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Islamic work ethics

The word “ethics” has rather a broad coverage in terms of meanings. Shortly, it defines the
behavior and characteristic attitude of individuals or societies that interact. Ethics can determine
their interactions to be good or bad or in the other words, peaceful or destructive. It is that long
term negligence in the ethical behavior is destructive for a society. But in a modern society, this
truth seems to evaporate. Our business and daily routine are so much hectic that our minds have
constantly started to think in a materialistic way. We don’t give much attention to each others
doings or behavior. Consequently, this has also caused to effect us and our personalities in the
least manner. But, ethics in terms of work still remain important. We may ignore the behavior or
attitude of stranger on the road, but the case in terms of our employer, employees or a fellow
worker will completely be different. Similarly, working attitudes are also important as ethics cover
even the intent with which a task is performed. Ethics in this sense is all about morality.

We all know what the protestant work ethic is- the idea that by working hard you fulfil your duty
to god, and watching how you spend your salary as a way to seek salvation from your lord.  This
phrase seems to be used in wider society for those who work really, really hard and are committed
to their work. Now what is an islamic work ethic? In the times that we are living in now, i think it is
really important to be clear about the conduct of working lives within islam and the basic tenants
that should determine how we work and undertake our daily tasks. This is an attempt at coming
up with an answer to the question.

Definitions are important first.  Working muslim defines work as ‘productive use of time, doing
something that will benefit the world or the hereafter’, this means that work does not require a
salary every month. Our most valuable commodity is time, not money- who in the last few
minutes of their lives will want another £100k rather than an extra 1 hour with their family?

The teachings of islam are quite clear about how we should use our time on this journey, in the
best way that we can.  Look at the very powerful translation from the Quran of surah Al Asr, 103:

 “by time, verily all human beings are in loss,  except those who have achieved ‘faith’, have per-
formed righteous deeds, and have emphasized to each other the teaching of ‘truth’ and (the
value of) ‘patience’ (perseverance and constancy).” 

If we look at these simple words and try and understand the meaning then essentially success
should not be viewed in terms of status, wealth, the type of house that we live in, what car we
drive. True success comes out of first having faith and then of performing ‘righteous deeds’, and
therefore how we use our time is key. Although sometimes life feels like it is very long, actually
this is just a short journey.

Islam also defines business and the employee-emplyee relationship in the best way. According to
the Holy Quran (83: 1-3)

“woe to the cheaters; who when they take the measure (of their dues) from, take it fully and
when they measure out to other or weight out for them, they give less than is due”
Thus it becomes clear that the one who cheats in the working relationship is an unlawful
trespasser according to islam.

Similarly, differences based upon gender are also prohibited. Women are given equal rights in
islam as men for working. This salient feature not only remains valid for working, but also for other
social and judicial matters.

Hazrat Usman (RA) is reported to have said:

“do not overburden your unskilled female employee in her pursuit of a living, because if you do
so, she may resort to immorality; and do not overburden a male subordinate, for if you do so, he
may resort to stealing. Be considerate with your employees and god will be considerate with
you. It is incumbent upon you to provide them good and lawful food.”

(Malik Muwatta, v.2, p. 981 : 42)

The degree of care and skill has also been focused. God is perfect and so He likes perfection.
Therefore, a muslim is also urged to do his job with the finest degree possible. This responsibility is
bound on him as it not deals with his own better future, but also with future of others. His
negligence and deliberate poor performance may bring disaster to the society. Prophet
Muhammad (S.A.W.) once said:

“God loves that when anyone of you does a job, he does it perfectly”

(cited on the authority of Bayhaqi’s Shu’ab Al-Iman by Suyuti, v.1, p, 75)

Honesty is yet another obligation on a muslim. He must remain loyal to his employer and honest
not only in his deeds, but also in his work. Thus honesty is the key factor that defines the purity of
his nature and skill. In the end, the honesty of the muslim will make him distinct to others and
whose prizes are well defined in Quran and Sunnah. The people of Makkah aside of their
differences with the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), used to call Him “Sadiq” and “Smeen” (truthful
and honest). Thus it stands best for us to follow the great Prophet’s (S.A.W.) footsteps and be
truthful and honest in our dealings. Quran says:

“the best person anyone can hire is the strong (able) and the honest” (28 : 26)

It seems common totally today that wealthy people become richer and richer while the poor ones
are get poorer day by day. Those who work in the factories are overburdened while their wages
face no increment. On the other hand, the employers enjoy the pleasures of life with no worries or
cares. This is a curse for the society and strictly unethical. Quran says:

“wealth does not circulate only among your rich.” (59 : 7)

Also in Hadith it comes that:

“your employers are your brothers whom god had made your subordinates. So he who has his
brother under him, let him feed with what he feeds himself and clothed him with what he
clothes himself.”

(Bukhari, p. 15 and v.3, p. 185)

The Greek philosopher Democratis once said “ex nihilo nihil fit” (nothing comes from nothing).
This simple rule is also the rule of islamic ethics, the more we put our efforts in one thing, the
more it pays us back. Likewise, the more we give respect, the more we get in return. Thus, for
being successful, the above discussion remains of utmost importance.

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