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Invite Someone to Do Something

§  Let’s walk together to her house. ( ayo jalan jalan ke rumahnya )

§  Let’s sing Lina’s favourite song together for her, ok ( mari menyanyikan lagu kesukaan dia)
·         Let’s go out.  ( mari perlu keluar )
§  Let’s go  out for some exercise.   (mari olahraga  )
§  Let’s go out for some fresh air ( ayo keluar untuk udara segara )
§  Let’s  join the boys in the yard.   ( ayo bergabung dengan cowok di halaman )
§  It’s a nice sunny day. Let’s go for a picnic. (Hari cerah yang bagus. Mari kita pergi piknik.)
§  The exam was horrible. Let’s not talk about it again. (Ujiannya mengerikan. Mari jangan
bicara tentang itu lagi.)
§  “Let’s have fun together,” said Tiara. (“Ayo bersenang-senang bersama,” kata Tiara.)

Give instruction
§  Don’t forget to wear a T-shirt. ( jangan lupa memakai Batik )
§  Wait for me near the bridge.  ( tunggu saya didekat jembatan )
§  Be there on time. ( tepat waktu ya )
§  Don’t let me wait too long ( jangan biarkan saya menunggu terlalu lama )
§  Don’t forget to have your breakfast before you go. (jangan lupa untuk sarapan sebelum
pergi   )
§  Open it, please. ( bukalah … )
§  Open it now, Lina.
§  Remember ( ingat ….   )
§  Never put hot water in it, ok?
§  Don’t be lazy.            (jangan malas )
§  Get up.         ( bangun…. )
§  Have some exercise outside. ( ayo olahraga diluar ) 
§  Wait.                            
§  Leave that for a while.          
§  Wait.            
§  Let me put it in the bag first.              
§  Stop working.           
§  Just wait a minute, please.
§  Wait for Lina.            
§  Give her a doll.         
§  Don’t give her a robot, ok?
§  Don’t wear a T-shirt.              
§  Run, walk, or ride a bicycle. (for exercise)    
§  Paint the walls.        
§  Furnish the desks.          
§  Don’t spill the paint on the floor.     
§  Bring your sewing kits with you on Monday.
§  Don’t forget to bring some cloth too.
§  Do not eat too much instant noodles.
§  Eat more vegetables or fresh fruits. (For your health)

Ask for permission

§  May I wash my hands, please? (boleh saya cuci tangan  )
§  May I ask my group to help me to do it?
§  May I open the window? ( boleh saya buka jendela )
§  Can I wrap it later? ( beleh saya bungkus nanti )
§  May I use the paper to wrap my gift? ( bolehkah saya menggunakan kertas – kertas ini untuk
membungkus kadoku?
§  May I wipe my hands with this cloth?
§  May I use your ribbon to put on my gift?
§  Can I use your pen?
§  Can I sit here? ( boleh saya duduk disini)
§  Can we do it here?
§  Can I wear your jacket?
§  Can I use used newspaper to wrap my gift?
§  May I return these books to the library (boleh saya mengembalikan buku – buku ini ke
perpustakaan?  )

Let's practice with your partner!!!

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