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Multiplication Exploration

Artifact Domain I: Learners

Kenzie Teel
Teaching Scenario:
In the multiplication exploration activity, the students were reviewing their skills on
how to solve multiplication as a study tool for their test. My students are competitive
and like to play games. For this math review, I turned it into a game where they could
win beans for the reward jar based on correct answers. The review packet had 25
questions from simple multiplication operations, to story problems, to multi-step
problem solving. A student would choose between two numbers to determine which
problem they would solve; then the problem was placed on the BenQ board for
everyone to see. The students would solve the problem in their math notebook and
write the correct answer on their review packet. Next, I would choose three students
to come up to the board and demonstrate how they solved the problem using
different colored markers. As a class, we would check their work to see if the answers
were correct. For each question the students had an opportunity to earn a bean for
each correct answer on the board. If there were questions, we would stop and work
through the questions to provide clarification; if not would would continue repeating
the game.
Paul and Connor are working on the problems

individually at their seats. They are able to use any
method that they feel comfortable with to show their
work. Some methods click faster for others, so I want
students to feel confident in demonstrating what
content they know. I have students who receive
accommodations and quickly and quietly pull out the
manipulatives they need without being asked when
they need assistance.

Jordan, Connor, and Chloe were the

three students chosen to come up to
Students get to choose between two the board to solve the problem. Each
questions as we work our way through the student chose a different method to
packet. The numbers are chosen at random solve. Connor used lattice, Chloe used
so they do not know whether the questions standard, and Jordan used expanded.
are easy or difficult. After the question is
Each students solved the problem
chosen, it is placed on the BenQ board so
correctly, so the class earned three
the students can find the correct question
in their packet.
This lesson provides students the repetition needed to master multiplication. The game element of the
lesson is key to keeping my students engaged as they work today earning their goal. Multiplication is a
great way to show how each student processes information differently; with the various methods,
students feel confident in showing their work up on the board(1.4). Modifications can easily be
implemented into the lesson format because students did work individually and use manipulatives as
needed then I walked around and provided support when needed (1.5).

1.4- The candidate designs learning opportunities that reflect student differences in approaches to learning and
appropriately challenge all learners.

1.5- The candidate identified and implements appropriate modifications and accommodations to enable all students to
reach their potential.

1.8- The candidate designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences, making
appropriate content accessible to all learners.

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