula-
tion. These patients show heightened reactivity in the amygdala,
CONCLUS IO N insula, hippocampus, and dACC and across a wide range of
tasks, including symptom provocation, fear conditioning, and
The goal of this chapter is to provide a review of relevant neu- emotional stimuli generally (both positive and negative). Within
roimaging findings of anxiety disorders. We introduce a new, both the amygdala and the hippocampus, deficits in PTSD are
expanded framework of our previous model (Etkin, 2009; more complicated than strictly hypo- or hyperactivation. Within
Etkin, 2010) to catalog neuroimaging findings in the context both regions, there are subregions of hyperactivation and of
of emotional reactivity as well as regulation in anxiety disor- hypoactivation in patients with PTSD.
ders. Our updated framework is guided by theory and neuro- Thus, it is apparent that there is great deal of variabil-
anatomy simultaneously. As such, we define emotion reactivity ity across anxiety disorders in terms of emotional reactivity.
deficits as differences seen in behavioral manifestation of emo- Deficits exist in other affect dimensions than fear, such as
tional responding or neural abnormalities in core limbic struc- social rejection–acceptance in SAD, and anger and numbing
tures in response to emotional provocation. Similarly, emotion in PTSD. In terms of neural deficits, amygdala and insula dys-
regulation deficits are defined as behavioral or neural abnor- functions cut across most anxiety disorders, while other limbic
malities in cortical regulatory regions (see Fig. 45.1) in emo- structures showed disorder specificity. We found no evidence
tion regulation tasks. of insula deficits in GAD, whereas there were documented
Historically, aberrations in fear circuitry have been the cases of hyperactivation in SAD, specific phobia, PD, and
guiding framework for research and treatment of anxiety dis- PTSD. Abnormalities in the periaqueductal gray and insula
orders. While this model yields a rich understanding of the appear to be most characteristic of PD due to the role of these
neurobiology of anxiety, our new affective science-inspired structures in interoception.
model shows that it is a minority of anxiety disorders in which While emotional hyperreactivity, especially to anxiety-
disruptions in fear processing account for the entire symptom specific stimuli, is a central feature of anxiety disorders, strong
presentation. In fact, our review suggests that while fear cir- reactivity may represent an overactive emotional reactivity
cuit abnormalities are central to many anxiety disorders, there system, an underactive regulatory system, or both. As such,
are other emotion reactivity, and very pronounced regulatory, in this review we also highlighted those brain regions seen
deficits in anxiety pathologies. in emotional reactivity generally and those critical for the

618 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

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nxiety is conceptualized as a coherent structure of C U R R E N T STAT E O F E V I DE N CE - BAS E D
cognitive and affective components within the defen- T R E AT M E N T S F O R A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S
sive motivational system that responds to perceived
future threat or danger (Barlow, 2002). This complex system Existing psychological and pharmacological treatments for
responds to perceived threatening information with cognitive anxiety are well established in clinical settings. Although other
and affective processes, physiological reactions, and behavioral psychotherapies (such as mindfulness-based therapy) have
responses, which relate to the well-known defensive behav- received some empirical support, cognitive-behavioral ther-
iors of “freeze, fight, or flight” involved in the fear response apy (CBT) continues to be the gold standard for psychologi-
(Sullivan et al., 2011). While anxiety is an adaptive response cal treatment of both child and adult anxiety disorders (Butler
that serves both to alert and prepare the organism for poten- et al., 2006). CBT aims to redress the maladaptive cognitive,
tial threat (Barlow, 2002), pathological anxiety is characterized behavioral, and affective patterns related to the focus of an indi-
by its excessive expression across dimensions of duration, fre- viduals’ anxiety. Common components of CBT packages for
quency, and/or intensity (Barlow, 2002). Anxiety disorders are anxiety include psychoeducation, conscious cognitive restruc-
thereby considered disorders of fear dysregulation (Myers and turing of negatively biased thinking, and behavioral exposure
Davis, 2007). (physical or imaginal) to the focus of anxiety to reduce fear
A remarkable amount of progress has been made in the and avoidance (Clark and Beck, 2010). Despite robust empiri-
development of effective and acceptable treatments for anxi- cal support, a number of issues remain. CBT is not universally
ety disorders. Although evidence-based psychological and efficacious, nor is it acceptable to all patients, with considerable
pharmacological treatments exhibit strong clinical efficacy rates of non- or partial responders to treatment and treatment
across randomized controlled trials (RCTs), a significant nonadherence (Schmidt, 2012). Nonadherence is particularly
number of individuals do not respond to treatment or relapse concerning given that attendance and completion of therapy
after treatment cessation. Such trials may also report overes- homework appear to play a role in treatment outcome in treat-
timated effect sizes due to selection bias, with many complex ment with CBT (Taylor et al., 2012). The quality of treatment
or comorbid individuals excluded. These, and a number of with CBT also varies depending on the therapist, the therapeu-
other issues reviewed subsequently, have led to the surge of tic alliance with the client, and the extent to which the thera-
interest in recent years toward the need for efficacious and pist’s methods reflect guidelines for evidence-based practice
novel approaches in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Key (Collins et al., 2004; Reger and Gahm, 2009).
priorities that have been highlighted are the need to identify Pharmacological treatment for anxiety disorders depends
and target the mechanisms (behavioral, cognitive, neuro- upon both the disorder and needs of the individual (see reviews
biological) that underlie anxiety, as well as to develop com- in Bandelow et al., 2012; Ravindran and Stein, 2010). The pre-
prehensive bio-psycho-social models that take into account ferred psychotropic medication across anxiety disorders tends
factors involved in adherence and treatment response to be selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs (Bandelow
(Etkin, 2012; Taylor et al., 2012). The aim of this chapter, et al., 2012), which work to inhibit reuptake at the presynap-
therefore, is to review evidence for recent and promising tic serotonin transporter pump. Overall, their tolerability, effi-
novel approaches to treat anxiety disorders that extend upon cacy, and safety are good, although drug–drug interactions
and augment existing best-practice interventions. After a and side effects during or upon termination of treatment are
discussion of the current state of evidence-based treatments noted difficulties with SSRI use (Ravindran and Stein, 2010).
for anxiety, evidence will be reviewed for several novel phar- Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are
macological, cognitive, and technological interventions, a more recently developed class of medications that work to
with reference to the specific neurobiological mechanisms inhibit the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine, with
of anxiety targeted in each. The interventions reviewed in selectivity for the two neurotransmitters varying across dose
this chapter are summarized in Table 46.2. and drug. They have adequate tolerability and efficacy to be

4 6 N O V E L T R E AT M E N T A P P R O A C H E S F O R A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 621

considered alternate first-line treatments to the SSRIs, although N O V E L P HA R M A C O L O G I C A L
again side effects are still a critical limitation (Bandelow et al., A P P R O A C HE S
2012). Although both tricyclic antidepressants and mono-
amine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) have received support in As described previously, substantial research and clini-
clinical trials with certain anxiety disorders, they are generally cal effort has been placed into the augmentation of psycho-
considered third- or fourth-line treatment options because of therapy with traditional anxiolytic medications, despite the
their side effect profiles and tolerability issues (Ravindran and lack of consistent evidence for substantive additive benefits
Stein, 2010). Benzodiazepines work to potentiate the action of (Hofmann, 2007). More recently, however, research efforts
the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) have been focused on the development of novel pharmaco-
and, although generally effective, carry risks of adverse effects, logical adjuncts that capitalize on the neurobiological mecha-
tolerance, and dependence (Bandelow et al., 2012). Further, nisms involved in overcoming anxiety to augment the learning
they have no recognized antidepressant effects, an important processes that take place during psychotherapy. Novel com-
consideration given the high comorbidity between anxiety and pounds that have shown such promise as cognitive enhancers
mood disorders (Ravindran and Stein, 2010). Other psycho- for psychotherapy include yohimbine hydrochloride, gluco-
tropic medications such as anticonvulsants, azapirones, and corticoids, and d-cycloserine (DCS; see review in Hofmann
atypical antipsychotics do not have a sufficient evidence base et al., 2011).
at this time to justify their use over other anxiolytic agents for Much of our current understanding of psychological anxi-
anxiety treatment (Ravindran and Stein, 2010). Many patients, ety treatments, and exposure therapy in particular, is based on
however, refuse to undergo pharmacological treatment for associative Pavlovian fear conditioning and extinction models
their anxiety, and a substantial proportion of those who do (Sullivan et al., 2011). In brief, fear conditioning involves a harm-
consent fail to respond to medication or adhere to their treat- less stimulus (conditioned stimulus, CS) being repeatedly paired
ment regime (Collins et al., 2004). For many, nonadherence with an innately aversive stimulus (unconditioned stimulus, US)
appears to be in part a result of adverse side effects (Taylor that naturally elicits a fear response (unconditioned response,
et al., 2012). UCR). This can include the initiation of reflexes (e.g., startle
A recent review of previous meta-analyses found mean and eyeblink responses), release of stress hormones, defensive
dropout rates of 16% and 24% for CBT and serotonergic phar- behaviors, and autonomic arousal (Sullivan et al., 2011). After
macotherapy treatment trials, respectively, with mean nonre- repeated pairings, the CS comes to elicit the same innate fear
sponse rates of 35% and 30% for the two treatments (Taylor et al., response as the US, known as the conditioned response (CR).
2012). A common strategy in clinical settings has been to com- This conditioned response in animal models is used as an exper-
bine psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy, with the assumption imental analogue of the human fear response (Barlow, 2002). In
that the combination will be more efficacious (Hofmann, 2007; order to eliminate this learned fear response, the CS is presented
Hofmann et al., 2009). This assumption has either been found repeatedly without the aversive US (Myers and Davis, 2002).
to be not empirically supported, or supported only in the case This process is known as extinction and is a major component
of some disorders and not when one examines longer term out- of successful anxiety reduction (Barlow, 2002).
comes (Hofmann et al., 2009). It is likely that there are multiple neural mechanisms
There are also issues surrounding access to current treat- involved in fear extinction (Myers and Davis, 2002; see reviews
ments for those in need. In particular, CBT is costly to imple- in Myers and Davis, 2007). Fear conditioning involves the
ment and requires regular meetings with a trained clinician, formation of an excitatory association between the mental
which reduces accessibility for patients from isolated areas, representations of the CS and US (Myers and Davis, 2007).
with low socioeconomic status, limited transport, time, or Extinction appears to involve more than a mere forgetting or
mobility (Collins et al., 2004). These individual psychologi- even “unlearning” of this maladaptive association; rather, it
cal and practical barriers seem to contribute to failure to seek additionally includes the formation of a new competing asso-
treatment and treatment nonadherence (Collins et al., 2004; ciation that inhibits the excitatory association representing the
Taylor et al., 2012). There is also increasing acknowledg- learned fear response (Myers and Davis, 2002). Evidence in
ment of the difficulty involved in ensuring that empirically support of this view shows that the fear response can return
supported treatments such as CBT are well disseminated by after the US is unexpectedly presented again (termed rein-
health care professionals, and the lack of rigorous training in statement), when contexts change (renewal) or may spontane-
CBT techniques among training and registration programs for ously reappear after a length of time (Myers and Davis, 2007).
psychologists (Collins et al., 2004; Gunter and Whittal, 2010). Hence, while successful extinction alleviates fear in one con-
Epidemiological studies report that up to two-thirds of those text, this may only be temporary and may not generalize to
experiencing an anxiety disorder in the last 12 months had not other contexts.
used mental health services in that time (Slade et al., 2009). There appear to be a number of structures involved in
There is, therefore, great potential for improvement in uptake fear conditioning and extinction. In particular, a substan-
and response rates for both psychotherapy and pharmacother- tial body of evidence in animals and humans points to the
apy for anxiety. Thus, the development of novel augmentation amygdala (especially the basolateral complex or BLA), as well
approaches to existing anxiety treatments has the potential to as prefrontal cortical structures including the medial prefron-
further enhance the cost effectiveness, accessibility, and effi- tal cortex (mPFC), orbital cortex, and insula in humans and
cacy of treatment within the community. the prelimbic and infralimbic cortices in rats (see reviews in

622 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

Bishop, 2007; Myers and Davis, 2002, 2007; Sullivan et al., extinction training, and impairs memory retrieval for stored
2011). The amygdala plays a central role in threat processing aversive information (de Quervain et al., 2009). In humans,
and is generally acknowledged to be critical to the acquisition exogenous administration of cortisol facilitates extinction
and expression of conditioned fear, serving not only as the processes and impairs retrieval of stored fear memories. The
site where sensory CS and US information converges but also effects of cortisol on memory are most strongly observed for
that from which efferent projections initiate the various (auto- emotionally arousing stimuli. Glucocorticoid administra-
nomic, endocrine, and behavioral) aspects of the conditioned tion has been shown to enhance memory consolidation and
fear response (Bishop, 2007; Sullivan et al., 2011). Animal impair recall of words across a number of contexts, with stron-
studies implicate plasticity within the BLA in the formation gest effects observed in the context of emotional arousal (as
of memory traces for fear conditioning and fear extinction reviewed in Wolf, 2008).
(Charney, 2003; Myers and Davis, 2007), through the process Results of placebo-controlled clinical studies to date sug-
of long-term potentiation. Neuroimaging studies have con- gest that glucocorticoid administration may enhance the
sistently demonstrated amygdala activation during fear con- extinction of clinical fear. In one study, acute administration
ditioning (Etkin and Wager, 2007; Rauch et al., 2003). There of cortisone to social anxiety patients prior to a psychosocial
is evidence to suggest that prefrontal cortical structures may stressor reduced self-reported fear across the task (Soravia
modulate amygdala activity, such that the amygdala is involved et al., 2006). For those participants given placebo, individu-
in rapid fear conditioning and responses to salient stimuli while als with higher endogenous cortisol exhibited less subjective
prefrontal cortical structures control more complex cognitive fear, which suggests that higher levels of cortisol may buffer
processing of fear stimuli, prediction of outcomes, and mod- fear in stressful situations. In the same article, the authors also
eration of behavioral responses according to instrumental con- reported that acute hydrocortisone progressively reduced fear
tingencies (Charney, 2003). N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) induced by pictures of spiders among individuals with arach-
receptors, which are activated by the neurotransmitter gluta- nophobia. Further, this effect was maintained two days after
mate, play a key role in memory and learning (Hofmann et al., the last administration, implying a long-term memory con-
2006). Extinction acquisition, and thus the overcoming of the solidation effect. In patients with chronic posttraumatic stress
fear response, involves activation of NMDA receptors in the disorder (PTSD), daily low-dose cortisol reduced intensity
amygdala, while plasticity within the mPFC contributes to of reexperiencing symptoms, physiological distress, and fre-
extinction consolidation and inhibition of the fear response quency of nightmares (Aerni et al., 2004). Lastly, acute corti-
(Bishop, 2007; Sullivan et al., 2011). That is, the mPFC is cru- sol administered in conjunction with exposure-based therapy
cial for short- and long-term memory of extinction learning. resulted in significantly fewer fear symptoms at both posttreat-
Although the role of the hippocampus in fear responses and ment and one-month follow-up in acrophobia patients (de
fear- and extinction-related memory, particularly in relation Quervain et al., 2011). Cumulative evidence from preclinical
to contextual fear conditioning and expression of extinction and clinical studies therefore provides promising initial sup-
learning (Sullivan et al., 2011), has been well demonstrated in port for the suggestion that both acute and repeated doses of
animals, its role in human fear has not yet been extensively cortisol may reduce anxiety symptoms. Further, more recent
investigated (Etkin, 2012). evidence suggests that cortisol may enhance consolidation of
newly learned associations after successful exposure therapy,
implying that an augmentative approach involving combina-
tion with exposure-based therapy may provide the strongest
Glucocorticoids (cortisol in humans and corticosterone in most clinical effects.
animals) are a class of steroid hormones that are the major com-
ponent of adaptive stress responses. Stressful situations produce
a range of automatic, behavioral, and endocrine responses,
including activation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal Yohimbine, an African plant derivative, is a dietary supplement
(HPA) axis. The end product of HPA axis activation is increased often used to treat sexual dysfunction and to metabolize fat. A
endogenous glucocorticoid levels that act to increase blood glu- selective competitive α2 adrenergic autoreceptor antagonist,
cose levels, break down protein and fat, and increase inflamma- yohimbine acts on the noradrenergic system to modulate the
tory responses. Later, they also inhibit further HPA axis activity formation and maintenance of emotional and fear memories
(Tsigos and Chrousos, 2002). Importantly, glucocorticoids play (Myers and Davis, 2007). In particular, yohimbine increases
a critical role in learning and memory processes, particularly norepinephrine levels in the hippocampus, amygdala, and
for emotional stimuli, through their actions at glucocorticoid prefrontal cortex, areas known to mediate fear extinction
receptors found in high density in the hippocampus, amygdala, (reviewed in Holmes and Quirk, 2010).
and frontal lobes (Myers and Davis, 2007). Initial preclinical findings indicated that mice treated with
While endogenous levels of glucocorticoids increase in yohimbine prior to extinction retained cued and contextual
response to stress in both animal and human models, acutely extinction memories, even when tested drug-free the next day
administered glucocorticoid agonists selectively enhance and (Cain et al., 2004). Paradoxically, yohimbine seems to increase
impair memory processes. In rats, glucocorticoid adminis- arousal and anxiety in both animals and humans. This finding
tration dose-dependently enhances memory consolidation sparked interest into the ways in which the compound could
of new information when given prior to or immediately after be used as an adjunct for behavioral exposure-based therapies,

4 6 N O V E L T R E AT M E N T A P P R O A C H E S F O R A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 623

especially in relation to treatment-resistant anxiety disorders. rats, with antagonists to the NMDA glycine binding site block-
That is, Cain et al. (2004) argued that yohimbine may be able to ing these effects (as reviewed in Davis et al., 2006; Hofmann,
enhance the acute effects of exposure-based treatments where 2007). Rodent studies indicate that DCS is most effective when
other treatments have failed. However, studies have shown given immediately before or after extinction training, which
that rats administered yohimbine significantly reduce freezing suggests that it works to moderate memory consolidation
behavior after extinction but fail to eliminate this fear memory, (Myers and Davis, 2007; Norberg et al., 2008). Research also
as return of freezing is evident when tested out of the original suggests that DCS may not only enhance fear extinction for
context (Morris and Bouton, 2007). This suggests that gains target CSs, but also reduce fear responses to other stimuli that
may be context specific and return of fear may occur upon have been previously paired with the aversive US but are not
leaving the therapeutic context. specifically targeted in extinction training (Richardson et al.,
In terms of clinical utility in humans, a study in 2004). That is, DCS may promote generalized fear extinction.
participants with claustrophobia demonstrated that although One way in which these results have been interpreted is that
acutely administered yohimbine did not initially improve the DCS works to devalue the mental representation of the feared
efficacy of in vivo exposure sessions, at a one-week follow-up US (Ledgerwood et al., 2005). It suggests that DCS may work
yohimbine participants exhibited significantly reduced fear not only to speed up fear extinction (see Norberg et al., 2008)
(Powers et al., 2009). This is consistent with animal find- but also to enhance the strength of the effect. DCS may also
ings suggestive of stronger effects of yohimbine on memory reduce the risk of relapse after exposure-based therapy, as it
consolidation after extinction than on initial extinction has been shown to reduce reinstatement of fear responses
learning. In a recent study, individuals with a fear of flying following extinction training in rodents (Hofmann, 2007;
were given yohimbine or placebo prior to five virtual real- Richardson et al., 2004). In conjunction with observed effects
ity exposure sessions (Meyerbroeker et al., 2012). Results of DCS on protein expression and synaptic activity in the
indicated that while noradrenaline activity was increased amygdala from rodent studies, it has been suggested that this
by yohimbine as expected, no additional effect of the active indicates DCS promotes erasure of the fear memory (Myers
drug was found on measures of anxiety or treatment out- and Davis, 2007).
come. However, an important caveat is that no follow-up Based on the parallels between extinction training and
assessment was conducted. Given the findings from the exposure therapy, it was hypothesized that DCS could be uti-
previous study by Powers et al., time of assessment seems lized as a novel adjunctive treatment to enhance learning in
to be a critical factor in determining the success of facili- exposure-based psychotherapy (Davis et al., 2006; Myers and
tatory effects of yohimbine on exposure therapy. Thus, pre- Davis, 2007). A number of RCTs to date investigating the use
liminary evidence suggests that although yohimbine may of DCS as an adjunct to exposure therapy in clinical anxiety
enhance the outcomes of exposure-based therapies for anx- populations have demonstrated promising initial findings
iety disorders, this seems to be only evident after a period (reviewed in Guastella and Alvares, 2012). Of note, the use
of consolidation or in specific contexts, which may limit of DCS has been examined in social anxiety disorder, specific
potential clinical applications. phobias, PTSD, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive dis-
order (OCD). A recent meta-analysis by Norberg et al. (2008)
found a moderate to large effect size favoring use of DCS over
placebo when added to extinction or exposure therapy across
DCS is a partial agonist of the glycine binding site in the NMDA both animal and clinical human studies. Examining the studies
receptor complex, which acts to cofacilitate glutamatergic acti- separately, the effect for animal studies was larger, more signif-
vation of the receptor (Hofmann et al., 2006). In contrast with icant, and more robust. The clinical human studies exhibited a
the drugs combined with psychotherapy in previous augmen- moderate yet significant effect size.
tation studies, DCS does not appear to have a direct anxiolytic The most consistent positive results for DCS-facilitated
or anxiogenic effect. Rather, acute doses of DCS appear to aug- exposure therapy have been observed in RCTs for social
ment learning during extinction and thus facilitate exposure anxiety disorder and specific phobia, which are reviewed
therapy (Norberg et al., 2008). It appears that DCS has two in Hofmann et al. (2006) and Guastella and Alvares (2012).
facilitatory effects on neuroplasticity in extinction training: The first adjunctive DCS study with exposure-based treat-
first, it facilitates NMDA-dependent potentiation of GABA ment, conducted by Ressler and colleagues (2004), demon-
neurons within the BLA to enhance the learning that nor- strated that DCS facilitated reductions in subjective fear after
mally takes place during extinction, and second, it facilitates virtual reality treatment for fear of heights. This immediate
NMDA-dependent depotentiation of glutamate neurons in effect generalized to improved outcomes at one-week and
the amygdala (Krystal, 2012). It has been suggested that this three-month follow-up assessments, with greater numbers
second “depression-like” action may reduce the risk of rein- of self-exposures to real-world heights among those receiv-
statement of the fear response as well as enhance extinction ing DCS, indicative of greater clinical efficacy outside of a
(Krystal, 2012). therapeutic context. Two RCTs for social anxiety disorder
have demonstrated similar results. In the first, Hofmann and
EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE colleagues demonstrated that DCS administered prior to four
DCS administered systemically or into the amygdala prior to exposure sessions significantly reduced self-reported social
conditioned fear extinction facilitates memory consolidation in anxiety symptoms compared with placebo, with the greatest

624 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

difference observed at a one-month follow-up assessment. of DCS with exposure-based therapy in PTSD patients (de
We replicated these findings in what is currently the largest Kleine et al., 2012), no significant effect of DCS was found on
study of DCS in combination with exposure therapy to treat symptom reduction across the total sample. However, sub-
an anxiety disorder. Fifty-six social anxiety patients received group analyses suggested beneficial effects of DCS for regular,
either DCS or placebo prior to four exposure-based therapy as opposed to early, completers of exposure-based therapy. As
sessions. DCS-administered patients reported fewer social suggested by the authors, this may imply that only more severe
fear and avoidance symptoms, fewer dysfunctional cogni- patients are likely to benefit from DCS augmentation, while
tions, and greater overall improved functioning in everyday others recover relatively quickly from exposure-based therapy
life posttreatment. Moderate effect sizes were found on most alone.
measures, and near-significant effects suggested that fewer
DCS-treated patients may have dropped out of treatment in DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH
comparison with placebo. Further, treatment effects emerged Although RCTs of DCS in anxiety disorders have shown
early, with differences between drug groups emerging at the promising findings, conclusions about the outcomes of
third exposure session. These studies demonstrated a posi- DCS-facilitated exposure therapy from these studies are lim-
tive relationship between DCS enhancement of therapy out- ited by a number of factors such as study design heterogeneity,
comes and the amount of learning achieved between exposure dosage, timing of administration, and number of adjunctive
therapy sessions. Notably, indirect evidence suggests that the therapy sessions (Guastella and Alvares, 2012). These factors
greater the amount of learning achieved within exposure ther- have been summarized in Table 46.1.
apy sessions, the greater the effectiveness of DCS in combina- Given that the drug absorbs relatively slowly and takes
tion with exposure therapy (Guastella and Alvares, 2012). approximately two to four hours to reach peak plasma levels, it
Despite the success from social anxiety and specific pho- has been suggested that null effects in some studies could reflect
bia clinical trials, more mixed results have been reported for administration too soon before therapy to facilitate learn-
OCD and panic disorder, with several studies reporting ben- ing (Krystal, 2012). Studies are therefore needed that directly
eficial effects of DCS only in more symptomatic patients or at compare the effectiveness of DCS administered at different
midtreatment, but not posttreatment or follow-up (Guastella times relative to exposure, and administration before versus
and Alvares, 2012). Two studies administered DCS adjunc- after therapy. Rodent studies indicate significant effects of DCS
tively to an exposure-based protocol for OCD, finding that even when administered a relatively long time after extinction
while some moderate gains emerged midtreatment, these dis- training. One advantage of administration after therapy is that
appeared by the end of the 10 sessions (Kushner et al., 2007; DCS could be given only in sessions where within-session
Wilhelm et al., 2008). This suggests that DCS may be useful in extinction has actually occurred, and thus where there is learn-
speeding up or enhancing the effectiveness of the initial phase ing to consolidate, in order to minimize the risk of tolerance
of exposure-based treatment (Guastella and Alvares, 2012), and effects following chronic administration (Norberg et al., 2008).
is in agreement with mixed findings from panic disorder clini- Administration only after successful exposure therapy sessions
cal trials. It further indicates that DCS may be sensitive to the may therefore further enhance potential efficacy and treatment
number of administrations. Indeed, multiple DCS administra- acceptability in the clinic.
tions prior to extinction training appears to reduce its potential An additional factor is that of dose; systematic dose–
efficacy (Parnas et al., 2005), implying a potential tolerance of response studies with DCS are needed to determine the
NMDA-R sites associated with chronic administration. Such a optimal dose for each administration. Most previous human
tolerability effect may, in part, explain some of the inconclusive studies have used 50 mg, and few have directly compared the
findings from OCD clinical trials. It may also be that, for some effects of administering doses of varying levels (Guastella and
patients, ceiling effects emerge in terms of treatment efficacy. Alvares, 2012; Norberg et al., 2008). It has also been suggested
For example, in a recent study examining the combination that prior exposure to antidepressants may limit DCS efficacy

TA B L E 46. 1. Administration and dosage factors that may influence the effects of DCS administration on learning in exposure therapy


Time of administration relative to therapy Has been used successfully with administration both before and after exposure therapy.
Greater time interval between administration and therapy appears to reduce efficacy,
although window yet to be clearly defined (Myers and Davis, 2007; Norberg et al., 2008).

Chronic versus isolated administration Evidence indicates that repeated chronic administration reduces or eliminates beneficial
effects of DCS on extinction learning (Hofmann, 2007). Optimal number of doses and interval
between doses yet to be established.

Dose Unclear, yet to be systematically investigated (Guastella and Alvares, 2012; Hofmann, 2007;
Norberg et al., 2008).
Previous use of other medications Rodent studies suggest that previous use of antidepressants may reduce efficacy of DCS
(Hoffmann, 2007; Norberg et al., 2008).

4 6 N O V E L T R E AT M E N T A P P R O A C H E S F O R A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 625

on NMDA receptor functioning. For example, rodents previ- information processes) and consequent maladaptive emo-
ously administered with the antidepressant imipramine exhibit tions and behaviors are crucial etiological and maintenance
reduced DCS facilitation of extinction training (Norberg et al., factors in anxiety (Clark and Beck, 2010). Many contempo-
2008). Further research is needed to investigate whether this rary learning theories go beyond purely behavioral accounts
also occurs with other drugs commonly coadministered in to acknowledge additional cognitive factors in anxiety, such
clinical practice, such as benzodiazepines or SSRIs, and to as social and observational learning, CS–US contingencies
investigate whether these effects are short- or long-term in and expectancies, and perceived control and predictability
nature (Hofmann, 2007). (Barlow, 2002). However, cognitive models differ in that
Further, it appears that DCS is best used in isolated doses; cognitive processes are seen as a cause rather than merely
both preclinical rodent and clinical human studies indicate a consequence of pathological anxiety (Clark and Beck,
that any beneficial effects become less pronounced or disap- 2010). As reviewed by Clark and Beck (2010), the strength
pear across repeated or chronic administration (Davis et al., of cognitive models is bolstered by neurobiological evidence
2006; Hofmann, 2007). This may reflect tolerance effects or concerning the extensive connections between the amygdala
a modification of the structure and function of the NMDA and the hippocampal and higher order cortical structures
receptor complex through repeated activation (Davis et al., (prefrontal, anterior cingulate, and orbital cortical regions)
2006; Richardson et al., 2004). Although available evidence involved in conscious cognitive processes as well as the role
indicates that acute administration is most effective and effi- of these structures in moderating fear responses and contex-
cacy declines with repeated administration, the optimal num- tual fear conditioning.
ber of doses and interval between repeated administration of Cognitive processes have formed a key target in the treat-
DCS still needs to be defined (Hofmann, 2007). ment of anxiety for quite some time, particularly in the form
of cognitive-behavioral therapy, which, as mentioned earlier, is
currently the “gold standard” in terms of psychological treat-
ments for anxiety. As reviewed by Porto et al. (2009), neuroim-
Bearing in mind a number of factors that may limit initial aging studies suggest that treatment with CBT is associated
conclusions about its efficacy in clinical practice, the find- with changes in the activity of neural areas identified as play-
ings of these RCTs provide the strongest evidence to suggest ing a critical role in the fear response (including the insula,
that DCS enhances exposure-based therapy for disorders that anterior cingulate cortex, prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and
respond strongly to CBT, such as specific phobias and social hippocampal regions).
anxiety. Novel augmentative approaches to anxiety treatment More recently, the cognitive anxiety literature has focused
have a number of clinical benefits over traditional approaches. on the potential role of biases in information processes
Speeding treatment response allows for efficient treatment deliv- (including attention, interpretation, memory, imagery, and
ery, benefitting both the patient and therapist. Augmentation of appraisal) in the etiology and maintenance of anxiety (see
exposure therapy with DCS may also enhance the therapeutic recent reviews in Beard, 2011; Macleod and Mathews, 2012).
response in treatment no-responders, especially for those who Attentional and interpretive biases toward threatening infor-
demonstrate insufficient learning of the required safety asso- mation among clinically anxious individuals are well sup-
ciations for successful fear extinction (Norberg et al., 2008). ported by empirical evidence. A substantial body of evidence
This may result in more cost-effective outcomes and decrease (see Bar-Haim et al., 2007; Ouimet, Gawronski, and Dozois,
attrition rates across services. An additional perspective comes 2009) indicates that, relative to healthy controls, clinically
from stepped care models, in which treatments that are less anxious populations tend to preferentially attend to threaten-
intensive in terms of cost or therapist time are used as first-line ing (as opposed to nonthreatening) stimuli (i.e., display an
treatments and more intensive treatments are reserved for attentional bias), and to interpret ambiguous information as
either nonresponders to first-line treatment or patients initially threatening rather than positive (i.e., display an interpretive
identified as potential nonresponders (Bower and Gilbody, bias). For instance, a socially anxious individual might be
2005). Such a model offers the potential to tailor treatment level more likely to attend to others’ negative facial expressions
to patient characteristics and severity in order to reduce costs and also more likely to interpret ambiguous body language
and enhance efficacy. Considered within this framework, DCS in a negative manner (e.g., as a sign of distaste for themselves
could be utilized as a second-line treatment for individuals who rather than unrelated situational factors; see Beard, 2011).
do not initially respond to exposure-based protocols. The real Based on the hypothesis that these biases may play a role in
potential for DCS is that, for a limited cost, it may substantially the etiology and/or maintenance of the anxiety disorders,
improve a simple evidence-based treatment, thus making an they have been proposed as a potential target mechanism
already relatively effective intervention more accessible and for novel anxiety treatment approaches (Beard, 2011). As the
efficient. majority of research thus far has focused on the modifica-
tion of attentional and interpretive biases, these will form the
focus of the present section.
NOV E L CO GNITIVE A P P RO A C HE S According to biased competition models, attention is medi-
ated by both automatic deployment through a “bottom-up,”
Cognitive models of anxiety emphasize that biased or irra- amygdala-based threat evaluation system that directs atten-
tional cognitive processes (thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and tion toward salient stimuli, and a more flexible “top-down,”

626 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

prefrontal cortical attentional control signal that is evoked subcortical networks in hypervigilance and facilitated atten-
when there are conflicting demands placed on attention tion to threat and prefrontal cortical structures in higher
(see reviews in Bishop, 2007; Browning et al., 2010a). These order regulation of anxiety responses.
signals direct processing resources in the sensory and asso-
ciation cortices toward the preferred stimulus. It has been
C O G N I T I V E B I A S M O D I F I C AT I O N — C B M
argued that the biased competition model used to account
for attentional processes can also be applied to the interpre- Recognition of the association between information process-
tation of ambiguous stimuli, such that competition between ing biases and pathological anxiety led to the development of
alternate interpretations is resolved through the interaction of cognitive bias modification treatments for anxiety disorders.
an amygdala-based threat evaluation system and a top-down These treatments aim to modify these biases to subsequently
prefrontal control system (Bishop, 2007). It appears that both alleviate anxiety symptoms.
automatic and controlled cognitive processes are involved in
attention and interpretation (Bar-Haim et al., 2007; Mathews,
AT T E N T I O N B I A S M O D I F I C AT I O N ( C B M - A )
2012; Ouimet et al., 2009).
In a meta-analytic study, Bar-Haim et al. (2007) found that Attention bias modification focuses specifically on retrain-
attentional bias toward threat is robust across anxiety disorders ing attentional biases toward threat (see Bar-Haim, 2010, for
for both consciously perceived stimuli and stimuli presented an overview). Typically, this is done using a “dot-probe task”
outside of awareness. Attention consists of three primary (depicted in Fig. 46.1), where participants are asked to dis-
stages: orientation and engagement, disengagement, and avoid- criminate between two variants of a probe (e.g., “.” and “..”)
ance (Ouimet et al., 2009), with biases toward threat observed and respond by pressing the corresponding one of two key-
among clinically anxious individuals at all three stages. That board keys. These probes are presented behind two stimuli
is, during earlier stages of processing anxious individuals are (e.g., words or pictures), one threatening and one neutral.
likely to preferentially allocate attention to threat (facilitated In the original task, developed to assess attentional biases,
attention). Once engaged they are also likely to experience the target probe is presented behind the threatening stimulus
trouble disengaging from threatening stimuli to focus on other 50% of the time. A threat bias is indicated when participants
stimuli (difficulty disengaging). Finally, at later, more strate- are faster to identify probes presented behind a threaten-
gic stages of processing they may be seen to divert attention ing stimulus relative to those presented behind a neutral
away from threatening stimuli (attentional avoidance), which stimulus.
is hypothesized to maintain anxiety by preventing elaborative An extension of the dot-probe task manipulates or retrains
processing that reduces the threatening value of the stimulus this attentional bias toward threat. In the modified paradigm,
(Bar-Haim et al., 2007). the target probe is presented consistently behind either the
As Bishop (2007) notes, the literature concerning the threatening (attend-threat training) or neutral (avoid-threat
neurocircuitry of attentional and interpretive processes in
anxiety is less developed than that of fear conditioning and
extinction learning. However neurobiological evidence from
animal models and neuroimaging studies in humans impli-
cate perturbations in both the amygdala-based and prefrontal SUN .
fear systems when explaining biased information processing
(see reviews in Bishop, 2007; Hofmann et al., 2012). More + +
specifically, pathological anxiety is hypothesized to involve
both hyperactivation of the amygdala-based threat evaluation HATE ..
system and insufficient downregulation of the fear response
by prefrontal control mechanisms. This neurobiological per-
turbation results in heightened activation of threat-related Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 1
representations and failure to activate nonthreatening repre- Fixation cross Stimuli Probe Fixation cross
sentations, and has been used to account for both interpretive Trial 1 Trial 1 Trial 1 Trial 2
and attentional biases in the literature (Bishop, 2007; Cisler
and Koster, 2010). Cisler and Koster (2010) have proposed Figure 46.1 A typical protocol for attentional bias assessment or training using
that hyperactivity of the amygdala-based system is likely to the dot-probe paradigm. A typical dot-probe attention bias task, where the
target probe is the single dot (denoted in gray). The participant is instructed
account for automatic vigilance and facilitated attention to
to fixate on the cross, then press the keyboard key that corresponds to the
threat, while failure of the higher order prefrontal system location of the target probe, and finally refixate on the cross for the start
to downregulate amygdala activity and direct attention to of the next trial. Between the presentation of the cross and the probe,
task-relevant stimuli may explain difficulty disengaging from two emotionally valenced stimuli are presented in the locations where the
threat. The attentional avoidance component of attentional probes will appear. In attentional bias assessment (or control training with no
contingency), the target probe appears behind the threatening and neutral
biases also appears to reflect activity in the prefrontal region,
stimuli with equal probability (i.e., 50% of the time for each). In avoid-threat
through its role in strategic emotion regulation. Similarly, attentional bias training, the target probe is always presented behind the
in their cognitive-neurobiological information-processing nonthreatening stimulus. In attend-threat training, the target probe is always
model, Hofmann et al. (2012) also emphasize the role of presented behind the threatening stimulus.

