Cahpter2 Showing The Direction To Location or Unit in Hospital

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Showing the direction to

location or unit in Hospital
Delfia Sinta

1.1 Introduction
To calculate each hospital’s event rate by location, we calculated the
mean number of IHCA events divided by 1000 hospital bed-days.
Hospital bed-days were selected as the incidence “denominator”
measurement of the population at risk, analogous to person-time, as
the true denominator of total admissions by location is not routinely
reported by hospital and so it was not available. Hospital bed-days
were estimated from data reported to the annual American Hospital
Association survey and linked by GWTG-R statisticians with the closest
year of data in GWTG-R. Using event data from GWTG-R (numerator)
and hospital bed days (denominator), we were able then to calculate
the rate of IHCA by hospital location (ICU versus inpatient ward)
(Perman et al., 2016).

Hospital physical position we can know the location and its place in the
data but sometimes it becomes abstract proficiency level so that the
system is not able to optimally display information about the location of
the hospital. Existing hospital in the city of Pontianak spread evenly.
This distribution will be an issue in determining the route to the hospital
if in an emergency. Based on these problems in this study aims to how
to produce a web-based application that can be used to find the
location of the hospital as well as how to obtain information about the
route followed to get to the hospital(Sihombing, 2015).

1.2 Location or unit in hospital

Hospital is an organization that primarily provides services in the form
of examination, treatment, medical treatment and other diagnostic
measures required by each patient in the limits of the technology and
the means provided by the hospital. So that patients get the maximum
service, hospitals have to provide the best services, one of the services
that are being highlighted is the queue system(Perdana et al., 2019).

Knowledge of the information about the mapping of a site is very

important for everyone, especially mapping the location of the hospital.
The hospital became a place to be targeted by any person when in
need of medical help quickly. To assist the public in knowing the
location of the hospital, then dibutuhkanlaha software which can help in
knowing the route to the location of the hospital in osphronemidae, a
software for searching the shortest route. The software routes the
shortest Hospital search is made using the route search method and A
star Algorithm Algorithm, with the intention of Shooting star can assist
the community in finding the route of a nearby hospital. And Spiral
method as a method of software development. The results of this
research, namely a software searches the route to the nearest hospital
that can be used by the community especially in terms of searching a
route to the location of the hospital(Prayoga et al., 2017).
The present study focused on the design, implementation, and
evaluation of a personalized mobile patient guide system that utilizes
smart phones, indoor navigation technology and a hospital information
system (HIS) to address the difficulties that outpatients face in finding
hospital facilities, recognizing their daily treatment schedule, and
accessing personalized medical and administrative information.
Bab 1 Nama Bab 3

Materials and methods: The present study was conducted in a fully

digitized tertiary university hospital in South Korea. We developed a
real-time location-based outpatient guide system that consists of
Bluetooth access points (APs) for indoor navigation, an Android-based
guide application, a guide server, and interfaces with the HIS. A total of
33 subjects and 43 outpatients participated in the usability test (UT)
and the satisfaction survey, respectively(Yoo et al., 2016).
Perdana, R. H. Y., Hudiono, Taufik, M., Rakhmania, A. E., Akbar, R.
M., & Arifin, Z. (2019). Hospital queue control system using Quick
Response Code (QR Code) as verification of patient’s arrival.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and
Applications, 10(8).
Perman, S. M., Stanton, E., Soar, J., Berg, R. A., Donnino, M. W.,
Mikkelsen, M. E., Edelson, D. P., Churpek, M. M., Yang, L.,
Merchant, R. M., Nichol, G., Nadkarni, V. M., Peberdy, M. A.,
Chan, P. S., Mader, T., Kern, K. B., Warren, S., Allen, E., Eigel,
B., … Truitt, T. L. (2016). Location of in-hospital cardiac arrest in
the united states-variability in event rate and outcomes. Journal of
the American Heart Association, 5(10).
Prayoga, H. M., Nasir, M., & Syaputra, H. (2017). Implementasi
Algoritma A Star Dan Shooting Star Dalam Pencarian Rute
Terpendek Pemetaan Rumah Sakit Di Kota Palembang Berbasis
Android. Jurnal Binadarma, 1–10.
Yoo, S., Jung, S. Y., Kim, S., Kim, E., Lee, K. H., Chung, E., & Hwang,
H. (2016). A personalized mobile patient guide system for a
patient-centered smart hospital: Lessons learned from a usability
test and satisfaction survey in a tertiary university hospital.
International Journal of Medical Informatics, 91.
4 Judul Buku


Delfia Sinta lahir di Tanjung Sawah pada tanggal 02

Desember 1999. Saya bertempat tinggal di Tanjung
Sawah tepatnya di Desa Sawah. Saya masih
menempuh pendidikan kuliah S1 Keperawatan di
Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai. Dahulunya
saya alumni dari SMK Asy-syafi’iyah, MTs Desa Sawah, SDN 001 Sawah.
Saya anak keenam dari tujuh bersaudara dan anak pertama Laki-laki berumur
33 Tahun. Dan adik saya berumur 13 Tahun. Saya berasal dari keluarga yang
sederhana. Ayah saya seorang petani dan Ibu saya seorang Ibu Rumah

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