Unit 4 Section 2 - Gravitation and Electric Fields

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As it is an inverse square law, as r increases, g decreases

g = GM / r²

In a radial field, g is inversely proportional to r²

accelerate at 9.81ms#² due to gravity.

The value of g at the earth's surface is 9.81ms#² So an object in free fall at the earth's surface will


towards the centre of the mass. It's units are Nkg#¹

Gravitational field strength, g, is the force per unit mass. It is a vector quantity, always pointing

Gravitational Fields Cont.

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Gravitational Fields

Any object with mass if affected by gravity, and will experience an attractive force when it is within
the gravitational field of another object.

Gravitational lines of force are arrows that show the direction of the force that the masses will feel
in a gravitational field.

If a small mass, m, enters the earth's gravitational field it will be attracted to it. Since the earth
is much more massive than the mass, the mass will move towards the earth, but the earth will
not move.

The further away from an object you get, the force experienced decreases.

F = - GMm / r²

M and m, are masses, G is the gravitational constant ( 6.67x10#¹¹ ) and r is the distance between
the two masses.

All objects have both a radial, and uniform field. Radial is from far away, uniform is from close up.
it will take to complete one orbit.
The greater the radius of a satellites orbit, the slower it will travel and the longer
T = # 4#²r³ / GM
T = 2#r / v
v = # GM / r

mv² / r = GMm / r²

the gravitational force for the object to keep its orbit.

An object in circular motion is kept in its path by a centripetal force. This force has to be equal to

The radius of an orbit effects an objects orbital period and speed.

Gravitational Fields Cont.

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Gravitational Fields Cont.

The gravitational potential, V, at a point is the gravitational potential energy that a unit mass at
that point would have.

In a radial field, v = - GM / r

Gravitational potential is negative on the surface of the mass and increases with distance from the
mass. Therefore at distance infinity, g = 0


Two points at different distances from a mass will have different gravitational potentials, so there
will be a gravitational potential difference. When you move an object you do work against gravity,
The amount of energy required to move an object depends on the mass of the object, and the
gravitational potential difference you move it through.

W = mV, Therefore W = m x GM / r = - GMm / r (Not to be confused with F = - GMm / r²)

A satellite is a smaller mass that orbits a larger mass. EG the moon around the earth.
Coulomb's law is an inverse square law. As r increases, F decreases.
depends on the changes.
The force on Q1 is always equal and opposite to the force on Q2. The direction
# is the permittivity of free space and equals 8.85x10#¹² Fm#¹( Farad per metre )
x ( Q1Q2 / r² ) Coulomb's law: F = (1 / 4##)

When a charged object is placed within an electric field, it experiences a force.

Like charges repel, opposite charges attract.

Electric Fields
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Gravitational Fields Cont.

An orbiting satellite has both kinetic and potential energy, its total energy( KE + PE ) is always

A geosynchronous satellite orbits the earth directly above the equator and stays above the same
point all the time.

It travels at the same angular speed as the earth ( See circular motion notes ). The time taken
for one complete orbit is 24 hours.

These types of satellites are useful for TV and telephone signals as since the satellite is always in
the same positive, receivers and transmitters don't need to be constantly altered to keep receiving
a signal.
anywhere in the field between two parallel plates.
In a uniform field, E is inversely proportional to d. It also has the same value
x ( Q / r² ) In a radial field, E = (1 / 4##)
fields have a radial field.
Field strength depends on the charges location within the field. Like gravitational fields, electric
The units of E are Nm #¹ and is a vector pointing in the direction that a positive charge would move.
The electric field strength, E, is the force per unit positive charge.
Electric Fields Cont.
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Electric Fields Cont.
All points in an electric field have an electric potential, V. This is the electric potential energy that
a unit positive charge ( +1C ) would have at that point.
In a radial field this is given by: E = (1 / 4##) x(Q/r)
For a repulsive force: V is initially positive and tends to zero as r increases
towards infinity.
For a negative force: V is initially negative and tends to zero as r increases
towards infinity.
Just like with gravitational fields, if two points in an electric field have different
potentials then there is an electric potential difference between them. The
amount of energy needed to move a charge in an electric field depends on the
size of the charge and the potential difference it is moved across.
W = QV
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Electric Fields Cont.
There are four key similarities between electric and gravitational fields and three differences
1) g is force per unit mass, E is force per unit positive charge
2) The force in both is an inverse square law. F # 1 / r²
3) Field lines for gravitational field are the same as for a negative charge
4) Both potential energy's are infinity at point zero.
1) Gravity always attracts, it never repels.
2) Objects can be shielded from electric fields
3) The size of an electric force depends on the medium between the charges ( EG. air )

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