4 6 N O V E L T R E AT M E N T A P P R O A C H E S F O R A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 627

training) stimulus. Since attending to the relevant stimulus Mathews, 2012). Studies in nonclinical populations com-
results in the correct identification of the target probe, repeated pare avoid-threat training to either an attend-threat or a
trials should implicitly train the individual to preferentially no-training placebo control (no training contingency) con-
allocate attention either toward or away from threat, depend- dition. While these studies have consistently demonstrated
ing on the training contingency. that it is possible to induce an attentional bias toward or
away from threat, the impact of CBM-A on anxiety scores
posttraining and in response to a stressor have been mixed
I N T E R P R E T I V E B I A S M O D I F I C AT I O N ( C B M - I )
(Beard, 2011). More specifically, there is stronger evidence
Interpretive biases can be assessed in two broad ways (as in support of reduced stress reactivity (i.e., anxiety in
reviewed in Mathews and MacLeod, 2005). Online measures response to a stressor) following avoid-threat training than
assess interpretations at the time of encountering ambiguous there is for reductions in posttraining state and trait anxiety.
information, usually by assessing latency to read targets that In clinical populations, CBM-A studies have thus far been
either confirm or disconfirm possible threatening interpre- conducted in generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and social
tations of ambiguous primes. Targets that confirm the par- anxiety disorder (SAD) patients, typically allocated to either
ticipant’s interpretation of the ambiguous prime are read or avoid-threat or a no-training placebo control. As reviewed
identified more quickly than those than disconfirm their inter- in Bar-Haim (2010) and Macleod and Mathews (2012), these
pretation. Offline measures assess interpretations either before studies have consistently demonstrated that CBM-A can be
or after encountering ambiguous information, usually through used to retrain attentional biases away from threat toward
self-report. Studies using offline measures have consistently neutral information. Furthermore, significant reductions in
shown a negative interpretive bias in clinically anxious popu- both anxiety symptoms and stress reactivity have been found
lations, while those using online measures have found mixed for those participants allocated to avoid-threat training.
results but generally support either the presence of a negative These outcomes have been found following both single- and
interpretive bias or the absence of the emotionally positive bias multisession attention training, and shown to persist over
often present in nonanxious controls (Mathews and MacLeod, time to follow-up assessment up to 4 months later (Macleod
2005). and Mathews, 2012). Hakamata et al. (2010) recently con-
A common means of CBM-I involves the presentation of ducted a meta-analysis of 12 CBM-A studies employing the
a series of ambiguous homographs or situations, followed by dot-probe paradigm (among nonclinical populations, GAD,
a word fragment target that must be completed after read- and SAD patients), including only studies where the control
ing the stimulus (Beard, 2011). The emotional valence of the group was a no-training placebo rather than attend-threat
ambiguous stimulus can only be interpreted by using the sub- training. This analysis demonstrated a large and significant
sequent target. The individual can be compelled to interpret effect size of avoid-threat training on attention bias. It also
these ambiguous stimuli in either a negative or positive man- found a medium and significant effect on anxiety symptoms
ner through the consistent presentation of word fragment tar- (relative to control training placebo). It is important to note,
gets that relate to either the negative or positive interpretation. however, that the effect on anxiety symptoms included both
Thus, over repeated trials, the participant develops a positive posttraining measures of anxiety symptoms and measures of
or negative interpretive bias. anxiety symptoms following exposure to a stressor (i.e., stress
reactivity). Effect sizes for the impact of CBM-A on anxiety
symptoms did not differ significantly between patients and
nonclinical samples. Interestingly, the effect of CBM-A on
Many CBM studies have been conducted under a diathesis– magnitude of attention bias change (but not on magnitude
stress model of anxiety, which suggests that CBM may reduce of anxiety symptom change) was significantly moderated by
what is known as stress reactivity or vulnerability (i.e., the level the number of sessions involved. For attention bias change,
of anxiety in response to a stressor) but not necessarily anxi- a greater number of sessions was associated with a greater
ety symptoms per se. Hence, the beneficial effects of CBM on amount of change. However, these findings are tentative
anxiety should only be apparent once patients are exposed to given the small number of studies concerned.
a stressor (Hallion and Ruscio, 2011). Empirical studies have
therefore investigated the impact of CBM on anxiety symp-
toms either immediately posttraining or in reaction to a stres-
sor (laboratory-induced or naturalistic). A number of recent As reviewed in Beard (2011) and Macleod and Mathews (2012),
reviews have been conducted to consolidate findings from pre- single- and multiple-session versions of CBM-I have been used
vious CBM-A studies (Bar-Haim, 2010; Hakamata et al., 2010) in nonclinical populations to successfully induce positive and
and CBM studies more generally (Beard, 2011; Macleod and negative interpretive biases. In these studies, interpret-positive
Mathews, 2012). and interpret-negative training have been compared with each
other or to a no-training placebo control. Although a few studies
have reported null findings, others have found significant reduc-
tions in outcome measures (state and trait anxiety and/or stress
The majority of CBM-A studies conducted thus far have reactivity) for those allocated to the interpret-positive condition.
employed a modified dot-probe paradigm (Macleod and Studies in GAD patients and populations with high trait or state

628 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

anxiety (including worry, social anxiety, spider fear, and trait could, however, be a product of a third stable personality vari-
anxiety) have compared the impact of single- or multiple-session able that predicts both cognitive biases and anxiety outcome
interpret-positive training versus a no-training placebo control measures (Mathews and MacLeod, 2005). Further support
on stress reactivity and anxiety symptoms. In both clinical and comes from the results of intervention studies outlined earlier,
nonclinical populations, interpretive bias modification from which have shown that CBM can be used both to modify cog-
single-session training has been shown to persist over time up nitive biases (toward and away from threat) and accordingly
to 24 hours later, the longest time period investigated thus far increase or reduce anxiety levels. Further, in their CBM-A
(Macleod and Mathews, 2012). In terms of clinical outcomes, review Hakamata et al. (2010) reported a strong correlation
several studies have found that interpret-positive training between the degree of attention bias change and the degree of
induces a positive interpretive bias and reduces state and trait change in anxiety scores that approached significance. Again,
anxiety, anxiety symptoms, and/or stress reactivity. However, however, it is possible that change in anxiety symptoms is not
results have been mixed depending on the specific anxiety dis- mediated by change in cognitive biases but by some other asso-
order and outcome measure concerned. First, CBM-I has not ciated factor. In their meta-analysis of CBM for anxiety and
yet been shown to significantly reduce spider fear (Macleod and depression, Hallion and Ruscio (2011) found that change in
Mathews, 2012). Further, its effect on posttraining anxiety ver- cognitive biases did not significantly moderate the effect of
sus stress reactivity is still unclear. Some studies have shown sig- CBM on symptoms, although the effect did approach signifi-
nificant reductions in state and trait anxiety from CBM-I but no cance. They note that this finding should be interpreted cau-
effect on specific anxiety symptoms (e.g., social anxiety scales) tiously given the diverse array of trials included in their analysis,
or stress reactivity, while others have found the opposite (Beard, and indeed a substantial number of individual trials have dem-
2011). onstrated that change in cognitive biases mediated change in
Hallion and Ruscio (2011) recently conducted a anxiety symptoms (Beard, 2011). Together, existing evidence
meta-analysis to examine the effect of CBM (both CBM-I and provides partial support for a causal role of biased information
CBM-A) on cognitive biases and anxiety symptoms posttrain- processing in anxiety and a meditational role of cognitive bias
ing and poststressor across both anxiety and depression. Their change in clinical outcomes of CBM interventions.
review included both clinical and nonclinical populations and, Preliminary research has been conducted to explore the
unlike Hakamata et al., did not exclude CBM-A studies using neurobiological mechanisms underlying change following
an alternative to the dot-probe paradigm or those comparing CBM-A. It has been suggested that CBM-A may serve to
avoid-threat training to attend-threat training rather than a modify attentional control processes, as opposed to the more
no-training placebo. Across anxiety and depression, this com- “bottom-up” threat evaluation processes (Bar-Haim, 2010;
prehensive review found a significantly larger effect of CBM Beard, 2011). As reviewed in Beard (2011), Derryberry and
on interpretive biases (medium effect size) than on attention Reed (2002) have shown that anxious individuals with strong
biases (small effect size). After correcting for publication bias, attentional control do not show an attentional bias, which
the effect of CBM on anxiety and depression symptoms was suggests that attentional control moderates the relationship
significant following exposure to a stressor (with a small effect between attention bias and anxiety. Further, neurobiological
size), but not immediately posttraining. This echoes the mixed evidence suggests that CBM-A may serve to modify attention
findings of narrative reviews outlined previously in relation to through effects on prefrontal attentional control processes
the effect of CBM on posttraining anxiety versus stress reactiv- (Browning et al., 2010a). A first CBM-A neuroimaging study
ity, although again it is important to bear in mind the inclusion (Browning et al., 2010b) among healthy individuals found sig-
of studies concerning both anxious and depressive symptoms. nificant differences in the activity of prefrontal cortical, but
When anxiety studies were examined separately, there was a not amygdala-based, structures between those who had com-
small but significant effect of CBM on symptoms both post- pleted attend- versus avoid-threat training in a subsequent
training and after exposure to a stressor. task. Further, Koster et al. (2010) found that avoid-threat
CBM-A influenced late but not early stages of threat process-
ing, hypothesizing that the procedure influences later stage
attentional avoidance rather than earlier hypervigilance and
A key assumption of CBM and associated models of anxiety is facilitated attention processes.
that information processing biases are a causal factor in the eti- Little is known at present about the specific mechanism of
ology and maintenance of anxiety disorders rather than merely action by which CBM-I modifies interpretive processes. Some
a consequence of anxiety (Hallion and Ruscio, 2011). That is, research has been conducted to explore whether artifacts are
CBM assumes that information processing biases precipitate responsible for the changes in interpretive bias that occur.
negative thoughts and subsequent maladaptive behavioral and Evidence suggests that they do not simply reflect a response
emotional patterns. This assumption about the causal role of bias or demand effects induced by repeated trials, they are not
information processing biases in anxiety disorders requires fully accounted for by semantic priming effects alone, nor are
further empirical validation. Prospective studies have provided they entirely dependent on changes in mood and state anxiety
preliminary support, demonstrating that information process- that may occur as a result of exposure to emotionally salient
ing biases are capable of predicting the presence and severity stimuli during training (Beard, 2011; Macleod and Mathews,
of anxiety disorders, as well as stress reactivity (as reviewed in 2012). It appears that active generation of interpretations
Beard, 2011; Mathews and MacLeod, 2005). These associations rather than mere passive processing is necessary for CBM-I

4 6 N O V E L T R E AT M E N T A P P R O A C H E S F O R A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 629

to have a significant impact on anxiety levels (Beard, 2011). biases (MacLeod et al., 2009). It has also been proposed that
Mathews (2012) has suggested that this highlights a potential the impact of CBM could be boosted by using training pack-
mechanism of action for CBM-I, specifically the acquisition ages targeted at modifying multiple cognitive biases (Hallion
of a particular processing style for emotionally salient infor- and Ruscio, 2011). Although a recent pilot study (Beard et al.,
mation. That is, through interpretive training the individual 2011) found that a combined interpretive and attentional CBM
may learn a new style of seeking and selecting specific types training package significantly improved anxiety symptoms and
of emotional meanings, which is then unintentionally elicited speech performance among SAD patients, it remains to be seen
and implemented when encountering subsequent ambiguous whether this combination approach results in significantly
events in real life. greater symptom reduction than programs targeting one type
of cognitive bias.
Future studies should also focus on using cognitive theory
and knowledge of the cognitive mechanisms underpinning
The critical finding from CBM-A trials has been evidence anxiety to enhance the efficacy of CBM. At present, technology
that these procedures produce treatment effect sizes com- is being used to enhance CBM through the development of pro-
parable to traditional psychological and pharmacological grams delivered through the Internet or smartphones, mean-
interventions for anxiety, while requiring relatively mini- ing that patients can be exposed to treatment over extended
mal time and clinician input (MacLeod et al., 2009). In the periods of time and across multiple settings (Macleod and
future, computerized bias modification therapy could be Mathews, 2012). The possibility of using novel pharmacologi-
made accessible on a range of technological platforms such cal compounds, such as DCS, to enhance the potency of bias
as personal computers and mobile phones, and even over the modification interventions is also being investigated (Behar
Internet, for patients who are unable or unwilling to attend et al., 2010). Another possible means of enhancing efficacy
in-person therapy sessions. In this way, it offers the potential involves the modification of specific components of CBM. This
to address many practical barriers to participation in therapy. could include the tailoring of stimuli to the specific informa-
Furthermore, its convenience, accessibility, and low operat- tional domains related to each anxiety disorder (such as faces
ing costs may be particularly beneficial in terms of facilitating or other socially relevant stimuli in CBM-A for social anxi-
ongoing practice and engagement in treatment and so poten- ety; see Hakamata et al., 2010; MacLeod et al., 2009), based on
tially reducing the risk of attrition and relapse and promot- findings that patients’ information processing biases are most
ing maintenance of treatment gains (Bar-Haim, 2010). The evident when assessed on stimuli related to their particular
outcomes from CBM trials imply that it may also be useful as disorder.
an adjunct to CBT, with the potential to be used as a prepa- Finally, in CBM, participants are generally not explicitly
ratory step to exposure-based CBT in more severe patients, informed of the training contingency but instead implicitly
to reduce anxiety to a point where they can participate in learn it through the completion of repeated trials. Hence,
behavioral experiments (MacLeod et al., 2009). CBM-A may although some CBT packages also include attentional train-
also be a useful adjunctive treatment to psychotropic medi- ing or interpretive restructuring exercises, a crucial distinction
cations for anxiety (Browning et al., 2010a), or integrated between CBM and these CBT exercises is that CBM aims to
into stepped-care models as a preliminary step for patients implicitly retrain information processing biases rather than
who are seen to require less intensive intervention. However, to consciously challenge and modify thoughts and behaviors
as cautioned by Macleod and Mathews (2012), there is not (Beard, 2011). An area for further investigation is the impact
yet sufficient evidence to suggest that CBM can be used as a of adding explicit instructions to CBM training, which may
stand-alone treatment for anxiety disorders. Further, a first either facilitate or impair learning of the training contin-
study of Internet-delivered CBM-A (Carlbring et al., 2012) gency (Bar-Haim, 2010; MacLeod et al., 2009). As outlined in
published this year found it had no significant effect on social Macleod and Mathews (2012), only two CBM-A studies to date
anxiety symptoms and general anxiety levels among indi- have compared explicit and implicit instruction conditions,
viduals with social anxiety disorder. Thus, further investiga- reporting contradictory findings such that explicit instruc-
tion into the impact of delivery mode on treatment outcome tion either enhanced or eliminated the therapeutic effects of
for CBM is needed before implementation of Internet-based CBM-A on anxiety.
CBM treatment programs. Therefore, the grounding of CBM in cognitive theory means
that it has immense potential to be developed and enhanced
as a treatment for anxiety. The strength of this approach will
be further bolstered by integration with neuroimaging tech-
Many potential avenues for improving both efficacy and util- niques and circuitry models of both cognitive processes and
ity of CBM remain. Further exploration into the role of other the etiology and maintenance of anxiety disorders. As the
information processing biases aside from interpretation and neurocircuitry of these cognitive processes (attention and
attention (such as memory, imagery, and appraisal) in anxi- interpretation) and the ways in which they are altered among
ety, and the development of relevant bias modification thera- individuals suffering from pathological levels of anxiety are
pies, should be undertaken (Macleod and Mathews, 2012). It better understood, CBM interventions can be developed that
may well be that the type of CBM offered to patients could specifically aim to rectify these perturbations (such as enhanc-
be customized to their particular information processing ing prefrontal control of attention).

630 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

NOV E L DEL IVERY A P P RO A C H E S— placebo (ES = 0.88) and wait list control (ES = 0.77) condi-
INTE R NE T T H ERA P Y tions, and there was no significant difference between ICT and
therapist-delivered TAU. However, as reviewed in (Reger and
One of the key barriers to treatment response outlined in the Gahm, 2009), the conclusions of these studies are limited by
introduction to this chapter is the failure to successfully engage both their heterogeneity and key methodological limitations
some individuals. The use of technology (particularly the such as small sample sizes, high dropout rates, and failure to
Internet or computers) to deliver psychotherapy is a practical use wait list control conditions.
means of addressing this issue. Internet- and computer-based ICT may prove especially useful as an initial treatment
psychotherapy (ICT) programs involve the delivery of struc- step in stepped-care models or as an adjunct to in-person CBT
tured psychotherapy modules through a computer located at or pharmacological treatments. One key priority in future
a clinic (computer-based), or remotely via the Internet on the ICT research should be to establish the relationship between
patient’s personal computer or smartphone (Internet-based). extent of clinician assistance and treatment outcome, with a
The anonymity and potential accessibility of ICT may over- view to balancing the potential cost savings associated with
come common practical barriers to seeking and participat- more self-directed programs with issues of risk management,
ing in therapy such as unwillingness, fear of stigma, lack of motivation, and compliance according to the needs of the indi-
time, mobility or transport, or isolated geographical location vidual. The nature of this relationship is yet to be established.
(Andrews et al., 2010; Schmidt, 2012). In this way, approaches Andersson et al. (2007) found a strong and significant corre-
such as ICT are a means of engaging patients in the therapeu- lation between clinician contact and treatment outcome for
tic learning required to successfully modify fear circuitry and ICT programs, and Spek et al. (2007) suggested programs with
overcome their anxiety. ICT programs also offer the poten- assistance had lower heterogeneity and greater effect sizes than
tial to provide a consistent standard of treatment (Reger and those without. Meanwhile, Reger and Gahm (2009) found no
Gahm, 2009) that is independent of the success of a thera- significant effect of clinician assistance on the outcome of ICT
peutic alliance or the expertise of an individual therapist and programs, although this was based on a categorical compari-
may therefore maximize the potential for positive outcomes. son of programs with and without clinician assistance. Future
Furthermore, ICT can be flexibly integrated into a patients’ studies should include a continuous measure of level of clini-
lifestyle and offers the potential for constant review of the cian assistance as a matter of course to address this issue.
treatment program in order to consolidate the learning tak- Moreover, the ICT interventions that have been devel-
ing place during treatment (Spek et al., 2007), which may also oped to date have largely been an extension of existing mod-
enhance efficacy and reduce risk of relapse. From a practical els of psychotherapy (CBT in particular), simply delivered in
perspective, Internet-based treatments also offer the potential a new modality. While this has value in terms of determining
to reduce the economic burden placed on the health care sys- whether traditional CBT can be successfully administered over
tem (Spek et al., 2007). the Internet or in other formats, it does not focus more broadly
Clinician involvement in ICT ranges from entirely on what treatment strategies can be delivered via technology
self-directed programs, with or without reminders and techni- to produce the best clinical outcomes. Future interventions
cal help from a therapist or nonclinical technician (minimal should capitalize on the practical advantages of self-delivered
assistance), to clinician-directed programs with feedback and/ ICT, while targeting different cognitive and neurobiological
or advice as patients progress through the program (Andrews mechanisms underlying anxiety disorders, rather than merely
et al., 2010; Spek et al., 2007). Minimal assistance does not trying to replicate what takes place in the therapy room.
involve clinical feedback or the establishment of a therapeu-
tic relationship but mere facilitation of the patient’s indepen-
dent progress through the program (Spek et al., 2007). Contact C O ST E F F E C T I V E N E SS A N D
from a therapist or technician may be in person or via phone, A C C E P TA B I L I T Y O F N O V E L
post, or e-mail. The majority of ICT programs that have been INTERVENTIONS
tested thus far have been based on a cognitive-behavioral ther-
apeutic framework (Andersson et al., 2007). Accumulating Following on from further empirical and theoretical valida-
evidence from RCTs of cognitive-behavioral ICT programs tion, effectiveness trials will now need to be undertaken with
for anxiety disorders is promising. Spek et al. (2007) con- these novel treatment approaches in order to investigate their
ducted a meta-analysis of seven treatment trials comparing potential translation into clinical practice. Compared with
Internet-based CBT with nontreatment control groups (wait- patients enrolled in many RCTs, patient populations are less
ing list, self-monitoring, or information control) for adults homogenous and exhibit significant comorbidity with other
with panic disorder and social anxiety disorder, finding a large psychiatric disorders, which may play a role in treatment non-
reduction in anxiety symptoms. There is also evidence from response. Outside the laboratory, it may also be difficult to reg-
several studies that gains from ICT are maintained over time ulate specific aspects of treatment regimes, such as timing of
to follow-up assessment (Andrews et al., 2010). More recently, administration and the nature of exposure therapy, in the case
Reger and Gahm (2009) separately examined the effect sizes for of DCS (Guastella and Alvares, 2012). Similarly, cost effective-
ICT compared with wait list, placebo, and therapist-delivered ness and acceptability to key stakeholders are important fac-
treatment-as-usual (TAU) conditions. In their analyses tors to consider when evaluating new treatment approaches
ICT programs were significantly more effective than both and are reviewed in the next section.

4 6 N O V E L T R E AT M E N T A P P R O A C H E S F O R A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 631

DCS incorporating longer term assessment of cognitive biases, and
the development of bias modification programs designed to
As larger scale RCTs of DCS are only now beginning to emerge,
maximize the duration of bias change (e.g., using spaced learn-
there is limited evidence surrounding its acceptability and cost
ing and booster sessions) (Macleod and Mathews, 2012).
effectiveness. If, as empirical results suggest, DCS can be used
to enhance clinical efficacy and/or the speed and efficiency of
treatment, it may improve patient satisfaction and treatment ICT
outcomes and reduce attrition to enhance both the cost effec-
Although at face value ICT would seem to reduce costs by
tiveness and acceptability of exposure-based therapy (Norberg
minimizing the amount of therapist time required, the use
et al., 2008). No studies have examined the cost effectiveness
of minimal therapies such as ICT may in fact result in cost
of DCS-augmented CBT or compared it with nonaugmented
shifting to other sectors and encourage patients to seek
CBT. In relation to acceptability, it appears that DCS is well
supplementary interventions (Bower and Gilbody, 2005).
tolerated with minimal side effects (Hofmann et al., 2006).
Interestingly, the sole cost effectiveness analysis that has been
Furthermore, one study (Kushner et al., 2007) that compared
conducted thus far suggested that ICT is competitively cost
attrition rates for exposure therapy with and without DCS
effective (McCrone et al., 2004). Of particular concern in
found that dropout rates were six times greater among those
terms of acceptability of ICT is the issue that should ICT pro-
who did not receive DCS, hypothesized to be attributable to
grams be implemented as a preliminary stage to in-person
greater symptom reduction among the DCS group.
therapy in a stepped-care approach, patients may view ICT as
an inferior and less “personal” treatment option (Andersson
et al., 2007). Results thus far have been mixed, with concern-
ingly low uptake rates and substantial variation in attrition
Although the cost effectiveness of CBM has not yet been stud- rates across the various ICT trials that have been conducted.
ied specifically, it has the potential to be an effective treatment Overall, self-reported patient satisfaction tends to be rela-
for anxiety that requires minimal therapist input and time and tively high among those who have used the treatment (see
has relatively low operating costs. In a recent review of CBM review in Waller and Gilbody, 2009). However, individuals
(Beard, 2011), the authors note that the relatively low attrition who have chosen to participate in ICT trials may be more
rates in previous studies (0–8%) may not be an indication of the computer literate or amenable to computer-delivered treat-
acceptability of CBM in the “real world” due to the incentive ments than the general population, and thus satisfaction
of participant reimbursement. In their own pilot study assess- from such self-selecting samples should be considered with
ing multisession CBM (combined CBM-A and CBM-I) in real caution. Clearly, treatment acceptability among broader sam-
treatment settings without remuneration, Beard et al. (2011) ples should be a focus of future research.
reported a substantially greater attrition rate (33%), although
those patients who completed the program reported high levels of
satisfaction on a standardized questionnaire. Qualitative results C O N C L U SI O N
of CBM studies indicate that treatment credibility is an issue
(see review in Beard, 2011); as CBM involves implicit retraining As summarized in Table 46.2, the novel treatment approaches
using repeated practice on a cognitive task, it may be viewed by explored here differ greatly in terms of their nature and the
some patients as monotonous, obscure, or pointless. These con- specific mechanisms of anxiety they target. However, they
cerns are particularly relevant to CBM-A, which appears to have share a common goal of harnessing knowledge of the cogni-
lower perceived face validity than CBM-I (Beard et al., 2011). tive, behavioral, and neurobiological mechanisms underlying
Unfortunately, negative attitudes are likely to influence not only anxiety to enhance treatment outcomes.
the likelihood of uptake but also the success of treatment, given Future research should continue to assess and further
that perceived treatment credibility and treatment preferences improve the clinical efficacy, cost effectiveness, and acceptabil-
are known to play a key role in adherence (Taylor et al., 2012) ity of these interventions. In particular, their efficacy across
and treatment outcome (Collins et al., 2004). different anxiety disorders needs to be established to inform
One important final consideration relates to the general- evidence-based treatment guidelines. As outlined in Table 46.3,
izability, longevity, and real-world applicability of laboratory most evidence for the efficacy of these interventions is either
treatment effects for CBM. Consideration of context-specific still forthcoming or has exhibited mixed results.
learning effects has led to the development of home-based Aside from further refining and extending these existing
training programs to promote transfer of learning to natural- novel approaches, future research should continue within this
istic environments (Macleod and Mathews, 2012). However, translational framework to capitalize on our growing under-
more work needs to be done to assess the generalizability of standing of the anxiety disorders and extend our reach with
treatment gains across a variety of stimuli, particularly given further novel augmentative approaches. A particular emphasis
that many studies have assessed bias change using the same should be placed on understanding the effects of interventions
cognitive task on which participants were trained (MacLeod on underlying fear neurocircuitry, the ways in which this cir-
et al., 2009). Those studies that have included independent mea- cuitry may be different among individuals with anxiety disor-
sures of cognitive biases to assess generalizability have reported ders, and which aspects may be modified to produce therapeutic
mixed results (Beard, 2011). Future studies should also focus on outcomes. Furthermore, there is now a growing and substantial

632 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 46. 2. Proposed therapeutic mechanism of action and neural target site for each of the novel pharmacological, cognitive, and
technological interventions reviewed in this chapter



Cortisol Impairs retrieval of fear memories, enhances Acts on glucocorticoid receptors;

consolidation of fear extinction training/exposure impaired retrieval relates to medial temporal lobe activity
therapy (Wolf, 2008) (Wolf, 2008); fear extinction mediated by the basolateral
amygdala (Myers and Davis, 2007)

Yohimbine Enhances learning in fear extinction training/exposure α2-adrenoreceptor antagonist in the hippocampus, amygdala,
therapy (Holmes and Quirk, 2010) and prefrontal cortex; increases extracellular norepinephrine
(Holmes and Quirk, 2010)

DCS Enhances learning in fear extinction training/exposure Cofacilitates glutamatergic activation of NMDA receptors in
therapy (Davis et al., 2006) the amygdala at glycine binding site (Davis et al., 2006)

CBM-A Reduces threat-related attention bias (Bar-Haim, 2010) Not yet well established; may modify prefrontal activity
(Beard, 2011)

CBM-I Reduces threat-related interpretive bias (Mathews, 2012) Not yet established
ICT Depends on therapeutic framework. For CBT-based Not yet established
interventions, aims to modify distorted cognitions and
maladaptive behavior patterns.

TA B L E 46. 3. State of current evidence for the effectiveness of each novel intervention in the reduction of anxiety symptoms across
the various anxiety disorders


Cortisol — ✓ ✓ ✓ — —

Yohimbine — — ? — — —

DCS — ✓ ✓ ? ? ?

CBM-A ✓ ✓ — — — —

CBM-I ✓ — — — — —
ICT ✓ ✓ ✓ ? ? ✓

✓ indicates that trials to date have supported effectiveness of this intervention; ? indicates insufficient or mixed evidence from trials to date; — indicates
that this intervention has not been studied in relation to this disorder.

body of evidence concerning the role of genetic and environ- REFERENCES

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INTR ODUC T IO N is included in the DSM to enable patients who present with
prominent anxiety symptoms and functional impairment but
Anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent mental dis- who do not meet the criteria for a specific anxiety disorder to
orders in the United States and are associated with a high be diagnosed. Chapter 39 of this volume provides a complete
degree of morbidity and public health costs (Kessler et al., discussion of the diagnosis of anxiety disorders.
2005a). Approximately one in four adults will suffer from an A general approach to the evaluation and treatment of
anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. Anxiety disor- anxiety disorders is presented in Table 47.1. A complete diag-
ders often have an age of onset in young adulthood or before nostic assessment—including medical and psychiatric history,
and are frequently comorbid with general medical disorders vital signs, physical exam, and laboratory or other tests if indi-
and other psychiatric disorders. General risk factors for the cated—should precede initiation of a treatment intervention.
development of an anxiety disorder include a temperamental As mentioned earlier, particularly important to consider in the
trait described as behavioral inhibition—increased physi- differential diagnosis of a patient who presents with anxiety
ological reactivity and anxious behaviors observed in some symptoms are general medical disorders and substance use
children in response to unfamiliar surroundings—female disorders. Other important principles relevant to the diagnosis
gender, family history, and exposure to certain types of envi- and treatment of anxiety disorders include the establishment
ronmental stress in childhood or adulthood. Chapter 40 of of a therapeutic alliance, provision of psychoeducation and
this volume provides a thorough discussion of the genetics of counseling, and ongoing assessment of treatment adherence
anxiety disorders. (Table 47.1). For most patients, first-line treatment will consist
There are seven primary anxiety disorders defined in the of an evidence-based trial of a medication, a psychotherapeu-
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder—Fourth tic modality (e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy ([CBT]), or a
Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR): panic disorder, specific combination of the two. If the treatment is effective, it should
phobia, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), generally be continued for at least 6–12 months in the case of
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), acute stress disorder, pharmacotherapy while some prescribed forms of CBT are
and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) (American Psychiatric considerably shorter. If the initial treatment modality is either
Association, Task Force on DSM-IV, 2000). The current chap- partially effective or ineffective, then the treating clinician
ter will focus on the pharmacotherapeutic treatment of panic must determine the next best treatment step for the particular
disorder, PTSD, GAD, and social phobia. The treatment of patient. Pharmacotherapeutic next-step options typically con-
OCD is discussed by Dr. H. Blair Simpson in Chapter 48 and sist of augmentation—the addition of another agent to increase
will not be reviewed here. Acute stress disorder is character- the effectiveness of the primary agent, or combination—the
ized by symptoms similar to those of PTSD that occur imme- addition of a second antianxiety agent, or switching agents
diately following a traumatic event and will not be discussed (Table 47.1).
separately from PTSD. Finally, specific phobia will not be dis- An overview of U.S. Food and Drug Administration
cussed since there is a minimal role for pharmacotherapy for (FDA)-approved pharmacotherapeutic agents available to the
this disorder. clinician for the treatment of anxiety disorders is presented
Other anxiety disorders defined in the DSM-IV-TR are in Table 47.2. As will be reviewed in detail in the following
considered to be secondary to either the direct physiological text for specific anxiety disorders, serotonin-selective reuptake
result of another medical condition (anxiety disorder due to a inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake
general medical condition: e.g., hyperthyroidism) or the direct inhibitors (SNRIs) are usually considered first-line medication
physiological consequence of a substance (substance-induced treatment. Older monoaminergic agents—including the tricy-
anxiety disorder: e.g., withdrawal from alcohol or a sedative/ clic antidepressants (TCAs) and monoamine oxidase inhibi-
hypnotic medication). These important secondary causes of tors (MAOIs)—are often efficacious but are usually reserved
anxiety disorders will not be discussed in depth; however, it for second-line treatment due to safety and tolerability issues.
is critical that these disorders be considered in the diagnostic The benzodiazepines (BZDs) play an important role in the
assessment of the patient who presents with anxiety. The resid- treatment of some anxiety disorders; however, these agents,
ual category termed “anxiety disorder not otherwise specified” too, are usually reserved for second-line or adjunctive use due

636 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

TA B L E 47. 1. Approach to the treatment of anxiety disorders on medications developed for the treatment of major depres-
sive disorder (MDD). New research focusing on targets outside
1. Diagnostic Assessment of the monoamine system—e.g., amino acid, neurohormonal,
and neuropeptide systems—may yield novel and much needed
Complete medical and psychiatric history.
treatment interventions for these common disorders.
Assess for general medical or substance-related causes of anxiety
Obtain laboratory (e.g., TSH) or other diagnostic tests if indicated by
history. OVERVIEW

Establish working diagnosis of a primary anxiety disorder after ruling Panic disorder (PD) is characterized by recurrent, unexpected
out secondary causes. panic attacks with attendant adverse behavioral effects between
attacks (American Psychiatric Association, Task Force on
Establish presence or absence of comorbid psychiatric, medical, or
substance use disorders.
DSM-IV, 2000). Panic attacks are periods of intense fear that
peak within 10 minutes but can continue on for much longer.
2. Develop therapeutic alliance with patient to facilitate adherence to The intense fear is typically accompanied by physical symp-
treatment. toms such as heart palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath,
3. Provide initial and ongoing psychoeducation to facilitate adherence chest pain or tightness, nausea, and dizziness. Sensations of
to treatment. choking or smothering and/or derealization during a panic
attack are also common. By definition, the panic attacks are
4. Initiate first-line pharmacotherapeutic or psychotherapeutic
not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance or a
general medical condition—both of which are important for
5. If initial treatment is effective, continue treatment for a minimum of the clinician to consider in the differential diagnosis of panic
6 to 12 months, depending on clinical situation. disorder. Ongoing worry about the implications of the panic
attacks and/or anxiety about experiencing another unpro-
6. If initial treatment is ineffective:
voked attack characterizes the disorder, and a duration of at
Assess adherence to treatment, provide psychoeducation, address least one month of persistent concern is required for the diag-
potential barriers to treatment adherence, optimize therapeutic nosis. Individuals diagnosed with panic disorder may or may
not also have agoraphobia—anxiety about and avoidance of
Reassess primary diagnosis and presence of comorbid psychiatric, situations where escape may be difficult.
medical, or substance use disorders. Panic disorder affects between 1% and 3% of the U.S.
population and is associated with significant morbidity and
Consider switch to alternative first-line treatment option or augment
public health costs (Kessler et al., 2005b). Increased health
current treatment with another evidence-based treatment option.
care utilization is common in patients with panic disorder,
7. If first-line treatment options are ineffective: and the presence of the illness places individuals at elevated
risk for suicide (Perna et al., 2011). Overall there is good evi-
Identify potential specific psychosocial stressors that may respond to
nonmedical intervention.
dence for the efficacy of both pharmacotherapeutic and psy-
chotherapeutic treatments for panic disorder, although there
Recommend evidence-based psychotherapy if not already tried. is still significant room for improvement to current treatment
options. While evidence supports both approaches as first-line
Consider second-line treatment options based on clinical
circumstances and patient preference.
treatment, this chapter will focus on pharmacotherapeutic
Pursue ongoing diagnostic reevaluation and adherence monitoring

F I R S T- L I N E P H A R M A C O T H E R A P Y

to tolerability and abuse liability issues. Benzodiazepines act There is good evidence for the efficacy of SSRIs, SNRIs, TCAs,
by binding to a specific site on the gamma-aminobutyric acid and BZDs in the treatment of panic disorder (American
(GABA)-A receptor and increasing the inhibitory effect asso- Psychiatric Association, 2009; McHugh et al., 2009). The 2009
ciated with GABA binding. Other pharmacological agents, American Psychiatric Association practice guideline on the
including anticonvulsants and atypical antipsychotics, have treatment of panic disorder found that there was insufficient
been investigated in different anxiety disorders, and the evi- evidence to recommend one of these therapeutic options over
dence to date generally does not support their use as first-line the others (American Psychiatric Association, 2009). Given
treatments; however, they may represent appropriate options their relative tolerability, safety, and efficacy, a trial of an SSRI
in refractory patients. or SNRI for the patient with panic disorder is a pragmatic
While there has been an increasing recognition of the public first treatment step. As always, factors specific to a particular
health burden of anxiety disorders, historically there has been case will guide treatment selection, including patient prefer-
relatively little research focus on the development of new treat- ence and the presence of comorbid medical or psychiatric
ments. Most of the treatments for anxiety disorders are based conditions.

