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The Positivist Perspective positivist would rather keep the law separate and

apart from the perplexities of ethics.

Analytical jurisprudence- one of the oldest
systems of legal science in the sense that the They are persuaded that the law “that ought to be” is
beginnings of legal science among Roman quite distinct form the law “that is.” The body of legal
jurisprudents are to be found in the use of analysis. precepts can exist without regard to their moral
- As a technique of legal science deals also value, although the influence of the moral order is not
with mature or stable systems of law. In that denied.
sense, it is also one of the recent methods of
the science of law. B. FREEDOM FROM METAPHYSICAL
*The modern positivist school of jurisprudence, which
Sir John Austin founded, uses the device or method of There are conflicting notions of the meaning of the
comparative analysis and critical thinking. postulates of natural law making it difficult to accept
which one is correct. And to accept all, according to a
Perception of this particular school of jurisprudence respected jurisprudent, would simply be self-
about the nature of the law: something that is deception.
objective, that to say, consciously made or uttered
within the bounds of the different branches of the The positivist school of jurisprudence has felt all along
government, and, therefore, legally authoritative and that it is better to free the concept of the law form
commanding. metaphysical speculation.

The seed of modern legal positivism, was planted by Sir John Austin- laid down the distinction between
Socrates. positive law and natural law.
- In his view, it is absurd for one to say, as
The Positivist Approach Blackstone did in his Commentaries of the
Laws of England, that positive law is void if it
For positivist jurisprudence, there is no principle of is not in accordance with the natural law.
moral law or natural law. There need not be any - He said that: What appears pernicious to
moral or ideal criterion for the validity of law. one person may appear beneficial to
another. To prove by pertinent reasons that
Legal positivist merely insist, if rather impatiently and a law is pernicious is highly useful, because
rigidly, that there is a clear-cut distinction between such process may lead to the abrogation of
the legal order and the moral law. the pernicious law. To incite the public to
resistance. may be useful, for resistance
TWO IMPORTANT FACTORS: grounded on clear and definite prospects of
1. The critical attitude of positivist good is sometimes beneficial. But to
jurisprudence towards the view that morality proclaim generally that all laws which are
is absolute. pernicious or contrary to the will of God are
2. The vigorous reaction of positivist void and not to be tolerated, is to preach
jurisprudence against the transcendental anarchy, hostile and perilous as much to
idealism of teleological jurisprudence based wise and benign rule as to stupid and galling
on its dependence on the postulates of tyranny.
natural law.
For positivist jurisprudence, the approach to the
CHARACTERISTICS OF POSITIVIST APPROACH problem of the nature of the law is by way of the
1. Law is not a moral concept empirical sphere of reality- that is – rather than the
2. Its unconcealed disillusionment with the role transcendental sphere of ideals- the ought.
of the natural law theory in the legal
ordering of society. The positivist jurisprudents have thus avoided the
study of the ideal law that is characterized by the
A. LAW NOT A MORAL CONCEPT normative “ought.” Instead, they have concentrated
their attention on the existential “is” in the study of
This means that moral considerations, as a conscious the law.
endeavor, are not significant in positive law.
In the legal philosophy of the positivist school, the
Positivist jurisprudence cannot overemphasize the “ought”, or that which needs to be, has been equated
distinction between the legal order and the moral with legality. This means that when an act or its
order. Since they constitute different order, the
consequence is sanctioned and allowed by a legal the law commands obedience regardless of
rule, then that is as it should, or had better, be. its goodness or badness. Positive law may be
moral but to say it is null and void because it
HOBBES-AUSTIN POSITIVISM is against morality or contrary to natural law
is absurd.
Thomas Hobbes and John Austin- recognized as the
persons who developed the concept of law in terms of For the positivist, legal rules can be silly or sound,
legal positivism. good or bad, just or unjust.

