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Aliyah D.

Guro Garde 10-SPA ENGLISH 10

Ladies and gentlemen, before I begin, I want to introduce myself. My name is
Aliyah Guro, 17 years old aspiring student. A pleasant day. I have found from my
journey in life, that nothing is being made in just a snap of an eye. I realized from my
experiences that life is rude, that life is tough, that life will make you suffer, but someone
dearest to my heart said to me and changed my perceptions. She said, “Aliyah, if you
believe negative thoughts and conclude yourself in a negative way, then that will reflect
on your life. If you believe you will fail, then you will fail. But if you believe you will
succeed despite the odds, then you can.” From what my sister said, it brings me back
the memories and hardships that I have encountered pursuing my own passion in
From the famous words of Agnes de Mille, "The truest expression of a people is
in its dance and its music. Bodies never lie” I have concluded my journey in dancing
back in the days. Every time I take the stage, I breathe. Every time I take my steps and
feel the rhythm of the music as my body get along with it, I feel comfort. Every time I
wear a huge smile in front of the crowd and hear their applause as a reward from my
talent, I feel the warm. That is when I realized, I loved dancing. I breathe when I dance.
Some of you may say that this is just a mere cliché story of someone that is fond of
dancing but in my life, dancing is breathing. Dancing is finding who I am. Dancing is one
of my purpose. To dance is to make people happy and share my talent. On the other
hand, as I said in the beginning, I almost fall down with the words of others and from
what I have been through that life is tough, that life is not like a movie where people or
your loved ones will support you wholeheartedly. I remember the most painful words
uttered by the people who were close to me. It was when I won the 1 st place in ballroom
dancing and back in that time, I was so happy and proud going home, bringing the
medal and the biggest smile in my face because it just can’t sink in to my brain that I
just actually won. As I showed to them my award, I saw their unsatisfied face. They said
“That’s it? Aliyah? That’s not even a prideful prize. You’re just good at dancing.” “You
are just good at dancing.” “You are just good at dancing.” Those words continuously
repeated in my brain that I just can’t think well. I was so hurt because I thought I am not
enough. I even thought that maybe, dancing is not for me. That maybe, dancing is for
them, nothing.
Despite of that words, of that discouragements, I stood up again. I believed that
dancing is for me. Dancing is breathing. If I have discouragements, and I also didn’t
miss having the people who always support, rooted for me from the beginning up until
now. The people who always stayed by my side and believed on pursuing my passion. I
thought, that if they believe I can survive, then I will too. This is one of the most inspiring
lesson I have learned throughout my life. People who root for you, uplift for you, and
support you no matter what will give motivation and dedication for you to continue your
passion. I am so thankful for those people who believed in me as I manifested my
weakness because I am just a human. I am still young and confused bout trials in life.
They are the ones that will guide us from our journey. And most importantly, I am happy
that I stick with my passion. I am thankful that I found dancing as closest to my heart.
Dancing is breathing. Dancing is what I feel. Dancing gave me a lot of
opportunities to showcase my talent and skills even if some people won’t believe in me.
I am still young and still motivated. I am still young and ready to take challenges as I
move along with the melody of my life. Through ups and downs, I am ready to take the
stage. And that is what I want to share with you all. To inspire you all. From what I have
been is one of the testimonies proving that really, life is tough, but when you learn to
stand and fight for your dreams and passion, from the support of the people who are
always there for you, then you will succeed. From the courage that you have build up to
take risks for your dreams is one of the keys for your success. To sum up this speech, I
just want to leave one last point to all of you. Believe in yourself, rest if you’re tired then
continue to fight back, and always set for your goal.

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