4 7 P H A R M A C O T H E R A P Y O F A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 637

TA BLE 47.2 . Overview of pharmacotherapy for anxiety disorders


SSRI Escitalopram SERT GAD 10–20 mg daily 27–32 hours Nausea, diarrhea, Bleeding, seizure, C
headache, insomnia, serotonin syndrome,
somnolence, sexual worsening depression or
dysfunction (class effects) anxiety, suicidal thoughts
(class effects)

Fluoxetine SERT OCD, PD 20–60 mg daily 4–6 days Class effects Class effects C

Fluvoxamine SERT OCD, SP 100–300 mg 16 hours Class effects Class effects C


Paroxetine SERT GAD, OCD, PD, 20–50 mg daily 33 hours Class effects Class effects D

Sertraline SERT OCD, PD, PTSD, 50–200 mg daily 26 hours Class effects Class effects C

SNRI Duloxetine SERT, NET GAD 60–120 mg daily 12 hours SSRI class effects, SSRI class effects, C
hypertension hypertensive crisis,

Venlafaxine SERT, NET GAD, PD, SP 75–225 mg daily 5 hours SSRI class effects, SSRI class effects, C
hypertension hypertensive crisis,

BZD Alprazolam GABA-AR Anxiety 1–4 mg daily 11–16 hours Somnolence, cognitive Stevens-Johnson D
(nonspecific), PD problems, appetite syndrome, hepatic
change, fatigue (class dysfunction, withdrawal
effects) seizure (class effects)

Chlordiazepoxide GABA-AR Anxiety 15–40 mg daily 24–48 hours Class effects Class effects, hepatitis, ?
(nonspecific) agranulocytosis

Clonazepam GABA-AR PD 1–4 mg daily 30–40 hours Class effects Class effects D

Diazepam GABA-AR Anxiety 2–10 mg daily 15–20 hours Class effects Class effects, neutropenia D

Lorazepam GABA-AR Anxiety 1–6 mg daily 12–14 hours Class effects Class effects D

Oxazepam GABA-AR Anxiety 30–120 mg daily 6–11 hours Class effects Class effects ?

TA BLE 47.2 . (Continued)


TCA Clomipramine SERT, NET, OCD, PD 25–250 mg daily 32 hours Dry mouth, constipation, Can be lethal in C
mACh, urinary retention, overdose, cardiac
alpha1, H1 somnolence, dizziness, arrhythmia, hematological
weight gain, sexual abnormalities, suicidal
dysfunction, orthostasis thoughts (class effects)
(class effects)

Doxepine SERT, NET, Anxiety 75–300 mg daily 15 hours TCA class effects TCA class effects C
mAChR, A1R, (nonspecific)

Imipramine SERT, NET, PD 100–200 mg 6–18 hours TCA class effects TCA class effects C
mAChR, A1R, daily

MAOI Phenelzine MAO PD 45–90 mg daily 12 hours Dry mouth, constipation, Can be lethal in overdose, ?
orthostasis, weight gain, cardiac arrhythmia,
sexual dysfunction, hypertensive crisis,
somnolence, dizziness, myocardial infarction
(class effects)

Antihistamine Hydroxyzine H1R Anxiety 200–400 mg 20 hours Sedation, dry mouth, Hypotension, cardiac C
(nonspecific) daily dizziness, headache arrhythmia, respiratory

Other Buspirone 5-HT1AR Anxiety 20–60 mg daily 2–3 hours Nausea, dizziness, Myocardial infarction B
(nonspecific) headache (rare), stroke (rare)

A1R, alpha-adrenergic type 1 receptor; BZD, benzodiazepines; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid; GABA-AR, GABA type A receptor; GAD, generalized anxiety disorder; H1R, histamine type 1 receptor; MAO,
monoamine oxidase; MAOI, MAO inhibitor; mAChR, muscarinic acetylcholine receptor; NET, norepinephrine transporter; OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder; PD, panic disorder; SERT, serotonin transporter;
SP, social phobia; SNRI, serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; TCA, tricyclic antidepressant; 5-HT, 5-hydroxy-tryptamine; 5HT1AR, 5-HT type 1A receptor.
The SSRIs fluoxetine, paroxetine, and sertraline are FDA showed that coadministration of low-dose clonazepam with
approved for the treatment of panic disorder, as is the SNRI sertraline in the treatment of panic disorder resulted in a sig-
venlafaxine. Three meta-analytic reviews of SSRIs in panic dis- nificantly greater proportion of responders in the sertraline/
order support the efficacy of these interventions (Bakker et al., clonazepam compared with the sertraline/placebo group at
2002; Mitte, 2005; Otto et al., 2001). In one example, an analy- the end of one week (41% compared with 4%) (Goddard
sis of 12 placebo-controlled trials found a mean effect size for et al., 2001). Notably, the groups did not differ in response
acute treatment outcome for SSRIs relative to placebo of 0.55 rate by the end of the study. These data support the com-
(Otto et al., 2001). A study including 664 patients with panic mon clinical practice of initiating a BZD agent concurrently
disorder randomized to venlafaxine extended-release (ER) with an SSRI or SNRI at the outset of the treatment and then
75 mg or 150 mg daily, paroxetine 40 mg daily, or placebo for tapering the BZD after three to four weeks and continuing
up to 12 weeks found response rates of 77–80% for the venla- the first-line agent.
faxine and paroxetine groups compared with 56% for the pla- The TCAs clomipramine and imipramine are FDA
cebo group (Pollack et al., 2007). Studies comparing different approved for the treatment of panic disorder, and several early
agents in the SSRI class to each other or to venlafaxine have studies have established the efficacy of these agents in reduc-
generally not found support for the efficacy of one agent over ing the frequency and intensity of panic attacks (Bakker et al.,
another (see Freire et al., 2011 for review). 2002; Perna et al., 2011). The TCAs are considered second-line
SSRIs and SNRIs are generally safe and well tolerated in agents for the treatment of panic disorder—as well as other anx-
this and other anxiety disorder populations. The most com- iety disorders—primarily due to their side effect burden. For
monly reported side effects include sleep changes, nau- example, a meta-analysis including 2,367 patients compared
sea, headache, sleep problems, and sexual dysfunction (see SSRIs with TCAs and found that the proportion of patients
Table 47.2). Importantly, patients with panic disorder may be free of panic attacks did not differ while the number of drop-
particularly sensitive to transient increases in anxiety that are outs was significantly lower in the group of patients treated
sometimes observed at the initiation of treatment or upon a with SSRIs compared with TCAs (18% vs. 31%, respectively)
dosage increase with an SSRI or SNRI agent. Psychoeducation (Bakker et al., 2002). Commonly observed adverse effects for
represents an important component of the treatment in this this drug class are attributable to blockade of the muscarinic
regard. Adjunctive treatment with BZD at the outset of treat- acetylcholine receptor (e.g., dry mouth, constipation, urinary
ment with an SSRI or SNRI to mitigate this increase in anxiety retention) or the alpha-adrenergic or histamine receptors (e.g.,
may also be indicated, as discussed in more detail next. somnolence, orthostasis, weight gain). Serious adverse reac-
tions such as cardiac arrhythmia can occur and TCAs can be
fatal in overdose. Despite the potential for side effects, a trial
of a TCA is warranted in patients who fail to demonstrate an
The BZDs alprazolam and clonazepam are FDA approved for adequate response to first-line therapy.
the treatment of panic disorder. BZDs are potent anxiolytic The MAOI phenelzine is approved for the treatment of
medications that can result in substantial symptom relief panic disorder and represents an important third- or fourth-line
for patients with panic and other anxiety disorders when agent for refractory patients. MAOIs irreversibly inhibit the
used appropriately (American Psychiatric Association, 2009; enzyme monoamine oxidase and result in a net increase in
Ballenger et al., 1988). BZDs have the advantage of a more monoamine availability in the synapse. The use of MAOIs is
rapid onset of action compared with SSRIs or other mono- restricted by the need to maintain a low-tyramine diet and
amineric agents, although data supporting their longer term the risk of (potentially fatal) hypertensive crisis and drug–
efficacy is more limited. Alprazolam has a short half-life and drug interactions. Moclobemide—a reversible MAOI (RIMA
a rapid onset of action, particularly desirable when rapid [reversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidase A]) not currently
relief from a developing panic attack is the treatment goal. available in the United States—has some efficacy data in panic
Clonazepam has a longer half-life and is more suited to stand- disorder and does not have the same strict dietary restrictions
ing dosing as opposed to as-needed (e.g., “prn”) use. See Table and safety liability as the irreversible MAOIs.
47.1 for a description of commonly prescribed BZD medica- There is currently no controlled evidence supporting the
tions. Principal disadvantages associated with the use of BZDs use of anticonvulsant medications in panic disorder. RCTs
in panic or other anxiety disorders include their well-known examining the efficacy of the anticonvulsants gabapentin and
abuse liability and the predictable development of tolerance, tiagabine in panic disorder have been conducted, and these
the need for dose escalation, and prominent withdrawal effects. studies did not find support for the use of these agents.
Somnolence and cognitive problems are additional adverse There is a paucity of evidence available to the clinician to
effects characteristic of this drug class. help determine the next treatment step in the management of
As mentioned in the preceding section, patients may panic disorder in the event that first-line pharmacotherapy
experience a temporary increase in anxiety following initia- fails. Given the evidence supporting the efficacy of specific
tion of treatment with an SSRI or SNRI agent. Another limi- psychotherapeutic interventions for panic disorder, this option
tation commonly observed with monoaminergic treatments should be considered at the top of the treatment algorithm. If a
is a delay in onset of therapeutic effect of several weeks. partial response is gained with an SSRI or SNRI, upward dose
BZDs can, therefore, have an important therapeutic role titration and/or augmentation with psychotherapy or a BZD
as adjunctive treatment to a first-line agent. Goddard et al. may represent a pragmatic therapeutic step. If no response

640 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

is achieved with a first-line agent after appropriate treatment 35 RCTs and 4,597 participants did support the use of SSRIs
duration (at least four to six weeks) and dose escalation, then a as first-line medication treatment; however, it also acknowl-
switch to a second first-line agent is an appropriate step. TCAs, edged that there exist significant gaps in the evidence base
MAOIs, or other agents (e.g., anticonvulsants) may be reserved (Stein et al., 2006). Responder status from 13 trials included
for more refractory cases. in the Cochrane Review demonstrated overall superiority of
medication compared with placebo: relative risk 1.49 (95% CI:
1.28, 1.73).
POS TTR A U MATIC S T RES S D IS O R DE R The data just reviewed paints a sobering picture of the cur-
rent state of pharmacotherapy for PTSD, and new, more effec-
tive treatments are clearly needed for this disability disorder.
Posttraumatic stress disorder is a disabling condition that Although not the focus of the current review, it is important
develops in a subset of individuals exposed to extreme psy- to note that specific psychotherapeutic interventions—most
chological stress. The disorder is characterized by intrusive notably, exposure therapy—have relatively strong evidence for
reexperiencing of traumatic memories along with symptoms efficacy in PTSD and may be considered a first-line treatment
of increased arousal and avoidance of stimuli associated with for PTSD. For example, in contrast to its conclusions regarding
the trauma (American Psychiatric Association, Task Force on pharmacotherapy, the IOM report described earlier found suf-
DSM-IV, 2000). By definition, the symptoms must be present ficient evidence to conclude that exposure therapy is effective
for more than one month and be associated with significant for PTSD (Institute of Medicine, 2008).
distress and functional impairment. PTSD is increasingly
being recognized as a major public health problem, and the
alarming rates of PTSD and associated sequelae—including
suicide attempts and completed suicide—observed in U.S. sol- As noted preceding, exposure therapy or related CBT
diers returning from combat portend the urgent need to iden- approaches should be considered for patients with PTSD early
tify effective treatments. in the treatment algorithm, particularly if a patient does not
The estimated lifetime prevalence of PTSD in the United respond adequately to a trial of an SSRI. Regarding second-line
States is 7.8% according to the National Comorbidity Survey, pharmacotherapeutic options, some evidence exists support-
with women being approximately twice as likely to suffer ing the use of MAOIs, TCAs, BZDs, atypical antipsychotics,
from PTSD compared with men (10.4% vs. 5.0%, respec- or anticonvulsants in the treatment of PTSD (see Baker et al.,
tively) (Kessler et al., 1995). The estimated lifetime prevalence 2009 for review). The TCA amitriptyline has weak evidence
of trauma exposure is 60.7% for men and 51.2% for women. for efficacy while desipramine was not found to be effective.
Therefore, while trauma exposure is very common, develop- One trial comparing the MAOI phenelzine with the TCA, imi-
ment of PTSD is relatively less so. It is estimated that 79% of pramine, or placebo found support for both drugs, although
women and 88% of men with PTSD have also been diagnosed another study investigating phenelzine in PTSD was negative.
with at least one other psychiatric disorder—most frequently BZDs can be used to target specific anxiety symp-
MDD, other anxiety disorders, and substance use disorders toms, hyperarousal, or insomnia associated with PTSD.
(Pratchett et al., 2011). Well-controlled data supporting the overall efficacy of BZD
in the treatment of PTSD, however, is lacking, and tolerance
and abuse potential issues limit the role of these medications.
F I R S T- L I N E P H A R M A C O T H E R A P Y
Studies investigating the use of BZDs immediately following
Two SSRIs—sertraline and paroxetine—are approved by the trauma were not favorable. A small amount of research investi-
FDA for the treatment of PTSD, and SSRIs are generally recom- gating alpha-adrenergic antagonists—prazosin, in particular—
mended by practice guidelines as first-line pharmacotherapy provides some support for their use in treating nightmares and
for the disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2004). In sleep disturbance associated with PTSD (Raskind et al., 2003).
an early positive, 12-week RCT (randomized controlled trial) Atypical antipsychotic medication is frequently used as
comparing sertraline with placebo, the response rate was 53% an adjunctive treatment in PTSD when first-line agents fail to
for drug compared with 32% for placebo (Brady et al., 2000) yield a complete response. Risperidone has been the focus of
and similar data are available for paroxetine (Marshall et al., the majority of research in PTSD with several smaller studies
2001). Sertraline was found to be more effective than placebo suggesting a beneficial effect of the addition of risperidone to
at preventing relapse in a 28-week relapse prevention study an SSRI or SNRI. A recent, large, six-month RCT of adjunctive
(Davidson et al., 2001). In contrast, a more recent acute-phase risperidone in PTSD conducted in a VA setting, however, did
RCT comparing sertraline to placebo conducted in a Veterans not find a significant advantage of risperidone over placebo
Affairs (VA) setting was negative (Friedman et al., 2007). (Krystal et al., 2011). In the same study, risperidone was asso-
Some data are also available in support of the SNRI venla- ciated with significantly greater adverse events compared with
faxine in the treatment of PTSD. Importantly, a report from placebo, including weight gain, fatigue, and somnolence. The
the Institute of Medicine (IOM) found that the existent evi- data reviewed in the preceding, along with consideration of
dence was inadequate to support the efficacy of SSRIs or other potentially serious longer term adverse effects associated with
pharmacotherapy in PTSD (Institute of Medicine, 2008). A atypical antipsychotic agents, including tardive dyskinesias
Cochrane Review of pharmacotherapy for PTSD including and metabolic syndrome, must be weighed against potentially

4 7 P H A R M A C O T H E R A P Y O F A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S | 641

therapeutic gains when considering risperidone or other antip- for placebo (Baldwin et al., 2011). In a study by Rickels et al.
sychotic agents as a treatment option for refractory PTSD. where outpatients with GAD (N = 566) were randomized
Several studies investigating the use of anticonvulsants to eight weeks of paroxetine at 20 or 40 mg/day or placebo,
in PTSD have been conducted with generally discouraging response rates were 62%, 68%, and 46% for patients receiving
results. Topiramate, tiagabine, and valproate have failed to 20 mg, 40 mg, or placebo, respectively (Rickels et al., 2003).
demonstrate clear efficacy in PTSD in controlled study designs. Data also support the longer term efficacy of SSRIs in sustain-
Several case series and open studies of anticonvulsants have ing treatment effects over a period of six months (Stocchi et al.,
yielded favorable results, suggesting that these agents may help 2003).
in select cases. In addition to that of SSRIs, good controlled data also sup-
In summary, the evidence base for effective treatments in port the use of SNRIs as a first-line treatment option in GAD.
PTSD is unfortunately limited, and new treatments for this The SNRIs venlafaxine ER and duloxetine both carry FDA
disabling condition are urgently needed. SSRIs and exposure indications for the treatment of GAD and observed response
therapy have the best efficacy evidence, but a significant pro- rates and drug–placebo differences in RCTs generally similar
portion of patients will remain symptomatic with currently to what is observed in trials of SSRIs (Baldwin et al., 2011).
available treatments. The evidence supporting the use of In one study, patients with GAD (n = 377) were random-
TCAs, MAOIs, BZDs, anticonvulsants, atypical antipsychotics, ized to venlafaxine ER 75, 150, or 225 mg/day or placebo for
or other agents is quite limited. eight weeks, and resulting analysis indicated that patients had
significant reductions in illness severity under venlafaxine ER
compared with placebo conditions (Rickels et al., 2000). A
GE NE R AL IZ ED A NX IETY D IS O R DE R second RCT including 251 patients with GAD assessed lon-
ger term efficacy of venlafaxine ER over six months and found
response rates of 69% or higher in the active drug group com-
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is characterized by exces- pared with 42–46% in the placebo group (Gelenberg et al.,
sive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at 2000). Duloxetine has demonstrated efficacy comparable to
least six months (American Psychiatric Association, Task venlafaxine for GAD (Hartford et al., 2007), although longer
Force on DSM-IV, 2000). By definition, the worry is difficult to term maintenance studies of duloxetine in GAD have not been
control, is out of proportion to real or perceived external fac- conducted to date.
tors, and is associated with three or more of the following six As reviewed in previous sections, SSRI and SNRI medica-
symptoms: restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irri- tions have favorable tolerability profiles. Alerting patients to
tability, muscle tension, or sleep disturbance. To meet criteria the common, usually transient, adverse effects of these medi-
for the disorder, the symptoms must cause clinically significant cation classes—including nausea, headache, changes in sleep,
distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other impor- and nervousness—is an important component of psychoedu-
tant areas of functioning, and the disturbance must not be due cation and will facilitate treatment adherence. Transient ner-
to the direct physiological effects of a general medical condi- vousness, jitteriness, or worsening of anxiety at the onset of
tion or substance. treatment with an SSRI or SNRI may be a particular concern
GAD is a common disorder, with a lifetime prevalence for this patient population. In addition to psychoeducation,
of 5–6% in the general population, and is more common in short-term treatment with low-dose BZD at the outset of treat-
women than in men (approximately 2:1). Notably, GAD is one ment, as described next, may be a fruitful pharmacotherapeu-
of the most common psychiatric disorders in primary care set- tic strategy.
tings and is associated with increased utilization of health ser- Considering the safety, efficacy, and tolerability of SSRIs
vices. The disorder has a high rate of comorbidity with mood and SNRIs, these drugs represent first-line treatment for GAD.
and other anxiety disorders, as well as with substance use and
general medical conditions. It is estimated that nearly 50% of
patients with GAD also meet criteria for MDD. The high rate of
comorbidity between GAD and MDD and symptomatic over- There is limited data available to guide clinicians regard-
lap have led to the idea that these syndromes may be different ing next best steps for treatment in patients with GAD who
manifestations of the same disorder, although there continues manifest an inadequate response to first-line therapy. There
to be debate regarding this issue. is fair evidence for BZDs, the azapirone buspirone, TCAs,
and the anticonvulsant agent pregabalin in the treatment of
GAD. Weak evidence also exists for other anticonvulsants
F I R S T- L I N E P H A R M A C O T H E R A P Y
(e.g., valproic acid), antihistamines (e.g., hydroxyzine),
More than a dozen RCTs of drugs in the SSRI class support the and atypical antipsychotics (e.g., quetiapine). CBT is an
use of SSRIs as first-line pharmacotherapy for GAD (Baldwin important therapeutic consideration for patients with GAD,
et al., 2011; Kapczinski et al., 2003). Escitalopram and parox- especially if they have not responded to a prior first-line
etine have an FDA indication for the treatment of GAD and medication trial.
good controlled data also exist for sertraline. Response rates The rapid and robust anxiolytic effects of BZDs make this
for SSRIs of between 60% and 75% are generally reported in class of drugs an important component of the treatment arma-
RCTs, compared with response rates of between 40% and 60% mentarium for GAD. A key early RCT comparing diazepam

642 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

with trazodone and imipramine found that diazepam was listed from largest to smallest effect, were as follows: pregaba-
associated with the most improvement in anxiety during the lin: 0.50, hydroxyzine: 0.45, SNRI: 0.42, BZD: 0.38, SSRI: 0.36,
first two weeks of treatment (Rickels et al., 1993). In contrast, buspirone: 0.17. While this analysis provides some interesting
during weeks three through eight, imipramine was superior insights and suggests that overall our current treatments for
to diazepam in the proportion of patients achieving moder- GAD vary from modestly to poorly effective, methodological
ate or marked symptom improvement (73% vs. 66%). Given limitations inherent in effect size analysis limit specific conclu-
the limitation of BZD therapy discussed in the preceding sec- sions that can be drawn.
tions, including sedation, cognitive disturbance, and abuse or In summary, first-line pharmacotherapy for GAD—
dependence liability, these agents should be used judiciously including SSRIs and SNRIs—provides substantial symptomatic
in the treatment of GAD. Specific circumstances that may be relief in many but not all patients with GAD. Second-line treat-
particularly suited to the use of BZDs include short-term use ment options include BZDs, buspirone, TCAs, pregabalin, and
as an adjunct to antidepressant medication or in patients who hydroxyzine, among other agents. Future research is required
are refractory to first-line treatments after consideration of the to establish the optimal treatment approach for patients who
risk:benefit ratio for the individual patient. Patients with a his- do not respond to a first-line treatment trial.
tory of substance use disorder may be particularly vulnerable
to the abuse or dependence liability of BZDs, and additional
caution should be used in this patient population. SO C I A L P HO B I A
The azapirone buspirone is a unique partial agonist at
the 5-HT1A receptor and is FDA approved for the treatment
of GAD. Buspirone and other azapirones have demonstrated Social phobia—also known as social anxiety disorder—is a
superiority to placebo in the treatment of GAD in a num- common and potentially disabling anxiety disorder with a
ber of large RCTs (Chessick et al., 2006). Despite reasonable lifetime estimated prevalence of approximately 12% (Kessler
controlled evidence for its efficacy, buspirone is not generally et al., 2005b). The disorder is characterized by marked anxiety
considered a first-line treatment for GAD, in part due to its rel- in reaction to social or performance situations, often leading to
atively slow onset of action, tolerability issues at higher doses, avoidance behavior (American Psychiatric Association, Task
and some data suggesting inferiority to antidepressant or BZD Force on DSM-IV, 2000). By definition, exposure to the feared
treatment options (Davidson et al., 1999). social situation nearly always provokes anxiety, and the result-
As referenced earlier, there is some data for the effec- ing avoidance, anxious anticipation, or distress interferes sig-
tiveness of TCAs, imipramine in particular, in the treatment nificantly with the person’s social or occupational functioning.
of GAD (Rickels et al., 1993). Potential advantages of TCAs Comorbidity is common, and social phobia often precedes the
over BZDs include their ability to treat symptoms of both onset of other disorders, in particular MDD and substance use
anxiety and depression and the absence of potential for abuse disorders. (Stein and Stein, 2008). The disorder often begins in
and physiological dependence. As a class, TCAs are generally childhood or early adolescence and has been associated with
reserved for patients who have failed other treatment strategies, the heritable temperament trait behavior inhibition.
owing to safety and tolerability issues related to this class of
medications. As discussed in previous sections, pharmacologi-
F I R S T- L I N E P H A R M A C O T H E R A P Y
cal blockade of muscarinic, histamine, and alpha-adrenergic
receptors limit their use. The utility of TCAs is also limited by More than two dozen RCTs of SSRIs or SNRIs support the use of
their cardiotoxic potential and lethality in overdose. these medications as first-line pharmacotherapy in social phobia
Pregabalin, a voltage-dependent calcium channel modula- (de Menezes et al., 2011; Stein et al., 2004; Stein and Stein, 2008).
tor approved for the adjunctive treatment of seizure disorder, Fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline, and venlafaxine have FDA
has fair efficacy data for the treatment of GAD from several approval for the treatment of social phobia. In the case of par-
RCTs (Montgomery et al., 2006; Rickels et al., 2005). In one oxetine trials, reported response rates for active drug vary from
study, patients were randomized to four weeks of treatment 55% to 72% compared with response rates for placebo between
with pregabalin, 300 mg, 450 mg, or 600 mg per day, alpra- 8% and 50% (Stein and Stein, 2008a). Reported response rates
zolam, 1.5 mg per day, or placebo, and results indicated that are similar for other SSRIs and venlafaxine. A Cochrane Review
both pregabalin and alprazolam produced significant reduc- including 36 RCTs and 4,268 patients with social phobia dem-
tions in anxiety compared with placebo (Rickels et al., 2005). onstrated short-term superiority of medication over placebo
A second study randomized patients with GAD (n = 421) to with a relative risk of nonresponse of 0.63 (95% CI: 0.55, 0.72)
six weeks of double-blind treatment with pregabalin 400 mg (Stein et al., 2004). For SSRIs in particular, the relative risk of
or 600 mg per day, venlafaxine 75 mg per day, or placebo and nonresponse was 0.67 (95% CI: 0.59, 0.76). A recent quantita-
found both pregabalin and venlafaxine to be more effective tive meta-analysis including 27 RCTs aimed to compare efficacy
than placebo in decreasing anxiety symptoms (Montgomery between members of the SSRI, SNRI, and atypical antidepres-
et al., 2006). sant classes and found paroxetine, sertraline, fluvoxamine, esci-
A recent effect size analysis of treatments for GAD— talopram, and venlafaxine to be consistently more effective than
including SSRIs, SNRIs, BZDs, buspirone, hydroxyzine, and placebo (de Menezes et al., 2011). The superiority of drug over
pregabalin—yielded an overall effect size of 0.39 for all drugs placebo was less convincing for other agents, including citalo-
versus placebo (Hidalgo et al., 2007). Drug-specific effect sizes, pram, mirtazapine, and nefazodone.

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Fewer data exist concerning the effectiveness of longer-term C O N C L U SI O N S A N D F U T U R E D I R E CTI O N S
treatment in social phobia. The Cochrane Review just described
included three maintenance studies and five relapse prevention Substantial progress has been made over the past several
studies and found some support for longer term treatment (rela- decades in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Large RCTs
tive risk of nonresponse was 0.58 [95% CI: 0.39, 0.85] and 0.33 support the efficacy of SSRIs and in some cases SNRIs in
[95% CI: 0.22, 0.49], respectively). Considering the safety, effi- the treatment of many of the anxiety disorders, including
cacy, and tolerability of SSRIs, these drugs—along with the SNRI panic disorder, GAD, and social phobia. Second-, third-, or
venlafaxine—represent first-line treatment for social phobia. fourth-line agents for the different anxiety disorders include
TCAs, MAOIs, BZDs, buspirone, anticonvulsants, or atypical
antipsychotics wherein the evidence base is less than optimal.
SECOND-LINE/OTHER APPROACHES Despite their superiority compared with placebo, the effect
A series of early studies established the efficacy of the MAOI sizes for first-line agents in most anxiety disorders are only
phenelzine in the treatment of social phobia (Blanco et al., 2002). modest, and a substantial number of patients suffering from
For example, an RCT including 85 patients with social phobia anxiety disorders do not gain full relief from their symptoms
found a 64% response rate in the phenelzine group compared with currently available treatments. In the case of PTSD,
with 23% in the placebo group (Liebowitz et al., 1992). Despite the situation is particularly concerning, and there is current
safety and tolerability issues related to irreversible MAOIs, a uncertainty regarding the effectiveness of any medication in
trial of phenelzine or other MAOI should be considered in cases the treatment of this potentially disabling disorder. Taken
where patients fail to achieve response to first-line treatment. together, improved treatments for anxiety disorders represent
The RIMA moclobemide has some efficacy evidence from RCTs a critical unmet public health need.
in social phobia conducted in Europe. To date there have been Significant progress in neuroscience is illuminating
no RCTs published of TCAs in social phobia. potential new avenues of treatment discovery and novel tar-
There is limited data to support the use of BZDs in the treat- gets from rational drug development. The rapidly developing
ment of social phobia. An early 10-week RCT found support neuroscience related to fear and anxiety is described in sev-
for clonazepam (mean dose 2.4 mg/day) with a 78% response eral chapters in the current volume, including Chapters 41,
rate in the active arm compared with a 20% response rate in 42, 43, 44, 45, 48 and 49. Compounds with novel mechanisms
the placebo arm while evidence for the efficacy of alprazolam of action currently in development for anxiety disorders
or other BZDs was less favorable (Blanco et al., 2002). Given include corticotropic releasing factor antagonists, neuro-
the predictable disadvantages of chronic BZD therapy, this kinin receptor antagonists, a variety of glutamate modula-
class of medication should be used judiciously and reserved tors, and glucocorticoid modulators. The endocannabinoid
for treatment-refractory cases. system has recently emerged as an interesting target in PTSD
Several studies have investigated the role of anticonvulsants and other anxiety disorders. Continued progress in basic and
in social phobia and have yielded generally negative results. translational neuroscience is expected to meet the need for
RCTs of levetiracetam, gabapentin, and pregabilin have failed new, more effective treatments for patients suffering from
to demonstrate superiority of these agents over placebo. A these disorders.
small amount of evidence exists for the atypical antipsychotic
quetiapine in social phobia.
As with other anxiety disorders, CBT has been shown to be DI SC L O SU R E S
effective for patients with social phobia and should be consid-
ered as part of the treatment plan, particularly if first-line phar- Dr. Iosifescu has consulted for CNS Response, Inc. and has
macotherapy has been ineffective. An interesting and potentially received grant/research support through Mount Sinai School
important line of research focuses on using glutamate-based of Medicine from Brainsway, Euthymics Bioscience Inc.,
pharmacotherapy to enhance the effectiveness of CBT. An initial Neosync, and Shire.
RCT conducted in 27 patients with social phobia investigated the Dr. Murrough is supported by a Career Development Award
efficacy of combining the glutamatergic N-methyl-d-aspartate from the National Institute of Mental Health (K23MH094707)
(NMDA) receptor agonist d-cycloserine with exposure therapy and by the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation (NARSAD
and found that patients receiving d-cycloserine in addition to Young Investigator Award) and the American Foundation for
exposure therapy reported significantly less social anxiety com- Suicide Prevention.
pared with patients receiving exposure therapy plus placebo Dr. Charney has been named as an inventor on a pending
(Hofmann et al., 2006). While these results are preliminary and use-patent of ketamine for the treatment of depression. If ket-
await replication, the strategy of leveraging pharmacotherapy amine were shown to be effective in the treatment of depression
to enhance learning-based treatments represents a novel and and received approval from the Food and Drug Administration
potentially powerful treatment approach to anxiety disorders for this indication, Dr. Charney and Mount Sinai School of
in the future. Medicine could benefit financially.