Hobbes- advanced the idea that is improbable for any BASIS AND GOAL OF THE POSITIVIST
statute to be unjust. APPROACH
- He wrote that “before the names of just and
unjust can take place, there must formance Positivist jurisprudence posits the philosophy of legal
of their covenants. And such power there is positivism based on the triune concepts of sovereign,
none before the creation of a command and sanction. It maintains the strict
commonwealth.” separation and distinction between law and morals
- He held that “laws are the rules of just and and yet upholds the supremacy of the law regardless
unjust; nothing being reputed unjust that is of its goodness and badness,
not contrary to some law.”
- For him, the “sovereign . . is not subject to For positivist jurisprudence, the maxim dura lex sd lex
the law. For having power to make and is indeed correct. Any statute had to be treated as
repeal laws, he may, when he pleases, free law.
himself from that subjection.”
- He stated that “to the care of the sovereign This placed positivist jurisprudence in quest of the
belongs the making good laws.” By good internal coherence and formal perfection of the
laws, he means not “just” laws for laws precepts, that is to say the precepts defining legal
cannot be unjust. rules, precepts defining legal principles, precepts
- Since laws are made by the sovereign defining legal concepts, and precepts defining legal
power, he maintains that “all that is done by relations. As this goal is realized inconsistent,
such power is warranted and owned by conflicting, and overlapping legal precepts are
everyone of the people; and that which reduced or avoided and allow for prediction of official
every man will have so, no man can say is action with greater assurance.
John Austin, Hans Kelsen, Wesley N. Hohfeld, Albert
Sir John Austin- embedded in his jurisprudence the Kocourek and John Dickenson were among those who
idea of Thomas Hobbes. produced studies on the systematic analysis of legal
- He also perplexed by the fact that there are precepts.
rules of action that are morally desirable but Erwin Hexner, H.L. A. Hart and Alf Ross are among
not acted into laws. those who have worked on the systematic analysis of
- He held that the first concern of legal terminology.
jurisprudence is to examine the question of Karl Llewellyn, Morris R. Cohen and Karl Olivecrona
the nature of law without any conscious have inquired into the problem of the interconnection
regard for its goodness or badness, whether existing between law and society.
tested by the application of the measure of
utility, justice or equity. THE “POSITIVE LAW” SUPPLEMENT
- He wanted the separation of law and moral
and states: “With the goodness or badness Certain attempts have been made to purify the
of law as tried by the test of utility (or by Hobbes-Asutin legal positivism. One of these is the
any of the various tests which divide the “pure positive” theory. The development of the basic
opinions of mankind) it has no immediate premises of this legal theory consist of TWO types:
concern. 1. Lausanne brand- advanced by the French
- He held that law is distinguished from jurisprudence Ernst Roguin
morality that is to say the existence of law is 2. Vienna brand- posited by Hans Kelsen
one thing, its merit or demerit another.
- Positive law is not immediately or Both aspired for the law purified of foreign elements.
consciously concerned with morality. The But they differed on the meaning of foreign element.
fact that positive law happens to be “just” by
any of the various means or tests utilized for Roguin- sought to free positive law from its bondage
that purpose is considered accidental since to Roman Law principles
Kelsen- sought to purify positive law by removing PURIFICATION OF LAW
from it any consideration of metaphysical justice and In order to get the empirical nature of law, Kelsen
ethics. advanced a process of purification. The problem
involved is not an inquiry into what the law ought to
A. THE LAUSANNE BRAND (Ernst Roguin) be but simply a study of the law as it is, in much the
same manner as the natural sciences are studied.
John Austin- resorted to Roman law as the basis for
the formulation of legal precepts and to give them Kelsen believed that the law can become truly
internal coherence and formal order. scientific for it will then be released from
metaphysical and psychological moorings. Thus, the
Roguin - Instead of Roman Law, he would rather that law would be concerned entirely with that which
the basis for the development and purification of legal actually is “without legitimizing it as just and
precepts and institutions, be logically derived from disqualifying it as unjust.”
certain historical phenomena, (Example: the
venerable oblutiacs of the people and from creative According to Kelsen, positivist jurisprudence admits
thinking, social purposes and values) one type of “ought”, and that is the “legal ought.”
- He felt that “pure juridical science” is the
answer to legislation and codification CONCEPTS OF LAW
consistent with the culture of the people.
Kelsen holds that pure positive law is normative, that
B. The Vienna Brand (Hans Kelsen) to say jussive and prescriptive, in character.

