Third Periodic Examination in Math Problem Solving: Main Campus - Level 12

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Third Periodic Examination in Math

Problem Solving
SY: 2011 – 2012
Main Campus – Level 12

Name: _________________________________________ Year level: _________ Score:

Directions: For each number, you are to provide a complete table, given, complete solution, conclusion and
interpretation. All computations must be rounded off to four decimal places and the final answer should be
rounded off to two decimal places. Box your final answer. Write your solutions on the space provided for. You
may also use the back page of your paper.

1) A certain statistics teacher would like to find out whether the possession of a textbook boosts
achievement of students. He took the scores of randomly chosen 5 students with textbooks (1) and 5
students without textbooks (0). The results are shown below. Compute and interpret the correlation
between x and y.

Possession Answers Answers

of (1 point each) (1 point each)
Students Scores
1 1 43 14.7 216.09
2 0 26 -2.3 5.29
3 0 30 1.7 2.89
4 0 19 -9.3 86.49
5 1 37 8.7 75.69
6 1 29 0.7 0.49
7 0 20 -8.3 68.89
8 1 25 -3.3 10.89
9 0 39 10.7 114.49
10 1 15 -13.3 176.89


T. Shanna B. Alenton Page | 1

Interpretation: There is a very low correlation between possession of a textbook and achievement of students.

Conclusion: The possession of textbooks will less likely boost student’s achievement/ grades.

2) Ten graduating students took a test in English and Filipino. Their scores are found below. Compute
the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient.

Answers Answers Answers

English Filipino (1 point each) (1 point each) (1 point each)
(x) (y) (xy) ( )
1 74 61 4514 5476 3721
2 75 65 4875 5625 4225
3 76 67 5092 5776 4489
4 77 68 5236 5929 4624
5 78 72 5616 6084 5184
6 82 74 6068 6724 5476
7 83 80 6640 6889 6400
8 86 87 7482 7396 7569
9 89 92 8188 7921 8464
10 93 95 8835 8649 9025
813 761 62546 66469 59177
81.3 76.1 6254.6 6646.9 5917.7


Interpretation: There is a high correlation between English Scores and Filipino scores

Conclusion: If a student gets high grades in English, most likely they would also get high in Filipino; if a student gets low
in English, most likely they would also get low in Filipino.

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3) Fifteen applicants for an editorial position took a vocabulary test and reading comprehension test.
They were ranked from 1 to 15 with 1 as the highest and 15 as the lowest. Find the correlation
between the variables and interpret the result.

Reading Answers Answers

Students Comprehension (1 point each) (1 point each)
a 5 4 1 1
b 12 15 -3 9
c 2 1 1 1
d 13 14 -1 1
e 6 8 -2 4
f 15 13 2 4
g 14 12 2 4
h 1 2 -1 1
i 10 11 -1 1
j 7 9 -2 4
k 11 10 1 1
l 3 5 2 4
m 9 7 2 4
n 8 6 2 4
o 4 3 1 1


Interpretation: There is a high correlation between reading comprehension and vocabulary.

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Conclusion: If a student has a high rank in vocabulary, most likely he/she will also get a high rank in reading
comprehension. If a student has a low rank in vocabulary, most likely he/ she will also get a low rank in
reading comprehension.

4) A group of newly graduated teachers consisting of 26 males (1) and 24 females (0) were asked about
their preference for the two choices of school they want to work: private school (1) or public school
(0). The tabulated data are found below. Find the correlation between their gender and their choice
of school. Interpret the result.

Male Female
(1) (0)
school 16 8 24
school 10 16 26

26 24

Interpretation: There is a very low correlation between school choice and gender.

Conclusion: It is less likely that a newly graduated male teacher would want to teach in a private school. The same holds
true for a newly graduated female teacher.

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5) A group of five engineers took part in a training institute sponsored by the Federation of Engineers.
Data about their performance and profile were tabulated below.

1. Compute for the correlation between their pretest score and posttest score using Pearson
product-moment correlation and interpret the results.
2. Find the phi coefficient between their gender and laboratory skills.
3. Solve for the correlation between their age and laboratory skills using point Biserial
correlation coefficient.
4. If you were to rank them with respect to their pretest and posttest scores, 1 being the
highest and 5 being the lowest, solve for their correlation using Spearman’s rank correlation.
Gender: Male (1), Female (0)
Laboratory skills: more skillful (1), less skillful (0)

Laboratory Pretest Posttest

Students Gender Age
skills Score Score
1 1 35 1 28 19
2 0 27 1 32 40
3 1 23 0 30 28
4 0 38 1 26 37
5 1 40 0 15 30

1. Pearson
Pretest Posttest
x y
Score Score xy
squared squared
(X) (Y)
28 19 784 361 532
32 40 1024 1600 1280
30 28 900 784 840
26 37 676 1369 962
15 30 225 900 450
131 154 3609 5014 4064
26.2 30.8 721.8 1002.8 812.8

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Interpretation: There is a very low correlation between posttest and pretest scores.
Conclusion: If one gets high in pretest, they are less likely to get a high score in the posttest. Same concept
applies if one gets low in the pretest score.

2. Phi Coefficient

Male (1) Female (0)

more skillful (1) 1 2 3

less skillful (0) 2 0 2

3 2

Interpretation: There is a low negative correlation between gender and laboratory skill.
Conclusion: Gender is inversely proportional to laboratory skill. Gender less likely affects the laboratory skills.

3. Point biserial

  x x-x (x-x)2

1 35 2.4000 5.76

1 27 -5.6000 31.36

0 23 -9.6000 92.16

1 38 5.4000 29.16

0 40 7.4000 54.76

    Σ = 213.2


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Interpretation: There is a very low correlation between age and laboratory skills
Conclusion: If one’s age goes higher, it is less likely for the person to be more skillful. Same goes with its inverse.
4. Spearman

X Y x-y (x-y)2

3 5 -2 4

1 1 0 0

2 4 -2 4

4 2 2 4

5 3 2 4


Interpretation: There is a very low correlation between the pretest ranking and posttest ranking.
Conclusion: If one gets a high rank in the pretest you are less likely to get a high rank in posttest, if you get a low
rank in the pretest, you are less likely to get low in the posttest.

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Directions: Answer each question in three to five sentences only.

1. Refer to problem solving number 1. What can you conclude from the result of the computation?

The possession of textbooks will less likely boost student’s achievement/ grades.

2. In problem solving number 2, Is there any significant relation between the English test scores and their
Filipino test scores? Support your answer.

There is a significant relation between the English test scores and their Filipino test scores. If a student
gets high grades in English, most likely they would also get high in Filipino; if a student gets low in
English, most likely they would also get low in Filipino.

3. If you’re to interpret the table in problem solving number 4 without computing, what can you say
about the relation between the gender and their choice of schools?

In problem solving number four, it shows that male teachers prefer to teach in private schools over
public schools. Female teachers on the other hand prefer public school over private schools.

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“It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but
by reflection, force of character, and judgment; in these qualities old age is usually
not only poorer, but it is even richer.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero

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