644 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

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INTR ODUC T IO N also known as symptom dimensions, are similar across differ-
ent cultures, are relatively consistent over time in adults with
OCD, and may be associated with different neural substrates
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by (Leckman et al., 2010). Importantly, individuals often have
recurrent intrusive thoughts, images, or impulses (obsessions) symptoms in more than one dimension, suggesting that the
that cause anxiety or distress, and repetitive mental or behav- dimensions do not represent discrete subtypes.
ioral acts (compulsions). The obsessions and compulsions are Patients may also differ significantly in their level of insight
time consuming (e.g., more than an hour a day), are distress- into the irrationality of their obsessions and compulsions.
ing, and interfere with functioning. Compulsions are typically Level of insight can be classified as good/fair (the patient rec-
performed in response to an obsession (e.g., fears of contami- ognizes that the beliefs are definitely or probably not true, e.g.,
nation leading to washing rituals), with the aim of reducing that compulsions are not effective at warding off feared con-
the distress triggered by obsessions or to prevent a feared event sequences), poor (the patient thinks the beliefs are probably
(e.g., becoming ill). However, these compulsions are either true), or absent (the patient is completely convinced the beliefs
not connected in a realistic way or are clearly excessive (e.g., are true, thus bordering on a delusional belief in the reality of
showering many hours each day). Of note, compulsions are the obsessions). Notably, level of insight can fluctuate over the
not performed with a primary purpose of deriving pleasure, course of illness (Leckman et al., 2010).
although some individuals experience the relief from anxiety OCD has significant comorbidity with other psychiatric
that accompanies the compulsive behavior as pleasurable. illnesses, particularly major depressive disorder (MDD: 61%
With a lifetime prevalence of up to 2–3% (i.e., two to current; 85% lifetime), other anxiety disorders (range: 24.5–
three times more common than schizophrenia), the World 69.6%), and Tourette’s disorder (range: 7–59%). Notably, there
Health Organization has identified OCD as one of the world’s is evidence that OCD patients with comorbid tic disorder
10 leading causes of illness-related disability. This is largely due may be a biologically distinct entity, with earlier age of onset,
to the fact that OCD typically starts in childhood or adoles- greater prevalence in males, different neurochemical and
cence, persists throughout a person’s life, and produces substan- neurobiological features, and distinct treatment response. In
tial impairment in functioning due to the severe and chronic addition, OCD is very prevalent in individuals with anorexia/
nature of the illness (Koran, 2000). In addition, OCD has a sig- bulimia (37%) and schizophrenia (8–32%) (Leckman et al.,
nificant financial impact, with the most recent report indicating 2010).
that treatment and management of OCD costs several billions
of dollars a year in the United States alone. ETIOLOGY OF OCD

Though our understanding of the etiology underlying OCD is

quite limited, it is an area of very active investigation. Current
Onset of OCD usually occurs in adolescence or early adult- evidence implicates both genetic and environmental factors
hood; however, a subgroup of OCD patients, a majority of them in development of OCD, though the importance of particular
male, have symptom onset in childhood. Some childhood-on- factors is still unclear. It is crucial to identify specific patho-
set OCD may have a different clinical course and a different genic insults and/or protective factors; we may then be able to
underlying neurobiology than adult-onset OCD. intervene early in development to prevent onset of this severe
Though all OCD patients have obsessions and/or compul- and chronic illness.
sions, specific content of the obsessions and compulsions differs
between individuals. However, certain themes are common, G E N E T I C FA C T O R S
including forbidden or taboo thoughts (e.g., aggressive, sexual, Twin and family studies suggest that there is genetic suscep-
and religious obsessions and related compulsions), cleaning tibility to OCD. In addition, this genetic vulnerability may be
(fears of contamination and related cleaning rituals), harm greater in pediatric onset OCD, since there is greater heritability
(fears of harm to oneself or others and checking compulsions), in this population (genetic influences in the range of 45–65% in
symmetry (symmetry obsessions and repeating, ordering, and pediatric OCD vs. 27–47% in adult-onset OCD [Pauls, 2008]).
counting compulsions), and hoarding (obsessive collecting These findings have been followed up by candidate gene studies
and maintaining of worthless objects). These different themes, (over 60 studies from 1998 to 2008); many of these candidate

646 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

gene studies focused on genetic loci associated with serotonin, OCD (reviewed in Hemmings and Stein 2006). Pharmaco-
dopamine, and glutamate, based on their hypothesized roles logical challenge studies found that acute activation of 5-HT1B
in the etiology of OCD. In addition, genome-wide linkage and receptors with the specific agonist sumatriptan can cause
association studies have recently been performed. In the next a transient worsening of OCD symptoms. In contrast, case
section, we will review selected findings from candidate gene reports suggest that chronic administration of 5-HT1B agonists
studies and genome-wide association studies that may have can lead to a reduction in OCD symptoms possibly through
implications for the pathophysiology underlying OCD. receptor desensitization. Finally, some studies show a genetic
association between a variant of the 5-HT1B receptor gene and
Glutamate OCD. While a role of 5-HT1B gene variants in susceptibility to
OCD is not consistently supported, there is tentative support
SLC1A1 To date, the only consistently replicated genetic find-
for the idea that such variants could be related to OCD severity.
ing in OCD is an association with the neuronal glutamate trans-
It is not clear whether the inconsistencies in the literature are
porter SLC1A1 (protein known as EAAT3 or EAAC1) (see Wu
due to small sample size, methodological problems inherent in
et al., 2012 for review). Findings cluster in the 3′ gene region,
challenge paradigms, dose of challenge agents, or differences
with most evidence for association with the rs301430C allele.
between OCD patient samples. Nevertheless, in aggregate, the
In cell models and brain tissue, this allele is associated with
data point to 5-HT1B abnormalities in some OCD patients.
increased SLC1A1 expression, suggesting that overexpression
contributes to OCD susceptibility. Coding variants in SLC1A1
Serotonin-2A Receptor (5-HT2A) A positive association
are very rare (3/1400 subjects screened) and do not clearly seg-
has been inconsistently reported between the A allele of the
regate with OCD. Thus, noncoding polymorphisms most likely
5-HT2A receptor and OCD. However, though preliminary
account for the association of SLC1A1 with OCD.
PET studies supported a link between 5-HT2A receptors and
OCD, a more recent study did not find differences in 5-HT2A
GRIN2B Other genetic association studies have less con-
binding between OCD patients and controls (Simpson et al.,
sistently implicated GRIN2B, a gene that encodes the NR2B
2011). There is still the possibility that 5-HT2A receptor poly-
subunit of the NMDA glutamate receptor (see Wu et al., 2012,
morphisms may be linked to OCD symptomatology or treat-
for review). The NR2B subunit is an important contributor
ment response, but the evidence is weaker than for other
to synaptic plasticity, since incorporation of the subunit ren-
ders NMDA receptors more permeable to calcium. In 2004,
Arnold et al. found that both a GRIN2B polymorphism and
Serotonin Transporter There have been many studies
one additional haplotype were associated with OCD. Further
examining the potential association between the serotonin
support for a GRIN2B role in OCD comes from magnetic res-
transporter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) and OCD. Though
onance spectroscopy studies in OCD patients that have dem-
some family-based association studies have reported an
onstrated an association between GRIN2B polymorphisms
association between the 5-HTTLPR long allele and OCD,
and glutamatergic concentrations in the anterior cingulate
these findings have been inconsistently replicated—in fact,
cortex. Overall, the association of NR2B with OCD is consis-
a 2007 meta-analysis found an association between the
tent with the theory that glutamatergic dysfunction underlies
5-HTTLPR short allele and OCD susceptibility. A more recent
OCD pathophysiology. However, NR2B deficits throughout
meta-analysis (Bloch et al., 2008) demonstrated an associa-
the brain would be expected to lead to significant abnormali-
tion between the long allele and OCD in specific subgroups,
ties in global functioning, since NMDA receptors are essen-
including childhood onset OCD; however, this was only found
tial for basic neurobiological functions necessary for learning
in the stratified meta-analysis and did not retain significance
and memory, including long-term potentiation. It is therefore
in the overall meta-analysis. The significance of 5-HTTLPR in
more likely that NR2B functional abnormalities in specific
OCD etiology remains unclear.
brain regions account for the genetic association with OCD.
Grik2 Another glutamatergic gene that has been implicated
Many studies have suggested a role for environmental factors
in OCD is the ionotropic glutamate receptor gene, Grik2 (see
in the etiology of both childhood- and adult onset OCD, but
Wu et al., 2012, for review). In an initial association study, a
it has been difficult to establish direct links. In this section, we
secondary analysis indicated that a Grik2 polymorphism was
review environmental theories with the strongest evidence.
undertransmitted in OCD patients. A follow-up candidate
gene study found that a particular haplotype at this same locus
was significantly associated with OCD. Further investigation is
Acute onset of OCD symptoms in children has been observed;
required to determine if this association is robust and biologi-
this syndrome has been associated with environmental factors,
cally significant.
including various infectious agents and a postinfectious auto-
immune syndrome. There has been some support for a spe-
cific association between infection with group A β-hemolytic
Serotonin-1b Receptor (5-HT1B) Several lines of evidence streptococcus and onset of an autoimmune disorder that trig-
suggest that abnormalities in 5-HT1B receptor function (known gers OCD; this is commonly known as PANDAS (Pediatric
as the 5-HT1D receptor in the human literature) play a role in Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with

4 8 N E U R O B I O L O G Y A N D T R E AT M E N T O F O C D | 647

Streptococcal Infections). However, this association remains traumatic events and the initiation of OCD symptoms (Fostick
controversial, as other infectious agents may also trigger an et al., 2012). Interestingly, these OCD symptoms continued to
acute neurospsychiatric syndrome. This is a topic of active evolve independently of the initial environmental trigger, such
research (Singer et al., 2012). that rituals were no longer related to thoughts associated with
the trauma.
There have been multiple reports of premenstrual and post-
partum exacerbation of OCD, suggesting that hormonal fluc- NEUROBIOLOGY OF OCD
tuations may play a role in either the onset or the exacerbation
of OCD symptoms. A majority of these studies were limited Although the etiology of OCD is unknown, many studies have
by the fact that they were retrospective analyses and did not investigated the brain mechanisms underlying OCD symp-
directly assess hormone levels (McGuinness et al., 2011). toms. Development of modern neuroimaging technology has
However, they complement findings from the neurocogni- led to a dramatic increase in our understanding of the neu-
tive literature demonstrating that prepulse inhibition deficits, robiology of OCD over the past 20 years. In the next section,
which are observed in OCD patients, are most pronounced we will discuss findings from studies that have used this tech-
during phases of elevated progesterone (i.e., late pregnancy nology to examine neuroanatomy, circuit function, and neu-
and premenstrual). rochemistry in OCD. Together, these findings have converged
to implicate cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuits in the
Psychological Trauma pathophysiology of OCD.
Though rare, there have been reports of acute OCD onset in
adults following exposure to traumatic events. Until recently,
O V E R V I E W O F C O R T I C O - S T R I AT O - T H A L A M O -
these studies had consisted of case reports and case series in
chronic OCD patients whose trauma had occurred a significant
amount of time before initiation of the study, leading to uncer- Cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuits (Fig. 48.1) have been
tainty about the timing of symptom onset, and possible confla- implicated in many higher order cognitive functions, includ-
tion of OCD and PTSD symptoms. A recent study addressed ing allocation of attention, executive functioning (e.g., inhibi-
this problem by assessing five veterans with new onset OCD tion of impulsive behavior), and modulation of motor activity.
shortly after combat and found a suggestive link between the Anatomical studies in both humans and nonhuman primates

C ortex
C ortex

S triatum S triatum





T halamus T halamus

Direct Dopamine
Indirect GABA
Hyperdirect Glutamate

Figure 48.1 Cortico-striatal-thalamo-cortical (CSTC) loops. Circuit diagrams of CSTC loops. (left) It is hypothesized that multiple parallel CSTC circuits connecting
the cortex and basal ganglia subserve different neural functions. Three examples of parallel loops are the direct pathway, hyperdirect pathway, and indirect
pathway. SNr substantia nigra, pars reticulata; GPe globus pallidus externa; GPi globus pallidus interna, STN subthalamic nucleus. (right) Glutamate and GABA
serve as the main neurotransmitter systems underlying communication within CSTC loops. However, other brain regions/neurotransmitter systems play significant
modulatory roles (dashed lines), including ventral tegmental area (VTA) (dopamine), substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) (dopamine), and amygdala (glutamate
and GABA).

648 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

have demonstrated that CSTC circuits are composed of mul- FUNCTIONAL NEUROIMAGING (RESTING
tiple parallel and interconnected loops that connect frontocor- S TAT E , S Y M P T O M P R O V O C AT I O N ,
tical and subcortical brain areas (Parent and Hazrati, 1995). A N D P R E - / P O S T T R E AT M E N T S T U D I E S )
These loops are comprised of (1) glutamatergic corticostriatal
Functional PET and fMRI neuroimaging studies in OCD
projections synapsing onto striatal medium spiny neurons,
have implicated the OFC, ACC, caudate nucleus (specifi-
(2) GABAergic medium spiny neurons projecting to the output
cally the head), and thalamus in OCD, brain regions linked
structures of the basal ganglia (globus pallidus pars internalis
by well-described neuroanatomical connections as described
[GPi] and substantia nigra pars reticulata [SNr]), (3) GABAergic
in the previous section (reviewed in Pittenger et al., 2011). In
output neurons from GPi and SNr projecting to thalamus, and
resting studies, OCD subjects have hyperactivity in OFC, and,
(4) glutamatergic neurons from thalamus connecting back to
to a lesser extent, caudate, ACC, and thalamus. When their
cortical areas. Within the striatum, medium spiny neurons can
symptoms are provoked, OCD subjects have increased activity
connect to GPi/SNr through either the direct (striatonigral) or
relative to baseline in the OFC, caudate, ACC, and, to a lesser
indirect (striatopallidal) pathways. In a simplified framework,
extent, thalamus. In studies that examined OCD patients before
these anatomically distinct pathways are thought to oppose each
and after treatment, most found that successful SRI or cogni-
other, resulting in inhibition of thalamus through activation of
tive behavioral therapy treatment was associated with reduced
the indirect pathway, or disinhibition by activation of the direct
activity in the OFC or caudate, and to a lesser extent the ACC.
It is thought that different sets of CSTC loops may be
responsible for dictating particular motor and cognitive C O G N I T I V E A C T I V AT I O N S T U D I E S
functions, and it has been suggested that this selectivity is
determined by the particular frontocortical area included in In recent years, there has been a shift toward performing imag-
the loop (Pennartz et al., 2009). Functional imaging studies ing studies in OCD patients using cognitive activation para-
support this hypothesis, indicating that different cognitive digms; studies of executive functions have been particularly
functions are subserved by distinct CSTC circuits, and that emphasized. Many neurocognitive tasks have been used (for a
disruption of these circuits occurs in multiple psychiatric dis- comprehensive list, see Maia et al., 2008). Some of the evidence
orders. Multiple models have been proposed suggesting that for differences between OCD patients and controls comes from
the interplay between frontocortical areas and basal ganglia three studies that found that OCD subjects aberrantly recruited
determines which behaviors are performed, and which are the hippocampus during an implicit sequence-learning task,
screened out as being “undesirable.” In particular, it is hypoth- while healthy participants recruited the striatum; behavioral
esized that changing the balance of activity between direct and performance was the same across groups. These findings sug-
indirect pathways can either promote or inhibit the selection gest that OCD patients have dysfunction in the striatal portions
of appropriate behavior sequences. Dysfunction in screening of CSTC circuits known to mediate normal implicit sequence
out “undesirable” behavior sequences would potentially lead learning. However, the link between this deficit in implicit
to symptomatology. An accumulation of evidence specifically sequence learning and OCD pathogenesis and/or symptoma-
implicates CSTC dysfunction in OCD pathophysiology. tology remains unclear, since hippocampal activation was not
correlated with the severity of global OCD symptoms or spe-
cific symptom dimensions. In addition, several studies have
N E U R O A N AT O M Y demonstrated hyperactivity of the dorsal anterior cingulate
Anatomical findings suggest that abnormalities in the orbitof- cortex (dACC) in OCD patients during performance of tasks
rontal cortex (OFC), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and stria- that probe brain activity during error monitoring and/ or con-
tum contribute to pathogenesis of OCD, as reviewed in Pittenger flict resolution, suggesting that this region might function dif-
et al. (2011). The largest structural MRI study to date reported ferently in OCD (Milad and Rauch, 2012). Other studies have
reduced gray matter in the OFC and increased gray matter in the used go/no-go tasks to assess inhibitory control processes in
ventral striatum, a structure intimately connected with the OFC. OCD, with some finding greater OFC activation compared with
A recent meta-analysis including 14 structural studies of both controls (Elliott et al., 2010) and others reporting less activation
pediatric and adult patients with OCD reported reduced vol- compared with controls in inferior frontal regions (Roth et al.,
umes of the left ACC and bilateral OFC, and increased thalamic 2007). Greater frontostriatal activation has recently been dem-
volumes bilaterally, but no differences in basal ganglia volumes onstrated in unmedicated OCD compared with control partici-
relative to control samples. Thus, structural abnormalities in a pants during the engagement of control and conflict resolution
CSTC circuit involving the OFC, ACC, and striatum have been on the Simon task (Marsh et al., 2009). The findings from these
repeatedly demonstrated in OCD, although exact findings have studies are inconsistent, likely due to differences in the tasks
varied across studies. This is supported by neurosurgical studies used and neural processes that they measure, in addition to dif-
that demonstrate symptom reduction after surgical interventions ferences in the patient samples.
disrupting connections between frontocortical and subcortical
areas. In addition, successful deep brain stimulation (DBS) for
treatment-refractory OCD typically targets connections between
prefrontal cortex and striatum, and is often accompanied by Based on the specific efficacy of SRIs for the treatment for OCD
reduced OFC activity as measured by PET. (see “Treatment of OCD” section for further details), it has

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been hypothesized for over 20 years that serotonergic dysfunc- NMDA antagonists including memantine and riluzole (though
tion plays a central role in the pathophysiology of OCD (Insel unexpectedly there is also evidence for symptom relief follow-
et al., 1985). As a result, many neurochemical studies in OCD ing treatment with an NMDA agonist, glycine).
have focused on the serotonergic system (reviewed in Goddard In summary, it is likely that abnormalities in multiple dif-
et al., 2008; Koo et al., 2010). Studies of peripheral markers of ferent neurotransmitter systems are related to the generation
serotonin (5-HT) function (e.g., receptor binding in the blood) and resolution of OCD symptoms. There is good evidence that
or of concentrations of 5-HT metabolites in cerebral spinal abnormalities in serotonin, dopamine, and glutamate signal-
fluid have produced inconsistent results. Furthermore, it is not ing are associated with OCD. However, the following issues
clear that these markers accurately reflect brain 5-HT func- remain unclear: (1) the precise circuit localization of neuro-
tion. Pharmacological challenge studies in OCD have used a chemical abnormalities, (2) their role in either the generation
variety of challenge agents (e.g., mCPP, MK-212, fenfluramine, or resolution of OCD symptoms, and (3) when they have their
metergoline, ipsapirone, buspirone, tryptophan, and sumatrip- effects during development.
tan/ zolmitriptan). Findings suggest that there is altered 5-HT
function in OCD. However, these challenge studies have been
unable to pinpoint the exact 5-HT abnormality, and many
findings have not been consistently replicated. Based on the findings previously reviewed, several brain mod-
Finally, neuroimaging studies have examined the distribu- els of OCD have been proposed (reviewed in Saxena et al.,
tion of serotonin transporters (5-HTT) and 5-HT2A recep- 2001; Ting and Feng, 2011). While the models differ in specific
tors in the brains of OCD patients. With regard to 5-HTT details, they share the idea that obsessions and compulsions
binding, three SPECT studies found three disparate results result from a malfunctioning neural circuit that includes the
(increased, decreased, and no differences in midbrain 5-HTT orbitofrontal (and sometimes the cingulate) cortex, caudate
binding). Using PET, we found no differences in 5-HTT bind- nucleus, and thalamus. The models differ in how this circuit
ing between OCD patients and controls in striatal, limbic, or malfunctions and/or is affected by SRIs. Some models try to
midbrain regions, which are the brain areas that could be reli- account for different potential subtypes of OCD. For example,
ably assessed with the PET ligand used (Simpson et al., 2003). Baxter et al. (2001) proposed that tic-related and non-tic-related
In addition, we found that there are no differences in 5-HT2A OCD have different patterns of striatal pathophysiology. More
binding between OCD patients and controls (Simpson et al., recently, because different OCD symptom dimensions (e.g.,
2011). symmetry and ordering vs. washing and cleaning) have been
Abnormalities in regulation of dopamine signaling have associated with different patterns of neural activity in OFC,
also been implicated in OCD (see Koo et al., 2010 for review). ACC, and caudate on PET scans, some have proposed that dif-
Specifically, it has been hypothesized that dopaminergic ferent symptom dimensions have different underlying neural
abnormalities exist in some OCD patients based on findings substrates.
that antipsychotic medications augment SRI response in up to A leading model proposes that different populations of stri-
50% of OCD patients. However, SPECT studies investigating atal medium spiny neuron projections differentially regulate
the dopaminergic system have led to inconsistent or unrepli- the direct and indirect basal ganglia pathways, ultimately lead-
cated findings in small samples. ing to alterations in motor behavior and stereotypies. Given the
A current leading model also proposes that OCD symptoms known functions of the direct pathway (including the striatum,
result either directly or indirectly from increased glutamater- globus pallidus interna, and substantia nigra) and indirect path-
gic signaling in corticostriatal pathways (reviewed in Pittenger way (including the striatum, globus pallidus externa, and sub-
et al., 2011). Both clinical and preclinical evidence supports thalamic nucleus) in modulating thalamic input to the cortex
this “hyperglutamatergic” hypothesis of OCD symptomatol- and in generating motor patterns, this has led to the hypothesis
ogy. Rosenberg et al. (2000) initially found that glutamatergic that OCD is due to excess activity in the direct versus indirect
compounds measured by magnetic resonance spectroscopy orbitofrontal-subcortical pathways. This increased direct path-
(MRS) were increased in the caudate nucleus of SRI-naïve way activity leads to decreased inhibition of the thalamus, and
children with OCD. This led to speculation that OCD patients decreased filtering of intrusive thoughts and images to the cor-
have abnormalities in glutamatergic-serotonergic neurotrans- tex. Ritualistic compulsions are then triggered.
mission and to the initial development of hyperglutamatergic Another model that could be consistent with direct ver-
models of OCD. Additional MRS studies in OCD patients have sus indirect pathway imbalance proposes that OCD symptoms
demonstrated increased GLX (a combination of glutamate and result from increased glutamatergic signaling in corticostri-
glutamine) concentrations in the OFC and caudate; levels cor- atal pathways (see Pittenger et al., 2011). There is both clinical
relate with symptom severity and are decreased after effective and preclinical evidence supporting this “hyperglutamatergic”
treatment with paroxetine. In addition, as described in the hypothesis of OCD symptomatology, as discussed in detail in
preceding, genetic studies have found associations between the preceding. The accumulation of evidence that increased
the glutamate transporter SLC1A1 and OCD. An association cortical glutamatergic activity is linked to OCD symptoms has
was also found between a polymorphism in the NMDA recep- led to the suggestion that increased glutamatergic activity in
tor (NR2B) and decreased ACC glutamate in pediatric OCD. specific cortical areas (OFC and ACC) may lead to generation
Finally, case studies and open label trials demonstrate efficacy of intrusive thoughts and images in the cortex that override
of glutamatergic agents in reducing OCD symptoms—namely, other sensorimotor input; this, in turn, could trigger ritualistic

650 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

compulsions driven by the striatum through persistent activa- OCD is composed of several different and potentially overlap-
tion of the direct pathway. ping symptom dimensions, each with its own associated clini-
Though models of OCD have typically focused on abnor- cal features and with possible differences in neurobiology. This
malities in CSTC circuitry, there has recently been a call model has been supported by some imaging studies, indicating
for investigation of the role of other brain regions in OCD that different patterns of brain activity are associated with differ-
pathophysiology (Milad and Rauch, 2012). Specifically, CSTC ent symptom dimensions. Thus, different OCD subtypes could
models do not generally provide an explanation for the increased have different core neurobiologic deficits leading to differences in
anxiety observed in OCD. However, exaggerated responses in imaging findings and neurophysiologic task performance.
the amygdala, a structure classically associated with anxiety
and fear, have typically been observed after the presentation of
OCD-specific stimuli. In addition, although the dACC has been
classically associated with conflict monitoring (and therefore There have been numerous attempts to establish rodent models
linked to obsessions in OCD), there is also recent evidence that it of OCD, since valid animal models will assist in the dissection
plays a role in the expression of fear responses. Hyperactivation of the molecular and cellular pathophysiology of the illness
of the dACC could therefore lead to increased anxiety and fear (see Wang et al., 2009 for review). Though it is now generally
responses observed in OCD patients. It may therefore be neces- accepted that no one animal model will be able to recreate all
sary to integrate other brain structures, such as the amygdala or aspects of a complex neuropsychiatric disorder such as OCD,
the dACC, to provide a satisfying explanatory model of OCD. it is possible to create powerful models that mimic particular
aspects of a disorder (e.g., symptoms, medication responses,
imaging findings, genetic abnormalities). However, it is impor-
tant for these models to be carefully assessed to determine their
The field of OCD research has faced significant difficulties with relevance to the human disorder.
study replication. This has been particularly evident in studies One method for judging clinical relevance is to determine
of neurophysiologic task performance. One of the most reli- the extent of face, predictive, and construct validity of a partic-
able abnormalities in OCD is prepulse inhibition (PPI) deficits, ular animal model. Face validity refers to the phenomenologic
which have now been found in three studies from indepen- similarity between the phenotype measured in the mouse and
dent groups (although another group failed to find the deficit). human symptomatology. It is generally considered to be the
However, this level of consistency has not been demonstrated least rigorous method for validating an animal model, since
with other neurophysiologic tasks. For example, there are sig- the assessment is relatively subjective, and identical phenotypes
nificant discrepancies in the field on tests of executive function, can be produced by different underlying biological processes.
motor speed, visual memory, and response inhibition using Predictive validity is the ability of a model to make accurate
tasks such as Spatial Working Memory, Stockings of Cambridge, predictions about the human phenomenon of interest. Though
and Stop-Signal Reaction Time (Simpson et al., 2006). Many typically understood as the ability of a model to replicate effects
different factors may contribute to the difficulties with replica- of medications, it also refers to its ability to make accurate pre-
tion. For example, a recent study found that up to 25% of OCD dictions about the impact of environmental variables on the
patients reported significant OCD-related anxieties and moti- disorder being studied. Construct validity refers to how well
vational difficulties during neurophysiologic task performance. an animal model mimics pathophysiologic constructs that are
The self-reported symptoms and decreased motivation were thought to underlie the disorder in question. These constructs
significantly associated with objective performance deficits on can include things such as genetic abnormalities or circuit dys-
the tasks (Moritz et al., 2012). Thus, cognitive deficits may not function. Though construct validity is inherently limited in
necessarily reflect a uniform neurobiological abnormality (as OCD due to our nascent understanding of the disorder, rodent
would be expected in an endophenotype) but, instead, may models based on construct validity are valuable tools for test-
be state dependent. It is therefore possible that a single patient ing and generating new hypotheses about underlying pathol-
may have vastly different performance depending on his or her ogy. In the next section, we will provide a brief overview of
level of acute symptomatology at the time of testing. Though established OCD animal models and discuss the validity asso-
this could be related to disease-specific deficits, it could also be ciated with each.
due to a more general difficulty with allocation of attentional
resources during symptom flares. MODELING SYMPTOMS
Another possible complicating factor is heterogeneity of Many OCD animal models have emphasized face validity based
clinical phenotype that may reflect heterogeneity in the under- on stereotypy and compulsivity. These include marble burying,
lying neural substrate (Mataix-Cols et al., 2005). For example, barbering (repetitive hair biting and pulling), acral paw-lick
OCD patients differ in the content of their symptoms (also (repetitive paw-licking in dogs), zoo-related stereotypies (e.g.,
known as symptom dimensions—e.g., washers versus check- pacing around cages), and pharmacologically induced com-
ers), their comorbidity (e.g., tic versus non-tic-related OCD), pulsive checking. In addition, behavioral paradigms have been
and the course of illness (e.g., early versus late onset). Attempts established in rodents that generate (1) perseverative lever
to identify homogeneous subgroups in OCD based on a single pressing in the absence of reward, and (2) persistent revisiting
clinical feature have had limited success. To address this issue, a of unrewarded arms in a T-maze (i.e., impaired reversal learn-
dimensional model of OCD has been proposed. In this model, ing). Furthermore, pharmacologic studies in wild-type rats have

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demonstrated that striatal injections of an NMDA-antagonist were eliminated after either lentiviral-mediated SAPAP3 rescue
led to increased perseveration on a T-maze delayed alternation in corticostriatal synapses or acute treatment with low-dose
task. Finally, a recently developed model capitalizes on the fact fluoxetine. In another study, Shmelkov et al. (2010) performed
that injection of 5-HT1B agonists in mice leads to both PPI def- targeted inactivation of the Slitrk5 gene, a postsynaptic density
icits (also observed in OCD patients) and perseverative behav- transmembrane protein that is one of a family of genes impli-
ior; unlike other models discussed here, this model exhibits cated in Tourette’s and obsessive-compulsive spectrum disor-
strong predictive validity for the chronic time course and high ders. Slitrk5 knockout mice demonstrate several OCD-relevant
SRI dose necessary for human OCD treatment response. Finally, behaviors that are reversed by chronic treatment with the
the deer mouse, an ethological model of OCD, also has strong serotonin-reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine, including increased
face validity. At baseline, deer mice demonstrate repetitive run- anxiety and perseverative grooming behaviors; this lends pre-
ning, jumping, and flipping behaviors. In vivo microdialysis dictive validity to the model. Notably, knockout of Slitrk5 also
in corticostriatal projections was performed to investigate the led to selective overactivation of orbitofrontal cortex; this paral-
molecular correlates of these repetitive behaviors. These stud- lels findings in human OCD patients.
ies found that increased glutamate directly preceded stereotypic For both SAPAP3 and Slitrk5 knockouts, the challenge of
behaviors in these mice, supporting the idea that glutamatergic linking these findings back to the human disorder remains.
abnormalities may lead to OCD symptomatology. For example, the SAPAP3 knockout phenotype may be more
consistent with pathological skin picking than OCD: a recent
MODELING GENETIC ABNORMALITIES human genetics study found no association of SAPAP3 SNPs
Transgenic technology has enabled the generation of animal with OCD in a clinical sample but did find associations with
models of OCD based on alteration of specific genes (see Ting grooming disorders such as pathologic skin picking, nail bit-
and Feng, 2011 for comprehensive review). This increasingly ing, and/ or trichotillomania. Preliminary evidence from
advanced technology allows investigators to upregulate or Slitrk5 genetic studies is promising, indicating the presence of
downregulate genes of interest in specific regions of the brain rare Slitrk5 genetic variants in OCD patients; however, these
that have been implicated in OCD. Thus, the function of can- findings still need to be validated (F. Lee, personal communi-
didate genes identified in human studies can be directly tested cation). Regardless, both of these studies clearly demonstrated
in mice. This allows for dissection of molecular and cellular a link between molecular changes at corticostriatal synapses
mechanisms that may underlie OCD pathophysiology. and repetitive pathological behaviors. These studies therefore
As discussed earlier, the identification of candidate genes yield new insights into possible molecular and cellular mecha-
in OCD has been difficult, since the field has been hampered nisms underlying OCD.
by a lack of replication in genetic studies. However, there is
increasing interest in the role of glutamate system genes in OCD MODELING CIRCUIT ABNORMALITIES
pathophysiology. This is due in large part to the fact that the only New technology development now facilitates the generation of
consistently replicated genetic finding in OCD is an association OCD animal models based on manipulation of specific neural
with the neuronal glutamate transporter SLC1A1 (see Wu et al., circuits. These technologies allow direct translation of human
2012 for review). Based on findings that SLC1A1 overexpression neuroimaging findings into mice. This approach was first ele-
contributes to OCD susceptibility, we are in the process of mak- gantly demonstrated through the generation of D1CT-7 trans-
ing a transgenic mouse that yields tissue-specific SLC1A1 over- genic mice. In this transgenic line, the active subunit of cholera
expression. This will allow us to directly address the molecular, toxin was placed under the regulation of the D1 receptor pro-
cellular, and behavioral impact of changes in expression of this moter (D1CT-7 transgenic mice). Thus, the stimulatory sub-
OCD candidate gene. unit of cholera toxin was expressed in a subset of D1-positive
OCD animal models have also been unexpectedly gener- neurons, leading to constitutive hyperactivation of these neu-
ated following disruption of genes not previously implicated in rons. This mouse model therefore had strong overactivation in
OCD. For example, knockout of the developmentally expressed prefrontal-cortex and striatal neurons, similar to observations
Hoxb8lox gene leads to perseverative grooming, while disrup- from OCD imaging studies. These mice demonstrated baseline
tion of the serotonin 2C receptor leads to perseverative chew- perseverative climbing, leaping, and biting behaviors that were
ing. However, the link between disruption of these genes and exacerbated by increased NMDA-dependent glutamatergic
the human OCD phenotype remains unclear. There is some- transmission, yielding a model with strong construct validity.
what stronger evidence that two other knockout mouse models Other new technologies can also be used to mimic circuit
may have relevance to OCD. In a recent elegant study, Welch abnormalities seen in human imaging studies (reviewed in
et al. (2007) used a transgenic approach to knock out SAPAP3, Rogan and Roth, 2011). For example, there have been recent
a corticostriatal postsynaptic density protein. Knockouts had significant advances in precise modulation of activity of neural
excessive grooming leading to facial lesions, similar to some circuits using light-activated microbial ion channel proteins.
OCD subgroups (contamination fears/washing rituals). In The development of this optogenetic technology has focused
addition, these mice demonstrated abnormal glutamatergic sig- on channelrhodopsin-2, an excitatory sodium channel gated by
naling at corticostriatal synapses (increased NMDA-dependent 470 nm blue light; and halorhodopsin, an inhibitory chloride
fEPSPs (excitatory post-synaptic potentials) and decreased pump gated by 580 nm yellow light. By specifically expressing
AMPA-dependent fEPSPs) that correlated with the OCD-related and stimulating these light-activated proteins, distinct neu-
behaviors. Overgrooming and the electrophysiologic changes ral populations can be rapidly activated or inhibited without

652 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

affecting neighboring cells. We are currently using this technol- cellular abnormalities in animal models will ultimately yield
ogy to directly translate imaging findings from OCD patients information relevant for the development of new treatments.
into rodents. In addition, technology has been recently devel-
oped that allows for cell type–specific expression of mutant
G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) that can be activated by T R E AT M E N T O F O C D
administration of inert small molecules. These mutant GPCRs
are known as DREADDs (Designer Receptors Rxclusively Although the etiology and pathophysiology of OCD are still
Activated by Designer Drugs). Whereas optogenetic technol- under study, evidence-based treatments for OCD have been
ogy allows for rapid and specific activation and inhibition, developed in the absence of unclear mechanisms of action. These
DREADD technology yields more sustained but specific acti- treatments can lead to remission of symptoms in up to 50% of
vation and inhibition that may better mirror pathophysiologic patients. First-line treatments recommended by the American
processes. Psychiatric Association (American Psychiatric Association,
2007) include pharmacotherapy with serotonin reuptake inhib-
FUTURE DIRECTIONS itors (SRIs), and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) consist-
The examples discussed in the preceding demonstrate the ing of exposure and response prevention (Fig. 48.2). These two
power of using animal model systems to explore the molecu- treatments are described next along with other strategies that
lar and cellular pathology underlying OCD. In addition, by are used when these first-line treatments do not suffice.
capitalizing on new technologies, we may be able to develop
more refined disease models through precise control of neural
activity. However, these examples also highlight the impor- P HA R M A C O T HE R A P Y F O R O CD
tance of critically evaluating mouse models to determine if
they are truly relevant to the disorder of interest—in this case,
OCD. Ongoing studies in our group are identifying translat- OVERVIEW
able probes of neural circuits that are reliably abnormal in The only medications proven effective as monotherapy for
OCD patients. Using these neural circuit probes, we can better OCD in multisite randomized controlled trials are serotonin
determine clinical relevance of our animal models. These types reuptake inhibitors (SRIs). SRIs include clomipramine, a tri-
of studies will help ensure that dissection of molecular and cyclic antidepressant, and the selective serotonin reuptake

-Age of onset
-Environmental triggers
-Comorbidities (tics, MDD, psychosis)

SRI monotherapy Exposure therapy

-SSRIs with response
-Clomipramine prevention

Good Good
No No
response response
response response

Augmentation with
Maintenance antipsychotic
SRI Booster
SRI therapy for -Switch to different SSRI augmentation sessions
at least 1 year -Switch to clomipramine as necessary
-Augment with second- No
generation antipsychotic response Good
-Switch to venlafaxine
SRI therapy for
No at least 1 year
Other Intervention
Alternative augmentation strategies -Deep brain stimulation
-Glutamatergic agents -Transcranial magnetic
-Ondansetron stimulation
-Pregabalin -Ablative neurosurgery

Figure 48.2 OCD treatment guidelines. OCD treatment guidelines are based on APA recommendations. After diagnosis, flowchart outlines treatment algorithims
for individual and combined pharmacotherapy and exposure therapy. Alternative interventions for treatment-refractory OCD are also indicated.