“pure positive law” Kelsen’s attempt to harmonize the “is” and the
“ought” may be understood by starting with the stress
Kelsen- emphasized in his treaties that “the concept he places on the difference between the statement
of law has no moral connotations whatsoever” that “something is, or done” form the statement that
“something ought to be, or ought to be done.”
The purpose of Kelsen’s theory is to know the subject
empirically in order to acheve his theory of pure According to Kelsen’s pure positive law theory, the
positive law. answer cannot be based on the “is-statement,” that is
to say not on a statement of fact, but on an “ought-
The pure law theory insists upon a clear distinction statement,” that is to say on a statement of another
between the empirical law and transcendental justice norm. In another way of putting it, the “is-statement”
by excluding the latter from its specific concerns. cannot become an “ought-statement” just as the
“ought-statement” cannot become an “is-statement”.
He elucidates his approach by saying that theory of
law is pure because it has no regard to political The normative character of laws signifies three
values. functions:
1. Prescriptive function that is to say it
Kelsen stated that his theory of law is pre because it prescribes definite norms directing human
is a theory of man-made law rather than behavior whether to give, to do or not to do
transcendental law. something.
2. Authoritative function that is to say it
In his words: delegates to a person or body of persons the
The Pure Law Theory takes into consideration only power to issue rules or regulations whether
positive law, norms created by acts of human beings. to give, to do or not to do something.
It doen not take into donsideration norms emanating 3. Permissive function that is to say it allows a
from other (i.e: superhuman, authorities) Therefore, person or body of persons to give, to do or
it excludes form the province of jurisprudence any not to do something.
divine law (i.e.: law supposed to be created by God or
godlike entity) Consequently, it excludes also the so- PRESCRIPTIVE
called naural law, law which according to the natural -when the legal norm prescribes that a
law doctrine is immanent in nature certain action or mode of conduct is prohibited (Ex:
trespass to property, then it ought to provide a
Kelsen said that there is no reason to misinterpret the sanction for its violation)
pure positive law theory as a kind of natural law
-when the legal norm delegates a certain
action or mode of conduct (Ex: issuance by an
administrative body of certain rules and regulations, In Kelsen’s view, “psychic coercion is not a specific
then it ought to provide that it will be backed by the element of law” for there are norms of conduct other
force of society) than law which carry the same king of coercion.

PERMISSIVE Kelsen posits the view that obedience to legal norms

-when the legal norm allows a certain action depends on the pure fact of physical coercion and not
or mode of conduct (Ex: self-defense, then it ought to on any other subjective influence of human behavior.
provide that its commission is not subject to
punishment) Philosophy of empirical justice

Normative legal order Kelsen’s pure positive law is not based completely
upon legal positivism.
If law is normative, it follows that the legal system is
a hierarchy of non-contradictory of non-contradictory While Kelsen saw the need for some criterion in
legal norms, every norm deriving from another norm, evaluating the soundness of positive law his process
which is the source of all norms. In other words, law of purifying the concept of law by removing from it
is a system of progressive norms derived from the any idea of transcendental justice is still dependent
basic norm. on a theory of justice, even though it is empirical in
All laws are coercive norms or “measure of coercion”
Statutes as well as executive and administrative acts, Kelsen’s approach to empirical justice is simple
orders and regulations which are inconsistent with or enough. He does not raise the issue of transcendental
contrary to the previous norms clear to the basic justice.
unchallengeable norm are not normative.
He states that the “question of whether a positive
A norm is created may be by any of the means legal order. . is just depends on whether that which
allowed to the different branches of the government. the law-maker considers as an evil to society is
indeed a behavior against which society should justly
When the different branches of government act their react, and whether the sanction with which society
actions produce either a general or a particular norm actually reacts is appropriate.”
of conduct with a sanction, or incentive, or both,
annexed to it. In this sense, the law is a coercive In the pure positive law theory, the metaphysical
norm. or ethical idea of justice appears to be the very
antithesis of a good legal order. Kelsen reasoned that
For Kelsen supervision and control in a politically these ideas of justice “permit any positive legal order
organized society is accomplished by means of the to appear just.”
norms of conduct for private individuals (private law)
and the norms of conduct for public officers (public
law) flowing from the legislative, the executive, the
administrative, and the adjudicative branches of
government. The people are then called upon to
conduct themselves in the manner prescribed by the
legal norms. Obviously, these norms of conduct
create the conditions of peace and order. Behavior
which adversely affect these conditions are dealt with
by the forces of society.

If men, without permission, were able to do the very

things that are prohibited or disapproved by the legal
order, then the physical conditions of peace and order
would be cancelled and licensed or lawlessness would

The Vienna school conceived of the law as a system

of coercive pure positive norms of human conduct.

In Austin’s view, obedience to the will of the supreme

political superior depends on the feeling of awe and

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