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Daffodil In ternation al Universi ty

Department of Comput er Science and Engineeri ng

Course Code: GED 321 Ti tle: Art of Living,
Semest er: Fall 2020
Examinat ion: Midterm Examinat ion
Total Marks: 20 Time: 240 Minu tes

Section A
Please read the statement and answer the question below
At only 25 years of age, Nadella quickly demonstrated his commitment to learning when, despite
already having a master’s degree in computer science from the University of Wisconsin -
Milwaukee, he chose to commute each weekend to Chicago to complete his MBA at the
University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. He traveled between Washington and
Chicago for many years, eventually earning his degree in 1997. Quickly rising through the ranks,
Nadella became vice president of Microsoft bCentral in 1999, leading the web services for small

Continuing his rise within the organization, Nadella became the corporate VP of Microsoft
Business Solutions in 2001 where he was responsible for developing software to handle business
-process management for small and midsize businesses. Continuing his tenure at Microsoft,
Nadella became the senior VP of Microsoft Online Services in 2007, where he oversaw the Bing
search engine, Microsoft Office programs and Xbox Live. And he wasn’t done yet. In 2011,
Nadella was promoted to president of the Server and Tools Division at Microsoft. It was in this
role that he was responsible for the strategy, engineering, marketing and product development
for Microsoft’s server and cloud computing efforts for business customers.

After 22 years working in different departments of Microsoft, through many iterations of

technology, learning the company inside and out, Satya Nadella was named the CEO in February
of 2014.

1. Life teaches us to be responsible in time to achieve our aims. Do you think Personality
and Skills are both important to improve yourself? Write the answer according to the
theme of above mentioned paragraph. (Please remember to write at least 400 words .) 08
2. Do you think that choosing a different way is somehow necessary for our life? Please
give an example from your life. (Please remember to write at least 350 words .)

Section B
Please read the statement and answer the question below

“The philosophy behind this design is that it’s good to put the most important function at
the heart of the building. Well, what’s our most important function? It’s the interaction of
our employees. That’s why Steve put a big empty space there. He wanted to create an
open area for people to always be talking to each other.”
– Ed Catmull, the president of Pixar..

3. Team work or Skills; which make us professional? ( Please remember to write at least 350
words .) 06

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