4 8 N E U R O B I O L O G Y A N D T R E AT M E N T O F O C D | 653

inhibitors (i.e., fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, sertraline, parox- Practice guidelines (American Psychiatric Association,
etine, citalopram, and escitalopram). All but citalopram and 2007) recommend that patients first be started on a selective
escitalopram are currently approved by the Food and Drug serotonin reuptake inhibitor because they have a better side
Administration for the treatment of OCD. Though the mech- effect profile than clomipramine (as described in the next
anism of action of SRIs in OCD is unknown, it was initially section). If there is no response, they should be switched to
thought that their efficacy was linked to the direct modulation another selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and, if satisfac-
of serotonin levels. However, more recent hypotheses propose tory symptom reduction is not achieved, eventually tried on
that SRIs modulate CSTC circuit function through action on clomipramine. To determine which selective serotonin reuptake
serotoninergic heteroreceptors, which in turn control levels of inhibitor to try first, the clinician should consider prior treat-
glutamate, GABA, and dopamine. ment response, safety and acceptability of particular side effects
In general, serotonin reuptake inhibitors lead to improve- for the individual patient (see the next section), and the poten-
ment in 40–60% of people with OCD, and OCD patients who tial for drug–drug interactions.
receive an adequate trial will achieve on average a 20–40%
reduction in their OCD symptoms (reviewed in Simpson, 2010). DOSE
Thus, serotonin reuptake inhibitors typically lead to ameliora- Clinical trials of fluoxetine, paroxetine, and citalopram that ran-
tion rather than elimination of symptoms. Various issues arise domized patients to different doses of the same medication (i.e.,
when treating OCD with serotonin reuptake inhibitors that are fixed-dose studies) found that higher doses produced a higher
discussed in the following sections: which one to try first, what response rate and/or greater degree of improvement than lower
dose to use, the time to response, how to manage potential side doses; one fixed-dose study of sertraline did not find significant
effects, and the recommended duration of treatment. differences between the effects of 50 and 200 mg/day. Based
on these data, the American Psychiatric Association’s Practice
C O M PA R AT I V E E F F I C A C Y Guidelines (2007) recommend the following usual target doses
Serotonin reuptake inhibitors are not thought to differ from for adults with OCD: fluoxetine, 40–60 mg/day; fluvoxamine,
each other in efficacy for OCD, with the possible exception 200 mg/day; paroxetine, 40–60 mg/day; sertraline, 200 mg/day;
of clomipramine. Clomipramine, a tricyclic antidepressant, citalopram, 40–60 mg/day (note: the FDA no longer recom-
is both a serotonin reuptake inhibitor and a norepineph- mends citalopram above 40 mg/day because of dose-dependent
rine reuptake inhibitor. In meta-analyses, clomipramine has QT prolongation); escitalopram, 20 mg/day; clomipramine, 100–
greater effects than the other serotonin reuptake inhibitors. 250 mg/day (see Table 48.1). These therapeutic doses of SRIs for
However, the clomipramine studies were done earlier in time OCD tend to be higher than the doses used for treatment of other
than the studies using the selective serotonin reuptake inhibi- anxiety disorders and depression. It is advised that patients start
tors and thus likely included more treatment-naïve samples. In at a low dose for tolerability (e.g., fluoxetine 10 or 20 mg/day) and
head-to-head comparisons, clomipramine has not been found that the dose be increased every week or every other week (as
to be superior to fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, or paroxetine. tolerated) to doses at least as high as listed in the preceding (with

TA B L E 48. 1. Dosage guidelines for OCD pharmacotherapy in adult patients. Starting dose, FDA-approved dose, and usual maximum
dose for OCD are based on the American Psychiatric Association’s Practice Guidelines (2007). If patients do not respond to the usual
maximum dose, OCD specialists will often try higher doses.


Selective serotonin Fluoxetine 40 60 80 120

reuptake inhibitors
(SSRIs) Paroxetine 20 40 60 100

Sertraline 50 200 300 400

Citalopram*** 20 20–40 60–80*** 120

Escitalopram 10 30 40 60

Fluvoxamine 50 100–200 300 450

Tricyclic Clomipramine 25 250 250 <500 ng/mL by blood levels


***Note that the FDA no longer recommends citalopram above 40 mg/day because of dose-dependent QT prolongation and Torsades de Pointes.
Patients with pre-existing congestive cardiac failure, brady-arrhythmias or predisposition to hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia are at increased risk of
developing these cardiac abnormalities, and should therefore be monitored closely, ideally in conjunction with a cardiologist. Recommended medication
dosage for treatment of OCD in adults (18–65).

654 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

the exception now of citalopram) before deciding that a patient is The other serotonin reuptake inhibitor with known effects
resistant to any particular serotonin reuptake inhibitor. on the heart is clomipramine. In addition to being a sero-
When patients do not respond to the doses outlined, doses tonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, clomipramine
even higher have been tried in clinical practice (e.g., fluoxetine, blocks muscarinic cholinergic receptors, H1 histamine recep-
120 mg/day; paroxetine, 100 mg/day). For example, Ninan tors, alpha1 adrenergic receptors, and sodium channels in the
et al. (2006) randomized patients who had not responded to heart and brain. Thus, in addition to the side effects described
16 weeks of sertraline (titrated from 50 mg/day to 200 mg/day) for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, clomipramine can
to continued sertraline (200 mg/day) or to increased sertraline cause anticholinergic effects (e.g., dry mouth, constipation,
(250–400 mg/day). Although the high-dose group had signifi- delayed urination), antihistamine effects (e.g, sedation, weight
cantly more improvement than the lower dose group, the dif- gain), antiadrenergic effects (e.g., orthostatic hypotension),
ference in additional improvement was clinically modest, and and cardiac conduction abnormalities or seizures.
both groups were still left with clinically significant symptoms.
Thus, increasing selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors to D U R AT I O N O F T R E AT M E N T
higher than recommended doses may be effective for certain Clinical trials that treat with medications for a certain period
OCD patients, but this strategy is not useful for all. of time and then randomly assign responders to either con-
tinue on that medication or be switched to pill placebo (i.e.,
TIME TO RESPONSE double-blind drug discontinuation studies) help deter-
Many of the randomized controlled trials of serotonin mine the risk of relapse if medication is stopped. Several
reuptake inhibitors for OCD did not show a significant differ- double-blind discontinuation studies in adults with OCD
ence between placebo and active medication before six weeks. (reviewed in Fineberg et al., 2012; Simpson, 2010) examined
Thus, an adequate trial has been defined as the maximum dose different serotonin reuptake inhibitors, used different designs
tolerated for a minimum of six weeks (American Psychiatric (e.g., length of follow-up, procedure for placebo substitu-
Association, 2007). This usually amounts to an 8–12 week tion) and had different relapse definitions. The studies came
trial overall given usual titration schedules. Preclinical stud- to different conclusions about the risk of relapse if medica-
ies have found that therapeutic response to serotonin reuptake tion is stopped. For example, relapse rates (or discontinua-
inhibitors corresponds to the time course of desensitization tion due to insufficient clinical response) after double-blind
of inhibitory serotonin receptors. It has thus been suggested switch to placebo ranged from a high of 89% within 7 weeks
that delayed receptor desensitization in the OFC accounts for for clomipramine, to a low of 24% within 28 weeks for ser-
the delay in treatment response seen in OCD patients (Moritz traline. Given the limited number of studies and the meth-
et al., 2012). It is important to explain this delayed response to odological differences, the risk of relapse remains unclear.
treatment to patients so that they don’t prematurely stop their Practice guidelines (American Psychiatric Association,
serotonin reuptake inhibitor. 2007) recommend that an OCD patient who has improved
during an adequate trial of a serotonin reuptake inhibitor
SIDE EFFECTS should stay on that medication for one to two years and that
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are generally well tol- if the medication is discontinued, it should be slowly tapered
erated. Potential side effects include gastrointestinal problems (e.g., 10–25% every one to two months).
(e.g., nausea or diarrhea), agitation, sleep disturbances (e.g., If stopped abruptly, serotonin reuptake inhibitors can lead
insomnia, vivid dreams), increased tendency to sweat, and to a drug discontinuation syndrome. This can include flulike
sexual side effects (e.g., decrease in libido, trouble ejaculating, symptoms (e.g., dizziness, nausea/vomiting, headache, and
delayed orgasm). In addition, weight gain or fatigue can occur lethargy) as well as agitation, insomnia, myoclonic jerks, and
(reviewed in Simpson, 2010). There are also clinical reports of paresthesias (Tamam and Ozpoyraz, 2002; Zajecka et al., 1997).
specific side effects with certain agents that are presumed due to Drugs with a shorter half-life (e.g., paroxetine) are more likely
their unique pharmacological characteristics (e.g., more seda- to cause this than those with a longer half-life and an active
tion and constipation due to the mild anticholinergic effects of metabolite (e.g., fluoxetine).
paroxetine, more anorexia and activation due to the 5HT2C
antagonism of fluoxetine). Thus, it is possible for a patient to
tolerate one serotonin reuptake inhibitor, but not another.
As mentioned, the FDA has recently issued a safety warning
for citalopram because of data that it causes dose-dependent Like clomipramine, venlafaxine and duloxetine are both
QT interval prolongation, which can cause Torsades de Pointes, serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. Because
ventricular tachycardia, and sudden death. Thus, citalopram they inhibit serotonin reuptake, both are presumed effective
is no longer recommended for use in patients with congenital for the treatment of OCD. Other than two case reports, the
long QT syndrome, bradycardia, hypokalemia, hypomagne- only published study of duloxetine in OCD to date is a case
sismia, recent acute myocardial infarction, or uncompensated series of four patients with OCD who had either a partial or
heart failure. Citalopram is also not recommended for use in no response to an SRI; after being switched to duloxetine up
patients who are taking other drugs that prolong the QT inter- to 120 mg/day, three responded to duloxetine (Dell’osso et al.,
val. QT interval prolongation was not observed with escitalo- 2008). Larger controlled studies are needed to confirm this
pram (the S-isomer of citalopram). preliminary observation.

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Venlafaxine has been studied more extensively, but the S R I A U G M E N TAT I O N S T R AT E G I E S
findings from different studies are conflicting (reviewed in
Randomized controlled trials support the addition of antip-
Simpson, 2010). The only randomized controlled trial of ven-
sychotics or the addition of CBT consisting of exposure and
lafaxine in OCD found no significant difference between ven-
response prevention. Many other augmenting agents have also
lafaxine and placebo. However, the sample was small (n = 30),
been tried, as reviewed next (see Simpson, 2010 for review).
the maximum dose was 225 mg/day, and the trial was only
eight weeks long. Other randomized controlled trials have
compared venlafaxine (or venlafaxine XR) with either parox- A N T I P S Y C H O T I C A U G M E N TAT I O N
etine or clomipramine. These trials were limited by the lack Haloperidol, risperidone, quetiapine, olazapine, and arip-
of a placebo group, but each was 12 weeks in length and used iprazole have all been shown in randomized controlled tri-
higher doses of venlafaxine (e.g., 225–300 mg/day). In both als to augment the effects of serontonin reuptake inhibitors.
studies, venlafaxine was as efficacious as the serotonin reuptake There are also negative findings from studies of these agents,
inhibitor with which it was compared. Finally, in a crossover although this may be due to methodological issues (reviewed
study of nonresponders, when paroxetine nonresponders in Fineberg et al., 2012). A systematic review of antipsychotic
were switched to venlafaxine, only 3 of 16 (19%) responded, augmentation (Bloch et al., 2006), which combined nine
whereas when venlafaxine nonresponders were switched to double-blind, randomized controlled clinical trials involving
paroxetine, 15 of 27 (56%) responded. These findings suggest 278 subjects, concluded that about one-third of OCD patients
that paroxetine is more efficacious than venlafaxine in patients will be helped by antipsychotic augmentation. The strongest
with limited response to the other medication. evidence supports the use of haloperidol or risperidone. Some
In sum, venlafaxine is often tried in clinical practice in data suggest that the patients most likely to respond to antipsy-
OCD patients who have not responded to several selective chotic augmentation may be those with a minimal response to
serotonin reuptake inhibitors and cannot tolerate clomip- an SRI and/or those with comorbid tic disorders.
ramine. However, the evidence supporting the use of venlafax- Given the delayed onset of action of serotonin reuptake
ine in OCD is not as strong as the evidence for the serotonin inhibitors in OCD, it is recommended that antipsychotic aug-
reuptake inhibitors, and there is little data supporting the mentation only be implemented after an OCD patient has failed
use of duloxetine. Neither is approved by the Food and Drug to respond to a maximal dose of a serotonin reuptake inhibi-
Administration for the treatment of OCD. tor for at least 12 weeks (American Psychiatric Association,
2007). Low antipsychotic doses appear effective (e.g., <3 mg
for risperidone or the equivalent), and the time to response is
L I M I TAT I O N S O F S E R O T O N I N R E U P TA K E about two to four weeks. Given that only some OCD patients
I N H I B I T O R S I N T H E T R E AT M E N T O F O C D will respond to antipsychotic augmentation, the antipsychotic
Although they are the only medications proven effective as should be terminated after one month of intervention in
monotherapy for OCD, serotonin reuptake inhibitors have those who do not clearly benefit. This minimizes the known
important limitations: only up to 65% of people will respond to risks of antipsychotic exposure, which can include metabolic
an adequate trial, the typical response is a 20–40% reduction in syndrome, tardive dyskinesia, and neuroleptic malignant
symptoms, and patients can relapse if the medication is discon- syndrome.
tinued. Because many OCD patients will have a clinically mean- Questions remain about the use of antipsychotics in OCD,
ingful but modest reduction in symptoms and others will have including whether some agents are more effective than others,
no response (e.g., <25% reduction in symptoms), clinicians who their long-term efficacy, and the risk of relapse upon discon-
treat OCD patients will commonly be faced with both problems. tinuation. One small retrospective study suggested that 13 of
One strategy is to switch to another SRI (e.g., if there is 15 patients had a resurgence of OCD symptoms when their
no response to the first) and to eventually switch to clomip- antipsychotic was discontinued.
ramine. The American Psychiatric Association’s Practice
Guidelines suggest that up to 50% of patients might respond C B T A U G M E N TAT I O N
to a second SRI trial but that the rate of response diminishes Two randomized controlled trials have demonstrated the
as the number of failed trials increases (American Psychiatric benefit of adding CBT consisting of exposure and response
Association, 2007). Switching to venlafaxine or duloxetine is prevention to OCD patients with clinically significant symp-
another option; however, the data for both agents is limited (as toms despite an adequate SRI trial. The specific components of
reviewed earlier). Mirtazapine, shown in a small double-blind this treatment are described in detail in the following. In the
discontinuation study to reduce OCD symptoms, is another first study, Tenneij et al., 2005) compared the effects of con-
possibility (Koran et al., 2005). However, the efficacy of switch- tinuing medication (paroxetine or venlafaxine) versus adding
ing either to another SRI or to another agent as monotherapy exposure and response prevention in patients who had mild
has not been well studied, and there are limited data to support OCD symptoms. Adding exposure and response prevention
this strategy. (eighteen 45-minute sessions over 6 months) was superior to
Another strategy with more data to support it is to include medication alone, but the effects were modest. In the second
additional treatments in ongoing SRI treatment to augment study, Simpson et al. (2008) recruited patients on an adequate
SRI response. SRI augmentation strategies are discussed in the dose for at least 12 weeks of any serotonin reuptake inhibitor
following. who still had clinically significant OCD symptoms. Patients

656 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

were randomized to exposure and response prevention or to Historically, medications have been used to target OCD
stress management therapy as a control therapy; both treat- symptoms directly. However, a novel approach is to use medi-
ments included seventeen 90-minute sessions delivered over cation to enhance learning from psychotherapy. One of the
eight weeks. Patients who received exposure and response best examples is the use of d-cycloserine (a partial agonist at
therapy had a significantly greater decrease in symptoms, and the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor), which is known to facili-
significantly more achieved minimal symptoms at the end of tate fear extinction in animal models. d-cycloserine is being
treatment (33% versus 4%). These effects were maintained in paired with CBT that is focused on exposure techniques like
many at six-month follow-up. exposure and response prevention, with the goal of enhancing
Together, these findings support the use of exposure and extinction learning. This is described in more detail in the next
response prevention in augmenting the effects of serotonin section.
reuptake inhibitors in OCD. The addition of exposure and
response prevention is clearly safer than the addition of antipsy-
chotics, given the known risks of the latter (Marder et al., 2004). P SY C HO T HE R A P Y F O R O C D
On the other hand, exposure and response prevention is not
C O G N I T I V E - B E H AV I O R A L T H E R A P Y
widely available, it is more time consuming, and some patients
refuse it because it requires exposures to feared stimuli. OVERVIEW
In addition to SRI pharmacotherapy, CBT is the other recom-
OTHER AGENTS mended first-line treatment for adults with OCD and the only
Many other medications have been tested as adjunctive agents first-line treatment recommended for pediatric OCD (see
to serotonin reuptake inhibitors in OCD (reviewed in Fineberg Rodriguez and Simpson, 2010, for review). Historically, CBT
et al., 2012; Simpson, 2010). Although promising in case has evolved from two traditions: (1) CBT that relies primarily on
reports or open trials, several did not show clear efficacy in behavioral techniques such as exposure and response preven-
small placebo-controlled trials, including lithium, buspirone, tion, known as exposure therapy, or ERP or EX/RP; and (2) CBT
clonazepam, l-triiodothyronine, pindolol, and desipramine that relies primarily on cognitive techniques, such as identify-
(American Psychiatric Association, 2007). The initially prom- ing, challenging, and modifying faulty beliefs. Of these two,
ising effects of other augmentation agents await confirmation ERP-based CBT has the strongest evidence in OCD. However, it
in large randomized controlled trials (as reviewed in Fineberg, is important to note that ERP routinely includes some informal
2012; Simpson, 2010), including clomipramine, morphine sul- CT techniques (e.g., a discussion of fear-related thoughts and
fate, pregabalin (Oulis et al., 2011), celecoxib (Sayyah et al., beliefs) and that CBT typically includes behavioral experiments,
2011), dextroamphetamine, and ondansetron. Medications which are similar to exposure techniques. Thus, there is an over-
that modulate the glutamatergic system or that might enhance lap between these two forms of CBT. In clinical practice, cogni-
learning from cognitive-behavioral therapy have been a recent tive and behavioral techniques are often combined.
area of study, as described in what follows.
CBT consisting of exposure and response prevention (called
EX/RP or ERP in the literature and ERP in this chapter) involves
in vivo (i.e., actual) exposures to feared situations, imaginal
Because of the limitations of serotonin reuptake inhibitors, exposure to feared consequences, and ritual prevention, in
new medications continue to be tried in OCD. Because of which patients refrain from compulsive rituals (see Rodriguez
data from human genetic studies, human imaging studies, and Simpson, 2010). For example, a patient with contamination
and animal models of OCD that glutamatergic abnormalities obsessions and washing rituals is coached to confront feared
in corticostriatal circuits might underlie OCD symptoms (as contaminants (e.g., by touching objects in public restrooms),
reviewed previously in this chapter), medications that modu- to imagine touching feared contaminants, and to refrain from
late the glutamate system have been a recent focus of study. washing rituals. For ERP to work, the therapist tailors the expo-
Various agents, each thought to modulate glutamate in differ- sure exercises to the varied obsessive fears of patients with OCD
ent ways, have shown some promise in case reports, open-la- (e.g., fear of contamination, fear of harm befalling themselves or
bel studies, or small controlled trials either as monotherapy others, fear of perverse sexual or religious thoughts, fear of not
or as an adjunct to SRIs (reviewed in Pittenger et al., 2011). doing something just right). There are two main theories about
These include N-acetylcysteine (an animoacid derivative that the mechanisms underlying effective ERP. From a behavioral
reduces synaptic glutamate; Lafleur et al., 2006), memantine perspective, it is thought that repeated prolonged exposures to
(a noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist), topiramate, triggering situations while preventing conditioned rituals leads
riluzole (an antiglutamatergic agent that reduces glutamater- to extinction of conditioned fear responses (i.e., compulsions)
gic neurotransmission in several ways), and minocycline. through habituation. Over time, this leads to decreases in anxi-
A case report demonstrated rapid resolution of obsessions ety even in the face of obsessional thoughts. From a cognitive
in a treatment-resistant patient after IV ketamine infusion perspective, it is thought that ERP helps OCD patients eradi-
(Rodriguez et al., 2011). Though this initial finding must be cate dysfunctional beliefs (such as overestimation of threat in
explored in a larger controlled study, the possibility of a rapidly a particular situation), by providing information that leads to
acting treatment for OCD is exciting. correction of faulty associations.

4 8 N E U R O B I O L O G Y A N D T R E AT M E N T O F O C D | 657

ERP therapy has been shown to be superior when com- full effects. To complete treatment, patients have to be willing
pared with other treatments and control conditions in random- to tolerate high levels of anxiety during the exposure proce-
ized controlled trials (as reviewed by Rodriguez and Simpson, dures. In addition, certain types of OCD patients (e.g., those
2010; Simpson, 2010) including pill placebo, anxiety manage- with prominent hoarding symptoms or with mental, unobserv-
ment therapy, self-guided relaxation therapy, therapist-guided able compulsions that the therapist can’t directly observe) may
progressive muscle relaxation, and wait list control. ERP is have a poorer response to standard ERP procedures. Finally,
also effective at augmenting response to SRI medications, as one of the biggest hurdles is that ERP is not widely available,
described previously. Up to 70% of patients who enter ERP and many patients therefore do not have access to it.
treatment will respond to it, and up to 50% will achieve mini- Because ERP is challenging for many patients, approaches
mal symptoms after acute treatment. Importantly, not only does such as motivational interviewing and modification of
ERP lead to acute improvement in OCD symptoms, but many treatment-interfering cognitive beliefs are used to improve
patients can also maintain their gains over time. treatment adherence ( Simpson et al., 2012). Another approach
Several factors appear to affect ERP outcome (as reviewed for maximizing ERP efficacy stems from animal research: using
by Rodriguez and Simpson, 2010), including the number and medications to enhance what patients learn during exposures.
intensity of sessions, patient adherence with ERP procedures, As previously mentioned, one of the best examples is the use
comorbidities (e.g., severe depression, comorbid posttrau- of d-cycloserine (a partial agonist at the N-methyl-d-aspartate
matic stress disorder), and degree of insight. Further study is receptor), which is known to facilitate fear extinction in ani-
required to determine if addressing these factors prior to or mal models. There are three published studies of the effects
during ERP treatment leads to better outcomes. Data suggest of d-cycloserine augmentation of ERP in OCD; these are
that providing relapse prevention techniques helps patients to reviewed in Simpson, 2010. In two, d-cycloserine reduced the
maintain the gains of ERP therapy. In addition, how patients time to response. A reanalysis of the data from one study con-
adhere to acute treatment is a robust predictor of long-term firmed that d-cycloserine does not change overall effectiveness
outcome (Simpson et al., 2012). of ERP but speeds up the time to response.
In sum, after acute treatment with ERP (either with or The problem of access to ERP is also being addressed. For
without concomitant SRIs), up to half of patients will achieve example, Web-based platforms have recently been developed
minimal symptoms and many can maintain their gains after that deliver ERP over the Internet; minimal therapist sup-
acute treatment ends. This is quite remarkable given the typi- port is provided by e-mail or phone. Andersson et al. (2012)
cally chronic and impairing nature of OCD. found that this Web-based ERP therapy was significantly
better than an attention control condition delivered by the
COGNITIVE THERAPY FOR OCD Internet and led to clinically meaningful improvement in
Cognitive therapy (CT), another form of cognitive-behavioral OCD symptoms.
therapy, has also been used in OCD. In CT, patients and thera- In sum, CBT consisting of exposure and response preven-
pist work together to identify distorted patterns of thinking that tion is a first-line treatment for OCD, and research is underway
lead to emotional reactions and then challenge and alter their to make it not only more accessible but also more efficacious
ways of thinking in order to change their emotional response. for different types of patients with OCD.
Clinical trials have compared CT with ERP. However, sepa-
rating these treatments can be procedurally difficult because
many ERP protocols include informal cognitive techniques SU R G I C A L A N D O T HE R T R E ATME N TS
(e.g., relapse prevention, cognitive restructuring during expo- FOR OCD
sures), and standard CT includes behavioral experiments that
can resemble exposures. Clinical trials that have tried to sepa-
rate these treatments suggest that CT that includes behavioral A subset of OCD patients do not respond to the pharmaco-
interventions is similar in efficacy to ERP when it is not opti- logic and psychotherapy treatment strategies described in the
mally delivered (e.g., 45-minute weekly sessions, self-guided previous sections. To be designated as treatment refractory
exposure) (reviewed in Rodriguez and Simpson, 2010). An according to current clinical trial guidelines, patients must
open trial suggested that CT in the absence of behavioral have failed at least three adequate trials of SRIs for at least
experiments can help some OCD patients. However, given three months at the maximum tolerated dose; at least one
the limited data for CT alone, ERP remains the recommended augmentation trial with clomipramine, a neuroleptic, or clon-
first-line psychotherapy for OCD (APA Practice Guidelines). azepam; and at least one ERP trial performed in combination
with pharmacotherapy. These treatment-refractory patients
are then potential candidates for neurosurgical intervention.
Up to 10% of patients fit into this category. Most modern neu-
rosurgical techniques take advantage of the fact that OCD
Even though CBT consisting of exposure and response pre- symptoms are associated with abnormal neuronal activity
vention is a very effective treatment for OCD, it also has in CSTC circuits. These techniques share the same general
important limitations. The therapy requires a substantial time approach—i.e., attempting to decrease symptoms via disrup-
commitment on the part of the patient and is labor intensive. tion of CSTC circuits at circuit nodes. However, the exact tar-
It requires full adherence with treatment procedures to achieve gets for surgical interventions vary from study to study, since

658 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

target selection and side effect minimization are active areas stimulatory or inhibitory effects on neural transmission. There
of investigation. In this section, we will review currently avail- have been several treatment targets that have been investigated
able procedures, including ablation/radiosurgery, deep brain in OCD. To date, the main area of investigation has been the
stimulation, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), and transcra- prefrontal cortex (PFC). Initial data from Greenberg et al.
nial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Some of these procedures (1997) suggested that a single session of stimulation of the right
have not only been used to treat OCD, but are also increas- PFC led to a decrease in compulsive urges that lasted for eight
ingly being used to study brain mechanisms underlying OCD hours. However, a recent meta-analysis of the three studies of
(e.g., see Sheth et al., 2012). TMS in prefrontal regions in OCD did not demonstrate overall
efficacy (see Slotema et al., 2010). These conclusions may be
limited due to differences in the studies, including geometry
of the TMS coil and frequency of stimulation. Though TMS
MRI-guided stereotactic neurosurgical lesions in the ante- is therefore not currently recommended as a standard treat-
rior limb of the internal capsule, the anterior cingulate, and/ ment for OCD, it is still being investigated as an experimental
or the subcaudate region appear to be beneficial in the treat- treatment. For example, based on evidence for hyperactivity
ment of highly refractory OCD. These lesions can be generated in the supplemental motor area (SMA) in OCD, an open label
either using traditional MRI-guided stereotactic neurosurgery, study was performed to investigate the use of low-frequency
or radiosurgery (i.e., gamma knife), which does not require SMA TMS in OCD patients. In the follow-up randomized
a craniotomy. The fact that symptom relief can be generated sham-controlled trial, response rate (i.e., >25% reduction in
through intervention at multiple points in the CSTC circuit Y-BOCS scores) in treatment-refractory OCD patients was
provides further evidence that hyperactive CSTC circuits may 67% compared with sham responses of 22% (see Mantovani
lead to OCD symptomatology. et al., 2010). Ongoing studies continue to investigate SMA as a
potential TMS treatment target.
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is being investigated as an exper- Because there has been limited investigation into the efficacy
imental surgical therapy in treatment-resistant OCD (reviewed of ECT in OCD, it is not currently recommended as a treat-
in Greenberg et al., 2010). DBS requires craniotomy to implant ment by the APA practice guidelines unless there is a comor-
stimulating electrodes in specific brain targets and is therefore bid condition (e.g., severe major depression) for which ECT
an invasive procedure. However, because it is nonablative, it is effective.
permits flexible and largely reversible modulation of brain
function. Conceptually, it may therefore permit normalization
of abnormal activity patterns seen in OCD patients by “resyn- C O N C L U SI O N S
chronizing” circuit activity. Though DBS shows promise, opti-
mal brain targets continue to be refined to avoid side effects, In summary, OCD is a severe, chronic, and disabling illness
and the underlying mechanism of action remains unknown. that is highly prevalent. Though we still have a limited under-
Of note, all current targets are consistent with the theory that standing of the etiology and pathophysiology of OCD, these
CSTC pathology underlies OCD symptoms. Though DBS is are very active areas of research. Accumulated evidence from
sometimes performed in the anterior limb of the internal cap- both clinical and preclinical studies suggests that there is dys-
sule, target regions in the ventral capsule/ventral striatum (VC/ regulation of activity in CSTC circuits, particularly in connec-
VS) are currently the primary location under investigation for tions between prefrontal cortical regions and striatum. This
treatment-refractory OCD. A recent meta-analysis examining evidence lends both experimental and theoretical support to
the combined long-term results of DBS in 26 OCD patients the idea that multiple neurotransmitter systems and neuro-
demonstrated clinically significant symptom reductions and modulators play a role in OCD pathophysiology, including
functional improvement in approximately two-thirds of the GABA, dopamine, and glutamate (which has the strongest
patients. At last follow-up, 73% of patients had at least a 25% support from genetic studies). It is also necessary to investi-
Y-BOCS improvement. Based on these results, the FDA has gate whether other circuits more specifically related to anxiety
approved the use of DBS in OCD patients as a humanitarian and fear extinction (e.g., cortico-amygdala connections) are
device exemption. However, general utility of DBS based on dysfunctional in OCD. Though it is still unclear whether/how
long-term efficacy in large, controlled clinical trials remains to circuit abnormalities lead to symptomatology, new technolo-
be determined. gies such as optogenetics are allowing us to directly investigate
these questions in animal models.
The only medications proven to be effective for monother-
apy in OCD are the serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Although
TRANSCRANIAL MAGNETIC helpful for many patients, some patients do not respond, and
S T I M U L AT I O N ( T M S ) many achieve only a partial response and are left with clini-
TMS is a neurophysiologic technique that permits noninva- cally meaningful residual symptoms. Proven augmentation
sive stimulation of cortical structures. Magnetic stimulation strategies include the addition of antipsychotics and/or CBT
frequencies and strengths can be altered to generate either consisting of exposure and response prevention; exposure and

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response prevention is also a highly effective monotherapy for Insel, T.R., Mueller, E.A., et al. (1985). Obsessive-compulsive disorder and
serotonin: is there a connection? Biol. Psychiatry 20(11):1174–1188.
patients who are able to complete it. For patients who do not Koo, M.S., Kim, E.J., et al. (2010). Role of dopamine in the pathophysiology
respond to serotonin reuptake inhibitors, cognitive-behavioral and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Expert Rev. Neurother.
therapy, or the combination of an SRI and either CBT or an 10(2):275–290.
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however, evidence supporting these alternatives is limited. Koran, L.M., Gamel, N.N., et al. (2005). Mirtazapine for obsessive-compulsive
Ongoing studies are investigating novel treatment strategies disorder: an open trial followed by double-blind discontinuation. J. Clin.
Psychiatry 66(4):515–520.
that target underlying brain mechanisms, and determining Lafleur, D.L., Pittenger, C., et al. (2006). N-acetylcysteine augmentation in
how currently accepted treatments should be sequenced for serotonin reuptake inhibitor refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder.
maximum efficacy. Psychopharmacology 184(2):254–256.
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DIS CLOSU RES Maia, T.V., Cooney, R.E., et al. (2008). The neural bases of obsessive-compulsive
disorder in children and adults. Dev. Psychopathol. 20(4):1251–1283.
Mantovani, A., Simpson, H.B., et al. (2010). Randomized sham-controlled
Dr. Ahmari has no conflicts of interest to disclose. She is funded trial of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in treatment-resistant
by NIMH, the Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational obsessive-compulsive disorder. Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacol. 13(2):
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K08MH087718-01A1; Irving Institute Pilot Award; Gerstner with schizophrenia. Am. J. Psychiatry 161(8):1334–1349.
Scholar Grant. Marsh, R., Maia, T.V., et al. (2009). Functional disturbances within frontostri-
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INTR ODUC T IO N with another, and other patients may only exhibit lower inten-
sity levels along the spectrum of PTSD symptoms. Recent
Experiencing an extremely traumatic event, such as combat papers highlighted the importance of treating patients who
or violent assault, can lead to posttraumatic stress disorder exhibit some but not all of the requisite PTSD symptoms across
(PTSD). PTSD is the fourth most common psychiatric diagnosis clusters for a full PTSD diagnosis (subsyndromal PTSD), sug-
(Breslau et al., 1998) and is defined by three primary symptom gesting that a “one-size-fits-all” treatment approach is often
clusters (Fig. 49.1) following an event that elicited fear, help- inadequate (Norrholm and Jovanovic, 2010). Furthermore,
lessness, or horror (Criterion A) (APA, 2000). The first cluster the neurobiological underpinnings of the different symptoms
of symptoms (Criterion B) includes reexperiencing of the trau- may not overlap (Hopper et al., 2007), suggesting that differ-
matic event through intrusive thoughts, nightmares, flashbacks, ent “subtypes” of PTSD may have different treatment targets.
and related phenomena that are often produced by remind- Finally, PTSD is frequently comorbid with other disorders,
ers of the traumatic event. The second cluster (Criterion C) is such as depression, substance abuse, and other anxiety disor-
characterized by avoidance symptoms including loss of inter- ders (Kessler et al., 1995). Taken together, these issues result in
est in social situations and emotional detachment. The third a complex phenotype of PTSD, one that is difficult to model
cluster (Criterion D) includes psychophysiological reactivity in animal research and does not easily lend itself to treat-
in response to trauma-related stimuli including exaggerated ment outcome studies. However, several laboratory paradigms
startle, hypervigilance, elevated perspiration, and shortness of have shown promise in testing different elements of the PTSD
breath. Finally, PTSD is defined by the mentioned symptoms syndrome—from aspects of risk and resilience, fear consoli-
lasting for more than 30 days after the trauma exposure, given dation and expression, memory discrimination versus gener-
that the initial response to trauma may resolve itself within alization, and differential symptom clusters. Although these
one month’s time. This chapter will explore vulnerability and cannot encompass the full complexity of the disorder, they
resilience factors for developing PTSD, describing several theo- provide useful tools to evaluate its different aspects. Next we
retical frameworks for the disorder, as well as examining the outline theoretical frameworks for PTSD and describe several
animal model systems, differential pathways, and brain regions animal model systems and laboratory paradigms derived from
identified as involved in the disorder, and finally the available these theoretical bases.
treatments for patients with PTSD.


