Domain II Artifact

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Central Noble Food Truck

Artifact Domain II:

Kenzie Teel
Teaching Scenario:
Social Studies at Central Noble Elementary is project based
learning. Our content was Economics for this quarter; a simple
way to get students thinking about money is by starting a mini
business for them to run in the school. The students are
creating a food truck that will operate during the morning
hours. The students are split into groups; owners, workers,
producers, and bankers. These roles help students understand
the responsibility that holding a job requires. Along with
maintaining their job, students will create a budget for the food
truck, advertise, and sell the products for a profit. Students will
be working through the entire economic cycle to see how
money transfers from person to person.
Evidence: Each group contributed 4-5
items from their group lists
to the CNE Menu. Students
voted on the which foods to
accept based on prices and
quantity available.

Tripp in the picture above is using a

Blue group created a list of the price comparison between
items they would like to sell on the and to find
CNE Food Truck. Students are
the best price options for the drink
finding a variety of foods to appeal
selections of Gatorade. Students had to
to various types of students while
staying within the regulations of
provide evidence as to why the food
COVID. truck needed these items on the menu.
Learning experiences need to be real-life based for students to make connections using their prior
knowledge as a foundation layer. The central concept throughout the lesson is how money moves
through the system; at each part, students are able to see the value of the money and how it impacts the
system. Creating the CNE food truck developed students skills in critical thinking, planning,
communication, and many other skills that are necessary for success in the real-world (2.6, I-5).

2.4- The candidate uses multiple resources, perspectives, and ways of knowing to construct learning

2.6- The candidate designs instruction that frames academic knowledge and skills as tools for navigating
and effecting change in both in and out-of-school contexts (I-5).

2.7- The candidate guides students in developing the decision-making abilities, social participation skills,
and sense of political efficacy necessary for effective citizenship.

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