Current estimates report that 37–92% of all people will be Several theorists have proposed that fear-conditioning pro-
exposed to a severe traumatic event during their lifetime cesses are involved in the etiology and maintenance of PTSD.
(Breslau et al., 1998). Given the high rates of trauma exposure, This model suggests that through Pavlovian conditioning, neu-
the prevalence of PTSD is relatively low, affecting approxi- tral cues (conditioned stimuli, CSs) present at the time of the
mately only 10% of the general population, with women being trauma (the unconditioned stimulus, US) acquire the ability to
twice as likely to develop PTSD as men (Kessler et al., 1995). elicit a conditioned fear reaction that can be triggered when the
The rates of lifetime PTSD are closer to 40% in highly exposed person subsequently encounters these or similar cues in his or
trauma populations, such as low-income urban populations her environment. Consistent with this hypothesis, emotional
(Breslau et al., 1998). Recent studies have demonstrated a steep and physiological reactivity to stimuli resembling the origi-
dose–response curve between trauma frequency and PTSD nal traumatic event (even years after the event’s occurrence)
symptom severity such that the more traumatic events a per- is a prominent characteristic of PTSD and has been reliably
son experiences, the greater the intensity of PTSD symptoms replicated in the laboratory (Orr et al., 2002). Additionally,
(Binder et al., 2008). overgeneralization of trauma-related stimuli or situations, that
PTSD is a heterogeneous disorder, and some patients may is, an impaired ability to discriminate between danger and
present higher symptom severity in one domain compared safety cues, can lead to hypervigilance and exaggerated startle

662 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

• Intrusive/distressing thoughts
• Recurrent bad nightmares
• Experience flashbacks
• Intense emotional upset at reminders
• Intense physiological reactions to reminders

• Avoid thoughts/feelings
• Avoid activities/situations/places
• Can’t recall import aspects
• Lose interest in activities
• Detached/cutoff from others
• Impaired range of emotions
• changed future plans/hopes

• Difficulty sleeping
• Irritable/anger outbursts
• Difficulty concentrating
• Oberlay alert
• Jumpier/easily startled

Figure 49.1 Symptom clusters in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The syndrome of PTSD includes the following clusters of symptoms following the
experiencing of a traumatic event that elicits fear, helplessness, or horror (DSM-IV Criterion A). The clusters include reexperiencing symptoms (Criterion B),
avoidance symptoms (Criterion C), and hyperarousal symptoms (Criterion D).

responses that are part of the hyperarousal symptom cluster reactions immediately after the traumatic event, but these
(Mahan and Ressler, 2012), depicted in Figure 49.2. effects diminish over time in most traumatized individuals.
Conceptualizing PTSD within the framework of fear con- The reduction in fear-related behavior over time is similar to
ditioning affords the use laboratory paradigms, such as fear extinction and may indicate that the development of chronic
inhibition and fear extinction, to better understand altered fear PTSD represents a failure of such fear extinction (Norrholm
processing and to develop better treatments for this dysregula- et al., 2011). Such an inability to extinguish conditioned fear
tion. As noted earlier, most trauma victims show fear-related may be due to a complex gene × environment interaction

Disordered Appropriate
fear regulation fear regulation

Stress sensitivity Stress resistance

Development of PTSD

Resilience / Recovery

Overconsolidation Recovery
of fear from fear

Generalization Discrimination
of fear cues of fear cues

Impaired extinction Normal extinction

of fear memories of fear memories

Figure 49.2 Disordered fear regulation in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Individuals with PTSD typically show increased sensitization to stress,
overgeneralization of fear to irrelevant stimuli, and impaired extinction of fear memories. Individuals who demonstrate resilience to PTSD, and/or who recover
from traumatic/stressful experiences, are able to better discriminate between fearful and nonfearful stimuli. Further, those with disordered fear regulation may also
have impairment of extinction of fearful memories, further contributing to the lack of recovery as seen in PTSD. (Adapted from Mahan and Ressler, 2012.)

4 9 N E U R O B I O L O G Y A N D T R E AT M E N T O F P T S D | 663

between one’s individual predisposition(s) and environmental many species, including humans (Mahan and Ressler, 2012).
factors such as early life stress and the frequency, degree, and The deficits in fear extinction observed in several studies of
intensity of the traumatic event(s). Fear conditioning offers a PTSD patients are particularly important for animal models
unique framework for translational studies because it can be of PTSD treatment. As shown in Figure 49.3, fear extinction
modeled in animal experiments. Given the richness of the is a laboratory analogue of exposure therapy (Rothbaum and
animal literature, the neural underpinnings of fear condition- Davis, 2003). Manipulating rodent models using behavioral,
ing are well understood, and PTSD research can capitalize on pharmacological, lesion, or genetic techniques is useful in elu-
these findings (Jovanovic and Ressler, 2010). cidating molecules and brain structures that are necessary for
normal extinction. For example, brain-derived neurotrophic
factor (BDNF) is one of the molecules that has been identi-
ANIMA L MO D EL S Y S T EMS O F P T SD fied as having a role in fear conditioning and has been studied
in rodent models (Andero et al., 2011). Therefore, compounds
Studies of PTSD in humans have several logistical and ethi- thought to act on BDNF can be administered during fear con-
cal limitations, such as the lack of control over the extent and ditioning or extinction sessions to rodent models to assess
level of trauma exposure, or the inability to match individu- their potential for PTSD treatment. Please see Chapter 41 in
als based on past trauma history. Animal models provide the this volume for further details on understanding fear in animal
opportunity for increased experimental flexibility and control model systems.
of trauma exposure in order to examine causal relationships
in PTSD. While model systems of mental illness are discussed
in other chapters, here we briefly describe animal models of
relevance to PTSD. While the fear conditioning model can be used to examine
extinction deficits in PTSD, other animal models can mimic the
trauma exposure in order to examine the etiology of the human
illness. Many PTSD patients experience repeated exposure to
As described in the preceding, PTSD patients have dysregu- unpredictable traumatic events, particularly in combat-related
lated fear responses including overgeneralization of the con- PTSD. Therefore, a rodent model using chronic variable stress
ditioned response, fear extinction deficits, and impaired (CVS) provides a unique tool (McGuire et al., 2010). McGuire
safety signal learning (Mahan and Ressler, 2012). Fear con- and colleagues described the CVS paradigm followed by a
ditioning and extinction are a widely used paradigm used in recovery period (CVS-R). The CVS model is characterized by









Figure 49.3 Parallels between fear conditioning and extinction in preclinical studies and trauma and exposure therapy in the treatment of PTSD. (Top) Fear
conditioning, through the combination of a previously neutral conditioned stimulus (CS) combined with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (e.g., foot shock), leads
to high levels of fear expression. However, with repeated reexposure to the CS in the absence of the aversive stimulus, a process known as extinction, the CS no
longer elicits substantial levels of fear. (Bottom) Fear conditioning models of PTSD suggest that the cues that are associated with the aversive trauma experience,
for example, the sights, sounds, and smells related to trauma exposure, come to elicit fearful intrusive memories, even if they are only somewhat related to the
initial trauma (such as with fear generalization). Repeated exposure to these memories and trauma cues over time, through psychotherapy, leads to extinction and
symptom reduction.

664 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

a week of various stressors, such as cold swim, warm swim, or D E V E L O P M E N TA L T R A U M A — C H I L D A B U S E
hypoxia followed by an assessment of the rat’s fear-conditioned A N D M A LT R E AT M E N T
responses, weight changes, or molecular changes in the tissue.
The impact of early adverse events on mental health has
been established for more than a decade: early-life stress
SINGLE PROLONGED STRESS MODEL (ELS) is a predictor of adult depression, while ELS and adult
trauma are both predictors of PTSD (Nemeroff et al., 2006).
Although some PTSD patients experience chronic or repeated
A rodent model of ELS in which neonates were repeatedly
trauma exposure, such as prisoners of war, within-theater refu-
separated from their mothers found long-term effects on
gees, and military personnel, other PTSD patients experience a
the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis (Plotsky and
single trauma, such as people who develop PTSD after a natu-
Meaney, 1993). Similarly, women who were abused in child-
ral disaster or terrorist attack. For the latter situation, the CVS
hood show increased HPA reactivity to a psychosocial stressor
model may not properly mimic the human experience. The sin-
(Heim and Nemeroff, 2001). The hormones of the HPA axis,
gle prolonged stress (SPS) model, developed by Liberzon and
including corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), can have
colleagues in the late 1990s (Liberzon et al., 1997) exposes the
anxiogenic effects and are some of the most replicated neu-
rodent to a single stressor followed by a period of rest before
roendocrine alterations found in PTSD.
assessing the rodent’s responses. SPS has been accepted as a
Childhood abuse and maltreatment can have especially
valid model because it elicits neuroendocrine changes similar
pervasive negative psychiatric outcomes. Chen and colleagues
to those observed in PTSD patients (reviewed in Yamamoto
(2010) reviewed the prevalence of lifetime diagnosis of psychi-
et al., 2009). SPS consists of a quick succession of restraint,
atric disorders and sexual abuse and reported a significant asso-
swim, and loss of consciousness stressors, followed by a week
ciation of childhood sexual abuse with later PTSD even after
of rest period prior to further testing. This delay period is
controlling for factors such as socioeconomic status, relation-
thought to function as the duration criterion for PTSD inas-
ship to the abuser, and number of abuse episodes. Maltreatment
much as it allows for the separation of adaptive versus patho-
before the age of 12, including physical abuse and neglect, pro-
logical responses to trauma (Yamamoto et al., 2009).
duces significant increases in adulthood diagnosis of PTSD
(Gilbert et al., 2009). With rates of child abuse ranging from
4–35% in high-income countries such as the United States and
DIFFE R E NTIA L PATH WAY S TO P T SD the United Kingdom, the persistent effects manifested in PTSD
and other psychiatric illnesses create a long-lasting public health
The discrepancy in prevalence rates of trauma exposure and
burden (Gilbert et al., 2009). Further, as discussed later in this
PTSD suggests resiliency in the majority of individuals, indi-
chapter, childhood abuse interacts with genetic vulnerabilities
cating the presence of “risk factors” that increase vulnerabil-
to increase the severity of PTSD symptoms.
ity in those who develop PTSD in the aftermath of trauma
(Fig. 49.4). These factors can be environmental, such as early life
stress during development (Heim and Nemeroff, 2001), as well GENETIC VULNERABILITY
as genetic, as shown by several recent gene-by-environment Although twin data support the importance of genetic inheri-
interaction studies (Binder et al., 2008). It should be noted that tance in vulnerability to PTSD (Koenen et al., 2003), there are
there are also “resilience factors” that reduce the likelihood of few studies that have found main effects of candidate gene(s)
PTSD, even after severe trauma exposure; these include envi- related to PTSD. This dearth of studies arises from the com-
ronmental factors, such as social support (Charney, 2004) and plexity of the phenotype, the difficulty of defining groups with
genetic factors (Binder et al., 2008). comparable traumatic exposure, and the high comorbidity with
other psychiatric disorders (Nemeroff et al., 2006). However,
the fact that a majority of individuals experience a trauma in
their lifetime but only a subset develop PTSD is suggestive
of a strong genetic component. Identifying these genetic risk
Neurochemistry Endocrinology factors for PTSD may provide future avenues to personalize
treatment in vulnerable individuals with recent exposure to
Early life
Associative learning trauma. Next we describe a number of candidate genes, identi-
fied to date, with the most robust effects on PTSD.
FKBP5 is a cochaperone protein that interacts with hsp90 and
Vulnerability Resilience
regulates glucocorticoid receptor (GR) sensitivity. Binder and
Social Trauma colleagues (2008) identified several single-nucleotide polymor-
phisms (SNPs) within the FKBP5 gene (rs9296158, rs3800373,
rs1360780, rs9470080) that were linked to adult PTSD symp-
toms in patients with a history of child abuse. In the largest can-
Figure 49.4 Interaction of genetics, biology, and environment in regulating didate gene study of PTSD at that time, this group has shown
vulnerability versus resilience following trauma. a gene × environment (G × E) effect of the polymorphisms in

4 9 N E U R O B I O L O G Y A N D T R E AT M E N T O F P T S D | 665

FKBP5 with a history of childhood maltreatment to predict PA C A P
level of adult PTSD symptoms in a traumatized civilian sample Pituitary adenylate cyclase–activating polypeptide (PACAP)
(Binder et al., 2008). There have been several replications of this coordinates normal physiological stress reactions. PACAP
finding since its initial description. Notably, no main effects and corticotrophin-releasing hormone work together in lim-
were found for the FKBP5 genotype directly associating with bic brain areas to modulate anxiety-like behavior (Hammack
PTSD symptoms, nor was there an effect of the gene interacting et al., 2010). We have recently shown that blood levels of
with adult trauma levels. These data suggest that the interaction PACAP and a SNP within its PAC1 receptor (PAC1R) may be
of trauma, perhaps during a developmental critical period, with critical mediators of response to psychological trauma. The
the HPA-stress related genes increases vulnerability for PTSD. PAC1R gene has an SNP (rs2267735) in its putative estrogen
response element that is predictive of PTSD (Ressler et al.,
CRHR1 2011). Specifically this SNP appears to be a risk factor in
The corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor (CRHR1) is also females but not males. This sex effect is particularly interest-
a part of the GR system and involved in HPA axis regulation. ing because females are more likely to develop PTSD (Kessler
A polymorphism in the CRHR1 gene has been linked to PTSD et al., 1995). So while the PACAP receptor is not the only gene
associated with child abuse (Amstadter et al., 2011). CRHR1 identified to have a PTSD risk SNP, it may be an important fac-
polymorphisms have also been recognized as a risk factor for tor in the development of the disorder in females.
depressive symptoms in adults with a history of child abuse
(Bradley et al., 2008). CRHR1 polymorphisms as a risk fac-
tor for both PTSD and depression symptoms suggest that the N E U R O B I O L O G Y O F P T SD F R O M H UMAN
CRHR1 gene plays a role in a PTSD depression phenotype. N E U R O I M A G I N G ST U DI E S

5HTTLPR The last two decades of neuroimaging work have pointed to a

The serotonin transporter gene’s promoter region has a poly- functional neurocircuitry of PTSD that highly overlaps with
morphism that results in short and long alleles. In one of the the neuroanatomical substrates of fear described in animal
greatest breakthroughs in psychiatry in the last decade that studies. The primary neuroimaging techniques used in humans
illustrates gene–environment interactions, Caspi and col- have been magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron
leagues (2003) reported that 5HTTLRP is associated with emission tomography (PET). A number of areas have been
symptoms of depression but only in stressed individuals. This implicated in PTSD; however, the sections that follow high-
early G × E discovery fueled investigations of the same poly- light the most replicated findings, focusing on the hippocam-
morphism with PTSD. Kilpatrick and colleagues (2007) iden- pus, amygdala, medial prefrontal cortex, and insula. Although
tified a G × E interaction predictive of PTSD in an analysis of the early studies of brain structure and function were limited
individuals exposed to 2004 hurricanes in South Florida. As with regard to spatial resolution, recent advances in imaging
part of this same hurricane study, it was also reported that the methodology have allowed for more fine-grained analyses of
short allele of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism was associated subcomponents of these areas.
with decreased risk of PTSD in low-risk environments but
increased risk of PTSD in high-risk environments (Amstadter
et al., 2009), suggesting that social environment modifies the
effect of 5-HTTLPR genotype on PTSD risk. Several groups The hippocampus plays an integral role in memory formation
have now identified that individuals who are homozygous for and context conditioning (see Fig. 49.5). In one of the earliest
the short allele are more likely to develop PTSD (Mercer et al., neuroimaging studies in PTSD, Bremner and colleagues, tak-
2012) and are less likely to respond to PTSD treatment (Bryant ing advantage of both the clear anatomical boundaries of the
et al., 2010). This gene also remains of interest because the hippocampus in MRI and the known deficits in memory asso-
serotonin transporter is the site of action for a class of com- ciated with PTSD (reviewed in Bremner et al., 2008), compared
pounds used to treat PTSD patients’ symptoms, as discussed hippocampal volume between the Vietnam combat veterans
later in this chapter. with PTSD and healthy controls. There was a significant reduc-
tion of 8% in the right hippocampus, a rather surprising find-
COMT ing in a functional psychiatric disease as opposed to an organic
A functional polymorphism of the gene coding for disease (e.g., neurodegenerative disease like Alzheimer’s dis-
catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), an enzyme that cata- ease). To ensure the effect was not specific to combat-related
lyzes the breakdown of norepinephrine and dopamine, in PTSD, it was also shown that the effects were replicated in
which valine (Val) has been substituted by methionine (Met) at PTSD patients with a history of childhood sexual and physical
codon 158, is associated with lower enzyme activity. COMT is abuse, who demonstrated a 12% reduction in the volume of
primarily expressed in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus the left hippocampus (Bremner et al., 2008). However, around
(Matsumoto et al., 2003) and represents the principal synaptic the same time De Bellis and colleagues (1999) examined mal-
dopamine-clearing mechanism in these brain regions. Recent treated children with PTSD using MRI and found a reduction
work has implicated the COMT Val158Met polymorphism in in overall cerebral volume in PTSD compared with matched
the development of PTSD following repeated traumatic expo- controls, but they did not find hippocampal volume differences
sure (Kolassa et al., 2010). after correcting for overall brain volume. Nevertheless, to date

666 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

-Regulation of emotion/conflict
-inhibition of response
THALAMUS -Reduced volume
FUNCTION: Sensory relay station -Decreased volume
IN PTSD: Decreased cerebral
-Regulation of emotion
-Fear extinction
-Decreased gray and white
matter density
-Decreased responsiveness to
trauma and emotional stimuli

FUNCTION: Executive function
FUNCTION: Important for memory
encoding and retrieval
IN PTSD: -Stronger connectivity AMYGDALA
with medial prefrontal cortex FUNCTION:
-Decreased volume
-Conditioned fear
-Associative learning
-Threat detection -Hyperactive response to
-Memory formation
emotional stimuli
IN PTSD: -Context conditioning
-Stress sensitivity IN PTSD:
-Generalization of fear response
-Smaller volume and density
-Impaired extinction

Figure 49.5 Structure and function of brain regions differentially involved in PTSD. Brain regions with the most up-to-date evidence to support their role in PTSD
are highlighted, along with their presumptive roles, supported by preclinical and clinical studies in fear regulation. (Adapted from Mahan and Ressler, 2012.)

reduced hippocampal volume has been one of the most widely hippocampal activity using an fMRI emotional stroop para-
replicated findings in adult PTSD patients relative to trauma digm with combat-related words in PTSD patients compared
controls and healthy controls (Woon et al., 2010). Recent stud- with controls. However, again using PET, Bremner and col-
ies using higher resolution imaging techniques have indicated leagues (2008) showed that healthy controls had increased
that reductions in specific subregions of the hippocampus, such blood flow to the left hippocampus compared with PTSD
as the cornu ammonis 3 (CA3) and dentate gyrus, are associ- patients during a declarative working memory task. A recent
ated with PTSD (Wang et al., 2010). A question of particular review of functional neuroimaging in PTSD concluded that
interest, and source of some controversy, has been delineating the relationship between PTSD symptoms and hippocampal
whether a smaller hippocampus is a predisposing factor for activation may be dependent on the type of task employed
developing PTSD, or induced by the stress of trauma exposure (Hughes and Shin, 2011).
and PTSD. The strongest evidence for the former is a twin study
by Pitman and colleagues showing reduced hippocampal vol-
ume in PTSD patients as well as their monozygotic twins who
were unexposed to trauma (Gilbertson et al., 2002). Evidence Based on the extensive work in animal models, the amygdala
for the latter, beyond the work in children, comes from a lon- is known to play a central role in regulating fear responses to
gitudinal study that found decreased gray matter density in the threatening and emotional stimuli (Davis, 1992). This area in
hippocampus using voxel-based morphometry in response to the limbic system is also activated in humans in response to
stressful life events (Papagni et al., 2011). emotional cues (Phan et al., 2002). Unlike studies of the hip-
PTSD is also associated with alterations in hippocam- pocampus, studies investigating amygdala volume in PTSD
pal function. The first study to show deficits in hippocampal patients have no evidence of volume differences in the amygdala;
blood flow/activation in PTSD patients was conducted by however, the results show significant lateralization asymmetry
Bremner and colleagues (2008), using personalized trauma (Woon and Hedges, 2009). In a final note on amygdala volume,
scripts during PET imaging in women with childhood sexual at least one study showed bilateral volume reduction in PTSD
abuse. Interestingly, and in partial contradiction (with notable patients who were part of the Tokyo subway attacks when com-
differences in experimental and imaging setups) to Bremner’s pared with those survivors who did not develop PTSD (Rogers
work, Shin and colleagues (2006) observed an increase in left et al., 2009).

4 9 N E U R O B I O L O G Y A N D T R E AT M E N T O F P T S D | 667

The strongest evidence for the role of the amygdala in While the orbitofrontal cortex has more recently gained a
PTSD comes from functional neuroimaging studies. As lot of attention with regard to PTSD, some of the earliest evi-
early as 1996, Rauch and colleagues (1996) used PET imag- dence of its functional involvement was shown in the study
ing to show that the right amygdala was more active in PTSD by Rauch and colleagues (1996). Using PET during traumatic
patients during a traumatic script-driven imagery condition script-driven imagery, this study showed that combat veterans
compared with a neutral condition. Studies using fMRI have with PTSD demonstrate increased activation in the OFC and
also found hyperactivation in the amygdala in PTSD patients the ACC. Shin and colleagues (2006) found reduced medial PFC
compared with controls using emotionally salient stimuli such activity in PTSD patients compared with controls using differ-
as fearful faces (Phan et al., 2002; Shin et al., 2006). Focusing ent paradigms and trauma populations during PET imaging.
on temporal dynamics, Protopopescu and colleagues (2005) Several neuroimaging studies have used different para-
analyzed early and late epochs of fMRI blood oxygen level– digms that specifically activate the PFC; the simplest and most
dependent (BOLD) responses, suggesting that the time course commonly used tasks involve response inhibition. Such tasks
of the amygdala response is also altered in PTSD. Specifically, have been used in subjects with PTSD using fMRI measures
the study found greater initial amygdala reactivity to (Carrion et al., 2008). This task reliably indicates decreased
trauma-related words in PTSD patients compared with other activation in PTSD subjects compared with controls in the ros-
words. Furthermore, PTSD patients did not show normal sen- tral ACC, located at the genu of the corpus callosum. A recent
sitization and habituation patterns of amygdala responses over meta-analysis of imaging studies during emotion processing
repeated presentations of stimuli throughout the MRI session. in PTSD, social anxiety, and specific phobia indicated that the
Similar results were found by Shin and colleagues (2006) with rostral ACC is less active in PTSD patients relative to con-
regard to happy, fearful, and neutral faces. trols, an effect not found in other anxiety disorders (Etkin and
The final line of evidence for the amygdala’s involve- Wager, 2007). Studies that have examined functional connec-
ment in PTSD comes from surgical case reports. For exam- tivity between the PFC and the amygdala have demonstrated
ple, Adami and colleagues (2006) reported a case of a left impaired inhibition of the amygdala in PTSD (Lanius et al.,
amygdala-hippocampectomy in an epileptic patient with a his- 2004). Finally, larger rostral ACC volume was found to pre-
tory of childhood sexual abuse, but no PTSD. Two weeks after dict positive outcomes to cognitive-behavior therapy for PTSD
surgery, the patient manifested PTSD symptoms, suggesting a (Bryant et al., 2008).
potential importance of the structural integrity of these regions
for resilience to trauma. Similarly, Smith and colleagues (2008)
reported on a patient who developed PTSD after a motor vehicle
accident that occurred two years after having the left amygdala Located at the junction of the frontal and temporal lobes the
removed. Taken together, these studies strongly suggest that the insular cortex (Brodmann area 13) is another prominent cor-
amygdala is one of the crucial neuroanatomical areas involved tical area associated with PTSD. This structure is involved in
in PTSD, and that patients exhibit exaggerated amygdala activ- interoceptive stimuli and has been linked to processing of
ity in response to emotional cues and trauma reminders. painful or noxious sensations (Critchley et al., 2004). Structural
changes in the insula have been largely understudied but highly
consistent in demonstrating decreased volume and gray matter
density in PTSD patients compared with controls (Chen et al.,
The prefrontal cortex (PFC) has long been thought to play a 2006).
role in behavioral inhibition. More than a decade ago, animal The early PET studies using script-driven imagery showed
studies reported that lesions of the medial PFC (mPFC) prior to increased activation in the right insular cortex in PTSD
original fear conditioning retard extinction to a tone (Morgan patients when listening to traumatic scripts compared with
et al., 1993). The prefrontal cortex can be subdivided into medial neutral scripts (Rauch et al., 1996). Recent functional studies
and orbitofrontal PFC. The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), using various paradigms with emotional stimuli have found
also referred to frequently as Brodmann areas 24 and 32, is mixed results: some have found increased insula activation in
part of the PFC and has both rostral and dorsal components. PTSD compared with controls (Hopper et al., 2007), while oth-
Brain development studies of healthy children and adolescents ers have found the inverse relationship (Bremner et al., 2008).
have indicated robust changes in gray and white matter in the Some of the discrepancies may be due to the type of stimuli
prefrontal cortex, with gray matter decreasing and white mat- used; in particular, studies that have used sensation-related cues
ter increasing in volume from ages 9–18 (Giedd and Rapoport, have found increased insula activation in PTSD. For example,
2010). A volumetric study that stratified PTSD and control in a study of the role in olfaction in PTSD, Vermetten et al.
subjects by sex demonstrated significant sex-by-group effects, (2007) showed that the smell of diesel fumes and hydrogen
with smaller cerebral volumes and corpus callosum in PTSD sulfide significantly increased insula activation in the PTSD
males (De Bellis and Keshavan, 2003). Using both volumetric patients compared with controls. Similarly, a recent study of
and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) methods, Carrion and neural correlates of painful stimulation found that women
colleagues (2008) showed an increase in PFC volume and gray with PTSD resulting from domestic violence had increased
matter density in adolescents with PTSD. A number of studies insula activation (Strigo et al., 2010). Increased insula activa-
to date have found reduction in gray matter volume and density tion seems to be somewhat specific to PTSD; an fMRI study
in the ACC related to PTSD (Sekiguchi et al., 2012). of script-driven imagery found that PTSD patients without

668 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

comorbid depression showed this increase, which patients PTSD-related symptoms (Friedman, 2006). Individual psy-
with both disorders did not (Lanius et al., 2007). chotherapy is aimed at specific PTSD symptom clusters and
includes cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques such
as prolonged exposure (PE) (Rothbaum et al., 2000) and cogni-
TR E ATM ENT O F P T S D tive processing therapy (CPT). Of these, only exposure-based
psychotherapy has met criteria for evidence-based treatment
PTSD is a heterogeneous and highly disabling mental disorder by the Institute of Medicine in 2008.
that requires the tailoring of treatment strategies according to
the needs of each patient. Future treatment strategies for PTSD
may be governed by a shift toward personalized medicine C O G N I T I V E B E HAV I O R T HE R AP Y
based on an individual’s environmental risk factors, genotypes,
or gene expression patterns. As outlined earlier, the identifi- The primary purpose of CBT is to deconstruct the PTSD-related
cation of potential genetic variants that increase susceptibil- aberrant thinking patterns that underlie avoidance. Effective
ity for developing psychiatric illness would be a particularly PE techniques include imaginal and in vivo exposure to stimuli
important tool for advancing treatment options for PTSD and that are related to the traumatic event and a patient’s memories
related anxiety disorders. Current treatment regimens typi- of this event (Rothbaum et al., 2000). Imaginal exposure ther-
cally involve the combination of psychotherapy and pharma- apy requires the patient to narrate his or her traumatic expe-
cotherapy (Friedman, 2006). Figure 49.6 shows a flowchart of rience during weekly sessions that continue for 8–10 weeks.
treatment strategies for PTSD. An important step in imaginal exposure is for the patient to
face contexts directly related to his or her traumatic experience
during in vivo contact.

The first-line, nonpharmacological treatment approach for

PTSD has traditionally been psychological treatments includ- E X P O SU R E T HE R A P Y
ing psychoeducation, individual psychotherapy, and group
psychotherapy (Friedman, 2006). Psychoeducation, which is Prolonged exposure therapy, which is based on the learning
not intended to be a stand-alone intervention, is designed to principles of fear extinction, requires repeated exposure to cues
provide a patient with information regarding the nature and associated with the traumatic event within a safe, therapeutic
course of PTSD to a traumatized individual presenting with context (Rothbaum et al., 2000). This repeated exposure might

Full PTSD diagnosis or

clinically significant PTSD symptoms (subsyndromal)

Psychological treatments Pharmacological treatments

– Psychoeducation – Serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors
– Individual psychotherapy (SSRIs; e.g., Sertraline, paroxetine)
– Cognitive behavioral therapy TARGET: Broad spectrum symptoms across
(CBT; e.g., prolonged
exposure, PE; cognitive processing – Mood stabilizers (e.g., lithium,
therapy, CPT) valproic acid)
TARGET: Broad spectrum symptoms TARGET: Hyper-arousal symptoms
across clusters
– Group psychotherapy – Anticonvulsants (e.g., lamotrigine)
TARGET: Reexperiencing, avoidance TARGET: SSRI-resistant avoidance
Problem: Avoidance or – Antipsychotics (e.g., olanzapine)
patient desire for TARGET: SSRI-resistant reexperiencing,
technological innovation avoidance, and hyper-arousal

Virtual reality exposure therapy – Adrenergic inhibitors (e.g., prazosin)

– Externally generated multisensory TARGET: Reexperiencing (specifically
trauma cues to reduce avoidance intrusive nightmares), hyper-arousal
(specifically insomnia)
TARGET: Reexperiencing,
avoidance Problem: Refractory case with low
treatment response (future directions)

Personalized treatment plan

– Genotyping for pharmacokinetic/
pharmacodynamic profile
– Genotyping for fear-related gene variants

Figure 49.6 Treatment options for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Current PTSD treatment options include both psychological treatments (including CBT,
exposure therapy, virtual reality exposure therapy, and other forms of individual and group talk therapy) and pharmacological (primarily SSRIs, mood stabilizers,
and adrenergic blockers). (Adapted from Norrholm and Jovanovic, 2010.)

4 9 N E U R O B I O L O G Y A N D T R E AT M E N T O F P T S D | 669

take the form of recorded self-narrations of the traumatic event Several pharmacological agents are being tested as ear-
coupled with cognitive measures to reduce the fear responses ly-intervention agents in the immediate aftermath of trauma
(anxiety symptoms) associated with the reminders. Exposure for their potential in preventing PTSD. For example, gluco-
therapy is thought to rely on the same learning-based neural corticoids such as hydrocortisone were found to reduce PTSD
processes that underlie extinction learning as outlined previ- symptoms and traumatic memories when administered in the
ously (Fig. 49.3). Recent work has focused on the use of virtual emergency room (de Quervain and Margraf, 2008). Although
reality exposure (VRE) therapy to treat combat-related PTSD this intervention is showing promise, the sample sizes are still
(Gerardi et al., 2008). With this type of treatment, veterans are too small. Another similarly acting drug, propranolol, which
exposed to a virtual combat scenario (e.g., Iraq, Afghanistan) is involved in memory consolidation (Pitman et al., 2002), is
that includes cues such as explosions, insurgents, improvised being explored for its potential in treating PTSD symptoms, but
explosive devices (IEDs), darkness, smoke, and low-flying large-size, controlled studies of this compound are still lack-
aircraft. This type of therapy provides direct exposure to the ing, so no conclusions can be made. Other approaches hope
feared stimuli, but without the negative outcomes experienced to target reconsolidation, a period of potential vulnerability of
in combat. The novel approach of VRE represents an innovative fear memories to disruption, in the “erasure” of specific fear
alternative to traditional prolonged exposure methodologies. memories after a trauma. Overall, it is hoped that a further
understanding of the molecular mechanisms of fear process-
ing and extinction, as outlined in Figure 49.2, will lead to a
number of more powerful ways to combine pharmacotherapy
Many of the pharmacological studies that have informed drug with the specific learning processes underlying recovery from
treatments for PTSD have significant limitations including fear and resilience.
small sample size and reduced power, a lack of double-blinding
and randomization, and inconsistent dosing regimens (Choi
et al., 2010). In fact, a recent Institute of Medicine of the
National Academies report concluded that there was insuf- There is an emerging body of literature assessing treatment-
ficient evidence to support efficacy of pharmacological treat- related structural and functional changes in the neural under-
ment for PTSD. In spite of these limitations, several classes of pinnings of mental disorders. An early study using SPECT
drugs have been used in the treatment of symptoms of this dis- imaging pre- and posttreatment with SSRIs found significant
order. Multiple drug classes, including antipsychotics, anticon- changes in ACC and hippocampus after 12 weeks of treatment
vulsants, adrenergic-inhibitors, opioids, and benzodiazepines, (Carey et al., 2004), and a more recent study found similar SSRI
were rated according to the empirical support behind their treatment effects in the orbitofrontal cortex using PET imag-
therapeutic value for treating PTSD (Choi et al., 2010). ing during script-driven imagery (Fani et al., 2011). SSRIs have
The first-line approach for pharmacological interventions also shown efficacy in increasing hippocampus volume in PTSD
for PTSD is antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake patients (Vermetten et al., 2003). In a recent study of Iraq and
inhibitors (SSRIs; e.g., sertraline) and serotonin-norepinephrine Afghanistan combat soldiers with PTSD who underwent expo-
reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs; e.g., venlafaxine) (Ravindran and sure therapy, increased neural activation in the ACC in response
Stein, 2010). Prescription drug treatments for PTSD target to treatment was associated with greater clinical improvement,
specific symptoms as required by clinical need. For example, even in the absence of large changes in PTSD symptoms (Roy
antidepressants aid in elevating general mood and anxiety et al., 2010). Interestingly, repeated high-frequency transcranial
(and treating comorbid depression) whereas anticonvulsants, magnetic stimulation over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex ame-
antipsychotics, anxiolytics, and adrenergic inhibitors may be liorated PTSD core symptoms beyond sham stimulation or slow
used to treat specific symptoms such as irritability, intrusive frequency stimulation (Cohen et al., 2004). In summary, these
thoughts, and insomnia (Ravindran and Stein, 2010). studies suggest neuroplasticity in the hippocampus, amygdala,
Novel pharmacological approaches that enhance fear and PFC with the potential for treatment-related modifications
extinction are currently being evaluated for treatment effi- in activity (e.g., successfully attenuating amygdala-driven fear
cacy in PTSD. The use of d-cycloserine (DCS), a partial responses). Such findings offer great promise for improving
N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor agonist, as a poten- available treatments for PTSD.
tial treatment for PTSD arose as a result of numerous preclini-
cal studies implicating NMDA glutamate receptor activity in
learning and memory processes. DCS has recently been inves- C O N C L U SI O N
tigated in combination with VRE therapy for the fear of heights
(Ressler et al., 2004) along with a number of other fear-related As this chapter details, PTSD is a common psychiatric disor-
disorders. After treatment, those patients that received DCS in der that has given rise to numerous clinical and animal model
combination with VRE showed greater improvement compared studies to understand both the disorder itself and how to treat
with those who received placebo and VRE. DCS is currently it. As a disorder that is in part explained by disruption of nor-
being investigated as adjunct to exposure therapy in panic dis- mal fear regulation, it provides a particularly interesting and
order, social anxiety disorder, OCD, and PTSD. Additionally, exciting intersection of the molecular neurobiology of fear pro-
other methods of augmenting NMDA receptor activity in con- cessing that is being rapidly understood in animal models. The
junction with extinction are now being explored. convergence of data from such preclinical studies with human

670 | A N X I E T Y D I S O R D E R S

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ore than 80 million Americans have experienced use mechanisms by which genetics mediate these effects through
of nicotine and other drugs of abuse at a level that their modulation of brain development and function, and how
can create potentially harmful effects. This is why this in turn influences response to the environment (i.e., drugs
substance abuse and addiction represent a massive burden to and stress) in ways that enhance susceptibility or support resil-
society. The negative effects on health result from both the direct ience toward SUD. Chapter 53 focuses on the importance of
pharmacological effects of abused drugs and from the ways in studying SUD during development, including characterizing
which they are self-administered. A perfect example is the use the features that render the adolescent brain particularly sus-
of non-sterile needles, which has been linked to the increased ceptible to substance abuse.
incidence of transmission of HIV as well as of hepatitis B and Chapters 54, 55, and 56 provide a comprehensive review
C. Additional disorders that all too commonly result from drug of the technological advances in brain imaging (PET, SPECT,
use range from lung cancer and cirrhosis to the exacerbation of fMRI, and spectroscopic imaging studies) and how these have
psychiatric disorders. Moreover substance use disorders (SUD) been used to study the effects of drugs in the human brain.
produce significant and long-term modifications in brain func- Technology has been used to understand the toxic effects of
tion and behavior that can create havoc in the individuals’ life various drug classes, the mechanisms underlying the reward-
and in social systems including the enormous costs from lost ing effects of drugs, and the neuroadaptations associated with
educational opportunities, lost productivity, and associated repeated drug exposure that underlie the addictive process.
accidents and the legal repercusions from their use. As a result More recently, studies have started to investigate how genes
of direct pharmacological effects and illegal drug trafficking, that increase vulnerability to SUD affect the anatomy, connec-
drugs are also a major cause of violence and crime. The nine tivity, and function of the human brain and what functional
chapters included in this section provide a comprehensive over- characteristics of the human brain in turn are associated with
view of the state of the art and the most recent discoveries in the enhanced vulnerability (i.e., decreased prefrontal function and
many fields of investigations related to SUD, ranging from basic decreased striatal D2 receptors).
science to the most recent clinical discoveries. The many fields of neuroscience focused on SUD described
The first chapter of this section (Chapter 50) provides a above not only inform us on how the various brain regions are
comprehensive review of the current animal models used to affected by drug exposure and natural rewards, but they have
study drug reward and addiction. During the past decade, also generated novel therapeutic targets to inhibit drug reward
the field of behavioral neuroscience has produced more and to mitigate symptoms of addiction and prevent relapse. These
more sophisticated non-human addiction models, which have targets and therapies are discussed in Chapter 57, wherein the
greatly expanded our understanding of the complex cadre of authors review the complex issue of bringing novel and prom-
symptoms that affect substance abusers. These models are par- ising therapeutic targets from the bench to the bedside. Finally,
ticularly important because it is imperative for neuroscientists in Chapter 58, Denise Kandel and coauthors will review recent
to understand the complex interactions between neuronal data on the epidemiology of substance use disorders from both
activity and behavioral aspects of addiction such as craving, comparative and developmental perspectives, including a dis-
drug self-administration, and relapse to drug seeking, which cussion of adolescence as a particularly vulnerable period for
are influenced by environmental exposures (i.e., stressors) and developing SUD.
genetics. Likewise, our understanding of the cellular and molec- The challenges facing investigators parallel those faced by
ular mechanisms that underlie addictive behaviors has made researchers in the addiction field over the last 20 years to a
tremendous progress since the last edition of this book, and will degree, but maintain certain distinctions. A remaining chal-
be discussed in Chapter 51. For example, it is well accepted now lenge is the integration of discovery from the preclinical to the
that drugs of abuse produce many forms of long-term memo- clinical, and then its translation into interventions that can be
ries at the cellular level, and that these cellular memories play used to prevent, treat, and revert the adverse effects of drugs
a variety of roles in reorganizing the circuits of the brain and to the human brain. Success in animal models will require that
in solidifying pathological, addictive behaviors. Chapter 52 will these models more comprehensively emulate the complexity
discuss the recent expansion of knowledge on human genetic of social systems that influence drug taking and the transi-
studies to better understand some of the fundamental questions tion to addiction in humans. Such models should also take
that shape the very nature of SUD. This new knowledge includes into account the complex interactions among environment,
the role of genetics in drug experimentation and addiction, the genes, development, and the pharmacology of the abused

drug, as well as the relevance of studies on different species to databases, more powerful technologies, and a greater under-
human neurobiology. In clinical neuroscience, a new challenge standing of the molecular, cellular, and functional connectivity
is the standardization of protocols for image acquisition and of the brain allow us to address neurobiological questions that
phenotypic characterization of patients with SUD and their we would have not been able to do 10 years ago. In parallel, an
normative that will allow for the integration of imaging and enhanced awareness of the importance of translating neurosci-
genetic/epigenetic data sets from independent laboratories. entific findings into the clinic is likely to accelerate the use of
Despite these challenges, the opportunities for discovery are that knowledge for more effective interventions for the preven-
greater than they have ever been. The enhanced access to larger tion and treatment of SUD.

674 | S U B S TA N C E U S E D I S O R D E R S




rug addiction, or substance use disorder (SUD), is a 2010), palatable food (Guegan et al., 2012), or sex (Pitchers
chronic brain disease characterized by the compul- et al., 2010), all of which can drive the development of com-
sive use of drugs, loss of control over drug-taking in pulsive behavior. The similarities and differences among the
spite of their adverse consequences, and relapse even after long behavioral disorders promoted by drugs and natural rewards
periods of drug abstinence (Koob and Volkow, 2010; O’Brien represent a complex and fascinating topic that has been inves-
et al., 1998). Substance use disorder is considered the result of tigated in animal models. Although this area is out of the scope
a series of transitions from voluntary use in search of a hedo- of this chapter, it has been reviewed elsewhere (Olsen, 2011).
nic effect, to loss of control over this behavior, and ultimately
to compulsive behavior (Everitt et al., 2008). Important in the
context of mental illness is the high comorbidity of depressive M O DE L S O F R E WA R D A N D
illness and anxiety with SUD and that drugs of abuse taken REINFORCEMENT
acutely often alleviate symptoms of these afflictions, yet dur-
ing abstinence the symptoms of depression and anxiety are Animal models of reward and reinforcement are the funda-
exacerbated. Indeed, SUD is comorbid with many psychiat- mental tools for substance abuse research. Drug consumption
ric diseases (clinically referred to as dual diagnosis), includ- is promoted and maintained by the rewarding and reinforcing
ing schizophrenia, where incidence of both cigarette and properties of the drug. These rewarding effects play a crucial
cannabinoid smoking is exceptionally high (Santucci, 2012). role in the initiation of the addictive processes (Koob and Le
In current research of SUD, animal models recapitulate the Moal, 2008). However, it is important to note that although
phenotypes contributing to abuse susceptibility through ini- drug consumption is a requirement for the development of
tial drug taking, habitual drug taking, abstinence, and finally addiction, drug intake does not necessarily induce an addicted
relapse (Fig. 50.1). These models have begun to unravel the state. In fact, addiction is defined as a chronic relapsing men-
molecular, cellular, and behavioral adaptations regulating tal disease and is difficult to comprehensively mimic with the
addictive behaviors in research, which has greatly enriched animal models currently available. Most of the animal models
our understanding of the neurocircuitry mediating learning, described in this chapter have been designed for evaluating par-
motivation, mood, and stress (Koob and Volkow, 2010; Russo ticular properties of drugs leading to the development of this
et al., 2010). This chapter systematically explores animal mod- disease (reward/reinforcing properties) or some specific mani-
els that contribute insights to the addiction cycle as outlined festations of the disease (tolerance, withdrawal, or relapse).
in Figure 50.1. We first cover models assessing reward-related Animal models for reward and reinforcement use either
and reinforcement behaviors. We follow this with descriptions investigator administration of drug (non-contingent), or
of models for abstinence and relapse, and new genetic models self-administration of drug (contingent) in which drug tak-
that increasingly are facilitating addiction research. Finally, we ing is under the control of the animal (Fig. 50.2). Contingent
discuss animal model contributions to susceptibility for initi- or non-contingent administration paradigms can elicit differ-
ating additive behaviors. ent behavioral responses that can be reflected at the level of
Maladaptive patterns of reward-seeking and -taking involv- neuronal adaptations. The analysis of drug-induced changes
ing natural rewards have been reported to share similarities with in dendritic spine density and dendritic branching that con-
those observed in drug addicts. Animal models have revealed trols inter-neuronal communication is one example in which
that natural rewards activate the mesocorticolimbic system, differential adaptations in multiple brain regions depend on
which mediates the hedonic and motivational aspects of dif- whether the drug is given contingently or non-contingently
ferent rewarding stimuli in a manner very similar to drugs of (Robinson and Kolb, 2004). Human addictions are most effec-
abuse. Repeated activation of this reward pathway leads to neu- tively recapitulated in contingent models. However, the value
roadaptive changes that are involved in the progressive behav- of non-contingent models should not be discounted because
ioral changes caused by natural rewards and drugs. Similar they can provide information on adaptations that occur only
structural plasticity changes in the mesocorticolimbic system because of the presence of the drug as well as insight into a
have recently been reported after repeated exposure to natu- subset of reward-related behaviors using uncomplicated drug
ral rewards, such as highly caloric food (Johnson and Kenny, administration procedures.

5 0 A N I M A L M O D E L S O F A D D I C T I O N | 675

brain circuitry mediating goal-directed and habit learning
Recreation/Social Use with circuitry between the medial prefrontal cortex and dor-
somedial striatum mediating goal-directed learning and the

(Impulsivity, drug access, stress, social norms)

Environmental/Genetic Susceptibilities
sensory-motor cortex to the dorsolateral striatum mediating
Binge habit learning (Balleine and O’Doherty, 2010). Reinforcement
Intoxication assays require instrumental actions to obtain the reward, and
a learning curve is necessary to develop the instrumental asso-
ciation between an action (e.g., lever push, nose poke, or eye
Preoccupation CYCLE movement) and its contingent effect. Reinforcement can be
Craving (drug-seeking) demonstrated by an increase in responding to a rewarding stim-
Withdrawal ulus (positive reinforcement) or responding to avoid or delay
Aversive State
an aversive stimulus (negative reinforcement), and animals
will clearly work for both. Models of drug self-administration
may not readily distinguish between these two motivational
Drug Priming states given that the cycle of addiction includes a dysphoric
Lost Inhibitory Control
Protracted Abstinence phase as a consequence of absence of the drug (see Fig. 50.1).
{Highly susceptible to relapse}
Furthermore, certain intrinsic aspects of the models may be
aversive (e.g., the anxiety of a novel environment or surgery
Figure 50.1 Addiction cycle. In addicted individuals, recreational drug use for catheterization) and the drug may relieve these aversive
switches to compulsive drug intake. The addiction cycle typically includes components as a result of anxiolytic, analgesic, or dissocia-
intoxication/withdrawal/craving episodes (Koob and Volkow, 2010). Exiting the tive properties. Modeling the relief of an aversive stimulus has
cycle requires maintenance of abstinence. Drug abstinence is characterized
important implications for certain aspects of human behavior
by a negative affect that strongly contributes to relapse and is often triggered
by drug cues, the drug itself, or stress. All aspects of the cycle are subject to
in which amelioration of pain, depression, or anxiety favor
modification by genetic–environment interactions. drug use. However, the circuitry recruited for euphoric reward
will undoubtedly differ from the circuitry recruited to obfus-
cate an aversive stimulus (Koob and Volkow, 2010).
All animal models measuring reinforcement and reward
require learning. Some acute models of drug administration
S E L F - A D M I N I S T R AT I O N
engage only goal-directed learning, whereas others engage habit
learning after extensive repetition of drug administration para- Self-administration methods are considered the most reli-
digms. Animal studies in recent years have identified different able and predictive animal models to directly evaluate the

Investigator-administered (non-contingent) Non-operant choice (contingent)

Drug delivery Drug delivery

(via injection, oral [gavage], vapor) (foods/liquids/alcohol)



Operant self-administration (contingent)

drug delivery (injection, oral)

Instrumental action
e.g., lever push or
nose poke

Figure 50.2 Drug administration.

676 | S U B S TA N C E U S E D I S O R D E R S

reinforcing properties of a drug. These procedures mimic drug consumption in humans with a high predictive value.
drug-taking behavior in humans and are widely used by many The route of administration most commonly used in these
researchers. The neurobiological mechanisms involved in operant procedures is intravenous delivery of all the proto-
drug self-administration in animals are assumed to be simi- typical drugs with the exception of alcohol, which usually
lar to those underlying drug intake in humans (Maldonado requires the delivery of an oral solution. However, these
et al., 2011). Operant and non-operant procedures can be operant procedures are not specifically associated with any
used in these self-administration models. Non-operant para- route of administration, and multiple additional routes have
digms involve the consumption of a freely available drug, are been successfully used, such as intracranial, intraventricular,
centered on the amount of drug consumed, and are restricted or intragastric delivery.
in rodents to oral self-administration. These non-operant Different single and complex schedule requirements to
methods are widely used to study alcohol-rewarding effects, obtain the reinforcer can be programmed in these operant
and they have also been used less frequently with other drugs paradigms. The schedules most frequently used are the fixed
of abuse, such as nicotine, cocaine, amphetamine, and mor- ratio and progressive ratio schedule of reinforcement pro-
phine (Sanchis-Segura and Spanagel, 2006). Oral ethanol grams. Under a fixed ratio schedule, the drug is delivered each
non-operant self-administration procedures present high reli- time a preselected number of responses are completed in the
ability and predictive value as models of human alcohol con- active manipulandum. Under the progressive ratio schedule,
sumption. Indeed, rodents drink alcohol when using the oral the response requirement to deliver the drug escalates accord-
route, whereas they hardly consume this drug through other ing to an arithmetic progression. The common index of per-
routes of self-administration (Sanchis-Segura and Spanagel, formance evaluated in this last schedule is the highest number
2006; Spanagel and Zieglgansberger, 1997). In contrast, rodents of responses that the animal accomplishes to obtain a single
show only modest motivation to self-administer other drugs by infusion of drug (the break point), which provides informa-
the oral route, including opioids or psychostimulants (Meisch, tion about its motivation for the drug. The analysis of this
2001), and very specific and sometimes biased procedures instrumental response provides valuable data about different
are required to induce their oral consumption. Therefore, the behavioral aspects of drug consumption. After acquisition of
behavioral responses evaluated in those particular situations do the operant task, the behavioral response can be extinguished
not necessarily reflect the rewarding properties of these drugs. by exposing the animals to an additional training in which the
In the most currently used oral alcohol self-administration reward is no longer available. The operant behavior to seek the
procedures, rodents have simultaneous access to two bottles, drug can be then reinstated by using different stimuli.
one containing an aqueous alcohol solution and another con- Rodents typically maintain an operant behavior to
taining water (Spanagel and Zieglgansberger, 1997). The con- self-administer all the prototypical drugs of abuse, includ-
sumption of alcohol in these paradigms is greatly influenced ing opioids, psychostimulants, synthetic drugs, nicotine, and
by the genetic background and animal species used. The alco- cannabinoids (Maldonado et al., 2011). In the case of can-
hol concentration represents another critical factor that can nabinoids, rodents self-administer synthetic cannabinoids but
even bias the outcome because low concentrations may have not Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive com-
a mild-sweet taste, whereas overly high concentrations have ponent in Cannabis sativa, which is only self-administered
an aversive flavor (Sanchis-Segura and Spanagel, 2006). Other by monkeys (Tanda et al., 2000). In rodents, these operant
critical factors in these paradigms are the temporal accessibil- self-administration models were first validated in rats, and
ity to alcohol (Vengeliene et al., 2012), and the kind and num- then adapted to mice. Reliable operant models of acquisition
ber of available bottles and/or other reinforcers (Tordoff and and relapse of morphine, cocaine, ecstasy, alcohol, nicotine,
Bachmanov, 2003). In general, alcohol consumption increases and synthetic cannabinoids self-administration are also now
when rodents are given restricted access to the drug (e.g., every available in mice (Martin-Garcia et al., 2009; Mendizabal et al.,
other day) or a higher number of alternative alcohol solutions 2006; Soria et al., 2008). Application of these new models to
are presented. the different lines of genetically modified mice will yield more
Operant paradigms require that the animal performs an insights in the future.
instrumental response to self-administer the drug. In these
models, the animal learns to maintain a behavioral response,
typically by pressing a lever or nose poking in a hole, to
obtain a positive reinforcer (drug delivery) that is deliv- In these paradigms, the subjective effects of a drug are repeat-
ered contingently after completion of the schedule require- edly paired to a previously neutral stimulus. Through this
ment (Maldonado et al., 2011). The operant chamber levers repeated conditioning process, the neutral stimulus acquires
and nose poking holes also transmit operant response. The the ability to act as a conditioned stimulus, and the animal will
response in the active manipulandum is linked to the deliv- prefer or avoid this conditioned stimulus depending on the
ery of the drug, whereas the response in the inactive manipu- rewarding or aversive effects produced by the drug (Fig. 50.3).
landum results in the delivery of the drug vehicle or lacks The most commonly used paradigms apply a spatial environ-
any programmed consequence. These operant procedures mental stimulus as the conditioned stimulus and the animal
are considered by most researchers to be reliable models of will show a conditioned place preference or aversion for the

5 0 A N I M A L M O D E L S O F A D D I C T I O N | 677

Conditioned Place Preference


Figure 50.3 (A) Drug administered non-contingently (repeated three to five times on alternate days) and the animal confined to one compartment (“cow pattern”
in this example but the side would be a randomized group). (B) Drug vehicle given to the animal confined to the other compartment (“checked pattern”) on
alternate days from drug. (C) Animal put in the neutral chamber (gray triangle) with access to both the drug- and vehicle-paired compartments.

environment associated with the effects of the drug or its with- increases after prolonged drug administration and during with-
drawal. Although a conditioned approach/avoidance toward drawal. This is interpreted as a desensitized reward system and
specific stimuli can also occur in humans as a result of drug parallels other behavioral and imaging evidence that SUD can,
consumption (Bardo and Bevins 2000), the place condition- over time, attenuate the basal functioning of the dopaminergic
ing paradigms are not primarily intended to model any par- reward circuitry (Kenny, 2007).
ticular feature of human behavior. These paradigms mainly
represent an indirect assessment of the rewarding or aversive
effects of a drug or its withdrawal, by measuring the response M O DE L S O F W I T HDR AWA L A ND R E L AP S E
of the animal toward the conditioned stimulus. Drugs of abuse
display a differential ability to produce conditioned place pref- Withdrawal from drugs of abuse can be an important aspect
erence. Opioids and psychostimulants easily produce robust of SUD because withdrawal can promote a state at both the
place preference over a wide range of experimental conditions, behavioral and cellular level that supports negative reinforce-
whereas other drugs, such as ethanol, cannabinoids, or nico- ment. Drug withdrawal has multiple phenotypes, including
tine, produce more inconsistent results. The caveats of the place physical symptoms, craving, and the modulation of affect
preference assay are many, with issues of memory function, cir- (Koob and Volkow, 2010). Symptoms of acute and protracted
cadian rhythm, and that the animals non-contingently receive withdrawal are sensitizers for relapse and can serve as major
the drug in a novel environment, which has consequences for drivers for the addiction cycle (see Fig. 50.1). Although the
eliciting stress. Despite this, conditioned place preference has acute physical withdrawal behaviors caused by individual
been an informative and widely utilized behavioral model for drugs appear very different, the prolonged withdrawal phe-
understanding parameters that disrupt or enhance the reward- notype (negative affect, craving behavior, and vulnerability
ing effects of abused drugs. to stress) begin to emerge as common phenotypes. This is
reflected by merging transcript profiles in the extended
amygdala, one of the brain regions involved in emotional
I N T R A C R A N I A L S E L F - S T I M U L AT I O N
responses following protracted abstinence of several drugs of
Intracranial electric self-stimulation (ICSS) procedures were abuse (Le Merrer et al., 2012).
essential in the discovery of the brain reward circuits. These
paradigms are now widely used to study the effects of acute and
chronic drugs of abuse administration and withdrawal in the
activity of the reward circuits (Sanchis-Segura and Spanagel, Depressant drugs such as opioids, alcohol, or benzodiazepines
2006). In this paradigm, animals are trained to maintain an have dramatic acute withdrawal symptoms. In the case of alco-
operant behavior so as to obtain an electric pulse through an hol and benzodiazepines these result in seizures, which can
electrode that has been previously implanted in a reward-related be lethal. In acute withdrawal from opioids, there are a classi-
brain site, most frequently the lateral hypothalamic area. The cal set of physical symptoms that can be readily measured in
threshold of the minimal current needed to promote intracra- rodents and include jumping, wet dog shakes, weight loss, paw
nial electric self-stimulation is estimated. A drug that stimulates tremors, diarrhea, and piloerection. In the most frequently
the reward circuit will decrease this threshold, which is related to used model of opioid withdrawal, the symptoms are triggered
its rewarding properties, whereas a drug having aversive effects by administration of an opioid receptor antagonist such as
will enhance the minimal current required to maintain the naloxone. Similar antagonist-precipitated withdrawal assays
self-stimulation (Markou and Koob, 1993). The ICSS threshold have been used for measures of nicotine and cannabinoid

678 | S U B S TA N C E U S E D I S O R D E R S

physical withdrawal, although the symptoms are considerably M O DE L S O F DR U G A DDI C T I ON
less robust than opioid withdrawal (Trigo et al., 2010). Cocaine
and other psychostimulants do not elicit physical withdrawal As discussed, the animal models available for evaluating drug
symptoms that can be easily measured in animal models or reward and reinforcement, as well as withdrawal, have been
human subjects. This demonstrates that physical withdrawal is very useful in clarifying the neurobiological basis of drug tak-
not a predicate for addiction. ing and specific features of the addictive process. However,
addiction is a chronic relapsing disorder characterized by
compulsive drug use maintained despite adverse consequences
for the user (O’Brien et al., 1998). Behavioral models that
Although many studies have focused on the physical aspects resemble the main diagnostic criteria for addiction have only
of withdrawal, the affective state and drug craving (the desire recently been studied using animal models. Two independent
to attain the drug state) are aspects that deserve focus, given research groups have validated behavioral models of compul-
their role in triggering relapse and modeling the primary sive drug-seeking in rodents, resembling addictive behavior
mental affliction of SUD. In the case of opioid withdrawal, in humans (Belin et al., 2008; Deroche-Gamonet et al., 2004;
antagonist precipitation cannot be used to assess changes in Vanderschuren and Everitt, 2004). These models evaluate the
affect because antagonists such as naloxone and naltrexone persistence of drug-seeking and -taking in the face of punish-
are highly aversive in rodents that have never been exposed ment, resistance to extinction, and exaggerated motivation to
to an opioid drug. This aversion in drug-naïve mice has been obtain the drug. In one animal model, the motivation for the
shown to be caused by a constitutive hedonic tone as a result of drug determined by the break point (the maximal amount of
proenkephalin-derived opioid peptides activating mu-opioid work that the animal performs before cessation of respond-
receptors (Skoubis et al., 2005). Affective state and craving is ing) was abnormally high under these conditions. Indeed, a
best modeled in animals simply withdrawn from the drug. break point greater than 500 operant actions to obtain a single
Recent studies have assessed animals during both acute and cocaine injection in “addict rats” was reported in these models
protracted withdrawal. Significantly, although physical signs of (Deroche-Gamonet et al., 2004). Although there is significant
withdrawal diminish rapidly and within a few days after opi- promise in this area of work, it remains relatively underutilized
oid withdrawal, some phenotypes strengthen, including social and studied.
interaction deficits and depressive phenotypes (Goeldner et al.,
2011). The strengthening of such behaviors after protracted
abstinence is associated with deficits in serotonin and can be G E N E T I C A N I M A L M O DE L S F OR
reversed with the serotonin membrane transporter blocker A DDI C T I O N R E SE A R C H
fluoxetine. Incubation after acute withdrawal also enhances
drug-seeking induced by drug-related stimuli (Weiss, 2010). Multiple studies in humans (family twin and adoption stud-
ies) point to a major genetic component in the etiologies of
SUD (Ho et al., 2010). Rodent models have been developed
to identify genes and pathways related to this disease. Three
Relapse susceptibility is an extremely persistent and robust phe- major approaches are well exampled in alcohol research
notype in both humans and animals (Wikler and Pescor, 1970) (Crabbe, 2008). The first approach has used inbred lines with
and can get progressively stronger in response to some triggers different SUD propensity. A second approach has used genetic
during abstinence (Weiss, 2010). Relapse models in animals selection for phenotypes related to SUD. A third approach
first require the animal to learn a drug self-administration task, has been the targeted modification of the genome, a strategy
although a place-preference paradigm could also be used. The that has probably been the most informative in identification
animal receives extinction training so as to erode the established of relevant primary targets and reward-dependent mecha-
associations, followed by test sessions in which behavior sponta- nisms. What is becoming clear from genetic association
neously recovers or is reinstated by a drug-related cue, the drug, analysis in both human and animal subjects is that SUD is
or stress (Sinha et al., 2011). The use of extinction training is not an exceptionally complex disorder with multiple genetic con-
an optimum method to reduce drug-seeking behavior because tributions that modify susceptibility to different drugs and
it does not accurately recapitulate the human experience and, different aspects of the disorder in selective environments
in fact, changes the underlying neuroadaptations mediating (Ho et al., 2010). This complexity of genetic contribution and
drug-seeking and -taking. However, without extinction, extin- interaction with environment makes human analysis an omi-
guishing drug-seeking may not be practically feasible given the nous task requiring large cohorts for valid analysis. However,
strength and longevity of reward-related behaviors. In humans, recently the identification of one locus in a cluster of nico-
relapse happens when the motivation to abstain is overwhelmed tinic receptors, the CHRNA5-A3-B4 cluster on chromosome
by the motivation to take the drug. This stands in contrast to 15, has been repeatedly associated with both lung cancer and
animal models in which the motivation to take the drug over- smoking (Bierut, 2010). Ongoing research is elucidating how
whelms extinction-related learning. New research should focus this locus modulates disease susceptibility in animal models
on the development of models that emphasize conflict between with genetically down- or up-regulated levels of the nicotinic
the motivational states that excite and inhibit drug-taking and receptor subunits in this area of the genome (Fowler et al.,
the role for cognitive control circuitry in these circumstances. 2011; Gallego et al., 2012).

5 0 A N I M A L M O D E L S O F A D D I C T I O N | 679

During the past decade there has been an explosion of in males than females (Lynch et al., 2002). On the other hand,
genetically modified mouse models to determine the effects it has been suggested that among those persons who sample
of specific genes on SUD. The endogenous opioid system pro- the drug, the development of a compulsive, clinically signifi-
vides an outstanding example of progress that can be achieved cant form of drug-seeking and -taking occurs more readily in
with targeted modification of genome (Le Merrer et al., 2009). females (Lynch et al., 2002). Because of the absence of social
The genetic ablation of the mu-opioid receptor (mu knockout factors that likely inhibit drug sampling in human females,
mice) eliminates the place preference, self-administration, rodent models are useful in interrogating the influence of purely
and analgesic effects of drugs such as morphine and fentanyl. biological dimensions of sex on the phases of drug use, abuse,
Intriguingly the mu knockouts additionally exhibit dimin- and dependence that follow initial sampling. Significantly,
ished or abolished reward-associated behaviors for nicotine, female rats have been shown, in multiple laboratories and
alcohol, and cannabinoids, which do not directly activate opi- using multiple preparations, to more readily acquire drug
oid receptors. These data are suggestive of the recruitment of self-administration, self-administer larger amounts of drug, to
the endogenous opioid system for the rewarding experience reinstate drug self-administration, and develop inflexible pat-
by several non-opioid drugs. Indeed proenkephalin knockout terns of drug intake (Lynch et al., 2002; Perry and Carroll, 2008).
mice, which lack one of the three precursors of endogenous Subsequent studies have revealed the partial contributions of
opioid peptides, exhibit the same reduced-reward phenotype estrogenic hormones to these differences (Lynch et al., 2002),
as mu-opioid receptor knockout mice. but it remains unknown how genetic aspects of sex contribute
Genetically modified mice have also contributed to our to gender differences. These results demonstrate the potential
understanding of the dark side of addiction. Kappa-opioid for animal models to reveal important biological predetermin-
receptor knockout mice as well as mice null for the gene ing factors, particularly when those factors are sometimes over-
encoding kappa-opioid receptor ligands (prodynorphin), ridden by environmental or psychosocial factors.
both exhibit a phenotype of reduced stress (Bruchas et al.,
2010). Mice null for the endogenous kappa-opioid system do
not show stress-induced relapse for cocaine and relieve the
aversive component of tetrahydrocannabinol in place prefer- Substance use disorders cosegregate with a number of biobe-
ence assays (Maldonado et al., 2011). Kappa antagonists are havioral preclinical or clinical phenotypes. One such relation-
now a major focus for drug development for the treatment of ship is the apparent comorbidity between SUD and several
relapse and other stress-related disorders. The era of develop- mental disorders, including attention deficit/hyperactivity
ing new animal models by genetic modification has not ended disorder (ADHD) (Groman et al., 2009). Children diagnosed
and the new era of conditional knockout and knockin models with ADHD are at greater risk for the development of a SUD
are revealing cell types, circuits, and brain regions involved during their lifetime, particularly if they are not successfully
in selective aspects of SUD. Furthermore, as genetic analysis medicated. There are many theories regarding the causal
begins to reveal new genes of interest, such as in the case of the basis of this comorbidity. On one hand, some argue that sub-
alpha 5 nicotinic receptor for smoking, animal models provide stance use in the teenage and adult years represents a form of
the tools to understand the genetic influence mechanistically “self-medication” in which patients consume nicotine and/
and perhaps enlighten therapeutic approaches. or stimulants because of their ability to remediate inattentive
and/or hyperactive symptoms. A different view, however, is
that individuals with ADHD are susceptible for substance mis-
ANIMA L MO D EL S O F A D D IC TION use because they exhibit novelty seeking, behavioral impulsiv-
S US C E PT IBIL ITY ity, and/or differential reward sensitivity, which independently
predispose them for dyscontrolled reward-seeking behaviors
A variety of biological and environmental factors have been (Groman et al., 2009). These and other phenotypes that seg-
hypothesized to prospectively (causally) influence SUD. These regate with SUD may represent predisposing factors that are
hypothesized relationships can often be studied in a controlled, worthy of causal and biological dissection in animal models.
experimental manner in animal models because of the capac-
ity to selectively manipulate all factors but the one under study
and prospectively examine the characteristics of the pheno-
typic relationship. These procedures overcome the confounds Novelty-seeking traits in humans—defined as the propensity
associated with covariation of phenotypes (Lynch et al., 2002) to be attracted to environments associated with novelty, sensa-
in human subjects as well as the limitations of purely retro- tion, and/or risk—are associated with SUD, and novelty reac-
spective analyses. tivity in rats has been conceptually linked with novelty-seeking
in humans (Dellu et al., 1996). One of the earliest demonstra-
tions that traits related to novelty reactivity predict individual
differences in response to illicit substances of abuse was that,
In many ways, the potential for animal models of vulnerability in outbred rats, the magnitude of the locomotor response
to drug abuse is best demonstrated by studies of sex effects on evoked by a novel environment positively predicted subse-
drug reinforcement. In most Western societies, the use of licit quent acquisition of an instrumental response reinforced by
and illicit substances with addiction liability is more common drugs (Piazza et al., 1989). This relationship is present in both

680 | S U B S TA N C E U S E D I S O R D E R S

male and female subjects, and is under genetic control in that of liability for SUD and that so-called reward sensitivity can
it can be enriched by breeding for the phenotype. So-called be phenotypically indexed by specific behavioral paradigms,
“high responders” (in the novel environment) are therefore such as the sweet flavor preference (Carroll et al., 2008). In
more susceptible to the reinforcing effects of stimulants and other words, high preference for sweet flavors indicates high
opiates under some circumstances. reward sensitivity, and the hypothesis is that reward sensitivity
On the other hand, psychomotor reactivity to novelty may in turn translates into individual differences in sensitivity to
only be one dimension of novelty-seeking in humans because drug reward and/or reinforcement. In a comprehensive series
the trait is primarily defined as the propensity to seek out and of studies, Carroll and colleagues have provided empirical sup-
participate in novel and exciting circumstances. With that port for this hypothesis in rat models. Saccharin preference (a
in mind, it is interesting that individual differences in nov- phenotype that indicates sweet, but not calorie, preference) is a
elty preference or novelty reinforcement in rats has also been genetically influenced trait, in the sense that it can be enriched
linked to drug self-administration phenotypes in a manner by breeding for the phenotype. Rats bred for high saccharin
that extends beyond the explanatory value of simple novelty preference more readily self-administer cocaine and opioids,
reactivity (Belin et al., 2011), suggesting that the overall rela- compared with rats bred for low saccharin preference, with a
tionship is quite complex. greater effect in females than males (Perry and Carroll, 2008).

Novelty-seeking has been conceptually linked to another
dimension of temperament often referred to as impulsivity—a The concept that animal models can disambiguate the causal
tendency to act or react with limited forethought and/or a ten- nature of the relationship between putative biological and
dency of one’s behavior to be driven by immediate, rather than behavioral susceptibility factors and SUD is not new, but recent
delayed, outcomes associated with behavior (Evenden, 1999). years have seen a dramatic increase in the sophisticated use of
High impulsivity is itself a phenotype that segregates with SUD these systems to do so. For those relationships now exposed
and that likely explains the dysregulated pattern of drug intake (e.g., among novelty-seeking, impulsivity, reward sensitivity,
in some individuals with drug abuse and dependence (Jentsch and drug self-administration), it is now possible to begin tak-
and Taylor, 1999). Because of evidence that exposure to drugs ing apart the genetic, molecular, and circuit mechanisms that
of abuse is sufficient to elicit impulsive patterns of responding mediate the relationship. Presumably, these biological factors
(Izquierdo and Jentsch, 2012; Jentsch and Taylor, 1999), it was are useful for a variety of reasons, including their ability to serve
unclear that impulsivity in SUD was a preexisting vulnerability as biomarkers of risk and as targets for prevention of SUD.
Recent studies in rodents, however, have dramatically
clarified this view. Rapid response impulsivity (acting with- DI SC L O SU R E S
out forethought) and impulsive choice (diminished sensitivity
to delayed, as opposed to immediate, outcomes) both predict Dr. Maldonado receives financial support and/or research con-
high liability for drug self-administration (Dalley et al., 2007; tracts from Laboratorios Esteve SA, Ferrer SA, Pharmaleads,
Izquierdo and Jentsch, 2012; Perry and Carroll, 2008), although and a grant from Marató TV3. He currently holds a patent
different aspects of impulsivity have been revealed to dissocia- under exploitation by Panlab SA.
bly relate to distinct aspects of self-administration (e.g., ini- Dr. Jentsch and Dr. Evans have no conflicts of interest to dis-
tial acquisition versus motivation to consume the drug versus close. They are both funded by the NIDA and NINDS.
escalation versus extinction versus reinstatement). Impulsivity
Dr. Kieffer has no conflicts of interests to disclose. She is funded
traits in animal models are under genetic control and are linked
by academic institutions (CNRS, INSERM and Université de
to reduced dopamine D2-like receptor availability/function
Strasbourg and the National Institutes of Health (National
in brain (Dalley et al., 2007; Laughlin et al., 2011). Although
Institute of Drug Addiction, grant #05010 and National
all the details of this relationship remain to be exposed, it is
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, grant #16658).
clear that a multidimensional model that incorporates both
the phenotypic complexity of impulsivity and drug reinforce-
ment is required. In this sense, the results of the animal models
not only generally clarify the causal nature of the relationship REFERENCES
between impulsivity and drug abuse phenotypes, but can also
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he social, economic, and public health impact of addic- because identifying relevant brain loci of change is impera-
tion to drugs of abuse is well addressed throughout tive. The elucidation of the neurocircuitry of addiction has
this volume. Indeed, the public health cost of addiction underscored the growing appreciation that addiction involves
to substances both legal and illicit places tremendous burden a pathology of reward learning (Hyman et al., 2006; LaLumiere
on the individual and society. The estimated monetary cost and Kalivas, 2007). Reward learning can be defined as the
of addiction within the United States reaches $500 billion per adaptive associations between the environment and reward-
year (Abuse, 2011; Koob et al., 2009; Uhl and Grow, 2004). Of ing stimuli (e.g. food, sex, social interaction), and in a broader
the 2.4 million deaths in the United States in 2000, more than context includes the modulation of reward learning by moti-
450,000 were attributed to smoking, 67,000 to alcohol-related vational drive and decision making. Reward learning is a criti-
deaths, and nearly 10,000 to illicit drug use (Keeney, 2008). In cal component of survival and evolutionary success, governing
2009, illicit drug-related deaths had increased to nearly 37,000 the necessary associations of reinforcement with context and
per annum (Kochanek et al., 2011). These statistics underscore behavior.
the importance of understanding and treating addiction disor- Early understanding of the neurocircuitry of reward learn-
ders. Thus, a majority priority of addiction research is to inves- ing was provided by the seminal work of Olds and Milner, who
tigate the nature of drug-dependent pathology at the behavioral, described the rewarding effects of electrical self-stimulation,
neuroanatomical, and cellular levels, as they contribute to the with most pronounced effects in regions of the brain includ-
biological mechanisms responsible for the transition from social ing the septum and tegmentum (Olds and Milner, 1954).
use through stages of abuse and compulsive drug seeking. Subsequent studies by Olds and others identified a number
Addiction to drugs of abuse is characterized not only by of other reward centers, most particularly along the medial
increased motivation to obtain the drug, but also by decreased forebrain bundle, which extends from the ventral tegmental
motivation to obtain natural reward and loss of control over area (VTA) through the lateral hypothalamus to the nucleus
behavior. The enduring changes that occur in regions of accumbens (Wise, 1998) (Fig. 51.2).
reward neurocircuitry and mediate the drug seeking charac- Shortly thereafter in 1957, Arvid Carlsson determined
teristic of an addiction disorder occur over time and repeated that dopamine (DA) functions as a neurotransmitter in the
exposures. Drug use typically escalates in a series of steps brain, as opposed to simply as a precursor for norepinephrine
beginning with social use and transitions to regulated relapse, (Carlsson et al., 1957). This finding allowed for the inclusion
which is followed by compulsive relapse (Kalivas and O’Brien, of DA among the signaling candidates responsible for the acti-
2008) (Fig. 51.1). In this chapter we will discuss the cellular vation of reward circuitry. A number of subsequent studies
and molecular changes and engagement of neural circuits that performed in the 1970s and 1980s determined that anatomical
occur loosely on a timescale correlated with stages of use and or pharmacological inhibition of DA signaling was found to
drug seeking, and consider how these changes may mediate impair a myriad of reward-related behaviors including feed-
the uncontrollable drive to use that characterizes an addic- ing, electrical stimulation, sexual contact, and ultimately, pur-
tion disorder. It is however important to note that these are suit of drugs of abuse (for review, see Wise, 1998, 2004). These
not clear delineations. For example, although we present pro- studies established the framework within which to investigate
nounced dopamine (DA) signaling as a hallmark feature asso- dopaminergic mechanisms of reinforcement and hypotheses
ciated with reinforcing effects of social drug use, dopaminergic of addiction neurobiology.
mechanisms persist throughout all stages of addition disorder. By the late 1980s it had become clear that the reward
pathway was multisynaptic, that DA antagonists blocked the
rewarding effects of brain stimulation, and that the majority
NE UR OCIRC U ITRY O F A D D IC T I O N of drugs of abuse caused release of DA within the mesolimbic
projections, particularly into the nucleus accumbens (NAc) (Di
S TA G E I : R E W A R D N E U R O C I R C U I T R Y
Chiara and Imperato, 1988; Wise and Rompre, 1989). Thus,
the rewarding effects of drugs of abuse have been attributed
An overview of the neurocircuitry of addiction is essential to an increase in DA signaling within the mesolimbic reward
for any discussion of the cellular and molecular mechanisms, centers of the brain, particularly the NAc and prefrontal cortex

5 1 C E L L U L A R A N D M O L E C U L A R M E C H A N I S M S O F A D D I C T I O N | 683

habit PFC



Exploratory motor output
Social Regulated Compulsive
Use relapse relapse

Figure 51.1 Behavior stages in the development of an addiction disorder

overlaid with corresponding categories of cellular changes. Extension of darker
shading indicates the engaged or continued requirement for each mechanism
in stages of addiction development. Changes in DA signaling are observed PFC
after an acute exposure to many drugs of abuse, and continue to be observed HIPP
following multiple exposures (solid dark gray). Over time and repeated
exposures/withdrawal, changes in glutamatergic signaling and plasticity are
also observed, and contribute to the development of regulated drug seeking. DS
As drug abuse continues, the brain “anti-reward” system is activated, and AMY
ultimately dorsal striatal habit circuitry, in the later stages of compulsive
relapse. (Adapted from Kalivas P.W., O’Brien C. 2008. Drug addiction as a NAc
pathology of staged neuroplasticity. Neuropsychopharmacology, 33: 166–180.)

Learned motor output

(PFC). Drug-dependent DA release in the NAc and PFC, as Figure 51.2 Reward and addiction neurocircuitry. Established circuit connections

well as the amygdala and hippocampus, is now known to be a in the neuropathology of drug abuse are shown. Solid lines indicate DA
transmission, dashed lines indicate glutamatergic transmission, dotted
critical mediator of the rewarding effects of drugs of abuse, a line represents GABA; arrows indicate directionality of neurotransmission.
necessary early step in the development of addiction disorders, (A) Ascending reward neurocircuitry engaged by both natural rewards and
the mechanisms of which will be discussed in depth in the fol- isolated exposure to drugs of abuse. Triplet lines indicate median forebrain
lowing section. bundle. (B) Additional nuclei and structures are engaged following repeated
drug exposure and mediate regulated relapse and increasingly compulsive
drug seeking behavior. Enduring adaptations emerge within these structures,
S TA G E 2 : R E G U L AT E D R E L A P S E which underlie the pathophysiology of addiction. AMY, amygdala; DS, dorsal
striatum; HIPP, hippocampus; NAC, nucleus accumbens; PFC, prefrontal cortex;
Because activation of the mesocorticolimbic DA system medi- VP, ventral pallidum; VTA, ventral tegmental area. For clarity, not included are
ates responsiveness to the effects of drugs of abuse as well as nuclei included in the section on additional structures. For further discussion
natural rewards, the development of changes within the struc- of the neurocircuitry of addiction, see Feltenstein and See, 2008; Koob and
Volkow, 2010; McGinty et al., 2011.
tures receiving DA following chronic drug exposure can medi-
ate elements of drug craving and seeking, which are associated
with the appearance of regulated relapse (Feltenstein and See, whereas the shell plays a role in emotional modulation and
2008). In particular, the NAc is a structure receiving input appetitive motivations (Kelley, 2004; Sesack and Grace, 2010).
from not only the VTA, but also from the PFC, amygdala, The prefrontal cortex is another major recipient of DA
and hippocampus, and is a critical mediator of reward seek- from the VTA, and inactivation of the PFC impairs drug
ing (Feltenstein and See, 2008; Mogenson et al., 1980) (see self-administration and relapse related behaviors (McLaughlin
Fig. 51.2). The NAc is comprised of core and shell subcom- and See, 2003). Regions within the PFC implicated in the neu-
partments, from which GABAergic projections are sent to the ropathology of addiction include the prelimbic cortex (PL),
ventral pallidum, which in turn project back to the NAc and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), and anterior cingulate cortex.
VTA, as well as to the subthalamic nucleus and the dorsome- Relapse-related behaviors of animals trained to self-administer
dial nucleus of the thalamus. drugs of abuse, followed by drug-abstinent extinction train-
The NAc core and shell differ with respect to histological ing, is particularly dependent on the activation of the synapse
markers, and afferent and efferent connectivity (Ambroggi between the PL and NAc core (Kalivas et al., 2005; McLaughlin
et al., 2011). Moreover, the cellular consequences of drug and See, 2003). Importantly, the PFC as well as the NAc send
exposure differ in the NAc subcompartments, and conse- projections back to the VTA to regulate continued firing of DA
quently these subregions may mediate different elements of the neurons under adaptive learning conditions.
addiction process (Peters et al., 2008). In the absence of drug The amygdala is another major mesolimbic DA recipient
exposure, the NAc core is associated with instrumental behav- and is composed of nuclei including the basolateral amygdala
iors and is functionally connected with motor output systems, (BLA), central nucleus, medial nucleus, and cortical nucleus

684 | S U B S TA N C E U S E D I S O R D E R S

(Freese and Amaral, 2009). With respect to drug cue-dependent a perception of state of being, often considered as a measure of
relapse in preclinical animal models, synaptic connections well-being, and is influenced by external environmental stimuli
between the BLA and NAc core, as well as the PL and NAc as well as internal awareness of emotions, stress, and energy level.
core, appear to be particularly important (Feltenstein and See, The insula receives input from a number of structures implicated
2008). In addition, the extended amygdala is a composite of in addiction pathology including the anterior cingulate cortex,
structures including the central nucleus of the amygdala, the ventromedial PFC, amygdala, and ventral striatum. Activation of
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and the NAc shell, which the insula is associated with craving for nicotine, cocaine, alco-
are largely associated with stress-induced relapse to drug seek- hol, and heroin; moreover, inactivation of the insula in preclini-
ing (Kalivas and McFarland, 2003). cal animal models impairs measures of relapse to nicotine and
methamphetamine (Naqvi and Bechara, 2010).
Lastly, the septum was one of the earliest structures identi-
S TA G E I I I : C O M P U L S I V E D R U G S E E K I N G
fied by Olds and Milner in their original self-stimulation study
The compulsive drug-seeking characteristic of addiction is fur- (Olds and Milner, 1954); however, comparatively little work in
ther associated with brain stress systems including the extended animal models of reward learning and drug abuse has been
amygdala (comprised of the central nucleus of the amygdala, performed since then. The lateral septum projects to the lateral
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and the NAc shell), and the hypothalamic orexin field, and inhibition of the lateral septum
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis (composed of the blocks conditioned place preference to cocaine (Aston-Jones
paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, the anterior lobs et al., 2010; Sartor and Aston-Jones, 2012).
of the pituitary gland, and the adrenal gland). The extended Comparatively little is currently known about cellular
amygdala and the HPA axis secrete neuropeptides and stress events induced in these structures by exposure to drugs of
hormones, most notably corticotropin-releasing hormone abuse, even though they have been clearly implicated in the
(CRF), orexin, dynorphin, and vasopressin (Koob, 2008). The neurocircuitry of addiction and illustrate the complexity of
action of these molecules affects the physiology of structures neuroanatomical substrates of reward-related behaviors and
affiliated with anti-reward systems and become activated dur- pathologies. The preponderance of data in the cellular biology
ing and following cessation of drug use (Koob and Le Moal, of addiction show changes in the NAc and VTA, which are in
2005). In particular CRF is released into the VTA in response some cases both necessary and sufficient to drive drug seek-
to stress (Koob, 2008; Sarnyai et al., 2001). Release of CRF ing, even following extended abstinence. These studies provide
onto VTA dopaminergic neurons exerts a number of cellular important insight into molecular mechanisms of addiction
effects including increased excitability and enhanced NMDA and craving, and will be the primary focus of the remainder of
receptor mediated synaptic currents (Borgland et al., 2010). this chapter. Nonetheless, it is important to acknowledge that
Preclinical models of stress reveal release of CRF into the VTA drug-dependent changes in the structures previously described
and consequent increased release of DA. These effects, as well almost certainly contribute to the complex cellular dynamics
as stress-induced reinstatement of drug seeking, are blocked that comprise an addiction disorder.
by administration of a CRF receptor antagonist in the VTA
(Borgland et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2005).

Brain regions beyond those described earlier whose activation As mentioned previously, exposure to most drugs of abuse
and/or inactivation may contribute to addiction-related behav- results in pharmacological release of DA from the VTA onto
iors include the habenula, insula, and septum. The habenula is neurons within the PFC, NA, amygdala, and hippocampus.
located medial and posterior to the thalamus and projects to the However, although acute hyperdopaminergia is a common
VTA and substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc), and receives mechanism of the rewarding effects of most drugs of abuse,
inputs from structures including the lateral hypothalamus, it occurs via distinct mechanisms (Nestler, 2005; Woolverton
septum and dorsal striatum (Hikosaka, 2010). Stimulation of and Johnson, 1992). For example, psychostimulants cocaine
neurons within the lateral habenula inhibits activation of DA and (meth)amphetamine lead to a surge of DA by inhibiting
neurons in the SNc and VTA (Fowler et al., 2011). Accordingly, and reversing the activity of the dopamine transporter (Torres
lateral habenula neurons fire in the absence of an expected et al., 2003). Opiates stimulate opiate receptors (mu, kappa,
reward to inhibit VTA DA release (McGinty et al., 2011). Thus, delta), which reduce GABAergic inhibition on DA-releasing
the lateral habenula has been proposed to serve as a control neurons of the VTA, whereas nicotine causes DA release
center for negative reward prediction. However, rats will seek through signaling downstream of nicotinic acetylcholine recep-
electrical stimulation of the lateral habenula, and lesions of the tors on VTA neurons (Cami and Farre, 2003; Mansvelder and
lateral habenula decrease self-stimulation of the lateral hypo- McGehee, 2002; Woolverton and Johnson, 1992). The primary
thalamus and VTA (McGinty et al., 2011). psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, Δ9 tetrahydrocannabi-
The insula, also known as the insular cortex, is a region of the nol (THC), binds to endogenous CB1 cannabinoid receptors,
cerebral cortex outside the PFC, located between the frontal and which are coexpressed on GABAergic neurons that innervate
temporal lobes, that is associated with interoception and deci- the VTA (Robbe et al., 2001). Thus, akin to opiate-mediated
sion making (Naqvi and Bechara, 2009). Interoception refers to inhibition of GABAergic input to the VTA, marijuana also

5 1 C E L L U L A R A N D M O L E C U L A R M E C H A N I S M S O F A D D I C T I O N | 685

leads to decreased inhibition onto dopaminergic neurons. It
is important to note that the pleasurable, reinforcing effects of
drugs including opiates and THC are not exclusive to the effects
of DA, and that not all drugs of abuse have profound effects on
DA (e.g., non-DAergic mechanisms contribute to the effects
of alcohol and benzodiazepines) (Wise, 2004). However, the mGluR
initiation of cellular mechanisms that contribute to a general- 2/3 AGS3

ized substance abuse disorder are believed to be mediated by xc

repeated excessive hyperdopaminergia.
Increased DA signaling following drug use or natural rewards NMDA AMPA
is observed in structures which receive afferent input from mGluR 1/5
the VTA; of particular relevance are the PFC, NAc, amygdala, PSD-95
and hippocampus (Koob and Volkow, 2010). Importantly,

although this response subsides with repeated exposures to mGluR 1/5 IP3R MAPK
natural rewards, increased DA signaling is pharmacologi-
cally stimulated with each exposure to drug (Cami and Farre, D1
2003; LaLumiere and Kalivas, 2007). This critical difference xc-
may underlie the initiation of pathology by drugs of abuse as cdk5 cAMP
opposed to natural rewards. PKA
Dopamine receptors are members of the D1 (D1 and D5)
or D2 (D2S, D2L, D3, and D4) G-protein coupled receptor POST
families, and are positively and negatively coupled to adenylyl
cyclase, respectively. With respect to the cellular effects of drugs
of abuse, one of the most widely studied DA receptor effector
molecules is Dopamine and cAMP-Regulated Phosphoprotein NUCLEUS
of 32 kDa (DARPP-32) (Svenningsson et al., 2005) (Fig. 51.3).
DARPP-32 is highly expressed in medium spiny neurons of the
striatum, including the NAc. Activation of DARPP-32 by PKA Figure 51.3 Receptor-mediated signaling pathways affected by acute and chronic
phosphorylation leads to inhibition of the phosphatase PP1, exposure to drugs of abuse. Representative pathways shown in a schematic
which controls the phosphorylation state of a number of sig- medium spiny neuron (MSN) of the NAc, surrounded by astrocytes expressing
nal transduction molecules. DARPP-32 is also a substrate for glutamate transporter GLT-1 and glutamate antiporter system xc-. Arrows
indicate directionality of glutamate transport or molecular signaling. Shown
cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5/p35), which in turn inhibits
on the presynaptic face, activator of G-protein signaling 3 (AGS3) proteins are
the ability of PKA to phosphorylate DARPP-32. Both acute upregulated following multiple drugs of abuse. AGS3 proteins are inhibitory to
and chronic exposure to cocaine, amphetamine, opiates, nico- Gi coupled receptors, such as GluR2/3 receptors, and thus increased expression
tine, and alcohol modulate the phosphorylation of DARPP-32, promotes synaptic glutamate release probability in the PFC-NAc synapse. On
and DARPP-32 knockout mice demonstrate altered behav- the postsynaptic side, activation of D1 receptors leads to stimulation of adenylyl
cyclase and enhanced cAMP production, leading to increased PKA activity. D2
ioral responses, including locomotor sensitization and place
receptors are inhibitory to ac activation and are expressed in MSN populations
preference, to cocaine, amphetamine, and alcohol, as well as independent of D1-expressing neurons in the NAc. Both PKA and cdk5 activity
self-administration of ethanol (Fienberg and Greengard, 2000; are regulated by chronic cocaine, and both phosphorylate numerous substrates,
Fienberg et al., 1998; Risinger et al., 2001). One of the cellu- including DARPP-32. DARPP-32 exerts downstream effects on transcription,
lar roles of DARPP-32 activation is modulation of gene tran- as evidenced by decreased activation of CREB, FosB, and ΔFosB in DARPP-32
mice (Svenningsson et al., 2005). Both scaffolding and signaling molecules
scription by control of transcription factors. Indeed, activation
linked to iGluR and mGluR receptors are also influenced by chronic drug use.
CREB (cAMP response element binding protein), c-Fos, and In particular, expression of Homer proteins is regulated by cocaine use. Homer
ΔFosB, three transcription factors all heavily implicated in the proteins bind to the C-terminal tail of postsynaptic group I mGluR proteins and
cellular mechanism of addiction, are decreased in DARPP-32 share an indirect interaction with NMDA receptor binding protein PSD-95. Not
knockout mice in response to DA (Svenningsson et al., 2000, shown are additional scaffolding proteins of the postsynaptic density which
form glutamate receptor complexes, including AMPA receptors. Membrane
2005; Yan et al., 1999). These important pathways will be dis-
trafficking of AMPA receptors is also affected by chronic drug use, indicated
cussed more extensively in the section on transcriptional by cyclic arrows. The coordinated activity of many signaling proteins including
mechanisms of addiction. MAPK, PKA, and DARPP-32 influence activity of transcriptional regulators in the
nucleus via activation of transcription factors including CREB, c-fos/ΔFosB, NFkB.
Chromatin remodeling is also strongly affected by chronic cocaine exposure, via
S TA G E S I I & I I I : R E L A P S E modifications to both DNA and histones, allowing for increased (or decreased)
promoter availability for transcription factor binding. Depiction of histone
Over time and repeated exposures, social use may progress to octamer wrapped in DNA is schematized at bottom. For additional discussion of
regulated relapse (Kalivas and O’Brien, 2008). Continued use these and other pathways, see Dietz et al., 2009; Kalivas, 2009; McGinty et al.,
is associated with the engagement of receptors and signaling 2010; Robison and Nestler, 2011; Thomas et al., 2008.

686 | S U B S TA N C E U S E D I S O R D E R S

pathways beyond DA, most notably glutamate and neuropep- Expression of xCT and GLT1 can be restored by treatment with
tides, which may mediate the next behavioral stage of addic- N-acetylcystine and ceftriaxone, which also inhibits relapse in
tion, regulated relapse. Repeated drug use results in repeated the reinstatement/self-administration animal model (Baker
release of DA from the VTA into structures described earlier, et al., 2003; Zhou and Kalivas, 2008; Knackstedt et al., 2010a).
most notably the PFC, NAc, and amygdala (see Fig. 51.2).
In parallel, for the addiction-vulnerable individual, repeated R E L A P S E I S M E D I AT E D B Y G L U TA M AT E
social use leads to regulated relapse associated with seeking RECEPTOR ACTIVITY
out of the drug. Repeated exposures also lead to a variety of Considerable evidence supports a role for striatal glutamate
changes in glutamatergic signaling pathways, associated with a receptors in the reinforcement of long-lasting drug-seeking
disruption of glutamate homeostasis (Baker et al., 2003). behaviors (Uys and Reissner, 2011). Specifically, three main lines
of evidence implicate ionotropic glutamate receptor involve-
G L U TA M AT E H O M E O S TA S I S H Y P O T H E S I S ment in addictive behaviors in a rat self-administration model
OF ADDICTION of addition. First, a drug prime following self-administration
Glutamate homeostasis refers to the regulation of extracellular of either cocaine or heroin followed by extinction results
glutamate in the synaptic and perisynaptic environment by both in potentiated glutamate release in the NAc (Baker et al.,
glia and neurons. Extracellular glutamate levels regulate syn- 2003; LaLumiere and Kalivas, 2008). Second, glutamatergic
aptic activity and plasticity, and thus disruptions of glutamate PFC-NAc synapses exist in a baseline potentiated state follow-
homeostasis can have considerable effect on synaptic strength ing self-administration and withdrawal (Kourrich et al., 2007;
and function (Danbolt, 2001; Haydon, 2001; Kalivas, 2009). Moussawi et al., 2009). Third, inhibition of α-amino-3-hydroxyl-
Basal levels of glutamate, which are predominantly extrasyn- 5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate (AMPA)-type glutamate
aptic in origin, are reduced in the NA core of rats following receptors in the NAc inhibits self-administration and rein-
long-term cocaine self-administration but not heroin or alcohol statement to cocaine and heroin, whereas activation of these
administration (Baker et al., 2003; LaLumiere and Kalivas, 2008; receptors potentiates drug seeking (Backstrom and Hyytia,
McFarland et al., 2003; Melendez et al., 2005). This reduction in 2007; Cornish and Kalivas, 2000; Di Ciano and Everitt,
extrasynaptic glutamate, in turn, provides less tonic inhibition of 2001; LaLumiere and Kalivas, 2008; Ping et al., 2008; Suto
the mGluR2/3 receptors that are located on the presynaptic glu- et al., 2009). These findings collectively suggest a glutamate
tamatergic terminals (Moran et al., 2005). Less tonic inhibition receptor-dependent mechanism in the neuroplasticity of
in turn results in increased synaptic transmission in response to addiction and underscore the involvement of glutamatergic
a drug-related stimulus, and contributes to the potentiated glu- mechanisms of relapse.
tamate release observed in the NAc following a cocaine prime
in withdrawn animals trained to self-administer cocaine. The I O N O T R O P I C G L U TA M AT E R E C E P T O R S
cocaine prime- or stress-induced increase in glutamate is pre- Ionotropic glutamate receptors are of the AMPA,
vented by inactivation of the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex N-methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA), and kainite recep-
(mPFC) (McFarland et al., 2003, 2004) indicating an important tor types (Dingledine et al., 1999). AMPA receptors exist as
regulatory role for the dorsal mPFC following long-term cocaine homo- or heterotetramers, most often composed of set sets
self-administration. A similar glutamate overflow occurs during of two subunits (GluR1, GluR2 GluR3, GluR4). Increases in
reinstated heroin-seeking that also depends on mPFC activation synaptic strength are largely associated with increased surface
(LaLumiere and Kalivas, 2008). expression of AMPA receptors, particularly GluR1, whereas
The regulation of extrasynaptic glutamate is predominantly conversely, decreases in synaptic strength are caused by
dependent on the coordinated activity of the cystine-glutamate internalization or decreased surface expression (Kauer and
exchanger (system xc-) and high affinity glutamate transport- Malenka, 2007). In addition, receptor subunit composition
ers (Baker et al., 2002; McBean, 2002; Reissner and Kalivas, can affect the biophysics of glutamate-mediated currents; for
2010) (see Fig. 51.3). Release of glutamate is accomplished by example, all AMPA receptors not containing GluR2 subunits
system xc-, in which one molecule of glutamate is released in are permeable to calcium; however, GluR2-containing AMPA
exchange for the uptake of one extracellular cystine molecule. receptors are calcium impermeable.
The exchanger exists as a heterodimer of a light catalytic subunit A number of studies using preclinical animal models have
xCT and heavy subunit 4F2. Expression of the catalytic subunit revealed complex AMPA receptor dynamics in different stages
xCT is decreased following cocaine self-administration in ani- of self-administration, extinction/abstinence, and relapse (for
mals, resulting in decreased basal extracellular glutamate in the review, see Wolf and Ferrario, 2010). In one seminal study,
NAc of cocaine-withdrawn rats (Baker et al., 2002; Knackstedt although no change in AMPA receptor expression was observed
et al., 2010a). Glutamate uptake from the extracellular space is one day after the end of self-administration, an increase in
primarily accomplished by the high affinity glutamate trans- surface and total GluR1 receptors was found 45 days after the
porters. Expression of the astroglial glutamate transporters, last cocaine self-administration session (Conrad et al., 2008).
EAAT2/GLT-1 and EAAT1/GLAST are also decreased fol- Moreover, a functional increase in GluR2-lacking receptors
lowing cocaine, heroin, and nicotine self-administration, thus was found in the NAc following self-cocaine administration
compromising the ability of NAc synapses to accommodate the at this time point, indicating a role for GluR2-lacking recep-
potentiated glutamate release observed during relapse to cocaine tors in the incubation of cocaine craving (Grimm et al., 2001;
seeking in rats (Knackstedt et al., 2010a; Reissner et al., 2011). Lu et al., 2004).

5 1 C E L L U L A R A N D M O L E C U L A R M E C H A N I S M S O F A D D I C T I O N | 687

Changes in GluR1 and GluR2 trafficking are also Akin to the cellular signaling pathways initiated by D1
observed after an acute drug challenge following chronic and D2 receptor stimulation, glutamate receptor engagement
abuse and withdrawal. For example, thirty minutes after a following repeated use leads to changes in signaling path-
cocaine challenge, increased surface expression of GluR1 is ways downstream of glutamate receptors, both ionotropic
observed in the NAc shell (Anderson et al., 2008). Moreover, and metabotropic (see Fig. 51.3). After extended drug use and
increased GluR2 phosphorylation (consistent with internal- withdrawal, it is in some cases not entirely clear whether rel-
ization) was also observed 30 minutes after a cocaine prime evant signaling cascades are dependent on activation of DA or
(Famous et al., 2008), collectively suggesting a mecha- glutamate receptors, or both, or whether specific cascades may
nism in which, in a self-administration model of addition, be particularly relevant for some or all of the behavioral stages
a cocaine challenge leads to an increase in surface GluR1 discussed. Nonetheless, the following pathways are central to
in exchange for surface GluR2 (Wolf and Ferrario, 2010). the behavioral pathology of relapse in the drug-dependent ani-
Numerous studies have also found effects on expression of mal and provide critical insight into the cell biology of drug
NMDA receptor subunits following exposure to cocaine, abuse.
and effects of NMDA receptor agonists and antagonists on For example, Homer 1a is an immediate early gene that
drug-seeking behaviors (Huang et al., 2009; Ma et al., 2009; is rapidly upregulated in response to an acute exposure to
Schmidt and Pierce, 2010). The dynamics of both NMDA cocaine (Brakeman et al., 1997). In neurons, Homer proteins
and AMPA receptors that occur within the reward circuitry are found in the glutamatergic postsynaptic density where they
following prolonged drug use, withdrawal, and relapse indi- serve both scaffolding and signaling roles, binding directly to a
cate a complex and critical contribution to cellular mecha- number of proteins including group I metabotropic glutamate
nisms of addiction. receptors, inositol trisphosphate receptors (IP3R), Shank, and
dynamin III (Lu et al., 2007; Tu et al., 1998; Tu et al., 1999) (see
M E TA B O T R O P I C G L U TA M AT E R E C E P T O R S Fig. 51.3).
In addition to ionotropic glutamate receptors, metabotropic Although the immediate early splice variant of Homer is
glutamate receptors also contribute to mechanisms of neuro- upregulated following exposure to cocaine, the constitutively-
plasticity associated with addiction to drugs of abuse. Group expressed form of Homer, Homer 1, demonstrates more
I mGluRs include mGluR1 and mGluR5 receptors, which are complex regulation. Homer 1 is decreased following experi-
excitatory Gq-coupled receptors and are localized predomi- menter-administered cocaine, but upregulated in the NAc
nately postsynaptically (Shigemoto et al., 1997). In contrast, after extinction, but not abstinence, following cocaine self-
group II receptors (mGluR2 and mGluR3) are Gi/Go-coupled, administration (Knackstedt et al., 2010b; Szumlinski et al.,
and are predominantly presynaptic (Shigemoto et al., 1997; 2006a, 2006b). Genetic deletion of Homer proteins leads to
Tamaru et al., 2001; Testa et al., 1998). Presynaptic group II reduced extrasynaptic glutamate, similarly as does chronic
mGluRs are inhibitory to synaptic transmission (Anwyl, cocaine exposure (see preceding), and increased sensitivity to
1999; Cartmell and Schoepp, 2000) as are group III receptors the physiological effects of cocaine in the Homer1 KO mice is
(mGluR4-8). rescued by viral-mediated overexpression of Homer proteins
Reflecting the differential expression and effects on cel- (Szumlinski et al., 2004).
lular activity, group I and group II mGluR receptors exert G protein-coupled signaling pathways are also highly
opposing effects on the drug-dependent cellular physiology affected by exposure to drugs of abuse. Activator of G-protein
and drug-seeking behaviors. Inhibition of group I mGluRs, signaling 3 (AGS3) is a member of the AGS family of pro-
particularly mGluR5, has been thoroughly described as inhib- teins, which function to facilitate G-protein coupled receptor
itory to drug seeking (Backstrom et al., 2004; Besheer et al., (GPCR) activation of heterotrimeric G-proteins (Lanier, 2004).
2008; Carroll, 2008; Gass et al., 2009; Kumaresan et al., 2009; AGS3 is upregulated following chronic exposure to cocaine,
Liechti and Markou, 2008; Paterson and Markou, 2005; Platt opiates, and alcohol, and is required for reinstatement in the
et al., 2008). And in support of this, mGluR5 knockout mice self-administration model of addiction (Bowers et al., 2004,
demonstrate no cocaine-induced changes in locomotor activ- 2008; Fan et al., 2009; Yao et al., 2005).
ity, and do not self-administer cocaine (Chiamulera et al., Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mediated sig-
2001). naling represents another seminal pathway influenced by drugs
Alternatively, mGluR2/3 activation is inhibitory to of abuse, particularly cocaine (McGinty et al., 2010). Although
drug-seeking behaviors associated with several drugs of abuse cocaine-mediated BDNF expression in the NAc promotes
including heroin, cocaine, nicotine, and alcohol (Bossert drug seeking (Graham et al., 2007), an infusion of BDNF in
et al., 2005, 2006; Liechti et al., 2007; Moussawi and Kalivas, the PFC following self-administration is sufficient to suppress
2010; Peters and Kalivas, 2006; Xie and Steketee, 2009; Zhao reinstatement behavior several weeks later (Whitfield et al.,
et al., 2006). Genetic deletion of mGluR2 receptors results in 2011). BDNF receptor binding leads to conversion of several
increased behavioral sensitization and conditioned place pref- signaling pathways that influence gene expression, particu-
erence following exposure to cocaine (Morishima et al., 2005). larly via changes in CREB-mediated transcription, via mitogen
Moreover, a reduction of group II mGluR receptor function activated protein kinase (MAPK) (Robison and Nestler, 2011;
has been observed following exposure to multiple drugs of Russo et al., 2009). Contributions of transcriptional regulation
abuse, including cocaine and nicotine (Liechti et al., 2007; Xi by CREB are discussed in more detail subsequently, in the sec-
et al., 2002; Xie and Steketee, 2008). tion on transcriptional mechanisms.

688 | S U B S TA N C E U S E D I S O R D E R S

CE LLULAR P H Y S IO L O GY have been performed following exposure to cocaine, increases
in synaptic strength have been reported in the NAc core fol-
S TA G E I : S Y N A P T I C P L A S T I C I T Y I N T H E
lowing a heroin challenge after chronic self-administration
and extinction (Shen et al., 2011) and cannabinoids elicit LTD
Changes in synaptic strength are believed to represent a cel- in the NAc and hippocampus (Han et al., 2012; Robbe et al.,
lular mechanism for behavioral plasticity, particularly mem- 2002). Moreover, a considerable body of evidence indicates
ory formation (Mayford et al., 2012). Accordingly, changes in that alcohol results in changes in synaptic strength in a num-
synaptic strength within the VTA are observed after natural ber of structures including the PFC, NAc, and hippocampus
rewards (Chen et al., 2008; Stuber et al., 2008) as well as drugs (Abernathy et al., 2010; Kroener et al., 2012; Mishra et al.,
of abuse (Ungless et al., 2001). The most widely used mea- 2012). These findings underscore the importance of circuitry
sure for increased synaptic strength is long-term potentiation in the cellular biology of addiction, and the cumulative effect
(LTP), which typically reflects an increased presentation of of chronic hyperdopaminergia on glutamatergic plasticity. A
AMPA currents relative to NMDA currents in the glutamater- current challenge of the field, then, is to determine whether
gic EPSC. A single noncontingent exposure to many drugs restoration of synaptic plasticity may provide a cellular tar-
of abuse results in LTP in the VTA lasting for 5–10 days, an get for behavioral and pharmacotherapeutic intervention for
effect that is not seen with fluoxetine or carbamazepine (Saal addiction (Chen et al., 2010).
et al., 2003; Ungless et al., 2001). This LTP is mediated by the
biphasic insertion of homomeric GluR1 AMPA receptors,
followed by insertion of GlluR2/3-containing AMPA recep-
tors (Stuber et al., 2010). More enduring increases in synaptic Beyond changes in functional synaptic strength, morphologi-
strength in the VTA have been observed following extended cal synaptic changes are also observed in response to multiple
self-administration of cocaine, for at least three months after drugs of abuse, including opiates, nicotine, alcohol, and psy-
cessation of drug use (Chen et al., 2008). chostimulants (Robinson and Kolb, 2004; Russo et al., 2010).
Intriguingly however, psychostimulants and opiates, which
exert markedly different physiological effects, also exert gener-
S TA G E I I : P L A S T I C I T Y W I T H I N T H E
ally opposing baseline effects on cell body size and spine size
and density; whereas psychostimulant use leads to increases in
In contrast to the VTA, changes in synaptic strength are not the number and size of dendritic spines, opiate exposure leads
observed in the NAc following a single cocaine exposure to decreases (Russo et al., 2010). However, a drug challenge
(Chen et al., 2010; Thomas et al., 2001). However, poten- following withdrawal from both drugs leads to a transient
tiated synapses are observed in the NAc core in vivo after increase in spine head size (Shen et al., 2009, 2011).
self-administration and extinction training (Moussawi et al., Several studies have reported an increase in overall spine
2009) and are depressed in the NAc shell 24 hours following size and/or density in the NAc following exposure to cocaine
a cocaine challenge after noncontingent administration and (Dumitriu et al., 2012; Ferrario et al., 2005; Lee et al., 2006;
abstinence (Thomas et al., 2001). Importantly, despite changes Norrholm et al., 2003; Pulipparacharuvil et al., 2008; Shen
in baseline synaptic strength following drug history, synapses et al., 2009). Moreover, following an acute cocaine challenge,
are resistant to protocols that normally induce synaptic plastic- dynamic changes in the morphology of dendritic spines are
ity (Martin et al., 2006; Moussawi et al., 2009). observed in animals with a chronic cocaine (but not saline)
Although the results obtained from these studies are com- history (Shen et al., 2009). These changes are associated with
plex, they also illustrate two fundamentally important points changes in the expression of cytoskeletal proteins within the
about the nature of drug abuse and synaptic plasticity. First, postsynaptic density, and indicate that a cocaine h

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